Newspaper Page Text
TmE MORMON QUESTION. the levdkks responsible ab the pilots polygamy the it udder op the church. Washixutor, April 7, 1577. To tub Editor or tiiu Herald:? Since John l?. Lee's confession transpired there b?i been much discussion iu the newspapers on the Mor mon question?a question thut has lain dormant, un noticed lor a ?ery long itino, and which would moat likely havo continued so had It not beeu lor the con fession ol Lee nuu his execution. It is too often the case that rnuny of theso discussions are written by persons who have little, il any, knowledge on the sub ject, and who are conscqoculiy uot at all trammelled by lacts. Tourists, tor Instance, who have read Bl]| Hickman's book, and who may spout two or three days or weeks in ?alt Luke City, Imugino they have a clear Insight Into Mormooisin. Their statements depend very much on the way in which they havo been received. Soino denounce the creed while others, who huppen to havo recslvod favors at the bands ot Brigbam Young and lunucntiul Mormons, tre profuse in their praise aud rant about Mormou ibrllt and Industry. Both theso classes go to ex. Hemes, and 1 don't remember ever having seen a clear and unprejudiced accouul ol the sect. Thoso who chauco to see a little ol the polished sldo ol Moriuonism lako It for granted that all Mor. monuorn is that way while they who catch a glimpse "bohind the scenes" lake a completely dlirerenl viow of it. Such evidence, being unreliable, is ol little worth, particularly as many ol theso writers havo frequently pushed truth aside and built up sluicueots that wcro more conformable to tholr preconceived opinions. In the present letter It Is noither my purposo to advocuto Mormonlsm nor to cry Its suddou extermination, but only to present a lew rambling ideas as they occur to me. 1 havo been lutimately acquainted with Mormon ism in Southern Ulali and It is In such districts, re tnote from the inlluenco of travellers, that ibo "re cfll1 studied iu nil its original purity. Mormonlsm has hueu losterod by our government, i. \ Uocuuso it has taken no decisive steps to chock it, and because at one time, whon the Mormons wore so hard up they knew not what to Jo, it sont a large army out .o surrender to them rations, wagons, blankets lenis, everything?every thing necessary to i-etone-bulf II not more ol the whole Church up in housekeeping, r or thirty years the Mormons have been allowed to prac tise their principles of religion unmolested and Oouipar. ttlvoly unknown. For more hau thirty yeurs their missionaries have been at work In foreign lands and Save brought to our shores und shipped by "huud eart across the Plains, to the centre ol Mormondom the most iguoruut ol the Ignorant, the most supotsti ttouii ?I the superstitious. These people owe allegiance to the Mormon Church?to Brighnm Young Thoy have not the silghtosi idea that the United statos has anything to do with them, and depend upou it thov would do nothing lor the United Siules. They have h???. I*r! .In'u M?rmoulsni l>y glowing accounts ol tlio bouulilu homes ir. "the vulJcys in the mountains" and the Uue prospects ol certain salvation. A low, uncultivated miud is uot seli.sustalnlng. It gropes about in durkness till It comes in contact with something to lasteu 10. Mormonlsm affords an cusv ^|,f!!\'?r ?U0.a ,ntoll?l*. 'I Is eagerly grasped (inh n f! T visions ol pleasure and profit on fu 7h.n tuiin? 1 Doserct. aud eternal bliss iu A ion. still theso j,oor crouturos canuot bo severely iJ0|f fll,0lnK'"eir trust in Mormooism II they siucorely believe it, us I think inaiiv ol them do tor does not tho majority ol the world place confidence in otuor creeds that it has no better right to than tlio bv th!B|ei" * Tb? Mormons prove their religion by the Bibie auu supplement that authority liy the . i .1 u Mormon." li more Is anything wrong about Mornionisiii it lies In the leaders?the leachers 1 hey are the pilots and are respousihie for tho ricketty fn.M.n.V0 Vif?u>/ 18 118 ru<ltlt'r- Polygamy is a "divine Instttntloii! It cannot ho abolished by any human ?touna'd 'n's,1"'' 0Mf lf P0|yKu"'y Is going to ho stopped, lot the goveruiuont strike II down without ceremony and then if the vessol sails on well without fi' ^ ? shall dnre to uplift a liantl to sink her In our that if w,T? ? We,know "ot'"tiR aoout Mormonlsm Itan/I ?k1V^ e3tc#P' polygamy, and they have prac nirtf... mi?' "Vcr th'r,y .years, and It seems ruthor ? stiy one should object at tnts l ite date, ana that, loo, alter our con*isu?ni governuient iiuu "nrmh I.?nf'ialu XPU"K? great guide aud prophet of tno whole institution. A Mormon?a Duiygainist, perhaps a traitor? nas heeu honored by >?fairs8|orL*" 0ov*roor auJ Hlrcclor ot Indiuu i.oniU.,<l^OWLn,,eI!a 'HPS0 "I more than a quarter of n century, wbeu the out man is balancing his woarv llle 5?n him ? h'* kra,i'?' 11,0 oul. '"'Uou "ah! Loo is p?n lsned, yet thero are a dozen others who deserve exocu ?.?nV.* Il?*' ptrhU,>8 m?r"' lhn" hc- Ho Had ro pentod?there are others who have uot, nnd who laugh si the luw Irom among the iabyrlutbiau gorges ol iho ?anyon country. They are not going to expose "hem? ?elves as did. He was kept hidden by the Mor mons themselves. They did uot want htm to be taken because ihoy were alraid ol his coulessiou, should ho make one. It was known lor many a year that he was one of the leaders ol tho Mountain Meadows murderers and yet ho was allowed to run Iroe. worried by his own imagination iu he suro, but sale irom cupture be Was a"?r Uim- W""n thSSwhat m artier that was, ana that at this Tit "it X. ?DU tU* ,,uMIC'Panla ba* sufiored Better' W"' ,0 "0wl "Vengeance." Better *aB another quarter century. John f i couId hBVU beon capturotl ton years ?go at least. Hve years ago the parly I was with Rould havo engaged to deliver him. But Iho old man *:a^ty*kiu*iureTyoue'anu ,,ad" "?i b,,cn that i 1? steeped in innocent blond wo IhouId have remembered Htm with some pleasure. vVnoa* ih!>*ii lUu8, 1,10 authorities at least coo yinccb the Mormoin of bonieUiinir ibey were liichnod to doubt before-thai they arc c-ttxens of?he UnUcd ? , " n?ud sobject lo its law Tborelore, H it was a failure as a punishment It was a success as a lesson. II mat lesson could how be emphasized by the execu tion Oi Hutch;, lllgtice and others as guilty it would nevor ho forgot tcu. Meplii Johnson, who acted as In dian Interpreter at the litno of tho massacre, und who now lives at Johusou. twelvo miles from Kanat should bo celled ou lor his testimony. Without doubt it would prove most valuable. IIo has "kept out ol the way because ho does not euro to neglect his crops and lost his lime. Possibly the proper authori ties could luduco him to take up his residence in llouvcr lor a lew months "Jim" Man" fu,P' Par'". 'S another bird thai would look well in a suitablo cage. One ol our bright slierills uitemp.ed to capture him once, but J,n> was too spry for hi in, and the Shcrill was politely requested, by the muzzle of a six shooter," to go to Ins homo. This he Hid with aiacriiy. 1will venture to as,ert also that there uro numbers of Mormon centlemer lu Southern h who would rest uneasily 11 they thought the rov criiuicnt was taking an Interest in tnurdors. If any thing is lo be (19no with guilty Mormons It is high tune that proceedings wore begun. Br,ghatn, the shrewd kh i\e, is paving the way for his successor, Urlchim II., who 13 very liko bis illustrious (?) sire, and who like him, will run the little theocracy lor pleasure and profit, clutching with a firm grasp the goldCrcM^s .hat guide the saintly serfs. And theso serfs?simple, minded?believe that tho Church of Jesus Christ of >nt* " !i'? Lljurch, and there aronum b?18 ?f mem who wou!d sacrlllee tholr alt tor its hen ? fit. 1 hey uro terribly oppressed and do not perceive the oppression. 1 hereforo pity them and pardon them Buy iho poor women. Many of ibem-m?,t of mem have no alternative but to plod along their weary road day alter day, nlwuys under a rhocrlcss sky, niid with never a burst ot the sunshine of lovo to lightou their tau, sad hearts. ORESTES. A MORMON WARRIOR. [From the Salt I.alce Tribune, March 20.] Lieutenant Ueooral Daniel II. Wells now looms np into promloecou again. Another ol his blood thirsty orders comes to light alter lying unknown to history Tor twenty years. He seems to bo after tho teamsters (not a warlike class generally) and ho wants them all slain. "President Young advises that they should all be klllod." Glad tidings of great Joy, this mandate, with surprising variations. Dut whether the teamsters ol some unbelieving ?imcraut train, or attached to General John ston's army, wo lire loit hopelessly In the dark. Hut those Latter Day executioners bolieve in doing their work up thoroughly. "Every precaution should oo taken,"'says this doughty Mormon General issimo, "to see Unit not ono escapes.'* Huron wanted the whole lemaie persuasion to have ono mouth, so that he could kiss the whole delightful sex. It would bsve greatly facilitated op- rations || the entire uncon verted human race had possessed hut ope throat, so that at ono pass with the kmlo nil the Lord's enemies could have been extinguished. It will not bo inoppor tune to prodnos a somewhat similar manifesto Issued by tho same llre-eitiiug militiaman six months later, October 4, 1367. It runs a? lolluws:? On ascertaining the r jute of the troops proceed at nncc to annoy theoi In every possible way. Use ever) exertion to muni pods their animals and set li re to tlirlr trains. Hum the whole country lielo'ti them anil on their Hanks. Keep them (Tom sleeping by night snrprls. -. Hlnakadr the r.iad by lolling trio ? or ds-troylng the lords, when yon ran. Wat all tor opportiinltir- to art flro to the tfass on their windward, so a-, il posslhle, to onvi-'op their trains. Leave un grass before then thai can he horned. Keep your men concealed a- muoh as possible and guard against surprise Keep scouts out at all times ami communication open with Colonel Hurlon, Major McAllister and 0. I*. Rockwell, who are operatins In the same way. Keep me advised dully of your movements and rv?ry step the troops tnko, and In which direction. Your brother in Christ. U.tMhl H. WELLS. TWO YEARS BEFORE THE M.tSSACRlC. On the loth of April,, two ycurs belore the Mor toon massacre, Hrlghant Young delivered a sermon In Sail Lake, which was reported lu tho Doscrut A cms. Tho following Is a significant oxtraot I wish wo were in n situation favorable to our doing that which Is justifiable bolo o God without any con taminating lull He lice of Gentile amalgamation, laws Itnd traditions: that the people of God might lay the axe at the root ol tho tree, and every ireo that bringeth not forth good Iruit was how n down. What! do you be lieve that pcopio Would do right nnd keep tho law of God by actually putting to death transgressors? I'ut ting to death Iransgre-sors would exhibit the law ol God, no matter by whom It Is done?ttiut Is my opinion, llave not the people ol God a right to carry out that part ol tho law as well as any other part of ttr it is thmr right to baptize a slnrior to save him; it Is also their right to kill a sinner to savo him when ho coin uiiis those crimes thai can only bo uioned lor by shed ding his blood. Do you think It would be auy sin to kill me tf 1 were to break my covenants T Let erorv man preach (or hiitiseli, t uiu preaching for mv own fault to day. Do you believe you would kill me II I broke the covenant* of God ami you ImU the spirit of God 7 Yea; and itio moro spirit ot <iod I had the mure I a lieu Id sirivo to save jfour souls by spilling voor blood when you bad committed aln ihst could not bo remitted by baptism. A UTAH MVS SPEAKS. To THS Kniloit or TIIS Sax Kka.vcisco Call:? A luud:ng article ol your Sunday's issue (March 'IS) says m relation to the Mountain Meadows massacre ;? 11 is not so clear that the head of tho Church sanctioned the crime.' A natural conclusion to any one not real dentin I tab; un unuaiurul one to any familiar with the workings of tne Mormon Church. 1 was In Utah at the time of the massacre, and forced to remain dur ing the reign ol terror which followed, when tho Ter ritory was uudcr Mormo'n martial law?a tlmo wnta Mormons themselves, In their most secret moments, by iboir household hearths, beut their heads and ?poke in whispers with baud breath, If thoy harbored a thought oi pity for the victims ol tbut fiendish butchery. Whom had tueytoiourf ??Tho Church." which controlled every man and woman, body and soul, in the Territory?the Church, which dictated every event that happened, from the selling of ?'garden sauce" to the building of tbo Temple and the organising of troops! And who was "Tbe Church?" Ask any man, woiuun or child in the country and lliev would havo tolu y. u. "Brother Brlgbam and his coon seller*." Not a single deed of the smallest note ouuid be committed but "The Church" was luily cognisant of il No dozen Mormons apart from "The CuurcU" would have dared venture on a deed of oue-llftleth Us magnitude -uo, not of ouo-huudredth?for a good rea son, It vvuh moro tlmn their iives were worth to "net in opposition to counsel." Witness the corpses then so constantly lound in tbo Jordan, with throats cut and bodies mangled, victims to the "blood utoneutouu" Atonemeui lor what r lie very suro the one crime In l tali at Hint period was "a spirit ol opposition to counsel ihe ?counsel" of the Church. No one who lued there at that tornblo time could be cradulous enough to believe any orders short ol the first I residency* of the Church" arranged every necessary detail of that inhuman deed; and that of thoso three men, by I.eo's account, llcbor 0. Kimball was not to bo told of It. Not till Oeorgo A. Kninh, whoso direct testimony could liavo convicted the au llior of tho plot, wua cloud, could tho arch hypocrite and instigator, Mriglium Young, nfTorcl to yield not tool, Lee, as a sop to public indignation. The lesser villain is guno; may the arch villain moot Ills deserts, even In this world, lor I scarcely believe eurlh holds a criminal so vile, us It assuredly holds none so success ful in Vllluny. They say his gold will shield In In. I trust Dot, I trust America will escape uisgruce so deep. Mr. Editor, 1 urn old ana woury, but 1 leu con strained to suy this to you, und through you to tno heart of tho jieoplo. ?B. VounB. Doner C. Kim hull and Wells. A NEVADA VIEW OF BIUOUAM's GUILT. [from tbe Virginia (Nov.) Enterprise, March 28.] Wonotlco that many of our oxebangesare calling for the Indictment, trial und conviction of Hrignam Young, Damo, Halght and tho rest who were princi pals in or accessories to the Mountain Meadows massa ere. W e do net expect that any such convictions will ever bo had. Wo do not believe that Leo would hav* over s u Ho red had not Brlgbam Young deserted him. Dame and, wo believe, Huight, wero Indicted at tbe same time, hut lor some reason tbe cusos were dis missed against iho others. That reason, doubtless, was an understanding that Lee should bo sacrificed, and that tor tho sacrifloo the others sbuuld not be mo lested. W?re Brigbum Young arralgnod ana convidted webeUevo that he could successfully apjoal for pro tection to the treaty made bolwoeli himself nnd tbo Commissioners of tbe United States and confirmed by tho Washington authorities, which treaty led to tbe withdrawal from Utah of tho army uudor Albert Sid ney Johnston. Wo do expect that tbe coniesslon of Lee will work physical hardships upon the bonds of the Mormon Cbuich. Its chlol uso will bo 10 open tho eyes ol tho world to the enormities which are practised in Utah undor too unme of religion ; to show to tho weak-minded and credulous that iho thing oallod tho Morrnou Church Is but u trlcg Intended by the lew to gain power and wealth through ministering to the lusts ot brutal men and through appeals to the fears and to the taith of Iguoranl womou. Wo thluk the dreadful story may also induce Cougross to dis franchise all Mormons, even as other convicted felon* are disfranchised, und to partition Utah out among adjacent Territories. Tho existence of tbe pretended Cliurcn resis solely upon a substratum ol Ignorance and will fall ol Its own weight so soon a* Its membors are generally educated. In the meuntlino the poopio ol tbo L'nltod Slates ought, in self-respect and in justice, to demand that Utah be Polandixed and tbut no Mormon snould bo permitted to exercise anv of tho prerogatives ol u citizen ol the Kopubllc. FUXiaiTURK. ?f'Olt SALE. AT PiilVATh RESIDENCE l'Hi WEST .23d st , near dth av.. Parlor Suits, U nieces, covered In satin, cost <1,01*J, tor KPVI; one do.. 8125- Turkish Suits ?*?: rep and haircloth Suits, fi.1 and ?M; Inlaid and gilt black walnut bedsteads. Dressing Cases, bureaus Wash, stands. Wardrobes. ha r ami snrlug Mattresses. Dining fur nltiire, Extension labia, buffet. Chairs. Ac S b -Au mi? gaut rosewood lour round Decker Pianoforte. $_?<*? . bar". , gain ; magnificent W indror, ???>, cost $lsiu. box lor sliTu ping pianos anil furniture. Call and examine before nur I ch^'ng. Ilotiso opon s A. M. to It P. M. ,n8 Dalore Pur A uADY BREAKING UP DUUhKKEbPlNil. WlLL sell at private sain an elegant walnut Dressing t'aie bedstead, Cabinet Withstand to match; also Parlor Hnlts' Wardrobes. Gornleea. hall Carpets, Hods, Dining Table' Dealers requested not to call. X (treat J ones st. A-a.-the pd pc la it" kihmh;kk~ Man uk ao .turers BUNMaNN HKOS., 22h .?d ZX Hndwn. eorne'r oroome st . the cheapest and most reliable house in the world tobiivyour furniture and bedding, for cash or la* ntnlimentn. by the week or mouth. A ? *** f>TU AV., THIS DAV, ALL THE KL'KNITl'RF *C" W'" be Ur KUBKKT ATUKOKUK A. CLARKE'S, 747 HROADWAY*.-SC. Jlperior furniture Carpets, Parlor Beds. Ac., at reduced prices on accommodating terms of payment. A -JUBWITURB Of THB RANDOLPH MAN WON XX.,offered private sale iu lots to suit; Parlor and DraelnVr Doom Suits (14 pieces. In satin, damask and Une.Uv 8,.'si and*s??. gr^iral and Wrn: Turkish *ul.?^3:7s.S2 wny / Jj octave Pianoforte. S22.i; Uhlckerlug iiDriuht l?l?.,? MX; inlaid Cabinet, O.I Paln.lngs f>0n"(f ffron?B1 K and Mantel Mirrors, elaborate Chamber Sets InfoldVari gilt Bedsteads. Dossing, Cases. Ammlre a oiace inoflu\N ahli-t aiids, KtiMtUko Sets, hafr arid *i>rlnir \fnt? tresses Bedding Library and Secretalre Hoak Ca'o, DffckM, Library Inlilkx. Lxtenxlon Table, Mdoboard Pluinur Chairs In leather, cane Chairs. SilVerwar " . P. M. N., ^"llVsVlStfiVL CUUnCe" Ca"'8 A"M- "11 9 AT PlttYAI'K SALE FOR ONE WEEK?ALL TDK D^o.n Okto" ?{???? n ? 52 ? hoc l,? o. A- ft?it SALE, llo I'SKl I < II,D FCRnTtURK ? I'liT .vale family will sacrifice their elegant I'erlor Suit (14 pieces), latest style. In satin, cost fl (s?) rur /"i.. , ! V. forJtil.iO: reps and haircloth Sets, complete tftKl'afiOand Mo handsomely carved Chamber bets surit^g and bZw Mnttreiw*, iiookcu?ea. DanWm, Extension Table Hiifh.t i* lor lex. tlmn bnlfco.t; Cnrpet. ?Jnu%rd CMnTSu private ro,ide..ce IX K.s't Pith .... "between Irving pltS '"?de ? packing and A8ACKIKIGE.?FOK SALE, MAONfKICKNT CRrw son satin Parlor Suit, nearly now. for #I.Vi worth 847V A DKNTLKMAN LEaVINO I own w^uld DISPOSE J\ of an elegant Dressing Case and He,Head latest style make; cost a few weeks ago j:*Bi; will sail for ahnut belt *??!?.??t MOHAN'S. No. nr, dth av., opp?.,ue sth ? TjlURNtTUKK. CAKPrTH. ORNaMKNTS. PI VNG.u J; mlacelleneoul Good*. Ac. ; private -ale ; Auction prices: owners waul money. PAYOR'S Auction llou-u. lit Kaat Utli. Hot locution for -alea. private or Auction. Seller* lnvnaticnte Auction Monday. I^lTlt-S.M.K-II AMISO.MK BLACK ~WALNTT HKD ' Htead*. upholstered Chair*. Wasliitand, 2 Spring*; hull Maltreat, and Holster, I'lllowa. feather Beds, Ac.; .'Wl yards fine Iliuaaela Carpet*. Cooking Utensils, Stove, Ac. No. 105 West dial at., to iluy. OTKL KKBPKIuTaMD OTIII^H.^i)XTKNTH Of A Brat elaaa Hotel, iiovar ueed. < omitting ot bluclt walnut Furniture Mirror a, Carpels, Mattresses. aprlnira;' Bedding. Crockery, Glass and Plated tVare and ererything used in a hotel! to lie aold at n aucrlllco. Address Pox 1,1121 Poat office. TARGKHT STOCK AND LOWKsT PRICKS FOR FUR Jnlture iind I'arpcta for cuali or liberal lerma ol payment at COPKRI'lIWAlT'S, loo and Ifi7 Chatham at.; Ul large ware room a. J> tYXfc'S PARLOR MO A AND LGL'NgK bkdr No. HH 4th ?v? between 1 lib mid 13th ?ta> 1 >~aktiks~i?kIJlTking hochkkkmpTjiu ADDRSM J. Immediately I'KfSKK, 2IK1 7th ?v. ; highest price* paid lor Carpet*. Furniture. Pianoa, Bedding. PART 1KB WISHING TO OP T1IKIK TURN? lure. Carpet-. BeddinK, Ac., cull receive a lair price by uddrrsaitig ti. MANNKS. :n*i7tli ay. LKUAL NOTICES. PI RStlANT TO A> OHDKK OP TIIK HIGH COL'RI' of Chancery lu Ireland, made In the matter ol the trusts of the set Heme nt da led doth i K-lobar. |S4I. executed on the intermarriage ol William O'Dell with Conatance O'Dell, otherwise Scanlan, hi- wilo. William Thomas O'Dell, -on of llie -aid William O'Dell. lormerly ol Miaih.lle ?t., In the city of Dublin, Ks<)ulre, ImrrUtey-al-law, mid the *ald Con alaticn O'Dell, or the person- rlntminir through him to be entitled to the oatate, right or'lmere-t or tho anld William 1 lioma- O'Dell In the trunt properly comprised in thn -aid settlement, are by hit or their-ollcltora, oil or before the 114th day of May. |S77, to come In end prove hla or their elniina tinder anld settlement, at the chamliert of the Right Honorable tho Vice Chancellor of Ireland at tho Pour t'niirta, in Ijio eily ol Oubliii, Ireland. Tueaday, the 5th day ol ,1 line. IH77, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the auld chamber*, la appointed for hearing ami adjudicating upon the . Uira?. A. T. I'll ATTKHTOM, Chief Clerk. WILLI A M aYKH, Solicitor for executor of William U'Dell, III Lower rniond unay. Dublin \KW4PAPKRB. rro com pi i.Kits, librarian* and ofiltkN?ima I to !??.">?Pile-of llie Now York Herald lor tale. Addrea-, ten deya, II. A. >1.. Herald otlicc. lllKKhLWKOllH. CTHINISK t'ALI KG UN IA LAUNDRY. AT NO. 1.0H4 3D J IKY., iiorlheu-t corner of .V/tli at. Wuahlng done in tlie lieat manner : clothe* ctllu l for and delivered to any part of the city; order* by mall will receive prompt attention; do also lainily wa-lilmr and Ironing of nil deacriptlotia. in tho heat manner, cheaper than any Chinese laundry In the city. II 1.1 US HORN, PGsl irmCK Box" r?,7.-.I N KW t) > ork -Broker in all kinda of Kemnanta, Weite and ferap Material and Country Produce. (f KKHOVALS. I iSlftE HLMKII'. 1SI' Of MAY ID '?P7 BugaD 2V.wav, between 2Gth and 2lat ata. JAMES P. MAT i t 1 C. Wei. UMJ Uroadwav. ournar 4lh IL Ol IHlOntAX STEAMSHIP*. INN AN LINK. .MAIL STEAMERS FOR Ol'KKNHTOW.V AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK RICHMOND April 14. 3 l?. .M. CITY or BRUSSELS *prll 31, noon. CITY or UK KLIN . Apr! 28, 3 P. M Krom pier 45 North River. Cabin, $H(> and $l<k>. gold. II. turn ticket* ou larorable terms. xteerage. $28 currency. Dratts at lowest rata*. Saloons, itulsrooms, smoking ami hath rooms aiulJahips. JOHN g. It ALL. A gent. 15 anil 33 Broad*'?v. New York. CNKXAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK, r TO HKIbroL (KNoLaKO) DIKKCI. sailing Iruni tiler 18 Ka*t itiver ?. tollow.:? AKllAliON, Synioua Tuesday, April 17 CORNWALL, stumper . .1 ursday Cabin passage, ?7tf. Intermediate. fit; ilMrti'. 4*1, currency . excursion ticket-. fl 2<<. prepaid steerage ceriill Apply to W. 0 A!(<it ;AN. \gent, T*?mntthat UNITED STATES mail LINK -si'K v.M TUQL'EENU TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, nailing pit TLEsDAY. Irutu 1'iar 4t> Nurtb River IDAHO....April IO,3 I* M. | WlxCONSl.N.April 24.2 P.M MONTANA.April 17 3 1* M I WYOMING ...May 1.3!'. M Cabin, 905,fR5, ami $75, currency; Intermediate, $4n: steerage Pasaengora honked to an.I Irom Pari- Hamburg, Norway. Sweden, Sc. D.aitsun Ireland, Kuglsud. France and Oar lu.ttiy at iowcat rati* WILLIAMS A UUION, 29 Hruadway. Special NoricE ?THK KOYAITm Al L HChAMAHIP i'lalt.., Captain tlndL mm pier *<. Nnrtb lilnr. tout , ul King *t.. lor yueetistown and Liverpool on Tuesday, | April HI. at -I P. M. urectsely; cabin. Inlennudlalc and steer ace pa-sage at lowest rales. Apply to WILLIAMS A UU'lOK, 2I> Broadway. HAMBURG A.MKRIoTn PACKET COMPANY'S LINE for Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. i Gi.LI.BRT April 12 I II AMMONIA April 2<l I SL'LVIA April 1U | IIKKDElt May 3 Kates of passage to P.yuioulh, London, Cherbourg, llain I burg and all points in England:?Plrst Cabin, 91HO, gold; Second < ubin, .fun. cold; steerage, tiki, currency. KUNliAHDT A 00., C. II RICHARD .t HOAR. General Agents General Passenger Agenta, cl Broad it., N. Y. Ul Broadway, v V. (" TUNAKD LINE.?B.~"aND n7a.R. M. a 8. CO. " J NOTICE. A 1th u view to diminish the chances of cullielou the steamers of this line take u specific course for all seasons of the year. On the outward passage from (Jueenstown to New York or ltostori crossing the meridian ol fX) at 43 latitude, or nothing to tliu north of 43. Ou the homeward passugo crossing the meridian of 00 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42 NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL AND yUEENSTOWN. ?RUSSIA. We.l? April illMoTH.MA. Wod.. April 25 ALGERIA, Wed.. April |H | A1IYSS1.NIA. Wed . .May 2 Steamers marked <?) do uol carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage, $8n. $1<>0 and $1311. gold, accordlug to ac commodatlon. Rututii tickets on lavorablc terms. Steerage tickets to and from all parts ot Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage office No. 4 Howling tlreen. CHARLES li. I RANCKI,Y.N, Agent. \\r 1 LSI i.N LINV. ? KOIt sOU iIIAM PI'ON AND HULL, '* sailing from pier 53 North River, as follows:? HINDOO April 14 | YKDUO April 28 First cabin. $70. currency; second cabin, 443. currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable terms. Through tlckeie issued to Continental and liultie ports. Apply lor lull par ticulars to CHARLES U WRIGHT x CO.. 5(1 South st. "A NCIIOK LINE I NTTKD S I'aTES MA I if ST KAMEkS jt\ NEW YORK AND HLAHGOW. California..April 14. 3 I*. M I VICTORIA. Anrll 28. 3 P. M. ETHIOPIA April 21. noon. I HOI.I VI A... May 5. II A. M. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL OR DERBY. Cabin, 4)15 to $80, according to accommodutious. Iuteriuedtuto, $35. steerage, ?2*. NEW VORK AND LONDON. ELYSIA... April 28, 3 I'. M. I UTOPIA ...May 10, 10 A. M. t'abln, 955 to $70; steerage, $28. Cabin excursion tlcknl* at rodueoil rates. DralW Issued lor any amoniit at current rates. Company's piers. No*. 2<l and 21 North River, New York. HENDERSON 1IKOS., Agouts, 7 Rowling Creen. hI?k"?TAR LINE KOK QUEENsTOWN AND L1VEKPOOL. OA RKYIN'O THK UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers of this line take the lane rout"* roenra nieoded by Lieutunaui Maury, U. 8. N.. going south of the Banks on the paaaugo to Queenstown all the rear round. CELTIC April 14. at 3 I*. M. UEKMaNIC April 21, noon. BALTIC April 28, 3 I*. M. ADRIATIC .May 5, II A. M. Krom White Star docks, pier 52 North River. Rates?Saloon. $8 i and $100, in gold; return tickets on reioounhle terms. Steerage, $28. Saloon staterooms, smoking and bath rooms are placed amidships, where the nolle and motion aro least, affording a degree ol comlnrt hitherto unattainable at sea. Kor Inspection olplan and otlior information apply at the company's offleo, 37 Broadway. New York. K. J. COKTI8, Agent. North ukkman lloyd STEAMSHIP LINE, BETWEEN NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's i lor tool of 2d St., IL boken. NKCKAK.. .. Set., April 14 | WKsKE Sat.. April 28 MAIN Sat.. April 21 | V08KL Sat., May 5 Rate* of passage from Now York to Southampton, Huvre or Hremou. Klrst Cabin, $11)0, gold; Second Cablu. $lkl, gold; Steer age. 9:pi, currency. Return tlckots at reduced rates. Prep .Id steerage Certllloatos. $30. curency. Kor freight or passage apply to OKLRICHS A CO., 2 Howling Ureau. M~ OST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO HoC LAND. BELGIUM. THE KIUNE, SWITZERLAND. AC.. AO., VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer hCHOLTEN April 12 These beautiful ateamers, carrying the United States mall to the Netherlands, are great lavorltes with the public. Trips regular, rates low, coinlort and living perfect, Kor freight. Kor pasauge, PUNCH. EDYK A CO., L. W. MORRIS. 27 South William St. 50 Hroadway. (Morris* European Express). otatk link IJNKW YORK TO OLA8HOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (foot ul Caual st ), as follows:? STAIE OK UEOHUIA * Saturday, April 14 STATE OK INDIANA Thursday, April 111 STATE DK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. .May 3 STATE OK VIRGINIA Tunrsday. May 10 First cabin, $<k) and $70, according to accommodation: re turn tickets, $110, $125. Second cabin, $45; return tickets, $ho. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to A l.'SIT.N li.VLD WIN A CO., Agents. No. 72 Hroadwuv, '>ew York. STEER AH E TICKETS AT 45 HKOADWAV AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER, FOOT OK CANAL ST., NORTH National"lTne^pTers nob. 44 anuTsi, m. r. KOR LONDON UKEECE Thursday, April II), 0 A, M. KOK yUKHN^TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. SPAIN, Sat.. ApT-'l. II :3t)A. M. | PHYPT, May 5, 11 A. M. Cabin ami steerage passage and drafts I root ?1 upward lasued at very low ratca. Company's offices. <10 Brondway. K W. Ill RSI'. Mauager. ONLY DIB EOT LINE TO'FRANCE TilK GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (H. B.). lor the landing ol passengers, will anil from pier 42 North itiver, foot of Morton St., every alternate Wednesday, beginning wltli :? ST. LAURENT (Lachesnet), Wednesday, April 18,8:30 Kor particulars address LOl'IS DE BEBIAN, Agent, 55 Brondway, Attention.-united states passpokktspro cured Irom Washington by JOHN A. MrSORLEY, Passport Agent, 44 Pine st. and rotunda Custom lluuse. COASTWISK HTEAMSHIP8, PActKic mail and PaSam \ transit STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNIA. J APAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. BlttriSII COLUMBIA, OREGON. *U\, sailing from pier foot Canal at . North River. Kor SAN FRANCISCO, vlu ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. Steamship COLON Tuesday, April 17 connecting for Control America ai d south I'aeiilc norts. trom SAN FRANCISCO Tu JAPAN AND CHIN V. Steamship CITY OP saN FRANCISCO.. .Taasdav. May 1 From SAN FRANCISCO TO SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Steamship CITY OP NEW YORK... .Wednesday, April 25 For freight or pavsaga apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO., or II. J. BULLAY, Superintendent, No. II Howling Creeu. pier loot Canal st . North River. EX AS LIN K K(7k GALVESTON, TOUCH f N GAT KEY Wo*t, earning tlio United States mail. The steamer CII Y OF HOUSTON, Captain Kldridge, will sail oil Satur day, April 14. at 3 P. M. Irom pier 2<i East Itiver. 'I hrnngb hills of lading given to all points on the Houston nnd Texas, Contral International and Great Northern, Gnlreston, Houston and Henderson, and tlies Galveston, llnrrRtnirg and >an Aiitoulo railroads. Freights mid Insurance at loa* oin Malden est rates. Kor freight or passage (having superior aee inodatlons), apply to C. II. MALLORV A CO., 153 Msl NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE.? These first class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. Lorn pier 13 North Itiver, foot of Cedar at., for Havana direct, as bil lows : ? CLYDE Saturday, April 7 COLUMBUS Woitnoaday, April 18 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions, apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No. 8 Howling Greaan. McKKLLAR, LULING A CO., Agents lu Havana. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, sit il in ? rriun pier 37 Nurili Itivcr. Fur Norfolk, City Point nml Kicliniomt, Ttieadaya, Thurs day* nnil -Saturday*, at it P. M., connecting Willi Hi* Virginia Hiid Teune?*eo Air Line, Atlantic Coa*t Line, Pladtnont Air Line. Chesapeake anil Onto Railroad, and with ilia com pany'a steam lino* lo interior point* in North Carolina and Vli gin I a. Newberne and Washington, N. C. It I a Norfolk), every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lewe*, Del.. Monday and Thuraday. at II P. M.,connecting Willi Maryland and Delaware railroad*. Paa??i!iirer accommodations unsurpassed. Through passage ticket* and liill* of ladlnir to all polnla at lowest rate*. Insurance to Norlollt. Ac , '4 per cent, freight* received daily at pier it" North Itlver. olHcea, IOT Ureonwich at. fi. I? Mr< 'ItK A I) Y, President. Halifax, n. n.. and sr. Johns, n. f. CKDMWKLL LINE. Steamship ALIIAM BRA will leave pier 10, North Ulcer, mi Tlie-day, April I J. at it P. M. For passage or freight ap ply to CLAKK A SK AM AN. Stl Wet at. IilOH BKRMI'IM. ST. THOMAS AND WKST INDIES.? The eln.-nnt Hritl*h mall atearuera CANI MA and HKK Ml'DA. amiiiiit April lit and April t'.i. will now torm a regu lar weekly line lor llorniiidii direct. The Hi rinudaa are now the ni"*t favorlto and eonvenient winter resort. For full particular* and lllii*tratcd pamphlet apply to A. K. OL'TKKHRl IMK. Agent, 311 Broadway, VrOROAN's LINES To NKW "oklkans \M> ill Texas. ?The steamer will aatl from pier il>i North Itivcr i a* Ipllowa LONE ST A It Satnrdav. April 14 I For New Orlcana direct, transferring To*** height tliere to Morgan'* Louisiana and Texas liailrond lor Morgan CI It ; thoncc per Morgan's iteamshlpi to Texan porn. Through hill* oi lailinu xigned to all point* on the M i**l**lnpl Itivcr, Middle, (ialvealon, Indlanolu, Corpu* Chrlatl, Korkport, Brato* Santiago, Browu*villo and to nil point* on the Oal venton. II arrl.hurg and San Antonio, Houston and Tcx*? Central. IntcritlatIonhI and Crenl Northern, Texas Pacific anil transcontinental railroad*. Freight for St. Mary'* and Full on lauded lit Rockoort. Rat. * lor sail Anionic freight, via Cuoro or Marlon route, niinl he designated on shipping receipt. luHraiirn can tie effected under open policy of the line. To New Orleans. \ tier cent; to Tek ie port*, per c ut. For freight or further Information apply to llOiiKKT A MOIltlAN, agent*; oltlco. plor i#l North Itivcr. "LAI in Nassau, n. p.?iikoulak mail stf am ships F from New York April IS, and Irom Savannah. Hit . April V8 MURRAY. KKRRIs A CO., H3 South ?t. I/O It NKW OKLKANS dikkct. P rIIK CltOMWKLL LINK. l he >ienin*hlp KMCKI RBOCKKIt, Captain Kcmhle, will **11 on Saturday, April 14, at t o'clock P. M., from pier No. It North River. Through Mil* of hiding given to Mobile and principal point* on the Mi**l**lppl Klver. Cabin passage. fra); steerage, t'AT. Apply to CLaRK A sKAMAN, K"i Weat *t. 11TKEKLY LINK FOR PORT HOYAL. s. 0 ; BKUNS ?T wick. (la . ami Foriiandina. I la, .ailing every Friday, from pier 3" Kaat River, at it P. M. Steamer CITY OK aIJSII N, Captain Stevene April 13 Ticket! to all point* In Horlda. Apply, for Inlermatlon and tlcketa. to C. II. MALLOKY A CO.. 103 Maiden lane. ; COAST WINK STRAA1MHIPS. >' t v . iiaVana and Mexican mail sn. link" I ? Sta-auisr* leave pier Ni>. :i North Klver ?l 3 I'. M. Knit HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK NEW YORK Ueduaaday. April II CITY OK MEKIDA Saturday, April 21 CITY or VKKA OKI,/. W*Uni-day, April At 1 loit VERA cue/. AND XK1Y ORLEANS, via Havana, I'rogreso. ( uiiipeachy, luxpau aud Tstuplcn. I CITY OK MEHIDA Saturday, April 21 steamers lonie \<? Orlaau* April H and April 23 for Vara Crn* .mil nil Alio above port*. Koi Ireuht r>r |>w<?ua ?|iply to K. ALEXANDRE a MONb. 31 aud 33 Broadway. | TllA V KIjIjKHS' Ul'iUE. t LB ANY boat. rtoPiA't i.ini; /VTlir f ieirum .u-murn DKtCW hiuI ST. J OHM U?v? pl?r 41 NoiiU Uivcr to.*t of ?t . < very "tok tiny *l J*. M. Kot'diN wurtiiod l?y steam tiuriiik' ili? cool luouilts A -CITIZENS' LINE BTKAXBOAT* POK TMI, ?coitueciiin with ml railroad Une- North, KarI *bu | NV#?t: mftttrifhctit laave daily (.'Hiurdayi ?&? i e i W<1 it 1 i' M pin 40 North Klvif, Ml Lwoy <l? /iollkgk"point. win ikmonk, crrv island VVun.1 1'url Washington?Oh aud alter April I), 1*77, til* latum* side-wheel steamboat Uasau, will laava pier Id i K?u Itleir loot Wall a.), dally al 11:11" I*. M.. fur ilia . above placet. A midday irip will b# mad* to College Point aud Whiteslun* 11 nualiieal warrant*. / 1 tT.-K 11.1. AND HTCYVKHaNT BOATS LEAVE ?V'du l) Irom p er (J, loot ot Cariul at., at b P. M.. lor pae ?mg*r? niiu freight. J.7 ALL HI YE It LINK KOR BOSTON AND THE EAST l.e.ive New t ark daily (Sunday* excepted) trnm ptar JS orth River, torn of Murray at., ut ."> K. M. K-troa reduced. For Philadelphia, via Lone Mr uuh aud die New Jersey Southern Railroad. Lenvo pier H North River, lout Hector at., at 11 A M.. lor Philadelphia, I/uitg Urituch. Torn'* Rleor and Vliieland. A I' M , lor I'nlUdelplila, Long Hronoli, Ions'* River, Waret.iwn and I'uckertou. W. s. S XI.DKN. Li M. STONINOTDN LINE KOR BO-TON. REDUCED KAKK. Elegant steamers lenvo dully (except Sundays' Irom pier Id North River, lout ut Jay at., at I". M. PROVIDENCE LINK (freight only) STEAMERS Iroln pier 27 North Uleer, loot of I'ark place, at 4:'JO P. M. TO PHILADELPHIA. ~ via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIIK OLD ESTABLISHED ROUTE AND SHORT LINE between NKtV YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. 14 through train* each way dalle;3 depot* in Philadelphia, ?J In New York. (truck*, the m??t Improved equipment andthelaateit time cguaiitent with ab?olute aatety. Express trnliis leuve New York, elu Deabrot*e< end Curt |?nui atreet lurries, as hdinw,._ 7:3". S:3?).i?:t" U MJ liitilt<>J|. 10:30 A. M. ; 1. 4, 3, 0,7, K:3ti. li F. M. and I.' midnight. Sunday, H:3o A. 31., 3. (1, 7, b?0 and B P. M. Returning, train* luuvo Philadelphia at 3;20, 3:3>, 7, 7 s ou au I II A. M. (Iliulla.l express, I lii'i P. M.i, I :4 ', 4, 3:3", 7 and 7P. M., and I'd midnight. On Sunday, 3:d" 3:3", 7. S :3(> A. M., 4. 7. 7:3ft F. M. and 13 midnight. Ticket olHraa. 330 and illl Broadway, No. I Altar llousij and loot of I>esbriis,e* and Curtlundl stt.: No. 4 Co art at., Brooklyn; No* 111. 11" ana lis Hudson it., Ilobokoti; depot. Juraor City. Emigrant Tlckot offlco. No. H Battery plKRANK. THOMSON. D. M. BOYD. Jr., General Manager. General Passenger Agent. miOK/CTS KOR PHILADELPHIA. L"NG ItRANi'TT 1 Trenton, Huston, Fruvideoee, I'roy, Montreal. OYER IN'S Express. "3 West Broadway, aud 4 East llouatou. Baggage checkeil to ties'inatloii. ^ BUCUHglOlll. AKoit" ' i-:.\i ntsioNs-sALooN silamTir ? THOMAS l'OWKI.L, Harec* ami llrove. Open Sun- ] day*. MARTIN A KAsKBLL. IIP South it. FOR MALE. A1 ft Kilt CLASS CTUAtT SIOltE -LEA I) I Nil TllOR ^T\.oni;htare; excellent location; genuine -land; extraur diuary enauco. SIMIiRS.dJJ Broadway. Di: PinTro re-to-lTij H111 atE_a MORTI; aQ e.-I will veil lint well atocked, old ealnbllthed mail payimr butinoea at :<H3 Grand it. fur (ISO"; rent very cheap. S. bakamowitz. Ltoit sale^stork kixtUITEsT'counters-and J? Sliuwceaoa, mi IX II wery. l.Milt SALE-KIIIST I'LVSS IILACK~WALNUT MX 1 turea, cmoprialnk Till Uoiitiiars, Side Countera In move Pie aeclioua, 1 up and Sldo Rack*, showcase-, tllovs Cabinet* nod wiro Fertltlou. O. II. A K. J. WITlliAUs, 4!kl Broadway. For sale?Kixfi'KKR and all kuTTnitcre. jib', pertalnlue to a retell Shoe Store. CAMMEVEK A NASON, K4 warren at. t^oTTSALE-A SPLENDID It.Mt AND LUNtJIl BOOM down town. Apply MaLONE's, 3 Dey at. flOR SALE-STOCK. KIXTl RES AND GOOD WILL nl' Millinery Store, mi account ut III health of prupile trea*; doinx bualueaa ol' CIS.UUU yearly. Addrea* A. 1*. M., Herald ulllce. POR'saLK-TW0 CORNER LlgUOR S'TORKS f OjTe r liar aud I.uuuh Room aud one Hoarding llouae MoDONNELL, 3" Chatham at. OR 8ALB?A LCNCHTIIAR AND hTLlIARD~ItOOMS". Bualnaua,S year* In oxl-lonce: '< Colleudor Table*, nl must new. Apply to owner of nuildiun, 33S Sth uv , corner 23d at. 1/iO : SALE A HANDSOMELY KITTED CP IIRl'O 17 Store, with quod trade, lit pood locality; tititable lor a lluruian; at low price. Information by W. BRCNNKit, 407 I'Jtli at., near let *v? New York. 1.7OR "saLE-KIRST CLASS ulTCllKIt" SUOp 'oN ' (ilh av. Inquire "ill hv, IjlOR BALE-AT ?RKX A HItsT (:i7ass~WINE AND Clpar Muaiuea*; will be sold at the eoat of tlxturea mid ?look; beat lucatluii. Ini|iiire at 347 "ill av. Glass okkick partition, in perfect ORDER. vary cheap. C. C slIl'.PIIl'.RD, ITsi.'entre *1. IckTioi sls i'oit bi tciiers, hotels, bbib, lc.. built to order: butcbor'a Toole, Fixture,, Ac MATIIEisO.N A CO., lllli in. and 31th at. K"EOT" AC It AN.'. OYSTEhThoCSE AND MCE PU1 ente -upper rooms up atalra ; trood bualnoei: aale cheap u quod party. Apply at No. Ill We-t 3d, near "th uv. SAFE Koii BALR?WITH BURGLAR CHEST across i he outturn; over live fort hlqh; made by TerwilliKcr. Apply ul S3 Iteude at., second Boor. m uThirbrt. rpiiE IIKRaLD UFi TWO slM.Lr. Ill I.I.oCK A PnrlecttiiK Pros*e* lor sale cheap. I'liciv ura capable of printing 7.""" cuplee each per hour of an etjrlit paqr paper, and both el a* at once, anj can be speeded to IH.issi If tieccessry. Tlie workluq room required lor oach pree* D 13 feet lonq, I" feel wide and 7 feet liltrh. The labor required to operalu theao two presses Is lour men (or buy*) and a foreman. Accoinpabyinq these prnsses, wltlch are capable ul print Inq 14.""" an hour, we will throw In one Wetlti.q Machine and the lollowiuir Ll.xT ilK STEREOTYPE MACHINERY BELONGING THERETO 1 Furnace, with Metal Pot and liminet; 2 Castluq liuxe*. one of which la ribbed; 2 F lul-hiiiq Huxe*, made of iron ; 2 Shavlnq Machine*, 1 Tail Cutter, 1 llluek ior turning plate* on and " Knives lor shaviuq machine The lowest cash price lor Hie entire machlnory end presses I* 41",""". These presses and mnoliinory coat 43.T.""" They can be teen svery tuuruiUK at work uu our daily edition. I he price ol a-Ingle preat, without tha Stereotype Ma chinery. i* gri.uw. The uiotiva for aelling these preaaee I* that our Immense circulation compel* ua to u*o the improved double Bullock press. 11. *e pro.-sos aro aultable for printing a paper tiio aUe of U'eTrikutie or T ines. or a paper ut any smaller dinieti-iuiis. Address JAMES GORDON IIF..N N Ll'l, New York tlerad. H. CAMERON'S PrtThfif . 'SPECIAL" STEAM PUMP is the standard of excellence at home and abroad. In foot ul East 23d at., New York. N ENGINE. 10.HORSE POWER; 1KHLKH. SHAFT, inq. Belting, Coffee Houeter, Cooler, Spice and Coffee Mill*, very Utile u-ad, for sale cheap fur cash or on easy terms. Call at Dill Newark av., Jersey City, or at 323 Grt>vn wlcli It., New York. BL'lt It STONE MI LIS ? KOII GRINDING WHEAT, curu, baking powders, while lead, paints, Paris white, eulors In oil, water or varnish; printing Inks, lilackiug, chocoluto, coffee, splees, drugs, A a. JOHN ROSS. m| l-i >t.. YVllliamshurg, N. V. l>OtVEIl PRKSH. DOUBLE ACTION, WANTED?I K I llrlruily powerlul to punch metal Inch thick De-erlo tiou and bottom price to METAL, box 117 Herald office ohe engine wanted, ciiht kor'bnoinr turning wuteh cases. State lowest price to CASH, box 137 Harold offlco. ___________ URK CURE KOIt SLIPPING BEiVts? " , Sutton's Patent Pulley Cover irubhor). It is warranted to transmit D'l per cent mora power than any other pulley?that Is, II will do twice the work befort the belt will slip: 3" days'trial. Send for circular. A. W. HILLINGS, box 3.2"! Post offl e. city. K S ) HORSE BAXTER, IS HORSE IIOILKK, KOll SALE cliuitu 07 Murray *?, WASiTKI) TO POKCHAHK. A MCE I I'KIUIlT SHOWCASE WANTED.?311 (JTH nr., Hlioa ntcire. UAK K W a N T B O A Ma R V IN "or Hi KB I NO PI BUT kjelu*. fire proof Safe, about o'' llicbe* high miii) Inche* wide, Inaide measurement., and with loliling dour*. Any mi* having .noli h sale to dl.poae of on favorable term* will plena* Hildreaa. mi or bel ra Vt eilne.ilay, llthlnat.,W. O. I'WINO, I'ual office bo* 4.II7S Now York,giving lull de*urlp* tiun, with price, where it muy bo *cen. Ac. Was rio -two s boo BP hand klkvaTokm, good a. new, abnut UsB. to carry 2.'em pound*. Ail* dree., statin* price, inako ana where to be m-en, T. A, l'? Herald ulDce. I \ ' ANTKll TO PURCHASE?A DRCtf STORK, DOING IT a good bii.wliiewa. Audroaa, with particular*, A1, Herald Olffco. ____ ______ WIVES, iaI(|VORB, ?c. L'oit invalids the chateau i.(gahosse clak' r et* are pure, tonic and ktrengilicning. VICTOR E. MAI UIR, New York. __________ CLOTHING. AT KLATfo's, UPTOWN, Hid IITII A V."?fU'T.iltV) worth ot cn?t off Clothing wauled immediately, great price* will be paid lor thaio. Aildre*. Mr. or Mr*. l-'l.ATTO A- J. g, MINTS'*. iMsllD AVTT NKAR 3ITH St.?SO per cent more naid than vlaowhere lor l.adlee' and (ion* tlenien'e Cast-off Clothing. Carpet*, iTirnlturc, Jewelry. Older, by mall priiinpily atttPdedlo ny Mr. or Mr*. Mints. NATHAN'S SWTABLISHMKNf~liifif STII AV., at .near lib at ? Hlirbeat valuo will be paid for cant-off Clothing, A !. ('nil or nddrca. Mr. or Mr*. NATHAN. A I KinVAKl) MILLER'S WELL KNOWN KHTAB l.hment, (IS Oth ?v , near Waverley pine-, the full value paid lor cad off Clothing, Carpet*. Ac., by calling on or ad dle.ling A liKKAT DEMAND rOK CANT-OPE CLOTHING !\Carpet*. Ac. !W7 Id av., near a.'hi ?t. I'leme call or ad Ore** Mr. or Mr?. LEON. A T^iTaHBDC 1,374 HKO^DWaV, BKTWKKN 32D jYaiid.Tid ?i*, ? Broadway prh-o* pate for ca*t off Clothing, Ac, by calling er addre*elng li HARRIS, 1,274. VT AN II ALT'S, 17-* 7TH A V.~y:ii|.<*i I C tST-OFK ( lotbliig. Carpet., Furniture wanted ; large price, will positively bn paid for them. Mr. or Mr* AN HALT. -M. MARKS, mi'sril AV.. OPPOSITE STII ST.? jV.Ladie. anil pentlemun will lie attonl.ned at the high prli ? paid hi tor rail off Clothing. Carpet., I.nee.. Jewelry, Ac. Cadi** waited on by Mr*. Mark.. Older* by mail will receive prompt attention. MANC(TwfLTrpAY~t?b IIIUHEST PRICKhToR ,ca-i oil Clothing, Carpet.. Ac., by celling or addre.-lng Mr. or Mr*. M ASl K. 2,'st 7th av. 7TH AV.. above"'J3D XT-PAYS I'MI HIGII? ... iOi-it price* lur ladle*' and gentlemen'. ca.t off Cloth, tend Carpet*. Mr. aud Mr*. aRK.LE.-t. SITUATION* WASTF-D?PKMALK*. ClHik*. AM". /? WKST 44Til HT-AS UK T CLASS COOK; NO ??? Ojectlou to th* country; wood city r> ference. _____ S~WKHT :t7TII if jrilMKT K*PLOYKK'H).?A* intelligent ?mho aa llr?t ?!??? e<>"k . thoroughly undef ataiidt liHkluunit dr*.erta. Call lor 'wo din | ( I I LINTON ST.. CROCKET 8TOKE.?A RKMI'Ft t I viable anting Oerinan trlr. to ???!.! with rooking. uashluil ?not Ironing. none bat prlvuta family , city relerenee. t an ).,t two daye. . 4) I EAST HOTII ST-A Ithspfct'ftHLK GIRL TO ^*Xeook. w??li and Iron; btil city reference. I'Rf\t.'K ST. BOOM 7 ?A RESPECTABLE GIRL . aacnnk. iriobtr mil ironor: no abjection to the good reference. Cull for two days. KAsT .'k if II ST (I'llKsh S I I-Ml'l.Ot I II ~ I WO Ivoiiii.' Ctrl.: aim a, cook end to a.eiat with the wueb Inc ; the other h. chambermaid and waltreaa. _ _ h I( I W KST buTM *T ?FIKST I I.ASS MIKTII CKR w ? 'man cook to go In a private family* _ _ ? v, i>i itrfS if t voi v., woman ro cook, i) ( wa.h and Iron ; city or country city refvrenee. TT? wi-.PT W AHHINUTOS PLACE (STORK). ?A RE n4"?t> cialite womau at cook and laundrcta; city or conn try; city r?f?r#oo*. r ? W|gT |.')D HT.. NK*K rtTII K KfcHl'Kt l v )h|a ulrl In H .inali faiuilv at cook: no ohjoctlo'. , co a rt distance in the country. bail city rcleren## from la.l en.plover Call far two day. _ 7T? westsf.?a respectable womaK as _r,iok . I. a good baker, and willing to an.ltt with the w waiting and Iruulng. good city relcitucr Irnui U?r taal placa. I CLINTON PLaCK.?A Woman as FIRST CLASS tcouU . no Ohio lion to the country boat city rof.rone-. CllltV ST. ? A Villi Nil CI It I TO IMOK, WASH I iron In .i private lamlly ; boat city reference. 1 "WKST 4.5 r H" ?l\ -A vol \Vf WOMAN AS COOK _ rand to aaalat with waahlug; la an cxcallcut bakar; jrotiil city r?fer0??c#K. __ _ -|/\ | WKST .IHI) ST.. CClKNKH Hfll AY?A HE 1 y ' lap-rlable Prote-iotlt irirl a. cook In a private family; or oiiubl i;o aa cook and iaundrcat In aamall lamlly; city preferred. btat city ralcrouce. _ Till WKsT 8SD si', ro it N i It ill II AT - A KB I ' ' 1 apectublo woman a? irood cook; thoroughly under atatida liar bnalneaa; good city roforcnca. i/v ' WEST -?4111 ST.?TWO GIRLS, TO GO To. yi I 'gather: one a. good cook; the othor to do chamber work Hid waiting; no abjection to the country; good refer I ence. _____________________ ? WKwT JlH ST. (PRESENT FLACK).?A LADY J w ... a ialioi to find ?? good altiliitlon for mi excellent cook who la carclul and lioneat. fan be aeon lor twojlaya. ^ )K VST -IT 11 ST.. It!-:\i;.- \s COOK; WOULD do houaewnrk In u ?ma',l family ; city reference. CLINTON FLACK.?A UOMPKTKNT WOMAN as cook In a roatnnrunt. hotel or boarding homo; city or country; good city reference. J 4) WKST 4UTII ST. ?COOK AN I) Cli AM IIKllMAlU ? In a amall lamlly; to do the work between tbern; good reference; City of peuntfy. ii i west ittii sr.. it r. v it - a kkspki tahlk 1 I I"woman aa good plain cnok ; underatanda lneata and ?oapa: good bread aud blaciilt maker . city or country ; good cliy roferenee. | WKST 171II ST. ItK.tlt" A S"F CLASH Tcook; It willing to do the coarao waahlug; exielleut refvrenee. t IN AS COOK, 20a try *. 20 00i 74. 100. 100, who la i w\ 110. or cc 11 114, referan nl WKST :?ll? ST. ? A VOL'S,I WOMAN TwRnlivr And irotier; good briml ?u i Ititctilt baker; no objection to tbo country; boat city reference U- WKST 4STM ST?A RSSPBCTABLE OIRL AS ? /excellent cook: willing to wiili purt of the wa.hln/ ; lirlvalo family ; beat city reference front la?t place. 11( IK) 129, 129, ? BAST 890 ST.?A YOltXU tilKL AS i'OUK )waalicr and Irnnar; good reference. wkst :?rru sr. as cook and to assist with the waiblng anil Ironing; good city reference. -| nn WEST 24TB ST., SHOE STOKE.?A FROTE8 X^Otant young woman aa plain cook or lanndroia In a private lamlly. so nntaa. T a) I WKST 19 I'll HT ? A "VOL NO WOMAN AS KIltST Li lcliu, cook in the country : will take care of milk and butter and do tho coar?o waahlug; good reference. ,() a WKST Till) ST.?A KIllsT CLASS COOK: CN i ?j-Tilrratnnda her Ini-lne-a In all lla branciiat; no objec Hon to the country; beat city reference. 1a}r" WEST 3*0 ST.?A ItKSl'Kf I A HL.K WOMAN AS J.^?)flratcl*a? cook. Iiy the day .r week; no objecllou to a private boarding Imuae; city reference. ?? ?)W WKST I'.OTI ST.. BASKMKNT.?AS UOOD J_j<cook, underatanda her bnalneaa; It a good baker; irood relorence. - J WKST itiftl ST.. IlK A It.?A QIRL AS ilOOD plain cook, waalier aud Ironor; beat city rele^ence.__ )ft WKST HIT 11 ST.-TWO III-SI'Kf TABLE IIIHLS, A ^j?7togelber; one aa cook and laundroaa. tlm oilier ?? chainberinaid and waltrcsa; tliorouuhly competent; tour yeurt' refereneOj 1 ?> IV"WEST" in 111 ST.?A YOLNO WOMAN TO COOK, la JUwaib and Iron in a private family two year.' c.ty ref vrenco. -t oi WKST ST. A VllI NO AMKItirAN WOMAN ltJl aa exoellout cook, waahor and Ironor in a amall pri vate family: "" boarding b?uaa. 1.)1 WEST lo'l'll ST.. IN OSOOIKY STORE.-A UK Oiapectable anil truatwortkr ymngglrl aa good inckt conk: underatanda aoupa: la an exculleut biead and blacult baker. Came lately to city. 1.H)'"WKST T'lll ST.-A ItKSI'KC TAI'I.K OlItLAS l .)_jC"inpcteut cook; will naalet with waahing and Iron ing; beet city reference. ? 1?l I WKST IllT II ST.. UK A it -A KKSI'Kt'TAHLE ?>-r girl aa cook and to kaalat with the w.nlilng; three yekra'clty reference from lael place. it, < CHKIHTOIHIKU HT*?RKSPKCTAbLK YOLNO IO'xwoiiihii a? good plain cook, u-aslier and Ironor, Or to do general honaework. ________________ 1 oVWKST H'TII SI'., UKAIt. ?AS* KIltST CLASH J tlT-cook: oan lane full cliar-e ol a kitchen; boarding hnuae preferred: bet city reference. 1 ?> | WKST 24TH ST.?t COMPKTKNT WOMAN AS Xo-Xfira, ebua cook ; perfectly underatanda her bualnera; beat city reference. Ring tho belt th:eejlm??^ . ?a it/a SOUTtt STH IV.-A ,?I ItL IN A IMIVaTB LvjOfamllv aa plain cook, waahor and Ironor; no objec tion tu dot general houaewnrk In a amall family; good cltv reference. W It HJTM SI' YOUVfl WOMAN AACIOOD cook, waahor and Iron r; good baker: good rcfarciicc. i:^y Iatit WEST -o<ril ST. ?AS KIISST ' LASS COOK; I'N Or'daratwida all klnila or cooking, poultry and ?raine no objection to the country ; beat city and country reference^ 11 (VWIST 1STH ST.?AM (hToD COttR, WASHER, "x ' /Ironer and baker; cltv or country: city reference.^ 140f t WKST 31ST ST.?AN KNCLIStl WOMAN AS i T''flr?t olaaa cook; underatanda Krcucli, Engll.h nud American cooking; paetry. boned andlarda; undoubted rel ere lice* Call or kddrea* for two deya. _ 111 WEST fiOTII sT ? V IIKSI'K.TAIILK YOI'N,/ X'X Lglrl aa good'eook, wnalier and ironer; liett city refer ence. -TTTTkYst sr . bktwkkn :?i? and lkxinc 1 T*')ton ava.. lop lloor. ? A woman aa co-ik, washer and ironer in a family . good reference*. I "It WKST 'JSTII ST.. ROOM 10 -A CoMPKTENV | ?)t 'wornnn aa cook in a private famllv; will do tho laml ly linking, line deaaerta nnd coarao waahlug; bo-t cltv rer errnee f KAST 5mi if. A RKSPKCTABLK YOUNU lglrl ua cook, waalier anil Iron. r; heat city rofeieuco._ ""7 WEST 33D ST.?AS KIltST CLASS COOK; WILL " aa,iat with coarao washing; heat city reference. EAST IIITII ST.. I.I NO THIRD IIKLL I'.AST.? I C/vJa reapcclahh- young ill a? good plain cook, waahor and Ironor; boat city releroncu front last place; no po*t it carda. ? tllt/t I \ -T 11ST sT - A RKsl'KtTAHLE YOUJtO A\M/girl na good cook ; excellent baker: will "-"l-d with the washing If reuiilred: beat cltv reference from Intt place. <>(\l WKSi I ST 11 SI . TlllltDKLOOIt -UKSI'KtfrA flblo woman aa chambermaid and waltrea* and aaalat with wanning; city relerenco. <l/t I KAST 3,mi ST.-A KESPECTABLE WOMAN K<>0d Cook ; good city rclarcnnc. l^au lie aeon for two day a. ? q/\ e WKST 'JUTII ST.?AS COOK IN A BOARDING )? )hou? i; relvrenco ttlXO WEST 27TII ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?AS FlUsT ?iUOclaeacimk; experienced pastry baker. g aid reference. ri/wv WKST 271*11 ST. ?A RESPECTABLE IO L NIJ ^Ur/Engllan woman a* thorough cook aud baker; beat cliy rati-ri-iic.-a. nift EAST ourII ST -AS plain COOK, WASHER Zi 1 Uand Ironer; beat reference 411 I WEST SlTII ST.-TWO YOUNG GIRLS TO LIVE A L I together to da the work of a family ; one at good cook, the other to do waiting and upatairs work; willing and obliging. 1 'j'!* m 188, ()11 WEST -'I'll ST.?A KKHI'KUTABLK WOMAN Jjl lm (inid cook hihI to aaalat wltli WH.ililn,'; city or c? i u 111 ry : (Wd rillNMII. til >) WRST :I7TH "sT. - V COM PETKNT I'K RsOnXn _ L<w|(On(t plain c<?>k ; wlllmir to mai?l with the wa?hln|r. city or countrr : thran jiiiv city referent!* from her laat pluco No card. an?worc<i. f)l ?) KAST 25*11 HI'.. STOIIK-A KKNfKOIARLB I Oyounff woman n< conk, wttiher and ironar; City or country | s?od city relerenco. til C KAHT awTH ST. FIRST fCOOH. ?. I ? /ynunr w noitn in flrot claxe took; will mikI in the wiiHliiny; boat city relarouce. ti-i - wkhT ihiii st.-a rksfhotablk airl ai _ I < /l'oikI plain cook, waaber and troncr or to do ^citaral I onx-work ; snod city reference. i)\n KANT JIHII HT ?A URSPKCTAKI.K vol NO a! 11 _I 4 volutin ti< cook, wa-hcr and ironar; country |>ie li trtol; umlarxtandx milk ami butler; iron I rafeMMc. Olu WhHT 271 II ST.. ROOK IS A r'lHST CI. A MS it I Owoman to o out by the day: nimcr?tandi t r. ncli hii.I tlcriuaii cooties and nil kliida of h'Otaework. OOO Whs I" 27TII ST.-A PROTESTANT WOMAN vhi aood coua and to naalat with the waahlus, S'?od reference. 224 wtnr si . tup pi.ooii.-a iP.spRcf. tihlc until in ?? flr?? claal cook, waalmr and irotier; Ity rrfrrrner. tiiir. ?'h?T t?tr11 sr. a HKNPKcT\Kl.P Woman tica? rook: no ob) ciion lo aialat with waxhlnff and Ironnis: llrad two rear* in laat parr. fTaj/i Ti ll AV. A HhlsPKt'T klll.R vtOMA.N AH COOK tmi ?' 'in a private lam II y : can do all a I ml- of Imuily cook lint beat city relerenca; will n??!?t in waanlnir. ()>f 7 HAST !?'. I'll ST.-A IIKSPKCI'ABLR i.Htl. AM 4 solid eook and excellent laumlr ? ; beat city ralar 228 VVKST '.Mill ST.. It KAN, US K FLIGHT PP.?A respectable Protectant w on>u? at u .?*??! cook ; clt v ountrr , food reference*. 0<10 KASTWiril HT.-A KKSPH IAHLR WOMAN M ^Ona firM- den* cook ; will with the wa?hinjr wimI In-niiM . no objection to a huurtlliiK hotlne; ifiw i reference. <1(1(1 KAHT 1 '? ?TII ST.. KIKS'f KL'iOR A KKhPKCT * Mihlo w ?ni in ri* (food cook . witliii/ t ? a?*l?t with the \<r unit In K ; no objection to city or country ; bent city reier* ?Hi?e. n?)(t WKHT 2HTII AT.. TOP 1'LOO It -AH MUST cook : undent *nd? eooktuir In all It" branch#*; Koup". meat*, pastry, d ?*ertft, Ac ; private family or flret clap* hoarding l?oti*?; bent reference. Can he teen for two CUV*. OOI RAHT ?4TH HT KK.HPKOTABLK OIKL Ah ^dOluroo l plain cook, waehnr and troner; food reference. OST KaHT~4ATH "oT.?A KKHPfclfl^RiTK WOMAN Ld*' 1 a* cook ; four year*' cite reference front la*t place. 909 KAS'I -'Ml HT. ? A KKSPLC I A NI~?K UlHL S la-striHid conk would take entire charge of kitchen; good baker; over live yean* city relerenco I row U?t place. nTTATIOSI WAATRDuFRNALKN. ( iHika. ?>.??. ?HT AV, FlKsr PLOOK-A RKSPKRT tBI.R ? ? > ? y?'uiiir girl _ . 'k. ??>lior ?nd In ner. ?4 ciuiril huutework ; good city'.. O'J'J VVMI 1HI11 ST.?IlLsl'FRfAHLK HlHL AS wa.her .11.(1 Ironnr , under.laud. milk ill.! but under.tan.I* milk and but iijr ?r coutiiry . <W'4 SULLIVAN NT. KKAII. A.? KIIUT I LASI ?o k ???? ?rdlit| preferred b?*t eilv ref*>ren<?? KA?T Jl?ril XT.?A YOI'NU VVOM\M AKOOOl wather afi i Irouer: good city rtfeiauee. 237 KAHT 4*iTftl XT.?\ GOOD OIKL AH COOK Of washer In a private family; city or cuUHlry, i AST 'J4TII XT. HfcCOND FLOOR. - A UK ?^?) I ????!?? itrl a* not -I t ook. * *"?hcr and irouer; g<??* city rt'lj-reiu'i1, Can be seen for two U*v*. 907 KAXT -?ITU Hf.-v KKsl'K Jf \ 1JLK WoMAft md* ' I 4* ftr?l cla?* 1 icelieitt Ita-.-r of k>rv t'l, ?Ail>1 biftcult; willing to naa.M wilk waning and irouiug. b**t rilrrafie#. 2:57 W KST IHTII ST ? A FIRST CLAIM COOK ANO baker: if... ?.l reference. O'JQ W KMT :?_? I? ST ?I* KMT KST A NT OIKL AS UOOD .wO< plain conk. tva?:.? rued city reference. M'JO WK-T |( I'll ST. IN ?iIt?M"K?:V SfORR.?A ?*?)?/?>.perlnbie girl a. gon<l ennk an<l will do ||m plain (trolling 111 u prnntn fund y ; t? *t city refer iter. t) 1 <1 K vsi 'jor 11 sr.. bktwfkn an ani? .id avs.? w' t " " A fining irlrl u. ek Hint to Ural at wltk the wa.bln, and trotting. be.t cltv rtlereuec. t) I I WI ST 4IITII -T , IN -.TMKI. -A V?l no VvomaN In Co. k wa.her and Ironer; ell* or country ; would take euro id milk Mini butter- reference. () I *) ? Ksr Kuril Si'.. MMOM 11?AH UOOII ROOK _ I win M rr.luuranl ur order or dinner en-k. night ot <lny. k) f L WKh'r ?TII SI'.. It*it 1M .1. ? A ROMPKTKNI ?.1 I pi iiuii a* couk. waalur and Iraner; beat rlty refer L) J (J WKKf IKU'll SI*.?A KKSPKRTABLK "iIhl a* (good plain cook . uood wa.her Mud Ironer: city ref <?) j v> kasr :t< 1 en si v icfspfi tahlf. Woman ? 1 1 li Muk ; w i 111 viif to a..i.I with the wa.hlng; no ub a..l.l (villi ilia KAililiei; no ob jection to tbe country : bet relereitce. O I <1 WKnT 4Jt> sr. IMtl.SI .NT KMPLOYKK'Hj-.tH _i I r/lirnt cla la.. eook , bent city " WKST :<? >Til Hi.?A UKHPUOTABLK IYoVAN, ?*? '? Jcxrcllant cook Mud uood (cailier uud Iruuer; city or country; If.iud relureiice. O/tfi Wkst :nsr sr.. Tor floor. a kksi'krt" Mat* r'Jable ivnniMii In cook, whmIi Mini trou In ? auiall Imio. Ily; nine yeura' reference. ~ WKsr :i7rii sr.-a kkhpkrtahlk woman \ Ir/it* eveellcnt conk: under, tiindii all kind* of Ki.npi, ineMtM, pnultry and guuie; K<>od baker; city roreriince Iruu 1m.t place. OOO til) AV.. FANCY SIOIIK.-A PlIO'l KsTANl mJ< '' a.iiii III HI no.1.1 plaiu conk and lo n**l.t with wa.h I11K; city rote ranee*. on j fast both nr.. sIoond floor, ?hont?i ? JWI Ire.poctnblo ulrl a* cook, (ranker and Ironer in a pri vate family ; elty or country; city reference. ?I|U? KAHTfldTIl ST.. IN* l llK SToltR.?OIKL TO rr.lifcnnk, wuvli null Iron: ivlllinir Mud obliging; uo objeo 11(.ri 10 a biiMrdiiiif nuiiMo; reference WKST 4*JI) ST.?A MOST COM I'KTENT Wi> ? latOniaii nd tlrut cla** cook ; tliuronclily underttand* hot bii*ine*a III all It* branched: nmat excellent bilker of hron.l caku. pu.dry: Jelllea ol nil klnila; verv beat city re erenco. >)*) ~ 15 A ST 47TII ST TWO STAIKs. FRONT.?A ? /re*p'.'i*tnlii? wmn iu in plain emik, urnalicr and irencr; I roncrj Knml baker ; will 450 to boiirdlni; lmuae, or do general bouea wor*. 32 0 WKST k'dTtl St.?A YOl'NO OIKL To COOK, ruali nml Iruu In a email family; good city rafer. 'JOK KAHT tMTII ST. ? A KKSI'KCTAHLK OlltL A9 O^Ugoui 'good cook ; eplcndnl wakhur and Irouer; good refer once. ?JO/1 KA8T tnil'H ST. ? AS IMIOFRSSIOSAL ROOK; Or rxluinlerataiide alt klnde ol conking, bread and pkatry; no objecllnii to go lu tbe coiiutry, beat city rolerenca. Na enrda atiHwer.'d. ?JOT EAST 2-Jti sr.-A KIUST CLASH COOK; L'N Ou 1 dan ? rtitand* linr budinraa In all ita brancliea: can ba eeeu; oity reforeueoi. 332 KAHT ?J.vril ST.?AS ROOK. WASIIEK ANO irouer; city or country ; beat reference. 333 KAHT HIST HI'-A KKSPKOTaBLK YoCNU woman aa cook, wanner auil Ironer; good city refer KAST JOTII ST.?A IIKSKKOTABLK NOKTII OS trrJr "Ireland Proteaiant wninan n? pIhIiiuook; williug la u**l?t with waaliiug Ran he aeeu ut la*t plaro. 'JJ r WKST HIST ST., NKAIt 1ST AV.-A UKHFKCT UT*/able woman a* good cook; willing to aaalit with washing; good reference. ?J I u MAltiso.N AV.. IIKTWI5I.N 41111 ANl> 4.lTi aJ-r1 '?t?.?A young girl aa good cook and to nsaidt In waahiug; reference from lust place, ?J -7 WKST 'J5TH ST. ?A Itl.SI'KC TaHLK GIRL TO tJ'J I conk, wa*li and iron ; good city reference KASr -Jisr ST.?A KKSPKOTABLK YOUN0 woman aa Brat clara French and Kngll*li cook. 359 ?)"(| WKST KII'll KT., MkcONI* FLOOR.-A J:K 91? /cNpuct ?1>I wom?n ?n ii pluin eooW, wn-shor and ironor; bvst city r?*lor? n?*o : no poNtuI curtln uniworctl. 0(ir> 7T1I A v.? A You NO OIKL AS OOOD OOOKl ? It/# Iwillliiif iind ot?Ii|^Iti; no objortlon tr? tli? countrjr{ MrHt cIrhm loii? city reloronc#. ('ill mrtwo dart 409 WKxT 54TII (ST?AS OOOD COOK; WOULD do wiishlnw liii<1 Ironing; good city ri'frronco. 410 WKST 33TII ST.?A KKSI'KOr^HLK OIKL i&M cook In * R'null privMto hmiiv; cltv rcfer'sncA (1 ?) WKMT :?ITII ST.?A KKSFKOT VHLK OIKL AS 'I LOcook, taili rikulier *i??l froner; city ruifreitce. I 1111 eni av. <kiso top b?ll v rrSprct" T" 1 '/JhIi'o worn ah ar uood c<h?h ; excellent linker: willing to do tlie cnArfto WARliltig of a pnvuto fAiuily; bent refr*re*?eo, OOO K. 46)1 MTU A V.?A NOKTli OF IKKLAND WOMAN AS w 1 tlrut cIam family cook; underttHndN tlie car? ot milk ?nd butter; i? quick And neat: city reference. WKST 28TIJ ST.?A YOI NO OIKL TO COOK, 0?^wA?h. Iron and do genernl housework , city refer iron uud do general housework , city reference from IA*t piuce. WEST 37TU ST.?AS FIKST OLASS OKKVAN ?l?"cook ill h gentleman's family , uuderAtAndt Kugllab cooking. KAST I4TII Sf.-A KKSFRC?TaBLK YOL'NU t'irl to do 1 lain cooeiutr. wasliitig and ironing: beel cltv reference. Cell for two daye. 1 rJ WEST .VJD ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AH T"* I I cook , excoilelit baker, waelier and ironer; city ref* Iftl WKST *irH ST-. MROUND FLOOR. -A KE i " 1 Lnpectablo Kid '*? cook, vratber and irouer; good city releronce. 477 MT1I AV.-A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS GOOD J I cook. wash'T and irouer; uood bread, bite tilt and piiftry baker; uuder?t mida tier huhlnenH iti all bnncheN' city or country; Rood city reference from lait place. Cell for two day*. 47I UTH AV -AS FIRST CLAMS COOK IN A PRf. I L v me family; underRtanda all kiiule of family cooking; live yearn' city reference. 4QA 6TH AV.?A YOU NO WOMAN AM fFrST ? ""JclHRti cook ; lean excellent baker: can do up any kind ot clothe*; b**t reference*. EAST DlTII ST ?A KKSPKCTAHLK YOUNO oman h* excellent cook, wn^her and Ironer; Iiar little boy h vctr* old; n > objection to city or country; city reference from ln*t place. frjo rrff av \ rkrpectahle woman "13 ? ) "f'Ocnok : thoroughly titidrrsthiii|r her htielnoxx in *11 if* branch?*, all kind* of noap*. meat* nml made up di<?lie". i* a (S ret el at* baker; tlx year*' bent city refcreuce. Call for tuo day*. ~ rO 7TII AV.-A KKSf'KCTARLK 4URL AS COOK, ?Jl/Owa*l?er and Ironer; be*t city refarencj. 51) 3 HI) AV -AS FIRST RLASS ROOK; NO OBJEO* 'lien to a little wa*|tiitg If required: good city reier* C(l,"~ 2U AV . TOP FLOOR-A YOl'NO WOMaN AS ? I?"? ' ra.ber and ironer. or chambermaid or waltreaa; tin objection to the country. 7fT<?srii AV.. SKRONI) FLOOR. LF. FT.?A K RHP EOT* I I ^itble fierman giri u* lir.t cl.(*? cook. No card.. tSD") :t" AV" "KTWKKV ?"Tii and vtrii srs?*. 9 (Mi rcapectaltle young girl a. good plain rook and Initn* no..bjectlou to city or coin.try, good elty reference. ?JD AV.-A kKSPKRTABLK (URL AH OOOD cook and laimdre*. in a privato family; cliy ref (1 ??1 :tl) AV -TWO KKSPKRTABLK OIIILS; ONK AH '/?iLriiok. waaliar ami ironer; other na cliaiubortnald ami wa lrc??; licit city rnlurnncea. 1 n kV- ?KTWR?JI H3D AND ?3D BTB., IK J ,'*?)? )iin> bakery.? A roapoctable young women an firat clan* conk : beat city relornnee. Call for tan uaya. HIUIADWAY a YOl'NO woxav ah a r *?.'?L">i?i conk : nnderetanda lier hualaaaaj would a--lat with tlie waalilng: la willing and obliging llrat claas city reference I7IOR AN EXPRRIRlfCBD COLORED WOM\N-AS I naatry cook, in a prl\at?- liou-? or >umm?r reaurt. All* drc?e Mr? A HIM . Waahingion, It. 0. RKSPKCTAKt.K GIRL AH COOK, WASIIKIt AND 4rm?r la ? prif ate family; good relerence. Addreaa A., bo* l!*l Herald I ptown Hruncli HKsPKCFamXTk "KNI; i . i s ii woman as rooK, raather anil Ironer; (|niirhler aa chambermaid and to ????-I t with other work : good relerence. Adlre.i H. U.. bog I Nil llerald I'ptown Branch 'lift intHTiituitla. Ac. r AND 7 R tsT 4Til sT. A YOtTMO (II KL AS Til IM ? ) erm'tld and to na-iat with waiting or the care ofcblt drub; city relerence. r paci"cK. Flack. west aiiTil st., i?ktwk^nT. ril ?/and 7th av*.? \ rcepnctahle voting clrl an chambermaid and wnltri-aa; willing and ohliirliig Caller iddfeaa. /? .IMNi S ST . koOM u -A Yol NU (Illll. AS CHAW", t/hermaid and waitress, or would do general homework. Mo card* antwored. t; i Bast uhtii sr. (SRkd sFokkI. a rksfmjta" _ t l.le inir i itirl i< i liai.iherin ild and waltreee <>r would dq plain aewltig Call for two day. J .) WEST 11TH HT -A ItKsPKt :TA~BLB YOUNG T ? drl aa chuinbennaid and waltreae; beat oily relevance. *i%) I.e. XIMUTON tv Bll V K I' It IV A T K MAKER. */.wlirrin 'tii girl aa chnmheriunid and waltreae. Inquire ol her parent*. ?>7 KAMfWli SI- (PRESENT KM >'EOt KK'Sb-A ey I competent vonng clrl a? chambern.ald and waltrcaei one year a beet ruy rt erenco from her present employer, 7 - Bast v?tii sr. I'liKsKitr kmpeoykr'h) ?a I ?/rcapertable voting girl a* chamberm ? i>1 and to aeelet with waalilntr ana Ironing: willing and obliging. Ill #KST "iisTII Sr. (PR KS iTvF"tMPLOYKllS). -A L LAfonng woman aa chambermaid aad waltreae: won It take care of children and aew ; heat reference lor either ait nation. H.? wrst 4otM It.?a not todlk oimSTZI ?^chambermaid end wiitreee, to aaai?t In weaning; pood relbreaee ; clly or country. i on 7th av? rkar ittb rt.-*a MintofAiuk J awl rglrl a? chambermaid and waitreaa; three yeare' beat city relerence from laat place. 2\ : girl a* chambermaid and to na?i?t in wattling: city relerence 1 <H1 tMT Jtt lrt,. ROOM ll. A KKSI'KCTA lll^S J.>)l/>oinig clrl at chambermaid and waltreae ; good ref erence from lael place, 1 ? I WEST lit I'll ST. (IN THE IIBIHllllf llTll||klJ l?/l t reapacta rle young girl aa obauiboruiaid and wait re??; beat city rtfarcuce.