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la 23w WTPATIOM WAjmCP-WMAJL?. *e_' u-u-^--n-.u - 'C5Silt.ll. ?KC> MINETTA ST.?A COLORED LADY AS COOK I.N A private tanillv or boarding house : cau give satisfaction. WEST 44TH St.?A RKSPKCTAhLB YOUNO union as lirtl class cook; bast city reierence. I'll WKST43D ST.?A RESI'BC TABLE GIRL TO OOconw auo to assut with the washing and Ironin*: not ?rratd of wort goon city reierence. Addreaa r/wi 7TII Xv. ?TWO COMPETENT YOUNG UIHLHt ilj?7ono as first clans cook and ti e other n? chambermaid ?nd wet tree.; willing end obliging. lour yeer.' reierence. 1 ftu WBif11 ST ST.?A PROTISTA NT TOUXG WO A''?/mun as cook; excellent treed end cuke baker; Beet, end soups. alto dessert*; unexceptionable refer ?nee; city or country. iY?7~vvi:sT "both ST.. rear.-a respectable X AOgfrl at cook tr. a private family; wuald aaatM wttu tn? washing: city refereace. mWKS I S3D sr.-v COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN ei conk, washer and Irourr; city or country; good my reierence. m WEST 4t:"l li ST. a YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK wavher end Ironer in a private family; beat city refer* ? nee; no cords answered. Call two daya. KA?T W ST. BETWEEN I.KXINOTOsT~a5d ""Sd at*.?A you lid women aa cook and to eealat with the washing in e unai! privute lamily . host reference. 11Q EAST MTU ST. I WOMAN TO COOK. WASH A 1 UUO iron; city refer -m e | It).) U KsT V?ril ST. - A YOUNG WOMAN as CooK. ? ?wuaher end irouer; city or countrv -. good reierence. WHST~aaD ST.-A YOU NO woman to cook, waah end iron In a private family; best city ruler ?nee. WEST 33D SI'. ? A PIRST CLASS COOK IN A privute family or e restaurant; be?t reference. iTyq VTBST OOTH ST.. SnCOKO 1FLOOR.?A KB A^C\peciable girl a. good cook, weaker and ironer; llrat tins* city reference. _ IOQ WEST lttril ST.-AS FIRST CLASS COOK; NO Zi i/objcction to a boarding house ; good reierence. "I tin WKm 20TH ST.-A RBSPECT4BLB YOUNG lOUvotnan aaenok, wether and Ironor in private familyt good city reierence. 7 ?>) WEST lWTlFsT.?A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN AOAyottng women aa excellent cook; good washer and Ironer; city refers nee; no boarding home. 14 7 IJO WEST WITH ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS; AOOone .is cook, waiter end irouer; other to do upstairs work, and es;i?t with children ; three veara' reference, 7"a>'4 WEST 35TH -I v" COMPETENT YOUNG A .?JTTsvotniin as good cook, waalicr and Irouer; city or country; yood city reference. 1 O/a WEST J'lTII ST.-A RESPECTABLE COLORED AOUgirl 10 co--a in a privute lamily ; willing to iiaaiit with washing and ironing: good city reierence. 1 a f\ WSSf 10TH sr. (OAKPT STORK).-AS NRAt I f '/class cook: understanda Engliali, French and Ameri. can cooking; city reierence; no objection to a boarding house. _ MaT"WE8T ?W~ST~Ca"nDY STORE.?PROPER ?lalonitl conk ; understands French and Spanish cook ing : first cluas 'pastry cook; beat city reference; public or private. 7 "HAST" S2D 8T~""SECOND PLOOR, PRONT.-A I good cook and asaiat with the washing and ironing; ?lie year's releroiice from iaat place. 1 kO WKST 'JSTH >T . RKa"k~A ""RESPECTABLE J ?J_jgirl aa cook, washer and Ironer; good elty reference. 7~CO WEST SIFT ST.? AS GOOD COOK. WASHER A?-/Oand ironer; city reierence. 909 WEST I9TII sr.-A COMPETENT WOMAN AS ?? good cook and to aaaiat with wuahing; good city reference. 90 L bast jjiirir st.?a respectable young woman as first ciaaa cook ; tliorougbl r underatanda her bitaineas; beat city refereneea. Call or address. OflC BAST 44TH ST. (SECOND BELLE-A YO0NO *?UtSgirl as cook, wiubrr und ironer: beat citv reierence 907 2fl"ni HT.?.V GIRL TO DO COOKING* ?v" ' I woahlng and Ironing; two years'rolerence; city or ?oontry. O|n EAST 39TH sr.. PIEST FLOOR.?A YOUNG jmj 1 "girl to do plain cooking, washing and Ironiug, In a private family: three Hiid it hull tears' reference. 91(1 WEST !!? H If ST.?AN ENGLISH PKOTKSTXnT ? I Y/u? cook; thoroughly understands cooking; Is a good baker; good reference. 91 7 WEST 27TII ST.?AS COOK""IN A PrTvaTE ?1 L I family; willing to asaiat with course washing; beat elty reierence. 2')|| K VST SriT^T.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS w' 'good cook, washer and ironer; city or cotintry; can take care of milk and butter; iruod city reference. 907 MOTT ST.. BETWEEN PR1 NCE"anD SPRING^l ewX A respectable young woman as cook, washer and Irouer; has years' best cite reierence. Address. 991 ,:AST-1FT ST.. PIRST FLOOR BACK. MUt xwwA2d Itv.?An American girl as good cook, washer end Ironer, city or country; reference front last employer. 99A WB8T 37TH ST., THIRD FLOOR. PRONT.?A xki-vTyonug wiiiiinn as excellent cook and iaandreia; no ?hjectlou to it boarding house; host city reference. 99Q EAST 29 TH ST.?a RESPECTABLE WOMAN ? ^(.Jaa good cook, tvuslier and Ironer; no objections to a private hoarding house; good reference. 99ft KA>T 29,'!l T-.\ RESPECT A it LK WOMAN ?J^hiat cook. vi a-her and Ironer. or do general housework; good city reference. ()<)n WEST 28TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. REAR.?A RE 'spcctable I'r.Aestant woman an good conk; would do the coarse washing IT iiacessary; city or country ; good rofar enco O'J') WEST 4F.TU ST.?A RB8PKCTABLE WOMAN )?)iu good cook, washer and ironer: no objection to a abort way in the country : best city rafarncq. 9o j"-!-:AST~ ;i ST.?a TOUlno woman as _?O~I~g0i>d cook, washer and Ironer: good city reference. j tywr bast usrn wE ~a bbkpbctahle to OX a I i woman to cook, wash and Iron; exceileut bread and j bisruit maker; trood city reference. i)')oTa-T 5ITII ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A OOMPETKNT ? ? JOwoinnu as cook, washer and Jroner; city or country; goo I city rcfereuco. No cards. 00(1 WKsT 4BTII ST. (IV GJIOCEKY STORE).?A ml*)'./respectable girl as go good cook; will do the plain ing; Lest eitv relcrouce. Oil WEST 3.11) ST.?A RESPKOTA BLE YOUNG <MxJLgirl as pood cook, washer and irouer; best city ref ?rrncs. O l tr WEST 33D ST.. KEAJU?A YOUNO GIRL A8 ^jtX?JfOo l cook, washer and ironar lu a small tamily; good reference. 017 WEST -7T1I "htI?a~yol'"no UIRL~Tfj~(joo~K, ?4 wash anil Iron In a small private family; city reler ence. 9/J. J WEST 41SI' sr.. NEAR 7TH AV.?A RESPECT able tvotnuii as conk; thoroughly understands her Silliness in all its branches ; best city re.erencc. Call or ad iresa ty 1 Q WEST 30T1I ST., SECOND FLOOR.?AS COOK ^'xOand first class laundress iu a private family; city ref ?reuco. nen WEST BOTH HT.-TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS islsters) ; one ns wood cook and laundress; the other (ulsters) ; ss chtimhenuuid and waitress; i.est city reference. oxr. 7TH AV?A FRENCH OIKL AS GOOD COOK ml'JtJitt it nrivi vote faintly city reference. ().:0 WEST 41 ST ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS GOOD ?J?'Ofdain co cook, washer ami ironer; good bread and bis tuit maker : llrst elns- city reference. 94*9 WKsT 33TH >T? ONE FLIGHT Ul'.-A RE ^jUsjspeeiahle voting womtii as first class order or veg etable cook; hotel or rcstaitraut; city or coautry; refer enc". 2m Tfl A v.. CORNER 29T11 ST.?A ItK.HI'KCTA Obleyouu^ woman us trood cook ; uood city reference. Of* r 10TH AV., IJEr\VKEN UftTH AND 26TH sTS.?A dkjUore?T>ectHblii J'rotehtwHt woman to cook, wash and iron ; no objection to the country. ?)D7 HAST 111II ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIKL AS ? )\J i c.?-k and to uiUt with wu?Uinjc and ironing in a private family ; good city retaratiee. 31 7 EAST 2T.T11 ST.?TWO SIsTERB, ONE AS A 4 good cook, wisher uuil irouer: the other as chamber maid and waitre-a and asstst with the wathiug; city or country. ?TO/I EAST 37TII ST.-AS GOOD COOK; WOULD t)^Tii>i-i with the washing and irouing; is wllliug and Obliging; best city reference. ??.>r east ssD st.-a neat. oilliging giri. as s/gw'./cook . excellent r baker; good at soups and pastry; Fty rcteretice. ?>?>! WE VI' 17TII Sf.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG i/ol??m?ii as cook, washer aud irouer; city reference. Uall tor tw > days. ?DJO east avrii st._a young woman to cook, OO^wash and ir< I iron ; city or couutry; good reference. ?I J 9 BAST SD 8f~A YOUNO GIRL As good ? JTT^icook. understands b. king ami is willing to assist with tue washing and ironing; best city relarouce. Call or address for two days EAST: 3.) ST.-A WILLING .IRL TO COOK, ?7/xOwusli and trill, or do housework; no objection to a boarding house; reference. /?<49 lsT AV" "OOX! "?A RESPECTABLE GIRL X s '?as cook aim to assist with the washing, best city reference. ^9^ EAST li?l II sr. -A YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK sher and irouer, or to do genoral housework; good ranee. 9C EAST 17fi( sr.. FIRST FLOORs BACK.?A RE Jt ZrCrspectable wmnnii as cnok. waaber and Ironer; bast reference from last employer. 97 WEST JO III ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIKL AS _/ 4 pi 'In cook, wa.lier and ironer; best city reference. ,(???> EAST loril sT? BETWEEN 1ST AV. AND AV. "rOOd. ? A respectable trirl as cook, washer anil ironer; would do lauudry work ; city or country ; city ramrence. 43 -.7 WEST 20 I'll MJ? Ft KMT FLOOR. -As UOOD O 4 plain eook. washer ami; growl relerence. /til WK-T 3JD ST -TWO SISTERS. ONE AS BX Tc i-le?*lleru cook: tlie other on chambaruaid aud laun dress; city or Country ; ben city rob reuca. 44:9 WEST '2D ST \ YOUN., WOMAN AS GOOD conk aud first clans laundress-. best city reference. 4-1 WEST 32D ST.?A COMFKTKNT PERSON AS Tr/leoou; Is an axcellMit baker, washer and ironer; city refereuca. ~ I *J 7TI1 AV ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS ?9'Jt">cook: thoroughly understands tier business in all ita branches?all kinds of tntipa. meats iind made up dishes, is a first clius baker ; six years'bast eiXy relerence. Call for two davs. 7<l9 3D A v., THIRD Bl'.LL.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS 4 '/^I'ond cnok . will assist in the washing and irnulng; best city relerence. Owl till! -A RF.SPEl "TABLE OO lyniinir girl as llrst class rook ; tliorougnly uuderstauds nil kii'dl ol cooking: 110 objection t ? washing, bast city rel et enra from Inst place (jrf ?TH AV. (PRESENT llBPLOYKR'S)?A RB <7 ejl spec table girl as good plain cook, waslier and Ironer. 1 1'/'/ I*' AV., BETWEEN' BIST AND 02D 8TS.. J. # A ?J wthird floor. front rooms. ?As plain 000k . would as sist with washing and ironing lu a small private family ; -so years' city relerence. 2D AV.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL 1.123- good plain cook, i rasher and irouer ; bast city references. 4 O 4 111 AV.. IIA 1LEM.-A KF.SI'Ki T tiM.V. g^.sj'irOglri to eook, wash 1 aid iron lu a private lamily; city relcrenc. AJ merian protest a: it woman as prefect 1 a French ami English cook ( cannot ba excelled in good -aauageroent, sud tlswrough > capable to take charge: 3G jeers' practice, experience and roiererice; plain cooking neatly (lone. Parly wauti' ir. the best cook will please ad dress COOK, box 144 Here Jd Uptown Branch office. IITPATIOW WAHTED-FEMAliEI. took.*. Ar. * Fhrst class cook in a hotel, restaurant, ur oe#r country river steamboat: best re f? roue* at sea *10 lee KONG. No. 7J)d Carmine ?t. Young woman am <Kk>K AID taU cam OF milk and honor; city reference. Address COOK, box lbO Herald Uptown office. *'hamb?ruxidA I fy WEST 43D ST ?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO A.Acbambarwnrk and waiting, reference. 30 WEST 4VTU ST.?A GERMAN OtKL AS CliAM beimaid and waitress. r/\ WEST 3'JTH ST-A LADY, BRKAKINO UP *J\'housekeeping, ilaairaa to Bnu a food place for a young woman at first cl*?? cbwinberin.nd or first class waitress. H-A CORTLANDT ST.. THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 13.? I TA jounj c>rl aa chambermaid or aaaiat in general homework. (!/? oiinrsioi'HUK sr.. skcon d ki,ook.- a rk gM Juneciuble young tfiri aa chambermaid and waitraaa; pood reference Call or addraaa. 1AQ2 WEST I .I'M ST A YiiCNg GIRL AH GOOD A '/rT'Jchamhormoid und waitraaa; willing and obliging; city or country; Leal city reference. mvvKst lnr'i st.?a young oiul as first data chambermaid and waitress; heal city referanca 1?m isr av. ?a Young GERMAN sckaking girl ?aa chain bar in a id Address II. Khl'K. 136 east asin sr.?a giri, to do ohambek woik in a boarding bullae; beat eitr reference. 1 OQ WEST 48TH ST. -A YOUNG GIRL AS CHAM. 1 OObermaid aid and waitress: no objccuou to a boarding buuae; city reference. 1 4 | k WEST lilTH ST. (REAR).?A RESPECTABLE AT"I'young girl aa ehamberuiaid and wailrcaa; beat city relerence. 1 (1 WEST 5DTII ST.?A COMPETENT YOUNG I t! worn a i. aa chambermaid and waitraaa orchumbor maul and plain newer; good relerence. Til EAST 13TH sr.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS A'X'Xcliainbermald and waitraaa; pood city relerence. VTf; K A STVOTll ST.?A'YOUNG WO Si AN AS CHAM J.'T Obertnaid and laundreaa in a private family; beat city relerence. 14 7 WEST 3tiTII bT.?A GERMAN GIRL FOR UP I atalra work. 1 |Q EAST 19TH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS CHAM 1 X t/bcrmatd ana eeaiuatreae; best city reiereuce. Call lor two days. 149 WEST 31ST ST.-A YOUNG tilRL TO DO UliAM berwork und waiting; willing and obliging. 1 r\l\ KASI' -orH 81'-?A YOUNG GIRL. LATELY AtJUlaii'led, aa rlianibennaid und wailreaa i Drat clase washer and ironer: country nreloireil. 1 r\7 WKS1' N4T11 ST.?AS FIRST CLASS CHAMBER I>J I maid and waitrossor children'a nurae and aeamatreaa; no objection to a iamily going to the country lor the suiu nier. (Si I I WEST 24TII ST., CORNER 7TH AV.-A YOUNG sAw Lgirl aa chuinberuiaid and wnitresa; will aaaiat with wualiing and ironing; beat city reference. 200 WEST 37TH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS CHAM bermaid and waitress; beat city reierance. 208 east both st.-a young girl as cham Obermald mid wnitresa; good relerence. ()-) / I WEST 'JOT 11 ST.-A NEAT. TIDY GIRL AS AaAUrlianihermaid und waitraaa; uiiilerstmidu ber work thoroiiglily; would go to the country ; best city rofurenee. OlO WEST 35TU ST.?A VERY RESPECTABLE _j L ^yoiinpAiuericaii girl us chumbermuid and aaaiat in waiting, or would taliu care oi grown children and do plain sewtug; excellent rofurenee. Lull to-morrow. all 7 EAST 25TH ST.?A GIRL AS Oil A M BKKM AID A L I ami waitress, or would assist with washing and iron ing; is willing and obliging; good reiereuce; country pro le nod. (?(>1 EAST 31ST ST.. ROOM 8.-A YOUNG GIRL AS aA^Xchainberniaid und aasiat with washing and ironing In a private family; city relerence. fisVl WEST 33D ST.. PRESENT EMPLOYER'S.?A .A w L you tic woman aa phamburmaid and waitress. OOO WEST 3STII ST.. REAR?AS GOOD CIlAUBER gAsAOuiaid aud laundress or to do geuerul housework; two years' city reference from last place. 907 WEST 101II ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG I girl to do chuniberwnrk and take care of ehilureu aud be geucrally uselul: best reference. () I I STATE ST., BROOKLYN, THIRD FLOOR, ?A"j ifront room.?As chainbarinald and waitress or cliam bermaid and seamstress ; country preferred; city relorouce. Call or address. <14 1 HAST 44T11 ST.. BETWEEN 3D AND 3D AYS.? IA respectable young girl us chambermaid and wait ress; williug and obliging; best relercnro Cull or address. 17,1-1 hast 3nth s'l?an exceliTentgikl as w'xichainbarniuld and waitress; a good home preferred; best ciy reference. ()J 1 WEST 88T1I ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG sATT'Xgirl as chumbermuid und waitress or nuree; can be aeeu at present employer's. Call for two days. 24 r. WEST 331) ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 'Jcbanibermaid and waitress, city or country. t) 17 WES1 41 ST sr., NEAR 7TII AV.-A KKHPECT at I able young womun us chumbermaid and to do plain tewing, good city references. Cull or address. (1 | Q WEST 331) S .. THIRD FLOOR.?AS C1IAM is 1 Obermaid mid waitress, bv a respectable young girl; no objection to the country; good reiereuce. Call Friday aud Saturday. 2rO WEST 1?TH ST.? A PROTESTANT GIRL AS rJ^lchumberniHid, nr to to do cbamberwork and coarM waaliiug; city reiereuce. () - U WEST 41 ST ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS FIRST ^rJOclass ciiambermat > and to aasiet with walling or care for children: first clans city relerence. Of'l WEST 39TII ST.-A Yol NO Gl IlL AH Oil AM uA')Xberuiuid und waitress or would do general buuse worit iu a small family; best city rdomi yuj MULBERRY ST.?A GERMAN ..1 KL AS CliAM gjO^lierinaid mid waitress In ? : ? ate lamlly; speaks good English; cit> reiereuce Ca.i I > . -u Jays. OQQ "D AV., HI. IWKKN 221) A M< >30 NTS.?A ojOOyuun yuung woman us chambermaid ant waitress or M chambermaid audio do Cue wa-htag. cliv ur country. >)|H KAST 20TH SI.-A YOUNG SWEDISH GIRL TO Oil/do cliutnburtvork end plain wamug to ? email prirote lumily: good reference. 01 x bast js<ti; st.-a respectable young Olujirl as chambermaid eud waitress; it willing to as-ist in wushiug eud irouiuit; boat city reference; ie will ing end obliging. Oil- EAST aunt ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OlOfirl for eliamberwork end waiting; will asiiat in washing and ironing ; good reference. |)|).| WEST ?ITM sr.?A YOUNG GIRL LATELY O-J ?landed to do upstairs work; ie a good plain newer. >??!>> SPRING ST., CONNER WASHINGTON]?AN OOOAmerican young girl h? chambermaid and waitress in a private lomily a eiiort dietouua in the country. Call lor two days. ?JO r WEST aBTfl ST.?A YOUNG GIKL TO DO OOvJchattiberwork and Cue wushicg in a private family: would like to go to the country lor the summer; city reier ?nca. ? >?)/? EAST 49TII ST.?A RUSPKCTABLK youno ? JtJvJgirl ae cliainbermald audwaltrese or would tako rare ot growing children and sew; no objection to tlie country; three years' city reference from last place. ? >?>7 EAST 31 ST ST.?A YOUNG GIKL. TIIOU OO I uughly competent. us chambermaid and waitress; no objection lo the country ; best c ity releronce. I I tt 3D -AY.-; THUD FLOOR.?A RESPECTABLE 'xJ.Oaiid perfectly competent person at chambermaid; best city reference. 4t)/t 1ST AV., THIRD KLOOh. FRONT.?A YOUNG wV/girl (lately lauded) to do uhuuiberwork and plain sewing. A '1(1 EAST I4TH ST.?A YOUNG OJUL TO DO TW?7chamberwork mid waiting; good reference. A~l*i \ WEST 3H fl f~8T.-A KKS H EOT All CE YOUNO tUv/girl, Just disengaged, ns chambermaid and lauii dress; thoroughly undersiauds her business; best city ref ereuce ; prefer the country. A/?k? 8TH AV.. BETWEEN 2STII AND 29TU STS.. ''I I)tirnt floor.? A respectable girl as chambermaid and luuudiess in a private family; best city relereuco. I'll AV.. HUGH Uii.-A GIRL AS CIIa.MHKR ?Jinitid or waitress: can do plain sewing; no objection to the country ; best city reference. J UU i;III AV.. ROOM 15v?A YOUNG WOMAN At tcOOchanibe rmaid and waitress and to assist in washing ami ironing: goon relereucc. Ell'l EAST 1HTU ST.?RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL tJU?jtu do cliiimbertvork, or take care ot children; tioob J-ctto;i to country; good city ro fere nee. Call for two days. -1)1 3D AV.Ti X CHINA 8TORX.?A TOONO WO ? yOlmnii to do cliautberwork, or would take cara of chil dren ; no objection to the country ; city relerencs ?/??? 3D AV., BETWEEN 37TH AND 3STII STS.-A ? )U? irespectable girl us chambermaid and waitress; city refcrenco. 6- H 3D AV.. ENTRANCE ON 42D ST.?A KESPECT ?) I able girl as chambermaid and waitross; good city reference. 770 711 2D AV.?AS NUR8K. SEAMSTKKSS, OR TO do upstairs work or machine stitching. Inquire lor 771 .'III AV . BETWEEN 47TI1 AND 4KTII ST. (SKC I | hell). ?A rs-pecuiliu* young American girl as chambermaid auil do light waiting, or would aaailt with w itshiug. Can oe seen between II and I. Ql^ I I) III A v.?AN AMi-KICAN VOUNU UlKL AS OO-Lohauiberiiiiiid and waitress; tlioroughly understands her business ; lirsl class city reference. Call tor two days. (lull 3D AV.?KKSPKCTABLK GIRL AS CHAMBER. t/Oa?muid: will assist with the washing and ironing. 9 04 3D AV., FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNG GIRL AH chambermaid and waitress In a private family. 1 mn lsr A v.?A YOl'Nu WOMAN AS CHAMBER _L.U lUmeld aud assist wish waitiug nr washing; board ing house references. 1 >"Wri AV.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIKl 1 .<)?')*.* chambermaid and to oessst with tbe waabiuf ui.d ironing; good city references. A RESPECTABLE AND PBItPEl rLY COMPETENT person as tiiaiubernsaiil Address M. M. L., Herald Up town olhce. 38c Drrssmuktrs and Nemustrrssrs. (Union.)?A? seamslriin in a private family; under stands wbne work, boys' and girls' clothing; eau operate on Mnger machine. 43 EAST 52D ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO BKW 'lng aud general work ; no washing or ironing. r?n east ?ru st.,opposite stkwakfr.?A FIRST sines dressmaker will go out by the day. SJjfSff KASr ilrfTH ST.. TOP FLOOR.?a KK8PKCT wt'Oiible .irl as coinpeirnt seamstress snd dressmaker; can instruct b -ginners a lien desired In plane, rreuch and German, t all ou ur address K. H. iHtl) EAST 8BTH St.-AS COUPE TENT DKK8S OU^rusker and seamstress ipsrmausut) In a private family . nine years' reference. SJ1 I) WEST 4JD ST. ? A VOUNU GIRL TO DO PLAIN OxOaewing and lake sara af a child, or to do rbauiber w>.rk. J (^*22 :,t> AV-. "XID ST.?A VOUNU GIRL TO DO JLplaln sewing and chambarwvrk; uo objection to tbacouutr). Call f r two days. A SEAMSTRESS WISHES A PERMANENT SlTUA llon 111 a private family; no objection to children ur cliaiuberwork; best city relcrence. Address A. K, buz 152 i I ptown Branch ortiee SKA MSTKKSS.-AN AMERICAN AS SEAMSTRESS IN a pond private laiuily; willing to assist in light chamber work ur to wait ou ladles . can cut and fit Addrosa, lor tire days. Miss K. T.. Brentnno's, 33 Union square. - ..WPATIOWl WAirrKlKJ'BMtiBf, brnarki Houtawurk. *" ? 2BA8T 42D ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO rmv '* WU,'Uf "0d ?bl"iu<- *"* SEZ 15] ''tr^r"AXT oikl lift MADI80W ST.. room ?_A VoUNGPoiwf to JLLOdegeneral hou.aworkt good reference. olltb TO 1 9f t, E A ^ -'"T" ^ ?A Gilti. TO DO ilOUSKWOKIT lOOln a private familr; city reference. REWORK 1 1 (1 ''-vs| 31 ST ST. .PRESENT EHPLOTKlin a iainllv e'rl 10 honaework In i prwlte "l.-l EAST 480 8T.-A RESPECTABLB PROTESTA*T J.* II woman. breaking uti houaekeeolug, to do general homework. on objection tn tlie country. ?? general 1 (v7 CMRI8TOPHIK s r . ritNcToOOlM stowC li)f a reapec.abfe girl ,o do weneri booiawore-iUa^ country; tfoud refarance. ? ^ lfJU .WKST WO hT.-A ' RESPECTABLE* YorVo r ,1 j" . k'e""r*i bouaawork in a amall nrivata family; good city reference. potato '->()() f,wT*t.-a young woman fob *n!;B(.ra"'rd!!'U"WOrk * priT1U8 Umil-V ? bo?t city ref 9()6 W1Krr J7r" ST V GOOD GIRD TO Do GEN orenca bouiowork, in either city or couutry: good rel 91() ?aktaera st.. ?3X1 SB avT. rkar ~Cur. nlmmi PaC J """"J0 ,n do k???ral houaewora; ia a good 'r0ner: " aKUOd 914 B,A8T ism sr.. bagk ROOM?A KF.spfccr Tren* womun ,0 do general housework; good city ral 21 Ot?WPT ilsf^HT. A YOUNG ENGLISH GIRL ?rd.a"wer.d* work; good city relerence; no 9 9Sk wl:sr ',jTH ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO bouaeworkj city or country. boat city reference. 98ft VJWT 10TB ST.. BBTWEgN 7TM AND 8TH ?JOUiivt-A yonnir girl to do general honaework ? cur oreo.intry: aavan jaara' city relerence from last place.' 980 fKS-r 27TH ST.-A PKOTKSTAN T Iv6,MA\"tO tf??iSr' Private family; city or country; 944 WEST 30Til ST.-A vouxo-WOMAN to" do c?nntr>. bouaawotk in a orivata family; city or 259TwhdT 22D ST., REAK?a RESPECTABLE ? , r r.ov**t*n} woman to do general huuHework iu a nrl vate ianiily: good referenco; city or country. P 2i")2rtWKhT Sr--A KKS P EOT A RLE GIRL TO d? genoral honaetvork ; ia a good wuabei and ironar. 81 B,|A1ST 31 ST -sr.-A respectable girl to *?; .9 housework; ia a pood washer mill Iroucr. 817 EaST13?T" S'K-KEsi'EofABIaK" GIRL ToIk) arenti. h?UMWarki w""u" ?nd obliging "good rel ?3j(J EAKT SOTH ST.?A YOUNG GIBE TO DO city rclorenca. bouMwork' 'ronor; beat 889 ?IAST 35,11 ST- TUIRD KLOOK.-a RhrtRKCT. nlainr. nl. v'?.u,un do Ifouornl housework; la u good ? """her and ironar; no objection to a ahort dia tanca in the couutry ; pood relerence Irom her laat place. 87 I 7111 , AV -A RESPEGTABLK GIRL TO DO . i* f tonarul housework in a amall (amity; ia williuir and obliging; beat city reference. T' w""u? ?ua 40B?.TK ATT1!i? ^"BETWEEN OTU AND 10TH t^rk is wilTin r"!>K Ani,e1rk",> t" do general house J', ' '* willing t i do anything; ivagoa not so n:licit an ob Ject as a nooil homo; trood reference. 499,riASr i<th"s7t:-a protestaTTt girl to do t/liouftework; j^ood re tore nee. 484 WnSrr 4'-rU -ST?TO DO HOL'SEWORK pok A J, r',,u,lT'. t? ? good plain cook, washer end Ironer; no objection to go to the country; city relerence. 441 WfcST 49TH hT.-A GIRL TO DO OENERAE ^IID.g aud" biigmg."0 UbJ'!ttl?U 10 ,ha cuuutrr; ?TU bo 1 riflfl ;,lf AV girl TO DO gkrkral housb Luttuwurk: good reforence from lust place. 1 "j74 AV . IIETVVEK.V HIST ~A>(D~B2U 81>C~A f- * rtrespeclnble young girl to do general uouauwork iu a small private laiuily; no carde. nooauworn Heuaekerpera. <Vc 4fl WKST 1th 8T;. XEAli UNIVERSITY PLACE.-A Ste^iH.HlLlGE U'eke0I,er- Ca" I 108aeVrEsT a2Ii "T.-a lady desires a POSI LUaJtion aa liousckeeper in a geutleman'a family. Can be seen lor one week. ' WEST 53 D 8T\7~THIRD ELOOR-A LADYA8 houaokeeprr; no objection to the country. 459 7TII A v.?A YOUNG I.ADY PIANIST A3 houaekeopor. Call uutil 6 P. M. t|_, "Til A v., first I'LOOR. .FRONT ROOM.-A fLKrXreL 1 2''" "?U"k?ep'r! "'dower'. 617 k-"". -A^-D.OVV.. LA?V -A3 HOUSE Awido lleruld office. r out a v.?a WIDOW LADY A keeper; In a widower', iamilv preferred. YOUNG AMERICAN LADY AS HOUSEKEKI'BR: ? Jd? flf' " famliy prelerretL Addxeaa Miaa C. WILTON,' Latindreaaci, Ac. T9 WE-Sr STiTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO H8 11 ret rate lautMlress; good reforoueo. 81J.re0a T'bACK.?AS LAUNDRESS AND CHAJt LJ1 beriiiuid; best city reference Iron, present employer. 107 .WEST >?Tli ST., HAhEMKNtT?A respect". houaecieanlng.J*U W g? by Uia d*y to w-h' ?' do 109 W? ST 15TH ST., UPPK<~HOU8K.-Ia OR. city rote4ne*in y?U?K wom*? "" Ur,t laundroae; belt m WEST UITI1 ST., FIRST KlA)OR~A COMPE teni laundro**, or would ahsivt with chamberwork iu a Qoardin^ houae ; groorl city reference. 1 44nre AS,' ST.-AS LAUNDRESS. APPLY AT J jTTpresent employer's. 9( )'lZ^fi40fi|^TrKK.SI>,ltrrABL'K hrotrstant *?; aa Brat claaa Innndreaa in private family; good city reference. Call for two days. 2()?aWk8T t?Jh w-a YOUNG girl as lau* ajV/Ddre.a: wilting end obliging. 91 0, f''A8T r'?Tli ST. (TOP FLOOR).?COMPETENT goodcltv referenee. Cull all the week. 21 !i W" *7" ?-A YOUNG OUUL LATELY ntfd T 1' "? Cl^1 '?""dreua. thoroughly nnder winiuo.: *a. rewmmeuded from lust place; willing tu go In the country with a private letnlly; wage* no object. No card* anuwereil. 21 9 WK8r -''ru sr?A YOUNO GIRL AS FIRST ^fXaJclaaa laundrea.i ;; country prclcrred: boat reference. 919 KAsT :,r'Tii st.-a respeotTblITyouno fh i k1". 7 claaa laundrcaa; undoratand* all city roferenoe.C PunSnB *"d; excellent 91fL,BA?T 31 ST ST., IN STORK.?AN ENGLISH T- roieatant girl, lirat clan* lauitdreaa, to go out oy the doy washing, ironing or hoiisocieaning; good reference. 948 ,4TI1 AV- N'BAUarPII ST.?first "class laun: wiTOdrt'u; no objoctiona to city or country. 91 Q WEST 28TH ST.-A8 FIRST CLASS LAUh ^/'xOdreas in n private family: best city reference. QQO 3D AV., BETWBEN 23D AND 23D 8TS.?A RE. ^OOapeetablo woman to take ill families' or gentlemen'! washing, or to no out by the day; bent city reference. qi"o K a ST 44TH BT.?TO 60 OCT BY ThB DAY OlO washlug. ironing or linusecleaning; reference. O | (i WEST KITH ST., FIRST FLOOR.?A RE8PK0T iJT t/ablu M'imiau to do washing. ironing or housecleiiu inp ; beat ref'ereneo. >)rt) EAST MTli ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ?J? ) JilaunUreiiH or cbHmbermnid Rod to assist with tbe washing; city reterence. A n>> Is1' AV- ROOM U.-A RK8PECTABLK GIRL u? iir-t clars laundress; willinz to Raeiat with the chatnberwork ; beat city referenne. I <t?? EAST 71ST ST.?A SWEDISH WOMAN TrUOwisbes washing, to ko out by tbe day or do houso cleaning. A HQ FAST IflTH ST.-AS LAUNDRESS IN A T' " ' t/privato family; eight years' reference from laet place. | f)t) WEST 3-_'l? ST.?A YOtJNO WOMAN AS FIRST TTojJ/claaa Inuudrcu; U willing to assist with cbamber work; belt reference. A 97 WEST :?D ST.. FIRST FLOOR.-A RKSI'EC TCI tRbl" woman at laundress; not afraid of work; IS years' experience ; city or country; tint clan reference!. r or ST 11 A v.?A YOUNO 'w(> M ANAS FIRST 0 LASS ? J?/'.Jtauiidresi; beat city relerencos. Coll two deyi. (ti\/?OTH aV.?A RESPLOTA R LK Yi)(7NQ~WOMAN i/i.lUai ttrat cluea laundress in a private family: tbor oat'kiy competent la all ita branchei; beet references. 8 Itaraea. iVr. UNION COTRT?AS WET NURSE, BV A HEALTHY younar Kreneli woman ; stood reference. Call to-day. 99 EAST 49TH ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN AS NURSK JL ?j*ud lady's maid; < ; can take charge of an infant; good 2r. STH AV.?A OIRL OF 16 YEARS AS NUKSEAND ? Jto make horielf uaefnl; city or couutry. A 1 WEST 36TII ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS TI uurae and seamstress for growing ebildran or a baby; good city reference. 7 ,1 WA8IIINOTON ST.. liOBOKKN. Top KEOOR. I TA young married-womau aa wet nnne; milk three week* old. 1I1QI WEST ISTII ST.. TOP KD)OR.-A YOUNO J11 American worn an aa Ant elan nurae; city refer ence ; country preferred. m HUDSON ST.?A PROTESTANT KNOLISlf nnrae, competent to take entire charge of children and plain sewing: will go to the country. 1 Oil WlieT 19TI1 ST., REAK.-A8 COMPETENT 1 ?>?/nnrae and aenmatreai; a good home preferred to high wa get; city or country; city reference. 1 | ~ EAST :UD ST.. tillOl'f 11Y S fORE.?A YOUNO ,l'r? 'girl, lately landed from Ireland, to take care of chil dren ; ii willing HDd obliging and not afraid to work at any thing ; l? kind to children. M. C. 1/?"1 KLDKlDiJE ST.?AN AMERICAN PRO I KSTANT J I 11 young woman aa nurse and seamstress, or to aaalit with ligbt bouaeworfc; couutry preferred; heat referencea. KI'J AV. C.-A YOUNO OIRL TO TAKE CARE OF J r/Ochll<lren mid do chniuherwork, or aa chambermaid and waitreia; could tench ainall children ; goon relerance. 9H1 WERT 80TH ST. ? as EX pkkikncud nuhsE, Ld v/J to lake charge of children : can take(eare of an infant from it> birth ; four yeara' reference. OA I l-.AST HlnT ST.?A YOl'NO HEALTHY WOh ajUTinun, with a fresh breaat of milk, aa wet nurae. 9"|7 EAST 2WTII ST?A YOUNO WOMAN AS ? L I nurae ; ia full v comiieteut to take entire charge of an Infiini; good operator; l> willing to aanlat with cbamoer work ; beat city reference from laat employer. '^28 WRST -"rrU RT,?A RFSPSCTABLK OIRL Afl end aeainatreto, or would do chatnberwork; beat city reference. 829 EAST 29TH Mr., ONE FLIGHT UP-A YOUNO girl aa uurae and aeamatreai; beet city reference laet place. 283 EAST 4UTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO married woman as wet uurae. Call tor two days. 388 BAST 98TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO married wouian as wet nurae; good doctor'* line. ,J" M'r" CITY ?A MARRIED WOMAN if I Uaa wet nurae; bnby six muntha old, with abundanoe of miIk. Call an or address N. B. /fill KASf ill r II ST.-A RESPECTABLE i.ITTLR T"'y* girl to mind children and make herself useful; pri vate family preleried . uo onlection to go a short distance In toe country; beat elty reference. Coil for two daye. SITUATIONS WAWTKO-FKMALEI. _ ' * ttriM-?. iV. A A O WEST KfD ST.?A HEALTHY YOUNO WOMAN. T; ?'with it fresh breast oi milk, ee wet nurse ; citjr or country; best elly rttereuce. ^ Hi)a BAST 11TH frtT-'A RESPECTABLE NORTH ^iDr>arm>n Piotentsnt girl ?? nuria ami to do sawlne. or as chambermaid; no oUJectioui to travel; good city ref erence. Address K. Q1U VTa AV.. HKTtVKKN A4TH ANI1 5.VTII STB.?A 0 I f/young girl to tuind children and do plain sewlug; city reference d OQ BHOADWAY. NEAR 40 TH ST.-A RESPECT' .T"^Oahle Protestant woman a> niirev or to do cliam" berwork and waiting; no objection to lite country. ? T~~WELL EDUCATED PHKNCH OIKL AS N ITkSE ,/vaiid seamstress; experienced; references. Addreaa 0. O., Herald Upiown Branch nltice' Wttitrenai-i. Oil-. fs(J LEXINGTON AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? 0>'l'?irtl claee waitress or to do chanibervork and plain sewlug: country or city Call til. 12. fn I bast asffl st (BHEBbnt kmploybIT'Si.?a J.I r'l: lady le delimit! to lind a ntnation for iier waitress; lain.ful aim inuuatrinua; willing to asailt with cliainber work. dan be aeen lor three duya IiWi WEST~~'.g D~ sfT?A- KEbFeUtaBLE GIRL AS sM/llrsl class waiireaa or chamboroiaid la a prieute fam ily t ben rale reave*. 1 r u vvK- r siiii sr. (kx.yo second bell>" a re J[ tjO.peclable irirl na flrat class waitress lu a private fain tly; thoroughly understands the getting up of aalada aud care ot silver; best cttv reference. ?>i"r jarii sr.. fop ploou. hack boom.?a ? ItJreapectable wnnian wiahea -I or -I day*' work in the week washing, iruniuu or auy kind of houaework ; good rot ereuee. 1 n.)r WEST-29TII ST.?AX KMULI8H OIBL (PEOT )e-iant. as waitress and cliuiiiheruiaid; would take charge uf children . heat city reference. nit; EAST 41 ST ST. -A KKS PEC lAill.K BUI AS wiT-J waitress aud chuinhcroiuid; city or country; beat city reference. 742r 38 229 230 _ ireaa; would make heraelf useful; city or country; beat city reference. 7UO SD AV.?A TOUAO SOMAS Art WAtTJUMft OB j"0chamberra?ld; would naalat with washing If re iiulred. cltv or country; beat city reference. None but pri vate faiuiliea need apply. .Hiacellittieuua. 1ST AV., SECOND KLuOK. - A WOMAN TO WASH dlahea in a saloon or to do housecleiiniug. cIlRYSTIB ST.?a ESSPaOTASLB OIEla TO attend a bakery or confectlouory ; five yeara' retcr ence. Atibly for two days <? 2"?m WEST 27Til ST. -~A ItESJM'.CTAHLE Wi'MAN ?ato go out by the day, houaecloanlug; thoroughly un derstands her buaiiieas; roteronco. KAST 28TH ST.?A RESPKCTABLE~w"0MAN TO go out cleaiitug or washing ; beet references. Ocl WEST 3BTII sr. (RING THREE TJMKSi.?A aait.s Lyouug girl, who thoroughly understands halrdrcsa itix as nial'l or to uiliul nil Invalid litdy; la willing to travel; highest rotorencea. Call or addreaa. o s F? BABT 330 8V.?A RKBPKOTABLB IMTDDlaB Oas'Xiiged woman (o take care of milk and butter; reler euce if required. Addreaa. Qfaaj" WEST BOTH ST.-AN~K X P E KEEN C E D A .M E RI - O'Jeyoan woman would like to take charge ot a hoarding houso, or ua housekeeper. Address or apply to Mrs S 4 WEST d?Til ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO ? y*?gii'l to travel with n lady and uliildrcn or to de chaiubei'work and waiting In a nice family , boat city refer ence. Can be seen for two day*. 7/.Q 7TlT A.V ?TWiJ GIRLS. TOUETHER, TO DO 4 O t/tlio work of a asm nil family; thorouchly competent and obliging ; three years'city references from last place; no the country. IT 1 ^^>^V.ilAKKRY.?AN AMERICAN GIRL TO ? I J-Udo light housework ; city or country; good refer ence. WIDOW LADY, WELL EDUCATED AND HE Sucd, without children, wiahea a position as companion; heat references given and required. Addreaa S. C. B., box 4,8.74 New York i'ust oflice. JFencuman and his wikF WITHOUT CHIL drou. wisb to take cam of one houso in the absence of the family; the woman is a cook; the host references. Ad dress O. R., Herald Uptown ollicu. FRENCH PROTB8TANT AS LADY'S MAID: U* derslanus hair dressing and dressmaking mid all kinds Hue sewing; good city rolerences. Address fur two days E. .M., Herald Uptown Branch utliee. "a toTTnq English lady wTllTgive lessons J Yin English, French and Dalian in exchange fur a home; will accent copying or auything. Address ITALIA, box 170 Herald Uptown office. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE ENGLI8H PER ?ou to travel with a family or iuvalid lady, to take entire clutrge ot baggage; wages moderate; liighest refer ence given. Address E. IE. llurald Uptown office. PROFESSIONAL, SITUATIONS WANTED? ^FEMALES. HOC WEST 1HTH ST. FIRST TTOSZOt^PEoHT.-A s-iajUwidow (English), teaouer, organist, correspoiideot, cashier or bousekeoper lor widower with uteaus. CRAMPTON. N AM ERI CAN PRO I EST A NT AS GOV E KN ESS OR uursjry governess; holds a Normal eertiHcate; experi enced in tcacl.lug ami in the rudiments of music; small salary or a home; references. Address NORMAL, Herald Uptown office. HELP WASTED-FEMALES. Lady stenographkr wanted-in a wiiole sulo establishment, who is accurate, rapid uud n good Seiiman. Address, staling pay rei)uired, SECRETARY, 65a roadway ATkictant forewoman and competent ex umluer wanted?For hue shirts. KEEP'S Shirts, 1U> and 107 Mercer si. A~ URIGtlT YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST TiT[JKNERaL housework; siuall family, modern Hat, near city; a Sleasant home and moderate waxes. Address A., box 170 lorald Uptown office. ??TKKN BBOTHERS WANT 'fli()ROL'G11LY EX. ?perieuced salesladies lor their dress trimmings, laces, millinery and parusul depariinents; city experience re quired. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. Hth sr. and 2>'id st. Ijl XPEKlli.NOED Ml ELI NEK W aNI ED-TO GO TO J Hudson, N. Y. Apply, between 12 and 1 o'clock, 318 and 320 t.'uiial st. G N IRE ABOUT 17 OK 18, WANTED IN A SMALL family of three. ln<|uire*127 East 83d st. EAT. CAPABLE SERVANTS WANTED- AT TUB parlors of the Ladies' Directory, 137 West 3t!th st. NO. no WEST 221) ST.-DRK.S-MAKHRS-SHYKKAL lirst class waist hands wanted; ouly competent hands need apply; to such liberal salary will be given. Kll. mXcyTcO. WANT 100 OPERATORS FULLY ?competent to do the llnest white work lor ladies'and ctiildreii s wear, oil Milieux Ji Gibhs' machines; to such hands the very highest prices will be paid and steady work. Only those who can refer to long experience on such poods with manufacturers need apply at office, Hth st. aud Oth av. 11. MACY A CO. WANT 100 KXK8T (LASS OPEr" ? ators on ladies' suitn; tn those accustomed to good work and wliocau give reference lor long experience in hrst class houses best prices will l>e paid and steady work. Hth st. and Oih av. \v TWO GIRLS. ONE KOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $12. aud a Prole ,Hint nurse, making horself generally useful, $8; sisters preferred. W West 11th at. rruvo active lady agents can make $12to 520 I weekly. Apply to CAS8ELL. l'ETTER A UALP1A", 6SX.I Broadway. ANTED?A PROTESTANT WAITRESS. WHO UN derstands her business. Cull at 21 hast 24th St., after II o'clock, with recoiuuiendutlona. ANTED?A FIRST OUH OHAMBERMAID AND waitress; city relerunccs required. Call, to-day. at 18 Ea-t 2Htli ?l., from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Tff A NTBD?TO GO TO CHKI8 IT ANMBUBG, VA-, TO YY manage dressmaking and millinery; references re quired. Call nt Grand Central Hotel, routu 230, on Priday, Saturday and Monday, from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. WANTED?THREE INTELLIGENT SALESLADIES to retail goods to private houses on salary $3 per day, if suitable. 11A.M., to 1. 2 to 5 P. M_ A. LIVINGSTON, 37 Park row, room 30. WANTED-A YOU NO LADY As" CASHIER AND hook keeper. Address, with releronces, A LA V1LLE DE PARIS, 30 East Hth st. WANTED - AG Fit L PGR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at 135 West 48th St., basement door. "XkJ ANTED?POUR ~~ FIRST CLASS TRIMMERS YY inose thatknow their business apply to MARVIN, 231 Gib av. A NT El)?A~~ SMART- ENGLISH GIRL, FOR CARE ol children uuu other duties. Apply for two days ul 88 East Mist st. 7 A N T111-AWAITK ESS." KOR TWO MONTH ?; GOO D recommendations. Apply at 313 ftth nv. before 12 to day. WANTED?GIKL KOR GENERAL llolSEW oRK" with best relerenees; $10. Apuly at 247 Wost 4ttlh si., third llai. TUANTED?a"PIU?T CLAMtTjSfL:RSE~TUAT SPEAKS YY Germau and English aud willing to go into the toun try. a good, permanent home to the right party; relorencos must be first clsss. Apply at No. 4 Alexandre Building, titli av., between 51st ana odd sis., April 13, betweeu 3 and 4 o'cloek. \l7 ANTED WORKING" CHAM II I.RM AID KOR HOTEL. YY 385 Bowery: $2 50 week, board sud lodging; refer ences. ANTED?A COOK. WASHER aNIi 1RONEK; CITT reference. Call st 115 West 21st st.. between 10 and 12. ANTED-A GIRL TO MIND A BABY. 353 31) aV,". Ursi lint. WantUD=A chambermaid and Waitressj one who underitanct her business thoroughly. Apply 358 West 23d St. ANTKD-A GlIII TO GOUKr WASH ~A.NL) IRON, Apply at 428 West 47th st. ANTED?A YOUNG GIRL KOR LI GUT. PLAIN work. Call 3U2 East 23d St. A NT ED?NT' K SI', an I) SEA M STRESS KOR A child four years old ; Amerlcun or Welsh. Apply be tween 11 and 12 A. M., 152 East 81st St. 11'ANTED?IN A FAMILY OF KITE, A GIRL fOB YY general housework, to go In ilie country; niusl be able to cook, wash and Iron well. Call, alter 8, at 158 West 48tb st. T17ANTED?CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS AND YY to assist with wasldug. Call at 41)2 Lexington av., be tween I) and 12. _______ Wanted a "smart woman " as working housekeeper, to take charge of house lor private fam ily; best reference required. Addross A. A., box 100 Ilerald Uptown uffioa. Wanted?") young girl to take charge of YY two children (three and six) ana to wait on table. 210 Bast 40th st., Itrst Iteu W'ANTED-AW EXPERIENCED M RUB AM) 8SaX YY stress; oue neeuitoiued to the care <>l young chtldreu and buve city rsfereuce. Apply at 142 West 43d St. \XTANTED^A_ PRO TESTANT GIRL Hilt GENERAL YY housework; must read aud write Apply nt 348 West 80th St., alter IL W"ANTED?A FIRST CLASS WAITRESS"; RUST HE napuble of taking a mar.'? place and liirnlaii uuexcep tiouable city references. Apply, between U and 11 A. M. to doy, 47 F.a?l 34th st. W anted a kir.-t class waist HAND; also improvers. Apply 408 4th av. ____________ SITUATION* WAVIED-MALES. V NY ONE WISHING A HEAD WAITER TO IAKE ./Y charge of a dining room In a summer house run be sup piled at 235 sulllvau st. by one who has 15 years' experi ence. Apply from 2 to ft. LAD WANTED-Wllo WRITErt A RAPID HUSI r??s hand aud resides In the city. Address BROAD WAi, Jlarsld office. w w w w SITUATIONS VI KTBD?BALES. "'i iMAKT ameSTCan boy. 17 vkakk "uV agi? with hit parouts, dtilru employment In some wholesale or retail bouse to leitrn end tilitnce with tue business; salary no object. Address VV. 11. 0.. station L. SMART. ACTIVE YOUNG RAM Oft) WllllK" KM Tlploymaul: can make lntu?.ilf useful in any kind ol ? store; id references lor honest* snd sobriety; smell wages Address WILLING, Herald office. RESPECTABLECOLOREII WAITER MAN WANTS situtioi. In private family or" tlrst rlsis boarding house ; Hist cissa city references from the last place. .Address T. B., Herald Uptown office. A GERMAN MAX WANTS A SITUATION AS FIRST a\ class waiter in a private family ; best city roferenr.-. Ad dress A. L . slieddeu's tdiarmary. Broadway,southwest cor ner 34th st. sliosest7 sober "aneTcapablb MAN WANTS a situltiion as steward, head waiter or cook in hotel or restaurani : city or eouutry. Address II STEWARD, box l -t> Herald oltce. T you so ran. aged rl wUHkn a snupv 7\ as porter or ativ similar work ; !? strong and not afraid to work hard AddVMS E. S., box 1 ."> 1 Herald office. V A COMPETENT HKADW.UIhR-PlKSI CLASH elorenoa. ('all. araddraee waiter. I Eae* 40sh ?t. Butler or waiter, b y a prxxchman, ix pbi vate family; city relereuce. Address 443 2d uv., fourth Ml jiorffin waxtkd-at ?? per week, address' \Jwith iiaiidwrliiug aud reierencts, C L., box 103 lieralu office. SITUATION WANTED HY A YOUNO MAS AH POIL Oiei : will make liitnsell'useful at any work; pood refer dices. Address J. LAXDOttAP. care of E. U. Vunbruiit, 5 Heaver at. B SITUATION WANTED-BV MAN 80 YEARS OK AGE; good address; willing to work hard; ten years clerk In Mrs! class hotel; small wages; very highest references Ad dress PRANK, Herald Uptown office. rno HOTEL* AND RES I AUKANT*.?A KI R-.T CLA S X head Waiter, speaks Krtlicll. German und English; highly recum mended. Address, all week. CHAKLEs, 18 Clinton place. CLERKS AMU SALESMEN. S 'EXPERIENCED'BOOKKEEPER'IH OPKJTtO AN t N 1 -fVong qjigageiueiil: moderate salary; Ural e.uaa references. Address HORACE, Herald office. a" YOUNG GERMAN, SPEAKING PKENCH. WANTS All situation as hotel clerk. Address W? 200 East 0th St. A BUSIXB88 MAN DESIRES SITUATION I WILL J\ Invest S-N.issi in business; highest references given. Address DILLINGHAM. Herald office. BUOKKKKPr R. ?PI1YK "HOURS EACH- DAY. 10 TO 3, can he given by a Hist rate bookkeeper; $110 per mouth: references At. CONFIDENCE, box 127 lieralo office. DRU0 CL8KK WANTED-An'TmKRICAM; ONE that can compound prescriptions and give good reter ences. Address DRUGS, station R, Brooklyn. D~BUCT CLERK WANTED?POK BTH at. 8TORB; must be thoroughly competent to take charge ol store. Address, with name and stating where last employed, APOTHECARY, Herald IIranch office. ______ qituatiox wanted?by a young MAN AS A Otravelllug agent for some wholesale or retail establish meat by'.he month ; good relerencel given. Address RU8 8EL McKlTKICK, Newtown. Hamilton co., Ohio. ' SALKS.M EN" WANTED - EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS salesineu. Plrst class men apply only. W. K. PEYTON, 272 and 271 llowory. W' A NT Eli-1! El' AIL UMBRELLA KALB.-MKN. AP ply hv letter to box 1.7U3. giving correct uame. address, age, rulerences and experiuuue (no pursoiiul application w hutcvoi will be considered) JONAH SMITH, bliN I CO. VU ANTED-A YOUNG UNMARRIED KAN, HOLDING <1 appoiiitiiienl of iiotur/ and good peuman. Address, stating salary, NOTARY, tieruid office. " TAN TED-A BOOKKEEPER POR A SHORT TIME. Address COMPETENT, box No. 110 Herald office. TXTANTED?A SITUATION A8 ASSISTANT BOOK Vr keeper In a wholesale business; good relerence Ad dress L. Al., 17 Broome st.. Newark, N. J. WANTED-A POSITION AS MOOKKRBPER, IN ? m hotel or resluuraut; town or country , two years'ref erence Iroiu lust place. Address WALTER bCOTf, Herald Uptown Kruuch office. w 7Vgaraening; city and country; satisfactory reference, ldress K? box ISA) Herald office. COACH MS* ft Aft IJ CAKDENERh. ATounu~mam.'agkId 20. A^BpACiiHA# or ah slsinnt; best retoroncos. Address J. M., box 150 Herald L ptuwn office. MAtTaTnD WIPE WISH SITUATIONS IN THE country; in an as coachman and vegetable gardener: wife as cook and laundress; references If required. Call lor two days at 135 Cedar st. A *8 COACliMAN AND (7lti7oM^BY A MARRIED yVmar., without unuuiubranco; can furnish first class refer ence. Address C. HAYES, Hits Monroe st.. New York city. A GERMAN YOUNG RAN AND WIPE WISH 8ITUA* tlons; he as coaclunan and gardeuor; she to do general housework, including Kitchenwork, washing, Ac.;relereuccs If requlrod. Call at 30 Hector st. YOUNG MAN W18HB8 A SITUATION AS COACH mau and groom; first class rotoruueo from his last eui ployer. Address OLIVER, box 13-1 Herald offico. ^8 COACHMAN?SINGLE, USEKUL"manT CAN DO AdJ A SINGLE MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS OOACU mau ; thoroughly understands the business; nine year*' relerence. Address P., box 153 Herald Uptown office. AS~0()AC1IMAN ?llV AN EXPEK1ENCKD~MAN; 8 years' relerence from last employer. Auurcss J., 713 Uth ar., harness store. AX_ENGL1SH MARRIED MAN WANTS a 8ITUA tlon in first class coachman; fully coiupeleut to take charge ol a gentleman's establishment; seven years in ser vice of last employer. Address J, W., Herald Uptown office. A"s coIchmTnTnd GROOM-A YoUNG man who thoroughly understands the business ; hits first class city reference. Address D.. box 113 llerald Uptown office. \ 8 COACHMAN-BY A 81NGLE MAN; CAN MILK 7X.and do plain gardening; best relerence. Address CoACllMAN, box 108 Herald office. SCOACHMAN. GROOM AND U8KKUL MAN?HY A single man; can do plain gardeulug, Ac.; beet reference. Address JAM E3. box 125 Herald office. iTKsTKCTABLK PROTESTANT MAN AND WIPE no incumbrance, want situations; man as gardener and coachman : wllo as cook or laundress; best reference. Call or address K. A., 855 Btll hv. C~OACHMAN.?A GENTLEMAN GOING TO EUROPE desiros to get a situation for hit coachman during the summer. Aduress 54 East 54th st. (SOACIIMAN AND VEGETABLE GARDENER?B7 A 7 single youug mau; cau milk und will be generally uselaL Address k. P., Herald Uptown office. (TO'ACllMAN'8 SITUATION~ "WANTED?YOUNG SIN Jglo man; first class city recommendations. Call on or address COACHMAN, 48 East 28th st. (VOaCIIM AN AND ' GARDENER AND A USEFUL J man: understands all work on a gentleman's place and is a good milker; has good city reference. Address C. box 12(1 llerald office. CXOAC tl.M AX WANTKD-A SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS /(inau, who thoroughly understands hie business and can milk. Address, with relerence, BAKER, llerald oflice. ("TOACUII AN~ AND "OROOM?BY SINGLE YOUNG yuiau; understands care ol horses thoroughly; accus tomed city or couatry; found generally useful; five years' relerence. Address w. K., llerald Uptown office. C70ACUMAX WISHES A SITUATION?WILL RE ./found very useful and obliging; single; American. Ad dress G? box 188 Herald Uptown Branch office. /"IOACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTKD-BY A SINGLE Vjmaii; thoroughly understands his husiuese; best city ref erence. Call on or address J. M., 147 5th av. [7UR8T CLASS COACHMAN AND GROOM WANTS A P situation. Cull on or address J. M., 2?l West 44th st. CIARDENER'8 SITUATION WANThO-ljy .a THOR JToughly competent married man (SwDsi; well recom mended hy present and former employers. Address J. CON KAU, Gruvosond, I.ung Island Ci akdknkr's situation wanted?by a prac JTiieal, siiiirlo lulu, alio thornaghly understands the cnre ami management of greenhouses, graperies, flowers, fruits and vegetables; good reterences. Address M., box 112 llornld otiice. Cs ENTLKMAN WISHES TO KIND HIS OAKUKNEIt X'a situation, whom he can recommend (or honesty, uml thoroughly master ol bis business. Address room 28, No. 80 Broudwiiy. SITUATION WANTED?COACHMAN ANO UAH kjdoner, married, no tmully ; milk and take cure of gon tlemsn's pliico ; wile cook and do general housewui k , couu tiy preferred ; best relevance. U, 114 Otli a*.. New York. \\TANTED?A SITUATION AS GARDENER; SINGLE; VY ihor-uglily understnnda his business; eight years in last situation, lett only through death ol employer. Address J. A., til csro ol Peter Henderson, 3f> Cortlandt st. Wanted?an experienced carman to drive a luruilure truck and handle furniture; tolerances re quired. Addiess Ness York Post office. box No. H.IWHJ. Wanted?a situation by a marki. d max. who thoroughly understands the care of vineyards ami fanning, having worked at same fur the past seven or eight years with the late Dr. Underfil l, Oroton Pulut; references iirst class. Apply, fur two uays, (rum 1 to 5 P. 11., at 181 lirand st., city. llTANIEii -A SITUATION IN BROOKLYN ItV A YV sober, steady man; can drive a team, take cure of horses or milk cows. Call at IH8 Pleat place for three duys. WANTED?A SITUATION AS GARDENER, BY A thoroughly educated business man . knows and under stands all kinds ol work belonging to the business; recom mendations trom termor places to disposition. Address W., box Kill Herald ollice. IIEI.P^ WASTED?.HALES. *T cQTliU 1KK AS fiT" BATII""Klip E.BIN TEND EN? xl. wanted. hi HI Lexington av.; also hotel steward and luuU to give baths. A NY PERSON CAN MAKE AN INDEPENDENT UV> XYing without capltsl. I ALlMaDGE A CO., <182 Broadway, room 4. N INTELLIGENT LAD WANTED?IN I HE OPPICB of a nianulacturing company; must write a good hand od references; wages very moderate to begin and have good -.... .,.j with. Address W. T., bos Hid Herald ollice. t YOUNG MAN (AM KHICaN), WILLING TO MAKE xYhlinselt useful ill store, ollice; low salary. Address BUSIXESS EXPERIENCES, Herald ollice. A THOROUGHLY KIRST CLASH BARTENDER wains a situation , cliyor seaside. Addrtess ler tbreu days, J. W. K , box 1W9 Herald office. A BOX ABOUT Id XEAK.4 OLD WANTED?IN AN ollice, to make himself cenerallv useful. Address RKaL ESTATE, box 170 Herald Uptown ollice. A YOUNG MAN WANTED?TO TARE charge OK lager beer saloon, who has experience; must give tuo best of rolerenco; must speak German and English. Ad dress C. A. B., Herald Uptown uHlcu. B OY WANTED IO WAIT ON TaBLK. AND MAKR blmself generally useful. Call 28 East 4th st. Boy wanted in a BROOKLYN publisher's ollice. Mu?t be stout, Intelligent with good references \\ age- #2 weekly. Address, with particulars PUBLISHER, box l'l8 I lei aid ollice. B OY WANTED?IIONEST, AMBITIOUS, NOT AKIIAID if work , wages at It rat $2. Addrsas, with references. lit 0., lux 124 Herald uriice. [WANT A GOOD, SMART MAN ON COMMISSION TO solicit rooliiig work ol all sluds from architects, builders, tc. HOOKING, Herald office. ?pUKK TEAS?AGENTS WANTED; HK8I TERMS TO .1 agcuts selling to families and large consumers: store keepers will Ibid a large stock to velect (rem at lowest prices. The WELLS TEA COMPANY', 201 Kultun st., be tween Church and Greenwich, New York. Rarr chance kor bus inks.- men with u.v. questionable references; general agency In New York acd Chicago Call 2112 Hroadway, room 2U. S" MART <r/kfii0lTc"yoUNil MAN A> DELIYIUEB; also two on iustelment books; reference required. kUKhll Y, 28 Barclay It HELP WASTED?HALEi, Wasted- sftir.'wm vti wviirrrcr rerrw TV assist In the preparation of Truw'? New York City Di rectory. Address, in writing ot the applicant, stating ft ernices. HOB B. IlALLOCK, II University place. Appli cation- in person nut attended in. TITANTED?BOYu II AVISO TWO UK TUKEE YBARB* TV experience in the Jewelry trade. Apply 33 Barclay >(., op stalra YETANTED?A PARTY WITH A LIT I LK CABH, FOE TV the sale of evergreens io tuba; geod profits guarun toed 1IH Mil av. \\rantki) -an acti\ t enerurtiu 555551 TV man. to deliver goods and collect; good peDtuan, and not atraid nl work security required. Address. atatiag prcunuj employment, S. l'? Herald ufifia. Tk7 ANTED?A JoWoliAH, WHO I S aCQL'aTxT k"5 TV Willi architects and twlldara, an agent In the building Una: moderate salary and percentage will be paid; a tech nical man prelerrud. Jolly J. SCHILLINUKU, 111 Broad way , rnotn 1D5. IITANTKD?A SINOLK MAN AS COOK FOR A BUmEL TV note! roatanrant; wages, BlOper week and a good room; alao wanted, a wittier, wage*. $1 pur wrok and room. Ad dress U. SLAY, Herald Uptown office. WANTKD-A FEW YOUNG MKN OS EDUCATION TO loarn iihonograpliy and stenography, and accept profit able sltuiitions. Adtlreae PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. 30 East I4tb at. ________ anted-rwo KxIIOfrK lUMiWftlMi FM> TV utnneiii employment. 2,204 3d ar. TIIK TRADES. A CUTTKR~WAXTED?TO OUT CHILDRKN'S"UNO wXtniaaea' fine white anlta: only thuae who fully under, atund the liueiueaa and can coma well recommended need apply. AdJrea. L. 11.. Herald Uptown oltiee. "7 GOOD. HOMBBT. EDUCATEU BUY WldHKS A JXsliii.iiion to learn a trade or any other huaineae; beet ol relurenoea obi allied; aue 15. L. K.. box 220 Herald office, CioVEKKU BUTTONS.?A FIR?T CLABS TQOLMaKKRi /capable of taking charge ol' factory, can obtain a perma nent ailuatloii Apply Immediately to Mr. Hh.KKMAN.115 and 117 franklin at., I'hlladelplila. Tjjf A N ?5 U?A PIRST OL ABB OtlTMB. BT A OUT TV merchant tailor. Addroaa, for three days, CUTTRR itatiou D. VI,-ANTED-FIRST CLASS CUSTOM CUTTER. TO OO Vt io the country. Apply, on Mouday, at SIKUEL'S, 553 3d a*. ANTKD-AN ASSISTANT architectural draughtsmen, who understands lettera, to make him self useful in office and to solicit urdor* for atgns and plain painting. Address or inquire at llOJ Kli 1 OKA 11 All's, 97 Uuuuo at. ANTKD?A FIRST CLASH MAN TO MAKE CLOAKS^ Ac.. In a private dresamaking establishment: none but the best workers need apply. Si. A. CONNELLY, 7 East loth st., basement door. FOIL SALE. "k 7mrXf5t'OK s is')kk, B-oi.NG GOOD^BfSISZS^ j\.oo Fulton St., near tho ferry, lor sale ebeap. MITC11E LL'S. 77 Cedar ft. A PAINT SHOP, OOOO BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED JVfJ ycais. for aule: bargain; owner retlriug from buat ness. LLOYD, 29 Broadway. N OLD f STABLISUEO WINE, LAOEB BEER AND Lluuor Saloon lor salo cheap. Apply at the premises, llarcy House, 147 Hudson St., Jersey City, one block from the terry. FIRST CLASS SAMPLE-ROOM. DAY TRADE; near Post office aud City llall; bargain. LLOYD, 29 Broadway. A, A LAUNDRY, IN A OOOO LOCATION; PROFITS weekly $21X1; price very reueouable. Apply to LLOYD, 2s Bruailway. A N OLD ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT OR LODG .xxing tlouse (rooms more than pay the rout) tor sale cheap. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar at. A-KOtt SALE CHEAP. LIQUOR STORKS. CORNER ? Groceries, Meat Markets, Fancy (lends Stores, for 4125. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar at. A BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOR HALE-ALSO Dining Rooms, Restaurants. Sample Rooms. Livery Stables, ttxpress Routes. M ALONE, 5 De.v St. FIRST RATE CORN EE LI Q ufo if" STORE ON prominent thoroughfare, west side; long lease; low rent. s.M I'l ll. 17 Centre si. TTENTION.-AVILL SELL FIRST7CLASS STATloN ery, Toy and Variety Store, cheap; doing good business; 25 utiles irom Now York. For particulars address D., box 190 Herald office. FIRST CLASS LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE. WITH Stock: satisfactory masons for selling. 8., Herald olllce. B U8INESS STAND, CORNER OF 9i'H AV. AND BOTH at., 25x50, with Dwelling; cheup rent. J. HKULAN, 369 9th av. B O AUDI NO HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. FULL OF good paying boarders, will be sold or exchanged. MCDONNELL A MKLLOR. OO Chatham at. AR AND LUNCH ROOM. NEAR THE POST OFFICE| night and day trade ; a sure fortune. MCDONNELL A MKLLOR. SO Chatham sL CI LOSING U P~BU 61N ES8?FOit SALE, VER Y cTFeaP, /a large number of Counters, suitable lor clothing or dry goods, at 148 Woostur St.. tlrst floor. II LEG ANT CORNER LIQUOR* STOKE KOIt~SALE? J line location ; first class business; prlco 82,800. Addroel BONA FIDE, Herald Branch office. For -sale?stork fixtiukes, counters and Showcases, at 94 B wcry. OR" SALE-FIRST CLASS BLACK WALNUT FIX turee, comprising Till Counterc, Side Counters in mova ble sections. Top aud Side Racks, Showcases, Glove Cabinet* and wire Partition. U. H. A K. J. WITfUAUS, 490 Broadway. I~j70it SALE-FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, IN JERSEY 'City, doing good business; ensv terms: very cheap. Apply to B. F. VV1L11KL.U, Jr., 270 Newark av., Jersey City. B F OR SALE?THE GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES OF a small Restaurant doing a paying business. J. L. KnIUHT, Bennett Building. f; f OR SALB-A HANDSOME CYLINDER DESK, COST $140, for 830. Apply or call 141 West Broadway. F' ~OR BALK-A LARGE TUBEE-KAUCET COPPER Coffee Urn, with all appliances, suitable lor a saloon; also a rugae's Portable Ranee aud an octagon Show Lamp, all in good order. Cull, lor three days, at 250 Oth av. For sale-a large fire and burglar proof Safe, Valentine A Butlers, makers; else, inside meas urement, 5 feet by 4 lest 8 inches; cost 82,000; pries $500. Address box 119 Herald Uptown office. For saTe cITeap^Fovvntown lager beer and Liquor Saloon; low rent; no agents. Apply 7$ Cort landt st. OR SALE CHEAP-ONE MCE SODA FOUNTAIN by Brunuer. 407 12th St., uoar 1st av. IMMENSE hTuGAI,\F-FIRST CLASS GROCERY. KS tablisbed 20years; cash receipts, $300 weokly; owner re? turning to Eutope; examination asked; beet corner in city. FLAMMUU, 349 Bowery. L"~ADY HAVING A WHEELER A WILSON SILVER platod Sewing Machine cost $85, and will tell for 820^ having no use for It. Apply 420 Uth av., in book store. Liquor store for sale-the best location iu Harlem, near depot. Inquire southeaat corner 125th ?t., 4th av. ? MILK ROUTE FOR SALE.?INQUIRE AT 347 WRsi 39th S'.? basement. THE CENTRAL MARKET restaurant FOR sale, as the proprietor is about to leave lor the Blue* Hill*. Apply on premises. AIACH1N ERV. ^R'^THnIT'ITi.ii cmsk po wkiir^fionTBu", s HaW. 2Xing, Belting. Coffee Roaster, Cooler, Spice end Coffee Mills, very little used, for sule clioup for cash or on eaey term*. Cell at 10!) Newark ?v., Jersey City, or at 325 Green wich at.. New York. 3 UoKSK ROPER CALORIC ENGINE, IN COB. plot* order, with belting, pulley and shafting. II Alt it IS A I1KRRM AN, 27 2d at. H OE'S IlKUM CYLINDER PRESS TWO ROLLERS bod 34x62; in splendid order; tor aulo olienp. UIL1IOOLV, 113 Nassau at. SURE CIJ UK FOR SLIPPING BELTS. Sutton's Patent Pulley Cover trubber). It is wurruiited to transmit list |>er cent inure power then any other pulley?that is. It will do twlou the work before the belt will slip: 30 ilays' trial. Send for circular. A. W. BILLINGS, box 3.2111 Poat office, city. ANTKD-A PA I it UP TABLE SHEAR* TO 00# sheet iron, 33 inchoa wide; also a China Decorator'* Wheel. Address SHEAR*. box 187 Herald office. ANTED-A SECOND HAND STEAM BNGINE: Baxter preferred. Address J. P. HUFFMAN, 119 1'aasaio av., Nuwaik, N. .J. ANTE r>-A 32 INCH NECI>ND 11 AN b~SHE RID AM or Sanborn Paper Cutler; muat be in good order A. is. * Alt it. 20 Union square. W; W WANTED?A NO. 2 BOGAKDL'S MILL; ALSO A pair stone Chase w; size, from 21 to 30 inches. second hand; in goud ordor. Address R. C. SCOTT, 448 Cherry at, WANTED?AN ENGINE, IN FlltSl' RATE ORDER, from 12 to 16 horse power, with extra boiler capacity. Address STEAM ENGINE, station C, New York. WANTED?TWO SECOND HAND BURR 8T0NB Mills, from 2,' j to 4 feet; muat be In good order and cheap lor caali. Call at 112 Liberty at. HORSE BAXTER, 13 HOUSE BOILER. FOR SALE cheap. 67 Murray st. 10 CLOTHIVG. _____ "1 N A'i'ffAN'S*'*LS f A li I. ISII .M e. if'f, Oril A v.. .iV.neiir 4:h st ?Highest valuu will lie paid for caat-olf Clothing. Ac. Call or address Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. ~i T HARRIS' 1.274 HROADWaYT" BETWEEN 32D o9Land33d sts. ?Broadway prioas paid Tor cast off Clothiug, Ac., by calling or addressing H II ARRIS, 1,274. T B. MINTZ'S, 24S 3D AV ~ NEAttllit>tiTsT , 30 per cent inure paid than elsewhere lor ladies'and gen. tiemeii's cast oil' Clothing. Carpets, furniture, Jewelry. Orders oy mail promptly alteudeii by Mr. or Mrs. Mintz. T Vl.ATT i'S, UP ToW.nT 816 6TII AV.-*B5,(W> ?worth ol Cast Off Clothing wanted immediately, grant prices will oe paid fur them. Addresa Mr or Mrs. FLATTU. k -CAST OFF CLOTHING. AC.?ItlOHEUPf VaLUB JV.w111 lie paid. 33}j Uth av.. near 4tb at. Call on or ad* dreaa Mr. nr Mrs. NATHAN. ABTItOMMih . A?81.1 s it) ; NO IM POSITION . 'GREATEST StfSC ,ne?s Clairvoyant In America. Mrs. FOSTER, 428 titb av., corner 26th st. A WONDERFUL CHILD, GIFTED WITH BROONO sight, tells everything without qiiestiouing. 123 Waal 40tb St., near Broadway. "k -WONDEK OF THE AGE.?MRS. PHILIPS. MEUL ^ Business Clairvoyant; nnmos, likenesses, 141 West 40th st. AS SrROLOUKK LISTER, ill!) UI'II AV.. CORN EE >th St.. 44 years practice. Send lor a circular. A MBDICAl*. ?MilK. KESTKLL, IN PRACTIOKSINCE I84ir""~ . Office I East -TJil at., ffrat tloor from 'uli av, -DR. AND MME> GIIINDLK. ? RESIDENCE AND ?office No 142 West 4Hih ?t., between 6th ami 7th ave. J\.? * office No. 47 West I3ih at.. nenrSth av. "~D?. AND~MMB. OOSTKLLA. office 246 West 2,'itll at., b. twnen 7th and 8th era. Y ?UK. AND MM K. Ml ETON, A; A D Mr?< M -MADAM MAfnWKLL. ? No. 312 East Utli st.. near 2d nr. IL AND *ME WESTS OuThS I'a BLIS11 ED office, 46 Bleecker st.. betiveun Broadway and Bowery. A. M MAUKIOE.aU, MIDWIFE.?'OFFICE AND residence No. 1 Ran 626 st. RS. LYONS, 40 EAST 20TII SI . between Broadway and 4tb Ml