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THE 110 GRANDE RAIDS. Citizens of Texas To Be Pro tected at La3t. MEXICAN CO-OPERATION SOLICITED General Ord Authorized to Pursue the Thieves Across the Border. SPECULATIONS ON THE EFFECT. [bt tzlkokaph to the humid. ] Washington, June 1, 1ST". Tbe Cabinet was in session lor about an bour and a ball to-day, and moat of tha time was occupied In a discussion of tbe Kio Grande troubles and tbe proper atepsto bo tabes to prevent cuttle stealing ruias Into Texas from Mexico. It was finally agreed that the isecreiary ot War should direct Ueneral Sherman to au thorize General Ord, commanding tbe Department of Texas, to follow Uie thieves into Mexico to reoovor stolen property. LMTTSR or THK JHORKTART Or WAR. Tbe letter of tbe Secretary ol War to General Sher man in regard to tbe Kio Grande trouble wsa sont lb is aiternoon, and is aa loliows:? War DKrARTMBXT, t Washington, D. C., J uue 1, 1877. j Ckmbai?The report o( W. U. Shatter, Llentensnt Uolonol Twenty-lourtb Infantry, commanding tbo dis trict of >iueces, Texas, concerning recent raids by Mexicans and Indians lroin Mexico Into Texas for ma rauding purposes, witb yonr Indorsement of tbe 29th tilt., bas been ?ubtnilted to tbe President, and has, together with numerous other reports and documents relating to tba same suoject, been duly considered. Thv I'resldent desires that tbe utmost vigilance on tbe part of the military forces in Texas be exercised for tbe suppression oi these raids. It is very desirable that efforts to this end, in so fur, at least, as they no ccsianly involve operations on both sidesof the border, bo madu witb the co-operation ot tbe Mexiuaa author ities, and you will instruct Geueral Ord, commanding in Texas, to invito such co-operation on tbo partol tbe local Mexican authorities, and to intorm them that while tbe President is anxious to avoid giving offence to Mexico be is nevertheless convinced tbat ibe in vasion oi our territory by armed and organized bodies of thieves and robbers to prey upon oar cit.-zens should not bs longer endured. General Ord will at once notify ibe Mexican aatborltics along tbe Texas border ot tbe great doslre of tbe President to units witb Ibem in efforts to suppress tbis long continued lawlessness. At the same time be will inlorm these authorities tbat if tbe gov* eminent oi Mexico shall continue to aeglect the duty <>t suppressing these outrages tbat duty will devolve upon this government, and will be performer, even if its performance should render ueccssary tnooccasional crossing or the border by our troops. You will therefore direct General Ord that, in case tlie iuwlosr Incursions continue, bs will be at liberty to Ubo bis <*rn discretion when in pursuit of a band of marauders, and whou his troops are in sight of them or upou a fresh trail to fellow tbsm across the Rio Oraude, and to overtake and punish them, si well as retake stolon property takeu from our citizens and found In their bunds on tbe Mex<cau side of the line. 1 nuvo lbs honor to bo very respectfully, GKORGE W. McGRARY, Secretary of War. To General W. T. Sherman, commanding tno Army of the United States. HOW TUK THING IS RKUAR0C3. This action of tbe Cabinot Is regarded by nervous people us a warlike manifesto wbloh Is destined to embroil us in a quirrel with tbe Mcxican gov trnmont, and the abundant presence here lust now of tbo seventeen year locust with a "W" on its wings Is takon to be a prophetic sign of tbe coming trouble. a PKKi'Knityr. It happens, however, tbat just seventeen years ago i we bad precisely tlio same trouble witb Mexico, , namely? durlug the year IStW, when our cavalry, un- j tier Csptaln (since Generul) Stoneraan, pursued Cor- J tiua's robbers twice across the Rio Grande. Tbiyvio- ' latiou or tbo border was committed In purtu<ico ol I aa order from tbe War Department at Washington directed to Colonel Robert E. I,es, commanding the ! Department of Texas, commanding bira to uso the most vigorous measures for tbe capture of Cortimr;""" and, ir necessary, to pursuo him beyoud tbo limits ot ttio I'nitod States. A correspond rnco with Hie Mexican authorities sprang up in continence wbicb was - conducted on cur part by Major, since General, Helntzelmnn, wbo was in command at Brownsville, opposite Matamoros. He >|Uoted lroin Vattol's Law of Motions to justify the exploit of Stone man, and the Moxlrans were silenced by tbo argument; at least they never proceeds! any lurthorwith tbe protest which was tbus answered by ticiieral Heint/elman, and as the secession of PuutU Carolina soon alter gave the I'nltcd .States government other muttons to look to the Rio Grande question faded out ol our national policy until long alter tbe close ot our civil war and until the same Cortina, wbo never dies and will not r<-?ign, revives It by his own and his confodcrates' incursions into Texas. I-'KAR* or RKTAI.IATIOX. it Is fearod tliat if General Ord rarries out his orders literally and p'irsiios any marauding bands across tbo river into Mexico and attempts to punish them there tbeir countrymen will rally to their support and it de feated will In retaliation r?>b and murder such Ameri> can settlers as may bo witbln their reach. This view or tbo situation was brought to tbo atton turn ol .Secretary Seward to-day by an American who re sides in Cbibuabua, but be was assured that tbe admin f?tration would exhaust tba powers of tho government il necessary to givo protection to tbo lives and property ol Americans resident in Mexico. There arc many hundreds of Americans scattered throughout tbe Mexi rnn States near tbe Kio Grande, and to protect them Irnm robbery and murder by the Mexican bandits when Infuriated, as tbe latter will be by tbe entry of General Ord> troopers upon Mcxican soil, will demand something like tbs stern raoatures Russia Is now taking witb the basbt-bazouks, between wbom and tbe Mcxican border thieves tbere are many points of I similarity. THE ROSEBUD FIGHT. MILES' SUCCESSFUL ATTACK CONFIRMED BT IN DIAN BUNNEltB?SPOTTED TAIL'S VrEW OF THE SITUATION. CiftOiXKATi, June 1, 1877. Tbe Commercial bu the tallowing special:? Camp Rbbimsoh, Neb., May .11, 1877. Indian runners have come Into hpotted Tall A cciity coBilrmtng tbo report ol a Light ou too Rosebud, near tbo Taintod Rock, with tbe wblte soldiers. Thoo Indians are- direct from the camp ul a remnant 01 Lame Deer's camp and, niovt likely, were present In iho fight, which makes their report more valuable. It being the Sioux side of tbe story. rumcNTN or bpottio taiii, To-day Spotted Tail eays, just like a white man, "1 told you io." He says It with much nmtmlacllon. rbe disastrous loss of all tbetr lodges and ponies, which tbo runners report to be s?i. Spotted Tnl) gays t? something ?I nfticb lie threatened them with happening, and "now, whoa 1 speak to them, tbey won't put their blankets over their earn. " Four huouu bave left here for Powder River to loarn further facts ot the liattle. These are enlisted Sioux soldiers, the samo wlio wero fighting last summer. A VILLAGE DESTROYED. BLYtN HUNDRED PEOPLE WITHOUT SHELTER ? I; El E WED ACTIVITT OF FOREST FIREP. [lit TELCOAAl'H TO THE ltlJMALD. ] Dktkoit, June 1, H77. The village of OnoU, Lake Superior, was destroyed lire yesterilay. It caught trofh tho burning lorest. a building escaped, except tbe rchoolhotiso uud cburcli. seven hundred people are rendered bourn J eta. Tbo Bay Iron Kurnaco was also burned up. l.os.-: ?li)0,000; Insurance 4',000. A ttig with provl t on-, wan despatched Irom Marquette to the relief el tbe boineletiS population. Tbe weather is warm and drj and the wnm high, causing renewed apprehen sions of ravages Irom lore-t lires, which are now raging at various points in tho upper penlusnla of Michitfan. THE LINCOLN TOMB BOBBERY. LK4HT vnonxm F?<R THP. CONTICT*. ?HT TELEt KAi*lt TO THE HERALD.] Chwaho, Jnne 1,18T7. Plnce tho rendering of the veMlct In the case of , tfugbeii and Mullets, tbe Lincoln tomb robbers, ami Ifeeir sentence to serve one year In the Penitentiary, there iiasbccn a good deal ol excltedcomment through- I out Ibelieu, particularly lu Chicago,regard)ng the ?nj in inner In wttl<:h I too tlefobilnute succeeded ttie? >pmg punish mem. The j?r??ectMio? made out an exitsor- , (imartly rtreuf ra e sgsihst Itic pi uoucr*, and the <:??? t of tto? defend,mte was lu luaoy reepecUu d?<;ld??t in:. i tire, so far m related to their ianwwM of U>? crime. 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. DEFEAT OF THE BILL TO FBEVEST IXTEB MABBIAGEH BkTWBUN THE K \clts?DETK-R >Ii.NJLJ> OfPOklXlOM OF THE KEG BO MEM JSKBb?4k EFFECTIVE LINE OF ABOUMJOiT? UilE 1NTSBEST AI'PBOPKIATION OtLU i?I TELEOEAPH TO TBS HERALD. 1 Cftl.l'MHiA, June I, 1*77. 'lUere was a short debute in the Home to-day wbeh, ibougU it excited no sttontion or interest *b?t?f?r out side the walls of ibe House, or, peruaps, rather not even beyond tbe small circle of debaters themselves. was yet In ita results a a oat significant sign ol tbe tinea. Tbe ditcusaion waa in reierence to tbe passage of a bill bearing the simple title, "To prevent ibe intermarriage of rucea and to define the penalty lor tbe name." Tbe boitjr ol the bill declared In subslanco that alter ite passage all marriages between a white person and a colored person, or 1 nillan, or between a white person and any person ol Airioan or Indlau descent, lo tbe third generation In clusive, should be void, und the contracting persons be ilcenieu guilty ol a misdemeanor, punishable by heavy fine or imprisonment id the i'eaitenttary, or both. uwa IN' OrftKU SOPTIIKPl* STATUS. Acts ol a similar nature with this, aa 1 aw In loruied, have been incorporated in the statute laws ol' nearly il not all ol tbo ^authern States as quickly us possible alter the emergency of each iroiii under strictly republican rule, auu the Irumcrot this one, In tendea to be adopted in thia Statu, probably enter turned little cioiiot ol ita lfcvorable reception ui the bauda or tbe new era legislators in .South Carolina. OVIHMITIOK OK M.l.HO Ml MRKKS. Ybe negro members, however, bave manifested a particular una determined hostility to the measure since lis Introduction on the calendar, and upou this thu-econu reading ol the bill to-day tbis opposition was developed in lull force. When tbe debate opened tno democratic, or, iu oilier w<>rds, tbe white, inein. bora were unanimously iu favor ol the passage o: tue bill, which they supported strongly ny lamiliar d?ri|? tuial und physiological arguments as lo liie evils ot liiterinariiuge between lU'ilvidiialK ol nay diverse races, but the negroes were well prepared and lortllled by counter arguments, und others on the ground ol political expediency, and, stimulated bv pardonable pride of race, they* opposed a determined resistance which dosplio their seemingly hopeless miuority event ually ueleuiod the obuoxious bill. THK LI.M! or AUUtKKtT. Tbe argumenta used cannot ol course be given her* even in abstract, but It may bs said that the negroes appealed strongly to the magnanimity ol their uower lul political conquerors mid more e flee lively perhaps to thu promises ot Governor Hampton and other demo cratic leaders made during tbe campaign, to use their utmost endeavor to break down tbe color line, which they claimed was sougbi to be clearly and deeply drawn anew by the proponed measure. THK HALV HSKKD Mr.MSKKS. The half breed members especially, lor reasons easily dlvluod, regarded the bill with peculiar disiuvor, and these conducted tbo llgbl on their side. Il paaaed, they said It would it would be daunieu in their lanes on every ocuaaiou by their negro constituents, and by i every one of tbe 17,uct> negroes whose voted contributed I so materially to iheelecuooot Governor Haiupten turn- j self and to tbe succeaa ol the democratic ' cause. This latter argument was what might be | called a clincher, and tbe vote boine taken tho enacting clause was stricken out by an overwl < 'm ing majority, tho democrats relenting and rightfully considering that it was asinexpediem as unwise to irri tate their new frlenua by a measure the need ol which, moreover, has not yet been made to appear. The cOects ol this conciliatory action cannot full to apjiear iu due time. TIB IKTKKE9T APmoPRIAIIO.N. The committee of costerence appointed to adjust the (Hflersnces between tbe donate and House relative to tno clause in the Appropriation bill for the payment of the interest on the public debt, atier three conlerencea ? to-day, have failed to effect an adjustment, and a ! Committee of Free Conference baa been appo.nted aa a ; ilemur resxert to save tbe bill il possible. luccotnpo- | sit ion ol the last named committee la such as to pro* j elude Che probability, il cot the possibility, ol their : coming to any agreement, ana tbe cbauces are largely i that this important incisure, tor the passage ot which the Geueral Assembly was specml.y ? onvened, will be i lost aud that the session will bo thereby prolonged at , least three weeks. ? THE BOND FOBOSBY CASES. COUNSEL FOB THE PRISONFES PBOTEST AGAINST DELAY OF TRIAL. [BY XEI.EGBAl'U TO THE HEBALt). ] Tm.vtox, N. J., Judo 1, 1877. In tbe United States District Court to-day Judge Dit tenboefur, ol New York, mude application lor ibe re instatement of tbe o>.ie of tbe Uuiled Stales vs. Bonier tille and Engte, tbe alleged bond forgers, on tbe ealen dar ol tbe June term, tbe can.- having been postponed ' on Thursday o( last week, r.ntii tbe September tesui, or { clae that tne bsli be reduced 10 L nited States | District Attorney Keasoy objected, on tbe ground that It would be inconvenient Jor Judge Cndwnllader, who would preside ut trie June term, to bear tbo case then. Juu?e DitteiUioefffer claimed tbat his clients should not be deprived ot ihirir legal rights, and as tho postponement was mndo without their known ?jgo or consent, they shoul 1 bo tried at the next ensuing term or else have tho bull lixed at a reasonable amount. It beins impossible to tarnish the hail demanded, j $10,00(1. lie also claimed tiial Nel'.loshlp had pnt np i a Job on tho defendants, mid lliat tho case had sur- i ronudiups noi pleasantly odorous to tho ;overnmeui: j that virtuous Netlleshlp wns tne arch criminal and should lie on trial, instead ol Siipierville and Knpel. I llo Insisted Hint It, was not right that his clients should i be locked up iti an unwholesome cell durtnc the not ! months it would lneonvcmcnce Jud^e Cud- ! wailsder. Judge Nixon slated mat it arrangements j pould bi< made with .futile CadwaL'.ador?tvho would > occupy his place dhriSR his absence in K a rope?the trial would take plane ai the next term. ALLEGED M A LPll AfVTICE. [BY T F.LEO BATH TO THE HEBAIJ). ] Boston, June 1, 1*77. Dr. Natliau H Dillingham, seventy years old, and one ot the prominent New Kn/land free lovers, has been arrested to-day for causing tho death by abor tion of a young woman, tweuty years ot ag?, the wits of Elishu Douglass, ol Dedbaui. < THE PAPAL ABLEGATE. Ottawa, Ont., June 1,1J?77. Extensive preparations are bolng made for tbe re ception of tbe Pupal Ablegate, Dr. Conroy. Ho will b* tbe ^ucsl of tbe Governor General and the Bishop of Ottawa. , OBIT DAB Y. J. DAGGETT HtN'T. There ts not a city or county in New Jersey In which the announcement of tlio death ol J. Daggett Hunt Is made that will not feel a thrill ot reyret. A few days ago ho was at tbe Merchants' Hotel In conference with the leading politicians of the citaie on Ibe political situation, and especially tbe gubernatorial contest next (all, and last evening tbe cold sweat of death settled on bis brow at his temporary residence in this city. Mr. Hunt possessed | a wonaerlutly intellectual and physical combination. He was over alx loot in boigbt, with a broad, geulal expressive lace, a sympathetic eye which could be-* times, however, Hash the fiercest determination, broad shouldered, erect and muscular, a man who In tho Senate or the lorum Tiad a commanding | appearance which could not be forgotten. He wns oniy i thirty -nine years <>| ago. Mr. Hunt was in tip fullest i sense u self-mado man. At an early ape be cmbreeed the study of law, and his practice alter admission to tne Pur was almost exclusively confined to tho Stato ol | New York. Hut It was In political and public questions in New Jersey that he achieved Ills great triumphs. He was the Warwick of tbe State Democratic. Conventional | Trenton when ho jumped from bis seat, slopped the ; calling ol the roll and nominated Joel Parker lor Gov- 1 ernor. The surprise and contusion that tollowea will { not soon be forgotten. Parker was elected by a large 1 majority, and Mr. Hunt I henceforward became the [ loremost man ot his pony in ills scctlon of tne State. I His next snd crowning triumph was the overthrow ol railroad monopolies. To bim more than lo any man I wns duo the passage of ths general railroad law winch dostroyed lorever the tyranny of railroad cor- | potations. In acknowledgment ot nis great services in this cause Governor Parker presented him with the j pen which signed the bill and made It a law. i Mr. Hunt was u prominent candidate lor Governor next (all, and his magnetic, lancinating power In conversation and on tbe stump would hove made hi in a lorimduble rival, lu private Ills bis heart bore lull relation to bis massive physique, and tbe extent ol his charity and sympathy will nover be known. ; He loaves a wile and several children. His rouniry 1 scat was a sj.londlu mansion in Summit, whero ho was the idol of tho residents. Bk>V. JOSEPH BEKD. Ho v. Jo-oph Heed, Chancellor ol thocathollo Diouese ot Hartford, died at tbo residence ol bishop Galberry, j In Hariiora, yesterday, ol consumption, with which hi { bad been alilictsd lor the post seven yesrs. He was a 1 native ol Waterburv, Conn., and ttudiea at St Charles . College, Maryland, and the Provincial Seminary,*at Troy, N. Y. In May, 1S0?, he was ordsmotl at Troy and" titer supplying a mission ai Uirmingbnm, Conn,, und subsequently serving as curst* st the I'athcdrsl in I'rovidenee, wns eventually appointed by tho late Hishop MacFariund, ot th? Hurtlurd diodes#, as Secre tary and Chancellor, lllshop Gal tie fry continued Father Hoed in this responsible position snd he per formed lt? duties until ms malady assumed a dsucir nus form u lew weeks since. The Initial will take ptaco In Ufaterbury next Tuesday. Father need wns a gen tleman ol line abilities and one of Hie most prominent clergymen ol tbo illoeese. Senator Kornan and o her New York friends ot the dotaasof have been inviled by telegraph to attend the luucraL M. H AKMEN. A cable despatch irout Copenhagen says:?"II. H m- 1 sen, leader ol tin J,olt in ths Danish Parliament, II i dead."' | WEST POINT. COMMENCEMENT OT THE AXXVtfc EXAMINATION OF III CADBTfc. 'This l? on a of tfevfeert's da?*, "the bridal of the eann sua tky," said Bishop (Juitiiard, of leuncssoc, as be stepped out umi Ike |nuu of tks hotvl lioru till moruinc and took in tbe (sir scene. He ?h jolued lu u moment by General David A. HUlis, of Iowa, who, like bun, ban been 'here several days iwiiilai ilie annual exjuiiBation, which commenced 10-day, and which they were 10 witness as member* <>i the Board ol Visitor* Four oiuur mem bers arrived last nigbt?Hon. A. K. .Stevenson, of 111.; Senator item B. Muzey, Hon. Thomas C. l'latt and General Thomas W. Hyde of Maine. Rev. Charles O. Thompson, of Wofeester, Maaa., arrived to-night and will join bis eeilaayuea In the duty to-morrow. The remaining live members aro hourly expected, and the board will not be organized until they arrive. But lew visitors have reached bore yot, aaibe reviews ami drills, which are Ihe clttel attraction, will not he livid lor soma days yet. KlAMt.NATIOM UOWNRVrKO. by a geueral order issued I tut sight, the examina tion was ilxed to begin at mae this morning and con tinue nil oue, 10 be then romittiwl and resume J Irom three till bvu ibis altsrnonu. Tho lirst, or graduating class, 10 be tirst interrogated In mineralogy and geo logy, next in engineering, then in law, and laMly in ordnance and gunnery About a week, It is thought, will be consumed in this inquisition, and irom thai met some Idea o^ its thoroughness may be gamed. The examination is to he conducted by the wholo academic ?af!, which will afterward be divided into turee committees, which will simultaneously elt upon the tbree lower clashes. In pursuance or this order, the I)ret section ol the graduating class turned nut it lew mii'.ut*-* before nine this morning und marched to tbe library, where i bey were to rim tlie gantlet, in awful array at tables across one sldo of the room sit the faculty, with tbe massive form ol Major (ionerul .-choilcid looking up in the in.dilo. Tbe members of the Board ol Visitors .sat on the lei I. Five carte s were callnl upon a platform opposite the dons and to each was given a auujeet?"Explain the structure and arrangement of rock masses,4Give a br:ei review ol the mineral and vvgotable kingdoms;" "What are tbo elTecis o!' organic agent* in producing geological changes 1" and similar problems. Each ho gan by inscribing his name upon tbe top ol tbe biack Donru aud proceeded under n to uhalk down the chiel points of his theme. As each got through he express's* the foot by tacini: tbe examiners and watting until he was called upon to i*ke:ch the main loatnres ol the subject given biur., using tlio heads ho uad written as a guide. Meanwhile other live eedcta of the section were sent by Prolussor Keudrick?who conducted tbo examination In mineralogy and geology?toon.) aide of the room, urhere each was furnished a laboratory bench furnished with a lighted spirit lamp, blowpipe, a hammer, a ille, n magnetic, needle on n pivot, gome lest tubes and several vials of add*, Into the hands ol each was then placed a tray containing about a dozen specimens of ralnwrni.* aud sim ilar substances. These he was expected to examine at oncc, classify and explain tbe nature oi each, where It was to be found and Its utility, If it poisosscd nnv. occasionally an enthusiastic young cadet wrapped in hitt work would pound so loudly with his bummer, pulverizing a specimen, ns to render Inaudl bio tbe candidate who was telling all about tlie "mineral and vegetable kingdom*." Some of the replies were rather amusing. Question ing a cadet about respective trauslucencies of marble and alabaster tbo Professor inquired which part of a statuo made partly or tlie one and partly oi the other would be more trans ncent. The reply wns, "Tbeeir." Three sectlous or tbe first class wera examined Uiis forenoon, und two at the afternoon session. The re maining three will be examined to-morrow, and prob ably tbe Hoard will then adjourn until Monday, The members oi the Board are mucn impressed with tbo proficiency displayed by tbe cadets tbus far exam ined. DIDN'T SAVE HIS BACON. Officer Klvnu on Thursday afternoon saw two men take a bag containing six batni Irotn ? truck. lie sue eroded only in Uoluwg on* of them. he gsvo his mime as John slinrkoy and was brought to Jellersou Market Court yesurdiy morning, wtisre bo was bold in |5ou bull. As otttcer Klynn was stout leaving Court hogecogc zed in a man being ohurgod wttli disorderly cvkIuci, ami who give his name us O'Keefe, one oiler tban Michael Moloney, bam stealer No. 2. Thrro U|>on h.uu jajjo Randall:? "Well, Mr. O'Kocie, ulus Mr. Moloney, we will dis miss ibe complaint ol disorderly cocuuct, and, Mr. Moloney, alms Mr. O'Keefe, wo win commit you in $jO(i bull to answer on a charge ol larceny." SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAM^S. HATES OF DKPAWTW! FROM NEW YOKK FOlt TIIE MONTH OK JVNh. Metm/tr. | StrttftutHonl t>. Citv ol Berlin..., (June 2. Main i.lnro 2. Ethiopia. ....IJnno 2. Simla.. jJiimo 2. Dim n. Inne 11. -I niia 7. .Inne 7. .Minn 7. I utin .1 ii Tin .1 lino ?I tine ?I iinu .In nn 12. Jime 1:1. Iiiii<! 121. .lime 14 ?Iiiii* 14. .Inne Hi. Inn* I'i lull" Hi. lltKfi 10. Mirtie-IB puuo !<?. tn? ? vl. I One 21 .1 mil- 21. unr 23 Jnne VII. June J 1. .1 una 23. ?lime 23. June 2H liinti 3<i Liverpool. Itrcnien.... fl!a<e<iw . Liverpool.. I.lrerpool.. Ilnvre Uottcrdam. ? ilaiirnw ... Ilumr.urc. I.ivrr?i'i>l.. 1-iTnrpool.. ; fimlon.... i. Iinrnw... Bremen Mvernool.. Liverpool.. Havre lilaazow.... Hamburg l.irernooi , Uverpool lip>"ir?w.. Kteniyn... Liverpool., idterpool IKniliKhm Hamlin re.. I <i vriw'il.. I. itiOoii.... i;Ih?uow. . tili.vtnw.., Bremen .. I Hamliurir. . , I Liverpool. ? Liverpool.. I Liverpool.. AttMinia Villa do Parle... . '\ A HrUotom...... Sluto o? Oeorjfln Sllt'ria City m Clietter... Ulri?rlc .... Klynn Victoria. VC ??cr Montana Svvihla I.abrtihir stateot Penn'e... 11 iitp'.iicin t'k Bricaanii' F/nil ?l ?IKi?..,... VhI'I,. .... i.Khu Jr.:.. Kiimla A Tuteol VintiV*. T.. Il-riier . (My nl' Kichm n I. I'tl.pU llevonia... Hevnria... . nil?r WieiiBl. . . ... tlerraanie. ,\T. . \v,von?in 4........ jQ.lnljr St. Wl*c*n>tn.> /1'uly 17 ALMANAC FOR NEWyORK?THIS DAY si* axn moox | ii id a watbk. Son rlseii 4 30 | Gov. Island ove 12 46 Bun sots 7 25 j f.indy Hoolt ero 12 00 Moon rites....morn | Hell Gate ere 2 30 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. op*. 16 Broadway 12 Bowlinir linen 1 Bowituft Qreen 'IB Broadway 4 Bowling <>ree? Wi Broadway "M) Bioaiiwny 12 IS runaway ini Broanwnv (roadway 37 Broadway 7 Bowling lireen 7 Bowling Oreen ,2 Bowline Uraen l'2? Broadway 4 Bowline Oreen ,V> BrnaHwny 72 Brnulwsv (il llroadwny j?7 Broadway I'M Itrniiil way ?7 HowiiiiK lirean 2 Huwlinr lilria Rroudway 4 ilnwllnt; Urven 72 Bm.iuwar .ill way i?l Hrimdwa* I'i llruailway 7 Hd'.viint' iraen 7 I'lOwllnBfirarn 7 Biiwllnic ' ? re en 2 Binrllm; Omen 61 Hrnndwav :I7 Bruitdwn.v 21> Itrnadway 2ft Broadway Jo.VK 1, 1^77. At Xew ^ ork.... N'nrrnw* Il? r ilHidy llnok. ?lientle. Hour .NiM.olW.lfi 4 I'M .fi.l'i , n|'?:?n.l.i | 12 P M130.1.1 rORT OF NKW YOIIK, JUNE 1, 1877. ARRIVALS. RKP0ETKH HV THK IIHiAI.M STRVM YACHT* AND HKUAI.U milTKSTONB TBt.KtfkAPU 1.1 NE. >tenmer Monrnnn (Br), lledrioa, Liverpool May 23 rla t^uni'inlun-ii 24lli, wnli iud'?e unit 171 pniinrnuarii lu Will inni* t Onion. May 2ii. Iitt .10 13, lull 20 33, ilgntlled bark i<nra, of ami rrmn Unlit**, \S, for Barrow ; :nnh. lat 43 lO, Inn .'>4 M, nlgr.alled bark Anhiiutcr. ol llalifiA, NS. frain M ilnhn, SB, lur l>iTarpn?l: iltine 1. 217 miles earn ol Nandy llnoK,panted uteamrr Kriinca iRr). henra for London. ?irmnKr Arraf?n (Mri, dytnuna, Krimoi May 1M. witli indw and V) Boawnvrrn to W Ii Mnrc*'i Had (Irons westerly wlnd? tha rntlra paaoase. steamer We?ei (it^ri. Von Bnlow. Rranteo Mny l?. via Mo.i:h?mnt?n 22il, wit a mil .a and |iK?*n*er? to Oalrlcht X Or. Ila?i line iremhwr. May 27, lai 44J 25. lur 37 .!<>. pa?e<l ?hip Areliar, of and tor New York truni Breman: :iutli. lot 42 17. ln:i ?>' 14. luiir H Binbo|i, fram l'*di> tor uloncaaier, HmHraar Albamarle. Oltib?. Sorlulk. wHii nnt?r anil pan a -user* lo the (ilil Dctnia^in staam?bin r... Steamer Kllio Kmrht. Mc'raerj*. tniladelplila, with indoa tn Bintart A Morirai. ?4htj? r.rlci^aon (ol Boatoni, hotibar^llollo. Kt>> 24, with annarta Ira llnMley. I'aa?eil Anjtr Marrli 12; bad lltbt <rlnd< and nala down tlir t'luna monerate SK traded In Ornin : pmsrd Cai<e'4f (le?d Hope April 12. and hid liulit "iW and '.T wind* lur 11 day* afterward anl mod ei-atr .^E iraden to H e Equator, cro?-inr It In loa 41 30 W, 21' d?y?tro.n ilia C*p? thence ?n port 2?i day?; had vary Hulli wledft I'rom lat 24 N, ?hln Mitita iiiri. K^vannfli. Calcutta Keb I'i. wllh mdna to orile: : vnwi lo Arkel, t>ilt?? A tie. Paaud t ape nl'ltood tlripe V|>rlI 3 and rro?ed tli* Kqnntor May 3. in ion 32 2'l; hail tinn wnuther and llcht MK trade*; May 2, iat 2. Ion 32. >poke hmk J oil II Biinran, Iron Manila yla Ciipe nl liood Hnpe tor New Yurk. .??hip >l*inh?r (of Idri-niouil, F,van>, i/'alrntta anil Sand Mean* Feb 12. with nidi* to order. P??ed Cape ut Coori Hope April I. M He.i*n? 17th mid rio>?e'i the Kqniier May 2". In Inn :i0 W; April ?*>. In lai 2 .*, Ion 3<> W. upoke ehip llnward II Troop (Hr>. lor l.ieerponi troin Itio .lanoiro; M?y is. nn lat. An, axrhauged ticialx with a hark .hawing lei t? > .1 C I' I. irom Phlliipplne l?land* lor Ho?tnn, f>l:ip T1iere??. Shuw. Liverpool ,V? dayn, wlili md?e to Thin Unnliam'* Nephew A Co. Mad waaierly wlndn moat of the pamnije. Murk <!ariiar*oii?hlre (Br). (tiadKe. fcmoy 11?1 dare, Willi Ira to order: v???el to Fnnrb. Kd\e A I1?. I'at.ed Anjer Fih 20. Oapi of liood Hope April il, Helena 21f). and rri n.ed thi* Kni aim Mar 4 In Ion 21>4tl'. had lino weather. Itark N?h I (Au> i. Maf chloal, l.l*erponl 4fi daya, in hal l??t. lO H|iK*llvil-|l A a'o Bnrk i nanlma 'Bri, Cain, lion* Kouk Fell I'i, with tea in A A Low .1 Bio. P*e?i d Arilei Fell 27, Capa nl <iuod H ip# April t. Ut lleli'pn 23d. and "ro??ed Ihe Kuuator Mnv In l?ti M Had ?<4Uiillv and rain* weather In llie Strain nt Mjnda: fli?nc? Bn* wonllier. Bark Krai ice wo liargnilu i:al), I anro. I.idiui 4li d???, wlih 'ud?e In orde? ?o?<el to Funrli, A Co Hark Morning 4iar i Bri. Hn.hi-ll, Pnrt Spain iTriiildiuli Hi <tnf, ? Ith iuola??e? to Konland A A'plnwall; reoeel to (I T Hulley.- ? Hmk C \ l.ittiufleld, Career. Havana 1? day?, With aagar to It P Back A ' 'n. Bark Xnlma iRr), Peter.en, Cardena* 11, with anaar In Swan A Hun. Hark Harriett s Jaekeon, Raoon. rtnarna, with angar to <1 11 Winehe^Ser A Co Hriu .fohn Kendall (nl' Penftanre*, Jamea, Moaael Bay. Coll. Jlrfrch ifl. with wool toi rder . eemel to U K Halle*, i ratted tIts Hr|ita'or M?y 4 In Ion 34 12 W ; April 4, iat 33 His. |un l?< R, np'ik" n?rk Prlncen of tVnlea iRr.. frntn Ra.^in lor' Faimomh. .V> itaea out: illh. iat, tan IN MA W . e*rbaiiu-ed with a swa.itah bark trora Ml He Una lor Be .lorn ; May 7, lat 2 .I'J N, !? u JO W, MM lUllimnn . Dutch,, Irom Bio Grande for Jit* York. J'hn Jul ii Kend til is anchored .it Sandy Hook for orderv Hrljt t-.mlly (Hr), Howdin. K'o Janeiro 06 "lays. with cof fee 10 C J Kaw>av k Cu; ve?scl 40 (ieo P "alley. Croesed the hquator April -4. in Iod 3!?. Mid hud light R8B winds nine* Brig Ottjr of .'Joule, Perk. Fola!-?-Pllre J?Ji. with tuirar nnd uiolessei to order; veseel In matter. Hrij; Iim ttilclirliil. Orcu'.t. Met aulas vie Charleston ?? days. with sugar to Parsons * Ijwii llrie Margaret Cowrie (Bri, A'lini. Cerlsnej M*J 12, witli sugar to a K IIalley. 1 Brig N'eRle llusteo, Brewster. Cerdene* 14 d?yi. with aagar end melado to HaiMrsou k WieeUere; veesei to Brett, Son A Cu. Was 7 dayi of Hatteras with light northerly winds. { Brie Manllus (Rr). Todd. Magna 15 day?, with molnMet t? I order: vessel to Way dell k Ce. Wu B d?v* S of Hatterns I will) light X aaiJ NXfc winds; May 2'. let HO 2!'. Ion 7Hi>4. spoke brig J 0 Kmei, from Sarua lor Delaware Break water. 4 <le*? oat: 3rfth. let :w, Ion 74 ;$4, brig Oliver, hence for I'j'i au Prince. !*cm O M Remington. Phillip', Porta Belle, Granada, 27 davs, with csiciaouiv tu Doane k Ooit. sdir Wtu Dent In v. Ilwlfiui, Kingston, J a, with logwood to Darren k Co; veuel to Jed. Frye h Co. ?*ehr Merer T TruMy. Crowley, A a* ('ayes, with lojwood to V Nones k Co; tense! to John Bojmtmi'l Suet S-hr 4 I* Emei'ioa. Emerson. Cardenas 13 deys, with ?ujjur to AIvah Mudtett. Sohr Garrett P Wright. Cropper, Sau Salvador 8 days, with fruit ami ?> nassenirer* to B J Wenburg k Co. Schr Mary B Dyer (of Bo?ton). Oliver. Abacoa 8 day*, with plnei to Gome* k I'earsall; veseel to BJ Wenberg k (Mir Tiun o'Shatiter (of Platen Island). SeelulT. Ahama " dtijrs. with pine* to Wtn Douglass; vessel to H ?' Wenberg k Co. Mav M, had a NK gate. lasting 24 hours, in which l<i<t toremast head. Schr > II Barnes, Wright, KleutheraS days, with nines to Wm Douglas ; vessel to B J Wenbrrg k Co. Schr ''harloU" Jameson, Jameson. reniandlna 14 day*, with lumber to II P Brown A < o. Sohr Marcus Kdwards. Douglas. iMltNirllli 10 days, wltli liunher to .1 C stone : vessel to Warreu Kay. Waterltor, Kelly. Jacksonville II days, with lum ber to order; vessel in J s ingrahum. Sehr Sarah l.avinia. Anderson. Jacksonville lOdr.yr, with IutdIit t^i llnntrr .t ("0; ve'si>l to mvater. is iMinnd to Allmnv. Schr Killle S Derby. Taylor, Savannah 10 days, with lum ber to Rvans, Bill .t On. flrhr Ideewood, Jolnison, Cenrifetown. SC. H days, with naval More* to G II lln'lliiit Co- May 21* olT Chlneo* tfiii'fno, ?p:>ke schr i.ii?htnliiK. Boyle, Irom New York for Port ljlinon: same day, l."> mile? east. Schr B V Ulover, Inaerooll. >ioor^?townl SC. Odaye, with naval stores to R l> linrllmrt k I'o. Nclir Flora Caitls, Curtis, Virginia. .-chr A B ftoodinan. Owens. Alexandria. Si-hr i C Lyon, Jeffrey, baaiiuore. S. hr t'liemhlm. I osii. H iltliuore. Schr W A Leveslu-r, Smith. l"ill>Ml?lplilik for New Haven. S'-hr K M l)tilliel<l, llaytior, I'ltlladrlphiafor New Bedford. Srhr Kdwln Host, Kiiston, with carco irom steamer Rut land. ashore at l.on<? Hr.mrii. Sloop Co'ni't Carroll, i'en^aenla 15 davs. In ballast, to funster. Wat 7 days N o( llattoras with ll|bt K and *R wind-. The 1! Is hound to Xow Haven. a^Barlt Isaac Hall, Kyile^ arrived yesterday from Ha friiii, made the pacsav ? in 1H days (not 20, as before report ed) ; was 7 days X of liuUcrns. with head winds and calms; the cargo is eunsiicned to Uosslnr k Co. PASSED THR0IM1II HRLL OATH. BOUSD SOUTH. Htoamer City ot Plteiibttrit. Sprm-or. Now Bedford for New York. Sclir J L Crossloy (Br), Croedey. Windsor, Nfi, for New York. Schr Kvergreen. Turner, flalem lor Xew Tork. Schr fieor^c II 'Mk, (Summon. (Jloncester for Xow York, schr Peacedsle. Caswell, Narrairansrtt Pier lor New York- ? Schr Rate k Mirv, Co is well. Providence for New York. Schr 1* ow Boy, llodxdon. Providence for New York. Schr IVtu M Wilson, tVltsoe. I'r.tvideiice for Xew York. Schr Crt'cni County Tauner, llyiie, Provirlenco lor New York Schr John Stockham, ilart, Providonce for Hobo ken. Schr Klyaway. Knus, Providence fur Xew York. tjci r UuuKie W Millard, spanldiuK, Block Island for New York. Sclir Clarissa Allen, Boiler. Norttiport for New York. Srhr Amelia Atiffusta, Mutt, llartfurd for New York. Schr Wm L Peck, ltnnce. Cold Spring Harbor for New York. Schr T.anra, Jones, Cold Spring ftor New York. BOUND KAflT. BieamerTlllis, Rwing, New I>ondoa and Norwich for New Yuri:. ilrin Muniun, Oardlner, New York fur Bllboa (and an chured in Ilart Island Roiidsi. Holir l.onlsu (Br), Muriel!, New Yark for Arlebat, OB. Sohr iiitward Barton (Br), McDonald, New York lor Bt John. NH. Schr S J Irwin (Nr). New York for Halifax. NH. Schr l.ncy, Colwelt, New York lorEastport. Me. Srhr Addle R Soavry. Seavey, New York for Boston. Schr J 11 Atwoud, Jones, New York tor Bangor, Sc'ir Annie S Collins. Cousins, New York tor Haverhill. Schr Hero. Bitker, Now Yoik lor Salem. Sclir Florence, Sackett, Now York for Cold Spring Harbor, LI. Sclir Leonora, Rodgert. New York for New London. Schr Ce>> stand id. titan. New York Itor Mlddletown. ischr A O lVanc, I'onso, New York tor Mlddletuwn. Schr Ir.a LalTrititcr, Coicman, llnbriken for Boston. Srhr John D luuninam. Smith, ilohokcn lor Portland, Ct. Sour Ma'.'uic Todd. Norwood, IVeehawkeu for Salem. Schr I'' Marwln, Kume, Port Johnson icr I'rovideuce. Schr Orii'U. Smith. I'ori Johnson lur Saybrook. Schr Kred Tyler. Parker, Ambov for Providence. schr X?hec, Shropshire. A in hoy for I'rovldonce. Sclir Spray, Ailanis. Amlioy for New Haven. Schr Josephine, Alehers, Arnhoy lor Bridgeport. Schr Wm A9l?unt, Vlount, Ambdy for Stoiiingtoa. BELOW. j liitrk Atlantic, Lanfore, from Barbados, to H Trowbridge'* Son*. Hnrk Vodeala (Br), Brown. Irom Bermuda Mar 21 to C W Bertui* HriK Meutor (.Nod, from 1'alervio. Brltf Oliver Cutis (Br', Junes, from Higua May 11, to R Murray, Jr. Schr Ada Mia, from ? | ? CLEARED. j Stean.erClty of Berlin fBn, Kennedy, Liverpool via I (Jueenrtown?John G I'sle. 1 Steamer Spain (Br), Grace, Liverpool via Queenstown?F w j liin st. Meaiuer Ethiopia iBr>. Craig, Glasgow? Henderson Bro*. Steamer Alexandria (Br;, Mackay, Glasgow? Henderson Bro*. Srcanier Carondelet. Faircloth. Havana?J E Ward A Co. Steamer City of Halla*. limes, Kernandina via l'ort Rovul. SC?C tl "MaHory A Co. Steamer W Woodward, loung. Baltimore?IVm Dalsell. Steamer A (' Snm?r?. Wmtt.. Philadelphia?J a* Hand. Chip Heitifint (Br-, Browne, I-iv rpool ? Hunk A Jevons. Ship John (I Baker, Penned, Bremen-Carver A llnrne*. Fhlp AoiiUatn Lincoln (riwi), LindMrjm. Elsinore for orders? Benham A Moyeaeu ship Jacob A Stawh-r, Crystell, Havre?Boyd A I) luck CI). Bark Edward (tier), llalenbook, London?Herman Koop A Co. pBark Kuggiero I'rimo (Itat), Rugirtrro. Bristol, E -Lauro, Hark I'arejero (Br), Davldann, Cork for order*?Hewlett A Torrance. Bark Ali l<>n (Nor>, f.i?n>en, Cork for order*?Louis To ten*. Mark llenla (Br), Gould, Antwerp-Grrbardt A Brewer, Bark Alamo (lien. Br u.larlmuiMi, Bremen -Herman Ki'wp A Co. BarU China (Ger), Jordan, Bremen ? Mullor A Kramer. Bark Arrai-an (Nor), Aniraard, Hamburg?Punch, Kdva Hark Tulsko (Get), VonTliuUn. Hamburg?Herman Koop A Co. Bark Faro (Nor), Tonnesen, Uant/ic ?0 Tobias A Co. Bark Kola (Nor).Sorrn?en, Koitigsbnrir?C fobias A Co. Hark Krragon (Nor), Wei'ber. Lilbeek ? Kuncli, Kuye A Co. Bark Ariadne (Nor), llaneen, Elainora for orders?Funab. Edye A Co, Hark Sokratei (Nor), Arve, Eulnore for orders?Fnnch, Edye A Co. Bark Marie (Nor), OUen. Eloinore for order*?Punch, Edye A Co Bark Christian WFbelm (Nor), Andersen, hlsinnre for order*?Benbam A Boyeion, Bark Mary (>we), Jensen, Bergen (Norway)?Louis Te Bark Noah (Nor), Balvorstn, Sordoatrand (Norway) lor ordera-Kuuth. Edye A Co. Mark B.vfoi:?<1 Ohri?tcnsen (Nor), Thoraen. Christian!* ' Tobias A Co. Bark rri'CillM, Adam*. Callao?Fabbri A Channcev. Bar.; Carrie L Tyler, Meats, Montevideo?John Norton, Jr A Son*. Bark Voyager (Br), Humphrey, Perth Amboy, NJ?Ben bam A Bnyescii. Brig Frledllof (Nor), Mortheaien. Bristol, E?C Tobias A Co. Bilg Morniug Staif (Br>, Wrishtson, Queenstown or Fal mouth for order*?Goo I Bulley. Hrl< Anna (Nor). I'Moraon, l.tibeek?Lonl* Teton*. Hria UrtUMft Tborbnrn (Sue1, Petersen, Gothenberg? Piim-h, i dye A Cn. Mrls H N llanseu (Nor), Osbeek. Gothenburg?Koneh, Iilvt A C<>. rints Emma l)e?* (Br). Hebnlts, Porto Cabollo?Theodora Fooite. Ilri?.' Starlight, Thompson, Port Spain (Trinidad)?L, W A I' Armstrong. Brig E rain a L Hall, Perry, Sauna In Grand*-^Carver A Barnes. Selir Henry Mlddleton, Miller, Port an Platte?Theobald Bros. Schr Promenader (Br>, Brooks, Port an Platte?H E A P U Thurber. .-elir Lottie (Br), McNeil, Mnrray Harbor, PEf?Hatton, Watson ,k Co. Sohr Win L Seoll, Barrett, Philadelphia?Evans, Ball A Co. _ Ada H Allen, Dudley, Penh Ambny, NJ?Jed Frya A Co. Mt Snow Bird (Br), Crlppt, Newark, N.I?P I Nevln* A Bon. Srhr Ringleader (Br). Town*end, Newark, fiJ?J P Whlt I ney A Co. Krhr KebOk-ea Florence, Hlrhnrdi, Boston?H W r<ouil A Co. 6^ir Plaoter, Hardjis. Weymouth, Mnss?Cha? Twlng. SAILED. Pteamcrt (.'arondelel. for Havana; City of Oallat, Per nandina, Acs ship I'lymontU Buck. London ; bark Arciuru* (Hri, Cork or Falmouth; schr* Isaac Obcr'.on, and M A 1'ylar, ?. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Srr*??R l.auK Nariiittv (Brj. from Montreal (or Liver pool. before reported as a*hore at Sorel, wa* hauled off Mar ill and procordrd with slight damage. Baku M*rv Bkli. Koskkt*. of Sail Francno , has been Mlsed at Honolulu lor ainuggliag opium, and eondetnned. scitnAawKMA BanTi.rTT, Smith, or and from Philadel phia for Wa*bln*tnn. with eoai, was wrecked "n Ijlttl.- Mat eh.tiu?K* Shoal-, Northampton coantv. V'a, on tho nixbt of May IB, In A tfalr. All hand* a ere lavod. Si hie J W?Tkks (Hn, Irom ('hatnam. Out. lor Llvernool, with oaK plank, collided with steamer l.ake Champlaln (Br\ from Liverpool via fjneblc lor Montreal, iieeame waterio^ged and was rnn ashore at St Anne May Ul. Sur veyors bavt been sent to her from Quebec. iCMU Will Mil Bitxa*. Spronl, at Newport irom Banser Tor Uondoot.lost 7"> to I'Xi barrel ihook* off deck near rfron ton'* Kerf ilghtihlp. Schb Ci.*ni B CHaruav, of Chatham, before reported ?*hor<? near llnrwlch, Mai?, an attempt to pet herefflail Ing. v?a* *old as the lay lor the *mu of il.LKR). The Weir < uinnany, at I'hatham, were the pnrrhaser*. Hi mk (imniif. Pr?sni)v, MrCahau. fron; Cardenas for Baliimore, pat into Ks> W??t.lun?i I, loakltig ba<llv. UaNOOM, May i!? -Capt F S I'arkrr hns *orceed In raising the ? lir l?*bella Jewell *o that her keel fan he aeon above the witter >?? U?(Ol. Mti M-Tlii wkr O A Hiiydv* arrived In ibis port this ntoniluv with her foromast bauiy sprang. Mi# await* repairs. Uauraa, .time 1?Uor Majaft.v'a ship Zephyr, from Bermuda, report* thnt om Mi-ndey last she pirketl iipaSblp'a jolly boat, marked ".I oiu Morris" on starn. Next morning piece* of a wreak pns?ed. Srlir codseeker, which capsir.ed off Cape flablo, has been towed lo Green Cove. Three bodies were found in the cabin and holt. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The fpars of a M-hooncr. sunk 'f'i fstiioms NNE from ' Crosn Rip I,?ghf*hlp. in l?? fathom*, showltr* at slack water, ! navo heeii removed, niiit tke thannei is vew oiear A por I tiuu oi the wreck, laying about 80 latbotnt to tbt loutb ?iri or No ? Black Spur Bnoy, in 8 fathom*. M? ?? ???* ern shore of Cro?? (Up Mhual. -till remain*. GKORCK DKWKY. Commaeder UBN. Lighthouse In?p#ct#c. Second aiitricL Boiioi, K?y 31, tin. WHALEMEN. Sailed from Sow London Mar HI. *chr U?l? P Simmon*. for Cumberland lulet. ..... . ? a letter rrpert* at TawikniM April 12 bark Mar*. Allan, NB. with 4-JOhbUap oil thia a^aauo-KMKldo all tola: bark John Curver, ?iau t. do, ISO ol?l< up oil laa< cruise. Spokci. sedate, Ac, Iinrk C?pe Horn Pigeon, B*ker, llOublaap tlute leaving Taieahuano. SPOKEN. Ship Oily of Nankin (Br), W?m. from Hull for S in Frnnelsro May 1 2, 1st 45 05 N. lou WU7 W. Ship Uowsnl l> Troop 'Br). Muck, Irona Liverpool for Bio Janeiro April 23. lat * S, Ion 2d W. ship SpangjleM, I'enrt, IVoni Cardiff for Hong Keug April ?JS. lat 0 Irt N. I>m 38 #? W. Bark Iklinaie Allrn, Sugar, Irnai Saw York for Bnsnoa Ayrea April 20, lat 4 Ion 20 W rand waa* kiippllad wltli lamp nil). Hurk Onrx (Br), Hatch. Irem Barrow for Qnebec, May 13, lal 17. Ion 24. Bnrk lloraiio. (Br). Salkeld, Irom Liverpool for Quebec Mar IS. Int. 4H.V2, loD IS 16. Bark Amorosia (Kori.from Havre for Baltimore, May 6, lat 3Ion 37. Bark MKai-alppi (Nor), IIin, from Havra for Bandy Hook, Mil) 13. 44 ID. Ion 21. Bnrk Manltun, Kmw*r. from Malt.more for Port Spain, ?#v 2H. Ul 31 34, Ion MI3U. Briir L K Munaon, Huntley, from Boaton for Philadelphia, Mav 31. lat 38 ML Ion 7420. Brig Bright Star, from Maianzaa for Portland, May 2ft l*t?? M. Ion 74 30. Schr WathinuiiMi. from Penaaculn for Providence May SI, 23 miles sJi of t'apt May. OUll CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Aktwkrp, Jnne I ?Arrived, bark Kong Carl (Nor), Hen rlckaen, New York. Bkrwick, Jnne 1?Arrived, bark Canada (<?er>, La ra in prt. Darieu. Cronstiot. Mav 27?Arrived, brig Pollux (Nor), Peder aen. New Orlean*. Concnhaci*. Mav 27?Arrived, brig Snomalalnon (Rna), Hrrlin, Phlladelpliia. CiirhtiankaSP. May "J:!?Sailed, ateamer Harold Haarfa ger (N"er>, Holtbersr from Shield* via Bergen), Philadel phia. l)t'*Ki*g, May 31? Sailed, bark Grace (Br). Halnea, America. Disrac, May 27?Arrived, bark Florida (Br), Addison, No*' York. Elmsork, May 27?Arrived, bark Vaaa (Nor), Nielsen, Baltimore. Kower, Jnne 1? Arrived, bark Olga (Rut), Mathon, Da rlm. ' ? Harwich. May 31?Sailed, bark Aspotegon (Br). McRen sle. New York. Hum., Jane I?Arrived, bark Fraacescbino (Halt, Brog llano. Baltimore. ? ilDiiDlhi. May 30?Arrived, bark* Insula Capri (Nor), Danlelsen, Bull JUver, SO: 3lat. ?Jobaauo Marie (Gar), Guatavna. New York. Sailed 20th. aiilp Preydis (Nor), Jensen, United State*. Hkltokt, May 31?Sailed, ahip C B Ha'.rltlne, Gtlkey ifrom Rotterdam), Sow York; bare Atla* (Nor), Mlchelien (from do), Baltimore. Livicaroni.. May 31 ?Arrived, a'eamer Rita (Sp), Gar trot, Baltimore; bark J C William* (Br), Yeughan, Pema eola. Ijynn, May 31?Arrived, bark Darmonle (Swe), Foraell, St Mary?. Ot. Plymouth. Jnne 1, 9:30 PM?Fussed the Lisard, ateamer Pereiro <Fr), l>uuro. New York for Havre. Qi'kknvtown, May 31?Arrived, barks Adellna (Ital), Pi ano, Philadelphia; $ong Carl (Nor', Hansen, Baltimore. RorrvttnAH, May 31?Sailed, bark BJorviken (Nor), Har ria.^ewYork. Wvjrr HARTt.Kroor, May SO?Arrived, bark - Marietta (Swe), Orergaard, Darien. Loxdo.n*, J one 1?Steamer lfarald Haarfager (Nor), Rett berg, from Sblelda April 17 and Kergen May I, tor Phlla delphla, which put back to Cnriatlanaand, sailed for her destination May 21. WKATHER BBPOBT. Hoi.Yfiitto. June 1, PM-WIndSlY, moderate. PtTJlotrrH, Jnne I, PM?Wind WSW. atrong. FOREIGN PORTS. Bufror At***. April IK? Atrived. bark* Manila II (Gar), Onwner, New York: I7tb, Jas Kitchen (bri, Kcynolds. Sa vannah. i Sailed IHth. brig Toronto (Br), McKontie, Han Nicholas. Bkak Hivkr. N?, May &?>Cleared, hrl<* Keile Star. Nick erxott, <il*?fow. C*nu. Mar 27?Balled, ship Knot Souls, Drinkwater, Boston (before reported without dntel. Cit**LOTTKr??wi?. PET. Mhv 22?Cleared, bri? George, Montgomery, tor Irvine; 2tHh. harks Is!and Queen. Cunnin? ham. Belfast: 2Wth. Cap, Chtlstiun>en, for Liverpool: Winona, Gordon, Barrow. IloNOM'Lr, May 22?Sailed, bark Coringa, Joiselyn, Hong Kong. Havana, May 28-Bailed, steamer Dieno (Sp), Geste naua. Sew York. HsurAX. May 20?Arrived, acbr freedom. O'f.eary, New York. ? Arrived June 1, steamer Bermuda 'Br). Ansgrove, New York; Alplia (Br), trora Bt Thomas und Kermitda. .MoNTBrAt, May 3t,>?Arrived, bark Tmni, .lohmen, Liv erpool. Cleared 3?th, Was Deodarna, forward, Qu?enstowu; Bavru. H.irriaon. rt ?. JiKwt'ATrik, NSW, April S-Saited, bark Leota (Br). Steele, San Frunclscu; IHtb, shin Thtriend rustle (Br). Andernw, do: ti?ncra( llutler. W ehh, do; 2t!th Amynns (llr), Hohertrnn, do; May 4, t'rnnieria. Stewart, do. Jn port May 4. *b)p Ann Mlllleetit (Br), Pack, for San Franeiacn; Warwickshire, for do; bark* Onfl.lcnce, (Tlarfe, tor Manila: l'.-eort, Waterhouse, for Hong Kony. Port ait PmiiK, May 1ft???Arrived, schr No'lle Grant. Jourdan, Now York. (JtTKnrr. May 3D?Cleared, thlpa Ml!ton, Dean. Greenock; Nelsuu, Watt*, do; ilreyhonnd. Gondes, rjvjnpnol; Zealan dla, Allen. Oreenock; Princess Royal, Watt, aad Challenge, Wllsen, do; Victory. Watson. liomlon; Imrks Alexandra, Farlain, silloth: Jane. Morris. Lancaster; Iramannel, Johnson, Peiiartli; Deaalaberry, Leavitt. Ho linn; Airatlie, Hansen. I.ondon ; M A K Oann. tlenrv, Dublin, Siidrintj ham. McCheatiey, Creenoek. Itto Jaskiro, May 27?Arrlred prior, brig Mary Rice, Challoner. Baltimore. Sailed prior to Mav 27. bark Cricket, Kean Kaltlmore. SixiuroiiK. .Inne I --In port, bark Mallnrd (Br), tor New York, Idtc. Hvdxkv, NHW, May 4?flailed, ship Vellore (Br), Thom*, Sau Kranciaoo. In port May t. shirm British Monarch, Banks. and British I'ecr (Br), Clements for Han Francisco, Itlg; Dinnpors (Br , for do. In port May Ml, liark IIiouihh Pldtcher, Pendleton, from Sourabaya, arrived - . Sr .1 on.v, NB, Way :|D?Arrived, aeiir Sprint; Bird. Mc 1 euu, Philadelphia; Harvey, Bishop, do. Cleared IHth, nhlp Htrnao Ci.opir, l.iverpool. ' Sailed 2fttlt, brie Vera. lirlrknen. Ballina. I; SOtt). barks John U llall, Sunnier. Dnudalk; Kblmia, Olson, Bordeaux; Harveat Homo, (iermun, Londonderry. Vai.i-araiho, April 17 -Arrived. bark Fluiel (Br), Deas, Astoria vlh'ioine (and sailod 21st for Antologiuiia to dls chatge her cart" Of tlmlier). tn port Mav I, ship Hridgatvater. Spaulding, Ironi lluan lllos for P.nropo: barks Francis Palme- (Br), l.owerlton, from Humboldt, arrived IHth (chartered to load nitrate lor Snu Francisco) ; Ch itnniuc (Br), Brown, from I'aiel'on de Plea tor Hampton Roads; llosea Rich, Menzle^, unc. [Ppb STRAVtllt WkarR.I Al.trante, May HI?Sailed. M J Brady. Brady, Gibraltar. Austens May 1ft?Arrived, R M ileslln, Gould. New York. Bhrskn. May 18?Arnvod. Moaal (?), Meynaber, New Yrrk; Hanover (at. Erduiann, New Orleans. Sailed 14th, Geo Washington, Post. Philadelphia. Bkaihv 11 pa m, May 21?4>fr, Alaska, Armatrons, from Bull lor San Francisco. ItKlsTOL, May L't?. - Sailed. Glano. Snppa, New York. BKl.rA.?T. May 21?"ailed, Kucenio, Perevlch, Delaware Breakwater. itatavia. May 16-Arrived, Spartan (?), Cooper, New York. llAVomnt. May 2?Sailed, I.lnie Merrill, Call, Port Cale donia. CtRPtrr. May 19?Arrived, Wm M Reed, Prince, Liver pool. bailed IWUi. tirrit. Uuutar, Montreal. Ciilllt. May IS?Arrived, Danube, Kniidoek. fit John, NB. Sailed Irtin, Kred, Jans n. Kichibitcto; IHtb. Jennie Arm ?trong. Thompson, St John, NB. Count*. April 20 -Arrived, Armenia, Salter. Rangoon. Colvhkstkk. May is?Sailed. Vleinrta, for linltlmore. t'ALCftTA, April 21?Arrived, Lney rt Wliia, I'ricliard, Chnmpion Bay. Ukal, May 2')?Pauail, hinduo (*), from Hull for New OfTlUtli. Neptune, Struve. from I'hiladelphlit for Hamburg, flailed 20th, t'-olclioster. Bitter, !*ew York; Prnyidenza It, Pro.pero. Delaware (both from I.ondon, the latter passed Ventnor, IW, satno day). Kt.itxoitir, May 17?Arrived, Rapna, Melsom. Charleston for ordera Fai.moltii, May 20?Hailed, La ICnowles, UoU, Irom R<nion, Liverpool (was before icpnrted l> lun ? to New York, Chnse master). 'fowtv. May III?Sailed, holilnnur'. Phlladelttliia. Ci ana. May 1H?Cleared, K Sutton, I^eon. Boston. CltiRAlTiH,' May 7?Arrived. Kvlton bent. Brown, Tra pani (and tlearod Hth lor Oloueester) ; 14th, Xoieika, Wslah. Meiktna. Ac (anil cleared seme ddy for Olpuceeter), UiRiiKXTl, May II?Sailed, Krance?'a, Kem'eo. New York. llAWBritu, May 17?Arrived, Herder '(?), Hrandt, New York. Hailed ISth, Kate. Millar. St John*. Hailed from Cntb tten I7tli, ciellon, Borje'sson, New York; IStli. Matterliorn, Jesaeu, Caraifl. llAsn.S'.s. Ma\ 20?MB, Sparlmento, Conliglio, from West Hartlepool lor Philadelphia. Ho it.. May IH-Arrived, lintl?ndshlre. White, Ban Pran CfiCd. llAvtti-:. May 17? Arrived, Francis Hllijard, Cann, New York; l*th. Faina, toiuhleson, Savunnali. I.tvrnrooi., Mav !!??Arrived. Scvthla (s), llalns. New York; Si Michael. Forties. Fernandlna; 20th, Muskota, Cutter, at John. Mi. Sailed 20th, Sullivan Hawin, Rich. Bosten; Retriever, Morrison, i adts: Lilian. Dick, St John. NB; Moen. Blon, Suebec ; 2lst, Sundswall. Hcrnstront. Wilmington; llttroid aarfaser, llalvorsen, Quebec. Clearcu IHih. Wava Queen, Wilson, Hallux, Ns; trio the lted. Allen. Sandy Hook; John Campbell, Ilaukinson, New York; Lo'tlsa. Hees. Quebec l.onnoN, May 2^? Arrived. Xema. Foster, Baltimore. Sailed Irom ilravesend 2t>tb, Brlerly, Hill, Vancoaver's Island. I.i'tiit, May 2>??Arrived. Odd, Mortenscn. Darlen. l.yxK, May IB?Sailed, Oxo, Dahl, I'uited states. Ltsnoi. May lit?Sailed, San Piisco. New York. MiaatNA. May 14?Sailed. Assyria is), Knox, New York. >1 armili.ks, Muy 17?Sailed, Arbutus, Nlco!l, Montreal. Arrived IHtli, Patita Anna, t'aflem, Nen- York. Ntwitr, May IB?Arrlveu, Abram Yoiuik, Kenney, St Julio. NB. Nrwronr, M?v ID?.-'ailed, Scoreshy, Fortnne, Montreal. Ikl'oRli.a.vo. Ma. lt)-Ofl, 7.In Catteriua, Tliiati, from Lomloii for Kulthuoie PkyantrtM, Mav 2<i? Sailed. I'ntiin, Kvati*, (/ueliec. I'a-sail l.rnr.l IWIi,Sfo?kton, Allen, frnni Antwerp lor Bus'on; 21 <t, Krtwunl Hafrnf, Tnrsrtmn, I'rotn do fur ? IVMTkt <n Ma.v IS?Arrivod, Maid of LlananlleD, Ho'der, tit .lofiu, NB., May lu - \rrived. KNinnd, Magnesen, Genoa (and lei' 14th for Philndelphta). QnrNyfiiwv ?l*> 2'?? Arrlied. Oesan, Pi'teraen, Herfeu for Quelier, with master sink. INittkuiia*. Muy In t'lenred. Dnlsharir, Schnlken, Bel tiioere; Meilelpad Ohleen. Pbtlndalphia. SWAXAit*. May IS?4)B, Devninhlrr, Faikner, from I.elth lor Portland, Me. Stkttik. May 17?Sailed, Mttstang, Blrkland, New York. Watri vrninr. May 17?Arrived. Alma, Orsoflnl, Now York; Istli, Itlriindo, I gaud. Oobey (both tor Newry;. AMERICAN FORTS, ALEXANDRIA, May 31?Cleared, ichr Uoward Will taut, Provideuee. NORTON. itlM I ? tmiH ir.k?1m "TvJTiJmT ? ill*. d?. bat* Isinael Ahd - ? " S*-. wkn ]CwCjJGSr%JL2u^l2C_ RU...II. Hgb.k.1,; Ob?W.T>.,*,. iSLULSB1 Fletcher, ??? \uck. lH*,j TTV/""*"* .'I**1 Do?e. Xwaia. llot-k.a. 0 M Hrlltr, ITtriu. f?n J Aim A liar.!* ,V *1 1i itT^i i***" Ge*ri.-etuwa ; J ? l-an.pre., New ? "?'**?'? BALTIMORE. Jw.l-Arrt?i7r?.-,j-? mmjmw M.nh. B5SoC2^Bt?3C b.r?v E..I.IU <*?,. y.rawr.?. ft* ;C!; Lorentsea. Ifotterd ??n , l*-v< * t?'?r Iwi, ,r |L?,? ? brt* xr hmtaM (Mrt. i.'!???. ivlXv.;. Ic:;? \?. 1 honias, llum h*r|*st<m. W H M? ?r4* SL ? . Mrsd'sy. Chaw.; Ice.-,., - *: ? * ?? Cleared? Mnam Reriia Gevi.t-aMe WHllitdar. Clark, Mew York; skip Me?*t<<* lit*., . . * Bremen; bar* Ftd? 'Reel. Hn>, fcrl, *"? gin Anua (Geri, -? ..i... 11 \ Alv> cleared. bark* kxpee.s licit, R. town; Amelia (Ner,, Aa4arw>.., eettia;*-k> <a>< " hew Vark. ' Sailed ?Hark .'a I Fr??e!H B.?M<;OR.?M*v '?*>? Arrived, sr'ir* < .es. AAlfcn ? I ertli Ainoo.r; Ja.lce Tenasy. IS" li. P..i i .1 .? *' tain Laurel. Parrell no ?AJU. Vav 2??A.rivwd. Mkn *<? Niauli I <a4? k a N?w York; Maria* Draper. Belle).'r.* ,1.1 walls .1 ?>,# i.luabeili. Phtietf* ,.h.?; , Gates. New Tork: I' Meewia. Pie-re. Ik i.>? i, Savannah; MarvRsui*. It uteri.. Raw lark Alleu. Baltimore lor ? > wdlaec. ? Miith?Arrived, schrs * t !?? irv <)%.? Rusts* ??l..?n ? Ceorifstowu, S4'; Itanalu llafnes, Aden.* w. ?? ? i Bowdoinbaiu; Kala It Hilton. AJauiv Net. Salted ? Schrs Mall, Merrill, end J ? Ra^ar*. O .. x,w York. <l*t-Arrl*nl. M-lir Tliuk N Ht?aa fltrbar H?-V| Sailed?Hiik Imuk Kaacb. AaA?r<aa RarkaAu*. arkfa *??'.? Him.niMu, AUaiu*. and hilaa i.raaa, , |%U( oalphli^ BKISTOI., Hur 31?tfallad. irkr Jamah tmr tf, R?r rounh.. I'Mlad.'Ibtiia l'IUIJ|,KSTllS, Jnaa l-Ca.r-a krif MaHu. iMri, Minw, Hilntal. K. Suilad?>iaaairr M?a all, llalliaiura lirlf latnw Br. a<>t ll?*ra; *chr Aanla IThaaa, ?t I .a, I'laarrd Vi? Hi, ?chr Wblia H?>, ?low ?,?.* *. l*\ KK S ISlaAN (). Mr. Mi- ,M - *? ? ??; *> ' ? ^. Avliurn. New York: Jilli. I'alawaaiiiat Kraul. aMih. Carria L III*. Illx. du. URa.NHKHHV IslK*. Mar '** Am?ad. aaur lu. Franca*, lltili-nr llalinnura far l'al>l> UKLA'.TAKI'. OTTV, Jiiaa l-iali*.|, aetir f I tar. ., Ihi.keli, Hu.iuii. wDL't,;J2 WfcAirp IIARROK. R?r ?r,,,.j. .? a Mary E Wuadluill, llortua, I'mud n>> lar Nra Yi.rk J ...a HtMkbaiB. Hart. dt> Uubnkri. J? u.. : i -n ^. ?- . r ill Itirer foi \a?r Yurk : laiiiil.t. ?' ,r- c~. .?>.? fur Ambo.v; Uulxjr K I'arkbunv lluo?*'. A. I..r Raltim r. Ororn CoiinlT I'miner, H}' la. 4 > lur Jt .aJ?ui > \| t>l?? llarl. do for llnboknn : Kaam. Ilmuaii. U > l >r \? ? \ ark |] C Irwin..lubuiuiii, hum Call Ki?? lor i"UD?i1. ipi. ?. ?lint, AM?Arrived nil I., wbrnj U ?>ll. ?lir..n.b.r?. rr a Puwlnok"t fur Nrw York; L>?al? WalkH, i iii.u k. la I Rlror for do: I'urtu Ooolwin, Clf?l<r, Na? K?. i?-a ,.r 2?: u.V .V""".- '"??'ri'k, aaA L.aua * ?lli, Prtnibira ? do; K It Hull, Bru?h, dolordn. SVoitfi* \*! *#'? Twilight, and (Jraaada. El HtkA. I al. May jt?Arrived, bark lU-eila (Haw? San I- ratirWco. ' ELL^WOttrH, May 25?riaurnd, aobr \aaA*lia, R*t>?, New York. 2Hth - Arrived, ?ehr Annie N March. Woodward, >?< York. ? ^BVANDIIfA. May 26?Arrived, ?ebr Ka Mater, Kil Ian. Baltimore. FALL UIVKt, May rp>? Arrived, >rhr* Onrn?t, wiateri. Port Johnnon; Siimnel Kiraer, Hlrker. Rnn<i..iit; Robert Center, dulse, Cr?Ur Hill. NT. Sailed? Schr* K U Irwin. Jobnaoii, I'bilatjrlpiila. hi*. York "*-Tne,> Oaorj.'etowa; Nay, Obaee. New 31?t?Sailed, acbr Ida L Howard, for New Yerk or K, ao* cording to wind. OKORURTOWN SC. May 2?-Arrlrad. eahr B J Hatard. Bowland, New York. ' JAi;K?UXVIU<K, May 28?Arrived. ?rhra Anaie L Me Keen. Mokeen, Naw York; I'lriea R Hinilb, Edward*, do Jiftie I?Arrived, (cbra 8 P Ilall. Smith; II S Willi*?.. WlN?n, and llattio Card. Parry, Naw York. KEY WEST. May SI. AM?Arrived, atenmer <!ily ol ilmiiton, Eldrldga, New York (and allied fo- tlalveitan). June 1?Arrived, athr (lee Peal.oily, Mrt'ahan. ('ardent* Tor ilalticiore. leaking. KENSKBl'NKPOKT, Mav UO-Arrlved. ech R Oaken, Matthew*. Philadelphia. MOBILE. .Tnao 1?Cleared, ichr Eva C Y?te?, Yatea. Chariottetown, PEL MY.iTIO.Ot. May 30?Arrived, acbr Henrietta, Hiliard, Keyport, NJ. * NEW ORLEANS, May 3R?Arrived, ahip Hercules iNor), Ae.laen. Havre; acbr Muuadnuck. Uanuno, Rmttau .Jnna I?Arrived, steamer Knickerbocker, Kemble, New York. ? Clonred?Bark Camteue Duchatel (Kr), Uuuont, Bor deaux ; acbr A Denlke, Jonea. Hoitou. I'as.irs. lit ?Arrived, ablp Ella S Thayer, Mlnott, Liver pool Sailed?Bark Andre (Pr), Bordeaux. NKWBUBYPORT. May .'ill-Arrived, ichr Nellie Brown. Keller, Rondout. 3tilii?Arrived, ichr Nellie Biowe, Kelley. Rondont. NKW HKDKOKD Mav 3l>?Arrived, ateamnr IJarrctt Polheoiuk, Brown, New York; tcbr Mary Riley. Riley Phil adelpliiH. 31 ?t?Arrived, schra Leraartine, Ireneh, Pbiladelnbla: Julien Nelaon, Howes, do; Uvrus Chamberlain. Cruabv | Port Johnson. " | ^sailed?Schr L B CowpertbwaUe, Jones. Ueormtowa, NEWPORT, May 31? Arrived, solirs T XT Allen, Scott, and tlMle f Clark, Oerry. Irom Provldeooe lor New Yorki Martha P Kins:, Jarvls. Fairhaveu for do : S W Ponder. Liu coin, Taunton fur dj; Empire. Cbnse. New York Tor New Bedford; sloop Emperor, Oewlek, .Somerset for New York. SaHed-Scbrs Allen Unniav, Oirney, and Tunis Uodiua Sllvle, somerset for New York. , -^P LCJNDOV. May 31?Arrived, sebrs M Yotsar, New Iledlord for New York; Geo Temple, Scholleld. New Yorki May A Km ma. Howard, do. Sailed?Steamer WiUiamsport. Philadelphia; scbr II Al len, do. NEW HAVEN, May 31-Arrived, schra S W Bunnell, Bunnell, Alexandria; North American, Kiak, Ellnabethport! i POKTliAND, O. May ??) -Arrived, bara Alden, Uease, S<?*m. Houk Koui.'. nVSOAtlOULA, May 27?Cleared, bark Monsoon (Nor; Svwa.lsen, Liverpool. PORT ROVAL, S(J, June I?Arrived, steamer ("ity of Austin, Steven*. Fernsudlna tana Icit for New York!; hark Cavaliers Scardelll <Br), Andettl, ; bri* Alfred Gam a*e. Para. 1?Arrived, stenmers Aries, Wbeldeu. Boalnn; Catharine Whltin*. IlatdlnK. Provi dence: Vindicator, Rogers, Fall River; E C Blddle, l>avia New York; bark* Traveller (Br). Simpson, Ivlztut; Fran! cisca <} (Itai), Oerlola, Harwich; scbrs Ruth A Price. I'rice Abaco; <! I* htlokney, Ireland, Lynn ; J B Austin. Williams.' Ronton; Blast. Taylor. Fall River; (Inst, tioff. Somerset. AI*o arrived, steamers Juuiata, Catharine, Savannah; Agnes, Smith, New York; bark Adeline t; Adams. Colluri Matanaaa; selirs Mary Freeland. Chirk, Fall River; S J Tooks, Cranaier. Salem; W B Thomas. Cranmer, Boston; Emma M l ot, Vausant. Port Spaiu. '.Cleared? steamers Hercules. Swaray. Fall River: Bev erly. WaAlaoe. New York; schr* U (JttriU, llatkell. Provi deneo- Walter Pa mer. Cole, do; Lavlnta Delaney, Reeve, River Head, LI; Charlie A Millie. Cduslns, Camden, Me' . 1 *""'*? Boston ; J B Smith, Williams, do .1 B An*tlu, WlUlams. de; II H l>iverty. Shaw. Medford Joseph Eaton, Jr. I'eter-on, (ilotteester; J J Little. (Jaody L?1?"5 Krl"Bd*> ?'?ffMes. Oambrldtreport; K fj Mill -r, Sat lift. East Braintrse; \'ir?lnia. BnrKer, Kail Kiver; Jamas A Parsons SculL do; Yoiinu Teazer. Face mire. Sow Bodtord; Edward Kwinic. Walker. Sac Harborf A ?alkeiiberif. Eariv, Bristol; F R Baird. Avis. Charleston. Al?? cleared, steamer* Katllekiiake, Smith, Now York Leopard, Wiley, Newhuryport; ship Narah iBr). Saunders) BrItart: barks Harriet llickman (Br), Smith. Antwerp Piter (Swi, Kohl. Kultitrilierg; TbAtDuit), Kofold Ivi ? tut; brltf* Hx (Nor;. Larsen, Bergen; Lubeck (tier*, {?clu armann, Venice: J B Klrbv\ Barrett. C:ilbar|.-n; selirs Iinperrt (Br). tJaslin. Hallf.x: White Foam Dix, (iardlner Lucv Ames. Richard*. Saco; J B Atkinson, Knilsnr. Port land; Frank Atkins. Atkins, do; S J Foots. Cranmer. Provldeuco; W II Barrow, Taylor, do; Sarah Wood, Hick man, San-.'ns; Charles Moors, Merrick. Savannah. Sailed?Ste.imors Hercules, aud Centipede. Lhwm, pel, June 1?Arrived, barks Cscllta (Ital), Russo, Harwich for orders; Jupltor iRuss), Hocmsn, Matanzas: schr II A Hunt. Rose. Cicnluetto* for orders Sailed - Schr Mocking Bird (Br), tor Philadelphia Went to sea tiitcht ol 31st. steamer Lord Olive (Br) Ibi j Liverpool. PORTLAND, Me, June I?Arrived, schr Melville, New York for Ynrmnnth, N8. PUK'fKKCCTH May 31-Arrived, schr M E Rockhlll, Ro kfflll, Philadelphia. Sa'li-d-Steamer Pottsvllls, Pierce, Philadelphia. PKOVIDENCK. May SI?Arrived, sc'irn John H Perry. Wo d I'hiladelpnla; Henrietta, Spragite, Woodvllie, Xj ' Isle of Pines, taffg, Rondout; LO Foster, Eldrldtre. New York. Sailed?Steamer Concord, Hines. Philadelphia; schrs Win R Huston, (ia-dner. (ieo ffetown. 00; liilla A Onrrlson Smith, Philadelphia; Mlnqufe. Phllllns: John Wa'ren, Mc Oar: Henry May. Hatch; Helen. Carroll:*a k Re becca, Stout huff; Marcus L Ward, lirabura: Cornelia, Lyon, and Palladium. Ryder, New York;sloop Fred Brown. H all. do. Sailed from Kocky Point 3l*t, schrOsoar F Ilawey. Ty. ler. New York. RICHMOND. May 31? Arrived.steamerWyanoke,Couch, New ?ork: hnrka !? uliilnt 'Nor), Svendjen. Norway: Teti (Nor). Ileurlckacti, Belfast. Below, bark Concordia (Ger>, Ka'telholdt, from Philadel phia Suited, schr .Archer A Beeves, Smith, Providence. ROCKLAND. May 2.')?Arrived, schrs W C Ilall, Tolman. ^^w York; 2Sth. L A Snow, Plllsbnry, do. Sitllsd 24th. *chr< Moses Eddy. Warren, New York; 38th. IlsraM, Poland, da: Chsae, Inirahaui. VVashinirion; 27? Trade Wfnd, Cray. New YoA. ^ SAN FRANCISCO, Muy 2??Cleared, bark Arkwrizht Seers, Port Townsend. ? Suited?Ships Black Hawk. Howland, New York; War llawk, Dalaney, Port Discovery; harks California, Love Victoria; San Francisco (Fr), Donie, Port Townsend? hritr Naiilllns, Mclsaac, Tahiti. 2'>tb??sailed, barks Arkwrlirht, Sears, Port Gamble- Oak Hill, Pnllivsn. Port Blaksly. ?list?Arrived, sbip St Jolin Smith, York. Liverpool. SEABKCh, May 22?Sailed, bark Dublin, Howes, San rrancisco. ST AUtll'STiNK, Fits. May 2A-Arrlved, schr Webstsr Barnard. Turner, New York. ^SAVANNAH. Jims I? Cissred. ichr W W Pharn, Collins, Sal led?Sehrs J ames A Potter. Oirler. Bath; John 8 In graham, Bruiiswlek (was reported cleared lor Millbridze, VINEYARD HAVBN. Ma.v 31?Arrived, schrs Mar, Lvm El li * * I'lsiln I ."for New ^rork?10 r" f0r Tho" E11"' Em.!'J?rrL 1 ;iTJrtt?r'l,orwd "<-'epi,n? -hr?Th June l-Arrlved selirs Sea Lion (Br), Patrick. Port an Prince lor Host on; Cohnsset, Baker. Ilyattqls for Philadel phia : Trenton. Watts, Calais for New York; Martha Kar Utlit, ( l??!4eii. BAlitor fur do* Sailed?Schrs Martha Sisrfent, Oohaiisett; Thos Ellii. i re n ton. Hnp^*iuiVaTs?.MeNC' M*y -"W-Arrlved. ^hrCWLewi^ Ji)*"?d.7,>?hr J?hn,'; Tracey, Messerve.v. Bath. ? i. in ii I i i V r?iifriv& *clin Nrtlnd Qaeen, Cur* I hlUdei|ilim; .losftph Hayt Butltr. cio. YACHTS, HTHAJIBOATS* AC. Infutvrr nil <ul*>rti*tm*nt* prtienltil for publication (iifrtr e.tfjhf o rlo(:k J\ M. wiU be charged double rate*. A ? lilt':SP"f???ATS READY, Cheap-aLL KINDS. I ERTS ?t.,r#ar Oaaveneur slip, 8TBPHEM ROB l^lOR SALE?$.Vi, 1A KOOT CAT BOAT. IN PERFECT A urusr-. very wv I It. Address H. B., Post office 1,H?. h pOR SALE-A HANDSOME LITTLE OAT BOAT IN. flul re it UOLDINOS foot of East t24lb St.: price $7.V HP" SOATS Kim KALE-NEW AND HANDSOMELY ?linlsbed, at the lowest market prices. K. WYOjCilFF, 1,11 West Kith st. OLoop For SkLF?OHEAP FOR cash; ABOIT Otons. Address A W. 0 ABPEVfER, OR .Nassau St.. New Yerk city. WA^JBD-VEsSRLS t? CARRY RIP RAP STONH fT to New Haven. Apply at i]uarry In Afith it., between loth and iltb avs. ?1 IMC K1* 1. A X ICO U !l. . '? all 'I'/mtIows/j prrtemrd tor pyhlinitim n/Ur raqht n rU-'k P. M. teiff hr rPmnp/1 HmtNr rrttr*. | blVORCEH Qi;iRTLY"-.PAY ~WHKN DIVORCED' advice !ree. AMLKICAN LAW AGENCY, remove* 2^2 Broadway, oppoiltt City 4all, 'l