Newspaper Page Text
BOARDERB WANTED. fTtTHfiTFROM bkoadway, in Bast i-rrfi Rt7? J ti.1.1.1 Board. pie isant It.ouis and a dedrabls home lor |u !AJ per asek ; lull table Board, M. I OK 2 HANDSOME BOOMS '10 J.ET, WITH OR wuhoot 324 East 14th at. til AND #1 V) DAILY; *0 TO <7 WKEKI.Y?ilNE <pXRooms, excelltnt table, families or liable. 17d Blotck er at., near Broadway. 1? .iktiOAO STORY ROOMS, lALCONt WINDOWS. ,.li w I'll 5lh av. I bouse elrKiiiit; tanillie. or siuitle par sous ; terms reduced. 3i Ksst 3<Ub st. 1 JBWIBH KAM ILY OK TiKN'Tl EM KM AOOOMMO Adsted with Secoud Sloor, comfortably luruislie.l; excellent Moar.lsi.d home coinlorts; superb locution. -21 East 4Ht)n Ml N/KNIIEIMEK. 10O East .?7th st. IIIANwoxhiy rprbishio fbon r parlor to let to gentleiisu or Indies, with or without Board; terms verv low. JOO West 24th st. 1 SUIT OK rooms?private bath boom," w ith .1 private table only, or without board; Kcoins lor gentle men; references. 3S Knot 20th ?t. ? I .hA!"iK> 'jXND8C?MBWo"M~<7vKI< PABLORt ALSO Atlilril Hour, fr.ini, furnished or unfurnished. with or with out Hoard; excellent neighborhood; terms low. 3'kiWc>t II th st. ? I hlKlii; AM) IIALI. itooil, WITH or" WITHOUT Blind, at summer rates; private family. 832 West all I t. I IIHOIOE SLIT, FURNiKllKD. SECOND FLOOR with or without Board; novate family; unexceptionable location. 1 IS West 47th st. 1 ()tt,T^,? Pl'E.\;S/VNT FRONT ROOMS- IMFOKMI.Y Xitood table. 101 Waverley place, overlooking Washing ton xuusre. * OI> DOOR FROM OIL SKY HOUSE SUPERIOR AC. accommodations, with er without Board. 13 West 31Rh st. 1 Oil TlVD PLEASANT ROOMS, SUITABL E TOR . S i' al*? "'nKle Rooms, f-.r gentlemen with . r wlth r u ' tlt'h nv* ,umme' WefX 22<i su. between StU I OR TWO PLEASANT ROOMS? WItTTbOaYiT;"1TuM Xiuer prices: relercnce... 35 East 31st st. 1 .Bl,VeK.^ASr .?K KION SQUAKE ? IIAN OSOMKLY Past"l6tl*st ooms' wltl' Board; tsrms moderate. 132 "1 ? LAKO AND SMALL ROOMS. WITH BOARD X.I partially or lully furnished), wltli owners; adult lain lly . leiv boarders taken ; reasonable tsrms. 30 Enst 32d it. <)l> FLOOR TO RENT?W1TII BOA I'D; ALSO OTHER ca Rooms, relerences 10U and 1UH East 23d. 0 DOORS EAST OF 5TH AV. (01 ~CUSTON PLACE) ? fuii ? 5 ""'F'? Huoms handsomely furnished, with or without Hoard: private table ii desired; table boarder* taken; references. ,TO LET-wTtll BOARD. AT NO. hast a.()ih st.; uieo closets, gas, hot and cold water; terms moderate. ?J COTTAOK PLACE, NEAR HLKECKKR~8T-^8KC ^orid story front doit bio and single ui'j i.ocuii; exoelleut table; small American family; terms moderate. 4 u/'A1! aV" r'1'-: RKi'WKKN 5TII AND MADISON "" ?me booms, with or without RTU AV.. NO. l]yf AND lilR.-RO'OMS SN SUITE OR yslrujly. With or without Hoard; reference. ; av.. "no. ilia?wirii BOARD. PLEASANT aNd t/cunvsnleut ? uoms, on second and fourth doors, to Derma tent or tranaient; also table Hoard. E EABT 48T1I ST.?a pleasant: WOSLL FURNISHED rJlloom. with first class Hoard. / AT" AV-- 351?PARLOR FLOOR. PRIVATE BATH, bin Ac r?"m' : ?",er deslraol# Rooms; excallsut ta rTll AV.". BETWEEN fffn 12TII sTS?LARGE COOL 43 itb'av" ?umn,#r Pr,CM ln the ?Phcuue double house, r van 'dam st.?handsomely furnished labor boarders" aken l? let'wltb "without Board; day ? EAST 30T1I ST.?HANDSOMELY kFrNISUED IT Rooms, with 111 st class Bourd, at summer prices. AT" AV-- >'0- 73. NORTHEAST CORNER 13TH ST.? lliird ttoots furnl,i,#d Ro?"'?- with Boord, on second and ? ?ART 17TH ST., NEAR 5TTl AV~pTEASANT U.looms to let in a French lamlly. with Board; rafereuces. 7l!LJv ', KKW handsomely fTTrnishei) llottrd-^relerence*' ?en ?T m*rr'ed couplue; Urst class 7ho.YAuB?iT? ^EAlT ORAND CENTRAL 1 Hotel.?W ell furnished Rootus, with Board, ut summer prices; Imnrlleii and single parties. Ku ?.A^T .4-,?, ?1-HANOSOMKLY FURNISHED L. Itunnis, on third and fourth floors, with Board; transient ar permanent; sutnuiur prices; references. Q W EST MTH ST.?F ORNISH ED K00 Ms TO RENT*' U^n suite or singly, with or without Hoard; terms modi ci EAST BOTH ST.-A PLEASANT- ROOM. WITH t/utiod Boardi may be hud lu a beautiful modern cottagei "tublss-id carriage house Attached; close to Park entrance; comblulng all the comlorts of city and country for thSiummer; reference yiveti and roquireu. QJ" ,H'*> WEST.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED VI loor, containing lour rooms, to n family or party of gen tlemen, with or without Board, at summer prices; also an uPPer Room ; southern axposuro. 1(?TH dT llD i.A.ST.-l.ARilK AND SMAlZTtOOMTT XUnicely furnished. Secoud nnd Third Floors, for gentle terms moderate. t?0n,'Om#n: 1 ?'r-. Bio kast.-okntlkmen and tiikFr ir-Vi . 7 single gentlemen can bo accommodated with Board" re'l^renMi/ "00:n!'? wllh or without excellent n EAST 31 ST ST.?A NICE SUIT~OF ROtlMS TO let together or septntely, with Uret class French same ; private If desired ; references. no KA^T, i"4'1''1 ST- ~ H ANDSOM ELY FURNISHED Rooms for family or gontleuisa ; table strictly Urst class: aiuing room on parlor floor; transient partios taken. 11 TH 8T? 138 WEST.-TO LET, WITH BOARD, HALL liootu ; hot uuii cold water; reference. Li) EAST 23D 8T.-TO LET, KLEOANTLY FUR ir iig '? ark??m' or with or without Board, i O LlvlNOSruN PLAOK, SIUYVENaNT SOUARli, ''",1 ,7Ul ?ts ?Furnished Rooms to let with or without Hoard; references exchanged. 1 9TF.?J" 7"; VVEST.?NiCELY FURNlsHED ROOM8. i*-Willi first class Hoard; summer prices. 73 west-Back room; also~hax7l X ? Room ; good tgble; Amsrieau family ; houso private reuaotiHble. 1 i?>BANJC 8T., BETWEEN WEST llTh AND 12TH XUsts.?Rooms on seeoud floor, with Board: all con veniences; also table boardors. 1 '-4r,W.|,;'SI sr.-AND 138 WEST 21 ST ST.? XdDouble and sniglo^looms. newly furnished, with Board. I 4.7" BL. 34R?COOL AND PLEASANT ROOMS ON X J-tile second antl fourth floors; summer prices- also table and transient boarders. 1!'. >'1'"?3,31 KAHT. -ROOMB TO LET. WITH OR without Board; terms moderate. 14 I ITII ST.. 110 AND 118 WEST?WITH BOARD. X X handsome Rooms lor ramlliss, on second and third .to ri'.'H, front; also sumll Huouii for gentlemen; terms very moderate; ucuiunmoilotlons first class. ji'ir-ST..-"3oF aNfr 3l"f Vt KHT^WITU BOARD. Iiidianoiiisly lurulshed Hooms to familias or sin le oer sons; ?umiiier prices; references. iiFsT.. 2-7. BETWEEN 7TH AND StH AYS? mjuare and single Rooms for gentlemen, with substau tlai table; house cleanly and pleasant. M eant kid bt?eleoant rooms ^ok fami lies or geutlemen; table first class; tsrms very rea sonable. * TTtIi bL, WEST. 251?NEWLY PAINTED. ELEdANT XTiy lurnlshad Uooiuh,su suite or single; also hall Koums wiiu Hoard. ' 14: Til ST., 310 WEST-PRIVATE FAMILY WILL rent very handsome Room, with Hoard tor two, for $1U TCTH r.. l-.ASr." 2M4.?LARGK AM) SMALL J r)dooms, with Hoard: gentleman end wife or single gen tletneu; newly tiuinted. papered anil furnished throughout; hot and cold water, bath, nt summer prices. nr.. If Alii Mil stuyvksast pahk, p ba*T.-< r J l.urgo and hall Rooms, all Improvements, handsomely furnished, with Hoard. 1 f? EAST* 331) si.. MALISON SQUARE DESIRABLE J.Vlltoonis, with Board, for gentleman and wile, or single gentlemen ; summer pricea. 1 Q VasTI.TtH hTV*NE\K ftrii ~AV~? lahok and JLOmiisII Ho mis, fur lamilirs or single gentlemen, with lirft elgSS Hoard, references. HI wbst iiorii sr.?hand>o mkly Viknished JL as Rooms, with or without Hoard; private family. ft I. a i lit 1.1 ST.-LAR0B AND sMaLL BOOMS to let. nicely furnished, with Urtt mass Hoard. I-.A.-T 420 ST. -lUKlMH, WITH BOARD; REFER ences. i\) 20 S>isr ST.. ISO WEST,-pleasant BOOMS, TUB _ Lnlshed or unfurnished, with Uret class table, at reducod rates; reference. ( ()|BT ST.. 55s~ WF.ST. ?BOAKlfi ks" WANTHD; m I large and small Room on second tloor, with running water: hall Konui lor aenllumeu. , Ii j west iwriT"ktT, he i wekn bhoalway anu Mil till i?v.?Very pleasant Rooms and Hoard lor gentle man and inuiily; best reference. i)isi sr. i .T WBST, BETWEEN ? l il AND 7TH aw Lavs. - Very large and cool Rooms, handsomely furnished, with or without full or partial Hoard; reference* exchanged. nou "nr., isf wksr. dkmrablk Rooks, with suOliosru. for geullemen; day Hoarder,; relerenres. t)OD Si., wkiiir lis.?HANDHOMKLY ECItN 1811 EL) ^Ottuom*. with Hist class Hoard, from $lt> to $30, refer ences exchanged, t??) UROYh ST. TO* M l . \V I ru BOAKl). A IIA Ml a,?)-.iuiicly lurnislied front Room; ample closets; house end ucconimodiitions first class ; a pleasant home. SlOt) fsT , Wi5T. 4411?L HUB HANDSOMELY FUR geOnishad Rooms, fourth floor; gentleman or ladles; terms low; reference. wit si' at? iii sr. -Roi IMS to let, w it ii hoard, lor families and single gentlemen. 214 24 ?in parlor tloor, with Hoard. ?? < ru sr., .no. siowkst.?second floor, hand ?'l smiisiy furnished, prfvata batli, to lot, with Hoard; also single Room a sl~r~~wksf wasiiiMiroN place.-furnished llooius to rent, with or without Hoard; terms mod a rate. tIMII SI.. H i.T It KEN Mil AND ..III A VS.-SI'I.KN ^Odidlv lurnislieu Room, anil Hoard can he obtains*; In an elegant liouie. Address I'IUVaTL FAMILY, Herald Uptown atllce. tJUTU .vr., WEST. 31U.-A HANl)HoMK ~SECON1) geOstory front Honm to let; table good ; home pleasant l terms moderate. s?(t WEST KITii sr., NKAK~rii vr.?HANU-0MR iJtJKeoms, elegant House, Hist class table; moderate terlUs; table hoard. s >( 11 ii sr.. :?? west, hth a v. - k am i lFkiPant) s^r.'single gentlemeii can h? aceommodatah with Ui,t r as, Kiomi and Hoard at reasonable rates; reference* ex ?hanged .).) WEST WAHHINOTVN -quake. Corner'"west t)?J A nshmgtoii place.?Newly lurmsiiud, very cool Room*; irat clash Hoard; prices modcrafe; references 33, ? .Jllooine, with lira; class Hoard: aiso accumraodiiti us or table boarders: tortus imrdarate E. III UN. rtl ST . 3111 W EHT.--FL UMH11ED OK unfui: islisd Rooms to let. with or without Hoard. ?) I til ST.. \t EST. 244.-HANDSOMELY FUKNIflHED Ronins lor lanillies or gtnuemsn ; Board and accom modations Drat clasa 34nf BOARDERS WAVTKI). ?? KSTim ti Vl'.. IfFTW EN ft r 11 AMD OTH AV8. O'JExlra wiili* from Run |thr?? aiiulnwa), with Med ? ttd floor, Hiid trunt lluuiu, third Hour, with Board, lor family or gontlemeu. RiRT Sin Sr-LAKGlV. PLEASANT~ ROOMS, EAST 3BD ST. ?LARUE. PLEASANT ROOMS. ? )' 'for lAmili?? or gentlemen, with ">r wlilnrat Board, at vary moderate term*. Mr?. M. E. JfcKN*. wy _ __ Of WKST Mini Br. DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH O I Board; unexceptlnnehln relereucea. -1(4 **IT JoTII ST. HANDSOME, LA ROE. OOOL TuRmw for gentleman and wlf# or grnilcmcn; good table; auuimer price* J R Evsr Ail II 8 T. FIRST HOUSE FROM MADISON XT* 'iuui'o. ? I'l(? mkhi. co ?! back Parlor and Dull Room adjoining. with or without Soar I; reference*. A 17 FAST 28TII **.?FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH ' r I Board, lor gontleraun mid wit# or for single gentle roeu. Zft WEST 22D ST.-PAKTIKS KEyUlUING t'HKEK ?'""lui, hanrteomely furnished Ronnie, with flnt <Im ?t reduced prices, c.iu have u pleasant refined huuie with II small ! win it v. -QWEST 3BTII ST.. NEAR ItUo'aI'M aV ?l'lJEASANT 'Rooms, eOeond Htnl lourtli lioori. wrilli Board; gentle manor luiulliea; table boitidrr* taken; price moderate. -?) W l ST 24T1I ST.-ROOMS- To LET, WITH OR ? JOa itliont Hoard. crtfi sr., am ihttT.-ftioiiLr iuknisiikd ? si ) Rooms; excellent table ; brown atone hoti?<\ near C'eti trel I'ark; ull conveniences; very moderate tertua; refer ences exchanged. 5ba WEST IHTII ST.?E LEO ANT ROOMS IN THIS agnlficeut lionse, with or without Hoard. Zf BANK sr.-UOOMS, WITH DES1RAULK BOARD. ? ) I c .it he had; terma moderate. Zf WEST 4?TH ST ?HANDSOMELY Ft KMSI1ED ? I I Rooms, for families or gentlemen, with <>r without Board; alto back Parlor, with an OIHce for a phyaiclan. C?9 WEST OTH ST. LA loll., HANDSOMELY FUIt )-Lni*b"d Itoonia, with excellent Board; moderate terma; reference* each an ?d. 63, WR8T lai n ST? ROOMS FOR FAMILIES AMD gentlemen, with first elites table; also day Buird. on macdougal st.-a large. handsomely O I lurnf lied l oom, with largo closets, to let, with Hoard, elan a smaller one; tanle first data; terma very reaaouable; refer nee*. 68 WEST BOTH ST?SUIT OF ROOMS, WITH Boerd, on reaeonable terras. TO EAST Hl.iT ST.?THIRD STOI.'Y FRONT, ALCOVE Oand haek Rontua. with Ural class Board; terma moder ate; other detirable Itwima. 71 WEST B&TH sr., BETWEEN STB ANI) OTH rav*.?A few choice Rooms, singly or en anlto. ? 1th ex cellent table, at entnraer prices. 76 ? PERRY ST.-A FEW OEM I'tiBMBN OAS BE AO commoilated with Hoard: terms moderate. 1(47 wiv-t:ist:i ?T., BKTWR n bhoaDWaY and Air I Oth nr.?Neatly l'tirni?hed Rooms, with Hoard , alto buck parlor, suitable tor physician's nfHee. ?J1?> MADISON AV.?TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT 1 I Board, Kootna on tecotid door, front; aleo tingle; ref erences. ll'J GRAND ST., JERSEY CITY.-NICF-LY FUIL 1 LOnitbed Rooms, with flrat class Hoard, near ferries; terma moderate. mKASI' 18TH ST., Ni AR CLARENDON HOTEL.? Desirable Ramus, with Hoard; Snotuernera would be necommndated for the summer. nr\ WI ST 12TII ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ? J Rooms, with Board, for gentlemen and wives and tingle gentlemen ; reference. 117 KA8T78 II ST.- A PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD give gentleman nd wile or two tingle gentlemen very pleasant lion ma, with Board, but few steps Irom Ueu 1 I'ark, at iotiim-r prlc" tral 119 east 21 st st., urambrgy park.-oesira bie Ho ma, with or without Hoard; references. 19/4 EAST 22D ST.. NEAR 4TII AV.?NICELY FOR _* xnishad Rooms, with or without Hoard; prices moil erats. TOO WEST 2JD. -LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS, AOaJwith Hoard, for gentlemen; $7 and $s per week. 1 ajaj WEST 44TH.?LaRUE, HANDSOMELY FUK 1 OOnlaliad second Hoor Room ; house, table and location unexceptionable; teriua moderate. -10/-M W EST 15TII ST.?TWO DOUBLE ROOMS TO 1 OUfilet to ger gentlemen or married couplet, with or with out Rourd; family private; rafereucos exchanged. 1 ??7 WEST lioni ?l. HACK PARLOR TO LET. TO AO I gentlemen or gentleman and lady, with or without Board; all modern Improvements; terms moderate. 144 EAST Wi ll- ST.?PLEASANT ROOM, GOOD Hoard; reaaonnble terma; also table hoard. I JQ PIEBKKPONT ST., BROOKLYN.?ROOMS. A*??7witli Hoard; convenient to ferries; price low lor summer; reference* exchanged. 1 Zi) WAVERLEY PLACE.?NICELY FURNISHED 111?i Flrat Floor, suitable for three gentlemen, with or withont Hoard. lftM hAsT 81ST sr-?A SMALL FAMILY WOULD 1 UOlet a front alcove Rooin, with Heard, to a select party; u'so hall Room to one or two gentlemen ; reference* exchanged. m LEXINGTON AV?HANDSOME FRONT ROOM (alcove), and single Rooms, with good Board; prices low. 170 2D ST.. ROOM 8.-AN AMERICAN WIDOW A I Olady would lake one or two Infanta to Board: would take Irom birth: light aud airy rooms and a iuother's care. Mrs. IS HAM. 170 MADISON AV.?COOL HUMMER BOARD AT A I OMra. U. U, JENKINS'; two Rooms on second and ono ball Room 011 third (lour; traualeut or permanent. 9(|<) EAST 10TH ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED .ul'ORooraH, with Hoard, for two gentlemcu or conple ; also hall Room. 204 WEST ST-A LARGE OR SMALL ROOM TO let. with Hoard ; terms moderate. 20g KABT.14TB ST.?ROOMS TO_ LET, TO FAMI ^UOii#s or single geutlemen, with Board; terms mod erate. 213 WEST 38TII ST.?LA Ob ROOM, WITH SCJPE Orlor Board, for two; Fib p*r week ; central. 91 Z WEST 141II ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED JjLiJRooms, with first class table; terms reasonable for tbe rummer. 91 Q WEST 43D ST.?NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ^lAORoom lor gentleman and wile or leu gentlemen, with Hoard; also nail Bedroom. 218 WEST UirH ST.?GOOD BOARD AND FUR nished Room* from $fi up; breakfast at H. 999 SPRING ST.-A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ?^^i^iaccmnmodated with good Hoard and pleasant Rooms, *4 a week; Inillti$4 228 Wr.HT .torn ST.-TO LET, PUKKI8HED ROOM, for gentleman and wife ; Hoard for lady. 9*IQ EAST IJSTil ST.. 2D AND 3D A VS.-LARGE ^i-LOand small 1 Rooms to let, with or without Hoard, reaaouable; near boat, steam and street cars. 99Q EAST 12111 ST.?DOUBLE AND SINGLE A1Z1ORooms to let. with excellent Hoard, for the summer; house clean and qnlet; location desirable. 99U WEST IHTII ST.?TO LET?NICELY FUR unlabel!, with u*e ol Piano, an hIcovo Room on first Boor to quiet party, with or without Hoard. it")') WKST 4TH ST.-A PARTY OF GENTLEMEN djOOcan have pleaeant Rooms, with or without Hoard; private family. 9?Jlf EAST 118TH 8T, HARLEM. ?VERY K <?OUgautly furulshed Rooms to let, with Board; ell proveuientt; convenient to boats and cars; splendid i linn : ttirinM vnrv nwirit*fHiiu tion; terms very moderate. GOO WEST 31HT 8T.?LARGE ROOM. WITH BOJ -jGUfor two. 811. 24 0 WEST 14TH ST.-KXCKLLKNT BOARD, GOOD TORoomi; first class bouse aud neighborhood; terras very low. 9-(4 WEST 24TH ST.?FURNISHRD rooms TO AO\rlet. with or without Board; every convenience and unexceptionable neliclihorhnod. i)Z 4 WEST 30rH ST. ? IIANDSOMKLY furnished A'/Tllonmi sad excellent Board In a strictly private Jew Iall lainilv. 291 WEST t'JTH ST.?ROOMS FOR 0KNTLKMEN wltli Hoard, at $.'> par week ; uleo a hall Room. ?Jilt WEST 3:10 sr.-A LARUE F RON I' ROOM AND OlUhill Roooi to let?With or without Hoard, to ooa or two gentlemen ; moderate price*; private family. 1)11 WRIT 830a?A -TltlC TLY I'RI VATS" JEWISH 0 Lllamlly. having more room than required, will let a aplcnuid tumlahed uooin, with or without Hoard, to tingle uentlemen or young married couple. U1 I HAST list II n T. ? FI. I: NISII R D ROOMS, WITH 01 rw w tlioul Hoard, for ?in>rle gentlemen, in a private litmil> where they can he at home. '?II 7 WOT holll ST.?ONK DOUBLE AND -INGLE Oil Hi>0m ; two mlnutea' walk troin Elevated Railroad Maiio11 j referenda. 091; WEST ?3D BT.-lfANDSOMELT FURNT.-HBD O_ol) Itii'ni", with nil modi-rn Improve moon, for gentle men or geutlemen and wife, with Hoard; term* moderate. ?j"c|\ wesr 2i?rr st? near elevated hail e)UUroud.? A liaiideoinely luruiahed front Room; nne> ceptional Hoard; referencea OC(l WEST MTII ST., CONVENIENT TO BROAD e jOi/way and elevated ears.? To lot. two nicely lnrnlehed ai|U?ro Room.; 0110 ou aecnnd Boor end one on third liuor, front; Hoard If deaired; American family. A WEST 31ST ST.-LAIIOE THIRD FlA>OR TiUOlront He Mini, oppoelie CO'lege gruiiuda, with good Hoard ; $13 for two; u!?o single doom, EN. dt'C VVESlJJl) iff -DKsl It A CLE ROOMS, WITH TviOBoard ; table and location unexceptionable ; pricea, CU to $14. R yo LEXINGTON A V. - LA ROM oil SmTl'l KOOM~. Oi/Owiili lull or partial Hoard, ai reaaouabie pilcaa; table boarclera accommodated. Anply all wee). UiHi Li.XiNi.TON AT.-FK1VATK FAMILY; DB aav'airable Romiia. with beat of Hoard; ternia moderate; relereucea. /?oi Lexington av.-o.nk ok'two large fi k Daolnialied Room* to reut, with Hoard, in American family. 7?)?l LkxTnuiON aV.-Kl7.UANT K ibllH. KN I Oa^anite or singly. with or without Board, near the I'ara. -TWO GENTLEMEN |CaN 88 ACCOM MO DATE I) ? withgo d Hoard, in n private lainily, in Fort Richmond, S. I.; ternia moderate. Addreaa H. K., box 314 Herald iBM. A?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ON FIRST eiiud ei'coiid Boor*. to let. Willi Hoard, in a private ,1 ew lib laiully. 8HS Weet Ulet et. VI (I WEST IslTii ST. VK8Y I'LHASA NT ROOMS, newly [lainlod und furiifihed, with Hoard, moderate, fur auminer. WIDOW LADY, IlAVIEU A NEWLY FL'KNIM? 11:1 ? llon-o, w ill rent a Rimmii 10 a gentleman ami wile, with Hoard for litdy. Addreaa Mr*. MILLER, Ileralu Uptown office. A FEW MORE GUESTS CAN HE ACCOMMODATED with Mo.irii. >it hrnl.lleld Feint Heaideuce, Ureenwiuh, Conn. Apply at realdence. Arks feci a 11 el ? o"i fle can find \ si it"of fnrnlal.ed Room*. aeparaieiy or together: privilege of llMiaekaepiug; terni? moderate ; pri rate lamlly ; alao hall liuoui lor alngiu gentleman; releruncee. 7 We at Mualiiug vou place. A lady and hi r adult son. desiring to reduce houaubold expeii*#-, will lake >ue gentlemen Into their Inintly who will receive the rmnlorta of a refilled home at a mo.cerate price, Iilgheat reference', required and given. Addreaa PERMANENT. Herald Uptown office. A GENTLEMAN CAN riND A La OK ROOM AT /Vhii diapoaal. auperior Hoard, with a widow lady; elegant loiuav , heat juration In city. Addreaa ACCOMMODATION, Herald Uptown office. IIOARUKR* WA.VTKD. 15 O A ED. hi IRVIEC PL VCR.-RUNNY, Pl.KAHAST rout Koumi on vvcoud hud third Moore; tuotirrtir oricv; F7iR8T OLAmR hoard AMD RUOM FOB THK BUM mer by a geoi.emuo. Address A II., box 1.JV71 Pott ?wt FIFTH AV? M.-bAXtMOIIILT FORNIHHE0 HUIT. rapists with every convenience, with or without Board; desirable Room* for itallrBio, permanent or transient. H tKI.KM._TO LET, A FURNISH ED FLOOR, WITH ir without Hoard. In n private tuniily; convenient to at or car*. 337 K*?t I lHth at HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS 111 II K.N I" witli Hoard, to gentleman uud wife or single gentlemen' at 11* Wait 34th at. IOSG BRANCH?4IOOL. BHADKD RdONIt FIRST Jclaaa Hoard, to a choice location, ??a*on or traaaluutly. Pitrliuulura and beat references at 41 Weal lidth at. rrwo ubntlbmrn hoomino together and one 1 other ee"t' 'Hainan can hnd Drat class Hour I and home coin, lorta in prlrtte family of retlnement. SO inluutea from elljr; rail or boat; no other hoarder*; terina $>i. Apaly fa) Ex change place (basemenO. TIT ANTED?A CHILD TO BOARD; WILL HaTI a It mother'a care; term* moderate. Kldrldge at., room 1. IIOAKI) AMD LODGING WANTED, \ 1'LKaSaNT (100 M, WITH HOARD. WANTED. IN xVaama'd private amily, by a lady who la ........ ... . out during the day. Addre-a. with terma and location. H. H. D., atatton 11. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE Wf II A HANDSOMELY furnished second story Room, hot aud eld watar, am ple closet*, Al Board, near Union square : term* not to ex , ,'t'i! ?'_'<> per week. A,ldre*?, with deacriptiun. II. C. J., box 8.304 .New York Poet office. Board wanted?to may i. its, by a obntlk man and a Re . l'urlor and tyedroom. with private bath r oin prelerie I Address, with lull tertna, location, Ac., X. Y., Ilomld Uptown odicc. Board wantkd-in American or English I unity, in quiet street, lor matt and Invalid wife, roqulr Iii attention-, <-a*t able, down town preierrad. Andrea* LIBERAL, Herald office. Board wanted hy a okntlkman and wii e In a rea lectablo and strictly iirlvate I renclt family: ref given aim required. Address TRANQUILI l'K, Her ald o'bee WANTED -HY A GENTLEMAN, TABLE HOAKl) IN a Hrst class homo near 14th it. and Broadway. A<1 dress, Stalin.- term*, i)? box Mil Post office. WAX TED-IN PRIVATE HOUSE IN CENTRAL f ? location, a furnished Parlor Kootii. with or without Hoard, lor u respectable business Address, with tertn*, L > DY. 1,131 llroadwav, second Moor. ANTED?BOARD IN PRIVATE rRKNUlt FAMILY, .. by gentleman, wile nud child, alx year* old ; two Kooiti* requireiT; central location-. prlca ni t over 93D per week; permanent it suited. Address KKNKSIIN'K, box 3,730 Post office. WrANTED?BY TWO YoUN'O GENTLEMEN, HOARD * T and one or two Rooms in a prl vule tamllr : locution be tween 2d and 7th avs. ano 3th and 27th ats : offers be pri vate families only considered. Address, itatiug term*. P. P.. box 13t) Herald office W ANTED*?BY GENTLEMAN. PLEASAN PLY FUR H liiabed iron' Kooin, second lloor, with good table Hoard: location 14th to 3C>lh. 4lh and it:It avs.; term ' must be mod erate. Audrese, with lull particulate,, Herald office. WANTKD-A WELL PUR.NI8HKD ROOM, HY A gentleman (mercliant) In a Hlrlctlr private family, where there are no other boarders or lodgers Those de sirous of having a congenial companion appreciating re Mneuieiit. addre-s. tvltli particulars. box 2.UOH Post office. ^ brooklys uoaud, WMun A widow lady would like to makk ar OOaRD on the iikiohts.? a pew okvtlkairw Er? &SHCSII HOTELS. Auipht1('#iV?ii^L.Tiii^LK l'U(,x.T Rooms 2r,(\ New Obamb?r* ?" ?p9n; ?0l,"emu? <""/? ?3 I Family ho tel^uroprTn and Imfhu'iI; |;'"n; r'"""y Suit.; lino me. 3a. 35? 37 \Vn, I .-..n at.. terms moderate: liberal ml.1. ' Tt" i FiV^week SSTroOIM| I ..JliLr"*88"'*' RVb.flOc. per day; cliean H??M Md?m{h ?ifE,Eli>i7T!1^EaT tok.VEB OK 8TU IXOTEL, NORTHWEST CORNEKOP GREENE iiin i#ss:ss SOUTHERN HOTEL.? t'lllHT OL^Ss~Ioi"?M?nn Ssteas.vsji'ffiw-?? sa::war^?OTiir ittAA<J H- IIONOVKtt. Proprietor. 1 -1? -,-v.," COt/RTTKI' BOARD. A MOBKKTOffS, N. J.?KIKHT CI,ass taui w tesi.sijrriiss/asa a?. <1E?. w. KINO. A CAKLOCK'3 HOARDING HoL'HK ON THIt Trim" wr; ??. *?<; a. Oarlock. Port l... n. j A 1 -SELECT OOUNTR* HOARD POK A MM IT Kit mb,r' *l'h #"iiibl? Rooms at tirmiill. v i -II uiiaulea trom foot of Libert* ?t v-_ v i1"*' *N" J ? AJ?EIL*I ?" SINGLE PERSONS OAR OBTAIN Sound. Address")* T?bo* ao"Nor'tbpor? AT Ml. I I Oil i.N, N. J?HOAJtD FOR TWOtiKNTI t~ ?r.?. a^sra. A MiTYVILLE, lit HOURS KKOM CITY O.N HOIItT? A ki. the comports or a home oak km "pETL ! ^srsst 1 u u^stoi1l'^priVate"lairDl'*"'' IN" ss&xr A STOrtIA, L. I.?TIlOKHl/RN HOUSE 80 MINIITvi iBSSr^'^s ftarS KL%TL^7S'Ti^:Wrvsrir,v4^~! ALS5Siffla%T,s2 te.;a ????. rojK'k.'svssjittns A LI' *HK 00MPO1<t".-> OP A HOMn ?JAN UK u.q -fLcured at A term house about oue bour from city JOHN N. LEaRoN. Hotiobu.. N. J. Va|,fci.VV *ORt' HOARDERS CAR HE .oniiuyn Send*or clreuUr **"* iluu"?? ?''^Vo^K^o'uO'U,<' Spring Valley, Rockland county, N ?Y A T WE.vr UKHiH'ON. 5 ENLARGE .toons' WITH ?al-Boiiru. (F0 end upward; upleiidul shade lrult i?'i . iu*; three tumults Iro.u boat .endlug Mr*. MAtLbo* is! A/,KW BOASDBRa CAN BE aL'UORRODATKO *r E.nroud".' ^"euJi'.'po wV.K J%?/ |!!,o N#" V"rk Uf^dree, U. B., box 13 Uaru.rvill., RocXUnd oVuZy, A it KA,MiLV OP EIUHT i'hu.?ONs"*AY ourTTv ^iHunnl fur til? intnuivr In ? bleHRAntly huiiE6; Ml?o ?taollnfr i'or hunei ir . 4 i f l?;Un>\, BtdMMrd, Wtmlmff miaiy, y,,H A ,!,h N 11-kilAN tfBHlRk* A 1 UBHY CONFOKfANI M fS? (i?dUr>, CUMPANIE, llereld oil),-#. ' Uh 'ul1 pur" A LADY, OWNINO IJK ( HOUSE IV A Vt e auauei uud lioaltby local 10u iu Or?i,rf.,. N J.'-V, nuiui*. ^ , flow 1<,rk end two mimitei iruui depot, would let Tor o il olUee?" '" ,h" t"y' A<ld,c" Woofts. box ^W7 llrra'd \ ! WtS'fKIKLD, N. ,l? ORE HOUR Kitmi < if* fee ivNrw Jrriev Coutrel Knllroed.?Locetlni. beallhv a d 'J-dh"7! Wel? Iron, depot: aood lablr a d u"d j'lneV" h??'',Vl*V'^ *"? utt'ftift; iUSJKSSH: a t*?* A T OKKKNWION, . oRR ?aUasIDK Koakii IT A u * M,,'V1OK x OH Ei,ruT CAR OBTAIN GOOD A 1 SI'A I ION, iiUUnON Itl VKlT'irifi ill IAD Addreiw O.. 30I Rett tt., rooiu ta! ' "?ll" a???& s.?a*:nh; 1 I sis i'X'i 4 KEW J a Ni 11,11. > WlLIji KIND (j()OD UOtiHTlili ilW.i .nd . cum fort Able homi In ipr"JtitH,u4o L7r4, ;.df ,o"en mux "a!" lr"t,,'"; '"r roou,. n?!u;;;.,o Idlkli i,l?;.e?ilfclVrttf MM 'rL"'x K"r M.e^l1 n.iii o.-au end Sherman e'v'.'. In i'laiLd'eld! A ,! '"?* ' >'!?>? *S\ST noons AV#K. M , 1 A -s aVIIiiaru oflerod at Pr'(v?'?/?l?Wrnoe. one bour from city. ' IL oaSKIN, Iryin/ton on tiudeon. 4 T MaI'LKWooD, N. .!,?ONE HOI It Knot! rnir iAcltr. a fea bearden ?,n flnd .l.a in, o 'i'l r,,K. Beardi abundance 01 ehade, fruit nad vt?cl?Idee eilint orenee, Adorn* oox lid South Orange, a, J, ' ' ...... tOl'VTHY BOA It D. A V.? m " I-1 K K. II 11 OC Rs KHOM SSKotfci/flffi JottSrlZ v.\<luiC'^uZ* i '?.?; Af'iim'tf.V.r'C U K' S f '"f* CUW> JKliJUl Ittli wikk'am. oullo :, W '"V A ,b Kewburg rojiusiu,.,. i location, ilirce mil** north .?f Ual.yor auureaa IL K B?uu^iy 6uTu?m r> A,"u J UoLSE ,v WfriTiLss j 1 "uili.'uVukJ,1 'muiiy.13"' Mouattl" Vi?* Douse, Mtiote'e BL'i^bfmfh y^ ^D-l.s A FAMILY HOl'EL: Fr.\K tables wiihli. l i i ," ? "? Uiusquilues; fiult and v.-gc ablm Addrcas JtJll v i? 'i"" iiiTv*K C"> : *?'?? BS*'IV'luuu.MiV nu 'I"j* A 8,NAU' ^KIVATR FA.M f inrul JUilruuJ ^ v', / 1 uoe ''our Irom #?? York, via I uiiuu'ea iV..m ^ ? diudrabl? locution; live 1 dresati. Bound ^liSok* ' t*rm' '??"???"Id. Ad B[b^uVhAyl'kt,?HUu>< HOUSE, TWO HOURS" FROM duuut Ion,i... K""*?y ?'|J HvC minutes' drive is:."., .?a-; ??^-ss?K vs. 00 a up a t u kc ii ai i int. on Tiih sound 48 mv iB"uiViuy'oru,.,haTco'^ iV'"*1 b*,llli"V Hud Hah. "mil it ade' Addru'? CArFLY? iu hast B'.i-'i'1* AT XKH ^oVilOV- A~KKW BOARDERS P3il-If5wK t s?s M B%K HKASTIOKK: HUKf- BiTHTNO: years ul.i Address Lm . W w?r?''or ,"U}' ?'id aull IU years our. Address, WUIl tortus, M.. box U,lo<t New York. BuA.aa..W b.N TK u-"* *ON CO LA IK OK ANY OK TIlE ividu yea"; LChvu' w,"? *,,d lwu children, aged 7 iiionth. Afldres" E ii), '.ox ^'".rX ???,T""X *"> "" Valley ; Wallou "aaTthy)' ee? uhoto"ra.*h ?\ l""ai"- "l>'1 IHblng; no tuoiqitltoes ? WOOD S ff ulli""'" particulars lit liEU. t?. ItOOK KiELo;Mo,H.u;e "-;';,Kr8, cuy- Addre" "ubkum B?A k'aiid V.k MK| HAt! IS A FARM iiOUrtB~AT Hsmhhk BdoJru'T Si, ^ ALLEY. OTHKOO C'OINTY AT Bua^ Moilr^1" w'ith'u ~P?^rUXa '^MIKING RXCBL w?s'a\&'?'>;W.sax:t MMPt flSPMi ES^iSS iqsatseifflS way, or Jaiuea Cuokbnrir, nmyor<i; J?o?. tfuitom llou.o, mi ><LIAM COUKBUltK, fropiimor, COLlfMBIA HIMCINiM IICH;>K 4nkAK nri,?,v v ?Ih<? water it white anlpliur, universally rutraraeti um Bggteir?y im u,e coum?; nn?uir; ^KN^siir C ar^Sf^tfV?rK1" AT.""Ul' BRIDOK, Ioti'i i CfnrduV^"UCfcJ^Yl^1^AI,^ SpWW. jrult. IlljiiiiK aud oathlu* ; fit to *M I)ur week | '.petui Tjffe'i I lor families Address BENJAMIN B US 11, * o xa ack I e. NY / lOUNlKY HOARD?GOOD TAHtiB; HELEN Dili hbT,^ram.m;.UT R,>"ln, n"w|y boatluS ?,d K UOOLKY hue 7i!!i i'*"."*m^P'^' """"'Itately l? Mr?. if. OOOOBY. box 71 IS I'ust Oftlcfl, New Londou, Conn, /100NTKY H OA It D? WITHIN AN HOirii s nTTiK .rooi the elty by boat or rail; good table almdu bath' ,U" " /SOUN IKY BOA HI) AT ENULIVTOOD N J?FOHTV asT'iassttrJzutsisz - /"joCntry board at east neck. l. i?kikst o -li'r ,Ai f'w5* .d water batblnit; large Hoorns ||?| r ' bo,,t "? drirlug, (uuiiiuit erer* ?teasiiyja!a? wu;ts."a ("tO UN TRY BOARD AT EDA INK I BED N J ? near ? RJ^^I^ep^L A'ldr"" bUJt 3' Plilua?ld. (y?^ft!ki. BOARD.?DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH soutliamptoo,^Suffolk county, L. I. ' WM,r "'", ? B^ARD?IN ULSTER OOL'NTV] AT \J l.ole s Summer Retreat and Fenn lucuted un blt.h uround, tieveu mile, wont of city 01 Kingston? o,10 LjrW drive from boat or cara; excellent table . large roorua- Urea piHixa; fine ahudo; croquet itrounOa; irood tlrivt!M' in t lulling; 10 mile, frou, i.aae M?l.uck ; ho*.2 , p'oBleJ ^ riding or urlvlng; carriage.; rood atabllng; plio?ograuhlc ?S ?>?;;&. ? at., near tba springs; or will let cottage raarlv f..??i.ul Addre.s 0. MIX. RicliBeUl Soring., Ols.g? county. N.% ( 11)(' NTR Y '"'AHI)?l)N DaTrv" ON OKANUid ^sascn' crate rjOUNTRY BOARD AT STAMFORD, CONN. ORB labour rom New York, ten mlnutee Irom depoi- aire 1r"!*' T modern improvements; plenty of tuilk* e 'irs audi,est -.agetablee. AddreaeM.a M., lauilor?, Cut.n? /COUNTRY BOARD, NEAR >KA t^LIKP-MOUDDMR V^Mirusinii. on blgb bluff, view llem,?.t?i?I harbor; eaU bathing, flue grove, hot and cold water, i.ui irv wnsb ?landa cclil setoatk ; twelve sleeping rooms; large fountain n front; bouse, ten arables, , ?r'rl g, kou.s V. Z i Irom sir i.icr seawanbaka, ten Iron, cars tbrJu. I, n ?ll mi ? grovo, boating flelilng; one hour nud bail Irom city piaco bead?Is. V[ d"""CKt,'a- Addres. DAVID ROGER^.' 8uu. CIOUNTRY BOARD AND INSTRUCTION TO C1IIL /dren. under 1J, 94 it weak; aululu, (7; one hour fi..tu city. Mrn. I.DHKTI', i.reat .Neck, L. 1. CAOUNTIIY HOARD Ar A FARM HOUSE, IM NORTH? /?ill .New York, hear Autable (,'liaatu; location very de eiralilu for lour or live peraoitt wishing it quiet, Pleaanril ? HitK, home. Aildreaa AUSAIfnK, llernid olttce. CIOUNTRY HOARD WAMI.D-HY OLN I l.KM AN, /wife, child (Si yearaj and nurte. In private lannly ur ho tel, nun hour Iruiu city. Addroaa, with turuit, box tilt! Fo?t ofllee. tlOL'.M K* BOARD IN CA TSklLLM-AT FARM /lieuao: nti* location; trruiH Ac! per weak lor adults; childran hull price. Kderuuee?John Hhutileworih, 'J03 Uraudat,; K. A. William-. pur 47 North Rlvur. For par ticulura uiidrett K. MOUitK, I- reoliold. (traaua cooutr, N. Y. tVll'MTKV BOAltD -Ul.SU 1 SI. tND BOUND, Nr.AB /city; houaa on high clllf near tout lauding. splondiil virec bathing, boating, hailing; good lulila. laige rooms, healthy location; moUarata pricut. Address W., 114 Wi t Z/d at. CI 01'NIK* HOAKD-IN A EKlV.VT.'. FAMILY, WITH /aiiu.l", aprluu wuler, Iratii te*elaMos, ample grounds, geoil table ; live mluutat' walk Irniu depot. Cull or .id.Irene Wire. II. l".MKRfcON, box I* t, Oraenwleb. Cuau. Ckh.ntky BOARD WaNTKD FOR i IK.NT UK M.tN, /aIfa, Uuhy, earvant nod two yoattp ladioa; near tl.o, and wlihlo I lour, id .Sew York, td dreaa, with lariua, which Wiiist ha moderate, .S'Ia.NI.KY, Hern d I ptvwn o.fl.a. tiO.MR TO I IIK IIILLmOF OLD DKLAWaHSI.-GuOD /It.ntnl; llthlng. boating; pure water; ire-lt uir. Fur particulars addratt A. J. A D. 0. FRANUlsi (J, Earl Branch, Dolawaro cciluty, S. V. Con hoarder* wanted?at a farm iioi hh. /nl Kociiel Uriirt; plenty ol shade, near the i aii-tlll Uouatalna; write lor partlonldra. Adwresa p. I'. DI.WllT. Font offlee. Maugorfloa, N Y c IAN AOtiOMMODATK A FF.W IK> \ Kill'.Its WITH plaaaaut itawu, overlooking New 1 oi k hay; pionly thoda; u.lutna> hum Nvw York by < antra; Railroad le, N. J. New .1 eraey. Addratti K., Buy ..line. I \F.slKlBl.E BOARD CAN HI. llAll a I Ml LI.BURN, JJ s.for lour c eolleioi.ii, una hour irom city, two ailn utaa' iviia Irniu d' pot. K. M. T. EXCELLENT HOARD, 11 _. MILES I'Ru.M DKI'Ol.? cotrga mansion ; roeaouaolo prices; Rooms singly or en suite, sound virar, boating, tolling and ataklllu Tlli'.ODORl. I) IT, htaiiilur.l, U? i n. Excellent hoard -flkamavt rooms in Fiu tale Inmlly; parlacMy liealthy; piano, croquet; 17, hoito and carriage Box UtJii, I'lainl.old, a. J. I EXCELLENT HOARD AND PLEASANT ROOMS MAY die obtained in a strictly private I urn t ly residing iu llaekenMdk; large, 'toll shaded grounds, lawns, fruit, abaoe, busting. Ac. Address llAI Ivi.NMai.K, Herald oilier tAlStitNU, BOATING AND OUNNINGi 11'.R.MH ?H JP per week lor adulta. Addraaa Mr*. A. UIIU.. M.i.h, ' tint ackle, Uracue eounty. N. Y. LMBMT flLAHs FAK?l HOARD; MOUNIAIN Ml FN r aiy. t?rin? low. Fur full particulars addratt J. A. .11 Y RRS, Kllouvllle, Ulster cuuuty. N. V. FNIK.-T ULAIMJ HOARD t AS Ml. HAD AT RKAEO.S nola rataa at New llriphton. Match inland, hear the lanitli.d Inquire at Halmunt liouM or addrets b'.x ft,H70 Foat oihca. New York FlIRST OLAsH HOSRD-NKAR rim h and LaKKs tarflM traia #7to#l". Inquire ol J. S V W IN, EI7W*?l .Vltnat.. or addraaa bo a IJil l*,,t ufllca. .stack. Ii'IRgl CI.AMS HOARD?FIVE MINI TI.M FROM UK P"l, llnrtani Kallr. ad, IK> inlntitai. .dty; oaantitiiliy located; huo. ritrtmlv qround!, well ? ha.,ed , peiTaitlv healthy . M morqntt'iea ; plenty Ire-h milk, aa?a, verata biea, Ae.. !r<.in the ittrrn ; goun ataullng; every accomitio. ?1 atIon lor rlilina; lonna vary reatuiiab'e Addtaaabvk I/O Eatoaab Toti oihca, Waiicbaatar county, K, Y, CO! TTRV rniAUD. nt sure; iituii i.uwto. at RYE oN ihK so UN D. apply to New Haven Kalli.iii i, ink su.nd, Forty-serpM *? t . 'i |? i \| iiiiilit i . LVmiliV III <? SI KMtx u .... I.M-OI. .?> I ve ir old girl *11 I our*.- a i-li -?*<??. i **?. ii *1 ? .m u c r v I ? ? ? r?l in private family Mil jr. on larm or Itrinit iislull tdvil lags*: residence inii-i be in p-rfectly healthy looatlwn. ? lilk'i land. wlluln all of city : |I rum Ir-J 11' wrekls Address. wilb particular*. MAUloV U\ I'j?i office New Vnrk. C1IMT CUM HL'BVRUaN SUA III! MA A HE HAD I in ti rilflril private family iu alt--'.... uu 1 li- ?itb> lock llti*. AlialklUi llum thl -l : ? .ni.ili !.,i?lly, willing to |iity it liltorwl price, will find mil lit* rable . stab-lUg il de sired. Ad Ire,- \! M U., Horrid tttoe. I*-?|it>| CLASS HOARD A MONO rill- CATS KILLS. 1 at tiie "Home'' House. 1J miles from Cats it iU: tab# fhtrLui Itri'1 airy r*Mi: telegraph, dally stages. Ac.; good stabling 1 terms $7 ami<tH. J. M. JKNNINU*, Freehold. N. Y. 05&MTA1M Ht>l>E. WEST BkIuiITON: sYaTKX r Isl'ml.?H -*t Freuoii Table, Irsslt veg teUe* anil milk; tall water baliiiuir; t.oiting. Five luinut < from lauding. Kelereuoea otolwu -d. Faii.m house in thk mountains on the hud ?tni. nits hour Iroui city; boarder* want d three Huge connecting room*; teriu* If I1' Apply at Id Weal -'-I li. TTIBKNTTh PRIVaTS FAMILY?DKIViNU. PDUIIWD r boating; lernit moderate; *p enJid residence. ill N TINt. Clfrtnn, New der*ey. "N RKENWICH, t ONN ? FOR BOARD Al THK FI.NBST JTplace in Greenwich, aadrv** for view, box 1 i'X N KKKNWlc'lt, CON\,?FOR Kf.iHT CLASS JIOaUD. Titlry room*, eliadt-d ground*. 10 minutes from Coacb dopy:, address, for photograph, IhiLLI-.Y FARM, Ureeu w tvli. Conn Terms *s. <10 nud $12. / AOOD BOARD AND SPLENDID ROOMS CAN HB AjLadat New lli-unawick. X J.; plenty id irmt. milk, end term* reatniiaiile, and the comlori* til it goo I luime. M- J Tl'NISON. New- llruusaick, N.J. CNHOVh PLACE, SOUTH OOKINTH. <? A it ATOli A Tcnitiity. N. Y.?Flvst class farm itnard lor ten |i-raons for Ills season ; place very attractive mid all surround iocs "irt I all ki conducive to comfort; ail kinds Iraits, vegetablee, lecliou*e croiinci gr -unda, Ac. Itcruis mod-rate. Adilrca* dr.*. It, M. ioDD, South Corinth, or it F. TODD, Vlbanv N. Y. GENTLEMAN. WIFE. SlsTKR AND TWO CHILDREN, ami 2'.- year* respectively, deaire Hoard on Long island or near L-us liranelt i two roo*us rcnulred. Address, with term* and lull particulars, V., box lo7 Herald ollice. CT M. YoUNO llOl'SK. HATII. L. I.?OPENS JUNK T. I; mis hour Imm New York; Court street car* roiu Brooklyn connect witli diiiniiiy lor Haili Bathing fishing, fruit. Application* for Hoard received. O. M YoUNli, oil premiss*, or box 4 New I'trcclit Post office. Good hoard can he obtained at khhkx. n. J., to niiuutei from Uiiy Hull; go oil table; splendid scenery, home couilurt*. Address K. W., room No. I. 5 Duv el.. Helluvil u. N. J. LoNii BRANCH.-THE CLARENDON WILL HI. OPEN as it private boarding house June 10, ret'erunce* re quired. .Mr*. M. II. ,-sTKAlL.; BRANCH.?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD, III'-ottuge mi Oruui sr.; references. Apply* r-eutt Cot tage or box lllii 1.uu.- Branch. I UNO BRANCH.-OCEAN AV., FIRST CLASS IJ Hoard elegantly furnished Suits; private table il de sired; large ground-, stablio--; prl ato bathing and pa* .Mrs. HltoWN. Klntt'a I'utta^e, Lung viiioaa 1 ii* t ii i re llram.h, or ITJ East 'J-d st. Mr'-N I'OLAIK.?TIIRl-.K ilkNTLKMEN CAN BI2 AC commodated with Hoard in private iainlly; elulit iniu ulcs walk Irutu depot; terms moderate. Box 4.4H.ri city. MONTOLAIK, N. J.-A PARTY OF A HO IT TP N CAN iind plee*sitt Rooms iu a private family; tabic and everything of the boat; m deru cootetiienacs; grounds sbsdy,drives and walks beutitiiul: stabling. C. H. PARsoNH, 7l? Cedar it. MORRISTOWN. N. J.-THE KLMWOOD HOUSE (NOT a hotel) new open; term* reasonable. Address ELM M OOD HOUSE, box 404. Morristown, N. J. XTKW HRlCH TON, ?. I., WITHIN SIX MINUTES' 1\ walk of landing.?Ilsndaoinely turulahed Rooms. Ap ply or address Mrs. CONK, corner of Richmond terrace aud Latayette a v. OAKLAND HOTEL. OAKLAND, ONE OF THE MO.-T healthy and hsautilul locations Iu New Jersey; due mountain scenery. Halting and boating; fruit; mtik from dairy; terms very reasonable. C. AllAMH. ONE OK TWO FAMILIES CAN OBTAIN LA ROE AND comfortable Rooms, with good Hoard, ul a farm house In abeaiitPul country. Ho mile* from city. Addreae E. X., box LIB C rot on Landing, N. Y. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD; DEMKAHLK location; few mlnutee troin deuot; horses and carriages on premise*. Address M.. box 4!HI l'ittsilcld. Mass. PALISADES.- FIRST CLASS BOARD; PERFECTLY healthful; grand views, good hooting, bathing and iiilves; very accessible and moderate tare. W. CI., I In East 2Hd st. PLEASANT. AIRY ROOMS, MlTll OOOD HOARD; larau grmiuds; well shaded; seven minute*' walk from depot; stabling lor horses. Call on or address Mrs. T. II. VANDERHl'P.U, Wcattle!d, N. J. REASONABLE RoARD ON IIUDRON" ItlYER. WITII iu an hour I nun city; pleasantly located; iil-undniice of trult and vegetables; pari is* ol guiet and rciliied habits will tlnd it desirable in every particular. H?x in Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. RIVKUIIANK.? BOA UNO, IUTH1NU, MOUNTAIN air; no chills, excellcut Hoard; reasonable. Box 11, Maiden, on lludson.gN. V. ST. CLOUD, ORANUK MOUNTAIN. N. J.-WILL take a party ol from tour to six ailiilts dur ng suuiui-r mootiis; house largu and stylish ; line stabio. cro-|uet lawn, Ac. ; two acres ol fruit and vegetables; splendid scenery, walk, uud drivu*; good taole, plenty of milk, eggs mid everything in season ; nuenilis, no malaria; one hour and a quarter troin Now Yurk; terms fruiu to filo, according to the rooms desired. Address Mrs. 1>T. JOHN, Orange. N. J. s NUMMBU HOARD WANTED?IN THE COUNTRY, within an hour's ilistauce Iroiu city (by rail or bos;, lor a Oeriiiau Jauiily of tlirno adults and two chlldr.-n, 14 und III ItHl years oliF, healthy, nleasaut location; lacllity lor bunting and lishing; good table, and airy, comfortable ro.-ms. Ad dress, with terms. MKKCH ANT, box UO-.i Herald ofliue. STAPLETUN.STaTKN INLAND -PK1VATU FaMILY can accomiuudato low gontloinun boarders; weekly. Apply grocer, corner Richmond and M right eta., or address STAPLE TON, box 4.0.1k' Poet office. New York. UliMMKK HOARD,-.US WANIED; HOUSE PLEAS Oautly located; uewly furuUhod; eaiy of acrese; none hut first class boarders taken. Addrese O. C. CRAWFORD, Turners, Orange counts N. Y. ^ CPU lti OK BOARD CAN Hi-. OBTAINED IN A t'OT Olage situated directly on the Sound; bunting and fishing; line beach lor bathing. Cell or address U., I.V) West 4lllh st SI'ATEN IfiL ?ND. ?i'J.EASANT ROOMS, WITH Hoard. Van Dnser et., opposite Elixsbeth, between first and second landings. SUMMER HOARD IN BERKSHIRE IIILL8.- KIUIIT or tcu persons can be very nicely accommodated in one ?I the ploasuDtest Berkshiin towns at moderate rates; a most uesirable residence in every rospect. For particulars call at 110 William at., city, or address U. W. HTKATTON, Loe, Mass. SUMMER COMFORT?l.OW EST PRICES: COOL, pare air ; excellent table ; large house, near depot; four acre* splendid lawn; forest shade trues; one hour, New Haven road. Address Mrs. WlLnON, Rye. N. Y. S'KAHIDE HOARD?AT SHREM HBUKY, NEAR LONO )Branch; alto luruislted Colt ges. lioaril; bathing in front. E HARROW, Oceanic, N. J. SUMMER HOARD WANTBO-AT LONli BRANCH, near or facing the beach, lor geiillemau. ell's, nurse ami two children tegee 4 and 5 yearn; ; two Room*, connecting; references exciiaugod. Address, with partlculais and terms, U. ti. M., Herald office OUMMEK BOA RDERt* W ANTED?l'LKAHANT LOO A Otlon: railroad depot wilhin lialf a mile; Fiuite* of Itouiu* lor tamilies . price modi-rale;goon boating and lulling near; town of Pleasant Valley. Duichess county, leiurencs Charles E. tJlluer*leeve, M est k'kd st.. New York city. Address W. K. HaULEY. Pleasant Valley, Dutchess county, A. Y. QARATOOA SPKINOK.?PRIVATE BOARD IN A DK kjiiiaolu location; extensive grounds, well shaded; one block Irom the priuclpu spnugsaud hotels. Address Mrs. E. CARPENTER, 01 Circulsr St., or bux 414, .-Saratoga Hpriura, N. Y. OiiUTII OKANtJK, N.J.-PRIVATE FRENCH FAMILY Ocau aruoinniodatc two geiitlenten or gi-iitleinan and wife; large Rooms; good table. F..KNCI1. Herald Uptown office SARA TOO A HPRl.NUiA?PA.MU.IKH CAN HE ACCOM inodato-i with first clun* Hoard iu a private Jewish Ism ily. lnuulre 2-2 East Imti st. rpilK PLACE HJlt La 1)1 AND OHiLDKKN?M AN X hataet. L. 1 , via Flushing unit North Shore Knilroad. to Great Nock Depot; leave James slip H :.Vi A. >1 Elegant .Maurdon; lurtn attached; apacious room*; croquet lawn; hi lade (wilt* hammock*, swing*. rustic seat*, Ac ); truit. flower*. bathing. boating. tlsliinic oti the ground*; ea?y urivea to Sea Cliff, Urccdmoor, Garden City, Central I'ara, over ileil Gate terry . P.* hour* by rati; 1?"0 riue*: lUc. each: term* .f7 to $10. Apply on prcniuu* or to J. P. TKAVKJUL 4<? He? kmaii *i. TWO GKNTlL M i. n' J)L>IllK HOARD I.N PLAIN liel?i, N. J. AddrcM. atuliu : terms ami particular*. DA BY, MtrHd oilicn. WENDKLL PARK. TAKKYTOWJf.?EXCELLENT Hoard; private family: "tie hour out: three imnutea walk front depot; high ground; perfectly henlthv; nil tin Erovemetit*: terms moderate. addrca.* box Pat. lieltretico, I. Boudy, f?H itromiwuv. Was n.p- .<1 MXIliniOAKD, KOK A UKNTLKN AN, wile and duuguter, in private Jatnily only, between 14th arid 40th nth. Address. Gating lowoat terms, Mod. K v ITON, Herald Uptown office. Wanted?a iukmsiild room inoi too large, for u ainglo geutleuian. Iti the vicinity ol liar It*ii?. Muitbaven or Molroae ; price must be moderate , ref erence given. Address, with particular*. 1. K. N., Herald office. WANTKJi-KoK TWO KAMlLlfcrt, HUM' i La Mi Hoar., at the seaside, within one hour'* ride by nil or boat Irotn the city; good la ach, hauling and plenty shade tequiro I. State exact address and conditions to box i 'l Herald oflire. VI/AN rER-COCM KY HO A14 D. WITHIN TWO r ? hours' ride from city (salt water l??*tlilnlc required), bv lady and two children. aged nine ana five Aadrn*, slating lull particulars an to teiui*, unu en ol travel and rolaren res, Mrs II. P., IH7 treat loth at., .New \ ork city. V|"TntT I J-0<J UNTKY BOARD. Willi PRIVaTK Tt family, for three adults (om- nwiy Ave ? r six ilava out ol the* seven) ; mint be wltl in two hour* of the city and at or nuar the scar Id* ; terms moderate . retarences given i re quired. Addresa aCOl'C'llMA.N, Morula Iptowu Mruhcli office. NIMBKIi UKNORTb. -OAThKILL CBKKK HOUSE. PLLAMA.NTRY LO A laye; *cce?-ibie by good road*, handy to Post office. rail* roads ami steamboats; boating, hMhuig and flsiitug ptiv I hire*; sulphur spring*. Kip \ an Winkle tjluu nnd other natural attraction' near by ; lover* of pure mountain itlr iud nh-ahiint surrounding* will mi plea-inl with the to< atioti , ico la Itirnished ; term* 1*7 per week . the Untie* r, u* opened May 22 for th* ??ssofi; r urn > eon,l >rta.d v f ? ul>?hi'i|, table wall aupp.ied. good stabDng. OKin.iih PhUnON, Proprietor, South La ro Uroeno county. >. V. a r van wvcks point, one mii.l hgm col JVlege depot L I ?"Good Hoard at Morris Mansion; hou*< situated on high ground; extensive piaxxa-; bathing, hontiug. moorings lor yachts; stabling; hoata from James slip and fhlrty-lotirtu -treat terries cohmct hourly with cart froiu Lo i l luml t!?ty. Parti nlara ol Mi. \S M H. II UTL'll IN>GN, 72 VVater *t . or hack di?v? i n, at depot, 4 ST. M \ IlK'M IIUTI L, NEW HUI iHlO.N, e r ATKN ^\?l?inud, now ??pen under the mart tgentetit of ?; I ? i|e . appllcatloiia for H mid re< aived m per* n ?>n premia* -> or by itwtf. fllUHUr. r, 'f ALLM AN, Uatter t liL YOU rDJlNt# I* t ri III h LOi N fid V ? HOME JOLKsAL contains fall liat ol aiunineitiig place*, with purlieu*art ol pricoa, accoriiniodntlons Ac. For aaie e\ .iy where Price, i cent*. Send to IIOMK.IOl KN ih.ll Park place Now f ork KLINofO.N HOTEL. sTA.MEoKD, i- Lot'til l) o.N tiigh ground; fine lawn, well *had d and ptrfcilly healthy; cunvgiiitat to mt bathing, term* n operate. J. vf. K.N Ai'l*. Manager. A IVMMEK RESORT*. \ LL ' M- W Y< It KERB ATTENTION l- r-EK IIOfCE * V 'in'J Traeellrr'e Journal. of May for bet of over >WMrr rsenrt-. prices, attractions. and those who bar* Iruadt nr ui> Price 5r. ut n*w?taud*. Publica tion office JUl W tilUin ?t, send for it. lilt vm m voi rAt.i:. Delaware watir oap. pa, JJ..ow upon; terms uiiulsratu. I.i.l t- COM I' I ON, Proprietor. BKLMOXT IIALO, MCHOoLBV'rt mountain, n~. J . ?prm about thr middle of I un? . first rla?? aeoomniKla lion, and 111 .iterate lirioa. J). A. C ItoW ELL. Proprietor. B \KKIt HOOK, V IXELaND, N. J.? HO kKD 97 AND upward. S?U 'for circular O. I). PETERS BEACH HOUSE, ?Ka ill iff. X. J., now open. Monmouth Uuuu, prliig I.ike, X. J., opsin June I. Carlton Hutu#, norm,- l.aks, X. J., oprtii .funs 13. For further Information address L. V. M ALTB Y, Beach House. / 1 vTskILL-I SEEK SJDK IK M SB, ON TUB CAU V/teraklll; two mils. Iroiu Cut-kill village; first clan liouae. large rouuii. good boating. bathing and rtsblug; bo ita fVvs ; SIM to SI I per week for J lily anil Aucuit; J iius, ?J" |Mir esut off; Hauling; mail da Ijr. 11. ti. ECKLKK, ? aisklll, S. V / lOXUKESfi II ALL, \> Saratoga Springs, X. V., open for business .Inns 7. 1877. 1'ermaucnt Board 917 SO, r-1 iuo t* iter weik. Application, racsirstl at Windsor Hotel. New York. BATES. HOUKIIH A FARNSWORTH, Proprietors. ?/NL Xjfa IKK HOl'hlt, TAURTTUWX," ID XOW OBEX fur tbs accommodation of guests. at reduced priest Mrs. A. L. FOWLKR. C1ATSKIL1..?SUMMIT IIILL HOUSE WILL OKBX city boaiilsri June I: located one mils trom the vit lago ul Vatiklll, two miles Iroiu the landing: tenai reasnn uule. K. M. koetciii us Proprietor. /loLKMAM IIOL SB, KAlt KOCKAWaY. L. I.-OPEN \_Jfur tbe lesion ; tint clais accomiuodatloui; elms to the beach and three minute.' walk to depot JiillN J. COLEMAN, Proprietor. / 1KOKT IKH SE -t. ARRISON OPPOfillE WEB? VVtSnt; terms reasonable; carriage for B A. M. and 4 B. M. trains Iroiu fit). J. II. CLAY*. / I LAMB MOON MOTEL] " 1 Saratoga Springs, N. Y., opens June 1. Kati'i rsducoal; 921 per weak for June and September] $2 > fur .1 ut> ; *2* for August. Trausleut rates reduced to 94 per day. Kooihi engaged by mull or telegraph, ?r at Hots in ore Hotel, Hroauway. diet and 42d its., Xaw York. CHai.LP.-S a. LKLAND. Bropriator of Itunmura llotal. New York, and Delavsn House, Albany. DELWVAHh HOI SK. LACK tWAXKN. BA.. OBEX June 1: our hours' ride trom New York via Erie Hall way : the house is duliitbtfully situalad '? mile trura station. we mj , tun Iiuuno ip uviiKutiUii/ ittithtvu 4 iiiiip iiuiu aaativn. overlooking the llelawura and I.ackawaxau rivers; grand mountain and water scausry ; pure air: splendid boating, ;; lai batliinir. fishing and huutlng; Iarg larnt; fruit and vege tables In abundance. Kor particulars addrasa K. J. IIOL HE It I'. Bropiiator. DUMBARTON HOC'KB, OCBAXBORT, N. J.. NEAR Long Braucn?WII' - - - ? 'Ill uprn June 1; specially adapted fur t imllli-s ; situate on main road Iroru Hrauch to Moumoutb Barks snodawWyR. BVJKKST HoUMR, HUDD's LAKE, X. J.. OPENS May ;u>, 1377, fifty miles ftoin Barclay st, to ht-tnbope ststtun; elu tut ion I,HIIO fast; pure mountain uir; splendid fisblug and boating; terms from AIM to <17 So per week, heud for circular A. HROWNBON. nREBN MOUNTAIN HOUSE. CLARENDON 3PKl.NO, JT Vt., now open ; terms, 9s to 9t0. p BEAT XKCK IIOUtiK-OBEX MAY 1 BOB BEKMA \Jnoiil and transient guests: hoatiua, bathing. Dshlogs vagetunles, milk Irutu farm attached. Bnrtles desiring to see rooms can come on steamboat Seawauliaka, returuiug same alteriiuon, from pisr No. 24. CI LEX IIOI'SK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, X. 11.-THIS J lieu House opens June lti. W. A 0. K. MILLIKKN. Broprietora. /I HAND CENTRAL HOTEL. BAR UOCKaW AY, L. I., VTnow op n under uew management; anperlor sccomrao dm ions; mods rate prlot-a; extensive grounds . still and surl batliinir, boating and lishiug: ous hour liotu city. Call oi address us above, or VICTOR LEVI, 227 Church st., elty. C'ltAXD VIEW MOUNTAIN HOUSE, EAST WIXIX riium, Oreene county, N. Y., is now open for the reoep Hon of guests; elevation ;!,(*< i laet; tonus m ode rata ; so commodplluii uncxcallad. Adtlres. A. K. liKIUOS, as a-iii -o. or KI-KOKO D1UKEUMAX, 2.2SU 3d av., oi OEOIUIK HltKIO-S, 172 Kultun st. Ct LBN KARVI HOUSE. OPENED MAY 15; BEND FOR Tcirculur T. I.OCKWOOb, Spting Valley, Rockland county, N. Y. tABOROB HOTEL, Hl.ACK HOCK BEACH, ON 'IT1R rSoinid, I.'a utile, west of Bridgeport, two hours frutn sew York by Xsw llavcti Railroad: nlso by host: bathing. Hilling, Milling. Una drives: nn mosquitoes; alu two Cot tages. A WELLS, l'roorletors. Diagrams and full particular* of I RANK O. .VIILLBlt. 21) Maiden lana, Monday uud Tuesday. Howell mouse, quooub, l. i? x. Y.-parties can engage Uunrd by calling on the proprietor at the Union Miuaie Hotel, K-tli at., on Monday, 2?th. from l? until it, or writing to tho above address. A liberal reduction will bo iitsde lor J inn- and September. Board for July mid Au gust, $12 to $14 tier week. .1. 1'. HOWELL. H OTKL KEN I MOKE, COoPERiTOWX, X. Y. Tuts perfectly appointed hotel and cottages counectsfl will) It will jpen June 2U, l?77 Address *~ JAMES MUNYAN. Proprietor. 1 T A TOUIlETTE itOUSE, HEHOBX POINT. X. J , :?Q J Jiiilnules I rout Liberty st.; first dure h-tel attendance, waiting and dining room service; porlect ventilation ami ' drainage. J. BtlVVMAN, Proprietor. I KIOHToX HOUSE. RED BANK. N. J.-OPEN 70B Jllie season; first class accomiuodallon ; boating, tlsbiua ;1 bathing; iron tonic spring on premises; terms moderat bcod for circulars. M. A. KOWLBK A CO. Lake side Viousb?summki; hoarkino nousi at Orange Lake, six miles wost of Ncwburg; boating, flsi.iug, Ac.; circulars sent, reforences given. Address S H. KKKKMaN. box *.H7 Newburg. X Y. MONTCLAIK, N. J.-MANSION ON THE MOUNTAIN! Board; house newly furnished ; nil city con vcul?n?ss j terms reasonable, fall or addruss W.M. If, llAUltls, real estate olHt-e. opposite depot. M OUXTAIN HOUSK. SOUTH ORAXtiE, N. J., ii now open ; transient terms fat par day ; special raid lor families and p rmanrnt gnests. Apply or sdure-a Kib "UW*r sell House, ?) IVast 14th at., > ew York, or at Mouniall House. KITbKLL A >0,t, Proprietors. MANOR house. LaRCRMONT.?IP milks ox* NEW Haven Railroad; horse cars moat every train; Una lawn, shade, boating, tteblng and stabling; house open. Murray iiill house, demakkst, northern Railroad. New Jersey, our hour from New York-Plaa iiiut loudly hotel, ecu'immolating about K> guests; finely located on high ground, one inluute from station: uu mala ria or inusqultoes; table and appointments first class; com mutation tickets very low; terms BID is 916 per week. K. LACIIKXMtYER. MOUNTAIN VIEW HOUSE Oerraautown, Columbia count-, N, V.?ThU popular lummtr resort li now open lor guests: mountain air; line drives, For circular* and terms, to suit the times, addrass P. W. ROCKKFEl LK.l, f.PTUNK HOUSE. KBW MOOHELLR, KOW OPBlt lor guests; only lib minutes from tirand (.'entml llepot. Mr*. P. li PUTNAM, N: i KAN IIOUSK, HEW TORT, U. I.. opens lor the scasou In Juua at reduced rates. J. U Wr.AVKK'rt SONS. 0 Applications at tha hotel, Howport, or Everett Uouat, Hew York PaYNTKN A W ALU NO'S ATLANTIC PAVILION, lllifhtaiiris of Natsdnk. N. J., Is now open to vi?lioig| bostinic, Bshlng, Ac. ; access by Long drench boats. pier H, or steamers Sea llird and llellen. loot of Franklin at. PAYNTKN A WALLlNtl, Proprietors. EAliODY HOUSE. YoNltl.RB. N. Y.?NOW OPEN lor the aeasou lor transleut or pcrtnauant lunti: liberal Inducements to families. Address Jull.t A. FKKKLAM1), Proprietor. PAI.ISA~I.KS": SoUnTaTn IIuUSE?471) FkKT ASOVB the lludsou and 4.'> uiluutes by steamboat from foot of llurrison st. , accessible hourly),'opens in 11 ay; plans of the house at the tiilscy llonas, akere applications will be re ceived by D. S. IIA.Hy.ONU, or at the hotel Ktiglewood, N. J. Paytllon hotel, woodVrukciT l TTix milk* from noekaway. Is now open and a* a place ol rashiuutt ablo resort l? unsurpassed f r elvirance and coiulort; terms liberal. Address N. A EE I'. Proprietor. F1"1, aZSS5 "hourk~ ny ack.on iTUuhon; yvi3 open l una I. Kuoins can be secured by spptylug to Mrs. It. I'll, i UK. ? RIDUhPlRI.D PARK HOTEL to MINUTBd JflOM cltv, New Jersey Midland Itailway, now open. FRAN CIS IIOVr.Y, l.lttlc Ferry. N. J. SUOCASl'NNA I90HMM I>. la A W. K. R., OPENS June I ; Is a i|iii*t. cool resort. In the most romantic part 01 tue State. tddres* It. II. Y'A.NNIEH, Huccasunna, Morris eoiiti'y, N. J ; circulars at Wllmerdlnir. lingual A Co.'*, 04 While *L, city. UKY'KN bPMlNOtt MOUNTAIN ll77lTsK, H UNKOSl vjOrange county, N. Y.? .-special ladocenieuts. Room fos upward. DAY 1SON A CO. STORM KINO HOUmR. COMWALL, OK TBS lll'D .on, will open J una I. with good accommodations tot lamilies at mud-rate priest lor llio summer; localloa( scenery and sliai.e unsurpassed. Cell or address Mr* DU? t HAltlil'. ll'i West l ltli si. T" K MANSION HOUSE. Long Mranch. Tins hutel lint been remodelled; all necessary Improva menis mbied. 't he culslue will be of unsurpassed eaeal letter. Papular prices. Ilonmt can be cugags.1 at llotal iloyal. Naw York. PIElllS A Hi TLhR. TO LKT-ON WRIT 1IAVKN SIIOKK. OOTTAOl House, lObi.viiini, seven rooms and kitchen separate, 'taiiilna for two horse*, flue lean. bulling bouses, Ac. I splendid view of the Miund. uo direct lino New York ana Haw IIhvsi. Railroad and h utdy to loose cars to and fieia New Haven every few minutes; rented Inrul-lied or unlur ?Isba I. r.OYYAKO MAI.LEY', New Haven. Conn, 'ITVOLl, ON THE HUDSON.-ELM HOUSE. TllltKK I l our- from the city, ten minutes from cars or boat, hrwalyti and Naw Yoili . relcrenca. Address K. v. ilLEA stijt, I Ivolt, or call or aUJrsst, fur tlirae days, 4117 West Mill st.. (lrat Hut. rpnk hii.l top V ikm no sk is ahaTn ready A lor the reiaptl in in their old Hoarders and others who cini o? to come . pleasant and inosatalouus; Very beaithv Ulnl v i y good board; si v n> llee Iro n t uxteckle lauding; up the lludsou, tariiis, co lot adults; r> lersnce. Address IS kA1 SYII fll, I ussackie, "ireen# cnuuly, N *. United htatRh Hotel, rvarntugit springs, New Y'ork, will upi u about June IN. w TOMPKINS, PrvRltY. UAHK A J AN VltlN. 'Ill IK LAKr. HoUHK OPEN rou *HI MUM ,, it .a d . tree llnnm lor fanilllsa; nico grounds. Ils.i lug. in ting Ac. Apply JO*, s. H. KI KM, White Lake, Sullivan ouualy, N. V. ?irooDROt KNK HOUSE -A SI'MMRK KKSOK f.? Tt Hoarn pi i we i, ?*i ta FT. seud lor circular. Ads dress JOHN II d'Al.HOltS. Proprietor, Woodbourua, Nul III inn. N V. w INDHOU Ho l EL, SAKA'MliA si'KlNUS, N. Y., TO LET. COMPLETELY H IvNlSIIEtl and KKADY log IMMttOIAl OUUUPAllo.N. A Pi Ki'.l'Koop KinllkS is now oei 'iillfed. Ale. MTK AM H I.AI I Nti and Of HEit I I I' It' IV I*. 31 I lis. Ill, in ILDiNU wit . IT'KNITVKK. Is WHOLLY NHW. nn I .lib lev live I IN'.SI LOCATION lb .-i i it.v I IIIIA, lit i.U.i,nhlNll ami AUJOI.MNU COMsitKvS APlllRtf and I'A ii K. Al'I'LY to II EN UY CLAllt, at A. T, STEWART A LO.'A Httw Vera. For Other Uognlln^ Atlverttaaraanta Koo Ulrst tor jr.