Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORE HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,866. DIKKCT01IY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st Pao*?<4th.5th and 6th cols. A.SIKOLOGV?7th PAC?-4ith col. 151 LL1AKUS?2i> Pack?4tb eul lio A ItUhKS WANTRD-2D Pacb?3d col. BOARD and LODGING WANTED?2d l'ACH-SdeoI. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?Uo Vaum?lit col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?#tu Paok. BUSINESS KjTHES-5tu Pauk?6th uud 01b col CITY HEAL KSTAtE FOR SALE-2D PaCK-lst coL CLERKS AND .SALESMEN?7tm Pack-2i1 aj?d 3d cote. CLOTHING?7th Pack?Otli col. COACHMEN AND UARDENEKK-7TH Pao?-3d eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS-?? Pack?5th ??d6theoU. COPAKTN ERSII1 Ps?t>?i Pack. COUNTRY BoaRD-2d I'AOK-Sd col. DANCING aCADEMIfiS?2d FACK-2dcel. DENTISTRY?7th PAGK-Hth col. DRY GOODS? l?T Pack?4tb < ol. * DWELLING HOUSES TO l.ET. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED?2d Pack- 2d col. y'.'aOI'BAN STEAMSHIPS?7tu 1'a0??5th ool. BUROI'K- 'Jo Pack?4th cot. KXt.'U RSIONS?7th Paok?Oth col. Fl.\ ANC1 Al~-ttTII Pack. PINE AKTS?2d PAO*-4th cot FOR SALE?2d Pack?ttli coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET-2o Pack?2d col. PURNITURK?2u Pack?4th col. FRENCH ADVIlBTIhEMENTs?'7th Pag*-6th col. 11KLP WANTED?FEMALES? 7tii Pack-2u col. HELP WANTi:i)-.MAL4??-7rii Pack-3<i col. HORSES, t!ARRIAUKS. Jtc-lST Pack?2d aud 3d colt JIOIFLS?2u Pack?3?1 col. HOUSES. ROOMS. 41!.. WANTED?2d PaOI?2d col. INSTRUCTION?2n PACK-4tli ool. LOST AND FOUND?1st l'AGK-2d col. MACHINERY -2l> L'ack???tli col. MARBLE MANTELS-2d Pack?4th col. MED1CAL-7TI1 1'AGK-Oth col. ?MILLINERY AND DRKSS.M AKI NG-Ist PA08-4th eol. MI - CELL AN'EOl'S ADVERTISEMENl'S-lOia PaGK ' Oth col. MUSICAL? 1st Pao* 4th col. "NEW PUBLICATIONS?5tu I*AOK-6tb col?. P *?'. ItSON A L? 1 st Pack? I st col. J'lANuFOICTES. OKGANS, Ac.?1st Pack?4th col. l'OOL SELLING-1st Pack?2>l col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?2d PaCK-4th col. PROPOSALS -2d Pack?4th c?l. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTBD-FEMALES? 7th Pack 2<Icm> PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO r RENT?2d Pack?Ut col. REAL ESTATE To EXCHANGE?2d Pack?ltt col. KKAI, ESTATK WANTED?2d Pack?l?t eol. RELIGIOUS NOTICES-lsr I'auk?Ut and 2d cols. REMOVALS-2D l'ACK-1-t col. JiKWAKDS-lsr Pack?2d enl. SALES AT AUCTION?7tu Pack?.'Id and 4th cols. SITUATIONS WaNTED-PEMALES-7th PACK-Ist and 2d coin SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES?7th i*twi-Odc?A SPECIAL NOTICES-1.?t Pack?2d col. BTORAiiE?7tii Pack?Bill coi. SUMMER RI'.SOUTS?2d Paiik-IW col THE TRADES-7th Pack-:WcoI. THE TURF?1st Pack?2d enl. ??> LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAC*-2d col. KAVKLLEItS' (iUIDE?7th Pack?Oth col, UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack 2<l col. WATCHES. .IEWKLRY. AC.-2D Pack-1st col. WESI'CHKSTEK COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALB OB To LET-2d Pack?1st vol. WINKS. LIOUORS, AC.?2d l'ACK-3d col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.-IOtu Pack-8U> col. B f) PERSONAL. u?.-\?iThoT;t fail." "soi Re^rocY AL." a'b gyle Roouis. to-night. Will start ou early train, ^ NEWARK* ORA HANSEN.-THERE" IS~A LETTER FOR YOU at the Herald office Oct It. I^ioiitken" and twenty-exactly SAME AS lilatl lor to-day. Saturday. Frank and friend-meet at solarps, at ? o'clock. Saturday evening. MINNIE WALLACE. in EoRuE MVERS. LAST HEaRD~oT^KROM fiOTEL vTde Ilollando, Mayeucc. will Uud a letter there. Come home. SISSY. vr ^lrT me IIear fr<)m you7~"i~cXnnof en 1 > .dure this suspense : proper to eo so. L. VrORMAN-1 AM WEAR* AND DISHEARTENED: I J.N want . lriend. NORMA. Herald Uptown olliue. Robert v. kennedv of'?inkksot~in iioa " tfisllshtnivu, naturalised Iu Minnesota 1H5U $10 will be pmd lor Inlorinalloa that will lead to biidin,- either party i>r their legel heirs. Address Poat oAce box 5.11M, New Yorlt city. W HITB ROSE?IT WAfT NOT ANYTtMNo: ~WILL .?* follow soon; don't forKet CHADO. bT ?c an not" ~m ail bkfore sunday^ iTow JUT:.about areut? Hope It will not Interfere with Tues day. LOG. HKL.1G10VS NOTICES. A CAD'KMY OF Music. RROOKLYN.-KEVrykED. il Bell will preach to-morrows tuoruliiK subject, at 10:45, "People Wbo Look Alter Numuar Oue;'' CTeuit^ir, a hIiik iuK sermon. AL L S AI NT SrC iTult C H. COR N F.R OF IlENRY AND Scaiumel sis ittev. William T. Duunel. rector).?Service ID* A. M. and 7t| P. M. every Sunday, und on Wednesday 4veuini[. 7'j. At wash inuton st^UAUK ~nTk T H O DI ST EPISCO pal Church-Rev. J. M. KiUK. pastor, will preach at 10>, A. M. and 7>i P. M. Straugers cordially Invited and wel come. T WILlETT STREET METHODIST CHURCH? PresctiliiB Sunday, Rev. J. E. Searles, 1111, and 7Vj: ?er moo on "The Deeiraoleness of Life." Strangers cordially invited. A" MERICAN KREE^CHURCH. UN1YERS1TY~BUILD inr, Washinirtou square, Lev. Cbarle. Md'artny pastor.?At 11 "Revnlstlou Before tbe Bible." Mid 7:3(1 *'Adaa> is tbe OarUoii." ASPIKIIUaL CONFBKKNCB AT THE HARVARD Kiwim. Sunday, 2:30 1*. M. ; at 7:31), speakinir by Mrs. Ella A. itacoii ami others: subject. "Rodkai Thought tbe lnaplratiiiu of the Age " T FREE T7.BiTrNACLE~M KT|T0DI^^KpFs(T0P AL Church, 34tii at , between 7th and *tb a vs., Ilev, J. Jolmj. pastor, will preach on Sunday at the usual hours. Bormiiu subjcct. "Your Owu Salvottou Eveniuic. "A True Brother." >eats tire. A' itItS. NELLIE iTrIGIIAMi INSPIRATIONAL. ? Hpeaker. lectures tor Society of Splrllualistn In', A. M., 7f-a P VI., ball .)"? We?t 33d. neatslree. Tbe children's ly eeum 2>^. A" TUB .?ITi7l OUaBTET club TAKES I'ART ?before and altar Mrs. Ne lie Rrivham's morniiiK lec ture At tUo ^plritualistn' Ha'tl. 55 W?m 33d. Soats ;ree. T CIIICKEKlNii llALlZ 5TII AV . CORNER I HI'II st ?Rev. Samuel Colcoril preaches Sunday. IU:45, "Con secration." Rev. Win. Lloyd preaches 3:31), atteru ?>n. SinKiutf by t'harles L. Gunu and ^lie lar^e choir. Seat* free. E verybody welcome. BLKmTkKR rrRBKT UNITERBALIRT CHURCH.? The pai>tor, Kev. E. C Sweetwr will preach to-morrow morrow morning and eveuini; at 10^ nid 7!, o'rloe^ ; morning subject. "Caved liy llnpeosenluif. "From Jo]<pe to Jerusalem," the first ot a series ot lectures o? the tiuiy Laud. BEULAll PART1CULAit KAPflsTOHUKOH. tiitTEN nicli Hall, corner Cbristoptier und lludsoii sts.?Elder James Kickuell will pivaih to-inorrow. Services at lUV A. M. and :l I'. M. C'iaLVaEY RAPI 1ST church; 23D ST.," 11HTWEBN y.'itti and tfth avs ?Rev. E. G. Robinxon. 1). D., Presi dent of Brown University, will preach morning ami even ing. C1HURCII or THE STRANGERS. MERCER ST., NKAR ^Waveriey place.?Rev. I>r. Deems U to preach at 10:31) A. M. mid 7:30 P. M. Morula* ?uoJ?ct, "The Misaionarv Spirit ul True Humanity." All the seats free. OeuiietQeii nnLier? meet stranger* at the dour. "L^ I K.ST 11E K O R >I E D ~li P I SO OP\ L C11 URCH~MADI _F aon av.. earner of Willi st ? 1 ilvino services, murninc 11, eveniLi: 7:3l) o'clock : Sunday school 9:30 \. M. nev. Win T. Sabine. paator, will pro ich in the morning. Free i piscopaL ciiukch ok the ittooifciLi ation, 243 East nut nt? near 31 av - Servlcea and ?er liion by tl>* Rev. E. S. Wtddemer eveiy Sunday ul Iij :2<i \ M and 7 ;30 1*. M Sunday school at 0 A. M. A cordial wel come to all. ? FlKtII AVENUE BAPTIST OilURCH, 40TH ST.. 110% A. M.. Kev. A. Maclirlano, ??tur Hanson I'Uce Haptisi Church. Brooklyn. Subject?"Three Measures of Meal Leavened ." ~'4 I*. M.. Rev. W. P. C orbit, Jersey City. "Hod's Work in Saving Men." J~~1REE HAI'TIST Oil URCH, 8HTH ST., WK?T 9TB AV.? Kev. S. L. Itowrll will preach at lo>, A. M., ? Overcom lng Faith." and at 7}t P. M., "Kemumborlng Hod " C*^ RACE BAPTIHr OHURO*1,'WBsT"58D ST., NKAR r7tliav...l. Spencer Kanuanl. pasto . ? Horning service, 10::#). "What Thine Eyes Shall See.1' Kwuliigitnica. 7:!?), "Broken Hedges anil Kiting -??erpents." Sunday eehool, 21:80. H W BIldWN. THE WESTEKS EVANUEUST, WILL ? preach in Central .Methodist Episcopal Ohnrcli. 7tti ?v., between 13th und 14th its.. Sunday, ut Id,'., A. M. aud 7\ P. M Everyone Invited. adihon" avkmi.'e baptist church,wfEE hold religious service In the chapel of their hoiue of worship, .corner ol Madison av. and 3lat at., on Sunday next, at II "o'c.ock A. M. and at a quarter before ri P. M. Preaching hv Rev A. S. P att?n. D. D. The public are cordially invited la atlotid. M Madison avenue reformed church, cor. nor 57th it. Kev. William Lloyd, pa-tor, will preach, fctimtay, Hth Inst., at II V. M and M. Subject? Morning, "The Immovable Null." Evening, second of ?erica of vital question* co carmn( Jeede, vn ?"What Think Ye of Christ." All coidlally Invited. PIEOKIM BAPTIST CHUIiOH, 3311 ST~N EAK ~HTf| ?v ?Rev. I,'. P. fthi-Uiou will preach Suiulav morning and evening, ai It) :30 ami 7 : funday achool and lilble cUeses ?l*2:3D; strangers welcomed. BV. HKM.lAMIN V. BllWI.1. OF NRW.VRK. S. j", will preach in Trinity Baptist Church. .'>5tli at., between Lexington and :<d ?n . Sunday, Mav ti; morning ai 10:30, pu "Christian Individualism evening, 7 :4f>, "Hnuiau aud Divine l.ove Compared." R'~KV."T. i>. HBRR, PASTOR CRM I It a I, H a PT1 s r Church, Weal IJ.l *t. ? Mornle* anh|eet, 'Trial of ihe UoapelevenlUK, "l.vaaoii* iroio the liook of Esther." REvTV \V EN API'. 1? bT. wYiX PREAItH IN THE Klrat MUal.m Uaptist Church. corner of Latent and Var lea eta, at 10?30 A. M. 7 'JH) P. M. c I XT II AVE N UK KE Kc) KM BD CHURCH, RRV. WILL Oiana It. Merrltt, pastor, will preach 10:3" A. M and 7 S?l P. M. Praise meetinic Monday ereuinir. K o'clock. Come dTANTOW HTRSE't nAl'TlST CIII'HCII, BETWEEN r^<!liry?tle and Foraythe.?I'aator, Samuel .1 Knapp will II). V ) lieitln hi? ministry with this cnurcli t.-uiurrow iHunday). May H. Subjects:?A |M., Inenjnral aer in on ; 7 ;3ti I*. M., "Ilia I wo Voices." A cordial welcome to ?ll. S" PRINU KTREBr PUESKVTEKIAN church-rev. A II. Moment, pastor. I'reachiu 11)>, "Indellbla Wriilngl" TMA P. M., lecture, "The Wllch of Kudor." S? T. H'l'EPHEN'S CllUltCII, ?7 TO 5? WK?T Mill sT.. the Kov. A. H. Uart, rcctoi.?Srrviceaon Sunday at IO:D>i A. M. ami t I'. M. S- T~IH^TfUR'WURCH, 40TH UT.. BET WE > n'.'.TH, ami Kill ava., l)r. Ewer, rector, nftti'lutlnK ?Services 7 H JUVH (charai),7)^? ichorall, whnu, by requeu. tlie Kev I)r .^eabury, rector id Clmruh ot tlio Annuliciatl>ili, will re peat Ills aormnii on. "I'hou shalt not muxule the ox when Le treaiUtb all the corn." SJT. '.Mi I IN METHODIST KI'ISCOPAL CHUHCil, -.31) 5?t , near Broadway,?Kev. K. McClelland, pastor, wtll preiicii Mflilnit and evening. rpAHKRNAOLB BAPTIST CHURCll, 21) AV., BK 1 tween Huh aud 1Mb sis.. Iter. Hubert II. Ilull, pasl. t.? Morning?"The Sell mrilloe ol Jeans." kvenluif?"The Christian's Help." liapiiiiug at eloae ef evening aermou. All cordially Invited. RELIGIOUM SEOTICES. Tl\>."hlfvrGARDINER'Sl'lll NO Pl.UMLEY->?ORTH Dutch Cuurch. entrances 103 Pulton ?i. and M aiiu si,: lo>, A. M., "Ballet and Unbelief;" 7k 1'. M.. "Trial and Reward" The annual sermon bbfokITthk hkehbytb riaik Board of Forelun Mission* will be delivered Sunday eveulug. May tt. *1 the Madlsou Suuaro Presbyterian Church. by tha pastor. Bav. William J. Tucker. D. D f IIE "LABOR RKFORM COMVKNTM'N MKHTH IS j Masonic Hall, i:ith at.. Snauay lorenoon. afternoon ami ! evening. E n. Heywood, Injalli, Dr. Millar and oilier * speakors. | r*IHK~ RBV. OEOBiTb P. SIBOMUND. CHAPLAIN OK I X tbe Church Uermna Society, will preach a teroiou In oe half nt ilia society. mi Sundav evening. V iy <\ in tho Church I ot tbe Treuafljuration, Bait 2itth at., near .'?tU av, Service lugljM at 8.. ___ " LOST A.\ IJ KOI \ 1J. ' T '08T-3>N"THE COl'lNKK OF TS'Tlf Si. AND 4T1I AV.. Aj I llov's Overcoat. The fluder will receive a liberal re ward bjr leavlag It i)t 100 East TUtb at. IOST-IX MAUI SON SOU AUK. A BRYB "tKKKIEK. Jau?werin> to the mime or "Dot " The finder, by returu iug to Mr. rOWBRS, U.Vt Broadway, will be liberally re warded. T OlJT?FRIDAY-BVEmil, APRIL SJ, IX FARK AJTkeatre, a dark blue brocudod silk lluudkerchlot Tho ftmier will receive f'? reward ny addressing IIA.NDKhK CtllEF. b?x 162 Herald Uptown offlee. I' 4>4T-*UNITKI> s I'ATEs EXPRESS RECEIPT-BOOK. J I'leaae return to 62 Broadway ; a suitaulu rew.trd will be >paid. L"o<rr?Mamoko bisq"Ttwo oabat btonbt deep 1 seiting; liberal reward. THOMAS CANNON. 3H Broadway. T jMT~q)( NIGHT OP 1ST INST., GOLD WATCH JUmarked "Jf. ,t P.. *34;" Chain also. Please send pawn or amount of reward wunted to UNLUCKY. ili-aald Uptown i thee. oewakdn. i.-ir, fi'ul>a\\~'\ ikey. Keiurn to 31 Went 2tfth ?l. ^ r' RBWiBD.?LOdTi 'FKiijA'Yr" YELLO W .-OoTcTl ?p'J l orrier named Jak 41 S KEWaRD.?LOS'I^ ON TCJESDaY, A UltFEN V-l.''Parrot. with yellowish head. Applv No. 1 East Stun ? i The bird Is of uo value except to the owuer, who re gard* It aa ii pet. d"?ll BKW BD-LOST IN NKW~Y0KE UhTuROOK <P_Ul>u, abllver Mutch Box. The above reward will bo paid upon it* return to .V 1'aYLOU. t!7l> Btoauway, N. Y. ~ Si>Kt 1AL NOT1CEB*. V '-ls6""fV')'3<m KEET ON"NORTH SIDE'OP'PIER'S J\?North River to rent. Apply nt the office on pier. JOsKPH CORNELL, Superintendent. TTEXTlON 1?TWENTY " YEAHS' PKU8SUN HOS pital experience , diseases of men u specialty. Coiuul tatloii tree. Dr. JACOBV, nil llleecker tt. A. -THEODORE ZSCHOCH, Havana Banker akd iiiioker. i'urk row. New York. ACBKTAIN OUKK POB IIBaDACHE. CONSTIPA tion. pile?. Momach, livnror kuiuey diseaseii; weakuem, Ac. HRoUiiHTON'S Invliroiatlnir Syrup. J">c. pur bottle Incurable canes solicited and cured or money retiiruetL Sample bottle, circular and advice free. 4<J.r> Broome nt. B. MaBTINEZ a CO., Banker*, 10 Wall ?t. (bHiemeutl, buy and aall tipunith Bonds. Spanish (jnld and Havana Bnak Biliai Oratl* mi Havana issued and negotiated. Lottery Pri?e* canhed. Next Drawing May 1A. ClONflULT DB. OR?NDLB FOB AU YOUR* COM ^ulamt*; quick cure whatever the uiattar. Ottlce 142 Went 4Hth st. C. 11 IN ES K LAUNDRY, <41''7~4TII AV.-QhNTLEMEN^S yand lamillHs' washing ?ud ironing dono in the best mau ner; itoikU aant for mid delivered to all part* ol the city. IIABP WAR, Proprietor. D_?Vuar b k (> a i)w a y! I'.xtonvlve London hoapltal practico. Cnnsuitation free In all com plaints. ISEASKS ~0 P~ME N-A ~S P E t Ta LT Y. HI'.NltY A. 1?ANII'.l.s, M. D., 144 Lexinirton av., near 29th St. Office hour* from 8 to 3. DIvokces' spebITily oiTtained without Fub llcity: deaartion, lacoinpatibllity, oilier ransos; having uausual advaatage* success aaauraas advice tree. lrsAAl' O. BOYUE, Lawyer, 2H7 Broadway. LECTBIO BELTH POR PREMATURE DEBILITY.? tientlxmen, call or tend for circular*. Dr. KAUR, r>32 Broadway, New Ynrk. Fine uyk' whiskey, four" years old. ?4 per gallon; 91 per lorne bottle. N. VaN HK1U 8M Cham bers at. _______ ? Banker* and Broken, 2(10 Broadway. NEBVOUS EXIlAt'STloN.-A MEDICAJi ESSAY, comprising a aeries lectures delivered at Kahn's Mu seum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause anilcurx ol pre mature declina. showtug iudlapntably how lost liealtb may be regained; aH'ording a clear >ynopsla of the iiupedlnieiit* to marriage and the treatment ol nervous anil physical ile billty, being the result of 20 year*' experience. Price V"> cents. Aildres* tbe aoihor, Dr. L. J. KaHN. oflicrund residence. 51 East 1<MIi ft.. New York. PAR 1'Tes MOV1NU WIiTl DO WKLL TO EXAMINE the Aojn.nable Shell Braoket. Shelve- call lie put up without nails or screws. For *ale at 24 Dey si., and all hardware stores; pi le* 25c. <*>u'oC -JtKSTUCK77.MayTu. ; St.-s.tXM> at $i: ?pO ( . ?')?.! AC KSON x CO., bauk?r?. K2 Nassau *t.. near Fulton, late ol 202 lltoadway. .New York. ?? \/TA 1II t AND OVER. vyUU.uUl/ Ixiuitiaiia Single Number, Juno S, Lnder the ?uparvi*lon aoi management of Geueral Bouu ragurd, of Louisiana, and General Julutl Early, of Virginia, ifimi i>*? tor $10. Audreae H^a<LiAMM>N*A Oft, 317 Broadway, New York 7 r.<i nilit -StJYAl 11 a'v vnpbiziTTiTficKTB ?P I ?it's"/v'/.caaheil; circulars with lull inloruiattoa sent Ir e. Address J. I>UKFA OO., Bankers, 42 Nassau, corner Liberty. New Yor*. POOL SEIiLlVO. NEW "YORK Tl'RK "EXC1I tX0E.""i?"WE?T' 28f U St.?Auction, French and combination Pools will he sold every nay and evening this week on Hie Nashville races; lull returns of each heat and lace by telegraph KELLY ,t BLISS. POOLS SOLD THIS APTKRNOOtf AT NEW YORK i I'urf xchange. l.r? Weit 2nth at. - Ijouiavllle vs. Cincln natl; Boston vs. Inoi.iuupuli^; Chicago vs. Mar. Tee- I -rams received KKIBBBT A McCLOUD. I nPATTKB-AI.L*. 1,227 BBOADWAY.?ENTRIES AND | x rutui iim Iro'it Nh?Iiville Kn cejfcJir-ct from tt?? cuiuho. | THE TIBP. * T WE.-T SIDE DKIYINO PARK, JERSEY CITY.? JxTha nnflnlshcd 2:4 > ra e to o? r> ted to-liiv. 2 o'clock P.M. Tha proprietor otlei s pur-e of f0(>; free for all, f> go ! aa they please; to close at 2 o'clock, on the track; live to enter, tlirao to start; 10 per cent entrance. WM. VAXKEUBEN._ MHSK!) A\D CAHHiAUKS." A FINK TEAM OF BLACK HOUSES AND NEW satin lined l.anditu to be let by tho mouth, lobe seeu at 124 West 49th st. T. DEM AirEST I Cfil s Carriage Builders, i!2H Broadway. Owing to greatly docrcased expenses we are* enabled to offer our stock lof our own uuiKei of ?? ?? ? ??? at greatly reduced pllces. The attention ol' buyers invited * TOP PHABTO ? 9120; TOP B> oTTyTIiI'S: EVERY ilstylc Carriage nually low; buv dir ct froui the muna l'actiirer, thereby saving commissions. IiaLVEB Jt ilit.iV .a, US West Broadway. A A- FOB . SAFETY. OOMHHtr, ECONOMY ati<4 accuracy in ruuumg ot wheels use tho greatest Im provement ever labile tit curr'uye Uuihliu;:, the llt'BHEIt Ol'nIUO ?!*.!> AXi.K. A" T~KOSHMOKE STABLE*. 247 AND 24M WEST 41 ST st.?First class uecomiuodntious ?or boarding horses; price, $-"? per mouth. handsome Horses and IVugons to .et> A ?4 i'Ol*"DEPOT WA.JONS, 1 OPEN BASKET, i ?Open l'auel Phaeton, 1 Top Pony Phaetons, 4 D-seat Kockaw tys?, 1 t'oupe Koeka.vay, 1 Canopy Top Puaetou, by Wood Brothers; 1 .Skeleton Wagon. I >ulke?, by Brewster A t/'a.; Urge assortment ot lop ami Open Koad WA. onb, by city makers. Above are r-econ?1 laHtnl * arris*i/e?, and offered Allow prices. * W. H. OHA.V, 20 ttiid 22 Wooster it. ?HKVh N ItORS ksi I r FA KM I Nl^ TRUCK! J <i ?or any business. cheap. 4*> ' Went 29th st , feed store. A-roii" SALE, TWO (TVl'PK. BUSIXKSS ok ? family Horses, 16 hands hign, ?? years; *tl o one (lark gray taddie and hurtles* Horse, 1 luinds, ti years *, very styllnh und handsome; all warranted sound nud Kind; u good trial given. Apply 8 East Houston ft., near Bromiway. \-THK <:*rRAPKSr KSTAltLlMllHSNT EVEH OK. ? lered; jsJ.V)j cost leas than one mouth widest over $1,*AN); a sorrel Horse, all style, 7 years old und trots fust; elegant top Phaet<u, fine rubber mounted llaii?MS, Blankets. i*p Kohe, \\ hip, Ac., nsklng on? of ti??* pnultii ' turnouts in rue city; also top Wagon, good as new. 15W West 111 si st. % GHAT *' A N A* J?IA N FoNTI 2 oTHKB iioRS&l; JVsnii truck, grocer, farming, Ae.; f40, |oft. 11 ! llester St., feed store. A -m m.i. iitLit oubas k<?u CAtiif Kfuurrrub ?shitting leather top Para I'haeton. very lUlii, nohiif, j for one ol twu horses, seats four persons, pole and shaft*, j ami hoe leather top threo sprioi; Pony i'naetoii; alio light top Brewsier spring Koad Wagon; Hunscotuh Harness. | Address Mr. Ja ?lKS, at the i\ nicaerbocker foliage, or j -KOHC.K. the stewurd at the Oltr? stable, where they can i Lie seen. No. 1-7 West 2*th St., near Uth av. * OAIIKIAUEK, Sl HM AM1ALI.V HI'IU, ilANIJ- ! J, V *soro.'i> flnisi " ' ?? t lowest manufacturer's prices IUKNK.h.s, every description, light or heavy, my mil .utac- I lure, Jill upward: elegant Pooy rtlAI'.TOMM, iostner top Ul/iaOl h.>, $1.6. top Depot Wagons, $lut?. Kim KA* j WaYM, #113; extension top Phaeton*. I'oupo ito< kaways, I ?Ac. Ifitie assortment of LAP i I tiS Sheets Ml ink is. j Whips Ac. JOHN MOOHK, o7 Warren *t. I Agkntleman wishks to disVosk ok him k.v tire stovlt, onslstlhg of Carriage and testn, top ami csliopy Pony Phnetons, Trotting Hor*e?, Koad Wagons, Single an.i Double Harness Blankets, .-table Flftturt-i. Ac. N. B. ?^tabio to -el. elegant sccotn turn) at Ions for auy pri vate party, at reasonable rent. liliJ West Jlstst. fill CA141.Sa.SD HOUSES KOfl HALF. at the liquor store corner of 29th st. ami 8ih av. ABAIiOAlS.-BKfcWHTEtt, OK HKOO.\| K Si , TOP side bar Wairon; also single and double Hurness, by Dilltsoomh. Prlvato staido, 1 West l'?tu ?t., near ./th av. A OEnTLEMAN HaVIN( SOLD Ills IIOKSEH WILL hciI hia l?andaulet, lull * , ami set ol Harness; also his fMat Koad Horse, rich nay, l.'? 4, stylish, sound, pure ^rsitao Koad Wagon, Harm s-, Ac.; all as good a^ now ; sola at sat. rifice. Seen 14*1 vVest Sltfih st, A-BAKHXINS.-A BE A UTi KlTL IIOKFK, PH A h TON ?and IIarnrss; also handsome light extension leather top i'haeton . liemn Wn.ou to seat lour persons, veiy styl* itb, pounds ; Brewster s patent, improve*! spring, siue bar, shifting fop Uosd Wagon; will sell separately, aho Ingle and Double Harness, good hs new. Palette (71 uo St^l ies, 1 ? K tit :? th - t. Bvv oTiLDiNcT i ? ?, nioTi koalkd fivi. oof by Hamlet, son of Volunteer; ne by l(y*?lyk's Itambleton tan; lirst nam, Kaglees Lexington, oy Swlgert's l?exiugt9H| KSCiind (lain Hapless, hv imported tHeneoe; this is one ot the most, promising young homes in the country and one who will give a good account of himseii. Will be sold on Haturday, May ft, by JOHN 11. DliAPKK it to,, 112 Pearl sr.; can be seen at stables, 13* East 41st st. ; guaranteed sound und kind. BKAl'i ilM L KI LL HPRINO AND HIDE BAR TOP Huugy. single Harness; nearly new; uo offer refused. .So Weit 10th st. Ciol pi iftCOJN(? HAND). / Very light ; in utiloudid coudition; nswly done ovrr. A. T. Dt>l Au&ftl A CO^ s>2* Broadway. j*WR.8?8 A?i) i'aukiaukit. A oi5wk^k * sox'si ? ? -rvury aionon makt and new yobk tatteb ch 4?u 5.?'''broadway and wth ?t. spiin a' AUCTIONEER. kvfky wkhiitfh,i0 hormie, Carriage*. .tc., vuvv-^v t.v'ua* anu sa.ti;rdayt. til* vitvv iv allowed Cur trial. lihtmlil io tb. si* to. ^irnu i x?" """elk-amenta. i'atim fi Carriage*. caralg<?l h OF MALE THIS day AT 11 O'CLOCK. ""awdmsvk' ok/ebbd at audiui. h1 krr i \ it. twi'l oo.kkiktino >'f fomeil 1m7i ? ?!.i ^ v*! "" k??l?llnjr. 15? high, like rum lnii'urr^- ? i**""-"' fl"ni hy aloalito : la gaited beat " o?n trot in u :107 will INK/ "'?? ?ea?on: warranted sound and kind. mur*? lht ff! sorrel ?ud<ll<! hud harness of roaches aular^it'c? : fut bv b?-?r>1- dlu" ^y " ?"n stylish?vd /? '* vnr> beautllul and - *> ami wi'l i . " 'ui ?x,ri?"r?l<tmry promise: can trot In iv .i/ . ? " 1 "i:JO ll"' "? ?'?!} if ?i*?u a cliauc. - niti- r"-in u'r/ir ?"?vwl"vr-"ueu "<iunj ?l,d k""1 1.v Pilot'an'"i utay ,s>? hllfh, fonlo.1 1871 ; *klt., .,vh!,rU',ln,'",Mli ,,y ?*"""?? *?'?* Hawk: .. Duel, lrrv.a.o * w"'oe u" maniiiritim'r?i" i'ltflj. foaled 1870; jrot by ,"lra.0y r'? Buy Chief; it I -ra ? ? xzjfft Wi"'"'"- """ ?y ? *?"?? *?? 1'iiirm i ?!.? uVul,h" driver ??<! * m per b taddier: tinetv * dltlven *tu?jrKTl?kh *ar w,ar"fu<!'1 ?"u?d and kltiz ar.i'^vorT?a*t p,uorn* " ?"? ce'"ljr?i?d v?rui^bt ver^tyiwb rray \1 iro"v p.ut,fl'1.col"Prl?i"ic ? h?udm>me and v.rvu,?fi'-rvi^ "b- w j,,'e"r" "1u: 14 ??d rehubla url wutfon ii 'l-rtl'uy k"ow" "bj?e<: !>#? trotted to top TOP SI iir.!iu warranted lonnd and kind. V top s^vik ."ld n-arlynew. nv. ?ij../V ">???"!'. by Howard. i Vp/ j ,be?vy k*l're?? wftifim. u t n'tkki kPul'" "'"i S'"- lu "*'nrs?. laniuert rit' hi?i '"rk? uhj! trt,Wl"* l o". ?>' by Danie\ ui the hjit |u i ytl>irh ?,(i: witbout exception is one uinif hlirs^?# lmo111 ^mu5,# d4iw<>#jtlonoc1 nnd pr<?ni cuularv " """ "" "CCUU,U of P j{j,V.KAVVA v, ??w. l>v Terrtll. tup liob.iisw esh )v by terrllt- ' tot- l rrv t> a bv i"' j'jmi sent w tiicmii, hue ortier XAi*r*"?*rWl'los* ul n i itt/?l- v,kk po^tponod <>n account of weathar ?ai.? of thmuvyahmrkoin*l u a h110licock'S ik ~cabk7auk bbpaibina ~ fsu aa-r " """? nr&rassssa." tjil. toiiias' HOUSE ummknt-ix PINT u.ft nrup i j(11n e cakiuages ~at popular prices. landaflet* rotkaways. COACHES. ' WIVX? broughams. f r .^ru1 col/pes. . f cakts. , biihrra. ROAD waoons. h?;wku. p1mktonk. docroits' wagons ajtd phaetons. A Una and larx* atock of flhrnaia. raw* 374 Broom, .t (old .taui of brow^rvci.) pinb CABRlAOfca ? wa have in (took a large and complete assortment ol floe carrlagea, all our own inanulactar?, and in tba latest style, consisting oi cabrloleu. four s?at Extension Top Phaetons, rockaways, Beach Wagons. Doctors' phimlona. lamlly pbaeton, Top side Bar Waiton>. hang on J. B. Brewster M co. 's patent erosa springs il^ttand no-Top buirgiea of all deacriptloas, which we warr.nt to be first elaaa in every particular, and are selling at greatly reduced prlcea. bbockktt a TITTLE. t?l Ooflle at., [ ?? ? New Haven, Conn. pobsalk-A okntleman'h tha"m 7)k" HOBsfcT. ?i?yfe5d'ljpt^nptsy't***"*? a,',lro,,, I tt9" sale?a TEAM ok <;oo|> Hiirxks rw.i' hi V. i pij!< sai'k-A HOOD tiujckltorsr oh trsV awn r Truck, in iroo.t order (17 newst and p(?k S A li'.?(ink FIRST 4' la>s .11 .MP SEAT W idov 1 imd lurrnrn. inc|iiir<> u?S snllivun st. U f?v.,r;u:ikri,1a>ds',i,k.h,jan mark, w hands ! in per^t'ordor sh wlut IhSntf"*"-' j i^OR SALE \t A ii uioai.V-A HANDSOMK r tnVN ! sairnsss! ens't 3-!d u!" "" " ",,l"n"", ,l lu>'lb K*?y toaut. l.%?4. 1s0 p95 jmnmoii STYLISH TEAM jts 53s John ii. draper, auciionkei:" by rn'j!N,'' ?UH a'*Ef: ?* CO.. fills DAY, May.'>. IS77, . , .... o'clock, noon. in irnnt of thf*lr storo ll!i i'? .ri .? n . i? hand, high: r?? . citrriajfesi. ?a!,""wn .a^:qU*rter t,"m ty Br""?r*C.? lined T c'att'bulii' by'llrewliter AO,'? s^nd liule^jVed!' *"-> v?'r elegant und Pony i'baeton. with nimblo. i.nllt by wood Hro. .. . . hit mess. ac. o'l'lh " !".? 'l,"rP in ado h.? (Campbell KOOd as ...? hat Pun* ii dauleli d*w ? ? t?i 11 !/ i L'ntt harnem. blanksts!' 8u'u ltv""' W,"P?. ^.p Bob... LANKA' (SECOXD IIANU). leather top, III aplendld <-<nir|itlon. nt t bargain. A. T. DI'.M AllK.Hl',k CO.. ii2S iiroadiray. IIVKItY HTAH1.K-I47 A Nil 14? WKHT :I5TII ST., Uf>X JUKI; or will alter tur any bualuea~. ANKKKff*. 121 Kaat 25th ?t. N~> W TOP "uij.slNK.s* \VAtJON. f'A I K.NT \VIIKKLS, #125; mixta to order lor $220. heen 124 West Il'tli 11, 1>i >N i i'll AK I'UNrti. *V'e offer, aa a apictalty, a cod Ptiarton for il 1(1. A. T. f?K.M A.:r ST ,t CO.. H2M H oadway. 1>U!K PHAKTOX Klin SAl.K V'iihAl*. INQUKK AT I 4.ri \Yeat 2*tli at. j J^liCUN' l> ilA.Nl> CAHKiAOKt for aaJe at ureal bargains. 3 Clarencea. <1 Conner. 8 >1 x seal Hock Bur a v?. 'I Conpe Korkawaya ?' llirtit Curiam iiucaa?iiy>. I ii.ill tup 1 abrlo l?H. 2 V irturlaa. il Cabriolets, T Cart. extension top Phaeton, ais-seated fbaatan, cut under four aurni* iliiKn'r. 2-wheel I><<k I'urt. 2 Jump seat VYairoiia. laiiixut ?eat Phaeton, it sealed Depot Watoii, 4>iiaataJ I'onv Phavtmi, 2 tup I'ony Puaetous, basket Pony Phaeton. 4-s?aird riI top ! W aeons. Depot Wagou, 2 no lop Wagons. 25 top Wagons. Some of the above are in flue order, and built by liruwaler ! A Co., of Hroume at., and otliar good makers. A few sets of sacoad hand Harness fnr aale at a bargaiu. A, S. PLAN DBA C. I 37J and rt74 Broome at. (old atand ot Itruwatrr A On.) OTVLISII IIOKKK. Ul tiOV AMU IIAKNKSS-CAN Hk 1 tJai-fii Saturday nunday and for three data nt WaLTKK^ ' ?tables, 47V Pacific at., Brooklyn, florae H jears old. waf- i ranted sound, kind and perfectly broke, tlnjrle. double and ' t 1 saddle . the turn Jill roal fl.U'M; will be auld for loss than , hint, a r?ro chance to gel a haudaotne and perfect hwrae. STaMT.K To I.KT-NO. J20 \VK?T SOTH >T . SMAH tltn a* : l?i stalls A. KaPEI.VK, I(?i Fulton at. SIX -KaT KOOKAWaYS. W,' have tour, a little tunnwnrn : Ollor at bargains. A. T DhMAKKM' A CO.,(MM Itroadway. VJTAHI.K <?K FART Of TO 1>IT. NIXI ITALIA, redouble carriage room, euachmen's rooms; very cheap rent for two trieinia 17 West 41th at. U'AS I Kl>?BY A (IKXTl.BMAN OP KF.HPONHIH1L lit. living a ahort dlatance In the country, a llorai' or pair of llnrsea, to during the summer lor light urlvlng ' f.n tlielrkecp; beat iriron, Ac. Addreaa II. M., box 2,71m Poat ottice. VirAN'TKO?KNiiUSII TWl> WliRKL TANDKM DOO r? '"art; ?l?? tliorouuhbred (saddle llnrae, y<jn11? aud uo- \ trained. <1. a. It., Hotel Brunawlck, fitli h? .New York, \t'ANTKI?-A 1)AKK KAY IIOHMH, 1.".^ HANDS, 1 II tilack p'dntl, kind and aound, that inn trot a mile to the p de il If^O, A<idrei>N O., box l^'.l llerald oni?.*e, WA.NTRD?A H f Y LIH11 HKOW.N OK OKAY TAIt 'lag? Ilorae, 17 hand* high ; muat be aouiiil, kind and very cheap. Inquire lor V? P. K , Karla't Hotel. "11 rANTKD TO illKK Pull A Tfiw MONTHrt, A \ f iiuic/y <>r two soatud Carriage. Addreaa J. Ik II., box _ ii.Ull feat aiUoa. p DRY GOOUM. A&AbOX5 AND SUN CMliitELLAS OF VOEEIUM ASD DOMhSTIO MANUFACTURE, INTHODUCING VARIOGS MOVEL AM? DESIRABLE STYLtS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL ANl) exclusive DEblUMS. BLACK, PLAIN AND MUCKED SILK PARASOLS TRIMMED WITH RIBHOS, LOOPS. FR1XUE OB LACK. BLACK TWILLF.D SILK~7'AiiAS?LB. LINED WITH SILK. AND SUN umbrellas IN OKEAT VARIETY. BUNTING iPaRASOLS, IN ALL THE SEW SHADE8, LINED WITH BUNTING AND ELEGANTLY TRIMMED, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY, 4TH AY.. WTH AND IOTH 8TS. JJARIS. Au Frtlt St. Tbotuaa. Koonhum. Rue du 13 ac 27, 29. 31, 38. 33, and Rut de l'Unlver site U3. This home, established upwa'd u( titty years, is unlver eallv known and turned n< ?ne ol the liueat establishments hi Paria, ill which thorough confidence may be nUveJ. Noted lor beniir remarkably cheap. ill Ita immense prom isee will be louud lUu most complete assortment of SI ks, Irom the celebrated fabrics of linunet, Potlson, Ac.: tho very duett novelties ol .vanev Silks, Ii diu and French t/'ashinera Shawl*. Woollens. Laces, Linuorie, i'unltfCtlODl for ladies. I1 lire, cotton and thread Stuffs. Hoslerr, Uloves, Ribbons, Trlmminga. Carpets, article* of Furniture. Wed dlnj.' Out'lts. KiticlTnh Malatauti. Fixed nrire. BKST BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS PROM W 90 TO f-' per yard: beet l'ap ?iry Kruiset* Carpet* iroio tmc. t<> Ji 25 LOKIt A TAYLOK. (.raud, corner Chryatie, and Hit audSTi Forsyth ?t. Best tiibee-fly carpet krum ii to tt srv; twat In ^ralii Carpet Iroiu 35c. to $1. LORD A TAY LOlt, Crand, corner Chryatle, and HI I and S5 Forsyth at. Mais, ruus and" maiti.nos in" kvkry Variety and style, at LOUD A TAYLOR'S, (Irand, corner Clirya tie, and Kl and S'i Foraytn at. Oilcloths, all widths, proms to 34 frot, all prices; Linoluum. ilie best substitute lor oilcloth, a ?pecialty, LDitlJ A TAYl.HK. Uraud. corner Chrystic, aud Kl anu 80 Forayth at. MII.LI\KIIV AMD OiUBMMAJCXJVO. A -SPECIAL NOTIOK.-JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER .case ol eleir.nt bonnets. which will lie not.I at ball' tho cost ol importation. CAMILLE DE LACY, Km.".; Hrond way, near 19th at. T MARIS TIUUNN'R, OP PARIS, AUXNT AND Importer. New invoices finest I'ariaiun Honneta, now colors, Uuiaue modes in elegant deslggn*; laioimuui prices. "Mile. Tilniunn'a Huts are perfect 'poemt in silk.' Her Honilttta allow the touch of tho artlat. Her show room la the real counterpart ot a Paris talon." - Home Jourual. May 2. -t-3 litli av., tecund door below 2Uth at. A JlltlSlCAAi. A"'"'cIEIIMAJTyoUNU i.ADY, ACCOM I'LlSHl'.D AND eilucati'd In manic, wishes a -.ituatioti with a line family. Addreea K. M., box Hi' lleralit utttne. A TENOR, FAMILIAR WITlfciIl ECU MUSIU, OF (jood attainments, wiahea engagement In j;ood quartet. A. it., box I3(i Herald ollice. GENTLEMAN OF GREAT hXPERlENCE GIVES leaaons on tbe p.anolorte, oryan aud harmoiiy, at pupil'a reaidenco, tor per iiuarter; reloruncca i:lveii. Ad drcas PBGGESbOR, box ItiO Herald i ptowu office, north "g55man~ lady. "with briluXnt mualc, I'arlslau French, English, drawing, sum nier enhancement: Spunith family pretorred ; lii|(liet.t refer ancea. Addicts O. B., tlerald Uptown Branch office. SO F It A NO W ante D?FOKSl. J 011N' s K PISCOPAL Cburcli. Stamford, Conn.; ladles posseaalng young and Ireah voices can addresa, at atiitu aalary exnecteil, ruter elien, Ac., UROANIST. Iiui U7 1'oat otKce. >taiulord. Conu. PIA.VuFOitTKM, OKGAKS, .Vti ACHANOK.-SPLICNDID NEW UPRlOHr AN'U aquare I'lauoa tc rent, aud rent allowod if purnhused; a lew nearly new exceedingly low; all now Pianoa war ranted lo* live yeari; /routest reductions to ouali cuatoinors evor ottered, at IIAl v ES IlltOS., 145 and 1-17'it h av,cor ner -1st at. Old Pianoa taken in excitative A "PRIVATE FAMILY* WILL HELL ~T1I SIR STKINl way Pianoforte lor 915(1: also a inatfuiflrent Decker (of 14tli at.) I'lauolorte. lour round comers, 7,'j octave, mado to or ter, out $1,(iijO, for V'J7.">; Siool. Cover and Cablnut. Caae for thlppinx; makers' bill and Kuaramee tranal'erreil to purchaser; also Parlor, Library. Dining Koom and Chamber Furniture. Call tliii day at private reetdence 120 We at 2-t'l st.. near litli av. , . few Second hand KRANISCH * BAOH AND oilier makers' Pianos at Kreat bargains. Noa. 241 and 243 East 23'! at V -FOR RENT. UPRIGHT. SQUARE AND GRAND ^ILtl'lanoa of our own make; also lor sale anil re'it, a niun her of line aecond ban-l I'iuiioj, iu perfect order. WILLIAM jt'KNABE A CO., N j. 112 5th av . above 10th at. A -lakgk assortment of .^iIcTnd TiTnd ^VtPlanoH, In thorough Kooii order, aome ol whlrli are nearly new: lor aaio at very low prices. ('IIICKEUINO ,k M)NS, Ith av. and li-Uli st . Assortment" of second hand steTnway Pianos, nearly new, very low ; also Pianoa of ether maker*; Ueuare of b i ns piano* palmed off as ueiiiiine Meinwny make, at auctluu or iu private house* STEIN W AY a SONS. Steinway Hall, I4tb ?t.. New York. VT SO il M !?: |{~A *JO.'sT l 4H EAN r I IT11 SI'.T NEAR 3D av . piano luauufacturera. ? First class Pianoa at ex tremely low iirlcea; uew anil second band Pianoa to rvul aad en instalment*. SOU M KK a CO.. Itnl-.ast 14th at. AN UPRIO'JT PIANO. FIRSf CLAStTji AKKR: ant reastoiable price ; tuniily Iravinx city. 57 East 5uth at. \ 7 OCTAVE PIANO, ALL IMPROVEMENTS, I x\.^ I-3 octave i:i rltibt. tacrltlce ; llr(>n,Mtt OHRlHTlR Jt i II, 1.21H llroiulwav, corner :i.'ith st. LA by wl LL^ACIirKIC K~ST EIV W V Y PIANO for t X1-$I(?I; ama^nttlceiit 7Jj octsve Pianoforte with all luod I e n liut'iovemenra, patent uKraffe, overstrung basi. four lurce round corners, carved Ioks aud case, coal last Novetn I ber $1,2ml, for f'i.'VI, Stool. Cover and Music Stand, cu<t . $125; boxed lor ahipplng; a rare chance to buy a Bfatelaaj Instrument lorlittle money, ('all belore pureiiasim; vise where at prlvato residenoe I't't East 1 ??iIi at., liei vuou .il ' av. aud Irvinx place, one blouK east of I'nlou s<|tiare. 4 private family" will sei.i. sr kin way 1Vi'iKiioft>rt? f??r * inilli*nt fuitftl, 7^ ocImvc*, luur round, roNH^vod c?hh Piun<>. claOoruiely ci&rvvd, iiftvini; nil | hnproviMiictits. lull ntirifclTj. ovcrMruiiK. tic. ; luukcrH' I ii Nine Cft?t 111 |*l At**; pfirrliHvetl co?l | fur in*k?rH' tfuarnutof. fttcil, cover. b ?\ f??r Rhip|>ifi/; .4 (liH'iiiiMi Imrifmn. Cull private re#luoiic?t No 47 Wen l?itii nt., IjoIvvt'on '*n? mid <?ih u\>. ; houxe < pen Iroiu H A. M. to H V M. A FEW SKro.ND IIAND WKBBR PIANOS AT VRKY tfrent burgains : noma %?f tliem u?to<! but 14 vwy ?hort timo by our Ih;?i inunlcitnn nud ronll) >4lrii(?Ht 141 jroot] h* mow; fiiil> w.?rraiit?U iu Mvvry renpect. Plvitno cull at the vVeber I Ware room*. ?tli 11 v. antt l ? ?t !i ?t. ! \ sl'l.t.NDro IO STOI'"oKUAN. XhAKLV NKW, ONLY one with 12 ?t??p? $!'*?; others equally low t'oroanli i >\r 1?? rent. I'leaao call ?t the war- roomii ot HOKACK VVATKKS iV .S4iN>. Ka?t llili ti., between It road way anu University piece. A. (?KNTLK.M AM WllAJ S\(,'IUKICK Ii IS MAONIPl" .^.eeut ifraiiu 7,'i|-octavf rowwood 1'ianotorii*. four round corner, patent eiMlffe, brflmint tone, com sfl.'Joi, tor^2?V); ?too , cover, bo* (or filiippin^. < al] ir.HiH'Uiattly.* (leuco t'?l Went 24th nt., near Madison square ABE.U'I IFl I* CAKVK!) ItOSKWoOb SKVKN OC tive l'i inoforte, ritodern luiprovrinentit, f8<i. i'riva o re?nlencs 2M? I.a^t ?tt> u. 4 "oo6T> oi'POItT I'M I V T'1 I'l AN i:i*k J\u'hiii rotewiKul r'lanotorte ch??ip : A 7l4 oetavn, full 1 r??>! P ate upright I'ieoo, cost I?tr $22i; >m??i Cavt?r, Hux, Call prlvaio re?iueiio<* 2<^t Went 2.p?th ?t., near 7t'i hv. BAHRAIN'S.- N ANUS ami OliiiA.Vs. NKAJiLV NKVV purclia^fd from pertli*? leavioir tl?? city ; prices, ^1". ?*i5, fli'iii; low rente. liOKtHiN A HO.V ISRsit I4tb si, / 1 KO vVooiis X 1 1) > I' \lil <11; AMI CHI KCII ulb IjT/aiiM. -Ju?t opeitt*Ua with a new ami ?? uirxnt stock, et 42 Kam I Ith nt.. Union sqnar*. KeanonaMe prleee. Mason .% Hamlin oahinet okovmm a up. .mow oflcrnd 00 oa?leit term* of p lyiiiuut an I at eluiost 114 low prifis as tne visry p<N?rust or^aiM: i*i#h in ice of live octav i double reed orj:aun. tl?W; witli tiino <top?. tiulu hn< i??w kotoi, fill, organs may b?> ohtatwe4 on payment of #7 2tI and upwer l i??-r *|uartef (three montho. fur ten'inartars; the?* ortraiM havtf recilvifd ln^i\"4t non ?rs 4t all tun World s i-.xliibitioiM or recent year*; Kraut I?i*u pr ?? m un?4e? tnetu "nuperb.'* Catalogue* free Wareroouit, 2a Union ?quere. New Vork. MA(iNIFIt:F.NT 1MANoVoirTK* oyLV ?.re 1, tiietrmti 7 Inloetave t pritf'it. nstraoidinarr bur* Kaiu, ?t liOKllON'S, |.?7 liieecker at. tri'KloriT AND S^l'Ai K iMANOS. TO $2.V>~ $3 and #1? monthly titl paid, or rem #1 upward Hl.lTH, h Union ai|uaro (4tb av. , u -ar I4t!i st. 2K IMC .-Ki ON II IIA N II I'IaNoH WILL UK -Oh!) at auc tion this tUjr. at 12 o'clock, by TUMs JOIIMHON, 37 Nassau si. ICNTR. (y kumasTV riiKATtik."" IjAli. NKI.'K.NIioKKK ... . Director To-.' aY. KRNKKIT |)K II K Sill KTTR WAON.K D1K I'M 11.<>SOPII IK UK* MKKZKNS c< iu?dr kr Kd. ImL Hoi cfllc* ii dallr irnm M till 4 u'cl"tk UM.VK A N I> i.'AUK | |<-|I AV" AT a. lli'XLRK'rt tVOKUBH TBBaTRK. J J^KtUKK MaTIMKK to-DAY AT 2 rpiiiT windmill. minv at a 1 IIKI.Uilt'S WONDHR TIIKATKK "I [ 11 N I'lMJ BYKS," TIIoMAM "IiaKK I TKLI.f" 1 LWuniiierilMdt; "D'iwnthe .*haduwod l?atia," IKihchI; ??"Iuki* tills l^iior," ltay?; "only hpeak Kindly.'* Pik*. ar<? tli** vocal (tMim of the day, and iiaeiiuallpit tor elo/aiir* mi I popularity ; price ?hcIi. 1>IT*U> A CO.. 711 and MJ Hmadivay. mill', M \N WHO WKNT TO iikak KaI>T lliei.l.Kll M.vriNKH TOKAY AT 3 I/SfilPOK'l'.???RKPISOACII" (MKLODYi, Ol' 'JJ; V'Mrandloi," ?fie., I'iHV'wl by Miu? Km'ixiH; "SvirH,.| .sunny 8(tiil? " Ii.iuk'h lie .t ??jug ; " I lnr? Are Kiaa** Walt* Iiik Inr Mtv" lie I'enlir, nimiii picture till**, enrli f l,.; ???lop, 4t)u. ? Wtlir.. 70?.. > 1 <l>lIIif41>U rofiirt mailad. WM. A l'O.M> ,t 1(1.. f>47 Broadway; AS) Union mjuui. N?w York. PAUM ROYAL, 4S'I 6TH AV.?4II H, Crunch ?nd t)lro???l?n Indy attendant*. urand roticoru every eviMitu^; auniU?luii Ireu. IHTII. llfcATII ASD RBHUioiTATIoN. IIKLI.KK MATINhk. To-DAY AT a t 1 bltVIAN UKDKUKK\ili. \ I 31. 3:1 anil Mft Ea?t 4th ?t. I lie tlilrd Conecrl of the neaeun will luke place Sunday cirvnlui.*, Muy U, 1*77. ????!?i?<l liy 1 lin Theodore Thumai Orvllratra. The 1 anlata, "Kaialim " bv .Slat* vv. wan*, will be performed tor tli? tlr?l time In Aiufrie*. AJiunaiwu iw iutu-iuauiii?ti, prwtiarl7 tuUw4uv?d, $1. ' B A.MCSKMKVr*. ALY'R FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. _ , ? Proprietor upd Manager. Mr. AlNilJSTIN DAm TO-DAY, AT J. | TO-NIUHT, AT H. D FAREWELL MATINEE I BENEFIT Of OK THE | MR. JAVES LEWIS. Positively last times. h II N N llKH II N II It I I N It K II K It II OO POSITIVELY LAST APPEARANCES here of MISS KaNNV DAVKNPOivT iu tlu PRINCEsS, aud of MR. COGllLAN astiieSOHDIKR. ^ All the ^ruut OK|Ul!tAL CASi for iho oAST TIME. lOSll'IV ELY GURKWKLL MATINEE, pill.NCESM ROYAL, po.Ua v, AT 2. T ITALY'S FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. MONDAY EVENING. MAY 7. MISS NEILS ON . Will begin a serie- or FAREWELL HE PRESENTATIONS prior to bar departure lor Europe. appearing ?? VIOLA ill SlIAKESrEARE'S TWELFTH Nil) I IT. ?#s Box sheet no# open lor the whole ryTH~ AV EN UE TIIKATRE. NEILSON. Mr. MAX STRAKOSCH Ins the honor to announce that he has arranged with Mr. Augustlu Daly for a series of twelve representations by MISS NE1L80N, England's mii<l distinguished Rlnkespenrlau Interpreter. Miss Nellson's approaching perlcriuaiices at the Hlili Avu line Theatre will nriug lo a clone that artist a FOURTH AMERICAN TOUR, tlio success ol wnich. histrionic utid malarial. h?? exceeded even that ot her earlier visits. Mias Neltson U to appear at the Flllh Avenue Theatre on MONDAY EVENING. MAY 7. la her molt lasclnatinir creation or Viola, la Shakespeare's exiiulsltc Comedy of "TWELFTH NlUHT." Box sheet now open. MIEATKE COMIQUE. 51-* BROADWAY. J.H\KIU(iAN A HART Proprietors M W II INLEY Maui?iar U)VK AND INSURANCE. llARRIGAN AND HART. Callahan, the detective annie fox Alilln.i, Nellie St. John, Cummlnm and limes. The 1 olill cul t oons, McCullough and Cnsey. Oakes Roao, Billy Urpresenlinif the moat refined variety entertainment In the | city. MATINEE Wednesday and Saturday at r P. M. VV Proprietor and Manager.. ?? ?^ri LESTER WALLACE EVERY EVENINO AND SATURDAY MATINEE. THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF MY AWFUL DaD POSTPONES ALL OTHER NOVELTIES. MR. LKaTER WALLACE THE AwVuL DAD. . _ Mil IIAIIJIV BECKETT MR. E. M. IIOLuaND. MR. SHANNON. MR. EDWIN* MR. LEONARD. MIsSROSE WOOD MISS JOtKPHINK BAKER. MRS. JOHN SKI1 TON MIS'. CLARA BATE, MISS E. THORNTON. ACI I.?LONDON. How Evergreen Minor lectured nia dlaobedlent parent, and how Kvergreen^U^or called h^niaolf tu the bar. How Evergreen Major worked lor tUo Lovekin (lold Mine, and bow l-.ver green Minor dressed lor ? Fancy Ball. At T III ? SCAHBOHOUGll. How Evergreen .Minor entered upon courtship. and liow Evergreen Major entered 111 the same race. How the Minor behaved III a duel which lie didn't light, and llow the Major won a tirldo and a "splendid outfit.1' BOOTH'S THEATRE. . . . __ SATURDAY EVENINO. MAY ?. 1877, GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT to OllARLEs J. JONhS and ANDREW BOYD (Chief Ualier) . (Janitor), upon which ocoaslon the following popular Dramatic and Variety ArtlvU will appear in mi eiitertaiuuieni of uuuiiial excellence? F. M. WAKDK, K. K. COLLIER. H. A. WEAVER. O. C. JORDAN, Jr.: Mini ANNIE I'. DM ON SON, Mf'-EoLISA EI DRIDtiE Master N. S. WtlOD. Miss EDNA WILLARD, O II IIRaDV WALTERS anil MORTON. JN?. UOOAN. "OOFTY GOOFT " CH ARl.EY WHITK, FRKD EMER BON. ARTHUR BENT. FYKE'S MADRIGAL BOYS. See postern tiucl programme*. Box sheet mow open. Y> ROADWAY THEATRE. CORNER 30T1I ST UNQUALIFIED HIT. CROWDED HOUSES attest the i! RE AT SUCCESS of th) WONDER CHILD. Admission, '<Ou. Ilvservnd se*t?. fl. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. rriHE last" chanceiu CONCLUDING AFTERNOON AND EVHNINO I'l. RFORM ANCES TODAY AND TONIGHT of P. T. BAKhT.U*? MAGNIFICENT and T REM ENDOW A M U SE M ENT t O M B1N ATION at GILMORE'S garden, after a season of triumph unparalleled in the city of New York Tlie ncrlorinlng Siallloiis, the #ln.iM> Man ego Team, with Jennie Louise llengler; the glorloua nare back ruler, Charies W. Fish, and ail of the oilier grand novelties, marvols and curiosities. THIS WILL BE THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY!!! Doors upon at 1 and 7 P. M.; entertainments commence at '2 and M. Prices?75c.. .Vic. and 2oc. Children uuderU, to orchestra, !it)c. i to family circle, ir>c. THE tlREAT BAilNUM SHOW opens, under iuriieusu waterproof pavilions, at Dxniiury, Conn., Monday, Mny 7. ?rid<r< port. Mm. New Haven, lull. Hartford, loth. Provide use, llth and 12th. THeTTkEAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM. BIU)ADWAY and 'c.tlV.f. Ouen daily from 0 A. M. till 10 P. M. Marenllous 'I riple Tailed Japanese Fishes. The celebrated Mr He-No. Beautiful varicolored Fish, for which 0U.UUU was offered and refused Now on exhibition Miss SADIE I.II oIN, Cie aeco-nplished A>|uanaitt. Sub Marine I'erlornianres. Pyke's MADIIIUaL HOYS and GLEE CLUB. Elegant >olos. Duots ami Ohnfiuei, Alter- .ion and livening Orchestral Concerts. < u i lo us river, lake and ocean Creatures. Admission. lUcents. Chll'lren half prlee. QTEINWAY HALL. hsalPOFF, 0 On Saturday. May at 2 P. M., LAST ESSiPoFF M A I IN EE, which w II li?? devoted entirely to w.rki by AMERICAN CO M POSE Rf 8. B MILLS New York). WILLIAM MASON (New York), F BKANDKIS (New Vork). It HOFFMAN (New York). ii. CARTER (Trinity ChurcbJ. E. I'Eli A HO (Huston). K PARsONS (New York*. J. K PAYNE (ol Cambridge College). II M A YLA I II (New York). W SllEliWt)OD (Boston). L M (ioTTSCII ALE (New Orleans). Seati can Oe had a! Stein?ajr'? and Schubertli's. Al) >1 ISftlON. ONI. DOLLAR; secured s -ats, *1 SO "i BERI.E S TlVOI.i TIIKATRK. MTll ST.. HITWI EN J\ J.I and Hi! sv-. Every eveiilng tins week and Thursday Matinee * I'll ii Sr.NS VTHi.NAL m. THE SKVliNTII Kf.tilMENT PLATOO.n DAN' K. Mini liold'.worth and Jainei. Danvers. Dueiti<t< Mc> Icker and Saunders. >oii^ and Dance: The Miianda Moli-ra, Cymnn t. New Ballet ,,l "A Night In Venice;" new Pan. totnlnie of "A ti??ldler llero." IAS'f OF THE SEASON. LaST OF THE SEASON, j Twenty second Inlantrv, N.G.H.N.Y. Armory Hth -t., near tlth <v TUESDVY I'.VKMNU, May h, l?77. at eight o'clock, inanil Military Reception and Dress Parade. Review l.y the Hon. Smith Ely, Jr., Mayor oi the city, and Major Gen* e al A ex. Snaier and *iair. accompanied ny the i'rxnlent 01 the Board of Aldermen and the Armury t'oinmusiuuer*. The ^reat band ol tne regimenl uu isr the dlrecilun of Mr. P. S. tiiliuore Admission .... ft 4 lidYLK ROOMS, A IK. VI,K rooms, JY Ulll \V AM) :#lTH ST. 111(11.1.1 AV ? IbKI'.sUMIOIiKAN I'.N IkUTAI.NMK.V 1' only I'LA K OK AM(*-i.)IK.N r Of Till'. KIM) IN rill' CIIV. Ol'KN KViKV NlullT, COM M h.Ni'lNU A I 1> O'CLOCK. H-T..AMJK OS ?)TH Vf. SCFRRK 4TUK vl. \ tSlON io DAY Al 8 IIKLLKK'S WONDP.K TIIKATRk. NfKW YORK MISIORD:aI. M)?l TV IIIK SOCIRTY I hIII ct'lebi ilw tlx ouo lluii'lrriJi i Anniversary ol the A'l'i|illi>n >>l tli*1 < oiintltatloli kI llii Mil' ul Sew York <JI)th April, 1777), by *? Coniinenitir.illee Mviliiw ul the Amiltay ul Mimic, <ui the eienhiK ?f Tnewlav the Mh of M?y at x o'clock. i hatlm O'loiiur, Kn|., will Uell?'r ao Aihiri?*? ? ? ii "The Ciifl-lltutlonii " I'lckirli ni? now nuilf li?r Ui^ti ihtilloii, In lui-mheri only, nl Cue Library. I7*iJu at. I|. ki-t? not i'ii led fur before sutnrdaf, May will Iih dle> trlbuie<l at extra ticket! I" member, who apply f..r them No di'kou will lie a.Im111vil without a li kel No tlike'i are lor title, nor can they be procured ?t the iioor A.NDUKW VVvRNKIt, Kicnrilliii Mcrltiry. DARK > K A N'' K IN A NKW LI OIIT ii hi.1.1 it matin kk to-day at a. LMi iii iviim k miariii'. CARD, I Ml? Adelaide Neilmm't repertoire of pluya to be pro duced graphically ilwrrlhpil In tomorrow'* NOAM'S i L.N DAY 11M KM fPIIK HKOKKN I'LATR. to DAY at "J. L IIKI.LI It s WoHDRR Til R ATH k oris II Ml 111! H (IKANDCl RC cSrHO I sins iff", K. I(.; alteriionn and evnnli'K , a new company; new lea ? - ? ?lun< nml attractioti?, toiielhar witb ADMISSION SfiC. | <? 111 M A LIU'S I'ANToMJMU ? s> I HOC Ph. A r.coND Mmir to-day ilKI.I.kks WONIlKR T Ilk AT IlK. S'TKINWAY IULI. Monday, may 7. h v. m., ) NYONO I'IIIN KOO, the Heathen Omtor, will illicmi HKAIIIKN IiAhNMIoN AdmUthiri, ,Vir ri>?er**d ?e?t?, 'lie. extra. Hula ul Mila hegtiM lit hall on Saturday. miiK crystal caskkt. to-day at 2. 1 IIKLLKK's WIIMIKR THRATHK. '"IHMMAhV II ALL ' ? -<? II.TV NOCUMLKH ' KVKRT jLaAlCitDAY KVLM>U elegant iuuiIc CAUTlKlt A CUL. Miunik \MI'SEMK\TS. T.BAKlJl'M'i LAST TWO DAYS! last two davs! last TWO DAYS' LAST TWO OAV'b! GILMORE's HARDEN. TO-NIGHT. ? grand complimentary benefit tendered by Mr. I*. T. Marnuui tu .Mom. itMitt and Mil* Jeuny Louis# lleugier. Eiiru auraetiuua. I.i?t chance to see the Marvellous $?>,<Jis> PERFORMING STALLION'S, tha wonder of t.Sa world. Last chance to view tin- charming uiuii*je, $10,010 TAN DEM STALLION team, with tiia most accomplished of modern hoiaewoiueu, Mm? Jenuie Louise liangier. Laa? chance to eae the unchallenged bareback rider of tha two beuii-phere^, CHARLES W. F1SII. Last chano; to wIt uea* the entire mitiuiii.>th ciri-tii combination, the complete uiena^i-rie. the marvellous >1 usemu and all the tr.uid and rei|>l udent leauire* ol tbe Daw and i nly GREATEST SHOW ON EAIM'II. Two ulurioua utirformances oacb day. Door? <>oaii at 1 and 7 P. M Entertainment ? commence at L'and S Pries, 1.1, .'?<) and -?? cant*; clilldrcn nudar U to orchestra iVinati: to tanilly circlit ill cant*. The Grant Itanium Sdow opet.s under immense water proof pavilioue at Danburv, Conn , Monduv, Mav 7 Bridge port. Htbi New llaven, lull; Hartford, 1'ith; Providence. 11 til and Utli. H ELLER'S WONDER THEATRE, 7'.'X Kroidway 730. LAST FOUR WEEKS OF THE SEASON. CLOSING MAY 31. MFTtl AND FINAL PROGRAMME OK HELLEK'.-i WONDERS. Reproduction of the fatuous SECOND-SIGHT SEANCE, by MISS HELLER, concluding with a wierd-llke pleee of business. entitled a dark .iEa.mjk in a new light. Mauler Medium Mis-. I1ELLBB EVERY EVENING, AT s O'CLOCK. MATIN El.8 WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. AT X Children hull price to Matiuees. PARK THEATRE. IIROADWAY AND'i-.'D ST. HENRY E. AIIHUlf Lv*sne at:<1 Manager. FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT OF FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT <TF farewkll engagement of MR. JOHN T. RAYMOND, mr. joh.n t. Raymond, mr. John -r. Raymond. ia tils creation of COL. MULBERRY SELLERS, COL. M U LHEitUY SI', i.1.1. RS, COL. MULBERRY HELLERS. in Mara Twain a Anioriean Urania, vrltli tha treat cast, in cluding Minn Marie Gordon a* Laura llawKin-., Mnnri. CuuUtock. Whiting. Evitun, Burnett. Egberts, Fox. Cat ilngton, linear, ItHiigloy. Ml n Anna llieakley, A. F. Hilk.--r and Pelers. Prices, Wic., $1 and fl Ml, FIRST "shLLEHV MATINEE SMURDAY. 2 P. M. UN.ON SQL ARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. KHEi.'IDAN SHOOK Manager ... Mr. A. M. PALMER LAM WEEK THE DANICilfiFFS. Last week last week last week last WEEK of tills LAST WEEK CHARMING PLAY. liA^T WEEK wliicli will be succeeded on last week Monday evening, may 7. LAST WEEK by n new Drain:! of intense intercut. '? V th? LAST WEEK luto Andrew liallMiuy, Esq., cutitied LAST WEEK SMIKE. LAM' WEEK which will be presented with n cast of UN LAST WEEK EXaMPLED STRENGTH, Witu costumes LAST WKKK ol the period, with new and picturesque LAST WEEK scenes Ir-Jiu the brush of Mr. Marston and LaST WEEK wltli hitherto unattvmpted realistic eHeeta, LAST WEEK inrluiluiit the LAST WEEK Famous STAGE COACH SCENE. LaST WEEK illU'trntinulhe departure of the York mall LAST WEEK Irom Saracen'* Head with it* load of pas LAST WEEK aenjcern lor LAST WEEK DOTHBBOYH HALL. LAJT WEEK In this mcviid a real Eiiu'llaii alH<n coach al LaST WEhiK the olden time, with apieudid Knjdlili LAST Wi.KK hiireoa, driver, Kiiard. Ar.. will b>'employed. LAST WEEK Saturday, last Matiune of DANICIlEFE^. fJlONY PASTOR'S. TONY PABlOVft. Tha California Mlnatrela. Warabold. Wamboid. Walter*. A Morton. Grander .Eoliau (Quartet, and all ol Tony I'aator'a Great Trotipa. BOWEKY THEATRE. SATURDAY?La>t night or the favorite comedians, sid. c. France, GKOKGE KRANi'E * and E. W. MARSTON, In tba irruat aeiiaationnl Dritma<i, MARKED FOR LIFE and WIDE AWAKE. BATHBDAV?OBAND MATINEE ATI Gikajw opbba MoUHiT today? ri'OOLE A DONNELLY Leasees nnd Manaitera MATINEE TO-DAY | TONY I'AM'OR'S GitEAT TROU !'K MATINEE TO-DAY TONV l'ASTOR'K liREAT TROUPE matinee to-day tony pahtor's ore \ttroupk MATINEE To-I?aY|TONY PASTOR'S lillEAT TROUI'K MATINEE TO DVY TONV PASTOR'S tiRKAT TROtJPK MATINEE To.IMV I TONY PAsTORS ORE AT TROUPB Door, open at 1 ; cominanee at 3. T TONY PAsTOR f and bis Te.NTIKiTtROUPbT ^y ^ AFTERNOON AND EVENING AFTERNOON AND EVENING TWO AFTERNOON AND EVENING PBBFORMAXGKB AFTERNOON AND EVENING ONLY. AFTERNOON AND EVENING FOR TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY. being their only uppenrauco in New Yark this toftsofe TONY PASTOR AND IIIS ENTIRE COMBINATION. OUS WILLIAMS. delehanty and IIENGLRR. I1ARRV and JOHN KBBNBLU THE GREAT AUSTIN ItlCOTIIEES. WATSON and ELLIS. Flr.LDS and UOEY. Harris and CARROLL The RENNETS, The DELANOg Frank and Eva. leasnam! Fannl*. Miss CLAItA MOO BR. Mr. FRANK GERARD. TONY PASTOR. RESERVED sea I s, 81. BBMBMBEB?FOB TWO PERFORMANCBS ONLY. Grand opera iioUSB. SUNDAY EVENING. SUNDAY EVBNINCk POPULAR CONCERT ot POPl LvR PBtCl-.K. pvkes madrigal hoys ami glee club. KENNY'S GRAND ORCHESTRA of INSTRUMENTAL SOLOISTS. Admission. S5c. Roservod Seat*. 50a. ("Trami "opera housk. rI'll1 >I.K A DONNELLY Lessees and Manager! MONDAY NEXT. MAY 7. Mik* FANNY DAVENPORT, Mr. CHARLES V. COGHLAN. JOHN I1ROUGUAM, JAMES LEWIS, J. B. STUD ley. and FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE company In Ml. AUOUSTiN OAI.Y'S ureal tiotnanllc Drama. the PUtNCEsri ROYAL Box Sheet now opan tor sale ol Seats. f?IHE hEK.MANh.NT Ul'i EKXATION AL I'.XII IHITION MAIN HUILDIXO, CautennUI ? Iron mil, will be open on and alter M?y to, Ih77, with a wall claul tied arrangement >?( exhihlte, ?o displayed at to I (lit tdvmiUKruiiK lu*|?ecllou and itudy of lliiio. Oroa ami Miueral?, (ilaia and Ceramic*, Arti?U? furniture, Ilnuichold Article", Manufacturing l'r?e???f and Chemical Product*. Bpeclnl collectlona of Educational Aupllancea, I'hlloiuiphtcal Apparatus, Euulneeilu* Modal., and Innumerable artlclet ihowii :g llie Kin* ami imlumrlal Arta, Hit* Decorative and the L'lelol. In a few word*. 'JO acrea ?l icloited natural or Industrial product!, repreieutiiig ihe tkiilui achluveuietita of luaa kiml In all part* of iti?? world. A grand Mualf an.I, occuptin the nurth and of t(M main tran?ent. Iiaa avata lor a cliurua of 2,ML) pereooe. aad Organ or other Con carl ? will be given afternoon# anil evening*. The Grand Ulorama of vVathingtou at Yorktnwn it ihuwa without extra charge, alio a lifa-lllca tableau of till Signing nl ilia Declaration of Independence. I In- prno ul adim atou I* '.15 Saul' Tha vltltnr mav, without extra charge, viett the Industrial Art Mil ten in I n Memorial Hall, Horticultural llall ami tha liarden. returnirig i without further payment) to tlie Permanent I xlubltioii All uemraiila convent nc. a '.ime been provided in tbe way of ? aitlug room*, bagg ige rnoma, laucli counter aud dinlnK room In tli* IJeiiartnient of I'nblic Comfort. The in-at ace lor eicurtioti partiea to be found I* America. 1). TOKUKY, General Agent. PAKISlAN" VARIETIES^ | MaTINEK AT J ::tO."~ tilth at and Itroadviay. I Tonight, at H:I5. I. ml ilar of the CHAMPION SENSATION Va UETlES OK AMUUH.'A. Captivating Ming* I Exciting Dance* I Nau/bty IIIta. ?) LOVELY Wo.ihN IN It tl.l.hT AN It TABLEAUX. Sunday May II ami dining tne week, Oh.lKiiK KIt \ NI' IS t ic tIN will expoae the iiiming Craah. War, l',-atllenca. Del age and Famine, General aduiWainu, .Vic.; Hah ony, J">c. s.t. are your ae?t* in advance. No extra charge. /VjLl'MHlA OPERA ItoL'HK, CORNER WKHT I3TU \7't. ami i .r"0 ivviuli a*.? Ho on h.m l C the gr ill ahow. I Koivlf I i'Di. > I PI'.MALk IIAIIIKIIJJ I KltEML'H | I'LkASI RhS IN I M1NU1T. I iu i* HEAL W ATE It. ?4 file Sultan'* Seraglio. nr tha Dl??y Itlonde* , new Statue I ruupe; .1 anlln Mab lie l.lle ; Strange Mir lit* lor Stranger*; On the Sir, and all tho latest Krelich ami I urkitli spicy no* eltt' t kvery evening at Metineei 1 ue*day*, ThuriUaye and Piaturday at 2. I/I.l. .AN! Ml Ml KVKKV S A TI HIIA Y I \ I.NlNtl ,\1 Hi"SucletT Sociable*," Tamilian) llall. I'.aat 14th ?t. CaKITKK A CO., Manafar*. I^IIYI'TI AN II ALU ;MTIt ST. ANII JH AV.-NICK igirlt in Humility sketches, new tpicy Krnnoh >eu*a> II ? in a, the l.'oiictry. nan ami tbe female Hatliura, Koaee i'laatlqilee, A Niu'ht In I'arit, Klch. hacjr Noveitlet, tha mott ? >e ? ii111uI young latllet in thoilty, the Kranch Minuut, the Uueen ol Live or the Amoura of ItojraltT. MaKK No MIsTaKk' i IIis is the plaoki KVENIMOM AT s. MATINEES TfEMlAY. TMURSUAY aud SAK ROAY at 2. All kashionaim.k pkoplr will attino Soiree lanclaulo thlauveulng at H?ethuveu llall, 5tb it, near llowery. tpirrii aveni'k tmkatrk. extra. r Kor glowli.B and accurate acrwant of Mlie Nelltoa'* ren> tree, ace to-inoirow'a NOAH'S SL'NUAY TIMES. ? SOCIETY SOCIAHLHS?EVEKY SaTI RHAY EVEN* mg, Tammany llall, Eaet I4tli It,: elegant muale. CAHTIKIt * to., .Man a'.'era. BRK.TIIOVEN HALL. STH ST., NEAR HOWEIIV Soiree sociable * eveiy Saturdav datning > otuiuemei H pleiiaely rxiellent muale, attentive managara and crowded audience; eoiiiiuated lu moat approved manner; tion-d'tueers can view the entire ballroom from tha ale ant balcony ?urroundlnir ElLKR'H WuNAkUL IM)At At A.