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THE STATE CAPITAL. Redaction of a Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars in Canal Expenses. STATE REAPPORTIONMENT. Morrissey Cudgelling Tammany for New York's Defects. COAL COMBINATIONS. A Measure to Break Up the Re cent Agreement. , ALtusr, April 12,18TT. The Oasal Appropriation bill was the cblul subject 01 dlsooaalon m tbo Assembly to-day. Tbe principal amendment made to It wan ouo reducing tbo appropri ation lor lock teuding aud ordinary repairs on tbo com pleted canals from $800,000 to $040,000. When debiuo was exhausted the bill was ordered to a third road lug. Prior to tbls another of those lively scenes that bavo t almost daily marked tbo proceed tngs of the Assembly occurred. Mr. Spinola raised several points or order, which were decided by the Chair (Mr. Hayes) as not being well taken, and Mr. Spinola, getting Incensed at the repeated rulings all one way, exclaimed that the Chair did not' know upon wnut he was deciding, thereupon Mr. Strahan jumped up and said tboy hud tolerated this kind ot thing too long, thai It was Uino to shut down upon it, and that buffoonery bad had its day. Mr. Mitchell sailed lor the words to be read, and the ?Id aoeues were enacted over again. Mr. Rugglos, of Steuben, moved to lay the whole sub ject on the table, and there was sense enough left to ngree with the motion. The Sergeani-at-Arina (George Goes) tells mo that Whenever he hears this kind of wrangling of late be keeps hnssell conveniently posted, feeling as if a catastrophe was ulways Impending aud his services ready to be invoked. lie is confident the session cannot end without s?mo terrlfle and dtsgraeelul ex plosion. nxarroRTioNixo tux stats. There is n strong feeling among the democrats, who ere the only ones Interested, at the delay on the part of the republicans In moving to reapportion tbe State. Tbo reapportionment would give the counties of New York and ltiobmond two additional Senators and about Ave Assemblymen, almost a clear democratic spin, and uaturally enough tbe republicans don't want It. and will keep putting oil the inevitable as long as possible, ttoveruor Robinson most also leel strongly In this manor, not alono on the score of party, but in the In terest o! securing a democratic Senate next year which would be more In burmony with his views than the present one. Should no actiou l>e taken by tbe re publican chairmen ol tbo Apportionment committees the Governor, it Is thought, will call an extra session ?f the Legislature. down ox uoNOPues. The coal companies entered into a combination on the 8ih of this mouth to keep up tbe prices of coal and prevent lbs public from reaping uny benefit by tbe excess ot production. To-day Mr. O'Huro introduced S bill having fur Ha main object the breaking up of this combination. Everybody is uwaro of tbo disastrous col lapse of last yeur's combination aud tbe henetlctal re mits that followed to consumers. This year, Uowpvor, the combination lias been reformed, atreugtliened^aud Bade much more formidable. The representatives s( tbe companies recently adopted resolutlona to mino 8,000,000 tons of coal Instead of 21,1.00.000, is in past years, and to raise tbe prtco tlfly cents a ton on tbe 1st of June next. The blU pro poses to accomplish Its end by forfeiting tbe charters ol any oompanios organized under the laws of this State, and tbo privileges and immunities or lereigo corporations doing businoss In this Slate when thoy conspire to cheat and defraud the public. AX 1XCAPABLK JUOliX. The rosoiuttou instructing tbo Judiciary Committoo to luveatlgate tbe charges of alleged mental Incapacity ?n tbo part of Judge Ransom lialcom, of the Sixth Judicial district, wus called from tbo table and adopted. AX INTERESTING DERATE. The bill introduced somo weeks ago by Mr. Morris * My supplemental to tbo act to reorgauizo the local government of New York was ordered 10 a third read lug In tbo Senuto, but not without u sharp aud spicy < debate. Tbe third section of the bill provides lor tbo * election ot a Comptroller, Mayor, Corporuilou Coun sel and Board ol Aldermen tn April, 1878. Mr. Star buck made a motion to except the Comptroller and de nounced Itae bill as an atiompt to break duwu the dem ocratic majority In the city ol New York. Tbo pur pose was one of misetilet, aud this effort to legislate an oAluat out ol office might be called a conspiracy against the majority. He was sorry to see the Senator Irorn tbo Fourth striking hands with the enemies of tbe democratic party. Mr. Morrtssey replied that f i a legislative career ol alx years he had done uolbiug against his party. TAMMAXT'S TRICKS. The Senator was speaking lor Tammany Hall, but be IMorrlssey) carta nothing lor Tumuiauy when it got In tho way of the people. It was Tama ammuoy that lu the dark and In tbe dead of tho night stole away iho j right Irani tbo people io elect their own Comptroller, i ana inserted a provision lu the Supply bill thut bo j ?hould be appointed so that the man to do tho stealing ; for the Ring might be put in as ho wua put in, aud you ! know the rest. Thero was no ateullug when tho peoplo { aiccied the Comptroller. Tbo bill wus not I ?lined nt Johu nor any other luun, and the Comptroller anyhow would bo democratic, whether ?ppointod or elected. Mr. Bixby said the bill provid ing lor tbo election of olUcers by the peoplo was emi nently democratic, Sorno measure ol relief must bo adopted lor Now Yorx or else tbe taxpayers will be driveu into tbe Insane asylums uud mo poor peoplo Into tuo pauper houses. Another principle ol democ racy was economy in tbe admiuistrutiou of govern ment. and when be (Mr. Slarbuck) assumed lu the Dame of democracy to inveigh ug oust retrenchment In expenditures he threw off the mask ol democracy aad assumed that of the Bouroou. He called Upon tho Senator to sustain the bill because It wus democratic, aud If be did not he (tbo speakor) aud tho Senator irom tho Fourth (Morrtssey) wouid bo com- | polled to read him out of tho democratic party. (Laughter.) He called on tbo 'Senators Irom the Ftlih and Seventh (Wagstall and Gerard) to sustain tbo bill because it wus democratic, assuring them ul tbo sumo time that It wuuid have tho effect ot taking John Kelly out ol office, but that tliev had bettor sacrifice fllty Kellys than Ibeir democracy. RI.KCTIXO THE I'ORI'TROLLER Mr. McCarthy (rcpuolicun) lurorud the bill nn<i Mr. Robortsou (republican) made a stroug point lu lavor ot It by reminding tbo Bunator from tbe Eighteenth (Starbuck) that ainoe be bad baon in the Menate tbo leader ol tbe democracy in thu .Scnato bad moved to make the olllco ol Comptroller elective, and every democrat in tbe scnato had voted wnu linn. (That true when Ureuu waa Comptroller.) Mosers. Kcuuuduy and Wageiatf beld out witb Star buck, but when Woodin reminded Kennaday that tbe Comptroller ol Brooklyn was au elective o 111 cor and gave great aalleluctiou on llial account, ibe Held was won and the bill wan ordered to a third ruadiug. AKKKAKS OV TAXKX. Mr. Illxby's bill providing lor the paymont ol arrears ?I luxea extending tbo time ono year and tbo rate ol mtcreit eight per caut, was reported favorably to tbe Senate TtiK BurrtY nu, Mr. Harris, from tne 1 in mice Commit loo, reportod tbe Supply bill. It appropriates $1,000,000 toward l ho erecttou 01 tbo now Capitol; provides thai ihn work ?bull bo continued uccording to tbe old pluus, uud re duces the aalury ol tbo .Suporiiitouuuni Iroiu $10,000 to $7,600. It gives to the Commissioner* ol Emigration, for payment ol current expenses, $160,0110; to tbo Commissioners ol Quarantine, lor the inatuionance ol tbe Quarantine omaUlisbment, $10,000; lor tbe pur cbaeo uud erection of a inouumeut In Saratoga county ID conimcmoratiou of a decisive battle during tbe revolution, $10,000. provided a like sum is raised by subscription; to tbe city of Kiugatou lor tbo erection ul u memorial in commemoration ol the lor motion of Sims government, llu.uoo, provided a liko auin bu raised by uMSTlptlSs; lor tbo erection ol a monument at Fort (ireon, city of Brooklyn, over tbo remains ul the martyrs ul ihe prison ship, $10,000, provided $60,000 Ou raised hy subscription; to thu New York Catholic Protectory, tor the sup port and mniutcuauce ol' )uvenllu delinquents, $26,000; lor the establishment or a law li brary at Cautou, Si. Lawrence county, lor tho use of the Suprumc Court, $2,000; lor tho advertise ment lor the sale ol lands lor unpaid taxes, $22,000; I lor dellcieucy in the rent of Him tiovornor's house, $6, .>00; to the Atloiuey Ucneral, lor the preparation jf cases beloro the Hourd of t ndu, $1,600; to Ihu Hoard ol Audit, to uieot awards. $'.).4oO. and u gratuity io ibe wuou ul Kov. kh.iho l Sharpe, who was killed by the falling ol a cuuul bridge, $0,000. Tun bill was mudu tbe special order lor Taosduy I morning. KHIOUTI..NSII ROMS SI.I.SHB A communication was received in tun Senate from i tbe Sunday liquor deulera ol New Y rk. protesting ! against the mil truiislerrlng tlto Kacl u Buioau lu tbu ; Folico Board. CANAL KRTRSXCIIXKXT. To l.leiitcnant Unveruor Dorshelirer, whose zeal for ! roirenchmont lias been a marked leuturu ul bis dun- I Dectiuu with the Canal Board, may ho attributed the | circumstance that at III* recent meeting ol Hie Hoard the ollicvs oi thlrtreu collectors an I tbiriy clerks were abolished, saving to the State u sum ol $;io,uoo yearly. MR Al.VOKII ADOPT AllAlX. Mr. Tbomus (>. Alvord made Ins Drat appearance lor D week In the Assembly Chamber to-day alter a se rious attack ol Illness. Ho is sti.l fee bio, hut quiet uud retirement will soon reatore thu old man eloquent to bis pristine health. TDK KVKNIXO SK8SI0X8. Both bouses were in session ibn evening without if ansae ting any business ol note. Tbe House passed the time discussing that everlasting Insurance bill ot Graham's without making any amend mcuu except to provide a committee ot llftrou to take the whole sub ject Into consideration. ?iNRa. The following reports were made in the Senate:? By Mr. Woodin, from the Committee on Cities? Favorably, with some snieo<lmeuie, on the bill lb rela tion to arrears of uxos in tho city ot New York, and to provide for the reissuing of revouue bonds in anti cipation ot aucb taxes. Alto, without amendment, on the bill In relation to countersigning wurruuts fur payment Iroin the treas ury of the cuv ot New York. By Mr. Vcdder, Irom the Comouiteo ou Internal Allaire?For consideration of the bill tg> legalise the acta ot the Board of kxcise throughout the Stale. Mr. Carpenter, irom the Committee on Cities, re ported favorably ou tbe hill amending the act to reorganise tbe local government of the city of New York. Also ou the bill to provide a hotter supply of pure i and wholesome water in tho Twenty-third and I'wcuty tourlh wards of the city of New York. VICIOUS IIT (IOVXRNOH ROIIINSO.V. When tbe House assembled, at eight o'clock, the Governor's private secretary brought iu two vetoes. Tbe lirst was on the bin providing lor the construction ol lishways In Stale dams ?cr?m the Oswego, Oneida and Seneca rivers. He cites other appropriations ucd says that with the appropriation In this bill there would be"$22,000 appropriated this year lor a similar purpose. He thinks there can be uo "pressing necessity for tho j bill, and that a duo regard lor ecouoiny is opposed to It j besides, if the work is to be doue upou the dams constructed for canal purposes it should he paid lor Irom the caual fund and not by direct taxation. COLUKCTOIIS AMI KkCMVKRS (IV TAXKS. The Governor bos also returned without bis approval the bill in relation 10 collectors and receivers of taxes. The bill makes it tbe duty of collectors and receiver! el taxes iu the towua of thebaic to receive at pur, in payment of town, county and Stule taxes, or ders Issued by tbe Hoard ol Supervisors upou the Treasurer ol the county iu which such towns are located, providing the orders aliall have been issued in due oonlorur.ty with luw. Tbe Governor says the eiabarrasstneui and injustice of requiring tax collectors to pass upon the validity of supervisors' urders must be apparent to every one. It Is doubtlul it collectors in large towns could procure ?urettea Were this bill to become a law uuuoytng lltl gutlons would be the certain aud speedy result. There would be too great opportunity lor Iraud aud error. paoracTio.v vol*, vomer Wbon tbe House had Inlrlv settled down to discuss Mr. Graham's bill above relerredlo, to secure better protection to holdors of insurance policies, Mr. Moiey was about to move that the committee report progress, but gave wuy to Mr. Muated, who took occasion to deny Hihicmouts publicly made that he was the paid attorney of insurance companies ou this tluur. He denied these statements in lolo. He had uo connec tion whatever with any Insurance compuny. Ho then said be wanted Una bill perieoted, as It now stood It contaiued several clauses subject 10 vetoes, uod thorc were unconstitutional provisions In It which hud been moved alter tbe bill cume Irom the committee. lie had several amendments which he wanted incorporated in tbe bill, which would uiuku it more poriect la Its object ou behalf ot the policy hold ers. Further discussion was had, In winch it wus made apparent that the Committee ol the Whole would ncvor bo abio to perfect the bill, wucreupon Mr. Pish moved that ihu committee report progress, so that a motion could be made to refer tbe bill to a special committee to perfect It The motion was carried. Mr. HuBted thou tuovod that the committee referred to be a select committee of fliieen, nine ol whom shall consist ol tbe Insurance Committee. Mr. Flab moved as an amendment that It be a com mittee or twenty-one, nine of whom shall consist of tho Insurance Commltteo, the committee to report within one week. He suid il tho committee consist ot only Ulleen tbe bill might as well bo referred to the Insurance Committee. Tbe amondmeut was lost, 37 to 44. Mr. llustcd'a motion was then carried. The Chair announced as the members of the commlt teo In addition to the Insurance Committee, Messrs. Gilbert, Pock, Kisb, Purdy, Kcclesine and U. H. Rock well. WORK VOR TIIlt C'OCUT OV Al-FKAUL There Is a fearful boat ol politicians uud others on politics bent here this evening. Most of them repre sent tbey are here on business with iho Court of Am poule, unit if so the caleudar this month will be enor mously swelled. It Is noticeable, however, that quite a number ol thorn oall on Senator Woodln, who, per haps, is a Court ol Appeals No. 2?a law unto himself. Tom K. Stewart is here with business at the Court ol Appeals; Owen Urcnuen, dlttu. Pat Jouos, the ltrgistcr, has a big argument to deliver In the morn ing, and he is big with his argumeuL Ed. Donnelly, Treasurer or Tammany Hall, has his briefs ready; Diclc Ftanagun will astonish tbo Court by bis re searches In too old English common law; A. U. Cor nell the Oliver Cromwell of the republican party iu the Btato, is expected to bull doze the Court In the alternoon; George IIIish, ex-United States District Attorney, wno carries about htm suob an air of prolundlty and Impor tance will make the learned Chiel Justice Church leel extremely small; "Nick" Muller will muke his ddbul; Alderman Tuomoy carries his legal papers In his nsl, and Is bound, liko the rest, for the Court or Appeals. David Dudley Field, 1 believe, has lelt tor New York, but he, 100, had bustneas In the Court, though the weuknoss of human nature is such bo bad to call on I senator Woodin first; Kd. Kearney, the universal citent; Ashbel Green, groat in insurance matters, bad a case lor the Court; James Daily. Dick Morrison, i United States District Attorney Stewart L. Woodlord, j Sheriff Daggett, ol Brooklyn; Senator Coo, of Kings; j Jlin Richtnoud. even Charley Swan?all bavo itn I portanl cases ponding before the Court ol Appeals. I How coofinit'Dt is Ibat Court of Appoili! But thero > Is ooe man hero this week who says he has no inter locutory motion nor appeal to argue, nod that U Horatio Soympar. v.noacciwrt of appeals In the great court ot nature, where he pleads lor the propagation or brook trout, shad and other interesting inhabitants of tho flowing rivers ol the State. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. THEIR FIGHT WITH THE ItKADINO RAILROAD ONLY JUST BEGUN?TUX BROTHERHOOD UNI TED AND DETERMINED. 1'hiLAoKLrutA, April l'J, 1877. It appears that the difllcultles beiwocu the Heading Railroad and the Brotherhood otf Locomotive Engi neers will be of a more acrlous nature than was at first anticipated, extending to and sffecttog the main lluo of the road. On tho Germantown and Morrlatown branch, where the trouble originated. Iwonly-Uve en gineers were employed, of whom twenty belonged to tho Brotherhood. All of tho twenty have loft the road. Tho company employs altogether about 400 eugineers, most of whom belong to the Urotherbood. On the main lino eleven engineers have lelt. Many Qroutcn not moniDon ol tho Hrotiiorhood have gone with the eugineers Irom sympathy. In an tuterviow with a committee ol tho Brotherhood, now in session in this city, the toporter ol the IIkrald was assured of their hope of ultimato success. Tbey rely on tho hearty support of the Brotherhood throughout the country, uud their membership has largely increased since the contest commenced. The mombcrs of tho Brotherhood express a lack of conU dence In the promises of the Heading Railroad and view lie action as the result of concert among tho railroad companies. Tbey denounce mo statement or General Mauuger Woollen In regurU to the lusurunco scheme which the company proposes to substitute lor lltu tMuellclal louturon ol tbeir society. I ho affairs ol their Ltlo lnsuraoce Association are eullroly in thoir own Hands. Uudor tho system proposed by tlio Heading lUiirond Company tho uugiuuers would huvo nothing to sny ubout the management of tlieir own Insurance funds, the entiro control of thoiu being placed In the haDds ol the officers of the com pany. AU engineer who may contribute to this pro p mod fund lor years will ou being discharged irom tho company cease to have nny claim on its accumula tions wmlo In tho Brotherhood, on tho contrary, no remains entitled to all beneffls, no mailer to wtiul rail road company ho may become attached. Beyond this objection tho committee assert Hint toe bcuellls to bo derived irom tbo company's tohoino ure noi as grout as those received uuder their present orguuntutlou. From present appeurancos tlio wur botwceii thu Broiberbood uud Hie rsilroud has scarcely begun. Oniy Iclnts and skirmishes here vakon place ssyel prepara tory to tho ureal battle, ill which the Brotherhood ihluks Iho sympathies ol the public will bo on its side. As lur us argument goes it looks at prosont us II the engineers usd iho best of It. A PRECOCIOUS GIRL'S STORY. Officer Fenton, of tho 'I bird precinct, Jersey City, touud two children, a boy and a girl, at elevon o'clock ou Wednesday uighl, wnndonug uloug Central aveuue. The girl wus dressed lu boy's clothing. They had been sent to school in the morning and did not return us usual. Too police ol the several precincts wero noltUed of ttielr diuuppeurauco by tueir luiher, Henry T.#Bruud. Tlio girl, wno is thirteen year* ol ago, tola uu extraor dinary Nlurv to tho police. Sho said alio lost her bro ther in Hudson City and then crossed to New York, H.o threw uef clothes away uud pur chased a boy's suit. rfbo also weot to u barber's and Lad tier hair cut short. r1 bo took a tib her twenty dollars she hud saved in u little bank at her boms. Tuo strnugnsl leaturo ol Ibo < ass is thai wli-u lUo girl was coulroulud with Iter mollier she ignored her, nut nllerwurd acknowledged the relationship. She tried lo mislead the polico by stating that situ bourdca lu No. 120 Kulion strout, New York, aud that sue earned it living by soiling papers. IN THE MESHEfc. A man named I'etors, who the police say is a bad j character, was arrested by Captain Allaire, on Wednes day night, lor supposed complicity in the Sixth Netlonul Hunk burglary. He has been turned over to Captain Williams, in whose precinct the offence w?? c.oui untied. As ho could not be luentilled, however, ho was returned lo Ills captor, end is how held in the Fourteenth precinct nihiiuu liou?e. ilisouunsui yes terday served u writ upuu Captain Allaire, who will produce the prisoner in court lu-dav. A RUES TED FOR BURGLARY. Detective Slevin. of tho Filtoenth precinct, yester day airestod Samuel Bergeu, ol No. 12* Ohrystio street, and Michael Madden, ol No. 1*7 Elisabeth street, ou a charge ol having broken the-how w indow ol No. On" Broadway and stealing Ove pieces of cloth vaiuod at ?4(k WASHINGTON. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Wasiiixutox, April 13, 18TT. THIS SPEAKERSHIP CONCEDED TO MIL RANDALL? CANDIDATES PGR DOORKEEPER. The Speakership of the coming extra teuton of Congress It gouerallv conceded to Mr. Randall, 11 no combination should be made meantime tn tbo internet of President Hayes and Irs Soul hern policy. Tbore will be alivelr contest lor tbe position of doorkeeper. The candidates Include the present tucumbeut, Mr. Patterson, Major WeJderburn, of Virginia, and ex Alderman Kugeno Durum, of New York, but tbe last cays be will decline If Mr. a a Cox, who la from tbe same State, la a candidate lor tbe Speakership. Other names mentioned for the position art Messrs. Jewell, of Louisiana and Polk, of Missouri. OLD LINK WHIGS TO HAVE THE PIBKT SHOW IN VUTORE SOUTHERN APPOINTMENTS. Now that itie South Carolina question baa been tallied, end Uauiptou duly installed as Governor of tbo State, It la said that tbe administration in lu lutura dealings wltb Southern men in ibetr relation to lederal otltces in the Soutb will cousider tbe claima first ol those who have not been Identified positively and oxolusively with the democratic party, other things being equal as to competency and Omasa. The Irieuds of the President say that the democratic party hue re ceived, in bis adoption of measures which allowed Hampton to onter upon the Governorship ol South Carolina, all that the party could hope to get at his bauds, when tbe dispute or matter at issue brought to blm for settlement was of a political character. Hereuiter, wbeu there le to be a choice betweeu Southern uatlvo politicians, be wilt, they say, moke his solecilon trorn those who were Iden tified with the whig party. &1B EDWARD THORNTON'S RETURN PROM HIS VISIT TO CANADA. Sir Edward Thornton returned to Washington to night Irotu a trip to Canada, where be wus the guest ol Lord DaU'erln, with whom he had some business to transact, partly of a private and partly ol a publto nature. There Is uo truth in tbe assertions made in tbe proas that hie visit to Ottawa had to do with tbe llsherlea question. This question la in taet something with which Sir Edward has nothing to do, as it la In tbe bands of other official*, to whom it la exclusively commuted. It can also be said tbat so tar as be knows there 1b no Intention on the part of Iter Britannic Majesty's government to mako any change In tbo Governor Generalship of Canada or In the person ol bor dlplomatte representative at Washington. EXPERIMENTS TO FIX THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT. An Important series ol experiments to sseertain tbo exact velocity ol llgbt bas been Instituted by Professor Newcomb, of tbe Naval Observatory, Washing ton. Tbe rate |ier second ie as tins a calculation as has thus far been considered necessary by astronomers, and the commonly accepted standard of spoed lor thie division of time Is hot regarded as ac curate as would be desirable for purposes of exact scieuce. Professor Newcomb has therefore oonceivod tbo idea of reducing to a very small fraction of a second the rate of speed of luminary rays. For this purpose ho bas placed a small circular mirror on Capitol Hill, near tbo Capitol build ing, two and a quarter in ilea away irom tbo Observa tory, and will use this mirror as a ball-way point la tbe distance serving lor the experiments, tbs entire dtstanco being four and a holt miles, lbs roflecitug principle Is employed lor two pur poses; first, of economising distance or of rendering It lees cumbcrsouto In conducting tbs trials, and, second, of ensuring an exaot compu tation of time. This enables tbo experimenter to use only ouo chronometer, whereas with a single, continuous sight two tlmepioees would be required and an opening thus presented lor variation, which might seriously Interfere wltb the ascertainment of tbo desired standard. A preliminary test of tbe apparatus to bo uoed in tbe experiments was made last night, with quite favorable results. Tbe oporators found but little difficulty In gauging or poising the mirror wltb sufficient nicely to throw back to tbo lous ol tne telescope at tho Ob servatory tbe feint llgbt of tbe torch used at the latter point. The telescope employed tn last night's trial Is ono of the Instruments used by Profes sor Newcomb and bis assistants in obeerviug tbe transit of Venus. Tbo exporlmaot will prob ably consume several days, tbs Urns de pending to some extent upon the state of the weatber. Professor Newcomb intends to cover tne grounds or bis new solentifie venturo very elaborately, and is confidout that he will bo able to present to tbs sstrouomlcal world a new and valuable table ol light ?olocity. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wabjiinoton, April 12. 1877. BBCBBTABY SCHURZ'S LABORS IN THE INTEREST OF CIVIL. SERVICE REFORM. Secretary bchurx to-day appointed Dr. tioorge Kwiug, of but own office, and Colonol S. K. Warren, of the Bureau of Education, to bo tuemoere of tbe civil service Board of Inquiry of tbe Interior Department for the quarter ending Juno SO next. Iho tbird mom bur of tbe Board will from tlmo to tlmo be one of tbe lollowiug named gootlemeu appointed to ca-operate with tbe two quoit permanent mouthers In tbe investi gation of sucb questions relating to removals, now appointments, or promotions as may come from tbe various bureaus tbey respectively represent:?W. A. Bartletl of tbe Hulenl Office, J. H. llobbs of tho ten sion Bureau, George W. Smith of tbe Indian Bureau, and James M. Armstrong of tbe Geuoral Land Office. Mr. Bartletl Is a "principal examiner;" tbeolber pro visional members of tbe board are clerks of tbo high est grado. These appointments have been made in ouch instance on tbe recommendation of tba ohteis ol tbe bureaus concerned. THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE NEW TORE CUB TOM HOUSE. Tbe commission soon to bo appointed by tbe Secre tary of tbo Treasury to inquiro into alleged irregulari ties In tbe New York Custom House, and tbe alleged perpetration ol Irauds in tbo Importation ol goods, will i consist of one apecial Troasury ugent, one New Yurk , merchant and one or more gentlemen wnoso private i characters and business quallllcatioos lit them for tbo position. Although formal instructions bave not yet I boen prepared, tbey wilt bo required to report lo tbo , Secretary and mako sucb rscommondatlons as ths > lacts may domand. DECISIONS 11Y THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The Treasury Departmant baa made tba following decisions:? Heretofore It was bold that l'atna and Slam rloe of which the hull and luucr cuticle or skill bad beou re moved vtus subject to classification aa cleaned rice, but, owing to legal decisions iu Sun Francisco, Boston aud New York, the department reverses Us previous > rulings and holds Ihut rico ol the churactor nuuliouvd . is subject is classiIInation us tiucieuuoJ rice uu<l la I ch'irgeuble accordiugly. Auy duties which have been 1 exscied and received contrary to ibis ruling or which . tnuy have been paiu under pretest and appeal aud suit duly instltuied will be refunded by the department upon the lurwarding ol corttlled statements lor repay ment. Chromes should be classified aa sngravlaga, at a duty Of '.'a per cent ad valorem. Tlte teams ol Immigrants trom contiguous foreign territory lor bottajidr purposes ol immigration are tree oi duty. ? \ etaela engaged in trading upon wntera wholly wuhln iho hums of u State duo not having a navigable outlet, are not subject to the navigation laws ol the United Stales. Orange mineral should be classed under tho pro- 1 vlalou iu schedule M, lor points or painters' eolors. I ho duty on scrap Uermau sliver is si tbo rate of 65 per cent ad valorem. VOUI-IuN APPOINTMENTS?THE RESIGNATION OF MESSRS. WAhUBl'BNK AND GUSHING. The administration may not lor a week or moro ' consider the subject ol loroign appointments. It is 1 already known that tbe resignation of Mr. Wasbburne, Minister to France, wilt take place on tbe appointment ol his successor, aud tho samo condition attaches to the resignation of Caleb Cushlng as Minister to Spain There are no indications us to what porsona will rue* cced the anovo named Ministers. The salary of tbe Minister lo France Is (17,600, and to Spam, 912.000. SPECIAL CUSTOM ilOUhK AGENTS lo LK AP POINTED. The .Secretary of tbe Treasury bos Instructed As slntunt Secretary Froncb to make out ? list of twonty special custom agents for sasigument to uuly in vari ous portions ol lbs couutrv under bis Immediate con trol From this it would aeem that tbo Socretsry has abandoned the Idea of consolidating tbo customs agents and the secret service foroe of the Treasury and the Int'-rual reveuue agsut* into out organization. Assistant Secretary French, to a lio in atata proposi tion was referred, reported mat it would bs highly inexpedient to adopt il The number ot customs agents waa reduced by the last Congress trotn fifty-two to twenty as the maxi mum. 61LVER COIN AS A TENDER in PAYMENT FOB GOVERNMENT LANDS. Tue Secretary of the Treasury has decided In re sponse to a question submitted to him by tho Commis sioner ol the Ccnerst Laud Office, that silver com ten dered In payment tor government lands cannot be re ceived in any onepayraent to a greater amount Ibau $o TUE FOUNDATION OF THE WASHINGTON MONU MENT. Tho Board of Engineers appointed to investigate the sufficiency ot the foundation ot the Washington monu ment Usve completed their report. Although it is as yat withheld from publication, there Is good authority lor slating that the roport will condemn the founda tion as lusufficioul to warrant the completion of the monument on the present sue, and the whole ques tion as to what shall be dons with the undntshod structure will therefore have to be again remitted to Cong rasa LOUISIANA. THE OOMMISHION DIVIDED IN OPINION?ADVICE ASKED PROM WASHINGTON ? NEW COMPROMISE PROPOSITION?PINCUBACK CjUNBELS' EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF THE 1 hoops. [by TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 NiwOklkans, April 12, 1877. Tho commission remained in scssiou until the small hours last uight uud consequently did not get to work very early this tnoruing In arranging the terms ol their formal proposition. About uoon tbey were visited by a committee ol twelve planters?old Union men?con sisting of Colouel W. 11. Brown, formerly of Phila delphia; K. J. (lav, John A. Stevenson, E. U. Lombard and others, who testidod to a largo negro roio having beou cast in their respective parishes, sua all uuiting In tho opinion that the recognition of N'lcholls was vital to the interests of tho State. Alter this the commission announced that they would hold no more interviews, but proceed at once with the business in band; but tney were exceed ingly reticent In regard to lurnlshlng tnlormatlon. divisions .N TIIK COMMISSION, It sppsars that the members ot the commission aro vory much divided in opinion as to what course to pur sue. Tho moro conservative think they are not ea pccted to examine into any matters savo tho situation per it. Others regard tho commission in the light ot a Board ol Arbitration. Two ol them doeuf It highly important that ibo work should be expedited and the commission return to Washington as soon as possible. Messrs llarlan and Haw ley think tbey should remain on the grouud until tho whole affair Is adjusted. These gentlemen still cling to the lusion Legislature project, and express the opinion that no United States Senator will bo admitted who is not elected by a full Legislature, consolidated upon that basis. LAST MUtrr'a DISCUSSION. The protracted session last night, which was pro longed until three A. M., was devoted to the prepara tion ol a letter to Mr. Bay es and bis Csblnet so'ting forth tbo difficulties ot the situation and asking lor an onlurgement ol their powers or advice bow to act. Its phraseology was discussed at length and with a con siderable show of partisanship, tho majority believing that with power to re-opeu all the old sores the NiobolU party can yet be lorcod to ucccpt the proposed terms, ana in the letter tbo opinion was expressod that Packard had the legal right to tue office. Tho more moderate opposed this view of tbo case, but With what effect does not yet appear. At tbo requust of tho latter class another letter was also prepared by Hulchlnsou, addressed to denator Stanley Matthews, requesting his Immediate presuoco or a letter of ad vice. WAITING INSTRUCTIONS. The serviced of General Augur were also called Into roquisitloa iur reduciug the tellers to cypher, aud it was lour o'olock A. M. belore tbey were pUceo upon the wiro. Everything was consequently ut a dead-luck to waiting instructions from Without d"7. uwaitiDK lusiruotious from Washington. It is slgDlBoaut, however, that at tbu tutervivw held this alternooc with the committee ol planters tbo coutmis slou inquired Itrto alk-god bull-doxiug on Iran on, dec., in the Hauie inauaer aad lorm oh was pursued by tbo Cou greasioaal Investigating Co turn it loo. While It is believed that l'ackard Is In perfect accord with the course thus adopted, Nicbulla and bis friends see in uiom deteriuloud tbau ever to reject all trading compromises. The coruinlssiou Iiuh been In Hocrel con sultation throughout the day, but as yet it Is not known whether the expected advices have been re ceived or not. STILL aNOTUKK PBO POSITION. The commission la now considering a still farther modilleaiioa of their project?the organisation of u new legislature on the boeis ol the Commissioners of Klecliuns returns, wbicb would give the democrats four majority in the Senalo aud two in the liouae. This would prove more acceptable, still thcro are almost Insuperable difficulties In tbe way, as tbo preliminary steps would involvo the repudiation of the present titles und status of both bodies. PACkAKII nSPIANT. Packard, In an Interview to-day, says that there are et loasl two of tbe commissioners who will shtnd by bim to the last, and Will not see him saeriliced. He la ?till very bonelul and talks very dsUaully, PiXCUHAt'KS siioiit mkthou Ptncbback was at the hotel lo-uigbt waiting to call on the commission, aud lu response to inquiries gave it aa bis opiuiou that they would bo unable to eliect any settlement, that the only feasible plan was to withdraw tbo troops as was done In Mouth Carolina, lie said "II it were done ut six o'clock in tbe morning, by noou pooplo would have forgotten that such u body as Packard's l.ogislaturo evor bad existence." He do precalod the plan mi opted by the President and said that iu any event tbo commission could only repuit that Nlcholls is do facto Governor of lbs Slat. ?a good enough adjustment In the absence ol any raoro dctlullo. NO ANHWKK SHOW TIIK CAPITOL. Up to ten o'clock to-night no answer bad bo?u re ceived to the despatch sent tp the President. In an interview with Uuvcrnor Urown, just held, he seys thorn are now no differences ol opinion among the members of tbe commission, and although uoihing in , tbe way of un official proposition has been decided j upon, they have expectations of an amicable and speedy settlement. TIIK LATEST PLAN. From other relluble sources It appears that tbe plan Dearly agreed upon Is as follows:?All tbe legis lators elected by tbo lace ol the returns , aro to be udindtcd to tbo Xtcbolls Legis lature, wben a resolution will be passed confirming all its acta; this lo be followed hy tbe immediato with I druwal or the troops. It Is said tbsl ibis plan was at , dr*l opposed by Hawlcy and Harlan. Tbe lormer has since given In blsadbeaiou, aud Harlan will not oppose. 1 In a very quiet way the Packard people were ilven to I understand, this evening, that this woald probably be tbu wevltuble, with tho assurance that the commission would remain hero to see tbeui protected lu all tbolr rights, Ac. APPROACH or Till KND. Tbo Bllalr bus been conducted with the striclasl secrrsy, but I lie loug laces of tbe republicans and tho ainiiou ol tbu Nlcholls people uru uutnlatukuble and give ussuraucu that tbe luiermiusble vexations sod complicated Louisiana muddle Is ut last reaching it happy solution. It Is now probnblo ibat tbe Presi dent's reply will bo received early to-ninrrnw and no time will be lost in carry lug out the conditions. CIPHER DESPATCH UECEIVED liY THE PRESIDENT. Wahiiinuton, April lit, 1877. The Louisiana Commissioners to-day sent lo the President a long despatch In clpber, tbo llrst ol any courequsuco Irout tbeui. It came dlroctly to tbe Ex ecutive Mansion, and waa recelvod by tbe instrument there in a private room. The President, up to a Istu hour to-night, bad not decidod wnoiner be would make tbo contents public. SOUTH CAUOLIN A. SOUTH CAHOIJNA'h EX ECU (I'VE CHAHOE QUIETLY ACCEPTED?COLOBED CITIZENS SALUTE THE BISINO SUN. [hy telegraph to the herald. ] Charlkstun, April U, 1877. The Information that Governor Hampton baa formally taken possession of tbe Mtato House bus been received bere with very little lluitcr of excitement. Tbe negroes, as a mass, have already become wonderfully recon ciled to tbe change, and so strong Is their inclination to be ou tbe winning sido tbat II an election for Gov. cruor were to be bold to-morrow, with Hampton and Chamberlain as candidates, Hampton would uudoubt uuly bu oiecled by over go,000 majority. COLORRD MILITIA LOYAL. Tbo colored railitin of Charleston, comprising nine companies und aggregating about one thousand men, bold a meeting to-night and passed resolutions tender ing tneir allogianco to Governor Hampton and asking for bis recognition ol their organiza tion. It la highly probable that Governor lluinpton will lorm two regimouis from the soldiery of this city. one ol which will he made op of tin* wtu* ride clubs, and tbu other will ho composed ol tbe colored compemes. Kvi-ry effort will bo made to organise a mdiiia throughout the State, composod of whilo mid colored regiments, wnicli, while tbrlr social relations will, of course, bu separate and dlaunct, will both rally to tbe post ol duty in (be hour ol necessity. WASHINGTON'S MIRTH DAT. Kxieneivo proparniions are uerng made (or the celebration of the delurred Washington'* birthday ceremonies ou the lsih lost. The Governor will N present noil all the city companies will parade. SENATOR PATTEUNON NOT SATD-PIED?HU COCKMi UKG AltDING TIU BENATOBIAL QU?8 TION?NO 11 ABU AJN WITH ChAMHEhLAIN. WASHINGTON, April l'J, 1*77. Senator Patterson, of South Carolina, In an Inter* view with the President yesterday, informed him that he thought be had made a mistake in hn cour-o toward that Elate. The 1'realilent replied that It was an ox poriment, bat rum ibe representations received and pledgee made to bim by Governor Hampton, and aub soquent devulopmenta, there was roaaou to believe It would be successful. The Senator said tbat he would as soon have Hampton aa Chamberlain for Governor, provided his acoession to that once should bring pros perity to the State, and Hampton abould treat all eiti sens alike and provide :be mean* lor a lair election as be promised to dg. run aaNAToa'a vutvhs cocas*. In the course of a private convereatluu to-day Sen ator Palter sou remarked that as a republican, hut be hoving in the right ol instruction. If the legislature of South Carolina should Instruct buu to vote in lavor of thu admission ol Butler or auy other democrat to llw Senate he would do so, and besides bo would vote tor the admission of democratic Seuatnr* from Louisiana. This would lulerlere with his lopublicauisui, hut his actiou would lie based ou the ground that a Stale ought to he represented to the wtahosol the people aa rupre?enied iu their Stulu government. NO HAKCIAIN WITH CHAM U ZH LAIN. . It can he stated oo authority that tho I'resldeut made no bargain whatever with Chamberlain a- a condition ot his reiiracy from thu Governorship, and lliut there lore the report mat ho ottered h-m tho pout ol Monster to France or In any other place lu couaidorulion ol such rotlracy is without the luast foundation. THE PILGRIMAGE TO ROME. PREPARATION FOB Till; CELK11RATION OF THE FI1TIETU ANNIVERSARY OF THE POl'K'S ELE VATION TO THE EPISCOPACY. Yesterday morning, soon alter seven o'clock, the French Canadian pilgrims arrived at tho Grand Cen tral Depot in this city. Mgr. Kaclne, Bishop ol Sher brooke, Province of (Juobec, uccompaoled by ubout 100 clergymen and laymen from different parts of C-nada, was met at tho depot by a delegation of the St John tho Iiaptlst Benevolent Society of New York, composed of Messrs. L. J. II. Normaudcuu, Vice President, and El Lo Hoi. Secretary ot tho society. An address was presented by iho delegation lo his grace, Mgr. Racine, who thankod tho guntlcmon ol tho society lor their utioniione. Tlijt AMIKICAN I'lt.OUIMH. It Is expected tbut on the occasion of tbo flftiotb an niversary ot tbe Pope's elevation to the episcopacy, which takes place on tbe 21st ol next month, a more nuineruua band of pilgrims Irom the United Stales will be present than was looked lor. I-ooal Italian com mittees sent invitations to tbe faithful In ull lanes, asking them lo ho In Home on tho mem orable occasion, and It Is suggested that offerings be made in lavor ol those clergymen who for opiuion's nuke have been obliged to go into oxile. The Canadian pilgrims, who arrived buru yesterday, take with them (lio.oou and a lurge suoi in gilts ol bulfalo roues, lurs, specimens ol gold aud silver ores, cloaks and maullca ol rare loathors, tho offerings 61 Christian Indians. AUKKICA'H VALUAULM TKIIU'TK. Mrs General Sherman. who wus appointed one ol tbe ladies to orguuizo tbo Jubilee movement In Amer ica, has put lonh grout energy in the mutter, and her eflorts liuve been eminently successful. The ptivatc contributions from tho dincoso ol Now York will, It has been stated, exceed $0u,uuo; that of Sun Fran cisco, $7ii.OJO; Philadelphia, $30,000; Ualttiuore, $2.'i,UHU; Brooklyn. $20,<J00; Now Jersey, Besides these vast aiuouuls, large numbers of Hue articles manufactured In tbe Unltod -Slates are on tbeir way lo Kerne. AMKKIOAN 1'HII.ATKS TO ?U The Arcbbtsnops of Plilladelpbia and Baltimore are to be at Kouio ou tbia remarkable occasion. Tbe Meat Kev. Dr. Uayiey, wbo is now in Now York, will leave lor Europo In u few daysL The Most Kev. Dr. Wood, who will be accomunuled by Fathers Luna, Sullivan, Dornhege and Wuleb, Is expected lo sail frntn Philadelphia. Some stgnitlcanue Is attached to Dr. Haytey's visit lo Koine at tUla particular Juncture when the number ol cardinals is about to bo In creased. It Is also thought that the Archbishop ol linlllmoro will not ugmn resume the dunes ol bis dloccse. The Itigbl Kev. I)r. Clbboun, of Klch mood. Vs., has a good chanun ol belog culled to the plnoe. The Right Kev. Dr. McNIerny, Bishop of Al buuy, sailed on Wednesday for Kuropo on tho steamer Russia. Albany sends to Home the huiii ot $6,000, ex clusive ol $5,000, gold, contributed by Ibe pastors to dolray thelrSuporior's expenses while abroad. NEW YORK METHODISTS. CLOSINO SESSION OF TUE CONFERENCE AT KINGSTON?APPOINTMENTS FOR TUE COMING TEA IS. Kixostox, April 12, 1877. Tho closing of Uio Now York Conference last night woa Impressive and Interesting. t'p to foor o'clock Ibo sessions worn all In private, wnen a public session was commenced. Rev. C. H. Brown was appolntod treasurer lor next year. The cblef attraction, however, wax the evening <oocting. beginning at hair.paat (even. Ibo cbureb wax crowded at an early hour no lull tnal It win almost Impossible lor the members who wore lute to crowd tbrougb. There was sumo tine singing by Rev. Messrs. F1 & Bishop, Travis and Kern. During a lull word come that Rov. J. P. Hcr [cauco was wanted at the parvonage. This was greetod with auplauso, which continued as Mr. Hormance aroso aud elbowed his way out, as it wus pretty well known that this was a call (or tbo Presiding Kldorship ot the district that has created so much trouble lately. Religious services were led by Rev. A. M. Osbou. lie made a Que prayer, during which he said, "Lord, when these appointments bavo boeu announced by the Bishop there will ho great satisfaction in some miuds; there will be great grlel aud sorrow iu other ; minds. Coiuo to us aud lortlly our minds mid our hearts lor all that Is beiore us lor the ycargio come," ?rid loud responses of "Amen I" were heard all over Ibo house. Rev. A. K. Haulord read a memorial minute on tho den ill or Bishop Janet. Complimentary resolutions ! were then read, thanks being tendered to the presid ing Hl.ibop, to the residents ol Kingston lor llioir hos pitality, to the Uommiiteo of KutertalRutcot, to ihe pnelor and ofllcers ol the Second Metbodlet Kplscopui Church, aud to tUe secretary and Ula associates, ull or 1 winch were carried by a lull vote. A resolution com plimentary to the New York Conference Tern iterance Society was ulso carried. The names ol the officers ol one ol Ihe societies were road. Rev. Mr. (isbon, whoso mime appeared as president, wanted to know what Uio duties wore. t he Bishop?You read the discipline and you will hud out. (lircat upplauso aud laughier.) Religious services were then uonductod by Rev. Mr. I Id)wis, aud the business ol the Couiereucu closed. TIIK APPOIXTHKXTH. I The largo audience now rat with Intense Interest I waiting lor tho announcement of tho uppolnimente. ' The Bishop was very norrous, and it was hard work I lor him to begin. He dallied wltli tbo roll ol papor lor i some lima, bat Dually urosu and spoke ut length n, re gard to ihe manner in which the presiding eiders uud Inuirolf find decided upon Ihe appointment*; said that liiev n?"l douo what they cousidored lor the boat, llo dreuitod to road tho appoinlinentx, hut it was his duly au<l lie would no it. Tho tollowing appointments were then announced lor the Now York riistrict: m n. c. orawvoro, PRaernmo ei.urh. Now York:? Bethel Ship To bo (applied Five Points Mission ...C. s. Brown D. M. Kggirstou Wmhingtun squaro J. M. Klug J. A. Kdmomis tt. ittord street K. ti. o-bon I'erry street Steven Merrill Juno street ?.W, IV. Sever central I'. S. Hsrrowur Kigliteenih street W. F. HatOclJ M. Paul's "? II. Tinauy Tweniv-lourth street 11. H. Bnrcn Tli.rileth street U. 1L Corey Free Taberuaclo. J. Johns tit. Lake's W. P. Abbott Forty-lUtm street. O. 11. Gregory Foriy-iourth street ti. J. 1 ergusou Lexington avouuo Xf. H. Micklo Ml John's J. 1'. McClelland Highly sixth street... A. J. Palmer nub street Deo. H. Mmun l'J5lh siroci fo bo supplied ML James' IV. K Davis \Vasliingtou square T. laidgo t Momsania . D. W. (X Van Gaa?l>eek . Fremont D. 1.. Marks Kordham ? Mteveos City Missions:? Tbiriy-llfth, Frankllu aod Molt sta.j. F. Richmond Ml. Mark's 11 W. M. Peek Mixty-elgbt street, (Irace, tit Stephen's and Woodlawu N. O. Lout Yonkors? , First Church P. Haiubltn Central K. Tinker Tuckahne O. Hsvilsud Uarisdaie ??.....J. 11. Lent White PUIDr? First Church .....T. W. C'badwtck Motnortnl J. Y. Bales Ashlord Acer Vail Dobbs' Ferry A. P. Lyon lrviugion J. P. Bnekattea larryiown F. Bottnmu Norm larryiown U. It Crooks Ming tillig A. Mcl ean North tiing Mug . J. H. lluwxhumt keusico and Arinobck. A. Dnvia Pieaa.ihiviilo It it. Kelly Newcastle J W. Ackerly Croton hake J. h. laxnms Croion and Uoetobel U 11. Reynolds Bed lord. Middle Patent and Chestnut Kidge J. M. Burger Katouah ~ onoik Lewi*. Foekaklll:? First Church ???B. H. Barkis M. Foot's C. W. Miliar* Putnam Valley T. Carter NUrub (lake u. D. Utllespi* SI on 111 /ion K. Athios Gulden's Bridge and Crone River K. U. V. B*rds? I.*Ke Mahopac M. M. CuflW Puray's station A. a Burroughs The lollowlug presiding elder* were alto appointed:? Poughkcepsie district. Dalo* Sail; 1'raiuvilte district, Johu E. Garir; KHonvMe district, p. It Hswiborst; Neuimr,' district, J. P. Hermetic*. .Uterine Conference bed adjourned there ni much congratulation among lome of the member*, Ml t iter* *er? otucrs who looked anxious aud one eeemed par ticularly troubled and went to the Btsuop and aaked him to change his pluoe. He **id he bad atx hill* children to provide lor and h* leered that be would not bud enough for them to eat. The Bishop could do nothing, and bo left with n heavy heart. KEFOIJJIED EPISCOPAL SYNOD. At Emmanuel Kefortned Episcopal Church, is 'New ark, yesterday. the Synod of the Ho for Died Episcopal L'hurcb of Now Jersey, New York and Connecticut met, litsuop Yellows, of Chicago, opening tb* services and acting ss presiding oftloer of tbo banlnonn proceedings. Among tboee prenent and invited to lakeaeatnaa dele gates were cx-Ooveroor Stewart U Woodford, of Brook lyn; Colonel Aycrlgg, of i'aseatc, and all clergymen of Lbe Retormod Episcopal Cburcb, all the lay dotogslns to General Council sud ell in misters of otker evan gelical churches. The roll being called tb* following cnurunes were found to he represented : Plrst Kefortned KplSOOPOlOhoroti, New York city ; Emmanuel Kelormed Kplsconsi Cburcb, New York city; Church of Incarna tion, Brooklyn; Cburcb of Atonement, Brooklyn; Church of Redemption, Brooklyn; Churob of Corner Stone, Newburg, N Y.; Christ Cburcb, itnbway, N. J.; Emmanuel Cburcb, Newark, N. J.; Emmanuel Churcu. Jersey City Heights. Very oncourngiag re ports were received from tbo several niiorches in regard to their prog res-. 1 ho day wan devoted tnalnly to a consideration ui the proposed synodlcal constitution. In the ovuulug there was u lurgely uticuded missionary meeting. MINISTERIAL THAN8FOBMATION, EMORY J. HAYNES, A METHODIST PRE*CHER, BECOMES A BAPTIST LAYMAN, MINUTER AND PASTOR Of A BROOKLYN CHURCH?THE TAX* GUARD OP A HOST. To an outsider tbo diversity of belief and oplotoa among Baptists Is something very remarkable, and, to be appreciated, one rouat attend a council such aa that which sat yesterday afternoon upon Emory J. Hay nee, lata pastor of .Seventh avenuo Meihodtat Episcopal Church, Brooklyn. It was fur tb* purpose of examining Mr. Haynes aa to his Christian experiouce, bit call to lbe ministry soil bis boiicl and acceptance ol lbe doctrines and gov ernment of the Baptist Cburcb that lb* society whose call bo bas accepted convened tbe council yesterday. Thirty-two churches wcro invited and were present by their pastors and Isy delegates. mr. Aavxxh or ran rack. For two and a half boors the council kept Mr. Rarnn* on tbo rack examining him nut merely on experience, call to tbe inlufstry and doctrines, but on ntoa tneo logtcal and metaphysical point* wbiob some of the councillors wished settled lor ibeinsolvoa. Much, for lusiunce, us whether Justification precedes regenera tion or follows it; whether tbe utouemeut of Christ includes in Its sweep all tbo doacendantn ol Adam or only "the elect;" how Cbrtat shall conte again, and whuu and . wnul form ol Invitation to lite l.ord'a Supper Mr. llaynes would give. Dr. Thomas did not see what relevancy this question bad to lbs three great topics wblob the council bad been called together to inquire into. Dr. Bright was willing to trust Urotbor Hsynes alter his excellent examination, but Or. Pulton was evidently not quite satisfied, aud bn varied bis queallon so us to get Irotn Mr. Haynes an answer us to whetbnr bo would Invite all baptized (im mersed) bedevers, uecuuso il be would that would Include those who walk "trrogularly," tuat Is, are members ol pedo-Haptist churches. But In this tbe doctor was uguin luilod, by a motion to arrest tbo examination, which was earned, bo that Mr. Haynes esuuped from tbat close communion trap. In deed, ho urns shrowd enough tbrougUout his examina tion to evado answers to quosllons until they were made so plain by repetition tbat he oald nay, "Yes" or "No,'' or, as iu one esse be did to Dr. Hodge, "Yog bave put It very happily," which created laughter and applauae. The Uoctrlnes of election and tbe extent of tbo atonement wcro tboee on which bo was pressed most closely and those wbose details hu most cleverly avoided. He guvo eomo very excellent exogeeea ol tb* Greek word translated "baptise," wntcii drew forth the applunao of bis brethren, since, of course, be took tbo purely Baptist ground on this word and ooctnn*. At the close of the examination Mr. Haynes retired aud tbe council Went into secret session, discus-ed lb* merits of the examination, approved tbo same and made provision lor tbe candidate'* reordlnation in tbo evening. KEOUDIXATIOX AXP IXXTALLATIOX. At tbo eveniug service tbe church was literally packed with people. Tbe occ.iatou was an event utnong Baptists, lor so far as could l>o ascertained Mr. Huynea is the llrst of half a score or more Baptist nnuislers Iu Brooklyn who were lorinerly methodise ministers who hue utterly Ignored hie past mtuiMry ami accepted Baptist or ituatiou us a qualification tor the pastorate. And if Dr. Fulton's pred cttou in giving tbn baud 01 fellowship be correct, Mr. Haynes is but tbn Bdvnnco^ilckoi of a host of Metbodlsl, Prot-byiermg and other mHunters who are to go Into lb? Baptist (old. For, as tbo Doctor put It, "ilia Lord Jesus Christ Is going to Inive bis way on this eurlh and to plunl Baptist churches nil over the world." In lbe programme of ordination service the Rev. William Reed mitde the opening prayer, Dr. Buries, tbn ordaining Prayer, Dr. Arntltage preached lite sermon. Rev. Dr. niton gave tbo band of fellowship and Rev. Mr. Law son the charge to thn pastor, and Dr. Dnntel Read, Revs. Hughes, Folwell aud other mlumtera look other purls of tbo service, which was prolonged until nearly ten o'clock. Mr. Haynca begins bta pastorate xexl Babhath. A CHURCH D1KPUTK SETTLED. In September, 1875, Uio (junior of the South I'rceby tcrian ChurcU resigned and the congregation nought a union with the K?mi?n street Presbyterian Church. In November ol tho samo year a union was eflectod and siooe that tiuio setvioea have been hold alternately In both odltlces. The South Prusbyterlan peoplo acoopted tho pastor ol the Remsea struct people, und now claim it was dono with tba un derstanding that the Clinton Straet Church, as tba new .-orabluation is called, should take the South Church udtflco lor u (ilaco ol worship^ This I'iHt couilitiou of the coniriici w.m, however, dotorrod until last nlgbl, whou the new organization met to decide '.ho nuttier. Mr. Stranabun was elected Moderator, and the llrat business brought up for con* rtderetlun was presented in tho shape of a motion, the sense ol which was that the Clinton Street rrosbytertan Church selocta Hio South Presbyterian edittoe ae a permanent plaoe of worship, in anpport of tbla motion Kev. dr. Spier mede a long speech. In winch ho claimed that it was but Justice la ths people of the Souib Church that the motion should prevail. He explained that It waa accepted by a large number ol the people Interested ae part ol the contract which waa the basis of tba union. Tho combined debt of the two bodies now embraced under ooo name, he said, was $47,000; both eaideas hud been put in the market far aale; tlie price asked (or the one on Rem sen street was $00,000. that lor ibo South Church, $33,000. The speaker argued that If the Kern sen street property was sold the cburoli would be without dobt and have a surplus of $13,000, while. If the other structure was deeded away, a debt of fldooO would still remain nnsatislled. He claimed further that the South Church was geographically the runire of the church district, and that tho Kemsen street Church wes only the social centre of the district. The phrase "social contra" wu need with irony by aeveral ot the advocate# of the South Church, nud tba "beet families" also came in for a share of satire. About twenty gentle, mon apoke on tho motion, all thoee from Kemeef street denying any knowledge ol an implied agreti mont, and all from tba so nib Cbnrch aaaertlng tbit there was such an ugrei'iuont. The motion waa Dually put, and the "drat families from the "soui .1 centre" voted it down by a raajorll of 55, the vote being 111 to Wl. The result of this vol la that the Clinton Street Presbyterian Cbcroh wt heucaiorib worship In the Kemsen street edUlce. RELIGIOUS AMUSEMENT. A lingular occurrence took plaoe In Juatlee Klllottfl court room, Brooklyn, yesterday. The facta leadieg te the action taken are these:?Un Sunday evening, March 25, there was some laughter end other eauoyance daring the services in the Appleion Mission, corner ol Hewee stroet nud Kent avenue, Williamsburg. Three yanng men named George Myers, Goorge Ah reus and Charles J. Kviuia were arretted for making the disturbance, but no evidence being aguinst them they were not held at the station house, Sulme<|uently they wern rearrested on a warrant, and on tho ftth mat. had a partial examination before Justice Klnoti. The ooca sloo, It appears, was an uxperieeoo luocllng sod Use witnesses ror tho proeecation toatlded that the Utter, nnuos of the speskeis who took part In tho services were amusing and some of tho witnesses had smiled during ihu evening, as had the accused. The managers of the Mission decided not in appear in oourt yester day I ail to lei i lie matter go by default. Justice Klllott bad an Inkling of this, though no oOtcinl notice had ? been given, and as the Assistant District Attorney. , Henry buell appeared to prosecute un behalf of tan ? people, he roused to allow tlie default, but ad ' joui ned tne ease one week and issued subpoenas for the emu plaining witnesses, William T. Jordan and | Thomas C. spencer to appear, on the ground that the cose had attained such notoriety that the young man . were entitled to enner an honorable dbtciiargo tl tho i caso waa not proved or merited punishment should it ! prove otherwise. The court room waa densely crowded, und as the people commeoced to withdraw one of tun spectators fed in a hi, causing i(uUe a Utile excitement among the young lady wttnaeeoa in the case, ol whom there were thirty or lorty present. The removal of tba sick man restored quiet, however, and alter i tie wituesaee bed been aotitted te ay peer ea Thursday neat thnysem mm slewed.