Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,813. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENT DIIIKCIOHY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.265 BROADWAY OPKN DAY AND NIGHT FOR KK?:R^TI'''S_aOK ADVERTISEMENTS AND 8A1.ES OF FACERS. AMUSEMENTS?6tu P*G*-4ih, 5th xnd 8th colx. ABTKOLOUY-12th Psgx?4lh col. RILL!AltOS?9th Face?3d vol. BOARDERS WANTED?Oth Pa?b?2d col. BOARD AND LODGING WANTKD-Oth F aob?2d and 3d cols. BROOKLYN BOARD?Oth PAG.B-3d col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALK-lsrFaGE-Oth col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-*? Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Fage-BUi col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR ?ALE-Iht PAGB-Oth col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN ?12th Pagb-24 sol. CLOTH1NG-12TH FAflK-etli col. COACHMEN AND UABUENKRS-12*m Page?2d mad COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS-12tu Pace?5th sod Oth COUNTRY BOARD-Oth Paob?3d col. DANCING ACADEMIES-Oru 1'ABB?Oth col. DENTISTRY-Otii Faob?3d col. - ^ELLI^'n^/ErTO^I. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED 2n I'AUB-Ud slid 4iu col*. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS? 12th 1'aUB?5lh ?ol. EXCURSIONS?12th Pagb-OiIi eol. FINaNCIaL-Htii Paob. FOR SALE?12th PauB?4th col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pagb?4th Bad 5th colt. FURNITURE?12tu Pagx-OUi col. FRENCH ADVKKTl*EMEN I S? 12rn PAOB?4th coL HELP WANTED? FEMALES?12tii Faub? lit nod 2d col*. HELP WANTED?MALER-12TH Page?3d col. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC.?1st Fabb?2d Bud 3d colt. HOTELS?Oth PAGB-3dcoL HOUSES, ROOMS, AC.. WaNTED?2d Paob?6th col. INSTRUCTION ?Stii PAOB-Oth col. JERSEY CITY, HOB0KEN. HUDSON CITY AND BER UKN REAL ESTATE FOR HALE?1st PAUB-Olh col. LEGAL NOTICES?Oth Paob?3d col. LOST AND FOUND?1st 1'ace? lit coL MACHINERY?12th Paob?4th col. MARBLE MANTELS-Oth Faob-UI col. MEDICAL-12th PsoB-Oth col. MILLINERY AND DKBsSMAKING-Ist Pace-3(1 col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? 10th Paob? Oth col. MISCELLANEOUS?12th Pace?4th col. MUSICAL?9th Page?Oth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS-7th PAOB-Otb col. PERSONAL?1st 1'auk?1*1 col. PIANOFORTES, ORUANS, AC.-Oth Pack?3d col. POST OFFICE NOTICE-Oth Pace-3d col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES? 12TI1 Paok?1st col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?1st Pacb-OiU col., Bud 2d Pagb? 1st nod 2d cols. REAL ESTATF. TO F.XCHaNQE-2d PAOB-2d col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d l'A<SB-2d col. REWARDS-1st Page-1st col. SALE* AT AUCTION?1st 1'auk?3d, 4th snd 5th cols. SITUATIONS W ANTED?FEMALES ?11th pAGB-lst, 2d, 3d, 4th. 5th and Oth cols., and 12th Pagb?1st coL SITUATIONS WANTED?MALEH-Hth PAGK-2d coL SPECIAL NOTICES-1st PAGB-lat End 2d cola SPORTING?DOOS, BIRDS, AC.-lST Page?2d col. STORAGE?Oth Page?Oth col. SUMMER RESORTS?9th l'AUB-3d cnl. THE TRADES?12tii Page-3d sua 4th cols. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAGK-2d mod 3d cols. TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-I2th Pagk?6tb col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Pack -5th and Oth col*. WANTED TO 1'UKCHASE-Oth PAUK-Cth cot. WATCHES, JEWELRY. Ac.-2d Page?Oth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET- 1st Pack?6th col. WINES. LIQUORS, AC. ?12th l'ACB-6th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, Ac.-IOtu Pabk-OiU col. PERSONAL.. X^OPTfI)JN.?A~BEaUTIFIJL MALE" INFANT TWO Xt-muDths' old; American. Address, ouo wook, B., box 140 llerald Uptown office. ~ F. C.?BROOKLYN FRIEND. HAVE YOU FOR ?gotten Mollle and Emma! 111. Please call 31st it. D" UST-HAD NO FURTHER INTERVIEWS WITH part 1st; when I asked before nbout that, answered all rigbt. UKS. c DOUGLAS, PERTH, SCOTLAND.?IF ROBERT Donglas, a native of Perth, Scotland, and some time in the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y.. will communicate with tho subscriber he will hear of something to his advantage. JOHN KIPPEN, Solicitor, Perth, Scotland. De. f.-do not"expect'mk AS USUAL. I WILL ?explain when we moet. Careful, patience. Watch personals. STAND FIRM. MM A?DON'T KAIL TO MEET ME AT THE LAST "Palais Royal" Ball (4SH 6th xv.) to-night. 1IAKKY, E IitouND?a parcel, with dress silk, party proving ownership and paving tor this advertisement. Will call at KOCH'S, 6tn av., 20th SL J ?1hd~not get word in time, keen VKRY ?111. Stay where j-ou are for present. Write. J. G. JC. F.-IN FOR MAT ION WANTKIL . B. LTO E.?WILL BE IN THE CITY ON SATURDAY. ? Arrange for our meeting, love. M~ EINEN SOHN MORITZ, DEK MIR 8EIT ANFaNO Mars, 1871, kelne Nuchrlchl von slch hat siikonimeu losaen, tiitte Ich mir schleunigst Mlttlielluugeu uoer *lch su niaclien. audi rolr seine Jetaigo. Addresse genaa aul'sugehen and mlch dauurch In denk land xa setsen, ihm eiuo lur iliu xrhsbliche Nachrlcht su geh -n. RICHARD MORITZ OPPRNHEIMEK. in Lubeck, vor dem Burgtlior. "M AT."?LETTER IN GENERAL POST OFFICE. HARDING. >IPKR-IltIDSlfcCK AHEAD OF EVERYTHING. PUG -SEVENTEENTH, EIGHTEENTH AND NINE toenth ; writs If satisfactory. < SI.NCLA11<?IF YOU W13H TO SEE THE "PKOFK8 ?or" call at my "old quarters." FRANK BROWN. rpHE UENTLEMAN-WHO B8CORTKD LADY" TO 3D I av. car from Spring st. and Rroaawuy, late Saturday night, I* anxious to lisar from her: waited both Monday auil Tuesday night* on 4U> and Broadway. Address II ARltY^ Herald oBIce. 5TH AVENUE STAOB, MONDAY, 4 P. M.. FULTON to 17th.?Will lady in black please communicate with light hand companion. Address SaNCHO, box 135 Herald oBIce. LOST AMI FOUitD. Y~5sT^-C fTV DK LYtTTtfT TUoaET MAR K g D~OpTSlHfe .Li 15, Inside D. Applelon A Co., with subscribers' names. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to D. APPLETuN A CO., 549 Broadway, New York. L"0ST?ON SATURDAY LAST. A PEARL EARRING* between University place and No. 38 East tilth st. The Under will be rewarded by calling at 100 Chambers st. OST-ON WED.Ni SDAY AFTKKNIKJN, ONOTH AV.". Jnear 3Hih St., a Scotch Terrier, by name "Nellie." The Under wtll be liberally rewarded by returning to 106 West asth st. LOST?IN SUPERIOR COURT ROOM," "PART 2. Tuesday, April 10, a Due Bill, J'J.OUU. A suitable re ward Tor the return to Clerk of said Court; no value to the Under. T OST?ABOUT ? P. M . ON ELEVATED RAILROAD. Jjtbence to South Ferry, a red Pocketbook, containing a sain of inoucy ; also card for bank book, llobokeu Savings Bunk. Finder will be rewarded by calling at odice of Overton A Hawkins, 103 Maiden lane. OKOROE SHEA RES, LOST?A LONG PLAIN OOLD BELL KARRINtL BT returning the same to 38 Bank si. the Under will be re warded. HRWARDM. qh,-Vt'ILI,ilE paid on tiTk ' rKWRn oV AHa.n'D ?jptlBag and contents, left last night In ftoni of a brown Itoue bouse ou Weal 43d St.. to Mr. FlsllEK, 3tJI William St.. city, up stairs. d|V' REWARD.?LOST* ON MONDAY LAST. IN A sptjFII'tli avenue stage, a Russian leather Pocketbook. containing some money, keys, Ac. The above reward paid Ml returning same to 0, \Y. HYDE, 35 Broad St., N. Y, ?r,l| REWARD.?LOST. IT A POOR MAN, LAMP ?pi lUTuesday, April 10. a Package with about $330. The luder will please return It to (}. M lILLKIt, 338 i ast 411th st. {>/rn reward, aniTno yuest ions asked, for JltlY'tlie return of a stem winding gold Watch, No '.1,751, and Chain: letters on lace in place ol numbers. Return to W M. F. LAUD. Jeweller. No IB Wall st. Al / wV KF.WARdT?LOST?A LADY'S GOLD WATCH tpLUUand chain, between 34th and 37th sta.; ilio above reward will be paid and no questions asaed If left at U33tlth AV. A LIBERAL REWARD WILL. BE GIVEN THE Jxparty who picked the red Ku-sian leather Pocketbook 1 dropped going Irom 70 East 54tli at. to till East 55th st. on Aha morning of llth inet., if retoroed to either place. ?PKtl AL NOTICES. ~~ TffS8tti5il:-fwK.Ntt "years'' pkl'SsiaI^ HOif. ^Xpital experience: diseases of men a specialty. Consul tation free. Dr. JACOHY, Itil Rleecker at. A" USTIN'S (ESTABLISHKtT~DWjj' IaW a'nD~~(,'0L lection Agency, 3 Park place.?Collections made all over the United Mates. A -THEODORE K-CIIOCII. > Havana Banker and Broker, 33 Park row. Analyzed bourbon whiskey-seven bar. ^Hrels. distilled December, IR72; oue half pint from each barrel, mixed together and analysed by Professor stunts, st Woodward High School, Clncliiiiitti,disclosed but a small trace of lusil oil, lew than l-2 5(X)th part; the lot will be ?old to the highest bid per proof gallon ; bids received until May 15. J.tCOH M. SCOTT, cure ol A. B. Parmerton. 303 West Oth st., Cincinnati. A -parks, cmkkbon a co., ? Bankers and Brokers, ISO Broadway. Business men who advertise should CONSIDER THIS FACT. THAT THE ACTUAL CIRCULATION Or' THE EVENING TEL I.UK t M IS LARtl. R THAN THAT OF .ll,L THE NEW YORK EVENING PAPERS COMBINED THE CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING TELE GRAM FOR rilE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AlMHL 7. 1H77, WAS AS FOLLOW.-.: Monday 44,050 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Tnssday 40,300 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINK. Wednesday 4U.H50 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE. Thursday 51 300 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINK. Friday 40,150 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE.. Saturday 40,300 ADVERTISING 3UC. A LINK. Total ...282.1 fiO ADVERTISING 3Gt.' .A LINK. Pally average 47.15R MARTINEZ A CO.. B. Bunkers, 10 Wall st. (basement), buy and sell Spanish Bonds. Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Bills: drafts on Havana Issued and negotiated, pi kk' GUARANTEED. ^Skln Diseases. I Pimples, flesh worms, blackheads, white, skiu Dioa.ea. | itchy and scaly tetter of the scalp : salt Halu Diseases rliemn. rrtsipelas unu all skin diseases hkiu Diseases. I cured by Dr. \ AN DYKE, U W. ltSlli sk SPECIAL .VOX ICES. TXI8KAHES" OF' MEN.BtQUlRlNU SKILFUL AS'6 J_/ooufid*ntial treatment it -pecUlty. J. JACQUEr, M. D . 46 East Wtb >1., near Broadway . New York. Office hours, 10 till 2 Kud 5 to H I'. M Diseases ok men a specialty. I1KNKY A. DANIELS. M. D , 144 Lexington av., near 2Hth (t. (Idle* hours from S to .'1 DR. WEST. 46 JILKEClvKR ST., NEAR BKOAD way.?Extrusive London hospital practice. Couiulta l lun free in all cuiuplaiut?. Divorces speedily obtained without pub llciiy ; desertion, incompatibility, oilier causae; having unusual advautaxse success assured ; advice tree. ISAAC U. BOYCK. Lawyer. 287 Broadway. I1LECTR10 BELTS FOtt PREMATURE DEBILITY.? Jiientlameu, call or tend for circulars. Dr. KAKR, 832 Broadway, fiew York. F INK RYE WHISKEY?POUR YEARS OLD; $4 PER gallon ;$1 per large bottle. N. VAN BBIL, 88 Cbambera at. JlOtt STOMACH. LIVER OK KIDNEY DISEASES, uae BRoUGIlT'lN'S luvlgoratlug syrup, 2S?. Advice tree. 405 Broome at. CLUTE A CO.. Bankers and Brokers, 200 Broadway. XTKRVOCS EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL ESSaY, 1\ comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kabu'a .Mu seum of Anatomy. New York, on tlie cause and cure ot pre mature decline, showing indisputably bow lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the impedimenta to marriaire and the treatment of nervous and physical de blllly, betnir the result ot 20 years' experience. Pries 25 cents. Address the author, Dr. L. J. KaIIN, office and realdence 51 East lOlli St.. New York. OLI) SILK HATS MADE OVER INTO THE Nl'.W stylo; Felt Hutsoleaned and trimmsd, at JOHNSON'S; removed to 413 Oth av., corner 33d at. SCHWETZ, IN WEST PREL'SSEN, DEN 30. aUUUST. 1876. PROCLAMA. In Saehen, betreffend die Todeserklarung dee am 0. Jail, 1842, geboreuen August Wllbelm Wiuter. Sobucs der ver >torbeuen Ebeleute, Klnsasse Johann Winter und Justine, Dworaisko ijetxt Wlllielmamark), war den der August Wllbelm Winter, welcher angeblteh im Jalira 1S60 uach America susgewund.-rt 1st und slcb dort ala Soldat hat anworbeu lassan, ssildeiu aher verschollen 1st, sowie dis von iliui etwa auruekgelassenen uubekannteu Krbau und Erbnelimsr, iu dem auf ileu 14. JULI. 1877, VORMirrAUH 12 UllR, ZIMMKK NO. 1. anberaumteu Tsrniluc tnlt der Autlage xeladen. aich vor uder In dem Termine bel dem unterselcbneten Oerlelit uder ill dessen Bureau schrlttllch oder persuulicb au melden und duselbst weltere Auwelsunx r.u erwartan, widri gen falls Provokat fur todl erklart werdeu. Konlglich Prenssisches Krsle-Osricbt, 1. Abthellung. $1.0lJU."UU..Va*i?u, cornsr Liberty. New York.? Spanisn Gold. Sliver. Havana Bank Bilte bought aud sold; Havana Prlso Ticket* eusbed. L.350.000.F' utJK" *-?>?. BANKERS, 42 (?? 1 ocn aan Jackson a oo.. bankers, ?PJLsOcJy/." "UU.2trj Broadway, New York; Royal Ha vana and Kentucky prise tickets cashed. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC. . IAKIA *TANKS."G6LDKISHni'Nir^THER~KfirH .a'nd Aquatic Plants, Sea Shelle, Corals, pat Stock, Birds. Ae.; alto a pot English Greyhound, and Foxhound. BAOOT, 31 Fulton st. F OR SALE?A VERY VALUABLE AND BEAUTIFUL m Skve Torrlor; ho la young, gentle, tractable aud intelli gent, and ha* un unpleasant habits. Address A. A. A., box 128 New York Herald. F OR SALE?SOMK VERY SMALL AND HANDSOME Skye Terriere. 148 East 36th at., stable 10. HORSES AJCI) UARRlAUEk. A T AtJCTliiNT Ai .BY VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT THEIR HORSE AND CARRIAGE AUCTION MART. 110. 112 East 13th st.. near4th av., TOMORROW (PRIDAY), APttlL 18, at 10 o'rloek. PAIR VERY STYLISH ROAN GELDJN08, 18 HANDS high, Syeara old; kind and true tu all harness; tree from vice; free, prompt drivers; not atraid ol Elevated Railroad, locomotives or anything; have fine high lug; ere knee action; do not pull or iur; are sate for ladles' use; excellent single drivers and duo saddle horiee; tliey are (he property of a gentleman who It leaving the country, aud will be told without raterve. Alto a very flue let Double Harnett, made In Parlt, and STANHOPE PllAETON, NEW IN JUNE LAST. AND COST S1.4UO: BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO., OF BROOME ST. LANDAU. IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY WOOD BROTHERS. ?CtiAS. W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. . BY ORDER or the AMERICAN EXPRESS Company, WILL BE sold nn WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18. at 11 o'clock. ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE head of Uorsot, AT BARKER A Sou's CITY AUCTION Mart and New York Tattortalla, CORNER OF Broadway and 38th st. ON VIEW the morning of sals. UCTION HOUBK OF ARCH. JOHNSTON, 18, 21, 23 and 25 Kith it., near University place. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST BELI ABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. SALES OF HOKSF.S AND OAKKIAOES HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY IIORSK THAT IS WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS To THREE DAYS FOR TRIAL. OENTLEMEN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell. or those wishing to buy. will lind our business continued on precisely the same strictly honorable prin ciples which have ulway* governed our bouse and won the respect and conBdeuce ot the entire community. ?CHAS. W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER.-WILL BE A .sold ou next Wednesday, April 18, at 11 o'clock, at Barker A Son's New York Tattersalla, corner of Broadway and 39th St.. by order of D. M. Hamilton, assignee, Cox cackle, N Y.. aud owing to the demise of Captain John Smith, the famous gray Trotting Stallion Tom Suffolk ; can trot in 2:H<>; alto a dapple gray Mare by Tom Suffolk ; can trot In 2:40. Stock nuw at the mart for exhibition and trial. ?WM. H. GRAYT i.4UI BROADWAY- AND 20 ? WOOSTER ST. I am now receiving orders for tits greatest Improvement ever made In carriage building. THE KCBliKR CUSHIONED AXLE. It economises weer aud tear ami imparts eaae and com fort. Vehicles In use can be supplied with it at moderate cost. A PARTY THAT BUSINESS CALLS FROM THE city for an Imlatinlte period must dispose of ibe fol lowing property, regardless of value ?A stylish elieatnut Gelding, one of the most re-lable broke borne* for a ladv's saddle or driving horse in the country; the fast trolling Mure Lady B.; ran trot any time belter than 2 '40; all war rauted in every particular; also a aide bar top Road Wagon ; a high wheeled pony l'haeton, by Wood ; Single aud Double Harness, Blanket* Whips, Ac.; the above wagons and ber imes uew this soring; also four-seated Fhaeton. Mutual Club, 138 West 31st st. ?? peed, ?the fastest horse-in ?the State tor the money, he Is 15.3 bands high, 8 years old ; a lady can drive lilm at speed; Is not etrald of nnythlng; stands lit tbe street without tying, and can trot three heat* In 2 :30; be is tbe best moneyed horse In the State; with a handsome shilling leather top light Road Wagon; Ann Sin gle Harness, Blanket, Hood. Whip, Ac. ; best city makers. I mjuire of the foreman at stable No. 127 West 28tu St.. near 6th sr., for three days. Will sell separately. A?ONE OF THE MOST ST VL18II GRAY saddle ?and haraess Horses tn New Vork, 1ft A, hands high, 9 years ola; warranted sound and kind; cheap. 5 West 13th st. N ELKO ANT T iTre"fcjy UARTER LANDAULK1\ movanle glass front, used with two horse*, owned by private family, ror sale at great bargain at 149 Wast 35th ;t.; also fast black Hambletoulan llorse. T.TlR M A RENT A CO." ? Carriage Builders, 028 Broadway, offer at great bargain* asurplu* Stock of Carriages, com prising all the fashionable styles. Having divided our stores our Carriages iu No. (330 must be sold. A LARGR~A8S0KTMENT~ OF NEW AND SECOND hand Carriages of all style* at low prices, consisting of Coaches, Clarence", Landaus, CoupeV Victorias, 4 and 0 seat Kockeways, top aud open Road Wagons, Express Wagons, side springs. Skeleton*, Sulkies. Ac. WM. II. G KAY, 2o and 22 Wooster st. ?SEVEN iiOKSES, SUIT FarMINU. GROUKRIKB, ?express or any business ; price, ffto to $125; mutt be told. Inquire 39 South 5tb av? near Bleeckcr. A -HARNESS AND SADDKLIIV. . PETERS A CALHOUN CO.. 510 Broun way, opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, are offering their stock at bottom llgures. Do not fall to call and examine. A FAMILY GOING TO hCROPE WILL SELL AT A J. Y.suerilice, for cash. Extension Top Paik I'liaeton. Pole ami Shells; Top Pony Phaeton; single Harness, nearly new: also double Harness. Apply to coachman. 12S East 19th it. NINE PASSENGER CONCORD COACH PO%FIRST tclsss hotels, lor less than one fourth tlie value. DAI, SON A CO., 163 Crosby at. A?HARNESS! . HARNESS'' harness: ii BUY OF TUB MANUFACTURER. ALL HAND UABB K B A KTLRTT, 62 WA I! REN ST. A SACRIFICK ?SHIFTINO TOP" UItKWSTEIt IM~ proved enring Wagon and set Hue Harness; hardly soiled, 140 West 35th St., near Broadway. good second hand top buggy for-Vai.e veiy cheap, or exchange for second baud Piano. Dr. WILLIAM.-, 25D West 34th. A A -FIVE HOK-KS; SUIT FARMING, TRUCKING OR ? any buslues*. 521 West 21st St., near 10th av. A?TRACK SULKIES OF ALL WEIGHTS AND ? unsurpassed quality. EREWHThK ACO.,ot Broome St., Broanway. 47th to 4sth st. A team bay horses, 7 and h years- iu*hands high, also two smaller Horses; sound and kind 11 Hester st., feed store. A SACRIFICE.-*) BUHINKsi WAGONS,* ALL sises, 830 to YI3.1. for Kxpre**, Grocr Hntcher Baker Mi k, Dopol, Delivery. WaUON MANUFACTORY, 220 Spring st. A "NK BAY IIOHmM?ALL DAY TRAVELLER a/Ywithout whip ; Mftml without tyinu uml wurrunttHl in evir.v rtfEpArt; ?old for \rnni ot uie. |:if .Sprin* wt. A ?Landaulet.- coupe, three I'll AK:[~ON8 ./Y..Srcolld hand, the balance of my damaged stock of Car riages, sold low to close out. II A.M. 6,'ai Broadway. A SECOND HANl> BKRW8TER, OF MROOMB ?T? platform spring top Wagon, In perfect order J. A. KI.AL3, 1.515 Broadway, coinaroi 47th st. A -FOR SALE, FOUR HORSES; SUITABLE FOR ?farmer or any business ; Warranted : three days'triel allowed; price RjO to $125 8B Bleecker st.. uear Bowery. A BARGAIN?I INK I'OP BREWSTER IMPROVED iltSuring Road \\ agon: also top Pony Phaeton : single and double Harness. Private stabl - 35 least I'Jtn st. Beautiful top phakton, full spring suti gy. nearly new; must tell; no offer rolu-ed. 50 West lOtli st. uiiSkVOxprkw, urJceky wag?)V"s7bkTck Carta, Butcher Cart, new and old; all kb.d* clinap. 208 East 28th st. BitKw-ri: R a CO. top' itoaT7~Wagon, uoou as iiow ; half the money. 5 West 13th st. C1VKU1AUES. CARRIAGES, CARKI \ <)KS.?WINTER 2stock at cost; elegant top Phaetons. $125; Buggies $12iH $11->, J u inn-scat Haggle*, Depot Wagons', AO., Ac. JOGN MOoRK, 57 Warren et. IJtOR BaLk-FOUR VKRY IIAN'DHOMK FaIRMYUUNU I' Carriage Horses, I5'i to 1(1 hands: bays, blacks, browns end chestuult; oil warranted sound ana kind. ULO. D. LE11N, Easton. Pa. HURSU8 AND CAKIUAUKS. POTr'saLE-HORSE.' IlAKNKSS AND BUSINESS Wagnu; alto a Butler ?ud Eugine. Inquire 26 Com merce it. TOR SALE?AT THK PRIVATE STABLE. NO. 12H " West 54th M., ? liictit Winds r Wagon. made by Brewster A Co.. of 35th ?t.: new last summer and been need > ut * few tunc-. * light tingle Burnett. alto Coupe. Sold on account of death of owner. I TOR SALI--A 1'AIK BAT CABBtAOB HORSES, 10 hand* high. 0 and 7 year- old: kind and true In all bar new; good itylt and good travellert; cau trot in three mtnuiei. Inquire, three dart. 050 Broadway. IBOB BALK?A GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT: KOAN I Mare. 15}.. high, d yeart old; tound and kind in all harna?: itlto tide bar Top Wagon mid llarneaa, city made; nearlv new. Cau be teea at 58 Weet 15th et. I BOM BALK?A IIA N RSOM K TEAM Of KUKNCI1 Canadian Pnniet, 5 and <i yearn old; weigh 3,4<>0 Ibt.; warranted without a blentitli; told only for want of ute. Call at 550 loth av? corner 41at tt.. and get a bargain. fjtb7f"iBaLK AT 8AC RFkICK?THK MOAT STYLISH r ualr of Ponies In the city. 111 hand- nigh, dead match. 0 and 7 year- old ; safe for children to ride or drlye ; air aid or nothing; they are perfect; can trot rery faet: mutt I'e tol l, owner going abroad toon. Stable 15 Kaei 28th it. Atk lor Walter. For salk-a very handsomk omav iioksr. 15*4 hande. 0 rear- old. tnund and kiatl nud -uitable lor light butmete or family ute; will eell low at I have uouse for him; also a rery lino Siuglo liarueti and Double liar note; tu be told teparate or together. Apply 5U7 Kroonte tt. FOR SALK-BaY HuRSK; SUITABLE FOR TRUCK, grocer, farmer, any butine-e: matt sell; no work; alto young Mare, little tore, 593 Wathlngton ?l. For sale cheap-lady's turnout; elboant golden turret llorte, lf>S handt high; setol fine llarnett and top Pony Phaeton. Inquire 352 Rait 06th at., hctweeu 1 and 2. WREN. Ifolt 8ALK-A LIGHT DOUBLE SKAT ROAD WAGON, ' Brewster, of Broome it., maker, luqulra of coachman, 11 Rati 371 h et. For ,-alk-a pink bay iioksr. 17 hands BfOH; fit lor coape; etyliah, fait, gentle. Call, B to 5, at 240 Wett 26th it. AOR SALK-A BLACK HOUSE, 18 HANDS II1UII, a good work librae; prlee, $K>; at 148 W lit 39th it. For sale ciieaI'-hrkw?trk of 3.'.tii kt.. light inllting top side-bar Koad Wagon, in perfect order. Call at or addreia WHIl'NEY'S BRICK YARD. Aitoria, L. L (TEOKGli 11. OUAVKS Has JUST' ARRIVED FROM T Wyoming county with a oar Iliad of flrit class Coach and Driving Horses. For sale at Madison Park Stablai, 48, 00 and 52 East 20tb it. - Horses, suit any business, *55, sflB; double Hornets, light Mutlueu, Express Wagon and llarneai, now, $100, worth $200. No. 3 7th av. Harness. l.toiiT, double, $35; single, $ii; Express, $2H; Farm. $25 . Coach, $50: other etylei at loweet prices. JOHN MOORE, 57 Warren IL IF SOLD TO-DAY?ELEGANT Tol' PONY PHAETON, with Harness, Blanket. $125; open Wagou, $40. MOORE'S stable. 38th et.. 7tb av. Livery stable near Broadway to kent-70 stalls. ANDREWS, 131 East 35th sL, 9 to 10 A. M? 8 to. BP. M. Milk routes-selling is cans more in sum mer; sickness csuse ; wagent, horses, Ac.; $3,000 profits last year. Y.. box 205 Harald nfilce. M ILK ROUTE, HORSE AND WAOON FOR SALE Apply at 343 East 11th st. P. COLWELL. PEOPLE MOr'ING IN COUNTRY OR CITY CAN hire two-borsa Truck cheap. Address by post or call at stand 30 Bowery. Private stable to let?near wind-or Ho tel; room for eight bore**; cheap to good tenaut. Ap ply 15 Park av. 'ECOND HAND CARRIAGES FOR SaLE LOW Clarence, four Coupes, Isrgs Rocksway. Dspot Wagon, two tlx seat Kockaways, lour Cabriolets, two stanhope Phae ton*, lour seat half top Phaeton, two T Carte, two light curtain Rockaways, extension top Phaeton, two turnout seat PhetoDs. tlx seat Phueton. two cut under Pony Phae tons, six ssat cut under Depot Wagon, Brittou Wagon, top Pony Phaeton, eight spring Lauduu, ouo no top Road Wagon, fiiteeu lop Wagons. A. S. FLANDRaU. 373 and 374 Broome it., old stand of nrewstsr A Co. Stables, with sufficient carriage room couveuteut coachman's rooms, 4 stalls, at low rents, at 131 Wett 17th and 144 West 50ilt st., between 6th and 7th avs. Apply personally or by letter to J AMES ST1KMMAN. 76 Wal I st. STABLE (OR Part OKI TO*KENT; NINE STALLS; Carriage room for two establishments; rooms for coach I, 17 West 44th st. OTABLE TO LET-ll STALLS, WITH Owagons, to one or two parties. 431 West 2> ROOM FOB STABLE TO KENT.?STABLE OF 52 STALLS TO rent ou 41st St.; rent $1,5<*). 111NE A GRAY. 557 6th av. STABLE TO LET, 154 EAST 57TH 8T.-27 OPEN and box stalls; high ceiling: finely ventilated: plenty carriage room. Apply 12 East 57th st.. belnre B A. M. SUPERB TOP SIDE BAR HOaD WAGON. POLE AND Shafts; run but lour times; cost $515-. aiso elegant nud very llgbt Park Pbaetou ; cost $1,175; both by Brewster A Co., 01 Brnome it.; must be sold to elote an estate. For ?ale at BARKER A SON'S, 39th it. and Broadway. The most handsome and stylish dapple chestnut Horse, long mane nnd tall, 15}? hand* 8 years, sound and kind; top sidu bar Wagon, Harnett, Kobe, Blanket!, Ac. 142 Wett 37th tt. AI>o top Pony Phaeton. TWO YOlNG BAY KENTUCKY SADDLE HORSES, thoroughly trained and very ityiiib, on* a thoroughbred, the other trot* in 2 -.50 17 Weet 44th st. /"ANTED TO RENT OR BUY-A LIVERY 8TABLE with from 3D to 5<) -tails, not furtlii r up town than 3Uth Apply to II. B. SI RE, 394b, Canal at.. New York. WaNTKD-A HORSE AND BUUOY, IN EXCHANGE for a lot of Uriiund (tree) In Pittereon. JAMES A. UORVI8SK. 378 Main tt., Patcrson, N.J. -iI/ANTKD-3 cor PES. IN PREFECT ORDER AJ il cheap. Address D. P. A CO., Herald office. rtr A NTRD?HORSE, HA EN Ess AND LIGHT* W AGO II tor country ute, at about $5U or $66. Address C. I 1,600 3d av., top lloor. ______________ "bRY Boobs ~ ^PBiNGbbbA KS. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND MATERIALS. INCLUDING 1'ARISIAN NOVELTIES IN DOLMAN SACyUES AND MANTILLA SIIAPK9. ALSO, MISSES' CLOAKS IN GREAT VARIETY AND NKWEST DESIdNS. A. T. STEWART A CO.. ' BROADWAY, 4TH AV.. HTH AND 10TII STS._ MILLINERY AMi DUKSSMAKINO. ~ AT JAMES M'UREKRY A CO.'S.'" Broadway and 11th it. Ill our Dressmaking Department we are prepared to All all orders for Dresses, Cloak*. Dolinnn-. Brltlul Trousseaux. Ac., In the ahurteat time possible and In the moat artistic manner. Mourning orilera a specialty. T MARY Til. MANN'S (KIIOll i'AKb), AGENT ami importer of tinrat creations in Parisian art Milli nery. new. rich invoice Preach Runnels to-day. 4dlJ Uth av., WW SSlS at. BALKS AT AUCTION. j^^HuT^MKSSRR. LhAVflT," AUCTIONEERS. TUESDAY EVENING, April 17. at ? o'elock. Now on exhibition per day and evening, at the art rooms, 817 Uioudvray, MR. KOHN'H COLLECTION of high class Oil Paintinvs by most eminent artiite of tlie French, German and Spanish schoui*. Houcber villa? Bonheur? Koidinl?Coomans?Dumaresq? Couder ?CliHVot ? Raithleny ?Uitpre?Diss?Detaillo ? lie lobbi? Decoulnck?Desgoffe? Duuray-Dream?Kgusgnlsa? Kroraeutin ? Glde ? Frere?Uuillaiiinet?Oaruier?tia-ser? lints ? .laquet ? Kronberg?Lambinet?Learel?l.anuelie ? I.eman? Lent aire? lladraxo ? Mir belli?More nil ? P as cult t? !tongerun?Schneider?Schleainger -schroyer?Soil?spring er?Tmiltnnucho? Sella?Schenk? Slagert ? Tortea ? Vely ? Volts?ilium -Zamacols?mid others. THE MESSRS. LKAVITT, AUCTIONEERS. THIS (THURSDAY) AFTERNOON. also TO-MORROW (Friday!. at a :3U o'clock, the Library nf Dr K. A. Wittliaus. A clinics and extraordinary collection ol Rooks. THE MESSRS. LKAVITT. AUCTIONEERS. SPECIAL BALE OP FURNITURE. Now on exhibition nt the storage wnrerooms of Seabrooke Purdy, Ksi|., No 11.' Washington place, HANDSOME FURNITURE, O vKPtfTS. BRONZES. AC, com prising Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber suits, rich Anbus.on and A xminlsier Carpet*. Turkish Rug*. Ac . al most entirely now ; also, hue Mosaic Tables, Clock-, Oil Paintings, Engravings. Ac . the whole being the proper ty "I n gentleman declining housekeeping, and to bo sold without any reserve whatever FRIDAY, April 1U. commenc ing ato'clock P. M A ?TRUSTEE' - SAL OF SECOND A VK V I' E PROP serty.? \V M. II. FRANKLIN'S SON wilt sell at auction on Wednesday, April IH, |S77. at I'd o'clock, at the Ex change salesroom. No. Ill Hroiulway, the three story brown stone House and Ia>t No l.Otld dd av., southeast cor ner .tilth at. . the lot is JO lent !i Inches front and rear hy till feet in depth : one-halt the purchase money may remain on bond and inert.-aga lor one to three years at li per cent In terest. Maps at the olUra of the auctioneer. No. 7 Pine st. ^ -BOOK HALE, THIS DAY. NOW O.N EXHIBITION. A CHOICE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF STANDARD WORKS, embracing all the prominent autlior*. to be aold by auction at BARKER * CO.'S, 47 AND 411 LIB RfY ST, THURSDAY, April Id, commencing at 11 o'clock. GKOItCK 1. RANKS, Auctioneer. A. ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, old slaud, 117 Nassau St. THIS DAY, AT ll>H O'CLOCK, at uur salesroom, U7 Nassau at., FINE SALE OP SECOND HAND AND NEW FUR Tiltiire. Velvet ami Body Hriiaela Carpets, Stair Carpet* and Oilcloths, line Parlor and Bedroom F iirmture, OBice Desks, Ratling* and Partitions. Also. ELEUANT ROSEWOOD UPRIGHT PIANO, 7 OC tares. Particular attention te I A "u cffBYT s a i. k Alarum hale i MALES AT AUCTION. , AB<?TIO?rN6'fftK. THIS DAY (THURSDAY MORNING). r*lu or thiuf, COMME.VCISO AT 10 O'CLOCK, _ ^ AT PK1TATF RESIDENCE OK J. D. PARKER, ESQ., 1211 WEST 23D nr.. BETWEEN ?TH AND 7TH AVE. Elegant Imported Kurnttnre. made to order tor the pres ent owner In Paris; magnificent hteinwsi A Sons' rusew..od 71, octave four ronna Pianoforte. ooll BUY*); also superb 7l< octev# Windsor upright rosewood Pianoforte, cost Pier eud Mantel Mirrors, Bronsee. Ac., Ac., iu line order, ?old lu consequence of the owner going abroad to reside, as follows, VlsT PARLORS CONTAIN elegant Map net Carpets, double and single Parlor Suits, in lines! quciWy crimson sallu brocalel: Jwcaranda wood Sec retury He.?case. .">00 volumes Rook*. Ktagere and Table to match. crimson brocatal and lace Curtains, rich Hrouses, Clocks and Mantel Ornaments, fine porcelain and cbiua Vases, Ar. LIBRARY CONTAINS Moquet Carpets, elaborately carved Trench walnut Bolts, lu reps, with Bookcase. Cabinet Table, Mantel Mirrors. Li brary Table Oil Paintings, Curtains. Bronses, Clocks, or nuinental bids Pieces. Ac. Velvet Carpels, jacaranda wood Louuce and Chair I, Jar dinieres, embroidered broadcloth Lady's Escritoire, ebony niountedCard fable and Lady's Workbox, en suite. DINING ROOM. English Urns-els Carpets, Rnlfet, Extenslou Table, and Chairs co'vcied in leather to mutch, solid Preach walnut; Wllder's I-Irs nud Bnrglar Prool Sale; superb liinuer Ser vice. from I lie royul factory of Merlin, about 250 pieces, cost B-MA); French cut Glatsa-ure, Ac. BEDROOMS. English Brussels Carpets, carved French black walnut Ruits, Dressing Cases. Bedsteads. Bureaus. Turkish Chairs. Lounges, rep Suits, Chstrs, 23 curled hair and spring Hat trasses. Pillows. Bolsters. Ac.; also Hasemaut and Warrants' Fvrniture. Over 400 lots bv catalogue. LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer N. H.?Goods pnekud and shipped, city or countrv Take Sixth avenue cars or Twontv third street stage to door A" UCTld.N "BALE IHIB (TUURBDAYT MORNING. commencing ut 10 o'clock. PRIVATE RESIDENCE XO. 47 WEST I0TII ST., BETWEEN 5th and lith avs. HICH HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNITl'R1 . INLAID WALNUT CHAMBER SETS. STKINWaY 7,V, OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, CKKRTNC oHICKKKlNG UPRIOHT PIANO. Oil Paintings, Statuary, Ac., all in excellent condition. PARLORS CONTAIN PARLOR AND DIUW1NO ROOM SUITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut trainee, covered In rrimtnu tan and gold hroeade, sntiii mid cotelalne; Turkiali and Spunl-li Lounges. Easy Chairs, Inlaid marquetry mid gilt Centre and Console Tables, rosewood Elan-re*. Csbinets, French plate Mirrors, lacu Curfalna. Krench Mantel eels, sixty-day Clocks. Musical Boxes. Jardinieres, velvet Rugs, Ornaments, handsome inlahl Library and Secretaire Bookcases, choice Books, lAbrury Tables, elegant Turkish Suit isavcii pieces). Lady's Writing De-k. statuary. Works of Art. ELABORATE CHAMBER SUITS, Consisting id' solid walnut and rosewood Bedsteads, hand somely inlaid and gilt: Drussing Case to match; lino Ar molre a tllace. Ooiuniodr, Bureaus, Waslislauds. marnle top Tabldb, Chairs, Rockers. 33 hue hair and spring Mat tresses; aIs,i plain sinxle and double Bedsleuds, teatlier ?s. Bui ~ " Pillows. Bolsters, Bed Linen. Toilet Sen. rep and plush Suits, tnltlo f reach walnut and gilt Centre Tables. Dining Koi-m Kurnltiiro?vis., inlaid French walnut and gilt -Side board, two Extension Tables, Chairs In leather, flue Silver "??' ?A, swv loAtr iintuil IBIHVP, ' iiniin ??* utisshvi . tutu smiici ware. Dinner and 'lea Sets, Cutlery, Ac.-. M4 Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Hall Stand, Clniirs, Kitchen Furniture. nOTICL ?lake sixth avenue car* or Broadway stage to No. 47 West lUtn *t Men to pack or ship goods, eltr or country. ROBERT C. CASHI.N. Auctioneer. J^ UCTION SALE THIS THURSDAY. ALBERT KKKAMER. Auctioneer, will .tell THIS (Tliurs dayi MORNING, ooiniuaucing at 111 o'clock, the entire rich, costly and plain Household Furniture contained In tlie lour story residence 1 JO East Kith St., between fid ar. and Irving place, ONE BLOCK K.xST OF UNION SQUARE, comprising rosewood Pianoforte, magnificent Pui lor Suits, latest style, covered iu satin and In I .tin frames, cost $500; also larjp and small rep and hulrcluth Suits; Turkish Clislrs. Lounges, Centro Tables. Etauercs, Secretaire and Library, Bookcases, Desks. Uronsos. oil Paiutlugs. Uutid soniely frame.1; large, elaborately carved Chamber Suit; largo and small walnut Bedsteads, Dressiug Cases, Bureaus, Wasbstands, Wardrobes, 25 spring and hair Mattresses, Pil lows, Holsters, Sola Beds. Louuges, Chairs, Rockers. 22 Fruslels. Intrnin ana stair Carpets; Curtains. Two handsome Pier Mirrors, large and small Looking Glasses. Extcnrian Dining Table, Buffet, 24 Dining Room Chairs, Library nbles. Silverware, DUO pieces Glassware, Cutlery, two fine Ball Stands, Ba*amsui Furniture, Ac. N. B ?Take Seooud, Third, Fourth avenue or crosstown car to Ifltli St., or any of the Broadway stages or cars to Union sqlare. Cumpetent men employed to pack, box and ship goodi, city or couutry. Safe delivery guaranteed. 'UCTlb.V NOTICKT LARGE AUCTION SALE . ol handsome and useful Household Furniture, THIS tTlnirsdayi MoRNINU. April 12. at lul-4 o'clock, at the large private residence 51 West 24th si., between 5lh and tltb an. 2 magnificent satin brocade latest style Parlor Suits. 5 rich Suits, in reps and haircloth. 1 magnificent 7>. octave Plnnoiorte, Stool and Cover. 2 elegant Turkish Chairs. 2 Lounges. 8 pair* lace Curtain* and Cornices. IS Paintings, Bronses, Vases, Mirrors, Ac. A1 SOU yards velvet, Brussels and ingrain Carpets. 2 Extension Cables, Buffet and Tea fables. 10 Cbaniber Suits, complete: Budding. 15 hair and 15spring Mattresses, Blankets, Ac, 100 lots Gloss, China, Silver Ware ; Cutlery,. X I *C Basement, kitchen, servants' Furniture. Ac. A rare op portunity fnr housekeepers; the largest sale of tills suason. N. B.?Tako Broadway or Oth av. cars, Respousibte men In attendance to cart, pack or ship goods for purchasers. ?'?INKS" ERNEST ROTH, Auutmneer. Auction sale of magnificent household Furniture, to be sold THIS (Thursday) MORNING, commencing at 10^ o'clock, at the elegam live story brown stone mansion NO. 200 WEST 25TH ST.. NEAR 7TII AV. Elegant Steiaway Pianoforte and a superb upright, both Willi IsteGutprovemeuts: satlu, cotciiuu and rep Parlor Suits: .Mirrors, Curtains, Bronses, Clocks, Centre, Hide and Console Tables, Ornaments, Ac.; elaborate Bedroom Sets, Bedsteads, Dressiug Cases, W aslutands. Bureaus. Mat tresses, Pillows, Bolsters. Blankets, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Oil Paintings, Etageres, Ac. Dlniug Room Furniture?Extension 'fable, Bnlfet, Chairs. Silver ware. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Castors, 15 elegaut Brussels and Ingrain Csrpeta and a general assortment of Household Articles. N. H.?Goods packed and shipped II desired. Sale Positive, ram or shine. HENRY /.INN, Auctioneer. Take tb, Stb or Mth av. cars. A SCHWAB, AUCTIONEER. 22M BtlWERY, SELLS, ?2X o'clock, 495 3d av., siegsntly fitted up Restaurant, black walnut Fixtures, Ac., withuul reserve. Buyers call A SCHWAB, AUCTIONEER, 22S BOWERY, BELLE, ?at 10:30 o'clock, 1IU East fid st., large Stuck, Fixtures, Ac . of grocery store: Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Sosps, .-pices. Flour, elegant Fixtures. Ac., in lots. D??l<rs invited. AUCTION.-KILLEKN, AUCTIONEER, SELLS To day. ID1, o'clock, at 23 l-.ast 13th St., 7 Dressing Cases, 1" Bureaus. H Bureau Wasbstands, 20 Bedsteads, 2 Carpets, Blankets, Sheets, Mattresses; also Lounge, child's Carnage. Signs, Ac. For charges ltdlet, housekeepers attend; grauu bargains. Auction sale. PETER BOWK, AUCTIONEER, W ILL SELL, THIS OAV, aT 11 O'CLOCK. at no. is west Washington place. THE K.xTIKK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AC.. couaHling of black walnut Pnriur Sulti. onu 7Si octave roaewoon Plana, black walnut Hedalrati* Drawing Bureau*, Wurdruhaa, Wa*h*tand*. Table*, ('bam, hair Mattreue*, Rriuael* and ingrain Carpal*. Kltcban Utenail*, Crockery, Ac., Ac. A -BY W. II. TYKIiKLL. AUCTIONEER. .1 will tell this day. at 10 A. M. urnl 2 P. M , at Lynch'* old More, 723 Broadway, a large quantity of Diamond*, 40 lot* ol Gold anil Coral. Gold Bracelet*. Necklace* and Cro**e*. Gold and Silver Watch.'*, Ring* In great variety, Sllverplated War*. Camel*' Hair and other Shawl* and Lace*. Counter* and Fixture* for *ale. \ T SALESROOM 13 EAST 14TII-M A Rsll AG'S ?ale of furniture. Curueu, Fancy Good*, choice lot Will**, Liquor*, Pre*erve?, Ac., on Friday. 13th, at 2 I' M. Particular* Friday'* Herald. C. 0. FAVOR, Auctioneer. By order Cornelia* Farley, Marshal. N. 8.?Large privat* Douae aula Tiieailay, 171u. Outald* tale* (elicited. Auction notice.-dealers and huubekbkp ur? invited to call and examine to-day large hue of Par lor, Chamber and Library Furniture, lancy China Ware, Crockery, Glainware. Iluii*efiirui*tiing Good*, Ac., to be atdil to morrow at |U>? o'clock. S. DINGLE, Auctioneer, 4th >?., corner 2.1th *1. BIsSKLL, WELLES A MILLET. AUCTIONEERS. FRIDAY. April 13. at lot, A. M , at our *ulr*room. No. 1.1 .M urray at.. Hardware and Cutlery. rompri*iug a general uooriment Tinned and Murbleited War*, a large and complete line cedar and piilnted Tub* and I'ail*, Shovel* uud spade*, J apennctl Ware. Saddlory Hardware, consisting of Hrldlea, Driving and Patent Bttf, 12 set* ?in ula llarucu. Dog Collar*, Ac., Ac. Benjamin p. fairciiild, auctioneer, .?ill tell at puhllu auction, on Friday, oprll 13, at IOW M . at the ollice of the late William Jay lluikctt, No. lo Centre *t.. all hi* Office Furniture, S' e. Law Library, Ac. by order ol J ante* F. Malcolm, Receiver. B Y JOSEPH K. WEMKRT, AUCTIONEER. Will ?ell THIS DAT, April 12. at lOo'clock, at tiiitf IJtb av , corner 4tllh *t., large nock of China. Glan and llmiacfurinahliig Good*. Yl.eel and Willow Vvare, Cutlery. Rockingham ami Stone I Ware . al?o large upright Itlaaa sliowcaaa and Ga* f ixture*, I Deaka, i outlier*. Awnln,' and one of Marvin'* sale* To be ?old hi lot* to null, without renorve. Business men who advertise should CONSIDER THIS FA. T. Til AT TUB ACTUAL CIRCULATION OK THE EVENING TELEGRAM IS L t KG Kit I HAN THAT OF ALL THE M.W YOKE EVENING PAPERS COMBINED. HIE CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING TELE GUAM FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APR! I. 7, IS77, WAS AS FOLLOWS:? Monday 4LU50 ADVERTISING 2t it I, A LINK. Ttteaday 40.1M*) ADVERTISING 2GC. A LINK. W'ednoatiay 40.S5O a bv Eii risin<i" Lt< id" a ' i,i me! ' Thurtday 5I..KJ0 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINK. Friday 4S,l."it) ADVERTISING 2t)C. A LINE. Saturday. 40.3U0 ADVERTISING 2JC. A LINE. Total 2S2.H. Hi ADVERTISING 30C. A LINK. Dally average 47,1.18 BY JOHN A. Dl'NN, AUCTIONEER, SALESROOM 53 Great Jone* *t.?Sale Ibl* day, at ll>'a o'clock. No. IS'J Fort Ureeoe place, llrooklyn, tlie entire Furniture of lour ttory private dwrlling, consisting of Parlor Suit*. In l hair C "" " "" " plu*u and hair elotli. walnut Bedstead* Huekcaae*. .\c. t'halr*. Table*. Mirror*, Oil Painting*. Chrome*, hair and hu*k Mattreaeea, Hru**el* and iugta.n Carpet*, one solid black walnut Buffet, originally owned by John .1 Uffflh A pttir Nip tnirul loir u>l t li all ) li? If I ? # I ' I t*al I . Jacob A?ter, Sr.. together with all Hit) Kitchen Utensils. Housekeeper* ami dealer* Invited. BY JOSEPH K. W1KGAKT. AUt TIONBRR, HELLS on Krl.iav, UUli inet., at Id o'clock, al I KB narrow it, Id line young and sound llorae*, (tillable lor truck*. Ice wagon*, grocer* or farmer*: among them are *ome good Match Team*: alio tine driong llorae*, the above are all *ouiid and worthv ol the attention of buyer*; al?? Irnck*. e x pre** Wagon* and llariie**. Sale positive. without reserve. BY P. DAI LEY. AUCTIONEER, i will *ell at public Hiictlon. on Friday, April 13, at 10 A. M.. the Furniture. Fixture*. Maebiurrv atid Leaae of the Eaat Side Dining Room*, corner ol Hall plac e and 7lll at. Tin* I* the mo I complete and beil.furiiielieJ restaurant In theeltv; tine location ; long leaae : low r.-nl, and doing a good buailie**; will be told 111 <>no let tu the bigheat bidder. I eriu* ol * per cent ca*h, balance In approved not**, payable in ?ix month*. Parties contemplating purcliaalug are invited to call and exatolne th* nretniM*. SAL K S AT AUCTION. BY J. W. CAMPBELL, J It., AUCTIONEER, will >?'! in lull, tIlls dijr, curauicnclitg 1(>S o'clock. it ttrst elm Grocery, Til Store and Melt Market, No. I AO Ulh it . between 10th ?lid lltb ate . entire eboige Sine-. about >2,300 assurleJ Groceries; Quest Ten In tbe market, cauurd Fruits and Vegetable*. Soapi ind family supplies. Ssuoea. Hiklta, Spices, Preserves, Jelliei. Citron. i-aisiu*. canned llaiu and other Meati; Htareh lumlly flour, table Salt, Vlueirar, Toilet Soapa and Extracts; quantity parlor anil other Matches: foreign and American Due bottled Wines; other tcooda; Counter. Sealee. More Move, Gae Pendant! and re (lectori, auperlor alleer plated Counter aad Clgsr Caeca, two dr.- and burglar proof Sales, hue Counters, black wal nut Writing Deak, costly gilt lea Canliteri. the fineit oak uiarble too Meal Market fixture. ,u the city. Patent Ke frlperatora and Icehouse. coat $301); Kendeilng Kettlea, Meat Hooka, Klili and Kutier Counter*, with marble topi. In lota and <|uautllie* to aitit buyer., dealer, and apeculatur., vliu are specially Invited; will alio aeli tine llorae. Grocer's Top Wagon and llarnea.. with whirh the lale will com menca. Peremptory, rain or ibine. J W CAMPBELL A CO.. Auctioneers olbce, 141 Hth sk. between Kroadway and 4ti> nv. J^OWARD MCHENCE, AUCTIONEER. Piraniptory tale of ?uperb Cabinet furniture, In great variety, the itock at ant of our largest and beat cablmt maker* To be aold it auction, at No. 00 Liberty at, TO-MORROW. April 13, it 12 o'clock. Tin furniture It now on exhibition. I'nrcheaer. can have their furniture etorad, tree of ex. peuae. uutll May 10. "LT CULTON, AUCTIONEER. 1 .will toll tliU day (Thuradar), April I'd. at II o'cloek, the ontlru furniture of the prlvelo reeideure 123 Boat I2lb it.'.? Kiel' roaewood Parlor Suits in brovatel, two elegant I' rrnch pinto Pier Mlrrora. elegant 7 octave round comer roaewood Plane, tine tone; tirocatel curtaiut. iac? One* talua, t'entro l'ublot, curved hick walnut Hrueteade and Hiirouua, beat hair Mattroaav., Bolsters and Plllowe, Bed ding. Linen. Axmioaler and llru.vel. t'arpeta, oil I'aint Inga and Kugravluga. Hewing Machine. Dining Know fur niture, Piatedware. Clilua and lllaea Ware, Kitchen tlooda, Ac. OU SATURDAY. April 14. a< II o'clock, at the aaletrooni 33 East 12th .1 . lerro ante oi rich and tne ilium quality furniture, being the entire cout?nta of n large houae, ruttioved to the store lor couvetileucn ot aule. Q.IIEAT BALE OP PAINTINGS. The private collection of Mr. Jnniea I,. t'ligboru, ot Philadelphia. Now on exhibition at the Kurts Gallery. No. II Ruet 23d ak. on Madlaou aquare, Now York, Thu collection comprises rare and important ?pucitueni by celebrated masters ot the frenuli, tiertuan, English, Aiucrtcaii, Koiuan and S|iauiah eolrmls. vie.:?Aluia-Tadeiuu. AnUr. Actieubach. linugiiereaii. Briuu, llieratadl. Houghton, Ho.a Houheur, Corot. Church. Comte. Compta-Callx, Cour brt, Dtae. Daulngny. Jute. Dupre, K-cnaura, fromentlu, Gilford, lierbethoffer, luiieaa, Kuans, Luutinaia. Madrato, Maccarl. Merle, Pasint. lilofatahl. In. Iloiteaeau, Adolph Scbrcyer. iroyou. Volte, Zant.icoia and othura. To be aold at auction, April IS and 10, at the Association Hulldlog. The sale will be under the supervision of Mesere. M. Knoedler A Co., successors to lioupll A Co., No. 1703th av.. New Y'ork, who will answer all couimiiulcatloiis relutiug to this sale, supply catalogue., receive orders, Ac. Hull I . SOMKBVILLK. Anctloneer. j| U. HEKI'S A SONS, AUCTION KERB. POSITIVE CLOS1NO SALE OP ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 13, AT I0<4 O'CLOCK, AT NO. 11 KAsT 14TII ST.. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP FURNITURE EVER OFFERED AT AUCTION, COMPRISING EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS FURNITURE HOUSE. HB. HERTS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS, WILL 8KLL .ON THURSDAY. APKIL I!), THE ENTIRE FURNI TURE OF THE ELEGANT MANSION NO OtID 3T1I AV., NEAR 4S I'll ST., WHICH WAS PUKNlHHED AT A COST OF OVER FULL DETAILS OP WHICH WILL APPEAR HERB AFTER. HOTEL LAFAYETTE.-I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC auction, at ray salesroom 203 East Idtli at., the entire furniture of the ubuve hotel; curved ro.ewuod Parlor Mills, Plimpton Hedateuda. Etagero, Htilehoards, Arm and Easy Chairs, rosewood and black walnut Bedstead, hronae Clock ami Brontes, vurv rare and valuable: hair Bed dintr. LainUrequlni. Crockery and Carpets. Ac., at 10:30 A. M. this day. G. KUN1GSHKKO, Anctloneer. IS. WEINBERGER. AUCTIONEER, SELLS THIS .day (Ttiursdayi, April 12. at HA, o'clock, a lot of Print ing Material, Card Press. Type nuu everything appertain a a printing eetabll.hmeni: tliereelter general Mar enaudltc. Furniture. Dry and Fancy Goods, Ate. James caonby, AUCTIONEER, 13 abingdon sqnaie. Sth av. This day.THURSDAY, at 101^ o'cloek, at 113 Weat I2tli it., between Hth and 7th eve. Elegant Furniture id' private residence, rousl.ting in part of superior 7 octave Plauo, Plinipton Secretary Bedstead, a pair Pier Mirrors, with Console Tables; laca Curtaine, Parlor Suits, In silk reps: body liriieaela, velvet and three ply Caroets: body Brussels and velvet Stair Carpets, silver plated Stair Ki da. curled hair Mattresses, all the Bedding and lied Llncu. walnut, inurhla ton t.'haiuber Halts, hall furniture. Oil Paintings, Hewing Machine, dining furni ture, Buffet, China, Glass end Plated Ware, kitchen Furni ture. Descriptive catalogues at sale. FRIDAY. April 13. nt 30.3 Weat 21 >1 It at . between Hth and Oth are. Handsome furniture ot four story brown stone private residence, recently furnished: Carpets, used about six months; excellent 7 octave Piano, Pier Mirrors. Parlor and Chamber Sulta, Beds and Bedding, dining and kitchen Fur allure. Ac. I will give pers nsl attention to the sale of Furniture at private re.tdences as Iteretolore for paat 27 years. Prompt, reliable returns. Charges moderate. JOSEPH h, WKIGKRT. AUCTIONEER, WILL HELL. Friday, at 7 Mnditnn tk, large stock of Groceries. 23 half chests Tea. cases Tometoes, Cant, Scales and other goods. Particulars to-morrow. JOHN <\ ANDERSON, AUCTIONEER, WILL HELL, at 12H 3d nv , near Hth ?t., this day. at two o'clock, a large assortment of Household Furniture. Carpets and Piano. Porsoiial etteution given to sales ct private resi dences. M OBKlti WILK1MH, AUCTIONEER. I)<*girnble Household Furniture. M K. H. I, I'D LOW * 00 will sell at miction TO-DAY. at 11 o'clock, at the private residence 05 West 48th it., handsome black walnut Parlor Suit, Turkish Chairs, rose wood Centro Tables, Lace Curtains, Piano, handsome Bed room Sots, Mattresses, Carpets, Ac., Ac. MARSHAL'S SAW..? J. SKi: It A 611K It. All CTlO X ocr, will sell tills day. at 11 o'clock, at No. 0 Rtvlngtou lb, n Hue assortment of Furniture. Ac., consisting ot Hed steads. Tables, Chairs, Loiiu<fes. Stands. stools. Wardrobes, Sideboards. Mirrors, Chandeliers, Pictures, Carpets, Clocks, Marble slabs, Ac. Also one Piano, two Iron Sales and one Milliard Table. THOMAS CUNNINilll AM. Marshal. OKTUAtSK SALK OF BARROOM FURN IT U RE.?5! IIKKMaN, Auctioneer, will sell this day (Thursday), April 12, ?t i't, o'clock. No III Howei v, Bar and Hack Mar, Mirrors, Chairs, Tables Ice Untise, (.lock. Pictures. Sims, Shelving, Heater. Olarsware, Ac. Sale positive, by order ol the attorney for mortgagee. 1> AWN BKOKF.K'HHALK W A TCI i F. S AN D~J KWRLRY.? Tills day, J AM KM aOA K, Auctioneer, will sell at 511 New Bowery, at II o'clock. 7(10 Lots of gold and silver Wst.'lies, yoid nnd Diamond Jewelry, < ipera<Masses, Silverware, (inns. Revolvers, Musical and Mathematical Instruments und other valuable gooda Hv order of Solomons A Co., U8 silt av.. aod Joseph Kluniauer, 444 7th av. PA?'.V HROK F, ICS BALK.?H. ~~Pi'K"l J>~ UKNSit AL Auctioneer, salesroom No. Hit llowerr. will sell tills day, at II o'clock, MHO lots Men's and Women's Clothinir. Dresses, Shawls, Itpninants, Underclothing, Oolite. Kliinsnts. Bed ding. Moots, Shoes, Ac. j also Coats, Pants and Vests lly order N. sileh. .'lu av. PAWNBROKER'S BALK. ?THOMAS JK M~ ORATH. auctioneer. I5H Chatliain st., corner Mulberry, will sell this day, II o'elrick, Men's and Women's Clothing. Dresses, Shawls, Remnants. (Jnllts, Blsnkets, Madding. Moots, Shoes, Ac ; also I'osts, Pants und Vests. By uruer J. MCI, VIII11.1., Mottsb o" IIKKMAN, ACCTIONREK.?IMPORTANT SALK i^s of Wines Liquors. Champagne. Clifsrs, Salts. Ac. FRIOAT, April 111. at In1, o'clock. No 111 Bowery, the entire stock of an Importer and wholesale Liquor De lor retiring Irom blisllieia. consisting of 20casks Ira ported and domestic Brandies, '.ill barrels choice old iion and Kve Whiskey, Mum. Rlaekberry Brandy, Spirits, Ac.; also TO casks Port, Sherry, Madeira and Rhine Wife; imported Champagne, Brandies. Uin, Kltumel, Rum, Cor dials, Claret, Pott and Sherry Wine. Clears, Safes. Ae.; sls-i three casks Rhine tVine. By order of il e Aaaiituer. 'Ilils sale is w ell worthy the attention of the trude. Sale positive Dealers Invited VJ "I ? RIKK'S BaLX-VA NTAHHF.LL A K K Alt N IV OAuctloueerS, will fell, this day, at IJ o'clock, at Na. I" North William at., all the Right. litis and Interest of Mairniis Schreiner which he had on March UN, |s77. or at any time altera ard, of, In and to the In lowing drscrlhed property?to wit. a larsc assortment of Showcases, Machines, Work Benches, lot ol class lot of Plank, safe, De-k, Ac. BERNARD KEILLY, MhcriO. I'. Kki i.l.Y, Deputy. VJ HE RIFF'S SALK.-VAN- TAKHELL A~ KEARNEY, kjshei ||T? Aucl loneors, will sell, this day, at No tIS.1 :id a v., at 11 o'clock the stock and Fixtures of a first class Urorery, c>>nsl>iiiig of large lot of Snap, ' atidles. Canned Fruit, Starch, Hour, Dried Fruita, Butter, Lard, cheese, CofTes, Rice, chests of Ten, Molasses, Cider, Counters, shelving Scales, Uas Fixtures, Ac., Ai C. W I rine. Deputy. MF.RNA KI> KEILLY. Sheriff. CIlRlflFF'S SALE. ?VAN TtSSKLL A KKtKNKV, OsherllTs Auctioneers, will sell, tills day. at their sales room. No I.'MOW square, at I'l o'clock, a large anil fine stock ol Clothing, consisting of (oats. Pants and Vasts. M. Pattkv, Deputy HKK.NARI) RE ILLY, Nb.-rtir QOMWKINBl Rll A ('(?.. IS., HOW I.UY-U. W A It Ml.' RO, kJAilctlon-er. sells It o'clock. K7 New Chambers St., elegant I-1 staffs of a Saloon ; positively In lots, QORWRtNBUK(? A CO., DC. HOWKKY-li. VVARHCUU, tJAttciloneer, sells 10 o'clock, ai tws Jackoon si., fine Pli ttires, stock Liquors and Cigars in lots Sjc11wi;Fnbi'Mii a co., i?? mowkity o. w a r b rro, JAnctloncar, sells I o'clock. I .Murray si., elegant black walnut Fixtures and Mtock, In Ints. CrHWKINluJtUI A CO . IS.-, BOWERY]?(1 W'AIIIU'KU] kJYerslelgercr. varkauft lf> I'hr, laMSJacksoa Sir., fern# Kfnrlcblunp, Mar, Markhnr, Biaek Walnut ilscbe, stuble, Np'ogelti. Vorraili fun Liqueure und I'lgarren. Q|XTI AVENUE Llgl'Olt STORK AT AUCTION ? OLKO HLItl /,llr liti, Auctioneer, sails this day, II o'clock, tlis- well paving and most elegantly fitted Liquor and Cigar store. .>-(7 'lib av., next door to Ragle theatre; cliAiico soldotu oilerod; sale usrcinptvry; trad* incited. CITY KK.iL ESTATE POli HALB. Central. ATTKXTIOE ok luy :ils IS SPECIALLY CALLED in three Uousea uuaoid of tbl .1 nrot cI*-? and auperior llouaua. ou M?.li.n ?? and Ib-tn ?t. (Lenox lltlll. built turner the aupervttion B. W Hucklay, aidiitMII they are per/ret in a<??igii, Dinah, drainage anil ventilation. Apply to imMA M preniiaea. A ?11 BaBT 4>D ST., ~FOC K AT' A It Y" M V. 01UM SIS IS .'Y .Ilouae, brown Dion*, bay windows lu I root, Uar4 wood finitil, at .t bargain to prompt purchaser. Owner, A. LUSTIG, at W.tiUiU'j, II Maiden lane. 4 N EXCEEDINGLY OK AI it A 1ILK FOUR ITOSf MlC Haideuce in 30th at., near Para av. blurt, in perfect order, frescoed. 7 Mirrors. Gas Fixture* and''ban ueller.; a bargain to prompt pureha*rr. y. IC. I] EVEN -v.iN. J r., 4 1'iue and I'd Kaat 17lb at. nIcxtka iput coRimi Mfeuiid on ijmjfd place. Willi fill.) Stable attached, in complete order tbronghodt. for tale tow. V. K. STF.i KNSoN, .1 r., 4 Pin* it., or XI East lTtli at BCsTnEMH KUr WHO ApYERTMR flHOl'LD CONSIDER Til IS PACT, THAT UiP. Ai HAL CIRCULATION OK TIIB EVt.NI NO TELEGRAM I- LAKOBK THAN THAT OK ALL THE NEWT YORK EVENING PAI' Ba COM BIN Ell. THE CIKCL'LATION OK TIIK KVEXING TELE OKAM KOK THE WEEK EN UI NO saTURDaV. A P it 1 f< 7. 1S77, Waa AM FOLLOWS - M outlay 44.<i*0 ADVERTISING 2uc. A LINK. Tutaday 4)J,'i'?? ADVERTISING Jt'C. A LINE. Wednaaday .. ..... 4t>,M.7'> ADVERTISING HOC. A LINK. Thursday . 11,31) ADVERTISING 2UC. a LINK. Frldrty .... 4S.150 ADVERTIBINO 2?C. A LINE. Maturday 40,:mo ADVERTISING HOC. A LINE. Tutal 3B2.UDO ADVERTISING HOC. A LINE Dally average 47.114 BAM4W OK >4IOAl?l JMOJPOO TOVk HToitY brnwu .tone Ilouae, near Madlaon av , fur fHl.ujo. MARTIN Dl'NN, 202 Hrnadway. ITOB BALE?0 WENT 58TH NT., aft KKKT. Fol'H atnry high tpmp brown ttioie: Urtt cla-v in aoMtraatiua, condition and locution. P.LI An 0. HltliM V, owner. Ho ><?v ?au ,t.. or 0 W eat .Tilth at. ? EMIR SALK?HOCm'km IN OftTH HT . KRTWKKN MADI. eon and 4th ava.: purllrit frnnt, four story brown ttone, cabinet fill tali. witli I'ier Olattea; alii be mid clienp. JKNNlNOS A BROWN, owner* and bulldtra, on the prem lata. FjiOi MALE?TWO'"FOUR STORY It SOWN BTONB llouaea, with illninu room exteiieion. near Madiaou nr. Inquire on premlaea, A7 Kaat .Villi at. ~ r.l (I ST., NEAR MADISON AV.?FOURRtOBI BIOH I /? intonil bniirll alnno Unlive. t'H'l.la11 BARTON ,k WH1TTKM0RK. Hal Hrnadway. corner Pine at. ftTH AV.'-SUPERIt n"'.W FI.'Ll. Sl/i.D EXTRA, alon Dwelllntr ; also 29 Well 4*lli ai., lull sue. near ftth av., both to bo told to-day ut IH o'clock, at III Hmud way. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr . Auctioneer. RSKIt. LEX I NO . . . . I nor decided bar Kama. LIONEL FltO Ell Lll.'ll, 7SH 3d av il e E/tn ?4BTH ST.. 5TII AND XAUISOIf AYR."; ?iPl F.brow n alone Ilouae; perleet order; leave hold. Owner. HU7 Weat Itsth at. Runt sliif. At a sacrifice-one of those elegantly furniaheu private Dwellings in lOilt at .near Lexington av.; cuhiuet, ZlT'lLt.. I.i?2tl3d av. 801 tS?"| / ? iiiUi FOR HANDSOME CORN BE, LB XI NO <3)XUaVrtFl/ion nr.; iiinet bo anld: otaer IjlOB SALK OB LEASE?V A LI ABLE MANI FACTOR iUK Property, attuato No. 3M0 Mouth at . between Gov erneur and Jackann at*., lately oecnpled av a ancar rellnory. being 7D feet on Mouth at. by 11<> Icet deep, running through to Front at. ; eubatuutial Inundation wall-, with large chim ney, togetlior with atenm holler-, ure now upon the pri-miac*; alao right to water front, wliero uierchnudiae can hu re ceived or delivered without expense or cartage. Tlila prop erty will lie anld or leased lor it term year*. or buildiug erected to ault tenant If desired. Apply ookrkhauskn brotiikr. M7 Wall at. T UBT FINI811 ED-KI. EG a nT TMBKB s"F)BT BROWN el ktone high Hoop llouaea, HI). 10 frout, lot hall tile block ; cabinet llnlah in parlor* and hardwood dining room-, in quire on preuilaoa. lUtli at., aouih aide, oaat of Lexlucton at. JUItN A G. Kl'DDI.LL. Bilildera. \lr'a-at Mlflf. A BARGAIN.?WILL HELL VERY CIIRAI'. A LARGE Ilouae on Hfld at., near 0th av. FELIX, room 1, 0H1 Blh av For salb?a tubrS story HIGH STOOP and lliiaenient Ilouae mid Lot ou Wcat ItUh at., all con vonleucoa. In firat claaa order. No. 1H4 Wcat IDtn at. For sale at a bargain-No. m wkmt UTII at. I alao HH4 Weal 4Hd at . 1411 Ka.t H4?h at., 37 Wcat 4oth at. and 331 Weat 34lh at. Apply to IIOMKR MUK GAN, H Pine at. IpoR sALK i,rSeap-thk neat mediom mixed three a lory high atoun brick Ilouae 117 Vi cat HHd at. Apply to owner on preinivua BSOR lAUMii WAH KINGTON ST. 38 KRBT KBONT, three atory hrl k ; a deairablo property; will ho aold to BomM estate. GKORGE H. PEtHIK, 178 Broadway IOT ON 8TH A v., ABOVE SOTH NT., 8UC10U, FOB Jaule. with biilliliiig lo.tu. BaRTGN A WHlTTitMORM. UMBfendway, corner Pine at. (JT. J aMKm'""KLaTM. BTlf AT. NEAR ftTTH BT.. Ocheap lor cash; tako tiuall ptace in exclianKe. Owner, HI >7 Weat 38th at. SACRIFICE KO B CASH-HO USE. ST A Hi. E, " F L L L Lot; enat aide Tbompnon at., bel.w llnuatoii. CltANK, 42 Kaat 23d at. North Side. For sale at a sacrifice-two finely lo c<ileU Lot*. 2-rfXlilO each. 1.13d at., between 3d and l ourtluiid ava. Addieat E.. box IS4 Haiata dRra HOBBLAND PLACE, "HUNrS "i'GIXl "' DBTOT; view Sound; elty; LVith at. . in arre plnta, for buildlBK; auiid for maps. OLIVER BRYAN. 22 Pine. A Mlwcllunrouk. V -HOUSES ON TIIK PRINCleAL AVENUE* AND ?streets fur sale, at decided barg.un> to prompt pnrchae* m M. A.J. LYNCH. 10 flu M. I/lOB SALK CHEAP* AN D ON EASY i'kkms-tknk X went II units; nix) aveuue Lois t? builder*. J-.LIAS (i. HBoWN,owner, ioNassaa st. I'poit KALK?TWENTY ONK YEARS' LEASE OK 1 Imir Lots, lutxlmi, (nut Wc.l i'.ith ?t.; brick sheds, stable mud utile# ; list tent waterfront with bulkhead ; rent Il.i'il. Apply to It. I*. HKIlKilv.N, lirj Mouth .'>th nr. TO IIL'I LI I KltS A PLOT OK LOTS FOB SALK IN A desirable lucatluu, with a liberal building loan. S D MACK. U) East Mill it. I1UOOKX.YN PROPERTY FOR HALE. JINO TO LET. A.'l'. ilTull HTOUP -?> I'Kl.T iliVll'k ItKMIO M K) minutes' walk Wall street ferry . #7.UUO; choapesl bouse lor money ever offereti. CONDICT, 'J.'i fine, ?TO LET OK SALE. A THREE STORY BRICK ? Kaclory on North 1st at . Brooklyn, K. II., with good enjrine, boiler, Ac ; rooms III fees high. lighted all nrouiid. K YOUNO, MM Scharmerhorn it.. Hrooklyu VLARMINu" MACRIPCK ?FOUR NEW iToTfAiTk ami villa House*. separate, ullb single or double lots; splendid location ; well built. cualiug $J, am to $.>,n*i each ; w ill bo sold at host odor, regardless ol cost. Inquire of Mr. HPICEB, CaTath at., uear id a*. Brooklyn. I [YOB SALK AT A H Alto AI N oil TO LKT-SIOIth and Dwelling, near Kultou ferry, Brooklyn; price $l, u?l; rent >5<?l per year. COOK, -? I' ? ashlli ulon at , Brooklyn. ITIOtt SALK lilt TO ItK NT?A NLA f Bf ON It COT I AUK. w lib elnht lota : good *1 able and carriage house; shade trees, shi uhbrry, fruit trees and garden . Ju*l such a place as will suit an English gentleman, street cars within two blocks; within the city limits ol Hrooklyn; r,iit$.'esi. Call on or address MABCUM P. BLsToW, ljn Broadway (Equitable Itullelliiki . third door. /A BEEN WOOD CEMETERY' PLOT FOB SALK -T\| " Tproved, One location, and cheap. LAW.sDX, U Murray st.. room Li. Hoi sks and part* op hoi hem, Rao to Ms* to 141 Bedford sr., I.VI to l'.s Keep st.. nil to 'X*t Broadway; first class houses; two-thirds mile to terries. mq lkt (Thkap?in auiuitHM op brookltn, L House and Harden. Apply lii Bleerker -t , corner Woosler. New York, or J B. KINli, 1,11111 Pulton at_, Brooklyn. WBHTCHKMTKR COL'NT Y PROPERTY FOR SALE ANU TO RENT. T VONKLKS.-TO KXCIIANCK PUR A CITY IIOlslL west side, two vefy neat Houses, Irno and clear. J A VIES YOt'MANS. Aketil, Yonkcrs. T YO.NKKKS.-FOB SALK CHEAP OB BEST, fully 1 uilushed, splendid House on Warhurton av . near depot. jAAll-.H YOUM ANS. Agent, Yonker*. A I TAKKYTOWN.?fO LKT, HANDSOMKEt M nlalied, all <-onvenlenres, the I rrye House, :*> Kourns, corner of Wushliiifton aud Ilopeysler sts.; cheap reut; im mediate possassioii. VTTABBYIOWV on the RIYKR RANK ro LET. luriiishad. the hrick House and It Acres In garden sul lawn; high, very healthy, cool place; elegant views (ip>) season. IP-kai lor year. r*. KNBhltsON, corner O-'ititlih as. V~T TA if HYTO W N ON HBOADWAY-TO LKT. PIN EL? J\ luriilshed. all coaTeiiiences. a beautiful House; tine In. ration, cheap rent. Apply on the place, to II. M. TALL M A IhW. Houses to lrt?near trkmont drpot, twin. ly fourth ward, elevated pr nurd. Owner, MKLVIN IIAl(ll. io Brekinan st mo LKT?LA ROE MANSION AND SI' RlfOI'N |)i Nil X croumls, suitable for sliininer bnaidera; also Karm, I >? acres, house, bams. Ac ; bnlh near city. )'? Willlaiu St., room Ik, mo LRT LOW on iikiii m, mokRImaNIA II 1 llootns over Clock A Boyd's .try coo ls siore. sultshle lor ?Iwellltiif or miIIIns-ry ; splendid location. II. I' HI-. OKAAK, Bowery National Bunk JKIISKY CITY, IIOIIOK KN, III IMOV AMI BF.KUF.N HEAL ESTATE. For Sulr-. T.VIII HALE ?TIIRKK LOTS I.N JHUSKY CITY, ON I Morgan st., helweun Washington and Oreene sts,, line sue lor manufacturing purposes. Inquire ut III Bay st , Jersey City, or al the office id slll.Whl.L, WlNSLutV .? CO., No. M Front at.. New Y'ork. To Let or Lease, nOl'KH IN IIOHOKKN TO LKT, WITH THE 1M. proveinents, at a month. Apply to L'BKtlKB BROS., 24 .Newark at , llohokeu. N. J TO LKT?IN WKMT IIOHOKKN, TWKN'Tv MINI TEN Irom terry, horse cars piss door, a three story hi -h base tin-nt modern house; elegant view nf river and bay ; (o'ttailis Pi rooms, plenty closets; reut tUi per month. Inquire ol P. AYRLfS. Aid Broome st , (or particulars. PROPERTY Ol T OF THE CITY FOR NALE OR TO RENT. A FURNISHED HOURE-WITII li ROOMS, HOOD stable, large yard, garden, dock an I irult yard, on the west hauks of the II ii.lssMI, Just below Nyaek, near to Pin moat, refers to 411 Ttli av , New York. .-A. W CA.NFIt.ED \ HI'OHlA, L. I , 4U mYnutrh PROM PULTON ST* i\two Houses, 11 rooms each; ira?, water, range, furnace, garden and stable, rent RVil and $4<lO. Addi ess box I1M, I xeakers. N. Y. -FOR SALE. 1IOUSK AND LO I.N PL AIN FIELD, #N. J. - 10 minutes' walk Irom depot; splendid location; 1 price *4 ,."it?i; (L'.cSJU cash required; balance can reiualu. i Address I I S II I K It, lio X I V-S I I e , .11 dine, ? POULTRY FARM, NEAR BY, HOnD BUILDINON, JY'Jl) acres, lur sale cheap; easy terrus. OLIVUB, 1?U I LrvwUisgr.