Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14.810. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DILI KOTO It Y FOR ADVERTISERS. AMU8F.MENTS-I?t P*UK-4th. 5th and Oth col*. ASTROLOGY ? 12th Page-6tli col. hlLLl.VKD.-i? 12th Page?Oth coL HOARDERS WANTED--JD J*auk-3d and 4lh col*. BOARD AND LuDUINO WANTBD-2D PaiiE-4tn eal. BROOKLYN HEAL ESI ATE FOR SALK-2P PAtaB-Ut col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-?? Pace. BUSINF.-S NOTICES?7th F*OK-?th col. CITY HEAL ESTATE KOK SALE-2U Pacb-IM coL clerks and salesmen?12th Page?5thcoi. CLOT11INU?IItu Faom?4tb col. COACHMEN AND OAKDENEKS?12tu Paoe-5U? and COaSIAvTsk'sTEAMSUIPS?11th Fab*?3d and 4th coll. COPARTNERSHIPS?Dtii Page. COUNTRY BOARD-2d Pagk-4th col. DANCIN'O ACADKMIKH?1st PAOK-^Jd coL DENTISTRY?liT Pa.jk?3<l col. iJ^Em^Ho'Ss^^Et'KURNISHEO AND ON FURNISHED?2d Page?2d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS-!!? PaOE-3?1 col. KXCUKi-lONS?11th Pack?4th col. FINANCIAL?Dtii Page. FU KNIBHIID^ 'hoi iM.S* An'l) ?APAKTM ENTS TO LET 2d Page?2d and 3d col*. FURNITURE?IItu P*GE-2d col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Page?4th End Sth cols. HELP WANTED?MALE8-12TH Page?6th coL HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.?1*t Page?2d and 3d coiA HOTELS?2d Page?4tli col. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?20 PAGE?3d coL INSTRUCTION?1st Paoe-36 col. LECTURE SEASON?1st PAGK-3d col. LEGAL NOTICES?llTlt Page-2U col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Pack? Ut col. MACHINERY?lira Page?4th col. MARBLE MANTELS?2d PACB-Utb col. MEDICAL?12tii Page?Hth coi. MILLINERY AND DRESSMaKINO?Is* Page?Cth coL MIsCKLLANEOUS-Uth 1'aue?2d col. MUSICAL?1st Page?3d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Page?6th coL NEWSPAPERS?lira PAGE-2dcol, PERSONAL?1st PAGE-lstool PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC.?1st PAGE?3d mi.. POOL SELLING-Ist PAGK-2d coL PROPOSALS?2D PAGK-6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Page?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THK CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Page?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PAGn-lst coL RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pauh-US col. REMOVALS?lira Pagk?2d col. REWARDS?1st Page?1st col. SALES AT AUCTION?2d Pagh?4th, Sth End 6th col A SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?lira PAGK?r>th and 6th cols., and I2th Pagk -1st, 2d, 3d and 4th cols, SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12TH Page?5th col. SPECIAL NOTICKS-Ist PAGK-lat anil 2d col. BPOIITING-DOOS, BIRDS, AC.?1st Page?2d col. STORAGE?2d Page?tttli col. SUMMER RESORTS?2n PAGK-4tU col. 1UE TRADES?12th PAGK-Uth col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Page?1st and 2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?lira Page?4th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Page-3d col. WAN i ED TO PURCHASE-IIth Page?4th col. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC.? 12th I'AGK-Uth cot WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Page?1st col. WINES, LIQUORS. AC.?lira Page?4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AO.-IOth Page?6th col. PERSONAL.. Arw ?WILLIAMSON A CO., BROKERS. 317 Broadway, Now York city A "".-WEATHER WON'T PREVENT; ALL AK ran iced tor Shadow ''Danaante" to-night. Dane* floor near entrance. CAPTAIN. * 'AFRAID TO MAIL WITHOUT FURTHER IN8TRU0 Ltlons. Can you nee George early part of week f LOU. B M LEECKER ST.?IF STILL ABSENT FROM TUB city, please answer and oblige your old friend. B. ORRKBPONDBNCK M AY "DISCOVER ONE'S AF finlty.-A gentleman of 40 invite* an educated lady, not over 30 of pleasing person and manners, vivacious and sprightly disposition, amiable enough to be peecable, and Independent enough not to be mercenary, to address J. 0. C., box 1B0 Herald Uptown office. Elegance?will you see me on tuerday. at lame place at 12 o'clock? I don't oxactly comprehend. Fair"wibow on hoboken ferryTsunday. 6 P. M., and cross town car afterward; gentleman who sat opposite would value a little word from tier; he regrets no other channel offers to prefer his requekt. Address A. U., care Mr. Rockwell, 140 Lexington av. " RS. L ,No7T59.?WHERE HAVE YOU GONE f Answer at my expense. LOST BOOKS. M~ ARIK?INADVERTENCE CAUSED THE DELAY;; the spirit aud sentiment are mine and intensify eon. etsntly. CLARENCE. JJIPEK-IIEIDSILCE. AHEAD OF EVERYTHING! PUSSY, DARLING?A LETTER AT OFFICE, MON day; l*ft Cincinnati. PET. TO THE IllPOKTICllS, JOBBERS AND MANUFAO" TUBERS OF NEW YORK CITYi-ALTIlOUOH A SYSTEMATIC AND THOROUGH CANVASS OF TUB CITY HAS BEEN MADE FOR THE SECOND OR COM INU ISSUE OF RAND'S NEW YORK CITY RUSINKMS DIRECTORY FOR 1S77, IN ORDER TO MAKE ASSUR ANCE DOUBLY SURE. AND IN VIEW OF THE UN USUAL NUMBER OF FAILURES. CHANGES OF FIRMS, FORMATION OF NEW CONCERNS. REMO VALS, AC.. DURING THE PAST YKAlt, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING THE WORK A MODEL OF PERFECTION, AND TO THOROUGHLY MEET THK WANTS OF THOSE FOR WHOM IT IS INTENDED, THE ONE MRLLION AND UPWARD OF COUNTRY MERCHANTS ANI) OTHERS DOING BUSINESS OR HAVING INTERCOURSE WITH OUR MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS. WE TAKE THIS MEANS OF CALLING UPON YOU TO RENDER US ALL THE AID POSSIBLE. AND WHERE SUCH CHANGES HAVE OR ARK ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE, TO NOTIFY US IN PERSON OR BY MAIL OF THE FACT. SEND OK IN CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS CARD. FOREIGN OK OUT OF-TOWN MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS, HAVING SUPPLY AGENTS HERE. WILL PLEASE HIVE THEIR ADDRESS AND STATE BUSINESS. MAN UFACTURERS OF OR DEALERS IN SPECIALTIES DO THK SAME. SUGGESTIONS OR NOTICES OF ER ROR IN CLASSIFICATION OR OTHERWISE WILL RECEIVE ATTENTION. ADVERTISERS MUST MAKE IMMEDIATE APPLICATION FOR SPACE. WALTER HF.UG1I A CO., PUBLISHERS, NO. 3 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK. YIOLET-TIIE ACCUSATION WAS BASELY FALSE, but yon have accepted their word and rejected mine UNO. w T HEREABOUTS WANTED OF MY BROTHER. John llninev, of Armagh, Ireland. ELIZABETH IIA INKY, 2<V> East 20th at. ILiTtHE.TWO YOUNG LADIES (IN MOl.'UNINU) of the four who were followed by the two gentlemen Irom Central Bark down 5th av., end who loat them alter panting Cathedral yesterday afternoon, aend addreaa to A Ml DON, Uptown. Herald office? UTH ST., UTII AND lirll A V. ?SUN DAY MORNING. When can I sue you ? I". P. 0.. Ilerald office. CM H iWHt reward TO TBS MAX, womaFTor tPll/.Ul/Vohlld that ever knew of Ja. Ilg. keeping an engagement. Addreaa UNIQUE, euro J. lillUg, 47th at. and nth av. UELIUIOIS NOTICES. THS""KKV." !? REdBRICK COURTSHY. OP ST. Thomas Church, will addreaa the Sunday School Aaaocla tlon of the Proteatant Knlacopal Church thla evening, at 7?a o'clock, at St. Ann'a Church, Isth at., near 5th uv. All lutereated ill Snnday School work are Invited to he present. I.OST AMI PUCHD. T osr?last saturda^XF?kknoonTTn*~2B avT, ?1-Jgulng from 10th to Olh at., an Amethyat Earring. Finder will he aultably rewarded by bringing It to No. 12 Beekuiau pluee, between Ka?t 40th and 50tn ata. Lost -on Saturday evenivtj~BKfwkkjTisd at.. 5th av. and Fifth Avenuo Theatre, a black Ivory handle Fan. A liberal reward will be paid for Ita roturn to 41U Broome at. Lost?Sunday, between 2?th and ?>th sts., Skye Terrier; $15 reward. Call at 4:10 East 15th at. aBWAUDk. feff' reward-lust, satl*rday ~'aktekn?>on, *J)?Jelther in Continental Reataurant or It) crossing over to Cord & Taylor'a, a black Thread Lace Scarf and l'in, with turquoise vetting. Reward will ho paid liy leaving at office ol stcvena' Building, Broadway anil 27th at. (fl?- REWARD?FOR RETURN OP IILACK AND TAN tjP'JDog, answering name Haruey. til Canal at. ribl /\ REWARD?LOST. AT THE ACADEMY OF dpiUMuelc, on the evening of April 5, a pair of large pearl Opera Glasses In a purple velvet caae. lined with red; maker. Chevalier, of Paria. The Under will receive tho above reward by leaving them with tho ateward of tho Lotoi Club, 2 Irving place. SPECIAL. NOTICES. TTI.NTION '?TWENTY 'YEARS' PRUSSIAN" DOS -fxpltal uxperlenco; Ulaeaaea of men a specialty. Consul tation ftoe. Dr. JACOHY, 1111 Hloccker it. ?THEODORE ZSCIIOcTl . Havana Hanker und Broker, 2'i Park row. CERTAIN 0 URK FOR 11K ADA< I HE, CON?(T 11'a'. tlon. pllea, stomach, liver or kidney diseases, weakneaa, Ac. II KOUllll I'ON'S Invigorating Syrup. 25c. per bottle. Incurable caeca aoliclted and cured or money returned. Ad vice free. 41*5 Broome at. Send for pamphlet, gratia. MARTINI/. A CO.. Hunkers, 10 Wall at. (baaement), buy and toll Spaniah Honda, Spanhh Gold and Havana Bank Billa; draft* on Havana iaauod and uetotiHted. Diseases of men a specialty^ HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington av., near H'.ltli at. Office houra from S to 11. Divorces -peedily OBTAINED WITHOUT PUB liclty ; desertion, Incotupatinilttr. other cause*; having uniiaual advaniagea auccean aaoired: advice tree. Isaac 0. BOYCE, Lawyer, 207 Broadway. I SB/MIES or MEN, BbQUIRINO SKILI'CL AND cohlldential treatment a specially. J. ,1 AC(jt'Es, M. D . 45 Eaat Dth at., near Broadway. New York. Office houra, 111 till 2 and 5 to 8 P. M. DR. WENT, 45 BLkECKBR stT, NEAR HROAD way.?Extenalve London hoapltal practice. Couaulta tlou free In all cnmplalnta. Ft. "(IKINDLE.' PtVsiciAN KiFit LADIESALL complaint* anlely treated. No, 142 Weat 48tli at. IN PI'8'S COCOA. * !i (Breakfaat). Grateful. comforting. "By a thorough knowledge ol the natural lawi which govern the opt ration* nl digestion and nutrition, ami by a careful application of tho Due properties of well aelecled cocoa. Mr. Kppa haa provided our l.reuklust table a with a tie Icately flavored beverage whlrh may save tia many heavy doctor*' hllla. It la hy lite Jndlcioua tiao of euch arllcll* of diet that a con-citation may ho gradually hullt tin until alrong enough to realm every tendency to diaeuae. Handled* of senile maladies are lloating arouiul ua. ready to attack wherever there is a woak point. Wo may escape ma <y a latal altaft hy keeping ouraelvea well fortltled with pore blood and a properly nourished frame."?Civil Servico (iaiette. , . .. Made simply w ith boiling water or milk, in packets and tlna <1 a lb. and I lb.) labellod James kpus a oo., IIomieopathlc Chemlata, 48 Threadtteedle at. ami I7D I'lcradllly, London. Depot In New York?SMITH A Va.NDKKBKK, Park wlace. For sale by all druggiitt aud grocers. I) SPKCIAL. M?'ri( ES. IN LK< TRIO BELTS KOI; 1'UK M ATI' UK DEBILITY. - 20euileiueii, call or tend for circulars. Dr. KAUK, 832 Broadway, New York. G?ni BYJB WHI*KIT, POOB YKAJU OLD, M PER " gallon, fl per large bottle. N. VAN BEIL, 88 Cham bers ik 1NKKNCH LA UNDU Y. ? KLl 'TI NG. FLUTING FOR ladies and irentleiueu, by JO. SIMON, I'urmau, 135 West 28th St.. second story. CO, Bankers and Brokers, 200 Broadway. NKRVOUS KXHAUBTION.-A MEDICAL K88AY. comprising * series of lectures delivered at Knhn't Mu seum of Anutotuy, New York, 011 the cause and cure of pre mature decliue. showing indisputably how lost health uiuy he regained, atfordiiig u clear synopsis ol the Impediments to marriage "iid the treatment of nervous and physical tie billty. being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 cents. Address the author, Dr. L. J. tsAll.N. office and resulonco 51 Bast H>th St.. New York. OFFICE OK Till', NEW YORK LIKE INSURANCE Compauy.?An election for bvo trustees of the fourth class and to fill n vacancy and lor three inspectors ol the next election will be held at th ? office of the company ou Wednesday April 11. 1K77, between the hours of 1 and 2 P. M. WILLIAM H. BERKS, Vice President and Actuary. OLD SILK HATS MADE OVER INTO THE NEW style, felt hats cleaned and trimmed, at JOHNSON'S, removed to 413 9th nv.a corner 33d st. WA NT I D.'-A LL~~ PERSONS AFFLICTED W fill Rheumatism or Rheumatic (lout, for relief address box 132 Post oflice, Lancaster. Pa. fWWl -J DOFFEUU. Ban kkks, 42 nab ?P | c/U.Y/UU.sau St., comer Liberty. N. Y.; Spauisli Gold, Stiver, Havana Bank Notes bought aud sold. Havana Prise Tickets cashed. SPOUTING?DOGE. BIROS, >U. 'a -FOR BALK," ALL"KINDS OK FANCY IDOt'.sJ XX.BInK Ac.; Medicines for all diseases; prepared food lor mocking birds, at B. U. DOVEY'S, No. 3 Greene St., uoar Canal. AQUARIA TANKS, GOLDFISH AND OTHER KIBII XVand Aquatic Plants, Soa Shells. Co _ 'orals, pot Stoc'r, Birds, Dogs, Ac." UAOO'i, 31 Fulton st. POOL SELLING. TXffKfiSrCE'STTOKFySency, i .227 huoad w aY. New Orleans Races April 7, 10, if. 12 and 14. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. A tXoatimi, xLBY Van TASSELL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT THEIR HORSE AND CARRIAGE AUCTION .MART. 110, 112 Kust 13th St., neur 4lh uv., ON TUESDAY, 10TH APRIL, at 10 o'clock. DROWN COUPE HORSE, 16K HAND HIGH, 8 YEARS old; klpd and true In all harness; Ireo Iroiu vice; a very stylish, prompt aud liaudy driver; has lino kueouction: Is a very superior family horse; has uo trick or fault of uny description; has been used by a lady for a year past to a coupe: Is remarkably gentle: afraid of nothing, and is warranted sotyid; also ele.'iint silver mounted Coupe Harness, nearly new, made by Stilllngs; Bear Kobe, Beaver Robe, Dress Blanket" English'holly bow top Whip, and ~ TRIMMED W COUPE, BUT LITTLE USED, TRIMMED WITH GREEN MOROCCO AND SATIN, 11AS POLK AND SHAFTS; A VERY HANDSOME CARRIAGE. ROAN MAKE. 15W HANDS HIGH, ti YEARS OLD: 2:45; is " " can trot in 2:45; is sale for the most inexperienced drivur; has a mild disposition; is not afraid ol any thing; would make u very desirable marc for a lady to drive, and is warranted kind and true; aet single Harness and DOCTOR'-1 WAGON, IN PERFECT ORDER. ENTRIES KOK THIS SaLE should be made by 3 P. M., on MONDAY, to insure a place on our CATALOGUE. A -A. S. FLANDKAU, , 372 and 374 Broome at., (old stand of Brewster A Co.), Invites an Inspection of his largo and complete assortment of finished CARRIAGES and ROAD WAGONS now at the wareruouis, embracing all the popular styles uow in use, tastefully and elegautly finished. LANDAUS, LANDAU LETS, CABRIOLETS, VIS-A-VIS. BAROUCHES, BROUGHAMS, T CART'S, PHYSICIANS' WAGONS. DEPOT WAGONS and KOCKAWAYS, ROAD WAGONS. We make a specialty of Road Wagons, and offer to the public this season the best riding Wugou possible, aud at a price within the reach of all. These wagons embruce all the naw improvements used by Messrs. Brewster A Co., of Broome st., including "THE KUBBER-CU8HIONKD AXLE," pronounced the greatest improvement ever inade in wheeled vehicles in the direction of sal sty, comfort and economy. HARNESS. A snperb itock of light and heavy Harness constantly on band. A. 8. FLANDKaU. Auction house of arch. Johnston, 19, 21, 23 aud 25 13th St., near University place. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. sales of horses and carriages held EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE THAT IS WARRANT I'D SOUND FROM 24 HOURS TO THREE DAYS FOR TRIAL. UENTLKMKN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell, or those wishing to hay, will find our baslness continued ou precisely the same strictly honorable prin ciples which have always governed our house aud won the respect and confidence ot the entire community. T. DEMAKEST A CO., Carriages, U2H Broadway. Having divided our stores, formsrly 028 and 630, and thereby groatly reducing our expenses, we offer at our surplus stock of Carriages, uow In No. 030, comprising all the fashionable styles. Each carriage marked in plain figures. Landaus, Landau lots. Coupes, Coaches, Victorias, These Carriage Coupe Uockawnvs, I'lop Phaetons, II seat Kockaways, | Pony Pbactous, Brclts, j T Curls, Yis-a-Vis, j Dog Curts. Tup Buggies, I Kockaways. are own build and must he sold. Also, second hand Two Wheoler, with Tandem Harness; two T Carts, with split seats; perfeet order. A ?CARRIAGE REPAIRS. Our repairing department niters unequalled advantages lor good aud prompt work. All carriages housed In dean rooms aud cure fully protected from damugo. Precisely the same quality of material and labor employed as In new work, and all carriages finished with Valentine's Varnish, which in brlliiuucy and durability is superior to uny of for eign manufacture. Estimates furnished and carriages sent for and delivered by our own teams, tree of charge, BUEWSTRlt A CO., of Broome at., Broadway. 47th aud 48th st*. A large htook ok my own MAKE ok cak riage*. Kockaways, Phaeton*. Boggle*, Depot anil Ex pres* Wagona for aate at manufacturer*' price* ur IA per cent oil'. UIDNX. 806 Canal. Anrum ait oun room oo*o?, oat iiu i lt. entirely new, at a bargain; cheap tor caah at Arch. II. A C. Juhuaou'a mart, 1H to 25 lUlh ?t.. near Unlveraily place. A-THIU TOP SECOND HAND PHAETONS, U ?top ami unen *ocontl liuml Wagons, three lop Depot Wagoua; six I'nur-pauniiKer Kockawaya, from $40 up: two nix-seat Itockawaya; one Express Wagon. ?H(l; one open two-soat Wuu'uu, $if); four lets second hand Ooaeli llarne**. WM. II. OKaY, 20 and 22 Woo*ter ?t. ?SECOND 11 AND CAKKlAGES. ?BROUGHAM, I LANDAU, NO lOK PHAETONS, HOWELL GIO, llALK TOP PllAKTONS, | I CARI'.?. Several very choice Top Wagons, of our own build, in kiipcro condition. BREWxl'KK A CO. (OK llltOOME ST.), HKOADWaY, 47TII TO 4HIII STS. A ABAKOAIN?TOP BREWSTER IMPROVED SPRINO Komi Wagon: also a beaulliul Top I'onjr Phaeton; Sin gle and Double Harness. Private stable, U-? East 1 lith St. An elegant glass front coach, city built. entirely new, at a bargain, cheap lor cash, at AKdll. Jull: son's Mart, In to Jo Clth St., near University place. -cocpi-sTlan daulbts"j uur seat HIhFgy, ?T Carts, Lady's Phaeton and Carnage* damaged by i he Bond st. lire, at bargain*. HAM, Soil Broadway, bargain.-ONE SPRING BRICK CART; ALSO ./Yone double Brick Truck ; both lu perlect oider. App.y thi* day a; I.>7 t> est Jiith st A FAMILY Wllo SAILS PON EUROPE NEXT SAT* urilay, will *oU at a sacrifice a handsome family or road Horse, 7 yoar* old, 13)4 band* high , warranted sound and kind anil to trot a mile in 2:40; top Road Wagon and Har ness! aii-1 top Phaeton ; will sell separately. Call on coach man, LIS East 10th ?t. A SO NEW AND SECOND" HAND III .-IN ESS M AG ?out, to ^IJD. for express, grocer, butcher, bukor, milk, depot delivery. Wagon Manufactory, 22i> Spring st. Iro! SALE. 33 YOt NO HOR8K8. JUsT PitUM ? Indiana; all sound and kind. Inquire 133 Norfolk st. A -THREE HORSES. S4U TO $11*1; TOP WAGON' ?71HO; Express Wagon, Td.i. 57 Great J ones st. A chance TO BUY CHEAP.?FAS fl lONABLY BRED Mare, 15)4. 7 years; sound nnd extra kind; trot ill 3 :4H, single or dounle. uxtensiou lop Phaelou, Pole and siialts, seats lour person*; gold inoiiuted Harness to match ; also a Victoria, Improved spring lop W aeon, ??single llarne**; all uearly new ; best city makers. 137 West 2Stb st. A -SEVEN HORSES, SUIT FARMING, GROCERIES, ? express or any holiness; price, to $125; must be Mild. Inquire III) South 5th av.. near Blrecker. AN ELEGANT GLASS FRONT FRENCH OOACtl. built to order by W illlain Henry, of tins citjrj lie*, used hot one lime; at private isle, lor hall ill value, at AHCll. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 10 to 25 Eiili st., ncur University place. ABA0KIF1GB.?MHIPT1NU TOP iKIIflTli Fm" proved .spring Wagon and act lino llarne** hnrdly ?oiled. 14U W est IT'itli si,, near Broadway. A hay truck houseTo yeanh?, two other Horses cheap; #.'15 to $1 III. 11 Hester st. AT NO. 4 7TII AV.?HORSES SUIT ANY PURPOSE, Is*), fikl, $"l>: Uew Top Express Wagons, $5)1, *111). A?THE CHEAPEST ESTABLISH M EM' EVER OF ? tered; $1130: cost less than one moiitli since over Ifl,!**); a bay Mare, a.i ?tyle, ?! years old and trots fast; elegant top Phaeton line rubber mounted ll.irnes*, Blanket*, lap Kobe, W bin, Ac., making one ot the prettiest turnout* iu the city; also top Wagon, as good a* new. Stable, 191 West lllst St. -FOR HA LB, .a I \ HORSES, SUITABLE FOR truck, larmei or any business; warranted sound and A. K?>ot! workers; tlir*e ?Juy?' trim allowed. 311 Bleeckor ?t., near llowery. Price $aU to $150. A -7 HORSES, SUIT FARM, TRUCK OR ANY BU8I ? ncss. 521 West 31st st., near liqli av. A DEL] VERY WAGON FOR SALE; ALMOST NEW. 120 IHh ev. MUST HE SOLI) TO^TosTTaN ESTATE, VERY /Y.handsome cliestnut Maro, by Honest Allen, H years, I.'H., hands, trots in 3: iO; black Mare, bv Daniel Lambert, 7 years, 15), hands; can heat 2:.1">, lloth mares are pleas ant drivers, luily warranted sound and kind. Also two ele gant tup Wagon*, nearly new; Single llarne**. Private ?lahle, ?< West J5|h, Hrst door from 5th av. |?Y JOSEPH i: WE I HE III', AUCTIONEER.-HELLS jJihis il<T, 10)7 o'clock, at *11 King at., near 11 tidsou, elg..t Hue young Horse*, suitable lor lee wagons, trucks, grocers, farmer, uny business; among them are two good match Teams, oiiularge truck llorso 1 .ItllO lbs. ; all are sound und worthy of attention of buyers; also Trucks, Wagon* and llarne**. Sale positive without reservo. Beautiful TOP PHABT0.1. full spring Buggy, nearly new; must sell, no utfer refuted. 50 Vt oit lbth it. HORHKH AND CARRIAGES. CI A RK1AGES AT A~8ACRIKICE -ONE OOCfPE, ON'K Jl'urk I'll it v 1011 one Doctor's vV agon, one lop W??MI mid mie no top Wisuii, nil nearly new To lie teen nt M. t'L'IILKY'S, 11 el East 13th >tnear 4ih a v. . _____ Fink second hand 5 spring yiotg?ia. built by Brewster A Co.. of Broome at., for sale nt n bargain. A. 8. KLAN'DBAU. :I72 A .NO 374 BROOME ST. FOR SACK.-A HANDSOME ft WELL FRONT COUPE. In good order, for title, for vnnt of uao. Can be aeeu pri vate atnble 151 West 38tb at. F1<)It SALK-A TWOWHKKL DOO OaRT. ALMOST new. built liv firewater, of Broome at. : also lino III hand Horse and II ariieaa, made by Wood Uibaou. Private atnble, 28 Kaat 3dlh at. Fob balk-two young iidunks, suitable for truck, irrocer, tanner, any business; luuat aell, no work; warranted. 503 Washington atroet. TJIOR 8ALK?TWO PON IBS; OXB UK ATT IILaCK; r the oilier can trot in tliree uiiuutea; price, 1185 each. 201 Weat llit.ll at. UOII -AI.KpiK TO LET i II KaI'? ISAI.liS STABLE; r eighteen ata'la; rooui for thirty hor>es ImiulreU il East 14th at. HAKN8B&?LIOHT DOUKLB, 995; SINGLE. #11: I Farm llarneaa. #25: Express. S2U; other etylea equally low. JOUX MuORE, 57 Warren at. JERSEY CITY MULE YARD sT 151) M ulea Iroin Keutnckv ami Mlaaourl, 4 to 0 years old, 14 to 17 hands high; matched paira and good worker-. K. B. BISHOP'S SONS, corner Grand aud Bishop at... Jersey City, -N. J. _ I AXull'S, CO AC 11 lis AND ClH'PKS Wli OK KICK J Jfor sale at reduced prices, a tine selection o! Landaus, Coaches, Coupes; latest styles, aulialiln lor private or livery use l.OOs .V W11,1,1 A M S, I.Vi and 157 Weal I'.Uli at. ATRW EXPRESS WAtSON. ?|l?; PHAETONS S ? l? Grocery, $130; 2 sent Wagons, (75; Business IV axons, all klutla; cost. 2:15 Wosl 52d at. STABLE AND CB ITAGE -THE PRKMISI-.S 225 KaST till at., lor private Stable*, stalls for four horses. Au ; I oituKe. Willi scp-rale eiitrauru ami three looms. Apply to BENJAMIN TAIIil M, Hit Mttiv vesuiit at. STORAOB.-M 1ST SKI.I. KLKOAXT "TOP POXY I'haelon, with wlugra; light huainesa Wagou; heavy depot Wagon; threo others; llarneaa. 511 7th av. Tub rubber cushioned axle. Tills roniarkahle improveiuem lor securing comfort, salelv and economy. 1 inn applying m new and uld work. A great money saving appliance. W. C. SMITH, 11115 and 11117 West 52d at. Trucks-for sauT-THTk"new furmtukeand two Double Trucks. 208 Weat lHlhsl 8~UORhBM, SUlTABLB FOR ANY HUalNlWai AMY trial uiveu at the Hudson Iflver Stables, -tin West lltitli at $-it A NEW SKT OK LI OUT DOUBLE HARNESS; yJvrSingle, $25; Wagou, <115. 134 Waal Itttb ?t. dee tor Ialb for uis kkIP'oood'black ?pslr/sHorse; aouiid aud kind. Two days, feed store, 11711 Hudson at. 4|',-.|l (WOKTH~ ft35tn~?PIIAETON, PONY AND ?PitllrHarness; three Horsey auit any huaincaa, 945, $05; new Business Wagon, #l?i 207 West loth (t. tf?s>r:41 A YEAR KOR BRICK STAItL 1~,~ TEN ?^-??IWatalla; hav loft slid water III stable. Apply to BROOKS A CO., 243 Kaat 35th at., or 1., SAULKS. ml Beaver at. lNBTRUCTIOa. A -THOMPSON'S BUSINESS COl.l.Kt;? No 2H 4TH .av,. opposite Cooper Institute. ?Bookkeeping, Writing, Arithmetic. Urammar. Spoiling and Herman, day and even In.-. I,aillcs' department. Telegraphy taught practically with luatruuiuuts. Demand for operators. AX EXPERIENCED TEACHER OK ENGLISH, Krench and Music, wishes a position as governeaa III a family; would take charge ol the children ; salary no ob ject: good references. Call or address 1EACI1EK, 1U9 West 10th nt. LKOANT BUSINESS WRITINU $5._DOLBKaR. 1.1011 Broadway; removes stillness, crumping und trem bling In ten lessoua; bo-ikkeeping. $10. W~ANTED?BY AYUfNd UKNlTjiMAN, A Til OR oughly competent Italian teacher, one who could snare two hours a week lu the ereulug. Address box 140 Herald Uptown office. DKHTISTRY. ~' TJKAl.'TlKL' 1. ARTIFICIAL TKKtli," $0; CUM, $S; D,Ingle. $1 : warranted. New York Dental Rooms, 202 Oth av., 10th and 17th. Established 1851. Dr. MEADKH. Dr. albTTrFIuimball, demist, removed to 377 Oth av, one door above 23d at. Kull sets, $10; gold tlltlngs, $2. warranted. ujuPERIOK ARTIKICIAL SETS CUM TEETH, PER. Olect lilting, $8; teeth tilled, 50c. Dr. DESAXE, 351 Oth av._ _ _____ _ _ _ ~ JUL'NIC A la. CARD.?PHlT\TE~XE8S0 K 8, PIANO, OKUAN.VIO tiu. Guitar, Singing. Languages. University Building, 30 Waverley place. Circulars mailed. J. JAY WATSON. Director. OR OPERA, CONCERT OR CHURUH.-LADIKS without means instructed at the Professor's resideuce and rapidly assisted to employment. Address DIRECTOR, box 137 Herald Uptown Branch office. TIIK LECTURE NKYSON. (TTOoFkR UNION.-LECTURE ON 1HE "oS3fe6tlJ \_/ai:d Principles ol the Order of United American Me chanics," by the Hon. William K. llauso. of Maryland, Na tional Counsellor O. U. A. M.. and Grand Literary aud Mu sical Entertainment, under the ausulces of Warren Council, No. 85, o. U. A. M., Monday evening, April 1), at S o'clock. Admission 25 cunts; seats reserved lor ladies. DANCING ACADENIKH. : 5 t I,I.E.N DODWOKI'll'S dancing SCHOOL. RE Amovi-d to No. 1181 5th av. -. spring term now cuiuiiiencing. Kor particuiurs send lor circular. Private lessons every day. ?CARTl?icif DANCING Ai'ADKMY, 8 UNION ?square. OPEN ALL SUMMER. GI-lliK specialty, PKIVaTK LESSON8 any hour. New and eusy system, very rgpldly acquired. Lady assistant. Reception Mondays' BROOKES' DANCING ACADEMY, HdTBROOMS ST.? The first lessons privately aud no extra chargo. RECEPTION SOIREE KHIDAY EVENING. APRIL 13. TjlKRNANDO's" DANCING" ACADEMIES, 55TII ST." 3D J? av. Reception every Thursday to May 17: Grand Calico Masquerade Soiree Thursday, April 12 : hall quarters, spring term : circulars at Private Academy, 57 East 5m h at ; novate lesions any hour; lady assistants; glide waits specialty. CAUSE'S DANCING ACADKMIKS,~55 WEST 33Dl~il4 IJKsit 13th.?PRIVATE LESSONS any hour. CIRCU LARS. 212 East I ltli. IMANOFOllTKS, ORGANS, 4BC. At soiimkr a co.'s. i-iu east liffi sr.. near hd av., piano manufacturers.?Kirst class Pianos at ox treiuely low prices; new aud second baud Pianos to rent and on instalments. HOIIMEK .V CO., 140 East 14th si. A MAGNIFICENT DECKER PIANOFORTE. A aacrilice: brilliant tone, 7.1i octave rosewood Pianoforte, cost $ts>i, tor $.'isi; .stool. Cover, Music Cabinet; crimson satin, silvei rullleM I'arlcr Suit, cost #.a?i, lor (175: Pari or, Lilirary, Bedroom Furniture, a bargain. Call to day or .Mon day, residence 12D West 23d at., near Gib av. FEW SECOND HAND KRAMst'li A BACH AND other makers' Pianua at great bargains. Nos. 241 aud 243 East 23d st. A NUMBER OF SECOND HAND STEIN WAY Grand, Square and Upright Pianos, some iieailvnew. lor sate lit a hargnlu. I.ewisro of ho gun pi anos palineil off as goui.lue Steiuwav make at auction in private houses. 81 El > WAV A SONS, Sielnwav II all. New York. cllANCE.?SPLKNDI l> NEW UPUIUHT AND square Planus ts rent, au-l rent allowed if purehuied; a lew nearly new e.xceadlugly low; all new Pianos uai rautcd lor live years: are at est reductions to c isli customers ever nlTered, at ilAlsl-.S BROS . 145 aud 147 Slh av., cor ner 21st si Old Piunos taken in exchange. A -FOR RENT. UPlilGII I. S(JITARB AND GRAND ^V.l'lanus of our own make : also lor sale and rent, a num ber ol tine second hand Pianos, in perfect nrnnr. WILLIAM KNABK a CO . No. 112 5th av.. nb ire Hltli st. LARGE -took BL8UANT PIANOS AND OROABB low for cash, uionihly nay or rent; t'hlekeilng Grand Piano, $2oil. S. \. BALL A GO., 15 l-.a-t 14th st. PRIVATS FAMILY WILL SELL STkVnWaT Pianoforte (lit sacrillce). richly carved four round rose wood euso. 7,'a octave Piano; cost $I,2IMI. lor $225; has all iiuproveioeiits, uiakei's guarantee; tlhlekerliiv upilgi t Piano, $3UO; stool. Cover. Box for shipping. Call privato ievidence No 47 West HRIi st I CIIICKKKINO PIANO, 7 OCTAVE^ OVKIL 7\sirung, carved legx. $2'?>: upright. $75; rents, $4. new Prince Ol gun, $!*?. GORDON A SON. 13 1 a-t II t It a I. i r prTyate MA lb FOR THREE DAYS an blS uAvalil Stelnway Pianoforte; a sacrlltrn; a brillnilil i1, octavo upright losonood I'ianolorie, cost $/5'l, b-r r22o; Stool and t'nvei Call private resideUcu 2'fl West 25:b st., urar 7th av. Box Included. t i-A DA' WILL SACllI KICi; STEIN W \ V PIANO FOR _ V(I'M); a inagiiihcoiit 7', act ive Pianoforte with ill mod ern Improvements, patent ngralfe. overstrung bass, four large round corners, carved legs and case cost last .Nuveiu lier$l,2DO, for $25D, Stool, Cover aiol Music Stand, coat $125; boxed lor shipping; a rare chance to I n.v a I.r.I class Instrument l?r little money. Call lieture purchasing else where a'private residence 130 East Hltli st., hetweeu 3d av. and Irving place, one block east of Union square. A FAMILY MOVING WILL SP.LL UPRIGHT PIANO, .xxelegiiutly carved, cost $<MMi, lor le-s than (2<M); box for shipment. 28 East 3d St., near 2d av. \FI-.W SECOND HAND WEBER PIANOS AT VERY great bargains: some of tliein used hut a very short time by our best musicians ami really almost as good as new; lull) warranted In uverv respect. Please call at the Weber Ware rooms, 5th av. and IHtb st. A rosewood HBTBN OCTaVK PIANOFORTE, overstrung hats, BHD; Parlor Suit. Private residence. 2IH East Iloitl st. LADY WILL SEuT KLKtlANT 7,'i UPRIGHT, also l^hickering Square Piano, hall prlco. 13 East Hlth st. (private lieusei. ]?LKOANT CARVED 7 1-3 OCTaVK PIANOFORTE lil'nr rale. cheap lor cash; ri-nt nr instalments. Cull or address I KAt'lIKU, ltC< Kit lit 37th ?l. LUSOHBK PIANOS-GOOD, POWERFUL AND UK F liable ; second hand Pianos very cheap. 433 Went 3sth ?t. Mason a iiamlin o iiiinkt organs auk now ottered on easiest terms ill payment and at almost na low prices tun very poorest orient; cash pilee of live octavd double rood organs, #U?): with nine atopa, Including row nolo*. #114: organ' may be obtained on payment ol #7 JO and upward per quarter (three months), lor ten quarter*; tlioa- organs havu received highest bunora at all tno World's Exhibitions of recent years; Franx III at I pro nouncoa them "auperb." Catalogues free. Warerooins, 35 Union aipiHre, New York. MAGNIFICENT SKVKN OOTaVK ROSEWOOD PI ? ? ~ h iVl anolorte, only $73; Stelaway and Chlrkerlug: bargains. GOKDON'S, 167 Uleeckcr at. UPRIOMT AND NOUARK PIANOS, 87". TO $33it; $5 and 810 monthly till paid, or rent $3 upward. MKT TS, S Union square i4tli av.), near 14th at. WE WILL, DUKINO TIIKSF, HARD TIMES, SELL 7 octave 1'lanoa for $150; 7 13. 8100; two slop Or gans. $."41; 4 slops. $~>H; 7 slops, $l>8; H stops, 8*6; IO alopa, $sh ; 13 atopa, $1110 cash; not usod a year; in perfect order and warranted. IIi?KAUK WATERS A SONS, 40 East 14th at. ) MONTIil.Y UNTIL PAID-liKAUTIFUL ROSK swoud Piauoiorte, every Improveinent; groat chance. RIDDLE'S, 13 Waverley place, near Mroadway. $1()7PKR MONTH UNTIL PAID KOK.-hLF.OANT octave Pianos, square and upright, CHRISTIE A CO.. LUHI Hroadwav. iwmsr M'.ih .a AMIHKMKS(T*._ .. ijlAQiifYHtXTKK. AS i\ A u'lcKl sit'iS kc.aS >A. !iProprietor mid Manager Mr. JIlGI 11 A It 1' IIIE GREATEST si 'CESS (IK THE CENTURY. MISS ANNA DICKINSON ?nil Iter mn.terpicce of the .lac*. entitled, A OH AND I A I'KiiWN OK TlloKNS; | TRIUMPH A OKANl> | A OnOWN OK THORNS; TRIUMPH A OKA Nil I Or. TRIUMPH UKANDj ANNE HOLEYN. TRIUMPH r EvV KVEKY tVtNI.Ni. mid nt (lie SATURDAY MATINEE, ANNA DICKINSON, ANN A DiCKI NrtON. supported by the Kicill Mit, In the MOST : B K A U TIK t^E ANNA DICkTVso V K (OLE THEATKIs! SPECIAL ANNOUNCER ? NT THE CKIT1CS CRITICISED. ON THE KALE OK I HE CURTAIN. THIS (MONDAVI EVhNINo, MI.-S DICKINSON WILL HAVE SOMETHING TO S NY CoNCKRNINO THE NEWSPAPERS aNI? THE ( III I ICS Box eheet now open renin ieeured six dn\. in advance. Heller's Wonder tTHlaTkE 7-js -hko.vdWAV?7:ki. Crowded mid Ka.hlountile Audience*. LAS I WEEK Bll ONE OK 11 KEEK ICS | Tin' lit oh( nelnundinic I WONDERS 11 E LL e. K 'H | pru^iuinme of I WONDERS 1IKLLER'. MIRACLEs A >11 WONDERS I Wo MlKnS IIKEEEIl'S I ever produced in New York. I WONDERS HELLER'S I WOnDERS IIEEEEn'S The tuiuou* Hut Trick. |WnNDEUS I II KLLe It's | j W ON III* ItH iit,leics I i.i-orviiD. wonders IIE El.K ICS I Till; SPIRIT COMEDY. WONDERS ll> I,LEU'S I Mr.. Septic. Ml.? 111 ELKK. i WONDERS II * El,1' It'S ||i XING \ MEDIUM. WONDERS HEELER'S | STORM AND sL'NslllNK. | WONDERS EVERY EVEN I NO AT S O'CLOCK. MATINEEs WEDNESDAY AND SAIT.RDAY AT !1. CHILDREN II a LK I'lllCc. TO M AI IN EE. *.!? pl'Ncii Saturday matinee. Brooklyn academy ok aTUsme IIIURSIi Y NEXT. APRIL 12. SPECIAL MATINEE (it 11 KLLKIw'K WoNDfcKS. ROBERT HKLLEIt. (lie eminent Pre.tldlgRutour unit I'inili.t will pre.ent It Wonder, nl Neeiinnnncv. 1 Rrllll.itit Plnliiiliirte Solo. The Pianoforte Piaetice oi n Roarilini; School Mi.? ; al.ii the Kainoii. Second Sight Mystery of MIsS HELLER and llcller'. iinnii|irouenuhl(l PUNCH AND JUDY. The box oOioo ot tho Academy will be open dully from H till 0. Ru.oried Seat., $1 ; Kamily Circle. TOc. ipONY'PASTOR'S. TONY FAMTOR'A. A NEW PROORAMMK AND GREAT ARTISTS. THE WORRELL SISTERS. , PAT KOONEY. MATINEE TO MORROW. , WORDEN and MACK. GUY LINTON. MATINEE TO MORROW. LUCY ADAMS. KKANK LEW 14. MATINEE TO-MORROW. OEOKUE KNIt;III'. SAM DBV&KE. MATINEE TO-MORROW. JENNIE MOROAN. ADD RYMAN. MATINEE TO-MORROW. TONY .PASTOR'S M AMMO I II TROUPE IN A OKAND MATINEE TOMORROW. A. NIULO'S HARDEN. Mauager ...RKNSEN SHERWOOD URAND SPECTACLE. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. AUN'ES BOOTH, JoS. WUEKLOCK. OORHEOUS ACCESSORIES. 0 LYMPIC THEATRE. 024 BROADWAY. TO-NIUHT, THE GREATEST OK ALL PANTOMIMES, 11 K M P I Y DL MPTV. H EMPTY DUMPTY, reproduced with all It* orlirlnal .cenery, Ac., THE GREAT GltlM.lLDI, Ml** EMMELINE YOUNG, Ml.. ADA ROSHELL, WILLIAM EUNICE. CHARLES ALMONTE, GEORGE ALMONTE. HEOKGE DUNBAR, and a grand Specialty Troupe. The beautiful skipping Kope, Mi.a JENNIE MIACO. The moil cultured and art'.tic Hallndl.t, MISs NELLIE ST. JoIlN. The grotesque Tumbler, and Aurnbat*. THE ALMONTE BROTHERS. The wouderlnl Juggler anil Plate Spinner, GEORGE UUNHaK. The favorite and talented Snubrette, MIsS EMMELINE YOUNG. The treat La Percbe Performer., DUN IIA It AND LOWANDE. The beet .how und the loweat price*. ADMISSION, 2T CENTS. ADMISSION, a.r? CENTS. ORCHESTRA CHAIRS. .TO CENTS. ORCHKVntA CHAIRS, TO CENTS. KAMILY CIRCLE. IT CENTS. KAMILY CIRCLE. IT CENTS. And no extra charge*. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. gTBIMWAY HALL. Lait appearance of OLE HULL In New York prior to tits depurturo for Europe. The itreate.t living performer on the violin will give another GRAND CONCERT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. April 11, in which the I'ollowluir arti.t. will appear:? MLLE. EMMA TIIURSBY, the moit eminent Amerlckn Concert VocalliL 810. TAG LI tlMETRA, the irreal liaritnne. MME. CARKENO SACHET, the renowned Plnt.ikt. Admission. $1 : reserved .eat*. Ml cent, extra. Til* .aie uf re.erved .eat. will vummeace thi* (Monday) inornlnir, April II, at nine A. M. J^KOOKLYN ACADEMY OK MUSIC. ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 16, tha areat IrRIt Comedian, DloN BOULlC.uULT. who will appear aa "Conn" In bii Inimitable play, entitled tlie 8HAUGIIRAUN. Tlie clniriniiiK nctreai. Milt KATIIKKINK ROGERS, n? "CLAIRE." Otlier character* by * carefully aelected cait. All tlie orIic? ii 111 beiiuillnl scenery from VV A Gl.ACK'N will be used In till* production. Sale of reeerved *eat* will commence on Tiienlay morn Inc. April It 1. at 11 o'clock, ut the boa office ofthe Academy, STEIN WAY HALL. K.MIL L1KHL1NG. grand concert ok EMIL LIl.lll.l.Mi. tlie dlitlncuiilmd I'luniit (Ur?t mid only appearance In New Yoik). on I'll ENDAY KV r.NI nG. APRIL 10. ut N. with lnu aaaLliiiioo ol tlie lollon inc einliieiil urtlat*:? M mANN'A DRANDIL, Contralto Men or G. T to LI A I'l K TltA, Hitritona tliv ipeeial | e illirllon ..l Mr. Maurice Miako?cl|l. llcrr III I O sUl.DAN. Violin (latelv from Lerilu). Mr. M \X LIKIIl IN'g Conductor Adiiiiiiion ticket-, liicliuliint reserved teat, el, can now be bad ut Schlrmer'i*. 7"! llroadwav ; schuburlb'a. 'Jit Union K'luuru, and uLn ut Steinway ll.ul iiu tlie day ol' the concert. riUIE GREAT XMV "y'iirK U/t M.ll.M. A llroadwav anil iCiib ut. Open dully trom'li A M till HI I*. M. Lug week ol Alt** MVILNNK LI BIN. WONDERFUL PHVsIoLOgD \L EXPERIMENT. Sn-1tiln? iivc Hie miller water 'J}, niluiiiev witliont i.reathluir. t'ykn'n Troupe of Madrijriil liny* null Glue Club. Voeal uii'l Inetruuientul Conceit*. hyelea* Klalie* Iroin Mammoth Cave, *ix Akidoli fiom Mexico, I'liineie tjuadruple-1 tilled Klalte*. Performing Seal*. Men Lion, be ? Ottera, HIiml Pro tein from Anuria, tbouaaiul- of Ciiriooa Murine Objecta. Aduiiavion, 'iOeeuli. Cliildren baif price. Irving hall TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, It A It I H. II M. BROWNE will deliver hli celebrated Lecture, "TilE CRi CIKIXIUN." Ticket* 81 CI RUMANIA THEATRE. TAD. N K U EN DO H V K Dl reel or, lllatorl-cber Luataplel Abend. HI It till VIEK .1 A IK Rll I NDEItTK. Box olllee open dally Ironi H till 4 o'clock. IJAUISIaN VAUDEVILLE, I MATINEE TODAY IllTH ST. and BROADWAY. I MONDAY MATI.NKK. Shower* ot applnnte and roar* of luuubter ftoui buuiiiliinit lo unit. SECOND WEEK AND UNPARALLELED SUCCESS, THE TWO SPHERES, adapted Ironi Julei Verne'* ureal Purialan aeoaation, LK Voyage dans la ll'NK. Powerful and stlractlve caal, new Scenery, t.'oatunioi. Ac. Florence Kill*. Ada Glover. J J. Wallace, George Atklna. Kirai lime id' SENoR CAKDKLLa'S r nropean llaliul. CARRoN KAMILV. great**! ufCLODOCIIE DANCERS. Mirlil* at N; Matinee* Monday, Tlmraday and Saturday at 'J. New park theatre, iirooklyn Nightly and Wedneaday and Saturday Matinee. IlktlKiib K. RnWK, in lit* aucceaalul Comedy, BRASS. BRAES. BRANS. ARG YLK ROOM s. _ ... AROTLK BOO XL 0TI1 AV. AND SOTH NT. BRILLIANT TKRI'sICIIOREaN ENTER TAlN.UKN C only PLACE ok amusement OK the kind in THE CII'Y. OPEN EVERY NIGHT, ' COMMENCING at II O'CLOCK. ENfRAKCK ON HUTU ST. "TTAUNTINO EYES," BALLAD, J. R. THOMAS' Xllateat and beat, with aupcrti lltlioitrapli title, 4t>c.| "Thy Name." Millurd, fHV.; "Only speak Kindly, 4?Kr. : "Mollis Avourneeu," IIDa.; "Mauolo Waitaea," HHc.; "Raj muud'a Kill," galop, 4i?e. DiTsoN ,t CO., 711 and st:i Broadway. KUAN K X 111III r I o N.-THE SKW ORGAN BUILT lor St. Mary'* Church, Oakland. Cal., by .1. It. M C. S. Udell, will be exhibited Monday even Ins. April H, at tbelr manufactory, ?>" and Rt'J Wait 4-4 at, Mr. Walter 1L Jobnatou. UrueaUL AV AMimK.UH,!?TM. j allack'h. I'ioim icier mid M Hinder Mr. I.l.> I Kl! WALLACE. 2iru. j..I'n. jin it. .'7TH. asm, jura Ulghttuf till* IKK Vlceeae, MY AW FI E DAD, tu wltni>? which play the lit inac'cmeul have to auiioiinee AN U.NU8CALLY liKhAI' Di-.MAND for SKaTH. mill to recommend Mil rtrl) application m tl.o box otbee to Avoid inconvenience uml disupo'duimcnt. MU. LBM'Kit WALLACE TIIK AWFUL DAD. We have another lilt of lite plav In tlie vary rich acting of Mr. Wallack as itu English llarriatvr addr??*lug a Jury lor Ilia lujurad Client. Yet lie does ml remluil you of Hmlul, but rather of a man ol Mole, uuii Ibat ?t i le of eloquence wlilcli a clever pleader uws belore nil English Jurv. No our without ||i? thousand little elegances ol expression ami maiiuer wlneli only I.ester Wallack has uoulil i.eirin to play the pmt ae well. ? tIttrrespondeuce l.'lucliiuati hn.purer MR. II A Kit Y IIHlKKrr. Mil. K M. II < M.i. A Ml, M It SHANNON. MU tllrtlN, ?K. LkO.x tKD, MI >h itOSK WOOD, M I.SS jus i-.I* 11 INK MKS .lullS >KI ? TON. MISS Cl.Alt A HATE, MISS K THORNTON ao r l.?London. How Evergreen Minor lectured IiU diso o-iiient parent, Uod how Evergreen Malor called himself tu the oar AIM' II ?London. How Evergreen Major worked tin* Iancklu Hold Mine, ah I how Evergreen Minor dressed lor a taucy ball. ACT III SCAItUO ol (ill How Evergreen Minor entered upuu courtahip. auil ho?v Evergreen Major entered In toe value rare llow the Minor behaved In a duel a Inch In* didn't tight, and how the Major until it bfid* and a "eplundid outfit. QOiii551NU MONDAY~EVKNlNO, ACU1L U. 1*. T. IIA UN CMS, Willi hi* NEW AND ONLY I! lie. ATl* s I' SHOW ON EARTH, FOR A BKtEK SEASON ONLY, at UILMORK'H HARDEN. AN ADDITIONAL HALF MILLION INVESTED A MENA'iKKIK oK It t KB Hill I K IIAlll. S tllllKD. A M AMMO III M USECM Of NEW MECH ANICAL M Alt V ELS Mure and Rarer Mild Hi*n?l* llirds nd Kutitiles, more Marvelioue llmnau Pristlglea and mure I'ducaicd Animal* uti I Magnificent Click Home* than acre over bolero exhibited. THE t!lItCl'S SENSATIONS OK EL'l OI'H SPECIALLY IMPORTED TO AMAZE AMERICA, INCLCDINO A Sibi,ia11 SI CD UK SIX SUPERB. Co \ I, BLACK. EDCC ITKD srALI.IO.Nfl, for whoae eouala I w.ll Kladly give SCo.uai. lutrooueed all loitetiier, ihey *1101111 iiieoiisly. unit 11? on j cimipnuy execute the moil and unsurpassable net* ?n I i-volution*. MIsS III-Nill.P.ICS original and ulcctiliyliig Double Millie. I* Act, introducing TWO M AllNIKlChN I' $|ihi?i SI'AI.LIONH. ridden ami drlveu laudeui. F. r I lie . ouuterpuit of which I will 11L0 pav 1.1 xM1. KAlt THE tiBEATESl- CIUCLS EVER SEEN IN THE GREAT CITY. OVER 1UI PKEKLkSS PRINCIPAL ARKNU! CELhMRllTis, III*, itldltijc CH Altl.ks W. FISH. THE UNCHAI.LKNUHD ?? VREBACK RIDER OK THE UNIVERSE. NEW FACES AND FAMOUS POOLS. PRICES TO Hl'IT ALL CLASSES. Orcheilra Chair* .. 75 cont* Kit 11111y Circle 50 ceut* Oallcry 2.T cent* 1 hlhlreu under nine, to Family Circle, 25 ceut*; to Orchestra Chairs, 50 cent*. Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. Grand Animal ami Areola Spectacular cutrce one hour later. PARK TUN ATMS. BROADWAY AND~22D S'L HENRY I'.. All HEY Lessee and Manager 1ITH M EEK | 72d Performance I Til IRD MONTH. IITII MEEK ley. TU I RD M UNTIL lll'll WKi'.K. I Everybody seeing THIRD MONTH. 1 ITU WEEK. I It over again. | THIRD MONTH. Leonard Urover'* uiniisiiig American Comcily, our hoarding house, Ol'R HOARDING HOUSE, Ol' R HOARDING HOUSE, our hoarding iiol<k, OUR HOARDING house, OUR BOARD1.N I HOUSE. OUR HOARDING HOUSE. our hoarding house, our hoarding house, OUR HOARDING HOI he, with the Sampsonian cast, in wnlch ell have made hit* In their respective pert*, including STUART KOUaON as Gil* lypod and W. II. CRANE as Elevator. EVERY EVENING AT S. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. Ke?crved Seat* In llalcony, 50c.; Dress Circle, *1 ; Orchestra, $1 50. Admission ? Balcony, rate.; Orchestra, $1 FREE LIS I' ABSOLUTELY SUSPENDED. ?,* Due notice will he given of the renirua of Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND u* COLONr.L Skl.I.ERS. THEATRE COM I QUE, ,'iH iiiioaihvav. LiIAKKIGAN a IIaRT Prodi tutor* M. W. 11 AN LEY Manager MilNAllO.N'a DREAM. IIARRIGAN A HART; Terrible Example. Com Burgess, Great Laughing Song; the sh.ii|iley*, Suydam Hrolhur*, Quiltor and loddrlch; Mis* M hlltlngliaiu and Ma-ter Newman ; Edwin French, Hilly Hany, Thoina* and Wataou, Alice Bennett, Billy Gray. MONAHON'8 DREAM every Evening, Wednesday ami Saturday Mnliuee. NEW BROADWAY THEATRE. CORNER It* IT It SI'. THIRD AND LAST WEEK OF MISS : MARIAN MoKDAUNT. T ?<s) Every Evening and Wedncaday arid Saturday Matluoe the great Temperance Drame. A ? ?? ?? ? *> MECHANIC'S DA UU IITE It; OR. ITIE CURSE OF DRINK Produced uudet the ausplcca of tho tenipcran e societies, with new scenery and upuolnlmeiii*. rpiIE GRAND WaGNER opera "festival Mr. J. 0. FitYl.R rntni'Ctlully announce* that prepara tions are Bow being made ftir the HECONI) WAGNER FESTIVAL IN NEW YORK. Due notice will be given of the commencement of the sale of season ticket*. Academy of mu?ic. " Brooklyn" Mr. J. 0. FRYER. Director gram) Wagner opera pest. Mr. J. C. FRYER respectfully announces HIS Ft Its f Br.M-.FlT IN IIROOKI.YN, on THURSDAY EVENI NG, April 12, IS77, *t 8, end the dual performance this season tu Urooltlyu. TANNIIAUHEK tan 111 auser will bo perfiirturd with a great cant. Mate. EUUr.ME PAPPKNII i* 1 tl, in tier groat role of KL1ZAHBT1L Keats can now be had ul 111 Broadway, New York, and Bruoklyu Academy of kid*. ALY~H FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. Proprietor and Manager Mr. AUUUSTIN DALY EVERY NIUUT AT 8, The NEW ROMANTIC bF.NSA TION! PPP RRR II NN N 000 F.EEE P P K K 11 N N N C OK P PR It II N N N C K PPP RRR II N N N O P K It II N N N O P R K II N N N O P K R II N NX 000 HSH 8SS S H 8 H 8SS 8SS 8 H 8 8 H HSH 888 Crowded with Absolutely NOVKIi SENSATIONS end SURPRISES! ACT I.?Tlio in their Kuined Towns! ACT I.?'Ibe Duel at tlit Iitu 1 ACT It.?'I lie Mafic Mliror i I! union ! ACT 111.-The Gipsy Dance ! ACT III.?The Panoramic --emallon! ACT III.? The Moving House! ACT IV.?Ti e OnleHl "I the Invisibles! The HERALD says: -"The I 'Ibo TKIBUNE sers"The | theatre was rrowded, and the spectator inllowx the notion i piny umniestlniiably n sue-1 with nn uuper desire to know luci'i'o! ' I where it will end!" ills GRAPHIC ssys It I he COMMKKCIAL snvet ? lia ol' the most attractive | "It is brought out III it style ilrsniHs ever noted In this | not to lie excelled by nny citt!" theatre on this continent! 'Ihe EXI'RKSHsays t?"The | scenic etlects aro novel and I dcliohtlnl.I MUs FANNY DAVRKPOR'I as THK PRINCESS ROYAL Mr COO 11 LAN as .The SOLDI Kit ol TORI'UNK Mr. J. II MUDLKY a- ki l-.NI'K, THK SPY .Mr. CM A RLE* FiSllP.K as.. .. FHKDK KIC THK UllKtT Mr. JAMRs LKWIS us sTYKK, the Amhltlous Mr. HARDKNKUKG as TboCHIEF of tile Invisibles Miss OKOKUlE DREW as AUN'KTE, the I itithlnl "PRINCESS ROYAL" MATIN KB SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. BOX f-IIEKT open two weeks in advanca. ALL NOYELTIKS PERFORMED. BiiWKRY TIlKATKK. EVERY EVENING. K I It A I.K Y It IK I I'll Kits' mutrnlfh cut speciac.o, AZI'KINR, Olt. A VOVAtlf. ID I'liK KAItril, with Mile. UK ROSA and Mile. MOUKI, the iiretuler Dan* senses Assolnte, arm lorti young ladles. GRAND A/.UIIINK MATINEE, SAIURDaY AT 2. "L7GYPTI AN 11 ALL. l'j .'Uth st. and !ld av. THK SENSATIONAL I'ALACR OK AMERICA. Tile latest Parlsiun Novelties. New lltlnu Plvtores Itad1 ents. with superbly formed Itcaiiiles I ha uuly Keinale Bathers. First week ol thn "llreen K eight; or, Paris In I7IIM." Spicy Comedy, original, lively burlesque. off" hscli with a V'eimeanee. Artistic French liauces by the prettiest ladies ill the world. Nothing llko It In the country. Evenings at K. Matinees Tuesdays. I huisdays and Saturdays at COLUMBIA OPERA HOUSE, CORNER wiffUfl Jet. and Greenwich av. .lust what I want to see. FmRNCUYI STRAGK SlUIITH I'i-.cULIaUI FASCIN A 11NGI FOR sTKANGF.IISI PLEASING! Paiisian Lite; or. the Pleasures of Jardin Mabllle. Lovely Femala Helpers, In Itesl water; Artists Mndele. Miue. Celest's Female Mill trels, French Minuets uml all the rncy sensations ol the day by 7') of thn nest lorined ladies on Clio staife. Evening at S. Matinees Tucsdiy, Tbursday and Salurdav at 2. VTATlONAL ACCADKMY OK DESIGN, 291) ST AND As dth av.?The Oltjr-sccclid itrand annual exhlbltlou of PAINTINGS now open, day and evening Admission 25 cents. ill IND SPARKING AND A I'll LF.TIt; TOURNAMENT will be tendered to Professor Charles F. OttiKtiou for merly proprietor of the Canal ami Crosby street litmna . .. p- ? ( ^ . slum, oil Monday evening, April U, IS77. at Kelly A Leon's Opera House. 2!ld st. near nth a v., on which occasion ha will he assisted by Johnny llwyer. Steve Taylor, Professor Clark, Billy Edwards, Warwick Edwards, W illiam Mcl'iel Inn. Proles* <r Miller and others. Professor Ottlirnon will set to with a celebrated amateur alhlele. and also wind up with John Dwyer, ol Brooklyn. Doors open at 7, and the sports to commence at H ,;*> sharp. CT KNKKAL NEWTON'S LKCTL'KK. T Box office at Cooper Institute now open. ORGAN CONCERT. CIIICKKKINO HALL, WKDNKM day alternouii, April II, at 8; F. K. Muller, urgnuist; Mrs. Kate Hoed, soprano; Mr. F. W. J ami , tenor. Ad mission, 2-1 eents. DANICIIKFFS GALOP, dOCKNTBt WALTZ, 75CRN IS; f Islington. with picture of A. M. Palmer; plated at the Union Square Theatre. Blue Glass Galop, WieKsnd, ihlcenls; "Sweet suiioy Huiilo," Danks bast song with picture title, ? ; "Fire In the Grate." sung by Warn bold. Griffin. 95 durante) caute: copies mailed. W'ilLIa.M a* POND A CO., 547 Mriiasiwavt branch (Vara. Hk L'ulun suae*a. Naw York. ? A.MltaK.UHVrM. B^KKKrr'i'V.l!:^.; .. uSmSSSSSS. ?.' Ihe i>r*aunt ericaueniant of JtHIN Mi C'l.l uCi.ii la remarkable r?r ita overwhelm!,,,. uonul.r ... . . .i. uu,,,i"",v ?f ortiical c nlatloult 1,*,' Z'r k' tusior. t.Tiry pen |,?, nr^U*.! T./.I .... a . day I>iK>11 Inat It.iaai people fare |,im ju ovation Hat" baa inner been aurpaaaed in tbia theatre. ??? PROGRAMME SECOND MEEK OK TilK GRAND ENGAGEMENT of llie eminent Tragedian. THIS MONDAY EYEN{NnTTpn. ,U. Bui..,., p..,, TUESDAY EVENING?Repetition of RICHELIEU. WEDNESDAY EVENING, revival. Mr McCULLOUgII a. Kit: HARD ill. TIILHSDAY EVENING?Repetition of RICHARD III. tKIDA* KNKNINu OrilEI.CO. Mr McCULLOUUU In ill., tlile pari : Mr. K II Warde aa l??u. HATUKDAY MATINEE uTmTu.O Mr. McCULLOUOH ?a I AI.O, Mr. W nr.le In the title part. SATI IIDAY NIGHT?Repetition of KINO lllc'llAKD III, HVriMJB SITIKHAV Mho INS AT I ::p| A I H TOOKEK'S FARKWELL BENEFIT." &,h" ? ESS \ CADKMY or Muiuol ITurA'rOKtlli; "HUMI'II of ihi. OIEMA. I AST vi! ol A OPERA COMBINATION [ UN HALLO IN M ASCII EH A. ~f wit MiKiuh'cl' ???Uo ? genuine HIT. with * On Till l.sli \ \ < fl r >t tlin"). Dun SKATS f 7 "ATUKDaY. OACA MaTINKK. HK_A Is for a,do today tor I N |?,N CAKL08. AOADKMY in MU*IO. Dun uaitiu* D Dk'ViVo * ''ALM";1U ..DI RECTORS * * MANAOfcR T'l L.',rT t,lu '""I"1 ??' anuiiuaaimt ' o'rVkltDCS ??>DUOTION '* AMERICA oi v?.ltl>i .s ureal utnj luou promised VVUUK, T DON CAllToT f I don Caucus. I T ox tiiuksdav evening, APitic ia. f Willi TIIE KILL POWER OK THE "ctrupANY AND V\ ITII A OOKOEuUS M IS h-EN-SCENE.* ' to.!':.VAL NOTI,;K '?'OH THE SACK OK SKATS. In n. i ro.poctlullr announce to tlie public ttial ?III? ^ lo nvolii apnculalloiia no mum ibau SIX SEATS ? III be lolii io any peiaou whatever. M" .. ii aT'?'iK 8a?b OK SEATS REOI.NS TO-DAY St.-""1"-? KtJI.L. PARTICULAR* TO-MORROW. Groo,1 V?t'i!uxVki f y ' AND^osi? ResekveuVka'ts ?'LL^ U"?? ""Vmxnts RESERVED SKATS (ln 0rcl,e,tr? C1'cl j?J OKNTS week. In advance Box office op..,, all day. r"d tW* CA.SI \\ r. h K UK TDK GREAT SUCCESS, ^ MISS MULTON, ? tbo ?xqnlille Dumnatic Drama. In five ais?, cnthuslu. ticallv Mpplaiiiied bv lull and (a. I, Ion a bio liuilrea MAKsTuN'S BEAUTIFUL si'KNl'BY . ...Du'n.DNION Sgi AIIK THKaTUS.. ' A DKLlUll I'J1 UL i'.\aST Oh' till \ Kai'T MATINKK.S WISU.N'KHDAY AND HATBUDaV a'P *3 Tbi b?iitilul kKv Wl" t,e pr"'"c*" '" ?"'?"did atvle. fn* wnnitallPl Klay ."HOSE MICil KC? "JJNION Sgt'AIlli TI1EA'l llli. * MaualraV' SHRHIDAN SHOOK. "?r -Mr. A. M. KAEMEil. not SB CROWDED AT kvkiiv REPRK.sK.n IATION. SKATS Ma* BK PROCUKED TWO WKKKS IN ADVANCE. EVERY NIUIIT. tiik daniciikkks" GOOD PLAYS produced at Ibn UNION SQUARE TUEATKE." SATURDAY. AT I ::pi. ELKVENTE MATINKK OK TIIK DaNICIIEKFS. ^BEKiaB'S TIVOI.I TIIEATRK, Sth at., between Jd and 3d am. EVERY KVKNINO Tills WKKIC THURSDAY MATINEE. TilK 4 HIO LESTER, . ALLEN. WALDKON. TIIE ? It K.N CII TWIN SlSTEKS The darlnir Oymnaau. _,Mil*. OLYMPIA and M. DK KINO the ballet ?r tit* huttbrklikh. hie pantomime uf all kou love 80 TALENTED ARTISTS. JAN KRANCISCO MINSTRELS KKAN'CISco MINSTltKLS. SO OPERA HOUSE, Broadway, corner CUtbat. Colored So.-le t v Piny. BRUISED IIEAKT. Huaan'a Serenade. Scenea at JelTeriua s BIRCH, WAMBOLD, BACKUS. SAN FRANCISCO MINTRKLS. THE VERY II..All AM, KltoNT OK MINISTKKLSY. Market Court" UKCEIVED WITH SCREAMS MOHTLY Hart, Rndiilpli, llall. Ilamlltou. Krlllman, Raymond Jiilinaouand Powera, Klcardo, Mullaly. 6robeatra ' I ***** **nttrwd. Matinee Satarday at 7 General newton-s lecture. ~~ Bt>x ?die" at Cooper loatituta now open. mgt NEW AMERICAN .MI-skcm. i>.t .,m, ,,a Vo^bi ~ rh". rt 11,1 Auw?r?"aai..! The Wild Anttrallanal Tha u II W." i'ir B,!!lei1 tu Conpreaa ol Curioaillea rtiu U iid aUNtriiltaiiR! Mie Willi vn?tr.bti,.?.?i ??" '| Iron, III A. M. to Hi IV M A.l?,i?i??. i;K" 1 rpilE KKOBISIIBK LITERARY SOCIETY ~~ DRY CHNIJH ? * PKINOES, TRIM MINUS, AC. we are daily addimi to OUIl SIPEKB COLLECTION OF FRENCH PASSEMENTERIES NOVEl.TI KS IN MARABOUTS, GIMPS, r HINGES, FIGURED ANl> JAL'QUARD OALLOONS, TOOKTIIKit WITH TUE VARIOUS SHADE* AND QUALITIES Of TRIM Ml NO BUTTONS, ALL CAREFULLV SELECTED FOR OUIt RETAIL TRADE AND INCLUDING THE NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES IN PARIS, BERLIN AND LONDON. A. T. STEWART A CO., BltOAOWAY, 4TII AV.. OTII AND IOTII RTS. L OKU A TAYLOR. "" ?" ?" ? ? mmm i HOYV CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. T PARIS AND PRINCE k7lT SUIT R'l to W IIIKHY KILT, 11 c lit mi 111 m if S to 12 IMPERIAL lll.OLSK. wltli altlrt H to Pi S iil.Oit HI.Ol SK 5 SPRING oVKRCOaTS. new atllaa ? to 13 SUITS. WITH PANTS IN MIXED CAMMIMKKKM, CHEVIOTS AMI TWEED* 3 ?) np. NEW lilt ESS >U ITS 12 to 19 WE KIT ALL aoKS. PRg.M To 15 YEARS. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, APRIL ?. OUR NEVA STYLES h.SOI.Isll STRAW HATS. Hill It T WAISTS IN CWHIRIC AND UNKN. A CHEAP LINE PLAID SUITS AT HAltOAlNR BROADWAY AND TWENTIETH STREET. V^llAWLs. WK ARE PRESENT!NO AN UNEQUALLED COLLECTION OS PLAIN CENTRE INDIA SHAWLS AND CAMEL S HAIR SHAWLS oK EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO FANCY SHAWLS" AND WRAPS IN OR EAT VARIETY, COMBINING EXQUISI I'El.V SOFT AND DELICATE TEXTURE. WITH NEW AND BEAUTIFUL COLOItlNuS AND EFFECTS, IN SEASONAHLK WEIGHT^ SUITABLE FOR CARHlAOE AMI KYEMNO WEAK, INCLUDING THE NEIUKUSK OPERA SHAWL. THE LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTY. A VISIT OP INSPECTION IS REQUESTED. A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY, 4TII Av7~'TH ANI^ 1I.ITII STs. ARoaINsINCAMP.e s HAIR SHAWLS, fTO and '?loiA OEO. C. ALLEN, I.IUU H road way, near iHlli at. B MII.I.1NKHY A\l> DIIKSSMAKIIIO. AT MARIE TII.MANN'S (FROM PAKISl, AUKS'r AN5 Importer of fluu.t cr?*tiou* In ParlaLtB art Milllaorj ? N.w, rich Invoice F reiich Honueta to-day. 423 Oth a?., MM 29th at. IADIEs' STRAW. CHIP AND TAPE IIaTS ALTERED Jfitd pr.aaad to Iradln* atylaa for 50c. CURRIES, Sol WaaUinib ??. ME >t