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THE CAKNIVAL HUM3UG. ?CV HITEEN THOUSAND DOf.LAgA Was COL I.f.CIED AND NUT APPARENTLY UlsBlUSED? TRACl) OR IMBECILITY, OB riTH. There ire i tew details connected \> nb the 'nceptiou, progress and linaio of the ???called Carnival of Tim day lid partially brought lo light yesterday, which, It tbey do not alum a tale, ecrta.nly |h>ibi a moral. In tbc first place U ia alleged that two ol Ibo projec tors of the enterprise comm. need toeir work wuti ? capital ol only about $2uu each, but put-?.<???:[]?' that other capital which baa tx en ao aptly descr-be-I a* the "gilt ol pah," they colored the hat, and b) j and tnipudeace made their way. Tbey secured a mvt-io rious credit, which enable! them to publish flaw ing circular! and ..mbiilou-iiy deaigood posers. There was not a barroom or public place for miles around but was flooded with the attractive announcement* ol au uxtraordinary curuival season, and gradually a kind ol laith was tugeaJ.-red wuicli led to person .I sacrifices and pecuniary contributions. ma SOXll ?ATIlr*KI? is. Besides, the charges .'or participating in Iho picas Wee ol a caruira: appeared loo roueobablc lo many lo r|n bolu about. Men wore found who were wilting lo pay $10 lor iho ii'ivllsgi of appearing as "kuighls ol the rculm," or priuces imperial, or dukes ol dugouts, or aiivlbing else that entitled iheiu to wear a plush hat aud a laded pair of tights. 1 be poor King binisell it under.-lood to have paid $ I .#00 lor the cheap notoriety ol being st-tred at uud so oeiubraliug Hie vir tue-. ul Iteer, besides even a larger sum in making a ?how ol hurscs, men and barrels. The price ol u wagon iu me duy proc-ssioii was $!.> each, and us sumo two hundred appeared in Iho proi essiou, uboui jd.oiKi was uultcd Iruiu this sour. e. Again, ue Iho . vent assumed shape, hotel keepers and oihers wiio were insdo lo behove thul an enormous gathering Ol people III the city would bciiclll their purses wore luiiutvd lo put tbnr hands iu their pock et* and disburse voluntary contributions ranging Ironi $ o in $:joo It is esiimated lhai about gla.OuO were thus realized. Then came the bull. TliK IIA I.I, The wool was adroitly pulled over tlio eyes ol the u.-uully shrewd genilomuu connected with Giliuon-'s (i.irdch, and they, too, were boodwinkail miu the be licl tiiat uu cuormouri commercial success was'im pending. Arrangements on a grand scale were accord ingly made. Everything win. dono to uccominodsie u vast crowd. Mowcis, i u<tium lighis, cascade ami I'oun lainr, u noble hour uud Iho host ol music were provided in an'lcipallou of the great irolic If ill it was only a bubble. Probably less tbau u thousand tickets were sold, and ins arrangements wuru simply barbaric ami disgust'Ug. It was during the ao-cullcd ' ball," or rout, us it should bo uioro properly termed, thul Iho lull force ol ihe swindle be.-atue I ill ly ap parent. Tho individual who paid ti'iUO for the coat loom took in ouly about #11)0. The bar muu is.ssid to be out ol pocket over #1,000, ami 120 waiters louled isilossly. walling orders lor coampagiie that never mine, tor all other uriuks were tabooed wuhiu tho iucred presence ul tho King. Kveu the billposters ai e illcgrd lo he ainoug tho sufferers, while ol Bigot It is old that ho wns culled upon to furnish eighty gallons >1 ico oroaui and sold hut two. Bui it is unnecessary to lurthcr reveal tho fluancial ?Ji iuils of tho most hlupeiidou- luilure ol ibis character lliut ever bus disgraced Now Vurk. A word about the kOcial aspects ol tbo lisll. Tbcr rnuinuiricaliy described, they were somewhat as fol lows:?Klevcu o'clock, a dreary wustu ul lluor; twelve o'clock. the "King" aud u uu/cu couruers, looking blank, bedraggled aud disap pointed; one o'clock, a lair gathering ol Indies and gcnllemou who wisely kept their seats ou tho tiers, or, promenading unmasked, showed iheir lespecn.hility ; two o-clock, i a.-niy or tlnrty cuu|nes uh iho floor, pirouetting with a strauge suggestiveness ol lln- lancv touches ol u public dance bourn orcomrthiig worse; three o'clock, u strong accestuou Iroiu the brothels, a reiireiueni ol decent people, u public man making u speech iu wnicb he ihrosiened lo p.tinge into the lountaiii If he was interrupted, fun lufci uud lurious, and the cancuu us wild aud desperate in lis liiaeiviuus surroundings as il us votaries bud bc-eu born in liltb and lortillzed in corruption. Tho admixaions were almost tree. A dollar slyly slipped ihlo the hands ol au obliging attendant took, it is ul legcu, iLie place ol a bvu dollar bill a lew Lours eurilur. Kvcn ibe birolinga recognized Hie lailureand leathered their nests win o tbey cuuid From bcgmulug iu end Iho mauugemeut ol the carnival festival showed little sioro ibnu imbecility or iraud. It was s.mply an en tsugleuienl of Indecencies set to voluptuous music. It AGING IN KENTUCKY. FOURTH DAY Or TUB Sl'BXNU MBBTING OF TUB KBNTUCKY ASSOCIATION?-TWO BACKH AND A WALK OVBB ? BAUt PLIY, MA.NN1E ORAY AND TEN" Bi.oLCK TUB WINNBRS. Llki.voron, May 10, 1877. Me bed in Ixsxlnglon slight snowers again last nlgbt and this morning, which bad the effect ol improvlua the track. The day wu! cloudy, but there was a de lightful brerzo blowing ovor the track during the allernoon. Toe attendance was large sod the ruchig middling lair A disappointment was occasioned by the walk over ol Ten llrocck, as the crowd wore suxious lo soe how he moved at lull spood ibis spring. The iwo races that cuoju off were (lr-t u selling race, a dash ol a mile and a quarter with :be usual peuulil.-s And allowances, aud toe other u dash ol Hireoiiuur ? ler? oi a uitie. 1 boru were seven starters in iho Hrat race aud thirteen In the other, one of which (Mubur) fell and iujuru.l her jockey. ?rUK FIRST HACK Dusty was the favorite ugalnst the held. Fair flay louk the laud, but Dusty sho ve.I Iu front us tho horses I passed iho stand alter running a quarter of a mile. il<- set iho puce hot down tho backsirolch ami hold the I lead well down the homestretch, where Fair Flay col- ! Ii'rcil uud oeat him by two length*. I,title He camo In j third, but the judges put her lust aud gave the third j place to Mulmmlc. foluno next, llinn l.uke John sou tud (lenerul Coster. Thn Ural ml e wns ruu In 1:4?j and the mile uud a quarter in 2:11 Till: SF.'OMI RACK was a walk over lor Ten Urocele TI1K THIliP HACK. Calvin and lllchards alieruated in Ibe bctnng as flrtt lavorites licloie the stall. M'bcu the Uruui tapped j Kulight was in iho lend, lillle ilront second, ll.iwen s I UU) third, Munnie Gray lourth. 1'iliie Brent showed III ironi at the hall inlIu p do uud held It 10 Ihu li.'ad ol the stretch, whore sliu wus passed by Knligbl und Manilla Gray. 'Iho latter, as soon jim she got into straight work, came away and won by five lengths Tiliie Br.-ul was second, Knlight third, Fuiuburg fourth, Kiilio n11 tv, Msior lo Kvdniuh nixlh, Homo liuckner siverih, Peiilt Kivoli gelding eighth, Allan i'lnkerton ninth, Vic rem- tenth, Cuivin eiev.-nib, llowcn A Co.'a War Diiiico hlly iwelllh. Time, 1 :10. SI M.aARIES. Kkxtickt Association ?Foi iith Pay of tiik Si-ki\<j 16 ?I-irm Hack?A selling race, 1'4 in .It ?; purse FobU. A horse to sell lor il.obO to carry prop, r weight; to sell lor $l,P00, allowed i lbs. ; lo ? eli ;or ?7.'>0, allowed 7 lb? ; io sell lor $.100, allowed Idlbs. ; the winner lo lie sold at auction iiiiiuediately slier Hie race, ami uuy exrest over ibe price si which hi-was entered lo be sold to be giveu to the second liorse. StixrtfTi. William* k Co.'* U. h. Pair Play, bjr Virgil, dam i ruciux, 0 years old; $S<>0. lob ill- 1 J. II. diodes' li g. Dusty, by Asteroid, dam Miss I'olly, iiv liloncoe, aged; S"1'". If- 'be 2 li. IV. fleWart .V Co.'s cb. 4- Malinistie, by Planet, d,.ai l.uiloroc. by hex nglon, 4 years old; $7bo, hi Mis 3 T. J. Nichols' ii. hi. loiotio. by iusp. i'liaeiou. daui A:ert, .'i ynr> old, 11.000 4 J. (?;. Cromwt il's cb. c* Johnson, bv Cncle \ ic, d.iiu Imp wing, 3 year* old; $".00. 5 li. W. llaudco^k ? U. a. General Utatcr, bv hover, o yuura old; f.iOtl A Iio kson Ac t adwiiilader's b. I. l?iiilu Sis. by Kros lown, dam by Yorkshire, 15 years old; $7.i0 7 1 inie, -: 11 V Sajik Day? Skcoso Hack.? 1'urre $250; $1.00 to tbn (list, and $50 to the second horse. Oae and u half miles. Slartrrs. I". II. Uarper'r b. c. Ten Ilroeek. by imp. Phae ton, dam I'aiiiiy llohon, 4 rears old. w o. s.imi Day?'Iiiikp Hack. ? $ 150, tlJi to tin; iirsi, Slid f'-b to tbo second borso. Three quarters of n m i le. StarUrt. A. Hulord's blk. I. Ma time Gray, by Enquirer, dam bv h-compte, 15 yc irs old t C. W. liowen A Cn.'s b. f. Tillio Hrent, by imp. I'liaeiou, dam Nollle t'lley, 4 years old 2 Mejiibhro k iVard's oh. c. Knlight, by Koquirer, daiu Headlight, 3 yea's old .1 Jl. Mode's r. r. Edinburgh. by i.onyiellnw, u iru oy I.exidgton, ii years old 4 James A l.riustesd's br. m Katie, by trap. Phaeton, dam by \t?r Dance, ?? years old 5 A KeeOe ltleliarilK' cb. I. sister to Itedmaii, uv War lisuce, dam .">o!teridu, .'J years old A Owner's Heine Huekiier 7 \ir Pntllt's ltivoli gelding s li. Gill's br. e. Allen I'lnkerum, bv (iieu Atbol, tl.nii Overton, 4 years old 0 Frank W stor's J. ?. Victress, by Victory, dam by V i--.ll. ?'! vears old 10 II. P. tioGraili's h i Calvin, by lipperarv, dam l.ucy Fowlor, a years o|d 11 llnwe;i k t o'a Iv I , by War Danes, dam by Colos sus, Jr., 4 yenrs old 12 Time, 1 IS). TROTTINti IN BOSTON. dLCO.ND DAV or THE MAY TBOTTIJIO MEI.TING AT BtACON I'Alt It. Hosto.x. May lfl, 1ST*. I mat n ti a. Cla*s 2 -1, purse $'.'<io, divided. Sturtnrl F.uifieror. blk. a 1 1 1 l ady Daggett, g. in j 2 H liei ?bilul,r. I 4 2 Ham Curtis, Ii. g .1 " 4 boston Pilot, eh. g .1 :t s latuv Null, 11. in 7 A r> Buchanan, It. * 1; nd's 1 Time, 2:J'J'4-'J.;tl aM'll* n MAC... Class )4; purse J.oil. divided. Start rn. Highland Gray, g. * 1 j j 1 Iron tgo. r. g . 4 Dennis, Ii. 2 n ;; . ?' .11 on. rh. 2 1 j 2 H< r Kcafoaoghl, It # 4 " j Christine, b. m 6 4 p Time. 2.3.V4-2;:,l>,_k J4.V TROTTING IX NEW JERSEY. Filial 1>\Y or TUP. KKCOXt> STRING MEETING AT WENT HIDE P\UK -CIIIUUE HII.L AM) WHISPER THE WINKER*. Tlievcood spring tro'lin; meeting at West Mdo Park. N< w Jersey, opened yoitrrdiy with two trott'ng ruco.- Tlwra wm ? Urge crowd present to witness the spurt. I h?i track was in fine order and the weather delightful. siniUKt Wur Sti<k Park, 4? hwk\ t'tTT -Fia?T Day or rut: 1 ht *> St'BiM) tlttrtw, May lu Purse $loo, lor hor-os that hare never beaten .1; tntle heats, host three in Qvr, tn hnnonw; $ Ml to the DM, $25 to the socood, and $lo to the third bow. St art" Itirlitian'i h p. Charlie Ht't P. M.inee'a br. Lauignuon..... I.. U. Halstead'e ch. tti. Ijtdy Totopkinx... 4. At eater's eh in. Lady Kannon It. Oile'l l. i. I'ulla.vay J. Ward'* hlk. g. Admiral T. J. Mann's l?. g. Poor Pat H. O'NctPn lib. m Henrietta 1 1 1 3 2 3 t 3 2 2 4 5 3 5 4 (1 ti 8 dls. dr. dr. dr. T. tjaynor'a b. g. J. ??. Nchoher Ti vr. Quarlrr. Ihilf. Mile. Llrst heat.-* 44 1 2:4H\' Second heat 4- 1:23 - '40 Third 411-4 '4:51 In the third aiitl Inst heat ib? driver of the e.hoatotit uinro Lady Kan lion was changed on :he ground of fraud tn pulling the mare, and another driver wan put tu hit plane. 'I hia, however, did not better the caac, as the mure was lifth at ill" finish. Sam k Day?Nrcuxp Ka> k. ? I'ttrse $1.10. for homes that have never liraten -4:25; mile beat*, best throe tn live, in harness; $75 to Ural. $50 to second, and $45 to the third horse. Sli rlTt. Ci. Walker's hlk. g. Whisper Ill Willintn (iaihictK-r's b. g. Tommy Moure 4 2 *4 11. McNatnira'a It. ni. Gipsy Maid 2 3 4 4. Sharp's r. g St. Georgia 5 4 3 J. K. 4?rvis' ch. g. Hilly Kdwards 356 H. ugls's h. g. Prank 6 8 5 J. Pawhng'a b. g. Doubtful dr. TIME. Quarter. Half. Mile, First heat 40 1 '40 '4 .30 Second hoat 40 1 :'41 '4 :40 Third heat 39\ 1 lO.'g '4:30 Tho chestnut mare lloxle was suspended from tbe Hrnoklyn Driving Park last year un account of non payment of entrance tec. and was not allowed to start in the above race, lb Is track being governed by tbe rules of tbe National Association. TROTTING AT PHILADELPHIA. THIltD DAY OF T.TE HPIUNG TROT TING MEETING AT HTJl'FOLX .PARK. I'llii.aoKi.riiiA, May 10, 1877. KlhST MACK, Purso $250, divided; milo heats, best three in Uvo, In harness. Starter*. Nellie Kutborford Ill F.incy 8 "4 2 Jersey Hoy 4 8 4 Odd Stocking 5 4 3 Medium 4 3 5 Little Fellow ti dia. Smiling Tom dir. Time, 2:35?2:39?'4:37?. SKI'O.VII RAI'S. I'urru $300, divided; mule beats, best tbreo tn Ave in harness. Starter*. Nil Desperandum 3 2 111 I.adyLmtu n 1 1 2 *4 3 Lady Dlctsingion 4 4 3 3 '4 Maggie M '4 3 4 4 4 Sorrel Top 5 dr. Queen Mury dr. Mollie dr. Time, *4:33?'4:3'4?2:32?2:2!??2:31. SHOOTING TO URN AMI-NT IN KEN TOCKY. Lkxixutos. May 18, 1877. There was e large atlendunue at the shouting tourna ment to-lay. The lullowlng Is tbe score:? First >woepstakcs at Pigeons?First money, Captain Bogurdus; second money. Abe Kletnman. Second Swecpstukes?First money, Alex. Morgan, Jr. ? second money, divided between Kerr and Mc Clurg. Third Sweepstakes ?First monoy, Captain Kerr, of Parts; second tnouey, Captain MeClutie, of Knoxville. Fourth Sweepstakes?At glass balls. Won by K. T. Martin, Chicago. THE MIDNIGHT MURDER. FUNERAL OF Ml!. GUNStB?A REVOLTING SCENE, FOP. WHICH CORONER CARROLL IS KESFON SiilLE. Tbe luueral o( Jobu Gunser, tbe saloon keeper wbe was murdered ou Nnndny morning last, tool; place frotn Last Williamsburg yesterday, and was uuiucr ottsly attended, after Ibe u.-ual service by Kev. Dr. Aschraan, of (bo Last New York Lutheran Church. A TkRHISl.K HUkMC. In ob'dlenco to the wishes of tbe Coroner the remains were taken Into ttio prosonce of Mrs. Guuscr, who lay In the bod In which be bed been previously murdered. Ai the racket was brought into the room thu woinun seemed to recognize Its presence by and idle murmurs ol "Oh. Papa! Pap?!" When it liud Peru placed uu lis rest and no oue a as in the room hut loo lour pulli>rur< rs, the Coroner and bis clerks, .Mr. Curroll said:?"Mrs. Uutiaer, will you lell who kl'led your bushaud f' She turned bar eves full upon him and responded, "Sol No! 1 wish Iknowed." Tbe Coroner t-aid sierulv, "You do know,'' and wailed. "I do not know. I can't toll you u lie. 1 don't w ant to go to tho hell" The woman, moaning and crying loudly, turned away from the corpse and said, Willi hyef" ric utterance, "1 don't kuow; 1 only know it was a man. My eyes ware lull ol blood. I can't see my husband. I URU'l sen anybody. 1 thought lie had gone away I roan that room.'' Sill- thou puusod, and tho Coroner gave a sign fur the pallbearer*, to remove the coffin. Tho body wus taken out nnd through tho hurrootu to tho bourse, and the pub.ic ceremonies at tho aconu ol the tragody were over. OBI'lUARY. CUAUL'8 II. WIIALEN. Tlie Hon. Charles H. Wliulen, member of Assoiubly ot the Maio of Sew York in the year 1HB9, died on the l.Mh inn., In tins city. His remain* will be buried In Calvary Cemetery to day, Ue was born in the year 1)130, in Montgomery county, N. Y. Hie lather, Jnsepb Whaleo, hou bis grumllnther, John Wtialen, Wore among the liret settlers ol Johnstown, Mont gomery county, at the time when Sir William Johnston was military governor in the colonics under the l.nglish government. Charles U. Whaleo came to tins oily in an early age and was a resident ot the Seventeenth ward for nriuy years. He held many olhees ui trust under iho city governuiuut, and was n highly esteemed citizen. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. PATK.- OP TUIPWITI RF. FROM NKW YOllK FOR T1IE MONTHS OF MAY AN!> Jl Nli Sfavnrr. | ,Sai/a, | /.*'> 'nuturml (Jftw. M ay M My M n v M.iy M?v NUy M bv Slitn NevitOa F^i?n?. I'iiyol iiichm? n Itlttin A minimi. Knsinti'l GhiiimU . I'on ire Algeria pit! (ist'dfi.n I'opitiici Mu t*fil 1 ic ; M.I) I 'it i orirtt IM #y Necknr | M uy W i?.-. inln I Mny Hot fill in ' M uy st I situ rent l M n r St MTV til Ili'il.hillk (Mmv i.nlirrt IM ?y c:it v it! Berlin .. |.f tin M nln Kililopta himjn ......., A ti) *?lt)U \V \ HehnltBTi. . St ;t *i? o| Georgia Sill* v rt ? f v i'h*?ter. ? <lr iitic K-vMt N irtoriB U tine ^ ?'?er 1' nan MOttHtlfl I ' tit; Mntrol V -tm a...I 'tiii Kit: umlc J.ftm * otniiitf ... ?'nn I u u? .IflllH .lime .lu i J one lime ?I ti ue I nit'' I one .1 tittt* IT. GUnjuw.. 72 llroiMi?4y 17. i I ti m tin rir 01 "rOBdWHV 10 Liverpool.. l'i Breed way 10 Bremen J Bowlfii ?* i ireen l'l. Glntj(?iw... 7 HowlingGreen 1*?. Liverpool. (Hi HronJ" ay 1 VI 1 l.S>tl(|?)It ... H'.i Broadway j;i Gavin .")?? Hroitilwitv 221, Liverpool 4 Howl ma Green J 4 Koiierrinm. .?? Broadway J 1. Iiambunr.. HI Broadway JO. i iverpoot. .17 Broadway 7 How litis Green JO. Gliintfow. .. JO Br men. .. ?J Hoe-liny Green ?Jtt I.i verpool.. 2i? Broadway Liverpool 4 Howlins ? .men no. Havre.. .. ? ?*? Hroitlwev ru i ? 1 n?? ?vr 7 ! HrrMdW tV :u ill tmiMifj;.. til Hr???ilw tv j. Livi-rp?ii*i. i ? Brnnilw ?y Bremen,. J Hnwlintr rftcn (rlHSjfoW 7 HowltPir Orcen L v?*rtw>ol tiw rironiiwny 8. Mvorpom. 4 Howlins 1 ?reen 7 PiMterdam. "?ci HrctriWfky 7 7 J Hrimtiwuy fUuHnirn til Kronnw *y ti. I -? v?* r n-'iil. 1 ? Hromiwitv Liv.-rpool.. M7 Hron?iw?y M. <>ti rldti 7 rLnvlin : Green P. ? 'IhaJUW 7 h??j% Hits Green !?. Hremon J Ho a Ens (1 r?*en 12. 1 i ??riMiol.. Jf? Or av 14 (rlftn^rotr 7'J Hr??.iilw#v Hi. Live rtmoi l'?7 llroiMlwnv Ill Liverpool.. JO Hroiiilw t y ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK -THIS DAY SON AMI MOO.Y I 111 (IK WAIRR Hut rn>e. I 40 11;or. Island.. ..morn Id on Sonnet* * I'J | ?undy HouK eti II Jin it sets morn ? ? I Iloli Oste morn- 1 4J HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VA I IONS. Mir m, !*: ; Mai*. .) h?r. f s*nre of \i Iforir 'Incli.l I?vs.| Wind i Heather Hot ipelior fl A ft tl) Mo Lifflif ftliip. H .?!. ll.i oon j.'to, mm 74 r .n* ' earth flmidi l'\| loo,. Te \t ? Partli eiotjil) I'M, M ?| ?si NtY *1II asv POUT OF NKW YORK, MAY Hi, 1*77. ARRIVALS. PJTOItTfi nv nm HUM n 1TF. Uf YAf-rmH AND 1 lit PM.ll WHIT *!('" . ! . I I '.It U"l lis:. ?let tie t California (Or), Mac.ay, ( May 0 and V..uriUc tit)., with iiids* nod |.?tKinri to Henderaoa Bros. r.oi.:,"'.* *,""U V' Xl". no* lit. it variable winds ami Hur w?ather; May II. |Ml 4;, 4;, -on 42 16. h'^ Bo.too for l.ivarpnol; J."?. ' ? '"??? > litrnin hri/. bound bound I- ,!7 ' 'ou ?'BOI, passed ? ll.unL.urv steamer. Steamer Daniel Stetnuiatia (Belci. U-Uthsre. Antwerp Muv -with nitlM ?u.l passeu^-ersto Fuiich.Edua A Co. Had vari able we*th?r: May 7. passed German berks 1 C V nil well; lat lou tlnr In. p???d English 4l.Lt N L , It. bottuil .??t iai i-.ii N. Ion 111 VI; Muyia. passed Kb a l?t|? Arrow, uf U 42 <>"? )<?n 57 12 M*v bark 0 II IUrr?*r?l. }?t 4.*i 15. lot,'.12 Ml steam?r VMWerUn ? fHrlg, SickaU. Aut#?ri* Mar 2. with in<Uu Ut <? W r? toil IIH . Iti'o modrrnto wckthtr through t.m ; May II. I?| 41 | , |.,? 4JZ,, .. National .Lea ner '*'? * ("unard steamer bouBtl I-; 41 II, lun ftH 12. bark TlitiBian Cochrane (Br). Irom Antwerp #??? I'liiUdelptua. Steamer Srendlunvia i Br) Kainsay Aimer in April ft, Meevma llth, I'alenuu Itltb. Valencia aim, Gibraltar 24tb and i.a il?x .May lb', with mdee to IK-nuers u Hms. Steamer Cuvlatin -Mi l, Holler. Genoa April-ft. leghorn ?lh. Mania I d* rata 7tli. Naples Kith. Messina llilt. Paler lilt. M. Malaga JfHIi an t Gibraltar 2Htli. will. md-e and ** i-t llendeianu Hrt-v Kxi?eriauced strong west. ?rl.vwliidam.Hit ail the passage; May ri, |.?t 42. It.u 4 1 3D. *a?- bulk Condor (iiri, having in charge a derelict vcar-ol, supposed it. it.- i Norwegian bark. Steamer City of New V-.rk. Ilminerinaii, Havana May Id. Witt. Ii.dae an-i it.ori.tierilo K Alexandra A Sonr. Steamer IIiiiIm.o, ilaier. -Vew Orlnana .May 1(1. with tndaa aud pfmi-itrer. to I'lnrk A St-.tutar.. Strainer ban .lucrum. Hazard. navunnau May I'd, with miltre -ud pa-seugcrs to Geo Yonge Steamer Albemarle, tiibha. I.ewe?, Del, with mdee to the Old Dominion steam-lilt. Co Bteamer Agnes, McCreery, IMilludelphla. wltb mdse to Bu-.-ert X Morgan Bar k Balk vans iNorl. IIauve. Classen Dock April 12, in Italia, t lo tit., kit. a on. Uerlela A Co. la ani-bured In Craves end Buy lor order* Murk liml.le (Her). Schungta, Rotterdam April 4. with tndae to t'harlea Killing A tin. Mtv 1ft, lat 40 20, Ion Hf?. ?poke achr llarrunia, from fort Spent for Boatou. short of proviftton* and supplied her. Bark Silo iNnri, Tellolssn. Hamburg April 13. in ballaat to I- uin I., Kdye A Co. Birk Ny mplteii (Mori. Kjole, Havre 3(1 daya. In ballart to order Hark Travrller -of Vermont]., MS). Covert. Havre, April ? I, in bulla.t to Boyd A lliuokoti. la anchored in Grave-end Bay lor order* Hark Kuovu Virginia (Iti>|>. Kcarpati, Havana ?daya. with sugar to order; veaael to Kauro. Storoy A Scarpatl. Bark It \V tlrlfliilia (Br). Orumm-ind, Mataiiltta. with au.ur to.I a. K Ward A Co. Kara llenr.v Knight, Amoa, Maraiiiaa Mny 4, with sugar to I'araona A I*tud. Hark Bonnie Uoon (ot Machlaa). tjole, Mstaoaua I3dayi, wltli augur to K. A \V. M'elali: vo.ael to Miller A iloughtoii. Iturk Kv-nlne Slur (Br). Chick, tiuantunanio III days, with sugar to Brooka A Co; vessel to Waydell A Co. Hriir lltti.ece i (Uer). Muithuwaen Manllu 1.1:1 days with md.e to Brown. Ilr-. A Co: ca.ael to Kabbri A Chauoooy. Bussed Cttpo of Hood Hope March 11, and crossed the Kuua tor April ft, in loo 'J4. Mrlu I inda (Itnl). Costa. Llahon 46 days, with salt and cork to lieuhain A lloyesou. Brli Auuie K .-torer. Adams. Montevideo March ID, with hides, Ac, to Johnsluu. Berry A Co; vess'l to Miller A lleughlnii. Briir Kittle (Dan), Robinson. Bernanibnco 37 davs, with sugar to II II Swllt A Co; vessel to master Crossed the htp.aior April 20. in Ion 43-'IU. I'-iljf Mario (IJutchi. Tatlfo.d. Nevla. 19 davs. with sugar toll A \ aiut.le A Son. Waa 0 ilsva X ?r llntterus. with light variable winds; May 1*. lat lift AO. Inn 73 ID. .poke bark Veteran, trom Richm-md. Va. lor Marseilles: same date, lat 3(1 IS ton 73ftl.t. passeil a -.reck about Ks. feet long, level with the water: had about 20 feet t.r foremast or Jury must staiiding; ennld see head, uf atanchiims an-i nignthuads. aud ia very dsngerotis to paan in-.' vessels. Brig Nelllo Higgln.. St Croix IB days, with .near Ac. to Roche Broa A Co. Kelt lg, ou the oiitWHrtl paaaage. tltiring a gale from stiK lo K. Robert Uranvilje, second ollicer. a native of Oreuon, a-.-ed ft ft years, was lost overboard ; May H. lat 2!l A3, Ion 72 32. a noat painted black anil seve ral piece, of timber, apparently but a thort lime in the water. Brig Alswol-1 <Br). Moy, San Fernando 23 davs, with sugar In dossier A Co; vessel to Benliam A Itoyesen. Brig Hope (Br). Norrls, Kajuabo 20 days, with sugar and molasses to .1 do Riv *ra A Co; vessel to J F Whitney A Co. Brig Minnie (Br). McDonald. Areclbo 14 days, with mo losses to S Mirht-lena; vessel to flatten. Watson A Co, Brig Mary.I Wilbur (Hri. Murphy. Matanzas lt> days, with sugur to dossier A Co; vessel to master. Brig Orleans Hri, Bald-ic Cardenas 1) days, with sugar lo .lules Cazerac A Co; vessel to Boyd A lllocken. Off llatteras, during a heavy gsle. carried uwuy foretoptuast. Inn-yard unh lost and split sails Brig Mare 11*. Deusey. Cleuf-iegos April 31). with sugar to Mtitlaud, Phelps A Co; vessel to Marcos Hunter A Co. Brig Ariel (of Uverp.-ol). Stirling, St Jagu23 davs, with augur to K l'aveiisted A Co.; vessel to liowriug A Archi bald. Brig Breailnlbane (of Hslllitx), Rliud. Chsrlottntown, l'KI. II days, with potatoes to John Dfx. Hehr Matlidu M illr), Merriain. Bioiirnnde via Barbados with hides. Ac. to D It Dc Wull A ?Jo. SclirSA I'aine Drown, Burn 23 du.v?. with rubber aud nut. tod Amainek A Co: vessel to R J Wenberg. Sellr f.vellne. Wilder. Tainpicn 26days, with hemp, hides. Ar. In J 'A' Wilson A Co. Selir Mary 11 Harris, Crowley, Areclbo, with sngar to Miller A llougbiou. Sehr BiUos, Wurreu. Arroyo, PB, with sugar to John Bnvntoi-'a *- us. schr Anna W Barker. Snowman. Arroyo 14 days, with sugar to ti vlway A Cu??do vviscl to Miller A llmivhtnn. Sehr Annie Bell 'of New Haven). Hlce, Ponce.PR, 13 days with molasses to D Trowbridge A Co. Sehr llenrv Midilletnn. Miller. Port an Piatt 10 days, with logwood to Thebsud Bros: vessel to A Abbott. Schr Aendls (Br). Cameron. P tit dnave (llavtl). 1ft day-, with logwood to Kunhardt A Co; vessel to Gerhard A Brcwi-r. Schr William Conners ml Bangor). Weniworth, Mira g'tane 14 tluvH, with logwood to Kimhardt A Co: vessel to H W Imud A Co. Schr Kin hi is C Koinniel. Bernard. Mstaotas II days, with sugar to order: vessel lu ma ter. eolir -1 oho L M-rrlll. Ilitlae, Cleulnegos 13 days, with lusnr to J M Cehallos A Co. Solir./o in Bird, Smith, duautuuaiao, with sugar to Rev niitjltl, Kronrols A Co; vessel to I) B Dearborn. Schr Archer A Kgevvs, Smith. Caihariett 14 davs, with sugar to Re v a as Bros A Co; vessel to Overton A Hawkins Sohr Jordan I. M-dt. Dlxoa, Uaraeba 11 days, with fruit to U J \\ enberg A Co. Sehr Itomu Arabnl (of Newiinrvportl. Oorberry. Nasanu 7 days, with pines to Jani?s Doiijlas; vessel to B J Wen berg. Schr Helen B (of Middletown. Ct). Jones, Rock S .nnd 6 days, with pines to liioira Douglas: vessel to muster. St-brJiiliw Fills-belli. Ingruham. Mleulbera H daya. with plnt-a to order: veaael to master. Selir-Itimoa Jones. Super. Virginia, k.-hr Atlalira. I.ovaland, \ Irginla. Sehr John II Wright. Scull. Virginia. Selir Vanguard. S -per. Virginia. SehrClias W" Alcutt, F'rench, Virginia. Sellr Kaeer, Jolin-on, Virginia. Schr llerniird Jones, Crittepdoii. Virginia. Schr Jennie Hall. Osborn, Virginia. Selir Fidnln Boat. Rn-tin. with cargo from sionmar I:in land. ashore at Kong Branch. Air Ship Andrew Johnson, which wns anchored ill the loiter I ny. eitme up to the city lUth AM. While on her way op John Smith, sei n*n, a Fin. 21 rears of ago. Tell fr- m the nnper nialutopsall yard to tho ilerk and received fatal injuries. PASSED THROUGH IIKLL (JATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Franeonia Bragg. Portland ler New ft'ork. Steamer Oliv ot Fltchbnrg Spnngir. New .tedford for New Vork. Steiinier Galatea. Walden. Bruvideuee lo- New York. Steamer Atuos (. Uarstnw. Kenny. Providence lor New York SteamerTlllle. Kwltig. New Jsomlon and Norwich for New York. S- lir It H Corson. Gray. Bangor New York. Schr IVm E Barnes, l.c-icli, Calais lor New York. Sehr Marlon. Harris, Hlo k l-ltintl lor New York. Schr S Wright, Hart. I'rov lilence lor Now Vork. Schr Helen Mar, \\ ard. Providence for New York. Sd.r Minquu*. Phillips, I'rosidencc lor New York. -clir.I Iteynur, Brovlucnce lor New I ork. Schr Sarah Fsleoner. Wilson, PreviUea- e lor New York, ricbr Ida Palmer. Palmer. Mam torn lor New York. Sehr Josepliln . Mirers. Bridgeport for New Vork. Selir Marietta. Smi h. Preston. Grronpnrt tor Bhiledel phl.i. Selir Florenco, Sackett, Cold Spring Harbor Tor New York. Schr I-eviua Delunoy, Keek, Riverlieiid for New York. BOUND EAST. Ship St Marys |U8 sehotdshlpi, By'.hiun. New Y'ork for Glen Cove. New Kotnlon and the M rditrrrnneau.* A J vac to Bri. .sric-r. New V.-rk for Jiundon. i'lig /.cbeni v illri. Merrlman New fork lor W ludaor, NS. Solir Whistler. KccfT, New York lur Tunutnu. ^ >Vhr Mayor Jones, Nnrgan, New Y'ork lor Portsmouth, Sehr.lodge Tenny. Rich, New York lor Ituugor. Schr Co as Millar. Cotton. New York l--r i Lroeupert, Schr Zee, Spe irs. Ne-.v Y'crk lur Mont-ink i-elir HcnJ Kngll-H, Chase. New York lor Now Rodford. Selir Chief, .-iii ill. Ilo -okeu tor Norwich, sehr Sammy Pord. \ll--n. Port Johnson lor Boston Schr Frank. lUn lab. Port Johnson lor Hnst-m. Schr Mary .?i ieid-. Walt, Port J-dmsi-n for Plymouth Sehr K S iletch, K'elsay, Port Johnson for Soi tn Glnson lie rg. S lit- A Harford. Pendleton. A in hoy for Camden. Selir Kva IMvertv, llnn-lr. A in boy lor Providence. Schr Arie Paruo, Bishop. Amooy for Provi lence. Schr Emily, rovost, Amhov for New Haven. S.-hr Henry, Kcin-eii, Allen. \tn -ny for S-onir.gton Schr Kscor, Vann -strand I'lrn tor Nora aU .-enr Nelson Harvey. Kittle, Plilhidclphla fur New Bed ford. Schr Henry P llaveua, Pierce, Baltlnmre for New Haven. BELOW. Ship Klisabeth (Her), Hmberstadt, from Loudon March SO snip i*n?c Webb, from Liverpool April 0. to C II Marshall A Co. CLEARED. Steamer State of Nevada iBc. Brae*. Ulna ;ow-Amtin Baldwin X i 'e Steamer City of Vera Criu, Denken. Havana?K Alexan dre A Son-. Meunier ./iituoii llarr?iH Br}, Loam*. Montreal and Cape Br'ton ) aland ? J s looker A Co. Strainer Alal??:na nenihle. Now Orlean*?Hco W Quin tw'd Steamer Hen Ha roe*. Uheevnan. savannah?Murray, Fer ris .v Co. Steamer Oulf stream. Crow II, (Hiarlenton ? J W Quintan! A Co. Steamer Martha Stev on, Chancre. Baltimore?Win 1) il Steamer Boverlv Wallace. Wiiladolnh'a -J*? Hand. s a ?hrt ic. .Matlisvi. ktijer? Vorimn H Brown A Co. Ship lluniholdt (Her . Cnrnelin*. Bremen?Kit noli, Kdvo ?"hip Nile Bri. M rvin, Bremen?Snow A burpes*. ship ( i leader Bri. Duikre. Havre -Kovd A Hlncken. Bark Vd.ncue (Br . Spicer. London?R W Cemetoit A : Co. I Hum Klinenie Leonie (Fr), Corrnuindi, Koulg?berjr? I XC?Jiri 11ii? I I hk li t. Bui s Athena Son, Rellmer, Bremen?Thoo Fin per. H.'tU Sun* On no n <,Br . i.rai ani, Antwerp--J K Whitney I A C? Bark Vanguard, Hyfkngol; Antwerp ?C W Bert mix. Birk T tiro Br;. ll nrL Ant*erp?J K Whitney Jk Co. ! Bare 11.,-vei (Nnri. suxiuelhou, ( opaiiba-;on -Bockmann, 1 Oerlmn A. ? ii. | Bark Bantu (Ital . TaficreiM, Leghorn?A H At;rest a. Brig hio Voupa (I'ort , satito*, Lisbon ? llagerueyer A l Bntiin Bug Nettie. Mat'iay, Alicante?Hen II Squire. Brig M i-xlord iBf). Covert, l'h?lllp%ilie t.Vlgiare^? D R Do Wolf A i ??. Br.p Xel? ma iBri Mftriaiu. Wtfidaor, MS?C W Bnrtanx. M'hr I > .1 LC Aflatn*, sntuaoo, Kin gat on, J a?A II Solo inoti A ' ??. m in William l?o uIk.h*, Mrlndoe. Baraooa B J Wenborg A C ?. Sr^r Cunr ra Valotitine Hh , Ormiil m, Sydney. CB-J F" Whitney A Co. i Li/.iu* Laker- (Br;. Hell, i John and sackviile. NH ?V I Novum A Son. ?Scbrb I' Hail, iiltli. Jaekaonviile -Warioil Ray. Mih earn in. Horn, Alien Sac<> Jed Fry? A Co. Scli I tio? I.IIi% K eliv. OenniNport?Doane .1 Oott. Me ir IP Utah*, \\ iIhoi., I* fori dunce via Oilent. LI Backott A Br . ehr Panther, Niclioie mi , New London and Norwich?M Hr gg* .1 ( SAILED. Steaivr* fti. <dn (Hi . for Lirarpool; Mahkrkjoh (Br), Bova', .rates ilayrc, (.'top* tBr), London, Clt) ot Vera Criu. ?*?n Burned. t?a>< ?BH?h: Ottlf Htrenm. l*h*trle?toii; BrltUtt fcnvny (Br , Liverpool. Tliynlirn iHri, Lou (ion; CruimWr Br). Ilivre; fcarkn C'nrwiije Hebu ni<r), t^nrfc or Kulmouiii; iftii?*ppit)ik Accerae iltnl , door d??: lirir Torrid 25ono Hn. fort %u 1'iince. Aid # Milrd, *ie*mer .r?inc? Borr?d? t Br*, for Montreal aod Sydney, OB. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Porser duckay. of eteamer California Irou Ulaagow, wlU pleas* accrtO our thanks lor courtesies* Hinr lam nonaac*. of fl5'J t >n?. six years old. ?od re cully imnril by Augustus llniotivi., .m told nt sue tiou on ruvsdiy. ?t Boston, lor d-'l .230 ca.b. Snip I mu cin, from I?oh<>?, arrived at Queenatown May 4. Had jettisoned about l!0(i ton* gu.ina. Bark Kiri.kVta iKr),lroui Demerara for ].on<lou, with produce. burned at .an, \pril 25. (Ineol hereout*, witu some survivors, has arriva l at St Kltts. Kchr Mock i Mi Biun (Hrl, at A reel ho. 1'K. loaded for Phllsdel phi*. was ready for iot M ay 4, hut I bo crew re fused to do duty ami she was detained until tbo I4tli, wnen the ?liRiculty waa adjusted uu l the vessel sailed lor destina tion. Scan KiUmcoma. from Purtlaml for t'odar Kays, befora report d ushure ut Lung Rank. Bahama*. was not ulT tiy areekera, and prnceedcd ou Iter voyage April ft Salvage. f?U)l. belt a A <" Watsuv (Br>. haa boeu launched from the r,it> Kailwav. at New itedforu. hmiug been rrpairad, and will reload her cargo of corn and tail tor Halifax, Ms. HenK K A CflssicaOKO. at Westerly iBefore reported), sprung a leak off Ked Hook. With much exertion aod with the Io.j o( p irt of the curse, she reached her destination, and is now hauled udiure at lireeiiniHrrs shipyard for re pairs. olio la a aub-taotial vessel, and It is anuiethiug ol a mystery how iliu leak was mused Si iikiIki K llATru at Baltimore 16th inat, from Metaii taa, experienced heavy weather during the entire passage ami lost slid spill sails. On May Id, -V> miles rust uf Cape lluUeras. Srcoml Male I'eter I'eltersou was lost overboard He was a native of Hweden. Sciik-SaettKt. Woxaox. Osliertuun. of Cloucesier, put iuto Newport. Ill, May 16. with loss of foremast head. Sellii Knn a IIaizwoop. Ironi Clentiiegos lor New York, put into llaiana May 15 leaky. Several bales of cotton were paaa. d drilling April 22, lata 46 X, lou 6 W, some of which were buruod. llAi.irsx, NS. May HI-The government steamer New fouudland. arrived from Sable Island, reports tluit there are no wrecks there. Si/sxririnK. I'Kl, May 19?The northern ebure I blocked with lee four *|iisr* rigged vesaels for N'orth-ru ports were caught iu It off Malpequo and three off Wcat Cape One Is aabore at the latter point. The Ice la now blocklug this harbor. A number of schooners have been carried from their anchorage. The bark i'-dlth tiarmicbael la hemincd in 2 miles out. Ovzaj'l'K?Hark Auguslina (267 tons, of Quebec). Mlrt'U, sailed from Quebec Nov 22, 1H70, far Montevideo, aiiico whicn date nothing lias liven heard nt her. Tbo vessel grounded at St Thomas (St Lawrence) prior to Nov 22, hut was reported hauled off' without dauiuKv. Brig Ahby Watson (212 tone, of Sodgwlok. Me), Dorrlty, sailed Irom Now llnven April ft. via Now York lor Brum wlck. da, and not having arrived at the latter port, crave fears am entertained tor her safely, especially as on the l.'illi of April a stern board was paoseil with the name Ahby Watson painted nn It. also a maUresa and a ehrsi painted green. Capt .lours, of the harkeettne John C Smith, reports that at 8 AM April 13. off liutterat. iu about lit 24 20, Ion 7-'i, ho saw a brlganline with sails clewed up but hanging loose, she was apparently loaded, bat, tram tbo manner ic which ihn was yawing abont, she probably had considerable water In tor. At noon she entirely disappeared aud supposed that she sunk. the weather was clear. At 4 f.M passed the lore yard of a vessel broken in the slings, and aenn afterward a considerable amount of wreck stuff, such as part of the w .1st of a vessel. Ac. Capt J thinks ii was probably the Abhy Watson, as she would probably be in the above named loca tion at about the time mentioned. >rhr Jessi ? S Clark (of Cumden, NJ, 246 tons). Klwood, sailed from Salt Wiser, ,1a, March 13, and was seen March 22 off l-.nst Jamaica, (or New York, since which time she 1ms nut been hcurd Irom, and It is fear'd that she was lost in the hurricane which occurred along the coast the midillo of April. WHALEMEN. Sailed from New Bedford May 15. bark Josephine, Long, Atlantic Ocean. Arrived at Barbados April 17, acbr It M Simmons, At kins, ol Provlucetown, from a cruise. Hailed Irom do April 20, brig V II Hill, Baxter, NH, to cruieo; 24in, schr b> II Phillip*. Mckersou, Provtncstown, do. SPOKEN. An American ship, showing ??MISS." steering , was seen Mnrch 22. Int 4 ."id N. Ion 25 16 W. Bark Willie McLaren (Br1, McLaren, from Liverpool for Three Klvers and Quebec, April 26. let 46. Ion 30, Hark Hondevenncii (Nor), Thoraaseen. from New York (via Queeustowii April 26), lor Antwerp, no date, 17 miles NK ol the Kduystoue. Bark Winifred, irom Baltimore tor Win Janeiro, May 11. on the northern edge of the tinlf Stream. Bark Alice Boy (Br), McKeuzie, trow Liverpool for Dela waie Breakwater. May 12. lat 41 02, Ion 66 56. Hark Wnvc King (Br). Corbott, trom Amsterdam for Baltimore. Mav 12, lat 41 03, Ion 06 56. Schr )l A Knlsom. Coomb*, trora Boston for Porte Rico April 18. lat 23, lou 07. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. AXTWKitP, May 16?Arrived, ahlps Atlaa (Nor). Lareen, New York; Maid of Orleans (Br), Houston. Philadelphia; Storkors (Nor), Kriksen. Baltimore; Peter Maxwell (Br), I o irh, do: barkt A una (Nor), Larsen. New York; Elizabeth Taylor (Br), .Mitchell. Wilmington, NO. Bristol. May 15?Arrived, brig Ercole (Hal), Parascan dolo, Philadelphia. Sailed loth, etearner Arragon (Dry. Symons, New York. BitLfAST, May 14?Arrlvod. barks Hurriet Campbell (Br), Taylor, Norfolk; 15th. Ismaele (llal). Allegro, New York. Constat. May 15?Arrived, bark Aogtr (Nor), Handstrom, Durtcn. Cadiz. Mav 10?Arrived, barks Marianne VII (Tort), Lopez. Philadelphia: Linnea (Nor), Berth, New York: schr Kocheko. Ilar iden, do: 13th, brig Dart (Br), Colter, do. Di:ai.. May 10?Arrived, bark Euro (Atil), Hregllch, Bal timore fur . Pl'ilik, Xlny 15-8mlled, bark Echo (it), Jensen, New York. Pvnoai.k, May 15?Arrived, bnrk Yubas (Br>, .Stafford New York. ' (?LOl'L'keTKH, May 10?Sailed, barks Olivia Speclosa(ltal), Dudero'. Delaware BrenWater; "i-vl Dubrovackl (Aus), Sulllch, Culled Slates. Cam.sock. May 16?Arrived, ehlp Joe Mllberry (Br), Weston, Penxacola. CiR.xOA, to May 16?Arrlvod, hark Serrano (Br), Kdgett, New York. IllBRALTAlt, to May 111?Arrived, brig Trl Brata (Au?), Stepunovich, Philadelphia. llAVRK May 13-Arrived, harks Texas (ller). tlllleins. New York; 13th. Tiger (Her). Krnger, Pnsrsgonla. Itelnrnvd 10th. brig C C Sweeney, Cole, for - (crew in a state ol mutiny). Sailed 10th. ship Matnuru (Br), llumer. America. iNNienowi N IIhad. May 10?Armed, bark Xokotnls (Br), Caxsidy. Baltimore fur Londonderry. Livltr.rOOL, May 15?Arrived, ship Edward Percy (Itrp Hmltli. New Y'ork; borks Jilie (ller). Mtiller, Wilmington, NC; Wayfarer iBr), Tliurber Daricn; Ueo B Doane (Br) Coming, do; Svodilfore (Nor), I'linnemark. I'ensacola: (ilen Grant (Br), Russell, Charleston; 10th, ships Mhain bru. Young. Key West; Clrsng.r, Doane, San Prnucleco; Magnineent (Br). War re a Darlen: Stewart Freeman (Hr), Flint, Peusacola; Prlnct >n, Bradley, Norfolk; hark Aren dul (Nor), Thoraeesen Darien. U?o arrived Kith, barks Belle (Br), Patterson, Mobile ; Artemis (Nor). JoliannuaMi. New York. Lospon, May 16?Arrived, bark Onlnare (Br', McDonald Clmrleston: brl,; Koislla Hmlth (Br). MeCullocb. Bull Elver. LktTll, May 15?Hulled, bark Daniels (Itnl), Palazzo, Culled Htut'a. l.lXRRlCk, May I*?Arrivad. bark Brilliant (Nor), Chris tiansen. Now York Lap* . Mav 13?Sailed, steamer Slate ol Indiana < Br), Sadler, Glasgow for New Vork LondonDKUUY. May 15?Arrived, bsrk Olullt (Ital), Tra puni, II dtlniore. LiT.Honx, May 11?Sailed, bark Swallow (Br), Heuty, Catkevl tates. MortLLK, May 10?Arrived, steamer Bolivia (Br). Small, New York for (Jlasgow (and pruaoejed). Pl.rnourn. May 15?Sailed, steamer W A Hcliclten (Dnieli). Jansen (from Rotterdam). New York. Qi.'kSxeTtiwx, May 15?Arrived, bark Lincoln (Aua'. (lero llniicb. New York; ldtli, barks Tralolgur (Br), Lockwoud, do; (iibrattar (Nor), Tonne-en, Philadelphia. IIkval. to May Itt-Arrlvixl. bark Breldahlik (Nor),Jorg. sen, savannah. SoirriiAtirTosi. May IB?Arrived, steamer Mosel (fier), Neynaber, .tew Ycrk lor Bremen ia d proceeded). Ht Vixckxt,CVI, April 20?Arrtved, schr David Torrey. hofflc. Portland, Me. Sailed Ap-ll 11. schr liothen. La Mar, i'uited States. Tbik.'TV, Muy 10?Arrived, bark Maria (Br/. Kipwa t, Wilmington. NC. WaTkhvorp, May 15?Sailed, bark Xuova Hperunza (Ital), Olivitri, United States. Arrived st ? May 13. Nitova, fiom Unite I States; 16iu. Keiva, from do. FOREIGN PORTS. Aniftvo, PR. April 10-In po't, arhr Annie Tlbbetti Mitchell, from Mnr-lii.?h fn? New York, Idir Air* Cayko. Anrll UV-I* purl. iclire tiercy T Trnniljr, Prowl"). l"r Nrw York In 1" d*y>; I'rldo of the Knet, laird, from Wilmington, NC, wig. A.vur.nh. Ns, May ft?Arrlv.'d. irhre Thot W Hidden, Rldeon; Portland, to lond fbr Kitibndn*. HDKHiiA Aviir--. April I'd ?Arrived, bark Rebecca Crowell, I Crow All. Nrw York. Mailo.l April d. hark Woodalde, Montgomery. Hoaton. Mannarm*. Ipril 16-Arrived. baik Heuie Simpson (Br), Bradford. I'oti Elltnhetb; 17th, aclir (' I llover, Poland, Now York (and aallod -'-d for IfemorAra) ; tAtli. Cayonne, Saunders tftxune for St Martini (In tlnrl ; britf <lein. Pierce, New York land nailed Jl 11; |nr Porto llico. to Ion 1 for New York) : tilth, tiriu Robert >lo ?e. Dearborn. Mertlnloue: eohr A life Ado. Philadelphia; '-'nth, hark* All aii (it-. I.anlnrr Sow York; Golden rlooee (Br). Amiitrm.*. do; brig Bittern iBri. Mc Millrn, Button : ichr* Ellen Seer/or, tVok. Now York land lallodidth for I'ort Sptln ; A FWIilitmr, Mt?t r? Norfolk; Annie Potter (Br). M'l.aujrhion, Baltimore; '-"id. biirk TalDman iHr), flriifg*, Now York ; anhr Lottie Hoard Perry, Now Bedford. illoil J It h hark .1eiate Goodwin iBr). Boat on In norf April 'JN. hrti; Win Koiicrteoa, Cook, from Button lir Mi " " "' fori in lajfidon t HClir Matilda M .ltrl, Mnrriatn, Irum Bio (Jranrir for Sandy Ifoo.* ; and the nboYp arrival* not other wise reportod. Bit into May7?Arrived, echr Aland Harbour. Pnnchko, Triixlll-i (and cleared el llnvannftth to return). I'anrinMey ft?Arrived, idir II T T?w nsc-jd, Wilder, Kov Writ: lOth," nienmer North Point, Ktrby, Clenf\io?ot, with lloar* A t'tiehlnp . ciroua troupe. Snllod ftth. bnrka K-llior. ('Inriioln, N of li attorn- ; Trlde CNor-. ItNMiniten, ill!. Arletldoi Nor . Telror?tn, Now York t brine Sen tjarloa, Athnrton. do ; Hollo Welter (Bn, Win roll. il<> Krne I, l.nnt. Ji ?)' llatterai; it'hre Addle Brer ton Maln-m-v. d.i; Mary K. Van (Heal. Thorndlke. da i ')? nrri orif. Mey H Arrived, brig* .luaijuln* (Br), Gard ner I'tillnilolphla. I..nirn'.la -Br., Wall*, hlnirelon; 7th, etshr kiithlooi Hr . Weldon. St John. NW. salleii hi It brig* i.ena (lir-. Onvldnin, K-ieton; Comrade (Hr . Murphy. Halifax! ftth, Salved >r iSp). I.eurraia, Mil ''canuuieir, Jl.ty a-Arrlvcd, bark Sagadahoc, Fowen, Nuerita* lor New York; scltra Hartealso. Elliott. Phlladel. I pbia; bib, '.rn, W.U'i.i. Packard. M Thomas f?r N of Hot. I terus; Faiiniu R Williams. blieurer. Now York. Sailed brig IIsr.y A trdan. Collins. New Tort; achr fcv i Advil. I"Ilia, do; Nth, brig Bedews. Wallace. <W; Ink. | bark E' L Caruav. .lack>011. do. DrMKKAiiA, April 7 ? Arr.ved. harks Uraeada. n<ul?4o?. New Y.-rk (and tailed 2H|)t Inr Cien'nsroat; Pth. Aetelupe. | Simpson. So* York taUad unit f>r St Croix). Sailed IStli. brics Blanco iHn, Foalvr. .Srw \erk l??h. Drltuu C (Kr;, Stcrratt, Porto Rico; '.Md achr Mania E Gray. Hudgics, Baltimore; 21th, It F Hurl. Cooai-o. St Tn ni la in port April 2H, barka Dctiiainlu Dickermun, Taylor; Ella tioore Hn. Shaw, and Sarah K Krviter .Mr . KeWbt. unc: llatrllr, Hunt to. Irom N*w York, arrived Jlrit; nrtga Potomac (Hr), Wilson from Norfolk arrived 'JNlb . MGate aniui I Hr). Merchant. Irom and tor H tltlmore. arrived 23d | " I* ll-trr ngtou .Br), lor do; Ala* Campbell 1 Mr . Hunker, from Button. arrived 24th ; AlTin K- Ily 1 Hrl, Kelly, from laiverpool. arrived lltli: Emily (Vetera .B">. l'erry. front do .arrival! 1 Mh ; ?,hr? 1 B Benson. DoIL lar N aar York Til Livingston, Donald, Irom Jacksonvllle, arrived 24tb* . George Citilieun. Secly, irom Now Yoik. arrlvad J4th fiiieunit. April -Jit - In port, arhr Tboa I* Ball. Hydar. troip Mar.eille . for Pnysatidti. ? | II 1 v*na May Hi-Arrived, bark Vana* (Mr , Ritchie Newpott, K. 1'iit n 1'ith. -c'.r Edna llarwoatl. Turner, Clanfuaicaa far i New York, leaky. Sailed lutb. barka I'riutera da Aamrlaa iSp , Kuente. Penracolu; liHrlntr. Hrunwnnih. New York; Aau Kllulrib, McDvwilt. do; briga lldorllla. Holland, sarua; Jo e Orla 1 (Spi, Oris, Baltimore; Luuim illri. Laimeni erg. Itallfbx; ( lltli, brigs Julio (Hp), Tajnnera, Haraunali; Eva N John sou. Y oat on.,n; Mary Harriett, -in Itb. Sa.;na for I Now York; 12th. bark* 1 arlbou, Konnry. Boston; 'la?lar | UalM Nor , (iriioial. Nrw York ; I'hurfoiia A LitlleUeld. | Carver, do; acbr Nancy AV. Smith, Tooker, Sa<n> lor New York. Cleared Dili, baika Cubi-rea (Bp), Km r 0 . Kalninoro; 1 lib. 1,00a Nllivs (Spi, Rodriguez, do; I'rln.ara Suaanna (So . S 'lijurjo, do Loading I Jtli, barka .Iano Maria (Bri. .I?aw New Voek ; or Hnltim2r*-. Tliouiaa Dr.vdcn (Br). AVallaee N of lletterae via Sagus; It A Allen, Ta'rr, Hoaton ; and otlirr* provtoaaly ' report od. Ill'*\coa, I'lt. April 22? In port, adbr Martha M ilaath. j Niobola. froru Now York. Ilnirir, May 12?Arrived, barka Merrnriua lNor>. I r? gard. Leilb; (Valla (Son, Soreneen, L'vtmnol; INth, Gerloita (Br), Flynit, Cadii; Eliianelb (Hr Fleet. Liver pool. 11.UII.0, April 28 ? Sailed, ablp Sooloo, Alloa. Boston. Jacmkl. April 28? lu port, aclir llauial Webster. Ileakall, Iroiu Knaton, wig. KlMHTox. .1 a April 18?Arrived, aclira su??n Krraoloa. Farrell. Mobile land ?alled Slur lor do via Port Aiit miai; 22d, J Sinter. Flawalna. Now Y'ork (and aai>d M ?y ta re turn via I'ort Maria) ; 2Mtla. bark Nancy llolt Hrl Prout, Porto Oubellu and nailed May .'1 for Wilmington V 1. Siailnd lutli, achr Oaribbaao, Knlchton ifn ra New Yorki. KiiuAndraan; 21.1, brlja llomrade Br Harna*. I'uba: May . 2. i.Miirolla (I'.r , V. ul, do, Sib, ncbr Kale A Lnella, Boa noil. New YN.rk In port M?y H?Barka Ocean Pearl. Henley, from New ; York, arrived April 22. for Mexico: Auetlii ? Hrl, l*?v|a, 1 from t'ardiiT. arrived 'luv l>; brip Clillllanwallah 1 Br), l ob cord. Iroui Now York, arrived 4th; nrhr? (Yin tiemiair, llod|Hen. for do; J <i Hrow, Er n -It, from and lor do via Port Murant. arrived April 2fl; Malvln, K-bartn, Irom and for Newborn, NC. arrived Md ; Sequin, llall, from aad lor Mobile, arrived (!|li. Montr 1,0 Bay. Ja. .Mar 2-Sailed. Iiriir Kniproaa Hr), Biiinv, Liicea. to cmnpicto Idg fur New lork. M.tT*.*zaK. May tt - Arrived hark Jnalina Luring. Pook, llarnna; briL'J F Merry, Brudlev. do; llih nchm Etta A Jonie. Banker, Kerunndina; Carrie E Pickering. Barbour, St John, NH. Sailed I'Hh, nobra J D Relilnaou. Glover, north of Hat leraa: Nancy Smith. Davia. do; S|i?edwa|l. OriMto, Kal nioulli, K. LoHdiii.' I2t)i, barka Joaliun Lorlng and Jupiter (Itua), hrl2 t'arrio Bertha, achr. Kinniu F Hart. Edward Walte, Erner-on Rnkea ar.d Emily A Jenny?all lor N of llat terna. andothera previously reparted. Nacimiio. Pit. April 14 ? A'rlvcd achr Nellie Hhnw. Catea, New York to load an m tor do. Nortii Stunky. M?y 14?Arrived, ablp Coneouior, Jonea, : bar* Cato (.Nor'. Kangnr. Arundnl. Poiit Spain, April 2H?In port, brlaa Royal Harry (Br), Mathloaou. iroin New York, arrived I4ih for d->; Kdith. Kelly, from Vachiaa. Juat arrived; Omer (Bri. Pcrkina, ler Delaware Breakwater; Mornlnr Lleht, Hill, from New York, arrived I7tli, dlag lor do; Starlight. Thmupaon, and I'earl. Rrlxlitman. dodo, arrived lDlh. for do; achra A T Hoartlciiiii, Boyd, from Mobile, arrived Hth. for New York b'fltli; III'da, for Philadelphia, do: Lonla 1 P Mai lory, Slotsoii, lor Bostoa 'JH'-h; S I| Davie, Cut trcll, for St John, NH, do; Emma M Fox, Caniandt, from and for Pliiladelplil. arrlvod lltli. log; Beta, Guntlll. from Portland, arrived Pith for Ht Domlnzo Cliv; L M D movan. Diinovan. irnm I'aectireitln, arrived 21*1; Bn.,*ie liliiek, Ludl w, from Philadelphia, arrived 24tb; Daybreak, Blake, from St Marv'a, Ga. arrived 2 7lb. Sailed April 7 achr ElimibothM I'o ik, Gook. St Thomas; 28tli. brig Maggio Cuiumlu* (Br). Davia. New York. Cleared 24tli, bark Jano Falrlie (Br), llarria. New Yirk. Pol nit-a-Pith K, Guad, April 24?In port, brig* Flnrenoe May (Br). Ueltxler. Irom Porlland, Me. arrived 9th; Vic t rin, Sanuders, Irom New York via Barbados, arrived 21st, ding; City of Monle. Beck, from Wilmington. N G. do do: achrs Ellralinih M Cook, Cook, from Martinique, arrived lltth. lor Hampton Itnads for orders; Stephen Dennett, Bennett, for Now York. Poiit Antiiitio. J a. April 2D?Arrived, iiehr* Phebe. Me doro. Jorcmlo, to kali May 4 for New York; May 4, Hannah Ooomer. King, I'biladelpiila. Sailed 4th. achr A Chase, Binrse, Culled States. i'okt ad Princx, May 6?In port, bark Western Sea. Cbiaholin, from Boston. Poiit ok Fiiamck, Mart, April 27-Iu pnrt, brig Blank Swan. Wlaalaue, from Wilmington, NO. Port Moi.ubavk. May 12?Passed. *chr W If Hatfield (Br), from Princo Edward Inland for New York. PlOTOtl. May 12?Arrived, ship Coronet (Br). Arthurson, Ltvorpoo'. Sailed 12th, brig Alpbeta (Br),for Penarth Roads, bavlag repai red. QtrKSF.i'. May 12-Arrived, ship Birmingham. Olagg. Liv erpool; barks .lessio Boyle, Tom. Cardiff: Neckar. soron sen, Aremla ; CJth. kicamer* Polynesian. Brown, Llverpvol for Montreal; Mi*aU*ippl. Llndall. aotordo; ship* Cl'y of Monotowoc. Higgle, Lelth, for do; Bosphorn*. Reynolda, Pi 1 mo nth : Mersev. Suitor, Ardroaaan; Hero, Bartiaason, Liverpool (at St Thomas). St Thomas. April 20?Arrived, ecbr Seth W Smith, Map shall, Newport (and sailed May II for St Domingo and Bos ton) : :tt>fli, bark Ilarr.- Ilnschmau iBn.Card, London (and s illed May :i lor Sagua): sclirs Rebecca J Meulton. Atwood, Martinique (and sailed May B lor Sagua); 30th, North America 1 Br', Joyce, Cardiff; Mav 1. barka Assyrian (Br), Mnrchlson Llvarpoolt Albloe (Br). Hwrka, Danierara: brig Addle Benaon (Hr). Mallet. Barbados (aad sailed 3d tor Sagua); aclir Clara Leavitt, Lombard, Baltimore; 2d brig Anu iHr). Jameson. Dmnernra (and sailed Itli lor Cuba); 4th. bark Douglass iBri, Dledrukseu. Newcastle, K: brig Spray Bloom (Hr), G nil Ion, Baltimore: litli, Acadia (Sp). Gaulon. do.; Sth, bark Gertrude (Br). Duuey, Dmoeraro. Sailed Anril (hi. bark >elma I Hr), Bach. Sagua anil a port Not llutleiH*; brig Smnragd (Nor). L>aken, do do; May 1, prigs Eugenie, Yeaale, Sagun ; 3tl, S "P Smith Warren, do. In port M*y S. brig- 1 ? ungileis (Bri. for Bagna, te load for a N port of Hatters*: Dolen (Nor), Dick trlcks'ii, for do do; George A llicharu (Br), Piulay, for Cardeuua, to load for N"W Y'ork. st. Pikkbk, Mart. April 27?In port, brig Tally Ho. Gate*, from New York, arrived 2il; Anbioso I-iglit, i-cliwartl, from Hranswl-k. arrived22U: l.elen Furbu*h. from Boston, do; *clir Klla Preascy, Proaaey, from New York, arrived 24 h, for Porto Itlcii. Arrived April 14. brig Hubert Nowes, Dearborn, Baron do* mud snlio'i 1 Tth for Hitmudoa). \lnv S?Arrived, bark* .timlrn Coombs. Countba, Cardeuua: II S Jackson, Bacon, Havana: brig* Raven, Nilsli, do; Susie J Strout. Tlekett. do; s hr Jessie lloyt, McDonnld, do: 9th. brig C C Van Horn (Hn. Hooker, .to; scbr B F Lowell. Siiniison. do Sailed litli, buck Adda J Homier, Welsh, N of llatteras; brig Don Jacinto. Crouton, do; achr Susan P I'liar on, S;rout, do. Clenrod to 10th. bark Annie Burr, Simpson. N of llat tera?. Loading 10th, tho above arrivals, and barka Ada V Cr -aliy Jt Scliamyl ami Isaac Hall: brlga Atlas. J 0 Noyes, Man lliis (Bri, Akbar. Charles Purvis, M M Bain, 0 S Packard, Olivnr Ciitt* and LIJu llo'ighton : achrs Lizxie Major. K II Whiiteuiore Creasle Wrlxht, S S Harding. It M Pcnnell, M L Peters. C S Hart, J S Wood aud Kale Wentworth? all for ports N of 'Istleras. >i Jack. May 2?Arrived, bark Morning Star (Br), Sissoa, New York. Sailed 2d, l.tlg (ntelope, Wright. Kara Inr New York; scbr Jos Wilson. Cain. Giiontunnmo for do; 9:1, burke -Norsk Flag (Nori, Niei*on. Sagua lor do; 4th, Curt Adler (Nor), Nlvl-cn, N of Matters-. StJoiins, PK (prll 29-In port, bark Paladin lArg), June*, from Ka tlra-'rc. juat arrived. Svnsur. May 14?Cleared, -chr Dreadnot, for Philadel phia. Sr Jons. MB, May 13 ?Arrl ed, barka Ada Barton (Br), Harriett, Traloe. (diver Kmery. Suratrldge. Ilnll; Keun. Berg, Jonah -g; I'.bluiia, Ulsrn. Londonderry; brig Mable. Smith. Conway; M1I1. barka Kdila. Andersen. SaiideQord; llnrve-t Homo. German. Londonderry. (beared Htb ship Lady Bleaslarton. Gunderson, Ht Nasaire ; acbr lien Dink*. Linrcnli, (Vllmlngtoii. Sailed l.'itb. brig Caroline Catharino. Melton, for Mum bles: IIIh. *hip Ju.niia. Kra er Liverpool. Tin est) . April 2S? In port, baika W hi tehall Br), David son. for Bordeaux, Idg: Sole ilisl).ffor New York. Tin :tpti>. M.i.v 4?Arrived, brig Wui .Mason, Adam*, As picwall for N of Hatteraa V Ai.KxriA. Anril hi?nailed, ship BP Cheney. Starkey, Delaware Breakwater. /tv/.i.AU April I'l?Nailed, h-trka Glide. Beadle, Bnttott; I-lib. W 11 Tnorndlke, Gorham, Aden. I Pita Aicxkia.] ANTWfitr, Miiy 4?Sailed. .1 \V Marr, .Morae, Cardiff. Bvvrur Mkai>. M.?y 3-?Paaeed, Santa Andrea (Italiao bark), Cor New Yor<. oil 4th, Formosa, Scopinicli. Sunderland for New York. Uaixiiam, May 4 Dff the Mart, Mane U, Mardl. Irom Sunderlaud for Baltimore. Uki.rA T. M iv :i - Arrived, Went York. Ambley, Portland. Arrived in the Lough 5th. H .1 Werieod, Kngliali, lyum Situ Kra i ism. tailed 3d, lie one. S imtielscu, Quebec; 31, Norton, Do vie, Miraintehi. Ilanar:.'-, May 3?Arrived, Maryland, kuhlman, Baltimore via 1'ort.uioiitli (to tow). Suli-e Id. A loll, Bockelmann, Now York Bultrii.At X, May -Mailed, Ivitte, Mold .tea. Richmond. Proecediii ? down lit. Hattlcoiu. for ATirarniebl. liAVOsst:, April 37?Sailed, I'lld. Hau-caen. New York. Haiti Ki.oNt. May 1?Arrived, Virgin do loa Dolores. f?e viln. New Orleans. Cadiz. April III)?Arrived, Florence Treat, Short, Meuri tlua. Sailed 2!'th, MurthaJ Brady, llredy. Alicante. 1'lenrud U'hu Mlntlet, Beck, New York; Kalella, Brown, Hi'Mon. t/AUoirr, M.ivil Sailed, W Alright, Owoua. Quebec; 4lh, Ida, Morris, Quebec. He. >i? May 3?Patted, Astoria. Drununond, Shields for Montevideo, ,tc; 4tli. Wltheim. Roed. Icndm) for Haiti more . Alice (berk), sbield? lor Montreal: Amor, I'reniu la, do for New York : 5tb, Martha, Zacharioeaen. London tor Netv York. May it?OH, Nortbarn Queen, Dollar. Baltimore for Knit* rdem. UttsiiKM i*. May 3?Off, tJuvtave Adolpn, Mohn, Haiti morn for 11 it11. liUii.lN, Muv 4 ?Arrived. Kiimolokea, Seua, Baltimore. Dast/IO, May I?Arrived, hrlinir, ovendnen, Charlesion. Diseri . May 4?Sailed, Itrodreiie, Kveiiven. St John. N B. 11C >* it I it K, May 3-Arrived iu the roada, J atoaiea, f timer. I'orl I and. O I.i iivii.t- vprll 24?Pe-eetl. i.elf lirikiau, llana-n New York for Dntitsif; May I, Ohio (?|, Meyer, Savannah ley Kevin. Kai.Morril. May ll--Sailed Hoi urn >>tu. fer Quebec. liitiMsur, May S?Sailed. Henrietta Bolm, CbrUtensen, Kan Francisco. <) t iin a i.t a it, Auril 27?Arrived, Ka^le Rock. Uamruond, Meatrin v ami cleared for New York): JHIh, Sadie, Oreffory. Smyrna fur United -tates; Probe, Marline, l.ieete (and cleared for N A .>"kl. Oleaie.1 Siitta. Keirnre Terv.o, Cuomo, New York; Cleo oatro. Calocloh, Boston. I'ast'il 27th, Mai) D, (iliegllanovlch, from Trieste for New Yi rlt. Towed through tbo .-traits 27th. J W Bartlett. Martlet*, from Me-sinafor Baltimore; .-aniuei B'elth. Spear from do for New Vurlt; Surprise. Avert)I, from do lor Philadelphia, Persian. Irom Mar-aia for Quebec. (isat?a. May 1 Arrived, Marietta D. Raws. Mobile; 2d, Svalcw. Hoe, Halilmoie. IIavscic.. May It Sailed. Blorj-eie. Olsen. New York. Sailed from I' irlieven ltd. Coder, ilolilfs, Quebec; HW Foil el. Huh. W,.?; , Hole. HptrnkT. May 2 Arrived, Robert LLano. Mttrrav, Cailao; 3d. M*draped (i .en At ilniltiulun. NO. IIavni May 2?Sailed. Darin, Koguirin, Baltimore: De troit, like. Portland Union, llreenle if, Wi-caeae!. Kars ten lautrnird. ,1 uconecn. Quebec; Alice Heed. holl-ran, Oitidlo. iid. Amiille, l.adanaa, Baltimore; Tigri. Coauiloh. Delawaie Breakwater: Olenola. Horn, Plctou i. vkbrooT A|av I -Arrived. Iteola tal, Talbot. Boston; Spall, is), ilrace. New York : R'fbnrgshire. Christie. Asto ria "ill, Mlatni. Itiighan, San Francisco. Sailed Bd. Advance. Ttnlti, Quebec; Cupid, tirant. Sid ney, CM. 4'h. 1-ratellt. liickino. I'egllano, Delaware Breakwater; Hrotl ert, Albert, liespe; utlt. Iterinod, An dersen, iiaspe. Cleared 4th, kalerua, Douglass, Dalti.rneie oil llolyhed ltd?tien Kaircilld, Kelly, Liverpool lor Rle l Janeiro. Itf 1 ? CW VM. M i|tn .we a i tr, I dlR. Ac . 4lk, Traipl a.. wl t. -M tiia*a e?4 ti'i. Manbe. (a.k> >*>mb ?..? JAew Tiek . "<fc, \?re.<i. \?imi H ??'.? Heme, 1'." bars. Waul Ki?t' Veaer?4, (???') v?#i Mm* I.IMK* War "i !*??? 4 k J.: ? >1 I| J.,l, uu Hi II I..- Newpa.l Loinrart, May *-4r?ieed. Fr ?o i*i ?<* , i?, IMIIbwifr l l> uil May 1-iitiiM, M vet, i in r at l ,i Ali/?r Hiixr >aa I't iatnta l.b. m,. ,, 4?--e. ..... i na.Clatk. Ha'UMia-*. Li iiiix*. Mtf i -JkfnfN.HmaMMMi. 4m?im rata. MjalpMa "alia i kpgM JM, ?AiA?atle. Prbfefcea * a 4 ?iii. ' Way -??"?4, ?a".a - ;?ll?i?maa. V'imimM, VUiai. Ann1 Abb* B?..i. m* \a< Turk. A' na>n a* Tarra Wattage AprW *, Aata^ia, Li V 1m Na-a Irai ralarwt#. for I* .ila a 1 .? . I. *, ? a 1 B t' V Irari. Iraai -Ae 1?* Moat.*" ? ? I k i t W>?*?a*. kpen 'J*~ ?? ed A * ? t * N .- ? ? t?f* ita Valerie* 4< iew4 >*11*4 We l a? ? ? alia ia> VouiilM. Res l-?ai#4, Url>a?i. ?. v,w Tark ?I tfiiit, Mtf A-t'bwl ??--a ? f. . >'a'in ti. Mm) I <?? Kiaa? A ???*), La < Mt 'h i.? New Vera N*? U?i>?. 4a> 3?Arrived. Mar * C. Hawaii. Mali WW* .--a 1*4 :H( I'aMu III a'-AA, Bili a ?*? raiiiiAA Ma. *? a 't aa Uu* .* r. a Arl|A.? Kvama. a. War a ?* ?? ** ?4?i ??? ? r? ken . M .loba NH far I.a 1 * 1 K tiara. 4.(i >a. - t ? ?? ? VAn e.eow*. War V-A? ? -4. 11 ?'? ?ia4r *? *,. hait. it. I... I". A M.I A Ilk, l ilv 4 AlAaAf Ml it 111 MH,||.? We) A MiM W J. ? ? April W ? aa ai I N - 1 Tihau*<i?i. Aped ."M-t .'la ?>??->'.. . ni <?. *?. . r -a V ' " . kk *r 'lliaiiifKii In 4- ? -4. At * , llraaWkA. W .rr arose. War ? Amtal !".????. r? . ? K Baltimore \nn.aiA. April ?? ? MM. A -iNea. Kaeae.l. *A lab % W A AMKKI AS i'?iHW A lik, \ A A 11 it I A Ma. I ? - A 4 ? >< 'la. !?-? a CnriArara. i?allf4 ->.1iii W trial a at?? at, B. 1 ? A l*ai Taaaiua . Will Fiftaa liMtiaa a .1 Baataa atMMtiaa b.i ?. rat>*4 up K?eit# ??# .??* -a .it >i.-|i. a Woeeo, k a II k-iii-l. " ..tnaa Wa.a I'aal ita? I'attt.l aw tat * tt*i..ei?a -aAa N It aieewe It I Wtl lam*. I.ltaa 4*"'. I art Kl. I ale 1'iutl dawn 'ram Ur?r(?l ti ? 1 I It, Wr tt-B nar HI IS VO Hi. War |?-krr iv-.'. ...J ma-MSula r. i'Ia?I?A|a ; Aftea. yawrkiatA. Mi ? Mr a a 4a. at Af* Amite r?la. Al4ri.Ai.auil an t I. 1 - ?. ? I Klla W kk All*. If HAa I'aa nala ? 1 J I* fla'aaara I'llr, f I. UeWrp*. w Lt>, 1 a t?< ' Tilt .11. an I It H liar Ir.laa i, r I. . i , I*f Ii.llf A.m ; tll.-a M Mtat-ti a?4 A * I.aey A Hlnaaom. ' Oaktteld. A ? ???? In 1 .> ? Wi-rliaa km. Alto arrived. ?le?M?''r* ill* .r* H r-? \r ? A, r I r. rla'iurtf, Worth. t*Mi44*'|i a s '' ?> ? ? . 4r Kurt .11.atn, arlirt War. K lami IA ? llnharct M Mmiih. lira-a. Rla ? .4 A .1. in, Riwall. Karl .laliatat I'laarrd Siaamart i.aarral <flnlnr\. HaltoO. Warn fara; Ariat, Vfhlldaii. rhlla4rl;.hit Aarka I ?ara K Hnra'.a a. Khlllip*. Mailnmm ?. Aim Uauii. II. ? a ?. I rlka Tausrilfa. I'rarr. I'all.arln. K Ian II AA n ,?>, KtAAWlea. l'ard-n?a. tehra A?U" II H . la ? >t- . Ititms llaurr WAAlilu*i."i i t . >11. and x 1 I n t 1 r. Kailry Hall In..ra; AAllliam lA'altna I.ark ? I .a. Van (iildar. and THnuiaa J MarAia, It lv KM >. ?><> a Klin t'lA*. Kallrf. J4?w Vara Salle l ? Si a uai Arla? ?irlf I* M Tinarr RALTIMOKR, Mat 1 Ai ..1 -iramr.- -n-awt. HdAMMft Savatiliah; Kaany I'ada ilt4ri ? aik a t 1 barfct Ad lalda. Ha lav. K n -lanr r.,. \.a- . t a Hurlian. I?r nrr tra ; Itlnn.naha . Hi 1. kl,.?a, 1. , d'rri : aclirt K Waller MAim, >? ? Vuik. n k liat Murpny. Vaiaiuat. Altoar'lvail ttaauiar lllliarnltii III tr., I. ,ri , achri Balle Hrnwn, K?nw t m. Knklanl 1. . - a ? ... rtlrnnK. I'arilenat; lAba Mnaaar, Aiirakamt \a? (Tlaarail?rihip Halilmma 1 mri. K?ki.*. lit m. r?. Knropa (AlarI, klininr. .in, MetM Ma \ ir4rnki4t, ?!? Auitnute I'iarl. Ilallinrr. o; lif.r 1 lioMan. i.'U m... i Jantlrn: irlir Wm Slaiar. Killan l"ar?a'i.' 1a Alio rlearrd. ateamart Klla i>piu'. li irtiar/ l.irrrti , ? John W O.-irrkil. Koatar, Haw Vark ; karkt 1 rr..aia I' Irm Trarerkn, Itunilnndrrry : 1'atnr (An?Ai. Ma la rlmi 1 . iy ... to.rn: tsliraJta H llort, Lvua. Nam llauru . .1 IA Ita a 11, Tlialclitr, Sailoil?Hark* Knropa, and Auicu.ta; brig* Joint Ut . lit. wan. and l.'hntran ; *cltr Sa n IVallar IIKAUKOKT, Ha", Mar M Arrlrn.i i>ark> Mma ?? . Rokinan, Dunkirk; lOih. Candaur (for). N'ailaan. AMpon hagen. Sailed Htli, liark* I*B?liodT (for), Jorkan^n, II aai'inr.-. Otl), J AV lloimat iHri. Ilaliur*. Iptwica, 11A it. brl.- k 1.1 1 (Br), Thomuk, (lloucaatar. BKLKA-T, May 13? Arrlvon. tclir HA llrai. H.'tu.n. la lond lor IVHmlncton. N?'. 14th ? ArririMi. tehrt Avon. Hobokm: Kara-on. Khnta ?!>. HAfOOIt, Mar 14?niearad, tchr Annla I, Wilder. I ram-.i, New Vork. BATH, Mar 14-Arrlvn.1, robr Wiu A ltiaariti?. SuaiiIi, from a coal port. loth - Sailed* Etta A Htlmpton. Wa-hlngton lit j Daylight, Read, New Vork. rlfARltESTON, M?jr 14-Arriasd. hark Trlnmph (N..r>, St Thorn**. Sailed?Bark Joiephlne (Br), Liverpool. Kith?Cleared, bark Ualafra tSn), .luplr. Km. >1 n?; brig* Don Kranulaco (Spi. I'ahlta. do; l^kltad iS , lJa*ee, Kalma (.Majorca.; ?rhr Sarah ('lark. Brink*. Naw Jarnoy ; Harriet S Brook*. Quigley. Bolton Sailed-Stsauier (leo W Cltde, Trlbon. Naw York. DUTCH ISLAND HAKHOii. May Ik-In port trhrt J Clark. Carr. Kookport for Now Vork : K St Clair Kdwarda, ElUa B Kroery, Hannah B Shnhcri. Lltiia Itninioad. Mod esty. Sultan E Nash, and Carrie I,(rmifrny. ED'.iAftTOWN. May 14?Arrived, aehrt Sarah Hfum, Bullock Boston fbr Khiladelphta; Marcu* V ll i .lv I. n do for do; J A Kar?nn?. Still, do for do; klaiy I'l'o i u, W'llllam?, do for do; Krank Atkln*. do for Baltimore; .leliu Kroetor Allan, da for Khlladrlplila. KOUTREsS MONROE, May IS?Arrived, bark l.ou to (Nor), Dalil. Bremen, aeokiug; aclir K M Cook. Cook, roiut-a Kitre, .Mart. Ka?**d In?Steamer Hi'iomlaa .Br). Arch r. im? Liter pool rla llaltlax for Baltimore; *chr f, kv Vrlleeler. Bow. mnn, from Sarua lor do ? alto an Italian hark. I'aaaert out?Bark Deaeti Duhrovacki. liom Baltimore tor Queen ato an. UALk ESTON. May ltl-Salled, *te tm9r Cliy or tlou?ion. Eldridge. New York. LlMSl'.r. Me, May 11-Hulled, aclir Mary F Pike, Coo l, New York. NEW ORLEANS, Mav Ilk?Cleared, "(earner* Kiilrk r. bo-ker. Keiuble, Now York; San Marco* dirl, Iturr i m, Liverpool; ship* Arctnrur, Ravldcii. Cork ; Ilur1n.m11 Car), Bainlmch, Bre nen I'Assa*. liith? Saved, steamer Lono Star, Cordova: lurk Almlra, l(obln*on. .MjBrOLK, May 14?Arrived, eclir Henry T Wood, Ce 0, Ifttli?Hailed. schr Sarih H, lor BflUit. NEW BURY I'D ItT. May 14?Arrived. achra Emily II Nsy lor, Fisher. PhlUd*lphlo;Miune?otn?f!oombe, fort Johnson; Ma.rwu. Ryder, New tor*: James Young, Young., till. _ .... lotli?Arrived. schrs .1 (I Stover, Clajr, Phltadalnliia; Georgians, llmwn. Klliabethpori. A so arrived, schrs Carrie L lfix. Ills. New York; Mary A l'lce. Kent. New York; S S Kendall, Kendall. New York?? Clarissa Allen. Ilutler. Perth Amboy; George Albert. IIh . low. Amboy: l> S Hinet, Huntley, Philadelphia ;S a Plow r, Lincoln, llobnken. NEW BEDFORD, Msy 14?Arrived, schrs Laiiinrtiiie, Trench, Philadelphia: Win D Marvel. U'Keele, Ho tun lor PhlludolpMa; Caroline Yottug. Jackwsv, tlu f?r do; Anna E Ketcltum, do fordo; Poclla??#lt. Itnckott. do lor ho. Hailed? Schr Francis Artheiiina. Plnlchnin. Albany Kith?Sailed, steamer I'erkiomcn. Al.ortson, Phil ufel. phta; ?chrs Pochaenett, RackoU, do; Caroline Young, Jacks way, do; Anna K Ketehtim, uo; J I Worthiugton. . it. in. New York: Boston, Melterson. do: K 0 Smltii, Smith, do. POItT DISCOVERY, May 8?Arrived, bark Revere. Me Intyre. San Francisco. PKNSACOLA May II? Arrived, schrs Ajax, Norfhup, Indian .!a; Eugene. Hunker, Paseagoula; Gen < Irani. 11 awe, Caiupeche: 1'Jtti. bark A K Nordiuann (lir), Kelt, Dunkirk. l ie trod lllli. solir Charles Lawrence, Lake. Malarias; J2ti , barks Tabasco <Gor , Ivlltlgaard. Amsterdam: No. Tnda (tier). Porster, Liverpool; Ocean iBri. I'aulxer. Scot, la d. PHIL VDKLPHI A. M iy 1U?Arrived, steamers Virginia, Hunter. Chariot ton; Norfolk, hord. Kali Klver; Mayflower, Davids o. New York ship Calilornia (Run), K ..eiulahl, Antwerp: barks Desenguio tSp . Lorentsen, Hamburg; AcoaunaD (Itali.Mari, Harwich: schrs Sarah A Rule, roiiers, Kail Kivar; Stiver Spray, Finney, Pensacola A so arrived, stesmers Leopold, Wiley, Ho.tun; caster. .Mills, Chelsea; Ellin km# it. MeCreery, te c York; s?hrs lav lor A Mathes.Cheesmau. Clenfuecos; llriitadler, Nortok, Sscita; Impero, Caslin. Prince Eds aid Island : .A I) Scull. Frsmhes, New Bedford; Bella Rusanll. .smith, Jaosoouville. The arrival of the schr Veto, rep irtod yesterday, was er roneous; she remains at Key W"st. Ulaared Steamers Indiana, .-arcnt, Liverpool; Siixnn; Snow. Boston; I'onawand, Sherman, Provided \nn Ellis, Richard". New York: sieauitug tirevhouoil. I'ond e ton. New Orleans: schrs Clifford, Rragilou. Mntan/ssj T .1 Tratton, lloH. Portsmouth; White Wing, Snow, Host .11; M J tTiadwh.k, Norria,. do, Sarah Wood, I lick in an, and t) B Stlckney, Ireland. Lynn; .Martha Inncs, Newoomh, do: Narragin-ei t, Shaw, Salem; S Godfrey. Harris, do: .M E KemurlcS, Kkrhards. Salisbury ; A II Edwards. Bartlett. Salenj; Sidney Price, iJodfrey, New Bedford: Marjr Freelnrid. Clarlt, Fall Kirer; Edward P. Wing. Walker. Sua llaroor .1 K Maker, Davis, Somerset: R 8 Miller Smith. Neponset. Clara R in kin. Knox. Ipswich; Amos Falkonberg. Early, Bristol Also cleared, barks .lames R Boyd (Br), llitkor,'jneene (pan: Napoleon III iNor), KJelner. Ilatn'mnc: ichrs Y Ka relin. McCumbcr. Halifax: Ethan Allen Blake, Portlandi A Its V", Colo, lllli A D Scull, Prambes, Boston; A M Lee. Williams, Cambridge hailed - Steamers Mcrcedita, Saxon and i'onawan la ; schr Clifford. Lkwt.x. Del, May ltl-8a!led. harks Bremen liir Net York; Iniperater, Queenstowu ; schrs Etna, New York ; J K Ames. .Mamma*. PORTLAND, Me, May 15?Arrived, aclir Win Buck, New Yoi k. S.'iilbd?Bark Rachel: brig Merrywa. Cleared? schr A liniumon I. New A'ork. ltith Arrived, brig II - Bishop. Hoboken : schr* N llle Rtarr, Poland. Hague . Virginia. Hang- do-.JeUKrye, New York: Jes-ie Hurt, Philadelphia; J J Sponcei. do. clrared Brig Ysldora Klonoa iBr), Hlieppard, Mai our. as. PORTSMOUTH May 14?>alled, schr Annie m Con.nil. Baker. Philisurlnhia. 15th ? Arrived. w.hrs Union Flag. Frisbio, and rant t? mount, llllkey. Port Johnson: Lacoma. Crockett, Perth Auioov: Juliet. Robinson, Itoadout. Bailed Scltr Mabel Rose, Allen. Philadelphia. RICHMOND. Va, May 15 ? Arr'vr t. ? ui l.uey Jo ties, Petersburg; Lottie, speed. New York; U T Porter. Phila delphia; A Carbon Boston. Sailed Bark Sniiljaiiria (Nor). Ulenaee, Eahjorg. schrs Maid oftho M at, Washington: Vapor, do. .saN FRANCISCO. Mar R-.Arrived, bu-k Wellincon tlloh, Windrow, Nanaimn; brig Orient, Williams. Oooa Bav. Cleared ?Ship Auitial I'lnto (Unlit, Bono, Port Towns end: st Marc trri. Ctauger, Uurrard Inlet. Hailed?Bark John Jay, Swonsun. Rurrard Inlet: liri s Josephine. Kitrlnaoin. .SuhJosioe Guatemala, C W Liua', Went worth, .-an Pedro, lot It -Sailed ate .mor Culm a, Seurles. Panama I61I1?Arrived, Eria'a Star (Hr), Mt Fee. Hull, E. 1 leered?Bark W A llolcomb, Dunton, Cork via Paclflo Islands , hAVaNNAH, May 16?Cleared, scbr Xlmena, Thompson, New York. Arrisod?steamer Serr.fnele, Mathews. Boston. Soiled Rleonier Herman Livingston. V illory. New York. TACOM.4. May A?Balled, ship Shirley. Matthews, Sea Fran. isco. WILMINt.TON, N'C. May 14 -Arrived, s hr John L Tracy, Meservev. Hock port. Mo. Y ACHTS, BTK V3f HO A TM, <fcC. AHI'NlfdEl)" BOATS CHEAP-silEiiU CLl'H, Whitehall metallic Lifeboats and snoon n?r.< No Stw Bouth ;t , near liouvernear at. HTEPIIBN Iti.BKltrs,^ 4 CABIN YACHT WANTED, ABOUT ?> FEK1 jVlong; must be chenp lor COSh. Address CAPl'AIN JUNES, bog I1U Herald. fiYUR BALK VERY CHEAP?SLOOP YACHT #KBf Wind: In eoniplcte order and ro.idv lor Immediate u?e, A'ldrest box J,7BB Post offleo. New York oily. ?LH)R BALK?<)R K\('IIANtlK FOR MKliuHANOfSK " the schooner yai'ht Send, lully Imind and ready tor use Apply to THOMAS W. LINDSAY, 103 Atlantic at.. Brook ir?. ' IlisCEUAftFiOUH, D" IVORI ES IJUIETLY-ANY STATE; PAY WHUM dlvor-ed. Penrt for circnler. AMERICAN LAW AGENCY. Removed A-J Broodwefa