Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,887. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 2G, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS blllECI'ORY FOR ADV KHTISEBS. UEBAI.D BRANCH OFPICB. 1.203 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AND NItlUT KOR RECEPTION OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK 1'XPBRS. AMUSEMENTS?1st Pack?5th and fith cola. A ST KOLOU Y ?12tii Pack -4lli col. BILLIAIIDS-2D Pt?jK-3d col. BOARDERS WANTED?2d Pt?*-2d col. BOARD AND LODOINU WANTED?2d Pack?2d aol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOK SALE?2o PaCk-IsI col _ 5U61NES3 OPPORTUNITIE8-8th Pad*. UmINKSH NOTIOKB?7th Paiik-otli col. CITY KKAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2d Pack? 1st coL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12ru Pack?2d col. CLOTHINO?2d PAOK-adcol. COACHMEN and OaRDKNEKS?12th Pack?2d col. COASTWlsB STEAMSHIPS?12th Pack-SUi cad 6th colt. ?j lad COUNTRY BOARD?2d PtCK-2dmd 3d celt. DANCING ACADEMIES?1st Pack?Bih coL DENTINTRY?2d Pack-3d col. DRY GOODm? 1st Pack-4tli col. Dwelling houses to let. furnished and un KL1 hMSIIKD ?2d Pack-2d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12th Pab*?4Ui and 5th cola. KUKOPK-Ixt Pack?lllh col. B.XCU llxIONN? 12tm 1'auk?Oth col. FINANCIAL-Stii Pack. FOR SAI.B?12th Pack -4tli col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2a Pack?2d col. FURNITURE- Ut Pack-AsK col. HELP WANTED?PEMALES?12th l'Ac*-2d coL 11 P.LP WANTED ?M ALES?12tii pACK-Sd col. llOKSBh, CARRIAGES, AO.-Ut Pack-3d aad 4th Mia. toTKI,S?*'o Pack- - 2d col. lOUKKS. ROOMS. AO.. WANTED?2d PAAa-M coL INSTRUCTION 1*1 Pack Siti col. J|?<T AND POUND- 1st PACK-2d cel. I ACHLNERY?I2tii Pack?liH col. IaKHlF. MANTi'.LS 2d Pack 3d coL 11- Dl?' aL- 12th Pace?4th col IILL1NKKY AND DltBsSMaKINO? lar Pack?4lh col. IINCKI.LANAOUH ADVERTISEMENTS?lOca Pass? *th col. . NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tu r auk - Oth and 6th colt. PERSONAL ?liT P AUK - let col. I'IanoPoRTKH. organs. AC.?in Pass?6th ool. Pool SELLING?In Pack 3d o?L rosr OKKIOK NOTICE ?In Pass?4th col. i'HOPOSAl.S-IXT pAI.B-dU. col. PROP SSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED -PBMALES 12te Pack?2d eol. PROPERTY OUT OK Till? CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?lit eul. BEAL KSTAT- TO EXCHANGK-2D Pack?lit coL HE AL ESTATE WANTED?2d PAOK-lit col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pack? lit and 2d cols. REWARDS?In Pack?2dooL ? ALES aT AUCTION?12tii Paint?3d and 4th cola. Hill VTIONS WANTED-PBMALKS-12TH PAGK-llt and 2d cola SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12tu PAOK-2dcoL hPtClAL WOTICMI?In 1'ack?2d and 3d coin. H* oltTING-DOGS, BIRDS. AG.?1 ?T I'auk?3d ooL IT'iRag K?2d t'i'ia-3d ooL I'M M Kit RESORTS?2D Park-3d col. IIE IRtDKs ?12th Paqk?3d col. HE TUSK-Iit Pack?3<l col. O I.KT KOR liUKINEoS PC KPOSE8-2D PAOB-l?t ooL Tkavki LERS GUIDE?12in Pack?6th col. t'NKl'llNISIIED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d I'auk?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d Pack 3dcol. W tTCHRs. JEWELRY. AC.?2d Pack?3d col. WBHTCHKSTSu COUNTY PROPERTY KuK SALE OB TO LK ' 2d Pack?lit col. W MS, LIUI OUS, ,U -2d Pace?3d col. * \ AGIU a, ti LAMHOATK, AC. - loru Pack?Oth ooL I'UUSOXAL. Alice-.'tuk laundress who MmKKD^oRVfc n Bleacher at. will pleare call Immediately at 13H Knit 22 in JULIA WILLIAMS. BINNIK.-AHGYLK "XOlRhK SOCIAL" TO-NIGHT. \ >u von i target roar pruialte?mar orchaatra buleouy, Ut' H?n?. SATURDAY, SAME PLACE. 4 O'CLOCK. WHIP. TtKCKKU- Was at APPOINTED PLACE: DID NOT J 'or ? u Where and when rau I tee von again t Addresi lioitSK AND WAUON. liarald Uptown olUo* L'ANNY <gU' Klts IT WOULD DKLIUHT ME IF P toa v. aid meet ma ?am? pi aw. uoon. to-day, lor quiet loat h . trhet ine. cufidenre n??ar abua-d. SMIKE. JNPoKMAlios OK Till. ADDRESS OK WILLIAM t'orhotl. talaaar, alia raai.lrd la 3X3 Greenwich it New ? ri. In Aaratt. I*4M ,la a an I ad by U'-OKGK CLARKE, liai-?w it'h Saffulh. r.ai1 d who will gladly rtnlray ex v? ones lacvrred. II W. Corhalt will raply. he will hear of hurtirthtag to kU adraatage. I HE TMh PaRTT THAT ADDRESSED A NOTE DATED I* -? > .it. February JH, te Mr H.. at the Man,Ion llouae, Pr- vi. a -icaad A rrlead. ulll make hiiuielf known, lie (reeled la ttrlct coalideiiee end rewarded for hit truublr. addiees H. I., baa 2IH Herald udlca. ? M II.LI AM PKIDDKN HUDSON. WHO. IN 1X74, ?u at 31 New ?l., will rail a! oaee at 1<> Pinr it-he will ar ut iotuetuiog to hi? benefit. M. PIIILLlPK. i I'LIA yi li.LEY. SOME lO YEARS OVER. WILL hear of enaielhinc In her advantage hy tending addreu M. K . liarald Uptown uSke. ALUR?OOMR ll'iMK. TO BROTHER BILL OB Iwrtte to Aaat Ellen. M ark-to day at AJUI WAKRO- rilK HI T II AH HI.KM UKA'IOKD In iwr Ih?. Til Hit ri||>nUM aie made ul pur* ATtlil lUbAKtf. JUDtiKS. TUP. TWO DKOMilt* WILL BR AT 115 WhHT 31ST ?V to-night. riMIKK. V "?? MA I.IMI A'.INI ?> r> I'tiiK t. CRAWVOUD v itn bo Mta lur fooi dayt at IKH Walei >k W'll l MKB. <'?KKIX JACKMAN . MP8I0 TEACUKB, TT fnw tend li-r eddr m to ut.II Pl'PlL, box IIH Her M0(lv*ii Breach ..DM 7 HKbleiOl'a l>OTI(Kb. i dM!li;A.\ KKKK niCRi'll. UMIVKRrtlfY HUILD r\ la* W i?Ulupt..a Miuar.- ? Special >*r?lr?t : annlvereary Imn?. I.) Ibr peeh>r, ha*. C P. McCarthy, at 11, "Una rvar'e utracxle. " NB<I H, "Hat Pi ret Birthday:" floral dae.i ? aad lltarary entertainment Tbnraday even* ka not lit Ail earnuatly iovitad. AIAHRMV or Ml'slC. BROoKLVN.-RKV. KKRD. Hvil. ta murtew 1<? I . aa.l 7:41; tuhjecte ? Morning, ?a Wlaa aad MIA Virglua;" evening. ' Another Slug, lax lierniuu." a >Ul IIV MhTtlOlilHT hi'I SCO PA I. <: II (' R<' II. IN /\ Wet I. .avion aqiiare (real I?Preaching Sunday. !<*>*' A. M aud 7*4 f. M.,by lha Kav. Aaa P. Lyon. Morning ?ub f?i*i "What th? t'uuld Nat |l?evening, " H>? Man at Variad i ertun*.'' baata liaa. A T Pllli KKKINO ll AM.. jvril AV? OOKNKK IKTIC /Vet., preaching Sunday III :t'i t. M. nud d.liP M. Iter, lamuel Ouloorn In the afternoon nu "Light that ^?n autf At an lltgl " hln viHir !>? Phnrlaa I. Ilmin atul ? l.a lauru Cannot Ha Hid." singing by Cbarlee I. Ounti and the large ?aate fraa. Kverybody welcome. A I PKKP T A BP.IIM ACLU M hTIIUlMST KPIHOOPaL Church. 34th at., hetwren 7th and Nth ava. - Kit*. J. John*, paatur will preaeli nu Sunday at lha uaual lioure; Sunday aebool at J I*. X.; aaata ire*. AT WILLP. FT HTKrKT MP.TIIOIUsT Clll'liOH ? Preaching Han.lav. Kav J. K. h. arle? ; morning. In*.; a*?uia*. oa Abraham ? family Wuralup Our Model. ' All 'reei hiuv San.lay. Kav J. P. h. arlr.; morning. In} nar, oa "Ahrati - - - Invited; avail free. -MKH. N f. I.I.I R RKIOHAM. I.N s PI RATION A L Spirituallata 1<JS I Id at. Suali fraa /V.ipeater. laeturea for the Hoeietv of bpiritualiata litS I. M. and 7 P M., at llialf hall It Weal 3 hi ? - \I.L HAlRTs' t'HL'Ki'll. t.'OHNKK OP IIK.NHV AND scaniiuid ala. I lav tVllllaiu T. llunaal. rector.-Service, l??Va A. M. aad 7f( P. M. every Sunday. and ou Wednesday tvenlng, 7 V AT WasIII.M.ToM sgl'AKh WPTIIOlJlsT Rl'Ig copal i'barcb?Kav. .I.mii M King, Paatur. will ?r*aeh >t 111*1 4. M. and P. M. Stranger. cordially iuvitod lud welcome. AHI'iKITI Al. i o n PI.;: I Ni 'F. AT Till; IIMtVlkU Kroiat. Sunday, 2 ?K? to A P. M : J. V. MaatBeld and Sther dlatin ulaiied airdiuaia will bold aaauce from Tim la I P. M. Admittance. I'' aaata TJI.KKCKHR HlRPP.T 1'SI VKIts aI.IST Cl'IIRCir XJrorner ol Dawning at.?The i aat.if. Hay. t. 0 swoalaar' ?III preach la I ha iiiorwlaf at UHi o'clock : Kav. J. M fall Baa will preach la the evening at 7", Htraugera welcome. UIURCH or TIIK HOLT TRINITY. Madlaea a*, aad d2d al. Heart of aareice I'Mat A M. .nd 7 *i P. M. II > Htepb*u II hut. Jr . will |death evening. Hnbjeet ;-"?"hriatlan Ml'icrhuod." (ARNTKAI. KAP I I ? T < III Id II. W I sT dill sT I H J Han . I.aatnr. - M.nniac awkdaot : ?"Tl.e i.raat t cNnalf ?lou." Kienlay laaaouw Ironi Hook ol Kathoe /tl.ciSlMi RKKVICK IMP Yt'KK VII.LK TOI'MO \>Matl'k Okilauaa Aaa*ri?tlua will h..ld ibote Mat "hmiaa for lha praavat aeaaou tomorrow et ? P. M ?I song !?>? l?e prvwet ?euaon to mocrsw at 4 P. Parana IIall. cora*r ?tk ?i and Hd a* l.ev Unliaiu I Ra'daa will dallter an addraaa I. P. Thatcher will lea l the Wiavlag aad (lag aohrn apprapelata to the acra.leu Alt I CiHL'Rcii or or* h?v . \ 111 >i.i .?r;. ilkt society). Mil h . near nth at .iaatet M I'ulln aa ra.tor Handay ? nun at II "A W r atb of bamambeaaea >r soidtera i.ravit," ovealag at T h, anh)eat to be aw ?eaaoed CIMVKl'N OK Tlih BtMl'KUK< TI"K. MTU *T HR* /twira Laklngtae aad Ad ava . Ha*. Jae * Trtral.i# j n.<r.?a. r>Ire* *<ri) s.. ...?? at I ? t > A M and 7 >1 I bandar kcluml at JiBif I' Id l?a *r?-w wnxitrl ? vaaleg. Ha* Henry t' Pal lev It 1? . IW.1 or ?r UraN I liureli. will praara. la Ktgi.t It*.?raod Or., Itiwhup ot lha fttocaaa. oil) aduuumtar the riabt ad towdr malloa aa Wadaaad* y a eon%Ab >uat IL OKRMM WILL rMhA) II Tu MuJtMuV AT TIIK 1 I'berct. el the streagurt at In At tat 7 h. Tba a*aw* ? ?raoi eu "Tremb'iag lue u.a Ark ' Ai. aaoia are Leu l1!.! H H A I' f 1 a | < III HI II /?' II'MV? W(Uff VTH i JT a*. Nat R U fcoeali a ll preo> k at I t A) A. ' Portaar Iteya, and at T 41. ' aiaaa.t r W aaa' TjlIRKT RPIlti > Pal <11111111. M A l>l { P eoe e*.. cogger ? .VHh *4.. ..a* William 1 aa'.wta mo I lot ?Hl'iua i|>via<a M II A. M aalTn*.r II Tba patter Will prvhch ia I ho Mw?ia|. la the eventn* Ko> fu-.a Oalla.ho* olll ropoul by rawoaat. lit* aa*m?o MAafp P*OOt had be lor* lha liaovral toes. ?' I ??Wul * the H?lurm?d r ?? eopol < kervh the la< n .,tw se.ooae. fol lb* < s..rrfc < __ _ PL_ i Mf I Ciae.uar. Lettmor aad " T-AKr.h RPLMOPtLom hClf or THP kp< ?>. it Ia Jtl<vu?lha aervloa "I U.a i etch, duriog eapatra ?l l.a ' pr-arut bullnisg la Slwtat .eill * h?>d in tel<? i a *a?f a*teal. I M Ml at., too* ad a* . a?? M aereoro Mm I ? TH a'cl.ok lira R a W 11 >lt*. MP H y.wl.r JjUPTH AVRJtl'K H 11*11 a I ( III Ml H win at ili?. 1 triaitegai Moratag In Ji aohjoat ' <.*wilaa**a Mak.t ea Ureal. " ovaelng 7 4T., Ja-.t the W ..rid a Li.t.t " Baptlaut al veenlng aorelro / 1 K Al K UAPflsf lllrn II. WhaT stir sf.. It RAM U7 h a?.-lU?. J -p. . ear kfttarl. patio*. sa*twoa? Marnlag, !???>?; InaMl. 7tdR. snn.fa arhoolt ki Madison avrni r RRroRMRir~ciiTk< iTTTol u*rl7lh at?He* William l.iovd. ?a*to?, will pre ark ai II A.M. and 7 b- P M i>i'.j*ri> ? Mr mag. lh*R* Reiar'a so. urtly ?a ? hrtat" Prvaiag. "A'hrtal atllnag the Taiupdat? ' da w?da waleamt. iifUiltiM BAPTIST < HI Ml II HIi St S iktTII a*. -K*?. literxa I Duo in*. I ayrtrto will preach bniidey laorulag a:td evening al *t and 7 t. Sunday ? o._ achool and Hldla ?la?*t marl a. J >? dlrtayti IliV. II. W hNAPP l? D . WILI. 1'Rfc.Ai n is LAltiMT 11 C V. H. W' h N A PP. II U. WILI. I'ltr.Ai II l> I. tl< I bir.'tl Baptxt 'bur h. .. .mar of \ an. a al li"^ A Fit! P M. Khtdact: ? Morning. 'A PoMaM Mail ,,l ... Kvauiag. "Too Ruay to ta*a' K?p7v. UEitllllK w WudllHl PP. It it. P tsr.R I.p Allan wlie.'i Ma: ii...l.?t H.-.atopai I I.O'Ch ? hat wean I m lancey an1! IU*ibxi?u>, will oreach utorulux and evening. Kftnlnx auhjen ^-"What OHTerta.*. IP nay. Boioaaa a Ileal Chflattmi ami ah llaaoae Man ul tho Wa*id." haMakoo. HBLlClOt'N >OTl(K?. RtV. SaRDINKB' SPRING rLUMLKYr PA?TO* North Dutch Church leotraneea KM Pulton at., M Abb SM-10J4 A. JL, "The Christian's Paith". 7\ P. M . "Owd'a Oonauil" Rev is\ac wkscott. i>. d.. will preach i* the Plymouth Baptist Cnurch. oo 48th at. l?t??? *th uuh 9th a??., at 10:30 A. M.. on "The Decoratloa alaolhrn Men uaTtaiparauat." Oravea," and 7:4ft P. M. to "Young Seat* free. Sunday acbool at 12 M BKPORMKD EPISCOPAL CHURCH sKKVICP.S. 'corner ol 34th at. and HtS ar., in liager'a BalUlag? 10:30 A. M.. HP. M. Preaching by tbe rector. Ha*. Uaorg# Howell, lou are welcome. 0 PKING STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.?RKV. 1 JAIIred H Moment. pastor; preaching 10:*):?"The Hidden Manna aud the White Stone;" 3.30 Communion; 7 :4ft lecture. "MelcUlsedec.'' SIXTH AVENUE REFORMED I'lIUKCH.-REV. WM' 11. Merrilt, pastor, will preach at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Sabbath acbool 2:30 P. M. ST. IGNATIUS CHURCH, 40TH ST.. BETWEEN 5TH und Oth ava.. Dr. Ewer, rector, "OUIatlng?Serrlcea 7, 0, 101^; 11 (choral). 7>? (choral), wl b eeriuuii. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. 87 To 39 WEST 40TH ST.. the Her. A. H. llart, rector.?Servloea on Snnday at 10:30 A. M. and 4 P. >1. STANTON STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. STANTON it., between CUryatie and Furaylh ata., Samuel J. Knapp, paator. ? Preaching in the morning at 10:30. and in the eveniu : at 7 :4ft. Subject* ? Morning, "Jaaita Watching;" Evening, "Hatter and Heitet." fll AH ERNACLB BAPTIST CUHRCH, 3D AV., BETWEEN J. Kith and 11th all ?Rev. Robert B. Hull, Paator. Morn lur. "Their Bode and Oar Rock:' evening,'"a Sucoeaefttl U?." Baptising erter the evening aernoa Strengera cordially welcomed. Turkey and indla st. lukb*s mbthodibt Episcopal Cburab, 41at hi., near Oth nr.?Rev. Stephen ThumoC', a native of Bulgaria, aud Rev. M. L. Haueijea. a uative el' India, will addre?a the congregatloa in tha even ing. at a qu irter to 8 o'clock, giving Home of lutereet con cerning tltoee landa, of tpeclal hnportanee at the preeent nner.tied condition ?t the Kaatern nntione. They will alao speak to the Sunday echool at 31, P. M. All are invited. \\7 EST TWENTY^TIIIRD s t i'.EET_PRESBYTEKlAN Vr Church. Rev. Kraklue N. White, D. D . paator.?Sar* vice* llwA. M. and 7:30 P M. OATH ST. REPORMED CHURCH, WEST OP 8TH AV. Ox Preaching hy the Paator. Rev. Carlos Martyu, on Sunday at 10:30 and7:30. In the evening a pooplea' service. Subject ?"Tlie Patriotism of Pence." LUST A.MD POIND. t~63?i^tuB'23?rnvs cir m a BisSinrmra 1 Jetape, lietwven Wall stieet ferry and 31(1 Broadway, or between 316 Broadway anil 1(18 Leonard at., a Diamond l'ln. $25 reward will ho paid to the Under by returnieg tbe pin to E. E. TAYLOR, 316 Broadway. LOST.-MAY 24, IN TWENTY-THIRD STREET STAdE, a gold Watch marked Mabel ball. A liberal rewardwitl be paid by leaving It at 108 Weat 31st at. T OBT.-SMALL-BRUTOCH TOPAZ 8ET WITH SEED JLipuerla, value triOiug. StO reward tor delivery to Janitor of 330 Eaat 17th at. LOST?SOLITAIRE DIAMOND KING; LIBERAL RE ward aa it 1* highly prJtsed from uaaociatloua. Address B. J. L.. Tribune Building. Lost?on Wednesday evening, may 23. in a Filth avenue stage, betweeu 8 and 9 o'clock P. M., a Sair or Opera Ulaasea, browu leather case, Tbe Under will e liberally rewarded hy returning same to 189 aud 191 Kroutat., New York. Lost.?prom no. 21 west ssd st.. priday, about 6 P. M.. a child's pet blackfeud tau?Gypsy; a lib eral reward will be paid for its return. 1 GST?BETWEEN 6TH AV. AND WESTMINSTER J Hotel, an emerald Brooch Locket, mounted In gold. Tbe value will be paid to Under at No. 37 Weat 14th at. LOHT-ON TUESDAY NIGHT, A LADY'S SMALL geld Watch. Kinder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing It at ollice of RODERICK. R. ROBERTSON, No. 32 Park place, and no question* will be aeked. LOST-ON TUESDAY, IN 54T1I ST.. A VERY SMALL Black and Tan Dog, with blue ribbon on neck; answers the name ol Jaok. A liberal reward paid by returning him to 307 .'ith av. ? HE W BK KKTsTfiXYSD F I rout St. Jantes lloiel. last Sunday, h white Terrier named Bean. Keturu to oQice ol hotel, '-'Utu at. end Broadway. AO ^ RE WARD.?HCOTCH TERRIER DOO, DARK ipadtJbrown color, loit 4th ay., near 15th it.; bad oo plated chain collar, marked T. K. W. Taylor, 414 Madiaon a*., aud license tag No. 331. Above reward paid for hie re turn to tald address. (* ffi\ REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED?WILL tJHJUbe paid to the one who retnrne the Hold Watch and Chutn hut on Tburaday ulght at the aunivcrsery exerciae* of the School of the Collegiate Church, 100 Weal 2?th at. ; the owner greatly value* them because they were gifts from Irlenda lu toe church and Sunday school. Address or return to 58 West 33d at. <h 7 "fF RKWARD7-aTOUKN ON MAT 38. 18T7, FROM V I tJJerssy City, dark brown Ilorse, 15>? haudae high, 11 y?are old: defect lit right eye; Iouk body; plain traveller; black top Buggy, red ruaulhg near; eilvarplaied Uaruoss. yellow and black plaid Blanket. 11. D., box 103, Jersey fclty, N. J. QiliWl KKWAKD.-TddTOLRN FROM T1IE SUBSCRIBER vlUi/Mty 17, 1877, brown Horse, 15 bands high, small star on lorehoad, biud uuklcy eularged by luterforlug: Top Buggy, square box. patent wheels, painted black, striped red; "K. N. Crow" stamped on harness. K. N. CROW, 140 Varlcksk ~ SPECIAL riOTlCEs7 ^MfoREtT-lfisfcAsfca oFTfSjT a .nL speciality. Be wise In tima and call to the sure place lor a permanent cure. Premature decline, nervous debility, impotence, irritatile bl.dder, ekiu eruptions aud diseases,' whatever the cause, treated with remarkable aud unpar alleled success. 'I he victims of Imposition cau oall with the certainty o< beiug skilfully treated ; 3D years' practice. Dr. HUNTER, 143 West 48th it. A CERTAIN CURB NOR HEADACHE, C0N8TIPA _t\_il.,u, piles, stomach, liver or kidney diseases, weakness, Ac. BROIMIHTON'S Invigorating >yrup. 25c. per bottle, lucursble cases solicited aud cured or money returned. Sample bottle, circular and advice tree. 4U5 Broome St. A" _iiVlCK KKKB-?OLD DR. SAKR7~i?? UBAND 8T. near liowery. cures all complaints. Hours 1 to 5. TTENTION1?TW KNTY YE ABB' ~PRU 881 AN 1IOB PI tal experience. Disease of men and nervous system a specialty. Consultation tree. Dr. JACOBY, 101 Hleecksr sk A" Llf DI8BA8ES OK MEN RRoTTiRINO SKILFUL treatment a specialty. J. JACQUES, M. D., 45 East IHb >t., near Broadway, New York. Oftice hours, 0 till 2 aud UtoRP. M. 81'RE CURE?FROM THREE TO FIYB DAYS; dlssases of men a specialty. Dr. DYBIt, 47 West 13th st. M ART! N EZ A CG.~ A Bankers, 10 Wall st. (basement), buy and sell Spanish Bonds, Spanish Hold and Havana llauk Bills; Oralis on Havana Issued and negotiated. Lottery Prises cashed. Next Drawing June I, 1877. CAOLljMBU~ COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL.-8TUDENTS Jto be admitted lu tho First Departnisut will meet the Committee on Character In the room of the .supreme Coui t, Oeueral Term, on Monday. May 28. at 3 o'clock P. M. THRO DURE W. DWIOHT. Warden. DBUlnEA.sEH OK MEN A SPECIALTY. Ili-.NKV A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington nv? near 2Mb st. OHice hours from 8 to 3. Dlt. WEST. 45 BLEKCKER ST.. NEAR BROAD H way.?Kxtensiye Loudon hospital practice. Consulta tion Ire# In all complaints. DmSTVORCKS?ABSOLUTE?SPEEDILY OBTAINED, without nubllrlty; desertion, lucoinpatibility, other causes; having unusual advantages, success assured; ad vies lie# I > A A C HoYCh. Lawyer, 207 Broadway. IjpiNtiTRYB WHisKhY-KOVK YE ijuTOLD ; $4~PER gallon ; #1 iter large bottle. N. VAN HKIL. 88 Chambers st. Kr ?oFKICIAL KENTUCKY SI' AT E Dlt A Wl Nils" Ls asvTUi ar KXtua class no 347? nay 25. 1877. 28. *1, 74. 23. 3D. 27. 40, 24. 25. 14. V, 73, 31. aaxrccar class no. 34*?war 25. 1877. M, 78. 13. ?, 42. 74. 311. 51. 45. 711. 1. 37. 47. 85. iikNay ? sxtna dotes no. 247?nay 25, 1877. 28, 48. 55, HI. .VI. 32, 72. 4. 31. 52. 10. 48. 0&. HS8MT?iT.ass no 248? nay 25. 1877. 74. 27. IH. ?2. 58. H. l'l. 37 HI. 43. 20. 42. 70, 07. HIM HONS A 0ICK1N8ON. Managers. Information given regarding the above Drawings. Apply tuj.t LI TE A CO.. 'JUT? Broadway. IilIT si A v A HI NOLE * NUMBER, JUNE* STOVER Jball a mlliloa distributed! RlffJ.OOO ? las capital i'llt 5O.IXJ0 One < at,0*1 gilt 20.000 I" a 11 ifrslid gilt-, each 10,1*10 llJiTYgllta, amounting to 522,500 Whale. ?Hi helves, ? quarters, 82 V), eighths, (I 25. 1,1 M.lttl. HE AI 1: El, A IC11. Ill Louisiana, 1 i.IM.UAL EARLY, ol Virginia I Manager*. Addresa all orders aad apply lor information to ? WILLUMHON A CO., 317 Broadway, New York city. M HKKV ITtl IAN RCI I. ITU RE IN NEW YOKK I r .s-eor Alevaadre Rossi s nch and choice collection ? 1 lie, I as Kin# At tares be se?n at Nu. 34 Maavsr strdrl ?' h, * ale ve lit a 1 ttreupied bv tlie well known firm of I,, Art levers deairluy te purchase er order sr iisi eiat. (|,,u ? tee,ion,euis, Ae . will please address hiss at mis o?i,? si the aSoee place, troin 2 to 5 P. M. Mmm -ornci ?L drawinon Kentucky stair. "" ? stall, st airss tLtsa. No 347?dAV 25. 1877. A>. 7t 21. 80, 27. 4b. 24, 25, 14. ?, 72. 31. SBVTItSV lit! -,, If* IIV 2*1, 1877 d?. 78, I i I 42. 74. hi. 51. 4o. 7U, I 37, 47. 85. ? bshs sxias l i sts so 247 nay 25. 1877. A. 48 56 I* 0*1 72. 4. 31. 52. Id, 48. 05. 1 ts>.v t 1 ?as ao 24* nsr 28 1877. V. 0, Id. 37, III. 43. 20. 42. 70, 117. 8JMNOR0 I DICKIXMOM, Managsn. Fat taloraaaiioa la tea above app! y to I't it K s, KM Ell HON A CO.. Nai.kers aad Stokers, Irsi Mroadway, room 4. N'KMYoi* EIIIAL'*TI"M ? A MEDICAL ESSAY, rwntpeltiag a series leviarrs delivered at Kahn's Ms era at .0 Ass ""T M ew Vot k. on t lie cause and cure of prs u ?!,.-? d u tl.?sn.j Indiaputably how lo>t health may bere.'nt ed, sdet J,i?. ' syaepos ol llie impediinriits t? n.srrisge aad H,e irratuirnt of nervous and physical do 1., Ite "/ lit# result of 2>i rears' ssp rlrnrs Price 25 settle A ire-s i*.# aatisstr. Iff Is J. KallN, olsii and reside nee 11 best loth st New Vtrrk N. ? I RE Ml P A If - ALL PAIN IMMEDIATELY ? relieved bodily , 01aplaints nerniauenlly cured without ?uedtelnst. IN B s RN Ef, 328 Ksst 14th st UF?li f OK tllK ~~ ~ ? PAl lKIC MAIL MrKAMNIIIP COMPANY, ) No 11 Run Lino tiasiN. , N*w Yona. Msy 22, 1077. I The thirtieth ananal elect Inn nf dlrerttwt ol Hie Paclflc M- I-trsus- .ip I osnpaay will be held at the ofies ol the t wpnay Ns.l Howitng tlreea. la the city of Now Yorh, on AA . srdtr. the :anh ,1 Mar, 1877. hmweea the hours ol 12 e rlott* ustwa and 2 s'tloeh r M theirs. I?r I .St ol the sou, psuy will rluee at the oMee el the I'al-a Trast Cwtapans, tea Thursday, the 24th nf May, l?77 niters P M . and will le'tpen ten I'huratUy tbn 3l#i of May, l"T7, at Hlw'rbwh A. M. '' * H l-ANE, Mneretnry pro te fit. I>ai.Tihit iV new York anii piiiladelphTa deslr a- d oorklog nptm onr private telnsrspb wire will he It, sat d en rtt- ss^.e tersns II \ It III at >% H ill 18 A l'l, Msnnfaetmert o4 Wn I In Letd HAi -vuth Kroul st Fhilwleiphta. 115 Kalton st New V ,rh 18ATM ?Wi.ll CAN CLEAR MY UUUHK OF Ra1M~7 Address RATH Herald odh-e. T ?PKi Uk ?OTI? , nr. "?Knkk EAlMth' ? T11K BK-T -"?? - irsrwss sn? ? ^*3* Um U- U; fee. ??- r_". -I.mpily ? 1st $4- ?r4-?*J*" ????? to* m+u \"Rk?i*tir r.L?<;tI<M)ME Ml C A L APMnr \ isterwd ky Ik* . rkeeesausm. Mwfart 14 k?M l it i. rt WkoU.flo. half. fft; Marine ?I a>. etghih. ?? -?*? Keyal Kw?>>-ll??l .irawleg.'*??,}? fc Wb. I* *??: half, **'? teeatietb. ?*? lurtl?t?. ?i J 41'ktUlS CB^IMNIi Btt Maeaaa *4.. ?* Button. _ J--h null ." Y VI II ?\ I ? ? L"Tl BUY ; PKI*E $7oU.0() ?r?,'? fall Information aent free ? ~? ????? yMtm e#r??r Liberty. ?~ $?oo. lPOKTI*(i-lXHI*. ?1HD*. ?? .VIR hale FIKKLY ?*KU NEWFOUNDLAND ' Hoc*. 24 LLpea.rd .A ... llf aNTH'- k BI'I'K UKKK. WK-TK.RN BltKKD. JKr A%Wsftflfcss JL J. ' ? POOL. SK1.1.IM". Vv^Tiov Masni AMI. V7,^m,VVpNo?iP|4~?. A sold moru.uc and eveaiag ut JO H N HO * ? r>N, iVaeld moruiue and eveamg en#""-- fuimlnif ,.re. at LooUvUiv. Ky. Katurni> rHiirru All ordera promptly T.rg"^ ,??l.r ? or combination pouU, >M W. Tn ? joH^SON. Cor 11 audi Btrrut larry r PS.. Chicago vt Ctucluuali. Buatuu IKCUM D gf.IHF.RT A McOLOl D.__ 'I'll K TURF. A.Mu^' b Jt^Uc k at tuddere ?ua fr'*"d,sWyj uaiiy thorn will Ij. admitted to tUia park on "uua.y. .?*y 'lie 27th. lienllemen who wish to HiUIii tlHlf ??*?" 1 doK,brc.lliaL'?uor.adr?.l?g uausaRU *A T WEST 8IOB OKIVIMU PARK. JERSEY A'fhe entries for p.m. to be trotted day 3L June I and ?J cIom to-night .t r.ylor . "ffii'.ili 17 van tilt JEN. tor coudltluna. WILLIAM vaa n.n.op.r..^ sport is anticipated. J. MOKrKT, l p%?p itfcor. ? HOKMKN AM) CAKHIABKA. AT cm^AUCTIUs"MART AMD NEW YORK XI. C... ?? iaTTKHBALL'B, CORNER or Broadway ?fJVii CHARLES W. BARKER. AUlTIuNEBR. RMlULAK SALES ot Hornet. L.rrl?it.?. Ac., EVERY WEDNESDAY AND RATI '"'AY. TWENTY-KOliK nuiirt .lluwed tor trial. TIlK ONLY I'rlvlng Rio* In Ilia StatO. ST<.ItAOE lor rnrriaget. liberal advaNj-ks "??. c4ri'r,,51,lTrv OATALOOL K OK SALE THIS DAY at ELEVEN O'CLOCK COMMKNCINO WITH ibo UK.IMI SALE or BROWN'S KHMTl't'KY IIOR8EB, _____ THE MOST EXTKAORl)INA.CYMA)r or T.tOTTER?k MATCHED ?^sCOUEkAND SADDLE HOKSEM in ViH een YEARs. nHRn COMPRISINO TWEN I'Y-roCR haad of RICHLY BRED AnimbU, cou?i?vinic of - AinmRlN, WBBIBMUK W. JKEKERSON OIRL. Brown Mnra. HI high, foalad Aprtl 16 1871 ? ?oi by Curii?' Haiul.latoiiian: cantratla S .4 . COLLIN Black llcldlng. 16 UlgU; loal.d 1HTI; got by B?ENOLA.Vay''M^'lijfbigh; foald- J?. ?. l?7t. K?. VA?C'tSS.dbnUgVlC^ ^nttl Ma, B. .67.; got VLUMA^ud''JtllrVxU^Srua'r^mntcbm. pn.r of bayLroHMd^r"trot.lVg" aiding.. ISS blgt; hM I?fu. got b,CR?PPri;5oltiVr?chSV"%dding" 153k high: fo.Hd 167L got by O.noral Ttioma.; ouu trot la 3:40. .lugla or ^PELTOS MAID, black -nara. 15^ high; foal.d 1H71. got high: foalad 1871, go. n?&Y?,s^%r^?r?iy'ot Briidford'i Toldgraph; cau trot iu 3 .1.?; flpo ?*dd?4r. I'ORTAOB. bay gelding. 15)^high; loaled 1871, got by BM!ddorr: high; foalad 1871, got byMBA&"lI'NK0 be?ttu'tlfinl' t'orral mare. 15? hlgb ! foalad 1 1R71 irot by Mitmbrino Fitclion; can boatotW. . (? KAN 1TB HOY. broarn gfldloB. lSi?.hl,chj#lfua,efn3?Ia' got by Tom Crowder; ahowt Quo trotting action; flna .ad "cLARA KNIUIlt. bay mare. 15X high, foalad 187D, g?? 1 bv VUcount*. very proin?iln|f? flue under eaddle. KTNOKhJkgH AND MATE, matched pelr of pray K?ld Ini lftH blirh, h Afi old; a ?ne tomlly or bo.l^ UMt. Pen MARK. Jit. golden aorrel. combined eartdlo and harnaat gelding, HI hlgn. fueled 1870, got by Denmark; la ?orth 1750 m i eoupt or miton hotm. ?... & WAYLAhD, gray gelding. 1534 blgb, foalad In 18TL go* by Pilot American: can trot In ihreo minuie.. PtTRA DESIRABLE tinir of bay geldingk 153. high. 8 and 0 year, old; can trot lu 634. near or In 2 'JO; a .plendid f?Sv?LLK, brown gelding, 1534 high, foaled 1872. got by Membrlno Columhue; can trot In *hree mlnntea &nnVK ARK all warrauted sound and kind, and navo DRIVEN\ioci aet by a (1REAT MANY gen ttewen and prim<ninca?oeen B K ITE R thai, reprotented. CATALOGUES, with extended description., at ?ale. KLEiiANT COMBINED dauplo gray Kanlucky bred ?ad die aud liar Dean gelding. Ki?4 high. 6 year. old. Una In her ue.i; can trot tn 0:10; gooa all gait, under .addle: war 'TA*.IiDr'kUclie.tnut .orrel trotting gelding, about 1534 high, s year. old. a game and extra ?ty"?h driver; oau trot in three minutes: warranted found and bind. FAST BAY trotlinif Gelding. 15 hl?h, IjJ' ie tree driror: has shown a ball uille in 1 2J. and la war One "h'aNDSOMK dark bay Oalning. 1534 high. 7 y??r? "ld ! ? very genteel and liaudy driver; can trot In throe mluutoe. *"bay'uOKSK^ Hi34 high, ? yeer. old: One 'ree drlver; een trot clo.e to throe raluntee; warranted sound and fcindt C?H HV> v.vev w~ -. - id so tup Vt avou, liarneNS, Ac. TOP PONY I'haeton. by Hi. war A NO TOP Pony Phaeton, hy O. 11. < !'??? TOP FOUR seat IHpot Wagon, by Y anderxaw. TOP PULL spring Read Wegon. by \ audergaer. KINK TOP sloe bar lload Wxgou. NO TOP C'oucord Express Wagon. 1 AROK LOT second hand Double and Single II are ess. NO TOP side bar Road Wagon, by Howard, i RIOHT BUSINESS Wsgona. TWENTY THREE other Koed W ngnns, Carriages, Ac. EIOHTEEN OTHER Roed, 1 emlly, Business end Work sHKULL DFSCItlPTIONSatsale. 8AI.ES NEVER postponed on account of weather. A? FOR SAFETY. COMFORT AND ECONOMY accuracy and proclsiou in running <>r wheels, uee the fast est Luurove.-ueut ever made in carriage aDd wagon building, the RUBBER-CUSHIONED AJtLE. A_ WINDSOR WAUON8, with Y'ertical steel Plates, in axle beda, uiade solely by BRKWsTEIt, ol 2.nh st. The maximum oi strength. The minimum ot weight. A1 A?A.-TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW ? ot the present low pries* ?r my Carriages, Harness. Lap Rug*. sbeuD. Ac. Elegant Phaetons all styles. offered at $IH0 upward. Leather top liuggles at SP?>. Kockuway*. Depot Wagons, Coups Kocksweys. Ac.: alto II Alt.N ESS. every style. All tlrat rate work at prior* never beat u. JOHN MOO UK. 57 YVarrsn at. PRIVATE BALK. isndau, by Wood Bros.; Landaulei, by Brewster A Co.; Victoria, by Wooil Bros.; Couid-, by Wood llroa.; Brougham, by Mtuer A Stevens; top Wagons, by all city maker*; top I'uuy Phaetons, by beat makers, la groat variety; Koad Wauon, by Hrewaier A Co.; six-seat Kocka aray, by Wood Bros. ; exteo*ioti top I'bastou, by Brailley, 1'ray A Co.; Dog Cart, two wheeler. Itaportsd: six seat Park Phaeton, lour aeat Park Phaeton, Harness, Kobe a. Blankets, Wldpa, Halters, Summer Sheet* and Lap Kobe*, Ac., Ac., Ill gioal variety. VAN T^SSKLLA RKaKNEV, >10, 112 Kast 13th at. Ao e n tl k'ma n\s fi ; tea out >< nTH alk~Uuka p? Hnrse, Wagon and llarnsas, the horse 15.1 high, ii years old anil inund; can trot in 45 tingle aud double: ulto a llrst class coach llarnrta, made by Coleuiau. Cau be aeeu at private stable PHI Kast H'Jd st. An old stand-five pirst class coaches! 10 Horses, with Harness complete, and ona light Tup Wagon. Inquire at 7h dolt at. PON V PHAETON. $75; 1 IOCKa WA Y. $5C>7 Is I*". seat. $15<); 1 Coach. ?!!(?: 1 Kxprnts Wagon. $55, 1 Coupe, I Depot Wagon, 9135; open Wagon, $50; Top, $75; aingle Harness. $10; Double,#30; Sheets, $1. WILLIAM H. OKAY, 'JO sod33 W.m.ter st. A PRIVATE <. ICNTLKM AN HAVING LOT? OMR or A very stylish brown carriage team will sell the other; Is over lit hands, sound, kin.!, faultless . a raia chance lo vet So floe s burse lor carriage, eoupo or dug cart at ? moderate price. Addrees A. U*( box 314 Herald oiboe. ARaRR ORAMOK.-OHBltNUf OHLVINO OA N DY, 15 k. bands high; sired by Morrill, Jr. ; Is six yesrs old end a trotter; will toll tor less thau quarter bie value ; lo be seen at stable 211 Kast 47th st. AVICTOKIA-IN PERFECT "order, built by Brewster A Co. Broome st.; newest style; cost $l,4lxt. Privet- stable 38 Kast Hiith >h. rear. ?91H5 WILL Bl'V TOP liUUOY. WITH 1MPR0YR0 ?sprlugs. in perfect order. a to Top Pony Pbaeton. nearly uew, at a saciibco; doe .single llarueas: together or ?epa ? aie Stable 138 Kast llltii at. A?MUST MB HOLII-TOp rONV PHAETON. TOP ? Koad Wauon and line llarueaa; ona Depot Wagon Club Stable. KM Kast Jlitli at., between Lexliiglou and Hd avs. A SI'LKNDID D 0 5 R N B U K V LRATHRR TOP PIIAK jVlon, light aud strong, not soiled, with tine Cnmeiord Harness; hauilsome horse, sound aud kind, wt'li all the at tachments at about ball original cost; sickness, cause of selling. Call at 511 Kast 41st st. ATUNDSOMK DOUhLK 8KT UP OAKHlAUK ilAR nrss fur sale cheap. No. 10 Milllbii court. No. 14B Kast IP!til at. A -THE CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT EVER OK ? tered; $11."Hi; cost less than one month slime over $l,iNXl; a sorrel llurec. all style, II years old and trots last; elegant Tup Phaeton, line rubber mounted harness, Hlan kets. Lap Kobe, Whip, Ac., tnaklug ono of tlie prettiest turnout* 111 the city; also Top Wagon, good as new. 158 West Hist St. N~OFFER WANTED-KOIt "BLACK HOKSR, I . I high; warranted sound and kind; can trot better lliau 'J:4<i a Brewster Windsor top Wagon. Harness, Ac.; also one of the handsomest Kstablislimouu lor ladies or children lutoartty. Hill West HI st st.; also all oleuaut oxteuslun top Park Phaeton, teat lour pursuits, aud line double llar nets; Stable to let. ? COMPLETE KOAD TURNOUT AT A BARGAIN? J\lis* Mere. 7 years, I5K hands; sound and kind; tiots I.,si. Ilreaster Improved spring top Wagon, Harness, hlanket. Whip, Ac.; ail good as new ; must be sold; aiao top Pbaeton. It ATHOrt.VlT.teMe, l?) West 37th st. _ A" "-two PONY BUILT HORSES. SOI.'ND AND KIND, ? must be sold; $5o. $75. H Harrison st, A BLACK HORSE, 11 Hands, PERFECTLY 8 A PR aud sound, lor *ala lu ootisequsnee of bit uiste being larae. luuelre LANKA DAVIS' stable, 46th it., betweeu Otb and 7tU avs. I ilTfTDMiMR HlsRWsTEK $rAMILY~~CLAitBNORi A's C arence. by Wood liroa ; T Carl, line team bay Car riage II...*va. Harness; inntt tell at any enertlice. Rose men Blablee. J4W Weal 4isl at. JHORsks AM) CAIUUAC**. A rtiv"Fixii sixTskat r'uckaway. olassIJUar Attn, Wood Brother*, con *1,100; price *4U>); great boreal ii. 5 Wett L'ttb at. ABJUCW8TER BASKET POXT CBAKfOll. PRICK *85. Wagonette price *10". No. 3 Went 13th A GREAT L'HANCK TO BUY CHEAP. A HaND VYsumu brown ILirse. Ill haiidv 7 year- st , . , atyli?lt driver: trot* latt; a very handsome bay Horae. 15'^ hand*. 7 year*; perfectly broken to saddle: extraordinary atvlUli driver; trot* in 3 minuiiit; both warranted round; rate tor a lady to ride or drive : alsoelegant leather top Pony Phaeton;tide bar Top vt ?(>in; beat city maker*; Duuscomb simile Harness; property id a widow ladv. who must tell; no offer retoaad. Private atabie I) Weat A5th ?t., one door frotu 5th nr. A KINK TOP ItKKVVsTKU IMPROTKO SPUING Road Wagou, also Single and Double Harnett, will be eold at a bat gain. 1 Weat 15th, orivate ttable, near 5th tr. A OBXTLEMa.N'B TOP Si UK llAlt BKKWBTKR IM At xYprove-l spring Wagon for aalo ul a aacritice. Ileal Ka tale oBice. H54 stu av. AS OFFER WANTED?TWO HANDSOME TOP Wagont; two sen line single and double Harnett; alniott new, Uoatmure Mables, 'Jtil Wett 41 st at. HKaUTIi-UL TOP PONY PHAETON. HIDE BAR TOP Wagon. Single llarneai, nearly new ; no offer refused. uU Wett 1 (>tlt it. CtllKAPKnr OPPKKRD?PSRPKCT FAMILY IIOHSE. /nay elegant, tivllsii Top Pony Pnaetin, Harnett, Robe,* Whip, (Ml, teparaled; Miiicr-Me vent Top Wagou. $135. MOO UK'S Stable, 3?tlt,7tli ae. IjtLKGAN'l PRIVATE OaRKIAOES FOR HALE-ONE U|( a aeat Phaeton, one two-real Dog fart, one lour spring rut narter Baggy, .no flare nee. nil the property of a pri vate taiuilv and lu tplonilid condition, by belt inakera; alto Puny and Phaeton. Private ttable 2 Wett IHtli at. fjKIR HAl.E? A PAIR OP THOffOUUHBRKD MAKES; chetiiiuta; well motclied : 4yeur*old; very gentle and well broken to harness. Leonore, by Narragaiustt: llrat dam iiuported l, Anglalso, by Hobble Noble; second dam Peri by Irltb Hlrdcatclicr; third dam Perdita, by Hangar; fourth dam Delenda, by Qobituna. Evasive, by Iniuoited f nBwell; tirit On in Kvadne. by Lexington; second dam Volga, bv Uloncoe: third dam by Imported Iranby;! urth dam Lticlllit. by Trumpetor. To be teen at II A KN K I T'S Stabler, 17 Kant 30tll at. li"?K SAI.K?PINR BROWN HORSE, 1AM HANDS A high, it\o irt old; kloil In all haruett aud uuder saddle; hen . ten usvd vlnjcand double aa a gentleman** road linr<e; it not alralrlot anything: hat good style and action, with great bottom and endurance; is in every respect a rood r.dlablr li.irto for any ate and warranted round. Ad drete HURRY, Herald Uptown ollice. fOR MA LB?A KAY HORSE, 1?M HANDS IIIGIi, A .rearm old; warranted touud, kind and true. Look t ac t< ry, 114 4tb foil sale low-$5oo-pair young. sound, !niidton.? IS R blatk carriage Uortea Address UOUH S, Herald Uptown ollice. For salk-hohsk. harness and farm truck Wagon: all In good order. Inquire 248 Washington it., In the basement. ilOlt SALE CHEAP-POUR YOUNG, HEAVY TRUCK Horte?; warranted found and kiuu. 4311 Wett 38tIt it. t/HIR OKSUINB BARGAINS IN Mr Hot to Sbt el*, Lap Robes, Duttert und Whips, go to TUNIS JOIINSON'S, 58 Liberty it. HORsE AND LKillT WAOO.V WANTED.?A PROMI uam artltt dvslrrs to exchange Picture* and Portrait* painted to order lor a light Wacou. Horae aud Harness, or either, s. A. H , box 214 liorald ofll.e Links horse sheets from ?? cents upward; Lap Robes an I Duttert at c.|Ually low prlcut. JACOHoWSKY A HART, 115 Chambers *t. MMTOAUE SALE,?BY virtue op a chattel mortgage, I will tell tbit 28i'j day ol May, 1877, at pub He auction, at No, 15 Kaal 27th at., at 10 o'clock A. M.. 1 road Wagon and 8ulke.v, set of llarneaa, liridle. Desk. II Chain. Lounge, Cluck, Awning. Rubber Hose. 2 Stores, Ae, WM. V. HI ?I P*ON, Attorney lor mortgague, 254 Broadway. N "EARLY NEW-PKENCH LANDAU AND uOUBLK gold plated II arneta, coat *3,OUO; will be sold low ; alto T Cart, amine make. WILLIAM H. GRAY, 20 und 22 Wooster it. R OAD WAGONS. HOWELL PHAETONS DOCTORS' WAGONS, lu the latest style, flnett flnuh aud at REDUCED PRICKS. A. s. PLANDHAU, Carriage' Builder. 373 and 374 Bruouie tt. (old aland ol Brewtter A Co.) gKcoND hand carriages, FOR RALE AT GREAT BARGAINS, 3 Clarenoet. 4 Coupes, Brougham, 3 rlx-eeat Kockawaya, 3 Couue Rock aw ays, Landau, Depot Wagon, tig-sealed Depot Wagon. 2 Victoria*, Cabriolet, extentlon top Pbuetoii. J Stanhope Phaetons. 2 wheel Dog Cart, four-teat no top Wagon, 2 Doctor'* Phaeton*, tlx-seated Phaeton, 3 hall-top Phaetons, no top Wagou, 15 top Wagout, 2 top Fouy Phaetoua. Rome of the above built by Brewster k Co., of Broome at., and othar city builders. A. H. PLANDHAU. Carriage Builder, 872 aad374 Broome *t. (old stand of Brewtter A Co), SEVERAL FIRST CLAMS DRIVING HOR8BR?SOUND; aav trial given; alto two Itaevy Truck Uorte*. giay. 111 lor brewers. Apply ttablm, corner 125lh at., 8th av. SIX OR TEN KTALl.S AND HTANDlNU ROOM FOR threo trnrkt to leu Inquire at 54 Grove at.; or horses takifti on I ivory. Jlfir PiSksT Pony ESTABLISHMENT IN THE city.?tt'15 bag Pony, 15 bands, 8years; warranted sound end kind; children can ride or diivo; leart uotluug. 137 West 37th at. TO OWNERS OP MOBSB&?LAMENESS, PROM whatever oause. pronounced incorable, will bo treated without charge by applying to WILLIAM .?. GILES A i' Linii CO.. Proprletore Giles' Liniment, lodido Ammonia. 451 THUCKINU FOR HaLB,?BIX SINGLE TRUCKS, Horse* and Harnett. Inquire of truckman, 150 West at. VICTORIA. LATEST STYLE; ONE CURTAIN COACI1, Wood Bros, make: T Cart. Cisupe Kuckawuy, all style* Pony 1'haetout; H-soat llockaways, a Braerttur Stanhope Phaoton aud English double llaroeat. WILLIAM H. GRAY, 2H and 22 Wooiter tt. SG5, -STYLISH HtY MARE, 0 YEARS. 15 HANDS; hue driver: goutle for lady. 25.'l Weat 31al. *1 QC WILL BUY A UOOD TOP WAOON, HORSE Oi-Adtinnd Uarneta. all complete. Apply VII Medltou it., rootn 11. ? UltV (i()UUH. ru2E?OAl? SllAWI.8~ taken on storage AN II PROTECTED FKU.M MOTH, AC., AT A MODE It A Til Oil AU.UK. Tv~ A. T. STEWART A CO., RKOAOWAY. ATM AV.. t>TH AND 10TII BTS. UiflfGOODS. w WK ARE OPPBUINO FRESH IMPORTATIONS OK FRENCH AND ENGLISH NAINSOOKS, jaconets, cambrics, mulls, PERCALES, MADAPOLa.MS, TARLATANK?, ORGANDIES, AC. ALSO choice selections op l'ASHRTTA. SANDRISGHAM AND M ATELASnB PIQUKN, PLAIN AND STRIPED, LAWNS AND INDIA MULLS, RNOLISH TUCKED AND EMBROIDERED SKIRT I.VON, AC., AC., AT KRDUCKD PRICES. ALCIENNE PIQUES, WHITE AND ECKU" AT 30C. PEB YARD. HONEYCOMB CLOAKlNGsT IN COLORS. AS 9UC. PER YARD. DECIDED KAROAINA. A. T. STEWART A CO.. MKQABWAY, 4TI1 AV." ?TH AND MrII STS. BKST THREE-PLY CARPET. FROM SI TO SI Si; Vett Ingram Carpet trout J.'tc. tu Si I-lIRD A TAYLOR Grand. onrner Cbrystie. anil - I ami <> Forsyth si Best body Brussels carpets. pimm si *> to | fd per yanl, bmt Tapestry Brussels i arpets Iroui Or to SI 25. I.ORD A IAVI.OK Oranrt. corner Cbrystie, and - ? i nrsytli ATS, RUOS AND MAT1INOS IN EVI UV VARIETY | and atyle at LORD A TAYLOR'S, Grand, corner Chryetle, and <| and N.? Fersytk el. ' Oilcloths, all widths, prom s to 34 pei r, all prices; Linoleum, the best substitute f,n oil, bin, a specially ' I,OKI* A IHI.OK. Giand. corner Chryetle. and ted aud *5 korsytb at. MlL.LI\ Kl:Y AMU DHMSNAKINOa a T M A it'l l III.MANN'S .PRiiM I'll!!-. ...IN I of. .Jllmporter.?-New, splendid assortment Parle Honnei., at tie? 111 tu 11 tu prlcee to-day. 4X1 Utli a*., sec.,lid d ..?r below 2Hth at. Cut \Ph.-w K call THE ATTENTION OP Til K ,/trade. and rapei tally the ladiee. to nur Impmaem ul In ri-lien-?hin>r new end old Crape, MtKINO IT WATr K PltwoP and ? l.i-w 11 tiIuI black, hy Slulver'e patent Fashion Parlor, Douieetlc lluildinji, comer 14ih at. ami Kmi itn S. C. Sll RIVER A I II. M FONT OK KICK MITIIK. P" ftsfopyiOK jretiofE.' *"* The fnrei?u roalle lor the week einllair Saturday, May yd. 1KT7. will vims at this ol!tce un WrlMNtf, at 11 A.N , lor Knrona. by steamship Algeria, via Queuueiown (? urreipo id elite lor trance to be forwarded by Ibis steamer must be addressed), and m II A. M , Inr I ranee direct, i.y steamship t'orrfrn, via II avre ; on l, I l m A V., Inr Kurn()e, by aloamshtp Poinmeranla, via Plymouth Cherboiirir aim Hamburg; on Saturday, at II in \ t|. f?r Germany, Ac.. by ateaniahlp Nevkar vi,i .Southampton ami llreineii icurreapmuleuve tor Great Hrllaiu .ml I ranee to is lorwardeil by this steamer mutt be tally addressed!, and at II M., NT Kiirnno bv steamship I'-lue, via Uleeia town (correspondence tor Germany. Scotland uml North of Ireland to hn lorw'aril.ul by tlna steamer must Or specially aiiilresaedi, anil at Id M., lor Scotland and North of Ire land by sleamalnp I aUtnrnla via Movllle and Olasicuw. Tlie strainers Alvsria ami Celtic Ho not lake malla lor Daoiiiark, bastion ami Norway The loaile lor llxyii.aml Kingston Ja. will I. eve New York May 24 Ilia mail. I.-r the \Vcat Indies, via Havana, will leave New York Say :*A The mails fur China and Japan learn -an Pranelern May 211. Tlie mails for Australia, Ac., will leave San Francisco June 20. T. t* JAMES, Postmaster. Nur lost. Mar 114. 1N77. A.Ul' SK.MK W 4. C1F.NTRAL /ENTRAL FAUK -GARDEN l fNTKAl, PARK CENTRAL CENTRAL OARDEN CEVTK.Vl TIIKATKK To-DAV ?> matinee i for ladies MAT!NEK I i _ _ AND M ATIN Kt I CHILDREN TO-DAY matinee today MAI'INKK I AT a O'CLOCK. MaTINBK Vt AT The entire evening programme ai the Matinee iWMailuea st 'A Matinee ut 'J. t>?z Wd I CHILDREN IIALK PRICK. | Evening at S.A ? ->Kvenlng at A GRAND OUNCE KT SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND KVENINu admission, ao cts. ari crs. admission ClIIEAPgST BOOK S TO UK IN THE WORLD? > Libraries an I Book* bought : catalogue uf tic lion tree ; aeuii .lump. LEUiiETT BIIO.'S, A Ue.kiuau at., oppoalto Po?t office. UNION SQUABS THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHE UIDAN MllOOk Manager Mr. A. M. FAl.MKK 8M1KE. THIRD WEEK sMIKK. KMIKK. ami continued ?ticce?? of SMltvK. SMIKK. SMIKK. SMIKK. SMI Kb. In thla play are ilinrn the moal SMIK smik-. wonderfully realistic smikk. SMI KE. SCENES. SMIKK. SMIKK. including the SMIKK. SMIKK. MARVELLOUS t OACII SCENE, SMIK .. r-MIKK. illuatruiIn.- the departure of tU? sMIKK. SMIKK. YORK MAIL Irom tha SMIKK. SMIKK. bAHACEN'S II AD, SMIKK. SMIKK. together witU the SMIKK. S IKS. UREA I lis r OAST sMIKK SMIKK. ever given to i Dicken* ilriima In a SMIKK. SMIKK. New York tbeitiu sMIKK. SMIKK. SATURDAY. MAY atl. SMIKK. SMIKK. THIRD MATINEE OF S.MIKE. SMIKK. IN II. MOKE'S CONOR.IT' HARDEN. ?Mr. H1IKKIDAN SHOOK Le.aee Mr. K. (I. UILMORK Mauuger Mr. P. X UILMoKK Mu.l-al Director THIS (SATURDAY* KVKNINU, MAY ati. I'ltoHR aMME. 1. Overture. "Tlie Clock ul'tin* licriuii" Malllart t int time ut (Silnioro'a Concert Uarilen. ?J. Concert M ult/, neiecled OnngT :t. "kMwrH HmiRtiT ttilte" .. WAf 4. Coruol Solo ? "Keu taaio Atllla" Verdi Mr. M. A it BUCKLE. 5. Overture. Ilotie?t>lerro" ? Litnlf lulroudcilu tlis "Maraelllaiae lljriun " 0. BrludDI. "LucretU Borgia" Doniaettl Slgnorliia KLl.aA GALlMltKKTl (of tlie Strakoach Italian Opera Cuiupauv). 7. Selection* from "Lo Prophete" Meyer'eer H. Deacriptive Honir. "I'lie Bridge" Linda iv Mr. WILLIAM HAMILTON. 0. Dlvertlaaemont Irom "Kauat" Uoiiii.kI 10, Concert M.irourka, "Suuvelikr de Kellf" XcbuloB 11. .Marclr Cornl^no, "B. It." Itoaa 50 cent*. aduiaalon.. 50 cento Uoxoa Minting (.US',1. id TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) KVKNINU, Inauguration of the SUMMER SEASON OK SUNDAY CONCERTS, when a programme of tpeciul luteroat will be Interpreted by GILMORE'S GREAT MILITARY BAND. TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, MAY at), openlmr of rlie annual -prlng horticultural exhibition. which will bo continue'! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS with GILMoRE'X UKKAT MILITARY BAND TTONY PASTOR'S. p M. A TO.MASI'S A O GRAND ENGLISH COMIC OPERA TROUPE, S N including tlie following celebrated l.yrlc Artlati T Y Miaa Al)A DK Colli, I'rlmu Honua, o Mia* aNNIK BENTON, Alto. It Mint .IOS1K KOuGH, Cuuiruilo, 'S and all tba great company in the opera ol tlie PAIRY AND THE COBBLER. MATINEES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. D ALT'S 5TU AVENUE THEATRE. T O-DAY AT a. F ARKWKLL MATINEE OF THE L ADY OF LYONS." I^KSERVKD CHAIRS ONE DOLLAR. DALY'S 5TII AVKNUK THEATRE. to-day, AT a O'CLOCK. MATINEE OF "THE LADY OF LYONS." TO NIUIIT AI S. MISS DAVENPORT'S ANNUAL FESTIVAL, on whlcb octaaluu will be acted, lor the Drat tltue tbl* aeuaon, Knowlee' lav. rite of THE HUNCHBACK, la which MISS NEII.80N, who baa moat geueroualv volunteered, will make her Farewell Appearance here hi Jl LI A. MISS DAVENPORT will aaaume, tor tbis occaalon, tin* comedy role of HELEN, while the character of CLIFFORD will be peraouated by MR. CHARLES F. COGIIi.AN. end that ul MASTER WALTER will be taken by Mr. C. W. CuULDOKK. who hat moat kindly offered bia services III pluce uf Mr. E. L. DAVENPORT, who has leeii lorhKileii by hit pbyeiclana to underxo the dancer of a Journey tu the CUyMR, EBEN PLYMPTON and MR. W. DaVIDGE will lend ailditioiial ajgniticauce to (Ilia RARE CAST. Mo.TDaY EVENING, r'irat Prnducllon In America of the great Purialan Drama ol "VESTA." In whlcb Mlaa DAVENPORT will create AN ENTIRELY NOVEL CHARACTER. %' Box aheet oow open. TO-DAY AT J. H FILLER MaITNBK. THE FRENCH CLoWN. 1 DO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, MAIN BuTLuiNOa, Centunnlal Orouud*, will be open on and alter May IO, H77. with a well classi fied arraugmieul ol exhibit*. en displayed a* to iactltlate Ibe advantageous Inspection and study ol theui. Ore* and Mineral*, Ules* and Ceramic*, Artistic Kurulturs, Household Article*. Manufacturing Processes and Chemical Products, Special collection* of Kducallonal Appliance*, Philosophical Auparatue, Kngiimerlng Model* and innumerable article*, showing tlio Hue uud Industrial Arte, the Decorative and the Useful. In a few word*, 2U acre* selected Natural or Imluitrlal Product*, representing the skillut ochieveiueut* of man kind in nil part* of the world. A itrand Muale Stand, occupying the north end of the main trauaept. has *eat* lor a chueu* of 2,501) peraon*, and OrifH* or other , Concert* will be given afternoon* aud evening*. The Orand Diurojna or Wasbiugtoii *t Yorklown I* thown without extra cliarge, alto a lifelike tableau of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. The price of admission I* 25 eente. The visitor may. without extra charge, vlait the collection of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, in Memorial llall; also Horticultural Hall and the Botani cal Harden. returning iwlthout further payment! to the Permanent Exhibition All desirable conveniences bave been provided In the way of waiting rooms, heggage rooms, luueu counter and dining room to the Department of Public Comfort. Tbe nest place tar excursion partie* to bo found In America. II. TOKKKV, (leneral Agent. C~KAND 0PKKA~ii0CSK. YPtiOLK A DONNELLY Lessee* and slanageri MATIN kK 11K TIIK PltlNCKuS HoYAL LAisT MA I'lN Kit, I>K TIIK PKINt H.*.S KuV.AL LAST MaTI.VK/. OK TIIK I'KlNCgSS KoYAL LAnT MaTINKE *>K TDK PltlNCK-li K<lY tL LAST MATINr-K OK TDK PKINCKSS I.OV VL LAST MATINKE or TIIK PRINCE>S ItuYAL TO DAY. Open* at 114. I'municuon at 2. THIS fcVKNINO, THE I'P.lNi Ess KoYAL THK PKINCKSS KoYAL. rtPTH AVH.NU'K TIIKATKK COMPANY. THK OHIO IN AL St KNKIIY. COaTl MKS ,vND KKKKCTS. LA>T N loll T UK TIIK sKASON. U?t NliiHT OK THil SNASON To day at - HELLKH MATINEE. SI PKKNATI'RAL VISION A N HEKLK'M riVol.l THEATRE Sth st.. between 21 and 11 1 av* THK UKE.aT A I's f Is IA N ORCII KBTRA, fHK OltK.AT VIENNA MaLLET tiik oitKArKsr VAKii.rv specialties. TIIK Klisr PAN ITIMIMISTM. EXTRA MAIINP.K ? VI. UV IHL'ltSDAY. aTIon al ACADKMY OK DEMON, gild st and 4tn a> Open day and evening 2 > rents. OKaSD ANNUAL I.XHIIIITIoN will close III P. M. June -2. To day at .? hki.lkk matinkk. TIIK LIYlNil PICTPHhs. \* "l.MION SI'MMKK OAK 'EN. JI T.*s? I >th st . three door* west of Union square.? Or and opening this eseoi.g orvbestral and sweat convert* at S u'cloea Adu*ie**?n line AKOYLK KIPIMS. AnoYLK ROOMS. tilM tY and r?iTM >r, MMILLlAN r I r KPMCIIOkEAN KN'II KT.A1.N MEN f, ONLY Pl.A' I. Of AMI *r.MK>r OK TIIK KIND IN THK CITY. OPEN KV. KY NliiltT. COM MUX I N'O AT I* O'CLOCK. ENTitAECK ON teiril nT. Today at 2. iikllkh matin ek. SECOND SlllIlT MR EDM AMD Nun ? N S Ureal Plritifa, "Tot CoBimerca of Natn-as Paying homage to Liberty," le now on eitii iti o. si ibe KURTZ OAI.LI.KA. M A Dim iN sqU' AKK Adm ?*?!>* .*? eeuta "The I'snmrw ?.| >aliens l aying Homage to Liberty" will f.? Oosed on K'rldey. the i'sth ii st., et I J M. Mill re open oa Saturday, the gutM mat , at I 7 M EDM ARD MOHAN. COCIRfV ?OOlAHl.KS-KVKMf s A I I Mil A Y EVEN fatemanr llall. East I tin ?< ? 'A -IIKH A I'll., Manager*. DCkTHOA K.N H All.. IT If ?r, ST. t it IMlMRKT D-mree eociatdes every Saturday dan tag roin uen et S pren.el. ? exs-elieat musi*. pwlite fU- r managers and crowded assdleacea. own-lusted In tne most approved man nor; nwa-daneert can tiew Irons Use elegant balcony sur rouuuuig the entire ballrsm.n f?tO-DAT AT 2 IIKLLEk's WoNUERA **rpAMMANV D AI I." dot IETV soi l AIILKs EVERY IsaTCKDAY IV K.N IN it . ele ant mn.i. A i o . Maaagera LL RKsrKCTANLE rroPLK M |LL AfTRND tree socitMes tula Heathetea HoJI.Irtfcsw, A Lt A*n A MI '.KUKVT.i. B ootids thk ,r. dramZ Ussoer RIGNoLD. TILLOTSoN A UKuWN I.i.-l TWO "KKKOEMANUKS of Wutta I'tiillip celebrated tour net Drama AM Ob I'L.UlK, AMOS CLAUK, AMOS CLARE. Willi Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD. Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD, ill the till* rut*. Mis* MARIE WUNWKloHT, M MILDRED. This AFTERNOON ul 1 .lia Tin* E VhXIMCI at H. MONDAY, Majr 'JS. debut oi Mis* MINME CUMMING% who will appear .is Juliet. TUESDAY evening M.iv JD crand reproduction of iIKNHY V. Next THURSDAY u.'lemoon M?y til, it 1 :JU, BENEFIT OF Mil. OKORUE KIONOLD, Willi a rare nab remarkable proirisnima. 11 BOOTH'S THEATKK.-Uil.VNU MATINEE MONDAY, M .7 2*. 1-77 ul 1 P M. Mr J. II MONTAGUE tSr.l *pM*micr III New Vork hn six muulhsi. in A liAPPV Pair, w ill Miss ADA DYAS. CONSCIENCE, bv members nf tiia AMARANTH CI.I'll, of Brooklyn, In *14 uf '.be i'ii'ihii siilferers. Tlckals van be had HI lilitl Broad wsj . Filth At una ll.ilal, A.tnr House. Molr ? Jewelry store, Utu as-, and 'Jliil ?l., and at lbs theatre on day ol perform anew Wallace *. ~ Tf l*i iprietor and Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE THERE WILL BE No MATINEE ON SATURDAY. Lvi; IV hVKNINO. AT *, Mr. VVallark ? olay, RUSEDAUt The most superb stage production ever seen in this coam try. ?Herald. Mr. LESTER WALLACE as ELLIOT i ill AY Other eliaracter. bi Mr. JOHN GILBERT. Mr. HARRT BECKETT. Mr FDWAKD ARNOTT. Mis* ALLIE DOR RlNOrON. Mr. CYRIL SHARLK, Mr. W. J. LEONARD, Mr M A. I YTIXCK. Ml C. K. EDWIN, Mi.* ADA DYAS, Mis* I LORE NOB \ ILLIKRS, Mis. EPFIK OER. MON. Mr. KAKREN, Mr.. SEPToN anj Mi** ULAlS DELL Carriage, may be ordered at 11 :l,'i, EI.LEU'S Wonder theater! " "2* BROADWAY. 7TI. EVERY EVE NINO AT ?. Entire ubaiigi' ol programme. Last livo nights in New York ul HELLER'S WONDERS. THK LITTLE KKKNOII CLOWN. THE FLYING HIKD CAUK HIE I.I VI Nil PICTURE*. THE SILVI-R UlNiis TIL. SEVENTH BULLET. CLOSING THURSDAY, MAY SI. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Bowbby'theatre. grand success". Every evening, grand prodiiollou uf the greatest of modern dramas, rilE TWO 11 Itl'ii AN S will, Hie celebrate ! Ml-. I. AI IIA A LIIEKTA a* LOUISE, the bbiiii girt. and Mi.. ALICE HAKRISUN a* HEN RI KTTE an . i splendid cast ul cliarurter< fflllE GREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM, " X Broadway and both si Open daily (rum 9 t M ml Hi P. M. The coolest and mu.t dclluhllul place In Hie city. MONSTER LIVING WHITE WIlAl.K. M AOM Kit I N I LY COl.UUEH TROPICAL PISIIBS, representing all the .-.dor. "I the rainbow. Guigeuii. Angel Pieties, the eunibre "Dnetor" Plelie*. Yel low Grunt. Striped /?? bra., curlou. Iloiseinen and utbar wunderliil tinny eorlo.tties AneniM*. who.a Ueautliul color* outvie iliuaa ol an EasV ?rn sunset. MI*S SAIIIN LUilN, THE AODANAUT. AUTKKNOON AND EVENING CONCERTS. Admission. VI r ent, children half price. D-UAY AT i ~~ HELLER MATINEE.' A CURIOUS OMELET. t'OLl'MHIA OIK -A HOUSE. CORNER W EST TllTH Jet. and Greenwich a*. F.vuniugs at s. Matinees Tuesday*. Thursday, anil Saturday, at . New. Spicy Sensations. reneb Minuet.(S> ? . Jaiiiin Mitblia I Pfmale Bather* Quadrll.e. I In real water. The Sultan. Seraglio: or. the Mail llioiide., Artiet'* Models. Anisriililaii March'*. strange sights lor Strait iters. On the Sly. B on ujr - C all these rich, rare, racy, novelties R~6lLkb skating. THK GREAT EUROPEAN SENSATION. EMPIKE HOLLER SKATING RINK, AMERICAN INSTITUTE HALL Uil sr, HSM and With sis. The largest covered saatlng .inl ice In the world. The the Wind.or Mil and the public am respectfully ntiirmed of tiia op-ning of iho above named Itluk for a aeason of Kollor M?.itiug S.iturdav evening. May 'ill. I'mniriiade concert., every afternoon and evenlnc by Prol. Klcliele'* Wind.or Band. Admission, "J"' rent*. Proprietor* Messrs. PUNUHARD A GIBSON Manager Mr. A. M ACHILLAS fj'o-DAY AT HKLLEE MA1 1MMK T V/it. miU Grsriiu iidi av. r Thursdays and aalur-lay s i <a> all I Si Salem. | J | Seeing the Elephant THE SEVENTH BULLET. WpKTBBM PltoM ABROAD" W aLT7.FR - MY BUD, JVAruuaoii. as played by Gllmore's Band with distin guished success; price. UU?.: also the vocal geiusot Use day. * Haunting Eyes." "Dare I Tell f" "Ikies the Shadowed Lane," "Take this Latter," "tlaly apeak Kindly,' due. each. DITSO.N A CO.. "It and Htli Broadway. VUMANT MUSIC fcVRRV ? ATUllDAY KVKnTnG aT X!j"Soclety Sociables," 'taiiiiusiiy Hall, East 14lU at. UAUTIER A CO., Managers^ BEAUTIFUL NEW Ml'MC?"Til EKE ARE KIM EE Wlilting fur Me." t)e Peyvler; "Dreaming Eyes of Lung A' o," Operti; "Klsa Me end Call Me Your Darling." Ilor*. lev; "Sweet, Sunny Smile." Daubs, with elegant piaturo titles ; -Mir. eucb : nre the most charming Tn,I popular song* ol the .oason, W M. A. PO.xD A Co., 117 Broadway aud 89 I ui,ill .ipiure. New York Minuet dk la coub AMD oaVoTTEi also Minuet Lancers and Parisian Walts In a trial oT skill at Treuor Assembly Rooms. I till ?(.. on Wednesday erasing. May HO. by Prolessur HAlt.N'ES aud elase. PlA.ADPBItTKS, OIIU.WS, ?(. t private family wili. sell stkinwaY u?i.l'fwiior?rly ?t ?ncrtflaa: >? brilliant an<t i?<iw?rful i?>tn*tl four ruutiti rutafuoil CMd; flam* riclilv c<*rv?U. *u>i Iniaitf with marquetry, having evary lni|ir.?vaiii?nl, 7}. full H.rnlbv ?ke., purchased at <!*tit*atti*l, ?o%t fl.frBJ. will mj.1 f r fuW) cmii. it parted pnrt(?f ?n ewbluwt I prijrht I'iiUio, niw li*mUt?iu*f hu?I <W?ir?ibl? lltm*o? li 'itl Fiirnitnri* lit loin to milt. N. H. Kurwtur? *??l riant* caii h? unukHti fur ftluppliiK If d?*ttrv?l. <!??! pi ivain raBtdauca So. 47 We?t HUli M? b??t\vt??iii f>ih uii I ??tli av?. A Hi: I I.LI A NT TON'I. ll DF.fKKK FlaNOF4?RTK FOR sale cheap; ulao maifislfloem lour round ccruei Windsor I'i .uniortb. roil tl.'srt. lor Urve assortment House hold Furniture lor lew (ban half cost. CM be bwn$M to Uny at private residence l'JII West '.'hit at, near Hill ar. MA(TnrricKN TIsY" CARYKD UPKltiHT I'lAM)' forte. Met (manufacturers received three u'dd medals, London, Parts, Vienna), Irs* III in Sen 11*1 Sec oiul avenue. BEAUTIFUL" IIUH K WOOD 7% OCTAVK PUNS ./\ fm to, i iu veil case and lea*. eoet tdtM, for $l'd5; Moid and cover. I'rivaiu residence. 'JIB Kmi .'*Hh ??.. nt >r lid ae. ~K C H ANOEr?S I'LKN DID NKW UPKIUHT AMD xYsqnare Pianos to rout, mid rent allowed If purcnatrd.a lew nearly new uxceediu It low; all new Piano, wan anted lor (lie yearn, treated reduction to rash rimomera ever offered, at HAINKH llltos, ,145 and 147 fitli nr., eorner 21st at. Old Planus taken In eacliantfe. ASSORTMENT rPKlnllT AND MJI AKK piano. ortee, of 75 to $250; Instalments, f.'i and $111 monthly until panl: rent. #11 upward .1. HlllULI . Ill Waverley place, near Broadway. SPLKNDID iStfoHiViOAH, NKAKLY NKW, ONLY ft"I , one with 111 IMP*. ?l>>>. other, equally low. for caali or to rent. I'len-e r si I at I Im wareroonia of llOH vCN WATERS A HONS 4i Kurt Mtli at., tretween llroadwaj and> place. A ?FOR KKNT. LTUIUII I. tltK AND OKAMD .Pianoa uf our own make . also lor aale and rent, a num. Lei of line aecond hand Pianos, in perfect order. WILlsi AM K.NAHK A till , N I.jl IJ .Im II. . stove IHtli at. Arfw second hand wliii pianm at very irreat bargains. aouie of tbain aeed but a vary abort tltaa hr our best miiaiclaua and really almost nood as new; 11111 y warrauied lit every respect, I'leare call at the Weber Weierooms, >tb av. and lillh at Vmoktmrxt or miuoxd haio sr3?way JVl'i uioa. some nearly new. very low: alao Pianoa of other makers', be a are of home ulanos palmed olT aa p-uulaa Hieiiiwav make, nl auction or in private liouaaa. 8TKI.H WAY A SUNS. Sielneay Hall, Ittb at New York. \nitdRT7IRNT UPRIOMT AND (QOA^" TlAWb fortes and Organs, extraordinarily low for cash, on la* stalmentaor lor rent. r. Bt'HI LLit $8 East 14th it. Al.L IDiUND 7H OCTAY8 PULL AGRAf KK I'fXNO. d.'Kl; I prlght. *175; l liiekerliiyr, $75. IB Moat 10th. between I r>liari square and Ilttt av. / uilkcii PIP* OR0AN?TWO MANUAl.s, aBITBPfft staple o.l i d ntn liisiruiuviit; every Improvement; price low DaVIS A SON, 40 Downing et. 1JI ANOH. 7 1:1 llt'TAVIS.HI3N COST ffttrsi;"oRtiANsl twuslopi #45; nine. $85; I aclrc. $7.7. DAN ILL K. III. CI TY, VVaslilinttOII. New Jersey. 1>lANi>ii.'-ffIKs7 CLASS pTaNOH "cheat POI cash to close the business. C. KtX.KllS A CO., 2*' Kast 4*1 et. C K T F. N OCTAVK OVEK.aTRUNU CARVED UK U S OKiano Fn?> Mason A Hatnlin, Prince Organs, low prices; I'lanos and Croatia, rent *1 upward. CORDON A HON, LI Kast 14th st. LfPKIUIIT IMI SOL' VRK PIANOS $75 Tl) $ir>0; *3 / and rlil ti.l pud. or rem #3 upward BhITS, N L'nion square Ittb av.i. near 14th st. UVMIXtl ACADKMIEs. t CARTtKK'N I)ANi'I Ni 1 Ai'ADKMY. H union a V ssqnaie : open nil summer; private lessons anjNliour; Uilde pecialt y; new ay.ieui ; slatpte, easily acquired ; lady aasl.taiite. Keeeptlun Mouuai. M IASTHI ( TIOA. Hit. W. (i. BRYAN H S K MI V A It V lor Soun/ Ladle., Batavla, N. Y. Kt Itlll'K. RiiYaL I KV*TAL rALAi'k HOTEL,' ttmooiCZI nrge and comfortable hotel close to i lie Crynal Palace, * tni train- to every part of London. The New A or a Herald alwess in the reading i ooin. JTKMTI lib. V"'?f irkTui'CI, A K PL UN If I' UK M v N I P A 9 IN K rftf .11 V MANN HKiil'IIKKH. ?- --' "Atb. urnei Broome -t , (tie eneapest and most relisbl* house to buy i arpel*, Parnltere or NeddlUd, lor caali or lustalmoits by the week or month. I PARTY PCKNInHINO a LARclK HOUSE WnULD .'\ lite to parehitse lost class second hand Furniture, cheap lor i ssii. Address Mr. i ill.K, Herald oRtce. 4 I.L ltr.AI.KUS AND HUVKI.'H Off M A m.NDS^AND ;\t ai; Is si ..1,1 ; Call on i s before purehnsiiiK, MattlDM. 171 e cents No II and LI West Houston at. Banknci'T salk-of parlor and ciiambkr * alt- < irpcit. Crockery, Class and Plated Ware, I or law Beds. Value -ea. Pillows Ac. at I <v price, to cloea lha r n ern J14 i aaal si., opposite Karle's Hotel. T AROKHI" STOCK AND IsOWRST PHICBi FOR POTfe I ji itri m I CiirpftA for cwh ??r liberal t?rm9 of si i 11.v I hltTHWAIT'S, 155and I.>7 Chatham et.; Id larm m, a,-room ?. ANTED?THR FURMltURR, 1l(T, OF A FiRsl ' ?>. Hat to luiuleb small home. Address f YBRLINR, w THUPOSALS. r#H? him'k mI:astkhC-.P.stiffAWWBffWW A Maatlac. car loot lor a well si* feet In diameter. AM ? sMrsw JUUt WHUiaA.N, 4_i hoes 54U> sa