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BITTATIOSH WA YTKIP?FKM AI.K8. VlHlkK, AC. ?> EAST 2CTK ST.-WOK. W kSIIKR AND IRON Kit Oln * boarding bout* or private family; will glva aalls fee lion. 8 WKST 3TTi! RT.-A LADY WISHUl TO KIND A SIT nation for her girl aa rood plain cook anil to aasisl with washing In a small American family. __________ Ti\ kWmt'h ST.?a" RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIRL IvH good plain conk lu a private laiuily; would assist with washing and ironing; six years' city ro'vraiice Iroiu laal place. "Ill OA.NdKYouKT RT.-A RESPECTABLE OIHL A8 Xs/cook, wssLsr anU irnner, city or country ; understands inilk and butter. Cat I for two daya. Till OHO VP. ST.. KOOM ft ?A RESPECTA HI.K 1 Vy.'wonian aa liral clan cook lu a bale I or realauruut; country preferred. Call ler two daya. 34 34 WH*T mil Si.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS plain cook, waatier and lruuer: rv'erauee. CUNTON PLACE.- A FIRST til.ASS FRENCH :oek arlaliea to so to Brat claa. lawdy only. OC WEST 4i:TII ST.?TWO COMI'KTK.NT til BLR: Oryene aa excellent cook, would aealat wltli the washing; the oilier aa chambermaid and waitreaa, i>r to dn chamber. work and One washing. Can be teen at their present eta plnyer'a. A ft BAST 83 D ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS l Wcook; no objection to assist with the washing and Ironing. JTfi WKHT 3MTII ST. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S). - A ?JUrespectaMo woman aa cook and aealat with washing. Ceu ba seen tbla week. CO WKsT 8-'D ST.. DEPOT? WOMAN AS (Jxiirsi claaa cook ; no objection to a boarding home, aa liat in the washing; beet uity reference. 5(5 bkoadway.?a respectable vounu girl aa plain oook, waaher ana Irnnnr, or woald do cen trallinaaework lu a amat! private family; good reference hoi#l? "last employer. C7 WEST 1STII ST.. PIRST PUM)K..-LAPNI)RKs8 l) I lu a privata family, or aa cbok, waaiier and lroneri two years' referencea. I'O WKST 131J ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG (illlL UOascook; would help with the waaliiug and ironing; good retereuee. 71) WKST 43L> ST. -A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD cook, waaber and kroner; tlx yeara' oily reference. Q(J WKST I ITU ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS Ot/good plain cook, waahar and lronar;ne objactiou to the country ; beat reierence. 10 ') WKHT 33D ST.?A COLORED WOMAN TO ?Jcook, waah and Iron ; good dty ralarence. Hi J. Wa8T ST.?AH PIRST CLASS COOK, Xv/*Iwlth good referencea; doea all kinds ol tiril claaa eookiug, anlreea and deaaerta. Addreea IJOOK. 1 (Y7 WliST 36TI1 ~ST.?A RESPECT All LB YiiUNG J. I' I Woman to eook, wash nnd iron In a private family; la good naker; good city reference. mfSiril ST., NKAR 4TH AV -A RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman aa good eook or would do house work lore email family; mora for a homo than high wagua; good reference. 1 (17 WK.vr 24T1I ST.?A COLORED WOMAN AS lu I Brat claaa cook; no objactiou to aealat L> washing; city or country; beat city rofurauca. 108 WKST 33D ST.?AS UOOD COOK AND BAKEU In a small private family, heat city reference. ill) WEST 40TH ST.-AS COOK: PROTESTANT; X LXIgood bread baker; also uieata and eouee; city or coun try. nai WEST 40T11 ST.?A NORTU OP IRELAND Xiwomau aa tlrat claaa cook In a private family; city or couutry; excelleul retereuee. I 1 WEST 46TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE U1UL AS X J. l/excellent cook in n private taiully ; willing to do part of lli" waatiing; city reference teem laat place. 117 W'l.ST 34TI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS profeaaed cook; beat city reference.. 121 WEST 30Tll ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN aa rook; would assist In waahlug; beat refereucc. l.J'J WEST J4T11 ST.. illOE STORE.?A PKOT IXOe .Teitiint young woman A plain cook or lauudreaa in a private taiully; city or oottpgy. No uolea. l aYo WKSTr33D"s* RESPBC ) a?a> WKST 33D S* J. RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS L?(Oflrat claaa cook ; no objection to aaalat with the a ash lug; understands couking in all its hrauoliea; country pre Icrred; Brat claaa city reference. 1 k)A w*8'r turn ST., IN THE REAB.-AN ACTIVE LXl xyoung woman aa thorough cook aud lauudreaa; haa ihreo yeara'rerercucea; will take care of tba house In the lummer. Mrs. O'MaLIA. YOU WEST 10TH ST.. SECOND PKOOlt, PBONT iX<7rouui.?As Brat claaa cook , understands aonpa, meats, poultry, game, cream, Jetties and blancmange; bsal ref erence. 1 Oh WEST 1BT1I ST.?TWO COMPETENT YOU NO X-J t/girls, ono aa Brat claaa cook, tho other aa chamber maid and seamstress, or would do the work of a email fam ily : lour years' reference. 1 ?JIJ WKST MTU ST.. FIRST FLOOR. BEAR.?PIRST Xxi/class cook; no objection to aaalat with coarse wash ing; city roterence. mWKSr 101'II ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN as excellent cook; good waaher and boner; good city relereuce. mWKST 28TII ST., IN THE UKOCKKY STORE.? A North ol Irelaud vumtu aa experieuceu latuilr eook ; Is su excellent baxer and paetry conk; city reference. mWKsT il3D ST.. BASEMENT, B.vCK.?AS Ex perienced cook; will aaalat with witshiog; city or couutry; beat city referenoe. mWEST 25TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD eook and assist with washing; no objection to ihe country; beat city reference. l'J/1 WEST 19TH 81., FIRST FLOOR. FRONT XOrCroome.?A middle-aged woman as cook and to aaalat with washing and iroutng; axcellent baker; good city ref erence. ICC WEST 19TH ST.?AS PIRST CLASS COOK IN A XOcrprivate lamlly; will assist with washing; three years' city reference. 136 WEST 13TH ST.?A FIRST CLASS COOK IN A Brat class hoarding house or botal. Call lor two daya. "1 UU WEST 27Trt ST.?A COLORED WOMAN AS XOOBrst ciasa cook; understands marketing; or day's work. "| OQ WKsT aUTH ST., PRESENT EMPLOYER'S.?A XOt/reaped able voong girl ea plain cook, waaher aud ironar lor a am all family. 140 WEST lorn ST.?RESPhCTAHLK UIRL AS cooa, waaher and ironer; good city reference. "Il/k WKST 19TI1 ST., CANDY HTURK ?A HE X*X v/apsctable woman to cook, waah and Iron; city or couutry; good reference. IS It WEST 1BTU SL (CANDY H'I'OKr.).?AS A PRO Xtl Vleased cook ; thoroughly understand- Rugiisb, French and American cooking, pastries and bread; deaaerta of all kinds; no objvcllun tr a hotel or boarding house; beat city relereuce. 142 WEST 31ST ST.?A WOMAN AS UOOD COOK and baiter; will aaalat witi. washing; city rolorenco. 1 t .1 WEST 2KTI1 ST-A KKM'KCTABI.K YOUNG Xxxwoman as good cook aud to assist with tba waahlug; good city reference. 154 15 158 ?j j r kast y-iu sr., sicuxu plook, pkonr.?as XtvJ first class cook sud laundress; understands pastry slid baking of sll klutli. Call lor two days. i a c~ea"st 3(irii ?t7? a younu w oman ah cook X xcJand to assist with washing; city reference. lift WK.ST MB ST., ROOM ltt-A GUJIPBTKNT X'Jv'young woman as thorough cook sud good baker; would do coarae waablnit; city reference. i ,ri' kanFhist sr.?as amkkIcan~pkutakra.n r JcrXas cook, waahur and lroner; roliublo and tufly com tie lent; best city reference. Call or address. ICO Wl-.ST fiisr M t KKSl'KCrAHLK Vol Mi XcJOgirl aa plain cook, washer and irouur.or wuuld do gen eral Uuuaesaurk in a amall private family; good city refer ?ucc. .. . . . >"\/l WENT 33U ST.?AS 1 IKaT CLASS COUK (COL ored; ; can give cltv retereuce. Call or address. "7 urtl AV.?A PKUTKNTANT WOMAN AS OH hi lift I ordluuer cook in a hotel or reeiaurant. "I 7 WEST 33L> sr..~ KiKsT FLOUR.?A SCOTCU X*J I woman as first class Oouk and lauudresa; good city reference. "went 53D sr."Ti?ihu tiik third"?llLi7?a _ respectable woman, first clasa cook iu all its branches, to go out by tlio day lu a private taiaiiy or res taurant; highly recommended. I L?Lt AV. li. MKAR loTTl ST., PIKST PLoOR^Ia XUUUrst class ilerman cook In a private christian family. it>n VUT BHD It-A MUftO^AHi' WO.Ua N XUt7?s cook, waahar and Irooer la a small private family; best city relerence. II 1 \7\ ICAST ^ilT Ft BT.~ T fl IKD FLOO H.?AMAH eiUUrlcd womau aa cook or laundress la a small liunny. naa WKSr 3HTII NX.-KKbPK~U PAULK "lilttir AS "cook, washer and lroner; city er conntra; good rel erence. tii t^i wbbt "sr.. rrar,--a rjcspkctablk aL'yTrwoman to cook, wash and Iron or do housework ; city or country ; good relereucc. t'jt \u kast'kiI)"5tTThing piitsr~HkhlY-aToCng gbfUUaoinau aa good cook, washer and lroner; lour years' sity relereucua i 1 rk7s""WSsttTtu nT? pikht FLOOR?a sritADT ^V/Owoinao as thorough cuok and good baker; will ae llet with the washing; city relerence, til tQ BAST 3SIII SI - A ItKsf'KCI'AIU.i. (.nil. is dml'ldgood cook and excellent laundress; 4 years'best City relereucc. ill|(i WKHTMTlTsK, NBaR 7tY| .TV. ? A WELSH eL*/ e/womau as llrst etnas cook; good bread, bracuil and pastry baser; cit> refersnea. O | a WKNT Mil ST.?AX ACTIVE VUlfJtU WOMAN roXUai escelleut cook; goon baker; good teleience. oil wirii st. ? t KMPiirrABLK WOMAN kjXXan bist i lass cook; undorstaiida Iter business in all Ita oraiiches; liosl city retereuce. til i wiurFiuo m a lady wants a place ao L'xfnr her cook and hor waitiess and nurso. i) | / ? kast mru at.-as cook in a private awl'ilaoiily; is cumpoteut and understands her work; best city reference. m fclasa cook ; good baker ; would assist iu coarse wa?o lug; good relerence frou, last pluce. i?| 7 kast 3;it11 m a y<m;ni;~woman as iioTui Al I I cook, washer and lroner, with a little girl ol 13 years; elty or country ; understands mile alto butter, reference. Ol O WKHT 3 iril ST.?A YOU.M. COLOIIKD WO gbi lOmtn ni cook; no objection to the country; beet city references. tllO BAST -1ST 6T.-A UH.M'T.T I'AHLK (i11(1, AS swJ veook. wsbbor and irouor; good baker; no objection to the country, ilty ruluronee. it.Ilk WK-T I NTH ST.?TWO KKkFeOTABLK ?i 1 ; bal'uur to cook, wash slid troll, tbu other us chamber* ?laid and waitress in it prlva n lainlly ; best city reference. it.l/t KAST 'JBTll ST., KIUST PLOOll. FRONT?A sjsi' "young womuu as excellent cook and laundress; Ilty or country; good rnteiencc. tl.ll BABY 81HT NT., TUP PLOOK.-A KK.nI'KOIA ZiJu lblc wo.uan as good plain cook ; Is a good bread and biscuit beker; uest city relerowes. ti.i.t Bast iwtii sr. a youxo woman as < <5ob jsnd lo assist in waebiug and lioniug lu a private lamUy; good ???* relerenee. t?.) t wkst 17rii sr. ukak. -as oiiou V:o~ok, ^^ Xwaslisr sud lroner; city or country; beet city reler- I luce. it,) a banr 35rii sr. in ntohk-a rkspiota* ^I^^tble jouug girl to cook, wash and Iron; elty reler tuce. _____________________ .)?? 4 WOT islll Hi ?A KB AT, CLkAM UIKL, AS / A'Xcbamberm.rld ??d waitress, understands brr work tiiorougLly; would go to the eouutrr i good Uty reference. Call lor two days. _ SITUATIONS WASTED-PEMALK*. Cuoka, Ar. ()i>7 KAST 29TII ST. (IN TMR STOKE).-A EE ZI speoishle young woman a* rojk, or auilil Metst with the wishing; uo obiectiou to tbo country; l>s*t city moron co. 9<?Q EAST MTU ST.- A RESPECTABLE WOMAN* AaOm good conk. washer and irunor : 'in oh). etioii to ? private boarding house: city or cuuutry; good references. 9>>n EAST 2RTII ST.?A YOU NO WOMAN AH COOK. g^O'' w n-hsr and ironor; can take care of milk ind but ter; country preferred; good reference. OhlO WEST 20TII ST.. BASEMENT. ?A GOOD PLAIN wO^rook. washer ?a>l Ironer; na objtction to a private hoarding bunao; itood city roferonco. 233 vest iarii sr.?kkspk< taiii.k foON wo. mull oa cook and laundress; good city reference. ttqo WEST 1BTH ST.?TWO SISTERS, PROTEST _j? )? Janta; our aa cook; tlia atbtr aa chambermaid and waitress: good city reforancoa; wages low. oorr WEST 27TII ST ?AS FIRST CLASSCOOK; NO _i) I abjoction to a boarding bouao: city or country; good city reference. ll'JO KAST 4UTH ST.. FIRST KI.OOR.-A KKSPKCT a^Ol able woman as first class cook lu a private family; teat city reference. Cull iwo day*. 9Tl WEST 2211 ST.-A Y'iUNO WOM A N AS GOOD ?rri-cuok; nndorttanda her baiinela: good references. OA t) WEST 47TII ST.-A NEAT COMPETENT OIUL wTaato conk, waali and iron; na objection to country; beat eitr referrnoe. 244 wSSYCTH ST.. 1:00m 1 .. ? a COMPETENT person ?? cook, washer and irauer; beet city rolcr (1 I f- EAST 24TII ST.?A GERMAN PROTESTANT Z V t Jgirl in a tinali finally as plain cook or nbialbdnilltd. (fall or nddrcat. 91Q EAST BATH ST. - - A RESPECTABLE YOUNG Z~V t'irl rl as Mod Plata Moll; te witling to ?s?l?r witli the wnahlug; no abjection to tbo country ; bet; city reference. t;r(t west TToubton bt.-a itksphotaiilk wo vraonf wobsh a< cook and laundress In n private family: aatiafuctory reference. 901 BTH AY.. REAR, BETWEEN 10TU aKD 17TII mU I it*.?A respectable woman to do cooking; excellent butler maker; goad reference. tjtttt TfH AV.-A RESPECTABLE wom an Aft COOKS *jf)v He an excellent washer and iruuar, and good baker; good city reference. q/\ a east st. (Present employer's;.? ?)" 'TA young girl to cook, wonii aud Iran in a private family. oau east srrrH st.. second floor, front.?a OvJUyoung girl as llrat elaee cook, waaber and irunor; city or country: city reference. 0A7 East eoTii st.-a respectable girl ah OU I good cook and laundroee In a privato fatally; city reference. tmo EAST 6CTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE (URL AS Ov'Ooook, waebor aud irunor lu a private family; city refrrouce. i)?Q EAST (JOTII ST.-TWO RESPECTABLE PKR OUOsona, mother and daughter: one to cook, wash mid iron; other as rluwr.bermald and waitress: best city refer sure; no objection to the cuuutry. Call two day*. 310 EAST aVH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN to cook, wash and Iran ; goad olty reft-reuco. ?J*I C WEST 44TH ST.. NEAR 8TH AV.-A RESPECT ellvJablo woman as tirst clu.a conk; an cxoellont baker; willing to go in the country; best reference. O7 Q EAST 24TII bT.-TWO YOUNG GIRLS TO LIVE ejJ.Otogethor or separately ; one a* good cook and laun dreae. tbo other as chambermaid and waitress and to make herself useful; no objection to tbo country; both have good city references. q*IQ EAST 56TII 8T.-A RECOMMENDED GERMAN O-LOgirl aa llrat class cook, house or chambermaid. No poetal cards. 091 EAST 431) ST., SECOND FLOOR.?TWO RE OZj lspoctubla girls, together: una as cook, washer and ironor, the other a* chambermaid and waitress lu a small private family; best city references. SJ i)A EAST 20T1I ST. ?AS COOK AND TO ASSIST ?SAsWTrwith the waebing in a small private family; city ref erence. 324 WEST 20TI1 ST.?A WOMAN TO COOK. WAS11 and iron; city or country; good city reference. OO ft WEST 2STI1 ST., FRONT ROOM, FIRST OaajUfloor.?A young girl as cook, washer aud Ironer; best city reference. ?JOQ WEST 27TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS CHAM O^fObermald and waitress in a email private family, or would assist With children. O'JO EAST MOT 11 ST.-A COMPETENT WOMAN AS e/OsJgood plain cook ; Is willing to assist with the wash lug; city or country; three years' city reference from last place. 'JDO EAST 25T11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OO^iwoman as cook and ueaiet with thu washing; goad reference. O'JX EAST aOTH ST., (PRESENT EMPLOYEltR)?A OOi /respectable woman as cook; to go out by the duy 1 week. 335, EAST ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 'cook, washer and Ironer; good city reference. OS r EAST 31 ST ST.?A PROTESTANT YOUNG WO DTDmsD a* cook in a private family; would do tho coarse washing; understands her busincei; city or country. 07) 2D AW?A~ RESPECT All l.E YOU NO WOMAN O I tsi plain cook ; can give twelve years' reference Irom her lest place. 07Q WEST SBTH ST., THIRD PLOOR.-A RESPECT. Of Oablo Protestant woman a* good cook; good baker; city or country; good rel'eroiice. qqo 2D AV.?AS COOK IN A PRIVATE FAMILY: OlSrMtlioroughly understands her busiuess; will assist with washing ; country prulerred; beet city reference. 'JQK 7TH AV?A HESPrOTABLK GIRL AS OOOD Of/t)conk In a private family; understands all kinds of cooking; city or country; five years' reference. rd-OO Ea8T UTH- PIR8T PLOOB.-A RESPECTABLE TV Vgtri as cook, washer and ironer, or to do housework; good city relorences. No cards answered. Aii*? WKft 31 bT ST.-a YOUNG WOMAN AS TVgUfirtl claas Cook, washer and Ironer; best city refer ences Call for two days. 410 EAST 17TH ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN AS OOOD cook, waaber and ironer; good city reference*. A in WEST 17TII ST.?A PERSON AS FIRST CLASS xlVcook; uudcrslandi her business thnroughly; first class reference. Al W East 75TH sr.-A RKHPBCTABLE WOMAN AS tlOinok ; Is willing to assist In the washing and ironing; city or country, good city reference. A k) A WEST 55TII ST.. BETWEEN WITT AND U?TH XAltivs-A German girl as cook or chamberniHid ; also an American girl to take care 01 children ; both together. Address. A'JA WEST 40TH ST.. ONE FLIGHT Ul'.-A Kli T" ?t Tspi'ctaliln young woman as order cook or vegetable cook lu hotol or restaurant; no objoutlon to eonntrv ; refer ence. 443 A EAST 17TII ST.?AS COOK, WASHER AND ?Jlrnner, or to do general housework; good baker, good washer and ironer; city reference. j'iTff Wit ST 17 I'll ST.?A BKHNOTAIU VOUNO I .iiiJwoman an conk, watlier and ironer; city refercnco. TOO->.AST I'illl ST. -A RhSPKOlAltl.K GIRL AS 'xOOcnok uod unlit with tin* washing and ironing, or ae laundress; would ilka to no a abort diaiauca ill tbo country; city refercnco. 2D AV.-AH PLAIN COOK ANl) BAKKR; NO 'objection to the Country ; rvtorenco. .1 /?.) nr.I AV.. BKTH iiKX 2RTH AND 39TH BT8., X* ) ?^0r?t floor.?A respectable girl aa cook, washer and; nood city reference. 1 <1 :il> A V.--I' II A M ItKIt \i A 111 A MI SEAMSTRESS lOliit nnrac; underatanda Wherler|A Wilson's machine; beat city reference. A QU 7TH AV.. CORNER ilflflTST ?a"tO(INO GIRL TOiIh first claas cook, waalicr and ironer iu a private family: beat city reference. etitjj bast torn sr.-a young nvoman-as ex ?JUi/cellent cook, waelier and Ironer; city or country; good city reference. r ?) 7 WKST51SI ST. A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD OU I piaiu cook, weaker and ironer: lis years' city refer ence trom laat place. r[7l mi)-a v.: c ok r kT kntw o m an"ak 'cook and ? ) '1 ' T to aaalit with the waahloir. irood city reference. S.- I 7111 AV.-TWO OlRLNt oxK AS GOOD PLAIN ililTionk and to aerial In weabtne aud Ironing; the other aa chambermaid and wsitieaa. eeeen years city reference: no objection to the country. r n!' BTII AV.-A KKAPht.'fAMI.K~OIKL *5 GOOD O I Oplain conk, earlier and Ironer in a email family; beat city reference. ) JH AV , M'.Ait MTN NT., THIRD VLOOK.?A ?wco'iipelent girl aa cook, washer and ironer: city reference, no objccilou to go in the country jsilh the family. w /?Q/? au AV.. Mr.AK" :SVu HT.' A YOuTT WOMAN U?7*)tni ook. wash and Iron: excellent Dread end hiecult maker; pood city reference. 7e)7 W AMI 11N 111 O.N ST., REAR.?A SCOTtili PROtF. md I eatant woman atoook or lauuiUesa: city or country; good references. REBECCA FhKI), 7 | 1 tJTil ,n an AMERICAN (TKOTBttTANi) ? >' I 1 J onn as cook. willing to aaaist with the washing; good reference. Q1W iiril AV.?A K UHPBGTARLK YOUNG "ii I HI. AS OUOcouk. waslier and Irouer in a email private family; four year?' reference. t>fW "Til AV. rWO H1ATKRS; ONK AS DO OK; rHK O''Outlier us waitress; willing lo do the work of a small fami.y; best city relerence. Go Q||i) ill AV . BETlVKKN AllfII AND (MITli STS. ? A OUOre?prctable young girl as good plain cook and laun dress; city or country; good city reference. 'f!> AV. 1 IlKSl'KlI'AHLE WoMAX AS GOOD OU Ojcook, washer and ironer; in the city ; good reference, 21) AV., ROOM II. -A KKM'KC TABLE VOUNO tic.lrl ae good plain conk ; le a good baker, will assist with washing and Ironing; best city Tolerances. H21 UTll AV A RKSI'KCTAHLS VOI NO WOMAN iu good i,lain cook, wushcr and ironer; best city re/' QJ I iiril AV.-A KKSI'KGTAHLK GIRL AS FIRST OO'lcla-e cook iu a private family ; no objection to assist in the washing; live years reference trom her last employee 1ft,-7 :oi AT.?TWO vol NO UIKU IN ONI ,\'i) I house; one ee good plain conk, washer and irouer; { ilie other as cliamhrriiiaiu and waitress and oaalat washing 1 and ironing . no objection to short distance in country ; best city releience. j 1IW1/I nil AV.-A it I'.SI'KCT ABLK GIRL AS GOOD I tU?/Uwa*l?ei aud Ironer; good city relerence. Call lor | two day i. I -I line AV A (83TII ST.). IN till. SUIKI. \ I.'f ? /" t girl as cook, or will assist with course washing in a siu til private lauilly. 11 1 si Hi AV. and COTII NT.-A TGI NO OlKL is , LIOcm.k, washer and Irouer in aprivato Isnilly ; best ol ally relainnce. ?1 11") -ii a v.. IN STORK. RESPECT IRLE woman I .lOtJas cook; exeelleiil waeuer aud irouer; good rel ?rnnce. . ?? 1. ? 1 InJI* '?"> A V., NBA it dJD STs?A TOONO GIRL AN AsiOUcook, wash r aud Irouer; good city lelerence. "I lOO JD AV.. N ii A A 02 D VT. (1(1X0 SECOND I. LOObcll).?A respectable young girl to cook, waeh aud irou; good city reference I iOQ REOADWAV. BETlVKKN .TUT JI AND 4DTH X. I ieOst..?Young woman as coug; will aeaiii with wash ing and Ironing; willing and obliging; beat references. UhamlKirmaiite. <kc. JANF. HI -A YOUNG T HOTKlf r A NT GIRL AS ^chambermaid and waltreee or tn take oare of children ; city or country ; city reference. 18. SITUATIONS WA*T?U-FBMALKI?. 18 i'haiiilivi-muitlM. iVi. HEEKHVN PbACK.-AYOU.HO GIRL AS CI1A.M beruianl Did nur?e. ?> I WASHINtilO.H ST.-A BI^SPI ? YOL'NU ?r 1 woman en viaimberniald and -eauistrcs. in a reaped able family; good rvlrrtiire*. fall for Iwo day*. 07 WKUT 1VYH ST.. \KAK UI'll AV., SECOND Ol floor.? A young girl aa chambermaid ??.d to do d ne wa-lilngi beat city relerenrn. 4.) vv kst" Tsstu wf!?X~"yVTuxa aiRL "WIS it" ?istairawork or bouaowork lor a atnall family ; good city rafar.nre. 4*1 WKST l.-.TH HT. ? A ill SI'Ei TaHI.K YOl'VO ?jglrl ae chambermaid and weltreo : beat ally tefcrenoe. r "*WS dT lltT 8+.?A COLOUR IT~lit lib AS GH~A X ? </barmaid or to taka care ' I children; vau do p'.alu waaliing mid ironing. RA WKST HUTU AT.?A YOU MO VDMil A* FIRST ? "'d?o chambermaid or parlormaid of flrel close wait leas. Can be teen nt present employer' 1 ihla week. n(\ "wiiir 43i> sr.-a young woman as ciiam I V/bcrmuid and ealtrru; private fwuuly. good eiiy refer, nice. Q 1 M l a AV.?A Kloiibl AOBD OOLORp 1)" \? ON A N C'Ltodn cliuntberwork ana koine washing. or 10 travel Willi it laily ; goad retcreiicc. AildiOk* .11. J. A. ?(r"III AV.. I'M lit I) FLOOR ?RKSPICC TABLE GIRL r/to do cliariiliervnrk and waiting in a private family s mi objection to nniat with the waalilng and Ironing; ally reference. 1 H7 ***T IHTH ST., TOP FLOOR.?A OI I 1 I Z I cbaiuberwork and waiting; citynrcaual 11 <17 HT 11 AV?A YOUNG OTRI. 10 Do UPSTAIRS r 1 work uud take earn of growing children; good city reference. 1A A WUT 4lfS sir (KINO MIKR RKILLV'st I V Z v'bellj,. A young girl to do cbauiberwork or llgbt liuiit.'wura; three yearn' city reference truni la*t place. URL TO DO 1 try; city ref erence. I 11 A VfKST lKfll HT? NKtK OrII AV ?A KKnPEOT 1 lAv/.tble girl atcbaiabermcld and treiireee; beat city ref erence from Inet piece. 1 in) 1 hsr lorTi sr.. room r-a"kusi-ki.-rarT.k X I' "girl ae chamborinaid and lauudreaa or aa waitreee in s kin all family, city or country. 1 I ft iiirVrsf-T tTdy"oihl a* ohamSkE J IV/maid and to niltid children; wiUleg and obliging; I good city relereuee. 11 VVK8I' AfiriT sT. (LATE ~RMi*LOYSB'S).?A ?.yociig girl to do chainberwork and aaalat In waalilug. "I Ik) vvkbt smi "St.?a young woi 1STa"s X I.^chambermaid and iaundreee: 00 objection to the country; beavcily reference. WiSTimr St.?A RRRPB0TABt4t YOUNG girl at ehnmberuiald and wailreaa. or aa chamber tuald and to take care ot children. 1<> \ BAST SUIT AT.. NBAB 4TH AY,?A If^OT J .? T able girl na rhamberuiald and weitreae; beat city relerence Irom Innt place. 1~%) C BAHT SOTH-BT., NKAK LEXINGTON AV.?A ?Znoiit, eonipotcnt young woman aa cliamhorinaid and waitroka; willing and obliging; fully undoratauda ber bualaeea. 1 90 vvkst "inrn?8,rr f euo n o 'floor, p12ont XmJc/room.?A reapectulile girl to do chamberwork and to aimlat with the washing aud iroolug In au lrlah Catholic family; no Dutch need cell or eddreat; good city rel'er encea. l*il WfcST II'I'll ST.. KKAlt, ojfil FLIGHT.?RE X* >1 apoctaiile Kiiglialt girl to do eliamborwork; city or country; reference. 1 t blkkckkiTmi'.? AM CHAMBERMAID OR GOV. J tJUcnuit, a French lady, Juet arrived; underatenda halr dreaalng thoronghly; Brit vlaaa rolerencce. Cell on or ad droaa PA CLINK. 1 WKST"25TII ~HT.?A PROTKMTANT GIRL AH XOUeliamhormaid aud waltresa or to do genorel house work; city rulcruiice. I'JQVVEsf J7TH ST.?A REUPKCT A B LB CO I/OR P. D XOOgirl aa chambermaid, waitress or uurao; good city rel erence. Call or addroaa fur two days. 1 AO WE8T 8MTR RT.-AS CHAMBERMAID ANT> X tOwuiireae or chamhermuid and to taka citro of chil dren : city or country; hual oily reference. U d ISr~sT.. CORNKK tfTII AV.-A KBSPECTA X I" jTble girl aa chambermaid; willing to easlat with any other work that le required. kast :vit 11 sI'.-a vim'ng vvonan"AH CHA.V hcrmald anu lauiidreaa in ? private family; city rcf 146 1 I 7 VVKST 30TII ST., FIRST FLOOR.?A RKSI'KCT I'i' I able young girl aa cUaiubarmaid and waitreaa; beat city rofercnte. Iftfii SMF -"J'" s:r-A VOONO WOMAN (LATELY frS.ra*,d "u,jw4ure"'wouij ?"ut l.r)l,|WKh'i lr'r" sr iMpr KM I'LoY lill'S). ?A "n'1 "hHglng Ifirl a*chamber family ur to do gcuoral houeework In a private lr?l, WKsr -I .111 sT. (I' 1! KSK NT KM PLOY Klt'rt), J-1/.l.bjuoiiieBt door.?A reapectahln young girl aa cham bermaid nud waiiroa- in a private fwuiiIy. lfJX WKST \T~A " K spkcvraklii~7iTiT7T~AS A ^competent chambermaid or would tuk? ctiamborwork And will tin g in a Mm hI 1 family ? good c 11 y r e 1 e r c n c c. mLl'Di.ow sr.. NhAli lloi'sroN a KKS.PKi7f. Able Proieatnnt Herman girl aa chambermaid in a email family: mfarenco. ('all lor two days. I WKST Jl ST s r.. I'OI' FLOOR. FRONT.- A HE. apecUble colored girl at chambermaid or luiindrcaa. 200 siad ^csk'Ss^isssr cliy or country; ctiy reference. " r?. ')()fj WtSTftNTH . T.-A YOITmTwoMaN AH WAIT reTurohJe" * ohamDaimald In a private family; beet OIKJ WKsU' 111TlI ST.?FTTlrtT CLASS UllAtlHk ul dty reference w""l,1{ to Uk" L'*f0 ?' children And tew. boit 9 () >s K,ASI! ?*? ?.-* RMPBCTAHLH YOUNG i, ~? mjia ws A&ftaw&'R cftiabofmild and narte; good city rnfertnnt. 21 1 ,W1f ' ?s.' -A NKAT YOL'Nii HI HI, TO Do Mfereuce 'erW?r *?U?lf. willing and obliging; Bond 9 1 7 .KA'9 WH ST.?Kfc.SPKOTAHLK GIRL Art AL i chambermaid and waitre-; willing to a>nUt In wtwiBg Mb iron lug; but wfarmca trom last plage, 9|U WKrti 87TII ST.-A vol NO OIKI, .O I' 11 A M nT . i. i waltroae; no objection to tha country; bent city rulercncch. # ? 91U KAHT WTU sr., 5? sta i us.?a kkaT'kotabkk aSlOyoung lady to do lignt cbamh.rworkandplain ,,m. Iiib: can operate on the machine. Call lor tbrua day*. 9 1 O *?JI S*TH NT.?A UUTi 01 AHl.K YOUNG rn* Lygirl HN chainbormlid and to do ?owlriir or an chamber maid and waitress; ban no ohjoctiou to the country for the summer; good city reference. /re 99| i-cr r >r A younu woman as cham. ?i hernial)! and wallreai. cliy reforence. 29/V J-Asr 2HTII ST .?As Fl .(ST (-'LA art COOK AND wJ ? ?/chambermaid; city or country; good cliy relerancea. "M AV., TOI* FLOOR, FRONT KOOMVnKaK **'T-?t.? A reaiiHctabla young girl a> rhaiiii.orii.ui.i and waitre.M in a email privaio family ; b.-?t my reler. n.-c. 29fi WKST :?isT M- '(Uaskmkxt""hkm.,. a KM. "/"""If s'lrl a* cliambnrmnld and wailre.,? willing and obllBiiiKi city or coauiry . beat city reference. ' 997 WK*J aidT ST?A KhSHKCTAHl.K Vol.Mi ?i _i I woman as chuinbermald and nurte: l> wlllimr >. .1 001'bIub; haa the be?l of reference ?'??uir end 99<) ,KASI' 4-r,? "T? -A kkstkhtaiii.k UIKI* as ? /chambermaid -no waltre.. . will a?i.t with waablue ?ml trolling. litroo >eara' city reft-renco from l?at plai-e. 2H0k.!l Ai) out TO Di) CUAM M'/V/berwork and waithnj; good roference. 991. KA>|.:f7l.U ST ~A VuUM; U1RI. AS CIlAM . I ?n""'d *".'1 WH.l,re" *??!?( With the WHAhin" "o -c '01 no ebjtetloA to the eonutry; good city reier* 99' WK-.T :u"'" ktV r111isd hki.u Two urn. ?itJi tpcciahlr young girl.; nan n, chambermaid and Wa t e'nee " u M coo,,? waaher and iruuoi ; boat city rtler 91 | KAsr 441 lilTlTHKTWKKN 2|? VMi .ID t\s - r a i rc"Pni*ubl,' young Klri aa chambermaid and wait i family; Willing alio obliging; ia.l em ployer can be acen. I all or addree.. 91 1 ,^'v"1 >r A I'l.i I tMI.K UIKL Al wo 11 c.iambermaid and waitreee or to aoln wltb wa.biug ?iiu iromiiff. * 9J.J WKsr ?J7rn,sfT koum no a?a ?tol'nu ? 1 ?? chambermaid aim waitrc, and to aaeli; w'itu 11 ^ country ; i>rnt rrferwuce. 9 J 1 4- n< fiwi ; Luoit7' a V&bk'o , , ifal. i.*" '""""'b'lniald and Waitrc-i; willing urn oollglng; city or comitry; city reference. 9.1 S ?>l ? H'tsr i ..(nut. nkont ?ax s D I I) ill'.-r -Mil -I bUllil. ts I'll A >1 IH.DMAiD wiaheT !nd ZXrS W"U B,!"cru' b?u?o?ora. ..ood 2i")() irt h>\ 4,rr Sl , A K,'h(TAill.K YOI NO IMll faMvu diio *U U '"",l CUlldren- <-.m 0. 2() 1 wai.r ?? Sri.SLZAA OMAMMIta*aTiT aTo w km i wiitreni. bc?t city releictn e. 9119Uil 111 . nmak hul'atun.?a ntui ^UOto do chamber work and waiting or aa nurse -tlirce year*' city reteri uce from last place. ' 9/19 . KAST Ii Til SI v fa). ,\ 11 w 11II A N ~AS ""'^?baiebermaid ami waitress In a pr.vete family cuv or country ;_best city refereuca. ?auuiy. city 305w-AI?T Tr," ST?A TiivTNtTuFiiousK. ?/(/</kocplng ilevire- lo procure a altuailon for a girl a* cheiuhermahl and waitress, who has llvod with btr far twelve year?. Apply after lour o'clock I*. JM. 9()ft .'?AHT 4?rii sr.?A UKsrhUfABLK TlllJAO OOUgirl as chambermaid and waiire.*, or nuiae - city or I country; cliy reference, ' ??>??. ??y or ( 9(17 K A? r I ITU ST.- A ItKSI'ECTABLR UIRI. Art I dty rffareT'o" ^ wml,9M 11 ?rlv"?? fuimly , good 9 I WBST :|.'| lli sf. A UKltMAN liliif. Art I'll tM ' :ri:,!::^Kreneh'wal,,'i'*;-11 Willi thu Wii*h|iijr ?11(1 irouiiitf; i??At city r??t?rerie 4-il7a. BA8eT ST. ?A VOt'.NU CIIHL AS C11 A \l" \~.J bermaid *Mtl w^trew; be?t city rciareuce froui Uai 999^**?T 321/ ST?AMKniCAX OIlTL TO DO L I' OwAatair- worn ami -owing operates tt lieel.-r A WlUoa tii?china; city reference. Addreeii >lr^. HKlLLV. 999 p,asi hoi ii hi.?a yound uirl to do OaoOeliamborwnra and a- launarrae , city rniercue i 999 **? >t.-a young cirl to do 0*jf/chiimbfirfork ?bii waiting 99 i ' ^9 nr. an amkiuuaxuikTtodo ,UiS1 *'a1 s'-^ A I.KHI'Ku'T IHL.K ill Kl, t.rt sitr roler"nee"r,n ?"d w,utr,M '? ? private lamily , beat 99| tuKAH^ *"L h. riniT fuion-A youno work. ? ebamboraiald or lor light hou>c 1 SITI4TIOVM WARTRO-FKMALKIt. * hnm^ivrmitiilii. Air. 007 WEST . di ll ST.-A YOU NO <>l Kf> (COLORED) I ?? rhaiubeimitid, waitress ur Butt . ? an be seen I >1 thro* days. Qj.ll wk?t 4orii sr.?a yocxo uihi, amoiiam <)t<'btmtlil aud wailr jailrsu. willing and obliging; good ;itj' rarer, nee. ?ij I I' VST MTU UT.-A KKXrkCTAHitK OIRL A* ? J I "t'clianberiuaid and waitress 111 a ?mall private fam ily ; six years'<tty relerence Irom laat employer. Call ur ?ddsgis. QJ I East 4:10 sf. (I'RfcsKNT KMl'LoVKR'Sj-l 4 * ? "X"voting irirl as el eliambarataid. 10 do ulain uviu; and and Irun 111 ic; beet referenee. KM AID Call or ?Jiff) WEST 42D XT.?A Ul nil iruHiUMM wJ'ij md 10 uo plain sewing; best oily reference. Oa 39?)boT" AV~A ?KxPMTAUi'.K dlKI. AS CHAM ?Id and waitress. bell city reference. A iXT'VtMf 39TIJ KT, (KIKU SECOND liR^LI.-A J'"' ? respectable 1'ioio.lant girl aa chambermaid uud ?sildrsa'e uur.e rail fbr two days. ? 1 10 Ul >r KMTIt St.?A KIsSREOTaMLR OtUL AS I LVyeliauibermald and seamstress; own luuelilua; city relereure. 11U wkit srra sr.. rear rouse?a he 7 1 ?'?(?actable young irlrl as c'tamberm ild ami waitress; i? wlllluf 10 assist witli the waniline; three ycart' pood ref erence. 421 J\ KA>T ITT 11 >T.?A Ynr.Nti HlHL AS CIIAM md 1 b?riii?i'i auU h ii(ku , city r?l(riliC*. 97 VIII AV'., BKI'Wl.KN :ui> *SD :<4iil SIS. A mJ I ru?p?ctMbl? y?ui) : firl *? uoo?i cluiiitboriuaiU hih! w*iire**; w i |i i it ? mui ubliKlitK ; no objautlou U? th? country ; boat ciljr rolurouct from liut ?izir. 4*JX WK>T 40TII ST.. SKCO.ND FLOOR.?A HR* 'JlSftpod-'tfttiU girl at autl wuitroM ; cu.ii Uo flu* washing. Ua* good ctfjr rolorcuco. 43 KAfiT 141 II ST..KIU8T KLOOK, HACK.?A UK ?JtVipactoMa young girl, l.iluly landed, ae cbaiuberinald and wai treat in t private Inmily ; a liliug and obli|[iut(. J "It 4111 4 V.J f.ST il K" STORE."?A~ YOU KG 01RL I 'Jl'K chambermaid and waitress ; willing to aaaitl wild ?ashing and ironing; relareuce irom laat place. A -1 WKSI 4UITI sr.. IIOOM A SOUTH liKK XCrXman girl to do chamboiwoik and walliug; will alao asaial aim washing. 4 k r. wksi arrn kt a respectable girl as (.st'cliatubermaid and waitress in a private lauiily; good reference. A U K REST 420 8T.?A TO (/SO 01KL AM KttHEB ItUlJer chain barmaid; no Objection to the couulry. dlih WEST 420 ST.?A RESPECTAELK UIKL as ^rUt'cliamherniald and waitress; good city rtferonce iroui le?l employer. 522 I'll AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-AS ?s?.chambermaid aed to do plain sowing. KQ7 WBST51ST ST.? A YOU MO UIRL AS CIIAM ?JO I beruiaid am! assist with araehiug; beat cily rulur euce Irom laat pi nee. KCQ WEST :mrn ST.?A RKsPhOTAbi.K YOUNO AlUOglrl as chambermaid and waitress 1 good city reler once*. ?ii)A 20 AV. ?* KUSI'KOfABl.B YOUNii tilllL TO ''?J 1 do cliumberwork, mkud clilldroo uud do plain ?evring. 6t)A uo av.-as 1 iusr class onamhkkmaid ?iTTnml lauiidrcat. bitt ing excellent ruleronoe front oue place lor the laat uiuo years. Call lur two dayi. 7QD "Til AV.-UKSPKCTAlILK WOMAN AS CIlAM I tSvrheruialil or wallre?>; would aadat with the wanblug; belt city relorcnce. 8r.(l Till AV.. CO UN Kit SilTH ST.?A COMTKIEMT ? yr/youiig girl to do clieiuberwork or tal take eare of cbil dreu ; 110 objection to the country; bott cily referenco. 8(53 ill' A V.?A Yiili'Ni i HI KL AS Oil A M UKUM AID ami wait on the table, or help to wuali. Q7tl 01H AV.. SKAit 40 f 11 sr.-HKSl'KCTAHLK O I -jyoniig girl ?? cliumbcrmald and waitrew; good ref eronco Irom Inet place. 0III AV. lUINc; THIRD BELL).-A IlKSFKCT. ?o*:table young girl as chambermaid or wailreie lu a private family; best city reference. Call or addreti. 1 inn UI) AV-- BETWEEN 04Tli AND ?5TH ST8.? iiiUuAi chain he rmitid ; thoroiiglily underel _ underelamls her bii'inesa; can do sewing, or would take a uurao'e place; ihree yuais' reference; no carda answered. 1114) 3D AV.?A UKSI'KCTAHI.K VOCNU UlltL ? I XuJne cliaiiibermald and laundress In ? private fam ily 1 best city rvlerence. IljliJ 3D AV. tlOKNRU TOT 11 ST. A YOUNli .dLlOgirl, 14 ; .veers lu England, aud lately landed, as cbainherinitid or waitress. I *) I "J EAST 05TII ST.?A YuUNO tjI III. TO DO Aa^J.?)chamusrwork and tvaiiiug, 1 ... or to do housework in a small lantlly. 1J7H 1ST A v- A RESI'BCTABLB YOUNO t,litis ? I" I */to do chauiberaork aud waiting; city relereme. 1J4>0 2D AV.?A KESI'ECTARLE VuL'NO iiIRL ? t/ssUtu 1I0 clianilierwurk and sewing; has got a ma chine ; 110 objection to tha country; cily re lore no-. 1 (520/tKpADWAY- eetweenjoiti AND .WITH.? ' -is tirai cluss chambsriuaid or parlor maid; is willing ituu obliging; con operate ; best city lelcrcnce. 2I? AV., NKAIt 1S0TH ST.?A RKHP|CT" w.OiJ I able girl to do upstairs work and assist with the washing and ironing, or to do general housework ; willing nnd obliging; city reference. AH I! IIA M HKlt.M A III AND SKAMHTIiK-S AXD M A StK herself tlselul ; city or country ; lately landed. Address box I III ilcrald Lptowu oltlve. \roUNG tilKIs AH CHAMBERMAID AMD WAITRESS"; X willing to assist Willi the wusliiiiu and Iroiilniti best city telereuce. Address A. W., Herald Uptown Branch office. Drrtsmakrrt unit Mcumatreaacs. t)(* ST A.N TUB ST.. OF CIIIt YrtVIK.?AH -ellllr-t class dress and cloak maker; Is willing to no out by the day. CO WKhT 380 rr.-riRHT CLASS SEA)MTKKMlTx l)Oa private rauilly; operates on dllTerent inuclilues; no objection to chnmborwork or children ; best reference. 4Tii av.-wTfkk~fFiilToi $i as m day will seenre a lasblonable dressmaker. 80 7f| MIOUAOIl B'f., BROOKLYN.?AH sEAMsTRKHH; I (/thoroughly understands ores-making; Is a Rood cutter and Otter; city reference. Call lor two .lays. i n<7 L'LIN roN PLaUK.-A P1B8T CLASS rilXoi XU'/dressmaker to go out by the nay; fl ISO. "I i V WftST 33TH HT.?A DRESSMAKER Wa.VTH A 1 1 _alew more customers, or would go out by the day very cheap. U7 WK-T 4UTM ST. (KaKOT RTURB).-A YOURO . I irlrl ss seamstress; can cut, III and do all kinds of sewiiiR: would assist wltn cliamhsrwork ; three yes re' rof crunce Irom last place. ion wkst .'ijd HT.-A voUsTtT una. as first ls/l'class seamstress, or would do chamherwork and line washing. t all Irom I" to IB. I I /; I'AHT" lill'll sr. iilCUOND FLOOR.?A RB J 'l Uspectahlc Protestant Rirl as seamstress and to lake care ol grown children ; operates on sowiqr niacin lie ; first c ass city lolerenco. Call lor twodsya. LAST IMTII ST.-AS FIRST CLASS KLA~M* stress; willliiR to assist wltli other work. 14G 1 191, r.O KAHT 47TII of.-A IthsPKCTABLL YOUMi t/s^glrl as seamstress; understands dressmaking and all kinds of family sewing; willing to assist with growing chil dren; cily releronre. HTIl A V.-AS" KXPEAISXCKD DfUMSKA*Hit ishes to go out by the ilay. Call any lime. sill K .\ST RSTH ST. ? AS CO.MPKIKNT SRAM XilXatress and dressmnkerln a private family; would assist with the ch.i'unorwork or see Ingrowing children; best reference. Call or eddiess. sWT SMITH STTnkXr DoI'uLASH ST., IlltoUK? awO I Ijrn.?A liigiily .C.pcclablc j-ouiir woiunu as llrst clasi sesmstreaa or waitress, ihurouRuly competent in either . apaclly; wwutd ilka to travel; heel city reiorence. Call or address for two days. ?-MW '' AST '-wtli dr.?"JomImitent dkkhsmakkb O'rajand seamstress, who lias worked out by the day In pi Irate families, by the month, bust city relereuce. ?pju wkst uhtii *t.?a KispKoraSl^Touiiro ?s'Twoiuau as llr-l class seamstress In s private taimly ; thoroughly understands cutting and lilting ladles' slid chil dren's dressos; no objection to do light chamber work. WKHTJIJI'I! ST.?AS BBAMrTfR'KeBTUA.V OUT and lit; lias a dinger sealug machine; reference. Ce>i for two uaye. 7 "I (I :il) aV. (BKLL NO. III.?A TIlUKOUOM FA2B X 1 '*ily seamstress and dressmaker's Mulshing: can do lace <roik; <r?i on Wheeler A Wilson's and wllleoi a Uibbs'uiachloes; will assist witli grown children or light chamherwork ; city or eonntry ; first class city references. I 1; c 1 4T11 AV. A COM PKTK.NT lllilt.N.N.M Akhll lit' M ')'May or work home, ported tiller and trimmer. Ad c mil at., ream" liuT ht.?a itkspKCTA bls (Jwoman as seauislress; understands all kinds of diessmakiuR; lour years' reference IIWM her last place. 7/v-tun av.-fikht clash sKt visiiiK.-s ioc'Or I l/Usml Ol lor ladies and children, all K luds family sew ing; expert operator; best cily reference Irom leai pi ace. 77(1 7TII AV , ri'PKi; Pl.lKHt.-As UuMI'KlKXT 4 I i/seamstiess , can do all kinds of family sewing, can operate Ok any sewing enachine t reaaonabla terms by the day . lirst class releieuce. < Qu(|" 3Li AV.?AH UkAkXTHKM Tu'TxO FA51LY OOUaewing lu a puvaie Inuilly; ooerates oh Wheeler A Wilson's machine; no ohjeclioii to do chamber* ore or as sist with children ; best reference. 3L4 GO A H HLAMa I'KI.S?In A lUOHOUOIt and operator ; would assist with chain licrworu ; reler eecc. Address illt I'.sH M A Ktiit. Herald Uptown office. I YoUM) AM KiilCA H (11KJ- UNUK Itsl'A N I)H > \ dressmaking; operates on W heeler A Wilson's machine Andreas t. 11., Herald oltioe. I S HE AMHTRLHH Txb T:IIILU'V nU KHK ; XO~OH ul\ ectkeu M going away : wages not so wueu au object ns S good, happy home; city relereuce. Addreet MaKUA Iti.T, Huralu Uptown office. dcnt-ml Housework. Ai. | f\ FORBV rn wr.-A Ri spkctahi.K vou.vo uirl X '/;o do general housework In a small family; good plalu cook, washer and Ironer; good reference. HTIl NT., NKAR 4TII A V.-A YOL'.VU WOMAN TO do housework ; g nid washer and Ironer; good (eterunce. i) i IiPl.tNUKY ST., rillKIl KLIK1K.?A KBltPXtTr aw*Xabie girl to do housework In a small family; go id ie(. erenco. ?X 1 A AM Ilix tlfoiT~rtT. ?.i HBhPKCTabhu you mi Olnouinn to do general hunsswork lu a small lamily; three years' relereuce Irom last place. Call for two dsj s. KAHT 4111 ST. ? A RXhPRCTABLK FROTEHTA.NT iman to do housework In a small private family; ciiy nee. 11 Ol K Ol*.! G7 I ItUTOKRS ST. ?A PIIOTKST.VNT U1UL TO DO UKN (JLoral housework; city reiercnoe. UI WRBT 44TH AT.?A OIUL TO DO OBNBRAL v) 1 house?ork; Is n good washer end ironer; good city reference. OAKMINR HT., ROOM Jil.-A FROTKhTaKT woman lu do general housework : good relereuce. |?ooas ht? two ruest* up.?a rkhpuct OUable srirt to do seuoral housework ris a small lawlly ?r chamherwork and sewing. C'eU two days. (JQ OHRIBTOPHRR HT.-A RK.SPLCTABI.K (JlltL ? /Oto do genernl housework In a private Ismlly ; city or Country, gemd lofcrencn. lO I WlHT J4TH HT.-A It RHP It 0 r AII LP. PltuTLHT las rant girl to do general housew nk In a small family ; ciiv reference. IS) f WBHT "Til HT.. MS CORD FLOOR.?10 DO aw'Xgrueral h osewurk. city reference. I ?|.| W KHT SUM HT.. IV TI1K OltUChKY STORK " OT A respectable young girl to do the work of a small I ny ile family ; is a good wsiher and Irouer . gooJ city rel sreuca. HITI'ATIONM WAVTF.O? FF.MALKII. (iiuirul lluuirHiirk. iWr. 13 1 WKhr i',rH sT ?* PKOTKKTANT WOMAN TO ? I ImuMrwurk ; yuod plain roak, aa.lirr and ituuvr; g(H?d r?l?n'ia'e 1?ij{ KAHT 'JHTil ST.?A YOtXG WO MAX TO DO 1? )')irfiu r*l iiouMiwork in ft Itonraing Iioum or private tftimh . city r?'f?r?in c. ? 1 WENT ItfTIl vr , TOP FLOOR -A ftKHPKCTA I i * 'bit* girl l<> do general housework in ft small, plain Iftiuily ; guod reference. 1 10 ,0? ST. IN TIIR CANDY HTuKK.?A i^T l/young Prote?taui girl, lately landed. to do general housework; city or country' |~ 4 WEST JSTII ST. ? A RKuRm TABLE YOUNO At)'l woiiiftii to ?it? /eueral housework in a small private family . best reference. Call lor two day ft r<j west :m> sr.?a kkspkciaei-k oihl to do 'general hoti-ewurk; best city reference. 1( ?Q KANT WTH sr.?A Khsl'KUTA HLK UIKL TO )Odo pritoral buueuwork iu . .mall family ; city ralar mUUAKl.hS ST.?A STIIU NO UIKL KOK UEN oral liuu.eivork III ? .iu.ll private Umily. city vr country; ralcruip'O ?mi| KisTTsrii s r - vim Ni.~.ini. m im iiotsE ZUUwurk in u .mall Ikinily; be.l elt* reftreuce. 4?A- west strru st.-knolish oiki. yok ok.v uMiJaml hou.tururk; rafereiicca. Cull ivn daya; nv curd*. Q/Uf WKHTitHTH ST. ? A RESPECTABLE OIKL TO ^WUilii ircnaral ; I* h good plain cook and ex cellent Unndie.i ; pood city reference from lui .mploy.r. .) I I WHAT JDTH st-a \uCHo Woman to do dJ 1 l|{i.n?r?l homework, or a. c?u., wa.lier and Irouur; wiiliiiie ami obliging; rilknnn. Q"l I K A ST aSTll ST.?A PROTESTANT YOU.NO WO Z J .Lilian lo do general. Iiou.uwork; good wa.har, Iruuar and plain cook ; I reference. 210 WBST -'Tin sT v WO MAX TO DO DEN KKAL housework, with ft hoy seven year* old; relet euco. Ol T FaAST 78TII XT.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO mJL I do general housework or would go as wftilrcss; refer ence frotu last place. 2wjO EAST BOTH ST., ONE FLIGHT UP.-A WILL dMfOllltf ftl and obliging girl, lately lftuded, to do general housework. 99*J HAST WTII ST.. THIRD FLOOR, FRoNT.-A djejOcOll /competent Protestant girl to do housework; good plain cook and laumlrets; country proferred. 1)1) I WEST 17 I'll ST.. REAR. ?A HhhPkCTARLE young giil to do general housework : best city refer ence. 99 " WEST 'joril ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO Do UEN tUmU* 'ernl house work in s private rmnily ; ulaln cook, good wsaber and irotier; uudersiaAd* Mating: best city ruf erenca. 22(J 1ST A V.?A YOUNU UIKL IO I?U HOUSfc work In a *ui til I aimly ; Rood city rolureuca. 2?>w wksT isru si.-v younu woman to do .eObuusawurk; a good ' i waili.r and irwnur: heal city rel 228 west auTU sr.. u*ak-a uiul. lately iaudod, |4 tin L'cnvral U xiaewurk la a .mall faiuily. I)'J( V It A ST 311 I'll ST., BETWEEN 3D AND 3D AVS._ ZoU A r re.pertahla w.miiu to du m-nerul liou.eaork ; uood piain conk; tlr.t rate waaLur and Iruuur; puoo hivad linker; ilirca yuar.' rulereuca. Q.JO WPkaT Will ST.-A IthKTKCTABLIi UlhL TO ZOOdui > iteiierai liou.aarork ; willing and ulili^iuy; ascal lout wa.lier and Iruuar; city rulereuce. QOr KAST S0TI1 ST.?A YOUNU WOMAN lO DO A.O'Jlinutcwurk in a .mall family; lalerence.. *yin west ioiu sr. a itesEectable touno ? ?) I itirl lu du Kcnural liuue iieewurk In a amiill family ; le a fiuud plain conk, wa.licr and iruuer; hu.t city relerunue. Q??7 E 1ST 34TII ST.?A YOUNO OIKL TO DO UKM ?i*J I aral Imu.uwurk in a .mall family; city ur country; Kuod re arenca. 237 WEST 37IU ST.?A UIUL TO DO UENEliAL 24: .) K.\sT 7.vril ST.-A YOUNU UlKL TO DO ^Eeucral liuu.ewurk. Q 1 O WEST H'.TII ST , SECOND KLOOit.?A STEADY ^e'J'.rcirl to du liuueawurk; le a t;uud cook and lauudrc.a; 15 ud city rulcraiice. OQ.4 IITII AV.?A Itr.HPKCTAHLK YOUNU UIUL TO ^0*Xdn isencrnl huueeaurk : cuuk, wa.h and Iron. 293 lilTtl AV.-A PROTESTANT OlRL TO DO (JEN 'oral liou.cwork in a .mall lumlly. ?J(lO BAST 3MT11 sT.-A ItESPEC I'All LK OIKL TO OU ^tdo yelieral h u.ework ; trend w a.liur and Iruuar ; no oiijoctiun to the country ; city rulurenca. ? I|l t EAST 4M1I ST-YOUNO OlKl. TO DO UOUT ejU'Xbutttework, ur np.ttaira work; poud wa.bur and Iruuar. ?Jit I KAST IbTM ST.?KK8PBCTABLB OIKL FOR OU'Xhomework; jjood tra.hur and ironer; ?-ood city rofer ?>| W? BAST 3.VI H ST.-A KKSPEUTAHLK UIUL TO OUUdu Kcneral liuu.ework in a .mail private family; pood relcronce. Uan ba .ouu lor twu day.. 317 EAST 3IST ST.-A OlitL AS Oil AM UK HM All) : would a.aiat with butiecwork; low; coud ruf 460 570 595 789 oni WEST 33TII ST.?A KESPKl.T Atil.K WOMAN O^l.lo do general homework. licet city reference. ???> I KAsT 2SD ST.?A YOUNO PROTESTANT ENtj" OOxllah woman Io do general homework in eamallpri vae molly. city or country; leleronce. ?J .11 EAST - IT (i sr. - A YOU NO WOMAN id O'l; Ldo general homework In * email private Umily, city relurencee. 0 I ?> east mirii" st.- a "uIThpkut.vhek vounu OTOglri lor homework ; uo ubjeclluu to abort diatauce In cuuntry; beat city reference. T7m EAST AKtTi (IT.-two GIRLS. look 1 .1kT, tfcUUto do the work of a email family : tbori.ugiily com petent and obliging: three year*' city reference. 11W8R1 :i.l ll sT. A BUtiStiiLI (IImTm rlUdo general homework; la a good cook, waaher end Iruner; good city relurruoe. 4\.)\ East iSTH sr.-a PRUTNSTAM* OIBie TO DO ^eLlioueework; trood wedter end Ironer; city or couu trv; co-id city relcrence. 4.)i ? EAST 11 l it ST.?A iwraoTAnu pmuteS ?lUlant utrl to do general koueowoik In a privnto tain Uy, good city relurenco. 4-?) "west Tiirti sr.?a respectable young ij^wunieu to do general homework; uo objection to a boarding liouae ; goou lali-renca. A (I.J STH AV., IN I'll EKE AH.?TWO DillESlTl'TiU 1' ) ?:iui entire work ol e private family; uo olijactiou to the country; beet city reference. A KAsPROTAltE* tOUNU til ME TO do general homework ; tltv reference 47?j .in av.. near a_*i? sr . third floor "a I Oreepcoiahle girl to do homework In a aiueli family, iiinier>taiidK plain cooking; uood wa-her and ironer. Call lor two daya. CfTTT WEST Sin NT.?A OIRL, MBO If, TO DO cM/'/homework in a Kinall lamily, or would take care ol children ; good reference. r a *? west onrii si., kktwekn nu n and iitTi ?) xaJav?.?An l-.ngllali wnutan to do general homework ; willing to do ally kind ol work. ITU AV.?A RRSPKOTABER OIRL TO DO general homework ; heet city reference. ~ gO AV., REAR. A VoUNU girl io do homework : he-t ciiy reference. .'I) AV . NEAR d-'D al.?A uT.SPRCTAHl.fc girl to do general homework ; pood city referaote. QltOI nil A V.?A YOUNG til HE TO Do UoCsE OU?)j?or?. to go tli- dar. Will UD AV., CORNER a i.i ST.?a YOUNG DIKE 01 *"1 to do general homework or upatalra woik . beat city reference* Iruui lint employerV Cell lor two day, J1 I I III! AV. - t UESI'K IAHEK YuL'Nti WOMAN . I 1 'I io do general humoiwore in a small Umily. I l?>7 dl) AV. A YDi'Nil DIKE ID Dli GENERAL 1. 1 w I homework ; lint elaei city ref.-i once. 1 iiit'l 'iD AV ?A KEsPi-.Cl aHEE Vol)NO OlAL 1.1 UOto do general houae and irouer ; two yea 1 I7|| tjft aVT! room TSl-a respkgtaMln J . 1 I v/girl to do general houvewurk ; willing mi i unit.. lug. beat city reference Ironi lot place Call lor two da>?. t COED RED WDM \N I'D l)D DENE IIA1. HoUsE .'Vwork. Drat claaa cook and laundreaa. Addraaa M. U.. boa lot Herald Upmaii llranch olUce. V WOMAN. WITH A HAHV, TO DO (JE.VKr.AE homework , wagea uo object. reference. Addreae ElL.V Ureas Herald Uptown uftice. VCDMI'KTEN f WOMAN To Do THE ENTIRE work ol a ?in ill family ; country preferred, beat refer ence. A. M.. Herald Uptown otli. e. Ilouarkrrpei-i. >vi . ip west am sr. near university place. - tU I young widow aa l.ouaeKecpnr. Call 11 to 8, tbguiie Jor Mra ALICE itEID. I I /t Wi el am II a i -v YtlUNU EADY Of CHKRK 1 1 Vial dl poaltion aa houaekeepar; widuwer'a family ptelerrotL ('all all the w.-ea, H- Wf>l lITil ST.. OROUND HiAI -A "VOL'MI ? Jtn.ernau widow at Ii- in -a. eper in a gentloiuau'a lannly. Cad lor one week on klr* K tjD7 afii si. mtsr floor, front?t he ?iD t hued young widow aa houaekeeper Inyulre from ly to S I*. M. *><17 BOWItKV, TOP FLOOR.?A Ydi nd " EADY hi' I Ironi Maine aa houaekeeper tor wid-iweroi meaiia. East .itut ~r. p?tM?T PEooi a voUITo Dermau-Ainerlean aa houaekeeper; refcrotco. Call on or addreea Mia. W. I.-(II.Ill tV . MUST I-1.DDI.-, I- IDS i~K(m7m -A xO'/yonng widow, an d it, aa hooaekeeper; wnlowar a laiully preferred. r | 7 III II AV.. Slii OND KElroK -adcdMPEISllKD r /*I | lady ae liouae keeper, conipaniou or nmeiiueuala. IiJUj I Jl> AV., CORNER IIJTII si'-A MIDDEE a / aged woman ?? l.ouaekeaper for a family while all aeul in Hie auiumer. Apply to W 11.ES \M Ke*N YdN, lloriat. Married kndEisii woman as iidusekkepkr or to take charge of liouae doling owner'a ahaeuce, city ' lolerenc, a. Addraaa P., box l'JI llarald Uptown oldce. l.ikUlialraraaa-a, dU*. a?/a WEST l.'ITII ST.?A EDMI'EI'ENT WOMAN TO OOd1 out by tun nay aa flrat claaa laundreaa or to do huoaecli-auing ; willlug to go td any part ol tha city; eity rafereuce. stT?A KESI'EUTABEK YOlfNG J 1 ? /woman aa laundreaa; no objeutlun to go a diatanca In tlm country. m- EAST dAD ST.?rWoToUNO UlltES; UNK AN lllral claa-. lauudiaaa. the other aa ubauibaraiald ; will i lug to make herarll uaeiitl. WEST III f II ST. AS KIIIST CEASS EAUN dreaa In a private family or hotel In country; good rice troiu leat place 344 1L>4 i 1 t)W W E H I' 24TII sr.-A YOUNO OIRL ASKIItsT IZOclaa- I 11 i laundreaa In a private latnlly; baat oily refer h " WKS1 ?26 SI A YOU NO WOMAN AS EAUN r Jdreaa; neat city re.erence. I ~i "t WMt M*T ST A UtRE AS KIRST CLASS A* EJlauudroaa ; un-teratanda her biialu.-aa; beat referen. e Oil,", WKSf 8-gD sT. (ItEND >1 Its Ml.f/.ERD'S ?1VJa fliell).?A good girl aa Aral claaa laundreaa and to a | ant with chautberwork; four yaara' reieienea Ironi taal plaee. Call or edilreaaa. , Wist ilTTH ST, PINsf KI.ddr, FRONT , SowUrooiu.?A ueat young weiuan aa Aral claaa laundieaa. eity reference. a^iot MAS I 4.UII -II A REsl-ECTAHEr. EN.ii.lTll Aa</ty woman aa ttrat claaa laundreaa aud cheuibertnald in . n pi-ivate family; uo jhJeeUwu to the eouuiry . beet (III rel i ere nee. 210 SITUATIONS WANTKD-.STBMA1.BS. L?nnilrv*ivt. ?r. KAMT Mi ll r>T , KiK FLOOR ?AH F.XPRKL iced I.utiJr... . good elty nbriMw, 1/17 luMT drru mt.-as UuTd^mi: ffiUlliS mI llo do chaiuberwork , city reference from last eiu jAuy. ' ?>?>/k K *-I 47TII ST., KKfONL) FLOOR, BACK ? A _ _ "/ |{lrl a* Uumlr*.*; good washer ami Call for lwo day*. ?).;/! ka?t mnrw bakkbt,?a sbJMSJE 01. young woman aa Ifrat elaaa lauudreu iu a p<i vat. family, thoroughly eoaupetaot understands Kriucb fluting, polling ami lacet: ha.i elty reference*. KASt J Hll ST." NKAK SO AV.?A COMFIT t?ol laun<ir*s* ; ha.t city r*f*r*ne* 223 4>.jO WKal 171II AT.-A rovxo i.lKL AS UtIN ^M*'<lrr'i and to 1I0 general bnuMwork : city nltNMb. 4y*)lt ~TtU~ AV.. TOP FLOO.i.?A KKsI'Fi 1 AB?3 ?v?eUgirl a* laundreaa; tbraa yaara1 relerence from .oil lilac*. oTTib WKbT ldTH ?T.-A~ KBftPfcCTAMLE WOMAN ul'vaanli lu go out by til* day washing and Ironing. QOd WSAf i<>IH MT.?A Bh?l'K< 1 ahi.K AMSRt mj>/Ocen giil lo do washing or bouaecleaniug by th. day. AflflWM lor two J?vi, by But*. H. t)*i7 bast s?rii dr.?ax uiou<h psotsktamt mO| girl a. l*undre?i; good reference. tl I O IAST MTU ST.?WASHMU. lAOBINU, {iflU _ I n. J. 7 '< a aol*n. M r? .-Mill! .> 1 I wbmt attm at.. room a?as ntnotMi wTTlaiiiulrrii or aa cUamoermaid ami to do tlu* wa.'i. Uig; city or country; b*at r*f*r*nc*a; fly* year* iu la.t place. * 1 |< I WKMT 27 M ST.?A KtSI't-.CTAMI.K YoUXO ao"X r/girl a? l!r?t claca laundreaa; und*rataiida bar buai* Mac tborongltiy. good elty refconees. oca nirii BT -A YoInu woman ah fiks! ?e?'"tela.. laundreaa; no objection to a llttla chamber work; uv* years' reference. Waal didi' bl\. H Artr ME.NT ?A KKSFKC'TA ?wbl# woman to go out by tlio day houaeclaaning 01 wwaiting Mr*, run. ih'- WIWTaOfH MT. (THISO BBLLL-A rtn.-i-: < r wU> fable young girl at lirat ciuaa lauudre.a; ba.t city rat aranco. ?> I I \ BAAT 111 NT S l.-AKhS PKCTAB LF. W i/M A N O 1 v/? ialie. ladle's or geutlemeu'a washing at bur owl bom*; referenced. 3al- 7TII AV.?A OOOO WOMAN IO IIO OCT Bl w/tin) day or week washing and Ironing or cleaning. 4i??- want wrrii nr.?a youko uikl am lavI ? /? )l/dr*n in a iirivnic laiully; will assist wltb chamber work; city reference. ?l i 4)~BAnf dirtT BT.. KlK.*>T FLOOR -A Kr.SPhc'T 0~T Ailabl* young girl as lauudruas; willing to go to tbd country; best city reference. Ul A WKMT dttl'll si.-a KUflOTASU YOUXO OT'Tgtrl a. laundreaa; willing to aaalat lu cbaiuberwork; good city rolerano*. WfcSI' -hill ST. ?A I'OM I'h ll-.N I lOUMi WO nan aa laundreaa; no objection to tlie country 350*. 414 433. WKST UO ST. ? A Yol'NO WOMAN AS LaUN Ure.a or chainberiuaiu; beat city reference. KAsT 17TH ST.?AS LAU.NU Kb SS; UK OF. A taud* fluting and pulling; beat city reference. Ad 533 540 WKST 2111'U ST. ?A liOOU WOMAN TO UO 'out by tlie day washing or bouseeleauing. ;iu A~v.. COMNKMHUrH Sr -AMBSFKOTASLK woman aa tlrst class laundreaa; eity or oountry; city 7 |4);iD AV.-A KKSl'hO I' AIII.K UIKL As LAI' .V. I '1 ?adreaa or cliamberuialU; would aaalat in wusbiug; good city reference. 1 (17 %il*T AV.. TtilBO F LOOK.?FAMILY WAAU l.V' I Olng. 7.r?. per doseu, done iu the best manner; would go out to work. Mrs OLaVJM. 11 K av.?a kknpkctablk toCni7771 kl ? ?Ltc/as laiindrosa in a |irieate family; no objection to tbo country ; three years' relerenc*. liurtet, dir. 4 UNION COURT, Hht'ONI) FLOOR -AS FRENCH nurse lu a private I .null) . city rctereuce. CLINTON I'L.U'K.?UIKL AS NUKHE AMD TO make heracll generally useful; elty reference. nLISPKNARD ST.. TOP FLOOR, FKOMT BOUAK? A young girl, aged 17,to take care of one or two cblldrea and luak* ber. 11 it uaclul III a small private family. 411~KTifraOTH Af.^A "RRsPKOTASLR WOMAN AS ahiXtirat elaaa uurae ; e >n take car* of an Infant from at birtli or growing children ; Is wllllug and obliging ; no ob* Jeutiuu to tbe couutry; good relerence from last place. Call lor two day*. ?lit WF.iT !?21?~HT.-A"~VOUNtl WOMAN WIHIIE8 TO t/Utake ear* of children, fall lor two Uaya. *ft BAST 19TH MT.?A VOUNO WOMAN TO TRaVSI* T:If .villi a family a# uurae; seven years' relerence frout last olavu. 10 rj WRST BOTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE uKRMAN If I paraun (I) take euro ill growing i-lillti r>> n or Willi a Inilr mid tu ilo plain aewing, would like In travel tu Kuiupe ur in the country . baa done mi before; beat city reference front laat place. Can be aeeu from S m 1 o'clock. rjl\ HAST 54TII ST. (EKESKM EMPLOYER'S) ? 4 \IX young tiennim girl to no with a family to Europe; wiilmg to lako charge of growu children or attend an lu valid Indy. Call lor two da)*. ri WEST MTII 8T. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A ? M ropcetahl* young woman i do plain aewing or chain" 7- IIEXItY ST., tlkSKMK.NT.-A RESPECTABLE I rjgtrl tu lake care of children ; la ? neut aewer. Call lor two data. (\ I 4I'll iV.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS IN ?./'i_faul'e nurae, 10 take lull cbarice and brine It np on the buttle; very competent; uu objection to the country ; leur yeara' beat city relereuce. nt> west torn sr.-a pituTKsrA.vr woman as ajnur.e and ?enmitr-aa, or aa lady * maid; cau cut end lit; excellent city leleieucc. mtt'EsT asm sr.-A yolno oibl to taik care ol union children and aew; nridrratanda all kiuda of drn.?ni?klng; beat raleience*. Call fur two deya. It;.- WEST 34TII ST. iBELL 2).-YoUNU WOMAN !??)*? inlaiil'a nurae and to do plain aewing; city or country; good rvfereuce. 1?)/; WEST SttTil M\. THIRD 4 Look.-a HE L-e' lapectrtble young tcirl to lake cara ol cli children and do plain aewinu; city relerenee. 1 *>< I west lorn sr.. second kluok. khont.?a I ? ' 'young flfl 10 lake care ol clilldreu aud atrial in cnam berwork ; good city lelcreucea. 1 ? > | wKsr jsru sr.. in riih okuc .hy moiik. American ulrl 1. clillnreir'a nurae; la a good ?over and kind lo children ; hut claaa vltv reference. |a?J WEST 1ST II ST., K h A It ? A RESPECTABLE It) I woman a? children, nuree Is a private taiuuy , no oojectloii 10 llie country ; bet uty relerenee. j m nu n sr,-A kesi'Mmarlk oirl as 11 r - .a ami cliatnberm aid la capable ol taking care o( infant Irom birth , no objection to go to tlio country ; beat city relarencea. 1 I ?J WKirT null ST.?AN K.\|.. I -II PROTESTANT L 1 ? Iwoinan a. Inlaiil'a nurae; thoroughly nndvretatHla llie care and iiiHiiagemrm ol an int uit and liriuglng It up on the bottle ; I. a wood plain .ewer; no objecttuu to lire country . good city relerenee. | | - MAOlsoN a v.?a soon: 11 Protestant iurae . raa take entire charge Iroiu bit til, good city reterrnce. Call fioui lOtnlo. 14 (? KA>T .mill *T. A I'DMI'fcT M *\UK** AND I Itemnmr?'?? . ??* y?*r** r??r*r?ii<?? from l?ist p.*c?. IiJ K AttT :<2D sr., I .\ rill'. MII.k *T ItK.?A t I r??u?m sv..iii . 11 i??* * ntir*?: t???Bt flly rrfrr^nc?. II 7 hANl :4UD AT. ?AS Nl K?K AND sK\H iTKKrt.Hi I I kooil <*itaur**ftl?rer irly four >f?r? r?f?r#Ht? trvui Ihu pine*; willing tu uiftko nufwuif u??lui TK K M rieOVHK'S)7-A 11 (i Kast utii nr.. *X ?Jyounu ?trl ?? nnr?w; city or r> untry. 1 Zt\ WKM 2<l ll ST. (MII.K AfOKK . -AS A XKHii AN l?)'/wo imn *? child ? iiur?o, oilierwiBU useful; city ui country , r?l*n*ne?. 1-.; icaht 47r 11 .>r.?a kim'm'iahuh youso, */?uglrl u? rtnr?#; uriti?tr?tftu<ia thw curw of ? baby frutu ill birtu . city rnft rfbi-e. 1 "%f\ KasT 4J0 ^r.-A young gikl to mind 1?/viirruwing iiiiiur?*it *ti?l do ch?inbwrwurk ur ilgfti liiHis?wurk, g ?ud city refereucu. KAST 4iril ST A UOM PKTKNT NUK-E; (/would take cimrgn uf hii infant or growing children, iMiikt wito clmiiilierwufk ; tfiKid reti rnncu. ">(i 159,* KAST 2*ril ST-ItEsP. I'TABI.K WiiMAN AS laut'a nurae. (even year.' city reference Irom leal 1/?1 K. Ll'ltl f)i!K ST.?AN AMKIIICAN PUOTKSrtNT 1'? i girl aa tiur.e and tr? do cbnutberwiirk or aaalat with light housearotk . country preferred ; good references. ino al? A V., N LAH IUTH ST. PRESENT KM 1 r rOphirer'a) V y .uii - girl, well recommended, speak ing Kruiiuh, Kngliah and itertnan, to mind children. 209 YVKsl :wrn SI -A I'UOTESTANT VOL.SO WO 'man aa nurse , la wlliliic aud obliging. '>17 KAhT d.TM ST -TOUNO Woman AS NURBS. ? I I to i ik. tlo entire charge of nu luiant; good oper ator , good city relerenee W Ksl ;IIST ST. 7RlV(7HTsrM?^~5KLL) A 219c mill tu iiimifckN ur t<? ?!?? Iiglti ?liwiuborwurlt; uu ubjwcliun tu tli ? country , good city relet?m et. WENT 27TII ST.-a ItE.Hi'EUTAHUE GlKL AM sdiU I uu rue 1 rno ; it willing to Uu lite WMItld'; ; city rwlerouou 990 WKST 101II sr - A KKSI KUTAIILK VoU.NG ek^''girl ?%n imrNO *n<l no wins treat, ur would 4u chtuiber* wuik, bent city reference*. 231 WEST dtirii sr.?an immkhiaik knoaue. ment aa lady's nuree. Call ur addret.. ?y?>| SPItINO ST.? AN KXPf.KlKNCKD YOC'.NO KDU m? I leal, d I'rot. siant aa n .trie In a good family , would go to the country or travel acro-a the ud< an twice, beet reler enee. Address, with lull particulars, II. W , for tlirae days. O'jaJ EAST ditlll sr.-A Ytll'NU WOMAN AS COM. W'wiietciii nurse ipeteui nurse and eeaeeatteea; capable of tablng charge of an inlsut from birth, beet city leleranee. WIST trill ST.?AM KRH.'AN <11RL AS NUKSB vjejand aeatnair-aa . beat city reference. ???>?? KAsT 4iiril ST.. BETWEEN JD AND :i|j AVS ? auvjrVt reapcctable young married woinan aa wet nuree. Call ler two days. 239 hAHT 'JW"1 *r?A KanraotABLt woman taka charge of an intaut and do plain eewmg; inodorate wagee; diy or country. good relerenee. 239 EA8T U7TII HT. ?A YOUSU (HKL A.S MKSK uml : b?**t eity fof>r?tnMi from laat pi tea. 4107 K\sr J<ru ST.-A <TOMTETKNT YOUNG WO M*) 4 tuau iiuiaa in a urivalc family . cau laka autir# clmric** of nu infant; b??<t city reforumra. 237 WEST dflll ST.?A liIRL OP lb AS NUMSg IN a private lamlly . city or country. a*.)^ KAS1 41ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN jOwiahea a lew engagementa aa la.liea nuree; highly recommended () 1 ?? BASrSATH ST (KINO SECOND BELL).?AN w' I -e tiueiican girl to mind children and neaiat with chamherwurk. Call or addrcae. 4) | 1) KAST 41 ST sr.?A PKOIKSTANr OIRL AS U'lLto ? - M c adiulsiit'k nuraa . raa do plain avwiug, three and 1 hail yvara' relereuce and well recommeuded frmn Inat place. 24 - SI*KING fiT.-A YOUNG WOMAN AS WET L/oitrfln. 249. WEST 'dul II ST A MAKKIED WOMAN AS 'wet nurae ; no ohjvcliuu to the Country ; eity rvfwr ? me. t) I (1 EAST h'iU sr iKINU THIRD bRLLl ?A ?at ?'healthy wet aarae ; cAUd two months aid , baat refer eaeea. WKsr SSTII ST.?CAPABLE uikl as NUHmi ' under<ianvla the tare of aa Lilianl from Ita birth; ha city relereaca. 259,