Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,877. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICK. 1.2A5 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF FAPKR8. AMUSEMENTS?1st Pack?*>tb and 6th cola. ANTHOLOGY?Uth PauK-2d ool. BILLIARDS?1st P*ok?flth col. BOARDERS WANTED?2o Pack?3d eol. board AND LODGING WANTED?2D Page-3d and 4th col*. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOB SALE?3d Fag??let col. _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??rn Paok. BU>INKsS NOTICES?7tii Pauk?6th col. CITY HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2n Pagh? 1ste?L CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12tb Paok?5th co? ULOTIIINU?2d Page-4th eol. COACHMEN AND HARDENERS?12TS P*GK-Sth coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?lira Pack?lit and 2d eoU. COI'A KTNKBsHIPS??TH Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?2ti Page-4th col. DA vCINO ACADEMIES?Iht Pack?Oth col. DENTISTRY?llTH PAUK-2d col. DRY GOODS?1st Paok?4th col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AND UJh t UKNISHKD-'.'d Pag??2d eol. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?IItii PAOi-lateol. EXCURSIONS?11 tii Pace?2d col. FINANCIAL?l)*ii Paok. For SALE?2d Pack?Oth col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Paok?2d and .Id eol?. FURNITURE?12tii Pacb-OiIi eol. HELP WANTED? FEMALES?12th Paob?4th eol. HELP WANTED?MALES-12th Paob?5Ui and 6th cola. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AC.-U* i'ACE-2d, 3d and 4th coin. HOTELS?2d Paok?4th col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC., WANTED?3D Pagi?3d col INSTRUCTION?Ikt PA?K-4th col. LOST AND FOUND-1st Paok?1st coL MACHINERY? lax Pack?6tn col. MARRLK MANTELS-Ist PAOK-flth coL MEDICAL?2d Paob?4th eol. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st PaOD?4th col MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10TH Pagk 6th eol. MISCELLANEOUS?2d PAC?-4th eoL MUSICAL?Is* I'aiik?4th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii Page?6th eol PERSONAL?1st PACR-lst col. PIANOFORTES. OKOANs, AC.?1ST Page?44h eol POOL SKLLINO-Ist Paok?2d col. POST OFFICE NOTICE-1st Paok?6th ool. PROPOSALS?1st Paok?flth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12tu Paok ?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Page?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOR?2d PAGB-lst aad 2d cols. REAL ESTATE WANTED-2n Page?2d coL KEWAKDS-Ut Paok?Ut col. BALES at auction?2d Page?Mb And flth cols. SITUATIONS W ANTED?FEMALES?1 1th Paok-3d, 4th. 5th and fllb coin., and I2tu Paok?l?t, 2d. 3d and 4th cols. BITUATION8 WANTED?MALES?12th Paok??th aad 5th cols. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pagk-IsI ana 2d cola SPORTING?DOGS, HIHDS, AC.?1st Paok- 2d col. STORAGE?11th Paob?26 col. SUMMER RESORTS?2n Paok?4th col THE TRADES?12th PAOK-flih col. THE TURF-lsr Paok ?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?3d Page?2d eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?IlTH PA0E-2d col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Paok?3d col. WANTED TO PUKCIIASB-Ist Pack?flth col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-Uth PAGB-2d col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Paok?1st col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.?IOtii PAGK-flth col. PERSONAL. WoCLAMATION.?WHEREAS, MANY OF MY LOYAL SUBJECTS TAKING PART IN THE OVA TION TENDERED .ME YESTERDAY BV THE LAGER BIER BREWERS. BEEF BUTCHERS. PATENT MP.DI CINE VENDERS. AC., AHE GRIEVOUSLY DISAPPOINT ED AT THE GRAND FIZZLE OF THE CARNIVAL AD VERTISING SCHEME. AND MANY OF SAID LOYAL SUBJECTS ARE AT GREAT PECUNIARY LOSS IN PREPARING FUI1 THE SAME WITHOUT ANY HOPE OP REMUNERATION OR PROFIT AS EXPECTED. I DO HEREBY ADVISE AND COUNsKL SUCH AND ALL OTHERS HEREAFTER, AND ESPECIALLY IN TIMES LIKE THE PRESENT. TO SEEK PUBLICITY AND BUSINESS ONLY THROUGH LEGITIMATE AD FliRTISINU MEDIUMS. AND I DO ESPECIALLY RECOMMEND TO THEIR NOTICE AND CONSIDERA TION SUCH WORKS AS RAND'S NEW YORK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY, IIEUOH'8 tvVN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. II HUGH'S CHICAGO BUSI NESS DIRECTORY,* HEUOU'S UNITED STaTSK HOTEL GUIDE. AC.. ALL OF WHICH ARE PUB LISHED AND CIRCULATE WIDELY THROUGHOUT THE REALM. MY ORDEtt OF REX. THE KINO. A~ DDREStT"WaNTEL>~OF FOLLOWING PARTIES 0R their heirc ?Wm. 11. Carson. Samuel M. Richardson 1). C. Reed, I'Uil White, oohn C. Smith, Jessie Smith, Wm* W. WIcks. A. VAXDEVENTKR, 58 Liberty u., room 25. * Astoria-ijlke~club hall and parade was nlK.?Anci* Wood'* Singing School hcnt the whole nfT?lr. and t'roe at that: he thar to-iilRdit audjoinln. BAKER. ?TWO LAD1K S IN B LACK. LOOKING IFOR ?broker'* office. Broadway and 4th *t., will Bnd same at 007 Broadway, room 3, between 20th and 2Ut SD. JAMES P. MATBKW8. AM AN DA-THE DOCTOR ADVISES THE A LG EHI AN Eucalyptus Otl lor your hair; it will prevent It* (all and will cultivate It* growth. try it. CORA. A LADY MA8~a"LITTLE GIRL. 8 MONTHS OLD, /Yfor adoption: light complexion. Address Mr*. VAN HOUTKN. 46 Ut it.. South Bergen. EMIL1US lhVINO?YOUR MOTHER 18 IN SOR row ; come homo, my child. San Francisco paper* tony. " UUNETTK?READ IN TO-DAY'S FRENCH PAPER, La Courrier, 'Board Wanted?On Dcninndo " INSTRUCTION, CTHMTER?LaKNIA SAID COMMUNICATE MBS. R. Jit.; don't do It; change yonr piece: eend address to COUSIN LIZZIE, General 1*. O., New York. 1 will com. munlcate through Personal*. CTriTfREDRIK BORJKSBON. A NATIVE OF A KERB parish. In the province of Sodermnnlaud. Sweden, or hi* lawful heir*. *honld at once communicate with the Swedish and Norwegian Legation at Washington, D. 0.. regarding an inheritance coming to him or them from .Sweden. FOR ADOPT ION?A FIN E IIE A LTIIY F K M A LK child, teu week* old. Call at 411) Greenwich st., in pakery. IF CLARA WALL WILL ADDRESS (i. N.. BOX 214 Herald office, (lie will bear of something to her advan tage. OH, MY ORANGES!?THE ARMFUL OF ORANGES in 34th ?t. Monday evening; have found ouo more; where will I leave it7 Address ONE MURK, Herald Uptown office. ALEIGU-TI1F, TIT BIT CIGARETTES ARB TRULY delicious. Many thanes for Inlnrniatlon. GRATEFUL SMOKER. ILL BLBOANT AMD LOVELY LADY, ?LACK silk, blue veil around neck. Broadwav and 23(1 St., Elondny, 5 o'clock, please send address to EYKULASSKs, ox 149 Herald office. ILL THa LADY KIDIMO DOWN STU AV. TBS terdoy (Tuesday) evening, about 6 o'clock, permit an Interview with gentleman whom she recognised 1 Address, living particular*. K. C., Herald Uptown office. ILL LADY WITH LIGBT DtUMS, WHO BOWBD to gentleman yesterday noon in Wall st. send addresa in HARRY, Herald I ptewn < See f B R LOST AM J 7UUAD. Eost^auTd kCpisYX lHatm'/'.k kaN.Ik a soiTTfi Kprrv stage, on Monday, May 14. Will tinder please communicate with J. It. K<?III'.Ill S. I'oat olhce box ,.'>.321. or HO Exchange plnco. New York, third Hour. I OST?DOUBLE CASK MLYSB WATCH NO. I.SN7; J|*> will be paid; no question* naked. II. BIULiNU, N Spring at. LOST- PHYSICIAN'S VISITING LIST AND CASE if Vinle, May 14. Kinder will be rowarded by leaving tt drng atore 4S| sth *v. LOST?SUA la la FEMALE BLACK AND TAN, WITH collar and bell: llconse tag Nr. 2,0S?. A libernl reward will be given for ber Imtnedlme return to 2211 Kant 30th at. I' 03T?EITHER IN A GREEN CAR GOING FROM JGrand Street Kerry to Union square. or Irom tliencn to litu nr., or on lltli av? n dark mororeu l'ocketbnok, contain ing a iiitn of money. Tlio linder will bo liberally rewnrded by returning tlieanne. Address K. 11. M., Herald oOleo, laying wbero It mav be fiiiiud rp?) I'AWMtROKe KM. STOLEN. ON MAY 1. A OOLD X Hunting Oaae Warch. No. I.0N5, made by Wation. North Audlry at., London; Initinla on case. 620 reward will bo pnld and the watch redeemed by K. SClllKKLOli, Bod nth ay, KKWA11DM. nkw \ it rf^f,o8f.~yk'om at', r/Mnnday night, a little Unify white pet Dog, marked with black over both car* nnd one eye and root of tail. Wat* a little boll on a red allk collar, hlue knot. Apply with him aa above. (fclik REWARD?LOST. ON MONDAY ETKN1N0, AT Jlj ' f iMh at. and limadwar, nn Italian Creyhonnd Int. light fawn color, with crooked mil. prlaed ax the clftofa blend,Dow dead, Ilic owner will guarantee tbc above re ward at 2IH West 17th el. KKWARDt?LOST. FROM 59 WALL ST. TO tpOU Liberty alreot station. Elevated road, theure by Irani to 34th ?t., a largo lluaaia leather I'ocketbook, eon. taming money and valuable papers, above reward wilt be paid lor ita return, either to fd) W all at. or 1H Knat 87tll at. A*7j REWARD W ill" HE PAID FOR TMB RRTUKN ty'l'Jiand no <|iiealioiia asked), of Ibe leinon and white soiter Kiteb. v rv lat. lost Irom Ollinore'* Garden on 'Ihn soar night lust. Apply at forest and Stream ufllce, I Hill Fulton at t I.I It Kit A L I'.K.WAKI) WILL III'. I'AID TO THE .gYnnrtles lor the reti.rn nl the Watob taken irom Jewelry alore No. 90 4tb av. ; number of Wntcli, ll,3fk'?; G. O. cyl inder; maker. I'l^rv Notion, a St. Rfient; may be left ,'iie.i tilb av.. oral 1'di Weal 2iltli ?t. ; no question* asked; and oblige E -I BLI.-sS. SI'KIIAL NOTICES. *A '''1 vri,,Ntwk.n i i ~l'i.aii's' Vui'ssi as Wy's'. ^YpHal experience ; dlaenaea ol men a aperlalty. Consul latum Irne. Dr. JACOMY, 1 til Bleeckeral. DvlCK KREK.?OLD IMIOTOII SAFE, 2HI1 GKaND ,xt. guarantees cures in all complaints. Honrs, 12 to .V llOYAL HAVANA JUNK I. L, Atfi'i, 92H. 910. 95, |4. 9'-'. Next Louisiana, .IIIbe A, at flO, 98, f2 SO, .f I 2.V THEODORE ZoCHOCII. 211 I'ark row. New York. A -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KKsTI'CKY STATE Lot ? toff, drawn at Covington May IN. 1*77. ggTttujkr KXtlta 11.a-* mi 32D nay IS. IS77. 7. 27. I, ?. 30. 03. 33. 2 . 37. I". 21. 31 m '.tiii ay CMla su 330 w.iy IN, I'<77. IN. 72. 31. 1.3. 23. 57. 2. 17. N4, 24. 'JO 37. iff S3, uxxur-k*tha mi. 220?*.iv IN. IH77. 31, 07, 20. 70, fill, 70. 24. t 10. lilt, 2. 7, tf.?. 11 kx 11V CLASS so 210 bay IN. I >77. 41 56 20 72, 22. .VI, 33. lo, 7. 74. 23. Bo. 07. 44. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers. For Information in the above and a I legalised lotteries apolv to PARKS. E.MKUMIN A Co., Hankers and Broker*. ISO Broadway, mora 4. A KFLICVKD MK.VIOKhD; IMShAssS OK MK.N A specialty, lie wise 111 lime and >? pply to the sure place tor a speedy . ere ; no merenry used, no detention irom busi ness, Piematnro deoilM, nervous ex ban?tion. nhjIleal <ie klllty, Irrltabll bladder, beat and pain treaieii with re naikable and nnparaileled -recess. I'ha victims of Umwtel gen can call with Hie certainty of being kindly and sail N1I1 y treated; 30 years' practice. Dr. Ul'NTEK. 142 Woal tfiifca. SPECIAL. NOTICES. jg"~M ART INEZ* CO..' Rankers, 10Wall ?t. (basement), bur and sell Spanish Bonds. Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Bills; Dralts on Havana issued and negotiated. Lottery Prise* cashed. Next Drawing June I. 1 -<77. DISEASES OK MEN A SPECIALTY. HhMlY A. IIAN 1, M. 11? 144 Lexington nr.. near 29tli at. Office hours Irum S to 3. DK WEST, 45 BLEKCKER ST., NRaK BROAD way.?Extensive Londou hospital prnctice. Consulta tion Iree In all complaints. I JUNE RYE WI118KKY?FOUR YEARS OLD, 94 PER 1 gallon, $1 per large bottle. N. VAN Roll,. 88 Chambers at. IN SLOT! i IDE EXTRAORDINARY.?IN PAL LI r. LB destruction to hugs. Seas, lice, Mies, gnats, beetles, tnltes, ants, caterpillars. Manufacturer, h. GALZY. successor to Mais.iu Tacht.28 Rue Bttgeaud, Lyons, Krance. KTOT1CE.-TO THE DEPOSITORS OK THE GERMAN a.1 Savings Bank of MorrisanU 1'he Attorney General will attend nt the blinking house ol the above bank on Thursday, Krldsv and Saturday, 17th, lsih and llltu of Jlluy, 1S77, between the hours of eleven A. M. and four P. M. ot each ot those days, to rroeive rerot.i metidatlous of the depositors a- to the person who shall be appointed receiver. No recommendation* will ha recrivod from any depositor who does not produce his pass book. Such recommendations will be presented to tho court on tbe motion lor the appointment ot a receiver. Dated 11th ol May. 1877. CHARLES S. KAIRCHILD, Attorney General. Nervous exiiaustion.-a medical essay, comprising a series lectures delivered at Kahn's Mu leum ol Anatomy, New York, tin the cnuse and cure of nre niatore decline, showing indisputably how last heultli may lie regained; aflordiug a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage and'the treatment ot nervous and physical de bility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 cents. Address the author. Dr. 1. J. KAIIN, office and residence. SI East 10th St.. New York. kTOT ON STRIKE?A BUCKLEY'S S1IOP. 239 OTH t ar.; Painting, Kalsominlng, Ac. 0 ?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS, KKXTOOkV? XVTRA CLASS NO. 329?MAT 15, 1877. 7, 27. 1. 0, 38. 83. 33, 20, 37, 10. 24. 81, 5. KKNTUCKT?CLASS NO. 330? RAT 15, 1877. 45, 72 81, 13. 23. 57, 2, 17. 54. 31. 20. 07, 60. 33. BgNRT?XXTNA CLASS NO. 229?MAT 15. 1877. 81, 67, 29. 75, 58, 70, 24. 4. 46. 60. 2, 7. 09. UKNBT?CLASS NO. 2IIO?NAT 15, 1877. 41, 55, 20. 72, 22. 50. 33. lit. 7. 78, 211. HO, 07, 44. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manngers. Information oiven regarding the nbova drawings. Ap ply to J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway. Tamak indikn?a laxative fruit i.ozkngr; agreeable to take; specillc remedy for constipation and Its consequence*. K. GRILLON, 27 line Rambuteau, Paris. Depot, CASWELL HAZARD A CO.. New York. $t>7.925.-|fc"""? 1552.500. 1 Louisiana, J one 5, t at *10, $5?. *2 .SI and $1 25. JACKSON A CO., Bankers. 82 Nassau St., near Fatten, late of 202 Broadway, Now York. $500,000 AND OVKK Lonislanu Single Number, June A. Under the hupervlaton and management of General Brail* regard, ot Louisiana, and General J tibal Burly, of Virginia, ?100,000 lor $10. Address WILLIAMSON A CO., 317 Broadway, New York. HI'OKTINti-DOGS. BIROS, OiC. ?FOR SALE. ALL KINDS Oh" KaScY DOgS, 7V.Birii?. Ac.: Medicinea for all diseases; prepared food tor in nuking birds, at B. O. DOVEY'S, No. 3 Groene St., near Cutiul. IflOR SALE?sioTC II tWrkIKHs" BLACK AMD 1 Tans, one line Newfoundland. two St. Bernard l'ups, three months old; also a fine tame Buffalo. K. V. IIALK, 201) Fulton ?t.. New York. iTli TWO-IMtlEr. MASTIFFS FHOM THE BENCH Show, King Olaf and Juno, owned bv IV. F. Morgan anil F. K. Appleton, on exhibition at llio Fair, Church of the Advent. .57th st . Park av., Wednesday and Thursday this weak, 2 till 10:30 P. M. POOL. SKLLIYG. "TtfTSTITJin FkKVftTTXN ?T"'C o m'b" i n a?i p~6oEs -cXsnld everv altnrnoon and eveuing. at Johnson's Fool Knout, No. 13 Montgomery st., Jersey City, on the Knuuliig Kaces at Lexington, Ky. Fnll returns by telegraph All orders br mall or messenger promptly attended to T. B. JOHNSON (lortuerly of 28th st. and Broadway, New York city). COMBINATION BOOK OPEN FOR THE L8XING ton races: also Rook on the Fordham IIandienp, at 1.IH1 Broadway, cigar store. JOHN HACKER A CO. TATTER-ALL'S TURF AGENCY "OFFICE AT NO. 1 Barclay st. for the roceptloi; of orders lor Auction, French and Combination Fools; combination book open daily trom 8 A. M. to 3 F. M. ATTKKSALL'S TURF AGENCY I AVhTtEMOVF.I) TO their new offices 3 exchange place. Jereey City: Auction, French and Combination Pools on all evonts; tickets, 92 each. THE TIRF. AT'WEST fHoirbKIVING PAltK.JERSKYOITY? Kaces to-day; 3 niiiiiito class. Id entries; 2:36 class, IVhlsper (formerly First of May), Frank. Tunny Moore. Doxie, Gypsy Maid, St. George, Doubtful, Jim Moffat. Billy Edwards. Stages trom horse cars to truck. Adtuissioii, 50 cents. WM. VAN KEUItEN. HOR8EM A NIB CAIUUAGES. I"TIaugk' Ann Important"" a u tin ON' S ALE of VALUABLE AND HIGHLY BRED TROTTING HORSES, Roadsters, BROOD MARES. COLTS and FILLIE& MF8SRS. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY WILL SELL at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the NEWTOWN STUD FARM, LONG ISLAND, by order of ? MESSRS. H. A. A J. L. BARCLAY. THIS DAY. WEDNESDAY. May 10. at 12 o'clock, THIRTY IIKAD OF VERY FINE AND FAST TROT TING HORSES. ROADSTERS, ItltoOD MAKES, COLTS and Ft LUES TUcy comprise the get of RTSDYK'S HAMKLKTOnIAN, AMERICAN STAR, BACKMaN'S IDOL, IMPERIAL and COLONEL KIP and other first cln-a Stallions. PROMINENT AMONG THE LOT is the valuable young msre K.YTTLKBOX, by HANKER. She is only lire years old and can trot In 2:25, und Is sound and kind. There are several others equally promising that can tmt In 2:30or thereabouts- all without records. TflE COLTS mid I-lilies are also unusually promising, and the whole are in splendid condition. A TRAIN LEAVES HUNTER'S POINT, hy the Flushing and North >lde Railroad, at 11 o'clock, bringing pas sengers to the farm in ample lime tor the sale. ALL THE HORSES Til iT ARK BROKEN will be bitched and shown on the track to guide purchaser* as to speed, driving qualities, Ac. GENTLEMEN DEnIKinG to drive to tiik. farm can cross by thn Ninety-second street ferry and reach tho farm in 20 minutes after landing on the Long Island side. ?CARRIAGE REPAIRS.' Our repairing department offers unequalled advantages for good and promut work. All carriages housed In clean rooms and carefully protected from damage. Precisely the same quality- of material and labor employed as In pew work, and all carriages finished with Valentine's v.iruiili, which. In brilliancy and durability. Is superior to any of foreign manufacture. Estimates furnished and carriages sent for and delivered by our own teams free of charge. Carriages sent now, II repainted, will be stored until tall without charge. BREWSTER A CO.. or Broome st. Broadway, 47tl> and 48tli st*. _____ . A. SAFETY. COMFORT. ECONOMY, accuracy and precision in running of wheels, use the great est improvement ever made In carriage building, the RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE. A BEAUTIFUL SHIFTING LEATHER EXTENSION top Phaeton; seals four persons; pole and aiialti; latest style; three spring Pony Puacion. two splendid lop Wag ons. Dunscomb Harness; must he sold: n?ed a few times. Union Club Stable, 127 West 28th st.. near titli nr. LARGE STOCK?TWO. FOUR-AN II .SIX SEAT Carriages, new leather top Hugg e-, #11(1, new tour seat top Depot #85 up; Rock-ways, itlfll); three spring, new Express Wagon. #73. and other styles and prices, all my own make end warranted : splendid miikeys. GKL' 1)E. 3UR <'anal st. A T ANY OFFER-TWO HANDSOME IOP WAGONS. ^'Vtivo sets fine single ai.d double Harness; almost now. 2S'.i West 41st st. A?BARGAINS LESS THAN HALF COST FOR TWO ?day* more.?The balance of private stock, all nearly new. consisting "f extra light e xtenninn ton Phaeton, to seat four per?ontt top Pony I'haeton, top Road Wagon; single, double and tine single strap trace Harness; also, two rhoL* tnniily Horse- Club Stable, 15(1 East 2tlth st., between Lexington anu 3d av. \ GREAT 11ARGA1N?#225-11 Ah IWOMB H A Y COUPR Horse, 10 hands, warranted sound ; loss of tnste reason lor selling 247 West 4lstst. V" ?FOR HALK?20 YOUnTT hORSKs, J USTFKOM j\ sIndiana, suitable lor all purposes. Inquire 122 Nor* folk it An extra handsome and RTYLimi Bay coupe or ferriage Gelding, ltljj hands, sound and vcrv gentle : p lie low 5t> East 41*1 st. DUNN CLARENCE FOR BALK-KKAKLT NEWf ehron for cash Livery stable, 7lat st., near 3d av A WAGONETTE IS WANTKD-OF LARGE HUB, either new or seeond hand. Address, with lull de-crlp lion price, slse, maker, where to he seen, Ac., (i , hex lit) lleranl oilier. A 8TYI.ISII SORREL HORSE. 15 HANDS, 8 YEARS; i\xafe and reliable In every respect: good -topper: suit atde tor any light Use; price, #7.?. 37 Greenwic.i oocry. _ AVERY NICK VIC i ORIA CARRIAGE FOR SALE It has been used but twice Inee It was painted ami put III thorough repair; It ha- platform *ptlngs and Is n wry easy riding carriage . lias puis ?ud -halts; prim- rensonnlile. Can be seen nt PKIiOL'bON'B San Franeiseo Staoles, 52<l st , near Otll uv. t VICTORIA, IN "l'KREECT ORDER. BUILT BV jV.BreWster A Co. -i ; latest style; but little used; cu t #l,40fA Private stable 28 East Both st, rear. t ?FOR -sAl.E AT A SACRIFICE. BAY GELDING, ' g\?7 year* old; warranted Sound sinl kind; sun Irot a mil* in 2:41: ? spleudld natural roadster, |.'Ua hands high; a very stylisii, lisiulsouie animal, ami every way smtahle lor a getttleinnn x driving Isors*. Anply to COaCII.MAN, stable 128 F.ast lib It st. A DEPOT WAGON, HALF PRICE; ALBO TWO j\ light Business Wagon- Call and cxaiuino. 233 11 est 54Kb St. *?~ PuR BALK. AN ELK.; a N'T BAY KENTUCKY' 21 ,hre?l -adli ? .-r Hnmoss 15?, hands high, fi years old. i? very stylish and handsome; irots i-i 3 tiintuies, and s Is fur Urn moat limi t t? tidu or drive, inlly warranted; ?old only on acc-miit ol owner It-ruing lor t urnpe Apptv N . 8 l-.a-i rlouston st., near Broadway. A naCKIFD E.-A BRIGHT HAY' PonY". VRhY HaND* s'Ysuine : s tie tor rhlldren In liar mid under the saddle. Also a light Cmic-iia Phaeton, Harness, -addle. Ac. In quire IVintertiottom's llvrry stable. 1*1 and 08 Mt.livan st. I BARGAIN.-A FINE HREM 8TKK TOP BIDE BAR -7x.YVagon ; .-ingle, Dsmhte Harness, by Dunscomb. Prlvste stasis 1 Meat loth, near Mb *v. HORSES AXD CARRIAGES. T BABKIIH A ,SON'H~" CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TATTER sALLS, turner nf Broadway and 3fHh at. CHARLES W. BARKER aUiTION'EER. REGULAR SALES of llorte., Carriage., Ac., evkkv Wednesday ani? hatOkda*. TWENTY-FOU K hour, allowed for trial. THK ONLY DRIVING rinir In the Mole. STORAGE ? <' K Carriages. LIBERAL ADVANCER uii Cnn.l omenta. CAT! LOOt' K OF SALE TI1IS DAY AT 11 O'CLOCK. BEGINNING WITH THE FOLLOWING CARRIAGES. HARNESS. AC. i? TOP PONY PHAETON, by Howard: top Depot Wagon, by Vatiriergaw; top (Ida bar Road Wagon. by Vandergaw; lop full tpring Wagon, by Howard ; no top Pony Phaeton, by I) II. ? lo.e; Park Phaeton, Pole and Shalt.: too aide Wagon, by R. W. Smith: Roekaway. byTerrlll: top lull spring Wagon. by Brew.ter A Co.: llualne.a Wn|;on, by Terrill: no ton tide bar Road Wairon. by Howard, Ac.^a lot of new and second band Uaruett, Blanket*. Robot, Whip., Unliert, Ae. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE, AT llsWl A M. PROMPTLY, TIlK FOLLOWINU HIGHBRED STOCK: BEAUTIFUL SORREL coupe or match Horse. 10 hlirh. 7 Tears old, off lore and near hind led white, ttrip Infaee.of unexampled rich appearance and greet ttylo: eott RHuOln Kentucky ilx months since, and it warranted tound and kind. THK CELEBRATED cbeetnut Trotting Gelding FRED ERICK. Rot by Young America. 15k nigh. 7 years old: a game driver and great polo horie; uat a record ol 2 :33X; can heal 2 :*> in train and it warranted .ootid and kind. THE HIGH It if hi) brown Trolling Gelding ADMIRAL. 15k high, tt years old: a atrlt.h and rnay driver; ha* trotted In :.M. and it warranted tonnd and kind. THK KA8T bay Trotting Geldlmr MOUNTAIN HARRY. 15.2)4 high. 6 years old, got by Black Bashaw; plesiant driver : has shown a trial of 2:42. and la warranted sound and kind. THE Mltchel I Uncle; ana it warranted aound and kind. TIIE VERY Stylish bay Trotting Oeldlne Trenton Boy, 15k high. 7 yeart old. got by Georce M. l'atchen. Jr.: one of the lineal drivers in America; hat a record of 2:44, and is wurt anted sound and kind. THK ABOVE are the property of a gentleman who would here NONE HUT THE BEST. Fast BROWN Ethan Allen Trotting Gelding. 15k high, 7 years old: got by Daniel Lambert; a fine, easy driver; can trot In 2:4D; warranted tound. SIX SKAT Westchester Roekaway. NO Top Express Wagon, good order. TWENTY-THREE other Road Wagons. Carriages. Ae. TWENTY-ONE OTHER Road. Family, Business and Inw priced Worx FULL DESCRIPTIONS at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on eccnnnt of weather. NOTICE.?Next Saturday COLONEL R. A. HITCH COCK'S sale of Thoroughbreds. Catalogues ready. iud. E HANDSOME gray Trotting Gelding, known ae the icl Colt. 13)j high. 0 years old. got by Chenery't Gray i; a genteel driver; trotted at lour yeart old ln2:5R, A ORE AT BARGAIN?SPECULATORS INVITED.? Fine bay Rnm Geldtnx. ltt.H hand.; handsome. fast nund Mure. 1.>L : flue Pouv Phaeton Horse. l."> h*nda; all aoiinil and kind : Brewster Coupe and Harness; extra Ann Top Kciud W axon; superior Top Pony Kliaeton; two vary fine Hngle Harnett, Blankets, Whips. Ac. 50 East 41m at. A?CHEAP AND MUST BR SOLD. (INK OK THE .<*>"? hred Stallion* by Kysdyk'a H aiiililntnnlnii ; raised *i jii l?i*i . ,,D' '??"? ? years old. aoiind and kind; *IW| wl" bny Improved tprlnic Koad Wapon and Dr.usrmnb JUrnaaa. 12? W?i 28th *?.. near ttth nv. L?TIIKKK HORSES; MI ST SKM,, NO VyoTiT; ? sound und kind ; $45, $05, $80. 11 11,.,tar at. AGBNtlkmans tuknou r7?bay markI is* hands. 7 yenrs; aoiind and klnd:lndy ean drive; trot* MiVlfc .*Zu!"\ '"'Proved aprlti ion W ?gmi, llarneaa. Blanket. Whip, Ac . ut a bariraln. 131) West 37th at. A?TWO HORSES, HALF VALUlf! SUITABLE ?triiaa, tnrnier, expreaa; any bualueaa. 203 (Iraad at., crockery atore. A kin e, kiiksu milk oow for ?kale-milks 23 quarta ol milk per day. 54<l Eaat Kith at. A?FIVE IIOKSKS; SUIT FARM1NO OiTaNYBUsT. .nan*; hnlf yiiln*. 4<tOjWe?t 20th at., feed atore. A?TWENTY BUSINESS WAGONS. $30 10 $150, NEW ?and second hand. forexpro*., croccr. butcher, baker, milk, delivery. Wapon matiurnctory. 22tl Sprint; at. AN ELEGANT EXTENSION TOP PARK" I'll ALTON, pole nnd ah lift a; I aide bar top Wavnn: 2 acta tinkle Harness; uiso a very handsome black lloraa, 7 year, old 15 hand* blkh,-' aniUble for a I'ony Phaeton, and ear. trot fan at the private atable. No. 12 En at 27lh at., between 5th and Madlaoii art. A rT^E.^.EAt,1S!ST ESTABLISHMENT~KVEIt OF lifi k it wM lew thnn one month Alneo over fl.'tOU, a bay lloraa, all atyle. ti year* old nnd trots faatt elegatit ton I liaetoM. fino rubber mounted Ilarnpaa. Ulan kef#, I Hp Kobe, W bio, Ate., making one of ?he pretti**nt turii 3"it J" 1 fltri Wl"? li>P KOOd ** n*w- l:,s w??* AT CART. LAN DAD, RUM BLK SKAT~PII aRTON. Depot Wason, taken luexcbnn*e; hell price. tiriindway. Barouche?by ukkwstkk (7>k broome sti 'orwle. Apply at private stable 133 Weat 33d at. BEAUTIFUL full spring and si he bar top Biiktry, alntrle llarneaa and hne allver mooiited eonpe iiameaa, all nenrlv new; also flue bey road lloraa, 1JK h-dyoonr, aound end kind; no offer refused. 3o Weat ( "J ARRIAGRB.11 ARhBSS, AC.?BUHBER CURTAINED V Itneknwnyt, ?llft; depot Waqnns, top. $1(1); handaome leather top Mutrslea, $125: canopy, basket, miniature nnd extension ton I huetons. $llo upward; coupe itoekawnva BdJc .u'J!i B3?Sl"' ''V liyht doubl,; $4<?. ainkle. $i> upward; fnrm. tmek. couch end other K,0jo.7n' /TllhAI EST TURNOUT IN TIIK tllTY?$:I5(V?HAND y/?ome. atvllah bay Horae. 15K handa, 7 years, prompt driver, perfectly broken to saddle, sale lor |adiea nod chll. iir^li:.J?Vt''r ,l,p 'h"rtnn "hi llarneaa; ell cood aa now II ATIIOKVn stable. 137 Weat 37th at. boon aa now. j^INE STOCK OF . .. . . road wagonc In all welKht*. with three or four bow topa. end with nil the [ Improvenienta uaed by Mrrwator A Co.. of l)rnome at. . Moweil I haetona <(ueon Phaetons. Doetora' Phaetona Doctor. \\ ?koua, of the lateat d ti. u? und fashionable coll 0Tlt- ? a. s. flandkau. *'2 ?n'> ,7A Broome at. (old amno of Hrewiier A Co.) For wiikklk.k. home, v v.. has ju>t arrived with two pair Dapple I Iran, 15\ and 1?H band, very atyllah. ftno drivers; one pair Bats, IttL banda verv at.vhah ; alao two Boad lloraea. 15 banda. line and'extra drivers or aaddle. To bo aven at 13w He?t 37tn at. FtOR SALE?A SPRINKLING TRUCK IN PK.UKE(,"T order, cheap or exriiance for boriei. 410 Weat 30th at in the barneaa thop. ? F25 I ^.A,'K7A OKNTLEMAN'S KsTAULISIIMEXT ? conilatlnir of n pair of lino Kentucky bred Catrlare HoraM, Itt.'a hand*, perfectly kind and ?oiind:i?o act* or Double llarneaa. Blankets. Sheet*. Ar.; also a Landau and a Brioixhain of Hreeaier a make and In excellent condition lloraea mnr be *een at .lOlIN MULLANK'S No ??TI Kui 2-2d ,t.. earrtage* at HlthWoTKrt'S. NV, 143 Knt'^th " L70R SALK-AT A GREAT BARGAIN. SKCONTThaND T Barouche at $150. A. S. KLaNDKAU. 372 and 374 Brooiuc at., old stund of Brewster A Co. tVjB SALK--ONE HEAVY TRUCK IIORSR l?i 1 hands bl?b. ? years old; alao one Family llorae. Hi hand? ?nd kind and trial to be Blvan; to be told ai halt value. >o. 4 East Houston tt. IjlpK SALE. CHEAP?A SUPKlUOR UNO LIS II DOG .1 Cart, made to order by manner and very eomplete; In line condition. $3(10; alto to mate... set ol Lead Bar*, for fourtn-hand. It deatreil m $-'5 "llrt> ver" "uo top aqnnre box Dnsenburv Waron llkht hnl extra atrnnir, for two persona, little n*ed nt It!'.)" Inquire of COACHMAN, at private .table la rear ot^ 31 AnlBon IIV, ?SoR S a LB-HKaVY CAR'r'oB TRUCK lloiisK $|in" J. also brown Mare, suitable for procer. farmer, nny bull* iim?, phenp 1M H?rrow m VttK SALK-O.N ACCOUNT or THE '>W.N |- It 111)I ,\U 1 to Europe, a dark bay Pony, 14 band, hipl, abort I* years old ; baa been used aa a net by children : la nerfertly aonnd and kind: price $|IJH. Inquire lor OEOltl.h JACK .MI.N. at .table, l'js r.?,t T2d at. POB BALI--A FINE S ADDLE HONSK ok "KEN*. ?i. H : h",, *" V'olt" ' P'Tleetly pcntle and aonn'd ? can be driven In pony phaeton. Call at alaide 142 We.a .bull al. or audrea* A. I). II.. 13 Weal 4'2d at fVoK > \ LIC ?A liOuD. H(J.M;.*T WORK IIOItNK will be .old a bargain 15o West llo?*t'n,t. ,,0,WK' |j?OH sai.e-a splendid cot:Pp. ok "t cart r llorae, color krey, 10 hand* bleli, tt rears old; has very hlkh knee action ; Is perleetly sound and penile, and la 32 Ka.t T2d *tW"n "**' C""b0""n ?? Private WOK SALK CHEAP?A FULL LIGHT 7OF STIVKIIS 1 \\ ayon In koml order. To be teen at SKLDON'S Siabla* M., iieiir .'hi nv. *"? tp??B BALK?FIVE VOUNg' IIohsps. si itahlf FoT A truck, proeer. farmer, any nuaineta; inntt tell ? no work. warranted. t?i Weahieptoe at. ' ' uo "u,k ? jSoR A A LK-OE NTlE MAN'S "TURNOUT; roan 15th "t ?'* year, old; sound, kind. SB West F |TOR SALE LANl/aULET. BKSf CITY MAKER m. i'. "*ed, in nerlert order, to fi.iti $1.8.81; a bariraln. Private stable lUH Weat 17th at. ' L'Oll SALE" ? IIEAP-SOBBF.L MARK. Ki HANDS 1 7 years; warranted tumid; Rule sore forward $ftu' chcup Mnro. JFJ.i. 2.1H Nprini: nt. ' ' LTih: sale A bay HaMBLRTONUN IIORol m L hand* lilpii. .?>en year. old. .oiind ami centln- alao'a aide bar Hn?ky,l HUGO OtlKSCII. 153 Bowery. HARNK-S A SPECIALTY. ~ ~" line aatorlmeiil o| l,Kl,t and double, for track nnd road so,me and Double lor bronpUema. liebteraet. of k.uiJ lor l oupe rocaawaya. Doe seta for tho landau and marl, A 8 KLANDixaU. 3,2 nnd 374 Broomo a . (old *lar,l of Mreworr A Co.) B. IIKEWSTEK CROSS cl'KING Tup WAGON^TIR hth av KDWI.n CLAUK, Beat Eatnie ..nice, s.,4 J.* I OOK $125. WORTH $2 m. HE AI TIM L M'.W LIGHT A J lop Ex p,e a* Hakon. patent wheel*. 124 Aral at. "I IGHT PARK I'llAKTttN?MI ST BK MJLU IMMB* J J liately. nt a tacrl.lce . $|;8), i? nice order rllORPAON * . :is,|, Mn,| Broadway. Mt.HTGAGE SAI.I. -JOHN A DUNN. AUOnONRKR will toil on W e.lneolav. Mav Hi, 11 o'clock oiumait.. \oi BiirlInK .tin. nr. work Hort -a and llarn-ta. By order of O IlolNton. Mortgage sale -.Fi.a.ncis nfSiiSoiS Necllonoer, will tell Fridai. I nth Inst., si lOe'elnca ?l I.,'2 Rati 57th at., one Molt Latidan and one Hoti Cnnpolet te. By order Mutt Brotliera, Morteapee m'KEp.-NO HUM BUG.?FOR HALF. OR EXCHANGE ? Jbay lior.e, l.itj lianda, 7 year* old; Iroi in 2 ID benutiritl black l|or*e. 15 hand*. 7 iciira od trot* in i njlnnie*; -plendld |ad< * llor,.; ,np tnU rprl.e W ? i ull^ftor k w "kon, I I', it. M ASTEItSON. 5:t|h ?l. nnd 7lh a v. rpwo CARRIAGE HOUSES. COLOR GRAY. ONE I I.rukeo III *nildle; boil, sound ami kind; will tell tor wuil ol use: owner paid $30) apiece; will *o|| f?* g|:v> apiece, seven and einlii mart old. Inquire nt OLIVKli'S stables. 224 p.oat Broadway. rpop platform rumble phaeton by flan 1 dran, I.I e>Kaiit order; T Cart, by W. od llro*. wood nt new . , let oris liy Wo rd llro* , Koud a* new : llklu Rrltika, by Miner A. Mev-na; }, I an.iaulot. line order; Kroiteh Itandan, K"?d n. new . lop Depot W ?kon. Or Stlvars; B .iiiulie, l.y Miner A stereos; one Coupe Roekawav. Ilu-ht lim and Openi Maicnnt, two Conpot, at low prices. WM. II bH.u, 2D and 22 Wouster tt ffio OWNERS OF IIOKSKS.-LAMRNRHxi KB7ivf ] A whatever ctiiae, pronoiinren Incurahle, will he Ireaie.l without ehnrea by applylnq to WILLIAM M. <.ILKH A ^o. I roprletora oilei Liniment, Iodine Ammonia. 451 hohsks and auuuAOBk. ANTKD-A LIGHT I'll AKTOX. OK FIIIST GLASS M make ?ud I it cl?9 unci!; nho light KackHway. tor on? horse. Address K., box i.'J'i.i New York Poll otlice. VV AKTED-A HAIR OK CARRIAGE HOUSES, FROM 1S? to 1H hand.: mutt be sound ?nd kind. Addreaa B . box 5,400 Po.t office, with particular*. VXTAN FED?VERY CHEAP BUSINESS WAUuX, 11 llaroets ami Home. Send partieulura CREAM, Herald office ?yy ANTED?a OOOD ROAD HORSE: must be SOI.D TT cheap. Addreaa. with Ueaerlntion and wh Wll. KING, box A.AIi-'l Post office. are to be aecn. VVr ANTED?1'AI It OK OENTLK YoUXG HOUSES. ?Y Address, stating price, S. G., box 12W Herald Uptown ?Sice. 4KIH -A MINER STEVENS' SQUARE BOX PULL v-lowAprinit lop Huggv; alio 30 others. 124 Went !l*li ?l. E l)KY UOUllb. i?b?oidk?iks. WE ARB EXniBITINQ aX ATTRACTIVE SELECTION OP NOVELTIES IN MADE-UP LACB GOODS, COMPItlblXG FICIIUS, SO A It KB, BETS. FANCY JABOTS,. *0.. AO. SWISS SLEEVES, BOWS AND CHEMISETTES. FRENCH EMBROIDERED. AL80 EMBROIDERED MUSLIN SLEEVES AT 4O0. I'RR YARD AND UPWARD. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN FICHUS, PROM 400. UPWARD, END FRENCH EMBROIDERED REMSTI'ICHKD AND COLORED LINEN SETS OP COLLARS AND CUFFS AND PLAIN LINEN SETS, NEW SHAPES, AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. A. T STEWART A CO.. BROADWAY. 4TH AY.. 9TH AND I0TH RTS. "^JNRIVALLED BEAUTIFYING BAZAAR. L SS8S II II A W * W W W L S 8 H II AA W W W L 8 II II A A W WW W L SSSS IIII nil A A WW w w L s II H AAAA WV VW ?, L S S II II A A W W ? LLI.t.L<S> S8SS II 11 A A V V . | 54 WEST 14TII ST., near 6th a*., N, V.,nnly depot. ? THREE DOORS FROM M ACY'M. The largeat nock of HUMAN HAIR GOODS retailed III wholesale price.. THE MARIE ANTOINETTE SWITCH (Trade Mark). Remarkable, wonderful eucceM of nttr new M ARIK 'AN TOINETTE SWITCH, combining eb-gance wltli durability, and forma Colffnro for front unit buck. A more nit?Irani anil useful ornament could not be imagined. and will be readily appreciated niter examination. A Switch at $10, equal to pile ut SVii of the old ntyle. The NEW INVISIBLE FRONT for young and old ladies. Improving the looka of cyorjr one; more beautilul, and ut lower price* than any othor 'mine. CURLS, warranted naturally curly. In large variety, from ?1 upward. CRAY IIAIR A SPECIALTY, lower than nnr other houae In the country. II AI It TAKEN IX EXCHANGE. COMBINGS made up In the moat approved manner, war ranted to give satisfaction. A full assort m-nt of the eboleeat BEAUTIFY ING COSMETICS, Warranted to he abanlntely harmlcaa, on hand. CKKMK BLANCHE, the great magic liuautider Tor the complexion, a apeelnlty, 81 per box. Alan an elegant aaaertment of pcrluinery, among them new and dellciona extracts. No more gray hair. I.. Sll A W'S odurlra* PERSI AN Kll KNNA | I Persian kiiknna i I (Trade Mark) I will change gray hair Instantaneously to In natural color without the ttae ol Lead, Lac Sulphur or Nitrate of silver, or any uther potsnami* ingredients, to a beautiful brown or black. Recommended by the moat prominent physician* and eticmlsia. I'eallinnniala at the atore. $1 and $1 50 per box. Applied at til" aiore. If deaired. Iree ol charge. MILI.IiYF.KY AND DRESSMAKING. AT MARIE TILMANN'S (KROM PARIS), AGENT. IM* porter?Finest creation. In I'arlaian nrt Millinery S new, splendid aaaortmeut nr. inlni.-niim price* to-dny. 425 Oth av.. aeeund door below 20th at. tTRAPK.?WK GALL THE ATTENTION OF THE /trade, and specially tho ladle., to our Improvement In ' onl Gr retlnl.hing new and md Crapp. making it ? at?rprortf and a lieantiinl black, bv Sbriver'a patent. Fashion Parlur, Do mestic Building, corner 14th at. and Broadway. S. G. Sll 111 V ER k CO. MMK. OAMILLE I)E LACY, 883K BROADWAY. WILL offer during tho coming week the richeat and moat de cant line ol Freuch Round llata and Bonnet., at flgnro. fh.rh will rcpreaent better vutue for the money than can 'Vtfonnd in tin* market. _____________ INSTRUCTION^ I ""lady tkAOitixG PitENGii and '"iiStflClstl wlaliea a poaition. "r will leacli, read or write two honra per day lor a homo. Addrnat I).. 115 Warren .t.. Newark. A' FOREIGN LADY. TKAOBBR OF GERM \N AND French, alio apoaklng English fluently, wonld like a po.ilion In a aehool or lamily, either in cltv or conntrv; very highest rrierencoa. Addreaa M. K., Herald Uptown elllee. A PARISIAN VOUNG LADY WISHES Til INSTRUCT children in the French and Kngllah laognagea daily at their homes In Brooklyn or New York; term* very mod erate. Andrea* M. L.. Herald Uptoa'ii Branch INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN READING, WRITING, Grammar. Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Ac ; term* low; hook* furnished. Addreaa MALE TEACHER, lleraia Up town olltce. ?tlTANTED?A GOVERNESS: MI'sTSt-KAK ENGLISH, 11 German and French: tntiat lunch piano: good reference require*!. Apply at 2D West 54th at.. Irani it till 12 o'clock. MUSICAL. S'loSoft ErRANf"Pas moved to 221 east isfii Oi PIANOFORTES, OHGA1VS, (WC. ArilANCK. SPLENDID NEW UPkIOH! a.NIi square Plnnoa to rent, nnrt rent allowed If purcnased; a tew nearly no*' exceedingly low ; all new Piano* warranted for five yearn; greatest reduction to rush customers ever offered, nt HAINES JiKOS, , 145 Hud 147 5iU av., corner 21&t nt Old I'lano* taken in exchange. ^ ?$iou 7 OCTAVE ROSE W' OOI) PI A N OFORTE J\?and .stool; Piauos rented. GOLDSMITH'S, 20 llleecker nt., near Bowery. A?FOR RENT, UPRIGHT. SQUARE AND GRAND ? Pianos of our own make alto tor sale and rent, a num ber of line second band Pi anon, in perfect onier. WILLIAM KNAlli; A CO. Nt. 11*2 5|ti av.. nbov> 10th nt. \8S( Pia lanon. nome nearly new, very low; alno Pianos of other makers; bewsro of bo^us pianos palmed off a* genuine Htelnway make, at auction or in private houses. STEIN WAY A >ONS. Stein way Hall, 1 ftli nt. New York. A GREAT BARGAIN ?ST KIN W A Y PIANOFORTE, J.Y$l"0; alno magnificent rosewood Decker Pianoforte, all modern improvements, made to order, eost, $1,(XN), for f275, stool. coyer, case for shipping. maker's hill and guarantee transferred to purchaser: also Chamber. Librarv and Din Ing Room Furniture Can ha bought today at private residence. 120 Went 23d nt.. near (1th av. \N ELEGANT STEINWAY FOUR ROUND ROSE wood Plunoforte for mile cheap: a beautiful upright 'lano. cost $575. for $20<t. Residence 2(Ni West 25ih st. near 7th av. A FEW skiomi HAND WEBER PIANOS AT VERY great bargains; some of them used but a vory short lima by our best musicians and really almost an good as now; j fully warranted in every rennert. Please call at the Weber Warerooma, 5ih av. and lrttfi nt. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL STEINWAY JvPianof?>rte at sacrifice; a bnilian* and powerful toned I four round rosewood ruse; piano richly carved and inlaid with marqueterle, having every improvement. 7^ octaves, full agraffe. Ac.; purchased nt Centennial; co*t#l,50n. wilt sell for $300 cash : a rn-riect parlor gem; also handsome and desirable IL n?ehoid Furniture in lota to suit N. B,~Fur niture and piano can he packed for shipping If desired. Call private resilience No. 47 West Kith nt., between 5th and Cltli avn. A |,ADY WILL SACRIFICE STEINWAY PIANO FOR AflfW; a magnificent 7f% octave Pianoforte with all mod em Improvements, patent, agraffe, overstrung bans, lour large round corners, carved leg* and cane, cost last Novein ber $1.2ti", for $2rt0; Stool. Cover and Mimic Maud, met $125; boxed for shipping; a rare chance to buy a first clans Instrument for little money. (Jail belof purchasing else, where at private renldonce L'Ut East Kith nt.. bet ween .'Id av. and Irving block east of Union square. A CHICKKKING AT SACRIFICE ? I'PKKB TONED, elaborately carved Pianoforte. $175, cost $850 limt Msrcii. ('all immediately residence 50 East (ItIt. AT SOIIMER A 140 EAST 14TH ST.. NEAR .ID JVav . piano manufacturers. ?First class Pianos at ex tremely low urlcos; new and second hand Pianos to rent and on instalments. SOIIMER A CO.. 143 East 14th rt. A N EXCELLENT I PRICK r PIANO, VERY CHEAP 4.'Hi East I .'lilt nt., room No. 3. A CIIICKERINC. $75; SUPERB 8QI ARK GRAND. J1 Used three month*, $IH?. 13 East 10th nt., between Ctilon square and 5?h av. A SPLENDID IO-STOP ORGAN, NEARLY NEW. ONLY i\ $UO; one with 12 stop*, $100; others equally low, for rn*lt or to rent Please call at ifie ware rooms of II OK At 1". WATERS A fiONs, 40 East 14th nt., between Broadway and University pine *. k ?LAHGF. ASSORTMENT OF SECOND hand ./i ?Pianos. In thorough good order, aotne of which are nearly n?v; for Ml? at very low prices. CIIICKKHING A SON'S, 5th av. end IMthst 11 AKii.ll**.-'7H OCTAVIi I'I tNO A I.I. IM prn*.HT?iitii; warrantee ; InxtnlirnniiM remlvod; r.r.l ?4. 0 MILK. HC \\..| Xt'i HI. t.V?K KALK-A I'lAXO, fokmkki.y IIWNKU hy r Vnr'lii W? r.ii.v w.nlli for f 1UI; Hindi in Inqnl.i. 4 ('>.'? till, nv f ' KO. WiMill'S I'AIII.oK AND I III K4 H ORGAN*; UTvwrjr xnpnrlnr. Wjr.ranmtM l-iw Mlh .1. JJIANOS fin. #7li; 7l?'TAVIi It At ON A RaVKN tDi". LprlKlit *7.?; rout. 44. Organr fit's 44<> i.Oll IH IN A Si IN. I:? I'.nit 14th ?t, C X. It \ I.I. A in.. HKMoV I'D HI II I'.A^T 14 Til k '.u (I... ni-i Ijr i'lii. k.rinw I Inili. I'* ?nA 0>irnn. nt^nlm till, r?r rn.ii, mi In.LlnienU nn.l for rrnt rrilK OKKATKsr HARUAlN KVRR OKrl'.HKD-WO 1 ?i|HHrr mnl in rmlil I'lnnn., frnin .f.'HI upward. Inr mill, nn III.tnIm? IIIn. or In rrnt Don't fill to mil I.. Inr. ill.rrli>??!..|r ol?.'i?linro. KKAK ll'Kli, RYiltnw.rjr [TPKIiilir AND SUI. AKK I'fANOv *7.1 ro S2.VI; $A lJ :inil #1" m'?mliIy 11;1 pnlit. nr r^ni npirnnl II FT In H Unlun .qn.rn (??it Mill ?U w JANTKII-A Sr.CfiND HAND HTP.INWAY, CllirR. rftng or IV.hrr Dprijtht I'lnnn, not nrer tliirr vrtrt nlil. AnAr.M. diTlng A.teriPtlnii .int cult prleo, TDW.NnfcND, box 4.4D3 i'oit u(Uc?. New York. A.HLNKMK NT*. OOTII'S THEATRE EXTRA aNNOUNCKVIKjTP Matin re to-i>av at QEOBGK UIONOLD playe TWO CHARACTERS. OOTIDS theatre. Ouhekvk. BLACK EYED SUSAN ?I MATINEE THIi? WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. GEORGE UIONOLD at WILLIAM. OOTH'B THEATRE. TODAY. Nil. GEORGE KICNOI.D playi COLONEL CIIALLICK Id ALONE ililt afternoon at I :'KY BOOTH'S THKATKK. KIUNOLD. POPULAR PRICES at the GRAND MATINEE TO-DAY, at I Re?erved Se?t? ONE DOLLAR B GOTH'S THEATRE. sI'CCEoS. Lc races anil Managers... RIfiNOLD A TILLOTSON. THIS AFTERNOON. AT 1 ?0. THIS EVEN!NO. AT 8. MR. GBORP.B RIUNOLD MR. GEORGE RIONOI.D Mil OEOROE KIUNOLD MR. OEOROE UIONOLD will appear aa COLONEL CilAI.LICK In ALONE, and nt WILLIAM III BLACK EYED KL'SAN. Mr. F. B. WAKDK In i.nth pltcra. POPULAR PRICES. RESERVED ORCHESTRA Cll tills ...ONE DOLL % R TOMORROW (THURSDAY) EVENING, MAY 17. ROMEO AND JULIET. Mr. OEOIIOE RIONOI.D >i* ROMEO. JULIET In Miaa MARIE WAINWRIGHT, brintr the ncciminn of lirr Drat appearance. ~(OOTIDS THEATRE SPECIAL. Bl The management deal re to Invite particular attention to tlio production nt ihi? theatre on THURSDAY MAY 17. AT 8 O'CLOCK, of Minkesprnrr'n tniir'''!v ?f ROMEO AND JULIET. Mr. GEORGE UIONOLD " ai ROMEO. Mr. F. B. WARDK a? MEKCUllO and Miss MARIE YVaINWKIUIIT as JULIET, being the ncca-ion of her llr-t appearance. SoOTH*!""? UfcATRK. TA k?~NOTTcE J J K.SERVED HEATS fur the performance ot lloiucu and Juliet can be obtained at 1H Uroadarny, the Oranil Cuntral ami Windsor botela, B"GOTH'S THEATRE. OHANGBr FRIDAY EVENING. May IS, Wnttl 1'hlllippC great romantic drama, AMOS CLARK. AMOS CLARK Mr GKOBOE RIONOI.D PARK THEATRE BROADWAY AND 23J> HT. HENRY K. aUBEY Lessee aud Manager LAST NIOI ITS LAST NIOIITS LAST NIOIITS Last NIOiits LAST NIOIITS LAST NIOIITS LAST NIOIITS Last nights ?MATINEE M ATI ft EE M ATI NEK MATINEE MATINEE MATIN KB M All N En TO-1) v Y. TO-DAY. Open lit l.*^, H-minence ?t 'J "'clock. Mr. JOHN T. KAYMOND. Mr. J ill IN T. KAY MO.VO. Mr. JOHN T. KAYMOND. Mi. john t. Raymond. Mi. John T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. EAST NIGHTS OK RAYMOND ,\.a Cot. SELLERS LAST NIOHTS OK RAYMOND AS Cnl. SELLER* MART NIOHTS OK RAYMOND As Col. SELLERS. Miss M A RI r, ODUDON .l.ACRA HA A'KINS I'ricp*-.mi rants,91 v i. (MIAMI (ll'KHA IIDI'Slv T,K'J w5 Ji.''V/N ?>.K1J1'\ l'???rc? And M anucera itKSKKY KD SEATS (oreheatra circloi, FIFTY CENTS may lis Ht'rurril J wceka In advance. Hnx offlca open nil ili'V- THE I,AST WEEK OK VI itivum MU. KAN.NY DAVENPORT ? ?.i.. .. ? EAXi.Y bAVENPORT, Mr. OH AS. F. COUHI.aN, . C1IAS. K. OOOHLAN. JNO. BKOUO.IAM, JAS. Li-.WIS JNO. RUOl'Oll A.M. JAS. LEWIS ? ml 8TH AVENUE COMPANY * in Mr AUOUSTIN DALY'S PRINCESS royal. PRINCESS ROY A!,, now attracting - OVERFLOWING HOUSES. i ?irr*. POOLE A DONNELLY wnnld amrireat the ml vDnmlit v of m-rtirlnir enata in time In witnc-* the la.t per form auceiuf thin great drnnin. now the reigning ipneati?n. TTKIUN 8QUAR8 THEATRE. ~ Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager ,Mr. jj. PALMER EVERY KVKNINO, the nplendlil Drnmn, in three acta and I wolve aeenea, by the lute Andrew ilulliduy, entitled . , SMI KE. In the reprenentntiun ol thin play the following erttate ere employed Mr. J. "II. Stodderd, Mr. John Pnmollo, Mr. \Y. J. Leniovue Mr. Grnrg-o lleiiilnce. Mr. O. A. ntevemmn, Mr. W. Leliing well, Mr. Jnhii Cnrroll. .Mr. Edgar Moore, Mr. 1, Thump ?nil. Mr. Ilnrke. Mr?. Marie Wdaln*. .Mia, IHJon llrriin, tin hate l.trard. Miss Roheitn Norwood, Mlae Luulae Hyivealcr Mm. Tannoliill. ACT KIRST. Scene 1?Ofiico nnd Kalnli Xiekloby. Scene J?Anteromn in Nickloh. aollice. Scene It- OnHee Uuuin ol the Saracen'* Heed. Scene t?Entrance Ynrd to Saracni'a Heed. Scene A?The Inn Yerd?The Oepnrltire of the Cotck. ACT SECOND. Scene* I nnd T?Dothebova Hull. I ceiien 'J nnd 4?A Country Eeno In Yorkshire. AC I THIRD. Scene 1 ?Ralph Nickleby'a oltico. ? Scone 2?Exeter Change. Scene .'I?Mr?. Nirkl-hy'a Lodging*. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 1:30 O'CLOCK. DALY'S ST'li-AVENUE Til KATRK~ Proprietor nnd Menairer Mr. AUOUSTIN DALY MISS XEILSON'S FAREWELL REPRESENTATIONS. Every evening till* week. Mr. DALY* will produce SHAKE SPEARE'S remarkable play of CYMHKLI.NK which bee nut lieru acted lor ?l yean, and ill which MISS 8S8 OOO NN N 8 SO O N N N O O N N N O N N N O N N N NN EEEE l? LLT.L SSg" ~00<>' N NN will appear in her charming creation of IMOOKN, eaaiatrd liy Mr. < harlr* Either, Mr. J. R Stndley. Mr Ehen Plymp. ton. Mr. K. Ilardenlierir. John Drew, J. A. Ilnworth E. K Collier. II llarria, Mrs. Gilbert. Emily Rlgl. KAKEWELI. NEll.SON MATINi'.n of Vlole, Saturday , , at 2. In prrpnratlon. an extrannlinary Parfalan Drmnn entitled VLSI A. In which Mlxa DAVENPORT will appear. QTEINAVAY ' IULL. -FRIDAY EVENING, .MAY 2.Y k-J Farewell Concert ui Mia* Ennna I rrt T H II U 1" R R 8 " 3 II R y y II II c 1 KICK SSS it mi II II u I" It R R a 11 R II II u u It K s K II II11IIII u I" itrtR sss IIRR II II u If K R s k n II II u u R R 8 8 n u u u IT u R R SSS BBl) Y Y Y Y VY Y Y , * u u uru r n sss bbb y Prior to her dep trtore for Europe. Particular* iu Inline auvertlaeinanta. TP II i ATSE COMIUI'E ,'>14 BROADWAY* X IIAUKJOAN A II ART Pro nr let nr. m. w. H.v.M.Ev Lovt week ol the eeaaon. 11A KIt 10 \ N ami l| \ R i. mylonv family ami walkixo for the cake. GEORGE KNIGIII', I ADAMS AND EEC KEI.LY AND RYAN. | MASTER M\RT|N CM MILES S. KOOERS and MATTIK YICKKR8. IIARKINOToN and MeOLONK. | ALICE BENNETT H liy Gray. Johnny Queen. Wedoe-d .yand Saturday Matinee SIXTEENTH STREET TDKATkK. between Hroadwavnnd ."ttli an. MATINEE loDtY. \i 2', EVENING, AT 8 A. II. SHELDON'S Hl'Kl.ESQI K TKoI'PK IN the creat llnrleaqne, 'I'llE FORTY TillKVKS A OR A Nil OClO and SARAH'S YOUNO MAN, IADEMT ok MUSIC,BROOKLYN^ Leat appearanre thla ae iaon ol MR. JOHN MrCULLOUOIl. THREE PERFORMANCES ONLT. FRIDAY. Vav I*. aa OTHELLO. SATURDAY MATINEE a- HaVO.V. KATI RDAY. May 1.1 a< VIRi.lNlUfl. Snppoiled by an important caat ol character*. Box ofllce open daily, from H A. M. to 0 P. M. A' OTEINWAY HALL. ESSIPoKF. U Br reqneat. Mine. ANNETTE T.SSIPOFF will give ONI', a-rand lareivell M AI'INKF SAT I'll DAY". Mnv III. at 2 I*. M. Poaltieely her la?t appearance In Mnertrn Seenred aeata, #1 .YD. On a.ile Thiiredar al Stein way'a, Schuhertli'e and 111 Broadway. 1/OVPriAN IIALL, MITIi ST. AND 3D AV.?NICK . J'Jkirla In naoirlity -k-ieh?v. new apicy French aenaa ttoiia. Ill- t mirtrr.nnn and the Fomala Bathera Povea I I Iaatii|ilea, \ Night In I'arlv, Rich. Itacv No??ltie? the moat In xllllill yooli/l i.liea In tlo'.ily, the Freiodi Miiiuet j the Queen ol l.ove or Hie Ainonra of It-rally M.vKE NO MISTAKE! Mils l.w |'HK PLACKI ? . .. EVENINGS at s MATINEES TUESDAY. THURSDAY I ??????_ SATURDAY' at 2. A HOY LE KOOMS, AIS'.YLE ROOMR I JY , Hill AV AND ViTH ST. j BRILLIANT TERP.SD'lloi.EAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLY I'LAi K OF AMUSEMENT ' OF THE KIND IN THE CITY. OPEN KV.-.ltV ND.IIT, COM.MKNCINU AT !? O'CLOCK. entranck on :urn st. A II Ell EE'S TIVOLI THEaTRK. Hill at., heiween 20 end 3d ara. Erery evening In II e week and I III'ReDAV M YTINP.K. Illtirleiiii-, \ arlety, eenaatlop THE oNI.Y R A I,LET IN NEW YORK. ^ Til iC OREATKST SHOW on kariii. CTOLI MHIA OPERA llot SK, CORNER WEST"u'TH ^at. and Orcc iwicli a? He m. haml i t! the irr-al ah-w i I T.'/l I female ratiikr.h | French i I I I.EA.SI IIES IN MINI,'I T <*> ? RIAL WATER. i l Tne Miltan e Serm.-llw. or the lliaav Itiondea new Statue | Troupe . Jnrdln M-belt# i.lie ; Sirauim slghm for strnnirera I'M the M?. and all the lala.t French ami I'urklali .nicv nor elle a l.rery evening at A. Mattnre* Tiieader, Thuradava ftnii aScitiirdny -I li. y 1 - AKTII* It' ?> l>AN? l N(r NO. m LMuN J\ ; njmti itll Niimmor; privMtD mnt hour jrlliln wclli! "JiPrinlty * A TIKACIIVK r?i?i:KKTK AT HT PKTKRM UAiAl J\ lUrcUy Rl ?Out tliu ?vetting nnd an.,th. r lo-inorr.-w <? V. IIIIIL* ITTt.R FKYKL YT srKInWaV hale KRIDA Jnv?r?liig,.Mfi> |h. AdmUtloi,, ;?<>c K??erveil ?ohI? /TAI.D. I It IV < T E LESSONS PIANO. OKOAN V|f '!"? Eiiltar. singing, lolver.itr Rulldlng, Marr.le pia<e, , ppo.lte W aahliigtnn Park, i ir. uiara mailed lil.X CARTil.K. III). KINO. WILL WALTZ SI IY -lira wlthoel Intrnulavloh, at Tammany Hall. Frida n ? * n i ii u ? % en i tig ?kpALA'S ROYAL, *sp RTII AV.--40 KNOLIRII, ft "renrh and < frraR?f lift l*?1r ftlt?nd*oti; grAudcoiiecris ?'?ftiig. AdmlAalou fret. w A.MLNK.MKNT*. AI.LAC fc'8. Proprietor and Manager Mr. Lester Wattach EVERY EVEXINU AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Mr Walla k'a play, ROtiEDALE. EXQUISITELY I'K'I LUKMJt'E SCENERY ELEGANT FURNITURE AM. APPOIM fMKNTS. d.mmikms and youri:mem A 1.1. EMIKKLY NEW. and expressly prepared lor till. production. Mr. Lester Wallace ELLIOT* GRAY. Other character* he Mr. JOHN I.II.HKRT. Mr. IIARRY BECKETT, Mr. I DW'aKD ARNOIT. Mi? ALLIK IiII|{. I.INGTON, Mr CYllIL SKARLK, Mr. W J. LEONARD, Mr. W. A. EYTINOK, Mr C E EDWIN. >lr J l*K< K, Mr. T ATKINS. Mis* Al?A DYAS. MIm FLORENCE VILLIERS. Ml?? KKETE GKKMON. Mrs. FAKRKN, Mr. BE ETON, Mis. BLAISHELL and Miss BATE. A KILL MILITARY HA.NII ha* bent engaged lu additlun to the nsuai urcheetral fore* 01 this theatre TilK MUsIO hat been rearranged and original meleaiee added, with A NEW OYERTl'RK by Mr. THOMAS BAKER. CARRIAGES MAY BK ORDERED AT 11 II KLLKK'S WONDER THEATRE. LAST TA o WKEKH OK THE SEASON. LAM' Kill II MODI'S OK 'I HE KIKTII KKOOHaMME. LAST MCII1S OK IIKLI.Kit IN NEW YORE. MONDAY NEXT. OEMS OK THE KIVl. PROGRAMMES. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. IJHIK INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, MAIN BUILDINGS, Centennial (ironndi, will he open on and oner May HI, 1*77, with a wall rlattl. lied arrangement of exhibits, to dltplayad at to factlliata the advantageous inspection nnd study of them. Oret mid .Mineral*. OUai and Ceramic*, Artistic Enrnltnra, Household Art idea. Manufacturing Prore*?es and Chemical Producte. Spaelal collection* of Educationnl Appliance*. Philosophical Apparatus, Engineering Modall and Inanmarabla article*. ahowlns tbo . Ine and Industrial Arta, the Decorative ami the Useful. In a few word*. '2>> ncrea of talactad Natural or Industrial rroductt, representing the skilful acliiavemeutt of man kind in nil porta of the world. A grand Mitsle Stand, occupying the north end of tba main tranaept, hat aeata lor a choru* of 2.5UO persona, and Organ or other Conotrtt will ba given afternoon* and evenings. The Grand Diorama of Washington at Yorktown la ahown wlthont extra charge, alto a Ufo-llke tableau of th a Signing of tha Declaration of Independence. The price of admission la go cento. The viaitor tuny, wit liout ?? xtrn charge, viall tha enlloctlnn of the Pennsylvania Muaaum and Hcluwil of liuluttrlal Art, In Memorial Hall; atao Horlieulttiral Halt ami tlie Holani cal Garden, returning (without further payment) to tha Permanent Exhibition. All deatrahle convenience* have been provided in tbo way of waiting rootna, baggage room*, lunch counter and dining room in tbo Department ><f Public fomlnrt. 'Ihe best place tor excursion parties to ba found la America. D. TORBKY. General Agent. mOKY PASTOR'S. TON*" PAHToIt iC 1 GRAND GALA NIGIIT. It KM; KIT OK KITTY O'NKIL. A 1IOS '"V VOLUNTEERS. KRANK KERN*, T. G. It I GO S. HILLY CAltl Kit, SCANLON aNDORONIN. PAT ROONKY, TIKItNKY AND O RON IN. AND ALI. OK BILLY HARRY'S ti UK AT COMBINATION. D STREET TIIKATKK. THURSDAY, MAY 17. COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO MR. JAM KB IIA VI LAND. Itllou Heron, Afternoon at 2. Geo. Korteaene, Ida .leffreji, MEG'S DIVERSION. Geo. Boniface. Kate Mceic, Mon-ienr Alphonae. E. D. Coleman, Amy Lee. Evening at*, Mlt* Imoireue. Marian Mourdant, QUIET FAMILY, A. II Stoddarl. Maggie I'urker, PERFECTION, Itenj Maker Adelaide Glialne, I CINDERELLA. laud other*. Box olliro open now. Full program me, aee te-ninrrow'a paper. fYVUB G REAT N EW YORK AQUARIUM, * X Broadway and Xitli at. Open onily Ironi !? A. M. till l<> P. M. JUST Altlt I YEI) KRiiM THE TROPICS great variety of magnificently colored and marvellously Finned Fishes, surprisingly beautiful Anemones, wonder* till l.lvlng Coral., procured only alter months of labor and very great expense. Angel i Ishea <>' a thousand hnos. Zebra. Hamlet, lima and Pink Squirrel Fishes. Gorgeous "See Doctor," with changeable color*. THOUSANDS OK OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Miss SADIE LlMtlN. submarine Performances. PYKK'S MADKIGAL HOYS. Afternoon ami Evening Concerts. Admission, SO rents; children half price. 15 OWEKY Til K ATltli. WEDNESDAY. Mov 1(1, I he popular at^tii Mr HERNANDEZ FOSTER ?nutl?n trtlit, In IDs crente*l of aensatlun drama*. jack hakkaway in America. Preceded by the farce of A KISS l.S THE DARK. rpilE ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION IOK TOR NMff J Ynrk Institution for flip Blind, confuting of'Vocal ?n4 1 n??trlilitl Mimic, Iiitflrury Kxerciftcit, Ac.t will be held at Meluwuy Hall, on Ttiiir*<luy Evening. May 17, 1877, Commencing ?t h o'clock. Adrni*?ioii, -*?c T~~<J~ LET?TIIK NEW HKOADWaV TUEaTKE, Bt week or month. Apply to J B ANV A HI t. at Theatre OAffCnrO A( ADFolIIKH. A ?CARTIER'S DaXOINU ACADEMY. H WTo* JY?pquare; open all Hummer; private Iriomna any hour; new mid eiujr yyaient, glide well* apeclalty; Soiree Mon day evening und Taeadajr afternoon ami evening. Carol ? al procciiklori viewed from window*. -bODWOKTH S HCHOuK For !> A NOl NO. *To. ?Hl *>tli av., open tor cIhhr or private lemon*. ! A; post or pica notice. PiKfif liPPI 0 h 0Y1 tftr The fnreiirn m ill* lor ihe ween ending Saturday. May 1H. 1H77. will dona :it till. ofHca on lne?Iay. til 12 M.. fur Europe. by ale.ini.hlli Nt.vt.tln, vlti Qiirniali.wn On Wcdneaday, ut 4 :*l A. M., fur Europe. bv .(etiiiiilil|i Kim ?In, >1* (juoenilown (cnrr?poiiiliDm fur prance to its lor. warded by till, rtenmer inun ln< .ueclally addreMedi, and ni 4:3U A. .M. for France i!lrt"rt by *toumi<liip Kranee, via llnvrtv On Ihurcdav, ni 11;.'* I a. >1 . for Knr.ipe, or ?toiiiiinlilp Kri?la, vl* I'h nioiitli. Cherbonrg and llnm. bnrg. On Saturday, at 7 :.'*BA M. lor Europe by (lean. ?Inp Clly of Richmond,, via Q'irenatnwn (correspondence for i Irrmeny. Hen'land And North ol Irrland to bo lorwordnd bv till* steamer mn.t lot aprrlally ad'ti e.aod), nml At 7 A. M.. lor Meotund mid North ol Ireland by etrninaliin In rliorlA. vIa Motrlll, And (ilaagow. and ?t 11:30 A. M. lor | Enroon by steamship Rheln, via Boat (tampion and Bremen, i The Nevada. Ruaala and city of Richmond do not lake I m ill* tor Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Tbo mall* for t lltiyti and Kingston. .lainaira will Irate Now York, >iay 24. 1 Tim mall* tor tlio We?t Indie* via Havana will leave Now S'ork May flu. Tha mail for Auairalla. Ac., will Inavn San May 2.'t. Tim mall* for China and Japan wilt laava Han Kranrlaco May 23. T. It. JAMES, Postmaster. Ni* Voiik. May 12. 1S77. ?? r a 1)KoPOSAlw V(Ht COFFEE AN 11 TKANHPOKTAlflofi roll THE INDIAN DEPAKTMKNT. l>lcr*RTMKVT HP TUP laTPHKia. 1 nrrirp Iidiii Arrant*. \ WasiiianTi.n, May I (, IH77. J Sealed proposal*. Indorantl "Proposal* for Coffee.'' and addroaard |o ihr Commlaaiouar of Indian Affair;, No. 711 Walker ?t.. Nrw York clly. will br rnraivod ontil II o'eloaa A. M on Saturday, May 10. IH77, lor furnishing It-i.OgJ pound, of coffee, to b? drllvrrrd at Nrw Yor*. Philadol plilti, Baltimora. fft. Iniula. CWtaffo or hloax Cltv. Sched ule, showing tuna of drlivrry. citnaltinna to ba obarrvnd bp bidder* and trrm* of contract and payment, together with blank propttaal*. forma of rontrarl. boo t. Ac., will ba fur ni.lird tin application at till* office, in Washington, rr at 78 Wn.krr *t . Nrw York l'rtt|ot**l. will al*o ha rrenlvod until aamo bonr for trana portatlon Iroiy caeh of tbo abova mentioned polnta to the Crow Agrnry, Montana. J. y. SMITH. Comml*?lonnr. ?ACK1NKU1. ItSOIl SAI.E TWO HfKAM K X (J A V A To'liJ .*"f ^ 6 'tif. comotlvr* nml a timintitv ol ICuilroad Iron, alrnoat new. JOHN HoMNP.Iilt\. Cnmrartor, Mnnlreal. I,toil i?Al,K -UNK KUtHT A PKYHU. JIO SAW. 1H?T " little ii.rd; will Im * tld rlmap for want of room Anplv al la C. K t.TsCH K A'H, No. 04 Clinton at., city, rear build in* HtOK HAI.E-ONK EHillT HOME I'OWKIl ERICS*, roo Caloric fcniioc, with Hinokolack. lor 9lft<); ro*t now ! ft.hoi. Iti'inlrn :*vi ytilnry at . Tnntpkln. av., Brooklyn. / * 'KID hKCOND II 1NI1 (Jl ARK) MEDIUM (?* tK|n"i~N * T t'rr** wanted; name loarat prlre. Atldrra* PRINTKK. Ipnrald ofBee PUATPUK jfk ItKVATO HAND 8T If KTE V K NT N ?5 W KII I w iitlnd Send fntl d'?rrlptlon of both and price to boa fi.ltl New York I'o.t iifficc. t?f ANTi iT-A hour Oil HTUKTKV ANT Itl-oWEU. Ifl II Inch outlet. Addreee II. I,. 11., but 2M I'oat office, ,iatit(ki*iil prlco. It- vNTED?A sRCONO HAND-MALK OB QUAKTR? II medium'' I' or Onrdon Printing I rr?* Ad* drr*. OOVKRNOK, Holdteri' Home, Now Port Monroo. Va., ?tatlng trrtna WA9TKD Tt? PI-HCIIANR. IJAHTIES II AVI SO M Vi'III N KItY (111 ANY'df llER kind ol Mcrcliandl.e rh up for ra?l>, addre** M. R. K., | |?(i Kroil it . Br atklvn. E l>. w ANTI II 12 Will ri. WINDOW .11 AUKS. 7 HY J; | 71 al?o Awning f tr ?1 loot .lore : *inall Soda t-nnn ain. Head lull part IcnUri. fbreaall. T AYLOK. 71 tVarrou. WAN I Kll To I'l'KCHAHE (INK li A N li.OM h coU N | 77 ter.'abonl 14 lect. aod enr aboal I'l fret; alio -how I cn?e* for aame Addrr*. J W s,. Herald I piown ..mee 111 I.I.I A lllls. ~ | k 'fjiTOf second Hand HlLtTXHITTXinCW in* ^Vr.rrlrrt ortler equal to now. at very low price*. II. W. ! CoELKNDKIt 7;|. llrtiedway. ? MKilii'.tN .TA N H A III' IthVKI. Ill I.I.I Mlii TATliTks , j\ a ith lieuney'* wire ru?hlon*, indor*etl by ail Irading nrofr. tonal I'll) IT* ; extra indnt'cineiii* now offt-retl; Me han.l I able* at great bargain*. W. II. UKIKKITII A en., in ?'e*i v ?(. N kw Hii.itiakd tabi.e.. favi each. UKOKHK K IHIEI.AN, 14 Yc*ey *t. .7IAUH1*K )I\7TEI.S. * DK'IHI'D H AliO.A I N ?TWO EEKOANf MAKlj.M J\Maud It lor qaarter tlirlr value Can ba Bern at Itid Ka*t .V.ili *1 Mauri.k and mauHi.hiXRD mantels, ? ?ravraione*, Kurnlture and I'lnuibrr* slab*, al greatly rtdnred prirea A. KI.AHEH, 134 and l.'NI Eait IStli tt., near SJ ae. QTF.WART'SStiATK, M AKHI.E AND HAKDWOOII MAN Oteit, Oratee, Ar., removed to 79 and 77 77ect U4 it, MBIC Imtll eBBeail, Unrtba Tk*?U%