Newspaper Page Text
, mmptnlmtnts, withotrt which, or couT^TTT wmptlgniiig is p0K?ibie in Rui*,trie. Atelegram Troin the Grand Dnke Nicholas, dated P,0lestl' "Onr troops hare had no en sounter with tae Turks yet. The weather is hot " 8fU'tr}' unU t,le of the army is perfectly mumae-tory." BUS8IAM OtFPICtTi.riKS. a Vienna despatch suys:?in spite of the exten I?i1 P .r.itions ofthe Russians there seems to bo treat difficult!,, about transport. Accord ng tocompo tont calculation the lour army corps In .be Ur.t rcaV^Zr,11^ W'th "IUi|"n,,B,s a<c<?d'a* to M 000 I or" * WtU|11 IU have to '???1 ?ome . ' >cs 1,u ima" Hossiau country oarta are the wfr ,SU,tt,J to m"'tsry purposes. All ihrou?h mihUrl W W?rK ?' SU"D,y'n* thc Ru*"aa ou - Ktm rains w,th car,s ?ml wagons baa been going uller i i 1 ?U0 lh? UrSt ""ft? doBO bT the Russians nil . Roumanfci was lo apply to the govern -out o. that country lor .1,000 carta It is not known uw lar tho Rotuuanian authorities hare bean able ?o meat this demand. Transport by railway too seems to bo giving rather more irouble than was sutioipated. Apart front tho delay, caused by there hoing only a single lino with siding stations rather . apart the moving material Is found to ?o very Insufficient. Comparatively little can be eserves and tho general movement ot tho whole ?rmy south and west almost exhausts the rolling Ilulkblo CV6n W"al m'8ht b? "I,ar0" " not av liable on account of the difference of .Duffed t T bU'0r? ,he WUr th0 Ru"fl,ao3 robin ? ?r OUS Aus,r,nn for engine.ana rolling stock, but they do not seem to have been very " Z?n' "? '??"? .TrlT.K "nsworod tbat OO'f'Ok could be tosum . *" the C0n,pa0jr huJ ?o objection PP y new rails, &c., irom its own factorlca This cr do snot seem to have been accepted. The K us s .i so applied to the Auatrlun Danube Steam Navl. trausport ships, but were relused. . OPKItATJOXH IX ASIA. ? A^ correspondent with the Turks at Batoum, Monday i , snvs. lhe Russians are moving In front of position. evidently preparing for a vigorous attack. A great battle is believed lo bo Imminent. ?' l is officially announced in St. Petersburg that ho lurks bombarded Sookgoon-Kalo on Mou temnt to T?, 8f>mo,rliat damaged, the at. tlm Turks U00PS 0UU CUnS Was del0?tcd, the Turks leaving a number of dead on the bench. J ho two Russian torpedo boats which were issIng alter iho unsuccessful attempt to explode a urkisb irigato in tho roadstead of Bntoum on Sunday i' .t, succeoded in reaching the steamer Constantino. The latter arrived at Sobastopol yesterday. ? She had . stained no loss. A correspondent at Pera says ihero Minor ThD UnU,,Ua,,y ,tttB winlBr throughout A.I. In, ', Sn?W 8tlH ae?'' ?" ,h? 8r0Und- rB'ard" I '"K military operations. A telegram from Tlfll. to St. Petersburg states that tranqumuy ^ now bo considered re-established In the lerek territory, the loaders ol the revolt having been tw,co doioatod with the aid of the population. .rand Duke Michael telegraphs that the Turkish war steamers remain stationed before Sukum-Kaleb. AMSCKLr.ANKOl'S WAR NOTKft. -'be Ham, Agtney ,Utes that a nurabcr of ox-Pontlf lea zouaves are about to Join a foreign legion which is ng organized at Constantinople. Belgrade specials ans ""P"" 'hat Austria bos declared |f the agitation continues, sho will occupy 8ervla. a Vienna correspondent says:_?Tho Porte, the Cabinet at ? letorshurg, has declared Us readiness to reply to the representations of the government here by giving every assurance about the freedom of the navigation ot tho Danube. The Turks, however, are r.l.tng diffl CommlMion.t,'1,#noutra"tjr ?' 'he European Danube A despatch from Cronstadt say. that steamer com nnmcat.on with Si. Petersburg is reopened. Tho Ice liag up ns far as visible. A despatch from Orcaluk says:?"I hear from uen tnat the Turkish lorce at L.vno is expected to inake a movement against the section of tho frontier country where the principal Insurgent forces are Thousands of Christian refugees are expected acro? the frontier to augment the number already In Dal matia, and who already are actually dying of siarva tlon in some localities, especially .Slormultza. I be Turkish deserters from Wlddln, who havo ar rived at CiUirgevo, complain of bad lood and sickness ii.. rancod. lhe camp is half-way to Gulrgevo. The Turks nro fortifying the passes of the Bal kans. Abdul Kerrlm is drawing all the forces from Macedonia and Album, to the Danube The natioual guards throughout the South ore armed. All the available troops arc marching northwards. Reliable Information bas reached Prank fort that the Insurrection In Caucasus Is daily ground. ??'umg fhc Roumanians have been working inccssantlv Jt the Knlalat fortifications, and have now fcrtv guns ,u battery bearing on Wlddln. Several thousand ? outmiilans havo beon engaged on the old earth works of Gulrgevo, which they are repairing. Tbcy have improved others, and also built twelve redouble to cover the croseing ol the Danube. The whole will he IIDished by Tuesday. Rutschuk is enormously strong. It has 2U0 cannon mounted, besides five goa touts. KOt MANIAS SOLDIERS. Tho .lossy correspondent of 111* Daily Xewt, dis cussing i tic elHcioucy o( tlio Roumanian army, writes ttial there w is a Roumanian corps of observation slu tioacd at Uiurgevo to watch lb* Turk*, and It occurred to tlio Minister ol War tbat It would be a good ibtng to ex rcise those troops und accustom them to tbe sound* ol war, so one night ho ordered an alarm sounded, lie lias been hoard in say ho bitterly repented having taken so bold a measure, lor it took hlrn a week to get the detachment togotber again. Tho soldiers bitve not yet ail been found, uud they are supposed to bo still running. trouble aiiou r toe polish l kg ion. A despatch from Vienna says:?''Count Zlcby und the i'rinco ol Reus*, Ambassadors to Constantinople from Austria and Germany, respectively, have both been lu.-trtictcd to ronionsiruto at Constantinople re specting the formation of Polish legions such as would Include Polish subjects ol Germany and Austria. The Turkish manifesto was indiscriminately addressed to Pule." Inhabiting Prussian and Austrian districts. A Hungarian legion is being formed bore. Xlcslc* baa been revlctu.illed." Itl'AMtAX CRITICISM ON KAJII. DERBY. The principal passage In tbe Journal tie St. J'eters Imurift article yesterday, an abstract of which wus telegraphed to tho L'nited States, criticising Karl Derby's speech lu tbo House of I,ords on the 8th idsl, is as follows ??Tho amicable relations which permit full Iranlc uess cannot excuse gratuitous .'usplrionx which are no more justitled bv inlonllons than by fact*." lue Journal also points out the contusion of dates in Lord Derby's speech, which it declares can hardly proceed fioin au error of memory. THE POSITION or KOYPf. An Alexandria correspondent writes as follows:? 'Knglish interference in Kgypt i* un Ivcrauliy looked for in -omo very decided form. The neutrality ol the cuuu'rv with th' den. tlonalir.nlion of the Sues Canal would he so advantagtous to Kngllsh interests that tho suggestion should emanate from no other Power. 1 Auoilo-r ili patch Iroin Alexandria any*.?"There Is great excitement in.Iiddah, owing to u rumor lhat the Bus Ian lleotlx expected in tho It >d Sea." A telegram irom Port Said says:?"The British fleet arrived off this harbor to-day. The ofllcers or men will probably not land because tho smallpox prevails in Port SauL" A Port "aid special this morning ?uys the Hotspur Is moored at the entrance ol tho cunil, the Devasta tion has taken up u position commanding the mouth o! die harbor, and the remainder of the lleet is anchored two miles off the shore, completely guarding the entrance ol the canal at Port Haul. I its Russian Tolegraphic Agency says the American sflleers III Hie service of the Khodivo b?ve refused to ?car Minis u. am t Rusfi*. They will rcmalu lu Kgypt attitpdi: or tiik south African Moslems The Paris Journal dr* Debate stitles taut the Governor B' Algeria has sent French envoys to Morocco und Tunis to communicate the French declaration of neu trality and obtain Information as to tlio temper ol tho population. A Paris correspondent say*:?"It t? bo. level me Morocco government iskc.s no intercut l? me K astern crlsl*. l?ut the people no Interested In Turkey, uad If tbo lititulion became aggravated a lanatlcal lecliug might ' be aroused. There would not, bowover, bo raauy re cruits for a holy war unless there were a prospect of booty. The Sultan, seaing thai an explosion ol fanat icism would be more dangerous to himself and nelKh I burs that) to Russia, will do all he can to guard against I Ik The population ol Tunis are very p icnic. Tuelr ' loiercatH are so bound up with the French and Italian I colony that uo lacatlcal feeling on their part need be expected." llOW TBI STOCK KXCBAXOK 18 a FKE''TtU. The /inter, id its UifUDCiul srnclo discussing the tone ol tbe stock marital yesterday, savs:?"Business was absolutely stagnant la most Inrelgu stock." "It ap pears the tone el last Monday night's cebuio w <3 not liked abroad so well as Mr. Cross' speech ol Isst week, and the Journal <fe St. Felertlturg't article excited some anxiety Id I'arls and Berlin." THE EIGHT OF 8EARCIL TBBATIE8 OB THE UNITED BTATEH WITH OTHER POWFJtB ON THE SUBJECT?LAWS or GREAT B1UTAIN AS TO WHAT CONSTITUTES CONTBA BAND. Washington, May 10, 1*77. As there Is much comment id regard to llio proba bility of tbo Russian beet now at New York going to sea lor the purpose ol intercepting vessels suspected ot nuviug arms and munitions ol war ou board for tne Turks, It msy bo proper to stato that our treat ios with France, Prussia, Brazil, Sweden, Netherlands, Coiled .States ol Colombia, Spain, Holland and several other nations clearly dellne tlie manner of .searching a vessel on the high seas, and in all of those treaties It is stipu lated in elTsct tuat the examining vessel shall remain out ol gunshot of tlie vessel to be searched and send one or two small boats with a low men only to board the veasel suspected or huviug contraband on board. TUB PROOF RXQIIRKD. Tbe proof wltb respect to the cargo must be tbe cer. tltlcates containing tne particulars of tbe cargo, the place sailed from, where bouau, Ate., but tbo batches ure nut to lie opened, uor any of tbe packages. uoicss tlie vessel Is brought ashore, aud tbeu tu the presence of competent ofllcers. The mast or ot any suspected vessel csnliot bo required to leave bis ship. TKKA1TKS WITH GREAT BRITAIN AND RUSSIA Our troatlos with Gruul Britain and Russia nro silent as to tbe whole proceeding. Under the treaties wltb tho other nations flrst mentioned everything is loft to depend upon lh? honesty of the ship's papers. Con traband may be beneath overy hatch under the guise of hardware on the manilout and cannot be examined, except by vessels ol either Groat Britain or Russia, which vessels are uot bound by tho treaties above cited. Russia has always been strenuous in supportiug tbe armed neutrality declaration of 17s0. usklng no more in regard to contraband or tho treat ment of her tradors than the oomtnon law confers, and has, therefore, hound lieisolf by uo treaty with this or any other coantrv. laws or GREAT BRITAIN. As tnostofthe arms and munitions of war lor Turkey havo been shipped Irotn this country in F.ngilsh rossols it can be stated thai under the laws of Great Britain tbo following urtlclos are recognized us contraband or war aud subject to seizure:?Arms and Implements serving tor the purposes of war by land or sea. such aa can non, muskets, gunpowder, pikes, swords, tmrso lurnl turo, bolts, Ac.; as also ship timber, rosin or tar, cop per In sheets, and generally whatever may serve di rectly to tbe equipment of vessels?uuwrougbt Iron andllr planks only excepted. The treaties ot the United Slates generally confiscate conlransud, leaving tho vessel and tho remainder of tlie cargo free, but no such treaty exists with Russia, anJ the common law nppllee. MEXICO, THE ELECTION OF FEDKKAL SENATORS?CON GRESS EXTENDING ITS EXISTENCE?CONDI TION OF PARTIES. Havana, Muy 16, 1877. Tho City of Meriaa, from Vera Cruz and Mexican ports, arrived here this morning. She brings tbe fol lowing intelligence:? The conrocat for tbe election of federal Senators is published. MXTRXDINO ITS TKKM OF OFFICE. Congress has decreed lis own legality and extended Its existence to September, 1S78, creating thereby con siderable dissattsfuctiou. TUB OPrOStTIOX. Tbe Iglesla* partv has dnaolvod, and many of its members now support Diaz. fhe Lerdtsis are apparently Inactive and much scat tered. The Diaz administration is reported to be gaining strength. TEXAS CENTRAL l&AILROAD. THE COMPANY S PLAN OF SETTLEMENT AC CEPTED BY CREDITORS. [BY TF.LEORAPH TO THE HERALD.} Houston, May lc, 1877. The committee appointed bv the unsecured creditors of tbe Houston and Texas Ceutral Hallway Company made n unanimous report to-day recommending that the propositions contained In the company's plan of liquidation lie accepted. Tho report was unanimously adopted The creditors participating in tho ineetiug signed their Acceptance. A curd addressed lo non resident creditors, recommending acceptance, was signed .by the following leading Texas cred itors:?rJ. A. Shepherd. Ranger A Co., Henry S Fox, Jucob Biuz. T. \V. House, B. O'Connor. The report of the committee expresses coiuldencc in the ten-year Income and indemnity sevon per cent bonds tendered in liquldai.on ol the claims. EX-PRESIDEN L' GRANT. A DAY IN PHILADELPHIA RECEPTION OF THE VF.TLUAN SOLDIERS AND RAILOKH--A DINNER AT MR. GUILDS' Rl SIDHNCK. PRILADKLPUIA, Muv IS, 1877. At noon to-day General Grant received tbo veteran aoldiera and Bailors In Independence Hall, and about 1,1*00 veterans avulled tlientBelves of tbo opportunity to pay tlicir respects to their old commander. Alter tl?e reception tbo ex-President, tbo Governor and bis "tall, retnrned to tbo l.tUyrr building, whence Genera' Grunt und Governor liurtrault drove to tlio residence of Mr. Goorgo W. Chilus to luncbeun, where they utct Hon. Humiltou Fish, late Secretary of State. DINNKK TO TUB KX-PRKSlttRNT. This alternoou a dinner party was given at Mr. Child's residence to General Grant. Among tboso present were General Sherman Hon. Hamilton Fish, itcv. Dr. New man. J. Don Cameron, A. K. Ilorie and General U. H. I(ueker. This evcDintr the soldiers und sailors tendered lum a serenade at Mr. Child's residence, where2,000 people hud gslborei'. The bouse was brilliantly lllttniiniileil und tbe street* In the vicinity worn lighted by calcium light?. At ton o'clock the soldiers' orphans passed in review. Iu response to call?. General Grant appeared and thanked the m-semblugo in u lew words. ARRIVAL OF A GERMAN 8CHOOL KHH\ . FottTsns Monroe, Va., May 10, 1877. Tbe German schoolstiip Nvinphe arrived hero this aitei nooo Irom ihu Ucrinndns, und will proceed to Nor lolk to-Korroiv. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. TMEST, 1 >'AI. OVFIOKR J 17-1 .V M. ) War Department, Office or THE ClUEf Hlll.VAI. Washington, Muy 1 ImlicaUirn*. For New Knglattd, stationary or slowly fulliog barometer, south to west winds, partly cloudy weather, occostonul showers and stationary or higher tempera ture For the Middle Atlantic Stater, nearly stat.oaury or tailing barometer, southwest winds, clear <>r partly cloudy weather, with occasional showers and station ary temperature For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, sta tionary or slowly la III tig baromoter, roiitheast to souihwcsi winds, clear or partly cloudy weather nun stationary or higher temperature. For the lake region, stationary or lulling barometer, nearly stutlouarv temperature, winds mostly front j south and west, partly cloudy weather and rain are.,*. The l.owor Mississippi will lull at and below Mem phis. The I/iwer Missouri will generally rise. Cautionary signals continue at tiwaukou, Chicago, Grand Maveu, I'ort Huron, Detroit, Toledo, CI. ve.uuJ, Kris und Hullulo. THT WEATHER YESTERDAY, The following record wilt show the changes !n the t temperature ior the past twenty-lour hours, in coin- | I |x.ri?o!i with the corresponding date or lusty, ar, as ! indicated by the tliurni'inieier at Dull.tit's pharmacy, I HkKAi.ii Hutldtugr?? ' j 18.0 1877. 187'i 1877. I ;ia. M in tt:i 3:801'. M ?r. s7 ! b A. M 4.' GJ ? P. M 67 so V A. M id !l I'. II 63 76 lg d 68 7d J2 1*. M 60 71 Atrraso temperature yesterday ;j.4 Average temperature tor corresponding date last year 64^ IC N From All Part3 oi tne World. THE FRENCH MINISTRY RESIGNED President MacMahon Quarrels with Jules Simon. EXCITEMENT' IN PARIS. A Fire and Explosion in Dublin. ILLNESS OF THE POPE. Mutiny and Murder On an American Vessel. [B* CABLE TO THE HERALD. ] London, May 17, 1S77. The resignation of the French Ministry yesterday was a complete surprise. It was caused by a letter addressed by 1'resuleut MacMahon to M. Jules Simon, head of the Cabinet, demanding an explanation why neither he nor M. Martel kept the engagement made at a recent coun cil or Ministers to ascend the tribuue and ex plain the grave reasons which should prevent the abrogation or the existing Press Law. He also found fault with M. Simon's conduct in relation to the debates on the Municipal law. SIMON KESUINS. Simon repaired early yesterday morning to the F.lystfes, had a brief interview with the President ot the Hcpublic and ended by tendering Ids resig nation, which was at once accepted. A SENSATION POR HA HIS. The announcement of the fall of the Ministry caused general consternation. Prices on the llourse wereaifected, and Purls lor the time being was lull of rumors to the eit'cct that it was the work of clerical, Orleanlst Intrigues. WHO WILL SUCCEED SI1ION? Among those uained as the probable successors of situou arc MM. Dufuure, Leon, Uenault, Duulcrc and lie Fourton. SIMON'S PATRIOTISM. Lt soir or lust night says Dufaure declined the task of forming a new Cabinet, it also publishes Simon's reply to Marshal MacMahoii's letter. It is a calm and dignified document, and ends by ex pressing u hope that his Cabinet will be replaced by men like turn belonging to the conservative re publican party. A PARLIAMENTAltV INQUIRY TO-PAY. At a meeting of the Leit held tills evening it was agreed that an interpellation should be put to M. Simon to-day iu the Chuiuber ot Deputies us to the real cause of the resignation of the Ministry HOW POLITICIANS KtOAKII IT. In high political circles the crisis is considered a very grave one. Am regards both the domestic and foreign policy of France complications are feared. THE PREMIER AT llOMK. M. Simon was last night back again with his family, pick and baggage, ut his well known old apartments, on the fifth story at Xo. lo Place Ue la Madeleine. Renter III transmitting an account or the affair here, says the Chumber of Deputies having yester day voted to repeul tlie Press law of 1875, President MacVlaliou wrote M. Jules Hluion stating that be hud observed mtli surprise that neliner lie (M. Hlmou) nor M. Murtel bad placed be lore the Chamber reasons which might have pre vented the repeal of this law which was pulsed by M. Duiaure less than two years ago, and which M. Simon himself had quite recently wished to see applied In the courts of law. President Mac Mahou reminds M. Muion that it hud been decided In several meetings of the Cabinet, and. Indeed, In yesterday morning's mooting, that he and M. Martel should oppose the repeal oi tills tuw. There had hecu also ground lor surprise that the Chum ber during Its last lew slttlugs hud discussed the whole Municipal law und even adopted some clauses, the dauger of which M. Hnnon had himself acknowledged in Council, as, lor instance, the publicity of Hitting* of municipal councils, without M. Hlmou taking any part In the discussion*. The letter concludes as follows:? I.ACK OK INPl.l fcNTK. "In view of such altitude on the part of the bead of the Cabinet the question naturally arises whether he retains sultlcicnt tuituence to assert Ids views succeRXHftilly. An explanation on this point Is in dispensable, lor I myself, although nut, like you, an swcrable to Parliament, have a responsibility toward France which to-duv, more than ever before, must engross my attention." M. SIMON'S KXCIJkNATlON. In consequence of tlie foregoing letter, 11. Jules Simon tendered Ills resignation in u letter In which he says he was nnwoll and absent when the Muni* I clpal bill was discussed; he had an appoint- { meat \wth the committee lor Friday to In- | duce theui to roconslder the vote concern- I tug the publicity of iho sittings ot tuo uiu niclpal councils. The objections of the | Ministers to the repeal of the Press law applied . only to a portion?tor punishing Insults to foreign sovereigns. IMP Tk.M IT.P. before sending in Ids icrnuii letter of resignation 1 M. Simon had an Interview with President Mac- i Malion. The laiter said lie hud gone as far its he I possibly could, and ho would proceed no lurtliorln tlie wake of the Chamiicr. He Intended reverting ; to his former opinions, and would constitute a MIn- j L-try iroiit the Liberal 1 tight Ontie. President Mediation concluded:?"I belong to the ! Right, sir " M. Hiinon replied, "And 1 to the Left." Marshal .am Mahon rejoined, "1 perceive that j only too weh." A LI, Ttrr MIVf-TUliS IlKSiOV In cons-qnence of m. Nmou's letter the f'nbluet resolved that they would all resign, so as to maul- > fest solidarity with their chk'l and leave President Mac Mahon lull liberty of action. Tin: I.KIT I'KSrKS IN CAfCt'S. The u.emliers ot the Le t held a numerously attended meeting. Many lacmtiers of otheriiarties and several Senator* wore present. M. Uniubetta advised them to face the situation with ealmtMM, ?iut ErmHesa and energy. The majority of the Clumber, which r. presented the country, was la a position proof against aggression. M. Gambetta proposed a general meeting of all sections o: the I.eft to draw up a declaration explaining the situation ol the country, aud expressing entire con fidence in the fallen Ministry. MM. Ferry oud lai vergne, while recognizing the necessity of a very linn attitude, disapproved of holding a general meeting. HOW SIMON IS TO UK QlE8T10NED. A general meeting was held in Paris last evening to determine the terms of the Interpellation to be presented in the chambers to-day. The Bepub llcan I'nlon afterw ard met, unanimously conhrmed the foregoing decision and uppoiutcd MM. Gam betta, s-puller and Lepere their special representa tives. A meeting of the Left. Centre instructed their bureau to arrange with the other sections of the Lett relative to s joint line of action. WHY U. DUVAL'R DECLINED. President MucMahon to-day wrote to M. Dulaure requesting hun to coufer with him. M. Dufaure replied he divined the Marshal's object, but Ids health prevented his undertaking the formation of a Ministry; he could serve President Muc Mahon better In the Somite, by opposing the repeal of the 1876 press law. PROUAH1.E PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT. It Is improbable the Ministry will be constituted to-uiorrovv. If it Is not constituted it Is expected a decree will be Issued proroguing the Chamber Tor a month. The possibility ol prorogation being fol lowed by dissolution is mentioned. GUESSING Ar Tim FUTURE. Many persons, including the Liuku D'Audiirret Pasqider, art' mentioned as having been entrusted with the lormatton of a Cabinet. 8ome even allege that a reactionary cabinet, including the Duke de Broglie, M. Fourtou aud M. Biuret, has already been formed. These combinations at present, however, are mere suppositions. The Temps says it hus reason to believe that nothing has yet bceu decided. President MucMahon wishes the Ministry to be composed from the liberal section of the Right Centre, who would have the support or the Chamber and the .Senate, y The first news or the crisis produced not merely emotion but actual dismay, filling nearly all with ominous apprehensions. TUE LATEST KKPURRS. Later advices say all sections of the Left met at the Grand Motel in Paris us aunounced. Two hun dred and ninety members were present. A resolu tion was unanimously passed declaring that no Cabinet can have the confidence of the Chamber which Is not tree in its action, aud rosolved to gov ern according to republican principles, which alone can secure order and prosperity at home aud peace abroad. GAMEEPrA CUEEKEI). On leaving the meeting M. Gambetta was loudly cheered by the crowd, lie addressed tlicin recom mending calmness and moderation, declaring that power would flLally remain with the right. The crowd responded with cries of "Vive Gambetta!" "Vive La Republic !" The Presidential Message Is expected at to-mor row's sittings of the Chambers. Though all the Ministers have nominally resigned, the Due ' cazes and M. Berthaut will rctuiu oillce under uuy circumstances. ANOTHER GREAT EIRE IN DUBLIN. The Herald correspondent in Dublin telegraphs that another terrible whiskey lire broke out in that city yesterday morning, and continued to rage up to a late hour last night. The con flagration was yearly as destructive as that or the bonded warehouse in Chumber street in ls;&, which, for a lime, threatened the destruc tion of a large uml densely populated quartet of the city and consumed several hundred thou sand dollars' worth of whiskey. In the present Instance several large vessels coutainiug the liquor exploded with a shock resembling an earthquake ami indicting serious damage on the neighboring buildings. The lirenien by great exertions succeeded in Ucv luting the bonded warehouse, which com turned 200,uOo gallons ol whiskey, and thus aaved the whole district in which it is situated from complete destruction. At a late hour last night the fire wa* still raging. M IT IN Y AN1) WlKULIt. The 11 kkaij) correspondent at Havre telegraphs that the American brig O. C. Sweeny, of New York, Captain Cole, returned to that. port yes terday. She cleared and ielt a few days ugo, but soon utter stie put to sea there was a mutiny among the crew, who relused to work. When the mate attempted to preserve the disci pline ot the vessel he was shot dead- Hence the return here uud arrest oi the mutineer*. CASkY'e UKVKAT AT TIM'KllAKY. The result oi thn contest for O'Cullaghan'a seal In the House of Commons troiu Tippcrary Is announced as tolloasi Mr. Uruy, home rule candid a ic, 3,; Mr. Casey, ex Fenian prisoner, 1,1144. Cusey's Incnds now claim thai the reports of tbo trouble on Monday were greatly exaggerated. AttXlETT COXCKKXIXO TKIi rors. Letters from Romu stale that iho Pope's health agutn causes disquietude, perbups with more reason than previously. He has no sprain! ailment. He is lu good spirits, but Is cxtrcinoly und increasingly woak, and lias again taken 10 being curried ill a chair, which he does not leavo during an audience. The audiences continue almost diuly, and are a source ol c.onsidcra Ido anvil: lues < to the i'opn's medical atlondauls. I OCtXT VOX ARSIS SKKIUCSLT II I.. Cnaut Vou Arnltn, who created so ninth talk in po lliicalcircles iluriug his long contest with Prince His. m.trck and iu llie Bortin courts, has h id a rolapau ol his old lllnoas which thieatens to end Intally, if is phyi icidti* are said to despair of saving hi- life, run AQITATlov IX UI'AIX A Madrid despatch s.iys (leueral y,lunula nos con ferreu with the MiiiHtera about the agitation in the North. He considers it not serious, except among toe liberals in Bilbao uud other towns ClfN sill rill ll.nt.RS TtKNIXU rue TABU S. >tundol|ih una pttoar oaditig shipbuilders ol Olnigow have notified thuir employ d? thai, In coiiHripicuco of tho disposition of the shipwrights to crc.ile trouble and insist on higher wages at this, when trade is,), they have no alternative but to close their yards lor tho present. Notice ol iho gen era, lockout was published on Tiuaday mi nimis last It la probable the men will hol1 public meetings to endeavor to obtuiu a reversal of this determination ou the part ol the capitalists. A largo London house, heavily engaged In the Aus* trallun trade, is financially cmbarrussea, the liabilities be.tig nearly half a million dollars. The creditors of tho firm wilt meet to-duy ana dec mo whether the Urm shall go iiuo hquidnt on or not. At tbo Mock Kxchangt lilt little busbies- is transac ted. Three laiiures were announce* in connecilou with tho petiulng settlement. A private meeting of the creditors of the Pari at ton Steel aud Iron Company was bcid at Hirmtnguum on Monday. The liabilities of tbo company nni'itint to The assets were scnedolad at $1,dU0,(X)0, bm the accounts require investigation VaTTI AT COVIXT (I AS MIX. Adolioa 1'attl made her Urn appearance at Oovent Garden on Toesdsy uighL 81?e was received with the granted eiithu-dasm by an audience which crowded tlie theatre In every part. SMALLPOX IS LONDOX. Smallpox it on the here. Tbo usual weekly report, published yesterday, shows that duriug the past week there were seveutyoiglit dialbs irom the disease; the week previous there were only Oiiy-four. tbk kisoearaex. Since the last reports Irocu the middle and euatern counties on May 8 there hits been nothing heard about the iresh outbreak ot the cattle disease. EARTHQUAKE IN PErtU. CON FIBM AT ION OP THE DESTRUCTION OP THE PORT OP IQUIQUE. [DI CABLE TO THE HERALD. ] Luxuox, May 17, 1S77. Spoclnl adTioea received at Glasgow and Kdiuourgb oontlrm the destruction of tho town of Iqulque, South aru Peru, oy an earthquake. So lur *s reported no lives were lost and the shipping in the harbor appear* to hav# escaped with but little damage. FOREST FIRES. FURTHER DETAILS OF THE CONFLAGRATION IN THE WOODED DISTRICTS OF NORTHERN STATES AND CANADA. Woon- Falls, N. V., May 16, 1877. Devastation reigns supreme in ibis district. The Ores are still raging over an immense area u( wood land with no sign of help Irom Heaven to extinguish them. Telegraph wires are upon tbo ground. Hall road trains are ruunlug cautiously, while at u spot where the Clinton MIlls formerly stood all communi cation Is cot oil. At K lien burg the lira has raged all day long tu tho woods uot more than a mile Irom the towu. Lust night the telegruph operator re ported the lire still burning, but no wind blowing. At Danneraora station tho smoko envelopes everything and fears are entertained that tho 11 ro will spread into the thick lorcsts in that immediate neighborhood. FIRES IN VERMONT. Moxthkliicr, May 16, lt>77. The woods about Moulpelicr are burning; the at mosphere Is dense with smoke. Parties liuvo gone out to light the lire. IN NEW HvMPSHIBE. Huston, May 10, 1877. The latest news from the mountains Is that the threatening Ores between Fury an and Crawford Houses, tu the Notch, have boon stayed. This region Is heavily wooded, which fact and Us nearness to tho great hotels caused great ularrn. All dnngor to hills and other structures exposed Is believed now to have passed. Everything connected with tho railroad is aula IN THE WERT STOURBRIDGE. MOUNTAINS. PirrsvtRLb, Mass., May 16, 1S77. Fires have bceu ratting for three days on tho West Stockbridgo range of mountains, southwest ol this town. T hey started Irom brush flroB, and have spread ever thousands of ucres, destroying wood of great value. Tbroo hundred people have been endeavoring to stop the devastation by making back ilrea, There are no villages m danger, hut lite less in timber is very great. IN THE PINE TREE STATE. Portsmouth, N. H., May 16, 1877. A lorerl lire two miles wide Is raging near South Berwick, Mo., and la rapidly progressing eastward. BUSH FIRES IN CANADA. Otsawa, (Jul, May 10, 1877. Despatches from tho Upper Uttuwusay that tho bush Arcs are still burning, but (armors are cleariug tbo land and the Ore Is under control in tunny places. Montiikal, M iy 10, 1S77. The heat In this city yesterday was wholly caused by the bush Ores in Die Ottawa Valley. A very op pressive smoko is so duuso ou the river thut ihu ferry bas ceased ruuumg. , 1 RIGHTFUL It WAGES IN WISCONSIN AND MICHI GAN. Chicago, 111., May 10, 1877. Special despatches from tho vicinity o: Green Bay, Wis., report that the spring tiros la the woodi north of that point are raging frightfully ulong tho line of tho Northwestern Railroad, and Irom Marinette, Wis., to lslipemlng, Mich., a dlstnnoe of l'.!9 miles, It Is now almost one continuous blaze, the ilro extending back ut some places in the forest a distance ol twelve to tlt toen miles. 1 ho Northwestern Ituilrond Company lost i:tO cords of wood yesterday, and the Qmucy Mining Company lost 6,Out) cords. Several small houses weru burned. Tbo lossos on piuo tmiOi r aru heavy, aggre gating already severul hundred thousand dollars, and u heavy rain will alone arrest the progress of tho lire and prevent further serious losses. OTHER FIltES. A CANADIAN VILLAGE DEVASTATED. Co inn oik, OnL, Way It!, 1877. A largo portion of tlio business part of tuts village was destroyed by llro tbis morning, including tlio Sheddun House, keys' Hotel, Mr*. Levy'* general store, W. H. Graudy'a drug store, S. Parish's Hour ,ind Iceil store, James KorgtMon'a hoot and shoo store, George Kosseli's saddlery ami George Deluwy'i cur penter shop. I lio total loss is $40,000. MILLS AND DWELLINGS BUBNED. MofrrtutA Vl, May lti, 1ST" A Are at PlnlnflaUl tins morning destroyod a large grist mill and ?uw mill, six duellings, a hotel and burn. Loss, jIT.uou, insured lor $0,000. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. ORATORIO IN BOSTON. The l ulled States steamer Harllord, bearing tbu Aug Ol Hear Admiral Treucbard, arrived at Barbados on tbe ' 17tb ult., in twenty days Iroiu Hampton Kouds, and lell Again on tho'Jtiib (or Martinique. THE OWTMBULO AT COMBTAMTIHOPLB?OB DIltH EJIOM THE HECIlKTAltt Of WAB. Wamiuxuios May lti, 1877. Information bus been received at the Navy Depart nieut to the ellscl dial tbu United Slates steamer Oettyabnrg, alatioued at Constantinople lor several weeks past, would neve to proceed to Genoa or some neighboring port upon being relieved by tbe VuudaJia, lor the purpose <>l having certain repairs made to tier machinery, not being able to liuve tbe work done at Constuulluople, as all the shops in that city are em ployed oti work lor the Turkish government. SKXTKNCK or K.XI.IS'lRO NKX. The Necruiary ut the Nufy has issued at, order tuat In the event ol an enlisted man ol the navy being eon leuced l>y court martial to los i ol p.iy, auch sniilencf ? hail nut deprive him ol such articles of clothing and Ninnti stores as muy be deemed nccessury for his health and couifort ny the commanding olflcer of the ship or barrack where he muy he conllned. ounKK KkOAiinixG ubimki s. He has also Issued an order mating that many steam logs, quarterly reports, synopses and Indicator diagram- are lurwarded to thn departini-ni wlib lin poriuni data omitted, without which they are almost tiioiess. The attention o engineer ofDcura in cbargu Is culled lo explanations and dire t on- cobtained in the stcuin log hooks and to the i emulations governing logs and reports. All the (hunk* iii the printed forms must bo tilled up, and re poll. mutt be made out so as to comply literally with tho regulation '. I hie is no portunr. as (he d< partinent depends cblelly on these logs anu reports lor its knowledge ol (he pi-riuriuaocu nud etllctency oi the machinery ol our amp* A XAOMirtCKMI MUSICAL BUCCfcgA. [BT TKLEOBAFM TO THE MXllALD ] I loams, May Id, 1177. The grand musical eveut ol the season was lliau guruted in Music Hall this evening In Ihc opening oa ercisua of the luurih triennial Ivslivul of the Handel and llaydu Soeioty. It is hut simple tostice to de nominate the oeciSloa as a in igoiUceiil sueci m in every respect. The vail edllice was filled willi one ol tbe largest and most cultured and fushtoiishle uudieiioe* ever assembled In this city. Tho t'- uval orchestra uuraiiere<l elSty-ill musicians, under Carl /.eriatiM es conductor, and iho historic "nig organ'' woa pres ded over by Mr. l.eng. Mendelssohn's oru lorlo ol "Elijah" w .is tbo e lnel toalure of the evening, the princlpa soloists being MmtCsry, Miss Kellogg, WiUism J Winch and Myrou W. Whitney, or Miss Cury U must be -aid tuat -he never *? quitted oeraeif mere creditably; and, indeed, an the urns'* were meritorious, except, perimps, Mr. Wbitue), who was said lo have been Hid ? poseq, Mr. Cliarles Adams, the celebrated tenor, was down on (he pivyramine, hut be airived in New York Ironi Europe lo-day too late to keep Ins eng ig -incni, and his place ?m snpp.ied by Mr Winch. The cnoruso* wi re very swiel nod smooth and were given by 170 (.oprnno", llil altos, MS tenor* and lib has-" ? nl.triy 000 VilWl ? in all. tin) renderings winch Wefs ( .rtic uiurly applaud'd worn "Thank* Me to G id" end "He's W ?t< lung oeor Israel,' Tho Icmva. will he continued allernoen and even ing. ooncliHlmg >nmiay owning with Header* oratorio ?f ' Israel in Egvpi.'' THE 8HAD0W OF THE GALLOW& NARROW ESCAPE Of POINDFXTEB EDMUND?OM FROM HANOINO?DETERMINED TO DIE FOB A BROTHER'S CBJME?CONKESSrOi or THE BF.aL UCUDI BKB A HI SPITE FOB THE CONDEMNED, [bit TELKGBAFU TO THE IIERA1.D. ] Sr. 1/n is. Ila. Way 10. 18*7. A narrow escape from Ignominious dealu wan tUat of pomdexter Kdmundson, who was to have been bunged at UloomAeld, Stoddard county, to-Jay. a bkhakkaulk stony. The following are the fecit ol the remarkable do hvoraace:?Lust summer K Jinun-ison bod a difl.culty with William Sbaw. during which he was struck un the head with a brick and carried home insensible. When Kdmnndson come to bis senses be swore to be revenged. Kdmundsuu had a half wlta-d brother named .lames, who, on seeing his brother's wouud and the scar alter It hud healed, became irantic, swearing the dire-1 vengeance on Sh.iw. TllK MI'KOKIt. Last October, slier Poindcxter had recovered. Jnmee Fdruuiidaou disappeared. and ihnrtjy afterward Shutv was founil murdered Close upon tbis event and be* lure the arren ol l'uludcxter. Juan ? Kdmuiidsou slid ueiilv reappeared und told bis brother Uiat ho uad killed Shuw with u knife. AM ATUNKMKMT roK HI.OOH. Strange as It tuny appear the elder Kdraundson madl the heroic resolution to sutler deajb and bear iu si lence the tbuuie he kuew must lollow, lor the sake ol saving his weak minded brother's file. He was tried, convicted und sentenced lobe hanged, the evideuce being entirely circumstantial. CONFESSION OK Till-' KKAL YICKDIKRK. A short time since James EdiuuuUsou was taken very nick, and ou his deathbed u lew days ago con fessed that he himself lia-l done the deed for which his brother was so soon to hung. Ho detailed nil the particulars before sevi-rul witnesses, winch created the uioet intense excitement in the lowu of Ulootu OeliL Hut little time was left to save tho condemued man's life. KXSI-ITIU. ilio citizens held ? public uiuettug and raised u sum of money to soud u inun lustuutly 10 the Governor at Jellerson City with a statomeut of the Whole allnir. Mr. H. N. I'tnilips, the mcsaeuger, arrived at Jefferson City uu Sunday morning and fioveruor Phelps, after ex amining the utllduviU, granted the unloriunate man a respite until August fl. 1 mined lately spaa reiomug tbe respite Phillips telegrspbod the tact to Dexter, the nearest railroad petul to Bloemileld, and instantly loft on hia ride lor lile, reaching there this moruiug la time to prevout the hanging. THE RUSSIAN FLEETS. The expectation was mat the three vessels of tba Hussion Hoot would sail yesterday morning, hut at a lute hour the night be lore orders were Issued by Ad miral Boulukufl countermanding tho sailing orders. Signals were made alter midnight to the other vessel! ol thelleet notifying th'-ni ol tho postponement. It is supposed that the fleet may have received orders from St. Petersburg delaying their departure tor twenty-lour hours. A number of stores were late la arriving at the landing stage, and tlua may also account lor the delay. The lleet will, according to the expectations of all ou board, sail about hklt-post teu o'clock tills morning, ileum to be up at half-past nine, as to the destination of the licet there is con siderable doubt; but out tblug la certain, tbey are not going 10 cross the Atlantic. The olbcurs themselves do not know where tliey uro going, and the secret, if uuy, rests with the Admiral. II they reappear at the ond ol a two weeks' practice trip no utio need bo sur prised, lur tbe extraordinary conjectures that havo been raised wsrranl no other result. Till-. HAY UN TllK 8VKTI.ANA. Captain Kouschukowitcb, of ilio Artillery of tha Guard, und military attache to tho Kussiau Legation, eai.nd yeslorday morning on board the Svelluua to pay u (urewell visit to tho Admiral and Ilia Imperial High ness tho Grand Duke Alexin. Captain His Imperial Highucas tho Grand Duke Alexis was on shore yester day. His Imperial Higliucss the Grand Duke Constan tino was also on shore. DFFARTDRV OF THE RVH8IAN FLEET FROM SAH FUANCIHCO. San Francisco, May 16, 1877. The Russian corvettes linyuu, Albreclit und nsad rick sailed Irom this port to duv under sealed orders, though It is given out tnoy return to Siberian stations. REPORTED DESTINATION OF THE Fl.EET. Liverpool, May 1G, 1877. The Llvorpoot Counrr'i London correspondent says:? "Tho India Otllce has tnlortnallou that the Kusmiuu vessels at San Francisco have- lieou ordered to the Per sian Gull." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Grten H Il ium, Commissioner ol Internal It. venue; John Juy Knox, Comptroller ul the Currency, and Judgo Dwiglil Foster, ol Muslim, arc at tliu Filth Avenue. F. C. Ford, of the International Fisheries Commission, Is at the Clurendou. General John M. Corse, ol Chicago, is at tli* Uilsey. General John X. Knapp, ol Auhuru, N. Y. , Dr. John P. Gray, ol I t.ia, und K. Li Jndsoa, of Syracuse, are at the Windsor. Judge L. It Uru-iley, ol New Haven, is at the New York J. Forruju. Spanish Van consul at iiostou, and Clnel Engineer J W King, United Stales Navy, urn ul the Albemarle. Colonel Charles W. Ko-ier. Uuilcd Stales Army, is at the Metropolitan. Kx-Cobgrcssiiiaii F. I'.. Wuodbridge, ul ItuHtou. is at tbe Si J iiiii-a. Adiia Audersou, rueoiver ol the Chicago, Dauviltv and Vincennes Rullway Company, is at li e Everett. THE WEEKLY llEUALD. ONE DOLL Alt l'Elt YEA It?POSTAGE ritEK. THE CHEAPEST AN 11 nr.HT NEXVSrApr.R IN TUB WOULD?MOW HEADY. The W>:kKi.T HkraLU for tin* #"ck contains tele, (.'rapine oews from nil parts of tbu world , tho forest fires; Cbarlea francie Adams on tbe Political Suua tioo; the Wrecked Dakota; u Midnight Tragedy in Willlaiuanurg; Dramatic Ending of a Clerical Scaudal, tho Gullowe iri Philadelphia, Death In the Depths, a Lioness at lotrgu; An Embe/fling Clergyman; the Runaway Accident In Ceuiral Park . Swill Milk; Moluu Jewels, und a delightful story, entitled "Who Was He * Wbolslie?" It alto coutuius editorial article* on the prominent topics ol tbo day, Personal Intuit - gcuco, Reviews ol tbo Dry Goods, llor-o and Cattle Murkulu financial and Coiuraereial Reports; Agri cultural aud Sporting Matter*; instructive articles I,>r the ladies and the most important events ol the week. Turns? One dollar per year, |>oslago paid, single copies, thrco cents. An extra copy will Da seal to every cluh of ten or more DIED. Fork -<>n Wednesday ovenMc, Ksrai.i.s f.octsa, only daughter of Henry J aud l.uuira Ford, aged I year, :l tnoiilha and Is d.ys. friends ot tbo family are Invited to attend tbo funeral, Friday, tbu 1Mb, at eleven o'clock. [for OUUr U'ttHi* S*c .Vu,t/? | THERE IS A MEANS OF ERADICATING LOCAL di?e '???? ol Iha ?kiu that ran be relied en -via.. Uir.xors Mii.eni ii Soar. Iln.i.a II am sxii Whiskkk Dtk, llam or beoseii, AGc. VOICE Of THE PEOPLE.? lliLLsnaia, Mich., Oct. -7 lH7.'?. R. V PiKRCa, M D -r I had a set lows disease of the luugs. and was for a tlina conllneii tum> bed and under thai arc ol a pby?hl.iu Ilia prescriptions did nut help in,'. I area worse, coughing veiy teterele I cumin. need laslug sour Xnmai Dm .iri'KT which helped me ,re stlv I nave taken several bottles and am restored to good health. Very respectrnlly, J I Ullll BURNETT. A SCilKNCK'S ~ MANDRAKE IMI.LS. ?TI1F.SK P.IN are enmpused exclusively of vegetable Ingredients, nod a.though they entirely supersede the us# ol uifrturv, do not lean any ot us Injurious vtferts. They aet directiy ui'on ti e Iivei. und are a v duablo reinedt In all i>s<r. ol derai,aeiuent ol tliut organ. itlek headache. indigestion ami all bllio is disorders ?u- eutub to Ihu tree use of tuviu. AIL PAIN IN <T.| N~l LY REMtlVKD AT W?iL rorr'a Pais Patsy Orniis, 113 t'orUendt si. nolJ evsry> wMere by druggists A.?HAIS FOR GENTLEMEN AT LOWEST pro ee P. URN I NWEIN. ISK Nassau st . usar spruce. SODA WATER APPARATUS FOR MAKING ALL aerated beverages. JlMIN MATTHEWS, 1st ae. and .'Htb St., city. WIGS, TOl'PFFS. ?G. RAUCUfU'ss, PRACTICAL Wigiuaker ."switches, I 'urla, Invisibles, Bandeaux. *4 Kant tl'lli at , near Itroartway "WHITE'S PATENT TEVEIt ~ I RCSS" CURES rupture. Is ihUeieut frum all others lu prt nclpla aud actloa. (ps I'liivarsity place YOUNG'S Blue Grass Unlski v Best In the world. Wnrg.-u sud 'rusded A M. C. , >'dd only by ACKKft. MEltRAI.L A CONDIT. %) HATnaT fl WA GEN IT,K. WEN'S SILK UATh and line Deters, wholesale prtcea 15 New Cburcb St., up SUM ft NEW ?M BLICATlOXli ^ NLA Hoots of QUOTATIONS." ?" ? ? ?. Ju't published I'srletou's Handbook ot Prpular IJ'lotu tioiis. a naok el ready reference lor auch phrases, extracts and .(delations as are nPene.i ijn 'ted and met with in gen eral literature, together with tlielr a itborslilp and post lion In the oiiglual A rare Ii ails Price ?t iO, il. W i A RLE rtl.N A CO.. Publishers, Naw York I | 11 .I'NIL " NEW Book ON nlmirs ~t * D I /.ol. silows ot Spiritualism ' is roadv this wee a . prica A-'. U. W. CAHI.KToN A t'O., P ibllsbers. New Yora. 1 MVtKNSK ?G C' fTS OF illK NEW LtAN GA.ltR 1 " Vs x llo. a ere tt nnpr, an "t'rnrjuot.' Pstrcn l?e,l by the elite >oid ny all Urst flats boob and statiormrf ?teres. E 1 UOH.SMA.N. Manufacturer, rtu and AJ Willtaaa it.. New York. Sand it trap for deser ptlre prlee lie*