Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,864. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. TRICE THREE CENTS DMGaouy you auv titensKKS. AMUSEMENTS?t>rn Page?>ih ana Uth cols. ASTROLOGY?12TII Page?6ib col. BILLIARDS?ftrii Pace-6th col. BOARDERS WaNTED-2i> Paoh?4th end 5th cols. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Page?Jth coL HI'OOKLYN BOaRD- 'Jo Paije?5tb col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR HALK-3D Pac??lrt col. BLKINi.gS OPPOKTUNITIRrt?tmi Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th P AG*?6th coL CITY REAL ESTATE KOR 8ALE-2U PACK-lstcol. CLERKS AND 8ALESMBN-12TH PAG?-3d col. CLOTHl.NO?12th Page?8th col. COACHMEN AMD UARDK.NEKS?12th Pace?#d eoL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?12TII PAOE-ith col. COPARTNERSHIPS-)*? Pack. . COUNTRY board?2i> PAGE-3th and 6th cols. D NCIN(? ACaDEMIES-Uth PAG*-6thcol. DENTISTRY'?:>tk l'ACE-6th col. DRY GOODS? 1?T Fa???4tU eol. _ n DWELLlNtl HOUSES TO LET furnished AND UN FURNISH F.D 2d PAr,E-2d and 3d cols. EUROPEAN 8TEAM>HIPS?12tii Page?4th and 3th EXCURSIONS?!2rn PacB-ath ool. financial?ihh Pack. PINE AR'IS?1ST PAUK-Oth col. POR SALE?2l> Paob?6th col. . FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET?2d Pag*?:td col. PIIR.MTUP.E-2D PAor-flth col. FRENCH aDVKRT1SEMENTs-12th Paob?4lhooL HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Pace-1st and 2d cole. HELP WANTED-MALES?12th Pagk?3d and 4th cola. hORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.-1st Pack-20, Sd and 4th C?ll. ITOTELS?2d Page?5th col. llOUSES, ROOMS. AC.. WANTED-2? Pagb?4th col. INSTRUCTION -OTH Pagk?6th coU JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN, IIUDbON CIT\ AND BERGEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-2D PAOB? l?t col. LEGAL NOTICES?9th PAGE-4th col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Page?lit col. MACHINERY?2d l'AG?-6th col. MARBLE MANTELS?12th Pack?6th cot MATRIMONIAL?12th PAOU-fith col. MKDICaL?2d Pag*?6tli coi. MILLINERY AND DRKSSM AKING?9th Pacb?4th coL miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pace? Hth col. MIBCRLLANEOUS-Oth PAGE-?th col. MUSICAL?1st Paue?0th cut. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAG?-6th col. PERSONAL?1st Page?1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AO.-1st Pace-6th col. POOL SELLING?In Pigk-24 col. POSI' OFFICE NOTICE?8th Paok?4th col. PROPOSALS?-12th Page?6th col. _ professional SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Page?1st col. _ _ PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY POR SALE OR TO RENT?2i> Page-litt and 2d cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXOHANGE-2D Page?2d col. KF.AL ESTATE WANTED?2d Page?2d coL REMOVAL8??>th PAUE-4th ool. REWARDS?1st PAGR-Utcol. SALES AT AUCTION?1st PAOK?Uh. 5th End 6th coll. SITUATIONS WaN I IiD-FEMALES?llTit Page, and 12th Page?1st col. SITUATIONS W 1NTED?MALES?12tu PACB-2d and 3d coin. SPECIAL NOT.CES?1st Pack?1st and 2d cols. SPORTINii?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-lST PAGE?2d eol. STOIiAGfc-nTii Page?6th col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack?Hth col. T1IE TRADES ?12th P?ce-4iU col. THK TURF?1st Page 2d col. Tit LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2D PA0*-2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-I2th Pack?5th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Page?3d And 4th cols. WANTED TO PURCHASK-Oth PA0K-6th col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AO.-I-Til l'AGK-Hthcol. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO L.ET?2d Pack?1st ool. WINKS, LIQUORS. AC?Oth Page-4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10TH PAGE-6th col. personal. 6. or-Xa'REED. 'CAtL ON jr)?0RSC& SOOtH ?Washington square. UNTING DRESS.?LETTER RECEIVED. WILL BE thnro. Ever yours. NAVY BLUE. IANA. WHAT WILL I DO WITH THE GUNS? Shoot myself and the sulrts 7 Send then to Ninon. E. F^i'blD hear"from "you last week. Be careful; patience. STAND FIRM, ver SO MANY THANKS FOR TIIESkTJNEs! WE must meet after event. CARRIAGE. OR~~ADOPTION-HK VLTHY CHILD~(GIRL> AGED 14 days Address CHILD, Herald office. PEOBGE MYERS. LASTTlEARD (>T FROM HOTEL vTile Iiollande, Muyonce. will And a letter there. Come borne. SISSY. .-RETURN AT ONCE and RELIEVE our anxiety. Yon can then take a (food vacation. ANN. Garnet bracelet, booth's theatre, will please address JACK, Herald Uptown office. ARRY JEROME.?BRING ME 500 CHOICE TIT Bits; get them at any first class clear dealer's. PERCEY. B D D. E F H INFORMATION WANTED?OF ALEX M'DO well; last heard from w?? living In soma if the Southern States. Any Information will be thaoklully received by JOHN McDOWELL, Morrlsdale. Clearfield county. Pa. I" nfo RM ATK )NW A NTKD 0 F ARTli CliAND BERTHA Mnrtln. by their mother. Please send address to R. H., Herald office. IF CHARLES DAKGIN WILL SEND III- ADDRESS to HENRY Z Fo?TER, Herald office, before leaving town ke will hear of something to his advantage. Cannot wait until you are in the coun ? try, bnt next Snndav evening, at half past seven, will kwalt you on tlio New York aide of the ferry we onse sro-sed together. HUNTER. K.~ WILLIAM H. RUTTY?A LETTERAT IIEKALD office for yon. Robert v. ikI^nneuyTn-was in-m"inWso ta; llenry King, an Englishman, naluraliseii in Min nesota 1856. $10 will be paid tor Information tbat will lead to finding either party or their legal Uetrs. Address Post offlco box 5,194. New York cltv. M Wednesday. 5so p. m.?two blondks, uth st. to llolfman Hmisn; Broadway car. Will the taller addre?* Kentlenian whom shn ooiiced on plntlorm f IIENKY. box 171 Herald office. LOST AMU PUl'AfD. ItWt-A "^WlTlisSUE D"fi Y 'Tl 11-. 11 OUSf 0N^AN'b JjTezas Central Railroad, dated February 2. tor ffve tni>utb?, in favor of llaveinnn A Co., indorsed to tne order If K Rubeti>teiii, amounting to $2,:i53 U3. Everybody is lautioiied not to buy ur negotiate the as paym-nt has Aeen stopped. L. RUBINSTEIN. OSfT-^ REWARD?BETWEUN i2TH~sf.T 2D AV. anil Fliislitnic, via Tliirty-tourth street ferry, on Monday, ' k black thread lace Veil Return to 214 East 12th st. LOST?PROBABLY IN NEW YOmK, APBI1. 80. A silver Match Box, with ? inonoirram enuraved on it. Tho Indnr will receive the lull valuo ol the same by returning;to N.TAYLOR, H7H Broadway. Lost.?lepFTn stateroom on Norwich boat] or lo?t soon alter Icavinit, gold Lever Watch, waltn face, ?larked iimide 1) H. DwiKht. Finder will he rewarded by leaving at ofllc<" auent Norwich boat pit 4<i North River. L" OST?ILLUSTR ATE I) E iiiTION <' F SH A K KSP E A R B. three Isr^e volumes, bonnd in morocco, tilt edxe Metiers B. M. C.. Oil corner. Tho finder will bo suitably rewarded ?y CAMPBELL A CO., 85 Nassau st. I OST A ISPRING OVRBCt)A r, AT GARNIER'S IUL Jliard rooms, on I'uesdav iiiirht, Mav 1. A liberal reward sriII be paid and no uuestlous nsUed by return of coat and papers. I OST?TUESDAY apternoon, A GOLD BRACE* Jlet. Finder will be rewarded by returning to 147 West list st. IOST?A BLACK AND TAN DOG WITH BLACK AND Jred collar with lock with "11." on it; answers >o tho aaine of Jim; finder wiL please return to 8 Van Nest place, where ho will receive a libi'ral reward. I" OST?tuesday, BETWEEN V?3D~ST. AND (OK AT) J-tewart's, chiMs gold Sash Pin, hlun enarnelpd and pearl; $?'> reward il returned to room H, 132 Nassau st. KBWJUIDIi (foC REWARD.'-^LOSf, ON rL'KSDAY, A llitfcEN i'iii. i?yrnt, with \ellowisli head Apply No. I East .'fttUi st. 1 ha bird Is of 110 valuo except to tno owner, who ret urds It ?s it pet. - KEW a IlL*.?I.OST, A SMALL YOt NO II LACK AND t )|in Terrier. nuiwerlnif to lie name of Frit*, n nr Mud I nin iit and 3stli st. Tu? above reward ?ill be Riven by returning hlin to 2.V' Madisou av. AND NO Q0iirriO.1l -\SKBO rOK RKTURH of SHrer stolen from No. 37 Went Mlh it. $100 jYpsrson rrtarniaff to It* owner, No. 130 West loth ?t., h ?mall mule black and tan Terrier. lost on Friday evening; when l it hi* wore 11 collar upon which is engraved "Tippy,'' to which name lie answer!. spkmai, Mvnt Ks. ?i'vi T(T300 FEET O.N NORTII MDK OK I'tER 49 ? North Hirer to rent. Apply it the olflee on pier, JOnKPII CORNELL, Superintendent. X ATTENTION !?TWE,NT* YEA i<H' Ful'SSlAN IIOS pltal experience ; diseases of men a Bpcciiilly. Consul tation Ira#, Dr. J ACuHY. Mil Hlefrkei it. A" CBKTA~lS CUKK For liBaDACII]E.~~CONSTlPA tlon, piles, stomach, lir?r or kllney diseases; wea? ness, ke. BROliUHTON'S inrlirornlinir Syrup. 2.?c. per bottle Inrnrabin ea?e* "elicited and eured or rioney returned. Sample bottle, circular mid advice free. 4S?ft Hrootne st. ?Til Bo DO K E ZHC ilni: II,~ . HAVANA HA.N AND BROKER. 23 l'ark row. New York. B. MARTINEZ a CO.. Hankers. 10 Wnll st. (basement), buy and tell Spanish Honds, Spanish (iold and Hat-ana bank Bilis; Drafts on Havana Issue ! and negotiated. Loiterir i'rltes cashed. Next Drawing May 15. C10MRULT DR." (2KINDLK Knit ALL YoFr COX ^'plaints; quick cure whatever the mitter. Olflee 14'J West 4Sth it. (" 1IIINKSK L A r NI) K V'. 4 21 i-4 T11 A V~.7k.SI l.l-M l-.N'S Vanil lamilieH' n ashing and Ironing done In the best man ner i goods sent for and delivered to all parts oi the city. 14 A It I* WAR. I'roprilMr. IftKAHB* 0?~MBN, REQUfklNO SKILFUL AND aotih'leutial treatment a ip< dally. .1. JACQUES, M. l> . 4ft K ist Oth st.. near llroadway. New York. i Ulice hours. 10 tl I 2 and ft to S I'. M. Di:. wksr, ? ni.iiKCKKit s't.7 near iTroTowa v". I'.xteusivo London hoapltai practice. Consultation free In all eomplainta. D"~ laRASKH OK~MEN A SPECIALTY. I1ENRY A. DANIELS. M I)., 144 Lexington av.. near 20th st. Olflre hours Irom H to 3. T\Tv0KCB? NPBB0ILT~OBTAINED WITHOUT PUB A/ilcity; desertion, iacoinpatihllity, other causes; having gnusual advantages success assured: advice free ISAAC O. BOYCB, Lawyer, 287 l<roadway. I"i?LK0Tlti0 HF.LTS FOIl I'ltEM ATURK UIHILITY ? "jiientlemt-n, eall or send for circulars. Dr. K A It It, ST* Mroa(lwa) , New 1 OI T.M.NK It V E WHISKEY. h'Di;it I I'.AItS (, ?" I Vk It r pillion, $1 per larva bottle. N. VAN I1KIL. 88 Chum bors it. Hill sr. II* REST FOIl tMNSCMlTiVl.s. TBKHONT, Now York city.?The H?eond Annual Itaception of the Ladies' Association will be held at the House on Thursday, Mar 3. IS77. at 'J :3t> P. M. A'ldresses wlii lie made by several prominent clergymen, II.<1 the new "t'hapel ol tlio Well Beloved" will be opened lor public worship. Irninswlll le .ve the Orand Central Depot, Harlem Rail road. at IttiSn, I :30 and 2 ? I'. X Hemming. will leave fremont at 3it?, 4 :24,4 :43. ft i? and ifJ F. M. Friends tithe iiuutuuou axe eertiall/ Invited to be preient. SPECIAL. NOTICES. "CHJT'S * CO.. "~~ Hankers and Brokers, 'JOO Broadway. MM'' -.LA?. CONT.?-. TRANOb MEDIUM, 4?5 6TH ?*. ?The fclecirie BaIb of Boitutj And fclcry pti&o Ciiirro, insuring good fortune. Nervous exhalstion.-a medical essay, comprising a Mrleii lectures delivered at Kalm's Mu ?euni of Auntomy, K?* York. ou the cause and cure ol ore mature decline, showing indisputably bow luat health mar be regained; sflording .? clear aynopsia of the Impedimenta to marriage nu t the treatment ot nervous and physical de bility, being the result of -JO years' experience. Price ? cent*. Addreas the author. Dr. I. J. KAlIN office and reaidenco. 51 Kant loth at.. New York. OVER tlAL F A MI LLION DISTRIB UTED. Louisiana Mate Single Number, under the supervision and management of General (J. T. Beauregard, of Louie iaoa, and General .Inbal Early, of Vlrs m> $ll?>.000 ur flO. A dd real WILLI AM BON A CO., 317 Broadwav, New York. C1UKK GUARANTEED. /'Skill Diseaaea. I Pimples, fleshwnrrai, blackheads, white, Skin Diseases. | Itchy and scaly tetter ol' the scalp ; salt >kin Diseases. rhenm erysipelas and all skin diseases Skin Disease.. | cured by Dr. VAN DYKK. it W. lHtli at. T~ HE METK<)P()I.IT,Vn~tTiROaT HOSPITAL.- hTs rent >ved to corner of Iflth st and 2d av.: dispensary de. parttueut open daily irom 1>~ to 4 P. M. CVTC -KENTUCKY MAY ie~ ?PU I .t/-j*). $15,0<io at (1. JACKSON a CO., Bankers, S3 Nassau at., near Fulton, late of 'JtTJ Broadway, New York. $500,000" Louisiana single Number, June 3. Under the supervision aal management of General Beau regard. of Louiaiun*, und General Jutial Earlr, of Virginia. $100,000 lor $10. Address WILLIAMSON A CO., 317 Broadway, New York ?7 x'nTinTi -boVal Havana priz.-. tickets ?|P ? vl Circulars, with lull information, sent free. Addreaa J. DUFF A CO., Bankers, 43 Naaaau. corner Liberty, New York. SPO&TlHO-aDOOS, BIRDS, AC. For sale-well bred blue skyb TEKKfffR Puppy, very handsome. Call or address A. WE^T, 313 West 19th, city. POOL. sklumoT fjoffdit-FRENon an d 'combin:inojf"~i?6tfCs sold all day at JOHNSON'S rooiua. corner Broadway and -Sth tit., uu lbs races at Nashville; each heat and race received by telegraph ; alto pool a sold on all baaeball games. f. B. JOHNSON. NEW YORK TURK EXCH AN(Te] 15 WKST 2HI'H St.?Auction, French and combination Pools will he sold everv day ?nd evening thia week oil the Naahvlllo racea; full returns of each heal and race by telegraph. KELLY A BLISS. NEW YORK TURF AGENCY, 18 WEST 38TII ST.? Nashville races and other events WlLLIAM LOVKLL. 1J00LS SOLD AT TURF EXCHANGE, IWEST 3HTII st.. tbia afternoon, Chicago va. Indianapolis and Louis ville vs. Cincinnati; telegrams received. 8KIBERT A McCLOUD. TATTER-ALLS, 1.237 B"RoaI)\VAY."?ENTRIES AND returns Irom Niiehville R? cesdlrect from the courae. THE Tl'UK. A^T 'WEST'RIDE DM I VINO PARK, JER-EY CITY Flrst Trot of theaaaaon ?o-day; thiee minute e'aas, aeven enrrlea; a;:!5 class: amon< tn? cutries aro Silas Rich, lomuiy Muore aud Gipaey Maid; horses culled at 2 o'clock ; hoine cars irom ferry. Admission, .*> > cents WW. VAN keuren. HORSES AMU CARRIAGES. -IMI'ORTANf TSti POSITI Vh SAtET"" . HY PUBLIC AUCTION. Ox THURSDAY (THIS DAY). MAY 3, AT 11 O'CLOCK OF THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE PRIVATE STABLE, NO. 45 WEST 13TH ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TII AVS.. BY CHARLES C. DUKF. AUCTIONEER, OFTHE PAisf. VALUABLE AND SLEUANT HORSE8. CARIUAOES, WAOONS. SLEIOHS, HARNESS, BLANK ETS, ROBES, AC.. THE PROPERTY OF A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN. Including a very bandaome team of rich buy carriage or road llorses; are 15)f hands hinh, are II and 7 yeurs old, are hull brnlbora aad were aired by Jupiter Abdullah, they are finely mated In drive and color with full black manea and tells, flu* necks end beads, which they carry very high, have high kuee action, are u!spot>itloned alike and can trot any day ur any time In 3 minutes; were driven at Glen Mitchell last tail in 3:53 to road wagon; tliey are afruid of nothing; are warranted aound. kind and true, and inuat be aeen and nrlven to 1 e appreciated. The faraoUH and last bay Gaining Factory Hoy; he Is 15J? hands hlirli. H veara old and waa aired by llald Chiel, he by Miur.hrino Chief, dam ilia Dater mare by Eureka, waa pur chased by Dr. Herr. of Kentucky, and sent to tlila city lor Mr. J. D. Stantoal; Factory Boy trotted at Buffalo five hoat?. all Inalde of 3:30; aeveral friends of owner timed him a half mile In 1 without a break ; he Is very hand some, powerfully built, has great endurance, and owner has no heaitatlnn in warranting him to trot ail his heats in 3 30. and wurrnnted sound and kind. Fast and hnudaoioe chestnut Trotting Mar* Meddlesome, 15*4 hands high, H years old; was sired bv Doraey Gold -Dust, dam Alexander Pilot; this la one of the finest and moat i.atural trotters to be found; sue can now speed a 2 iiO gait, and can trot any heat in live lu J :30 or belter; , she is very haiidaomc. docile and ccuile; c'nn bo driven by Hny ladv at speed, and is warranted aouud and kind. I'aat Black Gelding Victor, 15>a hands lilu'h, 7 years old; was aired by General Knox, d?m by Cnnlldence: be ia as line a gentleman's road horse as can be lonnd: very ?tyll-li; is a prompt, resolute and g.ime drlv r: can beet 2 :4<) on day ofaale, and a Bner driver has never been har nessed : lie is warranted ionnd and kind. Dapple Gray Geldin? Repeater. 15X hands high, 7 years old; waa sired fey Ctay* Chief: cau trot in 2:50, and a finer r.imily horse cancol ?e lonnd. he IsTSTty warranted sound an<t kind. CARRIAGES CONSIST OF A LIGHT ROCKAWAY, PoNY PHAETON. :t LIGHT TOP ROAD WAwONB (BllhWSThR PATENT;, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HAH NESS, a LOT OK FINE KERSEY BLANKET.-., FUR ROBES. BITS. BOOTS. WHIPS, SADDLES. BRIDLES, 40.; 1 PORTLAND CUTTER. N. B ?THE ABOVi. HOriSES HAVE ALL BEEN DRIVEN IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. AND ARE SUPERIOR As WKLL AS SAFE ROADSTERS. THE ABOVE STOCK WILL BK ON EXHIBITION AT ST v RLE AS ABOVE AT < LL TIMES PRIOR TO SALE, WHEN PARI IKS CAN HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF TRIAL AND EXAMINATION BEFORE TIME OF SALE. AND OF ASCERTAINING FULL PARTICULARS. PARTIES IN *EAR<:il OF ANYTHING OF THE KIND SHOULD NOT FAIL To AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THE PRESENT OPPORTUNITY AS ALL WILL BE SOLI) TO HIGHEST BIDDERS WITHOUT LIMIT. RE STRICTION OR RESERVATION. AND ALL WILL HE FULLY WARRtXTED AS REPRESENTED, AND IF FOUND NOT TO BE SO. PURCHASERS CAN RETURN AND MONEY'S WILL BE REFUNDED. SALE POSITIV., RAIN OR SIII.nE. AND SALE WILL COMMENCE PROMPTLY AT 11 O'CLOCK. A -JUSr a*BIVF.D THIS MORNING FROM LEX ? INGTON, KIT., at HARK, it A SON'S N w York Tat ter??ll'a, corner of Hroadway and 3l?th st.. lor PRIVATE SALE up to day after to-morrow (Saturday), May 5, at 11 o'clock, when, II not dlapoard of. will then be offered st auction to the Highest snil best bidder, the following very dosir ible stock :? HREt'KINRIDOE, chestnut sorrel gelding. 15la high, f 'aled IS71; got by Vlscornt. dam by Alcalde: is gutted like machinery; very handsome; can trot in 3:40; will heat 3:30 this season; warranted sound and kind: price $.VKI. MERRY, combined chestnut sorrel saddle and harness Mare, l.'.'V nigh, loaled 1H71; pot l>v Bayard, dam by n son of Roach s American Star, Jr.: is very heautllul auJ sislisli and a mare of extraordinary promise: can trot in 3:40. ami wl 1 2 ;3<l by the 1st ol July it given a chai.ce ; ia el gant under saddle and warranted sound and kind' price *500 ltl'.ECK IN I! IDOE and MERRY mane a gentleman's su perb trotting team together. I'l LOTT.I' ll, gray gelding, I jX hlith, foaled 1871; uot by Pilot American, darn by H'ood's lilack Hawk; ia tlnely g.ilted. stylish and very promising; will be fast if handled: warrant'<i ?"iind ami kind; price, *37... HICO. brown grldinir. 15S high, foaled 1*70; got by M am .r no Columbuv. nam by Alcxand r'a Bay Chief: Is a splendid driver and pr" nl?ingiy gulted, and will make a troi. -r: warranted sound and kind; price,$375. OROFTO.1, extraordinary stylish "ni ex ra combined I danple gray aadd e and liarnsas gelding, 15^ high. foal, d 1H71 ; gilt Iiy Forest's Vermont, dam by a son ol Voting Km peror; is a beautiful driver and a superb saddler: fin. ly galte I last and promising, and warranted sound and kind; price. M3U. ' ONLY THOSE in xearch ot something fine and wlllipg to pay tho mentioned prices need ca.l to inspect or ride behind the above AVtCTOKtA. MADKBY BINDER, OP PAR)*, A.N I) n Brswiter T Curt, both in firii CI ait order, Iihvq been but little lined, will lio told clii rip. at owner i? about IcaviiiK for Kurnpe. Ad Iro?? A., Post oltice box H2(>. 4 ??*)!?? PATBXT CIRCULAR FBOXT COIPB . Kocka.? ay ; the mint p 'pular lady'# carriage made; lull aiiortninnt ot iprlng carriage*. 11AM. '5.x! Broadway. A ? FOR SALK AT A SACRIFICE, TIIK Ha.VD ?Xktioroeit l..iuy ? I'uru nt tu Hie tale; be* Mare. II-KtliM, <5 renri old : warranted found and k nd. i A hitndt high; farjr lntnd?<?m* >11 d itentle: Mruu by it n<n ol V,>utn tier. -afe, pleaaant driver; ihowi better than 3 mlniito, ? nd will tuaKe a >ery Ihki mare; top Pony l'h icton, Millie II arnrM. Lap obe, Whip and Blanket. Apply at liable 1Knit IHtO it. PIN E~ TRAM OP BLACK HOMSf 1XS JffW latin lined I.nniiau to be let by the Month. lo be seen at 131 Wt?t 4(>th it. PAIR uF *TxK HOKSBS,~X CLARKNCB, VIO torm ami top lluvity. ail In complete order, tor inle Prirate itable heat >0111 el. _so paxcy i'ri(:kiT"First"ratk top ijkpot ? Wacom. If 100; Roof aw art, (115; elegant Pony i'l:?e toni.SlJA; Uuiuies, (fUO. loupe Kockawayv Para Ptite Iodi. Ac., at luwett prion. l-.very i|yle of Hirmtl. light or heavy, J>!? upward. Lap llutrt, Ulauketi, Shecti. Wlupi, Ac. JOHN MOOliK, 37 Warren ai. A -TIIK OHBAPBST KSTABLI81I9P.ST KVKIl OK ? tered; S3flO; com leta than one uonth tince over ft.lJUU: a norrel H'iric, all ityle, 7 year* old and trots fait; elegant top Phaeton, ri.e rabber mounted Harnett. Hiui.hpi*. I Bp Roue, W hip, Ac.. mating one m the prrttiett tiirnoiiiii in tne city; alto top Wacun, good at new. Kit Wcitt Hlit it. A" -$*io, worth" noMPuaoin ladibb' top ? Phaeton. Pony aud Harnett; miniature Puny i,nd Phaeton. IBS 7th ay. A? HKKWSIKR SI DP. BA R top WAOON. PoLK AM) illiam| linsrl# 'ind double Dumcnmb llirnrii, all iwiirli new, for #+*>, ut priv.ito >tuuie 'J.'iiI Knit loth it. Arm )R( >10IIH RK I) A* RSIIIRK PRKslT MI.CH Cow lor tale?Milki 2'i quart! of milk per day. 5-itl Kan loth it. first 0I?A8M~RADDLh MARK FOB BALB?SUIT able fur lady or gentleman ; aiM) good In nil li*me? ; It well bred and a perfect beauty. Can be teen at private lia ble SSI hut Uil at. Alto n<< top tide tprliiq; Koad Wikoh id l>? tciil cheap , 1h in p rteet order. TBRT STVUsH OKAY saddlb OK HABNKBd llori'', 1.'>S liandt Iiluh: warranted lonnd and kind; price No. r> Wetl lUth it ?TAKKN FOR" XJRBT~ M t'HT BB ftOLU^TO DAV. (turn bay Ilortet. tlirei" (rood Work Ilorte^; mil '?n> bttiineM. Feed ttore WW Wett 42d at. ABABOaIN.?BRRWriTRR, OF BROOXS HT? TOP Sliiubar Walton; ah" it at t oT Single and Doable liar ten, by liuntcumb. Private "table 1 Wen 10th it., ntar &th ay. ?TWO HORSESi SUIT TBUOK, OKOCBR, hX ? preti, f40, >riK*. liw Wett Brn?rtwi?j, b,arkiinilli tliop A OBNTiiKMAN WIHItKs TO OIiPuSK OP 11 IS K.N /Y.tir? Mock, cmilttli'K i" <'?rrla;?f mi l Team, Top itnrl Canopy Pony P aetoin, TrottlliK Hur?ei, Road Wa/ im, Minnit* and Uoable l!arii?i?, Kianlci*, Htnbl^ PixtnrVa, Ac. N. H ?Mable to l?t; o.tifi.nt accmrit'iU i ? . tor anj nrl Vnte party at r amnalue teut. 1S3 Wc?t 31?t it. Alt R B WSTK R foF'WAOOB. X RAHI.vlfitW? A.NDA Hifenimry Koad Wacoo at COItlitl'T'Si enrriagu lai? lory, i&il Bait C?7tb it. HOUSES AXD CAKIUAOKB. MttL JuHSsTOV A^cFtONEKR. > Office 25 East 13tb it. family establishment at auction*, elko.ant cross matched tea* carriage Horses (black and bar) railed iu Kentucky; 10 hands, 7 and s years, kind and irue In nil haruoi. tuli manea and tails. unusually *tyli?h, with tine knee aetlou. (bar ba?r e*:r? Biidurm^ iKj*8ri nod are a Aral class car , risge loam; warranted sound. Z I WESICHI-.-TEK ROCKAWAY Carriage. built to 5, I ordar hy liraii'ey. Pray A t o . In :!r?t rase condition. DOUBLE HaB.VKSS To ORDER. by Wood Gibson. The wliula wl!l he sold at auction to morrow Friday* at l(.i o'clock, at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart. 19 to 23 I3tli St.. near Unl erslt/ place. A -fOB A. ACCURACY AXD PRECISION* In the movement of wheels ase ? THE RUBBER CUSHIONED aXLF. TUa yielding nature o( the rubbar cushions securely em bedded wiluin the bull, prevents vibration and all undue airain, thereby permitting the wtjoel to retain Us true posl 11<mi upon lue axle. Wheels upon rubner cushioned axle* only run perfectly true, hence for speeding they have special value. TUB RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE COMPANY. Broadway. 7tb a*, and iSd M. iLoag Acre). - AUCTION BV VAN TAS<F.LL AND KEAKSEY. AUCTIONEERS. AT Til EI R HORSE ANDCAKRIAOE AUCTION MaRT. UO AND 112 EAST 13TU SI' . NEAR ?TH AV., TOMORROW (FRIDAY). MAY 4. at 10 o'clock. VERY HANDSOME PAIR~CHERRY BAY OELDWOS. 16!ji bands high, 8 vrara old: kind and truelu all harness: free Irurn -vice; prompt and -.jsmy drivers; have extra flue style and appearance; they co-t tbelr present owner $2.UUO aud uru told on account of his going abroad. VERY STYLISH AND HANDSOME PAIR OP BLOOD BAY Geldings. bred in Kentucky, 1"k, hands high. S and 0 years old: free, pleasant and gamy driver*; perlect roadsters: can irot olose to three minute*; have ureal unwer end bottom and are ?arrauted Hound. >et Double Harness, by I'unscombe. T CART. WITH REVERSIBLE SEaT, HAS POLE and shaft*; built by John C. Hum. ALSO TIIUKB EXTRAORDINARY PINK PAIRS OP FAMILY CARR1 uiE HORSES, heiug the property ol' private laniille* who are leaving the city . they are all yonnir and are warranted sound and Kind. 8I5E ADVERTISEMENT IN rO-MORKOW'S HERALD. A -CARRIAGE REPAIRS. Our repairing department offers unequalled advantages for good mid prompt work. All carriaucs housed in clean rooms and carel'nlly protected from damage. Precisely the ?anie quality of material and labor employed as In new work, and all carriage* tluisbed with Valentine's furnish, which iu brilliancy aud durability I* superior to any of for elirn maniitacmrc. Estimates furnished and carriage* sent for and delivered by our own teams, free of charue. BREWSTER A CO.. of Broome St., Broadway, 47th and 48th tt*. ?TRACK SULKIES OP ALL WEUHIFs AND unsurpassed qua ity. BREWSTER k CO., u! Krooiue st. Broadway, 47th to 48th st. A F A SACRIFICE?TWO NEW VICTORIAS. LATEST style; throe top Wauona. two Coupe*, one Berlin Conch; nl' I.IV own make and warranted; also one second hand Landau and one llaroucbe. hD. MURPHY, 225 Greene st. i ?FOB BALE, THREE HORSES; ONE IS TSU xVaperlor saddle or harness Horse, 15& hands, 11 years; dark (tray; the others are superior coupe, family or iiuainess Horses. 10 hands, (> years; perle< tly sound aud kind; sold on account of owner leaving for Europe; a good trial given. Apply 8 has* Houston, uear Broadway. ?10 BUSINESS WAGONS^ "TO-812ft, FOR EX ? press, crncer, botcher, baker, milk, depot, delivery. Wagon Manufactory. 296 Spnim st. At hai.p valu'r? p?h' r 'i < irs h'sT "suTtk a ft m p i; or any business; **arrantad sonud and trood workers: (Hve days'trial given; must tie sold. 2111 iJrand St., between Mott and Muloerry. BAROAIR.-OEUT CHUNKY BUILT HORSK, 15',' lands hitfil, warranted. m:md kind and true. also good Express Wagon aud Harness, i'GO. U52 Hudson, ex press oftice. A -TWO POlfY-BUILT HORSES, YOUNO AMD ?sound, cheap; $43, fti5. 11 Hester st., leed sto e. B?CARRIAGE REPAIRINO. ? Our factory for reoairlm; Carriages la situated at 1,864 Broadway, one door above 3Bth st., wliero we hava every lacllliy for doing promptly and In a thoroughly lirst class manner, all work intrusted to u*. Kstimatos mado at atablus when desired. No charge for cartages to and from stables. Ordcs may be left as above, or st. our warcrnom*. 51 Lafayette place. WOOD BROTHERS. REWai i:R CLAH85CE, SBT PINk'TNtTLISH SIL ver mounted Coitcli and Coupa ilaruess, new. for sale ?heap. Kossmore Stables, 247 aud 240 West 41*1 *t. Be a cti kul top po nypi iakton, p ull spring top Buggy, Slnglo H&rnesa. nearly new: no ofTer refused. No. 50 West 10th st. C.oupb rocKaway1, ore drop pront waoon, )suitable for a doctor; one aide bur top Wairon : all In order; at sacrillce. To be aoen at M. CURLkY'S. 10U Last 1'ltli st.. near 4th ar. E\CHANOE-h7v\IBI,ETONIAN BAY MARE, 7 YEARS . Id, very promising. t<>r Luts In Twentv<third ward. Address HAMBLETON1AN, Herald Uptown odico. OR SALE ?PIRS:r_CLArTs~i7lVEllY STABLE. AD dresa mix 12."> t'ptown Herald office. IJOR SALE?A HANDSOMB KAY HORSK; IN fl ' years old. 16 hands high, sound, kind and a fino driver. 332 4th av , In market. For HALE?platform" spki nTj^truck, polr an I shafts; good ua new: price $100; obeap. Apply at S.?) 7th St.. near Broadway. Brooklyn, E. D. I^OR SALi.?TEAM WORK HORSES, UH? HANDS. 6 roars, wnlght 2,700; warranted sound and kind. Apply 4 Eaat Houston at., near Broadway. I ROB MALE AT HAL F VALUB?THB MOST STYLISH 1 pair of Ponies !n the city, safe for anybody, 13 band*. 7 ana 8 years old; <rl|l be sold separately of together: also Harness and Pony Phaeton ; sold lor want of use. 21U West 441th at., noar Broadway. t~ |1 (1R S ALU - A ""BEAUTIFUL SORREL PONY | * 17^ 1 hand* high; very liaoCaoni", aafe and reliable animal for ladles' or children's use ; he is perlect under saddle and har ness; al o a Wagon and Harness; ai a sacrifice. P. J. BURKE, 1117 Sullivan st. IjlOR SALE?A SIDE BaR'tOP WAUON, MY DUSKN ' huiy, in Orst class onler; a aide liar Road Wagon, by R. M. Stivers, In good order. Inquire ol foreman livery stuhle, !*> Sullivan st. r/'OR SALE-FIVE YOUNli HORSES, SUITABLE POR r fuck, urocer. farmer, anv business; luuat sell; no work : warranted. W aslungton St. oiTsale?rwo yoUNo iFoTrhks, suTtable for truck, grocer, farmer, any busiuess; warranted sound. 440^ West Ititb at. FOR~SALK-(ARRIVEO) 12 YOUNO, SOUND WORK Horses, suitable truck. Ice wagon, any business; war ranted. 11.'I Barrow st. ]?">K SALE?FIVE OOoD HORSES, SUITABLE FOR . truck, gmcer, farmer, any business; warranted. 110 Christopher st. TpOB "SALE?OENTLl*.MAN'S fURNoUrl ROAN r Mare, 15'i bands high, kind, sound; top aide-bar Wagon ; City m ile Harass*. 58 We?t 15th at. I.11 lit balk?IVi PRIVATE COUPB OB CABRIAOB Horses; sound and kind; niuat be sold. 145 West IMd si. Blou SALE?a PXfir OP BAY HORSES; KI Ml. sound and gentle , 15,^% hands high ; ages 0 aud 7. at 650 Broadway. Gooo SrORAOB FOR CARBIAOBS AND SLEIOHS Iii clean and llcht rooms . no manufacturing dono on mo premises. SPECIAL RATES made to parties desiring to sturo two ?r more vehicles and those wishing their car rinKes washed aim eared fur while iu oar bauds. Insurance also effected. A. S. FLA.N UltAC, 372 and 374 Brooinu st. i.>iu slant! id Brewster A Co.) H- oBSES AND CARBlA??E OR OOW8 WANTSD IN oxcImii>;^ for good. Iree aud clear land. Call or address CHARLES MARTIN. 234 Broadway. HO IIS E ~W A NT E D?PO It I.VIIY TO RIDE AND drive; must l>e kooiI site, sound and kind. Address ^ ./KUN. Herald office, with particulars and price. Horse, top express W agon and harness, SI2JV; [loraea, $55 aud $73; new lop Delivery Wagon, cheap. .No. 2 7tli av. , 1 THE KVKNI.VO TKLEORAM KVKHV NIUIIi CABLE SPECIALS PROM TIIK SI1.AT OK \VAI(. will pay cash pou a pi itirr class top post Pbaeton; must be now or nearly of yood cltjr realtor an I eery cht*?p. an?w#r? muni ?tale prior. A%1?II'AKK, b"X 17'! Iler*ld oil!ice. II sioLDTU Day. BRRVV-ThR FmVroVKII gPEINO top 5ltV>, ?noil ,i* new: nl*<?i?fi ni itlngle llnrneas, ! WO. Cmmnltl Clib Ktubln, I4'i Wdt iRtli n. LIVP.KY ?TABLK?147 AND lid WK*T ?6TII ST., ti:>X 100; or will alter Tor any bmlnemi. ANDREW*. 131 Burt 85th it. MR OP FHR rlXiMT. SOIDIHlNg ANIMWETp mi bur Kentucky bred Cmipe ur Cwrllfti lionet, lit*, i h?nU?, oik'ln ye?r? old. ntylielt, tree driver, WNrrnoteit nound nn I kind , price MOO. Private atable, 50 Ka?t 4l?t it., near I Purk ??. CACRlflCS.-ilea-TOP GROCER. BXPRBS8 WA kj^mi, llorte, llarueM i lionet $?!?>, (HO, nil any work. 307 Wm l!Vh. CTaIH-K TO LET-ffO. 190 WI.8T BOTH ST.; 16 kratnlu an11nt> 1? for tale, livery or boarding. A. Ha PKI/i B, 100 Palton et. STABUMi AM) WAGON BOOR TO LET?OAft, AC., to olid or more uartlei. 431 v\ eit iHth tt. S~TABLE TO LET? rouIt STA LL8: KYRRY Con venience lor carriage! and CutiLmtn'i faintly ; perfect in iler I ? tV?t -MHIi It. TO LtVEKY MKM. Three Ciarenret, two round front Landau*, one Coach, four Coupe* for tale at a bargain. A. S. PI. A.N Oil AC. 372 and 374 Hrootne *t.. old utand oi Hrewater .1 Co rii caiits, ok London styles. with split hkaT. 1 ouDfrlily flnlabed and in lailiiotiable color*. A - H.VMMUU, .'17'.! and ;I7 I Btoome ?t, (old ataml Hri-woter A Col. OAET, IN FINE ORDER; BLEU ANT VICTORIA. Brougham. Landanlei and open quarter Coach, by brother*; J, Landaulet. in fine ord?r; Harooehe, by Miner A Steven*, lit flnt order; toe Depot Wairnn. by li, .M. Stiver*, elegant Prrtieh Landau. Stanhope Phaeton, l>y Brcw*ter ,V Co., at tood aa new; two rcry Unlit Ciiactei, naltlUt lor country una ; top and open tecoud hand Koitd Wagon*, by bolt city maker*, at low price*. WM. II. ORAV, 3(> and 23 Wooiter at, TWO OOOI? souxd ROAD MARKS 91 AO BACH, AT BA RKJiHH, corner of Broadwav nnd Sflth *t. tt'ANTKD-A OOOD IIORSR, WACO.V AND IIAI! li no*? suitable for n grocer, in exchariire for a buildleg lot free end clear. lnquiru No. SA Y\ indilutfton alreet, grocery More. fVANTBD-A WELL matched TRAM OP IIORRRS TT or Mare*, not overs yceraold : Alttttbe perfectly eovsnd I altd kind, and In' liblo to trot a tulle together in It r inut- * i or better Addrutt. Minting prlio, Ac , Ac., WKilll, box 11*1 IIei nld offlee. : it'anted hxTs'iiisn two wii"h.kl tandkm iioTi Tl Cart; nlxn thoroiij-lilired naddle Hi ivomic ami un trained .1. A H., I? ? -t-? I Hruiin> ick, Ath av . >e\e > ork. r IX'ANTKH TO Ft KC11 ASK?A tilltJU iioRHK UK NOT Tl me.' oljrlit yean of n, ??: ? two seated Carrlairt) and (I rtn-f- In ' nod order ; ctkb. Addren bo* I,fill I'o l I I'HIce, Nuw York, HORSES XX D C Alt ill AGES. fT*" A NTE D?G K XT LE M A K 'S HORSE AND LIGHT /* 1 ?"}???!?_exchange tor elegant new Pianciorte. Addresa AL.H1.IU'. box 117 Herald otlice. WANTED?A VICTORIA, IN OOOD ORDER. AD ?T dreis W P , box I.V) Post ofttca. WAGONS CHKAP.-THRE8 ' SQUARE BOX TOP Bugkie*. Phaeton, ltoad Wagon; Single, Doable Har dck. I 24 Wen unit n, 6 HORSES SI I TABLE FOR ANT BUSINESS; MUST be sold ihlH weak 4 III West 30th si. '^1 ^ WEST ISTH ST. ?STABLE TO RENT. KIVE ?jll/iUlli; has ki! conveniences, with coachman's apartmesta. everything la good order . rent $.VlO rear. $?) -it - Km;, vv i,iiiNs, icii.r ro oh:)hi;. \v;th ?t'JV/.tlie Brewster croas spring, and guaranteed for one year. SMITH. 3S."> West 12.1. &? > nn'M f,|)k a li7eky -table. kovFIjoTng a ty^iVWUiiiiotl biulr.esi: satisfactory reason given for >aiim.' oil. LIVBRV, bo* 1st lleraid I'ptowu oftice. DRV POOPS. WE HATE LARGELY ReTlBNISHBD OCR STOCK OF BLACK. COLORED AND FANCY SILKS with all the latest novelties FROM THE MOST CELEBRATED EUROPKAN MANUFACTURERS, WHICH WE ARB OFFERING AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. AMERICAN SILKS, OCR OWN manufacture. AT $1 75 AND 02 PER YARD. COLORED SII.KS, SELECTi-.D QUALITIES, MADE EXPRESSLY KOK OUR RETAIL SALES, FROM $1 PER VAltD UPWARD. STRIPED AND CHECK SILKS, IN GREAT VARIETY, from 500. ro il PER YARD. CHOICE novelties IN BLACK AND COLuhS OF ALL silk AND silk AND WOOL FABRICS, from fl SO TO S3 PER yard. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST DESIRABLE GOODS EVER OFFERED IN this city. A. T. STEWART A CO.. BROADWAY , 4 I'll AV.. tiril ami 11 ?T 11 SIS. SAM-'.S AT AUCTION. J^MBfclCAN ART."" Tlio Maori. LEaVITT, Auctioneer!. FRIDAY EVI'NINO, May 4, at H o'clock, at the Art Roomi, 817 Broadway. ami now ou fro a exhibition, THK SPRING COLLECTION of high cla?? American Paintings. Choice Miected exiiniules, new picture!, a very bright and beautiful collection. "Of an exceptional lino i|iiallty, In all ca?a? attractive; no shopkeepers In tlie lot. but all are Just such tvorka as are desired by connoisseurs lor household ado r nine in.v'oiu in ere I al Advertiser. "A vary Interesting collection, roost of thera fresh from the eaael and the 'Objects chosen aie Joyous and appro priate to tho spring time.'*?New York Herald. this (thursday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, at Cllntou Hall, LAW LIBRARY, Comprising Valnable teporti. troatise*. text oooki, Ac., Ac.; Abbott Brothers' Report!, II* vols. , Harbour's Reports, 20 vols.; Cowen's Reports, vols.. Penis A liner's Roports; How ard'* Reports, is vols.: Johnson's Chancery, 2tI vols. ; Met calf A Perkins, 21 vols.; New York Court App-ala. 20 vola.; l'aljje, II vola.; Peters, 12 vola.; Wendell a Reports, "M Toll., tc , Ac. SHERIFF'S SALE. Alio, at the same time, by order of the SnerifT, a Law Library, comprising Adolphus A Kills - King's Bench. 12 vols.: liuruewall A Ailolpbus, A vols.; Rarnewa'.l A Aldle anu. A vols.; Durnlord A Kast.S vols.. Rlackstoue. Bright.v. Cooke. Penny. Douglas, Edwards' New York Statutes, 0 Tola.; Easts King's Bench. 10 vols.; Fliher'i Dlgeit, & vols.; Maule A helwyu, II vola., Ac., Ac. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 4. at Clinton Hall, at J :M o'c.ock, foreclosure CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Dinner Wars, One engraved Glasa. Vases. Sevres Card Re ceiver* Ac., Ac.: also, for account. Glen Ware, flue Majol ica Way. Ac., Ae. A- "I'CTio.N" s a i.i'. Auction NOTICB. A peremptory sale of magnificent llonse'iold Furniture at |>ii l> ll<> auction, on Til IS UAV (THURSDAY), at private residence 120 West 23d at . near (Ith av. Sale commencing at 10 o'clock. 2 rosewood 7S octave Pl .nofortet, Steiniray and Decker. U superb Parlor Snlts. In latin. <f. 3."> pieces rare au I coltly H route. ? 2 Marquetry Cabinet*. pj 4 Inlaid and Sleunn marble top Table*. SO Pari in marble Statuettes. ~ 2 Sevres aud Ormolu Alanlel Sett fr. 8 Pier and Mantel Mirrors. ? I.'i win.low Uce Curtains. S .'dl choice Paintings by eminent artiiti. < 2-*> velvet and Brussels Carueis. 2 elegant Library Bookcaw*. 4 Library Tables to match. ' .1 ladles' Escretoirei and Workboxea. ? 4 Turkish Laiungaa and Oliairs. '? 5IXI volumes choice Books. ~ 3 solid walnut I'.xienslou rubles. ~ I1 V K E F 1 T ?/. G E R A L D A U 0 T 1 2 elegantly carved BurTeta. 2t Dlnlt ? ng Chairs, covered In leather. ? 2 China Dinner and Tea Sets. H N I 40 pieces sterling and I'latad Ware. X E j 12 maRtilHcent lledrnom Suits gilt and plain. ;-5 E | 2<i while and blaek cuiled li^lr Vattre.ises. K. | 24 French Pillows and Bolsters. Also Furniture of kitchen and sarvauts' apartments. N. i . Goods packed and shipped, lioods stored ill llonsn till ^'avlOlreeol charge. Deposits of at lea.t 20 uer cent re(|iilred. \ liriO.NSAI.i-. OK llolSKIIol.ll KlIKNITl HE THIS A (THURSDAY) moriilng. eonimvn. liiit at 10 o'clock, at private residence 2isi West 2">th St., near 7lh av. House contains many rare and costly work! of art, ele^iiat Psnor Suits, Pianoforte, Centre Tallies, Uprign t do., Brontes, Cover, lace Onrtaina, Stool, Paintluirs, Bookcase, Statuary, Corner Closets, elegant Brussels and ingrain Carpotl, Inlaid ('abinets, tlii emal K.ny Chairs, lady'n Secretaire, clioicn Eiiuravlugs, t'hromoa AC.; Beil'noiu f".nlls. Bedsteads, Bureaus. Wasli stands, curled hair and spring Mattiesses, Pilloaa, Holsters, lied Linen. Dining K?rnitur?, Extension la .le, IsufTxt. Chairs; silver nlamd Ware, l.'otlery. Pier and Mantel Mi - rors. Lounges, Wartlrobes, Ac. Sale aithout reserve, ram or-bine. Competent men to p ick and ship g<e> is. citv or country. II. R. MARTIN. Auctioneer. A -TUNIS JOHNSON. auctioneer. ? Old stand 37 Nassau at. THIS DAY. AT in),' O'CLOCK. at our salesroom.37 Nassau it.. OREAT SALE OK HOUSEHOLD furniture. Il.'dr Brussels and Ingrain tlarpeta, gilt Froncli pliite IMcr and Mantel Mirrors. I elrluvrsrors, tine Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Kxtension Tables, ItulTcts, I'balra, Cottaae Sets, with Bedding. Iilack walnut Hat Racks, IV irilrobes Musle Ritcka, roeewood Piano, lot ol Piano >1 us e, black walnut and o.ik Hookcasca, with 20 draaera each; Sitting Dealt* of every descnptlou, I'liairs. Lounites, als.. Ila-eiurnt ind Kltebeti Uleuslls. Y -AKT 8ALK. RAHKKK .(e CO.. 47 nnd 4l? Llhfrty ?i, will sell on Saturday. May V a hI rrtfi?l:ninfnt of etiolce American mid Knropean Oil raiotiuu*. well worthy lh<* attention ill art collectors. They.are now on view an shove. and will be *old without any reserve. BANK ft ft A Co.. 47 and 4? Liberty *t.. will also *eil <?t their spacious salesrooms, on i*riday, 4tli of Mar, a very desirable assortment ol second bend Kl'KMIl It K. fine, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bookcases. Office slid oth?*r Mfkii, Parlor, Hedroorn mid lJinltiSuits, Carpel*. Curtain*. Ac. (2 J. IIANK^, Auctioneer. \UCTION SALS THIS OAT. Ylilt iTlwrsd.iv) morn In jr. rotnmenclnir si to o'clock. The entire contents of nnvate it* si delicti 130 last iotii m\, BKTWI'.KJl :t!> AV. \M? IItVISO CLACK SATIN PaKLOK M'lTS, ItOSKWOOD PI ANOKOKTK. KINK COLLECTION Or IIHONZr.S AND OIL PAINT !NiM. CIIaYiBKK LIBKaKY AND niNINO KL*UNITVUK. Parlors?Kleirmit 7H octave Pianoforte, iwo magnificent Parlor* Suits. Inlaid triune*, covered in expensive natin, handsome marqueterie Catdnet Ktavjere, with French plate plas*, inlaid. I'lM^ifaU, Bronse Oronps. Figures and Slam etts. eioettsivelv Irumed t?il Painting, lace Curtain*. Ptei Mirrors, Centre and Console T.ible*, Brussels Carpets. Hui;s Mnts. .Ic Chamber* llrnvy mounted and inl tld sets of Bedsteads, Press!nu Ca?es, Wa*hstands, Wardrobes. Chairs. lioekers, sprint Beds, rnrled hnlr Mattre**es Pillows, complete Suit* in reus and haircloth, l?ouriKe?, Pictures, Ku^i-aeltitfs, Carpet*. Clocks, ?t r. Library and Inning Boom Turkish Sits, in tanestry and ruw sillk; Secretaire and Library Bookcases, Desks, Library Tables, Bookstand*. "2 Kxteiisiou Taldc*. one a pi I In r. with patent *lida* . '24 Dining Chairs, carved and In laid Buffet .Hilver and I'lateil Ware, Cnilerv, tila^sware. Two handsome Hautands. Stair Carpets ami other good and well preserved Household Pnmlt'ire. Sale will com mence at 10 prompt and will continue until It o'clock ALBKKT KKaKMKR, Anttloneer. N. B.?Ooods picked, bo.xed and whipped II required. *a'e delivery guaranteed, toods stored until May 15 Iree of charge. A SCHWAB, AUCTIONKhR, 2*JM BoWKBY.?MOKT .?KW sale. '2 o'clock, H Clinton place, near Broadway ; finest Kixtnres of Barber's Shop and Ci^ar St ?re. Hm' put cut Chairs, black walnut Cup Ca*?*. eight Plate Mirror*, Was'istamt*. Showcase*. Cigars, Sell*11 eaters, Ac., In lot!*. Burbci* and dealer* invited. A?A.??. DINtiKfc, Al'CTIONEKIi. ? IlilT. IIMW snd :M1 tth nr.. corner 25th st. Last and elosliic oul snlv prior to leiuoval, 'I His DAY (I'lmrsdny), May it, at 1*j)? o'clock, the entire bslaties ol unsold Ooods, without roserve, eompris n ? fine Parlor and Chamber Suits, Bedstead*. Bu rt au?, Chiffoniers, Desks, Whatnots, Book Man- s. marble top and Kxteiislon Tables, Ward rot es Sofftf, Cribs. t hairs, heir, htl*k nil ! Excelsior Waitresses, Bolsters, 1 illows, red Spring*, Crockery. Kltcln n lten?ils, Ac., Ac The entire stock must he sold to the highest bidder. Housekeepers and dealers invited to attend. N. B.? Ail purcbase? iou?t be tskoo a* ay to day. B S.\LE"i AT ACCTIOS. ? ff8ff5jTj*Ai.i-. at"Vk:v'vih hk^'ubscb. Magmftreut Household Furniture. 1HIS (Thursday MOMNIMI. commencing at 10 j'tmti, hi five *iorv tr '?'n Hone private residence. NO. 47VCK8T lflTll ST . BKIWEKN '.Til A.VD 0TU AYS Furniture. made to order tor prof nt owner by L.i Dupre A Co.; also magnificent selection ol line OH Painting* ond Bronce*. pnrcha*ed by owner while lu I urupe CHRISTIE FOUR ROUS I' Tt. OCTAVE I'l ASOFORTR, CH1CKERING UPRIGHT PI ANOFOK TK. PARLOR AND UtUWI.NU KoOM >f!T>. richly carded ro*ewuo<i and walnut frame*. covered Iti crtuisvn. tan and uolil brocade satin anil coteiaine; Turkish and Spanish l.ounf*s '? "ty Chair*. Inlaid lunrqiietrv aud jilt Centre anil Contvle rable*. rosewood I t age res, Cabinet*. French pi lie Mirrors, luce i'un,ilti?. French Mmuel Set-.. ilO-day Clocks, *1 n?U"ii H"*e*, Library mid Secretaire Bookcases, Book*. Library Tablet. Turkish Mill, Wrltin* De.*. BEDROOM FURNITURc. CONSISTING elaborate md plain Bedroom Sets,^ Inlaid nml silt Bed stead*. Dressing Oases. Burma*. W**hitauds, -Ingle and Dou' le Bedstead*. 33 Cue hair and tprtng Mattrct<??. feather I'M, wv Blankets, I'nllei Set*. reo mid plu*h Suit*. taitrble j toil table*. Chairs, Rocker*. Reclining Chair*, i ounce* DlXiNii FURNITURE- Extension Ttibiei. Sideboard, j Chairt la leather, silverware. Crockery. Library and >ecre- I tmre Bookcases. Llnrary Tabl-?. I'urkUh Sim. two Hall j Stani*. Velvet. Bru**el? and Ingrain Carpet*, Kitchen. Servant*' Komltnre, At 1 ake Broadway Sixth avenue or I Diversity place cart to j 47 W?1 lHtn <1. N. B.?House rurnlstaed last May at the co.t oi (23.000. K. C. C A SIII >. Auctioneer. 4 0CTK>i!?CLOSING BCSiNM*.?STOCK AND VIX- I vYcure* at auction, Houtekeejier*. dealer*. buver? tn<'e?- ] turete On account if bard timet :\it*i rent*, ic . 1 will ( !l at public auction n| 13 East 14lh ?t , commencing ] Kit lay. May 4. at 2 M. and eoiilinuln.' Irom d ir to day I until the entire nock li disputed ?>:, a large mi riment j( new una second hattit Furniture. Piano*. Bed*. lie idlnc. Ornament*. Clock*. St"??*. Mirrors. Painting*. Rmn?e. and mi*re:i.inooa< i**ortn?*nt? of good* On mil* ot f.a?) or over, three moutni' note acceptable to the auctioneer. Competent men to pack and thlp .rood*. C. D KAVOR. Auctioneer. "A UCTION NOTICE LARGE AUCTION KALE j jfV ot hiindkoiiie and ii*?rui llotwliold Kurmture. Tills i I'llu sliiyi MOHNlN'ti. May :i. at 10 o'clock. j atthe iurice private re? 61 Weil 24(li *t.. between ^th and tlth av?., nenr the Fifth Avenue lliteL 'i mairiiiliceiit *iitiubrocaile latest style i'nrlor Suit*. 5 rich Suit*. In rep* and haircloth. I magnificent octave Planolorte. Stool and Cover. '2 elegant Turkish t'bnir*. 2 Lounge*. S pair* lace Curtains anil Cornice*. Ih raintiiiut. Brumes, Vase*. Mirror*. Ac. ti mil niiiri'le lop and Library Table*. Bookeaaei. 8??' yard* velvet, Brunei* anil Ingrain Carpet*. ? '2 Extension I'ulile*. BtllTel and Tea Tablet. 10 Chamber Sun*, cmnplelo; Bedding. >.'? liHtr and l">*prlug M;ittre**e*. Blanket*. ?e, lt*l lot* (ila?s i hlnu. Silver Ware . Cutlery, .to. Ha*en:cni, Kitchen, tervant*' Kurulture. .lie. A rare oi> portunlly lor housekeeper*; llio largott *ale ol tht* ?ea*oti. N. B ?Take Kroadway or Hill av. car*. Ketpontlble uiou In attendance to cart, puck or ship goods lor purchaaer*. BRN EST ROTH Auctioneer. DMINUTRATOK'* ?ALB-L>AW LIRR *11V. AC. henjamin r. k11Ki'iiii.i), Ai'Orii'NBBi*. WILL SI.Li ON SATURDAY. MAY 5. AT II O'CLOCK A M. AT THE OKKICKs OK IIIK L.\Ti- JOHN A. tiODI REY, N'o 17(1 BROADWAY. KoOM-i 2? A.N'I?'JS THI5 LAW LIBR \ICY IWn >\FRS. DESKS. BO K A.N I) BLANK C.kSES. LOUNGE, CHAIRS. PICTURES, 4C.. JkC. !^By order or M. A. GODFREY, A lmlnUtratrlx. Y HENRY l> MINKII, M tTl.'NEKi. Ollice aud Art Gal ery S4.'> Broadway. CONTINUATION SALE OF HOTEL FURNITURE. THIS DAY (THURSDAY! AND TO MORR'>W i FRIDAY), May U and 4. cominer.clnu- e nil day at li'VJ o'clock, AT I'IIE M'INGLER IIOU.-.E. Nn 5 UNION SQUARE. BETWEEN MTII AND ISI'HSTS, the entire Faiuiture. Garnet*. Mirror*. Helditu, Tablo I en, Ollice tu rul til re. Bar Fixture*. Hilliaril r.ilde*. Woo ...'s N . te nn I'timp. Ttlhfl Boiler Croclt*ry and Mlverplated W?ro. in grnm iriety. Kit'lien Uteiullt; alio fine assorttiient of Copper Ware. >tcc., .to. BY VAN TA8SELL X KEARNEY^ AUCTIONEERS, Will *ell I'lllS DAY. at Ihelr ealeiroouM. No. Ti Union tquare. 4th av . near Ifitli *t., at 11 o'clock, the entire cunteut* of two private bouse* an.I one hotel romprlMng eleirant **tin Suit*. Turkish Suit*, pluth and rep I'nrlor Still*, black walnut Bedroom -ult*. Cottage ult*. Boiikca.e-. Sideboard*, two 1'iatios. Centre Tablet, Roc .er*. Dining Chair*. Bureau*. Oil I'ulntlngs. Chromot, l u^iav. iii>!*. 'in Mantel end Pier MIrror* .ind Cornice*. Lainbre qilltie. 2" Ghandolleii and Sid ? Brackets. JO llruttcls and incraiti Carpet*. Oilcloth, Extension Table*. 11 ->I? Stand* and Hack*. II Safe*, hair, straw anil hu*k Mintres?e?. feather Pillows mul Bolsters, Toilet Crockery. l?e?h.s. Sewing Ma t hine*. Solas, i ounce*, plno Table*. Clothe* Horse*, lowel R.u k*. Kltehen Utensil*. Ao , Ac., beiui one of me largest ??lies tills teaton Catalogue* now ready at office of auc | tloneer*. _ B_V WM. Van TASSBLL. AUCTIONEER, Office. SI Union ?iiu ire. 4th av., near 15th *t. Mortgage Sale?Me*?r*- VaN TASSc.LL A Kl'.RNET, will sell on SATURDAY, May .1, I at 10 o'clock. all the elegant Furniture M irror*. Oil Painting*. Carpet*, I Chair*. Crvckery. Ac., of Tralnor'* L>rlc Halt. Noi. 721 and T2:< tit I* av . between 41tl and 42d sta. By order of atioiuey for ui.irtgajee. . UY JOHN A OUNN. A I'CTlON EKR ? ? ALESRoo '.|, .'it? Great J one* *t.; sale till* day. 10 o'clock sharp No. 2 > West Houston *t.. content* or Restaurant, marble lopand wnlmit Counter*, copper I rn*. Meani Boiler and Steam table. Ice Boxes, 1'artltloDi, Clo?et*. Ac. Dealer* Invited. _ til COLTON, AUCTIONEER. ' . I leg int Household Furniture. on FRIDAY. Mav 4. at II o'clock. at the private residence loll Madison av., corner of 32d ??. The entire elegant Fnrnlture, Parlor, BeOroom and Din ing Room Suit*, best hair Mattresses, Blankets. Sheets, Taiile Linen. Axminster. moqiiet. velvet and Brussel* Car pets Billiard Table complete, elegant roaewonu Piano, French plate I'ler and Mantel Mirrors, line Oil Painting*, all the rich Chauidler*. Ac. on We?lnortd?iy At lli6 now itlfisruom, Broadway, near Houiton ?t. GEORGK IIiiLURoOK. AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL tl i.s dav, at 2 o'clock, Canai st.. general us.ortment I oust*hold* I urnltnre. Carpel, Sewtjg Machine*, Ac. HI- ^ RY DKEIIER, AUl'TIONE R? WILL SELL th n dav. at II ?>' lock, at I t av.. entire large | Stock ol -ti old eilanlished Furnituro Store; Bedstead*, i Bureau*, Ij<>unge?, Mattress**, Mirrors, Ac. Sale po*lllre in lot*. U .NRV~HKKTZilEBO. A I OTIONEKR. IIEItTZBKRil Bllo I IIF.ICS, office 251 We*t flOth St., will sell THIS Da Y, commencing 10\ o'clock. at 7112 7th av. aud 52d St., entire Stock of Crockery, Glassware. Platedware, Linen ware. Kitchen l/tenall*. Ac., of a Caterer, of di-s.-u plated Knives. F-.rk*, Spoon*. e??*tly Waiter*. Ca* ters L rn?. Ac.; over 5,i?K> China Plates, Fruit l)i*he?. Cup* and Saucers, Tureen*. 100 doteu cut C'liimpacne. Wine, Brandy and other Glas?e*. linen Tablecloth*, Nap ! k n*. Towel* Ac. ; alio copper and other Kitchen L'tetnils, j Oas Stove*, Jelly >hape* and Dl*he*, Ac. i Catalogue* at -oile. , Hotel keeper*, trade and denier* Invited. "tiPOKTANT BXII1BITION' I Modern Oil Painting* and Water Color Drawings, at Kurt/'* Gallery, tl East 23d *?., comprUlng th* clioice*t works Irom the private eolleellon of Mr. Walter Brown, with the ailmlsGou ot a lew-elect l'liint ngs Ircm olio or two other private galleries, com prl?ln Woiks by Madrato, Merle, Verlwekh iven, Lam'il lift. Eastman Johnson. Velten. Durand, Blerstadt. Ilersog. McKntee, Robert Fleurv. Laugee, Zugel p. Ei. Church, llnbner, Ed. Frer*. John i.ewl* Brown, Dleffenbach, Trovon.'Van Marcheand others, to be sold by Auction nil WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY ft, nt H o'clock. at A socistion 11 a 11 ROBERT SOM KRVILLE. Auctioneer. | ~ WI- I N III Ri I Ell, ACCTIONEEIC. ?IIOUS^KHOLD 1.Furniture, Office Klirnllure. Ac. ilii* llay Ifliursdavl, M iv M at |i?H o'clock, at salesroom 7M Bowery; lour Officii D-.k. an.l Chair*. French Cloek., a large and general s* ?ortiuent ol Household Furniture, Ice Bo*. Bru*?el? Carpel, tMcloili'. alro t.eueral Merchandise, Cigar* and LI.|iiors. Ac. Dealer* Invited. __ L T1IK KVKM.NO TKKEORAM EVfcRV NItlHT CAHL.K SI'K?'IaI,.- KUOM IIIK SEAT OK W A It. J~OH.N H."lmAfKR A Co.. A tJOTIOXKKRS." Hill ?ll I'lirs DAY (rhur?4*.v). April at h ill 10 o'clock A. M , 111 tlio I |iri,at.r re?lil?uiII Nil. I.I xin)(ton >?? . ell l l>e Klimitlire i-milained In -Bin home. cou?i?nnn of Parlor, Cliwit?f, Um I inn 111 ni ii i, mitt Kitchen I'tcn*!!*. Dinner Set*. Ulaenw m ??, Mr, ' I AM N CAUM V, AUi-'TIi>NKKIt AND Ki'.Al, EST \TR () ?iienl -CAilNKV k t'O.. bate leiiieil ami rtmnr*il ti> | ImIIiIIiix*, 3UI. Wh'i 14th ?*., nenr Sth av . KM last il?p, fur ?lornjcn ami auciiuu a;ilr?, ffoiitll now received; rate* lew; rn>li ulTHIl'tll I IIaVKN, Al 'I'TIONKKIt.-omoK AMI SAMirt el ? mum ?('.? um! 41 Ka?t l.'*th. Will nail Krlday, May 4. Ill II A. M.. lit 14* Kant tlHli. iif?r UllntlM ?v , entire i 'omenta of liinre broaii tiuim linn**. "i ii?'ttni carvrii I'arlur ^uiH in n)k; library and iu title top lable*. Moiliet. Unity I'.rii ? el? an.I .ulier t'urpetn , 1 ii .in- Kniiliu * 4 rniiinl rurnai rotownml 1'im.i, j i,,.?d fnnif trlli I'lfi M.rriir* Ciiuneclliitr Vyi*rnloe? an I Talilat. ftruiite OlflcMnnit Ornament*, Kitaol*, Iiilmd Tn e*. faint um-. lace t'arinlnii, cat*. inning R.mni imt Kiti lian Kmmtnra, llullet, Kftt< Qilun Tallin. Ilall Mnn.l. it..|rl,aiar.if. Ira. OltRIH W11.KINS. AUCriUNEBIt. Klezant llon?eh?M Knriilture, (Irani Pi mnfnrtj, Her | nuil Mantel Mirror*. Una Oil I'miitlng* anil Kroniet, buhl j and marquetry Cabtaata, Table*. Ac.: China, Slli erplatad j Were, Ae.. at a action. E. II. LODL'Iff k ?'() will ?ell at auction, on Thnrailay, SI iy .1. at 11 a'cl.irk. at Ni?. '."Hi ,'ith a*., elegant ebony and rn ?? ii'Kl I'arliir Siilis, In palm . lilac a walnut Dining Tablet ami i hair*. biack walnut Chamber Suit*, black walnut Kedltf ail. Bareaa, llre**lnjr (.' i*ee, Eicrltnirea. Knfo. Chair*, rurkl*h I?oitnge?, Mtln, laea and other Curtain*; fine Car pet*. Mattrttaai, Pillnwi. kt . alio Kitchen and Laundry I'll rti 11 urn. MORRIS UII.KINs, AI'CTIQKEER, I'.LI'.dAM IIOI'ltKMol.D H KNITI UK, VAl.l \ MLK (ill. PA I N 11 NtlS, It V CKOI'.SKY III. lion II VA.NOKRHI ItOH, I.AI'liKNT DK Hf.UK. Al! >lr IKLD AND lHIIKu Alt I IMS. KINK Mill iioi:s, Ac.. AI AlCTIOB. K. II. I.l ULOW k CO. (till iMI '.t anrtlou on Triday, Mar ??. Bt " o'clock, at No I Hi Emt Iknh ?t.. ruiewi'iiii I'arlor Ituita. Solas ('antra Table* and i<*atif?n , ?m ?at lUuliiK lloom (Jlialri. EimiiIm Taiile, MulTai , lil.ick wiiIp it I'liambei Xtilt*. imn Carpet. Mattreaa Ae : alio Kltcben and liinndry rurtiltiire. ( unkiin: Utoimlt, Ac Mkumiavx, Ai'crioNKKR. aei b<?wery ? Hclli ttila day, 1 o clock. ?(14 I- iilmn at., Br.?>klyn. flrat II Kar i>er ^lnlo; fi piueiii (.'hair*. :? Mirror*, epleflilld Cup C'ata, marbla tup Baaini, bhowcaia, kt,; positively la Uti. DALHI AT AtCTKW. M'owroioc lAtfflV IKK Auctioneers, will toll Friday, at IOV{ o'clock. at ulti r mui .'7 ?ut Hrnitilinjr, four heavy Draught Horses, salta bit for trucking or contractor*' use _ TIIOM aM BYRNES. Attorney. Ml>K1'U VOE SALK-I Wtlifc ULL THIS Mir" Al ii% A. M? at -Ui av. It. Ilorte. Wagon. Harness, Ac.. Ac. In mi* lot. By order of I'. l'AlLEY. Auctioneer end Attorney for Mortgagee. PAWxiiROK K RS' RALE. * TIM.M is J. McO RA rif, Auctioneer. 158 Chatham UL, corner Mulberry ?t.. will Mil. THIS DAY. e lar.-e m l general assortment of Men*' and Women's Clothing, feather Bed*. Carpets, Ac., Ac., Al*o *t II o'clock sharp, Qold and silvsr W itche*. Diamond and Hold Jewelry, Ac . Ae. By order R. Cohen, Delaooey at L. Cohen, Canal al. N. B.?The sale of Watches and Jewelry *111 commence at 11 o'clock sharp. I)AWVHKOKKK'S VaT.K.?B. PFeLL). GBVKKAIi AUC tinnu'T, salesroom No. 153 Canal it., near Bowery, will this day. at 11 o'clock, litX) iota Men's and Women's Clothing, Dresses. Hbavll, Rem:innta. Underclothing, Om!t?. Blanket*. Bedding. Boots. Shoe*. Ac.. Ac.; nl>? t oata. I'anta and Veata. By order II. lireckwedel. Oth a*. PAWNBROKER'S SALE.-S Kl lU'SKt, OHNERAL auctioneer. 122 Fulton >t . Brooklyn, will sell, this daj al I! o clock, men and women's Clothiug, Ae. By order M P. FREI-.L. lirand st. icbakd v. uarnbtt, auctionbbr, will soil al aactlon. ? PHI OA V. May 4. at k>S o'cloek. at ;t:ti West I4tli St., nearSih at., Elegant Furniture, consisting of ? Steck Square Mean, N'ii. 3.U0: Bucher. of Carl*. Pp right Piano; Mirrors, tiae Fixture*. ebony and gilt Cabinets, and irtlatlc Bronsee, Clocks. Parlor and Bedroom Suit*, ftucy Tables and Chairs. Bookcase*. Bedding, linn ('hum. Tea and Dinner Sets, Pic ture.. Ulnlng Room and Kitchen Furniture, Moquet end Bru?ael* Carpets. Ac, The family are going abroad, anl the sale romprlsee a pre a I deal o! elegant Furniture brought Irnm Paris by the iainiiy Catalogues at Auctioneer's ofllco, 111 Rroadway, baae. mem. Itie llouao to let or for tale by Homer Morgan, 2 fine. "IJICUaRD WALTERS' SO N S AIJC riON EE Its. ~ J t Flr*t cla?* Liquor Store. WiH tell TUI8 DAY. at 111* o'clock at No. 43 Catharine at., corner MidUou. Stoi k and Fixtures of a tlrat claai Liquor More, via.: -plendid Bar ami back Bar, English Ala Pit no, vara. Table*. Ch ilr*, Bottles, Mock of Liquors, Cigar*, Ac. Sale positive and in lota. SHERMAN AfcTIoNEERT " ? First Trade Sale at No. 15*^ Bowery, of Witioa, Liquor*, Chanipacne. Clear*, Ae., FRIDAY, Hay 4. at I0? o'clock. A large an 1 general assortment, emulating of barrels, caske and c.iaea of of Imported ami domeatic Krandlea. Uiu. J ame jca and St. Croix rnm. Port and (Sherry Wine*, choice old Boiirliiin ami live Whlakey, various nranda and egos; Apple Jack, Blackberry. Claret mid Rhine Wines; Cordials, Rim mel. Chainpagnea: also a larg' lot Cigars, Ae. Kale pos | itive. without reserve. Dealers invited. ! qhkktFF's-saLeTVan ras5IixTkkarney. ; OsiierifT* auctioned*, will aell this day. at salesrooms, No. j . 1 I'Dion square. by virtue ol an attachment and by <irder I of the Hon. James P .-Innntt. on? ol ibn juatice* of the Marine Court, one Firkin of Buiter. 17 Tnli* oi Butter, one I lib of Lard. BERNARD RBILLY, HhertfT. Hu> I'm Dopnit. i) -poty rp .E COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS CONSIGNED TO Me?m. RAD1KE A CO. havluc been on exhibition at their Gallery, 35 I'nljn square, containing valuable works by the Most Celebrated Artlats of the modem and old acliool. a* Rembrandt, Van Dyek, tiiiercino, Wouwerinaun, Tenier*. Van Beeat, Troy in, iIkiii*. btirouali, CoroU Mia/.. Picon, and others of equal celebrity. Till* colleotion will e Mild it public auction, at the Aatiociatlo i Hall.'iUil si and 4th av., to-night ami to-morrow uii-lit. al ? o'clock. R. miMEIIVILLE. Auctline?r. AIM LLTaM A B Bori\ AUCTIO N K E R~. 0 F FIC E 3 ?T Chamber* a: . will tell, Friday. 10V o'clock. Stock and Fixture* of the Fancy floods and loy Store 573 1st av . larpe assortment of Toys, llu*lery, Cloves, Hhlrt* ana gentlemen'* I'nderwear. ;ia*a Ca*e?, Ki*hlnir Tackle, Fire, works, Counter*, leech '*t, Furniture of family. YJiriLLlAX ABBOTT. AUCTIONEEK, OFFICE 3 M Chamber* at Itv virion of an execution 1 will sell this day, at ih'j o'clock, at ]7 Itaat Broadway, Stock ami Fix lure* ol lirocery Store, Snap, Star h. Canned Fruit, Couu? ter*. Ice Cheat, Tea Canisters, Ac LEWIS Mi'DERMOTT\ City Xsrahal. \\r ii.lTCm "vvitthrs. Al (M'IONKKH. RY S. K 1NST* ii l< r e 1* thi* dav, at 2 o'clock, at 450 and 452 Canal si., Iloii-e.ioid l uriilture'iri*ing I'arlor Suit*, Bedroom Furniture, lieddiag, Yelvet and other Carpeta, .Mirrora. two Pianoforte*, Ac. FIANUFUUTES, ORGANS, AC. OflANCE."-S(l'LENDiD NEW tlPRfOHT "aST? /V*quare I'lanoato rent, au 1 rent allowed if pur?h iaeil{ a lew nearly new exceedln.-ly low. nil new Pianoa war ranted lor live veara; greatest reduciloua to cash eustoinera ever otfsiea, at II Vl > lSS BltO.S. lt."i ami 147 iih av., cor ner 21st al Old Piano* taken in exchange A FEW >Et'OND HAND KRaM SC H A BACH A NO /Votlicr inaKera' Pianoa at greai bargain*. Noa. 241 alii Vt.i East 23d at \ PRIVATE FAMIL>V WILL AELL THEIR STBIN jYvny Pianoforte for $15(1, al*o a uiaguincent Decker (of lull *1.1 I'ianolorie, four round Corners, 7V, octave, made to oMer, co?t ?l.l*"", for In275, hiool. Cover and Cabinet. Ca*c for aliipp n(; makera'hill and guaranlee tran?fcrred to purchaser, also Parlor, Library. Illmn< Koom and Chamber Furniture Call tin* day at private realdeuee 120 West '.''Id hi., near <ltlt av. * -FOR"RENT. I PIUGIir. SQDARB AND ORAND A.l'lanoa of our own make . al*o lor aale and runt, a num. ber oi hue *econd hand 1'iaiioa. In perfect order. WILLIAM KNABE A CO.. (it 11.' ith av . above IHtn St. A ?LA'iOK jTssO RTMENT OF Sl'.COS D HAND J\.,Piano*, in tliorouuh good order, some ol which are nearly new; for sale at very low prlcea. CHICkEKlNd A M(NS. >tli av. and l?th *1 Assortment of second hand bteinway Pianoa. mine nearly new. very low. also Pianoa of oilier makers; bo^are of b' ut piano* palmed off a* genuine hteinway make, at aucilou or in private liouae*. STEIN WAY A SUNK, Stelnway Hail, 14tli St., New York. \ CCOCX r t?F MOVINO WILL SB L A CIIICKER ^Ving, In perlcct order, for $5'>, M Ulti Madison av., be lt IMANOKOUrE- -MAilNIFICKN I' OHICKEIUNO, /V..foiir round, 7V, octave Piano ami elegant cabinet Up right iJraml TS, octave Piano?used only four month*?both having all Improvements and richly carved; will posi tively be sold al auction tbm nintSDAY morning, at private residence No. 47 West tilth *t., between 5th and I'tli av?, commen cing it ID o'clock; alao the enilro Household Furniture, Painting*. llrou?e*, Ac. N. B.- Boxes for pianoa and men to pack aud ship goods If desired A SPLENDID M STOP OKOAN, NKARLt NBW, ONLY fi*t; one witli 12 etops $ PC'; others equally low for r,a*h or to rent. Pioaee call at llie war-room* ol HORACE WATERS A SONS, 40 East 14th St., betweeu Broadway and University nliic.e. A T SOIIMK11 .% CO.'S. 141# EAST 14TII ST.. NEAR 3D J\ ar . piano manufacturer* ? Kirat cUm Pianoa At e* treuiely low price*. nmv nn.l Aecond hand lManoa to reut miiU t>n lufttaftneult. SOU )l Kit X CO. 149 Kami 14th at. IT PRIVATE HALE-AN ELEOANT 8TEIXWAY J V )*f ai>o at a ancriftce . Aho 111 Ann I Hceu t 7*% octave upright rosewood i'?Atiolorte. Coat f7.r?U, for leaa than tlAlt Cost, ('all private n?*?di'iico 'JUtl Weal *i5|L st. N. M. ? Household Fur niture lor tale Alio. A FEW SKt'OtflfllaN!>~WRBEU^P(AN08 At TRKT *rreAt bargain*. aome of th<*in naad hot a very *bort tint* bv our be*t muaiciaua and really almoat a* pood uqav; fitiIv w irranted hi everv reanect. 1'leaao call At the Weber Warerootn*. r?tli a*. Aim UHli nt 4 OKN i l.l'.M \N W11,1, HA 'CHI KTOK A CHh'KLRfNcJ 1\J'iAiu?fori?; aUo a magnificent 7S, ro*ewnod Pianoforte, uaed 7 month*. All modern Improvement*; Oran?f, Square, four round corner, patent agraffe, brilliant tone, richly ? arvod <***e nod lej:*, coat $1,21)0, for Stool, Cover, IJ.?t for ahtppinx, Muftie Cabinet, alio rlcti Perlor, Chain* b<*r. Library, L>inhu Furniture. a aacriflie Call at private realtleiict), ?>! W??nt 24th ?i . between ."nil and ftih avai ~\ LADY WILL SACItlKfCE STKINWAV>IANO>OR JY$ 1??>, a tu ArfMllceiil 7'f octave Pianoforte with all mod ern Improvement*, p.iteut agraffe. ovoratrunir baaa. four larj e round corner, carved Iejc? And caae. coat Uat Novem b?r$l4iUli, lor f Sloot* &*Vtf ABd .Music Si ami, coil III25; Imm4 for ihlpptB|| a rare chanco to bny a hrateUaa iuatrumetit (or little money. Call before pnrchaalnic el?e wlntre At private rualdence l.'lil Kant l?itli at., betwean&l av And Irving place, one bloc* "eat Union a?]uare. A LADY WILL SELL CAKVKl) KOSEWOOD 7 OC? ..Ytive 1'iaiiufoite, IMvata reatdeuco J10 East a HM at. HAiitluN ok" all scpkriou tonpTtJ IJ 'l.iborateiy carved Pianoforte, $1?.\ coal $850 laat Feb ruary . aacrihce; brtiitf expert* to examlue. Keaidance 54 KM Mk ? yi.KiMXT RotkwiioD riANoroim. oiu $5J1 JjiitNu Upright 7 l-.'l octave; rnri> Imrcnin. UOKIION'S, 107 Hleeckarit. I.11.l'.dANT 7 OCT\VK IIOHKWOOD I'IANOKORTK] 1 J ill Improvaincnta, for >alii i lo-ap. Ill I Kut 27th at. Cm s't; IIKK i-1A Mt?. ~rtr UKNOIO TO.VK AND R&L1A I li!? Wait Wttt >t. llaii-Uora* band I'lituof vrrjr rhfiip tlOK SAl.K-AN KI.KUAXT KtlSKWOOD PIANO AT I a irraat mcrilic#, $7.'i, by uu? of the bed makar*. 113 J4lll M / ' KAND HIANO, IMP'?rKl>, BT HKrHSTRfN. Ol " I H tIIii, will t>u unlit nt miction till* day. nt 13 o'clock, a :i7 ?t. It I* tu ofil.-ii<lt<l nrd?r and vary flua ton* aiiki ??no roati mi >? an are I'iano at name time. IOII.NSUV, Auctioneer, H7 Na?au nt. Mason a tlANLi.f caBIWIT 0MAR1 AMIAf offcrcil on aament terms of payment and nt llnml a* low |tru''-? iiA Ittrt Ti*r>- ponrcut oritana; (!aah firlcr* of fir? octam double reed tff|a?ia, 9IUH; *ttl* nine Including now MiioM.flll oruann may l?e otitnlued M pAflMMI? $7 a ad upward p?-r qaarter itlir*!" inontli-'. for t?*ii n>mrter?; tin** - iirtr.mi hi ve frceivad lilgho^t n ? I or* at all tha \t >rld ? l.\lnhitlon? of ??t Kran? pr? ii. nii' i'H them " nporii." Catalogue* AH. Wararootna, JS Viiluii ??luarr, Nr* York. ___ I> IA N ?), N ARI.T NKW. AT A HAKCAIM: OWNKR loii, to Knropo, C'ifNt* Ami rutnll'iro very low. i nil lo-.lny, altar I J, I l.i'tin ??" ?*?? corner V>th ?t. 1>I AN(>:. ?V oi'i' \\ K? ?:?; 7 CX T WHS $l'?"; I I priKht tJhlckeriiii!. #17... f?ut? law; ?la?..u A Uanilln Organ*. UUKI)i IN .t SON. IB l:a?t I Itli ?t. 1>U'K Oi.UA.NS ON? A.VII rwo MAHUAL AND piddl, al "lie half tbelrej* ''l "??? ne?r4iHli *1^ IT I'H11? II I' AND SOI-AIIR PfANIiS. fT? TOAMO; $5 J and$KMnnnthlj till pild.errent f;i upward BUI Ts. *l'i on *i|u?re <4tli a*.), near 14th at. "11 '\"1 El??\ liOOD SKCON0 IIANII I'IANO; ti(M)l) Vf Maker. will pay caal); .lealen nead not apply. AddraM b? , 1... 11 |'o?t otll. e, Nnw Yorl. aiiiii HKAMIHI. ROSKVTOOK 7 OCTAVE Fl* I'M', motor >. i liknerinff rlanolorta; atory iinpro?a? mant, irrent 1 fific. .... , , J. Itll'l'l.h I I Warerler place, near Hroadway. KIM: AMIl ? I ri<'f\ Vi T. sai.k -r l VK iiitA.NirVATS^fifiTinSIP JVthe nl.l ni i?ter?. Now oa ?\lilbitioii nt (HHHONS1 Art tiallary oartxid tt#nrl, corner '.th a*, and 17th ?t. .111 HIVJUm trAWlaf-A taSoit ji?f& ?aSSJS~^oR sfTrfiSTfi TT quarttl or a Cntholle church choir; none but rolri't and I*r? need apply, Addra** MUbiCAla Mai tea* Urotbari, 1,104 ttreadwqj.