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trlan Ambassador to the Porte, will probably leave for Conatautlnople with tho l'rioce ol Roues on the lllb lost. COXBTATOKOFUI )? A STATE Or 8IKOP The Turkish Chamber ol Deputies Is engaged dls cussing a ministerial bill for proclaiming a state of siege at Constantinople. The Porto notiticd the repre sentatives of the Powers yesterday that it had de clared a blockade ol tho whole ol the Kussian count of the Black Sea. A delay ol three days would be granted ?easels wishing to enter, and five days ihose intending to leave tho Black Sea. Tho Russlau Telegraphic Agency stales that the Porte has relinquished its intcu liou of expelling all Kussian subjects from Turkoy, but reserves the right ol expelling suspicious persons. The Turkish Press law ol 1885 baa been suspended and tho Conslsnttnople newspapers aro now placed altogether unuer administrative control. The rimes' Pera special says, however, that the Porte has assured Mr. Lsyard that a state of siege will not be proclaimed unless necessary. The Porte has notified the German Embassy that Russians will be permitted to reside In Turkey. KGVIT CO-OPKUATSS The committee of tho Egyptian Assembly of Notables ?l Cairo, having dccided upon the imposition of an extraordinary war tax ol ?480,000, tho Khudive has telegraphed to Constantinople that the Egyptian con tingent now in Turkey, numbering 9,000 men, will lie raised to 1'^,000l Tho remainder ol ibo Egyptian coSl tingent will bo kept in Egypt for the protection of the Suez Canal. BSULAND'B Pit K PA RATIONS. The Pt?t says:?"We aro given-to understand that with a viow to possiblo eventualities In tho East the government has resolved to Qt out lor sea with Hie utmost expedition tho wliolo class or small turret ships, of which the llocato and Glatton uro tvpes. These vessels, though nrmor plated, are or compara. lively lignt draught. They carry lour powerful guns each. The Hecate will probably bo flrst ready (or sea." Amocg other considerable quanntios of storos which are being scut to Gibraltar aud Malta seventeen 38-ton guns are ordered to be sent to the former for tress, and works lor mounting them aro ordered to be complotod. Tho Timet, in Its military iniclIi ccnce, says"It is understood that three regiments of dragoon guards have been placed on a list for service abroad should thoir services bo requirod." % Rl'SHlA'S WAR FOOTIJK1. % Letters from St. Petersburg report that the moblllza (ton ol the Kussian army will not becomo geueral. Three divisions of tho Si, Petersburg corps have boon placed on a war fooling. Tho Kirst and Second dlvls. Ions ol the Infantry of tho Guard aro being mobilized. These troops will lor ibe present remain as a rcscrvo In their garrison quarters. In roply to numerous oilers ot assistance ta the Medical Department of tho Kussian army irom Ger man, French and Italian doctors, the Minister ol War, while expressing thanks, states thai bo is unable at preaout to utilize thoir services. He, however, re serves tho liberty n| availing himsoll ol thoir offers ahould occasion herein ter ariso. A IMSSIIII.K CHANGE OF OPINION. It Is reported that Mr. Greenwood, editor of the J'all Hall Gaftte, Is about to take a responsible position on the Timet. Tho query arises whether this may not Indicato a chaugo in tho TimeS attitude on the East em question, Mr. Greenwood's writings in tho J'all Mali Gazette having bo'en strongly anii-Kussian. fin KVIA TO MOiULIZK 11KR TKOOl'S. A decree has beon issued at Belgrade forbidding 8ervianalrom leaving tho country without permission of tho authorities. This order is undoubtedly prompted by tho prospeot ol a geueral mobilization of tho Servian troops. The Servian Rod Cross Society la so'ndlng am balances to Roumauia aud Montenegro, a Council ol Ministers, st which Princo Milan presided, was held on Thursday to consider the question ol the mobilization of the army. Kelugoos aro beginning to arrive Id Servla from Wlddin. EyonI Pacha asked II Serv.a would sonaent to recelvo them, as the Russians are expected to bombard Widdln lrom Kalafat. Tns CATHOLIC QUKSTION IX FRANCE. The republican papers Paris aro much irritated at M. Jules Simon's speech In the Chamber of Doputios fcboat the uitramootano agitation, and somo assort that iho position ol tho Cabinet may bo endangered by tbis question. Ministor Simon, in his speoch on Deputy Leblond'a interpellation, pointed out particu larly iho scrupulous manner in which Italy had ob served the law ol tho guarantees. Tho Italian ambsssadur nan since called on M. Simon and thanked him lor the manner in which bo had refcrrod to Italy duriug the debate. Soveral papers attribute M. Simou's conciliatory tone toward the Catholics to President MacMahon's intervention. In tho Chamber of Depu ties at Versailles, yesterday, the douaioon M. Leblond'a Interpellation was rcopenod by M. Gambellu, who said in the presence ol intrigues winch divided the country and alarmed Europe tho republican party ought to loudly proclaim Its principles and endeavor to snvo the Stalo In Whicn a breach bad been n.uile bv partisan luiorests and Catholic committees. He charged that members ol former reactionary Cabinets, who have taken refuge in ibe Seuato, were directing tbo present movement. Alter Inveighing aval list the eucroacii ments of tbo clergy he declared it was timo inn churches should bo relegated to their proper subor dinate ran* in the State. Tho clericalists sought 10 in duce France to broak with tho Italian revolution. Clericalism was an oueray. The last statement was greeted with prolonged an. plauso by tho Lett. Minister Simon indignantly repudiated tho assertion that hm speech ol ThursJay was dictated by iho Presi dent. Ho repeated his declaration ol tho government's determination to make the law respected. Hioy would do so witii all the more energy as advantage might bo tuken if impunity was enjoyed by certaiu persons (probably meaning Ibe bishops) to prejudico the good relations with 1 inly. M. Mon, the recently clectoil elerlcallat Deputy de nied that the Catholics desired war with Italy. ' the Chamber, by a vote ol 3fil yeas to 121 nays adopted on oroeroi the day presented by tho l,cli una accepted t>v the government, declaring tlmt tho Cham ber, considering that the rccrudosceuso of ultra uouiane mauiiosintious constitutes a danger to peace at homo and abroad, calls upon the government to uso tho lawiul means at its disposal. inn rorti'fl temporal fuwkr. In tho Italian Chamber of Doputios to-day Ministor Melegarl, in ntiswer to a Deputy who had givou ol an interpellation relative to ilia reactionary move ment commenced abroad in lavor or a restoration ol the temporal power ol tho Pope, said tho agitation was tbo work ol private individuals and ucsorved no serious consideration. The Powers wore con vinced ttiut the Church and the l'opo enjoyed com plete liberty and independence. The l'owers tiiivo never addressed any observations to the government on tbo subject. Tho Interpellation was postponed upon the suggestion of the government, Signor Nicotera staling thai a postponement would show thai tho fuels men tioned in the interpellation had not tho Importation which hud ncen attributed to them. The government eoiertained no apprshensions in regard to 1110 Bat talion. 8 lu the Senalo the discussion on the Clorlcal Abuses bill has olo.-cd. ^ TUB ALHACK-LOHRAINF.^raxTION. The warm reception ol the Emperor by the In habitants or Strasburg bus luducod him to postpono the reinforcement ol the Alsace-Lorraine garrisons. It Is hoped mo French government will proilt by this respite to diminish their forceo in the irontier dis tricts. DR. HTHOfSIIKIIIi'8 CASK. The Senate ut St. Petersburg has decided that tho Moscow Tribunal ot Commerce, winch declared itscll incompetent to udjudge Dr. Strousborg, mo railway speculator, a bankrupt, does possess tho necessary jurisdiction. Tno Senate has accordingly issued su order that Dr. Strousborg be prohibited lrom leaving the country. a until np PASSAGE. Detective Golden, with Thomas C. Lewis, implicated ! In tbo llabbiti embezzlement in New York, auilod lrom i Queeusiown lor Now York in the lnmau line steamship City of Richmond yesterday. COLtl, RAW WRATItKR. Unusually cold weather prevails here. RACING IN ENGLAND. Till THOUSAND GUINEAS WON BT LOUD UAIIT inoton'm bkm-uikhe. I.oniiox, May 4, 1877. Till* wa* tlio fourth and Inst <Ia.v of the First Spring Mooting lit Newmarket, sou the raco (or tlio Thousand Uuinoua was run ami won by Lord 11 arti?ktonl?ay flily nclpl'fnbe (the isisior of Siray Shot), by ioxoplio lite, dam Vagn, who startod with 20 to 1 agonal her. Lady Uouald, with 26 to 1 against bcr, pccur*d second plam und money, whllo l.iiay (ioligbtly, with o to 1 against her, only managed to securo third pUca and her atakoi, The Thousand (Jul nous, like the Oakf>. I* exclusively for fllliea, and bears tho tamo relation to lb* latter ruco that tho Two 'I housatid Uulncaa does to tho l>orby?a sort ol preliminary trial ol u inilo over uti easy courao, to a>certam, il possible, ihc chances of tho candidates of siuying over tho try ug mile and a half at Kpsom. Tho Tnou.'and Guinea* Stake baa beuu lu oxutonco over sixty years, hoiug nauguratcd in 1x14 Tno winner. Uelphujoe, made ?jor ilrtit appearance in tiiu First Spring Two Stakes at tlio First spring Meeting, ai Nsw market, last your, ami won, tho dtstanco being flvo and tho stakes JCtliH). With 120 lb*, on her bark tbo bent a Hold of nine, tho ono next to her at the Unlsh being Cannon Ball, Duakeunjr third. SUe Old uot ran ^gsln during tbe spring or SQtnq)er month*, but at the Newmarket Second October Meeting aha ran lor and won ibe Brelbjr Stakos, aftor a dead beat with Dynamite. The day following abe ran in the J u venile Handioap, and waa fourth at the finish, Rrlglia, Beaaliarnais and Arbitrator being In front of her In the order naiuod. Dalphiebe'a next appearance waa on the third day of the New market Houghton Meeting, wbeu she started in the Criterion Nursery Stakes and finished flftb. She had one more race and that closed her two-year-old cam paign. This waa for the Troy Stakes of ?700, ana abe was again flftb. Belpbosbe has not appeared before yesterday this year, and her making a win at the first effort, nud over such good ones aa Lady Ronald and Lady Goligbtly, makes hor chances fair for moro victories. The following li a SCXMART. Tbo Thousand Guinea* Slake, a subscription of 100 sovs. each, half forfeit, for three-year-old fillies, 122 lbs. each; tho owner of the second Ally to receive ViOO ?ova. out of the stakes, and the third to save her stake. R. M. <S4 subs.) Lord Hartiogton's b. I. Belpbtebe (sister to Stray Shot), by Toxopholite, dam Vag* 1 Mr. T. Ansley's b. f. Lady Ronald, by Lord Lyon, dam Edith 2 Lord Falmouth's b. f. Lady tiollghtly, by King Tom, dam Lady Coventry 8 DOMINION OF CANADA. MILITARY ACTIVITY. Halifax, May 4,1877. Tho forts in the neighborhood of this city are being supplied with improved guna and ammunition. Much activity is displayed by the military authorities. Three iron clads are to bo stationed here and another regi ment?tne Forty-second Highlanders?is expected shortly. ' RUMORS OF CABINET CHANGES. Ottawa, OnL, May 4, 1877. Tho following rumors aro current horc:?Hon. Alex ander Mackenzie, Premior, is to rosign the Department of l'ublio Works and take tho Presidency of the Coun cil, Mr. Cauchou being appointed to some outside oflico; Mr. Huntington or .Vlr. Scott to take the Public AVorke, Mr, Smith and Mr. Blako retiring from the Ministry (or Drivato reasons; Mr. Laurie to take the oflico of Mwlstor of Justice, tut Mr. Killam to be tnken into ibe Cabinet In place of one of tho Nova Scotia members. Otber changes are nu the tapis. It Is con sidered certain that considerable reconstruction will tul.e place. ORDKltKR TO JOIN 1118 RKOlMEXT. Cuptain Hamilton, aide-de-camp to the Governor. General, bus born ordered to joio bis regiment, and procoeds to England at once. SMALLPOX. Montreal, May 4, 1877. Smallpox is still provalfnt in the townships of Ely and North Stukely. Upward of fifty cases buve been reporiod. TUB STKAMKK CITY OP BKUSflKLS Great anxioty exists regarding the safety of the atonmar City ot Brussels, upou which tbo Irish pil grims sailed. THE BERMUDA-HALIFAX CABLE. Halifax, May 4, 1877. The steamer Farlkday is understood to bo employed by tbo imperial government upon a cable between Bermuda nnd Haltlax. hnkrinu risnisu Herring fishing ut Magdalen Islands has com menced. There is a large number of vessels, but lUh aro scarce. LAND SLIDE. Montreal, May 4, 1877. It Is now statoil that only five persons perisbod by tho land slide in Generlve parish and tho oonsequont inundation from tho Batiscan River yesterday. The slido occurred half a mile above the saw and grist mills. Tho nanks on cither side slipped into uud down the river, carrying tbo waior before them like a wall twent/Meet hlch. Tbo lied of ibu river is flllod with trees twisted into all shapes and hugo blocks of clay and mud. Tbo wholo nllair took only a few minutes. At the inquest to-day on the bodies recov ered a verdict ol occidental death was rendered. The body of a child is still missing. THE HAIiVABD-YALE REGATTA. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE GRAND CONTEST AT SPRINGFIELD, MASH., NEXT JUNE. Sprikgfibld, May 4, 1877. It hae beon finally and definitely settled that the Harvard and Yalo University crews will contest their aquatic skill on tho Connecticut River, opposite this city, l'rcstdent Duvis and Preaideut Weld, ol the Yale and Harvard navies, are here this week, indus triously engaged in perfecting tbe preliminary ar rangements, and in tbe courzo of a month, perhaps sooner, the rival crews will commence practising ot/ the waters where tbo struggle for ho&or and glory in to titko placo. Tbe decision to come hero is very pleas ing to tboSpringflold people, and tbo occasion will be made tbo chief carnival day of tbe sunftner in tho Con necticut Valley. Whatever may bo said of thi> superi ority of tbe claims oi the courso in ibis city or New London, it Is beyond dispute thiit Springfield is not only moro aocessioiu Irom all points, but oilers infinitely more nnd better accommo dations lor tbe general public, who will be attracted by tbe contest, i bo geuur&l nrruugemonts of previous years have been adopted?a city committeo providing float.', boat houses, a gr*nd stand lor spectators nnd a small steamer to follow tbe coniesiants. Professor Agassiz, of Harvard, has been ugreed upon as reieree, subject to ratification, and the selected umpires are I'roiecaor Wueoier lor Ynle, and J. R. Roberts. 1871, for Harvard. The exact course bns not yet been de termined upon, that matter being loll entirely with tho captains ol the crews. Although ibo regatta will not take placo until Fridny, Juno M, yet Springfield is already beginning to prepare nud oiler such attruotions as re duced fare, n regatta ball and possibly a loot rnco and balloon ascension on llaiopdou l'urk. Commodore I,. J. Powers will probably be at the bead ol tho city's commtttcu ol arrangements, unless Mr. Howies iusi?ts upon the place boiug ottered to Charles Francis Adams. OUli CONSUL AT ACAPULCO. A FORMAL PROTEST AND DEMAND FOR APOLOGY AND REPARATION. Washington, May 4, 1877. Tho State Department to-day received from our Min ister to Mexico official mlormntion of the relcaso of tho American Consul at Acapulco, who was recently im prisoned thero by ihe local authorities without cause, and Secretary Kvarts has Instructed our Minister to enter u formal protest nud demand from tne govern ment of Mexico an apology and full reparation lor tbo outrage. IN SEARCH OF GOLD. [I1Y TEI.EC.BAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 Bismarck, D. T., May 4, 1877. Tho rush of immigration to Uie ltiack Hills continue* unabated, nnd every stago lor Deadwood goes loaded. Hcgulnr m ill servioo between Bismarck and Beauwood commenced ou Tuesday. GENERAL MILES REINFORCED. IBY TELEOIIAPH TO THK HKR\LD. ] Hismai-.ik, D. T., Slay 4, 1877. Sis companies of tho Kieventh inlsntry, lour ol tlio Kir.ui inlaniry and eleven ol the .Seventh cavalry left tliim point to-day to Join tlin column undor command of (ii-noral Miles. Tlio Inluniry went by steamer and the c.ivairy am marching. PURSUIT OF INDIANS. Chicago, May 4, 1877. Tlio Seventh cavalry, with 1,100 men, has gono In smirch ol Milting Hull, who Is supposed to bo north or isuuth or the Yellowstone with sumo Bva huiKirod rvoalcllrani warriors. The command will liuiii him tlowu and bring in the hosuios, whou lound, to the agencies. INDIANS !SU lilt 1*; N'DliKl \ O. Camp KoBI.nhon, Neb., May 4, 1877. A courier just in brings a letior Irom the Hud Cloud party, who will rvuen this point oariy on Sunday morning. Their camp to-night Is only twenty miles north ol this post. Korty-sevoii lodges liavo gone into the cantonment in tho Yellowstone to surrondur to General Miloi. N A VA L INTEELIGEN CE. Washisoto.i, May 4, 1ST7. I'.itscd Assistant lSi.gii.eor John T. Hannuni Is ordered to duty ns Assistant to Chief Kngmeer Kobert I'otts, ln-|icctor o( Coal at Philadelphia. Carpenter I'lnhp 1 Matter is ordered to the Navy Yard at l.'*aguo Island, I'a., in p ic ? <1 Carpenter 11. Jt. (jri111ilie, uc tachud cud i>l.?.od ou wsltlun onin?. 110BUEES IDENTIFIED. I'aoviBKXCK, H. I , M'nv 4, 1877. Pay master Kurl, *h? vwu rubbtd in n?w York mo moni lis since, arrived hero to-day und lilcnlitlud llailey and I'eeney as ilm two inen wno robbed him. They were taken to New York to-night in tbecuntody ol olUtors. SEAT OF WAR ON THE DANUBE Tho operations ou tho Danube are beginning to be come mom active as the tureen of ibo belligerents bccomo cnncontrated. The inuiu body of the Russian army is mussed north ol Ualal/., and all the positions on tbo Danubo northward of Hirsova may bo said to bo commanded or occupied by Russian troops. The Turkish army is now In occupation ol the right or south bunk ot tho rivor between Sis tuva and Hirsova, with strong garrisons at Wid din and Scnumla, the lattor being tbo base ol' operations for the det'cuco of Bulgaria. Already the Turks aro beginning to Tool tho effects of the closing of the Danube at I brail by tho Kim sinn butloricn and torpedoos, and frequent attacks may bo czjiected by tho Turkish monitors on this position. As a cover and guard for bridge* at Ualatz and other points nearer tho mouth the posi tion at lhruil Is of tho highest value, [brail, or Ibrull off, as it is sometimes culled, is ou tho 'nit bank of the Danube, and tho height on which it stands slopes grndu EX-PBE8IDENT GRANT. INFORMAL RECEPTION 01" THE ESSEX COUNTT CLUB. [BT TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] NlViXK, N. J., May 5, 1877. The Estex County Club, a social, nou-parilsan club of Newark, tho membership of which includes most of the lending citizens of tho community, tondered an Informal but very pleasant and sucocsslul roccptlon to ex-Presldont Grant last night. Tho c* President ar rived from Elizabeth noon alter nine o'clock, accom panied by ex-Congressman Clark and Jlr. Abel K. Corbiu, and remained till about olovon o'clock, whan he returned to Elizabeth preparatory to his departure to-dnv tor Europe. _ . _ Among those present wero ex-Uuited States ?,cn",or Frederick L. Freltngbuyseu, Congressman T. B. led die. Cortlnndt Purker, I.. P. Howell, T. T. Kinney, General Wright, of Orange; Colonel W right, of New urk, and altogether about eighty persons. 1 here was no F|ieecliinaking, nothing but a pieuaaut, social time. Mr. Grant was delighted with tbo Uearty and Informal character ol tho affair. OBSEQUIES OF JUDGE ROSEKRANS. Sandy Hii.l, N. Y.. May 4, 1877. The (uneral of ex-Judge K. B. Kosekrans took place at two o'olock this alternoon from his late resioenco nt Glenn's Falls. Rot. Dr. A. J. Kcrrell officiating. Tho Warren county Hur was present tn a body. DEATH OF A CONSUL. Boston, May 4, 1877. Intelligence was rcceivod hero to-day of tho death last week at Hndgar ol Ilcury Sawyor, United States Consul fj Surinam. Ho was lorinorly a resident of Charlestown. LAKE MARINE DISASTERS. Dktkoit, Mich., May 4, 1877. The steamer Colorado collided with the schooner It. J. Gibbs this morning, iu St. Clair flats, sinking tho latter. Tho men were saved. The steam bargo Egyptian struck on Lime Klin Reef Inst night and now lies across the main channel. The schooner llutcliiuson In attempting to pass tho Egyptian ran on tho sumo reef close to the Canada side. Relief has been soni. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. War Dkpabtment, j Office or tiik Ciiikf Sionai. OrnciBR, | Wasiii*<;tom, May 6?1 A. M. ) Indication*. For the lower lako regtun, Middle Atlantic States and Now England, slowly rising barometer, uortbwost to southwest winds nnd clear or partly cloudy weather, followed at southwestern stations by Increasing cloudi ness nnd slight change of temperature. For tho South Atlantic States, falling barometer, cloudy and ratnjr weather, with south to west winds and s.lght change ol temperature. For the Gulf States, nearly stationary, followed by rising beromoti r, wind* variable, but mostly Irotn northwest to northeast, and clour oi partly cloudy weather, i>receded In the E ist Gull by rain areas and stationary or rising tcmporature. For Tenncssoo and tho Ohio valloy slowly falling barometer, east to south winds, partly clondy and cloudy weather, with ruin areas and rising tempera ture. For tho Upper Mississippi nnd I.owcr Missouri vnl loys and tbo upper lako region, lulling barometer, houtbeast to southwest winds, Increasing cloudiness anil rain, with noarly stationary or rising temperature, probihiy followed at northwostern stations by rising barometer and colder northerly winds. The l.ower Mississippi River will rise slowly bolow Helena. Cautionary signals arc ordered for Dulutb. HIE WEATHER YEHTERDAT. Tbo following record will show tbo chauges tn the temperature lor the past twenty-four hours, in com parison with tho corresponding dato of last year, as indicated by tho thermometer at Hudnut's pharmacy, UkhaLD Building - 1*7(1. 1877. 1878. 1877. 3 A. M 42 47 3:30 P. M ol <>1 0 A. M -14 47 tl P. M 4!? .'>0 g a. M. ?>'?! ? P. M 4*1 f?:i 13 M ?7 67 1-' P. M 47 f>0 Avcrago temperature yesterday 5'J7,. Avorago temper.uure lor corruspondlug dato Inst year 4S HEECHER'S THIRTY YEARS. Thero was a crowded attendance at tho Plymouth Church prayer moellug last night. The parlor* were not opened, but the available space of tho lecture room was all used T'? uroceeumc* ???*?; opened by the aiugutg oi n nymn aild a prayer oy me pastor. Alluding to hi'ii-eli, Mr. Ileeober said:?'-II the Lord don't Interfere I am going to iivu io bo eighty or ninety yoirs old, and keep <>u working lor twenty years yet. (Applause.) t would lust as willingly go to-morrow, p,ease God; yen can't duappomt inn any w.iy, for if 1 live I will work, mid il I ilon't I Will go to liOiiren. And yet it seems to mo my strength is renewed every day, and I feel as though thero is work shoad lor us jrot." MR. FAWCETT'S FUNERAL. ? ?_ The funeral or Mr, Frederlric Fawrett took place yesterday afternoon, Irnui All Souls Church, on Fourth avenue. 1 here w is a largo attend nice ol business irtendsand acquaint nee; ut tho church. EAST RIVER BRIDGE, Nine I'Uildmgs, located on Front and Dock streets, Brook Ivn, nud owned by tho truitecs of the East River Bridge, were sold yestorday at the auction rooms of Mctsrs. lulu & Murjiuy, in that o.tjr. ally toward tho rivers aod command lis course. It was orictuully fortilled hy a simple square mclosuro, witu towors ut tho tingles, but this enceinte litis been aug mooted by a halloaed pentagon and a ditch about eighteen loot deep. Tho scarps and counterscarps or tho woiks arc riveted, and there is a cas tellated citadel, with a glacis within the western (lank o( the town fronting landwards. Since tho Bossian I occupation aildttlonal work's have been erected, which, being nrmod with heavy Krupp' rifled guns, hold the river against the iron-clad gunboats of the Turk*. Above Ibrall tho river is divided Into a great ru my channels, with low, tnarshy islands be tween, but opposite tho place there U only ono channel, so that it virtually represents the key of tho river. Tho map published to-day shows tho position of Ibrall and Ualatz with relation to the railroad system or Boumanla and lis imperii;tiro ns n strategic point covering tho lines ol transpoila lion from a Turkish attack Irom the llobrudscha. TOO SHREWD BY HALF. At No. 91 (Iroono stroot, whero John llerthant has resided for soma time, aro a ntitnbor of people who tiro naturally communicative, and so a couplo of Italians, who by times uproar in the neigh borhood, learnod the other day that John tntcndod to sail for Europe this week. Ho had boon lor n long tlino away from Ills n ittvo land ami bad saved a sum ot money with which Tio proposed to start in somo business in the town of his birth. There was t'Mo in gold and $13 in silver in Jotin Bci'lhaul's belt when he started out lor a walk tn Central l'ark yesterday afternoon. There he met two lorelgners like liuinell, who carried a small but well cramincd valise. Alter some conversation tliey staled to Uerlhaul that both of them uiloiidod to sail lor Kurope In the very ship lu which tin b id taken passage. 'I bis curious coincidence surprised nml gratified htm. They were strangers in tho city, and wore in groat l^ar left somo sharpers should get hold of that plethoric vallS" III which they cirried a lot of nuggets of gold. It was exiremoiv weighty. Ilo ottered to take the va Itso to his lodgings, where us solely would lie Insured, and by way ol a pledge ol good faith he gave mom iho $2-JS tie ha i in his bolt. When lie was solo In his lo.Ic ings at No. ill (Srrcuo street ho burst open l he valiso, but only a roll of leaden pips mot his eves. Ho told his story to Captuln Byrnes. whodotalled Detectives S lev in and Dolan to go in i|iicst ot tho simple-minded lor elgners. They lound tlisni ill a lager beer saloon at No. 4 North Moore street and brought them to tho station houso, whero they enve their names as Jo-eph Coin mil.i and Joseph Torctlin. Ono hundred und sixty five doiluts w? lound on them. A FEMALE PLUNDERER. THE OPERATIONS OK MRS. KI.OSB AND HEB FBOTKOE, LIZZIE ? WHAT WAS FOUND AT HEB HOME. Tbo apartments of Mrs. Magdalino Bichtman, at No. 339 Ea?t Twenty-second street, were entored Thursday alternoon, and wearing apparot worth $200 was stolen. AS Detective Mulvov, who was work tug up tho ease, was about loaving the pawnbroker's shop of K. W. Hand, at Na 354 First avenot, a little girl rather poorly clad, entered tbo place carry ing a bundle which was found to contain a silk dress. Mulvey questioned tbo girl as to whero sbo obtained tho dress, nud she relused to answer any questions, aod was taken to tho Twenty second street station house, whore she stated tint she had been living with a Mrs. Kate Kloss tor about two years, and that the day previous she w?nt with Mrs., who told tier to remain across tbe street while she went into No. 33U Kast Twenty-second street. She uus there some time, aud when she came out she told I.iszte to go into tho hallway aud bring out a basket, which she did. MKS. Ki/)*H IN rt'HTODV. Tho detectives were promptly despatched to the house ol Mrs. Kloss, which was in avenue A, and soon returned, lisvlng her in custody. At the station house the utrl admitted lhal lor two years she had been employed by Mrs. Klo-a to co-operate with her In shop lilting and every ppenea or thett. The girl, who g ive the nan;.- ol l,izzie Kearns, also told whero iho bulk of tlii'tiocly not disposed ol could bo found, aud also whero 1 the pawn tickets lor stolen properly had been htiidon. The omc?h, lollowing <hoso Instructions, made an ex attilnalion anew and discovered 160 pawu tickets rep. resenting between $4,000 and $3,000 worth ol dry goods. SHOT HIMSELF. James Batliurst, aged twenty-eight years, a clerk employed by tho Ti trd National Hank, No. 2U 1'ino street, attempted sutcldo last evening about livo o'clocK by shooting himself with a pistol. The bullet entered just below tho bean and Is thought by the attending physician at the New York Hospital to lie imbedded hi the lelt lung. Unburst says the pistol was accidentally discharged by him-elf, but the police report that two months since hu attempted suleldo ?>y tumping from a terminal. This morning, at bair-past twelve o'clock, lluthurst was j resting easily at tbe New York Hospital. TRACKING A PICKPOCKET. While I.enn Erbstnnhel, or No. 184 Hudson street, was walking on Ornnd street yesterday aftemoou she noticed a young man suspiciously close to her, and not liking*his appearance looked at him intently, when lie moved away. Shortly after Lena discovered that she baa lost hor pockeibook containing $do. Cap. tain Murray, Irom the description given him ol the suspected thiol, arreted Jerry Lyon on Cnntham streoi, and upon searching him found ti.o clasp or Lena's pockolbook on his porson, So ho was locked uj>. BITTEN BY A SPITZ. Mrs. Jane Glbney, residing at No 64 Hopkins street, Brooklyn, K. I>., locked her little livo months old dau^lit'-r in a room with a largo Spitz dog last evening while sbc wont on nn errand. Tho neighbors, hearing t:io child screaming, broke into tho spartmoni ami lound the dog biting ami scratching tho Hun- girl's frrt. I'ne animal wa< secured, uu4 Captain Kiley, ol the Thir teenth precinct, notnled ol ine occurrence. He soon arrived at ibe house ali i, all hough the dog was n.l rabid, had ti shot. Dr. Murphy was also summonod and tiie wounds on tbo little girl's leotwere cauterized. The tiijuries, although severe, ure not considered dan gerous. Mrs. tiiboey was taken Into custody by Cap tain Biley and locked up. THE CANADIAN PILGRIMS. ? The steamship City of Brussels, carrying the Cana dian and a number of American pilgrims, which passed the bar oil Sandy Hook on Saturday, the 2Ut ol April, at two 1'. M., bound lor Qiiecnstowu aud Liverpool, Is now out lourtcen days, and it la le.rnd bns met w lib some accidunt to her m ictilnerv. She is an oxceil< ut sailer, and in'do the run out herein eight ami one-hall days occupying Irom the t,vu u> the 16th ol AtmL Tho other vessels which Irlt here on the same day as tbo City or Brussels have all ar rived out. MIL DALY STILL MISSING. At tbe Windsor Hotel add at Mr. Daly'a residence last night no word or the musing man had Ueon re etivtd uu to a late hour. J MORMON UPRISING Brigham Young Preparing to Resist Arrest. AROUSING T1IE NAUVOOS Reorganizing and Equipping the Famous Legion. DISTRIBUTING ARMS. Drilling and Midnight Meetings In and Near Salt'Lake. [by telegraph to the herald.] Salt Lake, Utah, May 4. 1877. The Indignant feeling aroused throughout the United States by the testimony at Jolm I). I^ee's trial relative to the Mountain Meadows massacre has led the hatter I>uy Suints to apprehend the arrest of lirlgham Voung and other heads oi the Chinch who are accused oi functioning the com mission ol that horrible crime. The Hulnts havodo tcmined to resist auy movement against lirighain Young by tho federal authority, ami to this end they are secretly arming and drilling through out the Territory of Utah. Orders have been pri vately Issued by the military commanders of the faiDOUH Nauvoo Legion requiring that dilapidated organization to be In readiness for active service on the 21st of the present month. A SIOMHICANT ORIIEil. The following Is an exact copy of an order from Colonel William II. Dame, one of tho chief men In dicted for participation In the Mountain Meadows sluughter:? REGIMENTAL ORDER? NO. 1. IlKAIKit AHTK1S8 FIRST UlCfilMKNT, ) 1 itoN Military District, 5 l'AROWAN, L". T.. April la, 1877. ) To First Regiment Infantry:? In pursuance to orders?First, vou are hereby directed to cause a muster drill and inspection of arms of your company, to be held on Its respective parado ground on the 21st day of April, A. D. 1877. reorganize. Second?As far as your company is disorganized, or In a partial state of disorganization, you will cause an election of ofTlccrs to be held promptly ami the ranks to be filled without delay by enrolling all persons liable to military duty not now enrolled. rbi-oht immediately. Thlnl?You will make out, the returns of the con dition of your company us soon as possible ami for ward them to the headquarters of the regiment. WILLIAM II. DAMB, Commander First regiment. Joseph Fish, Adjutaut Iron Military District. Preparations tor hostilities are particularly active among the southern settlements, to which four boxes of breech-loading rilles were shipped last week iiom the co-operative store in Salt Lake City. DRILLING at nioiit. Night meetings and drills of squads of Mormons are going on In Salt Lake City lt<clf, and It is re ported some of these proceedings are conducted within an lnciosure, In the Immediate vicinity of Lion llou^e, where ilrigham Young resides. Ilrighum Young ha* boldly asserted within tho last few days thift the Mormons, who have been driven so often ami so tar, will be driven no longer. It remains to bo seen how far General Ktnery, Gov ernor of Utah, will suffer these seditious prepara tions to go. DRAMATIC NOTES. Aftermoa performances will be given by all ol the principal tneaires to-day. The Carnival on the 15th Inst, will be closed by a masquerade ball at lillinoro's Garden. A new floor is to bo put down, and tho iminonse room will be gayly decoratod. Tho last matintfo performance of "Tho Princess Koyal" at tho Kiftb Avcnuo Tboatro takes piaco to day. In the cveninx it will bo repeuted for the benoiit of Mr James Lewis, who will play Spyke, bis original character. HOTEL Alt RIVALS. Hear Ailtniral James II. Strong, United States Navy, and Oil Hull aro at tin Everett. Senator William II. Uarniim, of Couuectlcul, and Judge Theodore Miller, ol the New York Court ol Appeals, aro at the Fifth Avenue. Mayor Frederick O. I'rluce, of }io?ton, and Lieutenant Governor William Dorsbelmer are at tlio lJrunswick. Kx-Congres*msn K. C. l'arsons, of Ohio, Is at tho Windsor. Alpnonao J., Umtol Stales Con'ul at Morlda, Mexico, Is at tho Hitinerant Hov. John K W. Ware, ol Itoston, Is at tho M. Denis. Kx-Govenor Hodman M. Price, ol Nuw Jersey, is at tho N'-w YorK. Andrew l'olrco. President ol tLo.St. I.ouh and San Francisco Hallway Company, Is at tho Buckingham. FIBK IN A DRY TIMK IS NOT MORE DANGKR. oim tlmii a t'onauiuptlv* Cough. Arreat iwith Hale's HoMKV or liORKNUUMD AMI T v It Pikk'* Tootiik iik ftlNom euro in one minute. PROFKSHOK TVNll ALL'S WARNING. In cme iiditik An addre*? to the atndent* of University Collet (London), I'rofeaaor T> ndall, who I* unquestionably one 01 the in (lit indefatigable hra i 11 worker* of our century, tiMid?1"l ke care of your health. Imagine tlercule* ma oar?iuun i.i m rotten boat; wlmt cmii !*?? #i?? thorn nui by the vry force ot lit* Mrote expedite t o rtiiri ??| liia emit I'dao enrr ot the timbers of votir boat " The distinguished icientUt'i advice !?? ally valuable to mII worker* Wo are :?i?t to devote all our rir?*--? to wielding the oars, our otroko* hilt firm and fast, but few of u\ examiue or i<vi n think ot the condition of our boat* until the broken or rotten timber* suddcnly >tive way and wo find o uree I ve* lh?? victim* of m calamity which eeuid have tieeii easily avoided by .1 little forethought. what begnn with a Might frai turn, or nerliapa ov. u .? carelcM exposure to disorganising iiif'.uetices. riidk in tno < onplefe wreu* of the litem* it. The di<etift?i w ich began with m alight htadach* or nn undue ripoiuro to eoid terminates iu death un!e?? Itm progreaa be checked :?nd tt?e due *? remedied Tint tirat symptom*, the herald* ot di*e**e, fife n > Indication of the strength of the <in<eotiiiiiK foe, and ttio victim truHs that In* old ally, Nature, will estertfcinatc the Invader. But Dliumo in an old general au<J aceotnpll*he* bin mo*t Important move rnefit* in the night titnn, and amito bright morning find* him in po**e**?on ??? one ot the Htron^eit fortification*; atiu win n he ba* once gamed >% atroughold in the ayRtem Mature ikii>miuiou*ty turn* trait.?r and aecretlv deliver* up tiie whole phyai/ni Armory to the Invader hike the why politician, Mature i? always on th** ? trongeit aide. and the onlv wav to Insure her support ia to keep your vital powers in the n-randan i. K-op your *tronge*t lorn the stomach and wll guard)' !? '> ? not let the foe rotor the Aif Ul highway*, lor he w it steal or destroy vnnr richest men handl-* *'i<l ini| oferith your kingdom. To r*pul*e the atta< k? of th? too you eAii And no better Ammunition than Dr 1'iercv'* family \lfdicine*. (r'uil direction* Are<?mpaay eacii pa.*kt;e.) III* Th-a-ant I'lir/ativc I'ellet^ are e^pi'c i * 11 v effect i ro In defending the utomacli ami liver, ill* UoSden Medical liltcovery, for purifying the blood end a* re*:itig cot* .o* ami c?d?t* li yon wloi lo bncomi familiar with the moil approver *y*tem of def?-n^e in t!u* wart*re and tun hi*tory vl the foe'? method of invatioti, together with c?iuplei? inttructiouA lor k^e^ing your forcee hi mar tial order in time ot peace, foil can fin?i no i>etter manual ot tliin?e tactlct than "The reuple'*''ongBion Sen*e >ledir?i Adv|*ei,"bv It. V. fierce, >1. I>..oftho World * Ditpeimarv, Buffalo, >. Y. *ent to any Ad<irea? ou re-eip of |?1 It cotitntri' over O"1* pages, iltu?trai? <1 by '2H2 ennravings and colored plates, au<I elegantly bound in cloth end gilt. A Iff: At T\ ok Oi ri.INK, it A HI' FINISH, ?uperb m iteriwl are the di?*itigi!i?iiin^: cbarNcteristtcs of U*.vri.? oti'i IIat.* manufactured by hai'kNaDlllhU, I1H Na^au *t, A* ? FOR cin'tW \NI>' KhKIMATI.SlI THE H(t**iam Baths, 2* ha*t Ith at., are a certain cure. A.?II ATS Koli t.KNII.KMKN AT J,OWK?T pricea I* RIXKNW KIN, I4>< .Namau ?t., near Spruce ?t. A- ?THK PUBLIC IIAVK LONti BKKN FAMILIAR witn the* K*ox liar, and liave learned to tooft for tt at each a H cee Hag Niasl a* a m "iel of elegance and ta?te Just no . the Knot Srnt^u Htvuta ?re t' e object* ??f general ad in.ration I hev arc to t?e IiaH at K XIX'H, Ul'i Itroalway, corner of Pulton *t.. *nd under tha Kiftu Aventle lK>tel. ClIHONK: hHKA^KS. ?ACCrUAl K "l Nine AT'Hi.NS ? ?f the Mt!?? n?? Mrnii-i.mai. Watkra and Mfumoiiicumai. Msntc itiom. hi c???* tak' ii from other aicknrtnei when thia ?ort treatment i* Indiapeimahle, attended to l.y Mr. I'OYKT, M II., of the Kaemty ol Tana, Ac., No. 0 W/uh Ington pi ice. F??K HKADACIfi:, NRRVorsNKss"AND DKBIL* Itv trv the magic effect of Van JlPtKiRt a lirricoRAJtr. HAIR DYE?BACHELOR'S?BEST fK THE WORLD; MlU by driiggi?i?. Applied at wiir l*?*t or . IH Boo l ?t. SODA WATl0l"APl'AKAl:Lrd"7utriiAKIXO ALU MraioJ beverage*. JonN MATTT1EWS, Irttr. and 3<Mb at* TO SUMMSjt HOTELS. At reduced price*. every deorable brand of Wish. Lmioa, Au or PoanB, ?? bond or in i|uamltie* to tull. from .tore ; Oils, Hadcu, Mm T*kp< and t shir luxuries yeuerally. II. B. KIRIC k i O.. tin Kalian ft. and 70H Broadway. WIGS, TOl'PEK8.?G. BaUCHkUsSS. PHACT1CAL Wiiuura; Kmwiui, Cuuls, Uniuui, Baangaox. 44 lam I2tb at., naar Broadway. 13 HATS AT 11 90. GENTLEMEN** BILK HAT# ami Hue Derby*. *bol?kla prtoet, U Now Church M., ap *latr*. A JVKW PUBLICATIONS. V ASCIN A N NG liooK." POPULAR gt'OTATIONH. CAICLETON'S HANDBOOK UK POPUBLAR QCOTA. TIOiVS. A new boo< of r<i?uy reference for *ucn pbraaaa, extract* hi.'I quotation* from popular author* a* ara t Itvne.t quoted nnd met with lu general literature, together Willi their autliorahip mni position in th'' original. liiubracmg al.u the beat li*t ol quotation* from foreign laagunge* , ver published Everybody who read*. wrltea or talk* ought to liava thin delightful book. While being extremely usetul. It will at tbn unii time prove a eource of never tailing amu*ement and eutertainment. Elegantly printed and bound. I'rice f I '*I. Al*o publUhed thi* week :? LADY LE0N0BA. A charming new norel by Carrie Conklln. The fifth la the popular MritM of "New Vork Weekly Novel.." Iheaa uovel* are having h larger aitccee* than any other of the Mimoti. K?eiy one it buying ami reauing them. Price (1 >< leach. Tliey ure n* follow*: - I. TIIKOWN O.N I'llK WORLD. By Bertha M. Clay. ?2. i'hhKLESS UAI'IILKKN. By Core Atrnrw. Si. FAITHFUL .MAItOAKET By Annie Adunore. ??. Nit K WIIIKKIiKS. liy Dr. J. II. Robluaon. 5. LaIjY LEONOiCA. liy t'atrie Conklln. MILLY OAKKKLL. Auother iplcndid novel br Mill V. E. Iiraiiilou. mithor of "l.ady Audley'* Secret, "Aurora Floyd," Ac. One ol the very beat ol tuia brilliant author's hooka, l'nco #1 ?>!). cloth bound, and pap?r cover* $1. MADAME. A powerful l ew nnvel by Frank Lee Bene, dii t. autlior of '"Tiriil liatntner and Anvil," "My Daugh* ter Kiluor," Ac. Price $1. A 1.1, I OR HKBt OR. ST. J IDE'S ASSISTANT. By **?**? One of the most remarkable novel* of the day. Creating an Immense aenaalion. i'rice $1. FKOSI DAWN TO NOON. Poem* by Violet Pan*. *1 00. O. W. 0AKLET?Tn~ A CO. Publlaheri. Madiaou si|uaro. New Vork. t N EXPERIENCE OK 2? YEAR* HV DR. IIKATH I.V ivtne treatment of Bright'*. Ulnbete*. I'nralyai*. Dropsy, Utavel. uout. Hbenmatum. Ac.. he* enabled blot to te?? evety medicine and mineral water. proving the A.ahel M il ral -prim; Water tlio ouly relub'e treatment. Office*, 200 Broadway, New \ork. 'Irvati** tree. c CHEAPEST BOOKSTORE IN HIE WORLD. Liferent!* and Hock* bought. Catalogue ol I* irtion Iree. Send .'amp. LECGAT BROS.. .< lieekman at . oppo.ite Hut office. DAPPLKTON A CO.. . 340 and .V>I Broadwav, New York. Publian thliday. I. TWO WOMEN. A Poem. By Conatanca Fenimora Wool ?on. t vol .rjtuo. < loth.fl. "A atory iu vara*, which enchain* the attention with fM cinating power. ? ? ? i'roduce* un iuteii*oly emotion.I effect upon the reader, and nt the aauie time an involuntary tribute to the originality ami noteworthy ability of Ike writer I'l'ovidence Journal. ?\)ne of the in--at powerful piece* of niagaxlne writing wo nave nean in a long time. ? ? * Slio??a lar-reachlaic knowledge < i iiuin.ui nature, a dramatic grasp and force ana a power of deacriptlon and expreatlon aeldom *een."?De troit I'oit. "The contract hotween the magnificent woman of tlio worid ami tin- I'uritan country girl i* done In true, maatorly way. aud ti at tlio one miould continue faitiiful to lovo through her life, though atill reigning in *oclal royalty, while the other marriea a* plonntv a. *he mourned, and put* away the dead youth a memory lorever?it perlecUy true to their nature*.''?Spritiglield Itcpubllcan. QATHEKIMOS FROM AN AKT1ST8 PORTFOLIO. Bp .lame* K. Kreuinan Kimo. Cloth. Price,$1 2\ CON I'PINTS. The Journey to Rome?The l.'atl ? lireco?John <llb?on?Tbo Chevalier C?-. From My Diary - Thackeray -The Art ist'. i'aation for Katne - Father I'rout-Mv Terrace?Inex anil Bornardo?I'pon the Terrace-The Prince** Bor p'lete?(iioranntna, the Model of Saracineicn?The Blind Man and III* Child?My Model Angelo? Fortunate Model*?Model., Ancient aii'l Modern?The l>yiux Model ? A ((roup ol Modela on the Sand of the Serchlo? My t:on*ul*hi|> at Ancoua?Crawford and Other*?A Suui mer Retreat; Tlie Rival MixleU?The Prutoatant Ceine> terv?Addto! e Mr. JainoaK. Froeman, an Mi -rlcan artUt, who ha* ra tided *ome thirty yeur* in r.tit*. give* in thl* volume I moat eutertaining ae.ectlon ?? r.iniiiiacente*, inclndlng an> ?coote* of many of the moat llr-.ingmahod aitist. and lit* rary people who hare lived ill or vialted Rome during th? tieriou of hi* aojoorn there, with many intere.ting chapter! graphically ileacriptivn ol art lite In Italy. The hook I* emi nently eiiioyah o to all of reader* and especially eti. tertainiiiK to urtiat*. Nothing more soailpy, bright and readable hoa recently appe-.ed. 111. PETITE8 ( AL SERlE-i; OR, ELEMENTARY ENGLISH AND FRENCH CON VERS ATIONS For Young Siu dent* and Home Teaching. To which nro added Modela ol Juvenile t'orreapomi'Miee, |u French aud Enirlleh. Achille Motteau. Willi uuifearou* Illustration*. 1vol., lUmo ^ I 'S>. Thl* volume I* intended to enable per*on* to talk French and to unOeratand tlio** who *pe*k that elegant language. Ao rule* of grammar are given, but il each i* carefully stii'iied never leaving It until quite *ure of hiving ac quired the pronunciation of the word, and knowing tho meaning of the sentence., rapid progre** will bo made. SIX LECTURES ON LKOIT, delivered In America la 1*72-7:1. liy John Tyudall, F. K. S. Second edition. I vol., I'iino. t'loih. #1 ?*?. ? Pro(e**or Tyodall'* American lecture* form Itieompara hlr the best pupal ir exposition of the wave theory of light' toh" liiund in any language, and for thi* purpoae It will long b"ld It* place as ? atamlurd hook, lie lia* carefully reviard It, in uie *'inin important a'lditiona, put It in lergor type and substituted new and auperior illustration*, ao tnab the ed lion which now nope ;rs ha. very much the aipect of a new wurk."? i'opnlar Mliim Monthly. Either ol the above seat free to any part of the UnltaA State* on receipt of price. HAKl'KK k BROTHERS, NEW YORK, publish tills day THE CRUISE OK TIIE CIIALLENCER. CIlflSR OK TMK CIJALLENtiKK. Voyages o?er> Mmiy Sesa, Scenes In M my Land*. By W. J. J. bprv^ It. N. Willi Mftji iind Iliumrations. Crown Hvo, cloth, fc. Aurarnlilv v. rlu*n, full uf Information and cooioualy II lustraleil Brusd Ai ruw. London. Will bo \.rimmed *ud read with great Interest. ? ? ? tiivei. a capital Idea ?>f the cruise. * ? ? Cspitally writ ten.?Academr, London. YVr must u-ive nnquullflrd th units to the writer for a eli arm I ii.' book. ?John Hull. London. A ?ucclnct and Interesting aaeount of the cruise. ? ? ? 11 m ftiTount of the "Brother* Stoltenhntf." the Cerman Rolilniion ? rusoe* of the "liiari-easlble Island," I* extremely iiHi>re?tin jr.?Examiner, London Mr Kpry'a work la full ol pleasant tittle bit* by the way.? liondoii Tim i?. Mr. Mpfjr lam a good loundfttlnn of clear knowledge of what this cohipany ol scientific m?i did.?Westminster Re view. Exeoedinirly well written. entertaining and instructive.? United Ncrmf liasatte, LoikIoh. II. ?II'MITH UCARDIAff. JULIET'S 01" A K DI AN A novel. By Mrs. ||. Lovelfc Cftuieron. With Illustrations. Svo, paper, 3Ue. Tlil< really charming hook. ?I'all Mall (iasette, London. A niiiilv I novel. >lr*. Cameron I* far too itood an ar tl?t to rest content with aaythltiK but the rery best work. ? ? ? tliift of the purest, brightest, briakeat, cleverest and most originnl stories thai wn have rome acmes for ninny a lone day.?Whitehall Review. London. The reading public iohi l?e wiirmly congratulated upon the advent abuvo the literary hortson of a now and excep tionally brilliant planet, \t -adviee everybody to read aM Juried for tbenwelve*.?Morning l'oat, London. TilR ANNUAL RECORD Ol SCIENCE AND INDl'BTR* KOR l?7>i. ANNUAL RKI'll l> OK SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY KOIt |H7ii. Kdlted bv I'rolcsnor spenrar K. Balrd, As (iatant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. with tlia asatatance of eminent mou of ectetice. Largo linio. elot It, f 1. I"riIf >rin with the volumes of the Annual Record of Science and Industry for |K7I. I*T_\ Im7:I. 1*74, IH7.'?. The specal features of the hook are t lie following ; ? K:r?t ? \ aerlea ol summitries or digests ol progress In the dilferent nranches of naiuriil hii'I Industrial edenoe, aa prepared by a uuniher ol the moat eminent apcctallite In the United States Second?A aerlea of abstracts of papara, memoir* or other pahln ntlona. > > varlona wntera. witn re erettce to the title hi til ? volume nnu |??ce of the nonrco of Informit Ion?theaa abair 11 ti very rarely being tr.tnscriptft from tho original, but iIIlo-.Is. in which only point* of special novelty and la tere*: ?rc pre?i uud, not imfraqnently with critical'ramarki anil elueidfttlous. Third A llat ur the loanea In scientific circlet by death durilttr the year. loorth-A llat of the morn important publlcatlona la ?eirni'e lor the year, aervlu^ a? a j,-uld? to student* and pur cbftaera of books. In connection with thla la a llai of tna principal aerinN from which extracts or qnotatlona are to be Ionnd In tiie volume Hub?An extremely minute alphabetical Indax of authors sn I hu'ijeeta. Kixtli A ?iatematic and iwialytleal table af eoutanta, by nil' an a ol which any aindftnt can Hud. St mice, whaleter the volume curilnii a tearlUK upon auy uarticolar Una of tauntry. IV. AIDS TO LATIN 'JJtTHOORAI'llV. AIDS TO LATIN OUT lino KAIMH . By Wllhelm Rrsm bnch. Trftiialftti ii from th? iiernian with the author's ft.tuci ioii By W. (iordau NeCabt, A. M . Maater ?f tha I uiveralty Ni'heol, Petaraburic, Va. square Dtmo, cloth, (l. sent Ur mall on receipt ?!< Si It. Thla admirable trsn?latlon by Mr MrCalie auppllea a want which inunt have heen loll by i.l! whoui lot it la to correet Latin exercisoa. It Ki*ea tlta mrmtl apellis^ -that la, the ape I Mil ic I Inch uncut to lie ad'fple.l >IV lite writer of Latin iii ilm niii'teenili centurv and which, therefore, every teacher mint Inaiat on requiring from lila pupil-. A TfcXT BtloK *OK HAKMONT, A TEXT BOOK OK IIABMONV: for the usa ol aebnota and atudnuta. My I'harlea Kdwanl lluriley l2mo, cloth, 75 cents, risnt hy mall ou receipt ol n7 rents. The story of harmony la the simplest Imaginable; sic aounda coiupriae Ita uttuoat theoretical limit. "I imrpoa; to tell thla atory Iii a very simple manner, and If I succeed in placing belure uav readere a praetlcable, eaar and pteiming lonu of anxlyrlnK the works ol vreat must clans, Mnd of enabling students to write down their Idesa lu a iiiiivi iliy ?rniiniHilr I aliap?. the experience gained hy twenty yi'.irs ol Study, liar nir thirtv years of teacblnf, wtU nut have bten In vsln."?Extract from Prelum VI. r.roi IIS OK EMil.lSII HIST' iBY. BPOCIIM OK RSOLIHII IIMTORY. A Serlea of Book* narrfttlnx the lllslurr uf Kntcland st Sn<*cessiva Epochs. Edited by the Rev. M. Cretgntoii, M. A. I EAnLV ENULAND, up to tha Norman Conqaeet* U'imo. paper, 2."> ?eut?. a KM.LAND A CONTINENTAL POWER, Iron tha t unqueat to \ifttna Cbarta. :i2too, psper. 35rants. (In IIAiiCKli'li lift)' lliiiir Series i Other vuliiRifft nearly rewly. IIARI'KR it B Horn I US will aeml either of the aheve W.uks hy mull, pu-lare prepaid, to any nurt ot tha United t>i Me* r Canaaia, ua receipt of the price, except wlierf otherwise spei'llied. IMMHVsr. HUCrKHH OK THE NEW LAWN OA MB JL"Vaxlllo," a Itreat ttnnruvaraeni on "Croquet " I'atroti. lied by the elite. Hold at all first elass bonk aad atatlouerv atorea. K.I ItoRSMAN, Manafartarer, sr? and *3 WiUiaaa iw. .New \oik. Sand Man tar dascrif tlra ?rk?aiiMk