Newspaper Page Text
SITUATION S WHTKP-rKMItM. " rhambrrmaldii. &c. 1Q1 WKST 19TII ST., IN sTORB.?A YOUNO OIRL jillt" do cliamberwork and take charge of clilldreu iu ? Srivute family; good city relerence. 17 7TH A V.?aVoINU GII.iTaS 0I1AMBKBMA1D aud waitress; roo<1 reference. 137 11 /? WKST IST1I ST.-A RKWIUTAUI YOU Nil t Ogirl tt? chambermaid and to du'sewlng. or would take charge ul children; i? competent and reliable; 110 objection to tba country; beat city references % a Q?WEST ll'.'l 11 _ ST ?A <io I PETKNT YOUNG J1 A/woman aa chambermaid and waitress; city refer tnt-e. 1 - Q WKsT .VIO ST , (SECOND BELL).?A KK X?)Oa|>eriable girl aa chambermaid and lucudreaa; beat city relereuce. m CHARLES S'l*.- A STRONG OIRL TO DO UP ataira work and aee to children; reference from laat place. 200 WEST liSTH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS hamberniuid and lauudreaa in a prlrate family. 'XIW RA?T 41.SI' ST. (KINO SECOND BELL)?A J^\ l^ayountr woman as chambermaid and tauodrcaa; will aaaiat with walling; no objection to the country; excellent city relcrence. tin/. EAST USD ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO *9glrl to do chanibnrwork and waiting or Uouaawork; City or countrv; city retereuce. OAQ WKST ltlTll ST.?A GIRL AS FIRST CLASS ' and waitreaa iu a prieate family; boat city reference. oVwt II VST 41-1 sr. A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS a^' 'e/chumbarmaid and waitreaa; can reler to laat em ployer 900 WEST ?-?7TH ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS U\l -"chambermaid nud waitreaa; good eity references. 'XI /I KAST aisf"ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS CUAMBER ^ Li maid and waitreaa, or to do houaewoik; beet city rclererce. 'XI ft WEST 41 ST ST.-AN AMKTiIC A N OIRL TO DO ajXDcliumbcrwork and watting; no objectiou to a board ing liouae. fjljj BAST 31 ST ST.. ROOM IS.?A YOUNG GIRL aa cbambermaid mid waitreaa and assist in washing Slid Ironintr, or cliamberwork. washing ahd ironing; first Clnea city reference. full; EAST _".1TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?A PKOTES e^ajDtant girl to do rhsmberwnrk and sewing. or would purse and aew : no obluctlon to the country ; pood reference. OOQ KASTI'STII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WO A^Oiuni asjehambermaid and laundreei; good city rel crence: city or country. Call for two day*. OO/t EAST tlTIi ST. ? A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO DO ^?JY/ctiamberworc and waitlnp in a email private family; good reference; no objection to the country 0*1 A ~ WEST ilSTll ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO gSs^Trlo npstaira work anil aasial in the kitchen; city reference. 907 EAST tlSTII ST.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO Mies I chatnberwork and waiting in a small prlrate family; rery beat city relcrence. 907 EAST -J4TII ST.?A YOUNO GIRL AS COM ?o I petent chambermaid and wnitrcaa, or aa aeomatreaa; lefereuce ; eity or country. 941 WEST 23D ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A asT 1.young pirl aa chambermaid mid waitreaa; beat city reference. 242 EAST 41 ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS chambermaid and waitreaa; beat city reference. 9JU WEST SOTII .-T.. FIRST FLOOR. PRONT.-AC *< tive. willing young girl a* chambermaid; would as list with wnitinp; last employer can be roen. 9-0 EAST 79TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO pirl ?n chamncrmaid and waitreaa; beat city reter bnoe ffoni laat employer. WEST 3DTR ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO Alvlpirl aa chambermaid and waitreaa in a private fam ily; five years' city reference. Laat employer can be seen. ELIZABETH ST.. NEAR IIOU8TON.-A OIRL ??OOto 1 1 do upstairs work anil assist with the washing; Ilitee years' city reference from last place. 9QQ 3D A V.?A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT ^gf'C'yniing woman as rhanibermaiil and waitress; no ob jections to the country : first clue* references. 9QQ 3D A V.?A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT siOOyouug woman as chambermaid and seamstress; no abjections to the country; first class relereace. 'JHO EAST 3.VNI ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO l>U Ogirl 1 i as chatnliurmniil ami waitress end to make her leli generally useful in a private tutnlly; best city reference. QfPJ East OS fit ST.-A RESPECTABLK OIRL AB ? I" "Ochambermaid in a hotel or boarding house. Of Iff EAST I4AJTII ST.. SECOND FLOOR. FRONT.-A t)"/" frespectable pirl at chambermaid and wuitress and lo assist with washing; eity or country; good city reference. Of\Q EAST WITH ST., TOP FLOOR.?A COMPETENT OvJOpersou aa chambermaid and seamstress, or would do waiting and sewing: can operate on Wheeler A Wilson's machine ; excellent city reference. Olfl tiTH ST.. ROOM 7.-A GERMAN URL. SPEAh ? 1 J.I ring English and French, as chambermaid and to take care ot grown children. Call or address tor two days. ?All 7'1'H AV.. NEAR 28TII ST, ROOM B-A KK OLAipectahle girl to _ I to do cliamberwork and waiting; three years' reference. Call lor two days. ?J1 Q EAST I'TTH ST.-A PROTESTANT GIRL TO DO OLOiipslairs work or care children; willing to travel; good city reference. Call lor two days. 090 KAST -J4TII ST.. NEAR 2D AV., TOP FLOOR.? OJsOA si smart girl, of lti, to do light chatnberwork or to mind a babv; good city rcforence. 32jt 326 EAST 39TH ST.-A YOUKO GIRL AS OHAM hermaid uml waitress; willing nail onlifcin?. EAST X2D ST.?A OF. KM A> GIRL AS CHAM bermaid or chambermaid and waitress. Address ?>OQ WEST l.'iTH ST.?A RRSVECTaBLE YOUKO O-^Ogirl as chambermaid anil laundress or to do waiting ?r Sue washing iu a private family; best city reference. ?9Q WEST JC.III ST. FIRST FLOOR?AKKSI'Ecfl ? 'uli . JPNM |fW as chambermaid and waitress, or would take care of children : well recommended. Call for two days. E.\s r :t!itu s r ?ay <scTvtT 7;irl as ciiam OOa^bermiiid and waitress, rr waiuld take cure of chil dren : roferenci frmn lu-r last placo. bu? BART 3STH ST.?A KSHPBOTABIiR VOIAX OO^as charnberriiaid and waitress: good reference. iio/J WEST ST.? V YOUXuTtlKL AS 4111AM ?J? )v Ihennaid and waitress in a private family; good ref erence from last placo. O I A WEST ?ITU ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OT'Tgirl as chambermaid and waitress; best city refer ence. Call for two days. ? > " ~ WEST 4:11) >T.?AS CHAMBERMAID AND O' )? 'seamstress, or nurse; would assist in washing; has f.nir years'reference from lam situation; unqualified testi mony as to character and capability. - '.'Til AV.. IN 8T<sRE.-A YOUmVwOMAN AS chauiberiu till or waitress. 365 402 EAST 'JfiTII ST.. ROOM III.?A GERMAN GIRL win do upstairs work or take oaru of children; willing to make herself generally useful. A I 'I WEST^'bsTll Si.. NEAR trru AV.-IIEBPKCTA i I e Ible colored trlrl as clia.uoermaid or waitress in a pri vate fisittily or boarding house. JW? WEST 35TII sT?KIKs-T CLASS CHA1MUU *JT I' fniaid; best city reference from lust place; willing tnd obliging. trn SD AT. (RlHG BELL 8>.?A RES EEC TABLE Ta" I s/yoting girl as chamlieruutid and waitress or to do thumbei work mid tine washing; best city relerence. A 1(1 III) AV (KING REEL :tt ?A* EC TABLE TX L'Tyoung girl as chumhcrnuild. and waitress; is willing aud obliging; best city rrference. 4?>/' BART 14TH |?T.?JTbEHPEOTABLE GIRL Al O* 'chambermaid and assist with the washing and Iron ing; good city retercncr. A in K VST ":l " --T.-A RESPECTABLE GERMAN T"T 'Tgirl to do upstairs work and to assist with wushiug' and Ironing. A Li) west itvni 8T.?Afl CHAMBERMAID Alft T"'t ^waitress: good washer and Jroner, city or country t City reference. Call for two days. 4 -~ WF.-f -J? IT I ST. ?A K SSI'ECTAItLE YOUNG ?J?ygirl to do upstair" work; no-objection to tho coun-\ try, relerence from last place. west ttf.rii sr.. roe flodr.-as ciiaIibbr maid and ivaitr.ais; good relerence. 4Of) 7ITI AY. ? V NEAT, TiDY YGI NG GIRL~AR ??" 'chambermaid and waitress; will make herself gen erally useful; good city reference. .? "Til AY. Mil 'ON I' l-T .1 >OK.?COLORED GlHL ? fas chmnbertnaid and scran stress. ,-IKI AVEsT :t'Jl? ST.?A TID. , S \1 \RT~g1 RL. AGE D as chambermaid and waitress; ia kind aud obliging; good relerence. 5th a v., betwbbh star and mo its?tkv ? ) ea' ^respectable young woman as first ciass chambermaid and waitress; best citi reference. r.OTl 21 i AV -as 1 II AMIUiKMAlD AND To AS ?)')' 'slst with th? tviislnrig. or would take care of chil dren ; Otte 11 yeurs' first class retl-rences. rill ill' AV.. 3BTlf?T .< S C 11 AM I th RM UI> ANlV *J"I*'waitress by a respectable young girl; live years' rol ereuce. ?J!> AY ? \ RBBFRUTABLE uCrl AS ORAM-, bermaid and waitress: citv reference. c(lli?fil AY-A YOUNG 11 r R L AS~t' II AM BERMAID llr'Xmid waitress; it kiud. willing and-obliging; bust city reference 70 4 1ST A V.?A TO OHO GIRL AS I IIAMHRR O x maid and niirsu ; two years'city reference trout last place. rjrj*? HTII AV SECGNU If.I to if, LI El' a WELL 4 I ^recommended Getiiiau girl as cbutubermaid and laundress. No rants. Till AV.- a RESPECT J.BlsE YOUXO girl as chambermaid and wallrnet; lirst class references. 483, 49 574 830 11 |W| III) AV.. BETWEEN fJ?,TH AND OATH HTS? , J.l/1'Cnamberinaid; thorough/.y understand* iter litial Uest; can do towing or assist wife), other work; best reter isea ___ a/V?> 1 III) AV -A rtESi'l.C I'ABI.E YOUNG GIRL AS chambermaid and w? .lire st or to mind children; tood 1 r fere in e. OlW far two di ,ys. IlOll Iff AV.?A YOUJ.O GIRL AS CHAMBER aAO" "maid and waitress; reference, I 'lflu 2D AV.. IN r IK HAKEKY.-A gEKMAN' .'rai'Tgirl as chamberiu aid aud uiirso in a respectable family. Call or address. A RESPECTARLE Y' lUNG GIRL \s CliAMHBR maid and waitress ; bo it city relerence from last place. Address GIRL, boa CfM I .erald Uptown office. RRSPEOTABLK cc LOKI.II WOMAN AS URST dass chambermaid .r w.utres. in a private laiuiiy; makes ail klnda of salar i? no objection to the ooiuilry. Ad dress J. K.. box ISo lif raid I'ptcwn office. DresaiiiAke r* uiiU Srupistressn. 1 4 K ART 7dl> ST- NEAR .III AV 1 DRESSMAKER, l^twho thoroii-TJ y niiderstapd- cutling and Bttiug, Wishes a tew more e nuewo'iienti in private families. Of I' ia 11I.N ST.. CiiRNrs. OK ClTlIVSTIK.?AH )first glass dre* 1 ami shirt niukcr;ls willing to go out ty the day. '.VTisT SID* ST.e?BY FIRST CLASS SEAMSTRESS J|a a prlv il" fan ilr ; op. -rent i.i.s. tiinoa; HI. .infection to rtwim' ?r*,.rs >.r grown ? liiidieti; fits ladies' and elilldren'e dresise i nicoly ; best relerence. sin W'BST~1 ft fH ,"sT.. HEAR. OOODI'LAIN rsEAM Xl?>stress and see to growing children; city or couutry; good reierence. ,um dl"AT*ST ?Of'* Eft TENT DRhSSMAKBB and good . esainsitreis pertnaoentiy by th# mouth, or gs laiiy'e maid . (rilhng to travel. Gad . r Id.est. Oikil EAAT HT.-A FIRST GLAnMtltESSMAKfcB 2U6-.?bos p lew more e^eaeoianu by Use dey. 5&: BITTATIOWS AV,\TTF.D?FEMALES. l)rr??Bi*ker* and Smmttrtaaei. 99Q WEST WD ST.-8EAMSTKKSN ON ALL KINDS tjmtivol famlljr sewing, on injr machine: can cut auil fit; would assist in upstairs work or care of children ; city ref erence. 9'JO EAST "mTII ST.?A YOUNO GIRL AS FIRST ^lO^jclass seamstress; la a good dressmaker and cau do nil ainda <?! family sewing; best city reference I nes wmm sern st. (present employee's?as s?vJ?./llrat class seamstress; understands draaamnkinu. all kind* of family sawing and operates on Wheeler A Wllaou'a uacbina. O WEST 47Tlt ST.?AS .sRAMsTHESS IN A w')''private family; thoroughly understands drcaamak Ink'; city or country. ?jOq "west jutiTht;-a KES1*ECTABI.E"TkOT88 ? )<)Oi?m girl as seamstress: would aaaiat with othar light work and take bar own macbtna If required ; good ref erence. t)4 9 WEST 47T1I ST., HOOM E-A RESPECTABLE swi^girl as experienced aeamatreaa aud chambermaid, or would wait on a lady; good city retereuce. 9 I "? KA-r'aern st."?as seamstress!-undkr" Oiv'stands dressmaking and all kinds family sewing; good operator: would aaaiat with chainbervork or chlldreu ; city or country; good city reference from last place. Call or addresa. ?JIB EAST I9TH ST.. TWO PLIGHTS UP.-A KB el a " Jspectsble young girl ae good aeamatreaa lu a private family; willing to aaaiat lathe cham berwork; cau sew on Wheeler A Wilson machine; good city reference. ?VI Q E AST fifTH ST.. UP 0."Ye~KLI G11T. ?TWO UT S-J Protestant girls, one ua aeamatreaa, the other i child's nurse and plain sewing; good reference. yCQ WEST o2l) ST.?KXPBMISNCKD DRESSMAKER, altlOpariect cutter, fitter and trimmer, would like a few engagements by the day ; highest references. 70 C BTH AV., IIAIlt STORE.?A KIRSV CLASS ? 'seamstress to cut aud fit for ladles and children : all kiudsof family sewing: export operator; beat city refer ence from last employer. QQM aiui aV I-AH SKtMSTHKSS TO DO ALL KINDS O'.X/of family sewing in a private family; operatea ou Wheeler A Wilson's machine: no objection to do chamber work or aaaiat with chlidrru : beat reference. Ueneral Houaetrork, Ac. 9 EAST 1STII ST., CORNER '.Til AT.?A YOUNO ?jglrl to do housework : flat prsterred; best city reference. ?) WEST BSD ST.?A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED ? 'widow aud her daughter to do housework lu a small pri vate family ; best references. 4 HORATIO ST.?A VOL'NG "GIRL"TO DO~HOUSE work and mind a baby. PRINCE ST.KKAK. ? A KKSI * KCTABLK WOMAN to do geuaral housework ; country preferred; good ref ill 43 99 ?)f\ GREENWICH AV., SECOND FLOOR.?AN AMER ?J" 'lean girl to do housework; citv reference from last pluoe : city or country ; no letters answered. ?JY nonkTjk ST.-a respectable" YOUNG GIRL OXto do general housework ; la a good plain cook, washer aud ironer; two years' city reference. PERRY~ST., REAR.?YOUNO WOMAN TO DO Ogeneral housework in a small private family. East 4TH ST.?a RESPECrABLE ENGLISH girl to do general housework : city or country. M WEST 41ITH ST. (HiNO 8ECOND BELL).?A respectable girl to do goneral housework In a small family; no objections to the country; good city reference. llT9 WEST IfiJD ST.?A YO U N <Y COLO RED GIRL TO 1 l/gjilo general housework, city or country; reference. -| /t - EAST 7TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO Al/?'do housewdvk in a small private family; well recom mended; children preferred. - 7T1I AV.?A &MAKT YOUNO WOMAN TO DO general housework ; city or country; city reference. E" WEST 41RT ST.?A RESPECTABLE^YOUNG ? )Protestant girl to do general housework tor a small family ; best reference from last employer: city or country. EAST 7l'll ST.-TO DO GENERAL HOC8K work. MlisDEIKKR. 115, 116 1 ill W EST 25TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTKS Xv'TTtsnt woman to do general housework; good waahor and ironer; good city relereuce. *1,47k WEST IHTH sr.. TOP PLOOR.-A RESPECT X 1 "'able woman to do general housework in a small plain family; good reference. WEST MU ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO girl to do housework; reference; williug and obliging. 154 1 rj EAST KITH ST., IN KEAR-YOUNO GIRL TO J 9 I do general housework ; good washer and Ironer; good city reference. Send no cards. 4C7 WEST 27TH ST., REAR-?A YOUNG OIBL TO Try J I do goneral housework; city or country; good city reference. 9nn WKST M lI ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO idUWilo general housework iu a small private family; good city reference. 9/Wk EAST 4AT1I ~ST.-A_ YOUNG WUMaN TO DO ?\jyj the housework of a small private family; good washer and ironer; best city references. No cards. 9f ELIZABETH ST NKATt HOUSTON.-A GIRL ^UOto do housework in a private family; three years' city reference from last place. 205 ~ WEST asrh ST.?AN ENGLISH GIRL TO DO 'general housework in a small family; reference. 91 / k IA i r 36TH IT- SEAS. BBTWinr 3D AVO 10 a1U?vs-A rasnectable worn 11 n to do general housework; good plain eook, first rate washer and ironer; good baker of bread: tbrto years' reference. 91 7 WKST 28TH ST.. SECOND KLOOR, ROOM 7.?A ^1 I respectable Protestant woman to do general housc w jrk in a email private family; good city reference. 91 Q WEST I7Tm"st:-a' YOU NO GIRL TO DO s?J.Ogeneral lioueeworlc; two year*' city reference. 991 EAST 35TH ST.?A YOUNO UIItL. LATELY aJ^Alanded, to do general housework; willing and oblig ing. Address. htMl BAST 29T11 ST.-A RESPECTABLE Q1KL TO dmiJL'Jd? general housework In a email private family: best city relerence. 9?J/- WEST 32D ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO ^O'fglrl to do general housework in a small private family. city or country ; good reference. WEST 40TTT~ ST.?A OOOr?7 RESPECTABLE girl to do general housework ; good relorence. 2 36 314 flea WEST 20TH ST.. IN THK REAR.-A YOUNO ^Uv'glrl to do housework on a fleor: no objections to chil dren; city reference. OQQ SD AV FANCY STORE.?RELIABLE PROT ^OOestant girl forgeueral housework, ores laundress; understands her business thoroughly; country prnferred. EAST avrit ht.-rkhpectablb girl TO DO housework; good relerence. ivj~7 EAST ThTI' ST.?A YOL N(1 fllRL TO DO Oil general housework: good washer and ironer; best relerence from last employer. *41 7~E ASF3UTH ST., SECOND KLOOR.-A RESPECT O-L 1 nble young girl to do general housework; witling and obliging; good reference. ?J 1 O EAST 47TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. REAR ?A ejiOrespeoiable girl to do general housework In a small family; good washer and ironer; good reference. Call for two days. ?J.JO BART BOTH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNO O^Ugirl to do general housework; city or country; rel ere nee. ?Jtj 1 WEST 25TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN 1 to do general housework in a private laully; best city relerence Iront last piaee. Call or address. O99 WKSf 17 I II ST.. REAR.?A y77c.NO 1*ROTES OJj_ituiit woman to do general housework; washer snd irouer; references. Ilftj BSCPECTABLE YOUNO WO O^Tmsr. to do genoral housework; willlug and obliging; good reference. OTyf~HT? AV.?YOUNO OIRL TO DO GENERAL Oa? 1 housework or upstairs work; smalt lamtiv; good piuiM eook; city reference. Call two days, to to 2 o'clock. QUO KANT 48TII ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL OOOto do tbo housework of a small lamily. Call for two days. ;it> AV. (GltOCKRY STORE).-A YOUNO OE"R rnau girl as general houseworkor. \v EST asTtt ST.?A 8TKADV WOMAN To DO housework in a small private family; good workor. 0 1 9 wkst ;mru st.?a respectable woman O'lAtii do general housework in a small family; best ref erence, ?? 1 7 EAST BOTH 8T.. FIRST KLOOR.?A RBBTRCT Ot I able young woman In n small family tor genoral housework; good reference. WlTTT-4HI II ST.. NEAR l?TI~I AV.?A YOUNO girl to do general hou>ework ; reference. t ft.J WE8T31 ST ST., KIK8T KLOOR.?A KKSI'KCT TcUewable woman to do housework In a private family; bast city reference. Call lor two days. 1 1T WEST 2STH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUXO XX1 girl to do general housework; good washer and ironer; no objection to do chainberwork or waiting; good city ref erence. 4.1*4 WEST 60TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG TTlOglrl to do general housework; good washer and Ironer; good city relercnco from last place. Call lor two days. ? ? I WE8T 40TH HT.?A OIBL TO DO OBliUUb I T 1 housework ; willing and obliging. 4-4 WEsT~5ai) ST.?RESPECTABLE WOMANTU ? JTTrlo housework ; good plain cook, washer aud ironer; good relerence; city or country. 1 U< I 7TU A V. YOU N177i IRI, (777,7? DO LIGHT T O ?7li uitewor'a and tako csro ol children ; no objection to the country t *o west aflTTt-si\Ha7vidow woman to do ? Jslgcneral housework; good plain cook and lauudress; city or country; best city reference; hiu a hoy over 8 years old. -(tit 20 AV.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS UOUSE ? JsJl/wurkiir; good relerence. 7- 9 lOfB AV. AND 518 r ST.?A PROTESTANT ?) ^German girl to do gcuorftl hoiut*work ; no objectiou to the country. 335 341 400 o/t- 3D AV.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO DO <.s/? /general lioii-cwork iii a small private family; good city reference. Call for two davs. 1 <H1 L a" aVm BETWEEN 5BTII AND 0OTH STS - J ."uT.t young girl to do general housework; best city reference. Call or address. IftO?} 1ST AV?A RKsPKOTAHLB WOMAN TO ? VJOOilu general housework; best city reference. 1 4111 ?D AV.. NEAR 80TH ST.',' TOP" FLOOR. A.X A^lrout.?A respectable girl to do geueral house work; best city relerence. 1 "77 ~2~D~AV, TOP FLOOR, BACK.-A RESPECT l.'f I (able girl to do general housework; willing and obliging; best city relerence Irorn last place. lioiisrkerpcrs, dR. BOND 81 AN ENGLIsll HOUSEKEEPER OK snceral years experience, in first class private families, now disengaged. J p WB8T BTHfflCTNBAR UNIVBRBII Y I'LACK - I O A young lady as housekeeper, luquire, from 10 to 7, for ALICE 111'.l D. 1 fin? NT.. BBTWKBN 9TII AVD~ioTM AVE. (MR. I\f Wagner).- tloilier and daughter; motlioi as house keeper sir seamstress: daughter to take care of one or two children or as chambermaid . country prolerred. mi ELDKIDOE ST.-AN AMERICAN YOUNG'WO i*J I man (Pi otestanti as housekeeper ; would lake en tire charge; washing excep ail. 35 239* 297 443 Vril AV ?A YOUNG LADY. AUED is, keeper; not seen alter U I*. M. HOWRRt, THIRD RLIOHT UP.-a YOUNi lady ae housekeeper or would du copying at home. 4Tf7 AT.. Ft rSTfLook^ a w i ddle a u k ; 'lady as bunsekseper. Address _ SITrATIOWS WAMTBP?PEMAIiES. iiOOMke))ptiri) 4^; A GERMAN LADY. EXPERIENCED IN DODHR. keeping. seeks a position. Address HOUSEKEEPER, Herald I plowo office A RESPECTABLE GERMAN FAMILY (ONE CHILD) wall recommended, wlikti en engagement ee house keeper er Janitor in ehurcli ur school. H. SPOKING, 253 East 78th at. Middle aged American woman ah working housekeeper: widower's family preferred. Address DIS CRETION. box 118 llereld Uptown Branch office. Laundresses, dir. K A NT 4TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO (go out cleaning by the day or take washing to ber own rooms. 99. 1 QO WEST IBTIi ST., FIRST FLOOK.-COMPETENT lOJwomsii to go oat by the day washing, ironing, house cleaning or any other work. 36 WEST ISTIi ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN A8 laundress or houseeleaner by the day ; city reference. -||tr EAST 4:u? ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG l Uilwoman as first class laundress: Is willing and oblig ing; best city reference. Call for two days. 107 WEST 41 IT 11 ST.. SECOND FLOOR?AH LAUN dress, or nlain cook, washer and Ironer. inn WEST HUTII ST. ? A THOROUGH LAUNDRESS Xv/tswishe* a few families' washing, ladles'or gentle men's: (luting in all Its branches; evening dresses a specialty. 114 ALLEN ST.. TOP FLOOR, FRONT.?A GER man girl to wash and Iron and do chamberwork. "11 c* east 32D st.-as la undress -. is willing XXUto assist with tbo chamberwork If required; good city reference. mWEHT 20TH ST. (FIRST BELL).?A FIRST class laundress wishes geutlemeu's or family wash ing: unexceptionable reference. 1?)J WEST KITH ST., REAR HOUSE.-A COMPK XO'ltent woman to do washing and Iroulug or cleaning by the day; relerencu. 1 J It WEST 19TH ST.?A KESI'EOTARLK WOMAN X xlito go out by the day ; first elass washer, lronor and houseeleaner; bast reference. 1 PO WEST 54Til ST.?A GERMAN WOMAN TO GO X* )Oout washing and Ironing or to do housework by the day. 1 ?(\ KAST 53I> 8* -A VOUNO WOMAN AS PIRST lU v class laundress: no objection to do chamberwork in a small family; four years' reference. 161 WEST 'JOTII ST.?GENTLEMEN'S AND FAMI IIex' washing done by Mrs. JACKSON. OIW1 WEST 2181' ST.. TOP FLOOR.-4 WOMAN TO ^UUdo ladies', gentlemen's or tamlliee'washing, or go out by tbo day bouaoclcauiag. Call, for throe days, on Miss MORRIS. QUI WEST J5TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL IN A A/I private family as excellent laundress; good plain cook; good citv reference from last employer. Q/kC KAST 20TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN s?U<Jby the day or weak; a first elaa* laundress; best city reference; will stop home. 209 WEST 29TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN wishos to tako lu washiug and Ironing. Mrs" SCHAFER. 9ly WEST 19TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN <?XQto tuke in washing or go out by the day; reference. QQ/k EAST 47T1I ST.. IN BAKERY.?A RESl'ECTA ble young woman as first class laundress in aprivate family ; thoroughly competent; understands Frencn fluting, puffing and lacea QQ ( WEST 1DTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN < to go oat by the day to waab, iron and clean house; best reference. Q<W- 7TII AV., TOP FLOOR.?A RESPECTABLE ^wOgirl as lauudresa; threo years' reference from last place. 239 WEST 28TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO >^go out by the day to wash and Iron or do house cleaning. 233 EAST 4STII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN to go out to do bousccloaning or washing. ()<) | WEST 27TII ST., SECOND FLIGHT, FRONT.? JOtA young German woman to go out by the day or week or take wasblug home: reference. GOD WEST :i2D ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG gSOOglrl as lauudresa; no objection to assist lo chamber work and waiting; good city relerenoe. 237 EAST 34TH ST.?AN ENGLISH PROTESTANT girt us laundress. 949 EAST SOTH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.-A FIRST ^TT^class German laundress would take chargo ol fam ily's washing at bar own house; 75 cents a dosen; host ref erence. 9 A - WEST 29TH ST.-AS FIRST CLASS LaUN ?rksJdrcss in a private family -. good city roforence. Call for two days. OKU WEST 28TH ST.. REAR.?A RESPECTABLE gy rJOcolored woman as laundress or chambermaid. Call fur two days. i)Ut? WEST 41 ST ST. (BASEMENT).?A RESPECTA syO^ble woman to go out by the day bouaecleuulng or waslilng. Mrs. PLATT. ?J/19 EAST 28TII ST.. NEAR 2D AV.?A RESPRCT OU^iublu woman to go out by the day: good washer and ironer, or to do housocleamox; good relerence. ??1 7 EAST I7TH ST.. ROOM 15.-AS FIRST CLASS OX I laundress; no objection to the country; best city ref erence. ?)1 7 EAST HUT 11 ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?A RESPECT OX I able widow woman to do taiuily washing at her house; first class laundress; best reference. OO/i WEST 44TII HT.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS OOUlauudreas and to esslst with chamberwork; good city reference. ?JOl WEST 41ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OOlto go out by the day. Cell all tlio week. east"lau Yr., hkcond~floor, back.?a Ot4?jllr*t class laundress to tto out by the day or to teke In washing; can do all kind* of tinting; best reference. ?J A ft EAST 74TI1 HI'.?A RbTfECTABLK YOUNQ OTUeouun a* Isuuareia Inn private family; no objec tion to tfie country tor tbe aninmer. ?71 A WKSr 4UTiiHT7- A KESPKCTAbTTe YOL'NO OTTTglrl as lanndress; la willing to aaaiat with chamber work: beat city reference. Call lor two days. A 1 Q 101' 11 AV.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO O0 T:If7out by the day washing and ironing, or huuae cleaning. A 9(i EAST 19TII ST.?A FIRST CLASS LAI'N "dress to go out by the day to wash aud iron i best reference. 7TH AV.?A RESI'ECTAULE WOMAN WANTS work by tbe day as laundress or to do bouseclcaning. OTII AV.-AS FIRST CLASS LA0MDRBU: would assist with chamberwork; first class reler 425 460 636 670 A WEST 41 HT ST.. CORNER lOTU AV.?A RK TrUUapoeiable young tvoinnn na iaundress and to assist with chamberwork; beat reference*. 6?m ?t?T a v.. bktw ken~44th and 4.vrit htk? ?7A woman wishes washing at her own residence ; city reference. 2D AV.-AS FIRST FlaBS LAUNDRESS; city or country ; beat city reference from last place. AV . NEAR :i?Tli~ ST.?AS COMPETENT laundress; beat city reference. Auraea. die. 4 WEST 44T1I ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WO inan as nurse and to do plain searing; city or country; beat city releienee. Cull for two dec*. "EAST 35TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE UIRL A8 nurse; is capable of taking care ot a baby trom ita birth; is willing and obliging; beat city reference. ? )/? EAST 36TH ST.?A YOUNO AMMEICAM OIXL ^l)?> nurse, or would do chamberwork aud plain sewing; good city reference. ToT'WASHINGTON ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A RESPECT TrOablo wnniau a* wet nurse and to do plain tewing: fresh milk, two weeks old; no objection to the country; best raferenee. (fr 4TH A v.?A respectable woman as IK ? "rjlant'a nurse, to take full charge and bring it tip on the bottle: very competent; no objection to country; four years' best city relerenee. WEST 80TH ST?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN to nurse a baby at her own home; best relerenco. 112 mKAST 8QTII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A respect able English woman as uurae, to take eutire charge of an inlant and sew. I sT A WEST S3D StT? AS~ "exT'ER1ENCED NURSE; 1-a'rcan take the entire charge of an infant; three years' clly releienee; city or country. 1 5-~? WEST 24TH hT. (BELL 2).?NURSE, FULLY /competent to take tlio entire charge of an Infant from Its birth; beat city ralerence. 1 ')< 1 WEST 10TII HT.-A YOUNO 01RL Aft NUR8M 1m c/or to do goneral housework, speaking French and italian ; does plain sowing. WEST VlTH ST.. TdF FLOOR- RESPECTABLE ?J-iglrl to mind children and do plain sewing. WEST iwrii HT.?A UIKL, 14 YEARE OLD, TO mind children and make herself useful. 132 134 1 fit east" 53D ST.-A YOUNO WOMA.s as NLKSE: lTl/liai experience in taking euro of cliildreti from their Inlancy; best cltr relerenee. "I A I \ WEHTSIhThT.-A RESPECTABLE WON AM AS It' "nurse and seamstress, and to make herself generally u-?tul; cltr or eountrr; lately landed. 1/17 ''?AST xTu sT.. Til IKl/-FLOOR?AS NURSE t" a and aeam-tress; is s good einbroidereas : has three years and ten months relerenee from last place; is willing to make hers. If laaM. 1-1J WEST ail ST., BETWEEN OTH AND 7TH <)t)a?v-A young girl lo mlml eblldren ; is willing to assist with chamber aura or to do plaiu sewing: good ref erence. Call lor two days. 1 /f /1 WEST 8TH BT.-A RESPECTABLK~COLORED J_U"4girl as nurse: refsrence. njiT EAsrasTU it., third floor.?a respect a/H'tsile young glri. lately landed, as nurse and plain seamstress, can cut nuil make l.-r children ; wages no ob ject; would assist In enauibcrwork, il|| I WEST 27TI? hT.. ROOM A YOUNO OIRL, Li\'"Xlately landed, to take care of a baby and will help with housework. KAhflifiTil hT.?A "rlSi'Kctaiii7e married woman as wet nurse; bahy two months; best rclur 928 MikU 2-4/7 EAST MTH ST, THIRD FLOOR, BACK.?COM ? Ji/pelent woman to take charge of an Infant iu private family. 4)? 4 7~KAbT~24TH ST.-.7YOUNG OIRL TO NURSE, sir4 I tew and <io chamberwork ; I* w.'lllug and obliging; city or country ; city relerenee. ? W7 WEST laril hT. ?A KKSPKCTA HI.K iYOUNG u') | Amorican woman as nurse; best city reference. 41-JLJ EAST : i41' 11 ST.' (KINO BELL No. 4>-A w Of/highly respectable young woman as first class nurse; tlioroiiglily undei stands her duties; excellent city relereuce. <) I t) EAST 41 ST ST.?A PROTESTANT OIltL AS sL'XaJlniaiit's nurse; csii do plain sewing; three and a hull years' relerenee and well recommended Irum laal place. it I *? WEST 47TII nT ? A YOUNO OIKL TO TAKR L'xa/csir ol children and do light ehumlietwork ; Is will ing and obliging; good city reference. Call fur two daya. s ? IB WR8T BOTH HT\?A~TO UNO WOMAN-AS W KT ^xUnurse; no in jection lo tbe country; city reference. ?41II EAST HIST HT . FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNO OIRL ?)V4 las nurse ; gnnil city reference. Call or aduress ejjjto EAST HIST ST. A KKBPECTAIILE YOUNO sj' /Oglrl, 17 years, as inirse and to do plain sawing or light hensawork, c?u or address. EAST 20f H~HT.-A YOUNO SWEDISH OIRL TO lake aaro of a grown child aud to assist iu chamber 310 o i n east with st-a OIRL. le years old, to OLUleke cere ol children aud do light housework ; beet relereuce. 820, 324 SITUATIONS WANT1LO?FKMA1.KS. WuratM. , BAST 36TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE NOTES. _ 'tun, girl to take care of children and to do light chamberwork. . KAKT S1ST ST.?A LITTLE GIRL TO BIND A cliilii ?nd make heriall useful. Moi wEHT'-'HTH MtTT FIKSTXlOOR.?A RESPECT ?JO labia Protectant girl aa children'a uuree or to make heraelf geuerslly uaeiul. BAST :til llT ST.?A BE8TECTABLE WOMAN wiahea a baby to wet nurse. KAST SOTU ST.?A YOUNG OIRia TO TAKE care of children: city or country. WEST U8TH BT.XaTbEHPKOTABLB WOMAN 338 339 341. _ _ rtaheii a child to take care of at her own home, from 1 to ?' yeara old: beat reference. lit t? BAST iaif 8T.-~A PKOrESTANT GIRO AS Ot^ nurse and to do plain aewing: can operate on W. A W. inuchinu; good city relerence. q"7"q~~w"bST 20TH ST.-A~RESPECTABLE GIRL AS OT-Jnitrnr iu a private family; can take charge of a baby; beat city reference. TTVy-WEST- 37TI1 iT , OP FLOOR.?AN AMERI Tr U t/can ulrl aa infant'a nuree and do plainaewing; beat city reference^ _ TTr WEST 41ST ST.. IN MILK STORK.-A RE TritJapecieble girl as nurae fur a young baby; capable of taking entire charge, uigbl and day: four yeara'good city relerenre. "JT)1 tlTH a v.-an Xm ERICAN~OIRL AS CHXL (.droit's nurae; la a neat eewer; will aaaiat with chamberwork; reference. ? i)Q 5TH AV.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS EXPERI TT ^Oenced nurae; la very obliging and kind to children; can be highly rujoiuruendud from ber laat place, where aha lived ten yeara. A A 1 WEST ?20 ST.?TWO COUSINS; ONE (A TT (competent young woman) aa nurae, and the other aa chambermaid and waitreaa; beat city refereucea. to) '.'I) A V., FOURTH FLOOlC-A HEALTHY rr^tOyoiing French married wouiau, with a freah breaat of milk, aa wet nurae. Addreaa. f A? WEST 43D ST.?A RESPECTABLE iGERMAN t)"Oi(lrl to take care of children or nurae; no objection to go to Germany or any part of Europe ; good city reference. cnc BTH A v., RING HAIRDRESSER'S" BELL.?A Og??Jrespectable woman aa nurae and to do plain mewing; or would aaaiat In chamberwork ; will he fouud willing and obliging: beat of reference. Call for two days. r t>7 1ST AV., SECOND FLOOR* FRONT.-A re. ? )~j I apectable woman to do houaf cleaning, wuiblng or ironing. rTtTXirirAv., BETWEEN 40TII AND 41 ST STS. ? A 0*3: ^respectable German widow to take care of children in a Garmau family. AAA 8TI1 AV., IN THE STORE.?AM COMPETENT \j JjUnntte and meamatrena; capable of taking charge of an Infaut front birth: well recommended, QAC 3D AVXBETWEEN 4BTH AND 00TU STS.?A OUfJreapectable young girl to mind children and help with upataira' work; good city reference. fT/amJ OTH AV. (THIRD BELL).?A COMPETENT I OOyoung Engliah Protectant aa nurae; city or coun try ; no cardm. Audreoa. A YOUNG WOMAN AS NURSE; CAN TAKE FULL charge of an infant from ita birth. Inuniro Gramercy Park llouae, room 07. RE8P. CTABLK PROTE8TANT WOMAN WI8HE8 a mlinatton am iiifant'a nurae; would like to truvel to California or Europe ; four aud live yeara'first claaa refer ences. Addreaa. for two daya, M. A. B., Herald Uptown office. WANTED?BY A FRENCH G1BL, A SITUATION IN a private family am uurme; Brat claaa aeamitroaa; un deratandm mil kluda of lamily aewing; can operate on ma chine* : beet relerence. Addreaa L. V., Herald Uptown Branch office. Waltreaaea, dir. 1 HO WEST 18TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 1 u^jfirat claaa waitreaa or chambermaid in a private fam ily; beat city reference. i?jc easr limT st., near Lexington ay. XOtJ (preacut eiuployer'e). ? A highly reapeclablo girl aa competent waitreaa iu n private family; thoroughly under atanda her buatneaa; willing to aaaiat with chamberwork or aewing; city or country; years' Brat clasa reference from preaent place. Call for two daya. 1 Al\ WMT 17TH StXa YOUNG GIRL AH FIRST XrtUclaaa waitreaa and to help with chamberwork; good city reference. \VEST~2GTh ST.?A RKSPECTABLK COLORED girl aa waitrese and chambermaid; reference. 159 1 ir WE8T 35TII ST.?TWO GIRLS, TOGETHER; X*T?Jooe aa Brat claaa waitreaa, the other to do the Bue wlimbing and chamberwork; willing and obliging; beet ref erence. 174 7TH AV.. NEAR 2nTH ~ST.-A COMPETENT A ? TTperaon ea Brat claaa waitreaa: uuderatande all kluda of aalatli and the care ot ailver; beat city reference from her laat employer. Call or addreaa. 0??1 4THAV. Ii CanDf" TORE?AYOUNO GIRL OOXaa Brat claaa walireaa aud willlug to aaaiat with chain, berwork ; no objections to the country; Brat claaa reference, A isA WW 88TIr ST.-A IUPECTAMLB YOUNG X'Uvrgiil. Juat dlaeugaged, aswattresm; uuderatanda her business perfectly; is willing to do Bue washing; would go In the country. CT/XSD~AV? CORNER 38TII 8T.. TWO FLIGHTS wTvup.-A eompotent girl as weltreaa; would aaaiat witn chamberwork or children; good reference. 7TII AV.?A YOU NO UI RL AS WAITRESS! would eteiat with chamberwork; beat city reference. Geo era ay.. ;between Sth "and ssth bt&, in ?Jr/the grocer's.?A thoroughly competent person aa Brat elass waitress in a private farnilv ; uuderatanda the care of ailver and making of salads perfectly; beat eity references. Miscellaneous. /?O BROOME ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO UgSwork in a small family; good city reference. Osn be seen for two days. 547 107 7TH AV.? A FRENCH GIRL AS LADY'S MAID and seamstress, aud to assist with chamberworlc. 200 0(U1 WEST 37111 ST.?A OuM PKTKNT YOU NO WO iman to make herself generally uaoful; no objection to the country ; good city rei'eronoo. west arni st.?a most respectable girl to do dowuatalra work; city or country. OOO EAST 4STII 8'il?-A RESPECT A HLlpYOUNG Ziwuliermati girl in an American family, where theie are grown < bildren ; uodcratauda mualc and can do all kinda ofaewlug: beat reteronce. Call lor two days. 99 l" WEST 17TI1 ST.. REAR.?A YOUNo"GIRL TO aJ?jTrdo light houaework ; ia willing aud obliging; coun try preferred; good reference. BOWK K YI TO I7 FLOOR.?YOUNG WOMAN wanta scrubbing to do. 309 331 341 EAST 48T1I ST.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO light houaework ; city reference. WEST 86TH 8T.-BY A RESPECTABLE COU ored wouiau, offices or rooms to keep clean. 237 EAST -KITI1 ST.?A UOOD GIRL WISHES light housework or as nurse. A7tf,iT" AV.?A YOUNGTlIRL AM MAID AND UUJLseamstreas; fully competent to travel with alady; no objection to grown children or light cLainborwurk; best city reference. ftljt- flTH AV. (IN STORE).?K GOVER.NK S s7~COM - U I ripe tent in English and Freuch. deaires a poaition to take care of and Instruct children. Address. TOQ OTH ~AV.-A MIDDLE AGED PERRON AM I Of/lady'a maid and aeamatrasa; apeaka several lan guages: good rolerence. An elderly lady dbsikls to take charge ol a house fur a family leaving the city in summer: sal ary no object; can give the best reference. Addrena M. J. S., Herald Uptown olbce. NEAT YOUNG GIRL WI8HKH A SITUATION iO go to California with a ladr or tainily; vert' beat city reference. Address M. K.. box 1(18 Uptown Ilerald offlco. WA N T ED-A~8 IT C ATI O N AS LADY'S MAID, BY A first class aeamatreaa aud dressmaker: ran cut aud tit ladies' and children's dresses 1 understands all the dilfereut machines; 110 objection to gruwnlug children; good reter once. Address M., box 192 lloraid Uptown office. PHOFESSIOXAL NITH ATION8 WANTED FEMALES. Oil KAST 4TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?AS GERMAN XTTf/govcrnesi: la well educated In French and German, Address Miss TOSY. 'a WKsT 49TII ST.?A GERMAN LADY SEE.KS~A tO 1 position as nurse and governess; experienced in sew ing. Call Mnuday, between 9 and 12 M. GERM AN. EX PKRIENCKD GOVEKNE8H, URAD uated at Berlin, teaching French, English, German and music, wants a situation in a family or school, but not as resident: best elty reference. Addroaa II., box 105 Ilerald office. HELP WAMTEU-FKMALEil. "a"~T)KMaND" FOR TELEGRAPH OPBKATORS aYLoarn and take positions: success guaranteed; taught practically day or evening. THOMPSON'S College, 21) 4th av., opposite t.'oopcr liislitutc. ^ T. STEWART A C O. W A NT FI UST CLA8SHidC and cashmere cloak hands; also first class oporators for or gutidie. lawn and stuff suits, on W heeler k Wileou's sewing machines, run bv steam power. Apply ?l 9th st. entrance, Broadway, 9th and 10th sU. A" MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN CDOK; NONE APPLY unless first class reference. Call tor two duys, at 10 A. M., 2IC". West 14th it. A"olRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A SMALL family; must be an excelleut laundress; city reference. 220 W est 24th st. A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work and take enre of children; references required. 323 East 17tli st. A YOUNG GIRL WANTED?TO MIND INFANT BY the day. Cull at 41 West tilth st. nool WANTED-GERMAN OR COLORED; PLAIN ' Jcooking and downstairs work ; private laiully. 317 West 2rith st. (AU.MPKTENT GIRL FOR GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK : preference required. Mrs. HANKY, 1.223 3d ar., upper' F HIST CLASS NURSE (COLORED* TO TAKE CARE of intact ?no week old. Apply DI2 West .Kith. First class dri-ss.maker wanted-also an operator on Wilicox k Uibbs' machine. 140 West 45lh st., basement door. CN00D cook, washer and ironer. m east ToOth st. C?ilaltcr9. CURL WANTED-TO MIND TWO CHILDREN AND Yuo llgbt work, reference. 219 lleury tt. (baeciueut door). Girls, girls wanted im.mkdiatki.y?good situations; blghost wages; city aud country. PARIS AGENCY, 023 Olh av. Rll. MACY A CO. WANT EEPKKlBNt KD FLOWER (brunchers, mlllluors ami trimmers nt once ; good pay to right persons. Apply at office. 14th st. an<ltlth av. Rll. MACY A Co7Wa.vFi 1?I FIRST CLASS KXPE~ ? rioncrd operators 011 ladies' suits, at once. Only those ol long experience that can give reference Irmii city manu facturers need apply at office, 14lh at. and tith av.; best prices paid and sL-silv work. Several good dreshmakkks~wanted.? ap ply. between s anil 12. Ht Xn. 120 West 2"tli at. Wanted?a "phot est ant w i > m an"ri*> no the work ol a small family; must be a rood cook and bring good city references. Apply at No. 19 West 32d St., after 10 o'i lock Monday. anted three experienced MILLINERS. Apply lor one week nt lul Av. B. w Wanted?a young protest ant girl as chambermaid and waitress and to take care of a child five years old In private family. Apply at 14* East 45tli st. "anted- girl for general housework. Call at basement door, 142 East odd it. HELP WA.WE1V. rEMALEI. WANTKD-FAMILY OK TWO, MIDDLE-AGED FROT estant woman, experienced, for general housework. :it:i West 23d st. tlrat Bat. WANTKD-Fl RST CLASS OPERATORS ON WUKF.L er A Wilson's sewing machine, at Dot. M. NtW BURGER'S, 531 6th off. W" AN TED-A FIRST CLASS UAU NDRKS8 AND chambermaid ; German prelorrcd: relerence reauired. Apply -44 West 43d st, between 10 and 2 o'clock. WaNTKD-a"PROTESTANT WOMAN TO~DO CHAM berwork and plain sewing, and to wait on a lady; city references indispensable. Call at 09 West 4Stb St., after li i o'clock. WANTED?A YOU NO PKOT BUT ANT OIEL Ah OOOKi washer and ironer. Ill East 19th St.. near 4th a*.; alter Oo'cloca. WTnTED-IN a private family, near the city, Protestant gl-l, for waiting and chamberwork; wages #9 Apply 42 East 10th St., 12 o'clock. WANTED-GOOD COOK, TO ASSIST WITH WASH Icg; mast be well recommended. Call, between II and 1. at the Albauy Plata, filat >k aud Broadway. WANTED?IV A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY. A young woman as laundress and to assist with chamber work. Ouly those with Brst class city relerence uted apply at 22 West 52d St.. after 10. ANT&D-A OIKLTO DO OENEKAL HOUSEWORK for lemily of three; must hare good elty reference. Apply at No. i> East 3d at., near Bowery. ANTBD-IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, A FIRST CLASH cook, with best of city references; German preferred. Apnly at 15 hast 4ith sk, on Monuay, from 10 to 12 A. M. or H to I) P. M. W~antkd-firbt clash cook, willing to go to country. Call on Tuesday, from 3 till 5 only, at 89 Madison av. ANTED-KIRNT CLA8B WAIST FINISHERS. Call at 452 Oth av., before 9 o'clock, Brst bell. TIT ANTED?A KIRst class D Itf ssm a k KR BY THE tt day; must hare Brst class referen e that can be seen, none others noticed. Address B. B. B., Herald Uptown office. TI/ANTED-A KRENCH NURSERY GOVERNESS OR TT nurse, one not speaking English preferred.tto take care of two children; must he a go id seamstress. Apply be tween Hand 11, 25 West 32d st. WANTED?A TIDY. SMART YOUNG GIRL TO DO light chamberwork; wages SO. Apply at 52 Weit 14th st. ANTED-A GOOD COOK. WABHBK AND IRONER; wages, $12 per month ; Garni an preferred. Apply at 14 Irving place, between 10 and 12 o'clock. W" ANTED?A PROTEsTANT 10B8B TO OO IN 1TUB country. Mono need apply but thoeo with best city ref erence at No. 7 West 21st sk, Monday and Tuesday, before 1 o'clock. ANTKD-A COOK, WASHER AND IRONER; ONE that is willing und obliging. Privute boarding house, No. 353 West 35th it, WANTED?A PROTESTANT WOMAN TO DO OEN erel housework; must he a good wastier end ironor. Call, with roferouce, at 214 East 30th st. King basement bell. IIT ANTED?A FOREWOMAN 0~N DRESSMAKING. vT Nolle but thoso accustomed to Bret class houses need apply at 113 West 19th st. ANTED?WAITRESS TO DO FINE WASHING AND assist in light cliambcrwork. Apply, butwenn 0 and 10 o'clock, at 10 West 27th sk : cltv reference. ANTKD-A PROTESTANT WOMAN; GOOD COOK, washer and Ironer; wages $14. 210 East H2d st. ANTED-A GERMAN 01KL, FOR CHAMBER work. 211 West 34th st. w w w WANTED?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS NURSE and seamstress; must operate on Wheeler A Wilson's machine and have city reference. Apply, betweon 9 and 12 o'clock, at 38 East 38th st. ANTKD^A GIRL FOR GENERAL 11OUSHffORK aud take care of a child; must be a good washer and Ironer; city reference. Cull at 218 Rust 58th st. .4(1 LEX IN GTON AV.-T6 UNO GIRL, FROM IB to/years, for light hou,ework wages, $5 per month in summer, more in winter; must be ueat ami quick. Call from 8 A. M. to 11 A. M. SITl/ATIO.MN W AVl'KD? MALES. YOUNG man! 'ENGLISH, WTTH FAIR KDUCA Jxtion, wants a situation as attendaut to a sick or travel ling gentleman ; has been to the Coutinout bol'ore. Address, for three days, R. 1.., Herald office. YOUNG COLORED MAN AS WAITER; GOOD cltv reference. Address G., box 194 ilcruld Uptown Branch office. ~ YOU NU MAN, AGED 22. WISHES A 81TUA tiou its porter or any similar work; is strong and not afraid to work hard. Address E. 9., box 151 Herald office, YOUNlTMAN (18 YRARH OF AGE) DESIRES A situation in any business and to muko himself generally usetul. Address, for two days, JAS. DOUGLASS, No. 1 id West 38th st. A YOUTH (16 YEARS OF AGE) WISHES A 8ITUA tion in u wholesale house, whore he can learn some good business; Is willing and obliging; best relerence given. Au dreys A. M., box 1,201 New York Post office. t FRENCH WAITER, IN A PRIVATE FAMILY*; Jxcity reference. Address 443 2d av. (fourth bell). A "STRONG uliRMAN-MAN WT~S iTkrT A SITUATION hs porter; is willing to work; best reforence. FRED ERICK. 283 4th sv. Respectable'colored man wants a place to travel with a goutlemau; best reference. Call at 114 West 211th st. QITUATTUn WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN; A SMART Oovstci opeuar; would make himselt uselul. 506 West 29th st. Situation wantkd-by comfetent young insrricd man as porter In storo or tsctorv; moderate wages; best ro ommoudatluu tram former place. Address G? 124 Herald oflico. w SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN. AS FIKK man; can relcr to recommendation* Address FIRE M AN. Herald otHce. ANTBD-A WAITBK'S SITUATION, uTaIpRIVATE family, by an Englishman with qualilied references. Call or address WAlTKit. 125 Sullivan at. ANTED?BY AN BNOL1NHMAN. A SITUATIONAS tirst class waiter In a private faintly; heat city reier cure. Adilrcai A. F., care ul Isaac, 21)4 lid av. ANTED-A SITUATION. BY A STEADY AND KK liable single young man, us porter or coaeiiuau; beat city relerence trom hia present employer. Call on or ad dross J. J. K., (11 Wythe av., Brooklyn, E. D. TIT ANTED?A SITUATION AH NURSE BY A COM YT patent respectable young man with best ol references; tposka German. English and French. Apply at 94 Forsyth st.. cigar store. W anted?by a youno man. a situation "as porter: will work Tor small wages; best city relerence. Call on or address J. II. II., 941 hum Tub nt. 1 1 fW 3D AT., tor FLOOR, BEAR ROOM.?A J..XUnsteady German voung man; a competent milker; equally so in the care of horses. Call for two days. CLERKS AID SAhES.UUV. "a"'YOUNG MAN DKMHKS TO OBTAIN A SITI.'X u'Vtlon in a wholesale or relull grocery: has been In the business before andcau lurnish good reference. Address C. O. it.. Herald otlire. VOUNO MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UNDER stands the grocery business; not afraid of work; best reference. Address J. R. S.. Herald office. w A?WANTED?A YOUNG MAN WHO WHITES A ? lair hand and has a knowledge ol bookkeeping. Ad dress J. F. L, Herald office. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES EMPLOYMENT HERE Oll elsewhere; experienced bookkeeper; good reterences. Address HERMAN, Herald ofllce. A YOUNO MAN, HAVING HAD SOME EXPERIENCE in dry goods, wishes a situation: salary not so much en object as to learn something more of the business. Address M., box 149 Herald office. POSITION DESIRED AS BOOKKEEPER OK clerk. In a hotel, lor the scminer teasou : salary no con sideration ; Al references furnished. Address box IHO Herald office. ANTED?SALESMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS WI?T dow dressing in lancy goods store. M av. B. TO ANTED?AN EXPERIENCED CLOTH IN O BALKS TT man haviug mi established tra<le In Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, lor a Western house. Only a thoroughly cotupetont man need apply to L. B A CO.. box l.SHU Post office, New York city. Wanted?furniture salesman posted in carpets. Address CHATHAM SljUAKE, Herald office. WANTED?TQEKK FIRHT CLASS DRY GOODS sklosinen for hosiery and domestic departments; to men of exuerlence liberal inducements will be offered AMBROSE DALY. 2'.) Catherine st. ANTED?A~t; EE It K. ON E WHO THOROUGHLY understands the grocery business; none other need applv. Call, after IDA. M.. 135 stp av. WANTED.?A YOUNG MAN WHO "UNDERSTANDS the drv goods business; is or 2D years of age; must speak German and Knglikb. Apply nt 75 av. A. Wanted?a retail bur goods salesman, at 7d:i Eiiiton Ms Braektyn, WANTED?A ISINGLE, MlDDLE-AIJED"MAN, (5APA blo of calling on dry goods liou-es ; a permanent homo and a small coininisslon ; good |>rospect> to the right man. Address, With reference, A. It. I'., Herald office. WANTED-BY a self-educated youno f renchman. ? ho speaks German and English, a situa tion as clerk or tutor in a gentleman's family; he lias some musical knowledge, is williug to hegin with a mod el a:e salary. Address K. W., Uersld office. COA( IIMEN AMU OAUDEKERS, a s cOaca ma liit 1 XiTSfa.^TNtTfeaWST JVbrance ; excellent city relerence. Call on or address J. J. U , late employer, 211 and Ml Cliff it. YOUNO MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS COACH mau and groom : tlrst class referenec from Ills lust em ployer. Address OLIVER, box Hit Herald office. Sift'ATI ON WANTED-BY GERM a N M A N AND wile ; no children ; man as coachman anil gerduner; wile as cook; reterences. Address Mt. !>., 14M I'edar st. COACHMAN AND GARDENER'S SITUATION wanted-By single man, aged 2h; can milk; best reler ence. Address II., box 125 Herald office. sTcoachman~ani> UROOM?BY A SINGLE m an" who can give long and satisfactory city reference ; no ob Jecilnn to the ceuntry. Address It., box 105 Herald Uptown Branch office. A" RESPECTABLE, STEADY YOUNtJ MAN WANTS a situation aacoacliman; thoroughly understands his business; is a goml city driver; can do plain gardening, milk, mow, Ac.; not afraid of work; very best city mid coun try references lor honesty, sobriety, fslthlulness, Ac.; city or country. Address T. K., box 170 Herald office. A" MINGLE MAN DESIRES A SITUATION AS A farm hand; understands his business thorough!: ; un derstands all about horses and plain gardening. Address P. II., box ItX) Herald office. TH0ROUGH COACHMAN AND 1Jlt<>OM, ok coachman, plain gaideuer and useful man (single); three years' excellent city reference. Address It. U, 12 hast Houston si. SCUACITmaN AND GARDEN Kit?B Y A MAKRtKD man; lullv ronipetent; good groom; rsrelnl driver, can imk; iiiidoiibtcd reieronce. Call ou or address JAMEs, 17 West 44til st. PROTESTANT YOUNU MAN WANTS A HITUA> tlon as coachman and gardctiur; 10 yours' lefereuce. M|m East lltlth st. A 8 COACHMAN.-A MAN HIGHLY RBGOMMRNDED by present employer. Can be seen lor two days at 30 East .'Mil st. M COACHMAN?A sTNtlLK MAN; CAN~MILK AND do plain gardening; best relerence. Address COACH MAN. box 1(H Herald office * YdUN G COLORED M"aN~WANTS A SITUATION 21.ns coachmen or groom ; five years' city reference. Call at Brewster's, 141 5th ay. A COACHMEN AND OABPENKHg. A "situation WaWB1T^-'a> oar2>Wna XYUerraan, married, small luwily. who understands bid business lb all Its branches: tun years In hi. laat pl*e*| can give good references. For any further particulars qsire of A. M. RICIiARilH A CO., JWsnuiJl Read* st. UENTLKMAN WISHES TO PROCURE A PLACE fur his English coaclnnan; nearly seven years in hit service fully competent to lake charge of a gentleman! establishment. Address J. W., Herald Uptown office f WUCBIUI AND PL AIM GABDKNKRl~ilY~A young man ; can milk ; city reference Andres, lor twe days, 1'. M.. care Mr. Krennan, Hist st., near Boulevard. CIOACIIM AN AND liAKIlKNKIt?BY A SIMILE YOUNG ; III an; can milk; city references. Address J. H., box llf Herald oflice. ClOAOHMA* AND UARDBNBR, MARRIED, ONg A-hild; milk very bautly; on gentlemau'a country placet best reference. Addrest, two days, J AMES, box 102 Herald oflice. Ctoachman and groom?hv mam who under J stands horses and carriage* thoroughly. H., box 204 Herald office. _____ (10ACHMAM AND GARDEN BR-BY SIM)LK~ YOl'NU J in tt ii; can milk, and generally useful ;best city reference. Address M., box 123 Herald office. C10A0HMAN (SCI >TU Ff)7 T HO RO COIILY KXI'EKI Ancud, wants it situation where good style is kept; strictly sober; agedHO; height, ft feet * Inches; 11 years' highest reference. Address 1'. ALEXANDER, 204 West 20th st. (10AC11MAN.?SITUATION WANTED; FIRST CLASS ^man (siuglei.rAniericsn; will llnd very ueaful and oblig ing. Address, lor two days, (1., box 100 lieruid Uptown oflice. OaOHMAN AND HARDENER?SINtH,kToERMAN willing and obliging; good reference. Address COACH MAN, box 130 Herald ollicu. CIO AC 11M A N AN D HARD ENEE?BY A SIMILE ./young man; Is willing and obliging; city reference. Address D. K,, box 120 Herald I'ptowu office. SNOAOHMAN AND UKOOM?BY A SINGLE" MaN; V/flrst class city reference, t.'all on or address D. 0.. 1&4 West 27th SL C10ACH.MAN AND GROOM'S SITUATION WANTED //Single man ; satisfactory refurouoes given. Call ou oi address COACHMAN, 4S East 2Sth st. CToACHMaN'S SITUATION WaTFtKD-BY A RE //spectuhle unmarried Scotchuiun, who thoroughly under stands the caro ot horses, carriages, Ac. ; references unex* coptionuble. Address S. F., box lth> Heritld Uptown office. CTO AC HM AN-JU ST U N B MPLOV1ED; FIVE YEARS J with last employer; host relereitce. Call on or addrest M, 0., 2.10 Htb ?v., tor two days. C" MARD h N B R?SIN GLE, ENULIKH.MAN; COMPETENT Jlo take charge of gardons, vineries and greenhouses; understands fruit growing and forcing In all its branches; experienced In draining; a thorough landscape and kitchen gardener; head, or good single hand; guod references. Ad dress TKM DERATE, Herald office. (MA RDEN Kite?H RE EN IIO U S kg. GRAPERIES, VKOE Xtables, pleasure grounds, farming; charge of gentle man's place. WILLIAM, Herald office. GTrDKNBR.-A PROFESSIONAL, PRATIOAL UAB, who thoroughly understands his business In all Its branches, luoluding greenhouses, rosehouses, hot and cold granerles, the laying out of country placea; it a first cIhs* forcer and propagator ol all kluus of fruits, flowers and vegetables, farming und all kinds ol horticulture. Address OHLIOINO, box 130 Herald office. ABDENKR-BY A TRUSTWORTHY MAN WHO thoroughly understands his business; is willing nod obliging; can milk, and make hiinsdl generally useful around a gentleman's place; Is very handy; best reference. Call two days, 1,884 llroudway. CI ARDENKR'S SITUATION WANTED?BY AN AMBR Xicuu (single) ; is thoroughly versed In and inus'er of alt rotating to greenhouses, hot and cold; grapes, fruit, vege tables und all improvements ; will be found obliging, hon est and sober; best city reference. Address 8. B., box 132 Ilerald office. ANTED?SITUATION A8 COACHMAN AND GROOM, by aj young man ; seven years' reference from his last plaoe. Address J. IJ.. box I4D Herald office. ANTED?A SITUATION.-A GARDENER FLORIST! uiauy years practice, M. H. SCHMIDT, 23d East 14th st., florist. ANTED?OflAOHMAN'S AND GARDENER'S SITU atlon : married man ; no children: understands tho caro of horses, carriages and harness poilect'.v; good plalu gar dener; best reference. Address HORSEMAN, box 120 Herald offico. TX7ANTED?BY AN ENGLIS HM AN, A SITUATION A3 TT coacliniau or groom; is a good plain gardener. Ad dress R. I)., Herald oflice HELP WANTKD?MALES. A~~~~bEMA.Ni> FOR TKLEHKA1MI OPERATORS, Learn and tuke positions; nothing pays better; taught practically day or evening. THOMPSON'S College. 20 4th av? opposite Cooper Institute. A~GENTS-COIN detectors^ the best- and cheapest in the market. D., 104 Bowery. "experienced-canvasserTof GOOD ad: AdN, Iress, wanted, to solicit orders for a first class book, sold in parts. Apply, alter 10 A. M., R. A. HOWARTII, 41 J otin st. A NY PERSON CAN MAKE AN INDEPENDENT L1V lug without capital. TALLMADGE A CO.. 0*2 Broadway, room 4. A CASHIER AND BATH SUPERINTENDENT wanted, at 01 Lexington av.; also hotel steward and men to givo baths. T THE WIIALKM K.N ft' HEADQUARTERS, lo* SOUTH St., wanted, boat stcerers, whalemen, coopers, carpen ters, blacksmiths, cooks, stewards and able-bodied America* green lianas, who are desirous to taku a cruise around the world. Apply exclusively tj MOItlSiIN Ic BKoWN. Best teas?city and country agents wanted to sell to tainilies. TDK CANTON TEA COMPANY. 14* Chambers st.. New Yora. P"URE~TEA8?AGENTS WANTED; BEST TERMS TO agouta selling to families and largo consumers; store keepers will liiul a large stock to select Iriuu at lowest prices. Tlio WELLS TEA COMi'AN V, 201 Fultou St., bc tweeu Church and Oreenwlch, New York. WANTED-A NUMBER OK INTELLIGENT, PRO. gresslve men end women, who believe in vo operation, mill who would like to nelp make the world a bolter blare t? live lit, can ufl'er them constant work, reasonable wages, ( comfortable home, irood assoclatea and a ehituce to hell their lollow lien. For narticulara address UNION MA.NU KACTU KING .COM PAN Y, Springfield, Vt. "IITAXTED?A STRONG, ACTIVE BOY, ABOUT 11 Tv years of ago: our that is willinir to mnko himself gen ernlly uselul: must write a good haud and also good at figures; must come well reeommanded Apply to K. Will I'ELKY, curlier Centre aud Krauklln its.. New llaven Railroad building, top floor. WANTED-A COLORED MAN AS WAITER AND TO TT make hlnisolf uselul iu a small private family. Apply at 106 Murray at. li' A NTKD-1N A PR IV ate KAMI LY.A riRBT CLASI TT waiter, with best of city references; English preferred, Apply at lli East 45tb St., on Monday, from 10 to 12 A. M. or H to B P. 11. AITANTED?N EAR THE 'CITY. A FIRST CLASS MAN? TT to cure cattle, stables aud milk. Apply to WILLIAM liKIGGS, 2H Lafayette place. ,1J1 K ,4, KA|) ? 'l YOffmTTlAN, OK 17. WISIIKS 'a* NICE'SlTljAs Jvtlon; would llko to luaru a trade. Address JOHN M. TONEY, Herald ofllce. Ctarpbntbrs wanted-hkillkd hands only. JO. a SHEPHERD, 203, MM West Houston St. TO ENGRAVERS? A~UKNKRaL "ENGRAVER OP several years' experience would like to have a steady eu gageinent at a luoderate salary: can design monogram^ Ac., pierce. letter. Address box 17? Herald office. WANTED?AN ASSIST AN t POKE MAN IN A HOYS clothing bouse ; must bo ac>|uainted with the tailors la and about the city anil it* surroundings; a steady situation can he had by addressing E. Y. 8., Herald office. VA*ANTED?a"s1 fUATION IIY AN ENGINEER ANll TT draughtsman. with good testimonials. Address B. B-, box 1011 Herald Uptown. ANTEU-BY A YOUNG CIVIL ENGINEER, EMi ploy.uent as assistant or draughtsman; 3^ years' ex> perieuce. Address U. S. TliKuERNE, 1'oughkeepsiey ANTED?FIRST CLASS CUTTER PGR CUSTOM work ; one who undorstaods his business thoroughly, ol Sood address and able to wait on customers. Apply at 9 A. I. or tt P. M., at G. W. B RON SON'S, 597 Fulton at.. Brook' ly u. WANTED?SITUATIONS FOR BAKER FOREMAN and second hand; cltv or conntry; best reference. Ad dress CHAS. GRANKK. 780 10th av. (Store). ANTED?A SM ART BOY TO ART TYPR AND MakD ready; state lowest salary. Address JOB PRINTING, Ilerald office. atoTioase ti rnkr wanted?also jointer! springer, llinsber, polisher and engine turner. Addres^ stating expcrienco uod pay expected, CASE MAKEIL box 137 Ho.aid office. BILLiARDC "A"?E8t OF SECOND HAND BILLIARD TABLES 18 -ta-pcrlect order, euunl to new, at very low prices. H. W. CULLENDER, 738 Broadway. ME RIO AN STANDARD HBVEL BILLIARD TABLES with Delanry'e wire cushions. Indorsed bv all leading Erofessiunal pi.ivers; extra imlucuments now otfered ; second and Tables at great bargains. VY. 11. GRIFFITHS A CO., 4U Yesey et. IV AND SECOND HAND BILLIARD TABLES AT low prices. Call und be convinced. L. DECKER li CO., 720 Broadway. New1 and'Second hand billiard tables at very low prices. I'HELaN'S downtown warotoous, 14 Vesey st. _ WATCHES, TSWBIsKY, 4(C. "a -AT SI7 BROADWAY. CORNER 12Tll""sf.? .iVsI'iamnnds, Watches, Jewelry, Silks and Personal 1'ioperty ol every description i ought and sold ; haul negotiated. ISAAC BAFiU. "AT L Y N cTUS~D lA MONO STORE, 935 H K< IA DWAY! ZViiear 21st St., formerly 723 Broadway (established l*44\ hargHius In Diamonds, \Vatclie? and Jewelry, Silver, Ac. TLYMJH'l BIN BROADWAY, MSAR 21ET Diamonds, VVatebes, Jewelry. Silverware, Shawls, Ac., bought aud sold; loans negotiated; ladles' private office. T~3tl3 BOWERY, MONEY ADVANCED ON Otis mnnds, Watches. Jewelry, .tc. ; also I'awnhroksra' tick ets of the same bought at .'Mil Bowery office No 1. N AS'l'IIDIiDl.l. -iRljxKI; NO IMPOSITION; GREATEST BUsf ?BMCclairvoyant in America. Sirs. FOSTER. 128 (ith av., corner 98th. ?WONDER OK THR AGE.?MRS. PHIMPS. MEDl" ?cat. Business Clairvoyant; names, likenesses, 141 West 4Gtll at. No hum duo.?a Parisian lady foretells fotnre) also cure* diseases No. til Ileery St.. ueal Pluoepple st., Brooklyn. A A. A. A. A.; I) I) D W M MKUICAL. "?Dr. AND M ME. MlLToN, > office No. 47 West I nth *t., near (1th av. -MllB. KESTELL, IN PHACTICM SINCE lHpi. Office I East 53d st., drst door from Nth av. -UK. AND MMB CO.xTKLL A ?? Olllce 34B West 35th St.. betwoen 7th and Sth avs. ?MADAM MATflWKLL, No. 312 East Oth St., near 2<l av, -DR. AND MMK. GRINDLK.-I1ESI I) KNCK ANB ffico No 142 West 48th st., hetweeu Oth and 7th av* R. A. M. MAUHICBAU, office, over 30 years 121) Liberty St. it. and 'mme. boix " 25 West 3d st., near Broadway, B. AND ~BSl WEST'S OLD BETABLISHIS office. Aft Bleecker st.. hetwueii Broadway anil llowery. imk. a. m mai;kiceau, midwife. Ill Resilience No. I East 53d st. (late of 129 Liberty it.) Hft. LYONS, 40 BAST 30TH ST , between Bruadwv and 4th aa.