Newspaper Page Text
CITY KEAL ESTATE FOH SALE._ ?*"""' " C?*ntr*l. A?VITH ST.. NEAR STII AT. ? Miperbly located end arranged medium ?lied fenr etorr itoee UwelllBC; good order, price l"w ; oa.y ternu; poMesatoe. V. K. WTKYKN80N, Jf.. 4 1'ine and 33 East 17th >t. "i SukKAY HILL KOUK oTOltV B let >\VN STOKB J\. Hnu.e, furnlthcl or anfurnDht-d: will be ?uld rlieitp if applied lor immediately; locality unexceptionable. Ad dre.s BARGAIN. tieralu office. JSo'R SaLE-NEW FIVE "sTUKY DOChEk FLAT. S3 Lexiugtuu ?v. or c.\cliana>- OtVNEll. 430 Weit 17th it. F~ VniTsALK OR TO LET?89 MADISON AV., IN FIXE order; extension dialog room ; 22 room ?; for boarder* or light bualuaa*. Apply on premiae*. Kuet Side AB ARO ATX. ? HOUSI. V N11 EIGHT CITY LOTS, ucur depot Harlem Railroad priuie iu?e?tmetit. OITCHKTT. 2 New Chamber* It. / lAKSOS" ST.. NEAR RIVl.NUTON?A VALUABLE VJ Kuetoi v and Dwelling Rroperty, with Machinery, 100x100 left; price. $3r?,(K)U; II tenement liou.r. uro built the whole may retuxtu ou mortgage at *tx per rent Meters, it ROWS, IO Broadway. voir kale chkaT?FmallTdorr age and full C Lot in Ea*t 104 th ?k Apply to J. OOKBALLY?4& W ell l it li ek West Side. J TOR SALE ATA BAROAlK?THREE STORY HIGH ?loop brown stone House, on 48tb St.. near tltb *v MARK LEVY. 778 0th hv.. coruer 44th ?t. _ fS0R SALE?FOUR STORY DOUBLE Tl'.NE.M INI brick IJoutie, with Stores, 271 10th ?*. ; can be bought reasonable. Apple to OWNI'.B. .115 West 381h at QTH AV. STORE l'ROi'^trY^KKXTs il.SOO, PRICE 0?16,000; 9th ?*., rents 5-J.7HO, prloe $24,00U SAMUEL | MILLIKEK. 209 West 34th >t. Yoitii stills* QDAV..149TH BT., MOKRISaMA? OLIVER BRYAN, ! ejAuctionecr, 82 Lioerty st.. will sell pereinptorllv, at i suction, on ths premises. Tuesday next,-2d. 12 M., seven | valualde Lots, with Buildings, known as Hogge's 1-aigo Rental. WESTCHESTER CCM.YTY PROPERTY TOR SALE AND I'll RESIT. *A TYrEMONT-5 M1N0TK.s kROM DEPOT. 20 PROM XV42d St., Cottage. In good repair; four lota; abundance of fruit; excellent wuter . rent &jtsj. ? J. THOMAS STEARNS. SITE AT IR VI NOT0 n7t7ikT' E KKL K S S PLACE of the Hudson A plateau UiKlx 1.000 fsst, commanding to miles of linear river view-; on tt is a finished stone st ruc ture, built tor s barn bill lit lor a house; Id acres of wood and pasture adjoin it in the rear. it'll. II. ilOYT A CO.. 243 Broadway. ~I UMI MCXBEK ilk HOUSES AM? COUNTRY ^xSeats tor rent, luruishsd and unfurnLbed. ou the Hud son and Sound and Now Jersey, for season or year, at greatly reduced prices. WD. n. 1IOYT A CO.. 243 Broadway. A 'r TOWKKKS-FU LL V kURNISHKD tlOUSB". ~aT gx.$6UU. and one for $8t.O per rear; cood ticiuhborltcod YuL'MANS, Auenl, Yotikerx A -BEAUTIFUL KURNISHKD PLACE, 10 ACRES; jV.bout, bath huuso. cow, horse*, enrrtnge. rent low. W. KUtii.KY. 171 Mh ae. ELIGIITF UL~ RES1 DESCE ~AT WHITE PLAINS lor sale or to let, furnished, for the season, n very pleas ant Gothic Cottage and about half an acre of giouud, de lightfully sttnated; about 10 mlnutss' walk front the dcook It Is a stylish house, with all modern Improvem uts; gar den. shade trees and carriage house. .'. photograph and boor plan at this office. A. J. BLEKOKEK A SON. 18!) llroadwav. Vor sale-choice" country -place7~nkar J Tarrytown. One ol the most desirable places on '.be Hudson River. Apply to \V. L. BROffER, 17it William rt. rnO~LKT~ SUBURBAN HOUSE AND GARDEN, H K A U J. tlhtllv located, southeast corner aolt av. and 114th St., Buena Rider. five minutes Irotn Mott Haven station, lor season or year, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire on premises rPO LET~V'KRY CTF KAP?ANK ATGOTIIIC IlOTTAOE 1 House, all modern improvements, stable, Ac.; very healthy and he.iutllul locality Apply ou the premises, 1841 h St., near Broadway, Morrlsauia. or ut 118 Wail sk. New York. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKEN, HUDSON AIV1) IlF.KCiKN REAL ESTATE. For Sial?>. T ERSETi CITY. BERGEN AVENUE STATION.?HOUMTC. vj ,2 rooms, all iinprovcitients, mortgage, $2.1**1; price, $ -.tie*i: e xc linage lor $."?<?'' cash and olhur property. J KK M.V BROKER, Harold office. PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A T A. T. STEW ART'S GARDEN CUT, L. I. NEW HOUSES TO LET. SEVERAL ELEGANTwinter and summer residence* xv11h gardens attached, and containing nil the mod ern Improvements ant\ conv?*uicnce?, with nnd water from public works, fixturos, hot air turnuccH. rauues, baths, water closet?.. Ac., surrounded by amplo grounds, laid out with walks and shrubbery, in an agreeable neigh borhood. conibininK city oouvonieucea with ul ""advantages of the country; public and private schools; a pure and bracing atmosphere. fr?e from malaria, and peculiarly Lenlthy and agreeable at all seasons. I HK HOUSES are located ou the natural surface of the frrontid. K? > tect ab',?Y*e tlie o?ean. with abundance of good wuter. tine roads and drives, and easily accessible at all times and ir. all weather, and where family tupplie* can oe had trom first class stores and groceries as conveniently as in the citv. RENTS from $1250 to $700 per annum, according to sise and aaality ol house and grounds. TRAIN'S by Kltishing, North Shore and Central Railroad via Long Island City or Hunter's Point, at 7:40,9:08, P .20, 11 :03 A. M.; 1:3K. 8 4 .20. 4 45, 5:00, fi .40 an i 7 5)4 P.M. Hetnrning. 6 :2M 7 .OG, 7:45, 8:87,9*12, 10:f4 A. M.; 1 02. 2 :5H. 4 :Od, 0 :30 and 10:59 P.M., week days. SUNDAY TRAINS-9:27 A. M. and 4:80 P.M. Return ing. H:48 A. M. and 4 55 P. M. Bouts from toot of 84th st. and James slip connect with trains. Splendid cars, beautiful riuc uud unsurpassed hotel and restaurant near the station. APPLY to W. K. HINSDALE, Manager, at office adjacent lo railroad station. ~F0H SALE, HOUSE AND LOT IN PLAlNFlElTiT, ? N. J. ; 10 minutes' walk from depot; splendid locaiion; price $4,500: $2.0<K) cash required; balance cau remain. Address CASHIER, box 17h Herald office. A PLEASANT, WELL Kl KNISHED HOUSE, OF TEN x\ro??mi, convenient to sea atiore and Ntutlon on Now Ha ven Railroad, one hour trom Grand Central Depot, may be rented by a responsible person for two or three summer months. Address B. H., Herald Branch office, 1.2G5 Broad way. At east hampton.Tong island.-for sale, a Cottage House, together with garden und door yard; tun house is modern in style, contains nine rooms, and is situated within 5<iO yards of the beach; the village is latgely frequented during the summer, and the society is unexceptionable, yet lr??e from the excesses of the ordinary watering place term* to suit. Address (\ P. ABBEk, Lorillard Insurance Cnmpunv. 152 Broadway, N. Y., or D. I! HUNTING. East Hampton. A HOUSE To LKT-AT WOODBRIDOK, N. J . TO ./Ygether with stable and three acres of ground; plenty of fruit; l<? minute* from depot; also Houne at Passaic. N. J.; s?x minutes from depot. For particulars apply to GEO. V". AMEKMAN, H4U Broadway. A T NEW BRIGHTON?FURNISHED VILLA, 15 rooms; charmingly located; all modern improvements; kx? *nd gardens , scenery and netghbot hood tin surpassed. III>E A GKAV,r?576tb ar. A COTTAGE ON THE SHREWSBURY KIVF.R, REAR Ji.the Highiamjs, N. J.; turninhed or aufurnishedL 1 u quire W. H. GIBSON, R33 Broadway. AT SUMMIT, N. J.?FOR SALE, A IIANObOVR J\ black llorse ; kind in harness or saddle ; also tor sale, u Phaeton and Rock a way. Address D., box 1.4RU. A T KNGLKWOOD. N. J.?A FURNIMIED COTTAGE, near the Hudson, togtet for July and August. J. G. FLO YD, 7l> W lllism *t. A T MADIKOM.-6 ACRES, WITH HANDSOME HUILD J \ lugs, fiuely located, only $6,000. D. CURLEY, 12 Cen ter St. % N OLD KAMI ION E D HOUSE IN A BEAUTIFUL /\ I J\ location to let tor the year or season ; large quantity of choice Iruit; rent low. ORANGE, box 124 Herald office. AT FAR ROl KaWAY, L. I.?TWO FURNISHED JVCottages aud an unfurnished one to let Apply at No. 7 Last doth st., between Madison and 5tn hvs. poUNTRY MANsION?SIX ACRES, PASSAIC RIVER VJfront; extensive outbuildings; fruit and shade, high, hoalthy. beautiful; 40 minute* from City II all; for Male at bargain. K. K. STEWART, 81 t cdur ?t. yon SALE?AT UPPER NYACK, ON THE HUDSON, F about 20 acres of Land, extending from the river to the t??p or the mountain, convenient to steamboat or railroad, to ii? sold in whole or parts. Apply to GARRET SARVKNT, Upper Nyack. rOR SALE?DESIRABLE FARM. CAPABLE OF l making money from day of possession; Htm acres; nciir railroad, river and city: 2,500 fruit trees; wooda profitably located; terms easy, perfect title; unencumbered ; pri ?*, $13,000; photograph sent for UAc. Address I* J. II., Pe tersburg. Vs. IfOR sale delightful COUNTRY SEAT in scsrsdaie. Westchester county; 22 acres; modern houne. Apply to GEO. P. NELSON, HH) Broadway 1/L>K SALE. EX! REM EL* LOW THREE PLaNTA . lions on Great Satilla Hi vcr, <'amden county, tin.. Tsf? acres, 4(Wi acres, 130 acres; first class rice farms; lO per cent purchase uioney down; balance n long time if desired; titles perfect. For further particulars address J. M. DEX TER. Brunswick, Ga. ^OR SALK-ON EASY TKKMn, 4 CITY LOTS IN Passaic. N. J . would exchange lor a stock of Boots and Shoes Address btrx 227 Herald office. LHJK SALE?BEAl I I FULLY MTUATKD COTTAGE, JP II rooms: two acres, large orchard; close by water, ex cellent location: at Stamford. Conn ; r3,HiK); terms easy Apply DRAKE A BARK EM ORE. 2S Broadway. l/OR SALE?GREAT SAOKIUICK; IWO STUllY NINE room Cottage; 1U u im Land; Ridgewood, opposite residence William lobby , Address 0., box 11H Herald uflic*. Lid II S v L c. LOW?FARM, 12D ACRES, M. \R It AII* i way, S.J-; plenty fruit; easy teim*. must be Mild. T. OLIVER CARTER, 30 Nassau, mom 11. ,1()R SALE Oil WILL RKKT I I It N I SI 11 I? -A l'l,A?'R . .iu till Lower II iid-on. ? e 1 hi hemiu .nil Mi it irm'tImii. for * ehartnliiKCrantry limiao . -h wrea hi lawn, l.rdens and n'.a-ure r round* .<1! in parftrl order; wnli till 11 Nona* ; pnrdener'a r..tinge, barn unil poultry boitent ^ni l? of .11 itinda; ?o clillla and l<ver. iimii|uUoo? or m.l.r, it. ftildrea* but 'MM Poal offire, Nv.ok, ... 'i L"IUR HaOCsTATKN7 IsF.A.N I) 47 ACHES. IlEaI/IUY, r nctt.rt .lid l.tid view.. a ch oi< . loclinu. 4 poly to W. L. BROW BR, 170 W tllinm at F" vir saLHCHEai* a oooi> :i ? ai:.;k kaiim. wi ni KniMiii*! unit .Stork, In New . price CU.&OO. A|i >ly to the owner. H, B SIRL. 2M'i ChiipI at. Fkir sale or to let on mi: hiirewhbi .:y Hirer, half witle from Lncuvi I'olnt, III* Meutnbo.t Unit tic h new lloa*a, ?oni ilninx 7 l.tge room a nit! attic; .era it 'around, with fruit < nil on or mliiruaa HENRY 11tli. IIT. 31 WntthlPptun ?t . Iloboken. N. .1 rt URNISIIRD HOUbR, AT < ATsK I I.I., To RliNT I'Ott r the neuron. -Firie ?ItP.tioii ; lull view ill the moMiit?ln?; me of .mill" il rcjiilreo A ldreev 1'IIKO. A ClIliB, (jittn till or ?('t>ly ItlUl'c.rlrt .New York. LiioK BALK OB KKKT-nKAK NKWIH RO, X V IS acrei ot Onrdtn L.nd, witli punpdapra ol liull, Ac.; tod dwclllop .ud oulhPlldlln.-? \dilie,? or npp.y to W. KOWLhlt. foot ??., Of?enpoint. aOTI'.l. Tf) RI'.NT?IN SEfl Ai'.K, N. J., THE HOTEL known ?* the N mth Ward, rtiuite on Bro.d ?l . Inclntf i eetiioxton I'.rk, one ol the flnc.t loc.tlon? In try an Jum bt en rcmodclfd and llUOd ??h nil the moilerii Itn mvementa nnd enntnlna TO ronmr,, office imd re.d ,? room, bar. An.; will be roadr for m c.ip.ncy <m .Innc I. o ? Ural rl.aa nppllcnt it will bw rent it . very low IlitiU for a term of jnm* lor p.rttf Merrudir," ?[> M. VON A RON, No. Bo Onnpl at , or WARBBN N. THUS* lELL, 744 liro.d at.. Nownrx. N. J TTnO BBABCH.-COTTAOB TO LET. El'RNISHElt; imula atr.ot, tiearie. ami depot: W rooma. aluhle .ill a?Mi rent, 9400. OWaiBR. VVMt Aillt Ik., flro.dtrny. N / \ RANGE, X. J., Kit, A I. EsTATr. (SPECIALTY), V /luily f> ' AKATOOA.? II Kiim.MI.H HIIMMII-.II COTTAHE, York family. For particular* apnly t?? 3d uv , *J5i!i xt. N H.?W ill tell ? r exchange. mimprovati Property, with cash, to ex. change /or Hoot and Shoe or Orociry Store. MA LONE, 6 Dey M. QHREWHBUKY K1VBK. -TWO HOUSKtf, I- I'KMSIIKD; iT^lour month*, stalling for several horse*, carriage house. I.? minute* iroui depot, Long Branch Kailroad. IS. J. AU.sTlN.95 5th rno LET? FUKKTSflBD HOUSE, N OK WALK, CONK A Address OWNER, Post office G(X>, Norwalk, Conn. rjlo LET, F UK NIS11 El). iN MO UK IS COUNTY, N. J. A double House, two minute*' walk Iroin depot, two and one halt hours Irom New York by rail: horses and carriage, milk, vegetable* and fruit*; healthful location; beamtiul drives and excellent water, Apply to A. B. DICKKHSON, 59 Liberty ?t., room 5. rpo RENT?FULLY FUKNI^HF/D HOL'mK OF 24 A rooms, gas and all modem improvement* ; stable, car* riage liwuse, cow and bath house; garden planted; io* house Oiled; location five tuiuuteh' walk Irom hieaiubpui landing, on Hempstead Hay. Address SALT WATKK, Herald otllce. npo KENT- o.\ THE SHORE, AT K J! AH RIGHT. A DB? A slrable Cottage, with all modern convcuieuces. Apply to ' Cottage, with all modern convcuieuces. Apply to KILL I AN VAN KEN SSEL AKL, 59 Plue st. TO RENT OK FUR SALE. FURNISHKD ilaudsoiite Country Kesidence at City Line station. North Pennsylvania Railroad ; H miles from Philadelphia; 20 trains daily; two hours from New York by the new iin ?; its location and surroundings, together with its eloso proximity and easy access to the city, makeitouo of the most desirable place* around Philadelphia. R. J. DOBBINS. Ledger Building, Philadelphia rpo RENT-TUB MANSION HOUSE PROPERTY, RED A Hank, N. J., beautilully situated on the Shrewsbury River; live acres land; onjy live minutes walk from the depot ; will accommodate 50 boarders Applv to <*. H HARRIS, 300 Washington ?t., or *QUIKli KARLE, Red Han k. $ il^PBR MONTH (REDUCTION; -GOTHIC HOUSE, ?Jf/hard wood tin In a; seven rooms; Rutherturd Park; first station Erie Railway. IJaYWOUD, opposite station. /ww\-valuablk mica deposit in new ?jpm*VJ?Uv v/ Hampshire lor sale. Address Post office box 75h New York. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. i PLACE AT MOUNT VKK*oN a LSu B:HK J.VHouse uptown, for sewing machines, retail business, merchandise or tenement propert-. KENDALL, 421 Broadway. AT TAKRYTOWN?first class RESIDENCE, with *? v n Keren, clear, and cash for city Property* JULEZ ULAhNTZEK. 2?>9 West 34th st. MXCHaNCK FOR BROOKLYN HOUSE-A DESTRA LJJble luruished Residence at Saratoga; free ; price *10.000. ,J. O. MOYT, 171 Broadway. 17XCHANGE.-A COUNTRY MERCHANT OWNING A | livaluable corner Store and Tenement in Brooklyn, well rented, would exchange for a Stock of Hoods. S. D. MACK, 90 East 14th st. For sale or exchange for a city house in good locality, or to let to a private family lor summer season, a charming Country 8e*t at Irvingtou, ou Hudson; 20 acre*. Address PARADISE, Herald office. TjVjR SALE; OR EXCHANGE FOR SMALLER HOUSE. F four story English basement House mi west side, near Elevated road; every improvement; good neighborhood. Address HOUSE. Herald Uptown ofliec. House, in the country, worth $5,000. in ex change for House in 53d st., near Broadway, value SIR,iXX). mortgaged for SI0,000. Address W. F. B., GO Franklin st. IMMKNKl sacrifice. ?magnificent country Residence, cost $110,fXK), tor sale or exchange. S. MAN* GAM, 58 Libert; St., room 25. [SLIP L. I.?FOR SAL . OR EXCHANGE, A rARM 1 of 54 acres (about HO minutes' drive from depot), with cottage, carriage house, Ac., and fronting on the hay; aflbrds fine boutiug. shooting and bathing. ROBERT 11. IIAWTUOKNE, Jr., 83 Front st. \T E SN YORK BROWN STONE HOUSE, MEDIUM li value, mortgage *tx per cent, lor village small Prop erty on Staten Island. C. C. WaYLAN'D, 180 Fulton. ?firANTED?BUSINESS OR Mi KCIIANDISK, STA f f tionery preferred, in exchange for small brown stone Houses In Harlem; well rented. Address STATIONER. Herald office. It BAL ESTATE WANTED. ~i*>-FOOT HOUSE, XKAI1 NTH AV.. WANTED FOR L$25,000 cuh. MARTIN DUNN, 170 Broadway. Farm wanted-a small, farm, with good building-., near Sew York; price about $5,UUU. I*. D? Herald office. IjllVK THOUSAND CASH KOR GOOD 50-ACRK FARM; ' irood Buildings. Stock and Iinplauiaula; principals only. SAMSON, Herald oflice. n R8P.NVOOD CEMETERY?WANTED. HALF OR '.Thill l.ot. for rash Address, with particulars, E. Kb mi nds, Heraldoffice. WANTED TO PURCHASE?BUSINESS PROPERTY *1 ilease irrialtid). 00 to Ml feet front, between Barclay and Canal sta.. west of Broadway. Address, full particu. I irs, CHKAP, Herald Hr.ii.el . TO LET FOR BUSINESS FVHPOKftb. SBOPESTY OCT OK THE CITY FOR ?ALE OR TO KENT. TONO BRANCH. N. j. TO RENT. ON OCKAN ay". Jn.xt to Howland House. 2.?."> feel ocean front, a Cottage, remaining B bedrooms, larce and small, ou * large parlor, ro.-ui and two dinttt* rooms; trood cellar, too kitchens, Roillians ranee ; teas all through ; J wells ol sprint; water: laundry, tilled: kitchen, caroen. coach b use and stablo: suitable for a s .loon or boardlug house: rent redured from iM.tttIO to $1 .(100. No brokers need ap ply to s. COHEN, M West 4t:tli st. Can be seen any lime. \| ILL PROPERTY TO KENT, LOCATION HANIIaR lrlset Buy, Lnuc Island; plenty of work and spl udid cliauc. tor oractical man. ROBERT MORRI'.LL, Manilas set. Loiis- Island N'l.W Bit Iti II TON, S. I.. WITHIN MX MINUTES DP lending.?Two laree connectinx Rooms, suitable for four ceutl.ui.n: also other Rooms; large ground.; bttthlnir bouse, also stable accommodation. Apply to or address Mrs CONE, corner of Richmond terrac- ami Latuyelte av. ST EVE It A BETTER CHANCE TO SECURE AN IN I .!-peiideiice , West Virginia i.unds a specialty. LU8K. hj Broadway ?; \lt NI'.WItURt; A BEAUTIKUL COUNTRY ItEM a dsiicc, ls,li miles sottlb ol Newburjf; 20 acres: Ui<* -itsr; splendid Mow: must be sold; price $17,'>k), re iced front $25,000 Address box 40S. Newbnrtr. N. V. ily lurnlshed; renta. season, year. HAMILTON A W A I,LIS. BO I'lne. |)AKTOU COUNTRY HOUSE TO RI.N'T; ALL CON I venlences; monthly rent. $18. Address MONMOUTH Ct)UNTY, Herald Uptown attire. irritlar st., near Htronir's Hotel; very reasonable to New ?artieiilars apply to > K1LPATUI0E. OPLKNDID PA RMS-SOME PKEE AND CLEAR: AL. Oso, improved and nnimprored Property, with cash, to ex. Bknnett fireproof, Loraled on Naasau, Ann and Fulton ?t>. Flrat Floor to let; "intiilile lor bankers', insurance offices erlawyers; will be let together or lu parts; be altorod to suit tenants it uesired; adapted lor ullicea or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some ellKthle Law Otllres to let. Al'l'LV O.N THE 1'KhMISKS. Take tbe elevator. Inquire lorjanitor. GROIN!! II it (NOT VICKY LloilTl TO LKT cheap, with strain power, suitablo heavy luislness. WESTON, 840 7th av., 10 to 8 o'clocfc. API:ivNISHICD lltiTKL-rrf) K<iOM^RESTAURANT and barroom. Apply l'ranklort House office, 202 Will lam (t. tun nT.ITT; Rot e kv stork "to"Let. i nqu i be at 1|).*> South st. A OiUKb To LKT VERY CHEAP?(ll)OD FOR ANY Obuiinesx. with three Rooms; also cheap Apartments to let. 444 West 46Vh *t. TO LKT-LOFTsi WITH STB AM POWERS auoi T ftjOOO L leet of room wi ll urrangmi, commodious and w II lighted; Rtenm elevator; entrance* on Peurl and Cliff sts. Apply at 323 Peurl st., adjoining Harper's. V ALKNTINE A CO. TO LET?THE FIRST CLASS STORE NO. ? WARREN Hf. ; 25x75; suitable lor two tenants. Apply to C. A. SKA RS, 7 Warren *t. GTil AV TO LET, FOB A FANCY GOODS BOti ne*s, R41 6th av. Apply on the pre mine i DWELLING HOUSES TO LKT. I1' ii rn i sited. \N KLKOANTLY FUKMSIIKD HOUSE TO LKT? .Mtuated near Union "quart*, west side, suitable for a sinu11 private family or club of gentlemen; will not be let for any business purposes. Apply to HOMER MORGAN, 3 1'irie st. 4 I \ TRET LOW RENT TO NOVRMBKR 1 NEXT-A xVfully furnished House in West 40th st.. near 5th ar.; four story, 22 feet wide. HOMER MORGAN, 2 Pine st. A SMALL FURMSUED HOUSE NEAR MA HI SON square; let to private family at reasonable rent. SKL DEN'S office, 1393 East 13th. Furnwhbo housk! iioo and$]5o permonthI unfurnished. $750 and $1,200 a year. 124 East 22d at. Partially FiJi'MsHi n house on rvmi ,-t. X Rent taken 'ti Hoard; onlv one person during suuviuer. Responsible parties epply nt 666 6tli av. mo LET At wakiungton height*, neatly I furnished House, 12 moms, near river and depot, 45 minutes to City Hall, nt $80 per month. I H MILLS, Agent, 156th *t. *n?t KHh sf i rpo LEI TO A PRIVATi AMERICAN FAMILY, THjf I 1 principal Partoi a House, partially furnished; rent taken I in exchange for Hoard; location hot ween 5th and 6th av?. ; j reference*. Address P. P. OF A., llernld Uptown office. , ?> ftrORY BROWN roNh, In PKRFKC1 ORDER | fJfurnGhed or untarnished 370 Lexington av. Apply ' on premises. oQ east i-hi -i i.kk ' Won SqI ark txr> ! OORrt'sdwsy. -Furnisln d. t?? a club of ^ennemen or light . business. t'lif urn ImIkm!. I a Il.fOfN 1 NO LEXINGTON, $8.0; NEWLY PAINTED, I J.\ f75o; four story, $l,40O; uncquailed, $906. MINZJ H j UK1MEK, 160 East 57th. (removed from ;s?l 3e av i (!').*>KY MANSARD ROOF. WATER, BATII, OAS; Oth it. Apply ALLEN. 34 Liberty st. A.N EE KG A NT Fl. 4 I IN K N 1C K KltBOC 111 ILI). iViutr, Hth si. ; Parlor Floor, 13 rmini; llv? windows on 5tli nv , every < otivenlence; low rent. Permits at 4 Pine or F.nM 17th st. V. K. NTKVKNKON, .Ir. A NIcT: III KP.E .STORY IIOlNsK, WEST 2IST ST.. XjL$700; possession at once. W. POOLKY, 171 .ithav. I T KKOUCED REM WEST 231? ST., HKSIUAULY . \ located four story high stoop brown stop" liutue, 25 feet wiiie . .'?oth st . near 5th av., three sturv high stoop, dining room extension . mirror*, .uid gas fixtures in Loth houses. Apply to OWNER. 16 West 2'>th *t. i T REDUCED KKN'l a SPLENDID TVVtil E STORY Tfl high strop brown umni House on 48th st., near tiili av. MARK LKVY. 77* nth a v., curlier 44th st. fpo LET FOC; .'.TORY BROWN STO>K, $*U); THREE 1 lory, near Lexington nv,. $1.<"I0; three story Brown Stone, $750. U.N Uh KWOUIJ, GREUOK .V Ml LEE if, 3d nv., corner 50tn st. rpo LET HOUSE 30 GREEN Wit II AV.. Oft WILL I lent in floor*; vory low rent. Apply at 127 Clinton place. fTlO LET- THE FOUR .STORY BRICK HOI SK A'] 199 l West 4th ?t , 17 rooms; bail oilcloths ai.d pier glass; rent Apply to owner on premise* El llMSllEI) UtROI.N AM 11 APARTNEN1S Til LKT. I'VKIMf. N| , WMllol', HtiXitl); ?;i-NiiE MEN ?nly; handsomely hirnihed , all conveniences. 26 West ;cit]i .i, ?SI fit II H COR > KR FLAT, NINK ROOMS. NRMLY hirnlahftil. 100 VYnp* 17th, lb ar nth ar. >1 rt. Ill'l<l> Alamos fi rrihrrd room for oofTEiAR ana wlla or nlt>k'" Fi'iitlnman . alao onn hall I'.oom lnr$A a uioDlf. J21 Laat 17th at., uijouit Mujrrcaaut 1'ark. A, A! A FURNISHED ROON1M AND APABT.VENT1 TO LET. ? n smsm lyt u ffs i a TJwnRjwRTfrs eir. ,\.il in.n term-, moderate. 91 Want UIAmmMH. A FURNISHED KROKT HALL BOOM. WITH LA~KGB closet, la 1st in a French family. 1.147 Broadway. \ LADY 11 An a'T.uioE WELL FURNISHED KOOM ./Yto let to a rent lemon ana wile or two gentlemen. 201 W eit fW?tti it., first floor. A HANDSOMELY PUBNUHBD IIUOXD FLOOR together or separately. to gentlemen, without Board, near Union square ; reference*. 131 Koet 17ll> et. FAMILY HATE A SECOND FLOOR. NICELY FUR .Atiinbed. suitable lor light housekeeping; oil improve menu. lBt) KrnI 3fuli it AUIUiK HimM AN'I) KXTKN8IOS TO LKT. KITR ni?he 1; muv be u*ed tor light houBekoeping; alio Best ment for buHlue*? purpose*. 112 Eu?t llih at. A UbBN^Clf819^Idw^0^i7Sgi['^'P room to "o?;siri5nrS5r ed; .ill Improvement.: locution uneq2?net|,*$7r, n"r"rn,,b t S ELEGANTLY FURNISHED KLOOK. EN SUITE A.or singly; uUo bull Rooms: term, very moderate; 359 West 34th;convenient to Elevated Railroad. A LARGE FRONT ROOM, WELL FURNISHED. AND k hull Bedroom, to gentlemen. 45 Rut 29tb, fourth boa.e west of Broadway. "a lady LIVING IN HER OV/N HOUSE WILL RENT JLliand.omely furnished Room.. Apply on premUra. 196 East 10th Bt.. corner 3d nr. A ?FURNIRIIHD OFFICE TO A PHYSICIAN. IN ,i\.*Kngllih baaement honae: low rent. 53 Weat 83d ?L_ ~7 PR fV A TB FAMILY W ILL RENT F URN IS H ED ./A. Rooms near Broadway; term, moderate-, referencea. ](>5 Kaat 12th at. A" T .10 WEST 27TU ST.-SEVERAL VERY NICELY tiiraiahcd Rooms to let, without hoard; bon.e private and first claas. AHANOSOMELY FURNISHED ALCOVE BOON TO let to gentlemen or gentleman and wifet every eon vculence ; hrown stone house ; Ural rlass neighborhood ; s9 a we. k. 114 W'oat 38th at., between 6th av. and Broadway. fjlLEOANTLt FURNISHED Rooms, separately 3or together. for ventlemen, without board. In private family. 14 East 31 at St. fjlI'HN 1S111!O ROOMS FOR OKNTI.KMK.N -AT SEW KnirUnd Hotel, corner Bowery and Haytird; 200 liirbt, it cIas* worn*; weakly, $2* *2 *r^ An<* $8. _____ F first i _________________ TAUKNISHeB ROOMS. WITHOUT BOARD?NIiAR r pood restaurant; term, moderate; reference*. 30. West 52d at. GIURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, EN SUITE A1 or singly ; alao tall Rooms. 30 Irving place, near West minster Hotel. Furnished rooms for housekeeping-, also 3 attic Kooina. 225 Weat 17tb at. IpURNISIIKD PARLOR AND itBDR<)OM7oN~FIR~ST ' Hour, to single gentlemen or man and wife; alio front Room on second floor, breakfaat il r-aulred, in private fam ily : nil modern convenience.; refereucea; term, moderate. No. 7 West Washington place. IflURNIfHiED UPPER FRONT ROOM. CLOSET, $4 weekly : Office and Bedroom, Parlor and Bedroom. $8; sleeping Room, $1 50; attic. $2 50. 106 East 15tb at., near Union sqnsre. rrioii HOUSEK i-.KPINO?GOMPl-ETKLY FURNISHED r Floor, lonrrooma, together or eepurate; private home. Sn.MltoSlO. 319 Halt 13th at. Handsomely furnished second story front and hall Rooms. to let. without board; gentloroen only; referencea, 808 West 51 it it. H WDSoMELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men. Apply at 135 West 13th at. . XTEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON PARLOR l\ tloor : gentleman and wife, $3 50; one Room. 82 50; goe; buth. 200 VVeit 21 Kt *t. XTICELY FURNISHED PARLORS. WITH BEDROOMS, lN at low terms to neat parties, at 50 East 9th at., near Broadway. TJRIVaTE FAMILY WILL LET SEVERAL NICELY I furnished large and amull Rooms teanonably. 20 East 20ih at. I PVR TIES DESIROUS OF FIRST CLASS ACCOM MO dailona will tinrl large Rooms elegantly fnruiahed. with or without private bath; alio doutist'i Office, at ,'>4 Weat 2.'th at. Three furnished rooms and kitchen to ? mail family; no cliildron; 810 monthly. Mrs J. P. JOll.NsON, Corona, Long Island, West Flushing. TO LE I-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT PAR lor and Bedroom, also other Rooms, at moaerato prices, at 61 West 24th at. Restaurant connected with tno house. mo LET-WELL FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW 1 house, in host neighborhood In Brooklyn, E. D.; 94 Krap st., near Bedlord nr.; honae with all improvements, and less than 10 minutes from Grand and Roosevelt fer ries; terms moderate. Apply on the premiaea or to 11. R. TIFF I. 57 Broadway, room 11. To LET-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR. 248 West 12th st. TO LET-TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS; PHI vate house: excellent location; low rent. CLANCY & DUNNE. 1,783 Broadway. rjlO LET?IN BUILDING SOUTHEAST CORNER 230 - at. and Hronilwny, Suit of four Booms, bath and private had, completely luriilalied; will make terms satisfactory to right parties. Apply to Janitor, 4 Eust 23d at. TO LET-THREE" HANDSOMELY PCRNISIIED Rooms In private honse, with Breakfast. li) Weet 30tb It. dljQ UP?SITTINO ROOM AND BEDROOM, CON <ip ?sneetlug, furnished for huuaekeeplng, at Central Park; splendid air; Board if desired; none lint reapoctable per sona need apply. Inquire ef WILLIAM CRAWFORD, .Madison nr.. curlierHOtli at. Take Madison avenue cars. <2?'> WEEKLY?VERY PLEASANT FRONT HALL ?lP?Jl!edrooui; ntso several others, to ladies or gentlemen. 144 West 15th st ? $*J CZ1\ PER WEEK FOR NEATLY FURNISHED O OvfRoom. fronting on Broadway. 832 Broadway, between 12th and 13th at*. (!? I -a -A LARGE PARLOR. FURNISHED; SUIT for two gentlemen: hot and cold water; g'-ort location; also email Rooms at 82 50. No. 115 East 31st at. $r ?LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ?),onc or two gentlemen ; bath od(oinlng. 310 East 9th St., near 2d av. ?Ttl AY?. 224. OPPOSITE HOTEL BRUNSW1CK *J Elegant Suit on second floor, with private bath; Exten sion on narlor floor ae physician's office; also other Rooms for gentlemen. rj ST. MARK'S PLACE. NEAR 3D A V?LARGE ( ?qnare Bo nn for gentlemen, nicely furnished, $5; reler ?nces. A.t/t fo R A" K U R NIRI ! E D FLOOR, LI GUT h O USE JpOUkeeping, in hrown stone house. 216 East 33d rt. n | WERT BOTH ST., BETWEEN BROADWAY AND O 15th av.?Fine .-nit and single Rooms, lor families and gontlem -n; bon-e first class. ?>?> WKsrHoTH ST. BETWEEN BROADWAY" AND Ot J5th av. ?A finely furulsfied Parlor Floor, suitable lor a family or fl.-st class physician. ? >Q EAST 26TII ST., NEAR MADISON AY?A OOlargo Room handsomely furnished; also Hall Room, without board; referenrjs. dt lit MONTHLY-PARLOR FLOOR, ELEGANTLY L'Ufiirntshed. piano : Hoard if desired ; also unlurnislied Floor, $18. 230 \\ est 37th. ri and 5:1 wi-sr ur>r 11 sr., nkar madisox ? ) L square. ? Elegantly furnished Snlta of Booms; private tnble if required; house. Ac., strictly first class. rn DOWNING ST.. NEAR VaBIOK.?A LADT WILL ?J?/li t two nicely furnished Rooms to gentlemen and their wives; Hoard for lady only. (U\ WEST 23 U rf I' ? H A N bed J M ELY >U RNISllED IJ ? "Pnrlor and Bedroom, toirether or separately; summer prices. Opposite Booth's Theatre. MAST KITH ST., NEAR 4t7T aV.-NICELY PUB nlshcd ltooius to let. 12? 137.2 It A ST 27TII ST.. NKArt LEXINGTON aV.-PAR lor, two front and hack Booms from $-7 to $7 a week. 1 to kant as r it mt.. between LEXINGTON AM) JL'tOBd avs.?Mcely furnished Rooms, conuertinp, with ? very cunveuience fur housekeepl tig or would luruiah ex cellent Board; terms very moderate. IM/'JDAV. HANDSOMELY KUBNISIIKD ROOMS LtTtJto rent, moderate; without Board; reference. | 1)71 WSST 390 ST.?FUKM18HED FRONT ADO I I back Parlor; privilege ?f kitchen ; private bath; hall Hrlroolll. ?711 8TH ST., NEAR kD A^.- FURNISHBD BOOMS ? ) I 1 to gentlemen or reepeclaele married couplea; private house. -|(1 I.f XIM1T' >V AV I,' 1*1*1'. K OB FLOORS ?)l?.7to let. neatly fiirnlshed, toirether or separate, for light hous ?ke.eping; occupant owner. CMFtJRIflSHKD ROOMS AID APART MRWTS TO I,KT. dkmrahlf skOVT>0 floor" oFWfcooiifiPfo rent-To ? smalt family of lulnlti; batli, water closet, Wftih hiiniim anrl meter, with n?e of laundry. Apply to UVVN15K, 882 Kant ltfth ?t. No bill op. A SiCONlf I'l.Oolt, 23h EAST34TH; AL-'O, FLOORS JV.'IHS ;id av.; 3 Rooms 170 3d ?v.. and others. Apply 139 Intel 12th. 1 FLAT. EIGHT rooms, ALL MODE KM IMPROVE* j\moots; house private nuU first class; rcut #30; also one furnished, rentjltio. 324 West 4Hlh st. F'LEOANI PLATS < FNTF NNI \ 1,. SPLENDID ahnuse. 477 West 43d st. ; first Fiat $37; last one. splen did loeatlou; frescoed; second Flat corner .71 st and Lexing ton sr.; eletrnut location and order; low rent. Janitor*. ffio ADULTS Di MlllABLK HKCOND KI.ook, I N. 1 furnished; location and hnuse lirst class. Address ECONOMY, llerald Uptown Hrauch rr 1 LET -SECOND A NO THIRD FLOORS OF NO. 139 J. Fast 31 Id st.: rent reasonable. mo LET THE HKCOND FIDOR OF HOUSE NO. 117 I West tilth St., consisting of live rooms, to 1 family of adults: gas, Crntou water; rent $27 per month. I 0 WlisT 2?JT11 ST.-?IN COMPLETE O RDF It; IM *1 " Jin-dlale possession: alio a iiaiidsotne Parlor Floor, Including Piano. m.) WEST 31 ST ST. NEAR OTH AV.?HB00M& _ Flour; three line rooms; lurge closets; pent la in an an 1 wile ?r single gentlemen ; fine liont Basciuunt, oflice or sleeping apartment; rent low ?>?>() WEST 33 1 II ST. I NFURNISHEO HACK PAR 0?>?.'lor; mirror; hot and cold water; Hoard If required. HO A IIUIOKS *V/Y\TICI>. 1 HANDSOME. LARGE AND HALF ROOM ? > I' M VIK it I prices; all convenleiices; good Hoard. 77 West I2ln at. I EXTRA FAROE, PEG I: Al'.I.F FRi ? VI' ROOM. WITH 1 Hoard; also a smell Room; terms very low . table sat 1-faci.oiy; iihiindnnce home made bread, pastrv, Ac. 211 Weat lath st. 1 si it of room- handsomely itbnishfd", lprlvate hallirooin, with private table or without Hoard; Booms for gentlemen ; lelereneos. 3fl Fast 20th st. 1 -ELEGANTLY KUKNISIIFD la RUE. cool BOOMS. J ?second or third floor; excellent tnlilr. 11 Fast 43d at. I OMOtCn >1 IT of ROOMS AMD HINULK ROOM, i with Hoard; family occupying their uwn house 43 West 2Jd st. I 3. 7 AND 7 PROSPECT PLACE., EAST 41ST ST\ I .city ?Excellent accommodations tor families; line Rooms, marine views, cool breecus always, g. od table; terms moderate; references. 1 FAROE ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR, RECEPTION land Bed Roam, with or without B >ard. 317 West IMth tl ROOMS TO I.KT?VV I Til HOARD, IN THE PI, HAS _snt row of eottsges. exceedingly pleasant for summer, 4o 7th av.. corner Kith st. 4TH FLOOR INI) II aLI, KooMS-KLHO\NT1.Y FUR nlshod, for families or single gentlemen; exrellent Hoard, home comforte; Jewish family; terms reasonable. 113 Last 70th st. BOARDERS WASTBO. C^SXsf iwTirBT. ? PLEASANT, WELL rC'KHtSilED f )K?oiu>. with flret close Board. ,"TTH AV. 98.-SUITS Of BOOMS, AI .SO DOUBLI tJ.ind single ditto, ?plendidly turnlalied, with or without flr.r rDM Hoard ; private table* it preferred: reference* re quired. fTTII A'CORNER UlTII.-FRONT SLITS AND Ol(oom*; *uperlor Board or private table*;eunimer price*: delighttul *nmuier residence. rril AV.. 117. 128?EI R8T CLAS8 FAMI LI KB AND A/gentlemen oia be accommodated with Board: reference. r.TII AV.. 849.-A DESIRABLE KI.OoK, WITU FIBsT ? Icluss Board; summer price*; reference* r.TII A v.. ?ill. ROOMS. KX SUITE OR SINGLY; tJnrsl clua* table d'hote or private table. /? BaST MTU ST.?TWO LAKOK~R<JO.\18 (SOUTHERN Onxposure), newly furnished, with Board; summer price*; i e fere nee. 71', A ST -KIT H ST. (WINDSOR ]bTToCK).?DESIRABLE l.'uom with Board for gentleman and wife or single gen tleman. 1 /) \VA VBHLKY FLACK, NEAR BROADWAY.?FRONT J l/Koom*. 9111 to 9111 for two, with Board: Halts, $7 to $U; transient. $1 .'si day: table Board. 94. . I QTII ST.. WRHTT- 13Z?La ROE FRONT ROOM AND J Mb all Bedroom, third door, with Board, to gentlemen; term* reasonable. I OTII ST., 7.1 WEST.?NIU h LV FURNISHED BACK 1 ? Room oo second floor, aUo third story, front, with first class Board. I OTH ST., 2M Wl RT?TWO NIOEoY FURNISHED J. m Rooms on seend floor, front Rootu alcove, with Boatd, for gentlemen or gentlemen and wives: pleasant location; term* to suit the time*: relerences exchanged. T Oiii" ST., 73 WEsT~front and HALL ROOM j J.^separately or together; running water; good tablo. low I tJ~WlSST 10TH BTc?WlTH BOARD. .SICKLY FUR J.?riilshed Rooms, en suite or singly; house and table first class. Tif ST., OGRKER 2D AV., 301 AND S02.-DB ?irable, large nnd small Rooms to let, with Board. 1 f'Tll ST.. li'i WBST.?NICELY FUKNIiHHD FRONT JlURomn; good Board for two; home comlorts; terms moderate. "I ?TH ST., 142, EAST OF UNION SQUARE.-COOL i Usmgle and eonncoting Rooms, with Beard, 96 and up ward per week. 14 19 19 NEaBT BHD ST.?TO LET. WlTli SUPERIOR Hoard or private tnbFe. Second Floor, four frooms, to gether or separate, with private bath. WEST 21ST ST.?A 1FEW VERY DESIRABLE Rooms, with Board : reference*. EAST 46TII St!?SECOND FLOOR TO LET, WITU Board: relerences exchanged. t)l \ UNIVERSITY plaue.-FINE. la kT;h PARLOR s^Vr(front) : also large Iront Room, with Board; also hall Boom, 18xl0xt2, for two; lionts comforts. 0| EAST 15T i I ST. ? FURNISH P. If ROOMS. WITHOB awl without Board; central location: terms moderate. tl 1ST ST.. 48 WEST. ?VERY TdESIRABLE ROOM8~TO ?d I Ifti with Hoard; references. ?1 WEST 27T1I ST.-SECOND FLOOR, WlfOoARD; tuLh\*u single Rooms, with or without Board. IWD sr., it;:, WEST, a "SINOLK' ROOM AND ONE M'Jlnrue Room call be had, with first class Board; refer snce* exchanged. Mrs. STEBBINS. ^fri ST.. 210"WhsT.?II AN DSO M ELY~FURNISIIe1) Rooms to let, with or without Buard ; summer prices. 9 CTH ~ST\ 249 WEST.?TO LET, U I'lU BOARDs AJtJhundsomely furnished back Parlor; also front Room on second floor, nnd three large Hall Room*, with closets; modern improvement!; looation between 7th and Hth avs. j ANB WO* NIC SL Y~F U R NI > I1 ED ROOMS* with Hoard: hot and cold water, gas and buth. KAST22D ST.?ROOMS^WlTtf FIRST CLASS Bourd ; pormanout or transient; references exchanged. i>1 W EST WASHINGTON SQUXltE^A_P RIVATE Olfamily will let to lew gentlemen and wires or gentle man very elegant Rooms, with first class table. OA WEST IOtTT ST.?UANDSOMcLY KURKISHED ? J TRooms, with first class Board; summer prices; also tabln Board. WEST 31ST ST.-KLEOANTLY FURNISHED large singls Rooms, with Board; references. on east 2;id sf.T~near madison "square.? ? )' II,arge, pleasant, eool Rooms, suitable for a party of gentleman, with or without Board, at summer prices. A 9 CLINTON PLACE.?VERY SUPERIOR AOtfOM~. .L Minodiitloiis, at summer price*, for families or single gentlemen ; table fully supplied with everything In season. A 'JD ST. L'Ol WEST.-TWO VERY ELEGANTLY FUR TL Onisbed Rooms, with first class Board, to gentlomen or or gentleman and wife; private family; one block from Kossmore. 24 29 30 36 45 V?w8T,2?Til 8T.-LAROB AND SMALL ROOMS. Tt/well furnished; rood table; prices reasonable; back Parlor for doctor; references. 4-({uWES~27TH~iTT-aOOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT T7v7Board; reasonable to permanent parties. /^(I? WKST 28TI^T.-UAND^M~Er7f FURNISHED UURooms, to let, with or without Board; references ex. chauged. 5fr " ?HED rooms IN THIS t/Umagnlflcent house, with or without Board. kQ LEXIXOTON av._i irst class accommoda r * 8 #?inlorU of home; strictly private family; unexceptionable reference. QQ 7TH Av7. BETWKR.MVrH AND 1BTH ST8.-LAROE Ot/ang small Rooms to let, with Board : terms moderate. HO east 24TH st.. nkar 4th a v.?purnishkd Moor rent' w,tl1 er without Board ; also a I'arlor UX WKST IZTTc ST??HANDSOMiIlY~PURMISlfKD ? /i.ooms. with Hoard for gentlemen and tbelr wives or single gentlemen : summer prices: Urst class. 11(J east"2TSTKT." (Uhamer cy"pa"kKL-DEsTr. A Arable Rooms with or without Board; references ex ciiantred ] VQ east 27th st., between lexinoton and J ? ?J4th avs , ttvu minutes of fttb av. and great hotel een j"^rIlr,re'..H,,d"?"'e Suit of Rnorns an.I eurire Sec ond floor; all conveniences; city telegraph lines. Ac.; best references; established Id years; superior table terms reasonable Country place at Ocean Ornve. N. .1 . fronting di rectly on the broad Ailamlo: one and one Imlfliours from New York, Via Central lia.lroad of New Jersey, and la minutes below Long Branch; gas and all city conveniences; no nnis qultoes; lerms reasonable. WELCOME K. SHKLDu.V ltt,Vr'T!\ Sr.; j?'TWKKX (IT.I AND 7TU A VS. ? 1 >J' /1 tirnlshcd Rooms, with or without Hoard. m WKSr 220 ST.?LARGE FRONT AND BACK Rooms on secouil lloor. with Board. 1 J.! WEST 41ST ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED J. r I H'?cru8, with first class Board, at summer prices; table boarders. ' l 47.n,V?nT <3P ST-? T0~LET, "o>T~8Ec6kD AND 1 T I third floors, large, pleasant Rooms, furnished, and Board ; also a hall Room; roferences exchanged. 1 -71, WEST 10TII ST.-TO LET. KI RMSIIKD "ROOM" A* J A in a win nil hrench family, with or without Hoard. ' 1K5 W.'-ST -If,T ST-TO LI.T, WITH Hi IA RD HElT J Ut/ond story Iront Room: also back Parlor, with bsll Koom adjoining; modern improvement*. Ts5 2iST ;ST?"ANDSOMK "BACK" PARLOR. A \ JCJwitb Board; alto second story iront and foutth story front. n - WERT I0TH ST.?A PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD ?/let a rew haudsnmely furnished Rooms, with or with out Board: excellont location. 91fl , 7TII"av:.NKAR 22D ST.-NHCKLV PORNIRHhD *(V Lrr"nt E,00? o? euroud floor and hall Room, with or without Board; hot and cold water in room. 9()8;7w,bT ilsT, sJ-T1IK MOST niCSIltABLE aJ v/kJHoom* in the city for gentlemen or gentlrmsn and wiv-s; excellent table; at reaaonsble terms. 990 WEST MTU ST.-A ST R1UTI.Y-PIUVATk' ^/?/'-/family, tiring In their own house, dealros a gentle man and wile or two single gentloinen to board; Orst class accommodations; terms moderate. 9H<STK:^.f7,2T"~^R 7fr MA' KS -"niiT. airy Parlor, two, $10; other Rooms; house. 26 ?>07 WKST 3bTH ST.-TWO SUPERIOR ROOMS fOR *J*J I genfleinen aud their wives or single gentlemen ? ex enlleut Board; prions very moderate. r 4THAV.-PLKA.SAN r ROOMS, WITH BOARD ? 'In private family : terms mnderato; reference. SUPERIOR ROOMS is or single gentlemen rat?. H4M WEST 32D ST.-IN PR[V AXh KaMILY. BOARD; tc i ?/nleaeaot Rooms; line locality; home comforts urlca reasonable. 'K 'J T.I \ WKST 21 ST ST.. NTcuTkLK VATKD DRP <)TH t/OUNlMly furnished Inrge and single Rooms; large closets, water, gas: tanle unexceptionable; reference. ?KQ WKST BOTH ST., CONVKNIKNTTO KLEVa" kJUfSted mad. to let?Two large, ?ell Inrnlshml moms otie on second floor ami one on third Door Iront; board if desired; American family. C r. 7 LKXl.NOTON AV.-A L \ f)V, LI VI.NO JN~A \/t/| handsome corner house, would like a fow seloct goardorsi-roferences given and required. \ FLOOR OB Til RE K ROOMS, SUITABLE KOR 2A hoesekeaplng. together or separatelv. with water other Rooms, with ur without Board. Call all week TIT West 24tli st. I lady can FIND A QUIET HOME DURINO DON -fVllnetnenL Address. In strict conllde: ce, Mrs. R sta tion D. '* IftlRST CLASS BOARD and ROOMS ON BROADWAY V I" exchange (or Carpets, l'urnlture, Ac. Address FIRST CLASS, Herald office NO Cll A KUiC.?PARTIES DJ.8IUJNO CITY OR ROHN try Board should call at SAND'S Hoarding Directory 1.151 Broadway. ? Iif. AS A NT It IHI MS. Willi HOARD.- rw<7 CKNTI.K nien or gentleinau and wife ; orivaie house ; few board ers. KngllsU laiuily ; reasonable terms 30 Kaet 32d at. BOARD AMI I .< 1111. I \ <; tt VY'IKI). A Vol NO WO.IAN.WIK, II t.-II Oo'.s'fi KNltfiRK i\ and sewing machine, la a good .Ire.smaser, would like to live with a family where she cooid give part ot ber time lit payment of board. Address Mrs M., Herald ofllce. A (if.NTLKMAN AND WII K DRSIRK A NICELY -/vlnrntsl-eit Koom. with Hoard, insstrti tly private Jew Isli lainiiy, wost, above 30th St.; answer Al. L? 2gtl Herald olllee. / jknti.kvan wants nicely furnished room VJ bat briniin. partial Hoard in strirtly private family near Central I'ar'i. Addioss MfchCATOIf, Herald Uptown Bmnch ofHco. \\-a.M i;i> IN STRICTLY FkITaTE FAMILY. Foi A It lady, two Iront Rooms or lnrue alcove Kmuii, band otnely t.iniidied, with Hoard ; terms not lo exceed #is per week, central location. Only tlio o h rvir.g above an c-niimodutlims address, with particulars, C , box 201 llerald IJ pl OA II olllCfl. BROOKLYN lto\iti>. Hill lli.N'HV ST., KIVK MINCTKH fROM PULTON J V/VJor \\ all street lerrv?Iwo sin ,-!e Ito. mis, with llist cIhnr Huard; tortus,.$.'? to 3(Ut. IIOM'i |j!S. TWfBXC ffoWtC aflti c \ % a L 8 r, nkar hroak. \J way.?froul Rooms 50c. and 75o. per day; 82 to 84 weekly. /1ITY HOTEL. BROADWAY AND MTU BT.-82 A \ /day ; permanent hoarders. 87; Roo.ns, 8H a week. 7.V.. dally. NEW ENGLAND HOTEta?LODOINO A8PKOIAI.TT1 21/1 light Itoorria; M) rents per night; lor gentlemen only. Corner Bowery and Bayard. COUTIIKRN HOTEL, 82 A DAY: PRRMANKNT OHoarders, $7 sutl $S a week. H7II Broadway, corner ol 3d st r./k is ROOMS FOK fl PER WSTC CALL AlfDJL ?'""amlno. frankfort Housk, corner Krankiort and Will lam. ?OCBTTRY BOARD. A party7)FRIx can be Xcfcommi>KfEfl WfT" J\ pHvate Table nod Parlor. Addren bus DM, Stockbridge, Berkshire county, Mara. a 8TOR1A, LONG ISLAND. TH0RBUKN HOU3B.? xVOpnu for lantlltea and transient rtnnla; itabling: bar aud billiard*; 30 minutes Iroui Peck alip by Harlem bout*. New management. A FEW FAMILIES OR SINGLE PERSONS CAN OB JA tain good Board and nleaiant Room* on a farm; location pleuaant and healthy: references exchanged. For lurther particulara addreaa J. A. GODFREY, We.ton. Conn. Apew bi)akiTfcka~raken for the si*mmer in a pleasant country town In Connecticut, two houra by rail; large bouse and ground*; fruit, vegetables, Ac.; term* moderate; beat eit r raferanoea. Addreaa CONNECTICUT, box 3.BBS, New York, Brinckekhoffville, n. y.-a few families can be accommodated on a farm located uear Sprout Creek, a large atream well adapted to Helling; freab vegeta ble*, eggs, inilk and fruit; stabling; teu inlnulca' drive lrnm depot and about 2k houra' ride from New York city, i Mi For partioulara addreaa .Vfra. D. A. ANDERSON. Boarders waNTKD-at a lovely and kb" tlred country home near Great South Bay: aalt water luxuriea. bountiful table, boating, Ashing; beautiful oak grove: fresh water lake; tarma moderate. Addreaa Mra ARLINGTON SMITH, bo* 51 Savville Lone Ialand. N. V Board in private family-muNtclaik. a. j.: ten minutes' walk from Delaware. LacUawana ami Western Railroad; four gentlemen, or gentleman and wile and two young men. can be very ploaaantly accommodated. Addreaa T. L., box 133 Herald oflice. Boarders wanted for the sbason. at a farm house among the Oatakill Mountain*: healthy loca tion : good table: pleaeant room*: terma $7 ner week. For particulara call or addreaa R. R. WIL' KK. Fairfield House, 141 av. D.. or J. J. W1LBER, Dnnlap'a. 174 Sth av. Board wanted-in orange or montllair, for gentleman, wife. Infant and uurae : good tnble, shady grounds aud near depot. Addreaa, stating terma, which ninat be moderate, Mra. LLOYD, 177 W' at 43th at. Board on the HUDSON, WITHIN SO minutes or elty ; large mansion ; on high ground. Addreaa Mra. B. or apply at 217 West 13th at. /NOUNTRY BOARD.?TBIBB BOOMS, WITH GOOD V 'Hoard, in a private family. For particulara addreaa box 38, New Providence, N. J. CVHJNTI'.Y board AT RIVKRIIALK, ON HUDSON ? 'Location unsurpassed; 36 minutes from city; terma moderate: rel'erencee exchanged. Addreaa 3. W.. ltlver dale, N. Y. C NOUNTRY BOARD WANTED-NEAR NEW YORK, .'lor entire season: gentleman, wile and infant. Addreaa JOHNSON, Herald otlice. /NOUNTRY BOARD CAN HE OBTAINED IN A PIU YJvato family at New Brighton, Stateu Jaland; Ave min utes' wulk from the landing. Apply to Mra. T. DUNN, York a v. /NOUNTRY BOARD WANTED?WITHIN 33 MILKS OF V^New York, for tho season, for gantlcman, bis wife, single gentleman, child ol three yeura and nurse: tlireo Room* r-qnirod: terma muat be reasonable. Address R. E. N., Herald oflice. TjlXCELLBNT BOARD AND ROOMS TO BE HAD IN .Jii prlvatu family Passaic, N. J , seven luinutos' walk from depot; line location; terms, SO. Address FAMILY, box 223 Herald oflice. JNAMILIK8 8BEKINO MOUNTAIN AIR, A PKR fectly healthy country, well shaded grounds, mav obtulu Kooins on inodarate terms In the Urandvlew House. 15 minutes' drire from Morristowu depot. Particulars at 46 5th av. INlltsr CLASS FARM BOARD. MOUNTAIN SCENERY grand ; terms low. Addreaa HORATIO GATES, Breuk abeen, Schoharie, N. Y. CNENTLEMAN and wife can SECURE GOOD Xltooms and Board at Piermnnt, on the rlverroadto Nvoek; uo other boarders. Address P.. box 219 Herald oflice. Good board on long island sound-fish ing. boating and bathing. Addreaa Mrs. A. VRKDKN BURG1I, Ryu Station, N. Y , or call at 224 East 23d st. IN PLAINPIELD, N. J ?10 MINUTES FROM DEPOT, two Rooms and Board can bo had in a refined family; no other boarders; references given and required; reasonable price. Address S. T. B.. box 178 Herald oflice. Montclair, n. j.?board may be had for six In private family. Address, Blaring requirements, X.. box 118 Herald oflice. Newport.?board and rooms can be se cured In an elegant cottage near the Ocean House. Ap ply at 343 6tb av. ONE H?UK KKOM NKW YORK, ON THE PHILA dalpnia Railroad; house firm dasa; ?ea bathing; fresh vegetable* milk. Ac. Atldren* 4.i Smith Washington aquuro. UKASII.K HOARD-AT SIIIIEWSHCKY, NKAR LONG kJHranch; M?o furnl?hi-d Cottage*. with Hoard; outhlng in Iront. K. DARRoW, Oceanic. N. J. CUMMER BOARD AT A FARM HOUSE PLEaSANTlT kJ located on reconic Bay: can accommodate a part*' of six either ladies oi-Ktutlemen; terms $rt and $10; no children boarded, * ddret>. 8. P. HADDOCK, box 84 Novae. 8a Harbor, L. I. * W ANTBD-BO ARD Ton TIIE SUMMER MONTIin i V. .M'iWcl*lr. Oranre or vicinity for a lady and Infant In a strictly private family. Apply, atating term., to E. M. box 477. * WANTED ?BOARD FO~|T"ok"n1'DEMAN7 WIFE AND infant'* nnrso (colored;. 1 '4 hours from city: farm pre ferred; tonus must be moderate. T. B.. Herald Uptown office. SliJOlEH RESORTS. ARLINGTON HOTEL,TAMFORD,"Is"LOCXtKDON high ground; line lawn, well shaded and perfectly liyaL5-,v.:..c.'.",weoie"t to ??? bathing: terms moderate. J. W. K.NArr, Mil linger. X"r?T- MARK'S IIOTRL, NEW BRIGHTON, STATEN xx ? Island, is now open under the management of R F Cole: application. for Board received in person ou prein Ises or by letter. OKQRUE C. TALLMAN. Owner. Board for families ok singli-: fersons^at th- River V lew House, opposite Poughkeepsio. half niHc from ferry Address Mrs. THOMAS McKN IOHT, Highland, t later county, or H. 8. VAN DKMAKK. 178 East USth st. / I DAREN I ION HOTEL, SARATOGA. OPENS JUNE |~ VXrates reduced; $21 per week lor June and September. *?"' '(jr '"''Jt $2S tor August : rooms ftiuaged by mail or telegraph, or at Kossmore Hotel, New York CIIAS. E. LELAND. IjlAGLK PARK COTTAGES. ORANGE MOUNTAIN Jorerlookln Llewellyn Park: finest air, view water' drives: terms reason able. Mrs. MABEE. Oron e, K. J. ' LI ORE.SI' HOME. BUDD'H LAKE. N. J.?OPENS MAY 2? i ?",0;D"e* ,rom Now York via Morris and Essex Kail road, foot Barclay sD; pnre meantain air; splendid fishing and boating; elevation. LSTJOIeet; Board from $10tn$17. SemMor circular. A. HKOWNSON. 1 ON O B it A tfo H. ?a E KM AN IA HOTKLO PEnTrciM JJthe 1st of May for the season. Aecommodalion and Board at low rates. F. MOKIN A SON, Proprietors. IENOX HOURS, QRKXSWICH, OOKN.?THIM WELL Jknown summer hotel is now opon tor business. It is beautifully situated in the centre of the village with a commanding view of Long Island Sound, and can be reached in one Pour via the Now Haven Kailroud, distant fr m New York 28 miles. First class stabling. lor further particular. apply on toe premises to 8. 8. MORTON. Manager. Morton house, Indian harbok, Greenwich, Conn -Thji firm class hotel, beautifully situated on litUig 1ftland Sound, will bo opened lor btiHirtexft June 15. Dixtant Irom Grand Central Depot via .New lljiven Rail road 2S mile*; tirnu. one hour. \ achting, boutirffr and fish ing. Superior accommodation for horses. I* or further par ticulars apply to J. M. MOKT JN, on the premises. MYSTIC ISLAND HOTKL. Til IS DELIGHTFUL summer resort one tin .1 line 1 ; $10 to $15; send lor circu lar. O. M.JJ A ItL)INK, Nouuk. Conn. Norwood house, Norwood, n. j., on the Northern Railroad, 21 miieH from Jersey City.?Thin delightful summer resort ha* i eon leased by W. L. KISII, of the Marlborouuh House, formerly ol the Neptune House,* New Kochelle: will open June 15 for reception of cucHts. Mr. Fish would respectlully solicit his old frienda und pa trons. offering Inducement* at moderate rates. Applica tion can bo made at the Marlborough, flth ??., corner doth st PALMER HOUHh, NTAbK, OS HUDSON, WILL OPRN R PAl?M riL??a>n Can D?W 1,0 srCMro<* ky applying to ASra. T> E A BO D V iT O U S K, YON KKRs, N. Y.?N OW T) PK N A lor the season for transient or permanent guests; liberal inducements to families. Audroas JOli.s A. FREE LAND Proprietor. PREMIUM POINT HOUSE, NEW ROCHELLE.?THE finest tfrowe and be icl? ou the Sound lor exclusive use of gue?ts; reference requlied. lira. E. G. BROWN. fPAPPAN ZEE IIO I EL, NV \('K. O.N HUDSON, WILL A open June IB; arrangements for Board cau now be made at 15 West 20th at. .Semi for circular CUTLER A WRIGHT, Proprietors. EtmOPKAIV STBAiHSIIII'S. HE' AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY" OF PU1LA DELPHI A. T PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL LINK. r. ""O,,1 r?"?atl?"tlc Line Hailing under the AMERI CAN r LAfi. Nulling everv THURSDAY from Philadelphia aud WLDNE8DAY tnim Liverpool. THE RED STAR LINE BTKAMRHIP3. Carrying the Belgian an J United State. Mail., Sailing ?very twelve days alternately Irom Philadelphia and New l orlt. Direct and onlv TO ANTWERP. For rate, of paHauge and otlier in .urination apply to rftritK WKIOIIT A SONS, Oeneral Agenta. 3fj7 Walnut ?t , I'hilad-inhia. .'.J Itroa .wny. New York. ( I UN A"rd lime.?b. A N |7n7"a_ K. M. 8. 8 OO. NOTICE. With a view to dlminiah the chonca. of colll.lon the ?leomera ol thi. line take a .pacific cotir.e for all .ea.ons of tli" year. On the on I ward pnnag* from to New York or Boat 111 fronting the tueridlou ofhuat'k'i latilu e, or nothing to the north ul 411. On the homeward pannage croevlng the meridian of NO at 4"J lutlindo, or nothing to the north of 4J. NEW VORK TO LIVERPOtiL AND QUKKNSTOWN. Kill A Wed.. May U.'f I ABYSSINIA. .Wed.. Jnnit 0 BOTHNIA Wed.. May :S(I | SOYTIIIA . .Wed.. Jane IB hteittner. marked (?) do not carry ateeruge paanengera. t ablu pansHge, HOD aid $la'l, gold, according to ac commodation. Return th kei? on favorable lerma. Steerage tieketa to and trorn all part, of Knrupe at very low rate.. Freight and pnnage cilice, No. 4 Rowling Ureen. CHARLEB a FRANCCLYN, Agent. /NENKRAL TKANSATI.aNTIO company. vT I'll E MAIL STKA.MKKm of THIS COMPANY BE TtVEi.N NEW YORK a.ND II AYR K, CaLDIN'0 aT PLYMOUTH (O. II. I, for tlie landing ol^ pa?H"ngera will .all from Pier 4J North It ver, foot or Morton ?i every WftUna-day- ' -IRK, Daure Wednesday, May 28, 2 P. M. ?ST. LAI'RENT, Lachesnft..Wednesday, May 80 7 A. M VILLE DK EARLS, DuratHl. We lmmlnv, Juuo ?. 1 V. Al" I rice "f pahMtigo, In irold dnrludin^ wine) ; To Cabin, $1 0; Second Cabin, $65; Third Cabin, ifoo. Steerage, $26, including eine, bedding and uleiiftiln. i?> >'lyfu?iuth, Loudon or any rail way etaiion in hncland ? rim $'*) to $IH0. according to accorumcKl ttion; Second Cabin $H5; 1 liird Cabin, $35; Sieerage. $27 In ciudinc everything us above. Return tickets at very reduced rates, available through England and trance. Hteamrr. mnrkud thtu * do not carry (tneraga naa aengera. ? v For pat.age and freight apply to LOI Is DE BerIAN, Agent, Nf? Broadway, W'llITB HTaK LIN'S ' ' FDR OUEKNSTOWV AND LIVRRPOOL carrying the united states mai'l. The Htnamera of thia line take the latin rontea racitm m.ndad bv Llr-ntenant Mtury, II. K. N., going a.mth of the Bank* on the pu.-age to qurnnttowu all the year round ADRiATio.:.:.v.v:.'.".'..'.v.v.v.v..:.'.:;'':i^o 2?: 1 r- *? BRITANNIC lane IB. I) A. M. rrom Whim Star lock*, pier N2 North River Kates saloon, $80 and fltJD, In gold. Return tie.ketv on reason able term*. Steerage . ?'Kis. Saloon staterooms, airoklnc and hath rooin-< are planed amld.hlpa, where the nolan and motion ore leant, affording a degree of eomlort hit herto nnatt at liable at aea ror iiiHperllon ofjilan and other Inhumation apply at the company . office, J7 Broadway. New York K. J. CORf IS, Agent. KUROPBAB ?TEAM8H1P8. r&xrnr 11 s k mail hteamEEs ^ rOK yUKEKllTOWK AND LIVKKPOUl. CITY Of RICHMOND Juni a B A VL CITY OK BERLIN ?....June J. ? A. M. o TY OK CHESTER Jun" fl>3 P *? C1T* Kn.ra pin, 45 North River. Rataons, etateroems. ? 15 mid 33 Broadway, New York. TSjiTlO-N^ W?VoT.lS7doN. ,L CaNAda .-QugE\3 roWNa*ANrDirL?V?BPOOU *' WOLANU May lH lO A. M. I SPAIN J no. 3. 9 A. *. ENOLARU.?i y ? 8 >ud draft, Irum 11 upward Labln and steeri C P Con,p??y, offices. Bit Rroadway. Issued at very low rate* y. w. J. Ht'RrtT. Manager. rtMLBON LINE-WOK SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL W^&a-a?SiSBM5.^r_a??. fcxcurslou ticket* OB very rt> App|r fur full p?. jr;tt?gr.'ii'.*a&y whiuht ? <*> ?.? P,? A?&'" *" 81'ATE ov NEVADA ?.,..Thuisday. May 81 bTATK OK INDIANA Thursday, June 7 rTATE Ol GHoHOIA... ..... Thursday. June 14 STATE OK PgN-NbU^AMA.... ? |dBtlon e. KiralCHbln.JDlandSTO. MWjrainK^a^^ turu tickets at reduced rat; * loweat ratoa Apply ^BALDWIN ABOo"T??nU. No. 73 Broadway. New York. ?..,VTa ?T as BROADWAY AND AT Till ?kH POOTOKCANAL ST.. NORTH RIVER ? MSfNlffiiS??' -"SS2-- ^ Steamer SCHOLI EN........?'"VLYni'the United States Trips regular, rutes low. oomfort ""d 'l% iu* p Korruifo*A. edyk a oo.. l. 37 SoutU William .V^, a-iRPtT WESTERN STEAMSHIP UKK. Cr TO BRISTOL (ENOLAND) DIRECT, failing from pier "j River, as fol,ow,r:b|ir,d,y( May SI ARRA'.O.N. Sjmous .Tuesday, June 19 CORNWALL, Stampeir-1 * * ?-1 "^Yate" *$13; steerage. $30. Cabin passage. $ . wi*?y. prepaid steerage certifl* ??n;niy?\ ' "1 "nl ?" uWu! M o'roIn .A sent, TOSonthst., TTVTTlin STATES MAIL LINK.?STEAM TO U qCEENSTOW N AND LIVERPOOL. Suiting on 1 UEhDAY. from Dior 40 North River. 3BS3?2?fr. ft i WWKStM* Passengers booked to and Dora P?n^ Hamburg Norw y, Sweden. Ae. Drafta on Ireland, England, rrance auu m.ny at lowest rftl^ILLIAM!j 4 QUION, 29 Broadway. Tkcuob'"LINK ' Cabin $65 to $W', according to accoromodatlone. Intermediate. $35; Steerage. $3S. NEW YORK AND LONDON. ELYSlA 1 una P. 3 P. M l UTOPIA....June 33.3 P. M BU Cabin. $35 to $70; bteeruge, 8JH. Cabin Excursion Tickets at reue<?dratea n ^i' ^iar^ Nos0^" arvi" ^'t? North Rtver New York. 0m ^nisDEksON BROS.. Agents. 7 Bowling Oreen. NstelmsSp^^^.Vwe^AeW York Bontbmnpton and ^.Betnrday, June 3 sf^Xe " eyrtinc?tes. $3<? currency. For freight or 4 CO.. 3 Bowling OtMA S'^^JNHAKl)^A,'l?o!f ; Cte^aR*'<^ARDrrlnBOAS? J'Wrl.&J. . ?0ner*1 ^ COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. . PACIFIC maii.-^ail^ransit V ?V\ALAXN D*b'ri'hS T'^COLI^M^A^ 0SREOoNt'Aa.W BtearasUip CI1Y OH- lORiU 8ANDWIt;n ISLAND.-. W(,it sf??Vv?"C^-SliWS^wJS j?i"?;ol ft"& LEB? t a. ?!??. C."a,?IvU JAMES rWAUDi CO.. Agents. 113 Wall .L_ ^4.Tb^rt?meni wU, aS^?ront"pDr'^6 NorufiRiw*ae^oi? t/? Morgan ? Loulsigua and l ex h T . norte Tlirouafh Iirnros. Santiago. (1'"*'"! I ,8rnalioutti and Oreat North MORGAN. ofBce pier sR) Nortti mw. T? ;fl r ikiit pad <1 aLVESTON,TOUCHING AT KKY hXAS LINK rOK >AJLiVi. stftti-mHu.?The ?tOKmer on Saturday. Mav 19, at .1 r. ? D??ntgon the Houeion Throui^ii bill#of ladinir given t , lirisiAt Northern, "",'K.d ?Je" "For"I'rcicht or ^^'VSS; rlor accommodations) apply to 1L * 153 Maiden lane. . . -? V tTaVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SR. LINE.? ; N ass." >? a I CITY OK NEW YORK Saturday! June 3 I'KV OK MKiUDA ^. .'.'.?.'.'.".'.Wednesday, Junefl via Havana. P. ogre,o. Cempeachy. Tnxpan and^I aj p # ^ C,Sto? New'oVleans May 39 and Jane 10 lor Vers Cror. and all the above ports. Kor 31 and 33 Broadway. 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ??tiling trom piar 37 North River. For NORFOLK, CITY POINT and RICHMOND, TUBS DAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 3 P. M.,cnn nnellng witti the Virginia and Tennessee Air Line. Atlantio Coaat Una, Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road, und with the company's -team linos to interior pointl in North Carolina and Virginia. NEWHKRNE and \V \SHINOTON. v. 0. (via Norfolk) evarv TIJEaDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. LEWES, Del., MONDAY aad THURSDAY, at 3 P.M., connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodation* unsurpassed. Through passage ticket* and bills of lading to all point* at lowest rate*. ln?urunce to Norfolk, Ac , l4' por cent. Freight* reccivod dally at pier No. 117 North Rlvor. Oeneral oilier. No. 197 Oreenwich at. N. L. McCKEADY President. WBBKLY UNR POR PORT ItTiYAL. S. 0.; BKUNS wick, Oa., and Fernandlna, Fla.. sailing every Friday, from pier 20 East Klver. at 3 P M. Steamer CITY OF DALLAS, Captain Hlnea .....May 18 Ticket! to all point* In Florida Apply, tor information and ticketa, to C. U. MALLORY A CO.. 1511 Maiden lane. VTKW ORLKANS~DlKKCT.?THE CROMWRL,L LINE! 1* Steamihlp II UDSON, Saturday. May 19, at 3 o'clock P. M.. from pier 9 North liiver. Through bills ol lading given to Mobile and principal polnta on the Mississippi River. For Iruigbt or paioiage ap ply to CLARK A RE \MAN 86 Went at. T/Ok"bEKMUDa. ST. THOMAS AND WEST INDIES. I The elegant British steamers BERMUDA and CANIMA. nulling May 17 and May 24, will now lorm a regular weekly linn for Bormada direct. The Bermudas are now the most favorite and convenient winter resort. For loll particulars und illustrated pamphlet apply to A b. OUTB KB RIDGE, Agent, 38 Broadway. HALIFAX, N. 8., ANI>~ST JOHN'S, iN. F. (1 ROM WELL LINE, stoamahip CORTES will leave pier 10, North River, Friday, May IS, at 3 I'. M. For passage or irieght apply to CLARK A SKaMAv So Woat .it. york and bayana direct mail link. - I ties* first clean steamship* will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 111 North Klver, foot of Collar at., for Havana direct, a* fol low* : - CLYDE Saturday, May 19 COLUMBUS. Wednesday, May 3C For freight and passage. having unaurpaaaod accommoda tions, apply to \VM. P CLYDE A CO.. No 6 Bowling Oraen. McKELLAR, LUl.INO A CO., Agents in Havana. ~ E?ci Rsioms, *av-FHhTS5 bankS anB SANf/YTTSoK. sTTkTTAT, i\ . M ay 211. alno 24, 27. 30 and 31. Ocean ateamar BETH LoW leaving Harrison St., North River, fi:30; Hth St., Kast River, 7; pier 29 East River, 7:15: 10th at., North River, 7 :4(l; pier (1 North River, 8 A M. Tiekota $1. See paper* fur regular tripe. AL O. POSTER. Manager. A -FOR EXCURSIONS, BALOON STEAMRR TU08. ? POWELL: capacity 2.500; Barge* and Groves; open Sunday*. MARTIN A KASKELL 119 South it. IiOR EXCURSIONS -THE LARGE FIRST CLASS ntcanier Long Branch: alao the most popular iiargea and (?rove*. Having heeu established over 2<J year* I am en abled to fnrnLh everything required for the bnelnees at lew ratee. 3. MYERS. corner Morion and We*t sto. ti 1/0R kxoi'KSlf) *K? STEAMER OENERAL 8KDO* r wick| Burgos llarvoat Qiiosn, Repunile, Caledonia, Main win and Una; also Excelsior Park, Raritan Beach, Cold Spring and Oriental Drove*. *'. S. BKl'iOS (late H. B Cross tn, ::M4 West St., opiioalte Christopher street ierry. OpDB evening*. A MUSICAlo SIMMER COI'KMi in all hi anehes at the ItF.NOWN KD NEW YORK CONNER WrOKV OK MUSIC, No. 5 East 14th St.. second door eait ol 5th av. It MAVERICK, SECRET 1RY, ONLY AT~?HK NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, No. 5 East 14th st , second door east ol 6th av. IONOR KKKANI PAH MOVED TO 221 BAHT~i8Tfi s rpi'.Nc 1 road '.NOR WITH HI01I, RICH, FULI. VOICE, FAIR eader, wishes pealtton in choir. Address BOLO, liaiaid ol&ea,