Newspaper Page Text
\ THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,865. - NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. * PRICE THREE CENTS dlttecrobr FOR ADVERTISERS. orricb, broadwat. ?n52?5a,i A,ND "lOHT ro* rbobp1ion OF AD\ errisements and MALBS OF PAPERS. ilnJ!IFfi5!FHZ-"Jm **Aa??*tl? aadfltk wli. ttfi i fj&nl* ~2d ^*"?-6ih eol. ltivi n '*??-*?? 0"l. Sna 2 r anted-so Pagb?3d and 41b sol*. 52an5.w>.lod<l,KO WANTED?2d PA?ia-4th eel. seonsfh 5''akd-'d P*<>B-4th col. BROOKLYN REAL EBTATB FOR balb-2d Page?lit eol. shyness opportunities??th Paob. r> irv 01? ?. * pi*' EM -7t" P*ob?htb col. SI??5m]fejt5ra''b ?or 8alb-20 PAOB-irt oou rr nshil^ p salesmen?12r it Page?6th and etb eou. ???3h!Si,-*? p*o*-?tb ooi. AND oakdbnbhs?t2rn pige-6th eol. rn^vrw S stkamhhiph-iw Paob?5th and 6th coU. slsiim BOARD?3d Pack?4tb eol. saitjielaoadbiiibb-lltfi PAOB-flth coL r?uvt!5t5y?uti Page?3d eol. <jood8?l*r page?5tb col. dwbllino HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED and un. -..-/urnlshed-ad PAca-'jd eol. 5v/?p?lajl,?tkajfkhi|,s-irr pa0?-5tb vol. agionb-ut pack?6th col. rtnan0lal-?tb Pag*. j'n.m kts-iit* page?3d eol. ?p5 BALE? 2d page?6th ooL purnibiied ROOMS and apartments TO let 3i> l'aob-2d col. ??niture-2o page?otb col. SEf'S ?*5i?'r-eb*?fr*m-i3>" p*0?-5th col. HELP WANTED?MALES? iitu pare-6th col iiprheg, CARRIAGES, AC.?1st Page?2d, 3d and 4th col?. , iiothlb-20 Page??th col.*?! *l? wanted?3d Page?3d coL l v>2nh.vijin<ojj!h age?tfth'col. hjoture 8ea80n?11th Paue-3.1 col. ic^inriluiovko^18t paob?l?? col. M^?2iixb5,y~ad eage-6th etil. matrr?fnviar, ?f8~ilt" '*9*?'M col. vbiiiiv? !i I'TB Pagk- .id col. utiiiakr."*" Paoe?tttiicoi. mi&??Pa?i??? r).k.f^j!i,kl!,0-,rr eaob?5th col. . EOUS ADTBBTI8BMBNT8? iotii Page? .... ntn col, musioaL-uth Page?5th col. pemoilr af*ItiAT,D)'>'8~7t" ''age?6th col. efimp?, ?j"..l2t eagb?i?t col. r*GK-Oth col. prop08ai.8?1st i'age?6tb eol professional situations wanted? FEMALE8? t aqic-otu Col. pr?phkMa8TiXCITV F0R 8ALE 08 TO kka!' 523?ie '!? ex^uan,}r-2d eioe?l?t col. r*ftn??i i!. WANTED?2d page?lbt eol. wpw?4th eol. rewards?- iht paok?-1st coL bp* ot IPKnrZ^J^t1 alefi- 12TH PA0,_5th col. o!#:2?asj,9?ice8?"t Page?let and 2d colt 2??iji??-;P00s- BIRDS. *0.-11* Page?'id col. st&'sah??' lth PAGB-eth COI. thk tkaom 'lviis-j!d r">"-** col. t!1e VffiSteVXzE?co1 S2!^ PA6"-1,t co1 cnfurnishkn ROOMS and apartments to let? ?n. ^,f *oi ? jq ana ."wi coin, watchm^vS!? eace?eth col. J^^to^'^et??d^page?0,1 rlcHr* l?s?t a wuvw ??*1 page?0th col. tacH rs. stbamh0at8, AO.-10th Pack?6th col. personal! " A lbert"y0n a LA I) 18," poilm E R ltyn N ew'york "rlt ",forni*"?n ?b?u? qy?^'JiE?A* WELL, iiappt, ALL RIOIIT; NEED a letter koityou wb?.fn.n^ htowhlba th.afunrg^:. Ana^!?fat>tt<"> P?fliVf?i^ ooulard, painter, of new yortk >1 r r mos?t* w ?ddr??? L. W.. ?m. ctn PS,7?,',l,lkftb.ert^ oh.OROEpSTILL Wvit?at|'h'? y'EATRK wednehdat bvening ? aku eoundt ^ ^wgen iotr'ayp 36TH 8TB..1 d*ted aunmts, lm7a A *u it able re StHh it. *" retorn to Mri. PRIOR, 272 we.t i OST? FROM A CARRIAGE IN WATBR ST bk. hi "dlomt mlm*1"1 * pocketboolt eontalnlnv .*om* memornndn of value to owner alone. A liberal It ir^T?i?int 01,8 re,llrn'nf ?bove to McIjkaN 103 water at., or 47 1 lerrepnnt ?t.. Brooklyn, THOS. McLKA.V. 7 wbdnbbdav from 20~lex ?rd?^?tllln.rf.v#r,r *" Do,t' hlllr bloodhound. $r> ra __ ii i ^ rtoov* number. 1e?ss^SS2S Lost?on Thursday, a small, black and tan ' Do*, with a red und yellow ribbon co lar. The Under i wnl ba rewarded^j returning him to 18 Weat 23d ?t. Lost-scark and pin. in 38"th~bt?rtnteiik t ...?tasth ttf" pa,d f?r r*tarn to t- a. 00ryan. 134 rpiik PERSON WHO, wednesday NIGHT AT TIIP fegart&a/jajg ptedt"-?*-? ^ ItEWARDS. ~~" NO EflTiO.nh xsitlto "f(?k^kturn "of mirer etolen from No. 37 Went 46: h it. tteifc ? "o"*a^ Asihtable rewakd WILL hk PAID FOR TUP return of Lenther Book containing two notrn s3 inr! ishtrra vaapr" 20/?d m.v j5rf,r/? mayrr and pnjable at Fifth inatlonal Bank* tlio S?j^o^3^0^;?#h^lm'the "me- - a LIBERAL reward WILL bb OIVEN FOR hp Terrier, strayed KS ','5? specfal, NOTICES. A.-*~ DISBABES OF MEN. Tlit importance of the healthiness ol the nervous system fannot be over estimated; it* power over life wild Jenth and the direct bearing which it has on human happiness seeina to be recount led; its capabilities. it* qualities and its pow er*: the importance of ft* healthful preservation, its moder ate UMt, the danger of overtaxing it, whether tnrouith thought, itndy or intense application In mental investiga tion and research; whether bv the absorbing attention ne cessary to the condoct ol complicated and momentous busl Bran Interests, or by the excessive indulgence of the appe tites and proDcnsitle* of the *vstem. All these are proper eubject* lor consideration, ns alao the knowledge ol what la inoderatkn. what la axces*. and when theao exist the lute necessity or promptly seeking advice Irom an ex E?rt who tor a long aeries of yeara hna devoted la whole time and attention to the study, investi gation and troatuient of all the maladies or this im portant department, to acruratcly determine tho diseased condition*, their nature, cnuaea end origin, whether arising from tile want ol exercise, ita 11 regularity cr exceaa. and who. irom hi* experience and nractice, hua learned to dis cover at once the derangement and us promptly apply tho remedy, thus avoiding the paiufully alow feeling utter tbe truth, so common to the Inexperienced and so annoying'to the patient, who, very naturally, wants to know without delay what Is the matter, the extent of the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation nnd t lie time required A striking example of the ralue of experience and prac tical observation, us well ?* the usefulness of the prompt application of suitable remedies. Is found In the important statement, coming, not from one. but a umen public insti tutions, not oulv at home but abroad, that a very large pro portlon of tltoso who suller Itom mental disturbance and rib solute Insanity permanently recover who are nlaced under treatment within a year altor the llrst ivinotoma bave mani fested themselves. If tbe ntellcctual department or the bralu tiaa become ex liausted by intense mental application, depriving It of tha Cower ol eontieeted thought. It ran only recover its strength y being properly fed and nourished In thu use of certain systematic methods. It Is precisely so In every other de pnrtrr.eni, whether of appetite, propensity or passion, each requiring a different reuiedy lor its recuperation and dlflor ?ul means lor nrlnging them up trotn the r overworked and exhausted couditIons. The Imporlnuce nt this brunch of medical practice can scarcely be overrated, lor it reaches even to the perneiualitiii ol family names, the securing of hereditary title* and tha retention of estates In the same family. Kroru a long ant tat ,-e experience tn tut* direction 1 have been able to command by my success the thanklul appreci ation of some of the Nrit families in the i ity and nation ; ami I certainly car. communicate much t? cultivated mu ds In connection wlili my practical exnerience tti what pertains to the over-exercisn of every department of the nervous I)Mem and the means of recovortne their power*, whether ?f bralu. appetite, propensity or pasaion. HENRV A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington av., near 29th *t lift, 8 to 3. ?|A0 TO .?*) PERT ON NORTH SIDE Or PIER 49 , Klver to rent Apply at the otf'cn on pier. JOtKPH toKNRLL, Mt .Superintendent. * TTKNTION!?TWENTv TRAMS' PMS.SIAN IIOS A pilal experience ; diseases of men a specialty. Consul tation line. Or. JACOBT, IMI Hleacker st. i iK)i;T()R OKSIIIKT A~DIPLOMA Of M. D.?DI* Arect. with term*, to OOCTOR, lleraid oflice. A. -TilEODORK ZSCHOCH, HAVANA BA> KKIt AMD BROKER. 'ja I'ark row. New Tori, MARTINEZ * CO.. Banker*. 10 Wall st. (basement), bev and sell Hpanlah Bonds. Spanish Uold and Havana 'Bank Blliai Oralte on Havana Isatiea and negotiated. Lottery Prise* cached. SleJ4 Drawing Maj IX DtMMO of 1 &r?rer.v^ up,m 5"iFiT*-"n* '"'WSlftk? rti^u? ?3nlh." 1o? ??* S ?."?' '?. -wch IIre-??? JJ?^fule doub* atroiiK?it oon.tltutlon. T increMlM. uor that year by year ? "" Th uniriM of |? tbl? 'Hn.^inn are ?uch a* lend to debilitate the i??^^?a?' plaint ibji requfo eloMf dise?, t, vu?i It For Oil* of (he mo. fearful ????? ni l"'?mind lHkea ?r lhe I, '?"V>,e.!J,'d'^muUH*"l? w\lo ?li:l>V huT* lived i? bo deterlorutlon. Mdm^tlt " letIm. of ml?ery In eon *pecl?l?r I *m "3 ,n r??ior? health ?iii>>r *nd ra?nliood to S^SSHS^stissar-' " J. JACQUES, D.. 45 East 9th ?t.. betwaen^Kroadway and Vb1w?1?7 Plao*' Oflioe hourt. 10 till 3 and 5 to 8 P. M. Went 48th ?t. ?. . ?M,li uet; goods tent for and dellve j| ^gp WAR, proprietor^ fVisEASKs'o/ MEN, RKQUIKINO SKjILj'^ques, JJconttdentlal treatment a '?* .? J'_ yirt si. u.. v> K?*t mti ?t.. near L' * Office hours. II) till a and ? to H 1 ? M- - - EES?* ?n?oLnKhE?^lSrp^ free iu all complaint*. DhkNHY^.?I^NIEI.b\.8? *'l? tlVington ar.. Dear 21?th ?t. Office hour, from 8 to 8. tv'i YO R(1SThPEEDIL Y OBTAINED PLB? Dllcily; desertlou, Incompatibility. 1 unusual >arn^^A(''aCB'()Y"K.*l^wy?. JH7 llrosdway. gPPB' COCOA. (BriRkrM,, Grateful. comforting. . . . |.h delicately ?Vor^,. wKythejadkiou. use of each 5s;r..w.^^ sr.siirr.;^: AX'f.--J". .3-: i gsassssss&*ato UM*U*- Made limply with boiling water or milk. , in packages and tins <X EPPS * CO.. Homoeopathic Cb?ml*t8, D.p.;,f sitwatb4 place! Kor eats by all druggists and grocer.. - Broadway. New Vurk. ???? F?Sn*"t ??&&*??RK.WEIU'? Chum. Sr. fisSffi fi'JSX JS? 405 Broome >t 1" ri.s tlalios TacUl. -? ??e Bngeaud. Lyons. Prau?>?. XTERV0U8 ^'f-^lllww delWe?DdUatLKahn'. Mu lN cmnpruinisa eerles leattfM (he cnais ,nd enre of nre mo EDITOR 0/0^;7teTd?y winoU^-n" article headed I norolcal ni'd efflcacioa* me attention to the experl publlc nehoole. We beg to call ni aflth <l?y of ment giver. by "??* .K. ifce ae r?.f the Zapfle Ktre Ex January Uet. ehowlnr the^effiea .r llmonla|, we have In Mar Kullon. late of iM Broadway. Sew York. $50p"00j^ jrr E;rly AddreM WILLI AM8Q?*OOjn Broadway. Mew York corny Liberty N?w Yora^ . .. = ? SPORTISO?IKJG8, BIRDS, *fc? T7I0B SALE?SKYfc TEiuUEfe1~BpLKNI)i6 uAfthK; FInfallible. SUM Eaat ^Othjit. Gsa*si^v^ S^?5?iBs A? POOL SELLISG. . I tdfttSM VltESCll AND COMblNATION POOU A?old all Jay at J^^'XuiV^cb^e^MS ^:h-h?v?:r%rT.^iiN8QN.| N^Au'c^n French ??a comVlnrtlo'n ''p'V'^ine Cywy T?- ht*r; Bo"ton ghlBlttfr k McCtOPP. r n v TT EH'?> AI L?~ 1.W B K< i A11 w A Y. - E N T III li S AND Tr.TIrnV^n. Ni.hJlll. ?.?d?e?l from th TIIK Tl'RP. AT WEST SIDE DRIVING PARK. JERSEY OITT, To day, two racoi. IHielMt-Cb. g" Billy Edwnrdt, g. g. William, D. g Krank, hlR K. Neeblt, b. m. hlchmond tilrl. J. it. fw rnber. Saddle race, .! in 5? Bik. g. Harry.h. g. Hen. Ii. g. Kltigerald. g. g. Ed Sill, |a. k. Motco*. Admit lion, 50 cent*, ilorte oar* from lerrry, WILLIAM VANKEUREN. A-PLEETWOOD PARK, Nl-.W TORK, MAT 4, 1877. ? Match race for $HU. II. U. Dooaon name* br. in. Mary, 8. Henn-tt mime* bl. m. Kitty. Boat H In & Trotting to commence at 3 o'clock. Aclmitalon. 50c. (JATES fl. BAKU A K P. PwildMt. /Uim ~"PARK, CLIPTON, M. J.. HA IMl RAIL* V/road ?For Hat of Entries tee Tort. Field and Kurm and Wllkea' rfpl'lt nf thl? week. The 'J :3l) clant did n?t till. A Pacing Riico. tree for all; mile heatt. 3 In 6, to liftmen*; premium to clme Monday, 7,h Intt.. ha? been substi tuted; entrance ftl lift JAM KS MOKKET, Proprietor. 110I18BM AND CARIUAOBI. A" "'VINE TEAM OK BLaOK HORSES aYH"'SftW ?atiii lined Landau to be let by the month. Tube toen at I Ml Went 4?th Hi. A":~??ltlIWSTBR SIDE BAR TOP W At JO if. POI.E A.ND ?mial'tk; niti.-le uml double Dttnecnmb ilarneat, all nearly new. tor hi prtvatu stable 2.>0 Eitat 40ih at. A? $i:?i WILL- Bl'V A TOP ROAD "WAGON. COST ?three iiiontha ago *4?J.'>; flue Single llarnem, $4". co?t $it>; ntriTop Pliueton, In tlrat rate order: will be told at a aucriUce, Apply to coachman, at atabln I'.'S Ea?t It'tli at. BEAliTIITl, SADDLE HORsB POR SALkT'aPPLT at Dickel'a lildlug Acauemy. 6th av and ilHtb ?t A PAIR OK KI.NE IIOR8EH, OLARENCErvio" ton* and top Hiiggy. nil tn complete order, lor tale Prirate liable 212\ Rait Utlth at. A will ski,it cheap kor" cash beach kul ?shifting leather top I'ark Phaeton. very llsht, nobby; lor one or two lionet; ?e?ta lour pwraont; Pole an I Shalt* and flue leather lop Pony Phaeton, (or ladiun; aim a light top Brewatar spring Road Wagon Dunacomb Harness. *d dress Mr, IAMES. at the Knickerbocker Cottage. or (JEOROK, the ateward, at Hie Cltih 8' able where they can be hbon ;or two <1 ??>*, No. 127 WW Mb tt., neartith nv. AT IIALP VAMJB-KOL'R HORSKK; SUIT PARMER or any business; warranted sound and good workers; Jllve days' trial glreu; mutt oe told. liOl tiraucl tl., between Mott and Mult A A. marry. DEM A REST ,t CO., Carriage Builders, ti'JS Broadway. owing to greatly decreased expenses we are enabled to offer our stock (of our own make) of ? at greatly reduced prices. The attention of buyera Invited. A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO DISPOSK OP HIS E.N tire ntock. c insisting ol Carriage and Tenm, Top and Canopy pony Piaetons, Trotting Morten, Hoaii Wacom, Single and Double Harm***, Blankets, Mtabte Fixtures, au. N. H ?Stable to let; elegant accommodations lor any otl Tate party at reasonable rent I3!l West JJI at St. A"?SUBSTANTIAL CARRI ~oES, ~NKATLV KlU ? I shed. at inanulactureri' prices , Depi>t Wagon* at f H*>; Ixatlier top Buggies. IliBi Bii?ae| and Panel Phaeton*, Jl'.'i; Kockawaya, I'ftrk i'hftetoui, tumble teat hugKle?, Ac. s Marneix. iny manufacture, every dencriptton, light or lionvy, at lowest possible prices' Liip llitin. hlanketn, Slteeii, Whlpt, A?. JoIIX MOORK, .r>7 Warren at. Avbrtstvlis ft uraY maddlk or harm BAH Ilorau, IA>i hauda high; warranted tound and kinu; prion 4U*J,~>. No ."| Weal IHth it. ?MONWAOB mAh?RIOn a it i > w ai.teiHBOflS! ?auctioneert. will aall tbia day, at ltl'% o'clock, at 'J7 Kan Hromlway, four heavy Draught lloraea. nuitable for trucking or contractor'! u?e ; alio on* bay uiar*. TUOMAd BViU^Ed, Attaraey. HORHE8 AND CAKHIAGK^. PcflOX "llofsk "OK ARC li. j uHNSTON, 19,21. S3 audi*> 1 ruh *t.. oeu L nivcrsliy place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN THK CITY. ,.vg REGULAR 8AI.ES OK H0R8ES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUKbDAY AND FRIDAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK. 24 hours to three day*' trial on norm*# warrauted woqo? THIS DAY (KRIDAYl. AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT CROSS MATCHED TEAM KENTUCKY BKEDCakKIAUK IIORBKH. black ami bay with very lull large mane* and tnln; they are In ?*Mi bign. 7 years old; urn well matched In gait. action ? ml sl*e, ?ro unusually ?bowy. h*nd*om* *nu stylish; have been used by the present owner tin gle mid .inutile .?? a lamily carriage teal" ? are n0* afraid of a locomotive or anything; are spirited. higli stepping. but gentle driver* or great endurance; have uot a lault. vice or trick of any kind; are perfect fur almost any use. and alto gether one of the finest teams In the country, ana warranted sound. without a htemtsh. Also SET DOI BLK HARNESS, made to order, oxida mount ing*. by Bruyan. . . . _ TOP ROAD WAGON, pole and shaft*. In good order, by Brewster, of Broome at. _ WESTCHESTER ROCKAWAY, little used, by BradUy. VERY *K ?DAPPLB GRAY COUPE HOR8B. HI hands bitch 8 years old; kind In all haruei.a; free from vice, an excellent carriage horse; ha? BMO used by a private family In city and country,; is very stylish and handsome; not atraid of anything and warranted sound. KLEliANT T CART, n.arlv new. by W ood Bros. CROSS MATCHED TEAM. BAY MARE AND POR KKL llORSK, IM< hands high. 7 and * year* old; have been used In tingle and double harness; are free trom rice; have been used as a family team for general use ; are not afraid of a locomotive or anything et?e; are In every way desirable, and war ranted sound. . SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order, oxide ? mounted. . , ,? _ TWO PARK PHAETONS, in good order, by Wood Bro*. EXTENSION TOP I'llAETON. nearly new, by Wood DARK HAY ROAD HORSE, 13X hande high. 7 year* old ; kind and true in all harness; Iree Irom vie." ; a u'oim! family or rood horse; not afraid of ? loco motive or anyihlnir else ; sale lor any one to drive; in every way reliable, and warranted sound. TOP ROAD WAGON. Pole and Shalt*, by Brewster, ot Broome st. . t. . ? , . FINE TEAM WORK HORRKS. 10 hands high. S and 0 years old; kind and true Iq all harness; free from vicj; ?'e used to all kinds of truck work ; good fast walkers; faithful workers; sold only lor want TOP EXPRESS WAGON, In stood order, by Sanastln I PONY TURNOUT.?SORRKL PONY HORSE. 13 lianda , high, 8 yeurs old ; kind in all harness aud extra line under saddle ; has not a vice or trick of any I kind; a perfect pet for children; can trot or paue very fast; isln every way safe and reliable aud warranted sound. Set Pnnv Harness. CANOPY TOP PONY PHAETON, nearivnew. TEAM IIOKSES, BAY AND CHESTNUT. Hi* hand*. S and !? year?: eveiy way right and reliable; sold TWENTY-FIVE OTHER HORSES. Description time SEVEN *TOP WAGONS AND PONY PHAETONS to be sold to pay advances and charge*. LARGE ASSORTMENT OK EVERY KIND OP CAB* RIAGE. WAGON. HARNESS. BLANKETS Ac Weather never Interferes with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. UCTION UOUHE OK VAN TAS8ELL A KEARNEY. Ill) and 112 East 13th St., NEAR 4TU AV. _ REGULAR SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES BB U EVERY TUESDAY AND KRIDAY. On every horse that Is warranted soond or kind and trne In harness, fiom one to three days is given to test warrantees. . ? CATALOGUE OF^Tufe <0*?^. (TODAY) SALE. VERY HANDSOME PAIR "cHERRY BAY GELDINGS. l(i1^ bawl* Ultfb* # vear? old; kind nnd true In All hftruetfc; free from vice; prompt nud ic*mey Urlrere; huve extra tine iiyto ?ud appearance; lUey co?t their pre?ent owner #2.000 and we ??>ld on account of lili VERY'"sVyLWm4' AND HANDSOME PAIR OK BLOOD BAY Geldings, bred In Kentucky, 1SW hands high, B aud a years old. free, pleasant and garney drivere; perfect roadsters; can Irol close to three minute*; have great power and bottom and are warranted t o^rvff&^s'arsiii'viiHri& BAY *PONY^'jiuiLf ^lORBE," 14? HANDS HIGH. 9 YEARS old; kind and true lu all harness; ftree from vice ? well broken to saddle; has been used by ladle* aud t'blldreu ; can trot better than 3 annates; l* une qualled for ladle*' o*e ; I* vary atyli?U, and M warranted BAY HOUSE. 15? HANDS HIGH. B YEARS OLD: KIND end true In all harness; free from vice ; ha* been used by a doctor In this city; is a bandy and pleasant drlvor; sold on accoutt of owner leaving *he city, and 1* war* ELEGANT TaIR BROWN CARRIAGE OR ROAD IIORSB, 16 HANU8 high. 8 and 7 year* old. klud and true In all names*, free from vice; ar- very *?vllsh and have fin* knee action; are Iree, handy and prompt drivers; rast traveller*, not afraid of anything; are an extra tine family carriage te*m and are warranted HANDSOME DUN COUPE HORSE, lfl HANDS HIGH, ? years, kind and trne In all heme** free from vice ; an extra saddle lioree; has very superior *?yle and ?c tion; i* not afraid ol any thiug; I* a Iree. piornpt and pleaeaut driver; ha* been need by a private lamily, rOURBV^l\*rHANDS??ME PONIES, KBOM 13 TO 14 hands high. 5 to H year* old: all (food driver*; *aie ror ladles' or children's use; one ol them is an extra flue sadule pony; the whole are warranted tonnd and kind. BAY horse" i5H HANDS HIGH. 7 Y. ARS OLU. kind and true In all harness, free Irom ?ice; a very desirable and pleasant roadster; la sale lorla<H?s use; not afraid ol an (thing; easy and haudy to drive, and BAy'VonT'i^^HANDS HIGH, ? YEARS OLD. kind aud true in all harness. Iree from vice; a very line saddle pony: haa been used by a boy, and I* aold on account of his leaving home; I* a handy and easy driver, ai d Is warranted *ound. BLACK MARK. IB HANDS HIGH B \EARS\OLD, kind and true In all harness, Iree from vice; a prompt, handv driver, nnd is wan anted sound. brown Horse. i&X hands high. * years old. kind and true in all harness, free Horn vice; a Iree. nrouipt driver; stand* anywhere; ha* great bottom, and is sold on account of owner giving up bustnes*. Set ol r?ab Harness and HANSOM t AH VEitY LIGHT. ALMOST a* good a* new. THREE YEAR OLD AYRSHIRE COW Avb CALK, a SIX TBlOfcSNo1fl LEGHORN" and PARTRIDGE COCHIN VlCTORlV'^y WOOD BROTHERS; canopy top Pony Phaeton: curtain Coach; Barnticho: Clarence; top full spring and side bar Wagons; lop 1 ouy I haetons; extension top l'haetona; Rockuway*; double aud 'M^>M?VnCKS AT 10 O'CLOCK. ? JL'si ARRIVED FROM LKXINGTON. KY.. AT .BARKER A SON'S New York Tattersall's, corner of Broadway and 3?th St.. lor PRIV'ATE SALE up to to morrow (Saturday). May.'., at 11 o'clock, when. If not dis posed of will then he offered at auction in the bighe*t *nd best bidder. Hie following very desirable stock: BK^CKINKIDGE, eiie*tnut sorrel gelding. l.iS h gh. Toaied 1871; got by Viscount, dam by Alcalde: Is galled like machinery: very handsome; can trot In win beat 2 .90 this aeasou; warranted sound and kind; price *"lNEZ combined chestnut *orr*l saddle and barnen Mare, 15U nigh, loaled IS71; got bv Bayard, dam l.y a son of Roach * American Star. Jr.; is very b?autiliil and stilish, and a mare of extraordinary promlte; can trot in ?J ;40, and will o*at2:3l)by the lstoi July if given a cbanc*; is elegant under saddle aud warranted sound and kind; '"bRKCKINRIDOK and INEZ make a gentleman'* *n perb trotting team together. PILOTEER. gray gelding, high, foaled 1871. got l.y Pilot American, nam by Wood's Black Hawk ; is flne.y gaited. stylish and very promising; will be fa?t If Dandled; warranted sound and aind; price,RT7.?. , HICO. brown gelding. I.>S high. foaled l87ll; Mambnno Columbus, nam by Alexand r s Bay Chief; Is a sple ndid drivci nnd promisingly galled, and will make a Hotter; warranted sound and kind; price. 1213. CROFTON. extraordinary stylish ?nd exira combined ilanplo gray sadn e and harness guiding. l.?H high, foal' d 1S71 ? gut by Forest'* Vermont. d*m by a son ol loung hui peror; is a beautiful driver .Hid a superb saddler: finely gaited fast and promising, and warranted *ound and kind; I rice. f3.'iO. _______ A.-for a00UBA0T A?n) pbecISIOB In tho movement of wheel* u?e THK RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE. The yielding nature or the rubber cushion*, securely em bedded wlibln the hub, prevents vibration and all nndii* s> rain thereby permit ling the wheal to retain It* true po?l Hon upon the axle. W heel* upon rubber cushioned axles only run perfectly true, hence for speeding ihey have 'P,CTHK RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE COMPANY. Hroadway, 7th av. and 48d st. ^L^nir -THE CHEAI-KsT ESTABLISHMENT EVER OK .fered' J3.rii): cost le*? than one month since over ?1 UJII a sorrel Horse, all style, 7 years old and trots las-:; eleganl lop Phaeton, fine rubber mounted .llarnes*. Blanket*, lap Kobe. ? hip. Ac., making on* ot the Brettl*st turnouts in in* city; also top Wagon, good a* new. 138 West ;tlst st. A?MUST 11K SOLD AT ANY oppbr, VKHY HAND .some blood hay I'atcbcn Mare, l.'ijg hands, 7 years; prompt, pleasant driver; ci?u Iroi In i'40; warranted *nnn<l and kind; safe for a lady; would make mi elegant coupe or faintly horse. Private mMr H We-t 35tll Bt. Akiikwhtkk imFkovkd SI'KINO bide"BAH Toi' Wagon. also leather top Pony PhaetM ami xiiiirln Harness; all In flr*l class order: will be Hold for less than one-third their val in. 1'rivatn stable '1 West 35th si. Jooo BL'SIN KMS 111): (S KS~ ? Tor uny kind of wotll, cheap. 40*' Wont Jiitli it. 4 r I'OUT-10 BUrtlNKM W4UONS, ALL KlXBS, ALL .Aprlcet, new, second hand, WO to (125. Wtiron manufac tory. Xirt Spring it. AURAY I'ONY, BROKEN i PONT BI/ILT MARS, B4A, f<>5; good trial given II Hester It, ifeed more). A -TWO HOUSES. BOWU AND KIND, SITt .bntrlier, baker or farming, $<rt, $<1.1, J.'iH Wrst Brosri waj, nearl'aiisl (blacksmith shop). At a ba no a i x?a yeky handsome team or dapple irriv Horse*, HI hands hfgk; sound and klmi. Ap ply at SI and fit Lafayette place. VKIIY UNK TWO MA# TUP I'llAETOM;" CABBY f.iui ; made by Stiver*; Pole and Shall*; cheap. No. 3 West 131 ll it. ?BBBWHTKK. OK iiuooMK ST., TO I* SIDE BAR .Wagon: itlso. Single and Double Harness, hf Duns COinbi will be Mild tit a bargain. 1'rlvate italile, 1 Wen l.'itlt at., near 5th av. BAY OKLDINO. I5\ III O H; KOAl.hD 1873; UOT HV 11 m in le t, son of Volunteer; lie by Itrsdyk's hamhlcton Inn; first dam, Kneless Lexington, ny Swigert's l.exing"ni; second dam Kanless, liv imported (llenroe; this is one ?t I lie most promising roMg heraes I# t he conntr* and one w ho will give a gtxid accnnnt of himtell. Will be sold on Hatttrday, May ft. bj JOHN II. DRAPER * 00., 112 I'earl at.; can lie seen at stable*, 13* Bast 41st at. ; guaranteed sound and kind. B?rroKAUE roil carkiaoem in our BUILD ?Ing 4?, 61 and 53 Lafayette place lit reii'ionable rate*. Wood EBuTHEWB. RaTiTIKUL TOP PoISTFhaRTuN, KL'LL "liPKINO top Muggy. tingle Harness; newly new; uo offer re. fated. 50 Weal 10th *1, _____ ClABUlAOES OP ALL K1Ni>-~ ol MT own MAKK. ,/at the lowest possible prices for good work; all wnrk warranted aa represented. OKI.' BR, .I'Vl Canal at, (lOl'I'K (SHCOND II AN Hi. J Very light; In splendid condition; newlr done near. A. f. DBMA&Edl A CO.. 03? bread**?. HORNK8 AND CARHIAtiES. Jy> VOI WANT TO Bl'Y A ROAD HORSE, A FAMILY aj I HOUSE A BU8INESS HORSE. A CARRIAGE 5, TRAM. OK ANYTHING IX THE HORSE LINK? c I HE SURE AND ATTEND THE SALE AT ARCH. I- j J OH N -TON'S SIAItT. KITH ST , N E A It university 5 I PLACE. THIS MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. VOL' C. I ALWAYS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARK BUY C I I NO AT THE SALES OK THIS OLD. RELIABLE ? I HOUSE. DR. TOBIAS* 1IOKSE LINI.MtNl-1.? ll.?i ilea, al #1; quickly cures C die, Sorea. Sprain* and Bruiaes. All lb* racing (tables use It. Sold by all tba drug gists. tjlhM CARRIAGES AT popular prices. LANDAUS. ROC K \ W A Y 3. LAN DA >'LETS. CABRIOLETS. COACHES. PHAETONS. BROUGHAMS. T CARTS. COUPES. BllKTTS. ROAD WAGONS HoIVELL PHAETONS. DOCTORS' WAGONS AND fHAETONS. A flna and lar,je itock of H arnaaa. A. S. FLANDRAU. 372 and 374 Brooma ft. told itand of Brewster t Co.l Ficr s .li: at the I'ifivatk stable no i west 17th at.. * pair of black Carriage Horse*; will be sold cneap for want ?( uae, >. owner la In Europe. fjU)R .tali. -?>. GENTLEMAN'S private "turn out" I' new Rugu). U>e-t Hrcw?tor design. and very handsome, gentle Horse. |5,^ liandv ian tr?| in 2tS<>: all warranted; will ?ell. with llarneaa, fur $joO Art.lran K C.. foil oiBce box J.IW7 F0BVALK-A"07.XTLEMAiT^TRAfi OK TFoRsEs"; handaome. fn?t and |d?*?aiit to drive. Addreu CONFI DANT, Herald l'|>tovrn office. I^olT SALE -a- IIA Nil so )ib~daFk~b RO \Y N COUPE or Road florae, 16 bunoa, 7 years old; fine gatted and warranted aqund, kind and free'from blemi?h by a reapon aibla peraon. Inquire lor .1 (111 N. at the Hrevoort Siablea, Hill at.. Juat wen ol Mncdougal, before 0 I*. M. Fair trial (Wen, IPO It s a lk-a kinr road horsjT hands high; perfectly ?oitnd and kind; aoid only on account .if the owner'sgoing to Europe. Apply at FERGUSON'S sta bles. 120 West Md st. IpOK SALK-a ItREWsTER SIDR BAR TOP BUOOY; alao Ponr Phaeton. leather top, made br A J. Deniareat A Co. Call nt SKI.DEN S at.ibU-i, 136 East 23d at., or ad dreaa W., bo.< 1.478 Poat office. For sale-ooupk hoksr. mahogany BAY, 8 yenra. lit hand*; aour.d, kind, prompt and atyliah. THOMPSON'S stables. :18th ?t . Broadway. For salb-an elegant brown kentuoky llorae, III1} hand'; One tnaue and tail; not afraid ol nor thing; aiao English f ur-wheel Dog Carl anil llnrneaa; all III tlnn order. In tuire at Mott'a atablea, I lit Weat 23d it. F IOK SALK?FIVK VOI NO HOUSES; suitable EOR truck, grocer. larmar; uuy bn-ineaa; niuat aell; no work; warranted. frtW Waalnugtoii at. Fou" sale-a dauk bay iioksk; ia>^ hands' souud and kind, with high knee action; price *350. Ap* ply ut private aiahle 1 Ban t'-d at. 1/lolt SALE-TWO LAIiGK "DRAUGHT HORSES, r Tenm Business Horses. very cheap, no work. 439 Weat 4tHh, rear. IjlOR SALK?HORSE, HARNESS AND TOP SI ILK 1 Waifon; price $3.Vj Ap|ily at No 141 6th av. FOR SALE NINE Houses. YoFxo~AND SOUND; ?iiltHhle trnck. Iceman, farmer, any bualueaa, warraniod. I i:t Bnrrow at., uear Oruenwicb. For sale-five iiorsrs.TuTtaFle~kortii'uck, srncer?faruier, any buslnvaa ; warrnnted aomid and kind. I IS Cbriitopher at. / 1 K A Y ~ MAKE (S P E E d7~~Ba RGAIX ?HANDS \TIiIkIi. S yeara old . aonnd. kind, gentle, handa<>me ; trota in 2 :40 certain . aplendld pole niarn; price F6UO. BILLY MOTr, Lamb'a s'abiea, ir> I ait 5Sth ?t. HANDSOME. WELL BREI). BAY HORSE, 10 HANDS. 7 jreara old, food action, suitable for dog cart or coupe; al>o a inperlor Alderoey Cow. 3 yenra aid, lu calf to Herd Bo'<k bull. Inquire of coucliinan or greotu at private (table .No. 147 Ea.t :?tli .t, 1N TI1E EVENING TRLEGRAM KVhRV NltiHT CABIE SPECIALS FROM THE SKAT OK WAR. IF SULD TO DAY-BRKWSTRR improyed SPRING top Wt.'im. $1IVi, irood aa new; alao top ponv Phaeton, B140; aet ainyle Harneaa. $40. No. |.'17 Weat 37th at. tlTTUCKY T1IO ROUGH BRED splendid SADDLE Horae, very tivllah, broken to bartieaa. 5 yaari, IM Private atablo 17 Weat 44th at ________________ LAND At; tSapOND HAND). leather top, iu splendid condition, at n bargain. A. T. DBMARRs r A CO., 6UR Itroadway. I VERY STABLE?147 AND 14i? WEST 35TH ST., 65X ilUO; or will alter for any buainea*. AN DliUWB. 121 Eaat 2Sth at. ONE or THE HANDSOMEST TOP I'll ACTONS IN ihe city: built til order, beat city built: alao fine Har neaa; very cheap; at privato itable M) Ea>t 41 at at. >ONy" PHABTOiil 7? , We offer, aa a apeclalty, a ?nod Phaeton for $110. A. T. DEM A It EST A CO.. 82A Broadway. ^?COND HAMD CARRIAGES for tale at great bargalna. .1 Clarences, n Coupes, 3 alx-aeat Rock aw ay I, 3 Conpe Rockawaya, 2 llirht Curtain Rockawaya, 3 half top Cabrio let*. 2 Victories, 8 Cabrioleta. T Cart, extemion lop Phaeton, lix-seated Phaeton, ent under four-ioriuc Bagiry, 2-wheel Dok Cart. 2 Jump-aeat Wairont, Turn-out seal Phaeton, ll-aoated Depot WnKon, 4-seated Ponr Phaeton. 2 top Pony Phaetons, Basket Pony Phaeton. 4-aeated no ;op WaKons, Depot Wagou, 2 no top Wagons, 25 top Wagons. Some of the above are In line order, and built by Brewster k Co.. of Broome St., and other good makers. A few sets of second band Harness for sale at m bargain. A. 8. FLANDRAU. 372 and 374 Broome st. (old stand of Brewater A Co.) SAC It I I'lt'E ? SI X HORSES. FOR ANY BUSINESS*; niuit be aold thla week. 41" Weat Hl>th at. CTABLK TO LET?Tut WKHT 40TH: KOUK 8TALL8 Oand living rooms up stairs; $>V) per month. LESTER, 232 A eat f>2d. S* TABLK IO LKT^SoT 120 WfeST 80TU ST.; Tl atalla; auitable lor aale. livery or boarding stables. A. UAPKLYE, 11*) Kultiiu at. STABLE TO RENT?21 j WR8T 15TI1, ? STALIN; every convenience lor carriages and coachman's laraily; alt In iroed order; rant $900 year. S" IX SEAT rockawaysT We have four, a little tnopworn; offer at bargalna. A. T. DEMAREST i CO., 608 Broadway. cart. iiTrfNK ordrrTeleuTnt"victoria. Brongham. Landaiilet and open quarter Csaeh, by Wood Brothers; H Landanlet. in One order; Barouche, bv Miner k Steven*, in Due order; top Depot Witgon. by R. M. Stivers; elek-ant French Landau. Stanhope Ptia-ton, by Brewater A (,'o., aa good aa new; two very light Coaches, agitable for country uae; top and open second band Moad Wagona, by best City makers, at low prlcea. WM. II. GRAY, 'JO and 22 Wooster at. Y~ aluaIilk hi . young horsr?kor""country work ; $45; lltfle aoru In feet. SM New Chamber* st. Wanted?enguhii two wheel tandem boo Cart; nlso thoroughbred naddlo Horae, young and un trained. J. A. B.. Hotel Brunswick. >th a* . New York. ANTED -C aMUAOI HORsh, BLACK, ORAY "OR aorrel; 16 bands, long tall; inuat be warranted and cheap. AddreM, slating price. Ac , Ac., DIXON, box 21J Herald office. \\fANTED?A DARK bay- HOUSE, 15*4 HANDS, TT Idack points, kind and sound, that tan Hot a mile to the pole tn J Address O., box W llerald office. \Vr A NT El>-STAGE "(ONE IIOKSK), FOR COUNTRY If uw<; must he In isnod condition; cheap; at F. UNBE. KANT's L?w and Collection ??(lien. 12 Cbauibera at., N. Y. \if vntj:i> "to buY~;iirap-for-(?asH-a"siiift TV ill.- Top riiaeton; new or nearly Lew; lonat weigh 3.V) pounda or leaa and teat four peraons; or will litre lor sum mer. Addresa HUDSON, box 1S7 Herald office. TiTANTRb?roi cash, two or I IIIth E ONE-HOUSE yy t'ais. In good order, wjth fare box attached. Address i HORSE, WAGON AH 1) II AK> r.r?M ; niLb i?? F.for axprena or pedler. Apply, alter 4 P. M., at 42H V\e?it^Tiliat. C.W'11 -GRAY MAKE. SEVEN YEARS. SOUND AND ?5) 11 )U.kind; black llorae. $100; Sorrel, $75) Road Witicon, $75; Grocery, $6.1. V.'>3 We?t 3isi st. new and second hand Wagona for aale at RARKRR'S. It'Hh at. and Broadway. RBKOTALI. _ V'""cfAKl>>?KIsIi|UVKI> ~'lo"l"ni Bowery ; acente mitito SI" par day (telling them. J- AMKI4 CAQNBY, AlICTIONftEK AND MAIi MTiTI Aj-ent, ha* removed to 3(0,305 14th at.,near Mth nv. CAUN'KV A OO.'s ?tor?? Warehouse* ?? tliove. and atn: lion ??!<?*. building HO reot "leep; gooda nuvr received; low raid: <:k?Ii iidviinc'd. ULUARDI. TTiir tff ThKCfHiii 'fr,Oru fi1i.?f AkTf fXBtEtfTrf VY.i>ertect order, anual to new, at *?ry low prlcr*. H. W. UOLLRNPBR. 7.1M Broadway. AMRRICAN NTARDARD BKTBL IILUARD TABMW with Uelitney'a wire*. Indoraed by nil leading professional player*; estra Inducement* now o!!orr-d, mm nnil bund Tablet ?t grout bitrgitlnt. W. II. URtKKITII A (,'(?, 40 Veeey ak A root- tablk fob half, oiirap: balls.cbrh and everything complete, for 97A; ?l*o Are let* of I'll li?r<i Hall* and nine wooden Setter for billiard room. 4?i6 Canal it., drill More. BOYS' BILLIARD table. tUZS H'.kT; ONK-THIKD original cml, Addresa OL'li, 11 ?mld offlee. CM)LLRBDRB HII.MAKD TAHLK-4XH. NRARLf /new, with Hack, Cue* ana BalU. Call at 3S3 Lexiag ton nr. MlitHT CLAM IIII.MaKD TAB LB ?*, RNO, AT PUB F I.AS'K new wararoonm, No. 14 Veeey at. Lion KAL.B CIIKAl'- KitliK HII.UaUI) AMI ONI! r I'ool Table, neirly new. Inquire 1.2HW Broadway, aecotid flmir. WATCIIKH, JRWKLRV. AC, A - Vt hit ifrfi > a I jWa V, loUM.i: i :fn ht.'iVia" .'ii.Hid*, Watclie*. Sllka and p?r?ottal property of rverv lit*-I'rlpLior. lioni:ht and (old; loam negotiated. ISA At; B Alt It. At WT B BO ADWA Y?01A BOB 04, WATOHRB, rkw elry, Hlltnrware, Ac., bought and (old; loan* nego. Ii^aled. H. Tit V UII. AT 51 UNION xgUARk-VtV'XO-DlAMONM. .ilWatrliet, Jewelry, Kllverwiirf. Yuluablan, 4l, IhiiuIiI, gold and exehaiimit l?oan* ell>rted. KataiillalieU .1. II. HAKKINi.KK, Dealer, 31 L'nlotl *quare, formerly 7:<*> Broadway. tlMKAP-A OOLD HTKN wTn~|)IRu WATCH, CHAIR. ^*ud Ulaaiond diud*. QUICK, bo? lltf U*r*ld elite*. DRV GOUOH. grnmrs IX LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN*' HOSIE XT or THB BEST ECROPKAN AND DOMESTIC XASUFACTURE FRESH AND SEASONABLE GOODS IN EVERT VARIETY OK STYLE AND MATERIAL AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OfTeRKD IN THIS MARKET INCLUDING i.!'iOO DOZEN BLEACHED AND UNBLEaCHED COTTON HOSIERY. EXTRA KINK, EXTRA LONG. FRENCH FASHIONED. BALBRIGGAN. LISLE THREaD AND OPEN WORK. PROM TO 90C. PER PAIR. CHILDREN'S FANCY COTTON HOSIERY. FROM Vic. TO 50C. PER PAIR. UNDERWEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. INCLUDING OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. IN ALL THB LATEST STYLES AND SEASONABLE MATERIALS. AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. A. T. HTi-.WaRT A CO., BBOAQWAT. 4TII AV.. OTH AND 101H STS. JOUUBRT AND mUBMMAJCinO. ? MAKIB TILMANN. OK ' PaIIIS, AGENT, IM porter. Now Invoice fineit Parisian Bonnet*. new colora. Unique modes In elegum designs; minimum price. "Mil*. Tlllmann'* Hats are per led 'poem* In silk.' Her Honn t* show the touch of the art lit. Her show room ia the real counterpart of it Pari* salon. "->-llauie Journal, May 2. 429 'Ith ?v? ?ecoml door below .6th st. A-special Nol'iri-.?.ll'sr RECEIVED. ANOTHER .case of elegant Bonnets. which will lie sold :it halt' the com ol importation. CAMILLK DE LACY, 882>f Broad way, near Itttli at. Fob halk-a private fren<:n millinery and Dressmaking, dmna goi d usIuors; party n'jllced to re turn to Krance. Addres* M. C., lieiald I'ptuwn Branch. EVROPKAN STEAMSHIPS. TriE"AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY* OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL LINK. The <?uly Transatlantic Line aniline under the AMRRI CAN FLAG. Suilluc every THURSDAY Irom Philadelphia and WEDNESDAY trom Liverpool. THE BED STAB LINE STEAMSHIPS. Carryiiiu the itelgian mid I nited Statea Mails. Sailing every twelve day* alternately from Philadelphia and New York. Direct and onlv TO ANTWERP. For ratei ol passage and other iniormatlnn apply to PEl'KK WRIGHT A SONS. Genernl Agent*. 307 Walnut at., Philadelohla. *>2 Broa way New York. A1 Most direct >nd economic route to Hol land. BELGIUM. THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND. AC.. At:.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer OALAND ..........May lo. Theae beautilul steamer*. carrying the lulled statea mail to the Netherlands, are great favoritea with the pub lc. Trip* regular, ratea low, comfort and living perfect. For freight. For D**s*se FINl'll. EDYE k CO.. L. W. MORRIS. 27 South Willi am it. 60 Broadway. (Morrla' European Expreaa). G Wl HEAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DlKECl. ?ailing trom pier IS Eaat Kiver aa follows ? CORNWALL. Stamper Thai ad ay May 9 SOMERSET. Western Tuesday. Mav in Cabin passage, <70; Intermediate. 945; steerage. ?1 >. currency; excursion tickets, $120: prepaid iteeraje certtlL c.urs. #2i>. Apply to W. D. MORGAN, Ageut. 7<l South st. CtUNARD LIN K. ?11. AND N A. It M. S. S. CO. J NOTICE. With ? view to dlminiah the chaneea of collision the eteainera of thla line take ? specific course for all aeaeoiie of the year. Ou the outward passage Irom (jueenatown to New York or Boston crotilng the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward paaaasre crossing the meridian of 60 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. NEW YOBK TO LIVERPOOL AND QUBBNSTOWN. BCYTHIA Wed.,Mar ?? I ALGERIA.... Wed.,May 23 ?RUSSIA Wed.. May IB I BOTHNIA. ...Wed.. May 30 Steamer* marked *?) do not carry steerage passenger* Cabin paaaace. 8M0. 91110 and 9130, cold, according to a? commodation. Rerurn tieketa on favorable term*. Steerage ticket* to and Irom all parta of Europe at very low rate*. Freight and pa**age office No. 4 Bowling Green. CHARLES G. FRANCKLYN. Agent. ?Hits star line FOR QUEENSTOWX AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The ateamera of thla line lake the lane routea recom mended by Lteatennm Maury, U. S. N., going sonth jf the Banks on the paaaage to Queenatown all the year round. ADRIATIC May 5. II A. M. BRITANNIC May 13. 4 P M. GERMANIC Mav 2rt. 4 P U, From White Star docks, pier 52 North River. Ratea?Saloon, 9*1 and 9100. In told; return ticket* on reasonable terms. SterrnKe. 92S Saloon staterooms, smoking and *>ath room* are placed amidahipa, where the noise and motion are leaat, affording a degree ol comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For impaction ol plan and other Information apply at the company'* olliee. 37 Broadway. New York. K. J. CORTIS, Au-ent. NCHORLINE lTNIf EtT"sT ATEslrt aIITsTE vilKRS NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. BOLIVIA... May 5, tl A. M. I ANCHOitl A. Mav 19. 10 A. M ALaA TIA.. ..May 12. 3 P. M.J CALIFOKNI A.M ay Jti.3t'.M. TO GLAS'iOW, LIVERPOOL OR DERBY. Cabin, 9?>5 to 9?*>, according to accommodation*. Intermediate, fX>. Steerage, 92*. NEW VOBK AND LONDON. UTOPIA...May 19, 10 A. M. | AUSTRALIA June 2,0 A.M. Cabin, 965 to 970; Steerage. 92M. Cabin excursion tieketa at reduced rates. Drafts issued for anv amount at current ratea. Company's pier*. Nos. 20 and 21 North River, New York. HENDERSON BROS.. Agent*. 7 bowling Grern. S* TATE LINE. ~~ NEW Turk TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BULK AST AND LONDONDERRY. from pier 42 .Nirth Klver ifoot of t.'anal at.), aa follows-? STATf. OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. May S STATE OF NEVADA Thursday, May 17 STATE OF INDIANA Thursday, Mav 31 STATE OK GEORGI A Thursdav. J mm 7 Firat cabin, 900 and 870, according to accommodation. re turn tieketa. 9110, 912.1. Second cabin. 94.1; return tickets, 9hi. Stei-ragx at loweit ratea. Applv to AUSTIN BALD WIN k CO., Afcents, No. 72 Broadway, New York. STEERAGE TICKETS AT 46 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER, FOOT OF CANAL ST.. NORTH RIVER /I KNKRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. iTTMK MAIL. BTEAMBRS UK Til iS COMPANY. BR TWK.EN NhW YORK AN'I) IUVRk, CALLINO AT PLYMOUTH (II. H), for the landing ?f pa**ong*r?, will ?all from plar 42 North Kiver, fool of Morton ?t., every Wert iiesday. CANADA, Prangeel Wedneiday, Mar". 2 P. M. KKANCE. Trudelle Wednesday. Mar HI. 7 -30 A. M. ?PhKEIRE. Oaure Wednenday. May 23. J p. 34. Price of p<Ma?v?, In (old (Including win*) : To llavre~Klr*t Cabin, ?!'*?. Second Cabin, #t?; Third Cabin. #3'i. Meernge, f'Jfl. Including wins, bedding and uten?ils. T.i Plvm'intn. London or any railway station In England? Klrat Cabin, $tm to 6100, according to aecoinmo.iatioii; Second Cabin. #K4: Third Cabin, >3j, Steerage, 27, Includ ing everything a* above. Return tio*?t? at very radnced rates, available through England and France. Steamer* marked thu* * do not carry iteer*gi paa ?eng?r*. Kor passage and freight apply to Lulls OK Ml. HI AN. Agent. M Broadway. NORTH UKRM AN LLOYD. steamship line between New York, Southampton and Bremen. Company'* pier, loot of 2d at.. Moboken. MOsEL Saturday, May ."> i KllIXK ...Satnrday. May lit ODKIt ... .Satnrdar. May 12 | NEC KAIl.Saturday. May 20 K?ie? of pm^a^e from New York to Southampton. Havre or Bremen: ? Klrit Cabin. $100 gold : "erond Cabin. (HO irnld; Steerage, Cm currency. Return ticket* at reduced rait s. I'repaid ateeraire certificate*. $30 curreney. Kor freight or passage apply to UKLRlOIlK A CO., 2 Bowling Oreen. I~NMAN LINK! MAIL RTKAMRKfi KOR UCERNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY Or CHESTER .May.'., II A. M. CITY OP RICHMOND Mav IW. In HO A CITY OK BERLIN lune 2, it A. M Krom pier 4.1 North Kivcr. Cabin, i and $100, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. f.'S, currency. Drafts at l?<rest rate*. Saloon*, staterooms, smoking nun bathrooms anmlship*. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 15 and :I3 llroadway. New Ywrk. U~ NITED MTATES MAIL. I.INK. STP.AM TO QCEENSToWN AMD LIVERPOOL. Selling on TUESDAY. , from pier 4" North Klver. NEVADA. May 15,3 I*. M. | V? YoM I NO. June 12. 3 P. M. DAKOTA, May 39,3 I' M | MONTANA. June ll#, Noon. Cabin, I'i5, $H.'i and $7.r>, currency. Interrnedlave, ?40; -Ienrage, fjrt. Paesengers booked to and from Paris. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden. Ac. Drafts on Ireland, Kngland, I ranee and tier many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A UllON.20 Broadway. N ational line-piers noh. 44 and r>i, n. r. Kor 1 .on don. Holland.... Tuesday. May K. || m. KUtt OtEENSTOWN AND 1.1 VhKPooL HOY IT May ?. II A. M. | ESi.L\NO..May In, to A. M. Cabin au<l (teeraue patwage and dralta from ?1 nuwurd Is ?ued at very low rates. Company's unices, HH Broadway. K. W .1 III K?T. Menajgav AMBURO ammiican PACKR1 COMPANY* UN ft for Plymouth. <;herbnuw mid Hamburg. II WiKI-AND May 10 . PoMmKRANIA May 24 IIISIA M.iy 17 |?)KLLEKT May 31 Ratoi of passage to Plymouth, Ixxidon, Cherbon. ilnm Katos ot |ihs?i?i:? i.i riyimiutn, l?oniloti, therboui ililm Imrg end nil points in England - Mr<t (' al>lii. $lofl, gold; Second, $i*>, gold; Steerage. $30, currency. Ki NH \kut k co., c. ii. richard k hoax.. tlenerai A'enta, (leneral Passenger Agent*, <11 Broad It., X. T. SI Broauway. N. Y. WILSON i.iNK-Kou soirrn vmiton and HUUa y? sailing Irom pier .'>3 North River, aa follow* ? TEDIK) May .'. | OTIIKLI.O May IS Klrst cabin. $70, currancy; second citbin, M"?, currency. Excursion ticket* on very favoiaiile terra*. Through ticket* lnue l to Continental and Baltic port*. Applr for l ill par ticulars to CH AKI.r.H L. WRlHIir ,t CO., .VI Sontk *t. COAITWIM MTRAIIIMIIIPS. CAtMll.t, ANDHTUYVRSANT BOATS I.RAVK DAILY Irom pier *?, loet el CMtal ??..??# P. M., ley ?? COAMTW1SK *TKA9ISIIIP9. PacMc mail and pan am a" transit ' STKAMfllUP LIN'.tH. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, KBW ZEALAND. li.UIISII COLUMBIA. OREGON, Ac., sailing from pier loot Canal ?t , North Klver For SAN PKANOlSCO, via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. Steamship COLON Tuesday. May 19 connecting fur Central America and South Pacific port*, i roiu .>A> PIlANClftCO TO JaPaN ANI? CHINA. Steamship CITY OK TOklO. Krldiy. Juno I i rum SAN KKANClsCO Ti? SANDWICH ISLANDS. australia and new ZL ALAND. Steamship ZEAL.VN DI A Wednesday. May 33 Kor freight 01 pa.s ijn appl) t? WM P. CLYDE A CO.. nr H. .1. HULLAY. Saperinfendeat, N>i ti Hownnj Green. pier Iodi Canal ol , North iiiver. Old" dominion steamship compakiJ " ? xlllng from pier 37 North Kiver. Kor Norlulk, City I'ulnt ami Richmond, Tuesday*. Thar*. day! and Saturday*. i?i J I* M . connecting with the Virginia mid Tennessee Air Line. Atlantic Coaat Line, Piedmont Air Line. Chesapeake and Ohio Kuiiroad. Hij with the coo*, pany's * line- to interior points In North Carolina and Vuitluia Xewherne anil Washingtou, .V. c. (via Norfolk), every I'ursday, Thurs.luy and Saturday. L.?e% Del., Monday and Thiir?dn.\. at 3 P. M.(C00n?eUn| witti Maryland and Delaware railroad*. Passenger accommodation* unsurpaaied. . 'I I.rough passage tickets and Willi of lading to all point! al lowe?i rale*. Inluiance )?> Norlolk. Ac., par coot. Freights receiveii daily at pier 37 North Kiver. General officcs. I'J7 Greenwich st. N. L. tiledKKADV. l'raiidont. |?or Havana, dispatch link, carkyino tub r United Stale* mail ?The splendid new Iron Iteamei Klo tiHANDK,tent reflutr, Jnraai Bolder maater, will mill fmm pier'J> East Klver on Saturday, May 5, al ;< o'clock; li;? splendid accommodation for passenger*. Cabin, J50; steerage. 925. Apply to jamks t. ward * ca. nn waii?. VT>-:w VOKK AND HAVANA DIRECT NAIL LINE. ? 1* These flrst olnst tteain*lnp* will **ll at 3 P. M. Irom piet 1.1 North River, loot of Cedar at., for Havana direct, a* tot COLUMBUS Wednesday, May n CLYDE Saturday, Nay 19 Kor freight and passage. having unsurpassed accommoda tions. apply to ? WM. P. CLYDE A t:o.. No. <1 Bowling Green. McKEl.LAll, LULINO A CO.. Agent* ii: Havana. ?f*TEKKLY UN'S FOR PORT K )Ya L.V C.i" BRUN8. '* wick. On., and Fermindina. PI*., sailing every Friday, Irom (tier l!fl Kaat Klver. at 3 I' V. Steamer CITY OK DALLAS. Captain llinea May 4 Ticket* to all point* in Florida. Apply, tor inlvrtnallon and ticket*, to C. H. MaLLOUY A CO.. _ 163 Maiden lane, FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT." TllK CROMWELL LINE. The steamship KNICKERBOCKER. Captain tvemble, will aail on Sntiird ty. May at 3 o'clock P. M., from pier No. t?. .North River. Through hillaot Luting wiveu to Mobile aad prtoolpal pointa on the Mississippi Klver. Cahlu pit*ti,age, ^.vi; titeerage, 935. Apply to (.'HitK A S K AM AN. Sit Weat ?t. MORGAN'S LINK TO NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS. I'be steamer* will aall from pier 36 North River aa fol* NKW YOKK Saturday, May 5 Kor New Orlaati* dlrert, trantferrlnic Tcxaa Ireiirhi there to Morxan's Loui?i*nn and lexa* Railroad liir Morjran City, then e per Moriran'* *teaiu?hip* to Teaaa port*. Tbrouich bill* ol ladinur ?i?ueil to all point* oh ihe >h.?l*.|ppi River, Moulle, Oalveaton, Indianoia. Corpu* Chri*tl, Rockpnrt, Urnt ?* S*ntia(o, Krowutvilie and to all point* on the lloua> ton and Texa* CentraL International and Great Norther* Texa* Kaeilic and TranKCoutinental rnilroada. Kreight for s?. Mary'* and Kuiton landed at Kockport. San Antonio IreU'ht taken ria Cuero at reduced rate*, tnaiirance c in 1>? elfected under open policy of tlie line. To New Orlean*. '^nersent; to Texa* port*, Ji percent. Kor freight or lurther informal Ion apply to kfOUKKT A MORGAN. Ar nt*. .iltlce.pLer 36 North Kiver. IlOR BERMUDA. ST. TIIOM VS A N D WEST IN DIB*. The llritiali steamer* BKKM UDA and CANIMA, aaillnic May 3 and .May 10, ntil now ioriu a regular weekly line for Bermuda direct. Tho Berinudaa are now tbe oaoat lavorite and convenient winter reanri. Kor full particular* anil illuitra'.ed pamphlet apply to A. h. OirrKRnK1 DOK Agent, -d liroadviv, ALI1PAX. N. &, AND ST. JOHN'S, N.~Pi ~ CROMWELL LINK. Steamahlp ALHAMHKA will leave pier 10, North Klver, Tueoday. May s, at 3 P. M. Kor paaaaga or >r leg lit apply to CLARK A SEaMAN. SS Weat *t. TKXAS LINE KOR GALVESTON. TOUCHING AT KEY West, carrying the tniied State* mail.?The ateamer CITY OK HOUSTON, Captain Eldridge. will aail on Satur-' day. May 5, at 3 P M.. Irom pier 'Ji> Ka*t Klrer Through bill* iif lading given to *11 points on the llouaton an<f 1'exa*. Central Iniernatloual and Great Northern, tialvea ton. Houston and llendemoii, ami tlie Galveston. Ilarrls burir and ^au Antonio r^tllroaila Freight* and Insurance M lowest rate*. Vol !relglit or pa**nge having superior ac ei'inmodntlons) apply to C. It. MALLORV A CO., 153 Manlen lane. XT Y. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE.? ll .Steamers leave pier No 3 North Klver at 3 P M. kor Havana DIRECT. CITY OK HAVANA Saturday. May 13 CITY OF VEKa CRl'Si Wednesday May It CITY OF NKW YOKK .. W?due*<Uy. May 2] FOR VERA CKU7, AND NI'.W ORLEANS, via Havana, l'rogreao. Campeachy. Tuxpan and Tampleek CITY UK HAVANA . . Saturday. May II Steamer* leave New Orleans April 20 and May 30 for Ver* Cms and all the above port*. For freight or passage apply to V. ALEXANDRE A SoNS. 51 and 33 Broadway. u'or Nassau, n i\. direct.-regular mail r iteamship CLEOPATRA leave* New York Wednesday, May 30. at 10 A. M. MURRAY. FERKIS A CO.. A3 South ek TRAVELLERS* GLlOtC." Albany boat, people s line. Ihe elejant (teenier* DREW and ST. JOHN leave piet 41 North River, foot ol Canal si., every week day at ri P. M. Kihmu* warmed t>v steaiu dn^ng the cool month*. A -CiTKCLNS' LINE 9TIAMV0AT* FOR TROT ^ V.connecting with all railroad line* North. Ra*t and Weat, in?guilii:eul steamer* leave dally (Sutorday* ex cepted' at tl P. M.. pier ?t? North Klver, foot Leroy at I^or ratuokLraiA. * via Long Branch ano the New Jeraey Southern Railroad. Leave pier S North River, foot Rector at., at II A. M? tor Philadelphia, Long Urancb. Turn1* River aad Vlneland 4 P. M. for Philadelphia, Long Branch, Tom'* River, Waretown and Tnckertoo. w s. UNBORN, O. M. P"OR~NOKWaLK and danbury~daily.-tu! ?t-am?r AMERICU9 leave* Brooklyn (Jewell'* Doek) 3 :?? P. M? pier 37 East Kiver 3.45 P. M au.l 33d it. t IV M., oonneetiug with Danbory Railroad. Keoaoed fare 35c. Excursion tickets 50c. IN THE EVENINO TT" leg ram EVERY NIOIir CABLE SPECIALS FROM the SEAT OF war. F~Al.L RIYER LINE FOR BOSTON AND ALL P0INT9 Ka?t. I'he maminotb palace ateamera BRISTOL aad PROVIDENCE leave pier 3rt, North Kiver, dally .tsuadays, July I to September 3, inclusive), at 5 P. M. Ticket foi aale at *11 prlucipal ticket office*. TIIK NKW PKOVIDENCE~LINE TO BOSTON, via Providence direct. A WHOLE NIGHT'S REST. ONLY 13 MILES OP RAIL. TIME. tk? MINUTER The magnlflcent new iteamer* MASSACIIUnETTH and RlioDE ISLAND, on and alter May 7, from pier 39 North Kiver. foot ef Warren *t., at 5 P M? arriving at Providence at6 A. M. and Bo*ton at 7 A. M. THE OLD RELIABLE 8TONIXGTON LINB to Boiton and all point* East, daily, at 5 P. M.. Irom | XI North River, loot of Jay it. TO PHILADELPHIA VIA PENNSTLVAMA RAILROAD THE OLD RRTARLISHBD ROUTE AND SHORT L1NR BETWEEN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. Thirteen Thronph Tralna each way daily. 1 hree Depot* la Philadelphia, two In New York. Double track, the mn*t improved etnlpment. and the feet cat time cumiatent with absolute aafety. Express train* leave New York, via Deabi uaeei and Cort I andt street lerriea, aa follow*:? 7 .'??>. H :'.11, (H :*) limited), IOO*? A. M . 1. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 JO P. M. Sunday, f A. M , rt, 7. H..10 P. M. Returning, train* leave Philadelphia 3 :30. 7. 7-..10, 8-JO aad II A.M. .limited exprea* 1 .!(?'? P. M.), 1:,7 and 7 3*i P. M . and 13 midnight. On Sunday, 3:30, 7. H :.'KI A. M , 4. 7, 7 .35 P M. and 13 midnight. licket olfl. es. 53tl and '.HI Broadway. No. I Astor Houea, and foot of Deahroiaes and Courtlandt ala.: No 4 Conrt St., Brooklyn: N<>* 114, 1 lit and 11* llnda.m at., Holioknn:d? pot, Jersey City. Emigrant ticket office. No. H Battery {ilace. L. P. FARMER, lieneraj Pa*aenger Ageut. Kit*MX Tiotnos, General Manager. t rjpHK FAST AND KAVOKUE STEAMER P. Ci! IsCIILLIY. leave* llarrlaou st. every morning (escepl Snnday i at s o clock lor Engiewood, Yonkera. Dohba Ferry, Nya. k. Sing Sing, Haver*traw, l.rsuy Point, Verplank ? and I'eekskill for pa***ngera and irelgbt. HXtlJRIRKH. ^ -i 177.-LLOYD'S DOCK. OYSTER KAY. JONES' Dock (Cold Spring). L. I.?On ami after Satarday, April 31, the new and last *teainer 1DLKW1LD will leave New York dally (bimdaya excepted) for the ahove place*, from pier in Ka*t K ver. loot of Wall *L. at 3 45 P. M..; loot of ,"t:td sl? Ka*l Kiver, at I P. M. Stage* will connect at I Joyd'* Doek lor lluntlngtnn. Reinrn trip, leave Jone*' Dork (Cold Spring), 6:30 A. M.I Ovster Bay. 7 A. M. ; Lloyd'* Dock, 7:15 A. M. Ticket* lo all laodln.*. en* cent*: excuralon ticket*. (L Herd and Skldmoro l,apie*aea on hoard. ?FOR EXCURSIONS, SALOON STEAM KK YlfoiC ,POW ELL; cspacltv 3..r^??; Barges and Orovea; open Suadaya. MARTIN A KaSKF.LL, llu south *1. nol! KXCL'KSIONS- STEAM KK GENKKAL SEDO* F wick; Barge* Harveet yneen. Republie, Caledonia, Baldwin and Anna; al*>> Kxeelsior Park. Harllan Beaoli, Cold Spring and Oriental Grove*. N. S. BKlGUS dale H. IV Crosaott). IfS4 West it., oppoalte Chrtslopber itreet larry. Open evening*. IONli HRANC1I RX?:0WI|I??I?. J KVKK1 HltXDAT ttin frteftmar JESSK IIOVT will itava pier No K North Hirer. foot of (factor M,. ll In A. M. Hemming. loam I<uoc Krurn h 4 ?il'. M. Tim clrae pv.fnfrri ? delijclitl ul null down I It* li*y in full v|?w of tbe OMtt ami i?l?o aflord* thi> NpnflMHr of ??*lnit the wrecked ?tcwinhln liuniaud. Fere for llio round irl|i >1. ficfc?t? ?ood for the dar only. W S. ?NRI?KN. ?i. M. N. h. it R. (?ROFOiiiKi OKKIGK LfrtllTHi 'lTsk tNH'ECTOR', Taian DmatcT, | Timrmiirii.uc, N. V.. April W, IW77 t K**!??<1 |>ronim*1t will iw it Mil* o(hoe until I'J M., on tirld*)'. ins I it day of June neat, for raUlnc. painting, # roiilnrlnit *nJ keeping In proper portion ?nd III cood order nil iln? buoy? now in thK I'nwiuam Klvar. Ith ode UUmL, and such III ,er? M mny be authorised. lor on* rear I'rnm tho I?t day of July n?*? to inn <uccea4kil PRh rta* M June. according lo th- ri'iruUtlom of the I.icl>ttioi>-a Hoard aji<l ihn printed saeclScatlona. ouple* "I which ean ba had ay tpplytng la thin eflca. A bond, with t wo <nrelle?. In dntihle tha araoaat of the cm. tract and conditioned for it* faithful performance will ba rw qnir"d. Th* n*h? to relect any or all bid*, If It In deemed In ba tot th ? Inicraiti of thi' (,'nlted Nfataa to ? no, it rvaervatl A aopy ol (hiii ?ii??itl i'ruoni should bo anneted %? WMk M A. C. KIIINI), Commodore V, 8. S? I*>?|K>t-tnr Thtrti WMKd, iltttOlll, ?C. ~ " ? LV > R t* V M, IH 111K f If A T | A U EX (? A RO*(tK (J LA IV *ru- utu V&V&1LT1W*. M