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THE COURTS. Some Interesting Testimony in the Countess Hemruch Case. A LONG ACCOUNT. Important Quest on Relating to Trade Marks and Labels. As old, olUer perhaps, than the language In which tbls is written, is the proverb that "kbort accounts make long friends.'* a forcible illustration or the truth ol this proverb seems to be Ibu cose of the Coun tess Heinrucb. now ou trial beioru Judge Van Brunt In the Special Term ol the Supremo Court in tbis oil jr. The geueraliues ol toe citso, ao tar as generalities can be gathered trim the pioudmgs :n a luwsun, have already very lully appeared in ibe Ukkai.u, but Hie testimony, as it drops trorn day to day irom the lips or tbo witnesses, presents features m business ana social Hie which ali people do not "curry on tneir sleeves." As bus been alreuuy staled In me Hkrald, lue late lion Murlcy was a dealer in rare ami old furniture, articles ol ornament and exceptional fancy. The Countess Iluiuruch scouicd, iu she lays, to bavo bad ideas which run lu the tame groove wltb the Hrouuway uou.or. Their business dealings ran through year., and, il put in ty|ie, would till volumes of accounts. Bo loug and contused were those accounts that ihey hate paved the way to litiga tions as long una complicated us ibcniseivu*. One ol the parlies to Uiuec tr.n.- clions, lluu Murley, Is dead, but the cuu.-e ->ecms to ue (ought with us much, It not more, oucray oy his executor uud counsel us ho Inuiaell could have put lorih it living, t he prcsi-ui litigation came into the courts iu the lorm ol a su.t bv Nr. Martin, tue executor o. Uitu Muriuy, to eulorcu payment ol a bone tor over f 10,00b, executed by lUe Counte.s Uciuruch. Bliu rcepouucU by not oniy deny ing mo indebtedness alleged against h< r, but also oy cotuiuunuiiig a suit against the estate ol Mr, Murlcy to recover over (140,QUO. This indebtedness in her lavor, she claims, arose out ol irregular uud uls accounts kepi by Mr. Murlcy ol the transac tions between the two. It Is nut Mien that u real ' couuleas appear* in ihc litigations ol the courts m this city, and us to the lud> who is u parti* to this ?uil it seems to be coiuieucd ihut she carries her rank by uuiboriiy. "When, aid you us.-ume the it:to ol sourness?" asked dir. MeFarluno, ol counse. lor the iluleuduut. "1 ucv r assumed it," answered lUo wit ness; "1 married a husband with the ullu ol cuiiut." Kticept lor her somewhat large Qgure and massive features ol the uuuusiukabiu tuglish typo thoCuUhUss is oue o me leas uuticoaule ol the tight or ton ladies uud lurge and general uowd who .tiena the proceedings eucu day. ac toi'diug to her uwu testimony she was twice married, iwiled a vuluuDlo propeity in Lcgluhd, lived at "M?e louse," near l.onuou, uud her mother was a Kerry soman. Among tao witnesses testifying in her de tail is a Mrs. Keith, who had been her servant, aua rus evidently as .otul to her trust as she appeared in dugout uu the witness stand. Tins w tuess among ?tiler circumstances connected with the ueanugs oui il which the litigation has arisen, described with iihuli dnectuecu ma eiTuct the interviews which took since between Mr, Mur.oy, rus couusei and ihe Couu ?ess. Among other disusters which seem .0 have be 'allot) tno lat.ior was tbo giviug ol a chattel mortgage to Marioy. When this mortgage was loieclosed the house ol the Countess was cleaned out ol every stick ol luruiiuro, without excep tion. A lew day s ulter ihe execuiur ol the law hud flouu his work Muriuy urnveu ui ihe place. He was ushered Into the kitchen, said the witness, and was Dlleica a seal ou ihu washtuu oem h or lorm, because that was the oniy seal in tnu house. "Have you cuuie, Mr. Mariey," said tho Countess (or Lady Heinrucb, as the wilueis stated it), "lo gioal over the desolutiou you have wrought r" Muriuy was surprised, wept nod mouued over the desolation, and asked me Countess to take a walk, -o that they migiit iulk it over alone and dev.Be some w.y to repair the injury. "It was hot my lauil," said Munoy, according to the testimony. "1 had bad advisers. What was done wus uono by tbo udvico of llariow." "We took Mr. Murley through the bouse," continued tbesuuio witness, "aim snowed him the pudei ol siraW uu which wo slept. " "Uu which wuo slept?" a?kou the couu tl tor the Ueieodanu "The CouuletS and tier servants," HuswereU tho wuuess. Ou oue occasion, according to the sumo witness, when mailers betweeu Mr. Murley and ihe Countess wero upprouchiug tho "rough edge ol war," she uceoinpuuicd lue .alter to tho sluro ol the former und h? heid up his right hand and swore to tier that ho woulu resiuru i ? ncr everything that hud been taken?her luruiture uud Jewels?uud il she would go Uwu to the ottce ot Mr. Harlow (3. L. M. Harlow) uor bonds would be cancelled uud ilelivorod lo her. she wuul, and was iu oruied by Mr. Burlaw thai he would not allow .dr. Murity to seulo wilh her. Bho returned lo Mr. Mar Icy's store and gave mm u picco ol bur miad, including file usserliou that she had waited lor hliu uooul turee hours at Mr. Bartow's olllcu and uc did hot conic. Ilia uuswer was that ha believed some ol the re ceipts she held did not near his signature, but he would send lor u man who would know his siguaiuro among ten thousand. Tue leu thous and muii came, ibo witness took the receipts nut ol the basket, handed them to tho Countess, Who iu turu huudea them to the expert. The expert, the witness baid, looked ul lliem, nia e a nuio id a book ot the umouui of each uud told Murioy the signatures were his and would be recognized as suuli tho world over. Ihe book u which these items arc alleged to have been entered wus put >u evidence and marked as au exhibit iu thu case. Tho suit is still on iriul, and a* this report oi n was begun with one proverb It may not bo oui ol place to ena it wan uuotuer, that "one ttory Is good until uuuihcr is told." TKADE MA. K DECISION. Tlitf first citse uuilcr the recent Trade Mark act came up before Judge Blatchiord sitting in the Called Stales Circuit Court yes.onlay. Tho complulnanis fi Co., and ihe defendants were George Warren and Alexander L. Kuirweatlier. The complainants allege that they are the inventors of a washing m.xiure, and lb<l In connection with tho sale p! said mixturo they devised and used u tnjdo mark consisting of a woman, attired us women usually are wbeu engaged ;n wasli> ing clothes; and that iu addition to tiietr trade mark, they composed and used hy way of directions a certain mode and manner of using it, and in addition they used the words "shake Well before using," which they have duiy registered and that the defen dants are inlriuglug u| 0:1 their directions, and their caution by u?ing colorable imitations thereof ou their bottles. They also alleuo ibal Warren was formerly in tlioir employ, aud wuilo there acquired a means of tnaiiutacturtug tueir mixture, and after leaving their employ entered into purtncrsiiip with the oilier dctcudaul, ami at unoecommenced ihe man uUcturu 01 a lluid ol-Hubslautialiy the same oescrip 11on, which they have extensively sold to complain ants' customers 10 the damage of complainants (10,000, and they bring ibtssuil'lo recover said dam ages aud lor an injunction to re.-trniu Warren & Co. from using on lhair bottles the primed directions and caution as used on theirs. Thoro is no preieuco tout the Iroiuispiecc or trade mark is simulated or pirated, but tho complaint Is that the label portion is a color able Imitation ol ilia complainants' composition umi misloKiis ilie public. Mr. Amos Uroaduux appqprul in ?import ol ihcmoiioQ ml argued Unit the label por tion was protected under the Copyrigiu act by the re cent act ol June Id, 1874, and that tho defendants ought to ho eujuinad. Mr. Charles It.uioly represented the defendant* aud read tlie opposiug answer to tho hill aud iffldAVIls, denying all ol tho equities set forth In tho hill. Ho argued on boh.ilf ol the dulcndsnis at Icrigtn that the pro. isions ol l,.? Copyright act nlTordcd no civil rsincuy to the complainants; that too only ?tntuio ol tho I'uili d .Slates wi.lch lb any way gavu a remedy to the complainants, such as ibey uow seek, ... ... I II . ?. I U. ?? 1 tl"j\ .. .. ? I. .. . wag the I rude Mark act passed Mh July, 1.S70, and thai uci ouly afforded u rente iv lor uu infringement ol a trade mark, ..lid that a labo. waa not a trado mark, un less It coutained home ol tho essential elements ol a trade mark,.and that tho printed directions in question did not contain incse elements as they contain to symbol or device or emblem or mars ol origin.iliiy, suicli usually go to mike up ? trade mark, aud that llio complainants have no more rig III to the exclusive isr ol tho language mere set lorili than they have to register a dictionary slid seek its exclusive use; and ho lurthcr argued that, iu caso trie provisions ol the Trade Mark act did not apply. Unit then there was no sialule oi the L'uited St ties which gave a remedy to the complainants, and tue Court was wniioul lunsdlc diction us a Court ol equity, inu-muou as the complain ants and deiendiuts are residents ol the same Stato. lie further argued that the Trade Mark act w is uncon stitutional, us Congress ouly had the power lo pass a law lu that regard lo promote science and ihc Hue srls, and that there is nothing scientific or artistic in the Invention ol a trade mark, una espei tuliy iu this, i Judge lilatchford reserved Ins decision ou ihc questions raised, Amos Broadnax appeared lor the complain ants and Messrs, Hall and fl.audy lor tho delciidanis. PASSING COUXTUUFEIT MONEY. Two men, uimed Wolff -chw.iru aud Bully, giving their residence at No. 100 IJelanoey stroct, were yesterday lakeo bclore Commissioner Oshorn on a charge ol passing two eounurlo t Ally dollar bills no the National llau? ol ihe envoi New York, one Inll having be n given lo Adolpii llendheim. No. 1J1 Bowery, ti e other to Kiela Brothers, No. dirt Grand street. I ho accused were hold by the Commissioner for examination in $1,000 each. ENEAS AlililUD. Justice Fruit grunted an oriler yesterday for a com mission io vh-rt Agpinwnll to lake tho lestimony ol the bashHU'l ol Mrs, Sarah A. Koous, who left Brooklyn a few months ago owing debts to the amount o: tuo.oou, Aciiun was brought npaiDIl the wile ol Mucin. to fore s mortgage nelu by li. J. Godwin on a house .nd lot on Bedford uveui.e, i uuu-c lor Mr* Em lis aimed that he proposed lo si.ow Ilia. Ihe s gonttiros to the bond and mori|.iiii were forgeries and wi re commuted w Ilbout tl.o deieudunl's cons ill. Mr. Eneas, Who Was a mcrchaui, was tor several years a trustee of ht, John's Methodist Church. BUSINESS TROUBLES. G!?i> Brothers, wholesale Unto importer! at No 13 I.lspeuard street, have been adjudicated bankrupts ou tbe petition of two members ol the Arm, Morris and Juntos Gls.-s. and tbe matter bus been reierrod to Rcgster Luito to take further proceedings. Tbe total amount ol tbe liabilities is $290,000, ol wnlcb $30,000 Is held by creditors in Belfast, Ireland' >10,100 in Manchester, $T,WJ0 in Glasgow and 114,000 n Dumler. line. Tbe secured creditors are tour auctioD nouses who have advanced money on goods consigned 10 tneiu to eei; Tboir clams are is lollows ?Field, Morris fc leaner, $ >6, tTb 48, Wilmerdiiij, Hnguei 4 Co., (40,107 an; ttobbe <4 Ball. 131.713 8t, Hill, Nvwball k Co , o! Ban Cr >ncisco, >12.725. Tbe largest unsecured creditors are tbe lol lowing:?Jobnstoi.o, Allen k Co. $18,790; James Livingston, >6,035; Marine k Watson. $4,970; Will, ism Stuart * Boo, >3.110; Hubert Thonipaot * Ca, >0.003, Nathan Banking Company, $3,600; Money penny k Watson, $'J,4'J0 and J Slielton, >3,770, all of Beilaat; Steel a: Co., $i.32li, Hay. lteed, ,y Co., *2..Jt>0, and James Mattnewson k Bona,,>2,(BO, ol Dunilcrltite, Scotland; Jebnstonu k Fialus, >4,473, and J bn U?-ny, $527. ol MauctMster; llrnry Oi mt, $.">,916 33; Abrabura Gusfred. >5.802 TO; Henusrsou Brothere, $3,240; Ttiotu-is Fboeuix k Sou, $3,310; llunlop Twiddle, >H,4M6. Tbe arseis are placed at $233,000, of wbscb is tu debts due tue Uf|n and i 1 H3.UU0 lii goods, tbu greater part of which Is in the bunas ol the auc tion bouses mentioned above as security tor money advanced. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Blimexthai?Clmavx. ? On Wednesday, May 23, at the resideucc ot the bride's parents, S6 West 39m it. by tl.e Rev. Dr. Goltlieil, KeuuixaXD Blcmkxtiial to Cecelia. daughter of S. B. Fimatiu, of New York city Brai-mris?Suydam?On Thnrs'tav, Muy 24 by Rev Dr. Hepworth, Dr. F. a. Bracxru to Julia ti. atfYtiAM. Moi,treat papers please copy. Mirhay?Martin.?On Wednesday, May 23, 1877, nt the residence ol the bride's parents, by 'the Ri-v.M Ftypn, a. J., Walter Murk at ioRoi-r ii., daughter of Henry Martin. Dinner? Goom.? On Wednesday, May 23, IS77, at tbo residence ol me bride's parents, by liie llov. Dr A. Huebsch, FkoPinnek, ot New York, to Mary Gous, of Brooklyn. a Li?Morgan.?In Ssn Frunctseo, Ca!.. May 14,1) Byron Randall to Mary K. Morgan, both of Brook yn, N Y. Sarlis? EtrrtxcoTT. ? At Harlem, on Wednesday, May 23, by the llov. j. 11 Frazue, Stki'Hen b. Sarlrh, 01 Mount Kinco, to Slis? Lippinoott. 01 Harlem. Watson?Horakt.?In Boston, Tuuraduy, May 21 by ituv. 1'iiiilipA br oke, Ciiap.lrs W W a iron, ol Now 1 ork, to Anna M., duughlur ot Aaron, of Hoe ton. YoLXCi?HcCiikSNNY. ? Wednesday, May 9, 1377, at the residence ol tbo bride's mother, by tbo Rev. fcaiauol fi Virgin, Gkor .r M. Young to Ida J. He CtiksNSY, both ol thu city. DIED Adams?On 26th Inst., at his late roshlenoe, 326 Wegt 43d St., William P. Adams, aged 41 years. Tuc iricndsof ti.o taintly, also the mouioers ol Guid Ilr Star Bongo No. 202. 1. 1) 0. F., Are invitod to at . tend h:s iuueral at Forty-ilurn snoot Methodist fcpiscupal LUurcn, between ith and 8lh avs., to-dav j (Sunday), at one o'clock P. M. Cauada papers ploa-e copy. Ba.vxax.? On Friday, May 26, Patrick Banxan, in the 47th year ot bis ago. Finerai irom his laic residence, 214 East 83th at., on Suuday, May 37. at two o'c.oek. Barrett.? Entered into rev on Saturday morning, May 20. 1877, Gaiharink S., wife oi George W. Uurreu. aged 03 years. Relatives and Iner.ds are respectfully invited to atteud the luneral, from hor late residence, 2,430 2d rv? on Monday, 20th nisi., at lour 1'. U. Interment at bed lord, X. Y., on Tuesday. Brdlow. ? At l'initilield, K. J., nn Saturday, 2'ith Insi., J c Li a bKDLOW. widow oi Henry Bedlow, or Now 1 oik, in 'he 9om year 01 her ago. Notice ol luneral hrualter. Bexxitt. ?suddenly, ol paralysis. May 26. Joseph H. Br.vnrit, aged 60. Funeral at the .louse of bis son-in-law, 132 Hurt su Brooklyn, Sunday, in. 27th. at two P. M. Bigg a?In Brooklyn, Thursday, May 24, of con sumption, Arubkdren C.. youugest sou ol Isaac A. and Harriet A. Birrs, in the 29th year ol Lis age. The relatives and lrienda of the lamilv are respect fully invited to uitend me luuerul, Irom the residence ol" tiis parents, No. 107 McDouough at., Urooklyn, on Sunday, 27th insi., at two o'clock. Tito will be lukeu to Greenwood lor interment. Carroll.?William F. Carroll. The iuucrul will take pluco on Sunday, 27lh Inst., at ball-past one o'clock, irr.m bis Inte residence, 314 West 43d su Relatives and Irluuds, also members 01 Oddity Souial Club, aro Invited to attend. Oarstrns.?Suddenly, on Friday, May 26, 1877 J08KPU Ij , sou of Matthias and Sarah Cursions aged 2tf yeurs. 0 FuLeral at residence ot his parents, No. 198 Run ledge street, Urooklyn, E. I)., oh suuuav. 27th insi.. ?I turoo o'clock F. U. ' Davis.?On Friday, May 25, Davis, iu the 62d ye ir ol her age. Relatives and mends, also of her brothor, Patrick Clcary, are respoclluliy invitod 10 attend her funeral, on Sunday, at bull-part ono o'clock, Irum her luie rosi irnce, 49 Prince si. Doril?On Saturday morning, of pneumonia. JortKFU O. J)okk, aged 73 yenm. Relatives and lrienda are invited to attend the Iu ncrul, on Monday, 28tn insi., at hull-past two p. M., Irom the Moiboo.rt Episcopal Church, Tarryiowu N Y Train Irom 42d st at l:3u 1'. M. Klxexdurk.?011 Saturday morning, Joiix V, R. Kl men dork, in his 33d yeur. Iteliiiives an t lrienda. also Independent Bodge, No. 185, F. and A. M., and America Council, No. 13. 0. u! A. M., and sister councils, are iiiviteU to attend bis (utieral, Irom his late residence, 177 3d aU Brooklyn E. D., on irund.ijr, May 27, at three P. M. ' Inpkpendlnt oouk, No. 186, F. axd a. M.-Uroth )"eh1 ou are hereby suuimoued to attend un emer gent "ominumcation at the I-odgo room, No. l'.T West 23.1 sl. on Sunday, May 27, at ball-past one p. M sharp, to atteud the funeral ol our late broiIter, J V. It. Klmenuorl, By order. J. H. UAKKlsoN, W. M. J. W. Crawkokd, JSecrolarjr. Gkunry?On Saturday, May 26, Captain Aiihaham S. Gednkv, son ol Captain Joseph H. una Mury E. God hey, uged 41 ycurs. * uuen.1 at the residence ol bts parents, Mamuroueck. westi heater c icnty, N. Y., on Tuesday, 29th insi., jt two P M. Friends of the hiuiily ure respectfully In vited to attend. Irsius leave Grand Centrul depot 42d St., 12 M. 1 ' Gokikin ?on Friday, May 25, suddenly, Eliza Gordon, sister-in-law of the late /.dmirtil John D. Slo it, L'nitrd Mates Navy. Funeral Irom St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Broad way, corner ol Vusey st., on Monday, at eleven o clock A. M. HAiiGKitTY-In Brooklyn, May 21 oi Hrialu's dis ease, Minnir a., third daughter ol Mrs. Hannah O'Hura a ltd tbo lute John Haggcrty, aged IB years. Relatives uod irieuds are invited v.. attend the Iu ncra:, iroui the remdenco of her mother, No. 173 Pros pect place, Monday, at eleven o'clock A. M. _ Jackson.?Suddenly, 011 Friday. May 25, 1877 Charles K.,only sou of Daniel and Alice Jut:k?ou, aged 4 years, 6 month* aud 26 euys. 1'ne remains will be Interred In the fit mi I.v vault in New ilavoii, on the 27tn Miller.?On Friday. May 25, Mart Catharink, daughter of Daniels, and Auu K. Miller. Funeral services wn. be held ut the residence oT her parents, No. 618 ath uv., on Monday. 28,b tnsL, at two o clock P. M. The relatives and iricuds 01 tbo family are respectlully Invited to atteud. Mookr.? Friday, May 25, Jknmk M., wile of H. t;. Jlooru, dnughter ol Charles J. and Emeliuu C. How land. in the LOtn year of her age. Funeral at eleven A. M.. SuuJny, May 27, Irom her ate residence, Garden City, B. |. Trum h aves Lour Islanu City U:?7; special truin returning se 1 vices. Mohan.?On Thursday, Muy 24. Daniel Morax, na tive ol thn puriab 01 Castletown Geugan, couuiy West Uieaih, lrelnno, in the 56th year ol ins age. Relatives and iricuds are n,spcciluliy',|LViied to at teud his luneral, Ir tit his late residence, 402 1st ay on Suuday, 27th, at two o'clock. ' McAlkek?Ou 1 hursday, l4Hi luck , alter a lingering Illness, AN v. wile o James McAloer, aHto 4? yearA ll?o lurjoral ^ill lako ptuco on s?ju<Jnv, 27tlj lust., from 3'14 Madisr.n m? at tiali-pust one o'clock. McCaktrt.?I'rtkk McCaiitkv, on May 26. Funeral .ak"i piace .iu Sunday, May 27, from his wile's residence, I'll Eilxabeth st. Bau 6 raUcisco (C'al.) papers pis.iso copy. Met artmv, ?fin Fi idajr, May Mart Fixnrl' Wife 01 Micliu.-I McCarlli), aged 43 years Funeral irom the residence 01 hoi husband.M43 East 69th st., 011 8una?y, May 27, at ouc o'clock JlctlikxiR.-Michael MoGinms, a native oi p.irn-h of Anna, couniy t.avau, Ireland, on Thursday 24th Inst at his late residence, 317 East 34th at., irom vtnerc tho banai will tako plate to-day, at bait-oust one P. u Rei .lives and Iricndj ro*pectlullv inrneX Dgukn.? on Friday morning, May 26, m-sie, wt|0 of Hnrniun B. Ogden and daughter ut J. J. Blacklln a ed 23 yoaiA ' 0 Funeral services on Sunday, the 27th Inst, at tour 0 cluck, at her late tcaideuce, No. 204 Carroll st. Brooklyn. , ' O DONHRLI.? On May 26, Mart, tho belovod wife oT Timolhv t) Doiiuell, in the 57lh year of tier tgo Relatives and lrienda are respectlully invited tout tend the luneral, on Sunday, tlie 2,ib un; a, j,a|f. past one o'clock, from her late residence 05 Yarick si. Pouter, tin May 2o, charlotte a. Pouter, 01 Sanlord 1. F< rter, in the 5.1,1 year oi tier .1^0. Kulatives and Irnnds aie lospectiinly invited tout tend the tnnerni, Irom ho late residence, ?ju?ed "4:h St., on Monday, May 28. at two p. M. Powers,?un the 26m insi., alter a long and severe ! Hint as, Edward IF, son ol M..urtce Powers, Notice of the 'nii.-rnl herealtur. Roonir.?William Kogxrv, tho beloved son of Robert and Mary Jane Rooney, iur .m ut ,|10 rc||. denoe ol his parents, 202 Kim st., need 3 years 9 months ant lit davs ' I Noiiv knew him but to love him; None u.itiled bun hut to praise. He was buried with lus utile broiiior In I'aivarv Cemeteiy. ' ' Ryersox.?Du Naturday, May 2S, Kliaxok wile ol Uhurlcs A. W. Ryersou, in thu 32d year 01 her use. Notice ol tuner ?l lc,-cutter. haiRLDA?On May 25. 1877, Rebecta, the widow of the late Thomas Shields, native ol Strabane, couuiy ol Tyrone, Ireland, nyed 70 years. rue luuerul will take place on.Minday, thu 27th at two P. 11., Irom her lute residence, ,no 33 JacksousY I CTAxnsv. ?tin h lira tiny. 24th ihm , Dr. C. ghaiiim ' ?SrA.i.EY, lii the 30iti year o. his "ge. The luuerul w il be held at Ma-011.0 Hall, 23d st and ' 6th a v., tats (Sunday) afternoon, a', iwoo ch ck. iho rel atives and irionda, also those 01 Dumel Cat neuter i.od n 643, F. and A. M., Btkudud Chapter H. A. Jd. uiid 1 Manliai'an Common lerv, Xo. 31, Knights Templars, art reapect'ully invited toalivud. 11 aU'JLaKIKK* MaXHATTaX CoMMANDSKT, SO. 31, K. T. ? ik uxiiiKT* ? Yi?u are hereby ordered to asternal* hi the usyluiu. Muauaic fern pit, on bunduy, May 27. it b.i!l-p.i-i una 1'. M , il ful uniform. In attend "it funeral o! our lain companion, sir Ciaude U. Stanley, 11. I?. Services will Lit nutd it tbe Grand I-odgs room ai i*.vo !'. M. Bv order, Thomas M. GFORGE B. BROWNE, Recorder. Commander. Mashhttw Association. ?Xkw Yobs. Mat 26, 1177?Six Xmohts?You are hereby ordered to ap pour in lull uniform and jmu Manhattan Comno indery. So. 31. X r., :u uuying ilio l??t tribute oi respect to our'lecessea oonip onion Sir Claude G. Stanley. By urdor ol WILLIAM A. Ul.AXCK. President. Gkokiik B. Browxb. 1 \".c? William 1. Woooacrr. J Presidents. Thomas M. Milkk, Secretary. DaMkl Caki'ux i xk Loiiok. N'o. 043, F. and A. M.? Brethren uro uoreoy summoned to uiieud a special communication, to bo ouo o'cli cli I'. M to-day, at rooms S3 L'uiun square, ,or the purpo-s ol aucudiug tunorui ot Uroiber Claude G. Stanley. Hy order, W. W, Wouii, Secretary. N LOCKWuOD Matter. Waukl?On Saturday, May 30, Hakbt, eldest son of Davit] und 11 untxi Waixel. a.ed 7 years and 1 mouth. Helatives uud Irieuds are rcsj.eeilUlly invited to at tend me tmicral, on Sunday, May 27, at one o'clock P. i M., front liouso. 310 East 6etli st Williams.?In Brooklyn, May 2C, 1ST", JohwC. Will ! IaM". aged 60 > ears and 0 days, j Notice ot fuiierq; liereultcr. ? Wyatt ?On Friday niorumg, the 2Mb Inst.. David M'yaTT, il me 06Hi year ol tiis age, at the reatdenco ol I bis eon-in-iuw, Chartus lluzcrioo, So. 6<) West ldbtn si. I bervices ud intcruieiit at Neivburg, K. Y., on bun day, the 27in lust. A KF.UGIOI N ROTH KM. -M'ltf. "\i.LLIh HIUGIIA.M.lN-I'lKATIONaL xer. lectures for tin Society of spiritualists I" . 'A. >1. and 7 1'. M.. at t ieir link >3 West .I'll! it. neat* Ireu ? A hp,RITUAL COX'EEKLNVK at Till. HaRVaRD J\ Room--. Sunday. J SIC i- 1'. M . J. V. Man.*li - r - jlialU und other distln uls .oil mediums w.l! bold seance from 7;H0tu lit'. M. Aduilttauee. Ill cents. A SHaKCE WILL, BK I1KLD AT 1,1170 BROAD u'V.v.iy, ill. eveuiag, .pirn plrni ographs takeu Hint piivsk-n! iiianlfexiatlon* given, cominencin hi ?lo!<-l< e* A MKRIUAN KKEE CHURCH. UKI Vl. K.SITY BUILD. aX'tig Washington square.? uiniveisarv termors ut 11 ami S by ,;?v. Charles McCarthy. Musical and floral dec oiminusentertainment Thursday night. H. A YOUNG WIDOW La!>Y. .-.MHaRHASSEI). WILL 3Y?ei'. nt .i sucritkui her r-olttuiro Diamonds. Addreu Mr*, JUHUSTON", Herald Uptown Office. A LaDY WOULD LIKE TO MEET WITH A ol'.M'I.F.. ilniM wild would belrifflld her ami take a wort.age ou oar furniture- Address LaLmT, Herald l'|Bown cilice. AMERICAN TKMPK It a NOB UNIo.M MEETS aT AA-Scleiico tlall. Lil -stu st.. to-day at i I' M. OHIt BERING HaLL. Mil AV., CORNER IBTIt ?,'v-tt,. preaching Sunday lu:43A- M *fd 3:3i)P M Samuel L'ulcoro preaches In iht afternoon on "Light that Limn OA its Hid." singing by Charles L. Guun and the Imge choir .-can free. Everybody nek-nine. /"1HUK0U T THE DIVINE J'A I''KUNITY. Tl'll AV . V/cor it or t3th at, ? Rev I)r. L. it. L'bapin will preach ai 11 A M .in f Rev. Dr. William R. Alger at a T. II, Vesper* in i.ia st cuing. /YUl'KCll Of THE HEAVENLY I!EST, SfrI aV.. Y^ahuve 46tlt at. ?Lev. Dr. Uowlattd, Rector. Services II A. II. , 4 1*. M. Rev. Dr. Weatou will pram-It In tho alloc noon. (MiUKCH OS THE NEW JlTuTSALEMiWKDKN Vy'b rgiaui, East 33th at.. betwoeli Hit (i'ark and Lining ton >tva., it.- v. C lieu it coy Gller. pastor.?tfcrvtces at i I A. .11. by Kev. J. 0. Ag?r, of Brooklyn. /TIU'dOH Of TilK RESURRECTION, 83TH ST.. HE V-A?'U*U Lexington tn.Q 3d av|>?Rov. Juno W Trimble, rector. Services every Sunday it It);a-> \ M. and 7 ;.'i" P. >1. Sun : :y school *1 2 :3() 1' M. I'llta (SnuJtty ivaiitu; Lev iltury C. Hotter, D. D., rector o! .race Chun-It. will preach. Hie Right Kev. Dr. Hotter Rlsbnp ?f the diocese, wnl edtnit.later lite rlto of confirmation on Wednesday evening, J> tit tn-.t /TilUP.L'H OK THE DISCLKLBS. MADISON AV, OOR. v.-nor 4. in at.?He*. Co irgo M. llepnorth; morning. 'Tlia Hiu:-dry of Angola;" avowing. "Tha Cripple at Lyatra," Muiduv st-Uool tnd e-iiigrcgutinnul Bible class 3. I tALVAKY BAI'TIST LU I' ULII, 33 D ST., BETWEEN vptli mid ttib *v?. ?l'ronchtng by Rev J. A. Hroadua, i>. D . tn urn log ,nu eveniux, tervtcos comtueticiuit at l"-a A. M mi! s i1 M Sunday scrtopl at."9 P, M Moetiuga on Aloud ?y and Krlday -venluga Straugers invited. /THL'KCU UK THE MKSSIaH, CORNER It Til ST. VVmid I'ark av.?Kev. Wllitain tt. Algei will preach at 11 A. M. 011 1 lie "Causes and ilia Abolition el Mar" Disciples ok chkist. asi'H sr. near hroad w iv.? Kev. y. R. Van Husiilrk preaches Sunday moru liiu and evening. HubiL Uinle clues lei lure Tuesday even* 111 a. Lome ami weicume. EDI r I O'UJIRMAN, THE "LO vV .KI KD NUN. a ill apeak ibis ouuday evening, at S o'clock, 111 Blcacuer liiiildinga Hall, corner Morton .iud Uleeukar. ftuojeel? "liar Con version. Escape and Persecutions." All uenouii naiiuus aru inviied to atleud. ?'OEASONS KuK EXPECTINd THE LORD'S PER Akvonai Coming Soon. ' - All Evangelist, serving under apost.ei. re-lured to the Church, will preacli snudav, 7'a I'. M. tu the church leeiure room, .Madison St., corner .Mont gomery. No collection. COCIETY OK HUMANITY, SCIENCE HALL. STII ST."' Oiicar Broadway.?Lust lecture 0: the ?eason this evening, by T. II. WakeiiiHit. Subject, "i'l.e llaruioii.v ol the Now Cuspid of Science." Ail sro invited, especially thoughtful, llh-rnl and eiogreaelve ueoplo. rjMIE PEOPLE'S SERVILE. Church of the Holy Trinity, Mndiauii av. and 43u -t , at 7 :30 P. M. Kev. -ti-plien H. r.vng, Jr.. will preach. Subject:?"Christian Molherh. od." _ Ail seata free alter opening hymn. LOU A.M> VitUSit* J ti.vr?SOLITAIRE Diamond HI.\U; LIBERAL itE Jwurd as it Is highly prised Irom associations. Address E. J. 1,.. Tribune Building. I" OST.?Sb REWARD. NO QUESTION* ASKED; A Ijtiulu I'eu and Pencil, with owner's name cugraved on a.-e Apply at 10 Park place, upstairs. I OST - PKlDAY NIOIIT, BETWEEN UILMOItE'N AND I J.hlth St.. 011 MihIImiu av.. a cerdiuai sutln Kan. Kewaid II return tu lull Madf-.ou av. IOVr SUNDAY MAY 30, HKTWKKN 33D ST., HTH J,iv to 31stet., Hruaduity 10 Union vguate, 14th st.. 4th hv.. a Lady's black euame led, slurlu case, Geneva tio.d Wutch itud Obaiu, with small Breastplu. Dollar Ould Piece an-, ouail -bell Basket atlaehed toehalu. A dneral reward will lie paid lor ittiirn oi same to No. IS East l >th ?t , city. 1 OST?EITHER IN NEW YORK OR BROOKLYN V J_ilady's Miimoud Breastpin. Tte Under will be suilaolv re w arned t.v leaving it et 4<A) Myrtle av., corner of Yaudcr bilt, Brooklyn. f OS I. ?A SEAL RING, WITH MONOOIUM W.K,: Ldrewird for delivery to E O. ROSKLLK. go Heaver st. I OUT?ON M V 30. CANARY CINNAMON MIXED I jCull ir, $3 reward will be paid uu returning same to _'H >.>uk st. r OST?A SMALL ITALIAN GRBYIIOl'ND, MALTESE LJ.-uler. A liberal row aid w III be paid by returning her to owner. MILI.i v.M HARTLEY, 141st si., between ' Ali-vand-r and M tills avs., Mott Haven. | oST-KKlpAY EVBNINO. TWENTY IHIRD STREET I Jcar. Opera Obits; name marked. 1 l.T West 13th st. Ke w u d. 0 PEN GOLD W vToil AND CHAIN LOST IN liLfcN oam Hotel; IP eral reward p id and no questions used, tpjily K, KLLLKKTOR, Dianinrui Broker, bO West 4th st. It M t> AUDh. AREWARD.-LOsY, A HARK l'KARL PIN, SET ?D') -n straight gold bar. Kinder will receive llie above ri. ward by calling at '.'3 Bioad st.. city. A - REWARD LO-T. ON W EDNI SO A V MORNING, ?i?t )go.n t :r nit Unlfleld St., Brooklyn, to Catharine, erry to M ertli st. a silver cuait Hatch, with an angel's picture 011 the glass. The Under will get the reward by calling Oil JO11X I. I /. with Kliul ,C Us., !"4 it est 14th st. A.,jn \ND NO QU ESTIONB ASKED?KOK KK ?T).-<Utiirii nf gold h tilling cava Watch, No. loo.oTH, and Co 1 its, to 103 West 4Hth St. A -ft REWARD. -JOHN KRAMER. KKOM Bill) BL'sil ?JJ# Mfwivk nv. Willisinsourg, lost his Book witit $472 Hi In It. $30 reward for th* tinder. A ~1\ REWARD AND NO yUE.-TION'S asKKD? WU ?Pol/In paid to the one who routrns tliaOold Watch a Chiilu I ?t on Thursdiy night at ilie nuruversary exaran of the School ol the Cohcgiate t'liurrli. Id" Weal 3iBn > the owner greatly values iheiu bruanao they wvrv gi Irom imaids in the church and nuuday school, A.ldri o.- return o J. M., ">H West 33.1 st. A | / W I REWARD AND NO yUKSTIONs AS K E I) t/ 1 'y Ulor l1 e return ol a stem wl nding Gobi Will en uu 1 t.haln. .'.llrod Lnvalet o. maker. No. t?.7.? 11; vttcis uu luce In j lace oi numharst loet April 10. Return to A. I. TIIO ilAS. No. litll Broadway. New York. AT Aft REWARD.-LOST. IN W ILLlAMsRUR ON ?PAUWSaturlay noon. Diamond -1 ir, 23 stones, 'lbs tinder ?IL receive the reward ny returning It to Ifj South Aih, YYIIliiiinsnurg. Ij'Ii-TEEN DOLLARS ($13) HIWaKi). ? r-TH tYKD I ir on m. Jam a* linial, last Sunday, a white Tomer imhh d Bean. Return t 1 nllico of hotel, IMtn st. and Hr.iadu iv. K TIIe PERSON WHO KOVND A I'ET LvNaRY' ?tear Mtli st. and 7tb av., will return It to 334 Mcst4lth . .1 sultan ? reward and tlianks will In- returned al'ORTIN'O? 1MTON, 111 RUN, stt . ? -Mill sAI I-.. \I.L KINDS 'OK KVNCY DlJOK. A.Birds, .tu.. Medicine* lor nil diseases; prepared loud niocktiig birds, at H. G. DOVLV'B, No. 3 brim st.. m ar Canal IPiiK SALE- ALL THE UlIOlLR IIIIEI.UN OK DOtfSj J7 alfo lor stuck ; Pigeons, Bird., Ac.; medicine for all ills e."S.-x D. P. KOr 'I ER, No. it est ltd si. T|H)R SALE?A KINE STOCK OK sKYE TERKlI I "III O.liee lunar Dogs also a due tot nl grov Parrots other Bit lis nt K. LEN N's, | |s West Broadway. LIOK BALE CHEAP?A K W VERY' MCE SKYI4 TP t 1 art. II. KISTBMANN. I4S East IMtlt et . st.tlde I". LM.MJ DOl'RI.fc BaRRKI. SiIOT'guN MADE 1 Gotilne Preaette, Paris, *?!?'>: two Ilia* quarter sec, ami My back gold M atches. 91M) and $203. LIN DO Buu 1.3"7 Broadway. UIIIK IAN KKMAl.K BLOODHOUND KOK SALE? Dt bounty-. I', years old. moust color; also tome very due Newfoand ami Puopies, Address .ox I.os llr old office TOO ITALIAN -GAZELLE) OREYHOlNDE KOIl I -ala at 311 A est 4Ttli sL ; won tne prise at the Heticll Hhn > ; p rentage 1 an be seen. t.NNIK TILI.E. i-ERY KINE DOUBLE GUN, Mi'X/.l.h LOADER, Bi I I'ttruy of London Mo. A. fl. oKN EE, u Chamb.-rs at. \\TANTED-A RUCK DEER. WESTERN BREED, tt Irani 0 to 11 h ind- high, Irom one to (wo years old. Address ANION III I'l-KL, boa 965 I'oxi office, ttrenge UE1TMTRV. a R fl KM II All IKKTH A sI'KUl AI.CY-KOBBRB /Vsats,C-> upward; single teeth, $1 Iiittsard. .ui stiiutla.iy uimle, ean tally littod- satlslartion uaratiteed J. U. KEN NMD*. Ml Bond st. Dlt. ALBERT KIMBALL, 37 * 1 .-I' 34ltl SI . NE.tR .I It av. - full .nets. $10; partial, ft; Gold Killings, rJ upwatd. warranted. I) V. r>. |H6>. .?DR. VAN VfsfcCK'rf DENTI>TRV. * on ii 11 1 nhr?1 fWfci. ? WY10I0 mid pHriinl Sols, Hit. f.\ lll'i. nril. fr??iu Ilia culltitry aconmnii rt$ttd utiut nfilcrrd Kr?:ih dully hv,. rorurr 1 itli i?f. II MIR'ilTl till I', >1 r|M'. ON l.V DM1, llli.VI) VI ?.;oj| ANK?AIs DK.V. I i-Mry in N??*v VorK. ? W, Ni'.WMllol ti-H ?>>7 t?t < nv , onw door tlHivc 2sM nt. : ir?i| fi ?*!(?n$ hi tin* m inini, irtlfi in tii? nttrrn ???it. Couutrv p?ot>ie. (Hue notim, Onftit Iron ^ to tt I*. M. HuninctK )ieo|iia t.iku liruii. i.ubhi r, ceiiuSoid, pUtiniM, .kc. Coa?ultot!un iri-e Lh.i; ai uuiaut *1?j. J77 0ik*r. W. NibWiiUUtyU. SUB TTTT A s s T AA ti T A A ssa I A A ? T AAA s a T A A US# T A A AMCHEME^TI. Fir Til I'VE.N L'K THE.I D" VERY ETSNING THIS WKF.K MR. DALT will ore dtice. for the Irst time m 4.1 irci. THE (?HH *T DRAMA. !ru? tbe French of M. pAKGDI, Jti Svo act#, and entitled V V FEE* V V K V V E V V EEE V V K VV K V LEES in which MISS DA*'EXPORT will create AN F.N I'l RELY NOVEL C'il AKAOTKK. making therein iiwr last appeal auce fur -ever*i mouth* ii. New \ mi, POSTH UMi A a Blind IVoiutn. MUl FANNY Da* EXPORT C.PINIa, ? Vimni ili#? J EPrBUYS LEWIS bKPI'lA. the ChieHe## Mr*, li II. GI1.B HT Jl'M l .Mis* M CHEST. U GALLa. * Slave Mi#. FLORKNCK WOOD M.VliOlA. * W uiitii <?f til# People Mi.* VISiT'i.V F'A H1 L'S. ii... c'iiici ufiho Tribune# ... Mr. till AS. K111! K, t Li. CH s . hlef Fun tilt Mr. Ji- K. LEN I'ULLb. the IV. bun# ul * Legion..Mr FRED. WAKUE till* F.rst typo trance her#. > ENNIUH, aCalabrian ...... Mr. 11 HARRIS K \KftO. Seribu Mr t. BEN* KT f CAlL's, a Tribune ol the People t# Mr F. CHaPMaN PAi'EUS. ul Itic P...|,ie ."... Mr JllllN MOO It It VKhTALPOU. . >I?v,. .....Mi J B. STl'DLKY EVE V SC KN P. NEW. ' Act I.?THE SOLDIER OF CANNAE* Th# blind Patrician I ?cek* her daughter Ai i ji.? The octree# h#r ??cr?t. Act b.-Hie brouir <1 or. ami tlx lo#i kev. Act A.?in.; malediction ji tlx lultkrt winajtn. ACi u.? iii? Find ol Desolation. APUTll LO-lit iATL'RDAY. at 3, ONLY* MATIN BE of -VESTAI" SATURDAY XL.HT, JumTd. CLOSING nlchi oftbo sKAsd.N. Hi-.NKKIT uf >IR. STEPHEN KlsKB. on which occasion tbu ml.owing raro attraction*. MISS NKILS'lN wiL appear in the 4th act ol TwoL'th Night, positively ner Inst uppeai auce In Now Vork. Miss DAVhN.iJK'J' will make uer l#.t appoaraooe tu Now York. appearing A# 1'QsTHL'MI i and ii. the Wooing scciio from HEN Y V, mil. MR V'F.O GE ItlN .M'LO. w h has volunteerci and Mr. SOI. SMITH KL'Safcl.l. will make In. appearauct tin. season. MONDAY. J1.11.) 4, sL'MvlEil sL.t-oN. And first pro tliicunn in New Yurk 01 HICK A ijoODWlN S Gr?.l oMERiC .N UPEItA Pit," 11 nd SPECTACULAR UUt'FFK. ? EVANGELINE I" tlie mo t brilllan 1 runic extraragansu ever produced I11 till# city. Box sheet now open HI L Kit - WOND H THKatSF LA J POUR N.liiMS (IP lll LLEh'S WONDERS ? IN NEW YORK LA-T POUR M is OP KiiHKKT U HLl.Kil IN NEW VOL LAST POL L MtillT- 0. MISS H -LLEK IX .WW YORK. I A T MAT X. li WEDNESDAY. MA)' ?0. AT 3. Til KSDAY KVrMSf., M.\Y II. Par W LL PER or aNCE inn. trrii.iuaiion 0 I teas n of Ui ex.uniiiea proxirerity and .nccem. ^ tit..WELL I 1 KaHKWKLL I I Notwltliitandiu.' the nnarlv ovio-wh Imlnir inSueiice ot political ex 1 ainrnt, .ut'li at thit country net er expiirl 011 ed Del .re . 1110 den-lnut Sr? in ilrooslyn, wl'U'h [>ara lizi'd the anid.emunt amid for > time; t . nurnuo of weolta 01 ill .overeet soniUer kntiwii lor uiany year*. <na lately llio nii.lnriunea in-l ill ln:k uniforiuli at*endln? ry ? In .urerem the public uf New Turk in the' o il tllobn Ihe.ure?m twliha.nirilng ail mm. the rofiilt. arti.ttcitlly inn! daiinclul'.y. h i. oc n u .exanipKd and poaaihly exuevoe any 1 iiiti). achieved by any other eatabiUhmeni in the United Si ate# of Atuerl a PL.tTT'S HAL. . SAN PFLVKCXSCO, JUNE 18. B LotDON AND I'.V KiS. AL'Ut'S! BoS ON. O 'HIRER 1. OWERY ! Uh.t I*HE. -MONDAY. MR K. T SILT-ON In the great romantic drama of marble heart. pre. .. .led by tlie tared o! JUMBO JUM. Great radueiiun ol pnoee-Orchestra chain, SO cent.; drew circle, U.> cm., huluony, "ir> cent#; iraller", IScetUa. Lyceum i[TeaFit'C . GRAND COMPLIMENTAR* BENEFIT, tendered to THOMAS it. Mi.AUHKR, THURSDAY EVENING. May ill. under the au.plcee el many of the uo.t promiuent American cltUena. Anioni: the aitUt# who vei 1 i appear will he Mr. Ciiarlea P. (lupin,ni, ll.J. Alonta noi'iy courte.y of Mr. Wallacki, MIh# May oallaijlier. Mile .'lierie. and Other.. . Box adieu oped all day ot pcr.oruiance. ?^CADEM Y OF M .'SI(I. " TUSRDAY EVENINO, May 38, GUXN'J BENEFIT FitRFUR.MA.tOE in aid ol' THE CHURCH OF' ST. AGNES, the Rer !i. C. Macduwell, pa*tor. under the direction ot Mr. A. M. m the UNION SiJUAH TIlbAI'ltE. Doors open at 7. Perlortuance begins at 7 .43 precisely. All the eminent arllttt engaged have must generously volunteered. The lot comprise* me following name. Mr -OTUF.jlN, who will appear In hi* faiiuui. cuaracter. SaM?DUNDREARY'S BROTHER, lie will lie lupporfd y hi. entire euinp.ny, compris ingMessrs. FI s. Marble. R. S. Hastetl. A. O.*. II. O. Curley. Alfreil Berks; Mi??e* Nellie Moitlmrr, Agnes Urne tor and Gcitrude Stanley. In tlie third aet Mr Sotlieru will rend bis uriglnal telograin Irani Lord Dundreary to Bam, with all lt? irresistible P S.'s. Mr. and Mr*. W. J. FLORENCE, together with Messrs. W. J. Ferguson, W. Minnnou. W. \Y. Grant. Hart Ccnwiiy ; the Misses Josephine linker, Fnnnle Pearson and Belle Melvthe. a< il Mr. W H FI.OYD. ol the GLoBK THEATRE, Bolton, will appear iu tlm .'mirth nut uf their ureat success , I UK MIGHTY DOLLAR. Mr. D. H. II ARKlNS will recite LONG FELLOW'S "HANGING OF THE (IRANit." Mr. J. W. McANDRKWrt (by kind permlstlou of Mr. Josh Ilaro will fcivo one ol his celebrated Ethiopian Character Sketches. Mi#* BIJnu lleron Mr. W. Herbert. Mr. J. W. Wilkes, Mr. W. Seymour, Mr. (Diaries Dade aud Mr. Purest will appear in the comic one act drama. NAN, THE GOOD FOP NOTHING. The entertainment will conclude with Mr. FLORENCE'S great specialty, the pairing lure, entitled the RETURN :.D VOLUN I'l. Fill Bill Wllllume. the Kcturnod Volunteer. .Mr. W. J. Florence Other chaniuters by Messrs. George Old ling*. W. J. Ftr Snsun, and Misses Louise Sylvester, Annie Wakeiuan ami uilly Stanton. The orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. II. TIS KINGTON, of the Union Squaru Theatre. Admission fl Uessrved >euts 81 NO; Huxes extra Ticket# may b# had at the pastor's residence. 141 East 4.Id at., anil ai me box olllce of the Academy of Music, Mon day and I uusda), from B A M. till 4 o clock. ORCHESTRA, rnndnrted by U. OPKKTL Popular Music, afternoon .it 2 ?ml ? TPDinu ?t a. Til E HKsT orchestra IN THR ?: 11 V. Adininunn -came. 145?25 ctntv CI r. N I'll A L l'ARK IIAKDKN JENTHAL PARK GARDEN 0 CENTRAL park garden O central park garden n central park garden 0 CENTRAL park carden k ituil K Josll II ART'S T Sl'MMRR THEATRE. T GRAND O CONUKHT U THIS Sl'NDtY AFTERNOON A ut 2 o'eloea, Y Adnilailiin 25 taut*. A No re* rved *eeU. N D I V K.N INC AT S, - ORAM) CONCERT, K VOCAL V mid? ?? K INSTRUMENTAL. N Ailiiilmum 25 eanta. I 25 C'tiitM etlri (or re* reed. N Hole. liu dinR *lx, #?'}. U. rpiic, or eat new York" Tag car ium, iTkoaIL I livuf mul I5lh *t.. open dally from I A. M. till l<> P. CiMilpst and nintt mtractive place 111 alio cilv. NiVEI.HK Til A1 CANNOT HE IMPLICATED. MONSTER LIVIMJ WHITE WHALE. Magnificently colored 1 i*h#* from tropical wntrm s Angel Fi*he?. with a tlioni*hri?t hues; yellow, pink, Crimson. black iin-l varl-coloird Kidbeic Wonderful tin r Ft* b. Porcu pine i iwho*. a ti 11 iiilre?l variotift" of tropical Aitcmoii'??, ntu j>lA> lng ?ii the color* of a ?timet; ruru and euriout AM inn I s and lit,*ptli'*a, .\ A IK) n A\s* aHLK ^UIXTKT OK J V HI LKfc HlNOkHS >1 ia-% *?AUIfe aaMNiunt. tFThliNOu.N AM' I VbN.NU UONUl.KTS A'linis -loii. .70 coins Children half price. flOMMBlA OPfC .A If O U 81.\ t '<) if N KM ~ W> hT 121* I f \ /'.t n ml Greenwich i v. livening* at A Matinee* I'ltCMta/*, Ttmr?tl?iy? and .-?anirday*at >>w. Spicy Sanction*. Si M?lrm. | Jardifi >1 ibti# I Female IUiln?r?T ' See!nr.- the Klephant | cjutdrihe. i ill rem water. | TIip Sultttir* Seraglio; or. the Oifr.v Dion l-?* ArtDt'f Model*. .Vinnxoiiiiin Marches. Strange Sights for St ran*, get*. On the Sly. 11 on a#* 2 O all these rich. rare, racy, tioveitfcv *MJKITK.V FItOM aBKOaD* WaM*M-BY KID. Ji-vrouwrn, u- placet hy Gliuiore'* Hand with dUtin g i .Min <1 *uec?*?; tim e. li V. : also the v??ra; gem* i f the day. ' Daunting I'iyop, ' '[hue I lellf "Jhnvn the Shadowed Lane," "Take tins Lener." "only spank kin?liy.,, due. each. DITSO.N .W CO.. 71! and *43 Broadway. rpo>Y I'Aofoh'S ToNY MaBIOH'S* 1 m a.NMiN AND OROMN*. OKA No Ml AND W.\ M BOLD. Great combination at TONY TASTOifS. M Minuet hi. la lawn andgavotte. alhotck new minuet, lancer*, redowa, m.iruurka, Parisian wall* mid iitip -M il lanovia in a trim nl .knl lit l't iie.? r llvRNEs ami cla*. at EKRltKPO'S At.amnljr U ntia, Taiiimnny Hnildluu, I4lh *t . #n mEDM-.-OaV eveuliiv, :i"th . ilan dnu truin I) to 12. Admittauca lor Keullvman, Mith ladiaa, 7.>e. i sr mono vv, i;ptorn concert; to morrow IdT'ieulore Jiicolty will prrlorin upon the lar?a viola a.loptetl by Waitner at Ha/renth ; Cecilia Hoy., Ac. CACHE'- CI.OAlNi. SOIREE. MaHoNIC "iIalTT"ill Hii. t Cttli ?t.. NEXT TUE-UAY ?venlii?. I)AM'IN(I troll) 'I till 2. Ii. EDWARD MOHAN'S ORE AT f'IC.CRK, "The Oomtttarco d Xa?i n> i'liting Mutnage to Lib* erty." la now on exhibition at the KUK1K OAl.fiKK V, MADISoM SgfARK. Admiaefon 2.7 cettla. AV II. POPE. I DRAMATIC INSTRUCTION. KI.O' C. Actor ami lion Ac., to ladieaor ii<-iitivinan. Addrr.a I locntionim. | siemwiy Hull. Call I.CIN Broadway. rillloMts A HEt KET. AN EXljl'.Intl HISTORICAL L lilac, will lie rapraaetittd at the Lyceum Theatre, 14tli n. and ?.tli nv., l uoaday avenliiK, M?i 211. tC o'cloi a, by St. Ann - Literary society. Pm eead. b.r the brnalit ol -t. Aiiii'i Paruckial school Muaic by Hralulla. Ticket., ray.'. I ea reed Seat, SI, I It VI NO II Al. ,-To LK\SK, Tills INRIV t I.I.EH I ...all and c< ncurt hall. Apply to I). J. CRAI N, 114 Kaet 1st It it. ? s KAMI CONCERT ON THE PLYMOUTH ROCK THIS (Sunday) AI'P RNooN. A apleuclld proirrainme. pcli, marine hand, G MAHKIOAL BOYS, CHURCH CHIMES, MO/,All! OLEE CLUB. ? ,* Pilll parllen ?r? under head of ' Eaeuralaaa." Leave. M.i,. pier al the P.atterv at I mi, and loot ol '.'.'d ?t.. North River, ai .1 o'eloca OCKAWAY BEAOII. rlKsT LANDINU. Neptnne 11 iniMi and summer Ami hllheaira Neptune lluu.e and Summer Amphitheatre. rropnetOM. < has Will 11, and T. 1. OONEELLY.l EebdareM aaatlVi Majr 97. ii G AMISKMRNTS. ILMoRE'B CONCERT OvRuks. Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Leeeee Mr. K Ci. OILMOHR M? ,? Mr. P. S. GILMoJlK MuHce. Director THIS .f-urvJ?y) EVENING, May '.>7. Greed Ineuaurei i.mi #f the Summer Se??"6 ef Sl'.ND.lV XlliU'f 1'U.SCKiiTk. wLen OILMOKK'f GREAT MILITARY BANI# will Interpret the fallowing rjiloucla PKoto a YIMK. rear rui.-r 1. Overture. "TaunhBiivf r" Wepner 2 Sou for irouitio: e Air una Vitiimioai Lotted Mr K I.E l Si; 11 3. Grand wlactinD. "Lci.enirrii." . ... W ?gn?r 4. Cornet tule. Kautade jn lU ilmi Air* HarluiAQQ Mr M AUliU K!.K 5 Brlndlai from Hie "Jewen" llalevy GERMAN jKaND DI'EKa CHORUS. rim rrroMi <i Le* prrln>li'>. Pocute *yi?phviii<|ue..... I.Ud 7. "Sun I>i>iu>' - M ii:?i MGN'oK.'Xa EIilSA l> a I.IMMKKTI a. Dtnoriiiuve Inniaeie. "A .-ntumei Day IB Nut w?v Wiliner* U. Uraud Snored Arte. "Narureth" .... ..Guuuud Mr. WiLLUM HaMILIOA, and cboip*. PA KT rn 11(0. JO. Pariiphradi. "O Tanm tauui"., Meiiieuiann I! Ouiirtelie far Saxurihuiiea ., S??i>ri Mea.r., LKKEHRE. WaLDRaHK. Sf EOKKLHKKg and m'II. Lri 12. Grand Yf arch, "Teuuhauver" Wagner To-morrow Mondavi overling, a new P: ogra-.ame. TIivSDaY E V & NT X1?, MAY 2D, uutuiiiu the Grand AlinuG Spring lloJM'i > L' LT I." A I. KXljl BITIOS, wind, will n* continued WEDNESDAY ANU IIIUKSDaY Ar'ThRSOONS AND EVENING.-. In ennjunctian wltlr GILMORE'S GHK V r ,M IL1 i'AKY HAND. 60 cent* ?iliui!?inii. Uuxo?. nrni.ur turn. $;i. u xion square theatre. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK M milder ...Mr. A. M PALMER Begin* at M. Over el IU 30. FOURTH SATURDAY M ATI NEB AT 1 :TO. week Kul'KTIl ? W? hK YOU it i 11 Continued eucceii if EE l< KuPivTH W I- K kouhi H of W K E K KOl'R I'll I .V Kt K Kill' :v 1 II SMI KB, V\ K1 K Kin-mil ? Yt HER MlL' RI'll with it* irreat reft uf cherectrre WEEK KOU I'll .. W K K K YOlHTH end il> eupero Vt EE K KOU111 It ? W K1- K FOUK'I li rexlietie teenei. \\ E E K KUl Kill - ... ? WEEK FOUR I'M Includlnu the inarvelloue \V li i.K KOI'K Ml W HKK KOU ilTil BTAtiK 1'O.tC/il SCENE, We. r. K W1 hK KOl.UiH ?? KtH it Til illuttratlutf the ilopeidure of the W I.KK Vol' KTU WEEK KOUKTII York Mdll W E K K KOL' :fl II . M EEK FOURTH rum HerncMt'e Heed. W E K K KOURTH ? W E K K KOl' it I'll Keeelved iilielitly WEEK KoU t ill i W E !?? K KOI' 't l II with the nrott luiiiultuuui epplauee. WEEK KoL'KTIl W .. ?. K KO Kill SMI KB. WEEK KoU It Ml ? w II K K0l?K ill SMIKK W K'BK KOU R I'll V vt EhK l-wUi.lil SM; K K. WEEK KoLKi 11 W EK KOU it Ml SMIKK. WEEK KOURTH ? ? WEEK FOURTH SM1K.E MATINEE, . SATURDAY. IW| 2 rpONY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. 1 1 he only Urn ple-i Variety Theatre opcu la tit* ally Ellan 1,'i.m"nI ;-xti nnrdluarv o! SO A N'l.OX and OituXIN, aND WAMHoLD'S mammoth combination. Obierrc the a rent srrrny ul dieiluguUhed artlit*. Scenlon end Gronln, j Hrniiser and >Vamh?M. Mauler Ininn. George Hurtle. * Alex lleliderion, 1 N. Aliiilv, Trans VVnite, | C1:b.Ice Campbell. Gcorgo Green, I Ml -a XKIiI,Te~ST. JOHN. Him JENNIE YEAMANS. The renowned end ever nonuler dtOLIA N QUARTET, and a iuperb dramatic company. CREMATION. X1IE TELEPHONE. An Intereatfng, lengthy and laughable programme will be rendered by the leading aprrlaliy tiers of the proloaidun. B Mooter DUNN, the aiualleat etiaiiyr oud Ueacc ortiet In the world. OOTH'S I'HKAI'KK. DEBUT. MONDAY MAY 28, 1877, Hr?t appearance of MI AS MINNIE I,. Cl'MMINUB a* .IUI 1ET, In Shaken 'Ore'* Tragedy of ItllMKO AND JULIET. 8upp rtod bv Houth'a Theatre Company. Pricea ao uaual. Kencrvud teata. $1. B BOOTH'S TIIKATK RKP.iODlJ CTlON, Letaeaa KIGNOI.D, TILLOTSON * ItitOWN KuR KIVH Nl i i 1118 AND ONE MATINEE. Commencing TUfiHUAY, May 20, -hakespoare a liU'orlcnl pl.iy. IIKN It y V. Mr. OKOKfiK KIGXoLD ao MENUY V PRESENTED WITH NEW SCENERY by GOItDON A HARFORD, ot the Qneen'i Tlieaire, London. SPLENDID ACCOL I'HK.M 11 NTS. SUPERB EFFECTS. I'flpULAR PIHCKi PRK8KHVliD. General admi*?i m. 7.1 eenta. Keaerrsd Orchestra Seata, 81. sa ru day matinKa at i hi. Sale of Scata begin* Monday, May 28, at H. A. M. oorii's thbatkk." extrX. Leaaeea Itlunold, Tillotaon and Brown the management bee leave to aaiioam* the ilb.Nh.i'11 OK M it. OhOKUfc KI O.N OLD. On TUt'K'DAY AFTERNOON. May 21 at 1 p'JO, Upon which oi'i'iialon will be proai-ntrd A OltH?r Pit A M aTIi ' NOVRLiV in the production of shakcpeure1* tragedy UOMKO AMI JUclET, with Mr. ORORGE IMG.NOLD ...a* ROMEO. .lULIEr to tie p .raonnted by a CONCENTRATED COMBINATION CONSTELLATION. which will Include MISS ADELAIDE NKILSO.N. ? MISS I-Ah NY IIAVBNPORT, MISS ADA DYAS, MISS MAUDE CHANCER, miss mabik wain wright, MISS MINNIE 01'MM IN (IS, all of whom have kindly proffered tl.eir aervlcet to Mi. Klgnolil. and aacli ol whom will appear In a different act ut tii>' plnT. .Noiwiihilxiidln* the euoriuoua attractioa iudieaied In tlila aunuuncenioiil it haa been determined to limit tbe price 01 reamed acet* to ONE I HI LI. A it AND K1PTY CENTS. Box office ol ihe.uro open daily at 8 A. M. BOOTH'S tTTEaTKB.-GRAND Ma TIMER M'l.VDAY. May 28. D-77 .tt I P M. Mr J. II. MOXTAuI'K lflr?l appear inee In New York for alt motion), In A HAPPY Pilli. with Mtae ADA DYAS. CONSCIENCE, by meiiibera of the AM A K A NTH CI.U B. of llrooklyn, in aid or tlie Cuban aulferera. Ticket* can lie bad at Xlti liroad way. Fifth A v ii ie llolel, Aator liouee. Moir't Jewelry -tors, Btii ar. and 2 Id at., and at the llieatre on day m porfirinaiic ? A BOYLE KOO'usT AHUYLE BOOMS, J\ itrii aV. and rvTii sT. BRILLIANT TKRPSlCHOUKAN ENTERTAIN MENT, ONLY i'LA h OK AMUHr.MKNT OP TUB KIND IN TilK CITY. OPEN EVERY NIHIIT, COMMENCING AT P O'CLOCK. EaTi.ANCK O.N diirti ST. QRAND KKI.LOUO CONCKUT TAHEKN JERSEY CITY, Til I'ltSDA V EVENING. MAY 11, CI. A it A LOl'ISK K it 1.1.1 MiG seata to-morrow morning, aa,'a. Iff Exchange plaea, noer ferry B? T C KB AND CO V BI HK SUltK AND COMEl Br lure and come and ace THE CHEAT .fc >1.1 AN QUARTET at TONY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. HE CHEAT WRESTLING MATCH, OVENS AG A IN A f MARTIN, for the collai and elhour ilintnp.on.nlp and $Va) a aide, will take nl ice WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY UO, AT TERKtCP. GAKDKN. SMtb >t., between Lexington mid .Id ava ADMISSION, (I N'K.W tit's 10 "ROSEDALE GALLOP."" BV TIIOM IS Baker danced in the ureal ballroom arnnv at Walla' l> a Theatre, and nightly rcdrntan li d. 4iie ; to t,c hail at all ?nualc Atorra. N'KW Ml's|C.~"MY DKKAM OP LOVE Is O'ER." "Thee All Do It;" "Awlully Awltil;" "I Should Say So "' "Going to the Hall ;'' "Irlab Koglmi-nt, "Hwei l Drrnina of llome;" 1.1'"1 oilier*, ten rente each. *eod at amp for aulidogmi. It A Kill Ma S, 2211 Bowery, npp, I'r I uco A lilt Y HILL'S. Tills EVEN (NO.?OKA ND SACKEI . .Con ert Prole,*oe Gallo'a laiiinn* orrheatrai braaa an airing hand in a auparb mualcal pingramme and a loll cliot oi lir.t claae -In.ait in popular vocal ,em? li. fPIIE M'DBKMOTT -Is IK US, I SCANLON VND i'IM.NIX, GRANGER AM) WaM HOLD, and all of Ida great tronpe ut TfiNY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. MATINEE TUESDAY AND PHID.AV. ? - t Mj nio LET SIMPSON'S MI'SEl'M (LATE COt.OM.L I vVond'*), corner lilb and Arch At*., Philadelphia Kfne i'ollei.tioii ol Carloaittfia, with cwinplale Thoatiical An poditinealt. flAIIK Most POPULAR SOMiS "op THE DAY aTUI, I 'Give M'- lhi?t laivinz lilaure Asaln." tie Krakauee. Siii'ttna alii "Our I'.rave P!,e Hot* hy La Koetir 40 nla. Willi handaomc illoatratluns, mailed to any adilrr?. SltAhAl KK HKOH., Aid Howrry. BEACriPUL NEW MUSIC.?"TilRRK ARB KISSES IV ?n in ii for Me.' I>e Peyater; "Dreamlnt- Kyaa of Long Aito," Oncrti; "Klta Me and Call Me Your Darling," llor. le> , "i-weet, sunny nmiln," Danka. with elegant piator# Oil"*. 4'i. . naeh . are the mt>*i '?harinla. and p pnlar -o i. a nt the ' WM A ptixD A Hit., MT Itroauw-i* and I'ldon ? |U ir. . Ni'W York ||*N.IO. Ot IT t K AND STAGE DaN'INO T tl OH f. jli IIAIII.Ks DOtiSO.N, JGI) Howary, ilKNI.t C. li nt. SON. 4?l?i i'tli av. rUPILN WANTED POIl TIIK HTAGR-PCMIaM AP' yeaias?a la J Sly, A?4U**a AUtW*a*Mirt Ua IMUftKXKNTS. PrAnrietor and Manager Mr Jnui4^V Ttlfci'.E WILL HE NO MATINS* ON SATURDAY. ev k v i-.vr. t s so. v r h. Mr IV*. **k . alay, ROsKDAI.E. , ., Tb? taoit superb H*f?c production ever eaea in tali cob*" try.? Herald. Mr LEaTKB WALLA(;g M Oilier character# t>> dr. JOHN "ilLHKRT. *r 'l REUUhTT. Mr r I > iV A K D * KNOTT. Ml## Aula ?>k' KINti (OS. Mr cyril skari.e. Mr XL .A 'i *.!.; XI r W I I VTINtlK Mr 0. K. EDM IS, Ml** * |' V | DY4A. Miw FLORENCE VILLI KB". Mo. ^J'j'tK C.EK MON Mr?. r.vBKKS. Mr*. SEPTUIa and ?*'" BLUB. I DKLL. ,, C.rrl ?**? m*y b? ordered at 11 :1 ?? - HOOKI.YN ACADEMY \IMKB. , u , vI.MKI* *1 the Br oklvn tetdemv Of Mnele.* Night* oul) and ?murder MA'lo*e of A qu T: re* Slsrho only aud > >lu..i?v AIM K, liiK Wt-EKN OK OPERA F'jl Thtir?.l*y eien.iii/. Mav lit -Flrtt time In Hro>k1yu c* I.A BOl LaN'.I RK A Dr.a b< U, in whtct . nn** "Pretl* *? ? Picture. Fridav. Inn* l-Fir#i time la 1. a ?KuLE HKLhNK. Saturdav Matinee ?t 1 n'clook. Only Aim#* MAtlaee. Admi. i in. #'>'? ? tt#*erved Sr?t?, o"c. #*trn. LA 0KA>UK DCCHESML AfMEK a# l.A iIKaNDK DUCHESSE. Saturdav eveniii*. June 'J Eir?i lime In Brooklyn, I. V Plif'TE, MtBlKK. Evening. M'e.. fl and 81 Ml; Mmine.t V*. ??IH Seete It.. . e..H ... ' .1 lv A ? en.I - .1 U' "* ?? ? HE ni l. ? riVOLI TliHATIth. A nh between 2d and 3d a**, the popular Aui*??a*P Uoucvrt if4rti?o and Mu?le Uail Till" Sun i**i aKTI KNOWN end EVENING, grand double Oroheetm and bom*. ! 1'Kctl.B I.*- COM P Th. the queen of Opera Bumff*. riituv .peciai aruat*. Alter 12 P M Variety. Adui.t.1.1'. J-'' alteration free. WML. P itKP v .1 P. few pupils ro* Lil ei.e ?. i. a.I ..c eaUree. MELPOMENE. M Churl.* *1. I if stt vL dkam vTif and Lit, aky oompli I \l iv i t??rv bcn**ut lettUami Vr*. v apuln .1. C . Jj* } Y,;1.i at u,i art* from ?tfliUlar? M?r/ Muarl. r*?c?. I \ . WtlT. .? |A. V. Krtr,,. Bii'ImU. tolw. 4i.d U?,;l# I ' tell r I w fit? iliiil villi 14V., 4 1 ?i Si WvdnV^lay veniua. May M :Uto.?raiioa 'Z mV * ;TVc. tndM: Admi?#i?n. SOc Por .iilu it P..U.P-. 'in I'm..ii ? i i*r? Mtv i-r ill' LA lOUil AND OAVOTTKl ALSO iiinici Luctv ind I'aribiau VValt? i?? a trial ?'f tbiH al V.-rrin't At "m-.iV t'o'it Mtlt O.. .?? Wedneedny M .iv ?, bv Prole or It \ *.N K> md ?!??*?? ^ - ? PI WOPOKTEM, OHOAKN. i fit AM ?B.-SIM.KSIHD NEW rPHMH r AND \ V'erio. to rent. au.I rem ellowed II tmrenneed. A ieS n?I? V nei wwedUnl* l??t ?? ??* WKr,*nl?<i n,r I, .e ir. "reete.t reduction to catli . ever ultcriu t . AI.N1> MHOS. . !?.'? uud l?7 fjtli *v..coruer Jit* ,1. Old Pieitoe leken In *XcU?B?tk . i -KOK Ui.N I L'PlilOllt'. vjUAitk AND ijRASO A.m. u. "" men*: n eoTor eel. ?ud ren^ e uum. Dor of due ?ec?nd lien-l Pi iuu#. yerlecoruer. AILLIAM KNABB vt 1IJ NH. **?. ebuve LH.i^V. TlioiitMitNT or asouNu 11 ami >ii invvay Al'l'tuoe. Millie uenriy new. verv lew; uoo I l*"'" " ! :Jt?, be.mre of vn'iued off ?? acuu ue m'??) wake. .? ??o.lon or ,,, pri.nMhoaMa iTBtN \\ \V '? SONH, ^tuin vv iiy "*2- ? i I.I. it* ii* N |? 7 :j OA-1-A VP. . I I.I. AlJOO; I prltilu. 11 ? ?; i hjoWerluR. 87 '. U bMl I'nton nquere nndmli *? (1PNTLPM AN oP LoNw hXPKKIENCR Wtl.I. tiue lete n> on |il?nulor?.i. .iogiiiB eoff Wmuu/ for SI J 'tfirier!* PHOPKSsOrt. irern.d office. -71. OCTAVE VVKItKIt PIANO. ALMOST NEW? X\.1 I'liuoe ;rnm M l" J> "? "*?? inontulr peymont# or to rout. Kii vK vUKii. II- ? .-.ukmt BAROAlN OP ALL; SUPBRB^TONID. A ? .|l(Vr*t*lt' 7 l-U ecteer rlenufort*. SIT.i; eo?? Ao,;.; Mei' l. ?'?? Cltlcke'-aL WO .pecutntom. .?? b?ri? daalem rxamioa RanlUvutfa TO r.prt tflU ? " I'Aitl t wTslllis TO BUY A UOOD UECOND Ahead PUnn cue?|. for ??b ; eUe n Stelnwey itren.L A.ldre.e Pi A.NO, .iition D "1 ?LA ItClB ArtsORfNIKST o. ?ROO N D H AN D AePiitnot, III tli .roudi K..O.I order. r?;1cTuiV<T2 no.irly new ; fur tel., *v very low prloee. UUIl/KLBINU * AONb. Sib ??. end IRilt "? .. . i ?Till MKSDoUB KAKOAINH IS PI *NoS. NhVV A.?ml eccoud hni.d. ell iinprovemeule. $100; direct f*oo factory. Broa4way. eoraor - 4 7,, OATAVi: Poll it ROUND PI.vNO UKLP A.Ur.ttcd Siao. ? tecribce ; e??U wnnted. hroed. a-iiy, coruer th ?t. ??? 4 N k~Lk.AiA.NT KOSKVVOOD PIANO, WITH CARVED Alette. Ae.. 875., weuted. 1.2tfl Broedwey. coruor 3tiiU si ? " r ?UFEi;B 7U OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO AND A j\rnHkrn?tUeui oc tavo uprtirtU rontwoed l*ian?forij? N*r ?la .?r hill priU ;mo?lcalibrated cily maMr.; bolU OCA. end Cleutiu. con I kit. .11 i.,..ueruimprv,meut?.u?^r 4irnnir D...?, 4?r?lle. pure, rich tune: ere *l*Ui>r?te k?iu recherche iiwiriiment*. can be tu ly **?mined lod n I. were token l? e*eh?n?e and will be .olu lor ?Jtk?. 6a*? wer autee lor live yeare and nave >oxe4 lor .hitipins. Trofir X HAITERrMWb Pt.r.ilture -tor??e M.reiiou.a 'J03 Wett Allih .t . corner Broadway and 7ih a* 4 s KLP.AiA.NT POl n R -UND STUN WAY PIaNO. A'orte. iSJiiu 7!j octave, full agraffe. over??ianir I '?"?N nil Impruvemeiiiv with Ku-rante# ,**crl#ee). "*? 1?? Pn* vate 47 Writ l#tu .t-, hetweei. ftU. end ?th ava. 4 NEW 7 LOTAVK PIANO. ?1?l VinrKh.R'Nil Atlrand #:?#?. ->ieiiiway? and other*, uprlnhl* *rd*4. el to Organ* low lor on liulalinenU. and rent. S. X. BALL A CO., removed Vo II Ea?t 14VU Ik, formerly t liickering llall. _ . ? KKW BR< OND HANI) WEBER PI ANOS AT VERY Aare.It bargain* tome o! then, imed but a very *b*rI V ii by our be?l i.iuticiuu* ? ud really elmoel a* go"<l 'V*> fully urerrauted in everv reapeek. Vleaaa call at the tY?b#r Wareroom*. 5lh a*, aud HI in ?l. A DECKh.iT POUR ROUND. 7M oOi aV* Hi?SfcWooD Apiaiiol'oi te. u*ed S mouth*, co.i f.KXT lor A.."" all at lat) We.t JUd *L. thi* day or Monday. Stool, cuvor. At. A PEW KIltbT CLASS ROSEWOOD IMaNOPoKTES b'tx::*"'',or km-isaTo' on i ianu?. ^ j,4)||(i Droai]wi4y, A RiiniiTMRvf ri?iM<Tlir AND Mil AKK PlAaVO. Ai??rta?. V7-r? v?? $-?"?<>; imUlravyU f5 and $10 muathlj until f;if-SUPLJ*W?Ver;*> place, near Broadway. _ SPIENIHD7', oUTtVK PIANO. LIlTLfc. UbhO, 8I5>)| rent. $?'?. 167 Ka*t D7th *t, corner adjitr. D, i HK K HARD TIMES vt l. WILL shLI. 7 octave Piano. Sl-Vi 7 l-J octave 8l'*i caeb;, a;??? t.ru7n. A70 Vs<; 1 *t"l>?. 8dS; S Atop.. 87... Id !lm.? i*Si 12 .tope. ?1??' ca?h; not need a ; in period order'. ItO BACK WATERS A BOSS. 40 ikatt I4tb *t.. bo tween Broadway and L'i;i>*r.lty place. TJLEilANT t'AhVhl) 7Ji OCTaVB flANOPOKTK. ALL JlfImprovement.; pric* ?UA>. Moot and cover. lt? Ka.l a:id ?l. ? IHI Still PR PIANOS KEI.IABLE ami Sl'LKNlM D 1 lone. 4ti i We.i ^sth it. ll*nd?ome .econd han? Piau i* very alrrap . /T RBVri ST BAKOAINB EVE it OKPKIil.O-Hlisr (jel*??ru?*wo..d Piano. 8?5; rent, t-t up; In.talmenU. upcn evening. CAMI'ltKLL, 52 a... near a > /"* rIT iKA-C P MARTIN A t:o. S i'i-.Li.B.. Al i.aI Ghultar*. Dooot. C. A. /.uKllISUIl A SONS. 4?i Maiden laaa. A r LSI Klfp NT 7 Ot TAVK KOSKVVOOil tlARVKU M'eu Pianoforte, ouly 87 .; rata bargain, at HORDON'S, I.>7 Bleeeker ?t. | 1JIANOS. 7 I It OA TAVI S. f I t ? COST BB.VI; OKtANS, i 1*U "V?,aN*KL ['"'llffVI fY. Wa.hlneten, Saw .leraey. ! pu N OS - PI If si A* L.A sS PI AN OS A-HE AP po ? 1 ea?h to clo.o the bn.ine**. 0. Rwwj-4J(1 T 1WH riMC MmiXWAl MJIAKKM, IN rilHKKCT order: low price* I'lauoalo rent Ir.?m :?'( upward. fIIKUWIM A !IKKIIKIIT. HM Broadway. ITriti?j11r and nyi AHK imaxoh lo, ? , mill 4>t<? montl>iv nil Intnl. or r*nt $11 upward. HtTIS, H PUM tquiiri- 14? l> nv i. i.eer Hill ah Lt i> it i ? i ii r I'lANoMMtTh. i?i:ir.i.i.?Nr toSYs i conditio mm to uo*. prlca mwiltrato. Addraaa I* Ia.NO. box I till Herald uftica. WANTED?AT A IIUIOAIN KOK KAMI. A OOOD It aecund liainl riano Aildroaa K , I'oiil oltlce drawer 6,'iJ.i iiatlai uieaai, liow loug nte.l. prtra, whan and wkera I' eel. be aeon. A | * j I \ tl-'.RV I INK RnXKWoOD PIANO; a< XI ? I I V !*?' '.lent tone, ot cr.truug .tea. earrad leva; uted amy tjiree ntonilia; maker# guarantee of Dia jrrart 2DI nth a*., oppotite Macj'e. DANCING AC A UK.Ml KM. A--(iAtiTI KR'ft DANCfRO * A< ai>KMV * ( NION ?equate; opan all tumraer; private leaaone any hourt .peala'tv new ayeteui. tlmple, eaally acquired ; lady meMeuta. Reception Monday. KINK A UTS. rrwi I :i ii -h and Atnorlcan. <7<*>, a rara bargain I'li'tt.'RU.H, Herald .iltl a \1TaNTKD-EA'HIV UKNTI.KMAN AS 0 LADY TO it 'j if-w t It it t tlic* aii .at I'J 1'ard I'ln.u.giaplie. lha varj bait. l >r #1. only at 1127 nrtn I ?t KKITAlHAnTl. T IVK t.NH I.KT I.IVK 21-1 BROADtVAV. ?I.AltlKX I J.ui.l ??*nt 1?*ii.riiS o> hi?r *1111 iMmti* Room : the l?n:? ?*r thit lHVf?riti' rrn*?rt it with thu ch<?R*p?t of il??* ??*n? ?n rt K$ IIV, 0.ti?*r?*r rou \?.k. A"~"' ? MOiIOAN A Hk > ril r.l.S, ' nfOKAOR U'AKI? ? I.uii.oa, Br.oiuway and I7lh at , for furniture, Mirror* I'taDoa. 1. a a.- age, Ad. . In* nam on tutlcUad V ?it roll At.K Kim KCKNTTl HK, mitiiT*0.-a J\.(...will ralr.: elevator, wat.-nm ?n , furniture moved. Mli.llAM II. Mtilll aI.Ki*. ltd, *j t oiniuerca at. near Bleeikar. \U HATTKK-ON, KfUKAOR full Kt'BMTUHK, ? pi inoloila. 01 gniit, baggage. Ac . 2't'i Waal A'.Rb at., corner ilrn ...way and 7th a? rlano*. furniture, Ac., moras In covered wagon# to Country or in lha citr, \->TOKA<iK.-WKMT HI 1IR HTOKAHK W ARK. ?hnuaiit. oihl it udaua at. ( iMuohia .quaroi. extending I. .iraanaicli .1 Mora.-., nnd tafr keening (or Kuruilure, t'ianoa Ro.-,joge (tooda and It arra ?f every dearrtpilnti n.ired in tapar no room-, ilidatl .aatabliaheit l"M<i., low v.1 in rate, molt a Mi naive and re>|o>ntilila a.iahl.ahitienl in the hn?tnr?- II I tilil.iliT ir?ner and Manaqei. Dittra .vti lli.iinn >i i A inn. don anunrei. / IAtiNI.V .1 i ii d HTOKAOK WAKfellOLHKit lint. ?>; \J I ?'. at., near Alh .? . .id'.dnli.g the hank, for furniture, mirror#, planoa, rurki of ait, Uatgagt.', uaneral mrrclian ?Ii..-. to... ncatalkla; perfaclly rdllahla t nighi watch ratli a tvan. ad. 17t MI'IKK ^ TO K AO K WAItMIOI SKH -Kill! KLK.Nt. raii.c, in mo., mirrort bAgsaar Akd marchnndlta; ihum hr.i ej-iat warclio'.ae. hare more aecurlty. lower raiet of Hit .Iran.*? ami lower ? hariraa lor .tor isr than anr .Imltar eatAiiii.l.iu in. lr.?p?ciioii tuvit.d removlnc. noiing end . ipniiie l-ro ipllj ntlrndird In. II O'KJ-'.il.L.t A lltl., I'fopi iftiira, ;ntH, ;i:m mid lirj llndaon ?t. CMUI.K sTORtOK WAKRIIotlrtEM. URHl'RfAHKED I i or tale ke.pln t furnitnre, ptanoe. Ae ; moat apprnred npnloot.y rluan or.lrrljr; lowett ....... elevator). I01t td7 Weal .'tltd ol nth ar. I < ??? "? "I't" ? Uiiiumi", I'l'tn It, AIU. , mo*l lipprOfVll plan - claan, or lrrlv ; lowett ratna iM.irtaaU Inii.r .ve.l elevator). 108 107 Waal .'tltd tt., one door wail ol nth ar. N'hW HTORAOR WAIlKllfWHKft. Ti?, 7VJ 7^ HTII ar , rorner P?th at.?Reparole roontt lor furnttiir. ? lora j* 'or i arnau.-t general marchau liaa. Ac AMI Til ? M'l.l.M, Pfnpi letor v rPUK Iltl OKK V All.,IIOLHR. htII aV.. KKUM mil I to :i 11)i at. havli h an rem?4elled on a ne? plan, .a p. a tiered to giro n.iiur accoimuodatloa than any otoer w I'thoote in the e'tr l<-r atnrate ?? Ikinintra ?iaa?..