Newspaper Page Text
CIT%' 11EAL. ESTATE FOH IALK. Central. ?50TH ST.. NEAR .'.TH AV. . Superbly located and arranged medium ?1ted foar itory ?tone Dwelling; good order : price low; e**y terme; pobMuU'U. V. K. HTKYKNSON. A 4 Pine mud 33 bait 17th it 5 A BARGAIN. -5TH AT.. NEAR 49TH ST . N AG NIP I Arret tour storv brown atone. 23*B3xl00; price $4.\.V1U FaCOH v. D. WTCKOPP. 3(1 i'lne at and l.l?3 Broadway. A N EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN?NEAR LEXINGTON, J\ U.ree story hrlck, $4,300; another. $7,730. mortgage K>,t?K>; una. J0.00U; elegant four atory.$15,300; another, fikood. PROEllLICH. 7SS 3d av^ .lOIaETARD. HUDSON RIVER "and 1TOTH sT. Lota H nuctlon under torecloaure. May 33. fill HARD HARNETT. Auctioneer. Ill Broadway, baaeweut. Kuat Slllr. $- fVFin?LBSS rol{ OAdU?T> HENRT 8T.; J.UuUiplitidlil Liveatmrut. KULANU k WI1ITING, 5 Beekman at. North Sldti HOMBt.AND PLACE. HINT'S POINT CITY.? Acre Plele for genteel renideucea: rangnitieeul *??*? iplendid drive through park; taapa. OLlVKlt BRiAN. 6 Li&crty it A il CITY LOTS AT~BELMONT, 34TH WARD. AT UN Toraierred auction, on premise*, at 2 o'clock to .lav, to cloao eatata of John C. Kaynar, deceaeed; high prices not expected; must cell; location good; term* easy . take l.S tram Hurleni Railroad !o Tremout. JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer, 163 ltroudwajr. ___________ BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO KENT. pTwiLTf^Ak'TrFftR A'KfKotc 6F*Dooi? m 000. 'Property, with a large Factory on the aau.e: eue of the beat location* lu the city of Brooklrn; coat $33 000; only $1,(100 required down; the abnre i? well adapted tor hay ana grain. brewery or coal and hrlck yard. Address J. .1. II., 153 Maiden lane. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SAL.E AND TO BEST. A -i.?a.-l6VbI.Y country skat~"on tHl t\ .Sound for rent; tcrnia moderate; modern Improve ments. AUDLEY W. GAJU5AM, 103 Broadway. "a T PKLHAM MANOR?ONE HOUR BOAT AND RAIL iV/ro.n Pulton alio; landing alao 23dat.; auuerior Ilouaes told or rented; funnelled or nnfurnlahed. STEPHENS BROS., 187 Broadway. "A T TKKMONT?5 MINUTBS FROM DEPOT, 20 PRO* /Y42d at.. Cottage, lu good rrpair; four Iota; abundance of trmi; excellent water; rent $300. J. THOMAS RTBARXS. A T YONKERS?FULLY PUKNISHKD IK)USE. ~AT J\.f000, end one for $800 per year; grind neighborhood. YOUMAN8, Acent, Y.inker*. NICELY PUKNI8IIKD 17-ROOM HOUSE, AT Mount Vernon, N. Y.. to rent for the aeaaon; houae haa many modern improyemeuta; owner will board part of rent. Pur full particular* and photograph of place call 310 East 20th at. I""NOR RALE OR TO LET?AT KYE, NEW HaVSN 1 Railroad, beautllnl coontry Keaidence ; four ucrea; good houae, ten room*; barn, carriage houae, hennery, Ac.; plenty of truit. Apply P. BONNKaU, 174 Centre at. T~0~RENT?NEWLY PAINTED, THOROUGH ORDER, Cottage, Mount Hope, near Tremont station. Twenty fourth ward. M. HARD, 2ft Beekman. 0 RENT?IN YONKKRS, F0BN18UED FRENCH roole.l Cottage, ton room*; aeyen mi...ilea from depot; Brat elxaa neighborhood and line view ; lot 7ft by ISO; rent $.'.() per month. Apply to W. K. K., Boat olllce, Yonaers. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOR SAIaE OR TO KENT. A T Iab7 hamFton. UiSii "'D.-Vor salil a \ a Cottage llonae, together with garden and door yard; the houae la modern in atyle. coutaina nine rooma, and la lit tinted within 3(10 ynrtla of the bench; the village la largely frequented during the aummer, and the eoriety i* unexceptionable, yet free from the exeraaea of the ordinary watering place: term* to suit. Addreaa C. P. ABBEY, Lor I Hard Insurance Company, 132 Broadway, N. Y., or D. H. HUNTING. Eaat Hampton. t~:M ONTO LAIR, N. J.?ELEGANTLY P L HNIMH K D Houae, Hi rooma; alable, ground*; rent $1,200; Dobba' Perrv, elegantly furniahod llouae. 13 room*; one acre; rent $1,000; Bayaide, L. I., splendidly (iirniabed Houae, 13 room*; ground*; rent $1,000; otbora, $300 to $2,300 ; 300 otbor place* lor aale, le.tae or exchange. WYOKOPF'S, 30 Pine at. and 1,103 Broadway. Ax t NEW BRIGHTON?TO LET.' FUBKI8HKD, SUm" raer or year, brick Manaion nt the late Daniel Low; 16 acre*' garden, lawn, grapery, atablr*. Ac.: location un equalled; oceau and Inland Tiewa; lora.nulea' walk from two ferrlea. W. A. COLLINS. 26 I'ine at. ATDOBBS' FERRY, ON THE HUDfOK?ELEGANT Place, furniahed, line outhnlldlRga, lei aeaaon or year. WILLIAM TUCKER, 220 3lh av. ADKLIGHTPUL KKSIHENCE, FURNISHED. WITH In Dve minute*' walk of Irvlngton atation, on B ltd yon: axtenaive ground*; floe aharle, atable, Ac.; abundance of fruit; fine Alderney cow may be left. J. R, HAY, 82 Broadway. A" COMPLETELY PUR.nTsiTeD~ H0U8R OP TEN room* to rent, at Elisabeth, N. J., for aummer, from June 4; eligibly located; abode ; line croquet lawn; larma, $7.3 a month. Inquire of WILLIAM il. POOLER, Cen tral National Bunk, 320 Broadway. A TURN 1SHED COT I'AuKA I 5 K A BRIGHT TO RENT for tho aeaaon; a large Houae near Englewood; every elty convenience. Box 243. Englewood, N. J. N ELEGANT RESIDENCE AT NEW~BRUNSWICK' Jxnear the college ; pleasantly aitnated; gaa, watar, bath room, Ac,; will be aold low; term* euay. EDWARD S. VAIL, No. IT 1 Broadway, room No. 11. HOUSE TO LET?AT W(K)DBRIDGE, N. J.. TO aether with atable and three acrea ?f ground: plenty of fruit; 10 minute* from depot; alao Houae at Paaaaic, X. J,; fix minute* Irnm depot. For particular* apply to GKO. V. AMEUMAN. 340 Broadway. A BEAUTIFULLY SITl'ATKD COTTAGE, NEaTi aalt water, for aale; $3..">tXI; term* easy; two acre*; ene hour from city. Apply 32 Fourth nr., near 8th at. A* ?ELEOANT FURNISHED OOTTaOB O.N OCEAN ?uv., Loug Branch ; best offered. W. POOLEY. 173 3th ay. Farm for haj.k-i:i acres; good house and barn; all kltul* of fruit: on the hanks of the Hn.laon; baa 16 mile* of river view. Addreaa J. O. FISHER, Marl borough, Ulator connty, N. Y. I" poi; sale or ro let-a beautiful country ' Keaidence at Enat Mount Vernon; houae, 14 room*, partly furniahed; large barn, laundry and uuthouaea; all shade and fruit tree*; one mile from New Ilaven nepot; cheap to a rrspun* ble party. Apply to PETER KEAR NEY, corner Broadway nnd ROtli St. IjvTrt SALE?AT UPTEK^NTACK, ON TIUS HUDSON,' shout 20 ecrea of Land, cMendlng from the river to the iop of the mountain, convenient to steamboat or railroad, to l>e aol.l in whole or parts. Apply to GARRET SAKVKNT, Upper Nyoek. s I~"V)R^SALB?DESIRABLE FARM, CAPA BLE~OF making money from ilny of poaaoaaion; BOO acrea; ne<r railroad, river and elty: 2,300 fruit tree*; wooda.protltably located; term* eaav; nerfect title; iinencninhered; price, $13 ,060; photograph *ent for 33c. Address L J. 11., Pe tersburg, Vo. Fob sale ok rexr?dksi kahlk country kesi dence, at Metarbnn, N. J.. 2H miles from New York, oa Pennsylvania Railroad, con mining 0110 acre of land ; hotiae, with 12 rooms, and barn, within a few minutes' walk of de pot ; Iruit, flow era and grapevines hi abundunce, with kit fhtO garden. Appls tn M. I. R. VaNDYCK, fBl WllklBf* ton it., Jersey U?tj*, or at Metuchen. For balk -deliohtful country brat in Scared ale. Westchester county: 22 acres; modern house. Apply to GEO. P. N KLBON, 1?T0 Broadway. TjlOR HALE-TWO MOUK%FROM 42 D ST., A FINE J/ Farm of Oh acres, with a four table slate roof houso. neatly furnished, large batn, Ac.; buildings new and built by day's work in best manner; Mill Hirer runs through the farm; abstract of title 100 rears; nncncnmbered; nrice -g- .. sit Hoi $16,000; terms to suit. I have a customer for small House in Brooklyn, K. D. Address H. HUTCHINSON, North Stamford, Conn. For hale?farm 92 acre*. 40 milks in new Jersey; 14 acres wood, balance wheat, corn, rye, grass, Ac ; fine Buildings, only 4 years old; House large; photo graphs at my office ; this olaco will be sold cheap; terms easy; Immediate possession C. VAN CLREF, 19T. Broadway. glOR HALE CHEAP-A FIRST CLASH TRUCK AND U Fruit Farm, GO acres, at C ran ford. N. .J. J. O. HOYT, 171 Broadway. For SALK. EXTREMRLY LOW THRRR PLaNTA tion* on Great Satilla River, Camden county. Ha.. 3ftf> acres, 4hh acros, 130 acres; first class rice farms; 10 per cent purchase money down; balance a long time if desired; titles perfect. For further particulars address J. M. DKX TKft, Brunswick, Gs. I JOB BA i.K?FARM. 3ft ACRES, SF.A SHORE FRONT, Staten Island; beautiful location ; fishing, boating and bathing; one hour from city ; easy term*. A. JOURNKaY, 49 l.ispenard st. KjHJRNlBHKD COTTAGE AT LONG BRANCH TO JF let?For the season; sen and river bathing ; also Barn, ror particulars address HERMAN ALLSTROM, Long Hriim.h, N. J. W ILL PROPERTY TO ItKN'T. LOCATION MAMIAH AvLset Bay, Long Island; plenty of work and splendid chance for nrsrtlcal man. ROBERT MoRRT.LL, Manilas set. Long Island. V"KW BRIGHTON.?FURN1HHF.D AND UNFURNIHU J.1 ed Cottages; large, elegant Mansions; unsurpassed lo cations; rents reduced. \V. A. CoLLINH, 28 Pine st. VfEWARK, N. J.-TO LET, WITH POWER. THREE J.s story and basement brick Building, well lighted, built tor Jewellers, about <>.'?x24 feet* near depot, where trains are running continually t<? and from New York ; possession Im mediately. M. PRICK, 338 Mulberry, corner Oliver st., near the premise*. NEWRCKO.?To KENT CHEAP FOR THE SUMMER, a beautiful Residence, fully furnished; fine river view; fiacres garden planted ; cow. fowl, Ac.; 10 minutes' walk from leiry. Apply m l. CURTIS, r?93 Hroanwat. Nrw York. MRK PLACE. HOTEL. RENT $2/mt) A YEAR; everything ready to romtnenee hotel keeping. A LAFI LIN, Niagara Falls. N. Y. S TAMKMKP. ? I'KOPKKTY UK I.VEKY KKSCKII'TIOS fur aalo and to let. III Kit Alt It, Town JI nil, Kteniftird, Conn. TO LET. VKKT KKASONAHI.V. AT AMITYVII.I.K, ?,. I . Kurnlxlird lloil... II I', arre. , ilir-o mini utrx Irnin dep il i pb(ilo(i>|ili Willi I. K. SHINE, I4f> Broad way. TO LKT A COUNTRY Hot NR. KSAR NEW BRUM wfrk, N. .1 . nl votir own price; hnii.n n.w , 10 rnrmx; bow..11Till xltun lieaJih)', ground. complete. W. II. y AIM.KK. 1IIH Wall II. rp" I.KT B??|_ liAflllE IIOIIHK; l'J_ ACKKS; at 1 xtatlnn i A mill'. New .leraey. 4:b> tVr.t I7tl?. TO LET AT II I'NTINGTON IIAUBOK. I., i. (fUU nulled), ? Bn, I'ouutrjr lle.ldcnre. eon.lxtinc ol n Ixr*e lliree .torjr frame inan.lnn, <W larro room.. In pond eondt lion mid ulrelv furiil.l>ed; heat.r, rantfe; r wn*>'l nnd pinre hod... : Wire h.rn wltli .1* atnlln ?nd ampin rnrrl?i;a room; rtclii arroe of land, wall cnltleatcd; abundanrn of all kind, or trult; po.iex.lnn at oncn. Full |.?rllrnlnr. by applying to JOIIN K .IAMBS, IW Montague xt.. Brooklyn. To IIO IK I, \IKK.?'Till. MA HON llOlIBK TDK IIKHT p.rint- cnu nl rv hotel in III" Hint,. I. now "ill Iron the prolilbltor/ law of lit, paxt four .roar., and I. In let lor a term ol y?,r.. none lull But rlun parllei neml ?PI>I> fell, Jlltli, 17th, |Hth. nl "litre ol CIIAIILKH HCIILKHI Niil-'.K, i?l'"Urr, l.iheriy ?t.; ?fler tliwl l" J- MAHOM,,, N. V. A MONTH T!I.I. ATRIL I, l?77. A HANI) Home l'"tl?i[,, liIn" riionn, uimlern lnipror,nirnl e minute from d"pol , in".l de.lrxble loretinu; llo.evlll New.rk. Inquire < l>. N . -IHM Hroinlwoy. a-'tr I'KK MONTH (KKI)i'IJTION)?HOTHIC IIOl'SK, ?Pw?)hsrd wood fin 1st!; seven rooms. Kutherfurd Park . Hr?l station F.rie Rniiway II A YW* Hill, oppt?site station iiiiiwi AOKKH UK oil. I. A NO*. IN M'KKAN ^.l/i M fnourily, l'? , ??le fin Hi, ball trelween Hrkil l-.rd ?nJ vt.rie" "niy lur c??l. h'h e fiui per ?rre. at 1-4 M'.rrcn al.. New Vurk, or TIluMAS OIIATTL I'leaxanlTllle, P HEAL KSTATK to RXCHAlVOa. l-.XI'H A NO I*. Mill -K AM) HI AHI.h. IN hTa/P.N U\.l?l'"i'l. fM.<KIO; Ore and clnarafckke In nnriiiont lleii.n I, Kruokl/n, ItfbUjr luurtgaued. *1,11' raid Uptown ol UKAli KSTATK TO EXCHANGE. BROOKLYN KToiiKS AM) DVIUINOI FX chAnccil for llnrwi, ()?rri*?n.. Farnuurr. Merchandise, Country Property. Ac. U. IIROWX. 170 Broadway. room 4, .New York, afternoon. CiiTT dwelling wanted?pok pine country 'Place or cash ; $3U,(XA> to loau. Address bo* 1-W, Brojk | lyn. I EXCHANGE- HOUSE AND HTAMLK. NEAR GRAND jOutre sts.. suitable lor cartrosn; free end clear Property. In Mount Vernon, lor Kerns; tree Cottage end Ca*n for llouee below 42d -t ; Pwrllint ill 7thn ct fur coun try Lot* end Cottage. TIIOS. NH'HOL*. 3il ?' end 23d si I1XCHAN0B, UU| OK LEA HE JM EAST 1?TH sr.. linear Broadway ; furnished or unfurnisbeil, residence or business. IjtXCHAN0E?VAI* IUBLK IMPROVED PKOPNRTT tin* Chicago end Michigan for thl? cuv or neerby Properly. JAMKS HRUW.VIM1, II aud Kl Went Houston St. __ IJIOR KXCHAXOS?PUB AX Tm PROVED KA KM IN J? Llelewere or Merylend, between Wilmington end Den ton. e Due House nu 1'elisede nr., Jersey City Heights; all Improvements. gas, wetcr, beths, ranges, not nnii cold wn tvr, heater in cellar, tubs, sewer, pared end flagged street: one uille from lerrv; cars every Ave minutes: elevator. Ad drees J. A. 11., 21 lie neon sv., Jersey City Heights. IjloR SALE (JR KXCII tXtlH KDIl NKW YORK OR Brooklyn Property, a Country Store (stocked) and Ileal I den.-e ; moat desirable location, directly opposite depot, on I principal street, in one ol the healthy and flourishing Inland towns in Pennsvlvaula. 3>j hours Iroin New York. Kor par ticular* .o? OWNBtt. 27 old slip. Hoi >K, IN TIIP. OoVntKyTwTtH $5.<?0, IN Ex change for House in 13d at., near Broadway, value SHMXKI. mortgaged lor SIO.OHO. Address W. K. 11., ha Fraukliu St. IOWA LANDS WANTKI)"lTrPART FOB 41 ACKK Kanu: excellent buildings; Prospect Plains. New Jersey. ItULiAND A WHITNEY. 5 Bookman sl._ TKNAFLY, N. J.?HA LB OK EXCHANGE. VIN K COT tage. nino rooms: barn, fruit and shade; also Palisade ilousu at Fort Leo; will rent cheap. CLARK, 111 liroada-ay, bnaemeut. room C. T"0 CAPITA UIM?A NT* All ~POW]KR MAN CP A <' luring Establishment, on tho Potomac, near Harper's Kerry, machinery nearly uew, stock for running, conven ient and low, prospects lor a remunerative business of $1.1.000 profit vearly, will be disposed of at a bargain or ex chapired for Philadelphia city property and $11000 to $21,000 cash; one with amount named of cash ran purchase or become interested with present owners. Address T. K. KMhKY, southeast corner 4th and Walnut sta.. Phila delphia. \\rA.NTkb?FIRST ClTsR~?kaT RRTATR" OR MhlT. TT chandlse. In large or amall quantities, lor well secured first mortgages on city property In New Jersey, within one hour of New York. Address, with full particulars, IlUKIt, Herald office tail h a/Wl -HANDSOME RESIDENCE. 17 ACRES, ip Lv". U17U. with stork: will tuke Harlem or North New York ltouso. W. P. BERGEN, 8umerville, N. J. ^ 11K A Is KSTATK WANTED. \T7 ANTED TO PURCHASE?A FOUR STORY BROWS f V stotie lull siscd house aud lot, built In the hest manner, with all modern improvements, between lKth and 52d sts. and Madison and 7th avs. Kor u bargain, immediate cash payment, address VILAS, Kitth Avenue Hotel. VI ANTED?BL'Y okTkaS8 DOCK FRONT IN~NKW TT York harbor, with Building* suitable lor umnufactnr? | Inc. Address box 1,21*1 New York Post office. TO LET. FUR BCSINKSB PiaiPOBfts. BilNNKTT BUILDIN G." Fireproof, I.ornted on Nassau, Ann and Fulton sts. Klrst Floor to let; suitnble lor bankers'. Insurance offices or lawyers; will l>e let top-other or In parts: he altered to suit tenants it aealred; adapted for olhces or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible Law offices to let. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. Tiller the elevator. Inquire lorjnnltor. COM 1I.jDH)F8~aTXrTm?nT8"a'xL~HTORE TO LET? Cheap, at 230 Mulberry St., near Outbodral. Inquire on premises. OTORK TO LUT, VERY c'lYKAP-Kt)RMK111.Y ATiltO. Ocery store, with Kixturvs, Stable, and tour Booms over store; rent $2-1 por month. Inquire, during day and even Inc. on premises, corner 78th St. and av. A; also cheap Apartments to let. STORE TO LKT?UOOD KOK ANY BUSINESS, WITH four rooms above: rent cheap. 35 East 18th St., lew doors east of llroadwav. TO LET?PARtTiF STOKE, "~3R9 HUDSON ST., TO man who understands the Hour and feed trade ; no finer store snd location in New York lor tbnt tradu. DWELMNG IKIISKR TO LET. Kurnitlled. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET? Situated near Union square, west side, suitable for a sinnll private fumlly or club of gentlemen; will not he let for any business purposes. Apply to UOMElt MORGAN', 3 Pine st. -FOUR STORY HOUSE. TEN ROOMS; FINE OK i.der, West 21st St.; $700 year. W. POOLKY, 173 5th a*. F URNISIIKD AND UNFURNISHED IIOUfK.S; OWN'. ert remain; also furnished Apart incuts and flats A. DAILhY, eOSCth av. TO RENT-FULLY FURNISHED, 4-SToKY HOUSE, 48 West 27th St.. 5th and Oth avs.; in good order. Call. I'tiflirnlshptl. A NICE THREE STORY HIGH STOOP IIOUSE TO let, 425 East 120th st.: only three minutes from steam boat Isndiug and cars; all improvements; gas fixtures and chandeliers; rent to salt pood tenant; possession Immedi ately. Apply at 4211 or to J OH N FOLEY, 2 Astor House. =LAKGK FOUR STORY BROWN STONE illOH ?stoop House, near 1th av . below 42d st., in rent low to a pood tenant; In ported ordor. Keys nt JOHN l-'ETl' RETCH'S. 1 488 Broadway. A N XLKOANT FLAT IN KNICKERBOCKER BUILD 1 line. 14th St.; Parlnr Floor, 13 rooms; ftvu windows nu 5th av. ; everv convenience; low rent. Permits nt 4 Pino or :i3 Bast 17th at. V. K. STEVENSON. Jr. T3NTIRR UPPER PART. THREE FLOORS. OCCU. JZJpled many years for boarders, 32ti Greenwich st. IIULKKKT PECK, 2tW West 34th st, V^RKK KENT THIS MONTH. -ENGLISH BASKMKNT r House. 25 West 3d St., near llroudwuy; eompleto order; low rent; seeu mornings. IrM l.L-SI/K THIIKE-STORY lilCII ST()()l'.~27'rif ST* near i.exinpton. 13 rooms; splendid condition ull throuph; private Isintly; reasonable. Others. KILPaTRIOK, 3d nr.. 25th st. T"WO I'll HE K. >Ti IIIV IIHIII STtPII' IIRtlWN STONE Houses, 18.4x10, plnassntlr situateil; all improvements. Inquire of V. K. STEVENSON. Jr . 4 Pine or 33 East 17tU St.. or D. 11. KNAPP, on premises, 101th, near lOtli nr. FtTRNISIIKD ROOillN ASD AI'ARTMESI S TO l,ET. A COMPLETELY FURNISHED FLAT ~N?AR THE ./APark; parlor floor; private house. J. R. IIAV. 907 Oth nr. A LARUE FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE KliR one nr two gentlemen In private honae 207 F ast 32d at. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SECOND KlioOR together or sepnrately. to Bcntletnan, withont Board, near union squaro; references. l.'ll It net 17th at. FRONT ROOM. TWO BBDROOMh; I.IQHT HOUSE keeping; car. bath. Ac. 273 8th av., neer 23d at. FIRE SUIT OF FURNISHED ROOMS TO |dU TVIrliont board- pond nrcomn.odntlom., for one or two gentlemen, at 34 Wot 23th at. PRIVATE KAMII.V WILL RENT NICELY FUR. Lni'lied Rooma or Half of llonao. 103 Eaat 34th at. A FURNISHED ROOM FOR UKNTI.KMKX, *7 I'ER month: private honae; hath, Inquire 17 Abingdon square, ? 11> av. i FEW CHOICE ANI< CHEAP ROOMS, FURNISHED, J\ Tor housekeeping at 214 Weat 47th at.; flrat iiotiae Ironi Broadway; near park; delightful aa country through sum mer. A private family will let elegantly fnrnialied Floor, en aulte or nlotrljr; every convenience; terms moderate. 241 Weal 34tli at. V LARGE. II ANDSOMEI.V FURNISHED FRONT Room, 8rt; beck. 8-5; for gentlemen. 130 West 30th at., near Hrnndwny nnd Sixth avenue cars. A LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, WITH ALCOVE; also a smaller Room, tor trenllemen. 102 Weat 12th at. An elegantly furnished floor, en suite or singly; also hall Room; terms moderate. 353 West 34th at; convenient to Elevated. Apartments, without hoard; gentlemen only; handsomely famished; all conveniences. 20 Weat 35th at. A LARGE AND SMALL ROOM. FURNISHED FOR .About ./Ylnniaekceplng; use of kitchen; $3 n week, at 212 East CI LEAN AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR yIIrat class gentlemen. 5ft Weat 21 at at. DESIRABLE CENTRA I. LOCATION. LARGE BARD, eemely furnished front Room, aoeond floor, lor gentle man. without board. Call tills week. 224 East 14th at. TjlUKMSUED-TWO ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR. SB r weekly; Reception and Bed Room moderate; attic t!i 50; Sleeping Rooma. .fl ftO. No 100 East Iftth at. J TOR HOUSEK KPING-COMPI BTcLY FURNISHED Floor, tour rooms, to ether or separate; private house. S3 90 to 810. I [TOR HOUSEKEEPING OR OTHERWISE?KUR 1 pished Rooms, per week. 84 ftOnp; hall Rooms, #1 50 up; ladles or gentlemen. 80 Weal 3d at. ROOM, FOR HOUSEKEEPING. $1 A U week; first floor. 2<!5 Weat 38th at. VTKWI.Y FUHN18IIKI) ROOMS, FROM S2 60 UPWARD, jia fronting 41 h av. 101 East 12th at. OF.YEKAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT Oreaaonable rates, at 20 East 2<>ih at.; private family. (TQUARR ROOM, COMFORTABLY FURNISHED; ONE Our two gcntlenieti. private family; references. 14 War ren place idiariea at.) rpo LET GOOD KITCHEN ANII HEItROOM, COM I fnrtably fitrniahed in eeinl. drv, aiinuy basemen., for housekeeping; $2 7ft weekly, f.'ll Weal ft3d at. rpo LET -OSh FRONT ROOM \\f) ONE RACK 1 Room, furnished or unlnrnlahed, aeparaoelv or together. Pel ween Oth and 7th ava.; terms modorate. Apply l4"Wcst 2*2fI at. rpo I,BY?FURNISHED. HALL AND SijUAKE Rooms' J. irenllenieii or llirht housekeeping 453 Hi ha v. mo LRT-N KATI.T FUItN tall KTWO FRONT ROOMS, 1 together nr separati-ly, to gentlemen only private house. 243 EaalMIat tt. . relereprc. rpo LET?A SECOND FLOOR PARTLY FURNISIIkT i In private " house, to a small family of adults. Apply lu OWNER, on premise*, 271 Weat 23d at. TWO LARUE ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR, FUR. ulatian or unfurnished; family private; rent low 312 Weat Liih at. r.TII AV, 127 AND I VP FAMILIES A Nit GENTLE ? linen can ho areuuiniodated With llral elaaa Hoard; refer r.Tii av., 235. elegantly furnished rooms' ? /without lioai d , relervnei a AV., NO. It>4 Fl KNISHED ROOMS, FRONT i )aml rear, with hatha on earll door , refer ?quired. |?JT!I ST. llhTWEEN 3D Oh 3D AVS.. 221 A Handsomely furnished largo Knoma to gontleiuei ? Ian small Room, ] l.V, II sr . I .1 WE -T. IIa.NDSOM l-.l.l FURNISHED lot, reasonable; honae nnd neighborhood hi -t t;(t East 2*TII ST A V1CK.LV Fl RNISHEIt BACK ' arlor, ?nh extension Rooiii, aultahle ler office or gentlein?ii iifi'l \?if?) _MADISll.N SQUARE?ELEGANT FURNISHED A/1.Room*, en aulte or aimtly. 1 n ? MT.?FUR Nihil E l>. A LARGE FRONT 1T.F t Room, with bedroom It reqolrtd, alio one or two unfurnished Rooms PUR WISH ED ROOMS AND APARTMENT! TO LET. BXsl^ioTirnvr -Hi'UNisTTMr-R6o?T~r6fc housekeeping; also Parlor, Willi Kitchen; all con venience*: food neighborhood 10 7i 137 east mil sr.. sear Lexington av.?par lor, two back Rooms from 93 to 9.1 a week. nuA VBtf 4-0 st.-to RfcMi furnished. a ?it Jl/hand*omt Parlor Floor for housekeeping, with us* of kitchen : euitaole lor a pbyeiclnu. 400 4TH AV.-NKW FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR for irentlrmnn or grntlt-man and Isdy. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APART ME NTS TO IiRT. X PABtsnssifd ? ~ J\. In the "KENIMORK" ?re now ready for occupation; the moot modern conven ience* wide aireet: rapid tranett by New York Elevated Railroad; excellent neighborhood ; 57th st.Just treat ot Ulh av. : price* entirely antialactory -. manager constantly in nt tendancc. AT 420 4TI1 AY.?CHOICE FLOORS TO LET. 1*1 proveiuenta. Call and eeo premiaea and OWNER. from Hi to 12 only. FINELY LOCATED FIRST FLAT. NEAR PARK; (.bargain. J. R. IIAY. 907 0th av. G1LAT8 TO LET-FIRST CLAMS.92S TO $114. INQUIRE D Janitor. 122 We?t 11 tL ?t., between Nth and 6th av*. GECORD FLOOR?90S WEST NTH ST.; SIX LIGHT Oromns: all modern Itnoroveraentst rent low. Apply to h BlUOS, tea *tore. comer '-'tit It at., Sib nr. TO LET-LOWER PART THREE STORY HOUSE 228 Ka?t 19th *t.; modern Improvomenta. Apply on prem iaea TO LET IN THE NEW llROWN STONE WiLOMO, the m?at eommodion* French Apartment* lu thi* cltv: *11 Itgbinl roots*; private itulrway. Janitor, Ac. Apply 109 Emit .Kith st. TO ItST?SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF NO. 159 East 22d at.: rent reasonable. rpo LEr?FLOOR OVER PARLOR. BATH, AO. IftTW . st.. near Livingston plaro; 92.1 monthly. 297 East TWO PLOOKH?EIGHT ROOMS, TOGETHER OR separately; Immediate possession; moderate rent. Ap ply to MORRIS SI.MMoN-n 10 Uulon square. lfOUSKS, ROOMS, &U, WANTED. ' 1 n till* fc'ltv iiiitl Arootlyn. A CLERK WANTS, WITHOUT BOARD. A SMALL, ?/vneatly furnished Room, with irood closet and place for lire: cleKitllness and qnict ansoltilely necessary. Addreta, staling lowest term*, CLI'.RK. box 222 Herald office. An old lady wishes two or three unfuu nlsltrd Room* In the hoti?e of a refined Cathode family; location, upper part Mauhattsu Island; rent not to exceed 8120 a veer; permanent it suited. Address CONGENIAL, I Ir r aid Uptown BUN, TITANTED?FOR A PERMANENCY, BY A SINGLE IT gentleman. a Room up but one flight ol stairs, having closets, bath and water conveniences, neat upholstery and unsolled paint work, between 4th and flth avs. and lSfh and 22n sis., furnished or unfurnished, not In a regular boarding house, anil terms not to exceed $80 per month if tarnished. Address L., Post otlice box 4.4.KI. Wanted?an unfurnished flat ok floor of two or three rooms, with all the modern convenience*, between 8th and 30iU sts., 4th and 6tb avs. Address O., box 20I) Herald office. w 'ANTED TO HIRE A SMALL HOTHOUSE, IN THE city. Addroas D. P., 30 East 10th *t. "AirANTED To KENT?A STORE WITH FIRST FLOOR; IT location Myrtle av. or Grand St., Williamsburg. Ad dress, per letter, A. O., 45 Hoyt st , Brooklyn, N. Y. HOAR OK UN WANTED. 1 ^IANDSOMK, LARGE AND HALL ROOM ( SUMMER J prices; all convenience*; good Hoard. 50 West I2tn st. 1 LARGE ROOM TO LET?WITH BOARD. FOR TWO J$14: all improvements-, also table Board, 94 a week. 01 West 15th st. If |R TWO LARGE PLEASANT ROt)M8, ALL IM nrovements, with Board. In private family; references. 121 East 58tli st. 1 EXTRA LARUE, DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. WITH J.Bnard; also a small Room; terms very low ; ruble ant i-factory; abundance home made bread, pastry. Ac. 241 West 14th St. 1 "HANDSOME THIRD FLOOR, EN SUITE OR Aslngly, with superior Board, at summer prices. (158 Lex ington av. I BLOCK BAST OF UNION SQUARE.-ROOMS TO Llet, with Board; table boarders taken. 132 East 10th st. 1SUIT OF ROOMS, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED, private bathroom, with private table or without board; Rooms tor gentlemen; references. 211 East 20th st. "lST OR 8E00ND STORY ROOMS. FURNISHED OR i uiifurnlsheo ; excellent table; few boardern. 100 West 21st St.; or will let without Board. 1 SITTING AND BED ROOM EN SUITE: SUNNY Ex posure ; newly furnished Hoard optional; first class house; private lenilly. 1 111 West 47lh St. 13. 5 AND 7 PROSPECT PLACE. EAST 41ST ST., jClty.?Warm went her don't signify; cool breescs never ul.Heni: mnrlne views; Dandsomo Rooms; good table; moderate prlcas; references. (Jb 1 AND $1 50 DAILY. iflO TO 914 FOR TWO, WEEK ?U Lly : lino Rooms, excellent table. 176 Bleeckor St., noar Broadway. 9 DOORS FROM 5TH AV.. ill CLINTON PLAGE.? xJSnlt* and single Rooms, handsomely furnished, with or without Board; references. 4DOOK-> FROM MADISON AV.. NO. 17 EAST 2ITI1 st.?Handsomely fumls ed Rooms for famltles, with Board; single Rooms lor gentlemen. CTII AV., NO. 123?TO I.KT. IVfTII BOARD. IlK ? Kimble Rooms, on second and fourth floor*; transient or permaneut; few table boarders accommodated. ;TH AV.. 272.?ELEGANT THIRD FLOORROq^* Ofront, with or wlthont private table ; hUo other Room) 5 EAST 30T1I ST.-EOOMS, EN HUIITJ OR SINGLY, with first class Board. <f?7 -FIRST CLASS BOARD. BROWN STONE ?Jp I (house, near 2il av.. Cooper Institute, Historical Soci ety. 238 East 12th. 12 ORAMKRCY PA RK.?DOUBLE AND SINGLE ^Kuums, with or without Board; terms moderate. MTH ST., 116 AND 118 WEST.?WITH BOARD handsome Rooms for tamllte*. en suite or singly; small Rooms lor gentlemen; terms verr moderate; transient par ties accommodated. 19 WEST 21 ST ST.?A FEW VERY DESIRABLE Rooms, wim Board; references. 19 East IflTH ST. ? Ri>0Ms TO LET, LARUE AND v/smsll, with hrst class Hoard; table hoarders. QQII ST., WEST, 224.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED sJ-^ltor.m* to let, with unexceptionable Board; terras very moderate; reference. DO OROVK ST.?TO LET. WITH BOARD, A II AN ii ??s>romely furnished second storv snua.v Irani Room; am ple closets; house and accommodations 11 rat. cluss; family small; also hall Room. ikO WEST 320 ST.?ROOMS WI1 -LOBoard. in a first rlass liberal house, WITH Oil WITHOUT Q.JD ST., WEST, 118?To LET. WITH BOARD, TWO ??Olargn, handsomely furnished Rooms ; also hall Room; summer prices. oitii sr., ana west.?pleasant rooms to let. Iwltli or without Board; privets Intnlly; summer prices. ?/? CLINTON PLACE. NEARBROADWAV.?FRONT ?t' )Rooms, wltli Board lor two, 912 to 910; tingle, (6 to IfH; transient* taken. ? WV GREAT JONK8 BT., NEAR GRAND CENTRAL Ol/Holol. ?Handsomely furnished Itoomii, wltb flrnt elaei Jlourd; reference*. ?J1 WEST WAS IllNGTON SQUARE.?A PRIVATE Olfamily will let to few gentlemen and wires or gentle men very elegant Room*, with first class table. 34 WEST 20TH ST.?SINGLE ROOMS WITH Hoard, to gentlemen only; atrlctly first cluas; reter 38 WEST IflTH ST.?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH Board, Tor gentlemen; references. d> I M MONTHLY?PARLOR FLOOR, ELEGANTLY v'r' 'furnished. pinna; Hoard if desired ; alto unfurnished Floor, 9IB. 2Sfl West .17th. I O CLINTON PLACE.?VERY SUPERIOR ACCOM Tr-wsmodatious. at snminer price*, for families or single gentlemen; table fully soppllnn with everything In season. - 1 WEST BOTH ST.?HANDSOMELY FURN fsll liD ?) 1 Rooms, with first class Board, to lainlllos or gentlemen ; summer prices. cey east 9TH st.?large and small rooms to tJ?jlet. with Hoard, fc for it nsrtv of gentlemen ot families, at summer prices, with reference. (58 WEST 89TH sr.-sUIT OF HOOMS ON TITE third Door, with Hoard; also single Rooms. 6l IRVING PLACE.?BOARD NEAR GUAMIiRCY OiPnrk.?Fine sunny trout Rooms un second and third floors; moderitle prices; relerences, qi IRVING it ACE?HOARD NEAR ORAMBRCY OJ Park ?Handsomely furnished sunny rooms, second and third fioort; moderntc prlcos; liberal table; references. 1 1 ( EAST I9TII ST. ~ XIt: Second story I'ont large Room, with first class Hoard. 1<)<? WI'.sT 4STI1 ST.. BETWEEN CTII AV. AND lZ'h ? 'Broadway,?IInndsomely furnished Rooms lo lot. 12 I I i AST HIT 11 ST.?ELEGANT ROOMS TO LET, ritb and without Hoard, with use ol pleasant pari r. I '~I*J WEST 44TII ST.?SUPEEIOR rTmTms FOR |.?/?Igenilemsn ami wife; also two gentlimeu; house, table and location first clasa. ViO w'Ksr fi:i11 st.?two handsome /ck L* >?"ni*lied Rooms, with Board If desired, to let to per sons of refinement; private house; select neighi nrhood. I - t; Bast-jot11 sr. roKAmlkcy pl.voei.- iiand I ? ) ?s onely furnished front Room, with first class Hoard; Iso single Loom. WI'.ST J'JD ST.-KI.EG \NTLY KUKNIHII ED 109. single gentlemen, wllli private totally ; terms modeiaie. IIANDeOM ELY FURNISHED to lamilies and single gentle oiy WEST MTU HT.-UANDoOMKLY FURNI8IIRD I ORooms, with Board ?detain terina. 2")() WENT SAT (I ST.?NICELY FURNISHED LARGE Room*, with Hoard: terms reasonable. ? s - -7 w r.s i rain si.-oyi Aisr. a.*ii niistri.n .w' I I lloonia, with substantial inhle; house cleanly mid pleasant. *1?IR WEST 23l> ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ? ?-jv)r ,a lanns. en suite or singly, with Hoard; terms mod erstei also table Hoard. /?til LEXINGTON AV.?ONE OK TWO LARGE, I ) I furnished Room* to rent, with Hoard, lit American Intnlly ' Board.?frIVatr mouse, west aa#? sr. i first cla -* accommodations nnd satisfactory term- to parlv ir iflbti. security given Address I M M E advancing or if:?<' >. sees 1)1 I K, Herald I ptown oftlco. nVlll.KM (OPPOSITE MOUNT MORRIS PARK) ? lie nu I if ti I Rooms, with Hoard; table good : teruislow: fine lie aiion lor stun liter. Apply at 15 West 124th it. KIM Id) NEAR CENTRAL PARK AND rHilevated llnllfondt baodsome Itooins, with superior l aide ; pri t ate I ami 11 . modern improyuincnts and nioderata terms :t:i? West 5mh st. HOAItl) t\ll LODGING WA.IITKI). t GENTLEMAN AND WIFE DRSIKK A NICELY ;\Inrnisbi n Kotnn, with Board, In a strictly private .lew i Isli finally, west, nbiiut 8Mb at.; answer M. L., 2.11 Herald ofllc Bo vim) Wanted?by a young lady during the absence of her folks; private family prelerred; loca tion above .Villi *t., between Hth and Bth av?. ; reletenee given ami required. Addreaa, stating tertnt aud site of rouui, L., Ileraid Uptown Branch ofiico. B BOARD AND LODGING WANTED. V A SINGLE GKNTLRMAV"; "TEnMS'NOT'TO EX .'fed 93. A (id r cm 0., 109 Waal 34th at. ROOM IS QUIUT HoM K? FURNISHED. CNFUR alahad, with or without Hoard; jrerniansnt It aulted; near 33th at., 4th a*. WALTER HURT, 340 3d a*. 117ANTfcD?BOAKdThY A OKNTI.EM AN*AN Ii WISE. T> In a amall private family, at reasonable terms, not ex ceeding 913. Address A. II., box 107 Herald olhro. "VLfANTED?BY A YOUNG (>I NTT.EMAN, BOARD If and Koxrn. not over t* par weak. Addresa W. B.. box 1H4 Herald Uptown Hraneh office. 1~?PERM \NKNT HOARD." SOB (HfNTLKM AN AND ?wile, between 10th and 30th st*., 4th and 7th av*.. a large Room, with modern improvements; price Irom 913 to * 13 per weak ; references exchanged. Addreas WILLIAM TREISS. 44 Kaar 14th at. HOTELS. CIKNTRaITHOTEL. 233 CANAL "ST., NEAR 'BROAD Jway.?Front Rooms 30c. and 73c. per day; 92 to 94 weekly. 13 IIANKFOiRT HOUSE. 203 WILLIA M ST^ ONE 1 l.loek cnat City HalL? 230 Uooma; 33c., 30c.; gontlomcn, families. NEW ENGLAND HOTEL.?LODGING A 8PBCIALTY; 2U0 light Rooms; 30 cents per night; tor gentlemen only. Corner Itowery and Bayard. COUNTRY BOARD. Aw"*~PKW GENTLEMEN BOARDERS WANTED?iS A prlvnte family, Stupleton, S I.: lorntion healthy: near landing; terras moderate. Address X.. box 124 Herald office. At stamkord-boating, bathing, fisiiino; near wn'or and depot: largo and amnll Rooms. Addrosa B. JH. KOHLItl K. party ok six can be accommodated with private Table end Parlor. Address box 1S4, Stockbrldge, Berkshire county, M?>i FEW OURRTS"RECEIVED IN A COMFORTABLE home at moderate prlees: abundance ot fruit, milk, vegetables, Ac.; atab'ltnr. boats, croquet. Ac. t pnly at 7?l Murray St.. between 10 and 12 to-day, or nddrcse B., Build's Lake, N. Astoria, lono island, tiiorburn house.? Open for families and transient gue-ts; stabling; bar and billiards; 30 minutes Irom Peck clip by Harlem boute. New munagomeut. Board ctx M HAD OK A ?A*W??DATIwi] bathing, shade and a drat class table. Addresa T. LOCK WOOD. Spring Vnlley, Rockland eonnty. N. Y. I>OARD.-7lORTHT)RANGE, N. J.I GOOD TABLEt Jpleaannt rooms: abadv grounds: five minutes' walk frmn depot. Addresa P. It.. Post offlee. Orange, or A. A. JAYNK, 141 Centre at. Board wanted-for lady, bkp.vant, child. In fnrniltnuac preferred, with no other boarders, cither on Krlo or New Haven roads, directly on the water II In Sound. Addrosa, stating particular., price, B., box 130 Herald office. BOXlurWANTFD-IN ORANGE. X. .1.. FOR OKXTLE iniin and wife, in a strictly private family, a lew min utes'walk Irom depot; atate terms sua location. Addresa box 3.002 Post office. Now York city. Board-T;Vn ~ bf. obtained with ??kivate fatnily at Dunellen, X. J. ; pleasant and healthy neigh borhood: mountain seenery: table supplied with fresh vegetables, eggs and milk: stablo aecomtnodations if de sired: terms moderate. Addrosa COMFORT, box 105 Herald office. CULL FOR TYPE WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS OF yflrst class country boarding accommodations. SANDS' Boarding Directory. 1.131 Broadway. C30UNTRY HOARD-AT Hit. II LANDS, ON THE J Hudson; beautiful grounds to the wnter; no mn.qttl tees; rnasnnnhlb terms. Address 171) Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, L. I. COUNTRY HOARD?TWO HOURS FROM ~ TJraND Onlrnl Depot, via New Haven Railroad: the house la heniitlfnlly located on high ground, overlooking the water; verv Healthy: extensive plnsxns; pleasant lawns, well shaded; saltwater bathing, boating, n.hlttg, Ac. : terms moderate; references; stabling. Addresa HOUSATONIO, llernld office. (NOUNTRY BOARD-WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE ycity bv b-at or rail: table liberally supplied: shade, bathing, fishing. Ac. Call at No. 243 West 1 ltli St. CO U N T K Y BOARD?PLEASANT LOCATION, SKA nntli, Ac., at Mrs. HERRING'S, Van Duxer at., Staten Island. C3OUNTKY BO 3RD-IN THE BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE )ut Flushing, Long Island: private family: pleasant rones, good table: healthy locution; boiling, fishing. MEADE, Madison ay., north aide, third house above Parsons av., Kloabing. COUNTRY BOA HD?AT RYE, W RSTCII ESTK It county, one hone from New York; accommodations tor 73 people; first class lu everv respect. Call or send fur cir culars. Mrs. KELLER, 202 West 23d st. ("rOUNTRY BOARD?DKLIUIITEUL LOCATION ; J healthy; essy of access. Address O. C. SNYDER, Rlilnebeek, K. Y. First clash board, handsome new kesi denee. overlooking the Sunnd. Address box 04 Post office, Greenwich, Conn. Farm house, pleasantly situated lp the Hudson, among the mountains, with seven Rooms on second Boor; excellent Board. 243 Knet 30th it., or 3d West 211th st. FOUNTAIN HOUSF-, WEST BRIGHTON, HTATKN Island.-Best French Table, fresh veretubles and milk; salt water buthlng: boating. Five minutes from landing. Kelrreticea exchanged. ""LHRST CLASS HOARD FOR UKNTLKMKN CAN HR X1 had at New Brighton. Staten Island, nenr landing; terms $7 and upward. Mrs. WIXIIAUl'T. Address box 5,670 New Yolk Post office. Good hoard and pleasant rooms to kkhad hi flushing Ray; boat!tip and fishing. GEO. S. Mi: klBllIX.NO W all st.. or Mr*. M. K. NaKIs. Flushing. L. 1 GOOiTBOARD CAN BK HAD Al~A FARM HOUSE on the hank* ot the Hudson; ha* 111 mile.* of river view: pood table; plenljr nt IVult In season. Address J. (!. KISIIKK. Marlborough, Ulster county. N. Y. V^EtV "JERSEY.-NEAR STATION 40 MINUTES I v from city; private 1'amlly; beautiful pluce; brat cIhhh Board. SO and 87; abundance of fruit and milk, Ac. AddrcM HOMER, llnckrniiaclc. N \ AUK.O.N 11 t'DSON.-PLEASANT ROOMS, W1T1I Brut clan* Hoard. Call or address Mrs ADAMS, Claren don House. 0?RANGE. N. J.-FIRST CLASS BOARD AND AC Hcomniodatlon at rpaaonable rates; location high and bealtliy, wltliin elgnt minntea of depot. Address Mrs. JAMBS BIRDSALL, OraiiKe. N. J. SUMMKR BOARD AT AKaTimTiIOI/SK PLEASANTLY located on Peconlc Ray; can uccotntnodntn a party of six, either ladles or gentleman : terms 88 and 810; no children boarded. Address S. P. liALLOCK, box 84 Nuyac, Sue Harbor, L. I. OKA BATHING. BOATING. PISHING, SI1ADKD klprnmenadus. delightful drives, large airy Rooms, lino views, no nmsi)uttoi's; first class Hoard 80 to SI2; two bours from New Vnrk by steamer Idlewild, loot of Wall si.. IN minutes to 4 P. M. s East IlOd St., 4 P. M. 8MYTII. Sirocoo House, now resdy. Oyster llay, Long Island, K. Y. 0~RKNT?HALF DOUBLE HOUSE. 7 ROOMS." FOIL nl*hed;12 seres land ; horse, cow, wairnns; plenty Irult; garden planted; Wssinlioater county, llrst station above n planted; White Plains; rent, $000, Inquire 2 Barclay st. WANTED?COUNTRY HOARD, BY A YOUNG MAN; plaec must be on the water. Long Island Sound pre ferred. and not rno-e than ono hour and n half from Wall st. Address, with fall particulars, II., box H.B42 New York i'ost oince. 117ITII A PRIVATE KAMILY IN A PLKAHANT COUN It try house; but two or three boarders lasen; adults fireferred: wltliin one hour and n hall of New York by IIsr em Kallrosd. Addross, for turther partlcnlnrs, X. Y. O., Herald ottice. W???ANTED?Til REE CONNECTING "fooTST WITH (rood Hoard, for two adults, In a private eoitagti, near New fork Kuy ; terms not over $25 per week lor both. Ad dress NO OTHER HOARDERS. Herald omce. ANTKD-B Y ~A~YOUNU M AKRIKD COUPLK, WITH no children, country Hoard for snmmor in a private faintly within an hour's ride of city; near the water pre fer-cd. Address A. T. S.. box 2.WIM Pest ofllco. W^HANTRiY-Vhkrr Large rooms, with boap.d, lor three ladles, nurse nnd baby, at Moriches or Spronk. Address, with lull narticnlnrs. G. II. 8.. No. 70 West 4DtlisL SI HIM Kit IS KNOUTS. fTSWimarrUMMit lilLlTttulJoli WiliLOPKS FOR vJsumnier boarders Juno 1; banned two miles front the landinir. one tullo from th? village. up Cotsklll; terms reasonable. P. M OOStCHiUH, Proprietor. / SKEMORNIi" llAlT," MOUNT VERNON. WEsTCIIES V-'ter comity, N. V., will open May 2 V, large bull room, bowling alley, billiard room, library, large dining room, ro reption room, all on one floor; trains running on Sunday on the Harlem road; terms reasonable. A. /,. RUTJRS, Manager. IVJRKRT HOME. BlIDD'S lakb. n. J.-OPENS May 20; .V) miles from New York via Morris and Essex Rail road, foot Barclay st.: pure mountain air; splendid Ashing and boating; elevation, l.-'lUUIeet; Board from Fin to f 17. send lor etrculnr. A. BROWNSUN, OCEAN HOUSE, NEWPORT. It. I.. opens for the season In June at reduced rates. J. G. WK.VVi.tfi4 SONS. Appllcntlons nt Everett House, New York. .HINt Ehh.WIOGl fa. HaVi.KR's" AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS. NEW, ileslgns. Including tjuadrnntals (rounded cornets), now ready. ~ CliOTIlINU. \"*T FLATTO'.-," Sliilt l II A V.. N K AII 48? 11 ~s?. ?l FTY per cent, moro than elsewhere will positively be paid for cast-oirclothing. Address >ir. or Mrs. fLAflU. t "cAMHhON I'A Vis Die. HtGOr.Kl PRICKS EN 21 ?America for Ladles' and n'* Caat-olf Clothing. Send lor him. 172 Bridge ?!., near lllgh, Brooklyn. IT HARRIS', S| Hill AV? NEAR WaVRRLK* j \ place?'I lie ntino-t value nht a nnd lor Casi -oil i lr-i lima, .1 ewclry. Carpets, Books, Ac. Call or address Mr. or Mrs. harm* \T ll.vRHI.v 1.U74 BROADWAY. Ith.T WKEN I'D and RIM sts. ? Broan way prioe? pahl for cast alf Clothing, Ac., by calllnv or aildrosaiog H HARRIS, 1,274. \ M. .ViahK.s, I'll liTIl AV., OPPilSI I'K 8TII ST.? ? Ladles and gentlemen wilt he amonished nt the high prices paid In cash for oast-olT Clothing, i arpets, Laeee, Je'velrr, Ac. Ladles waited oil hi Mis Marks. Orders promptly attended to In and nnt nf the cltv. T R. MIAfX'K, 248 55 AV.. UKI'WKKN 'JHI'H AND 21st sis., ladles nnd gentlemen will be astonished at great prices nald In rush to: I asi.tjtT Clothing, Jewelry, ns we Imvo received large orders for Western ni l .southern trades. Orders punctually attended by Mr. or Mrs. MIXTA. f NATHAN'S, RHX llfil* AV., N.'. vR 4TlT 81.?CART off Clothing wanted t in in ? dlaielv ; highest value paid hr railing or addressing Mr. or Mrs. N ATHAN. MEMIl'AL. ^OCToinrAFr., 2tM GRAND T. ~ Ofllee lionrs from 12 to to 5. ? DR. AND MM... t.tlSI r.LLA, ofllee 24H West 2flth st.. between 7tli niiilHth avs. MADAM MATsWELL No. Ill2 East Dili st,, near 2d av. \DR. AND MME. GRIN DLK. ?RESIDENCE; AND soflice. No. 142 est 4e<ih st.. heiween Hill and 7lh av?. \MME. RES CELL. MIDWIFE* IN PRACTICE ?since I84G. Dlllce. 1 East ft'Jd st., llrst door l oin fitlinv A. A. A. A. A. D I) M DR. AND MME. Mil,ION, ofllee No. 47 West l.'lth ?L. near titli av. DR. AND MME A. M. MACKlCRAl . Ofllee. over Ik) years. I2!t Liberty st. R. AND MMK. WEST'S Ol.D ESTABLISHED ofllco, 4"> llleeekor St.. between B'isdfsy and Bowery. OCTOll EMERY. ~ 27 West ,hl st. KB. LYONS. 40 Bust 20th ?t., between Broodwey and 4th er. BALKS AT ACC-nO*. tiu il?S52anKXvirT. ACSrioSKEKar WEEKLY furniture hale. FRIDAY MOKNlXO.May ?* 10?'e,0#k? AT HJRK1TURK SALEROOMS, No. 22 AHTOR PLACE (CLINTON 11 ALL). SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. steinway pianoforte, parlor organ. ftvb CARPETS, FRENCH CHINA AND GLASeWARB, Ae. On Friday morning, at 10)4 o'clock, by catalogue, will be told n geueral assortment uf superior Household Furni ture, tine Carpet*, nisoiel Mirror*, lln* French China and Glio-swsr*. .Steloway Pianoforte. curled hair Mattresses, Bidding. Ac., Ac., partly thu furniture of a private resi dence, removed to the auction room* lor convenience ot ?ale. Now arranged for examination. Hpeelal consignment* solicited for sale Friday. May ML -TlIK MMMUL Lfc A V1TT,~ AUCTIONEERS^ A. SPECIAL ART NOTICE I WEDNESDAY (May 10) and THURSDAY EVENINGS, and FRIDAY AFTERNOON, at the Art Room*. No. 817 Broadway, THE W1TTHAU8 COLLECTION. FINK OIL PAINTINGS. WATER COLORS, ENGRAVINGS, BRONZES, MARBLE STATUARY, AC., belouging to Dr. R A. WITTHAUH. Also Statuary by Mazier and Joel T. Hart; magnificent Bronze*, Onyx Vase* and Clock*, purchased at ttie Pari* Exposition of IS07; tba whole comprising one of the finest exhibition* this season. WEDNESDAY and following evening, ut 7Yi o'clock. LA ROB COLLECTION OF FINE BOOKS, TWO PRIVATE LIBRARIES. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, PRIVATE LIBRARY ot an nnnsnal COLLECTION OF FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Now on exhibition. ?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER. ? Old stand. 27 Nassau st. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) AT 10* OCLOCK, ut our salesroom. 37 Nassau at., SALE OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Cnrpsts. Piano. Mirrors, Ac.; groat quantity ?r Hardware of every description. Office Furniture. Also 10 silver plated Showcases. \ UCTION SALE AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE. XV Iloiiteliold Fill nit a re. ?THIS (Wed ue | layl MORN I NO. coinmruclng at 10 o'clock, nt live story brown si one private residence. NO. 47 WEST 10TH ST.. UK I WEEN 5TU AND OTFT AYS ? Furniture, made to order tur present nwner by La Dupre A Co.; also magnificent selection ol fine Oil Painting* and purchased by owner while In hnrupe. KTEINWAY FOUR ROUND 7K OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, CIIICKKKINO UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM Sl'lTe. richly rarvod rosewood and walnut frames, covered lit rrlmnun, tan and cold brocade satin and cotelslne; Turkish and Spanish Lounge* I'.nsy Chair*. inlaid marquetry and gilt Centre and Console Tables; rosewood Ktagere v Cabinets, French plate Mirrors, lace Curtains. French Mantel Sot*. (H>-dav Clocks, .Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, llooks. Library Tables, 'lurkiidi Suit, Writing Dealt. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Sots, inlaid and gilt Bed stead*, Dressing Case*. Bureaus, Withstands, Single end Dott ale Bedstead*. 33 fine hair and spring Mattres-cs, feather Pillows, Blanket*, Toilet Sets, rvn nud plush Suits, marble ton Tables, Chairs, Itoekors. Reclining Chairs, l ounges. DINING FURNITURE- Extension Tables. Sideboard, Chuiri in leather. Silverware, Crockery, Library and Secre taire Bookcases, Llarery Tabl-s, Turkish Suit, two llall Stands, Velvet, Brussels ami Ingrain Carpets j Kitchen. Servants' Furniture, Ac. lake Broadwav. Sixth avenue or University place cars to 47 West 16th st..' between 5th and (3th nvs, V It.?Goods packed of shipped If desired. House tur at the cost ot 423,000. nished last May ? . R. 0. CASHIN. Anctioneer. Auction sale of paper hangings \nd Bordering by LEWIS E. WOOD. Aurtlonner, on Thurs day inornlug, at 10)4 o'clock, nt 201 llenaerunn at., near Montgomery st., Jer-ey City; 800 rolls of Paper Hangings Slid 800 rolls of Bordering. Auction hale ok valuable pier interest, Pier No. 5 North River, at the Exchange Salesroom. 111 Broadway, on THURSDAY. May 17, at noon, by LOUIS MESIKR. This interest la nearly one-fifth < 1 ?">) of the entire Pier and Bulkhead. and yields net annus! rent of $3,340 44. Sale withont.reserve; particulars at time ot sale. Auction sale this day. This WEDNESDAY mornlug. commencing at 10o'clock l'lio entire conteui* of private rosidenoe 130 EAST ST.. BETWEEN 3D AV. AND IRVING PLACE, ONE BLOCK EAST OF UNION SQUARE. SATIN P.VKLGR SUITS, ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, FINE COLLECTION OF BRONZES AND OIL PAINT INGS. CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DINING FURNITURE. Parlors?Elegant 7), octave Pianoforte, two magnificent Parlor Suits, Inlaid frames, covered in expensive satin; handsome inaruueterle Cabinet Ktagere. with French plate glass, luluid; Pedestals. Brouse Groups, Figures ami Statu ettes. expensively framed Oil Paintings, i.aee Curtains. Pier .Mirrors. Centre nud Consolo Tables, velvet Brussels Carpet*, Rugs, Mats, Ac. Chambers?Ucary mounted and Inlaid set* of Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Washstamls, Wardrobes. Chnlrs, Rockers, spring Beds, curled hair Mnttresscs, Pillows, complete hints in reps nad lialrcluth, ixiuuges. Pictures, Engravings, Cat pets. Clocks, Ac. Library nnd Dining Room Turkish SeU, In tapestry and w silk : Secretaire and Library Bookcases, Dosk.t Lfbi raw silk; Secretaire and Library Bool;cases. Dosk.< Library Tables, Bookstands: 2 Extension Tables, one a pillar, with patent slides; 24 Dining Chairs, carved and Inlaid Buffet, Silver and Plated Ware, Cutlery, Glasawitru. Two handsome Hatstand*. Stair Carpets and other good and well preeerved Household Furniture. ALBERT KKARMRR, Anctioneer. X. B.?Goods packed, boxed ami shipped If required ; safe delivery guaranteed; goods stored until Juuo 1 tree of charge. Auction. auction. auction. THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Over HOG lots by catalogue. Magnificent Household Furniture, at the private mansion No. 51 West 24th St.. bet woe n 5th and Bth nvs.. ? half a block west of Broadway and Madison square Magnificent rosewood 7 1-3 octave Pianoforte, latest style; Parlor Hulls, In satin brocade, reps nnd haircloth; Turkish Chairs, Lounges, MIrrors, Tables, Ktagere*, Paint lues. Ohromos, Vases, Clocks, inaanlficont Ben room Fuils, with Dressing Cn-ea. 8 nglo and Double Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Washstand*. Cuinmoues, Wardrobes, Ilalrand Spring " " "is. Book Mattresses, Bedding, Clinlr*. Lounges, Turkish Haiti eases. Desks, Curtains, French walnut Mdeboard*, Exten sion Tables, Glass. China. Silverware. Cutlery; 21 Carpets. K. ROTH. Auctioneer. Goods packed and delivered for pur chasers. Ta*o Fourth avenue, Broadway or Sixth avenue PATH t.rt 24m rL Auction half, of maonipicbxt household Furniture, property of E. Our. Kaq.. to be told Tills (Wednesday* MORKINO. May 16,1877, commencing at 10 o'clock, at thn elegant tlvo story brown stone mansion NO. 120 WEST 20 D .ST., .NEAll Bill AT. 2 brilliant toned I'lmiolortos, Ktelnsiiy and Windsor. ?'I superb satin i'urlor Suits 2 elrtrant rosewood Ktagcres. 2 elegant Mantel Seta. 2N coulee broliso Flcures. 2t> piece* l'arian statuary. l.r> Windows' lace Curtains. 2'i Itrassels and Ingrain Carpets. MO line Oil Paintings, best artists. 2 elegant Cabinet*. M elegant f,ibrnry Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Tables. 2 Lady's Secretaries and Bookcases cotnhfnciL M Fasy Clialrs, Tttrklsli style. 2 Music Boxes, best Paris makers, 12 elegant Bedroom Mills, complete. In black walnut. 2 1 curled luiir and spriuir Mattresses. 24 Pillows and Bolsters. 1<i decant black walnut Keekers. 21 Bedroom Clialrs to match. 8 black walnut Loutiires. 0 elegant Bedroom nd I'urlor Clocks, 2 elcimnt black walnut Bullets. B superb Extension Tables 24 liiivek walnut Dining Chairs. 2 china Dinner nud Tea Seta, Hlverware, Cutlery, *0. LI KK FIT/UK BALD, Auctioneer. Hoods boxed, earrod and shipped. A~ U0TlON~ AUOTIO.V AUCTION. Attention, Housekeepers, Attention, lmportnnt unreserved sale Tills rWeilne-duvt MORNING, commencing at lo' j o'clock, at the elegant llro storv brown stone maiistoo NO. 2IH1 WfcSI 2 ,1 II sT.. NL A It 7TU AV. F.legunt II ardionn Pianoforte and a superb L*prlght. maker awarded Centennial meant: sntln, eoto.lne and rep Parlor . tilts. Mirrors, Curtains, II ion res, Cloi ks. Centre. side anil Console Tables, llriisinents, Ac. ; e aborate Bedroom Bets, bedsteads. Dressing Cases. Washstand*. Bureaus, Mat tressos. Pillows, Bolster,, Blsukets, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tallies, till Painting*. Ktagere*. Ac Dining lliHim Furniture- Kxtenslon Table, Bullet, Chair*. sllver wure. Knives, Forks, Sp'on*. Castors, 1.1 elegant Brnss -Is nrnl Ingrain Carpets and a general assortment nt llousoliold Arlleles. N. H. Honda packed and shipped If deslted. Sale noslilre, rain or shliio. II. It. MARTIN, Auctioneer. Tako 7lh, Ntli or !>th ar. ears. A A. 8. MNiiJ.L. \l l' I 111N I. II:. ? removed to 111 Last I Ith at. ill doors west of Broadway). Peremptory Sato of new an ! seeoBd hand Furniture, I'll 18 LAV (Wednesday). at IOC, o'elock, a large line of new ami handsome Parlor, I 'ham h-r, Lllirnry slid Dining llooni Fiitnllnre; Bedding fables. Desks, War' r be., chabs. Bookstand, ulse seeond hind hlnek wal lint and Cottage Chamber Milts, I aides, Paintings, Chromos, Mirrors, Oilcloth, Carpets, Clialrs, flofas, Bedding. Also (lie entire stock ol doe Blues and other Liquors of a llrsl ' lass eity hotel. Dealers and others invited In attend. 'loek noon, at valna BLNiIaMIn P. FAIKCIIILD. AUCTION K KR~ Will sell on Thurs'lay, Mar 17, m 12 o'clock m Kxchnnga sale-room. No. Ill Broadway, th" Property known as Karl's liermnnln Para, on I47lh and 118th sts., near Md sv. For terms. Ac., apply at ollleo of auctioneer, 0 Bench st.; MARTIN Si IIW A NKIt. I'. \ ecu lor, .'>12 West .'17th si., or to M. C. tJHOHs, 8 Chambers si. "IJY ROHLItT SOMLIIVILLK. AUCTIONKLR. I) 74 I NI VI,i SlTY PLACE. I aT THE PRIVATE DWELT,INC. Mil WEST 281) ST., Tills WEDNESDAY. WTII, AT IDL O'CLOCK. I ALL THE CARPETS, CURTAIN*. CHINA, mirror*. PAHEOIt, I II AM HER. DIMM) ANi> II ALL FI'ltN'l I'lUIlK; II EDS, RE DDI Ni>, KITCHEN AND UTIlLlt ! Ri <)l I SITES, j IJ Y .1 ('(It IK I-, AUCTIONEER?THIN DaV, I'd, ! I > delin k, northeast corner 2d nv. and Intnl. large lot j I ion ?rlioiil Furniture; *nl? iiIkoiiiIa. Ornlitrn invited. IJY JOHN A. DUNN, ,AI t TlONKKK SAl*K TilIH nt ln?-a o'clock, nt. ttiilcHrnoiu MMircut Joiicn hi , Sofas, T?lc w ictpk, t Iih is, T.tblc*. BiircHU.s, Hrwlitg Mn j t'hiucit, Sloven, Mirr >rn, Wnidridic.s, .sltowcitHc, fiiticy I'ariittt Marlilc Fi^itrcH, .">1 Iwrpliurd Wiir?, OniJi?rv, I'liltia, (!rock . cry. Tinware, Ac. healers invited, N. 11. ? Regular nalrn | day* W ednesday ami Saturday. Ill COLTON, AUCTlONFeRR. J ? Large nud ? xtraoriiin try sale uf Fun llure, Min or*, tin ur 7" ( m |#<*t t, Piuuo, sic. I On Tlmmdifcy, May 17, at 11 o'clock, at tlio auction room* f? <? ilroadwuy. one of the hirirtft a*l?s thin aaapon, and will 1 ii lurie very many rich irt*oda hi tvoll ns medium oualtty, a verul rich I'urlor and Houroout Hotels, t; a hi not* aun War.I r nif.s, llonkcHA h, Hide hoard n, IIO and 70 L'tirpata, aonio of thent (?IcffAnt and some otherwise; tho csrpeti will not be to'd before 3 o'elock. G SAX.KS AT AY7CTIOM. ^ESSgH U. SCOTT, XVcflififElfit EXECUTOR'S SALE. Estate ol I'uter Morris. deceased. SCOTT A M VERS. Ho. A Pine ??., will tall At tb? Ex change Salesroom. 111 Broadway, Mew York, on Thursday May 17. 1877, et 12 o'clock. the valuable tote of Load OB 3d And 104tli it. Graud Boulevard and 153d ?t., ooutheait corner, overtook inir Carniansville Depot. 133d and 133d ate.. between Grand Boulevard and Morw lmr Side Park: 33 Lota. With at., between 11th aw. and Riverside Park. 145th at. and New nr.. luteimudlate 8th and St. Nicholas era These lots are well worthy the attention of Investor*, buildera and tlioao desiring choice location* for realdcncea. Will hn sold absolutely and on liberal terras. Catalogue* and all particulars can bo had of JOHN H. MollUlS, Kxecutor, 1,280 Broadway, or ot the auctioneer*. (* > EOKGK HOLBKOOK. AUCTIONl.EK. WILL a?H Ft hi* day. at 3 o'clock, 4311 Canal at.. Planoa. Parlor and Chamber Bulla, Buffets. Bookcases. Wardrobe*. Paintings, Lonnirea. Desks, Carpet". Mattreaaea. Crockery, Ulaaa and Plated Ware, tftovee, Sewing Machines. Ac. H B. HERTS k BONA. AUCTIONEERS. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP RICH CHINA. QLA8S> MURK. CLOCKS. BRONZES. AC., AC., ON WEDNESDAY, .MAY 18 AT 11 O'CLOCK, AT SPACIOUS SALESROOMS 17 PARK PLACE, THE EXT1KK STOCK OP A LARUE IMPORTING HOUSE. VALUED AT OVER 8UO.UOO. Comprising Koyel Berlin. Sevrea and Dreaden Chine Din ner, Tea and Dessert Sarvlcea: Fancy Artlclea from M In ton. Wedtrewood and other celebrated mnkera; Don 1 ton, Pal?nce and Stoneware; French Clocka. Brottsea, Ac., Ac. Unoda will he aold In lota to ault housekeeper*. Catalogues readr and good* on exhibition on Tucaday. Sale poaltlre. By order of JAMES M. BRADY. ATTORNEY^ FOR ASSIGNEE. H GROSSMAN. AUCTIONEER, SELLS TO-DAY, 10)< ?o'clock, 103 Weat lioustnn at., a Candy Store and lae l ox. IMPORTANT SALE IN BALTIMORE CITY, STATE o> Maryland, of that valuable fee almple Property known at Claaott'a Brewery.?We will aell at the Exebnnga Sales room. No. 55 2d at., on Thuraday. May 34. 1877, at 1 o'clock P. M? the old end well oatabliabed "Clagett's Brewery" Property, centrally located, and having a Irontatre of 304 foot and R Inches on Jonea' Falls: 243 leet and 2 incbea on Lombard at., and 322 feet und S Inches on Uranhy at., being oyer an acre ol land In the heart oi the city. Tba property it Improved by large Brew aud Malt llntiaee. Kilns, Sneda, Dwellings. Stablea an t all the other Buildings aud Maohia cry for currying on the bnaiueaa. Terms ? One-fourth cash, balunce In 0, 12 and 18months, with Interest and aecnrlty. X. B.?This la one of the most attractive Investments At present offering. The property baa been tor many years pruAubly run and Is now In successful operation. Plats can be had of the Auctioneers. 0. A. K1KTLAXD A CO., Auctioneers. IS. WEINBERGER. AUCTIONEER.?FURNITURE, ?Cnrpots, Oilcloths, Clocks. Ac.?This day (Wednesday), ?May 10, at lOJj o'clock, at salesroom, 73 Bowery, the eo tiro Furniture ol a lainlly declining housekeeping. Dealers invited; also. Cigars ami general Merchandise. JAMES CAGNK V, ~AUC11 ONKEK,-SOU WEST 14TU st. ? Assignee's sale, Thursday, 17th, of large Eighth avenue Grocery, consisting of Teas, Coffees. Canned Goods, Soaps. Ac , together with tlx turn; alto two superior Pier Mirrors, Ac. Particulars Thursday's Herald. James m. jvoki>! auctioneer?at the bast Side Auction Salesroom. 133 3d av., 2 o'clock, entire Contents;?Parlor. Chamber, Bedroom and Library Fnrnl turo of a very large mansion removed Irom Ynnkera, embracing fine Parlor Snila, elegant French plate Mirrors, two rosewood Pianofortea, several tine Carpets, large quan tity of Oilcloths, Matting, Mnutel Clock aim Ornaments, line hair and other Muitreaaes, Etageres, 11 allalands,. Bed steads, Bureaus, Chairs. Rockers, Book and Library Caaea, Centre and other Tables; also an Invoice new Iron enam mrlled Koitlea, Pots, Sancrpaua, and also crockery and Kit chen U tensile. "I^ASO AND SEA." Important Art Kotlee. Now on exhibition, fre e, at the Kurts Gallery, Mr, Edward Moron's eollectlon ot Paintings, to be sold on MAY 17 and 18 at Association Hall. Mr. Edward Brown, of No. 330 Nth av., will be In attend ance at tho gallery to givo any Information required, and all communications and orders to purchase may be ad dressed to elm. ROBERT SOMERVIcLE, Auctioneer. M ORRIS WILKIN'S. AUCTIONEER. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD.FURNITURE. FINK MIRRORS, OIL PAINTINGS. BY BAKKH, V01GIIT AND OTHERS. AT AUCTION. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will sell at auction, en Wednwe nay. May 10. at 11 o'clock, at the private residence No. 230 Wi st 34th ?t.. handsome Parlor Suits in black walnm, Ex tersion Dining Table. Buffet and Chairs, Pier and Mantel Mirrors. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Artnolres, curled lialr Mat trusses, leather Pillows, Kitchen Furniture, Cocking Uten alia, Ac. M~ ORRIS WILKIN8, AUCTIONEER.?PEREMPTORY sale at auction, under foreclosure, of beautiful Country seat, at Madison. N. J. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will sell at auction, on Thursday. May 24, 1877. at 11 o'clock A. M., on the premises, br order of Benjamin O. Potts, Master in Chancery, tho beautiful Couutrv Residence belonging io the estate of E. V. IIAUOIIWOUT, situate on High at., Madiaou. S. J., only ono mile from the denot and village, eomurislng 71 acros. with largs brick mansion, perter'a lodes, gardeners' mid fanners' cottagos. One large green houses, carriage house, iceh mae ami all nareaa?ry out buildings. Tins place l? well and handsomely laid out with cxrellvut vegetable aud fruit gardens; two small laxea ef pure water on the premises; ilia place Is well adapted for division Into three senurnte places. I'he household furni ture will also bo sold on tbe same day. Cetaloguoa can be had of Mr. lioorge Chapman, No. 70 Worth at.. or at our oftieo, No. 3 Pino St.. where any Information lu relation to the place may bo obtained. K. II. LUDLOW A CO. MARSHAL'S BALE.?BY VIRTUE AN EXECUTION "f will sell at public auction on Wednesday, May IB. 1877. at 1 o'clock P. M. at 11 Park row, basement, the Stock end Fixtures of Liquor Saloon; also Interest of defendant lu Lease of said premises. JOHN C. LY8TKR, City Marshal's Acctioneer. NUSSBAUM, AUCTIONEER. 281 BOWKi<y| ?sella this day. 11 o'clock, 43 Henry at., Qrst clnsa Butcher e'hnp, large Icehouse, Benches, Blocks, Racks, Sralea. Ac ,.in lots. PAWN BROKER'S-SALE.-T1I1S DAY. JAMES AOaR, Auctioneer, will sell, at 50 New Bowery. 500 lote Dresses, Shawls, Kemnunts, Table Linen, Underclothing, .-lieeta, Spreada. Blankota. Pillows, six Sowing Machines, Coals, Pantaloons and Vasts. By order of A. B. Barnard, 3d av. PAWNBROKERS' SAW. JAMES AGAR. AUCTION ear, 5n New Bowery, will sell on Thursday, May 17, a largo assortment of gold and silver Watches, Diamond*, JowilTy, Silverware. Guns, Pistols, Opera Glasses, Ac., Ac. By order of Simpson, Sotners A Co., 27 Chatham ?t. PAWNBROKER'S SALE-CLOTHING and jewelry. THOMaH MoGRATll. Auctioneer. 158 Chatham it., corner Mulberry. will soli this day. Dreeses, Shawls, Rem nants, Hoots, shoes, Ac. ; also Coin., Punts and Vest*, also Gold and Oliver Watcheft and i-old Jewelry, Minn, Pistols, Ac. My order II. C. Lewis, 3d av. N. 11. salo of Jewelry will commence 11 o'clock sharp. HKHfrrS 8ALU.?VAN TAsSKLL a 7vEA RNhv| sheriff's Auctioneer*. will aell this day. at 11 o'clock, at No. 27 I oliimbla at., the content* of a Lager Boer Saloon, consisting ol liar and Buck Bar, Milliard Table. Tables, Chairs, til mourn re, Ac. I'. McUBKMOTT, Deputy. I!KI'.NARD RE ILLY, HhorlfT. TI/TlLUM WITTERS. AUCTIONEER?MY 8. KI.Nsfl IT I,Kit, will aell this day. at 2 o'clock, at +51) and 463 Canal (L. Parlor and CliamooraHi'it*. 25 Carpeta, Pier and Other .Mirrors. <111 i'alntinit*. Coandollers. bmcntel and lace Curtains, leather Hods, curled balr Mattresses. Bookcases, Etugrres, marble top Tables, Sewing Machines, rosewood Pianolorto, Ac. FOR JIALa. 5' splkSdi'd LRjOob stork pf>k saT^ciTIsapi alio largo Distillery, Liquor Stores. Cigar Stores. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar at. A' ?COB SALB, MEAT MARKETS, CORNER C.RO. ?eerv Stores, .--alt Stores. Bakeries, Hestnnrnnli, $1100 upward. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar St. No. f WaoHINGTON HAND FUN, 1* VIRST elans condition, at 272 Greenwich at. A PROMINENT CORNKR LIQUOK~srOttK, HAND" ?onieiy fitted uo, weal sldo; long lease; Upper Part o( House to let: rent secured; terms very easy; genuine chance for a man of small capital; rem all paid to June. Apply immediately. iJ.\II.KY, 256 Hudson at. Alady~7iavi.vo w heeler TwiukW 1na~ chine, coat $75, will sell for $25. Apply 42b Oth av., In hook store. Drug store ~at half itF value ; large stuck, good trade, low reut; lu populous neighborhood ( excellent chance for physician ; sold In consequence et sick ness. Apply sTIJARf NIGOLL, .72 Corilandt. TP OR 8ALK?ON7i OF THE LARGK8T AND BEST r lc ii ft 11 no Grocery and Provision Businesses in New Eng land ; situated on the line of the New York and New Haven Itmlroail; good and sstlslnclory reasons given tor selling. Inquire of E. L. CARPENTER, 5M I'ark pi nee. New York. I poll HAlS^TWO FRENCH WALNUT AND GILT 1 I'ler (ilnsses, Willi eornicea. Apply ISA Wnoster at. BdOlt SALE?SlIO WU ASK ; BASK 2 FEET # INCH CI by I lect B Inches and 4 Irel high, lined with black vel vet; used once at Centennial; price $25. Apply 141 West Broadway. TP OR BALE?AM OLD ESTABLISHED LIQUOR 5TOR7? J kept hy the present owner t.-r the last 13years: cants lor ami loir, going out of business. Apply to II. HUOIIKS, corner nl (Irnnd nnd Centre sts. Ii'OR WALr.-FIXTlfEES OORNE It MQUC>R STORM, ' lour Grocery Stores, Stores to exchange and mora wanted; also a partner wauled with $|n ilu a well paying business. I' OA I* FN K V, 2^7 '> lluwery. 177,It hai.k-mx marble top tables" and 12 . Chairs; also live dozen Candy Jara. lirj West Both at, liPOli SALE l-lviUflK AND BKfcR HI SINKHS, STOCK I" ami Fixtures, Willi apartments to live in. Apply lu the store ft-SI Itronme st. I IK) It SAliE-A FIRST CLASS GROCKRY. IN A VERT ? deslraule location on Fulton at., near City Hall, Brook lyn; established lsdo; business A No. 1; owner having Other bnalnea*; a rare clianeo lor the right man ; mast be sold. Address S, FRENCH, room M Trillium Rnlldlng, Now York city. OOO CHANCE Poll M\N WITH SMALL CAPL VTtal.? Snmple anil Lunch Room for $260; ?2t*l cash. $50 on time | rent paid to J line. Inquire at No. H Barclay at., nl cigar stand T AG Kit BKEIl AND OYSTER SALOON FOB SALE J Jon easy terms; near a depot; part cash; rent $20; oft a 4"iita. Din FOOn, 7.17 2d av. MfLLINKHY BUSINESS FOR hale 'CHEAP?UK cuted well; drat elssacash business , satisfactory rea sons given lir selling out. For particulars address A. K., box 1 Ut lierahl ollleo. s A FES -ONE LARGE, TWO MEDIUM AND ONE mail Sato; s, Llllle's ami Wilder'* S. G. yl'IHK, ftftS Maiden lane. VFEfft FOR S U-K MARVIN'S, II K It HI Nil's AND ALL O.taken i ftftnlee bought. BIJsll A Co.. SB Day at. ft^TAND IN WASIIINGTOM MARKET FOR SAI.Hi tJaiilt ahle for bMf, nork, poultry or butter. Add reft* T. B. C., lierahl oil! e. OTOl'k, FI.M I RES AND TOOLS OF AN OLD EH t 'lunli-hed stove and houaefurnlfthlngfttoraj will sell cheap lerenahi rent low. Apply av HILLIG'S, 407 Graham av., W llilamsburg. TTFTOWN BAKERY, IN A GOOD LOCATION. FOR I sale ?I'slnr Ift. 15 barrels per week over the ronnterft owner going nut ol business. Apply at 217 East Mat it. 1 LAUNDRY NON PARI EL WASH1N0 MACIIINli J large size, nearly new; also large flat Iron lleatef- W qnire D. til. FAIRBANKS, South Norwalk, f