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CITY BBAt ESTATE rOUJtALB. Oiitrwl. AHAKUAI.V.?POK KALK, tN 318T RT.. NEAR STII *?.. (Irst class four unry brown stone liiirh stoop House. SKIx.'msTV. price. with element furniture. wllliuiil h iiruitiira, tbd.ji*); early possession, MOKliAN. 3 1'lue st. UttNt Mills. (UUt LESS KOK AI.L CA^H.-?J HENKY ST.; "tUUUlirKi dwelling; by Improving pays IS per Cent. bitooKLVN rabramTY vox sale A.M? TO LET. rro let"31th steam p6wkiC1V~brooklV.n. 1 the welt lighted ti??r stor* Hulldinic corner Hoemui place and Kclieriiierhom at , near tlm Oil* Hall; will be divided if ?required. Appli ou prtmllN. _________ \\ ESTI HlimtB covirk PUUPEUTt 1 OK SALE A Mi TO KE.\T. N KM'.ilAM' COl'STItY SKAT TO KENT. EL'lt Liiisiicd, ill V tinkers; also several suiallur places. VOL'JIA.NS, Aifeut. Yonkere. N El.Eli ANT I.AKiii: HolSK AND 0B0UND8 IE _ xline order: nil Improvements; beautiful situation: choice truit mid shade trt-es, garden, Ac.; irood stable. carriage boute and hennery; Convenient to depot; uiitintes tr mi Ud it.: reasonable rent. R.I. HltoWN. Iti7tb >Lt u?ar Morrisaliia depot. T fARRVToWM ii KOOM CorTAO*, KL'jmi*HID~i ^Vreut luoitly board of one person. Address Mev. J. K Al.Lh.N, Tarry toon, or 0. II Ol.lVEK. 10J Broadway. SaOKIMOH,-HOUSE. 11A UN, Slll;l HBEKY, 14 .Lots: ou? inIlu above Harlem, a bargain; prluie lo ve- tini'ut- KIM ' II K IT. J New Chambers st. CtOTIAOES TO ue.nt-themont 04TH WARD); 'l*lj;li kround, near depot ; splendid order; Ka? and water. M IIA HI.), owner. *J.i Heekmau. ihott SAUK DEI.HillTH'L, COUNTHT I BAT IN f Scarsdale. Westchester county; acre*; modern house Applt (.. liEo. P. KKUKlM, 160 llroadway rpo LET?A WELL KUKNISIIED COTTAGE AT WBMT X Morrisania, ill) minute* Iroui 4'Jd -1 , 14 room*; improve nieuts. A.. : tan aero* :n iraideii. Ihwu and choice irull*; it wry desirable resideuce lor a jrentleuiai. dome litisiucss lu the city; rent low. Apply to 11. K. BKIT'ION, Broadway, 7th a?. and 43d *4. rnwo HOD REM TO LET NEAR THEMoNT. lNyl IKE lof E. UKOTIt, 114 Eut Utb >i. PROPKKTV Ol'T OK THE CITY FOR SALE OK TO ItfSNT. A i Ai Ai A T A. T. STEWART'S oaKUEN city. L I. NEW HOUSES TO LET. SEVERAL ELE'IaNT brirk winter aud summer rcsl dcnctn, witb itiirden* attaulnid, and i-outisluiuK nil the mod ern improvements arid coiivoniunce*. witli tan aud water Iroin public work*, *u* lixtures. Iiot nir furnaces. rauces, bath*, watrfr closets. Ac.. surroiiudod by ample grounds, laid out wltb walk* and shrubbery. lu an agreeable neitsh borliood. com bill! UK citv conveniences witli all the advan tages of countrv air, a pure itnd bracing atmosphere. free Jr..ui malar ia, nud pecuftaily healthy and agreeable nt nil seasons. THE HOUSES are located ou the natural surface of tlm Krouud, 11N> leut above Hie ocean, with abuiuUuce ol good wuler. line roadh and drive*, and eatily arcc:u>Uile ut all tmint aud in u 11 wcaltier. and wliere fmnily aupplluK can lie had Irom lint tliiu atorc* aud ttroceile* a* cuiivvniaiilIv a* lu tlm i lty. UEN'I'h Irom $^60 to per aitnuni, aocordlnif to alio and oiiulity ol liou*u aud /rLfunds. TKAlNst by ElnaliltiK. North Shore iinil Ceutral Kailrond rm I .on i; laiuiid Ci"ty or Hunter's hilnt. at HAKJ A. M. ami -32 :"fi. :l :i-', 4 lU'l, :(W, H Ofi illld 7 E M. Rvttiru lntr. ?l 7 :'J7. H ;IiS uud IU :J7 A. M.; 'J :2t), 4 :58. 6 :'J0 and li in I*. M., week duy*. SL'N'OAY TKAINrt??:1% A. M. und 4:33 P.M.; rotiini Inir. H :SJ A. M. und 4:41 P. M. Bout* connect witli train lr in toot of 34tli at., hiaviui; lilteen mlniitca previoualr. hplendid cara, beautiful ride, nud unsiirpaaaed betel uad rebtniirniit near the atution. AI'PLY to W. K. HINSDALE. Muuiiter. at oflk'e adjacont to railroad atatiou. T" NEW HKIliHTON?DKI.IHIITKULLY LOCATED OwelliDira, lurui*hed and uufuriilabed; modern conven ience*; reduced rcutala; near terrv. KEI Til EN BROTHERS,8?Th?mM tU ?POR SALE. HOUSE AND LOT IN PLAINPIELD, ? N. J. ; 10 minutes' walk Irom depot; aplendid locMluu; pilce *4.5ml, caah required; balauce cau remain. Addrrss 1,'aSIIIEK. box I7x Herald odico. AT NEW RBIOHTOK?PURN1SHED AND UXPUit nialnd CuttiiKea; liirite i-le|(iiut oianaion*; for bealtb, view mid beautiful burroundinn* unyuruHaaod : reasonable r.-iitt. W. A. COLLINS, 26 Plua at. "at NEW BKIOIITON - TO LET, EURNIsilED. SUM J finer or year, brick Mansion of the lata Daniel Low; 1U acien; garden, lawn, irrapery, atuble*, Ac. ; locution nw atinalled: ma rnlllciiiit occau and inland views; lltmluutea' walk tton two tarrlaa. W. A CULLINS, UH Pina at. "a N~ELEOANT COUNTRY SKAT AI'$JI,IWI; COST' J\ f'KJ.OK); healthy, charinlutf, accessible. EL8TON, owner, 'JM Liberty. 'it I'LAINKIELD, N. J.-A .MOST AI TRACTIVE ^VHonie, with unexceptionable suiriniiiili ii|,'? (moderu lioiiKC. 13 rooms, hardwood tloora, 4c.. every lniprovemeiit,' Croiiuda, ample shade, stable. Ac.), I* now ottered lor sale : owner is about to leave the citv and must tell; very little cnsli down will buy. or mitfht take trade lor the equity; If any one wanta a flrkt class place and lovely home this it a vouume opportunity, as tbe beat Mid made this mouth will positively lie accepted. Address SACKIKICK, box 187 Herald office. A "-FUR S A LEOlTH EN fT H U D SON ~ "ill VE K. 11 ALE ^Labour from city, stone llouai'; 13 acres , whole or part. EDMUND D. RANDOLPH. 7 Nassau at. AT CA8TLETON Ili.MIITS, STATEN ISLAND-TO let, furiiiabed, larce House. rooma ; moderu improve Cienta; 19 acret, beaiitllully laid out; truttand shade trees, ?table, carriage house icehiiuse, Ac ; commands exteutive tuu tailed views. HOMI'iR M(i RG Ais, No. 2 I'lna at. jMOI NII'.Y MANSION. SIX ACKhS. l'AS.SAIc"k1 VE'R 1J front; extensive outliuildinics: fruit uud thtide; hlKh. healthy, beautltul; 40 minutes Irom <'lty Hall; fortaloat barxain. R K. ST EWART, HI Cedar st. l,"l A RMS?ALL SIZES AND I'RICES PELL_ DB " neriptive catalogue, with map anil price list. Ires. Ad dreaa MAN'CHA. Ridirely. Md. IpAll ROCKAWAY. L I?TO LET, EOR THE SEASON ' or vear. a handsome and c< mm ullnua Cotla a House, fuHv furnished, cotiimauilliiK hue view of i cean, with ex tensive I an-ii. stable, carriage houte. yardeuer'a cottage ; Icehouse h11 ; all in rierfeet i r ler; poaae-iloii iiiiiuadlalely. Apply to V. K. STEVENSON, :I3 East 17.h at., or 4 I'lna (t. L?OR SALE CHEAP?ElOIIT ACRES, NEAR THE F city, on the eaat bank of tlie lludtnn. with creonhnuae. ou tbullil I nits. Ac., but uo resl.ieuee ; hiirh ground, beautiful views and near atatiou. Addreaa box 2.42.'> I'ust office.. TY10R SALE?PARM V) ACRES, STATEN ISLAND; r -K. feet water front: dwelling aud ouibulidlnKs: tarui Inir imuieruents and stock; low price; easy terms. A. JOl'RNBAY, 41* Lltpeuaril ft. F~i6r SALE A VERY N ICK PLACE ON LONG ISI.ANI), about 441 miles; village, near railroad, ?choola and .-hurcbes; lour acres of choice laud; Rood house, etirht ?ouriis; Kood barn, Ac.; irood fruit and water: clear ol all inciinibranen: iro and see It If juu waul a nice home tor F7i"i (worth $1.5(1(1), on e ny leruis; no trade, l'or purlieu urs addreaa S. L C . Herald office. HOTEL PROPBBTY? POR SALE. To LEASE (ill let, the United Status Hotel, at Par Rockaway, Lonir [aland : if not dlspoiu I of hy Juno I will l.e opened for the inception of uuests on that day i y the owner. MICHAEL Ml LEY, 172 Henry st., New York ?ltv. \4 0RRIsr0WN?FURNISHED COITAUE. NEAR IVLilepot; us*, bath, atable : perfect order; rent nominal. STOKES. fi2 Broadway. ^UMMIT, N. J.?TO BENT. AT LOW ThTuBE^ TO a Od.-airabie tenant, a treutleniun'a Reaidence. alHiut one anle Irom station house: contains lf> rooms, bealdea bath rooma and water closets . lint and cold a aterln -everal io ins, irrounds run di>wn to the I'assaic; ?taide, Iioat house, Ac. Apply to AI1CIII B ALD ORACIE, opposite the statiou. rpo LET?AT YONKERS. HOUSES PI RNIsllED OR I unfurnished, fiom sfiCtn to ili.lKiO. O. A. BILLS. 5 Pine st , or Hetty House. \(inkers. mo'-LI-.T'-AT P VR-ROi KAWAY-HOTEL AND STORE 1 witli Coal scales. S. NORTON, 7tl 3d *t.. WilliamsburK LET AC OAK BLUFFS. MARTHA'S VINEYAKli. X two luriiisbeo Cotta'_res: one contaluliur taeive rootiis, ivith tower; the oilier seven room* and hathiiiK house: l>y tfi?? Kioutli oi for the season. For terms aud particulars apply at the Meveus House, N'o. 27 Broudway, room 01. rpo LET-NEWARK. N. I.. NO. 33u CLINTON AV.? I Houre cantainini; 7 rooma. bath, cellar and attic; water and i:as; lot >0x I !.">; within ten minuten' wala of the I'o mi ll Ivania Kailrond depot; rent $ '? per iiiouth : no-aesKion at mice. Ai.piv to charles 11. SMITH, Druuk;l<t. K''l Itro nl St., Newark, N. J. riiu let???at far ro i: k a w a y ,li7tw o Til or i "utthly furniahed t'oltaitel with every modem con renience. aud an unfurnished one. Apply at No. 7 Enst ii'itli st., between Madison and Otti uvs. 'ro CENT-the well KNOW* and POPULAR i Eagle Motel, ui Bethlehem. I*<i. ; loculod lu ilie nlilent mi l tiio^t intt rHhtiuK part of the town, onp- ?ite the Mora vian Semtnurr nnU convenient to depot*; the house ban re cently lieen entirely remodeled *nd newly furnlnlieU. For further pitrticolHiHa|>ply to or addresa UhUKf ?K II. IIYKUH, l'ii. mo LET -AT P<75TifHK8TKR, V V. KK'?M JUNK J". 1 until miiifllo of Sepieuiter. h hand some, Inrire Uoiixe, toruiftbed, t;a?, wuter. . suliaiile tor a r?i cla?n (toaruin^ liou?e: five ucrea of ground, uard-'n plauted; ttabluiLr: live imnuteN Iroiu <l?'P??t; boating and firtlnujf. Apply to I>r P. R OOL'tUrrY, GH) Wen, 33d it., till A. M.f ft to 7 V M. RKAh KSTATK TO BXCIIAKTCIEf A KM WANTKll.?TO KX? IIA NUK, UNENCC MHKRKD 1 l!uu?e iu Ninth ward, ^ ulued ?7,<niu; caah f'J,mm; part paymetit for Hum, North .Shore, l?ong iilaud: shore trout. Addresn JON'KK, Ihii h7<I I'oMt ofbee. "L^illl SALIC OR KXtJII A NOR?VI'LL LOT, FRAME F DweUlnir and More, north aide of &3?l *t., hetw^vu !HI? and l??th av*. Aioily, forenoon and eveitiUM. <')! A Rl.KS C. M'OiJtKV. tJVJ West Mflth st 1.11 kmsiikd uotsK m:ak HUOAUWAV TO KX * hauire <>r leaae , country l*rop?rt>, with ?'aali conaideied* hp Kaal Mull nt. mo hXUlAN'JK HRoOKLYN LOI'S MOD K RATE IT 1 encunihered; alio country Houae and two M'te*; ouo hour I .(in city, lor light inortffaged llrooklyu liouaeN or clear Country I'roperty. K. II. 11 2II* .Montague it., Biooiclyu rjitT i: x': 11 a\i?K--.stori-:, uwklumi "and itu?if. I inns, oueiicuinbcrcd. lor Mu tate. I >rtKR?a or iu'arl?y Real Kn* IKWLKIT. 3?rj WVat Ititb. ltKAL KX'I'AI'K WA,\TKU. tl.'AKrKD smaLL kakm ok Ainit'i ti ai kks; V f housft Hiid 'irtru , about K woiKtliiiid preferred ; price u< t to cxoei'U Address J W, (i., 'iouikiiiil uvu, Kuck* land county. V. WATCUKI, ilKWKLHY, 4C. A -at "IT BiiMAitvT;?. CciftAl.H lI'TII SI\.'j>YA ? inoii'ls, Watch a*. Silk* mq?I pi'raoiml property ul fvery U?-?Ci iptioi. Uouulit ami n??ld , Iomiim netfutiHtcd. ISA A<\' 11A Kit. A I 7?-7 HKO U?WAV-l>rAMO.\DS. W V I'UII KM. JliW t'try. hilvvrwmo, A?*., Uwifttflll hihI Hold. Ioiiiih litftfo tittteU. II. tkauh. 4 1 ij I m65 %KK *7 . "h> i i 1 \ \i< ?M) u V Wutcheg, Jewelry, Hilverwurv. Valuables, Ac , bou. lil, BO til nilti **? lnitl^OU. i.OttllH ctfcftnU. Kf?lHl?ll8h**d I **>??, J li it A H U i t?K l?, Inmler, Mi (IiiIum fkfunre, lorin?rly TA.'t Broad wuy. * \ \ lkss I II a.N COSI <>K IMPORTATION-sKVKIIaL J\ pair* liritiiuul*, bo$t/!il iti u nam lire, Home elotfuutiy mounted ill HltidH und nutfft. J'ill .N.STON, Jeweller. l&U Boftr;, MO.NKV ON IllAMONIlS. KI'KS. 4C.-'1'!aMONI>>. W&tchen, Jewelry, h|!ver<varu, teal Mtc<jue?, camul'H b m i r. Hoawl*, 8uk?, Ac., bitu-Ut ??n<i told buck at very *ruail advance. GtiU, ALLKN, Jeweller, 1,|U0 Broadway, u?Af ?t. AKIUO} ai.s. .-!lw\V <; vi;i? K>r mi.l.sil vf .Vr is uii JVinoved t<> 11 ?1 Bowery ; *4;eun make $i0 a day Hollltijf t vAl / iiiak I. -flhllKl'M:. KLok\ I* a > i? KUift DKl% e>.tai>ii?hm<*nt. Into of I 102 >.roadway, Iihi re* i hi lived t.? I,;i57 HriU'lwR), formerly iimti Lptowu Airauch ?Ik**. U?twc?u Jltl .?ud iUU ?tH. 1 TO LET FOR BtSISiKSH Bennett ?trujlF?: ' ' Ftreprooi, I.ocat?d on !I?mu, Ann aud Fulton sts. Klrst Floor to let: suitable :ur baukor.', Insurance omcM oii??>nr>; will be let tenether or Inii?fU; be alterea.o ?uU tenants it ue.lrod; njM|it*U for offices or store*. Reasonable rents. Also K>m? elljrtbto Law Oflice. t? let. ? Al'PLV UN I It E P Kh MIMES. Take tlio elevator. Inquire lorjanitor. _ '? CORNER sTORB. BROOKLYN KERRY.-JEW EL Aler .inn'. ?ho? .tore; $1>. Apply Frenklort lloue*. oOct 309 William. - TjMNR LARGE LOFTS To" LET, WITH STEADY r steam power. Apply to THOMAS 8. MORTON, Elisabeth M. fjMNE LIGHT BASEMENT?BIiOADWAY. NEAR 321) .......liable lor eioi. >() w,4t SPLB.HOID LoPM 'In WW IN W WHITE BT NKAR Dro idwai. ?W IJTEAM POWER To I.!.r.-LOFTS IO LET. Wl Opower. It' IStli st. between 3d and 4tli ???? F. OKOTB 4 OO., 114 East Utii U. OT0RB k*D BaseMENI IO LBT?3M{ BBOOItB BT., NunIHO .J. II. I.VNUh. 15" Pearl *t ^ J, H. BOY.NTON.3a Broadway. mo LET?IMPORTANT TO 6 ROC EES.-STOREWIT" 1 or without ltie dwelllu* imrt (two II.K?r.) N<>. -IMMei bush *v.. opposite Mil ??.. Brooklyn; rent, i?r all. *? P*r Month; ureal thoroughfare; Une Stand lor any business. A. iIALLIDAY. 17 lUrrl.oii St.. New York. r.M) iLKT-SMaLL OFFICE. ALnp IIALF OF ONE, I on |M BOWS reut H 80 mi l S3. Boom B, '*> N*? X" l*K'- ,*A,'r ~oyyic* rro LBT?A WELL LIGHTED V iCTOBY. ?"jcJ, 1 .Hi; ?>7'l. 075 and ?77 lull av.. with euirtne, boiler*. ahufliuK nnd .team neatluit ulpes, all "iloo.i order. Apply to JuUNSoN A F aULKNER, 82 aud 04 Oreeno at. UUELLI.%0 IIOC'SKS TO L.KT. fu I'lil.l.fd. A -HOUSES left over. at greatly reduced A.rents V. K. STEVENSON, Jr . 4 Fiuo or JJ fc??t 1 7l1i .1. , ? ? ? -ELEGANTLY furnished llOUBB, STH AV.. A.near 30th sU . 23d at.. *,*> ,Jjr m??)J'KV m Mh FORXMHID lilt 0NC0RBIBHBO OR FURNITURE or.a o - l hrec -tory brown ..??? blub .loop House . In perfect order; carpet, and luriilture all now and beat qual in'. Bo IBB w47Ui .t. in.) I pi' o L' UN1SII BD? :M MAHISUN A V., I il'F< 'SI I B T.quart) s. B. M 81 OK ES. M Broadway. _ nv?' I BT rVKXUBBD OB ITNFI BNIBHEO- A VERY I convunlant three ?<ory Hoo** ; rem low. Apply ?o the _ OWNKK. on the premUon. JS I'.a.t -Hili at. I'nftiriiUhtHli a nniisl-'s LEFT OVER AT OREATL.Y RKDLtEO A.?nu v KUBSTKVBNSON. Jr.. 4 Pin. or 33 Ka.t 17 ill at. . TURKS STORY BROWN SToNK HOUSE; #80 PE* uontb Apply on premlaoa. No. 110 K.?t 40tb M. DESIRABLE HOUSE TO LET.?CAN BE SEEN __lroin ;l A. M to 5 P. M. 149 Went ?t. Houses and flats iikld over at oreat re ilu.llotl lloUM-a. t400 to #1,1110. Hat*. to 810fJ, near the Park and till, officn. J. W. STEVENS. Broadway, cornet 52d st . . ? rno LET NO 12 CLINTON PLACB; KOOMS; J ,ea>e lor t-rm ol yean, or lor aale ; can bo a tared ut vcu nui'. axiienne lor hotel ptirpoaea or llat?. Api iy to v?. ?? OKiSVVULD, 74*1 iiroua\ruy. corner A?t?>r pUcc. rro"l.ET-A FINE-THREE SIORY IIIOll STOOP 1 private Hniiae. f??t Mdo 77th at,; ?J "r L" [if' ? " r m*nta in line order ; ulue lor two families, onlr Sa.i per mouth. ?? East 43d St. A TUBE iinooto. A rno LBT- THE POUH STOitY" BBOWN' STONE HOUSE I No 325 Bant 14th at.; all modern conveniences. Apply to IIIRAM MERRirr. r>3 3d ar. mo i.Er-A house, no. -13 wicvr lrrrii sr.. four J story brick. In exaelleni repair. at a low 'ent^ o a de^ alrable tenant, \ppljr to sIMON STERAB, 01 wan si.. at 153 Wc.? 15th st.. lor key a. rnwo THREE STORY IIR1U STOOP BBOWN STONE 1 Houses, is.4x5". uloHSHiilly situated; all imnroycMiients. 139; I uv. kWFST 430 ST.. BETWEl-N OTH AV. and 'Broadway.?Four story hlirh stoop brown ?l?'"J lion.u III uleirani order; all Improvements; rent. SVOtM. House, in ??!{?"'TUOMp^ON jJ" Sox. 1.454 Broadway. nyVj WEST 43D sr.. NEAR BROADWAY.?POU* JiOJlolory Ell|(lIsh bawiment House. In (iood order; all ltuproveniouts; ron^4 SON. 1.464 Broadway. _ rti'\ WES'l" 431) ST., NEAR BROADWAY.?TBBBB ZV)l Story hlch stoop brown stone House, hai.d-omilv ?Ten ueil tn nerlect order; all 1 in prove meut*; rent. #1. KU. tresioeu, tu PerIjl)"T,|1^Mp;J(jN ? SON. 1.451 Broadway. ?>V) 1 I AST <t|? sr. (1-LKASANT LOCATION'. TWO O?")l?tory Iiud bull hluli brick l.asetnent; courtyard: hl,{h aioop; haaler. na?. wntur, Mc.. $3ii. frTuuV-'-i STORY "BROWN" STONK HOUSE 111 feuUO.East {list St.; 3 story brick 121 East W_d St., $41111. Apply 117 hMt Dili *t? VURKISHEU fiOOHH A.\0 APAItTMKNTS TO LET i YX 44 WEST 12111 ST. ? FURNISHED ROOMS, EN A.uileorsliiuly; breaklast L'iv. n II desired. * BEAUTIFI'IjLY furnished room, with Aprlvile?e ol |i?i lor, lultable lor n phyMetan or dentist. In VMst., near 5th av. Adoress bA.NDIjORD, Lptown Herald ottice. . A LAR^iT handsomely FURNISHED SECOND AfIoot. to veutlemou only, without board; near Union | ftuuftre. 131 E*it 17th st. ^ "t T~30 WAVBRLEY PLAOE?FURNISHED ROOMS A-lor uentlcineti; every oonvenUnoe; neighborhood and locution lirst class; rulereuio-. eXL'hKiiircd. 1 \KslRABI.E Fl RNI.-HED KOOMS FOR OENTLB j )meu, without board. In lirst ei?ss house, 14 Vt est iith at., ne ir Madl.ou niuaro; excellent aaaommodatloni. l^XTREMKLV" NEAT, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1Jitooins lor itentlenien; f-r> and ISOVtesi JOtb st, U' ar Broadway and Sixth avenue rars. I1UBNISHED ROOMS for <JENTLEMEN, DELEVaN House, 4 Union .quale; restaurant.){ ^ HEPBl.'RN. tPUMBED rou.Ms to LET?Ladies or OEM* tlrmen, nv n widow lady. 730 UroeuwicU St., between Charles mid Perry *ti. IPURNISllhD ROOM- NEAR broadway ANI) | r Grand Leutral Hotel; low renta; now houses; 23. 21 aud 2ii West 3d St. ; all tiuproveiueuti. I twrbibmbd! NEWLY renovated rooms and r Badrooss, 90 and weekly; lii.ll Room, t-l. 100 East I 15t'i at. ,V| KN1SUBD SECOND FLOOR OF TWO ROOMS J Hot ami cold WHter. bath, closet; weekly. 00 West loth st., between 5th aud Otli ava. F Handsomely pubbimHED rooms?for gentle men only ; abundant bath and waier comlorts. .'0 West 35th st. rilo ONE Oil PA III Y O" 11 EN I'l.EM EN'. ?COOL l-'UR 1 iilslied Rooms; new house; American lainily. C. I.. C., atatlon L. mo LET?VERY reasonable. TO ^GENTLEM EN. I liandsoinelv tarnished front Room oiT .econd Uoor; dressing room .inched; >??['? }\ot .w*U'r: Room utiove ; family private. 2.i0 West 84th st. () BLOCKS FROM CITY 11ALL-COMFOIITABLY FUR Zinslied Rooms, slnyli or en .uile, lor uontleiueu only; lenus moderate. 'J51 William st.^near Chambers. <#..? WEEKLY A PLEASANT FRONT I1ALL ROOM; Jp.lalso several others; every Improvement. 144 West latb at. l\ !?' \ ST 221' sr.?ELUGAN I LY F U RN lsll ED ROOM V/ou ttrit and second lloors to let, without board; reler rucoh. WE.vr mil .sr. nkak imoAi>WAi\?iiand I Homely tuiliUhed Itooiu in roar of parloi other desir able Room* on third Hour ; terms moderate; house unci lo cution lir.-it Class. 1 WKST VV AS J l7.Ni 1T< > N "^AChT.-Ft HNISIIM) t JLKooiu* without hoard, suitable tor KontJeiuou or li^ht housekeeping. rent modulate. rt{ WKST 34111 ST., BKTWKLN 5TH AND UTH A VS. cHJKleifunt luriiiBiicd tto.mis to iet. ?J II Will ST., nkak 2l> AV.?Ft KM SI I hi) UOOMM. ? )1 I to gentlemen or respectable married couples; pnva.e llOQAii. 0 UNFURNISIIKI) ROOMS A?D APART MIC NTS TCI LKT. Ai'AKTMKNT* In tlit* "Keiiiiuore" aid now ready for occupation, tho most modern conven iences; wide sheet; rapid transit by New Vor k Klcvated Railroad ; excellent neighborhood; 57th sL,ju*l went ui inn av. ; prices entirely *atistactory , uiauajcer constantly In ut tendance. APAKTMKNTS. J?5f> WI ST *J5l lf.?SI' vOlOUS PLAY ground: luxuriant leardou ; juuitor; all improvement*; summer house; ventilated. light. AT 4*20 4TII A V?F1 RsT FLOOR, OVER STOICETTm* provetneuts; f..ur rooms. Call, sou promotes uud owner, from 11 to 1. (lOMMOlHOLS APAUTMKMs aM) STORK 10 LKT ^/cheap, at 2*10 Mulberry st., near Cathedral. Apply on premises. 1HK U' flats TO lkt I.N IIKoWN STONE FRONT 4i|7 4th av , > etween 'JMtli mid 'J'Jth bt*? jMRST FLAT, I> 12(? HAM VJD S'I,, ONLY *4 >; ? rooms J. s. KKlt<il'SO.>, iJU Nhhm u *t. 067 C ? rno let?fai t ok vkrv I'Lkasant iiou*k, one X hour from .New York, near depot, north sl?lo o! Louu Ihlaud; rent .\jjnrcs* OSVNr.K, *i!4 Pearl ?t. rpo LhT? COM Fo i JTA li LK A N L> ^ CtlKAl' AI'nRT JL moot*. at UUi anal nl. and 15 anil 17 Ludlow St. lu<|uire on the piomisos or to tho owner, 17'J lloory si, r I KaSI IOTI1, NB\U H RO A D VY A Y. LA Kl* E i'AU t/'xlor, uufurui?ht-d, to itentiomeu or heutleman and wile; othoi Uouuis, furnished M'll A V.?M UST, SKCO.N I) A.N/) TlTlRD Flats, evory improvement; seen Irmn H :w?to I?. S. HI I'M, 74 Murray ?t llO( siK?i, ROOM*. iVC VVANTKD, "In till?* CUy (? ?i?l tirmikl yn. ALAUY rilVSICIAN WANTS TWll I'l, ti.Mf IIJtD .Uuuma, flmt Ho r . ruferniice ; lomis luoikr.te. Mr*. Knit All'. 111 H, Herald Itr.mcli olluv. A" LAliVMUMI II' I IK i. KI.IUANT IIOfSK WOULD tukp <_liurK# "f "liu lor in* .?miuri lit i.bni'iii'c of .iwnei ; at) >???*' nilrriucm; finest tiuuimseepifr in lltu <:ll>, Ail driM Riinl'UNMllLK, Imx toil U. rnl.i I jiiuwn uMi'u. Alauv I'iiymcia.v, wfrti mi'W.n dai'i<ii Mini friend, tvfihl Iwii t u i ultlteil Ruomi; 111 h I u r (>D<l I nil ill' ir iiwii bam; on. ru >iu nitial ??u lirri Itnur; l c i iim uul til excrutl #7 i>t r weak. Aimwcr imiuuUlktely MKDI OU.i. MM Wi m I.'ili ?i. I WILL I'AY $15 KoK K?>rU HOOM.S UKLoW i:tD >i ; litiimn with nuriivr; liuht liuu?vkeepilii{. A., li. city. OfPIcKft Wantifb--iWO iXALL KUONH, ?iff. ?li'4 mi or mi nl Hruinlw ij nr lltli m., frinu Mtli t" 34 tli ?t. I'llua.NtO.N M. rodham, Uiinl KsMla A?uiu. n.Hi BrniiilWH*. rcrnur 4tii it. Uooil, KOIC UK.M l.KM VN ; KIlTiST I'HI'-KICUUKD; not t?u liiuti up ?inlrK, KLUCt'TIO.V TI-.ACII KK. Ilur *lu tiptown uDvi. \tf ANTKD?HY UKSI'ONSI 1H.K PaKTY. KULLY FUR ti ulftUril llou-o; iii i 'Um i Miu rent; wmila U<i.r*l p.rtiu. lur p?rt runt. liA(<I'l.MOItK, i ptuwn ultltc OANCISO AC AO B .HI K?,~. T"?Dodwourn s si'j|i?i?i. puit DVjtu'iifu,KTW i I .(all) ??., npmi lur i'l... or prlvntn leMon. CAKTI fell's OlMIXI ACADttMY" >4 U.MO.N il'KN all. IMtlVATt Ll-.S . HI J lit, iwu'i^n. A. HOAK'DKRH WAXTKD. pna'srit w 1lA'NDdOMi'tY KCR\lK(lmd KO<IMS. iui'i'y ** ' Ea?t 7Hth II; privato 11 r)0<>!',i.KrOM,LK1VIN^r,'VACK NKWf.r OPENED Ahuu?e, 1 Ea.t 17tli it.?Llxlit, "tecum Kooiu. lor per manent or transient boarder. at summer prices. 1 IIaN1)M)MK LAtnl AMI) RALl? ROOM -SIMMER Aprlucs; all couveuloneos; ?;ood Hoard, ji West ll'tli ?t. .> IILOCKS I'lto.W BuoaDWaY.-boovis TO LET a^lirst cla>. Board; table Board. H.'l |ja>l uli st. ' Q M' Wl.V ruRN18HED ROOMS TO LET?WITH OB JiT/'hou, Board, to a party of adult,; relereuces required. 1.1*}';! w eat lalll lit. atu nr.. east, no. h^.-a pkw gentlemen can "Tbo accommodated with Board; alto tab)* Boarder.: ternn naHOUUble. c east aTrn sr. - k7? >msto lkt. wi rh Tib ht tycla.n Hoard. at summer prices; alio accommodation, lor I* lew table boarders. film V4I A jri#* UXOX KOo.U, WITH ? /MourU. at moderate prtee; ft pleasant summer re*i lencv. (JjT TO tlU.-HANDKOME FRONT BOOMS PIB8T ?P I claw Board, brown .tone Ima.e; uti.tucratic iielchbor liood, central. U.ix Ka>t llitb ?L 1 ( I J" A VK','U'V I'l- <t-K. NE.VK HSOADWA Y.-KBoN T Ll'ltooms. Jia to $10 Inr two. with Board; Mult. $7to*!i, |l .Vlday; talilv Board, 94. ' UTH .ST.. ?-7 \V E8f ?E LEU A NT i.y ~ FURNISHED Rooms, with Board; private retideiice; references ex changed. 1 I "? s-r.. 257. HP.TVVEEN rrS A\i> mtH ATS Z 1 ~t One square and I wo slntrle Boom., on third and lourtli , M,r., for gentlemen; reasonable; 'iil.stantla: t .bio und cleanllina. a specialty. 1 I W EST t!?lli >T.. NKAB WINDSOR lloTKl. - I'rSiiit. of airy Rooms, with or without private tuble; single Itcouis; reference. t>| wi'ST ;usi sr.. JOhT OF* Wfl w MAUNiri. ?? Icent front Boom. on sncouil lloor; superior Board ; alio Room. on lourtli Door ; 9IN to two persons. ST-* w WEST.?PLEASANT BOOMS, HAND -*.*.> iiioly furnished; alio ball Boom, wltli or without Hoard. term, moderate. |i?i HAST?BOOMS TO RENT, WITH Board, at summer price*. O.JI) ??0 B( 9 j .WEST 23D ST.. OPPOSITE FIFTH AVENUE ?t"Xlloutl.? Elegant Boom, lor t'uiiillie* auil xentlumeu with Board, low for the "iiiniuor, reference askod Mrs L A. IIEM,IN. %) I VVKs'l aOTH sr.- MiIKLY FURNISHED B.Ni'MS wf- fi "lit HKl tinle Rooms; will, Ituar.l; torin# mm.hoiiiiIjIb OeTH ST. No. 40, WKHT. ?SITITS, B&PARATKLY OB _w''toucthi-r, with or without plivatc table, or without board. ojj obeat Jomkm ST.?PL'BNISIIED BOOMS TO mji 'let. witn or without Board ; table boarder, taken. oi west sum sr.. bbtwekn hboadwav a.vo ? ? *"??A fine hull ilnrle Koom. to rent, with Mr.I class Board, to faniille. or uuntlviueu. it ft "AW 31ST sr. NEAR BKOADWAY? HANO> l?'i.oiue;y furiii.hed Koumi, with Hoard, for tauiillf. und KHhtlenivn. rolorenro.. ?Jfi CLISTON PLACE. ? A ?sw Yo'l'N.5 MEN ok OUmarried couple can Und Hoard on reasonable tirrmn. 'J/jTII sT Si WliST.?NEW AND IIA.shso.MELV Ol Jfurni.bod Boom., with Board, for laiullie. or irentle meu. Ait? ST., NO. Si Wl'.si,..i'Wii vebv BLBUaNTLY XtJlurnUliMl Boom., with lir.t clas? Hoard, to frentleiiien ur ueiitloiuau ai.d wilo; privato family .one blcck iroiu l( more. ii-WKHT JOTU ST.. NBAB VTtl AV HAXOSOKB TTHooiii, .uperior Hoard, ^eutleiuau and wife or two teutleaieii; terms moderate. mi-; A >t :.7T11.?i*i:i v ate"" jew is? I'a milyIJp reuocmuni huvtt Kouiiih to spare, with or without ifourd. 1 '-l'"\.wi':s'' 88TU sr.?HaNuSo.MK 1800X8 PLOOB or on .uito; excellent table; term?. to 110; refereuco required. 1Q7 EAST Horii ST.?TO LKT. TO ON K OK TWO I tfontleiui'ii, u nicely iumUheil Uooio, with or without Hi'cttit!H?t hijU Ten; family private. 14.1. maodol-oal ST . horneb" ith 'st. (\Va"sII X 1 I In^Loa sijuarvl.?lo rent, with Board, uu elegantly rtirnl.lieil Parlor and .overal nowly lumUhed ll.uiur Spaui.h .poken; term, modorato. lSftTO,-Ifr?'':-A LA,?~?K ANli small koom*. At^UwIth Hoard, for Ki'nllemou or i;uutl<<inan and wile. WEST 4TII nr. ? I NKi:HNI8HED booms to ^V/\Jlet, with or witiiont Board; Boom. (!i to $7. *)iIQ, W'iiST 4:ll> si.. WEST BBOADWAV.-A *<VV?r?e.,prettily lurni.hed front Room, with exculleut tiibic, in siu.tll lauiily; hIho hull Iiootn lor fceutletnuti, 4-fUi WI'iS,'! /IT" *"?' BOABDi ELEGANTLY TTU w.urnibhed Kuomi lor purtica or three and four uci? tlomen. <U1 I?D aAX-' C0,RN,fc:,tt sr.?TO LET, WITH ?/XLlJourd, In it Jewish family, one or two nicely fur nikhou Itooma. A., lady, having a nice place, will AcnoM ? 'update a lady during coutinemcut, medical uttenduuee included ; terms moderate. Apply to Mr*. C.% i?9 2d av. T^LliGANTL\ PLMIMSHED BOOM^STAT U A B Y' XJiiair.tinir*. billlaril>. library; everythlnit Ur.tcla.j- ref erenco. required. Addre.. C. C. B.. .tatlou o. Livingston plack, nosT2 and'sl-mux. vntko. mver doHiren to Inform her frieudM that die h%? not re tired Irom Uu*ine?M, and in still atile to accommodate a few eelcct boa;iter* or tumilioii, with good relerenue?, at No* 2 and II Llviu^hion plaoo. opposite the Park. NO OHAEOB.-Al'FCy FOB PttlVATk iOAftOINO tA|frn ASilVu vn# i ?/ cu?ntry- sax OS' HOAHD i*-*v* UIBIlCfOHY, i, 151 Hroudway, seoiind floor. HOARD AND LOi)flllO WAJVTKO. A iiKi\f Vli ^v .S wfnT^A V sKAlui; 'a vkw a Vchoice Kootua, with uu<!xceptionabltt Board, Tor a family of nix adults, wno are willim; to pay IMi (Mr week refrr ence tflvoii and reuulred. muMt he within Hith anc] 4^th nt? and Madison and Gth avs., mjy address KOOM 47 Si .fume* Hotel. Board wanted in aTbTvaTe Vamilv with a widow lady or .mall faiully; Iront Booiu and Bed r om; will fnrr.uli their own room; Board lor ludv aloiiu Ail ires. ADVEBTISEll. Herald Upt wn olllee. ' HOTELS. \ ?BO |S l.OOMS Knit J| I'Kli \VEJ.E.-uf.C.. 3.1C -fV.per day; uentlemen, lanillle*. Kranalort House. ^OJ Wil st. /1ENIKAL-HOTEL. 2W CANAL ST.. .NEAB BBOaD Vyw?y.?xlnicle Boom. Oil rent, and 75 cent.; Double for two, 7o cent, and upward, per pay. VIAKLBORO i! G11 IIOI'm,, :wrn sr.. COBNEB ilTll i?Aa?? Hatrlut; Uuully neifinlatert will offer f.iiuiliu. or .iu^ie utntleinon wl.hlni; to locate; trao.lent 52 jO per day ; American piau. ' COUTHEBN HOThL -$a A DAY; PERMANENT Oboarder., $7 to week. U70 Broadway, corner :td .1. C'!', OEBMAIN. BBOADWAV, jju ST.. .I ll vvi-Lo". I 'cation uu.urouH.i'il; room, all rroni. reduced, with Board without, 91 pur day; Huge, and car. paaedoor; eleva tor, batba ' COlilVTRV BOAHD. 'Yt PASSAfc; s; J ON-'Wr'EKlii' %ArUOAi>.'tt minute, from the city ? Ooou Board and plen.ant Booms torm. moderate. Adore.. Mr . VAN A (.KEN. Paasalc. N. j! A f BIVKKHKAD, L. I.?f'lBST CLASS Cul'VTBtf - V Hoard, at reasonable rate.; |,irKU airy Roouih. plua.ant ?.".r.r.uS1.. n A" '"'"wer. luliireMied to COUN1KY BOARD, JU7 East a7th .t., will bo personally attended lo by the proprietor. WANI'ED IN THE COUNTUY?NEAR Ttll "" !"!VC" ?h?r? there are uo oner children, and where the bo.t of cure can bo obtained Atldre.t, with full pal titulars im.I terin., which mii.l be moderate, \V.,hox 1U4 Herald office. Board\\anrhp on lonu island; oood taIFle .hado. Ac. Addre.., .latiiiK term, lor lour adult, ami two cliiidteu, L , carrier route No. 'Jli. Boakii can be had on a pabai?uoatino. nalliinif. .Iiude and a lir.t cla.. table. Addie.s I' I.oi k'. WOOD, spriUif Valley, Bockland county. N. V. / AOUN try BOARD -P\LlS.VDe.S.-I I KMT CLASS V^iiicommodatioii., I,.cation; flue drive.. bathinLr, Ac. I.all or addrc. vV. O., 4tt Ka?t 'JUd .t, /10UNTRY HOARD AT NuYAO, Mil K MILS* *110)2 VJSaK llurlior, near Groat Peeonlc llav , limuuda iuiiiiiiik down to the water; a line .|iriuK uear the hou-e ; pleuty ol .hade, fruit, vegetable, milk, Ae. , perlecily healthy ; term. V K?.r W.?0|<' I"":1' ,ur under leu. Addre.. \. li. 1 K i K.SON, sax Harbor, L. I. / lOUNTKY liOAKO WANTED?FOli i'VV'O GENTLE V^meii and wives, child (1 i years; and mir.e ; di:?tuuce not over oue hour trOm City Hull: must have buthini; on or oeur pre""... Addre.1, with price, location, dl.tauco Horn depot, ?ke., MAY 15. fiornld uftice. /Aiil NTBV B iABDCaN BE OUTaI.M'.D AT A PABM yiioii.e, lour mill.. Iio.n the depot In Danbury. Conn, i houa* large and |ile?.ant; well .haded uiound.- heallbv loeatloii. Addre-. box 71ii Danbury, t.'onu / mi ntky boaRD?at a kakm house two Valour. Irotu city by Central Kailroail ol New 'jer?ey Ipfji.ant and i.ealthv location: Rood tablo, pleiitt of milk fruit and vinutable.; bout j up- and Imiiiun: tern.. $H oer week; reel' C. B. Van Dyko. ans i.reenwicli ?t Ad die.. J. V. STII.WKLL, North Urauch station. New Jar.ay L1AGL-. BOl'K COI'TAiiES. O it A N UK MOUNTAIN". XLJoverlookluu Llewellyn Park.-Kine.t .ir, view water dilve.; term, rea.onabln; omnibii. tiin,.e. do<ir. ' ' Mrs. MA BEE. Orange, N. J. FMtST CLASS BOARD AT '"DELANO CO'Tl AGE.'' O.Heuwich, Conn., live tnluutu. from depot. Call ou pieuiiae., 01 addrui. GL'STA VE, Herald oHlcu. 7 IHERAL IEI'.Ms AND DhLlGllTFl'L LOCATION ? xJA laiullv or parly de.irilK Board in Crevnwlch apply at DiaiMBIl ltBSORTI). i -VT. iir.'K'ii tnr/Tftivmkw itr?i;rH^K^TAYEx i\? Island. open* >iuy 15 under tlie management of H. t\ Coin. application* lor Hoard received III n?r-<oit oil prom i?es or ny letter. Ut'.OllUi. 0. Ta1*LMAN, Oritur. AltM.Niiiu.N II0U81.. Mainfor t, Conn.?I Ills house Is ileliyrlitfully located on ' !)itfli ground, fine lawn. well ?hadi*d. uud H'/solutol.y free liuin malaria ami iuosqmtoc?? will open Ma> 7. terms icasonaoic. i. W. KMaI'1', Munu^nr, riOliL.SI ilOUSK. iiUliU'H LaKK, N J.Oi'KNS may 1" JtK rtend for circular. A. HUO\VN>ON. HAMILTON Ho t'SK, ^TaMKOHX), CO N N. ? 11K A LTlf, houio comlortn. ucoauiUlliy. >eiul fgr JOHN ITTNKK'h VII.LA. AT TUhMONT INVK.VlY lutirt9i wunli, N. V , will l?w reopened on Sunday. Mh> *i. For Ytarilari Infinflation addicst* JoH.N 1TT.NKK, lUU lirautl mi., New York. I VTfcW KOGIIKLLK. N. Y.-'a. M a KliEltN'rt pakk ll Hot*-1 opens May 7 for ?unimer boarders; tenii? from $IU | to :;2o per w*ek. Address A. MaKOLKN, Now hoclitfile, N.Y? ' pAHHY IIOIHK, ON TUB I1UDHOM, NKAli WIS? X I'oint, will open early In J line; splendid rivor view; also itiriilslied Cottage to let. Addras* VViLLKl I'AKUY, Jiiirhland Kalis, N. Y. ? All AiuUA?if Uhh'l 18 110 Utth, B UO aDW A Y ; HR8T tJloca;ion. near ( onuross >prinff; addition recently Unlit, embracing spacious UiiilnKroom on pnrior floor, witli 10 sleeping rooms; now open ; ampin stabling. Address M. M. ill hMIS. \VI\KS, LItttlOlll, rivnK AOHK Au Lprhi.VUh t;II AM I'AUNKS* Foil IN VA 1 lids, iu plot* uud hail pint*, ci.nvtuieut and Lcaith-glv FOR SAIiK. u Allfe CIIaNCE. -"TilfT K1KST CLASS llTT BTOItK \?1"ill av corner J-M St.. established 1H veers. lor Jute ou account ol the death of (hi proorletor. luquire on the premises. ? i BHTOB AND -"T-VIS ?;VEAK,?'\^NK?,,'eJ)' A.UIimir e?*s?dUhm?ut (CaUndor mada L'|...ln,u Drviiiu; (!?leu(ier, comiiloto looli, Horni and ?? N OLD AND WEI.LESTABLISHEDLI<*UOK?TOB? Afm sale, uear Broadway and 42J at ; prle* ?*!">? KD MIND U. MARTINIS, 1.3U1 Broadway, orSMllll, 17 Centre st. T.K IH SALE-lHO KKKT HARDWARE ALL r ? oapbws also Counters, rabies. Ac. J43 Bear! st. -non itl.k-?Ul WB8T CLASS RESTAURANT 07 r Beekmau et.; K'?od trade shown; it not sold tbls week ti ? IIiHires will be i?old to suit biiyem on and alter Monday E^iKrU&S not .old mil? f mM Wednesday next. Apply to I1. T. KKllH. at Uouia a. -01 Broadway. ___ ? \l7INIi AND LUNCH ROOM, 71 M A tDENLANE FOR \\ sale cheap. Apply at store. of LLOV 1). aft Broad w a). ^-M/raHTTTBOOK, ST ATI O KB 11V, MUWC AND S(fw)0()(?ews Depot, at Keyport, N. J . C?od *'{'? tures; low rout; tfood business, but location. Apply hey port, N. J. MAtlllJilfilU. BOILERS AND' KjTtffSKS Kuk Sa"LB.?ONh y J aole i'xlH; two nniu.ll ? raobt Boiler*; one.Nott Blake t.ateut stone and Ore Breaker. Apply to LBsLlE. maiM* acturtr, mirth ol Beunsylvanla Rafiroad depot, Jer ?ey City. near the ferry. ri'MIMHE WOOD SI'LITTBR-BESI' IN TUB t'SlTKO tor splilliuir piue. oak aud hickory. Se id lor ilr ?Tiir WM I "\V ILLI AMH. Patentee, 144 Kasl afttn st. 11(1,? bale v SiX iioU I. POWER BAXTKB -IEaM r l iiiflmi nearly ne.v. with lntM iiuproveuieuts, M ? V?r." ^,ln TUi ALLliUKBTTl REBRIOERATOR CoMBAN Y, ?1I J 4til Hv. rlTiTTi "ROBERTS PORTABI.K I'. NUINE"? CHEAP, laasSM?^ SRisrreJSS'--* TaRD IRON WORKS, av. Hand lltli st.. >ew > ork . tl y 11J aSTEU?A COBPl-R BLATB CARD I-III A i l .><?' VV Press, second hand; state ?l?" of plate, age and price. W. A., box I'ost ?lllce. raUPMALI. ( oK'Li,i" '''lfuUsk ^rluKrutCf. . t TonrKINHVILLK. New Vork. April jJjl. Dli7. 1! Honied proposal* will l?e received in tln? ortlce i uli li o'clock M on Friday, llie lslUuyol J unc nt*l. lor rrtUiiu. painiiui;, replacliiir ana kc?pliiK In iliiilr Kr,"T f^HUnr and iu good ..ruor all tlio buoy? now in the IliiUsun Khor. between Albany any Troy. New York, au.l huoIi "thei. u? ma*bo authorlxod for ono -ear Irnm the l.i day o July next I.' tile ?ucce??llnK aiAli day ol June, ttccordlnix to the reirulatUu of the WluUome Board aud the ptinted *P#?;ill cation-.. copioK of wlilcli can bo liad by applyluK to tltU offlio. ?v l.oud wiiii two ?urutie?. lu double ih?? uiuount of th > coutruct, ami coudilione.l for lt? faltUlul perlonnance. will ^WiKhl'to rcjevt any or all hide. If it l? deemed to bo for the mioresv* ol Hie Unlieit btntos 10 do ?o. U ioB?Tvcd. A copy ol line advertUmuent ?liould bu annexed to each . , | w v o. BIIIND, Conioiodore. U. s, N. Inspector Tlilid district. ITlHOPOSALB lOK INDIAN SUl'PLIBB. UOODB, AND Tniiisportntloo. UKl'AltrMtNT or TUB IHTKHIOB, 1 Ort'iui-. or Indian ArriiKS. > WahiiiNiiTON, March 3H. IrtiJ. ) Healed proposal*. Indorsed "I*reposals for Baul. Hour. Clotliina, Trausporiatlon," .tc., *? ctt*? i"",* Hj, V;.|to tlio OaiumlMtoner ol Indian Affairs. No <t< Walker ?t New York, will be received until 12 M. of rues .u? May rt 1K77, for lurnl?hiii? the lollowinc supplies, "oUt. kikI irunsportatlon required lor the ln.liau service for tne hscttl year end^Junu 80, 18781- ^ He?f on the hoof.. a4 *M.<KX? j Uonilny KlJur 5.704,5<)0 lUrU Bread ?0.?W Haci.u 8711.41 ?> I Suirar BUO. WU S?"E! ,SS i5;=:= SSI Meii Vork 700 bbl^ I AlljO, r. H*Drly' Goods'.''l'l'ardware^otloin and Medical Supnliek triuisporiatlou lor such ol throve su|.pliej as niay contracted to bo delivered at the several Indian "f'?,-. Schedules sUowln, in detail the klud. ^ J all Koods required at each agency ami lu iTose. trauiitiorta tiou r. utes, time and place ot delivery, conditions t bo served by bidders and terms ol coutruct anu pajincut. to gether with hunk proposals, lorni. ol contract, bond. *c., will be Inriilshed on application to this utUte an Washing ton or at 7? Walker si.. New liork) , to li. M. ?.in?sjey. 30 I'linton pIhc?, New York; to Win. H. Lycrn. 4S.1 Hroml wae New York - to Win Nicholson, superintendent Ind an riiV'irM l aw re nee Kansas; to the CoinuiiiMiarles of rtubslst e,!c" 0 S A a?' .St Uouls. i:hlcaBo. Sioux City. Leaven worth. 8t. Baul. Omaha am{J5 SMITH. Connuis.loner.^ Ft KMT Litis.. "XTTFRiVate sale-all the '?'"^itcre con jVtalnod lu live story brown stone residence l^U ? est 2Bd si nearlith av.; superb I'arlor Suits, 14 pieces, lost ?1.- "0, for'is 17"?' Suits lu rups, 3sV> and $115; Etajteres, Bookcases, Brouses I'.ilntiriKS, Library anil Dluluit Booin h urulture; Chamber Suits Iron. **) to also ^n l.eol;^ 1'ianotorte all modem Improvements, cost #I.IK? , or*U7.>. tii^ol. Cover and OaWnet;%?.eJor shlppint; Call t?-J.y< ~l Z~fHE BOl'CLAU KUUSItI'RK MANL'KACTUKEKS, A..BAUMANN 11IIOS., 'iW and 'J-HJ Hudson, corner B^iuine St.. the cheapest and roost reliable housei In the world to buy your Carwets, !? uruliure or Boddiuu', for cash or instaluicnts, by tho week or mouth. i T lltLK BRICK? - ASSORTMENT OK TIIK KINI'.PT Alarpo French plate Bar Mantel *"J.2',A'uu'a\fc."'i'A III tho Spin*ler i.ouso. Address JAMLS tOOHRA.Mt, West lotli st. i OeNTLEMAN WILL .SACRIFICE HIS KLEHAN'T JVKuriiliuie, Carpets. I'lauoforte. I'arlor suits. ' ?? Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, UndiliiiR, 1 lelioard. hxleusi u 'I'niiio i.u' tuinh. Mirrors, Tuikish I* la. Silvui***1 uic, , *c. Call Immediately. Residence 51 >V??t J4ih st . n.-ar Madison square. ^ Furniture" buyers, attend thk clusino sale this dav and Monday, at 2 B M : Mr. K. Kuvor, rotiriu^ ir'?m hnntiu***. >we Aurtiont. 1 ARHESr STOCK AND LOWEST IMUCES KoRKUR. ljniiiiro and Curpcts for oash v liberal terms of payment at COl'ERTHWAlT'S, 1&0 and loi Chatham St.; 1J large yifiroomi. AlTliEST STOCK AND LOWEST t'BIOBB VVW KUll nlture. lor cash or liberal terms nf paylliellt. A. BAUMANN. 47H llraiid St.. between Bltt uud Wllleu^ TkJ IbKIT CARPETS. OlLCtiOTHS AN'l) MATTINO'. JVlvery cheap, at the old place, 112 Kulton St. U?li or send lor price list. . I?OST OFF1CB \ o r I C IO. Post Oi-'KlC.v, NOl'icE. ' " rue foreign mal;s for the week endln* Saturday. May 5. IK77, will Close at this ollicu on Tuesday ;it I - M. Jor Eu rope. by steamship W)Oluln?. via yueeustowu. on W? ?s uav at &:;?) A. M.; for Europe, by stciunsliip Abjsslnia. via yueeiistown (correspondence Inr n ance to ba lorwarded oy this steamer must be specially^ addressed!, and at A M. . tor trance direct, by steamship Labrador, via Ha*r?, oil Thursday at 11 :'M A. M. s lor Europe, by stoamthlp Herder, via !'lyniouth, Cherbourg and llumhur^ on Saiur day at ? A. M.: lor Europe, by steamship Adriatic, via OueeiiHtown icorrespondeiice for (iormany, Scotland and \m-ih of ireliiud. t?? be lorwarUed by tlil?< Mtemuor, ^J5 Socially add Messed I, and ai h a. M? lor Scot' and North ut Irela'uu. by steamship Bolivia, via Movllle and U as?ow. aud at 11 :'J(? A. M.. tor Kurope, by itwauiflilp Most I. via ^hSnu^hlpsWyomliiiC. Abyssinia and Adriatic do not take mulls lor Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The mails tor Kincston. Ja.. leave New *.,rk May . . The mails loi tlio Went Indie*, via Bermuda and St. lhoii?a<, 1 a o New York May in. The mulls lor China and lapan to lie San Kranclsco May HI. The mails lor Auatr ilia, Ac.. lC% situ Kranclsco Mav ->:i T. L. J AM Es. Bostinasier. N i v\ Vosft, April SIH. 1877. VIMK A HTS. A." ? vitl.'K KVHIIIITION AND BKlVATK SaLE OK in?trij?5tioiv. TT'STaWikuC iia'ndw; ni'Nii tauuiit in'"tKS ?AAaM! i'? itR'avniJisamr US. W. ti. BUYAN'S SKMI.NAKV lor Yoiiiik Ladie*, ttatavia, N. ?. M . t t^iaulsb. Applv to Miss M J YOUNll, Auierlean and 'orenfii Teachers' Ac.-ncy, I nlon s.,uare iliroadway sldei. Wanted immediately a lady kur sinuino (school) ; a lady tor Oerinauand F rench (jaiully), a ireittleiuaii for Cermiui. Kioncli and '"j1"1';*'''l^..'ehand 07 West J'?th st. KllHlI'L. f.tiva ciiVstAi. bala. E iiorbi:'XoN'iK?v-A IVIariie and couilortable hotel close to the Crystal I alace^ Willi ' trains to e>erypart ol London. I ho New York lleruld aiwa?s in the readmit room. _ <s|'KC1AL NOTICE.-MARCoVITCH .? CO.. MANUi A lilLUAUDM. TP Lot oK sRcoSD hand 'kilLi aii'd fATiLEd lx 1V !'??i led unlur. equal tu now, al very low prlui'l. II. W. i i/I.I.KMH.K. 7 lw. Ilrmj.i t/. A MKKICAN MT A N DA 111) HKVKL llll.l.l Alll> I'ABLKH _/\?ltli UeliUiey'n wlru eualiloli*, indorsed liy nil luadlii); pr.iloMioiiKl player* ; extra lintucoiiie 111n now oHurcil ; ??c uud linn I I'hI<U> al jneul tmri(Hln?. W. II. (.} Ill K KIT11 <k CO. 4" Vm?v ?t. KKW KkOOHD HAND IIUiUID AM) fool Table* fur ??le low fur caul). V. UKOTK k OOm 114 Knit Mtli Ik LM km' CI. ASS 1111, MAUD TAIU.K-, ^I'OU, AT I'll K J? LAN'S aiw waruroooia, ho. W Vo oy ?l. Pl)K SAI.K-TWO OIUKHril'ti AMKKICAM STAN. " Unrd I iiblon, nil complol#; e??l $7<?); will l>? mild cliuap. Cull Ml 1K > Columbia '(..corner De lirnw kl, Uiuoklyn. CIOR SAI.K CI1KAI'?KOUH lllLMAttD ANJ> OKH r I'nol lable, nearly uuw. 1.2M8 liroadwtiy ; riiiK bull twice. AlAlllltiK MAM'BI.I. At pricks .NkVBR Aj'PHOAcutD pt'.f'OiilT Slate anil marble Mautim; larijoul aftMirtment la til* cily. PhNKHvN KljATK COMI'AHV, ,'iO Union aqanre. -till ??. mid 1 Till si., New Vork. maiiiilnclureri of all kinds ul Slate Work. MARIO.K am) XAHBLKIXRp MAJlTUA I (?ravunlonea, Kurnllurv and J'muibrr*' Blaba, al /really reduced urlue*. A. Kl.AHhll. VAA uul \m IUH 1MU a*? U" ** ??- j ANCIENT ART. THE UIUUK COLLECTION AT THE METROPOLI TAN MUBEt;M or ABT. The room* of the building id Fourteenth street torn porunly occupied by the Metropolitan Museum ol Art were last n.ght crowded by the beauty and fashion of the iDOtropolie, on the occasion ol the exhibition of General ai Casnola'a Kuriutu collection ol Cypriote an tiquities. The interest excltod In this country by the arrival of the Oolgos antiquities la ancient archisologl cal research has evidently not died out, ir we mar judge from the number ol visitors and tho interest manlleawd In the art treasures of the museum. Cer tainly It would be dimcult to imagine anything better calculated to awaken Interest and curiosity lhan the bringing back to light ol these long bur led relics ol a civilisation that has passed well nigh Into the realms of isblo. Some ot the objects uow placed on exhibition belong to tho period of tho great Theban Kingdom ol hgypt Among thuiu Is the official seal ol Thothinosls III., tho Kgypilan comiueror of Cyprus, in whoso minority tho third and lourih pyramids were built, and wbose name is boruo upon the famous obelisk wo know so well as Cleopatra's Noodle, tho date of vrhloh, lor tho suko ol illustration, may be given us 144;i 11 C. llils Is uot u delated aud broken siono, bJi a llui'ly cut stouo, pierced aud mounted iu gold, with Its ancient movable handle of silvor, wliich Is very rarely met with. Other objects of this nature, which serve to tlx the dale as well us snow Ihe suronsiug perlection to which the glyptic art liad beeu carried there, are some Uaby Ionian cylinders, lu meteoric, ba'iuatlle au<! car ueliuh, and chalcedony, With intaglio cliaracters, pro n(fenced by such uuil.oritios us Mr. Saye and rilr Usury Kuwlinson to rufor lo dates ol SOW, l-uo and ltioo 11. C. It is to the energy ond Inlollljjonce ol (ieuerol di Ces nola Ihat the world Is indebted lor tho recovery of these undent treasures. Attracted by tho numerous mounds and rock cut tombs which ubouud in Cyprus the Ucuerul formed the Idea ol Identify lug the sites ol the ancient clues, una, sotting hnusell rosolutely to work, he succeeded lu discovering no less than seventeen. Ho next "procured a Urmau from the Sul tan to euable turn to search lor lost treasure, aud be am his excavations ut Kittium, the aucieut K.KI1111 ot liio Hible. At 111 St the result was not encouraging, as 11 was evident ihut nearly ev?ry tomb buu beeu visited und rilled at some ryinole period. During'the urst your lour cities naU been traced, und ut liXoaUeuerui dl Ctsnolu was rewarded lor his labors bv coming Upou one ol tho most remarkable troasure troves al moueru times More man a iliousuud stuiuos wore lound, more or less broken, it is true, but still sufficiently perleet 10 give a very cieur Idea ol the ar iiiiic culture of the ago to winch they belonged. But these were not all. ^owu 10,000 objects lu alt were recovered, and these make up the lirsi divsiou 01 liie Di Cosuolu collection, uequirod by iho Metropoiiluu Art Museum at a cost 01 some $fio,UUO TUS Kl'lUCM UuSaNZA. The objects composing the present collection were lound iu the treasure vault ol tue Temple 01 Kurium, the Curium winch Strabo aud Pausuuius describe. Kuriuui is on tho west cousi ol the island ol Cvurus. nud west of the ruins of Amuthus. oi- ??I'ulu.'o Llmisso," as it is callod. It was ? rovul city, and. line an eagle's nest, us Ucuerul di Cesnola says, on u rock auo leet nigh and inaccessible on three allies. This rock, wbich is about Ove hours' ride trorti the coast. Is cut with two quite uorneudicular luces, south and east, tho murks ul tue chisel beiug still visible iu ine calcareous sandstone. ?t lorty leet Irom the ground a terraco is cut on liie slope 100 icet wide und scooped out to the depth ol twenty-live leot, thus loriuiug a ditch. Hut ihis was lui lor fortiilcation ulone?it was lor a cemetery; lor iiere wer?.- louud thousands ol rock-cut tombs, some arched and rather rude, oihor* reotunguiur aud well luudo olteu ooulaiuing Barcophagl carved out ul the liviuu rock Iu those loums wore lound skeletons, una iu some ol theiu earthenwure lamps, lour I'hieui oiuu iimphor.?!, a copper mirror, with some gold rings aud earrings aud brucelets ol silver. A numuor ol tnurble works woro also discovered, but llies'- have not yet beeu unpsckud, auu probably , will nut be exhibited until tho Art Museum moves into tho pertuuueni building In Central l'ark next vear Among ihe treasures are a great number ol signet rings and souls. Oue seal is ctigrivod with the Kifvutian deity Anubll anu a I'lioen.clau letter. In most case* ihe signets aud souls urn attached to a stiindlc- on which they turn, the spindle being riveted ut each end to a simple hall ring ol golu or silver. The goideu objects uro nearly ul iu an excellent stato ol preservation, while tho silvor ornaments are noariy nil black, in the mulority ol cusos a.most destroyed by oxiduliou. rfll ver appears to have been more em ploy ad than gold, and wis perhaps, more scarce und valuable; b.u ob lucts ol this metal buiug coiuparutively destructible, thev are vory seldom louud iu collections, and never l belore have so many silver vessels uud ornaments been ! discovered. I'hore ure sotuo examples of vases in tho I Priiuii Museum presumed to be hirtiHcun, und there a oue iu tho Uibliotheque of Porn-. l)r. sschlieuiaun also louud some silver vases, with the gold cups uud the 1 wo diadems, w.uch he calls "Priam's treasure," I in ins discoveries ut the supposed sue or Troy. Gen eral di Cofcuolu discovered T,i) objects iu silver, many I 01 which are lairly perleet, wlrtle there are many Iru,; iii cuts ol others, uud umoug tiiese is 11 com. tiaci uiass ol patera*, tiuck to^othor by oxul.. ion just as they were placed In me treasury 01 the temple more lhau two thousand years ag>v I he mos? iirleci object is au elegant bulbsnaped looythus, ' ... au,j handle, seveu and Uve-eighllig incnes inch the surlaco much oxidized, but stili showing batches of bright silver, but with very little trace ol j ornKmoUt lclL Others which muy be ineuiloiied are au uiuoohoo of the same sue; a calyx, hvo luchi-s in ! ii.uu.eter with remains ol ornament In vine braucues: I uualera'with a gold boss in centre i.ud a bund ul I houoVsu'ckle aud 1 .tus ornament round it; several bowls some ol which are iluted by repou?se work, others engraved iu linos 01 geometrical pattern, uud ouo e.-peciully Hue example with tho lu s,de tilled with a pattern 01 radiating linos lr.,m a Circle contro unuing In slur points. Uut parhaps the most Important, lu rolerouoo 10 tho sivlo ol t!?o oruuuioutatlou and its rare state ol utescrvalluu. IS a vory largo patera lu silver ?tilt soven and a hall inches diameter, entirely covered with incised aud repounse work ol bauds ol guillocb.} ornament Willi tho conventional trees aud animals, wall Ksy'lJlluu dlViuities uud carlOUches. Only le.-s i rare uud fcarcely uilerior to Ihe silver vessel iu tho delicacy ol the incised work aud tUo purled condition ol the ornament, is uculyx, In thm gold, about live, inches diameter, tho msido ol wnicli is entirely covered with circulur bauds ol eugruved work, repre ueiitlus by convoiiiiouul wavy linos, waior, wuh palm ir. es ul'd llgures ol sU|!8 liko the reindeer uu.1 huui ers. Tins object mu*t, we should say. be unique as a sm cnueii so periecny preserved auu of sucn excellent artistic beauty. Iho worK ou .hen. is precisely ?iunlar 10 Ihut 011 a bas-rellel irom Ko> uujlk. and 011 some ol tho metal vessels to be s. eu 111 th.- glass ca^es ol tho AsbVrmli collection IU the Museum. A Cor nticouln, about tllteoii Indies long, 101 meuiu llnu sil ver overlaid with t-old plale in places, i? uuotlier ruro Obieot III the colleclioii. The practice 01 overluymg 11 lit 1 en ul silver and copper Willi gold seems 10 hive been common, but, us would boexpected, it has proved tieairuciive to the gold work Irom the swelling ol ihe inner me:al produced by oxidation, thus buratlug the outer costing 01 gold Many ol tho large rings and other orm.ui.-uts ure in this coudltioli, while those o solid silver though much corroded, uro still lirui aud heavy and iho pure gold objects are some ol them as nor feci us tin- day they were made A great number 01 coiled rings iu silver, gold and i.rouxe wero louud, ..'.mo plain, others Irequeutly oriiainented will, the head ol the usp ai each end, exceedingly well carved, but whether ull Ibe^e wore mtoniled lo bu woru or had over been used it is somewhat puz *hU" to decide, lor some are too small 10 udunt the bund so as to he pas.-od on lo tho wrist or the arm, or bo worn as unkleis. Two mas sive mum gold rings, not perleet rings, but the ends overlapping, *veivuni?g more tliau three pounds, which were lound iu what the General calls the Hold rouiu, are most interesting, as having ouch ol ihom the name It. thu ancient Cypriote dialect and letters, Kleander, King ot Puphos, who probably preHonie.i iliesu as an oileru.g ?o some divinity 111 tho temple wnere they I wero louud This most interesting collection nas also been secured by the Motropo U .u Mui.uui ol An ; but ll.ere is still a miui ol s?iu? $'JO,ObO duo to i.euoral Cesnola which u is to be boped some public spirited diizuuK will supply. Ihe progress ol the Art Mos. um h.K beeu cro.lttubio heyon.l expectation, aud il suuilur i,ui ee.-s atliinds its luturu dlrojltou New \ orK will b..vo a museum which will compare iiuorably with tho grand museums o! Kuropt*. TliLO NEW UOCllELLE COACH. Tho "Tally Ho" carried thirteen pussengors to Now Kochollo yesterday, and relumed in tho iiruiiitwnk Hotel Willi a lull couch. 'IInsspeaks well lor tho upon mik ol lliu season, mid given thai "skilled workman, Colonel Kituu, the eoiillJence to bolievo thul tils von luiu Will be patronized an it deserve.!. The coach is so well horsed uud drivon, and lint rouio is ol such pic tureviiue uud roiuuntlo beauty, lliu ciiis' iis ol Now York huo love a quiet day iu tho country will lose 11 ricu treat if they do not hasten io book thuuisolves lor an early chuuco ol' participating in IIiih duligbtlui Journey. Mover was ihe rural scenery in tho oarly spring more tiuauiilui. Never woro tho young blos soms on Held or oil Ibu wayside luoro Iragrant, and never iu auy country liaU a coach a belter reputation lor speed or utionuoii to its patrous thuii lliu "Tally Ho" bus secured through tho downright bard work of lis proprietor. Too "load" to Now Hoc hello yesterday wa? rondo up ol Mr. and lira llenry Pouring, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Miss titroDg, Mrs. Miss Kinutl, Miss khmo landor, Mis< King, Mr. and Mrs. Uroeno, and the Misses Kudo (Jt>ou arrival at tho lluguvnot Houso all partook ol lunch', served miner the direction ol luiidlord Spurge, ann wero exceedingly woil pH>a?ed that tucli uu array ol substantial, wboloaoine viands worn sol bu I'oro them. Il any luiore couching parties tear thai at tljiscof-y Inn llity may po.-siuly not obtain a snlisluc lory repast it u well to say hero ibat audi loam aro groundless, as lliu Huguonot'a proprietor knows how "to keep a hotel" uud how lo iervo ? coaching lunch to the sulisiactlon of tho most exueung. (in ibo way back home tho "Tuily-Ho" picked up two passengers at lioltou I'nory, who, with su attendant ol the Kour iDg*. uiude up a lull coacli. Tho kmiio promptness in thr matter ol time all along tho lino wna observed an marked the first trip ol lliu soason, aud at lour o'clock Colonel Kane bad suiiafnctonly ondoU ibu lllib day ol Uu uuiuuiiua raliuiaf at 1MJX, OUR COMPLAINT BOOK, FUMIGATE. To ths Kditok or Tilk Hkkai.d:? Somebody Bad heller eradicite tbe stcncli that meates the Fourth uveoue tunool. A VICTIM OF MALAR1 ONE GOOD DEED DE8KUVES ANOTBEB. To tbb Kditok or ran Hkkald:? Please ucocpt the thanks of n taxpayer Tor the p licaiion ot my letter In your "Complaint Boo ^ixtyflrst street Una lor onco been ewept; but w la li tbui tbe street between First aud Second a nues ta allowed to be encumbered with podlers' was' and carta at all times, day aud night" Would t sum* be allowed on Broadway? TAXPAYER. COLUMBIA COLLEGE HOUB8. To tiik Euitok of the Hbkalo:? The trustees ol Columbia College propose to exte tbe hours ol attendance at the colli de Iron, ten o'cioc A.M. toluuro'clnoK P. ?t., Instead of tbo present time viz., Irom nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock P. Now this would bo a serious blow to rnuova young m who*o only cbanco to gut a college education la by o taming employment lu the afternoon, or whou no occupied iu college. As 1 liavu a great desire to got education and hope to enter Columbia Colle 1 would be greatly all'ectcd by this change, because am not pecumurily ublo to support myself and pa college expense*. uud 1 had hoped to obtain employ meutwheu uot occupied In collcgo to help me through, uud this will take uil such chance a way. I bopi, there lore, thai the trustees will decide to make uo chaug lu iho hours ol' rccuatlou. ? W. A RUOGKSflOW. To tub Euitok of thk IIkkalu:? By the lollowlug plau tbo city can ho thorooghl cleaned. Let the city advertise that it will pay ao inucb u load tor ashes or garbago, delivered at desig* tiuled poiuts In the city, tucroaslng the amount with the diminution ol dirt. The city would very soon b? mude clean. 9. RAILROAD BATES. To tiik Eiiitou of thk Uruald:? I lully u?'ree with "Railroader" In reference to tb* war prices of the New York una New Iluven Railroad. A great increase ol travel would be Induccd this spring by their branch rouin wero they uot so near-sighted, uud siudy their interest more and induce travel by low lares, but iliey can only be brought to their senses by city extended rapid transit. How much more would it cost iu carry loo parSetigers where they now carry fifty?wiih tho same number ol curs, the same engine unci the hurne number ol omployds? TRAVELLER. UNHOLY BUYS AND IMPERTINENT POLICEMEN. To tub Euitok of thk IIkkalu:? l'lease publish in your "Complaint Book" to-morrow thai a crowd ol young raganiutllus endanger our houses every day by the practice of bull playing lu East Eighty-seventh street aud Loxlngtou avenue. They urc especially in tho hubit ol playing ball against th? wall ol I lie private residence corncr of Kighty-sevontii street, uud tin- police have refused to luterfore; not only refused, out mude smart und impertinent answers to the complainants instead of attempting to abate what we must sail an Intolerable nulsuncc. Perhaps you can inform these policenieu thai It is a purl ot their duty to prevent unruly boys from destroying property and rendering home life uncomfortable. LEXINGTON AVENUE RESIDENTS. THE BAULEM 81 BEET LAMPS. To the Editor op tuk Hekai.o:? l'lease allow me to corroborate tho statement of n Ilurlotn resident iu your issue of yesterday about ihn street lamps of Harlem. A lew evenings since, la passing the Methodisl church lu Second avenue and 1 luih st., 1 was smriled by u loud explosion, uud barely escaped the Hying glass aud nasty oil which scattered arouuu, and the numerous wrecks of street lamps to be wiluessod every day seem lo make the explosions of uiglilty occurrence and extremely dangerous tor pussurs-by. Stormy uud w indy nights whole blocks of lumps urn out, aud even line nights every second or third lump is out al 10 P. U., as the police can testily. We poor Uarlenmes huve enough lo suiter iu the way of garbage tilled Mats, tno want ol rapid trausil, Ac., wliuout being compelled to pay lor these execrable and dangerous lights. J. C. OUB WRETCHED PAVEMENTS. To tiie Euitok of tub Ukuai.o1? The report ol the Commissioner of Public Works, tot tho quarter ending September &>, 1870, hays:?"Many streets are lu such coudmou that more repairs urO useless, aud entire rcpuVetneut is the only proper remedy. This must bo postpouod uutil the approprt* ation ol $500,000, under the law of 1875, wlilcn 1 huva asked the llJ'tru of Apporiiouineui to sei apart lor tbo year IS77, becomes available, Now, as 1 under stand the manor, Mr. Joun Kelly, as a member of tbo Board ol Apportionment, prevented a decent amount? VI*., (.'>00,000?being appropriated, uud cut thui suiu dovvn'ubout one-hall by his uxertiona. It is, then, lo lilin alone the people o| ihis City ure indebted lop streets, ol which John Walter, of the London Ttmrt, says, "They are the worst iu tUo world." TTi'lt. BOGUS NEWS. To the Eivott of thk Hbiulo:? Now every ouo is anxious 10 gel news of tho wsr, tho newspapers will print extras. Cauuol you, Mr, Editor, give the public a warning preventing theru buy* ing humbug extras 1 On Saturduy uffernoon u certain New York paper sent out extras lor sale, thoso extras reproducing exactly the same despatches priuied that morning in the Hkualu. Such newspapers are a nut* sanoe to the press an J lo the publ.o. E. P. A PANORAMA OF TRUCKS. To tiik Euitok of thk Hkkald:? I would like lo calf the ulteulion of the authorities to tho number of trucks, carts, &c., left siaudiug In Thlrty-UtUi street, between 'Ninth uud Toulh avenues. People looking out ol ilietr windows can sue nothing but trucks. CSnnoi something be done, or is ihoru ? scarcity ol stublcs? 1NIJkVL THE INSTALMENT PLAN. To tiik Kditok ok tiik Ukkald:? 1 notice in tho Ukkald u corroct statemont of the law us applied to cju rucu (or the sale of pianos, sewing niuchiiies, luiuiiure, ft a., upou the leise or instalment plan. I'uriuit mo to otter soma bricl suggestions id regard to the facts usually attend* Hit; such sulos. t o a extent these salos are mud* to women who aro poor, huvo no credit and no means ot giving security, except by a mortgage on tho mer cbuudlae dolivercd to tbein. Hut lor the much abused instalment plan these persons could never obtain pos session ol the articles they wuul uud believe It lor their advantage to have, A contract ol such u nuturo inado wub a person of no responsibility must ba stringent in it* terms?that Is, a hard contract it harshly cnloreed. Jtut, speaking Irom positive kuowludge, 1 assert that tnese contractu are, as a rule, not rigidly insisted upou. On the contrary, the great est leniency is extended to tnose who make iloiuult as to payments. It is ouly wuou the purchaser dU bonegily attempts to repudiate tho debt that the In strument. luaclnue or lurnliure is solved according to the term* ol the bargain. It Is always very much against the interests ol the manufacturers and dealers la the articles disputed ol upou lustuluicut agreements to take buck merchandise alter it becomes second hand null h.iH very littlu salable value. Ill nil the cases that huvo been property examined it has been found that the individual making a clamor about oppression has ouly bcun trying to pi ty the Knave. C. POLICE 1N1UF1 KllKNCE. To TIIK KlJI'lOIi OK thk Hkuami:? 1 quote from your editorial "Clear the Sidewalks:"?* "Aud it Is the uuty ol every clti/eu to do his share toward breaking up the practice by makiug complaint tu due form at the police station in which the oft'onco li com mil toil." a in point:?Last lali, In pausing through au uptown sired, I was obliged to puss u sta ble. 1 noticed the whole sash ol the second story wlu* dow was removed, Irom which point aud the gutter across the sidewalk was a puddlo ol du ty slops thai had been recently thrown out. 8ouio mischievous Itoyt, staudiug in the middle ol the street and laugh* mg ut some object in this window, gave uie tbe im pression that the slops had been thrown at them, but they had been too quick fur tbe assailant. This proved to be therfiu.-MV As 1 leaned forward to lift uijr dress in pussing over this Ulthy puddle another paillul was thrown out, completely drenching me. A young lady, puamug at tho tlmo, and two ol tho boys used their handkercbiots and two of mine to wipe od tbe worst ol tlie slop. 1 then linked a man Hitting iu the door who was up stuirs. At thut luouiunt two tnen ap? pea red leading u horsu down. 1 asked which ol them had thrown the slops. Moth denied it, and luriber de clared thut they two were the uuiy persons up Blair*, due seemed to hnvo some lutcrest in the business, tbs other was a Htablemau. I thou went to the police station. They listened impatiently, trying to uilorrupt mo, and thou informed mu they could do nothing, "Whut,"*aid I, "can't yon even seud a policeman to see that my story is irue and to put a stop to sueh ? nuisuncef" '?No, we bayo nothing to do with sucb things V' "What redress has oue, then!"' "You ouu bring a suit, prove daninges, he." "I hud supposed this waa a violation ol ? city ordW nance C" ( "Well, we catiuot help you any way." My husband said, upon heanug It. that the damaf* was not worth the trouble and expense ol suing; but il he was nut such u busy mall ho would take the eu*e to?1 think he said the Corporation Counsel?and let him sue In bahall of tho peoplo. This would, of uourao, be of no personal boueflt. 1 would be obliged to appear, aud perhups huvo t<o prove who threw th? slops (I thought the proprietor was tbe defeudutit la, such a case). It would be a waste of time and money, aud so the matter was dropped, tint my draaa uud suck were well nlgb ruinod What did It probtjne U? go to the police ststiou r And what punishment dlA tuia brute of a io*a issatva f