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THE COURTS. Throwing Guards Around William A. Virtue's Estate. IMPORTANT DECISION DY JIM BARRETT. Powers of Insurance Agents to Bind Their Principal. WILL OF A CHARITABLE lADY. Kecantly there appeared exclusively In tbe Hkiulo a report ol a aull brought by tbe administrator* of ttie ?slate ol W iIImm A. Virluo lo set aside devils ot prop, ?rly la which Helen S. Bellow, Augustus Funk, August Funk, Marie Funic and George ami Michael Calfo are alloyed lo have an interest. In their complaint me administrators?Unmet Lord and others?charge that the decu? uud leasee referred to were obtained Ironi the deceased without consideration and by tho exorcise ol undue influence over him by the defendant Helen S. Ik-How especially. A temporary injunction was ob tamed Irom the Supreme Court restraining the delcad ants Irom assigning away the deeds and leases in ques tion and also from prosecuting ccrtain suns In otiier couria to enforce claims against the estate alleged to be without foundation or consideration. On a notice to show cause why tins injunction should not be con tiuued until the termination ol the suit brought fey the administrator* tho defendants ap peared in Supreme Court, Chambers, before Judge Barren, submitted aflluavu* denying the allegations ot the complaint In relation to the exercise of undue influence on mo part of thu defendant*, or auy ot ihem, in obtaining the convey, i uncos and leases involved in the action and denying generally aud specifically all the equities ol the plain tills' cuse. Ou these ovntlicuug alhdavtts on both ?Ides argument was heard at Uio last term of Hie court, plaintiff* iuslsllng mat tho facta authorized the continuance ol the temporary injunction and mo de fendant* that it should i>o dissolved. Judge Barrett took the matter under consideration and yesterday rendcicd a decision in favor of tho administrators ol th'i estate. In his writton opinion lo the case he sags:?"A curelul perusal of all the papers (Including the deposition ol Miss Bel lew lu the Surrogate's Court, which 13 far Irom satisfactory) leads me to the conclusion that a prima lacie case is made out and that pluiu tills would have been derelict in their duty if tiiev had not lifed the bill. The mere statement ol the transactions is suflicieut to justify the institution ol judicial inquiry, it is not n caso for the summary dis solution 01 tho injunction upon u denial of me equities. Nor is the cause to be tried upon affidavits, but upon tho examination ol the parties aud tho wit nesses. There is enough, besides what Is slated U]>on Information and belief, lo warrant Ihe continuance ol tho lujiiuciion lu so peculiar a cuse uutil tho hearing. " The Judge alBo concludes to eujuin the defendants Irom prosecuting tbe action* winch they have insti tuted iu other courts, but makes it a conditiou that so Curliy be given to secure Iho-o oi the defendants who are prosecuting common luw actions in relatiou to the matters in controversy against prejudico to anv rights they may llniilly be ablo lo show ihey possess, and covering tho lull amount of their claims, witb interest aud cost*. He further directs that tbe plaiutifls In thin suit, il required by defendants, shall conseut lo the framing ol issues and tho trial ol the same before a jury wuhln a staled period. Plaintitls must also fur nish a lurtner undertaking to Mellow iu the sum of * J oou uud to Mrs. Funk in the sum of $&00 to aecuro them against any damage tboy may sustain by reason ol tho continuance ol the injunction. HIS CLAIM liE MAINS. About a year ago some machinery waa destroyed by On in Morrisania, ou which a man named Bennott bad Insuranco with iho Germania Insurance Company, of Newark, to tho extent of $1,000. Ho made a claim of loss by tbe flro lo the extent of $800, and while ibo company was making tho usual investigation as to the origin and extent of the fire loformatlou came to thein to tho effect that an incendiary bad been at worK In the matter. Tbo result was the couviction of arson ol a young man who bad been employed by Beunett and.tUe disappearance for purls uuknown oi Bennett ? liusoll. But, though Bonueit liud gone, his claim ?eeius to have remained, as, soon atier bis departure a suit wua cuuimeuced against thu company to recover $b00, by Morris Taskor, the plaintIIIclaiming under au assignment lro:u Bennett. The suit waa vuuiuiuucod In mo Supremo Court, In this city, tho summons being served ou Ihe general ugent of tho company Iiuio. Judgment wua taken in default of un answer, and yesterday, in Supreme Court, Chambers baiore Judge 1 >01100ue, Messrs. Brown A; Itabc, counsel tor the cotcpauy, appeared and uioved to have the ' judgment set asido as boing irregular. Tho ground ol this claim of irregularity was tlial tbo summons in tno caso had not been served ou an ageut ol tbe company ?wbo, by its oertilicate fliod in the olllco ol mo Secro- I tary ol Siato at Albany, had boon designated as an ageut on whom papers designed lor Hie company luigfit be aervetl. Sucb designation, counsel claimed wns provided lor by statuto, aud service ?'n any olhor or uuautnorized agent was void, aud tbe Judgment based on such service was void also. The motion was opposed by Mr. Lewis Johuson, counsel for the plain til!, mil Judge Donohue took tbe papers, reserving his decision. Iho foregoing slain of facts aro obtained Irom nit; moving papers In the case, and on tho part or the company 11 was stated ly counsel additionally that th? dole nee would bo thai the promises bad been act ou lire. DEAD SEA FRUIT. Mrs. Maria Hobby died lu Fobruury last, leaving on (state and property estimated at about $l'*o,ooo. By ?er will, executed in 1*04, she left several charitable and tenevolent bequests. Among thoso waa a bequest to iho Now York Hospital ol $.1,000, to tho Deaf and ftumb Asylum, Blind Asylum, Society lor tho Itotorm ttion ol Colored Orphans, Homo lor tbo Friendless, ! Nursery and Child's Hospital and tho Womeu's Hospi- I lal, ?1,000 each, uud $.'.,OUO lo the Swarthmoro College : ol Foousylvama. After leaving a number ol bequests to relatives, servants aud Inends, she bequeaths tho residue of lier estate, aniouniiug to about ooe-tbird, to ' bo equally divided between her executors, William Un- j dernill and William 11. Ouderdouk una tho Society of jf rieud?, iu Kadi t ifiecuiU street .Subsequent to hi? date ol the execution of tho will, howover, Mr. I nder bill, tbe executor named in it, died, and llierualler ? later in 1872 M rs. Hobby made a codicil to me will naming Mr. Kibertlt. \V nleis as her exi cuior 111 pIsco al Mi. I nderbili. at the *ame time bequeathing to fum the share ot tbe estate Intended for Mr. Underbill. Ihe cinldren ol Underbill?William, Khz* uud fcllen 1 nderhill, and Caroline Light?now contest tbe will on the ground that tlio testatrix was unduly influenced by Mr. \\ 1 no is to substitute him as legatee In placo 01 yioir deceased lather. The caso came on forbearing yesterday 111 lb>- .">ur/og.iie's Court. Tbo parties to tho luu were present, uud alter tbe subscribing witnesses to the will mid codicil had proved tho execution ol tno same, Mr. VV'iilois, ono ol the executors, was culled to the stand, lie was examined by counsel lor ihi* con testants, and lestmed that ihe ineuiorauJu ou which Iho codicil was framed hud boen dictated lo linn by the tes.atrix ol her o*u free will, while in apparently Sound mind. Tho further heariug in tbo case was adjourned. Ihe deceased, Mr.s. Hobby, wa? a slslcr ol thu late 1 ir. Valentine Molt. STREET OPENINGS. Property owner* whom it may concern will bo In terested to know that iho continuation of the reports lu aeverai struct opening ca-.cs, wincli was to have tukeu place lit Supremo Court, Chamber*, bolore Judgo Doiiolmc, yesterday, ha* been adjourned over. The reports uro thoso lor the opening ol ISOth street, Iroiu Kingabridgu road to Klevulith uveuuo, l&7tii street, Irom tl.u public drive to Klevenlti avenue; 168th street, Irom hLingsiirdj* road to Klevuntli avenuu, Dint laVtii street, irom the pontic urivu to Kieveiuu ? vi'uui', all ol which iiavo been adjourned over to Iho Dili lust. Also tlio opening of until street, Irom Eighth uvenuu to the ilurlum KiVer, which has beeu adjourned to ttiu laih mat. ISABELLA ANL> THE CHAIli. The Adjustable Folding Chair Company vs. Mark* ? lu the ui?? ol tbu Hunk of Havana v*. Uageo (2?j N. V. ? It., p. IUj.'j) Uie Court of Appeal* heid that tbo proie cutlou ol it kuit by all individual banker In a uamu 1111 porting a corporate character under which ho carried on business was merely a lormal error, amendable lu the courts ol original jurisdiction, and to bo disregarded by llie Appcllato Court, Judgo Homo in that caau ?u\s iIn: duty ot the Court when tho objection* were taken was to order tho pleading* to l>u amouded. li was authorized not only to correct a mistake in Hie iianie ol a party, but In any other respect, and tho amendment which the case culled lor would lull witbm sillier branch ol that provision ? i. section lia ol the Code. I Iiavo no doubt, ultcr jHirubihg tue volu minous paper* reud upon tins motion, an to my power to author;*' the substitution ol tho iiurne ol Isabella Wallace a* phiturfl lor the Adjustable, die., Company. It Is tjulle apparent that tl.e deleudanta knew that laubella tVaiiacs and the A dj A-table, lea, Company Were tbo sumo. Their arrangement* wtro made her alone, and they knew when they onterod upon the business'jI soiling tho tLinns that they received the (nine from Isabella \Mllace. Ihu couiisnl lor the de fendant* auggeat that to allow this amendment wilt Vitiate the undertaking givou upou the granting ol llie order ml arrest. 1 think that this objoc ||on cull be obviated by requiring tho suretio* Vbo executed the original uiidortaKiag to ntipulato lliat as a condition ol grunting tho amendment Un original undertaking shall stand as II executed in tho Ciwe of Hnhace against these defendants, and R* If so ?xeouted, or by requiring a new undertaking to i>o ?xecuted ou the part ol the plamtilT nunc pro tunc. (M'-hinuer v* Gardner, How., :jsi; Hc.icb va. South mvrib, 0 Hub., IT*-) On ittu menu X am ol tiie opltt Ion that the order of arrest ought not to be discharged. The notion lor leave to nmond the summon* ami order u granted on the authority ol the case of ilio Back o' Havana r?. Magee, supra, on the conditions above cpeciUod aud on payment 6l coals to the ilcloudanta, and the motion to vacate the order ol arrest is deuiud, with $10 coats to the plaintiffs. SUMMAKf OF LAW CASES. John J. Neville has |HI?t a ??>' ?8a,n''1 ,be T Avenue Railroad Company to recover damage. tor Ulutf ejected Ironi one of delendant. cars, a wrday obtained trom Chief Justice Daly an order to examine Jane dtagg belore trial. lUmon de Riva. y Lamar, a Cuban resident or this city, died lately In ???, j"*1"* estate valued at about *MO.OOO. By hU. tril, made ? Baltimore on the 1st ot March last, he lett ?l,0W^ divided among tho floor Cuban ladies ol that city an the rescue ol bla estate to his la mediate relatives an irietida. The will was yesterday offered tor probate In the Surrogate's Court tn tUH Olty. encaged In The Untied StatosCrauu Jury are st S BaCCl. thoir Investigations Into the ^aus deut ai the Tout Oltlce Bulldlug. They wii con court on Tuesday UJ Ubors on the criminal casrtsubinltwu t Umu April term. They will l ><? lal0 ussier, L'^Sp^&Thmr'oi.iniou, thu responsibility | wrUC^? 1-n.c y ????? ?"& ? VX iKara rwi^'to'the^flecj^aiMra^omp^np^j^erly Judge granted au oidtr enjointug the issrs. sou<???*?' iijus m tho mutter. , veaieraav. a inotioa la rw^',e,?? the corn was made l>y SIr" ^ T'b u.b ,gainst Koehler, on the plumt iu the case ol Ktrt b.w.u ' , u? tt ocrtniu ground ibut thu pUinl.B .i J ' sbendan, ol the same order bewtolOr* made by JU<J?? defendant, court. Mr. 11 1Uu?uiuch as tho order argued m "''iu uv udec Sheridan had not been eu heretofore mailt b\ .'dug order to bo com tered by the Oeie.^nt l.ere was no or l j^ plied with uutll H was tuitrcu, ^ submitted by FcudTu tl would have been r?,{JV0^1?rllI^1order'0 Judge sr.r? *? - "? Street IUUroud aud Th? n( which Company >a. Tho . u*hai.o, a motion was | nave already appeared i? uciO|.0 judue Uouoduo, j as srs-zsps*??rsta .s s' Kourteentb street road. 1 COmplelou without served. decisions. SCPEEM* COUItT?CHAMBERS. n? Judge Donohue. pnrdv vs. Conner.?Motions denied. ??McVey vs. Cantreil; Tad do ken vb. Cantrell; matter Contastablos vs. dovaus.?-order granted. By Presiding Judge Davis. Bates vs. Cuuuituiham.?Order^rante K?u fcs-M0U.n denied, with 0UUry2n'v?. I'aoll Belt Company?Motion denied, with j $ Bry?au\?. i'aoll Belt Company.-THU decision wa. COn?'?h?mauerlo"llaUavHi to vacate assessment-Thi. was not a case ot repaying within lhc ?? i?Ti it wum tiu- t>av:ng tor tne urst time oi ^h?i was uratlcaUy a new atreet, the resetting of the ? i nvomniiL i?eiu" but a neccHsury luoidont thereto, old paveraon btlnjf / jlh lh(J nican. HiU,lo?fV?ha word as med ia the act the motion to lUfcoftb smenl Bhould still bo deniou. There i ?iihJtautia: It not a literal compliance with tho petition ot property owner., i k i x?Li t ion was signed by ihe applicant ti. in sell. Then as to the contract beiug given out without nubile I u.nS it was '?oiborwiso ordered by a Vole ol tUreo Y JSfJi .I,,, intvlibera elected to tho Common C??un iiiU"bThit ls, dSmn waH vested ... tUoOonim.^ 2 Lor There being no subMantml irregularity and no ? Sua bavius been "proved the motion must bo den.ed. ljy Judiie Lawrence. Sie.U vs. Green; Morau vs. Watkins.?Orders ''Summing va. New York Comont Company and Memorandum for counsel. Huorstal vs. Tor.ey, Ate.?Ttie motion lor an injuuc tlon IS k'r.aitod; tho motion lor the appointment ol a ^f'ruu'hca "va Bowou.?The report or the refereo which ilio Court is asked to pais upou and euullrm ou wniiuiiiw ilju pttpnrtl submitted, llie paper' are therelore returned to the clerk In orderthat 'Sonoma ^i*C<fpp"n 'Even U the additional affl dnv?f nrcscnted could bo received on the tnotlou w Vtfrni the roDorio! the releree in this cjibo. winch Is very doubtful, tno provisions ol chapter 133 otI the I uws ol 18tiU, sections 1 ami A have not been oomplt -d wuh. as counsel will readily see by an exa.n.n.t.on ol ra^'lf'ucu Cum pan y; Bryan vs. Same - UoHon to remove receiver beretolore appolDied is de niod witli costs ot motion. 1 do not leel helmed at nr??nt to direct tho sale of any of the property of the ^ nxct-Dl the bad debts. When they havo been'sold such further application as may bo necessary ^Br^vu'and'oih^s^VH^Towiiscnd Savings Bank.?-The ^ Ve rier' aplilnlid by the courts ol Con met'cut made no claim to the properly attached, and h ^ | no right io on a motion that they should not 1 uve been made delendants. Tturd-Thc ph int.n h Lmdaviw discloalng a prima ucio case lor the issuing ol au aitacliineiit, the Court will not, on a motion and on ntlldavile pa."8 upon the nierits ol the cusc. Losce va* Norfolk anu Petersburg Ha.lroad com , 'v ?Tho p'olnHlffl counnel objects, umontf oilier nfnuers that tAtro Is no proper proot before the {' ?un oi ihe a.jl.utraont ol Mr. l'cr^ins as roceiver, nor is to the terms or conditions upou which tiie con irurK,i7r?:r."i,r 'CSix ^'i^rwsr, as 6 nit on and uy the record that tho witness is a iboptaiuiillto' luin u| t(ie powor ol iff.^ourt to 1 nterveno and take pos.ess.on ot the land " express no opmton, but as the case stands the examination must proceed. BDPlUtllZ COllirr--HPECIAL T?ltM. Hy Judge Viiu Vorst Lynea, Ate., vh. Brand er, Jr., ami others.?Judgment (or plaiiuiir. t>uo lueiuormiuuui. bUl'KIUOIt COL'IiT?bl'KCIAL UXlilL liv J udgo Sun lord Loo ot aL v*. Henrlquea; Lester va. New York En unci 1'alul Company; K<'tis?oll vs. The fit. Nicholas insurance Compuuy ci al?Motions denied, Willi *10 CMllk Stur/iH vs. Koran et al.?Motion to continue Injunc tion pendente lite uruieu, with $10rostr. lien*ei el ul. Vs. Uray.?Case and exception* settled and ordered on Inc. liusaet vh. ilenriqnng.?Motion granted. CaiiKt v*. Conner,* seuied; iourth amend- I moui allowed. Buyer ot at. vs. Kettlg.?Order granted and undertake in.-,' approved. Koussell va. St. Nicholas Insurance Company.?Or der denying motion tor a new irial. Am.tin va. Conner.- Under Hie rulo laid down In Muyiiu VH. Roiieruon (:'?i Now York Hup*nor Court, I .Vi) but one bill ol oohio can bo tuxed lu lavor ol du : leiiUMMtit; a rcbixuuoii is thorcloro ordered of* siuglo bill. smith vs. C'antrelL?Motion denied us far as ordor direct wg discharge ol lien is coucerucU. (Memoran dum.) MAIUNJ: COURT?CUAHBKItS, ily Judge .Mlnnott. Murray va. Lutby.?Motion lor resettlement of order denied. Curry v?. Farley.?Motion granted, stay vacutcd; no corns. Andornon va. Durey; Cocnur VS. Smith.? Motions granted. ? Lullrrin vs. Nathan.?Motion to vacate order oi ur i rem dented, but taosu set down lor trial. Renter v# (Jriawold.?Judgment lor plaintiff. The Now Vork Lithographing und Engraving Com pany vs. Hyde.- Attachment vacated. l'orstit vn. WetNiiinn; Koset va. Eggleston; The Market National lliink v*. I'r:?cy; Myer.- v?. liunmun; Aodievvc va Andrews; Kturhardi va. Hod^wick; i'ostley vs. Ilcrtn, O'Coimull vv. Badger; Keilly vs. Dump; liaiicr va Magratau; Otilroy v.?. Huoer; Hop. kins vt. Kinkier; Woodruii vs. tfpragtte; Maiiby vh. Coltey; 1'alnier v.* lioutiy; Vubtr v?. Houbuu; (lillott vs. linmaiio; Kpplur vs. Isuclt; ainiiii vs. Hupelyva.? Orders granted. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART 2. Belore Jud^.n Ulldersleeve. PI-XA8 AND Hl.NTl.NCK-j. Edward J. Lynch, ot No. 200 East Twonty-elgbth ?treui, eutered the rootiu of Patrick McNaiuara, No. 158 Rut Twenty-sixth afreet, oa the Mth of April, and btole I wo roll* or carpel, wblob were subsequently found lu hi* possession. Ho pleaded guilty and was scut to the State Prison for two yoars and six uoulbr. 1 hotua* Lappiu aud Hugh Berlymati broku into the otilce of Thomas Meagher, No. Ui Weal l'hirty second street, and carried off Homo gas tlxlures. 'I Ley pleaded guilty ami were sent to the State Prison each for the terip of oigbteen months. BROOKLYN DIVOBCB SUITS. Suit has been commenced In tbe Brooklyn City Court, before Judge Noilsou, by Rachel Adami. ol No. 81 Leonard street, E. D., against Jobn Adami, bcr liuiband, for absolute dlvorco. Tlio defendant Is a dancing maater. The cum plaint alleges crim inal conduct on tbe part of tbe defendant, and several pupils are mentioned as'partlclps crlmln:s. In tbe Supreme Court, Kings county, Emma Whip penhorst recently began suit for a limited dlvorco against Charles A. Whippenborat, on the ground of allotted incompatibility of temper. Yesterday counsel tor plalnilfl tiled a discontinuance of the uctton with the County Clerk. Application was mudo in the Supreme Court, beforo Justice Gilbert, yosterday, lor continuation of tbo re port of the referee in tbe case of Elizabotb Klutsuiuu against Chorlos it. Plossinau for ubsoluto divorce, on the ground of udultery. The report was in favor of tbo plaintiff. Tlio parties, wlio are respectably con nected, reside lu South Brooklyn. Decision reserved. H. I>. Birdsull was appointed referee by tbo Brook lyn City Court, yesterday, in tbo action for limned divorce brought by Cutberine Karciier against Fred erick Karcher. Tbe parties, wito were inHrrlod lu I8i3, have bad Ion cbildreu, lour ol whom uro living. Tbo complainnnt alleges that unco l.NCU tbe deteud n'ht's conduct toward her lias beuu uniformly brutal The case will bo argued on Saturday next. COUNTERFEITERS IN COURT. | William Johuson ploaded guilty to passing countor- ! feu money, yesterday, boioro Justice Benedict, of tlio Uulted Slates Circuit Court, In Brooklyn, and was re maudud for sentonce. % Charles Smith also pleaded guilty to passing counter feit ilfty cent pieces, before tlio sumo J ustloe, au.l was sentenced to do hard labor !u tho Kings County Peni teutlary for three years and to pay a lino of #1. Henry A. Bortone was sentenced lo iho Henlton tlary for nino months aud to pay a flue of $100 lor bavins unstamped cigars in his possession. ?folin M. liroint, arrested lor a similar oflence, was sent to the Penitentiary lor the same period. George Williams pleaded noi guilty to tbe charge of passing counterfeit tiny cent pieces and was remanded lor trial until tho first Wednesday In Juuo. IS IT A CONSPIRACY? Edward Perry Valentine was before Justice S emler, in llrooklyo, yesterday, to auswor to the charge of having shot William Larkin lu the leg ou the night of Now Year's day. Valentine, who Is very respectably connected, wai also arrested about six weeks since on tbe complaint of his two sisters-in-law, Mary and Annlo Mace, both young girls, who charged him with assaulting.ibcin lu an Indecent manner. Valentino's mother-in-law engineered the prosecution against him, and he was finally Indicted by the Grand Jury. By the interference of his father he was liberated from Jail on bail. It is stated that Mrs. Mace becanio very ungry when she heard ol Valentine's discharge, and endeavored to havo him arrested ou unotner com plaint, but fulled. The police hud not heard of the shooting allray until 1.ark in eutered his complaint on Thursday lust. When asked why h? hud not reported it he said that alter he was snot he wont to the hospi tal in Buslixvick avenue and hud been there ever since. Valentine's Iricuds allege that the ulght the shooting occurred l.arkin attempted to grab Valentine's watch and chain. The latter, t hiuking Lark in In tended stealing it. drew hi.- revolver, not to shoot, but to Irigbtou l.urkm. While Valentine hud the revolver pointed dowuward it accidentally went ufl aud the bullet entered Larkin's leg. Tho injured man says he does not know Mrs. Mace, but it Is alleged iiebus boon in bcr house. Mr. Valcutine, Sr., states that he will be able to prove that a vile conspiracy has been made against bis sou. CAUGHT ON THE FLY. Frcdorlck Phllp, oi No. H03 islghtb avonue, In bis father's absence yesterday, had occasion to go up stairs. As he reached the second floor a man, with some bundles under his arm, rushed past, l'hllp pur sued tlio leliow along Klfiy-flrit street, Officer Hewitt, ol the Twenty-second precinct, joining in tho cnase. Tho muu ran up Tenth avenue and hid In a cellar in the house No. 7G2 Tenth avenue, between Fifty-first and Fllty-sccond streets. There were a number of barrels ill the cellur, and, as the ottlcer followed, ho could see nothing but tbe man's baud, which hold a rovolver. He shouted to the chap to drop his arm or he would Qro. Ibis the Inllow UlU and be was arrested. The revolver was louud lo be loaded in each ol tta chambers. Un tho person of the prisoner were found , skoleton keys uud a pair of pouts. He was arraigned at the Fifty-seventh Street Conrt yestorday charged with having stolen $:)0 worth of goodB He acknowl edged taking one pair ol pants, but domed all the other charges. Ho said he was a native ol Germany and at present was living lu Graud street. Ho was bald in <1,500. A BRACE OF BURGLARS. James Farrell, of No. 108 Washington street, and Charles Williams, of Na 80 Wooster street, young men about twenty-five years ol age, were cbargcd at the Tombs l'ollce Court yesterday with attempting bur. glary. They were discovered about eleven o'clock tbo night previous on tho root ol a building adjoining tbe clothing manufactory of John Fallon, No. 188 Grand sircol. Tire scuttle of the latter premises was fouud pried open, but no goods hud boen carried away. Three chisels, u brace and two bits wero lound ou-lhe persons of tho prisoners. A oark lautorn was ulso tound on the rooll The prisoners wore bold In >'J,5ou bail euclL, in default of winch they wcro committed to the Tombs. DEUS EX MACHINA. Eliza Hear boarded with Mrs. Jane Barry, of No. 271 nveuue A, till luioly, when she signitled her intention of leaviug. Mrs. Barry tbercupou claimed that money was duo her for board. A light ensued, during which a $70 sewing macbiuc, the property ol Miss Hear, was destroyed. Mrs. Barry whs arrested and arraigned at tbu Filty-seventh Street Police Court yesterday. She ad in ilied breaking the machine, bui said itiat tier boarder was leaving with board unpuld, uud she had oudeavorud to mild ou to the machine until her uluuns wore salislleti. Mrs. Barry was bailed iu $400. THE POST OFFICE DISASTER. The commission appointed by Postmaster James, pursuant to instrucllous of Secretary Sherman, met at lour o'clock yesterday afternoon, lu the largo olllce ol the Postmaster, Mr. James having given up bis rootu to tliem. Iho following gentlemen were present:? Ex-Sen.itor Wllltain Lalmbeer, Messrs. Theodore Wei. lot;, David Jardluo und Goorgo B. l'ost, architects; Messrs. Samuel l.owden and William A. Getluuy, builders, unit Mr. Andrew J. Campbell, iron loundor. The proceedings were conducted with closed doors. A liumiier ot witnesses will be called lo-dav, who will tio thoroughly examined in regard to tho cuuses which led lo tiie disaster. It la possible that Corouur KUtiigur Will co-operate with the commission. PUBLIC SCHOOL JURISDICTION. The petition to the Legislature asking it '-lo main tain ttio lioarJ of Kdueation ind tho school* under it* jurisdiction independent ol the city departments, and to exempt tliem lruin tho operation of tho proposed charter," has met with great lavor irotn all cluiuita of our cllizcns. Although tho petition* have boon lo cir culation but two days about live thoa?aml names hare been already afllxed. Atn-mg those aro the name* ol' I)r. Cbapin, Juwe* W. Jieekiuan, Frederick de i'eystor, Moses'laylor, John J. Cisco, l'etor Cooper, ex-Mayor Oeuige Updyke, Shut ill Uuruurd Keilly, e.\ Mayor S. U, il. \ iiuce, trultllD Alli'O, Postmaster Julius, IIoii. William K. Dodyu, Professor Chirles Pardee, H. H. Clalliu, Or. Adolph lluebsch, Jlev. Samuel Welscb, Charles Uluiivolt, t.ewis Bllvester, Kllot F. Sbepard, ex A.dermau Wade and many more ol our largest tax payer*. The lion. John Jay ha* written u leuor giv in;; his hoarty approval aud regretting mat nou-rost duueo proveoia Imu from signing. PLAYING POLICEMAN. An ox-policeman, Patrick Murphy, engaged In the wots* beer establishment ol Julius Wleaner, of No. 1 Jo Mulberry atreot, claims that his employer owe* him nioney. On the ltd or May Mnrphy met Wie.-ncr walk ing iu Third avenue, nour Twentieth street, and, walk* lug up to tho latter, represented Innisoll to be a police man, and threatened to arrest Wiesuur. He caught hold ol Wlosuer'* coat, shook that gontloiuau mid uu msnded "the $IJ owing him." Wiesnar eulied oa O it leer O'Neill, ol the Kighlvuulh precinct, and Murphy wits urrested and ut tlu h ilty-suveuth direct Court held lu SJUU to answer. BllOOKLYN'S EXCIsJE MDDDLE. At n special mooting ot tho Kings County Hoard of Police uud Kxeise, held ycstcrduy aiturnoon, It wa? re solved to Issue licenses to such per Jons as may apply lor the same to keep an iuu, tavern or hotel, providod that all statutory requirement* lor the accommoda tion ol travellers are compiled with. Within the past ten days over livo hundred applications have been N* ccivt'd uy tho Hoard, but ol itieae only ten llceum* have been issued lor al? and beer and storekeepers' licenses. The Ions of revenue to the city by reason 01 the present deadlock In tho interpretation ?>( the law umoiiiits lo He vera I thousand dollar*, I.lcense* which have expired have not b<*en renewed, nor have Uio holder* ol thu old licenses Men Interfered with. BALLOONING OVER THE SEA. AN0TR2B AEBONAUT TBOPOBES TO CB0S8 1HE ATLANTIC IN AN AIB HHIP. A meeting of serouauta l? announced to be held in Philadelphia in July lor the purpose of diaeuulng the feasibility of crosamg the AiUnue by balloon, uit<l other matters of lesser publio intercut connected with tholr cralt. Should tula meeting take place It will probably result?Judging from similar affairs lu the past?In an jiumeiwe amount or talk and the presentation of an im mense number ol plana and suggestions ot a more or less impracticable natare, and that l? ail. Mr. Charles H. Grtmley, a pluoky young aoronaut ol thin city, who has mude more than a score of succoaalul ascensions, writes a letter to tho Herald on this mailer, Id which ho boldly offera to croaa tho ocean If some one will delray the exponsea of the attempt He aaya:? "As so much has been said and written upon this subject of lute, aud littlo or no ac tlon bas boon taken, will you allow me to state through tho Hkrai.d thai il any spirllod gentleman wilt furnish sufficient money to build and equip a suitable balloon, 1 will, on condition that I have ihe sole management, at ouce undertake the experiment, and decide tho question an to whether a balloon voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe can or oanuot bo accomplished." AS A!it ship arrnio. Mr Gritnley was yesterday visited at hla home In Third avonuo by a reporter, who wished to learn how he proposed to attempt the passage in case the money should iKJ lurulsbed. Tne balloonist was found at work in uu apartment, ihe walls ol which wero coverod with uiclures ol all soru ot contrlvancen lor saiiiug tho air. lie is a churl, well built, dark couiploxioucd, active ami intelligent Englishman ol thirty year*, and is an onthusiusi in his proIesBion. Tho reporter inquirod whether lie had any new machine with which ho pro nosed to make tho ocean passage. "No," was the reply - "I tlunk luere ouu bo little improvement made uiiou our present iiulluons. 1 should sunply build one with a capacity of 1M1.UOO cublo I eel ol gas. l'hls should b? outireiy o! silk, and I would make it Willi my own hands, so that I should have every couildence in it. There m no doubt that there exists a strong and steady easterly current across the ocean, and the ouly thing necessary to is to tind a balloon winch will stay up long enough to reaoh tho other side. Tho passage would not, 1 am sure, reijulro more than lour days." NOT TOO BIG A 1IALLOOX "Would not a b.tiluon of 160,000 loct capacity bo rather small?" asked tho reporter; "you know the Graphic, in which poor Donaldson won to cross, had a capacity ol 600,000 leok " ??That was the great lault of tho balloon you refer to " t-aid Mr. Griiulov. "It wua altogether loo big. It co'uld never have kept up long enough to cross the ocean. You see tho larger the bag is the greater is tho uscupe ol jioa and tho more ballast you are obliged to throw over. When the sun's rays heat the gas at noon day it expands and escapes at the nock und in other way*. Tbcu at night the temperature lulu uerhapi twonty-tlvu degrees, tho gua coutructs aud twenty pounds ol ballast bavo to bo thrown out. Oi course tho chau"os of temperature ettect the smaller balloon also, but not to u proportionate extent. 11 wo could have night continuously lor 100 hours the crossing ol the ocean would bo no leal at all, lor the balloon would bo in an even lomperaiuro and tho loss of gas and ballast would be vorv biuall." 11M KIPKUIKNCE. Mr Grimley oxprosaod his conlldenoo that he could roach Europe iu tour days if some one would turnish tho meaus. lie has had a good doal ol experience in aerostation, lie came to this country soven years ago Iroui Worcester, Euiflaud, where he hud been lor a long tinio the assistant oi a gentleman named Sim nions who owned several balloons and nude ascen sions'lor pastime ouly. Alter his arrival here he ou tfitted In bustucss, but his health lailod and ho turned to his old pursuit agaiu. On July 4, 1875, bo made an uscension ut l'ort Jervls, In this State. In the following September he asceuded iroin Schutzen Park, aud from thence went to Mouougaheia City, Irom which pluce he made a sucoesslut asconsion, but was nearly frozen to death, so i;0ld was ihe weather, although ho was up but two hours and travelled ouly Ufty miles. Ooiug to Pittsburg in October ol the same year he was en gaged by tho uuthorities in charge of tho Exposition inoro and mude live very auccosatul trips. On one occasion Mr. urlinloy travelled 150 miles In three und or.o-ball hours. __ AKMY AND NAVY CLUB ELECTION. The resolt ol the reccnt olectlon for offlcorB and Board ol Managers ol the Army aod Navy Club, has been mado public, and Is as lollows:?President, Goneral Lioyd Asptnwall; Vlco President, Goneral Henry E. Davlea, Jr.; Secretary, Colonel Charles Trotchol; Treasurer, Colonel Kent House Commit tee?General M. J. MoMahon, Colonel Gebhard and Motor John Whartou. Hoard or Managera?General Aspinwall, Gsneral Duviea, General George H. Sharpe, General Jamos McQuade, General M. J. McMabon, General Kerron, General Joshua T. Owen, Colonel Charles Treicbel, Major Wharton, Colonel Gebhard, Colouel Kent, General K. Kuox. General Anson O. McCook, Colonel H. C. Lockwood and William H. i?Uu club la in an excellent condition, all outstanding aiatifera having been lully adjusted, and new mouthers uro being couatttutly added to ita list. 'I to? club will remain ut its present location, N'o. 28 West Thirtieth street, till May, 1878. aud the laciliitee for the enjoy ment of its club hie arc being Increased. To tho otn cers or the regular urmy and ol the old volunteer lorcos it has bocoino a necessity, aud a bright luturo is anticipated by Its membors. HYDKOPHOBIA. To tiik Editor op thk Hkrald:? Noticing your remarks under the head of ??Hydro phobla Kemedy," I luclosoacopy of tho celebrated "Goouman remody." Tiie writer was treated with It In Philadelphia lorty years airo by Dr. Goodman, in whoi-o laiuily the remedy remained a secret for many years, aud l" request that in tho interest ol humanity vou will give it the world-wide circulation ol the Hkkai.d. Yours truly, lilt CL'ltK. A dote for u home or a cow should be about four titue? as treat as lor a person. It is not too late to irlve the medi cine any time Uelore tho spasms come on. Tho llrst done lor a ptirsoti is one aud ouc-halt ounce* ol uiecainpaue root, bruised, put iu a hall-olut of milk, reduced to uno-half by boiling, then taken all at mie dose iu the morning, fasting until Mtternoon, or at lea?t a very light diet alter Mjveral hours have ??lnp??d. The second dote the ?arae an the Ur?t, uicupt take nvo ounces of Ihe root; third do?e name a* the < lUHt. to be taken every other day. Three dose> are ail that in needed, mid there noeii be no tear. ... This 1 know Irom nijf own experience, and 1 know ol a number of other cases where ii ua? men entirely niiceess ful. Tlila la no guess work. These pmtons that I allude to wero bitten by their own rabid dogs, that had been bitten by rai>ld dugs aud were penned iiii to see If tliey wou.U go mad thev did go ma!l, nnd aid blto tho uer?ous. t his rem cily ban been In use lu and about Philadelphia for tortr tuara or longer, with zr ?at eurce**, aud is kn?wn as tho Goodman remedy. I am acquainted with a physician who tolO me that he linown ol lti> tue lor more titan thirty years, but never knew a ease that lulled where It *ai pronerly ad ininiatereil. Among other caces he mentioned wan one where u number of eows had been bitten by a mad do*, to ball the number thev administered this remedy, to tlieotber halt'not' tho latter all died with hydrophobia, while those that took the elecampane aud milk showed no signs ol the disease. A BISHOP SUSPECTED. A young man named Isaac Bishop, until rcccntly omplujud In Hrown's soap factory, No. 18i First ave nue, na a cletk, was yostorday arraigiied at the Kilty, sovenih Stroet Court, chargod by Oeiaplatne Brown with having on tho llih ol Novcmbor laat receivod *28 from H. llslin, <>r No. 7C0 Elevenlh avonuo, for Messrs llrown, uud lailod to return the munoy. Ex nmlUAiiou, U is alleged, proves that Bishop bus beou guilty ol like ollcncos beloro, and that bu lias aliogetbcr takou ol his employer's mouey. Henry llabn made aflldavit that he hud paid Bishop $28 In pnymeut of munoy owliii tho ttrm. liisbop was baiioil lor ex ainluatiou. Jills. LEAViTT INDICTED. Mm. A<JclaKlo Leavltt, of No. 802 Second avenue, on the luili of March last, preforrud cuargos against tLie 1U-V. Doinlnick McCaffrey, pastor ol tho Episcopal Church ol Our Saviour, Third avenue, near Thirty iiinili Htroet, accusing bun of attempting to commit an Indecent assault upon tier. Alter n scries ol examina tions Kev. Mr. McOsllrey was l;eld by tho 1'ollce Magis trate, but the Grunu Jury subsequently dismissed tbe complaint against him. Tbo reverend gentleman retaliated and brought u charge of perjury anuinsl Mr*. J*>avltt, who was arretted by Octcctivus O'Oonuer and Fields, ol the District Attorney's office. She wua bold yesterday in tbe *uin ol #1,000 to await trial. SEEKING H14U DEATH. From pier 5J a young woman yesterday morning plunged mlo tlio North River and was boing carried away by the uurrent when Ofllcer O'Conuell, of the Voxtcru Steamboat squad leaped into tbo water aud with consldorublo difficulty succcoded In rescuiug her. Tho girl grained determined upon firing over life aud apparently regretted tbe officer'* timely ataiftUnc*. At tbe H'.ittloli bouse she explained tbo ciu>e of her suicidal attempt, lier name was Molilj Morton, abe s.iiu, una added that sno bad uo borne. 1 he old story ol reduction, betrayal and disgrace wpg born, and she spoke bitterly ol tho young tuuii who bad* boen tho cause ol her mi-fortunes, iiut persistently reiused to give his niiuie. oi to give any Inkling as to ber past rest donee or associations. She was attended by I Jr. to sign and removed to tbo Now York Hospital. THE FATAL DRAUGHT. An inquost was beld yesterday at the Twenty-ninth precinct vtatlon house on tbe body ol ltoaa Weiss, tbe domestic who died Ironi the cflccts of a draught of a liquid containing among other ingredients some cyanide of potassium, winch was given borby mistake. A man named John Leggeti, employed to clean win dows, discovered what ho supposed to be a bottle ol clarct, but which wo* in reality a mixture lor cleaning silverware, and bad poured out a glass of It to drink, when tho deceased happened to puss, and at his invitation drank off a portion ol the supposed wino. At the tlmo of Ibe occurrence Coroner WoUman commuted Loggeu, and held Henry Cor bit, ^ the batter, la 1600 to appear at the inquest, at the aam? time rebuking him for barlog exposed a bonis con taining ao deadly a mixture where It could readily pro duce mischief. Attor tho evidouce was beard ih i iurjr rendered a verdict ol death by accidcntal poisoning, und censured Orbit lor bis carelessness in leaving llio bottle where it euuld be easily luistakeu and used with to latal effect. THE ROMAN BAIL LEOTUeS BT MB. 18 A AC VAN WINKLE AT COLUMUIA COLLEGE LAW bCHOOL. Mr. Isaac Vau Winkle, rotinscMor-al-Iaw, gavoa very intei eating lecture last night at Columbia College Law Scbool on "The Roman Bar. " The member* of the Bench and Bar ol New Y ork Stat* and Nevr Jersey had been iovlted to the lecture. A largo number of them were present, aa also many students from tba law scbool. Among the Romans, said tha lecturer, the - place tor the administration ol Justice was tho forum ; the Judge was called praotor. The classical period of the Konian civil prneeas extended to tho reign ol tho Ktnperor Diocletian. Under tho laws oftho twelvo tables regular form* of procedure had been established. The first pleaders who appeared at the Roman Bar wero not Jurisconsults, but tho patrons of Me common people. But when business transactions becumo more frequent and tho sulenco of tho law more dMHuult and compli cated there were a cluss ol men who began to apply themselves to the study of Jurisprudence. The limi tation in the length of oral pleadings In tho time of Cicero wag left to tho discretion ol the Judge. In criminal cases the time was llxed according to tho l'omptian rule?the accused having morotimo tliuu tne accuser in iho proportion ol nine to six. In this measurement ol time the clepsydra, or water clock, was used. In many cases several counsel were employed on oue stde, but tbo custom' was not upproved oI by Cicoro. It the accused liud no udvocate tlie Judges ap pointed one lor him. Under tbo Itopublic advocates received very large lees. Claudius -and Cicero wero churged with having exacted exorbitant lees. Cicero received from l'ublius Scvila, thon under impeach ment, 1,000,000 sesterces, or about $40,ooo, with which he purchased a house, received under tho disguise of a loau. Cicero boasts iu his second philppic that ho received upward ol luOJ.OOO lrom legacies lelt bun by his friends, and yet bo borrowed money without scruple. Uuder Constantino advocates wero prohib ited. uudor penalty ol being uisburred, lrom making uuy burgains with their clients lor acquiring auy por tion ol what thuv might gaiu by tbo lawsuit. Women wore allowed to plead their own causes, but woro not allowed to plead or act fur others. Law was taught in schools about tho samo aa at tho present day. Under Justinian the students wore obliged to study Ave years and pass a public examination. Tho leciurur gavonu elaborate criticism ol the principal Roman lawyor&. Horten fcius was a contemporary and rival ot Cicoro. lie was u man ol'great memory, clearness and accuracy, and possessed groat grace In style. Asimus Pollio was on dowed with a great power of unpremeditated elo quence. 11 success was the criterion of a great orator Cicero was tha greatest, lor be possessed the laculty ot persuading to a romaricable degree. It might bj safe to stuuy him, but not to loilow bun. * While wo may derive many advantages, concluded Mr. Van Winkle, from studying the various charac teristics of the style of tho great orators of ancient Rome, it is not in our day so desirable to possess all the perfections which Cicoro and others required of an orator. 1 do not consider tho highest order or eloquence to be the principal qualification of a lawyer. There aro but tow occasions mat call it in demand. The advocate should learn to condiict a suit with skill and ability; to prepare tbo pleadings In proper lorm and to state all the I act* ot his case in their natural and chronological order with clearness and accuracy; at tbo Bar to leurn to haudlo bis causo with coolness and Judgment, and endeavor to seize well the points on winch it hinges; to learn to express himself in well chosen lauguago. sententious rathor than reduudant and copious, supporting bis arguments with pertinent reasons and' precise and well chosen authorities. I should rather urge upon the advocate to reverse tho rule of Cicoro?eloqueucc Urst and than sotuo knowledge ol tbo law?and lusist that bo should be learned In the law and practice and moderately elo quent, more a dialectician thau a rhotoriclan, and a man ol business and Judgment rather than ol gieat aud long discourse. A RELIC OP THE REBELLION. The torpedo boat Mldgo was sold at auction at the navy yard, yesterday, the purchaser being James T. Powers St Co. Tho Midge, which is a cigar-shaped vessel, 46 leet loug, brought hut $1250. She was built by the Coulederates, aud when llrst launched went to the bottom with a crew of six men on board. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Fire Commissioner John J. Gormau, Dock Commis. noner Vauderpoel and City Chamberlain Tappan were yesterday sworn into ofllco by Mayor Ely. Mr. H. B. Shafer has been appointed to codify all the city ordinances by Mayor Kly. It is ossentiaily neces sary that this work nhireld. be speedily accomplished, as nobody seems to kuow which ordinances are in loree or which have lieeu repealed. Tne statesmen around the City Hall are now on the ragged edge as to the questiou whether or not Cov entor Robinson will sign tbo Omuibus bill. If It be comes a law It will materially luiorlcre with the bread aud butter ol many a Tammany ollico-bolder. Corporation Attornoy Boyd reports having paid %iiM to tho Comptroller, penalties collected duriug 'the mouth of April lor violation ol oity ordinance*. The tags and other paraphernalia necessary lor issu ing licenses to dug owners will be ready bv ton o'clock i on Monday morning. Mr. 1). a. Hart, chief of tho l'ermit Bureau, iu the basement ol tho City liall will have charge ol this matter. It is not likely that Mayor Kly will nominate Com missioners lor the Parks and Police in place ol Messrs. Martin and Krbardt until tbo week nltei next. It was yesterday rumored that General McCleliau might ho Keiot'f.ed lor Police Commissioner if the Mayor con cluded to recede from his position as to non-partisan ship ot that body. Comptroller Kelly will to-day sell the scboolsbip Mercury at public uucttou in the new Court llouae. Tho vessel Is now lying at pier No. 1, North River. REAL ESTATE. Tho following sales more raado yesterday at tho Ex change:-? ay K. II. LUDLOW AND CO. Foreclosure sa^lt*?'Thomn* II. Hartwell, referee?of the with lot 25x01. 1x26*01.11, No. 144 h ast broad way, n. h. 225.8 it. w. ot Itutxers at., to John J. Koesu. plaiuiltf .... $17,000 Similar sale?George VV. I'urson*. referee?of trio house, with lot 84*125x30.0x128. No. 70 5th av.. e. 100 it. n. of 15th st.. to Geor#o Ahem, plain tiff.. 50,000 far HOW AIM W. COATK*. Foreclosure sale-John K l(isle>. referee ? of a house, with li*t 25xlt KJ.5 s. s. oi 4 7th St.. 217 It. w. of 2d a v., to Samuel Black, plaintiff 9,500 BT JOHN T. HOYD. Foreclosure sale?Thoma* L. Feitner, referee?of a house, with lot 25x1 on, u. *. of hast liHtb st., 175 It. w. ot 3d av.. to Kieanore K. Baldwin, plaintiff... 3,000 BY A. II. MULLMM AND MOV Foreclosure sale?Kuuene II. Poraeroy. referee? of a house, with lot l*x7.\ h. s. of 120tli *t., 144 It. w. ot 3d av., to K. A. Siruetcr, plaintiff 4.300 Total *ale.s for the day f83,800 I UAN.^riuKM. 3d ?v.,e. a.,00 ft n. of 120th st.. 19.0x70; Win. li. Fry to Annie Fettretch $7,000 3d at., e. a.. 40.0 It. ii. of 126th st., 10tfx7{S; name to fame ?? 7,000 3d av , e. a., 21 ft. U. of 120tu at., 10.0x70; same to same 7.0' >0 3d nv., a. o. corner of 120th st. ,21x7(1; fame to name 7,OJO 3d av., e. a., 7O.0 tt. it. ol 120tii st.,2O.6x70; name to 7,000 7Hth ml. ?. s., 12110 ft. e. of Madiftou av.. 30.0x102.2; James M. Drake and wife to II. li. i?rake Noiu. 2J av.. e. s., IOJ It. n. ot ft.?th ?t., 20x03; Samuel li. Hull anu wite to Mary A. Hull 11,flUO Water st., e. corner of lJep?y?tor at., lH.7iOH.7i h. llofluiHii and wife to It. G. Mitch 10,0(10 100th* st., n. 8., e. of Fulton wv , 30x05.55 (24tll waidj ; A. Kubin and husband to J. Fricdeticke I.OJO 147th st., n ?., 150 It. w. of St. Ann av.. 5o* 100 i2.'id ward) ; Thomas a. Uodinaii(exccutor). to 10. jMiiilli 1,164 65th st.. *. s.. 140.3 ft. e. of 4th av., IH.OxlOO A; Jane Parker and liu?band to Heleu M. Wind .. ... 15,050 KM st.. s. s.. 301 it. e. of 4tb av.. 21.0x102.2; Union idiuea Savings Hank to ii. Bradford 3fHh ?t.. i*. ?., 100 ft. e. t?r Oth av., 20x0* ilialf part ol); 1*. Wanner and wife to U llotmeister 7,C*?o Main ftt., a e. corner College av.. 75x100 (23d wurdi . i?. I*. Smith (leleree* to Mutual Life 7,3*** Morris av., s. w. corner of Garden st , 2;?xloo (234 ward) ; mime to Martin Nor* lO.lftO Garden st., n. >?., 100 It. e. of Collide av., 100x101) (23d ward); K. Hall Oeleree) to Vr. Curr. 3,000 &!M ht., ii s., 254It. c. ol 1st itv.,20x100; I. VV. l?o*w (referee) to K. Sal luck 3.0 O Houston *t . s. i>., 72 It. e. ot Clinton st., 1Hx70; S. H. Hard (referee) to I). KUuber. 12,000 1st av., e. ? . 24.8>| It. n. of 20th st , 24 Hx75 ; T. II. Landou (referee) to J. it. W hiinitf, Jr 10,000 ? OiifOAUXM. Ahern, Cornelius nnd wile, to M. Trimble, s. s. of J*tb ?t.. between 2*1 and 3a avs ; 5 years 6,600 lleder, Henry aud wile, to J. F. Schmidt, s. w. corner i'a**ai;e aud Uailroad avs.; 1 year 1,300 Haute, Abralium, to ii. liauta, n. s. ot Weal 11th ?t., w. oftireenwich nt.; 1 veer .'?.V> Kurie. lternard, to K. 11. Underbill, s. ? ot 2Ut si., w. of I?t av. ; 5 years 12 000 Fettretch, Annii! and husband, to W. ii. Fry, e. s. of :td ?iv., ii. of I2thh m. ; b years 12.500 H^rne to ?aiue. e. % ol .kl av., n. of 120th st.; 5 years. I2,.?0?) Same t'? same, e. ?. ol 3d iiv n. of 12?'?th st. ; ?"? years. I2.fttai Same tosaine, n. e. corner 3d av., 120th ?t, ft years. 1 *,??>0 Same to sauic, e. s. of 3u av., u. ??i I20th ?t: 5 years. 12,JO0 ltaye?, James, to Mutunl Lite lnmnauet i-ompany, ii. s. of Blercker ^t., w. of iiowery ; 1 year 3,000 Holland .obert S., to l'eter Moller, u. n. of 23d st.. w. ol Othademand 15,01 >0 JoiiHt. Charlcft and others, to Roosevelt iiosoilai, 3d nv . n. e. rom?r ol S2.1 st.; 5 years . 10,'rMj Marcher, Caroline and liusbaiid, to K. K. Maicher, s. s. o. .'<?>th nt., w.*off?th av. ; 1 year Lauifley, i.u^rono to James D. Bud, n. *. of70(h st., w of Iftt av ; 2 yearn 847 Itraiiiord, 11., to I uiou iJime Savings ifank, s. s. of K'ld St.. e. of 4ttt av.; instalments ., Siliecx, li., to hlf*venth Ward Savings Hank, n. ?. of f>3d at , e. of 1st av. ; 1 year 3,000 Nor/., Martin and wife, to Mutual, s. e. corner Gar* den aud til av t,23tl ward) ; 1 vear. 4,000 McVev, Archibald, to Henry Smith, n. *. of 119th st., b Mween I'd an?l 4th av.; inataiinen s ?J0 Kubiii.tou, Mary, to i.illuli Hi?binsi?u, a. a. 30tu Nt , A. of Madlaou av. ; In year* 50,000 O'Mrien, JoUn and others, to G. Cromwell, u. *. | ot Houston St., corner Merger; 2 yeais 100,000 Harris, Sarutiel and wife, to A. Duxro, a. ?. of 4th sr., e. ot av. H; 4 yean 6,000 Biacahurst, Klisabeih and tiu^bnud. to M. A A. Woodcock, u. *. ol tHth St., e. of Stb av.; 5 years... 0,r?<)O (iriei, Hone, to Caroline C. Hiuhop. n. a. of 27th St., w. ot Oth av. ; 5 years * 5,000 Griet. Hoae. to Abby ?. Tut tie, a s. of 27th at., w. of 9th a v.; 3 yea m 5,000 NoMti and, Klbert and wile, to John A. Weeks, a. a of 40iUiu,e. of &U0 MBS. NICHOLS' DIYOBCE. ANOTIIEB FEMALE WITNESS 1 JUSTIFIES AS T? THIi FAMOUS BID* AT NKWPOBT. Bridoki-obt, Conn., May 4, U77, The bearing ia tbia cwo was resumed jtiUriU; morning by the introduction of evidouco for the re spondeut, Mr. Nichols. The attendance of spectators was quite small compared with tbo number present in the earlier part 01 ibe trial. At the opening of tbo Court a huge pile ol deposition wero thrown upon the table by counsel for Mr. Nicbola, wbo began to crack the seale, ontlo "red tape" and set them la order lot premutation. The repuiuliou ol Nelson Kelchum, ona ol the principal witnesses Introduced on the part ol Mr. Niohols to sustain tbo allegailona contained la the cross hill, and wbo whs Mr. Lytnan'a sailing ?t ter In 1872, having been aasuiled and impeached by tue testimony of several witnesses who knew him wall the Urot item lu the proceedings was to redeem hia character Irom charges ol uutrulblulness. To effect this, to set the reputation of the Captain right in tbr eyes of the Court, the depositions ol Cliarles T Duryea, C. Jackson, A. H. Weeks, Charles Biabop, Andrew Jacobs and Ira Oakley, ol Babylon; William Belsore, A. S. Norton, William S. GrllUn and C. T. Rowland, ol UIlp, woro read, all claiming to nave had a more or leas extensive ana intimate acquaintance with ketrhttm and believed Ilia reputation lor truth aud veracity to be good. MRU. MCUULS KIDKS OUT WITH LTXAX Ella Milbutik, ol Greenfield iilll, Conn., testified that sbe knows and bus for many yeurs known Mr. and Airs. Nichols; she went on the excursion in 18U9. ou lbe yacht Coining, with Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Miss Nichols aud Kev. Mr. 3turges;tbey arrived si New. port ou Monday in the week; the lirst night tbey all stayed 011 board Hie yacht, and on luesduy night witness, .Miss and Mrs. .VicUola stopped at tliu ocean lloufo; ibey wero at the hotel on Tues tiay and Mr. liyiaun was also there; witueas stated taut on Tuesday ulteruooa Mr. Lytnan invited Mri .NicIjo a uuu liurseii to lake a ride, and thoy accepted tue luvitatiou; he was to cpU lor theui about ihre? ? TSr* .?nd a" ho drove Mr- Echols, hts sisteri and Mr. bturges came up from the yacht; Mr. Nlchoii went ou tne piazza and sat down, and at the same time Air. Lyman sal in a basket phaeton waiting* he was oistippointed lu getting a two-eeat carriage, as n# lutcudod, there beiug a great demand lot teams that afternoon, and was obliged tc take a single-seated phaoton Inatvud. Wii, iicb3 stated that Mrs. Nichols then asked lier busuand If be bad any oh)ectlona to hor going ou: to take a ride with Mr. Lyman, and he, abaking bit 1h?a.d;, "uswoied "No." Ho was not present, witnesi testified, when tho Invitution fo ride out was glvet uud accepted. Ou mat evening Mra. Nichols. Mlai Nichols and witness went to their room together, abou. hull-past ten o'clock, but in a low tntnutoa therealtei the lormer went out saying, as she did ao, that ahe wai goiug to look lor a coral jtin she had lost. Witness soon retired aud stated that she could not asy when Mrs. Nichols returned. She was there in the mormon and that was all she knew about it There wss oulr ono bed in tho room, she said, lor the three. Inls concluded the direct testimony of Miss Mllbank. and tho Court adjourned. A. COAL WAR. ATTEMPTS OP THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO BAIL BOAD TO 8UPPBE83 TBAFPIO ON CANALS?BE* SULT, CHEAPEB COAL FOB THE PEOPLE, Combbrlaxd, Md., May S, 1877. The great coal interest, which centres here and ia the surrounding country, is just now very much ex cited by the war that Is noing actively waged between tbo Baltimore and Ohio Ruilroud Company and the Cbesupeako aud Ohio Canal Company, whoso canal operations extend Irom this point to Georgetown, Vs. The origin of this imbroglio, which bids fair to term initio in something scrioua betwean the conflict lng elements, was an ellort upon tho part of tho Baltimore and Ohio Company to uiuko a grand gobble of tho businoss of the canal company by making secret overtures ol low freights to tho various mining com* pantos. When this troachery became known 10 F. A. Gorman, president ol the Cbesupeako and Ohio Canal Company, a courtoous nolo was sent to John W. Oar* rett, president ol the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, usklng lor some arrangement tor a juat dl. vision of tho trude and the tlxiug of such Ireigbl rute.s that would result in making the carrying of coa' profitable to both the rmlroad and canal oompany while reaching tho competition lrotu coal product also where. President Gorman's proposition was rather unoer* mouiously and uncourioousiy refused by tho Balti more uud Ohio Company. President Gorman then determined that the cunal company'a busluesa should be mulutaiued against tbo combiued opposition ol tha lialiiuiore uud Ouio itsnroad Company and tbo inter ests co-operating witu it. Every scheme that could be curried out to detest the railroad corporation bus been adopted by the canal company, President Gor man having none so far us to throated to reduce the of transportation ou coal between Cumberland aud Georgcliwu 10 tcu cents per tou. The citizens of tho coal country, and psrt'culsrly in tbis immediate region (which is ono ol the most im portant and proline coal and iron producing centroa in the country), tiuvo taken a very active inioraat m luvor 01 the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company and already a mooting of pronuuent capitalists bus been held at Westcrutown to tuko slops lor the build inn of a railroad to assist in tho warfare against tha Baltimore aud Ohio Company. It is understood that tho latter corporation's obisct lu tbo present movement is to bring the coal trade to the city ol Baltiinoro as a help to Its marine interests, us well as lor lbe purpose of making that place the leading port lor Cumberland coul shipments, aud to attract the (.leumshipM to mat city lor cheap fuel In tho interest ol tno Baltimore uud Onto Company it ia said 1'resideui Garrett can truuspori coal while tbo trouble prevails at an almost entire loss, and depond upon the suspousion of canulllng in the wintor to uiako good the losses durlug tho season of navigation. Just now the canal sutlers from the disadvantage ol haviui no railroad In the Western Maryland mining dlatricta, tbo Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad Company cou< trolling me Cumberland and Pennsylvania road by its ussociatiou with tho Consolidation Cod Company, unothor corporation which is gonorally con sidered a monopoly iu tbo coal regionn ot this State. The impression is general among coal mon that tbo war will have the oiled of sending prices way down to unie-war ilxures, uud to perhaps lowor rates. The miners' wages have been lowered to the very lowest notch, uud should the trouble between tha ruilroad and cauai companies rosult iu any lurlhar decrease of Wages it is not luiprobuDlo that a strike may occnr in some of tho togious. Tlio rutos (or coul aro constantly tailing and tho irtuto neneraliy is becoming very much demoralized, but it is believed the canal company will bo able to hold its own In tho light aud in the end be come the victor, especially as il has the substantial assistant col the people. THE COAL HUMORS. Cornelius F. Tlmpson, a broker, and Edward F. Brown, a lawyer, wbo, it may bu remembered, wero Indicted by tbo Grand Jury ol tho General Seasio'na lot Circulating, as alleged, certain reports in Wall street 10 connection with tho Delaware aud Hudson Cuual Com pany, wero bailed yesterday. John A. Kimou, ol No ?VI W <-*t fbirty-lonrth street, became bondsman tor Mr. Brown, and George Cecil, ol the Windsor Hotel wont hail lor .Mr. Timpaou. George W. .Slow, an ac countant, who was also indictod on a aitntlar charge has not yet uppeured. CUSTOM HOUSli INVESTIGATION. WU11K OK THii COMMISSION YE8TKBDAY?CLKEKfl* FKE8 ANL) POLITIC 41. ASBKS8MENTS. Tlio last sea-nou lor this woek ol tho Custom lloust Commission was hold yesterday. Mr. Jay read lb* [ billowing lotior, received iroui the Secretary of the I <?< , Iruasury:? Tkkhukt DariRTMiXT, I OrriCE Of TUK 'I'UkASUBKH, / Wiimsutoa, U. Ci, May 3, 1W77. J Hon. Joii* Jay. Chairman;? mi;?I transmit herewith for the consideration of your i eouimt??ion a copy ol a letter received bv rat Irooi Samuel WuU li .ft Co., Hosion, cutu|>1.111<11>K of illCK*) exactions o( 1 fe *nd no.iiul^iu ? liy employe* ul the New York Custom I Hoes*. JOHN HHKKMAN, Secrotary of the Trea?ury. The onclosuro spoken of was as follow*. It wm j read ami passed over without couiiuont:? May we mi.Ii that ill* commission on Now York CiHtoss I H<m?? may be directed to insultu why bills ol sa>e of veusl i proi?.rty tliat have beoii regularly rcuUterad at the boiae poit suoulil lie compelled tto i?ay tuu leo over a^aln there, ' wiilch l? no; reiinircjl at any otliur Cimom Ilou??r Also why clerk* should l>u allowed to reeeivu ler? for furnishing prompt returns ol cargoes landed at that city? .sAMI hi. WKLCil .ft CO.. Button. Max. Mr. Wynkoop. Deputy Collector ot the Kourtt division, win* cullod und duly sworn. Mr. Koblasol ? road the letter of Messrs. Welch It Co. to him and I asked what ground there was lor such allegations. It ' answer Mr. Wyukoop replied I hut such a practice did I not exist, and no lee Is ever charged on the sale ot A vessel registered at the borne port unless the old ragla ! ter hus|to be surrendered and a new one taken out. I As (his requires the work to bo done ovor agalu It II tio more ili.m just that u lee bo paid thureior. No bills : ol sale lire recorded in New York ol vessels placed oi i record at Huston, unless, as slated belore, the owner ship is changed, anu thou a now regiHter is issued, i Collector Arthur, who was prevent, said that the charge win Irivoluus and without the slightest loua i datioo. I In; Collector would uot issuo a reregistei unless the property changed bunds, which necessi tated a proper saieguarJ to bo taken out by tlio new owuors. As Mr. Kobiuson was com pel led to leave last nlgbl tor Washington no mooting will bo held to-day, and lurlher proceedings have ueen uojourned until Molt i aay alternooii. rol.lTICAl. AS*Kf>SMK*T.?. 1 Several witnesses who have already been examined : by lhi.i commission testilled to the payment ol assess* iiieuls lor political purposes. Mr. Uuuscli said on Uis Urst Interrogation that those payment* were uiailo to the late Appraiser. Till* statement, however, he corrected the next da/ In a letter [CONTINUED ON NINTH FAQ&l