Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD = WHOLE NO. 14,878. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1877.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTOHY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICII, I.MS BROADWAT.? OPEN RAY AND NIGHT FOR RECEPTION OF ADVEKTInEMENTS AND (JAI..ES OF PAPERS. AMUSKMKNTS-Ist I'AOK-.ib and 6th eolo. ASTROLOGY?12th Pauk-4tli cut. BILLIARDS?itTH Pauk?Oth col. HOARDERS WANTED?2d Pauk-3d Mid 4th eola, BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?20 pAdB?4*0 eoL BKOOKl.YN HOAltD?2d l'AGK-4th C?l. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Stii Pauk. BU^INKnS NOTICES?7th I*auk? col. CITY KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pack? latcol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN- 12th I'Aor.-Sd col. CLOTHING?12th Paok?4tb ool. , COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?I2th PAOB-Sd eoL COaL AND WOOD?Bra Pauk-?Ui col. ^ , COASTWISE STKAXISUIPS?2d Paok?8th eoL COUNTRY BOARD?2d FAUK-5th col. DANCING ACADEMIES?IITII Pauk?o*hool. DENTISTRY?laT l'AGK?illi col. DRY GOODS? 1st Paok?tlh col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNI8HED AND UN FURNISHKD-21. Pauk-2U col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d Paob?Otb and 6th cola. EXCURSIONS?2d Paos?6th col. FINANCIaL-Hth 1'auk. FINE AKTS-Oth PA(iK-?th col. FOR SALE?Oth Pack?Htlicol. FURNISHED BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? *2n Pag*?2d ftud 3d col*. FURNITURE-12th pAGt-4th cot. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th PAoe-2d col. HELP WANTED?MALES ?12th PAGK-3d aud 4tb cola. HOUSES, CARRIAGES. AC.? 1st Pauk?2d, dd and 4th coll. HOTELS?2d Pauk?4th cel. , HOUSES. ROOMS, AO.. WANTED-Oth PACE-flth ool. INSTRUCTION?lKT Paok?Gth col. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE r OR pALE-2d Pauk-1st c?. LECTURE season?1st Pack?6th col. LEGAL NOTICES?bra Pauk?61 li col. LUST AND FOUND?1st Pauk?lit col. MACHINERY?9tii Paok-GUi col. MARBLE MANTLES Uth I'AUK-Cthcol. MEDICAL?12rn Paok?8th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st Paob?4th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IDni Paub? 6th col. MUSICAL?2d PARB-nth ool. . , NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Paok?6th eol. PERSONAL?1st PAOB?lit col. , PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?1st Piot-Oth col. POOL SELLING?1?t Paob?2<l ool. POST OFFICE NOTICE?1st Page?4th col. PROPOSALS 1st l'ACK-4tli col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? PROPERTY*?*^" OF *THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2D 1'auk?l?t anil 2<1 ooD. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE -2n Pack?2d col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2n PAGE-2d col. KEWARDS-Ist 1'aok?1 it col. HALES AT AUCJION?12tii l'AUK-5th anil 6th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?11th Paok. and 12th Paob?lit and 2d cols, SITUATIONS WANTED?MALKS-12TH Paob?2d and 3d coll. SPECIAL NOTICES-Ist I'ACB-lit and 2d ools. SPORTING-DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?1st Pauk?2d eol. STORAGE ?12th PAUK-tlth cot. tUMMEK RESORTS 2d pAUK-otli col. HK TRADES?12th Pauk?4th col. THE TURF?1 or Pauk 2d ool. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PI RPOSES?2o Pack?2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-9th PAUK-fith eol. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2t> Paok - 3d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE-Sth Paok-Oth eol. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.-12th PAOK-6tli eol. WESTCIIESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET 2n Pauk? 1 it col. 1ACH1S, STEAMBOATS. AC.-IOth Pack?6th col. PERSONAL. A LADYHAH A LITTLE GIRU~* MONfHS"6LD, /\ for ii'luptlim: liitbt complexion. Address Mrs. VAN HoUTKN.40 Forrest ?t.. Smith Bergen. f 1HK8TER-LaRNIA"saIDTiOMMUNICATK MRS. E. V^o.; ii'jn't tin It; chnngn your pltce: send address to COUSIN LIZZIE, General P. O.,N'0tv York, i will com. muulcate through Personals. YTARNIVaL NIGHT-fllE TWO LADIES (ONE WITH VCight blue hat), who. alter stopping ate# moments on l'lth st. sine of Tiffany's, walked np Broadway to 23d st. almut S% o'clock anil were molested hv several gentlemen, will please address MAItDI lilt.iS, Herald Uptown office. C* ARNIVAL~NlGIIT-r.rH AV.. CLASPED HANDS Was time misunderstood ? If so, appoint meeting. Ad dresa STEWART. Herald Uptown offico. if)LOHESTBR?THE HAND90MfTPUO jAND PUPPY that attracted so much attention at dog show arc tor aale St the Criterion, 2 Union ariuure. H"pv XX."?FOR PITY SAKE, HASN'T YOUR COM Uspnnion departed yet? You appear to be reaigned. Don't wait any longer, please. MOLLIE L. W. For adoption-a beautiful new born fe male infant; fall surrender. Apply to Dr. ESLELA, No. ISO West 23th st. H ENRY-AT 2:3d. TO-DAY. <*T THINK I CAN TAKK CARE OK MYSELF NOW."? 1 Will the little lady permit the gentleman who assisted her Tuesday evening to become acquainted? If favorably Inclined, please address, statins what occurred, D. K., box 197 Herald office. E?AM BACK FROM BOSTON; WRITE AND AP ? point any diy alter to-day. BOSTON". AME BLAIR?WHERE CAN I SEE YOU? AD drsss 8HEKRIKK, Herald offlc ?? w AS LETTER AT GENERAL POST OPKICE eetved I Address box 333 Herald office. w ILL MRS. SELLA WKAY. LATE OK MONTREAL, aaad her address to IL B. L., 328 West 15th St.? WILL MISS JENNIE WEBB. DRESSMAKER. SEND her address to au old customer ? Address box 39 Will iamsburg Post office. ILL THE"'-LADY HIDING DOWN ST If AV. Tuesday evening, about H o'clock, permit ail Interview with gentleman whom she recognised ? Address, giving particulars, K. C., Herald Uptown office. aShFngton DETECTIVE?YOUKb JUST RE reived; let ma bear Irnm you again. E. M?K. TH ST. ?YOUNG LADY IN BLACK WITH WHITE kids, who walked through 23d st. Wednesday evening with lady friend. Gentleman who followed desires an inter view. Address RUSSIA, Herald office. LOST AND POUND. 08f-feWVlKH~lN A GKKfcN I.'AR G^JTng'KRO>f I JHraad Street Ferry to Union square, or Irom I hence to Rtb av., or on 6th sr., a dark morocco l'ocketbook. contain ing a sum of money. The tinder will bo liberally rowarded by returning the same. Address K. B. M., Herald office, eating where it mav be fnaad Lost?on night ioth.on sfii ay., old fashion open face W atch. a relic from deceased father. Suitshle reward paid for same or ticket; no questions asked. Gall on or address H. C., lln and 112 West 30th st. I~OST-ONE AMETIIYST ~KAKBING. I'KA HL MKT IN Jre lit re. Liberal reward for the return to 84 Morton st. 7 OST?ON MONDAY. BETWEEN 28TH AND BOTH Jjsts ladies' Unman gold Breastpin, of no great vsltio except to the loser The Under will be grate fully rownrdad bv leaving it at -I'J West 3ttth st. J- OST? AT GILMOIIK'S GARDEN CARNIVAL BALL I mrobablv at the entrance). May 15. a small gold dettil II outer Watch, double case, with enamelled figures of hours ami small centre glass. < r front cose. By returning same tn AN.SEI. WOOD. 511!Bth ay., the full value will bo paid and no quest IMS asked. IOST-A GOLD LOCKET* FROM *w7NDOW OK 92 Jt nlon suuare, on the evening of May 15. By retnrniug the sume lo 16 Wast llth st. will receive a llbeial reward. OP RA GLAUS LOOT?NAT 15, BETWEEN 7TH AMD and Stli av?.. out oi coat pocket, on Broadway : $5 re ward will be paid for retnrn tn 105 West 40tli st., third hell OTOLEX?FROM THE SUBSCRIBER'S VEST POCKET, Owhite riding on front platform ol Greene and Gates Av enue car. irom h niton ferry tn lireene av.. Brooklyn, Tnes day night. May 15. 1877, a Oold Watch. English hunting ess*, chased, hut worn nearlv smooth, medinm also. No. 23.790. made hy John Cragg. London: Albert B. Chandler engraved on Inside. A liberal reward will be paid for Its re covery end no questions ssked. ALBERT B. CHANDLER. 145 Broadway. New York. KKWAllDh. REWARD -LOST. IN CARRIER'S NILLTaRY) ^ rroom. Tuesdav evening, a black Cameo Ring (Dante head). Address A. B. w . Herald Uptown Branch office. 4j-n HEW A HI).-LOST. TIJ K. s DAY EVENING, sptJUaboiit II o'clock, on a University plnce horse car, a hunting case stem winding gold Watch, made by Le Roy k Flls. Paris with monugram II. W. H. on case. Whoever returns the same will receive the above reward and no questions asked. A. 0. ELLIOT, 140 and 142 Pearl st.. N. Y. AfT||i~REWARD AND-NO QUESTIONS ASKED ? sp L' "Ul.ost or stolen, on May 15 (evening), on Third ave nue car. one Gold Watch and three Diamond Studs. Ad dress Post office box 4,541. At C|t REWARD?AND_NO QUESTIONS ASKED, ?ff> |?JUfor the return of a Gold Wateh and Chain, with a wedding and seal rings attached to It. lost on May 15. leav ing the green car in 34th st. Tbe owner will pay the above reward at 211 West 34th st. iPKulAL notiuks. It I.E. -OLD DOCTOR SaFj? 266 GRAND jist.. guarantees cures in all complaints. Hours, 12 to 5. ROYAL HAVANA JUNkT. ? Al$4'i, fUO. $10, $5, If4, $2. ,Vit Louisiana. June 5, at flo. *5. f2 5D. $1 25. THEODORE ZSCIIOCII. 23 Park row. New York. American soft oapaUlk company's purr Capsulated Medicines, put up in metallic boxas. All drnrgl'Gb A" KKLICTKD UESTORED.?APPLY TO THE SURE place lor skilful treatment physical and nervous debility, skin eruptions, nnd all diseases ol men, whatever the cause, treated with unparalleled success; 30 years practice. Dit IIL'NThK. 142 Wkst 48tli St. martin >x * ca. B. Banker*, 111 Wall st. (basement), buy and sell Spanish Bonds, Hpsuisli Gold and Havana Bank Bills; Dralis on ilavanu Issued and negotiated. Lotlorr Prises .ashed. Kext Drawing June 1, 1877. ULL-DozTng?WHITE AND~BLACK-BABY, TUB most amusing photograph ol the day; Cal.lnsti, 50 csnts; Cards, 25 oants. sent by mail. LAN D V. Photographer, Cincinnati, Ohio. CISSiiStiUl~traVkllrbs joinino tiif pro Elective Association during the month of May Inst, mav call at tbe uffica. No. 348 Broadway, and receive gratuitous ly a paid up Accident Insurance Policy In the Travellers' Insurance Company, of llarttord for $1,000. D' SESISuF men a ilr.NRY A. DANIELS. M. I)., 144 Lexington av., near 2wtli st. Office hours Irom 8 to 3. ?"5~ WEST, 45 KLEECKKR ST., NRaK BltliAD way.?Extensive Loudon hospital practice. Consulta tion Ires in all complaints. D* 1ABKT8H, DROPSY, OATAURli. NERVOUS HE lilllly. Paralysis and Diseaso.l Prostate Gland are tatal causal affections unless tho causes are llrst removed and the diseases treated by tlifl A8AHKL Mineral Spring Wa ter. Depot.200Broadway. New York. Hook tree. IN INK RYE Vrtl IS KEY-FOUR YEARS OLD, $4 PER ' gallon, ft per large bottle. * N. VAN BKIL. 68 Chambers si. EILLEEN auctionf.ei?7 IS now located at I'J Washington place, one blnck abovo 4fh st. anil near Broadway; largest store aod stock In town; plenty rot,ni for large consignments. All kinds Furniture away down i tot caah. UeU. D! SfiClAli XUTU'EK. M' "^sypifrtAt #A^win<;k KRmucky~6tkfWCu?. ? lory, drawn at Covington. May 111, 1 -<77. KENTUCKY? hlTKA CLAW no. Ul- MAT US. 1*77. 7a. en, h;s. 4i. ?i, 4. in, 62, u. 74. hi, 44. 57, 87. Kentucky ri,*aa no. fB-lti 18. 1*77. 77, a, 14, 7?, 37. .vs. n?. 88, a7. :t*. *, 31, go. IIENItr ? KlftA CI.AMN Nit. 231?MAY 1*. 1*77. 7. 71. 40. r.T. 7ft. :t?. 11. r.a, 45, la. us. 4a, 67, 8*. IIKNHY-CI.ANA NO. 212 ?MAY HI. 1*77. lo, 58, 7a. as, 54. a. aa. as. 48. 29. u, ft. aa HIM.Ml>X8 ft DICKINSON, Manager*. For iiiformatien in ih? above ami a I legalised lotteries ?puly to PARKS, K.MEItSON 4 Co., Hunkers and Brokers. 181) Broadway, room 4. N~ OTICK.?TO TON DEPOSITORS OF THE GERMAN Savings Hunk of Mnrrlsania The Attorney General will atteud at the banking honea ot the above bank on Tburaday, Friday and Saturday, 17th, 18th and IHtn at May. 1*77. between tbe lioora or elevon A. M. unit four P. M. (it each ot those daya. to receive rceom liiendiitiona of the depositors an to tbe person who shall be appointed receiver. No recommendations will be received from any depositor who does uot produce bit pats book. Such recommeiidationa will be presented to the court ou tbe motion for tbe appointment of a receiver. Dated 11 th u! May. 1877. CHARLES S. FAlRCHlLD, Attorney General. NKRVOU8 EXHAUSTION?A MEDICAL KS8AY, comprising a oeriee lectures delivered at Kabn'e Mu seum ot Anatomy, New York, on tbe ceuse and cure of ore mature decline, showing iudlsputably bow loit beallli may be regained; affording a clear syuopsla of the impedimenta to marriage and tbe treatment ol nervous and physical de bility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 Addri "" * "" cepts. Address the antbor. Dr. L. J. KAHN, office end residence. 51 East DM It St.. New York. NEW YORK FISH COMMISSIONERS' REPORT OK the past year's operation will be scut to any address on application to ROBERT H. ROOSEVELT, 67 Chambers St., and enclosure of two cent postage stamp. O - OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. . KENTUCKY KXTKA CLASS NO. 331? MAT 16. 1877. 72, 6*. 03. 41. 2H. 4. 19. 82, 9, 74. 01. 44, 57. 37. KENTUCKY? CLASS KO. 332?KAY 18. 1877. 77, 2. 15, 78. 87, ftO, 10. 30. 27. H8 H. 31, 09. HKNUT? KXTHA CLASS NO. 231?.MAY 111, 1*77. 7, 71, 40. 57. 75. 30, II, 52. 43. 13. HL 42, 07, 3a 1K77. uknky?class no. 232?may 111, 10, 58, 72. 83. 55. 2. 22. 35. 43. 29, 14. 5, 30. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. Information given regarding tliu above drawings Ap ply to J. CLUTE A CO..200 Broadway. IIO THE AFFLICTED.?IMMEDIATE SUCCESSFUL treatment from whatever cans* is asinred at the office ot Dr. MAURIOEAU. 129 Liberty si. & (WWt ANU OVER. t|PuD",V/Uv Louisiana Single Number, .Inns 5. Under the supervision and managrinent of Oeueral Beau regard. ot Louisiana, and General .Inbnl Iiarly, of Virginia, *M *),<**> lor SID Address WILLIAM SDN A CO., 317 Broadway. New York. ()()() ~ U) y I8lA - A x K-A.A T ?10. $500.vmw ? 82 50 and 41 Kentucky. Mar 20. Royal Havana, June 1. JACKSON ft CO. Bankers. *2 Nassau St.. near Fnlton (late of 21)2 Broadway i, New York. SPORTING?DOGS. GIRDS, dkC. \ ?FUR HALE, ALL KINDS OF FANCY DOGS, A.Birds. Ac.: Medicines lor nil diseases; prepared land for mocking btrna, at B. G. DOYKY'S, No. 3 Greene St.,near Canal. XTIQUK WATCHES, CHAINS. LOCKETS AND lRIoks. by order of the assignee, will bo sold at auction THIS DAY. at ID.', o'clock, by TL'NIs JOHNSON, Auctioneer, 37 Nassau St. lOR SALE?A LARGE sr. BERNARD'S DOG. ABOUT Ft . ? 2 years old. trained, kind and gentle. H. KOUHLKN. ISO Washington St., lloboken, N. j w, JNOK SALE?HANDSOME FUG BITCH AND SIX 1 weeks old Puppy. The Criterion. 2 Union square. E.NOR KALE-SIX SMALL AND HANDSOME HKYE 1 Terrier Dogs. 11. Kl.STEM ANN, 14* Eant 36th at. $25, ?A VERY FINE SMALL BLACK AND TAN Slut for sale, worth twice the money. WM. HARDY. 208 Vsrlrk ?t. POOL. SELLING. "TfJilffo^r^ ft EXCfT AND COMB I S'AfifTN~PO()f.S -s\aold evurv alternoon end evening, st Johnson's Foul Runm, No. 13 Montgomery ?t., J. rsey City, oil the Running Knees st Lexington, Ky. Full returns by telegriph All orders br mail or inestengnr promptly attended to T. H. JOHNSON (formerly of 2Sth st. nnd Broadway, New York city). COMBINATION BOOK OF EN ON THE LEXINGTON Races: also Book on (he Fordlmm Handicap, at 1,1*1 Broadway, cigar store. JOHN 11ACKKTT k CO. TATTEKSALL'S TURF AGENCY OFFICE AT NO. 1 Barclay st. (TILLKY & CASEY'S) for the reception of orders lor Auction. French and Combination Fools; combi nation bonk opeu dally Irom S A. M. to 3 1*. M. TattersaeL's turf agency have removed to their now offloe- 3 Exchange place. Jersey City: Auction. French and Combination Tools on all evonts; tickets, $2 each. TILE TV UP. "t'WKST SIDE DRIVING PARK.?RACES fCUDAY; .a.-a.2:50 rless. Frank, Martha, Lady Harmon, Poor Fat, Admiral, Lady TnropKlns Also mutch rncc, Moscow io wagon. Vermont Maid in harnese. Also match paring. AI $2(*>, Billy Tayior and Johnny Smoker. Commence at 2 :3U P. M. Admission 60 oents. Stages Irom horse cars to track. WM. VAN KEl'KEN. HOUSES AND CARKIAUKS. "a't'frivate SaLe. AbY VAN TAS8KLL ft KKARNKY. AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIR HOK8K AND CARRIAGE MART, 110, 112 Bast 18tli at., near 4th nr., LANDAUS. Cl.ilRF.NCK8. VICTlWtlAS. BKETTB, LANDAULET8. COUPES, Basket Phaetons, new nnd second hand. Top and no too 1'ouy Phaetons, Top and no top Wagons. EVERYTHING In the HORSE LINK at ver, low price a Auction op akch. johnston, 19. ai, aa mid 2.1 lath ?t? near University place. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI AHLrf HOUSE IN THE CITY. SALES OK HOKSi.S AN1> CARRIAGES HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. AT 1U O'CLOCK. OS EVERY HORSE TH AT H WARRANTED SOUND PROM 24 HOURS TO THREE DAYs FOR TRIAD. GENTLEMEN HAVING HllKSEH OR 0ARK1AUES to k?II, or those wishing to buy, will 11 nil our business continued on precisely the mime strictly honorable prin elides which have always governed our liouao aid won the respect anit confidence ol the entire community. A-c. w. barker, auctioneer. .BY ORDER ot COLONEL L. A. HITCHCOCK, will he sold, positively without limit, to clove a copartner-hip. on SATURDAY, May 111, nt 11 o'clock, st MAKKKIt A SON'S New York Tatieraall'., corner of Hroartwny mill ,'twtli at., the billowing FASHIONABLY BRED RACE HORSES, with nil their engagement*. ri<:? HAY COLT, It year* old, by I'lanet, dnni Magenta, by Imp. Yorkshire. HAY COLT, 3 year* old, bv Melbourne, Jr., dam Trun lylvaulii. hv lino. Arab Massoud. BAY COLT, II rears old. by Bay wood, dam (long, by King Lear. THE ABOVE are In training at Jerotue Park. CAl'ALOliUES, with extended pedigrees, now ready. A -CHARLES W. MAltKEIf, AUCTIONEER-BY ?order of J. I. FRANCIS, I'uterson, N. J,, Administra tor. will be sold at puliliu auction on next Saturday, May 111, at II o'clok, at BARKER A SON'S New York nitter sall's, corner ol Broadwar and MHIi at., su elegant six scat coupe Kock.iwav; co-t $1,01*1; built by J. N (Jnlmby A Co , and set double silver mounted coach Harness ; now ? n view. A LA HOE STOCK?TWO. FOUR AND SIX SKAT Carriages, new leather top Buggies, #110; new lour sent top Depot Wagons. (Ho up; Bockaways, rlisi; three spring, new Express Wagon. #7o. and other styles and prices, all tny own mako and warranted ; apiendiil suikeye. OKU EE, MM Canal st. A GENTLEMAN S KOAII HORSE: HKIGIII KAY Hambletoolun Gelding. l.r'J, 12 years tdd; trot 2:.">0; driven by present owner last live years; sound and kind lu all harness. Apply 699 Broadway. Anew ok second hand butcher cart wanted. Address J. W. C., .">64 10th at. A ?SECOND HAND CARRIAGE* AT LOW PRICES; ?Landau, l'ark and I'onv I'haetons, large Coope. F. It, WOOD, 2Il>amI 221 West 1Mb st. A?FOR SALE?TI1K GREATEST BARGAIN EVEIt ?offered?Top Pony Phaeton, Improved spring too Road Wagon, >ingle and Double Harness: all la good order. Ap ply to coachman, stable 12S K*?t 1Mb st. A BEAUTIFUL SHIFTING LEATHER EXTENSION XxTop Phaeton, seats lour persons. Pole and Sbalts; latest style three spring pony Phaeton; two splendid lop Wagons, Dun-comb Harness; must be sold; used a few times. Union Club Stables, 127 SVest 2*th St., nesrtlth av. A LADY'S CO MP LET r. TURNOUT. CONSISTING OF a black Horse, I.T bands high, 7 years old; pony Phae ton. Harness, Robe, \> hip, Ae., will be told cheap nt private stable. 12 Knst 27tli St. A -TRACK SULKIES. OF ALL WEIGHTS AND UN ?surpassed qunlitv. SltKWSTP.R A CO., of Broome St., Broadway, 47tb to tsth st. AT COST-20 BUSINESS WAGONS, cm TO fl."iO; for Express, Grocer, Butcher, Baker, Milk, Delivery. Wagon Manufactory, 220 Spring st. \TTENTION.- CHEAPEST TURNOUT IN THE CITY; < ' JVeall andexatnine oeloro pun ha-ing el-ewhere: hand some luack horse, I.'iSr. 7 years: trots In 2:4,">; stands with out tying; prrlnrtly broken to saddle; sale tor a lady; war ranted sound; elegant Isallier top Phaeton ant Single Har ness; all tor f.'loii; cost (l.2tsi. Also aide bar fop Wagon, nearly new. Private stable, 0 West :t.T|h st.. Drat door from Crib av. A STYLISH LHIIIT ROAD WAGON. BY BREWSTER of Broome, (I2i>; perfect order; finest Intnlly Horse, top Pony Phaeton. Harness. All 7th nr. A GREAT BARGAIN?SPECULATORS INVITED.? IlFine hay Coupe Gelding. liJJ, hands: hsiidsonie, ?ail Mars. 15,; line i'oiit Phaeton llor?a. l.'t hands last soiiuil itlid kind ; Brewster Coupo and Humes-; extra Ono Ton Read Wagon ; superior fop Fnny Phoelon; tw?-aiy Una Mnglo llarue-s, Blankets, A'klps, Ac. AS Ka-t 41 at st. A?TWO HOUSES. HALF VALUE; SUITABLE ?true*, larmer, express; sny business. 203 Grsod st.. crockery storo. AT ANY OFFER HANDSOME HAY HuK-iK. l..\ hands. 7 rears old; wairanted sound: -hlftltu top W agon, -et line -Ingle and double Harness, almost new. to gether or separately, Ro?sraore -tables, MB West 41st si. BLACK K E N T t,OXT ilOHKE. WELL BROKEN lor driving or riding, also Wagon. Sleigh. HaniSss, Saddle and Blankets, lor -ale, together or separately; owner going to hurope. Inquire at V- ashburii't stable, 130 Chry-tle st Avery fink three-seat kockaway, made by .Wood Brothers; fine order; great bargain. U West 13th at. A ?TWO VERY FINK FRKSII COWS, ALDKRNKY ?and Durham. No. .1 West I .'US at. I A SHETLAND PONY DOG CART AND HARNESS | for sale ; all in Or?t cinss condition. Apply No. DU hast 2S?h ?t. FINK TEAM OK HORSES A .Hi WlillD HltoH'. T Ll'art lor sole or exchange lor Diamonds. 17 East 7th st -COUPE KOCKAWAY, ONE PARK PHAETON. l?one side liar top Wagon, one crop trout top Wagon, amliiblo for a doctor; one light Road Wagon: all ue-rly i. To be seen at >1. Ul'KLKY'S, 1UU East new. at n sacrifice. 1Mb It,. near 4th av. A ROAN MARE. IB HANDS, 7 YEARS OLD: SOUND gYand kind. Also two Express Wagons aud Harness. 0 jB Uudavu St., blacksmith shop. HORBKM AND CAH11IAOB8. "T Al'C I'lON. By VAN TASKKLL * KEARNEY, Auctioneers, at their Home and Carriage Auction Marl, 1IO, 112 Kant I3;h at., near 4th it. on TUESDAY. May 23, * at 11 o'clock. the highly brad Ttoll!ng KtaHlou GEORGE WILKES. Jr.. by George Wilkes. Farther particular! In to-morrow's Herald. A GENTLEMAN BREAKING 11' 2CRT ItUiTBfe weak, hi any offer. It>a entire Stock emulation of Coacli and Plmaion, Coach and Hamas*. Trotting Horaei. top Hoad Wagons. Single and Double Harness. hobea. Hlanketa, Whips and Stablo Fixtures. N. B.?The Stable to lei. IM West Til at s|. THE CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT EVER OK .(??red, $350; coal leaa tbun oue moatU aiuee over f 1 .OUI: a bar Horse, all style. 6 years old and trots last elegant too I'huetun. line robber inou mounted Harness. Blan ket*. lap Robe, Wliio. Ac., making oue of the prettlelt turn ? uta In tbe city; also top Wagon, good as new. IBM Weal 31 at at. AB.AKGAI.V-A KINK TOP SIDE BAR WAtiON. built by Brewster, ot Broome at.: nlao single and double Harness, by Duneoomb. Private atablea 1 Weil 18th at., near 5th uv. A -MUST SELL, NO tlFKKK IN KK.4S0N KOROABH ?refused, Top Puny Phaetou. good as new, with Harness to match. A sound young Home: trnta in three minutes: a lady eau drive biui; ha is nut afraid ot' anything. Also ona of the fastest llorsea that goes the road, with Sldn Bar Watrun and Harness. PalettaClub Stable, 158East JHlhat. A -FOR SALE, THREE rOUlU HORSES; SUIT ?farmer, grocer or any uuainesa. Must sell. 430 Eaat 1Mb at. C3ARRIAUKS.-SECOND HAND ROAD ANI) TOP J Wagons, Phaetons, Rockaways. Depot Wagoua, Dog Cart, jump seat Waaous, Ac., Ac, U. 51. STIVERS, 144 to 183 Eaat 31st at. ELBUaKT PONY PHAETONS. $110 UPWARD; handsome top Huggles. $125; Depot Wagona. $100; Itoekuwaya, $115; Coupe Kookawuya, extension top 1'hne tons, Ac. Workmanship guaranteed. Harness, every stylo, at lowest llgurea. Lap Rug*. Sheets. Ae. Cell be fore purchasing. JOilN MOORE, 67 Warren at. E1QR SALF.-A GENTLEMAN'S ESTABLISHMENT J? consisting of a pair of Una Kentncky bred Oatriago Horses, Hi,'a hand., perfectly kind anil sound; two sets of Double Harness. Hlanketa. Sheets, Ac.; also a Landau and a Brougham of llreester'a make and in excellent condition. Iiorsea mar be sain at .lOll.V MUliLASE'S. No. 233 East 22d at., carriages at BREWSTER'S, No 143 E?at 25th-t. FOlt BALE?A SPLENDID COUPE OR T CART Horse, color gray, 10 hands high, 8 years old: baa very high knee action; is perleclly sound and gentle, and is being sold lor want of use. Can be seen at private stable 32 East 32d st. FOlt SALE?GENTLEMAN'S ROAD TURNOUT; SOR rel Mare, sound, kind, and can trot in 2:13: tide hnr Wagon. Dunscomue Harness, Robes, Blankets, Ac. Apply to JOlIN WALKER. 23 West 13th st. J10R SAEE-A CLARENCE. HOOD AS NEW. $300; glass quarter Coach, $R0; at 160 North 4th. between4th and 5th Us., Williamsburg. I30R SALE-TWO HAMHLETOMaN MARLS, 0 AND 7 years old; one by Major Kdsall. half brother to Gold smith Maid: da:u by tleneral Taylor, ha by old Aodallah; the other by Myer Taylor's Volunteer. Jr., his dam by Post's lLimbletoitiau, grnndnm by Ainerloaii Star: both re corded; for sale at a bargain. Apply to OWNER, loO Broadway, rooms 5 and 6. IfOR SALE TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY?ONE J. ' It. Brewster's Latidaulet and one set of Double Harness by Dunscorab: nearly new. Apply to JOSEPH P. QU1N, 8 West 4th st. F F OR SALK-ONP. OK THE KIN EST COUPES IN THE city, cheap. Address COUP*., box 1*10 Herald oOce. OK "haLE-A GOOD. "HONEST WORK" HORSE; will be sold a bargain. 180 West llonaton at. TjlOK SALE-A PLRKKCT GENTLEMAN'S TEAM I chestnuts, IJ hands, handsome, kind and laet. Adurcss CONFIDANT, Herald Uptown oilier. MOR SALK-A BROWN MARK, ? YEARS OLD. 15?$ D hands: sound, kind. Inquire 23(i Btli nv. won SALE-FIVE YOUNO HORSES, SUITABLE TOR 1 truck, grocer, farmer, any business; must sell; no work; wurruntod. 5112 Washington at. IjlOR SALE bTBKL uRAT HORSE, 15 HANDS IUUU; sound and kino ; must be sold. Call at 158 West droad LIOK SALE.?AT A SACKI KICK, HOKHK. WAGON 1/ and Harness, separate or together, suitable lor a pedlar. Call at 34 West 13th st. MOK S.VLE-IIEAVY CART OR TRUCK nOltHK, 1.350 pomula; must sell, no work. 113 Harrow st. For hale-a phaeton and a good sound llorae. Apply at Lamb's stable. 58th st., between Madi son and 5th st?. For balk?a dark gray horse, hi hands high; 7 years old: suitable for all kinds of work. In quire at 660 Greenwich at. F jlOR SALK-A PAIR HANDSOME KAY HORSES, 15>? hands blgli, all perfeot; high knee action; nice for T curt or tnndein; elegant ladles' team; warranted sonnd. Ilurnoss anil tour-wliealad Dog Oart. eheap. Apply to UBO. II. LEHMAN, 13H East 41st at. IjlOR SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR BAY KENTUCKY ' Saddle Horse, either for lady or gentleman; goes also verc well In harness; Is six rears old anif Is perleclly sound and kind. To be seen at the Rockingham Stables, West 51th at., near Broadway. IlOR HALE -A REAUTIKUL PAIR OK BAY IIORsEB, 1 15J4 hands high, 6 aud 7 years old;-wera bred In Ken tucky; one la a first class saddle herse, suitable lor gentle man's road uso. Can be seen until sold at private stable No. 231 East 33d n. IjlOR SALE CHEAP?BAY HORSE, 15}f HANDS. 8 tears; warranted sonad. Kind; must sell; no work. 23B Spring tt. IilOR SALE CHEAP-TWO GOOD WORK HORSES: price $125; will be sold separata. Apply at 54 Lafayette piece. IBOR SALE CHEAP-A PI KMT CLASS TOP WAGON. L but little used, priee $100; also a good eecoud hand Unable Hay Truck, price $125. OEORGK BaNFIKLD, 310 West 16th it. IlHK SALE CIIEAP-A KULL LIGHT TOP STIVERS Wagon In good order. To be seen at SELDON'S Stables, 2;ld at., near 3d a v. IIOR GENTLEMAN OK LADY - KUX.L BLOODED Kentucky ilorte; stylish, gentle, free driver: aaduie; single or double; sold for want of uso, $175. Cull at houso 167 West 22d st. nok kale-a pine coupe horse, apply at P 24tJ West 2tHh st. tlRNTLBMAN'S ROAD TURNOUT.?BAY IIOKSK, ri'i' . hands nigh, H years old; Brewater Improved Spring lop Wagon, Harness; Work llorse, cheap. 1,856 Broad way (Kin ey Exproas olllce). / 3 REAT SACKIFICK.-TROTTING HORSE. 2:15 VX?urc, $1511; top road Wagon and Hnrness. $110; Hue double and siuglo Dunsuomb Harness 17 Eaat 7th at. Handsome top waoon. bhkwstkb improved spring, lor sale cheap. Iteal estate office, 854 8th ar.. near 51st st. IRON STABLE KIT riNGS. ?DURABLE, CLEAN LV mid cheap. Partitions. Ileal Posts, Hayracks. Mangers, Ac. Prices reduced. Cstuloguas sent frte. .-peclniciis at store. JANES A KIKTLAKD. h, lit, 12 Reads st. Mortgage sale.?phancib pitzbimmons. Auctioneer, will sell I'ridav, 18th Inst., at B? o'clock, st 152 Lust 57th st.. one Mott Landau and one Mott Coiipulette. By order Mott Brothers, Mortgagee. Must he nOLD?Brewster improved spring Top Wagon. Top Phaeton, set Harness, Inst road Mara, 136 West 37th at. 'HERTS, II LA N h El 8, DUSTERS. AC. J ttld stand, 5N Liberty. New styles, vary best goods, lowest price*. Single Harness from $7 up; 200 dozen Whips. Best o-ply Garden Hose. 10c. to I5o. per loot. (^ECOKD HAND CARRIAGE* for sale at great bargains. Tlire# Clarence*. " Loop**, :) tlx east Rockawayt. 3 Coupe Rockawavs, 2 light curtain Kockuwsy*. 2 hall top Labile let*, 1 Victorias,TCart,extenri >n top Phaeton, eat miner fonr spring Buggy. two wheel Do* Curt.Jnmp seal Wagon, six seated Depot Wagon, tour seated Fony Phaotnn,- top Poor Phaetons, Basket Pony Phaeton, lour seated no top WtpiDi, Depot Wagons, 2 no top Wagons, 35 top Wagons. Some of the aboro are in line order and hnilt by Brewster A Co., of Brooino St., and other good makers. A few setsot second hand Harness for sale at a bargain. A. 8. PLAN DUAL. 372 and 374 Broome st. (old stand of Brewster A Co.). Six light wagon polks, maiik by, tor sale cheap; good as new. 185 Prince st. SOLD FOR WANT OF U8K?BAY IIORSK, 15HAMDS, 7 yearn old; pair matrhed hay Carriage Horse*. IB hands, 7 years old. L. PKUKY LAMB'S stables, 15 Kaat 5Hth at. fPHK BVMKR CUsHIONBD AXUL J. This popnlar Iniprorement lor ri during wear and tear, lessening nol*-, vibration nod pounding, and imparting an assy motion to ? a ona and carriage*. I am prepared to ap ply to either new or old work, at reasonable nriees. W. B. DAVIS. IH and 30 llanry sr.. Brooklyn. rpOP PLATFORM RUM MLR PIlAKTON. BY FLAN JL dran. In elegant order; r Cart, hy Wood Bros., good na new . Victoria, by Wojd Bros . good as new ; light Brinks, by Miner A Stevens', \ l.anilanlet, line order; French Lsmlitii, good aa new. Top Depot Wagon, by Stivers; Barouche, by .Miner A Stevens; one Coupe llurkawav. light Top and Open Wigent, two Coupe*, at low prieea. WW. II. OKAY, 20 and 22 Woosiar at. rno own Kits t?F iioum:s.-lamrnf.hs, from J whatever ran*#, pronounced Incurable, will he treated without charge by applying to WILLIAM M. uILKH A Co.. Proprietors ollet' Liniment, Iodide Ammonia. 451 0th tr. 1IHK PHOPIkTY or A LADT, AND MUST BK SOLD to day, a Top Pony Phaeton, nearly new, prlee 0135, rust f2a). Apply at IIAKKKU A SON'S, 30th St., aod ?roadway. AIT"AX MtD?A PoSY AND PON Y PIlAKTON AND ?? IIurnes* ill excouiign lor a lally's Diamond Cross. Ad dress K. v A, Herald office. ,rANTKD- A I'll ALTON; ALBO A TWO-HKATED Bncaaway. m.ide by Brewster or other good maker; in nice order; niitst he guaranteed > y the maker; al*o would linv Slnulu llarnesh ol tne best maker. Adore.,*, with price, BROOKLYN, box 4.24H New York Post office. w w ANTKD-A IE.V.M OF OOOD ROAD HORSES. D. box 11/ Herald office. \\fvntv.D?hubse\"coal gart,-harness, II Any one having tne above to dispose of at my terms and price address W I LKKsRARIle., Herald office. VI/"AJCrKD?A^afcCtINI) H AND Bl'OOY FOB A BBA-. IT aonable price. Seuil p trtlcnlars to M. !!., Herald office. AirANTED?USE (IF LADY'S- (>R~"ilENTLKMAN'S II Turnout In country lor keep. 37 I'ark row, room 42. At*'A NT MONEY.?NEW TOP UBOUKR, EXPRESS II Wagon,, 055. 5l2<i: Depot Wagon, $S5; three Pony ILirses. Harness, Side saddle. 3t>7 West tilth. tlf ANTKD-A 81 NO LI (IB DOITBLM TRUCK OR II ruoiling Oear, not nvor II feet: n t particular In what Condition. III YKIt, Herald Uptown office. "V^IUNO CANADIAN PONY?WARRANTED SOUND, L kind; 85 new top Express Wagons,$50, $120; Trotting Ware, in loaf, cheap. 4 /th av. 2 CHUNKY Bl ILV IIOHSKs, SUIT ANY BUSINESS*; I Track llor-o . $H5, $<ii), $70. 89 I'lke at, Li HOKrfKH?S uli-ABLK~ FO R* A N V~BU si N B.4S. BO DO Uat a aacriUce, no lair tiller refused,'.!! 847 Vth av. $125 HOILNKS A AO CAltiCI AUEMi ?a beautiful' new t.Vputuv ?JV-lsory Wagon. worth i2V?, patent wlirels. Seen 124 Wet lUth St. ' . 1r,-r EAST 2hO ST.-BENSON HBjSThaVK ONE ?-)vJotce lop tide bar Gentleman's Road d'acon. rheao _j_ .. wn l "gjjy A L.1UH I SIDa HAM IUT ?? *?!?.>' Oil* Ihut little need; cheap at ftSti; can lie seen at '*7 (irniil J oiifH it. DRY J^MBRuiDERlES^ WE ARB EXHIBITING AN ATTRACTIVE SELEC TION OF NOVELTIES IN } MADE-UP LACE GOODS, COMPRISING FICHUS, SCARPS. 8KT8, KANOY .IABOTS, AC.. AC. SWISS SLEEVES, BOWS AND CHEMISETTES, FRENCH EMBROIDERED. ALSO. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN SLEEVES. AT 40C. PER PAIR AND UPWARD. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN FICHUS. FROM 40C. UPWARD, AND FRENCH EMBROIDERED HEMSTITCHED AND COLORED LINEN SETS OF COLLARS AND CUFFS, AND PLAIN LINEN RETS, NEW SHAPES, AT EQUALLT ~LOW PRICES. A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAT. 4TII A\\. nTH AND 10TII STS. B EeT TtlltKi-.-PLY CARPET FROM SI To SI 35; beat Ingrsln Carpet Irorn :15c. to SI. l,oRD A TAYLOR, Grand, corner Chrystle, and Hit undsfi Forsyth ?t. M Best body Brussels carpet from si so to 52 per yard; belt Tnpentry Brussels Carpet*, from BUc. toft 25. LORD A TAYLOR, Ciend. corner Cliryitie, and s:t and85 Fortytli *t. ATS. RUGS AND MATTINGS IN EVERY VARIETY and itvlc at LORD A TAYLOR'S, Urand, corner Chryntle, and XI and XI Forsyth at. tLCIX) TilS. "all WIDTHS. FROM 3 TO M foot, nil pricee; Linoleum, the heat substitute for oil cloth, a special! v. LORD A TAYLOR. _ Crnud, corner Chrystle. and S3 and X5 Korswli -t. MILLINERY 4KB DHKXSM AKIXLi. AT MAKIK TILM ANN'S (FROM PAIttS), AGENT. IM Exporter?Finest creation* In Parisian art .Villlner.v ; new. Splendid assortment at uiiid.num prices to-day. 423 Ulh nr.. aeoond door below 2Hth at. tlRAPE.-WK CALL THE~ATTENTION OF THE tirade, and eipecially the ladles, to our improvement in retlniahinir ne^und mil Crape, nisktug it waterproof and a beantilni ldnck, bv Shrivor'a patent. Fashion Parlor, Do mestic Building, corner 14th >t. and Broadway. S. C. SHRIVER A CO. MMK. OAMILLK Db LACY. 882)4 BROADWAY. HILL offer duriug the coiiiIiik week the richest and most ele gant line ol French Round Hats ami Bonnets, at Hgnras arh-ch will represent better value for the money than can be found in this market. A fits. PEbillE'S "YEN U8 HTTINO I'tidtSBTH. Alt llldomlnal Corsnts and Supporters. Comets lilted sun toiuically. <171 tltli a v.. near u'-ith. PROPOSAL.!*. OFFICE LIGHTHOUSE ftsPhCTOK. TlllRII DlSTHirT, I ToMPKiN.iriLL*, New York, April 20. 1877. ( Sealed proposal* will be received ill thin office until 13 o'elock M., or. Friday, the 1st day or Juno next, lor minim, painting, replacing end keeping in ilieir proper position ami in |[ooil order ell the buoy* no* in llio Itm-kuwuy and Now Inlet*, Long Island, New York, innl hiicIi other* in. may he authorised, tor one year, from the let day of.Julv next to the succeeding Jkilli day of .luiie, according to liie regula tlon* of the Llglitliouao Hoard and the printed apcclltcn tioim. conic* or which may he hud hy apply inic to tht* olHoe. A bond, with two sureties, in double the amount ot the Contract and conditioned for it* laiihlul performance will be required. The right to reject any or ail bid*, if It I* deemed to be for the latere.t* of the government to do ao, ia re*rr?ed. A copy of till* advertisement alioiild bo annexed to enc i bid. A. C. KlIlND, Commodore I . S. N., Inspector 1 bird district. OFFICE OF LIllHTHOUHK INSPECTOR., New York, April 30. 1877. Sealed propoaal, will bo received at till* ottlce until 13 ?'clock M. on Friday, the lat day of Juno next ?"r raising, painting. replacing and keeping In their proper position* anil in cuod order nil tlio buova now in the Hudson Kiver between Albany and Now York city, and *ncli oilier* a* may be aiithorlred, for one year?Irniu the lai dav of July next tothu succeeding Willi day of June, according to the regit latinns of the Lighthouse llourd and 'lie printed apocittea ttoni, enpiea of which cau be had hy applying to till* A bond, with two auretie*, in double the amount of the eeutraot, and cuuditiouel for tt* laithfiil nerlormance, will be required. The right In reject anv or all bid*. If It i* deemed to be far the interest* ot th > (Tiiited Stale* lo do mi, I* reserved. A copy of thl* advertisement should be annexed to eaeli A. C, RUIKD. Commodore IT. S, N? Inspector Third District. OFFICE LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR, Tiukii District, l Tomi-kinstillf. S. Y? April 3l?, 1877. J Scaled Proposals will bo received a' till* oltieo until 13 o'clock M.. on Friday, tho lit day of J una next, for raisluir, paintinx. replacing and keeping in I heir proper positions, and in good order, all the buoy* row in the Fire Island in let, New York, and such oilier* a* may be authorised, for one year, Irom the 1st day ot July next to the succeeding Willi day of June, according t" tho regulation* of the Lighthouse Hoard and tbe printed specifications, copies of whlcn can be bad by applying to tbis office ill, with t* A bond, with two sureties In double the amount of the contract, aud conditioned tor its faithful performance, will be required. A cony of this advertisement should be ennexed to each bid. The right to reject eny or all bids, if it Is deemed to bo for the interest* ot the govern in -nt to no so. is reserved. A. C. RllIND, Commodore U. 8. N., Inspector Third district. OFFICE OF TH R LIUHTUOUHK INSPECTOR, 'Ilimn District. ) TonrKi.TSrtLi.K. N. ?.. April 3l?. 1H77. J Sesled proposals will he received at thl* office until 13 M. on Friday, the 1st day of June next, for raising, painting, replacing and keeping In their p-oper position aim In yond orde' all the buoy, now In l.ako Cham plain. aim such others as may be uiitiiorltcd. for onn year from the lat day of July next to the succeeding Willi dav of June, according tothe regulations ol the l.igbthouse Hoard nnd the printed speciAealtone: copiee of which ran be had liy applying tu this office. A bond with two sureties in double the amount of the contract and conditioned tor It* lalthful performance will be required. The right to reject any or all bids. If it is deemed to be for the interrM nfthe United Statu* to do so Is r.-served. A copy ot this advertisement should bo anuoxed to cseh bid. A. C. KIIINI), Commodore U. 8 N.. Inspector Third District. OFFICE LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR, Thikh District. > TOMrKtNPVtl.ML N. V., April 30, 1877 t Srslrd proposal! w ill be received nt thl* office until 13 II., oa Ftlday, the 1st day of June next, lor raising, painting, replacing and keeping in proper position and In good order all tbe buoys now in tlie Pawtucket Itlver, Kliode Islsnd, and inch other* n* may be authorised, lor one rear from the 1st day ot July ntxt to the succeeding Wtth dav ot June according to th* regulations of the i.lglithon*e Hoard and the printed aprciSeatlons. copies o| which can be had by applying to this office. A bond, with two snrellrs. in double the amount of the con tract and conditioned for its lalthful performance will be re quired. The right to reject any or all hid*, if it i* deemed to be for th' interests of the United States tu d-> so. Is reserved. A copy ol this advertisement should be annexed to each bid. A. C. RHIND, Commodore U. H. F? Inspector Third District. OFFICE OF LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR. Third District, i, New York, April 3ft. 1877. i Sealed proposal* will be received at till* office until 13 o'clock M. on Friday, tho In tier of June nest, for raising, ' panning, replacing *nn keeping in their proper position and in good order all the buoys liptv iu the Hudson Riser, between Albany any Troy, New-York, and such others .is tint be authorised for one 'ear. Irom tli? 1st day ol J illy noxt to the succeeding With day ol June, according lo lli-i regulation ol tbe Lighthouse Hoard and the printed speeili cnli.-n*. copies of winch Clin be hud hy applying to tills olltce. A bond, with two sureties. In double tho amount ol the contract, and conditioned for it* faithful performance, will be reflinred. The right to releet any or all bid*, II It Is deemed lo bo for tho Interests ot the United Mates to do *o Is reserved. A copy ot thi* advertisement should b i annexed lo each d. A. C. KIIINI).Ciimmndorii U. 8, N. bl Inspector Third district. Proposals for coffee and transportation FOR THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. imrsRTxt st or Tin Intkriok. i times: Indian Arrant*. .? WaaniNUTOx. .May 14, 1877. 1 Sealed proposals, indorsed "Prop-sal* I >r ( >>ffne,'' and addressed to the Commissioner or India i Affair-, No. 7:1 Wa 1Kof st.. New Yora city, will ha rereivrd until 11 o'clock A. M ?u eamrday. May is. 1M77, inr furnishing 4l">.issl poiiud* of coffee, lo he delivered at New York. Philadel phia, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago or Sioux City, Sched ules -howiug time of delivery, condition* to tie ons- rved liv bidders end terms of contract slid payment, toyether w ith blank propusa'*. forme ol contract, bond, A-.*., will be fur. nished oo applb-atl-in at this office, in Washington, or at 78 Walker St.. New York Proposals will also be received until s rna hour lor trans portation from each of the above montlutted point* to tho Crow Agency, Montana. J. O. SMITH, Commissioner. FONT OFFICE NOTM K. DRYTDITHY. FOsf OFFICE NOTICE. Ihe loroign mails lor the week ending Saturilav. Mey I'.l, |S77, will cioee at this office ou luesduy. at 13 V., fur Europe, by sieanisliin Neva-la, vie (Jtieriialnwii. Uu Wednesday, at 4:HOA. M.,for Eernpe, b> steamship Rus sia, via (Jhieen*town (correspondence for France to ho h-r w nriled hy tills steamer must be -oecls'ly addressed), and at 4 :JiI A. M. for France direct by steamship France, via Havre On Thursday, at IIJRI A. M . tor Europe, hv ?toauishlp Frisia, via Plyniuutb, Cherbourg uud llsm burg. On Saturday, at 7 alii A. M . lor Kurupo by strati., ship City ol itlrhiuond,, via (J-iec-isl >wti icorrespcudtnce lor Herman). Sco'land and N'orih ol Ireland to be forwarded bv this steamer must lie specially addie?*?d). and at 7 A. M.. lor Scotland and North ol Ireland hv steamship An abnrta, via Movllle and liiasgow. and at 11:811 A. M. lor Europe by steamship Kheln, via Southampton and Bremen, The Nevada, !tu**ia and City uf Richmond do not take m ill* lor Denmark, Sweden and Norwai. The mall* for linytl and Kingston. .1 eiaaicit will lent ? New York, 34. The malls lor the West Indies via llavena will leave New York May Hit. The mail lor Australia. Ac., will learn San Francisco M ay j:t. Tlia mails tur China and Japan will le tve San Franclaco May 3t'. T. L. J A M US, Postmaster. i Nrw York, Mnv 13. 1877. DR. JaCOH HODIM , DEMIST. Rt-.MiiVI.D FROM 31 Wnst Hist et. In Ifergen sv and Montgomery St., Jer sey City ; take Desbr-tsscs or Cortland! street ferries. Dr. ai-hkrt kimhal, -vr went 34111 i*t . near Hth nr.?Full sate, $10; pnrtlel, hi? UoU Killings, h'J upward, warranted. AMUMEMKVrs. PARK THEATRE. #ltOAl)W.lV AND Kli'sf, HENRY K. ABBEY....... Leaaee aud Mousger CA.xT NIGHTS LAST NIGHTS LAiVT Mi. I ITS Last nights LAST NIGHTS LAST Nit.UTS LAST NIGHTS LAST Nit. UTS of Mr. joiin t. Raymond. Mr. JullN T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. Mr. .ioiin t. Raymond. ?Air. John T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. Mr. JOHN T. RAYMOND. Mr. joiin I Raymond. LAST NIGHTS OK KaYMoKD as Col. SELLERS. LAST MGIITS OK KAVuOND AS Col. SELLERS. LAST NIGHTS OK RAYMOND As Ctrl. SKLLKRS. Mix M ARL'. GORDON a. LAURA HAWKINS Pricea?30 rein*. HI *nd f I .'Ml. Grand op. ra house. POOLE A DONNELLY Sol* lomai ud Man age ra LAST WKEK of tbo ilGtiucuUlied Arll.ta, MISS KANNT DAVENPORT. MISS KANNY DaV NI'ORT. MK. CHARLES K. COOHLAN. MR. CHARLES K COUHLAN, MR JOIIN B out.HAM. MK. JOHN HKoCGH >M. MR. JAMES LEWIS. MK. JAMES LEWIS, who art attracting overflowing liouae* is MR. AUuUSTIN DALY'S Historical Plat, IlIE PRINCESS ROYAL. THE; PKI.m b.?S ROYAL. MATINEE WKDNESDAA AND S.Vi URDAT. Retrrvei Sonts, NOc. Socurod twu week* in advance. Reserved Soma, Secured twu week* In advance. u MOM SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. I'ALMKK EVERY EVENING, the splendid Driimii. in tliyte *CI* and twelve scenes, by the !*to Andrew . lalllilay, entitled SMI IKK. In the representation ol this pint* the following arttiM are employed : ? Mr. .1. H. Stoddard, Mr. John I'araelle, Mr. W.J. Lemoyne Mr. George Boniface. Mr. 0. A. Stevenson, Mr. W. Letting well, Mr. John Carroll, Mir. Edgar Moore, Mr. 1. Thump eon. Mr. Itnrke. .Mm. Merle Wilaiu*. Miss Bijou Heron, Mien Kme iiiritrd. .Mien Uoheitu Norwood, Mis* Louise Sylvester Mm. Tuunelilll. ACT FIRST. Scene 1? Office end ltelnh Mckluhy. Scene a?Anternoiu in Nicklob, '-office. Scene J-Coffee Koom of the Saracen's Head. Scene 4?entrance Yard to Saracen's Head Scene 5?The Inn Yard?The Departure of the Coach. ACT SECOND. Scene* I and J? Dothehoye IInil. .-canes a and 4?A Country I.nne in Yorkshire. ACI Til 111 D. Scene 1?Ralph Xickleby'e office t Scene li?Exeter Change. Scene J?Mrs. Nlckleby's Lodg.ngx. MATINEE (IN SATURDAY AT 1:30 O'CLOCK. J^ALY'S 5TH AVENUE THEATRE. Mr. DALY begs to announce that till* THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS will wltneas POSITIVELY THE LAST REPRESENTATIONS of the distinguished Shakeaperian artlate. MISS NN N EE EE II L BBS ooo NN N NN N K 11 L s s O o NN N N N N K II I, H tl O N N N N N N KEK II L SSS o o N N N N N N K II L 8 It o N N N N N N E 11 L 8 8 o o N NN N NN EEEE 11 LLUa SS8 ooo N NN a* IMOGEN in BUAKKSrP.AitK'S CYMBELINE. MIm N F.I I.SON'S FINAL MATIN UK of VIOLA and the last Miitlnen of TWELFTH NIGHT will be given on Saturday, at 2. *?* llox sheet now open. IN UKIIAKSAL, for elaborate production, the lateat RKMAItKAIILK PARISIAN SENSATION, VESTA, In which Mica DAVENPoItT will appear. jy^I.i.S NKIESON'S only MATINEE of VIOLA In TWELFTH NIGHT. Saturday, at a. *?* Saturday night, last night ot Imogen. S'TEINWAY HALL -FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 7 Farewell Concert ot Ml** Eiuma i IT* H H D u KUlt SSS HBB Y T T II II ir 0 K R S 8 K B Y Y T 11 II u u It K s H B Y Y T muni u i; HRR SSS I1BB YY i ii ii u u R R 8 It B Y T it ii u u K K 8 8 B B Y 'X1 H u uuu K H SSS BBB X Prior to her departure for Europe. Purtlculiira In' uluie advertisement*. IIIIKATkE COM1UCE 314 HKOADWAY. . HARRIGAN A HART Proprietor* M. IV. II AS LEY Manager Last week ot the seaaou. IIA KKIO AN and II ARi. MaI.ONY FAMILY and WALKING FOR THE CAKE. GEO KG P. KNIGHT, I ADAMS AND LKe, KELLY AND RYAN, | MASTER MARTIN. CHARLES s. ROGERS and MATT1E VICKKKH. HARRINGTON end McGLONK. | ALICE BtUfftRTT. Hilly Grav, J obnny Queen. Wednendiy and S?tw?d*y Matlneo BOOTH'S THEATRE. TO-NIGHT. Lenaei-e and Manager*...HIGXOI D A TILLOTSON. THIS (THURSDAYi EVENING, MAY 17, ?mil undl further notice, ROMEO AND JULIET. [ ROMEO AND JULIET, | with UOMKO AND JULIET. I Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD ROMEO AND JULIET, ROMEO AND JULIET, I KOMEO. In connection with the entertainment this evening the management beg leave to ami' unce a moat IN fe KKsTING EVENT In the nppearance ol the talented and accomplished .Mia* MARIE WaINWKIGMT JULIET, tbe entire eaat forming a fellciton* combination of atrength and unusual iuiigiieti*m. with Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD .?* ROMEO Mr. F. B. WARDK a* MEKCL'TlO and Mita MARIE WaINWBIGIIT ?* JULIET aupported by a carefully clionen company. Notwithstanding the remarkable attractlveneaa of tbls performance the management baa determined to adhere to ft* *r:?le of POPULAR PRICKS. RESERVED ORCHESTRA SEATS ONE DOLLAR GENERAL ADMISSION 7.Y CENTS DRESS CIRCLE ho CENTS SATURDAY MAI INKS AT I JfD. In preparation, I'lilHips' drama, AMOS CLaRK. J^CADEMY OF MUSIC. BROOKLYN.? Laat appearance tblt aeaann o( MR. JOHN MrCULLOUOH. THREE PERFORMANCES ONLY. FRIDAY. Mav IS. a* OTHELLO. SATURDAY MATINEE a* DAMON. SATURDAY. May 111. a* VIR.IMUfl. Suppoited by an Important catt of character*. Box olllca open dally, from S A. M. to (t P. M. /THfCKEKINO HALL THE TELE I'll ONE. \J PROFESSOR ALEX. ORAIIA.M HELL, by Invitation of leading scientists, WILL LECTURE ON SOUND AND ELKCTMIOITY AND EXHIBIT HIS SPEAKINt. TKLK.PHiiNK THl RsDAY EVENING. MAY 17 Words and music over .'!Mt mile* of wire; singing. Organ Mnalc. Cornet Soles. Ac., In Tretitnii and New Brunswick, will be heard In ? hlekering 11*11. AdmiMton, 73e.; Reserved Seal*. CI. Scat* ean he ob tained at selnibertli'*, 33 Union square, and KuMman's, 111 llroadwnv r-eennd lecture, wllh rlmnge of aubjert. FH|. DAY EVENING, May |s. Brooklyn Academy ol Music, M ay 2-? and 2S TjlllYPTIAN HALL. 84TH ST. AND 3D AV.-NIUK "jglrls In naughty akstehei. new *plcy French aensa tione, the I'nun try.n an and th* Female Bather*. Poses Pia.tique*. A Night in I'aria, Rich. Itaey Noveltle*. the mini heauilliil ymtugladloa In the rity. Hi* French Minuet, the Queen of Love or the A lunar* of Royalty. Make No MISTAKr.' I HIS IS THE PLACE! EVENINGS ,\T s MATINF.ES TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 3. AKGYLE ROOMS, AKGYLK ROOMS, HTll 4\Y ""** V AND :i(?TH BRILLIANT TKBPSICIIOKKAN ENTERTAINMENT, ONLY PI,A? K OF AMUSEMENT OF THE KIND IN Tilh CITY. OPEN EV.-.RY NIGH T, COMMENCING Al' ? O'CLOCK. ENTRANCE ON 3UTII ST. AHEKLK'S T1VOLI THEATRE, Mlh at., between 2<l and 3d ava. Every evening in (he week and THURSDAY MtTINBK. Hurleuine, Vnrlety, Sen*alli>n. THE ONLY HALLEl IN NEW YORK. TilR GREATEST show ON EARlH. tlOLUM If IA OPERA HOUSE. CORNER WEST I3TII /*l. and Greenwich av. lie im hand ' C the gr-*t i I FORBIDDEN I FEMALE HAIDERS PLEASURES IN A ?4fy REAL ? Tne sultan'* Seraglio, or the Ifiaay Blondes; new Statue Troupe; J ardln M?li lie I He; Strang* Sight* for Strangers; On tne Sly, and all the lato*t French and TurkGh *nlev nnv eitiee. Every evening at H. Mallness fneadayi, Thursdays and Saturday at 2. T'*ai mns, I Frenchi I MINUET, i t?HD sr. THEATRE Z*> TO-DAV. AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Complimentary ie?tlmonlal to Mr J AMES II, HAVILAND. Ilijon Heron, Ida .lelTreya, Amy Minnie Jack eon, Marian Mor4aiinl, Imogens, Adelsid* cberle, Geo. Boni l*c?, Geo Fortes on*, and others, >n a tr*mendoua bill. MONSlEl'K ALPIIOXSE. MEGS DIVER-ION. i/IHT r AMIl.V. perfection. *nd GEO FORTE *CI'E in CINDERELLA. A?CARTIKR'ft DANCING ACADEMY, NO. A UNION ?sqiiHi e ; open all summer; private lessons any hour; glide walll specialty. R EX ?CAHTIKK. THE KING. WILL WALTS SIX tiuiira without lolermlsslou, at Tammany llall, Friday enlng. CYARD.-PRIVATE LKSnONh?PIANO, ORGAN, VIO 71m. Guitar. Hinging I nlvemlty Hullding. 3>> Waverlev place. opposite Washington Paik. Clrenlar* mailed. BILLIAKIIS.-orKM.NO SEANCE AT THE ROOMS ot WILLI AM SEXTON and DANIEL STItAl'sS, car iter University place and at.. on tills (Thursday) oven log. Mav 17. All ihn expert* In the city will be in attend ance. AilmissUn tree. ILLtARDR II' NIGHT GRAND EXHIBITION BY 'Adrian Irar. Champion Finger flayer. 7W tltli i IIE TWO PdlXK MASTIFFS FK >M THE BENCH .-Itow, King dial and-I uno, owned Uv W. F. Morgan and [. Aeplelon, on exhibition at tne Fair. Churca ot the ent. ~>7lh at.. Par* *v , Wednesday and Thursday. this k, J till It P.M. **t>ALAld ROYAL," 4W? HTH AV -40 ENGLISH, ifl 'ranch and Circassian lady attendants, Grand ten certs every evening. Admission tree. H AMI SK.UKtTR. ELf.ER'K WO.NDr.K I HE t I KK. ~ LAST Til) W KKKS I IK THE SEASON. LAsT THREE SIOUTM OK I UK KIKDI I'KOOKaMMR. LAST MIGHTS OK IIKI.I.KK IS NEW TORE. MONDAY NEXT. <"LMK OK THE FIVE PROGRAMMES. MATINEE.". WEnSF.SUAY AND SATURDAY. Tony riMUff* rust pastors BILLY BARRY'S ? IKK AT COMBINATION. BILLY BMIKV. REYNOLDS and WALLINO. KUVYIS KKKNCH. CONWAY and KERRIGAN, urs MILLS. HCaNLOX and CROHIN. aUILTKK mid GOLDRICH, Kit. BANKER. I.. LILLY IIALL, Mi?? KITTY O'XRIL, LAST M ATI NEK OK TUK BILLY BARRY COB. HIM.ATIos TO-MORROW (Kndayi.AT -J I*. M. TIT ALLACK'B. ~ Proprietor and Vaoa.-er Mr. Loeter Wallack EVERT EVENING ASI> SATL'RDAY MATINEE, Mr. Walla-k'. ploy, KOHKUALE. EXOOISITK.LY PICTURESQUE fiCEN'ERV. ELEGANT KUKNlTUitK ASH A PPOINTMENTS. UNIrOKMS ASH COSTUMES ALL E NTIKKLY NEW. and axoreulr prepared tor tbi. production, .vr. Lester Wallace ELLIOT* GRAY. Other character, by Mr. JOHN oILBKRT. Mr. RARRT BECKETT. Mr KDW.KD AR.VOIT. Mi?? ALLIE DOR LINGTuN, Mr. CYRIL SKARLE, Mr. W. .1 LEONAKli, Mr. W A. EYTINOe. Mr. ?\ E. EDA IS. Mr J PECK. Mr. T. ATKINS MIm ADA DYAS. Mia* FLORENCE VILLIKRS. Ml.. KKKIP. OEKMON. Mm. CARRES', Mr. Sr. ETON, Mis. HLAISUELL and ML. BATE. A KULL .MILITARY RASH ha. bean engaged la addition to the usual orchestral forca in thin theatre TDK M CMC ha* been rearranged and original melodlaa added, with A NEW OVERTURE by Mr TIIOMAS RAKER. CARRIAGES MAY HE ORDERED AT 11:45. B OWERY THEATRE. WEDNESDAY'. May 10, the popular nenaatlen artlat, .Mr. IIERS AS DEE FOSTER, in the create.t of iteii.allim drama.. Jack hakkaway is America. Preceded by tli-tare. of A MM IS THE DARE. niHR GREAT BMW YORK AQUARIUM. HKOADWA# A and 35th .1. Open d illy Irotu !? A. M. till 10 I*. M. ANOTHER LI VI s 11 WHITE WIIALE. SECOSIl OSK EVER CAPTURED. Magnificently colored and marvellously formed Tropical Klaliet. SURPRISINGLY HEAUTIKUL ANKwONE8. WONDERFUL LIVISO CORALS. Angel Ki.hc. of a thousand hue.. Zebra. Hamlet, lline and pink Squirrel Pi.line. Uorgeou. "Sea Doctor," withi-haoge alilo colore. Thou.and. of other attraction.. Mi.a sadia Lubin. Submarine performance.. l'>ke'a Madrlir I Hoya. AFTERNOON AND EVENING CONCERTS. AdniDalon 50 cent.. Children halt price. TELS WAY HALL EHSIPorP. Mmo. ANNETTE E8SIPOFK. GRAND TESTIMONIAL MATINEE CONCERT. (Her laat app-arancu in America). SATURDAY. MAY 10. at P. IL. en which occaalon Mme. KSSIPOKK will play BACH'S TRIPLE CONCERTO, the pianoforte part, to be performed by ANNETTE ESSIPOPK, MM. MASON, K. BOSCOVITZ and a String*. S' Alio SCHUMANN'S Variations (two pianos). Mine. E8BIPOFF mid Mr. WM. MASON'. First appearance of Mia* KAT'llKIltNE SCOTT. Admis-lou, linn Dollar; sncorcd seats, 91 OO, at Stela war '* mid f cliuborth's mid 111 Broadway THK ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION OF TIIK NEW York .Institution for the Hlinrt, consist In it of Yomtl and lnntro "O* .Music. Lilorury Exercises, Ac., will lie held at h? All. on Thursday Evening. May 17, 1877, Commencing at 8 o'clock. Admission, Hoc. ST. PETER'S HALL. BARCLAY ST.-AN EXCELLENT programme for the concert tin, evening. Pl.VMlKtlllTKS, URQANsi Mi. V'ohanob.?sVlendio new uFnF??f? and ? Yaquiire I'ianoa In rent, and rent allowed If purcnaseil; a lew nearly new exeeedlnalv Inn ; all new Plniius warranted lor live years; greatest reduction to rush ruatwiuera ever offered, at IIAIN ES BROS, . 145 and 147 fitli ?>., corner 'dial ?t. Olu llanos taken In exchange. I-91HO. 7 OCTAVE ROME A'OO J- PIAN O PORTS ? and stool; Planoa rented. UOLDmMITU'S, 211 Blerckei at., near Bowery. A~KOR RENT. UPRIGHT. SQUARE AND GRAND ? I'lanos ol our own make; also tor sale and rent, n num ber ol line aoeond hand I'lenoa, In perfect order. WILLIAM KNaiik A CO., n 1.113 fttA at., at or* lothst. BKO KTM KMT or BEOONU HAND W H NWay I'iimoa. aome nearly new, very low; also Planoa of ntliee rankers; io??n of boms nianos palmed off aa sen ill aa Stninway inako, at nueilou or In private houses STEIN WAV A MlNS, Stelnwav Hull. 1 till st New York. CHICKKKINw AT SACRIFICE: -UPBRB TOMXO! 2 Y elaborately eaived Pianoforte, 917.1. coat 9HOO laat March. Hall immediately residence Ml Kast '.Hit. ATSOIIMEK Ik~~UO.'sTl41) K AsY MTH sT.. NKAR SO >r . piano maanfacturera. ?Plrat elaaa Planoa at ex tremely low prices; new and saaond Uaaal flaass aw rant and on Inatalnieiita x CO.. ltd K??t I4tli st. 0H1UKKRIMU. Ml: BUPKKD IMAil OMAMD. n?ed three inoiitli-. $185. 13 hast 18th at., between Union aquara and full a v. ?L A n ti K ASSORTMENT OK ShCOflD HAND ? Planoa. In thorough K"od order, aorna ol whlrli are nearly new: loraale at very low prices. CMCKERINU A StlNS, >lli nv. and lMlhst. ? AN UPRIGHT pi tNn-1'IRST CLASS MAKER; MUST be aold. .">7 Kaat .V.Hh at., near Madison si. PB1YATB FAMILY WUX SELL STJCIMWA Y I'lanoforte at aacrillce; a brilliant and powerful toned four rnuud rosewood ca?o; piano richly carved and Inlaid wlih iiiaroueterle. havina every lioprovement. 7J, octavea, lull agraffe. Ac. ; pnrrhaard at Centennial: cost 91,51111. will sell for $.'*<1 cash ; ? nerlect parlor gem: alv> ha>irlsonie and deairable Household Furniture 111 lots 10 suit. N. B. ? Fur niture ami piano can he paRkeu lor shipping If desired, ('all privniH resilience No. 47 West 18th at., Iietwaen Mil and 8th N ELEGANT PIANO, all" IM PROVKMBNTR. carved leva. Ac ; Stool and Covar; 912,1. 1,2111 Broad way, ei rner 8.1th at, LADY WILL SACRIFICE STK1NWAY PIANO FOR )l(KI; a magnificent 7)? octave Pianoforte with ell mod ern improvements, patent agraffe, overstrung Mass, lour large round corners, carved legs mid case, oust last Novem ber 91.HOI, for; Stool, Cover snd Mnaie stand, coat $137; hoaeil for shipping; a rare rhant-e to huv a first cluia Instrument for little money. Call halors purchasing else where at private reaideuce I3ii I.iu?t lllth at., bei ween 3d av. and Irving place, one block east of Union square, A FEW SECOND HAND WEBER PIANOS AT VF.KY* great bargains: some of them uied but a very short time bv our best musician* and reall.v 111inost *s good aanaw; lully warranted In every respect. Plena# call at the Weber Warcronms, Mb nv. and Httb at. N BLKGANT' HTkInWAY FOUR KOI'ND ItOslT wool Pianoforte for sale cheep: a beautiful npright Piano, cost $.175, for 92IK1. Residence 2118 Weat 2<>lli ?t near 7th av. \ N ELKO ANT CARVER 7>, OCTAVE PlAN'OFOP.TH x\.i"-s,iln cheap for rash; rem or luatalmenta. Private residence P13 East 27th. BEA1 TIFCL cAKVKD KmIwROO 7 OOTAVA Plenoforie. modern Improvemenla, 9-i>%. Private real 318 Kaat .'Kith st. AC Re. AT BARGAIN ? STEINW t V PIANOFORTE. 91"": also magnificent rns wood Pianoforte, made to order by llecser, 14th St., all m rlorn improvements, ret* SI.11(1, lor $27.1: Stool, Cover. Cabinet: Oaae for shipping; 1 mater's bill and guarantee transterred topurehaaer; also I Chamber, Llhrnrr and Dining Room Furniture. Call at pri vnla reside lice 120 WestSRo at . near 8th av. A SSORTM EST I I'KIGHT sND SQUARE PIANO* J\ and Organs exlremeiv low for cash or small monthly pminenis or to rent; a good Upright Plana, HO, F. SCHULKK. '.!il Kaat I4lli at. _____ nniORIKIMii UFRIOHT PIANOFORTE. BY KMT !M \2pfo\emrat. great bargain: heantllnl rosewood Piano forte, $in(i. RIDDLE'S, 13 Waverlay place, near Broad way. "KM SO HER PIANOS. RELIABLE AND SPLENDID r tone. 42.1 West 38th ?l.. handsome second hand Plana* vrrychrap. ifilNT CLA88~NrW~Pi AND8 FOKdALK OnTnsTAI, ments and to real, very cheap, at I'20 West 31th st. U. BKEOQV19T. Horace watkr- i sons, u east mth st.. ark selling I'lanos and organs eatremely low lor eash. on I small monthly and quarterly payments, or to let, and rent money allowed If purchased, MAGNIFICENT 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PI ANO lorte. only 975; aleo aaper'i stelnway; rare sacrifice. GORDON'S, 1.17 Bleeckcr at, t>IAMOt, 94'I, 97?;"sliVKN OCTAVE HAVEN 9 ? J llnrnn, 91"'. nprighta, 9lo 1: rent. 94. Organs, is* | double reed. 94.'i. CORDON A SON. 13 East Mth St. S' X. KALI. A CO.. REMOVED TO II EAST MTH ?si. iformeily Chlckering Haiti. ? Planus and Organ- at I bargains this mouth for caeii, on Instalments and for rent. ! UTKOK PIANOS-A FKW STF.i'K SQUARE AND UP 1 alright Pianos, little used and warranted to be as good ss new, at low prices SfKCK Piano Rooms, No. 31 heat I 14th at. PRICHT~A~NiTsqUaRr pf An6?, ?7? TO |HD? $9 and 91" monthly till paid, or rrnt 93 upward. HI-.TTs. 8 Union si|tiare t4?h nv.,, near I4tb st. T- CASH IF HOLD WITHIN TWO DAYS-A I ?faplrndld 7 1-3 ocfavn lull agraff- Sqaare Urand nt OKI) WOOD'S Organ Rooms, 43 Kast Mth st. IRntim ("rioM. HhHPhcr'ARLK OKKMaN OENTLKMA.N. Willi ..(?aaks F.ngliah perfectly, wishes te give lesaons In the bermaD language; termalow. Adaresa 1 F.ACHKK, Herald office ________ A WELL ACOM PLI?IIhli YuUNO LADY OF AM! Aahle disposition, teadher al private acneols whloh clean the middle of June, would be glad to teach French end Oerman during the summer two hours the day. for heard; best of references: meet her between .1 and n si Ilia Young Women's Christian Association. No. 7 Kaat 11th sL 4 "gentleman wants ro take conversa. Ationai le.sims In Kranch. K. W . I'oat office box 131. elfyt A LADY WILL TAKE PI PIL8. SINGLY OK IN Aclasaes, At their homes In malting Prlneeaa or modern Point Lace; specimens shown. Address LACE, Herald | office. ROPEAN TRAVKU Mrs. DEM A ILLV, who haa .p -nt man? years in thla coun try us n le n her of French, will return to Perls to open A teisrdlng school. She will sail the latter part of J line, and would take under her care any young ladles desiring to finish their education abroad, ror circular apply to Mrs MF.MAILLY, Burnet Hons*. Cincinnati, Ohio tiranted?a position ah teacher ok aman VT lien.Is In short liaml. nlao a low private pnplls fey evenings Address L., 204 Wyckoff at.. Brooklyn. U 117 THK liRITtKB HKAMIIb. R"t. TRaLI'. M. d . formerly of LAlotfnt.. ?will hold a teceptlon nt hla realdsnoo. ID.' East 23d st, this (Thursday 1 evening at 8. Friends and all lutnrastoa, la the "Trne Utaltag AM" art cordially Invllod.