Newspaper Page Text
_SITUATIONS WA^TRD-PRMALES. (ooka. ?vt I CARMINE ST.?a protestant woman as first tclaaa cook. 1 WEST :i3D ST.?EXPERIENCED WOMAN AS ?rKt class cook; underaiauds all kiuda of family baaing and dtiMrti; willing to go to tike count ry; good rul Kauce. 1 ')l WEST KD ST.^.A VOt. NO WOMAN AhTiRST A jJT,cw?? cuuk : baker; best city reference. mwiwt SffS st7? a "y7VFx"u wd'man as plain couk ; U u -rood baker and tlrit claaa lauudreas ; U> a private tiuuily; city or couutry : ,'ood reference. 1 9 ? W EST Xf ta ST.?AS F|BB* CLASS cooks make all kinds of cakes, ilis.erts and Jellies; beat city reference. 1H9 WEST~T?TH ST,?A RESPECTABLE YOU NO A?wuiuau it* c.iok, waahor und Irouer, or to Uo general Dousework lu a small private family; beat city reference front lier laat place. 1 WEST 2STH XT.?A YOt'NO WOMAN AH GOOD ItJocwik, washer aud Iruner; do objection to light huu&e work : city or country; good city rulereuce. WEST 40TH ST.?A TO (WO COLORED 01 RL ?a tirst claaacook; city or country; good eity reler IR/j" WEST JJOTU ST.,~ FUO-T FLOoE-YOUNG ?J rt'ouian; pond cook, washer and Irouer; good baker; no obiectiou to boarding house, 1 SUl WEST 27TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ACt'ae tlr?l class cook ; understands all Kiuda ol cooking; bus no 'ibjvctlon t.? a hoarding house; will UMist with tlio HWfali beat city reference. Ol 0 WEST 1MB "sr.?AS KMI Oil ASS OOOKt MAOtlioroughly understands Iter bualneaa; email hotel or tar ire hoardlug house; no objection to a restaurant. [)()K BAST St&fll ST.?KBSPBOTABItH I'Kotestant woman a* good rook ; will aaslst at coarse washing, lu private respectable boarding liouae; stood city refertnce i)Ou East utn st', in this, stork.?a ubspeot ^OUaiiia middle-aged woman in a ainull private family *? uood <*ook and will assist In housework ; a k'ooii botne more deairable than wniin; beat city roi'eretices. OilK WKST SSTB ST.?A GIRL TO COOK, WASH wUutoil iron or do bouaewurk; city reference. 144 9QH TTU AV.?A respectable widow woman uuUiii cook, waahor und irouor in it private family; city or country; reference. ort^i Vast vtfi st?a y ounowoman as V i rWt OuTciiuii cook in a private iaiully; beat city reference from laat place. BAS^ 'Mtff ST,?WlLMNO AMD OBUUIMO t)ii I fjir! to cook, wash aud Iron; uo objection to n board ing bouse; reference. " WEST~>2D ST.?AS MUST cL_ASb UOOK ; IS an excellent bakur, waaltur aud ironur; city refer 451 IWIQ BAST 10TU ST,?A VOUNU WOMAN AS EX l'" t/celieut cook, washer itud ironer; uo objection to a private boarding house; excellent reference*. 1 (WvU 30 AV.. FIRST TlOOR,_FKONT.?RECOM. AtV/VJ t/meuded Goiniitu girl as lint clan* conk, to do housework or aa chambermaid. No carda. Tffifi-SSOAJDWaY.-a SOOTCif WOK AX, TNOB liyiUumh cook, to take charge ot geutlouiau's kitcliuu or bearding home ; reference. A YOUNG GIRL AS GOOD PLAIN OOOK AND laundreaai williug to do general houaework in a private tamily ; bait reloreucs. Address COOlv, statioo L. Chambcrmaidi, ate. CORNELIA sr.?A OIHL. TO DO Oil AM BBR WORK in a private boarding house. 9 m WttSi' 47TH ST. U'RtiSENT EMPLOYER'S).?A youuc girl ua chambermaid und waitress. lin west aoiu st.-a uirl as first class i_LUcltambormald and waitreaa; will aasiat at waabm^if required; refereuce. WEST 31ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED girl as chambermaid and to dowaithtir; good reier eucua. "I Ot" WEST 3UTH ST~(i^EatrN'f liM l*Lf)YER'8)7?A J.OUvouug girl to do ohamberwork and waiting; city or country. 1 A u" WEST~aiST ST.-A YOUNCi OIKL AS CHAM A't t/beriuald aud to do waiting; willing ami obliging. ?VjT 7rU AV.?A EKSPEOTARLE YOCNG OIBL AS i?OTKchunibormHld and waitreaa; willing to do line wasn ing and Irnulng : beat oily reference. OTpJ-"KASr 741'LI ST. (PKEsi'.NT EMPLOVElt'S).? OuoA reapectable young girl to do upitatr* work or uon. ?ral housework In a email private family ; good reference.^ >J1 Q lAiT199TU" ST.. FIRST FLOOR, KRONT?RK OAOspectable Protcatant younx girl to do chuinlierwork and waiting or laundry work; city or country; beat olty rel ere nee. OOOWEST Mil ST.?A HES PEOTABLB YOUNG OfJOwotuuu as chamtMirmald and waitreaa; willing to DtaKe herself useful. A 97 2D ST., ROOM 12.?A GERMAN OIIIL. WITH \CJml I beat relerences, willing aud obliging. In au Ainerl eau family. E. P. A A r. WEST7.0TU ST.-A (ilUL^FcilAMRERMAID *I*i:tJaiid wallrosa or aa nurao In a prlvntu lamiiy ; city or oouutry. Can be seen lor two days at uresont employer's. KO'J WEST -itiTll ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?A YOUNG tJ^Ogirl ua chatuljeriuald and to utko earn of cbildiou ; trilling und obliging. 7JO 3D~*\7? A YOUNG W()MAN"TsCI1AMBER I t Omaid and waltruss and to help with the w ishing und ffoatug; good city rufureucoa. 1 2D AV.?A YOUNO i.iITl, AS I'll ST 11A i K eLUUabambvrmaid and waitreaa; willing to asaiat with the washing; best eiljr relerence. IOQft BROADW AY? ~PRinT~STORVI?A YOUNG ? Ai/Uvomln as clutmberuaid; no objection to the ?tuitry: Brat olaaa city relerence. YOCNO PROTESTANT WoAiAX 78 ~CliAMBER maid and waitress; must have Brat clusa ci.y reference for both; bo willing to wear c?na; amall family. Apply at 77 West 60th it., from 10 to 2 o'clock. General H?unewurk, ?&??. UDESBROSSES ST.. FIRST FLOOR, ROOM l.-A Protestant woman to do general nouaework; wagea moderate! no objection to tlio country; reference. 9"z. ALLEN 81'fTUMBKELL.v STOKE).-A RE8PE(3tI Oitble voting tierman girl to do general housework iu a amall lamlly: reiurencea. 1H7 WEtT IS ill sr.. I OP h LOOM.?A RESPECT 1U ( able voting girl to d> general In uaework; good waalier and ironer; city or country: no objoci,ou to a boarding lmuso. 11 "WEST 11T8 ST., BXAB HOUSE. NUT XA'Jfloor.? A roapectable young girl to uo general house work: Is capable, willing and obliging. city relerence. iTJi west luru .viC, on k FLIOUT OF. rear.-T\ iOiyoung Auiericau girl to do general housework ; is a good waaher and Irouer. r?o"0 WEST 27TII ST., SECOND FLOOR.?A YOUNG ?j?_Ogiri t? do houaework . good cook , best city refer, nee. (joit WEST 40ril ST.-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL ^Ovjbousowork in a amall lamity : Ave years' reference 907 west aSrtT st.. fp STAIKS.?A fuotbmtant faO I girl lor geni'r i! housework ; ua.'ea moderato. (jl&kitkt -7rit ST.-A RESPBC1ABLK WOMAN flTUt 1 do bouaewurk ; good plain cook, washor and iron er; i.ood city reference. 910 west' 5.7th' sr.?v youno girl for oen ^'xOeral houseourk or as chambertuuid or waltreas; city or country; ruforeaco. (lilt| BAST SMITH Sr., BOOM 3.?KBSPECTABLB O?1' 'American girl, Protestant, to do gflLeral houaework; s?ort iu tliia country ; eity or country; let'ereuces. OOA EAST 25TU ST.. TOP FLOOR. -A RKHPhCTA O^jUlile young gtrl to do ueuoral houaework; is wllilug and strictly honest; good releroncu; city or country. OO'J WEST 37Til ST A RI'.SPEl"! Al! LE YoFnTi OOOwoman to do housework; Urst class waahor nd Irouer; llrat class relerencos. ?)/*'I 8D AV. (SKCOND BELL).?A KESPBCTABLB il\J I young girl to do general housework In u small lam ily; uood r.-ference. A - A WEST r>21) ST.?A Yol.'NU WoMaN TO 1)6 ^tc/trhouaework{ city or couutry; good washer aud irotitr; reference. ',{ 1'9 STU AV.. BETWEEN USPU AMD 2STTH STS>?A Xl'^respectable Ooriuan girl to do reneral housework In 1 aiuail family. ri|(t WEST S8TH ST.-A RJU9PBCTABLK gFBL IO (Jl'?7do general iiousework or to do chamb.-rwora and waiting in a private boarding house. 21) AV., litlWBEN UftTH AND 86TU STS?A l/T' f/rosportatiie Lngliait woman to do 41'iieral house work In u prlvatv lamlly ; is a first rate washer und ir.nnr aud a plain cook; Is willing to uiaad iiersell uaelui: wi.uid go a short distance In ihe country ; not long id the couutry. llouneki^prrH. tvc. 1 O RLERCKKR ST.-A YOUNO KI'.KNCH LADV AS XJho?t?par. n"~w*ti? tarii ?t.. kktwkkn'.vVm andIithaVS?? A yoiiUK luily ik- bouatikaeper in h vrculk'iuiin'a lauiily ?r means. Cull ur kililrwt. Vtj WKST 4i'U ST.. M'. \ lt L NI YI-.USlTY I'LACK.-A TtUyouny laily aa bookkeeper ur ropylat ut homo. AUU'h ItK1U. ijo VVl.fiT 4'i II ST . OOUNRR Of BOUTH MM AV.. UOroom 14.?A youitK lady ?? houajkeeutr. ('Mil lor tinea ditjru. WBHT ittlJ ST.?A YOUNO LAKY, AM I aki.K .l'/Oantl retiuud, ua houkek?e|it>r In u KetiUe:aaii'r. family. Mr?. ST. J I'ST. ti<?- WKST KI1 It >T..*I IHST FLOOR, FRONT?A lis, aa houaukcepcr lor tmntlouiiiii nl iiiuuiih; copyist ut lutm.'. OiUlll'fU.V, l^jlj 7TII AV -A YOUNO I.VOV LATELY FROM rr*X?'Miiii|lp, Ala.. would lllie * Iiualtlon m ImineKui -r In ? tullncu ttvntlciiinna laiulO ; ? idowr preferred. Cull. Xiw AUUUSI IN i 2.SU wil 4Y., rt~R*l l I.'Mil: - \ Vol NO WIDOW". T?J J?Kcil II, a. hulls' keeper. I'all lor llirtte day a UrIDoW; LlIK Ah WoiiKIm: IIiiI Si.K KKHKIt"; city or country. Adilmi hUl'SI.KI'.Kl'Eli, Kasi New York font ort.oo, L. T. Ii?nn<lri<i4?i. ?fct. 3M1NKITA ST.- A KKI.IAi l.l-: WOMAN TO TAKK hoiuu Mill I ii jf m ud (iimiiu or K" t ? work liv the iluy. ??'o west 4itii sr., in nih siouk - s t) jel?>i la.indreaa; no ol'leciinii io ua-l-t with cli.nui/Oi m >rlt If required; tail /:lty relvienc*. If Ml WILLOW ST.. MP FLOOIt. HOBOKKN. \ III', 1 \J > i p.ji tntili- woman to kI? uuk by il.n day im tlr?t cliua latmdruaa or take it lainllyN oi ^?utlmimi/* w.-limu uiid Ironing; reference Ural clan. mW'Kiii IWIII sr.. ON K rH..ll. U I* RK\7<. \ IIr-t ulana Iiiiidieto h i ul b.. lliu il?y oi weuk ; city leTerenee. 208 WKsr MUD ST.?AS FIRST UI-ASK l.AlJ.v Ulll.SS ; oual city reference. (IUI \V i- >T I7T11 nr.- VS WASIlBIi AND I U( IN K U *??_)Uin it prlvitto titmlly : go'.d city reien-nee. EAST 1MTIJ ST.?AS FIRsT CLASS LAIN druij. bent city refo>-e lice. A 1)0 WEST ftATII sr.-A IIKSl'Ki rAIII.r. Vr.UN.i ^r^^liariuitn womim m go out wuahlng :md Ironing, Call for three diiya. -Q WEST I7TII ST A WOMAN TO flO OI T BY Othe Uuy to tlti ? nailing .ti? <i iron' or hi u- cli-.inltiir 410 458 7<Mi 3|> AV- lli.I.iL>.?A RKSI'KCTAIII I ' "l)t.lrl in llrat olima iaonrtrrs-. m.d una ,bjritial,i. .ood sltr rofi-rancu. t'uil or aildrvaa. 1 k)U() BROADWAY. KHL'IT SfORIi.?A YOU'.XI J.' " Mtotu in iim llrat cl*?a lauutlta a; no obltctlon io tba country; g. od city raforaiico >araci. tVt. (1 M1N I' TrA ST.?A V i',It Y INTl bUOKM C iU?ltl li f'ltlrl IHtrnraMi* clilld'i i.ur- ??; umlat witli oliaiuouiw k or ????inir; unaxceptlonable i lly iclt rt ueo. 1 r WAHHINOTON ST., FOURTH FI.OOR.~A fch lJ?tn?*bli warriatt tauall ?? Wat auria. srrrATiosn | \ul?r?. iV?. Qyl RIDGE ST.? V MARRIED WOM AN WITH 4 OTfresh u roast at milk. * V?*?? A O FAB* AT -??'EDIBii rKOrKiiTAlfWP] 4:JJi>etciu Infant's nnrae: ? By or c,.uii'ry 1~4)l< f.ASf hTiI HI ?HlmfWlt*Hlit. YOl "t ? ?? JiUu. uune and seamstress or eha.u'.?.rwore . . ? ? stros?; euuulrjr preferred: ip*? rrl?n?t? 1 " 11 WEBT JHTil ST., SECON D WTO It 1 ? K>i.LlB? , 10U?omu as chilil ur cblUtreu'e nurae; cllj of ? . reference. m\~i ?1HT ST . UPSTAIRS.?A YOUNG OK KM AN AuT'Miiw, wllh AMMr'itltr Mftnnw, Mlk b?o*?? ul milk, to it" liuri^- ___ m\IT"WEST 27 I'll >T.-VS PltOTKUTANT NORM ^UOor chambermaid and tudunjwluii; ? iiy ralerences. 04)- EAST 55f3 ST.. REAR HOC88.-A Y.'UNO ^^Owoman as nurse aud plain seamstress: uo objec tions to wear caps uml iinrous; two and a hall ?eers city relerence. Call or address. OOU WEST luril HT., FIRST KU.OR.-A YOl'MO ZOOwumin an nurse uu?l somustress to growing olilldruu or to du e .amburwoik ; willing au 1 oollglug; trustworthy iu every way. Can be seeu till suited. __ __ oTkii WKST ?>ti! St. -a respkct.uiLe yoing tlUZwouiau a? wet uurse; home a greater object ibau v.a-os; citt .T country ; wood city telereiice. ? >1 I EvST 4HTH ST -A GIRL. 17 YEARS OK AGE. j till to take euro of children and do light housework. ?.)- WEST 2.VTII HT.?A LESPEfTABLE Vol NO ?J ?J?)glrl as nurse and suamstress or chumoermald; beat cily reference iroiu lier last place. C all or adilresn. ill AV.-A vol KG, HEALTHY widow AS wnt nurse : baby two mouth* old; nood reference. ? 21) AV. KiilST KLOOB~?A RESPECTABLE vuv)?giii>D aa' nur?e; long experience auu beat recom mendations; speaks Gorman aud Ku;lisb. Call on or ad dress L K. ___ IV ANTED?BY A FRENCH WOMAN. A SITUATION VV aa chlld'a nurse; l>esi city roioronco liorn laal plnce. Coleman House, room 123. Waiir?t<ei, Ale. OWEST 22D ST. (I,AST EMPLOYER'S).? EXCBLLENT waltross and chambermaid in a small private rurally ; Is uot alratd of work; best city relereuco. Can be seen uutll suited. ^>0 EAST 42D ST.-NEAT, YOU NO GIBL AS WAIT 10.?reH* und eharabenuaid. or to assist with washing; ber.t city refereuoo. HUrxlluneoui. I "Q WRST I5T1I ST., HEAR.?A RESPF.CTABLE lOOcolored wuuiau wishes to do liouaeeleaulne or day ? work. Cull on or atldrcan UOKNi11#IA. 89? you v 158c worlc* ' JBBBHPi OOO Tin IITU ST.. RBUOND FLOOR.?RM Z^^x.iectaulo woman to uo out by tho day to waah or ' hou?ci'l?*n. OOQ WEST :?D ST.-a" REHPBOrABLB VOUNtl ^U^jOsIrl to do lit;lit Hoimowork; good city reference, t all lor two dura. ?~N KDUCATKI) AND ENKRUKTIC YOU.VO LADY A.wantK a position u? cashier or salodladv in an uptowu Mncy ifiiodn or millinery atore; ample refarenoe. Addrcia 11. T., bo? 13H Ilernld oUce. ___ A tocfiiBKN LADY WISHES A SITUATION IN TIIE A North aa compitulon to an invalid lady or aa liouac knuner * would i e re:idy by tlie l?t o' June or Jui> . city or Adtlrei KA'i'b UK VhRK, box S7 Cbarle.tou. f*. 0. _____ n"kI)UOaTKO UEKMAS'LADY OKI. Kits 11 ERSE LK as companion to a ladv or to asaiit In the cure ol clill lireII III a |..mliy oontoinplatinn a trip to Knr. p": -lie liaa ioiuj exDurlence in traveliiuit and can inuka herse i very UM lul III every re.poet, by .rwluv, Ac.; |io .u je oroucu. A4lrei>* A. ti . box 1>?? lUrald Lptuwu lirnilch olliie QOOnRINO ANl) OLKAKINll OK OKKICES AND Owhaliini; will be doue most accurately by Mri. UAMOllK, No. liiXI Waahinitton ?t., up Hairs. Intellluent'e For tub bkttkr oi ash ok kkrvanth, apply at the parlor* of tho LADIhh' PROTKUTIVK UNION, 1^7 West Utltb H LMMMfSEUA'T At;ENt'Y,f>43 ?TU AV.-KIKVT CLASS Oeolored servants, nulla aud Teuiale, for every capacity. PHOKKSSIOS A Li Kl'l't ATION 8WAS TED? WMAM8I. * " YtlUNti AMERICAN'.OIIIL' 'As" VHAXBENi'M \l'6 A or nurse to larifo child In private family ?. suitable place inoro un objoci than waito*. Addre?? Mrs, H., Herald tp town Brauoh. Wanted?by a you no o'erman lady, a situa tlon aa Boverness; able to teach 111 Krench, EiitfUah aud purtlouUrlv in iuuhIo. Addreti* UOVKRNKSd, Herald oflice. . . _ llKLP v\ a "K1RST clash SALKSLaDY?KULLY COMPETENT J\to take order-. Ibr both dreasea aud millinery In u larue private establishment Only tlu-ae accuatome.l to deal with the elite ntjed address, bv letter, M. A. CONNi i^LY, 7 East 10th. A SEAVISTRESS?Kolt AftoUT TWO WEKlCS; MUST have a knowledge of dressmaking: terms *4 per wee* uud day bourd. Apply, with relereneo. between 0 aud 1, ut 41i5 East 5Uth at. DRKSSMaEURS.-KIRST CLASS KIN 18 HERB wanted on Que suits. Apply every day and all dav at 1457 Church bt., top floor. P. II. BAtfCOtK * CO. THIRST CLASS UREHSMAEKRS WANTED?AT l->j X West 20tli st.; also a voutiir Kiri to do llubt nousewors. HvND EM HROlUERKliS WANTED?TO WOKK ON the premises KURSHKEDT MAN UKACTUB1NO COMPANY. U?4 South r>th av. r-ANTED-KIHST CLASH. SMART. NKAt' olRL TO f i take care of children and assist with light houaewi rk. Apply, bolore U?. parlor llat, U7 West tllst st. ; relereiice;, W'ANTISD- A OIRL KOR OKNKKAL HOUSEW ?'RK; Oertdan prelerred. Apply at 14U Weat ltWhit. WANTED IMMEDIATELY?FIRST CLASS WAIST and skirt trimmer*; luicUest wattes paid to coinpetuut linuds; must have wurkod III bust city house*; also button ho"" maker.. Apply M. A. CONN I lLY. 7 East 10th, ha.e ment door, butoro D A. M. .. WANTED?A lilllL KOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKS must be a Rood plain cook and laundress; wane*. *14. Oall at 11 Weat l'JOth at. Wantkd-a t;iiiL to ixiokni ral iioi skwork. at 1,770 Broadway, between 57th a id r>Hth sts., necoi.d flat. Air ANTED?K XPE RI EN C E D DRESSMAKERS. C.vLl. VV between H aud l'J A M. and 0 and H P. M., at ??!'? I loth st. MIM m. BAIan Wanted?a young obliging girl to do kltcbenwork of aimall private lamily 100 West 40th st Wasted a good, experienced nuksb iobr. man) who can do Kood suwlnit and l? wllilni; and obll|{ ln^ with younK children. lU'J Eaat 58th (it., between Lex Inirton and 4th hvh. WANTBD-A RESPECTABLE GIRL KOR GBNKRAL housework in a family of live; ri ferenco required. Ap ply at 2-J 7th av alter U o'clock this day^_ r\-.TI''-D?A GillL KOR GENERAL" HOUSEWORK, 1 ? wilo is Wlllinii to tnako hcrse f usoinl. Call at 4:t" East HtHh It. to-uav. AImi little ijirl to mind children aud run vrraiidu. _ ANThD-IN SMALL BOARDING HOUSE, TWO r irirls; plain cook, assist In washing, and uood dlulug im girl; wages, $10 and ?12. IWl West Hid st. w fjilil _ . WANTED?A GlliL FOR GENERAL UOUSEWORK; German prolerrcd. willing aud obliging. Address 357 West 44tli st. \I7 AN'iED-A SBAMSiBERS, WHO I'NDICItVI'AND W dri-ssiuaklug; good rolerenco reiiulred. Apply ut : 8 West tflh s*. , !i to 1 I o'clock. Wanted-a sntoNo young gibl. competent to do general housework lu a small family. 0-'> Bank st., between Uleecker aud 4tli sts. _______ AlTANfED? v GOOD COuK, WASHER AND iBONEKl W have ulereuco ; lamily small. Apply before 12 ut II- En>-t 44th st. ANTED a ? ? i KL i(? DO I'iAlN COOKING. W ? ashliif mid ironing ; refereneea reijuired. Apply, bo fore 12, No. West st. w! \ NTED?A THOROUGH LAUNDRESS. NOT VV uliaid of work. Call alter ft P. M. at ?_'? West ;ilat st. TITAN TED?A GOOD ClOK, WASIlElt ANDIRO.NER VV to t'li .aj miles iut'i the country ; wag sl|ll4; c.ty ro ef o .ce. Call at Mil East 17th <t., north end Linloii square, be twc- 'ii 10 Slid 11. Satorday morning AIT ANTED?A hI-.AMS fRi-i ? H BY THE DAY; Ml >T VV have i ity reference aud able to onerate on Grovcr k Baker machine. Apply at (U West 4sth St.. to day alter 12 o'clock. WEST ilD ST. ?PR' 'TEST AN 1' LAUNDRESS ?)' )' Icompetent to take entire uhartr of laundry of an lu? stitutlou; will receive lioina an 1 pait of prolits lu return. SITUATION* Vv A.VI'EU?.UAliE*. v YOUNG MARRIED'MAN, WHO 'IIIOROUGHLY Aunderstands th" eoqi|?oii'idliig of llniiors ami can fiuri fh b?si r l. iences. wt-sln--- a situation, or as porter ill a wh le - il? li' iisf -peaks Krouch, Uorinun and English. Address P. S., box 17*? Ili-rald ortiee. t Vol'NO MAN WISHES A SITUATION IN A tIEN" A tleiuaii S house ; citv or country. Address K. II. I'URuY E.uteru Hotel, Soulii Kerry. ^ t COMPETENT COLORED MAN aS KIKHT t'LAhS ^Vwalter.'e lamilv or boarding house; willing aud 'r:,' capable to lane charge . f dining room ; ho^teily rolor-uce. Address WILLING, box III Herald Uttown oilice. _ Gt ENTLEMAN'S NURSE -AN EXPERIENCED NURsE fi^ J! ,vnga/i-d. best rcforonces Iroiu doctors aud lust situation. W.KItED, box 14?i Herald Uptown office. Ukspe?:t vble color ;d waiter?call 120 Cllnion place, house No. 2. feeond (loor.^In '.^I'l' vENS Miri ation waN.ed-b'y a first c'Lxss meat Oaml pasir cooki'.eM refi'renco; eity or country. No JI4 West U7tbst., saloon. \lf ANTED? V >il C M'lON, IIV A JEWISH YOUNG VV III .11. IU vears old; wind ? -ale bu> iness prelerred; liest Of releri'lice from lust i inployer. Address J. \V? lleraid oilice. . CMC It KM AND MAL.UMM1CM. A ""a fcXrKltr \? KLI liiiOK K I KI'IK, IIIKRKSI'O V ilunl iml lloaneier, nt pru.nul In tlio umploy of a Ip?'Uiik wllnltikiilu liu'lru ill Moiitu'iil. in 'IttolroiiH il ? >bi ilnini; u po?f lion ttllb *r i>i N*? Y oruur Bnaloii, bUbmt rolrmietn uwl Mtfurii> Ad-i: I. II. >1., I** Mictiiii'i t., Montreal. "l >1 t't'ATIOK WANTED As RKGElVIMJ. Hill' . \ pl it nr tri'tinral il-rk ui #10 per wp.'l,. W., box 174 i llurniu iifiic*' \Tit.vviii i.m ok <;ood ABii.irv ,\ni> aTVeT .nn'rui'. willing pcriamicntly In Toxim autl work tiM tru le ill hortrill iU'*|rulilu lino* of iroads, >bfirllttf lliu <inniiiii?*iuu? ttiiii puiili. limy ad'lreiti A., box t:JT ll*r nld cfflsa. 1 )OOI\ K EEKhlt \\ ANTKD.?.IONE need aI'I'LY JJuli.i'jn llu r uglily -?\pcrium.vtl ami luu.lliid, Ilium <or r.?-)??>u11 In tlio i *"'i':u and IAiliiu-.n box 1,4111 Hmt 'ifli.v. I1UITMINH S M.i;? \| E.N WAffMD.- om.Y KIKHT cioiliin^' a*le*ni?n m>od up ply :it 274 Howery. ] vkyuoodh sau:.-man wanted?a fiust claim i J ?drt ?-bho(I? :n . n uiul window tlri-Mcr: initst bi> niuitrt and ( | nt ilv. Kt'KTIli co., Nth uv. VXri.ltlK.NCEW AOCOUNTAEI. thoroughly koij. JUrmril in Kri ni'li, '?"?ruiiiii, KiikIUIi, .^punUU iuiiI lliillu.i, il^ircn ii'wltioii; rwt'?r?nce?. AiMrris M. is. P., In.x "0 1'iitl oilic*. ilriMikljii. I. I? IJUS11ION AS Cl.hllv UK ASSISTANT wanted?BV , X n yuun* man, *u.i? -I ; 0 jri->r?' i xpurwure, l.i|tii<>?. ti-l rcini'; "tin . mo iT'itu. Atliiru n I KENTON, lioruld I < fJleo I O I ENiltiUAi'llEII W ANfED? O.M". UL'T OK WUHK, | Oi-riliiiK i? pl in I'HlHl, !or olio or iwn ui-ek* vlitf iiireiudi.t. Aililru II audi so, l!i ri lil nfllco I rpr.AVKii'.i'.n" w ii'ii hood tuyde. wanted- on j L nii'i I -iiiitry uiul I" Mill Initio*' <c>!l .r?, i-nflk, I lluin'urtr I'd .mif . At Aildre?? n. K.. box 101 llvmltl olllcv. rA TI'.U an liXI'Ei.Ii.nckd SALKiJtAM IN A ; ? ut-jiutf ?tor?. 140 Bowt/y. J riiRUKM ASU XliiKSMK\. \X! AM1K0?MlTCATION AS TRAVELLING HALKB *? man by an experienced man. Address MERCHANT, t ^H^vrlvr it, ClfVtUltd, Ohio. ) A.N iEL?--A flRST CLASS SALESMAN KOR Tllii r jubtiln.' trade. mutt tii' acquainted with the ' i<??rr? of tho city aud country jobbing houses. >*??. ?itli references. LIBERAL, Herald .ilticn. > n :? > situ ition, by as"EXPERIENCED teaoi-rapher ami telegraph operator; $1<> a week; imrwgbly cou.petuni V d J r c as KAN K WIN. Herald. WAWKU-A VOl Mi Mas, WHO IS I'liRKKlTLY ?? acquainted nr familiar w 1th tho Qua grocery trade, on the ti'4 ?i?le. and who in willing to inake himself generally ua?lul; state salary aud nTerence*. M. A B., Harala L'p towu oflce. w w \irANTKU TO SELL OS CUMMISSION-TWOSALKS * i idi'ii artaa tin- bwahMat af tellinu Saratoga Mineral Sprint: Water. Apply at No. It! I'ront et. ANIED-AN BXritRlMNUttD MAM To KXAMIMJt woo'leua. Call, with rclcrence*, at IIK'KS, STKW AKT A ROSENBERG'S, 1M aad l-.i Chureii at. WANTKO-A OBOCUra CLRKK; MUST OOMI will recouiiuendud and ready to work. Apply to SAW I'KI. TAYLOR, tlie Golden Kagle Tea Warehouse, HI Mont gomery at , Jersey City, between 7 ami it A. M. WANTED?IN THE HOSIERY AND OENTLEFkVH furuiaiuug busiucas. a situation by a young inau who liaa bud twelve years' experience; beat city reference. Addieas A. H.. box 13 I Herald Uptown oltlce COACHMKM AMD GAKDENEBft. VS'uAKDRNhR Its \ lii.K.iw, \iai;kIED ONE child; lully unduratauds ihu earc ol greenhouses and vegetables; the beat of refarauoa. Address J. B , Weal New ItrTitbluu. .-itatun Ulaud. CI o AC 11 MAN'S SITUATION WANTED -BY A MAN OK /experience : ttrai claai crooui aud dilrer; four year*' re ference, '.'all at preaent employer's, 10 Weat 47th at. C1OA0MMAM AND PLAIN OAEBBMEE-OAN MILK /and will lie found generally useful, by a young married luan : beat reference Addreaa KLKMSER, Demurest, V T. t1OA0ll.MAN.-BY A VERY RhSPECTAHLE COLORED /man. witu good city relereuce, aa Drat clnaa coaehnian and horau doctor; city or country. Address J. R., boa ItW> lleralu Uptown Branch olltl. GSRDKNMt (MIXOLtt) ; 5M)HROTA \ OS ERL'IT.' Ilowara. vegetables; call milk and take care ot home ; ref areuco. Addraai M. II., box "J07 ilurald ulllcii. OITL'AIION wanted?as coacTi MaN ANO(Ia~U Od ner; first class city and couutry iclerenco. Adureia 353 West Ufitli at. CITI'ATH.N' WANTED It Y A " PiIACT".CA|7~T:AR Oiiauer; single; thoroughly understands Ills business In all Ha brnnc .as, greenhouses. hot and cold graperies, frulla and veKiitablet, ami ull Improvements re<|iilred on a |il.i<ic. I" highly racomtueiiUod in the city. Addrena 1). 11., box 14 I ieruld ulllce. ?\irANTED AS liAHD NKK AND K \ ItMKit, liY A I T T aluule man : 15 yearn experience ; uood rolorcnoo. Ad drc..s c. D>, I li) Blaeekar at HBJiF \\ A STKD-MAl.g?. I NY ' I'EUSON* "CAN MAKE AN ' 1N Dl. I'EX IMCNT iX.livlDg anywhere with.mi capital. i'Al.LMADOi; CO., US2 Uroauwnv. ADVEdllBINO AND SI.' ItSCilll'TION SOLICITOUS WANTBDON DIltKCroilV WuUK; EEKKKKSC'EU KKUUIHKD. AI'I'LY, I'HO.M H> A. M. TO 4 I*. .M.. WALTElt HEUlllI A CO., EUBLISI1EKS, 3 I'AUK KLADii. B W AOEKTS AND TBAVEbLIMli SALEH.MKN (EVEBY liuai call at J4 Broadway, room 4. early. 1'iiuaunl nppor tunity. A. UEVlNUWTOfti. A CENTS W\NTED-liAHi:i:i.S OK 'MONEY; V cutiital. FATII.S i KE. 113 tirand at., third Hour. v about iu.' who Has Had two ykaus- hi parience In drut; store, at ItMl Ited!ord av., Brooklyn. PUBE tk as. -it EST l'EBMS to AUK NTH s:;i.i, to fauiiliea ami lai'ifo consumora. Tho WELLS TEA COM i'A s v, aui Kultou it. Naur York. rriTii "best 'thin.; 'oi t. mjents make iuu i-'eb Xcont. lt>V! Broadway, room 1;">. wITwaTnt' AN l~XI'EhTeNOED CAEVASMK"B~\D Vt dreaa, kIvIui; ralerence aud experience, MERCANTILE AiiKNCV. Herald i Bice. War maps, LAKfiEsi variety, pi/blis'iikd by I'.. STl'.IOI'.R.and - i Krnnklort at.. Naw York Sand for llaL Liberal tenua tu canvasaura. WTnted-oolorkd COOK AND (TpTrVaNTS. WHO have beeu lo acu Apply at United Statua Steumahlp Supply, Naw Yard, Brooklyn. WANTED?IN CITY AND Co6NTRY~To" SKI.L MY improved bit a otndcr. aockett rope aiiap, coupler and eye fur hard warn aud hnriiona ahopa, llvcrya, falls, nn al.i|i and larm ; dura away with ail aiiiicini; of ropea; amenta do aud can Iiiaku Spj per day ; acn l Mir. tu KV>, I will aund ita value in sample*. II. A. HARRIS, 11)5 Sanfprd St., Brook lyn, X. Y. WASTED?A "kOEEMAN ?V AN " Kl'TENSIVE m.oleaale clothiuir house; he inuat be fully competent tosatlalyull liiu rauulremuntt ot alien a uoaiiiou. To an energetic, able innn, wiio IhnrouKUJy utidurslauiia lUlsliuai liesa, a liberal salary will be paid. Apply to BLUN A CO., iio aud 57 White at. WANTED?A TELKOR.VPH OPERATOR, BOY OR young lady, at SJ.i to per mouth ; labor verv liicltt, Iroui U to :t P. M. Addruaa box-39 I'oat otlice. ANTED - AT toil DUANE ST.. YoUNG MAN TO diali up puatry during dinner hour. II? ANTED?AN INTELLIGENT' BOY TO ATriiED VY bar;mu?tba well reiouiuiouileU. Apply at St) Henry at., before 1> A. M. WANTED-AN ACTIVE LUNCH COUNTER MAN: one' who is a thorouph carver. No other need apply at PARK!' It S, Broadway and 114th at. WANTED?GOOD FARM It A N D S. P R OT EST A NTS, ?intoiiii ihetn one man aud wife; latter to cook, w<iah and lion; also experienced young man In trotthig tr iluiug atalile. Apply to LOCKE, 13ii Hth at., naar Broadway, a I It o'doe*. THE TUADEM, A YOUNG KRENCI1 BAKER WISHES TO OET "A place to leuru the Amcrlean cake. Addrasa 131 Dljvckci at., louin It:. VN ENOIN EEi: W \ NTS A "siTU"A7!'ION?EITii ER lor stationury or locomotive power: a thorrughly prac tical and competi'Dl rnau, 3U jenra ol age. with beat m rnf eruucea as to capability, sid.riety ami hoiii-st v. can b" ?e mrod by addressing N ECi'.>SJToL'S, box IMS Herald ollioe Li no! N K EH WISHES KM PLOYME vT ? seYukaL Fit cars' experlenc ? it? locom?tire euRluerr. Addreas Lo COMOI1VE ENGINEER, 70"I .td av. O IT CATION W ANTED ?AS ENGINEEE IN A HOTEL O r lactory, br a y.mng man who can do lilting ami re pairs; rcfereucaa. Address REPAIRING, Herald otlicc. SILVER CHASER W All TED?ONE VCCUSTUMED To tb) old Eu^llali attic; aMi-advJob will be given to sntis factory workman. THE ADAMS A SllAW COMPANY, Ul 2 Broadway. WAN TED-BY A COOI) MASON. ORDERS KOR Jobbing and repairing in all tho brauchi-s; wonld go to the country if ueccaaary . the best ot refcruuees givoi.. Ad dress A , box 137 Herald olllee. WANTED?A SITUATION BY A COMPETENT AND experienced cylinder and Gordon press iiau. Address J. M., box 1. 0 Herald ollicit WANTED-A KIRST CLASS NEGATIVE RETOUCHER to uu not lar iroiu the city ; altuittiou petmaneut. Ap plv to E. A U. I ANTHONY A CO., "it)l Broadway. WANTED?BY PRACTICAL SOAPMAKKK, SITUA tion to make acouHug soati, or granulated for lamily list; alan washlu r crystals of the latest linproveiueul. Ad dress SO VP, box 1'23 lit rah! oflico. X\T ANTED?A PHOTOGRAPHER WHO UNDER VV stands makltig lirat clasa negativja for p into en -rav. In no others u.<ed apply. PHUIOPLAiE KNtiRAV ING COMPANY. tn-Dnane. VI/ ANTED?KIRST CLASS PEN AND INK ARTIST. *' PHOT.) PLATE ENGRA VING COMPANY. tJ3 Duano at. SXliKii AT ACCTIOM. Auction half.. ' auction not/cM. A peremptory nail? of majcnlt!tr<!nt llouhotxdd Furniture nt publie .auction, on THIS l)AY (SATUliDAV), L I at private residence 120 Wont "J-Hit st.. uuur 6th av. [J I Suic commencing; tit 10 o'clock. K I 2 rosewood 7\, octave Pi 4 nofo net* btoinwuy and K Decker. I :j superb Parlor Suits. in satin. F | 35 pluces rare ami costly Bronze. ? I j 2 >iarqneirv i aMnets. 5* T J inlaid tud Siouna marble top Tablet. / | 20 Pari n marble .Statuetfa. G j 2 Sevres ami Ormolu Mantel Sets. ?/ K I S Pier and .VIantel Mirror*. ?-? U I 15 window' lace Curtains. ^ A I HO choice Faintinir*? by o.oim nt artlst.v L I 25 velvet aud Brussels Carjets. W D | 2 eiegant Library Bookcase*. ' 4 Library Tablet* to match. ? A I H ladies' Kscrotolrcs and Workboxes. [j j 4 Turkish Lounges and Chairs. 'X 0 I .500 volum s choice Book*. q T I 3 solid walnut l'.xten?ion Tablet*. ^ 1 ' 2 el- pintly carved Buffets. o | 24 DltilttK OI? aim. covered In loath or. N I 2 China Dinner and Tea Set*. ? K I 40 pieces sterling and Plated Ware. S3 h j 12 luatfiii flee nt Bedroom Suits ^llt and plain. U. I 20 white and black curled hwir Mattresses. I 24 French Pillows and Bolster^ Also Furniture of kitchen and servants* apartments. N. if.? Ooods packed ami shipped, <<oods *tort I in hoit*o till May 10 iw? ot charge Dtp nits of at U ? t lo per eeni. Auction noticb. urqi Auction ?ai*b ol handsome and useftil HoiiM-hold Furniture, Tlli.^ (Saturday) MOMXINO. May ? >. at 10 o'clock, at the lar :?? private residence .51 \\ csi 24th n., between Broadway and >ith av.,near Madison square. It tuannilh out itatin nrocaile latest *tylu Parlor Suits. ?5 rich Suit*, in ro;?a ami haircloth. 1 WAtfnllicont 7}, octave Pianoforte, Stool and Cover. 2 (decant Turkish Chairs. 2 Lounges. s ptiii i lace Curtain*.11??J Cornice*. |m Painting*. Bronzes, Vacs, Mirrors, Ac. ?J trill niavble top and Library Tallies; Imokcnso*. HiiOyard* veLei, Brussels and Inarain CiirpeU. 2 I' xtension Tables, Bullet and lea 1 ab:ml lofhiuihci .Suits, complete; Bedding. 15 Imir and Ifttuiitijf Muttresaee, Blankets, Ac. 1 (*?jots itlu-s,? hlna, Kllvei Ware; Cnilery, Ac Basement, Kitchen, servant*' r urn it-lire. Ac. A rare op portunity lor housekeepers*, the largest sale of tills season. N. B.?Take nrusdway or ,?tii av. cars. Hespouslbie men |u iitteiiduticc to cart, pack o ship ^oimIs for puicha?ers. ? h iv n mIh r itOTII A net Ion* ei t A Hi -M.K. t ?" ON ft KIIIBl I U j\. HaKKhit A CO.. 4Tand4H Llli^rtv St. We will this day iHaturaa>). >iay ?i ibccial consign mem of <dioic American and l.uropean Oil VaiutiuKs well w orthy the attention of art eoliectois. Tliey ire now on view as above and will i>e sold witlutnt any f*??? rvi Oi'.Oi<(f K I HANKS. A ut. linnet-r AUCTIOs HAt.K PKTKIt BOWK, Auctioneer. will sell thUdav. at II ?> elock, at No. i7 haul 2>Hh *t.. the t'onteuts of a iirst c ase Barroom, consisting ol liar Coun ter aud Hack liar, Mirror, t'i/ar Castr, three Alo l'umps and I'ipe, I'itiKrrtving^, Oil Paintings, hot water Urn, quantltiee iiluHiwarc, Silver Plated Ware, !'ab?es, C'hairs, .^tove, l>eskt HcrenBn, Ac Also Marshal's salo of a larec a^s irtuicnt of Bottled Liquors. LKWIS McOKKMOIT, Mnrsnal. Auction auction auction. Attention Uousckeepers. Attention. Imnortunt^d s?le TliJ (aaturda.v McIININO, oinfn- ncin at lo'a o'clock, at the ele ni.s five *t"rv hr??wn stone mansion NO. 20**? Wits- 251H ST., NKAK 7111 AV. ant Haulm hi Pianoforte and a superb I'pritfhi. maker a ., 'trued Cent i.uiai in dal: ?atln. cote lnc a.-d rep Parlor ulis. Mirrors. Curtains Bioir/u.n, Clocks, Cenvie. Hide and Console Ta?'l'">, urn meiit?, A .. e ahorate BeUro??m Sets, i edhiead-? Ureaeititf Cases. Washstands. Bureaus. Mat iri'sui*. I'illuvNs. Bo iter*. Bl.inkots. Hookcae* ??, Writing Desks, Library rai les nil Paintln)(V. Ktaveres, Ac. Dining Koom Kuruituro--ki^tenslon Tabic, Buffet, Chairs, sliver* war?- Ivnivc, Forks, Spoons, Castors, 15 eletfant Brussels and ingrain Cttrpt ts and a general assortment ol Household Articles. N, 11. 'x ods packeu ait*i shipped if de?ired. Sale iiofdile?, rain ot shine II. It. UAHTIN, AucUotieor. Take 7th, Htb or Oth av. eara I WALKS AT AVCTIOI. "a V^Mon sale - TTTm uXV: Villi* (Saturday) rnornliiir. cuiumeuclnir *1 lit o'clock Tho entire contents of orivate roaidcaci o, ?w tJU hA8T i?th *?'.? RJW?B,?t,aJ> AV- IKVlViU PLACE HUsliW OOO PI VNOKORTK. KINK COLLECTION OK BRONZES AMD (XL PAINT CHAMBER LI Bit iltY *A\ll DIN1NO FURNITURE. I urlors?hletfitnt 7>3 octav# Plauoforte, two magnificent I arlor Miita. inlaid irnmus. covered in expensive satin; lintidnoiiic mariiueteris Cabinet Ktaicem, with French pinto glass, inlaid; 1 cdentals, Hrouxe Croups, Figures and Statu etts. exornslyelv frame,! Oil Paintings, lace Curtains. Pier Mirrors, Loiitra and Consols Table*, voleet Bruasuls C urt)elk, Hugs, Mat*, Jfcc Chamber* Heavy mounted and inlaid sots of Bedsteads, l>rex?iuu l a*e?, V\ s?hntands, Wardrobes. Chair*. Itnckers, spring lied*, curled heir Mattresses. Pillow*, comulate Hulls iu reu* and haircloth, Lounges, Picture*, Kugraviugs, Carpets. Clocks. Ac. Library and 1 ?inink Rooui TurkHb Sets, in tapestry nod raw silk; Secretaire aud Library Bookca***, />e?k?. Library 1 able*. Bookstand*; 'J Extcusiou Table*, one a P'! i S? ^ pat to 01 sltdu*; 24 Lliuintr Chairs, carved and in laid lsutlet ^silver and I'lated Ware, Cutlery, lila>*wars. Two haudsome llautaud*, Stair Carpet* and other ^ood and well preserved Household Furniture. Sale will com mence at 10 prompt and will continue until 21 o'clock. v .. . ALBKKT KKAh.VI Kit, Auctioneer, .v 1*. 4>oods packed, boxed and shipped tl required, sale delivery guaranteed; wood* giored until June I free of charge. A ")!l Vs'!; u"l; " w.i. uniuuv, ai . '*? !?' v i item Lit. .vi.ciionker. WILL HELL tl.N SVTCRDaV. MaV .>, AT II O'CLOCK lii III' omens <>F Til K LATE JOHN A. OODMIKY Nil. 17tl BKoAOVAr, ItOOMS M AND 2H, T"}-: law library. two saki-.s. DEMvS, hook ami RLANE CASES, LOl'NUE, CI I.VI IIS, PICTURES, At.'., AC. By order of M. A. UODKUKY, Aduilnuiirutrlx . TUESDAY. MAY 8. for accouut EXECUTORS EDWIN lIOYf. DECEASED, FIN^wiU,S,E.W!,?" AN UM WALnVt PARLOR, BED ROOM. LIBRARY. DINIXii ROOM Kl RNITURE. AN" MANTEL MIRROR*. 'lS" hronzk cabinets, tables, BEONSM*. CARPETS. BILLIARD TABL . AC A?TUNIS JOHNSON. A UCTI0N8SB, ? old stand H7 Nassau st. This DAY (SATURDAY)". AT 10)* O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, H7 Nstsaii ?t., II AN'OsOM K UOl'SfcllOLD FURNITURES, removed Irom three private residences. PINK Vlv gUET, At IUJ.SSON. BODY BRUSSELS and In if rain Carpets; Moijuet Ktisr* ar.d Mats, French plate lior Mirror*. i?evoral Koiiiterators, ail sisea; several line railor and Ucdroom Suiin. curled Itair Mattres?eh and Jteii uhijr. < itrputo. some of which are 10 ytnis in length; Oil 1 aiutiutfx, rosewood ami jilt Secretaries and Muhic Stuuds, I'.tairereH. Ann.nres. Wardrobe*, Kitchen ami Hasemeut t urnitui'e ; iumi a lar?e s-??orlment ol Otfloe i uiuiture. i *uperi? roitewood Pianos; also a lot of Uue Bill In I'd Chairs ami Nportiiiif Tables. 4 UCTIUS SALK AY i'lti VATK UKSIOKNOET " MiitfniUcent liou^eiiold Kuruitiirt*. llliS (S,iturdiiv> MOIt.Nl.Nil. cutnuicnciiic at hi o'clock. at live story bi'owu Mtone private reside nee. NO. 47 WfcfT HIT 11 ST.. HRI WKMN STH AND OTII AVS runiiture, made to ordui lor present owner by La Dupre .V (?o.; ? BU 'OntfolHeaut selection ol line Oil Paintin.'s and Mroniic*, purehused by . .. ru'r while in I'urope. ? aTblWVVAi H)U. ROUNO 7V, OCTAVE 1*1 ANOKORTIi. u . im , V;li,A" UI'RlJllT I'lAN'Oh'ORI'li. PARLOR AN It DRAW1NU R?i(IM hUll'.-, rlclily curvod rmuwooj uuii uulum frunie>, cuvureil in criuiouu, tau umi poltl brocttde suiir. ??il voivluliie; 1 urLlsli an.I SpituKli Lonuut-a limy t'lixir., inlulil iiiHrqudirv will ,(IU i.'uuiro ana i/Oiittolu Tables; rosoweod Ktat(ere\ Cabinets, Kreucb plate Mirrprs lace Ourtsiui, Preneli Mantel Sets, HO da/ Clocks, .Mu?fci?l linxos. Library and secretaire Bookcases, Books, Library I ablek. I uiki?ii suit. Writing l>*?w. KrilNITI'llh CONSIMT1NO cluliorutr huU ululn Badroom Sol?. Inluld I vlll Bed Htuiidw, l>rt'*?lii'j I'nxoa, llnroiiu^. VVlisli>tnU~, Slnirlo Hod liS?' n"? h*lraoiI?prliiir Mult re*.ox, ta?iliur 1 lil(tw>>, Bluiikoli, luilei Sot?, rei> mid Dliisli Suit?, luurlilu R. Jf.J-'"!' ,1V.,!,.lrA Roclinini} l'liiiir?, I ouniitK. mi! I1 'H^'TUIIIi - Kxtuiuliiu Tubloa, Siuuljourd, V i 'Ulil'"!r- Mlvurwure, (."rockory. I.ibr^ry mid ,-ec ? tnlre ll'iiikouiPii, Ll .rury T*l?l ?, TiirkUli suit, two IUI1 nljtnda, \elvul. ilriiMuli und Iiiirruln C.irputu ; Kltolion, burviiiitK I' nriiituri*. Ac. ','}!"? Broadway. Sl.xHi avruuu or UDlverally iiluou ?ar? to 47 Wont liitli at. N. II.?(iooda stored, pucke'l or ahlupod if doairod. Ilouao luruialied la.t Muy al tlio cost ol Siill.i<00. It- ?' OAHHtk. Aurtioncer. ACOriQN-CLOMNU B( SINKS-.-KNIIRK MUCK w l"'l*turo*.--Auctlou lionae of , M. K. KAVOR, 1H Ka?t I4vli. ? Cciitliiuittioii sale. '"is Saturday and Monduy. at 12 P. M. prompt. L irife as aurtinviit naw himI aucood IiuimI Knruluiro. I'arlor Snlu. Brda, Boddmx, PIhihim, N Irrora. Carpeta, fnluiluva. Ornn inoutH. olf^itnt black wultiut and roaitwood ^ urulturo an I lulHctllanoouB unoda, Hmotlior with nil ill mid oili. o rixturoH. On bills .it #:nni nol? tlir.ii' mnntha acceptable to anciliiiipor. Carcfiil men to pack and aiilp. , _ C. It. KAVOR, Vuctlouccr. Auction'sai.k or two st.uiv frame dwell liiK, .?l)x77. on Rlveraldo av , n"rtr R!-lth at., on the prurnlawa. Ibia day, .May ft. ?t l'? A.M. by order ol depart inent ol Public Parks. St 11 IT it MYERS, Anctionaera, 0 Pino at. By van t.\sskm? AUCTIONEb? ?* Ollicu und aalearomu No. UL' Culou aiinnre. .Meuara, VAN TASSELL A KKaRNKY wiil nell THIS DAY, at in o'elnuk, by virtue of a chattel nun tcii-e, all the Eleicant Kuriiitura, Mlrrora, tiil l'aliitiuj;a. Carpeta, Crockery, (ilitaaivaru, Ac., of Trenor'a Lyric Hall, Nog. 721 and TSA ttlh n?., between 41 at 42d Ma., culnlatlnK ol u large auortment of Crockery. OU-? Warn, Silver Ware, Rauuca, Bar and Buck Bur. Shelving, Cooking I'tetiaila. Cliujra, lar|{e |jt ol Hutaa, in pltihli. ele?;unt Mlrrora. valuable Oil Piilmiiiirn, t'urpots. Parlor Milts, tontre Tabli s, ? breiiuiiK, Cornleca, copper Bolltra. Ice lloxen, Tabla Lluen, Ac, Ac. A! no, A Portable State, with Kcuuery, Drop Curtain, KootllKUlB, Ac. Cataloiruea ready at ollieo ol aiirtinuecra, or at mtle. By order of attoruey tor mon^a^co. BY JOHN A DUNN, AI'ctionkke -SAl.H THIS day, lO'j o'clock, at fitleirou.n. Of (Jrent Juui'? at., a vory iari;e variety of black urnnm Ktirnlturc. ItidMead. Buieaua, Ac.. DIiiIiik Chalra. BrunaeU und in^ruin Carpi ta. Iluiraiiil Hush Muttroaaei, ?ix patent Irotiliiif -klrt Hn ird., II iiKatflle Table, llalla and Cuoh, Movea, Mlirora, Crockery Tinware, Ac. Itealem Invited. BY VAN TASsELL A Kl-.ARNKY, A I'll riOMBBRE Office und anleirooin 2'J I'uion suuaro. will acll on MONDAY, May 7, ? at Itt'j| o'clock. ?t the private roaidniicc No. Ill K.aat ttoth at., between Lexi Ktnii und ttli av?.. the ontire Keiiti'ol I-urniture ol aild houae vli. Rlonaut black walnut and xllt Parlor Suit, In dr:ib and bine rep*; ; Turkish Loouitea, Armcbalra. Fxturklou DlniitK Table, mat I ble top Bulfi't au<) blank wnljut Climr. to match, eotta e and bluck wuluut Chiiuiber Kurn.tuie. elegant Mantel l Clock* mid Mirror*, Mo (uotte and BruaaeU Cartieta, 11all Stuml, Kitchen Kurnlturu, Ac.. Ae. CI ASH VDVVNCKS -RvNOIN.i K COM TO y$5H,iK)tt, inadu on Stocks of Murohuudi^e. or, it preler aide. ?toek< will be bought. Addreaa, In full conlldeiice. INDEX, lleraid olllce. ' T/XECiri OUs' SALK TO CLOSE AN KHTA I'K.?TO Pjb i ?nlil on t!??> 2-lth day of May, the Karin, formerly own d by Oerard Crane, deci-naed, comprlaliiir uhout acrui, one mllo from t^rotim l-'alla, ou the Harlem Eullroa l; ? III tarin U "illtnbly divided into meadow. i>r>.ilnt and woodlund ; abundance of water Irotu never f illing *prli-.-a aniistreama; Hue atone manaleo. built in ruoat thorough uiiiDiier. Ti rius Oinv; made known on day of aalc. If atormy aalo next fair day. TIIAItl)!.l S CRANE and) B CHARLES E. LKE. i Exucutora, Somers. Went Chester county. N. Y. For further particulars apply to EDMUND COf'FIN. 77 Cedar at.. New York. 1/ CuLTON, AtfCTlOfiBKH. 1 ? salesroom 5k*? Hroudwuy tioar Houston st , will ho 11 on Tt KiSDAY, .May H. at II o'clock, ut the furniture warcrooitiM 08 Hloeckcr at , the ui.tire rich htock of ?'al>iuel Furniture of It. II. (J. Murphy, who la retiring Irom tho busine**. Rich Parlor. Iivdrooiu. Dining I too in uml Librar> Furul ture. Catalog uoa will be roady on Monday morning. / i KONlLJsBKUU. aIuvTIONK KR, SALESROOM it J 4 \ I .Ka*i i:uh st . will mjII ou s* ii day. May 5 ?u I o o'clock, u KtMiorul UHHortmoiit of inagniHcunt Household urnltnrc. ? ejiaiit Parlor Suit*. Mirror#, ro*ew?>od Piano, Tafjh a, lJu t> ii it a, Wnshstanda, Chairs, line Safe, llcddJuj;, Malt ret so*. Iceboxes, silver, copper and tela** Waru, Ac. l s. W?1#BKKGKK, \ I rTKi.N KKi;. I ? 1 i usehold Furniture, Plated W'nro, Clock*, Ac., thin d iy, Saturday, May 5, ut 10>? o'clock, at salesroom, 7M H"iv cry. h Ihtku and general assortment of irood Household Fur ti i l it re, fine Sowing Machine, Kanife. uti invoice of (inj Clock*, two D<?*k?\ Ac.: 'ii consignment of Liquor*. \\ im.-m Cigars, Shirt*. Olothluir, >oun, Mirrors, Ac. Healer* invli- il* A I Nl'SSBAI M, AUCTfONhKH?itU BOtVKRY, *KLi .tf i?l ?thin dav, H?># o'clock. 1 M'J Oih av , elegant Store Kix tares, hix aiiverplaten Showcases, lartre Mirrors, Reflectors, Chandeliers, (tin** Side Fixtures, mxrbiu ?hU Hasina, Counters, Fixtures, Ac. Positively In lot*. MORlilAUK SALK.-VAX TASSKLL A KKAMNKY, \uutloneurs, wiif noli by uuction, this day, at IOh'i* och, at 1 !I0 Keade *t., by virtue of a chattel mot^e^e mate by Ouniuer to \\. II. Carrall, dated May 4, 1^77, on 1 tine ? Tunilnif Lathe*, 120, Ui and '.17 Inch; one Jlorluu Lathe, one Pinning .Mechle, otic Nha|>ln;*r Machine, on ? Templet, two Bio worn: all 0>" shafting. It <111 n >r and ?mall Tools in tho machine shoo IiitJ Uoade M IIv order of lien I V. Carrall, administratrix of the ealate oi the late W if. 1 Carrall, deccaaed. Pawnbroker's half: watchk.h and jkwki. J ry. ? 11 H !'. I?l>rt, nenoral Awct'onet t, *irtle?irooin V<? 1 r>'J j Canal St., near Huwory, will a II on Monday. May 7. at II. IK?> lata irold and silver Watcher diamond and jroid Jew f iry. Ac.. Ae.; also Silverwares Opera MIiisho* Au. My ornur | Henry McAleennii, nth av., and Htiyrh McAleeiiau, 'id av ? pAVS NHKOICKK S HALK WATCHKS AMI JliWUL- ' I ry ??U. M KLl>. ixcncral Auctioneer, ?ale?rooin I.VJ4*aiial it., near Hovrery, will ?ell on 'J'ue?day. May h, U| II o'clock, ?HK>lot*tf"M aioi Nilver Watcli s, <liani<*nd and {(old Jew- I ciry, Ac., Ac. ; alau Silverware, Opera tjlaasotf, Ac., ?tc. My i ,, . ^lni| -?"i ? I'?? . i?? - li"^ - rniiK Mi s*us. lkavitt, aucuonkkus 1 .lOM'A'i MO H.N | Ml, Mav 7, at lt? o'clook, in Chr.ton Hall. An?1|;i)oo h nnle? John II. IMatt, tts<j , a<t*lirnec. i'alance of the atock temainiu^ frum the eftectii of iho late linn of J. W Sciiorinurhorn A Co., a lar^o variety of uialerial, luelmllnK 40 Health Lifts, fitted ready for uae, Ac., Ac. MONDAY MORN I.NO, May 7. at 11 o'clock, at residence 140 Went 58d at., buiidaoiiic iluuaehoid Fii'iiiture, modern Parlor, Reception liooin. OinliiK Koom and Cham* iter Kurui ture, Weber Pianoforte. Ulch Axuiinnei' and W ilton. ('nrp? ia, .lapanene Mron/ea, j Oil Painting*, line Pltotnurapli*, nuoerlor Hcddin^, Ac. Permit? to vi?lt tho houne may ho had Iroiu the Hiietioiieers, Clinton Hail. WKD?rBHDAY, TIILHsDaY and FKlliAY, May 0, H> and II. at Clinton Hall, on exhibition vlouday morning ORE AT OUIKNTAL HALR! Turklali and Japan<*?e Art?the flucNt diaf)lay ol Turkish Oooda evar made in thla country-Japaneae Curioa In Jade, it roil/eh, Ac., Ac THURHDAY MoUMNU, MAY 10, AT TUB NKW SALf UOoMS, CLINTON HALL, ON hXIIIIH I IO.N MONOAV. Great tale of llouaahotd Furniture, ali-trant Carpel a. Ac , Ac. PK1DAY and KATUHDAY~~KVK.Nl.N'OM, VfMy II ?nd 12, line collection or Hooks. On exhibition VVediiftiiday May 0, to be sold Friday and Haturdey evenlnga, May 11 and 12. Caialoifuua read), MONDAY KYKfHNO, May 14, and following etenluva, aale of Kntrliah, Amerlcau and apauiah Literature. Uatalouttaa nait F.TROPICA* KTK.IMNHIPs. rrilE AMKItll'A.V MrKAMSIlIC UOMP4\y"~"~? CAN KLAC. av'|d''' *jj" lMBRr ?..d VTKDNthHAV ifi^Uv^ol ,r'"n j TliK BKfl I?UK LINK HTFAMXIIIMU Carry iu* tbo llol;;iau ?uj ( ?lU!li *.??,. w!,IP8- ? , ?vory twi-lvu day* alternately fri.m *ailluif ; Vork. Ulroct and oolv ' rluuii?lpiii? and Now | ? , TO ANTWKKI*. ""** 'UT".KVl'a, ??Vt r' u 1 ? '10 u .ppiv i? 3<i7 Walnut -c . Pbiiartolphla. '.2 Broi "1 M!!a5uU"E;m-Nm" r:,ii--'N'io!!\l " 'u'.V At'.. At1.. VIA KoTTKKUAM JTZKRLAJiIj, ?Stoamrr ('ALA\ I) tsnsssr r'r:?&" Kl .VCH. BUVF. it CO, L^UORKM 27 tah wuiiu,,, L M XVKw ? (MorrU ?ur>>|ra?u K.xpra?). Great wkstkkn ktham.shif i.**- ? TO HKIHTOL (K.voi AMI) UIKKCI roKNrA''1?li,;[,1i;rJ-1 ,i,vur!?"?-= tii/M KKSKT,!,, IbuiMlay May 3 '??!?" piuwacf, ?7i>; iin?VmV<iUt*"?y; *?'/' current*/; 0\ciir&ioii ui'krit>i ...? . 1 '-?e, w), ?aU?.*W. Appl> lo w. II. ??.??.! (u-naiid link.?b. AWftjr A. it m. *. ?. co. With it view i? aimlni.l, tl u cliiiurot ?r , .m . ZnZ'rr ""U l"k" " ?? <" ?j"?ru?un? uf v-r,t nothing to the north ol 4:< latitude, or ?*,"u'iJU" - ??? HlJVTIlI v . . VW Ma " L'V Ai\iK!ii "KWSl('VVN' ??i;.-SIA \v4V>uy'ml iioTH V V a e;' ? Htoiifiier* marked <?) do not currv vt,.?rn .,'.'.1 1* ' y iM) Ciiblu (m^situe. $80 $ I oo 1111(1 *r?i t T ***ttl,Kcna. connnouuiiou icfT:.;.:u.Zr:"" "' ""? l?wS:#,"-k""U'-"J'r ' f iiu'Opo ?, very,t and pusiguuBlcu No. 4 li,?,|iuif Urtlell. WH.TE ,;ak '? ?? cah it vi^i" Vh i! nitk i,1' v"''Vi'ui m s"v '""8 AuufATio" lu ??'' A" >??"'Ur.'uIia.,he' \'?y ?'?. u a. m. UKKMa.Mi' VI?V I-'. I I' V. reii>oinil,|u ti-r!U'. Nio. i u-,'. (,-)? ? '' ' rjl"l,i ticKot* oil ZT:xr\^ ror- pu...i Co111,,u,Mi'J;:V'It'rV,,I[w,.'y1.''nuvv" V*o.'iVU''" 11,0 ? _ u. .1. OOIITJW, A -eiit uro?A...Mpr'i,,. ?/\K'V 0 , l} ubifi.i6fV.?io<57o; stofrHim ? ?n * A,M# Hr-I? 1 tf*c.uJ#l011 ticUetH lit reiWeii riite. otate LINK. ,;>Kw;v ?^.^iULAA^?i!i;^rir?itucuux' HVrA,?,PW.h>N^teifnt?r KTATU OK NKVAIIA ? 11l l,ui,sa,l>'. "> 'I 5iry !,i tu'.v 'V'-V- ?: STiSKUAO, TIi k'iA"< ':,! r ,,Jli*?v. N"?" Vork. TII K tiOl'il'AKV'M uht}iM ? liUOAl)W'AV A \ Ii AT K1VEII '?OOTOl*' CAN A L .ST., NOKTll (TTHK VwrT,$;V!? iT|-A*Ti0 UOMP.i \ V. 1 >VKKN N, w 'V,;OA"*ANV. BK win tt>dnes,li,y. ",vur> fu?l Morton ?t , ev.-ry KiiANrK' la,'1 -WoanindHv, vHv |. M ?i'KUKIItE, lluure odhiiiiluy Miiy III. 7 -il.? A v. efi!,"3?n! '"? Sl"-"'"1 ' -blti.tOii Tblrit Meer?in>, fail. Including wine, tiedillnir nn<l utaiixlin Mr.e ?/i?i'|u*L|Ji:,o'0t"1 '*!ui/wf,eorilintf to'"?c".'" K^'lnZ' !,lX^VV'y rednoeU r"le?- ?v?'l?blo tliroiiKh flo.imcri niiirkml thai ? do not carrv beii^ci*. i4rry pa*, l or pHK?Hi(? mill Ir?l?lit apply to LOI.Is xiE Ul'iltl AN, Auent. 55 Broadway ATojitu OK (ill AN LLOVll. Breuieu!'"* 1""' 'J"tw, lu -V?w V"^, Houthauipton and Mn7lirn>',^l<r' ,loot J',' -U "obokeu. oDKrv.v^:?&1!r,I51 "? or Itriiiuan fr"m ^ V^k to^L.UhuuM.^i.^li^v^ i?old ; Scoomi (-'ubiii ...i i 4?i?) curremy. Uolut u tickets at ruii i'n^.l fi! ' SV,'ar,l^L' ?Itfera^e curtiflcutcu. curicucy * ,cetl I reimid ror freight or p*asuju< up- lv to 1SU1V - t^glOfiB 4; CO., 3 INMAN I.IM, . firv ^Ku,#r^sl'OWN ANU elf* !!r ?*}?$*>* ?: .Saloons, ktataroonii, ^oUi.1|ea.n, 'g?n'da3 Bro,d"ay. N.^'Vorit H"m5TO&s?Ait ?? > illm on I lESU VY NIlVaIia u V-'1" l'', r.44' Ni'Hh Mlvir. u llitormoilliitf, WO; .* to'"iii ru I 'll "'???'niror* book ad to nnU Irion 1'urU 11 7 ' v hw?d?u. Ac. Ilmfiaoii I ..I... i i ! ?'<1111 t>urjr, Norw.iy. iimuy ai "owe "rl '> and (j.r! XT AT. V , W-"'''-V>'-H- ''"' llrnmlway. VTATIONAIi link t IM..KS NtiM, 44 A xO ,M ,T II.ILL/Nil >OK U'>'?>N '? -? " I2 * H-_ fcw. J. HI KM. .M?naAr. AJCBUBdi AMBttiOAN M. Kl., OAiPANi'l THTk miHiA *;:> '7 'm i .? 11 Xny-> Latu? of partfiiire to I'linnul , i i {l btir? ,,nd ail ,...?,.t lo 'l lurlanil: . r "'C ,'|,, i".';: 'J""." ?Svvond 1 uinn. #*ii. mild St. .? u ? ?<?? ? : ki mi ,ki,i .v ? ou s (ifiiet hi A 'cuts, <.4?n?r.i! I'?, . "V * <51 Hmih.Ui.. s. V ^nnr,i ' I*"'Utiler \k*uU, _ ' lir? ?u?l\< u v y \yjLHON LINK-KOU S<)?; III .v mIm'on .\i, H., 7" H -all'iiK Iron, p,or .vj^,, ,]n^ l' lr?t cabin. J7u, curr'onry; , i J^.V, ^? - ^"V IM l'.xcur.lon t!cli?i< v.-n laV.raliluu'rio't ihr u J' liiuu.l to Contliii ntal and Ualiic D..rtl An, |u V - !,<k"U tiouiar. toCllAKLf.s I. U Itli.iJT ,v So/ut, 1'" tOAS I W !?K STli.V.II iljIPs. rP? P" ILAIIi .Ll'll ? A W A VIA 1'fcNNSYLVANI A RAILltOAD. Til K OLD KSTAHLIblILD ICOIJTK AND SHORT LINK lli'.TW I'KN NEW YOUK AND PUILADKLPIIIA. Thirteen Through Train* o ich way duilv. Ihroc Depots in Philadelphia two in New York. Double track, tho most improved equipment, find th ; fast est time consistent with absolute saf?ty. Kxprcs* trains louve New York, via Debbrosaes aud Coit luudt street ferries, u. lo.low*: ? 7:3<?. H;au, ttf.UO limited). M . I, 4,5, #*. 7, H. '.O P. M. Holiday. i? A. .M.. ?'?. (I, 7, h;jy> I'. M. Ueturuin tr, trains leave Phi I ail yl phi :i :i :*_ii >. 7, 7 $<1, N:!tfl aud !l A.M. < li in lioii expres- 1 :.V? 1*. M.), I ?:*?<#, 7 and 7 .T? l\ M., and I'J midnight Dai ,**unday, 3?, 7, H:<|0 A. M., 4, 7 .1"? I* M. ami 1U midnight. 'ticket offices. ?Vjfl ami 1'4 I hroa<l.\a>, No. I Astor Hound, ami li ol oI Desbrotise* and C??nrflandt nts. ; No 4 Court -l., Brooklyn: Sum 114, llilundllH Hudson St.. 11 obok <jti; de pot, Jersey City. !.migrant ticket office, No, H llattorv place. KitANK lllOMr-OX, I* P. PA KM K ft, General Maunder. ( Jen. Pass. A cent OLD DOMINION SIKVMSlUP COMPANY, nailing from pier 37 North Kiver. For Norfolk, City Point ?im! Klutimoud, Tuesdays. I hurs diiv:? and Hliturdu) ?, at P. M., eoiinoclhij; with tha Virginia and Temiea*oo ..\ir Line. Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air Line, Cltenapnako and Ohio Kallroud. an<l n'lth the coin fany's steam hue* to intrrlor point* In North Carolina and 'iijfiuiit, Newberno Mini Washington, X. (j, (via Norfolk), every I'uesd iy, flmraday and haturdav. Lcuo*, Del., Monday aud Thursday, at *i P. M., connecting wita Maryland and Delnware railroad** Passenger accommodations unstirpassod Through pUHgrr:e ticket* and bills of lading to all points at lowest iat?*. Insurance to Norlolu. Ac., par <? -lit. Pr>dght* received dally at j?i *r :i7 North Kiver. ? J moral office*, 1M7 Greenwich st. N. I* McCllJ&ADY. President. IIAVAXA, DISPAT( M LINK, CAKdYlNf* THIS 1" I'nited Statu* mall.?The npl?*iuJI ? m w Iron 't<?amer l. |f) C1KA.NDK, !!,?">'r i tons reylstor. .lame* ftol; er master, will null from pier -O Kast Kiver n Saturday. May ?. at n'olocl; ; has splendid accoinmod itlou lor paisciigor*. Cubln. # steerage *-"?? \pply to ?FaMHn L. NVAICD X OO, 11:t Wall at. VTKW YOUK AND lf \V\NA :MKI?.< I MAIL ? INK^ lN These first class st'-arnships will all at'i i' >1 Ir on pier t:t North Klvrr, loot of Cedar si., f'?r llavinn direct, as fol lows:? , < OLUMUl'H Wednesday. May!) CLVDK.... >attii<jt&?>. May IW For IVeiulit and pu*?a;re, having utisurpussed wc >mi;io la l'""** r. < I.Y1>K ,t ?'?).. Nil <1 Hnwllng ilre.m McKKL.1. Ill, I.I MM. .? I'D.. Uiintali! Ilttiil*. "LIOK NKW OUJ.i.AN."> Ulltl.lM'. T 1 11K CR()M A'KLt Ll.iE. The steamship KNICKEKilOt'Ki.K. ? nptalii Kcrnhle, will ?ai* "ii Haturd ?t. May ?"?. Ht t o'clock P. .M., from pier No. 0. North Kiver. Through hills ol lading viveu to Mobile nud pr^ucipal points on the Mis^l^ippl Kiver. Cshlu pa??ta^e. f.V)' ste?*? i?c, ^25, ApplftoOLVltk A SI AM VS. <d \V Ni t MOK(#AN'H LINK TO NKVV OKI.KAN.a AM.) TKXAhT The steamers will sail from pier t North Hiver as fol lows ? NhW YOKK . Saturday. M ?y ft Kor New Oiluans direct, trantferrlnic Tex ?s fre rJit tlo re to Morgan's Louisiana aud I rxas Kailrond for Moriran Cltf, theme pci Morgan's steamships to Texas ports Itnon/h bilin oi (adin^r signed to ail points on the f|U*l*di>pi Kiver, Mouth, <?alveston. Indiuuoiu, Corpus I'Tiii^il, Kockp<??t, ilrait * Suntlaro, nrownsvflp* and to all p dots on the lf.?u? ton ami l exa Central. International aud tlrettt Northern Texas Pacific and rran^Coutliie ital railroads, irelght for St M ?rv's ..lid Fulton lauded at Kockuort Hau Antonio height taken via Ctmro at reduced rates 1 iisurani ''c iti be elfected tinder open policy of the line. To New Orleans. ^ uer c?r?t; tt? i'exas ports, T? percent, For frel|(ht or further information anpiy to lit)OKU'T A Mt?ltt?AN, Au nts, oillc t, pier 3d North Kiver. I.10K N ASS AI'. N P.. DlKH I ?KKiil LAK MAIL I ste iriMhip CLF.OPATKA leav? s New Vera Wednesday, May JU. at 10 A. M. aiLUUAY. kLtUkiA A CO.. tU ??sUi aft. COVITWIMK STKAJIHIIIPS. hvill MKItMUUA. SI. OlOMt.- \M? WhhT INDlKiti ? TIim dlt g int British nl?airi?ri HKKMUDA ?ud CAN1MA. ? > lo?| M ?? ? '? -t ni M iv 1<>. vi H' : 9? lom a regular weekly line fur Bermuda direct. The Bermudaa arts now the most fuvorhe >tlid convenient, winter resort. For full particular* and I1luatra?ed pamphlet apply to l*.. Ol Tr.KBKiUuK vtcent, Broadway* HAUf'AX, N S. AMI ST. JOHN *?, N. F. ri;o?i\s kli, LINK. Steamship ALII AMBR\ will leave pier 10, North River, Tuesday. May h, at ii 1*. M. For pas*atfe or irlejcbt apply to CLARK X SEaMA N. S.'? West itt. rpKXAS 1.1.SK KOK (iALVHKTOfCTOL'ChInO AT KB J X Wett. carrying the United State* mall.?The *teamet CITY OK HOUS ION, C.iptalu Eldridure. will sal I on Satnr* tiny. Mh> ?>. at ii I*. M,, from pier 20 East River. TliruUjcii bill* of lading tflveu to nil point* on the Houston and 'lfXrt?t Central International -Old tireat Northern, Oalves tun. jjouftiou and Henderson. and the Galvottou, !(?*rri?* burir nud Sun Antonio r?* 11r oad*. Freights und insurance at lowest riloi For 2reitftit or passage (havinil superior ac coiumodai i<<ti*) apply to C. 11. MALLoRY X 00., 15J Mul len lane. VT V HAVANA \M> MEXIJaS MAHSS. LINK.? J.1 ? Steamers leave pier No. ii .North River at 3 P. M. KuK HAVANA 1HHKLT. CITV OK IIAVaNA Saturday. May I'J CITY OK V E K K CRl "?. Wednesday. May l?S Cil'Y OK NEW YORK Wednesday, May KOK VKKA CRl /. AND NKW ORLEANS, via Havana, Prouresu, Campeachy. Tnxpau and i'aropico. CITY UK HAVANA ... ;.. .. Saturday. Xlav U Steamers leave .New Orleans April 29 and May '&) for ??*? Cruk ami-all the above port**. Kur freliflit or pas* ttfe apply to K. ALI-.X A.S DRK At HONS. 31 and 33 Broadway. T11 \ V K LLK11S' GtlDK. A lbany boat, peoples link * I he eieuaut (-trainers DREW and ST. JOHN leave pief 41 North l!iv?r, loot of Canal st., every weak day at 0 P. M. Rooms warmed tov ?toam during the cool month* 4 "-CITIZENS' LINK STEAMBOATS KOK TROY! J\?connectititc whit all railroad line* North, hast aud West: vu igulli.-eut steamers leave dally (Saturduy* ex* ccpted) at R I'. M., pier -4M North River, foot Leroy *t I>KO'?KLVN. ihTH AND OiNKY INLAND KAlC Jroucl train* leave Oreeuwnod Depot, c?iriter 5tU av. and '27th st., every r?0 ininuteH from ??>>?? till H:10; buudayi, hourly. / iTvtskill and stuvvksant ho vis lkaVi/daTl? Voiron, pier 4'J, loot ol i'aual at U P. M., tor paM4fng?ri aud Irei ;ht. IjlOlt PlilLADKLlMllA, via Loiik Ui atieh ami tlie Ne .out; Branch and tlie New Jersey Southern Railroad. Leave pier h North Kiver, foot lieetor nt? at 11 A. M.. lor Philadelphia, Lou?r Branch, Tom'k Kiver aud Vlneland ?I I'. AI. lor Philadelphia, Lonyr Branch. Toro'a River, Waretown and Tncaerton. W. S. SNKDKN',0. M. I^oit nousvalk AND IIANBURY DAILY.?THE ht Minor A.MKltll'lJS leaver Brooklyn (Jewull'a Dock) ?J :?JU I'. M?pitM*:i7 Ka?t River 2t4o l\ M.t aud Kid Ht. J 1*. M., connuetiuy: with Dauhuy Railroad. Red ced tar a 85c. i) tlckutu r>(ic. IA1LL K1VKH LINK KOit BOSTON AND ALL (|Tnt3 Ka>t. The iiiamniolh palace Ht??aiu??r* liltiST^ L and PROVIDttNl/K leave pier North itlver, daily (Si *.dav?, July 1 to Septciuher J. iucluvlve), at 5 1*. M. Ticki <i for mile at nil prhu-ipul ticket utlicea milk NI.W FMOVIDKJICK LINK To BOSTON, ? X via 1'rovldence direct. ? A WHOLE N KIHT'S it K.ST. ONLY 42 MILES OF RAIL. TIME, a* MINUTES. The liiMtfuiflceut new vteurners M \SSAOIIU.*>KTTrt and KiloDE ISLAND oil and alter May 7, from pier NortU Kiver, font of Warren Kt.. at r? P. M? arriving at Providence atB A. M. and Boittou at 7 A. M. THE OLD RELIABLE 8TONIVOTON LINK all poiutfk East, dal ?t.'i Noith River, loot ? to Boston and all point* hunt, dally, at r? P. M., trotn pia "" *" " * * of Juy ?t. WEEKLY LINK KOit PoitT ROYAL, S. (*.; BRUN8 vvicK, ?iu., and Koruandlua. Kla., Muillutc every Friday, from pier East Kiver. at .'t P M. Steamai* L'lTY OF AUSTIN. Catitalu Stevons May II TicketM to all polntM iu Klorioa. Apply, for iuloruiatioii and tiekctH. to 0. H. MALLORY Jt CO., l.V, Maiden lane. PACIFIC MAIL \ N ii Panama TRANSIT ~ I STEAMSHIP LINKS. For CALIFORNIA. J apan. < HINA, AUSTRALIA. NEVI ZEALAND, BRITISH. COLUMBIA, ORKOON, Ac, sailing from pier foot Canal nt . North River For SAN Kif i NCISCO, via ISTHMITS OK PANAMA. Steamship COLON ? Tuesday, May 15 counec'tiny lor Central Aniet iua and South Paciiie port*. From S vN FliAM ISCo lO JAPAN AND * H 1NA Bteaiiuhlp CITY OK TOKIO .. i ue?dav, May From SAN francisco TO SANDWICH ISLAND*, At'- f'RALlA and new /J ALAND. Steamfthio ZKALANllfA ....Wednesday, May 23 For freight or passage apply t? WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. or il. J. BL'llay Suneriutendont, No. ii Howling i i roe ii, pier fool Canal st.. North i.lver. rpilK FAST and KAVORITK STKAMKR P. IT. xschultz leave* liarriaon >t. every tnornlnt; (except Sunday; at H o'clock l<?r Eu^iewood. Yo .k r>, lionbn Feuy, Nyai k, sliiff Siti^. Haverntraw, Grntuiy Point, Verplan^'a aud Peek^kiil for iia?Heu<;erH and trel^ht. iBXcr ttsiOAs. Y -1>T7.?i-CfiV D'.I IX it K. oisfllir HA V/ j'()\KS* Um.i Sjirlivi*. I.. Ou inn! ultur Mtturdny. April ai. the new ami tnfct xtemuer lln.KWlLD w II leave New York daily (Sunday* excuptddi lor the above place*, trom pier l(i !'.a.*>t River. loot ol Wall st., at ii:i > P. M.,; toot of il'ld >,t., haul Hiver, at 4 t#. At. Stajen vvtll connect at l.loyd'n Doc< lor ii nilttnift<*n. Keiuin trip, loave Jones* Dock (Cold Spring), 0:!iO A. M.t Oyi-t v Bay, 7 A. M ; Lloyd'* Dock, 7 :!?? A. M. Ticket?? t*? all landnui, (IU cent *; exctir*ion tickets, ^1. Heed and Hkidmove i-.xprcssc* on hoard. A: i)R : a* I JisuTm* SALOON HTKAMHK THOfll ? Po\\ KLL; c i|?acity Bar^e* aud (trove*; open Suuday*. .MAIwTIN At KASKKLL lijl South ?t, LMlR LXCl'MhlONHT?KTLA.M.R OKNERAL SKI Mil " wick- Barion II n vent Queen. Republic. Caledonia, Baldwin and Anna: aUo xceislor Pi<rk, luiritan Beac ?, Cold Sprite/ and Oriental lir ive*. N. S. Bi.liioS ilatj H. B. Crosnetl). M <I W e."?t ht., oppo*ite Chrt topher street lerry. Opeu MVeuiuuH I" ON 14 BRANCH LXCI P.SIONS. " J I.VICKY SI N DA Y the ntoamor JESSK HoYT will leave pier No. S Nortk River, foot ol Reel or st , at lo A. M. iieturnin^. leave Lonu" Bram h ! ) P. M. Tin# excursion flflve^ na*Nen^er? a (h litflitlnl ail do.. n tile bay In lull vi. w ol tlit ocumi, ami ulM! allordh the ??, portuultv of s< eiutjtho wrecked hteaiu*hlp liu?land Fare for the r.und t ri ;> if'. laKet* /ood lor the day olity. W S. :>N liDK.N. ?, d. N R. it. IJKoijLAR SUNDAY Boa I FOIt OtK. II On and alter mmdav. May tl, the last una well known leauiooat TIIOMA. P. WAY will tn ike Per rouolar Sunday tilp between New York rtRA Ni???*arl.. Leaving Coinnierei-il dock, Newark at M A leaving Ne.v Yon . pier No. Jli, N. II,, loot ol Ve*ey ?t., at loiii-'i A M l i?loppliiJC at Bergen Point eae!i way. Fare. twout> live cut* !>!.(.ILVR SINDaY Mo NlNi.'Bovi For i\ r. \ - JVpoit, lauding ut Eli^-vbvthport, Itosnvllle aud Pe?t?* A in no.v. (#n and alter Sunday. May l't. the ste imer MAi lKW >N will leave New York, Iroin pier ill, N. It., loot of Harrlnon ht , at 11 A M. On rriut n utf. leave Ke* pent at 'I t l P. Vi , makiuir a pleasant Ltinllv ? x nr .ion. Th.' M M I'I.vV aN leaves pl?*r iO, N R . daily at 4 P. M,; returning from KeyiM?rt on Satnrdav at 7 P M. UN DAY BOATS FOR ASTORIA AND II vRLEM? O Lundi?'t lltliMt. anil lij'uh st e..? !? wa>. On and alter Sunday April 2?l, 1H77, the boats will leav i Pei k*lip lor ilarlem a# follows : ? l.eav- Peek slip l<) iP?, 11 ..ID, A. M ; I, 2,8,4, .#:1*? U ;4.*? aud 7 t't* ? P M And leave Ilarlem for Peek flip an f.dlows: L nvo il f' -m 1?, 10, 11 :'Vl A. M.; 12:15. 1:15,3, 4 :30 ?? :iU> P. AI. should the w sit her be utnrmy the boat* will not run. IIA it L EM AND n. Y. NAVIGATION COMPANY. Vjl-NDAY EXCURSION ASTORIA, llAKLl.M, MoTJ OrNanla aud HIkIi Bridge, ooiu nencin/ April J'.i Steutn er? MoRRlSANlA "iid IIARLE.M le?ve JKulton Market -?lip at IDitud 11 A. M.. 1, 2, Ii, 4, *'< and t P. M. ;le<veMo ri-aoia at h -.iill, 0 :!MI and 1 I A. M 1J :!?"?. J. ii. 4. ft ^JU and R P M . laudliiK at Oraud st. and ll 'th st. eneh way. naiian,u$ till ? amei I jr Lily fnr IMtrl lirl< ? .?? an - ?. j* \i frtmi MorrUanln land* at Jild *t. Para, I ft cent*, l! *toru?y t lie boat* will not run. ti. II LoNGSTK&KT. Superintendent o KUK\<11 AUVKUTHKJIUAil'h. N DKM ANUlt?l NK HONVK ????I It NOtiiSj-.ll I?V s eiilnm* ?*l ciMitlre N'adii'ater ?? II matin, de "-t IIJ li in ?. >?n it. l"l I'ark hv , rt]Hi>irK'lii''M I?. sfrOllAGJS. I tiOlU;AN A It It'JTIIKIt'ri sToltAUK WAItl-. J\ ?liOiimn. mill l7tli at , for tun.ltnri'. b.ij^nye, As. Sejii.iikt'' roouia, il |i?r month, and upward. lii?p*?; tiuii | ><III 111 M NIMH WAUO NTOftVUK WAKKIIuiJitlU |)-vp?rai" Urico rnut; f'J mil upw.ird. Otlke .VIJ HllJ ? hi at., in In? it11uru au?e. / 1 vii.SKY A S HTOil\UK WAKKIIOUHKS. :?>^7ii?, \J 1 lin it , neur Htli uv , adjoining the II ink, HU !eel <l> up, I..i t'tiiii Inr>-. pinno*. hi ,rt, .uri-mi" ; in >.t ao'i>ad' Ik imrfrcHjr rrllalilo ni|rlll wntcllt aepnrale roouia; taali aivuncmi. NrKW riTUKAHh WAKK 11 o r s KS~ 700; 7.J 7r4MrH uv . cornor I iih at ?; tuir iti) roonia lur lurnitur.-; ? uiraiM lor carriaK. a, general nmrrliaiiilian. Ac. SMI I II \ hi l#l.". I'rnp Mum. 'pilE II A Hi Kit W AKKIIOl'HI.S >Tfi| \V , IKliM :ilu I to :Hili ?t?.. having '">'11 ri nin luilo I unnn n iicnr plan, limy uro prepared in give 1. ?tler aeroininodail?n than mi oil,11 warnhmiao hi lli<> city lor Horace f tn nltiirr, piano*, liag,;airo mill good* of evory ileaoripiion. and at Inwrn rail's An Innpaciliiii Invited. Onii*? -?*m* \V<*Rt ;tiih *t. OBNTINTUV. 1 > K AI flKt'L AitTII'll.'lAb I KhTH. S?V 1 Julii 'ln. f I; wairantcd. ".New York Doiitid It -"iiu. tlili *v.. I Mill ?ml 17u . KmuIiII?Iiim|. I'l.'il. Ur. MKADKIt CUJTHINU. I 0a?I OKK ULOTIUNU, AC. IHullKST VaU.'K . V tiMi'l'it < "tli a?., nunr 4lli at Call or addtia* Mr. or .lira, S VI'll IN. A T H MINUS, ;|s :?l> AV.'.^EAii 2i>t7| .ST.-.Ml FKK iVcrnt tiiorit Ytmu clnewlioru lor lutliea' rtful ri?nt ? m n'a ca?t-i?ir Cinlliitix, Caruotn. Jewi !iy ; onlcr* by mini promptly alio to by Mr. ?>r Mr*. Ml SI/*. Vt ki.attO' , mutt! iFav . nkak mrii nr . kikty iV'??r ??nt mort) Ihitn ??U(!whi*ri? will v (?? miid ff?r caiV'utl i lotlUiiiT. AiiUri'H* Mr. or Mrs. FLAflU. Ac _ lot?llll*.0?rp?U. waull'U Illim.lJUlnlr. I will u;%y || K iiant innfo iIihii miv >??ln-r ilo.ilor In c*?li, l?v Mr. kii.J Mm. ANllOl.T, 17H Till ?t 4 WONDKKrUU CHILI), UIKTRU WITH HEi'llND iVtlulil. ihIIs ov?rytlilUK <|U?atlon(iiK, I- ? Moil ?Pmii st., near llroit l\*?y. AKTHOUIOI, i ? WOMlKit OK MM-. AUK.?MRU. HlfLlPtt, M K111 cal Itnainaita Cluirroyanl: iiaoiaa. Ilk?na??a?. Ill W?Hi 4' Mb M. rliiiKKlMH! 1.1STl-;it. Ml. WEST ?_?:?!? ST.-IIOCK.n m tun. hiiini lor circular* Money Icliprit murt l>? regit lured. A. A. A. I)' D JJ MKD1CAL. -MMK. KK.xri'.l.l,, IN I'llAl'TirK sljfC'K <lllieo I Kant VJil ??., Ural ilonr from .'illi ar. lilt. ANU MMK AULToN, * office No. 47 Weal KHh aU. near 13th a?. ? Int. AND MNK. UltlNOI.K -UKIIUKNCK a.NU oIWch, No. 14^ \> I'd -IMlti al,, In:two.II llth and 7tli nve. i roi: Emkity, No. 27 Writ 3d at., near Hmadnrajr. It ANU MMK. WEST'S Ol.O EsrABLISHKD >lrt?e, 4!> niei-cker al. hetwern II" iadway and Howrry. K. A. M. MAUHICiTaC7~ wf&MaWr HwjrtMrtlWJUkMMA