Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,844. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS D1KECT0BY FOR ADVERTISERS. MKRALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.265 BROADWAY OPEN DAY AN'D N.OliT FDR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND BALER DF PAPBHB. AMCHHUKSTS-Utii I'agk?+th, 5th and 6th ools. ASTROLOGY?12t)i Paux (>it) col. BILLIARDS?Utm I'agk?Uth aol. BOARDERS WANTED?lav Pagii -4th col. BOARD AND LODOINO WANTED?t*f Pxo*-4th eeL BROOKLYN BOARD-Ut Pacx-4th col BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?1st Faoa-AU col. BURIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES-*? Pagb. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii Pagk-HUi col. CITY REAL ESTATE POR SALE? Ut PAOS?5tk oaL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12 th Page?5lh ooL CLOTH ING-12tu Page?Bih col. COACHMEN AND O a KDENEKB-IStb Paub?JU?coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS-2p Pagb?tkh col. COUNTRY BOARD?1st PaOB-4th End 5th col*. Dancing academies? 11? pagb?adcoi DBNTLSTRY?2d PAUB-Oth col. DRY GOODS? Urn I'agk?2d cdl. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UB Fl'KNISHED- 2n Page 1st and 2d ooIa EUROPKAN STEAMSHIPS?2d PAGE-Sib and.6th cola. BXCU KSIONS?1 1th PAGG-SdcoL FINANCIAL?Oth Pace. FOR SALE?12th 1'AOB-Cth col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2n Faui-2d col. FURNITURE-Uth Page?ltd col HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Pags-4IIi col. HELP WANTED-MALES?I2rtl 1'ach?51U ami Bth coll, HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.-1.-T Page?Jd, ltd and 4th cnl%. HOTELS?Iet Pagb?4th col. HOUSES, ROOMS. AO.. WANTED?I Itu Page-3d cot INSTRUCTION?11th Paue-OiIi col. JERSEY CITY. HOBORBN. HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN IIP. A I, ESTATE FOR S \LB-Ur PAGE-6th coL LEGAL NOTIUES-IIth Pagb?lid col. LOST AND KOUND-lst Page-1?icoL M aCH INERY?12tii pAGK-tlth col. Marble manteij-?2t> PAr.K-6thcoL MEDICAL?12th Page?6th col MILLINERY AND DRES-MAKrNO-Um PAO?-2d oil MISCELLANROUS-Uth Pagb?2d col. MUSICAL?11th Page?<lth coL NEW PUBLICATION'S?7th Pagb?6th col PERSONAL?lux Pagb?lit col. ORGANS, AC.?Ut* Pau??6th coL PROPOS\LS?lira Pagk?tlth col PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANfED?PEMALES? 12tii Page 4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?Iet Page?5th and Otb en Is. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?1st Page -6th.col. BKAL ESTATE WANTED?1st P/|?-6th coL REWARDS?Iet Page-1st col. BALES AT AUCTION-2D PAGX-dd, 4th and 5th eola. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEM ALES?12th Page-1st, 2d. ltd and 4lh coin. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?I2tu PAOB?tth and 5th cola. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st PxcB-lat and 2.Fcola. SPORTING-DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?lit PAU*-2d col. STORAGE-Htm Page?Oth col. THE TRADES?12tu Page ?ih col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAdB-lit col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d Pagb?6th cot. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? ? 2d Page?2il and 3d cola WANTED TO PURCHASE?IItr PacB-2d col. WATCIIH 8. JEWELRY, AC.-IIth Paok?OtUcoL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET-iet Page-5tl> col. WINER, LIQUOR"'. AC 11th Pacb-24 col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AO.-IOtu Page-OIIvcoL PERSONAL. COUPE TO F0LTON FERRY ?I HAVE RETURNED to city quite unwell and confined to houio ; must post pone elalt to Friday next, 11 A. M. 154. CLUBS?I AM VERY SORRY. MY DARLING. BUT IT ia utterly impoEaible. I cannot leave tho othce. CLUBS. c. I?LETTER NOT RECEIVED UNTIL THURSDAY moruluu. Call when cnuvenient. E. TO L.-THANKS. AM READY. WHERE 7 PN. IjlULTON FERRY STAGE?DOWN BROADWAY', WED neaday afternoon, about 5^; will the one of two ladlos , that had violet* on her velvet sacque, and uotlced gentle nan lu corner, near door, allow acquaintance 7 Address, It agreeable. Y. W. W., box 110 Heauld orticc. Fifth av. stage?Thursday, between s and4. from ferry to 15th at. will younger of two Udl js In lleh dnlmans please address In confidence;, RIGHT, Ilaerald Up town office 7 HJ. M.?WILL YOU COMMUNICATE. IN STRICT ?confidence, with J. U.. Brooklyn 7 All can bo aatlafao torily arranged quietly. IF MRS. MARGARET MARSHALL, WIFE OF ADAM Mnrahall, who, lour years ago or thereabouts, waa living at Mr. McArtbur'a, grocer corner of 21at aqunre, Markot st , Philadelphia, U. 8., ?111 communicate with the uuder lixued. she will hear ot something to her advantage. In eaae abe may he dead tho undersigned will leel obliged to any persou who will commun'cule the date ami place of her death. KIDsoN. SON * McKKNZl E, Solieiiora. SuNDKitxxNn, county Durham, r.uglaud, March 13. 1877. JOHN TANSLKY. HOOK BINDER-SEND Y'OUR AD dreas to J. W. DOVEDALE, box 11)8 Herald office. LII. O. MILLIKKN, OF NASHVILLE, TENS.. MORE ? recently ol the City of Mexico?Letters ot importance await you ut the Preutdi Consul's, New York city. ILLIE AND MOLIE?POSTAL CARD RECEIVED; J7*3U Friday evening. J. M. B. MD.-TELKGRAPH ME FRIDAY AT THE I)EL ?avan, giving time and place lor Saturday. Can't on ?ays mentioned; must be In city Saturday. Try. L. N INON?TUESDAY MORNING; LET ME KNOW where. . DIANA. kll'EH-UEIDSlhCK AHEAD OF EVERYTHING. ?RETURN HOME AND WAIT FOR A SITUATION. ? PARENTS. WILL THE LADY WHO RECEIVED CARD IN beer aaloon. 14t!i at.. Tuesday ereuinu. be klud enough to communicate address to AL1, Herald office! WILL THE BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE. WHOM UEN tlcman aaw on Eighth avenue car and afterward on Broadway, permit acquaintance 7 Address ADMIRER, Herald office. WILL THE LADY IN BLACK SILK A Nil MATIN, who crossed over Fulton fcrrv yesterday alternoun and left a liftli a'cnue since at 17th at., about ball-past 0, kindly address ,\. Y . Herald office! 58 10TII ST.?PLEA8E BE MORE EXPLICIT. U. E. B., box 124 llermd Uptown ottict*. LOST AND FOUND. PSTJyD?AN OPERA (, AT 81 EiN~VAVuXCCj Olo Hull'* farewell concert; aeat No. 1 1). Call or address W. .V. CARPENTER, -.'10 East 90th st. . L"T)ST OR ?TOLRN-PKOM KXI'RKSrt ~ WaUON, March -0, a Package marked -.Ml*. K. Heck. Now York;" package contained ? white embroidered dress. The tinder wilt be liberally rewarded by communicating with box 5,321 Pint office. Near York. T OST? KROM 50TH 8T. AND BROADWAY, NEW JJYork. to 'Jd at., Ilobokcn, a Ronnie containing some K-ench and Spanish books and aenie copy bonk a. 'Ilie par ton wbo will retorn to 4U and 43 Broadway, room du, will be rewarded. Lost?from Wh bt. by sixth avenue car to Washington Market, Ninth avenue car to Broadway and Fulton at., Madlaou avenue stago to 94tli St.. it blncg onyx Breaatpin. I h? Under will bo rewarded by returning the lamo to oil East 91th at. OST-A SMALlT u"oi .D_ "LOCKET, WITH TWO ;PIC tnroa In. hinder return to Urand Central Hotel bar. HEW A III)*. felTT REWaK> _ ro k'an ~aS ktVi SfS# KijmTLoSr (Pi UMonday evening, April 9. probably on Went 9th t.. Il not between Utli at. and hteluway llnll via I'nivrralty place aud 14th at. Return to Dr. CARLKTON, 08 West PtU at. (|>1 7\ KKWARD-LO~T,~ ON WEDNESDAY AKTER tPll/noon. ou llth av., near 98th at., a Scotch Terrier named Nellie. I lie peraoii who returna the dog to 100 Weat 8Sth at. will receive the above reward. An"e reward?lost. on tiiukSday. between and lltlth his , east side id Madlaou av., a gold (Jhatelnine Watch and Chain, with four Charma. Above re ward paid liv returning to ill Mudisnu av. A.N, ?FECIAL NOTICES. ?150 TO 900 PERT UN'NORTH SIDE OK PlKi! 40 .North River to rent. Apply at the office on pier, JOSEPH CORNELL, Superintendent. ATTENTION!?TWENTY YMAI18' PRUSSIAN IIOS. pltal experience ; dlaeaaea of men a apeeialty. Consul tation free. Dr. JACOMY, IH1 Uleecker at. A" "ThtTvs (Esf7\ni.ishId~ 1 5Bi~ lavv~ a n ii~5;r?r7 lection Agency, 9 Park place.?Collections made all over the United state.. ?parks, emerhon a co., ? llankera and Brokers, 190 Broadway. A. ?TUROUORE Z.CIIOCII. Havana Hanker and Broker, 99 Park row. jg MARTINEZ M CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall at. (baanment), buy and aell Spanish Bonds. Spanish Ueldand Havana Bank Bllla; drafts on Btflti Issued and netotiated. Divorces speedily obtained without pub llcltyt desertlou. Incompatibility, other t ansse; having aunsnal advantages success assured : advice tree MIA AO U. BuVCK. Lawyer, 907 lUuadway. PI8BA8ER OF MEN. RfcQUIr7n(J~SKILEIL" AND euntldeiitlal treatment a specialty. J. JACQUES, M. 45 East t'tli st., near Broadway, New Yurlt. Office hours. 1(1 till 1! and 5 to 8 I*. M. DISEASES oT .MKN A SPECIALTY. IIKnKY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington av., near 29th St. Otllcv hours from s to 9. DR. WEST, 45 IILEECKKit ST., NEAR BROAD way. ? Extensive Loudon hospital praetice. Consulta tion tree In all complaints. >pFs? "cocoa? E1 (Breakfast). Oratelul, eouilortigg. "By n thorough knowledge of the natural laws wliloh govern the operations of digestion nml nutrition, and by a cartful application or the Hue properties of well ssieete i cocoa, Mr KppH use provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many beavy doctors' bills. It la by the Judicious use ol sncn articles of diet that a constitution may bu gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendencv to disease, llttmlreds of subtle in iladict are Moating around US, ready to attack wherever there is a waak point. We mav e?cape many a fatal shnlt liy keeping ourselves woll fo, titled with Cure blood and a properly nourished Dame."?Civil Service asette. Made simply with hulling water or milk, lu packets aud tins i1. Hi. and 1 lb i labelled JA.tlES KPPS Ji CO, llumrroputhlc C hem lit, ?8 Threndneedle st. and I7<> Piccadilly, Loudon Depot III New York SMITH A VANDKKUKK, Park place. Kor sale by all druggists and grocers. Ijl I,BCTK10 Hftm~]FoTFEEM A I U R11>IbTlITY. SltJentlemeit, call or send lor circulars. Dr. K A1111, 892 Broadway, New York. "ink rye wiTiskry-kourykarb oldT'e* i>Ib gallon, gl pec large bottle. R. VAN BKIL, 88 Chambers si. F SPECIAL. lOTllSS. FOR"&fOUAClf.' I.IVKK OK KIDNEY GISKANKs". Hum HKOUGHTON 'S Invigorating hyrup, 25c. Advice tree 4K. Broome ?t. J~ CLUTE ~A C67, ' ? Bankers anil Brokers, 300 Hruailwar. EKVOUS KXiTaUHTION.?MEDICAL ESSAY, comprising a aerlaa uf lectures delivered hi Kaliu'a M? arum nl Anatomy, Mew York, ou the cause aud can ol pre ?nature decline. showing Indispii-ably ho* Inst health may be reguiued. affording a clear svu. p,,, the impediments lu marring* anil the treatment of nervoua and physical de hlllty. boiuir the raault vl 20 yean1 experience. I'rlte 25 rente AOUreaa tha author, Dr I.. J. KaHN, ufliva aud reaidaure .".I Kaat loth at. .Mew York. Nervous exuaOktiosT and dimordbrs "in ilnced b.v it. II. A. UaKKOW. M. D.. 122 Fleet at., cor ner Willougbby at., Brooklyn, froia tt to 2 and Iront 5 to 8 P. M. To""the" afflicted~-7mmkdiate SUCCESSFUL treatment, frutn whatever enuse, la aaaured at the othce ol Dr MAI'ItlCKAU, So. I2l> I.lberty at. iWWl ~J dukk a CO.. bank Kits, 42 .OUYJ.I/YM/..Nassau, corner l.lbertr. N. Y. Span ish Gold,Silver, Havana Bunk Bllte bought and aold; Ha vana i'rlae Ticket, raalted. <J>1 (WW) ?JACkSUN k OU.. BANKERS' iTi.tWo.UUU.arj Hroauway. Sow York. Royal Havana aud Kentucky I'rlae Ticket, euahed. SPOKT1N tt?DOU t?, BIRDS, T7?"0ft 6 DIFFKBE Nf KIN Ug~61T6 KtKlifSG i Birda aud Fancy Cages. 40 Weat 4th at. _ IIORHE8 AAD t'ARRIAUEB. AGcfroNTlolSK OF V^TTABdhl-I. k KEaKEEY 110 AND 112 F.AST 13T1I HT.. NEAR 4TH AV. REGULAR SALES OF HOKSF.H AMD CARHIA0K8 EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every hor.e that la warrantou round or klud and true In harness Irom one to threo daya la nlvan to teal warrue taos. CATALOGUE OF TI1I8 DAY'S (FRIDAY) BALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. FAIR VERY STYLISH ROAX GELDINGS, 16 HANDS high. 8 years old; klud aud true tuail harneaa;lree Irom vice; Ireo.prumut driver.; uut atrald ol Elevated Railroad, locomoitvea or any thing; have line high knee action; du nut pall or lug; are aate for ladies' nao ; excellent single driver, and line .addle huraea; they are the property of a gentleman who la leaving the country, aud will be aold without te.erve. Alan a very One art Double Harness, made in Paris, aud STAN1IUFK KHARTUM, MEW IN JUNK LAST. AND COST 81,400; BUILT BY BKKWbTKK A CO., OF BROOME ST. FAIR DARK BAY IIORAKS, 10 HANDS HIGH. 10 year, old; klud and true in all harueee; tree trout vice; have been used to acarriago in the city lur the paat three yeara; arc Iree, prompt drivera; afraid of not.ilng, aud ure aold on account ut the owuar going to Europe. Set Bite douUie Harness and LANDAU. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION; BUILT BY WOOD BROTHERS. FAIR BLACK GELDINGS, 10 HANDS HIGH, 7 AND 8 YEARS old; kind and true in all hartieaa ; free from vleo; Iree. pruuipt aud game drivera . alraid ol nothing; good aiugle drivera, aate lor ladiea' ueu; ere all-day travellers, end ero warranted eouud. Also sot double liarue-i, nearly now, made by McAnliffa; Blauketa, Livery. Whip and LANDAU, ONLY A FEW TIMKS USED; TRIMMED WITH GREEN SATIN; BUILT BY KILlaLX A CO. THIS ESTABLISH MEN t IS THE PROPERTY OF A LADY LEAVING THE CITY AND WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. VERY HANDSOMF. PAIR BLACK MARES. 15?* HANDS HIGH, 0 and 7 yeara old: kind and true lu all harueaa; Iree from vice; bulb extra .addle liuraea; prompt. Tree drivera: well broken ; single faat trav eller. : alraid of nothing, anil are warranted sound. Also aet double llarnoaa, nearly new. and CLARENCE, IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY DUNN. BAY HORSE, SIRED BY MAMHKINQ PILOT. 15>* HANDS HIGH, 0 year* old; kind and truo In all har ness : tree Irutu vice; call trot iu 3 mtuuiea; Is alraid of nothing; aate I'cr any uno to drive; Iree, prompt aud gauey; baa groat bottom, and la warrauled sound. HANDSOME GRAY GELDING, LONG kULL SILVER MANE AND TAIL, lb% band, high, 8 yeara old; kind uud truu In all harncaa; frea lioiu vice; verv stylish; an extra roadster; vary fast traveller; la sold tor want of use. and 1* warranted sound BLACK TROTTING GELDING. SIRED BY MAMBKIXO PILOT, daui a lull blooded BLACK HAWK MAKE WITU A RECORD OF 2 rill. 15* hand, high, ? years old kind aud true lu all harueaa; free Irom vice ; trot ted last spring in 2:41: can beat 2:50 to-<lay; in lair condition can ueat 2:40; aafe lor a lady tu drive; le afraid ol nuthlng; well broken to saddle, and Is war ranted sound. BROWN MAKE, 15? HANDS IlIGII. 7 YEARS OLD; KIND AND TRUE in all harness; free (roiu vice; a prompt, putney and alylt.h driver: dona uot shy or pnll: has great bottom and endurance; ik well broken tu saddle; Is u perfect roadster lor geutloman', use, and la warranted auuud. BAY HORSE, 15 HAND. HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD: KIND AND TRUE III nil harueaa; fren from vice: has beeu used by a lady : u free, pruiopt driver ; afraid of uotb lug, and Is warruntud sound. SOBHI'L HORSE. 15 HAND. HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD; KIND AMD TRUE m all barue.a; free from vice; very atyiiah ; lias neen used i.y a lady; la aale lor any one tu drive, and la warranted sound, PAIR VERY STYLISH JET BLACK HORSES, 151* HANDS HIGH, 10 years old; both axtra saddle homes; very atylisli aud gamey drivers; ean trot lu miles an hour with ease: are line single drivera; do nut ahy or pull, aud are warranted anuml. BAY COl'rE HORSE. HI HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD: a very Iree aud pleasant driver; lest traveller: alraid of nuthlng; safe lur any one to drive, uud is war ranted kind and true. VERY IIANDSOMr, VICTORIA. KQUAL TO NEW, TRIMMED WITH GREEN MOROCCO. BUILT BY BKKW.VTEE k lO., oF IIKO'i-ME ST.; t LEG A NT COUPE HA It MESS, BY HKMAK. ST. NEARLY NEW: SIT VERY FINE DOUBLE HARNESS, BY DUNSCOMB, SCARCELY SOILED: two elegant Livery Sulla. Quarter. Blankets, Ac.. AO. BROWN MARE inedi,ree at-aiei. 1<L? IIA -DS HIGH, 7 yeara old: klud and true in all harness; free Irom vice; a prompt, gamey driver; alraid ot nothing; can trot in2:5osure: she nuly need* a little training tu make a very last trotter ; has a Hue, pure, open gait; needs no boots; la well behaved in company; la aale for a lady tu drive at speed, aud U.warranted sound. Set Mngle Harness and TOP WAGON, IN GOOD ORDER. VERY II ANDnOME CHESTNUT SADDLE GELDING. 15'4 hands high, S yeura old; has irteat power aud substance and extrauruinary hot lorn aud endurance; I. one ol the tnost at> llah saddle horses in the city, and la warranted aouud. BLACK TROTTING Gr.LDINU SONOMA, FOALED 1S71. bred by J. Cnsiek, of Keacuuvtllo. Ky., gut by Kden Gnldduit. darn Lucy Printer, 15)g lianas high; klud and true In all harness; Iree Iroiu vice; a gamey prompt and pleasant driver; has great bottom and endnrance ; showed a trial ou a hall-mil.- track last June a full mi o III 2:44has been driven by ladma. and is sold <m account of the fltiaiieiul embarrassment ul the owner ALSO TWENTY-FOUR FAMILY AND WORK HORSES. Particulars ill catalogue. CIRCUS WAGON, In good order, on plntfurm springe CLARENCE. IN PERFECT order, built by Duun. LAN DAU, elolli trimming, by Wood Bros. Victoria, in gund condition, by Adams A Cues. T Cur., by Wood Bros. Four-seat open i'taeetnn. by Brewster. Exten sion top Phaeton. Uoekawuys, Bench Wagons, Puny Phaeluiik, tup. side bar and full spring Wagons; Sulky, nearly new. Elegant Doable and Single Harness. VEBY FINK KNGLL-.I1 COUPE HARNESS. Blankets, llobes, Ac, SALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. A." .8. W. BAKKKH, AUCTIONEER. BY OKIllilt of rlio AMERICAN i XFELSS Company, WILL ItK sola < n WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18, at 11 o'clock, ABOUT TWKM'V KIVE head of Uorea*. AT BARKER A Hon'a CITY AUCTION Mori uml Now York Tattaraalla, CORNER OK Broadway and It'.'th it. ON VIEW the morning of Mia. An enormous bale op HOBS JtS, CARRIAGES, PINE HARNESS, AC., THIS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. Thit sal* la tha moat Important that baa takan plaea tbla aaaoon. A PINER LOT OP STOCK WAS NEVER OFFERED AT (INK HALE. HER ADVERTISEMENT UNDER THIS HEADING of VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY, Auciloueera. A PARTY THAT BUSINESS CALLS PROM THE city for an Indefinite period tnuat dupoae ol ilie fol lowing; property, regardleea or value ?A atyliali chestnut Gelding, one of the m<f?t r? table broke liorna* for a ladv'a aadille or driving horao lu the country; the fart trotting .Muro Lady B.; can tret any tltno better than 2 :40; all war ranted In every particular: alao a aide bar top Road Wagon ; a high wheeled pony Phaeton, by Wood; Single ami Double llarneaa. Blanket* W'hlpa, Ac.; tho above wagona and liar nea* new thia apring; alao foar-oeated Phaeton. Mutual Club, 138 Weat Slat at. LAR(IP. AHStTltTRENT OF NEW AND SECOND hand Carriaeea of all atylea at lew pricea. conalating of Coachua, Clarence*. Lendaua, Coupea. Vlrturlae, 4 end tt ?rat Itockawaya, top and open < oad Wagona, Kxpreae Wagona. aide apringa. Skeleton.*, Salklea. Ae. WM II. Glt.vY, 2U and 22 Wooater at. A -HARNESS I . V. HARNESS!! HARNESS!!! ALL HAND MADE. BUY OP THE MAXUKACTURKK, K. MARTI*k IT, ? W a KItES M r. (,p|- THittCiC PIIAKION8 .Second hand, tho huluiice ol my damaged atock of Car r<agea, void low to cloae out. IIAM. tk'sl Hiuailwey. Larue stuck ok my o wn"m a KB or CAR* Au A laaea, Kockawaya, Phaetone, Buggies. Depot an I ha pre?a W'ugoue fur sale at manufacturers' price- or l-"> per ccotutl. UROtlE. MB Canal. IMKPOT WAOOB, NEARLY NBW; ALSO A PII4K tun. t.ugllah maker, in good order, lor aula low. Apply at private atable rear of 20 haul 37lh at 4 GENT I.EM AN'S COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT J\ for *ata?llorae will ahuw forty, aoutid and kind ; Hrew eter aide bur top Wagon, Dunaeomb Murueae, all aeaily new. Apply at private *tal>le>, %Ml Kaat Mill at. 4 ?poll SALE, TWO MORSES, TiIE PROPERTY OK iiiaaldm: 'die I* It) heuda high, ti veara old; a good lamllyor huainasi llorae: the other ia l.G, handa high, d year* old; la :? gtmfl driving or aaddle llorae. and I* \ ery eneedy end kind . can he driven by the tuuat timid peranu : they aru warranted round In every respect. Apply Metro politan Stahlea, Croaby at., near Bleuckor. ?fflfe RUBBER CUBIIIOXBD AXLE. ?a moat iiiiportnnt end valuable improvement, securing a greater degree of aalety. comfort and economy, and assuring more accuracy In running than ever before at tained In carriage building I am now applying tint up proved Improvement to old ua well ua ue* ?><nn* und car rlngvs. W. PRANK DUSr.NHUHY, IK and 137 Chryatie at PULL BLOODED KK Sll MILK AYRSHIRE COW lor aule? Mllka 25 quart* per day. dot Kaat 13th at. a handsome- Landau LET, movable glass JVlroul; light Brougham. Six seat Park Phaeton.auperb order; no offer tefuard. 131 Weat 33th at. A BARGAIN.-HANDSOME TOP BRKWSTEH IM proved apring Wagon; ael fine Road llarneaa, hardly aolled. 131 Weat 33th at., near Broadway. . ?FOR SALE. FOUR HORSES, SUITABLE KOIl 2\.termor or any buainea*; warranted, three dare'trial allowed; pile# 1430 to IllU, No. 38 Uleeaker at., near Bowery. HORSBB AMD r AUK 1 AC* EH. flTdfjOM ' (IK AH('II JOHNSTON." in. 21. 2.1 Md 25 13th ll., near University place. OLDEST BSTABLISHKD AND MOST KKLIABLB HuU.sE IN THE CITY. KEG ULAIt SALES OK lloRKKS AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND KKIliAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. 34 hourt to three days' trinl un horses warrauted sound. THIS DAY (FBIDaT) AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT OOI.DKN SI IUl(EL KENTUCKY HORSE, 1*1 hands high. 7 years aid, tired by Ueueral lay lor; ha* jfoinl open guit; Is vory ?tvli.N and showy, aiiiiele or double; Is uol afraid nl a locomotive or anything else ; Is alio a toon roaoater; la a good, free. ipirlteil drlter, of ureal endurance; anyone can drive lum ; baa uol a fault or iriek of anr Bind, and is iu every respect a thoroughly reliable . horse lor any use. mid warranted ao iud LIGHT CO (JKB, cloth and tallu lined, by brewster. of 25th >t. EXTENSION TOP BAROUCHE, la iiood elder, bv W ood llmv CROSS-MATCHED TEAM HOUSES, bay and brown, 13'a i.amis. (1 and 7 yrnrs old: kind In ainicle mid double harness; freo from vice:shave been used iu oily and cuiiniry; are uol afraid of anything; any one can drive tlietu s are irood, free driven, ef great endurance and are wairanted sound. PIVE-GLASS LANDAU, In good order, by Looae A Williams PARK I'llAE I ON, In irood order, by Wood Hroa I'ONi ESTABLISHMENT. HANDSOME SOKRKL POXY. 12 band* high. 8 yeare old. was Imported Irem Cuba br tbeosvuer; Is kind lit sil harness aud under saddle: has not a s ee or trick ul unv kind: partectlv infe for chil dreii to bandlc, rids or drive; in every way rull able, and sold only for want of use: Harness. Ac.; also MINIATURE SULKY, built to order, bv LonK A Silsby. KULL SKEl.K'loN WAGON, lu good order, by Conse. CHESTNUT SOKKEL TROTTING MAKE Sorrel Mary. Amerlcau Star stock. 15lianda, H vaars old: kind In all harness . free from vice ; bae trotted lu 2 :40, and can tret in 3 minutes to day ; baa good, clean, open Kail; not a fault or trick oi any kind; In every way reliable; warranted eound. SIDE HaR KG AD WAGON, 1b good order, by R. M. Stivers. NEW BKICK CART, sold lor account whom it may concern DAPPLE OKAY horse. I5i{ hands high. 8 yeare old: kind end true In all Immune: True from vice ; good close pony built: is fast and stylish ; uol atrald of anything; e good roadster, needs uo whip: in ev rv war reliable for any use and warranted ?on nd. EXTENSION TOP CABRIOLET In Rood order. STYLISH CANOPY TOP PONY PHaB'ION. nearly new. KITE TOP HOAD WAOONS AND POUR PONY Pll * ETON'S, to be told to pay advances and charges. TWEN ry-ONP. other Horses, description time of sale. Larue assortment of every kind of CARRIAGE, waoos, harness, rokes, whip. Ac. Weuthei- never Interlerus with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. J^ -SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. A light Coeeh, with high wheel*, of our make, with panels and vlast for winter ana curtnina for summer, avail but a few iliu ?. and posl'lvely as good as uaw; coat $1,000; a moat desirable carriage lor summer use. Light Landeu. In splendid order, of onr make; bat high wheels, aud Suitable for country; coat 93,100; will be sold low. Iiandaulet. newly trimmed and painted, our maka, sad light, cost 91.71?I. and wilt ba sold low. Windsor T Cart tor fast driving, our make, used but a few times; weight 300 pounds: Is deal ruble. J. B. BREWSTER A CO., of 35th et. AKAMILY, GOING TO EUROPE, WILL SELL AT~A sacrifice two family Horses, one extension top Phaeton, Pole and Shafts, one I'ony Phaeton, one top Bugg.v, douhlo aud single IIartiest: lior*"S, it and 7 years old 15 aud I5>? high: warranted souiid and kiud: good road Borara. Apply to couchmun at stuble 12S Kail ltitli st. HANDSOME COW~ AND CALK,"GREAT * MILKER for sale. No. 5 West 13th st. ' LARGE H0R8K,"nu7taBLR PUR HEAVY WORK, for sale cheau. Peed store, 131 Sullivan st. A?POUR HORSES, SUITABLE PGR ANY BU8I ? uets. at half value ; allowed three days'trial. Inquire at M South Dili av., near Hleecker (blacksmith shop.) ?THREE HORSES. YOUNG AND SOUND, SUIT ?truck, grocer, Ac.; also Busiuets Wagon. 11 Heater st. A BARGAIN?TOP BREWSTER IMPROVED SPRING road Wagon; also beautiful top pony Phaeton: single aud douhle Maroon. Prlvatu stable. 35 East I2th It. A" RAUKIPIOB?30 BUSINESS WAfJONS. ALL SIZES, UK) to 9125, for express, grocer, batcher, baker, milk, depot, delivery. 896 Spring et. A" ?ONE OK THE MOST "STYLISH OKAY SADDLE ?or Harness Horses In New York. 1 5 % hands high; war ranted sound and kind. No. 5 Wost Uftii st. A ^-GREATEST BARGAIN BVEB OPFERED; 9000 .for gentleman's complete turnout; dark bay llaititile ton Ian Mare L idv Emma: record 2 :'I7; H years, I5)fj hands; warranted sound and kind; elegant Windsor top Wagon, single Harness, noarly new: also very handsome chesinut Mare by Honest Allen. 15J? bands. If years: trots in 2:50; black Mare by Daniel Lambert, 7 years, l.Vj hands: tr ts In 2 :30; hoili warranted sound and kind; olie full spring top Wagon, Robes, Blanket- Ac. Will tell separately; -old on account of tiuanclal difficulties. Private stnble, 0 West 35th at.. Brit door from 5th nr. By JOsRPIl K. WKIUKRT, AUCTIONEER.?HI-J,LS llila (l?v, at 10 o'clock. aliarp, at 113 Barrow at.. near Greenwich." alxtaen lint*, young and aound Work llor?e*. amiable lea wagon*, farmer*. any buainoaa; among tb?u are three heavy Team-. ?ult*blo any bualueaa; alao Truck*, Exprca* Wagon and Harnexa; and the ahov* are good sub atautial work hnracs and round aad worthy the attention of thnae wantlug horaes cheap, a* aalo I* punitive, without re nerve. Beautiful top piiabtok full spring huoot, nearly new; muit aell; no offer refuted. No. 50 Will 10th at. Beautiful sorrel'mTke. suitable for pont phaeton; excellent under saddle; ladr can drive ber; alao road Wagou and Ilarnoaa, cheap. JEWELLER, 796 8th av. 1'jUSIN KM. I X U It ESS, GROCERY WAGONs. HRICK I'Curt*. Butcher Cart, new and old; all kind* cheap. 208 Kant 29th at. CT AKuTaOES ?WINTER STOCK AT COHT: RI.RHaNT J tup Phaetons, 5125; Boggle*. (120; Itockawaya, $115; Juuip-aeat Buggies. Depdt Wagons, 8c.. Ac. JOHN MOORE, 37 Warren tL D AM'S RECORD OF 2:37>? Roan Cirldlar, loVj hand* blvb, 0 year* old; aound and kind; very atyllah; not atrald ot ateam vara, and last arrived from the larm where he ?*a foaled; will trot aa laat at hi* d.n with a lit tle driving; can be aecii at the Belmont Stablea, Ilewea at., between Kedlnrd and Myrtle nva. Free dkivimi. sound i.itii,i: m ark!-(35! kx prcaa, (25. 11 Janiea slip (boot store). For sale-four very handsome pairs you no Carriage llortoa, 13>? to 10 handa: bava, blacks, brown* and cliaatante; all warranted aound anu kind. QEO. D. l.EIIN. Easlon, Pa. OR BALE?A~LIOllT~D0U~liLK SKAT ROAD WAGON, Rrewaler, of Broom* at., maker. Iuqulro of coachman. It l'.aat 27th at. For sale?a pair" bat carriage horses, 10 hand* high. 0 and 7 year* old; kind and true In all har neaa; good aty'o and good travollera; can trot in three minute*. Inquire, three day*. K5u Broadway. IpoR SALE?ONE DUSENBUKV Li OUT BI'tloY ONE ' light C .rrrall, one single Ilarnoaa, one doublo Harnett*, one Pole in perfect order; to lie aold at great aacriflce. Ap ply to BRADLEY A CURRIER, 54 aud 50 Dey at. FOR HALE?COUPE HORSE. VERY STYLISH: PER. lectly sound and kind; It) handa; color hay ; can be aean at at able 12 Weal 44:li at. Inquire ?r JOHN ROIRK. EjtOB SALE?A WORK HORSE. SOUND AND KIND; owner going out of huaineaa. Apply 160 Weat Houston. Foil TaLE-ICE ANIT gROCER WAtJONSrsingle and donhle Truck*; Stablea aud Stall* to let. 18 9th av.. corner of I3lli at. TJHJR SALE BROWN MARK: SOUND AND KIND: 10 r year* old; Depot Wagon and good Uarutaa; price for alt, (2<at. Call at 119 Eaal -HRli at. Byitit HALB-HAY IIOUSK, HEAVY BUILT. HUITA ble lor truck, grocer, farmer, any bualneaa; muat cell; no work. 2'.dt Weat loth at. 1.YOR 8ALK-A TWO WHEEL DOG CAHl', ALMOST r new, built bv Krewater. of Broome at ; a landau aud brougham Harness, but little uaed, made bv Wood lilbeon; alao very tine HI handa dark bay llora* ; young, aoued aud kii.if Private atalile, 28 Enat 36th at. FNOR SALE CII RAP?IIOR8E, ItT"HANDS! WaR ranted aound. (75; team Canadian Marea, 15 handa, little amo; price (85; Exproae Wagon. $49. Call for two daya. 052 Hudson at. I Sob sale oheaf?a coupe" In uooii condi* Hun; tharlot atyla; la tba moat comfortable kind of car riage in Die markut tor any one who atudlea tbelr aaac. Ad di*a? MoW., Herald ???? hYINE BAROUCHE BY B WATER-LIGHT AND IN ' good order; two aula light double llarneaa, one aliuoat n-w. by good uinker, covered mountinga. other braaa; one canopy top Kaakct Phaeton, with rumble and pola aud abaft*. Apply 13*1 and L'iM Kaat 4lal at. HI BRUMS LIGHT, double." ">35; SINGLE. (11; Repress. $20; Farm, (25 Coaed, (-AO- other atylea at l..w.-I prle-a KilIN MOORE. 57 Warran at. ]' ANDAUs AND LANDAULKTtf! Jallb Imported tup leather, morocco and clotli llnluga of the Uleat deaigtia A. s. Fl.ANDKAU, 372 and 374 Broome at. (old aland of Hrewater A Co.) ILK KOUTfL HOKnE AND WAGON FOR MaES Apply at 342 Kaat 11th at. P. COLWKLL. M STABLE (OR PARI' OK) TO RENT; NINE S I A I.LS; o image rnotu lor two oitabliahiiicuts; roouii for coach - meo. 17 Weat 44th OTA BLR TO LET-FOUR STALLH. BOX; AMPLE CAR Oriage room ; apartment* for coachman a family: avary mliveiilriii 0 : alao Part of atable, 125 Weat fiOth at. OTAHLi AM' HLACKSMITH MIOP, .SOUTHEAST Ocorncr 39tb at. and 7th av. to let. JOHN ti. WENDEL, 79 Maiden lane. rii t.AKIS or LONDON STY LBS, WITH SPLIT HAT. 1 aupcrbly Buiabed aud In faaliioiiablv color*. A. S. Fl.ANDKAU, 372 and 374 Broome at. (old stand ot Itrewater A Co.) rpo I.ET TUK STAB LIT"*;). 149 WEST 29TU ST.. KK I tween tlth and 7th ava. : atall* lor tour horaes, carriage room and good accommodations for coachman and fnmUy. Al-o the Stable In the rear of 143 Weat 2!Uh at.: alalia lor three bur*, a, carriage room and room* for coachman and latnllr Inquire at 143 Weat 29th at. or at 48 Weat 25th at. fjlU LET-THREE sT v II EES AliJolMNii; TWO. SIX 1 alalia each ; one, three alalia; room in the three for ten carriage*. No. CI2 Waal I Bill at. TOP SIDE BAR WAGON. VERY LIGHT, FULL HEAT, bnlit to oroer, beat cltv maker. In complete order, for aula cheap. Inquire Lautb'a atablo, 581U at,, Madlaon aud Bill aia. TIT"ANTED-A HORSE. ABOUT I3*? HANDS; MOST TT l.e ante f. r lady to drive ; price inuat he low. Arldreaa. with lull particular* aud prloe, S. \\ OLSURT, llerald Up town ofgee. WANTED?GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT. IN EXCHANGE Tr lor new Piano, aelectad from manufacturer'* were rnoma. Addrea* II M'.RIS, box 112 lleral.l office ANTED-3 COUPES! IN PERFECT ORDER AND cbrap. Addraa* D. P. A CO., Uarald office. w HORS?? \\u rviinuoKii. U FASTED?SlNGLi-.' KuvD nit TUAfcK IIAKN'ss jtood order, Ini ; ?. UllXUI. bo* 374 I'm llw WANYBD-A STRICTLY NICK LAUt'M ?a 55lX "or,**l ""ll l*?t? ?ud rum ultbuui pulling; ore "f about l-'i nanus prelum* I; Hi a 11* [i uti'iilur * anil loeest pric. AJnre -j II. A., uox 1.443 New Vork Post office. .- horh em-suitable fob any lumtinii ant ?Jlriul ipiv*? 11; no fair offur rrbi-nj 3 I7!>th a*., milk depot. 41 #UI?worth nta ? plhkdid piiaitoxTTokt ?I" L? I" "ami Harness; .all ladles or children; side NadJla, Livury Suit. 307 West Mthi. NEW AND SECOND HAND UAKftlAUlS w' "" IRoad vv airuut, Phaeton* and Express Wagons tor Iklt At BARKKK A mi V of Broadway and 3!Mh it. iOuA FOB A LKWT UOVri, 5 Hitsl i.LTss ?F?wU? ' urd"r ; Ho fur a Doueio Harness. Apply private liable 4 hum .'lath it. DOZEN WUIPf, FROM 36 CENTS UP. KJ'JyJ I lis greatest bargains eiri r ulU-red. If you waut a "good Whip'1 ai one tliir.l pro.* buy of . TUfUH JOHNSON. M Liberty ?t. 4 11 in will buy a pair or uooj> yubnacAi ?F~t" ' A'riago Horeee: inuml und kind; double or stogie; ti.Ill for waul of use. on luxMlDt of ileutU ol owner, PRI VATE STABLES 1117 West 37 th it. __ boarder* WAITED. r'HLoC'K I AST ok UNION SQUARK.-OFNTLEMKN ran bo accommodated w illi llouitl iti*l plei.auul Kooitli table bouuton tnltoii ; tonus moderate; house has b eu thoroughly renovated. 133 Bail I* til 11. 1 block, ok Washington syuabk.-furnishkf> Itoomi. with good Hoard. 130 Macdungal it., corner Won 3d. I II ANDSOMK TUTKD PLOOK, " WITH ALCDTB, i lparily furuiilied, to let. with Hoard: elnitly or euentM; I delightful location Leitmrtun av. and &6lli it. Addruu j AMERICANS, Herald office. A>I> FLOOR FRONT ROOM TO GENTLEMAN AND wife o** two u'eutlemoii. with Hoard. HO Ollntou place. 3 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED R0OM8, Ft i. *io. iiv fur two; good table; references. 414 Wott 33d it. -Til AY. 741.-KINK IDIOMS." Wil li HOARD. AT ? /moderate prlcei;a delightful lutuiuor reiidruco; refer ence a. r.T 11 A v.7?:0 KN KR 10TH.-SUITS aKD BOOMS FROM t/May, furnished or uulurnlihed; private table or Hoard. Apply 33 West 33d. -TII \V.. MB.-NOW VACANT. NIOKLY furnished ? Jsult, Parlor anil Uodrooni. third Hour, front, with or without private table , large fourth lloor front Kuem; from May I, two clegantl* furnished Floora, parlor aud eccond; Urn clan private table: reference*. 5TII ay.", BELOW I4TH 8T ADVANTAGEOUS AR rauoeiuuiiti cuu ho made lor lulti of three or nx Rooms. | furnished or unfurnished, in the spacious double bouie 46 &th av. Private tables rni av.. hi.-handsomely Turkish ed parixiR ? /and second story Suite, each replete withe very conveu eoce for o lainily: with or without private table; deiiraole Koouii for gentlaiucu ; satlsfa 'lory term* for perinaneul ar rangements; highest relertuce*. - TI r_A v.. 361. - F U K N fs 11 KU ROOMS, TO ORNTLR (Jtnen, with or without Board; ternie tuoderate; no moving. PER WEEK?OOSKY HALL "ROOM, IWITH KX eel loot Hoard, in imall family. 33S West 43d et. "I f\ WAVKItL?i" PI*.V(HL NEAR BROVDWAY. Lt "Front Rooms, 413, $11!. for tan. with Hourd; tingle. $7; transient, $1 60 a duv ; table board. 04; itoain heat. T/l KAST 33U HT.-a SUIT OF FOUR ROOMH ON J.t/ieconi| lloor, with or without private table; alio Room on fourth Sour. $7 HTII ST.. 317 KA8T.?WITH HOARD, DOUBLE AND 'tingle Koomi, well furnished, terms moderate; up moving. th HT..-347 wmrr.-S51 raule front >001 on third door, to let. with Hoard; a large closet. 14 ?sr., 68 WhST.-ROOMS ON SECOND OR THIRD ?Jetorlee, with Hoard; references. 19 20 22"* TH ST., WEST. 4HU.?OOLLBUR HOTEL; FULL Hoard, Irom p . to fs per week; alio trami -ots. MT., Vf EST. NO. 246., BKTWEK N 7T11 A ND 8TH awavs ? Furnlihed Rooms, with Hoard; do moving. 97 WKFT 3STII ST.-TO LET, WITH BOARD, TO sal i gentlemen or gentleman and wile, second and third floor Kooict. ??1 WK7f 30TII ST7, HKtTvkTiN BROADWAY AN_D OL5th av.?A tine Suit end single Rooms to rent, with Hoard; elm a Parlor Kleor, lultable for a family or flrit clan nuyilcian. Oil WEST 33D ST.?HANDSOME SECOND FLOOR, Ouwiunuy Pnrlur and Bedroom: almi two third flour hall Rooms; running water; unexceptionable Hoard. '.{/? EAST 20TH ST. PARLOR FLOOR:" ALSO 8E0 t)Uond Floor: ample cloiuti, private bathroom, with private table ; or without board; reierence. Of; CLINTON PLACE?A FEW GENTLEMEN OR O' Jmarrled couple rau And excellent Booms and Board at moderate prices. ?To EAST 29TH HT. -BACK PARLOR AND ROOM aD e /Ojolnlng, suitable Tor a physiciati, will be vacntud 1st of M*y; aim* ore on ?econ I floor, can bo hid before the 1st of May if desired, ?!lh tlrst ciate Hoard; reference. ORION 8QUARR. ?FUBRXBHRD ROOMS TO LET, with or without Hoard. 40 djl" IRVING PLACE, OPPOSITE WESTMINSTER 7r"/llot?l. ? Furnished Rooms to let to gentlumen, with or without breakfast. J 1 ""EAST"3firtl ST.?A LARGE ROOM, ON Till ?71 second floor, to reat, with Board; would suit two gen tlemen Ti WEST 0TH ST.?SPLENDID FURNISHED FRONT T", with Hoard ; recrptiun Room, suitable lor phy sician's office; hall Room: alto arrangsuieau made for summer; referenree. II WEST 4IITH ST.?SECOND FLOOR FRONT ROOMl *T Lwito flret els Si Board, fur gsutleinan and wile; hal Room, third floor: prices low; rslerences. EAST 21 ST~8T.. Till I RDFLn >R ?TO LET, WITH all Hoard, large and single Rooms; reiereneov '? 7 Clinton PLACE.?EXCKLLKNT BOARD AND t I nicely Inrnieheil Rooms to famlllee or gentlemen; terms moderate; transients accommodated. eT35~WEST 25TII "sr., NEAR MADISON BQUARkTI ? / 1 Elegantly Inruisiied Salt ol Rooms: private table If ro Uiiired; nl?o pleaeaut Rooms for geullomeu; house, table strictly first class. 42 CI BAST HIST ST.?PARLOR FLOOR, WITH LAUOE ? ) I cloaota and oilier cnavenl-ncea. with or without private table: ala? other Kootna niter the lit of Hi/; unexceptlou ithle reference* given and required BAST 341" jf S r.. TUB 14K OOOS3" V14OM PAK K av.? Dcalrabte largo and imall Itoorna, with Board; reference!. j'??? WEST 44TM.?SECOND STORY PBONT BOOK; JLtJaJthreo eloe-ti and walor; location and tublo ones, ceptionablo; lunderato to permanent partlii. 1 - O WEST 4STII ST.-P R1VA TK~KAM 1LV IEAvil X>'< twohandkoniel v furnished large Kootus, wltlt iiourd. itaferancet exchanged. <11 r. EAST 941H ST.?ONFVRNISHBD, WITH BOARD. I ? fthier IliHini', communicating, together or (operate ; private family; terina low. noo EAST HIST ST.?A WIDOW LADY WILL aG commodate lour lady boardori; taruti, $4, modern Intprovetnenti. * 2. 1 v^ainglu. lurnlahed with now and handsome fuiniture; liral claaa tut/la; reference! e.whanged. ?1(|7 WBST lufli ST. ?A I'l.KASAST KKONFroOM, O'i I with Rood Hoard, In a nrlvutn family. oT(i wk.vt Kto sr. in private family. board, ? ) T '"pleasant Room a, homo coinforti; Una locality; prloa 15ARTIK8 IN SEARCH OP FIRST CLASS HOARDING areeniuiouatlnna ahonld call at SANDS' Hoard Directory, 1,192 Broadway, room B. V1TANtIH)?YOUNG MAN ABOUT IS TO ROOM AND fv b mrd toirrtliar clieapnr; bait nf raferencna Riven and required. Ad lroaa OH An Ll 14, I,.'192 Broadway. TVTKST 2STH ST.. BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TB AT& Tv Private family have handaomaiy (uriiihhod Konmi to let. with Hoard : rofercncea cxehangea. Addreal I'KRJIA NHNT, box 1UU Herald Uptown office. BOARD AMD MIUUINIi WA*TKd7~" *T~"TiLNfLililA^.niTS^fKir'AN'll TffKEfi^Kftni JVdeorc Board: three bcdrooma; must he Woat ol Loxlng tmi and Kaat ol Sell av.; willing to pay 4:1.1 a week lor llrat elaaa accommodations. Addreaa box 1,1 ID Poat office, New Turk. ~i LAROK ROOM, PARTLY FURNISHED, WITH Jvlloard or gentleman and I On ?ona. one IH, the othor LI, at ??1 per week ; location Iron 1 -4th to U4tb at. and from rtlli to 9th a v.; beat roferencoa exchanged. Addreaa PROMPT PAY, box 114 Herald Uptown office FRENCH OBNTLEMaN would i.ikk rn hoard Iii an A inerlcen family ; teriua mnet be moderate. Ad dreaa D. W., i>48 Broadway. New York. A.S tor tin olttce, with Drlvilor? of parlor; tcrmi not ??xce?sl $10 per w*?k; private family prifirrtrt; loc.itn.n between 27th mid ia'itb ?t*. : rtler?ncn oxcbftiitfed. Ad dreas DOCTOR, box 14.? I let Aid HrAnch office. Hn.villi W A .NT K D~?KOOlff FU If JVUSKKD OR UNfl/? nithod, suitable for ptiyfciciMti, With HoArrt. brtwreti HHh And 30ih itx ABd 3d mid 7th Avi ; not more then $10 per we?k, AfiUren* MKI/H'l JS. Herald officii. 1 ih-TuiI> HOAKt) i-'OH J.hSl'LKM AS, WIKKXsb I /two your old child, between 38th end ffc!d ??? wni of 7th av.; private Umlly preferred; reference* r\ hnnsodi tormfl mi uai be modi*r ai c. Addre?e, with lull drteili, A. C., 227 haul Hfiht it. T.VO <?K NTLKM KN < K ATI I I'll AND~ 84?N? iitttilKK, IS 4 quiet family, two comlu,table uufiiriiMietl Ho true wuvro tbey ceo board: locality between 4<>th and tlOth "t*.. Kent; ati lRrM?lito lAtnily preleried; n pertimuent home luoko.l tor ; icforeiicoH exchanged. II. II . llcrulU of?tcrt. Wav! i n v. i r 11 hoXkd; a m o kkiok Fok a fiiT ?lcinR ; 3tth st., between HUt end IHb eve., preferred. Address f*HVSlt)I V.\, stetiou K. TV A VI KD?PoK iientLKMANTwIKB AND 'III j: EE TV children. voo<l plain Hoard, nue Room, with ha!l Hooiu edjnlnluir; tloth tolKlth et,,3dav. toStlt. Addreaa 1'. V. M . Herald Uptown Branch. \r a ntbd?on a Vrhnoh FLAT, BY a QOlif v v pcrly, a hnndaoim ly lurnisbcd Room, with Hoard for ladv only . private iiarlliia with n? other i.oardcra dcairod. Andrcaa I'RINCKSS, Herald Uptown office. HOTELS. A"T new h.soland 11oi ?t.?i.CtliuTfi(f.~6o cB'SfWt UDo light Rnoina, equal to any lti?tclae? hotel; for pen tlonien only ; weekly, to 4H. Corner Howery mid llavard. 1 -60 $a ROOMS FOR $1 PER WID E: 96e, SN., AaSOc per day; gentlemen, famlllea Erenklort lloui', ?l>ri William at. BROOK LY N BOABD. ?L'c TWHrTWrNi?ATl A>lftY."KRW STTni iks v la M/lroni Well and Snuih lerrlet ?tiandeoinely furuietn d Koomt, with Board; terma moderate. coil NTHY BOARD. BoARi/Erfis \Van teS?TSTa KSWTcoSPoKlfAsirX larin lioo-e. modern Iniprorementa, ga*, Ac., no the norm aide ol Long lalaad, 2i> inilea from the city end live inilea Irmn llie Hound Ihoan who prefer a quiet, comfort able home through the amnmer would ao well to couitnuui eele with WM I*. TITI'H. Old Wnetbury, Long la)and. / 1OO0 COUNTRY BOARD CAN HK HAD AT A FARM VXbonae oa the Erie Railway . ahant d j mlnutoa Irom olljr. Addreaa LL P., box 222 Jleraid office. COL %'TU V HO A H U. BIVEK.-KIXg SITU \ lift*. tlUlll *roun<l?, cnrdsii. Hiblsi, meder*** itnpro* uuitnfs, i't?> ton wutsr; JO Mi nutes out. IU from U*?imi. utrm? low. Ad ? r#?? 0. D . t\*rI Washington. Call uu N. S. VIMNG. 1K> i'e-? r 1. J > \ US \ I U.S. ? KIKS'I (I.HSS AC( ()V Xeievstsd Mill hi*. lthful location; no mnUrii ouituts; fine drives, bmint, buttling; p.cttu e.<jur tctusry. Call or addrea* W <1.. 4.? East 334 ni. DUTUK DK 41 HI NO COl.'NTKV BOARD THIS HUM I mer should send their address t-> our office ami receive in reiuru list# will* full rnrticuiftrs of ?uiinbii puces. HANDV HO a it l> DIUKOTOKY. 1.HI3 Hroudway. room 3 WANTED - BOA HO Foil COt'PLK, 3i MIMTr.S out : ft?hiiig. shudy grouuds; terms, Addioss 0 K G., llcr.tld I'plowh illit v CITY KKAb KHTATE KOli 1ALR. Central. Y* exceedingly DESIRABLE FOUR STOUY re*. /Y'dsuce iu 3hth st.. itniir I'nrk uv. 34.(1*55x4^ b'ock. at p.-rtuet oidcr. frescoed, 7 Mirrors. (K*s Fixtures uud Cl.uu Uvliors; a burgui-i to prompt pun-h tt?cr. V. K. SI'KVENmoN, Jr., 4 Pint and .'13 East 17tb st. ATTENTION oK BUYERS IS SPECIALLY CALLED JY t?? three Houses remaining unsold of the 5 tirst <1.4-? oid superior Housts, ou Madison av and tWth ?t. (Lenox Hilt), built unuer tlis sutiervUiou of K W. Buck ley, architect, tiis.v are perfect iu design, huisit, drainage and voutiiulioii. Apply to owner, oti premise*. \N EXTRA SIZE CORNER DWELLING ON IKYING place. wli uli lino stable sttiM'lied. iu complete throughout, for sale low V. K. SI'EVh.NSoN. Jr.. 4 Pins st., or 33 East 17th st |/um SAI.E?HOUSES IN *kvrii ST., BETWEEN MAUI 1 sou and 4th itv*.; portico front, four story brown ?tun?, cabinet liuUh, with l*iur Glasses; will i.o hoIU cheap. JENNINGS A BROWN, owners sad builders, ou ths premises. I^OK SAKK?AT A Gil HAT SACRIFICE. ELEGANT I lour story high stoop brown stooc House on Ma lison hv., near Tilth m.. entrance to Central Park. JOHN C. WIL SON. 1.417 3d uv. IOT ON liI'll AV., ABOVE &0T1I ST., 25XI0U, FOR Jsale, with building lo?u. BARTON A VYII ITTE MOKE. 106 Broitdwuv, corner Pino st. TO BUILDERS.?FOR SAKE CURAT. THE ONLY two Lots left ou 57th st.. between 4th and Lexington avs. Apply ll?7 East 57th st. $15 500 r4"? sr*,r>1-M AND mauisun ay's.; ?lie House; ported order; lease hold. Owner. 307 West 66th st. CI 7 (WWI ~KOK SAKE, NO. 38 OKKAT JONES tpl I |UvU??t.. near Broadway; JOxtU); four story brown atone ; lot 100 feet. E. 11. LUDLOW L CO., No. J Pino st. East Side. 4 SPLENDID INVESTMENT-AN ENTIRE BLOCK J\ brown stone Store Property, on a leadtmr avenue. Mar leui; pays iO per eeut; cash needed, $10.0UU; no second mortgages ou the property. M. E. CHASTO A SON, Harlem Bank. LNoK SALE-CO I TAG E AND LOT, 773 3D AV. ; GOOD U location; $8,UUU. OWNER. 1,334 3d av. POK .SALE CHBaP-IIaNDSOME KOl R STORY hrowx stone House 1 <>7 East 37th st. (wide street) ; built for owner's use ; partly or wholly furnished if required. Ap ply t* above, before 10 or alter 3. JUST FINISHED-ELEGANT fllKKK STORY BROWN stoiie high stoop Houses, 30.10 front, lot hail the block; cabinet tiulsii in parlors ami hardwood dining rooms, in quire on preiulsos, Blth st.. south side, east of Le.xlngtnu av, JOHN A O KUDDhLK. Builders. $5. 000, -72 IIK.NKY SI'.?LA1UJK DWELLING; by Improving 15 per cent. Ki LAND A WillTINli, 5 Heoktnan *t. <j?7? (t|Wl ?HARLEM?THREE STORY BltlCK H1UH i?'),UWU,,t,iup; niud.rn lni|irovem,'iin: cusli riutuiii.r will pet a Uarualu av au Iuuiiuiim' aacriltvii II purcliaaed liu niadlaiely. KULKY, 21 Park raw. ruum IK dbl (I ||(W| -NKW TIIKKK STllUY AND BaSKMKNT ?IP L V/," M t V/.btuwu .ton.; bay wiuuuw. (artUllcj. No, II '. I.a.t Ul.t at. $10 500 Jfll*,,ENDIU OPPORTUNITY?i:.l KArtT IMHIi at.. 2d auu i.c\ingtuu av.,, thrne itory And ba.amuui brick; e\cellcul condition; tcrm.aaay. Writ Hide. At less than i'OBT?a west ?th st, the only "no ofolubt new House* unsold In tliu block; built by I'oro.llu* O'Kclllr. with oxton.iou; el.irautly UnUliod. A BARUAlN.-WILl, SKI,I. VERY UIIKAP, A J.aROK Aiu ? ? iYlliiuso on 23d it., uour tilb av. PKLIX, room 4, 021 Olli itv. For bale-in west astii st.. near bth av.. a four .tory Owclliov, 21x42 laet. In lino order; prlco #10,1*10. K. II. LUULOVY A UU.. So. 3 Pino >t. IIOR SAI.K OR TO UiT-TllK PIKST ULAA8 FOUR .tory lluuho 220 Wo.t bStli at. Kor particular* apply to owiicr, 151 Went 2Stb *t. UT. JAMKs1 KLAT8, tfTH AV NEAR r.7Til ST.. Oclioap tor ca.b; tak. tmall placo in excbanKO. Owuor, 2i >7 WMt Nil *t. rnu uIn r-TBS SIvlusidK HOTEL, on iliK Hul) 1 .on. at i'arniauHvlllp, Now Y'ork; alio tin* family Man ama of tlx* lam Richard K. Uuruian. on tlio llurlcin Rivor, near 11 Itrlt Bridna. luqutre of JUS. P. Uu.NM'.L, J40 W?*t 31.t at. North Side. For hale at a haokikiok-two finely lo c.ilnd Lot*, "Six 11/) oacb. lfaJd at., balwnau Sd and t'ourtlaud av*. Addra** 1., box 1H4 ll.rula cilice. SUMETRINU NoVKU-' Ul N l'H_PuTnT." HOME land placa ; asrp Plot*, ttalda .l.oii. lor Koutleineu'a city raaidoiice* ; uaaiar than 424 at. ; map*. ULIVER BRYAN, 22 Pine. dt.T/WY ?ITALIAN VILLA," KERUKN ' PUINtT LA *?U" 'vj.touretta place; lucky man pot* It. Owner on premiaea. JaMES WELLS. Miarollaiirous. A RARE CHANCE -FOR SALIC OK LEASE, A NKW, elegant, inlly lurninliad three atory brown atouo Bouc, In pi-rlecl order; hent location and neighborhood on upper om i of the Uland, * lllilu two imniiiei of depot: will .all low. Apply ?t No. 52 East 12tRli at. (St. J nine* placa). MlOOKIaYN PKOPEUTY FOR BALK AN I) TO LET. A?TO LET OK sale. A THREE STORY It KICK ? Factory on North lit at.. BruoKlyn. K. L)., with pood engine, holier. Ac ; room* Hi feet high, llRbtod all around, b. YOUNO. 38 Schorinerhoru at. Brooklyn. Houses and parts of houses, #220 to $1,400. 135 to 141 lied fur ,1 HV., 152 to 15H Heap at, 344 to 35o Bio.tdway; tlrat clan* houaen; two-third* mile to ferrle*. TO LET IN BROOKLYN. ON TIIE HhlUHTS-IIOUsE No. 20 Monroe pluco; rent low. Apply to AUCiUSl l b CRU1K.SIIA.NK. fit Hroadway. dltfWI A YE Alt?TWO srOUY BROWN HTONK. 10 ?P'j' '' "room*, &50 UorgLO at. RULANO A WHlTINtJ, 5 llaukmau at. A WKSTt'II KWTK1L COl'SiTV PKOPEBT1 PMU HALO AM) TO RK.MT. * T Yo.nKKRn.-IIOI SK WITH 12 ROOMS; MODEUN j\liuprovi-tueuto; garden, fruit. Ac. ; only $B""; former n ut YOUMANH. Agent, Yoiikern, MaUMFICENT ITALIAN UUTIAUI AT IPCYTUN Duyvil, II minutes from denot; lilNsni; bouse liuily turulaued; oil conveniences; tF7"> per mouth. fOTTKIl HlOTIIKKS. 4 Warren lU TTKNTI () N. - IIO U 8 K :UI WEST 43TH bf.. FOUR story; <>p?n till let; cut title out; also farm, HO acres; \> bit! I'litiue. I I Went Houston it \T UXSIMUNili o.n HARLEM IIIVKit_UBNTLE 21 man's Keatcoiiae, lull}' and elegantly la: nlshed; ga?, bulk, laundry; leu. green. carriage houses unil ?tablet; K! "Ores land: lejiii teet trom depot: rMt, 9I.2K); alto adjoin tut;. 11 >t I u ?nlshed Kcsideiico. l'l rooms; bath, lawndry; ice ?ml carriage houses; two acres land; shade and fruit; 4'kXJl II. W. COATK8, ft1 ; fine at. fTotsritv mansion to i.k'Fxe .wTTltK M ON fT 1V ' Jarrni. fruit and ab <oe treei, harii aud ontbouaea; bouav .baa 20 roonaa, Kiia throughout. da luijulre of A. II. OltOTE. lit I'.oat 14th at. IJ10R 8 ALU-BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY KRUDKNOH, 1 Itye, Weatcheater cuiitity; good bouse, born, carnage house. hennery, all iu good ordor, wltb lour acrus land. Owner. K. HoNN'EAC, 174 Centre at. 1>ropi:kty i'uu balI in nkiv roiK-ar Jamki . llYLAND. Kordliam. One'tuarter ol Ita value ; cbancea lor any one wanting property. Apply soon. JAMES IIVI.AM). Fordhnm. rpAltRYTOW N. - BEAUTIF iff, TlOU8K; HOT ANDUOLD 1 water; all conveniences; H arrca; plenty fruit; to rent ?rielU CtPAHTKIOOE. 121) Brood si. rno LET Kl It.MSHEO 11 LOOM COTTaOE, TARRY J. town ; rent inoally board ol 1 ne perann. Address Iter. J. K. ALLEN, Tarrytowu, or C. II. OLIVER, IU2 Hroad way. New York. .1 Kits K y CITY. HOBOKJBH. HtnpROH A\l) ?IMBi BUBAJL KSI'A I'K. "" Por" Halie# J TOR SALK.?THREE LOTS IN JERSEY CITY, ON Mnrg 'n at., between Waaliingteu ami (Jicem- ata.; Que ?tie for manufacturing purtmara. Iu<|-.Ire? at tin liny at , Jersey City, or at tha oflicc of 8TILWLLL, WIX8L0W A CO., No. 8 front at.. New York. To Iart or Leaat. HOl'KH IN HO BO KEN TO LET, WITH THE 1M proven,not*, at $A> a mouth. Apply to CUEVIER HltOS., 21 .Newark at., Iloboken, N. J. PILOP KILTY OCT OK THE C ITY KOU HALK OR TO ILK XT. VSTOIIIA, L I.. 40 MINUTES FROM FULTON ST.. two llonaea. 11 roeuiaeacli; gu?. water, range, furnace, garden and atoble; rent CTiOU and HUU Address bux b.>4, ) oukera. X. Y. T -KuTTiALK. HocSE~ANlTT/l r IX f LAlNF IELi>i ..a. N.J. 10 mlnnlea'Walk Irvm depot; aplenuid location ; price fd.fiOU, $2.tJU0 cash required; balance van remain. Address CASH I Kit, box 178 Herald ol'.ice. it nsw BkluiifoN.- fii hent, DKLiaiiTrcixr _'Y situated Dwellings, furnished and uulitrmshed ; gar dena, atabiea and every eonvenlence: neighborhood unex eeptlonable ; clieap rer.u. JAMES VI. TAYI.IIIt. I1, flue at. AT EU/TaHK I li.-fb ItENT, BEAUTIFUL DWELL aYIng, with groanus, on South Broad at.; every Improve. went; plor and mantel minora : runt low. JOII.N HULKLKY, 47 Brood et.. New York. COHKY FRENCH ROOF HOUSE] KENT IAJW 10 ault; near depot; Irull, eltado; Sundlnrd ?v., Flushing. WALK fill, lli> Broadway, mom :)4. OREAT BABOAIN. ? llol'SK. six ROOMS*, t Eli lar. garden, good water. ID mile* from city, et Utile falls station, Reunion llraneh, X. J.; Rfa) annually; k.t acrea additional lor poultry if required; cent low ll party will Imprnv. . OTIs T. 1KDKLL owner, B7 Keel lath at.. New York. A rULLY YURnTsUEU ITALIAN VILLA* RKSL JV.denen of the owner, and In every way doirubla. for lull particular, address OWNER. Stamford, Conn. AN EXCELLENT HOME foil Raxi-LEXS THAN hoar frinn City Hall; accessible half-hourly; lm aliou high, liealtlilul; water.gsn. Ac.. Ill rnoma; large lot. terms LVD t, 1 eat iti Mnali<|uurteriy payments little im-ra than rental, thus making your rent purchase a homo. f HILIfS, 24.> Broadway. AT A SACRIFICE -Xr. AC UK FARM j t;t?;il? BUILD* Inga, truck, Ac.; IS miles In Jersey. D. CHALKY. 12i entreat. AT WKSTKIKLIl, X J -ON CENTRAL RAILROAD, A fralen Hnuae, wiih ten roomi; baa water 111 bouse; also atabiea attached. The above house has been tho roughly overhauled slid la In splendid ''"minion, live min utes' walk Irom daput. Apply tq UKORfJK tioHFHKY, Broad at , WMMMMs X. I. A" t fuINFIKI.U, ?. J.-A riNR IIOCSE r'o i K T. plenty ot tbade. large flat aaa stable; rant $4ua id Ltbarty at,, room IB. PltOf'KRTV OIT OK TIIH CITY VOK NUE OR TO RKSr. i^HAN'lStiOUr. XH.r i:jrrv.h. KI.IIT KOOMKt i\ pardon, Iiult. Itower.. ftuo water view; three in I Bite* limn North Shore tirr;, tilaiH Memi. creel berrnla; easy terms. UaKHiN. H/ Hrm'ieijr, IjtNdl.EWl III? AM> OUANHK tN. .1 eP CI A LTV.? U.teuta. tully ICrui. ir l.-'Sena. tr? hurcaina fur eale. HAMILTON A Vi Pine. i^soi.uM n. i. for Sent. wkli. furnishedx I Ja very tin- atone M melon; ml improvements: hern ; ttve ?ere* plenty fruit ui.d elietle: _.">?! garden. ItOHtlAM A JACKkOX, ?f CLARK. lit Hruedwuv, basement, room C, 7 i Ail RES; t.OUD DWELLING aKD uTTS i yuiliSiuKi; splendid fruit. Ac : near ?temford. Conn.I ? illiuio.ur pehn. 20s Wc?t34th*t. THIRST t'l.ASS HOUSE AT KUUNfg FREE OP I cual; lark' - dwelling, with atable and AO additional iula, cootitinluu building atone an hi lent to pay for the property, leaving U. U?1 auil elulii i<>t? cleerj no money required} aeutl lot circular, ltox M-'d I'oat other. .New Vurk. jUfltNftiHBD IIOCHK POH SAM!?AT HKD BANK, F ?it the Shrewsbury River: everything ready lor liuiuedb ate ocrnpancv. Por description inquire ef li. A. HUI.'1K> hllA.NK.'ot Broadway, Now Vora. "LAUUNIKIIKl? IIOISKS POK REST-OX FOUNTAIN ? Hill, Heliilehein I'a. : the moat ?iliibrioua region In Ilia United State*. Apply to TINSLEY JETER, Itetlilabeiu. P* iitoS sale- si:a ciitr on the central raII# road i>l .New Jeraey. below Ionic ilranclt, I lj liourt trim new York, Iwnverv aitperlor now and coin in dloua rmtagea. each I'o'itainlritf 11 rnotua,'d I lirunghoiil villi hare u uoda . hetlilnut, water cloaeta -tetlouarv waali tuba, hot and cold water, speaking luhea, put ptpea, Ac.; tronl directly on the ncenll and In llie rear joint itinl haa accea* t? a due park ol an aorca tddic?? YAKNAI.L A COOPER, ?Jill Walnut til ace, or ELUSION P. MORRIS, 31 .North "ill at , I'liiladelplua. I^OR-SALE?VILLAS ANIt COTTAUK8, AT FAIIU U mount. N. ?!.. -In innintea iruoi Now York: houaea built ou tlio Inttalincul atat? in. P'ana ami photographs at owner's, depot ?l Kalrtnount Ninacilca 164 otlt a?.. and at J. .-. WELLS'. IttI Hr.nulway. I/Oll nAlik \T A BAKU A IN?a GOOD" UT"a0k3 F Farm. with Block: near M rrivtown, S. J. Adr?s? box 481 I'uiti otttcc, Morrixtown, N. J. Tali) li sAl K ?Tu TO MONTKOBK, ORANOE, F N J , h vwrjr ?)o?lr'iblt? now Colt.ij?t? Hone. Continuing nino ruoun Aittl it 11 modern improveuieaii; 0140 hour trust city ; four minute* from htuiiou ; ftti tlret chts* neighborhood; tine view of Omiigo Mountain; ut**<ln only to he ?e?n la ttpproc.ntod ; term* eu*v. I'KTKR CihUUKKT. 32 Mnin ?l#. Orange, N. J. J TOR 8 AI. KfoTtRK NT?AT EL I /.A BETH. B. J., FIVj| new French roof IIuuhoi) nine room*; modern improve, moots complete; live luinti en trom mwiu depot ; price lote^ CllANE k <tl?ASBY. 221* iirothd ht. ]">?m S A1?K UK ru KK.NT VI 1 ?F. M A UKS l\ S 1 Northern KallroNil. a lirwt class tlono House, with al] modern improvements; high elevation; ice house QUedf Ptiibles, inr^e narueti un<l lawn; teruis ntodcrato. Applj \4 IM'FKK M RBiUi 2HU WashiniCton aU, New York. LNOU SAUK, KENT l?K KXOHANGK ON BAst r terma? l.ariro two atory Home, i iintaimnit 15 room*. IB perfect nrilor, anitabli- for a limitillne houee or countrv teat, mid ai nut two acrea of I.aud, splendidly located, at Rivera aido, I'ateraoii, N J . u-ar atationa on ktldlaud and ErtB rallwara, and ovrrlonkiua I'simiIc Kivcr. KOD.U A N A ADAMS. M Liberty at. New Turk. Ern KMslJKI) COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO I.KT-ONB 1 hour frum Jcrany l.'lty. t'ail or addieaa 3BS Weit33d at. H ANosoitkLT pliRMSHED "HOtTsrT AT itSEC wood; 14 roonia; alt improveinetit., billiard room. Ac. | v.'cll atuckod irardon. aiupm nronnda, Iruil and ahade; near depot: private family only; pu.aoaalaii any time; uae ef bora* low; hennery il required. I'tiutoaraiib and nertleu Imawilii SMIIII A TAYLOR. 78 Econard at, New York. House.?wiiiL rent 5Rs pkb monthi uouhfl AT Kluahina; ran, water, 11 toouia. Owner, LEAV1TT, 10 Pine at. Hotel pkopekty- kok male.-the united Sinter Hotel lit Ear Itorkawny, I, 1 . la olTcroil lor anl* until the 30tli mat. None lull prlncipala need apuli. \ili 11 a i. l. Mil.ill, 173 Henry ai, New > ork city. 1MMliVSK HAtlKlklCE !?SPLc NDIli r A KM, 4S acre a. In Uunkacouuty (the cardeu of Ponnsylvanla); one hour to Philadelphia, ailj >lnlnir a llouriahltiK towui Ovo llltnutea'walk to uoat onicn, church, aclioole, atorea, Ac. | atnootli. rich land. Inrim-d by machine; cuiumodioua build* iuya. coat over fil.OQO; liaud.ouie brick Manalwu. IHrooma; beautiful aliudo tioua: inaicuillcrnt barn; carriage, bog and rionltry Uonaaa; ahnudauce choice fruit; ddlictona water: ocnlioii uu*ur|i t^acd lor hoeltli. beauty and ilchneaa; will bo rold tor $U,6<A>; worth duuhle : tSJ.uUU cu*h required, bat* mice in alx voara; a huritniii lor aotne one. Take S;45 A. 4, train loot Liberty ai.. New York, via New Jeraey Oeatrnl Railroad, to llethlehein. Pa., there taka North PanuayL vimi i Railroad to Quakerluwu, I'a.; arrtvo be ore 1 o'cluckl can return i P. M. Inquire Buab lluuie, oppuaite depoE forO. L. WALKER. Mill burn Tullb, near oranuk-elp.iiant Reaidoiice, It) rooms, fui ulalied; hilllard room, batb, all Iinprnvemeuts; alublea. c?rdeiier'e liou.u, Uoraea, cartlogn, 7i> acrea, aereral hundred Irult treca. foreal tcrove; rank or aale. HAMILTON A WALLI.4. 80 Plue. .intolair. n. j.?handsome mansion AND lrXtirouuila; all (lie city coiireuiencea. 3<I7 West 38tb Ik ORRIS I'OWN ? KUKNISH KD AN D UNPL RNISIIED ou*ca to rent, tor the auuituor or year. i.'oNDIT, 25 Pine. ORANOE MOUNTAIN. MONTCLAIB.?TO LBT, XB# alone Houm. with all modern Imp ovrmenl*; hot and cold water supplied by spriiic Iroin iiiuunialii aide; 4 acres land; stable, r achhoiiie, Ac.; halt mile Iruin depot; house contains 111 rooms; inn ulUcent aitiiatiou, commanding as* tenalvo virus of New York Ray, Stalen Island and aur* rounding country. Apply W.M H. I'oWER, IMPaiarts4* Oranok. n. j.-tlF"let7 kent redmTed, Diitlw ably located llouao, with stable, two minutes from do* pot, rail or address OWNER, 105 (old No.) Grove at., Jer* aey City. ^ U B U EUAN HO USEE Ts THE ' CITY OF NEW YORK. Pamphlets de crihlni; new SUBURBAN QUARTES thouacauow ready lor occupntionl mailed to any address, DANIEL R. KENDALL, President and I'reaauror, 111 Broadway, room MX Mi m SI NO SINtl FLO Lit AND FEED MILL KOU SALE.-* ADDRESS M. CYPHER, SIN'ti SINO. C'H Til OKANUB~N. J.?KENT $000; BOUM. li Or imii.m : modern Improvements: *tablu, ground*, sullen j Ue, ot live minute*. uWNKlt, lUfi I*ud ollice, city. mo HOTEL MEN. The "M nun llonae," Glovereville. .V V., the beat paying eouutrv hotel In the Mute, L now out Iroui under the pre* bibilory law of the past lour >e*ra. and uau be les?eu by 8r*l elaaa parties bv bnyi .g the lurnitur* at nn apur*Dal| a ton|T leaae wilt be given ai a wry reaeonable rout. Si long letters ans wered. Nuuo but tint ulnae parties need apply to J. J. M VSON. rpo LET- V I'llorOGRAPH KITS STAND (STORE AND A dwelling) at NvecU ou tuo Hudson. Inquire ef C. H. CtlXOKB, 183 Nu?-an at. rro lkt-aMItyville, L i., "kiThnisiikd house} J 14 room*, good barn: one acre: throe minutee fruta depot. Photograph with J. K. SAYHK. 163 Broadway. rro LKT-iIoCnh fo booms, uakhlk mantel^ X wutor lii kltcheu. uarriage lioitto, poultry bouse. H aeiej at ground; nine mile* In Jersey, uear itatloa. WATSuX, til I'm It ituw, room >. TV, ou*-? I urnIah id for the aummor or yeir; rest lor eao year, S'JUO. Addro.e W. P., bos lilt PeekekJlL rpn lll'.NT?FULLY FUKNIS 11KD, HlitW KKN NKW 1 burg and Coiuwall, ou Hudson Kit or, Mansion: outbuild* liiH*, 1-1 aorta, Iruil, river vie at, Ac.: luitalile for goiille* man'* ievidence or I. rat class boarder*, h ull particulars, phulogiapb, docrlptlou. Ac., by addressing 1*. 8. UAlNEM* 77 liretno at., New York. w MJODLAMJ. For 1,200 Acres near ricllroxii and landings, Cam .May county, N. J. Addrc?? tux 2,415 Fust ufticc, Fbllfti dal|ihia. F IlTF.r'TFlKLD. N. J.-TU Kh.NT. LOW, LAKGfl ?? Itxtidbunie IIoumi; bountifully located; tarn, ttabl lit el two acroa. iCHiduu and fruit. KWhN. 39 Na??au >U, room t#? HEAL KHTATK TO KKIIAXOeT "V ?BP,.FN flit) PAY INU isTuKES AND bWKLLINul J\ .to exchange lor a Mailiaoit or Fifth avenue mil an* lluuae J. Y. D. WY0KOFF, 3U l'lne at. and 1.1U3 Broadway. n xtiii anuk-fa km lis lonu island J wii J l iav yoa got to offer f Call Ud av., between UlkM and h7th. 1.X I It K XI IMANilE?i.QU IT VIN ONE OP~TUK Pl.V C eat rMsldoncce In tlila clly and Boett location. Mb aad Madi-on ava.. near Wlndaor Hotel, for Brat ctaaa Suburban Besldeine, 1'iouorty. or good city Property to the value of fcii OUO or 12.">,000: Weati boater countv prolerrcd WM. II. IIOYY A CO., Ileal Estate Broker*, 'JCI liroadway, eppoeltM City 11 all. _ FXill EXCHANO K?7a ACRES, NEAR SOMEKYILLkI locked ?U.'.UJOl deaira Now York or Brooklyn Pr>.p* e tv. SILAS OUNDICT. 3011 .Montague *t., Brooklyn. FIOK KXoTTaIToE-M XTY ACIIE*, "COMMANDING water views n. ar Irvingioii. ou Iludaun, lor New Yo.-li or Brooklyn llouaee or Western Laud*. lKVIMOTON. Ileraiil oflice. |Xiit salr or iTxcicTnuk-por A FARM, TWO two-atorv Ilunetf, with MMMMMl and Improve* Uieuti Apply at CI Elm at., by A. LA.NOKNULUU, WiU liainaburg. S Y. l/OR BUSINESS REASONS TIIK OWNER oPPKRE I tpr aale or bechance an oxiepilonallr well attualed lie*. Idem " and grounds, diatnnt leae than hair hour from (iraud i antral Depot: a* a p> rinaiiem home Ita ouvautogee are a fine (villa* neighborhood, attractive aurroundiuga, healthi er**, cloae proximity to prolly I'ruteetaat Kuiaeopnl Church, nunteron* olid level drive* and easy aecci* to eity ny car ot drive. Address I. . KXCllANtiK. atation (1, New York. I/oit male ok kxi hXnhe i ok VACANT LotT below 71 nil r' . a four -torv atone fi nit lluuae, 2L"J Weel ;p>tb at.; *1*0 lkatkAOSMkU; apleudid order. Inoulra vl premise*. 10 lo 4, tir of (I. FOUNTAIN, loll Eaet d-d it 1/l'RsitHI.D ItoUitK, CENTRALLY UdOATEi)^ P ewl.aiig* lor other Property, luuulre at or address M Man ink ?t. /?to.ID CIllCAHO HI Sl.NEhS PIUH'EKTY To" EI* * T< nange lor Mock Uooda. Addieaa PltlNCIPIJI, Herald tfl 'C * I > I, \ N TATION ?7UB ACRM," ON JAMES Kit S K 1 valuu 840.OXH alto Farm, at Oyster Bay. value klg.tOO^ Lou and clear, to exilian :u lor Brooklyn or vltv Property. 1IUI US K. Melt >KU, 186 Broadway, mo EXlJlUNuK FOR CITY OK COtNTKY PROP* I erlv A hno Farm or 1'*) acres, oue hour In Jersey ; ala? Country Scale. K h LLY HKOTHHRS, Isii Bioadway. rp ) KENT. FOR BALE nil KXljllANOK FOR IIOUSR 1. In N> w York Fine li?w Dwelling. I'J room*: all improve* meats: half acrt; tlin minute*' wala from depot; at Ke* aclie. N. J.. free end clear: lent o. ii. III.N.M.T. I I'J Nassau *t., room 13. rAETKH TO E X C11A N111- tl K It I' 11A M) IS K ~ KO A all I loose in good location. tV> Astdr llouso. r - tdik farm you salk.Tbt7titkxciiANes.-? *.)*/Country .*e?u and Cr>tta/e< ell aitc* and price*. K. M. M A SON, Bl Park row. 7* * f?i~si.?Lots, eetwekx btm and madiroA * )" r a? *, lo exchange fur tmpioved Property. Apply 7A Pearl at. IU'l A I* ESTATE WANTED. *1 FULL FIXED HOI si. tY AN 1 KD "Full' CAHH"(jS| J\ 6th or Ma taon av.; once EI..100 to B'ei.KU jACOBf Y. D. WYi'KOFF, bo l'lne at. or I,1IKI Hreadwar. WANTED-A Fl I.I. LOT IX t i IIE E N WuuD CKMB* ' IT tery: must l.e Improved aud hare a fence ; poteeaWofk' liumedlntt. Addre.a, with lull partlealare and Mrlna* m MAMslJ. bat A.8B8 New Yarn Peat ilia w