Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD ? WHOLE NO. 14,811. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS MHKCIOKV F')K ADVKUT1SKKS. HERALD BRANCH OKPICE, 1,265 ?*?AP,Yv OPEN DAV AM) NIGHT FOR RE';K'7UiJ? ADVERTISEMENTS s.\D SALES Oh PAt EES. AMUSEMENTS?0th Pauic -4tli. 5th and Utb col*. ASTHOLuGY-I'Jtu Pm?-M col. BILLlARDS? 2t> I'sgk?Oth col. . BOARDERS WANTED?20 Page?5th and flth cela. BOiRD AND LODGING WAN I KD-2o FA?K-Otb col. BROOKLYN REAL EnTATE FOR bALE-Jo I AGK-lit out. ? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Stu Pag*. BUSINESS NOTICES?"TH PAUK-Oth col. CITY REAL BSTATr. FoKKALK?2n PAGO?lit eoL CLERK- AND hALBSMBN?I2TH PAGk-5tb ool. CLOTH I NO?12th Page?Oth <-0. _*??, COACHMEN AND GAKDi-NERS?12th Pag??5th and 0Oast\v?-k steamships-Iet Pag*?5tb col. COPARl'KKKSIUPs?Atii Pag*. COUNTRY BOARD?2u Page-OUi col. DANCING ACADKMIES-htii PAG*-Oth col. DENTISTRY?Writ Pauk?3d col. DRY UOODS-Ist I'Aiir?Hlbco1..-n DWEL1.INH HOUSES TO LEI. FURNISHED AND UN FUHNISHKD-2D Page 3d and 4th col*. EUROPEAN STEAM-HIPR?t*T Pag*?ttb coL EUROPE?1st Page?5tb coL EXCURSIONS?1st Page?5th col. FINANCIaL-Hth Pagk. FOR SAl.b?1st Page ?Oth col. ? FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMEXTS TO LIT? 2l> Pai.k?4tli col. FURNITURE?2p Page?Hth aol. FKr.NcIl ADVERTISEMENTS?12th PAC*-6lh eol. HELP WAN TED?FEMALE?l2THpAGK-4tb coL HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PaCE-Oth col. HUHSI'.S, CARRIAGES, AC.?1st Paoa-2d, 3d and 4lb col*. HOTELS -'JD Page?Otb col. rooms, Ac., wanted?2? Page?5th eoL IN.-ThUCI ION?Out Paok?Otb aol. LOST AND POUND?l*T Pack?lit col. MACHI.NEKY-Dth Page-3d col MARHLE MANTELS? 12tii Page?Otb eol. MEDIC AL- 12th Pauk?tilh col. MILLINERY AND DRRSSMaKINO-1?t PAoa-Oth col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IUth Page? ?'.til cot. MISCELLANEOUS?Sin Page?3d col. MUSICAL-hot Pauk-3d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii Page?Otb coL Pc.RSON AL? III Page?I St col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?Hth Page?Otb ool. POST OKFICK NOTICE?1?T l'AC.K-5th eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? I2tii Pack?3d anil 4th cols. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Page?lit and 2d col*. REAL ESTATE TO KXCIIANOK-2D pAG?-2d eol REAL ESTA TE?2d Page?2d col. REWARDS?1st Pagk? 1st col KALES AT AUCTION?Rtu Page?I. 3 and 3d cola SITUATIONS WANT. D-PKMALBS? 11th Paob and 12th Page? l?t, 2d and 3d col*. SITUATIONS WaNTKD-MaLES?12th Page-4th and 5th col*. SPECIAL NOTICES-1st PAGH-l?t and 2d col*. PPOKTINO-DOtiS, BIRDS, JtC.-IST PAGK-2d cot. BTORAOE?Htii Page?(lib ool. RUMMER RESORTS?2o Pauk?6th col. THE TRADES?12tii Pauk-UUi col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Page?2d and 3d Col*. TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-Ut PAGK-3th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pagk?4th and 5tli col*. WANTED TO PURCHASE?i?TH PAG*-3d col. WATCHES. jEWELkV. AC.?1st Page?6th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET-2D Page?1st cnl. WINES. LIOUORB, AC.~1st Page-SHi col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10ra Page -6th coL PERSONAL. 'A ?WILLIAMSON ^00.7 BROKERS. .. A. 317 Broadway, New York eltjr YOUNO LADY WHO Is IN PEtil^ARY "esThTr rassment desires to form the acquaintance of a gentle B?n who 1* able and willing to assist her mn?t bo a man of honor. MIke CLARK. No. 21 Delancey *t. A LICK,-WHITE TO~ENOLISH_SUrtOEON, 308 WEST 23d. about removing that italn on your face. EUREKA. CT P.-RETURN TO N. NO ACTION WILL BE J. taken. S. V. W. R. 11A R D E N11 ROOK?CALL IMMEDIATELY, 4 r 11 and 25th. D IF MRS. MARGARET MARSHALL. WIFE OF ADaM Marahall, who, four years aco or thereabouts, was living tt Mr. McArthur's, grocer. corner of 21st square, Market St., Philadelphia, U. S., will coiiimnnlcato with tlto under ligued, she will hear oi something to her advantage. In tase she may he dead the under.lguod will feel ohllired to any per.ou who will communtcato the date and place of her leatlt. KIDnoN, SON A McliKNZlK. .-tdicltor*. Suederlasd, county Durham, England, March 13, I.S77. Lady who wkm tin stew art's "FiuTnT fo iTrt h avenue car. h dl-psst two, yesterday ?Oentlemsu that ?at opposite would like to make youi acquaintance; give tome particulars to avoid mistake* Address MOKEDON, Herald Uptown uflice. DIPEll-H hfDSIECir AHEAD OF EVER YT111 N'G^ POOL-SAM KNIGHT VS. DAN PARTRIDGE; $IOO; uest in 21 game*: Glt-asou Dunne it. billiard parlor, Dili (Tuesday) evening, 8 1*. M. NIN I-.TY--IX, Sixth avkmub oak to row orrtcK, xoS day. Your escort v.-ry much desires further iirquuintnuce. Please address KDWAltD LErtTr.K, liera d ullioe. IHUNBUINK?TUUU8DAY, 10. rUKSDAY LAST, COUPE TO PULTON FEKRY.-I AM ot-ltged to leave i lly thin nltarnoon. but will be at mure Since nt >ame unto Friday next. If not convenient, answer through Personals of Friday. 154. D It BAN A WINK GO.-WILL LEON COLLKTTR7 < >F France, who hat been engaged at the wine work*, call their agency, H8 Ghambera si. ILL T.. O f L EX I NOT ON AV.. CALL 0N"gUSS1E airain? G. w Young lady, sixth avenue car to isjth st.. recognition on entering liensc. please 'address gentlo nan who followed. U. McEDWAilDS, Ileruld Uptown z_ 179 -PLEASE MAKE IT A3 EARLY Art POSSIBLE. INTELLIGENT. -I AM THINKING OF YOU ALWAYS. LOST A.N L> FOl'fiD. Ih'TH K hu Y W11 0~T'5TT8 D A "SMALL BRAY 6oO. corner of 57th st. titli av., left Sunday, will retturn him immediately to 22 West 53d st , he will receive a liberal reward and no questions asked. Lost-sat;'iti?ay afternoon, in"clinton"htc between Fulton arpt Itvniaeu, Brooklyn, a lady's cold Watch. l iin11ncase, with Inn.' gold chain attached. Finder will bo rewarded by roiurning it to 117 Kemseu St., Urook lyn 10ST?APRIL B. A REI) RUSSIA LEATHER POUK Jetbook .ratchet clasp), containing abotn $4 SO, and bo liered to have bail thu owner s card in it. A suitnble re ward will be paid, and no questions asked. If returned to J. W. aMMKsOK, No. 27 Park-row; New York. Iost-BaXK BOOK NO .-WiMHi. OF ffli INNTITU Jllun lor the Savings ol Merchants' C.erks and Oihers. In ? Liming In M. Ann's It. T. A. B. Society. Tlio Under will please leave It at the bank. IO-T-n.N MONDAY MORNING. A PAIR OF PLAIN Jgold Snectacles. going Irom Kill to Ith at., Iltu av. Tile Under will - e suitably rewarded lor their trouble bv bring ing ba- k to in We?t '.Mb at. Lost books can find mbs. L at 240 ten blocks aboTe. I'OST-<IN~ HtJxDAY"EVENINC. A OOLD*BRACELET, Jwith the Inltlala "M. E. It. " inscribed. The lindi-r will be rewarded liy addressing F. Vt EDED, 00 at. Mark's plao-. ' IIIC1Y A It D.N. jj> At RF.vf' AKb.-LOSr." a I'LUS'f Kif"filAMOND J>si',lEnrrlng. in street or Belt line ear. frotu 45t? West I3u to Ulat at., ueer 3d av. Finder please return to above lumber. xpeiTal NOTIC'KS. j^STII MA "AN D Oil KON'IC B KONCHITIK ' The most efToctual remedy will be lonnd to be DATURA TATULA. Prepared in all forms, for smoking anil Inhalation, by HAVORV * MOORE, Ke. 143 New Bond st., London, aud sold by them and nil CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS THKOUGUOl'T THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. TTi.n I ION '-TWENTY YK \ ..S- PR USUI AN HOB. pital experience , diseases of men a rpeinlty. Omi-ul tation Lee. Dr. JACOBY, Mil Bieecker St. All victims of alcohol wiT.lTTind in sun day's Herald arlvertisenient slrneil Med cuv A -parks, i:\ikrson 2 col a Rankers and Brokers. ISO Broadway. -THEODORE ~Z AMI 0011. a Havana Hanker and Broker, 23 Park row. MARTINI./ A CO.. Hankers, Id Wall ?t. (basement), buy and sell Spanish Bonds, Spanish Gold and llavtne Bank Hills -, drafts on Havana Issued and ne-otlated. C1UKR i.i alan I BED." /Skin Disease-. i I'lmples. ileshworin?. hlaekheafls. wlilte, skin Diseases, itchy aud scaly loiter ol thu scalp; sail >kln Diseases. | rhyuni, erysipelas and all skin diseases Skin Dire.ises. i cured by or VaN DYKE.iI W. IBth si DirtKABKrt of MEN A sPE< IaLTV. IIE.NRY v DAN IE l.rt, M. If. 1 LI Lexington av., near 2ltth st Olhcu hours from st to I T\l ska SIC of ME N~ Kr.Q [ffklXU tfKILFUL AND J./ooulLlenilal treatuieirt a specially. J. JACQL'R.-, M. D . 45 East Otti st., near Broadway, New York. Oflice hours. In till 2 ami ft to H P. M. I xR. Wl'.sr. 4'. BLKKUKEK ft".-NKAR BROAD AJway. ? Extensive London hospital practice. Consulta tion free in all complaints. it. grinDi.i. pTybTcian for i.mhe-. uj, complaints salely treated. No. 142 West 4Hth st Divorces HPRR'dILT OBTAINED WITHOUT Fl R licits : desertion. Incompatibility, other causes; having nnnsiiai advantages success assured', advice free. 1HAAC G. ItoYCE, Lawyer, 2?I7 drnadwar. 1YYLKI "TRIO-"belts I'o, I'RI'.M ATI RE'DEIIILI I'Y.' 'Jireittleini'ii, call or semi lor circulars. Dr. K A It It. 332 Broadway, Now York. 1.31 X E RV E WHISK h V?Ft) Ult VfcA KS I)LdTYt PKIl ' gallon; f 1 per largo bottle. N. VAN BEIT. nh Chambers st. fjiON srn.Mli ii. LIVER OR KIDNEY DIM!A*BY I BB f Krnughton'e Invigorating eiyrnp, Ufte. Advice Iree. I:?."> Broome st. VT.RVOl'S""EXHAUSTION.?A MI-.DIC li. I.S.wAV, jLs ? omprising u series of lectures delivered at Kahn's .Mu se aril ol Anaiotny. New York, on the reuse ami cure or pro tn iiure decline, sliuwlli ? indispii'alily how lost health may to regained, affording a clear synopsis of the impedimenta to marriage and tire treatment ol nervon- and physical de bility. belnffths result ot 2D years' experience. Price 25 rente AOdres* thn author, Dr L. J. KAllN. oOlco and -aaiduntu 51 East 10th el. .New York. I D __ SPKCIAL. HUTICEK. a :=*- _ DISEASES Of MEN. The Import niter ?f the Leulthines* of the nervous eyelets (uttunl he over estimated; II? power o?er lite and death and the direct bearing which It bus on human happiness seems tu he i ecogttlted ; It* capabilities. ill <?<t a lit t<- a and lli pow ers ; the Importance ol it a healthful picket vntiou. It A nmder ?>to ttkc>. the dearer uf ov< rtulin it, whether torouuh thought, attidv or lutettke application tu mental Investiga tion and research: whether bv tho ahsorMtig attention ne cessary to llio conduct ol complicated and moiin-uioua busi ness ifleio-ts, nr by the excessive ludulgenee ol the appe tites and pronmisitlc* of the avktetu. .Ml tbeaa nre proper subjects lot cotiklderatleu, ft* alto the knowledge ot what i? lnoderiitioti. what U excess. and when ilieee extat the aoso lute necessity ol promptly seeking advice Irom nil ex pert who tor n urn;; nertet of yeara ha* devoted 111* whole time ?i,u atii-im- n t<> the etudy, Investi gation am! tronlinoni <>[ a,I tue maladies of this Ittt portanl department, to a turately deieriiiine tit* diseased conditions. their nature, cauaea And ortniu, whether urikin.; from the want id exercise. ii? irregularity cr excesa, ami wliu. irtwu hik experience and oructice, hat learned to die cover at once the derangement aud a? promptly apply the remedy, thus nsoidittg tue paiulully alow feeling alter the irulli. to coniniou to the inexperienced and mi annoying to the patient, who. very naturally, want- to know without delay a hat Ik tho matter, the extent of the derangement, the proti/ibilittr* ol recuperation and the time required A kinking example ol ihe value ot experience and prac? Ileal obaervaiioii. an well ai the uietulnei* ol the prompt application 01 mutable reniediot. is tuiind in the important statement coming, not rVom one. tu*. a Joten public inkli luttook, not only at home but abroad, that a very large pro portion ol Ihoae who suflcr Irom mental disturbance and ab solute liikAuliy permanenily recover who are Disced under treatment within a rear niter the tiret erraptonik have maul feated themselves. If the ntelleclunl department of the brain Pan become ex hausted by intenne mental appiicuttoti, depriving It of the Cower ol connected thought, it ran ouly recover lie streuglh jrbclng prnp'-rly fed and nourished bv the ute of certain systematic methods. It is precisely so In every other do partiuent, whether ol appetite, propensity or passion, each requiring a different remedy lor lit recuperation and differ ent means for bringing ihem up irom the r overworked and exhuosled cuitdltIons, the importance ol this brunch of medical practice can ecarcely be overrated, tor It reaches even to the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary titles and tbo retention ol estates In tho same family. Front along and targe experience to this direction I have beeu able to command by my success the lhanklu) appreci ation ol some ot the lir?t families Itt the city aud nation ; anil I certainly car. communicate much to cultivated minds in conuectlou with my practical experience in what pertains to the over-exercise of every department of the nervous sj stem and the means of recovering their power*, whether of brain, appetite, propensity or passion. HEX It V A. DANIELS, H. D-, 144 Lexington near 20th St. Hours, 8 to 3. OFFICE OF TI1K NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE Company.?An election fbr Uve trustees of the lourth doss and to till a vacancy and lor three inspectors or tho next flocl Ion will be held at the office nt the company on Wednesday. April 11. 1877, between the hours of 1 and 2 I*. M. WILLIAM H. BEERS. Vice President and Actuary. Tenth WARD TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION Wilis meet Tuesday, April 10. 1877, at 1<>8 Allen at., at 8 o'clock P. M. F. FINCK, Chairman. Ciiarlxs Dkscukihxk, Secretary. VITAL MAUMEflHM, MALE ANI) KBMALB. BLfcC V tro Magnetic Baths Chronic Diseases treated. C. A. BARNES, M. D? 222 vVest 37th it. WANTED.?ALL PuKSt) NS AFFLfcTED W11II Rheumatism or Khoumatlc Gout, lor relief address box 132 l'ost office. Lnucaster, I'a. d?7 r f k" f\7w| ?J. HUFF A ooT~HANKKRx. 42 ?P I Nassau st.. corner Liberty, New Vork. bputilsli Gold, Silver, lluveue Hank Notes,bought and sold. Havana prise tickets cashed. & I 'J til | klTTk ^-JACKSON A CO., HANKERS, NO. ?PLkO'/'".'y' '1/.202 It road way. New York, Havana Price TLkets cashed. SPOHTIML.DOGS, UIUDS, dtt. 17NOLISII GREYHOUND ?LADY ON HOR.sEBACfc*, JJtollowed by hound. Send address to ADMIHEK, Herald Brunch office. I poll KALE-ONE FIBS YOUNG VIRGINIA FAWN. Can be seen at *7 Maiden lane. ? HOR8EH AMD CAUHUUEh. Auction notice. "auction notice AN EXTRAORDINARY AUCTION SALE OF a valuable fast and highbred stud of TKUTTKRS, ROADSTERS. CARRIAGES AND HAKNEflg, BLANKETS. HOMES. SLEIGH BELLS. WHIPS. Ac., Ac., TO HE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT Till PRIVATE STABLE NO. 4.1 WEST 1STII ST.. BETWEEN 5TII AND OTII AVS., TO-MOKUOVV (WEDNESDAYI, AI'ltlL 11. AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, BV CHARLES C. DUFF. AUCTIONEER. Including a very handsome Team of bay brown Carriage or Pit A-ton Horses', are lull Itt hands high: both 8 years old : fnll nluck manes and talis : nil black points; have Hue lot g it-)-ks, with lln-< heads, which they carry very hi. lt; have hi- h knee action, and nre second to none in the Mate in point ?f beantr. style and speed combined; tliey were selected in Kentucky expreselv lor Mr. Barbour by "ono of , tho be?t judges in that tato cr due horses; tbey are gentl i j and essy drivers; are fine saddle horses; are n perfect tan dem team : they wero driven a mile to phaeton In 3:1125 they nr - elegant driver*, tingle or double; have else and etyio for coach or phaeton and speed enough for gentleiuan'a rood team, and are warranted sound and kind. East ami valuable dark gray Gelding. II,A, hands. 8 years old; was sired hv General Knox; trotted on track In 2 1211, repeated in 'JTifl; Is ait elegant driver; cannot bo out styled. and Is warranted -mind and kind. Fast tr< tting gray (leidiog, 11>* hands high. 7 years old; was sired by Clark Clilei; lie Is a great roadster; trotted three heat-la 2:41.2 SM aud 2:42; can be driven by any lady, and Is warranted sound and kind. Elegant t-*y Maro Lutle Nell, 14b; hands high, 7 years old; she is one of the finest pony phaeton or saddle marcs in the State | ?he can trot lu ;) mlntitrs; has all the saddle gslts ; Is Iktrnid of nothing; can he driven or rode by lady or clnld. aud Is warranted In every respect sound, kind and true ami sale for any one to drive or cure. CARRIAGES CONSIST OF 1 DEPOT WAGON, FlIItTING TOP AND SKATS: I CANOPY TOP PONY PHAETON, 1 I0P SIDE BAR ROAD. WAGON. BY WATERMAN; 1 DO.. NEARLY NEW; 1 FULL -PKlNO TOP WAGON. 1 OPEN ROAD WAGON. 1 PORTLAND .-LI'.llill. I aKT FINK DOUBLE HARNESS, 2 SETS FINE SINGLE HARNESS. V H THE ABOVE SIOCK IS NOW ON EXHIBI TION AND CAN BE SEEN AND EXAMINED AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO SALE. THEY ARE ALL ACCLIMA TED AND I.N GOOD CONDITION ANO WILL slIOW for THEMSELVES AND WILL RE FULLY war. KANT; l?. REMEMBER. SALE POSITIVE. RAIN OR SHINE. TO HIGHEST BIDDER, WITHOUT LIMIT. RESTRIC TION OK It -EKVaTIoN 4 ?THREE TO I* SECOND HAND PHAETONS. 25 ,/\ atop mid ..nen aecond luiud Wagon*. three i.p Dep. t Wagon*; in tour pa*a.nger ricekawar*. fr<-n? #4o up; two aix-aeut Roekawnv*; one Exnrea* Wagon tOO: oh* o.wn twc-*ual VV a g " n, ifiVi; tour acta wcmil liuml Coacll Hume**. WM. il. OICaV. 'Jfl mid 22 Wooeter ?t. -FOR SALE. 25 YOUNG HORSES. JUST FKOM I.In.liana; all nnutid ami kiml. inquire 122 .Norfolk at. -HARNESS AND SADDKLRV. . PETERS A CALHOUN CO.. MO Bmudway, upp mite St. Nichnlaa Hotel, ore uttering their nt ick at bottom figure*. Do not tall to call ami examine. -SEVEN DORSES. SUIT FARM. TRUCK OR ANT Labii'ineaa. 521 We?t2l?t?t., near 10th av. A BEAUTIFUL TOP PHAETON. SIX SEATS, slllFT Inir top, and a net of l#cnd Kara: alao a platlnrm ?prlrig ton Buggy; lothin perfect order and nearly now; will be kold choap. Apply at room A, No. 1.2157 ilroadwajr. 4 T. DKMAREST A CO. Carriage Builder*. Broadway, olfer at jrreat ban.'.'lot aeurplu* Stork of Carriage*. com J>rl*lug all the fashionable ntvle*. Having divided our sturer our Carriage* iu No. t!5H niuat be sold. AN ELEGANT Tit REtyU A RTK R LANDAULET, Ximcvable gla?* front, lor aale at any fair otfer; owned hy private itmily: u?ed with two horse* Apply at Hit Wert HBlti *t. A -MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. VERY ? humlnoniu client nut Mare, by llonett Allen, B yeaia, IV, hand-.* ill 2 511; black Mare, br Daniel Lambert, 7 year". 15}.. h ind*; can beat 2:5.5. liutli inarea are plcan unt drlvere. fully warrauted auuml and kind. Alao two ele gant lop. Wagon*. nearly itr ; single llarne**. Private rlnble. ?> Went 55th, flrat dour trom 5ih av. A SACRIFICK.?SHIFTING Top BREWSTER IM proved ..pring Wagon and ?et fine liarnea* hardly Culled. 110 M eat 55th ai,, near Hrondwny. * ?TRACK SULKIES OF ALL WEIGHTS AND x\aun*urpa?aed quality. A CO..of Broome at.. Urea i way. 47th to 4Slh at. 1 \ ttruc i, farmer or any lutein***; warranted <r|i<l and guud worker*; three day*' trial a I lowen ? price S-'ei to J15G 511 U.eeeker *1., near It..were. -1II REE HORSES, SUIT ANV BUSINESS. ftt.i ? la 41 |ii; Biiainea* M 'iffan and Harne**. II Hr*er*t. A\EHV KINK BROWN HOUSE. IV, hands Hlltfl; fit year* oitl; ? arr intud aaitlid and kind : great bargain. No. ft Will 13th si, AtiKNTLEM t.N's ftMNoijl CAN FIND A CASII euntomer.ll owner really nerd* m.uiev, bv addrettmg A CHANCE TO BITV CHEAP.?FASHIONABLY BRED M are. 15* j. 7 yenr* ; ?auml and extra kind : trt III 2 :Si, tingle or double, rxtenaum up Phaeton, Pole and shall", ?eat* four peraona; gold mounted Harne** to inalrh ; alao a Victoria..improved eorilig top Wavou, single llarnra*. all nearly new ; heal citv maker*. 127 Went 2stli tt. 4 ?THE CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT EVER OF J\ atere-l v 33511; coat leva Ihan one lutinlh alnce over 3I.H01>; a hay Marc, ai *l>le, II year* old nnd Hot* fa*l; elegant ton I'haeton. line ru her mutinied II met*, Itlankei*. ..ip Rube. Whip, Ac., m .king one ul the preiiie-l timiaitl* in the <atv: ainii top Wagon, a* good n? now. Stable. I .'IN Wctt dint nt. \ -SEVEN HORSES, SUIT FARMING. GROCERIKS, ,*k(.r-?. or any buaine*C; pfl t, fSO to $I2.>: mutt l.e fold, inquire 55 Sotltll 5th av.. near Hleecker. FOR SALE. I OUR llGRsES. SUITABLE FOR . t BaI! ;AlN-luP HKKWsTKK IMPROVED SPRING - \ r ad A'agon : ?l?o beantilnl I p pour Phantoii; mnglo nlid donulc llarneva. Private atable 55 Kant 12th nt I -FOR SALE. TWO HORSES, THE PROPERTY OF gin* widow; cue lv ||. hand* . igh. R vear* old; a good tamily or tonne** h< me . ihe otlier I* I V, hand* high. .I year* old; I" a good driving or .addle home, and 1" very .needy ami kind : can be -lr;veii by the uio*t Cmid (?er*oii; they are warranted sound in mere re?;.ect. Apply Metro, politau Stable*. Crothv at., near Bleecker. * TWENTY NEW AND SECOND HAND BUSINESS J\ ,'A'agnnai T-'ki to SI.'ii for i.xpr***. Grocery, Butcher, 11uk> r. Milk, Depot, Delivery Wagon. Manufactory, 22H <t. ? NEW DP.GP CENTRE COACH VNIt COUPE. J 1ST gVfinlfhed. ml one hand t lureiu e : 2>> other Car riage*, nt bargain*, nt.E W, PII'NEV's, 4dO'kl av. 4 -THE RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE A ? i io ;i 'i r ? * efl-c mill coin tort ntnl xuve* largely In wear and tear ; ?n apply It io wagon* or carriage*, cl*her new or old; price* moderate, % iiarton a boyle, b 7th ?v. M. I,., Ailvertlaltig oIIP-h Ttki 5d av. l.verythinc mini j ba fir?t <-la?*; Imrae gentle, ttyllah and fail. No dealer* need enewft. I HOtt&KM AND ( i ITTIDN J11 >1* - ? h \ v \ I \ 1 - !?? h'\VNr'k ' AlltJ AND 112 EAST 18TII nT.. Nfc.AH 4T1I Ay REGULAR SALE Of HOR.SEB ANDIf*f'AttlllAOB" * EVERY TUESDAY AND IRIDaV E?er? h"he ilmt I* wmmmwwi aou ml or kill 4 ???!4 in barn***. from ou? to three day. it tfiven lu t??i *?rrap CATALOGUE OP THIS DAY'S iTUESDAV) SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ... ... avvinti BROWN COUPE MOUSE. 1H'4 H ANDS Hlt.U, ? A r.AKS old: kind and true In ull harness If" r,uu' *'1*' yery .tjriuii, prompt and handy drl?n h? ?" knee action: It a very ?u perl or tainilyborse ? <>"* n? triek or fault o! anv description ; ha* beeu w? "J lady lor h year pa.i to a coupe; is gentle afraid ot mailing. and is warranted ???nd. kilo (levant silver mounted Coupe Harness. new y new. made l.y Millings. Hear Kooe. Heaver Kobe, Ureal. Blanket. Kngltih liollv now top Whip, on JL. COUl'K HUT Llril-h USED, TKIMMLD WITH G UK E.N MOROCCO AND 8AUN. HA> FOLK _ AND SHAFT*: A VKKV H ANOsOMK CaRBIAoE rOan mark, l'.v, hands moil. t. akaUs old, can trot la 2 :4V. I? Mo I r the most Dirxperlenoe.t driver; hue a mild dlspottti.a: i? not afraid ot any tbinit would make a very de*irhhle mare fwr e it i iy 10 drive, and U warranted kind and true; tet *."? liuriiett and . ^,,,, DCCIOR'h WAGON. IN PKRH'.Cr OKDEK. BLACK Make. '.:-H HANDS tlH.II. ? kind and true In all harness; free Irom vIce .hoe ii?ed to a rniik wagon, and i* a firit cla>?e wor,*?', ?ei Harness, quautlty ot Milk Cam and an Introduc lion |o customers on the route nlio MILK WaUoN. IN GOOD ORDKR. iiivns PAIR SOKRKL CARRIAGE IIOBSF.S lfl HANDS high. H and 8 yean old ; kind and true In all lmrneia. Ir?-e from vice: have good etyle and action; ,r.e* pleasant driven ; l.ava been used hy u nrivale femlly. are all day traveller! ; arc not atraid of anything. ana are aold for want of u.e let of doua.e IItrMii. COUPE. MOROCCO LINED, IN PERFECT ORDER built ny Wood Brothers. , ...vns VERT HANDSOME Hi:OWN QHLDINO. 15X HANDS hleh. it yeara old: kind and true lu all harnaaa, ''** Irom vice: a prompt, pleasant and very stylish driver, not ulratd of anything ; a superior roaditer; first class saddle horse ; ha* alt the Kentucky gaits; has great bottom and endurance and I. warranted sound. BROWN HORSE. IIANDs HIGH, 7 \ l'?AI<8 OLP. kind and true in ull liameia. free from vice, very stvlish ; a flrat clans lamlly horse. prompt and liauity to drive ; perfectly broken to saddle. and warrauled BAY TuUPE OK CARRIAGE HORSK, 16* HA.VDS high. H years old; k.nd And true lu nil liAriutis. rr*e trom vice . a prompt and handy driver, nlraid of noth ing ; a very superior horsn lor nog curt or lamlly car I riage: has grout bottom and endurance, and Is sold on account of owner leaving the city. r?rn. BLACK MAKE. t.-?S HANDS HIGH, 0 A EARS OLD. kind ftiui true in ni'. harnpe*, fiee from vice; a ?tyinn. handy an i prompt driver; ?a'e lor any one to use ; ? first cites mare for tamiiy or Dtiiiuetf purposes and is warrant i*<! son ml ?,rt? _ run. BROWN IIORSK. 15* HANDS HIGH. 7 \ EAR** ODD* a very aupenor hu tdle i?or*e ; perlectly free from vice or trick: very stylish and handsome ; a free, nanay driver, nil day roadster *nd is warrauted sound and VERY "HANDSOME AND EXTRA STYLISH CHEST nnl saddle and hitrness Gelding, lo.* hands high, 8 yean old : has grout bottom and endurance; can pull two men to u top wagon H miles uu horir; courugod. but perlectly gentle; Is a P?rtect ?mtlaio horse uu i Is warranted sound and kind. bo,d for at coant of former purchaser. w , ,,? ,.nT VERY HANDSOME BROWN TROT 11 NO MAKE, GOT be Mamorlno Chief, dam hy I-.rlcssou. !.)>. hands high. 7 yrurs old : un extra stylish, prompt aud handy roadster: first class pole mare: idie trotted last lal . over a tntrid ot a mile track, a Inl lmlle in 2 .III. In condition cau heat 3 :*?; iu not afraid ot looomntlrea or anything; is safe lor the most Inexperienced driver, has a tine opeu gull, and Is wurratitod sound, klnil and PAIR,rHAY AND BROWN HOUSES 15>? IIANDS high, 'I and 7 years old: sold to p-iy cliargea a*inyreA BAY HOUSE, III HANDS HIGH, 7 \ c.ARS OLD. KIXV and true in all harness: free from vice: a free, prompt and stylish driver: not atraid ol anything: does Dot shv or null: extra line nnder saddlo; excellent for faintly u,e and is safe aud reliable in every respect, .vin TWENTY OTHER HOUSES, particulars ut sale. SIX SKAT DBPOr"vagi N. EXTENSION ToP PHAK.. 8,X TON. throe llockaways; two Beach Wagon, with lump seats: tonside bur Road W agon by J.11. Brews ter of 2.1th kt. . top I'on.v Phaetons: eight top toll spring and side bur W agons, two > oupes. T CART, bv Wood Brother*, III perfect order, douldo and tingle' Harness, now and second hand; llobes. Whip*. Ac. _ BALE OOMMENCE8 AT 111 O'CLOCK. a UCT10N HOUSE OK ARCH. JOHNSTON, IH, 21. 2R and 25 13th St.; near Unlveraity place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. ... REGULAR SALES OK HORSES and OAR! I AGES EVERY TUESDAY AND EKIDAY. AT 10 O CLOCK. 24 hours to threo duys' trial on horses wsrrauted sound. THIS DAY (TU..SDAV), AT 10 O'CLOCK. I LADY BRUCE?THE ELEGANT GRAY TROTTING Make, l.udy Bruce; she Is IN', hands high If"!''; 6 year-old. aired bv Henry II. Palclien. dam lull b ooilcd Meaaen er; Lady Kru.-e Is a natural trot ter, hat an elegaut square, open gait: vers nnibl tloua, a rangy, styilali, showy driver: has not a vice, fault or triek ol auv kind, perlectly gentle for anv one to handle or orlve can trot a mile now III ?' 4<i although she has never been handled Tor kneed : *he has do superior as a pole mare and Tor a gentlemen's road mare , aiiuol be surpassed ; the la warranted sound. 1ST TkAilK || A t.N ESs. made to order. SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, in g*od order, by R. M. 8>lInVATI'RE PONY ESTABLISHMENT. BEAUTIKUL HAY PONY. 48 Inches high. ? years; lins beeu a lamlly pet; l? Mud i" ail harness and under saddle . is an excellent, tree driver; Is not afraid ot a locomotive or anything clan : perfectly sale lor children to hanule. drive or rbUl In ever) wav reliable, and warranted sound. Set P I MINIATURE' BASKET r IIA ETON, built to order. "* I BOY''SeSADDLE AND GIRL'S SIDE SADDLE, made ^ K!NE,0Da'pPLK GRAY HORSK lS\ hanat high. H years old: kind in all harness, free Irom vice; o ?? ,.0,,d lust, free traveller: vcrv stylish: does not H shv or poll; nee i? no whip; is not afraid of any A thing; u reliable family horse ; fit for any uso and ** I warranted sound. , , - FOUR LIGHT COUPES, all In good order; city 2 I x\YO B AIIOUCIIEIn goo,I order, hy Wood Brothers. 2 ELBOANT BAY MAitfi. 1 Mi hand. high. H years; * kind and true lu all harness; free from vice ; Is al.n a good saddle hcasl; Is a good, spirited, ?t\ llnh travell -r ; wit?io?it a lanit or tnck of any kind Anv one can drive her: ha* jrreat endwranca and bottom; ?i K*?o<l family ??r roadlhor?e in every war; reliable and warranted sound. KLEC \N I' bliASS KKUN T I' KfcNtli COACH, nearly AEVhN* PONYnry|'HAETONS AND FIVE TOP WAUONn. sold to pay advances. vvvovTY iiTIIEK ll<?K."sc.S. description time or sale. I t liOK ASStVrTM , NT "f every kin., of CARRIAGE. WAGON. HARNESS. Bohes, Weather never Interfere* with our SALE AT ID O uLOCK^^^t^^(,^ Sale. One Extension Top Barouche. <>no i'ark Phaeton, to scat lonr. One top fud spring Ruggv. line Stiver's Road ? at?n, good order. One brown Truck Horse. gQ Fine light Iter lit Landau, In good order. Glass trout French Coach, entirely new. ?GBAIILfts w. BAKKkR. AI GTIONRRR. . DESIRABLE THOTT1NG STOCK. H ' I | 5 . Owing to the demise of Captain John Smith, of thil city, the lollowing horses, at 11 V. M., IIII8 DAY iTuesnayi. Anr 10 1877, at Mei.r.. Barker A Son's Mart. Broadway, corner BBtli kt.. New York, will bo sold at auction to tbo "'fo'rn snffolV, gray ttalllon (formerly Long Island F.uchrel. by Young-uUols alias Watorvlllei. -on of the Plshon ltor-e by Stone's Messenger ; dam by Alnixck son of Maui 'rmo by Imp. Messenger. ; second da.n by Imported HelR cinder : third dam hy Post Roy raon . I Dur cl. This m rse has trotted III 2 :f4. I* ? natural trotter, kind and genilo m h-irne-s with no had ha'Its. lie stand* about loK bauds ana weighs 1 "7.1 lb*, when In high condition. lie is a sure foal getter, and his stock, though young, are all pr ot UAUo a dapple gray Mere. II', hands high. 8 year, old. by Tom rtoffolb, dam a Long Island mars; a fine road-ter: ped igree not traced. This mart) lias lor the last three years been iVivcn in double harness hy the lulu, aptail. rmlth. villi her sire T??m Suffolk : has had bnt little handling lor soool b'lt In the hands ol a competent trainer will umbo a lis t i roller. Apply, for particulars, to S. D. MR It. E, at tula office, or to D. >1. iiaMIi-TGN, Asiguee. Coxeaekle. Greene county. N. Y. c By johkpii k. wkiokrt, auctio.vkkr.?WILL /ell Wednesday. !'?>, A. M., at Arsenal stables, 14S> West :V?tIt ?l., near Broadway. five K??ad hii'I Carriage Morten, top and no t< p Harness**, Robes. Brewster Clat once. \ t lan-nee by Wood Coupf, Park Phaeton ?b?1 others: mIo positive and without reserve; itovk now on exhibition. -ilia woEfii ?&*>. 51 ai lirrX new Jjtnp Kxpreta aiton; patent wheels. Seen 1J4 West I9tu n BBaUTIPUL tor PHAETON, I ULL EPllIXO; Buggy, nearly new ; must sell, no offer refused. 50 West l?Mh ?l. lours, lamdaclkt and kockawXyC use ob two Horses, light Road Wagons, pony l'!u*etons. J. COL.YEK A Cii., MM Broadway. DNHLlMl i w? > YtlKKf?KD DUO CART, BY LONDON .ElJinakcr; alao thoroughbred header, from Kentucky: Tan dim Harness, cheep, Box I.'57 Herald Uptown Bratti-li, D<>?t a the* V V:\KY MA.M>.>t>ylh PONY. II HaND* JTulJi. * %??>* intelligent ai d a great pet; I* bsolutely sate in every wav for children and ladies; aiao Basket Pino* ton. HiifWitcr Depot Wagon and ironing Horse, nil ni low price*. Apply to tlrkct agent. Orange Valley, N. .J,, or ad* ilrto box l.?oO Post oflicc, Ni'w York. DOR BALK. ?A sTVDISII Hit OWN IfORS.i, HOl'XD F and genii*, extra fiction, would make u nice tandem leader: Hi hands high. Appi v -h? Kast With st, two days DOB - %!?! v I TUB PRI \ %1 B AI IRLR, If ft, 12 r u u*t 51th it., u light Windsor Wagon, made n.v Brewster it On., of 25tli "t : new last mi muter and bean ihcI nt * few times; all-lit single Harness, also t'oitpe. Hold on account of death of owner, Iilolt HAhh-FINK, LARGE BLOOD IIAY IIORHK, I #r carriage .?r coop*. Army stable, ;;Jd *t., Uet*ei-u nth and 7th |V, "Tiinr RAbK-TRAM Tip EXttsA GOOD PONY F fruit Morses; unliable truck. Ico wagon , also hay Marc; 5 years; suitable ;my Untitle**; warranted. I5.? Christo pher st. # Doll S A LK ? H? JHr* K. 11 A It N Kp?S AND HI Si.NKSS F Wagon; also a Boiler and Engine. Inquire go Com* literce *t. |?Ott HALE -TWO IIOKAH8 SflTaBI.K I'm; TRUCK? 1/ grocer, farmo.. any bctsinesa; must sell; no work; war* ranted. "dig \\ ashiugtitii st. DOR RAliK?A VERY ORA\ MORBK, F hands, H veitrs old. sound and kind and suitable lor light hUftiueM or utmily n*#?will soil low as I have no im I r itiin ; also a wry flu ? .Single iiaruess and Double Mar res*; to he *??!?? separate or t "gather. Apply CKf/ Broome st ,io;t sale ciii-; M'-two > \v i.r op ? ouri-i Mat ties*, t 'all for ' wo da ? a at No. lftll vVe*t ifojlt -t. lilOK SaLL AT SA(' HIPD' I. -Ill I*. M(DT hlYLlSM 1' pair of Pottles In the city. IB Itands high, dead match, B and 7 years old ; safe for enildrru to ride or drive; afraid ol nothing: they are oerleet; can trot very fast: must i ?? sold, ov.'iirr going abroad soon, Stable 15 hast 2*Rh si. Ask for Walter LA)H SALK A lOl'ND CANADIAN PONY, WAGON r and Harness. Call at H50 West .17th st. 111 SADP ?DI'MvN lib'itY TOP SIDK WAR WAGON, Pule and nbaltt, with Harne s, cheap L. TH DM Ad, Wtst bid* llQtvi, 1Mb ft., 6Ui av. V Ytnrr liI?USES A*D CARRIAGE*. Sm ?'d k,LKTT ,',i8"/UA'S (J M A k ??va r. Call m a*. w*,t 8?M Ifi 6 1 Vl hl*b ; *e" brad. Hn^rtSM n ?UIyil;S' -V' ?LIGHT DOCHLK 1 ruck ?u.l Other it* r. I ; "fl"*1?- *''! >?rm. $2.%: Oooci,, *I3">: H?gic\?h ji| Mi V i'.t' V 'uw'*'.*a?n? ">P i'haotmi., ?" "??.,.v1v.viii,,)v1 k.sraiSKSr* I I V.'n,e\?; : *'"? DOl'BLK new, fpsi, mo tll ""-J*TthlI?v'* *?" *"d Harness. I Ma,co?.? SaL? A~ UXUKOMK PAIR OK HAKKK. !ahrS'o,\roi Ul HrZ^' ?*"*? | J"?** WTV 5TJtI TaxK " " 1 HIMMVhVu^?I^U,"^cVjslMU,00T!' 4 t0 ?????.?, I ? BISHOPm snvi tuntchcd pairs and pood worker,, K. City, .V. J. ??? corner orand Bud Bishop ?t?.. Jersey i JLl-T i'sls st r.V'k<" I""** and OUL'PESZwI OKKKR ' rTitol UH,.'mviV- " .??}????? ?' Lend.u. ! use. LOO.S 1 'VVw,^'mh's't11'"' I1, . LAXDAVLET* 111.Oliill Ails cotrpEs, ted moroccos'lnd'clolhs' tonO^rTo'iol ot fnipnr ?ble colors. ""h*' with p?ii,tin; o. fn.hlon t ,tf"d 374 Broo,n' 0,<, LitA.VDU MVS 'i a tKFH .K<?? V w A v TO RKNT-70 if I'. M. *,1J1 Emi ->th ?t., ?to 10 A. II.. h to MSWKg r* ? v.,., sS^5555t;**??*?Atrfi'. * sm.swsifeHfr1'- ?"r > -d?;? ;?d ^ Al"? "u SifoVvtrntW V.USKiAtiK ROOM 131 West I7th J 1*4V, ? low rents. ., ?sv.?"-r Td.^tM,!; n1(1,'!.,v;N!J:(l^!,11i ^ V?irsli-tLIr'' 1)a|,,,,"e ?omul a iiU kiml ton" dtf"' l^lma'U * year,. Blankets, 4c. ?L.t7th, A,*'-'".n' ?'?rness. Kobe . Also top l'ouv I'llMC.on. VV uS^^,nri''l\\'T^'Sh ,MAV 0,J BLAtllf minute*; miut he WHrrant!.?i ? .. ?lroi ,n *bo,?l three or double. Address, sunns lowest'ell h n r? KnnV? '? *10*10 ?*.. lurnld office. "l,nk lowest cash price and aae, H. ^;;^a!issSw^CT?^?S? a.".?a? $90.,,^! |?% K, ri3StS?. Iijw. City mode, cost ICJ75; price Snii V^'V'1, ,IU"* l.W host 3Bth. p *,dU ' nl?'l? I-lub stable, European steabishxps TXMaV LINE. - iTvo^itffir^ ano t!ITV OK HKUSSKLs 14- ;J 1 ? *. CITY OK IIKIU.l v .April 21, Boon. Cabin Its,, , i"* Pi"" ???* klver. 2S" =' K * torms. Vmrotrif RM 7,lr'enc;''1",'lu"'':; ?" '?T"""'? Saloons, stateroom,, smokinu and bath rooms smTiWU,,'',^?* ^ J.'- I,ALK- A stmt. _ wAnd J3 Mr>a?j.v.i>. New tTork* GRKAT \V KHTKH N* STK \ M SI{M? i t v y ? TO HKISTOL (KNGLaND) l/IUKCl AlUu"o.v;r>ymoni'ler 'S ^ "iver ?? '?'"'?wa: COK \ W Al.L. ?tatiipn'r. 1 "'""''"f? April 17 cn^rrmtc/-""Vurs'lwVlch?i.8 BtSo'*'"- ?t?"r?n'e, Si\ TJNITED STATES .MAIL LINE.?STEAN TO OL'RKnZT *-> lOVVX AND LIVERPOOL TOyt'fcENS snltliis on Tl' K> 1>A V. IDAHO A nrt. I'/I'?! .5r "or,li hirer. Psssonrerm iHV-l't ?4": ",,'cr?<e. flM>. Ptredeu, Sc. 'V'V'* ."*I",,,|r?. Norway, nn.iiy at lowest rates. ' l,c n - r"1"'? ??r I - - WILHAJIH a oofow. 2? Brondtrww. < Axe l %-iaith ?t Ittim.. y.'Cibln' Hnd itttir. I iTltf^^Mr^dwaT1 A"p,y WLLllMd*; ; T I AM IH'RO A M Kltlt; t M IVuKhT till M P A V Y'S TlKK ? I Ucnoral Attest. , HICiIaiiD A BrtAR. ? -t., .V. v. '''n"i HroVd"i;,Tr Qvn AKD l.nk.-,.;an,,va. k m. s. s. c?: ? s-eUamL\rlhT..?Be,,!?.Dl^n,,"1,?h,U,C'. ?f ?>?? tUo year a .pecillo course for all seasons of ?7&nV?iFu%z*T>\? ?.*?**?* nothing lo the north of 43 ? 4'1'"Htudc, or ,n0rw,-n of 40"? ?RI SSU?1^WotL. Aprll^ TCVTH VIA ALOEHIA. Mod.. April i AHVSSIv\\ W A "o steamers minted c, do not carrv ,te.r.? , i."'1 ' A,"y U Cabin passage. iF-Si *|iki Mnd Si-?t - to ',?"?'"ff?r^ , commodatton * 'u ?<> ; loa rsrt".r ' lo ""'1an p?r? ol I.urope at rery I Krelsht and pnssase office No. 4 Wowllns Oreen L'llAKLES U. MIA.V. Kl.YN; Asent. I 3 P. II. on IVc!/ncsjay, Apri" IIIS7V 'U' ?'e"?y CUy, at CII AS. li. PHANCKLTN, i . ? novllttf Oretn, Stw V??rk. I | IN.. loCllAKLtlS I. ? Sl.ilifTto.tSS'liTsS1 "" A "?"?NW g.?ig??ffiTtiaBi i ^K-iwSfi-s i m-rsiA...A,ri, ?? :rurn,..!, . ,0 A. s. I'uKls. ; ???trilBE, l-JS. I Dr?l?s .,.r.25",r " ,,okB'"' tflnccl rate,. | WHITB ST AH LINK ~~ T,:r?^v???"^^DD s'AVpTOh. .neT1:rd,rLVeV.,:h?i,M,innV^%,h^ Bank,..,, the pa?.,0 Jte.Un\??.r^d.,ha Ht I:Manic ,4. at :i p. M. ? thi ll,' 31. noon. ain id. I?iu' w hire The n"!^' "*i H'"' ib*"' r"om' "r? nla.-ed com[iany's nQice^^lTr^owaV.h.vow' York""011 "PP'r *l "'? H. J. t'ORTIS. Acent. N'oKTII OKRMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP LIXrt, MKTWFKN NEW YORK Southampton and bkrjikn. Cotnpiuiv'kl iar loot of 3d Hoboken. NKCKAIL. .. Hut, April l-t | Wl.nKrt..8*t . April 3B Main >nt.. >pni tit I moskl s?i., May a K?ti"i of pat.aite fro,n No# York to Southampton. Il<vr? or Bremen. llr.i ila'iln, $IOD, gol4i Brcond Cabin. $00, fold; Steer ?ft"- cnrronejr. Return tlrk"t? ut redm-M r.H.>? I'rrp PI -mer I-*" * 'el title alee, 490, rurpner, for IreL-htitr pa*>a :o apply to OKLKtCHS .t CO.,3 Howllns Oreen. Must DIRECT AND economic ROCTK TO nolo LAND. IlKLHU'M. rill-; KlIi.NR, SWITZERLAND. A' AC, VIA ROTTERDAM. steamer sGHOLTKN ; April l J I In*," liemnilul iiomitp, carrying tlir United sta'e. DIhI t# tllo Ni'tlierinmh, are great favorite. with the public. Trip* regular, rate. low, comfort mil living perfect. For ir "lirli', For pa?. i?re, FI NCH. F.DVK t CO.. L. W. JIORRW, ?J" South William ?t. Broadway. iMorrit' European Kxprraa), CTATR I.IN"r-. 0.1tiv YOIIU ro OLAHliOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, 111: LKAS I AND LONDONDERRY, Iroru pier V2 Nurtll lilv r (loot ait t ' -t). a? follow RTAlK OK HKOKiilA Saturday, April 14 STATE OF INDI AN ThUtiaday. April |W S I A I K OF I'K.NNSVI.V A.Nl A I luiroi iv. Mat A si tt'K lis riltOl.NlA .... riniLday. M ay ID Find cabin, Sir i mi l *7u. according to mkiiniBMliitliiD : re Hint tlek4ta. i 1 It), PI'-lo. S 'iron 1 ? aldii, iM''. rrlurn tick eta, est'. Mrrrn.'i! at loweit rate?. Apply to AI'ATIX IIaLD \Y i x A CO.. Agent*. No. 73 IJpnadicat. New York. STKkRAOR Tla.KKI'S AT BROADWAY AND AT THK COMPANY'S PIBIt, FOOT OF CANAL ST., NORTH RIVER. VTATIOXaL LINE.?PIF.Rs XOS. 44 AND 51. N. K. For LONDOX UKIM B I Iir.ll It Apr.I II'.'1 A. M. FOIt yl/KI N>Tl?W A AND LIVERPOOL. >1' > IX. S"!.. \ p'l '.'1. 11 ?M. M. till YPT. '(at ?'>. II A.M. Caliinaii'l I'tag.'pa*, i." anil mil. irom ?1 upward 1. in.' I at ver lor rut''*. ? omp i 'y'? uffli ? -. <19 111" n. I ?? ay. I It. J. III its r, Managm. ONLY IH 111.i I LINK TO FRANCE. I'iIi. GENERAL T ft A NBA IT. v N ' 10 COM TAX Y'A M.lL. si. VMKIts BKIWKK.N .KW YORK AND IIAVKK, CALLt.NO VI' I'LYMOl III (U. II ), lor tin' 11,mtint: ol pan,en iter*, v III .all from nlcr I-' Sorili iDeer. loot ol Morton it., every alternate tt ednr-dav, beginning 'vitli : ? ?ST LU'KKNT (LMlieMteo, Wednaeday, April IS, R-'W A. M For particular* addre?? LU113 DM BB.MU1L, Agent, M lit?4v?fa COA8TWIHR RTEAnSHIPS. ifftMiTlilZtt and i transit ' STEAMSHIP USES. For CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. ? 1I!S t, Al'STKALIA. SEW ZEALASD. HKlTI.HI COLUM BI A, ORKOO.V AC. ??mi I in tf Irutti pier fool Canal *t . North Klver. Kor HAS PR.tNl ISiu, vio ImIIIMI S OF PANAMA. Mcsm.liii, COLON Tuesday. April 17 t-otmectiu* tor Centra, A uteri, u at-.d muiiR Pacific uorls. Vrum -AN KKtM'I.M'O ft ? JAPAN AND CHINS. Steamship 01TV ?>P SAN FKANCISCIt TmtiLv. Mav I Prom SAN FKANC1SCU to SANDWICH ISLAND#, A I S I'll A LI A AND NEW ZKlLYND. Steamship CITY OP NEW" YORK ..Wednesday, April IIS Kor freight or pa?>uge apply to W.M. P. CLYDE A CD .or II. J. BULL.SV, Superintendent, NA>. ti Howling Cririi. pier tool Canal at . Norilt Riser. fPr .\A> LINK FOR GALVESTON, TOUCHING AT KEY' l West. carrying tlio United Slut .'a moll The steamer CITY i)P HOUSTON, Captain Eldrlclge. will anil mi Satur day, April 14. at 3 P M trout pier 3" East Klvei. Through ttlla ot lading given to all points Oil iho ilouatoii amlTexaa, Central Intrriiatl rial and Ortnl Nortl eru. Galveston, il 'Uatuii aud Hendortoti. and tli? Galveston, Herri-burg and >on Ant'Oito railroads. i rslgbts and inaurance hi lour - ? si rules. For freight or passage 'having superior accmn miulalloni), apply to 0. II. MA1.L0KY' A CO.. 133 Mittdeo one. XTKW YitllK AND HaY'ANA DIRECT MAIL LINE.? 1.x These tin ir?l cl?-? steamships will ?.itl hi 'J P. M liorn pier i t North Kiver, loot ol Cedar at , for Havana direct, aa tol* Iowa:? t LY'ttK Saturday. April 7 COLUMBUS \\ odtnaday. April IS For fraiptit and passage, having tttiaitrp i??ed uccommoda tioita. npi/y to WW P. CLYDE A CO., No. ti Huwltug Greeen. MtKKLLAK, LULINii A CO., Agents in Has,ma. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, sailing from pier 37 North Kiver. For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, I ueadaya. Thure dava and Saturilas a. at 3 1*. M.. connecting with I ho Virginia and Tentieaaee Air Line. Atlantic Coaal Lino, Piedtnout Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, uud with tlio com pany'* steam llitca to interior point-, In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn* and Washington, N. C. <vl? Norfolk', every Tuesday, lliursday and .'Saturday. 1 dives, Del., Monday ami Thurodav. at 3 1'. M., connecting wltn Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger acccmmndations unsurpassed. Through passage ticks ts aud bills of ladln ? to ail potnta at lowest rates Insurance to N"C la. Ac , ^ par cent. Freights received dally at Jj,'"'' 37 North Kiyer. General offices, 1B7 Greenwich at. X. 1* McCKKADY, President. Halifax, n. s.. and si johxs. n. p. CROMWELL LINK. Steamship Al.llAMHUA will leave pier 10, North Hirer, on Tuesday, April 17. at 3 IV M. Kor passage or freight ap ply to CLARK A SHAMAN', (hi West ?t. I NOR BERMUDA. ST. TIIOM YS AND WEST INDIES.? The elegant British mail si.minors I'iMllA and BER MUDA. sailing April I'd and April ID. will nose form a regu lar weekly line for Kermuda direct. The Krrmudaa are now ttie nmsi'favorite olid convenient winter resort. For full particulars and Illustrated pamphlet apply to A. K. OU t'KKlilll DtJK. Ageur, 3d Brnat ad way. MOROAN'-i LINES TO NEW ORLEANS AND Texas ?The steamor will tail from plor 3d North Rlvar a> follows :? LONE STAR ?. Saturday, April 14 Kor New Orleans direct, transferrin* Texas Irefght there to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad for Morgan City ; llieuce per Morgan's steamships to Texas ports, t hrough hills ol hiding signed to all points on the Mississippi River, Mobile, Galveston, Indlanola. Corpus Chrlatl, ltnckpori, Braaos Santiago. Itrnwnsvilie and to all pnlnts on the Gal veston, llarrlsburg and San Antonio. Houston and Texas Central, International and (Deal Northern, I'axas I'aeitic niol Iran-continental railroads. Freight lor St. Mary's and Kultnn landed ut Kocknorl. Rates tor San Antonio freight, via Cuero or Marlon route, must be designated uti shinning rrcolpt. I nauraiirn can he effected under open policy of the line. To New Orleans. ?, tier cent: lo Texas ports, 7? per cent. Kor freight or limner iuformaiton upp y to UOOKUT A MO ltd AN, agents; oltlce. pier 3d North River. I NOR XEW ORLEANS DIRECT. 1 THE CROMWELL LINE. t he alcaiii'tilp KNICKERBOCKER. Captain Kembia, will tall on Saturday, April 14. at 3 o'clock P. M., front pier No. It North River. Through hills of lading given to Mobile and principal points on the Mississippi Klvcr. Cabin passage. tS'KI; steerage, $23. Apply toCL.AKK A mKa.Ma.n, h;, West st. TXTEBKLY LINK FOR PORT ROY AL. S. O.; BIU'NS V\ wick. On . ami Kernandlna. Kla., sailing every hrlday. from Iiier"'.n East River, at 3 I*. M. .. ... Steamer CITY oF AUSI I N. Captain Stevens April Tickets to all points In Horlda. Apply, for information "n,|,U m" MALLORY A ^-a< 163 Maiden lane. "W" Y. Havana and MEXICAN YIaIL ss. LINK.? 1 ' sStaamers luuve pier Nil. 3 North River at 3 1*. M. Foil HAVANA DIRECT. CI1Y OK NEW YORK Wednesday, April It CITY' OF MERIDA .. Saturday, April SI CITY OK Y'KRA OKL'Z WeiliieolHy, Atiril *jr? KOR VERA CUL'Z AND NEW ORLEANS. via Havana. I'rogreao, C ampeachy, Tnxpan and Tainplco. CITY OK MERlOA Satur " inlay, April 31 'trainers leave New Orleans April H aud April 3.1 for Vera Ciur. and all the unove ports. Kor Ire I tlit urjiaaaage spidy t" K. ALEX tXDKK X StlNB. 31 and 33 Broadway. JYOR HAVANA. -DESPATCH LINE ?THE HI'LKNDID Iron mail steamer Rio tll'.ANDK. 3,500 tons register..I antes Bolger in ister. will sail from pier 3D Ma-t i River, on Saturday. April 14. at 3 u'ciock : has splendld ac i cotutnodationa for pasaeitgers. Cabin. fcVi; steerage. $35. .ItMKS K. Ward A (It., A genie. I lit Waist IjfOR NASSAU N P-REOI LAR MAIL STEAM-HIPS trum New Y'ork. via Savannah, April la aud 33, and from Savannah, Oa., April 33 and May I. MR ER lY. KEKKI8 A CO., 113 South st. PIONEER LINK AUSTRALIAN PACKETS, EST A It Halted IK',3.?Ship STAR OK THE WEST, sails May 3N | To tuechaulca. domestic servants, laborers, Ac ? Under nr ' rangmneiita with (lie govern incut of New Mouth W ales ap | provod emigrants are carried to Sydney, Australia, for ! S37 SO. gold. each. Kor lurtlier nari leiilar- upniy to It. W. 1 CAMERON A CO., 23 South W illiam at.. New Y'orK. TllAVELLKltii' GUI OK. ALTJaW BOAI.-PhOPt.K'S LINE. The elegant steamers DREW and ST. JOHN leavo pier 41 North River, loot of Canal st , iverv week dav at tl P. M. Bourns warmed by steam during the cool months \ -CITIZENS' LINE STEAMBOATS KOR TROY. J\. .connecting with all railroad linns North, East and We-t; magnificent steamer, leavo daily (Saturdays ax c> pteili at n P. M . pier 4ti North River, foot Laroy st. CfOLLKUK POINT. WHITESTONE, CITY ISLAND J ami Port Washington.? On and alter April 11, IS77, the lavorlte side.wheel steamboat llsrso, will leave pier HI East Rlvrf ifoul Wall at.), daily at 3 3D I*. M,, for the above places. A midday trip will be made to Collego Point and Wliitestone if business warrants. /X AT SKILL AND STIY'VKSANT UOATS LEAVE X )da ly Irom pier t'2, foot ol Canal St., at tl P. SI., lor pas sengers ana trelght. 174ALL RIVER LINK FOR BOSTON AND THE EAST? r Leave New Y ork daily (Sttndavs excepted) train pier 3S North Kiver, flint ol' Murray St.. at j P. M. Pares reduced. IXOIt PHILADELPHIA, yia Long Hr ineli and tha Now Jeraey Southern Railroad. Leave pier s North River, foot Rector St., at ? II A. M.. tor Philadelphia, Long iirauclt, Tom's Kiver and Y'ine and. 4 IV M . for Philadelphia, Long Branch. Imr.'e River, YVaretown ami Tuckertuu. V, S. SNEDKN. il M. "ONINHTON LINE POB BO-TON. REDUCED PARK. Elegant steamers leave daily (except Sundays' i.. i-i .....I. o _i i...., ., si* vr Itieg-Iiit Steamers leavo dally lexeapt Munaarsi Irom pier 33 North River, loot of Jav st.. at A P. M. PROVIDENCE LINE (freight only) STEAMERS n pier 27 North Klver, font ol Park place at 4:30 P. rpo PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE ULD ESTABLISHED ROUTE AND SHORT LINE bet weeu NEW YURK AND PHILADELPHIA. 14 through trains each way daily; 3 depots In Philadelphia, 3 In New York. 4 tracks, the must Improved n,|u>pmcnt and the fastest tint* consistent ?jtli absolute safety. Express trams leavo New York, via Dosbronea and Oort ] Innilt street ferries, as loliows :??. 8-Jt>,B:tO ,11 sBO limited), 10b? A, M.{ I. 4, 3. H.7, 8 .'III. it P. M and 12 utiiinlg'it - Sunday. Bt3u A. M.. f>. ft 7, U UK) and 9 P. M, Returning, trains leave PlilladalbhlA at :i:2<), 3>11), 7, 7:: tt, M-30 and 11 A. M. (limited express, 1:3'i P M i.liti, 4, .i:hi. 7 and 7 3'i P. M., and 12 mi Inigh . On Sunday. 3 ;3U 3 ;30. 7, s :3.) A. M.. 4, 7, 7 fli P. M. an I 12 ruldiilgtit Ticket offices, 536 and t>4? Broadway. No. I A?tor llotse and toot of Deshros-ux and Cortlandt-tx.. No. 4 Court ?t , Brooklyn: Nm. lit. lid ami :1s Hit l-nn at., Ilobiken; depot. Jersey City. Eiurgraot Ticket office. \.i. M Battery FRANK THOMSON. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Urnernl Ocnefttl A^cnt. rniCK'.TS FOK NIHdADKLl'UU. U)Nli iiRANCH, Trenton. KuRtoii. I'rovulence, Truy, Muntrctl. OVKR IN'^ Kxi>r?*#jt. We?t itfNr Hrtiailww), au<| 4 Kti( Houston. B-tirv'-KifO rfifc v???I to flt'tli Jiatioii. BXCIJH810K9. *1 -VUH~ EX? I .saI.oiiN" ""sih.vMKU ^laTliOMAS PoWKI.l,. Hni'M *n<t (iroii Op?n Sim. daw MARTIN A K.\>KhLU. 119 south at. Pony OFFIC'K VOTK'K. ijosi i?FK10?.' NOITOK, I rh? foreign tnat'i tor tha wren ending Saturday, April 1 t. IS77. w tl? eto?*? ?t tliU ofliew on Ittcedxy. hi 12 M . lor Kurotifl, by I (In bo vln QtieeuMOwtt . .??? Wcdiie* dnv, at II A M for Ktjrnpw, by Rteamwr f{??*?i ? tta <J I'-en-tow ti; on Tlmrtditv, of II > A V, lor fcnrnj* by KldiuArttflllorl rl? Plymouth t.'hribotjrg ami Hamburg , on Saturday. ui 11 'HI A M.. lor t^rnmuj, Ac . I*v *texiu*r N *efear vi i Southampton and llr?*iin?ft <c-?rrt opmidem** mr br#H( HriUlu ?i>d Franco t ? * forwards! b> mK iiftmrr niiut bo Hp?*< iuily itddrmstd', and at 1- M., for Ktiroi n by ttcamrr Oity of Richmond via if nor io town <corr??*poti. dtnci Inr Urrinitny. Nooilnnd ftttd .North of 11 #?inti?l to bo forwarded by tbl* ?t?atn,,r mtiat bo *p?cUlly .id?treft*ed>, nn?l at 12 >1., lor Scotland and North of Ireland by xttamer i alifornia via Movlllt and til? ??/?>* Tlio vtpftmrr* Idaho, Kit*?ia and t 'lty of Klollntand do not tukw inxi.t for Den mark. Sweden nnd Norway fhn tuaib lor th ? Went Indie* v a llcrtntid 4 and St. T.iotnat leave Ntw Vprk A??rll 1'J. Tito niaiU lor I'orto Riro direct Icete N? w Vork April II. Th'* mai ? far Na*?au N. I'., It-aft* Now Yotlt April is. Tbe inalU fot ( hib.t atid-Iapati loav# s*?t I'raii? i?? ?? April 17. Th - mail* for Australia, Ac., leave New Vork for San Fran* cieco April 25. T, l?. ,1AM MS, !'n?tmast?r. ir'*o A t' t I N?W VoftK. April 7. 1*77. A Bl'ROPK. TKIXSON-S IM'ItKUMMlY. > ? % Z riTO prize medal a. Es?. Whlta Rot<i Bro.a Windsor Soup Eao <la Cologne , ? Hold b? ?'l dePlere. J. k V.. ATKINSON, 'JI Old Ilunil It.. London. JJII.K DYKING, DKEtSlNO O til (tie machine. required Inr ?tii? work, of the Intott nnd Mom miild conntriirtlini, are nuppliod by tlie machine maiiu taelory. BIHCKKARDT * t;<>., liMtl, Hwitzerlan I A reap*ruble eircnt wanted inr America. WINKS. I.mioiis. .vc. ~ rflli'R MOUK. M/ I.KRk \ lil-. ("II AM I'AONKS Voll IN I la plutl and beif plntt, erf eeceenteet and be.itu* nuv GOODA A. J J 00 H II NX X KSS OO NX N JJ O O II It X N N ft b O 0 XX N J.I o oil II X N X ft O O N X X ?*J o 0 II H N X X S U O X X N JJ o O H HIIII X X X 8SS O O X X N J.I O O H H N X X SO ON X N JJ U O H II K N N MO 0 V X X II N XX 8 K O O X XX JJ OO tl II N NX sss oo TBI! ft nr. OO AftS ft H R R u o ft s II li R K o o ? F H R R II o ? t> BH KRR o o BBS ft B R K 1) o ft b B it R o o ft H K n R o o I ft JIBB U U OO ?St <t> kk ecu ooo k k 0 0 o o kk o o o kk o 0 o k k c O o k k o o o k kk c o o k k 0 0' ' o o kkkk cr.c uoo ? UNION SQUARE. ? WILL OPEN TWO CAS Eft OP FRENCH TRIMMED HATS AND BONXETR cu a - 4 I TUESDAY. APRIL ia [ <?> 4 LADIE8 ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT I HE SAME. JO H.N SO# BROS. k CO., 84 AND~30 EIST 14TH ST., " UXIOX SQUARE. J I.N ENS. WK INVITE BPFCIAI, ATTENTION TO Ol'R UNRIVALLED STOCK Of line" and IJOUSKKUKMSIIIKO OOODS OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. COMPRISINO SELECTIONS PROJC THE BEST EUROPEAN MANUPACTURERS IX PINE DAMASK LINENS, DAMASK CLOTHS AND XAPKIX* SHEETINGS AND PILLOW LINENS. IN ALL WIDTHS. SniRTINO LINENS. IN ORE AT VARIETY. llAMASK. HICK AND BATH TO WEI. I NO.S. AC.. AO.. INCLUDING A PKKSII IMPORTATION OF PARISIAN NOVELTIES. LUNCH. PLAIN JAVaI AND ORLEANS CLOTHS, WITH PAXCY BORDERS AND NAPKINS TO MATOB ALSO A PULL LINK OP DRESS LINENS AND FIOURKD~TtXEX LAWNS. INSPECTION li? INVITED. A. T. STEWART A CO.. BKOADWAY, 4TI1 AV.. ~iTH AND IOTH RTS. AIILLI.VEUY ANI) I> IlKss 31A KING. A CARD. Fluent Purlt C,or?et*. Worth'. stylet, at ? greet kecrlQce. Od Recount of retiring from hu?lne??. Mr*. OAYNo#, 1,143 llroRtiwfty, nearJTth it, offe'e h?r varied etoek, lately mi l .peclally Imported, Rt half price. Abdominal supporter., extra large heavy Corjeit, mia.ei' Coi?et? end Wni.te. flneet quality Steele. >. It. ? LiuIIor khould avail iheinaalvea at tlie preient up. port unity to got miperiur good* Rt tlie pilce of the common toiind ill dry uooda ktore* A?PARIS MILLINERY. NO. 7 WEST HOTII ST.? ? Man1. Perrero'e kacce.enr, Mile. El.LsK COUDKn, ben now an elegaul choice of spring Bonnet* Riid Round Mute. \TMarie humanvs ipuom p aihsi. agent'and Importer of lined creation* In Paildan art Millinery; new, rich luvoice Preucli Bounote to dRy. 4-3 tllh rt., near ?J'illl ?t. ? >?J(t liril W A. coal, M ANY YKARsTt WORTH'ft, ejOt/nianulartnrln.' court co-tutne*. *ad late from lead* imt Hrondwav Iioiiucr, exonl.ile III aud elegant Imported dedgti.i from III yard* ol aiik. FOR IAJjIL A" ^DO\VN TOtVM* "s~I A I'ioNt KY ' STORK DOlS'O I ? I tr_-e t>natneak. or will take a partner. Addrsat D , boa ill, Herald "tin e. FIRST CLASS CORNER LIQUOR 8TORKCHBAF. or a pood nitin re narlncr OAFFNI-.Y A SMITH, 17 Centra el. AN OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER LIQUOR ETORB, pood Icnce. calilnrt llxturck, I* olTereil lur tale. Apply to J AMES EOIXS, Li! llroailWRy, Equitable Building. A A KINK LIQUOR STORK. HKsl IN WEST STREET, lor eale cheap; alio Uquor St'iroa ou 3d and (ttb ava. MITCHELL. 77 cedar at. a ?FOR BALR?kkstacran rs. n vKEKiEs, oko. a\*cerlc, Meat Maraoli; Country lloielo tu let. >1111 HELL. 77 Cedar at. FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM Saloon, fined up in the moat modern ktrle. with every thing requi.lte lor carrring on a auccraifal tiu.lneaa; Brat raleloeatlon. QAPrX > k SMITH. 17 Centra ftlt Bakery for sale-baking in oiu? barrels a week. Apply .'.Hiel J,I between I'JJd and l'J3d ata. IJUTTKR AND TEA sl'oi... I'.ill S ILK CHEAP FOR; doing a go..,I butliifaa: owner leaving the city ranae ol aelling. DANIEL W. WILLIAMS, Herald Uptown oittce. Butter stork "for sai.r-oiibaf, doTxq a good baetiieaa. Call at J.LVI 3d ay., between 117th an4 1 lstli ata., Harlem. 1 aInTniTT RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON J 1 lor aale, good bualneae; lung eatabliabeU; heart strict Inveitlgatlon. H4 Mm av. fill RET' CLASS III'IV HI'flt'S SlioP. ?LARUE ft TO KB. r cheap rent, Ac. 1*. MclNTTRE, Wholesale Butcher, 414 West 4lat it. lAoll SALE-STORK FIXTURES. COUNTERS AND f Showeaeua, at t>4 H wery. FVoR sale-first CLASS ft L \ i ' k w a ln utpix" tiirek. cumurDing Till Counters. Side Conntera In mora Ids aectlona. Top and Side Kncka. showcase,, lilove Cabinets and wire Partition. U. II. A K. J. WITTIIAUs, 4IM llroadw.ty. LViii SALK- FIXTURES AXD ALL FU li NIT C RE, A0_ F peitalning to a retail Shoo Store CAMMEYER k N IRON, SI Warren at. F"iOrt lALK a HANDftOMKLY PITTED CP DRUG Slorc, with good trade. In good locality; anllahls lor a Herman, at low price. Information by W. IIKCXNKR, 40TT UtkSt., near 1 at uv., New York. NOR SALK -SAFES; I LARGE PATENT STEAM Fireproof Sale, a Ith continuation and magneto lock* aad atft'-l burglar pruol. In prime order; callable lor bankers, jeweller* or extra mercantile ilea; innde rapacity 131% cunlc leet. Aim | large Mercantile Safe. Iloialoro'e patent, with combination Iocs. Ac ; nsdde capital* about II cabla leel I uuuir ' at 3lSI Hroajwai. room Jll, 1.3(HI SALE?ABOUT SIX TIIOUSANH ToX SOFFIKKT r i Uo lee. mowed la good bonnes dinned on the Krt# Canal, a It Inn four miloeot Albany. J a M hS "IILLEY, West Troy. N. Y. IDOR SALK AT ONCE, CUKAP-A RMALL FANCY P store. Stock and Fixture* (very law rentl ; eiao au Ice Houae. etovei, slguv, Coffee Machine, Ac. STRAUSS, -.'*4 Bast 3d at. _________ ?NO I SAL KLBOAN1 FKRNERV, CABIN RT FIN-" I" Dli. to All bay wludow ; alio Caroetk. Kuruilure, Ac . at ouctlon on Wedu* da\, 11 A. M., at uorthweet corner Lex In.'ton iiv. and 7Ptb ?t. h30R S\LK-TI1I. STOCK AND V IXITKEs OF A~X old ??lalidkhcd Mlllinury and Fancy itmid* hiiklnrka now done; i large, prohlalde each i lade ; the etock Ik ktaple and In good condition; ??ti-ia' torr rea.oii- given for celling. Apply to Mrs. J. '.V. II AWN, Til and 773 ilroed at., Newark, N. J. F 1NOK SAl.R?TWO SMALL 1? IN IN (> AND LUNCH Kootna. Car particular* Inquire at M a v. flOK SAlK? LAUKK AND LIQUOR SALoONj in Orat via*. hmaliiv ; ionr > eara'leaae of whole liouae. Apply t i >1. DIM SCO|.L. 0 Jamna a lp. fjtllK SALE VKBV CHKAP-A WELL ESTABLISHED P Inning !?ali>on till lintel. .VI ronma; iron, Llank.-i-, hilr multreaeea, kitchen furniture, (team appara tus raiigaa, Ac. 473 Urvenwleli at. 1^11 It BALE i HEAP-A SII.K SAKE ; t lOMB IX ATI OK A lock ; a./e Uttlltl, Apply VIOften a M? up -.taira. Milk route and depot koii sale. for" pail. il. ilia., inquire at 111 ? Wr.t 'J4lh at . In milk depot. On i*. L.vRiiK itiK 11 (Tusk vni? hak room cock ter lor aale. nnil other pi tai llaturea lint Kultoii at. PRINTING OFFICE FOR KALE.-I'A RTlCCLARS lurnlaheil h r ad ireaaln-r I ULTON, b >x 1114 llurald nlRce. |> till. I'll a N c E FIRST CLASS CASH iHlUIJEKY; weekly reeelptet catabtlehed 3D ye art; owner hattmr other imaitieaa; exaniln it nns allowed: boat corner Mrooalrn. FLAEXKK. IMS Howery. KARL III ANCE.'-H AEHKR'S SHOP, DOl.Ntl lioOO ibtialne.a, under Aator Plare Hotel. -V Ud ar.; to leeae. St I'K I (It SALT' III IHJLAR CIIKST ACROSS lie >. t otri. .iter live feet liipli; mode liy Terwilltger. App.y HI H?| {{mmiIh st,, atrt'lM|,| ftotir. SrorK AND FiX IT ftKS OF A HOOT AND AliOB Mtort*, in a city of inhabitant*, otio hour frou* Now York. AiIUh-se L box I4H Ilt-mlfl mi IK PL'KMTURK A.M) UOoI> WILL OK AN ELK* X uaut K?tiibll?luit*iit, dUaiMd <>ii one of the principal tliormi4hUrn, to no miIJs; h "flrrlllcfl n?r rut It. I'artuu Urn, Ac.. Apply or a'idr*** D WOOD, l&f Weft 26th sf. Ol -Jl \VILL HFY A iiodii "l'AYINO liI HiSK&% V*' "Ia, bn* 1*14 fferula ofTiee. WAfC'HKA, JKWKIilli, \U". ^ l \r HIT Itlti ia DWa V. CORNER 1JT11 ST.? XI aDIeiunmi.. Watch... Jewelry, Silka and I'ereoual l'iu|iert> n| every deacrlption Iumjkt and aold ; Inane III, i .Iiej. ISA AO HAKK. \l LYNCH'* DlAMii.NIi jtTOUK, WL'Tb ROA DWAfl uetr - I I el., torirteflf 7J:t llroadany te?i?b|laliad 1S+4), haiKainaii Dlemutida, v\ atrltea and Jewelry. Mirer, Ac. t -WILL REMOVE 1ST OK MAY In !W?7 BROAIL ' J \ tWov between JOth and JI at at?. JAMES P. MAT. TttEWat, tl ti ..roadway, corner 1th ?t. IT PRICES Way IIKI it?W MARK K T KATES?ON I . \ Pair 7 earttl Itrlllimia, one Pair 3 cmat Brilliants, one Pun- 4 . at at ttriili inta, one iK old mi lie stone ; very tine and very low. J. 11, JOHNSTON, IV) Bowery, cornet I Broome at. I I WISH Tt I PHRI'H ask MILTON TioLnJhWiF.K* , In whideaate pure, I'laaae ad.l.e.a HtOUBJa WO#a i MEJIMO, Dainat UAr, Eadoea K 4,