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CITY HEAL ESTATE FUH SALE. F"H I We?t Siilr OR KAI.E AT A BARUAIN-THREE StORV h1gii stoop brown stone Hou.e, on 4Hr It ft. MARK LEVY. 77* ttth a A ???.. corner 44th ?t. BRUOKLV \ PROPERTY FOR SAILS AM) TO LET* SirlTTTimee store hkows stone house ? ? to let: ent to suit ?ood tenant . 101 **'?. rtrooulyu. 32. D.; mid any time; possession at once. Apppf on premi Mt, or john rOLKX, - istor House. now vovk. A second and'partotthird floor, Si:VEX rooms to let. in private house IHt Park. av. ; rent $itf. THOMAS MclillKK, 044 :ta av.. New York. or at house. TO LET?TH RUB 8T0Ri BRF< K 132 D~lJi FIE I i? SI ; near Myrtle avenue car# and terries: $?*?<> and water. MARSHALL, .'>3 South st. WE8TCHESTE1I COtNTK PROPfiRTl fOR SALB AMD TO ftUT. iL^OIl SALE DELIGHTFUL COUN1RY SEAT IN J Scarsdale. Westchester county; TJ acres; modern house. Apply to GEO. I*. NELSON. ISO Broadway. O LET?AT PORTOHESi Lit. N V . PROM junk 25 until middle of September, a handsome, large House, furnished. ?as, water, Ac., suitable tor a rirst cias- uoaruinjf ; five acre# of ground, garden planted ; stablinj?: ftvo minutes from depot; boatinu; and fishing. Apply to Dr. F, E. DOUGHTY, 50 Wea 384 si ml A. M., f? to 7 i' M T* O LET?AT I'l l.HAM HlVllMii:. THlMMiU'S NK?'K. adloitting t!?o Areularius Hotel the principal station of Ine Fclham Coach and Tandem Club, four elouaut Cottages, beautifully located on the bay; tint* fishing. bathing, boat ing, Jsc.; will be rented very low lor tbe season <?r year ; can if reaehed bv Pel ham Coacb or ears. Apply to W. N. GUIS WOLD, 744 Broadway, comer Astnr place. fO RENT?KOK TUB Hi/MX EH A VERY DK8IR able, handsomely furnished House, within a short dis tanee of High Hridge; also an unfurnished one, within ten minute*' waU ol Fordham station, tor one or more rear*; Tenth very moderate. Apply to lit'till X. IJ AM r, 1*2 Broadw ? >. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE oil TO RENT* WA -KOK SALE, HOUSE AND tOT I\ PLAINFIF.LD, /Y.N. J. : 10 minutes' walk from depot; splendid location; price $4,r>f)0; $iVOO0 cash required; balance can rcmaiu. Address CASH 1 l'iIt. box 17S Herald office. N ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT AT $20,000; COST $f>0.0<*?; healthy, charming, accessible. ELSTO.N, ?wncr. 38 Libel t j A SMALL PAKTLY I'TKNLSHLH HOUSE AND 15 'teres Ground, near (ireenwtch, C tin., to rent cheun; Ishinj; and boating. Apply to LESPiNASSE A FKihD* MAN, 3 Pipe st. A-:.A~Pi''in SALE.-1N NEW JFRSEY, A 1MIL'IT .?Farm: 3- acres fruit; will pay interest on amount of ?urchase money; location high and healthy nod uearagood narkei. Apply to owner, 143 Hroadway, r**otn 27. T. S. UIEIMIEKi). \T NEW BRIGHTON furnished \M? UNFURL nished; charmingly locatod; all modem im* srovements; stables, gardens; reduced tents. KEUTUliN |ft<tillhH?, s'? rhoraas *t. AT NEW brighton TO LET, TWO ELEGANT 10 rVrootn Cottages, beautifully located ami very cheap; all todero improvements; lot 7"?x1*0; 30 minutes from New fork. Apply to W. X. GKISWOLii, 744 Hroadway, comer tstor place. TtOUHTRY MAN-inV. stx ACU. s. RA88AI0~KITER front; extensive outbuildings; fruit and shade*, hlRli, iralthy, beautiful; 40 inioutes from t ity Hall. for sale at tsrgsiu. u J-.. STEM \ i M. HI Cedar st. rjocSfry v illc ih \> rem. SrrB%ted atharri Juon. Westchester county. t<? let or exchange lor city Toperty. For further particulars inquire of AltTilCK iaight, 250 Washington si. rqi BALI A small farm, address J. F COOPER. Monaey, JC. V. CTOR KALE-MILL TURNING AND ORIST MILL; P excellent Water Power, II! acres Lan . House and Ham. ??<?<> I > A L!'.. H 7ih <v jpOR salk ~CHEAP'--A i?OOD 'lOL'SE, WITll 15 i1 rooms, 1G acr s. plenty of fruit; .'W miles from the city, lie mile from depot. Address Mrs. bkan, box Kill, Moti ry, Kocklanu county. N. V. i.MMK.vse SAO .1FICE.?200 ACRE8 RtCH LAND .near Port Jervis; 120 neres improved: complete seta uildin^s; kept 30 head stock; cost $rj,i">0; price $3,5o(); Ssy terms. CliULhY, l'J Centre st. s RANGE (MOUNTAIN -Iin. , v. J RJ sr. UN PI R. t/nished, at low tigurt*. eleirant Country Seat: o acres; ne'.y wooded: spring water throughout; Inrsre residence; |l conveniences; lar^e stables; exccllenigueiurhl?oihood; fatfiiiflceiit views. HAMILTON ,t W \LLIs, .MO Pine si. JNOO FARM OF a HCRES, NEAR STAKPORb; A'ood house, stock. cro<?s, tools, poultry. Ac., for sale j leap ; terms moderate. Sea OWNER, lt>3 \N est 2otti il., Mlay. ro LET \ r KAIl KOCKAWAY, ii I.. TWO THOR. i ?*afs:lily furnished Cottaues with ev ry modern con- ! Suienco. and an unfurnished one Apply ai So. 7 Eu*t tli St.. between .Madison and .r>tli a vs. ro LET?AT MONTCLAIK N J WELL FURNISHED llou??; nine rooms. b ?th, ranee; healthy; cheap; 10 linutes from depot; barn, garden. Ac.; tor season or year. fKSTON, 340 7th av. r* O "LET?AT MONTCLAIR, FURNISHED CORNER House ; centrally located ; five minutes from depot: coru wtudin^ situation ; bathroom, laundry, garden : complete in I) respects ; .f lot? per month , immediate possession. IIKN* Y Willi jE, 44J4.' Broad* ?jr ro "RENT THE WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR Kaicle Hotel, at Kotlileheni. Pa. . located in the oldest ud most interesting part ot the town, oop site the Mora lau Seminary and convenient to depots; the house has re Mitly been eutlrely remodeled and newly furnished. For jrther particulara apply to or address GEORGE II. MYERS, Mthlehtfm. Pa. Huui WILL RENT ELEGANT HOUSE CARRIAGE JvMiV/house, garden, fruits and tlowcra and shade. COlC tKLL. CUlton, S. I. .k Qflll ACRES HEAVILY TIKBK&ED LAND FOR k*0\/v/aale?In Franklin county. N. V.. first growth of truce, pine. ash. maple, beach, birch, tamarack : lies in se direct line of the only practicable pass for the Saratoga nd Adirondack Railroad: tli> re are two tracts, located in le northwest corners of townships and 27, contifruous to ?eh other and on ta-n beautiful lakes, the handsomest indscapes in that recrion. Address M. 0, W., box I0l? jerald oflice. HIOAL KSTATE TO RXCHANGR. \ ?a.?KoR SALli <)K KXCHANGE-AN KLEOANT j JV.Ke-idence Id New Jer*e? : one ln?ur from New York; j KMtl<?n unfttrpaiised for vit*w: I*> m-fn; oufitiiln* nit kind* i i fruit; siirinu: ?upplica house and outbuildings^ iih wntcr; nu*e ha* nil in "ii?rn improvement*; mtIII be no1?I hi h bar- | nin. T. S. SHEPIfEKD. I4."? H ro ad vruy, room 27. i [> a?:r; ain\- well paying tene me t and"stork ! I Jl'ropertv on We*t Houston st. t?? exchange for French ! '1 ht or Tenement on 0itnt *ld?*. Call on the notary. JULIUS tAl'SKN, '211 K??Ht lUih *L JpARM ANIMUTY I'Kul'EKTY,VEKY "DESIRABLE, V Irec mid clear, to exchange J. II. KKN*DALL, 4*21 Broadway. ijlOR RALE ok fiXt'HAKoE (ON A CASH BASIS), i? for city or llarletn Tenement oi llotiie Property, larje leelilen<e ?oti a lull) at Stamford, I'onn.; water, icas, trull, am. slniio. Ac.. free ami ?*;enr. OWN till, .'*4tl ilroome ?t JALh OK KXt'H ANOK.-FIRST CLASS FA KM, 1?0 I 3'O'rr*. for oil v or Brooklyn Dwelling; also Knrtn of *?2 j ?*re?. South Oyster Hay. lor bu*ini?*s Property; lar^o double 1 Ioiim*. with grounds, t?oxlOO, Brooklyn. tree and clear, lor | dwelling in Ninth or Sixteenth ward. New York; also Vir Jnla Farms. Send for list. HALL A S(^lfI RES, 20.'1 West Hd >t. ULTaNTKD?MKRCll ANDIJ4E OR FURNITURE IN f? rvrhaiiKH for Timber Tract, containing 4.'to acres in Pennsylvania? price $5.ism. THOMAS McCLURE, Phil** r pin.i Branch Herat#offic*. REAli KSTVTK WANTED* f OTS WANTI'I>-NEW VOKK, 01 OOKLVN, Wl'fft |_J<iberal builder', loan , Ur?t clam partica. l ine it., ouni 1'-'. ro L.KT FOR Hi SISIKSH PVHPOSt.8. BKNNElT BUlLOI.Nt;. fire proof, LoraUol on Nuihii, Ann and Pulton ata. Firat Floor to let; aintublo l??r bankera', iiviiirunce office* erlawyera; ? ill lie let together or in parti: lie nlteredto tail tenanti il aeilrod; mln|>ti'<l tor iidicca or aturei. Keaaonubln rents. Alto pome eligible Law onic'a to let. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. Take the elevator. Inquire tor janitor. A" RBsTAOBANT. *1TH~PIU VILEOE~ 0> BOASH. inn Help uud ?ueiti ol boisi, f-'0. Praukfurt Home, 202 Villi>? in ?t f" fINK LARGE LoFTS TO LET, WITH* ?STEAD Y iteam power. Apply to THOMAS S. MORTON, 85 Elliatieth St. finftX LIGHT BAMBMRNT?BROADWAY. NXAB 83D r at., suitable lor upholiterer. K. HUBBY, 20 Welt 83d it. ?TEAM POWER TO l,ET?LOKTS TO LET, WITH tjpower, In 13th it., b<<tween !!d and 4th hvs. iiiqune P. 9ROTE A CO., lit East Milt at. STORK AND BASEMENT TO f.ET?3HH HKOOME ST., I i-ixtOO. .1. II. l.YNOE, IW IVarl ,t. .1. II. HOYNTON..TJ Broiidway. fro"LET-KTORiTn? )71il WKSI ?Tli ST. AMI PBI J vat* Mible 7 W e>t 9th ?t.. Ht n n ry low rent. Apply to i JosKi ll P. QUIN, S M'eat 4th it. TO " LET?WITH OR W ITHo(Jt'~Pc)WK~R. IlfcCOSD I Kli?ir -!I4 Centre at ?il?ndid liulit anu two tr<ot-. hoist on phcIi : nine. ITixllT* iei?t. denlrable tor any nice ! bMlnem; rent low. o. SOUOMON, S3 Elm at. TOJaPANNKKH To I'ENT, A JAPA.N HHuP. WITH i iteedy work from owner. Inquire at HI Kulton at. TO LET?A WEI.Ii LiaiiTKO KacioKV, "OCCI PY. ! In? 07.1.1171* anil 077 Ibli av.. with rteam ?*iinlno, boiler,, ihaftin* nnil ?t<'i>rn hentiiis nlpea, , I in o?it order. Ajin'r to ioll.NSO.N A I.K N BK, 6U end H4 iireena tt. mo LET?I INE KKI-'IOES l.s THE EI.EOANT BT'ILD 1 init No. 744 Breailway. conn r A tor plitce, at prlt'en to ?IIIt the tiniei. Apply to >V. Ji. I< HI S'\V 111,11, 7+4 liroad way, I'omer ??tor place DWEI.I.IM. HOI !*"K>T~iO lJE'l'; : h'ii rn lulli*il? A?HOl'f!E> LEFT OVER VT OREATLY BKDUCID ?p-nta. V. K. HTEVENHOK, Jr., 4 I'lne or :t:i Ea-t 17th et. Elegantly fcrnisued"brown stone TioOhr, 47th at.. belwe#n Htli anil 7ihnT? . Immediate pii>ie? linn ; rent . will rent iililurni,li?il at $1 ,IM?I TIMl'. BON A PERT, 1,4s* Broadway, neM44th ?t. o LET CO I. A I'? i IIK F"L'K MTOKY Hltilt HTOOP brown 'tone Hon*# No !? Hank at., (tirlilahud or nnlttr* Blfbedt aim. miluriii?hed. No. '-'42 Went l-tli Ht . lit ? ? atory brick Hon???. all ImnrnTemeSIt, in uood order. Ao ply to A. SOl'K tBO t/S, 294 ?tli a*. TO REM-WK T M7III xT., NE\R ATII AV.. A I OI K atory brown atono III ;li stoop llieu, comtiletoly nnil Imii.l-nnii'iv lurnialieil, uud In "00d unlet rent low to 4 |Mti>d tenant. .1 *MES I!. 1 ItWAICUS. ? K/7 Wait 2-'td >t. I 111111 ii imihI . AT LOW RENTS TilK NEW KIlt^T CLASS HIGH ?tonp brown none llotiien, wltli ? very mnvemenco, (outh aide lltfitli at., betwenu 4tli and Lexington ava. In quire on pr(!i!ii??. __________________ *i rnv.usiis LEKI OVER AT GBBATLY HK10 CED j\ .rent*. V. K. STEVI-.NSON. Jr 4 fine or S3 Bait 17th at. J- ?FOUR STORY SHOWN STONE ENiiLISlI IIASK. .nent llouae, VVr*t I2tli it., between 5thaiidUth ava.; IS room is rant only $1,20(J. in room* i I / J All SB B. EUW \RIJS, |ti" Weal '-':!d it. ?HKEE STORY IIKJH SlOflP MRfliK IIOCsE ON tr?t t4tli it - murblx hall, dumb waiter, lurnace, ran^e, uK.; jamks ^ ki>wariib 1 "7 VV'eat 2lld al. ro tJtT?TilK FOUR STOKY SHOWN STONE UOI'.-E Mm SB Eaat l?tb at. : ?" modern coneenlanees. Apply to mUM MERKITT. MN JS.T"i"ktI-A TI1REE STORY BROWN SIONB HOUSH) TJktSmtSsl APrt ? 110 " DWELLING HOISES T4? LKT. '? ' niifivs rpo L' T-FoUR STOHY BHOMTN itTONK. ~ Bj?. on 1 extension dinitus r..o?, ucwly ?J*'1!'*. '? the premises, *?? Mudisou KV^.trotol Mil " r. ?? mo LOT AT 1.11)1 'CKD AMI 1"W Kl-.N 1 .7.' ^ 1 .70 **11*1 273 We.t 411. a.: three stories hl-h sto. P u_ Induce moot* o (To red to prlvato lamllls". Apply t" * BlKoUS, 2!>t .itb av. ??r?rrs mWO I H Ki t STORY HI'.11 1 !lnii??. pUMMUlty ? ,'m K?? 17th laaulre of V, K. K rKVENS' >N. Jr. 4 Hue ?t., "t 1' H. KN \PP. on premises. l'tub. ???"' l1'^ ?THBEB itliRV BWOi HOI >K. -?>1 '??? t SM >00.wide. In irood order. Ulh j?h *1.4<i0. three ?t<>ry hiirh s??np "0"?'iRKPBro^w?y corner St.. near Broadway. OUUB.m A CLARK, tsroauw?.? 17(1) St. " flhxishkd booms asdapahtmkk'i s TO LET. 4 T ?. WaVKULK* A.f?r K?ntlemen ; every convenience, locution iir-tc mm: hIhwocm ??*"?*!; ?? a??"v,^ bourd. No. 2">!t W est 4!?d ?t. ?? A^tli^T^Iiie <antlv*f"rnisb ed*7ron t^'parlor*. for^entl. WH and wife: Board for lady only. j^^^s3&S3h3^ * te'rn is"in Apply at 14 Irvloir place. A Lfcbnhiied itopsT^ obmti-kmkn w 1T.I .out board; private house. -?4 West 'il'L-l???y iTTvDSOMKLY FCBXisHKI* KOOM, FOB A?ntK. only ; UrcaIcU.t 11 desired; all Improvements. '")??TTvr??3D ST ? BLEOANT FURNISHED ATl. ol or en?lro"'.eCond Floor, wltb or without break last. to 'rtnilfiuen- ?--r; ? - PUBjTlSHED ROOMS TO LET, AT 07 EASTl-i nt-ar 4lh av. ? ? rr i"|ri7)OK_C,"nXSIsTINii OK FIVE HO0MS. TO ILET, AlocrVhcr ?r separately; *a., Hath. Ac. 27d ?th av.. ....... hk.'WTLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO Al.l 'vithm,t Imai^Vn private 1,.??, Brat c acccsMblo to uptown restaurants. ?0 W est-r?n st. . VTV? SUIT OF rOBMBRBD BOOMS. WITH M l A..nirdF: ?o" rt recommendations for one or two BontW men. at 34 Apt 2.?th st. ?????.,.|To CP.^or^^man ? ^^at^'Re.wince-Sl.; fea.t lUth ?t. HouMHeeDlnK prlvtUM. ?----- ? ?JI Ehbi 2<Hh st.. nour Broftdway* FumS? - ^SSXwSb8 ???? p- UN ^Sms-TO OT 21EAST 17TH ST. VUBnIsheFkbont boom to lbt-343 8TU AV., p coriiiT 271h nt. Fp^af>^1 *??m'''"aT,'IwNuh 11 11 w>?fcVtbr^QM w;'-; 11 iSSS pSSS? m.-ritu. Apply tW? ?tb_a^_ ? -- inilNKKl'TI'fVli IF i?E?IBKD.-HANHSO.ME. < <)M H KK!?r?l'i.e.. front 'V^,-U^00'" " ,,r'VHte hou?e;all convenience*,$7. IIS T lul -SI'KlMMNd.-Fl I'NISllKD BOOMS. ?4 W) TO Hie* week; Uail Boom. $1 50 up; lames or Kentlemon. Hi '.Ve?t ^d ?t. ?rFT=FrKNI8HK0 FLOOR. FOUR Oil FIVK | r .on ? or Uounelteeplnic; al>o other nlcel.v K,.om.? term? reasonable; location flr.t cIh.h. JJ West 22d nt . near .r?th nv. m?i I I T \ VKHV FINK Hi!IT OF WKI.I. Ft IINISIIEO rKooms on aei ond lloor; tontlemen only, or would divide theiu. 4 West UStli ?t 1 OR TWO ROOMS TO I.FT? IN SMALL 1AM1L\ Oh Ladultm. 40 7th ar.. corner lath ?*. * . X l ARtii: WF.LI. FUBMSHKD SECOND S-i.iToor It'ioin ; hot and cold water; w..Ubailn.. Uatli. Ac. 4'- Orm near Kleecker. -Til \ v 137 AMD rn-IS ROW BEAD* to ACCOM 5m,!dat?'il.M cla?s families or Bentlemen; permanent or transient; refereno*. f. ST MARIv'S-FLACK-A FLRAHANT SUIT; ALSO H-'niall lurnlnlied Booms for Bentlamen; near Cooper In stitute. ? ? ?_ iTtH OT 2WI ST. ROOMS. KN SUITE OB 14TlnBlr: bouso and location very desirable; terms rmAMinm.U: roUr^nce1* exchauue'i. VT7T~WFST 41'li HT.?FUBNlHliED ROOMS TO LET, J | ()|? u.e..ll..|iien only : Ierms inu.l.Tatf. 2i )(.) .MrU^aJ.d ^"'loM^ 'oko^n^'bo^Mr!^ iiwAPART 1 FABiMENT., "*? "Fenlmore" Efr'iL'S^l^S a*, 'prices entiroly ^ali?taclory; manaiter conhtantly in at lonituiico. ? ~i FIKST FLOOI^ FIVE BOOMS, 47 JANE ST., $22; iVlhird Flo'ir, f-'>? 4 l'Vii<TMKNTS, MB WKST 2ST1L?:Sl'ACIOfS FLAT A?roni'.i: luxuriant parden ; Janitor; all improvements; summer house; ventilated, liirht.^ _____ ? I'RIVATK FAMILY WILL I.KT LARtiK AND A ?mall Boom ?; modern improvements; terms moderate. i:p( K*?t 12th st., rear. - / lOliXFB FLAT TO BKNT-I M M KDIATK FOSSES ( Nion; six rooms and bath and all <XI TIMPkoh^ A carpeted: 4!M st. and Sth av ; rent f4o. fl.MFSON A PEBT, I.4K" Broadway, near 44tli St. niusT CLASS AND LOW BENTS?THE KLEOANT new Apartments corner 61st st. and OtU ?v. Apply to janitor. ? in ? vSAV'T EI.K.fkNT FBKNCII FLAT. NKAR J'-N Htral I'ark; all modern impr#rem?nts; Janitor. 2tt\>est ttlst *t. II EDUCED RENT.?FIRST CLASS FLAT; ALL LM IViir.ivrments; nine li?ht rooms: rent Apply OWNK.f, 917 4th av.. comer .r>.ith st. r*"rr BAST MtH, nkab Madison AV.-BLEOANT () I fourth Flat; 7:i East 54th. tirst Flat. Apply to Janl "r on p.eml.e?, or WILLIAM BEBBIAN, 7ti I'ark place, room '2. - FtT?i\ 7TII AV.-HKCOND FLOOB. 4 BOOMS FOR T^Obousckeeplnic; rent, to smnll family. fl?! very IIDl SK>, BUOW8| ?t? WAVI KIi. w'i? ? hu'CUy antf firookIyn. A MARlllKD COUPLE, WITHOUT CHILDKKN, WISII A.;, Hike rareofaHou-e tor the Minimer sea?on; best ih :..|.t?v'! A.Mre.-s L L . Herald Uptown rlrauted v'fTkht class comflktely Fur AV nl'sbeTl Flat, above 42,1 St. and between Hroadway and Mb av.; rent about #100 per month. Address Iv. A. W., Herald Uptown office. _____________ At* tNTRD A i LOOB FOB PRIVATS DBESSMAKINO VV between I4tb and 2Stb sts., 4tb and titb av^ ABION Herald Branch office. . ? boaitdkks WANTED. 1 oft TWO U'aNDsOME 'BOOM*.' WITH "BOARD: i -inul Ismlly; moderate priret; references. :1t> eut :i i at at. LARUE ELEOANT koom amd HALL BOOM, with Hoard. 142 wo-t 4'Jd at. House unusually dealra lile; MlkfWMMt 1 BLOCK' FROM BBOADWAY, 111 EAST 13TB sr.? single Kcntlemeu run eel ttmt cuiv Kooiua ami Board mill Mil the coin torts ot it pleaaant hums, from $6 .iO to ?7 per week. l sr 110usr. 8tuyvk8a>T PARK, 319 bast 16ttch J Larue. hands tnely liirni-lied Boom*, excellent table; f ? w select bonrdera. *> LABOR KU'knTmHBD CONNECTING ROOMH, ON _!n?i Hour, to rent, with Board; nlso liria front Boom on second floor. 41 eint Itfth at., near Broadway. 0 oettmjmi'.n can H AVE GOOD BOARD, WITH w>lniiiiini I1"iiiiih. h ioJ.'i pt-rwerk; table bourd, $:t to !?:) v) pt-r weak. iimi Went shhh St. nu av., ihwTcohSkkTiVSiht *t.?handsomely ? Jturiir lied Suit ?l Apartments, ?lth private bathroom mid llmt class private table, or tutile d'hote. Si* to n i'kr WEKK.?kbt>N* BOOMS, WITH V*)Himrd, table Hoard $4: translenta taken. 'JO Clinton piece (8th *t., nenr Broadway). wa7?tif nuton place, NEAR BROADWAY.? 1'lenaant ftofimi to rent, with excellent Board; a luw table boarder* accommodated. 1 I i WAVEULEY hl %ce, NEAR HROAUWAY.-KRONT J "/Room*. $1-to sl'i lor two, with b.iard ; Suite, .f7 toj)?; trunilenl, 91 OOday; tm le Board,94. i)>) GROVE ST.-TO LET, WITH BOARD. A HAND ^oaoltiely tarnished second atory ennny trorit Room; ample cloaeti; hon??? iind accommodations lirit cla?a; lain iiv ninall; al?o hall Boom. 4 ^->11 "si'., ino KAMT.?roomb TO ItJBM r, WITH )Hoard. at itinimf price*. iTsvh^.,r_^^j, potlk koojis7~mi!ra. Irately ui together, w ith or without Board ; al>o single Room a. * 'ml East ?jtii sr .corner m vdison av.?hand _ ? ".?? >m?- liirni-hi'd Room* For ^fiitleiuen; breakfast ii re quired; aaloon parlor ami iiocond floor. ?j i tii sr.. iit?, wi st, near hkoadway... Oj lUnd-omely lurnlahrd Boom on spcoud floor, with un ex. option al Bonrd; almi ftlnitle Room; reference. ?jt;hi ST.. .'il wlivr. nkvyly A.ND Manwomei.Y ?)" llurniHiied Boom, with Bourd, for families or nentle men. ?ifj EAST 20TH st.-hi ith OK ROOMS, HANDSOME ?)' 'ly liiriil-hnd. private bathrooms, with prlrate table or Without bourd ; Boom* for k'nUomen ; relerence*. EAST j1si' sl'? NhAlt BROADWAY. HAND ?JUsomal) furnished Rom*, with hoard, lur fitnilliea oud gentlemen: rpfeieiirt-n. A n WBHTaSTH SI.?M,Ki;a mt BOOMS ON bkcond yuboor to let. with Board, to gentleman ami wire; also Kooiuaon fourth Hour to Rentlottiea ; relerrncaa. A ?> wi'.ST ."..Mil si'. -IIANDsOMMI.Y kl' bs is il E u t?>iioomi, with Board, to itentleman uud wife, or aiuule Kontlentan. A n ~E AST soth ST., niub BRO AD WAT. ?labor x'Jand amall Koon?, lecoaU Uoor, with lirat claea Uuaru. ntlARDKRS WAWTKB. | tVKsr 8T.-TWO NEWLY 7URNIHHKD ' I? lv>2Rooma to let. with or without partial Board, to I purt.\ ul adnlta: re|.r(n?a exchanged. ) '??( ? WEST 41 ST ST . ~NK\lt K KSH I! Vol R "55 LA it ViT? J ?It/I.'oouta in let, with or without lioaid; parlor with aide room, auitahlf fur a phvMelnii. with or without Hoard; aUo dt*ir?bLtf Koomi onseconi and third tioors; wfaymii "I <??> WEST 1'ITII sr.?TWO KINK KlRNISHEil J''-jRii"m. to let, with or wlthoni Hoard, In it print to Jewiuli litiully. I1AJI VMT 3th ST.?FliRNlMMKD AMU UtfMfft* ?' M /nisho'i Ko.nua to let. with or witli'iut Board: $5 to $7. O/j I W-HT 23D ST.-DKSIKARLK LABOR AND w')^r?iin?ll Room* to lot. with itood Board; >Uo tuble boardera deaired. k 4TH ?V riilAKiVT ROO M s.-w m7 HO A K t>. | ? Jlu a privitte boaiCiu|[ bouts; if permanent, terms moderate ; reference*. ?jito wKsr 121 n stT. abinudok Paiuc7?Front Ol"Oltooiua. flu to <12. with Board; home kept with or der and ueutneaa. ?j')a T.ast~ ihtii ST.?'TO U7.TVO kcrnished I OO'/Reoiua. either for alnule u-eiitlamen or man and wife, with breaktaat it deaired; also the nae ol bath. *j I (i w kst^TTsV ST. ? r' i kst CLASS BO ABO AND OTi/Kooma for two lartiea mid gentlemen, ?1 - (I WKST 84TH, Kf. OONVB*1BNT TO KI.K 0? I *' vated.?Handsomely furnished Rooms lor Kenlle wen. with or without Board, in privute tiiniily; relereuces exchanged. IP I It ST CLAHS~ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. ' at 13 .Ve;t 30th at. Sturteviint Home. |7>ltONT ROOMS OS THIRD FLOOR, LARUE ~RO0M r on second: tuble first elma; aiiimner price*; reference. 127 Weat 21at at. N~0 CHA GE.-APPLY FOR PRIVATE BOAKbTNO accommodations, city "r country. HANDS' BOARD ING UlKlsCTtlRY, 1,131 Broadway. ilOARD AND LOD(?ISC WASTED. W'vOTf^^^AAlifKiiOOAIt'll,' WITH UoMfc COM- J forts, by a gentleman anendiiitc only purt of his time in town. Andreas TRANS! EXT. Herald Uptown Brunch. HOTKLS. '*t NEW "k.\('iL A Nil 'Hofi-.L-LOTIOINOS'-A 3F5? .Acialtv; 21XJ IIif'tt Kooma. for uieu only; lodldno ,'Hic. Carner Howery and Hayiird. A" -mo rj ROOMS Knit SI PBS WREK; 250., 3ftO., ,.">0e. oer day; ireiiiloiuen, families. Fritnklort llouae, M William at. COl/WTRY BOARD. "i KisW~!?Lhi^'^MlQ?i~CA!r'BE AdOOMMO. _tVi!uiril with lirst clasa Board ami uIh <aam Rooma at the wall known reaidecee ot WM. II. Oliliii^K. Strawberry lliil. Slumlord, Conn. No.lewish families taken. BhS'V ACCOMODATIONS FOR a'keW Kilt ST CLASS boarder* in :i private family. Addreaa 4? South Broad 51., Riiiabetb, N. J. Board on long- TslandT"one hour from city. ?A private family will take a lew bourilera, either aint:le ueullcincii or irentleiuen and their wives; hoaltby location; ?liade and fruit; cood table; terun iiioderHti-; rclercnccH exchaiiicod, Addreai HItnlAitD>, box 2,077 New York Poat ollice. Board at Newport, h. i.?a family oh* ToTm or ai.\ peraonican have exoluuve liourd In private fam ily; accnnimodatloue llrat clans. Addrean M. 0., Herald Up town ollice. OAKO?FOR TWO QEMTLBMRN, IN A FARM nouae, where tlicre rtro no other bmtrdera, on tho Krie road; moderate Board. Addreaa HEltNAKil BERWICK, 3(? Kaat (t'Jd at. /COUNTRY" BOARD OaN BE OBTAINED AT A FARM VJbonae, four miles Irorn the depot in Danhnry, Conn.; houae iartfe and plo.iaant; well shaded grounds; healthy loeatlon. Addreai box 715 Danburr, t'onn. (ioUNTBY BOARD FOR CHILDRRJT?AT FARM yhouae; mnther'a cure; turma moderate. Addraas U. 8PARKS, Yista, Weatcbeater county, .v. Y. MRS. L. BAN K A Hb."OF NO, i?W 11 EN RY 8T..B ROOK, lyn, leasee ol' (irnver House, Caldwell, near Momclair, will let Routna tor the aummtr at either houae; or partiea can obtain full particular* at tho summer Keaort Ex change. No. 245 Broadway. N. V. Thii houae. aciomino datinu (10 Kiie?ts, will lie atriBtly llrat ciaas, newly and ele tjantly furnished, and contain ail modem iinproveineuta. riRA SIDE"HOARD AT SHREWSBURY," NEAR LO.VO OBranch?Also lurniahed ('ottunes, with Board; bathing in front. E. DABIIOW, Oceanic, N. SIMMER RBSRORTE. F' lOKF.ST HOL'SH. HUDD'SliAKE,' N.' J.'. OPEN'S MAY ?JO. Send for circular. A. HKOWNSON. IIOREST liA W N 11 (>TK L~i P It IN (T~11A KB OR, 1 L. I.? OpciiH May *J4: terms, from to #14 per week ; Kperinl imJiiciMiieutH to |>firti?? Htuyin^ tlurinu: the srii.-n n ; boiitci, fishing tncKlo, bnthin^ Uoumch itnd croquet tree to ifiieMtx; lieu.tii, home comfort* nti<l acc.'HMibility to New York by bom mid rnii; letiori* iiskiu^ lor information will be Hii??werefl promptly. Ad'irews roomn 2"< nnd '21, No. 61 firoiilwAjr, New York. P. <S. t)K <iKAW, Prtiprietor, LEN MITCHELL," SARATOOASPRINOK. ?ROOMS \Xiiuiv now bu ciiiiiiijcd at this nnaiirpnased summer home at moderute prlcea. Addreaa box 2..r>50 Poat ollice. New York. New-kochbllr. n. y.?a. maeoern'b park liotel opens May 7 for summer boarders; terras from f III to $2.'> per week, Addreaa A. MAEOERN. New Itoehelle. N.Y. El'ROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. TIIK AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY " OK I'll (LADELPHI A. PHILADELPHIA AM) LIVERPOOL LINK. Tlic ?miy Transatlantic Line sailing under tin- AMERI CAN KLAIi. Sailing every THURSDAY from Philadelphia unil WEDNESDAY Irom Liverpool. THE RED STAR LINE STEAMSHIPS. Carrying the Itelgian an.1 l ulled States Mulls. Sailing every twelve days alternately from Philadelphia and New York. Direct a'ld oulv TO ANTWERP. For rates of nassnge unil other lulorinatton apply to PKTKK \\ RIGIIT ,v SONS, (JenerHl Agents. 31 >7 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 52 Rroauwiiy. New York. M~ OST DIRECT <NI> ECONOMIC ROUTE to Hoi,! LAND. BELGIUM. T1IE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, AC.. AO.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer CALAND M?y in. ' beautiful steamers, carrying tlie t'nitu<l States Unil to tlie Netherlands. are great favorites with the public. Trips regular, rales low, comfort and luing perfect. For frelulu. For passage, PUNCH. EDYE A CO., L. W. MORRIS, 27 South William ft. SO Broadway. (Morris' European Express). CIl'NARD LINK.-B. AKD N. A. B. M. & & CU * ) NOTICE. With a view to diminish the chances of collision the steamers of this line take a .specific course for all seasons or the vear. On the outward passage Irora Qucenstown to New York or Huston crossing the meriiiiau ol 50 at 43 latitude, or not hlnK to the north of 43. On the homeward passairo crossing the meridian of 50 at 4'J lailtuile, or nothing to the north of 42. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. BCYTHIA Wed , Mav U| ALGERIA Wed., May 2S ?RUSSIA Wed,.May 16 | HOT1IN1 A.... Wed., May!*) Steamers marked <*) ilo not carrv steerage passengers. Cabin passaco. 8>SO. $1(10 and $131). gold. accordlug to ac coinmodatlon. Iterurn tickets on favorable terms. Steerage ticket* to and Irom all parts of Europo at very low rates. Freight and passage office No. 4 Bowline Green. OHARLES U. FBANCKLYN, Agent. /^IKNKRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. ' XTIIK MAIL STEAMERS OF Tins COMPANY. BE TWEEN NEW YORK AND I1AVRK, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH ((I. H), for the landing of passengers, will Mill from pier 42 North River, foot of Morton St., every Wednesday. CANADA, Franguel Wednesday, May ft.'J P. M. FKANCB, Trudelle Wednesday. May 1H, 7 :30 A. M. ?PEREiltE, Dauru Wednesday, May 23, 2 P. M. Price of passage,in gold (Including wine) : To Havre?First Cabin, <|i>0; Second Cabin, $05; Third Cabin, steerage, f-l>, inclndiiii; wlr.e, bedding and ntonsils. To I'l.yin ?nth. London or any railway statlou ill Kngland? First Cabin. $'.?! to $100, according to acconimndatioii; Second Cabin, $115: J hird Cabin, $35; Steerage, 27, Includ ing everything as above. Return tickets at very reduced rates, available through England and France. Steamers marked thus * do not carry steerage pas aengers. For passage ami Irelght apply to LOUIS BE BKHIAN, Agent. 5T? Broadway. IN M A N "UN 14. Mail SIB A M EBS L FOR OUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF RICHMOND May 19, 10:80 A.M. CITY OK BERLIN lune 2. 0 A. M. CITY OK CUESI'KR June 9,2 P. M. From pier 45 North River. Cabin. $SO and Hmi. gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $28. currency. Drafts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and hnt'i royrns amidships. JOHN U. I) \ LE, Agent. l."> and 33 Rroadway, New York. HITE stTk LINE: FOR OUEENMOWN AND. LIVEKBOOL. CARRYING The UNITED states mail. The steamers of this linn take the lane routes recom mended bv Lit utemint .Maury, U. S. N , going south of the Hanks on the passage to (jueeustowu all the round. BRITANNIC Slay 12. 4 P. M, GERMANIC May 20. 4 P. M. ADRIATIC lune 0.3 P.M. From Willie Star docks, pier 52 North Itlver. Rates ? Saloon. IJMO and Slim, In gold. Keturn tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage, $2M. Saloon staterooms, smoking and hath rooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motion are least, affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For inspection ol plan and other information apply at the companv s office, 87 Broadway. New York. R. J. CORTI8. Agent._ ItOHOR LINE UNITED BfATES MAIL STEAMKKH. NEW Y'lKK AND GLASGOW. aLRATIA, May 12, 3 P. >1. I CALIFORNIA, May 26,3 P.M. AMCHORlA.May 10.I0.P.M I ETHIOPIA, June 2. !? A. M. To GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL OR DEltRY. Cabin, $'Ki |oM according to accommodations. Intermediate, $35; Steerage, (28. NEW YORK AND LONDON. UTOPIA. May 111. Ill *. M. I ELYSIA, June 9, 2 P. M. Cabin. $.'>5 to $70; Stecraue, Cabin Excursion Tickets at reduced rates. Dralts Issued for any am turn ai current rales. Company's piers. Nos 2D and 21, Nijrth Hirer, New York. HENDERSON BROS . Agents. 1 Bowling Or?. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ?STFAM TO QUEENS'I OWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing on TI.ESDAY. Irom pier HI North iiiver. NEVADA, May 15, 3 P. M I to YOMI NO. .lane 12.3 P.M. Dakota, May 2'.?.a p. m | Montana, Jim* tv, Noon. Cabin, $55, $?ij and $75, ourrcncy. Intermediate, $40j Meerage, $2<t. Passengers hooked to mid from Paris, ilanibiirg, Borway, Sweden. Ac. Draft* on Ireland, England, France and Ger many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A iiUlON',211 llroadway. VTORTil GERMAN LLOYD. Steamship line between New York, Southampton and Hrenns. t' .rummy's pier, tout ol 2d st., Ilohokuu. ODER ...Saturday. May I2i N EC KA It. Saturday, May 2(1 KM INK....satarflay. May III | MAIN Saturday, June 2 Rates of pussagu irotu New York to Southampton. Havre or Bremen ; ? First Cabin, (K") gold : Second Caldn. $ii<) gold j Steerage. *3ii currency. Ketarn tickets at rcducod rates. Prepaid stc-raxe certificate*. $3i)currenoy. For freinht or passage iipi.iy to OF.LRiCHS A CO., 2 Bowling Oreen._ V|/f.SON LINK?FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL f f s.nllng irom pier 53 North River; as follows OTHELLO . .May 2? j IllNUOO !nne!? i'Irst cabin, $?H,itirroney: second cabin, $15, currency. Excursion lick.'IK on very ravoritW* terms Through ticket* issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Aptily for full par ticulars to CH VRLliS U WRIGll I' M CO , 6fl South St. N'ATION.xL LINK. ?PIEKS MK. 44 AND 51, N. R. POIt LONDON. HOLLA VI) Tuesday, May H, 12 M. FOR OUKI.NSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. ENGLAND Mav 1;?. 10 A M | SPAIN... . Jnne 2, 0 A. M. Cabin and teerage passage and dralts lr..m ?1 upward Is* Sued M very low rales. Company)* offices, MM llroadway, F. W. J. UURST, Manager. Kl'KOI'KAV STEAMSHIPS. H'aMKI'KO AMfcRICAN PACKET UMPAXY'ST'lN? for Plymouth, Cherbourg and llHmUurg. WifcLAND . May Hi I POM \l Kit A MA May 24 KK1SI V May 17 I (JKLLhUf. Muy SI Pate- of pa?*ge l? Plymoatb, Undm, cherbonru, Ham burg and Mil points in K11<I1K1<<:?Mr*t Cabin. WOO. gold-, fee court Caldu, Win. gold; Steerage. *:K', currency. KI'NII (RUT A t'O.. C. B. RICHARD A BoAS. Oeueral A ;eut>, Utitml Passenger Agents III Broad at., S. V. <?1 Broadway. N. Y. /1KKAT WESTERN STEAM-HIP LI XIL iX TO BRISTOL (ENOLAND) DIRECT. Sailing from pier is Kmc Hirer a* follows: ? SOMERSET. Western...... Tuesday, May 15 ARRAWON. Sytuout Thursday. Mu> :il Cabin pasaage. #70: intermediate, S4.i; steerage, &>". currency: excursion ticket*. #IJ<>. prepaid steerage certifi cate*, #2<l. Apply to W. i>. hOItC AN, Agent. 7" South at. CJ T ATI*. I,INK. ONEW YOKK TO (iLASUOW, LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN, BELKAMT AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 Norili Hirer (loot of Canal at.). a* follow*:? STaTi*. OK Ni-VADA 'Ibuiadsy. Muy 17 STATE OK INDIANA Thuiaday. May 31 STATE OK (iKOHlilA Thursday, June 7 STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. June 14 first cabin, * Hi? nml S7< >. according to accommodation: re turn ticket*. $110 $125. .Second cabin, Hr#."?; return ticket*, js-ui. .Men age at lowest rate* Apply to AUSTIN BALD WI N A CO . AgenU. No. 72 Broadway, New York. STRERAtlE TICKETS AT 45 BkOA DWaY AND AT TIIE COMPANY'S 1'IEB, KOOT UK CANAL ST., NORTH 1U V EE. ... OKT8 FROM "WAslflXOTON PkiJcUkED BY JOHN A. Mu.SORLEY, United Slate* Passport Agent, 42 I'ine *t. CO A STW1HE STE \ DIM HIPS. ~ LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. sailing from pier 37 North Kirer. Kor Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, Tue*day*. Thurs day* and Saturday at 3 P. M., connecting with tho Virginia aud Teunes*eu Air Lino. Atlantic Coa*t Line. Piodmout Air Liue. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, mid with tlie com pany'* ateain line* to interior poinu in North Carolina and Viiglnia. Newberne and Washington. .V. c. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday, Thursday and Miturdav. Lewe*, Del., Monday and Thuraday, at 3 P. M., connecting villi Maryland and Delaware railroad*. Passenger accommodation* unsurpassed. Through passage ticket* aud hilla of lading to all point* at loweat rates Insurance to Norfolk. Ac., per cent. Freight* received daily at pier :I7 North River. (Jcuerul ?illicea, 1H7 tireenwiili at. N. !?. McCREADY. Preaident. NEW YORK AMD II tVANA DIRECT MAIL LIME ? These first cln?s steamship* w|ll nail at 3 P. M. froin pier l'l North River, toot of Cedar *t., for ilarana direct, as fol low* :? COLUMBUS . Wednesday. May 9 CLYDE Saturday, May 10 Kor freight and pa**U)ce, having unsurpassed accommoda tion*, apply to WM. P: CLYDE A CO., No. B Howling Green, McKELLaR. LULINO A CO., Agents iu Havana. 0 IlOll NASSAU. N. P.. DIRECT.?REGULAR MAIL ' steamahlp CLEOPATRA leave* New York Wednesday, May 30. ut 10 A. M. .MURRAY. KERB IS A CO.. 62 South St. HALIFAX, N. K7A.NDWrjOII.Vs7N. P. CROMWELL LINK. Steamship ALIIAMBRA will leavu pier 10, North River, Tuesday. May S, at 3 P. M. Kor passage or Irleght apply to C1.ARK A SEAMAN, S5 West St. XT r HAVANA*~AND MExTJAN MaIFssTlTnE.? 1> .Steamers leuvn pier No. II North River at .1 P. M. KOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY' OK HAVANA Saturday. May 12 CITY OK VERA CRUX Wednesday. May 111 CITY OK NK\V YORK Wednesday, May 23 KOR VERA OK UK AND NEW ORLEANS, ?ia Havana, Prot-reso, Campeachy. Tnxpau and Tampico. CITY UK HAVANA ... . Saturday, May 12 Steamers leave New Orleans April 29 and May 20 for Vera Crux and all the above port*. Kor Irelxht 0r paasuue apply to K. ALEXANDRE A SONS. 31 and 33 Broadway. KKKLY LINK KOR PORT ROYAL, S. C.; BKUN8> wIck. (>a., and Kernar.dina, Kla., sailing every Friday, from pier 2(1 East Itiver, at 3 P M. , Sti amerClTY OP AUSTIN. Captain Steveus. May 11 Tickets to all poima lu Kloriaa. Apply, for information and tickets, to C. H. MALLORY A CO.. 153 Maidon lane. PAOIKIC MAIL AND PANAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND, BRITISH. COLUMBIA. ORKOON, ic, aaillut! >rom pier fool ('anal at.. North liiver Kor SAN KRaNCISCO, via LSTII.MUs OK PANAMA. Steamship COLON ? Tuesday. May 15 connecting lor Central America uud South I'acillc ports. KrmnSAN KRANCISCO TO JAPAN AND CHINA Steamship CITY OK TOKIO Tuesdar, May 2ft Krom SAN KRANCISCO TO SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA AND NEW Zl ALAND. Steamship ZEALANDIA Wednesday, May 23 Kor freiu'ht or passage apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. ur II. J. BULLAY Superintendent, No. 3 Bowline tireen, pier foot I'anai St., North l.lver. Ij^OR HERMUl)A. ST. THOMAS AND WEST INDIES.? The elegant British ateamers BERMUDA and ('ANIMA, sallint; May 3 and May ID, will now form a regular weekly line for Bermuda direct. The Bermuda* are now the most lavorlte and couvcaieut winter resort. Kor full particular* and lllustra-.rd pamphlet apply to A. E. OPTKRBKIPQK A cut, Broadway. MORGAN'S LINE TO NEW ORLEANS AND TEX AS. The ateamers will sail from pier 3(1 North River as fol lows A LO IE IIS Saturday. May 12 Kor New Orleans direet, transferring Texas Iroinht there to Morgan's Louisiana end Texas Railroad for Mor^au City, thence per Morgan's steamships to Texas ports. Through bit Ik of la ling tlgned to all points on the Mississippi River, Mobile, Oalveaton, Indianola. Coruus Chrisil, llockport, Santiago, Brownsville aud to all pidnts on the Houston and Texas Central, International nndOreat North ern Texas Paelllo and Transcontinental railroads, freight for St. Marys aud Knlton landed at Rockport. San Antonio freight taken via Cuero at reduced rates. Insurance can bo effected under open policy of the Hue. To New Orleans, \ per cent: to Texas ports, J? per cent. Kor freight or lurther information atiply to BOOEItT A MOKQA.n, Agents, office pier 3H North kivur. rpKX \S LINE KOR UALVESTON, TOUCH1NO AT KEY J West, carrying the United States mall.?The steamer STA'IK OK TEXaS, Captain Nickerson. will sail on Satur day. May 12, at 3 I'. M.. Iroin pier 20 East River. Through hills ul lading glrcu to all points on the Houston and Texas, Central International and Creat Northern, tJalves. tou, Houston and Henderson, and the Oalvestoii, Harris burg ami Sau Antonio railroads. Kreiglit* and insurance at lowest rates. Kor freight or passage (having superior a< coinmodntlons) auply to C. 11. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maiden lane. N1W ORLEANS DIRECT. ^THK CROMWELL LINE. Steamship NEW ORLEANS. Saturday, Mav 12, at 3 o'clock P. .\l.,froin pier'.i North River. Through bills of lading given to Mobile and principal points on the Mississippi River. Kor freight or passage up. ply to CLARK A SEAMAN. SO West at. For havana^&khpatch line! The mail steamer UARONDELKT, K. M. Kaircloth, Master, will sail from pier 20 East River, on Friday, May 11, at 3o'clock; has fine accommodations lor passenger*. Cabin, $.">n; steerage, $25, Apply to JAMES E. WARD A CO., 113 Wall at TKAVElif.EIlS' UI'IUK, Y ?i?77.?llovd'.s dock, oyster bay, jones' Dock (Cold Spring). L. I.?On and after Saturday April 21, iht'new and last iioamtr IDLEWILD will leave New York daily (Sundays excepted) lor the al>?re places, Irnin pier It) Kant River, toot of Wall ?t., at II I?. J|.; loot of :i:id at. , East River, at 4 1*. M. Stages will connect at Lloyd's Dork tor Huntington. Return trio, leave .Tones' Dock (Cold Spring), 6:.K) A. M.; Oyster May, 7 A. M.: Lloyd's Dork, 7 :lo A. M. Ticket* to nil landings. tiu cents. Excursion tickets, $1. Reed and Skidmore expresses un board. Albany boat, people's~link[ The elegant steamer* DREW and ST. JOHN leave pier 41 Nortli River, loot ol ('anal st., every week Jay at 0 P. M. Room* warmed by steam during the cool inotitlia. "l~CmZKN.Sr LINK STEAMBOATS FOB TBOT. _i'Y .connecting with all railroad lines North, Kaat and West: mxgnltlcent steamers leave daily (Saturday* ex cepted} at II I'. M., pier 41* Nortli Kiver, foot I<eroy at (1ATSKILL AND KTUYVRSANT BOATS LKAVh DAILY ,/trom pier 42, foot ot Canal ?t., at H P. M., lor passenger* and freight. T^Ott Philadelphia, ~ F via Long Branch and the New Jersey Southern Railroad, Leave pier 8 North River, foot Hector St.. at 11 A. M., lor Philadelphia, Long Branch, Tom's River and Vineland 4 P. M. lor Philadelphia, Long Branch, Toin'a River, Warotown ami Tm-kerton. W. S. S\KDKN,(i. M. jfifSS NOUWALK AND "OANBURY DAILY.?THK st nmer AMKRICUS lenvea Brooklyn (Jewell's Dock) 1! :30 I". M? pier 87 East River 2s45 P. M., and IKld at. II P. M., connecting with Danliitry Railroad. Reduced fare :ir>c. Kxcurslon tickets V)c. Fall river line korboston and all points East. -The mammoth palace steamers BRISTOL and providence leave pier 2S, North illver, dally (Sundays, July 1 to Sepie.nher 2. inclusive), at ft P. .M. Tickets for sale at all principal ticket offices. THE NEW PROVIDENCE LINE TO BOSTON'" via Providence direct. A WHOLE NKiliT'S REST. ONLY 42 MILES OK RAIL. TIME, ??? MINUTES. The magnificent new steamers massachusetts and RHODE ISLAND on and alter May 7, from pier 2W North River, foot of Warren St., at ."> P. M? arriving at Provldeuco at i) A. M. and Boston at 7 A. M. THE OLD RELIABLE STONINGTON LINK to Boston and nil points East, daily, at P. M., from pier ?'Kl North Kiver, loot ol Jay at. rpo PHILADELPHIA VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE OLD RSTABLISHED ROUTE AND SHORT LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. Thirteen Through Trains each way dally. 1 hree Depot* In Philadelphia, two in New York. Double track, the most Improved equipment, and the fait est time consistent with absolute saf tv. Express trains leave New York, via Dosbrosset and Cort land! street lerrius. as follow*:~ 7:30, S:20, l?. (O.IK) limited), ID:30 A. M . I, 4,5, 6, 7, 8:31) P. M. Sunday, tt A. M.. tl, 7. 8 :3U P. M. Returning, trains leave Philadelphia 3:20, 7. 7:30, 8 :.'*) auil 11 A.m. ilimited express 1 iVt P. M.), I :4<), 4. .1 :30, 7 and 7 P. M , and 12 midnight On Sunday, 3:20,7, 8:30 \. M , 4, 7:3A P. M. mid 12 midnight. '1 leket offices. .ri2il ana 1)44 Broadwai, No. I Astnr House, and foot of Deabroese* and Coiirtlandt sts.: No. 4 Court at., Brooklyn; No* 114, llOundliM Hudson st., Hobokeu; de pot, Jersey City. Emigrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery 1,1 Kit AN K THOMPSON, L. P. FARMER, (ieneral Malinger. lien. Pass. Agent. riMOKETS KOR PHILADELPHIA, TRENTON. LONO I I.ranch Ocean Drove, Boston, Providence, Newport, Troy, Saratoga. Montreal. Ilaggage checked to destina tion. OVKKIN'S Express, tl'l West 83d, Corner Broadway, 8 O'CLOCK K V E il V MoRN I No, EXCEi'T SUNDAY.' for hnglewood. Yonkers, Dobbs' Kerry. Nyack, Sing Sing' Haverstraw, Orassy Point, Verpl tik's and I'eeksklll. 8ieamh<.at P. C. SCIIULIZ. from loot of Harrison st. Kri-14iit and passengers carried at low rates KXO DRIIUni. AKOR EX(fuRrtIO.NS. SALOON" STEAM KK THoS. .Port ELL; capacity 2.Barges and Oroves; open Sundays. MARTIN A KABKELL till South si. Flui exclusions. mtkamkk uknekTl kkdo. wick; Barges Harvest Queen, Republie. Caledonia, Baldwin and Anna: also i xcelsior Park, Karitan Beach, Cold Spring and Oriental (iroves. N. S. BltltioS (late II. B. Crossett). 3*4 West St., opposite Chrutopher street terry. Opea eveninita. HAIUtl.K M A XTKIig. , " ' Marble and marhlki/rd mantels, ?. raves tones, Furniture and Plumbers' Hl?l?s, at greatly reilnced prices. A. KLABEIt. t I'14 and 13*1 East IHth st., near 3d a?. OTEWA RT'H S LATE, MARBLE and HARDWOOD MAN*, fuels, Orates, Ac., removed to 75 and 77 West 23d It., Ma* sonic lenple, opposite Booth's Theatre. . . MLEl' AT AlfCTIO*. A Kliuit r i AUCTION UVKff*. if O.ibinet-.nnde Furniture, ri, ' oatly Work*?rArt. i ,IH"II'>. l?y eminent artist*. aronae*. statuary, Jtc.. Ac.. . ?.' B'iDiIi: au.lion. " prWMe '* ??>??'* M^'ie.raib .v., ,?r *' ? Color*: '.tin S.rYu.ti? ,.!r; l'..r!.?r Suit,, in Hire* Sicnmt niarulc to!? T?hL. ? ?* *""1 Mirror*, \elvel auct IIm.i' **??<?'? pl?U Her and Mantel Bro,,*.?..,r?<il Curtain*, art iviio.iMiM i* i ' Yrvn *IMI ormolu Mantel S?t? Stutu i.??jy'? Work Till.IB, Ac J Ac ''oul? *'V. i Muticul Bo*?a. fin'l t ' .'itVcTi ir?i ra^M^'V"', Li?r".,y TurkUh ' Dlalo*root.i Carred watnli ;"creto1lr?. | Cliaim covered li, 1-...T IOUl ,ltun?,?. Exteo?lon Table, pi atari Ware linn I'rr ni'li'ljl' ''able?, Starling and match; I' rca ain ami li., ?"'raved to vie-. < utler, Tr4,*.nT?3i*&'!';V ' ""d f'" 0?*c? "Itureah ?" Kr'latcad " 'n'>'"I" H?"'room *????. Dreaalng enrlad h?l? ''??n,i*. Commode*. whit? ? 1 ITZ(JKKarI), Auctioneer. A -tims JOHNS*..< ArFrioNhiSK. ' * "Id .land, 37 Nauau at. ON TUESDAY. MAY 8, AT lul,' O'CLOCK, si v L... ?u.r ?!,l.*?r?>in. 37 Na*aauV i pi ni !'. Utlil.lARu AM) pool TABLF^ Or.lH-UV wVth i'm"''".' COMPLETE EVERT ? 2?: wax* A I SO Vh I'"''it?''?Nr,m?' l''urD,UJr* ?nd Carpet. SjgSg^i sst-^! lhe "L-iw o S"V 'i" direction of a-ftm*,. A'STBSu, uJZSZZ. i ''"""riant unreaervod *m? rill-, (Monday) MiillMMi NO. ? *??!TSwPtij?" T7b' LV'"h "edtteada. Dre**ii,K Cm]!' wl.l *lM,r",u Bedroom Set*. &,h^ sra,7s^^^4!arax?s?r *. ,s? n-iKT-fifr1 7th. Hih ?r 9th av Jar,. MARTIN, Auctioneer. Take RUCTION SAM-: AT PRIVATE KKsIi>enc? ririLce,w """""hiild Furniture. I MIS (.Muuiiavi AlOK.MNO commencing at 10 o'clock ' at live atory bnwn hi one NO 17 wu qt rf*hi(|?nce, ftO. 4. WEST KITIl sr.. BKi WKKN 5TII and OTII AVS furniture, inade to ordor lor 1 present owner by i.a A Co.; Oil & j:??iliru' Election ol line Oil J aintinc* and Hrnnzex, purchated by KTPFvWi v mair'.I*,??r wlill? in hnrope. NWA UOL li HO UN I. 7octave pianoforte PARLOIt OKAWI^IU KOOv'Julri''rl*Vl"' PdXtr :at!rlJir,ue" ,T?M,cH?ti',^ac:r^ i i i^fcDKOO.VI !? UitlfIT)JJlI*' i'/)\ <i wti Vi * DoMLlillidate d? ? n?. i |0MUK-. WMbatand., Single and J'ill?w?, Ulankeu' Toilet P ?,,f V",,trc*'"'M' ,e"H'rr Se"anJ^rni?urreUTc'" I";fr,4l"nr 'Kitohe " 47\">.tBlmbd?"'? S'Xt!i BVenU? ?r UnlV9r""y P'?c? oar, to ? ^ C. CASIIIA. Auctioneer A 0CTION SALE. ? ?..l?rn J'hTER ?9WE- Auctioneer. w.n .ef/'TuEs'^t M:;viaru,'i reKiilence .),? -... ? ,No- 14s West 3L>d at.. Mat?re.s?e?, l&?bg0.,icPUr,,U,m ', ^J'uriberjiiirticulara in Tuexday'a Herald. A ?I). ,i. GKKKNOUOH, AL'CTiONEER ?a* sell*. TCKSDA Y. Mav it, ' ai 11 o'clock. ?toreii7WHro?dwiiy, o large bankrupt -tn.-k ?l tiio lined Kllvirplatei! Ware ?v? auctioii? t??nulfcctiirotl by tli? M<*ri(>n silver a?3!k^kHS a 9S?T" over xn;, r:",.lw<,': h,,j ?v."<,i?u" ?????? ? M. . ia . 1 'Inimahold Kurolture Iiihrtrv ?? i*<i I., urhiu * 'f'? i ? n s, Ko^tKciisoN. cl.ron.Vic ' lardinler#H, Uroi,M?; Mavnillcent jrraud square 7>C octave four round corner roaewuod Pianolorte Pl?..??; i?". l? 1 "V6r' c"b,u??. '?>* f?r ulilppinjr Eleffant l.ilitld Krenob walnut Chainbnr Suii? ?tvla of Loiii? XIV.; Kedsteada. Drcntlng Cai<ea, Wardrobe* Waal! ?tanda. Commode*, Bureau.. I.-, fine hjir and ?nn., u . lib'Ohilw'"flVn r,,M H,,d *???relo?h HuU./rurk." siyjg> A 7k wtdi r .^.ll?T,ON ANpToUNChMENT OP .AN EXTRA I.AKi.K AUCTION SALE COMMENCINO AT 10 0'CL0ck?'VDAVJ M0RNIIf0. oif V, BRSrf,AJ,uirh- rosewood pianoforte marquetry c.\ mi'n ktH kbonY'ritb esta is 'ta hi i ' ML REAL'S, wASIISTaNDS WaRDROBF? r wS2' gaMffirasI? r,!i?.,:nA^nT"b"'?.,"ret' Dln,n<f ? :h"lr*. Lo,.nCe? Kaar Chaha, Ottoman*; illver and plated Ware Cutlery in ' SiHtida, velvet, Bruaaela and Ingrain Carpet- ' vi..* i . albert KUAKMP.R. Auctioneer . * B -Oood* packed, boxed and dripped If required. ' A -mortgage SALE wm-it..., . PKTt;R ?"WE, Auctioneer. sell this day, at 111 o'clock, at the lirat clan* re.ldence. By order. ? JONES COCHRANE. Attorney for Mo.tgagee. A TRACTIVE HALE, tuesday, MAY M." priv*t? horn**. ??T L- ; " , r I'lirnir IIOIIDB, I- r> VAVna JIh"rta"tl,l'1-.a<'r?"m?. t. 11. FAvOR, Aiicliniieer. l.'i l-.a?l Mtli *L will v.ii ?? ?bove, to ratiafv two chattel mort??te*. entire"Con en i of ?' wMcb wia ra'aie Sulta natin, ro* I'lmlo* Organ "'"ie'r 'am|">*',UTe"Vi'r' T ^llen *'.V.e oAc. Ry order ol J I. A llftll <v \<0, , *>11 1. { ( nil ill j?f ?ml fit la km i * 1J Maiden lane. Attorney, for Mortiaie?? Anderaon, A?BOOK SALE. , Now on view. BARKER .1 CO., 47 and 40 Liberty ?U, will Bell i>ii WEDNESDAY, May B, it highly valuable pri vnto Library ol over volumes of Standard Work* In elauant bludluir*; tln\v will be peremptorily aold a* above, commencing at II o'clock. Cetalotfnea now remly. OHO. L Hanks. Aactlooter. A SCHWAB. AUCTlONEBR."238 BOWERY, 8BLLS, ?2 o'clock. 4"! Md nr., benuiltnl Fixture* of Barber Shop?8 Patent Chair*, ?? 1. uanl black walnut fun Ca?e, 8 Plate Mirror*, Double marble Wii*li*tantla, khoweiiH, Ul' gnr*. Chilli*. Cup*, Hrtmliri, Clinniiellera, Clocks,Pole*. Ac., In lot*. Berber* and dueler* Invited. By w illiam van tash'bll auction b- k, OFFICE AM) SALESROOM. sj UNION soITaHK. 4TH AV.. NhAR IftTH ST. MESSRS. VAN TASHKI.I. .V KEARNEY will MIL Tills DA* (MONDAY). M\Y 7, AT II O'CLOCK. AT T1IE PRIVATE RKSIDKNCE NO. 113 KAST mil ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AM) 4 T11 AVS., THE ENTIRE UBNTEf.L FURNITURE of *ald llouee. elegant bla.-k wnlnut end gilt 1'nrlor Suit*, In ilrnb nixl blue rep*: Turkish l.ounne*. Armt'linlre, exteimion Ditilnv Table*, marble tup: buffet nml black *alnut Chair* to match, black walnut end Cottage Oliambrr furniture tile limit Mantel Clock* mid ,Mirror*, mo<|'iee and llruatel Car* pete, Hall Stand, Kltelieu firmtin, tc., Ac. V VIRTUE OK a CHATTEL MORTOAOB WE WILL B *ell, at 7H4 ."Id nr.. on Tuesday, May 8, at 10'g A. M . Iiy Mibllc imi'tl hi, thu (? 111<in-1 ni; chattel*Three llor?e*. two eel* Single llarne**, two linker*' Wauon* and certain linker* Implement* and Uten*ll*. ROBERTS, COLLIN A CO.. Mortgagee*. JilZECUTtiES' SALK OK KURN1TURE. J HENJ. P. FA IRC III LI), AUCTIONEER. will *ell on TUESDAY, M AY *, nt II A. M.. for account KXECUTOKS EDWIN HOYT, DECEASED, AT No. 04 VI II AV.. FINE ROSEWOOD AM) WALNU1' PARLOR, IIKD JIOOM. LIBRARY. DIN1NO ROOM FURNITURE, PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS, ORMOLU AM) RRONBK CABINETS, TABLES, BRONZES, CARPETS, BILLIARD TABLES. AC. By onler ol WILLI AM ALLEN BUTLER, I and CHARLES (i PKANCKLYN, f K*ecutorfc Catalogue at office of Auctioneer. ON THURSDAY, MAY 10. AT 1"* A. M.. at No. 141 Ka*t UOth it.. corner l^ainitton bt., Finn Hou*tliold Kiirnliure. Painting*, St -lower grand Piano. Pnrlor and HettTootn nulte, Moi|uot nnd Wilton Carpet*. Ac. S1BOROB IIOLHKOOk' AUCTION BR?WILL SELL, Vrtlii* day. at "J o'clock, 4:wl Canal *i.. Parlor suite. Cham ber Suite, Sola Bed*. Extension Table*, Hook' e*e?, lace Certain!, Mattre**?. Carpet*. Crockery, OI**i and rimed Ware, rawing Machine!, Iron aalei, Ac. SALES AT AFCTIOH. "ffSKron. auctioni;kk. _ salesroom MM Broadway. near Honstoa >t. will sell on TUEsDaY. May m at 11 o'clock, at tli? fiirnlture warcrooms, !?3 Blaeeker si., nn? blurfk weet of Broedwav, tlin enure stock 01 rich Cauiuet Furniture, finished Hn l iintlulshed. of K. II. G. Murphy, wliu In retiring from (lie business. The stocL ronsUts of rich tmrlur, bedroom aid dining room Furniture, Llbiary Furniture, elegant rosewood and walnut Bedsteads ?ud Dressing Cun, Armuire Wardrobes, Etageres, large 11*11 Stands. Bookcases. Library Tubles. secretaries, Card Ta bles. Extension Tables. Bullets, rich roaewood Centre Ta'lca. curled hair Mattresses. Redding, patent Sola Bed*. -prln ; Beds. Ac. The (urniture i* nil custom made, and oflers a good cpportunity to parties turultlilng. On TUVRSD A Y. May 10, Ur.'e sale of Carpet* and Furniture at the salesroom. 5M Broadway. I1KEDERICK i?M1TH. AUCTIONEER (OFFICE IT Centre st.). sells, thin day. at 0 o'clock sharp, Stock and Fixture! of L quor Store 521 I'ltt st., in lota. G i BO. W. KF.ELEK. AUCTIONEER. Salesrooms, AH and .Vi Liberty it. Elegant Fancy U"od?, in broute and parian marble. Fine French Clocks. tripleplated Silverware, Rouen' Oat* Icry, Opera Glasses. Ac. A beautiful Inlaid Box and Secretary, containing 2.50C piece* ot silver mid ivory. To be sold by suction, nt "'3 Liberty ?t.. MONDAY hn I TUI-.SDAY, May 7 and H. at 12 o'clock. M J.J B. U ERTS A SONS, AUCTIONEERS. IMPORTANT SALE OF BIOH FURNITURE, ON TUESDAY, MAY H, AT 10}? O'CLOCK, AT THE SALESROOMS 17 PARK PLACE, THE STOCK OF A LAltOE BBOADWAY 1I0U81 RETIRING FROM THK~ RETAIL BU8INE8R, embracing every variety ot Parlor, Chamber. Library and Dining Room Furniture, nil made for nrst class city retail trude. and fully guaranteed. The ???!? will be without any reserve, and worthy attention or pnrties furnishing. Good* on view on Monday. Henry herzbbbgT~auctiqneer?office 2m West :wuli at.. Hell* to morrow (Tuesday). under loreclos lire ol'cbuttel mortgage, at Mr. Konigsberg'* salesroom,2<>4 Ea?t 13th it., elegant Fixture* and inrire Stock ot Gro cery Store. Moro particular* to morrow. T A M E S M. Ft > l( D. * AIC TIO .N li hil?E ASTSlDE AUG ?J tion Salesroom. 1IK2 .'Id av. Tuesday, at 1 o'clock, em braced in tlie very large sale of handsome Furniture of fam> llie* from different purls ol the city and from Brooklyn and Staien Inland; will ha added about -tt) good velvet, English body Brussels and other Carpet* from hotel*; al*o one almost new Allcgrettl Family Refrigerator, together with about 1,000 yards English Oilcloth*, in remnant*, from 3 to JO yard*. J* AM hS WIS KM AN, AUCTIONEK R.~SKI,f,S ~ TO-DAY h."> Warren, 11 o'clock, Crockery ami <i'a?*ware. jy^OURlS "wfLKlNS," AUCTIONEER. ' Elegant Furulturo, tine Oil Paintings, marble Vase*, Ac., Ac. E, H. LUDLOW A CO. will *ell by auction on Monday, May 7, 1877, nt 11 o'clock A. M., at No. 13 Weet 47th *U near 5th av. Carved black walnut Suit, yellow satin tufted Snft, black walnut aud ebony Conaole mid Centre Table*, bluo satin Curtain*, yellow satin Lambrequin*, black walnut Bedstead*. Dressing Bureau*, Reception and Easy Chair*, black walnut Bullet, black walnut Arm Dining Ciiair*. line Cabinet Organ. Mattresses, Bolster*, Hlanket*, Ac., Bras ?els Carnet*. Catalogues at No. 3 Pine St. ORRIS-WILK INS, AUCTIONEER. ' Elegant Household Furniture, Chickering Pianoforte, lino Pier and Mantel Mlrrora, Marquetry Table* aud Cabinets, elegant bronr.e Clock* and Mantel Set*, Ac.. Ae. E. U. LUDLOW A CO. will *ell at auction, ou ?WEDNESDAY. May 9. nt 11 o'clock, at the private residence No 5th av., southwest corner 211th St., all the elegant Furniture therein rontained, consisting, with the above, elegant rosewood I'arior Suit-, black wai? lint dining room mid ch*nibcr Furnlturo, damask and l*ce Curtains, Axminsler and other Carpeta, Mattre**es and Pillows and other Furniture : also Cookiug Utensils. Ac. I'ermlt* to view the tui nit lire and catalogue* may lie bad the day previous to the sule at the office ot the auctioneer, 3 Pine st, MAxTBAVERSDORFErT*AUCTIONBKR, SELLS. 10>i o'clock, 1.454 l*t av., neur 76th *t.. large stock Fancy, Dry aud gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, nhlrt*. Underwear, Fixture*, Case*. Dealer* in. vlted. MAX BAVEBSDORFKR'S office, 62 Bowery. MAX BAYKitSDORFEK. AUCTIONEER?BELLS I nesday, May 8, 17"> Grand St., Stock. Fixtures of Gro cery. ONOVATO TEN SI, Assignee. nussbVum^ apcrioNEER. asi bowrby, ?sails this day. at 10 o'clock, 115 Clinton place, Hr*t ol is* Saloon and Restaurant. Bar, Back Bar, Mirror, Ta blet, Chairs, Furniture, Ac., in lots. MARSHAL'S SALtt.?WILL SELL MONDAY. MAY 7. IS77, at 11 o'clock, at 342 East .r>3d st., a lot of House hold Furniture. JOhEPIl M. HILL. Mardial. MORTG AliF. SAIiK.?Til K WINK AND LUNCH Room 71 Maiden lane will be *old by auction, to-mor row, 10:30. ALFRED LLoVD, Auctioneer. 20 Broadway. M~ OBTGA(?K SALE.?THOJiAB RElLLY, AUCTON. eer, sell* till* day at 101^ o'clock, at 81) King St., 13 ex tra good Work Horses; suitable lor truck*, ics wagons, grocers, fanners, or any business; alio Truck Wagons. Har ness, Ac. Sal<! positive. Ky order of mortgagee. J>AWN'BltOKl;i 'S SALE ?H. iflRUSKI, GENERAL Auctioneer, 422 Fulton st.. Brooklyn, sell* thi* day. al II o'clock. Men * mid Women'* Clothing, Dresses, Rem nants, Beddings, Coat*, l'autaloon*, Ae. By order of S. Goods tein. PAWNBROKER'S* SA LE?Til IS DAY.?IAMhS AO A K, Auctioneer, will sell. at#.r>0 New Boweiy. .'it?l lett Dresses, Shawls. iteuniHiits, Table Linen, Underclothing, Sheets, Spreads, Coals. Pantaloons and Vests. By order ol D. G. Ferguson. Broome st. PAWNBROKERS' SALE-W ATCUES AND JEW elry. ?It. FIELD, General Auction Salesroom, Nn. l.VJ Canal *t., near HoWery, will sell, thl* day, at 11 o'clock, i^MI lots tlold and Silver Wittcbus. Diamond and Gold Jew elry, Pin*, King*, Earrings, Gold, Guard, Fob and Vest t liaiiis, Ac., Ac.; also Silverware, nuns. Pistol*, Opera Classes, Musical Instruments. Ac . Ac. By order Henry McAlcenaii, 8th av., and Hugh McAleenan, 2d nv. 13 AWNBROKKR'S BAI.h?WATCHES AND JEW J. eirv. ?R. FIELD, General Aaction Salesroom, No. 1."?3 Canal >t., near Bowery, wilt sell, on Tuesday, May 8, at II o'clock, <M?> lots Gold and .'silver Watches, Diamond and Gold Jewelry; also Opera Glasses, Silverware, several lace Shawl* and Sac<iues. My order R. Simpson A Co., 1B5 Bow ery. RICriAXD WALTERS' SONS. AUCTIONEERS?GRO cerles. Marshal's sale - will sell Monday, at lot^ o'clock, at salesroom, 27 East Broadway, Stock and fixtures of (irocery Store, viz:rTeas. Coffees, Spices, Soap, Starch, canned Fruits. Tickles. Oils, Bluing. Rulsins, Condensed Milk. Clothes Pin*, Pails, Coffee Mills, Scales, Bins, Ice House, Scales, Scuttle Boxes, Counters, Ac. DANIEL O'OBRIEN, Marshal. Also four Horses (soe Horse column). OCIIWEINBUKO A 0. J. WARBURG, AUCTIi ?Jeer*, Bowety, soils. 11 o'clock. 4'?s Broome ?t., ( ner Marion. elegant Fixtures of Lluiior Store, black wal SALE OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. GERARD BETTS, AUCTIONEER. Under order ot the t'nlteil States District Court, la Bank* ruptcy. (Assignee * Sale). THIS DAY (MONDAY), MAY 7. at 10 o'clock, itt .No. IS East 2<Hh St.. HOUSEHOLD KUUNI'I I'RE.?All the elegant Household Fumlturo In above house. Al?o immediately lifter, at No. i East 'JOth*t., HOUSEHOLD 1"URN I I'UItK.?All tint elegant Hnuiebold Furniture in above hou*-. Sule under direction o! IIV. C. KNUBEL, Asslguce in Bankruptcy. Catalogue at sale. S"'HE RIFF'S SALE-VAN TASSiLL A lEBARNEY, 'Auctioneers, will sell, this day, at salesroun No. 22 Union square, at ID o'clock, a lot of Stationery. BEKS Alll) KEILLY, Sheriff. WlLLIAM flWtniOl, Deputy. CMIEIWFF'S SALE.-VAN i'ARSgLL A KEARNEY*. kJAnctloiieers, will sell, this day. at Id o'clock, at No. ?.">1 :td 'v., the Contents ol u Limer llo?r Saloon, consisting of Tables, Chairs. Bar, Back liar, Glassware, icehouse, Ac. BERNARD REILLY, .Sheriff. >1. Pattk*, Deputy. _J. WARBURG, AUCTION ., cor , . , raluut Mar, Hack Bar. 4 pnll Ale Pump, Ice House, Ice Boxes, 10 Mack wslnut Tables, cane Chairs, (llussci, Bar Rottlei, Clocks, Picture* ami large stock of Lluuors, Wines and* Cigars, In lots. The mkssrs. leavitt.' aUctiokekrs. Monday morning, May 7. at 10 o'clock, at the Clinton Hall salerooms. Assignee's sale?John II. Piatt, Esq., assignee. Balance ol the stock remaining from tlio effects of the lat? firm of ,1. W. Scliermerhorn A Co.. a large variety of School Furniture, including -Itt Health Lilts, lilted ready for use, Ac., Ac. Monday morning, May 7, at II o'clock, at residence 149 West MM St.. handsome lloasehold Furniture, comprising Parlor, Reeep* lion, Dining and Chamber Room Sets, rich Axmlnster and Wilton Carpets, .Japanese Broiues, Oil Paintings, Ac., Ac. Ahi7 a Weher Pianoforte,square Krmid, round cornara, 7X octaves, Wednesday, Ihursday and Friday afternoons. May 9, 10 and 11, at 2 o clocs, at the Clintou Hall Salerooms?now on exhibition? great Oriental sale. comprising ancient Tapestries, Portiere*, Piano and Table Covers of the finest workmnnshlp, Persian Carpet* and Rugs, elegant Japanese Brontes, Porcelains. Cloisonne Enamels, Soochow Lacqucr, .laile and Satiuma Ware, Vase*, Pliiques, Ac., Ac., without doubt the Ilneit ditplay ef Turk ish goods ever made In this country. THURSDAY MORN I NO, MAY 10. AT THE NKW SALEROOMS, 22 ASTOR PLACE. CLINTON HALL ON EXHIBITION MONDAY. Great sale of Household Furniture, oh-cant Carpetl, A&, Ac. FRIDAY and H.tTUHD.VY EVENINGS, Msy II and It, linu collection of Hooks. On exhibition Wednesday, May it. to bo sold Friday and Saturday eveniti 'S. Mav II am' 12. Catalogues ready. MONDAY EVENING, May 14, iiud rollimiiig evenings, sule of English, American nnd ."<paiilsti Literature. Cutaloguet ready. WITTERS, AUCTIONEER.?S. KINSTLER. T? Sells this day, at 2 o'clock, at 4.VI and 4.*>2 Canal it.. ? large assortment ol Household Furniture, comprising I'ar lor mid Chamber Suits. Bedding, Carpett, Warrlrobet, Bed rteads. Mattresses. Mirrors, Curtains, Secretary Bookcase*, toieerood Planolorte, Ac. A. Ai A -M! Jy .sinci D 1) M MKDKAI.. ?^BlC AND M'ME. MILTtiN, ortii-0 No. 47 West ISttl st.. nenrHth ae. -DR. AN 1) MMK. A. M. M A I RICKAUT Oftcc, over ffi yoars, 188 Liberty it. -MME. RESTKLL. MIDWIFE: IN 1'RACTIci uce IH40. ORIce. I East 52d it., first door liom fitbn* ?DR. AN I* MMK. HOTT. ? No. 2."i West 3d st. (Amity it.), noar Broadway. It. ~ AND MMK. WEST'S Ot.D ESTABLISHES ofllce, 4.'. Bleecker it., between B*>adway and Bowery. uCTO it E M E H Y~ No. 27 West M si., near Broadway. 1(8. LYONlC " 40 Lett M., betWMB <|k St. Ml BfO*4V?Pi