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THE EXTRA SESSION. The Time for the Meeting Post poned Until October. REASONS GIVEN FOR THE CHANGE Anticipated Embarrassments to the Army and Navy. [by telxqbaph to thb hebald.1 WabhisiiTox. May 4,187T. The action of tbe Cabinet to-uuy deferring tbo call lor an extra teuton ot Congress until October 16 nest was a genuine surprise to tbe peoplo of Washington, wbo bad every reatiou to believe up to Inst night that tbe proclamation ot the President would name an early day in June lor the assembling ot the Forty 11 rib Congresa. It was staled In ibeso despatches ol tbe ltilh of last month that the President was opposed to convening Congress during tbe summer and that when a date was fixed It would be In September or October. A careful exami nation ot tbe condition ot existing appropriations and an inventory of army supplies showed tnat the busi ness ot the government could go on without additional appropriations or violation of law uuill next tall. Tbe determination, therefore, to keep Congress away from Washington until tbe last moment was made in the Interest ol the country at lurgo. THK GBXKKAL FKKLIXU. Mr. French, Screeum-at-Artus of tho Sonate, is happy in tbo beliot that the lunger tho delay in bring ing Congress together tbo loss likely he Is to lose a lucrative position. Mr. Adums, Cleric of tbo Houce, wbo holds bis position until a successor is electod, is not so happy, aa a bolter opportunity Is now giveu to those who are ambitious to Bucceed him to secure votes and oppose his re-election. Hundreds of temporary employes at tbe Capitol who have beet lingering here since Congress adjourned, ccrtaiu of getting employment, when "ibeir uiomber" or "their Senator" arrived, are mamng busty preparations for (departure homeward. The botol proprietors, board ing house keepers and sbopkeepors are despondont aver tbe postponement ot the call, as it Is estimated that a two months' session would have been worth several millions of dollars to this placo. THK ANTICIPATED UnCT. On tbe other hand, tbo President and members of the Cabinet are assured that this action will give an Impetus to business throughout the country and re vive couQdonco that would at least remain dormant so long as Congress was la session. Tbe postponoinunt means, too, tbatthe wholesale merchants of the coun try shall bavo nothing to four iroiu a derangemoni of trade, while Wall street will bo stiffened by tho pros pect of active business. TDK POLITICAL ASPKC1. Tbe malcontents in the republican party, Blaine and Butler aud their lollowers, are Hanked by this call Furthermore, the State elections In twelve .States will have intervened to allow of an expression of popular opinion on the President's policy. These flutes are tbe following:?North Carolina anil Alabama, which bold elections in August; Arkansas, California, Vermont and Maino. which bold elections In September; West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa aud Connecticut, which havo their elections iu October. Tbe Oregon election takes place in Juno. During the next six months "lines of new departure" will be better defined und the action of Congress will be moro deliberate and freer from political prejudico than If It were to meet next month. VIKWS OF CABIXKT OFFICKKS. Secretary Evurts represented thut he had learned from leading business men in Sew York that an early session would be detrimental to all kinds ol business, while Secretary Sherman was convinced that the fund ing of tbo loan would be helped by deterring the call nntil next talL KKFKCT OS ARMY AND XAVT. Temporary embarrassment will be causod to both army and navy otUcera aud contractors, and the gov ernment will suffer many inconveniences during the remainder of the fiscal year by tho exhaustion of the appropriation for printing official blanks. Kogarding, however, tbo benefits that will accrue to tho country at largo, the President isconfldont the peoplo will sustain fclm In postponing tne call till October next, and that ?nly those who aro anxious to tnako trouble wlil ques tion the wisdom ol the course agreed upon by tbt Cabinet to-day. BFFBCT OH THK DKPAKTMKXT OF JCSTIC*. The Department of Justice will suffer much Incon venience by tbe postponement or an extra session, as there will bs a deficiency or at least $500,000 by tbe 1st ol July to be providod for by Congress und as no part of the appropriation for the fiscal yoar commencing at that time can be used to supply tho deficiency. In oonsoquence of tbls state of affairs the settlement of many accounts of ibat department haa already boen postponed. Frxns TO HB RKQCIKKD. On tbe basis of last years' appropriation for tbo sup port of tbo army about $12,500,000 will be required to pay the accumulated IndebiAuess which will havo been incurred between the commencement of the next fiacal year, July 1, and the ilmo that Congress may pass the necessary appropriation bill. KKMO.NHTKAXCEri POt'UINli IN.* Already remonstrances aro pouring in against the IKMipobemeni, and a strong effort will to made to in duce tbe President to change tho date to the one sup posed to bava been originally chosen for tbo extra ?eaalon. TL1E SPEAKERSHIP. ?UNSET COX SEES HIMSELF THE SOUTHERN FAVOBITE. [BY TELEQBAPH TO THE HERALD.] * Nashvillk, Tenn., May 4, 18*7. Hon. Samuel S. Cox arrived hero tins morning ulier a two months' circuit through I bo Southern Stales, where be haa been delivering lectures and speaking Bow and then upon political and business topics. The Cotton Rxch^ngoj In Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Memphis and other places gavo blm very nattering receptions. He has udvised all to acccpt tho prol lered lootl, even II brought, as It was to ibo prophet, by the darkest raven, and thank God lor the food, II' not lor the raven. Mr. Cox say i he hus seen u great many men of prominence In the South, inclinin g member* of tho fr'urty-lllth Congress. kiom tils ob servations ho is satlsilod that tho democrats will or ganize the next House. Thore is no sort of show tor any combination winch can result otherwisu; besides, while the democrats accept the resident's policy as their own, the organtzutlou ol thut party is strength ened, not weakened, by the South Carolina and Louisiana polictea ol ('resident Ha* os. Til K HPKAKKKHI1IP. As to tho Speakership, he was rather reticent, but he bad no doubt but that the great body of the members 1 were reserved in releronce to tho expression of a pref- I erence as to the candidate of the democratic ('onures lioual caucus, all daily telegrams sent hy gossips I rum Washington to the contrary notwithstanding. Ho hud lound there was a urouter partiality lor him-elt in the South that bo had expected, and lie believed lie could be Doatinated without making as much effort as ho did before, when bo had a majority ol votos, though he loet Ulteen by a belated train. Mr. Cox ox pressed himseir delighted at tho business prospects ol tbe South. He hus buuti upon plantations of sugar, rice, cotton, cattle, kc., from the Carolines to Texas, and has everywhere received most cordial greetings. OBITUARY. THE ARCHBISHOP OP QUITO. Jf latest advices Irora Panama bring the startling Intelligence that the Arcbblsbop of Quito wus poisoned ea Good Friday while saying mass by means of atryebntne Introduced Into the wine used in the ceremony. Tliuro was great cxcitenient utd Indigna tion oTor tbe sacrilege. The perpetrators have not b?en discovered. An attempt was iriade to attribute it lo ma Masons, but there is no evidence to that ofiect. EDWIN C. THATEIt. Mr. Edwin C. Tbajrer, aged UTty-two years, City At torney of Buffalo In 1853-9, died at bis residence In that city yesterday morning. JOHN m'oiiaw. Jobs McOraw, a prominent cltlzMi of Itbsca, died at "Ma residence yesterday morning, aged sixty-two years. |f VM cxtensirely engaged iu the lumber business in Miabiaaa, Wrecnstn and Iowa lor many years, In whien he was very soecesslul. He was deeply Inter aatad IB Cornell University, and nontribuied $160,000 to build tba Central College Library and Museum. He leaves a wlia and oauahter. THE COLOMBIAN REBELLION CAPITULATION OF THE INSURGENTS?QENEHAL TBUJILLO'S TICTOOT. Panama, April 25, 1S7T. The war In Colombia la considered virtually ended. On tb?8tb lost, the conservative forces wore defeated at Maoizalec by General Julian Trujtllo, and ibe whole State ol Antioquia capitulated. This news reached Panama on the 18th. Tho lollowiog capitulation waa aigued at ManUales:? At th? siege ol San Antonio, jurisdiction of Maul zales, on ttae titb of April, 1877. General Julian Trujillo, Comuiandcr-in-Cbicf of tho Aruiy of tbe South, nnd Silverlo Araugo, President of tbe Slate ol Antioquia, Laving convened lor tbe purpose of arraugiug prelim inaries ol peace, which will put an end to toe war, have agreed la ^conclude a capitulation on the lollowing terms:? . ,, , Article L?The Presldont ol Antioquia shall give up all the urms and ammunition belonging to bis forces uud tboho to be found in tho war trains and depots, as well aa ail elements now held by the Antioquian gov ern inant, uud to that end be shall this very day Issue orders, so that aaid lorces shall disarm and deliver up their arms to the agent or agents to be designated by tne Geoerai-ln-Cbief ol tbo Army of the South. Art. ?Tbe President ol Antioquia transfers bis government into tbe hands ol Cluaou Geueral irujillo, that tho latter may u?sume tho character of civil and military etiiol ot tbo Stat? ol AntiOQuia until it shall re* organize itself in harmony wuh tbo constitution ol tho Republic or uutil tbo ^oTuroiueot ol the Union bnaii dispose otherwise or make tbo appointment ol sucli functionary. _ , . Akt. il ? All the commanders and ofllcors ol tno An tioquian army do hereiiy submit and pledge obodiouce to the general government. In compliunce wnii this present capitulation said coiuinaoders nnd ollicers, uloug with tbe soldiers, are at liberty to roturu to tbeir homes without need ol passports. art 4 ?The ot tno Army ol the South plodges hiniRoil to solicit from tbe icoueral gov erumeiit an amnesty lor all persons implicated in tbo present conflict. This article extends to tbe belliger ents of other Statos, provided tho.v surrender to. tho general government and give up llioir arms. AttT. 6.?Tho President ol Antioquia shall within four uuys surrender tue town* ol Manizalesaud Neira tu the Geueral-in-Cblcl ol tho Army ol tho South, thW period being allowed lor tuo ulsarming ol the lorces located ut dilloreiit points. Tne delivery or the arms shall bo eflected at the places or towns ut wimiu tne several lorces may be statioued. Vet. 6.-?Tbo Army tuo South shall retain its present position until tho expiration ol the period or lour days stipulated iu tbo preceding article. \nT 7 ?The tieuenil-inCbiet of tho Army of tho South shall at once dictate all measures necessary to secure tho discipline uud subordination of his troops, and shall seo mat tbo constitutional ^uirauteea sbull be respected all over tbe State. ^lir. s, tho President of Antioquia shall issue tho necessary ordi r to the effect that all tho forces do tucbed at dilloront poiuts of tho Contral Cordillera shall concentrate and disarm within tbe aloro-men tioued period ol lour days, which they ma^ do at the Lou so called "La EIoiku." Akt o ?The wounded of both armtos shall this very dav "be carried to the city ol Manizales, where military hospitals shall bo established undor the luspectiou ol the medical staff of tbe armies of tho south and ol Anuouuia. _ ,, Aiir 10.?The commanders and ofllcors of tho army which has been subject to tbo government are granted tnu honor ol withdrawing with their swords uud iheir baggage. Akt. 11.?The local anthorliles of the Stalo of An tioquia shall continue in tue exerciso ol their functions until they bo removed and replaced by the tJeuerul-in Cblel ol the Army of the doutb, us civil and military cmoi ol said State. , ^ .. art. 12.? As to the debts contractcd by tbe army ol Antioquia, in contequenco of tbo war, by loans, tup plus und expropriations, tbe Asuombly ol tbo state tt sell shall decide as they may deem lit. Akt. la.?Regarding tne lorces of tho stato ol To lima who wero at Manizales, in the Cordillera Ceutral, subject to the government of Antioquia, it snail bo loll to be decided between General Antonio H. Cuervo and Santos Acosta, and to this end the present capitulaiiou shall bo made known to General Santos Acosta. In witness whereof wo .subscribe two copies of tbo game tenor and date, und this capitulation shall bo communicated to the executive power or tuo Union. JULIAN TKUJ1LL0, SILVKKIO AKAN'GO. Genoral TruJIllo IB now tbo popular candidate for the next Presidency of Colombia. Tboro will probably be no organized opposition. Tho olectlou will occur In September next. Congress Is In session at Bogota, and me members, almost in a body, have signed and issued a manifesto In ravor ol Trujillo's candidacy. Tbo war leaves tbo country in a bad llnunclal coudi Hon. Forced loans and double taxes are the result. Business is depressed and lorelguora leol tho haru times very much. TUB DAKIKN Sl'KVKT. The Darlcn surveying expedition, under Lieutenant Luclen Napoleon Bonaparte Wyse, lelt for Prance by the steamship Martlniquo, on tbe 22d Inst Great hopes are entertained ol the results, but as yet nothing defl Dito is known. NAVAL NEWS. The United States steamers Omaha, Rear Admiral Preble, is here, and the Swatara, Captain A. A. Cooke, is at AspiuwalL Tho weather Is delightlul and health Is perlect. 'tno frigate Sbah, flagship of tho British Paclflc squadron, Is oxpected to arrive at Panama about the Gib ot May. BNTKKPKISB. The news of the declaration of war In Europe was re ceived by the Star and Uerabl, by special cable do spatch irom Paris, early on the morning of tbe 2&1 inst. Its publication in an extra caused a graal aensa tion in Panama FOR LOVE Oli MONEY THE ALLEGED MAItltlAOE CONSPIRACY? LOPEZ 8 PEAKS THROUGH HIS COUNSEL? IB TUE BRIDEQBOOM "CALIFORNIA JOE?"?WHAT TUE PLAINTIFFS BAY ABOUT A TWO DOLLAR WEDDING. Tbe alleged Lopez-Morrison marriage conspiracy ex. cited much comment yestorday among tho friends of both of tho principals. Lopez's friends were strong in their denunciation of the "hard hearted rather who had ssparatad a loving couple," and Mr. Morrison's friends asserted as strongly that Lopez was a rascal and they could and would provo it. IiOpez's rriends claimed that Mrs. Lopez hud been lorcibly taken Irom her husbaud and hidden away from him. Her relatives and irlouds as sert, on the contrary, that she is disgusted with bor marriago and Is anxious to have It annulled. She was married to Lopez regularly by Dr. TlHauy in April and since thou she baa been kopt strictly at borne. Her parents stated that they will not be blackmailed in tho matter, aud oluim that money was tho only object Lopez bad in marry ing their daughter. Tho servants who assisted J<opez In maklug mo acquaiotancu ol Miss Morrison huvo beon discharged, but somo of tboin will probably bo usod as witnesses against him. It I* slated that Lopez expected to realize $100,000 Irom Mr. Morrison us the price of bis leavlug tho country, and in the lurtheranco of bis schema It Is said that ho promised tbo servants who assisiod him $6,000 iiach, 1 ho lollowtng letter Is from the attorney ol the bus baud ol Mr. Morrison's daughter:? A DKKKMK Uf I.OHKZ. To TUB EniTOB OK TDK HsKALD: ln yuor l??u? of to ilav ?n article appear* headed "A Matrimonial Conspiracy." which does not only Injuntice tu a man re-pecteil in tlim community, bu( unniual oiib whom ti.u linger i>l ?u?piclou liaa never bten pointed. Ak liia IhkuI ad and oi'UiiiuI. I ?k it mntpenaion ol public criticism until tlm matter i- properly brought belure the puulie, ami u?k hW many Irienda and aoiiiaintancen to place no reliance Upon tlio ntateinuuts iu tu-dey's paper until tho matter U finally decided, 'the fact* are Sirleliy that Mr. Lopes, who rutidea at the Orauu Central llotel. or can he found at any time at inv oltlce, .No. 1J rt'est Fourth mroet. In soni" unaccount able war incurr>'<l the ulapleanure of Mr Moiria <n, Ills father-in-law. wt.u in this contemptible manner Is endeavor ing to ?eparate litmbauil and wife by the mallciotw aliena tion* contained In to-day'n ptihlieation, which, lor the a ike ul jiiatiee ami fairness UuLw.tsn man ana man. wu truat will imi lis adludied against iiitii until the matter 1- legally da termined T. I'lCANOIS til it III).N S, Attorney lor Mr Joaeph Lope*. I'. S.?In reference to the slat meat tlmt an orri r to ?how cau-e had been kerreit upon Mr I,opet to net aside the marriage contract, .Vlr. OaearJ. Hochstmller, who is the coumo-i lor Lopes, kiivii that tho paper aerved wan a "mm nmna lor relief' cmiiiilaint not nerved, and he. tlier. I'"re, will not In- apprised of the CiSim ngitlnat him unill alter the complaint is nerved. Mr. Ilooiislailter hail a notice of ap pearance served upon Mr. I>ali-s, the plaintiff's attorney, and demanded ? copy of the comp'aiut against hia ulient. Ackil ??, 1?77. T. r. <i. g?MK INVESTIGATION. / Mr. Morrison's lawyers havo boon busy senrotiing Lopez's previous record, uud claim that there are lucis in their possession fully Identilyiug tho bridettroum un **Calitoriii:t Joe," an attache and hunger on ol tho Hleeckor street uang. It Is claimed tbat In October, 1NT8, Lope/, wu* stopping at tho Continental Hotel, ou liroadwuy, whore bo wan registered and known as "l.opez Hotchu." The hotel reenter ol that month hears a signature of thai k ind, and tho des riplion ol Mr. Lope/. Boscha'e personal appearance lollies iu all rospocu with that of | Mr. Lopez, i'lin Continental Hotel retains tho bag ! gage or Mr. lioMcha or Mr. Lopez lor non-payment of ' board. It is also alleged tbat Lopez was a Iretjueutur ol low saloons and disreputable place* in ami aioutitl Hie acker struct, aud ono house of a bud char acter iu Fourth street Is mentioned ns the place where he generally slept. Tho point made in the letter ol Mr Lopez's attorney that lie resided at the Orand Ceoiral Hotel is true, hut an examination of tho hotel register showed that ho had beeu there but ono week. Mr. Morrison's counsel slates tbat his board was paid thoru lor ono week by some one, who be declines to state, lor Iba purposo ol establishing a respectable resilience. TilK ('OHI'l.AlNA.NT'H rA*? Mr. Devltt C Hates, counsel lor Mr. Morrison, said last evening to tbe writer mat his client's duughtar was now luiiy convinced of her lata! error in allowing tbe marriage ceremony to be periorined. 'I ho paper wbicb had boon served upou Lopez's lawyer wuh a summons la tbo Suproine Court in an aetion Hi tbo daughter's name to declare the marriage null and roid on tbo ground of fraud. Mr. Batee, ol course declined to give thou oiuts ou which the case was in be argued, but ho claimed that there wae no question us to tho ultimate rotiii11, as there was plenty ot proof to nullify the marriage on that ground. Miss Morrison bud bocn humnuggod Into tho marriage, ana although not as lully aware of her banelul i>osition, owing to her weak Intellect, as moat young ladles would be, still sne realized It mlllcieiitly to wish, as did her relative*, lor a speedy release. Mil's Morrison was not at her father's bouso in New York, but had been removed to a place ol gaiety on account ol the trouble causod the household by Lopez and bis friends. They constantly watched the bouso, and atlemptod several times to smuggle notostoMias Morrison through the servants. To avoid Ibis she had been taken away, and was lu good health ana spirits. TIIK MAKKIAUS CKKKMO.HV. Tbe marriage ceremony was performed ou April 5, by Dr. Tiffany, at bis residence In Thlrty-eignth street. Miss Morrison, the Doctor said, was slightly nervous, but made tbe necessary responses correctly and an swered the questions promptly that wore put to her. Under the circumstances he could do nothing hut marry them. At the close of tbe ceremony the groom l.opez banded Doctor Tiffany au envelope and imme diately afterward the wedding party withdrew, on opening the outside wrapper nnolher envolope was found and on that being removod still another cam* to view. After the third had boon opened a bill was discovered. It is thought that the object In placing tho money within three envelopes was to gain time sulHcient lor the party to leave the house iiolore the minister had ascertained the extent of his lee. This fuel is staled by the pluiutifls as a lair evldeuco that Mr. Lope/ was not in so prosperous a financial condition at the tirno of his tnurriuge as is claimed for him. Alter tbe ceremony, which was witnessed by one Eugi-no Drown, a friend of Lo|iez, and a gentleman Kiltying in Dr. Tilfauy's house, the party withdrew and separated, Miss Morri son going immediately to her home. It is stated by the plaiutiO that Mr. Lopez llrst guvo his case to Mr. J. H. McCarthy, un attorney, of No, n Chambers street, bnt that gentleman In a verv short time gave It up, aud it was then given to his present attorney. THE WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR?POSTAGE FREE. TBE CBEAFE3T AND BUST NEWSPAPER IN TBE "WORLD?NOW BEADY. The WKKKI.T Hkkai.d lor this woelc contains tole graphlc news from ail parts of the world; Report of the Louisiana Commission aud Governor Packard's Address; Douth ot Parson Brownlow; the Death Pen alty in Georgia; Music, Love and Law; WongCbing Foo, a Buddhist Missionary, on tho doctrines of Buddhism; Swill Milk in Bro^lyn; Robbed and .Shot; Brutal Outrage in tho Fourteenth ward; a Wall Collapse; tho Biso In Breadstuff*; tho Accident o Now Post Ofllce; Dr. Baird's Embezzlement; Su Ido of a Druggist; Russia's Advancc; tho Cincinnati Tragedy, and a charming Story, entitled "Tbe Child Angnl." It also contains editorial articles on tho prominent topics of ibo day, Amusements, Per* sonal Intelligence, Keligious, Art, Literary aud Sea Notes; Reviews ol the Dry Goods. Horse aud Cattlo Markets: Financial and Commercial Reports; Agricul tural and Sporting Matters; Instructive homo articles, and tho most important events of tho week. Tkkms?Ono dollar per year, postage paid; single copies, three cents. An oxtra copy will bo sent to every club of ton or more. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DAT2S or DEKUtTTUK FROM .VKW YOKK FOR THS MONTHS Ot' MAY AN1> JUNK. Steamer. Adriatic City <>f Chester... Kb* Pi Bolivia M iiy Muy May May Moiel..... I May BcytliW... Canada... P ('stand. Wieland... Britannic . M uy May May May ? iMav Alsatia iMav At a v May May May May May May May M ay May May May May May May M ay May May May May .lunn June .1 line ?III lie | iJmtintition | Ogux. . I Liverpool.. 137 Kroadway . I Liverpool..! 15 Broadway .ILiverpool..[(ill Broadway . |<.lasgow.. .|7 Bowline (ireea . | lire men.... ;2 Bowline ?' Orti Nevada Itimnia France State of Nevada. KHsia..... U topi a City of Richmond Kheln Aui'lioria hngiand Pereire Alueria Popininr-iiila Oermauic. l!a Loriiia .Neekar Dakota State of Indiana. Ueliert <!ity of Berlin... Baltic Australia Wyoming, Liverpool.. Havre .... Kotterdain. 11 miii t>urt$.. Liverpool.. | (?lasgow... Hromeu.... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Havre Ola.HL'ow... Ilauibnrir . I.onHon.... Liverpool.. Bremen I >laagow... Liverpool.. Havre ..... Liverpool.. ilauiljiiri/.. Liverpool.. iGIuhkow.... II r men Liverpool.. (11 a?eow... II amourif. ? Liverpool. Liverpool.. omlon .. Liverpool.. 4 Bowline (ireen '?>:> Broadway 5<> Kroadway 01 Broadway 11" Broadway 7 Howling (ireen 2 Bowlln .' (ircuu 29 Broadway 4 Bowiine i ireen 5.5 Broadway 72 Broadway 111 Broadway 7 Bowling (ireen 15 Broaiiwa.v J Bowline i>reen 7 Bowling (ireen <IS> Broadway 55 Broadway 4 Bowline Green 01 Broadway :!7 Broadway 7 Bowline (ireen 2 Bowline (ireen 21* Broadway 72 Broadway 01 Broadway i.r> Broadway 37 Broadway 7 Bowline (ireen I'll Broad way Montana ?. ; J une 111. \ Li verpool.. ,20 Broadway ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY 8CH AND MOON. I HIGH WAT SR.. Run rises 4 f>4 | Gov. Island evo 2 15 Sunsets..... 7 00 Saudy Honk eve 1 30 Moon rises....morn 1 21 j Hell Gate eve 4 DO HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. May 4. 1877. At liar. I i her.I Hour. Inch. Dee.I Wind. Horseshoe I Noon Bar 4 PM llielnaud* I H P.M Sandy llook...j 12 PM J! I. sr. 20.85 STI.OR iio.oo N\v* N\V K + Calm * Moderate, t Gentle. POUT OF NEW YORK, MAY 4, 1877. ARRIVALS. BKPORTKD BT TITS HRJtALD MTU AM TACHTS AJD HBBALD WBITK8TONB TKI.KOIIAPU USX. Steamer Odtr (tier). Lelst, Bremen April 21 and South ampton 24th, with milse and 41* passengers to "elrlchs A Co. April 2H. lut 17 2B. Inn !I4 2i>. passed mi Anchor llnu steamer,bouiiil E; May H, lut 4027, Ion '1750. a Cnnard steamer, do; same day, hit 40 24, Ion lW 10, a French steam er (In, Steamer Andes (Br), Hughes. Port au Prince April It, navunilla 17th. Cartlingcna 22il, Asplnwall 25th and N'a vasta 2Hth, with mds? and pussengcrs to Him, Porwood A Co. steamer Citv ot Houston. Kliirldire. fisilveston April 25, and Key \Ve?t29th, with mdse and passengers to C II M?' I o r.v A Co. Steamer (Jeo W Clyde, Trlhon. Charleston May 1, with rndse and passenger* to Jus W Qdintard \ Co. Steamer Eilie Knight McCreery, Philadelphia, with indue to Bouert A Morgan. Ship Melclnor '<ior), Wlerlehs, Ilrenifii .'In day*, with empty barrels to Thomas linger. April 21. lut 47. Ion 49, passed two large Icebergs about 1 "?'> teet high ; 2U(J, lut 45, Ion 50, passed 0 iceberg* about Ho or 40 feel hlrh, Hark Twee Zosters (Dutch). Harding, Macassar Dec I, with coffee to order: vessel to Punch. Edye A Co Passed Cape ot Good 11op:? Fell 17. St Helena March ?>, and crossed the Equator 19th. In Ion 24: April 16, lat 85 21, loll 5042, had a heavy SSW Kale, veering to WSW. lasting teveral hours; lost and split sails, stove boat ami Hooded decks. Hark l'rliiMsen iNor). Andersen, Liverpool HO days, in balla-t to Punch, Edye A Co. May I, in the (lulf, saw bark Evening Star (N'cr), hence tor Marseilles. Hutk Kamschntka (Nori, Lorsjacksen, Stavanger 41 days. In ballast to C Tobias A Co. Hark Thomas Brooks. Wangh, (iuantannmn 10 dan, with sugar, Ac, to Brooks & Co; vessel to Waydeil A Co. Had line weather. Brig Nana B (Atis\ Lucovleh. Alexandria 110 days, with rags to Sloeovlch A Co. I'a^ed Gibraltar March 12; had lie ivv weather all the passage. Brlg.t A llooltes Hutch). Do Jonge. Klo Crande 7ltdays, w ith hides, Ac. 11 order: vessel to Punch, Edye A Co. Cro??eil the Equator March 26. In Ion 32: had Hue weather. Brig Betty ?l?r>, tcheepsma, Ilio Janeiro Dee 1">, vm Lisbon Match 11. with cofee to C Tobias A Co. Had heavy weather on the coast: lost sails, stuve bulwarks ami flooded deck s. Brig Uliick Atif ((Jer), Woyer*ang, Kin Janeiro Oit day*, with colfee to U Amsinck : vessel to C Tobias A Co. Crossed the Rqnator March 20, In Ion .lit; had strung NE and N'W gales; lo-t sails, Ac. Ilrlu' Morning Star (Br), Wrtghtson, Bahia 72 davs, with sngartoli K Bui ley. Crossed the Bquator*Mareh 9. in Ion :ir?: April 13. off llaiteriis. had a heavy KSK intle, lasting 4m hours, in which sprung foremast, lost and split sails, and was boarded by a heavy sea which was'ied everything movable trom deck and caused the vessel to leak. lirlg Emetine i f Maitland, Ns), Logan, Havana via Hampton Holds 15 days, with sugar to s A W Welsh: ves sel to .1 P Whitney A Co. Had Iresti MW gales; split sails Arc. Brig Aura (of Windsor, NS), Wood, Havana 10 days, with sugar to Pranke, Fischer A Co: vessel to master. Was 5 du.tsN of Hatter is with N and NW \rinds. Hrig Mansoii (of Searsporti. liardlner, Trinidad via Dela ware Breakwater Iftdays, with sugar ro S A W Welsh. Sclir Dolly Varden. Alien, San Andreas, with radse to J S Tucker A Co . vessel to Miller A Houghton Sclir Lnola Miirchlson. Jones, Havana Ktduys, with sugar to B irlilg Bros; vessel to M irehisna ,V Co. Sehr (Mara Smith (of Itocklaiui), lireen, Uat.'iuzas via Delaware Breakwater 12 ilnrs, with sugar to HI \Y Welsh. Sclir II Curtis (ot Clierryoeld), Curtis, Magna'VIA Deia ware Breakwater IS davs, vith molasses to Benjamin Rlonda A Co; vessel to K Talbot A Co. Sehr Muirollan, Cramer, Virginia. Selir II l> Brewster. HI*. Virginia. Sehr R Mason, l orry, Virginia. HchrHaruh A Lucy. Bowker, Virginia. Sehr.I II Itapp Cole, Virginia. Sclir Napoleon. Pre Imore, Virginia. Sclir Purest Oak. Parker, (leorveti wn, DC. Sehr Wm Allen, Lewis, Baltimore. Sehr H >' Keed Kelsey, Baltimore I n- New Haven. Sehr Nettle B Thomas iflshormaii), Thomas, 7 days out, wltli 100 Dbls of mackerel. PASSED THROUGH HELL tiATB. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Alhambra (Br). Wilaon, St John. NB. via Var month, Nrt, lor New Vork, with ludsts and passenger! to A E Outerhrldge. steamer City ot Pltehburg. Springer, New Bedford for Kew York. steamer I hells. Yonug. I'rovldenee (or Now Yore. Sclir Accara, Berry, Maehlas for New Vork. Sehr tieo P I'rigg, liammon, (lloueester for New Yor*. Solir Commodore Kearney, Mason, Providence lor New York, Sclir Wm MeOobb, Cleveland, Providence for New York. Sclir James tl Young, Barrett. Pawt ncket tor New Vork, SoUr Northern l.ight. Harper, New Haven tor New Vork. Sehr A II llurlburt. (Irlltiug. New Haven lor Baltluio"* Hvhr Wiu Xt Pack, Bunco. Cold Spring tor Hie VorB. BOUND EA3T. Steamer Albatross. Davit, New Tor* for Pal' River. Stealer Delaware. Smith. New York lor Kali River. Scbr A V Hull iBr), Hull. Sew Yor* lur St Andrew*. MB. Sebr Cabot. Parker, Naur York lor Boston. i-ebr \V D Maniram, ( base, New York for New Bedford. Schr Ann Amelia. Munsnn, New York for New Bedford. Sclir Inland City, All-n, New York lor Harwich. 8chr Millte Prank, Kdwardt. New York lur Mlda'.etown, Conu. Schr Belle. Simpson, Krooklyu for New llavea. Sclir J !?; Karl. Forsyth. Tremont for Hartford. Scbr K Waterman. Hinckley, llondnut for Pawtucket. Schr Boston Nicker son, Roiidout for Do.tou. Sch'Jas Holmes, Ryder, Roudout lor Boston. Sclir Louise A Bom dm an, Kobliuou. lloboken for Calais. Koltr Av"ii. Parks. lloboken lor Beliast. Sclir <>ri*tmbe, Duncan, lloboken lor Boston. 8c nr 0 Carroll, Wright, HoooKon for Providence. Sclir I'llen M Baxter, Lanipbeur, Itoboken (or Provi dence. sclir Mury Stowe. Baker, lloboken for Providence. Sclir HUM RWfH. Campbell, lloboken lor WilSlWlli Schr New Keuulus. Rullerty, lloboken for Hrlatol. BI. Schr Krl. Robinson, Woehawken for Newburypnrt. Scbr Jolin Warren, Mc'iar. Woehawken lor Providence, sclir Meineoio, Perry. Elir.abethport for Newport. Sclir C Russell. Port.lolmnon for Newmarket, Nil. Schr Rescue, Phlnney. Port Johnson for Now Hertford. Schr Surah a Jones. Phlnney, Port Jubnsou for New Bed ford. Scbr (jhas P Slnnlckson, Nelson, Port Johnson fur Provi dence. Sclir Sarah L Thompson, Hall, Port Johnson for Provi dence. Sclir Samuel Crocker, Treacher, Port Johnson for Warreu. BI. Schr D H Pitts. Williamson, Port Johnson lor Gr<-enport. hehr Mnrin Fleming, Williams, Port -lohnsnn lor Norwich. Schr 11 el "ii. aearles, Ainboy for Providence. Sclir Oorctta. Kalm, Ambuy lor Ml liil''t >wn. Schr Smith O'Brien, liolT. Ainboy lor Now London. Sihr Mist, Muncy. Aiubo.v for Port Jefferson. Sclir kphralui x Anna, McLean, Philadelphia for Brldge port. Scbr b M Rood, Kelsey, Baltimore for New Haven. Schr Forest Oak, Parker. Georgetown for New Haven. Sailed from Whltestone AM 4th, brig Maggie Wood (Br), Buckhern, Now Vork lor St John, NB. CLEAKED. Steamer Adriatic (Br), Perry, Liverpool via Queen*, town?R J Curtis. Steamer City of Chester (Br). Tlbbitts, Liverpool via Qiicoiistowii?-John G Dale. St curlier Egypt (Br), Grogan, Liverpool via Qaeenstown?F W .1 Hurst. Steamer Yeddo (lir), Owon, Hull, K?Cbas L Wright & Co. Steamer Bolivia (Br). Small. Glasgow?Henderson Bros. Steuuier City ol Dulles, lllnes. Fernaudina via Port Royal. SO?C 11 Mallorv J; Co. Steuuier Octurora, Reynolds. Baltimore?Win Dalzoll. Steamer Triolet, Davis Wilmington. Del?Abiel Abbott. Steamer A C; Stlmnrs, Wurreu. Philadelphia?Ja* Hand. Steamer Cliesnueuke. Manu'iiin. Portland?J " Aniet Steamer OMicord, ilulues. Hsrtiord-Ruckett .s Hro. Ship Livingston iftor), Hansen. Queenstown ur Falmouth for orders?Bciiliam ,fc Boyesen. .-hip June Plan, Turner, Callao aud Ancou?Snosr & Bur gess. Bark (iemsbok, llall, Tamatavo or a market?Arnold Hines Jt Co. Bnrk Karl of Elgin (Br), Alexander, Liverpool?Tupper & Beattle. Bark Mia Madre (itnl), Scolto, Bristol, E?Slocovlch ? Co. Bark Pucillc (Nor), Harris, Cork for orders?Pouch, Kdye & Co. Burk Kong Carl (Nor), Henrickson, Antwerp?C Tobias k Co. Hark Carib. Tpwnsend, West End St Croix?P llanlord. Brig L'Auiico (ital), Exposlto, Newry?Lauro, storey 4 Co. Brig Puquet da Nov* York (Port), Da Sllva, Lisbon?Hag emever A Brunn. Brig Sea Bird (Br), Llndt, Rio Grande do Sul via Rich monil ?I'euiston A Co. Brig (ilauce (Ur), Uill, St Johns, PR?Miller & Hough ton. Brig Alice (Br), Montgomery, Grand Turk?Eggers ft Ilelnlein. Schr Cumberland, Webber, Kingston, Ja?S de Cordova. Schr Annie Bliss, Simmons, Juilersouton, Ja?Snow ft Burges* Schr Klectra (Br). Beattie, Cbarlottetown, PHI?Perkins ft Job. Sclir Gazello, ingxlls (Br), Grand Mennan, NB?Jed Krye ft Co. Schr B N Hawkins, VYyatt. Charleston? Evani, Ball ft Co. Schr Helen M Thompson, Walton, Portland, Me?H W Loud ft Co. Schr 0 W Rentlev, Baker Boston -Isaac R Staples. Schr P L Smith, Lpton, Boston?C L Hatch. SchrComo, Bunker. Haverhill sirapson. Clapp ft Co. Sclir Maria L Davis, Chase, Harwich? Do:tne ft Gott. Sclir litu Palmer, Palmer, Bridgeport?Stamford Manu facturing Co. Sloop Denniaville, Price, New Haven via Bridgeport? Rackett ,t Bro. SAILED. Steamers Olbers (Br), for Liv?ri?ool; Croft (Br), Cork; City of I > til I lis, I'eriiundina; burk* ."oUa (Aus), Cork or Falmouth; Treci Dubrnva'jkt (Ausl, Gueenstown; Assnnta (itnl), Trieste; W D Stewurt (Bry, Loudon; brigs Emily (Br), iteliio; Daylight, Demerarn. MARITIME MISCELLANY. The purser ol the steamer Andes, from Port au Prince, ftc, has our thanks for favors. Bakk Adriatic (Bri, from Lelth April 2. with coal, for Uuebec, hail her port bow stove by tlio Ice olf A ntlcosti, aud was beucned with 7 leei o! water iu her hold, siio whs towed ntf anu to Quebec Mny 3. where her discharge was at once commenced. Will dock for repairs. Baiik ApkiatiC (Br), from Lqltli for Quebec, had her bow stove In by ice off j.ntlcosta. The cuptaln ran tho vessel ashore utid made repairs, llu then got her afloat again, nud by constant pumping succeeded In reaching Quebec M ay 4. Bahk I.OCll (loll. (Br), from New Orleans tor Liverpool, remained at Key West April Ii'), reloading. Scint Mattik K itUhormaii), In m Beverly, Masn, for Grand Banks, struck twice on a sunken rock off Dover nlgiit of April 31), aud put into Halifax May 2, leukiug badly. Sciir H T Townhknd. Wilder. Irom Havana, arrived at Key West April 'M lor rupalrs, loaking. Sciik Lunict, Hinds, at Port Spain March 2H from Pasca goitla vlu Chariest in. experienced a succession of gales during the passage, and had her deak loud and everyiiiing Tiiuvable swept away: was roportod to be leaky aud had much water in her bold. Schii J II Wai.nwhight, from Now York for Boston, when off Broil ton's Reef lightship a gust of wind blow the Jib clean Irani the roping, and shu put Into Dutch Island Har bor 2d for repairs. Sciir HimnKrr IIakt. from New York lor Genoa (before reported), had finished discharging her cargo of tobacco at Gibraltar into two floating hulks: 54 lihds ol tobncco were found damaged, and the surveyors recommended that it be carried to tts dentin At ion. 'I he vessel wu> to be towed into Hie Cumber for furtner examination and repairs. Schr Michaki. C Collins, before reported capsized off Beaver Tall, was towed to Newport yesterday. Tho dam ago cannot lie ascertained until r.he Is rU-hted. Scint Kannik Rkad, fisherman, of Chatham, lost anchors and chains off Block Island, aud put Into Nowport May 3 to replace tliein. Baltimork, May 4?Bark Dartmouth (Br), Raymond, hence to Loudon, before reported In Hampton Roads with loss ol rudder, has retnrnen to tills port. Bark C ittarina I'letro. baloro reported aground bilow North l'olut, floated this morning and proceeded ou her way. Ciiaklipton, May 3 -The schr Jane Rmson is now receiv ing the cargo of sugar hrou'ht lufo this nort y tho brig Alice Lea. The cargo will be takeu ulrect to Now York. Lacnchkp.?At Knit Boston, April 1, bark Esperauai, 2*tl tons new measurement : will bo a large carrier, raios Ai for seven years at American Lloyds; is owned by Captaiu Dnvid A Hobcrts. of Salem. Muss, and is for salo. At Kennebunkport. May 1 a sharp schr of about XI tons old measurement, built ?n contract by Georgo Chrlstensen for Setli II Plnkhain. and others of Cape Porpoise, where she will be employed as a market llslierman, in charge of (.'apt A J Leach. At East Deerlng. Me, 2d Inst, by the Merrill Bros, a porirle steamer of about 7."i tons, owned b* tho New England Por gle i Ishlng Company. She was towed around to tho Port land Company's wharf, where she will take in her ma chinery. ______ WHALEMEN. Arrived fit New London .Miiv l!, nrhr R mm a .Tun a. MaUey, from Devolution, with 2!JO li'il* ulephnnt oil on hoard? MH) bhl? nil told; reyortM *chr Rimwoli King, Fuller, NL, bound home and would wrrlvo in dayn. ? Arrived at -t Mel ?nu March 27, barUs R!i/, ibeth, ^Vlck?f with bnU *p and t)<> > ) ? wii oil (and 8>ij|f?ct 2lUh to rruitte) : General Seott, Kobbins, NH, with fW)? b'd? Hp; 28th, Hope On, Hnker. Nil. with 27."* bbn Hp and 375 bbls wli; 30th, KAtiileen, Howland, NB. with 7<*> bl<lH Hp <and all remained iu port April 2 tilirdnv 4,il h?>m At do April 2. nhin Vountc I'henlx. Gilford, NB; bark* Sea Runner. Flafiiiers, NB?both ahipinn^r on un bark Aiidriette |Swc), for New Bedford: George riutau, lleyer, of aad for NB. SPOKEN. Ship (inv Lanfcdnn (Hr), from Liverpool for Quebec, April 17 l?t 4H 43 Inn 17 57. Ship .Io<et>li < 'UrKu, (!mn. from Liverpool tor Shelburne. NS. April ?_'<), 25(1 tnllea W of tlu> KaiUlet. Ship Culverae (Hr), from Bri m on for New York, April 13, lnt IH 10, I.mi HI. Ship / IIIne (Hr), from Bombay fur Rangoon, do duto, lat 5 N. Ion K-l K. Bark Oarrle Humphrey, f!rn/l?r, Irnru Boaton for Horn* bnv, Apiil M. lat 4(1 M, Ion 30 !IB W. Bark Chun K Lewia. Itare, frmn Portland for Bueuoi Ayrea, Marili li<l. lol 37 33 N, Ion 43 .'In W. Aii Ann-rlciin Imrk, allowing "SULQ," steering S, ?u Men April 10, lnt 31 X, loll 40 W. An Amerlr.?ii 3-maatod lore mid aft rlxxed schooner, bound s. March 36, let 7 IK N. Ion 'J8 US W. OUtt CABLE .SHIPPING NEWS. Aaiiiiccr. M?y 4?Arrived, berk Sella (llr), Duncan. New York (Is also reported ashore at ->l>itierliozel. ilKKTOL. May 4?Arrived, steamer Arr.iirou (Br), Hymoni, New York. Hatonxk, April 28?Sillied, bark Fild (Nor), Salveseo, Now York. CARDirr, May 4?Sailed, bark Thoi A Uoddard, Smith, Singapore. Ckohkhavkk, May 3?Passed. allip John o' Haunt (Br). Lyall, from Kan Kranolaco for Liverpool; Rutlandshire (llr). Wliito, do Tor Qneenitown. Capoi, to May 4?Arrived, snip Knot Honle, Drlnkwater, Valencia. Hailed to 4th. achr Lookout, Nlcbola, (ilouceitor. UlfiiltIK, May 3?Arrived, bark Jamaica (Br), Turner. Astoria. Ki.mnuiii'., to May 4? Arrivod, bark Dagny (Nor). Frollck, Baltimore. Kot.kraroKM, May 3?Off, hark Johana Kepler ftJer). Hplile, from New York for Hrrmen. Ok.HO A, May 1?-Arrived, brltf llelolse (Kr), Ilallaid, New York. Arrived prior to 4ili, barks Hvalen (Nor), Boe, Baltimore; Marietta I) (itai), Hava, Mohlle. 1)1 RH.ii.TaH, April 1!*?Sailed, ship Cleopatra (Au?), OaI aiiirlrli .from Trapani), lloston; barks Ferraro Tono (Itai), Cuomo (from Trieste), New York; l'robo (Itai), de Martlno (from Llcala), do; selir liable Kock, llainnioiid (Irom Men alna!, do. Hull, May 4?Arrived, bark Metsola (Kua), Strom, llaltl more. IIavhr, May 3?Hailed, barks Amalia (Itai), I.andansa, Baltimoiet Tixre (Auai, Cosulleli, Del iware Breakwater. Liverpool, May 4?Arrived, atoaiuer Kinlliano (Sp), Mondoioua, .New Orleans Sailed 4tli, ahip Ualatea, Plllibury, llamptnn Roadi. Lompo*, May 4?Cloarod, barks Von Moltke (Br), Mo Cully, Lewei, Del; Vale(kor), Uunderaeu(from Hamburg). New York, having rep?ired; Wllbelm (Nor), Ro#d? Unlt,d States. ' LkuHORN, to May 4?Arrived, bar* GrUalehamn (Sw^ Anderson. Philadelphia. Mkshina, about May 2-Salled, iteamer Alexandria (Br). McKay, New Y'ork, Naflks, May 1?Arrived, bark Rebekka (Nor), CarUen, Mew York, Qckxnstown. May 8. 8 PM-Arrlved. steamer Heela (Br). Talliot, Boston fur Liverpool (and proceeded). Railed 4th, iKamtr City or Richmond (ilr), Leitcb (from Liverpool). New York. Twai-asi, May 3-Salled, bark Giulett* Utal), Gaizolo. Bokiou. Sailed from May 4, bark Pla.hllght (Br), Card, New York. London. May 4-Steamer Augnst Amlre (Bel*). Koud s?n, from Saw York April 11 for Autwerp. wasspoaen April 27, at C AM, lat 4tl 20. Ion 40, by .teamer Hecla, at Queen. town with lota of ruailer. A temporary one bad been rigged when fallen in with. She did not require any assist ?nee. ' Bar* Scotia (Br), Duncau, from New York March 10 for Aarliuui. la asture at Hkltterhoge. FOREIGN POltTS. A ?r in wall. May 2? Sailed, ateamir Colon, Griflln. New Sailed April ".HI. brig Win Mason, Adams. Cuba. Arrived April 22. *chr?Jas II Horuon, Champion, Balti more; Sarali I'otter. Walls. I'hlladutnbla. HngMox Avars May 3 - In port, brig F.llmbeth Wlnilow, Locke, for New Y'nrfc. Idg. .... /n.\ Cong Vnv 1?Arrived, bark Jennie Armstrong (Br), Thompson, Hi Joti", N B. ,,, , ? ai.'itta, March 29?Sailed, ship Edith Wiirren, Clarke. New York. , , ? ... In port March 2'.'. '?hip Victoria, At wood, for Mauritius Cai.i AO, March 2"?Arrived, ship Carrolton. Lawfc, San Francisco (and bailed April ft lor Pabellon); bark Alfredo (Ital). Pltaloiro. Sew York. Sailed .March 2V>. aliln Resolute, McKels, HilHiilloa. O lag ALT ah, April in?Sat'ed, brig. Tere.ina (Ital). De Angeles (irum Philadelphia), Catania: 17th, Roslna U (Ital), Cacace (from New Ynrk), Leghorn. In port April 17. selir Hurrtett Hart. Oiterberg, irora New York lor Genoa; (see Mlaqellany). MoatX Bav, March 21?lu port, hrig Johu Kendall (Br), James, for New York. loir. _ . , Nava^sa. April 21?Sailed, brig Romance. Craig, Balti m "'an A ma. May 1-Arrived, ateamer City or San Francisco, Wadded, l-an Francisco. ? QifKURC. May 2-Arrtrerl. *team??r Phoenician (Br). Scott, ffluiurow: uliip* St Bernard. Churchill, Shelbiirue:; Honanra. W?bster, Liverpool; Waiters HjunUur^; Milton, Dean. Ureonock : bark Adriatic, Wilton, Lelth Arrived 4th, bark Adriatic (Br), Lellh (*??? MiicelUny). St II ki.kna. April 2-In nort fcark. Andrlette (8w), frr New Bedford; britc Noatun (Nor), l urk, for d . stJoiinh. April 14 Iii port, tcbr Ellen Perkins, Mitch. II for Baltimore. Id?r, to nail In a lew d*v?. St John. NB, May 52?Arrived. Btrk Tidal Wave. Hjlcrow, London: *?rl*.r Caroline Oathrine. Melton. Sables d Ollonoi. Bark tienallea Irom the Island. tuppoaed lobe tuo Atliau tce. wbicti paMied l*olnt Lepruaux on Titeidnv. ?... Arrived 4th. nchra Kinma (Br), Dunham, and Mary Tneali, Tt>e? 11 New York. Cleared 2 I.darks Arethnsa, B.irrett, Slliro; St I, Bngart. Ilnb'ln ; aehr Ida May. Lam?on,PhlIarteliil'ta. Cleared 4th. sehr Anna Currier, Van Wiirt. New Yorlt. balled 2d. ship Llllle Soullard. Kiilain. Liverpool. [Pun Stkajikr Oiikr. I Antwerp. April 21 ?Sailed Nonantum, Mcwhlrter, Car *"l(V.Ai'iir April 22-Passed. Rnsoer (of Osterrlsoer), froin Baltimore for Ri.soer. . , Hhkmkriiavkn, April 1H?Arrived, ttl"11" <?*? Pranke, New York : 2(Hh. Nurn'ierg (*), Jae ger. Baltimore. Sailed loth. Neptune, lohanaon. America; J(i:b, Kim faxe, I' eland, Sandy Hook. _ . ... l<Bi!OKN, April 12 -Sailed, Septentrlo, Toijeaon, America, 14th. (leilnn, Anderson do. . BountAitx, April 10-Salled, Industrie, Larsen. Mlra ""pr'iceertlng down 20tb, Mary K Campbell, Gray, for VVey CAKPlfP. April 21?Arrived. Luclle. Talbot. Antwerp. Cakknakvon. April '.Ml?Sailed. Irene, Kvan*. Quebec. Calais, A|irll 2J?Arrived TuloAr. St Pair. I ?scHgouln. I lev Kit. Aptll 23-At anchor. Patent (Nor barki, from B PaH*ud 23d. Bel Btuart. Ollllat Savannah for West liar tlepool; 23d, Mary E Chapman,Wyman, New York lor Ham '"ofl 21st. Arsonaut, Bremers, from Bremen tor Baltimore. Dkal, April 21?Anchored. IMcliard, Olsen. Loudou for Quel ec": 221. Argo. OU-n. d; Tor do. Passed 2 t(i. Ainal. I.unoe, Loudon for Bull River. Rescue, Vi*?"rv Irom Pensacola. a ~ Dublin, April 21?Arrlvod, India, McPhail, San Fran C'salled 21st. Liberator, for New York. Dunkirk, April SO-Salled. l oderico lo Svero, for New Y<FalmOUT1I, April 21-Arrlved. Llllle Gillespie, Ber<man, "rim'sby. April |22?In the roads, Nlcollne. Repelt, for (?ukknock. April 20-Sallod, Arran, Reld, Quebec; 21st, Iliuno. Moffat, do. v . (;ai.way. April 23?Arrlv?d. Canessa Padre. New York. Uknoa. April 18?Cleared, Clias II Lnwr-nce. Kemp, rra paui: Raffaelo Ligure, Pagono. New Y ork; 20th, Nlmrod (Jlo o idi1, Oerolomlch, do. Hull April 22- Arrived. Alaska, Anderson. Antwerp. llA^nCRd. April 21? Arrived, Cimbria (s). tichwensen. New YorK. _ ? ? , Sailed 21st. Cere?. Dollne'. New V ork. snilm! f o *i Cnxhaven l?th. (ieo M Bamard. Berry. Phila delphia; 20th, Caotano Re'ietto. liotuiio, Baltimore; Ke nun K i>e. ,n ler.'ii Sr 'ohn NB. Havk o. April 20-Salled, Uron.vaar, Nielsen, Delaware BHonu'ko'no, about April21-Arrived, Oaelle (?). Kldley. iwssr -?<?. Duchi'HS of Argyle, Malhi., Son i-rancl-co: Idaho is), (ier.rd New Sar.h Charal.ers. Kutherlord. Per n-mbuco; llarold H iarlRger. Halvor.en. Pensncola. 21fct. < * K I.ovltt, SmlleT. Quehec; P.ilen Oood ppeud. Mom. Cardiff and Rla Janeiro? l-acdreneslandet, NieU.-n Oueliec; 22d. SlL'rld. Hansen. Oalhou-le; Kmtua, Mason ('barlottotown 28d. Koreut Belle. Scott Quebec; jolm K C'huHo. Dnvi*. Philadelphia: AlphonHe. KI worthy, Miitunsas; Crnssder, Mathewa, Quebec; Wallls Jk Jobn. ^^^lrt^*bViushead'iflth, M A Robertson, Irom Liverpool ^L^nuonT April 21?Arrived. Ivalo. Jungrll, Bull Rivers utoiiaYsi (Valir New York: 23d. Canada (?). Sumner, do (anu ent oiitored for do); Arundel Castle. Steer, San F ran 01 Cleared 2lst. Minnie Gray, Black. Sidney^ CB; Tropic. Kellner. Bull River; 23d. Lai la W Woodworth. New York; ^Knte'red o'tit* 21?t, Princess of Walee, Davles. Halifax. _ I Sailed from Cravesend 21st, Prineo Alfred for Quebec; ^^^"If'Zrl^-l'^^i. Figll Accame. from Baltimore | 1 oNPONPKURV. April 2(1?Sailed. Niord, Semb. Mlraml chi ' 21st Addle II Ciinn. Jenkins, do. Mkssina, April IS?Sailed, Castalla (a). Bntler, Palermo, ^Madras. March 24-Sailed, Ethan Allen, Hardy. Kotapa '"naflm, about April 21-Arrlved. Alexandria (s). McKay. I'oMT'.ANt*. Anrll 21?Sailed from the roads, Emma laruf flni. from Baltimore lor Lowestoft. . ,.h Put into the roads 21st, i'eari (*chr), Clark, from Lcitb April 22?Arrlvod, Flavlo, C fllero, Baltimore. qukknstown. April 22?Arrived, Roxburgbthlro, Christie, ' s'allo'I 2 Id, Mary Law, Dunlop, IInil; lloipodar, Keiley, ARotWtPAM. April 20?Cleared. Vlttorla Canostro. Valler intr Piiiladelpbia: Uno, Loreutscn. Baltimore. StiNPXKLANU, April 21-Sailed, John Ritson, Humphrey, QSTbHr.i kna March 27-Arrtved, Otto, Jaclitmann, Manila f0TAS,;WA?oo ^A^. rH.drlch. lld.r?p, Hon, carll. underbill, Elo J Takao, Feb lO?Sailed. Pallas Ballehr. HosUin. WkhthiRT. April 21?Arrived. Charles. Langhoff. St ^'WatkRro'il'u.' April 20-Arrlved. Roska Ignatius Balti more- CUmpa Kluilia Cocnrnllo, New Y ork; 22d. Nnovo Spera'nia, Olivari, II alt inure: "Johann Lang, BJorkijvlst, do. LixvRICK April 21-The Jaila A Merrllt schooner. Bu cliar.l Iro n St l.ucix for t'ro ikhaven forordors. experlenced a southerly gale April 17, In lat 51 N. Ion 21 W ; had fore sail and living Jib carrltd away, m i nmast sprung, main liooni broken, aid neads acd toprails forward started; the ve>?el also bea m to make water in topworks and had rlggiuu b ully dialed: repaired temporarily and ? on April 2". when between Cape t;lear and the Blasqneta. had foresail m-'aln lor" away, when the schooner b .re up and pot In here lor repairs. Mil roRn April 22-lha Amerlka. Nielsen, arrived here to-day Iroui Doboy, struck on the bur In coming out of that placo. AMERICAN POETS. ALl'X ANDRtA, Mat 2?mailed, ichr Mery B Lonz, for Kev \Ve?t. :id-Suited. tvhr <Jeo R Vreelind, BHitol. Pasted up. Kcbr I/surn flrldcmnn. Poised down, sclirit Win K Oarrlton, Mary Haley and Arlevilli' II 1'eiiry. HUSTON, Muy 4 Arrived, Kteamert Rnxon, Snow ; Berlin, Pendleton. mid I'crklomen. Pleree. Philadelphia; Imrk lluttIt* O Mci''riiind, McKiirland. Sapua; ?chr? vmim K Ketchum, Ketchum, unj Uror^u Ciark, Hartleit, Philadel phia. Alto arrived, kteamert Neptune. Berry, New Tork: liar rl* lurir. Worth Philadelphia: nl>ii> Klertra Clarke S|f|;;ii* pure hrlK K W Me?x?r. IIhwUi. Tianaiil; j>oi?r< .fuliit A Ward, Milt twin, Weelmwken; .1 O Babeoek, Smith; Marf S Brailthaw, Vhii < I Oder .1 A Hcckermun, llatliHwuv: \V lllnui O Lewis, Hatter; iligntl J Lawrence, Haley; Ann .1 Loekwood; St John, Philadelphia, and llenry Wlthini; ton. Chase, I altimore Cleared Stoxinert Partliiit (Br). McKey, nod Victoria (Br). W'llllatt ?. Liverpool : liark Kninl i F Herrlnan, Mini better, Cape Count | hrlff E II Rich. Paint, Mulrlm; aciirs Mury It l)>er, Oliver, It.ilinrnHs; K A Server, Cordery. and llattle Buker. I!txt?r, I'lillmlelplilu. Sailed?Mark J S Window. HM.TIMOKK. Ma> I?Arrived. ?te?raer? M Stevens, Chance, New York; William Crane, Howes, Boston; hark* Kido (Nor), Andersen Liverpool; CoHinii>us (Her), .lbM r, Amsterdam ; brig (foleonda, Smliti. .Mntanza*; scurt II II (iriint. I.urdor, Now York: J <1 Sewitrd. Patterson, Kleo Ultra; Ho Iney 1'nrker. Now Haven; "William 11 Mn??y," Hotter*. hdontown, NO. Cleared Steamer, lira la (Spun), Erituma, Liverpool; Jun1. bine 1 li .impson Moore, New York; btrkt Oitnl ( s or i, Abrnbnm'eti, Kredtrlckahaven (I> nmiirk): Kildu (Nor), Chrl?llin?.>n, Qunen?town: brly Liberty, l>everotix. Nor folk: schre I! in m is I 'realty. Crosby, Boston; S II llopkii:t, Prettn.sre. Bridgeport, Al?o cleated, steamer! Win Kenned), Fouler, Provident*; PKr?(t"??*, Hooper, Savannah; biirk Nuovo Oovero iltuli, Campodonlca (JtieetnitHrn. Sailed Imrks lMini, Madre Cerutl, Maria Uoceo and Ai.iImo Acrume; l.rlji Phe Charley. BAMJOh. May 3?Arrived, brig Ann fellr.aboth, Dean, Bampden. Cleared Scbr Jnd'*e Tenny. Klch, New York SKi.KASr, Me, May 3-Arrived, ItIk Hannah C Sibley, Coixou, llavre. % BAT.I, May 51?Arrived sclirt KaVard H I'urber. Atkina, lie r einwii; U W Lewi*. Hopper, Wilmington; Oavllubt, Re I'd. Ilobnken. IIKI8 I til,. .May 3?Sailed, tcbr I'birbe Kllitiibeth, Ryan, New York. CllARM5STON May 4?Arrived, bar* Oalolre (Sp), Galpl. Hhviiiiii. .-ailed Stenmer Soairull, Baltimore, DAItlKN, May I ?Arrived, burk* Kevcllo (Br), lieynoldt, New York; Ellen (Hr , llution, Liverpool via Tybee. Cleared?Harks L C Bi elow i Brl, Liverpool; tletfiia (Br), Hull. Souvenir (Brl, Holme*, do; <Hna ? Hum. Muilion, Liverpool; Memento (Nor;, Anderson, Falmouth. HUTCH ISLAND IIakHOK. May I?Arrived, iclirn (ieorue W Wlntford, Bryant, Providence for Ponce, I'R ; Allulavara. fierce, Irom llobokolt for Boston; John 1) llnekalow. Pom. and ReafllnK Knlrond So. dO. OoUon, P?w tncket lor New York; Ilopu iliri, lllll, Boeton to Ilolton, NS (and all milieu 3d). '-'d?Arrived, selir Xebec. Hliropshlre, New York for Provi dence ihi.i1 tailed 3<1); MhrJ II Walnwrlght. liHrnest, from New York lor Boston (toe Mitcellany). Bd?Arrived, tekr Frauk, Klynn, MaeUlat for New York, EAST ORBENWICH. May 3-Arrlv.d, schr. Wn? O I riafc. Tyrrell. and Paul ?* Ktlltr, Henderson, Phlladeluhla. EUU tllTOWN. May I'-AinvM, Khr Motet tud), ??? ren Port Penu Tor Belfast. KORTRliSS MONRO K, May 4 -Passed In. bark M.nltoa, Trowor. trom PinMnhwo tor Baltimore: Victor. fr?>m Lon donderry lor do : Katie Stewurt, from Great Yarmouthi f?? do- Kate Croaby (Hr). Illtibe't, London for do; Angelina (It'al), Capurrl. Bristol for do. , . . Passed oat ? Barks lor Qnaeniltivn: Lido, lor C?ri: Huron for Copenhagen; Von Berg, for Bremen; Hiawatha, lor Londonderry: brig Ktua. Tor Belfast. GALvKSTOtf, April 2H? Cleared, bark Braros (not Sn bine) Knllnr. Liverpool. , KKY WEST, April 23?Arrived, schr Crlssie Wright, riark Piillade nhia (mid cleared 'Xih for Saxua). vrrivi d. schrs Kllen M Adams. Adams. Mew Orleans fur tlnhion - Edwin Gaunt (Br). Roberta Nassau, ?jsth?Arrived, schr H T Townseud, Wilder. Havana fee* M:inb-In port, bark Locli Goil (Br), from New Orleam for L'moKiUe! May 4-Cloar.d. ichr P.reps, Packard, Bar b reared l?t. brig Joseph Clark Htahl, Pensacol* ' NEW ORLEANS. April 30-Clear?d, schr Excelsior, Mor ^Ttli?Arrived, steamers Cordova (Br). Liverpool: Hudson. (101 eared-Sli'i'llelrose, Nelll. Hav?>; bark Kebo (Nor). HC?a^Tisl**stt*ntners Algiers. Hawthorne. New York; Abdlel (Br). Jones. Liverpool; ship Nunqnam Dormlc, Cousins Havre; Ocean (Nor). Sorensen. Norkoplnir. h*e. deT (N'or). Outidersen. PUatU (Uer), lleliiuors, Bremen; sclir Jennie Wood(Br), I uattl, P.'liv* Anrll 4 Sailed. ships Nnmtnam Dormlo, Wyo m fn g- b*irksllre in en, A lart: s?br D K P??h?r.t. NKWBl'RYi'ORT, May :i~Arnved, schrs K P Ritchie. Ifrs-,^ed-ScVr.?j'Little. Philadelphia: Nellie Clark, Clark. firenvSlo. NY; Joseph Eaton (3 masts), Peter.on, ' NE? 'FiEUPORD. Mav 3?Arrived. eebrs Tho? Borden, Ohtirbtlck and S C Hurl. Kolly. Philadelphia: J;11" 1 h""J \Vatsou : Xebec sh,on.hlr..and Sar.-totraMlckerjonP^ Johnson; M Vassar, Jr. Kellv Now York; Ain'.iov ? W N ilesiicr. Agood. and Ontario, Purlnifton, Port.Ioimt.on; Hannah Wlll.Ua, Dottndgo, and Veranda, Pond. New York: Ghertrer. Ilallett, Araboy. Passed np the bay?Sehr Argo, Gurney. irom New York f?NEWPO*Rr, May 3?Arrived, tchrs D W Port Johnson; Potter A Hooper, Bruobury. Uaver?trn.W! Clara Rankin. Knox, Port Johnnon ror^omerset land jailed 3,1); Sum Weller, Rockwell. Port Johnson far 1-all (und sailed 3d) ; Emma. White. I'rom Taunton for South A Sailed, steamer Tallapoosa. McRitehle. Boston, via Portimouth N II: I1'hllanthrooUt. h??e. Balti mor- for Provldene.o; Star. Haskell. Amkov lor do . Mary H Miniin. I'erris. lloboiten for Warren; Saratoga, Wcker lon, P i t Johnson for New Bedford. .nnnoaed raised up at r?:30 AM. u large 3-ra*?ted aohr. ?nppo?e? t0pM-rrrtvod!dwbrs P C Smith. Smith, and Quiokstep. Hutchinson. Port Jobtnon; Oloijcafter. Hurley, 1 rovldent* '"nk'w* HA VRN, May 3?Arrived, hrlirs Rl*;ti(r Star, Orlff Intr St Plarro. Mart: T Towner, Perkins. Bt ( rolx. Cleared?Sclir J J Pharo, Kioeiim. Alexandria. POitT ROYAL. SO. May 4-Arrived, stoainer llitv or Ane* tin Stevens Kernuudina land sailed for New ^ork). PHILADELPHIA. May 4-Arrlved. ?teamer? Arte., Wlieiden. I'oeton; Catharine Whltlnn, Ha'diiiK. Prwl deuce; Vindicator. Boxers, Kail Hlver: bn^ < ?r otte Buck. Smith. CnrdenM: J ? Bo urd' Hr). f".bl '/J"1 bur/; schrs Abble Dunn, Kountain. l arten^. isarlta (Hr) Luiidry, do; Josepli Maxfleld, Steolman, W areham, B T Smith, Adama, Providence. v?rv> hrlin Also arrived, steamer Ajfnoi, Smith. New York. brl? Shannon Mnoro. Havana: American Union ColM?? ?? tllia Itlver; Klx (Nor). Larsen. Klnifstim. Ja. .Vamaniiia, Dix. Providence: sclire Hattle K Stmpton, I liikliatn. ar dntias; M A McOahan, Call. Panteiro. NMJe* ^ Blake, Somerset; MC Siusman. ?<dains. Uoi.ton. L.ittle, Taylor, do: Alice B, Bassett. do: Albert Clarence. H???, Portland ? L A ttote! Ro.e, New York; Ann S O?nnon. Nor bur New Haven. S^rnli Wood. Oor*?n, S.tfSnn*". rjrea Walton. Rich. I'ensacola; Joseph Hnil, Smith, Portland; Jesm Murdock. Slocumb. New Bedford. Ana Cleared?Steamer* Allentown. Mills, ^Hn Eliia Richards. Now York; bark Torfoen* (Sor), Pedereen, Elslnore lor orders; brig Cora (Hr) Norirave, tcbri I) S Siner. Ilnntley. Smith Ameibury; J R Sanwrd, Berrv Somerset: J Maxfleld, Steedman, Oambrldgegort, Ml) Read, Benson. *^ew Bedford; E h Smith, Adam*. Som er-et hmma Arev, Hail, Providence. Also cle ired. steamers NederUnd (Belts), werp: Jnr.iata. Ciith-rine. Savannnh; Achilles, Bacon, Newliui vport: barks Nuova lloalna Osnopa (Hal). I)e ^U CSSSH, Linn-rick : Aurora (Nor). Ross. JUmburij; Adi'lina (Itul). Plastn. Cork tor orders: schrs_ IIurbnsnn Hickman, Robinson Havana: Alex Youug, Blake, Somerset; J O St iver. Clav, Kcnnebnnkport. Sailed?Steamers Junlat i and Achilles., nihk. Lkwks Del May 4? Arrived, steamer Albemarle. UIDM, New York: bark Sijenien (Nor), (lutlermscn. ClenfneKos, Sailed?Brig Loch Lomond. Baker (from Cleuluosos), Bark Stj'ernon (Nor). Irom Clenfuesros, I* leaving fo? ^ PORTLAND, May 2?Arrived, schr Mary E Ripe, Bloe. H*d^->rrivfd."cVr'J C lloker. South Ambov; Helen Mar. Philadelphia; Lorotto Kish. Vlrnlnla for Kenuebunkport. 4th?Arrived. briK Knnnle B Tncker, from CurdiDM ? dfiVM*. ncbr llv Wnddlnicton. 1'hlladeiphiH. PORTSMOUTH. May 3?Sailed, steamer Lancaster, Mills Philadelphia: schrs T.I Trafton. Uoyt. and Kebecct Shnppard, Robinson. Philadelphia; R M Brooklnns. Brown, New York ; urd all before reported In the lower harhor. PROVIDENCB, May 3-Arrived, schrs Will am Butler Knowles; Reindeer. Howard, and Evergreen. Turner, Vln glnla: Phllnnthropist. Shea. Baltimore; Geo Aery, R?e*r^ E C Babcock. Treon. and Helen A Ames. Endloott. Phllo* delphla: John E Hutst. Cook. Ullsabethport; K II Ravnor. Roudout; Star. Haskell. South Amboy : Jnne. Iltt kail, and J (J Fell! Shropshire. Perl-, Amboy; Arlo Pardjj Tyrrell; Snru'o. Benton: Oust, GolT. and K<Wn. Kranel* Perth Amiioy for Pawtncket; Lrbaua, Allen, I oairhkeepsl.( Marietta Hand, tioldsmlth. Nowbnre: ft H Wjrfort. Hornvriid: J S Terry, Rnvnur: Imojrene Dlvcrty. Uandy, Kred Tyler. Parker; 8 8 Tvler. Bnslinell, and'l>>duskla. Treworiry. Port Johnson f?r Pawtueket: A O Luwson. Mehrhof. Hackensack; Henry May. Hatch: Albert Pharo, Blnitbain: Mlnquas. Phillips: J H Bu/jn?V J P M Wheaton, Barrett; Cynthia Jane, Gardner. Marv K Woodhull. Horton: James Parker. 8enJ'-1.^?'1*7.r Hull. Brush: Nathaniel Holmes. IJow; HIrlilsnder. Wood. Onrust. Winters; Constitution, >ounr: Hart, .tid 8 M Tyler, H.rt, Hoboken; Empire, Chase, New * Below?A large 3-masted schooner reported to bo tho Alb-rt W Smith, l'iiikhiim, from Philadelphia. Siilo'l?Schrs Sallle W Kav, Tllton, Georgetown DC; Allru'i Brnbook. Berrv. do; Mary Whorf, Rich, v ,Iri^? Kail Rover llowden; Noptune's Bride, Lindsey: L L Ham tin'' Velse'r; Gloncester, linrlev; J N Ayres. Bloxon. .nd James Oiverty, C.rroll, New York; sloop Pred Brown, U4ih - Arrived, steamer Massachusetts (new) - New York. PAWTIJCKET. May 3-Arrived, schrs Caroline Klensl", Dllks. Philadelphia: Hannah Blackman, Arnold, Rondout; J s Terrv. Havnor. Port .lohnson. . Sailed?Schrs Kxcelslor, BlydenburgU, und, f?ItHJHMONO. M.y 2?^Sailed, b.rk Oscar II (Nor), Mich "^n'kUAMCISCO. April 2(1?Arrived, steamer Idaho, Donrtass. from Mexican oorts. Sailed?Bark Vldeite. Boyd. Port Madison SAVANNAH. May 4 -Arrived, stesmer Cleopatra. Bjjjw* ley Nassau , schrs Mary Augusta. Halt. Boothbay vl? W1I? niln ton. NC; Ximero. Thompson. New ^ ork. Sailed ?Brig Albert f re sen (Ger). Schrehe, Montevideo. Cleared-Bark Adelaide Norris, Robertson. Liverpool. STONIN?iTOV. May 3?Arrived, schr Sylvester Hale, Colemau Tsunton for New York (and sailed). VINEYARD HAVEN. May H-Arrlvod. brig Mechanic. Gould. Matinias for Portland; schrs Uecorl (Br) Dean Innirua; W K Parker. Daniels. Richmond. \ a. Henrv Whit n"vfshepard, CrlsBeld, Md; Alice O.k.s, PUUoury. ltcn H iiit? Jacob Kemple, Steelman, South Amboyt K M & Stratton and Searsvltle. Hart. Atlantic Cooinbs. Port Johnson; Pointer. I'm. New York: Ca-olino Young. Jnekawj.. PUtl.rteljihia for Chelsea; R H Shannon. WlUob do; W.?htl H (istes Holmes, Port Johnson: Hattle I.OIII., Lollls, Baltimore . G W Baldwin. Dennis. New Yorto lor Danversport: Alfred Chase. Robinson, do for Wluterport , ?i uii.H 'Upi Martin do for St John: Llara Sawyer, H*ansconi, Hoboken for Salem: Mary E (HIv.r B.ker ft*! tlinoro for hath ; W II, Richardson, Philadelphia for Portland; Lucy Hammond. Robinson. Hrunswlek O*. lor Machlas: Mary Stewart. Coombs, do for VVeymouth; Pacific, Pease, Roudout for Gardiner: Piiiura.Allen South ittiliov for Portland. Magjrie Cummins, do fur C.? h^seT Oliver Ames. Ba-bltt: ll?chel R Miller Smith; S II Sharp Webb: Three Slst rs. B.kor; Ob.rles K Pace. (Irace. an?t Trade Wind. Carson, nil from Boston for Phil? Hi.lnln'a* Teiuniah. Bennett, Portland Tor do; Hampden, ?inlt Bangor for do : II T Hedges. Smith. S.lem fordo or oTorgitowii UO; Abhy K Bentiev MohsHy, South G.Hl ner for Wuhinvton, l>t'; Muskee. Cnllen. Boston for Mill vlllo N.I ? II K Russell. Meh.ffy, Qulncy. Mass.cbusetts for Kew'York ? Maritaret Kletcher. Machlas for do. Passed by - Schrs Harriet Thomas, Van Cleaf, Port John ""S.'lled'?BMgs Moses Uav. 11 "i^ HhUdlTp M^ln"? Rapiwti roiiev (loorue Harris Rrolly T Shildon. r MTlnKer, B WCwhran (Br). Mechanic; schrs 1) B live,ett. Onward. II H Gibson Vaiant. E II >ash. J Paine. Astra (Br). J 0 Rogers, John Sotoes, S (Br). J ***??<>"? ??,????. Olive Branch, Tennessee. Martin I? Smith. Htroun G A llayden, Albert Dailoy, ^"r/ Ella. nil / I, Adams, Marv McK.rlonil, Josoiihlne, Josenh Wilde, Casco U.d?e, Llda Babcock I O XI ar Billow lirnce Bradiey. S P Sea^burn, T R Pillshurv, Nellie Bowers, R G Wnldden, C.stillan. r A N.wcomb Addl. r Cole, T H MeLell.u, Emma D Endl* * , I,' Marvel Ella T Little. Robert 1 oster, Mlvet U.Han.l Elia II ll.rnes, Edward LU.I. Kmvfuoud. Kiitc Newm?m. W V Pnrker. Jacob Kl?w???, Viiatit! ^ Date* Olnra Hnwyer, Decon < Hi). M?rqii#t, Mirf F HI (Hr) Mary K Oliver, Hattle Lollls. Henry Whitney, Ame OauV. Oliver An.eM. K H Shu.iuon, Mary Stewart, L4?i^ AM-A^Hved.^chM1 J ?B Atkinson. C.dls for Port land; brig Zebinii (Bn. Winder. NH. lor orders; schrs ( W Mav Davis and Althea. Blackman. Boston liir Phil a iit'lohia: Mahaska. Willi ?ms. Portland do: -N Berry Leaeh. Bangor for Baltimore; (? M 1 otter, Allen, 8t John r0L?n.H-Kehr. Ontara II P Cashing, Pointer, Alfred Clnise M.girlo Cninmlni. Mary E W'l,,rf-J>nc,flC o.t.,?a S Ihhy K Bent lev. E M Pate, Caroline Younj;. Helena B "wrLVllNGfitx^C^Ma^-Arrlved. steamer Regulator. "'ciIiarH-Srhr'Traveller, Hodges, Baltimore. 4th?Cleared bark llemlK Ibsen (Xar) Uasmussen, Hull hrlg Baltic Bt). Brlnton, (llassow; schr Wyoming. Kosa **w"vRi'mTm. May 3-Arrlved. senrs Venus. CIarko; PI? rence N.'wcll. Pheips. and Glide. Garret. New \ \\ ICKKORH. May 3?Arrived, schr Bertha, Conover, ''vYaKREn' May 3?Arrived, schr Mary II Mlffllu. Perrl. ''WESTERLY, May 1?Sailed, schr E W llahcock, Slsson, * 2d-^Arrived, schr E It Clark. Vsrs. Port John'.on. V AC I ITS. HTE YMBOATS. 6iC. AIiL'SIiIIKH flOATS tMIKAl'-:SlfKLUl. "c?D1 Whitehall, MutnlMc MM nat< ami Spoon Ours .'tOd inmih?t.. nwr(Imwniw?ltp. MTEi'llF'.N KOBKRTs. ClOiTiALI AND CffAKTBR-B1DKWHRML 0*111M P iMint*. Irelglit Propeller*. steam Ynchti, Launches, Tugboats, llar*eS. *o. (IKUIMF, K l'LV.MKK.38 South it. rr 11B HKW UOl'HLK Hl'U.KD YACHT " X nr fltliuimiiui, April 1<>, |m"7. In this style or y?ollt, of which tlie Amnryllls ??< tli? pioneer. a siieed ?l ju mile', mi hour c?n be <>>>t nlnvtl. 'fbir# Is no b?lla>l used no carennlu/. t'mil ort. auftty andeujoy hi cut in tlio til l; I ?t degree la >iUul)i?(l. Knt? t to ordur una complete!*- rui(id rendr for sailing With abort notice. NATHANIEL U. IIKKKESHOK/. llmsTOt. K. I.. April:??. 1H77. Yacht mahu; For halk! Thi? famous schooner yacht Magic. 100 tons, O. length, HI feet; beam HI p-et: ?lir has I wo staterooms: I* elegantly llnlOied anil, anil will be sold low. Ap ply to K. A. I'I>III'.U. 13 Hnriiiik' ?llp. MUOBiiUnfim. AMKDtl'vL WO.N'IJRH?ItVaTTb' I,IKK HaL'saM. *" ICli -uIIInti?III. Neuralgia, Unlit. Ac., In their wor?t forms; hcrMlili, Kryslpelan. Old I'lcer* and diseases of tlie bloo4 arn certainly cured by tliln great purifier; 300,<AJ0 gre?l cure* in the put :?> yearn prove this a lact. 1IVATT Jk II YATf, 246 <ir?nd si. Bold bv druggists. QU I'.!', KOK CoNSl'M PlION. WINOHEHTKH'H IfmU'HOIIl'WITB Of LIMB AND SOUA will cure Consumption. It will prevent thed-velop* mi'ii t ol ixiiisiimptioii In all vanes ot predisposition or threat* eneil iittark It will promptly cure liruncliltls, Obrould Coughs and Throat llliesin. 1'rlces ft ami $2 per buttle. Prepared <>:ily by W INCUK.STKIt A Co., Chemists, Sold b/ druggist*. JO JoLiu St.. fUw V'orlfc