Newspaper Page Text
CITY It E t l< KSTATf! run lAlal, (>nlrul. /nfutvrr all adrtrtisrmrn't prrmtt'd far puMirttfion l/Vr ?'eU>ek J'. M. IvHi Itr .KattfU linuiiU rule*. A?nut m .?i; > i kick;, i PM*r op kiiiiii kln kx ?tT4 r*|.,all,. Lata. with fall front nn Park av , now unnelM ermplete, ***th *nit Nl*tli ?ta ; all na "rude; ? ? ?e'b hU'h sronud; junt ea?t of Madlaon av.: will bo |.ereuip InftlT ?old rueaday ne*t at noon, at It! Ilroadway, by nr. drr el tbu Supreme Cwirt, In '?*j>ar*tr Mr^la JAifl'.S M. OAKItV, ,\uetluQi*er, Wf?t A MM ALL KCRNISIIEI<IIOCS<< POR SALE-4U WEHT -** *l?i convenient lu broad way, Inquire from IO|o4 oYiock. / S 11 R P iToVE -RR1. K l>WELLENU~ Ul-ROOMH; k/vt'i n?. near lOtli ?t. MONTAUCE. Ileal i:<t>u Ami, nl Hlh a*. ("1 RRAT BAROAllfti TO P'mMI'I IT ,;ri: \. . . \ T Thompson at, near llna<!?n, tle?? uiortgaira, fct;.i?X>; hroome ?t,, near Sullivan. flO.OOl; ieaa tnorti: . :c, no Mad*. _ J A MICH fit ICE. North Hide. "tl'IIaL RFNT MY MODERN i UATKM' AT HUNT'S 41 Point, fullv furnialiei'. uuon or ton?'Or. tplcndld view; ?Iwaya cool. Cli A rE All, Ilernlil olli'*e. JlllM'f?llna>qil?. (1ASH WANTKD-KOR Till:EK .'EATS THAT WILL , pay in ;i?r cent now. Aiipiy to janitor, 22?- JOOin nt. WE?T( IIKMTKIl COL*BIT> PROPERTY FOIt HA I. F. A \ U TO HKST. .'a ftitiir* till wirrrliiierHnil ? /arrATa'**/ car p<rh'L t'i'in tl*frr tight n'-ii. J. p. M will t * ? htT'T*\l dfiNr ACOR.MSR STORK \M> CoTTVOK ADJOIXJNO', containing nix r<.o:t??, to let, together or separately, nt very low rent, at Plen - inn Ilia-, m, llar'rra Railroad, one hour from city; food villa, e: onurrhea, ? .?hi*'!, 4a OWN KB. L'-.rv Weal 11th At. (MM. M HMUiAlNS >01,0. ? I UK OAIOINAL TAX JViNBAI'M'-Jew?lr? Store. ?22 Bowery. 22'J PROPEHTV OCT OF TIIF. CITY FOR CiAI.K on TO RENT. fnfiitvr' 'i'i (tJvtrtiirmi-.nlt pr' imt'-iX Jo- rifitj'ira'im HfU r eight n'c!orK /'. .?/. vill 6? ilOHljff rut-'t. At a. t. rtTK'.va ist's" HARDEN CITY. I,. I., NEW UOCSPS To LPT. SI-Vi n AT, I'LEfJANT w *:ni -nr.'.mrr IViliifc*#. wnU ,rard?ii? ?Ttuc oil. hihI ruutHiiiliit; >il! :bo m*"l rru iruiiroroinenln anil ronvrill*n<->-<. Willi ???** nixl?Hii>r Iroin pi.hi'c Wurkn. lixtnr**, hot air .'urnafra. rtntrt, , bmii-., *u;rr "lopata. Ai . ?urreuiiusii bj i>io|h? -ronniis, i laid jat with vuloa an l .il rublapr) . In an nrrrc-nblo Inr'lio'xl. I'oiiibl iinz city canvxnifniTs wllli ull ad<aiitac*? of the cmrntrv: Kt'MJ.lC a.M> 1'KlVA'ih StMIOOI.f; a i<ury iiud braolnt atiiiu*phi>r?. Irro from real irin, ami pccit ilnrly .ealtlu aii<! utrrrable ?t all ?(?asons, THE HOl's!'. ' ire Io< ated on the natural ?nrfaee of Hie pround. IC.l l<'"t ?bovo the iwean. vrltli iibtilidain'o of gouil wuti't. Ime ruait> and drlyei, and ? a?il> arrnsaililn at all tim*i and in all weatlter. and n*(ie.-? tnrnily bupptiex Onn on bail froni i rst rlasi *rores and sroa. erlet as convgnlenily as in ilir i i IV. 1II N TS Irom $2"t> lu per uuuuui, according to kixq ami iiu?litv o? hoiiae and fT"nrid?. I HAl.N.s BV riiiahlmr, North shore and Central Hullroul via Ion;- U.aud City or ilniitnr'n Point, ui T I'i, H 1 1 ?<rt A. tl.; ? ;*?. .1, ?-.II. ? ?4.-,. \ HtMt and 7^14 P.M. Heturnlnc. it I'M. 7 Hii, 7:4.'. M M7 0^)2 ID 14 A. M.; I 02, 2 ?!><. 1H .Wauil lo.-vi p M? week d:iv>, xl'NUAY I HAINH?H-27 A. M and 4 :"M? P. M. Iletnrn III!:. H:4H A. >!. an?t 4 P. M liojts Iroiu loot of ;ilth ?r. : 1 n?I .Taition ?Hp rontiert with tr nns bplendld rnra, beautiful rld? mid unsurpiKrei] liatni u;i l ri-ataiiritut near the nation. APPl,V in W. It 111 \HI)AI.E, Muna"rr, at ofliee ad)Arent to railroad iiittlou. \ ?i'ok HALK. il<?i,-I-. ami LOT IK P LA I.<4 KIR LP, - v. v ,la; 10 pilnottm'vi alk Irutii depiit; ..plecTiil lo utlon ; piiifi*. f4,o'Hi; .*".ih" 1 c.i,|, rei|inred; balance r:in rruiain. Addre^a I'ASIIll'.K, box i7/> Herald ofliro. t SfoRI \. 1. I -ft 1 K s VI E. K ,s K i'i,f NTitV I KS~I j'Xili'Uiro , ulna lotn . Itarden: homo will buili, Kir oin?; 11 I l O'ib rn improvetiirnu; . rounds 1 tghent III the ?ic-nltv, ta ti'lully I tali! oiti ; ove:y ? 'c crlption iruit utid sliailo irei-s; term* euty. .\pply 10 CIIA l.EES KEIJKN, 71 Pino at.. New Tnrk. ? A BKAVTIFI'L 1 ?>' \ ? i:\ SKA1 <?N TUB SOUND .a'V'or reo;, on moderute term*: Arable, bathing liunne, Ac. ; 0110 licanr and aqua icr iVum Pttlton lerr>. AUDIiKY \V. IIA/./aAM, HWi Broadway. IT I,IB\.N()N SPHI,V?:H.-TO I.ET, Pl'RKisiiKU, u V.hatid*nino Keniili'iire of El roorua: tb:*eo screti; lawn, K'irili'ii, liuil, h iiido, stable, icelinu^e, ,fce. llOMKlt MOItflA.V. C Pine ?t. Bfi.M TlI'l'L HOUSE, Klal'SHINM?II ROOMS rau?e, Inrnaco. |,u< lix'nre?. writer; ?4..'i!*>: monthly payriieiilw: rout ??*?. LKAVITT, owner, 10 I'ln# it. /IIIAIJJii.Nii I 01 I'RV 11. \ 1: op tTirb* aokxh'. a^'l'ihiiora Irom <lly, near Sound; bathln;*, linbitiij and boiitliii:; lar*n lion.-.. intprovententu, Ac ; reouod from F14,iiUU to *-VXKi, no liade. .IAMi.S PRICK. :'(M lliidaonat. JiijuioANT OOirKTRV SKAT AM) EARM, Hk&k I Juution on I.nn.'Island, worth SJo.mki free and cloar to ' tiade for lljrtl 1 iy encumbered Brooklyn or New York Pfnp. | erty. No appll.Mlion notietid with full I prirtleular-. Addrr?? M A Ml AT f AN, Herald ufllce. "LWilM KOR SAEE?NP.aK M AII IS ON. N. J~ Tip | J 'i lour 7n ai*rra, *vith Stock, Crop anil K, rmlflv I'tenBila: I under a IiIkIi -tatu of ciiltlviillon : VYhipnanv i.u er ruuniiiK I tliriiusli tin- land : n il! lit-Mi|,t clieup ; iialf caali. Aildrnsn I .Mr*. M A HOARI'.T M K LIIOELA .Ml. WThtppiiuy, X. .1. j "L'">K S.vEh. Dl; El'OlTKria COUNTRY -EAT I N I J Moirfdale. M ruifh^^Uir eeniity*. 22 acrea; uiod'*rti liou*e ! Apply to i.EO. 1'. NEEHii.S, HVO llrottdwny XVlR >ALE AT qiiKPa.NS, I,. I.?A KAIl.M OP KI?;IPF I cm in re ;, with !;i*owine i t opK ; verv cotivenl. nl I 1 depot ! ehnrelKH and ?rhool -. Addrea* lb- owner .1 S MI > I' I HENOUICKSON. ^iienn*, I,. I. .111. UIOR SAiaK ill: rn LKT AT iAKAT(iOA."i*PRlSOS? A J 1 I no Mnry Irnriie H'tllflinir. oei iitileil Iti .1 veara n* a con- I t?vt iiniijr.v more, on JiroMftWuy, op|io4si??? ? rii. .'or lu rlicr panii ulari, aiidr?-< I Ii7:i I nl'oii M [SiookJvn. I * REAT < I:an< E'-\ EKY 1 'HOICK MEAI TIPUfa 1 v A I Afni. 4ii ure., minute* *:iU from Iur?re town ami i railroad stiilion, I hour Ir on Philadelphia; a[,l?udld loiilib 1 Iri ?, 'ilnable i-r.ip*. |n I'onrw, 1.tie hnrm*. rarri.ifeii, Ac.. .Vr. i i> II for Si I. a * I; only $),t *11} lotali, 'live 1' I v e i tn ; III lis I be I ? Id iruiue<ll:ifl\ ; worth no'lble. Addre?? bo:i .XI Kliblaml ? ntre. Rucks county. Pa. TliVrsoioN, <?\ II I'DSON. ? HK AUTI Kl j7l,V KI.'K .Inl'ili'id Kenliterioe; IrelioiiHe, rranery, "on < liora<-s ear- I : "Hi low. iv. I'OOI.I.Y. 171 -ith'av. , I aKK lil'DUOli? id LET, A HKAUTIKl'L AMU ,\D IJmlianlr loca'ed Cuttaire. fumlahed, 14 room* clieup l or |,li..ioicra(ih., ,Vc.. apply at .12 Park place, room H."i. iN'l CLAIR.- ?KURSISiFkII IIiii SK; ONE OP THE ni's' ' I'm oriable and m ceaiiible in I lie illluce, plenty !imjf? ? ^ro? a vvjitor; oxcellonf ; Imriiox And cows 11 oilice. V^KVKUAI. CHOICE P.ESIIlEN*cP.M-Ni;W IRItSEY 1 11 mi i* Su in nil I, lor sale, let or rxchunpr : e? sy terms ? ex tra inducements to-II or,irin- eh. ap mil pavlnir proper 1 ??* '? "r nnrtl' olar, ini|ii! re of WILl.tA \T A. CIHICKER lli I)roadway, room lii. C EVI.K AI, I.ARliE VN l? HEAUTIKCL i'AR.MS AM) I ountry >eala, nt.encumber.'d, to evrbaui'e lor well 1 ntetl city Proper!). Iml.tly iiiortgniced. .11', f! I'.. ,10IINSON, ,1 r., "iS f.ibcrty st, iJT.\MKOIII>.~KIR?r CLASS IIOUHK: ALL MODERN k Timpi vements; ample Krouuda, e0111blr.ini; a.h antii.-es 'V"ni1 vlll??e; mrniaheii or unlttrnlnhcd C !?' HM I I II. 41?2 l.'ratid t.. New > ork. V! '' A M KOKJl. ? I OKKER Sl YKRAL PA II MS OP IUI ii.m'i.mi'V",v',r,''\i"rr 't isrent r,ar, nl IJHAtU), Tonii 11 aII, St am turd, t'onri kinesi iIoti-1. ivitiii\ 2:. milks opTew I ork. 12? rooms, lully luruiahed. Ii?litly encumbered, to tr,nil foi \l esterri or cii.i Propertr. .lii'lE. .IOIINSO.N. .1 r . oS i ll,-rty. rpu 1,1 r i'!'7:.\i>nfc,n?in duRitis 1 oirvrv \ .1 Ih Houhle 11 o1 m. , two niliiutes walk Irom depot ">! hour. Irom New lurk by rail ; hor-ea anil eiirrlaire milk frit u; bealthlul locatlmi, beaiitilul urive^ I .111.1 Hunt ?iH(i. App'y 1. a. Ii. l/lf K. l!Si,> ,vi JiiuurtN hi., r'nifii ??. fPO LET. Kl I'MsIII D PART OR WHOLE OK J. Il.,u.e; garden: atnbllnir; rniotc from nershhor* ! hi autifiil vitj w ; uu mil:uten irom riry. IjOHkmrH, rb*rie? *i, i r|,(> , r |[ l? \ I ' -IIKIM,, OS ill lii?0\ J HfMfJciM'A Ol rhf. Mnitli T. Van Hur# n fftt ncre's' 1 ,\|?piv VT IHVI.N'U ri?AUK. 'Jt'J ivnrl. ' ! rpo r.KT- MODI RR Hill me. I I IINI.-MRH iiTnT). I .omely throu.fhoiit: one aero, irnnlen. Iruit, shade lawn ? 4<> minute* on Montflnlr I ail vm : rent reasnnnble S I IN LEY Ke RtH'MO.N. I7n Hroadway. f I'i i Li- I ? I'i) li THE ?> - A?i ?N, NBA It ENOLEWOOD, II U"-'B '"'Use. WH.I hit!., ami intlt lu ahundiine* * Her anu tfiia ic the houat. Aililrea* Iiot 2411. Ktialewood' rpo I.BT-1 NI-'at MTTI<K liotsi; (II SIX KtiOMS, I wi'li wi t"i Iront hih| Kti'ilw, from h to II) minute*' ? uk lr,un utauiubOHt latullfttr. 111'! iir?? at rcMilanro, or *<I?lr?'n K M Klil^vttU, Kraut ?(*k, Long Idmitl. rp'i) KRSiT ~\S ~KIjKi; ANT i.'OI'N FlTv KKsfn^NCE, I lull} tuThitlii il, ;it Jfr'tMi.i, on th? llitrKun ; only -In niin uto* iMm Wall m. b? II illv?r Kiillronil *nU tiilb.-rt I Klevatcd lUilroud. Applv to I.. Jlroad ?t | rpo Ur.\T.-TO \ PftlVATK VAVIt.S KOH TMRMt 1 mo;ith?, ? furiii iip : il.ii ?, eonlnlnitiir M rmitov in Ml/ 1 nhrtli, S.I., plra?nnti' ?Itnittad. ?fi?r.1 rfTi-r?in I'urk Kor jinrtlciiUm Apply to A Sbo* I.'Ml Po?t office. rpt) KKM KOR M MMRH- RK AHONAHIK TO UOOD | J. loiu'Bt. fllngant l < iiwtrj >?*?, luilv Inmlrhod nr.* Imttr liv Met H ivm k?hO; inriUn :n??<!?? ; Irult 11> ahunaitfir*' LoHtitit Mini ti. in- \t.p|*m a. I HKRRIKK, Trml* m#r'i Inn ranir ' "lut. iiiy, lttH Hroiwlwar ? ti,Windsor ?i?PtkiV. " ~~ ft lit A TOO! SI'RlgOX. n. v. dm) orrtipis* t |i? I|.\K i l.'>'ATli .V In .S i It ATOti a' I oVJ'.UI.ooktNO and ADJ<<IMN<. I'OSdllKM: M'HINuS I ?ii,l I' \ Ilk*. iPPl.V to IIKKItV CI. \#U. at A. C. KTl.WARl i ' Co. S, New Vork. (fcQlin *"<>' R';NT A h,:A J""KI KKMDRJO'I vO''"',% mimiiior ??*?',n ot N.iimnt. M??? , Ilia imi*i1 is 'iiiiv iitriilghn il. i f '<1 * Inimaiftata ?>< rupHnty *? crpt i li" .lnei>, ?tlvrr and rcliff i ?? ntmni> nine baiirii,tm% , ?*-> infl?r?, t w?> ilimii". fiKHH", linflilry, kitchen, hatt-r i cloaat, lint at 'I cold w*t?r, liMtli llil>, .If, plant i' of watm u.mmi drtlKAtt*, hafi'lU'M'# itwn; mnraily in ai??ii: thr^o tn Unite*' *, it'k Iro i. i? ?iliin'r beacli. A<iUre? l'ia| ?flJne ii?x 1) .V ah ant, }!?-?. il 1,1 Ys N'"'K COTTAO*: I.MShfJIATK I /'/(lowtmlon . ?o>*iil lO'Mflim, iw?f depnt, fcllta btuftflMTt, Jl. i lartniiii *ult, Alao ?'thef IUihmii. Ki;|.I,U(U..? i<ri>Kd *ay?l,<l Kii/aboihport. HiaL KHTATK to f-)X( IIAKftk. [n /?//< ' fl/l iiWi'-f'ifrm-nt* ,,>r pn 'HrnM'in ?t/tfr fitfhl n'H <rk )f. will If rhiirtji^i iltntl'lr m"*. T."iu italk uk fcxcHitN'ii? rwu Kiitfix iLass r Pinpfir1 i<??. In IIi* Miburbi >" w ir*. on rinnk'ru; N. ?. iik, .%<?? \ ,irk, KrunkUn <nil l.lln il>?tli . ??r.i liaolthy nnil ;? t'< ? or nritrhhorlionita, with Inar acrm oi ground a i-n; * I ku >1 ol :i tiit. ?table aM MHt naw, wttn Itlfit im pr-it#motita; ?"ll oxrlmiig* Oil# Wi Siock Kaim and tho m Ii? Icnriiu iit rrnpurty il<lr??t nr Inquire of Kn.-.ll Af) A M 1^ '???ntrd Ma'lrat. Nnwark. ff. J,, b?fira Mo'ctvckM. ? rno ktoji \*uk ko . iram a.m> turnout TiiRri: i ?,??!> bri >i Mlura, ad a*., ttrookl>it; *w A. B., bn* 1 l''v t ?!lli:r. ________ T'.-.|-A?;r???KKRI) rti^ HV I'IjAUK. I'll KKH ACKKS; lrni% lap, i,ii?la?; 1, "atinir. im'hliip. Ii?hltt3; ?Bi' h,,pf 4iat iHt i axcliMy^ (nr Krcmkljn rrufarly. I'll fljLII'rt, (Kl Kh?AH at. \VANTR? TO~kX0HA>UK Mill TIIKR.V LAXU Oil *' Bwinca Jiotan i, . about $.<!>? ??r I, l uruuura lor bo Mi purpt,???, ao4i?m J, C., JLicralU vIVm fo *JBT roii Bl'HIIIKMf PrKFOKri*. Infoturt alt odvsrii.<'nient.< prenntleti for publication at>r 'iyht u\4uck P. J/. trill ht rh<jtrfj*<i double r?t>s. I) nm:iT Kifir.b' \., ?* * Kirfpftof, .. __ *ocfU?<] on N ungii u, A till uimI Fulton st*. r lr?t r oor to Im ; *intHt?U* lor bunker*', insurnnr# AfUe?? ef>? wrer*: wi'f Ut tos^iu-ror it> putt*: We ulteMMito ?nit it cfftirrd; nilHpt<*'i for office* of rtfjf?*. (UHMiniible renft. Aim Rome l.*w ofor** * let. AHKLY ON TIJK fHK.Vi!HPii ifllrp tht #?fv?tor, Irquire Jorjanitor. ki\k. Moiif rkoxr nyriCK 6s riiiVr kj.ook Bro let^vjfjr low; Si.r4j high evilin*; r??wly pt?in*e?l. IMtn b. , Warren ?|.. nour Brondwiy. A Vi{?ST .H'Ji1'. *<>. I* Sl'Kl'CK KT. TO Kli.NT? I liiPONffli 1H.? f?*?t to b**?;kniiivi *i. ; tine light: *wU*Me lor leather. j>?p*r or other ?r^cie : ??mer loft*, u.I low rant*. _ JAMf* PliWK, 2?i? HuitAon ??. T FTT OVKH-A KK>V tfTOfff;S. IJu18KH.'lAWTiT. IJ A fturtmant a, Sfftolm, Workshops mid FAc tori?# i?t livrures _ JAMJ.S CRICK. JlUt llnd-mii H \'0TK:e.-T0 Lkark. eon"a <?> year*. o?w. isinne |"|?r I, North Rlrer (4.VJ Iret |n|i(, Rll fret wide!, mid xdjveai bill kr lie nil. I'?r terms anil liirtli.r infiirmsttmi apply ?t o(i>.?? of the Ii?parlii>"iit of lincka. lli and 110 i> ?!., where plan of premises tan be wen and examined. ST.'UK 'Mi OamKUMST UUOOMK ST.. iwXMJoT" J. II. I.YXnR, IV. Rearl .t. _ J. II. IIOYKTUX. 32 Broadway. Tn' uihii trro'iii .doi ki k winuow. .in ft'iisf l'sthst.; attUahl* for ittk'rr beer: \arlll disine it Aunty mSAMl l.L UiLI.IKK.N. Vt;eni. Wee' .I4tli at. ipo i.kt?rirst class ooRXhii" ?h6?:kuv 1 itil riMI K' .ir .'orni-r KHh *?? ?nfl 4*">lh *t. ; rliop rent; indMMH, Imiiln ttgfi IQti??. ' j rpo RRXT. !<OW-I'JO WEKT B ROaOWA V f U.\ K OT 1 ;h? t?m itliwr* In th?? rliy Vii start ? m bacery, Io-m-'.i or ra>(tnrant. dure >j>r:i fiom ^ in r> OMBUJXe ikm sr.s to i,kt. Purti ixlifd. It* n't yr*i0>tni t'Vr pr'H-tffiOn Jl/tm r/ork M. mil/ lr* 'h>ir /.ij I >1 'Jf inf m A -41 f. AST am nr. : KUIl^I/K. r l.VK ~lUH*?R: r*ni; mil* lurnialipd. V. K. STEVKXIM>J r.. 4 ..r :i:i K??t i f?h m. r.Mraki.k KnitVin'iiKi) i'ur:"sF t7> 7iiiwf"-4fi6 J) n Pt monih. Addles W, R. K.. V^nkci. OI.'SKS TO I.R1-?'URNfHtii{t> A V Li "> A^KNISM <?'1. tilu .rwnr <>r ?*??./!., .1 Tcr^r low r>rlce?. ? I. 11 K.\ i;V Mi ri l^tnw n. S. J. rru KKMT, i'i'RMSIlI'.h?lliu SR OX AV IIITT/7: 1 In porfei-t orilor: Imm<> i,uu piife&ilon. AdilrosiOltOhlt, liu.i 177 1/erald L'ptuwn iifltc*. I'm uriil?iit*d. \ SSORTWRNT SIXTY Hnl <ES. S."!*) UPW^ROi xlipoclal bsrgiln, fl.iti ?; uuninalpi], $1,1*111: Klais cli up. MIXZ...rtlll' I W I.H. Kin Kaxi .17lii. \ HOl'Si: TO LKT-im v ark k .-.t,. xkaii iiiuTomf"; J L 'n' iinproToirifiits: In root! tird^r; po*^#?i?8iotj iinme-<Ii ntflv. i on HRXTH?NKAR BROAD WAV %N0 OK A 4 6 XJ< cjiitnit Hotel; Jit>uH09, Hoomn, floors, ?%c, 1U) VV'vnt Mil >t. rjno ijet -ssi m.i, ihjcbr, so. lmvi xa>t itth >t7 X jii?t pmnioil tlirouifkiuni ; M'nt low <u gnitA txuillit. <?RO. Ji. WARM. South nt fpo I.hT?THRKK STORY ANI? 11 V.MS M h.NT M l Ju J stooo hrtek llonui; lar?i< yarn n';u all mod'Tii Improrn niMtit-.; 171It ?t., n^<r living plarc; In jxooil .'roor. Inqulro .wt. Oerils Motttl, corner Uroutlway unit I ] eIi ??t. Ft'KMMIIK.O RIMniS A\O ARAllTMEXTS TO I.KT. InJuUtrr all odvrrtijt&Hitnt* jtmrnUtl fnr publication ofl' t i-iyhl u'chf.k I'. M. will bf i double rutfj>. A T 201 Wfeiir 22Dr-"TWO il vmTsihiK PARLORS J\lor :'TitlpiM?n or murrtrd .?ou|ili-\; iticukfiml in room lor tli? Itily If dtfxlritd; hI?o :wo rniallor Roiiiuk. Al'IiW CIIOfOR ROOMS, WITI! M.I, .MOIU.KN fM provcrnonts; brcalclai-t il danlrad; rrHionaUlo lor iuth iiirr months. Onll fnmi H1^ in h |>. VI. Kit I Went 4">tb ?t. A iia.nh'somri.v pnixisiircn h M.f, room, per wf?k. to cHiitipiiirn. I'rimtf home :i3l! Runt 14tli ?t. v i rw orntiTkmkx can" 'iiavr ' ki.koa>t?y J. 1 inriiislipd liir;;i> or nrmill n.ol Ro<im?; hrulm. Ac. ; uood nneri.lniiep; Ur?ukl?Ht if <lH<|red; in Krencli lnmil?- terms ri-ry moilerute. 11HI Wpst 4.'.tli nt. A Labor and xiori.v htknTshrd room ox - V p:ir!or lloor. nnd froiillnj; on jntli n to let, to it ?enlle mnn or "??ntlemnn and larly: lioaril :nr IimIv only; ln tise li*? all m->'lern Improveinentn. mul Is liandy t.> Rleviited It'iIIroiitl ilfjiot. Apply Mrs. HICKS, lr.^ ntu *v. corner 't II Mt. 1 ?l'?S Btftf OF HJUX/UHKi) ROOMff, tflTUOtlT -ilhoMnl. iicrornmoflmioriR lor on* or two reutlcmen ut 84 Wen 'JMIi at. ' * A (iK;. ri,Km >. x and vT:FT T;Tvx " ii.vvis Em:i; i:' ^Vpleiriiiit 1'nriifr Itoinn. near Windsor Hotel t Itoard lor wi in. AiUlrosiH I \ DSOR, 1 Temld I pi own nI5c#. V OSOL AND NIORLY KintXIMIRIi FRONT room ilon I.intth Ilinr III I?rivnt0 liouse. .1 Rum kjh, H, door I'rinn .'itii av. j rent ft). V MrKI.V KI K.VISIIM) ROOV. WITIIOUr BOARD1 j \ iii'tu-een ::."tli Hrl ?IStli st?.. Iih nnilHtli avs., by u Hln.-le' p'lifcuTv'iVv-r1'!, " ln,")Iv "r widow; prlfB <3:1, i KftMAMS.Nf, IJ is rnl?l I pto^vn time v. A I ''.Vo"''- KLKOAXri,/ II HNISIIKD KOoM; ALSO jf\l:all Itonm, Inr Kniitlemen of irentletnan uml wile. It.Vi i ? e?t 34th ut,, near Rletrateit \ -VfANDSOMKIA K V it N is III*', |? ROOMti, P.N Sl'lTK i \ . or i.lni.-l>'. to ifiMitlamin or lor lioniekee'pitii.-; icrinn moderate. So, 241 We*t 44th <t. L^tNKM' I'l'HNISIll II ROOMS CAN hi'. M A P Hf?li I Lttntlemen i r u"n'Iemitti and wile; terms low. Antilv in In ? Rn?t 2tllh ?(.. nenr 4;li ?v. " ' Ki-n !5 ??kxtlr>ibx'-?i rNishkd ^ Koi.rns, If# tofl. we?k; null Rnotiis, flfunp. MOW em CIVRNWUKU ROOMS KOR UOUSKKRKIM.N't; a\I) 1 sinyln RunttK ta Itil. 4-'!i 'Id n? . between 'J:Itfi, ,'lntli IiTiM<,.Kl-.AIltV- , ??DMI'M'iTELV KCRMNIIKD lyilnnl Moor; ntnpie clo-its. watar. cookln" men. Mis. linen ; wue'ily; no other tenant". 20 Mnn no mar 1st. Ilolioken. hloeks from ferry. "Vlci:iA n iiMsiiHu rooms?s i it a b i.e tor I ?Mill""" 'r"n """ nr bHlh ln I'll! West OROpND RM>OR, MHI.v Kl RMSiiKH VRRY OOOI the summer, suitable fur three Kontlemen; prii eSt 'i Mil! 2<1 ?v. 1 * fPOI.ET-V KHUN I' KOOM. Wll il ~l SI (j? TT*KO 1 Inr gentlemen, nnd Itouui and SlttlOR Room for L'etitle. tni'tl or light lioiiiekeepiny. itl So. % Stn.vvc ant. mo 1, f'.f?CO JII-'ORTV Bl, Y ITRMSIIKD, THREE Isratl Rooiiu Inr lio isekeeplnir. lit <!ii<ta?.; healrhv.ri. '':!'l' l nntgllborhood; pure .fO ,'MJ week. |31 Went 1 "7 I'll >'l.. lit. HK'I WEEN UNION S'JIlAIti: AM) I I IrvIn ? plnre. - 111 ml.o uu-ly furnished Rooms without board, lor geiitleitii'ii. *>7wy;KrT..a2? sr'. NKAR <'OLEMAN IIOU.vE.11 ?' I W ide hall llooins; other desirable Rooms; trnnsient !>*rti?f* 'iiMMmmoiliifoU '.VA Kn>t hr-: laru'hT airy ror ? ??Jirenrleiiieti; ele-nntly Iiirnlfhril; bntli, Ac.: lorner houno ; f low. ri"r 1 ()({, .Wi V|'i ,>? I? ?Kt'RNISIIED ROTim7~t6 X vUlet j br^ukliisf ifdoMirod. IClft -Il? a v.. NKAR 12 Til ST -IIANDSOMKLV KR. ""'ithlior. I 1 i^2i ,|"VMWV' .X '' AK, MA'ilKON I'TrkTaD. * i i. ? '?-f'-fr ihle. well furnished r r<\ Rnnms. single orniita; hath, not .md eold water; anoti eViBti'-ed1'"*' "*8 ' "" 1 *"* parlor; relerenres "e\. UtfFUIt*I*HK.D KOOMfi O APART MKNTH TO liKT. In Jul tire i?" inln riiM'.in' nts \>rittn1rd Jor pnf>!icatiou njlrr eipht o'fl/K k /'. M. will b' rharii'il double rulrit. 4i0 -tTil AV ?FliOOHH, A KOOMS, TO M'.Ti IM pri.votnrnti; vmlt. <'mil ie? premi?oi) ami OWKEK, \ r x\ pi A HIIRO FLOOR TO JjlM'?IN A PKIVATK BROWN utono lion?<* MX I West Wnh ?t.; newly painted and In firi lu*n order; r? nt low. 'PO LI T-IN Sri,I.M)If) tToNDim*;ITowT^T'AlTf I und Third Klonr ot lion hi? M.V) Kimt |."?tli tit. 'r ' 1:1 M. im.wn toVvn nv<> >aiTi#<TiTk Ji Koom, Klteii ???, end two Room* on (mirth floor II f? quired; every improvement: nlre opler; motivate rent, .1 A M K* FRh'K, i?*> Hml'itn ?f. HOI HfCX, ROOil*, <%< ., WillVTEfl. In ill f* Zh y Mini Brooklyn. In /titnr.? ,itl (iiliftiwwrnt* Jttr puUirnfi.jn tiflrr Huht. u'rin'J; /'. M. will V rh(ir,/*ii tit-ti/l?, \Ir ANTKD? A liOOM OR PAULO III CO XT A IN t SO tT about H'*) rqnuro ftct *n1 nh.-nt 20 f'et Mgb, wi :Hn 14th nod U.. I*e x logt on rt'.d t* l! I RT4. A'Jdre** Till It T Y M X. Tribune ilmldn:;. In Hip ( onntry. W^ANTKO-A COUNTRY RI'SlilKNCE FOR TIIK ft summer, wit*! n thirty mile* from rheclfjr; -houM he well lumliiUnd ?ud Iiava >?r nmd* and stnhl" Ad dr?M*, with full description and term4, hi* 2..M^ Pout fLco. FimrrtRK. Jn all Oih m txrtttwentn yr**rrt**l /<rr pri/Wi< ? tthm <i/??r Hffht frli'-Ji t*. J/. iHU h* rharfjftl tl/"T<VfK BAt MANN IIUnTMKKS, aM? i?:tO flTDSON ST., corner iirootne, in the nmnt reliable ami rlonpoti mi eh ItMhmvni in *??vr York to bti/ Furniture. Oxrpet* Miid Bed ding, for eatth or iueUtateuti BAKKUL'PT SALK xKLLTN'fl AT HALF PHIOK; rut?t bn cloned out; 244 On nit! it.. opposite knrle'i Hotel; Furniture, ( iirpflo, Cr<H*Ui?r|'f i'Uvnl Ware, Mat treieeii, Spring Red*. Aa hlUE JtALK?AT A Oltl'.AT >AORIFIOI?;. AT 7;i NTH *?., four wnlu it niid nilt I'irr Ofk <lin, lilr'i j 2 W'llnut mid Kilt. I<) ft. I In,; 4 do., 7 It. 0 in.; ?*> gilt I'lur ii|io?i*4, hmhorted iiri'?; - walnut ami xilt Vlnntoli, *? ft.H|n hv .fi It 2 in.; 1 do., 7 ft, 4 in. hi 4 It III in. ; I -lo.. M ft. 5 In. ivy 4 It.; I ilo., 4 li. I in. by 4 ft. 7 in.; I do , 3 ft 2 in. by ?1 It. Ily i r?i??r ot th# Aw-?iKn??i?. Lll RNITl lb.. OARPKTH. JUIRROMH, FARU3U rtVITfl I' P.-?drugni Soi4. Rudi, lie*<|?9trift. Armoirf#, fliiff"t?, lie^ka, Ar.% puvmo -Hi** at Mii 'tloii price*, if" Kent |!1il?. I AHOJCHT HTOOK AND LOWii-'T 1'RICfiR KOIt FI)H? 1 Jnlttire und (' irpctn for rnih <?r liboml lermn of inirinent ut ( OVN PLRTllWAif'H, 1V? end |."?7 O'lmtlmo) ^t.; l.ilarxo WJii eronnitt. MISKI1 <' \ UJ'K/IR, OiLOLOTUH A SI) MATT I.N OH vorv Hi t|,e old pUre, 112 hulton ?t. C?ii or neitd loi |?rire t^v. bill! inn s. * r: r/' pr*A*n*stt frw ynUtati >n after ryjjt n rifk i M, 1rit 1 v i-Jiarfftl i/mift* r?r# ?. A'r^Sl^'i "TA!,1UAR" HM.VKI, Hir.i.iARu r.\ U\ ?ltli llnUBry , utr?, l,T nil landllis pr,Ipi.jrflrt,,i,ow".>ffnr.'<i. .ne ?? w. it. (iurn rn a A ,Uf", " HANK TAHURlt III rte*N0Ki^7:^ ",w *"*??? "? w' mAnni.ic maxtki.n? n/klnre nil mlVrrtUenutiU pnutenUd i?r jmh'lraium ajfrr eit/kt tftlnck /'. M will br t,k*tfvl <touNt rain. A I 7'SlOlCh .sj'.VliK AI'I'KUAt I1KU Hhl'i) 11K. ~~" ?-li?t? nn?1 mitrliir l?r?e??t iw.iirtniKT t In tha cit>. ,I'KM:iiV.n hI.a i i: com >*an r 60 Lillian 4rh nr ?nrt 17tli *< , Sum Vi.rk mii;u(?c(ur<;r? if ?U kiftdt ?( .~im? Work. A. K<J? MAXr.. In hitur* nil nfrTtinn ntt\ prenmu>l fyr ymViflr/tfon afl*r eiffht tt'rlirli /*. _!/. trill I* i//)'*!rittm. 4 BAROAIN-TIIIS DW. ML'HT in RO&0, 'iUfc XX^MQtlr fitted Saloon, down town il.iy trade. I.LiiYI;. a? Brmnheny. ~A SKT "oF" BNCVf'LOl'KI>fA." NKW WuBTII >?? JY. trill b? wH for fr'J'.i Address CLKRuYMAX, ear* or Carpenter A DrilUr, Hroedw.-iy. "a i.L STYLR*?M A RE LE Soma Wa+K rt AND WaL ./Vein Root Beer Anviriiiu M coM, W1IUTMKMV8, atll! H glrr ft. s oui i staTw7rsiTki> c<iit*re liquok rYokr" 1 V'l'liiu >t good bn<lt>e<>. with a lour yearn' Lea>?, ran tie nerrba?*4 mwntMj ?r will bo exchanged tor Real Hunt?. Aildre?s O. K., Herald oflire ?OXK DC Tilh'BKsr COBXRH MQtfcift RTORE* mm in* Hide; bargain. LI<OYi>. 'JH llroadway. DKU'i STORE Poll SAl.E. ON HAS* TKRMS.?CO/T nrr store In a tlrst class location on a leading avenue, anil doing a tin- family anil prescription trail*; to ail/ on* d-?lring to parcntae a good paying ?l?r? that .will be ir In vest ig*ti"ii itiin in ? elianc* seldom offered. Address CAM PHOR, Ili-ralil f'ptuwn Branch office. ?TOR SALR?A OEOC8RY SToRlf ix~(TS!vM? ST., r Hr.ioklvo; splendidly Sited up; excellently adapted tu a small i{eal?r; root low. Apply to II. K. A V. II. TIIL'H* H>.l< k IH#., lit) Ueadr ?!., New Vork. F" ??()?" sai,k r<> ( t.O'K ,\S estate?~k well known Printing Establishment, doln* a good business and < un'pi?tr In all ilrpjirtmcnis : t*rtu? easy. For paxrla tl>r< ap^T la HKotKIt ViUOV, Administrator, No. Kl William lit. FOR SALE Oil TO fiBT?KfTAHLISHPI) HAT STORR; giwxl chance lor any other bualnese. Address f,, l'nst ?Hit, Peterson, N. J. ______ _____ wig 'Talk?a1? EiitaBlisiihd vTkxt' CLASS r Market an iltli ?v . with Horses Mil Wagons; owner lifti other lia*in*?a. Address lion !??*? lierultl ottie>i. |??Ort s\lil'. fllKAl'-L??. OREitCHKK'S OAltVAkiC J? Hmtirv lor modlral iiMi woriU SUX Kor pnrticnlnra .id<lre?n Mr*. L'.. lierultl ollic*. Ficv; SAI.K-A SKHHfAPKR KOt'TB AXD~A #raTd! f-kll I wilt ?t. Hl!?l Xll *?? _ 01, n 1-.STAKI.IHHKO MAHKBT KOli SAl.K for lidtf wliat llsti:r?? coet; raru bargxln; sacrifice. XJH Court ?l., Ilrnoklyn. RACK Ht'HI.ilKSS " OPPORTUNITY.? t)U?ToM I A1 torinir lltuin*'* for ??lr. doinK a litixlnran of iatttXW a ypiir; il?i>V i>f rlotha afttlt* amall. Ki<r pai tic n t nr* uddrrs* ll. h. \DaSIS, Mntland. VI., or Inquire of AWL'S Hr.LL k CU., .'l!Ki i;ri>aiway. .N. V. aiTiik "koo? rwTwrs ro\v m, 7>o7\o~ \ vi rck na v >?*: SI.-VO: rent. #.'<0. OIMILKY,1-l-'eniro at. rnlit. patent rou fuV. mamjVacjti?ri: o? a ni w lliorse clippinit inaelilne. pntrnWtl at Waaliltts-ton in Ab gnat. IsCH. (if ?\i? at.. No IRiS. KUV. t In jn'HT', 'ill adrmtinemrnlK prrxrnttl for pui'Untiun H/ttr elqhf 6'itfiWe J'. HI. irill l* i-huTffml doiJJr rut,-*. iiMT'iHk w(7oi)~ spi.ittkits?BhSr 'in' "rxrrilD imei for sp litln : pine, oak and hiekorj. Semi Inr cir cular. WltUlAM 1-. tVUiLlAMS, patrntce ami litiilder, 1.14 Kant ti."?tli at. IjIOR" S u7K?koi'Klt CAI.uriu KNtllRB, TUllI'.lf liur?a powr, wltli K'SariiiK. all In (rooil order. Apply at 114 iVorth St., lip stair*. ?iraoit KAl",K-A PL?ANImI AND MOUUH.NO Mlliti. I* iloln^ a Rood bminemt. Apjily to OiiUI'.N A UAUPh.N TKK, 4IJW Kant VHd ?l. miih "KOBRKT8 BNOINK."?AL*0 OTHBH M. I jrlncs, lioiler? and Machinery rhaap ; Machinery Univht. RORI'.HTH, lit' l.iberty at. \\'artkd?a KiiihT "class saw oa sKt:o\u II uaiid H or lOlinrsi: Kniilns. vertical or horlaontal; al?o All horse Itcltor. Artdresa, with p^rtlfliiliir,", W. M., 447 W o-t '2?lth Hi _ \\r ANTKli?TURNING LA I'lIKS; ONK ao KEB.T LONO, fl to sxio^ HO Inriiti: two of R leet In liinmh. to nwlns 12 In' tics; In prime onlers ?l?o an nprlght Kteatn Knulne of a limit it inch diameter or cylinder. Atldr<?>a >kix 1,1^1 I'oat officii, Kl'ROPh. In future all udrrrtiitem'n/* pwntifi for publication after eight o'clock I'. M. will be charged double rotes. O am Pl.l k7buidnol E OVAli (TKyRTAL I'AliAL'K IIOTKi: LO.NIIU.S.-A w! line and comfortable hotel, eloae *o tlie Crytial Palace, wiiii lonstant train* to every part ol l.onilou. The .New Yurh llrr.ilil alwuya in tTie rencfini; room. ]l MTOKAbK. In future nil advertisementt jirem nJ+l fur publication after right o'clock /'. A. wilt be charged double ratfi. t ?STOK^OP; KOR lUHMTURR, I'lAVOS, W(\~. JV.Iowcm rale*; elevator; watchman; liirnltnro moved. \>ii.l<IAM il. .MlCIlALKtl, .'is, 42 Coinuierce St., near Hl?ccl:ur. A -MOKO A N .1 "lIRoTII BBS' RTORAUK W A KB .houses, iir iidwny and 47th it.; sonarato rooina for furniture, pianos, baitgau*, Ac. Inspection solicited. NEW si Oil AUK "WAWECIOUSBrt. 7.V), 752 7^Tsfl! ay., coruer 40th st.? Separate rooms for lurnituro; ?tor?','o for earrlitjft-s, general meruhaiidlsd. Ac. SVITU & SILLS, i'roprlotors. ffiHK" IIAKOL(TWABh 110URET"H'P 11 AV.. KROM :i:ll? .'Iltli a'., having been r.->moilt;llei| on a new plan. N l>rupnrud to give better a-couiiiioJution than any other warphouse in ;he <lly lor sroruire ot I'ltriiltiire, pianos, beg^aan and good* of every ilescrlntiou, and lit lower rates. An inspection Invited. Ollii-c :??? >VestM4tli st. iijO to io7 wkst :b|) kwaoLk stORaiTk l.W?>Wnrolionses lor s il'e Kmt'p111ir lurnit'ire and goods of every kind; s> riipnlonsly elsitn; !<>west ratea; ImprovO'l uievutor : one dour weit ol'Htli av. WATCH KB, JEWELRY, AC. ht I'nturi" n't wli'erlif iit' n'* imvrntrd /in1 ftu'U/'lifi.>h after eii/tit .V, trill he ehorge t tlo'iM* rutin. t r 77 IILREOERR ST.".' NI.Ml HROAOWAV?MONEV jVadtanmil on llla'niilitls. Winches, lev dry. Ac.; also Punnbrokors' Tickets lioiwht of IMaiuoiids. vVatc.Ues, ,to. 77 Bleeeker st. t ?at HI7 llBOAIIWAY, rOR.NKK lili li ST., DIA VVsmoiiila, Watches, .Jewelry, Slik and Personal Projierty ol every description liuiuht mid sold; loitus nexotliiten. ISAAC il A K It. At isi7 iiiioahwav. Room :i--Ii<ians ni.ooti atoil on lIlHtnoinls, Wutihes, Jewelry and Personal Property of every description Same bnnuht and sold. ?lAMhS P. MATHKWH, Into ol llt<7 I'road'.rav, c irnor 4ili tl. f ill UNION SQIfAlt t. ?$75,1*10.?J) 1a MO N h"s. \Vatclies Valuables, Ae.. bimv'lit, sold, exchanged; loans ertci'ti'd on dlaiiiouds, watches, >Ve.; est abltahed lSTitl, ,1. II. BaRRIRUKK,!I1 I'ttloo qaare. X LOT (JOLO HEAD CANks?100 HOLD RITCtT J\c1 s and Kye Ola?ses, f4, #.?, t; rust double thnt to maiiitl'acturej'caa ; paid fir IMnmonds, oM Cold and Silver. J. II. JOHN is foil. JlHl Bowacv. BAROAINR IN III A HON MR. OOLU WATt'llKS A\fl Chains. OBO. C. aLLBN, I,ISO Broadway, near -iltli st. IdilKs' OOI.M v* vrcilhs, ?:!>?. f?? AN l> ":i."> KAl'll, Jwarranted. ilRtHtlii'! C. ALLK.N, 1,101) Broadway, near t!Hth st Money on oiamoxlh. kcbsT ac.-miamoxds. Watches,.levteiry. Silverware, S^nl Hacnues, Camel's liairSuawls, SI la-. Ac., boa/lit nnd aold hack at a very xtntill ailvanfo. f 1 KO. C. aLI.KN', Jeweller, l.lfil liroau way, tie >r 'JIHh St. WA\TK1) Til eVUCMASE. /? I /hi ii re nil ti-lr-f i!"> nfrit* frrenrliterl i'<ir pit'iiiciil.iiM after right n'rlo /: I\ it, trill If rhinifiil <hiu/*b' inlet, X\F~A X 1EO--A SBCON D HAND BLACK WALNUT TT Kxtensloil i'nldu. Address, with price, bKNTOX, Ilereld aflloe. .1IIM'l;i.l,A\KOl>. In future at! advei li'enient* prejmntrd fur pvMication aft' r i it/kt o'clock11', .If. mill be charged Unable rales. H'ardWark NoviiLries WANTKL-io inrhb duec Into Ireland this aunimer. Address W. WIUTE SI OK. Rynawure. III. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Hoprr?CnritTNVT. ?On Thursday, May SI, by the Rev. Hr. Jugaraull, Hk.iby C. Iiorrv to An>a 1>. t'ut'RTNKT, Daughter 01 Robert Courtney, all of Brooklyn. Tirm.mito*? Asnwcws.?Or. Tbursdny, May .11, at tbo Church nf the Holy Communion, tiy the Itev. Ileurv Mattel, Chammc* if. Ti-sinutoi to SoFniK V., all of this city. No carls. 1)1 hD. Bot'RbirTTN. ?At Brooklyn, on Friday, Junel, F.u/a, widow dI Daniel S. Botirdetta, Relatives ami irtenrisare invited to the funeral, at .St. I Charles Church, iiydm-y plau*, on .Sunday at hali>pa*t j four I'. M. lltHKLKY. ?On Friday tnorolnj, Juno 1, Kmma A. Auakr, wile of 0. K. Muckley. Notice of run era I hereaiter. II.knk? (>n Friday, June 1, ufter a short Illness, fif.f.K*. Iha lielori'd wli' ol Thomas Byrne, aged "u years, a native o! Xewross, eniiuty oi Wtcklow, fro land. The fronds ol the family aud iboseol hor brother. In-law, riiotnai Co<tigan. are respectfully invited 10 attend the funeral, irrnn ber late residence, No. 412 Kant 17th ft., ou Monday, .Ititio 3, at two 1*. M. C'-asksos.?on Friday morning, June 1. 1S77. In this city, COMWKi.irs V. Clahk?o.i, if l?. The relatives arid friends ol the family uro reepect lolly Invited to attend the funeral ?ervle*s. without lurlher notico, at his late residouco, No. thi I'ark av., next Monday afternoon, at two o VI oca ?;*.?Filtered fnto reft May 31, I?askli.a, widow of OeorK" Clyde, after a lonif illness, in the 07th year ol hor uro. Rolntives und friend*. of tbn family aro respeotfully Invited to attend the funeral services, at her hue resi dence, 437 Lexington av., on Sunday, at five P. M., without further notion. The remain* will bo takon to lirooiiwood, on Monday morning, for interment. litvtiriAS.~?0n I'Mi'ay, .Inno 1, Maikiin Duixmak, | the beloved wife ol .fumes Durnijan, aged ittyoar* i 1'bu relatives and friend* of the lunuly are invited to aliond tho fmiorai ironi her Iste residence, 0% lOih ! av , on Sunday, the ;td Inst., at. two o'clock r. M (iKKACi f. ? On Friday, Juno t, Titomas .Samiisi, sec oud son of Hobert Crracen, aged illyears, 2 menti s and 'J4 days. The friends of the family are invited to attend thn funeral, on Mondsy, 4tn mat., at oue o'clock, ironi No. 4:7 Weal dOth at. KM osrimiT.?<m Friday, Juno 1, F.lias tJot.MomttT, 1 a;?d 74 years. Funeral will tuko place from his daughter's rusi deuce, 'J4(l West 4*th St.. nt nin?o'ofoox A. M., .Sunday, .time .V Itciatives and friends uro respectfully invited to attend. (issKsn,?On the Stat of May, Joan K. Guskrr, of dro|my, aged 47. I in- I'llatlvea and friends of the family are invited to attend Hie Mineral, on .Saturday, J tine 2, at one K M., from Ms late resident, No ;i.H W ?m MJth *i. Alio member* ol Howard I.odgn, F. A. M., and the Brethren ol tlie Ancient Accepted Kite. HaQm.xv.?At Cos Cob, Conn., on Wednesday, .May ?>), ol tvpboid pneuniouii, Victor Mavo IIavki.i v, hob of Mara and the laie Professor Cbarlea W. lJai kloy. Kelstlven and irk-nds are respectMiily invited to ?tteno bis funeral without lurlher hiviiatloa, front the Church of ml Virioen' ne I'muI, West i!3d at, on Sstur da/, Juno 2, at twelve o'clock. Hmmix On Friday morning, ?* WikellM, R. I., Atikaiiam Uktna.vv aged ?1. Nonce oi tuner,tl in n.'-morroc'i paper. IIi^t. ?On .?utii" lt of pneumonia, Moo. J- Dacgktt Hint. used "S? year* Nude* "I lui'oral horsi.tier. JlI.***, ?Ou Friday, June t. K. Iltn. Funerul irom h?r late rcetuence, 44S Wesi 14th It, on iSMUili/, Ml live I\ 11. tiovrx.?On Friday morning, Juno 1, at one o'clock, of acuie coni-umptlou, Ukjo.t 0.. mod ol June una She l?U' Alfred A. Holly, Funeral irta hi* Into residence, So. 329 I'nlon it., Brnokhu, .Sunnay afternoon, ?l ibroe o' luck. Kki.i.V.?Drowned while bathing, Jamks Jorum Kki.i.v. Nonce of the funeral when the boar if recovered. Kis-iam.? At numiagton, L. 1., on the mommy or the 1st iumI., li.i.vsAn. wile o| l)r. Daniel K. Kianuin, ol Brooklyn. Itelutive* ;in?l triond* of the family are respectfully inviteo to attend h< r funerul, from St. John's Oliurcli, Huntington, ou ."(iu<U.v, 3d inst., ul two o'clock. ! Train* leuvo Hauler's Point aua Kill New York ul ! 9:2ft A. M. Morkir.?On Thursday. May 31, William 9. Moriiis, j aged 7rt vear,?, formerly ol Brooklyn. Kunerai from but lute rt-siaonuu, oceanpori, near ' I .on a ISritncli, N. J.t Sunuay, June .'1, ut iwo 1*. M. I Train leave* pier S North Htver (Mow Jersey Southern j Hmlroad) at in A. 11., Sunday fir Long Brunch. McCarthy.?On Thursday. altor ;t long and patnlul ?lines*, ui her residence, 42 '.'ark at.. Ki.i.k.n, beloved wite ol Kdwitrd McCarthy, native ol Bullatore, county KiIdaie, Ircluud, aged IS year*. Notice at funeral in to-morrow'* |?pnr. ML'DvXALo.?Ou Friday, Juno 1, Jnnm-B MoOohai.d, agrd do year*. Kuoerul from iho residence ol bin son-in-iuw, T. J. Hiiohuiun, 207 Ku*t S.M at., Sunday, one 1'. M. I'ai'iko.n.?On ThursiJu}, Ma> 31, ut 6"l Newark nr., Jorney i.'lty, Ai.kxamikr Pa hison, uged ?;? yenr*. The relative? and friend*. Coliiiiibian Common l?ry. j No. 1, ol New Vorlc; Washington i hauler, Nix 212, K. A. M. ; Washington liodsn, No. 21. F. and A. M., arc respectfully invited to uucmt his funeral, on Sunday next, ul two 1'. ?)., irum his lute re?id?buo. Biimtiimkm ov W a.?? m mi ton l.ooak, No. 21, K. aki> A. M.?You arc horoby summoned to utiend u .special coiiimiiuiciiliou at the lodge room*, 2&I Mlteeker si., ou hunduy, Juno 3, ui twelve M. sharp, lo pay ll>o l*n tribute of rmtpt'Ct lo our lateworll.y brother, Alexan der l'ulrsou. I5y order, W. 1'. AHCHlvK, Mauler. A. Itof*R, Secretary. ' Wahuixoto.v CUAI'Tkh, 212, 11 A. M.?Compnntous? You urc hereby summoned lo attend a special oonVoca (ion ut iho chanter room, Musonio Temple, on Sun day, ut twolvo M sharp, lu pay the last tribute of rospecl lo uni' Info companion. Alexander Pairjou. Companion* ol sinter chapters aro irul? ?rnnlly mrited to participate. By order, W. J'. AltCHKlf, H. P. J. H. Garrison, Secretary. Pm\NTY.? Oil Thursday, May 31, after a lingering Illness, Mrs. I*<aiikli.a Pnt'.vTT, aged M years. ltelatlvos and IrleuiU ure rcspeotlully Invited lo ut trnd iho lunortl, oto Sunday, J uuc 3, to Calvary Came* tery. Kiiktk.?lu Brooklyn, Mny 31, ut iho rosi'donco of Mme. li ill lot, *221 Dean si., Jt'Lcs K. Hokck. I'Mo rolitiVH* aud iricmlM ol me laimly are rcqiicslcfl to utieuil his Mineral Irum St. James Calhcdrul, Jay El., ul ten A. M., on Siiturduy, Juno 2 sciiwahj-.k.?On Juno 1, altera long aud lingering sickness, liKRBAXs H. Sciiwarxk, aieil 2"> years. The iuuor*l will taUo plaoe irom Ills uncle's resi dence, 103 Washington 8|., un Sunduy, Juuo tit two o'clock 1'. .M., to winch the relativos and friends arc robpectiully invited to ationd. Stkvi:?8.?Al Uloomllelrt, N. J., on Friday, Juno 1, 1STT, Miss K. Stjjvjuu, in ilia 30tli year oi her nue. . Friends aro invited lo otteod the funerul services, ut residence of her uncle, K. W. Page, at Uloombold, on Sunday, at three P. M. The retimins wnl be takon to Grceuwood on Monday morning for interment. Swrzkt.?Sakau O., wife or I'alvlu Swezejr, ond dau^hior of the laio Colouel Joseph O. Bogarl, In the 7011) yeur of her ago. The relu ives sna friend* ot iho inmily aro respect fully invited lo attend the funeral, ut '/.ion Chnrcn, corner Mudlsoit uv. and 3Stn su, on Saturday June 2, at one o'clock P. M. Tanskr.?At Newark, N. J., Ma.v ill,, widow ol the lata Abraham Tuunor, tiged 30 years. Funerul services will bo held ou Sunday, :it two P. M., from her late residence. No. 13 Thomas St., New ark. Mutative* and Irlends ure Invited lo aitend. Tow*.?Friday, Juno 1, 1377, Mary C. Tows, wife ol Benjamin F. 'lown. The relatives and friends of the lamilr are respect lully iniWed i? attend the funeral, Irom the rosidcnco ol nor husband, No. 243 Urove si., botweeu Grand and Yoik sis., Jersey City, on Sunday, June 3, ut livo o'clock P. M. Interment ut Hudson, N. Y., on Mon day, .Mine 4, at two o'clock P. M. i'uiTK.?On June 1, 1877, Uhiucikt Tuitk, tho wlto of tho Into Jumca Tulle, in tho 4tith year of her uge, ol county Lionglord, Ireland. The relativoa ami friends are respectfully invited to attend the funoral, from her late residence, 295 Henry b)., Sunday, at one P. M. Va* the 31st Inst., at Xowtowo, 1* L, John' I. Ya.x Ai.-^t, In tho 71st year of lits uge. Kelatives and friend* are tuviled to attend tho fu neral from the llelornied Church, Nowiown. on Satnr day, June 2, at Imlt-psst three o'clock, without lur Uior nonce, t'ors leave Isluhd City lor Now town at three o'clock P. M. No (lowers. Waisii.?On May 30, 1S77, Jamks Wai hh, a nnltvo o| Ballybonmon, parUli of Buliyhuln. uouuiy Kilkenny, Ireland, aged3Syesrs. 1 The friends ol Hie family are respectfully invited to ! attend tho funeral, from his lato residence, N'n. fi At i torney si., on Sunday, June 3, at two o'clock; ulso the members of l'etersou Bugioo 31, Volunteer Firo l>e parimenf. Wii.i.ill's.?Al Babylon, I.. 1., on Wednesday, May 3">, altor a shorl illness. Isaac Wii.u.ts, in tho 70tti year ot his uge. I'.elutives mid friends aro Invited to attend tho fu nerul, at Babylon, on Saturday, June 2, at ten A. M., and ut Hemps loud (where the remains will hcinterrud) ut hull-past two P. >i. Wii.kinson. ?On Wednesday, May 30, 1*577, A>N, Wi!* of Boberl Wilkinson. Funerul services from St. Paul's dispel, corner Droadway and Fnlion St., on Sundnv June 3, at two P. M. TWF.^D, CONNOLLY AND SWEENY. SIFTING TIIF. KCMOBS THAT CXSCT'I.aTE ABOCT TIII'M ?POMTICATi Hl'JX UIjATION AN IJ A T1IKOUY OF 11B. SW": N\'rt DRPrKOR. Ii will bo remembered that in December last Will iam M. Tweed addressed a letter to Mr. Charles O'Conor, which was dellvorcd by Mr. Kogter Dewey, In which the prisoner offered- to return wliut moneys ho had taken li am the oily ireaaury am! to give ?ur,h evi dence as would enable tho city end county to defend successfully any claims mrulo against tbern by mem bers ot tho old Kin:;. This tatter wan handed to the Attorney Oenerai, who vtatted Mr. Tweed, and altor an ONnm'.uation culled upon Mr. John Kelly. To him ho rcht'orsod tbe information he obtained Irom Mr. Tweed, and PbUod If ho would require uuy additional facts, ill litK capacity ua Comptroller, to successfully defend tho city's iulta at law. Mr. Faircbild then .ijfiln commu nicated with tho prisoner, and alter oovcrtni: tno ground satllactorily to hluucii and Mr Kelly, ho re turned to Alli.iny. Soon attor this, ii wlil bo r> -nt-m. be rod, Mr. I'alrcblld again interviewed Mr. Tweed nud demanded inlormation tlml would lead to the prosecu tion ol certain individuals who had been, direotly or Indirectly, instrumental in the passuge ol tho Tweed obnrtor. It is now allegod by persona deeply Interested in political uilairs that this political information con voyed by Mr. Tweed lo tho Attorney Qei|?fal has Uu cotno the greatest stumbling ulock In tho tvuv o( his freedom. Humors ol thin inscription sometimes take i upon themselves a very intereatffeu anil ingenious 1 mrm. Some even go so iar aa to assert that Mr. Pair { rhlid Is aeiiDit in tlto interests ol' Mr. linlon, who .a | now, tboy olilm, a candidate lor the oflleo oi United states Senator. However true or Improbable this theory muy b? respectm# Mr. Tildon'a aspirations, these partus boliove that Tweed's Iniortnstioi, is oi ? character to provo very neeiul to him in farthering his political plaus. i:k. sWrKVT's nktuisk a*o nurrxrn. While the siepa above related were :n |>io;;rn?s, Mr. Sweeny make* his appearance in New Vorl,, under a stipulation sinned by the Attorney General, by v. h rli bu la exempted irom arrest, and in case of an adverse i decision If permitted thirty days in which to >tepart ? lot' Vrance. In connection with his eaao * euapk ion is current, which has sained some ground, to tno effect that Mr Saeeny, havnu rid hutisell of Hull, one of the most ttnporiant witnesses against him, Is now attempting to trammel Tweed by oilers ol assistance to me Attorney cenerai, and to enable him (Sweeny) to mike a compromise with Iho city, based upon the fol lowing icrins:?Mr. I'eter H. Sweeny la the executor ol tho earaie ol J.uuos M. tweeny, dooouscd. An et iniluoliou of tbo accounts prove, ii lu sani, conclusively that James M. Sweeny tut largely concerned in the Tweed* Irauda. Now, me quest ion is asked, Will not Mr. Sweeny tonoer to the city und county ol Now York all moneys to them belonging inay be trMed to tho eslute ol James M. Swefcay, stipulating such payment on his release ? As addenda to the foregoing a private letter written on the lnth msi., from l'ans, eaya:?"Mr rtutobins'' (tho son-in-law of Mr. Connotl) ) "is in New York, lie went aboni a week ago under an assumed name. He Intends to remain ouly five days." Ilero agaiu rumor liiijotree, is ibu mission of Mr. Hutchins to New York morel; to visit his latnily, or Is it to aid Mr. Swoony in the adjustment of hit affairs* THE POLITICAL AXR. Comptroller Kelly has removed WiII :>tn B. Monk and William LI. Merrill, clerks lu the llutoau ol Ar rears. Both gentlemen are underMood ic> be republi cans. Three now iippum nienta huvo been made of Tu mm any men a* ei?rk* in the l-'mnnor Department, John T. iully, K. W. Salomon and Francis Forrester. GAItHAOE DUMl'ING OUTLAWED, Irvincton, June 1, 1S77. To rna Kmroit or th? Hatt*t,i?:? In your Journal ol to-day, under the head of "Dump Ing in the Sound," I peroelve that ilia authorities of Queens county are alarmed. I Wish lo call ihotr atien tiou to a bill which I introduced Into the Legislature una year, and Is now a law, us it waa aignad on ilay 17 ult. It makes It a misdemeanor, with a line of $.>(*) and imprisonment lor one year, in throw or cause to be i brown anv ashes, cinders, f.n oage or relu<u o| any kind mlo the bays and waters ol I.oug Island (Sound, within Thrugg'a Neos, Lloyd's I'olnt and the iMiun.iHry line between the States ol" Ooiibewtieni utid Now Vork ou island rtonnd. This covers the whom ground and aOor<*s them ample protovllon. Very truly youra, Wil.l.l AM V. MOI.LFIl, | Second district. Westchester county, OUK COMPLAINT BOOK. [Notk.?I.?tiers intended lor tint column must bo ft< cniiiiinnied uy the writer's full name and addrots to ?nsur? attention. Complainants who ore unwilling to comply with ibis rult simply waste time in anting? Kn. tiniui.D. ] KTATr.N ISI.ASD MOAT BVOtNG. To tbk Editor or tkk Hkrald:? 1 wish you wo'ild please ?bow in yoer valuable piper the oilier side of the story In regard to Ststen Island raciuu. I was a pas cnger on the Thomas Collyor tne oilier morning and waa as $yt witness to tbe rate be tween the Oollrer and the Ca.-iletuti Hoth boats left New Mrlgiiton at tlie Mine tlmo; therolore oolh must have been nearly together, and that gitve tbe appear auco ol racing. The other boat crowded tho Collyor nearly on to the Hats, and, hud it uol been lor her sc parlor speed, a number ol llvos would have l>ueu lost. The Coliyer only carriud thirty pounds of steam, and 1 fitw by her papers *hn was Inspected fur III!) pouuds. 1 Iihtu since ascertained that the engineer would b? discharge! If So carried one pouud more than thirty. CON"iULTINW EXGINKKR. rOHTAT. ACCOM mod tlUOS. To tkr Editor or tub H wis mi;? Why vun not we have a letter bos on the lamppost at Kigluy-second street and avenue A > There Is none nearer thnu i'lghiy-eevonth street on avenue A. I mink this iieigbbjrhood cuds attoution. K.MR PL AY. MAIUI'.N LANK ONCE MOIi!!. To run Koitor or thi: BtAALD ? w on't you piuuse cull the attention ol tho Streni Cotnm>ssloneM to tho disgraceful condition ol Maiden lane, iroiu Hroadway to Held street f I'rucka and otuor vehicles nro dully caught or "hluck" in some ol Uie numerous Doles, lor which Maiden lane Is lustly celebrated, cnu?iug blockade* and ollior uccldents to oiour. A "word to the wi0o," YKLRUH. FOURTH AVClltnl S&TZiBOAD FA It IS. To tub Editor ol' tuk JIsbald :? Are tho couduotors on the Fourth and Mndlson uvea no oars allowed to v'.oal t 1 got on the car of conductor No. 81 at the corner o! Eighty-third street and Madison avenue on Sunday evening, about eleven o'clock, telling the conductor I was going through to Bleeckor wired. 1 gave him a bull-dollar ont of which he took eight cents and told me he was not going through. I then demanded the two coma charged in excess of a short luru which he reluscd to give; upon arriving at tho depot I asked lor some one having authority, but was Informed It was then loo late; several ol tho employ us, however, told the conductor he wis wrong, Litn he still held on to the two cent*, flu* tho Fourth Avenue Rulroad the right to collect eight cents and refn*e to carry a passenger further thiin 1'Inrty-secood street? is It not .iteming to dn so!? J. F. J. U. STREET VBXI>l'.nS. To tuk Editor or tun H*itAi.n:? Can nothing be dono to keep the pedlor wagons above (jrecnwlch street? Dsrlclay'strect, Park placo and adjacent streets are continually blockcd up with them, leaving no room at all for a grocer to load his goo Is. When a storekeeper makes bold to ask them to move on he Is invariably Insuliod and bullied. BARCLAY STREET. TTKISQ THE KTKS. To tiib Editor or tiik Hiwamk? ^s considerable controversy Is going on about nmr rted men and women flirting on the streets I would HKe to say a Utile lu the matter. One thins Is cerium, nud that is that flirtation will always bo the accoptod telegraphy between tbe scxe^ all over tho world, and, In answer to your correspondents ou this mutter, 1 would like to make this suggestion?Are not a great many 01 these flirtations observed by the jealous eyes ol'a wile, husband er lover, who imagine* a itirtatiou wheu there Is nono V In Justice to ladles, I wish to sity that lli^titions nre lor the most part ourried ou by marmed men (to tho loriuer's utter Uibgust), old enough lb know better who offer sometimes lurtlier inwull to ladies by ad dressing them on the street. This last every woman run testify to, A lady cunnot go out nowadays without bein,; thus Insnltc-ci. This is a well known Isot, and tue liKKAi.D would be doing n great service to society If it would ngitate a movement to pas* a low making It n crime, ntiould a complaint bo mude, lor Insulting a lady, either by speaking to her ou tho street or tollcw tug her home. R. L. D. a QtTRsuoN or no At) pitoprr.Ti. Tns iKt.r, N. J., May 29, 1S77. To tuk Editor h* thk Hkralo:? In driving last Saturday afternoon over a culvert which crosses a much travelled road my horse broke through one ol tho few plonks, or hoards, rather, which covered the same, fortunately wit hunt any in jury to horso, vehlclo or driver. On inquiring ol an old resident ns to who was responsible lor leaving the bridge ill such a dangerous condition, 1 was In formed "that nobody was, inasmuch as the road was a privnto one, and that I could not recover any damages, ou that account, lor any Injuries whatsoever.Not knowiog whether ray Inlorui.iut is correct, yet. In view ol the ;?ci mat the trsvelllnit: publ|#ounnot pnestbSy ! know that this road la private unless II Is so Inlorined ' by noilrc-' prominently displayed, and consequently can | not guurd Itsell against injuries through snuh man traps placed there by tho owner*, it would saem to ino I rather to bo a mlsesrnage ol the often quotml ''Jersey I justice"' if tbe owner ol a private road can entrap th" unwary and then escape all legal responsibility lor Ins carelessness or criminal negligence on the plea ol "private property." QUI 1'AClT CONSKNTIT. MOUNT MUttlUS IMnK. To the Eihtob or Tin: Hkuamm? .May 1 u?k if Mount Morris i'ark (Harlem) la puUlic or private, a? a 1 mly, accompanied by 1*0 children, was very Impolitely treated by two ladles coming id later with tiieir laiuily, who Interfered with Ihe innocent | amusement of iny two children. M. L H. THE PRICE OF TIIF. ITKHALD. i To YltK Kihtoh ok tuk Ukrai.u:? On trying to buy a I1kmai.ii .Monday morning. at the ; Hobokcn ferry news stand (on the Jersey side), the 1 young man wanted to charge me tour cent* for It. I remonstrated uid told him the price ot the Ukkai.d i vm-i only three ceuts. Mo quietly remarked Una bis i price was i'iur oontii, and it I dm not want it hi that ; jii'lco 1 could ie.ivo It, which 1 did rather than submit I to mi overcharge. N u there no help lor it 1 U, K. To Titx EoiTim o? thk I1iskai?i>:?? Allow me to eomplmn about the conductors and driver* ol ttio Third avenue cvs?who are never will, in to stop tho care It a penileman. I hoy a e n e ra 11 y look at you nn>l laugh while JTtit have to run ?nd Jump Into tho oar at the rink ol breaking jour ueck. J. n. UPTOWN IMPHOVKMJ'.NTS. To THK KOirOK or Til* KimtlD'? I would like to euiei' a compl.i'ni, now labor la eh?-ft|>. I have resided up town nearly ton year* 41 drsi it wan the coasiiIosm drill, a cry of lire; all tint 1 children and animals had to bo tukon In ont of tbo way of flying <tonea, and still ?a 1 go out, eaat or west, 1 eotte 111 sight of the blasting red Us;;. .Ml roika ah'iuld L><? ordered down bolnw tierouiy-fliltt street, and if not taken ?t! by owners tbo city should blast, crush, till ill lo>v p'aies, or puvo witn a tempo rary stone pavement. On Sixth iivennu, Kilty.luurtlr ' aireet, there is ono lot. twepty-flvo I'eei from, with | rooks tliteen feel Uiati which siops all improvement. Now large blasts could lake it oft in a week. larues who have blunted 10 gride are compelled lo lence while tuts blocks nil Improvements. O. M. M. PU OF DAT I \nolti:U8. To TUK KotTOIt of TIIK HRRALD: Your issue of tlio SDtli In at. contained A Ict'.er (run "A Cm* u" 011 ttie rotation of ciutruot and day labor on the Hudson Klver ro id ntul tho Kingabrid^o r mi. This citizen writes in the lutereat of mouupoly, pay ing no regard whatever tp tho rights ot the laborer, , whom he would wish to aea reduced to n Mute ol pauperism. It Ought lo bo evident to even "A Citizen" that no human being can pay rent and procure io?d and clothing lor a lainlly on (1 V> a day. and ho should lilueh to sea tils fellow citiaea turned 1*0 semi out bis wife and child to look lor cold vicinal* while he is working lun honra a day for twelve cents nu hour. If Mr. Citixcn wishes to use hla pell In the interest of honesty anil economy, why not attack those men now 111 olflre pud at die rate ot $2 tu #7 por day tor about six boms n da) , white tlie poor mau 011 the Kings, bridge road receives his poor pittance of $1 Bv a day. A NO I 111:K CITIZEN, A MILD Pi.ISA Mill NEUTRALITY. To THK KlllTOIt OP tiik Hkrami: ? The map in your issue ol tbo Utill Is a very useful treat to your readers, and Is another illustration of life JtriiAi.n's wonderful enterprise. But tbo article ne, coin i n nyi tig tho same cannot be considered !u that light. There are too many "buta" and "lis" lor so interesting a subject. It does not. require au unliti.ited ! mpply ol Knowledge to nee how ihe writer's mind la ! prejudiced 111 producing tho facts net lurtil, ami tlnil Kngland if not tho avaricious, aellish bully, nor her pow or ?o ini|ioteiit as the author ol ttie article would have us bMUVc. Nor Is it very flattering to the good sense of ihe Amortcan people to a?k them to beiievo thai n power posse sad of ao muoii wealth, education and wonderfnl resources, would be the despicable foe iho writer repratvma horto he. If so, then kill in tuo aris at war in at a discount, and nioiioy la 1.0 looker its boasted smew. Ile idn Willi all our real or landed ill?l>uins wuli Kngland, wo oanuot ull<>rd 10 make liuio ol her, lor to ao doing wo ourselves sudor. Ihe IIkualu can atlord to lie neutral and ludapendenl. hot us have unadulterated facta, and give nil parties a clear k Stage, Without lavor. J. V, m'JbiWAKr, T R A M P S. Some Account of Their Organiza tion and Personnel. "Aim" AND "TRADES I'M ON" TRAMPS, Mysterious Signs and Symbols with Which They Mark Houses. THE TRAMP IN POLITICS. Trie summer season la at our doors. The fashionable world i* preparing Tor its out of town summeriug, and ?o Is ihe tramp. Tlio latter, indeed, disgusted at th? want of liberality of the metropolitan heart, hag al ready begun to iniiirute from tlio populoua cod Ires os the seaboard to iho sylvan shades of tlie country, thero to repair, in bucolic quiet, bis wasted energies. When tbo uipplng frost of nutuma comas tbo tramp will return to towu reinvigorstod and with cheek de veloped. If tho temper of the rural press bo taken af a criterion the tnim|i will have a warm reoeption Id the suburbs this summer. Tho origin of tho tramp II shrouded in mystery. He vaine opoa tbo country Ilka tne Colorado potato bug, whonco no one knew. Af tho Huns and tiottis swarmed down upon Koiue of old, so tbo tramp appeared at the gateways of our Eastern cities. They tuive eluded tho nod onlj vajiuo guesses can bo iuado as* to tholr uumori cal strength. Sumo facts regarding hii liubits aro nil that is known about blm. Ho is a liur, a thief and a loal'er. At every bouso Us conies to ho lolls a different story ful! of romance and pathos. Ills imagination is brilliant, his person un clean, his habits dissolute, a vory criminal In overj appointment exoopt the striped shirt. Though be hai only recently grown to strength, bo Is an old estab lished fan, and his present formidable condition 11 duo to organization. Till Id OHflANlZATIOX, That Ihe trumps hnvo an org miration is established beyond doubt. Within a twoivemonth the paper* ol tho country have literally teemed with narrativei which show conclusively that tin organization exists with signs, passwords and symbols. A sign Inuguagi has been discovered, but not interpreted. Throughout the States of New York aud Xov? Jersey tho posts of lodge gates have boot embellished with mysterious signssurpassing in ecocu triclty the hieroglyphics on Egyptian obelisks. By $ scratch or chalk or kuifo cut the pioneer tramp Indi cates to his lellows that loliow the character ol a bouse, thus saving mueh labor and deiorriog mendicants from being refused money and food. Investigation bus proven that most or tho trumps now depredating tho country wore at one tltno In tho army. Usually after war and tbo devastations of armies a class of worthless lellows got abroad, and ouoe free from tbe surroillunco to which they are usod they wander hither and thither, leading roving, nouadlo lives, with no euro lor the morrow, growiug moro insolent and idle ovory day. TUB ANCIKKT ROWAN TRAMP. Gibbon tell.5 of deserters from tbo Homan array who mfesiod the highways of Gaul, and single banded lev ied tribute of bread and wine from tbe dcfenculest husbandmen. In Syria and Mesopotamia followers ol tbo Hruitormn guard, who, tired ol travel, slept by the roadway, like their followers In Usui depre dated a country already poor Tom demands ni .de upon it bv tho commUsariat of the army. Here, tbon, is the early prototype ol iho tramp ol" to-day. OiObon la speaking on this subject merely mentions those tacts obitrr, and it Is lair to mier thai tbo trumps ol Homo wore not so numerous or troublesome as the i rumps ol to-day. ir they bad numbered as many thousands as our tramps do tbey would no doubt have beon treatod with that consmcra Hon which tho thoughtful historian devotes to all things important. We huvo no details as to how they lived, lurtber than that trioy insisted on having food and drink, and when short of money tbev "borrowed" from unguarded wayfarers. Nothing is heard of them iu the City o! the Seven llllls, and ir Ihoy ever congre gated there their Identity w.ts lost in tho vast popu late, and the Ironarohs were never boihered as our police,) list ices are to find a plnro 111 which to incar cerate them. 1111: Ml MY TRAM I*. Tbo oi lxiuul arin.v of Amuricau tramps, which was on offshoot ol the army dish tndmi in ISO I has been much augmented within the past lew years by ro ot ult* from among the laborers and mechanics, who finding It difficult lo get employment, have joined the roving army, Most ol these gmiiemen from the trades are sharks, who. when times were good, used t<j orgnmxe strikes and niuko a comloriabie living by hoodtt inking the follow* who worked hard for a living and Joined unions in order lo protect themselves, mid not to hamper or II. lit capital. They saw au easy liv ing in strikes and strikes wore always going ou. The hard times huvo opened the ey es of mechanics and It Is not probaolo that strike* wii'l ho so ireipieut in the luiure. Mention lias heeu made o! un organization hnvibg been instituiod anion* tramps, wim signs and passwords, and the organiza tion is One nlono to the infusion ol till* effete trades union element into the ranks. l-'roin what Is knowii ol Ibis organization n is plain thai a spirit ut trades unionism is rampant among the tramps Tliey nave achieved tho droam ol the new members; tholr mil. Ifiimum has arrived; lilo is one grand uniiilcrrupiod Many ol tho signs and passwords used by tramps now wop onco In voguo in Now York city among am It urn, and with ie low emendations made nee.? >try by tho exigencies of tramp hie, tbe same code may be eaid lo govern. TIIK ritAliKh I'MO* TKAUIH. These band'd outlaws hold couvonnons during the v lntor In the largo units, nud mako arratigenieuts oud details lor summer work. They will, ol course, object to the word work, I ut none other is handy to illustrate our meaning, l'he t rump who goes about the country lu tlio summer time a id comes to toivu in winter has beon met by tlio city loater and iu*irucicd in tne mysteries ol organization. Ihecny louler recognized that a ileal ol stieiiylli was being wasted lor waiilol some banu of union, and bus grouped the trumps into an army. J wo years' experience h.n shown IIH'III I hat 111 Ciilou thero is strength and a growing consciousness ol strength has muds them iinpu ieul aud aggressive They have robbed where they gut a dunce. 1'bey have buiued luriu houses and barns. Ihev have poisoned cattle, ?nd inty make no limit to their demands where tlioy'thiuk there is neither u man nor u shotgun handy. What tho result ol tins trump organi/.ution mav be no one knows, hut it is iiuuo certain iliut unless sumo stronir efl'ort is made to eAturmiuute tramps lite aud property beyond the city limits will be in danger?a dun vr in creasing every year. ?II!*' t'lllR A TKAMI' WIXTKK ({UARTktlM. In tbe winter time a largo number of trumps find lodgings iu the police stuiton hotiht's ol Ne'w Voris and I lie toinmlllco on Crime, upiioiuted by the Legislature in isi-'i, .-p uks ou the subject in ihe loliowing terms:? iivery station liou-e in llie elty ?>f New V?rk receives nightly a lar^# muuner ot lodgers ?ir both ?o\c* who a poml tile nUlils n 1 thiu tliu station li u?e. Nn duubt utiiii* of ihrm are (l.-ssnr a;; soil sufl'erlD); pom. Many ethers nrs treinpt ol the m..?i H-.irtiileKs eiiareeter and the must vuu> abend luiloi* I'lie tmiup iiulsunee I* Mttra<.'tiair a ureal ilval uflOtrulhoi Ihrini^hniit Ihe eoiintrv, nod, Oermid h|| ?{II'Minn, lsr,:e nmiibeis of theae vutfruiUf, eome la >,-*? ii>r* and ' revolve' Irom one siniiou nonm to snoihi r llv. I UK durtiiK the day On beitg-Ty nml p^ttv iilllorlnir. IIIII on., way ol Ueultuic wiin ililx els>? of tne coin, miilty link hcen fbnnd cll'-clive, und it la m niSKe them Wk lor tneli i?d.'iii{. I lie jfuuiiln* Irani), ha* sn intense r? rj ?iu^r?tioo ol it causes hiui tu lire to other |iarts nl tho country, ihe honeat ounr will he iierlst-tlv willing to pay wiin tlmlr lulmr lur ? mulit's aiielitfi?; ami, in udditlou, tile city inl?hl very hr -psrly nrevtde tho?e who lalmr and lodv-e wan them * in.'si I tin worll that llioy exulil ilo would, uudnuht^dly l?-the eleaiiliiK ol the station Itonsea, aaO, tn neme exisiit tin- en-Hoin^ fil the sti'"ct?. Ilil* ?u direst Ion i? eutorceil ?ml rreo.iinisii.lel by the t-stlmiiiiy ol aoveral ul thu n.ilito Jtlstiees and etlff experts. ?oii?.e A l.milSI.ATIVK KPrilHT AT KRri(K?NlllX. This Suggestion ol tho legislative cnmmltloo to buve the ttainps do work iniluced a police captain to ?nuke tho CAperlment, and the result was u revolt milling tho In/.y scoundrels. Mr. Hamilton Fish, Jr., who was in tho riiate Asicmbly wlieu the report ol the committee was presented, prepared a bill based on ibe roc'itnmen.iauoiie contained in u. T||? hill pro vided thai puuper trumps should be housed and led by the poor commissioners of tho several counties, and thin tliny should bo mado to work ana compensate Ihe State lor lougni* uuu board, i he bill was amended and dually urocrcd to a third reading, but Governor rilden relumed It without ins signature, reliving to crowd honest I at.or out ol the inurkel by resolving the Slate into u pauper workshop. Alter'this veto tne manor was uover aguin brought up, though efforts liiivo ben nmrte irom time to time during tho recent ses.iiou to procuro soiih legislation against tramps. tkami's an voriiiis. Hone idea ol the power ol irsinps as an organized ? bouy may be ginned from the loliowing facts published in the llhH.w.h ol April and the tacts may explain why It was so difficult to obtain an enaotmon'l uguinsl vagrants A Hkhaih reporter was sent lo Investigate the Kings Cesniy I'oor H-msn nod his roportoitne investigation, which was subsoquont 10 ttiat ol a while wsslntiK coinmissiou, contains tho followimz i>ara graph:? It Is rninored about the township that a certain irsntle 111*11 n.'W St Albany oweil Ills elvellon lo tlie pauper vole. It w?? sioertuliicd nlt.'r dllUent Inquiry, that |>aii|>.'i| we e mart hed down lo tlie polls hiiii ?atoi| In a body, sll ol coarse, votlim tor tlie same eindidnte, nud, It is ellsurd. und?r the niipervlslon ?1 >lr. .M array, lbs ovrrmer It will be seen at lilies that this vote t* very valuable In a clone contest, and, oons-i|u?iitly, wenlri, II llis per.-on directing It was sordhliy .lielined, brlnji a Ki<od pries. I'rol ably aoine Ol til pauper* h fill i(,.ll? ont ill lliaii a il ill III Sr tour ut tlir time ol tlie cotniullleu's vi?it. TUelr uainsa, it Is biuteil, may lie kept mi tho bo ilia until llielr return ur\t winter te tlie warm ai'nn?pliere aod l??y Ille or Ihe aln>'.lioii?* Is IIihI wsy their re-ldenes wools be Kepi jtu.'d Irom qui- elee lion lo Hiioiiier and lor time indefinite. Hut becomes ol Ihe money spproprla'ed to snpimrl the tonrlais f Is it ?ent to tneni to brlp delr.y the summer's travelllfts es jtennea f And, it ao, doea Kings eouuty kaow how kia4