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imJATIOIII WANTKD?FENAX.BS. Vigraea. d(r. O/JQ 7TH AV.. IN GROCERY* 8T(tRK.-A COMPB OvOtent yonug woman aa Infant's nuran or to take cam of ((rowing children: six yearn' relerrncn. *407 7rH AV-~A YOU Nil RESPECTABLE GIRL HI OA'I years of age to take care of children or do light | housework in a private family. Can be aecu to-day. Call I ?r address. (I EAST 3'JTII ST.?A YOU Nil AMERICAN GIRL Clvti uurae and seamstre.a; con dreaa hair; good city relerencc. Call or addrea* lor two day*. Ill O 3D AV.. N'EAK aau ST.-AN EXPhUlKUKJ) ill Ainurra: eau take charge of an inlaut from ita birth ; bent elty referrnce. ?JIO east hth st.-a respectable young UlAlvonian with young brea*t of milk aa wei nurse : uo abjection to rouulry or to trarel with a taiuily; reference. ?41 n EAST 321) ST.-A YOUNG AMERICAN OIRL TO ?Alcltake care of growing children and do rbauiberwork ?lib a family fofng to the country; reference. ?49c west 40TH st.-a iiipEt table amsri OajUcin girl aa narae to crowing children; can do pialu ?owing; three year*' reference Irom her laat place. 334f EAST 29TII ST-A YOUNG WOMAN. WITrl A xfreab brnaat of milk, aa wet nurae. Call for two ?ay*. 337 East 47TM ST.- a TOUNO MARRIkO WOMAN (baby alx week* old) a* wet nurae ?4*40 EAST salt ST. ?Ni l AMI SKAMoTKESS, TO ErtJOgo In tbe country; eperntca uu several macbinca: ?r would do cbamberWork and waiting in a prirate laruily; can work on dietaea; beet city relerencc. 3^0 t>TH AV. (M.ME. PLl > KltEAU S).-A YOUNG tjglrl aa nurae; can take entire charge of a baby and briny up ou a bottle; kind and obliging; city or couutry'; beat city relarence. ?4Q7 2D AV.. BETWEEN 22D AND 230 ST8.-A OO I young alrl to mind cbildreu and make herielf uaelul; elty or country: city reference. <117 WENT 4STII ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOCNO "A I girl aa nurae and to do plain aewing. 149 west 401H st.-anTmeTicTn gtrl, aged T?w?&|17. aa child * nnrie or to do aome kind of light work : prefrra to aleep at home. Addrea* GERTRUDE. <1?4*4 em at.; in store.?a respectable Xl/Gwoman aa flrat claas inlant'a uurae : cauable to take charge from blrtb; three year*' reference from laat place. T5c 2D AT.?A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN TUUo wet nurae ; her own beby three uu nib* old; beat reference. Call. yl?47 WEST 20TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN Tt' I aa wet nurae; can take care ot infant Irom Its blrtb; elty or country. J.JO WEST 231) ST., LONDON TERRACE.-A KE jT xT r'apectuble woman aa nurao and aeamatreaa; capable ol taking charge of an infant Irom blrtb; beat city reiereuce. A V4 l0TH AV ?A YOUNG Gll.L AS NURSE AND Al^Oaramatreaa or cbamberiuatd and aeumslreea; no ob jection to tbe conutry. Call or audreta. 4.."J WASHINGTON ST.. ROOM 3?AX ENGLISH TUTfomni, lately landed, aa nur.o ; takes full charge el a baby from Ita birth; sewa nuiiiiv; can apoon or bottle feed, or would travel with a lady. Call 011 cr address M. C. A WEST 520 ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, TUTrho lost her baby, two weeks old. a bslT'to wet burae at ber own residence. 463w' BALTIC ST.. BROOKLYN - V RESPECTABLE omau as wet nurse; beat reference. A7t\em av.-a respectable girl as first TX I Vclaas nurse; can take full charge of children: l? a rood seamitreaa; apeaka French and Eugiisb; ci.y or coun try. Call on or address Mrs. GARDNER. A Q(| 7TH AV.?AN KXl'tliiENC.'KD NUKsE "to TUt/lslte charge ol a young Infant and bring it up by band; thoroughly understands her bnsiueas; city and doc tor's reference. r>)l 1ST AV., NEAR 30TH ST.-AS EXPERIENCED J-?ka)Xnnrae in any sickness ; understands ttie care of chil Iron, willing to iu light housework ; town or couutry: lent city reference. CO] 3D AV.-A YOUNG GIRL. LaTELT LANDED. ?AtAAto take care of children and assist in chamberworx willing and obliging. R'lQ .MADISON AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'-).-AS ?AtAOnnrso and seamstress or chambermaid and 10 do flue sashing; competent to do either; 3>t yours' best city refer ence. 79ft laT AV., BETAKEN 41ST AND 42D HIS.-a' ? ^UJreapectable 1'rotestout girl us nurse or would make kerself uaelul. fiQti ioth av., room ib.-a respectable pkot LAvA t/eataut girl as nurse and do plain sewing or as nurae and chambermaid; is wilting and obliging; city or couutry : good reference. 1009 30 AV ' BETWEEN fl'JTII AND G)TII STS^ ? YAYAa^A young girl an nurse and chambermaid uud to <0 plain sewing; good city reference. Call for two duvs. 10J.9 3U AV- BETWEEN BIST AND H2D RTS.-A #vv aTaiirrspeetable girl as uurso and chambermaid; is lapabie ol taking care ol an inlaut from its birth; no objee Hub to the couutry; four vour*' reference. If) ^4. ?'?'? AV.-A NBA I. KESPEi'TABLKsGIRL TO ?JA'-A JTtake care ol growing cbildreu ami it* or to assist with chaiuberwork ; clly or country. 3D AV. (IN THE SHOE STORE).-A YOUNG .... German woman, having plenty 01 fresh breast took. wants to go oat t&* wet nurse. A HIGHLY KKnPLCTABLB PKKSON AS NUiLSR and to do plain aiming in a nriv4ie family of 8tnn<liu<r; ?n objection to tlie country or travelling for the viimmer: 10 jraary' reference. Adore** 0. it., box 220 llerald, rTn' ?Jfc',"W ^.*^nton ht., JJrooklyn (pietont employer's;. Lai i or add res* for three days. ANEDUCATED KHGLI8H PKO'IBSTANT, WITH irood reterenceN. di hirrs at r? riifra^riiiont to take charge of one or tnore children ; would bo wiilintr to travel Address L. L, Herald Uptown office. A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS NURSE AND BEAM. Straus or as chambermaid; understands hairdreasing? bostiity relerencc. Aduress M. I... Gerald Uptown office* ' A YOUNG WOMAN AS EXPERIENCED INFANT'S nurse or for grown children; city or country; ten years references irom last place. Address M. k.. Herald Utnnwn aflice. AN ENGLISH I'RgTEs r.A.VT WIDOW. Alii. :; f \S jTVInlaut s nurse. Address ENGLISH AUItSE. Dobba' Perry Peat office. Nurse in a private family; take entire charge of Infant or growing children: uiglily reroin mended by employer In towu. Address IV. J., Her.ild Up town Branch office. ' YlrANTED- A Po.-G I IoN a> M USE lo LADIES ?? and cliildren; can give baths and electrical treatment. Address \. t . M , box 2.3*1 I'ns; ollice, Philadelphia, Pa. IVANTED?BY A KESPEl TABLE MARRIED w. ? ? b?by to mi,so at her own honso; luis one Child. II years old; retinas in tbe country lor the summer Address p. M., llerald Uptown office. Hultresaes, tbe. TO WEST 44TH ST.?A YOU Nil ENGLISH GIRL AS J.^waitress or general servant in a small lamlly; best city l?f? ratnrdi I'mll ?* ..Li.,.,. ' * fefereoce. Call or addroit*. 15 2D ST.?A YOUNu ulRL As WAITRESS OK chambermaid and wraitrem: three year*' reference. *1/1 WEST 48TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A A* v/lady wl*he? a alination tnr her waltre** and rhitmher maid; will a**Ot with fine waahlng; they are veryconipe teat tfirli; no objection* to a short dintnnee In the oouutry. Call tor two d?v*. 3 ) I.AST 36TH ST. (PRESENT KMPLOVER'S).?A ^young girl aa waltre**; no objection to aoaitt with tlio ?hainberwork; country prelerreu. (.'an be eecu from 11 to 2 P. M. mWF.SI 37TH ST. ? AN EXPERIENCED OIRL a8 waitrea* or to do cbamberwork and waiting in gaiuall lamily; beat city relerome. 1 *-l"\ WKST 2SI'll ST.?AS FIRST CLASS W AITRKS8 AO'Jor chambermaid aud wnilre** in amall lainily; best city reference. ~i) EAST 42D sr.?A NEAT lOUNU OIRL AS .Centrallre*? and chambermaid; beat city reference. I C A WKST2STH ST., SECOND FLOOR. ROOM 5.? A<J"XA competent yonuK *lri aa lirat wnitres* in note! or boarding house, city orconntry; city relereuce. OJID EAST 4NTII ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS ^'JOwaitreaa and chaubermuid In a private Inmily ; tieat city reference. 9J7 1UTH A V.?RESPECTABLE SCOTCH OIRL All & t | experienced wnitrea* ur chambermaid; beat city ref erence Call lor two dara. ?J"| 1 EAST 3LST si.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS OA*l Bret claaa waitreea In a private iamily ; bctl city rel ereaco. Miscellaneous. (?(i EAST 34TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A OOyoonK lirrman arirl, apeuklug French and l.ngliah, wiabe* a nituatiou with a family going to Europe ; weald take char ye of children. Cull lor two dara. n 1*711 ST. AND EASTERN BOULEVARD.? A RE 4 Oapectable younc girl lo do light honaowork and mind children ; (rood relereuce. luo L69 206 FORSYTH sT.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO do huiiaecleanini; liy the day. ,Mra. NtSBITT. WKST~25TH~ST.-A8~T?AID ; IS UOUD DKBsS maker and hairdresier; Engliab; pood relereuce. E. D, WEST 37TH BT.?A TOUNO OIRL, LATELY landed, for light huueework or it* chambermaid and ' to mind children. ? I'll t EAST 1 XriY ST.?BY A KE8PECTAB~LE~Y0UN0 OOUwuman aa Bitchenmaid or to do light cliatoborwork; beat city relerance. ?J'Jl EAST 2b I lT~ST. -A RESPECTABLE YOU NO O0\fcgiU 10 do lignt liou??*work and lie 1 p with children; will be lound willine and obliging. ')?! t EAST 29Tlf~sT. ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNU OO'xTglrl to do I la In bouaework and fane care of ciiUdren. <)i>ti EAST 14TII ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D AVS.? OOOAiaermao I'roic*tent aa ineid and aobinatrcaa ; would lake care of a grown child and travui; be*t city reference. Call froin in to 4. ? lAI WEST 44)1) ST-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS D'l J.liid.v '* maid and thorough *r coiel r*e*; can be highly racoinuiended; city relereuce Call or eddre*a. OQtJ 4TII AV.-A vol,Mi SVVI.DInH OIRL AS Ot/Olndr'a mmd or nnr.e ; good aesui*traM| can cut mid hi; beat city relorence. Cail for two day*. A A Q 8TH AV.. IN AKIN'S BAKERY?A RESPECT XxOable Protectant Ceruiau giri to tend the store in tskeiy or confectionery. 4-7 WEST ISIII ST.?A Yot'NO OIRL TO ASSIST TU I with light houaewoik ekd children; city reference. jCMQ WBSf liiTlI ST.. THIRD FLOOR. REAR.-AS UUOlird cl??? walire** or chambermaid; can take entire charge of dining room fur boarding hou*e; city ur countrr; beat city relerenre*. COC HTII AV.-A FRENCH LADY'S MAID; CAN UA'Jdo all kind* ofnewiuir; undcraianda hair drnaalng; food city reference. Call or addrae* rmft BROADWAY. - A RES I'Ei; r a it LB PRi^NCH k7U(7per*on aa lady'* maid and *eom*tre*(. Addre** IUDA MARIE. 14 07 8D AV. (IN TIIK SHOE STORE).?A RF.LI ,*?Oi able woman with city reference*, able lo take (Barge oi a kitchen In a boarding home or hotel in the tonntry. k LADY OF MlUIIEsT RECOMMENDATION AS .companion to a lady; city or country; no preference; ary no object. Addru** L A., box 180 Herald oRlce. TOCNG FRENCH WOMAN DESIRES A SITl'A Ltion aa lady'a maid : I* a goon hair dianncr, uiidcr*innda Ireeamaking. alao lingerie; would wait on two lailn-* If de. (red; good city reler< ace*. Andre** .v. ?., box im> neiald yptown irffloe. "7 S WIDISH OIRL WANTS A SITUATION AS A lad to*' maid of gnamalrea* in n Brat clue* lainily ; ne tcity mferenee from her lant employer. Andre** ??? 132 Herald (ptown Branch olllce. a RESPECTABLE TO UN? LADY WOULD LIKE TO Aw UUf irapany a lamfly going to California. would taae if aa Invalid or children ; n"?l reference. _ _ Addreta OMNIA, Herald Uptown efflcn. SITUATIOBTS WAJJTlU-PBJIAIJtl. Intelligence Oflleee. (TOLORKD GIRLS. FUR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, A.n b.?4 ky UMic J- P JCSTM. Employment Agent. No. 8 15a ot.. Vn ?r PR0KK8S10* A 1.8ITU AT1UNU v\ ANTED? FKMAUKS. ?}.} r'EA*T~~4*TR "T.. BASEMENT.?A TOP?" American lady u nursery governess or companion to an elderiyjady. 1 Esmond, headings. to J a J Jdies and children, all subjects. balfprlee. BESI Cin i A LENT. Herald office. II101.I* W ASTK IJ-EKWAliMt v > i- \ I'KKT < >PT. It A'D >K I'OK iM.r:AI IN(i M.u:ll!NE Ain a dressmaking establishment; must hare experience and understand pleating v CUNNliLLY, 7 Enat 16tb, basemont door, before A. M ? N K AT, TIDY III EL (GERM AN PREFERRED) KOR Aireneral housework In small lamily; *oed^oo.>k. ??*??' and irouri ; good cltv references required. Apply, 'rom to in a m., at iaa wmtx . "I 5k*M8TRKSS WANT; D WHO UNUhK^ANDS Amakinp childreu's clothing and make heraelf generally uselul. No- IB Abingdonsguaro (8th av). ?N EXPERIENCED MJLI.INER AND TRIMMER A.wanted immediately. 278 ltd ar. Alitor CLASS W A 1ST AND M-KbTKUANk CALL ?row 7 to 9 o'clock A, M. at 224We?t3.)tli^t. /1O0D DRESSMAKERS. AN APPEB~NTicE ANDi A VXyoung tlrl for teneral housework wanted. So West 11 th st. MILLlN RY.? WANTED. SEVERAL. TRIMMERS, milliners and "?P^^HSC inurf. M W?rt 14th at. 117 A NTED LADY AtlKNTS; fl 25 TO $1 50; PR P'TS iV #1 75 to $2 10. SEARS A SMITH. Room 15, 10-1 Broadway. hVaNTED-A COMPETENT FRENCH WOMAN TO W take care of young children; beat rcfereucea required. Address two daya. D. A'.. Herald Uptown othce. Wanted-a young girl foro nekal housb worlt in a ainali laiully; can sleep borne night* t wages f8 a month. Apply IMS W est 28th at. 1T7ANTED?A~ FIRST CLASS TRIMMj-K FOR CITY VV millinery business. Apply ?t WORrUINOTO. SMITH'S, 507 Broadway. air vNTKD A OOOO COOK. WASHER AND IRONKK, Wmnst be clean and neat Inquire at 12 place. Porry at. Hr ANTED?AN lNTELLIHKNT 7oU.NO 01RL W,French nr American preferred) aa nu so end seam stress, lor country; wage* moderate. Apply, with r SireND. iui bwuwj ? ""sv" " , , , onooa. from 12 to 1. ut 71 East 54th at. WANTED?FOR ABOUT TWO HOURS DAILY. TDK services of an intelligent and agreeable young lady, who has S.nie knowled.e of the *eDer"' Zrht Herald cauls. Addreas with particulara, Ac., ALBERT, iteraru Uptown Branch office. ll," ANTED?A LADY ATTENDANT AT DK. MaKSH'8 VV truss office ; muat have a thorough knowledge <>' t h 8 business; none others need apply. 2 Vesey at.. Aster House. 11T ANTED?A PROTESTANT GIRL, ABO^n.Vl'/a^L ^223 VV of aite. to aaalit In ireneral housework. Apply at 2-3 East 23d at. -? H7ANTKD?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. VV Apply, with references. 152 Eaat 87th. __ WA.NTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL FOB OK NKRAL housework lor the country. Inquire 324 W eat 14th st. City relerencea reqnlred. _ lYrtNTED?THREE OR FOUR OPERATORS ON W meu-s ^.'drawer. Uood ope, atom that -uderatand V? ineu s une urnwcn. wF?. -ew.- . their btttktie** fu roughly muy apply, w th reference, We?t Broadway, tecoud left, aftT 11 o c?ocK. WANTC.D?MILLINERS AND GOOD TRIMMERS; 5 tuHlinera wanted. Call for two daya. BINNs. 207 6th av. ?? Wanted?a Finsr class cmambebmai nurse, with good reference. Address Mrs. M. C. V., Herald office "TITANTED?IMMEDIATELY AT hHIUOH'S AS FIRST VV class finishers for One costume*. 8th av . 24th st. w ANTED?A YOUNG COLORED GIRL TO DO light liouwework. 262 8th *?. GERMAN OR COLORED UlKL FOR ? work In a private family; most be a ijoiid er and ironer; city reference required. i7th st. utter 0 o'clock. -rtTTNTFrJ?A YOUNG at 342 W^t VV work and tako care of a baby. Apply at 34- west 4Sih st. WANTED?GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL H0U8E work at 418 East 84th St.; nice place in summer; near river and East side Park; every Improvement and conve nience. lir ANTED?A YOUNG GIRL AS GOOD VV and washer and ironer; Boud references. A.PP'T 71 East 54i n st. Af,IJbHSOrL_ lirANTED-GOOD OPERATORS ON WHEELER A VV Wilson's machine, hy 11. WALKER. 05- Broadway. lirANTED?A OIRL TO DO PLAIN COOKING; MUST AV b? a coed washer and Ironer; best city reference re quired. Apply at 239 West 49th at. ' \17aNTKI)?A COOK. FOR ONE MONTll^ APPLY, VV with good tity reference. 30 W est 39th at., from 9 to 11 o'clock. Wanted -first class dressmakers; also an experienced sleoveinaker. Apply 1.151 Broadway, second tloor. .... ? WaNTK.D-GERMaM OR SWKDISII UIRL W DO VV chamberworU with small family. Apply 101 West 48th air ANTED?COMPEPENT DRESSMAKERS. 25 WEST VY 4 4th at. w 'ANTED?A GIRL TO TAKE CAKE OF TWO OHIL , , dren. sew on a Wheeler A Wilson machine; city relet euce. 259 Went 20th ?t. ^ ^ \\7ANTED?A CHAMBERMAID AND -S^ITBRML \t alto iMUiiUrAM. I?r boardimr house. Call at 1,4J? Broaowtv, boiwcen 43d and 44th sts. WA N I ED?A RESPECT A RLE GIRL. FROM 12 TO 14 that can sleep home, to answer door hell and make neraelf genemUy nswlul-^^y**''"*"*0" P1**8, Wanted a go.?i> girl, from 1:1 to ih years ?lrt. to assist with housework. _222 West 25th at. ixrANTED?A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; VV must be a good laundress; wages moderate. Apply at 332 East 74th. WANTED >EVERAL FIRST CLASS _ DRESS iniikers ; al<o apprentices. Apply 12i> East 27th at.^ ^ "lirANTED?A GERMAN GIRL. TO COOK, WASH Wan,I Iron; must .pruk EngH.h and haT. w ages tu Call between HI and 12 at JO West 43d at. WANTED?20 EAST 6UTH ST., A TIDY GIKLT0 coos, wash and Iron; city reference required. Call after 11 o'clock. UT ANTED?FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKERS: ALSO A W competent operator on the Remington machine, at 106 East 30tu st. WaniKD? a STROMU, MRALTHY AMERICAN WO inan aa nurse ; willing t,> do aome chamherwark. Ap ply, between 10 and 12 o'clock, at ,248 Lexington av. I ?J " GRAND ST.--WANTED, A FIRST CLASS 4:O0dressmaker. to be fully competent of cutting aaiu fit tlug ; none others need apply. 994 fll'M AY.. THIRD FLAT.?A GIRL TO DO general housework. Apply from 10 to 12. ?ITUATIOSD \V AJITB1>-MALB>. ArlkKT CLASS"PasTKV cook wants situ a tlon; rither hotel or restaurant. city or country; beat reicrenc given. Fleaae cull on or address 67 Spring at , point store. GOOD FRENCH COuK~WLSHKS A SITUATION In the country or city. Apply to H. Nl'EPHAN V, 3W6 Grand at., city. I YOUNG SWISS WHO IINDER8 CAN 1)8 THE .IVcere ofhorses is willing to go to tbe country and rank hlmaulf iteiiernlly useful. Addrraa KWISs, box 103 Hernld office. A respectable YOUNU COLORED man de sire* a attiiutlnn as waiter in a private family; haegood city reference; no objection to country. Adiireae IT. C., lleiald Uptown office. ~k~YOUNt. ENGLISHMAN DESIRES^ IMMEDIATE /Veinployment aa porter, messenger or in any capacity elirre be can heroine useful; wages moderate; unexcep tionable releronce. Addiess E. S., box 194 Herald office. A RELIABLE PA TY WANTS SITUATION TO TAKE ehargo of tho at ihle. Ac., of a conntrv hotel or boarutng liouao. Address COMPKI EN I", box - 7 li Post oltica. T COMPETENT OAKVErTWITH GOOD CITY~RBF ?iVerence wants a lituatlon In a bolel, reatauraut or tint cia^e i.naiding hoeee; city or country. Addresi, by note, tor one week, CARVER, box 324 Herald oflico. I YOU NO COLORED MAN AS COOK OR WAITER; ./Vclty rnlerence from laat place. Addreae box 199 Herald Uptown ollice. A ~piRKT~rLAS8 COLORED MAN WANTS A PLACE .xVto go to the country to cook; titiderilandt the bualnaat In all tlie French elylet. W. hMIl'li, No. 17 Watt Hous ton it. 7 FIRST crass "waiter. FOR HOTEL OK RES .fVtauinui; tpeaka French. German and Engl ah; boat ref. erencex. Address A. H., 229 South llroad si.. Plil ndelphla. A~YOI.NO PRACTICAL M ASON AND PLASTERER, with a small lamily. of good educatiuu, speaking several languages, w Ishes aomc 8r?t class property to take charge ol ami to do all the luaaon, plastering and kalsomiiilng work ?n same Ileal estato owners appreciating honeeiv and good workmanship will And It to their advantage to addrees THB0PI8L, HoroM oleti AN EXPERIENCED WAITER WANTS A SITUATION In city or country ; willing lo be generally useful; good reference. Address U. S.. Herald Uptown Branch oOlce. A youfiU MAN As BARTENDER.-URDBBBTAND8 ^ Villa business thoroughly. D.. box 1115 Herald Uptown oft CO. ArbSprctahle hoT/TIiei. 10 wishes a situ allou lu a store. Address F. M., 217 East 74tli St. By a first clash barkeeper ok assistant in hotel or sample room ; willing to work ; good writer. Address REFERENCE. Herald Uptown attire. 1/M I'l.O YMKNT WANTED-BY AN AMERICAN, :t4 liiyvars of age ; lies been superintendent in a laree Iron iii.niufactory for several years; Is Inmillar with maebiiiery, an accurate accountant and Is ready lor anything except liquors nnd patent agencies; ran furnish first class eltv ref orencos anu Is not alralil ol work. Address box 830 Cald woll Post oilier. N. -I. IP ANY PROPRIETOR OK HOTEL W ANTS A HEAD a alter call at IWl West 27th at. T. A. B. RESPECTABLE Mil .Mi .MAN WISHES SOME Posi tion ol trust; Is not alraid lo work; good security. Ad dres- W. IU, IjO West 2hth St.. store RELIABLE BOY, 17, RESIDING WITH PARENTS, wlsucs situation; accustomed to office work; speaks French; undersianu* bookkeeplngi first class reference; advancement. 122 F.nat 17th st. oilUATION i anTKD-BY a YOUNQ Ban, IB i jrifilen or as porter; willing and obliging, unexeeptionnble reierances FRANK- llereld office C'TUATION wanted?by" a "young mam. AuBO tjls. In a wholesale store or oflice of most any kind mot parilcularl, either to write or dn other work ; best city ref erence. Address W. N. I'., box 472, Morrlstown, N. J. SITUATION WANTED ? it Y a COM PETI. NT NUK.SK. kjtnasnk or Invalid gentleman ; A I city inference. Ad dress, for four day s, O.. I.ox lsu llerald Uptown llraneh oflice. SITUATION WARTBD?AS WAITER. BY A VERY competent man ; has lived with the first I am I lies In th.i city; best reference. Apply iu the drug store corner ol Gib sr. and 1191 li st. Ul ANTED?BY A YOUNG MAI* fl'ROTESTANT), A situation as port r; Is agreeshle and willing: gooil rel erence. Address ADVERTISER, box I 4A4I New York Post situation as port r; I- agreeable and ice ' office. [TANTED?EMPLOYMENT. Bf YOUNG MAN WILL w .. Ing to wors ; lias worked In grocery and garden ; low wages; good reference. Address WILLING, bos 123 llerald Uptown other. SITUATIONS Wi\TED-/ALK*. WAN'fKD^BY A YbUKlT KNULISII \i aVTa BITUA ttou on board a steamer hi steward or walla--, not afraid of work; highly re.pertablr and willing; will go first uiontb oo trl*. for no (alary, having n great with to ere iba world; baa been to aea before. Address T. rt. P.. Herald office. w ANTED-lAIIMERS -ITUATlOX BY A MARRIED couple. Address M. W.. box 134 Ilnrald office. WANTED-KITUATION AS BAH TENDER: YOUNG man, eober. not afraid to work ; city or country: c>od refereuce; security If required. Address 1' C., Herald offire. WANTED-HY A GKNTLF.MAK A SITUATION FOR his first class butler In a private lam ily : he has Herd with roe for the last 13 years: lioueat, sober and obligln-; 1 ran recommend bim as first class 'n every respect. Apply at 404 5tb ay., corner 37th St.. for two days. w AITKR.-KIR.ST CLASS COLORED WAITER. WITH itood reference. 331 West 14th at. 4VIQ EAST 14TH HT.?A CHINAMAN AS FIRST ?? lOclasa cook In hotel or private family; best city refer ence. OT?I7ril AV?A FRENCH MARRIED COUPLE. IN AS* Jus private family: man as llrst class waiter; woman as good, competent cook; together or separata; best refers ence. CLERKS AND 3ALKSMEN. "a'YOUNO MAN DESIRES EMPLOYMENT; UN XAderslsnd- boolckeeping; excellent reference ; low salary. Aadress DUTIFUL. Herald office. A YOU.NO MAN. (iOt)D ACCOUNTANT. THOKOUllll XVly educated In French, Herman. English, with a busi ness knowledge of Spanish and Italian, desires position; best references. Address M. H. P., bog 3H Post office, Brooklyn, K. D. A YOUNG MAN WISH I 8 A SITU ATION AS CLERK in a wholesale or retell grocery hn?lness; good city ref erence. Address 8., bog 134 Herald office. A BOOKKEEPER DESIRES ANY EMPLOYMENT; small salary; excellent references. Address H.. box 337 Herald office. FIRST HATP. HAT SALESMAN WANTED. -APPLY, Lwith good reference, at HALL'S, 25U Greenwich St. A GENTLEMAN. ACCUSTOMED TO KILL POSITIONS of trust as accountant, correspondent or cashier. apeaU Ing and writing th-eo languages, desires a position with a good house. Address SOUTHERNER, llerald office. An englishman, lately arrived, aged 29, who Is about to settle in Chicago, wishes to obtsln an agency; has had consldersb'e business experience and can Itirniah first class references. Address AGENT, Herald office. A FIRST CLASS COUNTER HAND AND SALESMAN for retail to ? business; one having served an appren ticeship to the bn*iues< In the old country preferred. Ad 1 _ _ I . 1. * ? ... b. T VTDM I? IKV' ?I I .1 -MR .. d.esa, with references, age, Ac.. INTEGRITY, llerald office. A GOOD BOOKKEEPER DESIRES EMPLOYMENT as such or as clerk: good penman; references; salary, SlOwuekiv. Address ENERGETIC, llerald office. ?STEEN BROTHERS WANT A FIRST CLASS ?floor walker; only those having had the hast rlty expe rience In that capacity need apply between 10 and 12 A. M., :*I7 tlth nv. A BOOKKEEPER-ONE FAMILIAR WITH LIVERY and stable business. Address, stating references, salary, Ac., EXPECTATIONS, Herald Uptown office. Druggists.?graduate wants employment-, reference: moderate salary. Address CLERK, 1341 Kldge av., Philadelphia. Drug clerk wanted-must be competent. speak German, and not afraid of work..MENNINGEK'S, 25 Sands St.. Brooklyn. Experienced drug clerk wantkd-whocan incest $5U() In the business. Addresf B, K. S., Herald Uptown Branch ofiio-. Hardware and cutlery.?first class sales man open for en.-ageinent; satisfactory references. Address Z.. Herald office. POSITION DESIRED BY THOROUGH BOOKKKEP rr-Quick. correct; first class references. Address WAL LACE, llerald office. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. AGED 31. A P08I tion tut receiving, shipping or entry clerk: over fire years' reference and experience from last employer. Ad dress C. A. H.. Herald office. WANTED-DRUG CLERK; ONE NOT AFRAID OP work : wages 840 to $45 per month. Apply at W. N. HARLOW'S Pharmacy. Brick Church station. Orange, N. J., Main st.. corner Harrison. WANTED?A YOUNG MAN, A GOOD WRITER AND llgnrer; salary moderate. Address, in own handwrit ing. LITHO. llerald office. One who has bad some experi ence in a lithographing house preferred. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR linen stilts, with etty and near by trade. BROWNOLD A Co., 413 Broadway. YOUXd MAN WANTED TO ASSIST IN SALESROOM of manufacturing establishment; one living at heme preferred. Address, giving reference, box 5,141 Post office. New York. WANTED?A THOROUGH GROCERY CLERK. It RAM hall and Jackson avs.. Jersey City Heights; take Monti cello amine cars, Cortlandt street ferry. w ANTED?SALESMEN TO SELL ARTICLE merit on commission. J. H. HUNT, Herald office. \%T ANTED?A GERMAN DRUG CLERK. WITH THREE rV or lour years' experience. Address, with references. DRUGS, station L, Now Y'ork Post office. B COACHMEN AND GAKUEYERS. "a~gentlkman wimies"to 'procure a'pITace Jilor his coachman: excellent references given; eleven years with subscriber's lather: only left on breaking up of ihe establishment. ELLIOT SMITH, 50 Wall st. AB~COACH.MAN ANT) GARDENER: CAN MILK, MOW lawn; Protestant: aged 25: wages. $15; good references. Address WILLIAM, box 123 Hursld office. A?WANTED, A SITUATION AS COACHMAN AND .,-ronm. by a first class man: understands the care of carriage and road I orsos thoroughly. Address W. G? Brewster A Co.'e, 47th st. and Broadway. ArOUNQ MAN WISHES A SITUATION TO TAKE care of horses; can do plain garoening and milk; nine years' experience; best reference; no objection to country. Address A M.. lift East 73d st. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN (COLORED), wishes a-Dilution ns conrlnnnn: good city reference! Call at 32 East 40th st. A FIRST CLASS PROTEST ANT COACHMAN WANTS a situation any time betwocn now and the 1st of June; hss been nine years In last plaee: csn drive four; don't taste iiny Injuor. Address .1.11, 465 4th ay. A FIRST CLASS (OACllMAN WANTS A sITUA tion; thoroughly understands his hualnris; best city reference. Address COACHMAN, 145 Franklin st. A YOUNG, HKSPEOTaBLBCOLORED MAN WISHES a situation as eoachmnn or groom : no objection to going In the country. Call for eleven dnys, 3U!) Enst S5th st. AS COACHMAN. GARDENER AND USEFUL MAN; single : vtpii moderate ; good reference. Ad drees W. H., box 122 Herald office. AS COACHMAN. BY COMPETENT MAN; FTVK veers' excellent city recommendations Ir?.m hi* lute employer. Cell on or address J., box 101 Herald Uptown Branch. A COACHMAN. OROOM. SINGLE, CAN MILK: generally nsehil, bolh cltv soil country; first clee* ref erences. Address A., box 152 Herald office. A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED ENGLISH COACIi mmi wenu e situation; Urat class city reference. 130 W est 2Hth St. GENTLEMAN WISHES TO PROCURE A PLACE Lfor his coachmen. Call lor two days. No 8 Bast 31st at. BY A SCOTCHMAN, RECENTLY ARRIVED. WITH good credentials, as a thorough servant, itroom, roach - man. hutler. or a family cook or stoward of|a hotel. Ad dress SCOTCHMAN, 2t> Centre st. CTO AC H MAN.?CITY OR COUNTRY; GOOD REFER yemnre. Address Mntual CInb stable, 138 West 31st at. tTOACHMAN. GARDENER. GKNKRALLY USEFUL 2man, wants situation: can milk; moderate wages; best reference. Address U., Herald office. CTOAUHMAN AND GROOM-BY A SINGLE YOUNG y in an : can milk ; mow lawns; accustomed to city or coun try igeneially nsefnl; Ore years' reference. Address O., box 226 llerald ofliee. GTAKDENEK, SIMILE (40i. WIDELY EXPERIENCED Tin all th" brnnches of gardening, wishes a situation in a private place or as stn.uman in nny nursery. Address ALEXANDER DLLE, box 646 Post ofliee. Bridgeport, Conn. TTARDENER'S SITU ATI ON?It Y A SINGLE MAN; VXgood florist, (rntt and vegetable gardener; can take care of a horse or cow; good reference. Address 0., box 120 Herald office. CTARDENKB'8 BIT UATION WANTKD-STRICTLY Tttrst class; fully competent to (III a first class place : ttinr ouglt practical knowledge of every branch connected wltn horticulture and agriculture, the propagation and cultiva tion ol green and not honse plants, graperies, vineyards on tlio most improved system, landscape imurovement; first class city references to this effect: married man. Address PRACTICAL GARDENER, for one week, st Lynch A Kelly's, florists, 878 Broadway. SITUATION WANTED BY~A MIDDLE-AdED GKR O.MAN (single) ascaachman and gardener; l? willing to make hlmsolr generallr uselul: 10 yeara' reference from last employer. Address GARDENER Herald office for two days. SITUATION WANTED AS COACHMAN, BY A YOUNG Omsrrled msn; no Incumbrance: live years' refereneo from last employer; IS years a driver in New York city. Call or address 141 East 32d si. SITUATION WANTED- BY A YOUNG GERMAN. WHO understands training ofhorssa as coachman; best refer ences. Applv at Forsyth st. WAMTKD-A .SITUATION AH GARDENER BY A tliorou.'h practical man well up In all the branches of the profession; can eoinn well recommended; English: single . ARM32. Address G. B.. Herald Uptown office. llfANTRD?A SITUATION BY BXPRRIIXCMD TV eoaeliman; has six years' refereneo from last place. Call st Bradley's stable, H East 31st st. \\J ANTED?BY AN KRGLtMH MAN. TO WORK FIVE VT or sis hours dally lor boatd on Htaten Island; under stands gardening; first class reference. Address U . box 221) llersld office. WANTED-A FIRST CLASH SALESMAN TO RICPHK sent a large maoiilsctiiiTng company In this city. Ap ply at 43 av. II. after 10 A. M. WANTED?A SITUATION As GARDENER AND farmer, by a single man; 15 years' experience ; good reference Address GARDE,NEK. box 120 Herald office. A IIKIjP WA^TKIh-MAliKH. NY"~*PKE."iON UAN ThaRe" living anywhere without capital. TAI.LMADGK A CO.. 682 Broadway. Agents in every county.-bkst thing on record; business permanent. 26 University plaee, after 10 A. M. A GENTS, WITH 80U. CAPITAL, CAN MAKE $10 daily selling AM KRV'8 spring show cards. 101 Bowery. AMBROSE DUNLKYXY'S .JAPAN AND JAVA TEA Xl.and Coffee Company, office and wholesale and retail de pot. 204 Water and 2-> Fulton St., corner Water; great bar 6airs offered; -ample tea, green, black, inlxeu, .1 span, all Inds. 2S? ; prima coffee, "27c.; call or send for price list; department heathen gods, Chinese and Japanese goods np stairs: ton store signs, bamboo watch chains and lanterns In great variety. Agents wanted, male and female Good salesman and collector wanted lor New York sud Brooklyn trade. A GOOD SITUATION WILL BE GIVEN TO A BUSl nsss man that can loun Ills employer Irnm $1,2111) to $|,500, on good seenrI|v. Address IE HOWARD. Brooklyn Post offire. OTIYK, INTELLIGENT AND~ RESPECTABLY dr ssed men wanted, to deliver, collect an I sell Rand's New York Ulty Business INncMry in this and other large cities; salary paid and permanent employment to good msn; $H' deposit required from local scents, no time to look niter references. Apply lo WALTER IIKUGH A CO., Publisher*. 3 I'sis place, New f ork. __ A FEW MEN WILL HE TAUGHT LIGHT. PLKAS aant ladonr lieafnese: pays in any elty $3to$6daj; done home; tools and Instruction, $10, 2 .Clinton place (eerner Broadway), room 2, KELP WAIHTEU?MALES. T~S8El A B Lb" f? ftofbflf A N't MaN/DF MIDI) LITiCTTb, ./Vunmarried. active and eleanlv In his hstiits. to take charge of horse. raws, swine mid poultry : lit must bo t good mllkor and bo willing to ntako hlraacM useful generallv; tes tiutonlal ot long sarvituda Irom Itit euiplovor absolutely no cessary. Address -I. B.. box 2,Hofi Pott c-filce. Wanted-TOM A ICE HIMSELF GK.N EK A I.I.Y JVoaelul: mast be wall n commended. Inquire in the dry good* atore III Spilnr tl. Ahoy ivameu-at bhoadwav, upstairs; ?>act por week. Mercantile pirm wants a-book k kr per. with unqiiottinnable roferencot. who run advance $50D on perfect collateral. Addreta IMMEDIATELY, llcrnld offloa w MANUFACTURING COMPANY WANTS HKNKRaL agents; tetrlioriee. lO to :to conntlet: part over JAO I; unquestionable releraucot lndituene il> e. 262 Broadway, room 20. PURE TKAri?BEST TKKMhTO AGENTS SELLING to fumiliet and lurgo contumert. The WELLS TEA COMPaNY, 2(11 Kit Hon at.. New York. WAN rBII?XllKAl)"WAITER I N A KhaT VUKANT; mutt answer where reference can be ootained. Ad dress A. W., box 187 Herald olllce. ANTED?A~BOY FOR A LAWOFFicE." ADDRESS handwriting to REGINALD IIAKT . Ill's Broadway. ANTED?M AN TO 1IK~ GENERALLY USEFUL; smalt cash capital, Addresa C. O. P., Herald Uptown offieo, "11/" ANTED - AGENTS TO SELL NKW PATE "tI.D~A? if tlcle on commission ; never before introduced in this city. AdlressJ. C Co., Ilerald office. WANTKD-AN BXPKKIBNCBD MAN W1IO THt>R" on rhly understands how to polish coffees, hair them' Ac Oue familiar with the bnsinesa and competent to art as foreman can secure steady employment and good wages by addressing C. B. A CO., Herald office. AJtrSO?AOBMTi AMD TRAVELLING SALESMEN. Call at 21 Broadway, room 4. Unusual induce.uent*. A. LEVI NORTON. ANTED-A MA'S ACQUAINTED WITH ~TH8 finer good* trade to canvass the ell? with a new arti cle. Address, with references. L., carrier route No 211. W AN FED-A COLORED BOY TkoJI 12 TO 15 years of age, to inaku himself generally n-efnl in a store. Must read and writs and have the best ol references. Address MERCHANT, station H. w w w WANTED-A SMART YoUNG MAN AS WAITER; must bring good reference. Apply at 2UB Church St.. between (I and 10 to-day. ANTED?TUKKK GOOD NOON WAITEK8. AT F. BLANCKK A CO.'B.D7 Cedar st YOUNO MAN TO ATTEND DELIVERY AND ASSIST In merchant tailoring store; previous experience indis pensable. 210 Uronilwnr, between 8 and !? A. M _____ THE TRADES. AN EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER IN ALL branches (iu unci outside work, hotel or private) wl-lies a situation. Address HENRY S., 023 8th av., New York. "A MKCliANfo A L"EN0INKER WISHES A KITUA JYtlon to run a stationary engine. Addresa G. K. K., Herald Uptowu office. Assistant measure cutter wanted.?appLt immediately at 210 Broadway. A SITUATION WANTEi) BY AN KNUINKER-CAN do his own repairing or will fire ; best reference. Ad dross A., box 150 Herald Uptown office. A" FIRST CLASS FRENCH CUTTER. FITTEU~AND designer desires a position; best relorenco. Apply at ?>Easi ISth st. Machinist or any good workman in iron and wood can acquire a liberal Interest in n new ma chine. which will he In larger demand when seen by thosx lur whom It Is intended than any Invention of the age, merely for getting up new patterns In right style and a few machines for exhibition; would oho exchange a further Interest for small House in Jersey City, with suitable per son to undertake the enterprise as a permanent business. Addiess H., buz 218 Ilerald office. S" OAP MAKER WANTED. IMMEDIATELY-GOOD wages and permanent employment given an experienced, first class s >up maker; none but a sober, temperate mull need apply. S. W. McliUIDE A CO., corner 16th and Bnrnslde sts., Chicago, 111. WANTED PRACTICAL SOAPMAKER TO GO to Portland. Me. Apply to R. WILLIAMS. St. Nicho las Hotel, between 12 and 2 o'clock Wednesday and Thurs day or this week. ? WATCH MA K E It WANTED.- I N~Q CI KK ~113 I'ROB poet placo, corner Kintbush av.. Brooklyn. Ring brst bell. ANTED?A DRAUGHTSMAN. USED TO LGCOMO tire and rear wheel working drawings. WARD B. SNYDER. 91 Fulton st. w WANTED?BOOK COMPOSITOR; GOOD WORK; 25 centsper l.OOU etna. Address PUBLISH Kit, box 1H7 Ilerald office. ANT KD-A WHEELWRIGHT AND CARrIaU E painter at II. B. SIKL'S, 54 Lafayette place. TV7"ANTED?AN ENGINKBR WHO UNDERSTANDS II sawing, in n kindling wood factory. Apply to J. S. GILMOKh, No. 528 West 16th st. w w ANTED?A BUSHEL.MAN AND TAILORhSS. ply at 565 Broadway. WANTKD-A SITUATION AS ENGINEER. ADDRESS LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER, 760 3d av , city (adver tisement office). Ai. FVRNITUUE. CARPETS.' D. KELLY, 414 6th nr.. corner 25th at, and 513 and 514 Rth av., corner 3tRh si, will continue, for the next 15 days, to ?fler extraordinary bargains In Carpets, Mats, Matting, Rugs, Shades, Cornice, Cnrtnins, Oilcloths, Linoleum, Ac. Country order* promptly attended to. All goods shipped free of charge. bTkK CHANCE?TWO MA(INlVICKNT TARLOR *uitea, covered In two colors satin, cost $1,21X1. lor #175; sultos in reps $50 and 35; Etvgeres. Cabinets, Tallies, Bronses. Paintings, Bedroom Sets, Dressing Cases Bed steads, Waahetanda, Ac., plain, carved and gildod. Irom $30 to $150, Mattresses, Carnets. Ac., Library and Dining room furniture; also magnificent Decker Pianoforte, all modern improvements, cost fl.ixki, for $275, stool, cover, caae tor shipping. Call at private residence, 120 West 23d st., near 6th a v. ?THK POPULAR FURN1TITRE"MAN17PACTUREKS, ?BAUMANN BROTHERS. 2'AS and 230 Hudson, comer Broome St., the cheapest and moat reliable bouse to buy Carpets, Furniture or Bedding, for cash or inatalmeuts, ny the week or month. PRIVATE "PAMTlv"WILL, SBLL IIA.VDSOME AND desirable Household Furniture, in lots, vir.: Parlor Suits, in satin* and taneatries lit pieces), coat SttM). tor $1 2.'). 9175; Meinway Pianoforte. #2'i> rtcli and plain Bed room Sets. $40, $150; walnut Bedsteads, 40 lb. hair Mat trrssas, $K>; spilng Beds, rep aud haircloth Suns. $.'l ); Li brary and Dining Furniture. .Mirrors. Paintings, Bronses. Silverware. Ac. N. B.?Elegant Cabinet Upright tlrand Piano, $175; llox for shipping. Call, private residence. No. 47 West 11itli st.. between 5th and Rth avs. UENTLKMAN WILL SACRIFICE Ills MAGNIkT cent Household Fnrnitnre.? Magnificent crimson satin Parlor Suit, made to order, cost $otX), lor $17.5; one do . $150; rosewood grand 7>j octave Pianoforte. Carpels, Mir ror, Curtains. Paintings, orooatel. rep and halrclolli sitting room Suit. $25 up: magnificent Chamber Suit, cost $40o, for 4I10T): walnut Bedroom Suits, with Dressing Cases, $41 > up; Mattresses. !)oddlng. Library. Dining Fnrnitnre. Silver ware; a great bargain. Call immediately at residence. 51 West 24th st.. between 5th and Rth avs., near Broadway and Madison square. A" I COMPLETE * IIOCftEIIOLD F I." UNIT I.'RE OF ?private residence 2tXI West 25th *t , near 7lh sr., at a aneriflce for casti; also an elegant stein way. nsed a little while, tor ?175. At ororur~a7clarkE's."747 broadway.-supe rior Fnrnitnre, Carpets, Parlor Beds, Ac., at cash prices, on liberal terms of payment. BANKRUPT STOCK.?ftkTTlINO AT HALF PRICK. Fnrnitnre, Carpets. Crockery, Mattresses, Spring Beds, Plated Warn : everything used In hotel. 244 Cunal St.. op posite Fane's llotal. IlOK SALE?f.V?-D'ii;BLfc BOSK WOOD AM) IIUtTcX let suit Parlor Furnlturo. eight pieces. Inquire 444 West 29d st. FURN1TCRK,'carpets. MIRRORS. PIANOS, par lor Suits, Bedroom Sets, Beds. Bedding, Buffets. Folding Bed-. Arnioirs. Desks, Ac. Private sale at auction prices, 3;? East 13th. Hall mattings. 4.4, white 17 ,c, imperial 25c. ; Red Check, rich fancy Ingrain Carpets, Rugs, Ac. It and 13 West Houston *t. Largest stock and lowest prices for fcr. nltnre and Carpeta lor cash or liberal terma of payment at COW PER TH W AlT' S, 155 and 157 Chatham st.; 13 large warerooma. Largest stock and lowest prices for fi b nltnre, for cash or liberal terms of payment, t. HAl.'MAN. 47f> (Irai d st.. between Pitt and Willett. Misfit carpets, oil cloths and mattings very cheap at the old place 112 Fnltou st. Call or tend for price. TO BE SOLD AT HALF ORIGINAL CONT-A HAND some Bedroom suit, nearly new. black walnnt anu mar ble ; no dealer*. Also two Booms to let unfurnished. 125 West 11th M>, top fio?r. The largest assortment and best""parlor and Sola Hods are Payne's patent*. Ktl 4to av. CltOTHIH<A. At flatto*-. Milium av . near 4otii*si^Wf'?? percent morn than elaewltero will positively lie paid lor ?if >lf Clothing. Aildn?, Mr. or Mis ThATfO. A" OA.VKNON FAVS THKHlGGn.Br PRICKii IN ? America for Ladies' and Gentlemen's t'aat-ulf Clothing. Send lor lilin. 172 Bridge *1,, near High. Brooklyn. AT HARRIS'. HI BTH~ aTv.T NEAIt WaVKKLKY place?The utmost value obtained for Cast-oil t'lothitig, .lewelrv. t'arpots. Books. Ac. l ull or address Mr. or Mrs. II ARK IS. T~~ilARRIS' 1,274 BROADWAY, BETWEEN 32D and 33d sts. ? Broadway print* paid for oast off Clothing. calling or addressing K. H ARRIS, 1,274. A GREAT DKMAND.-f25.lX10 WORTH CAST-OFF Clothing, Carpets, Furniture wanted linmodiatel ,v for the Western market by Mr. or Mr*. ANiiALT, 17s 7th av. AT B. MINTS'*, 24ft 3D AV., BETWEEN 20TH AND 21at sta.. ladle* aad gentlemen will he astonished at great prices paid lu cash lor Casr-OlT t lothiug. Jewelry, as we hate received large orders for Western anl .southern trades. Orders punctually attended by Mr. or Mrs. MINTS, AT NATHAN'S. 33,',' BTH AV., NEAR 4TH ST.-CAST off Clothing wanted immedlaiely; highest value paid by calling or addressing Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. ASTHOLOG1. X'^ONDKiiFCL CHILD. GIFTED" WITH" SECOND j'Vsiglit, tells everything without i|Uestlonlng. 123 West 40th st.. near Broadway. L$ 1 ,i )0U?GREATEST I iKM Y It I, K < 7 LA I It V< ?VaNT ? Is Mrs. FOSTER. Has removed, 1U5 East 13th st., near 4th av. ?m m k. la blanche! the okeat in .rivalled business and medical clairvoyant. 102 West 31-1 at., near Bill av. t WONDER OF ffiS AUK -MRS. PHILIPS. MEDI J\ .ral. Business Clairvoyant; names, likenessos. 141 Weak 4Dth at. Mm c. NOMA I II M.I.EM, i - THE worldI Iteveals your life, locates diseases. 472 Canal st. Con sultation fl. PMOFBMMOK LISTER. 505 WEST 23D HT.-HOURS ft to H. Bend for circular. Money letter* must ba regis tered. HAJiEl A* AUCTTO!*. A^^L'NIS J(Yil.VxO.\, aCci fONEKK. ? Old stand. 87 Mtuiii at. Till* DAV. AT 1?M OCLOCI. at our ?alMruom. 37 Nwtu at., 8AI<K OK llOl'hKIIULD FURNITURE, Carpets, Plnnu. Mirrors, Ac.; groat qnautlty uf Hardware ?f evwry description, Offlca Furniture. Alio II) >11 Tar plated nhowcuaefc Alio a lot uT antique Jewtlry. Walfhai, (Jhnlna, J<ock?P,Kiui;4. Repeaters A Alan a lot oT Blank Bonks, Files. I'aiei, Gold Pens, Pencils. Scrai> Hooka. Ac By order of the Assignee. A?THE MESnlCH. LKAV1TT. AUC flONKKKB. ? Art Konma, HI7 Broadway, Til 18 (Thursdy)EVKNING TIIK WITTIIAUS "COLLECTION. Kin* Oil Palntloka: alto otliera Iroui private colloe'.lona. THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 3>g o'clock, at Clinton llall. Private Library of fine Book*. THIS (Thursday; and following evenings, at 7*< o'clock, at Clinton Hall, sale of Pine Art atin Illustrated Books. UCTION SALE >F MAGNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD Purnilure to be aold THIS (Thursday) MORNING, commencing at 1" o'clock, at the private residence. NO. 120 WEST 23D ST.. NEAR ?TH AT. 2 brilliant toned PlanoioMea. Htelnway and Decker. It superb Parlor Suits, in aatln. 2 elegant rosewood Etagcres. 23 choice broose Figures. 3 ) Hue Oil Paintings, best artists. 23 Brussels and ingrain Carpets 3 Library Kookraacs. -t elecaiit Library l ables. 3 Easy Chairs. Turkish style. 12 elegant Bedroom suits complete. In black sralnnt. 21 curled hair and spring Mattresses. 24 Pillows and Holsters. 8 black walnut Lounges. 2 elegant blue* walnut Buffets. 3 superb Extension Tables. 2 China Diuner and Tea Sets, Silverware, Cutlery, Ac. Catalogue contains over 4tsi lots. Ll'KE HTZUKRALD, Auctioneer. UCTION BALE AT PItIVATE_REBLDKNCE. Household Furniture. I'll IS (I'llursnar i MORNING, eoiiimrueing nt HI o'clock, at Ave atory brown siono private residence. NO. 47 WK8T1RTH ST.. BKIWKEN 3TH AND OTII AV8 Furniture, made to ordei tor present owner by l.a Hupre A Co. i also msgnillceiit selection of One Oil Paintings and llronses. purchased by owner while In I- urope. STEIN WAY FOUR ROUND 7!-. OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, CiltCKKRING UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. PAKI.UK AND DkaII INli Koll.ll vllTc. richly carved rosewood and walnut frames, covered in crimson, tali and guld brocade satin and coielaiuo; Turkish and Sounisli Lounges Hnsy Chairs, inlaid nianinetry and gilt Centre and Cousole Tables, rosewood l-.tageres Cabinets, French plate Mirrors, tace Curtains, Frencn Mantel Sets, OO-day Clocks, Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire llookcusog, Books, Library Tables. luikish Suit, Writing Desk. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Seta, inlaid aud gilt Bed steads, Dressing Cases. Bureaus. Withstands. Single and Doui.le Bedsteads, 33 (lne hair and spring Mattresses, feather Pillows, Blankets, l'ollet Sets, reo and plush Suits, marble ton Tables, Chairs, Rockers. Reclining Chairs, l ounges. DINING FURNITURE- Extension Tables. Sideboard, Chairs in leather. Silverware, Crockery. Library and Secre taire Bookcases, Li .rary Taht-s, Turkish Suit, two Hall Stands Velvet. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets; Kltonun. I ake Broadway. Sixth avenue or University place ears to 47 West lBth St., between 3th and 8th aw. N. B.? Goods packed or shipped if desired. House fur nished last May at the cost of $23,<i<)0. R. 0. CAHHIH. Auctioneer. UCTION BALE Tills DAT, This (THURSDAY) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock The entire conteutsof private residence 130 EAST 10I'll ST.. BETWEEN 3D AV. AND IKVINO PLACE, ONE BLOCK EAST OF UNION SQUARE. SATIN PARLOR SUITS. ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, FINE COLLECTION OF BRONZES AND OIL PAINT INGS. CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DININO FURNITURE. Parlors?Elegant 7M octave Pianoforte, two magnificent Purlor Suits, inlaid Hamas, covered in expensive satin; handsome moriiueterie Cabinet Etageru. with French plate glass, inlaid; Pedestals. Bronze Groups, Figures anil Statu ettes. expensively framed Oil Paintings, Lace Curtains, Pier Mirrors. Centre and Console Tables, velvet Brussels Carpjts. Itugs, Mais, Au. Clismbers? Heavy mounted nnd inlaid sets of Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Waabstauils, Wardrobes. Chairs, Rockers, spring Boils, curled hair Mattresses. Pillows, complete Suits in reps and haircloth, Louugea, Pictures. Engravings, Cat nets. Clocks, Ac. Library and Dining Room Turkish Sets, In tapestry and raw silk: Secretaire and Library Bookcases, Desks Library Tables, Bookstands; 2 Extension Tables, one u pillar, with patent slides; 24 Dining Chairs, carved and Inlaid Buffet, Silver and I'lutod Ware,Cutlery, Glassware. Two handsome UatataniD. Stair Carpets and other good and well preserved Household Furniture. ALBERT KKAKMER. Auctioneer. N. IT.?Goods packed, boxed and shipped It required; safe delivery guaranteed; goods stored until June 1 I reo of charge. AuctionI ~~ auction! auction! THIS (Ihnrsdav) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, over HDD lots by catalogue. Magnificent Household F'lirniture. at the pri vate mansion No. 31 West 24th st.. between 3th and tith ava.. a halt a block west of Broadway and Madison suuare Magnificent rosewood 7 1-3 octave Pianoforte, latest style; Parlor Suits, in aatln brocada, reps and haircloth; Turkish Chairs, Lounges. Mirrors, Tables, Etageres, Paint inas. Chromes, Vases, Clocks, magniilcent Heurooni Suits, with Dressing Ca-oa. Single and Double Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Wxsbstand*. Commodes, Wardrobes, Hair and Spring Mattrossea, Bedding. Chairs. Lounges, Turkish Suits. Book oases, Desks. Curtains. French walnut Sideboards, Exten sion Tables, Glaum. China, Silverware. Cntlerv ; 21 Carpets. K. ROTH. Auctioneer. (Foods packed and delivered for pur chasers. Teen Fourth avenue, Broadway or Sixth avenue cars to 24m st. UCTION. ' A UCTION! AUCTION. Attention, Housekeepers, Attention. Important unreserved sale THIS f!7itir?dav) MORNING, commencing at H)A? o'clock, at the elegant live story brown stmio mansion NO. 20H WEST 23TII ,>T.. NEAR 7TH AV. Elegant llardnian Pianoforte and a superb Upright, maker awarded Centennial mraal; saliu. eote.ine and rep Parlor cults. Mirrors. Curtains, Clocks. Centre, bid* and Console Tables. Ornaments, Ac.; elaborate Bedroom Sets, Bedsteads. Dressing Cases. Wssnstands. Bureaus, Mat tresses. Pillows. Bolsters, Blankets. Hookcas-s, Writing Desks. Llbrsry Tallies. (HI Paintings. Ktngrres. Ao. Dining Room Furniture?Extension Table, Bnffet, Chairs. Silver ware. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Castors, 13 elegant Brussels and Ingrain Carpets and a general assortment nt Household Articles. N. B. - Goods packed and shipped If desired. Sale positive, rain or shine. B. R. MARTIN, Auctioneer. Take 7th, Nth or Hth av. ears. AC HON IGSHK KG, AUCTIONEER, ? will veil thi* day, 1UW o'clock. I'M East 13th it., Fur future. Carpet*. Mirror*. Ac., comdatlng of Hrus.vel* and in grain Carpet*, black walnut Chamber and Inning Room Salt*. Wardrobe*, Hat Hack. Hnream. \Va*u*taud*. Cottage ?Suit, black walnut and oak|Dining Chair*, hair and other Mattri'iaes lonther Pillow* and Holitrri. Blanket*. Qntlta and Spread*. Bed Glncn, Ac.: China. Crockery, Claaa and Plated Waro: alio a largo a-*ortm?M Tov*. Candy .Inr*. Root Beer 1'ittnp, complete; Country Carriage, Herring'* Safe. Dealer* Invited. A~?1CTl()X SAM'. OK VALUABLE PIER INTEREST, Tier No. 5 North hlver, at the Exchange Salesroom. Ill Broadway, oh THURSDAY, May 17, at uoon, by LOUIS MKSIKR. Till* Intercat I* nearly one-tlfth (1-1) of the entire Pier and Bulkhead, and yield* net nunnal rent of $11.3411 44. Sale without reserve: particular* at time ol axle. \ LFUKl) LLOYD, AUCTIONEER^ WILL THIS DAY. JVai 2 o'clock, tell by auction the Fixture* and Content* ol end in the Reatauranl and Bar, 943 Broadway, corner 2Vd i t. A-OEO. W. Kr.KLKR, AUCTIONEER. ? Salearooma oil and 11 Liberty it. TO-HAV (Thursday), at 12 o'clock. Parian and bt*nue Group* and Figure*. Majolica were, China, Ton and Toilet ?ets. i-OKO.' VV. KhKLKIt. AUCTIONKKIL ? Snleirmitn* 13 and 51 Liberty *t. Now on oxhibltiou and to be aold MV AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Mar IS and IB at 12 o'clock. AICT UOuDS FRL?I PARIS. VIENNA AND GENEVA, comprising Rich Carving*. Muaical.Hoxe* andtAlbum*. Trav elling Ca*e*. Porcelain. Painting*, Toilet Article*. Ac. A" "LOTION "bale OF PAPER HANGINGS AND Bordering bv LEWIS K. WOOD. Auctlonner, Ihi* morning, at l(Jt* o'clock, at 2111 llenderaon ?t.. near Montgouiar.v *t., Jersey City; SOU roll* of Paper llangiuga and HnO roll* of Bordering. ?FURN1TURK rtA LB, ? Now on exhibition. BARKER A CO.. 47 und 49 Liberty at.. will sell. TO MORltOW (Friday). May IS. at 12 o'clock, an Hue assortment ? f superior made Cabinet furniture, consisting of elegant Parlorr nil* in crlin*ou velvet and ?atiu rep*: r.iisthixe *nd walnut He ironm suit*, Bnlfet* Ward rohea. Boukca*e?. Bluing and l-lbrarr Chair*. Ac. ; all of the be*t vitr lu vnuf ictnre GEO. L BANKS, Auctioneer. 7ciiwabTauctioseer,~22s b<?wkrV7sells, ? II o'clock, 103 iltb *t? rirgant Fixture* of Saloon and Meeting Room ; Bar*. Borkbar. Bagatelle, Table*, Cbalr*, Clock*. Mirror*. Glasse* Ac. Dealer* It-vitrd. ?A.-B. DINUKK, AUCflONERR! ? Itemored to HKt Ea*t I4th *t.. tlx door* we*t of Broadway, will ?ell tc-morrow I Friday I, at 10 :3f? o'clock, new Parlor, Chamber and Library Furniture, Bedstead*. Table*. Ilall Stand* Maltr-s*ea, Holster*. I'lllow*, Ac. AI*o a Lot ol arcoud hand Fnrnitnre, Bedding, Ac., to gether with a choice lot of sherrv. Claret and Rhine Wine*. Brandies, Gin*. Itnm, Ac. Halo positive. Dealer* and other* Inv Ited to attend BF.N'JaMIN P. FAir.CIIILD. AUCTIONEER, Will *ell on Thursday, May 17, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange ?nl**room. No. HI Broadway, lb* valnabio Property known a* Karl'* Germanla Para, on 147th and l4Sth ?la., near 3d a*. For term*, Ac., apply at olhce of auctioneer. 0 Beach at.; MARTIN SCHWANKR, Executor, 312 Writ .17th at., or to M. c HKOSs. :i Chamber* *i. B WEAVER. .1 K.. AI CTD ?NKKR, WILL MtLL THIS ?day, at 4t*> 9th av , at t o'clock, a general asaorlmeiit of Good*, corisGHng of Coat*. I'ant*, Ve*ta, Dre??e*. Guilt*, Bed*. Bool* and Shoe*, Ac,, Ac. B ISSELL, WELLES A MILLET, AUCTIONEERS. FRIDAY. MAY. IS. ?t lo'i A. M? at our sale-room. No, 11 Murray *t. Regular *ale of llar-lwHre, Cutlery, French Tinware,Ja panned Toilet set*, .lain, tub*, Ac.; Lirtre <|u*uiily ol Woodenware, Tub*. Pall*. Wn?hl>o*rds. Shovel* and Spuie*. Ac. : Hi * I doten. Axe, Pick and sledge Handle*. SI *et- Oan Spoke*. a??orlinenl* 1to 2 and Incite*, tlr*t quality; j Mtl large line of eight-day eloeka. BY GEORGE II OOOK, AI CTIOXF.EII WILL SELL Mil* day. at 111 o'clock. Fixture* and stock of Urocerie* at 117 Wa*t 2Bth ?t. 13 COLTON, AUCTIONEER. ? Large and extra large ??le of Furniture, Plana*, parlor, utnuig room and bedroom, and every conceivable kind of rich and plain i multure. Il*l Carpel* and Oilcloth*. THIS DAY (ihuradarl. Ma* 17, at II o'clock, at the ? -loaruom -V *1 Broadway, below llouaion ?t.. rlrh Parlor, Bedroom nn I Dining Room Suit*; I'ler. Mantel and ovalFrrnco plate Mirror*; Parlor Organ, superb I'lam-*, rich umber and blue kntln Curtau*, Lambrei|Uin*, lace Cut - talk*. Children'* Corrtages, Boeftea***, Wardreoe*. side board*. Eat err*. I nbluett. Collage Suit*. Ii**t hair and Maltressr*, Oil I'aluting*. Engraving*. China and Ola** Ware. N. B.?The carpet* will be ?jld nh.oil 3 o'clock. HERTZ BE RO BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS, OFFICB 211 West llirtli *t ?IIK.NRV IlKRTZHKllG ?ell?, 10 o clock, .Vi Pin at.. Sto. k and Fixtures ol Grocery Store; Mian large a?*ortmeni of Elngtish Crockery. Positively In lei*. Dealer* Invited. Is. WEiMli.ilGliR. AUCTIONEER. SELLS I Ills ? dav (Thursday). May 17. at lnjj o'cloi k, at ?ale?room, 73 Bowery, h large ami gen r*l assortment of Parlor. Bed room and Dining Room Fnrnltnra. live good Sawing Ma chine*, Content* ol Cigar More and Sample Room ; alio an role* of Clock*, Dry Good*, Ac. H. SAXKS AT ATTCTtOW. S. HERTS 4SONS. A UCilO S*fKS3T ASSIGNEE'S SALE (SECOND DAT). RICO CHINA. GLAHSWAKK AND FAKCT GOODS, CLOCKS. BRONZES. AC., AC., THIS DAY, AT II O'CLOCK, AT NO. 17 PARK PLACE. THE ENTIItK STOCK OK V LARGE IMPORTING HOUSE, VALUED AT *K?.000. UBTIHa ladies ark particularly invited to a* TEND. ?S MANY THINGS WORTHY THEIR ATTEK TlON WILL BE POUND IN THIS SALE. PARTIES FURNISHING WILL FIND TITI8 AN EX. CKLLKNT OPPORTUNITY TU SECURE FIRST CLASS GOODS. EVERY LOT ON THE CATALOGUE WILL BE SOLD TO-DAY WITHOUT ANY RESERVE. BY URDER UK JAMES M. BRADY, ATTORNEY FOR ASSIGNEE. J~ AM ESC AG N BY, AUCTION KB II, 303 WTH ST., NEAR Sili uv. ? Assignee's ?*le ot Groceries and Liquor*, this u*y. ?t IO'j o'clock. ?l 73 S?h av.. near 14lh it., consisting of varied uiid assorted t)r*i class, fresh alock. via. :?Several elicits ot Ooloug, Young Hysou, Jap*n Teas, Sngars. Cof fee*, canned Fruits, boxes Soap iBaohltt's best, Ac.). Pre serve*. ('undented Milk barrel* Flour, nauoes, ease* of I raj ported Liquors, Impoitcd Cigar*, Ac.; also the elegant ana hupeib Kixtnre*. marble top butter and tea Conntert. SO Hue Boxes, Shelving, Cashier's Desk. Scales, Coffee Mill, Gas Fixtures. Ac. ; also a pair elegaut French plate Pier Mirrors to match, with Console Tables and connecting cor ner*. S ile peremptory. The trade invited. By order GEO. MARTIN, Assignee. "J^AKO AND SEA." No*- on exhibition, free, at the Kurt* Gallery, Mr. Edward Moran'e collection ot Pninliugs, to be sold THIS (Thursday) and TO-MORROW (Friday) EVENINGS, at 8 o'clock, at Association Ilall. Sir. Edward llrowp, of No, 220 nth av., will be In attend, ance at the gallery to give any iutorinatiou required, and will receive ordrr* to purcbuso. ROBERT SOMEKVIlLE, Auctioneer. orris" wTlkTnsV"auo'tioNEEK. ~ Building and Lot No. 55 South Fifth av. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will *ell at auction. On MONDAY, May21, 1877. at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange oulesroom, 111 Broadway (Irlmty Building). New York, South Fifth av.?The valuable three story Building, Stable and Lot, 25x100 feet, east side. 150 l'eet south of Bleeeker *t.; known a* No. 55 South Plf)h av. Mans at 3 Pine St., New York. jSKREMPTOKY SALE OF Garden and Tropical Plants, The extensive and rare stock of Garden Plants, Exotica, Palms, Roses, Ac., belonging to the American Exotic and Botanic Garden Compaur, Flatbush. L. I., will be sold by auction on the grounds, Friday, May 25, 1877. at 12 M. Thl* Is a rare chanco for gardeuors, Uorists and private parlies desiring hardy or tropical plants. Several thousand Plants, Garden Utensils, Horses. Wagons. Ac., will he told fur cash without reserve to the highest bidder. Flatbush cars from Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, and Nostrnnd avenue can irom MouOt seventh street lerry, Williamsburg, reach the grounds, DEMAS BARNES, Receiver, 21 Fark Row New York city. J. F. HISSeLL, Auctioneer. AW"nBROKER'H SALK.-S. FIKUSKI, GENERAL Auctioneer, 422 Kulion *L. Brooklyn, sells this day, at It o'clock. Men's uud Women's Ureases, Bedding, Coats, Pant*. Ve*ta, Ac., by order of il. A 11. McAleenan. PAWNbTiOKK R'S SALE.?R. FIELD, GENERAL Auctluneor, Salesroom, No. 152 Canal at, near Buwery. SO) lots Men's and Women's Clothing, Dresses. Shawls, Remnants, Underclothing, Guilts. Blanket*, Budding, Bouts, shoes. Ac., Ac.: also Coat*, l'anta and Vesta By order late Mrs. S. Fullun, West 30th st. F~AWN BR OKKR'SSALK?THOMAS J. McGKATH. AUG. tloueer, 15S Chatham st., corner Mulberry, will sell this day, 11 o'clock. Men's anil Women's Clothing, Dresses. Shawls, Remnants. Bedding. Boots. Shoes, and also Coats, Pants and Vest*. Watches aud J ewelry. Hv order J. L, Pragcr, West 33d st. PAWNBROKERS' HALE.?J AM ICS AGAR, AUCTION eer. will sell tbl* day, at 59 New Bowery, a large assortment of Hue gold aud silver Watches, Jewelry, Dia monds, Silverware, Guns, Pistols, Opera Glasses, Ac.. Ac. By order or SIMPSON. HOMERS A CO., 27 CHATHAM ST. 'To commence at 11 o'clock. HERMAN, AUCTIONEER. ? Wines, Liquors aud Cigars, Champagne, Ac., THIS DAY (Thursday). May 17, at 10)? o'cloek. No. 15kJ Bowery. The entire stock of Liquor*, vis., of about 200 casks and bbls.. 500 cases of imported uud domestic Wines and Liquors; as casks. Brandies, Gin. Rum, Port anu Sherry Wines, Biaekbcrry Brandy, Spirits, Ac.: also 150 bblt. choice Bourbon and Rye Whiskey; cases Claret, Rhine Wines, Branales, Kliumil, Ac.; nlso 50 baskets and cases Champagne, Cigars. Ac. ; also, by ordor ol the aaaignee, 45 cnaks aud bhls. uf fine Liquora. as Boargrass, Ashland and utner cases Liquor. Salo positive. Dealers invited. At II o'clock. No. 15U Bowery Furniture, Carpet, Mirrors, Clacks. Lounges. Bedroom Suits. Ac. Sale positive. SPECIAL SALE 67WIN ES. LIQ UO RS, CHAMPAGNE, Cigars, Ac., THIS DAY (Thursday). May 17, at 10), o'clock. No. 15h* Bowery. H. UKilMAN, Auctioneer. SHERIFF'S BALK.?VAN TABShLL A KEARNEY, herlir* Auctlonoera. will sell this day. at II o'cloek, at salesroom No 22 Union square, a large lot of Vault Lights. C. W. Coorsit, Douuty. BERNARD Ri'.lLLY. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S 8 aIIr-V AN TASSEL!* A KEARNEY* Shorlffs Auctioneers, will sell this day, at salesroom No. 22 Uuion square, at It o'clock, a lot of Lead Toys, Hart ol Lead, Empty Huxe*. Ae. BERNARD RKILLY, Sheriff. C. W. Coofkr, Uepnty. HERIFF'S HA~Le7-VAN TASHELL A KEARNEY, Sheriff's Auctioneers, will sell tills day. ut salesroom No. 22 Union Kqunre. at 11 o'clock, a lot of Machinery, consist* ingot' Boring Machine*. Lathes, Anvil. Pmichiug Lathes, Vises, Gas fixture*. Screws, Bolts, Cutting Mson.nes, sun* dries. BERNARD RE ILLY, Sheriff. P. GiBirnr. Deputy. JUEKIFF'S SALE.?VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY. .Sheriff's Auctioneer*, will sell this day, on account ol Sl former purchaser, at salesroom. No. 22 Union son o'clock, a lot of Dress Goods, silks, Skirts. Popljn. C. W. UritAM, Deputy. are, at It ? AC BERNARD RKILLY, Sberift HE MESSRS LEAVITT. AUCTIONEERS. Weekly furniture Sine, T FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 18. at IIBj o'clock, at furniture salesrooms. No. 22 Astor place (Clinton Hall). Superior Household Furniture. Rtelnway Pianoforte. Par lor Organ, One Carpets, French China and Glassware. Am On Friday morning, at 10,'i o'clock, by catalogue, will be cold a general assortment of superior Household Furni ture, tine Carpets. Mantel Mirror*, tine French China and Glassware, Steinway Planolorte. curled hair Mattresses, Bedding, Ac . Ac., partly the furniture of a private rest, dence, removed to Ihe anctlon rooms for oonveoienee ol ?sle. Now on exhibition. Special consignment* solicited for snle Friday. May 35. Thomas"krywurth, auctioneer, will sell tills day, at III*) o'clock, at 205 West 3i>th su. the con tents of tirocery Store, in lots : sure sale : dealers Invited. Wm7 WI ITIRtl, AUCTION BBK?BY 8. KIKBTUUL will sell this day. at 3 o'cloc*. at 450 anil 453 Canal st.. Parlor and I 'hamher^Snits. 35 Carpets, Pier and other Mirrors, Oil Pnlntinss, Cnnndeliers. brocatel attddjtce Curtains, leather ll"ds. curled hair Mai tresses. Bookcases, Ktageres, marble top Tables, Sewing Machines, rosewood Plsn-dortc. Ac | ' WATCHES, JKWELET, dDC. ~k f MH BROAUWAlfnr.. ,1;" 3t.->f"Vt^lViANsTne! Jvifollatcd on Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Silverware, India shawls, Furs, Ac. Ladles' private "dice. UEOROE A. LYNCH. T 787 BROADWAY, CORNER SITU ST.?DIAMONDS Watches, Jowelry, Ac., bought and told; loans neg? tiaioil. II. TRAL'L. VT 31 IN ION SyU A K I*, ?>75 J* KJ?D1 AM O N~DM Watches. Jewelry, Silverware, Valuables, Ac., bought sold mi it exchanged; Loans eflectedon Diamonds, Watches Ac. Established 1856. J, 11. BaRKINOKK, 31 Unlos Square. IN II STONE BRILLIANT CROSS, oNyJ _?A.Locket. with 4 curat n m stone centre, surrounded with H aarat stones, SI,SOD; M gentlemen's Fins. 3 Cluster Fine. Tl'.ese gn.wls are being lore il, and are away below market ?siae. J. II. JOHNSTON, Jeweller, 1511 Bowerj. Diamonds and watcher bouoHT and sold; Loans necotlHted en tho same; odlre hours eleven to one and three to four o'clock. CLAitK A CO.. 34 l'srk Row, room 34. THKBR second HAND SOLID SILVER T*A?|m1 Mild other nieces III antique and modern Silver for sale lew by RYPHKIt A CO., 8H3 Kroadwav, New York. MONEY ON DIAMONDS, FURS. AO.; DIAMOND, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, seal Sacqnes, camel's hslr Shawls, Sllxs. Ac , bought and sold hack at a very small advance OKO. 0, ALLEN. Jeweller, 1,1110 Broad way, near '.nth st. STOIIAt.K. A?MOItOAN A llUorili.KS, sTOKAliE WARlf. ?Uou*<*n, Hnmdwav miU 47th fit , for lurnUure, Mirrors, Pi aHon, ImggitKK, itc. ; Imoectlon Noll cited. All kind.s mkiii;iiakdi<k, furniture, piano*. Ac , taken on ntorar*. itnd chuIi advanced Kutfibllnhoa 2.'? year*. KICiiAKO WALTKllh' MJ.NH, 27 Kant Broad* way, near Uathariiw it. 15 AOLK STORAOK W A KKIIOLHI-.H-M Kl FULoCnL^ Jcleau and orderly; lowest rates; most Improved plan; elevator. 103, 107 West HBd St.. one doer west ol tlth av. N'KW BTORAlJE WAREHOUSES, 750, 753 7-Vt 8TB av , corner 4'ith si. ?jm par ate rooms for tnrnttare; storage lor carriages, general merchandise, Ac. SMITH A hiLLd, Pruprlsiem LW BVORAOK WAREHOUSE-'CLEAN AND cheap, 318 West 37th It Can take large lo's larnltnre. fill 1IAEOER WARIHOUABH, BTH AV.. FROM 33D J. to :i4tli st.. having been remodeled on a new plan, they arc prepared to give hotter accommodation than any otliot warehouse In the city lor storsre of Furniture, Pianoe, Bag gags and goods ol every description -and at lowest rates. AI Inspection Invited. Olttce. 300 West 34th st. N. NID1CAL. ?DOC I or HA F K, 3BH UIIA SI . OIUco hours from 13 to to5, A. A. A* D 1) M -DR. AND MMB. MILTON, "dire Nat 47 Hint 18th si., nearlilh av. -DR. AND MMB. U RINDLE. - it KS IDE NCR-A ND office, No. 142 Want 4H(h ?! . between iUh and 7th art. MMK. 7:EsFl<LL. MIDWIVa* IN PKACTldi nee HMD, INhue, I East 53d st., flrst door hunt 5thaf R. AND M VIF. WEST'S Ol.D ESTABLISHES olllee, 45 Blcccker at.. between B-iadway and Bowery. 00TOR EMERY. ~ 37 Wert 3d st. IIS. LYONS. 40 East 30th it., between Broadway Md 4th