Newspaper Page Text
CITY RMS AX. EITATK JFOll SALK. "" cVntrml. ' A-THE ELEGANT FULL SIZE FOUR STORY HIGH .etooti brown atone Dwelling I'1 West Mm at . near Mb av for sale low. V. K. aTJiVENbOM, J r., 4 Plue or 33 Earn iTUl Kiaat Sid*. T.TOR BALE CHEAf-THIiKE STORY BRICK IIOUSR r In Harlem: will tako part caab. Euro Hurt or Upright Piano. Address L. ?. BTRKBTEK. 817 Bait 73d it. WHt Side. OR BALE AT A BARGAIN?Til HEK STORY HIGH itMl brown atona llouaa. on 48th at., near Bib ar. MARK LKVY. 778 8ih a*.. cornar44lb at. F BROOKLYN PROPKKTY POh BALE AMD TO LET. Mfffffc'IT'RfdffY'" BftoWjT'StoNK Hf/fJSE, Corner X lat placa and Court at.. Brooklyn . lountaln l? trout: giv* mean offer. B B M KKKILL. 610 6th ar. WESTCHESTER COl'NTY PROPERTY POR SALE AND TO RENT. rpARRYTOWK.-NICB HIII'SK. ih SSSMs. olohbtb", X hot and cold water; garden, plenty fruit :lt able; hli-ti ground ; to rent, furnlahod or uafurniabed. C. PaRTRIDi.K, 12(1 Broad at. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKEN. HUDSON AND BERGEN REAL. ESTATE. For Hale. ' TO LET-IN HUDSON CITY. N K * R SCHOOL, BRICK Home. 0 room", bara and 3 lota, $18; eara paaa the door. Apply VUNTHADP.N. opposite ecboul bonae, Central ay., ?r to V. MAONE, 050 6th ar. PROPERTY* OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. "VTiXKgaT ?ft dtTSlTT>nTir6T' pea i(sT? f/K'Eccs ii J\ Island Railroad; one hoar from city; $650 down. bal aneo easy payraenta. C. G. STKVKNS, 114 Kaat 14th it. BKAUTIFUL rCLLY~EFR>iisTlED VILLA. WITH exteuaive orchard, with 33 aoreaof wooded land, on tlio ahorea of a lame lake In LHchlteld comity. Conn.; imp nilleunt mountain scenery; rent moderate. V. K. STiiVhV HO.N, Jr., 4 l'lne or 33 East 17th at. S~ A D VAST AG KOU 8L Y ~LOO ATE D~ COTT A <: E AT Long Branch, to rent fornUbed. Address BATON, box 70 Long Branch. THREE STORY HOUSE AND FIVB LOTS, within half hoar of city, for (Hie or to lot low; rhoice lo tailoa. 01*I'OR'l'UKITY, Herald 130 It RENT-MONTOLaIR. N. J "hiHI SB, Tl RO()MS, furnished or unfurniabed for the enaaon. or by thn year; also llAose, 8 rooms, unfurnished; all Improvements. Ad dra.s box 74 Moatcialr, N. J. ?LHNKST~eTrM AND RESIDENCE InTiIE STATE, F near tlhamn Springs, lor aalo for one-third Ira value: 100 aerea or more; One halldinga; $12,000. O. 0. BEN NET, 111 Bruadway, room B. FltRNIsilED COUNTRY RESIDENCES TO LEtTaiTl dealrahla locations, at reduced rente. O. O. 11 EN NET, 111 Broadway, room B. TjTOR SALE OR TO RENT?TWO HOUSES NEAR X city : carriage honae and one acre; near water : . on# French roofed llouae, five acres, $"200. Apply OWNER, AW Wait 21st at. Fur sale cheap-a good"so acre farm. in Now Jersey, with buildings and atock, price $3,300. Apply to o?|ier, H. B. SIRE, 204^ Canal it. Hotel property por sale or to let.?the Uultod State* Hotel, Par Rockaway, L. 1., If not nis tX'Sed of by Jnne t, will be open for tlio reception of guests by the osmer, MICIIAEL MABY, 172 Henry at.. New York. Long-BRANCH.?to kent7 a furnis hed cot tags, 12 rooms, adjoining Mansion House. Apply on premise*, or to W. L. Mel's TYRE, Q|7 Broadway, N. Y. Long branch,?several-stores to let on Ocean and Chelsea avs. Apply on premises, or to W. L. McINTV RE. 817 Broadway. NYACK.-TO-LET, HANDSOME NEW HOUSE 13 rooms: 3 minute* from station; near river. Address W.M. TUCKER, 5th av. VTYAC k7?FOif RENT' OOTTAOBANDli A N DSOM EST J.1 ground* In the village; one acre; eight room*, fully fur nished : $81)0 for the season : $800 per annum ; garden, fruit, Ac.: new One Hon*#. 10 rooms, unfurnished, $200. season; $800 per annum: Hotel, 40 rooms, *400 per annum ; all cen trally located. Apply to W. C. TEMPLETON. Nyack. ONLY $100 PER *EAIL?BFLAUTTFUL COTTAGE: seven room*; flower and vegetable gard-n : ^ acre; 10 minutes from depot, in Spring Valley, Rocxland county, M. Y, to. T. B., Herald Uptown ofllce. TrTT.Vr?AT NEW BRIGHTON, f?T~i., TWO HAND some Cottages; 10 rooma; all modern improvementa; furnace, gas tixtures, Ac.; land 63x185; beautirul view; fiorfectly healthy ; seven minutes from ferries; 30 minutes rem New York. At Pelham, Westchester county four neat Cottages, near Arculartus' Hotel; beautifully located on the Sound; One Ashing, boating, bathing, Ac.; will he rented very low for the season or year; cau be reached by Pelham coach or car* W. N. UllISWOLD, No. 744 Broad way, corner Aator place. To"lkt-nyaok. rleoXnt HOitseTfurniSHED. 23 rooms; river front; plassa all around; stables, boat and bath hnnsas; near Tappau Zee House. 59 West 37th at., before 11 or after 5. TO RENtTfU RNI8HBD?TWO"SM ALL"ROTT A GE8, oassix. one Ave rooms, from Juno to Novomber. Inclu live. 5250 each, near Bay (sonth tide. Long Island); bath ing hoaaaa free. Box 3,407 Post ofllce. New York. *^y EST "END"HOTEL Long Branch, PRB8BURY A HILDRKTH, Proprietors, __ OPENS eUNE 21. This house baa been thoroughly renovated, painted and Imorov*d by th* Introduction of pure spring water from the Long Branch Water Work*. Mrs. Maycrlnk, the well known electrician and manipu lator, la connected with and will b* In regular attendance at the Rot and Cold Sea Water Bathing Establishment. Transient Board rednoed to $4 50 per day. Permanent rata* according to location and rooms oecuoitd. Applica tion can be made at the hotel to GEORGE K. PRESBiTRY, or to D. M. HILDHE'i'H, room 48, No. 52 Broadway, N, Y. dWWWl WILL BUY A FARM. 50 ACRR8, WITH ?Pr7""'Hoa*0 and Barn; four hours'ride from the city; ?o mortgage. WIl.1.1 A Ms. 478 ?th av. llKAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. "LARGE 1,IST OK TENEMENTS TO EXCHANGE .TVfor smaller llonm or vacunt lots. Apply to B. H. LEVY A CO.. 624 8th av. BAKGAIN.-TO EXCHANGE rOB UPTOWN PROI ertv, fine throo story and basement private House. on 10th iU ; oil modern improvement*; full lot. UAUSEN A CO.. 272 Eaat 10th it. (TOUNTRY SEAT FOR SAI.E, TO LET OR KX .Jrhan-e. *t Bedford, Westchester county. Apply JAMES I. RAYMOND, Sift Broadway, up stairs. fNOUNTKY R'SIDKNCE WANTED IN P.XCHANOB \J1or a fonr ?torv brown stone comer Dwelling and Lrlck Stable, near Wall street ferry, Brooklyn Height*. MONAGtl tN A CO., 205 Broadway. MIGAH8 WANTED?TO EXCHANGE KOR A Diyi* viable tract of 4011 acre* of Land in Texan; title perte -t; fill I cat guarantee. TEXAS. box 3,01(1 Post cilice New York. Elegant villa on papsaic kiver-r acres; 3iiO feet water ront; 80 minute* of elty: vwlue. Wo.i**); for Brooklyn or other property. STEWART, 81 Cedar ?t. Elegant dwelling on ?tii av. and several Tcn-menf* io trade for cash and country Property. J A ? COB V. D. WYOKOKF. 30 and 33 Pine st. I^XCIIANGK?FRAME llOI'SE IN HARLKM, FREE iand clear,'or Brown Stone. I nth ward: ti rat class Tene ment or prteata House UNDERWOOD, GUI.GUI! A MILLER. 3d av., corner ."With st. F3XCIIANGE.?FIRST CLASS TENEMENT HOUSE IN !jNineteenth word, near I'srk: Is all let and #jnts for 11.11*); will exchange for small frame orbrfck IIohscho Lot*. free and clear. Address L. A. C., box 127 Herald i (flee. FEXCHANGE HOUSE; 12 ROOM 4: IMPROVEMENTS; JBerg ralnc, $1 rjBerren avenue station. Jersey City ni >rtgage, f2,00(>; ' it. $.'>,'100: 11**1 oaah required. BERGEN, Herald. E XCH AN GK.?W EST VIRGINIA LANDS A SPK. ialty; beat highway to success; bargain- lor all. LUtfK. M Broadway. TNXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPE'tTY-FIVK STORY JjdonMo teuemtnt brown stone House, with Bakery , on *o*t side, full lot Address J. HAU8EN A CO.. 272 East 10th it. L*X0HaNGE FOR FRENCH FLAT OR COUNTRY Jjeent near by. tvel! paying Tenement and Store Property an Meat Houston at. Particular* with J. HAUSKN A CO., 272 East 10th n*XOHANGB?TWO LOTS, joXinO. NEAR DTI1 AV., ."ifor pood located tencuieut or Houso. W. KL1.NK, 4.70 4th av. 1NX< TIANOE?PRIVATE HOUSE, NEAR CENTRAL lil'urk. (or small Countrv Residence. McKENNA, 1.13M 3"! av., between ROth and i!7th. UXIHANGE.- UNENCUMBERED CITY LOTS. Mini Ijrssh. Inr small Country Place; Westchester or Long Island preferred. Owner, J. BRtDKN. 1i>3 Broadway. L^XCllANGE-.V) ACRES VALUABLE LAND I.N NEW Hi Jersey, near depot; free and clear; wilt add cash fur food located private House. \V. KLINK, 1504th ay. bwE"1*chanok two houses at Elizabeth; r one fully furnished; enmolotn with all Improvements, for Tarm a id Stock, or for liail to Properly. II. P., ox 1,477 Post office. Fit ARM WANTED -To KXl IIANi.K, I NE QUM ' bered house. Ninth ward. salon 57.000, ctsb $3,OCX), part payment, for farm, Ling Island, shore Irnnt. north lido; not over $15,000. Address JONES, Post offi-e box 81D. For sale-will takk one-Half in exchange, the elegaut lour story nrown aione l!mi*e. 25x70x10 No. 620 5th at.; price SftJO.inil; also the live story marble Btore, dtixPII, No*. 342 auu 544 Broadway; u? mort-nge; price 550,f*xi C. W. SCOFIELD, 171 Broadway, room 13. I NOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?FARM OF 2") ORIS AT 1 Valley Stream; Shop and nine Lot' ot Ground at I a malea. snltable for manufacturing or butcher: Plote on Ror.kawar Beach; anv portion of I.DIN) acres, tree aud clear. Apply A. A. DKGKaUW, Jamaica. "IjTOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR BBOOKLVN r lit ns?, a doiruble tour atory aud basement brick ; every Improvement; In perfect order; good uolghborhood. en west side, between 7lh and Sth av*. SALTER A LEVY. 3?8 '1th av. FARM nOKTIIPORT. I.. 1 . <17 A Git s. t;<i,N r I mM For sale or BXCIIANGK?THHSR BTOB1 FKAMt House and Lot, BlIUK; 13 rooms: in o?d order. 1') minutes from Eighth avenue c trs. between McCuntb's Dam and IHgli Bridge, price $9,000; lenns eoay. JOIIN IIINDS, Real Estate aud Insurance. 2tV> West 24th ft. For sale?one or three am THREE story, and one four story House ; also an ??Ingant Pnhlln Building, containing six storns. lodge rmtnis. halls. Ac., lightly mortgaged; will exchange for vacant Lota; in Hiooklyn preferred. Applv. In peraoti, box 4'ri Grand Union Hotel. Alio a Farm, In M estchester. 300 acres, with Stock; House, elegantly lurnlabed . Horses, Carriages, Ac. tTOR SALE OR BXGtlANUR?BLKUANT COUNTRY Scat on Long Island flv.s building* and onthouae* ; all modern Improvement* . fl.. niie* from and close to de pot. Call at J. H .tfsKN A t'O.'-L 372 East loth st JjlOR 8ALKo OR^EXCHANUK-FAR.M. 19.1 ACHES, __ Chatham Fonr Corners, Columbia .county; 2IAJ acres isoutli Dover Plains, Dutchess county; 22ti teres near Armenia Slatioa, llutlson River Itatlrosd ; a Dock Property. New York, 2*th and 29th sts; 13 Lots. Myrtle sr. and Willi. srstioon St.. near Lewis av. , a large number of small Houses to exchange for improved Property; 1 t O > Lot* In Flatbntli, on city Gne, to eaehange Tor Improved Property. Nearly all above free and clear. W. DAVIS, IS Wllloughby St. Brooklyn, ITtOK SALE OR EXCHANGE?HUDSON RIVER KKSL r dence. acre* uearby, tollable for boarding house, lor I en sment Properly. Address OWNER, box lw> ileraJd fflce IN'JR SALE OR EXCHANGE AN 83 ACHE FARM 1 near New Brunswick. N J. . Buildings. Stork, Crm and ill Agricultural Implenieno, lor well rented m re prop erty, Net* York ->r Brooklyn; no agent* and no property Heavily mortgaged. Appiy No. 84 Hudson ?t . "i-jar store. tHNB MANSION. STABLE AND EMBELLISHED Grounds at Orange to rxcitan.'i- for a City House worth i >25,01/0. RUFUS K. AleII.tKG. 135 Broadway. _ aecllent, 3t) acre-. >etv Jersey. Slock, Crop-, lor Prop ?rtf er Btuutsis. FLLTMAN, 16u fctuyresaot uv., Brooklyn HKAL ESTATE TO KXCHAXtiE. Fvnnminti RE*iDEXcif"To exchange for clear City orJLountry Property or Lots. 3H East 19th (t THOU HAND ACRK8~CHOiel LAND. TEN , . 3 !*)? Acres, Uor?ttD county. Ky.: +> I-ote, fliet !>am. .V .1 j join depot; 1 Acre. Orange Mountain. N. J. t P# K *i?Sk l30 ??' ctm. per icnuui, will bo ox changed for good Ketidcui'e Now York. KKSIDE.H/'E, Herald Uptown. JUNCTION, H. J.; I HOUR ?n ..... i'i m f,*w * "r* ? "???# situated uniuig mountain.; contains 27 rooui.: very cool and healthy; eU: I'-enty or .hade, Billing, river. luko ?L i !L? .K , *U'J ev.ryihlug de?iroble. t.'oiuo oat on I mp the plot, o, ,,-ud for circular. T.?** ,AI" FLATiU-Hll-KAUM I INST 4 TEN 1B L A Ml ? n.. fur 'loo. city Kes.d.nce or fin# L a f i?*u0U..8,*tS!1 ,iUn(1 *lU b* ?!*??; moucy to Io n. J K. M.. Post oltlc. box 2,811. LOTS (I'NENCUl HRK.-.Dl. SIHTABLIWOKIMMB dlat# improvement, to exelianue lor city Property. DOTY, owner. 1. Union square. fOK ?ALI' rou TO Ufc.\r. 13 ROOM f " 1,r?* lown?. fruit, stable, cm and woter. Addre.. 1,843 Riaue av., Philadelphia. ( )mA??F*""K0? SALK fiR exuFianue, one or the V/moet elegant Country Residences In New Jer.yy, on M?ln ft.. Orange, known as the "Carter Place." two mln nte. from depot; greenhouse, .uhlan, lawn, trait In ahund *"?*? A T. COMPTOX. 41 I'tue .t I KEAL K8TATK TO EXCHANGE?PRIVATE"" ItEsF deuce. near ferric, rot Store Property; .uitable lor ?t'liior bdelneee. Apply 41 t.'heever place. Itruoklyn. Real estate brokers?itrouaeb patent rights lor exchange. Seo auction coluiune. SI-v HAL small cosey places" wFtiTFn~Tn hour, for Oily and Brooklyn JOS. PHILLIPS. ', Money to loan. * CALK OK exchange FORITAPUI OMM-IOVA k.or Tei?i Lauds; a valuable brown atone Quarry In Con ?*c'teu.L dulldtng. engine., .aw., rubbing bed, crane., der hac.ihi00 ill *"u1*,,0#; etoun superior .nd Incx nftloe ???fJ*l>ln* complete. Addrea. KATAR, Herald QMALL PLACE. NEW JKK8HY, lloX'R FROM CITY P1" oxcbsnus for California Property; al.o 400 acra Farm to exchange for MTcbauditie or citjr I 'onset HO AG LAM) or BUICLK. ti2 Liberty ?t. TXMAKX.V. N. J.?FOR SALE, K XCH a.NGK OR RENT a Cottage House, bsrti. 4 scrn* of land, fruit end ?haue? way,Voom 0 ' " *Ud Uw,1"n*- CLARK. Ill Brood-' T"rlc kXFlaiA'a/i vT it *TORY AND B AS KM*KMT ?i., ? J' X'O. all Improvements, well rented. Kid St., 2d nud 3d hv?., equity $4,500, for part cash and tmall mace city or country. OWNER. 770:ldav P ' fpo EXCHANGE?A HOOD 1 IOCSE 7n"r!7Tll ST~ ,Uo ?' \onkers, to axehanue for email Ilun.e in llarlem.' A OKAY. 1.3U0 Broadway. FPO EXCIlANOE?OOOD I.MI'RtiVED I'ROI'KKTY UP ,00,teU f0J Hua <"??? clocked, Willi g..od bulldinitt, near New lork. Owner, only annlr Addreu o. H., Herald Untowii ollice. ' '' TO EXCilANUE? FRENCH ROOF COTTAOET ONE 2ilr'J"ra If'edw.y; 10 room.; pa*, batli staple fruit lot. S5x30t); temi. to .ult. K.B.. boi ri'^. New York. ' To lxohanok? lands and farms for horse ?mce ' ?"<1 Slock. Addrou LANDS, box 310 Herald TO LEASE, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?FODE a hiT ,1u"9 fl,J24 ro """? ext.n.lon : tor c"i>. boarding or Huh! bn.ln...; Jint palut.d. Apply w.thin rpwo SPLENDID HOLSKS-at HlHLEM._fd~l X-' A change for downtown Dwelling. N. SHBPAitD, Bowery National Hank. TTlfP'CUMBKRKD NINTII Ward a ND JE KS K Y PKEaS, ri7SS&&.UP ">W" f0?r 't0rjr Uou,c- AN" ~i\TAYsIDB HO PEL. HICKSVILLK, L X -*7 Virt ofUce",0rt,f,Mt8 *l'800: one llour ?e city. HOTEL, Herald WANTED. A four story high stoop brown .tone house, below 58th at., from Madison to 6th av., worth $35,000; will give In ex change a free and clear country residence. 60 acre., valued at $15,000 and eaah. J. 0. CLINTON, 55 Liberty it. TU-KLL RENTED TENEMENTS-FOB FARMS. TT Country beat, or eity Lots; don't turget. LUSK. 352 Broadway, WANTED?SMALLER HOUSE FOR L E XIN li TON iaiu Between 57th 58th its. OWNER, 33 South Will WAfiTED-TUOl;SE. I>J BROOKLYN,-NEW YORK, l.i t^ o?,T."T ?uc.l"nb?r?<?. I?r 5,000 acre, choice Farmiui end Timber Laud, lenneteee. adjoining Swedieh colony free, clear: perfect title. HENRY, Herald Uptown. YONKKRS, N. Y.?FURNIc-HED HOUSES FOR THE summer uiontht a ipeclaity, all kino, of re.ldeucet f.-r .a e and io let at all prices. S. H. HOWES, Real Estate Agency. Main tt., near steamboat landing, Yonkort. KuVhfilif P?k SEv CHICAGO TO EXCIlANOE Olor Kesldeooe in N?w Vork or Brooklyn; ,N#w York ore. fcrrod. Address box 4,541 Pout oflico, New York. nCOTS, FOR TENEMENTS,~$3.000 e"aCH; 3 ON 68th at. and Oth av.,8 ou 60t . at. and Utb av OWNER. 210 Weat 50th at. aCKE8 SHASTA VALLEY?CALIFORNIA a a WAYLAfe^Tnu'oT^"^ f?r ""rbT H#rali o^Rc* 0n l"'ra,(llttW,r? Address DRY GOODS, HKAI-. ESTATE WANTED. X NY OWNER OF I.MPROVED CITY "PROPERTY located and not oyer $I,8H0 in real value, who l? willing to aell at hard pan prices, may Bud prompt pur chaser b7 addressing HU k KK, Station D. No notice t iken I * PRrl'eul?" are irlven. ! TjTAEMS WANTED?WE DESIRE TO BUY TWO A rarma, or .Mi to loo acre, each, convenient to New York for from *5,.I00 to $IO.Oi*> apiece' There will be no delay In effecting a sale provided llie properties are well located ana worth th - price asked. Owners wishing to selwill oblige lis Willi full, honest particulars and the lowest price lor cash, it i? proper to bear in mind that SI.CKio will huy I is '".'I,ol c'?lb or tone of coal or pounde ofcotion as f0' "w* '?* J? "f0- Ullr client, win not pay I infiaied price*, hut for farms that bear a relative value to j other commodities w. have ready purchasers | WEEKB ,t MARTIN, fin Broadway. Greenwood cemetery.- wantkd-full lot tddro-H, wit ft price ami full parilculara, FULLER, box mi Herald odice. ' 1 ?'A> ' a"*CHBTp FaRmTfROM 3D TO 75 ACRES! Awtth crop. In the ground and well stocked: xood In ns. pfiirnuS'ii Addr.M, with particulars, lur uue weak. "bUltin, iiorald I'ptowu ottice. 1 ,?J Al'lLKM WAN I ED-FOB CASH AND MSB Jjclinii Use. Address HANUFAOI URBIt, station F. WwmKP "w" NJKV HLAOE IN" CONNECTICUTi ?? Milford or Wetthaven preferred. Owners onlv K. C. PR E1S8. 5jt Fine it. WANTED?TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY V OOOD House, between Lexluirt n and Kih ars , ?> ul, an.14.iti, d.iuhtm C:,.UM l? "C"d W,00a AaUr?"- Mr? For Other Heat K?int? Aclvertleementu tee Directory. TO LET FOR RL'.tlHESI Pl/RPOIES. STOKE" To KENT ON HTU ST., V. FEET KEEP, At ^between Broadway nod r>tu ar.; reut $l,HUO. Apply 2t! Lull 14th it. \ ~KLK?ANT I,A HOP, STOKE. WITH FOUK ROOMS, J\? lenr 2<Kl We?t itoth it., near Kth ??., suitable any lusl. IK-IS; real low. LlOK A RESTAURANT OK TUB HIGHEST 6KDEK? I1 The Parlor Floor itml larre deep cellar of in elegant brown stone house, (25x95 fe?t, nur the Lenox Library noil the entrance to the Central Park n? 72dst. nod 5th nv. Apply to JOHN IIODSOLL, wine merchant, :*7 Wall it, TJIACTORY! "J17 WEST Jill II ST.7 THIRDFLOOR. 01) J? by 121, to rent, cheap. Apply on preinltai. STORE AND BAHKNEET 13 FRANKFOnT ST.s WILL Kt .op.unt?? II donred. Apply French's Hotel, onpolie l.'.ty Hull. STEAM fOWK It? F IttST. SECOND FLOOR, MX lb, TO let. U30 Wen Ibltb nt. STORK AND TWO FLOORS TO LET ON CORNER Hull iv. nnd 162(1 st, Apply to H. GilEACLN A CO., 44.'l Weil .Slit it, rnO~LBT-Fl)lt M tNUl'ACl L RLRri. FOl' K FLOORS, X 4O*40; cheep. ? >JHull nv rpo l.l-.T -S i ORE, us Till A V., "aHOTK_ Hi Til FT. ; A established ,'iyenie m * firat elan tnirkei 5 rent *40. WM. M. 1110.VI AS, No. ,'ite rtih e?. rpo LET-A "large GROC'KKY STOKE. NOW"66cf 1 pied; reut cheap, po??esviou Jane )? HJ Dth ut. rpo i,ki-4?i canal, a very large room for ' 1 1.1 manufacturing. plenty wt light, building Inm? uu Cnoai, Hudson and Wntla ita.; rent f.'WI month. rCO LhT?TII KKE BOOMS. F'lKST FLOOR,"*!)! OTIl X nv,, between 19th and I'.'tli its. TO LET?STORE A if ll R AI;'k"k?7oM. HAVING ML KM occupied by a thoemaker lor ?e*eu yenra; reut moderate. i liKinlre at No. 4 Heaoh it. rno let-to" a fhi-t ijlTckiTdressmaker,' i wo X Floor* oyer Maiion Wolto 1, r<fi2 Broidway. above Union egaare. ? G.;.) EAST" 2KTH ST., NEAR 3D AV.? A LARi.K ?d-wdillnsnncul Floor for light bnilneis or lenity, rent S.-/WV -BROADWAY STOfcE. NEWLY FltTED Ul? amnrble counter, new sode fountain. to let to do ? irnola party lor tlie season. Address .MINERAL WAIF:!;, Herald office. ?97 1ST AV, FIRST FLOOR. -A FI KST" CLASS ?) _s I -tore, en:lit )? an a clmir Here, suitable lor u rauey in dry uoodi store or any ether bueineae; u first clan bosf ucn piece; cheap Itoome also in house. OWHLLfttU HOtIM to LEI . I'' III III ll I'll. INl'RMHfIRD HOUSE. NO. 10H WEST 27T11 ST.; 1 ineii. iliver,, 4c.; newly carpeted and in ported order. tinm-tloii immediately. louiilrc on premises, or C. S. FSt'lC, s West doth it. m ? i.i-.t?an flkoantly fOrnishbd brow* I none hiirb stoop House to responsible parties, s , are till ten mt lor rent ot house .only. Address W. I'. 11., Up. town Herald oIII00. .1 STOltV BROWN STONE KRONI' HIGH "sTlflip 'ill oise, cleg mtly rumlihed. No. 14 Last 4dth at. Apply ou the premise*. I lilts i IS . sit I'll, An elegant thiii-.k sioky iiioii stoop brown stone House, Murray Hill (Last Jilih st.i, vciy low. DUN KIN. 654 3d ay. A -164 WEST 13TH ST.?OfcSIRAULK MEDIUM ?hi.' threu story Iniih stoon ilosidenco, all convent en s. beautiiul location; vary innoeraie reut. V. K. STi.VENSOjs, Jr.. 1 1'mo or 3J cast 17th st. rpo LET-NO. 369 WEST Will ST.; ALI. IMPROVE X meats; Drat class neighborhood ; rent BBoU, also No, -64 \i eei idtu su, 110wly painted and In good order, reut HH>*)t elto No. 61 West 2till st. . rout ow. WM. M. 1 IloM AS, 60S dinar. rpo LET?FIVE STORY ENGLISH BASEMENT BRoWff X .tone House No. 4:1 7ih nr., between I.lib un :! I4iii its,; I ins ill be-Mi newly pnlntcd tnd put In complete order lor aflr-tclv-s family or select boardluir home. Apple tot', nil It LING, 99 Warren ?t. rpo LE -THE HIKE.. SIOKV AND BAS1MKVT X iinuse 41 Charlton at.; all modern Improvements. Ap ply on tip- premise*. rp.? I.El?A GL Tit EL THREE STORY HOUSK, X Nlulh wurd, 10 rooms, ball price. L. KADI- Kill), 603 Hudson it. KIHMSIIKUROOUS AMD APARTMENTS , TO LKT. A ^HARMING SUlT.^JUBI vacated. "will be rented at stunner prices. in private If.mlly, vithout i board; highest reh-rences piven and required. Address 1 l.ASTLAKK. box 170 Ijeruid office. A -HANDSOMELY FROM' ROOMS ON ? second and tblid floor*; summer prices. 4-4 West 27lb st. Ai.AKGK KCRNlbllKD FRONT BALCONY PAK lor for gentleman or lady end gentleman. 361 Wost 50th st. References. A CHOICE SECOND STORY FURNISHED ROOM, adjoining bathroom; every convenience rent to suit the limes; el so third story Room. Cue block. 153 West 13tli st. ? A NICELY FUKX1.-IIED HALL ROOM. FOB GKN i\tl? XAtleuieu only, pus, bulb, hot end cold water; private teuiily. 35 West i tin si. A NEATLY FI."KNISIIEll Ki/OOR OF FOl'lt ROOMS, with g'S and water, to family without children; rent F35per month. 422 W-t 47th st A l'AHT.M ENTS, PARTLY FUR.NISIiEl), AT VERY Xxreseonabie rent. No. 7 West 32d st A LAKH8, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, NICiSLY lurnished, to 1st, with references, at i.lS East 27th st. A PRIVATE, FAMILY WILI. LET ONE OR TWO handsomely lurul-hed Rooms; also hall Room. 359 West 34tli, convenient to Elc a led road. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LP.T A HANO-oMELY lurnished Floor, com ilete lor li:;bt housekeeping. tr ie und Are Included ; newly pointed ; no riara bedrooms. ni~ cesslble by ilagee; reloreucee; terms, IF40 per mouth. 357 West 31st st. A LAKOE Fl'K.YISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE or two gentlemen, In private house 307 East 32d St. Al.ARUK ROOM. THIRD STORY. FURNISHED, without board, also hall Room; house and location first class. 30 Waverley place. \ HANDSOMELY FURNISHF.D SECOND FLOOR, TO" .2Vitelber or separately, to gotitlcmou. without Board, uear Uuiun square; references. 131 East 17th at. Apartmknts ciif.ap, to to euj-splendid houses.434 to 433 West 32d st.; four rooms uowly painted. Housekeeper. ALAKIIK. HANDSOMELY furnished 8F.COND story front Room, with gas and bath, to let. In private lam I), at 157 East 21st st.. near Crumercy Park. A FURNISHED FRONT HALL ROOM. WITH LABOR closet, to let. In private French faraitv, 1,147 Broad, way. e A NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT AND BACK TAR lor lor lady and geutleman or party of grnilemeu, or would let separate ; rent very low ; can be seeu to-day. In quire 703 6tb ay., second flat. \ FURNISHED I1ALL ROOM TO LET -RENT S3 A -iVwrek. At 114 West 38th st., beiweeu 6th ay. and Broadway. A SUIT OF ROOMS TO LET. FURNISHED, FOR housekeeping; also Rooms for gentlemen. 205 6th av., uear 17th st. A -PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE SEVERAL LAKGF. ? nicely turulsbad Rooms to rent, without meals. 35 Perry st. AT 123 BABT 13TH 8T.. NEAR BROADWAY. ? HAND somely furnished Rooms on parlor floor; also other large and small Rooms; all conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND BEDROOM wVto let; suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 1U1 Eaet 28th st. A second floor, handsomely and com pletely furnished lor housekeeping. In a Urst class pri vate house; china, crockery, utensils, Ac.; bath, lauuury, Ac.; rent low. Apply at 19 Perry st. AN KATLyTu KN IHIIKDKKONT ROOM TO LET AT 318 2d av; rout, 12 5() per week. SMALL, FURNISHED PARLOR AND BEDROOM, Lfor doctor or man and wife. 1211 25th St., Dear 4th av. A PLEASANT, WELL FURNISHED ROOM, WITH all Improvements: also a hall Room to rent, to gentle, men only, without board. private family. 57 West 21st st' Ayouno gentleman can have a pleasant lurnished Room In an excellent location, within throe iii.uute!' walk of Stewart's; terms very moderato. Address R ll.r.M ?SI,. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL RENT A KICPFV trim Anl.hed Koout. S1 60 per week cssssjog* ??'?? I /kK.)L- "P'^'ors and NEWlYFURNISHED IIOOV4* rf&ESSP*^*??Ss ?;trs a?2$i SsS^as^MS'S J)i^I"rA"'-K FURNISHED KOOMN?UobsiiK jsEi'* iXiZXrSS rfSKSU-Ss^ TT5"''"ANTLY FUKNISHRD ROOMS TO LET- REFRK XHency exchanged. 54 Weit a.5th el ' F?^I8'!.fcn Ro<>??to let-jTandSoMRYlOt'HP, 1 * location; rent lew. 16a We.t ?ih Broidyrer ' ?? A. DA1LKV. Wifl flth ut rU'RNI8IIKO Kilt,ST FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS ~WITI, Weat S4tb ?tT' * ^ k"c?? '"Sid* "ft PJTR.NISHKD room, WITH BALC7)NY~0^~~i7TTr'ir monT ZrTUZZZ SdikVe/S^S*' ?? Mr G5LATC^^J-:?;V/^ran..,,?r t'AUL ? TO0P A OCR, 171 5th er. II*'?Dta"Jl;KV hoohh'to .jtr.-Me TTANDKOMKLY Kl'RNISIIKO I'AliLOK AND RPT? ass?,^g teva/ir ^ oneVr-'two";. ?st" VBwly furnished rooms kTTr lioht houbS MerehantTue rur",,w ?r ])Bi.TTILT TV K M -11 BO ROOMS. SIXilLR OR (L I ?ulle; newly painted and papered; on Bret , 1,L' 'l i'l-i lol.t li'itll ?t " C0I"I rpo LIT FURNISH ED-BALL BOOM a* ?w wr-l -I "nblngton plaoe; rent S5 per month. EST TP I ROOMS ON THIRD 4' Inrnlehed .r iinrurnl?he<l- owner nee..,??, i ol hnuie. Apoly *| 2145 Went .'Kith at ocenplee balance Ti>c,iv.!,.v.':;p;:Ni x-aim*- "tR*umu> boss Tr ygsgaFa. price*: private hoti%?. ur, Wr?t JUt ?t moderate rpo LhT-KtJRNlKHBD VERY LOW TO t iw.Ti We?"t'?55ili ?t.hira KIOOr? f?Ur r<""""- pOvuto'h. uV. :,o4 TP . , ':-1' FtKNr?HRDZfo (iENTLRJIAN OB A hoi!ii*km*piti?, tlirjc fimidMOino Itftftmi* tii"- tiioror ?rete ; I, w tent; flr.tehu. hnaee. ?h"wV.t 4% 't P' rpwo NICELY FuYnIMIKI. Kilo.VP ROOMS SKI'T Irately or lot-ether: hath, doeou Ac ' tn l?.i, , only; pi ivuto family. 24:? Knit .'tlx it. tfonil -tiifn W"Ts? - ft*KNisiilin i;<xTSh w irTr~i"Ttr V ' or B?rtloiiI?r*t S. s. HI.'{Oil X'.'i SiU iv ^ *??,. oiii nv. $1 ?)Oll?ht" rou required. 14 Jone. ?t., near 4th et ' jjj'^ . larok rruNi.siifc.ij rooms hoIserfikp ;f?t-1OT.l:t,-,5t,r.b'tb: br"k,M? " SX,PVMK'' :v FRONT 3 w . j^ORoom; elm others, to Indie, or gcotlemeu. 144 W.? ' '*" JJ KK K.?A LAKOK VKtVI.Y KURVlNllt-n ?p'rl.ooia einiapruvements .112 Knet 2Hd. KTH AV . 2J4. VKPO SITE IIOjEfc, BUUNnWtfh- " 4/Roonn for wntlenten : ?l?o Bxlenelon en nirUr ? ? I hyetcien > oiflee: reloreuce.. 'ilon,,on ?n P*rlor Huor inp:mju%^De^r2l;,;\,t" IM*| uie of kitchen ; ell one (Lira. MB H,*h'n';'/ ut^r (k I. AS I 22D 8T BLSUANTLT KDBMdHin Heu?n* l? W,th"Ul liu"d ' e"tlr? 1'X" it 'le .lred , re5 1AI" "Te jM WE?T.?HAWusomSlYHtwAgrifin ? iter .?refe??nu?*n * P'f W"k ; ?"? ' -i-l "id ?] .1 . v' ,K IK L >'.?11A V !) S (> M h L V KL'K.VTSff tr? o.T ?Pl'J lor Floor (three l.rt". room.) ehenn for .is. JAR< two double Hc*iJb; nil conmni*in? ?M? mini ?' prreleled MIS fc.lut Mill ,t ' 1 be v,u" 10 ?? np. 141m i i .4 ~~T ' ??fFSOME ROOVs I TU* l?BM er infernlehed. !? n prlrete i?mlle 23Pnd",rh^Yo^.V^'^ in%?!!J%2L iTLr2:1!"**VA * i.uriUR.A 11,1 I- I ^ootn?. on imrlor 5 o.r, with hnlli; roferett. o 2ilr^f ri SooV. 29 5SSr.SK,*S :yi25i?S/SfjT" try Hoard, at Itinncl, ??,( at Or. eowleh i:o,?o 30r k KASr IHIIl o I.?>sIN< jj.fc, ROOM ("not iiaiT /rooini lor n irentleniin. without board HALL ?J9 (iRKKNWICII AV.?IIANDSOMELY FI RNlsllFO 41 ??eeond floor lertte nrnl .mall Room. t? .,.1 only , convenient to reMiturano. BOntleinen ilS;,;,'-1..fitfftj*'?5,? .vi'ri;,,,;:""1', 8&?a.<g.i&^a?? wsw ww. ?Sfo"r", wioirsji'ssi,*. n isssss 77 Bast i?tm sT.?DEsirablb ,iaN,H, 7.1 n'" S,'AK ' I' VM. CBNTKAl 'nuPVe. k"T^'*h", ?P??M"?t? f?r .mall Inmilieei H^sriiihc".;^;.^7' h ah id K?*. ha 112 FlKNISllEO ltOO.KM AIR APARTMEKTI TO LET. IO'J KA s r istu -i., NK.\U ml Avr-MOILT Jtiirninhrd Rooms tu let. 1| Q tlkT UTH ST.?VJOB SKOOND PLOOR, I Ot br ee rooms and bath, cliop: also luruished Room for on* or two EaStwTH~KT. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED X X ? Rooms si muilsruU orics 1 ~\UVVK>I -at* ? r OOm'foKTA IILY F1 UN IS in; D X?J?7Rof.ras to let In a good central locution, with or with out Board. I Q?J WIST~10TH l PLBA8AN1 ROOMS. NEATLY XerOfurnished, for gentleman and wife or single geutle men. 91 WW EAST " 5TirZiUM>i" "to TkT. sUITABLE mjt 7i ?2 for gentleman end wile or two aingle gent.emeu ; references exchanged. qao wi si iiti St pprnishrd rookh to w" rOlet. from *2 lo $4, for genilem.m end wife, for light houaakeeping. noji KA-T Svrif HT?NEATLY Kuli SI SHED j 'Rooms . ele i for light housekeeping . good neighbor hood: moderate terms. ()'j j f. \st" atTrii - r to let. is pkIVaTB ^Ot house, two Floor*. luruie' cd. with avervthing lor hniisreeeplng . gas and bath : sin-la Rooms for gentlemen, $2 50 a week. t)7(? WKsf 3MTlf_ST.-Kooir aKh"TWO BEDROOMS _ I l/for light hous- keeping; water and (is: adults only; rent moderate: also Irout Haeemeul. 977 WE-T 22D - r. ?TC? LIT."~FI 1. XI.>11 EI* FOR ssl I light housekeeping, three or four Rooms, second and third floors Q| S WRIT 19Tb ST.?FURNISH BD ROOMS TO Olr /let for light hous keeping, or to single genllsrnen ; terms low. Call Tor one week. <7i "tTrTi av.-a nicelv ktrnisiibd room to -w 1 let to t wo gentlemen or gentleman and wife ; tertnt moderate. T7' h nm av.-laroe front parlor and "X '}' hie Irooui, furnished, on first tloor: privilege light housekeeping Seen any time. VKFUR.msiiki) noons and apart MEATS TO LET. "\~rLOUR o'K IT)UK KoOM8~fO' LEf-IffW8TVflfT | Avale house 210 Bast 38d at. FIRST floor IN llllill STOOP IlOl.SK TO let. ? Kent $2> per month Apply at 101 West 81st at. A' -FIRST CI, ASS FLATS. $80 TO |4Bf ELEGANT ?houses and situations 574 Lexington av., corner 5t?t ?t and 848 to 840 hast 50th si ; al o ITS Must 7l)lh. near Central I'nrk: Jaultors. A CHOICE FLAT. WITH LtTKSf IMPROVEMENTS; choice neighborhood ; all light rooms; great reduction. J suitor. 85s West 2nth ?t. APLKASaxr THIRD rLOUR?IB PRIVATE HOl'RI 1-H West lliith St., .me dour wo?i from Broadway. A E CHOICE FEW OF THE h TkNVH FLATS To LET? At low rents; five rooms and bath, range, stationary tubs, Ac.; halls and stairs c irueted : Janitor on promises Apply 22 I Wr.t 4'dli St.. .r II. S LEVY A CO.. ii-'4 Hth uv. corner' flat, with all modern impkovr. ments; eight large rooms; rent low. Apply tojanitur on premises, 301 West -Mid et. FEW I It, NCR FLATS LI FT AT 132 KASi 50TH St.; elevator, dumb waiter, relrlgerator, Ac.: at very low rents. C. A. DONNELLY A Co., .Villi st. and Lexington av. sFlkndid-i? lat to let-in a nice i.oca* tlon . will be ready June I. Apply 324 West Kill, ?t. LEO \NT FRENCH FLATm OF s AND Id ROOMS Xj.ii the Lexington and 183 East 4l?th st.; elevator, re lrlgerator. Janitor, Ac.; moderate rents. C. A. DONNELLY ,t CO . .3oth ?t. and Lexington st. FfRST CLASS PtitfY. 11A VI N't; nW.N FURNITURE, may secure very nice large Parlor, in private house; fill monthly; one splendid, cool front Room, second floor; large windows; improvements; $8 50 weekly, furnished. 208 West 21st st. I7ILOOK?THIRD. SIX ROOMS, ALL IMPROVEMENTS, in high stoop houw. -'Id Rait 17th st. L"NLAT. SECOND STORY. -IX ROOMS; SEPARATE r laundry; house firs', class; hall marble; $85. No. 420 West 55th st. IjftRST AND SECOND FLOORS TOR HOURBKKRPIX'Ot r gentleman and wife; reference, price. Addre-s QUIET . llerald Uptown office. First aniTsecond floors let out in fcr* nlshed apartments of two or four rooms, finely furnished, for housckeeuing, rent low. 533 3d nv Near union sqcark. five nick'rooms, all llgiit. $22. 122 E.ast 13th st? near 4th uv. IJARI.OR AND B \ .SI! ME NT FLOORS. 2d BANK St7, . to let; nice anartmeuts; good neighborhood SECOND FLOOR pKlViTK''IIOUSK-FoVk Lit JIIT rooms; nil Improvements; excellent neighborhood; rent low. 223 East 112th st. SECOND F Eo o li- FIV E N1(1E 110OMS,?AI.U CON venlences, 215 We-u3tHh st., to rent; alio Basement, four rooms. Apply on premises. TO LET?FLOORS-142 WEST 25Tli7 HOUSES 237 West 32J, 1 Hi East K3,|, West H(7th. near Houlevard. W. K. MORilAN, 2 West <12d, corner Htli av , belore 10, ?rter B. T~ 6" LET?SECOND FLOOR. Sf7vEn1ROOMS; IN good locality; rem $30 per month. 132 Hth av., between 40l.i and 41 si sta. ivTlKT a ROOM AND PANTRY, FOR $.5 A MONTH, L at 2110 East 3lith st. TO LET- ECONH FLOOR. FIVE ROOMS. I.N A COT itlMi small family; rent $1*1. 3B0 WMIMth st. TO Le'I-FOR LIUHT_IIOUSKKEEPlNiL SFITrToV three Ron ma each In modern bouece 25U and 2,'tM Weet 37th ?t.. from $7 to $1'?. T'o lbt~parLob, kitchen, bkdroom "and closei , rent f IN per inuntli; also a nice Floor; In house with owner. No. 221 West Ititli st. ; in good order. TO LET-21 WEST 44TI1 KT.-PLF.AS A NT ROOMS, t6 ?mall resnectahle family; routCIO per month. Iui|iitre 15 Park av. T(? LET U N FlrRN IS I l?l?- FIRST O K SECOND French Flat. 7 rooms, all Improvements, at 454 Wo.t 4Pth at., to let at $30 a month, li J LIl'PE A HRO., 414 Mth av. To LET-ON "MrTDERAfE-TERMS. NICE PI.OOR OF lire Rooms, wlllt halb room, Ac., In nrivata bouse; or will divide. 114 Warcrley place, near Washington s(|iuira. TO LET-IN THE NEW RI'H.DINOS ()N ITII AV? corner of 32d St.. one very dosirable Flat, second floor; every convenience; low rent. Apply at 475 4th av., corner 32 I st, ill office. rpO LET-THREE TtOOM~s,'o.S MODERATE II.RMS. X Apply nt 113 West 11 th li, huseini'iit rpo LET?SECOND floor, i ilKRE OR FOUR ROOKS, X No. 58 Oth av..corner West Washington place ; references required. T LET?.a HP LBN DID SUIT ok POUR ROOMS IN now flat ll use 3IIH 3d av.; rciil fill Inquire ot Janitor rpo LET?THREE KOOMH AND PA LOR, BOARD OR 1 willnnit; private family 84 BMIimM place. mo LI. T ?com FORI" .RLE* APAKTMENTH OP 2, 13 1 and 4 rooms each, at 31* Can si, 15 and 17 Lud.ow st. liiqulte on tin) premises. To LET?THIRD I'LOoR OF 1 P.l V.\ I E 1IOUSK 153 West 25th si.: four lo no and balh room. | rpo LET-FOUR ROOMS ON~UPPKR SloKY; IM I p'ovc iunnts. Southwest corner of Lexinglou av. and , 3-Mst. ! rpu LET-A FIRST CLASS ( oRNKK FLAT; ALL lM 1 provvmeuta and <|tsi.*a tivlgliborliooiL luquirs in store I Bio Hth av., aorni r Both -t. I Til LET -FIRST FLOOR,"FIVE ROOMS, 4I? KINU sr7; 1 tits and water: tin Reeond Floor. 37 King St.; all in ex ! cedent order. Apply at 41 Charlton st. rpo LET?A PRIVATE FAMILY* WILL LET A SEC 1 nnd Story ol Ave r om.i, neutrally located, all modern Improvements, very cheap; relrrencra exchanged. Adurcsa ! II. II. L, Herald Uptown office. rpo" LET?SIX HANDSOME liOO*ls7 ON'SECOND , I dory. No 230 Mulberry ?t , near tin.; rent $17 per month ; water. Inquire on premise) j rpo LET?THE THREE LOWER FLOORS OF^ "a 1 brown .lone house, in good order. w;th a I conveniences; ' Urge eelliir and yard, rent $45. Apply at 121 East 11 at at. I (or particular*. rpo" LET CHE AT-A FLOOR. 12 ROOM.-' IN \V7.-T X I lh. neai .iilt av. Apply D'.J West 21..t. JOHN POST. 1 rpo RK.ST HALF OF A LROiVN STONE HOUSE, X mill tor two families; all Imprnveinent*; separaie: lo r.suiK . ail lighted; iu perfect order. Inquire at 28U W, st | til h at. rTV) KKNT?UNITL SOVKMriEl! OK FOR VI'.AC, \ KKY J ieslrahle suit pi Renin', at "the Uockiugliain." Ilro.i I ? ay suit Mth St., near Central F irk, ahlitmlsbed or fur nished; complete lor boutekeeittait; ?er> qitlei . nest ex posure Apply Inti iiM'imrly to WM J. FaLMKR, nu pfamlse?,Of UmI otitl Iron t-xohant'e, 17 ? nrtlan t ?t rr if I Ac iikd floor. four Rooms and haihroom. 10 a Mr. all family. 1 Cottage place, Blue. kor. mo RKNT-A FLOOR. OVER STORE CORNER ill II 1 n nn d l uili >t. ; tronlsou the avenue; will be pat ti ? .. .p.'ete ardor. rent ; J , i month. Auplj to K.t It L) MR A ill S. "I T N FURNISHED ROOMS. I WO FLOORS, SRi'IIR IJ ntely or together ; model ite rent Appli i n the premie ? MORRIS SIMMOKDH, Unillitlt 1 v. I'? I'nlo i s.j itre rTI'PEK I'.lHI OF PRIVATE Hot sr., CO t*.\ ;K AV., I r '*r Hedlord?-oven Rooms to let; r, in. Kle. Inquire at house yRR* KICK FLATS TO t,l.r -il l WEST II III >1'. S?l> FLOOR. THREE PROS'T ROOMS. TO AO EN TLB Mine i ?ncl wife Inr light li>>11 k <*e|>lit4. 474Hthav. 1 I | CHEAP, A SEt.'O.Sl> FLOOR, j ROOMS, IN A ? ' I " ".new home. 1,11711 Oil *v. - RON |i sf. La ROB* FRONT ROOM.'d 1 "1 " 1 ? >11.. 1,-1 II HT.. 837 EAST. EAR LIVlNu-TuN I'l.AiT - 1 > r Hull Uon.e, or Fluor over parlors. new "il l papered. At;". ?A BICE FLOOR OF FIVE RiKiM-. (US AND O ?? ' '.bath, with * >1111111 lain I v. ?ii West .'ltd >t >;( t CLINTON PLACE?MOB BOOM S, TOOfcTIIF R _ >7o M 'Jor separate, unfurnished or furnished , clusots. water, Ac.; rent .ow. ?Ji? OB0V8 ST.-TO LET. To A SMALL KaMiI.V, 1 Second t loor and Pl.t ol nurd; liret class !. .use, iii'idern improvrineuif; family of tliroc 01 cup v re, t ,f bouse , rent $dti AQft-KlRITT FLOOR AND PARLOR FOR A V</W|,li;klcisn or >uia.I family, near Lexington av., I'll bast ->lli St. I w ffll AV. -SECOND STORY. FRONT AM) REAR. tOhir gentleman and wife or two or throe single petit." m. n; desirable location; nenl, largo ro'iu? . no bMiitoaorp. Illg. '?.> KANT B4TII sr.. NEAR MADISON AV. FIRST Or i ? JFUt . oool end light rie.ins. Inquire janitor, on pioiu. I>e?. or Vtll.l.i.vM Br.RRIt N, room 7', Fare piace. 1117 Waveklk* flace.?to let, set ond I'M Floor, with all modern Imprut.'msiii*. 1 ? J " EAST 40TH ST.-To LET, SECOND FLOOR IN .lOrJbmwn spina house ; good location ; rent 1 I/v KAST dwrll si. - I'A 1. LOR FLOOR AND HASR. I I'i Umant; eight Wis. 4 >?. 1 I I < I II sT. OlToSITE ilKW'AN I ILL LIHKaKY ? i It I Rooms. Floors end Oflinaa, tMrtiishcd and unfur- . Dished, from tn to $Ji per month Oil U 7111 AV.. RKaR TJU NT-THIRD PLOOR kL"'(/trout Room, to gentlemen or (etitiainaa aad wile; aito hall Room f~' tier week. >)?? I East :.2u sr. LOWER Part iuo 11 ntoop AO'i Kruwu rt'Mm house ; hUo Uucoini i'lo ?r. 2.U. .\pjny Moo ?Uy. 40 V.KKI 40TII ST.?A SECOND PLuOli TO LET Ota & small lumllj. l.YKlItMJallKl) KIMinK 4 Y I) APART MESm TO LBT. 607 111 A v.?FRENCH Tl.AIS; EVERY IMPROVE merit; rent very tow: seen irom I :'?#! iu N. H. KICH, 74 Murray ?t For Other To L>?-t Ad vert Urine lit* S?? Directory. HODMEN, HOO.HK, .vt WAN TED. I ii t lil? t It v it nd iirooklyn. ASINHLE MAN WAN I S shall WELL LIGHTED j (loom in basement of private house, unfurnished. ami ; Bedroom up ttitlrt furnished. Address pTUDIoUS. Herald L'pto TU. SMALL REFINED FAMILY WILL TlKK t M:K A tulcnarga of a furnished llou-r ? urtui July an<1 til fill pay gust aud will pay 54 * or $53 therefor if required. vddres* Mr. L.. No. 1 liiii Washington square. cum" of 4th ?i A responsible party would ,ke t pur itlshed or unfurnished House tl ? in -derate rent. mil* able far boardingnurpoiea AKtcMiBHN1 IN advance, Heruisl Uptown uilice a lady who whites it home prom duia At Vtioii desires .1 coiiilortabLv furnlili"<1 Room with privi tape of vUllurn. Address. with irrnia and lull particulars. Ill "I LEDOE. Herald office. GENTLEMAN AND WIPB iaMLKD'ANi WOULD like Rooms with snull American litinlly. prltrlleire of light housekeeping or Hoard part >1 ilmr . for rent of roonn would lurmah two parlor*, Piano. Sewing Machine, kllcb-n, dining room, balls, two lodging roonn. location kill to rtth **?., I'.itli aud 3'itli tt?.. relereucei svc.tigrd Address RELIABLE, Sox 117 Herald Uptown Branch office. On wiisr siD' , nbah elevated railway hk low ,10th preferred, hy a small lumlly adulti. ? House lu good neighborhood. very tuo l*r lie rent. Adilrraa J. L U., box 134 herald olB. e Summer or longer. ON L LAB Oh I' If FURNISH EI) BOOM It'll CLOSET iu a private homo, rent uot to exceed ss per month. Andrea* A. V., box ll'l Herald Uptown Branch office LTN FURNISHED Wan i KD- I, im> i.n. a / lion . rem to commence July I. Send lull particuiare. KKLlX. Herald office. VI7 ANTKDr-Kl KMHIIED H Al.L BEDIKJDM . Rr A it nnnable terms .avt Lexington ??., above 40th ft. Address T. K , box 137 Herald office. "UTANTED-A HMtLLOR M EDI UM-SIZED (HOUSE, " well furnished, from about June 1 lu May 1, by family of lunr. with no youuit children . ruuat be In excellent loca tion and every vrav desirable ; best of care and prinpt pav mvntlnrihe light place, at very low rent, iml to exceed ifIJO per month. 4ny party lining abroad or lor any reaa m wishing to leave (belt liouee lu good iiand*. mav hear ?l a desirable tenafit by addressing F M J., box J.ssj Poet office, .New toik city. IT ANTED?BY A GENTLEMAN A NICELY rOR. 11 uiahod. large Boom In a private family; ueruian-Jew lib, an I location uear Union suuare preferred. Address 11, box 4,107. T17ANTED TO RBsT-lN SOUTH BROOKLYN. IIY A IT desirable lenunl. either a commodious or I'.irt ot a House, wllb Kxteutiou, say second aud third Sours. must In the latter case have laciliiies tor housekeeping kitchen. Ac. Address, with lerius. ilbllMAN, box Did Herald office. TyANTHD ro RENT -A STORK. WITH APART II uients to live In, for the lager bear or honor business; rent must be low. Addias* UfcURUE HENllEY, 231 least 54th si. \\T ANT ID?THREE OK Fiblt UN PL UN IS1I ED IV Booms lor housekeeping, below 'Jilth St., for adults; rent must he low. SILVER, Herald office. WANTED?BY A UENTLEMAN AND WIFE. TWO well furnished Rooms or a small Second Floor, with modoru couv uleticea, iu gooff location aud on moderate terms; private family preferred. Address, with particulars, A. B . box III) Herald office. WAN I El)?A FURNISHED 8ITTINU ROOM AND Bedroom, near aUth or 70th street eutranue to t'cntral Park: will pay $21) per month , house must have all modern improvements; references. Address M. A. BROWN, Post office. Brooklyn. E. D. tyiDoW HVINO FURNITURE. DK8IKKS TO MEET If a gentleman responsible tor rent ol small flat iu return for hurtio comforts. Address PAUVRKTTE, Herald office YV ANTED?A SMALL HOUSE OK FLAT ON SECOND If tloor, located bulweeit 10th and doth sta., 4th unit Mb uvs.; a very email lamlly; unexceptionable reference. Ad dress F. S It., box 1,504 Post office. TjyANTED BY a YOUNG Man. a COMFORTABLY It lurtushed Room on lltlt, loth. I Itn or 12th St., between 5th and 7th avs.; would he permanent If suited; rent about 5>_'h per tuontb. Address PERMANENT, box 220 Herald office. YV ANTED BY AM IN AM) WIFE, GENTLEMAN'S lib use to take care of fur the summer in nths; Hi ytms. reference as to honesty. Address Joll V wo ill, 321 1st sv WANTKII-UOMPLETELY FURNISHED UUI 8K 5 rent in bo.,rd ; a law hoarders allowed; family three Americans. HOUSE, Herald office. WANTED iMMKDI iTK .Y?A FEW FURNISHED and unfurnished Houses, customers waiting. DaN 1ELS A HINSDALE, IU University place, cornerHlh st. YV ANTED?FOIl MAN AND WIFE, FLOOR; SUITA II hie for light housekeeping; private house; location lllth, 23d >1* . 3d aud 4tb avs; terms midcrate. Address PERMANENT A, Herald Uptowu office. In tlk? Country. IjlURNIttllKD HOUsi. IN CDl N T IV. WITH EVERY ? thing found, boa-ders; Hudson pic '. tddross, with lowest rent. llOU.vB, Drug store, cm i I st. ami 3d av. 11* ANTED?WHOLE OR PART OF > vl.L COTTAOE, II lurulslied. ue ir cltv ; terms not to exceed $2i uaonthly. EDWARDS, lis aid office YYrANTKD-A SMALL PLAINLY. FULLY FUR if ulshed Cottage, wltnin an hour's i oie of tue ciiy : near water preferred; rent must not exc-cl 540 per rnunih. Ad dress, lor three days, I*. H. MiMAIlO.N', 223 Broadway, room 14. ?ATMXOKIJUL A WIDOW LADV OK .'?<? WlSliKs" TO MARKY -.Vnyalu; will iiuno but good men of her own age. in Imai ueas ur _-oud circumstances, in need ol * good. domestic without family, please anawer t CLAYTON, Herald wile office. A GENTLEMAN AGED 113. OK MODERATE Ml ANS, la desirous of forlillnic the ucjueiiitance of an agreeable youtnc lady matrimonially inclined. Address GEORGE, box I'-'H lleralil office. 1 LAPY I.N BUSlNr 88 WOULD BE PLEASED WITH a'Ytiio acquaintance of German Uatholle gentleman over 40 Address PEACE, lluraiil Uptown Branch office. A1KNTLBMAN, 32 YEARS OF AUK, \\ I I'll AN IN come of ss,<XJOper annnin yond mercantile end social position, wishes an Introduction to a widow or orphan witb an independent lortuue. wldcli would remain under tier con trol. Midr as partlcuUra, In conlidenue, CII A ItLES BUCK INGHAM. box 104 Herald Uptown Branch office. t gkxtlemax. 4? ykakb <>k age. or quiKT JVliilon, le.lres to make the acquaintance of a Udv, not ov r.'t2. Please a Idrees IRVINO. Herald Uptown office. t WIDOW LADY OK MIDDLE-AGE. OK A LOIffXtt .fxdltpotltion. Hred of living alone, wlalies to niaae tlie acqui Intanee of a gentleman ol n^eana matrimonial.y in clined. Addreat Mr?. MAfUI), atattun E. /A p.N I'LEMAN OP PURR HABITS. YOUNG, EN It VjTiretle. ?Incere, devoted and diacreet, ayri-en-de, lilieral diipoaition. beat character and extraction, de-iroa honor able acquaintance or correspondence. reflned, amiable y. unc lady, true, h vim;, noble hearted, with a 1 lew to matrimony: satisfactory reuaone irlven fir qnesti 'liable Cpur.o and hr-t relcrenca if ru ,aired. Address HELK M'KIT, box ISM Herald office. \\T I DO W E It OK EDUOa iron AND means, MaTKI II in-dually inclined, deeirea acqu dntancj of very t -ut lady. I*10 >i? adtlrese, in atrict couildeiici,, Herald office. trim wants poor MR-HkaLtii. wealth Vl beauty or all combined ? Addreat < OUNSELLORA I", LAW, Sew Vorls Herald office. \"0UNG FOREIGN! K, NOT OVERPitKTENTIOl'S, X wiili firat claaa references in reserve, aollcita corree po idenee in any modern lamriatre with 1 nnndaonic young lauy, view to matrimony: city or any part ol aoaatry, let 11*pa returned il desired with every anawer, Ad.lre--, in con lirb-uce, stiliug accunipilahmeiila, S. A. u., box 174 Herald ?nine. KIIROI'E. Parents wishing to have thkir boyh edu c.tied In Europe may hear of a pleasant lionie for tbrni n, u h-alHiy city III southern Germany Addreaa K., BIB Broadway. Will call at any time and alvn particulars. fashions.?godnox. si kid. du i rep iei.ibro, Cloakt, Dro-?e?, Iroumeaux. Lain - will lind in ur salons tin- .ateat ami moat ?i 1 -t? ?? _rnlahe'l noveltd a. WIN'EM. MIIKIIW. avC. t SUMMER NlirRSSltV.-GH 11 KAU I.AOAKOSHK, iV l he f.ii ..rile Clare 1 . au original Cor >1 .VI11 111.1 ah iniii d to any address, on rerelpt of ?24. VICTOR E. MAl'UKR, 110 l.eude at.. Now York EILLIKEUY A \!? IIUKSNllAKlim A. rIIK heathcoat, THE COACHING ll.tT OK THE MM KM. PORTER ,t DO ASH, Importcra of Eiuhlor 1 1)40 BEOAuWaY A.NO 17n r.TII AV.. will exhibit, onTueedey, May 'ill, on? ? a?i I vi vi. 1 deal i? 1 Krcuch Hon In t receleud IIIE MoNTKnP A n If VT. FljH THE SEASIDE, A. ?A.?A.--Ml Mils, East 14tli M>. between Nth ay. and Unlvnraity place. Mie-r i' and <'million's Millinery, Lad tea' Dreaa -'up. an.1 Mi dftihiif Millinery. IT K. M.tTl EKM A CO.'H, Bill BROADWAY, NEAR . \ llfth -t ii ivo now a yrr\ th ore -e ecllnu ol trench HullI|. H end Envtlvti I'rbmeiindc Wats H< Piu 1 nolae and others mourn .ok order* I me at the almrte-i n d ir., t K. I' tOWB, IMPORTER OF ENGLI-GI fiol'ND .Vail ta, Kenthert. Ac . hi) I nlou square, tirat llo< r .over Brematte 0). ? ?A?MLLK I'RI.Nt'K, . V. IMKOK fKM OF Mlt.l.l NPRV, 04.'| BROADWAY \ D 17. bill vV , KOKWKili.t NEXT DOOR IO TIKKAXf Tke COACH I Nil II At and i lfeei luraltl a 1 ist 1 ..'aleed. ?orpi--uig ab previous iinp Gstluiia ol t .is eatab.ia mrnt fur ele.sore nf ?!? alqn and n air 1 lal. 4 t. WAKE KM, AUBN1 FOR BROWN'S LONDON A.Round llett. <elB tell, at DIN Hroadwav.nnill Juy I. the 1 uporti'd Hat and Keatlier St 1 k it the late Km ma ?J. Brow 11. VI G. W BASSKORD'S, >1 IIROaDWaY, oPI'OSITK Stewart'a ?I'leaaat I'ailiian Kim er- ferkionnaMi ele yam Parisian Klowna l?r dreai trttttmlngr, at :<?.Sliced, wholesale and retail. t 1 M Vltl E I II.M ANN'S PROM FAKIsi. tUENt AND inpefter. ? New. ?|.|endld imortMrnt I'arfs HnnneD, et Ki.iiitiura prices Monday. 4211 tith ay., Meend door below KMlli si t MMK PRMK S, 4'? 'iril AV XF.AK 2PTII A lirau11 In 1 aele Hon of 1 in ch Knnneta and tiais ol so a arye "to'k ef Millinery UimkIs, contpi q lu'.r-t ?..rallies AMME. A POIX. I M PO HI 1 It. d WKsT 14 I 11 KT , ? wili 1 IIor 'ieh 1 biri lag-- md Dinner D rsso- t- p.tii ? to. "it imp irtntloo All etylea ef Uo*i.itim iifldo up ebvaniiy at mndornta prleuo. 4 . MMM. BAKNK4, 311 IT|| 4V . N I i ,t I n il s 1 _ ^1 .i'Ii dee ai. itineut ol nililli.eri f ,1 Iodic, au ? , I11I ?. widetr*' and dreaa . ops: dreaam iklny in a,I rah - inchi a. 4 ?Mai SUM. LYnX* 4 Mill MJIIY, 1,1,1 , B :'oaD Aaway. between 2Sth ami 2ii'li ats., w,11 ?,n uia baiauue uf eleunM stock of Iniported II.1 ne|? and l.tigllahl: 101 II ii? !?*a than cost pieviout to debanure lor Kuiopa in June 4 FIRST OLaM MODIsTK makes HEAl TIKI i, VVSuila sat I'l yarua; -nnaflt and out faahmn iiipi n a terrd equal to new some readymsd tilt Sum, Adj. PieaM eait and tee speduieat, l9d titn ay. t WIL.L.IXKRY AMD (>UOS>tU.'l\(i. A r^'MpTIPS I'lVUov" KOIVVD ~HiTs ~ ?lit telighi yea?, Ci>u1'auM?the ' ' ' '-irK VV:r" [apodSt* Hwltchct. tOiu.bee; B|?? Uii-nt 't*!.' mad- ,1 water Pnri.inn l|?t, J'VV any tn.dej7 I ,w..u , r-.r. n.Hrl.Kl.'X ** (") OLKEY. IMJ'OKrt'c, VflLL~oi?KM ri?li vy.pra'i ui <veok new ?tyl?a Round II ,1." m ? i 4 !S%d W K"1 UlU " 5 o'L". v?iy much r?.' C!^gsyfw^aftpaii|f->Lrfr"*w o* ~ o JTWjt Parlor. Building, corner H h ?t.1| UV "" * SIIKIVKIC A i <?. U't'O.SOMY ?DRESSES CUT H (STPD iviifj i51 jlDtreet. dinner and evening Or.-....* i ^ ? ty.e.. Mb. UBPTARO. |..i i d , ' I fUta TO INFORM MV ri ST??MKIts~Av77 7T7w telZSiVM' Cl"""iue"0a ot ,l" i or REMOVED TO MOKE SPACIOUS PREMISES T "T-- ;"T'' DRE.-SMAKiND. I hay* opened a VILI.'lNKRY |'"|> vk'V .-<??.u. tt ion to zraa -?? Mine I.KROY, and In PARIS at WORTH and '"AVkkrT ' Re-*1 h iy?>IK V PINCHon" ? l? cloelng out the balance of *J K*" ,0th ,t-* Pari* Mantilla*, ber ?P'lntr and aumntai Wrape at greatly reduced prlrea. jyjME Valentin*. allks (lately wltli Mr?. .M. A. Connelly) bege to Inform the ladlea of New York that aba i. a V '???*? for Ure..e., Jr. , M a n ," U. ESS!?? ?;:u T Su~ *i ??? iltb ." '?"w.en L, ,: :r.r;'aV,n:r.:,::,l>'.v,er- ?*????S%5st: A I 'II IUI.I.IN.-. IMPORTER. ~| I.? rri i t DWAY aUhaaJuat received from the leading hnuveii ol Pari* am anU -Ir*""1 ?election Of Bonnet. aorfRe" Wrapa" die. the'approaching Doitutno* VfAleO.N' tYAI.TuV.-i-J llTlOADWAY till,VP, UNION Mo,a E'lT "U HT.-IIKKssKS MADkTM dreaada mobtw&aUpSy*"**4' MoMfcr dn^faatba Sfe? UtIIII title. of .1. Id a .7 *' r,< ???*t AI??I |||0*t SSSyaSsl38 *Msa ws i,0,",u,, u,,lJ ;i <ot Peu'sp coIv'r!2?,l)r: *u-Twk?t :?.n..-mllb. aotno es'iulaltaly tn.nmV'dT.und CuachinK Mat. the I'rlnceaa l-oul?e ihe Vn'mV.,,,'. ,'^n prioas!" M"r"'1 all at eslrwmaiy BMaraM S^IIJI-. 8PAOR AND DoUbI^IWrx~PLTT17s,; sunt" Orltti!'mid lli-nimin j done hv mnclilne : nlao Krenrli l-'lnt l ip and I'inkitig done in varlou. atylua by K JOriPI'll "w Porat tb at near . anal ,t. Branch office Cvj Ku tot. \t between and Pineapple ,tv. Rro.?klyn ' 1 BNTH PKE PAIR -KII) DI.OVKB I'LI', tNFD l'ltit ! yfeitly. Without odor. Seeuta pair at , l-ox maltlne factory. 7:0 Bro./way', u?Lf d'.'. Bp'.^ ^ 343tS ?ii5S55SF^ ru^in*: I""' ,"t*; ,ro*" HroaiVwa" bou','.'" eaqulalte flta and elegant Imported dealntia, from l? ?ard. or .Ilk, by artiatic workmen, at auuimer prioia! fardt OltY ROIHJ.a ?CARPETii D. KELLY. 51J and 814 8th .v., corner Sfltb at., aaft 414 (1th a?? cornor'JYth at., trill continue bia unproi-odeutad bargain* Id Cantata, =11 Matting., ttuK"' ? Mau. Shade., ? Curtain., Cornice., T ^ Lambreqalna, Oilcloth., ' . . . I.lnoleom, Ac. for thirty days longer. An importar'a antlra .took of Matting., from 20c. A bankrupt raanufacturar'a entire atock of OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUM at pricea never before offered to the public. A call and examination ol the gooda and price* will convince you tbat thla It the beat houaa In the city to get real bargain. Prompt attention given to urdera from the country. Ooo* packed and ablpped free of charge. JJN RIVALLED BE ACT 1P YINO U AS A A K. * C SSSS H U A W > W t 2 s !! aa W b $ Lin, A A W \V\Y IV g PBbS HHHIJ A A W Vt WW ^ ? * h !l a Ai V \rV ~ LLLLIa^ SSSS II II A A V v " 54 WEST 14TH ST., neur 8th at V Y nniw j . ? THHKB DOOH8 FROM* M AC Y'S. P r?LiUHT"h,t,0Ck,0f "CMAN' HAIR UOOD.S relHileu at ?vholf?Aiil4* pricen I HE MARIE ANTOINETTE SWITCH ? ... < I rAdff Mark). TOl"?*rI I -,'\VnvI*'' ?"'f'"" ?fol"-n?w MARIE AN. and forma C^ffu"V.,[Vro?b,'?ni,,g."cl^,rm:?nrf"r uaeiul ornament could not be imagined and will bireadill ouo^lfchTof t'ha o'dVtyl#*"00 A Sl"tCl' "1"' ""'?l l,,,'hrew'o^h'N,o!,cn,,;K KRONT Old ladtea. ^', '7,1 4 ne'e*" lou-i',''.''' m"rC " f I upward, w',rr?,',?<, ???"'???* curly. In large variety, fr m OKAY H.VIR A HPECI tLTY I?AruUI,To1i?,r,lL?u"? ln country, rf?VRIv,i. a . t 1' EX. HAN,.K. warranted to be ab-olotely hartule^. on hand , CKKMK Bt.ANOJIK, # ncr "f IV '""'Plenum, a aperlalty, yi ' ei ? "" a^HuriQieQC tiertuuifrv thfrn tii*w itnd delieioua extrfti'tt .No more tfrayluir. L. MI \ W rt oilorloM I Persian khenna f I (I'ra-le Mark/ will eli.tntc* tfrny hair iimt.vutiwi.M>u?ly i?? it? natural color without iha u?? of Le uJ. Lac Sulphur or Nitr ite of Silver, or any other ooUoiioua inaruUlenta. to a beautiful brown of blao*. ltecoiiini'Mi'loii by the liiott |?ror?iiti?*itt ph.*?l< bwif and oUeruitv lYxtititomaU at the itore. *1 on i *1 .'?C : per box. Applied at tti? atom. If 4c??lr 4. Jre* oi chart*. \ -great vTriurilViN;." vr ! JV. II. liaater'a, 800 3d nr., bolsvi en "eld and lAth eta. ' Ennrmoiialy r?duoed price> In our Ladiea* FnrnhMif da. imrttO' hi Ladlea' C letittMt. -f ii*; Lad i enV-ore t s In -tb-iI ninety , Eadler'Uratrtr* tamml. en'm?idnr?il, inncfllon, 4? ? , i.adiBK llr*t?inir Heei|ne?, tr im 70c. upward: li'ntle. ineii sj hi Drawnr?. n . w..rtn 7do ; < . ? miemeu't lliltialx II tlf Hose, full tinUhcil, 90c. I! II AL'SKH, HKi 31 "v., between >?' I etnl 14th att. * ?iXo.-INI; OUT s,\U5 ">'? HIi MfTl i;Tu,l> c\! J\ .pet Haiigtn :? m 3i?c. let fell; Que 3*?|? r. I- . per rolij ill i '.|.J>eU Olt'lolf. -I it', per Vnrrt; iliiil?nli| V mime 81. idee. $1 per pair. at .1 W L'UATKfl, '."'I lluiJ .nil si., be ll w S,irli g. I I iiEA r .- A Li'. IJ ?r Cai pet* Will offer tblt wttk tbe Slip . ,if a large mannfitclnrlng r inpaey (' ii'peDdedi puncha*rd m sacrifice, 800 rollt Tap-# try T irpciB, ironi mcenlepcr yai I ln.-rin, (r un 40 cent* and u wind. XlltlllP Jn*t fe-elved. cf white. red, check md fancy pnltiroa. I.e.Is s.igbtly ret Will bo ?ilil way dowtk. BRBPrARD KVAI'P. I *?*.! -. nil I -s.? oi Ii ?r? one door t elow tilth it.. New Yor*. OARI1 An Petit M. Thomei. NoOVeHUlo*. Rue du Rue 27. 20, 31. :?:t. Und Hue de JTnlver. kite - i This haute,eatabllehed upward af fifty >eai*, I innrre ?. Hy known mill I in.mi at one ul tea ttaeat establishment! In I'nrin, lu wlin Ii thorough unnfideace m ty i ?? placet. Noted Im hung reiuiuknblv cheap In Its iniiiiiii o im ia. I,en Will I i' i'iitid the uiosl wnnplrte MMiriiu i.l >.lka# 1111 n i (tie celebrated fabrtca ot Monnet I'. iimn, tr . tin very tin ?t an elites m I am y hitks. India mi l Hr. inli i iisliiuera HhawK, it nolltn*. I,nee*. Magerlr.t mile I n* f"i Imliea, Fur*, cotton and thread Hiuft-, II" r i. ntra, Ribbon* Trimming*, Carpets, artn- et I t arm lure. It mh tli c 11 litflis English assist aula Fixed pile UOMETtilMU NEIV. Rorelty I'" ?? Feeing Trein No .porter. Rt : jiiimended by all letih; dressmaktrt ?. ? i a tiling to give the drcit ? graeelul ttreep that cau b? ? talned la no other way; It inn quailed at a fbclng, at tit ?ame time firing the tklrt an tiegant appearance. For >elo by ail lirsi . i n irr and Inury . ? ula baton, MEW TURK N11VKI.TY COMI'AMT, 13H Chnr h st? Manulacturi'i*'ami Ftltattrf, r-:k'i"s TiiV:~'.yi hhuadivay ?vkry ui> r, vary loweat prloet. >?m| foul addle.* aad ??! ?.11.1p.i s Iran II ilf ilia utnalout ?ari-d ClIIKI's, iiihih. -I!. K. FIKKCK A* i:u, I' . ? I'll i'p tine hi ?!? in unlet at bottna pricet, a pet feci Hi of no ta't i ill and nxainl ie. y 'K.N TURN KM hHXMM b~PUliCl7Aak KrflRTM ' I IS Sp III.' are In v 11 eil In leave III n Henviiret t K ftP'H. >I.M Hrnedwa} . i> loi ft# it tna prici": perli ct vatla. fadMnn gnaraaleetl to the tnoat particular. K. Kl*'r> Mlilrtt are all <|iialliy, the very beat. pUAITIMO IU> Mh, 114 I.AhT I I I II ST.: OFFuslf i 1 Ireta|{ plaee. one cent oar yard; Milrrlng, Hattoahnlvi, Ki i.f s p vri:NT c \iti i.y mmi; ii iTsSTiiiitiH^ Ihe vr i v ivat, || lor fH, can be RnUbed as eaniiy at lis mining a bandtarrhief. H'J.l Hrnadway. For Other Dry Omnia A?leertl*ementa In Ftrat and Sixteenth l*w??a*