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HIE ME ORESnUM The Senats Committee Investigatmg the Charge Against Superintendent Ellis. dividends made easy. Tile Insolvency of the Third Avenue Savings Bank Known for Years Before It Was Closed. OlIOKIXG OFF EVIDENCE. Tbs Senate Committee resumed tiioir investigation of the charges against Bank Superintendent Kltis En rolerence to the Third Avenue Savings Bank yester day morning at tlio St. Nicholas Hotel. Much impor tant evidence ofl'orod by the prosecution was rejected uudcr tlio rulings ot the committee. Kuough was, how ever, brought forward to hIiow the real rottenness ol the hank, uud that Hank Superintendent Ellis was ewuro ot ItscoudltioD. Tbo only excuse that Mr. Kills scorned to have lor his negltgonce was that by immediately closing up the bank ho would have Injured other similar institutions, and would have increased tlio panicky fecllug. N. A. Stewart, witness for the defence, was allowed by courtesy to ho culled heloru all tlio witnesses lor tho prosecution had been heard, us ho would bo unublc to be proseut at the investigation Tor any length or lima. His testimony was therefore Urst heard. Ho hud been President of tho United states Trust Company for twelve years; bud been uajuuuitud with Mr. Kills lrom tlie time or tho latter's appointment totheelllco of Bank Superintendent. Shortly alter the failure of Duncan, Sherman K Co., Kllis called upon witness Slid consulted linn with regard to tlio advisability ol closing up tho Third Avenue Savings Bank and ap pointing a recolvor to tuko charge ol Its ttfl'alrs; wit ness udvised blm to proceed ouutlously ; Kills thought that the sudden closing of the bauk would badly ullact other institutions and Huston u panic; Ellis told wit ness that the bank was insolvent; the uonvorsution was only general; Mr. Stowurt was m doubt uot about tho closing up of tho bank, but whotber that lime was a suitable one lor so doing witnout creating a dlsus. trous eltcct on tbo public at large; the report ol 1S75 showed tho bunk to be in a worse condition than the previous your; tho eirect of closing up tlio bank would buvo boon dangerous us liable to cause n run upou oilier savings bunks and thereby injuring the in terests ol depositors. At this polut ot the examina tion Mr. Chupman was summoned t? the Court IIouso by suhpoina and tbo exumluation bad to be suspended for nearly an hour. WITNKSSKS I Oil THE PIlUSKl LTIO.N. After tins onloruod recurs, Mr. Ulmstcud resumed the calling ol whdcssos tor the prosecution. .Mr. A. Sellers, who tcatillcd ou Monday, was re called. llo produced the hooks of the bank, l'roiu tbo entries ol tho loikgcr u appeared that ,j 100,000 had been added to tho cost of tho bank property arbitrarily, in o dor to cover up a deficiency. ihiH llctltlotis sum wus counted as au asset. Mr. lie id, tho bank exami ner had nut exuiuiuod these entries. Mr. Chapman ol>jocted to tl>o reception ol tbo testimony, as it did hot concern Mr. Kills. .Mr. Held, ho said, was not on trial. In March, 1ST."!, tit)),1186 05 whs entered on tho books as tho value ol tbo bunk property, 'ibis was $100,000 more than it bud cost, and real estato bad de preciated since tbo property was bought. Mr. Chap man objected. .Mr. oituHii'ud?llero is an entry llmpjho bank exam iner must have Keen when he examined those books. It was bis duly to tularin bimscll as to the actual cost ol tbo real estate ol tbo bank. Ho wus bound to l ike the necessary steps to ascertain tlio oi.ttiul valuo ol tbo assets ol the bank. It was a case wncru ten min utes' oxuimnatiou would have revealed tin; tmo condi tion ui alfuirs. 1 propone to show what are the items that make up thut $dUu,0'J0. (To witness)?1'ieaso look al tho uccouut and stale what uro the items that go to make up that sum. .Mr. Chapman olijootcd, us lb it would carry tlicui buck to a time bolero Mr. Kills wus appointed superin tendent. Mr. Omirtead contended that the entry having been tuauo subsequent to ino examination by Mr. Hold and loriuiug part ol his repurt to Mr. Kills, no bud u light to show wImt that entry was bv suowtug the parts ol woicU it wut composed, although these part* might have hoeii entuicu prior to the examination lie snowed by the law el 1875 thut It wus the duly ol tbo; Superintendent to thoroughly "xa.uuie every savings bmiK and that the cost ui ui! tuo securities sbouid bo embodied in Hie report, .'imeostol tho property was uiscly slated at .rl'JU.dSi i'6. Any gen lleiuuu knew that no ilgures would i.e ol any vulue un less it was siiowu wi.Ml titer Were. Tbi-comniKteo inter sums deliberation ruled to ad mit the looting of ?iU0,;w5 07. us the cost ol ihs bank, as repori. d lo Siipvi'iuleinU nt Kilis, but excluded the items c! which it was composed on the ground licit tho dales ol those Iloiiu III Itiu ol tho batik was prior to tno examination by Mr. 11 -i t. MYSTKIllfcS OP I'M I pll' AXII LOS... Tho profit and loss account was next taken up. Mr. Chapniun objected. Tho conitnitiee ruled thai no evi dence could bu takcu Iroui it prior to the examination ol April, 1878. Mr. Sellers (lien testiUcd ,luul to cover up ii UeUcirncy the dn colors bad uiailo one bond lor ?lnti.UpO and another lor ?.lu,i:uu, both in union were placed lo the credit ot prolit mid loss and coiisid ois-u as ill asset. Mr. CibipUiuu objected. .Mr. Uuu Stead offered prove thai libit *115,000, which up peuied on the books id au asset, was Uaudub ni y eniored'o cover u ucaciency; that it was otilyueoi lulcrul, but libit nevertheless ibu oirecior* wentoii uiul declare 1 u dividend on it wUich ihey could not otherwise have declared, and thut at present too directors are coiuseuug their own bonds in the couris on tbo ground mat Uiey wore only ticiiiious bom s nod ol no real valuo vkslinr. r. Ohapiuaii OQjnoted that the quoslikn at issue was:?Dai the iuiik have $115,000 ol peisonul bo a .is ' lliey v. ere eiiierod ou ttie hunks iu> an a-seL Did the bank Lavettiem '< ln? coinunllee could not go bcliiud i|u?stion. The original bonus should ou produced. Mr. t.'oioruuu, Fliuirtnau ol thoeommiitne?the com mitted rule und wi>h to be under.;loud us euyiuptliut liuy cannot admit anything except whut uppoars on the unok.s us an usicl. Mr. Olinitead?Well, il that Is the ruling ol ihetoiu nilltoe we will have lo submit to it. a vr.uv oii.iKb*ipisAiii.k wir.Nkss. Mr. Ueniaiiiiu A, McDonald was the next rallsd. He proved to be a moat important one lor tbo presecution. ConUniog lininoll strictly 'o ibo rule laid down by Hie commission nut u> go buck ol ibo lime ol Mr. Kllia' appointment us bank superintend ent or subsequent to tno appointment ot the receiver, ho teatiUcd thut there was a largo deficiency, which could have been discovered ny tun minutes' examina tion ol the books. His testimony win us follows: ? I am it resident ol Wcaube-ter county, an account ant and expert, have examined the books ol Hie l'lurd Aveuuo Muvtnga Dunk bnitteeii March. 1873, and Oc tober, 1875, with a flow ni informing myself ol tho condition nl tho hunk; I propose to give what 1 found in a narrative lorm, couhiiing myssll atriciiy to ibo examiuution ol everything that occurred alter Mr. Kills entered into uliicu in 1873 dowu to tho lime Mr. Cur man was appointed receiver. 1 called upon Mr. Kills nl Albany, and oblainod from hi in tabulated state ments ol lbs condition nl tho Third Avenue Savings Hunk from 1870 to 1.873 Inclusive; huulto Inruished ni t Wtlh u privute uxuiniouliou uiudo by nis capers in the proceeding March; Mr. Kills sunt thut he knew the condition ol the batik, ibni thev woro sh rt over 8300,0111); i siinl, "Mr. Kills, why dluu't you e.lose iho bank?" no s.ud (hut upon advice Irom certain par lies hu deemed it luoxpvdieul, us it might create it p i ii to; Mr. Kills presented me '.villi an additional slaf-meni made by Mr. Lai man ol the coudltlou ol tho bunk ou tno 1st ol July, 1875; I left Mr. Kins mid rumo ts New York, but suhmquuntly sent lo nlin lor the utile ui I reports and cvriiileu ol tho liuuk ex hii11n iiion; upon the reception oi tin so reports 1 learned Irom them thut the bank bad been hopelessly insolvent. (Objection.) I propose to show tlio condi tion ul the bank dunug Mr. Kills' mltiiin si imp u; 1 had the trusties ol Hie bank arrested iu October, 18,.j. (Ub.ieolion.) You ciu'l gel at tho tacts 01 this tiling umess you go ibiu luu uriest ol the trustees and the exstuinutioii ol the books thai lollowed; 1 will sim ply atslo Ibut what 1 learned by < xauiiliailun ol the book-; I learned that during Mr Kills' administration from July, 1874, to June, 187a, the on liru dividends were made out ol Iruudutulil entries made Iroin Daceinbi'r .11, 1 , up to and including Juae 30, 1874; during n )>eriod ol two and a hull yens llieso UiVideniis were made wholly out of fraudulent entries, ol Which 1 can give the amounts and dales; included as uii as n l lu IS76 ivus the trusties' bond lor fila.uuo, which never was an asset. Mr. Coleman?We don't want you to go into that; It is not ihuiorlsl. It is admitted iu the report as au asset. WHAT WOCI.O MARK A llib VKKKNCK. Mr. MucDunald?It would m ike a gr. ut dllTe.renro to yon. If you were a depositor, whether It was an iistol or not. Tbo roport si owe it uu asset, hut I pro po-o to show Irom tho books that tbn report to too Kuperiii'einicut is lalsc. The contingency lor wmen there bonds woro given never appoars uu the books; there wus no liability lo uouuturoalanou the asset. tVnea the bank examiners made their examination in Marbh, IS",6, iheio tliuu existed upon tho oouks of the bank R dcllcicucy in tbo pioilt and loss account alter tho payment ol the dividend. Mr. Khftpoisn?that has no hearing ru the account. Mr. MiieDonaid?It lias a bearing ou the uccouut. Mr Cliapniah?Are you aigulng Hits cu?o or ure you appearing a* a wittier*',' Mr. Mai UonaiU?I am not arguing tho case, Inn I am an expert, and 1 will statu hero lor tbo intoi iiiaiiuu oi tno committee that when tlio examiners make a re port rt I* to ascertain the condition of the hunk and the revenue derived Irom lulcred; that statement wax wholly ffclfifled dtir'n? !Ur. Ell.i' whole sdraln.stru lion ; "the interest received for tli > (liai ?ix month* of ihd year 1*74 was $15,001 64; I ha lull nix uio. lli-t was $ I2, 1'>2 2(1; l hi* di v i Jen ? t pa IJ out on July 1, 1574, w-i* *10,47:1 18, antl tor iho i*t oi Junuury, 1*76, $41,020 04;on thulium ol Jour, 1074. there was a luiue euiry in ad ? in the profit and loan utcouui. ruiuug the real estate al Tarry town $20,613 62; by that oittry they wore enabled to declare too iliviUooU ol July 1, 18T4; on ibo 1*1 ol January, 1876, tlio amount duo de poauora on tint book* was $00,017 3$ less th'in H should havo Ueo; the h tiger did not agree within that much with the prutit and loss ucrount; that was go udd.liouul liability \ which did not appear In the examiner1* report; on the 1st ol June, 1076. there was a debit balance to the suspense nt' onul ol $37,024 88; thai abould have been I in the profit and loss account. There is no such j thing us a suspense account in saving* hunk* ; 1 <.1 is- I ooverod thnao orrors In less lh?u hull an Inur alter I csamiuiug the hooks, nod any accouniant could do the aaino; in regard to Ibo uppointmeni of Mr. Carman as I receiver, Elite told tne that he had been recuu ins tided ; by borne very rcspeeiablo parlies; the total tecciiiis ol I the bang TTom Jnuuary to July, 1874, woro $25,207 63, ] against winch was charged $r,138 82; tnu gross re- I cop:* I rum July 1, 1574, to January 1. 1576, wore $27,442 111, against which wu* uhurged $11,125 10; ut that ttuiu tho debit against this account would wipo out ih,i enure amount ol these receipts; 1 will unto what the dobll west?Ou the 1st of Junuury, 187a, there should havo bom charged to prolit and loss *37.024 SO, uu Horn winch stood ou the suspeuse ac count; they were absolute losses giowlug out of transactions ol ibo bank; thorn were no suspended debts In them. Mr. W. 11. Mauy, I'rasideut pi the .Seamen's Savings Hank, was called by Mr. Cbupuan. l:e merely cor roborated tho testimony ot the ether witnesses tor the dulenco, Ui regard to the panicky fouling ou mo street and the danger there would havo beou in closing up iho hank uuudouly. a ou.NKRAi, xttins our. Mr. fiederiek K. dmyllt wsscallod hy Mr. Olmstcad. Ho tesiilied that he was t-ounsul lor Mr Hurd, the sub sequent receiver ol the hank. Hu produced the di rector's bonds lor fillo.uuu. Mr.-Chapman?All Una evidence was ruled out. Mr. Oluiriead?Ou tho ground thai tro did not have the original papers. .Now 1 propose lo oiler ihuut. The committee ruled tho ollor out ot order and the witness was dismissed. Mr. J. M. Morrison, President of tho Manhattan Company, wus called by Mr. Chapman. .Shortly alter tho luhutu ol liuneau, Mheruwi .V Co. Mr. Ellis cmuu to him and asked hi . advice in rogurd to the Third AVuuuo savings Hank; Kills aa!u lie understood tliero wus a pauicky feeling in tne couuuuniiy; Mr. Morri son agreed with Mr. Kill* that the panic mould not he ioorcuacd hy uny immedi.ue aenou whero no li s* would accrue from uny do ay. Un urusa-cxatuiu iliou witness .-aid hu hud no id. a of the condition ol iho hank; Ellis hud shown him no siuiomcnt oi us condi tion, and ho hiuixcll had no knowioago ol It* ns.-cts. Mr. A. U. Dunn, former president ul the b.tuk, was next called hy Mr. Dim-lead. He huil been a triisloo of tho bunk lor twelve years: he know tho condition ol lite h iuk in 1872 bcluro he resigned hi* position iu li; ho had made a stuieinoui to Mr, Howell, tho loimor Bunk Bnpeituieudout, about II. .Senator Coleman?i think that is not proper. Mr. Olmsteud?1 think it is very pro| or. His state inout wus purt ol the records ol tho banking dcpurl incut. It wuv tumqd over to Mr. Kilts una he is suu pu?ud to know the uouditlon ol In* own otllco. 1 pro poso to prove hy ibis wanes* that in 1871 himseli and Mr. llt'onessy, acting a* u commmee, made a report to Iho Haulc Department ut Alt any in which they showed that the bunk was whollv and entirely in solvent; tnul tho detluicucy at thut time wus over $4uQ,u0u, uud (hut Mr. Kll.s must havo known that luci, wnfcti they could not have lulled to discuver by the most cursory investigation of tho affairs ol the bunk ; that tho subject was a mutter oi public notori ety in tho oity and in all Ibo banking {.litres. Ruled out by tbc committee at the instanco of Mr. Chupmuii. Mr. nimstcud to witness?In you opinion uouhl two cxumipcr* huvo examined into the condition oi this haulc iu two days * Dejected to by Mr. Chapman and ruled out by the committee. Mr. Dunn went ou to stalo that he know the cost of tho banking hou-o aud ulso know thut real estate had decrousod siuco It was Ooughl. When asked what the cost, was tho committee would not allow bun to answer. Mr. oimsuad uguiu tr.ed to got in tho i..a on the evidence to go beioro tho Menato thut tho prop erly had occu hctiiiuusly raised $100.UU0 in vaiuo ou a decreasing tcuiket. \> ituos* was uho n*kud why no rosignud irom iho hunk, hut was not ullowod to an swer. Mr. Oluistcad rested hi* side of tho case with Mr. I MuuDunald1* lusuuiucy. Mr. t'hupmuu asked lor an I uiijou.ument to Aiuuny, where Mr. Ellis will boexmo I i no J. Altor brief coiisultatiun between tho Seniuors i tho luvcsifgattou was adjourned, to bo resumed ut Con ' gross Hull, Alliuny, to-morrow murulug ut ten o'clock. THE CONTINENTAL JiECElVJEKSHIP. THE * NDLKSS LITIGATION CONCERNING IT? COitltEbPONDINCK BETWEEN MESSRS. GRACE and o'nkiu a consultation, without any delinito result?, took plan* yesterday botwecu the respective couuscl of Mutigra J. i'. O'Noll uud William It. Grace, the two appointees to tho receivership ol the CoutinuuHtl Llle insurance Luittptuty*. It i? ?*io to u?*utuu that tho only power to decide between them oud determine the i rlgnt ot uflleu is tho Court ot Appeals. Tho dlsposi- , tioa ol tl?e two i.entletiicn inti rested, uud the proba ble course that rnu l eusuo. may bo obioiveU in the lo.lowing correspondence Nkw VouK, May 15. 1877. I J. P. O'.NtfUL, ikq Iik.ii; Mil i have! been served with uu order, entitled \ "la 11 ie mailer ??| tlm .Ui.mry tietioiul \>. the Gouii;i?u tn Ll.o ln*ui?nci' Curiipaiiy," fvoin uhich il appear-, that y. u have l?etu Mpuoinied revolver ol tlu? aompauy. On the , .?ih <?t I'ebruary, IS77. 1 whh, by an o.d r 01 ihe ^tapra.uu t aurl ??< till* Mnie, duly made and entered hi nil action in which J?ibn O. llojt wan pmin;i!T mid 1 he Contiirmiai 1 i.Hu luiuraiitJ Coiupmiv tielvnunni*. appoint tu t receiver ul said conipti.j; and, asaiu, 011 ttie Uth ? f M-iteli, 1H|7. ? 1 was appointed re Now Jersey by tie Chancellor ot that State I lie appointment inade ay Justice iVestluook tuuirao* tlie i 11 v tidily ot mine, rule ih certainly an nuonialo ih pontim \ uerelu to place soma twenty ta??u*umi elaimania to the tu.ul hi my poeaen ion. 1 am iiasuird by uouti*?l of the U, nlLy ol my Hppoiuuneut. and that 1 cannot, with naiety to my iMindMoen, volautitriiy and without i llj sanction of the Uiitticst Cont ol Hie Mute surrender the assets of tlie co'nriaiiy into lite hamis of any other person. 1 de ply de plete tie* coul uiou, iu lay and 1 .\peu~c thai tnust result front tin*, d units hppoltiliiieut. and will gladly do all 111 my power to hrinir mutters 10 a satisfactory aim prompt teruiT n ntoii, and to this end 1 wotil I suc.wht that you and your ci.uiifcul meet uio here wl|h rnv cour^cl to-iuorrow at naif past two r. M. Your very obedifitt servant, IV. 11. grace. Receiver Continental Life Insurance Company. It K PLY or Alit. o'.SUL. Mr. O'Ncu'h answer to the above tetter smacks of mora and uuavoitiabio litigation, ol which the* pour policy holders havu uircudy liuu a surfeit. It is us ltd* tows: ? Nkw Voiik, May 16, IS77 \V. It. tilt AC'.- 1 Oi Att Mil - lii answer Id yottr letter Just now received. I would kljf that i dcpioro with ton the conhiooii, ftelay and c.vpeiMt* 1h.1t 111 u <t M .-ult fruin tho t<?ur?ts w >!cu y??ur i? 'ter Would seem to sitK^e*t. I "hi tctl v join in doinu a.l in 111 > power to hilui; mutters to a satnoAcloi y ami prompt tmiiilnutioii; but, my dear sir. what can I do . to h o ih it t i" order of tho th-urt Is r*?r?e.-tcd? II y u nro dusaiisbou with the dot-Lion ol the Coait il i? lor yon to hook leiiet in tho uppr* pnato way, *o rh a what ever Uoiay and con in 1 on miii result will mil upon j?u. T is i? not acwiitcst bciwocu v*?u md mo*, ?in y .mr Icit :t would seem to a?Mimo; it Ih iietwcmi you and the Court, and us you have refused to oh ?> tin* order of the mio win. h has anpoiiitea nie receiver I leave von to emtio 1 wit 1 a ldtrhei Court and u*mine all ttie i? sponMibhtty lonjf and protracted litigation may induce. Yours, respect fully, .lollN I*. O'.Ni.ILL, Receiver, ?i?. THfcl ATLANTIC MUTUAL Lil E. Judgo Westbrook, ui Albany, yesterday, demod tlio 1 anplication ul' iliu Alkmio Mutual Inouraucu , Cumpauy lu dismios the proceeding*, uud ordeicd a rclerco to take ovideni o a< to tha inaolVandy ol iho | coinpuny. ua per report ol tho !*upuriuuuiteiii ol tho I lusuraiiuc Uoparttueol. TO LTLRNITY FOR LOSS OF TIME. On TuoMlae Di^hl Jautoa U. Howard, ol N'laynra oouuiy, N. V., ?eni with hia brother to ace the curul- 1 vai procoakioD, and wbllo in I'uloo aquara he was ao. { coated by a alranger who robbed blur ol biiwauh. ; Howard, who hail be n moody all through the day, ; aeeiucd very much crievod when be diacovertd hia lo?e ULd kept inulieriug aboul il all tbe evening. Hia 1 brother, and a iriund or his, accompanied Itttn to tbo Vandcrbill Houw, in \V rreo ; a i rue i, \ibcra be took a room lor ihu mgtil. Vealerday morblng Uonard did not appear, and wlieu Ins broioer iMiuu to luquire lor bun tl.u clerk waul to hi. room tu auinuion lum, bat was una'He 10 obtain a reply, ai d uben be o|H'Bud ibe lunbgbi and .looked >ri bu aaw Howuid lying on biu bed and graaplcu in lua I ric'bi bind a revolver, with winch be bad snot biinaeii iu tbo right temple. siiorily alter ( Howard wua lubUd in L'ui?u aquaro a cuopln ol K ghtcenth precinct ulllcera uullcod lour muti acting Mi-pictou-ny. and on approaching tiieiu ot.o throw a waish aw.tjt, 'Ibo men wero aircgied and brought to the naiion uouae, and the witicb na? vtta- ! tcrday nlebtili 'd by Howard's i>rotbor as tbe one taken Irom the nucule. Kvuteucu was yesterday taken in tbo cu e at tl.e Coroner's < Hire. Tbe* dor eared was K I Commercial traveller, lonneriy employed by f. H. Triicdale, but lor tlio Uat low week, bo b is bod no engagement. THE OWN Kit LESS WATCH. Annie Uunitou, who was arrested on Monday on a ! charge of robbing Janus M. Cavanngh, ol Nig I'd { broadwny, said to bo an ai.i.'orig'reasnian Irom Con necticut, of a gold watch and chain and it e.linuk lor >.U, 100, was arnngnod bolore Judgo WanJull yusturday ulu iuuOQ, lor the ton rib Uhie, and was discharged, i lleteelivo iteilly, wiio made the arrest, lius beeti uii- 1 abla to procure the aitcudanee jI Sir. c.rvaiiigh mi ' court I'ayutoiit ol the check bus bean stopped, and I tho watch and chain are In the h inds of the put cc. A8SAULI' WITH A KNIFE. William Barry, aged lurty years, a tailor, living at No. ltd Mulberry street, took a holiday oo iueaday lo aos the Carnival, return.tig tiomo ul a hue hour some what under the itilloeiiou ?( liquor. On borsyth street . lie inui Mm v Ana Hngers, an u(a|ualhiiinoe. living ut No. ..A thai Htroei, uh 1 the |> ttr had a dispute, during { which ilurrv dtntv li poaket knilu und ursaulicd her, euiliog tiotn her iiamt- quite suvcioly. lie was pi nnpily 1 arre.U'd. At tlio lootba 1'olito Court yesterday lie waa | ncid id $1,W0 ball. [ TUB l'BKSlDKM'S 3IQYF.MKNTS. THE KEwEPXIO* IN THK GOVEUNOU> MOOif? NEARLY TWO MOUJW or HANDSHAKING A DKJl.UNl'K AT AlU. JOHN JAC015 ABTOll K. T ho entlius asm that tuaurissled itself on Tuesday Jo ibo visit oi President Hayes to tbte dtv was continued yesterday. Jt bud been arranged thai ho ihotild bol a public reeeptloo in the Governor's Boom t? tb* City Hull, and nboul ball-past tou o clock ibu 1'ro.identu panv arrived there >a two open carriage*. lu ibu Ur?t carriage were the President, i-eoroiary Evans. Sucre- , tarvSchurz and Mr. Theodore ltooievelt. lu the sec- j outi carriage wore Mr. Webb Hayes, tno son ol the president; Mr. Tburlow Weed, Ueueral MoU'ook and Mr. Henry M. Tailor. As these distinguished gentlo tuen alighted Irotu Hie carriages tliey were recognized hy a large number ol persons who had congregated in tlio neighborhood, anJ a vig orous dicer greetotf their uppuurance, wblch the President graceiutly acknowledged by the ol Ins hub 'ibo party was welcomed by Muyor Ely and conducted to bis private room. There they lurried tor alew minute.-;. This mtorval was occupied by ln epcoior Thorite and-Uaptalu Walsh. of tbo City Ha' precinct, lonuing ? double Itno of potioomou Iroui the stujis or tbo hull to Iho piazza. I'y tbts limo the crowd bad greatly Increased, and a line was loriue from the vestibule ol the ball wbich extend- d to the brown stone building ?u tbo Park; ibis wis rubsc iiuentiy supplemented by a brauolt ibat extended to tbe l'osl tuhcu building I IUC UOVKI.Non'K ItOOM. The rotunda ol the Ciy Hall was brUUteuod by a liberal display of burning, and tminodlulciy over tno entrance to tbo Governor's Room the national ll?S had been placed, Intertwined with winch was a shield with tbo arms ol the city puiuiod theieou. t he luicner >' this rocui, which always presents au appear - anee, had its attraction* increased by a very urustic urruugcmetil Ol the Star Npuugled Manner, including (lugs used at the Inauguration ol Washington. The writing table used by WaeUinglon was placed lougtUwise across the chamber, and beuf to tbia were three com loiiubio aud capacious lounges. When the President entered arm in una with Mayor Ely ho was evidently verv much impressed wub iho galaxy ol portraits tl^at tnoi Ins gaze, and stood lor a lew moments to take an iniiiiiriiii! survey Tua voice tit the people washoaid wituoKgmg the ponce to thorn a chance to reach the tiovcruor's Itoom. run visitors. At eleven o'clock the doors wore tbrown open, and L'aniaiu Walsh euleied wnb a small body ol police, w, ?h"e ph'ced .ul.uo Horn tbe door, aud wbeh Uie President bad taken up his position ? iuctou's table the hrsl m.m on the lino wis admitted. lie proved to bo n uuu ol vorv small stature and very neuiaigbted. tic was evidently uaaccustoin.-d to such grsuueur rounding.'; , lie lost his pr? si-uco ol mind and was so hturtled tuat be lurgot to shake b iuus with tun 1 tesi demt vvuo. very goSd nutiireuly. came to bis rescue Hud Uizmg bis baud as he passed gave it.? very hear./ shake aud both laughed at the little odveulure. I hcu hihowed for nearly two boars, at the rate ol about s \iv u miouie, a line ot peopio ibat included ?!VJ-ry Srmfo oi comeiv. 'there were uoue too low.y to do the Presmcbt honor, !or side by side wuh downtown merchuu.s and young uieu Ol uU['ua .1 t ? i.: ..<1 u UL'VhSllOVli WI Him were The bootblacks and newsboys ol the streets who wore scarcely sulllc.cni clothing Hticctw, u ol dccuucy. I he ma to iiresvut an appear ao?v ot decency. The ma onty J? loose who were >.united were ev.deally iroiii utuouu iuo#u who urn known a& iuo working P? A'tracud no coubl by cursorily loaeeilio ( P.estdent ot the United States, tney nearly all showed ov tbj nc 'riitiess oi their greeting that the* weie w iilnul to pay him nil proper rospaot lucre weio a mi ladies ou the line, .ma m every case when a .tidy i"ro9cuieU herscll thi President changed his modem j . I.,, I,., luivvioif V? IV loW ho lOOlv ltd Ui&UU. do' u.o' urst lady who c.uue bo presQiuod ibu rose that i \vual n tbe 'mm button,.ol. o. ...scout ^Uumsed j shall keep lu'i'^us'a helr-moui 'i'h my latnily. Mr. dolm wue'iciuytnew to whom bo was introduced. '', ,.l io^IIu UUa-"Md -1sUaid ui the uaimn. Nearly ah the chiolH ol departments and ibe ole. xslii tnuir ? .-allienvi t Horn the court House uud eouliguuas Oillces canto oyer II oius 's.)|nulaloJ ?l0lo?, t.y uie ex nniole ol"Mayor Ely. W hose courteous atleution to the I'resideul denug hi visit to iuo city met with unani rnous approval. ^ DmAl>po|NT>u>x. ALha'l-uj-t twcivoo'clock the President rolired ircro ihn ioui'i It hud been understood that the reception Mavor leil the Governors room and ru sb. -sa .a f uhiuh t iif i'f (3>uifMi. Hi'creUry Kvaris, wheu fb.i President rosu lrom nis auJ, uueovcriug hi* head gracolully bowed his nckuowTcdgtiunts. 1 bo parly win thou rapidly driven up Broadway to tbe Filth Avenue HoteL Mil. JOHN JACOtl AHTOH'S. m r?" -? fb. r carriage*, 'the beautilul toilets ol the ladies ore ?* ?i T."i ?- .<??>? tft drtSS "ft ?"? K.T* l.nglllsueti i"?"J ,a . , iV,s ,,| Jhc,Bmttn?ontnaud1 were' reer.vsd by tno us.-em , d cu. sls Uarrn.a.i lollcwcd carnage In rap d mi.-c.-. on until thero was at-emhl-.l m t. o parlors a luir rep,orcatalidh u. v..rk 1 Til ill the rooms iho air w..s reao. at w"in the fragrance ot llovvrs, and the ctiHt " Mringed band lent a gentle excitement to the Itshte retury'schurz and Ml* ft'*, l.ii lor h drive in the T'y?KffW. - dinner parn lo lie rrci.di-ni IU iho ovon?np. TO WAMWINGH^. The Presidential party return to Washington this morning by the UiiiT train, limited expic?s. UOAIiD Of LDliCAl ION. hcitoop ntrAins obdebko??jtx cobpoial rt': I IIMliNT BB BUITOBED IN THBSCUOOUI? The Hoard ul bducatioti mot yesterday, I'rumiunl Wood in the chair. A latter troin Mr. Tdward i-cUii, notily init the Hoard ol bis reaiguuiioo uh .1 Ccmutt sioner, called out a soi'ics ol complimentary rosifu* tiona. 1 ho rep, est ol tho trustees ol the Ninth to ciosn Oramnisr School No. to, to muKo repairs, *u* g r.tbtcd, atiu tin y wcro empowered to close it as *?oii us they stto Ui. TI.e superintendent* report for the pu.-1 month thirty.lour schools visited, thiriy of wlich , wcro in excellent con.Ill ion ; :iot) classes wort exim liiu.t, and ID all the diScipllBo was excellent or grid. The iiiiuilior ol pupils registered oo April M voe 1 ui. 147, und the nverugo attctid.inco for the tnonthvu* 1 It),V Mil on therecuiiniiehdaliou ol ihoCouunittecou Norml I College the rules were suspended, to umitiie two price ol a gold w.itch and two twenty dollar gold piu< csiu tie couipeti U lor hy too Trench ptlpiia. A rvsolutmi ? dMiuctiud ihrco unit a per oont Irutn taaehes' . ? alarms lor too months of Juno uud July, (lie laliifto lio added to their December salaries, litlie l.uuncul condition ol the Uosid will permit, was adopted. Our 1 i.T.ixri wns appropriated lor iiiu eh large inant <d <? ran- i mar School No Id. aud f.,0,uoo lor slmiNtr work iii trlatUtll * r c (lOOl No. il'J. 1 In) I'lnuDce Committee submitted tho approprs- | tlona loi May, June aud July, ua hUteiiw i or s.ituius ui teuvhers in wuru schools For ral.'ii tee ol jaoitcrs m ward snboola, gf.Ot) Tor salaries ol prwlcsaurt, teacher* uuu oilers ill Noi Dial College und trailing gchool Ill, .10 | Tor salaries ut uporiulumt, ui uud other olllccis of tlio Hoard 19,01) 1 For salaries lit teuchersaiid Jain torn In coloied school*...,, S,00 Tot.I $ddtl OO Iue Coinmiiteo on ll.vigw* was rn| io?ted lonprt at t ho in eel, n j ol tlio tl, a ol Juno as to the ml visa hilly ol restoring cof| oral punishment in the achoola. SWELJslNO THE DEMOCRATIC LIS'. Dkfartxkxt or Pi *lio Taw,a, New Vorlc. TO TlIK EnlfOH or I IIK llKtlALDl ? In tlio 11 ki: a lb today 1 am set down lor a r?pu licin. I have always been a domourat unvarying'. Will you do me the favor to bavu soma siauniol li' ido liy which this wilt lio corrected ;u your pap.*. \ cry truly, W. 11. MAK1 IN, [Park Commissioner Martin's correction adds oo more to the number and fe.aOO to the annual salnf land ol democratic heads ol departments and burcus in the city government. It increase* hy |ust io uxib the absurdity of tho Aldarinnnlc wall over the crul partisanship of turulng adult sixteen unuo c, say democratic city oflltiaU and only two republicans., lit). 11 KHALI). J A BATCH 07 BARRISTERS. COMXILNCaUKXT r.XLRCMCH O r COL Will A COL LED J3 LAW ICBOOI) LAST X IlilJT ? AOLLLSS OK Xtn. CUAKLK4 O'COXOU. | Tho Couitnsnccmcnt exerciser uf iho Columbia Col lege Law School attracted last evening uu audience that tilled to Its fullest extern Hie Academy ol Music. j Some proui.i>?ul cit./eus ?ud member* ot tho liar be- { I sides two or three judge* oc. up.od seat* oh Ibe slug*. A table iu I? out, behind which tbo speakers Hood, . , held u number ot baskets ol Lenulilnl flower*. Iho graduating clan* nuniberul _( 4 and marched down tho teuire pa*?age to Keats reserved j | lor then) In the orchestra bcloro the exer. ( cues commenced. Whoa they were sealed prayer ; j wait oRered by lit v. ill. Dully, chaplain ol the college. , Prolossor Dwigln then briefly addressed the grad- ' uutiug class, in passing no alluded to the settlement | ! of the title to the Kxeoallve o.ltco ol the nation with- ' out a retort to arms, but uy low, as au evidence ot the poople's growing resptel tor the law. A still stronger evidence ol their love tor law rem lined lor tho people, who, with a frowning eye and tcrrtllc voice, should drive dishonest legislators from tho halls of legislation. Some ol hi* hearer* would be practising lawyers, soma legislators, lie said, and to guido I ho tit la their way* ol lite ho gave tLcin .,oino sound advice, The practice of law, lie said, was not the application of fixed rules and prin ciples, but the employment of the most mobile forces to existing and oil. u ctmugo .hie events, in tho course ol hit address Protestor Dwiglrl twice complimented Mr. o'Conor in the highest tortus ol praise lor his creditable coudu.l In Iho legal profession, pointing to him ns due to be omiilatod by ell desirous ol attain tig to eminence in tbo law When he bid thu class farewell Mr. Charles o'Conor advanced to lliu trout of the plat- | lor in. Ilusud it had beon suggested to him that it would bo ngrcioublu lor hitu to suy a lew words to a graduating iIu-h of three hundred while lie was i|Uioily reading u redan history in Ins country rest- j dence. T he number was iiiiiniulely ussoeiated with I stirring ? varus in thu history ol tireece, unu a sort ol aiipursilliuii impulled III in to accept Iho charge. Here totore, lie raid, they tiuu been pupils; now ? they were to go lot ill us preceptors The luturo | rosontod many grave consideration*, but this should not lie u cull-1' for lenr. experience 1 would inspiie in Itiein the (tualilit'S requisite to a mas- i lery ot these diltlculues. Tiiey should remember that j judicial uuuiuijiy require* lor it* supportu laittiful, ! diligent and cul gnioncu llur. Ttio career Uoioro you | demands lutogniy, common *eu*u ami leurntug Vuu have been provided with tltu last; you woro gilied with tnu second or the third could not have bucu tmpuried. It is needles* to omphiislso tltu uocesslty ol Hie llrst. It is a mere truism that neither in pro lessionul 11iu uor in any ullier cm piom or satlslactlon result Irom act* marked by its aosvucc. I'orsoua not forded iu Jurlsprudenca or government as sciences ollcu lliiugiuo that tho lawyer and tbo j parly on one side ol every cusu is ill the wrung, ! uud thcrelore culpable. Mdtb unmerited obloquy ! lias tieeu heaped upon prolesioual advo- ; cacy hi consequence ol mis ooue.pnoii. It is ' n mistake Juries aru almost IliVunubiy lioncst nml impartial, yet p. is known that tncy ottcu Uud much (t illiuuliy :n agreeing upon a v. rdioi. \V so .mil learned judges ultuu deliver muborule disscuts Hum .luugiuuui* which ultimately receive universal approbation. It aeeuis Hence to lollow that tbo advocates and parties on both sides iu many casus :uuy he poifecUy upngot. Mr. >t'tionor said, In conciu*ion:?Proceed. then, my young Irietid*. a* your virtuous predecessors, iu an honorable aud usjlul pi'olossiou, nave lutbcrio do no. Champion every sound principle, and allord every lairly debatable question ol law und lues the bonolit ol legitimate urgumeut in ! the puliliu loruni. Let your skill and i labor Dot only prnluct inuoctnca', out secure even to tho evildoer that oiderly adinimsiralon ol just leu ? Wbtcb win touch turn to less with reverence mo rod uhi n ain.tos. May lionor muiutaiued uud duty well [ porloruicil mark the career of every one among you, I und surround it- close with hu| py mgmorius. TIIK IIHAUl'.VI K*. | When iho degrees were couicrrod mil tho parch- I 1 nieuts Ui-iriooled, thu audience dispersed, lire lui i lowing uro tho name* of the gndiii'tng class:? I'uomiis Alexander, Jr.. William Heurv Alien, Waller Hcott Allerion, (leorgu Henry Allison, Walter Wu-hnig- I ton Appelget, Francis llalnlml Appl lon, Murk A.ii, , j William il ury llurrlsou Vasitn, William UaOuucK, I T no in us Humming' lluoc, Samuel Kossilur He lis, | j tuaik* August Itiuier. Clarence t runk lliruseye, j ' franklin Julius Ulscboli, l.inal.uoi Watson Lctotniag | dale, Henry F Jitter Hoardniaii, loliu William ltuotubv, . ; Pruderick Antonio, John f i ancic llreutiau, Jacob 1 Lutiicr Urighi, Alfred Small ilrown,t'liarloa If. Hrown, j Willittui aiuuu Hryan, tieor.u I'.ederick Hudonbeuder, I Oourilaiidt 1'. I., iiutb'r, Jr,; Jo oil l.eary Cameron, I j James ltose Carmiclinel, Thomas Davis t'arnval, Jolm | ' Augnsiiue Carney, I.n est Carpomor, Thomas Carey, Ward Callin, Oideoli fucker Clia.qiell, Carl T bullion Chester, Juipeu Heck Clark. Corislopoer CaTvih i airge, Ouutge Drmoud Ula ' Clarke, j nomas sfiuell Clarke, William Addlaou Clarke. ? narioS Frederics C.lllu, lie roil Albert Cohen, Jaiialbuu DiCnlu.-oii Coufict, Crank Martin Conklin, Itoneit Joseph Conk, I'll,up Coopei, William Hansom Cornell, John H.wuU Coi ?in, Jaclnlu Hiuiion Co= la, Jr. , Kuinanoll Coltlnuii, Jnuie* Frederick IKrkuiun Crane, C'.oxar Augustus c'uppia, Michael Henry Cuiruu, Wiol.itn | Cdiiiohd Curtis, Jr.; Charles .-loaurl Duvitoi), Wil liam Aug. Peering', Julili Lewis llovenny. Kdwiu Hull lf.ckcrinau, Frederick W'lJiaiu Diebl, John ' Itliioclunder It.linn, Warren Roger* f)ix, Wihlsm ' ftoderiek Oulferty, Itugn Francis I'olau, Robert Cla. - I ence Done.l, Waiter ItuloroOK Dowus, Cmreiica Abruiii Drew, Jacob W'alioslev Dugro, James Allen Humoni, Jr.; Leorgu lis-? 1 Dunn, lleui.v I row bridge Dysmau. Wcrgo Williams Lasimio, frank IV. Klwood, Jolm 1*r<l Kuali*, Wiltlual Ferdoh, J.inios M. filisimuus, Joint(ieoige l iaiiit.ier, William It. fritduerj, Kennedy H.uiev i ulleriou, l.ou a Midi Fulton, Cornelius Foiguo- | sou. Jr., Jolm CgJiles fieinoui Card nor, John Anson , tiaivtr, Wal'd lladlsou c i/l.ty, Jl , Kvuu I'lllHp 1 Ueur|u, Jr., I Ivuigsion it,Herd, WlllMin Jaiuus C.J- j llllaiij Daniel liiml Cilmau, f rank -choQh Cms*, Jonn : JoseMli Cleueon," Kdaard CoMscliniidt, Abruhaiu 1 tlobUmitn. \ en.on Do I.'.-* Crave, Ailsler Creelc, Cardluer Creeuo, Jr.; i baries Itngo Horn, Puny Haines, Henry Wager llallvak, ! J inii't Uatnillou, John Henry H.niiltue, t tin- i ton .tuniurd r. arris, annuel llirri., Itl n/.e Lorrn. 1 ? aril lini'svli, Coleridge Alien Jim, siiailu's Hiduey i Hurt Well, Aogusl CM.He* Hassey, Joiiu Hayes, James Jl.tdavi. ArtIIor Then. Ilnllih li, Frnuklltl lloherl . Uogellooiu, Jollti Jaeksou llulibell, Csorgel.iliO Hag lina, Hint .iniVo. K.tndoleh Hurry, Frederick . Wit.Will loekvl. Kdw n W right Ivins. Hoh.rt Jaekaon, i Jo.-epli A. Jacobs, AI Inct fraud) J Ilk), Patrick Jilt oiiigs, Arilmr Mailirn Joiiiiion, lfwigiu Ai veil Jonei, Cewrgt fiodTitk Jon s, John l.nmberi Jones, Jr., A ... ii h.iho, Leonard Kalis. I), Thomas Heurv Kearney, KJmoud Kel.y, Arthur Kilgoie, Henry Atuasa King, j John Mtndixk Km.'. Waller Frederick Kiiig>l..ud, i Cimrlce Cuorg'u t.o**, Woil.ung Kuifiier. Kdwaul Hun- ' ter I .udon, Mtchuel Joliu l.ungau, W l.srrouiore, Fiank .siiiiiIoi l.e Cinuntc, Kdwurtl Henry l.eggett, lie li no l.ewinsnii. Ferris I.owls, J unes llrvaiil I. Haley, fcdgur Logan. )r., John AbraUam Loil. Jr., 1 Wesley Anderson Lyon, Ceorgo It. M.Ciaskcy, XV ii Inn ii Low in McDonald, Cnurle* Mc.Nainco, 1 bpeucor ?? ill M Nary, D mul Datrpi, It. Xi inmy, I'homas I'lncknev Maklbbeii, Newell I Mm mi, Charles Meyers, John Hleockir Mi.l.r, David Mllllkeb, Jr.; William Doisen Mills, ."'ol A.bel't Minobv, franklin ltinialiiiii Mitchell, Kuxuo xiiura, 1 Charles I r.uici* Cook Moor, Hur.soo layior Morgan, j It en i y liorguiiinau, Frank ilurdiek M ? ? r i son. Wii.iiin Hiruni Morriauu, Itluliard John HoAinuu, w hii .ni M oer, Jr.; If nr.. tVillctl Xluoge, Deter Lou s Mminly, Felix I ono Murpi.y, II.?m. r Cross Muiphy, S unuci C iliiuoii Newtou. r r.ii/. Uesiorreicr, M.irbort .st.. rw iod Ogdcn, Jai ub X an Vcchien ttlcoti, f ranklin Maruvllus U.dr. J sines D'NuHl. Joseph Fucilicur tlrit. . I nomas . atnuel Druiistou, Mnes Cnarluck Palmer, , Irving Paris, Jr.; f.dward Forhe* l'arkuiui,, i Willum IJccaiur Parson-.. John I'liou as I'auy, John | Piition. Jr ; Charles James Pi'itrsou, Wiiluri Wurreu I Perrv, thomus W'e.-i Peyton, Diepbeu Ptnloin, Fruucix Willi.hi Pollock, Willuld Hall Porter, 1 tank Hunter Potier, riienpl.ilu* D.i lgo Powell. Kdward Wiliurd ' prom, June* I'uniicit, cibson Pin/. I, Mauley a K,?y tnonil, William ximiat Kciliy, Alon. . lUnjumin Revel, \ Charles Andrew Richardson. John Ridley, J wines Lati mer Robinson. William Rockwall, William Wash- ; liigiou ."m lb Itoome, Ueibert lalt Root, Cliailea llaih, Hiram Mills Rullson, Jr. ; K iwuru Rus *.ll, Arthur Cbaiubers, Wilbur fisk m.uior.i, I rank HeliaelHcr. Winter Jacob Scott, I houias K.y ?e. .r, Dniiel Kdwurit .Scjhci, Ihc .Ucro "heldou, Archibald Campbell Mieusmne, Ceorgu .Scoti .Shop- ] p.ird, Andrew ill1 land, Jr ; At/tour. M. hlnmid/, Michael Uenry "igeraon, K lmupd Muuroo, f.d- . ward Cunt* ^niiih, John Frarrnls Fmlth, Kdwnr.l j'e.iiiplWlou knelling, f iedcrick Augustus neow, Naga t mi ."oiuu, lir-orce William ttomurindj ke. Kdwnr.l Wells soul I. worth, I rial) I'ouli y Hpievr, Henry W,l rnur Sues pole, c'liun.ecy chirK istarkwe ith'T, Allied Utecklor, Jacob, Wnilam Si. d dard. Francis John HuL.vuk. Kl...?r, J Jin Frederick iajisc'Jix, Henry Herm it, lay lor, Thomas Funkin Taylor, Davi t Clark I'aili, Kdward \?o?rhoc* Ib.ruall, frank llioadlieid Tra.y, fruncik F.d nurd irafloid, Muruu V'.ut Huron Travis, Joseph I'liruin, Charles Fro.' rri. lt I'.ldi rhill, II. nrv Mavro Van Dozer, Wjmint X'i.n '/ tmlt. .Ir Allred l-amh XVaiker, Cu..rg? I Rnrry Wall, JulinJosof h Walsh, David Leon Waller, Clair nee Davnl Ward, I'liarle* Dougl ra W u ri'r, t'liai ea , Heiny Waison. Pan.lord Weils, Jr.; I.ou'.s Werner, Henry Wakeniun Wheeler, John rioweri Whillnv, John Maxwell Willrnu.s, C harles Kill XVdli on, Lew is flavld Wilson. Il.inry Uoo?lricli Woiooii, Ulin-.ou Wolf, Chai- , uieis Wood. Til K 1'NIKkM. ihe following pit/iia wero aieo Mr trded to lliu alio cemiul Opmpetiiira; - h irai prizo In law, $li,tO, to Joseph t I nmti, a graduate ol the Ofllogo ot New York. SitojnU prizo to IIwikIiI A. Jouua, a graduate of Y.tio College. ilitrii prize to Charles fi Watson, a grednate of Will, mm - Collego. t ointnilttc of A war 4 -1'. 1.. Sietnm, (norgoC. ilolt and It. I'. lato, Ol the New York li <r. lu the department til Political .it lenco a of f ? 0 i. atvarde I to Jox plt I lintap. IB international law a prize ol fion la awnr-hd to Kdntuod M. Mmlh, a gruduuo ol AMlMfat College. DELIHKRA'IH 'bUlClDE. Charles Wciul.ardt, of Clinton atroet, Hohokeo, a prlv.ito w.1101111111), took Pm i* sre n 1 tat t t uning 10 the presenceot his family, owing to dnrinteitc troubloe, He relusrd to take n.ijr einctin nod said he wee dotcr miued to die. 11,? death l< com-ideicd cerium. ART MATTERS. E0YTiBT> M >B . N rt Ci'LI.ECTION*. Tho flno rolleruou of pu.nnug* by I'M yard Moras, which bail been u i exhibition lor some days u( Ibo Kuru Gallery, under the appropriate title or "Laud uuil Sea," i? to bo sold by auction at Association Hall. Tbo salo begins lo-uighl and will be continued to-mur row night wbeu tbo pictures belonging to Mr. Morun, at ttro-i Dt op exhibition in tbo Academy of Llustgu, wilt ulao be ottered fur sale. TlIK AI AIIKNY OK lillllCT, Tb" members ot the Nalioual Academy o! Design are 1 to be couiplimeotcd on ibo excellent lloanoul condi- 1 tloii in which that institution Inula Itself at the present hour. t'u Iuosduy the last mortgages were paid oil. aud i fur llio In si time since tbe ercettou of the pros- 1 cut academy building the iiislltuiion Un<ls itself I completely irco from debt and occupying a sound ! thwmcial position. Not aloim it tbo National Academy j I re a iroiu debt, but a comfortable balance i- in buuk \n tnc credit of the institution, which n?w enters uu a bopciul career ut prasnor ly. hi view ol tins well being the fees which during the past low ; ? tir* have lioen t\tni(il trnin the students in the Irawiug school have beon abobshud, and the original laieutiou of giv tug lico inairuetiun In nit will be tnainui.iou. aire of THE W1TT1IAOS-VOUXIBIES COLLI.fTfON. ' There was n fair uttundauco lu si night at tho Leuvilt Art Uoontl ou ttio occasion ot thn sale of puiuttligs ; belonging to Mr. Jacob Voorhus, but there was very , little unitnation among tue buy err The prices ob- i tinned weru Vi ry low. ana iu aoiit') eases scarcely paid lor the trained. A number of the lea? important pictures . sold at prices ranging from $'i to it), unit upon these works Mi. Voorhlos tnust huvo sustained contldorable lus.-'. Tito following pictures brought iho best prices :? 1 Tho WurprUe, Kretichmnr. $_'ot> | b tot aring lor ilia Chase, Walker. lib Fuou lor>, liucto lit) I it.mJy .soured, \ amterveuoe. l')a ' Stupiduy utiu Suiartuoss, Honoris, (each) K"J l.nko Dunmoro, Hrlstol "no i Tbo AinuusuaUt). V.uni l"n 1'oud no.ii lluugiune. l.auibluol JUa I Mother's Help, Velguao I'-'i | Preparing lor Dinner. I'd) I Tho Faillilm Knoud, llerungor JJO | Klock ol Sheep, Suhenck 'Job Flirtation, Kscitsura IDS | L'uprt, linhuet 'Jab I I'hc Hui't, Carulus Eli Portrait ol Prayer, Prey or ills lib Interior ol a Cliutoiu jsb I'he Art I.usaoii, Carand J no Jealousy, Uubuer .'lib Tbo Uejeuaer, Samson li.O 'I bo oruugu Uat buret'., Sam gib Tbo New Shoos, Cipriani l'.lo lb the Corutleld, Vau lugun IP) Landscape and Cattle, Savery 110 Tbe remaining paintings and water comr ..mwiacs will bo soid this evening, ou Friday iilieruoou tho Rcuipturo, vases and bric-a-brac will be sold. TUE ART 8TUDENTS' LEAGUE. The members of ibis uselul organization held tbo closing reception ol tho sca.-ou ut their rooms on Km It avenue lust evening. A good many prominent New York artists exhibited pictures and sketches us uu eucourasumeal to the studcuts. It was aunouueud that ttio schools of thu l.eaguo will ho promptly re opened us lire llrst Monday m October, una that ar rangements have been nt ido to widen tho lli-ld of practical instruction by lectures ou Iho higher brunches ol art. Mr. Milrlow has b.-ea secured as class in structor for tho corning season. LONG ISLAND EPISCOPALIANS. Tho auuual Convention oi tho diocese ot Rung Island continued its business yesterduy tu Hie Church ol tho Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, B>sbop Euiiejohu presiding. j At the busiuess ses.lou tho ltov. I)r. Scheuok, of Si. Ann's, read an interesung report ou the institutions ol tho Church Charity Foundation. Dr. Hnskius pre sented a canuu ou tho institution ol ministers so as to givo portusuoacy to tho pastoral olllco. As it Is now the average pustorutu ot tho clergy does not exceed , tbreo yours, uud tie called on u bruihcr wuo hud ro- 1 ccntly come to Brooklyn, but found that alter five ' inouths' pusiorato he liud reslguud aud gotta elsewhere. Tho Methodists, who have given tho itinursncv a lilu-loug ti laf, uro tired ol It und uro uow clnuorous lor a tnuro extended pastorate than three years, and the Doctor was opposed to thu moving about ut Prot or.luut Episcopal tuiuisiors Irom cliurcb to church. Tho K ir. Dr. naively is tho only rector ut lbs uiuceae who lias been tiisiuutu I tor tcu yearn. It was found that tbu canon was tu uouihcl with u oanou ot the Hen- ? erai Convention on tho same subject uud it wu* re ferred io the Committee ou Cauuus. i he twllowiiig per.ous weru elected mcuibctsot the Standing committee ol the dioceseItev. Drs. C. II. Hah, t, Sudani Diowne. J, a 1'adduQk uuil J. C. MiutU and Messrs. It K. Pierr.-poat, Judge Gilbert, C. I It. Marvin and W. Floyd Junes. Meuioers ot tno Mis- | siuuary Co'Jiiiulloe?Ituvs. i>. V. M. Join.son, D. II. ; W. A. Snively, S. I. D.; C. W. Homer, C.ii. hllswunn, 1 J. A. Aspmwnll and Messrs. A. V. lllsko, S. D. C. I au Holtkolvu. J. A. Hewlett, VY. A. Waring auu I.. If Greene. Deputies to tnc General Convention?lit v. Drs. C. H. Uuil, N. 11. sotieuuk, If, A. Suivoiy and I. S. Drew no aud Messrs. J. W. Gilbert, H. E. I'iorropoiil, j II. E. Prineo uud t A. Towusoud. For Provisional Deputies?Kev. Drs. J. A. Paddock, W. 11. Moore, e. , C>>.\ aud G. tV. Minib uud Mtssrs. Morgan, Towuscud, Uewluitund C. t. riiniin. Resolutions on leinperauco weru passed and reierred tu a committee cou. siuig ul 1 live iiiiu stsis and live lav men who urn lo prepare uu address giviug the sense ol tbo Convention on Hie vieu I of drunkenness and Iho necessity for limiting the i.Uin btr ol t housos or shutting them up altogether. Alter the tran.uctiou of some minor mutters the Con vention adjourned. THE JLWtSH PENTECUSi. US Clil-EUKATtON IN 1 It t HEBREW lEain.ES AND SIKAQOUOES TO-ilOUBOW AND HAiEU DAY. Our Jewish oltix.ns will cclcbrnlo to-morrow and tnu loliowing duv (.Saturday) us ilic Feast ui T'euicooai, Uie IllHelh day alter I'a.-sovcr. U la icgarded oa a peculiarly liitcrosiiug Icsiival among' the Hebrew poo plo, being proDuuucoil as tlio .inn.vort-ary ut tho revolu tion on .Sinai, tho Inundation ol ail Jewish us well iu ot much ol the (Jen I lie law. In coioiccpieiior, tho lou Cuuiiuamlmeou nro rchcarced with becoming devotion una aacrcdnvss iu a 11 tliu Jewish temple,. una syuu goyurs. Ilia al?o oilmen lis n proper day iiinnng the rvioimed noi l ut lUu Jews loi lliu coulirinuliou ot | tho you lifter members ol the various congtcgniious? ; u ceremony extremely uilrr??Uti;i. Alio Jewuu piuoi .i ol worship are usually noooruiod wivn extreme ta?iu on una occasion, tb? Moral dlalribuliuu* being rare und lavish, lu Ilia priin'.i| al place* shi moiis will on delivered by tho loilowlug ranbies.?,u loiuplu Fui,.n tiel by Dr. tiotihoil; in Temple Ah neat h Onrs*d, Dr. Jluehsch; in ictnplo lletliel, l?r, Kiuuuru; lu buriy luui th street dyuagogue, Dr K. do .-om Monde*; in 1 hirty-loitrtb street Synagogue, Air. Jacobs; iu the Mnvteoiilh stteel Synagogue, |ir. Ileur/ 1*. Ale odea, who baa recently arrtvod from Kngland. It should no Mlaieii thul the Pentecost air vices aio hold ill tlio Jew l.-li lenipica only on one day, Friday, In Ihe ayna gnguca on hoih days, Friday and Saturday ASCENSION DAY. Tn-day beinr Ascension Day, recording to Ihe Or re It Church, divine service will be held in the .Slavonic language lu the (ircck-Hu.islau Chapel, al eleven ti'eloi.k. IlEV. Mil. M'KKLVl.Y STANDS FIKM. In tho Wcaihuid (N J.) churnh cure, alnre tho last appeal wits tukon to the (to hern I Asaomb'y, u coin iiiitleo Iroin tho church and congregation waited ou Be v. Air. MoKclvey and urged llitii, lor the suko ol ibo peace ol the Church and the best inlotc-U ol all con cerned, to surrender lliu parsonage to tlio iruslrc-.i within a reasonable lime, limited tu nine month*. Mr. MoKclvey, bowevor, refuses to consent to that i>r any arrangemeut. t'tiero is tin lorminuiiou o> existing tli:ii..ullioa looked lor now egcept through tin) action al Chicago in itio liouorul Assembly. THE HUHNEI) CUUUCU. i The Nurlhvllle Church troubles, wh ch res itted In the bur ning ol the church edifice on Atoudny night, were ol the most hitler cbaratier. There it a story tu the cfloct that ih.\v grow out ol a pr.vato acandal, but there appears to bo no proper Inundation loi it. SHItKar OA WHIdllT. Immediately allirtho burning ot the chutch tho opponents ol Mr. Wrigbt made accusations ugainsl bun ol he I tig tha incendiary, it being alleged Ih u ho hud undo threali which would war,ant thia conclusion. On Tuesday ultciuoun, accordingly, w.ur.uU were Issued by Justice Young lor lliu uirualul Wright and Ills wile, and they who takeu into custody. Ttioi'c w.ia mi vxtiainalion iu ihu even ing at IhoKorihVilin Academy, it which I).strict At torney Wickliuin appeared tor iho prosecution and N. l>. I'tniy, ol Kivurunad, lor tuo accused. An iinun-usu ciowii was present and tho excitement was veiy, and lh. ro woro Some tiidlcaunna id a d.aposili ill lu violence. tlallocg I. l.Uce, one of tlio cluucli trustee-., U.vac flatmck, I*. Iiavoll, c.cik ol ihe cbureh, ami lorry x. lluusnn tostilb it tu tlio thivius ol Wright tu bin n the i lunch. ink r.v tok a ai'ATNkkkr. I lib District Attorney ,ukcU Wrignl iCuuipljr: - '?* J you *ot tiro lu tho Nurthvi.lo Church " when Wrigbl answered loudly and with gruat decision, ??So, sir!" 'loom w i cuusldciablu ol Mr. Wright's previous his tory inisad up in tho eaaiuiuaiMHi that h id uu paruou lar bearing uii tho rase.. Mr* Wright and her son. ine Inner about 'uurtwu yours old, corroborated liu inonv. Justice Young decided la discharge the defendants on thoir owu tccnguiaanM. Ilio truaiovs ptopuae to lay tlio case bojoio thn tiraud Jury, ntid M i ghl pro poses to sue I he m lur d vihiig*?. OUrt COMPLAINT BOOK. (Sort ?I..'(tern 'trended lor this ro'.uuiu must Pi accompanied by ins writur's lull uaitio and udilre.ti It tnaare attention. Cvmpliigiuu who are anwiluog t j comply with [L a rule a.triply waste Uuo 'D wrlLyg.-a Kit.] Bt'NDAY foil THE BOY3. To tiik Elbrus of Tint Hlhii.ii:? Wny is il thai we working lie)* cannot have I be bull ground ou Suudayt .' \V# arc not allowed 10 play any wliure lu (lie eiiv. U would bu no liarn W> tut us huvo u L'utue ou ?' unJay ustur being couhtiod sll lbs week. the cliy authorities waul to mako old men of us before our lime. A utile athletic exercise on Sun* day would do uu mure no. d than mediums, uud ers ho|te that "Ohio want Will be iak:n Ity Hid proper an tborttles to allow u- to have iur ha*rhu|i ground, or II i.ot 10 allow us to pi i>* lu the Vacant lots upiow n, wliure nobody livia, and nil Lbnsewauung io play should huvo ft permit, sigand by ibeir ump<*iyore and ?<une thy <? (Ti 11. l'uo|> o will h iv it would be 4 nuisance 10 ailow us to have the I'arlt, but it would put use i>i' lit ? s unit u as us., Keep lite ball r?lu ?r>s; aud compel lueui to let us huvo Sundiy lor ball playtnp WORKLXu BuVA REFORM THE HAl'H. To rut; Editor or ijik 11 ? Cannot the prevailing uaisuuco of women's bate he uh.ilcd iu tin alios r I visited one the other night hut could -co uuilnnc but iliu beads of tbo performers in CoiuMdHuneu u! a hut iu the suat bclum inc. TULA I HE COEIt. A LAY Of THE DUST. To tiik Kuitok ok tiik Ukualo: ? Can you toll me, edibtire, What bus houjinu of the struct sprick'nlssf i or in ibis du.iy and warm wnattanire, An 1 in itiu touii to c.on sunutairc, The streets all need Soul* Cold walnlM. Now pray, don't mink I'm an old pruuiblnlrr, 1- or 1 only want to soo Ihiu is dotto .air RUXEST. SPRINKLE THE Jt. t'j k\ AilDK. To tuk Koirou of Tun Uhu.u.ii: ? I bellovu there is a uity ordmaueo cuiniwiltrg lbs Street or I'ark Commissioners to ku i|? the btulev.ird* sprinkled certniu months in tbo year, lam I be or cupsutoi bouse No. 1*411 Hast Itl-ltb street, which Is it bou.uv.ird, ami tlto saute bis no. becu sprinkled sinco I nave lived tnoro excupting once, on h Sund iy morning. The carpets ill tbo House are literally ruined. JOHN U. 1'aXmiv hiiuw lOUU HAND. To thk Kin roil of tiik HRRAhUi A notice appeared iu your "Complaint Hook" a Tow days ugo in relerenco to curd playing uu iLie Harb in bouts, signed J. lluiiiiuu, till West I'.iib stroei. I'lesso periint iiio to state thui no person by tltul u.une resides or to tuy knowl dge ever b is resided at the number given lu my opinion il Mr. lioliuui is bouesi lu Ins motives ho will not object to giving bin own address uud assumiug ibu respoiu'.oiluy ol personally proving bis statement My object in noticing the arltuin named i-, to call yonriiiirniioo to the maimer in wbrt-.p yoer "Complaint Book" is abused ny unscrupulous persona. KeapcQi.ully, HUN CHIT. A DANGEROUS BUILDING. To TIIK Glttrop Of TIIK Hkllat.U:-? Keclng by newspaper accounts tbo destruction of so many vuluable lives caused by the tailing of Ill-con siructud buildings aud by urclntcuiuru! blundors, I would, lor tbo sako of bumuniiy, cull your altention tiud tno altetiliuu of tbc public at large to a building in course ol reconstruction on tbo corner of seven teenth street uud Hro.ulw.iy, tormorly the property of Dultlel Drew. It is one ol tbo must dangerous aud i'l constructed buildings ever aruohd in ibis or any other CI I Its glider is ol spruce and lis not aulllolrnt to support a tureo siory bonding. I'lierc is not onn stirrup irou in ibu truinuwerk of lbi< wliol# building. ft. C. AKOTUEK DANGEROUS THOROUGHFARE. To tiik Editor ok tuk IIkiiai.u.? fine of (be most duiigerous streets for curnieu and horses is Cliuion strcot, from Mast Uroudway to (South street. It is in a truly uisgraceinloonditicn. Atrodk man witli luiuituro or any easily broken material linds il nearly iinposaiblu to drivo through ilie street Without injuring ins load or horses. 1 trust lliui, tUrougn too iiiudium ol your valuable "Complaint Book," komstlilOi! may be duno lor ibu poor iiritoitii. natus w ho uavu lo drive ibrougb Id's sircul every day. kUU.MlL'HK. CLSAlt TILE SlflKUT. Til TUK EldtOit Of TUK libit AMU? Will you sparc u liuu iu your valuable paper about tbc condition ol Maiauii blue? There are hundreds of wagonssluek in the large boles In tbo sircot every ' ? . By inserting tficse (Cw nnnvut will veiy inueti go A THI CK HIUVEK. LOU TUK COMMISSION LI; OF rUdLIC WORKS. To tiik Kiiitok or thk Hkualui? Will y ou, through tne colamns of your valuable pa* por, o? 11 tbo ultiuiluu ol the proper authorities lo tbo lernble condition of the paving in Meat Vwettib street, bciwci n fourth sircct and Qrnouwicb avenue. 1'bo street Is lull of holes, and numerous largo cobble s ones .t.v uboui, giving tue street u very nod and slovenly uppoaruncr. Wo would ub>u be glsd if wo could, by any possible iiirane, get rid ol tbo tracks, kit, lelt stauding in the snort (INK Of TUK RKSIOK.NT& day ob'li MnUK Nli'il.KCr. To TIIH tilllTUK OP TII h IIrkauu: ? Ou .-.alarday fortieth street, between Seventh and I. gktli avenues, wim swept auil a portion only ot ilia dirt oorud uway, lor on Muuday morning ilio strcdt looked m? if h tinii ooi bee n swept (or a month. Tin* la the second time iftii secimn Ilia public money lias bocu warned id Una maimer. It costs tin more 10 IVN| SlSBft. MK00M81ICK. 1 Etiai'VUQ GAS MONOPOLIES. To TUK L III TO It or TIIK tlKRAto: ? Noticing iu tiro Ui.u.w.o k*ta>mpl*lnt Baok" on tvro or thru* occasion* article* purporting to muanato from cil./ams ol Harlem ala'.tns that *#veral ot Uio gisoltue lamps have exploded, unit lliul too lamps urn Iro queiitly v x 11 ii x ii iiui <-ti by Ilia least wiud, 1 desire to suite that, being a resident of Hiutrm. *n>t danroa* of In lugnm Itio grasping saa ti.ouop.dr to reisoiiubo lei in*. I nm J'*'! u licw method bail been adopted lor lighting tr.e *tree l?. mid mnrn tb*-so lamps tiavo been ill iisu 1 huv" carefully oli-orvad Ihein during the ti.gbl and luuii.l they gave a light about c-qu.u la lbs gaslight. t have also mujo ill I la" JI inquiry u.out I lis etplmion* .in-ninmed in your article*. nui have brcu unable lo lind where .my occurred. laid lliul, however, DBS ol the rust-.- mi-intone*. but ?t< Inkl by Uio puny t.ving in tlio nouse nppusilu ilio lamp turn it tin) not etplodo, bci lank tiro irom a leak iu ibo pip* ainl moixi} burned tb? lop ol ilio lamp. 0A9OLINR. AN IN I l-TBSIIT 11.NT W ATKB SCFi'LY. To tiik Kb iron or run U*kau>:? Will you bo kind enough to give apace la your rata* ablo co uions to Uio complaint Of one ol many I a* pay er* living on la known at Lenox Hill who are iudVrors by tUe trilling ol the CornuiLsslonor ol 1'iiblm Works? ."-oiihi months ago ?? wru blessed wiih * pressure ol water roachIng to the third atory ol tba houars in our neighborhood. But withioalow day i Uio axlraordinury f.ow coawd aud wo ware (lad to have water al our basement laps. Meantime some house owner#, deluded by the CommPMIOuer'S luonien lury energy, removed iboir tatiks aad llHia deprived thcmac-lvc-s ol Uio ouiy means ot obtaining water in tlin upper stories ol their dwelling*. About six Weak* ago, to our surprise and itrhfbt, wo again received u lull supply ol water. Hut tor some unaccDuutHbie reason u *u lueniy stopped u*t Friday, mm), it wc are to be guided by p**l r\f?erH*ne? iu furiii'UB our Hopes, it will be moiithe before as ? bail have uuothur sucli spasmodic show ol cuergy. 'i ne season i* iipprommrtg when, tnoro iban at air oilier tune ot the year, uu abuuduut nud iiiuoterrup'.id supply ol good wutur become* an md.aponaubla nvces Mty to eleaiillnesa aud llenlUi. i\iu vou not in soma way impress upon tno Commissioner tbo grout im portance ot Una matter'* M. V A Nl>A To tiik Kdito* or tiik IIkksi t? ? In reply to jour couiuiuuicaliou headed "I'rofoet Ilia abadc t ress, ' I would say ihai until tba city gov erumcnt adopt* stringent regulation * on that subject I would ad Visa evoi vbudy lo i?t Uulit "go lot lis dog*." I'ltC talugiapb lotupnliiea lu this city auti liolgbburbuod do with litem what they ilko. Moms iwu or threw year- ago llioir uivu completely Uc-troyasl almost over/ treo in i'ntv*r*ity plain irom LigbUi streot to four teenth aucit. lini trees wcra romowbat iii\bo way of their new liuo ol puloi, mid llioir man either cut lId;m entirely dosi it or else .-lit ell nh I Bo limb*, so (but (no trunk* died ml the uc\l ?uinuitr. I own soma property nour HoiMikim, and *<*1 out, roino ton* ngo. sen s >!u ilies fllry bato grown to bo vorv lute, sod 1 w.i- auitcipaiiiig great plew-ure Irom Iheni. I.s-t winter roiin tclcgi ipu poles and wire* were *e| ui' directly ? v.-r llica., and its soon as the tree* mow a lew ice) b gbci I n.iicipate tliey will bo cut oil by til*. IClugiapli people Tlicao inen actually went tt Ur M Pi enter mm ol my lie glibor'a gardeua *nd comiucnca to out oil a v.i.uublo tbada trcn because iu brartcboa luicrt red with tlic.r wlreannd pule*, lha proprietor Oi Jerod them off, but wits laughed at, and ouiv ?uc ceaded in <luT:iig Shoot iiway utter lie bad gutbereit , r. Uiaineo togi-'ber uud urtuotl th?ot with guua und dog . 'I berelors 1 *sv let tbo trees go to tba dog* until ilio lei grapti companies nro compelled to pay aom* utt"ution lo the rights ol property holder-* Jk. X. u