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?nad, and dissolution ?u significantly kintad at ?a the gl? tide and muttered threats of revolution were heard on the other. Now comes the intelligence that the Chamber of Deputies has voted a resolution demanding the Impeachment ef Mabmoud Ncddim Pschis Mahmoud Neddim was Qrand Vizier under Abdul-Aziz, and was regarded as a friend of ltussie ard accused by some of being a tool ol General Igna tief boxcar/ clamukixq f<*k war. Tbe question ts to wbether Austria will take part in tbe war is daily assuming more and more importance, and tbe news bearing on the subject is watched here With the keenest possible interest. It it felt that if England is eventual.y to interfere in the strug gle she would be in a peculiarly difficult position if left without au ally. Austria is naturally looked to as having interests opposed to those of Russia, and the hope is very apparent that ?he may be induced to take the held. The war feeling in Hungary in unmistakably on the increase, bnt the government ta evidently withheld by the certainty tbai tbe passage of the Turkish frontier by au Austrian torce would bo the signal ior such au extension ef tbe war as would startle Europe. A Vienna despaicb announces that tbe Anstrtan govern ment's attention is riveted on the increasing agitation in Hungary. There is eager clamor lor war among ail c asses, a comparatively short tima will tell whether the government will yielu to this clamor or not. The question, ta being discussed in Vienna whether It it not advisable to incorporate Bosnia, Herzegovina and rierviaiuto one state under au Austrian archduke. Tne question baa yet to be decided whether Austrian interference in the war would be hostile to Russia, or merely with a view to the acquisition oi some of'fur key's Slavonic provinces with toe connivance of Russia. ar.K Rl'S.SlA, CkHOAJiV ASLI Al'STBU LN ACCORD 1 A Bucharest correspondent letegrapba as follows "The Grand Duke Nicholas has been stopping here some days, and it is ascertained that he. during that time, has remarked that he intends to enter Constantinople to make the Turks reel that tbey art crusbed, although be does not intend to retain the city. There ta a dim beliet here among well informed persons that a tacit '1 not al ready deiiued understanding exists between Russia, Germany and Italy, and that the Court, party in Austria is iu accord wltb the other Eastern potentates. The Hungarian element Is ol course hostile, but utterly powerless to oppose sucn a coalition. Many incidents may be construed into continuation of tne above boltel, tbe most important perhaps being tbe peremptory closing of Danube navigation by tbe KusSianv. a'ter tbe Turks had promised to allow uninterrupted neutrul commerce and tbe recently d't cloned movement ol P.ussian troops west ward oI the positions beyond which the anil-Russian element of Europe had virtually decided they should hot go without remonstrance." P.u: SIAXUS JXKEPRM'KNCK. General Dochlouroff, who was head ol General TcUoruayefl'a stuff during the Servian war, has re ceived an appointment in connection with tbe Rou ruuniah headquarters. It is believed that Russia Will first recognize the independence ol' Roumauta, and that Germany, France and Italy will lollow. England and Austria are expected to delay recognition. A Vienna despatch says the declaration of Rou manian independence bus produced very little Impression here. As for the altitude likely to be lakeu by the l'owers, no conclusion can yet be formed. None of thorn are likely to give an opinion before placing themselves in communication with (he others and ascertaining their views TMKKATKX1XU TT KK KV'lJ VASSALS. The Xorth b'trman Oo'ftU slates that Russia has declared to 'funis that d military or pecuniary aid Is reudered to ti e sultan the Bey must prepare to see his capital bombarded. The Tunis government is also disquieted by the concentration ol a French force on the trontier. TUB XAYICATIOX Of TUE OAM'HK The St. Petersburg Cabiuet, according to a despatch from Vienna, has expressed adhesion to tbe views of the Austrian government that the impediment ol navi gation of iho Danube should only lost us long as It is made absolutely necessary on account ol military operations. No doubt is entertained thut the Porto will likewise accede to the views ol the V.enna Cabinet. Soven hundred Jews, deprived ol a livelihood by tbe closing ol tbo navigation of the Danube, destitute, oouscless aiul almost starving in Will din, have taken refuge under the ffails oflhe fortress in tear of a bom bardment. MISCKLLAXKOrS WAR JiOTKS. A Bucharest despatch reports that at six o'clock on fncsday morning the Turks fired irom Raliovu at an Austrian steamer, which, alter .several shots, caught lire. From it is Announced tha' Montenegro has postponed the recommence meat of hostilities until tha Rusaluns have actually crossed tho Danube. It is reported from Kagassthat levoral Mlndite insurrectionary leaders wero arreted I near Giimbigno by the Turks while on thoir way to Montenegro to concert common action with tho Prince. There is great excitement in tbe tfirldita. The British Mediterranean squadron isespecieu at Hie Virions to-day. A despatch Irom Varna says:?"By order ol tho Ministor ot War all Circassian cavalry officers here , have been summoned to Constantinople for the pur- ? pose of organizing twenty-five Circassian regiments tlicro and si Adriauoplo and Sofia." Tho Creel; Minister at Vienna has given the most de- | elded n?surunces that the rumors that Greece is to join i in tbe war are unfounded. A despatch from Slftova says an extensive overflow ' of the Danabe is reported. The road from Rustchuk , is flooded. ANXIOUS TO GO TO WAR. Washington, May 23. 1877. Numerous applications are being undo to tbe Stat* Department lor atsistaacetoprocure position* in tho medicalcorps and various other brtnehee of tbe Kos sian military service. 1 o all such application." Secretary Evans responds that In vlow ol our neutrality obliga tions the department cannot render any assistance oi the nature indicated. WAR MATERIAL FOR THE RUS SIANS. da* Francisco. Cat, May 'J.'J, 1877. W. T. Garratt & Co. hsve been supplying the Russian corvette Japonets, now in tbls harbor, and expecting soon to gall under sealed orders, with a quantity of war material, understood to consist mainly of torpedo cases, though the and the otlicers ol the -laponeir. are indisposed to give lulormalion on rbo subnet. HARBOR DEFENCE FOR VICTORIA. Ottawa, May 23,1877. Application Iirk boon ruado to the.Militis It ?pertinent I lor tho erection of a battery at McAuley't Polut, .'or tho defence ot Victoria liarbor, British Columbia. 1 Serviceable guns ol heavy calibre are lying si the i Navy Vard ol that city, which tho imperial govern went is willing to present to the Dominion tor ibis 1 purpose. General .-in th has-rcported iu favor of an ' earthwork at tho point nuunu, and tho subject is j nntier consideration. SHOCKING RAILWAY CASUALTY. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THK HERALD. j t nn-wcoTui, Ohio, May 2b, 1857. 1>. Truman, d colored man, about thirty years of age, porter on the Pullman palace car on train No. 1, which reaches here Iroin the West at ten minutes pint one o'clock P. M., white hanging on the plnttorm as the tram via* coming Into the depot to-day, struck Ins head again.t a telegraph pole and was thrown under too cur*. All the wheels ot one side ol the Pullman ear pa*se?l over lus hod), culling tl into ihreo pieces. H" was married, lived in Baltimore and loaves a and two children. THE ROCKFORD DISASTER. VERDICT or THE CORONER S JURY?SEVERE BE ELECTIONS ON THE ABCH1TECT AND THK BOARD OP SUPERVISORS. CltCAOO, May 23, 1877. The Tribune's Rockford, 111., special, says the Cor. oner's Jury to-night, after thirteen days' work, ren dered a verdict In the Court House case which ts fully sustained by public opinion. Tbe gad that Henry I. Gay, tbe architect, throagh neglect to prowde for the great amount of weight called lor to complete the bul ling according to bis plans, is irniliv "I the death." ot tho deceased, and ? . .. I ..r J...,...!.... r.n.j ... .... .... ...... that the Hoard of Supervisors failed to use necessary caution In ctaminlug the plans and speciUealioua. and acted unwisely lu not employing a competent archi tect to superintend the construction ol the building. From All Parts of the World. General Grant to Receive Royal Horors in England. GERMANY AND FRANCE. Large l^ocly of Troops Ex pected in Alsace. WILL IViAGMAUON RESIGN? Due Decazes' Latest Circular on the Foreign Policy. Don Carlos "Escorted to the Frontier." [BY CABUi TO THE HEKAGD. ] Lonuon, May 24, 1877. The London Timks devotes a leader to day to the approaching arrival ol General Grant, saying that he will be received tu Lngland a* au Illustrious num. Grant's coming promise-- to be the event or the season, 'the English government have considered the question as to whether he shall be received officially as a private gentleman, or as the ex-Chief Magistrate of the l.'nlted States. The precedents discussed are the cases of Fillmore and Van Uuren, whom Fairuersto/i decided to re ceive as private gentlemen. A OtlEAT HOMOK. Lord BencohSUeUFs Cabinet have now decided that Grant sliall be received with all the etiquette observed toward cx-sovereigns, aud have so In formally informed our government. Til K II ISM A11CK SCABS. Germany's relations with France ate evidently not of the most cordial oatare. Tho return ol Trlnce Bismarck to Berlin Is Interpreted in Parts in a very unlavorable lieut, aud every move made by the Chancellor la now closely watched. At (be time the news of the recall reached the French capital on Tueaday the Bourse was qtoite buoyant, a sudden rise in the funds being assisted by what is known in the United Stales as the "covering ol aborts." Bismarck's name, however, acted as an luimediate check to the advance, and soon turned the tide In the opposite direction. Notwithstanding the announcement that the German troops on the fron tier sre some six orscven thousand stronger than those ol France, it is ceriain the Emperor will concentrate a still larger force there. Speaking of fhlR yesterday, tho Xorlh Qrrman Gazrttf says the delay in the adoption of measures to counterbalance the increase of forces in Eastern France is not caused by any doubts as to the necessity ol such measures, but only by considerations relative lo details. fax fjmxcb cabinbt crisis. A despatch trom Paris, discussing the difficulties be tween tho President ol the Republic and the Legis lature, states that France will doubtless pronounce overwhelmingly against President Mactluhon at the elections, oven if tho Senate gives n majority in lavor of dissolution, which Is very doubtful. The refusal of the Senate to authorize a dissolution would, inovitahly, causo MacMabou's resignation. A llftAKSfRlMi; CIRCt'LA It. The Duke Docazoa has issued a circular protesting against the supposition that the new Ministry enter tains any Idea o! departing from neutrality, or tolerat ing manifestations of any party In Trance against foreign Powers. WHAT IS TBOl'GUT l.V ITALY. In the Italian CUumber of Deputies at Rome yes terdar Ministers ilelegarl and Depretls, replying to Interpellations relative to relations between France and Italy, made the most manuring, statement- to tlio cirect that the cordial relations of tbe two countries have not been afccted by the recent events in France. PRESS FBORECtflOXS. Prosecutions have been instituted -against tbe pro vincial papers, Marstilliiisr and Paris, for Insulting President MucMnhon. FKKPKOIOUAL R K8IUN ATIOXS. A number of sub-prefects have tendered tbelr resig nations. WILL THIS EXHIBITION UK POHTPOXt'.tlf La I'atrie says the idea of postponing the Inhibition ol 1878 is seriously entortainod, in consequence ol the complicated condition of foreign Affairs, bat no de cisioa has yet boen reached. (Tho Bonapartist papers persistently circulated tbe same roport previous to (he crisis and It was then several times denjed.) DOS CARLOS BOWED OCT. Yesterday Don Carlos received a notice from the Foreign Office requesting his immediate withdrawal from the French territory. Accordingly the Spanish Pretender left last night (or l.tra, Austria, being es corted to the frontier by the police. * AN AM KMC AM CHBVAUkR IX HOilK. The Titnr*1 despatch from Rohm states that Cheva lier Berlin (?), of New York, will have an audience with tbe Pope to-day, and preaent him a number of costly gifts. RAO FOR TIIK CLTOR Srtl PWJilimTS. The master shipwrights on the Clyde met at Glasgow on Tuesday and resolved that the pros-ant position of the dispute does not afford, a basis for settlement by arbitration. EXP or THE SUMATRA WAR. A despatch Ironi thu Haguo . ays that the entire eastern coast ol Atchm has finally yielded to tho I Dutch. THE CIYV (IP HIUS?KI,r. 1 be Time*' special from lurk soys up to nine o'clock I last night no news had been received of tbe City of j Brussels or ol tho mg Kingfisher. Adverse easterly < win It bava prevailed dhrtng the past (wo days. JAPAN. THK INSfBbECi'JUN BLIND RAPIDLY QUELLED. Wamiiimuto-V, May S3, 1877. Despatches received Iroru Japan report ibut itie Japanese government In making rapid headway in quelhrg the insurrection against Its authority. A BOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. BAD RESULT OV THK CA11ELK.H8 HANDLING Of FIREARMS. (BY TKLBORAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 Norfolk, 7a., May S3, 1677. At Edenton, N. C . yesterday, a youth named Georgo Parnsh was sent by fits matter on an errand down town, ond after having accomplished it to went into tlie store ol Kichard Lie, colored, to examine u gun. Leo showed hnu ono unloaded, as be thought. George ??summed it and huoaed It baoK (o Lee, remarking thai it was loo heavy lor him, and asked lor a pistol. Loe handed turn one, and while be was ('Summing it Lee drew the gun across tbe showcase to put it up, when it went oil. the muzzle being wttnin three feet ol Paf rlsb's head. He was killed almost instantly, tbe back ol alt head being entirdly blown oil'. HEALTH OF SENATOR DAVID DAVIS. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 Bloomimotoik, III., May 23, 1877. Ward H. LamoB, at Washington, D. C., find others telegraphed here to-day, inquiring how serious Is. Senator David Davis' Illness, indicating that a report Is abroad that that gentleman la In ul-n< alih Senator Davis Is at boiuo, here, in per led heaiib. His son, George Perrin Davis, Las been sick, irotn which fact, probably, tbe report arise3. The latter is uow out ol' danger.' THE CITY OF BRUSSELS. HEIt 84FI1TT 4ND PROBAULK ARRIVAL AT CORK a.UiliOB BY BVfURKAY AT FCBTHFBT. I'uiLAur.i.fBiA, May 23, 18T7. 1u? steamship Ohio, which has arrived here irom Liverpool, report* ibat on May Id, lu latitude 49 dog. 34 mm., longitude 28 deg. 44 mtn , she signalled the steamship City ot Brussels, lrou New York, under sail. All well. [At toe time tba City ot Brussels waa signalled by tho steamabip Ohio sbe was 1,200 miles west-sontbwest of Cnpe Clear, Ireland, and a Utile to the noribeaat ward ol'tbe mid-Atlantic aboal known to navigators n tbe "tbreo cbitunies," over which the French cable la laid. On the same day at noon and la north latitude i?0 deg. 47 min. and weal longitude 22 deg. 3d mlu., or ubout 300 miles easi-nnrtheast of tbe position of tbe City ?1 Brussels, the bleamor Bothnia of the Cunard line experienced atrong breezes and squalls from tbe west-southwest which were extremely favorable for tbe disabled ship. Next day, the ltitb, the Bothnia, at noon, wae almost in tbe same position that tba City of Brusaela was in when signalled by the Ohio, and bud a fresh galo Irom the northwest, with squalls and a high sea. If the City ol Brussels wa3 making only from Ave to seven miles an hour a lib this lavorable wind sbe must have sailed eastward about 120 miles and poBSibly out of the northwest wind which attended an area of low barometer to the northeastward of her po altion aud which passed rapidly away in that direction. At mtduuy on the l'lb mo Bothnia, now 7ix> miles to tbe west southwest of tba City or Brussels, had a light breeze from the north-northwest, and on tho 18th, when 1,108 miles to tbe southward and weatward of the dis abled ship, a fresh breeze from the south, which at tended the advance of another disturbance from tbe westward or small area, tin the ltftn tbe Bothnia bad a fresh breeze from the nurth-northwast. having passed out nt the depression referred to, and on tho ?JOili s strong breeze to a frosh gale Irom the south southeast unending still another atmospheric distur bance, which was that day leaving our Continent (rem tho Nova Scotia coast. As tbe City or Brussels could onl.v make sutuo C20 miles in live days, while ll:e depression would travel fully aix times as fast, she would have been overtaken by It aud experience coutrary winds on or before ilia 19th, aud would bavo a southeast wind which would compel her to alter her course lo the nortuoast to gain the ad vantage of tbe nortnwesi wind that wonld follow abont the 21st. 'l'his would leave her ou thai day or tbe next less tban 200 miles west ol Cape Clear, with a favorable wind. Consequently news of her safe ar rival at Cork Harbor may be expected by 1 riday or Saturday next at furthest.?En. UsKai.n.| NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. IKbPECTION or THE YANTIf AT NORFOLK? HER GUN'S LEFT AT CAPB TOWN OWING TO THE EOT TEN CONDITION OF THE (SHIP? CHANGES AT THE GOB POUT NAVY YARD, [pt T EI JT.GK Apfl TO THE HERALD. 1 Norvoi.k, V'.i. , May 23, 1077. Commodore George H. Cooper, president; Captains John II. Upshur and J. E. Jouett, Lieutenant Com mander \V, B. Holl', Medical Director Hubert T. Mac coun and CUief Engineer James t-prague, composing tbe Board of Navtl Inspectors, arrived at the yard Irotn Washington this morning tor tbe purpose ol in specting the United .States Steamer Yantic, just re turned irom a Que cruise on the Astatic Station. The Board went on tbu vessel at nino o'clock and were en gaged all day, finishing no in time to take the Bay Line steamer back to Washington at six o'clock. a birri.KT Lk-rr utiii.Ni>. The Board iound everything in shipshape order on the Yantic except her buttery, which Commander Whitehead leli at Cape Town early In March mm, lor the reason that his ship wue ?>" rotten that ho d*emod it perilous to proceed further ou the voyage with the guns on bourd. To thin curse he wasuL-o udv sed by the Kugusli naval officers al the British duckyurd at Capo Town. The matter will be lully investigated by a court of inquiry to be convened at Washington. L'cuteuunt Oscar Fnriabollt, the very courteous and affable officer in charge ul inn navigation office of the yard, wid be detached Irom this stuv.on on the 4th ol June and ordered to Maiden, Mass.. In charge of the Nitre Depot ol the navy. ANNTAL CRCISE Or THE CAPUTS ? ORDERS. Wasiknoion, May 23, 1877. The sailing vessel Constellation and the steamer Mayflower nro now being Gttcd out at Auuapolis for the purpose of taking tbe cadet midshipmen and cadet engineers on their annua! summer cruise along the coast. The Cadet midshipmen will bo assigned to the llr=t named vessel aud the cadet engineers lo tbo steamer. The nnnual examination al the Academy will bo closed about the la ill ol June, and the practice ships v. ill sail immediately afterward. onuses. Commander Edward ferry has been ordered to command the practice ship Constellation on the 1-t uf June next. Commander William T. Sampson has been ordered to command the practice steamer Mayflower un the 1st id Juno next. Lieutenant Commander Charlea V. Cridley tin* been ordered to duty us executive officer ol the Constellation. Lieutenant Commander Charles iv. Kennedy, Lieutenants Jonn K. Meigs, tiooraiea Uubburd, Charles C. Cornwall, Charies O. Bowman and Arthur P. Na/.ro, Kusigns Thomas It. Howard and A. A. M.cbesoo, Burgeon William J. Blroou, Assistant Burgeon George Arthur, UouIawaiii Andru* Milue and Gunner Hubert Boruuiors huV i broii ordered to the Coi stellatiou. I ieuicn;.ut Duncan Kennedy lia?been ordered to duly a? cxerutlvo officer ot (lie Mayflower. Matter Jotin H. Moore lias bceu ordered to examination lor promotion. Assistant Burgeon James M. Ambler has been ordered to tho Dictator. Passed Assistant Engineers L W. Robinson and Charles W. P-oo havo boeu ordered to the May flower. TUE UAtarORII AT Jf.tXTA7.A3, Havana. May 23. 1H77. The fr.tted States atesmsr llaritord. Hear Admiral frcuchurd, arrived at Mauta/as ou Sunday. REVENUE CADETS. PRACTICE CIICISE OF THE FIRST CI.A8S. Wasuixotox, May 23, 1877. The United States Hevenuo co'tor Dobbin, which has been fitted out as a oracflco ship for tun Instruc tion of revenue marine cade's, will sail from BalU more to-morrow with tbe lirst class cadets (seveu In number) oil a practice cruise. Before railing CbtM Clerk Upton and Mr. Kimball, Chief of tbe Revenue Marine Division ol tbe Treasury, will make an Inspec tion ol the Dobbin and its appointments. BRITISH INTERN ATION A L CELE BRATION. I.X Ilil SI ABU AND RIMING IN THE COCKADE CITY?A DAY OF I'BOCKMBIUNB, SPEECHES AND MDStO?PBAIHF. OF THE OLD DOMINION. 1.BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD,] PKTkRSBKDR, Va., May 23, IS77. The enlhus'asiu of the I nt' rnational British I'ele. bration increases hourly. Proceedings Leyun at an early hour this morning with a hue proc.-ssiou beaded with and banners. Colonel J. N. Hxioinmid, o.r Baltimore, wit the chief marshal. a <;i:a\d itgcflrnox. At ten o'clock A. M. n graud reception iu honor ol delegates Irom the societies ol SI. George. St. Andrew, St. David and St. Patrick, ot Canada and the t inted State -, took place in tbe Court House, lion. David ii. T-tiL inl. President ol Hie British Association ol Vir ginia, delivered au eloi|Ueut address oi welcome. He. spouses were made by Hon. l.owis Thompson, of I'lnlAdelpb.a. W. Tomltn, ol Bridgeport; Alderman Ucl.eilan. ot Hamilton; Hon. William Millurick, of Toronto, uud uiuuy uihur Canadian and Nortflern dele gates. Tho delegates all declared tiiey were over whelmed with the heartiness of Virginia boap.lalilv. TlIK A.NNCAI. MKkTINU. At twoiveo'clock the nioelliig ol tbe BritHti Assoc ation was held and the following officers were elected:? Hon D. B. Tenuaul, president. J. A. II. St. Andrew vico president. Charles Leonard, ire-iearer. Alexander M ilson, general (secretary. J. Campbell, business kccretary. ANXl'AL Abtiliisa Al lour o'clock J. H. ilebditcli. author ol a work en titled "Three Years in Virginia,'' delivered the nunuil addrossuti a "British farmer's Experience In Virginia." Tbo speech was lull of wit, humor and lacts, ami illus trated boib the good and the bid of a British settler's lite in this Siate I lie conclusions drawn by (ha on lor wtreemioeniiy favorable to Virginia as a dslu for British emigration. COXCKHT Til THIS UELIUATRS. To-night a splendid concert was given to the dele gates ul the Academy of Made. Tho theairo was crowded with rank, beauty aud fashion. A social gutneringat the British Club rooms followed the con cert. IATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. Phovimscx, R. 1? May 23. Ib77. A builsr in ti e Orion steutu cotton unlf at l ast I Greenwich. H. L, exploded tb.s mornieg, killing lbs foremen Jnliu Hmrbes Jr. ] BULL-DOZING RESUMED. AbbASblNATIOX OF A COLOUKO BEPDBLICAN IN EAST FEUCUXA, LA.?OTHKItS THREAT" ItN'F.D. Nkw Oklk4Ns, May 215, 1877. Tbe /ir/iublitan gives ihe following account ot lUe assassination ot James, colored, ot Kail Feli ciana:?Ur. Duia, ol Fast Feliciana, baa reached New orleaua, and brought with bitu the cotliu that was placed at his door on .Saturday and a bunch of Winchester ride cartridges which were placed with a. Ho also relates that tbe crowd ol bul-dozers. alter threatening htm, wont on with the inlormalion that they would return soon and put their threats tulo exe cution. They proceeded to Jackson and rodo up to the bouse ol James tatws, colored, and lound him seated in his gallery with hm mother. They said, "Hollo,, huvo you got hack 7" Ho ruse and anawered tbera, und was instantly shot dead. This was ouc Saturday night. lu reterence to the assassination 91' ex-Uovor nor Packard states that lust bclore his roturu to East Feliciana wrolo to nun staling that on account of bis presiding at the only republicuu meeuug held in East FcliCianu during tue late campaign aLd Ui.-> couse i|uent tulorccd absence trom (be parish his busiu>-."us a merchant, 110 Kared, had beuu destroyed, and begging Packard's lullucuce to got hitn a position ill the Custom House. Packard lurthur says that ha told htm his lite was in danger, as lie had testincd before tbe llowe Senate committee, giving the natucs ot prominent citizens who bad threatened his Hi", and. as he believed, bad caused his store to bo died. Packard luriher asserts that was one ol iho best and tnost conservative colored men of the whole Fol'.ciana district, and had previously held several influential pus 11 Inns, with the lull acquiescence oi the people, aud was a taxpayer, owning property to the value ol |30,bbij or #Sti,n<KK Packard has transmitted the original of' letter, and siso an uupuiilished letter iroiu Shorill Weber (killed in an adjoining parish), to General U. F. Bailor lor campaign use. ANGRY BANK DEPOSITORS. ILLEGAL MISMANAGEMENT BY A HIGH-PRICED HKCEIVKB. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Pkovipknck, P.. I., May 128, 1877. There was a spociai meotlug to-day in this city ol de positors in ilia Franklin lnstiiuiiou for Havings, to take action relatao to the removal ol the receiver, W intbrop Dewclf, who it will he remembered, charged nearly $10,000 lor ono year's services bb receiver and otherwise conducted tho all'alrs ot the bank in an ex travagant manner. There was a large attendance, in cluding quite a number of ludies. A petition for tho removal ol tho receiver was unanimously adopted mid It will he preeentod to tho Supreme Court, lu the .luugtneul ot many ol the depositors the work done by Dewoll could have heou accomplished for f5,000. it will ho remember* 1 that the Master In Chancery recommended as his salary lor the ilrst year $7,50(1 Dewolt relused to make uu.v report or render any ac count of hi'' year s service and had reiused to receive two instalments of interest on $S0,bb0 which became due on ti')t*H ot A. ii \V. .Sprague, secured iiuder a trust mortgage. LHiU'r WANTED. The swindled depositors were in earnest In the matter to day, und declare that when the receiver lias been removed tie will be obliged to make out u report. A now receiver will be usked lor, who will overhaul the whole matter, and an idea wilt men be had ol how savings bunks iu Itbode Island are coudncled, even al ter tne depositors have been obliged to sutler by tbe unwise action of tbo bunk's olficor-, bclore going into the biinus ot a receiver. A very large number ol the depositors expressed themselves ut tho meeting us de sirous ol having the albnrs of the bank wound up. the assets sold unu 10 divide whatever was realized. A heavy mortgage knoun as the "Cbapiu" mortgage, the Chairman stated, was put worth its luce, the depre ciation In the value ol real estate being the cause. BANK SWINDLERS ON TRIAL. TRACY AND CHAPMAN l'LEAO OL'ILTY AND BF.O 1 OB ULRCY. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. ] HatmotiP, Conn., May 1877. lo Iho United States District Court to-duv ex-crest ilont Tracy ami cx-Fashier Chapman, of the Farmers and Mechanics' National Rank of this city, wore ar raigned lor their recant irregularities :>y winch tho bank lost over bull a million dollaru. Tracy pleaded guilty t" a count alleging the making el false repre sentations with mient to deceive tho Comptroller ot the Currency, and Chapman to a rount charging per jury lu swearing to a false return In January last purporting to sliow the! condition of the bank. Coun ael lor Tracy urged leuieucy, claiming tbat Tracy's services are yet necessary at tho tint in giraightoning out ihe complications 01 us accouiii*. Chaptuan's counsel plrto-u lor the briefest imprisonment allow ed by the law, on the groom, ihui hliupman had merely been Tracy's tool, and that his nculth was such that Iruprhouniont w old result in early death. National Bank Kxatnmer A. U. Mygatt textulca that his inves tigation convinced litm that Tracy was "the principal in all the Iniquity," and that Chapman, n? cannier, hau knowledge oi tho transactions. Judge dhipmau ue lorred itulcmo until Friday next. 1 ho sentence lor Chapman, undo" the I'nited States law, may ho five years' imprisonment, and Truce is nubiect lo a heavy hue and imprisonment, according to the di-cretion of the Court?not loss than five years. RAILROAD KEORG ANIMATION. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Ital.Ti or.n, Conn.. May 2'!, 1877. The Connecticut Western Railroad bondholders, who ha\o accepted preferred stocks .n lieu ol foreclosing because of non-payment of coupons, met in Hartford to-day and elected a now board of directors from thctr number, to whom the management ol the road will bo lioucciorth Intt listed. More than lull ol the valuation ol the bonded debt was represented. Several ol iho larger bondholders iu the old board were re-elected, and it is under stood that u iua)orily of the bourn Is opposed to continuing Senator W. 11. IWuuiu as president of the road, aud will vote for a new man. probably Caleb J. Camp, ot West \V lasted. This reorganization Is by virtue of legislative authority, and Is the primary atep toward placing the roud ou a paying basis. AN UNPROFITABLE FISH SEASON. [l!Y TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Norfolk, Va., May 22, 1377. ' All the oxtonsive shad aud horrlng fisheries on Al bcuarle Sound and adjacent waters suspended opera lions yesterday utter a very unprofitable season. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. J War PKPAllTMKNr, On ii k or tiu: ('nisi Mcnai. Oitu i b, J VullHTHi I'. C , May 21?1 A. II. ) Indication*. For New England and the lower lawc region, rising barometer, stationary or tailing temperature, winds mostly from northonnt and northwest, partly clo i<ly una cloudy weather, with areas ol light rain. I'or the Middle Atlantic flu top, cluing barometer, northerly winds, stationary or lower temperature, clour or partly cloudy weather, and possibly occasional igut showers at Eastern slut,on . lor iho South Atlantic and Kaet Gulf Slates, station ary oi rising barometer, lower temporalure, clear or partly cloudy weather an i winds in general northerly. For Iho West Hull States, slight change In pressure or temperature, partly cloudy weather and winds variable hut mostly Irotn southeast to southwest. For 'ietincsseo anu the Ohio Valley, risiup hutonie ter, stationary or lower temperature, northerly winds aud clear or partly cloudy woatlior. l or the Lower Mississippi Valley, nearly station rv followed by lulling barometer, east to soulh winds, parity cloudy or cloudy weather, areas of light rain at upper stations and stationary or rising tcmperaiurc. For the ii| per Mississippi Valley ami upper lako region, uaarly stationary barometer, northeasterly winds, or partly cloudy weather, with rising temperature iu the former district and stationary or lower in tho lutte,' district. The lower Missouri River will rise at and below Brun-w clb The lower Mississippi will remain nar.y stationary. THE WEATHER YF'STFRDA Y, The following record will show tho changes In the leiuprralure lor the past twenty-four hours, iu com parison with the corresponding date of last year. as indicated by tho thoriuometor at Hudnut'* pharmacy, Hansen Building: ? H76. 1877. 1878. 1877 3 A M 64 >?> 3 "?(> 1' M U7 US 0 A, M 61 . 4 ?. P. M 12 ? > V A. M 62 8.'? ? 1'. M 5tf .'?7 12 M M US 12 P. M 61 Average temperature yesterday 6fa Av, rugi-teiu|>eraturu tor corresponding date la-t, year 6ti"g DROWNED IN THE SOUND. Owen brown, ol No. 177 Fast Fighty-flitb street, found the body of a man at the bend of Long Island Hound yosiorday. The body was made last ou the southeastern shore of Hiker's Island. When searched a geld hunting case watch, No. 11,417, was found in onenf the pe. keta, together with blank chocks iu the uuiac ol W. 1. Masti.n, of Hartford, Conn It ia beuefod that be inuii n-vu fallen overboard ufl o04 tf Ul, iteamtrs. '? MOUNT; VERNON. A VIRITIKO COinflTTEF IX CONHUJ.TATIOX WITH THE I.ADIF.h' ASSOCIATION?A OKEAT GRANDSON OF LAFAYETTE AT THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON. Wasiiixuton, Slay 23. 1877. A visiting committee appointed by lb" Governor of Virginia, consisting *>' Lieuteuent Governor Tunuu, Genual Kiizhugb Lee, General Kef in ami Sirs'. Klxle, culled upon lite members ui the l.udies' Association ut Slouni Vernon tp-day, lu accordance with ine annual custom, tor consultation. Tito association is com posed oi one lady Irotu each State <u lUe I nion. It bus under consideration els distinct propositions from steamboat owners wbo ure competing to furnish irans pnrtatiou to Mount \ ernou. I'uder Uaptam Hollirpshoao's present contract the sum ol twenly-livo con is is paid to the association lor every pussengor lauded. During lust summer, whcu from 600 to I,ion persons per day visited Mount Vernon, Ibis income ueued >|u lie a largo aunt, i tier easing tlm fund during tho year, It is said, uuo it <27,000, $I7,ooi or which was ustd in pu> ing hills, improving the grounds and man* stou, makiu;; Improvements, 4c., tho remaining $10,000 being invested in government securities. Some oi 14* present competitors lor tbo prtvilego ol landing passengers propose to pay the association QTiv cents lor each and other* lllty-stx cents, stipulat ing mat the round trip ticket shall coutiutte at <1. A OKA v UAON or LAVA) KTTC. Among those wbo made tho pilgrimage to Mount Vernon yesterday, nhout sixty In all, was a young man. M. de Cotircelles. a groat gram!son of (itinera! Lafayette, the fneud ol Washington. M. de''ourcellos is ou a visit to this country from Fruuce, and Is tho guest of General Meigs, Quartermaster General, I ntted stn'.es Army, who, with his daiiglitei, nccoiupamed bim to Mount Vernon. RAILROAD FARE TO CHICAGO. RUMOR4 OF A It EDUCTION BY Hit. VANDKRBIf.T DENIED. (HY TKLXORAPH TO THE H Kit AII). 1 Chi.'AUO, May 24. 1877. A rumor having become current here that Mr. \ nn dcrbilt had telegraphed instructions to rcduco ine lure trom this city to New York to <15 iti consequence of tbo faat tram on the l'ounsylvama road, your corrog poudout on inquiry ascertained that Mr. -John Newell, the genera! manager ol the Luke Shore ituilroad, bud telegruphod the ficneral Western passenger ugeni hero this afternoon ut half-past five o'clock that ho ha 1 not any orders to give regarding a reduction. This wus in 'answer to u telegram ine general passenger agent hud soul hill! lu regard to the mailer. This latter otlicial says be has certainly received no orders front auy "curve to make the reduction spoken of. OBITUARY. WILLIAM H. C. H08VEB. William Henry (,'uyl-T Honour, un Americau poet, died nt bis residence at Avon, near Rochester, N Y., yesterday utorulug. He was horn lu Avon, on the aith ol May, 1814. Ho was graduated from the I Diversity of Vermont in 1841, and subsequently succeeded .fnbn Young as Master lu Chancery in this State. Having make it study ol Indiau life in Wisconsin and Florida lor several years be printed several puorna relating to ludinn character and traditions, or which the best known are '?Legends oi the Seuecas," "The Fall of 'i'eciimsoh' and the "Warriors of tho Genesee." In 1854 ho published i?? volumes of poetus, including '?Indian Traditions and Songs," "Tho Months" and "Bird Notes." In 1854 he moved to New York and took a position In the Custom House. 8YLVKHTKB KN.APP. A despatch from h'ayvlllo, N. Y., says that Sylvester Kuapp, Deputy Grand Master I. O. O. b\, ol Suffolk county, died yesterday morniuk, alter a short Ulneso. HON. GILBERT M KKVNA. Hon. Gilbert McKcnnu, of SUnlburue, Nova Scotia, a member oi the LegislativeCouncil, Is dead. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Bishop .folin F. Young, of Florida, and Professor .T. | M. It co, of tho United States Naval Academy, are at i tho Union Square. F.liaiia Atslns, Vice President ol the Union Paciflc Itsilroad Company; ex-Congressman : Johu T. Avorlll, of Minnesota; aud F. Gordon Dexter, i ol Uoaioii, are at tho Filth Avenue. Charles Dudley Warner, of Hurtford, and Postmaster .1. W. Knowlina, ' ol Bridgeport, ure at the Hollutuu. Bishop Scar I borough, of New Jersey, aud fleuorai Johu N. Knupp, ! ol Auburn, N. Y., are at tbo Windsor. Colonel Robert ' H. Hall, of West Point, is atibe St. James. General { Johu M. Corse, of Chicago, and A. D. Huzcn, of the Pot Office Departinout, are at the Gtlrey. Judge (J. C. 1'rott, ol Sat. Francisco, and Commander John W. Philip, United Mates Navy, ure at the Sturtevant. Paymaster Albert \V. Hacou, United Mates Navy, is at the Breevort. Lieutenant Houry W. Lyou, United States Navy, is at tuo Westminster. THE WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR?POSTAGE FREE. ! TIIB CHEAPEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD?NOW IIEADY. The Wkkkly Hkrald for tbts weak contains tale : graphic nows (rum all parts o( the world; l'oltth-ul i Intelligence; Washington Corrcspondeuce; Cencial 1 Crant's Ovation In Philadelphia; ex-Oovcrnor CImui I borlutn ou thn South < .Situation; Agitation I Among the Latter I)ajr Paints; Murder's Penalty; Tor. riblo Accident at a Ship Launch; shocking Accident | lit Cod ir Rapids, lowuj I |>rour at Plug Sing; Seven Years' .Stealing; a Comedy of Errors: Ocorglnnas 1 Cboico; CruclOxion iu Colorado; a Brooklyn Pie ! Dealer In Trouble; !'o\orty In tho Coal Fields; tho ! Peacb Crop; nStory, entitled "The Lord ol Harplr.g ton,"' and a term on hy llcnry Ward Ucecbcr. It also 1 contain? editorial articles on tho promiueut topi' c' tbo day, Personal Intelligence, Amusement*; Liters y, Religion* and Pee Notes; Reviews ol the Dry Ooi >, Horse aud Cuttlo Markets: Financial and Comti r ! ciwt Reports; Agricultural und Sporting Matters; in j structno articles lor the ladles and tbo most important events ol the y\ock. Tkuxa?One dollar per year, postago paid; single copies, three cents. An extra copy will be sent to every club of tou or more. THOSE NtJtSANCKS, RHEUMATISM AND l'HK gotit. are relieved hv Dr.r.vs * bOLPMCR, IlltL'S llau; asp WmakKU Dvv, tduck or btowo, .Vie. OBROOMi; p?hTnti aNf) El \Z'' j llarrHnn's Stanns, On., March 27. Iw7tt. ' It. V. Plane*. M. D . i Dtutr Sir?My wlib,.who had bean ill for over two years , and hud 11!< d iuu'iv other medicine-, became muni snu well by usingyour faterhe preaestption. My niece w*?*!?<> I cij ed by it. a "after cv ml pbjric nu:i bad milrd to do i her anv ,;<>o I Vonr. trtilv, tHOMAS METHVIN. A. ?BF.NNE ~r~Bi: ILDI ML El RE I' ROOF. LOCATED ON . ANN AND PCI,TON sr-v I iiandsdmk and well heated deuces I'D LEI ON Vint REASONABLE TERM A SUITABLE FOR LAWYERS'. BANKERS' IMi INSURANCE omORS. APPLY ON THE PREMISE*. a,?attend id iiii: early symptoms.--if I per n? ivuuld it lend to Hi early ??. tuMuins whlcll always I precede ndisee-e tnanv a heavy pnyslctan'a hill and ureal ulleriiig would lie avoided. V abiirfe dove of Dr. Si'iii m k M ami* \ke I'll f.s would have more effect In the early I' I I.riirer com plant, hi linn fever and oi her d is?i?-<-s prod by a dloir..ere l condition ol Die Otomncti than by A Week's mica lance of a regttlar physician The-* pUtt arc o won* th mil h unites in their action tn*t they are beoihinc the v.,v. reiifti rem* dv til rough out the Cnited *tutr, p>r ill di order-of the character mentioned above, lor ...I* p? ?|| druggists. A HAT. 'll~fK>.?PEARL CASSIMRRES AND Prnaw liar-; wholesale prices IT New tihnrch el , upetal e. A THE RUSSIAN DAI IU. NO. 2d EAST 4TH ?i.. induce tree perspiration, whole-om?, rauvetilnr eve with iti" result, ol round repo-e, strength aud goad he* th BRAIN FOOD." A tl( 1'rANlCAL EXTRACT i * if: etretigthening the hia.u and a positive reiue,ly lor u>rveu? proetraiiou III c\er> lege; piue jft. Depot, ALLEN'S pharmacy, Idth *t. and 1st *v.. N. Y. >end fur circular. GOOD, SOUND CLARET WINES." iiM H D, to tV> per ease, from the he.t sblppors In Burden . v II. It. KIRK <t CO.. Ml fallen ft. an I 70B Broadway. METROPOLITAN job PR In tin o office, Removed to 2d Ann ?l. I INK HOiiK AND JOB PRINTING, THEATRICAL POSTERS. PROGRAMMES ana TICKETS. I, A W WORK. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK and mm; WOOD K KORAV IN'iK -pnclaltle*, but l*?s work allow pi ,re. At the METROPOLITAN IOB PRINTING OFFICE -?s Ann <i. For tbe e .nvenieuce >1 the uptewn public we have upeued I a branch olNre lor receipt ol orders u 1*5 Nth *v., corner 1 Hroadway and'.'Ad si St reopticau Building;. , MORE COS VIN CI Si)*" TESTIMONY! I To vu. Koitna o. TIO ID.halo liit) Hkvixiu - treatment restored all the diveased perls | ofmyuiiinl urunsto their awrtnnl healthy state . also are me h.M'k my .eti-? uf -mell, which hail ueeu ileeu lor year, fhe Kvviy i u s remedy is charai'ierlaed us one ol tue spe. ia' ble-ringaal ihe present age. None would long -oiler with catarrhal complaiDta If they knew bow east y they cutiltl be cured Hie wuMrge that sweeps from our midst thousands every yeur muvibtisbe ciiteu by the Itsuvi k. at his parlor, No I'.U ?e?' gild st persons aftih ted with nasal catarrh and who tuak" i asp. I tag ettoris to clear the throat nod windpipe of siicky mucus | will do well to gu itnmcdiaiely ami -ubitiil themselves te tit" Kkvivi'K s treatment-they mav he ?t'e unbroken tesl. E L K1CII AltDnON, Bo. dl> > Van Ruren -i , tlrouk I)*, N Y. MURRAY* ~Biem ( ANDY, a sure and plca?atit enrr fur nervous weakness, diseases of the kiifntya, A? ; Ask your druaglet. MEAD'S INFALLIBLE FILE Cl'BE. MO??n~. A FINCH Proprietors. Hud-n at.. Ni* To-k. SODA WATF.R APPAKATI'S FOB MAKING ALL uratad beverages. JOHN AUrrUKWrt, lata*. and'.Mi h at., city. THE am RYE WtUBKBY Yn ~THK WuRI.D The entirely pun- Hi abaiinatn W'uisckt. load* iu Vir ginia by the uid a-tiiuned method known ja "Laud mada. ' by wood lire, is ode,ed bv II. H. klRK A CO . Xw. Oi Ful luo >1. auil No. "'H> Broadway. New York, dI bo par bolll*. WIGS, ToUPEL'S. ?G. H Yl ClIFU SS^ PRACTICAL wigmnkt-r. Swi'ch s, furl . Inv ialbles, Bandeaux. 44 ha4 Illlli ?t.. neat Hi-.advay. YOUNG'S Ulna Gra? W mull, Ural in Ilia world. Marked ai u branded A. M. G. Sold only by ACkLK. MEhRALL A CONDIT.' YEW PLULlCA'l'lO**. 4 -THE MKSiltS. LKAVITI. Alt IION'tKK-l.' " A. TIMS rill ksday KVKM vl. at Clinton Hall, at S o'clock: also Friday evening, great -ale oT illuatreieo and yl uidarn Hooka, lu. ruing altogether our ul' the Unest and iuo?t unique - olle -i iuq? ot literatme an J nit oyer brought tO|{at)iar iu IMicoiimii So* jl iu (libit ion Pi. day morning, Mai . .. at uetv -air room. '."J Aster plac mid noi.'uii exhibition, regular weakly aalo ELEGANT liOlSEIlOI.I' FURXITCRK. OaHLKR PI YNOFORTF., HANDSOME CURTAINS. AkkiN mm: and other carpets, fine bro.s/.e-' SI PEKIOK REDDING, FA.spy GOODS, JC. OS FRIDAY MOUSING, at 101. o'clock, by catalogue, wilhuol reserve, a large ai d desirable assortment rf e'e gmi.t ti?w ami lacoud hand tloii-eliohl Furijltura, Ac., in r.uulhg Fill it IIANDSO iIE PaHLOR SI IIS. in plo-li, lap- mid other covering*: HI.EUANI BIRD'S EYE .MA PLE AND WaLNUI CHAMBER Sli I, wlib ilIRKOK DOOR W.vl.DllOHE til match; haud-oma oiled walnut Chamber. I Ihriiry. Diriug Room and Hall Furniture: (line loiied yveuoclaie Piuiiotorie, by Erural I<abler; brocerri, reus and crrtonuc W indow Curtains; Sl'PRKIOK rSEW KKDDISG. fli.e Blanket* and other Red OMhMft An luinater and other Carpels. Una l!ron.e?. Yieuna Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac. Now ununited for examination. Consignments tor next werk'e -ale aliould be in atnre bp Tnradet noon to insure being catalogued. MONDAY' AND TUESDAY AFTERNOONS,' May k'S and 'ill, at the Art Rooms. SIT Hrnudwar. at 3 o'clock, and uow on exlilbiiluii iroe. art sale?peremptory. A l?i;e collection ot Oil i'aibliilya, YVuter Colon, Engravings, Ac , comprising nearly THREE IMJNDRKD EXAMPLES by ancient aud tnudrrn wasters, manr ul great merit and value, to be -old ailtiwnt reserve to cluaO CUOligbOieUts ?>i4 Hit \ Mice-. Special notim will be taken tlint Hie ante wiU be bald iu the alterunoii. MONDAY AI TERN'OO.N. M IY at Clinton llatl. at I! o'clock, SHERIEps" SALE. Valualde private Library of III it-r rut ? J and tttndard works, and mauv choice specimens of early printing. Hooka oil exhibition Friduy evening-it Clititou ilull. Catalogues reaily. VNY TURATMKRT WOULD BE CON SI DBKKIA iiiirucnloiis Dial will cure tm ot overy lUD tattering with Briglil't, dlitb-ies, dropay, gravel, atone, di-eivse ot tlie bladder. Ac., but the AHillKli MINERAL .-PlllNii \Y dura it whan tbero ara no compileatioua; or. it pre,cut, tliev urn dl-c ivrred and removed. Dr. Heath'- i rea lise, wiiii directions. Free. Depot, .-si Broadway, New Y'ork. IMMENSE. BVCCRltf OP TUB NEW I.AWN GARB "Yexillo," a great improvement nit "Croquet." Patron ized by the elite. Sold uy all Urat c.asa book aud stationery -tore-. i .I. IIOUS.M AN, MnuilUcturrr, so anil sj W tlliaui at.. Now York. Send stuuipa lor ilescrlpitve priee list. X ,TEW AND VALUABLE WORKS just published by J. R. LIPPINOOTT A GO. HAMLET. Edited by Horace Howard Fume--, A M. Being the third play ot the Yartbriiiu Edition ul Miake-peare. J volutnea. IF.vul -in ,-uperllne toued puper. Fine cloili. utical e lms, gin top Per volume, $4. "Tills work can liaidly lull -o murk n most iiuportaut era in Sluke-ueurian literaturey that, t<y?. not only tor iha American people, but lor ttie a hole English -neak iug wot Id, it, ,n Icod, its importance is to be bounded by uuy clrcuib scriplion- ot lueuage. ? a a It-eems alnioat u uiaryel thai any man vhould nn-l the courage and reasHutlon ilk grapple with an nuderlaking - finch magnitude aud repnira mg so great a aires- ot labor.''?North American Review. AUIADNE. The Story at a Draum. i'.y "Hindu, ' author of "Strati* inoie," "Ida' ' "I nner Two Plas?," "Folle.Parttte,'1 Ac. l'diuo . ai--y Cloth. *17'.. ??Duida'a' iioea -universally n< knowledgyd to be atuoug the moat iiuwertut and tu-eiaatin; work- ot lictioik whlcti the present cetaury, so prollUo in light leading, h if prod need. A FAMILY FEUD. A Ilomuuce. Alter the German of Ludwig Harder. Be .Mis. A. L. YVI-tcr, trails utor ot "Thu Did Ylain'telln r -ccret," "Tho Second Wile," Ac. IL'tuo. Fine clottu ?1 L'i. "A Family Feud" il a charming novel. The admirers ,4 .Mrs Mister's translations will give it a glad r-copiiou, while those who are ik'u.raiit ol II,e merit! ot this trull? laioi - -ch-ctiuu-t will and in I: a ph. j-ati'. introduction tt her delightful works. LIFE OF EDWIN I'HRKP.ST Bv Rev. William It Alir?r. Authorised by the Executors, illustrated with numerous steel plates and portrnit-. i % -Iiimca. Hyo, Extra clotti. gk. each. Bold by aubscrip tiuu only. ATLAS Or skl.N DISF-aSKS. Pari II. By l.uui- A.^Dahrluij. M. I) . author ol "Dioasea' of the Ski.1,"' Ac. Being pobll-bed in parts, encb to con* ta-u lour plate*. Royal quarto. Price jo per part. ALL WRONG. A l.eul Iruin a Drama. Being a very loteiestlng story of tho day. P.'nio. Extra cloth. #J, ? F> r sale by ell Books, llery. or will be tent by mail, po>t?:," prepaid, uu receipt of tha price by .1. R. LIPPIJfCOTT A CO.. ^ Publishers, 71C. and 717 Market it., Philadelphia. mtlB I.AD'.K Gil AGE. A R0M4NCE?IK TIIRRK CANTOS. BY A. CLKVri.AXD COIR, biauof or v> estkhn m.w yoke. NOW RKA0Y l\~ T1IL NEW YOKE hrOHKA. !n ? peak.LK of tlia p ?ru fli?hop Cos* Mnnli a*??-? "H I* f'undod apon tbo lai to or King Edgar'a marring* with Ulrtda. m tboy may ba round In any Engiiib hlatury, ? tuiro atatotaoni, karroo el dotoiio. For tb? genera' out lino of Angle BdXua uiODuOM. I lidvo littu l-rced to t?l/ OS Sharon Turntr, though ? groat aariety of b atoriei. ballade dud llterery treaa.irea were rooaecked la tho erigaei ?chtmoof tht its. j. It to himott ueadloia to aaytbat I have fait oiyaall frto to adopt wrat werda ulikaowa to tho liruot iu quaatieu and to IdaalUe tut aodai atato, aeordilg to pootlf llcooio,' hat t'/lup to ubaerat the Jut li Kit a of -f \ IWin BII.I.INU^ TK> MP KAROB. ? I* 'I 'U. HiM doltviuu-ly rorulv llttlo bcek ua LI no glaa% phtl ?o?li? will ho ra tdy in a 'ao deya. Crlio ve*M> Tho Brat oditioll eenaiefo ol MMJQU copioa! U. W CAKU-. ION A CO . riail.bort, Now lore