Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL BSTATB rUH 8AU. uv Central. A beautiful ENGLISH BASEMENT HOUSE? ."*?th st., between 5tli end rtti avs.: choice location for pbysictau. G. W. CARRINuTON. 141 Breed way, roam 4 fjr? 1 TUB EVENING TELEGRAM EVERY NIGHT CARLE SPECIAL.- FROM THE BEAi Oi-' WAR. Writ Mitle. A magnificent KKW FOUR STORY BROWN /Litone House, JJxfMxlOO, in lea. iirar -"itIt av on West Slth st.; pri?j $M.OUU Address OOMPUUJION, llerald office. AI North Side Novel plan?-homeland PLACE"-roR oen to el residences; acre Plots. maguificeut view, at Hunt's Point, Iitith st.; lulljr tarnished House to rent. Head for roans. OLIVER BRYAN, 88 Liberty st. BROOKLYN PROPE11TV FOR SALE. AND TO LET. N1(;k" TUltfcK STOltX BROWN STONE fioC'SE _f\. t? let: ent to suit good teuant; lul Lee nr., Hrooklyu, E. U.; seen id; tluic : possession at once. Apply on premi ses. or .11 ? II N FoLEX, J A-tor II on i*. .Ww Tor*. I* iK>R HALE?L'JT I.n GREENWOOD, *Xl& ADDRB88 1 VAN DE VENTER, Mi Liberty St.. room iia> WeNTCH EST ER CO V N T V PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. ? elegant country seat to rentT fur tiiisbed, ut V outers; ulso several smaller place*. YOUMANS, Agent, Ynr.kerti. I "aft* tMLK-OSLIOHTKUL COUNTS'? 8SAT IN ' Scarsdale. Westchester county: acres; modern house. Apply to GEO. P. N EI,SON. UK) Broadway. Tabrytown.- b!?;ai' i Fful "not'SB. 18 BOOMi. high ground. stable, abundant fruit, to let. C. PARTR1DGB. 1211 Broad Kt. To LKT-HOUsk and Fori:; at port Chester, N. V ; modern Improvements; furnished or Hot; pleuty fruit. \e CHAI\LE8 KELLEY, St. Cloud Hotel. Broadway and 4'Jd st. O LRT-AT V ONE HfSC "h? >Us K s V IK NI si IK b OR unfurnished, from to ?3,000. O. A. BILLS, 6^ Tine st.. or Getty House, Yonkors. To LET?A wi LL ! RNIHlll 6 COTTAOB AT WEST Morrisania. 20 minutes Irom 42d st., 14 rooms: improve ments. Ac. : two acres ill garden. mwn and choice ruits; a very desirable residelic." lor a gentlem*c doing business in *thecity; rout low. Apply to B. F. UKll'lON, Broadway, 7th nv. and Kid st. YuNKBRS. -six ACREsTtWO DWELLINGS,O0T buttdln s, fruit, shado, stream, Itulles from depot; might eAchauge. Owner, NEIL, 'VWO rid uv.. Ilarltjm. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. "A I 'SkW 'ilRlllil l'(>.N ?lir.LU;IITFULLY LOCATED ^.Dwellings, tiiniisiied and unfurnished; modern conven iences; reduced rentals; near lerry. KM tuen BROTHERS, 89 Thomas st AFITl(N18HED IIOUSE AT OYSTER BAY LONO Island; l.'t rooms; (rood water; no malarlit oi mosqui toes; 10 minutes to water- good bathing. shade, fruit, Ac.; :arriage house and stables: access by steamboat or rail. Addiesf TOOK K11, 7M'.i Broad st., Newark. wFaUTDX* L CO IT A ?jE?i M M ED I ATE POSSES, slon; low price; terms to suit purchasor; nice locatlou, Kiiiubethport, N. J. KELLOGG, :i liuiaitiVMy, New York, or l.M *Jd St., Elliftbciliiiort. AS RIlSTAl'ltANT AND BOA it III NO IIOVSK?(IOo7> location, unar Singer's Uciory. F.liiabethport. N. J.; rent low; OermHii preferred. KELLOGG, 3 Broadway, or 151 2d St., Kllr.abeth|>ort. hou'sr'at""rock a way to let-near "ktjT tlou; plenty of shude, hum, Ac.; rent fur the sea Ion. E. J. HEaLY, fil i.hamliers st. A~ LOVELY COTTAUE, 0 "liooMsT OAltDKN AND fiult; snrronndod by maple trpes; 10 minutes from sta tion by lur.-e car?; low rent. Addiast .M. W. WILSON, Westport, Conn. -FOR SAl"h. Ilol SF.'aM) LOT IN I'l-AINFIKlilT, ? N. J. ; 10 minutes' walk from depot; splendid location ; price $i..'><lO; cssli routiireil; balance can remain. Address CASHIER, box 17H Herald offlce. ELBUAKT FUR Nisi"I ED OOTTAl. E. ? RtK)MS; 411 mllei; water Irout, bathini;. boatinir, iishin^;; rent low. Address O- Y. ALOEN, Westport, Conn, tAoE SAI/K ClihAP?A <?o7)D~3u~ACRE KA..M, WITH J Buildinits mid Mock: '??> miles from New York; price (3,.r>l<0. Apply to the ownor, II. B, SIRE, Canal st. Handsomely furnished house at engle wood, 14 rooms; all improvements; billiurd ro. in, Ac.; ireil shocked uardeu : ample grounds, iruit and shndu ; near lepot; orirate aniily unly; possession any time; use of dorse, cow. benery, if required. Photograph and particu lars with ARCH. TAYLOR, 7S Leonsidst., New York. FOR SALE--A S.\'ALL FAIOL" ADDRESS J. P. OOOPER. M.msey. N V. ORANGE (MOUNTAIN SIDE), N. J.-RENt/UNFTr. milled, at low figure, cleicunt Country Seat; I) acres; Bnely wooded; sprinc water throughout; large residence; all eonvenienoos ;larue stables; excellui.t neighborhood; mae nlBcent viewa HAMILTON A WALLIS, 30 Pine. R \ i : i: ii ?, ro a i n s.*i,5o6rka5V tbrmsTw ILL HUT, within thirty daye, a splendid Farm o Ml acres In the richest part of Bucks countv, I'a.; land like a garden; line itono House, nine rooms ; first class barn, carriage, hog and poultry liousos. iiieuty Iruit. nice, healthy naighboruood ; half mile front village, two miles Irom large town.onu hour from Philadelphia; crops included?wheat, oats, corn, pota toes, bay. ttc.; also 1 buo horse. 4 cows, fto chickens, hand some carriage, tarm wsgoii, barney, farming tools, Ac . all for $5,900; only 5f 1 .Soil cash, halanco very easy; immediate pusses ion it required.# Addruss U. L. WALKER, Richland Centre. Bucks county, Pa. bNTtl FA KM o> '."J ACRES, NEAR STAMPOlltD, Ogooil house, stork, ero]?s,, poultry, *c.. lor sale Cheap; terms modurato; see U W.N Lit, ltio West l!.'?tb it., i'wlay. ?PO I.El -VI SAKATOCA. FOK Tile SEASON. NEW X and heantllul Cottage, richly turnisliod with pliisli unbul stored lurmture, hair mattresses, complete bedding, crock ery and table lineu line pictures, piauo, choice library <ii < English ami French, Brussels carpets; spacious grounds; luxuriant shade; Hue panoramic views; h line Horse, two seated Phaeton, with rich canopy; side bar topped Buiruy. wilh colored couchiuaii. Pric% lor entire season, including liorM keeping, stable rent ?iid coachman's wages, $1,000. Address it. B. I'ltoKK. lock box 4ii, Saratoga, N. Y. rpo LET?OOTlilc ii.U SE. seven ROOMS: HARD 1 wood llulsu: two mlnutei Irom etation : Ruther<urd Park; ;i.i nuiHites t rie Railwar per month. Inquire BER tiEN COUNTY, Herald utbee. opposite station. rjn.'i rent?the mansion house property, rbS) A Batik. N. J.: beautifully situated oil the Shrewsbury lover; only ftve minutes' walk Irom the depot; will nccom modal'? .tO boarders. Apply to O. B. HARRIS, 3H0 Mash, injttoust. TTIROINIA PABk POB SA^B CHE.i P?OR EX i ibaugu lor Merchandise. Inquire immediaiely o7 Great Joues st , stable. w INDSOR HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, X. V., TO LET, COMPLETELY FURNISHED and READY for IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION. A FIREPROOF KITCHEN is now being added: also STEAM HEATING kiid OillEK IMPROVEMENTS Tne BUILDING, with Ft RNITURK. is WHOLLY NEW and occupies the FINEST LOCATION in SARATOGA. OVERLOOKING and adjoining CONGRESS SPRING tnd PARK. APPLY to HENRY CLAIR at A. T. STEWART A CO.'S, New York. ? WES I'FIELD, N. J.: IToUSE. WITH EIOIIT rooms, litrnished or not: live minutes' from dr. pot; garden, fruit, staMr, shade and Onwera. Apply to Dr. S I RY KER. or GEO. GODFREY. Wanfi Id. REAL ESTATE Tt) EXCHAXQB. A* SMALL FARM WANTED?IN EXCHANGE FOR A Cottage and two Lots ill Morrtiania (Twenty-third ward, N. Y.l. Address K., Herald Cpto'vn Branch office. ~A TpLENdTd HESI UKN'<;E AT NYACK?RIVER j Vview; 2* acres; choice Iruit: enenenmhered ; exchange or sale. t. E. SAYRK.HU Broadway, room 17. Y~H ANDSO.ME FARM. 170 ACRES, NEAR KviONifi". ^'A.Westchester county, due buildings, Ac., lo exchange lor city or hiooklyu Property. T. Oi.IVER CARTER, 30 Nassiii. room 11. T BROWN 8IOn1< DWELLING; ~ ALBO BBICK xLFactory, rented; exchaiigo eltiicr or both foi a Farm. A. hLOMl^Vl.vr, 150 Nassau st. C^E.NTKAL MINNESOTA.- 1.000 acres choice ./txrmirii: Lamia, Uneat location in the State, for Mir at n nominal pries, or exchange. Addre?a ST. PAUL, Herald oltica. IJXCUA.NUB?EIOHT KBENCH KI.AT8. WhLL KfcNT lor l-ota free and clear; one 30 lout .rcncD Flat fur a Country tieat; alr> a prmit ir.miy mhera in trade. L. tBLUNKK, ci'rnrr Bowery and Bond. B- 'OR RAlili OK KX(.'HANOR?l.liflO ACtth PLANTA tinn In Sonth Carolina. known n? the "Men Hive and ll"pe 1ricU,'*loratr't on the I'on Pnn Itlver. 20 mllei from Charleston ; L- ">d buil'llnta: ttf itrid t t r W. i*. BROWS, 183 Montacno at., Brn.tklyn. MtSETEE* AORRB RLEUA.nT ICIlbtllO T HOP erty, staratonl, Conn., for Rood Brooklyn Untitle, lame value; equity #4.i**?. OMNhri, box 1,1X2 city. To' bXCIIAMlli IMPROVED REAL ESTATE AT Kllxabrtlip rt, N. J.. ?IM Stager Wnrki; value ilO.Om; tnortfMCf (2,250. Awtreaa A. HKlUKITl'Klt, .k SONH, Elliabeihport, N. J. RJiAL BITATR WAMTMh VtfXSfP.0 IM M li J11A T KI. i s M A fi I a KA it.M tfftoHTTo ft to 2f> acrra good land aotnfortable houae. itoa4 W*taf. near nation; tertm not to ait-eed fl 20>; will pay eaaib Addrr?* immediately HAKllY tililON, No. 1 hhnrmaker at. Philadelphia. Pa. ANTED fit HKST- l>l MKDI \TK LY. BETWEEN ><<? lto<-heila or Whit* Plain* anil N'?w York (nowhere eiao), three or more arrra, with ni?e Itinldluirii, wlthm mile of de|M>t; rent to t-Vxt. D. Cb'ULKY, 12 Cen tra at. M LIT FOR i'l Itl'OSr,^. jgKN#ETT Hl'lLUIN h'lr'proor. Loratari on Kltiau, Ann and Fulton ?t?. I'lrit floor to let; mutable :or hanker*', tnanrmca nfllret iriawjera; mil l.?- i?'t together ur III iiartt: l>o altered to ?nit tenants it aeaired : adapted fur nflicea ur at?re<. Ra.eoti .i.ilo reuta. Alao aome eliiflhle Law Ofltca* to let. Al'J'LY O.N Till. P R%. M lal' 9. Take the ?le\ator. Inquire lor Janitor. HAI.K STORK TO Li.l ? AT KIH UTII AV., IK A flrat claai lucatinn ; waa mcupled by mi npkai itemr iur the laat live jreara. ln<iuli? iu llie plumbing itora. D K*K OR OKHrr. ROOM IN IIANDHOMKI.V Kt,r mailed iifflci) nn Aral floor. MOttNEY. I7't Broadway TIIK EVER I NO TKI.KUHAM hVKnr nk.iit CABLK ,-<PKCIALtt FROM Tl IK Sh AT OK WA K. NO BETTER HOT Alt AND BOARDING MOtTSk.^A nam*, furniaii" 1, and balouu ami kitchen r<nnnlet<,? with a atcaily nnd >u. I i runaient trade; it ia the beat aland In tiilii city, mid * i>r?":i|? imyer can hu?a it i >'aroii<ible; ? tatlft'atftory fr-aMin- i''.i-rr:. >lrl .VTOSil, .'!i Wpat at. TO LET -IMPORTANT TO i.IUm KIW.?BTORK, WITH or without the dwePnd ?>?rt (twi flnortl. .No, Jtil |>,lat knali av., oppoalie ?ih a*., Rroixiyn; rent, |nr all. $.15 per mnuth; thormurhfare; Hn? 8ih.h| (or any bullae<e. A. MALLIOAY. 17 llarrn ni at.. New Vi.rk mii JaJtT?irroRK asd ai*aktmknt? m lbwi'h A ?*., ?tceu|?l"U by h tanor the pa?t IUye*ra. fPO LKT-Ali <ii.U k^TAUUaHHU COKKKE AND J. Oak* italoun. 31*) We?t ?t. ^ To17rt nk"lkase-'-tiie" premisks corner tTr ?7Ui M.. Broad.?ny and 7tU ??., harlinr thiee Irontaire*, ?omut .vi leet on 47th -V by foot on Broadway and 7th ?r.; trill inaka alteration* to milt tonaak Apply at No. DO WaWMthnt. __ irTM AY.-ioT.ET. THE hTORB NO. MI >11 M AV.; Oflrat claaa locativu. Apply ua aremitoa or Ko. tw >Vu?t OWELURO HOPIE* TOJUET'^ . A ?HOUSES, ?A?^?I'?,? 4 Pin, or 38 Km* fall ?*? _ TJOUSkTPlLLY PUrtNISHtD. TO RKNT.FOR .H months, from Julv 10; thr.e .l?ry brown ?ton?. - truut, mu 1'wkK.i liMl. China and nwnluga. A.uura? 11? Kail 40th it. _ TJ oITTk?Ta RTIaLlY rURNIHHED; takeu In board. M Rwt 25th ?L. near Madison rpo LET rDR.NlSHKb-A Tl\R* ^ ^iTtTow! J. ihree story hitch stoop Dwelling. 2-x40 Apply to OWN KB. on the preml?s. 88 Bast jWthst. rno LET-FOB THE SUMMER. mSMMBSS'WmS 1 per month, all hnt three rooms (uuoccupied) oi 140 4Uth it. fnflu-nUheU. Tf) * NICE THBEE STORY UKiH ?*T00P HOUSE TO Al?; ?e?t to rait (rood tannin: keu'n thru* minutes from (iieuiuboat landing end tan, time. JOHN FOLEY, U Aitot Hone*. FOUR STORY HOUSE, CHBAP.?OWNBB LEIS Amlrrors. fixtures. and retains threo room? II desire . 57 East 5Bth st.. near Madisdn a*. r - 1?MOST FxceIZkNT FOUR STOBV HOUSE, 11 Auharlea at.; IS room.. ??''raPro'em%'Jf-ij^oVecure* a v..uta< ?taire; incom^veorder .rent^odu nenr Pth Ueslraole tenant. JAXKS CAti*?*??**> . JH . ay., has removed from 15 Abiugdon xiuftr , dttlci* in km 1<*3 feet deep for storage ol lurnltnre and auction sal ?, goods now received; low ruloa.??. a.vskw?xvkh. wasa??1. & Went 23u st., Fifth Avenne UnteL ____ Tt SI OESlBAUI.K HOUsK Ni- AB 5TH Alv.ek\wrat.;.t; on..?i?.?o on ^ 535 M USd St. ntSl.UUO. s. B. GOOD ALE A OO.. ?> West --a st.. Klftli Avenue Hotel. ? TTBEDCCED BENTS?WEST USD ST., DE^KABLV \ looftted four story hlfch stooi? bfowu stone House, -?> leot ZidFsfitk it "ear5th?vthree ?tory hlirb itoop.dluinjc room'exteiision; mirror* and gas fixtures In both housri. Apply to OWSliK, 40 West 2Qth ?t. "1"-ELEGANT H?JUSK-6iTl Ay.. ^SL$l'J?/tT-5 J\9'23d st., $125 per month, k. FOOkl *? 1 &in ^?. t r f*?-A ifoCBSTOBY bSoWN >TuKE IU.USK _/Y?n 2JUh ?t.. near Lexington. J. U. MONAUuak, 4lu av., coruer iStli 1 VkowV stonTTTouseh BEDUCED; *40<) TO 81.000; Bnearpark and this oft.c?; ADfrtmentj, ^aU.fnrnl.Uod ??.i unlurulabed, W to $IU<>. -Ud ?BLOW 91,100?i4a WEST S4TH ST., NEAlt ELt -ted KI A?C0..7U We.t 34th rt._ TTdl'SK 58 EAST UTH ST.. T11BEE DOOKB WEST OF" 3KSr WHrSSSSS & a lioard lor ono parson. It iippllod f"f Immediately. rfo"LET^A THBKK BTOBY BROWN STUNK HOU^, 1 JHO p?r month. Apply on premises. Jrt Eaet Jdd st. mn~"t.RT-N0" 12 CLINTON PLACE; 50 ROOMS; 1 mH-o lor term ot years or lor sale; cuu be "y ftut'i exoense lor hotel purposes or flats. Apply to W. GKISWOLD, 744 Broadway, corner Astor pUce. mO~BENTl5MALL"BtTU8B~lN"jw^U hJ^BAtt LKX I Intston av., u? a low price. Apply to llOKA^c. a. No. 22 I'lne st. ?? rnwo YtlREE STORY HIGH STOOP BROWN STONE Tl?ou?e?, p|eaw^?l^*jtnate^|;^alUm^,<j*??eo^ it?"/!*. H. KNaVp. "n iiri nii?es, lWtU. ne*r MW ?v-_?. ??'-my"itS'TsoN VBLETO ACCEPTABLE FAMILIES A^SmalMow itw^hlKh ?to?D frown t,,d ort^r'W.:.v.*f'V,ini/rfflh? ?r ^v;rnu^Vo!:r,tn^ i-" iiigtou aud 3d; Brst clans ^j^p^HlCK, 3d av.,25th st. .vyst 55tl. nT- ' BnTWEBN""5TH AND 0TH 3,^,1*,.-Kour story hi(tn etoop Ohio sume Hnuse for reui; mirrors hpiI cbltwdeflers: eiieap rent, offer aeslred. A-. V. i*KR~MONTLl?K 1BST CLASS THREE STORY rent; newly paintod ; clieap rent. . ?? a777T/\ -a 8TUttY BROWN STONE "G^?B M1 ?OUU.East ?l?t st.; :i atory brica 1-1 Last J2d st.. $411.1. Apply 117 East ?l?t,?L ? ? PUUN18HKD ROOMS V'viJ APABTSBSTI TO LET. <T\Ui K lllsN I L J-.iTX^' CAN (lltiAlN A LAKtiE. A handsomely mrnlshed Room, all ?'td ti^4Ktu:v^T?r.v.*,ie.\T<ianp;.^ L. T., box 151 Herald office. "a -ELEGANTLY "t UllKiSHBD RciuMS SINGLY OR A..en nulte; eTerythinj; new ; goutlomen preferred, b West 14th sts - - ?rrrTL. "? k AMFR1GAN KAMILY OF THKEE ADULTS JUST ?J.21 Herald ottice. *~1 iAR<rfc^AMjsOMELY FURNISHED second At'loor, to seiitlcineii only, without board, near Union Buuare. lHl Kast 17th >?. *7 pi'ivAT7! FAMILY WILL LET A LARGE PUK Aiilshed Boom lor hon-ekceplnR; every convenience; rent low. 2*tt* West 40ih st. 1 pi KAS iNT NEWLY FUBN1SIIED ROOM, FOB Aon* or . wo, in'private lamlly ; convenient to ail cars. 135 Y> est lOtb st. "i HANDSOMELY FUKN1SHED KOoM, WITH ALL ?VmLrtern improvements, with n private fumily; a so ?ta om for h^ .nd carrl.K. " w?ntiiiK' such accommodations iu?y apply at lid East l?m St.; releroiice required. A T 44 WiTsT 121H ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, EN Axuite or singly ; breaklaat <tven It deilrtd. .?vmtv ISIIED BASEMENT. IN HRuWN STONE Ah??M JiwitS on auS St.. betwoan 2il und ltd av.? to int i tihVrtiuiitu ireiitleuiltn nnd wife* or two ladies, witu pVlVdw'? Sl?ci.u ani laundry. Adore,, s. S. S? Uptown iieralu oftice. _ ^ AN 10ELY FlIHNISHED LAUtiB SECOND stoby Boom ; hot ?ud colli v>at?r, k?s. bath. 147 i-ast 51?t ?L, betweeu Lexiu^ton aud 3d evg. BKaUTlKf ULY FUHNlPHhD , koom. WITH ^Vnrivile e ot pnplor, suitable lor n PhTilctan of dentist, in ?^P.V. n??5tlf at. Adaress laNdLoBD. Uptown Herald oflice. t large fubnishbd room, newly Painted jVand papered, to let. suitable lor housekeeping; Bas Mb: &per ?e?k- 125 W-t U7ih sk "? HA It LOB AND BEDROOM, OR '.WO BEDBOOBS. Aln a private houee. fiirnislied or unfurnished; desirable ^hboPhoo " inquire at iau West odd st. UcUr.uc.s re quired. 4 FEW Pt'BMSHKD ROOMS TO LliT?IN A SMALL Aprivate Umily, 40 7th av., corner 13tn et. . k vvriRI SECOND FLOOR, HANDSOMELY FUR AnU^ Klvat-' bitli and wim closot. 20 Wot Iflth st. t NEATLY FURNISHED HALL ROOM, siCoND A??">or. Iront. to let; prtvat- Uiui:.v. 24t> hast .ll?t?t. . PRIVATE 'family WILL LET SKi'OM) I'LOI* Alurulsiied Room, wnb ulcov^ 1UU W eat l'Jth it. 1 \Ep Tit ABLE FL'RXtSIIED ROOMS FOR (iKNI'LE l/nien without boarii. In llrst clasi house 34 Wont 2>th st.. near Madiiou squnie ; excellent accotnnioUatlone. I"Sfff5*BiHs5Large pbont room, fx for not sk ^Keeping; other Booms, ?2 GO; Parlor, *l. 1st. Elm. near Mrooiue. IAUBNISH ED ROOMS FOR GI-.NTLEMEN, DELEVAN House, 4 Union square; r..U?rHU,.R ^ n KP lit' UN. |T?CFBnYmI HQ~ SOOStGSNTLBB EN ON L V-NEW JT bouse, 140)j West lftlh St., i.etweei* Oth auu ith avs. ?U modern Improvements; everything now* |*URNlSHED~KOOMS TO RENT; ALSO PARLOR J suitable lor dentin or doctor, st No. 11 West dlst st near Broadwwjr. |/?UK HuCtlKKKElMNU?KUKKiSHBD ROOMS. $4 50 f m ft! week; ball Rooms, $1 50, up; ladies or geutleiudD. Hti *Veii 3d ?t. Ir?OM ICOUMKMBPUI^HAJIMoX*, OUMrLKTELT ' 111 r?tmiuil Roowe, *;i M to #7; private buaMj all Oou veille.icna. UIW Kn?t IWt; Roaiii IT ili-Mieil. HAS0?OMEf.Y MJKKlMH h.U PAKlsOK AID |s*iafe lieilruooi; alao ainull ltoom ; la ? private finally. 3H2 vt eat 32d. '\JhJkLY KUKNIkHKO rtqUAMK ROOM TO LhfZ. I v Alto n hall Boom, cbeap. No. 7'IH tHU St., first flat, near 43d at. PLKASaNT KUHXIKHHiT kOOMS, KUIIAHIiK FOB two; reasonable prlctl, 112 Kant 24th at., near 4th av. ; bay window*. CKOOND rlAinll. MK.M.MiKU. KOk llul'aKM-.Bl' Ouik; leigu, Hiflit. cool rooina; private batn, ;;aa, every tiling ouiveiilent; house private. 171 KaatHTthft. f|X? LMT-rnUX 1 A>I> VaUH UAUL room*. SHOE X ly Inrniahed. second Hour, $2 and $2 30 per week, in quire at drug store, T.U rttli av, near ?'2u at. Tol.t-a nkei,v "kurxisshkd i>*wi rwoift I'arlor, very cheap; aleo n few amitll Roouii. tlail at 308 ?ill M. fpo lET?TWO KLRNIS1IKK HOOMH, H RuWNHTONK X bouses Brea*f?si il deslrnd; itrietiy pilvAte family; rivet bath one nlock. No. ..J* Knst, 87tli. si. TO KRT?NICKL Y FCBX18HKl>, LaHOE FRONT Room, suitable for gentleman and wife or two gentlt raeti . ml co???vuleiire?; brown stone nouae: private lau.ily ; alio small Room. U1B West 52d it. (ID FLOOR. riVli NICK KOOMsC TO~LBT?KC1U ^nla..eo or iinrurtilahed; ail conveniences. 117 West :46th ?t ?>(j BiAstTlittiH nr., DoTtThR MAblsOM A#.?ftSW w?/and eleirnnt Unite ol Koerna, on aeeond and third floor#, ? itli all cravenleneet, t" gentle men nr party of gentlemen: lueahla?<t II rui|iilred. None Mn imply who are not willing to pay fur drat i.iBna necoinmodatloni. o i * "wknt'istii ?i\. near ~>th avT-'korxrsum> 0 L Rollins to let, without board, lor gentlemen or gentlo tuan anu wifo. ?>,l '.VEST BOTII NT.-omT OK TWO WKlVVuhL U xnlsheii Room* to let. without board, to tingle gentle men, ru' WKST :i4ril ST., BETWEEN OTU AND 6T1I AVS. MUElanaut tin nttliod /lo me to let. nk A S'F 11 IT it. - D I', - i.; A 5l ,~h Vu RN1? H lilTliOtiM houaek.<ci>ing or gentlemen; alio Doctor i Odice; all Improvements; puMiCl ord^r. 1 A7 EAfeT IWTH H I'.?KUKXIS1I Kl> ROOMS, WITH J I" I liedrooma ;-al*o I'arlor, will! Kitchen, for housuk?ep M all L'onvemonnet, I III MACUOlj'OAJ. loom, f*OR lamiiy housek??|ilu?; liouse rtlurnlsliud nml elian^eil lianda. OA I WKST 420 ST., NEAR B*i<t?AllWayT I.aU'IE jZ'J'X Room far one or iw>> Ktntleinen : e.ery convon Itnce; alto . ma.ier auo, terms, ?4 .?u 2?jlt EAOTaftTtl H r. ?H EATIiY KUU.NIaMEl) ROOMS; OUalto lor light liouaekenoInK; K'"? .^im^liliorln'Od; leirna moilrrnte. UNTFUttNlSIlko HOOIIH AID APART MKVTS) TO ItK'l', T 7a hTm k X'T-> j\ In thr "Kainmore" are now ready for ocrupnuon; the most modern conven ienre*; wide street; rapid ir^iiili by New Verk Klevatad Railroad ;e*i?.lent neUbiiorbood ; 37th ?t.,juat weal ol Htfc av.; prices entirely ??Malactory; inauaxer constantly In at'?.i i AT 420 4TII AT. -i;HOICK PLOORlTjM J.jlTi IM pronnif.nia. Call and e?e preniitea and OWNER, Iron 10 to 12 only. AP4HT A? parlor and baskmknt KLooBfTTo lsttts ,*>???? HOD kmi 21st M. Apply 10 J. McDERMolT. 156 l'rince st. Jewfifif Fl3fii III THE~i5xlN0T<>N'? AND 10& JlCMt 49th ui.: mil tamrvtUMMs; rr?nt moderate. C. A. DONN KLLY A CO., 50th ?t. and lixiqjiiou ft v. Fine flats to rent?in ftnb condition* lr?m $16 to $21 each. to >nnsl| familial, Bins No. 2 bell for houaekreper. 444 Writ 35th it. 1LOOR OK FIVE KuOMS I.N a NEW MOUSE; ?0 1 tart (leap; rant $0. At 1.1)79 3d av. ROvtroomt BEDROOM AND LARKS FAN TRY TO let, on third lloor of bout* 113 Watt lUtb it. F j^enssELaer FLATS, Union Dime Saving's Bank Bolldiog, complete in all appointment*. Elevator now running. Applr to COM8TOCK A FROST, Grand Hotel, 1,23(1 Broadway. TO LET-THB SECOND, TU1RD AND FOURTH Floor* ol house 45 ttth av, Inquire in (tore. To"eei?lowek portion ok four story brown *ton? House, furnished, or Koomi, without board: uonr Fitrk, Elevated road and restaurants; references. 307 \\ e?t 52d st. TWO FLOORS -LOW KENT; PAULO R. THREE light bedrooms ?n<l iiltcheu. bath; stationary tubs, gas fix ture*, 4c., $18 and $25 per month. 180 East 51*t ft. ULiH HTH AV.-FRENUH FLATS. EVERY IMPROVE UU I ineut; landlord in building from 3:30 ti> 5 o'clock. 8. RICH, 74 Murray ?t. , HOUSES, ROOMS, At., WANTED, in tEirCity ?nci Urookiyn. ~ Alauy. with a family ok three gentle men, would like a handsomely furnished House, where owner would board: one of the finest housekeepers in the city. Address responsible, box 100 Herald Uptown office. YOUNG WOMAN. DRESSMAKER. OUT ALL DAY. <rfshcs a siunll Room, lire aud .tdciresa box 172 Herald 1,'ptown office. 0FFICH8 WANTED?TWO small ROOMS. 81TU ated on or near Broadway or 6tli av? from 14th to 34tli si. THORNTON M. RODMAN. Real Eatala Agent, 61H? Broadway, corner 4tb st. ANTED?THItKE Olt four CONNKCTIN(TROOMS light houseKeepiog, $16 to $20: three adults (Ameri cans). 215 Enst 34th st. VV ANTED -FOR three ADULTS. THREE"O rt6 U R Vt unlurnlshed'Knoins. every convenience for liulit hou-e kooping; below 10th St. between Broadway and 7lli av.; runt about $25. Adrfres* E. HOPKINS, 5 Enat 14th st. TITAN'TED-NEWSPAPER AND HTahONERTSlORfe ?! with dwelling rooms connecting; state location, rent, price and particulars. PARA, Herald Uptown office. WaNTED-AN kleoaNtly"FUR vis h ed?ktrst class House, near 5th av.. betveon 23d and 42d sis.; 34th st preferred. Principals please reply with particulars. No brokers or agents need reply. J. M. O., Herald Branch. In tile Countr?. A COUNTRY OR VILLAGE 8TORE WANTED: WILL buy small afoek of good*: grocery preferred. Address, with particulars, J. V. II0 Pl'Eit, Monsey, Kockland county, N. Y, COMFORTABLE COUNTRY HOUSE, CONTAIN* inir nine or ten rooms, with barn, fruit and vegetable garden, wanted to rent: must bo within about one hour of this eily and in a location tree front malaria. Semi par ticulars aud lowest rant tn .1. Mc. (>., 042 Lexington nv, H? ANTi-.d-furnished house W&fcftB oW5eR IT will board lor rent; prlvllego ol few othur boarders; Ktaten Island or Orango prolerred. Address J. M., Herald Uptown office. ( AN1E l)~-FURNiSHKD RE SII7BN0E FOR SUM mur; country or seaside. Full particulars, box 8,233 Post office. HO Altl) Kits WANTED. f~? A SMALL PillVATE KAMILY WILL LEf TO ONE JL.or two gentlemen a large, haudsomely furnished !r?nt Room, with dressing room and bath adjoining; Southern exposure: ample closets: also Hall Room; Board if desired; references exchanged: terms tnodorato. 351) Wost 34th it. ITOOOL. K1.EGANT ROOMS, FAMILIES OR SfNULE ?parties; also transient; table unexceptionable; sum ;nei prlccs. 2H East 50th it., near Buckingham Hotel, Madison and 5th avs. "1 OR S 0IT"dF 11A ND80MKLY FURNISHED ROOMB, 1 with first class Board, to let; 150 East 7Hth st.; privato family. 1"HANDSOME LAitGE ANDllALL BOOM, rkaSONA hie lor summer; all convenience*; good Bourd. 55 West 12th st. 1 "private family wjil Let handsomely .(.?furnished Rooms, with first class Board, to geutleinen or laiiiily. 241 West 34th. X LARGE FURNISH ED ROOM ON THE 8EOOND Hour, with or without Board; term* moderate. 8U Clinton place. 3 NEWLY"kurntbHED ROOMS TO LET?witlfor without Board, to a party of adult*; relerences rcauirod. 13*1 la West 15th st. 4Til ST.. EAST,~NO. 85.?A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with Board: also tabla Boarderj; term* reasonable. 5T11 AV.. 291.?SUPERIOR KU1T8 OK ROOMS. WITH strictly first class Board: table d'bote or privata table. ktirxf.. NEAR~BRE"f50RT_lIbU8E.?8UIT8 AND Urooins; private tablos r superior Board; summer prices. Address NOuFOLK, lleraltl Branch office. 1 wave?ley fluJeTnear bboadwaV.-pbont JLl/Rooros, f 12 to $iil tor two, with Board; bnlta, $7 to $9; transient, $1 5u day; table Board, $4. 1 O PARK AV.. NEAR 35TII ST.?HANDSOMELY KL'R XOulshed second Moor, en suite or separately, with Board; private table if desired; relerences. 1 >} AND 15 WEST 5WTH 8T.-8EUONl)7~nl7 1!D AND XOKourth Floors, siLg'.e or double lloomt. with Board. EAST 31.vF ST -HANDSOME "'roomt"SECOND floor; southern exposure; Third Floor, an suite or siuitla; superior Board ~V EST 4HTII ST.. NEAR WINDSOR HOTEL.? Suits or airy Rooms, with or without priTata table; single Rooms; relerences. UrH ST.. 227 VVSsr.?elegantly FURNISHED Itooins, with Board; private residence; references ex changed. f 7"fril ST..""23.) WEST.?LARtiE, SCNN'Y ROOM, WA iwier, second itory. Qua bouse, neat Americans; lor gen tlemen. , VtlTH 8t!7 ~142 t A8T^?1* LEAS AN T ROOMS, WITH JLUBoard; summer prices; second Boor, front. l7ft KVINO PLACE*. ONE "BLOCK KROM UNION llUsuuare.?Large and small Rooms; axcellent Board; terms moderate. 1 U EAST 32D ST.?PLEASANT ROOtM8 AND FIRST XvJcluss table for families and gentlemen .'summer prloea. 1 (i WEST 2HTH ST. -A handsomely FURNISHED JLC/Saeond Floor, with or without Board, singly or an suite ; terms very reasonable. 1 Q WEST 34TIt ST., OPPOSITE FIFTH AVENUE L O Hotel.-Kleitantly furnished Room*, with or wit hunt Board; trausionts taken. 91 |T 11 ST., 81? EasT.-a" NIOBLY FURNI8HBD ?jVJironi Room to let, with Board. 91 ?*'B?T 36 Th si'.?APARTMENTS^ WITH OR Lwlthout Hoard; unexceptionable ref?'enccs. 01 st ST.. I7 EAST?TWO~DOUBLE BOOMS, BKOOND ^UAand third noors, Iront, with or without Board. 9*JD ST.. 230 WEST.-?VERY 'DEsIKABLE SECOND wullsor front Rooin to let, with Board; tabic unexoeptfoa able; references exchanged. OD S'r.7wEST,tl8r-TO LET. WITH BOABD. LARGE -"second story front hall Room : $* week (or one. 23 24i WEST 23D ST., OPPOSITE FIFTH AVENUE _ ?Hotel.?Eleuant Room* lor lamllles aud gentlemen with Hoard, low for the summer; relrrence asked Mrt. L. A. HE KLIN. 9J. ^KLrfT, 2*D at-7third storv racKTaboe ^ Xmul hall Room; also fourth story double Room with B >a d; reference* exchanged. None but responsible, re tined people need apply. i) i WEST aoril ST.-THREK MCBLY FURNISHED ii'Tfront Knoms. small Koom adjoining, separate or to gether, with Board. Q ~ CHEAT"JoNKS ST.-KURNfiTiTEn ROOMS To j!j>jlet, villi or without Board; table boarders taken, Ol mwf 18T11 ST.?PAtTIES llK.SI lU>6 1(1 cbly OjLhirntslied Kuonii, with Board, in tint claaa liouso, can be accommodated. ______ OQ ~~ka8t 83U ST., ONE HOOK KAM I OK MADISON OOav.?Nice!j furnished Uoiims to let, with Hoard; refer ences. *XA TH 8T" ,4'i B AHT.-H ANDSOM KLY "P'UKN 1.SH KI) 0*iKooiiik, with Hoard; house and location hrst class; reference. ' ttn IOIT XirU ST.?St" n? OK rooms; AMKLE OOclospts; priTatn bathrooms. with private table or with out hoard; Rooms lor jrentleoum ; references. JjfTTi ST. MAKK'S FLACK, NfcAH"7iu AV.-TO LhT, *X\/2a tnrnlslicd i'arlor Floor, wttn Heard. 4?> CIJNTON J'TTao'K.?A UKEAT"KKlJci I lONF'Tk .illrit class Board; handsome Rooms; excellent table ; families or gentlemen. 4. > x> sf.rsoTin **Ksi.-fwVi vni tY~kleoantLy Ofurnlshid Hooms, wllli first olass Hoird, to gentlemen or ceiitl?m?n and wile; private family ; one otuok irou Ko*s more. *| I WliST 10T1I ?T., NEAR fttll AV.?HANDSOME TTlloi'm, Kip?nor Hoard, gentleman and wifo or two (NlliaiMI lerins uiodorate. a c wEai MfB (T.-UMH mm ALL HOOJM; fcfjovery convenience; table and appointments ex<?l leut; reioronce. 4 7 Til ST.7 M EAST.-AN ALCOVE" ROOM TO LET, I bnr.d*oinsly furnis.lnd. with Board, at summer pricos A Q WEST lOTH HI.?ll.VM'SOMELYTWSSlSSuit dtvKooin*. with Board, families or gentlemen; hall Roods, 87. tlfwuTmU b'T.-fo LET. A BUIT OK ROOMS OUoii mini tlonr; Hoard unexceptionable; references ex changed. _____ C4[ PAST JlST ST.?I'ARLOR FLOOR, WITH"TaEgE (JxflinsHts all11 oilier couvcuiunccr, with or without private table; alio other Kooinh. eu WKHT 33l> ST.?HAN DSOMRLY KCRNI .-IflED QOl'arior and wdrosa, third floor, front, flu suite or slnuh ? "1*" "ther Rooms, with Hoard; referencas. - j Ti.\.- 1' 12STI1 HT ?AiAJOVK F RONT ROOM I PR! ?) Ivnio family; near l.o.its and depot, llnrleui; with Hoard lor two ifl.'>; rolernnie r?>|?irod. ; 6.} WEST 'itft'm >T.?^iANOWji^^LY WrMIIHEO Othlrd s'ory front Room, southern exposure, with llrst class Hoard. /?^lliVINO PLAOK.-AN ENTIRE TIIIKD KLOOR, O'Js p irately or together, (o let, with or without Hoard; also Other Koom I; tithle hoarders takrn. -r 33D ST.?A LABOR KOoit. WITH Al/x Hoard, terms moderate. I m BAST HIST ST. (ORAMKl?V:ifl?ABK.)"-DK8l"bX I 1 ? Jhl? Koom* on second Hour, with tlrst class Hoard ; also other Rooms. WEST 8Si> h I .-BBATLY KlfRNfsHKD ROOM ft or Kukttanian Hhd wile; Hoard for lady only. 1 7 b.v vi:"Vij7ir.iT ?ii< ~\.i.; ,"i i> i)>ii tin twoobn J. > > I tlemen, ?Itu or without BrmBAurt aud iva, a nicely itrnlshed itoom, second lloor. 1 l\Q WEUT 11 ST S I? V LAK'ti-i ANl>~ SMALL ROOM, X'-/Owuh Hoard, for Kcnlirnieii or Ksntldmnn and wile. *i7|7j fcAsr".*?isrt'r. -baokVahlor; aL57i kkont Ja' f Ounoni, on second floor, nowly lurulshed, with or wltliout Hoard. ()(IU WKHT UlST sr.?HANDSOMUl/Y KIJKNIKIIRO 4*UOltooiiis; oiioioru Iniproveiueiits; sinirlo rouass or SB suite; excellent ta?U. at rnoai reasuaable term*. l;>0? ABo?r4' ?lw I^ila'**0'"*' 25^.r.8c.^c:?mUT.d ^rS5Vo?rd\N?d pie*sHui Boom*. T^ giSSK^ Cl""' w<pM.o ??-' ??L?k ?VYTTWEST 82D ?T., PRIVATB 349ant Rooms; ftno locality; home ? comfort., price reasonable. .. , ?...'g -r-rrrr wtu ht7. OPPOSITE oollkuk 466(iround?. near Elevated Batlriad.?Room*, wit Board, ifrj io i**. -?rrr: nTT"3D~A.v., corner scffu ?t.-to let with 94rJ.Board, In a Jewl?h family. one or ?wo nicely for DiiUeo Koom*. ? "ITHMXiiL PRIVATE FAMILY, HAVING ONE OR TWO Apl.??m Rooms, would Ilk; to Board a couple of ??ntle men; terms raod#r*t?. li>S Wttx *8thst. *VrtiTSlTRr"aND CltY COMBINED?BEAUTIFUL RU Saaggjggrtg ^ v ft ted ttallroad. v*tod iAsiirosd. - xftTCHAROK.-AP PLY FOR PRIVATE BOARDING JN Accoamod?^n?;Dcuy orooountrjr.(j DIRECTOSr 1,151 Broadway, .econd lloof._ '?..... ?n .Kl) muGING WASTED. n f iThiTfTs^XTTSi Kwat^ by a^'-Vo* man earned In buelnoM In the city. Addr?Ij<*4.""" " ?" h" ait75' ~ hotels. Bowery end Htyard. ? "? STIS rooms FOR $1 PER WEEK; 250..83U. _A..50e? per day; gentlemen, femllie., Frankfort Hou*e, ?J02 William st. ? - /lKXTKAli HOTBIj. M canal ST.. near ?KOAD 00 oenl* end 75 oe-ts; Rouble, lor two, 75 c?hM and upward, p?r pay. _________ THK EVENING TELEGRAM every NIGHT CABlK BPKCIaUI I'HOM 1'Hfc heat OF WAR. i I ARLBOROOGH II0U4K, 38TII ST.. COBHUR ATI! Bnelly n?K0tl?t?d will offer lamille* or single Keutlemuii wleblug to lotate, tran*e t, $?> 50 per day; American plan. <JT OERMAIN. ItIt OAl>VVAY, 22D ST., ^Tll AV.-ll,0 Scatlon un*uri?as*ed : room* all ftonl. reducejJ. wltJ1 fcj; without, $1 per day; *t?ge* and cars pasi door, eleva tor, bath*. 1 " BROOKLYN BOARD. DAltD?IN BKOOKLYN, ON TiffiTSIEE OVER B loo a i iik' Fort Greena; 15 minutes from f"rrl"*,7 P,r'v"'e iuuiilr; uenerou# table; first class house. beautifully ap pointed and louated; term* low. &*> Carlton uv? De Iv alb* CObNTEY BOARD. -^Tffc>?? fJC?ET^. ?TMOK BHjkn AocriETX^DTK* \ liiuiilv rc.iirt; llrst class table; pood ?tabling fine crounds; only 30 minute^ Irom Pack Blip by Harlem boat*. UOARD-FOU TWO CKNTLi-MEN IN A JAH* JJhouse. Whore there are no olh?r11 )i?Vd.el?1\ "Si.-Hw U;K %>!!; moderate Board. Address BEKNAKO BhllttlU, ;*>3 East O'Jd ?t. fc roSm. required s applicant* ^"^""'"'^IkVuERU "l rooms and dUiauoo trorn depot. Aduie.. SUhl UERO, Herald ofUco. ? ? /toL'NTRY BOARD AT NOYAO. FOUR MILES KROM (jHnir llarbor. near Great Pe<*onlc Bay; (rrounda running , 1 thn wtitpr* m line sprluK near the house; plenty ol shade, fruit, vegetable*, milk, At'.; perfectly hoaltliy i termw *7 pBf week, halt price for childreu under ten. Addresn N. 11. PII'.RBON, Sag IIarbor. 1* I. tSlEABANT ROOMS. WITH SUPERIOR BOARD. AT X Itldxedale Iloute. Madison. N*. J. t'UHMEB ""BOARDERS WANTED?HOUSE NEWLY Sfit'rnlihed; ploasnntly located: thrtemlnntei walk Irrnu Erie Depot -.near a k-rure. Addre.s O..C. CRAWtORU, Tumor's, Orann" county. W. Y. CUMMBR HOAllDING AlicOMMO^U^fl^urt"? Oiu the country ; lamlly of lour. Call ^4 Vy""i;oL,lL*NS. rniK large farmhouse of mrs. elI^abeth XUuderlilll, !<??* than five minute* walk Irom lx>ou?t \al cuHt YalUy, Qu<?n? county, L. L iVAWTED-SUMMER hoarders; PLEASANT, \Vhealthful location; house and Kr"UII^?Ablrff?' fi?e roads, Ao. For particulars addVe.. Mrt. F. M. H1L LIARD, Dorset, Vt. ilirANTED?ON THE SEA SHORE, country BOARD W for the summer; must bo llr.t class; for lour or Bvo lam Diet. Addrust. with fuU^artlculars. B.,74 Leonard ?U -sif^NTED^SUMMKII boarders, IN" A HEALTHY VV location one hour Irom New York; line trove In rear of Iniiisu * a nieasaiit drive frorti Grticnwood Lake; near the houM U a due lake and plenty ol Oshlun: no mosquitoes nor chills. Address Mrs. UEUAItD. 21 Ml. av, " "svaiAlBR RESORTS. TjioREST HOUSE. budd'rt LAKE. N. JauoWM*O P 2U Sond for circular^ A. BkOWHMJW. TOhFTTTNER'S"VILLA. AT TRKMONT (TWENTY (Tlourib ward), N. V . wUI bo^reopened on an?lUa^Ma> ^ "or lurther Information addross JOHN IlTNbli, 1U? Graud at., Sew Yotk? ? ? ? SAL.KS AT AUCTION. .., TSfPWJfVliAL? AC10flBrf NOl'ICh. Aa peremptory sale of nta^jent llouseuidd Furniture hi public auction, on 111 1S day (Fltll'A i). L 1 at private residence 12?> West ?Id St.. ueaf Oth av. ? / Kale eommenelnB at 10 o clock. K I 2 rosewood 7H ?ctave Pianoforte*. Stelnwty and B I D3superb Parlor Suits. In satin. % F 35 pieces rare and co?tly Bronte. r I I 2 .Maruoetry Cabinet*. ts T I 4 inlaid and Slunna marble top Tablet. a 20 Pari m marble Stainette*. c (l i 'J Sevres and Ormolu Mantel Sett. ?/. K I ft Pier and Mantel Mirror*. K I 15 window lace Curtains. . 811 choice Palntlnir* by emlneit arti*t? "5 velvet aud Brussels CarDet*. 2 eieitant Library Bookcase*. ^ 4Library Table* tomatclu 3 ladles' Escretolre* and W orkboxe*. ? 4 Turkish Lounfce* anrt t^hairs. 5(A) volumes choice Book*. O 3 ?olld walnut Extension rable*. ps 2 elegantly carved Buffet*. tr 24 Dlninn Chairs, envured In leather. C 2 China Dinner and Tea Sets. y 12 Plain. I R I 20 wUite aud black curle.l hair I 24 V rencU FilU?w* fttiil Holsters* Alio Furniiureof kitchon ?nU nervsnts ?P?nmW"vA_? K M - lo Kls pocked and *hipped. Ooods stored In home Mil M ay 10 Irie ol chanre. Depo^tj. of at least 10 per cent. -r-^xnlTMESSRS- leavitt, auctioneers. Uthi ari'VoomT'ftlVuros^'way, at ft o'clock, ww on ex ir??ooM.setios of hiph cla** Amerlctn Palntlnsr*. Choice .elected % ^ " Ktt"?? X5K des'reu by connoisseur* lor household adornments-Com mercial Advertiser. ___ "Aver* Interestlnu collection. mo*t of them lre*h from the ea*ef. and the subject* cuo.on are Jovou. and uppro priatu to the sprinu time.' ? New \ ork Herald. "'VUaEA?0RT0A0B^, at 3 ?;c'^ -".^^'^'euc;^'.": in* tan "mprUlim superb cnnr.ived lllass. Vases Dluner ? -i t?iI a tma Sots Ac.. Ac., from inton. k?n??inK t??,Vlisrilsnd, Copslftoa, Louuruy. Ko.val lierliu nnU Woi* cest?r, Ac. MONDAY MORNING. MAV 7, AT 10 O'CLOCK, nt Clinion Hull, ainlgiiae'a *alo?John H. Piatt. F.*q.. a*, slirnaa?balance til' tlio -Stock Irotn the late flrui ol J. \V. Schurmcrhorn & Co. Catalogues ready. MONDAY MORNISO. MAY 7, AT 10 O'CLOCK. *t 141) We*i r>:w nt., hnndioiivt Household Kurnlturn, tlie entire content* of the hon*e. Ontul.tguea ready. Furniture may be eeen hyper mil* from the auctioneer* at Clinton Hall. VUCTION RALE OK HOtTSBtlOLD FURNITURE THIS (KKIDAV) morning. Commencing at 10 o'clock, nt private resilience VVeit IZ-jth ?u. near 7th av. Homo contain* many rare and costly works of art, elegant Parlor Suits, Pianoforte, Contrn Tanlea, Upright dn., iirohrei. Cover, lace Curtains Stool, Painting*. Bookcase, Statuary. Corner Closet*, elagant Brussels aud ingrain Carpnts. Inlaid Cabinet*, Ori ental Kasy Chair*, lady'* Secretaire, choice KiiKravlir/s, t hrotnoH Bedroom fiuit*. Heditwads, Bureau*. Wnsh ft and*, cnrled hair and ?pri n k Mutti eases, I'llin#*, Bolster-, Hod Linen. Dining Furniture, Extension Table. JlnlTet, Chair*; silver nliued Ware, Cutlery, Pier and Mantel Mir ran. Lounge*. Wardrobe*, M Sale without reserve, ralu or *hlne. Competent men to pack and ahIp goods, city or Country. B. It. MARTIN. Anctloneer. A UcTION HALK TlilS DAY _/\.This (Kridav) morning. commencing at 10 o'clock. The entire content* ol nnvate residence i:k? EAUT I6TH r? BKTWI'.KN :tl> AV. AN i i.VINCJ FLACK. SATIN PARLOIt nUITS, KOsliWOOD PlANUFORTK. KINK COLLECTION OK HilONZhX AND OIL PAINT I.vus. C1IAMBKR LIBRARY AND DININO FURNITURE. Parlors?fciegaiit 7octave Plauolorte, two iiiMKnincent t'arior Suit*, Inlaid Irani ta, eomrad in axpanMvt milt; hnndsuinu mari|iieterie Cabinet i.tagore, with French plate ?la*n, inlaid; rilMlUl*, llrotir.o Urmip*. Kij;i.rei and Matu ct t *. cKprnillmlv framed Oil Fainting*, lace Curtain*. I'lcr Mirror*, Centre and Console Table*, velvet Bru**el? Ciirpct*, ling*. Mat*. <to. Chamber* 11 navy mounted and Inl.ild *et* or Bedsteads, Pressing Casus, VVaahstnnd*. Wardrobe*. Clialrt. Rockers, spring Tied*, curled hair Matlresse*. Pillows, complete Milt* in rep* and haircloth, Lounges, Picture*. Engraving*, Carpet*. Clock*. Ac. Library and Dining Room Turkish Set*. In tnpeitry and nw Mils; Secretaire and Library Bookcase*, llcki, Library Table*, Bookstand*; - Kxtcuiiou Table*, one a pillar, * itli parent slide*; 24 Dining Chair*, u irved an I In laid Bullet ,Silver ami I'latad Waro, Cutlery, Olasswaro. Two handsome llatstand*. Stall Carpet* and otlv-r good and well jire*erved Household Kiirnitnre. Sale will com mence at lt> prompt and will continue until .1 o'clook. ALIIKRT K HARM Kit, Anttlonaer. N. 11.?Oood* packed, boxed and shipped If required: *ale delivery guaranteed; good* stored until Mar l't IVoe ol' charge. A SPLENDID BAROAIN.-KI.SE FIVK STORY double Tenement, lull lot. No. il'JH Kast 47th *1, will ba *uld by II. W. COATKs, Auctioneer, at aalatraan 111 Uroadwo/rfthU day, ut Ui o'clock. " THli (Frl'devl MUBMHtC oiinmnrini at 10 o'eioek. ?I Qve story brown stone MO. 47 WKST 16TH^sV"BKT*WKKN"' STH AND ?TH AVS funillurt, inadi to order tor present ownar br La Dupre A 0?-; also mimaittcMit selectioe el One Oil Palatial* aaa Brontes. purchased kr owner while la Europe. 8TBINWAY FOUR ROUND 7?; OCTAVE PIANOFOBTI. CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUIT*. richly carved rosewood and walnnt frames, covered in crimson. tan ana Cld brocada latin Mid cotelalaet Turkish and Bpsuish uugee. feasjr Chairs, Inlaid marquatry and gilt J>entre ana Coneole Tables, maaarood Ktageres. Cabinet*. French plate Mirror*, lac* Curtate*. French Mantel Sets, flO-day Clock*, Musical Boxes, Library aud Secretaire Bookcases, Book*. '^^nto^u'VuRNlVlJR^ C?SS8?[Sw ?Uborate nod olitiu BtUroom ttoti InUld and *114 B?d ?t??d?, Dressing Cn*en. Hureaat. WMbilAAdm Mnglt iiu liuuul? ItaUieadfl. Si fine hair and *prtn* M atuiM*?*. faatner Pillow*. Blenkets, Toilet Sat*, reo aud plusliBulu. marble too Table*, Chairs, Rockert. Reclining Chair*, Louug**. DIKING F0 RNITU RK-Extsneion Table*. BidaVoard, Chair* in laatbar. Silverware, Crockery. Library and t?ecre talre Bonkcaan. Library Table*, Turkish Hull, two Hall Stand*, Velvet, Brussels and Ingraita Carpet* ; Kitchen, Servants* Furniture, Ac. Take Broadway. Sixth avenue or Ultl*er*liy place oari to 47 Welt Kith *t. . .. . . . _ N. B. ?Good* stored. packed ar ablcpod If dedred. House Inrniilied i?>t May at the oo*t of $23.iio0. R. 0. CASHIN. Auctioneer. UCTION NOTICE. LARGE AUCTION HALE ot handsome and moral Household Kurnltare. THIS (Friday) MORNING. Mar 4. at 10 o'clock, at the large private residence 31 We*t24tb ?i., between 5tli and Otb avs., neur the Fifth Avenue IloteL 2 magnificent satin brocade latest style Parlor Holts. 6 rich Suits. In rops and haircloth. 1 magnificent 7'? octave Planolorta, Stool end Cover. 2 ele.'/aut Turkish Chairs, 2 Lounges. 8 pairs Ince Curtains and Cornice*. IS Paintings, Brontes, Vases, Mirror*. Ae. H irllt marble top mid Library Tables; Hookcaaaa, SOO.vards velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpet*. Extension Tables, Buffet aud Tea Table*. 10 Chamber Suits, complete; Building. 15 h.iir and 15 spring Msttresse*, Blaukot*. Ao. 100 lots Glass, China, Silver Ware ; Cutlery, Ac. Basement, Kitchen, servants' furniture, Ac. A rare op portunity for housekeepers; the largest sale or this season. K. U.?Take Broadway or Kth av. car*. Responsible men in attendance to cart, pack or ship goods for purchasers. ERNEST ROTH Auctioneer. UCTION.?CLOBING BUBlNEfiB?KNTITB STOCK and Fixture* at uuctlout buyers, dealers and house keeper* investigate. On account of hard times, high rents, .tic., I will soil nt public miction, at 13 East 14tb St., on this day (Friday). May 4, at 2 P. Mr. and continuing Truro day to day until the entire stock is disposed of, a large assort ment new and second hand Furniture, Pianos, Minors, Car n< ts. Paintings, Bronses, Ornaments. Beds, Bedding. Stove*, finished and unUulshed goods, Ac.: on bills of $?10 or over three uion:b* acc eptable to auctioneer. Competent men to pack and ship cheap. O O. FAVOR, Auetleueer. ADMINISTRATOR'S 8ALE-LAW LIBKARV. AU. j BENJAMIN P. PA1RCHILD, AUCTIONEER. w WILL SELL ON SATURDAY. MAV 5, AT II O'CLOCK A. M.. At THli OFFICES OF THE LATE JOHN A. GODFREY. NO. 170 BROADWAY. ROOMS 26 AND 28, THK LAW LIBRARY. TWO SAFES. DESKS, BOOK AND HI.ANK CASES, LOUNOB, CHAIRS, PICTURES, AO., AC. By order of M. A. GODFREY. Administratrix. DMINISTRATOK'S SALE.?R. A. M'DOICALD WILL sell on Friday, May 4. at in o'clock. 2B0 Pearl *t., a stuck of Hardware, consisting ot Tools, Shelf Goods, Shelv ing. Desks, Scales: also Patent Bight. By order of 11. V. CARTER, Administratrix. "A UCTION NOTlOfeT?B. A. M'DONALb wiLL SELL Jvon Friday. May 4, at 11 o'elock, at 2S1 Pearl ?t., a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods direct from the man ufacturer. consisting of BOO Toilet Sets, oak, walnnt and green gold band Slop J art; Wat'ir Oatrlers and Foot Tubs and Baths, japanned and galvanlied Chamber Pali* and Coal Hods, Watering Pot*. Lifter*. Poker* and stamped Tin ware. two large safe*, Rock, Yellow and Bnnslew Ware. 4 ?PURK1TU RE ~ THIS DA Y. A. BARKER A CO.. 47 aad 40 Liberty *t. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARPETS. REDDING, BRONZES, PARLOR SUITS. OFFIOK KURN1TURK. AC. Wo will sell by auction this day(Frlduy), May 4. at II o'clock, nt 47 and 40 Liberty ?t..a general assortment nf sacoml hand Furniture, consisting ot C met*. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, hair Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Dining Room Furniture, Engraving*, Office Furni ture, Ac., Ac. GEORdB I. RANKS, Auctioneer. ?ART SALE. NOW ON KXHIBiTION. . BARKER A CO. 47 aud 49 Liberty st. We will sell on Saturday, May ft. a special consignment of choice American und Kuropeau Oil Paintings woll worthy the attention of art collectors. They are now on view a* above and will )>? sold without any reserve. GEORGE 1. BANKS, Auctioneer. -TUN1S JOHNS(>nTaUCTIONEER, . old stand ;<7 Nassau st. TO-MOBBOW (SATURDAY), AT 10H O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, H7 Nassau st., HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removed from three private residences. FINE McQUET. Al'BUSSON. BODY BRUSSELS and Ingrain Carpets; Moquet Hug* and Mats, French plate Pier Mirrors, several Relrlgrrators, all sites; several fin* Parlor and Bedroom Hulls, curled hair Mattre?ses and Bed ding, Carpets, some of which are 10 yards in length: Oil 1'aiutlngs, rosewood and Kilt Sacrstarln* and Music Stands, Etiigere*. Armotres. Wardrobes, Kitchen and Basement Furniture ; also a large nstnrtment ol Office Furniture. BT~HENRY d"" MINER, AUCTIONEER. Office and Art Gallerie* Brnalwav. CONTINUATION AND LAST DAV'S SALE HOTEL FURNITURE. THIS DAY (Fridayj. May 4 at l?U o'eioek, AT THE SPINGLER HOUSE. No. ft Union square, between 14th and-lfttb sts. Thl* day's sale will compcise all the Office. Dining and Room Furniture. Kitcbeu Utensils. Ac., consisting of Red and Table Linen. SllverpUied Ware, Crockery, Copper and tiiassware; steam Pump. Tube Boiler, two Billiard Tables, Bar, Counters. Fixtures. Ac. F~~COLTON, A UCTiON E K~R. ? salesroom HM Broadway, near Uouiton st. H Rich and Elegant Household Furniture. THIS DAY, (Friday I, May 4, at the private residence No. 1 .*>11 MadUou av., corner of 32i it., commencing at 11 o'clock. Thia liouse Is full of reailv good custont made parlor, bed room and dlniugrooin Goods of every description ; also Ax minster. X,M|uei and velvet Carpets, elegant French plate pier and mautle Mirror*, rosewood 7 octave Piano, rich Curtalus. gilt and black walnut Cornices, rosewood Billiard Table, marble bed, complete; fine Oil Painting*' all the Chandellor* and Bracket* throughout the tmu?e. also nil ihe Hlaimets. guilts. Sheets, Ac.; also all the China and Gias* Wure, silver plated do., kttcbea Goods, A*. Cat alogue* earlv this morning. fEORGK HOLRROOK. AUCTIONBKR?WILL SELL, \7tliis day, at 2 o'clock. 430 t.'anal st.. Parlor .-uiti. Cham her Salts, Sofa Reds. Extension Tables, Bookcase*, Uce Curtains, Mattresses, Carpets, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Sewing Machines. Iron Seres, Ac. HAVEN, AUCTToNk?r7 . office and salesroom .'til and 41 East 13th St., ? will sell TlllS DAY, at II A. M.. at 1 is E**t fluth st.. near Lexington av., entir* contents of large brown stone house, emulating of carved Parlor Suit eisht pieces; Moi|uel Carpets, Ao. Iliiliis Bros. Tour round corner* carved Piano. Handsome Pier Mir-or*. Cornices and Table. Lara Curtains. Library uud marble top Tables Easel*, (.'locks. Brouies, Pictures, Bedroom Sots, Bods, Bedding, inlaid Tables, Extension Table two Champion Folding Beds. HufTnt. Hall Stand, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture, Refrigerator, Ac. ^ _ VjOKRlH WILKINs. AUCTIONEER. ELEGANT UOUSEHOIJ) FURNITUBE, VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, BY CROPSEY. DE HOEUK. VANUERIU KGH, LAURENT DE BtEtTR. armheld and other artists, fine mir i;ors. Ac . AT AUCTION. E. H. LUDLOW A CO. will sell at auction oa Friday, May 4, at 11 o'clock, at No. 110 East 3;nh st.. black wal- | nut Buffet, damask and lace Window Curtains, carved rose wood Parlor Suit*. Sores, Centre Teble* sud Lounge*; Weber rosewood Piauororte. Klag*res, Bronee*. velvet and Brussels Carpet*; black walnut Bedroom Sets; Extension Table; handsome Dining Room Chair*. Mattresses, Pillow*, Ae. ?Vf Nl SSBAUM, AUCTIONEER. 301 BO WERT, SELLS ill ?tills duy, in o'clock, 2J2 De^aucoy St., "tock and Fix tures or Bntcher's Shop. Icehouse. Beiiebes, ('lock*. Racks, Scales, Ae., In lots. MNUSSBAUMrAUCriONEKR. JBl B0W&RY. SELLS .this dar, luS o'eioek. 2.170 :id av.. near llsth st.. .*<touk and first class Fixtures ol Cigar Store, silvcrplated Showcases, Figure, Counter. Fixtures. Clock, Mirror, large ?t< >'k Cigar*. Tobacco, Pipes, Ae., ia lota. MnuhsbaUm, auctioneer, tti hotter*, hells ?thin day. 2 o'clock, at 301 We*i 38tb >1., first cias* Butcher's Shop, four patent Chair*. Mirror*. Cupcit**, Show ca>?, Ae.. In i"t*. SOSKBAl'M. ALCTIONKKrT "SELL? TI1JB PAT. ?2 n'efMk. M VOI llnwerr, larr<' "lock of Jewelry, tho *ntir>- Ur^e -to.-k of a mannfaciurer lira istpins, Kaurlngs, rota, Ring-, 1'ins, Ac., In lota without rcierve. NVHSHAUM. AUC i ioNEBR, -.'01 BOWfcRT,8Bl LS ? satiird j. elerant Store Fixture*. six siivoiplated iwmmI, l*rue Mirror*, R. flecto'*. Chandeliers, unriiii W tshhasiu*. t'"iiul.Tv fixtures. tfiais Sidj Fixtures, Parti tions, Klpm, Ac. Particular* to-morrow. ^IIAI. S "salT.-HV VIRTUE OK AN EXKCC tlon. 1 will sell fit public auction, on Friday, May 4, 1S77. Ill Nth St.. between 'Jd and Lexington a**., at 1 o'clock I'. M., ?(! Chair*, 10 Table*, I Mirror and I ('luck. JOHN LYST, City Marshal. PAWNBROKER'S SALB WATCHEs AND~JK#EU J. ry. ? R. KIhi,DM, Auctioneer, Nalesrootii No 1.VJ t?nnnl ?t., noar Bowery. will s-ll on Monday, May 7, at 11, (XKJ lots void and silver Watches, dlnmond and ifnld Jew dry. Ac., Ac.; alio Silverware, Opera (JUssos Ac. By order Henry McAlennan. Hth af,, and Much McAleenan, 'id av. PAWNBKOKERlt BALK WATtYllKS ANlT JkWEIf ry ?It. FIELD. ir?ner*l Auctioneer, salesroom lSVtCimal ?t., near Boiverv, will nail on Tuesday. May H, at II o'clock, HiX) lot* gold and ellver Watchr*. diamond and gold Jew elry, Ac., Ac. } ulso Silverware, Onera <ilas*es, Ac., Ac. Ity urilor I!. Slinp*ou A t'o., IW Bowery. FAWNBl'OKER'S SALE ?K. FIELD, obnkral Al'C. tionner. iale*room No. u>il Canal *t., Now Bowery will ?ell this day, at II o'clock, 7(KJ lot* man'* and women * Clothing; silk anil oilier Dresses. Shawls, Remounts, Shirts, Drawers, Und*rc1othlnv. Quilt*, Blanket*. lt<id<llhk. Carpet*. Boot*, Shoe*, Ac.. Ac.: Alio 800 lots Coat*, Pants, Ve*t*. Remnant*, Cloth, Ac., Ac. By order, D. De Lonir. But Broadway. ; PAWNS HI > KE US ~~SALJt C LOT 11 IN < t ~AN D J K W airy.?THOMAS J. MrOKATII. Auctlonesr, I.">? Chatham lk| corner Mulberry, will sell tin* day W*i lots Dresses, HhawU, Remnants, Quilt*, Blankets, Reildinic, Bontu, Shoe*. Ac.; als.i ('.note, 1'aiit* and Vu*te; also gold and ?liver Watcne*. Diamond* and (iold Jewelry, Onns, Pistols, Ac. By order J. Harriett. Canal *t. N. II.? dale or Jewelry will cnninienee 11 o'clock, sharp. PAWNBROKER'S WALK MEN'S 0LOTHINO.?THIS J day JAMES AOAIt, auctioneer, will sell at Sit N-'W Bowery and l? Oliver (|., ai I o'clock, H<*) lot* Overcoat*, frock, rack and business t;oats. Pantaloon* and Vest*. By order of J. A. Jnrman, lR'i Varlck *t. CFIKKIFF'8 9ALK.-VA.N ~Ta~H~kTL A KEARNEY, (^Sheriff's Auction*#*, will Hell thl* day. at No. 191 Will iam at., nt 11 o'clock, a large lot ol Lasts. Boot Tree*, Safe, Ac. B&RNARD HEILLY, HherilT. C. W. U I'll am, Depnty. SMIKR1 KI"S SALE OF SPRINGS, BAR CTEEL, AO.? ).?. HERMAN, Anctloneer. nail* thisdar, Friday, May 4, at lUo'clonk, No. l.ri>? Bowery, a large lot of flnlibed ana nntinilhed Spring*. Bar Steel, Ac. Sale paaltlve. By or der WILLIAM O. CONKBK, Sheriff. Cm*?!.?? McNvltt, Deputy. ipawr^sssrxssar V ?' auction. fbiday. . aai w.,t rtll Mil at auction, ? ?. u 1<>X o'clock, i i?t 34th ?t., nearhth ??., ?0rt#rr*. ?"? Chin?, Ti. xdwm.r 8e2^pS k,tcuen ^>??^023 The family are going abroad, and the aala tonrnrl... . {arot'y elerant Furniture brought imn parti by the cataiogme at anetloneer'a oOoe, 111 Broadway, base ment. gALB OF A NAVE vhsbklt _ ? Navt oapautaixr, 1 Bwbicac or c.o**TkucTion a?o hir^t*. > ? _ waimisjitow. April 26. 1877 J ?str 1/" *5* for ??'???* publlo aue f ??> *f djtlw States mary Yard, leanat Inland Penn WlnVi^.0? *?* al. i?77.?t 12 o'clock the ii.htatea shipPotomac. of 1,457 tona measurement f he vessel will be oflerod at the Ilea on the day of tale m*J *? examined at shy time previous to the day o* ?ale upon application (n the Commandant el the Yard, who will exnlblt to persons desiring to bid an Inventory of tuch articles at may be aold with her ' 0 Thirty iso) per eentom of the purchase money mast be deponiti-d at tne time ot eule and the 'ialaoi'e paid lu cash when tli? vale u conttrmed by the department, the vessel to flrmatlon wl len <10' ""*? from the date of such con The government reserves the rivht to withdraw the vessel iroin sale, to couUrm the sale and to reject auy bid or offer which may be considered inadequate. Su e k man~a u c tto n e k r. ' ? , First trade sale at 1sj< Bowery ?lv,.'n,'?- liquors, champagne. Cigars, ac.. , ?i may 4. at 11 o'clock. a larire and genera! assortment. consisting of btrrels. eaeka !!"i a?"?? " lluiported anil domestic Brandies. (llu. Jamaica and St. Croix kmii Port and Sherry Wlnee, choice old ?" j^st "5? r'" *>'???*. 'arlouh brands ani ages. Apple i rh '#rfy- 0l^r't ?.nrt Uh,n" Mrinu" Cordials, ki? " inel. Champagnes, a large lot ot Cigar*, to. dale positive without lenorvo. dehlcrn invited. * su"1',? ?rLHJa ua,y-' o'clock 4: ka lib it i'm WI ?,?w*x' ? lot Stationery. ber. Sheriff ' 8'",rllt william Fitspatrick, Deputy sa kVark*v .Vi"* ^uotlon. at VAX TASSEL k.JA ivkarjnex o Auction itooni. -- i'nlon Hdiinrn 'itli u? near 15th ?t.. the Stodk. Bar. Fixture. andan^fnt of a first claw haloon. all_i,?w. frlda" * v i tt rphe COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS CONSIGNS!) TO Messrs. KADI KE a CO. having been on exhibition at their Uallory, 35 Unfor. square, containing valuable work* by the Most Celebrated Artists of the modern and old school, an Rembrandt, Van Dyck. guercino VVnuwermnnn i' Van Beest. Troyon, Halt,a! borough, Corot. D'a*. rlcon, and others of equal celebrity Thin collection will lie sold at public auction m the Association Kali, 23<l *t, and 4th av. to-uigtit and to-morrow night. at h o'clock. ft. momeit\ iiilik, Auctioneer. WILLIAM ABBOTT AUCTKikkbk. ofktoe i *1' "?'?!??'his day. 10w o'clock. Stock and Fixtures of tho i-ancy Hoods anil Toy ritoro 57.j i-t Hr large nssortinent of Toys, Hosiery, Gloves. Slilrtn and gentlemen's Underwear, glass Cases. Pishing Tuvkla kire w?jrks, l ountfirfl, ivochont, purnlturtf of lainuy. ' W}y?1am,nvi'nrkh/i' .ai'0fl?)nirijr BY st~'kinst? lr t."1 "?" *'2 0 C|,,CK-?l ?nd 4.VJ Canal st Household i"urniture. Carpetn. Mirror-, Curtains Book! ''itt"oinr" "? "efidin?. FOR saiik. ' 'c?asck.-tna FIRST CLASS tlat sfoitb xv4-i1 Sth av.. corner 32d st.. establinlind 18 vears lor sale ?u account ot the death of the proprietor. inuuire on the premises. M A ri?h a DIi~ani)" C jjrtai N ~C lb AN I n<? AND fin -cx.Ishlng establishment (Calender made in France), rress, hrames. Drying Calender complete I'ooli, Horse anj Wa?on. at a bargain I. ulaentzkb. 2?9 West 34th st. A -CORNER liquor STORK* FOR ^2150: al?0 ?splendlc Kestaurants, UoteU. Billiard Saloons, (irocer las. Baserles. MITCH KLL. 77 c^dar st. 'an old hkiwhlishkd wquor" btoke FOB ?? vor"kk:n " p*r,n9r- ap",y '? nor? AS tiie OWNER has TWO DRUO htork8 iik WILK sell onu of them cheap: a little cash required, balance ou mortgage. Inquire 4BB Canal st. A ?THE WINK AND LUNCfli ROOM 71 MAIDEN ffioffijw&olywar* b'rk"d- app" ,lt 8tore- "r 10 Botanic "druu >tore for sale chbap-on .iccount of dnttth of proprietor; oiitabluhod h5 yeurs- im. mcflinie poniionhlon. 3 prinre voh SALE?tile flitsi (ILASS RESTAURANT H7 l Keekman at.; good traift shown; it not sold this week hie fixturcH will bu ?old to hiiit buvern ou aud alter mouuht i'j*!- '5* balance not sold will b? sold at auction on Wednesday next. Apply to F. T. KEITH, at Gould's. 231 Broadway. Iiior SALE?31*) FEET HARDWARE miklytnu aij roiupluto; also Counters, Tables, Ac. 243 i'earl st. For 8aiie-a factorv for-vanf^ctdkino nitrate id Iron, nitiiu acid, muriatic aild. a.;.: In tlis best ordsriandint a low price. an unusual opportunity. Ad dress CHEMICAL works, Herald onice. tp?k tale*crtl^rp"-a kfiwt"CLASS laoeitbeer Boor" Ro nu. Inquire At 1,289 Broadwav, seconl For salk?threisi lakc;e refle?;tor's, i.\ per Tect order; suitable for a hail and oiherlaritn buildiucs. Inquire of OEOROE II. DUNN. Plumber, 544 Pearl st. (jav1d ,,akkky i'ok salk. in'yuiue AT m67ts Hotel-?2.nof) cash will purchamb a moot complete iiptowu Hotel; .vi rooms elegxntlv inrniilmd und (loiiiji a protuablo liuain?<m; owner obliireii to t>el! on account of sickness. Apply to Mr, edm1nster. 4h Dev St., between 10 and 12 a m in THE EVENING TELEGRAM hvkky NIGHT CABLE SPECIALS FROM THE SKAT OF WAR. Safes for sale cheai*?all sizes; herring's, y?t!l' ?? whder'a. S. G. vuirk. 44^ Msldan Ian*. ? machlnkaf. ~ A ?n??a^'i (:sl).sfllts, iskconi) ii,1 m)7"wantkd? XX ro buy cheap; give full particulars. Address box 5,42? ?New iork i'ost oltlco. Boilers and engines for saLk.?one port. sble 0x18; two small steam yacht Boilers; one No. 0 make patent Stovo and one Breaker. Apply to LBSLIE mauutacturer, north of Pennsylvania Railroad depot Jet', sey City, noar the r?rry. ' ' tior SALE-TWO 10if.>7 baxtkrbngines; qnb J. lour liorse do. and one 1,2x96 Inch Green Cut-off. Th? Dullnrd mucliiue compuny, 14 oej kt. w antedtasbc0jtd"hand_fu(th a KIM BELL oe?,t:hujlt,f2ariphl0 Vreu: ,ut0 Prlc? ?hd site. aadrehk 0, C., lioraid otfico. ~ fukn i'i' ii ke7 f f t'la^ate^salli-all THE FURNITURE CON xltained in live story brown stone residence 120 West 23d st..nearutli av.; superb Parlor Suits, 14 pieces, cost *l,2<n lor ?175; Bulls in reps, ?r>5 and f.t.1; litageres, liookcasea Brontes, P.iiutiiiga, Library and dining Room fiirniluiet Chamber Suits from <r30 to sirs); alio magnlllcent Decker mnnolorte, all modern Imprnrements, cost $1.w?), lorC27->: "tool. Cover and Cabinet; esse lor shipping. i'iill to dny,' A-'f'!!; POPULAR Ft'rnttu re manufacturers' ? BAUMA.nn BROS., 228 and 23l( Hudson, coruei iirooino St.. the cheapest and most reliable house in the world to buy your Carpets, Furniture or Bedding, for cash or instalments, by the week or mouth. \ t GEORGE A. C'l.ARKE'.S, 747 BROADWAY.?SIT. i\perlor Furniture, Carpets, Ac., at greatly reduced price, ou liberal terms ot payment. A GENTLEMAN WILL SACRIFICE 1118 ELEGANT r urniture. Carpets. Pianoforte. Parlor Suits, Carpets raiutiogs, Bedroom Suits. Mattres-es. Bedding. Sideboard Extension i able. Curtuln-. Mirrors, Turkish Furniture. At. l all immediately. Residence 51 West 24th st.. near Madl fc.?n *qu>ire. ttrknfion OF BUYERS AND FloUSEKKEPEKS to tbe auction sale at kaVOR's, 13 East 14th st. lntlre Stock and t ixtures to be sold, cotnmrnclng at 2 P. M., tblt day, oc account of retiring from business. A furnituhe.?PRIVA i E ilesldenck NO. 4* S* . ''*rlor Suits in siitin, plnsb, rep an< na.reloih; Stelnwav Pianoforte, rich and plum Bedroon Furniture, hair snd spring Mattresses, Mirrors, t'nrtalna pslntings, broasns, Carpets, Library and Dining Room Fur cuilorv mid moiid hilverwhro, *t auction thii (rrldayi morning, at 10 o'clock. Good* pai ked and shipped H desired. itobkkt C. CaWHIN. auctleueer. At KILLE .N'S AUCTION ROOMS. 22 EAST 18TB (White banner), may be found the cheapest ant largest assortment ot Dressing Cases, hodsteads, hair Mattresses Parlor Suits, ac ; no lair offer refused. call A-A.-furnrruke For _salr. WANTED TO .PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY. FOR CASH, THIS vitnbbox". 0k akvrkal flkiit ci.ASS HOUSES. ADDRESS I. c. C., BOX 1,180 POST OFFICE. At private sale for one week-all tiir Furnl tnre contained In nine rooma, at private residence ?JI ?l Weal 25 th at., near 7th av., including Chlckerln* I'lauoior e mid aolld Silver and Plated Ware; also ?tine lot ol Dreaden China: ? bargain. ^ oooi) brvSkkm CARPSI, m ya&db. will ui aold for It la tbo fourth part ol' tUo coat. Call on MaRIE DKCKER.iS k?*i 14th at. LA110K8T STOCK AND lowest PRICES FOR PUR. nlture and Carpets for cash or liberal terms of payment at COPERTUWAlT'S. 155 and 107 Chatham st.; 13 Urga wareroom v Tki.Ksr Stuck axu lowest pricks fob ru? nltnre, lor enah or liberal term* of pnvmrnt. A. SAL-MANN. 47i; (Iraml at.. between Plit and Wlllet. MtHFIT CAKPKIS, OILOLOTijR AMI .MATTINOs Tory cheap at the old placa, 113 Fulton at. Call or aaud fur price lia>. OFFICE BOOKCASE. 8X4 KfikT. CUEAP. ADDRESS CAS. , llrrald (irtlre. Zero ItEFKlliEWAlFiTRrwrril C(?T|,"k1i~ Cf NTKM uiol awnnL .Send I.ESI.KY. ?.tl Was; l at. (LiirrniNO- 1 "l^0r8T'rtl^~Cl/)1'niSlC'AU^TurtirMT^AT^K /x.palil at Mfl'j Hth a?., uear 4th at Call or aildrasa Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. A" T BMINli'K, 8D AV.. NBARSOTH 1IT.?4U~PRH cant more paid thau elsewhere lor ladles' nnd irenlla m-n'a ratt-ofl t'lothtnn. Carpet*. Jewelry; orders by mail promptly attended to by Mr. or Mr*. MINTZ. T FLATl'O'-, Mlnrt'lH AV.. NhARMMTti HT? KIFTT par cant iuur? thau elsewhere will positively be paid for ea-t-olf Clothing. Address Mr. or Mrs. FLATl'O. ASHIaI l'l.*AMi.-(i',,i?<i W<)HTI1 CAST OFF Clot blue, Carpet*, wanted immediately. I will nay WO p<-r cent, inoro than any other dealor in caali, by Mi. and Mrs. ANHOLT, I7M 7th av. ATTKNTlo.v-c. m. COflK. OB 7TH AT.. Be tween .'Ud anil UJtli at#., pay* the lull value lor ladica' mij Ksntlsmeu's Wearing Apparel, Carpets. A8TKOLOU1 . ok tiieauk.?mrs";"'ffftTXfiTS&tft ?cal. Business Clairvoyant: namol. likenesses. 141 Weal 40th it. A wosdkhpul child, uiptkd wiih hecon e slrlit, te!la everything without questioning. 123 Waal 4<>lh at., near Broadway. A It K .VT10 >. ?cT) N SL I.TATI ON ON BUSINESS lawsuit*, enemies, losses. absent friends, lore, marriage auC death; pay rented unless satisfied. Mm*. HINOHl, Clairvoyant, 808 Hth ar. A?NO 1M POSITION -ORE AT I. SI li r s 1N I SS CLAllW ? voyant, Mrs. FOSTER; satisfaction or no pay. 42* Btli aT.. near 3KHk si. PR<IFKHItO if U f?V~KR, firvTWfcflT 2MD KT.-Iiouii s to H. 8en<)'nr droular' Moaey letters null ke oa#!* I tared.