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CITY READ ESTATE rOK SAIjE. Central. A RAKK 01IANCB.-FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, J\.? handsome Frame House (all Improvements) on >*3d t-? ?Mt Ctulritl 1'arx. Apply In JOHN l.OUSIAN, 1.43U Rd av. F OR MU OR TO RENT.-FOUR SIOKV BROWN stone 11 "us?, kith St.. hetweeu 5th an4<>th a v *. TIMI'soN A PEET. 1,4*6 Broadway, naaahHth ?t. mult NEW. ELKO A NT, FOUR STORY BROWN slONB X House 77d Madison av., southwest comer lARh St.. with all modern Improvements, parlor floor finished with first class cabinet work, mirrors, Ac., lor sale or to lot. Apply to J. ZIEGLKK A Co., tnrnitur* warehouse 32 Blceeher st. MO LEXINGTON 'aV. -FOR IaLI Ol: TO LET, Ma tour story browu (tone House; price, $12,GUJ; tarm? easy. Apply on the premier*. fill RiWY WILL BUY NEW BBOWN STONE, NEAR JPX.OUUCeutral Purk; price 810,<*>;>, real $7UU 117 Hut Ulil. Kust Side. A BARGAIN-TWO four story brown stone ileuses. with dining room extension, near Madison av. lu<|Uiro on premises, 57 Kant 55th at. OV it IT LL l,OTS-M)l Tit LAST CORNER 30 AV. and t?7lh at., ready lor improvement; will sell low or ? *? change. JOHN n. PIERCE. owner. ? ? I'cnp ?t. HHKK STOllY BROWN BTONB HOUSE. $9,500; throe atory near Lexington av., *1.200; three atory painted and freaeoed. $l5,tvki. UNDERWOOD, OKEUOK A MILLER, 3d av., corner With at. AVcat (aide. A first class house, nan sr., may $ 1.400 A first das* House, 50 Hnrutlo, May A first class House, IN Ah. place..... I..'*' k first das* llotiatt, 2dl West I'Jlh I.2ikt A first class House, 252 West 11th 1,""" t first class I ortaire, 007 Hudson si.. May !?"> House, lot I'erry st 600 ? louse, 287 West 12tli st "ID Houses. 8 and lu Metbune, each Tin Hrst class House, 11H Jiunk, flue order 7<?i House, 71 Harrow BOO Also Floors and Suits of Rooms. Bl'KNUAM, (Ml Hudson st. FiT liViTi ?For -VI. I.. I IIKFK STIH'.V It It 11 K iPU.l/'JU.Hoii?? No. :t:hl West Hltli St., 25x45 feel; lot about tut. K. H. LUDLOW A CO., 3 Fine st. BHUOKLYX FROPKHTY FOll SALE. AND TO IjET. 'jjtfHt svLE-A NEAT" OoTTAliK. with eToTi.t rooms, on a paved street, near tire cars. In a respectable neighborhood, for $2,250; terms easy. HASTINGS, 953 Broadway, Brooklyn, opnoslte De Kulb av. TTO ~LKT?THE DESIRABLE three story IlIOH X stoop basement and subceliar hrh k House (modern lai provenience) No. 52 Sidney place, between Stale and Jo ralenuiu sis., on the Heights, within leu niiuutes' walk of South uud Wall stroi't terrier; recen'ly put In porloct re pair: 12 rooms; uioderato rent to a -mull tumilv. For per mits apply to STARK A MARCUS, No. 22 John st. (s. j 7 ,-T ?TO LET, NEW TWO STORY AND BASIL tp T 4 ?J.ment lirnwii stone stoop Houses, all Improve ment*. 249 and 251 Keup -I., Nineteenth ward. WESTCII BUTE it COUNTY PROPERTY FOR BALE A\D TO ltE.V'T. A'" T YON KBRS.?HOUSE WITH 12 ROOMS; MODERN luipruverueuts; garden, fruit, Ac. ; only $900; former rent cl.UOO. YOL'MANS, Agent, Yonkers, AT YONKEItS?AN unfurnished HOTEL TO LET, 45 rooms ; desirably situated on Bruudway ; good busi ness; cuu bo rolled upon the entire year; low rent: OUOKN A CLARK, Broadway, corner 17th st. Tj?OK SALE OR TO LKT-ON ltfSTII ST., NEAR J? Southern Boiilevaru, it first class House, 2H rooms, fur nishod or unfurnished, witli all the modern Improvements; carriage house and siuble. Address II. LK'ISINUKK, Grand Union Hotel, room 381, or RICHARD V, HARNETT, 111 liroadwav, basement. YONKlilts.?A DOUBLE HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. MOD em Improvement-, good neighborhood, to rent tully furnished cr for sale cheap. JAMES YOUMANS, Agent, Yonkers. PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR NALE OR TO RENT. ?A.?NEW BRIGHTON?COTTAGES TO RENT; ? modern improvements; lu minutes from boat. GKIS WuLD, 71 South St., city. AT NEW BRIGHTON.?TO KENT. DELIGHTFULLY Inc ited Residences, furnished end unfurnished; stable, fruit, garden, Ac. ?? magnificent views; greatly reduced rents; suitable gentlemen's residences. Ill Nil A GRAY, 557 (Jth uv. A -NEW BRIGHTON, STATEN ISLAND.?A BEAU ?tlFully located Couutry Seat, within 30 minutes of llio city and directly on the water front, will be leased or sidd on terms to suit the truss ; the dwelling contains li rooms an.I all conveniences: the barn and other outbuildings are liberal. For particular a apply to owner, duly principals dealt with. J. VV. SlMu.N ION, 1H7 Broadway. A house on long island, containing not loss than eleven rooms, wanted tor five months, from Lav I, convenient by host to ami from New York and near to bathing. Address, with lull particulars. H. J. LEMON, 157 Water st. A? Id LET, AT BAYSJDE, L. I., DWELLING, CON ? lainiug 20 rooms, with ice and out bouses, line butti ng and boating, near depot. J. C. BAl LEY, 58 Eust 4th st., ueur Bowery. AS 1'OltI A. L. I? 4" MINUTES FROM FULTON ST., two liouses. 11 rooms each; gas, water, range, furnace, garden and stable; rent $5isiunl $4(10. Address be* 854, 1 unkcrs. N. Y. At nyack?an elegant residence. 2:1 rooms, fully furnished; grounds sloping to river; dock uud near Tap an Zee House: three minutes from station, Photo grapli at 39 W. st 37th st. (TOCNTU V I: KsIDKNCE FOR BALK OR TO LIT LOW? J a: Great Neck, L. 1.: either of two houses and grounds, 11 and 12 looms; one house partly furnishod: next to new Methodist Episcopal Church grounds: l<> minuie*' walk to depot JOSEPH M. PK.\Y, corner Cllutnti and Montague sts., Brooklyn. tYAJIM FUR SALE?HAciF MTLU FROM DEPOT. 20 acres; house contains 12 rooms; outbuildings, new poach and applo orchards, healthy lucntiun; terms moderate. Call on or address J A.Ml.8 WILSON, Ramsey's, Erie Rail way, N. H. I NOR BALK AT'oNE-UALF ORIGINAL CGST-VAL ' liable I'roperty on the New V or:, and Flllladelphla new line railroad, l*< miles Irom I'hllailolplua; 20 acres, brick dildlii . mi rooms; fine, shaded lawn; high, healthful lota i noil summer board tion , well adapted tor acliool purposes and summer h lug. II. 11. KASTBURN, 22 North 7th St., I'hiludclpl Iplua. T.N0K RENT?A FUHNISHBD UOt'SE, NEAR l'AHSAIC X lulls; very healthy location; hirmerly occupied by Dr. Thebuitd's lamlly. Address A. l.GI s.-Ed, Fatorson. N. J., or A. K.. 125 West 27tn st.. New York. 1MMENHK SACRIFICE!-isFLENDID FARM. 43 acres, in Bucks county (the gardou of Fannsylvanla); one hour to I'hiladcluliia. adjulniuu' a IliMirlaliing town ; tire min utes' walk to lost oltice, church, schools, stores, Ac.;, rich land, larino by machine; commodious build ings, rust over $fl,INk); hundsoine brick Mansion, ]u rooms; pen itilul shade trees: magnificent barn: carriage, bog and poultry nouses; abutidauce choice Iruit; delicioii., water; location unsurpassed for ueulth, beauty and richness: will be sold for ifu, '?i: worth double: $3,.'sktcash rei|iilred, loll unci; in six years; a bargain lor some one. Take S:45 A. M. tiaiu loot Liberty Now York, via Now Jersey Central Railroad, to Rethlohem, I'a., there take North Fennsyl vanla Railroad to Quaxertown, Fa. ; arrive before 1 o'clock; cr.n return 4 F. M. Inquire Bush House, opposite depot, for G. J,. U ALKKR. Orange, n. j. ithis vicinity -fecialtyi ? Rent. e.i gant Residence, lully furnished unfurnished) ; every convenience, const- vatnry, billiard room, largo sta bles lawns, Iron. .Ytontroso mountain side; excellent neighhorhood; price low, HAMILTON A WALLIS, 3d Pine. s UBLRBaN houses in the CITY OF NEW YORK. P.tmphluts describing now SUBURBAN QUARTER (houbt'S now ready lor occupation) mailed to tiny address. HANIEL R. KENDALL, President ami Treasurer, 111 Broadway, room 90, UBUKBAN RESIDENCE AN D cash" FOR FI EST s, rro LET. OR FOR HALE?BRICK HuUsE, NEW, 12 A rooms , ail modern improvements; bom loc ution in .Vow irfc I. REAR!NO, 126 Htoni ?t. mi) Lh I OR FOR i vu. i \ 01I V OP NI. \ ilUC, A N. J., the line brown stone dwelling House and prem i?e?, No, Bloomfiold nv., corner ol Stone st.; recently built, with water, gas and all modern conveniences. i.'? rooms, large yard, space lor stable; eligible, healthy loca tion, on lino ol BiootnUeld hor>e ctra; convenient to depots; a very <1. sir.blc property; price, $12,(MN.i; rent, ptKrt: possession immediately. Inquire or. the premises or of WILLIAM A. RICH 1KB, 757 Broad st , Newark, N. J. fPO LET OR LEASE?A COL" N TRY REM l)E N< E FOR X gentleman doing business in New York; 5 acres fruit and garden outbuildings and Improvement*, very conven ient : horse car* to South 7th st., Williamsburg: steam to New York. Address FRED. BTONE & CO., 3 Park place, N i'w v ark. AfT PER MONTH kl NEWTOWN. LONG INLAND. 3P L jl House, two Lot*. Apply Mrs. TAYLOR, Chicago nr., Nowtown. Ro iU\i\viLL BUli pine HOUSE, TWO iCREH, qPO*\J\JUuear the ferry; terms easy. CORNELL, Clif ton, S. 1. IlKAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. C'lOUciliY i'R? PE. I V FOR SALE, EA? il ANLeTm Mo rent Printed lists free EWEN, :?? Nassau, room 17. TjlOK HaLK OR EX CM \NOK l\f ff AVENUE H< > r lei, corner 44th si., containing Kw rooms, well furnished ; ladies' and gentlemen's restaurant, bar, oilliard room and laundry; gas made on the promises at $1 50 per M . 7 years' lease; cbeup for ounli; or will exchange for good city or re amy Property Apply to W SOULK, on promises, or II. W. HART I. 77b flih nv. IslOK HALE <?R EXCIlAMiK-A BKaUIHUL COT A1 fkgeofslx rooms; gas and water ; lot52x120; s|tm?ted in the centre ol Columbia, S. t .; will be trbd or exchanged for otiier property ; title* per ect. Address Post ?>ftb o box 337. Charleston. S lb (ilOK HALE OR EXCHANGE?FOR VACANT ~LofS A^ below 70th st . a lour story stons front House. 223 NVest BHth sr.; sixe lti.Hx .ox'JH.H, spleti id order. Inquire on pretnltts, 10 to I, oi of CI. POI Ni U 153 East ? Newark pkopkkV\~or hale "k exchange for New York city Piopetty; lot ."*r.\2t)0; fronts ??n Mount Pleasant av.; rears on Broad *t ; two stories and attic; hard finished wall* from cellar to attic ; 13 roon -; cellar under all the house; hath room : good well; two cistern*; laundry and kitchen : barn on reuroi lot, tour stalls; fruit in abundance. Apply st 230 Mount Pleasant iv? Newark, N. J. TO EXCIIA N i E FUR A SMALL IP lOWN PiToT erty, a desirable five story double tenement House, with eellar and rub-cellar and vaults ; a roar brick building. Ap ply owner. notary Minimi Company, :ui7 and .'Mr.i Broad way. No ftKKiitn. A.nTKD IMI'KI?VKI> i'KoI'KKTY. OI.KAK (lit 11 lightly uncumh.rodi In No v York or adjoining cltloe. for choice Lot? t> twe.n Yladiaon una ?'?til aye. Addrese or rail J I.. MrK M',\Kit. .VI W all at., room'J". TO L.KT KOU lllM vKSN I?i i;IM>>r.? . BKNME'IT BUlLOl.Mi. r'l re proof, Located on Nhiooiu, Ann and Fulton ete. Firet Kloor to let; xuttable 'or haulier-', iiieurunro offlc.i; will i? let together or In part*: l>. altered to ?olt t.nanta il ueelred; adapted for ullicoe or ?torsi. He Konnlilo rente, alio miiuc eligible Law USIcee to let. A F F b Y' UN llll. FliKMUKS. Take th? ((levator. Inquire lor Janitor. A" r" :?j ham Hiilisru.s sr . skah tiitoitiTv.?to let. the four etory brick IIoiih.. eun'.alnlntf 40 room., well ndapied lor a hotel; will he nut In l>e?t of ordat ; rent, f-J.OUO per year. Apply on premii.ii. -UMK PIHhT H.UOHS, N1WI.Y fllTKC LTJ .extra liitht and power; cheap : neor ( it v II all. II a II IiK.N If hi! K, Is'liinuR i.uildlnp. A*- iiTLl FACi.iKV TO LliASH-.ll AN ( SIS M eet 4'id ?t .-'f>x V>; throe ?torlei| and basement; well lighted; new hrick bd.ldliiu; yard ftO*7.Y ? HTOKH ;a I I AY NKAK 1TTM sT ; PLATS A |im front, ,ae Uxtur.t, Ao. lit. HLAli&U, over etore. __ TO LET FOR BI'SIVKSK PI RPOSKS. 4 T .4 MODERATE KENT?47TII SI . UETW KEN UTI4 ?'\uv. and Broadway, lour sturies, 3Ux43x 11*1. H. W. WILL'ARB, KHOIhav. in I-J PI' BT.. WO. 53?TO~ LET, Tills FOUR STORY \ybrmvn -tone trout Store, strongly l.ulli, lor too iron trade. Inquire nt P. H. TAI.LMaGE, l'-M Broadway. /HrKNEK STORE, #3U;_ JEWELER, DIlJumST a -two store. ci jr .i: slore ; Franklort It note. Ofhce, corner Frankfurt an<4 W illiain >t, HOTEL ami COTTAGE TO KENT, AT HU?S Bridge. New York city, on east side ol Harlem River, near railroad outl boat lauding, a large three ?tory hotel; alto a mall IJotrl; alto a nice Cottage. eight roomt, bath loom, hot and cold water, good stable, chicken li<m?? lib eral trrouutl*. Address W H. ODDER, 214 Broadway, New York. I OI'TS?OOXtO, aaxiflo 'AND 22X?r?7~FoIt IIALP Ijprioo. H.i aul 14" Mulberry at. steady power; light alt round. 1 OPTS TO LKT-WITH OR WITHOI T STEAM iJ;rower; steam Bower iiinulii.' night and day; good light; water ami water closets on euci: Moor; atearu huittway. Ap I 1". I'.ox at. I VTKW AND K LEO ANT ?TORK.7e PeET DEEP, HON : ll Hieccker tl.; will bo aliervU to ?uit ^ooJ t<* umit. Ajiply i tn K. zSlMON tft?5 Hrimdw*) I >' i6?h, hi in steak power, to let?100 wear I J 4 17th at.; tine Plrat Floor. OTKAM POWBH, a rill SECOND Pl.oOK, TO I.ET k?ur lease in 4H and SI Elisabeth at.; floor room R, ISO j square loet; aplamlltl light. Apply 53 BlUabelh at. CTl'.A.M PoWiiK-lTWO PLoOltH, &OX3U)| WELL Ollghted; and door mtiker preferred. Inquire m I.awreii oM t..,1,1,. Mill, cornoi Ut av. aud 30th at. C'IKAM I'tiw i it To i.i.t, TWO WILD1S08; ONE Olive atory lluildlng, with lO-horso power, at ijH.WAi; lteii. li Rno.n, 91 .'at weekly. Inquire 1B<I West 37tb at. OPLKNOID FLOODS. 4UXSA STEAM HEATING, ? ... r. Ac : 134, l.?ti West ll'th st. fpo LKT?CORNER 8TUKS. 160 1ST AV.; ALTERED I. to null tile tenant; hoeu occupied lor liquor busiucta laat 2n years. Inquire aoMiud Hour. mo LET?FROM MAS l. THE STOKE A NO BASE J on lit iinrtlieiiat comer SUlli ut. and In nr. Apply to P. Z1TTKL, 1,020 ?1 av? or S. ALU. -14 Exchange place. rpo LET?450 AND 4<ii Washing idm st. s BUILD A log ?**' by so, t.vo .toriea; for cooperage, atoruge or ex* preat: 14 stall* unit oflice. .luliN I). NDRRIS, -Ifl-J Washington si. rpo LET?VKRY DESIRABLE stokes ON THE 1 Bowery aud Uiund at., at reduced rcuia. Apply to S. V. K. CHl'GKK, 1N3 Oraurl st. rpo LET-wrrii ~ott"wmlorr steam power; A splendid corner Lolta, 173 and 17S (irurid at.; very low r ut. Apply to 8. v. k. CRUDER. 162 uraud at. rpo LET?A WHOLE BUILDING, UK IN LOFTS, WITH A or without power. Apply 413 anil S3S East 23tll at. rpo LET?Tim 111 itEB STORY STORK AND DWELL* I lug llousu corner 10th av. aud 153d at. Apply to K. OREACEN, M i w eat ;ti-t st. mo LET?A I.AKHK STOKE; HAS BEEN OCCUPIED A an a hardware -tore lor the last IS years; fixture, alt complete. Inquire Sol 9th av.. corner 53u at. rpo LET?A LARUE STOKE AND BASEMENT. IN A J good locality ; suitable for clioup grocer, tea or cofico or any other business: cheap rent. Apply ut premieei 313 Spring at. rpo LET Kou A DRUG STORE SOLI HE AST COI N K It A of.i.'ld -t and Oth av., e.tuhlDhed aa u drug atoro lor the luit anven year.; alto to let, the Store aud Basement U3S Bth av. Applv to >1. L. DOYLE, 3011 Grand at. rpo LEASE THE POUR STORY B. ILOiNO431 EAST i 13th st., stiitu'de tor piano or lurnlture manufactory; II tilled ou all atdra; site 25 xIOIA J. i.'. 1IA1LEY, .'>?? East 4th St.. neur Bowery. UPPER PART OF HOUSE, 86 WEST 29TH sT.,suif. able lor drctsinuker. dentist, or any lit lit bulimias: now i ccuoled by Ur-t class dicttiuaker; > lao Basement Office. Inquire on premisca ol WM. JAY BARKER. QTIl AV. STOKE TO LET?HAS PLATE GLASS SHOW Owindow; uppartmcc t to live now occupied by uJeweller; reut S730. Apply to 23S8th av. UWKLLI.YCi HOUSES TO LET. f u rn Islud. " A HANDSOME, MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE. NEAR the avenue ; freably furnished ; reut moderate to prlvato lamily. Apply ou premise*. 7 West 45th at. A SMALL FAMILY DEsIKINoHlLY FURNISHKD rueuium aixod gem for 8175 moutbly may cull 143 Bust iiHtll at. \ N KI.EHAN'tT.Y FL'KNISH KI> FOUR STORY xvHiiubc, three rooms deep, to let lor the summer or yeur. Apply on the premises. 141 West 47th st. "IjU'iinisiikd?handsome pour "Vioky iiruw.v A1 Btnno II..use, 33x00x100; 4Stb st.. uuur Oth av.; reut $323 per moutu. TIMI'SoN A PEET. 1,4BS Broadway, near Mill st. TO LET?THE FINELY EUKNISHKD Tit)USE. NO. 3.? Eu?t 44th st. will be vacaut .May 1. and will be let low to a sinai) family. Address 0. A. COLBY. 33 Nassau at. rpo LET?FULLY AND KLKOAN I'LY KLRNISIIBD, A full alac House; one block front Kitth Atenuu Hotel. J. 8. MATHEWS. 5>? Pino at. To RENT KUltNISIIED?FULL SIZE TA>U8E, IV cat 37th st.; alao 40 aud 4S VYaat 37th St., nicolv lur rushed: immediate poaaeisiuo. Call Monday. EDGERTON 13 East 33d st. UnfurniahcHi. 4 3 STORY AND BA.-K MKNT BRICK HOUSE, WITH ?uYatubles. No. CO lit.ratio at., t.ilet; iu good older; rent low. E. L. B. T. BU RN 11 AM. oO!) liudsoii st. T 41 rj WEST 43It ST.. NEAR ?TH AV.?TO LET, silie throe story high stoop brirk House. 13 roonia. iu the heat III order, at 8'JOt) per year. Apply on premiacs, between 1 amt 3 P. M. A?TO LET?THREE STORY HIGH Si OOP HOUSE ? 173 Lexington ?v.. In complete order; reut low to go tenant. J. I'. BAILEY, .?D East -tin at., near lluwcry. t FOUR STORY BROWN STONE" 1IUUSE. WITH fXilinlng room extension, near Madison av. Inquire ou preiu.aea, 57 East 33lh at. 4 oom house fob mo a year: oood looe AAtinn ; modern Improvements. No. 403 West 3Sth at. A large: |3> feet widej four story high stoop House to rent on West 33d at., near7tb av for fci.OJO. JAMES It. EDWAKDo, 107 West 33d at. A LARGE 3 STORY UIGII STOOP HOUSE TO RENT ou West 33d St., rent 81,300; chcupeat house on our ILt; many others, however, at less reut. Ja.MES It. EDWARDS, 107 West 33d st. ,i THREE story IID.II STddI'ToUSK, 45TH ST~ Ax-Oth av. ami Broadway; rent, 9I,4<4); small hro vn atone ?iuac block, $1,110. TlMPSON A PEET 1.4MH llruadwuv. near 44th at. A FOUR STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE, KXTEN aicu, butler's pantry, hardwood, painted walla, 41th at west ol Broadway : rent, 81,SOU, TIMI'SON A I'EiCT, 1,4-ss Broadway, near Iltlist. 4 GOOD THRU; STORY HIGH >TO()l' IIOl'.-K TO AAront on West 34th at., lor gl.uiO; on W est 34th at at 81J1UO, $1,400. $1,070, f 1,4 *), 83.31*1. ' JAMES It. EDWARDS. 107 W est 3Rd st. A FOUR STOKif'TilGU STOOP HiOUSK-22 FEkTex". teuaion dining room, newly painted ihrougliout; Imme diate pot-caaioii ; 44th at , near Broadway ; rent $2.i*S>. i IMFSON A PERT. 1,686 Broadway, near 44th at. A desirable HOUSE TO RBHT?33D .-T.. ni aii Filth Avenue Hotel, aultahle lur divaainaking or light Uuaiueas; mirrors; 14 rooms; low rent. OGDEN A CLARK, Broadway, comer 17th at. 8 At b a ru ains?hcio furnished and unfur uished Houses, centrally located, overlooking Central 1'ark; every reasonable uflci accepted. MINZKslI KIMER, 981 3d nv. b OARDINQ HOUSE?HIGH STOOP; <15 FEET; 18 'rooms; 23d ?t., uvur tilii nv.; low rent. (JUt )I)A 1,1'. A CO., 5 Went 23d st. HOI S1-; TO LET.?THRBK STORY AND BASEMENT brick Ileus.); lari;e uardiMi. fruit tree*., Ac.; 531 Kant to it ii et., between East Side boulevard and Runt River Park. Apply to L. SUMBuitN A CO., 13 Vesey at., or NKAFFY, corner BOtli ?t. and 31 av. rpu LET-KENT tfOUU, THREE sTO.tY STONE 1 liwellin ? 471 Tompkins av., near Fultou St., Brooklyn. Apply to owner on premises rpo LET?To A SMALL FAMILY. IHKKK 8TOI4Y Abasement nnd sub-cellar House, *11 modern Improve nienta, $95/1 per utmuin ; can he soon only between 1 nnd 3 1*. M. Inquire at 412 West 47th st. rnti LET? lloCSB aao EASl* UTH ST. APPLY TO M. 1 r KOHKVERRIA A CO , 30 Beaver st Til ) LKT?TUB THREE sTultY A\|) BASEMENT A brick Dwelling IIease, No. 307 \t est 3.7th st. ; rent $7U0. Apply to BOWAKD TIMPSUN, HOOHtli av. fTIO LKT?Til K CtiltNEK 4TII At' AND 127TI1 ST, House, with stable. tore occupied now as a 11 rst class grocery. Inquire at 110 Murray at. rnt< LEI?NO. 154 WEST 19TH (T., TUltKE STOKV, IT' ? ? ?? * high basement*. nil cunvenlenefls; irooit order; 2"x~>2x 103. 1 nt| ii i re at 14M West lot It st., or 43 Oreene st. rim LKT?111 FOUR STOUT AND ATTIC 1IIOH .toon House No. 380 West 24tli st. Applv to P. II \ 11 ON V - NEPHEWS A CO., 83 Broadwuy, or to A. LI MOXY - NEPHEWS A CO., 03 Broadwuy, or to A. LEA MAN, 217 West 23.1 st. rjpo LET-THE Koi It STORY ENGLISH RASE*r.NT A llou e 431 West lotlt st., with possession; In pood older; rent low to uood tenant. J. C. HAlLEY', 50 Kuat 4lhst, near Bowei v. T.J LET?A Tint E sTult Y AND BASEMENT browa none House, h.gli stoop, with all inoderti im proveMonta: Convenient to Central Park : In excellent lo cution. 8SJ8 Lexington av., 1 door below 84U* st. rj'u LBT-S|'LKNDI1) UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN _2/th St.; being pnt in thor. ugh order; possessioo 15th; others. 1IALL A Syl'IKKS. 203 Wert 2::d st. mo LKT?A FOUK.NTOIiY IIKJU STOOP BROWN ? tie House, near Elevated Uoad; lino neighbor..oo(l: in .lite! Slid pier minors, ga? fixtures and rent low to a ?"ooJ tenant. ln<|iitre of owner, 4lt!? Mli nv. rpo LKT?A BEAUTIFUL KOI It STORY HOCHK, UK 1 lew tho Park, 5th and iltli av-..; between tltii and sth iva.,f l.issi t" f I.NHJ; Apartments. 825 to f100; lend for lists J. \V. STEVENS, Broadway nnd 52d st. mil LET?Til BEE STORY SHOWN STONE HOUSE 1 nil East 57lll St., rent ISO"; three st.m . II Kast 133d St., ?<>50; three story. Hit 38 st.. $1**1; lonr story marhle front, corner of 1st place nod Smith st.. Brooklyn, rent only ?LtQDttkree story lieu*. 103 Orchard ; . rent f7'xi W. O, FLANAGAN, 163 Bowery. rjio LET -A HAN'DSnMK CUI'l.tOK, AT HW: AND A "no wiih 12 roinns at f >0; all improvements. Apply to J. GORMAN. MSG 3d av mo LET?51 WKsT 13TI1, BETWEEN 5TH A.NLMtTII 1. -ivs. ? l our story English bhsenieut brown stone 11 ourc, 22*GO; all fmpruveiuents. rout cheap. Applv to A. SOU HI kill .t, 2W4 nth nv. rpo RENT AT A BARGAIN (SUITABLE NOB A A boarding bouse) Large Hons#, Willi Stable and 12 Lots ot ground, on Grand hoiltcvai'd. corner 152d at., ami eon* verilent to dep >t. Applv to J. Ro.MaInK UROWN, 1,280 Brum'way. rpo BENT? rtltOWN STUNK HOUSE; BEST STREET, 11 arleni, ?00 mnnlhly; Mirrors, i.arpott, S84. L. I'.KID. 23 i.reenwich av. ? ??> WKsT 45TII ST. NOURSTOKY II OWN STOjfl; OOfin mediate possession; PHI best 22d at.; 18 rooms! epei. to-duy. JO li. lJltuVVNING, 11 and 13 West Hous ton at I will sr., BETWEEN ST II AND 6TH AV8.-A FOL'H Ostory brown atone Dwelling 1.1x5(1x100; rent mode rate. II. W. \\ ILLIAMS, 837 8th av 47/111 KEN I'. KOI KfltllBE sTOHY HIGH STOOP sp I \J v/birw :i stone Houses, improve] w . _ I'tnenta, Inquire on premiaea, SUitb, near ItRU iiv. l>. 11. KNAPP, owner Vl'HKlNHKD IHMiMfl AND AFABTMBRTB TO LET. A., riioil?rnt? ; reference. IKI Kisi 9th m., n?*nr Kromlwity A1 Nil 1VATB FAMTI.Y~WT 1.L i7et"a Han"DsdmKL1 furnished Parlor and Bedroom, on first floor, term j moderate. Apply at 14 living place. Fl'lt.MNIlKD KOOMI9 AM) APAHTHEV'I H TO X.KT. AD RSI 11 ABLE WELL FURNISHED KOOM AY Ml East lHtk >1, ; owner's family occupy house. \ COMPLBTK i-'I.AI. FULLY Kt;i:.M(i,ikl>, * MOOMSt _. \ vcry drsiiablr : very moderate ; reut six iuutiths or a yeiir, us wanted; 54th st. JAMES II. EDWARD*. ____________ 1U7 Wem 'lUil it. \ mull family would LBT BOMB HaNO X\ soiuely furnished Rooms. beautifully fron- .?i|, to ? se lect parly : terms moderate ; reference. So. 1KB tint (Hat at. Afbknch Lady, bbmidino in rbr own lu.u.c, will let elegantly furnished Rooms. 211 West 34th at. NICK LA ltd h KOOM To KENT-PU KNISHRD OH XI uniurnUlied, at 321 East 12lh at., near 2d uv. ELKOANT rUKMeliED AND UN FIRMSllfcD French Flat*. Apple to jmiitor 29 West Hist at. ElUKNlHHED KOO.MS To LET-'aT 21 EAST 17TII l?T,' MM Broadway. ' LU'llMMlMi AND UNFUKNI3HBD FLATS. 8CITS ft and si agio Rooms; imitiediatc possession. ? A. PAlLBY, ASS Sib av. I/URMSIIED PARLOR FL'IOII, At.SO OTHER ft Room,: housekeeping It desired; references. 23?Thomp kon "t., neur Washington square. i.ii:i:m.siiko rooms to lkt?tviTiTou'r "iioTuTJ' A iu ail locatlou*. BANDS. 1.108 Broadway. room 8. IXUKNiSlll. D FOR MOUSE KEKI'INO, SUIT OF . Rooms fronting Hth it v. 300 West SBtb It. IXUK IIO U > K KEKI*INIJ-COJIPLHTELV FURNISHED X linoma. $.'! 50 to $4; washing priellottes; private house 819 East 12th st. TOOB I) o i m. k i: l i': \ - f r I:n I s 11 hi>"gotIMS, $4 50 ft up; hull Rooms, $1 50 up; Ltdlas or gentlemen NO WMt :M st. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED I X I KNSIO.V, MIT able for physician or Uoutal ollico , private house. 20 West 35th st. ITIO LET?ELhOA.VfEY FUkNI-HIED FRONT i.OOM X to single gentlemen only. At 48 Kit" IOth at. fpo LET- VERY DE-lKAllLE Hon.MS, WELL FUR Xiiishml; location unsurpassed: Inuie large; gentlemen only ; no moving in May. 4 West 2*111 -t. 4) FURNISHED ROOMS ON PAr.LOK FLOOR. TO sUlet t.> it physician, situated on 3011., between llroa'divur iiinl 5tli av Address I. M.t Herald IVtowu otlice. (}ft WEST 3.5TH t-T.?VERY DESIRABLE FEB s_<vliiishod Rooms lor gontlemcn only; hath and ubunduut wuter comforts. .^U VVKsr IIT1I ST. ?FURNISH m> ifOUMS TO LET, ? It/suitable lor one or two geuvlo.ucn, tvltli all the modern improvements. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND AFAitT | SCENTS TO LI ft'. ! a T'Til'K "" IIKOADW V AND 52 n ST.? XLl'Mrst class Apartments ; I) und 1<> rooms. Apply to Juul tor on pi e mixes. ANGLEDA Nt"FLAT TlI LET UN FU K NISI IED. FIVE ro'm>. lirnt lhur. 71 Lexington av. Fosse as inn 15th. p.vrtmk.stn fi re proof.-iTik"~ rock inch a \7 comer llrondtvay and 50tli St.; nine rooms; hardwood j finish; stean: heat; elevator; plumbing and ventilation psifect. Inquire on the premises. A -R LEU A NT FLATS IN Sl'ITd, SIX TO tlN ROOMS. ? near I'urk and Elevated Railroad: rent $23 to $oO locution excellent. II. At LD, 932 Mtli av. ' ~T VERY DESIRABLE LOWER"PART oFaTuOUSB XVio let. eiuht rooms; rent modorate ; neighborhood first class. 3tiS Wost 31st st. A HANDSOME FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS, IN HItTlft Xlstoop house, hot and cold water, boater. Including gas to small family of adultu, $25 monthly. 251 tVest 37lh st. ' Broadway and .-turn st.-la.vt" reduction; Choice now Flats, comploto; steam heat. Janitor. Ac. JOslAII JKX. 1,235 Kroadway. (TIIKAP.-sKCOND FLOOR TO LET ; #1 ,'XU ? FU ETON Jst.. near Broadway. E. A.'CRUIKSIIANK A CO.. 08 Broadway. IjtLBUAMT FLATS CHKAr?KA8T AND*WBST BIDBi Jisplendld locations; perfect order; eight rooms; posses sion tmmoUiutely; janitor. Owner, 125 Last 34th st. Lo* lngtun uv. ' TJ LEOANT PARLORS AND BASEMENTS; FIRST XJiclass house ; six rooms. 310 20th st., uear 2d at. LEU AN T Til filD fTa't, lHTrt ST.. 840; FIRST XJil'loors and Kassments, .f25, $4.5; Flours $25 ft'30 $4<i Walter w montauue. 223 8th av." "jjU KST FLOOR AND HAM-.M ENT TO LET?439 WEST 1 lutli st.; two parlors, oxtension, dining room, kitchen laundry; runt, $45. IXiksV class apartjients at~Jos west soth I St.; elf III rooms: none dark: steam heat; all conven iences; $75 to $100 per month. Apply to lumtor or OEORCE K.MAKDINK. 1,207 Broadway. J OMALL FAMILY WILL LET UPPBtt l'ART HOUSE kJto Inmilv not uxeeedlug four persons; pleasant and con venient location. 103 East 59th st. Til [R D FLOOR IN FINE BROWN STUNK HO USB llilh st., near 4th av.; all modern Improvements six rooms, bathroom and kitchen; rent $18; to small family. To LET?PAR. OR FLOOR, WITH EXTENSION AND Iront Basement. No. 357 2d av. TP A pamFlv, first ploou"of X house 31(1 East 23d st.; rent $25. rpu LET-IN THE NEW JU ILDi.N(}~ON 4111 AV. X corner of 32d St.. a very desirable Flat; every eonven' lence; rent low. Apply at 475 4tli av., corner 32d St.. in nflico. rpo LET -si-.CO.VI) KLo<)l:,"oK THREE ROOMS, IN X private house, with all modern Improvements; buluuce of tioiiso oceuplod by two adults; terms $25 per month. For "Iither particulars apply on premises. 254 Wot 43d. riio LET?TIURD AND *FOURTU APARTMENTS IN I J. hoUHO U4M wust 4i>th s*t., coimlRtiii^ of wveti rooniN euch' uii with windows to the on on air; rent. $4o and fciO ii?-r I month, respoctlvoly. Apply to AM Oh WOODltUKF. 70 I Wost 46th. fpo LET-UPPER PART OF ilOUBK TO A SMALL 1 lamijy only. Inquire of A. LEV*. 255 Weat Otitis st. rpo rent?to a Small family, upper part Tn X a private house 227 East 49th kt. 6TU AV. FLOORS to "rent?OK THE Mwaa Upper Part at 341; dwelling or busiueis. JAMEs R. EDWARDS. 107 West 23d st. U EAST 3D ST., FIRST DOOR FROM 1 HE HOWE RY ? VJto lot. Parlor and Hasemext, with ull modern improve ments. Apply on premises. $ 7 .*7 PER MONTH.-TO RENT, THE UPPER PART m * i?ur story and haneinuut private house, cocsist i m7 y im >< as-.- linn,e, consist ing ol II rooms on the second, third mid lourth Moors with ail the modern con renienees ; the third lloor is a complete Eleucli Mat in itself: the whole Will ho let to a respectable private lamliy, with Imtnodiute possession IT required Ap ply on the premises. 37 East t!2d st.. near Madison av. Q/1 1 ST*ST.-IIEST LOCATION IiTnicToii HOR1|Oo"D; KJ\Jsot ol live Rooms on second lloor; watter and caa- nri vsto da clling to a smsll lamily. 4>/4.> ?!TH AV. ? FLOOR COMPRISING TWO LAROE ? ty^and one ?m ill Room, furnished or uuturuished to gother or separatoly. ' , blkkcker ht.; fourth fIToob 4 ? Jf_'?IRooins '$18 771 Washington st., a 'conil Moor, ft Rooms!!!!! ->o 4:|2 Wert 13th st , second lloor, n Rooms....!..!" ->ii 847 lYest 12th st.. third Moor, (I Rooms.. . >ij 982 Illeecker st . Mrst Moor, 4 Rooms oil West 1 lib st., second Moor, 4 Rooms oji 3110 Rle.-cker st , third Moor. 3 Rooms "n 710 Washington St.. second lloor. 4 Room oq i-i.1 une St.. s-eond tloor, 5 Rooms 7 330 West Ilth St., first Moor, 0 Rooms 45 ? _ BU KNHAM. (E19 lludson at. HOCSKS, ROOMS, ?t? Mr'.V\TKl). In till* City unci llrooklyn. \ FURNISHED ROOM WANTED -WITUOl'T HOARD, /\by 11 reliable purty, in it quiet house. Address, with particulars, O., Herald Uptown ollicc. irtLOOR, 4 OR 5 ROOMS, WITH IIATII. BETWEEN 2D I and l"tli its. east aide; rent $20 to $25; possession im mediately. K., box 1!)4 Herald olliee. tA LOOK W \NTfcD?BETWEEN IOTI1 AND 2MTII STS.. west ol ith av; immediate possession; state rent aud lull particulars. W. (!. HKANDON, 71kiiroadway. A Ir A NT ED?-A FURNISHED IROOM," HLTWKKN 14TH ?V and its., near 4th av., by two gentlemen who are out of town several months in the year; private family pre ferred; price >300 per year. Ailuress u. A I'., i'ost ottlce box 3,067, ally. \V" anted, HOUSE -AN UNFURNISHED FOUR Vt story Iliuh stoop,all inoderu Ininroveiiieiits, for a flrst class boarding house ; location wast. from the fill to the 4Hh ?t.; rent very moderate. Address 11. F. X, box ISO Herald office, lor three days. \ IT A NT F. D - A Fit J is'T ROOM UNFURNISHED, IN A VV private houso located beiwoen 4tli ntidHtli uvs.. not below :fi'th st Addrras. stating rent, S. F.. care of ti. F? 21 Woit 44tl> (t. Itoteiences exchanged. WANTED-HY A FAMILY OF THREE, THE FaK lor and Itnsement Floors of a private i ouse, in a respect aide neighborhood, at imideraie rout. Address J. HIKsCU UEEO. fi2 Whitest. \lrAN'TKD-AF sKT.MK.NTS, WITH OR NEAR I3TA Y> hies, iiiilunie for cartman. Address 1. L. M., Ili-rald olliee. nr?NiFiT3TfuiiNimh"kd floor - for light housekeeping, near Elevated station, botween ! ith and l'4th sis. Mrs. oKAN 1', 313 West 2Hth st. In tli<* Country. "1IT ANTED TO RENT?A COTTAGE ON THE NEW It Haven or Harlem railroads, and within 30 minutes of < 1 rami Central depot. State full particulars L. M.. 2t>7 West 34th St. ROAROERS WATT ElJ. TTTiloi Iv <M W ASHING ION SilUAkK. KIRNI IIKD J Rooms, with good Hoard. Ekt Mncdnngal St., eornor West 3d L SUIT AND TWO SIN'ILK ROOM* TO LET, WITH Hoard. 20 aud 28 East 23d st. (Madison square). Mrs. KENT. QD FLOOR FRONT ROO.VI-TO GENTLEMAN AND Li wile ; also hall Rooms, with Hoard. Mil Clinton place. rill AV., NO. 2WH? N10ELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ejwllh or without private table ; references $,~TO$7 FKK WEEK Foil ROOMS. WITH HoaKD; rjlamtliee accommodated equally low, 3o liranuwlrb av.. near tlih av. "Ill WAVEKLKY FLACK. NEAR HKOADWAY.? J. 17 Front Rooms, $12 to $li?, tor two, witli Hoard; tran sient, $1 50 day | table Hoard. $4; steam heat. I - 1 11 sT. EAST. 215 (STCYVESAN I' FARE) -HAND J ? Isomelv furnished Room*; excellent table; perfect lintne; splendid neighborhood: no moving. ()?)[) ST., NO. 1211 EAST. NEAR 4TH AV.-TWO All?nd-o;uoly Mil nislied connecting Rooms on second Hour; superior itoard; reference exchanged. M WK.aT 2liril f T. ? ROOM S, Willi HOARD; NONE but first class need apply; references. ? ?.-: ORAMEROY FLACK llfi'i BART 2uTII ST.). OOllaiidsoiinTy furnislied front Ro.tu, Willi first class Hoard ; also small Room. ??/? EAST 21 ST ST.. NEAR HIK) AI) W A Y.-ll A N D OOsoinoly furnished Rooms, with Hoard, for families and gentlemen; relerences. HEASTTStH si. nTaR HKtlAbWAY.?A LAKGB well litrnlahod Iront Room, on second floor, with br witlioiu Hoard; also a Room up stairs. nWKST 2HTII ST A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Back Farlor, with excellent Hoard and attendance; no moving In May; rnlercnce. ' I ? )-qnare Rooms, sunny, and others, with first class Hoatd: re lurenue. ri\ WEST I DTI I ST. ?FOR GENTLEMEN, FUH ? )l /nislied simrla and double Rooms, witli strictly Hrst class Hoard CO west 351 u ST.?Handsomely Furnished UOllooins, seooud and third stories, with or without llrst class table. ? BOAKDKRH WANTED. 1 ~?K WEST 4.YIII HT.-PRIVAlE FAMILY HAVE I oOlwu l*rgj Room* connecting. IiiuiUioi.ii I\ turuikhed, wilh unexceptionable Board; referent-#* exchanged. IOC 80 Af. ?TO LJCT, H AN DROME CoNNCOiINM A tJOfttroIslied Room*. suitable tor newly mirriod geutle ui*n or liidr. or separately. with or without Hoard. ')||| 5tfi AV.. NEAR 220 sT -II tMio i.MKI.Y FUR J nialieU itnomi. with or witlioul Hoard. *M1 WKST 38TH HT.?FRONT koomh. well roE awl 1 nlshed: excellent Hoard and attendance. 9??) WF>T 21ST ST.-IUMiSttMK ROOMS.-WITH aw* l??excelfe'iit talus, to faiulliea or gentlemen; houso modem: earn, stages, Ac. ; references. ?Jli* GARDEN sTT. UOBOKHN, Jf. J.-A PRIVATE ?JJ.UG#iiuun tnuill.v would like to dispose of a furnished trout Houiu, with or without bieaktasi. HaviN't. TAKEN a not sk 55 STfi it pku'M the 1*1 of Hay, I *tl!l Iihvo my Fir*t Floor to rout to u permanent party *nd liiwm lor two voting men; retorooooi necessary. Ad.lres* s. T. it., boa 'i.LKM Font oltico. IiUMlLIEB CAR LIVE BETTER FOR Um MONK? .It tiraud Ciiloii Hot*:. Park av. utid 41 ?i ?t , tliitu at any otlior llr<t clan place in the city ; restaurant ouo of the boat; try tlie lirand Union. W. if. <J Alt lUStyN, Manager, Pariii-.s in km turn oi mSr cum hoard. Ing accommodation* should call at SANDS' Hoard Directory, 1,103 Mroadwav, room If. BOARD AM) uiaGISO WAIITBd" t" VoL'.Vt5'C*Dy, i-.mim.oy ~d'licitfNt?"'?Hk 'daY, xVdesire* 11 feiritlshed Room, with Hoard ; not below 23d ?t. Address. with lowe.l ternii, M. il., box ISO llerulu Uptown office. \ YOU N tl GENTLEMAN WISHES FIRST CRASS JTJIouid In a private liiiully. from 14th to I'.rtth St.. be twocti tilh and Lexington av>. ; bo*i inference* given and required. Address MERCHANT, box 121 lierald ufllee, or l.U'lifi llroudway. tl ? ANTED?BOARD FOR TBABB ADULTs. WITH It two eonnecting Room*, in u private I ami ly between 3(Hh ami 4tftli st* and 4th and 7tli av*. ; price not to ex. end i yti'i a month . perruuuntil II suited: reference* exchanged, j Addre**ji.. box IJ7 Herald Uptown Branch office. U*ANTED-ROOM ANITuoaRD K'oiTTWO UBNTLE. men, between lutlt and IBtli *?*. : Mm* term*: must he moderate. I.. F. Herald Uptown office. l) UNFURNISHED OR FURNISH D ROuMS?Wlis'F, ? between 14th and IB>tlt ?ta , with Board, lor .ell, wife tl rce children and nurs't; about $.'10; reference* D. S. II.. H raid Uptown office. UOTBLI. A -."aI $2 ROOMS M)R el FKR WEEK . 'Jot.'., :: .t;. a V*und fiOc. tier day : gentlemen uua lamilie*. Frankfort House. 202 William *t. Ctil'V Hill Kl,, li KG aDVVA YA N D^TH 8 T. ?$ 1 SO PER May, $7 weekly, with Hoard: Room* S3 weekly, 7oc. i dully. G> RANT HOUSE. AS NEW HOWKRY.?FAMILIES AND I gentlemen; Room* daily and weekly ; price* low , alwuy* open. CObSITRY BOARD* CI OUNTBY TioCsEs \V AN TINti uToyRDERs tjiiolIE6 /register at once at SANUm' Beard Directory, l.lttj M.oadway, room 3. SUMUBH RESORTS. QfT MARK'S HOTEL, NEW BRIGHTON, FTATEN Ol.laiid, will open early in May: two Cottage* for rent; with or without , rivute table. Apullcutiou* for hoard may ho made ill periutt on the promfeu*, or by letter to R. F. COLK. SALES AT AUCTION, A ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. Jl. Old stand, 37 Nuaaau it. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 10. AT 10% O'CLOCK, ul our salesroom, If7 Nuinnu at.. Large sale of carrets, mirrors, beddino, i'arlor. Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture; also a great assortment of Utllco Desk*, Ac., also 20 handsome Uuhy Carriage* ON WEDNESDAY, AFRIL 11. AT 11 O'CLOCK. all the elegant Furniture contained IN THE FOUR STORY BROWN STONE MANSION 130 EAST 70I'll Sl'? NORTHWEST CORNER LEXING ro.v av. The furnlturo 1* nearly new ami made to order by Brnncr A Moore, nn.l Krotind. ? COMPRISING IN PART SUPERB BLACK WALNUT and gilt Medallion Suit in flowerod latlu; rosewood Piano, Kuvaltugb A Decker Uilllard labia*, all completo; octagon Fernery tor French Munuet and Eugllsli body llrusaei* liar poti. Dining Room Chair* In leatner. Allegretto Refrigera tor, Ac.. Ac. ON THURSDAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK, THE ENTIRE Furniture contained in tho house 123 Lafayette av., Brooklyn. ? TUNIS JOHNSON. Auctioneer. Auction sale-rich household furniture! THIS (Mor.duy) MORNINU. at 10 o'clock, live story brown *tnno PRIVATE RESIDENCE NO. 47 WEST 18III ST., BETWEEN 5TU AND HTI1 AVS STE1NWAY 7y. OCTAVE PIANOFORTE. CHIOKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. OH Painting*., Statuary, all in excellent condition, PARl.O ItS CONTAIN PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS. 14 piece*, richly curved rosewood and walnut frame*, inlaid with marquetry, covered in crlinsvu, tun and geld brocade satin end *llk tape*try, silver satin ruffle, spring edge latest and ino.1 desirable stylo: Suit In silk cotclalne, Turk 1 all and Spanish l.onnges. Busy Chairs, inlaid imiri|uetrv Centre auil Cons'jio Tables; rich Cabinet*. Valuable Oil' Paintiiig*, i y eminent artists, comprising? "View of Loudon Irom Urecnwieli Park," by Molt o?o; "On the Mediierrunouti." by Maillard; "In the Holy Laud," h.v De Carles; "Lake Geneva," by Hanerque*, and 27 other*, ail choice telectlou*; rich gilt rraiues. Fine acloctiuti luip.irie.l hron/.u Statuary Cesar and Murk Antony, Milton and Slmkcspeure. Romeo and Juliet, Muxcppo alio Xiintippa. l'icr Mlrrcr*. Mantel Mirror*, French Mantel Sets, tkt-dav Clock*. Music Boxes, lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Jardinteros, Socrotnrv Bookcase, Moste Cabinet*. LlOrurv Table*, Ac. Bedroom Furniture consists Elaborate walnut Chamber Suit*. Kastlake tihainbvr Suit*; Dressing Cases, 40-lb. halt Mattrc*.,**, Bedsteads, spring Mattresses, Uhltfuuiers, Pillows, llol-ters, Turkish Suits, Blankets, Toilet Sot*, ltep. plush, hsircloth Suit*, Centre,'! able*. Chairs, Rockers. Dining Room, comprising Richly cerved walnut Buffet, Extension Tublo, Mile Table Chairs In leather. French China, Dinner and lea Set* (14" nieces), Sheffield Cutlery, solid .-llverware. N. B.?Take Sixth avenue or Broadway cars or Filth ave nue stage to Weal 10th ?L Experienced men to puck, ship or remove goods, city or country. ROBERT C. CASIIIN, Auctioneer. UCTION HOUSE ~" . ., <)P VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY. ONION SyUARh, 41'II AV., NEAR 15T11 ST. LARGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIANOS, AC.. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, AT 11 O'CLOCK. Full particulars lit Tuesday's Ilerald. Particular attention to tlio sale of llouaehold Furniture at private residence* or at our stort. Liberal advance* on consignments. A ?MORRIS WILKIN'S, AUCTIONEER. Executor's sale of Dairy Stock, , consisting of Cows, Horses, Sheep, Wagons. Ac. K. li. LUDLOW A CO. will sell at auction by ordor of Samuel M. Purdy and John Klrby, executors of the estate of the Into Patrick Diigan, on WEDNESDAY. April II, at 11 o'clock A. li en the premise* known us tho Nell Farm, situated near West Farm* Bridge, on the main road. betweon West farms and Westchester, about bead o.' Cows, Bulls and Heifers: llortes and Sheep; also Wagon*, Hurtle**. Ac. Catalogues et office of Auctioneers. No. 3 Plue st. A-U. J. GKKKNOI Gil. AUCTIONEER.?MONDAY .mid TUESDAY. APRIL !l nml 10, AT 1 O'CLOCK PROMPT, POSITIVELY THE EAST TWO DAYS OK THE AUCTION SALE OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. REAL CORAL, SOLID MEYER AND SIL VKKPLATKD WAKE, At the old established Jewelry Store, No. 77!) Kr.imlwAy, opposite A. T. Stuwart'?. Show Cases, snfee, tl;m Fixture*. Desks. Sash, Railings, Ac , will all lie Hold. Come uurly, us better bargain* than ever can be.had. ^ -BOOK SALE. NOW ON EXHIBITION A CHOICE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF STANDARD WORKS, embracing all the prominent author*, to be aoid by auction at BARKER A CO.'A, 47 A.\U 4!) LIBERTY sT., on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Aorii II and 13, commencing at 11 o'clock. UEO. I. BANKS. Auctioneer. A-UEU. W. KEKLhK, ? Art Oallery 53 Liberty at. Ou MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock, rich French t'hinaware, flue I'arla Clocks Brumes, bron/o Table*. Bisque Figure*, Ac. OF.O. W. KF.KLER. AUCTIONEER. 5:1 Liberty at. Spoclal attention given to sales of Furniture at privute mHmm Auction sale" of"an~kleoan t stuck ot real l.nces,'I rlniramgs, Hoslurr, Umbrella*, Cloves. Fancy Uoodm Ac., commencing on Munduy. April U. lU:BO A. .M., and continuing daily until entire stock I* -olu, at A. N E W'S, 210bib av.. corner 14th *1. J. HAVEN. Auctioneer. Auction sale ok magnificent household Fumltore. to be sold Tills (Monday) MORNING, commencing at lidj o'clock. ?t the elegant tlve story brotvn stone mansion NO. JOB WEsT 24'ril ST.. NEAR 7TII AV. Elegant Steinwuy I'lanofortu and a superb upright, both with late Impiovemnnt*: satin, cotelloe anu rep I'arloe Suit*: .Mirrors, Curtains. Rroutes. Clock", Centre, side and i ousole Tables, Ornament*, Ac. ; elaborate Bedroom Seta, Bedstead*, Draasing Cases, W ashstiiu ls. Bureaus. Mat tresscf, Pillo.ii, Bol-tcr*. Blankets, Bookcases, Writing Desks. Library Table*, Oil Paintings, l.tagere*, Ac. Dining Room Furniture? Extension Table, Bullet, Chairs, Silver, ware. Knives, Forts, Spoons, (.'a?tors, 15 elegant Hrn-aels auil ingrain Carpet* and a general assortment of Household Article*. N. H.?Ootids packed and shipped II desired. Sale positive, ram or shine. HENRY 7. I.N.N, Auctioneer. Take 7th, Sib or 1Kb in . cars. A -8. DINGER, AUCTIONEER?METROPOLITAN ? Auction Rooms, 4th av . corner 25th st. To-morrow (Tuesday', April 10, at 10>* o'clock. Parlor Suit* in silks, reps and haircloth; Chamber, Dressing case Suite; Red steads, Bureaus, Washslamls, marble top and extension Tables, ! IalIsland*. Sideboards, Bookcase*, Desk*, Book stands. Whatnots, Sewing Machines, Bedding, Crockery, Glassware: also Houflvliirnlsliiiig Goods, vlr... Meat Sale., ironing and kitchen Tables, Clothe* horses, Castors, Knife Boskets. Ac.. Ac. call and examine in-day. Auction sale. Claieiuont Hotel. Manhattanville, eorner 125th st. uml I'Jlh av. P. TEH BOWK, Auctioneer, salesroom* eorner stli st. and University place, Wll. sell on TUESDAY, April 1U, at II o'clock, the entire Household Furniture, Ac., ot the above mimed Hotel, consisting of Parlor Suits, two rosewood Piano*. Mirror*, rosewood and mahogany Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wnalistuurl*, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Kxienalou Tables, Dining Boom Chair*. Brussels and ingrain Carpets, Crockery, Glas<? are, allverplalcd Ware, Cutlery, Copperwnre. Kitchen Utensils, Ac.; Bar Counter and Hack Bar, Lunch Counter, Tables, tdiair*. Stove*, Ac. Also, 2 Horse*, :i Carriages. 8 Sleighs, Harness, Robes. Bells, Ac., Ac, AT 13 EAST MTIi, MONDAY, II A. M.-FURNITURE, Parlor Suit". Bedroout do.. Mattresses, Carpels, sola and parlor Bed*. Library Table*, Bullets, elegant Ornaments, PI ino*. Cutlery, Crockery, kitchen Utensils, Ac. ; also flue lot Wines, Liquors, Preserves. Pickle*, Jellies, Ao, Goods packed cheap. Ouiktde talc* solicited. U. 1A FAVuR, Auctioneer. RALM AT AtTCTlOW. * L'CriON 8AI.E OK MAGMFICL.M UuvSfclioCb A Furniture to be nolil THIS DAY IMoiiiInvi MORNING. ruin or shine commencing at 11''4 o'clock, at tho elegant live story brown stone mansion NO. I'/i WEST 23 D BT . NKAK 0Til A\. 1! brilliant toned Pianofortes, Decker nod Windsor; colt (7 VI cto*11. a superb satin Kir '.or suits. I logout rosewood Etugeres. Elegant Mantel Bet-, t holce bronze figure*. Pieces Parian Ktuiuarv. Windows' lice Curtains. Brussels and Ingrain Carpels. Fine Oil 1'm.I lit I njca. best art lata. Elegant Cabinets. Elegant Library Bookcases. In mint Library Tables. Lu.'lv's secretaries au>l Bookcases combined, J- asy Chairs, Turkish style. Music Bones, best i'uris makers. 13elegant Bedruooi Suits, complete, la black walnut. Curled lialr and spring Mattresses. 1'lllows and Holsters. Bedroom Chairs to match. HI aek walnut Lounges, hlegaut Hi'droum and Parlor Clocks. Elegant black walnut HuHets. buperb Extension Tables. Black walnut Dining Chair*. China Dlnuer and Tea sets, silverware, Cutlery. Ac. LUKE FITZGERALD. Auctioneer. N. h.?Sale this day at 10K. sharp. Cash deposit re quired from all purchaeeia ol 25 per cent time of sale RUCTION BALE TIMS MONDAY. -<1 ALBERT KREAMER. Auctioneer, will sell TIMS (Mon day MORNING, comment-tug at 10 o'clock, the entire rich, costly and plain tloaeehuld furniture contained in tno tear story residence 13D East 10th St., between 3d uv and Irving place, ONE BLOCK K.-sST OK UXTON SQUARE, comprising riis.'wood Pianoforte, magnificent Parlor Suits, latest style, covered In satlli nod Mluiit frames, cost Hindu; also large and email rep und haircloth Suits; Turkish Chairs. Louuges, Contra Til inges. Centre Tables. Etngerus, Secretaire and Library, Bookcases. Desks., Oil Paintings, hand somely framed; large elaborately carved Chamber suts; lai :? and sin til walnut Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Bureaus. Washstands. Wardrobes. 25 spring and liulr Mattresses, Pil lows. Bolsters, Sola ISeds, Lennys, Chairs, Rockera 32 Hrtmsals Ingrain and stair Carpets; Curtains. Two hundsume Pier Mirrors, large und small Looking Glasses. Extension Dining Table, Buffet. 21 Dining Room Chairs, Library 1 ables. Silverware, 800 pieces Glassware, Cutlery, two flue llall Stands Ua-uiuetii Furniture, Ac. X. ii ?Take Second, Third, Fourth avenue or crosstown car to ldtli si., or any of the Broadway stages or cars to Colon square. Competent men eniilloyed to pack, hex and ship goods, city or country. Safe delivery guaranteed. ruction.?No. a \v*ir aura st. iVTHK ELEGANT KUKNlrUKK. MIRRORS, CARPETS, Sc.. WILL HE SOLD TUESDAY. APRIL 10, AT lU.'j O'CLOCK. , A LOTION NOTICE. LARGE AUCTION SALE _V ot hnudsoiiie and useful Household Furniture, THIS i Monday) M URN IN G. April 0. at l(Bj o'clock, at the large private residence 51 West 24th st., between 5th and Oth avs. 2 magnificent satin brocade latest style Parlor Suite. 5 rich Suits, iu raps and haircloth. 1 mugulUcoot ~'j octave Planolorto, Stool aud Cover. 2 elegant Turkish Chairs, 2 Lounges. 8 pairs laco Curtains aud Cornices. Is Paintings, Hreures, Vosea. Mirror*. Ae. ?I gilt marble top aud Library Tables; Bookcases. MO: i yards velvet, Brussels aud Ingtiiiu Carpet* 2 Kxl> n-Ion Tables, Bullet and Tea Tablet. 10 Chamber Suits, complete: Bedding. 15 hair and 16 spriug Mattresses, Hlnnknls, Ac, 1H> lets Olnss, China, Silver Ware; Cutlery, Ac Basement, kitchen, servants' Furniture. Ac. A rare op portunity for housekeeper*', the largest sale of this seusoii. N. B._Tnko nroadwuy or t'dli av. curs, Hespousible tneu In attendance to cart, pack or ship goods for purchasers. EKNEsT RUTH. Auctioneer. Auction sale ok household furniture Piano, Mirrors, tin* Fixtures, Av., at the private house No. SO 5th av., ou Monday moruing halt-past ten o'clock. K. SUMEKV1LLK. Auctioneer. BY \V. H. TYRRELL, AUCTIONEER. Important auction aula of Dlumonds. 1 will sell ou Monday and Tuesday, April H and 10, at 10 A. M. mid 2 P. M ?, the Jewelry Stock, Showcases ami Fix tures of the store lately occupied by Mrs. Lyueli, No. 723 Broadway, under the New York Hotel. The stook consists of a largo quantity of Diamonds mid other Precious Stuues. Gold and Silver Watches. Ladles' Gold and Coral sefs. Bracelets, Necklace-. Gold Crosses, solid Gold Rings and (.'harms in great variety; also some very Rue camels' Hair, Hrochu and other Shawls, Furs, Velvets and Laces. BY ROBERT SOMKKV1LLK, AUCTIONEER, 74 University place. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, MIRRORS. BEDDING. CURTAINS, AG HUBERT SOMERVILLE, will sell bv auction, on Men Lounges, ('hairs, laco and heavy Curtains, Bronaet, Kitchen Utensils. Ac., Ac. BY HENRY D. MINER, AUCTIONEER, Office and Art Unllerles 845 Broadway. TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 1014 o'clock ut private residence. NO. 151 WEST iff 11 ST., BETWEEN OTU AND 7TH AVS., Gen'.oel Household Kuruiture, compr sing Velvet and Brus sels Carpet, rosowodd Purler Suits, In brocstel. Luce Cur tains. Pier Mirror, Engravings, black walnnt aud ma hogauy Bedsteads, Bureaus anu Chairs, Muttresies, Dining Boom Furniture, Crockery, Kitclieu Utensils, Ac., Ac. BY JOHN A. DUNN. AUCTIONEER., SALESROOM 50 Urest Jones st.?Sale tills day, 111)4 o'clock. No. .'125 hast lttli st.. the entire Furniture ol four story private Dwelling, consisting of rosewood and walnut Suits In reps and haircloth, plor Mirrors, Mantel Ornaments, oue rose wood Knnbe Piano, 7)4 octave, Ktegerea. Ae.: Hrusscls and Ingrain Carpets, Oil Cloths. Hair and llus.- Mattresses, Chairs. Extension 'I ablet. China, Crockery, Cutlery, Tin ware, Fee Boxes, Ac., all to be sold without reserve, llouse keepers and dealers invited. jgY JOHN. A. DUNN, AUCTtONER.?SALE TO-MOB Irow. Tuesday, 400 4th av.. the Furniture, Carpets, Bed dluir, Ac., ut a family declining housekeeping. Particulars Iues lay's Herald. BY J. W. CAMPBELL. JR.. AUCTIONEER.?WILL -ell In lots thl> day, by order assignee, commencing 10)4 elbek, at 2J Carmine st . near Hleecker, entire Stock la ales, gents and children's Furnishing. Fancy Goods. Over ' underwear of all kluda, Glnas Cases. Counters, Sin-l and vlng. Awning, Ac Peremptory. CAMPBELL A CO., Auctioneers, office 141 Hth st. D M. SEAMAN. AUCTIONEER. ? Executor's sale ot Tenoment Property, No. 50D East l.'lth st., Tuesday, April 10, at 12 M., at F.xchange Sales rooms. Ill Broadway ; lot 25x103, with two four story brick houses. Mans at 14 Pine st. j^DWARD 8CHENCK, AUCTIONEER. Peremptory tola of taperb Cabinet Kurnltara, . In groat variety, the stock of one of our largest and best cabinet maker*, to be sold st auction st No. 60 Liberty st. TUESDAY and FRIDAY, April 10 and 13, ut 12 o'cloak. The furniture is now ou exhibition. Purchasers can have their furniture stored free ot expeuso until May 11). IT COLTON, AUCTIONEER. 1 . Elegant Household Kuruiture, on MONDAY, April !>, at 11 o'clock, at the private residence 51 East 25th st., near Madison sr., the entire rich Parlor, Bedroom and Dining Room Furni ture; elegant maroon satiu Turkish Parlor Furniture aud Curtains, en suite ; rich luce Curtains, Inlaid Tablet, drub silk Curtains, eu suite; elegant black wal nut Hedstoads. Bureaus and Dressing Cases; Turkish Lounge-, snporior hair Mattresses, Bolsters and Flllowt, Wilton, velvet and Brussels Carpets; lino Oil Paintings, Chlun aud UiKsswure, Ac.; all choice gooda and in fine or der. (in TUESDAY, April 10, at 11 o'clock, the entire Furniture, Carpet*, Ac., of tbo private residence 47 West 27 th *t. On WEDXE8HAY. Apiil II, at 11 o'clock, the entire Furniture. Carpets. Ac., of the private residence 123 Kast I litis st. On TIIUKSOAY. April 12, at 11 o'clock, elegant and choico Furniture, iu Brooklyn, Notice ol Hctnuval. On May 1 will remove to the large store 090 Broadway, size 200x30, where we will have ample spare for the exhi bition ot all kind* of furniture and uierchauaise on sale. I'urtir* having large lots of lurnitur* on storage can liave special sales of their good* nt auy time after Monday, April 0, br applying at the salesroom. .">:t Bast 13th st. Q.ULAX BALE OF PAINTINOS. The private collection of Mr. .lames L. ('leghorn, ol Philadelphia. Now on exhibition at the Knrts Oallery, No. 0 Kast 2Ud St.. on Madison square. New York. Tho collection comprises rare and Important specimens by celebrated masters ot the French, Herman, English, American, Koiuhii and .Spanish schools, vis.Aliua-Tadurun, Audr. Acliunhach, lleiicuereau, Hrlon, Hierstadt, Boughton, Rosa lionheur, Curat. Church, i omte. Compte-Csllx, Cour het. Dies, Daubigny, Jules Dnpre. E-cociirs, Fremeutiu, Clifford, llerbstboffer, Illness, Ivnaux, Lumlnala, Mailraro, Meecsri. .Merle, Pasinl, Klefstahl, Tn. Kotisseau, Adolph Hchreyer, Troyun. Voltz, Ism .cols and others. To he sold at miction, April lx slid 10, at the Association Building. The sale will he under the supervision of Messrs. M. RnoedlerA Co., successors to iioupll A On., No, 17t) .~>th ev,f New 1 irk. who will answer all communication* relating to this sale, supply catalogues, receive orders, Ac. KOH'f., Auctioneer. H EORdB HOLBROOR, AUCTIONKKK, WILL SELL Gl . . , tills dav nt 2 o'clock, 436 Canal >i., Parlor Sails Ciiiun ber Salts, Mirrors, Sola, Hods, BufTei, extension Tables, AO lisilsteuds, 30 Mattresses. 73 pair Blankets, flu pair .-sheets, likl white Spreads. In cane sent Chairs, 2.'i hlrd 2 fine singing Canary lllrds, cmckery. glass and plated Ware, Hewing Machines, large itelrigerat ir, Marvin Kale, Brussels ami Ingram Carpets; peri.nnal atlenl atlcntinn given to sales ol household lurniture at private residences or at store CTAFFNKY A SMITH. AUCTIONEERS. OFFICE 17 TCentre st.. sell this day, at Ink, o'clock, the Fixtures ol the first class llauor store 193 2i| av., corner 23lh st , in lots without reserve. /d WARBURO, AUCTIONRKR. OKFIOK 1x3 How FRY, VT.will sell this day. 9J4 o'clock, at 249 1st av., I lie Stock and Fixtures ol Crockery Store; trade invited. K. IIK'trs A SONS. At CITONEKKS. II. iioukkhold furniture, oa bp Bis, mirror, AC., ON MONDAY, APRIL ?, AT 10X O'CLOCK, AT NO. 137 KAST otlTH NT. Comprising Brussels Carpets, liandsome walnut Cliamher Knits. French plate mantel Mlrr ir, rich walnut Sideboard; also Curtains, Cornices and Lambrequin* to match; Turk ish xuits, in rep*l Kitchen Utensils. Ac., Ac. H H. HER fit A SONS, AUCTIONEERS. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ON FRIDAY, APRIL"T~ AT ll),S O'CLOCK, AT Nf). 31 WEST ffffTH ST. FILL DETAILS HEREAFTER. Henry iiekikbero, auctioneer, sells To day, l!9f, o'cloe*. 211) hast HUtll St.. haircloth Suits, Ex tension rubies, Carpets, Bedsteads, Ranges, Bedding, Class wiire, Klt<lienuare. Av . of family. Housekeepers, dealers invited. IIERT/.Bl.RO BROS., office 231 West 110th st. HKNMY M'TIOliK, AUCTIONKKK. OFFICE H!? NAS saa St., will sell this day, at 2 I*. M., the entire Fixtures and Lease ol toe Liquor Store 4t*> Broome at., corner ol Ma .riou; to be sold In one parcel or lu lots, to suit purchasers. ** Aireno*, JJ "K'tis A SONS, AlJ 0 TJ 6 A EE ,0ir?" LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE MA LB. ELEGANT CABINET fVRKlTUKB, WEDNESDAY APRIL II. XT II O'CLOCK. AT CHIt. BERING (OLD) HALL, NO. II EAST 14TH S*E FCLL PARTICULARS ON WEDNESDAY. GOODS NOW ON EXHIBITION. J HAVEN, AUCTIONEER. ~ ? ? office null ?nlfirn.mi 39 and 41 East 13th at will toll. TUESDAY. April 10. at II A. ji at northwest corner Lexington nr. itn.l fti,t entire contenta of lartro liuuae. consisting of rosewood Plana Parlor suite, inlaid Cabinet. Pier and Mantel Mirrora real lace l. urtaina, Lambrequins. Ilrouia Statuary. PaintluLV Etaeeie 'lables. Turkish Kurs, Kauey Chairs,Clocaa OrnS meats, Bookcases, Bedroom Seta, Ariuolrea. Chamninn I Folding Heda, Louuitea, hair Mattreaaea. elegant Chande liers. Easeis. Japanese \ aaea. Battel*. Kitemlon Table leather Ghalra, Louuire. Mouquet, Wilton and Body Brussels Carpet* Kitchen Utensils Ac.: one elegant Coupe with pole and aliafta; one handsome Clarence, with Dole- ona Depot W agon ; Carriages told at 12 M. The abora ffoodi are all very tine and In apleDdld condition. JAMEs GRAMAll] AUCTIONEER, __ _ Oltice, 100 3d av. ELEOANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MIRRORS '?OSeWOOD PIANOFORTE. LARGE NUMBER O F 1 CAl.Pl-.rS,. CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTl'RESL CHINA. GLASS. AC.. ^ being the entire contents ol the large mansion No. 2 WEST 3:ITII ST., NEAR 5TI1 AV., to be told by auction TUESDAY ano WEDNESDAY, April 10 and 11 ... ,. H* i(J^a o'clock eucli day, i comprising the !? uruhure of about fifty r tomi, the whole of I wJijeii Is in tine order, una consists ot fine rosewood, walnut I ami mahogany Parlor Salts in a variety of covering, elegant SSrtf* top t;#fitfe and Fancy Tables, French ! ^ I Mantel Mirrors, Sofas, Couches. Easy Chairs , very tine rosewood, wuinut and mahogany Bedsteads DroNsina Biireuus, Wardrobes: large number of single ami double hair Mattresses. Holsters and Billows: 8 or V* extern | sjon lablos. sever.J- niarblo ton Buffets, Sideboards. Dining i w.tL 11 !VU? u^?,l,?ent ?f,phlna, glass and siiverplated 1*i 5Cllcf*l> ??<! Laundry Utensils, h.J. ?i ? ci x ? ?pe?U ?/ 'n*P0ction on Monday. 9tb ! !,iu?orM-li*. ofSanod^r" mRJ' ^ " "" I JSS X,:,:r"'NBEit, 15 ABINUDOS Handsome Household Furniture. tbia day, at lOfco'clooki I Svr.ww. " lour, ,l?" prlvado residence (20 raomi) 7 Wot Ma*hln^toii place, of WaGilnpton aquare cum of excellent 1 inno. Parlor and Chamhur wnn? pi?? Mirror., Bruaaels. B-pl, and other' C.TpctXddln^. sdwVuJ Machine Dining and kitchen Furniture. Deiiler? Invited. [ will glee trartonal attention to the sale of Furniture at nrlvuto residences a* heretofore during laat 27 yearn. 1 reiopl. ra.iahle return,. Charge, moderate. JIIAVKN. AUCTIONEER] ~ ? "~ . ofllee and ,ale,room 3!) and 41 Kaat 13th st. will Sell, Monday, April it, at 7 P. M. ' at 1.213 Broadway, near 29th ,t.. balance of Japan#,#, Clilii#?e. and Turklih Good,, from the Centannlul. J HAVEN. A UCTIONREK, . will selL Monday. April 0. at II A. M. i i ?Bt 2'3 W'e,t Blat st., near 7ih av., ' hand,onto Parlor Suit, Bedroom sets, Library Table Spring,. MattruH.cs, Warurob##4velvet Carpet, BookeaseiL black williint Mantel, Safe, Ac. *, J U AVEN] AUCTION ? ? R, * ? will aell Monday. April 9. at 10m A M at 2IOUt|i av., corner 14th at. " consisting at real Lace,, Trimming*. Hosiery, Fancy Goods. Ac. JHAVEN, AVCTI()NfcER] * .r... wl" w?dne,day. April 11, at 11 A. M at 10J to 107 Wet 33d St.. at Eagle Storage Warehouses, large lot Household Furniture, Glass, Crockery Books, Plated Ware. Ao. Particulars in time JOHN D L18SNP.R A CO.. AUCTIONEERS OFFIfir 122 Howory. will sell. 11 o'clock. 42B Ou' av large JocK or h urnltnre .store. Beds, Bedding. Bureau, Klo "rn*l.bl10"' Chairs, Tables. Oil Paintings, Pictures, Carpels, Ac Inlotsj everybody Invited. ' ' M*AltKfa" WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEK l7rfiY~B. H. LUD LOW A CO.. 3 I'ine St.?April 11, Cows. Bulls, Heifers, nnuwp Horses. Wagon, Ac., at We,t Farms; April 12, Household Furultnre, S3 West 4Sth at.; April 17 House hold burnitiire, 3U& East 2IRh st.-, April 18 Household 3-'^" th'.'v44 O rG ' \PTfi ~l.' I,nu"11"1'1 Furniture, aflti -Fr' a ' / : Household Furniture, 330 fith av. April 27. Household I uruiture, 291 Nth av. Parltcnlars In ol Jet tnPr? H ? rV "*L8,i'a ^De<-1*1 ?ttentiou, as heretofore, given to sale of household furniture at private residence*. MARSHAL'S SALE.?J. SERB AC HE It. AUCTION", ear will sell, this day at 11 o'clock, at No. 6 Klvlngtou si.. " first class stock of Tinware, cousistlugor Kettles, lens. Coffee and lea Pols. Wash Basins, Caps, Gridirons Caus. Dippors, lea and Coffee Boxes. Spice Boxes Ap ' LOUIS LEVY, Marshal. Mortgage sale-fixtures of first~clas8 Saloon, this day, at No. 238 3d av., 11 A. M. SOH ATX A SALMON. Attorneys for Mortgagee. Mortgage sale.?i. j. schwartzkopf, auc tfoneer. sells, 10ii o'clock. 441 Pearl St., first class Res tauraut and Oyster saloon ; Hue Fixtures; good business place; together or positively iu lots. POROY OIL WORKS FOR SALR-TIIB EXTENSIYB I'orgv Oil Works of Kenulston. Cobb A Co.. situated on cinakrii s Neck, Hootlihav. Me., win be sold by auction on lHnK?I8A^;igC.^To" M' PAWNBROKER'S SALE.?R. FIELD, GENERAL Auc tioneer. salesrooms No. 89 Bowery, will hs-II this day at II o clock. 000 lots men's and wumon's Clothing. Dresses Shawls Remnants. Underclothing. Quilts. Hlaukets, Bed ding. Boots, Nhoes, Ac. ; also Costs, Pants and Vests. By order Hugh McAleenan,2d av. KIC11A R D VT HA It N KTT, AUCTIONEER. " Fixtures of the Restaurant, Wine and Lager Reor Sa loon, ?i Nassau st. at auction on the premises, on Monday, April 9 at 1<> o clock A. M.; fancy Mar, Cigar Cases, Mir rors. Tables, Chairs, Glassware. Gas Fixtures Kitchen Fur. ulture, Ac. Sale po-itlve. R~ "iC'HAKD V. Tiahnett, auctioneer. " will sell ut auction. TUESDAY, April 10, at 10 o'clock A. M., at 142 Lexington av.. near 2!Uli it., elegant and genteel Furniture. Parlor Suits. Kitchen. Bed room and Dining Room Furniture; Extension and fancy Tables. Wardrobes. Secretaires, elegant Bedsteads. Easy Clislrs. Dressing Burjaus, Lounges. Brussels Carpets, A<C Richard v. harnktt. AUtrrFoNEER. will sell at anctlou. WEDNESDAY, April 11, 00 13 0 cloc.k,' nl Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway. 28th it., near Broadway, valuable Church Property and Uvn story Dwelling, south side 2Mih st., 87 feet we?t of Broad way, 72.0 front bv 9S.9 deep. Maps, permits. Ac., from Will tain J. A. McGrath, Esq., Attorney, 24 Park oloce, orauc tluneer. 111 Broadway. fJITHE' MESSRS. LLAVITT, ACCTIUNEERa THE WITTIIA US LIBRARY, now on exhibition at itbe Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, to ba ?old Wednesday. April U. and following afternoons, com menclug at 3}i o'clock, comprising a rara collection of WORKS qN NATURAL HISTORY?ELEOANTLY ILLU8 TRATED WORKS. AO., AIL \\T M. ETTINGE R. AUCTIONEER. SELLS "~ X X, , 111 ,l2ti Hnwery. at 11 o'clock A. M. On Monday?1 uruiture and Crockery On Tuesday?Dry and Fancr Goods. On W ednesday?Tho Counters, Shelving and Sliowcasoi or said store. WILLIAM WITTERS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL this day, at two o'clock, at 450 und 452 Canal at a largo assortment of Household Furniture-vis., I'urlor uiid Chamber Suits. Mattresses and Bedding, Wardrobes Lounges. Sofas. Sideboards, Pier and other Mirrors Brus sels and other Carpets. Oilcloths, oue Needham Sofa Hed. a large lot ol sliver Plated Ware, Ac.; also dyer's Pressing and Scouring Machine, complete. WILLIAM ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER, Office No 8 Chambers st., will sell this day, at It o'clock A. M., the entire Fixtnrei mid i 'entente of ths Vinegar und Pickle Factory Not. 343 and 34-1 W est 39th st; li"> Generators. 110 large Vats, about 1,0110 Cask* and Barrels: also 2 doillilo Trucks, 2 line llorses, two Business Wagons and family Carriage, Harness, Office ramlture. Iron Safe, Ac. _______________ PROPOSALS. USA LB V'6'lt lNDIA.N SUl'PLIEHt^0T?SI, AN 6 pBCjf Transportation. IRIOR, I imnta. > :?), i?77.) IlKI'A II rgK.NT or THE I.XTKUIOR, omen or i.Niiu.y Amiii WxsillXOTOX, March Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals tor Boot', Hoar, Clothing. Transportiition," Ac., as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, No. 40 Leonard st.. New York, will be received until 12 it. of Tnes day. Mav 8, 1877, for furnishing the following supplies, goods, and transportation required for the Indian service for the liscal year ending June 30, 1878:? Bounds I Pounds. Heef on the hoof,. 34.838,1 ?*) | Hominy 158,000 Floar 0,784,.11*11 Hard Bread ?U,i*JO Bacon 87!l,44*? | Sugar 888,?W Corn 2,404.31*11 Coffeo 453,900 Brans..., 184,.1'*! Baking Powder 28,340 It ice 83 I**) | Tea 6,580 Tobacco 58,8311 i Soda 16,7.10 Soap 118.420 Lord - 14,000 Moss Pork 7f*? bills. | Also, Klankots, pairs 26,4TB Blonses 3,125 Overcoats 3 .171 Boys'suits. 2.218 Sack coats 7.800 Hats and caps 1.1,388 Vests 6,483 Shoes, pairs 14,852 Pants, pairs b.hiisi Dry Goods, Hardware, Notions and Medleal Supplies. A!?o, transportation for such ot the above supplies as may not bo contracted to be delivered at the several Indian agencies. r-cbeUuIrs showing in detail the kinds and quantities of siI goods required at each agency and in gross, transporta tion r iite?, time and place of delivery, conditions to ba ob served by bidders and terms of contract ana payineut, to gather with blank proposals, torrus o! contract, bond, Ac., a ill be Iqrnlshed ou application to this office (In Washing ton, or at 40 Leonard st.. New York) ; to E. M. Klngsley, 30 Clinton place, New York ; to Win. II. Lyon, 483 Broad way, New York ; to Win. Nicholson, Huperincendent Indian A Hairs. Lawrence. Kansas; to the Commissaries of Subsist ence, U. S. A., at Si. Louis. Chicsgo, Moiix City, Leaven worth, 8t Paul, Omaha and Obey rune, .1. V- 8M I I'll, Commissioner. BTOUAfelfi. _ t MOKItKLf.'S Fl lis f "i'LY88 n ioitAHh "WaTTBT gVeliousc lor Hue lurnltiire, trunks, cases, pianos, orna ments, works of art, Ac. ,-uio deposit vaults lor valuables, Holes of all sises In vaults to rent, by i he month or year, affording absolute security. 4th ay. Mid KM St, A Is BATTBIISON (LATB OF 090 6TH AV.i.? 8T0R ?Ing for liirnltttrc, pianos, baggage, Ac.; furniture moved In iho city or to the country; 3H years' experience; furniture boxed for shipping. Office, 2U1 West 49tb at., cor ner of 7ih nv. _ A?STORAGE.?WEST 811)E STORAGE WAREHOUSE ? (established 1MO) ; Storage and Safekeeping for fur niture. Pianos, baggage, llieatrical properties, Ac , In sepa rate rooms; the oldest, lowest III rale, most extensive and respectable establishment III llie business. R. TAGUAKT, owner and manager. Ottlco 593 Hudson st., near 12th. A? MORGAN A BROTHER'S 8TORAGE VVaTuT ?houses, Broadway and 47th st., tor liiruitnro, baggage, c. Separate rooms, 81 per month and upward. Inspec tion invilcd. ]>TuLb StOBAUl WARM!u UHKS-m:it U P UI-oUSLY Jcle.m and orderly; lowest rates, i.Miirtaugh improved elevator.) 103-107 West 33d St.. ono d?-or west of Hili av. VTMT 8TOHAOK WAKEHOUHEH,~ 730,7.12, 754 HTM ?x sr., corner tilth St.?Separate rooms for lurnitures storage for carriages, goners! merchandise, Ac. SMITH A SILLS, Proprietors. THE IIaEHER WAUEIIOUSK8, HTH AV? FROM 33D to 34th st.?Having been remodelled upon a new plan they are prepared to give better accommodation than any other warehouse In il.e city for Storage ol furniture, pianos, baggage and goods of every description and at lowest rates; an Inspection invited. Office 3l*i West illtli St. MAKBliK MANTELfi. J THWART'-. SLA I K, MARBLE A VI) TuTlDWuoB OMnntlee, Grates, Ac., removed to 73 and 77 WeMDSdlW. >losouic Temple, opposite Booth'* Theatres