Newspaper Page Text
Points of the Proposed Mu nicipal Reform. WHERE IT WILL HELP THE CITY. Greater Efficiency and More Economy in Hie Dcparlnirnti. ['HE GOOD PREDOMINATING. \ Correspondent's Views of Governor Robinson's Duty. Alhaxt, Mtf 4, 1877. To thk Eoitoh or tiik Hkrai.d;? The great importance to the city gfNew York of the ?o.callod "Omnibus'' bill, which passed tbo Assembly yestcrJ."/. justifies n.e In asking tome *paco id yoor paper to exatnino tts provisions and to discuss tbo ?fleet they will havo on the muuicipsl government ? uould tbo bill bocomo a law. as I, ot course, supply you with my u.ime, while not desiring that It shall appear in print, you will, I am euro, recognize my legitimate interest in the welfare and progress ot tho metropolis, and your publication of my communica tion, if you allow it to appear in your columns, must be accepted as satisfactory proof that, although anony mous, it is written by ono who has a right to speak In behali of the people ol Now York. The main evils from which wo havo suffered In New York arc attributable to tho political uso that Is made of tho city office* and patrouate. The politicians on both sides havo regarded the money raised by taxa tion lor tho paymeut of salines aud labor as a fond that may be legitimately used to promote tho Intorocis ol their respective parties. Tbo leudora havo sought to incroa?o their streugib by giving the most active of their aitborouis employment in tho public depart* tnen's or labor at tho public oxpenso. Before oloctlon the candidates for eloctive municipal offices have tllowed their supporter to bellove that In tho event of success all who desiro work will bo provided for. The aspirant* for offices hold by appointment have generally been induced to pledgo thomselvos to a libe ral distribution of paironigo in order to secure confirmation. As a necessary consequence tbo de partments have beou overrun and choked up with tbo bangers ou of political cbiols and clique*. The heads of departments arc no longor pecuniarily dishonest. They will not steal tho city's moneys by ralBcd war rants aod fraudulent Toucher*. liut they are, as a rule, ander so much obligation to their parties, so Inmpcreil w ith pledge* nud so run down by impor tunity, that they arc cotupolled to w^ste tho public funds by disregarding the qualifications and needlessly ?welling tho nuinbor of employes. Of course the moro political heads of departments we have the greater becomes this ovil ot burdening the city treas ury with usole^s pensioners. Ala recent Interchange of views between tho municipal chiefs on tho subject of the practicability of municipal economy, bold in Ife Mayor's ofllcc. It was amusing to soe bow each official favored a curtailment ol expendituro In every department of the city government except tho partic ular one over which bo buppons to presido Tho ??Omuibus" bill promises a lessening If not a removal of this evil?first by providing for a municipal flection in the spring; next, by dispensing with tbo confirmation of tho Muyor's appointments by tbo' Board of Aldermen, and again by decreasing tbe pres rnt needlessly largo number of Commissioner*. A char ter election in April will not bo to dependent ou tho political clemcuts Iti the city as one held at the time of tho goncral election for Governors. Congressmen, Presidents, legislator* and other political otfloor*. Local interests and irsuos mid tbe character an.1 capacity of tho candidates will bo more attentively considered, and tho municipal officer* elected will In Consequence be more Independent of party machinery lhan tbey now are. Appointed officer* will not be com pelled to make bargains with a herd of hungry and im pudent AMermeu in order to secure confirmation. Tbe decrease lu tho number of Commissioners will lessen the Individual demand lor places lor tbe frionds and adherents of tha heads of departments. The spring cloctlon commends ileolf to ovory reflect ing citizen outsido ol tlic professional politicians. It has born indorsed by tlic Committee ol Seventy wbicb framed "tho proposed reform charter lu 187'J, by the municipal commission appointed by Governor fildcn, of which secret A-y Kvarls was the bead, ind by, I think, the unanimous voice ol tbo New York press. The abolishment ol tho confirming power of the Aldermen is an important step iu the direction <>( that concentration ol responsibility In the Mayor, with out which we cuniiot expect etllcie'bl government. So inr as practical economy is concerned tho hill will save the taxpayers a considerable sum of toonry ibis ynr in salaries ol Commissioners and oillccrs abolished by its provisions, und by the consolidation ol departments, notably ol the Dock and Kuilding de partments, thu busiuess ol both ol which cannons mell done at present without tbe existing expensive machinery. A direct and very desirable saving will bo made iu tue reduction ol tne Aldermen'* salary Irom $.\uoo a year to f'J.tssi. and the limitation of the other expenses ol ine Common Council to $1,200, )t doos not seem proper that tho Aldermen, mnong whom may he lound some profoundly ignorant tnen, should receivo for bot more than two Mays' work % week Irom live to ten times ns much salary as is paid to educated teacners whoie wiiolo mno is em ployed in arduous duties. I he Board ol Apportion ment is given me power to revise and redetermine tbo Estimates lor 1S77 in order to Fecuro tbo advantage of these savings at ouco. Cut the most important econ omy m that promised by the Ic*mjuiiik ol those politi cal demands on the departments which now crowd the payrolls with needloss subordinates and render it im? possible to manage tho city olliees as a merchant would mauage his private business. A*ldu irom the question ol cconomy I rogarl tho decrease In tbe number ol Commissioner* as certain In sdd in the clHcleney ol tlie dopurtinenia Wo have Due Comptroller and one Commissioner ol I'ubllc Works. V> hatever is deno .c tho-e ex tensive and im portant departments is done on tbe responsibility ol a tingle bead, and when tho management is lucupablo r vcry ouo Knows where to nlace the blame. I be lieve the Parks, thu Docks and the Kxciso depart ments will every one bo benefited by being relieved o( a multiplicity ot "nouses ' It seems to me lUo iu every way proper and desirable that tho present divided authority In the streetM should cease, that tliu i'ark Department should havo control ouiy ol tbe spacer embraced lu tbe public parks, squares and places, and 'hat the control ol nil the si reels and avenue^in all p iris ol tho city ouisido tbo liark limits should bo centred in tho Department ol. I'ubllc Works. 1 may add Mint the abolition of (lie Dock Department appears to mo to bn especially dt lirabie. ma-much as at present I lie expenditures ol (lie department are noi controlled by tbe lloard of Apportionment. as tbosoof other departments are, and tbe department is run under a law outside .bo cb .rter and very loosely drawn. As a bureau ol tbo Public Works Department the expenditures will ho under the j supervision provided Inr iu the coarter and tho work ? ill lie dune oy contract. There are some features ol the bill which I should like to havo seen altered, I'bo terms of ollir.e of all heads ol departments should have been made to end with the term ol the viator appointing them, and lie n Hie responsibility ol the Kxecuuvo lor tbe good gov eminent ol the city in all its branches would be direct and complete. I should buvo liked to have seeu I no at reel cleaning bu-ine-s taken out ol ino Police De partment, where it has no right to be. noil placed ug lier sole control ol the Mayor on the samo principle ot direct respousiluiity. Ii my memory serves me cor rectly this policy has been advocated by tbe HKKai.n. Nevertheless, as tins change has not been made, I be liuve tbo email contract sytem, with a strict su pervision over Ihe contractors ny the police, will at least be an Improvement on our p|i-o? tnt plan ol political snoot Swoeping, than w litcti jerlatniy nothing could be worse. I should have pro I erred thai tbe Obaritiea sii.l Correction Department kbouid have been placeil under a single besd, instead ol under two Commissioner*, and tho selections made lor retention m oibco smack somewhat of political or personal favoritism. It would imv? been lieiter to bavo swept awiir all the piesent Commissioners, ieav. l/ gtbe appointments under ttie new gyatein to Hie llayor, who could h.ivo leappoitiled such as h re. larded as g"Od otllcers llili we iiiumi take thu good with tbe bad, and 1 think in this "Omnibus" bill the rood ?o lar predominates as to mako it Vorv dosirnblo that It should bo come a law. Wo cannot under tbe bent oi circumstances obtain a city government under the proposed consti lutiounl amendment* lor two year* to come. It is foolish to refuse to at uu< e improvo our city gov em men t as much as we can, to make it moro eOtcient and leas expensive, beciu-o wo expect t<? bo under u permanently settled system ol municipal administra tion in two or three years. 1 hope, therefore, thai ino Haaat-n will favor tlie approval ol tbo bill by Ihe (iov srnor If, as 1 expect. It snail be psssod by tlie Legisla tare Kor my own part, as in i's main features the bill partially meets Governor Robinson's well known i news in regard io the increased power sn l responsi bility ol tho Mayor, the siropl.llcation ol thu much in ?rvofiovernment and the abolition or neadl'ts olllcos, I do not wll ??> ?>"w 11 C*D 10 rec"v,J *h? Exeou ^it? signaturo. "? I BACWG IN TENNESSEE. FOURTH DAT O* THE 8PRINO MEETINO OK THE NAKHVILIJB BLOOD HO BSE ASSOCIATION ? DKAMBLZ, UNCLE TO* AND BOD WOOLLET THE WINNE15S. NxiuMay 4, 1877. Tbe Nasbvillo race courso proseuted a dismal ap pearance to-day to those interested In tho evont ttiat were announced to onio off. Kala bad fallen all uigbt, and It was pouring down during tbe morning and continued without Intermission during tbe whole progress of tbe running, making the track deep in mad. The attendance, as a matter of coarse, w is not as large as on tho other days of tho meeilup, but at there is no postponement here on sccoimt of the weather, owners, trainers, jockoys and horses had to tuako tno beat of the situation. TUB FIRST HACK was Young America Stake No. for two-year-olds, colts and Allies, a dish of three-quarters of a mile, tho winner of Young America Siako No. 1 to carry Ave pounds extra. Closed with nine entries, seven ol wbich came to the post. These were W. Cottrill'a bay geld ing Tickler aud his obestnut filly Mary K., D. Swtgort's bay colt Milan, Edwards It Co. 's chestnut coll En sign, W. T. Llnck's buy Ally Borgamot, John son fi Co.'s bay colt Bramble aud Will lain Mayo's brown Ally Silver Maid. Milan was the favorite at even money against the field. Tno youngsters had a capital start, Milan, Bramble and Ensigu getting off together head and hoad. Milan dropped away at tbe half-mile pole to tblrd pi ice. Bramble soon afterward went to tbe front, and, gallop ing away from tho other;, won the race by three j lengths. Ensign second, ono length in ailruuco -of Mary K., Bergamot fourth, Tickler Afth, Silver Ma>d sixth, Milan sevoutn. Time, 1:20. Til K HKCO.ND HACK w is for the Association 1'ursu of $250, a dash of \ two miles, for all ages. There wero but two starters. Tbeso wore Nick Bakor'n Big Fellow ami i Dardon .V Co.'s I'nclo Torn. Big Fellow wan tho ! favorite at three to one ovor tbe other, lie took tho : lead at tho start and hold it lor a milo and a hull when I'nclo Tom challenged him, men pa.-std him, and, keeping iu front to ilio end, won by a length iu 3:47. TIIK THIRD RACK was for tho Association I'ur.-e ol $160, a dash of a mile and a quarter ior all aires. There wore five starters. These were Bob Woolioy, West lloxbury ooli, Aiuauda Warren, Muhisuck and odd Fellow. Favoritism varied on this race, first one and then another taking the lead In the betting. Just before tbe drum tapped Odd Fellow had tbu call. Bob Woolioy Jumped ofl in tho load, was never headed, and won tho race by live lengths, Wosi. Koxbury coll second, Amanda Warren third, llahl sllck fourth, Odd Follow Atlh. Tlmo, 2:17. Bob Wool ley foil Immediately after passing under tbe string, but was not injured Tbe following are the HUMMARIIO. Bm>oi> IIdrsk Association?Spring Mkpt inu?Fourth Bat, May 4.?Young America S'ake, No. 2, for two-year-olds, c ills and fliltes; dash . f three-quarters ol a milo; #2ft entrance, play or pity, the association to adil $200; second horso to bavo $60; the winner of Young Amorica Stake No. 1 to carry Ave pounds oxtra. starters. Johnson & Co.'s b. c. Bramble, by Bonnie Scotland, dam Ivy Lent, by Aucirallan 1 Edwards 4 (,'a 's cb. c. Ensign, by Enquirer, dam Uinda, by Sovereign 2 Captain W. Cottrill'a ch. f. Mary K., by Daniol Boono, dam Maggie 0., by Brown Olck 3 W. J. Link's b. f. Borgamot, by Bonnie Scoilaud, dam Jauuita, by Jack Malono 4 Captain W. Cotlnll's b. g. ilcklor, by Daniol Boone, <iatu Tick, br Monte 5 William Mayo's br. f. silver Maid, by ilonnio Scot land, dam Mouic.i, by .Sovereign 6 D. Swieert's b. c. Milan, by Moibouruo, Jr., dam Alumna, by Ecllpso 7 Tirao, 1 ;20. Same Day?Association purso $2.>0; a dash of two miles, lor all ages. startkrs. Dardon it Co. 's ch. b. Undo Tom, by LTncio Vic, dam Maid of the Mill, aged X N. Barker's cb. b. Big Fellow, by Wsr Dance, dam Fly, by Mahomet, aged 2 Time, 3:47. Thejudgcs withhold the purso from Undo Tom ou a Charge uf trnud. Samk Day.?Association Purso $1&0; a dauli of a mile und a quarter, for all agos. Startrr*. James Murray's br. b. Bub Woolley, by Leamington, dam Item, by LexiUKton, ft yours old 1 N. Baker's b. c., by West Koxbury, dam Ada Loon> ard, 3 years old 2 D. McCarty's ch. m. Amanda Warron, by Marlon', dam Big Boston, 4 years old 3 D. Swigert's U. c. Mahlstick, by I<ever, dam He. bccca T. Price, 3 yours old 4 J. J. Merrill's b. a Odd Follow, bv Longfellow, dam Magnolia, 3 yoars old 5 Time, 2:17. WEST SIDE PARK. Two events wore announced to close the May trot ting meeting at tbe West Sldo Park yesterday. summary. Wkst Sum Park, Jkiisky City, N. J.?Trottimo Friday, Mat 4, in;7 ? Purse ol $100, for horses that never beat 2:4ft; #50 to tbe first, $oO to tho second and $20io ibe third horso; milo heals, tbreo in fivo, 111 harness. T. Ogle's b. m. Richmond Girl.... 3 3 1 2 0 1 2 P. Mnnoe's gr. g. William 1 5 5 4 0 2 1 J. fc. Jarvis' ch. g. Billy Edwards. 2 4 3 1 4 3 3 H. Gilbert's blk. g. Ne-bitj 5 2 2 3 3 r. o. C. Davidson's b. g. Frank 4 1 4 dr. TlMli. (f unrlrr. Hal/. Mil*, First boat 41,1* 1:22 2:4,sW Second heat 41 1.22 2:47 Third beat, 41 1:22 2:4ft Fourth boat 42 1:22* 2:49 Fifth heat 43 1:24 2-ftl Sixth beat. 42'? 1:28 2:53W ?seventh beat 42 12ft 2:63* Upon tbe conclusion of tbo seventh heat the Judges, on account of darkness, postponed the race until this afternoon at two o'clock. Tbo dhv golding burnt a bloodvessel, which compelled Ulna to bo sent to tbo stable. .^amk Day? Skcokd Rack.?Purso $100; fftO to tbe first, $30 to tbe second and $20 to the third horse mile beats, host throe in Ave. under saddle. William L.vnch'scb. g. Fitzgerald 12 11 William tiailagli>T's b. g. Ben 4 l 2 2 P. Ma nee'* blk. g. Harry 2 3 3 3 J. Morsn'sg. g. Ed. Sill 3 4 4 4 TIMK. Quarter. Half. MiU. First heal ? 40 1.21 2 44 Second boat 40 1:21 2-*:i Third heal 40* 1:21 2 43* Fourth heat 3? 1:18* 2:40* FLEETWOOD PARK. Tho trotting matches nnnouncod to take place yes terday at Fleetwood Park called together a large num ber of turfmen. SUMMARY. Fi.kktwhoo Park, Nkw York, Friday, May 4, 1877. Match #100; mile boats, threo in fivo, In harne-s. S. Bennett's blk. tn. Kilty Ill H. O. Dob?on's Mary 2 2 2 ? TIMK. Quarter. Half. Mil*. First heat...* 47 1:31* 3:02* Second heat 44 l:2rt 2-6ti Third boat 42* l:2*t? 2:ft? Samk Day.?Match $ftO; mile beau, to top road wagons. U. Thompson's b. m. Little Nell 1 M. Smith's b. g Din dig Time, 3:05. RACING AT LONG BRANCH. The Sportsman say*:?"We are authorized to an- 1 "ounce that Ihe race mooting at Mouuioiith Park 1 will bo held about the usual tune, uuder the 1 auspices and management of gentlemen whoso ! nation and emineuce m turl affairs will com- 1 mand the confidence ol the public. Tho races : will be run under the rules ol the American Jockev 1 Club, .savo in regard to the slake* which closed hereto fore uuder the rulos of toe Monmouth Park Associa tion. We think tno gentlemen iu question will is.-uo their programme in general terms m xt week, and no doubt It will bo favorably rccotvod." HORSK NOTES. Jny Unuld In driving llie dark bay mnro Qmidrillo and thn light buy maro Ashley togeiher. Qn.idniio is by MuJdlntoun and Aiblejr t) Old Ilamblcloiiian. Tnoy make a very fast team. Master George Gould drives the bright bay mare Mollie I?ung on the road ovry flnc day, having Dennis Tr.tcy with him. Maslor i.eorjie la a capital driver and handle* Iho reins lu good rhnpe. Molllo Long was bred In Kentucky. ."be Is (aat. KdwarU Kearney Intouda trolling bin gray guiding Snmlhill th<j coming season for tbo purses to bo ?flared. J oft n Murphv will train and drive the bluek goluiog New llrook, belonging to Mr. HpauMlog, tbo coming irottlug season. Mr. llolllnsor baa sold to Mr. Qoorgo Osgood a pair of very nice brown coach feonea, 1'rtne, |1,3M nror>;e N KurgMOl drove his bay colt Don Carlos, by Moxaoder Norman, a half mile to a road ?><ou on Wedneaday Imi, at Kleetwood Park, in 1:14. D. Uoeuchlns is driving bis lavorito black mare Lidy Alice daiiy on tho avonoes on the other sido of Iho l'ark. Hen I'anieis has at his new stables the hay mara ' sister o: Bella, chestnut gelding Nimrod, bay goiding Floaaura Hoy. by KlUan Alien, and a bay QUy by I,ii tieOeld Knox, dam the aam ol Nellie Walton. Browslcr It Co., of Broomo street, have Just finished a csrrlago for one of their customers which Is an exact reproduction of a style com:<lored Indtspens-ible to an Koffllsti country gentleman's establishment a hundred years ago. This carriage the Hrewsters call a Stsubope gig. It is a single open seated trap lor two persona, with very bigii dasher and high curved shaft*, the body being on telegraph spring*. The running gear Is painted primrose yellow, relieved with black stripes; the trimming green cloth, with russet leather sirups. History repeats itsolf oven in carrtagos. The stallion Virgo Hainbletonlan looked in flu* con dition yesterday at his headquarters ui mo Wat-Nong Grange, near Morristown, N. J., and his three-year-old daughter. Lady Antrim, the flrst ol his got, looked the picture ol a fast trotter. She is improving dallv in lu spoed aud will be dangerous in the Turf, Fitld and farm Suues. Virgo's Beasou will be a good one, us ho is fast growing in lavor with breeders. The blood of Dlonicd and Messenger is flncly blended in Virgo's veins. THE fUFLE. The Executive Committee of the National Riflo Association did not have a business quorum at their slated meeting yesterday afternoon, and ihe meeting was adjourned till next Monday at three P. M. Tho Secretary, Mr. George S, Snormerhorn, Jr., Is sending out to all the riflo clubs ol tho United Slatos the fol lowing circular:? TIIK INTKIlSTATK I.OSQ ItAXGS MATCH. I am Instructed by the Hoard of Directors ol th?- National Kills Association W communicate to the rillomeu of the Veiled states uotlou that tho interstate match will ha uiiot at OroedmiMir. Un? Inland, at the fall meet ng ol the association iu Kepteinbor ue.\t> unoer the following coudi ' Ot'en to loam* of four from all rlile association* or clubs In any Stale or t erritory ..f the United State, ibat aaay hava tfflllatod with '.lie National Klfle Association previous u.o a 'h D..iaeces. 80O. IK*) and 1,000 yards; Q teen roiliidi. without lighting allots. at each ranu-o. Killok a??d po?itloDS. auv within the rulo* Ol the National .Rille Association. Entrance Tee. i ' wr man Prise, a trophy, to be held for the year iiv tlio ?urcesslni loam, which .hail bo deposited In lome central nlnre In tho Slate represented by the wlnnlni team, hach member of the winnliiK team to receive a gold badge pre sented hy the National Jtille Association. NOT SR. The Irish-Atnerlcan Rillo Club had their Initiatory meeting of the season last ulgln, In the Ashland House the 1'resident, Lieutenant William H. Murphy, In the chair. Alter transacting soma preliminary btytiuess the meotiug adjourned till Friday night uoxt, at ihe sumo place. . . ? ^ To-day tho Long Island and the New 1 ork teams will hare a meeting lor practice at Creed moor. Tho Marksman's Badge will bo stiol for in tho afternoon. YACHTING NOTE. yMchl Wanderer. Mr. Sllllniau, N.Y.Y.C,, from Now port, passed Whitealone, L. L, yostorday, en jroute lo Now York. . BASEBALL. The Alaska* of this city vtsitod Elizaboth, N. J? yesterday, and playod nino Innings with tho Roaoluto club of lhat pluco, at tho close ef which the score stood 6 te 6. A tenth Inning was commenced aud tho Resolute scored two runs, when ihe Alasicas declared that they oould not soe iho ball on account of dark nesB. After some ten minutos' delay in wrungllng the umpire decidod tho guiuo a draw. The tollowing is tho Rroro IXNINOH. ciubi. nu 2<L M. 4in. oth. otli. TUi. 8iK. 9th. Resoiulo.... 2001 0 0 10 J?6 Alaska oooo 0 :i 4 0 0?rt Tlio game at Chicago yesterday beiweon the Stars, of Syracuse, nud tho lanious chnmptou Chicago White Stockings, was a remarkably fine contost aud resulted aS ,0S:" 1st. 2.1 3d. *'h. UK. Ctli. 11k. Stli. 0th. rh learn ...0000 01 00 0?1 star . u .o o o o o o o o-o L'mpiro?Mr. Bradbury. ATHLETIC SPORTS. * Tho tenth Held meeting of tho Columbia Collego Athletic Association, in coujunotion with tho Prluceton Athletic Association, will tuke place to-duy on the grounds of the Now York Alhlolic Club, at Molt llaven. Sixteen events are on tho programmo, and they cmbraco such it variety of aport that a rich treat is lu Btoro lor tho visitors. Tho invitation ol Columbia to lior striior collojic, Princeton, to join with tfrotn id tho struggles for the prizes offered ia such a now depar ture that it doc? tho originators ol Ihe project great credit aud were tho idea to tlud repeated imitation it would*provo a meal Impetus to athlotlc sports gen erally Tho flrst event will bo called at a quarter iiltor eleven o'clock, and tho 10:35 train to Moll llavon, Haricut road, will drop passengers In good season. H ARtiKM ATHLETIC CLUB. This c'.ub will hold a grand athletic entertainment at the Temple, on 125th street, this evening. Many woll Known athletes have volunteored their services and a good programme will bo presented, consisting of club swinging, dumbbell lifting';- tumbling, bar performing, /to. Ouc grand feature ol iho cvoiiiiiaWiII be a Gneco Hotnan wrestling match lor a gold medal, between two of the club's members. THE RYAN MYSTER^f. INQtJEST ON THE BODX OK THE MAN FOUND IN A NINTH WAltl) QDTTEB. The inquest on the body of John Ryan, th? cooper, who was found dying last Sunday tuorniu* in a gutter in Loroy street, was held yostorday evening In the Ninth ward station house by Coroner Elllnger. The back room was crowded by persons interested in this very mysterious affair, and quite a number of wit nesses testi lied. Tho tbroo prlsouors? Foal, Poole and Keenan?wont upon tho stand and related their expe rience of the night ol tho murder; but, while oc knowledging that they wore In the neighborhood ol the scene ol tho bloody deed about tho lime It must have been committed, ihey protested total ignorance not only ol tho tragedy but bIho of Rayan's being in ibe sixmo street with them ?t twenty minutes past two o'clock on Sunday morning. Tho verdict rondercd by the jury was that Byan died ol blows rocoivod at the hands of some persons among wiom the prisonora wero believod to have boon. Foul, Poole aud Keenan wero sent to the Tombs. Several witnesses wero oxamined. Officer Carey sworo that bo lound tho deceased in a dying condition. Olllcor Scanlon said thai ho moi the three prisoners following Ryan, or walking in the same direction as he was, shortly alter two o'clock on Sunday morning. Ho asked them where they wero going, and thoir reply wa? mat they wore waning up to go u> early mass. A. 11. Kegi'l and George Dellerl stand thai tho prisoners bad beou drinking in tnoir saloons on Saturday night, and Dellert swore llul Ryan had threatened to licK a hoarder oi Ins at No. HO Bod lord street. The man's name was Bigot. At Mr. Dellert's sug gestion lie went to bed and Ryan wont out ol doors. Joseph Fool's testimony was thai he and tho oilier two wero in Carmine sireei, as described by Olllcer Seanion, hut he swore lUal they parted about hall past two A. M., Poole going one way, he aud Koenau another. He addedHearing on Sunday thai Cap lain Kennedy warned me 1 called lo see him, aud ho detnlncd ino at tho station house; ou Monday morn ing 1 had a conversation with Poole, who was in an .lUjoili nig cell; he ssked ino if 1 gave him owuy j 1 told him no, that 1 nothing to give him away lor; ho . toid the Captain that he did not know me when tlrxt arrested, but he did, and was acquainted with mo I over three years. STKAM.S, l? i'OMUVi.'TI.V RsroitTKD. Detective Noldo, ol iho Ninth proclncl, testified lhat be wa< locked up iu a cell aborning tho prisoners' mid overheard the lollowiug conversation beiweon Iboiu Fot'T?Rillv, give me a enow ol tobacco. Pooi.r?Yo'tt'ro a nice sucner, to give me away. Fout I did nut give you away. The coppers was on to us both. Pools? You lie?you did giro mo sway. Only lor you I would not have hit that man. Kot'T?Weil, we're in a nice box, one dial wo won I got out of soon. Hilly, what d.d yon do Willi that slIcK VOU had? I'ooi.h -t threw it m the river. 1 want in cell you , one thing. 1 tlou'i Kmut you to ?poak to Bio any more, i I am g'Miiu in k?h ?ut ol tin* ibo ucst I can. Ii it j bndii't boon for Noblo I think I would hurt been <lto- , Charged, lor n? posted the CnpUin. Now, Joo, 1 dou't want you to My any more. Keep muin. 1 Kmc r?All right?, titeatIM If they provo this against i u? wc will get our necfts strnched. At tho limu ol kWMt* i I'o'ilo bad a bloody handkor obiei on Iiis person, lor inn main* on which iio iir conmed by saying tiiat Jie bad been m a row and was cut on Monday morning Altar this wim?r?? Keennn, Poole unit other* worn exuuluod, but uni'ting or material interest wan elicited except Irom I'urker, or.e ol tho watchmen on SOch'b hargo, on the North River, Into ih" house ol which l'ools broke through a window on ^umUy morning, about lour o'clock, to get a sleeping jjho e Ho inni not heon there lor u long tuno beioro. The Jury ro? tired, returned tne verdict, ana tbo priaonuro wcro committed willtout hail. BUSINESS TROUBLES Dore Lyon ban made application lor bin discharge Irmn bankruptcy, and Register Kotchum baa t?aucd an order for tbo creditors to *Uow conso why his petition should not hu grunted. Tbo matter will como beioro tbo HogUter lor a bearing on May 24. Julius Kallmann, ol No. l!Ki William llreot, agent lor the Mi'iotte Last Manufacturing Company, baa failed, and thoshvrill yesterday sold out bis eil.-cis. weorge i. Nieli llnfalo, ibu assignee of William Koa Ur, S \ \v. Foster and }'i)?lers, Kisuor (Jo., cuiton manufacturers ol Providuuce, It. I,, who tailed lust month, bna tiled bid statement of tho n>>?iitli and llubil Iiioi in inn Court otCommou ['loan. Tbo liabilities tiro $114,060 Mi aaaoti, |ill,'2V&. MASSACRES IN BOSNIA. HOBBOBS RIVALING THB SCENES AT BAT A IE?NO TURKISH MEKCT. (Kroin Ihe Manchester uoardlan. April 21.) Lai'atz, Bosmas-Ckoahax F*oxtikb, ) April 12, 15(77. | My telegram will already hare Informed you tb?t 1 have succeeded in penetrating lo the sceno of the worst outrages (bat during tbe last lew weeks have been committed by the Turks on returned and return ing Bosnian refugees, as well as on otber peaceful rayab villagers who ltad never loft their homes. Be sides visiting ibe burned and plundered Uoiuesteads at Ochievo, 1 have spent several d*vs in hunting up tbe fugitive* themselves, part ol whom have found shelter I hi tbe mountain villages beyond tbo Croatian frontier | and part within the bospltuble limits ol free Bosnia, j Aud let it bo well understood?for the Turks and ! their admirers will not bo slow to soieo on | uny Imaginary palliation lor iboir viliany? tbut all the outrages o! which 1 write have I been committed ouiaido the limlta of the district h 'ld ny the Insurgeois; that they have boen commu ted solely on unarmed men apd helpless women and children; and. lurthor, that iboy eannot be looked on as a retaliation for *ny violence com'miued by the In surgents, Inasmuch as tlio Insurrection has during tbo whole winter, and, in fact, ever hi no Despotovicb look tho command, romalneilstnotly on the defensive. I have taken down tbo evidence of twenty-one of tbe victims, choosing generally lathers of families for tbe purposs, and as 1 saw these at diflerent places, some on Austro-Hungarian and sotno on insurgont terri tory, and as on all material points tho ovidonco Is singularly corroborative, I think you may roly on tho accuracy of my report. After exam ining several of the rolugoos nt Srob, on the Croatian froutler, and others at different pisccs among tho mountains or Ireo Bosnia (among which, with this object, 1 huvo made a four days' march), i started from Sienuza firad, tho extreme outpost of thu Insurgents in this direction, to muku my way if possl bio to tho actual scene of the Oohiovo outrages. In the insurgent camp at Sionltza Urad evory ono con spired to dissuade mo from my project. They said that, though the ruins of Ochievo wcro deserted by tho Turk?, marauding bands of bashl-bazouks still lurked in tbe neighborhood, and that only two davs ugo somo haystacks on a height abovo tho villages, which had hitherto escaped, had been burnod by llioso gentry. Then the elements wore unfavorable, li was necessary to ouior tho Turkish part* of Bosnia to cross tUo Ia Dal z, bui tho ram an.t melting snow had t?o swollen tho river, always rapid, that the lords had be coino impracticable. J swam tbo rivor and secured a guido, who agreed lo conduct mo lo the scene ol tho outrages. ONLY RUIWS LKFT. After a weary ascent and partial descent ol a moun tain neck wo urnved at ibe scone ol the outrages and 1 found that all that the vurious witnesses h id described to mo as touching mo destruction of property was striclly truo. A moro hideous scouo of havoc 1 have never seeu and never wish io see again. Two homo steads ulouc remaiood unburnod, saved from destruc tiou, it issupposod, l>v their Mohammedan landlords but even Huso wore partially wrecked and entirely gutted. All the othor houses weru burnt to the ground tuouKb here md there one or two of the wickerwork storehouses lor maize, usual among tbo Bosnians had been mcroly rlllod of thor contents and not'lur thor destroyed; tbo Turks had loll a fow of Hie hives lo bo refilled. What made the havoc even moro melancholy was its two fold character. Thoro were Utmi iho bluckoucd foun dations of tho homesteads burned the other dny, with tho Iresh smell ol tiro upon them, and side by sido wuh these the debris of iho tortnor villago, burnod by the Turks on tho 24th orjtiue ol last year. Too foun dations ol tho former homesteads wero larger as well as moro numerous than those of ibe huts which iho returning refugees bad vomured to rebuild, and formed a striking commentary on the straitened circum stances of tn? uuiortunate people. In the former village there wero, II my Iniorination Is correct over lorty fumillos. In the villago, <ft rather two village* Juki destroyed I reckoned twenty-one burned huis and two unburned, which agrees with tbe number ol lamilleB mentioned to mo by name by a variety ol witnesses. The havoc was of iho most thoroughgoing kind. Kvery little article of domestic use thai bud not boen carried oil?pots, pans, rags of Kicking and clothes?woro scattered about pell-mell, broken, loru and Irumpled under foot. Hero and thoro maize or boans had boen scattered on tbo ground In ibe process ol earn ing the Plunder off. To discover tho little boards oi money which the rayab families might possess ihe pillagers bad in maiiy cases grubbed up iho ourth floor ol tho huts, ond in one I saw the actual holo from which iho hoard ol ibe most well-to-do family?amounting, so my gutdo declared, to ?8 in papor money, but this is probably an exaggeration?bud been grubbed out by tbo bashl-bazouks. TIIKT FOOLISHLY KRTUKNKD. I will now givo you the results of tho evldenco I liavo collected from ibe victims ad lo iho actual occur I reuues at tJreut and Little Ocbievo and two other ham lets situated In the neighboring Cerljevitza moun tuts?namely, Klekovacha and Vugaoalz. Regarding iho Ochiovo outrages 1 have exaunuod thirteen wit nesses. Three of these?David, Milllza and AnJ.i Karaiiovlch?I saw ut Serb, on the Croatian border one, Crogor Pavellch, at Ltpaiz, also within the (irenzo; ulne? namely, I,aa..r Hinpku, Vid itodich Giuro Slilpka, Milan Kodlcb, Milan Kurunovich Jovan Tankoeicb, steian Karanovich. Mlhailo Hodich and Haze Karanovich?at sienitza Grad, in Ireo Bosnia; and tbe wlfo of tbo murdered Vaso Kurunovich ut Boboljusba. also in Iroe Bos ma. On tbe approach ol tbo Turks, on Jane 24 of last year, tho villagers llod mostly lo Austrian soil, leaving ibclr boines to bo burned uixl pillaged. The extreme misery, however, of the refu gees ou ibis pari ol the Uungurian frontier, iho ap proach ol win lor and ibo impossibility ol procuring fodder lor tbo cnltln they hud succeedod in Currying with them induced ihe fugitives lo crave pormisslon io return irom iheir Mohammedan landlords?namely Mujo Kurtaghick, Osman Aga Andjich and Nedjim and Ismail Begs Kalenovicb, all resident in Kuleii Vakun. Iho bogs, who uro heglnniug io suffer severely from the want ol sorfs lo supply their nocds, promised tho Ochiover* that il they returned they should bo unrao losiod, and aocordiugiy most of tho families actually did return and rebuilt their burned cottages. Tho names ol tho bonds of tbo various families who re turned and iho numbers ol cucii lainlly wero given me us follows:? David K.iranovlcb, 17; Dtmian garanovlch. 10; DJaio Karanovich. 4; Vaso Karanovich. 7; 1'srro Karanovich, ft; Mill Karanovich, 7; Ilija; lilau Karanovich J!: I? VI 8h*r:><?- 2. Mlhailo Koilieli' II I; Md Kodieto. 27; Marku .Shipka. 17; Olind tinlpka, 111 IlJaro.slilf.Ka.rt; Mkola Shlpka, 13; Fere Shlnka.?; l.uka Hodich. M; .Milan Tankoiieh. II; David Tankoaleli. H, Millclt rankusioli, 6; Blase titcnlcb, 8; Mill Stanlch H. Total. ?11. OWI.V OKK MOXTII Auo On Saturday, March lo, a body of bashl-bazouks, estimated by the villagers at aboiit a huudrod, uuder tbo leiulersnip of All Uog Trorka, Mujo UcgBlbano vicb and Alt Bog Kulenovich (who, however, arrived rather lute in tho day), made their appoarauco In. tbo lower village. They plundered tbo house and burn or Ouvid Karanovich, seized all his corn, iho clothing they found iu tho bouse, and, II his deposition mudo to iiio is correct, took from him forty-flvo goats, about lilty sheep, olghleeu oxen and ono horse. They robbed in the same way three other lanillles. Thcv thou pro ceeded to ibe houre of tbo village elder or Kuez, the elected rcprescuiativo ol Iho community who re ceives u kind oi olliclal seal from ihe Turkish author. Hies. W hut follows I huvo Irom his wifo. A basin bazouk seized him on either side, while u third despatched bun with pistol shots. Another menibor of me lamiiy, Teto Karanovich, was wounded in the arm, bill escaped. Tlio head ol tbe murdered Knox, Vaso Karanovich, wis then cut ofl and carried away. Tbo women nnd girls wore stripped ol the girdles and othor ornaments that they possessed, and the irregu lars were proceeding io outrages ol a morn ahatnoiul kind when slopped by tho timely arrival ol All Beg Kulenovich, who succeeded on this occasion in ro siruunug Ins romifters. Tho Turks then made off with their booty io Kulon Vukup, currying wuh them in iritiiuph the neud oi ilio village elder. Another ol my wnncascs, Oeojor I'ovtchiili, of lloricbevntz, who, though a Chustian, is employed on various errands across the Croatian border by iho Turks ol Kulon Vukup. happened lo bo thero when tho murderous gang returned The Mudir said thai it was no uso kicking the lii-ad about the streets, mid thai they had betl' r give It to the liinour lo bury, which lie accord ingly dul. HCKXKS OK RAI'I.IK. Meanwhile II was mooted thai /night in Ochlovo whether to lly nt ouc or uot, but tho weather was bit - terij cokt, A dim bvri, IM iitapHiiMi ntUi wtM ol Illyra, waa blowing una too snow my deep; ?o II wiis decided to postpone their departure. Next ilny (.Sum.ay) tho Turn# appeared njsain, but in Inrger iiuni tier*. According i? all accounts thero were irom 200 to 3U0 Itedits and Irotn 4<iO to 600 bashi-baxouks. The lenders were the Ksitnukum ol l'etioviux., the lurkish Prelect and Hie supreme government oilictnI ol the district, while All Trovka anil All Kulcnovich rep resented tho bogs. The troops emtio front Kulen Vsknp, PetruvnU mid Hula). Then folio vreU a scene of iimIUciiinitiiiie phiniler and rnptno. An Attempt wax made to ?eixe the hou*u lathers ol thn Village, but. warned hv Hie late ol their Knez, tin y all Huccooded In escaping. Mauy ol lh?- girls atnl women, however, tell into the bands ol tho marauders; tho girdles and ornaments were lorn Irom those who still posseseed them; the more yoitthitii anions thctn woio set apart lorn worse late. According to tho lowest estimate ten of them lell victims to Turkish lust; ac cording to ihe wife of the vill?go older, who prohuiily knew more than the tnon. about tl11??on. They wero very rcitcoul about names, and 1 would not profs this point. Tiio Turks pursued the rciugees to tho I'nnats, tiring on tbctn on tbe way; ami ttio two cartridge* that I picked up lurnted a strlK Intl corroboration ol tbla part oi tho cvidenco. Tho river was happily tfieu low and easily fordable, but tho pursuer< cstue up with some women and children on tho bunk, and Hang Suneona Shipka, u young woiuun, and u child, Viu Skipku, into tho water. Both ol tbeso were saved, but one woman, Muna Karsnovlch, with a baby in her arms, was seized by thene rulllans, and tbe mothor's arms wcro tnado u?o ol' to throw her child Into the water, wlicro It was drowned. Tills learlul statement 1 heard Irom the lather ol the child, lllaze Kurattovich, and It was cor roborated by othor witnesses. Another woman, with child, wns seized, and was so tcrmled that she gavo birth prematurely. Tho Turks did uot attempt to pur sue ueyond tho Unuais, (earing lo enter in^urgcni ter ritory. Afior burning the two villages they mado oil, laden with all tho stores and movables on whloh I hey had bocn able to lay their band*. and with law drovaa o( MlmVanSvtoS?3r* k' tW?W* Tht total ?umbrr of ( at il .u^I .1, T them- M nearly a* I could arrive J Krirvwh^n ,h P #?*u- iA oxcn ?0(l -7 horses. ccDtrTlUif* !?* ? lecai" KJOlc ??t?ce. In an adja- | J nouses were drst pillaged anu then ? ,he ''^-r.amo.y, vutch ?? kinjiL.b ?i J Keuinan?and Toreta aud Vutchim, de?e? Thi .bLI!#lne,'a,nily' flve ,D ?"? wer8 ??"' couih and she?n ^ii*' cattle lilted was about 260 Kd?r?.Vuff?,^t2 ?*"" fnd lOborae. Tbo womeu i le"? ?m cen, nn .(. he U*U4' !,,a- The Pope, who was ! menfu)ned lo ml the Ochiovo wunesses, j Maria smiii?B? d k Keuman luraily?Mllnii. tboso?E~SV.?"?"!* MU" Mara-who bad heeu ! cui on and taken To Peuovalfc^ mttrdcrod w" were 1 Thnaa ...J,"111 Jr'^ *?*?? SUBMIT SOW. ?OVea 'Lu ?nS'^ I?*** U?De "" 111 mr P0W?r ou a crS'^r S? I? . t rub,"c- *re bul a ,am,)le ot *bal. Mill ocrurpinJt! bo* been occurring and 18 MiWlaif tbrouK0o?? ">e length au<i breadth ol Vor^J^T'^ 10 a -"?*'? diamc, ol the 11 ?ucceodiiig the promulgation been hurn^wf??H 1 ?> 11 on, tnroe peaceful village* buve cattle h ivriimn f' iindc'ed> oy?r eight hundred head of ? 1. "V1 CB ,ro"5 ,h?'r Christian owners, root I v h ow m!!n u chlldreD murdered?and! ?n?i 1 y moro ??and lit least a score of juris imnh . i01""110'1' Multitudes nre now cowerina tloToi VZi.hLZiYtl!' ?" Cbr'*"?n ??, Ihe indigo** Hosnmn ^! , * Si?v populations baa been led, the uiea ?nrt -h , "" ,H'en ?*?Ued by d.'Sj.oraio i l ? ? ^hat is more, tbo Turkish government is pumlh8tn0Pr?n*Ji? T' eveu " 11 ha" lhe wl"- e,lhor ?? nr^ i .. ringloaders or to give redress to the victims or to guarantee ibem security lor tbo futuro. Tr r.~. ?r . 18 !?0T HLT!""a Jvktii>,k?!> of orotocois ?^Sh ?* '? monstrous to bubble snlfrJ? d,l>lomalic atnsnilies, or even ol con bollor i Erry "" la'erl?reiice at Mum tile nrovinr^aTn V'rmntc* 11,0 dominant ca?ie in lo ask ihS ?i??2eW . 0f horror 11 18 mlquiloua hones that iha hf ff return, or to express bland ? h? tiik i brothers nnd husbands of tiio murdered There .s o^V?! raVliblod w'" ??"*" their arm* r?. ? 7 ronjedy lor the .-late ol (tunes in OTV -orpor'at^n9 tCpJ-r A SUICIDE'S ESTATE. BKIiATIVKS HOHTINO OVER THE BPOILS?MONT OOMEBY'B BLOODTHIRST* EH8TLK?MILLER AND HIS BROTHEH-IN-LAW. John W. Montgomery was arraigned yestordnv morn Ing at tho Jeirorson Market Police Court on a charge oi attempt at robbery, preferred by lils sister's husband. William Allen Miller, Professor in a business college of this city. Th? complainant wai the recipieut of the following totter. Mr. Miller is a resident of Person, D0I.I.4I1S OK DKATII. To Wii.lmm A. Mii.lxk:? Y0HK' '? do Ur. bv^ JM'VVn"* ,n 1",u,, '?? M awlVn'.'o* !?rJ ?I'ly I will uilik'^h0 P*y tW? money qultly A pwHcJi you can arrent mo for thuVut'Wd,," ?" daonfu se'X? pp z:rry-;z z\ 'ahirrf&rJS will not accept en? cent Iron ?nil If r rin < me arretted i will no" rofiiU to io but If th? i. ?"" ,,nvo turned on me millions ol d.illarf wll oot ?av?iou llfe'l a'm wh??y,.U read thl. I.tter read It all for ItTay" mate "you CAl'Tl'HH Or THK LKTTKIt WJtlTKIl. Mr. Miller, ou receiving tho loregolng lettor, came to New Vork nnd saw Judgo Wandoil, beloro whom ho stated his oaee. Judge Wnndell issued a warrant for Montgomery's arrest, and accompanied by Offlcor Tes saro, ol tho Court squad, Miller proceeded to tho rendezvous in Union square Indicated by Montgomery lu bin loiter. Miller and Ofllcer Tessaro awaitod patiently Montgomery's coming on Weduoaday evening, bat ho failed to appoar and both JelL On thoar,wJ. "o?n?z' taiie,d u,,?a i,,s ujo wile of Miller, and w*n violent in his manner to the cxiont of threutenln^ irtn.rf.-n i M?mo ?'u,,ol*M>" unless her busbanu acted 8n*'*rely in (he distribution of tuelr uncle's ffS* Jle ,dded thnt b0 w?uM be in Union nqu.iro on J. i *,U Ui"? 0 clock? lo meut Miller, aud ho th?m v wo.ula lllBn aua "'O'C fottlo it between ??h?^oVD niornlnj Miller and OITlcor Tessaro *?r? bo'hl,ln Hie lark awaiting Montgomery's appenr ance. Miller seated hlmsolf on one ol tho bonobos and a lew miauies olapsmg Montgomery appeared and accosted his brother-in-law:? K^'-areu '.'.?',V.aro,irou ??">S t0 ^oi"' asked Montgomorv. Noihlug, replied Miller, as be qntetly not mod Ofll cor Tessaro, .who immediately advanced aud took Montgomeey tnio custody. , THR STOkY Or THB KHTATK. The prisonor and hia broiher-in-law Miller wero thereupon conlronted boloro Judge Waadell who toot a lormal complaint anainst Montgomery and committed blfn lor examination, which is tot down lor Monday ^,ay 7' at ten O cloak. The dispute between tho iwo ,;ir 98 C" u "? a8c,,rlal??<l. arises out of tho Mill ol David Koa, an uuciool Montgomery, and lor. morly sonior partner of tho llrm of Rea A Pollock piunibors, doing business at iho corner ol Corilauui Jit 3T.UW Ot\ JV'f*018;, Hen no,umined suicide oi, tho 0th of March, 1S71, at No. 17 Jay street, where he then resided, by cutting his throat with a razor. Tne rni ?d? 10 partnership, although h ! y f0?1 c,rc?mstancos at the timo ol his death, .singularly lor a suicide, Kea loll a will wnrHTn.h^, 1? k"" ",',n tWolru benoliciarlcs who wore lo sharo In his estato. Among tuoso were the prisouor, John W. Montgomery, his broihors 1>. \v uli A. J. Moutgomerv and J. ft. Monigomerv f ' -v, ^rookhaiii, ol Knoxvillo, Ohio, .sisior of tlie prisoner, and six ebildreu ol a deceased brotUor, as also Mrs. Miller, wife of tho complainant lu this ca.-e. William A Miller and John W. Heu ?oro named as executors, but John W. Kea lailo.l to quail!* and th? enure ostate catno under the control ol Will! lam A. Miller. Miller sold tho real estate, and, as lia d'TI<lo<1 'be proceeds equitably among tluMe entitled to il lbo sum realized was (lM.ooU, that luslve ot the personal eetaio belonging to tho doredenu At the tune oi tbo testator's kUicido it is found In a'triinl ^i ,n m?n0y nDd sl*"''llios wero M.i ?L noVcr Pr"P?r|y ac.ounted lor. Miller, lhe execulor, on tho contrary, alleges that all the personal property which ever came under his con trol amounted to but $5,000, and that amount is now J"'in }v- Montgomery, the prisoner, was W?nk?I r0faU 'Courl Uy Mr- Van Winnie. The latter gentleman slates that Mr Miller Ibe oxoculor, wys very stubborn and caused a great deal of unnecessary litigation In the tottlomeni ol tho I tMato, but his conduct did not necessarily imolv Iraud. A large portion of the estate leu by the do ooued aoyolvod upon Miller's wilo, and hence the Jealousy ol tbo colegatees. OltlME BEPOKE STAIIVATION. A young man of sickly appoarance, giving the numo ol Robert Illvington, was charged at the Tombs Police Court yestorday with forging the name of Oliver Titus to an ordor for f &i on Herman Mat Held, of So. 3oj (>reonwion streot. Tho prisouer pleaded guilty and said thai ho was sickly aud unable to work. He com tn,"?C ii?? gCn' ??"'? Prison to slarva lion. Ho was committed lor trial. MAIiniAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Andiikws?Cucduil?M the roaldotico of the brtrie'i j mother, in Brooklyn, 3d Inst., by ib? Rev. H. M. ! Adam*. Moxtaopk I.. AmnRkWa to Mattib J. Clouuii, I All ol Brooklyn. No card*. liosiou papers pieiisi! copy. Cook??kk.?On Monday, April AO, 1877, by the Roy. JoR< pli T. Daryoa, D. I)., Lima* M. Cook to sUka K-, roungoul ctiiuiihler of tho Into i'nur See, all ol Brook lyn. So card*. Htiflnlo paporx plniii) copy. ? Chank?Jon km.?on Thursday, IIay !5, at the rest- , dcncB of tlio brhIo'k parent, l<y Kev. .1 H. Twicnell, Wii.i.iam K. Crash, ot this cliy, to A.vmk I?. Jonkm, daughter ol Hon. (liiuoel K. .lon>'S, ol liartlord, C'liin. WiiMTI?Massos.?At Do Kuytor, N. V., on Tues day, May I, 1*77, by Kev. J. Clarko, Kkmjami* A. Wit.*, ol Jersey City, N. J., to Ai.tra B. Maxsok. No i ?arm. DIED." Adams.? Mra. ASK Adama, agod 70 year*. Kelntivea and friend* ure respeotluliy Inrltod to in tend ber lunoral, on Mimlay, at two P. M., at the reii deuco of hor nephow, Jatneii Kvt-raon, 451 lat ku, Wtil Inrnkbarf. Adams ?In Syrucuse, on the 4tb Inst., Hakkiktt H. Adams, eldest dattgbter of the lata Kev. J. W. Adama, ot that city. lUiiKi'.Nuuuo.? On May <J. W. 0. Uaiikrviioko, aou of John and Matnllda Uahrenbtirg In tbe Kith year of bia an*. KolattvuK and fnenda of tbe family are roapectfully Invited to attend the funeral, trom tbo Kvnngeltcnl I.nincran (St. I.ucaa) Church, 42d at., between 7th and (stli nva., on Sunday, May ft, at one o'clock. Boa*.?Friday, M?y 4. Ukli.a, only daughter of Throdore una Mary Horn, aged 6 years andl) mom ha. Notlcc of funeral to-tnorrcw. ItiiN.iKi.u? At IMaluliold, N. J., Wednesday morning, I of parairft*, Hkkkiktta S., wilfl of Allrod Dounell, lu the 67 tb year of lior age. Funeral will bo held at draco Church, Plalnfleld, on Sunday, two o'clock 1". M. Traine loavo loot of Lib erty St., North Hirer, at 0:30 A. M.; leuvo I'lainileld at 6;:i0 P. If. Boyd ?Snddenly, May 4, 1877, Thoxa* Oi.ark Botd. aged 3 years mid 0 months. Holattvoa and friends are roscoctlully Invltod to attend the runeral, ora ibo residence of t>l? grand* fatber, Wlllism Iioyd. 335 Xstav.. at two o'clock P. M. 8UB?;oi;i.?In Broaklyu, Friday. May 4, Clarmci Lavtox inlant *'>n ?i Ahbie U aud Delamor* C Broun. Relatives and frit nil" of.lho family are respectlully Invited to attend the luneral, from the residence of ma emndDareut!!, So. 102 Clinton av., ou Saturday, ilay j at Ave o'clock P M. Tbe remains will be takon M Manbassett, L. L, tor interment. Ki-kcba*.? Iu Brooklyn, on Friday afternoon, May 4 1877 Euwako S., only son of Allred andSarub 1111 re fin in Id ttie iCtli ypur ol his ago. Relatives nnJ friend* a.e respectfully Invited to at .?art the itinera , trom the residence of bis parents, I "e av!, Brooklyn, K. D.. ou ilouday, 7ib mat, at two 'VIrolis -Ou Thursday, May 3, Michael Garolin, a natuo " county Tyrone, Ireland, m tne 43d year ol h,R^Si"ive? and friends of the family are ro?pocttul!J In vited to attend the luneral, Iron. hi. l.W residence, ?r Madison ??., on Sunday, May 6, at two o'clock F'. n, At Union Port, Westchester. Thursday, May 3, 1S77 Ma?'i* L Cox, eldest daughter of Mre. P. Coo no 11 y "ud goddaughter oi the late Patrick Currau, in lbS,&e"nn0dflrien<Uar. respectfully In vitedto at tend the funeril. ou Saturday. May 5. at lour o'clock P'cuovis._On 4tli lust., Katk Crown, daughter or the lato' Robert Crouin, or Aonadale station, Staten '^RriaiKc. and Irlends of the family are ranpectfully invited to attend lUo luneral, on Sunday, at half-past two. iroin hor lato residouco T7 4th uv., cornor wy k?iVvvNG|riAMk-Un Friday. 4th lust., Fbaxcm Co*. mnquam, native ol Kilmackshallagou, county Sltgo, lrTho wi'ff? andlriends of the f?mllyararospect. tuliy inviieJ to attend the luneral, Iroin bis lato rest, dmco. 208 East Broadway, ou anuday alternoon, 0.CtTKHiK.-On Friday, May 4, Flora Locim Curhir, aired 3 vcais and 11 iluys. oa. Ktiuorui private Irom roiidence ol hor pnrent8 238 President st, Brooklyn, to-morrow (Saturday), at UD?lvKu")ii.-Al Hoboken, Hrnhiitta Virginia, wi'low ol the.lata G. K. D'lvernois, aged 79 yea". The relatives and friends arc respectfully Invited tc attend the funeral, oil Saturday, the 5tli inst., Irora St. Mttry'a Roman Catbollo Church, Hoboken, at ten ? Doc it son.?On Friday ovenlng, May 4, Richard W. Dockson, in the 48tli year of bis ago. Relative*and Iriends aro reapectlully iniUod to nt. tend without lurther uotico, on Monday, the 7th inst., nt tlireo 1*. M.. at 237 Baltic st,, Brooklyn. Members of Delta Loci go, F. and A. M., osp'cinlly Invltod. Paterson (N. J.) papors ploase copy. Fkoiiwbix.? Max Froiiwbin, pharmacist, agod 38 y Funeral Suunay. May ?, nttwol'. M? from his lato residence. 7ti Colunibio stroet# COLLKUKIir I'HAItMAOV.OK TH8 ClTV OF NkwYoRR.? II em tiers and graduate* ol this college are requested to attend ilie tnn< rnl ol otir late associate, Max * rohwein, M UU residence, 76 Columbia su. cornor Rlvmgton, ou 'Sunday a.ternoon^al^two^clock.^^ jf Wtnry Goonur. Samukl (Jooubt, aged A a native of Blr. mtnghain, England, 111 tbn New York Hospital, April 'in is7V ol tumor ol ibo ankle. . . He was buried by ?agle Lodge, No. 53, F. and A. M.t knrowyhm!y' H? Wi'8 be'0VUd BUBIoK?D KUtDKB. English p ipors please copy. Grant.?On Thursday, May 3, of pneumonia, Ei'gksk, sou or Charlos and Sarah (.rant, agod -1 y0Tbe funeral will take place from the Churcboftha Pauliat Fathers, on Saturday, the 5tli Inst, at half past leu A. M. Relatives and frleuds are respectfully Invited to attend. Newrv (Iroland) papers pleaso copy. llt'NT. Wounesday, May 2, Mart Locuja, wife oI Isaac O Hunt aud daughter ol tlie lato Isaac Styles. Funeral Irom St. Timothy's Church, 57th su, neai Rth av. to-day (Saturday), ut one o clock 1. M. H n m kin son. ? O u the 2d Insv, Eli.a S., only daugh ter of Mary O. and tbo lato Charles E.,Hutobinson, aiTho"1relaTivos and mends ol the family, also tht Trlouds of her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah hadgeburj, are respectfully invited to att-ind her luneral, iron tho South Baptist Church, West 2ath st, this (Satur dav), at thrco P. M. u Krcwbuaard ?May 2, 1877, nt two o'clock!. M., Mr? KLmr \V. Kroosoaarh, iu tbo 66th year of her aga Funeral will take place Irom her late rosideuce. <o. 14S 141ti st.. Dear i)d av., Brooklyn, on Sunday, May ^ ut two 1'. M. Relatives and iriends of the family an refcpectlully Invited to attend. n?,_, t Kklmhk? E, Krvmsie, of College Point, u 1. suddenly, in San Francisco, on the 2d inat. KitEirLER.?On Friday, May 4, Brooklyn, Admb, only daughter ol Ulric and Mary A. Kroitlcr, aged I yC'?he relauves^lr'iend. and member, ol Lodg? v and A M. No. 461; Evening Star Chapter, No. -.5, and Nassau Lodge. No. 30, 1. O. of (). fully lariiod to aitnnd tho luneral, from Ursco ^hapcj High St., uear Gold st., Sunday, May d, at two o clocl '"'laxdrm.-Thursday, May 3, Jaxh I.asdkrs, aged JHf'u?i'ioral services at the resldonce of her g^nd. daughter. Mrs. M. B. Uoltn-s, 401 Grand st^Saturday cvonitiii. eifiht o'clock. No tlowors. Ijk Costtb.?on Thursday, May Krakow Lk Comtk, cliiost sou ol Honry W. aud Jfflta Lo Comto, agod 8 y?Rciativcs and lrlonds respectfully invited to attend tho funeral services, at tbo residence, nco'?*'. Central av. and Magnolia ft. Brooklyn, t. D., on Sun dav alternoon, at two o'clock. . 4 l/)FTtTs.?Ou Thursday, liny 3, Axnik, daughter ol Laurence and Maria l.oitus, at the residence ot bor narents. In the 22d year ol nor ago. Relatives ana friends ol the family are respectfully Inviti d to attend tho luneral, on Sunday, May 6, at two l* M.. Irotn her lato reslaencc, 102 Co.lar su Lrxrn.-In .Jersey City, May 3, 1877, ol mem briineotis croup, J. Acrky Lkstkr. only son of John T and Mary J. Lynch (noo Fit/.pairick). aged 2 yoars. 6 Relati'ves'aiid'friends are respectfully l0. "ln tend his funeral, on Sunday, May d, at two P_ M., Irora tbo resilience ol his parents. 679 Jersey av., Jereoy City, tbence to Calvary Cometery lor Injertnent. Mkrritt ?On Wednesday, May 2, Mrs. Blandix/ Mkrritt. in the fifiih year of her age. Burial at Marbletown. Ulster county. V. j(OTT. of consumption,, wife ot StephoD Reialfves 'and Iriends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sun-lay, at on<* o'clock, Irora her late rest ^*M?'oitATH0?o"n TbuMday^ilay 3, Michakl MoGrath a nativo ol tho city of Limerick, Iroland, In tho fiOth ^?FuneraI"f'rorn his late residence, ?0 Market st . on Sun"ay, May tt, 1877. at two o'clock. Friends and rela ttves wro reBpeftlully invited to attend. L'tnorick papers pleaso copy. Osi.ouxn.-On Friday rooming. May 4 ?'Wr? llngor Ing lllnoss, Mrs. I'hcriir L. Osror.M, widow of William 0hHor"r'olatlvos and friends aro respoctlully invited to attend her luneral, without farther Invitation, rroin the residence of Mr. John Wiloy. Harrison st, Orange, N J , on Moud iy. M?y 7, at hall past two o clock P. M Oarrlagos will bo In walling at Brick Church sta tion on arrival ol 1:10 train Irom loot ol Barclay st. and Christopher st. . J'kck. Suddenly, on Wednesday, May'-, 1877, joxa tnA* It Pki r. m the 65th ot hle aab. Relatives and lrlonds aro respectfully invited to at tend tho luneral, from his lato rosidoncc, 07 W llaon ?U Brooklyn, E. 1)., on Saturday, May ft, at twelve o'clock M., ami Ml. George's Church, Mushing, Long Island, at bail-| two P. M. Tram loaves Huoter s I'omt at 2:0a P. M. No (lowers. I'uvkm-On Friday. May 4, after a long and pain ful illness, Thomas Powbrs, aged 07 yoars aud - Relatives and friends of the family aro respectfully Invlied to attend the runerul, from his lato residence lfto North Eighth st., Williamsburg, Suuday, May 0, at two o'clock P. M. RocssriaLKii.-^t Fort Lee, N. J , "n the 2d inrt.. li.A^te of Philip Houry Rockefeller uud daughter o< the late John P. Wake, of tho abuve place. Funoral services will bo hold at the residence of r sistor, Mrs. George W. Rockolellor, at fort Lee on Sunday, tbo fStli msl., at half-past nine A. M. aud at Christ Church, Brouklyn. K. I)., at two 1. M. rbo ro mains will bo taken to Greonwood lor Intcrinenb ttei aiives aud Iriends aro invited to attend. Rl'TiiKKroRiK?or pneumonia. Maiiv K., wHo ore,oil lug wood Rutheriord, aged 63 yoars, 8 months. Funeral Iroin residence ol her sou. A11r?d L. Ryer, 2.HVJ :id av., cornor llSihst., Sunday, May ?. one 1. M. Skavkr.?On Thursday, May 3, Patrick Siavkr, tho 61th year or hit age. I ho nuiini will ho taken ironi hin reaiuonce, ni Toad Hill, S. I., on Saturday morning, ni nine o'clock to St. Mary's Church, Clliton, S. 1 , where a soletu ma*s ni requiem will bo oil'errod lor the repose oi Ins rioul; thence to St. Peter's Cemetery for interniont. I>ut>tin paper* please copy. Siia.nahax. ? On l'hurn.iuy, Way a, ol pneumonia, Philip Siunaiian, a native of the |??rij?h ol I'wu?i8i, county of Kerry, Ireland, in tho 60th your of IiIh age. t he r??IntiVCD and mends of the family nro respect fnliy invited to ultoiid too, Ironi >iih Into resi dence, 74 Haxt< r al., on Sunday, it one o'clock I'. II. ?mitii.?At OrienpolOt, May 2, Joiix A. SmTll. Tho relatives ami friends ol the family are Invited to attend tho lunerivl, on Sunday, the filh, at two o'clock, from his into residence, 7-4 f'rooraan nt. SrorTKNiitmoii.?At Cruftri, N. Y., on Friday. luortnnK. May 4, Makia sJtuutkshuiiijii, rolict ol tho late Jamo* Sinn enbur^h. Funeral on Sunday, at one I' M. Relatives and ir i'iiii* ol the lamlly are ru^poctlttlly Invited to attend. Vax Cott ?On Friday, .May 4, 1S77, Sarah Vax Cott, wife of tho lain I'ormcnla Van Cott, aged VI yenrn, 0 months and 17 day* Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attond tha funeral, at her residence, _'7o Rlvington St., on Monday, May 7, 1K77. at two 1*. M. Watkins.?On Wednesday, May 2, RMS Wathiss, aged A3 years. The luneral will tako place Irom lit# lato residence, '111 Division st., on Sunday, May 0, at two o'clock 1'. M. The relatives, friends and uiemhors of tbo Ma&onlo fraternity aro invited to attend tho funoral. WiLroRO ?On Friday, Muv 4, Mart, the bolovod ' wifo ol Thomas Wiliord, native of Drumshauibo, county Leitriin, Ireland, In her 77th year. The roi itives and Iriciids of ihu family are rcspoct? J fully Invited to attend tho funeral, from hor lato rest- : denco, 389 Kast 33d at,, on Sunday afternoon, al on* f o'clock, to proceed to Calvary Cemetery. > Youxus.?On Wednesday evening, May 8, Rbhfcca F Spahkk, wile ol George Youngs, in tho 73d year ol her J . Hie relatives and friends of tho family are respect- *> fully Invited to attend the funeral services, at her late J residence. No. 190 West 64th st., this (Saturday) alter noon, at lour o'olocic. * Zkisb?Al Yonkors, May 3, Jamks Zkiss, aged RS. " Funeral, Sunday, at two o'clock. Trains learo Forty# focond street deobt at ono o'clock.