Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. - ? WHOLE NO. 14,888. NEW YORK. MONDAY, MAY 7, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS BIKKCIOHY FOU ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.303 BROADWAY.? OI'EN DAY AND MIGHT FOR RECEPTION OF advertisements AND SALES OF PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?lrr Pack?5tb and 6th cols. ASTROLOGY ?12t>( Pagk?6lb col. BILLIARDS? Iit Pi(;n -3d cut BOARDKRS Wanted -'Jo l'AGK-2d and 3d coU. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Pagk-3<I col. BROOKLYN REAL hSTATii FOR SALE-So P-ACE-lst col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-*)? Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii Pace-8?Ii col. CITY real ESTATE KOk SALE-2d Pack?lit col. CLERKS and SALE8MEN-12th Pack?Sth col. CLOTH I NO?12th !'agk?oth col. i COACHMEN AND UARDB.NERS?lan PAGE-Cth coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2d PAGE-4ib coL COPARTNERS HI PS??h Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?2d pAcr.-3d col. DANCING ACADEMIES-Ist Pask?4thcol. DRY GOODS? 1st Pagk?3d col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. furnished AND UN FUKNIBHED?2r> Pagk?1st and 2d col?. EUROPEAN STEAM >H IPS?2t> l*AGK-3d and 4tb cols. EXCURSIONS?2d Pack?4tb col. FINaNCIAL-hth Pack. For SaLE?11th Pace?4th col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2r> Pack?2d col. FURNITURE?11th PAOK-4th col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th PAG?-Sth col. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th I'*CK-6lh col. HORSES, carriages, AC.?1st Page?2il and 3d cols. HOTELS?2d Page?H i c<>I. HOUSES. ROOMS, AC., WANTED?2d Paok?2d col. INSTRUCTION-1st P*CK-Hth col. LECTURE SEASON 1st Pagk Oth rol. Lost aNI? FOUND-1st Pagk -lit col. MAOHINKRY-Hth Pagk -4th col. MEDICAL?2d I'agk?Otn co>. MILLINERY AND DRESSVIAKING-Ist P*GK-3d col. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?lOr* Page? rttii coi. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tk PACE-6th col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?1st col PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?1st Page?4th cot. POOL SELLING ?1st Paok?2d col. PROPOSALS?1st Pack-4th col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO REN r?2d Pack?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCH A.NGR?2n Pagk-IiI col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2D Page-Isi col. RE.MOVALS-Ist PAGB-Otb cl. REWARHS-Ist Page?1st cot. SALES AT AUCTIO > 2D PA0K-5th and 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED-FE.M ALEB-Uth Pack?5th and tit i. cols., and 12th Page?1st, 2d, 3d, 4th nnd fit ll cohi. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES?12TH P age?5th col. I FECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?1st mid 2d cols. SPORTING?DOGS. BlKDS.jcc.-lsT PAGE?2d cot. STORAGE?1st Pack?4tli co . SUMMER RESORTS?2d Page?3d col. THE TRADES?I2th Pack?6th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pace?1st col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ?2d l?AGK-4th col. unfurnished ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO let? 2d Pagk?2d col. WATCH EH. JEWELRY. AC -1st Pack?3d eoL westchester COUNTY PROPERTY FOlt SALE OR TO LET?2d Pagk-1st col. WINES, LIQUORS. AC 1st Page -4th col. YACHTS, steamboats, AC ? IOtu Pagk?6th coL PERSON Alt. A' LTONA-WONrT MIS< IT. AR6S*L^5a'N8aNTE" Shadows, to-night, on balcony, near reception rnoin door. DOLLIE. BK.?COME BACK AT ONCE. YOUR Flit ENDS .will help you through and stand by you. Nothlnir it known yet, and will not be it you coma at once. K. T. ATCH^uFfOW i; XATELY AWAY THIS WEEK; will return ana be at home i.ext. * Will" petite young lady! dressed in black, who flist notici'd gentleman on Fulton ferry boat, afterward on lltei-cker street and Sixth avenue cars, address PaNSEY. llorald Uptown office ! 5th AV., NEAR 27TII ST.?WILL YOUNO LADY IN iii ick. who noticed gentleman. and who afterward turned 27th st east, srnd address to ADMIRER, Herald office? w LOST AI8I> KOt.VD. F" "oC'KD-ON "APRilT 30,' BETWEEN 1ST AV. AND 34th st. ferry, a small Satchel, containing money and clo'hes belonging to a baby. Tlie owner can have ttyeni bv pn'.ving moperty and paving expense", by applying to 343 East 31st st.. onu pair of stairs. In the back. Lost-may 5, probably in central park, a lady's (told hunting case Watch and Chain: Ekegren, maker; No. l.~>,601 j owner's name iuside. A liberal reward for Its return to 21 East 3Sth st. J" OST-ON saturday. MAY 5, A GENTLEMAN'S Jnval shaped Onyx Locket, with the monogram P. V. S. he finder will be rewarded by leaving it at 309 East 47th at., in the office. LOBT-CANAItY, SUNDAY afternoon, FROM IS East 33d it. Reward on return. LOST-ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, ON THE 9:20 train Baltimore aud Potomac Railroad ftotn II asb Ington to New York, a red Russia Handbag, containing legal and patent papers. A liberal reward will be naiil for the re tarn of the same toC. K. TRULL, St> Liberty st.. New York city. Lost?Saturday evening, may 5. a solitaire Diamond Earring, going from 54th st. and 7th av., in a Broadway car, to 14th st., thence to Wallack's Theatre. A liberal reward will be given lor its return to No. 15H West &4th *t Lost-may e. in madiaon avenue cars, be tween 40th and 62d sts? a leather Purse, containing (12 75. The Under will be rewarded by returning to 37 Wait 46th st. Lost?last friday niuht, in the bowery or vlclmtv, a gold Vest Chain. A very tib'-ml reward will be gl*en for its return to ANTON MYhR. 151 Bowery. REWARDS, . "?1EW'ARD.-LOST,'ON "TU'KSDAY, A GREEN L'JParrot. with yellowish head. Apply No. 1 East 3Sth at. The bird is of no value except to the owner, who re gards It as a pet. SPECIAL. NOTICES. DISEASES OP MEN. The Immense power which the norvnns system and the bruin no.sesso- over the health is u must important physio logical fact. oiio that has been hitiierto overlooked mid upon which ? proper system of treatment tnust depend. <>t mII disease* "h!ch afflict the human Irani- there l> nut one piisj?s?lng more import mice than nervous and general deliility, owing lu its subtle character and the slow and Stealthy manner In which It make* inroads upon the strongest constitution. Thero can tie little doubt that year by yuar It ha* been Increasing. nor is thin to lie wnndeied at. Yhe habits or the present generation ?ro such ns tend to debilitato the frame. 'Iho custom* ot society compel us to lead to a great extent a lif?* unit Is artificial and the vice* ot are nf tiie most enfeebling and dangerous kind. There is no com pliant that require* cl ser attention than that of debility, lor one of the most I'eiirfttl r?*nlts of this disnise is that it is not the body only that suffers, lint the mind takes nf the deterioration, an*! multitudes who might have lived to be come ornaments to society become victims of misery In con sequence of their minis* becoming weak and believing that their cases were incurable. Having devoted many vear* ol tny jtrnctlco to thl* specialty I am now enabled, by anew system of treatment 1 have discovered, to restore health, vigor and manhpml to the most leeble and shattered constitution. n? matter how aggravated the case mar be or how long standing. J. JACQUES. M. D.. 45 East 9th St., between Broadway and University place, New York. Office hours. 10 till 2 and 5 to H I'. M. ?ISO TO 3(10 FEET ON NOKTII HIDE OK PIKR 49 ?North Kiver to rent. Apply at the orttce on pier, JOM'-PH i:ultN'KLIi, Superintendent. Attentioni?1twenty yhaks' pkcssian iios. pltnl experience ; diseases nf men a specialty. Consul tatinn liee. Dr. JACOBY. Mil Bleccker it. a ?fiTfci)DOR"h zschYmmi~ " i\. HAVANA AND BE0KEH. -.1 I'ark row. New York. A CERTAIN CURK KoR HEADACHE, CONSTIPA tlun. pile*, stomach, liver or kidney diseases; wea ness, Ac. BROUOllTON'H Invigorating Syrup, 33c. per bottle Incurable case* solicited and cured or money returned. Sample bottle, circular and advice free. 4!i."> Broome it. B. MARTINEZ A CO.. Banker*. |tl Wnll st. (h*sement), bny and sell Spanish Bonds, Spanish Uold and Havana Bank Bilis; Drills on avana issued and negotiated. Lottery l'ri?es caihed. Next Draning May l">. ISEASKS 11F MEN" A SPEcIaI/IX Hi.NRY \. DANIELS. M. I?., 144 Lexington av., near JJttth st. Office hours imm s to :i. DIVoiice* hpeediLy ohtaTned WITHOUT P0E ? icity. desertion, iacnmpatiblliiy, other causes: having nnusuai advantages success assured: advice tree. i.-AAC ti BOYCh. Lawyer, 2117 Hro*dway. D~ It. wi-.ST, 4:. BLKKt'KKR ST.. NEAR BItOA 1 >\V.v y7? Extensive London hospital practice; consultation* tree In *11 complaints. Iitppa* cocoa! ~ J (Breakfast). Oriteful. comforting. 'By a thorough knowledge of the natnrnl laws which go\ern the oneretious ol digestion and nutrition, and by a cartftil npi lication of the line properties ol well selected coco*. Mr. Epos has provided onr breaklast tables with a delicately llavored beverage wliirh may save us inanv heavy doctors' lulls. It is by the Judicious use of suth articles of dirt thai a constitution inny oe gradnaliv built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us, ready to attHC* wherever there is a weak point. We m*v escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortllled with pure blood and a properly nourished Irame."? Civil Service Uasstts. M 'ole simply with boiling water or milk. In packages a-id tins 1,4 In. ui*d I lb.) labelled J AM RS EPI'i* t o.t Honiirnoathlc Chemists. 4S Threadneedlo St. *nd I7l? I'icca.liilv, London. Depot III New York. SMITH A YANDKKBKK, i'ark place, i'nr sale by all druggists and grocer*. cuTris a " J. Bankers and Brokers, iHK) Broadway. NERVOUS EXHAUSTION.- A MEDICAL ESN AY, comprising a seilcs lectures delivered at K*lin'? Mil ?etim of Anatomy, New York. on the cause and cure ol pre inatiire decline, showing indisputably how lost health may lie regained . uilordlng a clear synopsis of the Impediment* to marriage and the treatment ol nervous and physical de bllltv, being the r>-an It of UO year*' experience. Price'AY cents. Address tho MOilior. Dr I- J. KAliN, ?Aire ami residence, 51 Kant HHh st.,New York. $500,000 A>D OVKK ,oui*lana Single Number, June 5, Lnder the supervision an ! management ol (h neral Beau regard, of Louliiina, and General .lubsl Earlv, of Virginia. lor ?IO. A4?aa*a WUsItLAMSON k CO.. 817 Broadway. New York. SPECIAL .tUTUEK. FINB~"hYB WHISKEY, FOU HV KAH> (Jl.D.'lT'PEK gallon; $1 periar.e bottle. A. TAN BE1L. 88 Cham bers ?t. MAY in. ? ?--JI mil I hoy a! Havana. Mny 15, &7.XJ.IJUU. { at $40 ga0 aI||i JACKSON A CO., Blinker*, 82 Nassau it.. Mar Fulton, late t?f 202 Broadway, New York. d?7 "Wl Mnn -boyal HAVANA prize tickets ?<P I ?M/lUUUiWlhldj circulars with lull iulormatlon tent Iree. Addr >s J. DUFF >t CO., hunker*, 42 Nassau, corner Liberty, .Vow York. " '* SPORTING?DOGS, BillDS. ?fcC. ~ A "-FOB 8aLE. ALL KINDS OK FANCY DOGS'. ? Birds. Ac.; ll edieines fur all ?linea?e?; prepare! food for mocking blrdi, at B. U. DOVEY'K. No. 3 Greene it., near Can at POOL SKLLIMi. POOLS SOLO THIS AFTERNOON AT'SEW YORK 'I'urt Exchange, 15 Wen 28tli nt. ? Bolton vs. Indianapo lis, Louisville vs. Cincinnati. Tcle-irams reclved SE1BEKT A Mc? LOUD. HOUSES AMD CAKIUAOE&. A- -CHARLES W.BAUK?. R, AL'CT10.VI.I R'. I UK MOST IMPORTANT SALE YET. HIGHBRED STOCK FROM EAST AND WEST. NEXT WEDNESDAY. MAY it. at eleven o'clock, will take place AT BARKER A SOV8 CITY AVOT.ON Mart and New York rattersall's, CORNER OP Broadway and&'Hh st.. A GREAT POSITIVE SALE OF TROTTING Horse*, Roadsters. MATCHED Team* and combined SADDLE und harness Horses, all of wblrb are to be sold without re serve, iinmely (THE PROPERTY or Mr GERRY BROWN, and Just ar rived from Skowhogan, Me., Saturday, to be seen and BODE AFTER to (lay and to-morowi. KK'sNEBEO?Bay gelding. 15.2>, high, foaled In 1870; Iot by Gideon. sou ot Rysdyk's H ambletouiau; dnm by the Irew horso:a very promising and linoly gaited young horse und a genuine trotter: can trot in 2 :50 and Is gaited like machinery ; will surely bent 2;35 with three month*' road work, anil is warranted sound and kind. MaTHIaS?Bay iteming, 15.2)* niih, foaled 1871. got by Cieneral Mi l leiian, darn by Draco; ii a close mate to Kennebec, being colored, atyled and disposition!!.I alike, and, what in seldom seen in a team, drive like one horse to gether: cau trnt in 3;15an<t i* splendidly gaited, and will doubtless improve very niti'ill in speed 11 given a chance; 1* w arrai.ted sound nod kind. BEAUTIFUL and extraordinary closely MATCHED TEAM of dark nay Mares, nearly I5)jj high, loaled 1870 and 1871, own sister*, not by Pnil Sheridan, d*ui by Tawgart'e Abdallaii; aio without excentio ? one ot the most desirable pairs of Kent email's T cart or road mares yet knn?ii of; nre hlocky made; are stylish; can all day a twelve mile an hour .*alt; are both line single, and are warranted sound aud kind; will be sola singly il desired, but such u team as this should never be separated. PoXCROFT- Bay gelding. 15 2W high, foaled 1872; got by a son of Ethan Alion. dam by Columbus; this is a very chaiiey colt and a perfect single or douolo horse ; only just broKen single andean trot certain In 2:50, and will beat 2 : Hi with 30 days' handling; Is warranted sound and kind. LEWISTOM?-Roau ge.iling, lilxh, foaled 18IIH; ?ot ly l.ewlston Boy: here is a tremendously fast trottiiiK burse; can boat 2 :4" either single or double, an>l any child can drive tiliu at spee ; is warranted Sound and kind. CALLONa?Beautiful bay IIamuletonian mare, lti high, foaled 1870; car. trot In 2 :50 and goes in splendid style. THE FOLLOWING FROM KENTUCKY:? THE OFTEN DESCRIBED STOCK. which arrived at the Mart last wee* FROM KENTUCKY, will be sold imme diately after tho Eastern horses. They can now lie .SEEN and KODE AND DROVE at any time PREVIOUS to sale. CRITTENDEN?Superb combined premium chestnut sor rel saddle and harness ureldlntf or coupe or match horse, HI Mich, foaled 1871: got by Denmark, dam by Gray Eagle: a thoroughly broken and extraordinarily stylish geldlt:.'. sin. (Tie or iloublo or uud-sr tho saddle; noes every knowu gait, and can bo ridden or driven by a lady; lias unexampled ap pearance aii'I Is warranted sound and kind. BRECKINRIDGE? I'lievnut sorrel gelding, 15Ji high, foaled 1871; got by Viscount, dam by Alcalde: is laiiltlessly gaited, une inalleu as a gentleman's road horse; can trot In 2 :40: will beat 2:30 this season, and is warranted sound and kind. 1'ILO riiKlt?Combined gray saddle and harness gelding, 15>i high, foaled 1871, got by I'llot, American . dam by Klood's Black Hawk ; is an elegant driver, and will make a trotter; is a very Hue saddler, and warranted sound and kind. HICO?Brown gelding, 15'., high, foaled 1870. got by Mambtliio, Columbus; dam by Alexander's Bay Chief; Is a ?plendid driver, and promisingly gaited; blocky built; Hoe uuder saddle, ami warranted sound aud kind. THE PUBLIC are earnestly invited to come wlthont fail id OaY or tomorrow and KIuK or DRIVE any of the above horses. EN IKIES are now being received for both Wednesday's and Saturdays sale of this week. Auction hous77"of arch, .ioh.nsto.v 10. 21. 23 and 25 13th at., I near University place. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI C I able house in the city. SALES OF IIORSr.S AND CARRIAGES HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON every horse th T is warranted sound FROM 24 HOURS TO THREE DAY- FJR TRIAL. GENTLI MKN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell, or those wishing to buy, will tlnd our business continued on precisely the same strictly honorable principles which haveulways governed our house and won the respect and roniiduuee of tho eutiro com munity At auuiiuk, BY VAN TAS8ELL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, AX TI1E1K liORSE AND CARKIAOE AUCTION MART. 110, 112 East i'lth it., near 4th av., ON TUESDAY. MTU MAY, at 10 o'clock. PAIR BLACK TROTTING IIOR8K8, UK HANDS IIIOH. 8 unil 0 years old : kind an.I true in all harness; Iree (run vict); Tory stylish, Ireu and pleasant drivers, una 1. as a record of 1' It), and they can trot in 2 :'><) to (lis poll*; are alraid ui nothing; do n>t null or lug, have great bottom and endurance; are. without exception, tlie fastest and (Inert road team of their die in the city, and are warranted sound. BAY TKOTTISi. HO HE. I .'i HANDS 111(111, 8 YEARS old: kind and true In all harness; free from vine; a stylish hnd prompt driver; can trot iu 2:4(1; has great power and bottom: he and bis miito cost present owner s-j.'wiO two years ago; he is aoltl on account of the loss ot his mate, ami is warranted sound, 'ihis horse will be aoid at II A, M. precisely. T. D K M A R E bT A CoT| ? Carriage Builders. 628 Broadway. Wo Invite the attention of buyers to our stocn of Landau*. I Victorias. I Six (eat Rockuwars, i.itniia ilets, I T i arts, 1 Coupe ltoc*aways. Coaches, I Phaetons, Depot W ,gons. Coupes, I Buggies, I Pony Phaetons, all style*. Owing to a groat Uecrea?e In our rent and other business expenses, ?j are enabled lo offer our stock at vastly re meed price*. A LARUE STOCK TWO, KuUR AND SIX sEaTCAr" riages; new leather top lltiggiea, $11(1. new four sent op Depot Wsl'iiM, f*ri. np; Kockaways, $100 three soring new Express Wagon, $7.">; and other styles anil pricos. all my own tna'ie and warranted ; splendid sulueis, $7.Y (Ilil 111'., IM Canal. BREWSTER. oF HKiio.\iE ST., II)P AIDE BAB Wagon : also a set of Simile and Double Harness, by Dunscumbe; all as good its now; will be sold at a bargain, rnvatii stable 1 We?t 15til st., near "ttli iiv. A" 1.1 (i 11 T~C oFPE ROC kXwaT, fECOND~UA ND; S !.-?<?. cost $700. Landau, <1,000; cost*1,800. 11AM, GM Broadway. A~|M0 WILL BUY HAXMOm TOP WAGON akd .-et lino Harness: perfect order. Kotsmore Stables, 247 and 240 West 41st St. An (> r KB it was t e "d-ko t bkewster claren o k. Brougham, set English Coach and Coupe Harness, sil ver mounti ics, new. Rosstnore Stables, 247 and 240 Wot 41st st.. A.; A isomest lady's Turnout ill tlie State; bay Mare Beatrice, ti year-' ?i i: warrant n sound and kind; 15 hands high: v. ry handsome and gentle; s|,ed by a son of Volunteer; sale, (ile.isnut driver shows better than tlir.-e, and will make a v rv last m?re; lop Pony Phaeton, ninzle Har ness, l.ap ilobe, Whip and Blanket. Apply at stable 128 East lIHn St. ?KOR SAt,fc, 20 YOt'NU HORSES, Jl'aT FROM ? Indiana, suitable lor any work, lnqu,r? 122 .\orloik st. An' i.XTUAUKDIXARY KIMt, STkLlBU CARRIAGE llorse, bay, ID1, bands; sound, i ind and reliable. Call, lor three days, private stable .'?!? Iwsst 41st st. A -WILL SELL CHEAP FOR C^8H, BEAUTIKL'L .ihlltlng leather top Park I'haeton. very liirht. nobby, lor one ol iwo Horses, seats four n rsons, pole and lhalU, ana fine leather top three spring Pony Pnaetou; also light top ilrew-ter spring Kuan Wagon; Dunseouib Harness. Address Mr. JauES. at ihc K inraerbocker Cottage, or r.l'.OKtiE. the steward it the Clu.i Mable, wlieie iliey can I e seen. .No. 1 7 West 2Hth St., near tlili a v. A -KOR SALE CHEAP?LADY'iTTURNItUT; TkRT ? h in.some Pony. seto! One II a mess anil top Pony Plme ton. Inquire 352 i a?t iK.tli st., between 1st and second avs A T LKSS THAN IIALK COSt?HANDSOME hAY .I'ait'hen Mare, IA*j, " years; trots in 2:4<l; sale lor a lady; warranted sound and kind; elegant hrewater im proved spring I op Wagon : also leather Top Pony Phaeton and Single Harness, nearly new. Private (table UWest 3oth st. ?TWO M \RK8. >11 l All,. KO t KAKMERj' ALSO ?Hire other Horses 4tKl West 2Wb at., feed store. T A k ? I'WO .lOL'XD YOU ?(i HOR8K i, $8.'., 911; Jiu j Lilian value . suit any business. 4Hi Kant 1st st. llHEWSTER 1 il PROVED SPKINU iOPWA.O.N. set Single Harness both g md a? new. 137 W est ;i7iii -,t. A A IT IIALK VaLI li-HAKDSO >IE IiOaD OR KaMILY JYIIor-e. Iree and stylish ilrivr, -tamls without tjing; sale lot a ,aoy to ii'ive, wairanted in every pa: tlctilar ; trial a.lowed; also cheap llorse. suit larnier or anv business, tup Muggy and set ol Harness. will sell separately. Apply at owner's *iai>le. M Kaat nth it., near Ju av. A-hie" ciiBAPKsr i.sta'bl'isumbnt ever' 'or. ? lered; $U80: cost less than one 310111I1 since over Srl.lSH : a chestnut Mare, all style, d vears old and trots las' ; elegant top Phaeton, line runner mounted 11 ante**, itiaiii.eis, lap Robe, Whip, *c.. making one or the nrottiest turnouts In the city; also top Wagon, good as new. 1 ih West .list It. GENTLEMAN WISHES TO DISPOSE OK II18 E.V tire Block, ntisMing ot Carriage and team, top and canopy Pony Phaetons, Trotting Koad Wagons, Single anil Ditibie Harness. Blankets, Stable fixtures, Ac. N. H.? .-table to 'et, elegant accommodation* lor any pri vate party, at reasonable rent. LU West lilst st. SACRIFICE?TWO II0K8E8. TWn NARKS; fcCIT farmer, grocer, any business, $;<.*> to ((Vi li Hester st. ~i hTTLl WANTED.?STATE AtlK. PRICE aKO ! ^Vstock. Address I K., box tki, Scarborongh, Westchester county No fsuey price. ?kom sale cheap, Tive "hcTr"?k"sryouNii, ? sound and good il.-ivers; also tv?o cheap Horses fur Inriu Use. llJtl West 4tli st . titti av. A-SORTUAtiE RaLK. HIi'IIAHD WAI,II It.-i' SONS, ? Ancllon -ers. will *ell Monday, at 10 o'cioc>. at sains, rontii. 27 Ea*t Broadway, lour ueary draught Horses, suit able lor trucking or contractors' use. TilOJKAd HYK.NKS. Attormy. V >rOR MLK. TWO CiFCxKY "?uiLt~ lioRSEHi J\?suii truck. I.irin ? r or any n?inesi, lialf value; trial given. 201 iirand st , near Molt. ijwkiE-t h a i:?i a In ever on in h.?top koad J > \V i-,,n and Harness, f ||ll. Inst llorse. : 4"? ?ure, ? li ; Mtiitle an,| J inutile i?nii*ec,m ? il..riless, line 1'on.y . must kell: gullK a way 17 I ast itn st, CIA KlAi, ES. HARNESS, *??.- QUALITY "lit'A It AN. /loed; prlfe* dely fomp/|ltW?n ; Pon v Phaelons, Ung.ics, Botkawajs. Depot W 1140ns, ,l .i:p--eit Hnggies, Ac.; liar n, ss, light or lieavy, Lap K'U?, bummer Blankets, Ac. One call solicited. JutlN MUORE. &7 Wacran a*. HUUXt AX u CAKHlAUEk. By.avtWvC'rvLC m-ring and side buy top Huurv, single Harness, nearly new; n> offer refused. 5li iVdi >i. (lii EAFE8T WAOOE !M T1IK CITY?VE <Y HAND Jton>9 Brewster spring. new; due silver mounted Harness to mulch. Call lor Colonel DUN BAR'S wagon. pri vate stal.le "ill East 4 lit at. IjlOR SALK-A HANDOOMS STVI.IsH TEAM OK Kentucky blood Horses. 7 nod m years. I">*, hands; sound hi ever; reflect: no vice* and nut airald of cars, have neeu nurd by present owner as family team; can travel in J to 4 minutes. Address .Mrs. i.. A. SMITH. 22t3 Madison av. EI>OK BALE-IMPORTED LAS DA C. BY (INK OF THE best makers; an elegant Carriage, lined with brown satin, leather tap, in perleci order; has net been used is doien times. Apply at privatu stable At) West 44th st FOR 8ALE-A VERY HANDSOME RAY TEAM Or well matched Horse*. 15>g bands hiah, 7 and H years old: sound ami kind free drivers; price if75<>, ' an be scan at WALLER'S stable. No. 472 I'aciflc it., Brooklyn. For sale?a "very good clarInce, taoo. jii East 47tli it. IpOK sale?a very fine blaok saddle horse, 15H bands hiuh : used for the Inst two years by one lady : will be sold lor want of use; price C200. Can be seen and tried at the Hrooklyn Riding Academy, .No. 470-470 I'acihc St., Brooklyn. FOR SALE?A BARGAIN; BROWN HOUSE, 15K hands high : can trot a mil In 2 40; sound and kind; no puller; no boots; by Old Etban Allen, out of l.ady Cotton; pedigree guaranteed ; also a Brewster sole nar Surrey Cart, welirhslGO pounds; aim a tine set Harness. Can be seen Trui sdell's stable, I J* West 4<ith St. If?0R SALE CHEAP?GOOD UPPER CANADIAN Horse: 15 hands, t> years ; sound, kind, suitable almost any business. ?111 iltb hv. OR r?ALE-DOCTOR ' S~PHaETON. BUILT BY DU . senbury, A1 order, cheap ; also Coune. HALL, l')l East ISKtli st. IROE SALE?A SOUND, KIND AND GKNTLE MAKE, suitable for lady to drive also a Park Phaeton, nearly new, and Harness. 338 West 4tli St.. corner8 li av. FOIt SA LK-FIVK YoL'.NO HORSES SL IT A BLE FOR truck,(roe r farmer, any business; must sell; bo walks warranted. .>02 Washington st. ? IloIt SALE (TheAP- HANDSOME LAN'DAILET; nest (Hy maker; in perlec t order. Also sot itfWnOQ Gibson's best Carriage Harness, but little used, and a hue hide raddle. Private stable UK) est 17th st. I3(J? SALE CHKAP?B aY MAKE, 16 HANDS. 7 years old; warranted sound; little sore ; price $40. 220 .-pring st. Good siorauk kok carriages and sleighs? In clean and li^lit rooms; no manufacturing dune on the premises. Special rules made to parties desiring to store two or more vehicle* and those wishing their carriages washed and iarert tor while in our hands. Insurance also effected. A. S. FLAN DUAL', 372 aud 1174 Hroome St.. old stand of Brewster A Co. ?2.00D FAST MARE (A BARGAIN); CAN TROT "a \Tlull mile In 2:40; right everv way; 8 years old, 13>. high; price SW?>. Stable IS hast ">Sili st. Harness a spectalty. Fine assortment ol llirhi and doublo for track and road; ?inula and doubln fur broughams; liirbter sets of same Kind for coupe rockuways; Hue sets for the laudau and coach. A. S. FLANDRAU. Carriage Rollder, 372 and 374 ilrooine at. (old stand ol Brewster A Co.) 1"CK WAGON, lt<.UTE AND Horses" FOR S.V Le7T\ ijuiie 460 East Houstou st. Seasonable" carriageh, top and open fony I'liaetons. both basktt and panel: also those with rumbles; top and open Depot Wagons, cut under anil straight bodies; light lour aud six passenger Rockuways. at mud .rate prices. WM. II. OKAY. 211 and 22 Wooster st. gEco.ND~HA.ND Carriages" " Conpe. Landau, halt-top I'ark Phseton, top side-bar Bugg>, Victoria, Brewster Doit t'urt, T Cart, Two Wlieeer. A. T. DEMAREST A CO.. 628 Broadway. SPECKLED BOY-RoaN OI.LDING. i.Y?*~iTTnDS bi ll. 7 years old. sound and kind, not afraid ol locomo tive, a promising trotter, dam's record 2;37.^; full particu lars time ol sale, also Brewster, of Broome st., side bar Wagon, goldplated single Harness Blankets, Ao.. all on exhibition luesdav morning, May S, at DA. M . and will be suld at anction same duj, at 37 Nassau at., at 12 o clock. TUNIS JOHNSON. Auctioneer. SACRIFICE?SUC BOSSES; SUIT ANY Bl'SINESS) v'inust be sold against Wednesday. 4lu Weal SOih *t. Team hoeses, $ss each; Canadian pony, new top Express \\ agona, $55, $12.i;?., I'rucK and Hurness cheap 2 7lli av. (TfLAROE. COMMoDIqI'S AND MOST THOROUGH. Iv ventilated Stables. Nos. 2 and 4 East 03d St.. contain ing box mid open nails, are now open tor inspection and patronage. S. A. KRY. Toasts, of London styles, with split seat, superbly finished aud in fashlonuhlr rnlor*. ROA.i WAGONS AND Ho ELL PB *ETONS, with trimmings anil paintings ol durable colors. LAN DA US AND l.ANDAl. LETS, with imported top loather. BROUGHAMS AND COUPES of the latest nesi ns. A. S. FLA DKAU. 372 and 374 Hrootne st. (old stand ot Brewster A Co.) WANT MONEY.?NEW TOP GROCER, EXPRESS Wagons, $05, S125; new Depot Wagons, i(HV Pony Phaetons, $75, $100; two splendid Poniei. suitable lor la lies, ride or drive. Side saddle. 2i>7 West 10th st. WANTED-PU CHASERS KOR THE ROAN uELD ing Speckled Roy, Wagon, Harness, Blankets Ac., at auction. Tuesday, May B, at 12 o'clock, by TUNIS JOHN SON. Auctioneer. 37 Nassau st. \\T ANTE 1)-A CARIuXgeT SECOND IIA.ND. BHI W^ T> ster. Broome at., panel sides, movahle postilion, two seated. Address, in writlnK. F. H. B., Hotel Brunswick 5th a*. rfi/ ' - ?SORKEL. HORSE, CAN SHOW 2lu); STYLISH. ?TD'/.pony made, black, $KX'; must sell; closing business. 253 West 31st st. <J>7lT7) WILL BUY A FINE 7 YEAR OLD HOH8K, tPlUU? mnd aud kind, 1(1 bauds: fit lor grocery, bakery or any use: also cheap Wagon ana Harness, at 21) New Bowery, ol CRAFT. dj 17>rf~ APIECE?WORTH DOURLK; TWO BKAl'TI ?TI.Zl</rnl new top Delivery Wagons, patent wheels. 124 West 19th M. DRY GOUOh. BENNF.TI' WILLIAMs ~ ^ lias opened at 1,151 Broadway, between 2*Hh and 27th its., with a select ssortineul ot real and imitation Laces. Embroideries, I-rinses. Buttons. Jtc Scarfs, Jabots, Ties. Rultlings in endless variety. Novelties In Ladles' aud Children's Collars. N. fl.? Closing Lace .-shawls and Sacques at 50c. on the dollar. tpURS taken on storage AND CAREFULLY PRESE T ED DURING THE SUM MER MONTHS. alterations AND REPA1KS made TO THE BaMK when DESIRED. A. T. STEWART A TO., BROADWAY. 4TII AV., tlTII. AND KITH STS. _?ICU dress uoods. IV WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR UNEQUALLED EXHIBITION OP RICH AND ELEGANT DRESS FABRICS, IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS AND colorings. REPRES NTIXO special SELECTIONS PROM THE leading EUROPEAN MANUFACTURERS, AND INCLUDING FnESII PARISIAN novelties IN SILK. SILK AND WOOL AND CAMELS' HAIR COMBINATIONS. ALSO AN IMMENSE variety OP MEDIUM QUALITIES AND CHOICE STYLES FOR SUITS AND COSTUMES. AT REDUCED PRICES, including A VERY LARGE assortment OF BUNTINGS. POR SUMMER AND SEASIDE DRESSES. A. T. STEwTrT A CO., BROADWAY. 4TII AV.. t?TH AND lllTII STS. MILLINERY AM/ DllKs?i.UAKl\U. AT MARIE TIL.M \NN'S, OF PARIS, AGENT AND IM ' porier. new Invoice* fluent I'urWIan itonneta, now roinr*; uni<| i?? mode* in ele?ant ; minimum uricet. 4.M litli av., ?ec"lld door below Jtltli. IVDIES' SI RAW AND CHIP HATS CLEANED, DYED, Jaltered and preued to ino*t lathlomiblo >trle> for 40o.. Cue. ?nU iW)c , according in netemarr alteration. ; ninne.' Mill children'. I.?k liorn II mn r?flnl?lied ri|U?l to tint; larpe.t Alio mii't complete ??leotl?in nl imported hiiiI dome.tie ?tyle? t t'KHlf.'f reliable and latbioniible hat l'reiMnn, ;ti? I v> e?t 2Stb corner -till av WATCIIKft, JEWELRY, OiC. ~cr + Yadvanceil on \\ atche*. Diamond*, Jewelry. Ac.; I 77 Hi.hfeCkKK ST . NI.AK broadway.?MONEY lirr. . pawnbroker.' Ticket. bought ol Diamonds, Wtlcbu*. At 77 Bleecker it. A-\T H17 BROADWAY, CORNER tJTH ST., DIA- ! ? ninnd*. Watrtie*, Mik> ?n<l p?r??n.ii property of evsrv , oeicrlption bought and ?old, loan* negotiated, ISAAC BaEK. _ At 707 Broadway?diamonds. watches, jew. I elry, Silverware, Ac., bouulit anil told; loan* n?^o- [ "tiated. II. TRaUB. A LOT OF II HI I.I.I AN TS, BOUGHT AT A SACRI flv'e. mounted in elegant ring., ttud. and ear knob*, very law lor catU; ca?b pam lor DIkiii./ncI., old Gold and I Sliver. JOHNSTON, J eweller, I.Vj Buwery. Money on diamonds, furs, ac.-dumonds, Watcb#*, 'eweiry. Silverware, t'ameli' Hair Sltawia. >eal Sacqneit, Silk. Ac., bought and told bark at a very ?mall advance iieo. C. ALLEN', Jeweller, I.It*) liroanway. near 'JIHh ?t. I HQ mi A v., Iti'.TWKKN 'J4TII AND 33 TH STS - 1 "/O^lberal advancei made on Diamond*. Wutche., Jewelry,, Lacrl and Sbawln. name bought ?i full Tame. L. HEiiNARD. BILLIARDS. A" j.ot OF SkC'OND HAND BILLIAUD CABLES l.S jtVpurfect order. ?<|tial to niw, at vary low unco*. II. W. CuLLK.N DKK. 73* Hrondway. American standard bevel hilliakd tables with l.)??ium*y'* wlrn cushion*, Indorsed l?jr nil lending prolet*ional player*; extra inducement a n??nr offered; *ee oiid hnnd Tablet at great bargains \V. U. OKlFKiTU A (111. iTMA^aa PRUPOtALl. PKOJ'USAl.S K01C INDIAN M I-I-LIKS. OOO&ti, AiD Tr?D>purtttiiuD. Dur^HTMt.vT or tiik Istkhior, i OrricK or ikdum / Washinctiin, M.ircli ?'*>. |H77. i Sealed propo??l?, Indorsed "t'ruputall lor hee:', Hour. C!oi!uutf. Tr*B?puri?tuui.'' ,kc., ma cn-o rn?y lie, mid directed io lltt UummUtlmier ol* Ifldita Alf.urs. No. 7i* Wuiki r >t.. New York, will lie received until 1 - M ot Tue? dny. M?) M. 1*77, I ir lurnl*l?lii(j the following Mppll.., sood*. "lid Iritimpurtnti'ii rei|u:r'i| lur the Indian wrf.M lor luo tlecftl ye?r ?ud:ng Jnuu jl), l*7H:? I'ouude found*. Heef on lh. hoof.. 34 | llomlny 1S3.U>) Flour 5 7tM,r>00 I Hard Hrekd 80.UU> Kftcon H7;?,-4<??I eiumtr HMB.tmu Corn 2,4i.I,.">'?( | t'otfee 438.1100 Be?us... |K-t.V?> I H?ktUK Fuwdir..,. Klce (cm | Te? *; .vtii lolmcco 3tt 3.Vj . .-oil* 1U.7.VJ Soup 11H.4JH Lard 14.0UU Mens fork ".?/ L^.v I Also. Blankets pairs 20,471* Blouses 3.125 Overcoats a 571 Boys'suits 2.213 Saclt coats ... 7,9til> II at* and cap# lo.litH Vests. ?? 6,483 Shoes, pairs 14,1*0J runts, pairs 8,HO# Dry Coods, Hardware, Notions and Medical Supplies. . , Also transportation (or ?ucli ol the above supplies an may not be contracted to bo delivered at the several Indian agencies. Schedules shown*iu detail the kinds ami quantities of all tcoods require I at each <geucy and iu ro?i, transporta tion r ute?, time and place of delivery, conditions to be ob served by bidders and terms of contract ana payment, to* irether with blank proposals, forms of contract, bond, A;c., will be furnished on app Ication to tins <:ttic? tin WasUiUiC t?>n, or at 7t? o alker .New York); to E. M. Kinyr*iey, 30 t Itnt??ti place, New York; to Wui. II. Lyon. Broad way, New York; to Win. Nicholson, superintendent Ind an At'airs. Lawrence. Kansas; to the Commissaries of Subsist* ? nee, 17. >. A., at St. Louis. Chicago, sioux City, Leaven* worth, St. Paul, Omaha and Cheyenne. J. Q. SMITH, Commissioner. TO CONTRACT) Its. " SCDBUKY HIV R CONDUIT. Proposals tor sections A and 21. City or Boston. City Hall, ) Boston Watkii Boaho Oppicb, / .May 4, 1H77. ? Sealed proposal* will be received at this otHce for two separate contracts. to be indorsed as follows. via. : ? (1st.) Proposa- lor buil linvr section A of the Sudburv Kiver Conduit: <2d.) Proposal !or building ection 'J 1 ol the Sudbury Kiver Conduit, until 12 o'clock M., ot lliursday, the 17th day of*May, 1H77, at which time and place they will he publicly opened and read. Bidders are requested to state in their proposals their names and places ol residence, and to declare that the proposal is in all rc^uects lair, and made without connec tion or c llusiott with i n / other person mashi; proposal* tor the same w r... They will ulve a price tor each seuaiato item nl mo work, by which the bid* will he compared. I he prices prop ?sed must bo stated both in writmjr and In iltfures, and ail proposals containing >>ids not called ???r in this advertisotueut will be considered inform tl. Kach bid must be signed by the bidder and accompanied by a written bond lor #2, >00 it tlie bid l? for Section A, and lor $2,000 if the bid is lor Section 21, of a rasp liable person, giving his place ol business or resi dence, and conditioned lor the execution ol the contract (with a satisfactory bond lor its pertoriuance> within the time specified in tins advertisement, in case the bid bo ac cepted? or iu lieu ol the bond to uccompany the old, a sum ol money or other satisfactory 'trilateral security in the same amount may he denosited with said Water Board . nut the boud tor the performance of the contract must be a written bond with satisfactory sureties. The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to appear at this office, with the securities offered by nim or them, and execute the c ntract within Sour days (not iuciuulu? Suudavi from the date of notilicatiou *?t such award. "lid the preparation and readi ness for signature of tbo contract. T e w<?rk is to commence within ten days after the ex ecu tion of the contract, and to be continued with regularity until It^ completion, which coinplt Hon must be etoru the lit day of nciober. 1*77. for ection 21, and before the 1st day oi July. |H7H, for Section A. The bids will be compared on the basis of the engineers' approximate estlmato of quantities of wora to be doue, which is as follows:? .?sect. A. Sect 21. 63.IKX) 2S.iXio cubic yards of earth excavation. 2,o()0 4*s? cubic vards of soil dres?in>:. 500 cubic yards of rock excavation. l.oisi 7?I) cubic yards of concrete. 2,o<S) 1 ,tnH) cubic yaids o brick masonry, 4<K) 73 c ubic vards of rip*rappit> joti ?cubic yards of dry rubtld stone pavinor* 3,t5CK) 1,500 cubic yards of rubble stone masonry in mortar. 10 25 cubic ards of floor paving in mortar. 80 250 cubi ? yards ot dimension stone masonry, with cut faces In mortar. 20 5 cubic yards ol dimension stone masonry, quarry faced, in mortar. 1110 Ji> M leet B. M. of spruce lumber, placd. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Ruifineer. C?t v Hall, Boston, itud plans may he seen at the hnclneer's office of the Bontou Water Works, at South Kratninuham. I'lie amount ot the bond required will bo such sum as mav be fixed by the Water Board after the proposal* are opened; said sum not to be le>s tl???n one fourth nor more than two-thirds of the amount oi the con tract. The Water Board reserves the rl;:ht to reject any or all bids, shoul it deem it to be tor the iuterest of the city of Boston so to do. T. T. SAWYK Chairman Boston Wator Board. STOMA <*IC. T -SiOrtiiAjr' A BKOTHKK'^hfoKA(TE?Valt?l JA.?housts. Broadway and 47tb St., for turulture. ba^uaue, Aj. .separate rooms, $1 per mouth, and upward. Inspec tion invited BOUbk'8 N \ NT *J W AH I) ~ST(7ft \ (; KW A It KI IU US iTI Separate large rooms; $2 and upward. Office 542 IIod sou st , in furniture store. VTliW STOKA(?K WAKRIIOlisYs. 750, 753 754 8TH iv, corner 4Bth at. ?Separate rooms lor furniture; htoiaj*o lor carriages, general merchandise, Ac. SMITH X SILLS, Proprietors. TII r: 11A K(?l< It W A H KI IOCS KS NT 11 W. FHOM .TID to 34th st.. having been remodelled on a new plan they aro pr pared to jrive hotter accotnmod <tlon than any other warehouse in the city for storage of furuitme, pianos, baj; icsgo and ?o ?ds of every description and at lowest rates; ail inspei tion invited. Office UOO West H4t!i "t ln?T-i07 WKSTH.J0 .ST.? KAOLK STOBAOB WAHK A"/?Jfum-es; clean and orderly ; lowest r??te*; improved elevator. 103-107 West IIUu st., one door we t of titli av. A A DANCING ACAURMIEM. ?DODWORTH'S SCHOOL FOR DANCIHO. No. twi .3th opi'ii for c!mh? or privMtu leiaon*. A? (: A KHEK'ti IMNJIV (i ,\ (; A l? K M V, H UNION" ??quare: pen nil nonimor; private le**nti* any lioori Olide ?ieclalty; uow ay-teui. Mn'.plc. onxily Hi-quired; Uiiy awUtant*. Kdcaptlon Monday", WlVfc*. 1,1 it,I Oils, mCT. ~ Tvioit invalids the (!ii\iKAr laoakossk clak eta ?r?r pure. tonlu ami atren,'tlieniag. VICTOR K MAUOKR, Sew Vork. PlASoi^OftrES, UH.OA Ms, I'BW -KilOXII IIAMI) KKANISCIl A HACII AND "tiirr maker*' Plantm at ^reat barKalna. No,. 241 and 243 East JM at 1~p6r~rent. upright, hq (Tare and u it and J Y.l'l nan* ill' mir own milk ?. al*o lor Hale and rent, a num. l><>r ol luie ?or<>nd Imn l I' perfect oroer. WILLIAM KNAHK Ai.'O. iVi. Hit H> M.. nbon IQtb rt. ASSOUTMKNT "Tir "SeHViND HAND STEIN WAY Pianos. soine nearly new, very low: nlui flano* of other maker*; be tare of bo u* nlnmii palmed oil mi iri'Miilon Stelnway make, at auction or.ln prlrato hou*e*. STEIN WAY A SUNS. Steiliwuy Hull, 14th (t. New Vork. STEIN WAY I'UmWkTB KOK SALE-$iiJO; ALSO n m icnillcetit Decker Planoorte, ro?ewno<S OMe carved leu* ? I lorn improvement* . mtkpr'i Mil >ind iru irMtrn ; coat $ I,OJt>, lor $27oi .-tool ('over nod tlalilnet! tjeae fur RhlppliiK; Hl?o parlor. Chamber ami Dlnlnu' Room Kurnl ture. < *11 tliu day nt private residence 120 West 2:id at., near 6Hl av. A IT SOU M K U A CO.'S. 14'.) K A ST 14 Til ST.. NEAR .'ID JVav , piano in?^riiitmccur?*in. ? Fir*t class Piano* .it ex tremely low prh'es ; new and second band Pianos to rent and oil iunt ilini*rkl?. SOU MBit A CO. 14!)Ka?t I4tti it. \ LA GK \ssoktmi;\f OK"~8hCOND HAND .?PUnoft. in thorough ^ood order, iomo o which are nearly iiuw; for sale m very low prices. rillCKKHlNU A >O.N'S, ?th 11 v. tiiid 1 Htti nt I WKBER *QU.%KB, IN PKRFROT ORDER, octaves; miutb- sold by Tuesday. To be seen at 7<Mj KronduAv. ?'null $25o. a oooij ni'iMKrrNirv ro Fi/bohauB ks m.k ./vcant rosewood Pianoforte cheap; a 7*4 octave, hill iron III mit* Upright l*li?iio. cost $750. for $2'J5; /stool, Cover, Box. Cull private residence L'o) Wont 25lb it., near ith nv. i PRIVATE FA Ml h V WILI, SELL SI'EI.N WAY J;\Planof?rte lor SlfNi: h hrilhmit toneil. 7li oci*ve, lour round, rosewood ch** I'luno. elali??r?itel> carved, liavlnt; all Improveuieotn. lull a raflo. overetronu xi. . In?^lc^*r*, nainr rjiMt In plat#*; purcli*?^d ImnI December, cost l<ir#'J-*?. niak^r*' ^uiirHntce st??o| cover, box lor ?hippl>ar; a dec filed bargain, ('nil prsvato renldcn>*o .No. 47 Went Itiili At., b"tueeu .r>tli and <H!i av?. , liou-e open from HA. M. to - I' M 4 (JENTLI5MAN WILL SACKIPICk ill*- MAOXIPf ^jLrent vraud 7)%-octavrf roue wood 1'ianolorte, four round crner, patent brilliant tone, cont $I.2<N), tor fJ.Hi; ?too. cover, l>o> lor tbippintr; rail irimedutely. lle^i* denco 51 Went 24tli nt.. near M.idm ui mjuaro Afkw SKCOMI IIami wkbkk PIa:%o4 AT VKKV ^rtMil bargains some of them u*e?! but a ve*-y "liort thn# by our best uiurticiHtt* mnl really nlmont at jrood a^ new; fully w irrHtiioil in even renoeot I'leane call at tlie vVubdr V\ areroouin, ?lli av and lilili ?t. i hADV WILL rtACIimCK STKIVWAV PIANO KoTi a niasrniflcent 7'a octave Pianoforte witu all mod* ern iniprovenieni*. paent iifraife over^trunif bam. lour larff" round corner*, carved leir* an I ? a?ie cost Unt Nover.i her $1,SO I, for |2^l, Stool, Cover and Munc Stand, cost $125; boxed lor shipping; a r ir<? cliance to buy a t rstclnM inntrumetif lor little money rail before purchasing eiso whoro a'private residence |.'Jo ha?*t l?Jth ?t., burween:id av and Irving place, one bloc* east of Union nqnare. BKST HAK0A1N OF ALL?CIlfCKRKlM;, SACKI flee, superior t- ned. elaboraielv flnlnhed Planotorto, f 175, cost last February; brlnjf experts to examine. Residence fiO F.IhV 9th. Di KiN?# rTiKsK ii vki> ttmba we will hbll t o uvi Pianoavf|50; 7 1-3 octave. fltfOc*?h; *J Mop Or (fin*. #50; 4 stops, $ ?h , 7 stops. f?W; s mops. $75 ; 11> stops, 12 stops, fHW, cash, not used a year; ??! perfect order 11 o i: a c h \VATKH9 A Sons. 40 East 14th , beorfen Hroadway and I nlversity place, / x i( p a 1' KKIM rrio\ i\ PKICKrt "of Kmsr CLAS8 VJTsquare and uttriurbt Pianos . |t?r sale or to let. F Ll'DKK. *'??? Ka*t 4tli si , near flowery. KM 75 IMxNm ClMO^T M-.W. $135; instahnenls received; rent .?4. v ABLE, 107 West 2Ho n. \| \',.n IFH I .N I Ktirl-iWuoii PI ANOFO II. ONLV IfX#?**); second hand Sielnway Pianos, .Teat baricaius ill OOHDO.n S, |57 Hleecker M. Mo 575; IN LA 10 ('ASK, $115; CARVKD eir*. oveistrunjf. $125 , rents, $4; Mason ,t llnmlin or* jran, #4?>. OOKUON A so\, |;| Last 14th si. OS FI10M $2-"?, $0. $75 AMI I I'WAKI), ON Instalments or to ?*ent KilAKAl'K i. 3f?2 Howery. Sx. ball a i;o." kkmov i? ro 11 last TTrTi ??t. (formerly f'htclcertng Hail).?Pianos and Otirans at bargains this month for ch*Ii, 011 Instalments and lor rent. I^PRIOH r AM) SOI'AKK PI\NOS, $75 To $2^1; $5 L and $!?' inoutlily till p il l or rent fii upward. It KITS, * Union square < 4th av. 1. near 14tb si O I ?1J -sTKINWAY KOShWOOO PIaNO, EXCEL V l* " '?lent lone, ceunine and perfect, only $1>0; rent $5 per month 2'lf lltli at . opposite Maey's, hkm ill i L im.sKwonii si.vKM*OCTaVe ? Pianoforte, four round corners, carved lees , in* sialinents or rent, $.'? monthly : ^real bargain. J. UIIluLI*' 13 Wafeflei olac?. near liroadvay. M 1JIAN X in?ti H A.MlSK.UKVrJi. ELLER'S WONDER niEATRK, 728 Brottiway. 7 LasT THREE WEEKS OF THE SEASON. ? CLUSINO MAT 31. MFTil AND FIXAl> PROGRAMME OF HELLER'* WONDERS Reproduction of the famous SECOND-SIGHT SEANCE, by MISS HELL R, concluding v, Ith a wiufd-ike piece ?: iituines*, untitled a I)A KK .-Eam'E I.N A NEW i.D.IIT. Matter Me-1 mm .N11 * ^ HELLER EVERY EVEN I NO, AT ? OCLOCK. MATINE.S W ON ESI) AY AND cATCRDaV. AT a. Children Kit If price to Matineea. PARK T EATKE, broadway AND 22D ST. ? HENRY E AllllEV and Manairer raymond i Till. ORIGINAL SUCCbSS IS LLEitS It A Y MON I) I IIK N h W KD. > EL I.1. KS KVYMONDI Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND |S LhRS raymond | will, m Mondav, ifive b? I SELLEEk RAYMOND 1IMTII PERFo MANCEOf I SELi.ERT Raymond | col. sellers. | ellers raymond | in Man T?ain'? Comedy, I Sfc.LI.EiiS RAYMOND hTHERHV .MILLIONS IN IT." M-.l.l. RS raymond' Ml?s MARIE GORDON IS LLKKS Raymond; atlauka hawkins (seller* raymond C. W. OnnluocK. ItiELLER-* RAYMOND! JomuIi E. Whiting. | SELL R8 Raymond i ithiih Evans, .sellers raymond! James lin er, Is.LuKRS RAYMOND I John i.griiitl, I SELLERS Raymond t. F. E<r>>oru, is' i.i. s RAYMOND I J. W Cux. SELLERS raymond | W. Cotlington, | SELLERS raymond Prank Lankier, I BELLI-HS Raymond | \ii?s ah?h Hieakiy, ski i.kks RAYMOND Mrs. A.-F. Baker. SELLERS raymond | Mrs. Peters I SELl.., KB Evening at 8. Saturday Matinee at i. Prices. Ad cents, $1 and 91 so. No (rev ll?t. ROAD WAY T11EA IRE. CORNER 30TH ST. UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS of the WONDER CHILD: nr. THE FOLLIHH OP I ART II, AI It AND SEA. ADMISS'ON', flflt: RESERVED SKATS. 81. MATIN EEs WEDNESDAYS AN.i saturdays. 1 Ml, AIRE COM1QCR. 514 lilt ADWAY IlAKI'IO.VN ilART Prop letor* M. \V II v - LEY ... .. Ylatiairer walking FOR TDK CAKE H A R RID an and II * Rl. OIK lltlSII COl.*l.V KELLY \ NI > RYAN, Cltwinclt Troupe. Emerson >tnd i lark. K'nuv Reytio'd*. W# R. Cahill. C.aia Sidelle. Alice Bennett, oornian Brother*. The entertainment concluding with a Graud March l y T11E GALLANT (Mill HOYS Matinee WE D.N r > It AY anil SATURDAY. /I RAND <||' HA HOUSE. vTPOoLE A DONNELLY Sole Lessee* and Manager* For two week* only tlie <tlat.t>jfiii-lied arti?t and lavurite, MISS FAX n Y DAVENPoltl, MISS FANNY da YEN PORT, MISS FANNY DAVENPORT, mi?s f\ ny Davenport, MISS PAN'A Y DAY \ I' i T, Ml-S FANNY DAVRNPORI, Mi?s fanny davenport, who will appear EVERY EVIiN'ING In conjunction with Mr. CHARLES P. CC 00 00 H H L A NN N C C O O G G II HI, AA N N N C O O G H II L A A N N N C O O <? HHH1I L A A N N N C O 0 <> GO H 11 L A A A A N N N.? C CO O G G II II L A AN N N ? OC OO OG H 11 LLLL A AN N N . RKH KRK 00 U U GO II II A MM MM B br Rl) Of UG 0 H II AA MN NM B Hit RO 01' UU H II A A mnnm HUB RRR 0 Of I*'? 11 tillII A A MNNM B RR RO 01' Ui COH H A A AA M MM M B H R ro O U U G OH HA A M .N X M BBB R R 00 UU GO H HA All M M Mr. JAMES I EEEE W V W II SSS L E W W W II 8 S L K WWW II 8 L K E WV VW II SSS L E VV VV II S L E WW |( S 8 ? l.LEL EE EE V V 1J SSS , Mr. J. B. SSS TTTT U I* DDDI) L EEEE Y Y 88 T UUD DL E Y Y 8 T U U D D L K Y Y SSS T U U D D L EEE YY 8 T U U D D L E Y ,, 88TUUDDL K Y ? SSS T UU DDDD LLLL i EEE Y , formlnK the creat dramatic event of the ?i>akoo. The prlcpi will remain at the pontilar standard. The>e dltltnt;nlAhed artists will appear in the inr'at Filth Avenue aiicceas, THE PivINOESS roYaL, Till'. princess i.OVAL, THE PRMC SS ROYAL. Oriirlnal scenerv. cnstumi's and effect*. matinees every WEDNESDAY nd SATURDAY. Unnerved *eai?, .V) centr. Secured two week* in advance. u JiJON SQUARE THEATRE. I'rnpriator Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Mauagar Mr. A. M. PALM&R MONDAY EVENING, MAY T, the splendid Drama. In three acts and twelve iccnei, by the late Andrew llallldav, entitled SMIKE. In (he representation of thu t'lay the following artliti ?re emploved Mr. J. H. STODDARD hh NEWMAN NOOUS Mr. JOHN PARSE UK ....mi RaLPH NICKLhLV M.. W. J I.KMoYNE uWACKFOKl>SOCKhIts. Sr. Mr. OBoKOB HONIFACE .a Itlll.V HltoWDiK Mr. C. A STt*VhNSON.. .. NICHOLAS NlttKLi.HY Mr W. LEFf'I Ml H KLL.. .an SNaWLEY Mr JOHN C A KItoLL. .ai BROOKElt Mr. hDOAR MOOKh a? WAITER Mr. L. IIIOM I'SON an. COACHMAN Mr. BURKE hi COACH UlURD Mr.. MARIE VV ILKINS ? Mr*. SOUF.IRH Mim K(.1 ?U HURON . .. .Hi -MI KE Mlii KATK OIRAKD.. . . h* KATK NICKI.EHY Ml?a ROBERTA TILDA PRICK Mim Louisa, sylvkvi>.k.h? fanny -oi eers Mm. TANNKHILL .? Mm. NIcKLKHY The icenei. all of which have been ipeelally painted for thli production by Mr. RICHARD MARSTON, are at fol lowi:? Ad FIRST. Scene I ? Office and Ralph Mckleby. Scene 2?Ante-room In Nlckleby'* office. Scene 3?Coffee Room of the ? aracen'i Head. Scenn 4?Entrance Yard to Saraceu'a Head. Seine 5?The Inn Yard?The Departure of the Cjach. In thin m:en? an accurate repreientatlon of the depHrture of the YORK M \IL, with ita load of panengeri fur DoTIIE BOY'S HALL will be given, with a real ENGLISH STAGS COACH of the olden time. Tour KINB ENGLISH llORSFS, Coach Guards, Ac.. Ae.-the whole conatltutlnjr a realistic plctnre never before shown upon an American stage, ACT SECOND. Scenei 1 and 3?Dothehoy'* Hall. Scenei 1 ar<d 4?A Country I ane In Yorkshire ACT TUfRft. Scene 1 ?Ralph Nlckleby's otllce. Scene 3?Exeter Change. Scene 3?Mrs. Nlckleby's Lodging*. MAT! M BE ON SATURDAY AT 1 .10 O'CLOCK. Last oh riii sk*h..n last oTfiik' mkabon. rWr.NTV-iKCOND INFANT-iY, N <1 S N V., t EMORY. UTII SI , NKaR <iTII aV, TCESDW EVENING. May s M77. at s clock. ORAM) MILITARY IlKC; I'TION AND DRESS Fa made. REVIEW BY the Hon. SMITH ELY, Jr., Mayor of lb* cltr, and Major General Alexander Mialer and Staff, accompanied hr tlin ?'resident ol tue Hoard ol Aluermrn anil Hie Ariu?r\ Cwi rol--i"iierv Gllniore's world mioisiieU Tweuty-eecond Regi ment Hand and Grand urclieatra FROGK MMK. DRESS I'AKAi'K a.M? REVIEW. Assembly .. . Dmm Cnrpi. Flrtt Scrgeaut's Call. ... Drum Cnrpa, Adjutant* Call March. "Bftchtevt Eve*."... .ntigelil. Gllmore's Twenty leceua Regiment Itaml Troop March "forvaro.'' Oiiok'1. Gilmore'i Twrntv-effoiid Reulment Band. Review "Bratiflan .National Air." I'.tnaii^e in Review ".".'it Regiment March.'*... (illmore. March to O'larters ."March I "mlque," II, B ...Krah tm FROM EN? UK CONCERT I. Overture ' I aiinhain -r " Wawner. Ollraore's Tweiitv -econd llevlment Band 3. Selection "liirnlle. Olrotla " I.Mctrq M. Cornet s In "Fnntiielf Original," 11 h ri m mm. Mr M Arliuckle 4. I'rayer Moeea In Egypt." Rtwalnl. Grand Ceiiieniuiil ou.niri le Introdai-iui! the R. Ssl \N .N , floN AL %llt. acd the alr< of all iindona. wiih ? anaiiuai (..rail the prin cipal ill*ti uineuta. cloainti ?llh the "Stai .??p.iii>;l.-.l llauuer ' Gllmor.' a Twenty ?econd lleifiment Band. ORDER of DAN? ing. I. ? ALT/,, 'AumIhiu Keclitaieoei:.'' Strau^a Vt. <1,1.l.ol', "By Telenrapli," llia?-,rii*an .1 LaNi II'.RS, "Ctvaller," Wn-k-an I. 4 WALI/,. "CaKlioetro," Strau*^ ft. GALoF, "In dnicl Juliliu," IVeiuw?rien ft LANclKRS, "tJIrolle, GiroH?k" Wieuand 7 WaLTZ, "IrtHlttt." Strain*. m UKDOWA, "CrniaeqnenctnSir a im ii LANi'IKhs, ? iilia,** Welnirarten Conductor I*. .4. OILMORE. Admiaaion, #1. /?J.LKH CLt'B OF THE COLLEGk OF TIIE CITv"OF VXNew \ ork, at St .lnhn i Meihodnt Episcopal Church. 83" *>?'WnJlr*?,'S/ *ad nth ar.. Toeidar evenlUK, JUelLAi'. 1L TUt.u it&a. V M I'xK.UKS T?. ltfsV"* '""nKWTQWKt NEW ATiilACTIONS. HILLY HAH .V nu ins ;ifii Truipe. PAT HodXKV, KITTIE O'NEIL, MARIE W! ITIINUHAM, Uaater MiWMAN, REYNOLD* ..111 WaU.INO, yl'ILTliK nu.i iioi.DKICil, Mix lil 1.1.11 IMU,. F.DWIn KRENCH. \L MONTH I'.ROTHRRS. CON WAV ami K Ml RIG AX E. D. GOODDINO. PKlSflAV V A1 OK. Tin-. com.'No man. THE J KA LOl'? 111' - It A X D. Mil lURDBA K Comedy. Vaudeville, l>rmnutlet. Thr<" liour- ot irtoriM* lur. with BILLY ItAltRY ?i"i hi? ui.rivalled Trniip#. M vT!NEE> TUESDAY AND KRIDaY. D VLY"S 6TH AVENUE THEATRE. Proprietor and nar.aifer Mr ACGUHT1X DALT MONDAY EVKJflN'Q. M?? 7 Mr. DALY will have the pleasure ??( Introducing tbe DinTlNGL'lsHhO SllAlCES PEA 1(1 AN ARTIST, .Miti ADKLAIDE KN K keee ii I. sss oo xir n N N N E III. 8 8 O O K M K N N N E 1IL S () O N 8 K N N N E II L S <? O N N N N N N EF.E II It SSS <> O S N N N N N E MI, 8 O O N N N N N N E II h SO O N N N ,? K N X E II L S 8 O 0 N NX ? N NN EEEE 11 l-f-T.r, ttSS OO N KN , who. "? tali oceenlon. will enter npoo a aeriea of TWKLYE KAKEWELL REPRESENTATIONS In Atuor en prior In her departure for Europe, aupuaring EViRY i-VEnYnTT THIS WEEK, for the flrM mid onlv titiiee in Now York. In t??-r exquisite tii.r-1? iimtloit ul VIOLA in Bbakeapoiire'a ever enjoyable couiedy of TTTT W W W KEEE T W VV W E T W WV W E T WW WW r wv vw r vv vv T to bo preitated I ern with n remarkable come Iv cum. Inclij. ?ive ui Mr CIUKI.KS HSIil.R, Mr WM. HAVIDUh, Mr. ?' II" N PLYMIM'ON iwh.i Ii.i% bt'.-n especially eimaui'di. Mr. FRANK II A8DK.N HERU, Mr HEN RY CRISP, Mr. JOU.V llliEW, Air HAMIl.ToN MAIN'S. Mr. K. PliiRfK. Mr. PR .\K IIENNETT, Mli? EMILY RIUL and Mix SYDNEY OoWELL. THE COMEDY TERMINATES WITH AN ELIZABETH AN DANCE. PARTICIPATED IN BY ALL THE ClI AKACTFRS. THE O.Nl.Y NEILhOJJ mThNEK, SATURDAY, MAT 12, AT i. Mill. NllLsoN AS VIOLA. NEXT WEEK. MISS NKILSo.N AS IMOGEN. IN Till? Ravlval ..I Sll AKKtPEARE'8 * OYMBELINE." M-ats may now be lecured lur anv ur n'l nf tlie NEI l.-ON KKPREsEN i' A I loss D \ LY'S KIKTIl AVENUE THEATRE. SPECIAL. A SI* CI 1, MATINEE will be given Til UHSl) A \ NEXT. M uv lu, lit 2 o'clock, for Mrs. GILBERT'S HENHK1T. The anle nf sens will op n Monday inorniuic, atul the pro. irranime will comprise I. i UK AREA BELLE. Cliaractora bv the following member* ot the Mtirrar Hill Society. who have volunteered: ? Mini .Mali. Brady, Mrs. M. J. l'owny, Mr iieorx- M. Uuacnbtirt, Mr. H. T 11111 and Mr. Jaine* II. Mftgte. 2. ifoit RT HELLER, who hns K?nerou!iir volunteered, hum will perform hli cele brated i'lanoloric Coitieilieitn, entiiled THE BOAoD1 NO Si lllll il, MISS. :t \lr tJL'8 WILLI VMS (whehavlii? kindly volunteered liy penulnslon of Mr. Tony I'xitor) will appear In a lelection Irom "Ilia Comiealeat Soeclaltlea." 4. aRBCCKLF, Kins "I the Cornet, wil! play hla unrivalled lolo from "La Kavorita," by li.irtiuai. ."> LEMON'S. The ST * R KWORI l B^ot the KIKTII AVF.NI'E COM PANY. who will nniiear in the aecond act of "LEMON.V Mls? KAN NY DAVI'.NPoRT iwlui lias irenrrnanly volun teered". Mr. C. K. COC.IlLAN, Mr JOHN BROu'OIIAM. Mr. JAMES LEWIs. Mr HARDENItKRd, Mm EMILY Kit.L and Misa SIDNEY COWe.LL. who have all vniun ?'?r m|. will appear with Mr*. GILBERT, in their original character!. BOX SHEET NOW OI'RN. TV" \LL.VCK'S m Proprietor and Manager Mr LESTER WALLACK EVERY EVENINO ANI> NATUhDAY MaTINEE. Til E CONTINUED 8UOOK88 OF MY AW-UL Urtl? P08TP0Nl-.S A LI. OTHER NOVELTIES. Ml!. LEsTER WALLACE THE AWFUL DAD. MR. HARRY BECKETT, Mil. K. M. HOLLAND. MR, SHANNON. Mil EDWIN. MR. LEONAMD. MISS ROHB WOOD. MISS JOSEPHINE RAKEK. Mils. JOHN HEft TUN. MIS.sCL.AKA BATE. Ml.*>8 E. THORNTON. ACr I. I ONDON. Ilnw Evergreen Minor lectured nis disobedient parent, and now Kver.rcen M ?jor called himself to the bar. ACT II. -LONDON. How l.rr-rifrcen Mu.It worked tor the Lorekln Hold Mine, and bow Evergreen M inor dressed lor a Fancy Hall. Ai T 111.-sc wtHOUOl t.ll Ilow Evergreen Minor entered upon <-nurtslilp, and how Evorsrreen Major entered in Hie same race. Ilow the Minor bi'haved in a duel which lie didn't fight, and h"W tbe Major won a bride and a "splendid outfit." B.tWKKY THEAIKE. * MONDAY, May 7. the celebrated Seoul and Indian Fighter, DASH1NO CHA LKY aud Mix A LICK I'LaOIDE, in the great sensation Border Drama. DASIIIm. CHAHLRY. I'liK PKAIKIE SCOUT, preceded by the Farce ol the TWO OKEOOKIES. HE IS HEAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM. BROADWAY and :t."?ili at. Open daily from 0 M. till 10 I*. M, Mia* SAIHE LU IN. tbe beautiful Aqu inaut. Astonishing Submarine I'ertormances. Fyke's famous troupe ot MADKIOAL BOYS. ??MR. HE VO." Wonderful Triple-Tailed Japanese FUh, tor which f2,000 was offered and refused Curious Tein-copie-ejed Chinese Mshes. Tliirtv curious Eel I'onta. Critnd alternoon and evening Orchestral Concerts, Admission, .V) cents. Children half pries. C, EllMAM V THE iTRh. TaIi. NEUENDOKFF Director MONDAY. MAY 7. DIE IMIILoMH'llli-. DKn II EltZKNS. comedy by KnelseL Box office o|>en daily front H till 4 o'clock. IHMii ah \ akiiliI5T7evert nam at i, in* 1' tli ?(. and Broadway I OLUDINU SUNDAYS. CROWDED I UEOEOE FRANCIS TRaIn! T HOUsEH ! <^>???? ?? 1 ??? " - ?<?? Punic in li^hlt Wnr! IViiil?ne? I I)ctuuf?! Ktmina I AtlruiMion, 25c.; rcRftrtd teait. Tide.; no exim cbirtrei. AKGYLK IIOOM.S, AlHiYLK ROOMS, BTIl aV AND :*)TII ST. BRILLIANT TKItPsiCIIOi.EAN EN 1'EKTAINMEN T. ONLY I'LA i E OK AMUSEMENT OK THE KINO IN THE CIIY. OPEN EV.-.KY NliillT, COM MENCINO AT ? O'CLOCK, E>T..A.NOE OS :*>ril ?T. (lOLI MBIA OPERA HOUSE. CORNER WE-T 12TH J*t. and <!ree:iwicli air -Be or. Iian<1 J I" ihe Kf' "! show. | Fl>?IIIDDEN I FEMALE HAIIIEK8 I PriENCII I IPLE.tSt. RES I IN I MINUET. I ?i> <g> REAL WATER. Q <? rue saltan'* Seraglio, or tbe Ditiy Blondes, new Statun t Troui.e..1 ardlu M ib. lle i.iie. StrMne sights IbriitrMieri; On the Mr, and ail ihe late-t French and lurklsn -nicv nor ?lib *, l-.very evening at ri. M allures Tuesdays, Thursday* and Suturilay t - Ii'SSI POFF.?"REPROACH" (MEL jDIEi. OP. {?} U "Brandeis," 60i; , playe.l by Mine. Esa'pofT; "Sweet Munuy Smile ' llank'sbest m(i "there Are Kisses Walt* iiiu lor Me." Oe I'eyster, e|t*i;aiit pirturu titles, each ?<<> .{ ?'l)anlclieflT?" Oalop, ; Walls, 7"?c . li?sini(t4>ii. tMIII mailed \YM A I'OND A CO.. T>47 Broadway, IIU Union a<|iiare. New York. T^OYPTIAN HALL. MTil ST. ANI> 3D AV.-SICE li_-irl. in nauithiy ?k"ti'li??. new ?plcy Kreneti sensn> duns, the Countryman and the Female Bathers, I'osne l'la-i nines. A Night in I'aris. itich. liaey Novelties, the in.i-i eautnul >oiimt ladies in the ciiy. Hie French Mlnunt, Hie Queen of lo.Te or Uie Anioin* of Royalty M.tKK Nil MIMTAKbt lllis IH THE PL.VCEI E \ E Si I ft On AT h. MATINI.ES TLKhDAY. THURSDAY ami Saturday at a. OTEJ.NWAT HAM. -MONO VY. MAY 7. R P. *L, KJ WO NO CHIN FOO, tlin I ??aiiieii oraior, will >li-rnss IIEA I HEN HA N sTION Admission, faic. reserved seats. X>c. extra, Sa e of si: its begins at nail on Saturday. JOHN if. MURRAY1 i. it AN I) CIRCUS, Alteruoon and Evening. Ilonston s?? E. & Wednesday, Mity l?, last day. Admission The comino carnival Ladle* and gentleinro desirous of participating In tb? OH tNli ANIi IMI'OiINO TABLEAUX of the great t'arnival. to l.e holu IUESIiaY EVES I NO. MAY 15. 1x77. can apply in person to Mr LEoN .1 YINCRST 12 oi LOCK MONDAY MORNINO. viaV 7, at the market. :uth st and urn av, Hwi NTINO EYES," THOMAS 'HAKE I TELL ?? W imnierstadt. "Down the S?i*4oWed Lane OsgsNMI I "' I nke ll i- Letter. ' Ha> s , "Only Spe ?K Kindly I'j ke, are tbe vucnl gi nis of the <i?), and une qualled for ele.auca and popularity . price 4>K-. nacu. DlfSON A CO., 711 and *1.1 Broadway. I A MERLE'S TtVOLt 11IE\TRE, iV -?tti >t.. lietween Jd and ltd aya, I Ey?ry Eveninit this week an i Thursday Matinee, the new Sensation'il I'laioon llance, I THE BFS1 Ainlsrs r.ih ium variety. OUR MAONIFlt'ENT BALLET TKOUl'E. 7*i R NoWNED SPECIALflfcs 75 A OLORIO > t'OMIC P NTOMIMB. TIIK LBCTt KE XK\NO%. rpWFLKin anViyersary of the naiionai.tem I pe* aiM-e Society ati4 t'lihli.-ation House imi Tuesday eyen liu, M iy h in the Church of ihe i oveuant. Park ay.. e< rner S.'Vtii t Addresses by.lohn It (lougli. M. lay tin, Henry C. Potter, t' H. FoWler. Admission free. I VH'I'ltl CTION. \ iiiiivi*-'in n hi si.Viss i!tiLi.t6l, sorSS'4fg ? av . Oppi -lie Cooper In.utiite Ituukkeeping. Writing, Arithmi n> tiranMBar. "?i??lli??p and Herman, day and en n in.-. I idles doparf en . Telegraphy taught practically wtlli Ih-truments I)eiu iiitl I ?r operators. I I, II AN i)W RITI .1i? TAUOHT IN TEN private lessons. Parlors, fto H41 itt i ?? . below 4Xth sk OLIVER B OOLD MITM. 7 - CENTS^ A LESSON.?THOkOCOH INSTRl'cfiON i ? land conversational Oerihan, tiy a North tierman l?ly: highest r. tereiKi - Addie<* NORTH OEKMAN, boa lid lie. aid Uptown office. REMOVALS. * HlfflFi ttWW card EsTAhi.ISHMRNT"" hi moy*4 to 101 bowery. Agent* make 910 dally MlUM tkaaa. A