Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,889. NEW YORK. MONDAY, MAY 28, 1877.-TKIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS blKBCrOKT JfOK ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?lsr l'AGK-5th andCtheols. agTltOLOGY?2p I'aGK Uth col. BILLIAKDS-Ut I'AGS 4th col. BOARDERS WANTED?2? PAOK-2d coL BOARD and LODGING WANTED 2? Paok?24 soL BROOKLYN BOAUD-2p I'auk-SIsoL BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2P PAGS?lit Ctl'- ^ sta BUR INK SB OPPORTUNITIES-*? Paok. BUMNKBM NOT1CKH-7TM Pags? 6th cel. CITY UKAL ESTATE FOR SALK-2P pAOS-Iit COL CLERKS AND 8 ALEKM EN?12TU FAO*-0Ah col. CLOTHING?2v Pags?4tlt col. ? CO AC MM KN AND G AKDENKKB?12m PAOB-?th co . COASTWISE STEAMS HIPS 2d Tags?5th cod 6th colt. COPARTNERSHIPS-*? Pag*. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pagk?2d col. dancing academies-wt pAOB?itUeoL pKNTlsTK Y?1st Pagjc ?4th col. DRY GOODh?1st I'ag*?4th col. DWELLING HOUSES To LET. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?2d Pagk?1st coL EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d PAGB-6th coL EUROPE-Ict PAO?-3d col. EXCURSIONS -'d Pag*?Oth col. P1NANCI AI?Otu Pagk. FOR SALE?lit Paok-3<I col. ? __ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENT8 TO LET? 2n Pagk?Dt and 2d cols. FURNITURE?1*V PAl.K-4tb col. HELP WANTED ? REM ALES ?12th Pack?5tD cod 6th col". HELP WANTED-MALE8-12TU I'AUK-Sth col. BoRSES. CARRIAGES, AO.?1st Pai;u-2U aod 3d colt. HOTELS?2D pAGK--2d col. BOUSES. ROOMS. AC . WA.NTKD-.IiT Pack-S4 col. NST RUCTION ?1st Pag*?1th col. .EGAL NOTICRS-Ist Pagk-4Hi col. .OST AND FOUND?1*t Pagk-1st col. MACHINERY-liT Pagk?3d col. JAuBI.E JSANTELS-Iat Pagk?4th col. MEDICAL-2d Pack 4thool. ?A. . MILLINERY AND DRKH - M aKINO?1st Pack?4th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEHTISKMKNTS-IOt* Pagk? IUIj col. MUSICAL -Iit Pagk?4th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAOK-Oth coL PERSONAL 1st PAOK-lit col PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.-lit PAGK?Oth col. POOL sHI.LING-Ist Pagk -2d coL 5ROPOSALS?1st Pagk-4th col. BOFF.fSIO.VAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?5tli col. ? PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR BALK OR TO RENT--2D PaUK ? 1st col. RP.AL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PAOK-lit eoL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2u 1'aok-lit col. RKWARDS-Ist Pagk?Itt col. KALES at AU? TION-ao Paok-84 and 4th eols. MTUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES-12TU Page?lit, 2d, 3d, 4th cud 5th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES ?12th Pack-6th ool. SPECIAL NOTICES-lur Pagk? lit end 2d coll. SPORT I NO?DOGS, BIRDS. Ac.-1*t PaOK-2d col. STORAGE 1st Pagk?4th col. BUMMER RESORTS?2u Paok-24 coL THE TRADI'.S-12tii Pagk?6th col. THE TURF?1 it Paok-2.1 ool. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pagk?lit coL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-2o PAGC-?th ool. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pagk?2d col WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d Pagk?4tb col. watches, jewelry. *c.-2d PAUK-ith ool. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR RALE OR TO LRT_2d Pagk?lit col. WINKS. LIQUORS, A0.-2P PAGB-Jd col. yachts, steamboats, *o. lUru Pagk?6th ool. PKRSOMAlZ Advertisers, attention?wb are now PRINTING THE SECOND EDITION OF TEN THOU SAND COPIES OF RAND'S NEW YORK CITY HUSI NESS- DIRECTORY FOR 1877, FOR OUT OF TOWN CIRCULATION. WE SHALL PROBABLY PRINT AT THE RATE OF TEN TO FIFTEEN THOUSAND COPIES PER MONTH ADDITIONAL FOR SEVERAL MONTHS TO COME. PARTIES WANTING ADVERTISING SPACE MUST MAKE APPLICATION THIS WEEK IN ORDER TO GET IN THE PRESENT EDITION. RATES. 735 PER PAGK THIS YEAR ONLY. A LARGE ADVANCE next. Walter ueuoh a co.. publishers, a TARK PLACE. NEW YORK. ?MR.?AKOYLB "SOIREE DANSANTK " TO might; don't mlts; good new* for your reception parlor. WINDSOR. /TONKY INLAND, SUNDAY. 6 P. M. TRAIN TO VyGrconwood-Lndy to whom ireiitloiuan mentioned Her ?Id, address H. A. K.. llorald office. D KLAVAN-WILL BE THERE TUESDAY AKTER noon.m 3 o'clock. LTOK ADOPTION-SPLENDID BOY BABY. 3 WEEKS P old. 75 Perry at. Mr*. ANDERSON. JOHN REBBMAN. FROM CHARLESTON. S. 0.. OR anr one who knows of him. is urgently reouest.d to send bin present uddroMu to hie old mother, lira. UhBIiMAN, In Ghurlcaton. >. C. M Its. C.-KVER SO MUCH TO TELL TOU. TUBS, dav, 2 to 4 I*. M. All oluuo. TIT ILL THE TALL. HANDSOME LADY WHO RODE fv no town in South ferry atage Friday afternoon, about 6 P. M.. got out 23d it. and Uth av., and walked down to 22d at., grant tho gentleman who aaton her rigut an Inter view r If ao, please addreaa DAVISON, box 15S Herald ?fioe. LOST A.\L? POUND. a xfiriiD's "Ci) trwmnmxxs *frfeLiitVfc JLiliuiton. A suitable reward will be paid If retained to 145 2d av. T OST?ON SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 26. AT WAL JU lack's Theatre, a lady's blaok Fan. The flnder will he liberally rewarded by leaving the same at 43 Park av.. New York. e T OST-8UNDAY MORNING A BLACK ONYX BLEEVJf XJUutton. with monogram "H. S." In gold, with Cuff. A liberal roward lor iti recovery, li. SPKBHMAN, 62 Divi sion st. LOST-SUNDAY NOON, BRTWKBN. (TRINITY Chapel. 25th at., and 62 Most Uth it,, a solitaire dla i Under will be rewarded by bringing same to latter place. LOSY-A BLACK SILK UMBRELLA. ON 3AT1I ST.' near Uth av.. Sunday noon. The Undor, by returning it to 318 Went 47th si., will bavo all hla expanses paid and re set ve the thanks of the owner. REWARDS. (Vrffl REWAilO"" AND NlV~ QUESTIONS ~XSkED.? tPUv/Gold hunting easo Watch, with monogram, I. S. 11., and crvst ongraved; Patek PhilllD* k CO.. Geneva, makars; No. 47,266. Return to 658 Broadway, room 16. d>l nn REWARD AND NO QU8STION8 ASKED ?P1 UUtor the return of a stem winding Gold Watch and Chain, Alfrod Lnvelotte. maker. No. 8,751; letteis on face In place ot ? r THOMAS, No. mimhere; lost April HI. Return to A. J. 661 Broadway, New York. fW) REWARD-LOST IN WILLIAMSBURG. ON ?p LYM/Saturday, noon. Diamond Star. 22 atones. The Under will receive the reward by letnrning It to 62 South bin St., Willianiabnrg. SPEC'lAla NOTICES. AWiSiltl&Sl-TWENTY YEARS' PRUSSIAN noSPI tul experience. Dl*eu?e ot men and uervdns ?> stem a specialty, Consultation tree. Dr. JACOBY, 101 Uleecker at. All diseases of men requiring skilful treatment it specialty. J. JACQUES, M. D., 45 East 6th at., near Broadway, New York. Office hours, 6 till 2 and I to 8 P. M. DVfOK FREE.?OLD DR. SAKE. 288 GRAND ST.. .near Bowery, cures nil complaints. Hours, 1 to 5. A -NERVOUS D.HILI1) AND ALL DISEASES OF ?men, whatever the cause, treated wltc auccoaa Dr. IIU.N'iUU, 142 We.t 48th at. Advice free -all complaints treated; no lees unlose cured auccnaslully. Extenilte London bo*. rltal practice by Dr. WEST, 43 Bleeeker St., between .roadway and Bowery. B. SURE CURE?FROM THREE TO FlVt.' "iaYS; ..diseases ot men a specialty. Dr. DYER, 47 Weat 13th at MARTINEZ k CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall at. (basement), buy and sell Spanish Uonda, Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Bills; Droits on Havana Issued and negotiated. Lottery Prirea cashed. Next Drawtne lime 1. 1S77. 13 mill aiauivs. HTAi?n us r \i r. i.r.U' u. All. dreca ENGLISH SURGEON, 80S We*t 2 DISK A BBS OK MEN A MPECIaLTI. IIENKY A. DANIELS, M. )>., IM Lexington ??.. ne.i 28th et. Office hours IKom 8 to II. Dei-oration dat.-visitorh ro woodlawnor Trinity cometerlo* are respectfully united to coll ot BCHEDLKIt'S nlgli llridge llettl, 173d tt 10th ??. Res taurant open at lunrlau. Order* cau be left at lha old |iiaee. 14 Mew hi. ______ I NINE llYK WHISKEY-KOI?II YEARS OM) :>4>KR 1 gallon; $1 per large buttle. N. VAN I1EIL. 88 Chamber, at. H -OFFICIAL KENTUCKY state drawings. t KKSTtlCK Y KXTItA CLAMS SO. 8 I'd? MAY "J*!. 1877. 00. 08. 16. 4(1. tl. ail. 28, III. 70. 63, 21. 38. 89. XK.MTUCKY?CLAMS MO. U60-MA* 2ll, 1877. 13. 78, 28. 2ft. 10. 40. 43, 61. 2, 4. 74. IL 77, 30. OKSMT? KXTItA CLAMS MO. 240?-HAY 20. 1877. 67. "8, 63, 14. 71. ft. 12. 00. 40, 20. 3ft. 23. 58. IIKMBY?CLAMS SO. 2ftO?MAY 20. 1877. M, 34. 16. 62, 37. I. *21, 44. ft?, 28, 36, 3, 74. 13. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manager*. Information given regarding the above drawing* Ap ply to J. CLCTK A CO., 208 Hmndwav. IOUISIA m A SI SO UK NUMBER, JUNK I-OYER Jhelf a million dlatributed! One capital gilt f 100. (FX) One capital cllt fai.ixai One capital gilt 2H.IXKI Two grand gift*, each IIMr~ 'JalA .ft ll a uiMmanala.. I n A 11.271* *1 ft a, Hinountln^ to S'22,5U0 Wholt. $10: bulvei*. $5; (itinrteri.S'J 50; eighth*. $1 25b CJR.NKH VL HKAU KKUAKI). ??f Uui?l?aa. < GENERAL EARLY, ol Virginia I Managers. Addic?? all order* aud apply lur Information to WILI.lA.MSoN A CO., 317 Hroadway. New York city. VyP.llVoUK EXII AL'STION-A MEDICAL ESSAY. J.N .oitiorl-lng a aerie* lectuiu* delivered at Kalis'* Ma teuni of Anatomy. New York, on tbe cause and cure of pre mature decline, showing Indisputably how lost health may be regained. *flurding a clear aynupal* of tbe impediment* to marriage nnd the treatment of nervnu* and pliyai-*1 de. billty. Using the remit of 20 years' exp-rteiice. I'rlce 25 lent*. Aduro-e tha author, Dr. I. J. KaIIN. office and residence ftl East ItHh *t. New York. o FUCK OK THE PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, f No. 0 IIOWLISO OHLKS. / Nkw V11itk. Say 22. IS77 1 The thirtieth annual election of directors ot ti.e Pacific Hall Steamship Company will he held ul the office ol ihe Company. No. S Rowling (ireen. In the city of New York, on Wednesday, the 3Utb ol May, 1877, beiwocti tba hour* ol 12 o'clock noon and 2 o'clock I'. >1. The tr .iislcr hooks oftbe compnny will close at the office ol the Union Tr?.l Company, m. Thurtday. the 24th of Mar .? - " M.. and r'" ? 1877, HI 3 o'cIock I'. M., and will teopeu on Thursday, tbe 81.1 of May. 1877, at III o'clock A. M. W. 11. LAN K, Secretary pro tent. OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE KXTItA l LAMM St). 3411 ? It AY 2?l, IS77 8.1. US, |ft, 4(1. 8. 3(1. ail, til, 7n. >3. 21 5B, 38 gKSTUCKY ULsait NO. SftO?PAY 2d, I87i 13. 7H. 2*1. !?>. in, 40, 43, Ml 2, 4, 74. U, 77, 30, tiKSiir- KX1 it a ci.asm so. 2411-say 26, I "77. 67, 7S, 113. 14. 71. ft, 12, <fl?. 4(1, an, 8ft. 23. 58 MKSItY-CLASH SO. 2ftt I - H A Y 28. I *77. 88. 34. 16, 52, 37. I. (Ml, 44. 5*1. 28. 36. 3, 74. 13. HtMMONS A Dl*'KINnON, Manager!. For Infurmation in the above apply to parks, emerson a co.. Rankers and liruaeie, 18(1 llreadaray, room 4. 1)aktiK8 in new vokk and Philadelphia desirous ol working upon our private telegraph wire will belKene'd on reasonable terms HARRISON HliOS. A Mil, White Lend. llJ6 Mouth Front at., Philadelphia; 116 Fullun at., Naw York. SPECIAL SOTK'RS. RotAL"Havana lottery draws "'every''in days; prise* cashed, orders illl d. Information lurniab?d, highest rule* paid (or Spanish bank bills, governments, Ac., Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers. No 11 Wall St.. V 1. TUB "Bl.EUK RANUr.'"-THK BEST AND < H h.AFKST cooking apparatus lor families; price* mined ; ? suita ble sis# fur fumillescan now he furnished and put up. with water back, for KM**: orders fur repairs sunt by mail promptly aucuued to. JANES A KI K1LAND. S, 10.12 Kaude at. TTif tiii; famous -Natvu.k" VKt.viiT KtOIR L as the best hygiene lor bath: also for the faet. to tako away the soroiioaa and fatigue produced by the boat. Hold by druggists. XTKMW& ELECTROCHEMICAL BaTHS, ADMIN V Istrred by the In ventor; rheumatism, debility, nervoue disorders. 14 East 13th at. ?ROYaL HAVANA. JUNK 1. AT $750.()!{A.udAiu JACKSiiX A Oft, llankera, H2 Xaeeau it., near Fulton.^ StcTT aaa ?BOYaLi Havana LOTTERY: PRIZE I 'l/aTlckele Uathed next tlrawlU", dune 1: lull information sent Iree. J. DUFF A CO., Bankcre, 42 Naeanu, corner Liberty, New York. . SPOKTIKU?DOGS, (111C.DS, At. *i" ?roil bAl.h. "ALA. KINDS OF FANCY UOOS. ./isHlrdji, Ac.; Medicines for all diseases; prepared lood lor mocking birds, at 11. C. DOVKY's. No. 3 Green at., near Canal IpOlt HA LB?-ALL THK CHOICE BREEDS OF UOOHt ' alao lor stock ; 1'iguous, Illrda. Ac.; medicine for alldla eaaea. D. F. FOSTER. No. 3 West 3d at. WANTKD-A buck dkeb, western breed, Iroui 0 to 11 hand* hltrh. tiom one to two years old. Address ANTON HL'PKKL. box UU3 Post office. Orange N. J. POOI. gEUilNO, Tt'CTlOJirPiiltN'CH' AND COMBINATION'" POOLS xxtold Tuesday morning mid esemug ou ell vportln* events at Pool Room. dl ami 03 Washington au. above 1st. Hubokeh. around tl>e corner Iroin Kelly A Kites' Telegrams received direct Irotu all races and baeenail matches J. McCLOCD and W. II JOHNSON. AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUH RACKS,?BETTING booke are now open on the Fordhatn llaudicao, Withers and Belmont Stakes; alio Combination books Office 13 Exchange place, Jersey City. Orders received at 1st West 2Htb St. WILLIAM LOVkLL A CO. AUi.TION, FRENCH AND COMBINATION POOLS sold ibis day and evening at Joliuauu'a Pool Room*. No. 13 Montgomery iL. Jersey City, on the Running Usees at Louisville, Ky . nud Trotting Rnoes ut Fleetwood Park. PuU returns received. T. B. JOHNSON. NEW YORK TUUF EXCHANGE, HH HUDSON St., Hoookun, N. J.?Auction, French uud combination pools sold on the Louisville races (Moudav and Tueadav), and on the trotting roues at Fleetwood; Western Uniou tel egraph wire direct to the room; all <ir<lers by_meirmn^er will be promptly attended to. KELLY A BLISS THK TV UP. A -FLEETWOOD PARK.N. Y. ? Spring Meeting, - TUESDAY. May 29. ? twenty entries. WEDNESDAY, May 30, ton entries. THURSDAY, M*y 31. twenty-lour entiles. FRIDAY, Juno 1. seventeen entiles. Gllmore's Oreat Military Baud, lucludlng ARHUCKLE, the celebrated Soloist. Concert to comuience ut one o'clock. Trotting at hall past two. Admission, (1. GATES II. BARNARD, President. HOHSKS \SUCA KUIAGKS. ;'T~AUCTIOX. ATBYUvIn?TA8SEI. 4 KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT T11E1R HOUSE AND CAllUIAofa AUCTION MART, 110-1 >2 East 13th at., near 4th ?*-. ON TUESDAY, MAY 2?, m 10 o'clock. A VERY STYLISH OPEN BREAK FOR FOUR HORSES, suitable lor plessure excursions or busloess purposes, in every respect eqnal to now: weighs l.47o pounde. carries I4 passeugera: hu lead bar. hi.J po e btai^ ss,v,b^'rJ.rAir-3"^?^2K?. iicAvr sllverplaied mounting*. with l?nB 'bU'l oulJ' tt 10 YERY StVlK!H AND HANDSOME GOLDEN ?.9RS5k ilKffi?. "SJ V/JSitfiM VS8KK ? free prompt Mid vury agreeable driver; not ?rr*'d of loeo.notlve.or anything;has uot h l?ull or trick or Hay detcriptioo ; liu (lne lolty kuee action; thoroughly broken to tin trio U.nteie: an olt-|t?ctUor?e f?' drivliiir or dog cert u?e ; h child c*n handle him wiiu safety In the etuble or In harno..; hn ?. purchased by Mr. JO ELLIOT, or Hie HERALD, for one o our leading New York pbyelclau., who telle htm eolely on account or the ilo?tb of hi. mate; he la warranted In every ru.pect, sound and kind. Owner ? name and ad wig !2Z?ThSl''!{iL?S'i&SAfiSjro wiiekj. DOO CART, In perfect order, built by lnwood, of St. SET Ok'taNBEM H SEN ESS, COMPLETE, made (by MOORE, of LONDON. A U0TI0N lldBSK OF Vi,Vn,.?^0!1NST0'v' A. H) 21, 211 and 25 lJth at., near Univereity place. TUB OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI sIlKK riloW AND CARRIAGES HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT ID O'CLOCK. ON FVKKY HORSE THAT 18 WARRANTED JJOUND PkO\l *24 HOURS TO THUEK DAYS FOR I RIAL. GENTLEMEN HAVING IIOKSKs OK carriages to k?U or t>io?e wUhtn* to buy. will ?lnd our butlttMt conriuued on preciaoly the a.m. strictly honorable prin A. T" DK^srrUge Rudders. 628 Broadway, _ ofTor At ureAt bArirulut tfi#ir Iuhofiim Siook, Fine Fleiuur? Carri*#?*, All ityleA. for town And country. At lower price? IhAn otferou lor 20 ycAri. _____ AT BASeooBOhand Landau, WOO; perfect ordar. Coupe, $450: perlect urderf A. T. UEMAREST A Oo.. 628 Broadway. A S FINK AND IIANDSOMK A PAIR OK CAKRIAUE A Horses a? there la In the city for aale cheap: dapple buya 10 hands high; aounil and klud; well broken to liar uoss; reliable In ever} reapoct. Can be ?eeu at private .ta ble, 82d at., botweeu Madlaou and otli ate. _ A-LA RUE STOCK TWO. FOUR AND -SIX SKAT CAR rlagi.;new leather top Hi.Kgie., $110; new hmr-wat Depot Wagon*. $?.'>. up: new Kockawuj*, $100 . three aprlne new Express Wagons, $75: and other atylea aud prices; all my own make and warrant.*^ ^ . ? Aitiik AMOUNT OP NEW AND SECOND UAND Alight oue liur.u Kockawaya. Denot Wagons, nil istyles> of Pony Paik aud extension top Pnaelona.T Carta, top Head. Express and ??skeleton Wagons., Victoria.. Brough am, Landaue. Coupee. Clarancea. Coach.;, my own and other city maker., at vere low prices; Harness. Sheets, Whip.. AC. * L ORAY. 30 and 33 Wooaterat. LaNDAU FiiK fsoo. COST $1,000; ONE. $1,250; Puny i'naeton, with Rumble, $125; oue, $llo; aix aeat Pnaetoii, I Cart IIAM. 060 Broadway. "TTanTTsoME AND VERY SPi.KDY TEAM OK HAM Ableieulan Msres, I5U hands high, B and 7 years old, full 7i-ters get by Rubicon, lie by Ityadyk'a llsmbletuiilnii. dam Ihelte'uoa mVe. by r.ihan Allen : can trot on trick In 2 :40, auu are warranted .onnd and kind, sold by ordnr of execu tors estate of Marks Hates. Esq. Can be aeen until eold at , r W -e atabla 45 Went ISth at. T-Wi*) FOB oNK BEAUTIFUL SHIKITNH A .Lather top lull spring Wagon. Single Harness. Hluiikijd auo Whip; nil Ha g od aa new: cost $.>42. Inquire at 127 n ,.t 2Sth at., noar tlth av. _____ ?I?KK REST CIlANCK TO BUY CHEAP EVER beautiful ehllUug leather aatcnalnn tup Park rhaeton er I ainily Wagon; taal. lour por.ona; pule and .halt.; u.ed flvo timet; al.o oue elegant top three ?urlng I'linjr Phaeton, with pun aud .hails; Single aud Imuble llarne*. to n.ateh. Call at l.niou club .table. No. 127 Vt e-t 28th ?t.. ne?r Oth n?. , 't "-Knit -tl.K I INK SUP Kit Hill SADDLE OR IIaII Afcuose llor.o. I5J< hand. hlgu. 0 yeai. nld, eery .tyiiahl al.o one lianiiwuuc nay lUmbielonlan Horse, HI hands. 7 Vi ar. Old; are bulb lenrle.. ol everyihlng and .ale lor Hio uiimi timid peraon to line or drive; warranted .ootid lu ? very respect. '"Id lor no fiiult, only through ?Ickno*, of owuer; good trial given. Apply No. 8 i.aM Houston .C, alable. ? "a OBNTLRMAN, HAVIEU mild IMS HORSE, /\ winlios lo Ilispox? uuy ?ucriOco or liundsoum liicw?ier Improved .bring top Wagon und set flue iwbber mounted llarue.e, aliuo.t new lto.?in.ire slilUles. 24'd West A1 at ?C j liltKAl EAMUAINS, uN ACCOUNT OK LEAVj J\ ? lne tbe city; line assortment id nearly new W agon, and llarue.. I'on.l.tiUgol one ol the I.MiidMiiue.t alid llgliie.t extension leather top Pnaetuh. lu tbl. city . ?eai? four per son. has the llrewstor Improved pattern cross .prine; p.i e i and shaft.; weigh, about 25H pounds, also English top Pony I'liaetoii, wllii pole and .halts, hangs low . also one Hunt high wheeled top Pony Phaeton, one sery stylish Hull! top Itoinl Wagon, nil au top Depot W agon, with ih ll lug seats . ha. pole and shaft-; also set! ol single aud Double Harness, rubber mounting.. Palette Club Stablo. I5H East 20Ua st. l . p.,It SALE. TWO UK THE CHEAPEST BAY A. ?Trotting lioiscs in the slate; 15X banns, sound aud kill.I either lioise chu heat 2 ;40; also one dappie grar llxrsii l&K hands, young, sound and kind; a lady can drive either' ol the In three minutes. Call at 150 East 20th st. V~ID VUnINEBB WaOONB. $au ID fl-Mi. FOR EX, groic. hotelier, milk depot oenvsry. Wsgou ?u.buleeiury ?l(lrpriii| ac I T? si V MARE HAS MKT WITH \SI-.HlOLs A? ' 1 Auenl I Will sell, at halfeost, my line city made to ?'d?r top Phaeton: hauusoms ltarue?s, Hohe, blanket. Vtnlp. t au b? .eon at 5tl East 4lal. ______________ bREAAIi'U BAsKET PHAETON. WITH CANOPY iVt'-p. price |El. No. 5 Welt l.lth si. S BAOKIFICB-R 'Y'S PONY I'll AKTON AND WAOON. A Depot Wsgou. I'OIIV Mare and Horse; suit any business; Larnesa. 2h7 West IWtU. , t HAltEAiN ? IOl' PUNY PHAETON. KULL 8PK1NO A I dp Wsgou. Single Harness; nearly new ; city made, ho West RHb st __________ A ll It I" W ST Ell IMPi.oVKD BPBlNtf TOP WAOON. Ion Pony Puns tun mid names, at a bargain; all in goou ordlr; alsoa II... hoa.l Mara. IJ7 West 27th. A?KOIt HALi . TWO iTolt.KS; ONE A VERY h nd.oliie ..adole ?r Family Horn#; sale fur auvhony to I ma'or drive ; also roan Pony. 15 nand. high; sale lor ladle * and children . at half ?..ln?. 23? E|st Mil el., near 2d a*., ii sr sisule _____________ s uRKA i CM iNOE l?> BUY CHEAP?V KRY HAND A.o.ue brown Horse. 10 hsnds. 7 years; prompt, stylish nnver extraordinary handsome ami stylish bay Horse, I',i 7 years per ectly broken to saddle ; trots last. both warranted sound and .a o lor a lady to ride or arlvf t also elegant leather top Pony PUeetol, side bar Top W ?g?n. best city makers; Dnnseomb .Ingle Harness; pioperty of a WIU..W lady "ho inu.t sell ?l ?"> Frlsate stable 0 West 35th si., brst poor iroui 5th a*. beautiful pony establishment only A$3tsi, c. st this spring over fl.tSW. also very last IrnH" Ton WAgon. Hingis and Douuis liaruesa. Lnji Robes, W hips. As. j must be sold. 133 West Ylel IlOllMKS AND lAUiUAOKS. T ?CH AS. W.BARKER, ACOriONKElC ?1.11 AO. >1, I? A 1$ Fx l*? ?, AW livt'MM". k? Mr. O. N. KUltLoNG. of UnlUtiu County. Kj en uncus lor peremptory sale. on next 8 A IT KD.Vt .J ai II o'clock, hi BARKER 4 sON's Oily Auction Mart and New Vork Tuttersall's. corner of Broadway and jMh St., hi? ENTIRE I AK LuAU ul ihe loinl URKKN I RU r TK KB In the world. , COMPRISING 15 MEAD, the get of Whirlwind. Joe UownliiK. Joe Hooker Mini oilier noted llrvs. that ceil trot In from 2-V> DOWN TO 2:35 ?ud Incluitinir ? PKSMlw* I'AIM of 1?H COACH Hurt**: nil warranted souuu and "'stock WILL arrive to-morrow mornta* (Tuesday) at the mart, when nil are turned to coine and DRl' E auy the lot IIKKD K the -ale. PULL DEHCKITTI Vfc catalogues ready. SALE POSITIVE and regardless ot aeathar. k It A 111 IAIN. KUAN HOUSE. Ifti. H ANDS; H YEARS: -A. price,275; uot half raluo. 050 Hudson it., blacksmith ?hop. ' 'k FINK TOP It 11EWS IKK IMl'IMVKH SPRING J\ [load Wagon alio a beautiful lorrel Horse. lftH h?!,u? high. .o.ind and kind: Slugle and Double llarueti. by Uuiie comn. Will he ?old at a bargain, private .table 1 we" l.'Hli. near olli aw. BCDIT'K UOCKAWAY. Willi DIVISION FRONT: ? itl.u one ilde bur lop Wagon. at a sacrifice, to eettle "P an estate. To be seen at M.CUKLEY S, lull I'.ait t.ilhil.. near 4th it. /T.iRltIAGKS, IIARNhSS. *0. -TONY I'll 1:l ' 0$1HI upward; lop Hugglvl, $110: Depot W efoi^ $ <*>. ii'?t kuwttvh $115; )Iuruubs, every style. Iroin l>ut? and Shec'Ivery low. JuW MOORE. 57 Warren st. / KIM TI.ETE SACI!lFD"K.-FOR CASH H ALT VALUE. V^olaeunt top Wagon (Miner Stevens maker stylish VVolevunt top Wagon (Miner Stevens' n.ukoC^-tvlUli top Tony l'liaeton; family iloreo. National Hoofing yard, HS it.. 7tli av. FOK SALE?A JET IILAOK MAKE. Ift HaNDs "IgII. S yean old. long mane and tall; le very handsome and a stylish driver: siuteMo '"r ladies' or gentlemen ? road nee, I. perfectly gentle; will In. sold cheap; Is warranted sound and true Can he ?< CD until sold at the private .table, -.11 East 22'I U T.THK SALE - KUAN HOUSE, MA ilIGH: VERY ETYL F I all and in appearance a pure specimen of the tliorougn bred liorie ; a head eleauly chiselled, neck lung and cent well cut In th? throat, thin shoolders. deep chested, II in ha clean. Ilat and iluewy. eudlug In feet healthy, im???th and well Iraniod; a ttuitrr, 7 vear. old ; lire the celebrated trotting liurae New Jersey. dam a Star inare; the property of.Mr. Charlea Haihgatu, of Fordbani; gentle In harness, and lor u pule horee lew to equal litw; wf"""'? ?V!' spniisiblo party. Call 331 Eaet Sotli tt., M. CAlN.dletll lery FOR 8ALE-HAeNDMOMB TEAM IIOHSK^ WAtt r nil toil; also upon Carriage and Uaruea?. 121J West Ji?t tie _ ? "Lion SALE-A SUPERB GENTLEMAN'S TK AM, r cheiluut hi color, perfect In diiuonltlou. very hiiiflioiu# and "altApply to 1'KA.NK FKIIgUSON1. San Krauctieo ?tables. ft2d et. sua Htli av FOL SALE-aIlaCK I'fORSK. 10 HANDS 7 YEARS old; warranted; prlco $1)*); chunky built; Mare. Utile ?um lorwiril. fUO. lf*:t foutll 5th av.. Junk Slioil For sale-three Canadian I'uNiE.b. YOLM); sound, ktud: suitable for auy buiiuois; price $So to 2lt4 Weat lOt11 at. TTtOK SALE-A STYLISH HAY MARK. 15* HANDS l1 htgii. 0 yean old ; warranted ?ouud and gentle; e lauy can drive her; excellent Buddie horse; fast traveller. In (|ulre at TaLLMA.N'B etablet, Weat 59lb et? between Boulevard aud 9th av. G> ODD STORAGE FOR OAKKIAUKS A*D SLKIOHS. Flu cloan and light rooms; no manufacturing done ou the premises. ipeeiul rates uiade to parties desiring to store two or more vehicles aud those wishing their carriages waihed aud cured lor whllo In our hauds; Iniurauco alio effected. A ? KLANDRAU. 372 and 374 Broome it. (old Hand of Brewster A Co). BEAT'"BARGAINS IN HARNESS.?SIX SETS FINE rubber mounted Road Harness, two set. heavy and light Double, two sen City Express, nearly new. Dialers In vited. 247 Weat 41il it. ALF VALUE?$W). $120. NEW TOP GROCER DK - - llvarr Wagons: Kentucky Pony; salt ladles' ride, drive , other route*. 207 Wait lOtu it. H TIORSE AND LIGHT WAGON WaNTKD.-A PltOMl Xlueut artiat deeirca to exchange Picture* end rorlfait* pututed to order tor ? llichi Wskoii. Ilone aud Harnett, or oil her. S. A. .M., box 214 Herald office. H XirnsoMB and stylish basket phaeton. XXwith canopy top; full leather top t ony I haeton, 1 Hrewhter top mile bar Itoad Wagon, 1 opeo Duaeiibury ? Van Uutier Road Wagon. I ?et Double llaru-?? and 2 teu Ktii'ilo Road IIamen*, Saddle and Bridle, for sale low at private *table 45 Wont 18th tt. M ORTOAOE BaLB.?THOMAS KKILLY, aUOTION; sells, this day. May 2S. at 10), o'clock, at M?J Wash iiulou St.. Ill Hue work Horses warranted kind iu siugle or double harness; also Trueka. Carte. Wagons and Harness, sale positive By order of mortgagee. >O.NY l'HAKTONS. All stylos, reliable make and guaranteed, frem $110 no. aii stylus, A ,r I)KmaRKKT t co. ,;os Broadwey. R GAD WAGONS, HOWELL PHAETONS ? DOCTORS' WAGONS, In tbo latest (trie, finest finish and at KEDUI>BD PRICKS. ? _ A. S. ? LANDHAU, Carriage Builder. 372 and 874 Broome st. (old stand of Hrawstsr A Co.) r LIVERY MEN. One Landau at $1,200. tino Coacb at $1.2(JO. Two Landanlota, to carry lour persons at $1,100 eaeb. A. S. PLAN UK Ail, 373 and 374 Broouio st. (old stand of Hrowster k Co.). [TO OWNERS uV ilORKKS.?LAMENESS, FROM Tu trw?ir.?%n or ?" . . . .?; , whatever cnuao. proaouueed Incurable, will he trsated without chargo by applying to WILLIAM si. GILES ? CO. Proprietors Giles' Litilmeut, Iodide Ammonia. 4ul rpoP~DELIVERY OR EXPRESS WAOONS $4ft TO 1 $1*1; Canadian Pony, $sO; Horses, ?4o. $S0. No. A 7th av. ? A" A ?A NEW SET LIGHT DOUBLE HARNESS; 5pijU.Single. $25; beautiful Road Wagon, ?1UU 124 West 19th st. "STYLISH BAY MARE: GENTLE FOR LADY; 9 years: 15 bauds: fine drivsr. 2u3 West 31st st. ,wwv _v FULL BLOODED IIAMBLKTONIAN as>JeUU.Saddle Horse, eood al?n In harness, sold forwent of u?e. Apply private stable 107 Weet 37tb st. IIOVSES, ItOOMB, EL., WANTED. 11 tTitTsT Xlty a niT1) roo lal ym First or becond floors, furnished, for UouEUkvouinic; ir?i?ilein?n and wife; reference; price. A<l<tre*? gUIKT, I far eld Uptown office. Unfurnished rooms, not to exceed w. in re.pectable quarters; basement preferrsd. Address N. Y. P. S., Herald ufllce. ANTED?A SMALL HOUSE OR FLAT ON SECOND Hour, located between 101 It and 3IMh its., 4th aud sth evs ? a very small Umily ; unexceptionable reference. Ad dress F. S. It., box t.ftOI Post omco. Wanted by a okntlkman and wife, a front luruUliod Room suitable for light huosekeeplug; loca tion between Broadway aua 2u av.. 7th aiid Hlli sti. Ad lioll Of I ween nro?nwiij ? n.uni Jut.'- .ws> tire**, nltfi term*, which munt be low, CASL1IKK, box 220 lieriild office. ?jijrf]BAST 32D FT., KKCOND FLOOR. REAR.-A f rcspectHhlc women to take ctiurge ol house Tor the manner; good city reference. rtiii s.iiirji iClSrWiuiti MAM'ar5oo? water and wai, XXUIU Root Beer Apparatus at Co* WHITFIELD'S, 202 Water st. A CORNER GROCERY?SPLENDID STAND; GRKAT b.irgniu; tsriu. easy. Inquire lit the olBce 2!i Kit I ton St.. New York. JAPaN AND JAVA T It A AND CUEFKi. COMPANY. AFIKHT CLASH SAMPLE ROOM DOWN TOWN: DAY trails: good business; a bargain. LLOYD, 2D Broad way. A Frits I CLAMS kktail milk ROUTS, KMTaS lishiMl 20 jra ?m. C??Il 4iWJ vVest 35th ft. A HOWE CYLINDER SEWING MACHINE, IN OUOD order, lor ??l? cheap. PIO Otli av. For sale?a first clash hat store, with or without stock, near City Hall, doing a large ami Una business; satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply to 11. CL'NTllKU, 14 C. litre St. LIIIK SALE?A OOOD I'AYINO LIQUOR STORE. AP" r ply at 721 Washington st. FjVilt SALE AT A SACRIFICE?A GILT LOOKING ' i.leas, with labia and connecting Cornices: will lit a lot, or II lest celling: also a lot of I'ier and .Mantle <? ; lunst be sold by order ol the assignee. 7.'i nth av. TjTOK SALE? AT A LOW FIGURE. WITH CHKAP r relit, a l.lqnor Business. Apply M cDoN ALD. 51) Clial' bam st. BltiR 8ALK-THK LEa.SK AND FIXTURES OK A llr.t class Liquor Store, on a loading street ssmsrt doing a suod tin.lues., reason ol sailing proprietor lias other bnsl* ?less that requires all Ins time. Apply at IIUWAI.D brew ery, his to o!fil West RIM st. FVlIt SaI.K-AN AVENUE PLUMBK.ll AND OAS KIT ting shop on sccon nt of death ; established over Id years. Apnly SOU WAB, 277 Bowery. Nil III BALE CANDY and TOY STORK, CHKAP; P also a Horse. Tiuak sud Harness. No. 2HS South jth v.. New York. MOB balk? A CAN lit AND TuY STORE; OPPOSITE P a school Inquire, aflsr ?J I' M., at 7IU hast Dili st 1.7or sale?fish and vkhetablk market, no F -JiaiNtn av , with llnr.o. Wagon, Harness and Fixtures complete estahllahed and low rent, prise, 9~!A) LMKST CLASH LIqI'OR -TtlHF.. Willi FIXTURES. I lor sale ?Inquire at store t!2D lireenwiyb st., comer Morton. FIOR BALE?ONr OP THE PINEBTGROCERY. WINE und lea Stores on the ltd av ; good location, and to the right mall the lies! coaiicu ever ottered. Apply to II. M. CaKI'KNTKR. 74B Broadway. BloR OLD Ks TAHLISII hit CANDY AND P Iny Store- sold on account ol death in lauilly. inquire l St I 3d av or 1.0I? 3d av. Mr. HLKNH1 KIN. JOB OKKICh FOB HALE.?LOCATED AT IBS MARKET at.. Peterson, N J.: lilted up altli steam power and in | hrst class condition lor doing s large business; can ba { bought at a bargain 'I apple 1 lor within the next ten duys. Apply on the premises or address J. M. IaDV IUViNg a WHKEl.KR A WILSON SKWINO JMachlii'-, cost H7j. will sail for 320. Apply 42t> Bib av.. In book siore. >1 \< III \ Kit > . F~Msr~iAiac-Mottarw?i fsk? nisnnriinfSki horse power, with gearlag. all In good older. Apply at 114 tVurth st., up stairs. iook ball-arw PERT, 3 and jh shafting, with i patent hangers, large lot Pulleys, alght-horsu portable Lligine. Holt Cutter, six hand Lathes. Ibdt Drill, Milling Maeulnc, Hcacli Jig Saw. 2.SOU lb. Scale, four and six hefse Engine and Hollers. Planer and MatcUsi. slat I'vnnou .Machine, Sash .Machine, Double Coper, .Mortising Machine, liudgeu. seven Ion Juek. GKO. H KDDY. 28H Madison, near Grand street ferry. W'.ANTKD?A HOP RLE HOISTING ENGINE | ONE TV that will hoist a Ion oh each single whip. II. It. VaL K.MI.NK, 27 Greehpolnt av., llrooslyn, L. II ElKOPb. IfTnESWRTCfclt. ' J JCIImatlc Spa aud use of Whey. Newly built h isln bath, wnii a stream of tnermal water of 2B degrees ? eullgisda continually llowlng through It. Marble Piscine ill the ele gantly Nit a up bathing saloon Large swiinuiing basin in the open air. Douchat and baths lu bathing tabs. Upoulng ol ths ssssuu, Msy l,tt THE CUMMITTRB. Dltv ooo:>* Ci beat sals' " "* ~ T ol Carpets. Wl.l offer this wrek the Sioct. i?f a large manufacturing company I tut p<-u tied i purchased a sacrifice, btlD roils Tapes trv Carpels, trom Bp ecu la par yard, lagraiui Iroui 4U cents and upward. Mattings Just received, of white, red. check aud fancy patterns. Rolla slightly wet will be sold way duwu. SUKPPAHD knapp. IMJ iiud 18b titb as., oue door bslow ldih at., New Vera. J^ORD A TAYLOR. OUR ENTIRESTOCK OP mu suits, COMBINATION suits, CAMSRD SUITS, PA.NCY SWISS SUITS. ? MaRKED DOWN twexty-fivk PER CENT. HKOaL)W\V and UOTII ST. OKASU, CHRYSTIE AND FUKKYTH STS. gCUEl'1't.KS lilt OS.' Bunting, Per Ladles' Suits. Stripes and Plain. This beautiful inaterlul is now offered In tba choicest tbadsa at all the prluclpal Dry Oooda stoma. To judge (rum the present demand tills uoveltr of the season will be In vogue at all our watering places and otber fashionable summer resorts. Without uny gum or artificial stiffening'. as Is the case with the expensive furnish grenadines this light. cool and Slastle texture will neither crease nor damage by raiu or sail water. This article does not onlv recoiuiueud Itself by ebeanuoss, but also by beauty and duriiblllty Lovely suits ure made irom it. trimmed with fringes aud ruches of the same material. s ILKs. WE OFFER TUB LARUBST AND uo.vr desirable stock op LYONS BLACK. COLORED ? AND FANCY SILKS, BEST STANDARD BRANDS, AN a AMERICAN SILKS. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. UNSURPASSED iXtBXTURE, DURABILITY AND OOLORINO, AT LOWER-PRIOBS THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS COUNTRY FOR SILKS OP EQUAL QUALITY. A. T. STEWART k CO.. BROADWAY. 4TI1 AV., BTll AND 10TU STB. MILLINERY A.VD DHESSMAK1NO. (NRaI'K. -WE CALL Till.' ATTENTION Or " Till? ./trade, and especially the ladies, to our luiprovomeiit in reHuisblug new aud old Crape, .MAK1NU IT W'ATKR I'KoOF aud a beautilul black, by Hlrrtver's patent. Fashion Parlor, Domestic Building, corner 14th st. aud Hruauway. s SC. Sll RIVER A CO. MMK. CaMILLE DE LACY. B82K BROADWAY. WILL offer during the eumlng week the richest and most ele gant line ol French Round Hats and limiuets, at figures which will represent better value for the money thau can be found lu this market. _ Pl'UMTUHE. X ?ffiR Popular furniture m an UP a o'r'J ifK k s, iY.HAU.MANN BROTHERS, g'JH and ??> Hudson, corner llrnoma st., the cheapest and most reliable house to buy Curpets, Furniture or lieddiug, for eaeli or luetelnieuts by the week or month. A -FOR SALE. ALL THE HOUSEHOLD FUKNI sture contained in live story kugllsb basement house No. 111*1 West Ibbtli st.; at a great sacrifice; including Stelu wuy Piano. Call all weea. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL BELL AT SACRIFICE their two uiaguificeut Parlor Suits; latest style frame covered, iu crimson, biue, tan and stiver satin: tuade to order by Marhutt: cost $?n?), tor SI 7b and $1(10. also Cham ber set at quarter cost. Floase call private residence 1110 East lUtli sL. between Ud av. aud Irving place. At private salk-kntikk household ruin. ture, 3U rooms, completely famished, in lots to eult pur chasers; satin Parlor Suit. 14 plo> es. cost SHOO. for glfiO; ri p Suit, Sihi; elaborate Chamber suits, complete, gdo: Carpets, spring and hair Mattresses. Library and Dining Room Suits, Ac. Call private residence 47 West Itfth st.. between bth aud 6tli avs. Stulnway Piano, g'As). LARUKST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES FOR PUR n11iiru and Carpets for cash or liberal terms of payment at COW PERTH WAIT'S, 15b and 157 Chatham at.; li large ware rooms. Misfit carpets, oilcloths and mattinus very cheap at the old ptaoe, 1 lid Fulton el. Call or send lor price list. Must he sold.?"Ositivk cheapness, over glO.IKJU worth elegaut Cylinder, Office aud other lleeks. Bookcases, Tables, Chairs, Ac., ol very nest city maker, Aleo lU.UOD loot very best "tloodyear" three-ply Harden Huso. Also Huston made lluro nhuets, Itubes, Dusters, Ac. Also lUOduseu whalebone Whips, half price. TUNIS JOHNSON, 58 Liberty st. ?MtOPOMAL.8. V ComTROLLKk'S OrriCR, Vay 2T, l?77. PROPOSALS KOIl UlTY HONDA. Healed propu-ale will lio received at tliU uOIca until Tues day. .1 iiua 5, 1M77, at III o'clock A. M., fur Ilia purcbaso of 44<>.'lUUuf Coupon Honda of Ilia city of Detroit; said bond will be of the douuiuiiiatlou of 41.mX) each, dated June 1, 1H77. and payable twenty year* thereafter, with aeiulau nnal Internet at literate of nix tier cent per auiiunt, princi pal and Intereat payable at the Metropolitan Natl, iial Haulc of New York, In the city ol New York. I'rnpoiali may be made lor a part or all of the aald Honda, and they will be delivered lo the hlgheat bidder, and In laieat accruing troni the date to tho delivery of the bond* charged. will be Pmpuaal- aliould he indoraed "Proposal* for city bonda. The right to reject any, a part or all propueala U ex it. P. HltlDHK. I omtitroller. preaaly reaerved. LMAlt ROTICM. NOTIC -.-TlIK FAMILY OK WILLIAM CIULMKKS and hla wife, Ann Muuro (or Chalmera), who realded auuie time in Maaaactmaetta, lo the Unite! state*. have an Inlero-t under the will or aetllement of the now decuamd Mlaa Helen llrand I roue, otherwiae called Mia- Helen liraii Iroua. torioerly roaldintt In Dundee, afterward at (.'among tie, and latterly, and at the lime of bor death, at M oat Hmughty Kerry, all In Korfarahlre, Scotland. Kur par tlculara apply to D. S. A T. I.ITTLKJOtl ,N. solicitor*, Dundee, Scotland, agouia for the Ueceuaod'a executor. MAIIIII.K MANTK.I.M. MAR RI.R and MAItBLElZKD M A NTK LA, 11rave-tonoa. Furniture aud Plumber*' slab*. at greatly reduced price*. A. KLAII, IM anil |M Kaat isth at,, near .id av. CTKVABTd uLaTK, MANBLK AND HiWVOuS O Mantola, llrataa. Ac., removed to 75 aud 77 West 23d at.. ?Vaaonlc Temple, oppualte Hooth'e theatre ?TOttAbfc. MOltii A.V A "llKO I'll e.KH, * sTOKAHfc ~WARlfc ?liouaes, Hroadway and 47th at , for I urulture, Mlrrora, Planes, baggage, Ac. ; Inaoecll n -elicited. ,1 -NTOIlAUl FOR KCllNIT. icH. PIANOS, AC.? aVaLoweat retea: elevator, we'.enman; turnllure moved. WILLIAM ll. VlCllALKS, ;iH, 42 Commerce it, ueer Hleecker. t ?STOlt AOK. ?WKHT H1DK SToKAOB WAItK ^Valioiiaea, 593 tludann at. ( VblUitdon -tiuarei. extending to lireenwicli at. Murage nnd aafe kecdiig for Furniture, I'lanoa llaggage. Honda and Waraa of every dcacrlpllun ?tnred in?par ile renin- Oldeal (ratal-ll-lisd la-tm, low. eat in role, moat exleiitlve and re-poii-iblu e-tablishnieul In the buaineea It. I'ACiHAKT. Owuer aud Manager. Office 51)3 II inlaoii at. (Abingdon ai|uarei. NKW STOItAHB WAREHOUSES. 7.V), 752 754 STII av., comer 4Hth at. ?Separate room* for luruiturn; -torngo lor carriages, general mereliamliae. Ac. H VI I'll A fPIIK WAREHOUSE, rtl'll aV.. PROM 33D 1 to 34lli at., having been romodclluil on a new plan, la prepared to give butter accmumu lailon than any other wnrehonae in the city for florege ol furniture, pianoa, baggage and good- of every dcacribtioil, and at lower ratea. An inapectloii invited. Oltice mil A eat 114th at. DENTIMTUY. Bsxmrexr i?i ha hi.p. pl.i:K<futLV?KiTtiN<? Artificial Teeth Full Met-, id; Hum, #s. alugle, 41; warranted. "New York Dental itoonia " -l>J ? ttli av , ee tabllaliud 1451. I)r. Mi.AllKR. Dlt. ALII PUT KIM II ALL, 57 WKHT '24 I 11 ST. N p A It mil av.-Kull Sula. 410; partial. 44; Hold Killing-, fj upward; warranted. Dlt. VAN V I.KUK's DhNTldTKY, KKTaHLISIID IStlUC ? W hole aim partial seta, 43. $5. #10, upward. Per -out Irem the country accommodated same ilay ordered. Kreeh gee dally. 204 dlli av., corner I7lh-l. rpilK ONLY ONK PRICED M Klfll ANIC A L DEN 1 Hairy In Now York.-W. N KWIIItOl lill, 377 Otb av.. one door above 23d at. ; luipre-aloua lu the morning, teeth In the afternoon. Country peonle. take nulico. Opto Irom 7(. A. M lo H P. M lluaiiicaa peo|de lake heed. Kubber, gold, eeliulold, platina, Ae. Conaultailnu Ireo Lau> at* teiidaut alao. 377 litli av iV III I.I.I A KI )">. AM KICK. AN STANDARD MtVKL HlLl.I A^D Ta Hl.pft with Dolunay'a wire cuahiioia, indoraed by ell leeding proln-aloiiel piajore; extra indiicemaiiia now ulfnred. toe end hand fable* at graat bargnlna. W. U. URIKKITll A CO.. 4U Yoaey ?u A LOT OK SECOND HAM) llll.LI AltD TAHLKS IN perfect order. e>junl to new, at vary low price*. II. \V. C' 73s Hroadway. N It W It I LL IA It ' T Alt PH. 42. a i K AC'll, UKORUK . rili.LAo, 14 Va.eyaL V"KW AM) SKCOND HAND HII.LIaKD fAKI.KS AT J.1 price- thai defy eumpellon , gat the beat. L DKCKI'.K A CO., 72H Hroadway MlMICAIa. "a NAYAOa]T~TEn6h; "sINOliK TKAi liKS PIANO iV-nd aluglug din lug uimmrr 410 quarter. 117 NVesl 27tu at., near Hth ev Pupll't realdenea. 415. DANCING ACADKM1KII. A-CaRTIKH'8 DANOI.S'O academy. h UNION .?eenre; open all aninmer; private le-aont any hour; (Tilde -iineially: new ayaiem ; almpio, eaally au<|ulred ; lady aaaiatanta. Itocepilon Monday. litmiCTMa. "T -MwmoiPii mn ssrmTitm: wr-joan All'., oppo-ite Cooper Inatltute. ?Houkkeeplug, W riting. Arithmetic, llremmer. Spelling end Herman, day and even ing. I.adieu' department Iele/raphy taught practically, with InatrumeDta. Demand fur operatora. II A.tll'SK.HKVra. LLKK'S"WOVDr H THKATBK. LA-T FOUR NiUHTS OF HELLER'S WOXDK1 IN .NEW YORK LAsT FOUR XI iris OK KOIIKKT HELLER IN NEW VOK ? LAST FOUR MUllfs Oh MISS IIKLLHK I.\ N'r.W YORK. LAST MAT > NEE WEDNESDAY, MAY HO, AT ? Til KSD.VV EVENING, MAY 31. KAHl W l.L PER OR aNCK and termination of a sea. it of une xaiopled prosperity and success. farewell i : farewellii Notwithstanding tlia Dearly uvurwh-lmlng In due miss of political excitement, such an ibis country uo ver e xperi euced before : tlie disastrous Ore iu Brooklyn. which para llsod the amusement wot Id lor a lira# : a ? queuce of weeks ot th> Hfirnl weather known tor many years, <UU lately (lie misfortunes ami III lilt'k uniform!. attending every ni tempi to interest the public of New York In the old (Hobo Iheatre?li 'SwIiltstaMIni ah this. the result artistically and lluiiuoially. ha. hI-M unexampled and possibly exceeds anvthiUK achieved by any other eslabllsbineut id the Lmlod States ot America PLATTS HaLL. SAN FRANCISCO. JUNE IS. LONDON AND PARIS. Al'tlUST. HuS.ON. Ot TOHKR I. w ALLACK'H. Proprietor and Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE THERE W11.1. HP. NO MATINEE UN SATURDAY. EYEllY EVENING. Af H. Mr. v\ .(Hack's play, Al.E, ROSE DAI. The most superb stage production over seen Id this coun try.?Herald. Mr. LESTER WALLACE ' ELLIOT DRAY Other characters be Mr. .JOHN OILBKRT, Mr. HARRY BECKETT. Mr IDHaHD aKNOTT. Miss A I.I.IK DOR KINO ION. Mr. CYRIL SKaRI.K. Mr u J LEONARD, Mr W. A. EYTINUK. Mr C. E. EDWIN. Mi?s \ DA RYAN, Ml?s FLORENCE VILLIKRS, Miss EFF1K OUR MoS Mrs. FAKUEN, Mrs. SKFI'oN and Mill ULA1S dklL. Carriages may be ordered at II :15. CI KSTEAL PARK GARDES. I I IlAl'.T'.S /RXTKlL PARK GARDEN. I SUMMER CENTRAL 1'AllK GARDEN. | I THEATRE. CKNTKvL |?List of Artists:? | ? PARK the ALL TIU8 GARDEN. I Moused .-istcrs, | ? Josh liart'el the rov Sisters. I GREAT SIMMER tin THEATRE. I Newman Sisters. | ATTRACTION Open ] the j ?? Every I Richmond listers. FOR 36 CENTS. Evening I Miss Nuille Sauturd. j FOR 'J.I CEN TS, with I A. II Sheldon. I FOR 35 0K nTH. M J. VV. Me Andrew*. FOR 35 CENTS. Star " f Mr. Dave Reed. I Full 35 Co.NTS. Olio Artists. | Naonl Juggler, j FOR 35 CENTS. MATINKK Orphrous FOR 35 Or.NTS. Every Sat. I Quartette, I FOR 35 CENTS. Concert I Suwrer i Foe35 CENTS. Sunday j Hell Ringers, 35 Cents ea'ra Alter noon | Master .Mart In, I lor Hesereed ?ud Even's. I Prof. Dasiey. I s-ale ? CRN ITtAL I A Grand Orchestra | Cuucert every PARK I under tin; direction j Sunday OAltDKN. | ol dig. I) OpartL I Afteruoou and evening. T\ALY'8 FIFTH A YEN UK THEATRE. i'.VERY EVENING THIS WEEK MR. DALY will pro duce, lor the flrst time iu America, THE ORE.aT DRAMA, Irum tho French of M. PARODI, In live aets, and entitled:? iu which MISS DAVENPORT will create AN ENTIRELY NOVEL CII AllACTRU, making therolu Iter last eppearauoe for several months Iu New York. POSTIIUMIA a Ulind Woman, Miss FANNY DAVENPORT OVINIA, a Vestal Miss JEFFREYS LEWIS SKPClA, the Chleftess Mrs. G II. GILBERT JUNIA Mist M. CHESTER OALLA, a Slave Miss FLORENCE WOOD MARCH, a Woman of the People Miss VINTON PARI US, the Clilol oflho Trtbuues ... Mr. C HAS. FISHER LUCIUS. Chief Pontiff Nr. K. K. COLLIER I-EN ITLLS. the Tribune ol a Legion. Mr. FRED. WAKDE (Ills llrst appearance here.) EN NIL'S, a Cslabrlan Mr. 11. HARRIS K.AEHO, Scribe Mr. F. BENNETT CA1US, a Tribune of tho l'ooplo ........Mil P. CHAPMAN onivo, h Iiiuuuo VI IIIVIVUUIV ..e.-e. r. r. ?*? PAI'KUS, of the People Mr JOHN MOOKP, VKSTAEPUK, a Slave Mi. J. B. 8TUDLKY EVE ,Y SCENE NEW. Act 1.?THIS SOLDIER OF CANNAL. The blind Patrician seeks her daughter. Act 2.?The Veslai hetrava Iter secret. Act S.?The bronia dours aud the lost key. Act 4.?Toe malediction of the stricken woman. Act 5.?Tho Field of Desolation. APOTHEGMS! SATURDAY, at 3, ONLY MATINEE of "VESTAI" SATURDAY NIOI1T. June 3, CLOSING nlirhtofthe SEASON, BENEFIT of MR. STEPHEN FISKB. on which occasion the (allowing rare attraction.: MISS NEILSON will appaar in the 4lb act of Twelfth Night, positively making uer last appearance in New York. MISS DAYENi OKT will make her last appearance In New York, nppeariug as POSTIIUMIA and lu the Wooing See no from IIKN It Y V, with UK.IIKO.bK KlNGNoLlI, who has eoluuteered, and Mr. SOL sMITll RUSSELL will make bis only appearance this season. MONDAY, Juno 4. SUMMER SKA.-ON, and first pro duction in New York of RICE A UOODWlN S Great AMERICAN OPERATIC and SPECTACULAR UOUPFE. ?? EVANGELINE I" the rao.t hrllllai.t comic exiravagansa aeer produced In this city. Box shoot uow upon. QJLMoRK'S CONCERT GARDEN. Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Lessee Mr. K. CI. OILMOKK , Ml. P. H. UlLMuHK.. Musical Dirocwr TOW (MONDAY) hVKMNU, May 2B, PROGRAMME. 1. Overture, Jubel Von Weber 2. Concurt Welts. On the Beautiful Kblna Keltr lislar 9. Cornet solo. Russian Fantasia II art maun Mr. M. AICHI'CKLU. 4. Hunlar'i Cborut, Der Freitchuii ...Von Wabar C E ItMAN GRAND OPKKA CHORUS. rtiiT second 9. Reminiscences from the Operas of Rottlni. 0. bong. Maria lioloraa Cavalll S10.N0UI.AA hi.ISA GALIMBKKTI. 7. Concert I'olka..... Alberto H. Hong, Unco Again Arthur Sulliv.u Mr. WILLI tM HAMILTON. rAKT Til 11)II. 0. Ilumorna Fantasy. Lot I* Dead Wllmera 10. Solo lor Saaotiliono Bellini Mr. K. A. LKFK1IKB. 11. Fragniont. Lnii 'iigrln Wagna 12. B itai TO-MORROW ? (TUESDAY) evening, mat 2a GRAND OPENING NIOIIT Of TUB ANNUAL SPRIMO HORTICULTURAL exhibition, which will be continued WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NIGHTS. la aoujuuctlon with GILMORE'S GREAT MILITARY BAND. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MATIMKE8 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, WITH PERFORMANCES EACH DAY BY GILMORE'S SERENADE BAND. Fifty centt admlttlon. Buses, seating fonr, S3. Brooklyn academy aimf.k. AlMKE At the llr< uklvu Academy of Music. Three Nfcht* Only anil -aturdav Mailtnm of AIM..K, THE <Ji KEN OF OPERA HoCPPH. Thursday veiling. May 21 - First tuno in Brooklyn of LA HUCLANOKRh A Dr.H ECUS, In which .Mure sing. "Pretty as e Picture." Friday. June I?-First tune In many years, LA nKl.LE II El,EN K. 8atnrdaT Matinee at 2 o'clock. Only Almee Matlnea. Admission, OOe.: Heservad Meals, SOe. extra. La grange ducheskk. AIM EE at I.A OHaNDK DUCI1KHSR. Saturday oveuing. June 2- First time In Brooklyn, LA PETITE M t HIKE. Kranlng. !2lc., 41 andfl .'kl; Matinees, hue. and SI. Seats now ready at Brooklyn Academy and III Broadway, N V. "loWRRY THEATER. -MONDAY. MR K T 8Tt(1>'0N In (ho male <Jr*nia of .M Altltirh ili'.AICT, prccoitftri by the Inreo of J I' M HO J I'M. of pric Oroat rotluoiion ricot Orchestra chair*. .V) cents; drese circle, 33 cent* . balcony. J ? miiIi ; pallor?, 13 cents. (lOLTMRIA Oi'R iA IIOUMK. OOKNKK WK8T I2TII Jul. and Greenwich av I'.vcrmi/a at *. Matinee* Tuesday*. Thursdays anil Maiurriaya at . Now. Spicy Hrm?atioii?. ^ ? ? ? <?>Kreticl* .Minuet. ^ alcru. j J aril in Mabile I Female Hitlicm j Seeing ilia hie pliant J QuadriUa. I in real water. | $ ^ _ The Sultan % Seraglio; or. the IHs?v HlomJe- Artist's .MoiieK. AmaRotiiati March**. Strung* Mailt* lor htrau tr**?? <>? the SI/. H on 2 C ail thaeo rich, rare, racy. n<*Yoiti?R ^ pin: us non abroad" waltihh?nr hud. I L troii-tou, an piayo t by Otlmore'? It.tml with tlutiu gtnshwd ?iK*co?a; uric*. iPie, : alto the vocal gam* of tin* day. ' llauiitiiijr Kye*. |)?re I IVII T** "Down the SI *<iowml I.aiif," "Take (hit Lettar," **?inly Speak Kimily," 40*. #*** IllTHilM st CO., 711 ami H|,i HroaUway. H. BDWARD MOHAN'S GRRAT PIC 11 KK, "The Commerce ot .Nation* raying lloinaaa to Lib erty," ia now on estilhmou at lb* KUK1Z GAI.LKHV MtlliSuM Hgb'AKR. A*lmiolnn 2*i cut* M ABRKLR'H TIVUI.I 1'llhA I RA. Stb st., hotwowu 2d and 3d six, America's Variety Garden suit Kuiniuer Theatre, iMndou at vie. Every evening. Grand Dallat, Scotch Sang and Danaa, Pantmulue Admission 20 rants : Thursday Matinee 15 vents AMUVLK RIIOMS akoylk rooms. DTII tv AND 3JTH KT. BRILLIANT TKKI'kiCHOBKAN KN rKKTAlNXKNT. ONLY I'LA K OF AMI .SEMENT OK THE KIND IN THE CITY. OPEN EVERY NIUIIT, COMMENCING at W O'CLOCK. KNTkANCK on Horn ST. B~~ KaUTIFUL NEW MU?io.-"TMEltK ARK~KIS.AES Waning for Me," Do Pryslor; "Drearnln/ Ryes uf Long Age," 0|i?rn ; Kl?s Me and Call Me Your Darling." Horn ier. "Swont, KUIIIIV Mnlie. ' Dankt. with elegant piatnra titles. *k. each ; are the mast charming and popular sougs ul the sraenn. WM A PON D A Co.. &17 Broadway and 3D Luleii square. New York. S'T. BERNARD". HALL, I4TH"StT, RKTWF.KN STII )aud nth av? May 2" and 21?. Dramatic Knlertainmeut by the uieinherenl St Barnard's (Jniuii Ticket ot Leave Man." "Ilia Few of Plus IX," Admlaaion 29c. Re served seats doe Minuet d"k la couriand oavottk: als<> the now minuet, lauuars, radowa. roasnurka, Parisian Walts and Imperial varsuvia In a trial uf skill by Professor HaRNKS and class at PBHHKHO'N Assembly Rooms. Tanunany Itnllding. Mlh st . an WKDNKaDAY avaalng, Ban, dancing trqrn ti tv 12. Admittance lor gentleman, with ladies, 75a. A3IIKK.UKMS. JJNION SQUARE THEATRE.'" ~ ? Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK M*u4g" Mr. a. m. palmeb Uegina at 8. Over at Ii> :5a FOURTH SAIURDaY MATIN kE at 130. WEEK KoCRTH Continual taccoaa Week Muz z. ?gji FOCkTH J||| FOUuTH Witt lu graafian of charactari Will's KorS'll ?u?l It. .U[>en> WEEK For kiu roaliatlcjiceBaa, uiiK Kuril!!' Including tho marvelloua WKt.K KorKril 8Ta?;e lo^tTi scene. uvils FOURTH '"uat rating Ihedopartura of iba WEEK Fol'llTII VoTir^Tall wrtl KOL'KTII 11 WhKk FOURTH from Sarneen'e lload. WKe? FOURTH Eoc.'v." nightly u , , k FOURTH w,t'1 "10 mod luiiiuliuouo applauao. WEEK FOi mil sviTKK irtfcS Kuru in K ?5off? fourth ggg ????*!} KOUltTH' Si. IKK wkkJt fourth " "KK POL'KTH 8MIKK MATINEE. SATURDAY. JUNE g. T?V 1 I'ASTOR'R. TONY KAoTUK'S? ?Arjir^^3^53'j!Ssa>, matinee Tuesdays and Fridays. BOOTH'S THE t I KK. DKHif* MONDAY EVENING. MAY 2S 1877 ?r?? cppearanoe of ' ' MISS MINNIE L. CUMMINOS ck.b a? JUI 1ET, In abakeap-arn a Tragedy of IlOMEO AND JULIET p.. . Supported by Bouth'a Theatre Company. Price. a. "coal. Ka.err.d Ma. a. $1. 13 uuf11 THEAtSk, beKODCCTlorf Kuk" ViVir K'0'fOLe. TI LLOTSON ABROWM ri)ll H\K Nl<>lliaS ANU ONK MATINFK Commancmjf TC-SDaY, May gu. sb.??.pi?.? FaLlcel Oliiy, HKNkY v. Mr. OKOROK KliiN'oLD aa HENRY V IIE^V. PRESENTED WITII "RT 1 IIENI1Y V. HENRY V. 1IENI1Y v. henry v. Il E n 11V V. HENltY V. HENRY V. HENRY V. IIENUY V HENRY V. NEW HOKNEKY by oordon a harford. _ ol tbo Queen'a Tboatra, London. SPLENDID ACCOUTREMENTS HENRY V. HENRY V. HENRY V. HENRY V. IIEN'KY V*. HENltY V. IIKNIIY V. .'IKNKY v. HENRY V. IIKNIIY V. IIENKY V. SUPERB KKFEOTa Ptt,CKS FKKHKRvJd. "pyz-tira\r.K ixwirrrr 8"u*9U _ or Seat* beichi* Monday, May 2H, at H A. >1 gooru's theatre. bxtbZ Leaaaea ...... ....Rlanold. Tlllotann and Brown llKNKlKl'?'IU2'l,llFO'f,l0AV,> tllO ItKNKrl I OK Mil. lihOIUJh ltMJN'Of 11 Ob TIIUKmDaY AKTEltNoox. May Hi. at i'jaa t?". Ti)'ch "ccolo" will bo proarntad ? . A ORE >T Dili math; novelty la the production of shakoapearo'a tragedy ROMEO AND JULIET. Mr. OBOROE IilUNOLD ."'J11 ROMKU coNcENTRATED,,c,u?-S:^'y Constellation MISS ADELAIDE (By kind permlaaion ol Loator WaiUek ^lau') DYAR *11.1 . miss fanny davenport (By coortooua conaont or Mr. Auguatiu Daly. MISS MAUDE iSltANtfKB,**wl'^ miss marie wainivrkjht. Rl nlld'a^d b"Vh Vnd|* t?rVlce'I1,tIeNM^ tho ""I?! ? *pp*" ln * <"????? "Cl of Noiwlthatandlng tbo anuruioua attraction ludleated In tbta It haa been daterm.nad to limit tho price ol raaerved .eala to *" uml1 lB# _a?.ai'KI!;l-r..-'i!!r'.1.,7I.^"T'1 U'C'K iWyf rtvfft'iaai "?"."EBi' ?;i?,&S,V5*o'hfta . , . COXSCIKNCK, Of thw Abakan III CLtTB. of lirooalrn. In aid ;. hKI . ,r.'''T',r,e,.t, Tlcketa can be bad at Broad way, p nth Avion* llotol, Axtiir IIuiim, Moir'ft InwalrvatuM ?l I *v. uml aOJ it, mill at thu Mltilw on iliy ol Twar lLd*x2b V,,"!,K, WI AKIUM. bruad". .7 , * i fcl** ?Pfn *!*?!>? from i? A. M. till Ki I' ir I?irvK*|,,riklI"t'r,'.tr'i!:,'v" DllM:'ln lh* ei,y. NOV ELI IKS TllAI CANNOT HE Dl'PLICATRn MONSTER LIVING WHITE WHaL* Mauniaceiitly col or ad Kiahoa Iroiu tropical watera: Ann! Maliaa. with a tliouaaiid liuea; yallow, pluk Crimaon bla^n ?"MVlVima!Ua^and"raV?a^ei?e *,o"\rop^ioai'\l!omon'?'a0,Utt" & ATlON aL^S A jfiMILKh HINUeRR. AtotiXWcVJL Ac^iT^::Nokan PIAMlKOKTKM, OROANS, ?C. V^BHANCK.?HKLRKDID SEW UP RIG lit Attt xVaquaro Planoa to rant, mi l rant allowed If purenaaed: a lew nearly new exceedingly low; all aaw 1'iano. warranted lor lira ycera; preaieat reduction to eaab cuetomert rear offered, at HAINES HKUS. .146 end 14? Sib a*., corner 21at at. (lid i'lanoa taken in exchauge. A' ?COR KENT, UPRIGHrTsaUARB AKO GRAND ? I'lanoa of our own niaka . alao for aala and rent, a num ber of Hue eacoiid baud 1'ianoa, In perfect order. WILLIAM KNAIIK A (JO.. Set Hi 5th at., above liltb at. ASSoi.TMI.Sr ~(iP SkaJUND HAND STKI.NWa7 I'lanov aoiua nearly new, vary low; alao Planoa of other uiakera; he > ara of b.iuuv nlanoa palmed olf aa ireuulna Steinway inako, at auotlon or In private houaee. 8TKIN WaY A m>NS, Kleiriway Hall, I4lh >1 New York. A Lb bound tk octave pull agrXkfk piano', I'JHU; Upright. 4176; Clilckoriug, 875. 13 Kaat lOUt. batwaen l.'nlou ki|iiare arid 5tb av. A" -7H* OCTaTB WBBBB PIANO," almost SEW"; ?Immaoaa bercatna; I'lanoa irom $60 to 82Ul>ou eaay uiouthly payment#mr to rant, Ki<aK tUBK,Mi Howery. ^L AKUE ASsO HTM EN T Of NB OOND BAND ? Planoa, In tb.iryugli pood order, tome of which ara nearly new; for ?ale at very low prleua. CIUCK,'.KINO A S.lNs. Jlh av. anil l*ili at. ASCPKoH 7(a OCTAVE KOSBWOOD PIAJIO AMD A magnificent 7'., octave upright rneewood Pianoforte lor aale for hull price lorcuah , moat celebrated city makart; both new and elegant; contain all modern iinpr vernaiila, over ?Iruug bare, agraffe. pure, rtclitoiia; are elaborate and recherche initruiuenta. can b? fully examined ana triad; were taken In excliainre and will he aolil lor $2(1.5; have uiakera warrantee lor Ilia ycara and have hoxea for ehiuptug. Apply at HAHRKSUN'S Kurnlture storage Warenwnee, 2o6 \V??i tilth at., corner Broadway and 7tb ay. NEW 7 ( CfAVE PIANO. 8175;CU fCKKRINO liraud. $:**?; Steliiways and olbera. upright# and Squarea, alto Organ, low for caah, on luitalmenta, and rent S. X. HAl.L A ? o., removed to II Halt 144b at,, formerly OilckerliiK HalU Assortment upright and square pian<T lortea, #75 to $2.50, inatalmeuta. 86 ?nd $ ID monthly unlil peni. rent, $3 upuard. KIDDLE'S, lit Wavcrley place, near Broadway. "XHbTBIN WaY~"a~ liONS BOBeWOOD PIaBO, OtW) J\ $7iai, for 8288; a hrllllaat toned upright Piano, coal H.ol) lor 8JO); Stool, Cover, Hex. Private realdence id Vt rat 25th at. A ASSO HTM EST UPKItJIlT AND SQUARE PIaNO. lorlea and Ore ana , extraordinarily low tor oaab and in. ataluienta: rant 81 upward P. SL'ill LKIt, id kaat 14th at AhkvkN OCTAVK lipitiOUT riABO. PEBPBOf order. #l'*l; Steiiiway'e, Chlekorlng and Weber Piano* ou inalaimcnla; rant $M . Organ, 8.15. dfi (KMtDOS A SON. 13 Eaal 14th at. t PKIVATK FAMILY WILL SELL "sTeTniVaY .iYl'lanof ule at aacriil. a : a brilliant and powerful toned four round Site weed cava; Plana rlohlv curved, and inlaid with marquetry, having every Improvement, 7', octave, full a . rail,< Ac., pnrchaacd at Ceiitannla:, o?,t 81.61 >i. will aoll f r f ' ?)ca,h a perfect parlor gaiu ; nu elegant cahliiel I prlgbl Piano. 82HO, *I,I handaooia and dceiruhle lloiiaa* hold Furniture lu lota to anil. N. It. furniture and 1'iano can ha oackcd lor ahipplng If dralred. Ca Ipuvata raxidanca No 47 \Veat Hltli ?i , hatweeu olb and (till avm A PEW SRf'O.ND HAND WKBEi: PI A N08 AT VRRY preal hargalna. aoma of theui need hnt a vary ahort tlia# by our heat muaietaiia and rvally alnioel aa pood a< >iew; fully warranted In every reepoct. Plcaaecall atlheWehar Wareraoma. 6th av and Klin at A GOOD TONED P1AN07CAHVRi5~T,KCS. Ac $75i caah wanted; great aacrlhce. Hroadway. corner 35th at Alt III 1.1,1 a NT TON Bl? Dti, t E K it PIANOM i kTk roll aala. alao magnificent Windeor upright Pianoforte, coal 8l,i""f. for $176 Call at private roideuce lid Weel 23d. DIKING THE -P, HARD TIMES Vt K WILL SF.LlI octavo 1'ianoa. IIMI. 7 1-3 octave. 8IHO cash. 2 efoii Orpana, 8oi. 4 atop*. 88H; 7 aim a. S atopi, 87.5; HI elope. |HH. |j ?tope, flui caah . not u,edayear; in perlaot order. ItOKACK W ATERS A SONS, to Kaat 14th at., he tweou Broadway and I'cueraiiy place. 1.3 LEG (NT i AKVl-l) 7(, OCT A VB PI ANOKO IITK, ALL jimproveuiauta, price 812,5; (tool and cover. 103 Kaat 27 ib at. _____ FtOK 8i*i -A BEAUTIFUL 7 < CTAVE EOSKWOOD Pianoforte, roai Hill; Stool, innderu atyla. av. MAGNIFICENT 7 OCTAVE KOsF.WOOD PIANIE fort, having carved lept, tacrlDeed tor 873, of GORDON'S 157 Hleaeaer at. I)lAN()S. 7 I?3 OCTAVES. 8130. COST ?M0| ORGANS, two ii.iin *4.5, nine. $86 :t waive. 876. Daniel p. hkattv, waaMwrt?.New Jwasfc 1">lAnos.-first class "pianos cheap" poi caah loeloeatlie bualoeee. C. IKK,Kits A CO. . _ TM Kaat 42d at. Steinw ay i-usii," Bion.?phivatk family will ?aoriflee niaanllieeul raaewood Pianoforte, 7 l.loctavea, four round, patoot agraffe and allwr laipruvenienta; eoat la.I February al.tUU, far 8226, stool. Cover, Haaic Cabinet, Muaic. Au. . haa box to ,hip. Call tlila day. raaldanoa ISO Kaat lOlh at., nne block from L'nlou apnara. aad near 3d aa, TWO PINK STKI.NW\Y S(J? AKK*. Tm" PERFECT order; low arlros. Planoa to rant Ironi 88 upward. nllEKWIN A HERBERT, SI4 Broadway. UPRIOIIT AND HUL'AKR PIANOS* f73 TO ?IIWI;~|B and 810 moathly till paid, or rant $3 upward. BhTTB, H Union vquara (4th na,>,naar I4tb at. 4:1911 -HAKGAINH ftjToOTAVK P1AH0, UMA (p i.*av/ alega, nearly aa? , I'lanoa to rant. 84. 4ABLB'H. aonmr?U av. m4 M.