Newspaper Page Text
Review of Ihe Events of the Week?An Animated Stock Speculation. the gold and money markets. The Course of Government, State and Railroad Bonds?The Money Market Stronger. Waul Strixt. ) Sunday, April t, 1877. ( At Intervals areata come upon the Stock Exchange as sorrows are said to do?In battalions. Tbero baa been no lack of tb*m during the past week, and iney bare bad to do witb the coal, railroad auu tnisoeila beotia stocks almost to equal proportions. The imme diate effect was to produce a considerable agitation in the waters ot speculation, create a nauseating stol de tner in tho holders of cortaln lavoritu finales, and a return at the oud or tbe week to the placidity of the openfng. The most startling occurrence wae the sharp end unexpected attack upon Panama Railroad and Pa ciflo Mall, which forced tbe former down Ire? 120 to 80, and tbe latter from 18 to 12%?this at tbe rcry moment that tbe directors In tbo former stock were declaring a quarterly dlvideud of 3 per cent and show ing that thoy bad earned It, and that tbe President of the latter company was congratulating stockholders upon the Improved condition or tboir property. 01 courto so Qerco n squall could only proceed Irom the "rude Boreas" of tne market, whose wtuds are il' winds and who blows nobody any eooa but himself. In this case It Is doubtful whether be bss much bene fited by tbe tempest, aftpr all, lor tbe flurry wae ae short as It was sharp, and, in a wreckiug point of view, little opportunity w?s given tor tlio collection of Jetsam and flotsam In tho shape or floating shares. It Is a matter of "stroot" notoriety that Jay Oould, since bis acquisition of tho Union Paciflo road, has been affected with a moral strabismus wbicb bss com pelled one eye to be directed upon this properly and tbe other upon Panama. To hurmonlze this erratic Vision it became necessary to harmonize tbe intorests oi tbo two lines, and to do this It was a sine qud non that tbo Panama property should come under tbe control of Uoald. Hence tbo attack which startled Stock Exchange circles end resulted In tbe discomfiture of two prominent operators. Regarding tbo small number of Panama shares which changed bunds tbo movement does not appear to have been n success, Gouid Daring appa rently tailed to scare stockholders into selling and to have reckoned witbout bis bost, or, more properly, without tbe friends who so promptly came to tbo aid ot tbe embarrassed operators. Tbo attack upon l'a. clflc Mall bolng simply a sham to help along tbo main oporation It was significant of nothing, and tbe price quickly returned to nearly tbe point ol departure, wMle Panama, under tbo nelp extended, recovered to par, although it fulled to ontlrely retain the Improve ment. Tbe entire market was demoralized by tbe un expected dash upon the above securities, and was at one time tbreatonod with disastrous results. Tbe bear parly, however, who would rather see the market sink away through marasmus than expire by sudden death, lntorforod, through tbo. means of extensive purchusos, at tbe nick of time and rallied prices generally some 2 or 3 per cent. Tbe restoration ol confidence wus groutly aided by tbe settlement of difficulties which bad been harassing tbe coal carriers?tbo trunk railroads. Without being able to bit upon a better plan tbo former havo roadoptod tho old combination In au emasculated lorm, the same being a restriction ol pro duction and an advance of fllty cents per ton upon coal at tide water. Tbe railways have followed protty nearly In tbe same lootstcps, having retlnkored tbe December contract nnd sworn quite as stoutly as thoy did then to "love, bonor and obey" tbe sumo. How for tbo Immutable laws ol trado can bo ovorrtdden by leglslatlou or this description, and bow soon contracts that have no better basis than these have will be reck oned among such as are made to bo oroken, will bo decided soouer or later. As monopolies soem to be tbo fashtonaolo cure-all for all diseases pertain ing to trado depression, II Is a little remarkable that tbe two telegraph companies have not arranged lor some sort of alliance, ofl'ensive and defensive. Some such reports were rlfo In tbe street, but so far have come to nothing, and tbe prlco of Western Union bos declined betweou 2 and 3 points In face of them. Tbe Atlantic and Pacific Company havo boon hammer ing away through constant cutting in rates which tbe old company is forced to meet with similar reductions. What the upshot of tbe matter Is to be?whether s consolidation of Interests sooner or later, or s war to tbo bitter end, with a denouement akin to tbat of tbe Kilkenny cats?nobody knows, and few beyond stock holders cure. The demand lor tbe new lour and a half per cents continues active, large sumswblob have beau Irlgbtoned out of the share market seeking a saler asylum m government bonds. A slight stiffness In money was observabio during tbe pauicky days, due to tbe shifting ol loans, but on the cessation of excite ment tbo rate returned to the storootype one of 2 a 3 per cent. TBI TRAX8ACTI0J(8 Or THIS WEKK. The following table represents the opening, highest anil lowest sales, regular way, of the principal stocks during tho past week, logetbor with the number of Bhares dealt in. It will bo observed that the aggregate volume of business was larger than for many mouths iVo. Open- High? Low. Sharet. ing. eit ret, Atlantic and Pacific Tel... 3,324 22)$ 23>; 22?$ Chicago ami North West.. 0,1137 31 ?$ 32 31 Chicago and N. West pref. 14.804 liO 60?$ 48?; C., It 1. and Pacific 20,493 97?$xd 98 90?; Chicago, llur. and Quiccy. 6.383 99* 104 up Col., Chi. and Ind. Cent... :;oo 2?$ 2?$ 2', Ctev., Col,, Cln. anu Ind... 822 24 24 ; 23 Cleveland anil Pittsburg... I,!i31 89?$ 89?; 86V Chicago and Alton 313 91 91?$ 9<? ?; Colsoltdalion Coal 3oo 2d 20 20 Del.. Lack and Western. ..226,533 ftS 00?; 67% Dolaware and Hudson..... 19,485 49)$ 60>; 48?; Adams Kxpress 654 98 99% lio American Kxpress 044 62 62 61 United States Express.... 410 44 44 44 Wells, Fargo4 Co, Ex.... 166 83% 83* 83H Krio 18,880 4% 7% 4# Erie preferred... loo 14'u 14'$ 14?; Harlem 613 137 Vtf 137?* 137?$ Han. and St. Joseph 1,700 11 11 lo Han. and St. Josophpfd... ooo 21V 22% 21J$ Illinois Central 6,470 40% 48% 40V,' Lake Shore 230,748 46'; 48,1$ 45% Micbigau Couiral 146,668 3u?$ 42% 34 Morris and Essex 2.038 80)$ 81?; 80?$ Mil. and St. Paul 4.400 1.8 18 111 Mil. and 8U Paul ptd 43 650 45% 461$ 44',' N. Y. Central 90,804 89 % 93 ?; 88?; N. J. Central 2,500 9 9 Hi; Ohio and Mus 6,300 4 4 % 3 Pacific Mail 112.036 19?$ 19?$ 12% Panama 4,216 120 120 8(1 Pitts, and Ft. Wayne. 792 97 ?$ 97?$ 97?$ Quicksilver 600 14', 14 1$ 14 Quicksilver pld 600 21?$ 21?$ 20 lit. I.ouls and Iron Mount,. 650 8 8 5 ML Coals. K.Ciiyand.N. pro 2oo 24', 24?$ 24.1$ Toledo, Wab. and Weal.... 2,700 3% 6 :i Union Pacific 1,2. 4 67'$ 68 67 Western Union Telegraph.381,600 67?$ 69?$ 66 Gold. 105 106 104% Total lor the week 1,362,072 TUB MONEY XAUKXT. There has been Komolliing of a hardening In the money market during the week, money on call loaning up as high as 0 per cent, the geuoral rale being, how ever, 8 a 4 per coul on cull. The last prices ahowod a Tailing off, as the niarkot closed yesterday with money loaning at 2 par cunt on call. The foreign exchanges have been higher and strong, tho last quotations being 4.85,1$ a 4.85.1$ lor bankers' sixty days'sturl'ng uud 4 87?$ for demand. Tho bank statement showed a decrease in tho surplus roserve ol $403,675, which leaves tho total amount now held by the banks lu ex cess ol legal requirements, $9,203,500. TtiPprlncipal changes were an increase ol $1,317,100 In specie and a ilocrcnso of $2,098,800 in logal tenders and of $1,492,590 in deposits. The loaus are up $808,000 and the circulation $134,100. TUB UOLD MAKKKT. .Gold Qpeued on Monday morning al 106 and closed last night at ibosnmn pgure. In tho intonm the only fluctuation was a decline of ?$ to 104?$- The follow ing table shows tho gold fluctuations for Ibe week:? Opening, Highest. Lowest, Closing. ' Monday 104 lo5 104?, lot's Tuesday ... 1<?*?$ 194?$ lot?; loi?$ Wednesday 104?$ 105 1<M% lu4?$ Thursday 194?$ Iu6 l(i4'$ 195 J Friday.............. 105 105 Pit 195 j ba'Mf'ftj_ 105 105 108 105 j corxi AXD scujox. The following were the latest quotations to gold for cols and bullion: , , Buying. Selling. American trade dollars Nominal American silver (half and quarter dollar.) 04 95% American silver (dimes and bail dime*! Di 86)i Mexican dol'ara, old style od?i Mexican dollars, uew style trJ> oav English stiver 4 #0 4 gtj Five Irancs * pq pj Thaler* "* flB -j Kngliah sovereigns 4 4 HO Twenty tranca g 90 g 94 Hpatilsh doubloons.................. lfl 00 1H 30 Mexican doubloons " j5 53 15 95 .Silver bars (SOU lino) 1 i?v 1 nu Fine gold bars ...V.V I'ar a % imports axu kxpokts. The foreign commerce of the jiort lor the week was as follows:?Genera) merchandise Imports, including dry goods, $6,252,568; produce exports, $3,901,810, and specie exports, $93,000. The total imports of merchandise at the port sinco January 1, this year, were $90,788,536, against $94,422,449 for the corre sponding period in 1876 and $106,876,201 in 1874; the total export ol produce, $60,842,137, against $64,813,549 In 1876 and $63,601,149 in 1875; the total exports of specie were $3,535,432, agslnsi $14,473,745 In 1876 and $16,816,273 in 1875. OOVBKKXMXT BONUS. Tho steadiness In gold has boeu relleeted in a similar Ormuess in government bond*. There wag, bowevor, but a moderato demand. In London our bonds are also steady, and tho following were the closing prices:? _ March 23. March 29l April & U. S. 6's, 6.20's, 1866, old.. 103% 106% lu6 U. 8. 6's, 6-20's, 1867. 109% 109 109% U M. 6's, 10-40'* 108% 10XV 108V New 5's 107% 108 108% ,?It'1 mje Since Jan. 1,1877 Hiyheet. Lowesit. U. S. 6's, 6-20's, 1866,old. March 7. 106% Jan. 2 105 U. 8. 6's, 6-20's, 1867... Feb.. 6. 110% Jan. 2. 108% U. S. 6's, 10-40's Feb.. 6. 110% Feb. 14x103% Now 5's April. 6. 103% Jan. 17.xl06% STATS HON PS. There baa been but little doing In State bonds, bat they have generally been strong. The following are the latest quotations:?Tennessee sixes, old, 43; do. do., new, 43; North Carolina sixes, old, 16; Virginia sixes, consolidated, 82; do. da, do., socoud series, 106%. KAILfttOAU BONDS. As s rale tbeso bonds were lower, some low bonds remaining firm. Tho following were tho latest quota tions :? Central of New Jersey, let consol 62 Central Paclllo 1st, 6's, gold 100 Chicago, Burlington and Qulucy consol. 7's 109 Chicago and Northwesiorn coupon, gold 88% Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul cons. s. f., 7'?.. 82 Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific 1st, 7's 107% Erie 1st, 7'*, extended 114 Michigan Central consol. 7's 102 Morris and Essex lst'mortgago " "!!!*! hqi* Now York Central and Hudson 1st coupon.!.!.! 106 Ohio and Mississippi consol. sinking fund 80 Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago 1st 119 St. Louis and Iron Mountain 1st mortgage 93V Union Pacific 1st, 6s, gold 104'* Union Pacific sinking fund ??..!!!!! !!',*.'.! 92% mkxora.noa. Tho fallowing Is the statoment of gross earnings of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway for the fourth week In March, 1877, 22d to 31st, Inclusive:? ?rB'*ht $49,211 05 Passenger og,536 73 J.|M" 1,193 90 Express 1,576 00 Miscellaneous 1 253 29 Total ..,,$"0 770 03 Corresponding period lust year 04!710 67 The total amount of anthrucile mined lor tho coal year is 3,648,300 tons, against 2.444,178 tons for same period last year?an Incroaso or 1,104,128 tons Tho wbolo bituminous tonn igo from tho beginning of the coal year Is 660,764 tons, against 610,147 tons In cor spondlng time last year?a decrease of 40.393 tons, and the total tonnage lor the coal year is 4,118,000 tons, against 3,051,325 tons to samo dato last year an ln creaso of 1,063,735 tons. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cotton dull : middling. U%o.t Jpw mIddliii^k'^'c!f^od V,Ti7? -?? r, . , , . Nkw Oulxans. April 7,1877. Cotton easy, fair demand; middling. 11 %c.; low mid. dling. lie.; good ordinary, tile. Net receipt. 277 bjfas fro... 028. Export*?To tireat Britain. I,43d; to Franc*' 'g'lSoio Continedt, 2.UUO. Hale., 3.0IS). Stock'. MOSII.B, April 7. 1877 Cotton weak, nominal; middling, lo'.c.: low middling 10%c.; good ordinary. Kte. Net receipt"..506 hale. ; gro"*' 80tl. Exports ?fo (Jreat Britain. 8.96.7; to the Channel 70: coastwise, 836. Hales, 2< XI. Stock. 42.540. ' ' 7 * ? .. , , ,. Chahi.xstox. April 7, 1877. Cotton quiet: middling, 11 ),c.; low middling, u%c.; Stwk ?27 it7r' Not receipts, 187balos. Sales. 159. ? , , WiUftXOTOR, N. C'.. April 7 1877 Spirits of turpentine quiet at 33c. Ko.iu dull at SI tin tor .trained. Crude turpontino steady at SI 50 for haril St 00. f?r y,"ow d,p *"d *'2 50 tor v,rK'n. Tar steady at ., , . Oswuuo. April 7, 1877. Flow more active; salos 1,800 bbl. at *7 75 a *8 2.5 No. 1 .prlntr, $H a $8 60 for amber winter, 8h 25 a $6 75 for white do.. $8 .g) a <11 for double extra. Wnea; Arm - sales of 4,000 bushels No. 2 Milwaukee club at #l%);No I d* held at SI 68. Corn1 dull; sales of l.t)00 bushel* Western mixed at 5.I..C Barley quiet; No 1 Canada held at H5o ; a.*. * 'jje. Uornmeal unchanged. Millfced xuff'-122;""d'mn^924-?"?<"? Wheat and corn in muderate dem^am^^priccs'nomhlailr unchanged: held firmly. Klour hrm; city ground hivher; sale* 900 blila.: Westorn ground spring. S7 a #7 50? bailors' $7 5tla$8: omber. $7 75 u$8 25; white, S8 "5 a |H 7o; new Process HO 75 a SI I; city ground spring. $7 a S7 7o; baker. , S7 7.> n $8 2.?; amher, #8 h #8 511- white fHOOafB; new proce-s. $0 5<) a $11. K/? flour. $3 a *5 25.' Buckwheat llour, $4 a S4 50 Wheat-Sales 16car loud. whit. "" i? ? $1 ?*. 2 car load, of Northw?t?".prl"?i? $1 44, 1,500 bushels sample spring at $1 88. c?r load on at 51c.. 51' c. and 52c. Oats dull; holders firm. Rye and barley In light demand; no .ale. reported. Seed. Hrm; goou demand, sale. 1 5tx. bushel. Hinothy at $1 IX. a $2 lit; .VWdo medium oh.vV at !(8 .111 u $!*. aim large, $1. 25 a $9 75. Other article, n?. unc,h?,,r'1- Receipt. a.ffi/t Vbli: 1 "all H I f .a.w' 16,400 do. corn. IH.5HO do. oats 1,3*. do. harlev. 3,21*. do. rye. Shipmeiit.-2.HiX) bhl. ?""[? V whewt. 1B,4(X> do. corn. 10,500 do. oat. 1.2UO do. b.rley, 3 2(X) do. rye. ' i Flour Hrm. Wheat strong; No. 1 whip'MIchPuon^SHiOV? extra da., $1 JW; ambur Miclii^uu. #1 $1 MaV |1 June. $1 H5; No. 2 do* ?1 &; So 2 red winter' $1 50%; May. SI61V: June. $1 61.' Con. flru.7 hli'l mixed, 4.1?;e n 46c.; No. 2. 45%e,; Mar 45%c ? Jiina 46%c.; July, 47%c. ; rejected. 45c. Outs' firmer' whits' 43%c.; Michigan. 40e. Clover seed 158 40; mammoth St.' Receipts?450 bbls. flonr, 3,400 bnshels wheat lil.(XX) do con., ).7?>do. oats. 8ltipmonts-3,5<x. hii.hol. wheat. K..VJO do. corn, 4,Jut) do. oats. fu"' "t'OMK ?n<l higher: WeUen/^'tn.^'y,' .77TJ' a ftl 87%; Mtnnesote do , *6 5(. ? $7 87%; Minnesota patent precMS, $7 25 a $9 75. Wheat active, firm and Sc.' a 2 ?c. higher: No 2 (Jiicniro spring, $1 ,'I'J1, cmmH or April; Hales at )' 34% a $1 36%. May; closed at SI 36%', May; $1 37';. Juno; No. 3 do.,.t?l 24 a $1 25V- re.eete.1 SI thy. Corn active, firm and higher; 4<>'c. bt.'t cash or April; 43%c bid. V ay ' sales at I2',c. a 43 . M?V. . ,?is in active demand and higher; 32%c . cash; 35Ve bid May. Bye lalrly active and asliudc higher ?t 65I.e. Barley in good demand ut lull prices st 53%c. fork in good de maudland a shadehigher: $14 10 a $14 12% cash; $14 17V a $14 2fl, May; $14 27'. a $14 80, June. Lard luirlv active and a shade higher: $1. p., en-li; $9 45 a $9 47'. May: $!? 55 a St. 57%, June. Hulk meats steady with a fair demand. W hiskey. $1 05. Kecelpts-Flonr, 7 500 bhls ? wheat. 5.51X1 bushels; cmn. 75.000 do.; oats 14 (XX. do' ?' rre. 3,300 do.; barley, '2 ixs. no. Sblpn.outs-Flo'nr. 8,5<i?i hhlx ; wheat, 14.i*V) bushels; corn. 8I.UX) do.; oats 17 000 HAVANA MARKET. lliMKi, April 7, 1S77. SuiiaK.?Some ttrlnpency hat been uotlced on account of I tils dlaparlty between llm vlewt of holder* and the mnrdm ol buyer.; the demand. however, hat boon i nor'ail nr. price* closing Bnniewliat higher; the moto.i coriunue* la Tursblo lor grinding; clayed augur, Noa. I lo 12, Hutch etithdurd, in), ? 11 ieals per arrooo; Not. 15 lo IP), Hutch ?tanditrd, IJ a HI1, real*; tueur. Noa 7 lo ill. at i >L.j a >1, main. gold; Mimcov.ion sugar. lair to pood redoing, HLi?H'a real*; cointnon to lair do.. NX a s)., reala; cent. I tiitrial tuner*, Not. 11 to HI. In how* lnn4 a 11 >4 real*; do, in lilnla., II it 11 SI r--?U. Stock in * aiohou I at Havana and, IliS.OIIO lioxca and 4(1,.Mm libit*. ; recelpta ol the ari ak.'.7,ian boxca mid W..V*I hlula; export, i during tho weuk, -4. It0? boxet aud 5,l<*l,, ol which 1,1**1 boxes and * I lilni* went to tile Culled State*. Mo li.a."!?. lift* ucgr- et pohirixallou, 7 real* per kep lupoid. Bocop. S l.'i Ml a $IMi BO per i:*i Jerkei beei. <o il7b, n %?"> ? ill J.i p?r arrobe. llama, s40 a $47 pi r <|ii i nt ill for Amer I an sugar cured. Hard, in tint, r42 a >4 1 par i|nintal; oo., In kep>. fikl 25. I'aiaities, $11 a #11 5o pur bid. Tailoar, $2ti n #:to per <|<it ta titl. Wax, vol low. $17 a $1* per armor ; do., wllite, $21* a $2(1. i'on on, in tin*, I'i real, par pallou. Kinpiy blid.,, pold. Lumber. while pine, $ lit pai M ; jrel low do . #20 a ill) prr M tthooka, box. Hat rtnlt: tupar, tilid.ll> real* ; mola.tet lilnl , 2D a 21 roalt. White navy lieant, !K'S a .'10 real* pur arrobe. Chewing toba<vo $5A a $02 pel nnintal. t'o p. VIa 11)4 rnala per arrobe. iloop., long altaeoil, $50 a $53 per M. Freights still desultory: to the United State, atemlier: lo-iding at lluvMua tor ibo Inltid states, per box ol tairar. 7i)ic.: per iilid. of sugar, $2 75 a $5; per blid. o| molaaeet. $2 75; loading at porta on the north coast (outside port*) for tho 1'niie State*, per box of sngar, nominal: per blid. of sugar, it:t 25 a $1 75; j. r blid nl molasses. $2 25 a $2 75; loailinp at Havana ta ral month and ordera. .Hit, a il2t. Ikl Tobacco fairly active. Spanish gold unchanged. I'.xchanpo* unchanged. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. I'kovipk.xuv. R I.. April 7. 1S77. I'rint clotlit market duller than at . ny tunc of the year. Bales ol the week 4,1100 placet ol .'alxfiti at 8>^c. n ilJsc. for ttamlard, and extra ?4'a 4c.. oath to 1JO day*. BRAZILIAN COFFEE MARKETS. Rio Janmiio. April 7, 1S77. OolToe unlet with a downward tonriency pood flr-t*. 0,5*10 a 0.O5O reis per lOkllot Exchange on l.oi.d in. 21',. Santo* April 7, IH77. Coffee market riulat; mlcet maluiained; tuperior Santoi 0,ti?*l a 13,Si JO relt pnr III kilo*. riilAKClAL. "VI,i-.XnKirrf:ii'IlASf k 06., h'anRkka an11 J a. broker*. 12 Wall at.-Dealer* In Brat class Hut* and Hail., buy and carry Stoek* a* lonp a* dealred on margin ol a io 5 per cent. Send lor circular* aud weekly report*, (roe. A_\vk hUv"stocks on and t w<>~pkrOknt ? inargiii; cninmittlop, $n 2,5 HJO shares. JoHN iULkUNU k CO.. 72 Broadway, Now York. ~ ? v fisajkcuu, urn ??* "a n?.w/>.r ?J?*?K|MljlOO.. Ill) Bro?a??j. AND OOOD5 salrsmoms. 103 to 107 M eat 3o<| ,1" 8 " our ""age ?u?l A?u7.lrS,IV:I/i?1?U A*D MISUBIaLANBOCi A/,uV?p!i;rT.dVrIn.H?aKHTATK1Fl,,'D? ? ?AN ON Broadway, roi>a> 10. P '* *'??l mrni ?16 p?f oem. 08 Ef ***** ?-"O.U*)-KinST CLASS CITY EXECUTOR, .tafloa O *? 8 bo,",'?* loans. Address E"?l^opmyWiSLpoi^^^??r~IKlRSTCLASB I^SSgSSl^^S^r^ rmiv0"-1. '"""'? J? g88gr t6 isssiSiKll'wat j^Tja-aSBas Mining stocks. We hay and axil Mining Sioeke at the Amtrlcau Mining and Slock Exchange. or elsowherv. on commlninn. Our Mr. A. H. Nlcolay is a member of the Board. ALBERT h. NICOLAY k CO.. , Bankers, Broker* and Aueilonaar*, No. U riua at., N, Y WANTED?>15,000 ON BOND AND mortgage^ kok Uv* year*, on Property In Oueens county worth goo.iaai. Vrinclpala only dealt with. Addraaa bos 2,643 rust oiUce. WA NT K D?LOAN ON BROADWAY LEASEHOLD property; bmidsman Al. Addreaa A. B. TAPPER, Attorney. 176 Broadway. *7 Miff T? LOAN?ON CITY PROPERTY FIRST ?T I .UUU Mortgnge. Principals only can apply to U. P. WEST, No. 183 Grand at. 41 OTWW I ~WANThD-ON IMPBOVRD NEW J ER VlJ.UUUsav Property worth 440,000. Principals only addreaa REAL ESTATE, box 101 Herald office. <#?OHTwinil r? AtTpER CENT. KOlt"5 ?Jr^A/U.V/UUyears, on Improved City Property ; mod erate charge*. JAMES It. GIBSON, Jr., or B. M. GAR KKTT80N, 77 Cedar at. nnil KUKOPlUk FUNDS TO LOAN. SIX V "J a ll." M MJpor cent iollenta to buy Second, Leasehold, Jersey Mortgages. Addreaa MONEY, Herald office. COPARTW BRgiilPN. rrVfnr uoPakYnership 1 iR r k to ho'itfi~Ex i sffsu X under the Urin name ot Martin A Hwnlm, coulectlouera, at 24A Greenwich St.. Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will lio carried mi by Mr. Everett 8. Hwnlm, who will collect and pay all debts due said firm. A. MA RUN. K. 8. SWALM. _ New York, April 7, 1877. __ _ BL'SI \ KSS OPPORTLNITIES. *1 MANUFAtvrUlUNG COMPANY," CONTKOLLfNG aYiuouopoly, wauls treasurer immediately with <1,000 cash. PARKINSON, 683 Broadway, room t. Cioal VXitD fursale im to Ilkask-on ac /cnunt of the death ot the owner. Apply at 100 Wash ington et. MANuVaCTUKBK ()F~~aN IMPROVEMENT ON AN article never before manufactured In this onnntry, but hitherto imported in great quantities, and lor which there is a large demand, desires addilloual capital. Address, glviug tall niune and address. P., box 175 Herald office. Partner wantku^with gao.uoo, in an old established mainilacturlng buslne-s. to increase sales; prollta very large; op u lor iuvoatlgatiou. For particulars address I'ALL VON FRANK1NUlyiUJ. at Blachnlt's Hank, Staats Zeitung hull ding, corner oTTryon row aud Outre. PAiUNr.R ~WANTED?A LIVE MAN, WITH ABOUT fl'i.HOii. to join the advortiser in a poultry suterprlse already started near this city. Addross PROFIT, box Ilk) Herald office, P'~ ARTNEtTYYANTED?SPECIAL OR ACTIVE; S6O.0U0 capiial: old ostahllahea manulacturing business. Address N. J , box 118 Herald office. R~ ARE CHANCE.-A~LONG ESTABLISHED ~DkUO Store, iu u thriving town, 30 miles fruiu New Y'oik.on the C. K. K. of New Jersey, torrent at a very low rate; stock In store may be purchased, II* party chooses, at about <4<S>. Addieta or call u|ion J. H. IIAKKI.-iON, or A. H. SHOPLA.NI). Westtleld. h'lilim county, N. J. TIO HOTRL AND REsta (IRAN r KRRPKRB.-THR advertiser, an axpert cook aud uastrv baker of 30 years' standing, also as munager of hotel, restaurant or any other large nubile institution, wishes a place, according to his qualification and ability, or wishes lo associate with some parties lu business; city or country or summer houso ; tho highest testimonials can be glveu. Address, I'or one week, STEWART, box 10H Herald office. A i ?7 /Y ~?t\~OREI NO PARTNER- WANTRD?CASH ?Jlaw i U.comer Grocery: good location; growing neigh borhood GAKFNKY .t SMITH. 17 Centre St. AQUA ?PARTNRR IN A GOOD INDOOR BUSINESS qpOvJ ".that pays large profits ; rare chance. Mi'DllNNKLL, Ml Chatham st. AWY/WY -PARTNER WANTED WITH T?l 18 iJpl.UUU.iimmiiit in a legitimate business; ropntatiou e-tah'isliud; none but thorough husineris men waiueil. Ad dress at otico .MANAGER, Herald Uptown office. 4? /WW Y -EN KID?ETIC It K 1,1 V HI.K PERSON qpi J.UU W,joining company owning patent brick ma culae. territory around New York, cnu have management; good salary; machine cost $31)0; make 2T>,0(Sl bricks daily with horse power. Address KKLIaHLE, Herald Philaief phia Branch office. d? i77"?Yfk/Y ?porhale7lease, fixtures and qplO.Uwl/.Furniture or (city) Hotel; tiptop loeallon, cheap rant, newly lurnlshed. F. UNBEKANT, 12 Chambers it. BOTTLING PORTER. Funny Porter'e disorderly house In Fortieth atreet wag raided yesterday morning by tho ofllcort of tho Twenty-llrst procinct, and two women and three men were urrestcih At tho Fifty-seventh Slreet Court Mrs. Porter und Kate Jackson were committed In do lault of $500 ball. The men wore discharged. FELONIOUS ASSAULT. ? John Miller, of No. 107 Mulberry street, was ar raigned at the Tombs Police Court yesterday charged with feloniously assaulting Juntas Sheridan on Satur day night. Both tueu had been drinking aud blows were exchanged. During the struggle Miller drew a kulleaud stabbed nis antagonist lu tho hand, inlllot* lug a severe wound. Tho prisoner was held iu $1,000 bail. A BROOKLYN BURGLARY. The resldonco at tioorga D. Wilton, No. 47 Concord street, Brooklyn, wus broken into at an early hour yesterday morning and Jewelry and cash of the value of $540 wero stolen. JUBILANT TOO SOON. A Mlnsola (L. I.) detective named 1'ayn, who bad boon iu search ol John Meelzel, who waa auspected of horse stealing and Incotidiariem, succeeded in arrest ing the latter on Suiurduy near Newark, N. J. I he prisouer consented to roturu to Miucola without put ting his captor to tho trouble ol getting a requisition. They proceeded together aa far as Hunter's l'oiut ferry, wburo the detective paused to write a telegram to tho Miucola authorities annouucing hie triumphant ruturn. Meetzel took advantage ol the opportunity aud inado his escape. COUR CALENDARS-THIS DAY. Si'PKKitK Court?Ciimiugits.?Held by Judge Dono hue.?Not. 3, B, 47. 68, 57, 83, 84. 112, ?3. tf?, 100, 101, 103, 106, 130, 131. 133 120 137, 146, 147, 161, 166, 168, 185, 106. 301, 208, 310, 3U, 316, 233, 231, 337, 345, 246, 347, 348, 240, 252, 254, 2n6, 260, 257, 260, 361. SVPRKMIkUOOKT?Gknkkal I'kkk. ? Adjourucd unr die Sui'hkmk Court?Special ikhk.?Held bv Judge Van Vorst.?Nos. 20, 216, 217, 104, 218, 210, 220, 227, 111, 33, 236. 240. 241, 254, 268, 260, 260. 361, 267, 368, Is 6. 260, 270, 272, 273, 274. 276. m'prkmk UoiKT?Circuit?Pxkt L? Held by Judge Lawrence.?Nos. 002Ji, 3000, 2013, 3785, 1683. 3670, 3206, 3127, 2806, 3103. 3153, 3166, 3167, 31*3, 3271, 3273, 2085, 4673777, 31*5, 2710, 3833, 3277, 4723, 3281. Purl 2? Held by Judge Barrett.?Cane on, No. 1006; uo day calendar. Part 3?Held by Judge Van brunt.? Nos. 20-0, 1177. 2o06, 1217, laOO, 1618, 1027, 825,3030, 1011, 036, 023>4, 328, I60O, 2237, 210, 70314, 803 1438, 00 Sokkkiok Court?Skkcial Tkrm.? Hold by Judge I Kan lord.?Nor 46, 8, Id, 17, 20. Demurrers, Nun 4. i 6, 7. I Sckkrior Court?Cknkkal Thru.? Adjourned tine die. sukkriok Court? Ikiai Tkrm.?Fart 1?Hold by Judge Kroedmau.?Noe. 514 11U4, 1138, 6'Jl, 7*4, 764, ; 777, 1009, lull, lo34. 260, 1.14, 666, 930, 313, bill, 217, I 213, 77d, 16U. 737, 733, 124, 037, 122 Furl 2? Ue.d by Judge Sedgwick.? Nou. 570S, 301, 040,064, 043, 746, i 810, 820, 042. 02n?? 830. 997, 630, 632. 54U, 641, 6'J'J, I 00a, 010, !?07. 787, U76, 229. 10U3, 10.10. Furl 3?Held by C'biol .1 mi ice CuitUL?Nor 008, O'JO, 1036, 703, 802, 811. 823, 831. 835, 243. 240, 710, 830. 722, 620, 250. Common I'i.ham?(Jknural Iriim.?Adjuurued for Hie lerui. Common Pi.mar?EquiTT Term?Hold by Chief Justlco Daly.?Nor, 1, 0, 10, 11, 13, 22, 27. llomurrera?Nor 1, 2. 3, 7. Common I'i.ras?Trial Tkiim?Fart 1?lluld by Judge Vuu Hueseu.?Nor 210, 1076, 1170, 058. 067, 1476, 16.10, lldl, 1130, 026, 1608, 1217, 840, lulS, 16l2, 7u5, 001,27.1180, 201. 1622,870. 1006, 028, 1148, 671, 723. 42, 1264, 381. 027, 203, 600, 073, 1604, 022, 512, 110.1, 11*47, 1042.820, 1123, 702, 1142, 1107,1003 Pari 2? 11 old by .ludgc Larrmuore. --Noa 7s0, 1023, 113d, 427, 827, 20", 004, 314, 1027, 1215, lo60, 73a, "30, 73", 738, 420, 1123, 740 1U07, 232, 143, 1311, 1122, 800, 1U03, lib, 687. 1010. 1702 I'art 3 ? Held by Judge .1 K. Daly ? Nor. 1133, 327, 1115, 277, 17UO, 1261, 1202, 1272, 031, 1146. 1253. 1202, 1140, 1221. 1180, 1253, 1063, 1064, 1247. 1270, 1000, 423. Marink luuht?Trial Tkiim?I'ari 1?Ha d Oy Judge Alker ?Nou. 8041, 2209, 7460 7400. 7340 7760, 7ho9, 6700. "234, 3108, 77?8, 8i83. 8184, 8200, 8127. Furl 3 ? Huld oy Judge Spend iU ?Nur 6528. 2112, 623J, 6460, 6243,4222.3086. Murine uuc, 250, 4778, 6188, 6204, 8025. 2334, 8163. Furl 3?Held bv Oulol Justice Shea.? No*. 8003, 3855, 7002, 8022, 0210, 8604, 56o2, 8080, 2712, 6O80, *097. 89a8, 6789, 8112, 3220 Court ok Umnkral skhmomc?Pari 1?Hold by Ke corner Hitckoll. ? loo l'ou|ilc vr JuMepli Kusella, rape; Same v*. Cburleu Wuauo, burglary; Sumo vr Fred onck lleamcr, iclnnious uuauuli and buttery ; Sumcva. Janice Leo, grand larceny; Same vu. (iouiieo Sillier*, grand larceny ; Same vs. Patrick Stewart, grunJ lar ceny; Same va. .1 uines Dwyur, grinid larceny ; same vs. MurliU Deiuney, assault ulid bullcrv; Same vs. Michael Deviue, a uuuli and bultory; San o vs. Mux (iruginuky, pom larceny. Pari 2? Held, by Judge Underali-ove. ? TUo l'ouplo vs. 1,eland Joncu, I'llilip Trojai and Alexander Hoy, rubbery; Same vs. Pariou Mubuney, felonious assault and Oiiltery; Saino vr Tbuiiuia S. F. \V tin inker, burglary; Sumo vs. Henry Siiiiiiord and CbarlcR V. Huul, burglary; same vs. Alcxuudcr Mallbewa, burglary; Same VS. Acnes <?. Clark, lorgery; Sum' va. Toumaa Murray, aaunuiiaod bnllery; Sumo vr Jumca (Jlbuoy, riulalion ol llio [ Excise law;Same va. JuaepU Saudle, miadetneauor. SCHWAB, THE COMMUNIST. ABBX8TED AT CHICKEB1NO HALL FOB DIS TDIUIIKO A MELTING?HIS DEFENCE AND DIB* CHABOE?THE DEN OF THE REDS. Justus H. Bchwab, the communist who wu arrMtcd for loeltiBg rloi in Touipktus square January 13, 1674, was brought bsfore Judge Ouerbourg ai (be Jefferson Market l'ulice Court yesterday on a charge ol disor deny conduct, Schwab la ? tall, muacuiar German, about thirty-Bra yeara of age, with good, regular featurea and a very fair complazlon. His hair is brushed straight up from his forehead, and looks as it it would defy any combing to keep It down, lie has been known for yeara as one of the loaders ol the communistic element In this city, end ho went to Chlckerlng Hall on Saturday evening, with a number ol bis followers, to express his opinlou on the subject or municipal reform. Mr. Schwab was so vehement in bis denunciation of the poopie prcsont and the resolutions offered at the meoting and Inter rupted toe proceedings so often, thai Captain Copeland ordered Officer Butts, of the Twenty.ninth proctnct, to tske him lu charge. When Schwab was arraigned yesterday no wanted to explain btsgr ovancoa to tho Court, and cotauieucod in a loud voice uud with great gesticulation to recite the ciiu-.o of bis arrrst, much to tho amusement of llio crowd in tho court room WHT TOST PUT IMS OUT. I wont there," said Mr. Schwab, raising his right hand alolt. "in response to ibe call isaued lor citizens to meol uud express ibeir opinions, aud wheu 1 heard resolutions uflorml that woro opposed to tne princi ples of uuitcrsal suffrage I rebelled. 1 will stand up at any liuiu or in auy pluco lor universal sullrnge. This meeting wo* supposed to repruscut lite citizens of Now J , Jlm ?"?Ptosented what mo handful ol men on tho platiortu wanted It to represent uud tiolliiLg more. Where there is an ufllrtnuiivo there must be a negative, and because tbey would not hear my nexa live tbey put me out. ' Mr. Leunder Thompson and Emigrant Commissioner Btarr appeared us witnesses in bebali of Schwab una tostlfleu that Ins conduct at the uioetlng was nothing more itiau au expression of opiniou wh.clt was perfect ly Proper tu a public meeting. Schwub was discharged and walked out followed by a crowd ol admirers, TUB LION IN HIS PEN. He remained all day at a saioou iu First street, of which ho is the owner, receiving tho congratulations ol bis friends on Ins devotion to the cause of universal suffrage and worklngmen's rights Sohwab's sa ioou is lu u buseiuoui, aud is tho beudquurters of the Democratic Social Society, au orguuizauou that boasts auioug its members any uuinncr ol Gorrnuu philosophers ol the most uuvanced school, all ol whom weur red neckties aud long buir una beurd. Around the ha loo u are hung rod ounuers beariug the following mottoes: ? "Tne unconsumed products of the past should be au equal lulieriiuuce to tho living gouoraiiom " "Interest ou money Is direct luxation on labor to support wealthy puupers" "Our strength lies in the Justice of our demands* lei the working people ol the world unite." "Tho law must bo submitted to ibe people." Besides those banners aro a number ol Inghlv col ored pictures descriptive ol sceues duriug ihu roigu of the Commune iu funs. Hero meet nightly a small coterio ol .Socialists who form the nucleus ol au or ganization which bus Its branches throughout tho city, and all looking up to Justus 1L ScUwub as tho most prominent public exponent of ihulr principles. GOTTLIEB ISCHEEKeITs FATE. Tho family and friends or Mr. Gottlieb Scheeror, the Newark confectioner, who was horribly muuglod to doath on Saturday night, are loud In tholr denuncia tion ol tho report that he committed BUicido or hud pre viously been drinking owing to domestio trouble. Tbore was nothing In tho world, tbey doolaro, to drive hint to either drink or suicide. Ho had not lusted liquor of any kind since Jauuury last, they declare. Tboir ver sion of how ho met bis shocking fato is tbist?Ills lather dlod iu Gormauy recently, and His niece, who resides in New York, was to havo visited Nowark on Saturday night, bringing with her a loiter Bbe hud ro coivod containing lull particulars of the bereuveuiont Mr. Scbeerer was at the depot waiting to meet her. The train arrived, but there was no sign ol tho young lady. While the oars were in motion Mr. Scbeerer juiupod on board to run through the cars in ordor to t?e certulu tne iileco had not coiua In his hurry mid excitement He slipped, foil between tho curs and was killed This is the statement made by the family to County Phvsi clsn Warn, wbo bus declined lo grunt a bnrnil certifi cate or order un Inqnest until ho prolans tne lucts in the caso lurihor. Mr. Scbeerer was a man ol considerable moans, lived In Nowark eighteen yours, was highly re ?peeled, and Is believod to have lived very baiiuily with his family. SOMERVILLE AND ENGEL. Owing to tholr counsel, Mr. Guild, bciug engaged in the Noyes case in Newark, Soinervilie and Eugel, the lawyer and alleged forgor, who, ex-Detective Nettie! ship declares, wore engaged in a conspiracy to doiruud tho government ol a quarter of a million dollars, havo token no steps yot as regards an examination, Tholr caso will go boloro the United States Grund Jury at Trenton in the course of a couple ol weeks. Mean while Somervllle and Engel both Intimato that before then tome facts will bo given to the public which will show that luitead of their being prlncipnls In n conspiracy tboy aro the victims of a fiendish plot si the buck ol which the government ol the United Stales has, through fraud, cunning and deceit, been plucod. l-.ngel declurcs Unit the report which appeared in ibe Iikkalii containing allocutions representing blm as an nrcb scoundrel is a tissue of slanders gotten up to prejudice his proseut situation beloro the public. Ibo general impression In Nowark us regards tho urresi of themes is thin neither the government uor Nelileship have done themselves any great credit in Jhojnatter, oven If their story of tho case Is entirely OUR PRESIDENTS' WIVES. [From the London Dully Nows, March 20.) Tho "fiorco light that beats upou u throne" seems to tall with a rather uucomfortsblo glare on tho wlvus of lTusideuts ol tho United States. Tho widow ol Prcsi dent folk might perhaps have guessed that the decease of that lamented statesman would have dellvorcd her from deputations. Tho Tennessee Legislature, taking a dillcrent view ol the matter, havo lately called loruuilly on Mrs. folk, aud ludouu tt ap pears mat in paylug this visit tlioy only complied with a usual practice, ltopresontauve J. F. Stokes "slung" some eloquent periods at Mrs. 1 oik, assurlug her that "wo cherish you us one in whom woman.y worth and rare graces una bright ex pression." Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes, tho wile of the new f resident, bus also attracted a good doul ol kindly notico. ft appoars that she was a pupil at n "Metho dist Fcmalo College" when alio mot "Kutberiord U, her Illustrious husband. -At mat iimo Hbo was noticeable for bur long, (lowing bluck hair, dark oyehrows, while teeth uud bcaun tul eyes." It was a case ol lovo at lirst sight. IV lion Kuthuriord H, Hayes becamo a major geuoral Ins wlfo "mude Irequent tripsin tuo scene ol carnage." She is now described as "a lady of largo domestic tusies," whatever tliul expression may insan, and it is gratlfyiug to know that abo also pns resses "sturdy old-time principle." Retiring ladies may cease la regret that In this king-ridden land llioy cau never be the wives of fresideuiA JOAQUIN MILLERS EX-WIFE. [From tlio San Francisco Post, Vlurcb 25. J Miss Minute Myrilo lias hud no mo reputation in a writer of both prose aud poetry In bor tunc, uutl con siderable notorioiy as the wile of tbo pool Joai|Oiu Miller. Shu procured a divorce Iroiu him halt a dosen or more years sinco, uud the Incongruity ol the pair ; was uudoubted. 1 hey possessed very simiiur tempers I and were each ol thciu atllictou with wayward literary ! tendencies. 1 h#ro wondered that Minnie Myrtle did | not pursue tier literary career lu utter years, but she seems to have dropped It. Four years ago she look | the Held as a lecturer, with considerable success, 1 I thought. 1 It tU mot the lady a low nines I and was Impressed With tier style and up. I pcaranco. .--ho was not pretty, but bud mo style ol beauty that would become u tragic heroine on { the stage, ahu c-nanny had ubilily lout only needed I in be properly direuleU to be respected. I wus in San Francisco when sue made liur debut on me lecture plallonu, auil was one ol lue small au Jleuce tliut ut icnued it. She impressed ti e audience laVurably, and, tukiug hiT ex-liui band lor her tin iiih. she made some | terrible exposures ol ma luuns uud (raiiit,e-. uod desic ' cateil his poetry with -mi lling eituc.i. .She iiarrsled her early hie at Cape lilanco, ou the coast near Port (Iriord; tlio coming ol Miller; her sliooliug uu ! eagle iroin the limb of a duud llr tout over looked the sea; how she au<! Miller, when j she took mm into the turf with her Can ,o, wero wrecked and washed uslioro by a big wave; how 1 Miller saved hnnsoil With great presence ol iniud, and how, lor nil that, she looked upon him as her yellow haired VlklUg. Know in. tier uDd knowing hull Well, 1 may liuVe lii ard the lecture with more thnn ordinary interest, flhe uinde our hearts tin III Whan She told how Miller lelt her to toil lor Ins chilorrn on the verge I ui starvation, hungry (or bread,, aud it-eented as u, alter this thrilling eoniiiiau)ooieiit, the wumuo cuuld continue Iter public career with bnpu PI eaccost; but 1 luddcnly she nnandoiiud the lei lure stand, an i many thought she wus bribed by Miller to quit exposing their Joint lives In tlio public ho sought 10 . propitiate. It la lately aiiuotiuced that Minnie Myrtle Miller baa become Mrs. Login, aud that j lad must lie a rebel to her errant litnit aini, of old, > who will leel pleased, perhaps, that she has ceused to 1 near hia name. I tindeistand that Logan Is In rather humble circumstances, which may not detract Irom happiness i( ot her qualities are luvorable. but I regret It, ua I think aim posaaasos more genius than pracih li lt y, rather lai King the qiilitlM to make a poor mail's home a paradise, and not inclined lo be so much a housekeeper as it way ward-iiundetl woman who seen visions mill dreams dreams ol literary successes. Ii she were ol fortune's lavoiues, wearing the rose color tints oi hie, we might look to hear irom uar again, or at least she < ould preside as the especial dl . viuity of an elegant hum a THE BURLING SLIP HORROR. BCBIAL Or TUE VICTIMS?MB. DEAN MILL UNABLE TO TESTir*?A NJ.W WITNESS. The remain* of the two victim* of ilia tcrribta band grenade tragedy, George W. Jewott aod Orville 0. Jewell, wero consigned to earth ye?'.cr lay, aud lor aught that transpired during ttie day the history of tbeir peculiar dealli, except la ao far as revealed by circumstantial evidence, may be said to be still in ths Umbo of an nuceriainty. At tbe Coroner's inquest, however, the present strong belief may take a fixed shape. Last evening a Hkkai.d reporter called at Mr. Doan's residence, aud was luloriucd that be was pro gressing as lavorably as could be expected considering bis injuries, but his physicians would not permit him to bo disturbed with any inquiries about the tragedy. Mr. Dean's son, who was in the oflico at tbs time of the explosion, said his holier was tha1 his turner could have uoihiug to add to the published accounts when tn a condition to speak. He got out of the office al most the instant of the explosion, and so quickly that bis faco was not blackened by tbo cloud of soot raised by tbe explosion. Young Mr. Doan said bo wont down stairs with his lather, when the lather rushed from the inner office, and that at this time there hud beeu but one report, that of tiie exploding bomb. The pistol shots he did not hour at all. Ho Is sure, he savs, that this explosion bad not been preceded by any wordy differences between Mr. Orville 1). Jewell and any ons else in the office, for hie seat was just outside the door 01 tbo office iu which were ihu two Jewells aud his lather, aud, ho concludes, no could huvo heard uny loud coii vernation or unusual sounds, und that there were uouo he is psrlecllv sulisMod. As tiie case at prusoul stands the llieory ot tlio suicide ol Orville t). Jewell is tha omy tangible one to be loundud on me known circumstance. While the writer was ul Mr. Dean's housu tue colored tnuu employed uy tbe 11 rm called to inquire ubout bis employer's health, aud wtieu lie left young Mr. Doan suid mat the colored man had seen Orville tire u pistol si hiuisoll, aud doubt less he would so swear ul the inquest. rU.VKUAL, or OKVILLK U. JKWKTT. The cleguut mansion of Mr. l'eter C. Cornell, No. 221 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, which counuuuds ono ol ihu Ituesi views of the river und harbor attain able I rotu that city, presented u scone ol sombre and uiourufui character yesterday afternoon. 'l'Uo occasion was the lunar<1 services over the remains ol Ms ucpbew, tbo late Orville. D. Jewell. Shortly alter noon the sympathizing irieuds aud neighbors ot the deceased began to assemblo ul the reaideuco of Mr. Cornell. The body, which was laid in an elegant rosewood caskot, lined with black cloth aud iriuimud with velvet ol the sumo color, heavily silver mounted, was lu an excelluul statu ol preservation. The bunds were clasped across the breast auJ iho features bore a ratlier pained expres sion., There were a lew slight abrasions ubout ihu laco near'tba nose, which were doubtless caused by fulling alter the lata! shots hud been tired. I'hu c lllu was arranged nguiusl ilia wall lu a broad pu*.-ugowuy that coiiii els the Iroui and rear parlors the lid was cov crod wiib Marshal Null rosos, lubo and lea roses aud a prolusion ol sinilux nud evergreens. Around the plate, which bore iho lollowing luacrlp'.lun, was a wreath ol lilies ol thevnlluy:? ,,//// \ UK VI LLC D. JEW KIT, * 5 died April A, 1*77, { 5 aged UU years und 3 months. X Uu the wall above tnu casket was an oil puiulitig representing a woman upon tier knees, In pruyur, be fore u crucifix, which she held upon a table with bar rigbl baud. Heueulli Ilia table was a death's head. At the loot ol a llle-sizud piece of Mutuary at the end ol Iho hull, ueur the head ot the casket, rented a beautiful pillow ol rare white ilowers, iu iho ceutre of winch wero the words, ''Company 1, l.'iOUi Regiment." The latter was the tribute of the old coinrudos Hi arms ol iho deccuscd, who lu 18U2 weul to the war as captain ol the company uutued. Among other Moral oUurings were a cross of lilies from Mr. l'eter C. Cornell, una crosses Iroiu Mrs. George \V. Campbell und Mr. and Mr*. Juntos A. Par sons; a broken ahull ul ivy from James tv. Fellows und u broken shall ol ruru white Mowers from It. C. Fellows. As tlio visitors to Iho house of mourning ouiered they pa-sod by the remains and were shown to seats in iho parlors. Among thosu presuut were Judge Benedict, ol the United Status Circuit Court; S. B. Hilliuiau, J. Sullivan Thorn, Arthur Ueusou, J. Burroughs, W. Hull, Brigudiur General Charles Carlton, M. Morrison, members ol the Mili tary Order of the Loyal I.oglun ul tlio Culled Stales, of which latter deceased wus Brevet Lleuteuunt Colonel. Mrs. Orville J). Jewott was unable to bo pres old at the obsequies of her liusbuud, being coiitluod to boil by reason ul nervous shock which she sustained upon receipt ot tlio sad intelligence. Mr. Ctiurlcs Jewell und wife, the uncle and Mrs. Jewell, the ven erable mother el doceasotl, w ii li oilier relulIves wero present. Bborlly ulior one o'clock Kov. Hr. Farley, ol iho Unitariuu Church, 1'iurropuut si root, rend the solemn services lor the dead, lu the oourso ol the prayer iho revorend geutlaniuu prayed that the Lord would sustain the widow aud raise her from her bed ol sickness und give her that hope which the world oannut give nor take away, und lliul He would comlorl the ullliotod mother and kiudrod, and touch i he in to turn to their eternal protil this great sorrow. Tho "Our Falhar" was then repeated, and itiuiiy ol tbe merchants who, up to within a lew days ago liu-i associated with tno docuused, joined earnestly in the prayer. Hie hymn, "Hope, Christian soul, in every siuge'' was than reud, uml iho services were brought to a close with the benediction. Hr. Furley announced that he had boon requested to siutc thui the remains would then be removed to Greenwood Cemetery lor Interment, und be hoped that none but relatives and tbe immcdiuiu Irieuds ol me luiuily would go 10 the cemetery. Tbo lid wns then screwed upon lite caskot, which was borne to the bourse, tho following mimed gentlemen uctlng as pall bearers:?A. F. Higgius. Richard Fellows, damns Fol lows, Dr. Edward ilugurt, K. L. Mullocuux and Geucrul Jacob Sharp. Tho hearse, wntch was plain, was fol lowed to the cemetery by fourteen carriages, where the remains wero interred in (ho Iniuily burying [del. Tho burial services were read at the gravo by Rev. Dr. Furley, IIUKIAI. or (IKOROK W. JKWKTT. The remains ol Gourgc W. Jewott, uncle of Orville D. Jewell, were alsu Interred iu Greenwood Cemetery yesterday. The luncrul services were held the pre vious day. The process.on, which was cumposod of tlio hoarse, twelve carriages, and about .TOO employes of the white loud inunuiaciory, was conveyed Irotu Stiiton lslaud on tho siuainur Cusliolou at hull-pu?t eleven o'clock. The body was consigned to the earth ill the funuly plot, which is situated between Vlstu und Doll avenues. There were no services iA the grave. POLICE INSOLENCE. To thf EniTou or tiik Hkkai.d:? As the huhavlwr of tho police lorce is just now at tracllug considerable attention you may bo Interested In my exporlcnca On Tuesday morning, a little betoro six o'clock, 1 reached tbe corner of Worth und Centre streets on my way from tho Stoning-iou bout. 1 accosted u policeman woo stood by aud a.*kod whoa u car would he due. He answered my quustiou, but his attention being attracted to my v .Iise demaudod what 1 was sellingat that hour. He then insisted ou in-peeling my vuliso. 1 told lilm It was nouo ol Ills business, and warned linn against examining it He possessed himself ol the vulisu, which 1 opened lor Mm thinking that be might break it. I also gave him my name aud address. The vulisu contained ouly urti clesol toilet, und tliero was coming whatever suspicious in my manner or baggage. It was thru ultor suurmo. llecomiug oMeuded, he declared Ins inteMmn to retain tne valise and Dually arrested the. 1 (lien nceompniiod him to the Mulberry sireot station. 1 internum my pass over tlio purlicuiarsol the conduct ol the police man. as tnese will form tho subject of Investigation. 1 presumed ul tho tltno that he was intoxicated. At tbo Mutton my valine was examined and handed to me. The policeman nude iio personal charge whatever, sIMriiiiug no reiy ibal lie hud seized ihu bag on sus picion. The sergeant made light of tny compluims, in forming inclliai I had put mysell In th-! wrong by tell ing ths officer my baggage wus none ol Ins business, lie resented my suspicion ol Inluglcaiion against tlio policeman, and did not couKuru him nor oxumiuu into his condition or coudncL It is important to the public to know thut. in the eyes of so rh-ponslolo an officer, any policotu m has a right to slop uny c itzcu bo pleases, examine bis lungage aud curry Mm lo Iho station if lie likes. A sergeant seem* lo consider Ihut lo watch over (be con duct ol III* men is none ol his business. It travellers are aggrieved they may make charge*; but llic mucli greater ollanco to tbo lorce itsell I* entirely disre garded. fin* officer w.ia good enough to inform mo that I bud contradicted mysell, wliuiuns iho mure In* is in lit* own bauds Mhould have been the -ubloe.t ot Inqinry ou tbe spot, l ucre was a prisoner brought up on uncharge; an nillcle. evidently tmrnilo*-, brouplil hi us suspicion* by an officer who km w it was nothing ol Iho soil; un Illegal arrest passed over nud d.Tended. This neglect, to my mind, i* more sen in ihan the misconduct ul a particular officer. Tln-o uibiliary as sumption* of power need lu bo cln eked in smno inoro general way ilmu the censure ol nun policeman. WILLIAM W. NKWKLL WUESTLINO CHALLENGE. a run* 7, 1877. To tiik Kiiitor ok tii* IIkihi.u: HsTitig noticed Jou Kyuti'ii cliulli'iiRO to wrostle mo for I rum $100 to #.'50 u side, I wmli to main I will wrestle tiiio l?r llie last named amount, llie iitalcli to tio boat two iu tbroo square back Inn*. II .loo tm aua iiiiyiliink but talk 1 will meet liini at tlireo o'clock I' M. Monday next, at Mr. Mullalian's saloon, No. [>i tVcst 1 uli itoili nirevt, near liroadway, mid put up u fortril to III iko li lllntch .MU IIAKI, t'OUl'KN, No. 0f> East Houston street. PEDESTRIAN CHALLENGE. Nkw York, April 7, 1877. To tiik Editor or ins Hkiui.d:? Having beard that Professor William lilllor rcfu'Ss to lake odd imlo start ol W K. iiariiing in a uiiy-nnlo race, but ileiiiaiidit a atari ol two tniios, 1 desire to In lorin Mr. Miller that I Will match Mr. Mining to walk I'rotuHaor Miller two racoa?the llrst <>l iwoniy-llvo miles, Harillnit to allow Millar ono nnlu start, and iho second ol Uitv miles and Harding to allow Miller two milrn start. II Protestor Miller la anxious to nrrnngo this mnten lor $i.'>0 a side or upward, a comtnun cat ion to the Hkkai.ii Slating a time and place ol meeting will bo at tended to iu a** like manner L. C. THOMAS. No. 4d6 Uraud street. MORE FEMALE PHYSICIANS. The New York Medical College end Hospital (of Women, located el Lcxluglon avenue, corner of Thirty* seventh etrevt, will hold iu annual eommenco maul exercise* In Hteinway Hall tUU owning. Tuern ere nine graduates: ?Mrs. Caroliuo e). CUainburta.ii, M re. Lydla A. Cralt, Mis* Gertrude Uocwey, Mist Thomson Janney, Miss I- Jenuy Kellogg, Mi-* Kllea M. Kirlt, Mrs. Lucie A. G. Ioravlag, Mrs. Halite F. K. Full aod Mi? Sai an N. Smith. marriages' asd deaths. ENGAGED. Kn nMAX? Urothsril ? Miss Kaiukl nKoriirm, ol New York city, to L. L Kicuman. of F> o..oi-1'lane, Uredlord county, I'e , ou the Till dey ot April, 1877. DIED. Bacukacii.? At Cairo, Egypt, on February 32, Jo earn Ua< mbacr, aou of Samuel end ilalioliu baenreeb, lu tbu 34lli yeer ol llle age Tbe reiutine will arrivo |?er steamer Celtic from Liv erpool, duo boro Sunday, April 7. Relatives end mend* are invitea to attend (bo lunerel, from pier 52, Nortb River, loot ol West lotb at., on Monday, the 8to inau. at leu o'clock A. M.. unlesa steamer la delayed. Baldwin.?At Yonkers, Sunday morning, April 8. at tbe residence of bis son, Hail F. Baldwin, ANeod Bald win. aged 77. Funeral services will be bold at St. Joliu s Church, Youkers, on Wednesday alteruoon, at hail past two o'clock. Carriages will be in attendance on the arri val ol tbe 1 o'clock train Iroiu 30lh at. and the 1 .,l? train Iroui Grand (,'eutral depot Bonynue.?Saturday, April 7, nt 2 A. M., Walts* Hoiisrt, lulant son ol Henry and Lucy Bonynge, aged i mouth*. Kelativos and Irieuds ol the family are loviteu to nt. tend the luuerul, ou Monday. Utli mat., at two I'. M.f Irom the rc-idonce ot hie parents, 577 l'altsado av., Jersey City Heights. Brown ?Alter u long and severe Illness of con sumption, Hknrt Lkwi# Brown, belovel anu only son ol Heury L. and Paulino Brown, at the age ol 32 years aud 7 months. ., _ v lid,.lives and Irienda of tbo lmiiily. also tbe Brook d Sitcugorbund, uro rcspectlully iiiviio.1 to utieud ttie * (uncial, iroin his lale ro-idencu, 33U Atlantic av., Brooklyn, Tuesday, the loib lusC, at ball-past two Cikran.?At Union l'ort, Westchestor. on Saturday, April 7, 1877. l'ATKRR CLRRAN, u|ted 71 youra The relatives uud irieuds ol the lumlly are respect lully invited lo aliond the luueral, Iroiu tbe renlueiirc ol bis daughter, Mrs. P. Couuollv, Westcbesltr, on Monday, April P, ul ball-past three o'clock P. M. Cikran.? Bkiuukt Curium. April 8. Foueral will lake ulnce lrom her Grot her James', No, ? Caroline si., at ball past nine o'clock sharp, on Tuen day, 10th lueL. llieucu to Barclay at. lo SL Peter's Church, whsro there will bo a requiem high mm lor the r * pose ol her soul. All li r friend* and ueigliborl uro reap ciluily invited to nileud Hie funeral. 1)kl 1'B.tuo.?-On llio 7llt inst , Cakoli.nk. tbe cMest daughter o, Kicurdo and Carolino Del I'rado, aged 8 years, 7 months and 34 duys. The luneral will lake placo Irom her lute residence, No. 143 Ka-I Oillh si., ou Wednesday, llio lllh in.u, ul eleven o'ciock, A. M. The roluiives and Iriends ol the laiuilv aro invito i without further nonce. Donovan. ?Ou Sunday, April 8, Aucs Llixadnti Woons, beloved wifit of Jeremiah Donovan, in the 33d eur ol ber age. Her relatives and friends aro respectfully Invited to attend the luueral on Tuesday ulternoon, ul two o'clock, from her late reaideuce, No. 120 Kltlridgu si. Fi.ANtiKKAi'.--Ou FrlJuy, April 0, Mrs. Jaxk DRKAU. . . ,A _ltt Fuuoral 'rom tlio residence of hor daughter, V ills pluce (Ltutou av.), Morrlsauiu, at one P. M., Tuesday, ilelutivcs and Irieuds ol tbo lumily are invited lo ut ' foro.? At Yonkers, auddouly, April 7, Smith H. Foku, tormerly ol Ciuciuuati, Ohio, aged 57 yours uud 4 mouths. . . Friends or tho family aro rospoctlully requested t# attend ihu funeral, ou Tuesday, A|irII 10, ut two 1', M , at his Into residence In Youkers, N. Y. Tliose taking the one P. M. irain Irom 3'itli hi , New York, will carriages in waning ul tho Yonkers depot to convoy them to the house. * Gail.?At Brooklyn, K. D., suddenly, 011 Sunday morning, April 8, John 1. Gaci., In llio 78llt year ol nil age. Notice of funeral hcroaller. Gatukhculk.?In Jersey City, on Sunday, April 8, Jamkh Gatiikkcolk, uged 57 years Kclatives autl irieuds aro invited to nttend tin fuueral, irom his lalo residenco, 341 Grand si. (olt number), ou Tuesduy, at bull-pust tnree o'clock 1'. M. Hachvkk.? <in Sunday morning, April 8, Mr. Fred ?kick Haciinkk, Iu the . 6th year of Ins uge. Kelativos and Irieuds urn respoctlully invited to at tend Ins funeral, on Tuesday, April 10, at one P. M.# lrom Ills lato residence, 0'j8 8lii nv. Jacqoot.?On Sunday, April 8. Victor Jaoiicot, Tho Irieuds ol tlio (amily are respectfully roqucsioH to attend tils funeral, Irnni Ins lain residence, 3U5 7lb v., on Tuesday, April 10, 1877, ul lislf-pasl one P. M. Krksr. At 07 Kasl 63d St., April 8, Mrs Mart M. Kkknk. widow of tho late Itev. Willium L Koose. Funoral and buriul at New Haven, Conn., Wedooa* day, April 11. i,A Wall.?On Sunday night, April 8, after a linger* ing Illness, Saiiaii Ann La Wall, wile ot Jacob La Wall. Notice ol tbo fuueral boruafler. Mkkiian.?On Suuday, the 8ih insL, Johanna, wlfs of Kdwurd Meehan, a native ol Tarburt, county Kerry, Ireland, in tho 88th year ol her age. Funeral wilt lake placo Irom the rosidonco of bei sen John, No. 415 Kust 17th sL, on Tuesday, at tws P. M. Mkktz.?At ber rosldcnco, 174 IudlitsL, Groenpolnt, N. V., ou Saturday, at two o'clok, Clara Mkkt/., wlft of the late Juhu Moot/, aged 44 years. She will be intorred on Monday, ul two o'clock, lluliilives and friends uro invited to utlend the funeruL MnRTiMokK ? <iu Ilie 5th Inst., of diphtheritic croup, 11 a it ity K., youngest child of .loiin a. and Uuttle K. Morlimore, nged 3 years slid 4 months. Tho Iriends ol tho launly are respectfully invited to attend llio luueral, on Monday, April 0, at two P. M., Irutn the reaulenco ol his parents, 4t)d Pulaski St., near lteid av., Brooklyn, N. Y. MniLRNHKRU.? At 81. Luke's Hospital, April 8, William auhuhtuh Miiilrnhsko, D. D., in the 8lst year ol Ins age. Notice of lunoral borenfter. No Rowers. Mi.T'usrson ?In this city, Aprild, 1877. UsoittiK W. McPhxkson, Jr., in Uie48tu vearol his ago. Tho relatives und .friend* and thosnol the lamily sro respoctlully invited to uttund bis funeral, lrom the residence ol bis parunte, No. IP Cornelia at, on Mori day, tbetllb lost., ut ton o'clock A. M. His retuaini will be taken to Greenwood Cemetery lor intormcul. Nodixe.? Suddenly, at Youkers, Suuday, April 8, Jamkh .Modish, aged 71 yours. Fuueral services at the house on Woducsday, April 11. at three o'clock P. M. I'kac h'k. ? In this city, on .Saturday, tho 7lb Inst., Khhn T. 1'racmtk. aged fill years and 8 mouths. KuInIiwh uud Iriends uro invited to attend the fit n era I on Moudav, UsINpusl twelve P. M.. at the Allet Street Presbyterian Church, near Gruud. The re mains will bo lukeu to Rye, We.tohesier county, lot Interment. Kaiiminu.?Sunday morning, April 8, of scnrlel fever. Frank Schipti'kk, third child ol \\ alter C. and Kvi De F. Untuning, uged G yenrs, G mouths and 18 days. Funeral, private interment at Greenwood. ?Go Sunday, April 8, ol consumption, AN NiR A., eldest daughter ol Hugh and Aun Kutliy, aged 33 years uud 33 duys. A Iile Journey ended, a life's work well dona; A fnltblul soul rested, a glorious crown won. Kelattves itud'irlends of the lainily uro respectfully inviied to attend llio luueral, lrom Iter late residence, 185 Jersey uv., Jersey City, on Wednesday, April 1L A solemn mass ol requiem will bo cclobratcd nt St. Mary's Church, at nine A. M. Ku-ssi.l ?on Sunday, April 8, of consumption, at licr late residence, 587 Bunion! av., Brooklyo, Kvklym Mart Dominic Kcshsll, uged 31 years. Friends ol the launly are invited to attend her la ncritl, ou Tueaduy, lutu InsL, lrom thu Church of M. John the Baptist, corner ol Lewis and Willoughby mvs., at ten A. M., whi-nu solemn mass uf requiem will he ollered for the repose of her soul, Ihcuce to Holy Cross ioi ibiermcui. ScHtcrr.?Ou .Sunday, April 8, after months of suffer ing, Frkiikuii ka, beloved wife ol Adam Scbopp, in tlio 47th year ol her uge. Relatives and Iriuuds ol tho fumliy, as also the ir.orn* hers ol Doric Lodge, No. 38U, F. and A. M., are re epectlully invited to itiloud thu luuerul, Irom her latr residence, Mo. 188 av. U, on Tuesday, April IU, at our o'clock P. M Si'ightx On Friday morning, April 6, Gchtavc* ticiiMlTX, uged 43>eara. Ihu relatives and irieuds of the family, and those of his urotlicr Henry and iun broth.-r-lu-lnw Frederick It. Gross, a I ho ol In sister, Mrs. B. Tlner, of ilrooaiyu, are respecllully luviled lo atieiid tno luneral tins (Monday) morning, at naif pan nine, from his lata reside lice. No 84 'At uv., thence to St. Patrick's ? a tbedral. where a aolt-mu requiem will bo celebrated tor l bis repose. Mibpmkmd.?On Saturday, April 7, at her lata real deuce, No *7 M.i'li-mi av., Mre Kapha A. Bhspiikbii. Kr.euoa are reap, cliuliy luvlted o attend the Inn, r .l, on M-.U'l.y. April M, ul twelve o'clock, lr>>m ibviCburcb ol the llo y .Saviour, 'Juth at., near Madison uv smith.?Uu KrnJ.iv, April u, Danikl Smith, in tba 411.1 ye .r ol hia age. Beta,ivcs and iricndt of the tamily are respectfully inviie.l to uitcud the l-merai at his late residence, W Tompkins uv., Mrookiyn, Monday, April it. ut sis o'clock J*. M.; into Itelorinod Church. J itnalcu, April 10, at one o'clock I'. M. Also ibe members ol Hill (?rove Kodge, .">40, K. uud A. II., uro ro-pocilully Up vilnd tu attend Atopt.?On April 7, at Weal New Brighton, Virhima, intent daughter ol John W. am. \ irgmia M. Slunk .Saturday, April 7, alter it ahuri illness, I'atkkk, a intivo ol parish ol Charlevills, county ol Cork. Ireland, in ilia 7itli year ol hia ugo. I tie relalivea and trio da ol tne tmnily nrn respocl I ill ly invited to utteud hia lunaral, Ironi hia lute real deuce, 11 II a in i ll o ii SI., on Monday morning, at hull* past nine o'clock, to .Si. Jsmcs'iiuuroh, where a solemn requiem mass will he -aid lor ihn repose ol hia soul, aud thence to Calvary Cemetery at bull-psa* one 1* M., sharp. NoTICB.?The members ol tho I,oii?ahoremen'a I". IV. Hocieiy are n "luesiod to meal at Iheir hall, .Mi Market si., on Monday, April W, at one o'clock anarp, to at tend the luneral ol their lato brother member, i'Ar nica Waisii. Ab-enteea fliietl JKKKM1 AH MURPHY, 1'rosldouU Smith. Secretary. Watkkhi nr. ?In New York, on Sundiy, April S. slier s short illness, John W. Watshuphv, aged 64 yeurs. Notice ol Itinera! hereafter. Wn itt a mo sc.?At Astoria, K. I., on Saturday morn ing, April 7. Makia Wmittkmouk. relict of tlumer Wit iciimre, In ihe Niliu year ol her age. I he relatives and iriends ol the lainlly are respect* lully inviiod io attend the Itinera!, on Monday alter uoou, st two o'clock, irom St. lieorge's Church. As torts, the hosts ol ins Morrisauu Hue leave 4'ultoa . aim si l .14.