Newspaper Page Text
A CITY KGili KBTATE roil >AUE< < * lit rut. A?THE ELEGANT F'Ui L SIZE FOUR STORY HIGH ?stoop orowu mow Dwelling I" West Yl-i st., near 'th iv..loriitlo low. V. K. hTKVKNBON, Jr., 4 Piu# or 38 knot 17ih ?t. _____ ? I~7vuti night. <j IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. CABLE bPLClALS FROM THE SEAT <>i- WAR. Tht circulation of the kVKSIRA TELEGRAM for ths eeak ending Saturday. Muv in. 1877. wu? hi follows:?? ADVERTISING ONLY SOU. A LINt. Monday "".'H'i," *'? ADVERTISING ONLY 20C. A LINK Tuesday ???<? 49.MO ADVERTISING ONLY 300. A LINK. Wednesdav.. ; ? ADVERTISING ONLY 200. a line. Thursday ftc-m" 47, ADVERTISING ONLY 300. A LINE. Friday 46,930 * ADVERTISING ONLY 300. A LINE. Saturday? ADVERTISING ONLY 30C A LfNt. ??? Total V.Ot-' * ADVERTISING ONLY Lilt:. A LINE. Daily uvarage 4$,U? Writ Bide. N HTH AV. FOUR STORY HOUSE AND STORK. 20x83 feat; price $15.f>U). SAMUEL .WILLIKEN, 300 Welt 31th >1. Mlaccllimeouu. HLOSE BUYERS EXAMINE BROWN STONE DWKL Uliug. Slat st. : subject to SU.UOO at 6; Ave years; iurpor taol. K1LPATRICK. 25th st.. 3d av. TO BUILDERS.-AN"" UNUSUALLY NICE LITTLE operation : 11 an all Houses; Una. *22.300: loan, $2<).im a KILPA'I KICK, a.'nli at.. 3d av. WKSTCHESTKK COUNTY PROPEIITY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. AT YONKKRS-oN LUDLOW ST.. FURNISHED House; 13 rooms: modem Improvements; pleueuut ground*, carriage home. Ac.;. rent low. JA ilES YOU MANS, Ageut, Voukors. A1* T WHITE FLAINS, n7 y?a FIRST class HOUSE. It! rlorn*, with modern improvements and tarnished throughout, together with carriage house, garden. Ac., to rent for the year or season ou very favorable torina. Apply to G. K. CRAWFORD, 141 Broadway. New Y'ork iWekl chv-ter Insurance Company), or ou tlio premises to Mrs. JOHN W CRaWFOBU . I toft BALK OB TO LET-AHPLKNDID COUNTRY 1 Residence at Kait Mount Vernon; 14 room house; large barn and outbousea; shade and fruit trees; one mile irotn New Haven Railroad depot; six acres; honao partly fur nished. Irii|uire at PETE It KEARNEY'S, corner 30th Ht. anil Broadway. New York city. Furnished^"cottage?i 1 rooms, tarrytown-, due river view; garden made; rent season or year, in Board II agreeable. Address Rev. J. K. ALLEN, Tarry '.own, or C. II. OLIVER. ItB Broadway. ouiuRBAN "reSIDBNCE to "let for"" the SUM kjmer. furnished, consisting ol House, with II looms, barn sod well shaded grounds. R 0 , llerald olTice. TO LET CHEaP-AT"NEW ROCIIELLE. N. Y.. A Coal Ysrd, with ample room for lunn er and buildluu ma terials. Apply to JOS. LAMBDKN. Westcheater county, N. Y. * rrio LET V ER Y CHBAP?A " KB AT OOTH'it' COTT AG E J House; all modern Improvemenia: six lull city lots, with large shade trees; stable and rHrriago house; high and very Fealthv location, on IfiTth st. ,| between llr >adwar ? ml (irove av.. Mnrrisauia. Apply on the premises or at 118 Wall st? New York. Y~OX KERB. ? FOR St LK LOW. EXCHANGE OR rent, furnltlicd Rcsideucn; cliolce river aituatlon; acres: owner. PETERSON', Herald ullice. $~~ >) r/Y / Y -BEAUTIFUL COTTAOK AM) L 4 ROE Jv/v'.garden, in Morriaania; line Iruit; well and eistern, great bargain; $600 cash, balance any time. OWNEK.B3W Enai_36th st. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKEN, HUDSOJI AND BSROB1V REAL. ESTATE. To Let' or Lease. mi) LET-IN HOBOKKN, SECOND FLOOR NO 270 1 BloemBeldut.; Bvo rooms: all improvements; rent very low. <fc~Clk MONTH.?FURNISHED HOUSE, 13 ROOMS. ?J)?J?/ai Bergen i'oint, N. J., 30 minutes by Jorsey Cen tral. Liberty at.. I'. walk Irom station; nnating. tisbing. Also large House, 35 rooms, furnished. $.Vsi to Norembcr or longer. Public carriage will bring you to house; or by boat Inquire J. RINGGOLD. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. AT 'fcASi HAMPTON. LONG ISLAND.-FOR SALE, a Cottage House, together with garden and door yard; I lie house Is modern in style, contains nine rooms, and is situated within hUi yards ol tlie beach; the village Is largely Ireqm-nted during the summer, aud the society is unexceptionable, yet tree from the excesses of the ordinary watering place: terms to suit. Address th F. ABBEY, Lorillard Insurance Company, 103 Broadway, N. Y., or 1). II. HUNTING, Kaat Hampton. ?FOR SALE. HOUSE AND LOT IN PLAINFJEbU, ,N. J. : in minutes' walk from depot; splendid location; price $4,500; gfg.tlOO cash required; balance can ruiuain. Address CASHIER, box 178 llerald office. LADY. OWNING" HER HOUSE IN A l'l.hASA.NT and healthy location in Orange, V J., 4n minutes Jrora New Y'orx and two minutes from depot, would let for too luiumcr a newly and nicely lurnished Room, with good Board, to gentleman und wife or single gentlemen. Par ticulars In the city. Address WOODk, box 3U7 Herald office. A BARGAIN.?FARM, S3 ACRES, NEAR DEPOT, AT llldgeweod, Bergen county, N. J., 18 miles from city, unly $.".,(?*); terms easy. T. OLIVER CARTER, 39 Nassau, room 11. A WELL FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET ON LfiN0 XV Island Sound ; terms easy; three minutes from New York and New Haven Kailroud depot; 11 ^ hours Irom New York, anu plenty of Iruit. Address box IK Greens Farina. Conn. A -TWO BEAUTIFUL COTTAGES, AT BOLTON. ON ? Lake George, full.v lurnished (convenient to ehiirchek, Ac. i, to rent, separately or together, for summer or longer; rent moderate. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., 4 Pine or 33 l-.ust 17tb st _ CU'UNTB* MANSION-SIX ACRES, PASSAIC RIVER Oront; extensive outbuildings, fruit ami shade; high, healthy, beautiful; 4<) minutes from City Hall: lor sale at bargain. K. K. sTEW ART, 81 Cedar st. ty I l"o ICE 110 U KK~ LiTm ST., MO It RISTOWN.-V N - ^furnished, lur sale ut a sacrillcu or to let; also lurnished House, on ucCulloch av., to let. J^ HENRY JOlLNSOiJ, Morrlttown, N.J. UUI BALE?AT UPPER NYACK,~ON TmE HUDSON, 1 ah .ut 31.) acres ol Land, extending irom tlio rtver to ihu top ol ibe mountain, convenient to steamboat or railroad, to he sold in whole or parts Apply to GAIUiE'i' 3AKVT.NT, Upper N> acx. "LViR SALK. -DLL! ilTFUL CUt'MHY >KAT IN r >cnrH?iHie, WestehctHter county; 22 acres; modern house. Apply to (iEO. P. NELSON, 160 Broadway. FVJit >ALE.?A LaKoL DOt BLh cuTTAoK A< I'i\ T Hampton. Long Island; contains 11 rooms; located five Minutes'walk from the beach; one acre ol laud; will be ?o.d tor one-bait its cost. I'i.olograph and lull particular* at l?e ollice ol JOHN F. JAMES, 18B Montagu? at., Brooklyn. LVJR bALfc.-GRis.Vr SAC Kl r 1C }?,-*-2 STORY 0 ROOM r Cottage; 1 !a acres giound; iiitlgcwuod, opposite resi dence Wra. Libby; $2..r?on. Address O , Herald office. flOK HALE- HANDMIME 10 KUOM MODEliN COUN try Residence, 1'4 acres, $4,.?<N>; also i) room Residence, on adjoining lot, wiiti 1 acre, burn, ruit, Ac., $JJ,500. will sell together or separate: high, healthy, beautiful; uear city. 1'hotographs at E. BOOK HOLT'S, Engraver, 55 Liberty si. TjfOR SALE.?SEA (JIKT, ON IIIE CENTRAL RAIL X road of New Jersey, below Long Branch, lV hours from New York, two very superior new and commodious < ot? ;auen, built expressly lor private famil es, each containing 11 rooms, liuislied ihrougliout with hardwood; buth tun.-, w iter closets stationary wash tubs, hot aim cold water, speaking tubes, gas pipes, Ac . front directly on the ocean and tn the re<*r Join and have access to a Hue park ol 2<t acres; lueals. If desired, can be furnished a' the Beach llottse, a tirst class hotel tie .r by. Andres* YAi.N ALL A 'OOPKK.2H1 Walnut place, or LLLIHTON ?. NIORKlS, 21 North 7lh St., Philadelphia. Lhir halr-at a Bahrain, farm of :?> aches* I? with Buildings und .-lock. in New Jersey; price $!!,5(H) Apply to owner, ii. B. Si. TJUj Canal st. 0 ANUh ?FULLY fcl UNiSHEl); RENT SEASON, year; handsome places; low prices. HAMILTON A W'ALLIS, 3d Flue. rno LK I'?A GOOD HOUSE; NINE IIOOMs; CAR. ii , riHge house, hennery, fruit, garden, Ac. JAMES i. BRUSH, i\ esttleid, N. J IfO LET?AT HARRlMlN, FIVE MINUTES' WALK .1 , from depot, a neat cottage liotiae, lu rooms; good ear 11 age house; gar den, two acres of ground; rent $17 prr mouth. Apply to KoHi'.Kl II oMh, Railroad Agent, Hum ?on. or WlktLiAM MATHEWS, 54 Cathariin* St., New York. Ilo LET AT NYACR. HANDSOME HOUSE, FLU . nDhed. 2H rooms; river front; near Tnppanzec House; eiil redilced; piazza all around; stable, boat aud bath no use. Inquire at 51) West J7th st., before 11 or alter 4. rpo RENT-r UKNlSliED. ONE Of 'I Hi. FINEST X Couutry Seats in Jersey, situated on Miort Hill*. Mill burn, ope rni'O trom the depot ; IB rooms, stable, ice house, tine orchard, apieiidid grounds and view . Address box HB8 New York Foal ollice. ri? RENT OK TO LEASE?ElMifcVVoOll, THE OOl.'N try Seat of the late J0I111 R. 8tu> vemint, at nydo Park, if. miles north ??f Foughkeepsie, House, 20 rooms. Hue views of river and mountains ; graperies, green bouses, ice house, stable. Ac.; so acres ol woods aud grounds; to rem lor the summer (ruin J line I or a 1*111 ol \eurs, witb or wituoui lurm of luo acres additional; garneuers, with -oitcliiuuii, horses and carriage luiuLlteti, if desired. Ad Ire.* J. K. h I'U Y V ESA.sT. 1MJ KEN i-A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE IN EN . glewond, N. J. ; rent moderate, luqulie at 252 Wash liglon St.. New York. vv flNDHOK HOTEL, 8AKAIOLA SPRlNuS, N. V TO I.ET. COMPLETELY FIKNISHED And READY lor IMMEDIATE CM <1 PATlo.V a FiHKPRUOF KITCHEN ?? no* being lidded. Alio hTKAM II RATI NO runl Ol II EK IMPROVI'.MENTS. Tha 1IL, Willi PI RMTL'KK I. WHOLLY NEW. imn octuple. the KIN EST I.OOA'IION in SARAIOtiA. OVEULuoKIMJ .ml AD.JOIMM! i 'OXlJutSS m'IIINo and PaKK. APPLY 10 HENRY CLA1K, at A. T. STEWART A CO.'S, Now York. 1117 AI RE Farm FOR SALE CIIKAP-AT IIIi K J.U fettle, mliriii tube tome bu.111e9.Ltu evihitngu !?.. Al. MA>U.N. -1 Pttrk row. $10,000^'*"' A*u' CUUN'm once, 17 itcraa, wit It Stock, for limit lluu*?- M. P. RlRt.KN. Somerviilu HEAL ESTATE TO KU IIAM.L. Vt'ttsiramRJ LtjjkpT.K 1 . ii' 1.M EaTl LAD F< R Merrl midlte or Ckah, ui h ureal ??rrlflce. OA NER, 4U.'> Pkli.ade .v.. jere.jr Cit.v Height! CtlTY LOTS AT Rl'THKKFL'RD PARK. N. I Nt-.S /t'umbtretl. to kxcliuiike '"r*<in? or nn . n? ROHLtil UltAY, IIpi-,.1U Hue. Dairy farm io kxciiasoe For stock of dry iioodi.?IMI Acre, i iioloe Luml. ic>o<l bulldliiK., ?eil llvvkkU w.tli cetlie, hor.'-?, c?rri?ke? and teuiiin/ Im merit.; ull In good condition. Andre.. >1. H. S.. Ilereld iftic. EXCil AS lib?FRAME IIOI.'SE. HaKLRM. IRE;. AND ele.r, lor three rtorj brown atone, w?rd; lite .tor/ Ten.nieot for prtvele llrni.e , live .tor/ feneiueot, itee end clear, lor IO .u oU acraa tin ?ue >ouild. i .MltK WOOD, OlitoOK A MILLER, Ad ?*., corner .'Rub .t. tSXCIlASUK-A MODERN RESIDENCE, DESIRABLY giouated, at Lliaiibetli tfreer, for city ILm-e. J. o. lioYT, 171 Bcontlwii/. tUXCIIAKOh.?WEST VIRUIMA LAND, A Sl'l-.t l* i.tlly; abstract of title loiuplete. I.LsK, Broad, ta/. ti rat floor. tjlXUiAMJE OR FOR SALE Oil KAP.?Til REK li.niall brn* lloua>a, all tented, in Htn.ltl) n. Mifbt limit I a, a. iitaoJ.oia.lur It placa one hour liutu city; ?i?e nail tkre at Mount \ rrnou, will .ell lor ie>a thau improve NICHOLS, lid a*, aud god at HEAIi ESTATE TO KXCUAKeE. frXCHANUK KI.I'.IIAM' rfl.l/.A IlkTH RESIDENCE, Xjuueticuuibertfd. cost .-?14.<**>; prlcw $B,UUH; untiling the.-per. |i. CURLKY. I-' UeBire st. hi YKd *<? Kv *KW JERSEY. I X'' IIA N <IK FOR xii utitucurah-red Lot. II rlem or Brooklyn pro. or. Ad dre.* LOI? Humid Uptown Bmocli office. _____ Fill!! SAI.h (III I ^IANtS*irK?IUK TORY -TON'E 11out House. 10 .8x53. ipieudid order. '.".!2 it est 38th st.. iii-ar 7tli h* . lor it Lot below il'itli ?t . on x cxeh basis In i,iiire oil premises, ..r tl FOUNTAIN. 153 Eu*lU2dst. I'n. BALI "b I X HAMtlB?AT Ki.isux-;. I. I. r x ire ?l I em n't Residence; I rue house. 14 rooms, with modern InioruvemetiM; stables, cottt-li lionse, hennery, At*.; H.It-res; -stiO Irull trees; Ixrge -.-nru-u, Ixw . simile treee; will excli mil tor Brooklyn Property. Address K. J. U-, box 7^BKIu-Mng. L. I. BkTk sale oiTtxcHANOK?one ok two loth on Cherry st., true Hiidulenr. K-'od tor tactorvor tenenieuts. 0. 0 ilUAU, 41H>a Grind ?t. EAt r-BTAtB to EXCHANGE?PRIVATI KE8I ounce. nuur lurries. Tor Store I'roperty; suitable lor liquor business. Apply 41 t'heever plxre, Brooklyn. rtltrkXCHAXOB FOR A CITY ciR~7KKMnTHoUSE i. A magnlHceiit Country Seel ul Msluchen, N. J. KELLY BROTEII KB. IMi Broudwuy. TO EXC H ABUE-KLUJ1BEY LOCA TED RESIDENCE mi llud-on: every improvement ; unobstructed view; pi ice mode-ate, C. C, ff AYLa.N1), ItW t'tilton. w ANTED?SMALL COUNTRY PLAfK, WITHIN ONE hour, ler Brooklyn House. PHILLIPS. 83 rtltd H5 Vassnti st. *J DWKDLINo HOUSES IV CHIOAUO TO EXCHANGE Ofor Ue.tldence in New Y'ork or Brooklyn. New York pre lerretl. Aduress Post office box 4.541, New York. 1 ~ AND 10 1'Elt CENT PAYING LEASEHOLD AND XOlre west fcitle property bargains Tor citsh; would ex change. JOS. I'lllLEll'S, 93 and 95 Nassau st. ? )y EAST 1HTII ST., NEAR H KOA DW A Y.-FU K ?)0iil?ht d; will exchange ; can be altered Into Mat. with restsnrant. KKA1. ESTATE WASTED. Wanted to pukchabe-a house in hood neighborhood, central locution, below Both si Address, stating low-eel price, to KKaL ESTATE, Lcgget'k Hotel. to let vok m siXENs pinkpo>ii.?. I> l-.NNETT BUILDING. II Fireproof, Located on Nassau, Ann and Fulton sts. First Floor to let; suitable lor bunkers', insurance offices or lawyer* ; will be let together or in parts; ho altered to suit tenants ll ueslred; adapted lor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible Law Offices to let. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. 'l ake the elevator. Inquire lorjaultor. LARUE STOHK^ ltfXHO; sITTaHLE FOR ANY wholesale business: cellar room ftt-l denth ot store on in sbroHses st. JOHN Sa.XTON, owner, !'Dcsbrosses st. CI ATI! ARISE ST., NEAR FERRY. -STORE, WITH Jplste g'.sss Trout, to let cheap. E. A. URL" I Kail AN K A CO., OH Broadway. STEAM PoWEB?1 TO 100 HOR.SK. WITH WELL lighted rooms, various at low rates, in Centre and Elm-I*. tl. I _ II ALL, 137 Elm St. sS tore and basement sbh broome st., usxino. J, 11. EYNDfc, 158 l'earl st. J. II. BOY'NTON,32 Broadway. H rpo JaPANNEKS.?premises to rent TO A iJapanner; steady work furnished by owner. Inquires! Fulton st. rpo Let?laruk front office, on first floor J. ot the lieriuaiiia Bank Building. 185 llowery, Hiiltulilo lor law. Insurance or real estate office. Inquire of archi tect. same building. mo~LET-A LABOR STOBE NEXT TO CORNER 43D 1 ?t. and Hth av. Inquire of PETER KEARNEY, Broad w ay and ilOlb st. DMEI.UVG HOUSES TO LET. Furnlslietl ANEAT TWO STORY BASEMENT, EXTRA KITOli en, red Irrlck, high stoop House to rent lurnlshed; never has been rented before ; pli-a?nntly located; convenient to Central Park: In splenuid order: references required. In quire 310 East 78th si. 11usi-Tro Ll~T FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHED^ with large yard In iront ; $83 per moots. 4<l 7th av. Hr N DSO.M ELY FURNISHED FOUR STORY BROWN stone House. IHlh St., near 5th av.; rent 12HO per mouth. TldP.-ON X Pi.t-.T, 1,488 Broadway, near 44th st. TO KE.M'-KKOM JUNE 15 TO NOVi-.MBER l.~A smalt House, o mnletely fnrnished; rent low to a re spectable private family only. Address (!., Herald Uptown office. 97 KAbT 24TH ST.?BEAUTIFUL MEDIUM SIZED xw 4 House, near Mudlsun square, to let, lurnlshed; rent $150 our muntin ?)"7i 1 EKXIN U T ON A V.?T HULL STORY BROWN o 4 Y/hIoiio, in coiupleto order, lurnlshed or unfurnished. Apply on premises. llntiiritlslieil. AHIOH STOOP BKO N STONE HOUSE. 35T1I ST., near 5th av.; 18 rooms; rent #1,7(1'. TIVP80N X PKET, 1,488 Broadway, nesr 44th st. NOTHER BROWN " STONE RESIDENCE, NBAS Lexington, $700; one $8(10; lua nilh-ent Inur story, $05O; choice Flats, $10 tu #50. FHOEHElCH. 788 3d a v. A?TO LET. THREE sTT) R Y HIGH STOOP BRICK sHouse No. 701 3d av., near 38th st.; rent low to a good tenant. Can he seen Iroiu 9 to 12 i. M. c Adjoining Lexington, 5000; another. $*r>o; cuoicevt .Mansion, $1,UX); Cottaire, $500; unequalled bariums. MlNZESHKIsM r.U, ltJU Kuat 67tU. A?154 W . >T 18 fH HT. DK8IRABLB MEDIUM tiiree ftury hi^h stoop Dwplliii^; all coiiveuicnceH; boautitul IcNratioti : very motto rata rout. V. K. MEVh.\8i?.\.Jr.v4 Pine or 33 Eait 17th vt. A TIiKKK .STUltV kkamk, WITH SIOrtK, tu or to let; etieap runt. Apply on the premises, 231 East 5i?t ^t. iSixriit liorsK orrERBD?25 rBBT \vI!>]?;, 1U 'rooms; locutiou, near Krouctvvuy; rent 51,IN 10. TIMl'SON A; I'KllT. 1.4H8 BruaUway, near 44th at. IjlSUK STOkY i?UcivVN"sTi?N K. $HOO; TUBKh STOitY, J? near Lexirmton kv? 51,000: tli eo story brick. Hpluntli I Flat ami $.">(?. UNhEUWOOD, hKKfiOlt X MILLER, 3d av.. Corner50th st. mo Leas p.", fo it sale oiT K X t f H A N (J E?- FO U ft JL story llnuse th| Muulsoii nv.; 24 rooms, extension ; tor club, boarding or light business ; just painted. Apply within. rpo LET?TWO~CUE Al* ^OTTA .KS j^ALSO A THREE A story Mouse, 12 rooms, $25 per inuffth. at Washiugtoti 11 ? ? i ? i*. Apply to oW Kli, 22S hast BOth st. H7TWEB'f IDE HOUSkK $300 TO 51,50(1: FLATS t/v/iii the Albany. Saratoga, Newport and Adelphlu, oppo site tins ottice, $50 to $ 12; lurninhed and unluritishfd. .1. W. STKVKNS, corner Bromlwaj and .">2d at. 5Ynn ON Til. ?TO LET, OX 16TI1 ST.. NEATt ?i^lUl/."ith av., first class brown stone English basement li use. I > rooms, in lino order; ail tiie improvements. U. NAUisE. 140 Itti av. Kl UMSIiiOU UOO.US AMU APAHl.tIE.VlX TO LET. A NICELY El l(NISUEI) KOOM FOR GENTLK.mXS iititi wile or gentlemen; reference. -14 East 13ih at. A -LOW Kit PARI OP LA ROB UOU*K, 485 WK>T ?23<l?t., furnished complete or unfurnished ; all improvo iiieiits; locution unequalled. 4 1' A HTM KNt?7~lIAMD?OMELY FUKNIsIlhD; ALL xLcouventences; yen tie in on only. No. 2* Went 35th at. AH ANDSOMELY FU RN'lsHhD ROOM FOR UKNTLK nmn and wife; Hoard lor lady only. Address CONFI DENCE, Herald Uptown otlice. SUITE OF ROOMS on F11; 8T AND S MJON D 2 Y Hours ior light housekeeping; gas. bath. Ac. 273 Htli uv ., near 23d at. % LA HUE AND MCELY FURNISH ED ROOM ON ^iLparlor Hour, irouting on 20th si., to let to a gentleman or gentleman and wile, without Hoard; house flr*t? Ian and nil improvements. Address DlM.'Kr.KT, Herald oltice. AT MHiSi.FOND AVENUE. NEAR 12TH ST.?HAND i\* 2 \ Homely furnished front Room for oue or two gentlemen; $? per week. AIRY. OOOL PLEASANT, CLEAN ROOMS; HOUSE .Akeepitig facilities. #2, f2 nO. #3, . tiftO: owner's 20 years' residence. 47 West 3d St., near Broadway, Washington square 1 FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN, $7 .21 month; private nouse; bath. Inquire 17 Abingdon square, nth av. 4 NEATLY FURNISHED HUSKY ROOM TO LET, AT A?:? r J\733 Broadway, third ii -or; $3 30 per week. handsomely furnished airy room and l a niualler one to let. to gentlemen, at 34 West 34th it, 4 FRENCH LADY HAS A NICELY FURNISHED uVitooiii to let. 1.300 Broadway, corner 3Sth *t. AF..ONI SITTING KOOM?WIl II ALCOVE BED room, furnished for housekeeping, at 214 West 47th st., corner Broadway. PARLOR FLOOR, FURNISH I'D. TWO OR THREE .iVrooius; all Improvements. 130 West 43th st., near lit av. 4 PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET ELEGANTLY .4Yf'iulimbed Rooms, en suite or singly; also hail Room. 24 I West 34 th st. A FEW HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ttOOMB TO let. without board, in private hodse , tlrst class and very convenient to uptown restaurants. 30 West 27th st. T^L'.OANTLV FURNISHED A PAR I'M e %T8 ONE Fid lock from Hotel Brunswick and Deimunieo's; French aud English spokou. Address 14. 14.. Herald Uptown office. JjllNB ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. FOR GENTLE r men. 331 East IHth st , near Stu>vosaut square; ad improvement*; reference* exchanged. JMNKLY FU14 N IS 11 ED ROOM a (AN BR IIA 0 aT 1,132 Broadway by respectable gentlemen ; private fam ily* adjoining Helmut tree's. F" r ii R.N IS IKD KOOM FOR TWO tihNTL.fc.MKN; M.KO It.ill Room. $1 50. fj Jane st.. near Hth av. U' lM-HED FRONT and BACK ROOM ON SECOND Moor; also hall Rooms 14 East loth st., near Tiffsii)N. LHJRMSlJgD FRONT HALL ROOM, WITH LA RGE F c.u*et, in a French lainiiy; location nil surpassed. 1,147 Broadway. nANDSOM. LY FURNISHED BACK PARLOR FOR iwo gentlemen, or gentleman and wile; alto single Room ior lady, without hoatd, private family. 312 East IHth st 11 AN IJSOMKl.V FL'ltNl >11 hi) UooM -i To UT IIV l.nljr milling In her own huiuo. Apply UK! Ea.t Huh illl HV. UA MIMUVIKLY KIKNIUHKl) 8fc.UO.NI) STOKT Room*, without, Kenllemeil only; terms mudcr* me, r*frri'iU'?.. .'WIS W e.t ..l?t ?t. UAND.-sOMEI.Y FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?TO vuitioin ii ouly; reterancai. Apply ut lin We t i : I! .1 11 tN i'Sd.MELY FURNISHED hOoM TO LET?WITH ut hoard, to gentle men only. iV> East 2(Rh st., third II oUM-.hh.fc.l'iNt,. ? ('i iMFLhTfc. LY FURNISHED K*>oin-. rT t*? #<l; Room unit Hudroum, $6, 1'rir.t, <w illli Knal IKiii. U\M)-OMI.l,Y I I K NIH111.1 > ItOOM N, S|.N<)|,Y OR en -nil., .uititiile fur imully or p?riy o go mi, uian. JO \\ . ,1 tHl Ii ut. -- .... * UAN'HSUMKLY Fl It .Ms IIKD ROOMS, fc.N SUITE Oil -niKiy ; nli? hell Koottl; t.rttix muder.t*. HAS \\ r~i i)4tu II., ni'itr KlevHlcU lu.ii. LAKUi H'l ? M-II ItOoM Ko.t OKNTI.EMAN t ii.i> llitll Kooni. ill Irving ||M|, noer W.xftuK.mer Ii tel. N Nl' I'iWIiV Kl'llNISIILI) ROOMS AM) SUITS, AT 1?IJ JT uy. . til Imprnyenten .; lum.e m. uuln'l Uy iiwiiei* .nil ? nlly put |n i ,p?lT . ri.'l.i.iK-t., r.qiilred ilNlSHKD KOOViS To I.KT fc'OK I.liilll uinekeepin ; nU co?vei|i?u> .?? lint Went J4tli ?t. PARTIES SKEMI.NO I.OIhil.Mi lio \l ., cuul, AMI J. every way uu.lrnlil.. iliould u.ili at uuce ,i JJ7 Uvxiiig Ivu ?v Ft Il.tlMHICD ROOMS ASD APAKTMKNTR TO LET. IV) LET-ON Til K 1ST OK JUNE. TO A RESPONSE hie d>>ct?r, an Ollice an 1 rei eption Room. furnished, at 147 K?t 21st it, opposite Or., mercy Park Hotel. rptrTEf TO GE.VTLEMVn 4 \ D ~WIFK~ without 1 b ard, ala antly furnl.lid Parlor. HIM) )Vo?l 32,1 at. TOLKT-l-riiXISIIKO KOOM-, OR GENTLEMEN "It housekeeping. from #2 up 123 Churl*. at. rpo ET? A L4KOK I'i.E BANT FRONT ROOM. FUR X Dished, _ . without board, to una or two gentlemen 'family strictl, private; references. Ku. IM) Mnnmi at.. hiDi sloop. Vt/ILL OPEN IX sEPTEMB.K-A FIRST GLASS Vt liactiaiura' Apartment llouaa. Those wishing kuuma lor winter address BUSINESS. box IIP llerald office. W'ILL I.I T- NII i.J.V FURNISHED LtKtiR FKuNT TT Room. th id t!"uri alao amall Room, very low; private hnuaa. 104 Kaat 251b at.; rel.-rences. O llANDSOMi LY KL'K.N 1S11 KD ROOMS, ON K11IST floor. together or arparata. oua block I'rotu Broadway; pticea moderate. 1IX Bart 12th at. O NORTH WASHINGTON SQUARE.-WELL fUR elnlaAed Iront Itnonia. iuclug pnrk. tor famlliaa; alao aiuall Ruome. with Board, lor gentlemen; good location. WEEKLY.?A PLEASANT FRONT HALL MKD ?!!>? rrooto; alao other*, to ladle* or gentlemen. 144 Meat loth at. - Hi A V.. NO 224, OPPOSITE HOTEL BRUNSWICK. tjhlegant Suit* ot Room* on aeooud Moor; Extenalou ou parlor floor u* physician's ollice : summer pr|ce*. -Til AV.. 23.1, NEAR DELMONICO'8 AND BRU.V8 slwlck ? I'.leirautly tnrnlahed Room*, without Board; term* reasonable ; best reference. 7 sT. MARK'S PLACE. NEAR 3D AV.-NICELY furnished Ronnie for go tlemcn, $2 50 to $6. 9E VST 27TII ST.. NEAR 5'fH AV.-A PARTY OP gentlemen can And pleasant Rooms, without board: breakfast if desired. IMTil SI'., MB EAST.? NEWLY FURNISH D, ALL llruiodern improvements; Roums, 43 upward: private lumily dtl it WEEKLY.?PAKLOR FLOOK7 HANDSOMELY JM.' 'furnished ; Hoard if requited; quiet private famliy 2311 West 37th. HQ WBaf H)TH ST.?KLKOANTLY FURNI8HBD OOiloomt. with dressing Room attached; terms moderate ? ?(| WERT 4KD ST.?BACK PARLOR and TWO O'.'sieupiug Uooin*. at panic prices, for summer, without board. I 7 WEVT 27TH Sf.?Til REE NICELY FURNISHED 'r I Rouuis; can be let together or separate; tor gentlemen ouly. , yn CLINTON PLACE.?FURNISHED ROOMS. TO <)Oi:ciillcmeu and wile or young gentlemen; terms rea sonable. ? 77 E~abT"7otH ST FURNISHED DK MR ABLE BSC I loud Floor tour rooms; llrst class order; all improve uionis; let separately. "I | o EAST 2*1 I H ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON A D J."XI 73d ays.?An entire second Floor, nicely nirnlsbed. suitable for housekeeping; kitchen with cooking stove coiuhlned; terms from 47 to $- per week. no,) KAST 1 ofII ST., NEAR .Sft7YVE.8A.NT P \RK. ? OO.JA large Iront bull Room, newly paluted and Ini niabed; private house; r-Terences required; to let from June 1 or sootier it desired 339 WEST 35T1I ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO let; also, buck Parlor, iinluriiisbed; tablu board, $4. I'.VKl'ItVl.NHED ROOMS A.VD APART MEATS TO LET. I DESl ABI.K SECOND'FLOOR OF SIXTfoOMS TO j'Vroui?In a small tamily of adults; bath, wutercloset, wash basins and meter, with use ot laundry. Apply to owner. 332 East Kith st. No hill up. A?TO LET, IN 337 EAST BTH ST., FOUR BOOMS . and extension Uuo;u. two flights up; rent 418; In pood order. Applv to housekeeper. PLEASANT THIRD Fr.OOK. IN PRIVATE HOUSE . 12it West 36th it., one door west Irom Broadway. A THIRD FLOOR TO LET-FIVE HOOMs, STA tlotisry tubs; one family In house. 244 West 26 at., near 8th sr. ,4 ?FIK.-T CLASS FLATS CHEAP. BV OWNER. ^Vscorner I.exiugtou av. and .list; liirht rooms. Also 343 t,, 8 tit East 50th st.; elegant houses. Also X78 East Tilth St.. near Central Park. Janitors. Apartments in the "Fi.NIMORX" are all occupied excepting a lew Suits, which ere now to let at reasonable terms: all the improvements ot flat bouses; ex el.etit neighborhood; rapid transit by New York h e vatod Railroad; 57ibst.. west ol Hth uv.; a Doctor's Office to let. M imager constantly in attendance. FEE ASA NT APARTMENTS IN PERFECT ORDER and pleasant locations at reasonable rents. Apply to janitor In 318 . usi Tilth st. SEVERAL FLATS AND PARTS OF HOUSES TO rent.?Four to eight room* and bath; good locations; relit* 430 to S7<> per month Tl.MPSON A PEE.T, 1,488 Broadway, uear 44th *t. SECOND FLOOR THREE LaKuK AND TWO SMALL Rooms, beside other privileges; very desirable tor a small family. 126 West 26tli st. rpo LET?A FIR.-T CLASS FLAT IN >1 Oh It ELL 1 Hii1101iiir. 4th av. and 32d st.; ull conveniences, 8 rooms. Inquire lu ollice, 475 -Itli av. T 0 LET?208 WAVr.KLKY PLACE, FIRST FLOOR, live rooms. $20; 'third Floor, three rooms, $6. To let?parlor floor four rooms, water and gas; also three Irout Room* up stairs; $15. 236 West 26th St., t.ct ween 7th and 8th avs. rpO LET?AT 280 EASl 101 11 ST.. THIRD FLOOR, X consisting ol eiglu rooms. In perfect order, to one or two small families uf adults; reference. Y BUY DKSIKABLE K1KS1 AND *SKCOND FLOOHH TO let. 717 7tli uv.. <jp|?o?ite Central Market. 13 - KaST 40TI1 ST.?Ml LEI, SECOND FLl OR I.V ?Jhlgh stoop bruwu stime house; good location; rent 4 IIOISKS, HOUMS, ?(., VV A SITED, In tills Clly uikI lii'ook 1 vii. A WIDOW LADY WISHK> TWO SMALL IJNKUR nishcd Rooms In private family ; terms must be mod erate; location near Broadway. between 4th nml IHtli ats. Address Mri A. K. Broadway. rjnwo oonnkIuTnTi room.?> "waated-nickiTy X turulHlmd. Call 28 Wait -lull at,, (nr throv days. WAN IY.D?ROOMS HO It MACHINE 11 <?! *. (BOUT d'lhX); ..did, high otHnga; elevator mid vary light. Address, i;ivinK location uud pr.ce, with 10-linrse power, n. W. (I., box lll.'l Herald office. "IlTANTl-.O?HY A >IM1LB GENTLEMAN, A NICELY TT Inriiialied large Ho.mi. containing running waier end closets. Address, staling teruia, which must nut exceed Ifgfi per month, L. A., hox 155 Herald mike. Ur ANTED?A PLACE TUlTABLE FOR A HA It HE ICS shop. Addroaa A. N., Herald office. W am ED-IN Ki it ST* CLAsS NEIGHBORHOOD, IT iiirni-iieJ lloiiie lor hnsinesa purpoaea. Andreas HAR RISON, lierald Uptown Branch uIHej. \yantk'd to lease?kok iwo years an UN IT furnished English buse uent IIou e in or ueiir Madlaon or Nth av. mid between .'list itnd 42d ata. Address EN QUIRER, lirruld Uptown office. In tlio Country. "117"ANTED?TO RENT TILL NOViMBKR, BY SMALL TV In hi ily, house w til about 111 rooms: preferred fur nished; inust luivo Ii*i feet or more of grounds; ou New Haven Kalirnud: Mount V erniiu preferred OEOROE SEAMAN. St. Nicholas Hotel. BOARDERS WANTED. I OR f ii. Ok PARTY ?-K OLNTLE.MEN, CaN ()'? J tain pleasant, airy ? oonis. with Itoaru, at suiumer prices; ran reuces. I. H., lierald Uptown office. I Kl'll Or ROOMS; PRIVATE HATIIROOM; Wil li Xpriv-ite taule, or without hoard; Rooms lor gentlemen; reference*, 86 Eust 2Cth *t. 1 LARGE AND HALL itoo.M. SEPARATELY ORTOh J. gather, very reasonable ; g lod Hoard, o.'i West 12th si. 1 EXTRA LARUE DESIRaHLE ROOM; ALSO A smaller Itooin, Willi Board; abu'idauco homemade bread, paltry. Ac.; terms \ery low. No. 1141 West lftlisi. 1 HANDSOME AlltY ROOM. AM CLE CLOSETS, water, Ac.; also ball Room lor gentleman; excellent table: price low to permanent parties; location unsur passed. 4H West 2-itb si. 1 OU 2 NEATLY FU H NihilED ROOMS TO LET. WITH XHoard; terms reasonable. Apply at 2111 East 117th st. 1?ELEGANTLY KUKN IsllKD LARUE, COOL ROOMS, ?second nr third lloor, exeileni table. 11 East 4lid si. 1 CHOICE SUIT OK ROOMS AND SINOLK Rl> M~ Willi Hoard; lamily occupying their own bouse. 411 West 22d st. si LAEGK. PLKA8ANT ROOMS, WITH BOAHDt ALL mi mnrovemeiils, In private lamily ; references, 121 Eust ."mill St. DOORS BAHT OK ftTH AV. nil CLINTON PLACE).? Moults mid single Kootus, handsomely furnished, with or w it h 'lit Hoard ; private table If desired also table boaru; references. t) VI. Ill I.AKOK KKO.Vf ROOMS ON SECOND AND Mllurd Hm rs, liundsomely furnished, with or without Hoard. 45 Hist St., Otli av. and Broadway. QD AND IIIIkD STORY KKO.NT ROOMsT WITH ~K m s It lion t Hoard; terms moderate; references. 2u5 West 24111 it. d sit>iTy lak<ii: and small rooms ro LET, 11h Hoard, at No. 112.7 East 2(Hli st.; large closets, hot anil cold water; terms moderate. 4 III hf. 2*1 I'.AM'.-A LaRCE ROOM AND HALL XRoom, with or without Hoard. I ill AV.. U47 HALL BRDROOMS, NIUBLT FOB. 'fcl.lshcil, to let. wltli Hoard, or furnished without board; id o back t'erlor, gentlemen or murrled couple accommo dated; table Hoard $4 per week. n east :wth~ st.-handsomely furnished Rooms, with or wilboiit llrst class Hoard - Pbohprut place (East 4ut bt.i, city?? ? JCneap Hoard, splendid Rooms; families, w ith children prelerred; board for two, $12 to #18 per Week ; single gen tlemen, t-5 Mi. I II AV~ 127"ANi"b" 129?ROOMS, EN' SuiTtfoR SIN with or without Hoard; reference. 7111 A\"T TC ?Ki WEEN111 f II AND I4T1I ~8T8.? I n and.mnely I'urnUned Rooms, with llrst class Hoard; reference. ?ii) ?)w Ogly. 1 /( WaVEHLKY PLACE, NEAR IIROAUWaY ? KRONT Xl-rKoom*., tI2 to #|H lor two, with Hoard; Suits $7 to $d; transient, 41 50 nay; table Hoard. 84. UTII ST.. 152 WEST?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Room, with Hoard, for gentleman and wile or single eutlemen; terms rea-oiiable ; ret rence. 1 I EASI' 2STI1 sf.?HANDSOMELY KI'RNiSIIKD I I large and smaller Room connecting kr lamily or gentle men, with strictly li rat class table. 1st EAir 31D ST.-TO LET, KLSGANTLY ki it i Mulshed Rooms, suits or singly, with ir without Hoard, fronting park. ______ 1 ./I'll ST., 75 WEST.?NICELY Ft RMSIIED ROOMS Xmio let. with llrst class Hoard. I ?) IVKxT I*KI 11 SI'.-WITH HOARD, NEWLY PUR I Onllue.l Rooms, In suit '.r singly; liou-e and tulilo llrst IRVING PLACE, ON BLOCK ExST OK UNION )sr(ua e. Lara-- m.u smell Rooms, with or without Hoard; t-rms moderate. I(i EAST 16 i ii ST. ND ELY KIRKISU D ROOMS JL'Jto let, large ami small, with first cms- Hoard. .11 WE T null sT i. EN I'LhMKN OR FAMILY 1 will llnd li rat class Acc-mi inodatlons, en suite or siugly, Hi suiiiiuei prices; nest relorence. .) | i K-'l 27'fTl i it 1 1 N 11 Kl.oo*. H ANDSOME m Liy 1111111 -: 1 >-<i; also single Rooms, Willi tloaid; suiumer pro s 1 iilln ru exposure s ) I I Si. L57 Wl ST. Mr TWEiTnBTH aN D 7 f 11 A VS. ? L < cry III. asant and com Rooms, well luruislied, with or wiii.oul lull or partial Hoard; relereuoes gJvea BOARDERS WASTED. <)4?U ST.. 2.17 WEST. -SQUARE ROOM. WITH EVERY ^wcouvtnlence Hud Boird tor two, #11. 4\? ti> si , west. <17.-nf Let. with MOaIO, a _UliHDd?nnt Floor; 4011;.rule, IT required; also small Room for entlenian : fantllv verv small; neighborhood de lightful: terms moderate: reference. f) | Til ST.. NO. 2HI Wi'.ST.? lANDSOMKEY FUR ^iTTnishod Hootus. with or without Board; torrni tnud er.ite. JJ7T CLINTiN PEACE, NEAK BROADWAY. FK I.S'T looms, with Board; lor two, (12 to $14; single, $6 to (S; trouiieiit taken. <>yTH ST., 124 WEST.?WITH BUAKD PLEASANT w'Jlroot liimni. upper tloor, two porinui, (11; tingle honto, (tt; table Hoarders. 4>| WBldT 1UIII Sr.-llANDaOMKLY FUKXLSHED O J. Rooms to gentlemen, with or without Board; appoint. meut> drat elans. ?J 1 WEST MOTH ST., BETWEEN HKUAUWAY AND ?)l5ib av. ? Fine Smtt i.n<l single Rooms, with nr without Hoard, for lamiliee or gentlemon; houae mud appointmeute first class. ot> west Washington square, cornku WBsf OOWoshlugton place.?Newly furnished, very cool Rooms, tirsi elaaa Hoard; price# moderate : references. O 4 Til ST, 138 WENT, NBA It BROADWaY.-IIAND Otlsnnicly furnished Kouini, with unexceptionable Hoard; alto siugle Uoomt: references. #!/? BAST 21 ST ST.. NEAR HROADWAY-HAND. OOaomely fliruitbed Uoomt, with Board, lor families and gentlemen: references. 4?7 EAST 26TH ST. ?PIES 1' CLASSIJ HARD FOR GEN 4 ) I tlemuu and wires ur tinglo geutlemeu; alto table Board. - 38 WEST lUI'H ST.?PLEASANT BOOMS. Hoard; references. A A WEST 10I'll SI'.. NEAR 5TH AV.?DESIRABLE TT Kuonia. superior Hoard, moderate prlcea. families or gentlemen; lutully private. | /? EAsT 10TH ST.. BETWEEN BROADWAY 'Nil tvlUniversity place. ?Nicely turuished Rooms, suitable for families 01 gentlemen, excellent Board; terms mod erate; references. 48. CHARLES ST.?TO LET. WITH HO A ED, PLEAS, ant front Rooms; pi irate family. 49 49 WEST 18I H SI'.?NICELY Fl'KNlSll r.I). ROOMS, rltli Hoard, to families ur gentlemen ; hall Room. .#7. EAST 21 sT ST?DESIRABLE BOOMS, WITH OR without prirate table. ri| KING ST. A LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR A si'/men and wife or two single gentlemen, with or without Hoard. t-4? OTH ST.. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND U.NL diversity place.?l arge and small Rooms to let, with Boaid; hot and cold water; with reference. 56 WEST 34TH 8T.-ELEGA.NT ROOMS IN THIS magnlUcent houae. with or willngit Board. 60 WEST SMTH ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. with Board. 72 WEST S8D ST. ?TO LET, WITH SUPERIOR ?t Hoard, Third Story, together or separately, from June 1* 7? WEST 48TH ST.?TO LET FURNISHED, TUB I Owliole or part of a handsome French Flat. Inquire of Janitor. 11M EAST 21ST ST. (UltAMEKCY PARK). DESIR -Llr/ablc Rooms, with or without first class Board; refer ences. "I s)Q EAST 37TH ST.. BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND A.?tJ4ih a vs.. live minutes ol 5ih av. and great hotel cen tre.?; e. handsome Suit of Rooms and one entire Sec ond Floor; all conveniences; city telegraph lines. A v.; best retereiiceH; established I My ears; superior taldc. COUNTRY PLACE AT OCEAN GROVE, N. J? on high, ho.ilthy, dry land, in the best and most central part of the place: commands a magnificent view of tlio ocean and coast Irom Long Branch to Spring Lake and la very near the main surf bathing aud lake Poatlug grounds. Post, telegraph aud express otUces, stores, Ac.; plenty of shade tiees and pluy grounds; spleudid soft water, bath rooms, with hot and cold water; one and a half hours from New York via Central Railroad ol Now Jorsey, 12 minutes below Long If ranch; gas aud all city conveniences; no mos quitoes; terms reasonable. WLLCDJdr. E. sHELDON. "1?J4Y EAST 57111 ST.?ROOMS, WITH ltUARD. NEAR XOa^Ceiitral l'srk, lor the sumin summer or permanently. 139 WEST 12I'll SI.-PRIVATE FAMILY; SECOND Foor, with or without Hourd; references. 1 /? - west 2isT.?to let. with board, back A I) ? J Parlor, with Room adjoining; also second story front; modern Improvements; reference. I/?>> EA.V1' GlSr.?A eM.vLL FAMILY WOULD LET LOOa first cias- front Rouin, with excellent Board; ref erences uxebanged. 4 w kQ WEST 4MD ST~. NEAR BROADWAY.?TO RENT ^UOiii a private tamily, Rooms lor geutlouieu, with first class Boatd. 241 EAST IOTH ST.?FEW GENTLEMEN have ueai single Rooms, with Board ; (4, A I'M WEST 20I'H ST.. OPPOSITE COLLEGE ^rUUOrouuds.-Koome. with full Board,$5 to (H; families moderate. /?.JQ LEXINGTON AV., NEAK 54TH ST.-HAND UOOsomelv furnished front Rooms, with first clasi Hoard, 111 a private Jewish lumily. 1 /ItJU AND 1'Ml BROADWAY.?MRS. A. JAWBE 1 .T ?' ?/ (lortiiurly ot lit! West 44th), has uu elegant Flour to let, wills first ciass Board, to an Israelite family or single geutloiueu. A N ELEGANT SECOND FLOOR. LARGE AND J. JLSIU ,/Y.muuU Rooms, with Board, at No. 62 West MSth St.; un> exceptionable relereuees. \ private family will let two handsomely JV-turnlshed Kuoius. with good Board; country surround ings. near water; convenient to city and deput; lure leu runts; large gunleu and Alderneycow. Address L. 11. U., box 12M Pott oltice, Jersey City. An acceptable party desiring elegantly furnished Rooms, eu suite ur singly, with superior Board, desirably located near t.'eutral Park, with private laiuily. may adoress II. T. B., Herald L'ptuwu oltlco. Board and nursing for lady during con nneuient, in small, private laiuiiy, by an experienced nurse; no oilier boarders. Address M. II., llerald Uptown ofittoe. yOlt LOAN (500?WILL GIVE SECURITY; ROOM r tinl bruuklast to a gentleman; vicinity Ceutral Park. MADISON, Herald ultice. IADII'.S AND uENTLEMEM?THE BEST BOARDING Jlleuse in tlie city lor tne money charged la 102 4tb av.; ierui*(J &Oto(&; table Board, (3 50. SUPERIOR TABLE HOARD?NEAK ST. JAMES AND Filth Avenue hotels ; also Rooms lor gentlemen; summer price-; relereuees. K., F., llerald Uptown oltice. WfAVrEll-TWO GENTLEMEN BOARDERS UN A TT inriu ; healthy locality; Convenient to city. Address box ls7 Kaltway, N. J. HOARD AND LODGING WANTED. TjTOIt GENTLEMAN, WIFE, BABY, NURSE. NEAR X Central or Uramurcv Park ; not over (20 per week ; state price lor two lurnithed Rooms, it. D. M., HU6 litis av. Wanted?koom, by gentleman and wife; boarding lady ouly, with positively quiet parties; none other need answer. Audress PuOMPi PAY, tieiald Up town ollice. . g? . IIDTKLi. nr? hotElT bkovuway xmrsfOK^B" x Liay; ^permanent boarden, (7 weekly; Kooms, (M a week: 7.?c. daily. HYRANKKOKT iUISK, 202 WIHLIA.H ST.?2&0 KUOMS, L $1, *2 weekly; 20c , OOo. daily, cheap restat rant. m GERMAIN. 5TII AV., 22D. BROADWAY.? kjElegantly furnished Rooms, all rrunt, redured $1 per day and upward*. European plau. Elevator; bath. JOUTIIKKN HOTEL?#2 A DaY: PERM AN ENT boarders, .t>7 to $111 a week. 079 Broadway, curlier lid at. s COUNTRY IIOAUO. * FAMILY, CO SIS I I.NU OK :t ADULTS A.N0 2 J\ ainiill children, wuiil* .'I Rooms and Heard in a larm bouse within 1 >* liuura iroin the city; Erie dead preferred; reler lice* required. State price uud uddreaa U. F. 8? Ilerald ullicu. A Tout , CO Ml HSL.lND.-l HORBUKN HOUSE. 11 minuti a from I'eck slip by Harlem beat*; excellent l.? II.I hi i>-; and if 10 per week; shade, lawn, atubliug, Ac.; new management. _____ A'l MORRIS STATION, HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD? .Superior aucumiiiudatiuua for families. Addreaa U., ruuiu 4.1, Bill Molt at. AK.sMlLY. CON SIB IT NO OK A Ui.N i l.KMAN ANU wile, w ith i wo little girls (one live, the oilier two year* old;, wiali to olilaiii auperiur accommodation In the country lei the auminer; a furnished limine, or una where there are no ulher boarder*; tue former pre erred, a* they have their <i.i n aerveuta; a healthy location absolutely necessary (n <t Long Island <>r stateu laliiudi, and w.tlilu auout one hour Iroin Chambers at.; a nlee old place, with plenty of vegeta blea C olli own garden pre orrod. Address, with lull particu lar*. 1\, box 8,HU5 Fust office. APART*. CONSISTING OF MIX ADULTS, SEVEN children and two nur.-es. with to secure comfortable Hoard lor the summer, within lie uiUna of the city; I cation inii*i be in the vicinity ol the aeasli. re. wlirro mere is good buttling, boating, plenty of shade, milk, iruit, veguta de*. Ac Address, staling terms, exact location. Ac., L., box 21S Herald office. AT WEisT BRIGHTON, STAT EN ISLAND?NICELY lurniahed llooins. with good Hoard; 12 minutes Iroin lauding, terms modernte. Address HOME, box 129 liera.d office. AT DUNDEE LAKE, N. J.?HOOD HOARD, VT A larm house; live minute* froin depot and lake, one hour from city i shade, Irult, stabdnu, As. Address V. W., Patar son, N.J. Ample accommodation foe rummer board ers; house, ground* and table unsurpassed; near lake and river; ntahliug. J. S , Nyack Post office. Boarders wanted at farm iioUhr-onk hour from New York; half mile trom depot; Hue location; healthy; no moaquitoe*. milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit; large lawn; plenty ol shade; fresh water bathing; good stabling; One pasture; terms moderate; references ex changed. Address Mrs. W, VAX KEUHEN, Bound Brook. N. J. Board at ROnUlilLL.?House Lakhe and airy, with splendid plasxa overlooking the Hudson; 110 minutes from ciiy. Address Mrs. B. or apply at 217 West 12th M. Board ipirst clash) wanted?for gentle inaii. wile, and child 7 years; within one hour ol the city. luuuntaiu air prelerred. Address, with location, terms and particular*, A. O , Herald office. BOARDERS WANTED?IN PRIVATE FAMILY, Til itl.B hours troin New Yolk via Erie Railroad; mountain air, picturesque sotuery; buating ami flsurng; good roads; three minutes'walk from luxe and depot; no chills nor moaqul toe*; references, Ac. A. J. GUM vl'.R, Uoymard, N. CYAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW BOARDER* WITH 7 large Rooms; tluse to Water; Hailing, boating, Ac.; I'j hours From cliy. K. YOUNG, Youiigport, Ulip. L. I. /YOUNTItY HOARD NEAR SOUTH BAY, E. I.-EX V 7cetleut isble; shady wa.ks and drives; ctieerlitl, airy roam*. Address box 9,107 Po?t office. New York city. tVIUNTKY BO.sRjp?AT FARM HOUSE, NEAR BY; 7;l.'i minute* from New York on Now llaven road; pleas ant Humus; good tablo. Address M. D., I.archmoni, sv est ohenef eounty, N. V. CIOUVTKY HOARDBKH WAMED.-KIVB OR MIX 7adults can be a. c.mum lilted with good Hoard on it farm, JS mllealrom Moliiobln N. J.; term* $H per week. Call or eddies* L. *.. BET Broadway. CtOUN'TKY hoard WANTED-iVHERE THERE ARB 7ihi ol her boarder*, fur t nree adni l? anil two cui.dren |I4 ? no*), tnree Hooias, within cue hour ? I New York. Ad drea-. witli lull particulars, price, Ac., H E. Ms CIO IJNTRV B( IA B D W ANTED - W IT IIIN TWO HOURS /ol this cliy, lor six adults and sereant, requiring four Rooms besides servant's; part ol the lime Iwo will be away; location must tie perfectly healthy, with boating ami H.h ing Add. ess. siatilig location. l> rins, in list be inoiieraie, E. K., 217 West 24ih ?t., New York CIOUNTKY II<>\|.D-AT I; Y K, WKSTCHKHTKR 7roiiuty, ono hour iron New Y'ork; atcuiumodailnii* for 7,? people ; first class In every rOspect. Call or kutid for clr euiats, tin. KELLER, 202 Wost 22d li COUSTRY BOARD. f' jWitKY Nl.UT : J IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. CABLE SPECIALS FROM THE SKA I OF WAK. The circulation of the EVENING TKLEGK >M for tho week ending vuurdav, May lit. 1H77. was a- ful.owsl ? ON L V 200. A LINK. .Monday.. , .. ,,,. ? ?? ... 50 000 . ADVEiitislNu' ONLY 20C. A LINE. Toeeday. 49 100 ADVEKTI INU ONLY 20 ? A LINE. W 48.800 AOVE .T1S1NU ONLY 800. A LINE. Thursday ... 47,900 ADVERTISING ONLY 200 A LINE. Friday 40,950 ADVERTISING ONLY 2i>C. A LINK. Saturday 46,400 ADVERTISING ONLY 20C. A LINE. Total 288,750 ADVERTISING ONLY 30C. A LINE. Dally average 4R,12.? FAN WOOD. ONE HOUR FROM LIBERTY ST. BY ('antral Railroad, New Jer oy; frequent trains; good Rooms and table ; also lawn, shade and fruits; terms $0 to $s. Ask lor DOWNS, at statlou. Refer to Mr. Robert*. 119 Liberty st. CN RKENVVICII BOARD .-FINK, KLlVATED, Tlieaitby locution: moderu bouse; excellent water. Ap ply at 000 Oth av. HI'USON RIVER?FINE SITUATION; HIGH groun a; moderu improvements; stahlee. vegetables, fruits, milk, errs ; 20 minutes out; 10 Irora station. Par ticulars at M. YINING'S, 100 Pearl. Address COUNTRY, Fort Washington. PARTIh8~WlSIIINO T?? SECURE BOARD FoR THE summer at Kent's Field Point Residence, Greenwich, Cnun.. apply at Residence or W. II, REED, Jr., 408 West 19th st. _ hASIDE BOAKD-AT SHREWSBURY. NEAR LONG Hruuch, ulso turnished Cottages. witli Board; bnthiug in Irout. E. DAIIROW, Oceanic. N J. 2~0ii ILDKEN " C AN BE AtiCOMM11DATED WITH Hoard up the Hudson lor the summer mid a moth er's cure uiven then. Inquire at 285 Clinton stL. Brooklyn. SIMMER RESORT*. A tfSTYOlf(iOIN<I INTO THE COUNTRY ? " A HOME JOURNAL, out to day, contains full list ol suuituerlnit places. with particulars of prices, accommodations. Ac. For sale everywhere. Price. 7 cents. Send to 11 OMR JOUnN AL. 8 Park place. New York. -Sir MARK'S "llOTKL, NEW BRIGHTON. STATEN .Island, now open under tho management of R. F Cole; applications tor Board received in person on premises or by letter. GEOrGk C. TALL.MAN, Owner. KLINGTOW HOTEL. STAMFORD, IS LoXjATeTToN Illicit (.'round; line lawn, well shaded and perlectly healthy: convenient to sea bathing; terms moderate. J. W. KN'APP, Manager. CHESTNUT GROVE HOUnE," NEAR NEWARK BAY, hall mile fruin Pamrapo station.?A few families or single persons can obtain good Board; terms modeiate; lo cation unsurpassed. D. SALTER. Pea body" house. XTTnkkrs. n. y.?now open for the season lor transient or perinanent guests: lib <ral inducements to lamllies. Address JUL1N A- P REEL AN O, Proprietor. KALES AT AUCTION. A """-TUNIS JOlINSON, auctioneer," ? old stand, 37 Nassau st. THIS DAY. AT 1 O'CLOCK PR CISKLY, at our sulesroo u, 37 Nassau St.. X. who Is now in Euro COMPRISING, IN PART, BARBOUR'S REPORTS, Lives Chief J usticos of England, Lives Lord Chancellors, Hoffman's Chancery Practice, Pago's Chancery Reports, Graham A Waterman on New Trials, Chltty's Criminal Law, Sturkie on Slander. Transcript, Appeals Cases, and others, ON SATURDAY, AT 10',i O'CLOCK, at our salesroom. 27 Nassau St., GREAT SALE OF ANTIQUE AND FINE Household Furniture, removed from storage warehouse, being the entire Furni ture ol two families who are now abroad. Full particulars to-morrow. j^RT NOTICED Now on exhibition, at Schenck's uew Art Gallery. No. 90 Liberty St., a very choice collection of American anil Foreign Oil Paintings, to be sold at auction, on THIS DAY and"TO-MOKR0W. * May 24 and 25, at 12!> o'clock euclt day, EDW ARD SCIIENUK Auction er, 911 Liberty st. Auction sale of magnificent household Furniture to be sold THIS .Thursday) MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the private residence, NO. 120 WEST 2tl> ST.. NEAR OTH AV. 2 brilliant toned Pinnolortex. stelnway and Decker. 3 superb Parlor Suits, in satin. 2 elegant rosewood Etageres. 25 choice briuise Figures. hit line Oil Paintings, best artists. 25 Brussels and ingrain Carpels. 2 Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library 'I aides. 2 Easy Chairs, Turkish style. 12 elegant Bedroom Milts complete. In black walnut. 24 curled hair and spring Mattresses. 24 Pillows and Bolsters. H black walnut Louugea. 2 elegant black walnut Buffets. 2 superb Extension Tables. 2 china Dinner and Ten Sets, Kilvcware, Cutlery, Ac. Catalogue contalus over too lots. LUKE h IT/GERALD, Auctioneer. j^RT.?NOW ON EXHIBITION ~ AT BARKER A COk'S,"47~ AND 49 LIBERTY ST. MORTGAGE HALE OF OIL PAINTINGS ANo" WATER COLORS. To ho sold by unci ion, without reserve, ON FRIDAY t.NU SATURDAY. May 25 and 2ti, at 12 o'clock GEO. 1. BANKS, Auctioneer, A. -BARKER A t:o., -47 AN I) 4M LIBERTY ST. BOOKS EXTRAORDINARY. Barker A Co. will sell this day (Thursday). Mav 24, at 11 o'clock, a magnificent prl. ate I.Unary of standard works, mostly iu elegaul cull'bindings Sale peremptory. UKO. 1. B vNKS, Auctioneer. A? UKO. W. KI-.ELKH, AUCTIONEER, . salesroom 53 au.l 55 Liberty at.. will cell on TO DAY iTHURsDaY). May 24. at 111 o'clock, a large consignment of BEST QUALITY SILV KRPLA'I ED WAKE AND CUTL.-.RY (manufactured by Merlileu Kritnnnia Company unit Roger* Broa). Auction sale at private residence. Mngntttcent llouaehoid Furniture, riiis (Thiirsdayi MORNING comment-lug ut 10 o'clock, at live story brown atone private reaiilence. NO. 47 WEST KITH ST.. BKIWEEN 5TII AND 6TII AVS Furniture. made to order tor present owner by Du Lei lot A Co.;* alsovuagnlRceiit selection o line ?Oil Paintings and BronaeN, purcliaaed oy owner while in i-urnpn. STEIN-WAY FOUR ROUND 7>i OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, ^DICKERING UPRIGHT PI AN'OFOIU'F;. PARLOR AND DRAWING KgOM hL'IT.s, riciily carved rosewood and walnut frames, covered iu crimson, tan and gold brocade antin and cotelalne; Turkish nud Lounges I'nay Chairs, inlaid marquetr* mid gilt Centre mill Console I'ublea, rosewood Etagores, Cabinets. French plate Mirrors, laco Curtains, Prencii Mantel Sets, 00-dav Clocks, Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, Books, Library Tablet. Iuiki?n Mill, Writing I'csk. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Beta, inlaid and gilt Tied steads, Di-asing Cases. Hnraaua. Waslistands. Stogie and Don le Be (steads. lid fine liair ami spring Mnttres-es, fentlier Pillows, Blankets, I'oilnt Sets, ren and plush Suits, marble top Tables, Chairs, Roekeri, Reclining Cliuirs, . images. DINING FUKNITURR- Extension Tables. Sidehoard, Chairs in leather, silverware, Crockery. Library ami Secre taire HooKcases, Li rary Tnbl s, Inrkish Suit, two llall Stands Velvet, Uru-sels and Ingrain Carpets: Kitchen. lake Broadway. Sixth avnnite or University place cars to 47 West Irtiti at., between &th and Hth nv<. N. B.? Goods packed or shipped if desired. House fur nished last June at the cost ot #27,<*lO. ROBERT C. CaSIIIn. Auctioneer. Auction sale. PRIFATE residence. Large unction sale, positively THIS iThursdayi MdR.MnG, commencing nt 10 o'clock, at the lance tour story resldenee i:*? EAST IHTIi SI'.. BETWEEN 8D AV. AND IRVING PLACE, one block vast id Union square. HOUSE CONTAINS 2 MAGNIFICENT PIANOFORTES, ELEGANT DRAWING ROOM SUITS. CHAMBER SETS, LIBRARY AND DINING FURNITURE COMPLETE, FINE COLLI-.I TIoN OF BRONZES. CHOICE PAINTINGS Parlors:?single anil double Drawing Room Seta, with carved und inlaid (Fames. Covered in crimson, blue and si! rer satins,cotelalne. raw silk and wool reps; Cicanna marole Tables to match; .Marquetry Cabinet, with uronae mount ings; Etayeroi, ebony and gilt pedes!ale; Console Tables, Easels Turkish Chairs, Louura; Bronae Groups, figures and Statuettes; Oil Paintings by eminent artists. III hand some gold frames: Ini-e Curtains. Pier Mirr rs. MAGNIFICENT STEIN WAY UPRIGHT PIANO; ALSO GRAND ?sQU.ARK 7'. OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, embroidered Cover, Stool. Music Cabinet, .Mantel Sets, Work Tables, Carpets, Bats, R uri, Ac Chambers: ?Rosewood and walnut Chamber Sets of Bed steads. Dressing C sas, Bureaus, Weslistaiuls, Commodes. Chairs, Rockers, line curled Imir and oilier Mattresses, spring Beds, feather Pillows. Wardrobes, Easy Chairs, lied Lounges. Engravings. Carpets, .-suits In rep. Ac. Dining Room and Library Itoo : cases. Dusks, Tables, with blue and crimson cloth Hnlts la tapestry, Ac. ; two Extension Tab es. Bullet, Dining Chairs. Silver ami Plated Ware Knives end Forks. Spoons. Castors, lee Pitchers, Tea Sets. Kitchen Ware ami Servants' Furniture. Ac. ALBERT KRAKMER, Auctioneer. N. B.? Goods parked, boxed ami shipped ; city ir country. ATTENTION! HOUSEKEEPERS! ATTENTION! Auction sale THIS DAY. commencing at 10)4 o'clock, at private t aside nee of Thomas Gershon, Esq., No. 'JO I West ? 7t Jot h st.. tieur 7th av. Vis:?Klegsnl Stelnwny Pianoforte, one do. upright. Pari r Suits In sutlu, cotellne and reps, fino Bronr.e I I ure-. Oil Paintings, l.aeei Curtains, Statuary. Marqueterle aiiu Gilt Tables, Centre do., Jardinltror, Bookstands, Pedestals, Brussels Caipets. B- ok vases, Beilroom iirnlture. Bed steads. Dressing Ones. llureuiis, \\ nshstands. Wanlroiies, rep Suits, Chairs, Itoek rs, clocks, Chromos, ngravlng-, title carted hair and spring Mattresses, Pillows. I?d ters. Rlankets, Ac.. Dining r iirnlture. Extension Tables. Buffi t l.'liiilrs, silver plated Ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, China, mantel and pier Mirrors, and a hue lot 01 assorted House hold Articles, worthy the attention of people In waut of household requisites. N U ?Bale positive, rain or shine. H. R. MAR I INK, Auctioneer. sates solicited AUCTION SALE OF VINEGAR FACTORY?MAY 25 J1.1S77, nt 2 P. M., on tho premises. No. 5!l Jay st., by PETER F. MEYER,'Auctioneer; !W generators-Ac., all in perlect order. JAMES H. LOCK WOOD, Assignee, lisner A Smyth*, 99 Liuerty st. Benjamin p. fairciiild, auctioneer, will sell on THURSDAY, May 21, at 12 o'clock noon, at t bo Exchange salesroom. No. 111 Broadway, thr'valuable Property kuiiwo as RAUL'S < IK KM A XIA PARK, on 147th and 14Stli sts.. neur Mil av. For terms. An , apply at office el nuciioiieer. I) Bench St., MARTIN SCIIW VNEIl. executor, *il2 West 57th st , or to M. C. CROSS, 9 Chambers at. D IMAGED LEGHORN RAGS A I' At C'l'ION. PKLLs A CD, will sell at auction, on Thu sday, Mav 24 at 12 o'clock, at Con's stores viator st., near Corie.irs st.. East t.Ivor, under IV urdeu's inspection, lor aeconnl of wliotn It may roncern.lisi bales Leghorn Rags, damn ed on Hie Voyage ol irni' irtatlon, ex bark Stronack; Fahbrlcutti brand; terms cash. iiButtuK bolbrook. auctiuarkk, "will HP.LI, 11i?ii duv nt 2 D'cloek, 4!Ui ( nttiil *t , utMierul Ataortiutui uiutUoiii *uruUur*% wring At rt-u r ?SALES AT *t'CTIO!*~ '. T? 'torj building) No. -7H H.Vr" ?t vLn?10'*. rrw"#rl* til'III HfM OH >il)f iliCitlKij) tO J>. A IlL'I K'l'T l.v?11, ^u'' P** or tbo auctioneer*. 120 Bipod way, L1 COLTO.V AUCTIONEER fb^rMvfi Fzilt.r th" "O Broadway below Houston *t. ?*i?nrooia K eleant \ > minuter. velvet and Hrtu??i. i*. rich P .rlor Suit., walnut Badsttad. 10 or 13 Dre-slnut nsos I?r ? Hel.l tan It. fottu" ???' ?Maine. es. Spring It" ,1-, 10 Wlnir u ! ?u i iltl1 lu|ll rosewood Aru.nire Wardrobe. Hole Ha ,1 j!" U"oll??" Plytnpton aud Payne', patent Heusteada 'eleuaut' black walnut Exten.ioi. Tablee. Ktageri. Krti..?*,k *Dd any quantity or uilecellaiieoua Furniture V n 5 " "nt pet. will be .old about H or 3W o-cliltk f.#?-TI,,c?f o'clock.'""1 ?"U ?r'""1 Co"cert ^'?uu wiil b" eoid*? ?? Bedrouw Suite. 150 01,aire. Ur .ua. Hoot Bear "ouit.*!^?. |J B. HERTS A HONs, AUCTIONEERS. "?1 'jUEoial sale op cabinet kuuviti-hp UPHOLSTERY t.OODS. A0., 'f(J PAY aLva^M, ON FRIDAY, MAY 'J'i. AT ]] O'CLftflf AT NO 17 PAKE PLACE. ? K* ' 8?7Xrr.lDJL\'V>d!,"ra,S ,'1"lor' Chamber and Dining Roam '??' <=T I'c.ka, Easels, Bookcases. Ac.. Ac * Ko?m Hit*5?.,'i''? AUCTIONBER, OPPIflg au West JOlb >.t., Hell* lu o'clock, 7 Cornelia at ?<? \ _ Po'ltlvely lu lot,. Dealera Invited. ' l""r*' T B',., ^'R'NUERU8?, AUCTIONEER?RRiIITI id T A HUE HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNITURb SaTr """" J J at .11 Wn,t 24,1, .t ?ea', Hth ?? All ti pS MORNING, at lul< o'clock beautlfii. Par'l'or'suiu "inP"Lim 'Jr'Z'd" P**jors?Eight rosewood Pianoforte. Mirror.. Curta'na' pffntSno!!.'la fiV ? ?? HOTH. Auctioneer. T EO I1ERTZHKKO,AUCTIONEFR svr i J ,,7, isswiHs? lit auction, on Thursday. M ,y 24, 1S77 at II o'clock V u on the premise., bv order of Benjamin OpSu? ww'' the " co Inu rl'*l i. j{ 71' ucr'iV'w?ltU'h.r^'brlcK0 ;ates,?ss-2SrSiRi pure water on th? promises; the place is w2 i Lit SSro! division Into throe Heparnte places The Iuuim ?k i i pl sa^&ss- ?" *&&&&#: Monitts wilkinh, auctionkrk - ?'m>W ^^^^n?S3~? ieifffsrar^'ara'bi!! 11i I,"rinI Bl"1, MorrUanla Hor.e Kallr"ad and within ! Chimin dmrch" and '''"t" ?''1,he ',ttrl"IU "?"road : good Plltv nar.'ant a Jai" *!?r" l,'e <?nnedlate vicluliv ?ndUr?au, Mredre " """'^ ,u,iy rumulu ?? ^,id aue^eWe""N^P?^llLree"nbehMat ,ho ?m?e ot' tlle M .aMhhS ^l^uiflran'd wSlV'**?* KffarT^xsir.'iit'g u?-?-'"'ft'S SrSw '?Sa __ Lul ls LfeUBUROHRB. Marabal. M01T,AGK f*ALK.?THIS Bay, at a O'CLOCK HV itWrLWW^urs; isuf~ fc pEHEMPTORY SALE OP ? Garden and Tropical l'lnnte. The extensive and rare stock of Garden Planta. Exotica, Palme, Roane Ac., belonging to the American Exotic and Botanic Uurden Company, Platbuah L I win i... , uf5, 011 Kfuunda, Priday. May 25 1S77 ..t |" \i ' 'y ^^HciSss.'^ssa HEM AS BARNES. Receiver V f ,i!'",r.kI ?;<:?!. New Vork city. ?? . '? BISSEItL, Ancti ncer lV.^^Vid'.'daf'TorA1,,!irV|,V"'"--s AN" J,;vv: ?' New Howery at?d Tl'llS ?;I?a-cTilZ. K.VvolS, |'Si'Sr iV/oViier'V.'tV1 Hl'?Mn,74>.'viu'^vtr"m*,nt PAWNBROKER'S SALE.?R. FIELD,"GENERAL AUC thinecr. HAleNrontu .No. |.r)2 Coual kt J?AL Alt" I ?? ?!' I RICHARW.I.V .."ak^. auctioneer, .1.* ' ??ll at auction Tburmlay, Mnv l?4 I HI I Jo clock. Hi Exchange salesroom. 111 Broadway I 7", ti ?'u?? ctate ol Vincent Cropper deeea.ed ? Tbon.p.ou at. oe .r Spr?,u tl.rce .t,.ry l.rick liouaa and ijot. iKUxlOO; rear. :?i lu j -Map. at ln Hruudway. baaement. V iIEhMA.V, AUOiloNc.ES " ? O.A.aluneo'. sale of Imported Wines, Lienors. Cbampagn* FRIDAY, May.^aUO", o'clock sharp, about 120 bbls. choice Bourbon ana 'ftye Whiskers fmm l " inns, 1 ort. blierry and fiiirHt* oini .. * u ?? lib In? Gordlai.Ac. tklc,;,,, ...d barr!;.'- "h OIn, a-tehi* -wiissiLrSISrS CMIKKIFF'B SALE.-VAN A KEAKNEV, OSIieritr* Auctioneers. will sell, tliU day. at 11 o'e'ock, at No. I5ll Fulton at (adjourn,-d irum yesterday), tint entire Mock and FlxtStee ol u Gentlemen's Kitriiisliiiiu Store, con. xi*tiutf ol a large line of Underwear, Neckwear, So k?. Col lar., ( nil's, suspender*. Jewelry, Showoaeei, Shelving, Sato. Desk. Ac. BERNARD REILLY. 1*. Gkbnky, Deuiity. Hlierlll'. SCIIVVi lNlll Kli A CO.?(I, WARBURG, AUCTION eer, 1 ?">71 j llowery, sells III o'clock, 1st a*., lurue stock ol a lluy and Feed Store, and I' ixtures. Horses. Wagous, Trucks llurnes-cs, Ac.; together or positively in lots. FlRMTlltr,. JriTiTli. PoFijtXtt KlTt.Vlri'HIS M ANCFaCIU KKS .HAL'MANN HRtiPIIKKs, 2l!s and ICfll Hudson, corner llroooie *1., the cheapest and most reliable house to buy Carpets, Furniture or Beddlug, Lor cusli or instalments by the week or month. A PRIVATE FAMILY DECLINING II >UShKKEPINO V'.v111 disiioae of all I heir uiagniticeul llouscholil Kurhiluru less than hall cost, Planolorte. Pari r Milts, Hrouses. Paint In.'s. Carpets, Mirrors, Ac.; Bedroom and Dining llooni Fur niture. 1st be bought to-day at private reatdence I lit > West 23 J st. ' AT D. O'FARRKLI.'s, 41IJSI II AV? BETWEEN BOTE ami Hist tts.?Cheapest carpet and turiiituru house In the city lor cysli; easy terms giYuit If required. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I'arlor Bolls. In satin (14 pieces), cost CWO lor SUIT) $17."); Ktelnwm Pianoforte, 1*2'*i; walnut Bed. room nets, with Dres-iug Cases, ?1", 4125; 4<l pound hail Mattress. $1U: lleo Milts. $30. Library anR III in a a Fnrnl. tnre. Mirrors Paiutliirs., SllverwlTfe, f bickering upri lit Piano,.)# 175; box lor sbippluu Cad private resi. deuce. No 47 W est Idth St., between ."sail and lltb avs. 4 PRIVATE Family breaking OP WOULD JAsacrltlce liainlsome Parlor Suits, in satin and raw silk, cosi $1 ,(*?I. lor $ I s i and r 1 < MI; Chamber nets, Iroiti up to $I.')H; walnut Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Iturmtns, Ward relies, hair Mattresses, $H, and other desirable F'urulliire, at quarter cost. Call at residence 180 East Itlth St., oattreen .'id av. and Irving place. ? VERY NliillT. '' IN THE EVENING TKLEDRAM. CABLE specials from the skat of war, 'I tie circulation of the EVENING TKLKGR\M for the week ending Saturday, May IB. IM77. was as follows : ? AllVKK I ISIN'U ONLY 200. A LINE. Monday ... 50.WO ' ADVERTISING ONI.Y 200, A LINE. Tuesday 49,1<W ADVERTISING ONLY 20C. A LINK. Wednesday 48.8G0 ADVERTISING ONLY 200. A LINK. Tbnrsdav 47,000 ADVBKI'ISING ONLY 2uc. a LINK. Friday . 40,UNO ADVI.lvn.SINO ONLY 2DC. A LINK. Saturday , 4I>.4IK) ADVERTISING ONLY hoc. A link. ? Total .288,750 ADVERTISING ONLY 2UO. A LINE. Daily average 48,12) Biorsalk?at a sacrifice, a HANDSOME sbomy and ulit Parlor Salt( also Mantel Mirror, at 1 111 Perry St. KILLBBN, AUCTIONEER, 12 WASHINGTON p ace, near Broadway (abore 4tli et.).?Dressing Cases, Hedsisadl, Waahstamis, Library Tables, hair Mattresses; I irye Mock, very low; luricest auction rooms In city; con signments, large and small, solicited; nuvanees made. IARORST STOCK AN!) LOWEST PRICES FOR FUR Jnltura and Carpets for cash or liberal terma of payment at CO (A PERTH WAITS, I.Viand ir.7 Chatham st.; 13 large warcroonis. VI Is rr C i It PETS, OII.CLOTUS AND MATTING# lrl very cheep at the old pL.ce. 112 Fuitnn ai. Call or sent! for #rlis llat, i AITROLOOlu \ ?NO IMI' HON. ? loom REWARD: GRKATESF .'\.business, in- died clairvoyant, .Mrs. FosThK sailsiac tinii or uo nay), has removed 1U0 East Idtli St., near 4lb av^ A I WON DKH fT L~UM1 ILD. GIFTKD W1T HMBUj ?.N C .Sight, lells everything without questioning. 123 west 40th at., near Broadway. 1 ?WONDRr OF TttK AGE.?M KH. FHIUM BBDI; dVsciil. Businsas Clairvoyant; name*. likenesses. 141 West loth at. \|MK. RuTa"TTiTaI.LKNOEM THE WORLD ; RE i?I veals your whole lilc; locates diseases. 472 Canal st F ee $1 _ pBUFlMOE LISTKR,~7i<?5 WEHT 2:10 ST.-SKNO stamp for aetruulai. ALanay letters must b* r?'