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__ SlTl ATlOKi JVAKTED-rKM AIiF>. looks. ?v?" ro WFST l?Tn ST. (PRESENT EM PLOYKB'8).?A tJ>wili?h woman M cook Call on Monday. *>?>/) E VST 2MTH ST. ?A KKSt'F.CT \HI.K~ VVHVIAV ^V,u?i hrslelMe clnok In Trench. English or German ?tyle: ran take fnil charge ol a kitchen in a hotel or club home; country preferred; fevaral years' reference from last employer, t all lor two days. 4) in?i an AV~ n t hi.enc.-a8 cook and l u v~. AislVWreii; city refetcuce. Call for two days. CV'Ok. LAUNDRESS A N" D W A IT it ESS."?-A KA.MILV /gome to Eurone. desire a situation lor two servant girls: tbey are strictly honest, and do their work thoroughly utid cheerfully. indeed, they uro the only two girls that ever perfectly suited us: must go together. Apply to Dr. C'UL lON, 13 Cooper Institute. nClimiibs-rniaairta. ?c. CORNELIA ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL as chain barmaid and nurse. *>lt 1'. AST 74TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S i ? 'young woman, brought tin in Hug and. to do upstairs work and assist with washing or light housework id a re* epectanle family. /I'?< WEST S2D ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A m ''very competent chumherm ild and watirese: willing to nssi-t ill washing and ironing Apply between 10 ami ,'i. "1 t?Q WEST ami ST.?A RESPECTABLE < ( L IKE I) AsdUsom in an chambermaid or plain cook Adciea.i I. 1>. I" - WEST 51ST NT?A YOUNG* WOMAN AS WAIT. ' '* "rest or ehamberni aid : good city re'ere.teo "1 ~ * I A BT tIST n I ?A.N AMERICA N PKnll-.SI \SP J*'"girl to do charunerwork wnllng to ussUt lu the ? auti'lry in a private family ; ring once. Call Of address. "l/'ifKI.M >t._a YOtJNG EN OMR H woman as A wtJchambermaid in hotel or boarding house : f ur vears' In last place: eltj .,r ,? ,untry. Addreae JULIA INOI '>17 ">T 1 SI -A A Ol' NO A M KKIi'.AN WO. ^t? ,!mn chambermaid and waitress or cciid '?? nur w; will make herNelf generally un?ful. Addr?i?? s ,:a.V1S. 94.4.B*AilT SRTIi sr-A RESPECTABLE YOU NO r * 1 roteRtant l.- i rl an chamber in aid or io take care of ffr<mi]|? children and sew; years' rcferen- e from last place Ofitt WEST IITH ST.-AN AMKrTcaN g7rIT"a8 awAJ Ay chant be rm aid and waitress; three years' reference Irom last emnloyer; no objection to the country Call or mi dress. i(}^ East asTE ST.?TWO KISTBBB (PBOTS8 ejt't ftant*) ; one as cbaiuborraaid : the other us waitress ill ? boarding house; first class references. 09R U ,| ST 1 ST - dkCONlJ EL A T.-A vol;NO UN chambermaid and waitress. Can be t. en ut m r present employer's. av7 IT: I NT, third bklll-a girl f'V/(ltttely landed) as chambermaid and waitress no objection to the country. Call lor two days. 1 "><)<) BHOAOW ay ?A TOCNQ WOMAN v ? i \M O.. w /Y/beriiiaid and laundress, would see to children and do so wine; nine year*1 reference. 9 94-9 ^ ?TWO YOUNG OIELH TO ?. c * i . IT w the country; one hh chambermaid rind the other us waitress. Call on or address A. L) A SWEplSII lillll, PiJO-l ST AST) . CHAMBER U vmaid; best c ty references. Aderess lor two days T. A.' bo* 110 Herald I ptoan ilrunch office $1 Dressmakers asusl Aeiimsfrrssrs. i)r\ i'El;, UAY AMi BOAIUI WILL SECURE fashionable dressmaker; day's ttia). It?s 4tb Hm?i. A V?GENTLEMEN'S shirts REPAIRED Av/C^su-i neatly ru bosomed by u lady; pries low. 1(H) '^abt inn sr.?a fuwr class drear* iT iiV^i rwL? A ^eW hi??re eii*rsitreuieiit.H hv the day. In lirooKlyii or New S ork. Addrps*. lor three days. 1 | O WERT 43 D ST.?a COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS; A J?IS capable ol culling and tilting ladies' and chit* Uien s garments: reference from lost employer. Can be B"?'n 1111111 engaged. 1'4| west -.uM1 'sr-?A dkes.TmaTciTr 'wants prl e flue filter ' "** *1"r rt-'*i<ieuce'? reasonable or* /j west i ith st.?an am eric in girl as ~UUseum?,ro?,; would assist with light chamberwora; or addn's' machines; no objection to the country. Call ~*J14*',Al?lt AY< ?*Mt city REI0UT8, *l. ? rrencl' seainstress would go lor 7?>e u ilav 1 cull operate on machine. y' 44H.^Y" AV?a YOUNG WOMAN AS SEAM I * t?'stress; understands dressmaking and nil the dil f?It!!i TC '"T: wi" ?" b-v wei:k "r mouth, country pre lerreii. best releienee. Call or address. 597a;',T,'AV;- EMPLOYEE'S).?A PEOT .,1 a l4" n"ron"hly first class seamstress or chani. try " refelreii ' Cttp"1'18 of Ujlm?f un> position ; coun A.vSTYLISH DRESSMAKER WILL IlaMES 7 ?0 3d av ?r W?r ,10me : city or cou"try. .Mrs A . (>"gd seamstress wants a positY6jTiNTi. AmlrosJ iy* ,C"v iC4o ?ni1 fi?,'?>"??' "?<f children's dresses. Adorine. L.. box 17J Herald Uptown Bra oil (dlice. A I VSS I>l?hSSMAKEit. HAVING-THE iao,o. a!. I . f lor suits and Princess dresses for i * t uiihsps; ^rena(iin?>8 and uiourniiiLT muteriiil mad? at short "otic? ; ttrat clasi work ; fit tint: perfect. Call an or address M. Bit IT TON. 100 West 34th si., corner ot t tli uv., up >tnirs; entrance 24tli st. A EI 11ST CI,ASS DltESSMAKER, MANY YeTrS' jlexpuriouce in the most tnshiouubie Ereneh hou?. In ihe f Ua.a . In latest style, is u good designer Ue* Hies more customers by day or would take work Home ? I w t'uwn*Branch Addre" J" U'? huX 14;? \|NN; BaII.L, nil's i.aie ""pokewoman makes fil;.-; f 1.1 I S or Children s suits: can u?e Singer's or Domestic U.du,l"^ Bicker",I010'' Workl'^ Women', l' , , , General Huusetvorlc, Ae 1 (i >ion rue st.?a wom an, with little ctrl It/six "ld* to do geuerul housework; city or country. 1 99-*AJ?T .BATH ST?A ? OMPETENT tiJRL EO? i1' bonsework; no objection to the country reference Irom lust employer. country, 402 i"TH, AV -AS American oiklTis years ? i 'Id. ? ho nrrer lived out. io no llglit housework and tak? care ol children ; no obji ctiou to the country, 4 7.'V AT" SEAIi 33D ST. COJUtD KLOOR I Sjliack . A respectable irl to do housework io 1 ?eferiuie."1 ' pl"in cuok- w"?h" ??"! irouer; city Si'i.) !'ril AV"' BEI'WEEN 00I'll and ottii 8TS ?A poi'/young girl to <lo general housework in a amnll uri ;: ?^u:;dni: rm"y' :s u,Hrw ci-"" ^ an a a j.oou plain coo*, twelve >ear? in one idace ami tiirort 111 Hn ' " 1 : : m1 r. i-runcr. Oill on Mon|ty, 1 4 iAh ' BETWEEN mist and M3D STS t.tyreleTence? liuo?'?>? t>? Ifen.r.l housework; goo3 1 AV?A YOTTXO (!XR[, AS GENERAL Mfer.dic,' " Wn*" PrlTBt? family; good eitv A J^n-i lAb,LK GKKMAN (ilHL TO DO gen". Aho "fworkX'lo^BI'fc- " 0i* A> Tf> DO GI NKKAL ^ / ' E.NER vL HOUSEWORK?OlRX, WITH Kb rvii Uence. Mrs. 1.ANEY. 1.333 3d ayneiir^l'.t .L^r WANTED?A PlfiyfKsYANT W()MAN~To Dtf or h 43d .r' tiuU!M),v"rk'* l"J,t retwrence required. 14? \\ est Houarker p?-ra. ivc. O/? I!?.N'D ST.-A LADY. OK MANY YEARS' F.XI'R MUrltnto n> housekeeper, desires a unlet home more than e large salary; city or country. Address, for oue week, Mian A. K. II 30 138 lexisuion av.-a young American lady as housekeeper; widows r's family prelerrud. i'hl WKsl I IT 11 M'. A WIDOW, OF HIOHE8T J " ' {.respectability, deuces a position as housekeeper iu a country hotel. 3D ST.-A YOUNG LADY. AUKD-20." AS Ohousrke per: widower preferred. ALICE. 1 J WEST asTH~sT., f7k>T~FLOOKT rTK) M 1 ? A ijI y,.ung French totdy as lions keeper iu the lamily of a getillruiaii ol menus uuly. Call ail week. Mile. EUGENIE 1 Oft 4TH AV.? A CUBAN LADY, A STRANGER IN vr?ev'the city, destrea a position as housekeeper; widow ri ? ami y preferred, salary not ao tuuch an object as a Dome. Andreas tor one week I *)u 111 II AV.-A YOUNG WIDOW FROM BOSTON? T wOi? eheerlul and retinetl?as housekeeper In a widow ei ? launly. N. A. II. A J i d I.-II Yul'Mi LADY, Gi UMAX, A?S IIOUSK gY-keep' r: would like the charge of cnildreii; best reler ?iice. Cost olhce atation G. M. M. 4 YOUNG WIDOW DESIRES A SITUATION AS J. vhouaekeeper, companion or seamstress ; references ex Changed. Address J. a. M., Ilerald ollice ~Y w 11m?w~la"dy, lately akkived from eu V V ' wi-ties the management of a hotel, club or rrstati r nit.' j or country: 16 years'experience; speaks French ami En ,l?h. Address Mrs. JANES, at Bealstl'a studio, NtV4 Broadway, N Y. i yor.No widow, a7pmi ?"7amliTican., as a/vhru ekeeper for a widower or elderly gentleman; is In leliieni and cheerlal; coninsnsnliou a secoudar) object, AdtlressJ. B?, bo* U'.i Herald office * N EDUCATED COLORED GIRL." 17 YEARS, AS U\ housekeeper; only white gentlemen ol moans. Ail d e?s, enclosing stump, BELLI'., box 111 ilerald Uptown ?Hide, UY A MIDDLE A'.Ell ".NEW ENGLAND WoMAN~ exp riene. d In sickness an i in all liram ties of liouse k "pin'.', a sii uatlon to lake . are ol an Irn alid or as buu-e keepcr; location no object It wito a re-prot ble family: jest references given "nd required. Address S., Herald dtice. HOUSEKEEPER or companion,?a lTdy of iio'iuant an I culture: sgl d): comiietent to take :a ? i ol bouse; not alrald ol work. Address Mrs. J. ADe..,. , Newport, R. I. S>\k ti - anticipating oTTTng abroai mor bun i ab ebl during suntmei months can obtain a Vir gini > n,>n,ekeeper ami liusnuud, witli highe-i reference, ro Is, s entire charge and warrant tbe neatest order. Ad* .11 ,s In ..lie week. B., Herald I blown office. 'AN 1'EIN?iY AMERICAN l.ADY, SITUATION AS tini'.'i. eper or to lake charge of dining* room in a bote I t,idles* J. A., Herald office. Yi'A.iED?BY-A LADY, A "l*OSIITON AS MOUSE \? keeper in a hotel, city or country. Addr. .? M. M. li, box 114 Herald Uptown ollice. liiiuntlrMsrs, dir. 2 FRANKLIN TERM AGE RMTH ST., NEAR OTH AT.)? A rcsio-rtabie young girl as laundress: no dtijectioa to a boarding house. /?*? WEST WASHINGTON PL At E?A liK8 PECTA? Oajble woman to ilo wsshine and Ironing at h one or ? ut of till' house; best city reference, t all or address. 0( | CHHI.VIOPIIKH ST., It ill.V | i V lie SPELT A O'/his a imsn to go out by the day washing and ironing or housecleanlng. (iu CHABLBB ST.?A HKSl'klfTAHI.* SCOTCH l/Owomaii to go out by Die day to do wa-hiug and ironing tnd housecleanlng, best reference. mwest lirit sr.. rear~a~ioi in to work by the day at washing, ironing or housecleanlng. 1 - | WE-rilsr ST. FIRST I'll to It. To DO FAM JLL/Xllies or gentl' iaeu s washing, by tlie aw k or moutn . ?;%?. per doien . noes litmllica' washing. Address or call on lira ?. J. LU1NKK. t> I O WBST SUTll MT.-MRSL LEE WIHMEs TO TAKE gilOm washing; best reference. Call lor two days. *??;u WEST JllTII ST.?MRS. SARAH OIFFIN, FIRST a-? Ociass laundress; wssblugr~4 Ironing; terms mod erate. v\ SITUATIONS WAXTKI>-rE.nALK8. " ' LaunilrnMrn. Air. O'iO WKST 4HTII ST. REAR HOUBB.?AN AMr.KI ^<lt/ctn woman would like gentlemen ? '?\-g rs. m\vi;sr SttS st.. Rt u > M * SfaPSOTABLS u,m?n to .!? washing by bundle or dosen home, iuo?l(*raie oliMr'4?*N ; good mfer'iiQ#. ? o/?- urn av.-a rm.oRETi laundress to do On^wiuhle* for families by the week ?rtui'O. ? **' ... ??-' V COMPETENT GIRL WIHHB* TIIR F-NTIKB Acbarge ol a laundry. ?l* ???" jUiXf [?WTKST box is-j hotel; :<?"'? reference*. Addr??s (OJIPKTbJii. box !"?? , Uirtlil Cpon *Im. ? TTKAU LAUNDRESS' SIIUATION "'AS.TrD^BY AN ! Iloxpsrlenced woman: understand* lau?l JT ai'jj. f Ct -v : in a hotel: city or country Addrem HEAD UAL ? ( DK&fe?** box 144 iiemlti t'ptown Branca ottict. , ifnrsft. dff- p I Iftl WE-T MTH ST . CORNER BTH. .uTi'.Te^ de- ! I' JIhIPPaUD. a monthly nnra# of unu-ua Jul il 0 | sire- imtn-diatf employment: certificates nr#t clu 1],I WEST Mil 11 ST A ?K?PK?TTaBLK OlKL. TO | J 1 _t,ke cure of .-bildrrn end assist tVn?b,reLates-' U I iTnent newer- would nrcte u nod liotue lietore ?ne?, i? I very agreeable; I* alwliv. at home._C.1l for two day.. TOO EAST WWII BIT. l!AR"f.KS-A IthsPF.CTABLR L< >?young Amvrican girl n* nu5*?,'ol r"i",1(,<ir Address i dren nndsetv; good dre??er: best referenre. Address K K . lortwo(i*y?. ? ? ? .?/> u*t'w'i' ivrn sT ? 4 NEAT OOLOTlhD WO I 132m?n?? nurse *nd seamstres-; thorn ugh ly oompe. tent; six years In l.kl p!s-e. . , -inn l-i ST, IHiHOKKN. ?> YOUNO DANISH I uOwotnin ???> w#t nnrw* healthy ind hi r. s <)-i ~WMf 24TK sT, TOE FLOOR, BACK.?A I O Lyoung colored women ?* nurse or to wait ou ?n In- , valid l?dv ; !? willing to tr*e.l:_besjt_rlt.v reference. l | n East ViTH sT. ?A RB8PI CTABI B PERSON"TO J 4-7x0 to the cnnntrv to tuke care nt growing children and m-tr e ber-elf -enerallv "?etul : under-tands dee -oak ??operates on Wheeler A Wilson's m-i-hiue . reference. i"/e?> BAIT 44TH ST.?A PROTR8TANT I I )s)for a ladv or little children : understands I 8 /ppiwr * IHUV ' 'r lit in ??'??"?? - perfectly . jr?>od city reference. Call Monday# AS NUHSI5 her bu?in?M t)/\7 WK T 1 STII ST.-AR ENOi.l.-s" M Rsh AU ? ' r ( enstetnad to ocean -ravel, to t*k? ch.rirool an In valid no objection to an insane or apoplectic person, t all one week. HO" \VF>T 15T1I ST.. RKAR.-A COLORED OIRL JtZ' )to p. nd a ?ro?ll child. Call lor eight days. titio-WERT S8TH ST-A FRBsCh PROTESTANT to take cure of children and ns plain srwer. s}/\- BAST HOT 11 ST.-A "RKSI'F.CTAUI.E WOMAN t"SU?)to wet nurse a baby at bar own^%rDONALD. QQQ WRsT 34T H~ST. I PRESENT EM I'1.0 Y K It'-s). A QOtTraapectablagirlm nurse; wllllnK and00" i))Q WEST 1HTH ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A TO UNO O'xOKijylUb girl us nnrne to to Europe : best city ref erence. 409 WEST 41ITH ST., BETWEEN ?TH AND 10TII avs.?A reniiectable woman as sret nnrse In a re bp ctuble family. , | ?> "7 \\ EST M'i'il sr. ?A RKSPKCTARI.K .ilUL AS 4 .i / nurse and to new by band : a .ood bome preferred to blub SVUL.-CS: best city references. _ -Ton WEST54TII ST ?A RRsVECTABLE Voi'NO 4-eJ' 'American woman as wet nnrHc; a fall breast ur nd U " all for two "lays. -T i,M)Y WISH'S AN ENtlA'lEVRNT FOR HER nurse whom she c .n l.l^y recommend ; no ohlection to the country. Address E. P. lb. at Letter Agents. 1HU West Hroadway. Waltressea. &r Ol n EAST S6T1I ST. -A YOUNO OTRL A3 FIRST aw LV/class waltm-? and to help with chamberwork; gi od city reference. EAST 31ST ST.?A FRENCH OIRL -iS WAIT aiilsirrss; four years' best city reference from last family. Call on Monday. _______ tlnrellaneons. _ _ i q WERT 40TII sr.?A LADY DF.SIRES A PLACE 4 rVor ,,u excellent French worn n as maid or to take cere of children ; can do drrssmaklnjr; wlllinir and oblla-lnir. WEST 20TH RT.-FRI VCH WOMAN AS FIRST ioUcUss lady's maid; good h.lrdreaser and dressmaker. iro >d city reffrcnce-4. ddress A. L. 1 4 f E 1ST ITU ST ? IS La DYS" MAID AN D SEAM I 4'>htrea?: een operate on several machines: is a g-oj fnmllv seamstress: is a I'rotastant; best city reference Dora last place. Call on Monday. -1 ro BLEF.CKFR HT". BACK ROOM. SECOND lO^floor?A resectable woman and hunb-ind want to t ike care of a gentleman's house for the summer. OAT W[>r 2KTH ST.," FIRST PLOOBJ-A RE JU I sp -ctable widow to travel or as seamstress and nurse; country preferred. Ol n WEST MTH ST -A CANADIAN OIRL AS Zi 1 Ustew ardess. Call tor two days. OOWEST 330 ST.-A LADY OF REFINEMENT AS JiJjI companion to a lady, also aeamstrosa. Monday, from 12 until 4 P. M. (Ilia AV. It. CORNER 14TH ST.-A MOH1 RE Z )' 'speetnble North or Ireland girl, not long In the city-, wishes work hv the day or woek: will do any kind of work in b respectable plane. Address K. M. 0. "V YOCNfi MARRIED LADY OF THE HIGHEST RF. J\ spectublllty desire, to obtain a nosltlon or 'rnst wWe she Clin e irn Irym f!5 to $20 a week. Addross INFELICE, I If raid office. _ a Yiii'Sd AMERICAN LAI?Y IN BaKBUY. CON J\ fectlnnerv or reetaurant. cashier or waiting. Audrese ATTENDANT. Herald t'ptown office. 1 YOUNO WOMAN OF~EDUCATION AND IXDUS A tno'is habit- would Hke to aceonioauv a family or la'lv to Eurone In any rapacity to make herself useful: -loes not get sea aick. Aodreas R. 11. W., box 11.1 Herald < ffics, A N AMERICAN LADY OF EXPERIENCE IS DRSllt. A Oil- or a position us ? onmanlon to a lady, or would tako chargo of two or throe children'- education and music, will attend to practice; no ob|e. tlon to traveling; reference exchanged. Address or call. M. A. H.. 24.f Ea?tH4tlt ?t. A_ LADY~hAVINO EXPERIENCE. WISHER A POST, ^.tion a- c-shier or housekeeper. Addreee 8., box 137 Hern1 d office. . A YOUNG WOMAN WHO HAS TRAVELLED MUCH A.would take charge oT child or children or w It on ladv goirg to Europe In consideration of ntissage being puid. Address M., box 12S Herald Uptown ofBc^ A S< OTi ll WIDOW. WITH 11 EH! GROWN IT RON, \ would take care of a house during the summer; can fur. nlsh hest clty reference. Addres. HONESTY. Herald office. aN FXPFRtKNCED FRENCH LADY'S MAID DE A Mres a situation with a la-nlly going to the ?ea aliore; would tave rare of children: apeaka English; best reler. ence. Address Z H . Herald Uptown office. "a "iaiiy. E I >? I liar" WITH NEW ENGLAND 3 I'M A.mer resorts, would tuke charge of three little MWaes or ail invalid ladv as reader and rompanlnn : reference. Ad dress CLIO. Herald Uptown offlce._ DUO WI ST is'ril ST.-A RELIABLE PROTF.-TANT ji^Owldow and eon desire a house to take care of through the snmmer months. a?M I [> T> I. TgF.D PROTESTANT ENGLISH WOMAN A ss und r m-tron or to wait upon an Invalid lady, or In a linen room I" a hotel: beet of reference. Address B., box 101 Herald Uptown office. A YOUNG LADY ENGAGED DURING THE DAY A wishes copying or II-lit work to do evening#. Addrese COPYIST, box lin Herald Uptown Branch office. Tit LEG A NT FURNISHED HOUBK CA RED FOR BY Tigentleman and wiTe dnrinc owner's pleasure: city refer mice and seenrlty riven. ' ddr ss DELMONIO. hox 2.426. PROFKSSIOKAl.SITrATIONSWANTKD? KKMALES. A LADY I 'ESIRES TO EXCHANGE F.NGLTSTf, J\ French nr Music to ronng children for Board ; clt>' < r country: referenoo. Address SOUTH MAYD, Herald Up town offiee. A VISITING GOVERNESS DESIRES AN ENOAOE ment for the lanmrr months as teacher or companion; n pien-cmt hoiop more of an eblect than *?lary ; reference! Minn t).,bo< 127 Hernial Uptown Branch office. A YoUXO LAKY HIGHLY BKSPKOTABLE DKSIKEH J\ to meet a - nil 'iiihti ol wealth and irreproachable honor, who will aaalat her in rnislnr a small sum lie the lit of July. Ad iress HASTINGS, ho* i.'l > Herald Uptown office. A FOREIGN LADY DESIRES AN ENGAGEMENT JT-a ./Vas InitructreM and comnanlon, not as governess, to one or two ladie- "olnr to Europe preferred: la a llr-t claas pianist nnd 1 i it ecu i at *. teachei clastic, modern and sacred music and singing as well a? French. Herman, English and Italian. Aildreaa M. S? 233 West 49th St. A LADY HAVING FILLED A POHIIMlN AS SALES /\lady would take any position of trust; hest references. 31)0 East 41st at An rdi cati i). reliable and trustworthy English lady as lady's roinpanlon, housekeeper, with ca eot children. > r any honorable position ; highest reler cures. Mrs. LATHAM, bo* ISO Herald office. 4 N American lady of liberal EDUCATION VVdesires a situation as <ro*ernee? In a German or French family Address M. \V., 114 West 41st st. 4 YOUNG LADY. A THOROUGH TEACHER OP J\ French and Mils c. wishes an engagement, or would go ?s companion. Address TEACHER, box 194 Herald office. AN INTERVIEW WITH ANY ONE OF THE OLD J \ pupil - and patrons of Miss JENNY \) ILLIAMS, writer and ? other, could now be linil at the Hoffman It use In var ihiv, as for tears past. Iliore can V.e no Interview that Is not paid for; and none earlier Mian 4:45 P. M. except the appointment has been paid lor In advance. A YOUNG GERMAN LADY DUI E> A POSITION a nursery p-overiiess: a good home will remunerate. Address B. Herald offiee. * AOI NO LADi, SUE A KING FRENCH FLUENTLY, Awe " ?fVwould i-lvo lessons In that language, innate and English, In exchange fat Board during summer mouths. Address CI. E., box 183 Herald office. I E ??SONS. ?READINGS, COJfVRRS ATlONM; ALL I Jsntilects; h iL price, la'les arid children. Addrrea PLEASlMi STYLE. Herald office. fPALKNTKD LADY PI.VNHT. NATIVE t?F HUNGARY, L wonlil civ musical services lor partial day Imard or use ol room and piano. Address PIANO, Herald Uptown Branch office WANTED A SITUATION TO AN Si 141 IN SEWING >Y or household duties by a lady for her board. Address Mrs. GILMORK, Railway. N.J. WTANTED?BY A YOUNG LAD* OF EDUCATION, A it situation in a private lanillr as govemees to children. Address M. Kill.I,INS. car# ?l Mr. Flntiagan. 31 Barclay st. U'a.m. d--a lady, competent and aukeea hie, to derate a lew hours as confidential copyist In P m on otti'n and at hnme if desired. Address M , box 881 Herald office. IIIII.P W VMEII-fEMVLEs. \ YOUNG LADY As lioUrtKKEhPKll A r |;tt> ? kst 32d ?t. < a.l lor three days. 4T JIMK. IVI NGSTOVS, II EAST 14TH ST.?A I L jVbr niche - or resscuttlng taught by new system. 100 y id- trimmlCL' cut lu 2" minutes; lady wantert to manage loo. nes two month I also agents; can make $3U per week easily cutting, basting, specialty. A DEMAND FOR IE LEG RAP II OP E R tTOKS.? Learn and tal.e positions ; success yilaranteed; tauo'it I ract'rally, oai or evening. THOMPSON'S College, 20 4th av , o 11 idie Cooper institute, -YOUNG LADIES TO I.U.AKN TELEGRAPH YOUNG LADIES TO LBAKft II LEGHARI! ?#p-rating; permanent positions and fair salaries ob tained when gitalin d. TEL GRAPH 1 N S IK I C 111 i.N uMI'AN Y, ill I'ark row,opposite Post office. Avv FEW HUNDRED OI'KKATORS OK WflEKLEK A ladle ' underwear and lafa goods, lor in ami onl do< r work .steady employ inrnt ,. ? ? ?- neoaru st. throughout tho year. H. BIG LI, A CO., 4)4 Lispeoitru T NY "wo Man "can" MA KB "S Tf? 88 FEITDAT ^ V within her uetgbborhood. Call ALBERT WAUL, 24 Broadway, room 4. 4 LADY ( aNVa-sEK IfT"WANTED IN RVRltY j \ church congregation In this city and cLewher#, Call or address *4!) Bioadway, room 9, HELP W \NTK1>?FKAIA1.KS. 'a t' XI7 ItllCt ADA'AY." GO UN Kit iarii sY-Ukmh xxaud Cloak Cutting by actua' measurement taught thoroughly ; only trie- ??v fitting nil tonus perfectly with out alten.ti in: also Uoal.uiui; ?ml Trimming-. A~"? KSPKt.TABLB, iSTKl.r.MSK.NT MUHlLL-AukD woman to uo the housewnrg tor a gentleman nod wife. Apply basement office 224 5ih a*. LADIES CALL Ahb fUBf OMR. MDAT* J\.<>erf?et s?-tem of cutting at 14'< Watt 12th St.; lining* em lice. Die.amaktirt taught sremug?. Affenn wauled 4 ~- li>() ((PKHATORH WANTED UN LAMES' SUITS; 2Y..plenty work Hinl good pay to first ol??s hands: corny ready to wi rtc on HotMjr i?t niue A. M. N J NATHAN, 2211 K'ulton it, Brooklyn. Qvo minutes walk from Fulton Kerr/. 4 N EXPERT OPERATOR, WHEELER A WILSON'S .TLinacbiue, ou bullet'Hue undergarment*", timsher uu Is iliet' Hue suits. 72Meicer*t. GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. PLAIN cook, washer and ironar for a family of two. Apply at 173 Waverley place near Perry st., after 10 o'clock. _ A"~N KXPKItlENCBD IRONRR OK LaDIES' UNDER clothing wantoil at KHKICIl'fl. 287 and2H9Sili av A. . jr?-1 clan*drexumfikera wanted : also operator*on Wheeler tk Wiliuti and IJoiiiegtic Machine* , immediate a id sn ady employment chii be had by cornpt?tont huadu only ; apply reception room fourth Moor (by elevator.) KDWAKi) iUDLRY A 8<>K8, t?rar.d and Allen ?t*. ALTAIAN ("0., OOltXKR IHTH ST. AND <iTU AV., B require at once .several flm class salesladies for their auil nad underwear departments. B ALTMtN a CO., 1BTH ST. AND hth av.. E require ?l once a lady of experience to attend to ihkII or der.. eucli a? selecting suits, costumes, bonnets and geuar*l merchandise. none but a thoroughly proficient nerson, who w ill slat, tul' particular* ?s to references and former em ploy meats. will answer. Address us above. Dlt S-M VKK..S AND APPKKNTICKS WAN IK I >.-275 iltb av. _ u\PKKIENCKD DRESSMAKER WANTED ON BUNT .i Jinu kiiiis; good wages paid. OPPENHEIM BROS., 87 Kranalin it. XPERIENCKD OPERATORS ON LOCK STITCH machines; steady work. Apply, with sample, at 13 Bank .t. Experienced suit 11 ?nds wanted at kkyks\ 349 and 351 Stli a*. TNXPEKIKNOED laundry ironrrs can" kind 12 steady employment on ladles' uuderwear at 8. BRILL A CO.'S, 4S Lisp nord st, H RICH A C0~ " Nos. 287 and 288 8th ay., want live first class salesladies for the undergarment departmeut. P1XCFLLKNT OPPORTUNITY.- MANCTPACTUIRTNG icompany wants general agent South, East hoc West; unquestionable references Indispensable. 2t>2 Kroadway, room 2'.< 111 ROT CLASS OPERATORS WANTED ON WHEELER r Wilson and Domestic miichines for linen suits. R. II AY WARD, 'ill and 07 Leonard si., corner of Ohftrcb Fink workers on white muslin* and sw lis dresses to take workout: must bring sumtdes of work and have best city retnrences: also n few good bun Is lor the bouse. Apply, bofore !> A.M., at basement door. M. A. CONNELLY, 7 Bart HRh St. FD'ST class COOK A ND LAUNDRESS FOR PM vute family; references unexceptionable from last place Call between 9 A. M. and 2 1* M. at 4 E of euipioymebt. West fltll ?t. H HOUSERI'RPhR WANTRD POR OENTLEM tN, without famtD, in hoarding Mouse and school, un Hud son a loan of $300 required. Address HUDSON, Herald Uptown office. AND~s7)N PINTTlINBN SUITS TO TAKE WORK home; those doing quantities preferred R. W. DEUT80H, 327CanBl st. T AUNDRESS?A COLORED WOMAN: MUST BE A Jcood Ironer. puffer and flutcr. Aoply, with reference as to capacity. No. 104 Kast 14th at. II. MACY A CO. WANT I'iXI"EKIKSCED~[LANDS ?on ladies' suits, on Wheeler k Wilson's machine. Ap ply at office, 14tli st. and Hth ar. SEVERAL C.OOD DRESSMAKERS: ONLY THOSE Hceustorued to work on waists; also an errand girl. Ap ply at 380 3d av. Several first class salesladies wanted k?lor our millinery and tancy goods departments. Inquire at '.'87 Urand st. WANTED A GIRL FOB HOUSEWORK AND A young man for gardner; German, brother and sister, S referred; reference required. Address J. W. EUBANK, 10 3d av. WANTED-BY MIDDLE AGED GENTLEMAN, A housekeeper: one who knows something and Is peat. Address Y., bo* 203 llrruld office. WANTED- F1 EST liLASfl 'dress MAK'RS: A ISO button hole makers. None hnt experienced bands need applv at 17 0th av.. first floor. Wanti d-Lady casTiirk-FOR RESTAURANT. One with experience may address, with reference, box 117 Herald office. Wanted"-first class trimmers and finisiF crs on dressmaking; also a good operator on Wlllcox k Gibbs' machine. None others need apply at 13 East lsth st. TANTED?AT~2IEAST~ 18TH ST~~A GIRL FOR general housework. Call Monday. "\I7ANTED?A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL"llOUSK VY work and take charge of a dairy in a small familr; short distance in the country. Apply at 414 Stale St., Brooklyn. ANTED?A GERMAN G1RL TO DO GENERAL housewora: family small. 1,243 Lexington av. WANTED?GOOD DRESSMAKERS"ON WAISTS~AND polonaise*. Call at 45 West 18th st. Wanted?A GERMAN bR~SWlbTslI WOMAN. 8EK adveitisement In column of "He p Wanted?Mules." Addr 'as 1*. "II r A NTED?EXPE RIRNCE D SALESLADIES. FOR TT the snlt deportment. Apply to CONKLINU k CO., 8<>i> ana 811 "roadway. WANTED?FIRST CLASH HANDS FOR LACES. EM hroiderles and hosiery; must be good stockkaeper*. Ap ple at D ANIELLi'S, 759 Broadway. TV-A NTED ?A RES PECTaIlI YOUNO LADY A8 TT assistant saleswomnu; must be a competent ipera tor on Wheeler k Wilson's machine and accustomed to work on flue dress ?hlrts KEEP MANUFACTURING COM PANY, 427 Fulton st., Brooklyn. WANTED. ?A RESPECTABLE AND COMPETENT wotiisn, who. for the compensation of a free passage, would be willing to assist * lady in the care of two children, during a trio to Hsn Francisco. Cal , may apply, by letter, to F. H. H., room 25 No. 80 Broadway, New York. w w ANTED-FIRST CLASS FINISHERS ON WAISTS. Mmo. DOLlVET, dressmaker. 413 Utli av. WANTED?A GERMAN GIRL. FOR CIIAMRRRWORK and to assist in washing. Apply, from 8 to ID Moodsy, at the basement door 30 East 18th st. WANTED? \ COMPETENT CLOAK DESIGNRlT lii era! terms to the rlulit party. Address, in confidence, for three diiys, box ISO llerahl office. 'GOOD MILLINER AND TRIMMRlli 42H 4th av., near 29 h st. WANTED-AT S. M'PARTLANDS. 643' STH AV., A young ladv who understands fitting and alterations In suits and cloak* WANTED?A ?NiAPABl7K OIRL Knit (TeNKPAL housework : lamily of three adults. Call after 10 A. M. Monday. 254 West 42d st. Wanted "six first class orks~m akriih and Vf flnlsliers; also two apprentices, at Mmo. M. DECOR DOB V'H, 25 East 20-.h st. Ufa NTED?TWO HTOKKKRKPRR8 IN A HOTEL IN VV this city: must be experienced. Address HOTEL. Herald Uptown Brunei) office. ANTED?FIFIY EXPERIENCED IIEMSTI1CHKB8 in hue linen coll.fe. 157 SVost ISth st. 'ANTKD-A GOOD OKSIGNKR FOR pil?KR~ PaT loynref " --- - day, alter 10 \. M ANTED A Gi ml) COLORED ilIKL TO DO ?eneral housework Call at No. 124 West 47lh st. w w terns?_ 1 ioy preferred. Apply et UU West 33d St., Mop w WANTED?Fo It PLAIN HOUSE WORK IN THE country, an intelligent Protestant girl; washing light, es lamilv is small. Address IMMEDIATELY, station L, Harlem Post office, N. V.| TlfANTED?AN EX PKRIKNCR D^ tfUTTK R AND DB Tr signer of ladles' rln tks, ominetent to take <? barge of the manufacturing ilepnrtinutit of a large whuibsule lioitse ; engagement to commence un .Inly I: all eomuiutiiratlous confidential. Address R. II. L.. Herald office. 100 FIRST CLASS OPERATORS G.N LADIES' lluest underwear, lawn basques and Infants' wear, indoor aud out, wanted at once. Very highest prices paid. Bring sample. A..< i;?ll on BQiuvn a vu , 2 ?' ninl 2HI* Htll nv. 1 A|1 FINISHERS WANTETj^djN" KI nTT sTl fitTSj KX Xv'Upi'rt operators wonted uu Que drawers. KEEP'S hblrts, 185 and 187 Mercer si. 1 / H 1 WEST 40TII ST.. HKI.I. 2. K A>r.-WANTED. A lU''r?w uood dressmakers ami Imurovers. SITUATIONS IV Jt lTEO-MAl.Rfl. A~VOl>U VaK.UKf. COUPEE, KECKNTI.y FROM Pails, wish in obtain situations In a private family : tin) husband n* bttiler; the a-ile us Korerness or housekeeper; the gentleman speak* French and Italian; the lady has hi-en a teacher of 1'n neh and (ii-rntun Ir. Purls for * nu.u her oi rears. Address Mr. J. UKKAN, 121 Forsyth St., Now V'irh __ a FSINOO M \ LB OX)K WANT* \ PUOI 19 A .. A private family ; references itlven. Address 108 West 2Mlh St.. second llnor. ? FIRST CLAMS i.KKMAX WAITER PRIVATE J\ family or hotel; city reference. Address WAITER, lleruld Branch office. YOU MI MAN III SIRES AUIlilK'N CUM Ml if m house preleired , heat recoiuiueudalluus. Address I'., tins 1,11'I I'list I fficrt. AHA FII18T CLAMS WAI. EH. IN CITY Oil OOl'N>. Ii-'st ol references Address P14EHENT EM PLOYE K'S, Hern d Uptown office. t Y-Il NU ( III.III.I,n mas OBsIrBH a 8IT1 ATION J V to make himself useful; pood city reference. Address I'sEKUi, Herald Uptown office. s 8 HBaD w AITKK \s EXPERIENCED UBBMANI J\ speak* trench KHd Fnplish; town or country Addresa J M.. Ktnpiie House, <lt;< :id nr. A~~ TlliY OOLOKKD MAN AB WAITER IN A PRIYATB family: nest city reference. Call on or uddress E. T. II., 227 Wesi I nth st. "t YOU NO Mvs. WITH THREE YKAKM* BXPB* Xvrience n* bnrkceper, desires a situation in city or coun try : references llrst class. Address FAITHFUL, lierald I t,ton II o111ilt. rivf-..M MM an ah pTiifsf" CI.AHM "t'OOK ; UNI?eT. stands pastrr; snod refercnee. Address A. K , Ims I'.H Herald Uptown office. American h6*~o* in dehireiTemTLoymbnt in on office or store: resides with his parents; can furnish heal rclcreuco. Address liUNLeT, lierald uilloo. \UKMIi F.MAN WHO HAM KEEN CONNECTED with the hntcl badness in this city and elsewhere, who has coiinecii-ns with seTernl ol tlie Icudliig lintels in ihe (Hinniry, would like a poaltii n, pertnancnt, for the summer or year, he will fnrnllh the very best references; would he able to hrlntf a laryn pair, nnire to a hotel in this city urn summer house of transient and permanent business. Per luttiview address A. C., boa 180 ileraid odloo SITUATIONS WAHTED-MUEl. A KlitST f'I,AHS WaTTI R n ANT* A situation in J\ i ||r11 ate fHt.iilv. Address JOHN W.. 1'UI We-i :wtl i st. HK.wlO'.t TAHLr" VVIl.LIMi ot>? t>K 17 It .NIDI.Ml will1 parents, wl?li> h ? uipli'Vint'til or any kind; Hist clam references. Address WIU1T H Y. no* 11 <? Herald othue. AM KB 10 AN Soy ON tt DESIRES \ .-ill YTION IN nftiea o' commercial bouse. Address Nc-LSON, box 62*1 Pnit office. T> IIKKKI'KK -A MTi;?.TIOS~KY A VnuNOMtNl Utile years' reference from last place. Address It., box 117 Herald offlco. n'oTKl.s.?WAN1EO. TlIK SITU ATfoN" OK SUPER, intcndent In a lintel or club; four veurs' beet city refer ence troui la-t place and security If required. Address K.. Uptown Herald office. Hotel supkrintendent, steward or hkTi> waiter, bv u muu ol e tperiencaand first rials relereiice. in u first riase hotel, city or otlflrw is*. Address SllhW ? Mil DOE. box 141* Herald Uptown office. Male murbb-by a~oompbtent man; hah iiad e >iue years' experience in tlie city at uttendani und uursa; beat rcfercucas from doctors and last employer. Address IIKNUY. Herald Uptown office. Vri'RSR VALBT OS BUT LIB RV A YOUNO BNO .* llslnnan . incite.t references Irani doctors uud last situa tion. PRE'd. Herald Uptown office. 1) KSIM'.CTAIILK YOI.'NO M IN "'"WANTS "flll UATION Las porter or to drive a truck. Address HEN It Y, box lot) Herald Uptown office. 0 ITU AT ION "HY~ KTR8T CLANh PR EN OH COOK 1 finale), in private family or hotel. Address M. D., Pen sion Kraucaise, No. f> Nortb Moore St. C" I'ATI ON" "WANTED-MY' a YOUNO MAN AB importer in city or country. Address WM. McDONALD, Yonksrs, N. Y. y 1TUATION BY "a Yon NO M an aWobtr rT^TIL kbllnir to work at mo v t Iti use: stood refereucea. JOHN J. DoHEKTV. lbs Kiauklln. SITUATION WANTED?AS HOOK: IS A 111 "PC II RR; kVan titUe charire of all branches In a liotsl. Address OOoK, Herald offloa \\rANTED?BY A BOBXR. TNDUMKIOUB man. to ?? take cure of a house tor tbo sitmuier. or Janitor; best city rulerencB and .1(1 tears with one man. Address, one woek, industry, box 12."> Herald Uptownbranch. f ANTED?BY A YOUNO MAN. A SITUATION A# sailer or butler. Apply at 149 West 20lh si. Wanted-a PosifTbN ok any kind, by a vomic men of stood address and references. Address R.. box ISO Herald Uptown o h ?yovxa man ab abound ooor in ki-btaurant X or bnardiinr bouse: beat reference. Address, for tbree ds.vs. .11,. 646 De Katb sr., Krooklyn, vv CLKKKN AMI NAI.KSMKft. YOUNG MAN EMPLOYED At tfELMONICO'C . . Madison square, an cashier until t? day. wishesft similar all mtiou or a? bookkeeper: *pc><ba It 'ranch, Gurmnn mid English fluently, can furnish ?references; city or couttry. A'ldrass II. H., IlrrtalJ * ptown office. A A 1 BOOKKEEPER, ENflLlH.I AM) (I HMAN COlt _ .respond) ut, with highest re'ereBOSS, Is upon for engage uirnt moderate expectations Adores* GERMAN, Herald office. A SITUATION WANTED?WITH A rttODUUJS GU.u .iVmissioii house ; many reura' experience In We-t. large acquaiulanes with shippers: command trooil trade. Ad dress I... Post office bn\ 5,306. AN EXPERT BOOKKEEPER AND GENERAL BUM* nest correspondent wanted -Mu*l bo strlctlv tlr-t class j no hi tier need apply; business permanent. DANIEL K B HATTY, Washington, N.J. A FIItHT tit.ASS BOOKKEEPER AND STENO'1 ?Jxrapher desires n permunent position; city referencea on xcopilonable, Address CLARK, Herald olflce. FIRM. WHO HAVE RETIRED FKOM BUSINESS, deaire to obtnln u aituatlon for tltolr bookkeeper, siugle la ftn aocnrate accountant and very line penman ; la will in a to commun e with small ealary. Address MERUHANTI box 207 Herald office. A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER SEEKS ANY EM ployment; excellent city references; small salary. Ad drees H., box 1IW Herald office. A POSITION OP TRUST WANTED?AS BOOKKEEPER, general superintendent or clerk In i?uy good buaineis, or tlie management of anmmer Hotel: larira oxnerlence end acquaintance; capnble of filling eny position; but recently wltlidrawn-from copartnership WINDKIKLD. Herald office A THOROUGH BOOKKEEPER DESIRES EMPLOY .iYment; A1 rafcrencea; salary, $12. OLNEY, Uptown office. An excellent penman and bookkeeper desires situation; A1 references; low salary. AR MANDK, Unt wn ottioe. B ALTMAN A CO., 1HTII ST. AND UTH AV? require In their mall department a thoroughly proficient person to select general fancy goods. Ac., ordered by; out of town retail cuetomere; one with a knowledge of suits pre ferred. None but those who will state references and place end time of former employment will be noticed. Address as above. DRUGS?OP POOR YEARS I XPERIHNOE ANI) A pood penman and willing to work. K., box 100. Herald office. Druggist? a competent, reliable drug (-1st wishes to make a change : will go to any part of the country: good reference. Address, for one week, J. B, EDWARDS, Herald office. XPERIENOBD SHOE SALESMAN WANTED.?AP liplv to B. (1. OPPENHKIM. 291 Grand St. E I HAVE BI'.E.N SELLING THE JOBBING NOTION trade of Ohio. Indiana. Illinois. Missouri, Iowa. Ken tucky and Tennessee. Including Philadelphia, for the past seven tears; will l>e open to iruvol or not June 1. Address COMMERCIAL TR AV ELLER NO. 1, llerald nffioe. Mercantile books posted or balanced by a young professional bookkeeper; terms moderate. Ad dress ACCURACY. Herald office. OALKSME.V WANTKD-TO INTRODUCE AND SELL Oour new patent; men or ability and good address can reap u harvest during the next HO days, sells well and pays a handsome profit. Apply to the I. I. P. COMPANY i0 Corllandt st. SHORT HANI) WRITER WANTKD-LADY PKB terred; an expert, writing a rapid and good commer cial hand; one accustomed to correspondence can have a good situation by uddiessing A. R. K., box 4.205 Poet office. None othere need apply. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN COMPH lent to All the position oi bookkeeper, accountant or c.erk; salary no object; first class reference. Address PANUKL. Herald office. Jersey City. rpO MERCHANTS.?AN ENERGETIC GERMAN (20) J. wa ts any emplnt ment In office or store ; good penman ; Address A. LaNDWKIIR. box 8.833 Post office. WANTED?A II It ST CLASS SALESMAN, WITH A thorough knowledge of the Eeetcrn end Western trade on ladles' extra line machti e sboee; one who lies an estab lished! rude can get a tip top situation. Addtess. giving lull name end reference, SlIOES, box 144 Herald office. WANTED-A SITUATION AS MANAGER OR CLERK in hotel, city or country; having 15 years'experience as proprietor of a brat class hotel, will guarantee satDtac tion; salniv moderate; best of relet ence* from well known end reliable house*. Address box 857 Post office, South Norwalk, Conn. -y^'ANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK. BOOK . . keeper or telegrapher, ny a young man. at a moderate salury; can fit ttili unexceptionable retercnces. Addre-e J C. \S ., Herald office. WANTED-A SALESMAN IN A WHOLESALE BOY'S clothing bouse ; must command i trade of his own. No others need apply. Address, with full particulars and refei ence. BuY'S CLOTHING, Herald office. ?yyANTED?A YOUNG MAN AS SALBSMAN AC artir quainted with the hard" are trade to Intr 'dues a new ?|? iu that line. Address box 201 Herald office. ?yyrANT1 I>?A YOUNG man TOR CASHIER AND corresponding clerk ; one that understands bookkeep ing preterm i; will h required to deposit $500 In ciisli with the general manager as security; a salary of $H week mnv be expected, with reason able prospects tor advances. Ad drese INSl* ANCE. Herald office, lor three days. \lTANIKD?BY A WESTERN JOBBING HOUSE, A VV man experienced in notions and hoslerv as rest.tent Neu York buyer. Uddress, stating refetences and expe rience. B , box I in Herald office t.NTED?AS NIGHT CLERK IN A CITY HOTEL, vv a smart, energetic man. of good add re-s anil eliarncler," and experienced in the business; not under 85 ye irs of age : must have satisfactory references as to h.uesty and ability. Address, stating wag >s expected, which must be moderate, HOTEL, Herald Branch office, Broadway yyANTED?A SirUtTION IX A GROCERY stoub bv a young man not afraid of work; active, energetic and with the lies; of references: two years' experience; salary moderate. AudteasJ, It., box 188 Herald office. sir ANT' D?A SALESMAN THOROUGHLY AC VV attainted with the retail dragtrade of New England. Address, with references, box 2.4IB Boston. TIT ANTED? V YOUNG ENGLISHMAN, JUST AR Vr rived, who thoroughly umierstuun* the tetail tea busi ness sint can do it. state age and relereuces, Ac. Al, Her. aid office. ANTED- pgr' NEW YORK _A.N1> \ ICINITY, AM WTAHTED?FOR NEW \?)KK AND t II I.XITt, AN VV energetic man as salesman and collectyt good reior encea required. AUdroaa. lor three days, ENERGY, box 11)8 llerald office. WANTED-HY A YOUNO MAN, EMPLOYMENT IN amne banking or wholesale business; can lurnlsh beat is fere as e. Add rets VV., box 112 llerald office. IV A STKD-A" PORTION ah o'aniiikr in 'hotel VV or ic.taurnnt by a gentleman who bus held it similar position for the past Ave rears 111 one of the finest hotels; first class rolorenccs given. Address CASHIER, Herald office. _______ \1FaNTED?A GOOD ENTRY UUIK IN A WHOLK VV sale house; must write a good hand, be qulc* and cor rect at figures and willing to wore, Address, naming ref erences and salary wanted, ENTRY CLERK, box 182 Her ald office. "IVTaNTED A GOOD HaLEBMAN FOR CITY AND .. surroundings farad old est 1 dished butter house; to sell ou commission preferred. Address BL'vThlt, Herald office. WANTED?A KKW GOOD SALESMEN TO TRAVEL VV ami soli ill cities utid towns, on street corners, an article sells everywhere. An extra chance to make money III be given lu Jive men. Apply IMI Mali sc. Brooklyn, of , witii return stamp, box 5,0t)2 Post office. New York by mail c ty. _ wANTED FIRST CLASS SALESMEN FOR THE VV dress goods department. Apply to OONKLING A fin., sam and si 1 Brunaway. XV anted-BY A GENTLEMAN FROM CANADA, Of VV manv years' experience In the dry goods and amall ware tisde. a situation In New York or to represent a house doing business In Canada; unexceptional references. Address BUSINESS, box 178 Herald clth e. WANTED? PARCEL CLERKS, BETWEEN 17 AND VV 20 years ol age, experienced iu doing up dry goons bundles. Apply by letter, stating last position and refers ence EKED'h A CO , Brooklyn. . CUACHMKH AMJ GAKDEVEltS. *T Gl.NILKM.AN' WISHES TO I'llOt L'itK A PLACE J\for his coachman ; 11 rears with subscriber's father; ex cellent rolercnces: only left On separation of the famil/ ELIjIOI ^ .M I I IJ, ??* W (HI* GERMAN. FIRST CLAIM GARDENER THAT UN lerstfttiils the work in the green house or farm, wishes a ?Hon; references If destrod. Apply at 81 ? Rector st. SITUATION WANTED?BY A FIRST CLASH olurod coechmnn; hasITved willi flrsi class families; city reference. Address D. C., 10U West 81?t st. 1 COACHMAN?BY A COMPETENT MAN; EXCEL sn 1 cits recom me editions Irom late omployrr. SHCiifl lorner Fulton, or address P.. box 104 Herald U ptown. COACHMAN OF LONG EXPERIENCE. WHO horoughiy umlersiands lilt business; ruad^horses s> d .city reforonee. Call on Mr. Walts. 528 Dtb ^ /NOAOUMAli AND UROOM?BT A BINULI YO0NC \ 2 man ; undeistands business; cllv or country ; can milk: generally usetui m n; five years' city reference. Addresi ").. box 224 llerald office. t~v~)aohm.aN?wanted, .-situation hy an eng. jli-hman: esn or seen and reeommended at present employer's, I West 47th si. | COACIIMR* AMU CAKDKXKIl*. Cio wiim'aK ' TiY'T'voUxo'TJoLfi'iilcb* M in "IVa /private family ; hat exi erieuce and well tinder-taudt tU? curl ol horses; b< st r 'Terence given by Mrs. Andrew*. In quire Contli ?? 11 till table-. ?32 and 'bS4 7tl> ?r. OITUaTION WANTED" BVa REsl'KCTAHEK VOL NO Oman i-ingle). a* end groom : understand car Have and road horses thoroughly; can milk, do plum gar dening ana take car.- of u gentleman's place; will b- tonnd trustworthy and obligim-; not afraid of work ; recommenda tions. Address JOE, 519 Ksst 15th St. YITASTED?A SITUATION A8 COACHMAN OR ANY TT other employment, by GEORGE KOTH, So. 3:U Wmt 3!hh st TIT ANTED?BY AN ENGLISH. LONDON COACHMAN". TT a situation; town or couutry. Addreti II. W., 1.3D3 Atli av., city. WANTED?BY AN RNOLIMH CtH'PLK. MARRIED tour years, 110 children, a situation: roan as coachman or plain gardeeer; unil ratnivla iho care of (lowers, dairy ami poultry; wile sscook, waitress or laundress: both rau give lirat elaea referencea. Address for three days to E. PAINTER, cure ol G. i'icdemari. 18 Reaver at.. New York. T1TANTKD-A LIGHT WEIGHT ENGX.1SH 6ROOM, TT used to taudein driving und a good rider. Adores) BAYVV uOD, Herald Uptown Branch. it' anted?a hITI ATION FOR MY COACHMAN; is It sober and experloncud. Apply to present employer, WM. i' <ii I'MksiIN, i44 Plerrepout at.. Brooklyn, 1 in'e> AV-- T,>1' i-'i.uDii. RBAR ROOM-A 1,1 (Steady German yotinir man. a competent milker, can make liitnaeir generally uaeful ut gardening and care of horaei Call fur two days. HKlip WAJTio-n AliBI. Active, intelligent and e nTe r p r i siVtTifk"N can And ateadv and profitable employment ?"lllng Rand's New York City Hualtie*-. Dir. ci"ry for 1877 ijust laauerl' in tlain anil the principal oitiea of ttiP United State* and Canada; onr men are maklmr from $3 to $8 a day; ; thoae with a little rea<ly capital, to protect tin against lose, cot. secure exclusive a lie In VVeateru. Southern and Knatern cities. WALTER IlKUUIt M CO.. Publishers. 3 Park place. New Ywrk. i a DVKKTIHINO BOLIl'l IORS UK EXPERIENCE AND i\AHli.lTV wild, kind v CON N fcCTI' 'N WITH OUIt HOUSE ADVANTAGEOUS. PROFITABLE AND PERMANENT; THE BKsT COMMERCIAL ADVERTIS ING MEDIUMS IN THE MARKET. WALTER IIEITOH A CO., PUBLISH i-KS, 3 PARK PLACE. NEW YORK. A CENTS WANTED BVERYWHKBK IN T a. OOF fee and anlcea; lest plan offered. Applv to CHEAT AMERICAN REPUBLIC TEA COMPANY, si Barclay at. All KNTL"EM \N~~ \V ANTED-* A RN EST, RELIABLE and of ituod address. K., hex S7I Pott office. Now York city. A FEW MORE CANVASSERS TO 8IILL THK EU axreka. Onlv perfect Water pen. 182 Broadway, room 15, A "GENTLE MAN OK LA DY TO SOi .101 i' A IIV E K IIS E. uienta; liberal toruia to person* with exurrlence and ex tensive acquaintance with business firms. 23d Broadway, room 28. A-YOI*NO"~MRv" TO LEA R N A N D " K NO A C K IN ? telegraph operating: poaitiuna and fair aularies "h taln-d when quaime.1. TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION COMPANY, 21 Park row, opposite Post ifT a AGENTS.?MAGIC PEN; WRIT! 11 I WaTer"; no Ink required; la Indelible: $10 poi l.iy . sample 10 cenia. ROSE A CD , ? Nassau at. A DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPH OPERATORS.? NvLearn and take nnaltiona: nothiuir pays better; tauirht pracilcally, day erf evening-. THOMPSON'S College. 20 -1th ar , opposite Coop ?r Institute. Ambrose"dTnlrveV's japan and java tea and Coffee Coin nuy. office end win-leaale and retail depot. 204 Water and 25 Fulton at., coriter Water. Great bargains offered; sample tea, green, black mixed; Japan, all kinds. 2Sc.; prime coffee. 27c. pound: call or send for price Hat; department of Heathen Cods, Chinese and d auanese Coods up stairs; Ten Store Signs, bamboo Watch Chalus and l.aiiterns In great variety ; agents wanted, male and female ; g >od salesman and collector wanted for New York and Brooklyn trade. A -CANVASSERS WANTED IN NEW JERSEY AND ? l om.- Island to solicit orders for wlreeoreens to exclude mosquit >es and flies. Address or apply to WIRE SCREEN COMPANY, 812 Broadway. A GENTLEMAN OF SOME BUSINESS EXPI RIENOE to take orders toe a New York publlshl.<g house: to a suitable pnrty. salnrv $8 per week, commission. Address BUSINESS, box 1H5 Herald Uptown office. BOY WANTED?about is years old. wiio writes rapidly and well, for ofllcc and other duties, in a wholesale shoe house. Address box 2 558 Pott ofHco. (~NANV 1S8BKS OF GOOD ADDRESS AND_RESPRCT 7ahle appearance (no others need npply) can find remu nerative employment. L. B. UO., 24 Dey St. D ESI l^BLK SITUATION ?- BOOK KEEPER WHO CAN idvance trom $3tK) to $501) oil perlect collatura , with unquestionable references. Address MANUFACTURER, Herald office. I "In RsT CLASS CANVASSER WAXTED.-A BUsINRSS ' man of education, push and good addr as can make a permanent arrangement to canvass for ndvcrti-emcuts for a leading city journal. Address box 2.4R8 Post office. Fire insurance.?wantrd. by a LBadjno fire ioaurauce compauy. a party to esnvass tor lusitnst among owners ol tenements and -tore buildings, and whole sale and ret II dealers, In the district bounded by the Bat tery and Canal St., Greenwlrh at. and West Hroiulw ty to the river; one preferred who ties a line of business already worked up, nd with whom a desirable arrangement could be made. Address box 152 Herald office. CNEN'TLKMEN AND LADIES CAN MAKE 100 PER Tcent and easy sales by canvassing the Memorial of the Centennial. Send lor circular. Post office box 3,257. New York. German drivers wanted?must come well recommended, at SMITHS'New York Pale Ale Brew cry. 244) West 18th at. HOW TD M A Kh~MONRY.? BUY YOUIl TEAS FROM the CANTON TEA COMPANY, 148 Chambers it.. New York. Agents wanted. M" EN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND REFERENCES, AC qunluted ill Quei us and Suffolk counties, to introduce necessities among families; over fll daily realized. Ro sponsible parlies only apply 13 Laight St., near 400 Canal, U to 12. Na v y".-a ward room ste wa rd and cook warned on the receiving ship Colorado, Navy Yard, Brooklyn; bring references and recommendations. ? PURE TKAS. ?AllENTS rTnTBD EVKRYWHRRB TO ?ell to families, hotels and large consumers: largest stock In the country; quality and terms the best; country storekeepers should call or write. THE WELLS TEA COM PANY. 2 i| Fulton st. ? OhM THING NKW.?SELLS AT 8I011T; AGENTS Owatite- all over the country. CHINESE TltAlHN'O COMP.VN 1, 181) Broadwav. Now York \1 t"aN I EO-OKNTLkMAN EXPiTKIKNCED IN sib TT llcittng adv. rtlsem nt-; one who has had experience on a commercial paper preferred. Addreaa PREFHKRbD, Herald office. WANTED?A MAN THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTED with th-i mamiiacinre and hott ing of American cham pagne winea. BRAXTON, box 114 llersld office. \ITANTED-A POPULAR SALESMAN FDR THTfaLL TT eeasen by a leading whole-a e suit and cloak house lur el'y and Eastern trade; all communication* conlidentlal. Address, stating particulars, F. W. K.. Herald office. Wanted-a pi u.-d.n capable or wrhtno~an original and altr .otive description of small novelties. Address DESCRIPTIVE. Herald office. W ANTED-MEN TO SEI.I. THE BEST AND CIIEAR ? it Waie Filter iii the market; good canvassers ma.e Hrst class wages. U Murray St., room 17. W ANTED - A(ikNTh"oF GOOD ADDRESS; CAPITAL required #2. From h to ID A. M., 843 bth av. WANTED-AT ""WHALEMEN'S DEADQl 1 KTKIts, coopers, boat stecrers, carcen'.ers and blacksmiths. Apply ?|> MORRISON Jk BROWN. lUOKoath St. WANTED - AT ONCE, A SMAU1, HoNKsT BOY AS salesman. Addrsss >1. M. .VI., Herald office. WANTeD-TVVO SMART CATHOLIC MFN TlK bOOl) address, with soiu- exper.ence as snlesiuen. Apply to THOMAS KKELLY, 17 Barclay st. ANTED SEVEN COD CATHOLIC AGENTS AT U.V 5th av. Applv be:wuen It anil 12 on Monday. \VTANTED-A FEW SMART MEN TO SELL OUR TT books on Inotalmeuis' salary first week $8; must come well reiumrauuded. Apnly after 9. P. F. COLLIER, 38 Park plare. "11'ANTED-AN INTELUOKnF" LAD, OF GOOD TT iiianners and address to draw mineral waters; rsfer euees as to haiiesty, Ac.. IndlspeiiMible. Address in own handwriting Fi/.A, llerald Uptown office. 11' ANTED A r A 0KN 1'LE.M AN'H PRIYATB RRal TT di-nce ir. lAiug Island, a well recomraemleu German or Swede who unilerstiiud* gardening thuruuglily and can look alter one horse; s German or Swedish woman also who thoroughly understands the cure of a dairy anil chickens. Is willing to do tlie washing and to make iiersel! generally nsel'iil, even to scrub a floor if it needs it; family snia I; one horse uud one cow kept; fs' miles trom ihe city : If a married coupie a Ithoul children could no the work well and can s'jow satisfactory references they tnighl applr. I'lease stale particular* *nd address P., box 5.444 l'u-t office, New w w A Nl'KO?AUbKTM, WHO AUK MATISKIKI) Willi earning $.f daily, to oall at - i Broidway, room 4. WAMTRD?A THOROl (ilHitjl.Mi MAN OK Bl'SI noss knowledge ami prnbitr, to solicit tor a collodion house iu thi? city. Address COLLECTIONs, J'ost ofhcn box 1 323, Now York. \lrANTKD-A "YOUNG MAN TO "tTRk RXflRB TT charge uf the workroom of a larxo retail dry wood* hour* ; only those thoroughly conversant with tho duties an woil ni competent to eitimuie coats need make application. Address Ml'.HCI1AN f, itatloii K. \\rAN I KU- AN KXI'KltlhNtftU ?;CTTKit A ND OK T? signer ol ladles eioaae, one competent to take charge ol tiie inaDUlavturlns department of a large wholesale house; all comiaunicntious strictly confidoutial; en gag.t incut to coniiiieuce July 1. Address K. K. K., tieruld uflice. AN1'KD-A YOUNG Man I.N A KANC1 GOODS and gentlemen's fiiruishinit store. Apply at 910 ltd as. U,'ANTED. IN A WHOLESALE HOUSE?A VOUIH about sixteen; residing with Ills parents preferred. Annly Monday, between I and 2. JOilN.sTO.NK MHOS., nj buses st. n'A.vr II a RELIABLE, energetic YOUNG II man, with f?* Hundred dollars, to tnko charge nl ntUce ol a light wholesale inonuractui lug business In I'lillndel plila. tddrosa Is. I'biladelplna utiles New York Herald. Till: TKADKS. KIRST1 CI.Asrt iJION AND HOUSk'"i'AlNTKR w A. cants a steady plai e; low wagee. Address T. K M., Herald ulllcc. YOU N<r M AN W A NTH A MTU A TION AT CUT tliXA; so ws the men's furnishing iioods business Ad dress f. A. H. M., Herald Uptown office \HKI H.KR a CO., 34 AMD 26 V\N BURIN >i., .Chicago, III., will give steady einploymeiit to a few Urst class cabinet makers. Apply by letter. A CARPENTER OR lUAlMNET MAKER WANTED who has a small shop and cl .inp?. in lako commit lor making mosquito Irauics during tho summer sensuli; rials will be furnished. Apply at the wire screen oltlce alt! Humdw.iy, between in and I'J M. ON WANTED-TO I.KAIlN I HHCLOAK AND SI IT trade, mast be willing to work. It. W. DKUTHGH, H27 Canal st. 13 J I I lit IH It A I'll K K?DK - IKK ro |-KoKI'.i T Hihlil.f JIu tran.leriing experience on plats nnd stone; exieot no sa try to begin, Address II. J. J., Herald oltice. SOAP * M \KKIt WANTED.?AN EXPERIENCED man, fully acquainted with the moan aetara ol .> snd cheap loans. Address, giving experience, SOW' M AKKIt. box 123 Herald nfllce. UTAIRlulLDKi OR ? AKPEnYRE OEKKRED .an Ouo test business ehsnoc?Kl'si class contract on stain, t all Monday. B2 I o iwort h St., in or Broadway. Brooklyn. (JHOK TKAOX-RMPI,OYMKN1 WAN il l! MY AN Ot.cpuiienced and capable man; salary no uojeci. Ad dross LABOR. Herald ortlcc. TV) LKT-TO A CARD AND GENERAL ENGRAVER, a Window In a Jewelry store; irood nelglib rtiood. Ad d.-ess J KW I'.LLKK. box IBM Herald Uptown cilice w OODWOKKKK WaNTED-KXPKKT ON HUNTING ton moulder; none hut the hcil. 0. U. SUk.l lll.llD, 204 West Houston st. I'HE THAOE&. Y\\Y^fc*?iv18,iAVfeK,! '3f~3oA?3en? I iiiuK Siif\KY 5#};f foplormmt for competent Wert i iim, 5 V WOOL AND LEATHER COMPANY, \\ ?.... ,?l ! '. ro^pwlotiou of ill*, metal. Ac.; none others Uuod aim y Atlrinw* 1*1 ?t. ?? u*ol,4l? _*y ? V NlZlNt;, Herald nmcg, A,JUre"- *'??> GAD w otkm. 2ohMte'Ak,nd ?r y AN 1 hM?K) KM.AUK A COXKOTIONKr iuivir"" ?T Jarwttt migar coating pills. Address PaLMO liernli nffl. e, staring wages: reference. ' "?'*>? yy w 7A.VTKD-BY A VOl'NO MAN A kituItimv .j ?t watchmaker; city or country. Adarni it i r Brooklyn Poet office. 7 *uur.M K. 8. r.( WAN'K"-AN I X pkriknged PLATB7iLAH8 Cl/r" ?? tertono who has a thorough practical knowladlr. ferreu^ Inquire Nan. DM to 140 Dukne.t. "nuwled*e ?'?" WAJi?*>-A SITUATION BY A PRACTIC AL AN? PL'J K R* ?t'tM a', .?eer ?n" dr*u(rht?n.#n. Addr?? ' ? FULLER. 333 -till a* FREMCH A O V EIITIMK M K\ T K, 0.. DK.MANDE?U.NE FfLLK FRANCHISE AVA'Nf uii lion arroiit. pour nller cinq lullles dans In carm..?. (fuinllle d? deux, un entaut age do rinq ans). pour se rendra generalement ulilo; one catlioliquo preferee mats ! ?t r,NTE!n7r!tldUofflc;.C""U*#i l?ak- mo,lur"e' A^?-r rTN JEU.VE IIOMMK. PKANCAIS, BONNE F.DUOaT L til n, desire UU eraplol. Kcrlre HAUL, u 177 Hlercker. JIUNIFAL. 3 -new iroRK cos8Ki?VAT6UV"oTSni5l8: lV/a , .. ^ew York offices only kt NO. o BAST HTM ST., second door oast of 5th aV. (Incorporated 1865.) STkM?T^.f!;?WN.F.T>...S0H(>0,J ?" VOCAL and is. ,r^ Ml.811 . Harmony ?nil Composition. Pill!..,.. "'Atory. Modern Languages. Drawing and I nintino. open dnv and evening. rt iVo . ? U,'RAINING couma for teach era. Til F CONST Rv'x rVin vP?l-Jk'[fJJw"' $1''J : Pr'???- WO. .. . _ I.KVAIORY REMAINS open the entire year. i'll iflrn,iniV?wl,ar D?m ;!utl' uf entrance. ?r! C"." 1 '"'J BOOKS open Ironi ? A. M. to fl P. M. Die celebrated Arlmi Pianos are used in the school. N. 11. ?I HE NEW YORK CONSKRVATORY located at O. r, EAST HTIt ST.. NEAR STII >.V. (the onlv (.hkrtered Conservatory of Music In tite Stale), It en tirely a ..purine ntid distinct IV un nil other Muslo School! which hnitMte its name and methods. A card. ~~ ~~* GRANP CONSERVATORY OP MUSIO of the CITY OF NEW YORK. 21 ?Runt 14th at.?'Jl. ? (formerly lia.Tth uy.) O. CARLIIERM, 0. W. MOROAV J. II. CORNELL. ?u?UAN, CHARLES PRADEL. AUG. STKINHAUS, (UUL IIAMK P. C. STERNBERG iind many othereinlnent unlets constitute the Hoard or In. elructorK of till* eelehreted Musle School. NORMAL SESSIONS will he held during the eummer. tn l.l.l M..s A DO. K I'lunoe ere uaed. \ OhVTLEMAN. GREAT EXPERIENCE. GIVESfN Xi-etriifilon. piunoforte. orgAn. Imrmony, pupil", rceidencei .(Hurler; beat referetteee. Addre>u INSTRUCTION, bo] VJH ilerald trpt??wn nffice. A tJfcNTLrt.MAN, OK GHBAT EXPKKTENCE. GIVrS li'HMOfi* on the pi linn, ort?an and harmony, at pnni:'i remdonc ?. for 8M per onurter; references glyen. Addreea ? ....... .... .I" i-^i; rnerencea Ul PROFESSOR, box 1B0 llaruld Utown offlceV A PLEASING AND THOROUGH METHOD POR w .?>" r|71 p,',no: ^ for 12 I prectlce free. 354 West 'JOtli at. Banjo guitar and hinging taught iprac. tlcully by Pmreanor NAPOLEON GOULD, 1U8 East 32d. near 3d ay. ^ Banjo lesson, so cents-lessons by maTl! locenta; clrcuUra tor At Amp. BALDWIN, 305 Fulto# at., Brooklyn. ' 1AKD. ^ VT.-St s??ctAry, only at the NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, No. 5 I*.Mat 14th at., tecond door eaat of 5th av. Mr. alberto Lawrence has removed to~no* 18 Eaat 14th at., where he glyea Inatructlon In alnglng and declnmatlnn. MUSIC.-?! PER MONTH FOR INSTRUCTION ON J'lnnoj practice free: method to almple that old or youn g may leurn. 41l? Weat :?ith at., naar Rth ay. Max maretzek directs the operatic ' Department of the NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIO. No. 5 huat 14th at , second door east of 5th ay. ,IOXOR PALMIKRT gives"LEs"sON8 TO 1'KRKECT Jniiplla ln the art ol Slnclug at pupll'u residence or 108 r>th av.. Woher piano warerooma. S OT. GEORGE S CHOIR -VOLUNTEERS WANTED Ofor chortiai. alto eKpaclallv: careful training Apply to i ' 11'V T" f* ch*l'<'l. iN)7 East Kith at.. Monday, Tuee day Hiid Wedneaday. 5:30 to 6:30 P. M. ING1NG AND Ft A NfT LKSs77ns DURING SUMMER. 181 a lesson. Addreea TENOIt, Herald Uptown office. T ANTED?MALE VOICES FOR A CHORUS. IJL 23 I s"tructlon ,ree' aPP'-t Blgnor GODOY, 107 Weat S; YY YVi ; ANTED-PUI'ILS. VIOLIN. CORNET, PlANol . . note, guitar; two instruments or pieces taught to gether; 24 pi lvutc lessons. $10. Professor ROSENBERG. 35 Allen. 4.0 50 CENTS-PIANO AND SINGING AUlBwIn evKteini ; also all the English branches. Mlse I-Eh. Iieritld Uptown. UlTBVCtlSK A Lady instruct-. ladiksOf neglected ei> ^Xucation In Engllih branclii s; angular penmausblp. In. quire lor TEACHER, till East 12th at. A?THOMPSON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, N> 204111 .av., (inpo.lta Cooper Institute? Bookkeeping, Writing. Arithmetic, Grammar. Spelling and German, day and even* ing. Ludlo* dcpartineut. Telegraphy taught practically, with iiiKtrumcnts. Demand for oceratore. A 77? J1' M A J?_ tjA.-tD U AG It AND LITERATURE BY gV.I releasor ... TJ NEB: French, Spuulah iiv superior r.a* tlve teachers: clrcinara. 270 West 37tli St.. corner SHi uy. A ?PRIVATE INSTRUCTION ROOMS FOR BoThD j-1.keeping. Arithmetic. Penmanship and all Commercial Branches; separate parlor for ladies. Kl'fTNF.R A 11 It I1. Fl N, 27Q \\ cat 37th St..corner 8tb av. A FtMtElGN It. GRADUATE"?)F~UNIVERsTTV DE^ sires to teach French. German or Piano in exchange for Board. Ad irest UNIVERSITY. Ilrrald office. GERMAN GENTLEMAN COMPETENT TO OrVM jTlthorouah Instruction In French, German. Italian Latin Greek, mathematics. Ac., desires a tutorship for eummer Address TU UOl. SU I P. Hersld Uptown office ' ACL V94ICAL TEACHER, WHO St'ENDS HIS VX CHI loll on a Vermont farm, is willing to take eatt'ri char.-e ol two or three boys tor the snmmer: terms low rot ereuce Address HOC It aTES, box 145 llsrald office ' l. Kj!At and rapid handwriting Ltuught In tcu lessons. Rooms. 841 tlth av. OLIVER B. GOLDSMITH. Business and private l tters written lUitnnscript revised and corrected, people of negliicie'r education provided with leathers, speerhes or uew'sna .?i KNCE'lfvinN,d2?.NHhWtYUKK ,,,{V G0ItRKal'ONI> reiNiyl!. I MOJi, Jil? Hiuiiuwh}', room 28. CI HEW A K A Y INSTITUTE,? l..r>27 HUil 1 ,.Y-'J Spruce at., Philadelphia, for yonnladies end niisa'.'s, reopen* Thursday. September 2 i. Board end tuition in Latin. English and French. per annum, #4tJG. F: i'lieii in the In, gunge of the 'umilv. D tt Lit K Alt'S COM M EKPIA L CU LLECK, l.lilll It ltd AIL way ? I'lirate baium uay or eveniug; teriui reduced; elegant writing, #?">; bookkeeping, ?11). YJARRNOtfj GERMAN, LATIN OR ENtfMSH BRANCMKS P taught In return lor board or ainall salary. Adtlrei* CLASSICS, Herein otlice. FldKNClf AND GERMAN MADE EASY HY TIIK AD* ?ninthly abort, new and quick method. Addrena LAN. GUAnK\ llorald Uptown Mrauch oltice. L, SSONS IN'" THE FRENCH. OKItMAN AND,in languages. of the pieno, and in ull aorta of line embroideries tjlven by Mi?* J. DKNCKS. at her own bum. and at the pupila' limine; beat reference*. 214 7Hth at., eaat Ladies desiring to study privately tauoiii grammar, spelling. letter writing. Ac., by a led) ti acber; h ? ndwritlnpc angular j peraoaa fitted for bualnai*. Apply Dili Went JOth >1. LE-SONS OmTlTlN SHORTHAND. TO GENTLE. iiiiiii or lady, in roturn fur reading. Addrea* SHORT* hand, box 2.1S2. I"ADIES DESIROUS OP LEARNING AN KLROANT J.irl an omplialiiueiit for the leiaure summer hours please cull. CRYSTAL IVORTYPK STUDIO, room i), Duuusit* lluildinfr. Broadway, corner 11th at. IL PAINTING, CRAYON DRAWING, AC.?STUDid o claaa. #10; pupila' residence* attended. LADY ARTIST, Herald Uptown. PaInFs HUSINKS8 COLLROK, 007 BROADWAY, 2tHh at. Patno's College, 02 Bowery. All English and conimercial branches. S* "ANIS1I AND FRENCH LANGUAGES AND LITEiL atnre thoroughly taught. ANTONIO RAMOS, 41 V\ eal 11 that. rpiiOROUtlll INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH. KHBnCII 1 and Spanish, f?0cent* por leaaon. Pure pronunciation. &UO Oth av. rilEACIIKKS \V ANTE D.-SE VEItAL TKAt'll KI5S FOR i German end French for aclioola; ladles for German, French, drawing and painting; lady lor English, Latin, munic ami drawing; all lor September; |0r aumuier, teaciier of elocution. Apply ?t TEACHERS' BUREAU, 117 West 30th at. Mr*. MITCHELL will Oe In town all sunt mer, from 10 till 5. r I lit A NHLvFfO nT^NGLI S H, "FRENCH, GERMAN, 1 Italian, Spanlah, Latin, by mall. , l'rofe**or I1USS, 110 East 27tb at. rit CENTS A LESSON?CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH ? )Uby a Partalan lady dlulouiae. Mile. VKKEL, I,2b7 Broadway, room 3k BILLIARDS. American standard hp.vel biLlIard'tabCe.-) with Dolaney a wire cuahiona, Indoraad by all leading professional prayers; extra inducement* now offered; fec und band Table* at great bargain*. W. H. GRIFFITH A Co., 40 v'aaev *L sTandakd size hiTTliTrd TAILLeTcollen. ?I <r make; balls, cue and ruck complete ; out little uaadj will be aold at a bargain; latest improvements. Apply l?J Bleecaor at., tip stairs. tNOR salk-a fink bevel billiard tableT** 10, complete, and In perfect order, made by II. W. Col lender; also one Pool I able, with Ball*. Ae. Inquire 327 West 16th at ; will sell at irreat sacrifice. 10 OR HALE?TWO SECOND HAND BILLIARD TA I Idea, almost given away. Addrea* box 1H1 Herald Oillce. N"'Ev\~illLL1AK ~TaH Ks7 fir*) EACH. UKORGE u. PI IE LAN, 14 Veaey at. Nl .< AND SECOND HAND HI I.LI AIM) TABLES Af price that defy coiupeiion ; get the beat. L. DECKER A CO.. 720 Broadway. Wanted To PURCHASE FOR CASH-A FRRNCH M I'arrom Billiard Table, 4)jxU; must be complete, la perli et order and Irom first cla*? maker only. Addrea* oe apply to DI'.KN I EL BROS . fit) West 24th at. ___. MARBLE MAATELS. . ~ \ T PRICES NEVER APPROACHED BEFORE. 2Vsiate and marble Mantel*; largest assortment.In 4H city. PEN Rll VN SLATE COMPANY, fk) Union square, 4tli av. and 17tli St., New A ork. o.h.,u a.lurers ol ull Kinds ol Stalest ork. Marble and \i arhleized mantels, ? ?rave.tones. Furniture anil Plumber*' Bleb*, at greatly reduced prices. A. KLABhll. 134 and LIU Eaat Mth ?t.. near 3d av. _ STEWART'S sLaTK, MARBLE ADD IIaRUAVOoD M'intuls, ?Irate#. Ao., removed n 75 mul 77 W fit Utftt ?!*? sMaiouic Ttuipio, oppo?ito liouiL't lh?Air?.