Newspaper Page Text
CUSTOM HOUSE INVESTIGATION [CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE.] to Mr. Jay, In which lio exonerated Mr. French aud slated iliat it was Mr. Sperry who "toolc up tho collection." It is stated tiiut Aiduruiau Piuckuey, <>t this city, it to lie summoned next wee* to te*tify as to what he know* about assessments having been i>aid by ilio Custom llou-o employes last lull. Witnesses will aUo bo summoned to ihow how it happens that the inspectors are cliarued twenty-five cents notary Iocs lor swearing to their monthly payrolls, and also whether the charges that the clerks exact ft fee lor hurrying up enirius of merchandise are true. STOCKS ACTIVE AND HIGHER A Decline, Followed by a Sharp Rise. r GOLD STEADY AT 106 7-8. Government Stocks Steady and Railroad Bonds Higher. Money on Call Easy at 2 a 2 1-2 Per Cent. YflU. STKKKT, I , Fhioav. May 4?0 P. M. I To-day's market has been without event, yet there was buying and soiling enough to run transactions up to 230,000 shares. Most of it recorded the views of potty speculators, who backed .their opinions by eighths and quarters and were enrlchod or im poverished by a corresponding decline or fall. The troll-operators remained quiet, viewed the vicarious efforts of their subulterns with equanimity and showed no signs of interest in tho existing child's play for the greater part of tho morning- Later on they bestirred themselves somewhat, aud, bonding their euorgios in the direction of higher pricos, started a buying move ment, which at tho closo marked up quotations to tho best figures of tho day, and such host figures wero >? to 4 per cont above tho opening oues. It is beginning lo appear that even the bears, who could see no luture for stocks short of a botlomloss pit, are Inclined to modify tholr views and admit that evory thiug may not bo going to the "doninitiou bow-wows" after all. They havo so expressed themselves by covorliig their short lines with an alacrity which be lled their words, while it, at tho same time, guvo false strength to tho murket Such fulse strength gave out as shorts wcro covered, and, accordingly, prices rc coded to where they belonged, which was still at many points higher than thoy had ruled ten days ago. It is not extravagant to predict that a new doparture will bo made from this point In tho wuy of progross, fol lowed, doubtless, by the same overdoing of the matter and the same failing back, but with the result of a detinue advance from tho starting point. This, becanso tho reign of terror which tho bears had organized has pretty much eome to an eud, because the clouds which lowered over commercial prospects aro slowly lifting, and because a belief exisis that the bed rock ot ? de clining market has been struck at TUB SALES TO-DAY. The aalos of aotive stocks to-day aggregated 233,000 shares, which were distributed as follows:?New York Central, 13,168; Harlotn, 100; Krle. 600; Lake Shore, 66,070; Northwestern, 1,0U0; Northwestern preferred, 2,160; Kock Island, 22,800; Milwaukee and St. Haul, 1,200; Milwaukee and St. Paul preferred, 16,?60; Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, 31,aid; New Jersey Central, 621; Delaware and Hudson Cabal, 3,826 ; Mor ris and Essex, 8,400; Michigan Central, 6,800; Illinois Central, 2, ottO; Hannibal and 81. Joseph, 1,700; Ohio ind Mississippi 100; Panuma, 100; Western Union, 12,820; Atlantic and Pacitlo Telegraph, 260; Pacific Mall, 6,126. OPBNIXO, HIGHEST AMU LOWI8T. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the duy:? Opening. Uii/hrsL Lowett. N.Y. Cen. and Hud. K. RK. fci* WJ* 91 K Erie C V ti', u LukeShoro 6'2'a 60% Northwestern 1im4 2u*,' lujtf Northwestern preferred.. 43*f 44^ 43% Kock Island yu'4 lrj '.t stoij' Milwaukeo and St. Paul,. 17 ', 18'^ 17 S Mil. and St l'aui prei '4047% 46.'; D?L, Lack, and Western.. 4^J? 61 '4' 4*% Western Union 01.62>4 CO', Pacific Mall 21 220?{ Panama 04 % 94/j CLOSING I'KK'KM?3 P. M. tti> I. Ankrd. IIUL AnktxL N YCentral... MiK IMV, Illinois Ten... M Harlem UHM i:?7 C, O, C'Al... ? 2 trie Ul4 7 llun X St Jo... 12 12^ Lutke Shore... 52.', .'iL'X II ft St J prof, 22X Northwestern.. 3i'4 JUv. Ohio k Miss... 4*i 4% Nortliw pruf... 44'a 44*4 Panama u.r> ? Kotk Island... !?ii \Ve*turn Union 02K 68V Port Wayne. . K> W7 At X I'auTet.. 2u'4 21 Mil A St Paul. in Pucibc Mall.... 22 T2K M X Si f prel. 47', 41% Quicksilver.... 14 15 i'lllsliurx Ki KG IJniek pr?r 2Htf 22V DM, 1. X v\.... 61S, '>l't AcUlushx.... H7 tin N S Centra'... M', Hij Wells I'Hrjro... H3 Kt Del A HtdMft. 47'.t 47', American Kx.. f>lH f>2*? Morris ,V K?n. . 77 77l4 VulM Htatei. 41 41!,. Mleli Ceutrul.. 4.1 -4:?1B AUVAM'K AXD DKCLIMB. The following shows tiio advance aud decline In the closing prices of the principal active stocks to-day as compared with those of yesterday:? AiiVAXCK?Western 'Jnion. I ; Now York Central, 1>, ; l.ako shore, 1 ; Illinois Ceutrul, % ; Northwoslcru, 1 ; do preferred, ; .New Jersey Central, Si 5 Kuck 1 11U, 1 ?? ; Si. Paul, ; <lo prelerred, 1 a; Delaware, Luckiiwanna nuii Western, ; Morris uud r.ssrx. 4; HannibalundSi. Joseph, lja, ilu. prul< rred, 2; Deluuaie and Hudson, J; Michigan Central, 1 '.4 ; 1'uCtUo iluil, Djccuhb.? WuUaSU, c'., C. aud I. C., jf. THE HOXKY MAKkKT, Tho money market was a^ain very easy fo-day, money ou call lending at 2 11 2>? por cent and closing at the santo figures. The following were tho rates of exebungoon Now York at Hie undermentioned cities to-dav:?Savannah, 6-16 premium; Charleston, a 16 a premium; St. tjouis, 1-10 premium; Cin cinnati ttendy, buying pir, selliug 1-10; New Or leans, commercial M-U2, bunk uud Cln#i<:o p?r. Foreign cxchmuo Is steady, with actual newness ut 4.87 u 4.87)4 ,or bankers' sixty days sterling aud 4.8D), a 4.Ml lor doiuuud, the uaminul asking rules re maining at 4.88 lor long and 4.00>j lor sight drafts. THK GOI.ll HAKK1.T. Uold opened and closed ut 100*?. with kales iu tbo in terval ut 100.V The carrying rule* were !>,, 2, 2% ?uJ 3 ner cent. Loans were also miido Uold clearings ul the National Haolt of lha Mtale of New York:? Gi'lu balances |9?4.700 Curreucy bulauots 1,075.201 t.old cleared 16,4i7,OHO CI.KAHIMO IIOtlXK STATIC*K.NT C ii r roncy e xcli anges $71,1 08, lU'i Curreucy balances 3,4*5.400 (?old exchanged 0, 4<>?i Gold balances 012,040 l#'l V K l< N M K N r II )S na. Government bonds were Urni anil closed .Heady at the loiiowing quotations: ? Unitod Htaici currency rixes, 124% u 126^ ; do. do , 1X81, registered. U3>, a 113^, do. do., do., cotipou, 114S a 114',, do. do., lSSi, registered, 108; do. do., do., coupon, lU>*;do ilo., doi, now, registered, 110',; u 110 V ; do. do., do do., coupon, 110', a llo>^; du. do.. 1S'>7, regnslori d, llo', a 113', ; do. do., da, coupon, 113'4 it U.i t , do. do., 180*, registered, llu.>4 a 115 do. d .. do., coupon, I16'4 a 110,',; do., leu.forties, registered, ll'J', a 112% i do. do., coupon, 113 a do. llvi^, lssl, registered, 111 a 111',; do. do., do., coupon. 111!, a 111%; do,, 4%'?, If Jl, registered, 1U-*a 10S4, ok v (loons ill roll is. The Imports ol dry good* at this port for the week ending to-day were $1,201,231, and the amount mar Koted $l,37i,614. Thu total imi orts ol dry goods a' the port since J muitry 1, this your, were o21,2?7' tnd the total amount marketod f .4,U7">,t?D0. 1'IIK rbNKIOM MAKKKT, The London advices report a comparatively heavy decline per cent) in cot hois, with United Suites bonds irregulitr, 1S07'? and teti-lorties being a traction higher?b?ih selling at 1IJS', a llivi <4 . 4nd old Isto's and new lives being a shade lower. In American railway sUaret Krm advaucod to 7 U>r the Common and 10:, lor the prcierrtd. Now Vork Uenir.ti was ktuady it 00 aud Illinois Central declined 1 % tier cent I'uns rentes weie 32lower. I lio closing priu' ?*. ii London wo'e?Consols lor loone; and on aceouiu, /4fr , U?M IWUI4iH Uwu a Ol I w, old. a tU-/g, da, ISA?, 108 K n 108*4; leu-forty bonds, 108', a 10H'*; new liven, 105J) a luti; Erie common shares, 7; do^ preferred, 1*)^; New York Centra!, 00; llllnoU Central, 52^ A later despatch quotes Illtuois Centril at&l K. In Paris rentes closed at 1021. 05c., and exchange on Lon. dull at 251. 12),c. STATE HON us* State bouaa wero dull. Louisiana sevens, cousol- | (dated, were ); lower and District of Columbia, alter ' declining >?, to 74?i, recovered to 74>?. railroad uonub. Railroad bonds were a^ivo aud goucrully higher, j with tbo lollowlng cbauiius in pricos compared wltb ' last previous sales:?An advunco ol \ in New Jersey j Central Amta, new, and Oblo and Mississippi cousoll- i dated sinking funds; >, In Morris and Ksscx Orate, con solldrited; Union Pacific sinking lumls aud Dclawaro and Hudson registered bonas of '91; In Milwuukee aud Su l'uul consolidated sinking funds, New York Central sixes of 1883. Harlom Orals, sevens, coupons, und Chicago, Burlington nud Quincy sevens, and % in Chicago, Rook Island and Pacltlo sevens aud Central Puciflc gold bonds. There was a decline ol >? In Mil waukee aud SL Paul Ursts (La Crosse division) aud Canada Southern tlrsts (coupon on), aud '? In Lebieb and Wllkesbarre consolulatod and Chicago and North western consolidated. BANK snAUia. The sales ol city bank shares were:?City at 205 (ex dlvidoud), Fourth Natloral at 90<4 aud t'huo and Leather at 119. MIXIXG SHAKES. The following were the closiug prices in San Fran cisco to-day:? Alpha. 11 Justice 4 liclcher 6 Kentuck S'? Best k Belcher 15 K Leopard 1 Bullion 2K Mexican 7 Cob. Virginia 31>; Northern Hello 14'.j California 31.'4 Overman 13 Chollar 3l? Oplitr 12>< Coulldcuco 3 Raymond A Kly 3*4 Caledonia il Silver H ill 1314 Crown l'oinl d*? Savage 4 Exchequer 2>? Seg, Belcher. 17 Could & Curry ?>), Slorra Nevada 2*4 Ilale A Norcross 2 Union consolidated.. 3 imperial. 1 Yellow Jacket b\ Juliu consolidated.... 1 Kureka con 10*4 The sales ol tniulng abarca in New York aa olllclally reported were :? FIRST HOARD?11 A. M. 200 aha Bullion alO U 100 ?li? Kuroka .. b.tO 1 ti}( 201 > Caledonia. b30 2 lOO 'loiild <k Uurrjr.alt) 5 2UO di b30 2 2UO Hala A Nore .. a30 2 100 do a3t) \% 100 llukill c 3?,' .'?O California... ... 32,Si 100 Kuntuek ?lo 2?? 200 (,'lioll ir I'oto*l..al0 34'4 100 MexiCHii ?lo 0 loo Con 1 tn MlnCo.alO luonphlr >10 13 100 Cou Virginia.. .a30 30 2UO Overman *10 14 loo du 1)30 :<0 VtOOSaVM^e. all! 4 loo Confldouee 3t*l do b;?) 4', 2iHi do ?:to 3 loo Seaton con bo 4X :n*i Crown Point...alio loo do be e 4>, 100 Exchequer >10 2!, 100 do be 1(M fcutekit alt) 10 200 do-. be SECOND BOARD?1 :30 H. M.' 200 aha Cleveland.. 7 100 aim Mexican .. ,b?>0 0*^ 21*) do 7 loo Overman >10 1M\ lOO do 7 100 do b:U) 13?j, 5 Con Virginia 3fl 300 Seaton be 4A? 200 llukllll bc.c loo do 4?i loo Mexican >10 li'4 loo do be 4% 100 do by J SALES AVTEK CALL. 100 aba Seaton. b3 4% 100 aba Seaton 4*< 100 do 4/k 1UO do 4>, UK) do 4.*, IMi do b't 4Ja 100 do 4V? 100 do 4 V, 100 do anw 4J, 200 llukill 3?i 100 do ?f. 4?, The following Is tho official report of salca at tho New York Open Stock and Oold Exchange, May 4, 1877:? r 1R8T CALL?9:40 A. M. $101X10 Am gold b4 H?7j 10<l aba Lake Bliore. .b3 'VJ 200auaKrlu 100 Weateru Uuion.... 100 do bd tiJ4 lt*l Weatern I lilou. *3 01'.. aoo Lake Hbore So>t loillbio & Ml>a s3 4,Ja SECOND CALL?12.30 P. M. STiOXJO Am gold b4 loo >lia Laku Shore..s3 ?'>I lOO Lake Shore r> 1M*? do M Ja 100 do.... b3 .'i 1", l(*l Western Colon..Ul^a Till 111) CALL?3:16 I*. M. lOOihaErle t>% 3<xi >ha Waatern Union V 100 Oblo A Mlaa....b3 4W 100 do >3 100 NV Cen li:i>Z loo Del. L A W S1*J 2'ri Luke Shore R2fi 200 Mt Paul pref. af> 47V 11*) do >3 52>4 10U do 47*7 10(1 Mich Cun .b3 43 loo Itock Island 02^ ItHi Lake Shore b3 52^ 100 do U2^u 2'XI do 02 % 44a 4 * 4 il NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES 1'RiDAr, May 4. 1877. BKFORE CALL?III JL M. t2(*(0 NWectb 8S'4 201) ?hs Kock Ialand ... !?i'4 MS) aha Del A Hud..... 4.'.?4 700 do ???*? lOO do 46>J 3(X) do. no do do I*?> 7ia) do 4.'>% 100 do ...o !)">'? lix*i Lake Shore Mi', Mai do >'? 1M*) do 60'? 300 do IS r-JIH) do OO.S I'D do 91)'.. fttSI do aok aoo do t>oJ,, 1700 do 4<*l St Paul IT'-o 22iai Weat<TU Union... til1, liai si Paul pref 4'- '4 ltlllO do 0 lJi 3IIO do 40 'i, ?jiki 01'., 4t?l ilo 4)1*2 3)X) do a3 Ul?.' MX) do t 4?IJ, :^iio do c oil. 2"o do 4?;s ?a*) do *'1>>4 wa) do 40'a 101*) do ttl*. 11**) do .... 4?i'4 4< *) do fcl* I'D do 4?;\ loo do ttl MX) do 4).^ 23 do 01 K 200 do 40'? oj' do >10 HI1, 2'*1 do 4tlC SIM Morria k K?aex.... 7_", 4ia? do...... 411s, 31*) Pacille Mail 21% HOO do 4I.'4 ,VJ do 2oV 4<X) do 4?i?a do 21 loo Mich Ceutral 41', aoo do I'D . do >3 41 aoi) do 2I'?4 HX) Uo 41', MX) do 21 200 do 41V lOO Nortliweatern...a3 lt'ti l'JOO Illinois Central.. r>4> 40 do li'i, l'?) do ftfi lid <io lit',, It*) Del. Lack A Weat. 4h'^ |i*l do 1W?4 2'.*) do e 41) lOO do IHJ, It*) do 4*7, :?al NW uret a3 43:,4 4<*' 4I? ?Jtti do 43*4 111 do 4KV? Ml do 44 7t?) 4*?\ lixi do 43?i /<?) do 4l?,'t IDoN YC A Hud K.... Ir.", W*) do 4!>\ 41M) do Wl I'D do a3 4!i'i OOM do 111% 4i*l do..........,, 4'.iS 40 do U2?ii 2<NI do e 4'.l\ 2I*W du H2S 11**) do 40', do b3 50 do 40*. ?Ji Jl :ioo do iri', 200 do 4!?r, *10:15 ANP li:W A. M. $1000 UHB'a '81. r .bc ll3*i $mKiO U8 !?'?, 1O-40, r.. 11JJ. " 198 IIP,, 1UH\ .U. 85 11<i<Ml U8 r,V.5, n 1 Id1. iu???i us r?-v>?.. c.'oi. u i 10000 L' S 5-20s, r, 'U7. 113'. FIRST $10000 Loulainn. 7'*, o 77 St 100 do 7UX 1000 do 1/0 70', fMrno L>lk of Col 3-U.'ni. 74?, ?_'m' i Itur. U It t lit 4.. ?JIKHI I Inc. 11 .t w M'h . 115 IMJOU, HA(jcoo7'?. lu!?Jf MOUO <J, IS .It '-i !>'*. * I. k-I'h IIIOO do .... WM>* am Hi o. ii i a r?< 7'?. i"-t% IiltMN .1 Cult 1*1, O .. 1CH 2000 ilo I'H'i limn I.nlilnli A W. e . -I?'j ? ?Ml.) M AS I' 111,I.I'd loo', :?*k?? Mil * si i'c? i.. luum Utile A N >V con. lot 111)1 l'l.i A. !\W tat ui, looo Cine A .Mil UI.. I'*'1, HUO llo lui", ?.'Ik*i Mor A I'. 7'?, '71 1*1 iiooo Mor A K? l?i. o. ''?> laoon do uiStf .'lOUO >io I"'.1, in *1 Midi ()?n 7'?.... K*l uuoo do b3 i< m? Stouo N V Con 6'*, 10. Iirj'4 U km I lur l si in 7'?, c. 11 7 lnoiCeu I'mlllc K !'? I""'-. 150U0 Uiilou I'iic lal in 1' II bUOO I i'ltclHc ? I.. IjU H3)? atlOO I'hcIIIc Ol Mo 2d Hi', iihi-i t'oi i .tic ut. 21' L; ?m Ait .t'l' II lu.... IW IKMl I'el A 11 r U, 'Hi. V7 2i.?jO do ?-171 a 'JiKMI ill .l?: t'f.'j 12oouO A MU? e ? f.hH ?? :; d WJ fimCuu rt?i I in. B.I/C ji'S I 2 rlls fit V li.tlik t> it JIM i I'ourili NhI ii.ini. . n'\| b Stioo A l.euibur Ilk 1 III I'm >1 Hfyinud ? Co.. tic In 1 So At .V. I'nc Tol In) '-'ii lOikJ Weal III l*til,..bc ol.1* ?I'n do i'l'? I ? M4 , do ? tl I ,'4 7U0 IUUU "l>> ill-. llo . .a or ... ui i -i 'a inU llMlO 2.U I I Jl HJ Soo do uuj do ill limj Co ill' J m ilu ...... Hil.'i iij i do UI * jim ilu til' ljoo.b. Weil I'd Til, (Jl 2HI" du <it HO 'to . III.' ^jni ilo Ill |U Amuiicin b\|n..k .1-) In i l.\|nc?>. ... ? 4i .iii vt uil>-1 urito K 'J i I In I X llud I'tiii ? b 1'U III I ilu K'>. I' '? 411 ?w*. ?Jim 1'itc M N.i I'#. *3 4.1 k be 21J. ?Ji HI ll I'll N V i ?>i 10 il 21 21* VI i'lJi U'J HI ii wiS in Ul -K i'l). IIJ W2>? luf. :?JJOO no..' bo aoooo u? '8i. 1UXXJ0 CM 4'j, 'ui. r... 1MIAUII?Ui:;K) A SO a Ik Un Hue KB. .be BO Clvv A I' lilt,K.. bo loo Mlcb iJou UK bc,c loo do V0? 2IAJ do Urn do :i'iU do loo bO 41% 41 Si 41', ?41'4 41 S lirno Lit.) Midi .>o be 50* IO<) do..., iJ IK?'I Uu i'MJ'j do i.'i r????, in M I i|u nJ l!i HI ilo fii*? Oo f?4?-4 4<*> ?tu l**\ M* Jl) 1 i?M) Km?o ilu . do ...... ..... <*> Illinois i be 21U Uo 1'*) do r?i i'l'a i'i'4 & i do . liW 1UU i'hl & XW ., ?:t 10 do M NW pr?I. be 1U?> d.?........fclu lUi do *.l ?l> > do .*8 .? N Jcr?ry l eii....b? du 20<J Chic A K 1 Kit.? be 7U0 Uu 1 MMJ do 7i> i do 1UU k ;??u luu 1?>J lit WJU <lu 17i?U do ilu N Jein.y 1m? ijble. Mil A nt I'.ue l?4j ?iu 'JiiU C, M A r>l pi Le im? do Uo do . . bii m i'7'1 44 < ? - tx?4i do . do . 1<M |m? 4iM Hi H| im-i ?JUU iu > Hnj do .... do .... "U ?h? C, M ?k M I' pi. 4< ;?!?? do ..... 4?*I lli'l, Laek X V\' 1UU do i:k O do . iw.i tio . c \j A\ du do f H I Uo ;? at d.i 11JO do .'H.M iOl> UN) 10 do IOU lOJ 4<M .Vkl ;kx ? lixi do e 4 *? <lo I'D Mum* A }?:?> Kit be iO? do h'J I 'JHt do ??*f do I CHI UO ,,... Jii New ler.wy 7 do ,... ?J7 P. Ft VVMU tf be,h3 'i5 Uu lUOOhl. 1* ik 14 Kit .be [oii ilu ttdK l?*> li.?rl?iu Kit.. .. be HKPUKK CALL?1*:#? 1'. |iiO Ij h >"i 2 I c. '??", ? IIU', COW ilu Lako KImn. ... iiiiu U rt c n b. C, miii lU4)i likRi wo MI t a i ?1. .uil Hi;. ^jtlJ ||. ?K'-% *1>? 4-1-, ?Hi** 4li?, mi 4^;'. 4H* 4'..% 4tlJi 41 4H ? j, 41)-, 4H^ .r?i> 72 7;?H 71 .74t? I .?:< luow IU7 M. r.iH Ol 4 &?^J 1000 Ht L k I M lat... anno M A *t ? 7 a 10. 30000 N Y ('i nt -linnJ On I'm-. 8 J H.. 10" alls Dei A 11 lldaoll, UK) do Km Quicksilver 10(1 'Quicksilver pr -f... Km Mar L A M C%1.... nam VV?ntcrii I'uioii... Mil 300 .to lOO Pacific Mail. <y * > do ...... -fmiloclc Iklmiil. ?-X" iio w) do. 7<m N y C A 11 adaon .. b3 Sk?> 5 du nm cij 2* ) do lOO du do Km Mich Central L-00 Jo 800 do Mini do turn Lake shore 22<I0 do 500 no .3 1200 Jo 1 IK'i h~ 4t!'4 4mC <11 Jtf <11 *" ill K t?p2 irji; ea?. u-.,T 02' 201*) do ooo do 'Jim Erie Kailwuv. ;?mi st I'aul pruf.. a*l do :im iio I'M 53 4?i ri 47 47'.' 47'^ 47t.; 472 47'n Km Morria A Eases.... KK> do 1800 Del, Luck A West. ? <" <lo . a.i. 42 s; 61 Si 51 ii 4<JO l(i(l HIM) 100 ?JO luo 4(MI I no 1<hi NorthwtfuUTK pref 100 do 100 Illinois Central.*3 12(H) I Ian ?fc St Jo...,.., '250 Si Louis k Iron M. 4!)r-? r?o now Sft 50>. <1<>.. do 99400 u s .vjo. r, ??J, D flOOO U 6 S.JO.e, '<15. u C00U0 U 8 5-211, r, 07.. $1000 Mo?J'h.mAS.'87*? 3000 Albany A Sua 2d mam SJ Cen. coo 4iMl MAHPlst.LCdlv 25000<'hi A N\V con... K??J0 I u i'aolllc l?t... omm I'n 1'nc 7 ?. i x . 7t??) I'lc ot .Mo l? 5ooo Del A II rou, HI Km aha QuicksiherMiu Km he Um Dol A II Unal. be 100 do Km do l<m Mar I..IMin. be.b30 Km Meat L'n Tel bc.a3 4tm uo 1? 1K>* llo* 11 a mi KH'? 10 tv 10O> 15 I4>i 47 ?iV. UP fKVJOO V fl 5-20. r, '08. looo L* S 5'i. lo 4?. c. 4'^XI U 8 5'?, c, 1*81.. SRlIOSli UO VUI>?1 i'. 100* 50 shl 1.8 it MS Kit... it:* 900 do .... 55 SOO oo 2UM do 1200 do HO l"n Pac l(K be 'Jim III Cell KK... KJII do Km Kinumj Kit... be .'M Chi A N\V 2UO do .um .in 500 Cbl A NWKlt pM.c Hm.SJ C?'ii KK be 100 do I Km Chi A K1 KK be turn iaoo l ii m l um 12i m 15o0 lo ? 2OO0 81HJ 1SMW) lOO 5110 1 100 do . do . do . ao . do . do. do do <lo . do , do do Jim du 1000 do Kxj All & l'?c To) 5 Admua Bjt... ? "'hue M nil 88. 7<Ki do ?Jim do 700 do lim NY C II k II 1000 do be COO 1U0 do vhki do 4im do ?3 500 do 200 do 500 Mich <'enlrtkl.... be ILK) do 100 0i*l do 2(*1 iio Km Erie KK be 2<m do 2r.20L8 A MS KK.. .be 2-'*UO do <lo aoo fx 10 18110 500 hmo 700 do . do . do ...Ut ?3 (3 do $T>CAX)DUCol 3-05't... 2000 ?b?C P. 8t J br.. loo Del A liudCuuttl.. 10.1 do lOO do 30U West L n I ol 5<X) do, do 7i m turn 1301J 4< m w m 1KOO turn do b3 do do 400 NY V it lilt KK... um do b3 lim Mich i'en KK 4<M> 200 2i m 4'JO Km o m do do do do do IfK) Like Shore KK.. 2000 ilu ioim 40 m film 500 ei? Eft OJiJ oT'% sji 02 02>i <12'? i 02S 02 21 l'-i 22 02?t H3 WJV 02', $ w 42 W $ MX do . do . OUO ?JlH) 4<?i 400 (UM) 400 M) l(f? mo dii loo do 1000 do 2O0 0. M A Btl* Itll. .be ?WJO C.MJkStl' UK pf bc .'?OS, 0 44 V 44 5f?? lojsj 5 M. 115'i 113 111.>4 H 51 fi 15 Oil 66 li r>:A ?'4.'i ao ?JO^ 211', 44', 8S irj 02'J 02 !!W do . do do . Km IK HI 7i m ami 200 100 lim 100 100 Ohio A M Klt.bob!i I'm lluu X SI Jo Kit. . 2oo do be 500 do . Ii3 100 do 3im Mor A Etaux ltK.. 5i K> do bo 400 do 700 Del. 1. .t W 51' 5ljj 51?i 47 '4 47' 02.: 02 'i "r.i 02'J ea>2 O'JAm oa5." <121.4 03'a T .VJ^ 1?I(I aoo 1200 J(X) ?JlN) 100 ?Jl *J :u m SKK) </ V I 1UO 100 lilOU OU 1 do . do do 01?t 02 I'lT-i "1 $ 18>j *1% 41 ?? 4?S 47^ K'\ i:4 no'i {Ml* 50'i Ml'. do >10 50', UOO 700 do 100 StL.KC A X KK .be '?*;?() TO a V. 50 ahi Ill Ceu KK 200 no 200 Northwest pf....aS 100 do. 34 U, 0. i; A I lUt.... 21 m Kock Ulnud KK .. 200 do 2200 do l?a llloo do 10 N J Ceii Klt 200 St I*mi I Kit s3 2U( do IOO SU'uul Kit pi 200 do l>3 lir.i do 20I do 400 Dol, I. A VV KK.... 5oJ, iOU SO g 50 5o Si 50', 51)'? M. 01 \ ,7^ IS', IHl, 47?, 47S 47 47", do. do., do., do.. do.. 000 aoo 200 51 X> 4mr 800 1300 do 100 M I'mil KK pr Km Mor A Ea Kit 500 do ?Jim llau A St J KK ... loo do t3 31X1 do 51 51 51 '2 p 511. 47'J 70'a iVv? COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE BPOT FIUM J FUTURES CLOSED 8'1 KONG?FLU UK F1KMEK?WHEAT 11I0UEU? COItN FJKMEB?OATii U1UUEU? WHISKEY NOMINAL?POKE AND LAKD UNCITANOEU?? PETUOLEUM QUIKT?8PIK1TH OF TUKPBN1INE QUIET?BO8IN QUIET?OILS QUIET?CO*FKE FIRM ?hUQAlt VERY hiRONO?FHKIOHTS MORE ACTIVE AND VIIlMKR. >'uioai, May 4?6 P. M. Thero lms boou allogetbor lvsj excllcment In the niorcbandiso aiarltots during tho pant week thun dur ing ita predcooBsor, allliougli thero tian been a more general niovoiucnt lu trade <K>mniodille? uflectcd by ibc war, and more especially tlioso articles iaiporteil Irom the countries actually ut war and tho^o coniig uoua thereto, tho fcupplica or which uro likely lo bo curtailed by tho war. A glnuco at tho review below will show tho material chaujiea winch have occurred in those article*, m alao tho uctual coudltlou of tho markotn at tho present writing, aud tho market value ot all hucI). ILo lute excitement 111 breudatuir* aneu* to havo worn Itarlf out until today?at all event* there was but little evl dencu ol it durluir the wouk, aouio audi us waa (o be found lu the enhanced valuta, aa coiupared with the price* cur rent hnlore tho outbreak of the war?albeit there hui been a coll aide rah le reduction Irom the extreme pricea ot a week a^o to day (Friday.;. Thero waa a reiuiwal of the excite ment, although there waa not so much of It, nor aoirreat Chanties. Klonr was Itriuer. Wheat recovered ."ic. ol'itadu cline. Corn waa ilrui aud lairly active. Oata active and higher. Whlakay nominal. I'urk and liird without decided ciianue. Prelxhta were more active. Cotton on the aput waa firm, futures closed atroiij;. Coffee wna firm and aUKar waa atrouir. Oils, petroleum aud naval store* were i|uiet. AsiiM wrro quiet at ">e. f-r pots and dV^e. a 7e lor pearls. Axtiionv remalaed quiet at l'J^c. a 13c., uoid, lor regulus. Mkmwax iih steady. but quiet at U.'Jc. a 'i4c. for Western mi?i Southern. liuooxcouN was quiet, but unchanged. Quoted at u 5c. for rod tipped, 5c. a Go. Cor medium and (>c. a 7c. lor choice greeu. ('okIKK. -The market for Kio was firm. We note salon of 1.7114 bag* Kio ex Carrie Furin^ton; 2. 1 HO ba^s ex Johnnu; 2,000 do., ex Gibers; 1.3*21 do. Santos, ei do., and 1,170 do. Itlu, ex Men inn, all on private term*. Sales at Baltimore were 1,100 bays Hlo, ex l>avtd Stewart, at 14c. fur common, and CtXl do. ex VVItiuefrol. nt li?c. for barely lair. Mild toifee *a.s ttriu. We quote; - ordinary carcoe*. hij^e. a 17c; fair do., Iti^e. a l'-Mie,5feond do., lttl^c. -"c- ; prune do., 2o)fec a 20i?c*; exiiviim ran e lor loin. 17c. a 22\|C. ; Nan ton, lair to good. lt*>4c. a lW?4cM gold, ixi day*; Jam. uovcrtiutent ba/<. 22c. a 23c.; d??, ^ta>s mats, lilic, a 24c.; Singapore, liic a 21c. ; t'e/ivu, 10c. a 21c. ; >1 tracaib.<. lsc. a -?><:. ; La^uayra, lllc a 20c. ; Jamaica. 1713?* a IHt?c. ; M. Uominu'O. I?. kc. a lOtfc ; r?ri.? itieo. lsc. h 2<K . : ?o*ta itica 1 Sc. a 2lc. ; Mexican, lH^s*o. a 2<i?\ : Maeasnar, lUc. a 2lc. ; An icoatturu, lllc. a 2uj0c.; Mivanilla. lSe. a 20c.; t uriloia. ICS*:, a iS'.c. t) w;k Stuck wm quiet. We quoto: Mela-tie* shooks, DJiiich. with heads, ?1 70 a $ 2; mi tear shook*. with heads, it -incH, $2 lo a $2 i;o,du. do., ?'tO-incit. f l .*???.4 .*2; b??\ shook*. 70c. a 7Sc.. ; rum do , #4; pipe <lo.. $0 a $?i ??>, empty li'i:.'?i)oau?, $2 50; hoops, 1-1 I cel. ordinary to prime, ? 1:1 to $3f?. ho .p-, 1 - f ut do., *2i tu *.*< 1 per M ?orfKit wan quiet at lU'^c. cash for lake. ? itidUUK war> uuiiiian^i'U W r quoin -Mauiie, l.?r;-e and muail sue, per 1 ?>., I 1 \c. a N '? <: ; do. cordage, l#??lt rope varus, 10c u 17c : taried Ham la. 14c.; sisal r?pe, 10c. a lie.; .N?*w /.oaliiii'l. 11,'^c. a I2'_.c. : hussla hemp, tarred. 14c. ; A uieiieaii do* 1 it. Uussiu t*<*11 rope, 17c. (Jonow. I ho market lor spot cotton wa* very lirm but unchanged . a la>K* line ??a* taken for export, but outside 01 tiii- -caicelv anything was ?hm<- Liverpool c tmo quiet and unchanged loi snot cutt?>n, hl,0l?0 bale* Males; mid* dlinif quott d at o'ad. ; arrival* were I ? Hid. cheaper. Unr maiket opouud ea?s aud * puintH lower, on 1 remained cuni paralttely steady up tu 11 o clous, when prici a .nUitnced l points, out tile advance wat lost b> lioou. Ait.*r c..?* recotid ??call" there wa* a stronger I'eelluir and prices advaufe*i 12 points before the third "call, ' at winch time the market wan quite lirm. Alter the 'call" prices dropped ?l points, hut It w.i? almost immediately recoverwu, ami the market closoii ^iroii 1/ at tin- hl^rlo st pricen of the day. I ho cio .iiiK pri es to uay coniparo with ihur*un><? as follown : /'ttui sil'iy, M<iy \\ ft i'kij/, 1/iy f. May. II l.i a II 10 May i 1 2<' a ? June II -1 a 11?2 Juno 112* a July II :il a 11 :u Juiy 11 .17 a ? August 11.41 a 11.12 /\n?n?t . 11. 4 ? a ? rteoteinber.. , 11 U7 a 11 iiti >eptemlM}r.. 11.40 a 11 42 Ott.#?.?i 11 J? 1 II 27 Octo nr. .... II 2^ a li 2H November . . II I ? a II 17 .November ... II.M ? II J'i lleeeruber..... 11.17 a 11.1* iJnreuiboi li.2o a II 22 Jiinuary... . 11 -*> a II UO January II <2 a 11 11 February . 11.JIH a 11 12 February. .. II.4.1 >1 11 4^ ~-'vuma' i?'ih are naned on Amei lean utandard of claitaifica* lion, and on cotton in stoic running in qtmiit) not more l)ian half a erude above or beioa the urad*.- quoted. itpluml*. Alul-Mtm, A ftnni/m. t'.uiA. (irdlnary. !? 7 Hi 9 7 Hi 11 1 in i* u itl .Strut ordin ary 1? IJ hi 'J I t hi H l"? 1(1 i? |fi?lH (10 d ordinary 10 :? I0 10 Ji-hi 10 '? hi M ? hi strict wod ordinary 10 7-ltJ 10 7 10 lo ?> lit in n-iti l?ow middling. 10'- I'lj^ h);'4 Mrict 10 * mnidliutf. h);t h''tl II 11 Mi-hiliiM 11'? 11' b 11 4 l?'% t*oodmlddltue....#. I I s 11 1 114 11 Mtnct tfood miduhii/ 11 I 1?, II1. II . Middling fair 12 12 12?- 12 - Knlr 12 ^ 12 12! ? \'J' t ?Mainod?tiood ordinary, U 1 hie.; ?triut uood ordinary, Oll-IOe.; low middling, lOc.; middllnir, H*}gC. Spot sale* wero ai tdllowt:? To-lhtg, Luti Kt' /itHfj. T*4nl. K * port O.O'J ?<? ft.i.Ml I,'oiisumplion. ... 247 121 Specuiatiou 40 4' Total* .>,34J -ill f? Y,4 ?Delivered on contract. 1,100 billon. For tuiuro delivery thesales wero n? >-Ve?terd ty, after iwo 1*. >1. May. HJO at 11.20c,, 1U? at II. Inc., 1,100 at i 1.17c., *?<v? ut II, hk June. 2,iM? at II 2Hc\, Him Mt 11.2ftc , l*M at 11 2 4c t OOJ at II 2.1c . I, mj at 11.21c., tMRJ ,?i 11 J2c ; July. I.lumj n.J7c.. i.M>jat i 1.u0?., &JU at ll.UJe , \MXt at ll.o4e? luu at 11.33c., 100 ttil. 32a, 700 nt 11.31c.; August,200 At 11.40c., 300 at 11.45?., :**> at 11.4 4c.. tkJO al 2 1. 43c. ; Septeuiber. 'JijO nt 1142c., *? ii 11 4<kj : tJctober, 400 at 11.20c., 400 nt ll.2Ho.; November, loo at ll.lHc.; December, 10O at*. lotal. ltJ,l??? bale*. To-day up to twu IV M.?May, 4.imm? al 11.10c., 3(*? at ll.oMc., I'fNt 11 iWp? H?ji ?at 11 . ion at 11.10c.. 10? ut ll.lHc.. ??"> nt 11 l*c. ; June. 3.5410 al 11.13c., 4.700 at 11.14c.. 5,4<m? nt 11 l ie.. 2,NOO at 11.12c., 4.3m at 11. Hfc I,000 at 11.17c., ?WMJ nt 11 14c.. 1<M? al II. 10c.. 4m at II.17c.. am at 1,4'?i at 11.19c.. **> nt 11.20e.. 100 ut,200at 11.22c., 500 at ll^lc.. 1,loo at 1124c., I.4m at 11.23c.; July. 2?X> at 11.21c.. HOO at 1122c., 1,5m ut 11.23c., 7<Ji4 at \\.V4c., l,?m nt II.25c., :?JU at ll.Utie., 100 at 1124c.. 10O at 11.2:4c., 4<n at 11.25c., loo at 11.27c.. |I?I at 11.20c.. HMi ut 11.34c., dOT I at 1133c., lOO at 11.35c., 500 at ll.:?*Wf.; August. 1 loo at 11.31c., 1.100 at 11.32c.. I.Hi*? at UtSU*.. mm at 1 3m nt 11 3**., loo at 1 i.3Hc\, 200 atll.44i-., 400 Ht 11.41c , loo HI 11 42c, l.OOOut 11 43c., U*> at 11. 14c. : September. 4m ut ll.2HcM 100 ut 11.27c ; October, am al 11.2UC-. 20U ut ll Ulc,, ion ut 11.17c.; OOO at*., tfMj at 11 lttc., 200 at 11.22c., 100 at ll.lHc.. 100 nt 11.20c.. 200 nt 11.22c., 300 ut 11.24c.. 20u at 1125c.. It*) at 11.27c.; November, SH>> ut 11. o7. Total. 48,600 bale*. Grand total, 09,000 bales. The receipts at the port* wore as folio artOaivestoo. 214 bale*: New Orleans. 1,45H; Mobile, 26*; Savannah. 2?5: Charleston, 5UO; Wil mington, 4H; Norfolk, 4wl ; Baltimore, 325: New York, 10; Boston, 103; Philadelphia, 4U5. Total, 4.2i?4. Till* day lust week, 2,553. This day taut year, 4.740. Total since September 1, 3,S17'33U balea lo la-t night. Cotton relghts closed aj follows:?To Havre, bv Rteum, ^4c*. compressed. To Hamburg, by stenm, ^c., compressed. To liremeu, by ?team, 4i,c. u ^c.. coumre*sed. To Liverpool,5-lOd. by steam; bf daft I, it -32c.. coca pretax!. Market unlet. I)RU<;*. ?tc.?opium wh< easier ami foil ubout 50c. per lb, Wo quote ut <>0 50. Kold, in bond. and $S 10, currency, for ebbing lots. Shellacs ware firm at 25c.. gold, for I). C., uud 24c., nold lor V*. S. O., and other grades in proportion Nocds?Mustard wan quiet ami quoted at 8>?c.; brown do., ut 7>yC.: trown It teste ut sl,c. uud yellow fcriuilsh ut tf(-4c. Canary liiut. Prime Dutch was quotod ut $3 50 Smyrna ut $3 .kI aud Sicily at $4 2i. Hemp wai? strong; held nt f2. Caraway was steady at 12^c. Cori tiidur was also steady at K^c. Seuoeu root was steady at 7oc. Oil vitriol was quiet ut Si 7f> per es t. lor lar^u lets and 2c. a 2.l?c, pt r lb. tor small lot* Caiupli<>r was steady ut 31*^e. a wc. lor reflued in M?IS. mi spot. Oeam tartar was quiet nt 20c.. gold, lor American; 33c., trold, lor French; 32c. lor powdered in bbU., iiud 33c. I??r do., in box oh. Alt ohulics?i liiorohirni and ether were quiet, at VKk\ a IJftc. lor the I'ommr and 65c. a 05c. for the luttor. Horax was qniot. oiiotcd at lOc. a P'^c. for rutiued city itudO^c. lor^do. California, lialsnm tolu was dull; ticld at a1! 60 * l T.>, enrrunoy. Vnryiudy plieh vm onoitii ?t a Ouarana a as entiroly uoiiitnul at $2 .rs> n $2 7.'?. Manna was quiet; new crop wan quote*! at 3.?c for small, HOc. for lai'^u and 23c. a 30c. for sort*. Oivi divi was firm ut $7-? per ton. ? uich quiet at 7e., ifoltl 1'rusniatA potusii was quiet at 20c. a 2Mc., u* tn quality. Bichro mate pot Ash a as quiet at 13)%c. a I4)fc >al umiuoniaj was dull at lO.^c a lo'^c.. ^old. Oamnier was quiet ul .r>c., fold. .Sumac wan dull ut tfl 15 a $1 2o. Geutiuii root wm quiet at a?ic. Cassia bud* were quoted at 38c. a 3iJo. Colombo root was quoted at Oc. for whole und 14c. for now* dorod. Uuui 4?dda was ilrm at 1 Ic.; do. I'alca, lie. a 1 i.^o. Juulpur berries wore dull at 2^0. a 3^c. for ordinary Itai* iuii. Orange pjel wis quiet at 7c. a '.K;. Venice turpenltiie wa?* I He. a JOG. Castile soup?Coiiti white was quoted at 13c. a 15V4c. ; Marseilles pure mottled at lO^c. a lie , ?onl, aod do. common at ^J^c., currency, Uochelle salts were ?teudy at 31 '2c, for bbls. and 32>oC. tor boxas. Quinine was quiet; no?v held at $4 f?o a ifv'j. Hlue vitriol was firm at 8c. a Hl.kc Morphine was lirm and active; how held al $0 a $0 50 Iodine was Ilrm al $4 ?0. Iodide potahli, #3 75. Alum Lump wu* quoted at 2J%c. ft 2^je. Chlorate potash fit in at 22c. a 23c. I artailc acid was quiet at 44)^a, #old, lor crystal, uud 48Jjc. a 40'^c., currency, lor poadored. Citric acid was stea iy^t 74c. a 7.'>o.. gold. lJcorico root was quiet at forui<*r prices; quoted at from 7c. to 13c., Cur rency, lor selected. Licorice |?aste Cnlaiiria at 31c. ; Span ish solo al 2 n*. a 2bc., ^uld ; 1'itfitatclli si 3.4c.; suiall tiusa liua at 3<>c. ; laiiro <?u/.aiina at 31c. a 34c.; i*. S. tsmall at H2^e. a 33c ; Ceriffliauo at 42c. Cuttlefish bonus w*ru quiet at 27c. ft 30u. ilaUam copaibawas firm ai 43c. a 47^ac. SaQioti was steady at 22c. for American and $0 a $0 f?o for .Spanish. OalanKal root was lliui at t4c. a He. Squills were quiet at He. a ?>c. Cod livei oil was in fair demand ut $1 73c. for Newlc/niidlaud and If2 40 a ^2 Olt for Norwegian. Uhubarn quiet at prices raiiKini.r from ^1 13 a #1 50. Aloes were quoted at 13c ft 14c. lor Cape. Cinder w is firm at lHc a IH'^c. lorJamalea bleached, hrtfot was quiet at 0t.4c. a 70c. QuicUsOver wus quoted at 4Hc., gold, uere. and 4? ,j,c , irold, it: Caliloruia. Catuonille dowers were quiet at 23c. a 33c. lor liCrmaii and 40c. old and f 1 23 for new Koniau. (ilycerine was in lair di'iiiuud ut lSh|C. Sweet in.irjorain was quiet at 13c. u lHc. Orris root was *i?ady at 12^e. a 23c., according to quality, Touca beans were quoted at OOc a ^1 fur Angostura. Altuea root, 30c. lor white cut. liuiu Arabia was quoiod al 13c, for priiue horts aud lie. for ?ecoud de. Valerian root was quoted at i2c. a 23c. for Ku^iish and 13c. a 10c. for tier man. Albumen was quiet al 45c. a 70c. for blood and $1 a *1 15 forego* Sarsaparillft whs quiet. We quote; ?Hon duras. common, ai 32c.; do. do, for export, 35.*. a 37c., gold; Mexican, 13c. a 15c. Jollop was quoted at 22c . gold lium dauiur w ^s quiet at O-Jc. a 18c. (iainbogo was qu 'led at tr7c. Assai.i'tiila was steady ut 15c. a 17c i ari.onate auiiuonia wa< quoted at 13fjc.. jrold. Kss' iiti il oils w< ro active and iu some c.iftes d<*cidedly higher. We quote : Oil bertfuiijot, Saudersou's, <t4 25; oil leiutm, Sanderson's, 50; Ihiusen's lines! <dl rose. $7: oil uuitfo, ^>1 45; oil cassia, 87*gC.. all L'old . oil caraway, Ijil -40 a #2 50, oil crotou. ^2 13; oil cltroiieila, h<hj a S;>c a 05c. ; oil lavender, 75c. a 92; do. do. (Mltcliam), $14; oil cloves. #2 73 ; till whiier^reeu, t'2 3(1; oil sassafras inclusive 40c.: oil poi.u>ToyHl, uoiulual at 152 73; oil of bay, $1H, all currency Fkatiikrs were quiet but uiicuftiiiced; quote d fttc50c. a 53c. for prime geese, aud 23c. a 33c. lor mixed. Fisii. lieor^e'h C0..IM1 were steady aud selling us wanted at 5ji4 7.? a $3. No. 1 and No. 3 mackerel were iu light -mp ply, but Hie demand was very light. No. 3 were nominal at $7 50 a HW No. 2 were In deiuaud; 5m bbl?. sold at $'.? a 50. 14ox herring were ii? lair deuiuud at unchanged prices. We ?iuote :?Codliili?Oeortre's Itaiik, new, Jf.? a <3 .r>0;tlrnnd ltank. $4 a ?4 23. Mackerel?Kxtru nit-ss, $;4<? a JfHJ ; mess, 4^2^ a 4>20; bloaters, f2-i a $27; shore. No. 1. il* a $20; do. No. 2, JfH 50 u $lO; do. No. 3. 8H a TiU ; bay. No. 1, $14 a $13. do., No. 2. $.*; do., No. 3, u? ue ; larger No. 2. $J. Box herring?Scaled, lHc. a 20c.; No. 1, 14c. u I3e. KLOUH A.1D (fRAtx. ?Itecelpts?Mour, 9,172 bbls.; wheat, 1,20'< bushels; com moitl, oO) bbls. and 10O hn s; corn, 441,HO') tiUshels: oats. 41,MM I do.; rye. ISO do.; barie v tualt, 2,Hull do Flour was somewhat irregular, but closed firm at our quotations. I he allies were about II.inmi bbls.. in cluding Mute Western ari l Southttru. at the nutiexed quo tatiops. Kye flour was steady, with sales of 44Ki o Is. Corn meal wus active, about 2.50U buls. brandywtuu selling at ?3 73 a $ I oo. We uuote ?? No. 2 Stele $0 <M)a$7 IX) Suporilne .Statu 7 5o a bU?i h \ tra Mate 7 7?a H 50 Choice State 8 7o a 0 00 MiportliH* Western 7 3ti a S 00 Kxtru Western 7 75 a h 3o Mlutiesota 0(X>alo75 Hound hoop Ohio, shipping brands H "#o a 0 OO Koiincl hoop Ohio, trade brauds n .mu In itn Family 10 m u 11 OU Si. Louis,low extra loooa ? St. Louis, straight extra lo Ola I.U 25 St Loui-i, choice douple extra 10 2.'? a 11 Oil M. Louis, choice lamily. 11 thia 12 5o itye flour ... 0 In a U 75 out lie iu. No. 2 0 75 a 7 25 Southern, supertino 7 75 a H i'5 Houiheru,extra U 50 a II m Southeru, fftunly II una I2<m? Corn tueal. Western 3 25 a 3 OO Corn meal, Jersey 3 4"a 3 75 Corn uieal, Hraiidywlno 3 H3 a 3 iMl Corn meal, puueheons 1H uo a Is 25 ?WIleal waa In better denotud, and prices were 5c. a 7c. higher; *2.<mju bushels soid at $1 70 for ungraded, $1 s.> f >r No. 2 Chicago und $1 !*> tor No. 2 Milwaukee, closing steady. Hye wa> quiet. but held higher at ?>! 15 at $1 2o lor State. $1 o5upl lu for Western aud $1 lo a $1 15 lor ?)erso> aud Pennsylvania. Oarley mall whs firm; 7,o<*> bushels old Cauada sold yesterday at $1, cash. Corn was active and higher. The sales were about 125,010 iHi-thel* spot at 07c., 07S?c a OHc. for steamer mixed. OHc. a OH'jc. lor graded No. 2. 0H>^c. for graded No. 3 aud Oh,1 4e. a 70c for winto. white. 1 he sal?-s r*?r forwuru delivery were 3I2.IMJU bushels st'-amer mlxud for Mav at tl5/jC. a 07c., 28,if 'do. No. 2 for May at tWc. a Oi?c., 27,000 do. do. lasi liaif May al 07j'a>* , 55,tMM) d??. do. lor J unc at OH^e. a OHc. and 75.1 *111 do steamer mixed nt H'fiJc. a t!tl'ac. Outs were active aud higher. The Mules were shout 1?MJ,'MS) btisUels nt 32c. for rejected, 55^c. for N ? 3 in stoic. 01c. lor .So. 3 white, OUc. for while \Nesteiu in stor- , 7O0. lor white State lo arrive uud 674jc. for No. 2 loledo to arrive Fbl'IT. - Foreign dried was active ftiid firmer. Wo quote Now ruisins?i?uveis. C^l <> I por box; loose tnuscatel, ^2 per bfix; l.oudon layers, $2; Valencia, 7c per lb.; sultana %-c. a 12c. ; new currants,'-'.vC. a 7c. Leghorn citron, IHe. Figs, layers, Oc. llates, 5i.,c, llrasll nut*, 5*dc. I ni*k< y prunes, 7'ijC l"r old and for new. French prunes, old ?a: , new i'c a 12c . a .'coiding lo sise. Sardines, '4 box s, l.ic.; ^ bo\e?, li'/jC. ^helled almonds, in loi^s, 27C. II ay ami Stuaw ruled st ndy at 7Uc. lor shipping, 85c. a $1 05 lor letuil and 7 'e. a ^o.. tor straw loiix rye. I?kmi* ami? Jt'Tk. Further sales td Manila were uiude of 2.UT/I bales 011 spo', at He., gold, and I.inmj bales to arrive at S,l.,c., gold. Market very Him. .lute butts were also firm We unote: -Aiue?icau dressed, $175 a $|h?j lor sin ^le,5210 a tfl215 for double aiiJ $l3o a .1135 for undressed; !:u?slu, clean, .f2o5 a If210, gold; Italiuu, ; 27o a $275, gold; Jute. 4l<e. a Oc., cunemy; Jute butts, 3 Me. a 3f^e , eur reucy, C ith, on spot; Manila bemji, He. ; Si?al do.,0c.; ittie. taw, <4l I ^Ol?l liliiKM. -? I'll? market \vii? Ih in it nil tiuiiy acti v e The Bill** it WITH l.HHO I'.Uintiw :?4, --'.4 lb-., lit 24c., Hold, le>.. ,i Jul" cent intoiest; \\%&dw Montevideo, from rocouu baud*. 21 l at c, ?olu; 0. I**'tlry Texaa at lUSj'*., *#? oity?; city .-dan :hter* at |t?e. . ami mi private terms l.M?> Mexican it ml 7UJ wet *alU:d I'avaaa. We quote: Huotiai Ay ie-4, 25 to 2H lb* , 2t1?c, i* 24c. ; do , do.. .1) to 2."> ii*,, 2o^e. h 24c. , MontcVldi o. 2 i'j to 22 Iba., 2^)ac it 21 ; Cor rn-nten, 21 to 22 lb*., 22c it 22'.fc., Uio Grande. 2U tu 22 lb?.. 21c. o 21' jC ; OiInoco, 2J to 2?i lht*., 22e. it 224af,. fall lomia, 22 tu 2o lb*.. 22c. ; t ? niral American, 2o tu 22 lb?., 1'.?(?. a 2ij'qC. ; Matanmro*, 22 to 2o lb*., !7l.jC a 2tkj. , Vera i ru/., lb to 1U lb?.. 17c. a I He., all i;old. aeloctcd; dry sailed I i-xita. 2-1 to *lu Ibh., If?c. i !??>?.; dry aalied.outheiu, 24 to ;tu lbs, 12c u lite. ; city slaughter. o\, t>0 to SU .lo? , 8t,e.; do., I'ovr, *."? to ?Xi Ibl., 7'ac. it *c., all currency, "t'locWil. Hoi's 'I be to wa* a very litir demand, chiefly ti em con sume!*, and prices woic !iriu. 'I lie stocks were li^ .t and receipt* i*Miull. I r??in Mr. I? titti??.* 1 V% weeuiy Imp fir* cular*1 .tiilt) advice? trom Loudon repot I tw ? or three i ?? *t\ v failure* in tin- Imp trade, with ilai ilitio* atficctifot* iiiy nearly *:i,<*??.??? tt. \W .1 . not hoar of any At w \ - rk | houses ciii|T*liivolvod, nor lias thy new* vol produced any j sei miii ellect upon thi* market. in Lohjoii, however, a i ?tioiijf liciiim >?! oi'j.n*sion* In anticipation ol heavy stock* i/ciUH iItoh n n|#oii the market; how tin?* wiii alfect ollii'i iilnikoli Interna remain* tu hi* ?'?eb Letters Irnui Vahloftila an-l t> o I eri umi u . i cport the vine liit:f way up tlie |?olr, ami vitfor ously. Ko?t rpo.tii Iroin other district* are invoraul-.*. %\ e ijti.?ir . .New Vork.cumce, J -u. a lie,. do. e. ininoi. In prime, 1"?:. a lie . hastcm. Hie. a lite VV ocniftlli, -v. a 1 ?c yuarluijri. a I'k. , t?Mi, all -iuwUm ic. iti'e. ; ' aiiI? ?rit? it <ii 'iiiluit*), 12c. a 17c. ; Ore gon (immtiiaO, I2?*. a 1 if Kcccitili and export*: Ku cviptn lui tiiu week, 1,0IS bale*, total receipt* silica , it-tn''fi I. I -7ii 71,125 do ; tut il r?*ceij?t* Inr tame j?? pe-iOii in 1h7??, Vti.Ho-4 do., uxpoit cle iran t*? fui tbv woek, |.?'??io . tola* uXi? >i t? tiUe?) .vji telnbci I, 1H"0, iilj,<|tl7 dw. { tuial ? xjmrt* lor -a.m nu?ioil in 1 *7 >, do.Mf luu.v i In*its *a a 'I.ill and ttrooyhi^ mar 1*01 f*?r \itierl ct?4l '?/, !,?' "lob* >" 1 Alleniown ?old at <tlf4 pr?*aipt ca h itM "l'tiioi<4 wi re unelianu-'d. Scutch pi .* w i* h ill, uiider in,.hut fiei^Ut title*. 1?> ? tons iiien ai noek ^old ?#ir J p11 v 41? (?raik V\ ? lout iiue old ((Uolation* . VNeijunt .- | A'in man ^i>i. Na I 3l'* ?* 5^20 .'? i, >n. 2, #2'?; ?|. #. torge, i .i i J11. >coteh t ??ilhui?a, %o. 1. $2*4; tiled*urnotffc. So, 1, 120 ? ', i-xiiir.on, ?>u. 1, -:2,'?. 1.1 ah ?Vn 1 Hin t ai currency, fur domestic and if!* yDnl, t>>i (tfiei^h. I.i a ijii ii l ucre w ?* a steady demand fr in uiauutac turt r* lor Immtuck >??1? ami price < uon a ttitle lil^lu-r. I lit! receipt# n( the week wvTQ* hi?!c* and 2,I?H?? wall Ti c eaporia lor toe *aint tinie weie lw,?"*i *Me?, ah of ; which wont to hu^land. We i|m?te . 1 (einl?*t k i.iiht 1 fluents Ayrei,24c. do i aliiloinia, 2!1< a 21c . d ? coiu j l:ion hide, 2je a 2.J,ge. .IhiKldlo iiiienn* A>re*. Hoc. h-U\e. ; ii t allho fika, i ?e a 2tie, ; do. ? oiitiuoti hide, 21c a t he4vy Uttvno* ayre*, 2 ?c ft .'?} . do. CJalltoruia, 2.?e. a i??c do ciinniiuu little. 24c. a 2?*?c . ood damaged llaeno* Avri'H. 22c. i? 2.*ic. ; do. I'aillornia, 21}..e a 22'^c. , do. c?ni in on bide, 21 uc a 22 e. ; poor daiua^t d cotniuon hide, l^c. N 2> n . At (i.AbK*?ew OrleaUt wa- very ritionx* aali-a for ilio pant tbri* .'<lay? a'nunut to a*M?ui Il.iUJh bou, Korean wa* inner i|Uolod at 47c, a 47'jC. t<. r teit. V\ o '4U"tu i'aU, centrifugal <tid tinned, 2"^c. a 4Mc,; clayed, 42c, a lie ; do. lutucovado rtttliiinic. 42c a 4<a<c ; grocery, 4'k;. a o<?c. ; I'ortu nicit, 45c. a . Kn^iiMii Inlaudii, 1<? . a .*?2c. , JSuw Orleamt, jjwod, ftie- , uiimtt. ?<"c.; choice, QUc, a Olc.; lam y, Naval SruMKi-lfJu market lor Mpiritn turpentlhe was quiet. Ho*ut via* unchitii>.ud and unlet We quote: ? ,spnit% turnentliif, tuerohantable order. ><2< all. '^e. Ku?ln? 'Ii; tcuoa do., 41 'J?? a *2. 1'iteb .^2 i7?a. I ar, *2 . .. ib*. <'oitvnteed oil *11 lined miiiinii^i yellow, witl-? viero 21 "bolt Juno ai o.i/jc. ii *?4c., and 11*? hot*. July at ??jc. I h - mil and ataed pricut were t* lutluw May, 6l 'fc gul, aH?%odl June, fcic, bid, ?>!('. a**ed; July, ol'jC. hid, ?'?'?c. .?*aed; \u?u*t. fkijge. hid, am.ed; nailer year, l/^c, bid, 4H,,fU. a*kod. We ouoto *?* Lard, pi line whiter Mfic. a i#Ht ; *|ieiin, etu<le. ; 1 Jo; do., UlOMciiei winter, /*?! ???, do., natural do., ^1 tlit; whale, i-rudu Northern, 7Gc. ; ilo., .Southern, 7<J*. , ideached whiter, 7He, , natural do., 7.*?c, a 7'a; ; extra do . ^.?c , winter bleaciied lUh. ?<>c a o2e. ; cruue IUI>. Idc a 45e i'limoil!!-* -The market lor relined wan <|met, bbl*. auld at llaltltiioro at I l,'t Orudo Inr creek ueil\er\ ?? a* alio 4tii? t, t a "ill* transaction ?e bear ol beliti; I .ip*j bkiia*. ?ullar'a uwtloU. at r>2 ,iJH. '4 ba ciu?iu?r unutia w? ia RJSflrtefn&f.S'fc !LLVVtfr.'!2s :/*? H5.fiSJ?SSgS7J? -*?iAr?.fc??,S gBSESS sssi TiW ??-?;,''K-rr- ir if ^ 55rw.?'!3i,8?^j& ?sS' bo.fc* ?l fi5akr'. f.rt, Tjun."u:j*r,?ua-uAl lor July; 40 bbls. me.. s.,1,1 il 'lib l?t' J &oo loose picklud shoulders on prlvM? ttra. Mdl?fa!?LS boll..i m IK, hmuked bams "ere"u\.Ud at nE ? Mtfc.. uud smoked .boulder* uT " J,*' Hacou ,|?ll ai H?,e. , -V fur cliv and T 4 lor Western |ou* clear. Heel ? , ste.5 ^ ? 7? Zfc' plain tutu (old at #13 and IV) W. ;, ., 1 I We qu.ito:~i!bl?. extra men ?14 ? *14 ?in? I? . 1 *,,4? BSS3?M^ prices were as follow*:?.May, #10 bid ilO'<(i??vI F r *1 o 22 >i bid. *10 27S Hiked; Jul,.' ?,o :& ?8 # ./??? asked; M ay, short notice, $10 05 uld sill l', ?.uT.i 'i i'J .u e. were U500 tierces a. *lu JU. ilf? wt *|o? i, d ? 10 J7% for J nun, ttud #10 :??. ?lo:(i flu *?'?,.!. <7! for J un. Spot sale. were l7.',tieree. my ?* Ufa . w " ' v;.- ,:;;s mi a ?, * ?ucl cuiiiQiuu to lair V\w*>ioru nt lite m ini< sSScSSSnBSB^^F Kr'KiiS r,r.v?; -r-r ??" 3 <|Uote ; t'a.oiiuu,, f.fcc ? ,Vx- ?iood Oe' a V W* ?V-..u ?>,?.; Louuiu'ua* lutr if Jwftft VifV ?n*'| uoo^ 'iu'b'Sa r7'^VurriuV-'"?? to await the u.ue oru?o, 1, be K , I"'"" lh,llu""a at even the decided a,l\a ice ?lilw. h? W V,0,.r "'?>-'k? ?SffcUKU ??. , i,U ,V S ' ' Utt" "uo" ru* "< d." OJ,c. Kdil lor lori'i^u. ,0' t'ur""":l' '<"? domestic. uud ? txakimk?Keii..|pts-5o bbl? and u ..n.k. a... Western.*' "3"C * ,ur ?'?? "- fur pd Sir ? rira^vv^ <i?;. &rrJ^r, VV? v/^a- i'iv- ? ioinv ...uuaJdUttv, r,: r Str hHv?\ ?-k.t ri.v~ri.o market lor b!it wmn itmtdv uv ssa."Kfe. ?sKsr&ii'ui""!* ul'uuVSSlSd'JlriS*'Th* !X. ??Su it'd" Kon,Vcky ,??r New Kual iiid. cr .p lrt75, at u . H i,., V .JL ' 1UJ cu,e" 1H74, at 13c. a Ufa.; 2U oa.e, Jo^ 'r",."..^ ?r"K Urn... 41 ca?. fenu.ylvaula, crop" 187?. at 7'\'"' a'Lv'0 Mr^rv^ felfe* aalo? ..I lore.yu were ?JUJ l>rt|UH Havana at H< c , *1 l V -HTJS.WM" T" l..ruia loiiort a tiiKhuc market, r all clip ru'led bVl'."? at"' n,lie 5Hl?? ol -1I.0I.I0 lb.. X Ohio fluecJVi mu . k f B vate terms lb.. Hprliiir t-alUurm. t ! """? uu ?,rl lu avy.prlng do.. ftifl do S ummi ' i" lexa. 7.>,lkHi lb,. California pulled -JuOoVbi' . puhed 1.o?MI,k lamb.oo, lo b'^V Jxt'r. du V? bag. .No. 1 do..2.000ib?. washed cmildnu |T?? i v . delaine Oregon (-ample.), am) l.lioo lb. black ../ru"' " I- limonts -Trade was fairly active l?,in, .. charter, and rate, were liriuer. KiiKagoiueiit.?To Liv "V pool, per .team. 2M.OOO tm.h.l. wueat at g!' '.iViiV V Clivoiu at 4r?.. n,.ck?|{e. provision. *.' ?[** buxo? a 4(..? bal?.^ottof"?-S,.!"id '?? . ?dbHC,"."..Bt i?in.i.s. luiiow at a:>. u iiid 'i*fl i,i '. 4(U hmi iuu ??r by ??*|* 4f;;",bh,ut Jon. '?>' ",',| To llauihurjf, per >t*am. 7UI box'ei \icon?un'|C<t!cKii tl Urd at 17.'. mark.; 4oo bid., .irle.l applei i - cotton, ',C. ; l.ooi ,lde? leutlier :o . ' J|JU '"lo" K?.o,l?, ho. uud mea.ureme .t uo'id.'at tKI ? "im lj""'";l' Charter.:?An liaiiau lj*rk "iW7 (>.*>. i aim luiir... orders, with 4.oVigJ, ",er, ur'i !" ?t V '""Ce l" ( or.k ?|ilni t,m?. lisnceto .)..,, with 4,i> * I y n arter. at "u"" a IV*' b?rk. 470 tou., hence s.iue voyaue will. ) 'jiVh hij a bark, from llaltl.uore to "or^ orde . .'.k, ?,!" "H : ler. at Oe. ; a Norwegian oari. 4." t to^ ,?? ?? ! ,^'m" lor order, to the (ler.uau or ltu?.l?;, MilUc with J i"L'. bbl. roll lie, I petroleum at .U.June 1 eleara ... ?' ' cau bark. K? to,... l.,oce to Mai?11li. ilVh 'a .im T.i'[" crude p. lroleum at 4,. lid. ; ? Swedish bu'rk li; i ' t>. a .Norwegian or SweUl.l, port. wI I. I h'm , ,! ' ''.V'" " petroleum ..I 5., ad.; a Nor?eK,.n bU K taV. U '.\ ru",""l ltordei.0*. with 4,t*JU lib:, crude o?ir..i.... 1 ''r111'1' lu to Trieste, will. I l.tijo do ou orlt J^:. Vll ?Briti.1. ong :H;;r,u:'^^r,:,,tr^ri:1:r7a-; cl.arKes, .ublel hence to the MedltorrHn?au\.?*. Port., with libls. rellned pa.oleuru I?nri CH^Mj at 25c.; af>iT?iiuu l?nrk dimv ln.mi *' Irnin M HiuIiikUmi to Cork for aider, to Un? tu<l Kt? < outliieiu, altli naval >t .res at 4. ltd a U. K'1,*ioni "r ?team.hip. 1,571 ton<. I.euce to Itavei ? n ' " . '"U jfi^r:ilb-; i'" '???. ^w-tkut".:; NEW YOUli CATTLE MAltKETd. f- KIDAr. Mttv 4 1^77 kKCkirtt rou two da vs. * tar.U *. i*i Sixtieth .tree, ^ "?*?. fortieth sireet. _ ' ?,?'?? ? Je"ry Clt' iu :,.47~4 tin Totals.... | aai 7 nn '? ??"*' the ht^toTianu0:'?,w.oonKi'; ';r ;v;:r ? a,':r? %?? ^ir! ar!uw: IHo'4c! 1"?4<iioP"c."J per'"K|b i"1"0'" *1"*" h. CK-l.uster st lo T, lilluo'l. ' ,u.ur? ' ulCW,'i;, xJ,lu *?n I??r livnu, welui.t 7 cut ?ciin't ? iti Illinois steers at H^c per lb., weight 7' cwt slet-el a' ic^a.Va.i'j^'inioo','. ateuri'at Ju\r.'!,''r uJ.'.U 7 ,* fui -elf and Ifrnati 14 Illinois steer* at IOf8c. per 10., i weight cwt. J. II. Williams Mild lor *elt 14 Illinois 1 steera at |u\c. per lb., weight 7 cwt.. 17 Illinois stcisat I lc. per lb., weight H cwi.. 17 Illinois .u 11 #.f?; per ! lb , wc.glit HV cwt. II. K. liu.chant bold lor Kaukin A \ Thompson 17 Illinois steers ut lUc. peril),, with $ 1 uii per | head, weight <>*i cwt.; 2J HlliioU situt* Hi ll^e. pertb , 1 weight M cwt. ; held on sale lit I Illinois steer , ; solo for A. N. 1 Monroe 17 Illinois *teers at'?per lb., weight 5'4 cwt , :t7 1 Illinois steer* hi lie per lb., with $1 oil per bend on IN hoit'l, Weight* 71.; cwt. II 71? cwt. ; IU Illinois Hteoi ? lit 11 i^c. per lb, woinlit h*4 vwt. At Jer | *<?) City y.iidi Coney A Mci'hvisou ?old or J. K. Saddler A Co. Ill Illinois ulcer* ut lo'^c. per lb . weight 7 cwt : 13 Illinois sioors mi 11 a I2?. per lb., with 9>1 oil per head ou ?> head. Hold ul lowest rate, weights 7 cwt. ii Howi. K Samuels sohi lor N Morrli ti l Iillnois steers ut lo'.ic.. witb f I on per head on I'd lieiul, ut IUper lb., welglitn cwt. ? 7 cwt. >. U Sherman sola lor WaKel A Allerlon 30 Texan steers At tl^c. pur In , w tgnt >^4 cwt. Al. l.outerbuch ?.id I ?r VN Ixel A Allerlon -0 11 iiioi* biters ut 1??1 ^c per j li?., weight ??,JI cwt. K. Newton solii tor self 2UOhio steers at H per lb.. weight cwt., scum. U. Waixcl sold lor Wui.vel A Allerlon ><li Illinois steers at 10c.. with f t on ' per lie ad on U? head, ut 1U'<4:. per lb. weight* ?i'.jC. cwt. .4 7>i cwt. M. Ooldschmidt sold I??r Hrowo A to, 21 Ohio bulls live weights 1,'J^ IbH a 1,4112 Ins. per heed, at ?4 ?t?> pet cwt.. for J h Saddler a i'o, 45 Illinois ?toer* mi lUc., with #1 oil per head ? on l?l head, u lO^c. nor lb., w* i^u*s H'4 cwt. a 7 cwt. b lie gen^unn sold lor sell and Meyer -IW Illinois steeis ut lo'^c. per 'b.. weight 7 cwt. ; tif* Illinois steer* at lu?gtf, |iei lb., witb $1 olf p?r head ou -tti head and fW?c. olf per head on ? I bead. Weights li'4 cwt. u il4 cwt . Hi Illinois m or* at , II '.4c. per lb.. wei .lit *}9 cwt. S O'bum,oil so d loi W*i*el 1 A lleiton Illinois steers at lO*gc. per In., wiih $1 oil pur head o* j'.t head, weight 7 cwt. tJ. halm sold for Kahn A Co IM? Illinois steers at U)|c. pur lb . weight cwi.; l'?7 Illinois steels at lUc. a i'^'^c per lb., weights Ufa cat. a 7'4 v t. MIKkI' %.?u 1,\xhi.?Trade siiihI 1 and si- w Shurvt ihecp s.iid at 4\c. a tiVsc. per lb., woolly sheep ?*l 7?(c. a i^SjC. per lb., l.iui''t at lie per lb Davis A llaileiiUeck toll 117 | woolly Ohio sheep, weight 1'Jtllbs per head, at wlpc. p?-r lt?. ; 1 In Hiute lamtie, aeight 155 lb-*., ut lie. peri*;. Hume, j i.lliott A ?'?#. sold ^1 shorn ?ihio sheeti? weight 7,(*m lbs., at .Y'.c. p r lo.; '>?? shorn Ohio sheen, weight :#,7.V? lbs., al tic. per In.; Hi sboru Ohio sheep, weight 9,;??#?! Ib? . at M^c. per lb.; woolly OU?o slut p, Height '??. V" lbs., at 7Jgc pCI_ lb. ; woolly Uhlo sheep W-lgllt 'J,7tU lbs , at 7*tC. per )b J*. .New ton sold if'.i slMtril Ohio slioep, we lab l 11 P 6 pur head at 6\e. per lb , shorn Ohio siieep, weight lb" per head, at ?k!. per lb. Kam? A I'ldeoek w*?l?t IUI ketituck\ beep, thru n welula I'L' lbs. per head, at ?'? V per lb ; ? nil Ohio sheep. Wvi^iiit <1.1 1-s. per beuO, at l'0r. per lb , 2U*J tbt?rtl Ohio so. op. weight H" lbs per head it ?%c pei in, U-i* lht?rn Ohio slie.-p, a eight *'J ?!?! per heart, at ftipercwt . 4i?4 shorn Ohio sli**cp. weight H* lt?? per head, at ?*^4c por In. ; '^1 tfetse> slit ep, a eight lbs. per In a<i, at *?c per lb ; fitj J?*rse> lauibi at ^1 2-*> per uoad Mll/ti i'ow i. Sales reported lr"tn $<"?0 a $t?T?per* elusive of eulves. N l.aus ami 1 aUKa 'Ihere weru no smtroth quality venl? ou sale t'ouise i|ualll> caleei ?l?w at '?4gc a U*4c per lb. lintti)i luilk led calves, 41 . per lb llont.?Tbere a ere no live hogs on sale. DOMESTIC MAKKET8. Oal* Kitu*. May 4. 1^77. rot on steady; offerings light; umldliug. l??%e . low mid tiling. 10'#c.; ordinary. .Net receipts, 214 bale* iCxp wis eoa?tWise, |H2 Haies. iHlock, 4U,t*7. Weekly -Net receipt*, Imies. grots tHSi, hxports To (jreat d,4l*5; to the Continent, vrg:i, coastwise, **?1. hales, N * w ORLkvNfi, May 4, 1H77 Cotton ipiiet an?l ?teady ; mtuullng. Hl'|e,; low iiiMitiiug, IUJ?e. t good ordinary, i?\c Net receipts, l,4.V?J bast; 1 i? ? 1 \ p" 11 s MNMtfliv, U. (iaicn, 3,4t?i. It toe It, I<rj.(rjU, Weekly Mil receipts. tJ,477 bales; grots. 7,?'?*<H h.\poits To Ureal liritaiu. 4,h?J, to France. b,li??, to the < onttnetil. 11,15ft , <'uHitwii", XofHi Sates. 111,2.iO ( of re' iiou r:\ports c ustwise, May J, should have btleu 1,451, Instea t ??f l,ftlii (iiwkiio. May 4. 1?77 Kiour dull; sales iMJ bbls. al $10 Uo a %li lor Wo. I sbrimc ilU 75*411 Ut amber wiuter. Ail m All j* km whit* winter. Ill 2f. ? ftl T> for <Jonbl. mill No. 1 MtcUiiran, ?1 *>oc? Jf ? 1 ?J0 buahel* el 71* Haney qniet ?u4 u?mlEii . ?-u'* meal. f-'it for bolted. *2* nit'-oiled w' ?'??? ? *^k Shori.*M;*l.lp.Wfc- fi-y. mUdUntt. WTpjr W?. Uta receipt. 1&.?AI bnelteU wheal. Klonr .hipped, l.W" " rmcta >. Mny *. ?K77* Klonr nominally unchanged. ?y?l ?lr''n<- "?{ j*' So. J Chicago #1 7"^. *?*' ?,* Juu.. clo.e.1 at H 7;0i.J.?t.,; N? .1 do *1 -.1, rejected, (I 24. Corn aeiive nun tirm al C1"h ? ?*M> ? jeol.d,-ilc. U?? Htira* ?[ ? j<--- c %' Barley leeiud. 3-c. K)? lu fair doiuand at *u ?lenity, unchanged. Pork Klivo and ttnu unwltlod. $n M, cull ll-Wi1. Juiie: ?15?i. July. l.ard uiiaeti.ed; ?? c.i.h! ?.?> ? ?u J""" Huu?"**w ?"??*? ,? chanireU. ?teady; .letUHUd lair at 91I W- ltd ceipu-'.'.W bi>l?. I"1""- "? bushel* i.-' hJjifr torn 3SiJt).l ilo. iml?; 3.HM do rye; CUJd". lif. ?hipmenl??*.<?!?? tbl?. Uour; 133.K?> bu.liel* "?????? :im4 <??>do. corn; Mt.i???du o?us S.<J<??do. rve: '?*** ?}"; barley. At tb. afternoon call of iholtuitrd:?Wbe?t>lrm? > SI 71 enah #1 74. June. Com higher. >M4?c., Jund. tii nii-r; 4.vj.\, . 4Uc., Jund. P?rk strouir And JjWl? i fl."> M, June. Lard tlriuer; $J V>7Ji, June, f 10 10% tiu ia>4. Juiy. EUROPEAN MARKETS. COMMERCIAL. Lirtwooi, May*?S P. *. Trade Report-The mnrket tot yam. and tabrlca at Mad. clukfcvr W quiot aud *tuudy. Cotton?V'iituren tlriu. ? . - ? v London. Mar 4?ftr *? Produce?Kefluod petroleum. ll?*d. per gallon. TjOUaj. 44?. a M?. Od. per cwt .-"piriln of turpeiillno. 2??. per twi. Lo.npon. Mny 4?Eveultii. Sperm oil. ?><3 per ton. Linked oil. tW l&a a ?Jtl 5* per ton. yoBIC rnonCCK EX(.n**CK nici-ottT. LivkuruoL. May 4, 1M77. Pork?Bantttrn llrmer ut 77a.. VVeateru stuady at jJ7* Bin-on?Cuiubtrland cut dull at ?>?>.. sln'r' r, , ..V Ui.?. Od.. loun cli iir dull at !1Od . abort clear dull at 4U. Huiu-I -Uoiiir cut dull ?l 4:ti ribouldere >t<'*tdy at ai Ki ef?Imess dull ?"? l'*^-. ?xtr? dull at nw?? prime w-o dull ?t IT., l.anl -l'rlme ttaateru *to?dy ai 4it. Tullow -Prime city dull hi 4.U. "1 "rpentlua-spl^ It. steady at 28a. tId. Ito.ln IJummon dull at "*? *).. dull at lo., ?mI. Obeeae?American cbuici- .leid> at 7n?. l<" rd oil?Xone In the marUt Klour ' vir i^Mate .tea lr at:(.!?. Wheat ?No. I aprinn nominally dull ut la. J"l.. No 3 3,, uoinlnally dull ?t I-'.. ltd., wmter Southern, none la tlni marUet. winter Western, none in tlie niaraet. Com? Mlxud aoft Briuor at J".. Bd. TIU tiKAi.N TUlPtC I.ivi hpooi. May 4. 1S7i. A laadiOBKraln circular ?aya;-"ltie upward movement in wheal occ.mloued by Hie gutUrenk ol ? ar clicked lor tlie pre unl tbe -..-at advan-e obtained to Ineulay liavlliK cau.ed buyer, to act with r".iir?e iihd lu | ve.tor. >?w I.nxl-ty lo r,-aline prollta. 1 rUeii tlMI I pan tao dav. have been irretfular, ami about two or thi ilillllnu. per Muarlur ol the extreme advauice wa. lo.t ?? rno.t ol th. marki-t? held In tl.i. Interval TueiJay l.n? boon on a in.l. li reduced .rale, and wltur* ?at?jHof wlu'Ht liuvu ?#?eiipr?H-oil It hu? boon uvi*?mmh> J? Lake a ol .VI. to ?d per Hal. Ma.I.ha. !.???? nreaned al a decline of fu ly I. pur .(Uarter. At thU market li>.i!av th>-ri! ?? lair atleudauce and uu luip.ovua (leniiinJ lor wheal, the market openln.' hi "I. aOd. po'^eo* lai under Tue?day'? onrreiiciea. but ?^.iroli*at edloul :td doclluo. Hour wa? uteaily a illned pe* auarter, but closed with an upward tendency. TIIK COTTOJI TliAIlK liivkuroob. M ' y 4. IH77. Tlie circular of the Liverpool I'olinii Itroker.' A???K-latjoO HI It* rex lew of the aeon endliM la.t muhl .ay. hut bOen in mode, ute d Inalid thi-m^houl tlie wu?k a lib att auundnlit ...Iiply ? trerlna, and. allh >li:h to-day l?J,u.r"<J*Jr' there ha. been an lu. reaao in bualne.%. prlcer are .ll^bliy below ui.l we k'-. American wan deiireeaeil a:nl irregular on Krlday and Saturday, and price, were l-Hld. I"**'- I* ha. .luce been b uur, a.i-l the deuiaiiJ i. Ilrm at the? Ue clue In aea Ulaud i.nlv a moderate *a. dono and pHee* uncbaniMd. In future. bu-i.Hj.a 0*? b??n u.odcraio. Al llie opeulnu; pile*, decllueil .1 Willi <...n Kiu ral.le dciire to nail, b I this l.a. been recovered and tb? u.a.kol c-lo.ud llr.n at I nut week's rale. " wit kLV IlKI-oal Hi TKANIIAOTIOKS. Iiillft, Sale, of the week Exporter, took. a'iijU Speculator, took j.,]J")Wq Total American i-.'iirfl Total receipt. ii'il.1 American 5*0 Q Actu '? I c xport Amount ut coiiuu atlo it i-T". mmi Aiuorlcan -?-???? ? ? * * ? * * V,,-. l orwar.led Iroin the .li.p's .idu direct to spinner*. w.'J' American ..lie* of the week ' w HreadstullV-Tlio receipt, of wheat lor Jhe na?t tbre? days wem 3l,l*ii quarter., including -".'Wtl quartern American UNASCIAL. Lu.Mi.iN, May 4-^> P. M. Illinois Central, M'<| v...* im77 1.11 nmi.s, May 4, 1877. Silver l? quoted al iU'^d. P"r ounce. flKANCUL. A I li I. A-ON A IU.I-; ItAlh' M'.N!,V(|.N I'll'' I'- AND JK l-.nilowmeiil liisnrnnce t'.illelen and MortKa<??; ?ain? boucht: iu>urance ol ail kinds .-Dueled with bnat cu.uininle* J. .1. II U'.KU'H .V CO.. II'.' Hrnaiwny. A (.) T NEW KXCUaNHK WK IIUV AM) m l,l. Ml)l'K% m.'< *hare. and u|.? .rd. .... I per cent miVu'i'lfivS Ctt .ion.'u. S*mlfbreironlar 115Wllllarart. iiiiviA.N a^.ia KBW PLAN >)K OPKHAT1NO IS si'?>CKH-i I'rolit- Mir?. I1KAKI.KV -V CO . 4'i Hr .ad st. AY.ll Mi XVIIhV.V I. tin '11 ?'? l.ll l-K A.M? UK tl.ienieut and njcii?tom?d lo Mflliience, who h*. su>:deu|| I lo.l her entire lortune, do-lre. lo me l an l.ouora i'e venue. ' man ot' Htniilu in??au? vvh?? will lumliir l?or inim<*'liato a*>l*ii | ance. AtluroM LKNOiiK, llemlrt L'plown ?MU?o. _ DKKAL'LTKU RAILKU AII HON IIS IIOUGHT and auld by il.u ol.i e.iabll-.hed Otnek and llond house o| | ALHKItT II. NICUI.AY .V Co.. No. I I ''me at.. >ew ^orn, "C8TATK MUSKY TO LOaN o.n BOMU AMI MOKl^ rjvrair. cltv mid llrooklyn Improved property. AaareM box b,434 I'ohV ulllco. _ ?Ltull SALK-W -11 AllKS UK T1 IK I.AKI IN Jk KANB r Powdur*/Uiiipaii>e M1 S ?H.\N K A 4/ ?? Vrt! h fjloli H %I?K?TO TIIK llliiilKsr ltlliOKU, -?r?l P Mhurort i on trill Virginia Cnwp?r anil (Snld Mltilttff ?4,?" Suiultiutf Uumpaiiy. A?lvlrun** K. M , T?7 J'.um l'27tl? ?t? I*" \NSAS. Misibl Kl. lI/LINOIh COUNTY ASH k l'1"" -mahkham,imnfMwm t7iaN <?!? $l.l??? WANTIiO- oN KritNITl'KE. I* 1 J lirouklvu ; ampiu lUOttflty- A?liiri'<* A. i. % llorali 0.uee. _ _ _ T-, KTIi K ? IK Till'. NI-:W SuKU MI'lt'.lL .iASl.IuHJ Company, ,. N'dUTllkASr t.OIIMKIt I SIU? -QI AUK, I *TM av AMI I'lT.i ST.. Ntw YiillK Mar >, IN77. t The annual ineeilna ol the -to kln.itlcrs ol the Now Xorl Mmusl ii .sllu'l.t Comnnnv lor tli ? ele.-i.nn ot .lxte.-q liiiei-iors auil three In.iieclor. of election for the en tuiiw year will be hei.i at ihe oltice ol the company, in the city ol New \<>rk, on iy. M.iy I i, I /7, tl.e pull, tor which ele. tl-in will b ? ,o.?-ii-d l.-tween th? 1. u,i r ^ (it 1J M ai.d I o'cl.ek I*. M. "I that day. I bo Iran .let bonk, of the company will be closed lor ten day? (10 day*) prior to .aid ele. tiou. Uv or.ler ol the lioitrd ot Directore. ill AS. PL A' I.. Secretary and FHl LlKh ASSOCIATION OK AMEUICA. St. I.ol'ih, ;%pi il l*?, 1^77. In accordance with tlio provUion* of -eetlon 5 of tbj charter, an eliv '.lon for live member* of tl.e (?etiernl of Oircciorn, l<> ?erve lor the term ol three year., ? ill [?? belli :?t the ireneral ollice, lu St. leiiil.. Mo., on iiu-eday, lb# Iho't'iili. will "lie opea from II o'clock A.M. to :i o'clocll p. >| , II. W. liOCOil. PreeldHBt. '.i H. Cumi. Keeretnrn. _____ ? l'IX I'I'.lt CKNT MultTOAOh LOAN-. -AIM'LH A? Otloii. are luvlt -.1 lor whole any tiarl ol ^l.lOl^ co'iOj ?ei lee. onif A.ldies. Titl'Sl' EsTAlK, box J.KU I o?l ufKcu. ? A.ii'ia nan a< >1X i'KI{ , :ai r"" K,VB nJIH),W<IUy?iir. to loan uu tnurwa ;o. in .inn. to ' 1 ' '' 11." i,. i;it;NT. 11"> Bronawty. Ail ?|| |||||% 'in LOA7C 'is BONO %ND HURT* V?W''?UU' 'iraifi' ?? vi-arn; *uin? t?? kull; *1 aiid i pot r. in II. W. tOIII'tf AN. i:i7 Broadway. Ctll'AllTN KKSIIIPS. ISStlLt'TION. Till'. I I KM CI.A 1*1' A MILl.Kll tn>:. duv dls i.i.el by m.itunl eon out; nil claim* 0 1) unihi't e?? I?t t.rtn will 111? ? 1 liy II. II ?nll?*r. * Uo will cuutiiiiif Uiv fciHuo l,uiitc?s at old .- i iu-l. ul Mvri'nr ?l. i'LAPP .V millek HITSI \ I'lSS OI*f?4'il rc.N !T1KS. *Y It A K OPI'Oltl I'Ni1 y Poll I \ V r, s I M K N I I A iVHmdwii v Mini T??o| VI nnu.r HuOn?*. u y?mni$ Willi ? I > O *? to fjn/nm v, ,|| ?)ii 1 till* h ^ood clutiiC", l!1# bllOlll"** lil'llltf u i' 11 ??itHllllntlt'd. ill <411 V ?if tin- n r 11 <? I null piiv Utvti protiiv Ail'lri r? r.X.Uox !?< Ilet.ild oiQctt. V lil SINI'>S >I.\N S oppoitTl'MIY i.TtO l.'ly itn?l I i*m Storm for suit*; c?*tHi?IUli?*d 2(1 yvitri; reuI loir* Appiv 4Uh Orooiiwlcli, C?rti?r Vn?lr ?i. \ SMALL KlXlill SALA1IY AMI i'i.KCKtf I AtnT IJ vi*r> pro nisiiiK uiiinal atiirtii^ Iniiim"*-* lti%| ii.irtln^ to party liMvittjc 11 ioi to l?*nri i.u good ?e tiriiy ; mufti b? mi Ann rlcnti mi?) l.iir oeoniMii. li , b??x ,"jj 11?-ru ?l oltic (iawasm.ii wanihu hv a\ kxi>..\'hivis juH V^mitfiDC l??U**; II *?lk?lH<Mor> iirriu???Miiciit ttillbu III id? vvHIi an v |?*i r t > hiii I Hi/ ii mil of? ll*f ooiorri Mild luuiiliitr w ih tlm buiitioiN. Andres* JoH I'lttNlUt, box Lit llur.tif) oBkc. ^ Doi HLfc Huti om co\i, s? ru li. - wj%s~vvii2 !?<? mil I in I toil; ii iiioii .poly uarttuff with $2.*>.UN) for DJ tilt ii (net it rln <. VV vltK. Humid DltUti HHoKKUAUK 1'AltT* WtSlI I >0 To i.bTA iT or f\t**ti > bu?tii ??? fiiii o'lt.iio cxpuriunvvd cundja* imic\ A<tdu?i I' N IO>, llrnld. / i KNTIJ'M \S v\ | I'M SMALL CAPITAL WAN I KtTlO ' I !o<k|i( H"lvortr ir. ciiiti mono) tUHkiiiit imw inoiiup >ly% 113 Uriuul ?l , iiilrl Ivor. I W 11.1. I" I l CAPITA Ij~ I N \NV bl SI SI.SS I- I priw Hi n will jMiy , i W>t ii.?rlicul?r?. I'. HH> I h, oily. MIOA. ~ I h?- owtinr* ??f Mir.* Vhnu In i.' ?lur vdo will ?i?ll control* liiil/liileitil; will iir/otlMtf Willi m.iuiiiiliir p*rilut unlf. Adilri'ii MH'A. liui '221 IL rtid olllcti, N'KW PaTKMTKIi A It I h 'LI'. ukpot H)H H aLB"j mirt* |Mi?||ivii Willi ?iu?ll cipitm. Addrcn* UKPOT, I it*i <4hi oltk'*. | > V UTS'I'.II WANTKU-IN V III#M<KoPa 11111* I'TlAlt I iiihcv, Willi 3M.IPII A hlr# ** III ?M(|: il'ATll It* I'll \ Ii W V< Y, ilvmlu l pi own u0i?,n aNI'KI) I'AltTV WIIh#i.?*?? To |5,onj* CoMl'K ? ? tftii to uki! clmr|o of Uootm mni money, to join rn? In *ti?riitj?? h nirirtly coiniiiiiMioo prodiicu in?u*o ; imvu h d It lii t irucc and tlioioiiiitily UiiUtTVlHnd ll In til lt? ?!??? till*, hiid liiiVij v? ry iMrni- ne<4it?inImiao* with lilop?*rti. r? P mtMicM fcivi'U Mitd r?i|tilriid. Ail?lri*it t/U.W m ittrilus Pi?'>? I >I *' h, IIer Aid ??l!li*?* \y \niku-a lapitali-t. to mki\o in r \~sksi f ? in vniitlnii lor i>r?? vi htm ? tiuiit? ii.iniM > n Ir on l?U'nUm <; it I- re<|inr?d In cv??rr lioiit" wli'-rr ?-owl ?? 11 Ihiii|?i ?ir ? n*? *1; i? (tin, I'lmip, r*liMblt< it ii > 1 m! ntiin . 4.?*??', imi whuI4iimiI9 Iwf Milil |ti Ih? l iiiou niou L M liLAI'Kll ALL, 11 vVvf luitftuii tl., \\ loronto. (?uii ot? \y an ri ii - a lioon iis hi.N i. sh m\s7v> Ft ii #5,(iau. m ? v mi cittiiiUiiQti ntmiitf icliirknx buwliii'#*; proliii Ihi^u; |ro<iil? in < on* t mil dc in mid hum ndoplod l?y l?if corpu. ?? ti?<ii? im tin* city Adilr. ni willi rnlcruiici'ii, VlrL<'AN, Her ald olfko VlfA> TK!i A VOI NO MAN til TAKK OliAHClK !?? ff ii i-ounir/ hol?l, with jHo i. Addrvflt JONKS, li?r.? d UllU'O. <| lido i ? * TTmTiTIITTut SkF" want .? u is "a V I ?'' " "" "leK'tlm aw IM4HMiH tunlie bu^ltK ?>? tilreiidv In up?mtloii: ion ciipiul cmi n? lioiiblud in ou? yewr. A?ldio>t t.. 11. C.. Mv* JHurr?y *t., >aw York. w | *)i\[ \ will PuTu;iiask tools asu vi? ?ip I "inrt* coiuplcle of hii <**lulili>?li<id nnrt |?r??fltn <it m *n it I net ur i itf liyiiuuM tt n?wwrk. N. J.; lurx* ?'r?ii*r* i. in be mktfo iuiln?4li4t?ly v (*??!> oW deliftiry ; vnodii itre tiMpt *; o?n?r lift* timtUf tMitlnotii rutinlring til? wliuio uttvuti m. Adilrv?? r, U., Iioi I ? i ilefmd wfltue. ?(\ 'HI) -Knil SAliH, |ll \ !.P nil WIIOLK is. F?t j\ f t f ?$#*r<H?. Ill ?% long-i'tiHOlltlifd |lry outxiA I u?l> \ 1 ?ddrv.a U. V. KO*?, box UakM*