Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,835. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS IIRECTOUY FOR ADVERTISERS. MECAI.r) BRANCH OFFICE. 1.3B5 BROApWAY-. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR RBOKFTIONOl' ADVERTISEMENTS AND HALES OF PAl HK?. AMUSE MENTS-Ist Fid* -Dili and titli col*. ASTROLOGY? I'D Pack tllii col. BILLIA KD8? 1 Itii Pagk?2d col. BO UtDBKS WANTED?2d PAUK-3d and 4th cols. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Pag*?AthcoL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wth Pagk.' BUSINESS NOTICES?"ru l'AGH-5tli und 6th col? CITY READ ESTATE FOR SALR-2D PAGE-lst col. CLERICS AND SALESMEN?12ih pAOK-4th cul. CLOTH I NO?I2tu Page ?Oth col. , COACHMEN AND OARDENKRS?12Tn_ Pagk?4th col COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?12th Pagk?nth and Oth cols. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Page -Itli and 6th eoli. DANCINO ACADKMii*.8 ? I'JTH Pagk?Otb col. DENTISTRY?11th Pagk?2d cot DRY GUODn?1st Page?4tli col. ?_??IclT,wr, DVVELLINtl HOUSES TO LET?FCRNI5I1ED AND UNFURNISHED-20 Pagk?2d col. KCKOP AN *TE MSIIIPS ?I2Tn Pack?5th coL EXCURSIONS?12tii PAGK-Oth coL EINaNC(aL-9tu Pack. FINE aRT>?I 1th Pack?l?tcol. FOR S VLR-lim Pagk?2d col. ? FURNISHED ROOMS aND APARTMENTS TO LET-2p Pagk?2d and 3d cols. ECBNITCRE?2d Pack?tlih col. . . HELP WANTED-FEMALES?12th PAc*-2d and 3d coli. HELP Wanted?MALES-I2TH pAGK-4th col. HOKSF.S, CARRIAGES, AO.-lsr I'AGK-2d. 3d and 4th cols. HOTELS -2n Pagk?4th col. houses, rooms, ao.. wantfd-2d PAon-ad coi. INSTRUCTION-1st Pack ? 4ili col JEllShY CITY. HOBOKKN, HUDSON CITY AND BF.S OEN REAL ESTATE FOR HAUS-2D Pagk-1ST col. LEGAL NOTICES? 11th pAC.s-2d col LOST AND FOUND?Ikt PniK-lst col. MACHINERY I Itii Pagk-'-M col. MARBLE M A N T K LS -1 2tii pAOK-4th col. MEDICAL?12tii Paok?Oth col. MILLINERY* AND DrtFsSM.YKINO?1st Pack?4th eoL MISCELLANEOUS ADVKkTISKMENTs?IOtu 1'aQK 6ib col. MISCELLANEOUS? 11th Pagk?1?t col. NEW PUBLICATIONS-;!? Pagk-OiIicoI. PKKSONAL-1?t Page lstcol. PIaNOFURT S. ORGANS. AC'.?1st PaCK-Cthcol. POOL S LLINO-Ist PAGK-2d col. POST OFFICE NOTIC -,-IIth Pagk-1st col. PROF' 8 ION A I. SITUATIONS W ANTED-KEMALE8 12rn Pagk-2iI col. _ PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2i> Faok -lstcol. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHA.VGE-2D Pack?1st and 2d rkal'kstatf. wanted - 2d Pack- 2d coi. RKWARDS-Ist Page?1st col. s 8\LKS \T AUCTION-2d Pack?Sth sn<l Oth cola. SITUATION'S WANTED?FKMaLKS-IIth Pagk?3d.4th, .itli mil Cth cols.. mid 12nt Pagk?1st and 2d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12TH Pack?3d and4tU cola. * SPECI AL NOTICES-1st PAOf-lst and 2d col*. SPO IT1.NG?DOGS, BlItDS. AO.-1st Pagk?2d col. SToKAOh ?1 Itii Pack?2<1 col * SUMMER III.SO TS-2n P ok?5th col. TDK TRADES?12th Page?4th cnl. THE ll'KF?1st Page?2d col. TO I. T FOR BUSINESS Pi RPOSES?2d PAGK-2d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?I2tn Pagk-OUi col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND A PA KTM F.NTS TO I.E I ?2n Pagk 111 col. WANTED TO PUHCn ASK-llTit Pagk?2d col. watch s. jewel y. &?*.?11? pagk?2dooi. WESTCHE-TER COUNTY Pr.uPEKTY FOR SALE OR TO LET-2D Pagk ? 1st col. WINEs. LIOUoRS AC.-1st PAGR-4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AU.-lOrit PioK-eth col. raaioiAii. Ada WirBB7fs?>-55.-l.NI 01<MATH)\" IS DESIRED id the birth and history, between above dittos, of Cor nell 1, child of Ada Webb. supposed to have beon left in or ncHT New York wltn parties by the num.) ot Coleman or Fiirrinctiin till taken to California In ISS.'i by h r ir.otbrr (then Mrs. Hnrtlett nd afterward Mrs. Wardoll). Please address or cull on STRONG A SPEAK, Attorneys-nt-Law, 22 I'liio St., New. Y'ork city. ? ll SCHOOL Tl ACKERS AND OTHERS INTER cstcd in the romantic scenery nl the >4it son River, read the Plymouth Rock Kxettrsii a advertisement, to-day's Herald. B.-1 WILL B AT THE HOTEL THIS EVENING, at 0 P.M. NEW JERSEY. Black silk, white stripes.-left" oar at Aalor House yesterday about noon. Started to go down Broadway but turned bark. Acquaintance onrtietlv de sired by party sitting opposite. If sgreeaMe please address. Hating something to identify, W. W. W., Herald Uptown lifflco. B, B.-MEKT ME; A. FROSCATI; ii).j P. M. H. R. ELL'. LAND-AN OLD FRIEND WOULD LIKE TO see you. Address box ISO llnrald office. B. B Lgi.MMKhCIAL TRAVELLERS joining the pro. .Heclive Association du-ing the mootli nl May Inst, may rail at the oil! c. No 34H Broadway, and receive gratuitously n paid up Accident In-uranco Po icv in the 'J'rarelleii' In surance Compi-nv, ol Hartford, for $\.iaxi. / 1KNTKAL T *R K~ > UN DAY. HP. I iADWAY Y ESTER V^day.?Two ladies In black : gentleman wlio brushed your dress re pects yon; Int-oduction desired for nearly two years. Address LEX, box 130 Herald office. FO R A DOPT1 ON-A FINE, I ISA LT HY FEMALE child: ftill aurreedcr. Apply fbr two days to Dr. 1-.8LELA. 150 West 26th st. IN FORMATION" OF~THI. ADDRESS OF WILLIAM Lorbett. tulinr, who resided In 3S3 Greenwich at , New Y'ork. In August, 1840, is wanted by t> URGE CLAltKE, llele-worth, Suffolk, Enirland. woo will gladly defray ei peases iucurr <L If W. Corbett will reply, lie will hear of something to his advantage. J IMF 8. S. PITCH, 4V> East ihflli it, or chII at ouce. Ill ILK ONE?SEND Ttl AT ADDRESS SO THAT I Jcati wrlto. 'TRUE FRIEND. A?T E'OX'-KKISU YOUR PATEN r TO OUR OFFICE. XJ234 Broadway; II all correct you con have the ra-h WRIGHTS MANUKACTP KING COMPANY. MISSING?INGE THURSDAY. MAY 17, A YOUNG iirl. named Lottie Wyeth, aged 17, live teet bluli, dell CMC frame, light feature*. irruy eyes, dark brotvn hair tine white teeth . dreaacd In a II.'lit brown poplin dress, trimmed with olive silk : cor .I beads. with ir Id cross (transferable luto wotch key). Anv person harboring her will be severely dealt with, and any lniorni tlon that will Inad to n r re covery will bn liberally rewarded by her mmily, at 2D5 Prnc- st.. N'-w York, or please notuy Superintendent WALLING, a*) Mulberry ?t. Mlt . TIIANIi'L WOODIIULL NICOLE. MAP. ricd Rev. Mr. VA'estervelt about 1H06 and lived near Albany: her daughter, Rachel Mcoll, married Mr. Kehler huos, or Kelderhouse: the undersigned will be obliged if any of the descendant* of eiihcr will send hi in their address. \VM. L. Mt'llLL, Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md. OMKO ANiwULIKT-MADISO.V " AY\ AND 26TH this f'l hlirsday) I*. M.. at 4 o'clock, li It A V if HARD. TO CAKTMK v-fl' will" BE GReTtLY TO' THP. advantage nT the cartman who removed trunk. Ac., from 212 >1 e-1 lttli St.. on May 2, to send Ills address to box 148 station A, city. Wii.L THE TOP NO LADY WHO WALKED DOWN Itro idway fiom two doors above ItHh St. to st., be tween 11 ant ID o'clock rosterday morning. and bowed to gentleman in sf age, if agreeable, please appo.nt Interview uy addressing i>. -V, box 107 ileruld ufHce. VlraLLACK'S, TUESDAY NIGHT.?THIS GENTLE ST man In gray, in the dress circle, who noticed eo lvmuiislrailvHly the blonde ladv in ilie velvet llnea white ant ai.d white I'oather and lavender loves, would lo\e to save an intarvisw. WALTER MONTGOMERY, box ltd Herald oBiee. ILL THE LADY COMMUNICATE WITH GENTLE in ill that both retmlied salutes while in Broadway it ages on Wednesday, 2 Id Inst., itooiit 11 o'clock. Address FAITHFUL. Ileruld Uptown ofllee. r: yv LOST AM) I'D! All. ISVl'SD-A VaLVUILK POINTER Bill'II.~API'LY " 104 <jrc*iio aft , Jersey City. Hold if not claimed within pM week, _ ? BTOf.'ND-^ON MONDAY LAtff. A focketTioYik CON taming money nud p .peis: owner can obtain the same by describing and payinj tout ot ibis advertisement Ad lire-, (i. B . Ml 22S i ler till ofllre. IohT?ON Monday ""night, IMUVaTE Fapkkh, Ji wo printed merest In writing. A suiiuble reward will be paid for tlieir return to the office Hotel iirflnswick, &th av. auii 20tlfc st, 10MT-A 6-8TONK CLUSTER DIAMOND RINO; .4,mall stone*. Finder will be rewarded by Delivering to K. J. HERBERT, i Maiden lane. I osteon tTie iaiTi.vsr. in m\oi-on avenue Jstuge, betweeu Wall stieet ferry and ill'l Broadway, or hviween :ill) Broadway and Del l.eonaid St., a Diainotid Tin. $2.'> reward will be paid to me by reiurmiiit the ppi to F. K. TA i Lo , fill) Broadway. IOVT-oN MONDAY. 21.81 INVi.. WiiILK ON~W tY A rntn A all to | till st., a Pockctbook containing mouev. A suitable reward will be glvm for its returo to M . lo.'i West !4th at., city. MKMOiIANDi m ROOK?BLACK COVER, CONTAIN* iiiif advertisements ami papurt. I'iuder will he re m .rdeu by Kl.N ?. It:II* Broadway. KKVI uids. REWARD?FOR THE RETURN OF GOLD /Watch and CIlaiu and broken Lia'kei. lost Monday liahton west sole; no riuestloiii uskttd. Address J. 1)., box 1 lleiaid ofllee RKtt AHD.-.nTOLEN FROM THE HUllsCRIH ?tC I tJers, May 2D, 1877, cbtsinnt-.sorrel Pacing Horse, 14'^ bands high; black mp Buggy, dirk green stripe, patent wheels, and Or old- trimmed Durness. Boulevard Mabie, DM end 170 Eust Slid st. M KR If I AM A BIRDS ALL, Proprietors. IF lllh. PERSON WHO fOOK Til COAT FROM lSiacy'* Millard room Wednesday noon will rsiutn tlu- pa pers and nil ch ol keys ho wnl be liberally rewarded ami no (jucsli us aSaCil, IPEl'lAL AOTICBS. *? FFl-D'Tl-.D RI-.-'slORLD.?i I sEA.->K8 of MEN A speciality. Re wi,e lo tint* and call lo the sure plate lor a permanent cure Premature uuclln". nei vims debt iiv. Impotence, Irritable Id dder, skin eiupllun* and ili-ease*. whatever the cniise. trcate I ? Ith rci.turaable and unpar alleled *uiv? ?*. I he i h tinis ol lit|>-mIou cau rail with Die certainty ol being-alUully treated; )l>> years' pine: ce. Dr. II. Nl'KR, 1.47 West 44th st. A- DVIt'll Hil'.k.-iJl.n DR. s il l', _I I. I.u W.I Sf! near Bowery. cures all roiiiplatuta. Honrs I to .V AITKNTDT.v (?TWENTY YEARS' PRUHSIAN HON PI tin experience. Disease ol men and nervous system n ip.dally C onsultstlon iree. Dr. JAl'oBY, Ii i Rieeck.-i -i. t ?RdYAL IIAV.iNA, JUNE 1. j\, at f-Ri. ?tk<). $10, 2. i.nutslana. June ?>, hi ?l". flY. Jj .Vi, 41 'JT,. Kentueky, Mat 'JC, a; 81", f ' Si SI d't 'I III. DoRc. yl-Oltol'll, b'J I'.irk row. New York. "T Iw \, WITH HE\t TIFFI, FI KNITIJHE! A'lTrs lo make tip a party lo occupy a country hmisn lor j Ine eiioiin* It a desirable locution. Atltlriss I'., boa kis) liefsM Uptown ofllee. *? V kD'IN HiFT CAPSULE id's PURE i APflU J Vl.Di'd di.'illi'llie 1. . nt up in Inetallle hi.xes Alt drui _.?ls. slut. FOR Ilk. vDAC .1 E, CO.N8 i I PA piles, stntnach, liver or klnne, ill-eases, weakness, g,- nmD. i, dT"N > Inrliiui'ailna yrup. u >c per i . itle, la. ttrar.e ca ss a.oicite.1 mid ruted or motley returned. NauuiU bottle, eainsiar auO aUviva tree. 4tw Brovuiv St. .A in n. B. MPECIAli ItOTll'JLB. Martinez a co..' ' Bankers, lOWitll it. (buaemen:). buy and sell Spanish Bonds, Spanish Uold and Havana Bank iJ111a; Drafts un n avana issued and negotiated. Lottery Priics nulled. Next Drawing June 1. 1877. Diseases ok men a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. I)., 144 Lexington nv., near 29th si. Office hours Irum 8 to 3. DR. WEST. 45 BLEECKEK ST.. NEAK BKOAD way.?Kxteuslve Loudon hospital practice. Consultit lion free In all complaint* I) lSK.VsKS OK MEN A SPECIALTY?81'BK AND liilcb euro. Dr. DYUu. 47 We-t 13cti ?t., near 6th av. IN ?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. !j. KKNTUCKT?KXTIU CLASS NO 343?U AT 23. 1877. 03. 18. 75. 28, 6, 70, 4i>. 50, 38, 43. 04, 7. KENTUCKY CLASS NO. 344?BAY 23. 1><77. 47, 70. 53. 15. 49. 20. 07, 4. 00, 24. 63. 18, 75. MBMKT?XXTKA CLASS NO. 243-MAY 23, 1877. 23. 62, 40, 33. 7. 30, 12. 05. 1. 58. 14, 43. II ENKT ?CLASS NO 244-MAT 23, 1877. 64. 29. 65, 1, 40 72, 09, 44. 1(3. II. 63. 34. 23. SIMMONS ,lt DICKINSON Maua ere. Information ulven regarding the above Drawings. Apply oj. CLl'Tl. A CO., 200 Broadway. Every night. IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. CABLE SPECIALS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. The Circulation of the EVENING TELEURAM lor the week ending Saturday, May 10, 1377, was as follows:? ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINE. Monday 60.(100 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINE. Tuesday 49.100 ADVERTISING ONLY 20C. A LINE. Wedneeday 48,800 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINE. Thursday.... 47.900 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINE. Friday 46,960 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINE. Satnrday 45,400 ADVERTISING ONLY 20C. A LINK Total 288,730 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINK. Dally average 48.123 F PINK RYE WHISKEY-FOUR YEARS OLD; $4 PER gallon; $1 per large bottle. .V VAN REIL. 88 Chambers at. M?OFFIC1 tL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE. ? KVNfCCKT? XXTKA CLASS. NO. 343-MAY 23. 1877. 63. 18. 75. 28. (I. 70, 40. 59. 38. 43 04. 7. KENTUCKY ?CLASS NO. 344 -MAY 23. 1877. 47. 70. 53. 15. 49. 20. 07, 4. 60. 24. 03, 18, 78. 8KNRY? kXTRA CLASS NO 243-MAT 23. 1877. 23. 52. 40. 53, 7 39 12. 05, 1. 58. 14. 43. IIF.NRT?CLASS NO. 244?MAT 23. 1877. 64, 29. 65. I. 46, 72. 09. 4-1. 16, 6 , 53. 34. 23. SIMMONS DICKINSON, Managers. For information In the above apply to PaRK.s, EMERSON A CO.. Bankers und Brokers, 180 Hroadway. room 4. N'ERVOUS EXIIAl'STI on-a m eiucal essay. comprising a aeries lectnes delivered at Kahn's Mu Kouiu of Aiio'.ocnr. New York, on the cause: and core of pre matura decline. showing indisputably ho>v lost health may he reuai. ed; iilfordtng a oeur synopaie of the impedimenta to marriage and the treatment of tiervoua and pbyai al de bility, being the result of 20 years' axp rlenoe. Price 25 cent*. Aildre-a tlio* author. Dr. I.. J. KaHN, office and residence 51 Lust 10th at. New York. OFFICE OK TIIK PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. > No. 6 Howling Urkkx. > New York. May 22. 1877. > The thirtieth annual alection of directors of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company will bo held at the office ol the company. No. 6 Howling Green, in the city of New York, on Wt tine-day, the Ruth ut May, 1877, between the hourt oi 12 o'rlnck noun and 2 o'clock P. M. 'Die tr .uster booka ot the company will close at the office of the Union Trust Company, on Thursday, tile 24th ol May, 1877, ai 3 o'clock P. M., and will reopen on Thursday, the 31at of May, 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M. W. 11. LAN E. Secretary pro torn. I>OYAL HAVANA.?NEXT DR A WING J INK I. bvVhole. $40; Half. $20: Twentieth, 63; Fortieth. $1. JaCKsUN A CO., Rankers. 82 Nassau at., near Fulton. I>oval Havana lottkr ydraWsmbvrbyIs Ldaya; prices cashed, orders filled, information furnished, highest rates paid lor Spanish bank bills. governments, Ac , Ac. tAYLGR A CO.. Haukera. No. 11 Wall St.. N. V. 11.279 PB12Bi Louialana Single Number, Juno 5. Generals REAUKKGARD und EARLY, Manager*. Whole, $10; half, $5; one-fourth, $2 60; one-eighth, $123. Address or inquire of WILLIAMSON A CO., 317 Broadway. di'jnM (Hilt -KKNTUUKY STATE. MAY 20; JU.UUUaf50.000. $13,450. $10,000. $7,500; whola, $111: half. $5: quarter. $2 50; ?lghtn, $1 25. .1 ACK.-sQN A CO.. Bankers. 82 Naaaau at., near Fulton. SPORTISO^DOGg. birds, dtC. FOR SALE-SIX VERY S.\l >'l, " AND TlXNDStfME skye terrier Dogs. 11. KISTEMANN, 118 Must 36th at.. stabl POOL SELLING. A' liCTlON~VKi-.NO II "ANi/~<5oM61NA'flb'tf POOLS aold at Jolinaoii'a Pool Room. No. 13 Montgomery St., Jeracy t ity. ou the ruunlnawaces at Raltimure and t-oule ville; returns received direct bv telegraph: all oruera prumptiy atteiiOMil tu; Freucu and jDotablnaiion Puma. $2 rach; also Combination Uookaapen. T. B. JOI1N80N. POOLSVol.D T7| IS AKTKKNl7(?N AT RKL LY dT HLIH8* Turf Agency, 08 Hud-ou tt, Ilobokeu; Indianapolis ve. Cincinnati ; Chicago vs. St. Loula. SE1BRRT A McCLGDD. rrITersall's turf agency, orro cottage A Garden. 39 lludaini at.. Ilouoken, near tho ferry. Auc tion French ninl Ooiuhlnation Puule. Tickets $1 each. Combination Hook on ail event* TtTTEKHALL'S TURF AGENCY, OFFICE AT A NO riarclay tt., New York (Tllley A a), for the iec< tlon of orders. Tickets $1 each. TUB Tin V. V"? KLVETWOOL) PAR?~ ? None but ticket holders and their friend* who aocmn !? my them will be admitted to this park on Sunday >l?y the 27th. i.outiemen who wi h to obtain their ticket* cau do >0 bv calling on or add esslng GATES H. BARNARD, Pre?ldeut. IKIltyKs A\l) CABttlAOBI. A"" LARGE AN I) ATT R A tH IV K .SAI.E BY PUBLIC AUCTION OK ELEGANT ANI> HIoFI UltKD I ROAD, SADDLE AND KaMILY HOitSKS. ALSO I HAItNS r Mil; I AUKS. SLEIGHS. BLANKETS. Ac. .'lis DAY (THURSDAY). MaY 34, AT II O'CLOCK SI1AKI', I AT SI'.til..:: I". tVKST 18TH ST., BETWE N r.TII AND OTH AV3., IIS CHARLES C. DC IT, AUCTIONEER, 1 Including u et.lendlU Tenm of llauibletuniati Mares, I ban.Ik inch, >> olid 7 year* old; ore In color boy. with full black manes and tulls which touch the gronnd; are lull *is I tern, aud wuro raised by .Sir. Rcquea. at Dobb'n Feuy; they are believed to bo the closest matched team In cms city; I can trot a mile nt uny time in 2 :40, single or double; can I travel IS mile* Inside of the hour: drive without check*; I uny litdy can drive them, mid n* a fninl y or road team are j uusurn-tsued; are warranted sound and kind, i Kast ha. trotter Essex, 1 At;, hands hlKb. Ill year* old : be , tva. sired liy lletiry Clay, dam a Slav mare; he is the purest i gaited and best company b?r?e In this city; he can speed a 2:2ft gait; has a record ol 2e2S on Myjitlc Perk; can heat 2 :ti" this day, and Is warranted sound and aind. Fine stylish bay saddlo and driving Mar-. lftt-J hands high, U year* old, raised and broke In Kentucky ; "has all pnllteuniler sadiilo' kiud in all harneas; can he drove or cared by a child; can trot a mile on any track in 2:ftO, and warranted sound ami klmL H .mistime and hlirh bred Trotting Mare, bred bv James B. Clav .md sired by Clark Chief; he by Mambrluo Chief, dam Ibree iiuarter til .rouyhbred by Lexington Is halt sister to j Nicotine; is jet . lues, lft,'? hands high, tl years old; first ap pearance In public was in Lexington, when she trotted I three heats in 2 42),.2:11 and 2:4n',< ; the lollnwleg sprinit ' was beaten hy hall s neck only In 'JSIS; ha* been used the p ist winter lor read diiviug; Is a stylish and pleasant dtlver; au everyday roadster: can heat 2 :'.VJ on any good track, and Is warranted sound and kind. < arrlage* consist of 2 Brewster lop Wuiroii* 1 Pony Khaeton I I'ortlahd Sleigh . also Single and Double Har ness, Paddles and Bridles. Blankets, i.obrs. Whips, Ac , Ac. .V B-I'IIK ABOVE HOK-KS HAVE ALL BEEN DItIVE.N IN clNGLK AND DOUBLE HARNESS. AND AltK SUPERIOR AS Wi LI, AH SAK KOADSTeKS. THE ABOVE MOCK WILL I'.E ON EX liBITION AT STABLE AS A lit I Vc , AT ALL IIMKH PRIOR lONALK, WHEN PARTIES CAN HAVE AN (11'Poi.fl NITY OK TrtlAL AND EXAMINATION BEFORE TIM V. OK BAl.h. AND OF ASCERTAINING FULL PARTICULARS. I'AKIILs IN SEARCH OF ANYiIIINi) OF THE KIND SHOULD NOT FAIL TO AV II, THK.MSEl.VKs OF THE PRP.SKXT OF O TUNITY, AS ALL WILL BE SOLD To illtiHKHT BI ? DEKS WITHOUT LIMIT, RK SI KICTION (lit KKHKKVATIO.N. SALE FOSITIVE, I. UN o : SHINE. AT II O'CLOCK. A -CHARLES W BARK It. AUCTIONKKK, .-BE SURE YOU'RE EIGHT, THEN GO A It E AD," davy crockktt. BE SURE YOC'KR SUITED. THEN BUY. ride wrnioT faii. today or io-MoRROW BEHIND BROWN'S KENTUCKY HOUSES. THE MOSI' EXTRA!) ?. 01 N A HY LOT OF TROTTERS, matched te?m.?. coupe and saddle houses SEEN IN NEW YORK IN I IFlKEN YEARS THE MOST IMPORTANT sale oi GKKF.N TROTTERS, Matched Teams. Cuupe aud ."-addle Horses and Mingle drivers ever held In America will come off tin next SATUR DAY, May 2ii. all! o'clock, at BaKKE.B A -UN'S New York Tatter.all's, corner ol Broadway and tiiltli St., c >m* pus tig TWENTY-FOUR head. Just arrived Troin KEN* rUCKY, including young Mare, and treblings thai can iret (WITHOUT TRAINING! ill from throe minutes DOWN To IIKTTKK Til \N 2 40; a I'AlIt of lft>. Hays thai, can beat three minutes to the pole, und a number ill Ol HER I* IRS suitable lor the roait. family or business ail ol the most fasliion.ti.le KENTUCKY trotting biooil and nil warritited sound and Mind: Mock now at tee Mart fur trial, the public are most earnestly urue.t to come and ItlDE BEHIND ami TEST THE sPKhD and driving <iualities ol any ol the lot at AXV time PIlE.VlOU* to sale Full descriptive catalogue* now ready. Sato positive uud without post t enement. ID.MEM THE SPEED SHOWN ItEI-O, K YOU RID. A -I.'AKKIAOK HKPAiU> mii repairing depart muni < Ifom uneqnallrd advnntnT?* for i;tK>d and protupi work. All onrriitiiet li used In Qlvaa room* Hud i fU'fluhy protected troiu damage. PreciNdiy tho % i in A quality ol material and labor employee! n* In ru?w work, nud ml runtape* iiolalibri with VHiuutirip ?* vurnmh, which in hrilll ?ncy and durability i* superior to any of for* eiu'n manufiK'turo, Kdimnhh turn ?hod and carriages sent lor and delivered by our own team*. f ?'?' of charge. i an U a* aeni now to be repainted will be retained until fall without cburgo tor Hiorutru BKfeWrtThlt A CO.. of Broome it . Hi und way. 47ifi nud lrttli at*. Vi vTTmhn irin,?v .Nh.M, In VAN T .-Mi-.I.fdA Ki ARNF.V, ii uot nold bet ore at private ?>?!*? (can he Mien t( 157 Kant :tid m. , TO HATIShV lULL OK KKK1', bay florae. 7 year* old. I V'. Iilgb,^iud in biiiglc find double IiurriesH; warranted tumid and kind A I v BACRlThTh K'ONY PIIABTONL BAY MARK and !larn?*ii, in fruod lu ditlon. Applv to THOMAS h't'ONNKK, H road way and BfHh at. Price $275. A t' 111f > K V. PO.NVBPIliT HoKSK; ANOTHKR J\ Horae, suitable latuier, any bu*in*i*; hall value. H liitrri mii Mt. \ i'ompiaKTi: hV) \r> i~An"()Tt at JTba^rcjai.n? JleBay ?hiif 7 year", l"?A? luinda, pound and km<i4 tiota 1 ?* BrewMPf Improved kprm lop Wagon, iNrne**, blanket Whip, Ac ; all go<?d s*? new : until be to d; aUu top 1'hMui u. ii^ l iiuK.Natabiet Ud Watt U7iU t%. HUKSESt AND tAHHIAURt). A" T AUCTl' ji. ' ? '~~ BY VAX TASSl-LL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIK IIOKSK AN l> CARRIAGE AI CTION JUttT, 110, 112 East 13th st , nrar 4tli uv,, ON FRIDAY, 23TII MAY, hi l() o'clock. PAIR VKP.Y HANDSOME STYLISH BAY MARES. bred in Monro* county, 10 hands high. ?< and? years old : kiml and true in ull harness, irro Irom vice, tree prompt drivers, superior knee action, not airald of uuythiug; have great power and bottom; are both good single drivers; liave good mares a ml tails. They are un exira ilesirahle tram for lauiiiy use, mid are warranted sound; also very etjrlieh set brass mounted double Harness, with breeching complete, and LaNDaU. WITH MECHANICAL TO I*, in good order, built bv Wood Brothers BAROUCHE. TRIMMl?.i WITH FRENCH GOATSKIN, In lirst class order, ouilt by Lawrence A Bradley. TWO BLACK Ma.MBk1.NO MARKS. l'>,\ II AN US HIOH, ? and S yoars old, with colta at loot, 0 weeks and 2 urolith* THEY HAVE A RECORD OK 2:4.1 TO THE HOLE BAY G-.LDIKG, 10 HANDS HIOH. t? YEaKS OLD: Ri CORD OK 2:42: it stylish und pleasant driver, nlraid of nothing; warranted kind and true. ALSO. A LAIIOK NUMBER OF OAD AND FAMILY HORSES. SEE Tn.MORROW'S HERALD. Auction house of srch. Johnston. in. 21, 23 and 20 13th at., | nenr University place. I THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI ! ABLE HOUSE N THE CITY. KALES OK HOUSES AND CaKRIag.S HELD I EVERY TUKKD Y AND KitlDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. | o.V EVERY HORSE THAT 1- WARRANTED SOUND I FROM 24 HOC its TO THREE DAYS IUH I RIAL. GENTLEMEN HAVINO HOUSES OR CARRIAGES I to sell, or thuee \vl lilng to buy, wi'.i lind our business 1 continued en precisely Hie same strictly honorable prin ciples which nave always governed our house ant won the respect anil confidence of fie entire community. AN OLD STAND-FIVE KIR-T CLASS COaCIIKS, 10 Horses, with Harness complete, aud one light Top WitkOii. Iti'iuire at 7M uott st. AI'O.NY HIUETON. ?71. 1 I 00 K a WAY. $.rS): I SIX seat. $110; 1 Couch, i-200: 1 Express Wagon, 711; 1 Coupe, S200; 1 Depot Wagon 2125 open Wagon. ?10; Tup, $71: single Harness 210; Double, 22H; Sheets, 21. WILLIAM 11. Oit Al, 20 and 22 W ouster at. GOOD WORK lORSE KOR SALE.-1C0 WEST ..Houston st. W orks singly and double. A r 188 WEST 40111 ST.?NICK POKY, 12 HANDS, JVgi-mlr lor children : seven llnraes. suit any business ; top Wagons, two sent 1'ark Phaeton, double and single Har ness . must be sold. A -FOB . ? Safety Comfort, Economy, accuracy and procisiuii In running oi wheels, nso tho greatest improvement ever mado In carriage building?the Rub >er Cushioned Axle. A FAMILY GOING ABROAD WI-sIIES To DISPOSE (at any sacrifice) ol team bay Carriage Horses, I5?y bauds, blocay oulli. persectly s,,;o and r llslile ; liruwatur Clarence, T Curt, single and dnu le Harness, superu order. Rossmore Sta les. 247 West 4tai st. T ANY OK. KR?TWO SETN NEW HARNESS. SL'II' uable lor grocery or express wagon. 24H West 41st tt. -SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Laudan. light, T Cart, I.aiidaiilet, Dog Cart, Light Couch, Surrey, 4 wheel*, Y'lctorla, 4-seal Wagon. A good assortment of Road Wagons, city make. J. B. BREWSTER t CO.. of 21th st. AN OFFER WANTED?FOR BLACK HOKSK, 1.1.1 ^Vhlgh. warranted sound and kind;-an trot better than * * H'-ewnter W iminor top Wij,,,, Harness Ac ? also In*the eU? rn ''l'lU'U''rat''U' lor lHtt'os or eW'dreo IP mo city, l.iJ Wont .ilht vt., Ataoltt to let. A -/uir iT^TTllTu K K AT K ST Iia Re A IN EVER kl sorcered a Ijimdaimie extension top ph.eton. pole ond .halts; top Buggy, Singlo and Double llujne".!,,llrxtclass oruer,. huh handsome bay llorse, 15,V, hands high- tvar Em*19IViTt ""U k'U"' APP'' 10 u?ACHMaN. stable IgB AN KXKCUTOK'H SALE?OREAT INDl'tJEVbntm? (.heiipckt *ud best in the city.?A miperior. lino Hide bar Ton w.r ?u" part Top Wagon; also black lull spring Ton Wagon, a very nobby Top 1'ony Phaetoo, extra fine Miolu ie!' f* Harness, lion rubber mounted rouble Harness- three fine Road Horses, one extra stylish 4Ut'st c" Whlpi, Ac. Private stable, M Float A GREAT CHANCE TO BUY CHEAP-VERY HAND ?IXttonir and stylish rich brown llorse, IB hand*. 7 years ? trots last; sale tor a lady, llundsomo bay pony, 1-t'i hands, b years; perfectly broken to saddle; been uaad b? ladies and children. Both warranted sound. Also elegant leather top P. n> Phaeton, side bar top WaBot, ' be," t Uy buildere. Dun.conib Sluirle Harness. The property of a widow lady, who must sell; no offer refused ; will sell seiia. rate. Prirute stable 0 West 35th st.. first door front Sth ay. ANY PRICK?BUSINE8S OR ii ROC BET. EXPRESS -vtrt ?? elJ'1#r W??ou?- Bn" ?ntl ?'a 1 Brick Carts, 308 hast A -THE UREAT KsFoPPfiRTU NIT Y TO BUY TIIK .cheapest ever offeredh must be sold this week, beautl tut leather extension top Phaeton, seats lour persons Pole qtidBhqIU, strong and very for one or two horses splendid throe spring top Pony Phaeton. Also two ol the 'a* r. Wagony In this city : one I rot tluc Road Wnirou and Duosconib Harness Tito above .are hardty tolled CnIon ctob Stable. 137 West 28tb st , near titb ay Also light top I- Cart. Double tl antes, to match. AT COS I?10 NIK A' AND SECOND HANI) pes* Wagotis; $30 to Slot) for expreas, grocer, butcher DMKet, milk delivery. 2'JH Spring st. ? A iJ/'iim. i!.?., KKh:, AU. lilioo WllHKKKs; Jtln, ?1U?; mutt bo told this weak. l.'Wj Weat 4th. A VERY FINE HIJC-SfcAT" ROCKaW"aTs CLASS w2n.,r." ?' ;?"'""i'3th ii."0" Kr"lhor<: ?rooa ",new; *'??? AarfXSi ?2Uf0- u,*i, ""<? >'*"" w urk ffSme - w.rJIut.a every way. 4 Kuat floaKton st. ' A BO LUNG IN AND" IK, EL I NO OUT. -TV. Elegant luatncr top Ktiggies at SI ID upward. Cauopy. miniature and extenaiou top Phaeton* tmm ?115. llaudsotne rubber curtained Kockuwayx at SIUD /i,l. '"P Hepot Wagons at flfO. Othor styles of Carriages: also i.AKNi-.SN (all styles) Lan . VLFVSI"?01". Ac., at bottom ligurea. P At JOHN MOO .fc'rt wurorooms. .17 Warren si. A PRIVATE TURNOUT FOR SALE.? .NOIilTEL iVIlDM I.U. bands; trots In 3:4.1; sound ami kind UptownWagon and Harness. Address box 171 Herald A^NTLKMAN'S TURNOUT FOR SA K CHEAP? aVIIorse, Wagon and Harness: thn horse 1.1.1 high (J years old and sound; ran trot In '4.1. sln.-le and double; alio a firs! class Coach Harness, made by Coleman. Can ho seen ? private stable 1HH East 33d st. A ?HANDN()j?E DAPPLE OKAV\~15.3. fl r r i ' mare, 14.3, tl tears old: tery stylish* qqfo for lady's nog, llki Wast 4th st. siyusii, ORE ATEST SAC It IF HI e7?FIN h R AY MARE ? nerlcrt pet. can beat 3:40; elegant Brewster i-oai W agon, Harness. Kobe, Whip. $32.1: separated- toD p'L !v Phaeton, $11.1. MOORE'S stal.l^ 3Nth st.. 7th av ' AT. I*ft,vATK "A'Lh-1.1 MOIt OF "THOSE INDIAN w 1 ?.i t' (HOving and biding Ponies) Ju-t arrived at 144 hast k'4th st. Buy tbem t.. take to tlln count" A BREWSTER Basket phaeton. Whli~cXvol py top. a West lUth et. Awl!AS" , <!1I'KKK, WAN FKU?II ANDSiVmk" tJTF ftw'eWfl'ft.?"'1' *ua Uoubl" ???-!?ur A-for sale, a pair of enoi.isii cobs ii~i ? high, bright bays, hl.tck points; the nicest tea' cart fiSd'st. Can be seen at Fry's stable. 4 fe2s" A -A HAD\ WILL SRLI, LOW A K7KONU AND a. ne'er 4iha'y "p# R"Ckawav. Inquire at 109 hast Huh A TRACK SULKIES, ok ali, weights'and vs. J V .siirpas ed quality. H RI-.WSTER A CO.. oi Broome at Broadway, 47tn to 4Sth at. ""B ,? A vi'T^r' ^Ty->vi)"..s- PHAETONS, T OA RTS - VMctoria, Lauduulet, Couoea, Landaus, Depot Wueuns at aatlsfuctory prices. || A a. lite Broadway! A BREWSTER IOP IMPROVED SPRlRt) rti,T7, wlVoli a so slngie and onblo Harness !,, Dnnscomll; near Otb al * 1 ?-'Bh st.. Bargain.?btylihh okat maub. is"hakm t years ;gt>od slrpper; price . alw big sorrel Horse ? I price ?.a I 37 Ureenwlcli av.. grocery. nurse. !??.' A u''1 1 NFRIND and >110. BAR j .lo W???"oofit! "? l""url> u"? ; DO off' r refused. j (lAUUlAOhs IN NBAKLY EVERY 8TYLK AND nii?i.1 *."? ?n<l six-seat; new leather top Bag ies | KM), new h ursoat top Depot Wagons, 98.1 up- lloeka' | way, JIIJO; Hire- spring ,,ew Exoreee VVagon. ?.7,1 and | ut er styles and prices, all my own uiake and weirsnted epian did Hnl key a cheap. ORU BE. 398 Canal. fiAK (IAGB WANTED.?A SECOND" llANir RIhFk. j \7.wav or extension lop PI, .elou. two eeats. e^ lor one horse; must be in good order and clieup; reply whh I lowest prico Address boa 1,511 Post olRae. j | fjlVEKY NIGHT ? | rj IN 'IIIK EVENING TELEGRAM | CABLE SPECIALS FROM THE SEAT *OP WAR Tlie circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM r?r tl.e week ending Saturday, May III. 1877 was i? lollow, I ADVERTISING ONLY JOC A LINK Monday - ? ADVKKTIHINU ONLY Ji?t . A LIN E' Tuesday * 4? Im advbrusing only -Ajv. a"i.ine' I Wednesday .... "* . ADVERTISING ONLY aiC. 'a 'i.VnV' Thursday ? - 47.,m ADVKRTIBINO ONLY 'J'H\ A LINK Friday a? .,v, AIIVBKTI8INO ONLY 200 A* LINV | Saturday A li.-se. Total U'T'<,U ISIN<J ONLY TOC. 'a" LINE I "/ ADVEtlTISIN'O ' Ojii.Y iiiif!-. A LINE ^ Dally qrerago 48.)21 tlOR SALB -A PAIR of THOROUGH BRED BAR] - I chestnut,-, well matched; lyraisold; very gentle arid j wpII biol&fti to hnrneiN. l4i)un?ire, by N?rruifHnHi>M (nut , '-nported L Anglaise. ny I Noble; second dam I eri, by Irlsu Blrdratcber; third dam I'eruita, by Langar ? lourth dam Doleudi. b.v Gol.anna. Evasive by ImoT.r .d , Canwell; fir.t nan, Evadne. by Lexington ;" swoSriam - Volga, by import, d Glancoe; third (law by Imported l"X!mi!SU! 7 3Dth and Broadway, in cracker .tori. ,r"""rB ?' L"VOR HALE-BROWN HORsFT, Id, IIANDflt King r tail; very styll.Ii ; bno urltor; pcrle.-tly kind In all bar lies., and warranted sound ; Can troi et,..e to :l minutes Car, bo see,, ?, KERDa.N'S Stable. k'?4 We st lllh? Klt^Mi'cne'atA/lVi " Ut',Al N- *'NF. SECOND HAND ?I70 ? .;a. S . A A FlANDKAI . -1'- Mml ?<74 Broom- St. (r.ld stand o! Itrewster A t.v.i, l/Ofi SALE-KEN , UCKV HOKsR; Sl'VLlSII nlsriT I I fee driver; slngla double or saddle ; Just the horse lor .i i Wl"U "**? h""h 1 l'H stable. 7lh ar and E*OR *ALK?8TEEL ORA* HORSE 15 HANIM HIGH. V ai''' kind; mutt be sold for want abate. Call 1>S w#Nt isrouuwHy. Lioil BALK?A GKNTLFyiAN'd TRAM, CHhsTNUT-t (inl?!v .I"'"' andTast. Apply to FRANK FER." OLsu.N. nan t rauetoee atablee. 53d and bin ar. HOltSKM AMD r>MII??i Folc SAL.. KIVE^YOl'Nti IH.RSES SUITABLE roR larmer. grocer, any business. must sell: no work; ??? rented. 592 Wi;ilitnru>u *1. (NOR SAl.E-eTYLlSH BAY MARK. I5X HANDS. 8 years; all Bound, 0; for anvuse: price #00: two tup Grocer or Kxprese Wagons; prices. #45. $65. 573 Moat 12th at JIOIl 8 LE-A rINK TEAM KENTUCKY BLOODS, bays, 7 and M years old, about H> liaiius; sound in every respect; gentle and not atraid ol ears; hava bean used a? a tmnily 'rum. ami can travel In 5 to 4 minutes. Address CilAKLE-> MA'is IK, III Jol.n at. /"A OOD STORAGE Foil CARItl Ali RH AND SLEIOHH vXtn clean nnil light room*, no manufacturing don* oti the Special rale- made to partiea desiring to ^re pretnlaaa. _ _ _ two or more veluclaa ami thoseWtahiug their carriages washed uud cared lor while tu our handa. Insurance also effected. A 8. FLAXDRAU, 372 and 374 Broome at. (old aland of Brewster A Co.) HORSES.-DEPOT Kilt FOREIGN CONSIGNMENTS.*. W a S. PRE'>1 AN. uroprie'ors of .Udrtd.e's. mi. .Martin i lane, hare arranged wttii Mr IV.truer, the pro prietor ol the Welsh Horn Form, Henuon. near Loudu i. for a aeries ol aalea ol toreign and Continental consignments ol lioraea. i he term is vrry conveniently sltualeu within a fewtnliesol Loudon There is ample itock accommoda tion. tfilb unliuiltrd patture laud ail water, and i-espoc IalIV adapted fui the reception of oretgn and Continental stock. Oeluj In direct rouiiiimileutiou will: oil the rail wars lo llendon station For lull particulars apply to Messrs. Vv. AS. KitJ'.KM Ah, AlSridge's Horse Repository. St Maitlu'n lane, L- ndun. Arracgruienu tuude lor transit ot Dorse* Irom any port. H aRNEsK. cAUDLES. sHKKTS AND LAP ROBES. PETERS A CALHOUN COMPANY. 510 Broadteay, are retailing at wholessln prices. Call a d examine. IRON STABLE PITTINOm-OLRABLK. CLEANLY and cheap; Partitions. Heel l'osts, Havraeks. .Mansers. Ac ; prices redue'd. catalogues sent free: spec.mens at store. JaNKS a K1 KTI.aN 1). m. 10. 12 Keade st. Mortgage saLk.-ueo. uEO . 11 mias, auc tloneer. sells this day. 11 o'clock. 57S Grenwlch it. uear Houston, 17 good Work Horses, 5 Carls. Truck-, Har ness; sain posiileu. By order of Patrick lluulaha.i. mort gagee. Must he solo.?no reasonable offer ke fused: i ; a to inn of hav horses, S and t) years old. 15 hands and 1 Inch high; cut! trot In 3). ur better. Apply al rry's Hoarding stable, 2 and 4 Kasl 53d st. Nearly new preach landau uocblk .old plated Harness, cost $3,UOO; will be told low ; also T Carl, same in use. WILLIAM P. OKAY, 21) and 22 Woostor st. ONE OR TWif HORSES WILL HE KEPT DU INO tlto sutntner, or winter if desired, lr6o of cost. Address 11. X., Daubury, Conu. R OaD WAGuN'S, llowell Pbaetooi, Doctors' Wagons. In the latest style, tine finish, and at reduced prices. A. S. FLAXDRAU. Carriage Builder, 372 and 374 Broome si. (old stand ol Brewstar k Co.) SvCRIPIOL. ?HORSES. TOP EXPRESS WAOON AND HaruesM, #150; Canadian Pony. ?SO; new Top O. livery Wagon and more, cheap. 4 Till av. J~LlVr.RY MEN'! T One Landau at -1.200. One Coach at $1,200. Two Laodaulets, to carry lour persons, st $1,11X1 each. A. S FLaXUKaI , 372 and 374 llnoma st. (old eland nf Brewstar A Co.) TO OWNERS uF IIOKsKS.?LA.MK.NESm, FROM whatever cause, pronounced incurable, will bo treated without charge hy applying to WILLIAM M. i.ILKS A CO.. Proprietors lilies' Liniment, Iodide Ammouun 451 Kth tie. VICTORIA. LATEST STYLE; ONE CURTAIN OUACH. Wood Bros, tuake: T Cart. Coupe Hoc away, all nvies Pony Phaetons; 0-seat Kockaways, a Brewster Stanhope Phaeton and English double Harness. WIEI.1AM H. till IV. 20 and 22 Wooster st. WINDSOR Wagons. uinde only by BREWSTER, of 25th St. Maximum of strength, mltiinitim of weight. X&TANTED ? A i'lKBALD HORSE; MUST BE SOUND. YY kind unit gentle In single and doub.e harness; good roadster anil well marked. Address, lull particulars, price ?ud whore to be seen, box HHn Host ofiice w (ANTED?a r cart in good okdkil RUBER I KlXli, 10S West 53d at. WANTED-A PAIR OK PONIES. 12 HANDS HIGH pertcctly gentle aud well broke to saddle and driving. Addrete box 5,574. WANTED-GOO* FAMILY HORSE IN TliE OUUN try for hit keepj nest care; later, perhaps, would buy. Address FRANK, Hsrultl office. Wf AN l'K D O K Nt LE .M A N7* ROAD HORSE; MUST VY be 15.3 or 10 hands and accustomed to the saddle. Adores*, with reT lull particulars, C. 11.. box No. 131 lteruld Branch oSioa. Xjtr ANTED TO PI RCII ASK?A UOOD LIGHT SECOND YY hand Coupe, trimmed with leather, city luade, lor one horse. Address J. II. D. Herald oltlce. Y roUK C nolo .'..a THREE OUT OK SIX HORSES; suitable for any basinets; told at sacrifice. 410 West 80th st. 1?J EXCHANGE PLACE. ADJOINING TAYLOR'S .LOllotol. .fersey City.?Auction, reuch and Combination Pools en Battl Dure ud Louisville Races. LOVELL 4 CO Aril FOR 1IEAYV TOP GROCERY OR EXPRESS sp??' 'Wagon; goo I order: half value. 543 West 34th St. $05 ?BAY MAKE. 15 HANDS; CAN slIuW 3 MIX ?utes ; kind, gentle fur lady. 253 West 31st st. (ffkl/wt EACH.-3 FULL SPRING TOP HUGUIBR. ?PJ U* "Ousonbury, Corbett, Miner, Stereo*, makers. 124 West 101 It St. dhlsltt Worth $250.-NKW Top GitOCKK DK ?P LJj v/slieerv Waguu. Depot Wagon, three pun. Hones; suit to day any business; Harness. 20/ We-t lUlh st. $140 ?HIDE BAH TOP WAClOtf, BHhWAtKH IM proved' ftpriug. Keal estate ottlco, 854 nth av., lnt Ht. DRY UOOil*. A. <$> J. ECONOMY IN HOOTS AND HilOES, AT BKO KB'. Ladies' line Button Hoot*. $3. $3 50. $1 and $5. Misses' and Children's Button Hoots, $2 aud $2 50. Genlleiueu's fine Boots, Shoes and >.niters. $4 50 upward. <$> I Geiitlemon's low Shoes, lor easo and comlnrt, of Frouch | kid and call, in great variety, nl low prices. I <9 I.HW Broadway, corner 2?Ub. B A THING 8UITH. ANTICIPATING AN EARLY DEMAND Foil IlitS CLASS OF GOODS, WE ARK EXHIBITING A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT IN NOVEL AND UNIQUE DESIGNS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES RIU" A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY, ATM AV? nTH AND loTH SIS ~ DRESS GOODS. EVERY VARIETY OK FOREIGN AND DOMKSTIG SUMMER DRESS FABRICS, AND ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES OK PARTS. LCNDON AND RERUN. INCLUDING EXQUISITE LIGHT-WEIGHT COMBINATIONS IN SILK AND WOOL, CAMEL'S UaIR, AC., AT reduced" PRICES, BUNTINGS. ALL SHADES. TWENTY-KOl'ii INCHES WIDE.. AT HOC. AND 40C. PER YARD. GRENADINES. MEXICANES. BATISTES, LENOS, AO., AT ?C. PER YARD. THE GREATEST BARGAINS OP THB SEASON. L A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY. 4Til AV , HTM AND 10TII STS. YONS SILKS, " ' | Not our own Importation, purchaaed Ht auction. | <? ? I nncjr Sllaa, .Vic.. tlO<\, 7.1c. Plain Slik?. Mtlr . upward. Black SiU?, beginning at 70s. houu a Taylor, Broadway and '.'"tli >t Grand, <Tiry.ll# and Forsyth at* (1 A MEL'S HAIR SHAWLS (VERY KINK) RICH V.A-i>lor?, #H?). Real Thread Lace Shawl, $.V>; Diamond Earring*. 4375 (Urge auiltaires), big bargain; con ?SOO; Tnraad Lace, wide and iinrrtiw, aery low prlcea. Mll.l.S A COLEMAN, Grand ?t. UT A NT I' D?AN INDIA SHAWL, III D CENTRE, AND border ahout a quarter of a yard wide. Addreaa boa 1 ,4ii I I'oat office. MIliLI.IE liV AYIi 1>I< EiaMAKINGi T MAlllh 'MLBANVs tKRO.M PAIUsT,' >Gi Nf A.Nft \ T M ,V porter.?New, anleudld a-oiortinoiit I'aria Bonnet*, at iiiiniiniim prim, to-day. 433 I'th ??., aot-ond door below \ PI A?lg FIRST CLASS FRENCH CUTTER. FITTER, l>K. nor dealre. Miituation ; boat reierencea. 4nEa.tli.iU / YRaPE. ?WK CALL Til*. ATTENTION OF THE V, trade, and o?tn? milr the ladle*. t? our Improvement in r<-lip i-li in If now ?id old Crape, MAKING IT WATi II PROOF and a iioiuit i In; blank, bt Sin Ivur'a patent Ko.lllou Parlor, IIouiomP' Mnilding, corner I lib ?r. and Broadway S C. SHKIVKR A i o. l\WTIll CTIOII. .1 I H<VkOLGIiLY competent SPANISH TRaiIGIR a\ wanted Adilra**, with lerma and pariu-nlaM, PRONSO, lloralii office. 1JI BLIC HIGH SCHOOL WANTS LADY OK Sl'PE Oor <|UiilillooSon<< and taerci.tul experience; aalary Jf 11.?a a I or morn; waateru Hem In air w u'a oironipli.bod Epiicopalinn Uifi loiardlux rnlio.d, n-at city. Normal irtailnato ; .euilnori. In ihl. Male, F.iigiDii and rlataiea. ntllKKMKRIIORa, 30 l-.aat I4'h at. WIVES, l.l<il)(llts, Ml. \si m |li Essirv -i H . 11 ai; lad akosiTi tbo lavurlle Claret; hd original ca.o ul VI quart, ablppou t" our addraai VI receipt wl 12-L VICTOR fc. M ALU.-it, 110 Head? at.. N?W Yarn. D AMCMKMEVTS. ALF'S r>TII AVENUE THEATR? Proprietor and Meuogvr Nr. AUGL'STIN DALY TO NIGHT, POSITIVELY THE FAREWELL PERFORMANCES OF MISS m S N N tea II Li Ss? OOO WU N MM N K II L A So O KM K N M M K II L X o o K M M N N M KEK 1( L SSS O 11 KM N N M V K II L HO OK N K M KM K II L K S O O M NN N KM EE KB 11 LLLL SSS OOO M MM PiMitively taut time of ItUMBO A.\l) JULIET, aud ot Ml?i " Mia* NEILsON u JULIET. TO-MORROW NIGHT?Mia* NEILSON'S FAREWELL BENEFIT, on wtucb occn?loti aha will appear for the nr?: and only time at P.%ULINK In the LADY Oh LYON's. Mr. COUHLAM *? cLAl'Uh : And tna B\LCo V> -CKNfc. frotu women and Julia!, with Mi.k NEILSON a? Jli.lEI im.i Mr. UKUKl.K It iH No LI) iwho liua alndly vnluut. er?di at ROM i-.O. SATURDAY I-.VBMaO-Mu* DAVENPORT'S ANNUAL BENEFIT Fb.sriVAI., on which occaalnu Mitt NKIL.miN, who ha* aludiy volunteered. will mane liar larewell apuearauce, piaying JULIA, iu THE ilUNllfhAUK. with Mr. K 1.. DAVENPORT ,wtao cornea from I" !i lade I p ia for till* ocean u at MAsTEIi WAL TElt, Mr OHAKLE- i COGHI.AN it. CLIr FORD, Mr KB EM PLVMPTON a> Ml).'US and Ylt-? KaN* NV DaVK.yPgRT at I1KI. N SATURDAY, at - oVIock, FAREWELL M YTIXEE. "Lady of lvo ii??t tune MONDAY EVENING NEXT. FIRST t'R< DICTION of tit* New P.irinao Drama. "VESfA." D Ai.Y'S 3TH AV, M l'. -THEATRE. SATURDAY. May a! 'J. FAREWELL MATINEE of Hi* REGULAR SEASON. THE LADY OF LYONS. Mil* davenport dor iii< u?t timet a* Pauline Mr COtJHLAX (bla laat appearance! a* CLAUDE Cn band opera rouse. TP OLE A DONNELLY.... .... Le.aera aud Manager* RESERVED SEATS tOrchetlra UirosJ. ...M CENTS LA-T tVEr.K OK HIE SbASON Last weekol ilie | Ml*. FANNY DaVENPORT. PRINCESS ROYAL Mr. C11AKlE.? K COGHLAN, Pl.INUK -S ROY AL | Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM. PRIM 'K -S R YAlil Mr. J. b. SIUDLKY, PRINCESS i.OV YL | Mr JAMES LEW iS. and FIFTH yVENUE 11IEATRE COMPANY, lu .Mr. A U JUST I v DALY'S liltmricitl play, THE PR1NCK H ROY . L. the princess royal. THE PRINCE'S R.rVAL. Laat PRINCE'S ROYAL MATIN. E ou S yTURDAY. CIENTKaL PARK aQARDKN AND JEN TKaL PARR HARDEN HART'S central park cardkn summ r uieatre. CENTRAL I' yRK GARDEN Open iivery evening CENTRAL I'AUK GAUD N and 'altirdar CENTRAL PA .. K C RdKS Matinee CENTRAL PARK HARDEN 50 Star Artlata CENTRAL PaRK HARDEN al rvt'rv pi-rlurtiiunc* CENTRAL PARK HARDEN and Matinee*. Children hull price at the Matinei-*. GRAND CoNiEKl EYIRY SUNDAY. Admlsidnn. J", nun: 'J.'j cents extra for reeerved rent*. Aduil-klnn. 2Y :uuta: J."> eenta extra for reterved -o iu. Concert every Sunday, ulteriinun and evening. UNION SCJlUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK to* ringer Mr. A. M. PALMER S.MIKE. THIRD WEEK SMI KE. S.YIIKE. aud coutliiued succea* of SMIkK. SMIKK. SMIKE. SMIKE. SMIKE. In tbiu ulttv are ahou-n the mint KM IKK. WONDERFULLY REALISTIC s.MIK WONDERFULLY REALISTIC S.MIKE. SMIKE. SC. NES. SMIKK. S.MIKE. Including the SMIKK. SMIKE. MARVELLOUS COACH SCENE, SMIKE. S.MIKE. lllu.lratin : the departure of the SMIKE. SMIKE. YORK M YJL t.oin the SMIKK. SMIKK. SARACEN'S I! AD, SMIKE. SMIKE. together tvitu the SMIKK. s ikk. greatest cast smike. SMIKE. ever given io it Dlrkcna drama ia a SMIKK. SMIKK. New York theatre. SMIKK sMIKE. SATURDAY' MvY ???, SMIKE. SMIKK. THIRD MATINEE OF SMIKE. SMIKE. niLMORE'S CONCK.tT HARDEN. Lt Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK. Leaaee Mr. E. tl. HILMOKK Manager Mr. P. S. U1LM0UE Muilcal Director THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, MAY 24, GRAND OPENING. OF THE BUMMER CONCERT SEASON in the "moit magnificent placa ot publie entartulnment in tb* world." Thoroughly and cempletely rearranged, decorated and embeliiabed with hundred* oT flag* of all naitoua. Rare and beautilul TREES, PLANTS. FLOWERS AND 8UBUBS, GATHERED AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE FROM ALL PARTS OF TflK WORLD. Splendid palm* and other co?tly ipeciutan* of elegant exotica. FOUNTAINS AND MYTHOLOGICAL STATUARY, WITH THOUSANDS OF VaRI-COLORED LIGHTS AND CALCIUMS. Illuminating tbe CROWNING WONDER OF THE FAIRY SCENE, T1IK URA.ND CASCADE. WI.'H ITS MOUNTAINS ? OF DAZZLING, FA LLI NO WATERS. GILMOKK'S GREAT MILITARY BAND, which baa been nnlveraully proclaimed the ?FINEST MILITARY MUSICAL ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD," In the following remarkable PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture?"Leonora No. II" Beethoven firm tlmo by itiir military bend. 2. "Nocturne Momtmerr Belle" Wely First tuuo by any mililHry band. tl. Grand selection from the "ItUKenots" Meyerbeer Till* selection has )net been received Iroin hertln. and will now be played lor tbe llrst time 4. (,'ornet Solo?"Kaiitasle Uriqiuale" Ilartmun Performed lor the llrst time by .dr. M. ARIlUCKLE. PART II 5. Lev Preludes (Poemn Syniphonlqne) The most Jittleult work ever attemptod by any military ranelcal organisation. now performed lor the Urst tliue by GILuOKh'e MILITARY ItA.SK 0. Cavalina Ir.ini Taneredl, "lie I'anti Palplll"....Rossini hlifnorlun ELIaA GALIMH i'.KTI. 7. Grand Concert Air and Variatlone Riviere Introducing vailationa for quartet of (tittow In unleou. quartet oi clunonele, quartet of lrurii|ieti. quartet of pic colon, quartet ol baritones. quartet of French borne, qnar ?ct ol cornets, quartet ol oboes, quartet of basooulis, veriii tlone lor aaxouhone (.Mr. K. A. Lefebrei and lor double quartet of trumbouae auil tubae, with if rand tluato lor full band. ?. Descriptive Sotnr -"Man the Life Hoat".........Uuteeli Mr. WILLIAM HAMILTON (Late of the Kellogg Opera Troupe). PART III H. Marche Mllltaire?"Salute to America" Kancinlti Played for the first time in thin country by til I.MOIIU'M MILITARY HANI). 10. Concert Walts?"Return Ironi Abroad".,.Kud Aroneon I" Irel time III this country y OILMoRE'S MILITARY band. 11. Grand International Pol 1'unrrl. Introducing lite Kueeian llytnu, "The Marseillaise." "I lie liarp mat oneo Through Tern's llalln." "Watcli on the Rhine." 'God .Save the yueen" and "The Mar Spangled Banner." rxt cent*. admission Ml cents Boxes sraiina tour ill Neit Ht'NPAY KVKNINU, inauguration of the RUMMER REASON OK SUNDAY CONCERTS, when e programme ol special Interest will be interpreted by Mr P. F. UII.MORK and Ilia GREAT Ml I.ITALY BAND. IV) cents .admission .jit cents Ih.xee .seeling lour f t ril To NY I'ASTiiRS p 1 .M. A. TOM AMI'S a O GRAND ENOI.I-II COMIC OPERA TROUPE. S N Including the billowing celebrated Lyric Artiste i ? T Y Mies ADA UK FORI'. Prima Donna, O Mine A.N N I E BEN TUN, Alto, K Mlee JOSIK KOLUlI, Contralto, *S and all the great lOiupsuy in the opera nt the FAIRY AND THE FOIIHLKR. MATINEEs TUESDAY.. Abl> KRIDAYS. HHRLK'S TIVOLI Til E A fit K Mth at., lie!neon 'J I and M l av? THE GREAT AUSTRIAN Oltl HESTRA. THE GREAT VIENNA HALI.KT THE GREATEST VARIETY SPECIALTIES. THE BEST PAN lOMI.MtSTs. extra matinee i very riiriisDAY. if. EPWAllP MOHAN> Great Picture, "lue Commerce of Nations Paying Homage to Liberty," Is now on exhlulilo't at the KURT/. HAl.I.EHY, MAIHShN SQUARE. Admission ceuta. nroMAN Sl fKRAOl HIE NATIONAL a n i> m w V? York State Woman Suffrage Associations will loud their annual conventions In Masonic liall. corner t)th nr. and add et.. ou THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, liar *4 and 2.V, at lOtllti A. M., It and a p. M. Addressee by Matilda Joslyn Gaue. Clvmence s. la.fler, M.D ; Isabella Kecebei Hooker. Rev Oiympui Brown, Helen A. i.ook. wood, LI. It , Sara Atdrewe Speiieer. Lillie Devereux Blake, Flora .Veyniaon. Admission tree ABEUl.ll s TIVOLI THKATKR, "?" " Ath si . between Jil and H4 avs. Grand matin. e io day. a I'I'NI'11 AND .'I DY -IIOVV i'Oti PI.RTK ? fe'usl (jo Adore 1. LI.WIS, "Jiitl Knltou et New York. A BRULE'S TIVOLI THEATRE, *th St.. between lis I and Hd avs. extra it?ni> matin k Today. WILL PI KI'IIASK EXHIBITION-.I'KOM Sps lAlltwIiieli two can roati/. f annually WON Hi RPUL, Herald Uptown nltlee. IIGYLE ROOMS, A ID 4 V US ROOMS. . MTll \V AND ffttTII ST. HI, I I.I.I A.N T I I.RPsICIIOmKAN EN lERTAlNMKNT ONLY 1'L.A I. Oh AMUSEMENT OF THE KIND IN THE CITY. OPEN KV..RY NIGHT, 4'OMMKNCING AT li O'CLOCK. E.xT.iANl'E O.N :tuTII ST. AN.ID?PUPILS i.l ARANl EEI? To LEARN. BANJOS all prices. G Al.N AR, J4I Pill av. XXT AN I'KD?I N FORMATION HOW ID GET I P A MAT ? dance. Addrees. staling terms lor advice, ?? Uliii I1U.N. be* 45 Reel Grange. N. J. A' 13 AMUSKMEm. T ALLAi'k'H. ' Proprietor and Manager Mr LESTER WALLACtf THERE WILL. HE NO MATINEE ON SATURDAY. EVERY KEENING. AT 8. Mr. Wsliark', uiay. ll? ROSE DALE. The moat superb ilw production ever Men la title con try.?Herald. Mr. LB8TKU WALLACE ELLIOT OKAY. Other characters by Mr. JOHN GILBERT. Mr. lIARRff BECKETT. Mr EDWARD ARNOTT. Miu ALL IK DOR KINGTON. Mr. CYRIL SKAKI.K, Mr. W. J. LEONAJUE. Mr. IV. A. K YTINGK. Mr. V. P.. EDWIN. Miu ADA DYA8, Miu FLORENCE VlLl.'EuS. Miu KFF1K QEA .WON. Mr?. FaUREN, Mm. SKFToN and Miu BLAIR. DELL. Carriage, may be ordered at 11 :19s H kllek'm Wonder theater. 72H BROADWAY. ?:?X EVERY EVEN I No AT 1 Entire change of programme, Lett seven nights in New York HELLER'S WONDERS. THE LITTLE FRENCH CLOWN. THE FLYINU BIRD i'AOE. THE LI VINO PICTURES. THE SILVER KINDS. THE SEVENTH BI LLET. CLOSING THURSDAY", MAY 31. matinees Wednesday and saturdat. B Ooril'S THE \TitE. DRAMA, Leasers and Managers .Kit)SOLD A TILLOTSU.N. TO-MOII1' AMI EVERY NIGHT. MR. UEOROK KIONOLD In the title rola of Watte I'nlllipa' Great Drama AMOS CLARK, which will be presented with the following POWERFUL CA? _ _ AST AMOS CLARK Mr. OEOROE RIGNOLD SIR ROBERT CLAVERINO F. B. WARD CAPTAIN JOHN CLaYERINO... E. P. JCNOWLfl l.OhD LILAC UF.OROh BAR SIR SIMON CLAVER1NO I. A. MEAD MR. PHILIP I. VERISO J. W RANDALL. CoLtiNEL PERCY KIKKK M. J. JORDAN SQUIRE VAUGHaN. W. SCALAX CaPT tIN TOM SNAPPER H. COLTO* PATRICO, a Hedge Parann J. WARD servanta, Troopers. Uyr>,ie>. Villager,. Ac MILDRED VAUGH AN ....MISS MARIE WAIN WRIGHT LtDY LILVO MISS LUCILLE ADA MS MRS. SAKSANET.... MISS ADD1E LB BRUM TRIBULATION TUTOHIN MMK. I. C. MIC HE LB Saturday matinee at POPULAR PRICES.?Drees Circle, frOc.; Admlaeioo, 7.1c. ; Reserved Orchestra Seme, $1. MONDAY EVENING, May 28. debut of Miu MINNIR Cl'MMIviis. TUESDAY. MAY 2?. HENRY V. LD M Li, Zm Alt ^ BOWERY THEATRE. GRAND SUCCESS. Every evening, grand production of the greats,t of modern draruaa, THE TWO ORPHANS, with the celebrated Miei LAURA ALBERTA u LOUISE, the blind girl, mid Ml,, ALICE HARRISON as 1IEN KIETfL an . a eplendid cast ot character,. IJIHK GREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM, ilroailway anu 31th at. Open dallv Irorn 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. Tito con,i u con,cat unit most delightiul place in tna city. MONSTER LIVING WHITE WHALE. MAGNIFICENTLY COLORED TROPICAL FISHES, representing ell the colore of the rainbow. Gotganus Angel Flebee. the somen "Doctor" Flehaa. Yal? low Orunts Striped Zebras, curious Horseman ana othst wnriderlnl tinny curiosities. Anemones wlto-e beautiiul colors outvia tliosa ol na East, aru sunset. MISS SARIN LDBIN. THE AQUAVAUT. AFTERNOON AND EVENING CON HERTS. Admission, re) cents Children half price. AT10NAL " ACADEMY OF DESIGN, '23d sr. and 4th av. Open day ami evening. 2o cents. GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION wilt close In P. M. June 3. ilOM AS BaKP.K'B -kosedale "galop." aI played and Uancctt st Wallack's Theatre iu the great bull room scene and nightly enthusiastically redeuiaoded. Price 40c. W. A. POND A CO.. 147. Broadway. IRVING ft ALL.?TO LEASE. THIS V N RIVALLED hall and concert hall. Apply to D. J. GRAIN, 114 East IStli st. MAY FhStlVAL UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROF. Curl Marwlg lor the benefit of St. Stephen's Home, 14S East 28th sL, at Sleiutvay Hall, Thursday evening, May 'J4, H77. at 8 o'clock. PROGRAMME-PARTL 1. Serenade Gounod Miss DE KaYANAOH. 2. "Cujus Atiluiam"?iroui Staliat Matur Iloesinf Mr. Oil AS. F KITSCH. 3. "salve Maria" Bliss Miss aNTONIA IIONNE. 4. Mllitalrn Concerto Ch. da Barlot Mr. carlla.nzer. 5. Walts Song Ardittl Miss DK KAVANAIIII. 0. "Duo la Nottee a Venetila" a Miss H N.NK hiuI Mr. CII. FKITSOII. 7. PART II ?March, Tableau and Wand Exercises. BY THE ClilLDK. N OF ST. STEPHEN'S HOME. 8. Fantasle for Cithers T. Bucbackar Mr. Jos. gEKUKL and MAX St.ND. R PART III -GRANDMA'S HIKTHDAY. Operatic eni rtaiumeiit with a number of fancy and comif dances bv l&O children. Admission lOc. A BKRLB'S TIVOU THEATRE, A Stli st., between 'id and 3d ave. A snperti htn at the m >tlnee to day. rilHH ALBION SUMMER GARDEN, 1 '.'1 Eaat Hth ik, three door, ao,t of Uulou sonars. Grand opening on Saturday evening next. May I'd. Grand Orchestra of* JO pieces Eminem Vocalists. Admission tree, Jt by tickets only, on application lo WM. IIAMILWtff, Manager. Deligmiiii open air Concerts Every Evening at 8 o'clock. (10LUMBIA OPE ?A UOUBK, CORNER WEST I2TII J st. and Greenwich ay. Kvouiugs at 8. Matinaea Tuesdays. Thursdays and .aaturjays at .'. New. Spicy Sensations. ?s> ~ ^French Miuurt.<p>??? ? | Si salein. I Jaidiu Mabila I Female Bathers Seeing the Klepliaut I Quadrll.e, I in real water. The Sultan's Seraglio; or, the Dirsv Blondes. Artlit'S Models. Amasonlan Marches. Strange Sights lor Strata gers. on the Sly. It on 'J C all these rich, rare, racy, novelties. P1ANUFORTKM, UKGAKN, ?(. I CHANCE.?SPLENDID NEW UPhTuHI' AN? aY?quiirn Plsnoa to rent. Hint rent allowed If purrnased; i lew nearly new exceedingly low; all new Planus warrants* lor livu yearn, create*! red in lion to ciuli customers eval ?idered, nl IIA1N KS BROS, , I4f> and 147 .rili av., corner Iif at. Old Ptanoe takan in exchange. A Bill M.I ANT TUNED DBCKER PIANOFORTE FOI aalecheup; itl*o tnaguiQceui lour round corner Wlndeul Pianoforte, eoat fl.tuXI, tor BttiNl; Inrtre a?M>riinout Hon?e> hold Furniture lur leaittliaii lialf coat. Can be bought It* iluy at private renidouce I If I Want Itltd at., nearHth av. a -for RENT, UPE10HT, BQCABB and ukanb ?/Y.l'lano* ol our own malt*; ulao for sale and rent, a num ber of line aei'ond liitnd Piano*. lu perfect order. WILLIAM k.NABK A CO.. N i. 112 Nth av . above lfllh at. VKSOKTMIINT OF SECOND HAND STEINWAY Piano*, notne nearly new, very low ; al?o Piano* of other maker*; beivara of bo tu* piano* palmed off a* genuine Hieinway make, at auction or In private liouaea. STEIN WAV A SONS. Hieinway Hall, I4lli *t. New York. Anew 7 octave piano. *17.. pihpkrrin<i. Stein way and other Piano* end Organ*. cheap lor cash, on luxialuieht* or rent. S. X. HAf.l. A CO. removed to 1 ? Ea*t 14th at., tortilerly Clue Soring Hall. ASSORTMENT I' PRIflHT AND Styl'ARF "IANO. JVforte* and Organs, ettraordinitrily low for cash. ou In* ktalmeiile or for rent. K. BCH I'LEtt. 20 Saat 14th at. Assortment i piuoiit and syi are piano. lortv*. ?".? to $2Ki. Inatelmeut*. T.'i and $10 monthly until paid; relit. upward. J. RIDDI.P1. Ill Waverlcy place, near Broadway. A -PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL CHICK Eltl Nt| ? Plenotbrtn lor $7%. < ail at reaidenne. 80 Ka*t Mh ?t l PRIVATK FAMILY WILL SEI.I. sTEINWAY JY Plunuf irte at aacrlllco ; a brilliant and powerful toned four round niM-wood caae; Piano richlv curved, ant) Inlaid Willi marquetry, haviug every Improvement. 7S octave* full a'lalfe. Ac., purchased ut I'rnuiintal, coat $l,.r?Ui>, will *ei| for $-'!<?> caeii. a pi rlert parlor pent; an elegant cabinet I pilgiit Piano, #_'<?>, al?? handsome and desirable llouae ln.lil Furniture in Iota tn auit. N. H. ? Furniture and Piano can In' packed lot shipping If desired. Call privalu residents* No 17 W e*l IS'ti *t , between .ith and Hth av?. 4 SPLENDID IO-STOP OROAN. NEARLY NEW. ONLY j*.#'.*!; one Willi I- ?top*. Tilt): iitber* equally low, l..r c.tili or to rent Plenae call at the wareronm* of IIOKACK WATERS ,v SONS, 40 East I4tl> St., between Broadway end Vlaterally place. V" FEW P. X ri: A (IO< iD PI A N'Ort-7 I I octaves' only Utile Hied, with Stnola and Cover*; will be sold cheap I .'J 11 Hroadway, cnrncc li'?tU at. I i.ADY will sacrifice. STEINWAY piano for 7\.*l'ill; a maimlflttettt 7'. octave I'lauulorte with all mod ern Improvemente, patent agraffe, overstrung baa*, fouf lur'; ? iiiiind rornrra. curt ei| lea* and caae. uoat laat Novem ber if I.IN* I, for Pl.'Si; Stool, Cover anil Music Stand. ca*t Ifl.' i, bused lor shipping; a rare chance to buy a lirtt cla?? Instrument for little money. Call beloru purchasing el?? where ai pritate re?ideuoe Hill East lilth at., between lid at. and Irving place, one block east ol Union square. Ala* upright Instrument, SI7.V 4 m ai; x II'li'KN ri.Y CARTED CPKIOHT PlANd" JVIoile. coal *l.i??l unnnufacliirera terelved three gold medals, Loudon, Pari*, Vienna;, let* than Flbst ItW Sec ond avenue 4 privatk family will ?bll tubib aul aYganl Klvliiwsy Pianoior'e. a brilliant toned lonr round rosewood tdaindnrte, coat $7.Vl, lur V'Jiu: Stool, Cover and Hot Call private iraldsuce 2**1 We*t ilfitu at., beer 7111 av. A "few"second hand wehkr pianos at very" great bargain*: some of theni uavd but a ve'y short time by net beat mualei ma and really *1 moat as good a* newt fully warranted lu rvtry re-poet. 'Please call at the Weber Wererooiua, Ath av. and I'final / 1 lit'lit'II PIPE OROAN-TWO MANUAL*. 20<4TOPSj \7apn ndid new Initrument; < vcrr linprovemeut; pine loe DaVIH a SON, 411 Downing el. (AIIOICE PIANO (7 OCTAVE), STOOL, SOPiT RETT. _/?li ad. Oil Painting*. lor good llurve. Tup Buggy, liar. He?.* II. P., Herald Uptown office. UI.EOANl 7 OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, ALL I*. Improvement*, piicc $I1P'. Private re*idence Itjii Ka*l 27il?, IfAliMMi TM 7 in mi STEINWAY PIANO*. At i trie ? owl Herd at Cordon'*. l.VT Rlvucker at. Elegant 7 octave Piano, d"? ItOAN-s FROM API UPWARD" IN( LUOIM4 uate.'ilre* Huidett; eaay pavmenlA RILLlNt.S A CO., 21 East 14th at. 1)1 tMi .1 OCTAVEsTBL'tl). COPT 4* U.I I; OKti A N s| L two atop. T4>, nine, 8*18; twelve. T7Y DANIEL p. HKaTtY, Washington, New Jersey. oimnwav, wkuf.i: and ciiickeuino" piano* *711'. tie need; Itaveu A llocon. KluO; rent* T4; Organ*. VI ?, *4" CORDON A SON. Ill Knet 14th ?t. I ' I'RIilliT AND SQUARE PIANOS $7 . TO fjfiil; fd I indTlii niautlilv till paid, or rent C3 upward. Hi'. ITS, s I nlan square (4th av.i. near I4ili at. I'l'KloHl AND syl ARK PIANOSTOF OlfR "oW* and other maker*, at very low tlgniea; rent and Instate menl*. ? all livfnie purchasing. _ BII.LIMIH k CO.. 21 East 140 $4. iiranted to f.xciianue-nrw ohaxd. 9uwam3 EL*- issu.1; 'iLi'iiu"iPiixAY?iasss;iT.