Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS WAVTKD?FISMAL.KK. 306 Cooks. iVc*. C)i\ WEST 17TH ST.?AS GOOD COOK; WILL AS ill in the washing and irouiujr; three yearn' reference from present place. Call until 1 o'clock. h'J"2U AV. KKAU.-A KKsS-EOTaBLE WOMAS AS ^Ogoad cook, washer and iioner. where she can have * girl, 1o year* old. with her ; good reference. cli ntos FCack! pk ksk v r km pi.? >YERR ?as first duieoA; understands all kinds game; (;oi>d car ver; country preferred, or club house. 1.7/) MOTT ST~A jflDuTR^AGKD w"<Tma S A? _.l "l'oihI plHin coo*, washer and iro?er; a good homo Bjire than wages required; besi city reference. 1" Off WES1 37TH sr. MHO SECOND BELL. -A ^?/competent worn <n as drat ciaan com In a private family: the country preferred ; A ihoronch cook and bicker; enntak* charge ol kitchen anil marketing" neat ?n.l not ?Iraid of work . firm ? la?? reference Can be aeen on Monday. ?J PA WEST SOTH ?T ? A FIRST CLaI* COLORED .LOt/girl as eook or chambermaid and nurse: is willing and obliging; no objection* to tho country ; beet city refer ence. Can be seen until engaged jyfo WEST ?ra -i - KIbSt OLaB8 COOK; THOR. a^XOoughly understand* her business, email hotel or large boarding house; no objection to * restaurant; dinner or order cook can aiecp at home. (ion wf'.sT si.-an kxtERiENCEdTerson jii(Oai eook in a private family i city reference. Call on Monday WB8TBT8 ST.- \ TO 17KG WOMAN as KlP.sT ^SO^jclaas order or vegetable coos ; hotel or restaurant! shy or aosntry. Call lor two day*. 7TW AV., TOP FLOOR.?A REX P EOT ABLE colored woman u? first claas cook or laundrest. Ofw? ' mi a v.. between i'ttii and jsth sts., OUUtnp floor ?A respectable colored woman a* first class cook or laundreaa. Call or address. Q{rA- EAST llwTH ST.. NEAR 1ST AV - Of AMKIU O'^Oean Protestant young woman as go'xi plain cook and laundress; Is icnod liaker; ?ood city references. Cull nn or address francis. _ - ?J.gjjjpgJTiV-A~LAST WOui7lJ~IJK i TO OOtJsecure a place lor a good eook. wa?bor and Ironcr. 8~j~o_al? AV.?AS SPLENDID COOK; EJiCELLRNT 'XObrosd, pie and bi-cuit baker; willing to asslit in coarse washing; two years' city reference. AB EXCELLSlfT COOK ; UNDERSTANDS BaKIKO, jftpastry. making butter; first claas reference. Addieaa 1. B.. bo* H.'i Herald Uptown oflice ('hanihermuiilH, <Ve. on west &ust sr. (Present employer's).?a O.^respectable young girl us chambermaid and lauudreas; 00 objection to the country Oi) EAST #TII ST?A RESPECTABLE "w?.MAS~AS O^Cchumberniaid and aiamsirese or nurse iu a private lumily: . ood city rcturence. Call for two duya. 17Y~Kas't :?:(!? sr.. kV.AK ;;i> W.-a COCBPBTBXT I J-girl in the coootry as chnmbertnald and waitresij Best class reference lroin a firs: clasa family buth city and country. Call nn Monday. ?7 V7 wksr 5mi st.?a"hiis?ectablk'col*??kd ??"X I girl a? chambermaid and fc-aitrest; goosl reference, Q/\?? EAST TloFaWs" ST.. T1H KIj FLOOR?A OUUProte?tant Uerman girl as chamiivriaaid and wait reas or aa children's nurse : good refetencc. 01 1 MAMr WTH Sl.-A TOUNO WONaK AM OHAX Ol 4 bormald and plain newer In a small family; uudls pitted references, (.all on or uddrrsa M. C. Q1Q WEST ?|8T 8T.-A QIEL TO DO CMAXHEB. Ole'wnrk and waiting und to make herself generally use ful : go^d citv reference; no objection to the country. ?J'>7 ? K;-T -II.VI'ST.--A Voir.M; SWISS l'kOTI Sl'.VNT Of I i woman as chnml)'<rmald In a privato family; country preferred; citv reference. - lexington A v.?A LADY ttOCIJ) LIKE TO /secure a good place for a good chitiaberiuuid and Waitress. y(/| I WEST rn4TII ST?A YOUNG WOMAN AS Tt " '"i:chambermaid or to do light honsewrtrik; nood city relereuce. Address K. (>. V,7- WEST "BOTH ST.. BETWEEN 8TH AND OTII Ttrt I avs?A re?t?e<Ttable woman as cliamberinaid and to ?agist with the witaliitig and Ironing. AAQ WEST SD ST.?A BBmPBCTABLB AMERIOAW TTOwomiin aschambermnid uud laundry assistant; good eity reference. 3 r) A v., TOP F LOOB.?A RESPECTABLE ^lycuttig girl as cliambcrtnaid ami waitress; city or 942 IO(li) BROADWAY. FKUIT STORE.?A YOUNG .ttwUiiiiiun aa ciiambnrmald; bo objection to the country ; ilret class city reference. YOUNG AMERICA* GIRL TO ASSIST IK THB chamberwork and plain aewingor to mind ^rowlnc chil dren; n gond home wanted. Audreys b. M , box 15ii L'p. town Herald ollico ly'ANTED -A SITUATION* AS^oTTaMKERMAII), BY vf a widow, ol pleasing aduress and fu'lv cni ir^tent to till ?he ponitlon. Address Jlrs. SAKAIi BUOWN. Wcitcrly, ??jinfij a mncnine d?J. Irorn 10 to 2. 44 . EAS1 ,a2u ST.. KIHST FLOOR,"kSoNT ROOM . **"n'''rt""> or nor*? ; willing ot)ll-iuK' /J9 t'TH AV -A I RKNCll LADY AS OOOD si. v\f would like to ir.ivol witb n family. Addrwt I '-f ST.?A LADY DESIRES A rOfilTIOV Jf'MUMklni: I" r??Ptlf.* y or 1 /)7 K P* :{"T? Sf.?A Co.UJ'KTENT DSKSSMAKKR ^uo.WU"el>at"tr*gement * th? or *? ek; guua reN OO I VK8T 87TB 8T.-A K1OT w.iM .iSCST ?tl?i ''i n ft* niore ciwtomera liy tin- .mi- '? JUm N 1 ehy re't,ro"ce- <-'?? 'i*: or addrow 2f)4,w ,Ks.T - ;n! >T A Tuoismss coiFE 2/?.S, m"-A vol ,\<; UD* As i||TTflv ^SSMuf^g iU ,:,r ? P^rr.d.* 4(19 0jS AT- THIRD rLOOK.?Afl Wmt m.aA, 9f|C *MT 37TII .ST.. HIIIIII 4._AS mtsT 51 na WtoP " tT the daj : Uu "Dfl trln'? ?? ?? "?? lala.t AKIitST CI.ASS MODISTE MAKES RFlVirrrV.T Mijt. out of l.i.v irdv S? Hp. flnMiedlii Purist an kn|,.! ininlit ,eil nml on tin hiuii drernie* iliereil equal ' In* nml party dra,,., a .peci?lt\T iu7t ?,w .?,l' dreevnaker* -uppli.-.l to flnUli at <Ki ,-)0 ,,Lr ,V' V^; * '1 ??i* a specimen. ]8H<U'imv. ' " Mna ACLAgH WIBHm 4 I Fu i5S3S:=:g;.:i:.H5:% A S SK M>TIU SS, BY a COMPETENT DRFSS%f vitp. -/l nil'hiiu>H; would tnke cimriV* / K K K , children c ity or country ? cl,,ir4?? ?* wti c.. box M2 Im"?:TI ptown *mi!. re,e"?'?-? A,Jdr.? M. "Dv A.\ AMERICAN PRoTKSTaVT?AS Vi M f I " rWerancc. Addran "\V.uTrf l5-A ,>OS'[TI".V AS HEAMSTHKSS~PV "fTnT t /? ii???J?'rul Homework. ?kr. ':u!;"*L:;,lKL 10 lJU 64no.vKsr, rbliablr woxav ?*tvo,;v/,r k""" km* ?* jj,! . .. _ ?"r?i i mi on .Monday. AwK't ?ks'kral i.ciusF Witthar and I.oner, w.^. ka.taoil. It*00*1 U0?k' ilouiieKrriier*. <v?. 10bS^lCM rHl"*u,iLA0V AS lpK" ST-A kkknciUTdTas 17 a avs ?r mcatift. Cull or nddre??. Mtttitman a Umily ^4 **? v " l u,y As fivcillBFlE 3J.hou?ekerper in I family ?" no oM.cHonaA* 104JT,^T >,T," ^ani i:i., hv A hkVinu, .. -'"iBSlildle ?>,e(l prrnoti a poiltlon its hotiie(ni<i>i'r ..i," ZJX*7r I?dy'? in iid or nti-'iirlint on a la'll" om'weak "" ' ; "? '? "hv.I. rai' n.r 217 w Ks''' Ir ST.?A YttlTNU AMF.HIi aV *-1 I woman ?< lloaieksapar In a wloowerN family- no oh ja' tlon t.. cmlilran. Call or addr?W Mr?. f RANI I8. 4]4^EAV l''1!" si'-* winoir Lady kkd u?i>i,u'L * P'wHIon a* h?>n?ekroper or to ,o jl/r?. S. ' cuun,ry Pr?lerrod. cull 0,, or adrlre** fififih aP * wii'Av. vh vkaim or a or ^ yjybiMiaekacper or iu any like .?apuclty : would tmxnl or eara for an iliralid . b?? city re erenca I,. *>| ft'2*Ai.3" AV ? ?K('?'V|> rtooit. kromt.-a5 hoi;kk. U???M|ifr and **amatra?? . i*ood ralpranea. 927 "aOA^*'AT, Room <.-AS HOCHKKKKI1 RR jc.?. Ca'l" on'.Mn il* and char ARMfECTABLK WijSa7v~WISHUH TO 00 A? oTwn "iErf I"""\*?"'"T.'"fi0"" ?r tW" ' Ulitry " '""I Addreix Mn I".. Hern!d oihca, foi . nn week. \ YOL'JCS WIDOW in REDUCBi) CIRCL MsTA.S'CET JjXhavInf no relntivea or enetini"runce* hert, wuuld i||<,. td ol a hiMjae in city or cnqntrv; can mka a ponltlou >ia ??!.??. lady or rhar?.- ol a nice ftora; undarctMtda millinery una frr<#Vll?K w".'! lak? a nici) hou-a to rant It nut, .n i| if MMaMd by n Kenllaninn of liouur and intuna ha >roiild !.<? amply paid I", all M. ..Mi.l.nee . nm a.pabla ?f BillnJtlm po?ltl<in?, nulla hut linnnraMa, m il partiea of niean* ni*i notira tbix; all aaaUtai.e* rendarud 9. Ik I'll SSn^ "d n9uU- Aad"" Mr' SITr ATIOXS WAlTED-PEnALKI. Iloaickfcprri, dw. \ LADY DF.SIRhS A POSITION Aft HOUSEKEEPER _/*.-in>1 tomptniuu; fond of rl.ildMu; or would take care of itii invalid lady: hl.'heit reference. Addiew A. W., bos 12? Herald Uptown office. TTTiouskkeeim^-oiTconTkTmon\^a~Lady of _t\refinement and culture, a^red 30; 1ih? had experience; not airald to work. Addrtsa. for 14 do>?. Mr*. J. ADELJi, Newport, K. i. I LADY OMiwimlNt M.r? Alius aKD ^'Vt'i'id executive ability, belonging to lli? Society of Kricud*. a* housekeeper or companion to an invalid Ad dre*? IKUUtTMY, ?itimn K WultKlXi; !lf?! ??-ri.i.l;V iV a.MKIHi aS j'Vh lrtl;e aged woman, clt > or country; fully competent, Audrexs Mrs. TYLEIt. Herald Uptown Eram'h office. S'ubwarV; d""Eadit. farhsus by hihth. is reduced circumstance. wrim* a i" sitlon at housekeeper or irovei nes? : best refereneo Address INDt*25THIOL'S, Herald Uptown Branch office. i vot wo widow DEiniii position as hourr -/Vkeeper for k?*nliemau of mean*. .tddres* VERITAS, Heralii Uptown office. brruATiojc roVt a young widow lady as ^housekeeper lor a gentleman. with children preferred or at nurse or companion to invalid, lady or jreot leman; beat reference. Address V. C. HOWARD, station K. xrr ANT*D?A SITUATION an HOOSEKEBPERi ?? would go n? coinuamon and secretary to an Invalid; williUL'to tr.ivul; re'cren. e*. NOUBIiKT, box 16-1 lltrald Uptown office. l>itun<lr?*?aeii. (tie. 3MINKTTA FT.?A RELIABLE WOMAN TO TAKE home washing ant* ironin-j or |il out to work by the day, ?>0 WEST i:irii ST.. SECOND FLOOR * FRONT.? A OOwoman to go oat by the day tn wash or housecleaniag. jo wlttf S7TH ST.- \ KESPBCTABLK WOMAN TO Tt'toom waihloK and ironing or bouiecleaning by tht dav ; boat refer<*ucea. TVTn WKsYTi! ST?. ROOM 7?A~RKS 1'Ki'TAIII.~E J. v/l/woinan wialiea wasblug <iud fconsecleantu* by the day. Mr*. NESBIT. Ill 143 221 WEST l.VTH ST., RF.aR.-A WOMaN TO WORK by the day at washing. Ironing or housecleantng. l'V>7~WEST"25TH ST.-A FtRST 51555 LXUNDRKS9 L ? I familio*' washing. also ladies and gantlemou'k. Cull on or addres* Mrs. hEaLR. ! HoMl'.-ON ST. ?A FRE.V<CII I7aDY TO DO flue Ironing. droxmakinK, <te.: best refer ncc*. 1 I S SaJY ftl.T': SI.. M aR LEXINGTON AV A l.*XtJfirsi slasi laundres* wishes washing and ironing at homo or to go cnt by tli? dav; cilv relerenco. Mrs. E. MARTIN. IOC THOMPSON ST.. TOP VLOOR?A RESPECT. LOUnble woman to go cut !>v the 'ay washing. ironing or housecleiming. Cull on or uildros* M. IIIOOlNS. ?)|V.~ AV. A.? RESPECT AHLK WO MAX WISHES ??Ui Jladies' and gentlemen's washing at her own house. Mrs. DONNELLY. WEST 27TH sT."?WIDOW I.ADV WISHES anme washing at her home; best reference. 99^ EAST 47TH ST V REs I' ECTAllIjF. WOMAN In go out to wash and iruu by Uio day or to do bouse cleaning; good rufcrcnce. 9'J(| WEST 291 II ST.? V ?'?OLOUED"ivOM V.N WANTS iO Jlamily washing at bnma, by the month or weok. AM AND V Wl LEI A MS. 9 ill WEST 41ST ST., TOP FLOORjl-A RliSPEOT. ^?xOable woman wnuta gentlemen1* or famHli-*' washing ai homo. Mr*. COLLINS. 0 l A WB8T tGTff ST.. ROOM ia-A REHPEOTaBLb ?)lUwomau withot fatnilles' and gentlomen'H washing and irnntng. ?)?)Q EAST 24TH ST.?A RESPEi'TAHLE WOMAN O*)0lo lake In Wishln/ or go hou?o rlcaiilng by tho day. 770 RTii AV. liKTW EEX 5TTH AND 4STlfsTK ? 1 I -jA Gurmaii as (lr-t class i*undresi in a private fam ily ; no cards. Call for two days. ll)(l|\ BROADWAY. FIJI'IT STORK.?A~Toi'N(l i.iaj>'Ow<iuian us first class laundrew; no objection to i tho country; good city reference. Unmcn. ocr. 1 7 WEST S5TH ST.-A SCOTCH PROTESTANT PER. -L I ion lit lint elasi Infant's nurse ; will raise by Imnd ; it u irnod ?uHnisiie?<; host of nervJces warranted: bust refer ences. Addres* fur me r employer Monday nnd Tuesday. lO WE-T SOT 11 ST-A KIND, WILLINU VOUNO X?'(rlrl to care for children; waccs no object: reference from jsresent place. 2- oril AY.-A HKfiPECTABLE YOUNO (URL. ? 'latolv Tr im Toronto, Canada. t > take <? are of children. 0,1 RUHiE h-T.-A" MARRIED WOMAX WFtH A U rfrosli Dream of milk. Mrs. SEELY. \> | WEST !W1 II ST. (PRES EN T )M PI, O \ 1; R' S). ? A 'J I competent person as rursc and seamstress. Off PIKE ST.? \ kESPKCTABLi TOUXtt WOXIA.S AS Ouwi't nurse; baby four month* old. 1 1(1 WEsT 171' 11 ST., THIRD FLOOR, KEa*.?A RE. i J v/?pcctublo young colored woaian as nurse or lady's in ilia to pa travelling. 1 Xfi WB8T I7TH ST., REAR?TWO RESPECTABLE L'^V/colored plrls; one as nnrse; the other as chamber maid or to do plain tewing; willing to lire In the country or city, I Txw est" :?sd stT-a~kT est claks colored -l~?-'rlr) os nurse; can do plain; und understands taking cure of children; will no to tho country lor the summer. ?1 WEST 4t?ni ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTES 1 ? /Item woman as nurse; can take charge or u bully from its birth; nine years reference from present employer. 171 EAST 33D~ST.-A COMPETENT NURSK KOR A I 1 the country: no objection to travel with u lady bent reference. 904- ?JsT~Sr, J VPSTAlRS.-A~YOUKU OBKMAN ' Xwidow, with doctor 8 city leferonce, fresh breast of milk, to #i) hi> wot nurso. ';?>(! WEsT 4nrn ST.." HEAR lioUSE.-AN AMEItl. -?Jwca" woman wishes u b.tby to nurse at home. Mrs. WATERS. 94-9 flSP ST - Soo* 5-an ambric~\n ^1-hii child .i nurse; undcratands briUL'Ini: up a child >n the bottle; city or country: reference from in*t employer. Cull two day*. 9.1 4 WKvr, vr- FLOOR?A RESPECT. ?< I TCatHe colored iiirl ?s iulant's nurse or to take cam ofjcrowini; children Call or address lor two days. WEST 30TU 8T..SE''OND FLOOR.? A~COMPE vj.ltcnt American wouinn as Infant's nurse, or will wait onjui Invalid ladv. Call or address lor olio week. 9?4 i 1 XINfifoN AV. (TmTeI i NT EH PLOVER'S).-A ~J- ' 1 competent girl as nurse; would assist with cliam berwork or do pluiu sewing; no objection to the country or to travel. * 1X9 west h7d si'.-an amekioan girl to fake cure of children and eew ; good reference. Call or address C. 4.^7 EAST 12TM ST.-A Vol NO UIRL AS NURS-VAND ' I clmm^crraaid; best city refereuce; rouutry nre fen i d. K 4-'tSs.i4,ni \V- A ?KKNCI! tilliU 8PfcXKIKa EX(f TT rUllib and Spaninh, nn nurwe: would travel; bent citv reference. Cull for two days. ' *!>'?, AX" ;loni Er.^A~toi/noToiRL~OF t./jT* /JO, to mind cnildren and to do ii^bt housework in a privNtc family. 79fi W AV - V VOCNI; WOM X.N TO fkKH OARR I w\Jor children or tend an old lady, or to do chamber work; city ^leronco. Qilff MA III SON A V.." NEAR <WTII ST-A GERMAV . ... ir: a* rhild ? nnr?o or lady's maid with a rnmlly travelling to Eoropo ; vra-^os no object. 1 4.^1 211 AV., BETiVhEV 74TII ANO 7STU ST8.? XAti exnerleneed woman to tuke care of an invalid lady; best cii.v lolerenc". 4 VOt'Ni. OIRL WAN'IS A SITUATION IO TAKE Vcnro ol cbildr- n nnd as.lst with eliamlierwork ; a uood homo more her rthject than wares; country preferred ? trood city rolerence. Addresa K. K., box 17o Herald Uptown nt ancli omct*. A MIDDLE A08D WOMAN as INVALID'S KtfitME ^.xor would take earn ol a liabr Irom Its birth: is a iro<id --stresa; can be rceoinmendoL Address R. M., Herald T lAU-y WIMlW~ A SITUATION For URFl miiut llv nurse, whuin slio ci^i highly rccomtnund. E. P. <*.. tlfiald Lptown Hrnnch office. A >111)1)1.K AGEll COLoilEO WOMa"nT"oAPABLE mid ohliKinu, desires a situation ns chihlren's i.urs." office" 0,"lnlry' M"' WILLIAMS, Herald Uptown Brunei' I YOUNG AMERICAN WIDOW, 6lr IIIE RIOREfiT ^Vresp -rtablllty, d'sires to wet nurie a bitliy. at iti lie'ine J.r w, i take It to her o? ,, l,o..,o; hlchnst y^itnouiala .. t?. health nnd fenural eharucter. Address WIDOW linx 1"4 Herald office, lor one week. " Waitresses. Me. 1 ti SCAMMEL ST., NEAR HENRY.?AN ENCILISII ! ?'Proteat nit. a? |lr?t elass waitress and chatnlu rmuid ? Kood refer, nco. Address E. (}RKEN. ' iUlsrellti ii rod*. UFASr 351) sr. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A yon iijr I nulMi poison an ladv'umald: law illlni: totako enre of (rrowiny clilldrau ; two yearn1 referoiice. 17TUr S[ ~"A LADV ok hkfink'mk'nt^i vi?mkocnw ??? a houio urn fug- the nunimer; would act an tMiiiHekeept'r or accept anv position of trunt: bout refor HOUSEKEEPER, ' "n<l h0"c'M>r- on or ^Jlre-. lll(liUlsr S1 ? FLOOR HotrnR ?:ariiAiu>V'Vi'.'tfr "?ut,u ,Uy wolk- A<J,lro',!' ?f" 1 '-14 KAST81ST W.-A WIDOW LADY TO TAR* J-* / Xca-e of n iioiiho or ii? janitro^N; reference. I I WEST it'll II ST.. Til I HI) KI.OiIK.?A COLORED V," 'woman to ito out to day's work or would take in work at home; Is a good washer and ironer. 94/1.WEST 41 ST ST.?A REspectaBLI-J WOMAN rvto tro out by thff day to wush and clean. * 90 | EI.I/ AHEIM sr., BETWEEN IILEEl'K ER~AND 1 II'mistiiii Krocarr Storei.? \ rrtspeetable frotestant womiin 11 co out by th? dav honiacleauinir, waaliitm iron Ing or any kind of work : (food reierem #. ?ron |W "1 WEST SI IT II ST.-A YOl'NU LADY As LADV'S ""vcnrapHiilon or nurso; citr or cmntrv retoretu cs ex. Changed d-lress. by lettoronly, Mls? J. K I!. C '* 4()<* EAST I4TII ST. (IN STORE).?A RESPECT. ~I \jyItble woman wishes work either by the day or wetk. ?I III) WE>C ."?Sll ST.-A E^PECTABL rCOI^ED IIlT-K MAX1"" 'y w? Uali on or address ,\ln. A \S"!i rill;i,S I,A"V WliIIEH A SITUATION IN THE u1,;11'*" '?omnanion t" ?? invalid lady or as house ? . would I I! r.1 ady by the l-t c .Inlie or .lnl\ eltv or Moiiitrr. Addres KaI'k DE VJil.'E, box 87 Ohnrlo.Joa' \ ' ' ' "IKI- I" TilAVEL WITH A ' . h iilr. n ,."": "I'" ?? lake eare I I* i '?-I'||?,.1I rv wa^ef. Address L. , teix i j.i llerald L ptown ollice. OOD EDUCATION AN ?osltlon. SlI El.HY, 33 IInrelay. i IS*"?? ', U)V OtioD EDUCATION AND i iiudre?A to All a remunerative position. SITl'ATIOXS WASTED-FEMALES. Mlncrllmiron*. """ A YOUNG LADY. aoed in. RESIDING WITH r\. parents, wonlo Ilk* to learn to beeome saleslady In toma P.II..I -tor^: i* apt ami persevering; go required iitr.ii t hot ouch ? -xrelleni relerence. Call oa or address M . .'>:?!? East 13th st. 1 MIDDLE-AGED american lady OK ABILITY would be useful m ? c 'oil family far small compensa tion; reference. Address TRL'HTWOK f H Y, Morrisanla station. cut. A K EDUCATED GERMAN lady OKKKRS HKHHVLF .Aas ootnpanleu to a lad\ or to assist In the cure of chil dren In a fimil V contemplating a trip to Europe : she has iimie experience in snivelling and can malse herselfvery useful In "?*erv re-peel, by sowiut;, Ac.. good reference. Address H'_"' 5tli u?. ITbV's maid. Sriu reco ?tmended "bt~mb* Jpresent employers, speaks three ItnfiiMTM, ?i?h"s to meet with a lainlly >r invalid lady to travel In Europe. Artdre?s M P.. he* 190 mMI fptown Branch "Aloe. cm' at I f?N OKU RED B Y~A LADY" OK "SFFIkB Ome:il mill res>ectahillty a- companion or assistant to it i??lv tfuinit to the immtry for tne Minimer or travelling to Europe. Audrey TH <VEL. Herald office. mo HOTEL"1* RO P it I !?: TORS. - V A X T K D. ~A POSITION 1 in storekeeper by a young woman o! f.vo year*' expe rience in noino 'if the elan hotel* ol the city: goo'l ref erence. Address, for one week. H. F., Herald Uptown IntelliKi iiie Offlcea, First class servant* at ladies' employ me lit Bureau, 45th st. and Brondwity. References re ceived by mail. PROFESSIONAL SITU ATIONS WANTED? FEMALES. XN AMERICAN LADY WILL GIVE A OHILD (Ar.E Irom two to elgliti motliorlv rare and attend to lt? edu cation. music included; best reference* given. Address Mrs. J. HILL, HeraldeBce. RK> NED "XORTil~<7eR~M.AN LADY.PROPhSSOR of music. French and German in one of the principal schools of Sew York, teachln;: alio English, drawing and slnvrinir. wishes to make a enmmer en;*a^cmoiit with a ni* tininii"he.I family; highest relerenee: no objection to go to Europe. Address O. R.. box 100 Herald Uptown Branch office. l7AD Y EXPERIENCE?Tx TBAO11ING CHILDREN English, Kreneli and music, desires Board in exchange: rltv or country; references. Addross WILMOT, Herald Uptown office. * LADY ok refinement DE8IRbS A POSITION us enmpaalM. amanuen*i? or reader to elderly or young ladv; citv nr country; no objection to travel; first class reference'<rlven and required. Address E. A., North Tarry town, X. Y. LADY WOULD LIKE WRITING OR envelopes to direct. Address O. Herald Uptown Branch office. "a YOtXsf LADY WISHES EMPLOYMENT: IS A J\.aooA writer, elocutionist: alio capable of reaching deaf mute* to apeak and read. Address DEAK MU1 ES, Herald Uptown Branch offioe. BY A YOl'NU AMERICAN LADY, lCOPYING OR writing or any llirht emplo.. ntent. at homo or wlscwrhrro, permanent or tempornry. Address AlNSLBV, Herald office. CM.y I'aMON ?A YOUNG LADY OF education, /refinement and (rood adilress desires au engagement ;is eomptnion with a |i?dy or family about irolni: abroad! ii willing to nsslst In the Instruction of yountr children : bas had experie ice In normal svsteiu snrt Kindergarten : no com persstlnn expected; the very lie?t refi ronces tnrniflied and reiinired. Ai.dress, with particulars, C. C. W., box 201 Herald office. fjlUROPK OR OOCKTRV?A FRENCH TEACHER OF lljloroinn laniiuaixes, music and drawlna(lnTidscano), "ants an enirarotnuut; hiirheat reierunco in New York. M. M. M. Herald Uptasm office. EX PERI ENCED LV5Y TRAGI ffOIt (lIVi 8 PKIVaTE i ssons in Euulisli to ladles of nosclected education; Ki'Htnuiar mi I iionmansbip Ihoronyh ; tonus reduced. Ap ply at storo 17S0th nv^ Governess.?wanted, by a young lady (E.v? |f. . . .... ... A lihh), a position as (rovorness to children :_would usslst he nursery and maKe " erence. Address box P. in the nursery and maKe herself penerullv usofnl; beat ref> . Post office, Jersey t.'lty. TN8TRUOTION TO ADULTS AND children?ALL I branches: 50 cents per hour; highest references. Mrs. MOTT, Herald Uptown. Lady wish eh enSagemient to play an organ In church. Apply ill West 42d st. I ESSOXS To LADIES OF EARLY NEGLECT AND Jcbildren on all subjects. EXPERIENCE, Herald office. 01L PAINTlSoT CEAYON Hit AWING: STUDIO; nupll's residence: city or subnrbs; flO. $20. LADY ARTIST, Herald I'ptown. Piano lessons "exchanged for use imanoi room or store account; Conservatory retorence. .MUSI CAL. station C. C MADISON 8GUARK.-A PARISIaN LaDY DESIRES ?)a position in a iauitly as govertMss to a child and do sew lag. Al\ and 50 CENTS.?PIANO and SINGIXQ; bas. TT* "slnl't method; highest references. Miss LEE, llorald 1 ptOV.ll. hkjm* Wamteu-fIHaiSI, T. stkwart'i CO.' WANT PI?* I'LaHS RANDS on SILK nud CASHMERE pt rot ^ ^ NTS ; a] ?o FIRST Ct*ASH WaISTM AKERs or. custom work. None but experts wanted. Apply, befiiro ? a. J!., ?t '??I? ft. entrnnce, lircailway and 10th Bt. A r\-W:AKTED;KdROL'li" SUIT DEPARtWntIl m"ZKOrk- Apil,y t0 ?'?? A rA;-WAXTKD. A FIRST CLA^s 8ALE??WOViA\ m<S. iSrSS> st?"neu' A01'ly ,0 "u:,lAl;rj mea::k AWKT NURSE wante D. - A P PLV~AT -2 RIHT HSTil .Monday, May 7, between 1U and la A. M. AT a1? HKOAOW.\i\ COIt N'T. R I*?TIf sT~Hi)KI" andHonk cutting by actual measurement taufilit' y ...y and pcrlect way; flttlnit without alieratlnu. y A J'R?tes^nt crL about 10 VKAiSTorn ?/\.fnny cat J today ?n<J Monday at .'<27 West ML'd hi. ' A **5 waitress wanted" -f 1 ?i li (1 r^t elass nfcrWCt. Apply II ,\n?t 4Dd *t. * A?w*$h U,""8 '?* w a 5 t I D?K( iiiiioBovino 5551 Jr*B H"'1 Apply, forenoon. 39 W, -t IHtli A**z*ma*om forewoman wanted for Novirm ?s?trlrri);'^j,,od '"druss- ?w Adownt'own We'l'or rl\??T?tUt ninubi'nb"8* fifn.i h A desiunkr ANI) FORKWOHAM i>? gffig .... ?LSi?^v<'i5,^BR<?:,sr*4 Kin;: a"u A ~ w A x 11: D> '' ?'V|s 11 1 * 6* rtN e" sFiTs ' iSH? ?IACKMaX A O'HARA, 2 lOUkgth st. i55ssritsa ormlar?K JACKMAN * u'II AHA. jihi Otnrchit. At 1>KMA1NDt 1,011 tklkuiupii gpkrTto"r?^1 -M.I,film and tuku pil?ltl<PU?: KUCCBls unHr.m.l i'V .7! t>rnctl< Hll.y, dny or evetilnir. Tllo.'.l 1'SON'S Oollc-u "iVSth av?? oppm-itc < onocr institute. 1 * A ' ^5 ^ ' I < A > S M 11 < I j f r> K JiS \S I) Tit I M M vr?q .wi nted. at MAONU>\ 348 8th Hv. KIMMIlRS J, AL1 MAS CORNER ItiTU st. A.NIJ tSTII AV.", requU-e sevenl expert liandn for fine work ? as u-al?t ?? i biuiiiiiholo muk?r? nnd M|cirt trimm >rs ??,?.?. f ' ;J,?v"""h',!1 ""r-'r' ""ehTSST uJ'/x; A. M? oi address I.?? letter. ?iviljff relereiieo. Ji. 4 c?-. iwra si', aN*i) uffi a\7, F"\ R l"'S.SM A KERS. ? l-'T KS'P t'LASS tfTVlnmroa xr! X I'KKIENlJfcU (ll'ERATORS, \V 11 Kl.i~i. R " *? iiTT ^ ??*?, mmy ' befor?'loVoiid^^taj?*'"",K P^IRfir CLASS OFERATORs \\ A XTEIM?v'wil V PTwit Fi:"u.!trr,ASs w WST 11 ANi,s "'-VXTKO -at :i:i Whsr /;????i? VI r.r.i visSTwKsrwSXAi'rux a* n?%a vx'tv.. between L'lst anil L'^il sts. -'e 3U Q.OOI> MI/XI NErV WAKTKSTaTTUAKfiW, 3,8*7 1 Jelemcd. .ly-'Vuld' pre'!.',' ItltoAh* u??|H25? S A "2 ?? A. KINCII. l'ropriutnr. AUNURESSES WAVTKD.-FIRST and sf.?o\n LAIJIhs WISHINO to iio TO SOUTH ikkRtfli oiin so by ncidrBn^iui; Uptown ll< I .A-'t"'f'A M" JKNNIE CLARKE. YflM.INEMV SAIiBSLADY'R WU fHIMltKKk iUwanted. ApolytnMrv v KKKEY. 7^ Dlvlli" ,t (\PKRATORh UN I IM, I NOERWEAR IV M|oF V /mid work ch-en out. None but lirnt el,..! i .. .i. ? apply. Son. J1M. 2?M. JOS 27t.)? * ueo?i I l ..., 'p4 nH.^V-VVr,.,',11 V V S!';v ''"ai< ii nsr ci.ass SAMiK la dies' wavtkdZ, phor our flower nnd millinery department ill, i T two dny* nt 2H7 UrAnd ot. i ???ini. Apply lur 54ALESLADiE5 W A N I i: 11 n.|t TIIK D IK I'M; E NT Mp'Wwtz nTsrir,"ed ??<>Ztfy" ?Hli and.'lint it*. ' , w Ml" botwcen Y\'a.\ti:i> A vihmi oiri," iv \ hm u r '???i-ireu1: VVp ' 1 '?" A WELL HEUO-MMEXDRI) LOTIFI i "xin^errT.r^i'ii^v10' ??3 \\rASJKb-EXI'KRIKNCUD SA I,KsI.ADl'KS TO ^M,I, ?><,re ]'vi'am,T00'U ,r'"^WARVLVS ne?? W rjiO?.A GOOD COO K, WASIIKH AVI) lltoN'i-'ft A,;i,siv.:rli,r,',!' -?"???? 'XSX& ill r.iniuy 01 tiireo. ( .11 lor two anyi ?t Ml \V>sV st. VVANlhO?A \nl N(i <;IRl, to IXI <ii;NI':i{Af. Koh./ni/?i?lW'''ArVly !iV MW ?..WM4Ht'h*?*^lrirt,!!?t?"d p|?ly. Crt.l Uefore H o'clock. Slomlny morning. .. . A- E- Hullka, hm Hut :<4ti? tt. ^ AN Ui'oK WUiTE HELP WWTKU-rKMAIigS. ?fjl7 Ajfi?vB? Kl k - C CLA- uUhS -\T ? Kl. '< s ; tfitWfl VV ueed apply ?t I'B E a. t 30th at. Call at ba?e incut. L I) V OB OKNTLEitAN rtoLIClTOR. Yl with whom rush iirrnnirem?nt? will be uiado. Ad dress, for t'iar duys. KAXIHlLI'h. Hera ii olRcn Ur ANTED? A HKST CLAS- DrlMft >1A Ki-.K. WHO oiiu w rli on Wheeler A Wilson's machine, ana an ap prentice 118 ffttl4>M It. Il?>6u? ?*? AITAM'ED ?EXPK!' lEXt'l'.D S.\ !,K-I.Al)IKS FOR *T trimmed lints (those seeustipi d to Slh nv. trade pre ferred). mHABl>HKI1!'. 3<t5 Rth av. TITaXTBD?100 rtUT CLASS ~T;AK and SU!T m maker*: hlibest w.w;e? pan: to romp a nt hand*. Ap. plv KuSEK.S at OitB BllO.S.,*tU aw., between I Dili anil aoih ?ts. Vt7XNTKD?EXPERIENCED a M K n; CAN HOt'RR *' keeper: tamlly only two: work light; her owrt bo??. ANDERSON. Herald office. TIT A ST hi) ?!') KIRsr CLASS UILUKBM. AfPLY V? ROGERS A OftR BRO:'.., rtth a*.. betwen lfth anil J0th rti. ~ ANTED?EIRST CLASS vfAlHT~lTNISIIE RS ; HA ID by uiece ami paid by wok. 452 Otli aw., flrst bell. It' \STED-.? OOMPETEN'i WOMAN as Cook", T T wMiller and Ironnr In small private family. Apply Moo day, 10 A. M. to 12 M., 42 Went 21st ?t. tv TANT ED? FIltsT CLASS WAIST AND SKIHT TUIM mer?. (*all at 73 West 3iHh St.. first bell. W W/A.VTKD?THE SERVrCKS OF A YOOO I.VDY AS * * companion ; having some musical knowledge preferred, and a taste for '.ho drama. Address 1'lCCOIiA, Herald of fice. W 'AM BO?TWO FIRST CI. ASS MI LUKE KB, AT2.119 3d aw., between 115th ana 110th sts. \\7 ANTED?rii>T FIRST "CLASS OPERATORS ON IT look-itltch mnohlnra to make ladles' sitlta: only tbone accustomed to the very best work need apply. Work room entrance on 20th el. LORD ,t I'aYLOK. llroadurny and 2Qtb at, \IT.VNTK1) -an mVEIWEXCED ; dIM.U'uM AN." to TT take charge of a manufacturing huhiuus* ot laco goons; must have uood taste and experience. Arldre a S. ft., box 124 Herald Uptown otlico. \yANTEo-A Sbst cLass miUjner aw? trim It iner: none but llr?t clam ncod apply. 24,'4 Wast 14th st. wet N U liBB?WANTED^ a RESPiiCTAKifB VOUNQ It married woruan with mod breast of milk. Apply room 335 lio.Miiorv Hot 1, 4-n st. and Hroalw ay, M onduy, between ft and 12 o'clock. \\' ANT..D KRESCII "OR OEUTlAN WoMA.N UNDBR VV standing the prolusion ot arran^inc Dollslilu:;. Ae .tha nails ol tlio hands. Apply at ollice ol Dr. WEsTEItYELT, H53 Krone,way, 1) to 6. TXTANTHD AN AMERICAN til Kl, AS KI itsT I'Mss It wnitro^-, t<i occupy a position ot' trust. Addres.- a note to Mrs. W., Ji:i West ISth st. \l'ANTl'.D IA.MER1CA.N~ tilltli KOR CENKRAl". I t liousawork and ynin'/ rtrl to mind children. Apply to day and to-morrow, 437 West 34th st., bell 2. lei't. ?\T0UnqT LADIES 10 LEARN AND BifOAOtf lljS Jl teleK>nnh operatint'; pertnnneiit euiployijiciu and fair HHluni>? when q'lnlified. 1 hLKliiCAl'II INSTRUCTION COM FAN V, 21 Pkilt row. opposite l'ost olDoe. TV f experienced WHEELER A WIL40M OPBR J.U iturs on tine linen suits: <ood waKua paid to tjood hands nt manufactory. 21H West 20th at. 12 EAST 43TH ST.?WANTED, an EXPERIENCED .1 OFrench womtin as ch!ld'? nurse; beet city rct'erenco re quire d. 117ANTED IMMEDIATELY-A~~KEK1>ECTA1SLK PER 1T son as companion, to travel with an invalid lady. Ad dress, with referemen, S.. lsi Herald ollico. ANTKb?FiRSr CLASS DllESSM VKEUS, AT HH ' ait 2Sth st. ANTED TMO Ml 1,1,1 \ :.l;s, A'l' WAITS' M I I.I.I - - ery I'.mpnrltun, 201 8th av. Apply In iho storr. \VANTED-ONiT~ MILLINBR ACCUSTOM KD TO T T trim for the tineat city trade. 42s itii nv., neur aOth sf. WANTED?AT- 15H EAST HMD ST., OOOD COOK wash.'r and ironer: jtood wa|;es to u taithlul and will In K sorvunt. WANTED?A COMPETENT (1K.NERAL HOUSEWORK irlri; must be a ftoo't washer and Ironer; refereuco re quired. Call at MU East l'J2il St. \\; ANTED?THOROI'I i I! LV competent DREBH TT makers, a: Mine. PABKlNSON'n, 151) West 12th *t. w SlTfATIO.-V* V. AMTBiD-SUUM. A"* " Vlil.sf" (H.ASri FREXOlI" WAITER MAN-IS BBCT. omineuded by eminent cltv family. Cull, between 2 and ut 145 Madison ay. AS1T U ATIO N~A sllARKKKl'K B-ilTcA PA SrE^AVU experienced In wiuos and Httuors lor ten \earn- city rut erence given. Address T. M., tiox 1 IK Hernia office. AN ACTIVE SKnHSsu5 WANTS employment^ long experience; banking, iiidnrnno. Journalism ? ?plendid reference*. Address HOPE, box 1 H Herald office.' A.-. V E5PLOY5 3N r \VAKTBD-HY A YOCNO"man\ thorough bookkecuer; small sulury; excellent reler' ences. II., box 11M Herald office. * A XBBICAX m, or 1 ?. 0EMI ABB A SITUAllON Xlas Oilioo boy in is comtuore!?1 limine. Address NELSON box 0213 Post office. ' T~Kin?Ncir?iAN AND WlTrc^ANT'TlTUATIONS IN -f JLtho couutry; the rnnn for uenerul work mid Inn wile as a Pel i t eooa; good releroiice. Inquire ut 1M East iM ut. A COLORED man" WISHES "a "SITUATION' IM A first class private family as waiter; good oily reforouce : no objections to tbe century; la willing and obliging. Ail dress 1!. li.. llermd ufllco. \ 8All/.)It WOULD LIKE TO (JET EM1'LO YMENT IN Xxa store or as watchman, or which ho eou.d niako himself unelul; good ruleruiice us to houcsty uuj . brietv. Address O. A.. Herald ott co. A HOME WANTED?WAOEK NO Oli.iKt;'!'; EE cently landed; good looking; can wall in private or boarding house; understands thu management and rare ol hot-net first cU<?; run milk or do plain gardening. Adjrcn M. ]>., 22*.i loth av. A lOUMi M \N I.E.-1 EES A~p7>SiTION AS waiter; private lamlly; city or conutrjr; undoubted city relerenco. Call on or address present, employer 147 East aist ?t., uutil united. A S HEAL) WA1TEK. Aol-.R :i:f; experience IN XXrcsiiiurant, 1U years; references Irom past and present employers; speans Engibli aud French. Address OOii. MANN, 22 litb av. An educated yovSu man DBS1RES A POHtTlOK ol trust; moderate expectations. JUSTUS. Uptown office. a Tthst class f ii; em an wants a situation? X\.best_cit} rulerence. Addles* fireman, lUOHth nr. ABOV, ii; YBARjT OLD, WAN i s A SITUATION I* a store or In an ofllc.i; good relore nee. Address!', box I'll Herald Uptown office. AS COLORED W \1 rl-.H-KIUM' Vi.'Ws. ca el on or address K BAKER. 13i! Went 17tb . t. A YOUNO MAN. WILL 1~n 0 ^AND~OBLI?4INl}, JUST XXnrrivcd from the old Country, desires a position in any cupac.ty where he can make Inmsott uielnl. Au dress J. L., Herald Uptown office. T"Aituation"wanter-nv a~voTnv, French' ilmsn eooii in a i.rivatc family or n boarding house : nn (lerstands his business thoroughly and is a gooa piistry cook; enod city reljreiice. Address li. .M , Herald Uptown i.runch ollico. IIIOHL? BBSf: OTABEE JJEItM \\ KA'.ilEV WISH to take carc ol a seutlnman's r-sideneo during the nil sonce ol the tatully; ratoreiices. Address li. M K.N ADIEU S31 - West Itith It. " A YOUKG'MAN WI*HB8 A KITUATXOM AS BaH Xl tender; best reference from lust einplover. Call on or ?ddteta JAMKis DIltANKY, 128 Hi i Houstos II \ YOOTff, 18, WfrtTLO I.iE'K A SITPaTION IN XX?nod whoius'ile house to lento the business; wit-es no oliject. Addresa M., station C A BEflPEOTABLB MAN AN!) Mis .'.ill WISII A ^.Xlinuso to look ulterior the Mitnincr; cm givo good ref. erences. Apply at 210 East JWtli ?t. |i??v. IV *1 Atw OI.U, STIIONO, WISHES SI TEA. J J lion lu wuo!e?>lo 1 usluess. Apply tu h.s lather, HU AV'cst It'Id St., storage ollico. CS ENTITeMaN'S .NUKSE.?VN EXI'EKIE'nCKD"NUBsB Tis di>otigag-d; best rel'erenc'M Irotn dnctors and last situation. A EKKEi', box 14(1 Herald Uptown oiliue. UO VEL K ..Kl'i'.KS.? A MAN ANII WiFK, AT i'KKS. ??ut employed in the Astor House, want sltuMtlons; man In tend bar. the woman as UoinMi.erper. at nesei per or cook. Adi resa HKAll WAITICIt, lieraid olfice. VI Al.E NURSE.? A COMI'hTKN i' man OK expe lTlrience as nurse or attendant to s sick or invalid gentle III .11 . bi -i < : V n lire ice. Ml lit s> IE IE, Hera d omce. 1> RLIABLK YOUTH, 17, KtSlIUMI WITH I'A RENTS J.l).. ishtfs situ itlon in any eapaeitv; first class rolorince.' Ailiiress l.ox 201 Herald I ptown ollico. CIT CATION W ANTKJI?MY~A Y(>UN(i E Mi Els II MAN', I.) |? waiter in city or conrtry, country preferred : goo.i rul orcnco. Address WAlTEIl. ,Sn. 1 i niton st.. Brooklyn, QITUATION WaNTBD BY A "id . V, 17 V ?: Ut 8 OLD kJm a wliolnsalc house; can bring tno Ih-hl relerenoei Irom his .a^t employer. Addresa BLANK, :UJ Eint 45th st. SITUATION WANTBD-BY A Tt/uTH, 17, IN ROMS k.Jbiialuess; ftpeaKs French and understands bt'Okkei'Lin M. 1?., HI West 24th st. riiu YA'JHTriMBN > KIH8T CLAXg S'i'B WARD A wlshos in engagement. Addrcsi CiTEWAUR, Herald office. rp.i I'KuitiEioii.s of fioiEES, j ?,. - :w i ? BANTS X .to.?Wanted, sltusiien by a colored inan;Ilrst class and carver; will g > to watering place or iu the coun try. Addros 1\ W. IIII,J,, 14h w en 2/tli si. r P li K A U SI It IA N M I > I > 11, K1S CO A(; I EM AN?LEA V. I lug on account ol family euin^ to Europei Is a ? iber honest iiinl reli.iblo man. Address JAMEs, I . I .itb av (.Mr. Stilling s.. W vNTBD?BY a YOUNO Man. a SITUATION IN A ? I wholesale bouse ; grocery preferred ; any capacity. Ad* dress (i. U., box Kill Herald Uptown . Ibcf. WANTED-A SITUATION AS STEIVaKR Olt ASSIST. ?T Hit lu a llrst elm. hotel, city or uouutiy; i. ig od earrer anil uaderstands his business; best relereucc. Ail* ino > .1. I!., station R. \""oi:m? man in kitchen to make himself nsel'nl; can eook; best reli-renee. Addreii ?). L. lor three days, ?>+'? De Kalb av., Brooklyn. Vr O U N11 MAN As 8ECOND COOK IN RESTAURANT I or boarding house; reference givoti. AddrjssJ. L. 112 West ISth st. WE8V 24TII s r.?A HESI'ECTA HEE COI.Oit|Td man as waiter ; good reference Irom last etuplo.ier. 217 WEST V2D ST.-A COLORED M VN AS FIRST lass homo-madocooK or waiter. Addroil AN'R.'t ,\V (I-KIIKS AMI S.YIiESMKX, 4 Youjjo MAN 11F 17 IIK8IKES A SITUATION !N~A X V wliole-ale liou-e or oillee ; gootl rulereuce. Address E. J. li., 114 East l?2d st. A SITUATION AS ( IN A IIOTKL OR FlSit .class restauratit. by a lady ol i xperi nee; best reler encos. Allures* for one week. CAsIllER, Herald office A FANCY (il.OUS MAM. FADTUIii.NO COMI'ANY, A ,mono|iolv, want travelling .losmcu on conitm*i.lnii ? tione but lirst clii-x men need reply. Adilrejs LlBEItAL CO.M.MlsSKJN. Herald ol'b o. "T N AJ1LK~S rr.Es M A N 'w A NT BII IN I Ol Tit uMflftb XI men's furnishing and hosiery department. WECIIs. Lei;, aHUAH.vM CO., 2h7 ami 2!?i Fulton st., Hrooklvn. ATHo5o6(ni BOOKKEEI'BR RE.-IRES a P081. Hon of nny kind In an office. 1'EKMANBNT, Herald Uptown Branch t TIIOIIOUOH HOOK K EH I' I: It HI'-illF^S A I'nsL J\ Hon; low salary expected. MACO.N, Herald Uptown Branch. V \OlNO MAN WANTS A PLA<'E Will (LI'.SaTIe J Vor retail ltoti?e ; but reference. Ai dress W. E.. box 107 lletald Uptown lliaocli oifico. A -WANTED, COMPETENT SALESMEN FOR OUR ?paraiol depurtnient. KliUlnilH A CO. 5W7 and 2M0 Sib ar. rLRRKR AND SAKBSHKS. J'fOSl?lOV OP Ttltfti w '.:>'TK!I -AS feboU keeper, casniar. financial manager or superintendent of any jrood businem or hotel: have larre bu?ine?*Vxperi* eite?; hint witlicitawn fVoro partnership; A1 reference. BArLfSS. Herald o4ice. S itFaTion ro um'KIVk.' im !.:v;:-: or siill* IN wli- lpMilf grrncery ; ionif exper cuce; good reference. K. L.. box 171 Herald office CtTi'ATION W vNTl-.i'? \ HKHK THE KXOWLKIHIE Oof f-u/lish, German. French. hnoiau, l-iidii rapid pen ?nun 'mi So. 1 relntenccs ure required. Address CLEltK. box 1-3 Harold office. CTF.JiO'iRAPHgR OP iSiitTV AN" EXPERIENCE iOlcalreb position at correspondent, aiiimnensU or secre tary hIr ent references. AJdre?? PIIONEYIG, Herald t'jitt>w:i olica. CiLKBMk35 - want- n Tiitsr sale'-mkv Olor our (utt, shawl, clonk and drees i;ood* departments. Ai sly to W. K. ! K V rO*; in Bowe To WHOLESALE * '.iRiM'KCS -K 'Tfev ri.I'MAN ?ltn yo.r?' experience a- tinycr and salesman :ind having ar. extensive acquaintance throughout the t.'nited St ilea, wishes i? position in a # ?.?! com' i ti , h??t o! refer ence. Address .I !l FRAXfTS, box 1,83tl Prtst office. rjV Tvk itc Ha XI* aM D OTl I It H S -T H E ADVERT Is E R. 1 ol middle a;re. active business habit* and vopd s<idres?, combined with it thorouch knowledge of bnokSoep 11?( ami the routine ol couiiiinir houses. desire* occupation . highest ro' -<e?. J. S M . Pout office. SI-m trial r. X J. TO SILK SAi.l .SMKN-OVK UAVIMi i;ITV KX:'K':T oiicp; to the riirhi man a permanent situation Addr>-s I t letter, or cali after 3 1*. M. at DaMKLL A SOX'S, 751) w Treasurrr wanted?for a circus. about to <al;e the road; one that uin deposit J500 t" $1,0001 pood aeenrttv {iv?n. Address Mr L. f'., Herald office. W KS I1 ED?A VOC.X'J Van, WHO l- PERFECTLY ?? acquainted or familiar with the flue grocery trade, iin the west side, and who l? wl line to niaxo himself generally use'ul: state salary and reference*. M. .t 11.. Hernia Up town iifflco. "iY'axtku-y6cxo'~mbn" TO LEARN ItooKKK^P '* iii^, jwnm?n?hlp. calculation, from pracllca' book keep 'r : ?uceets ju.trnnteed : terini moderate. CtJLLIXn, Ml ! ?' i nentld "(Tico v N I KI? ?A tbtrjro MAX : B X P K RIR X O B O ONIiV) in the retail fancy and fnrniahiiiK iroi?l?. ?. BALL. 143 0th av. \r M'MI-a YOUXa Man iviii- UlUMUUiTAXDS " l ookk epinc itnii !? wlllinir to make ItimKelf ireneraliy tut"fnl In a retail more . one bnvluu ?uuie knuwleiiue of thn Jewelry bnnini i- preferred. Add*?ii?, with reier lice and Hilary expected, C. M.. box - J 1 Herald ullica. YYr vvri-:i) -as"KXPEurfenpro ory goods sales ft nnin; uUo a boy to leirn tUc trail ?; best city rafertnee r equired Apply at A. KUH'S, R7l> 6tli av., Monday mom inu. before 0 o'cloeK. Y'l * v XTJSD?A Quol? fALESMAN ACQUA1NTKD M with the bardwara trade, to noli new artie'en of nc knowledva I uiorit; reiarencea retired. 11KACKKT, Herald office. WANTK??A YOUNG MAN tVUO" UNUEKSTANDS TT hiiiiUkeepltii; to post up the hooka of a mechanical biuineli oncn or iwiee it week at hit own co.ivanl -nee in the dn< limn Addrese, for tbroe day?,, box 110 Herald ollk-e. YVtanteo-kilisr class"FooIckkei'Kii and oor. ?? r>'?ro^dent. ili rman nnd Kr?nch. In imiinrtlns house. Full particulars, salary, Ac.. J. i \V? Herald office. Ty*"ant"ku-fosmox; my Tiioiioutiii b6ok:if!?:ir ?' cr ami correspondent, ajoil 30. at $1."> per woelc. Ad dio-s 7... Herald oiflce. \\'ilO -*V ANT> my'sbbytokk AT fO a iv KKIv AS " clerk or nuy other lluht em|>lovraant? Am U4 years of ai;e. Addrcas box 1L'7 Herald office. Y\rANTKU -A FIRST CLASS SALESMAN 'i'O SELL A 'f ?tapl? article of merchrjpdlae to the retnil irroeery trade ol New York and Prnoitlyn; aimllcttnt muat have trade acquaintance. PRICE, Herald office. Y\' a NTKD?A VOUNiT "maM IN A OOWNTOWK it office, 15 to 17 yenrn of *ro; otic who understands nnd Kneaki Fretich preferred : eomnenaation i?7 per weok. Ad dress, in own hunawritinir, VERITAS. Herald office. Y\rAXTRI>? A YOl'NO MAX WHO~lfAS"riTV TRADE ?V in the i;r?e'v boinesa ; plenty ol push. Address IL, box nr. Herald office. YJITANTED?FIRST CLASS SALESMEN FOR DRESS tt irooda. silks anil laces. Apply, aitar 3 o'clock to-day (Sunday), to JOHN K. KAUOHKAN, No. 7i"t Broadway, YYr VNted^a^iWation as collecior " "or i? cashier iu Rome cood place; can iuruish any amoniit casli security. Address 0. V. B., box 1^4 Henilil ollice. nranpbi>-samplks~5r~Rrohandise. m ita 11 hie for tho Western trade: advertiser will stmt next week. Address BRIT I INtill.VM, Herald nl'ico. XjjTANTED?TW0 BXPWOBROBD*LACK SALRHX]EN. II Apply to J. A C. JOHNSTON, Broadway and ^'2d st. T\rANTED-A 1 ?00D SALESMAN " IN ~A~}ESTLK* it men's furnlshine cood? storo. Apply to .t. BRANDT, 134 Chatham St., corner of Pearl. WANTED?A YOU NO MVS AS BOOK* K KKPKil IX A small house: one familiar with hosiery bus.iness pre ferred. Address C.. box ^13 Herald ollico. WANTED-A UOOD PENMAN ASU~READY WHITER fur nssistunt correspondent; (alary $8 per week. Ad dresa V. V. X., Herald office. IITAXTED-A COsfpETBNT CARPET SALESMAN AT \\ 155 uud 137 Chatham at. R. M. COWPKUTIIWAIT A CO. "firANTED.?A OENTLEMAN. KPKAKINO FRENCH* II German. Spaulak anil flemish, would like to accom pany a gentleman or n purtv of gentlemen to Knrope. either 11* Interpreter. eocretary or amutiuonsl*: I* lamillar with tlie Continent of Kurope ; bott reference. Address EUROPE. Herald Uptown olflce. WANTED?a' SAljEsM AN. WULL ACQUAINTED with the trade, to Bell fruit syrup, fruit br?tidlo?, cor dial* and bitters. Address, with reference, BUSINESS, Herald ofllco. WASTED-AS ASSISTANT IN REtTTl DRESS 1? trimming and notion department. JOSEPH o'BRIRN ? 00.. .-.1 Atlantic av., Brooklyn. WAXTEIJ-YOUNTTmaN SPEAKING ViiENOH "and English. Cigar storj 420 Gth av. Q FLOOR WAtiKRfcM WAKThD?* U Hi-- U fc. ACT1 VE ? i tion with busiuusa experience. EllRICII .t CO., Nos. UK" and 2S;? Stfi av. COACHAIBttl AM) (i.VKDE.V KKS. A?ii .child; lully understand* the earn of irreenhoiiseu ami vejfntablrs; tiie heat of reference. Address J. ji , \fy.?t New MlitctttOll, stuteii lxlaud. "T s "cijaI'HMax-and" veoktari.k oardkner'; At'?n milk, mow lawn,la.; best reference. AUdress 'l., box 178 Hsrsld oiV.ce, A a 7 N T Li KM AN WISHES to PR< ICL'BE A~l'LACR J\for his couohuian; excellent references glrrn; nlevnu rears with subscriber's father; only left mi brenkiujr up of tin- establishment. ELLIOT sv7 (B, 80 Wui st. "I QENTLRKAN DBBIftkS TO OBTAIN A SITU* _/\iition lor Ills eoncbmsn, who is An hnnest, sober and economical man and thoroughly midorst .nils tlie care of li. r<os: can bo teen at 3(10 Madison av. Call or uddrosou Monday. 8 OC> A011M AN ANI) liROOM ?BY A MlNiJIJi Y(>!~N(! Englishman ; best releieneo from last tivo emplovers; no objections to tlie country. Call on or address 0. B., 'JL!1 Bridge St., Brooklyn. I 1 ill .Ml MAN (lMtOTESTANT) W1IS11!:S A 8ITI) ?*. 1 \ tlon ns nardener or to do general farm work ; uiolerstuuila the caro of horses, cows, Ac.; latidscui e iMrdouing a spe cialty. Address E. (1. W.,223 Mercer st. i YOU NO GENTLEMAN, AO lb :m. WHO HAS il {3 ./initio years' experience ill the rotall dry goods ioixluoss in thl? city, desires ancngagament a* raiuiti or or superin tendent: Is a irood disciplinarian; is familiar with all ti e details of management?luinknii; bn.-oiloM, credits. tion and settlement of acenunts, Ae.; unexceptionable reference* lurnlshed. Address B. B. B., box ltlli Herald oitice. ' t YOU NO KARRI RD JlAN (51'. I; >1A n7~DE s 11; E s a XVpositiou as coai Inn an and irardoner; go id country ref erence. Address C. M., box 17H Heraid Uptown olUoe. ? Situation wasitbd?nt a respectable col Jlored man a* conclimnn: has lived in Him class families; best city refentico. flail on or address A., 1(1" Wi at Hist st /T.uTDiiNEliVS Sfri/ATIOS WANT it D? HY A MAN OK iTinns and practical experience, thoroughly capable t<> oversee a gentleman's place ; understands tin caro of stock. Addr*** A., box 180'Herald OBW, Ull'i'.M'l'iX W \ NT I, It B1! AN !? X l'l 1.1' .\i E | > O louhle entry bookkeeper; is lully competent; not afraid o! work, and will make lilmsalt useful; rulers to present employers. Address H. E., Herald ottice. OK* VICE WANTED KOU A FIRST CLASS COACH Oman; rccrnimuudatlnn tinqualilled. Call at store on Orand st.. Just west of Uroad>vay WATBRBURY, SMITH A CO. A "firANTED-A liOOI) GERMAN GARDENER. APOTT Vl ;i(J year* of aire, who understands about plants, li ,wcrl and veiretables and can take good care of a horse; wains must be moderate and best taferences required, to go Into tlie country. Address box It. Jersey City, X. J. i)() AND W 01.1 KK ST-A OoMPETENT MAN as e/coachtnati; six years' excellent city reference frutu lust employer. Address COMi'l/l EN 1', box I<>li Herald I ptoavn oiTlce. _ HELP Y\ \ ti T H> OteHAlii s. DVER'I ISiNO AND 8'UHsCRU'TIi>N SOI.IUITORS WA.nTED ON DIUfciCTORY WORK; RKKliUENL'ES ?iKOI IIttD. Al'l'LY, 1'ttO.M in A. M. TO 4 I*. M.. WALt'Eii HEL'UH A CO., PUBLISHERS, J i'ARK 1'IiACK. KIRS't CLASS MAN Cut >K. AT lil'.OWNK'S HOTEL and rrstauiiint. in, 15 and 17 Rrondway. Brooklyn. I'. D. Only meu capable of taking oliurK* ncad apply, with testimonials, to-day (Sunday), front In A. M. to J I' M A GENTS WANTED?TO MCI,I. To STORES Tlltfi J V Cotnbinatinii I'nieut Sohool Slato. Apply at ti e shop, lOn Devoo st.. llrookiyn. E. D. AiiKXfS wan i'E li?7)S C..MMISSI05; IN NI-.W York. Brooklyn and Jersey City; those acquainted with liorse and co? keepers preferred. Call on or address C. M. KOllERTa, -tX't (ireenwlcU st., basement. \ OKNTEKlj hoy WANTKD--IN A D Rift I STORE*; one accustomed to t*ndin< a soda loiintuiii profurred. Address K. K. 11., Herald olllce. t T WHALEMEN'S 11RAD^QCARTERS. KM sol I ll st7, JVwanfed, boat steerers, whalemen, coopers, carpenter*, blacksmiths, conks, seamen and stout American 4 re on hands, to whom good chance is offered to learn seaiuunslilp nnd di cipllno; minors not accepted without parents' per nit Apply to MORlSOh a MhOwx. Assistant porter wantko -ix a rFbhon house ; about SM years old, a It h some experience. Ad drc<? JORBER, box 1,007 1'ost olllce, k'v'' K a^e.reler ences. Ac. 1.,K\TS \ N 11 TRAVHLLlTfO MALKSMKN (RVRRY JVilnr)?t'all at 24 iiruadwar, rnour 1, earlv ; an utiusnal opportunity. A LEVI MUM I'llN. t oknts wanted everywhere in tea. 00 - ^Viefl and spices; lin?t plan ofljrort. Apply to liAHAT AMERICAN REPUBLIC IEA COMPANY. SI Bar clay ?U v kHSt cla a i fc 1 w rSci v.x'him', r.\N\ ? - >Y\vniitcd. *rlvIntf fnll pnrtfciil ?r* im to i ? i 1 c . <? . IIACIlINKH/box IU1 Htr.ijd tTpl ! e, AMBH05R DUN'LEV BPS J A PAX ANl> J.Wv fj | unci Coflfef* <!*?mpnny. office nnd ? Imlenalv anti rc*tfifl tle j)"t, 2C>4 Wnlvr aii'l 'J.? Kulton *t.. cotjht \'? nier; uruut bnr tfalitif ?'ff>rcd ; *M!iij?lo tea, uretn? black, inlxnd. J iipun. ail kittdi c Kin 8 cotl'eo, 'J7'? . r.ti; or ?eua f n prl# li. . dopurtiiiMit iionthon Cliincho nnd.h?pati??e > ood* up ?talrn; ton rtoro r.ivrnb. bnmboo watch chnlns anu lanvf*riM in t;roiii variety. Ap:"iit? frnntod; mnlo and fcmnlo. U?n d salman and collector wanted lor New Vork aud Jirooklvn trade. k youNa MA.\. \\ I l it SCOfK KV 1'KHIKN< V m?otl mannerH ivnd addrun4, energetic and willing to work loiitf hour#, bc^tnniiiM; titular law -alary can hoar of a pcrniani'tti and iimniLsHlve ?dtyation hy ii?plytn^f with <ictaiU and rekrcuce, statinu f-atury expoctcd, to OOOf* .MAa*sTfe?ii, Herald Uptown otlico. 4 (?F!NTH \vXnTKJ) ! VKHYWHKRK^Fi>H TIIK FVKAIJ XXtitnl new hook, *'Llttle Brown Ban*!?:" totm? liberal. HMiW VulihL liOOK J lia?t 4th it., trout li VI1/41JUK HELP WAST E P?OIA I<E>. * DEM vNl)" KoK "tELEo 'iaVif ~6pKRA l"6U? ./VEearn mid rnki* poiltiana: nothlnu pavs hettur: tanjrht practically, il.iy nr cv mng. THOMPSON'S College, aj 4th m?., opt>oaite cooper Institute. B v vyrEtT?iN a s~7ok Si rb: 18or ni; mist ?i?? Miinri >n(l m good teller. 71IH 3d a*. (y vN*VA'? sf:KS \V V N1 Kli-Koi: CITY OR COtTKVRV, '.Tor 1 cl< an article that arils roudllv lor ner dozen; every hou?i'l.3.*pur will Imve li good [>r till to steady men. Address PRANK ll, I VfcS. .ik> Becltiunn St. (^B 1A*VA>HBHfi WAXTED y >it a KBW ARTICLE* J.?e!l? readily for .'t?Hv per du?en ; every hnaeelci>.'i>er will I. iv? li : it 'O'l pru!lt? to steady muu. Addrcia iUA.SK II. IVES, .'if1 liunian at. Man I K iC H'M Ni< COMPAtif WANTS UKNEhTl n.'t 'it*; terrlt ries 1(1 to .1" counties; pays over #t"l monthly: unquestionable references ludiapeusiiblc. 2tiJ Broadway, room '20. Mi - \ ;i? wmex 'VintEd-io ski.i, the best novelty out; sells at sight CJLAR K'H, 84 Wtlliaiu st Pl'KK TEAH.-BKfT TKRMS TO AGKX'Fs "SKLMNa to Finn:lie* mid large consumers. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY. 2i>1 Kult.iu New York. OaM'PLR \N OTHER TEAK-LOWKKT PRICES! Of..;; nr send for circular, the CANTON TEA COMPANY. 14-* Chamber* ??., Naw Vork. Agent* w?nt"d. QTORAGE WAKhllorsKM.tV WANTED ~a7 SoTTjTT. ?~nl;ure and atlier i-oodi to sl.ire. -Hll'tli St., near Broad, way rr w.) men ok oood education and ADDRESS I and first class business capacity ; re I' r.'ive*. S11EEIIV. 33 Barclay. T\T AH "MAI'S. LA' 11 EST V \ I! I RT V, PI'BLIsllED RY '? !?;. ST.'.lOMt, 22 *iid 24 KriinUfort St.. Sew Vork. Send for Hit. Liberal terms to eanvawars. ?fSTAXrl D - E \ PERIE XOED AXD~ WELL RECO\U ?? ni"ti !ed man to take chart-* of naekliii- and pollshinir furniture, alia to be generally useful in that department. JONES, ^ih ti* . 10th st. tXTARTED? AQKVTS TO HELL A STAPLE ARTICLE" *i used everywhere. Address T , box lll.'l llorald office. Ti'asii-.d -a"'i:K.>i'iit'i \ei.e vorriT, \houi in, *? in an office; mu?t live with !ii? parents aud reside in llronklvn. Apply Monday tuorniug, Iron) 0 to 10, room t), 1;I2 Church at. ?\\rANTP.n-B(?r lThxvr "???? kiV'e5~mFst not br ?? rouiiirer than 15 vciir^. Aildreas, wl h particular*, in own Itr.mlwritin^. .1., hux 1U7 Herald olHcc. T\-AYri:i)-.\ KEW EXIM RlRNOEp CANVas'skRS It t" amidt order-, lor our ne>r book. "The !"ro*e anil foe try of Ireland cloth uilt. .'lO; ?o!d only by nuhnt'rlptlnn f talnrv ?r c nnini??lon : muat come well reuombionded. I*. K. COLLIER. 2H Voy ?t. \V A .VTBiwri I It EE YxmJl, h; EXT " A NO lXDI'S. ?' trloua Catli'd'c men h? travelllili; B?le"iiu n: no?ition peruinn uti lofi rencva required. Apply lit 17 Barclay at. WAKThO AOENTs KOIt Til E IIE'T SELK-IN KIXO ff h.ind atiimt ovur olfered to tfie public (uew). U Mur. ray at.. room 17. "Of AEfKD?.V CANVASSER K(7ll" A "l.KADINO CITY Vf Journal; an nctlre. em rirclic man ol push nud uoo.t Aildreu cm lind permanent and nrollrahle empl'.yment. Ad Iron CANVAsSE'U, box J.4ws New York Po?t office. Tir ANTED?A PQREKAE IT AX EPTKNSIVE II wholea tle olothlnx hou*o ; he niu*t ha fiil'v uoinpetcnt to satisfy all ihn raquiremeiit* ot Biieh a noaltlon. To an energetic, able mini, who ihornuxhly undorflland* this husi neis, n liberal salary will hu pnld. Apply to BLUN A CO., 05 and 57 White at. ? \vrAXTP.\N iIUTDOOR MAX_TO SOLICIT TRADE T J and do eollectln'r. Applicant*, to rpeeivo uttuntlon. will state what line ol busiucta iliny have been accuHinmoil to and give full rolereiiueii. Address METALS. Herald otllce. Wanted?a okxtlemax'oe enei cv. address and ahilltv : liberal arret] ;ei.icnt with the riuht party. Addreaa WI11THECK, HeraUMPca. "\1 r A NT ED- -ACENTS FOII the NEW ENULANFaND V? Middle State* to aull thn l^audnl Button Hole Machine on commission. Apply lti.'t Church at. WANTE D~- A~"7iEMTLKM AN W i";?? ACQU AINTED IT with New York and vieiuitv to r?|>renont a puhliNhii"4 house in the sale ot a new fteriiiFpuhllcatlon: * salary of per week, with a f.ercenta^o, will be paid the right party, Addross. for thraa days, N. D., box 147 Herald ofllce. WANTED?A i'tOY THAT UNDERKTAXDS PASTIN'! elK'ir boxes; must reside at home; relorunoa required. 42 Vesey st. W~ ANTED.?Al'LE-ROIHKD YOCNO MEN WHO ARB desirous, mid whos? parents, guardians or relative! wish tht-m, to io to sea on n long voyage, may nildrosa Pa* 01KIC, llernld ollico. InolosiiiK stamp (or anaivor. WMSaNTED-ES AN A EC! UTEl "T'H OIVICE, A 8MAR1 lioy to learn the business : abont 13 yeara old ; ono who has some experience in drawing prclerred. Address AR. C1IITEI T. 1 ox l'J.i Herald ollieo. Want;.!>-a v.rvc mw that THOROUciiLY unilerstandH tlio trnlt business, to go to a watering place. Address, with refereuce, statins solary, H. 8., Herald I'ptown It;illicit odico. -\roi*x(; men"i7o learn and engage intele. X eraph business; permanent employment and fair sal*, ries when nualilied. TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION COM PANY. '.'I Park row, opposite Post office. (f.4 in A DAY.-Midi ESCAPE 1 (jil lJ A N V. ?3.? Broadway, wnnt uKents in every clt<' and Stsit. 100 " == canv.tssers wanted?ladies or jroutlenjen?at work which la suro to pay well; no requisite except honesty required. Call on ETIRICII & CO.. No*. 2*7 and 2R:? 8th ?v. THE TllADKS. A N ENHINEKil WANTS V SITUATION?KITH Kit JV.fur stittlonin or Incoiim tlvo power: a thoroughly prac tical and competent man, 36 years of ni?e. with best hi ref eronecs as to capability. s dirloty and nont?ity, cm !>?? so" cured by NBCESMToUS, box ISH Herald olllco* THkbkscm in;ess i \kuitT well known to _? ? tii" elite of thin city, would Itko to take charge ol'? lark'# establl>hment?s drosuiakiiijr department; best referent pivenaitn lior nhllity. Adilrots A. M., Herald Uptown llrunch office. t ' comi'Kt?^~"kn(Tinker and steam fitter ./Vwlihos a iltuatlon: over years' experlenc* i?ud able to take charge of any establishment: speaks English ii'id Herman: best references. Addrers. for tUree days, ENlil NEER. *'11 I'Uli iiv. rtBOT CLASS ro(H,\I.\KHK FOB JBWBLBf, rubber ironds or lanev metal article*, make* dies stiil mnuidi, and fully competent lo take charge of u mannfac tiirinj; department, Is free ts cniraxe with a irnod house best referonc?; cuuniry no objection. (J.,box ld7 Herald ollice. A vol'NO M \ N' OI'HO DESIKESVPL-VCE TO LEARN carriage trimmiiii; or work undcrjnstructlon* In a car. pouter shop: worked five year* at picture frame nmkim;, and an 1. vndlo bench tools. Address E. 11.. Herald Uptown' A FIRST 0i.A.-.S FRENCH CHEMIST AND F?b* .'Vfnuier is open lor u situation. Address F. R., Herald Uptown o(Tic?. oa ui'KN FkiF" wants-\\oek.! " T. R., 247 a v. B. AHINOLIi wine cooper, who understands the treatment of wines thoroughly and all the different branches appertaining to it. ?lubes u steady position in a .lu-ale wine or crnccry busiuoss, Address WINK COOPER. 31 II . llnrald ollice. ? A Pi Sir clash job printer wants a, bitca tlon as foreman; city or country. Address BOAZ, Her ald oltlco. A. A E FIRST CLASS WORKMAN. WHO UNDERSTANDS Ltnaniifacturinit dlflrrc' t kinds ot mattresses. ASBESTOS FELTING comPaN V. :l-:i Front st. WANTED,* KNIFE CUTTER AN ? DESlU.N ER ON Udtcs' suit i. 100 HtltW st. MAI'HI N' [ST li XPERIE Nt "ED IK THE MA.NU facluro of plnitliifr's aim ruchlotfs ; no other nee I apply M i lls ltltOS., -*04 Urooinc st. ptVIL BNOINEKR?(IRAIICAIE OF BBNHSKLAETt v^Polytechnic Insiituiii, wants situation, without re'er cute to salary. Rox CI4 Post ollice. .lamuica. L. I. N t ;fN 1.1' ff'\NI? M ACMN 1ST WANTS SITUATION. Address No. 2 'I (i rub tun st., Brooklyn, E. D. i i ni l ini: a i"111: i: wavied-onh who under. XJstnnds color and creyon work. Address, with samples midst itinu salary oxpei tod, PITTSBU KO LITIIOOKAPH CO l PAN l, 347 xjil crty St., Pittsburg, Pa. VfETALLlJRui a INT !>. I rlEST RATE PBAC. J. * A i i ? . twoi kins chemist to take iliarite of a laboratory la a melting works. Address box 115 Herald ollice. \f Ei! H AN 10 \? ^NTED?IN Wool) AND XBTALtl, TO Jil estimate mid take contracts on interest. Address INOtNUirr, Herald. "pn I'J'I Hi it v pilEU WANTED.? MI ST i HOROUOHLY L understand the business and be wall recommended. A?l dross, statin'.' relorencs aid alary expected, J. J, Ullli GAN. 17S Market st.. No war k, N. J. rn-ii IiuoN7.E aniT"DHaNDELIER MANUFACTUR 1 ers. A competent modeller uiui desi ruer. whoso eiiifaco ment has just oxplrod, havlnc been 14 years at Fellows, llo'fruun i'c Co.'s. of Now York, is on#n for a uew enirajje ment no ohloct'on to unv purl of the country. Inquire of F, E. THOMAS. 383 Powers st., Hrooklyn.E. D. IV ANTED?A si TU ATI ON IIV A COMPETENT AND if experienced cylinder mil Cordon pressuau. Address J. M., box iflo Herafct iHw "II* ANTED?A FIRST CLASS MECHANIC' ASSlfFEB^ it liitendent of tool room in one of the best muelilnn sh>pt in this city; ho mil-t be thoroughly cotupetent to or^aniio ills department and maintain and enforce discipline. Ad dress. with reference, box !?"?:! Herald ortlco. TITAN rED-.V IM 111 A BLK SURVEYOR AND KNOL M iii er, cupaliie ol investlnatlnir the proceedings of pub lic. boards. Vdilress. with lull particulars, JOSF.I'II KIESEL, Corresponding Secretary Property Owners' Protective Association, Lonif Island City, I.. I. I VMNTFd POSITION "of SUPBBrtlTENDENT-OF ?i iiiucliinfl shop or other works: twenty years' export' rnce. Aoure?s ri. S.. hex 1 T?> Herald ottico. W*ANTED-A FIRST CI,ASS KNGEAVBK AND DIB ? Inker Addiess, with sample ot work, JAMES MUR DOCK, IW I. ace (I., Clnel?n>tl. Ohio. W am ED?A COUPKTBNT CHBM1RT, WHO UNDBft ?? -lands the iiiiinulit' tiire <d nuro sulpliiirel of carl on ; ? very liir(re supply needed ; st tto |>rlce lor uukutity. Address Hit'ATI A, Herald office. \\TANTI. 13?A ?;oOI?" WATCH AJ?D (CLOCK job ?? iier. Apply at I t!ortlundt st. \\ ? an Fed position as ko it cm an or enoineeui If i-hi niako honeblai k. saltpetre or whilln/; can ({rind mi l-epar ' i e all minerals by a new process. II., box 22J Herald ollice. \y AN I KD?AN expehiexced"e'eITe CUTTER ON Vl ladles' su.ts; stoady o nployraont. Address, with ref? eroncos. in ciiiiBdenn:', A. W. /.. Herald olllee. UfANTED-A first CLASS NEOATI7N SF i> inucher to kd nut tar from the cltT ; situetlon |i?r liniKiit. Auply to l? X II. r. ANTHONY A CO.. ri!)l Broadway, .\iondny, 11 o'clock. Fit KMil A I) V liIKTISK.1I K V I'N u'ENTI.IMa.N PAKISIi-.N*; D'l-.sK PA ItF A I IK U ctlii' atiun, doiiiro dcmiK'r a uno 1 ft?ly uuioricuiDu des 1?* nui* <ii? lr??00iiSs on eclmtijct Uooui il'lttglAii. Addre*! (J. AS.. Herald Uptown oUlco. r rnk ki;\]mk i>i;11 am"brr kranoaihk, saohani U uar'ultenH'nt cuinlro, fiiiro le? robes ?t coirtVr, nynnt ni \r>?% hon uvi-cnt et d'oxcollente* references, rlohiro line pUca h'nilr.'s?or psndtini deux Jours, de dlx ho lire ft du matin I troin houren du ?otr, a Mm. HKu.NNKtt, 172 Ume hvm eniri la Hime et I7me rue. Di:\ihthy . a imt'lcTAirt] _..HI 1 \ !fv"> up* :ird . nin^'e Teeth, $1 upward; ?(il)ftiantiiitl^ turtde, iftti i'< r vi, riiEiii \ spi-.i i amy.' m i^ k kshfs, ciiretully fitted; inti-liictiuii uuai'aiiteoii. J. 0. Kfc.NNKDVi aMHoiiifit. i > : v i nrub \is i ik'< i M, i) ;.i ii. (el <.i M, Mi J.J?ini;to, j;?l; warr luteo. New Tom Denial Rooms. ?H OiL nr., 10th (Mid Hill. L?UbU?Ue<i l#3l. Hun-iay^ until J.