Newspaper Page Text
MORMONISM. ?"? <? ?? The Inner Workings of the Great Modern Theocracy. ITS CHARACTER AND PURPOSES. Combination of Civil and Ecclesiastical Rule. Robbery of Emigrants and Swindling of the Government. POLYGAMY'S HIDEOUS BLOT. Blood Atonement?The Saints' New Name lor Murder, Justice Thwarted Through the Ballot Boxes aud Vcuial legislators. GOOD CITIZENS' DUJIANU ON THE NATION. Sai.t L.akk City, May 25, 1677. Travellers on iho Uuiou l'acitic Railroad, wliu go to Salt Luke as boys go to a circus, to sco briglium Young, almost invariably form erroneous ideus ol that person auil of llarmonism. Tbo appearance aua tlio tuauuers of Ibo Prophet are adapted to deceive ail who are not practised judges ol character. His stature is commanding, bis bead large, his fcutures cot unp'.eua ing, bis uddress courteous, and bis tones and gestures are uncommonly suave. Though loitering, at tbe ago ol seventy-live, upon a cane, bo extends to bis visitors a band as wliue, small and soil us a young dandy 11^ ^i be proud ol. Wbcn bo engages tbeni In con version everything bo says Is nice, and bo looks at tbcm with such an air ol benignity and candor that even thrown men do uoi always mistrust bun. As tor wornon, rciincd una culiivuied ladies havo an instinct to got away iroiu bun as they would Iroui a sleok scr pent. Ignorant wouicn, bow over, ?re oiion charmed #y this serpent, and ibero aro some iustauuos of Ueu '.ilc girls wbo have distracted ibeir parents by wanting lo oiarry blin! Ho is tbo in a*lor bypoorlte ol Ibo century, evon as ibo "religion" over which bo presides Is its supiomoit vauri. MUKllUXISM AS I) ITS UKVUUiVS. Mormonisu may bo Uotined as a patchwork ol all the lams since Babel, pat together for tbo degradation ol' credulous people in tbo interest ol a lew designing knaves. Never wusaruure cunuing, tyrunn.cul the ocracy established. Springing Iroiu tbo most vulgar Utile Impostures of modern limes, it has grown Into an Imposture so great ?s to tbrouton tbo material In terests ol a wbolo nation, while subverting boib tbo ntatepsl and moral interests or Its devotees. Tbo latter?who ure they r For It is imporiaul that tbe errors in regard to tbcm should bo ulspcrced. They are ? X. A Ml ot shrewd Amorlcuus, liko thair obiel, wbo ?re devoted to ban us the source ol tbeir wor.liy pros perity. 'i'bis class includes one or two bods ol' the Prophet, who have grown to manhood aluoo the pil grimage Irom N'uuvoo. 801110 Irom thn Hint believed lu Joseph Smith, biH peculiar religion ?nd bis succes sor; others prctandud to believe in them, and ull uro suflicicntly zealous to null tbo Prophet. i lieu irota lorcign couutrica, wholly committed to the Mormon faith, and wbo have boen eiovated to high positions in tbo Church by reason ol tboir dovot ion, tbeir intelligence aud their wlllinjtucsa to soivo their superiors. a. A population or some fllty thousand males, formed irom tbo murderers, jail birds, thieves and counterfeiters who made Nuuvoo tbeir refuge prior to Its destruction, and lroui tbo most iguoruui but industrious olusaes In bujiland, Scollaud, Wales, Denmark uud other countries ol Northern Kuropc. 4. Motuo llity thousand women and children, consUt In/ ol agod llrst wives, polygamous women and tboir descoodauls, ol whom low, to far as I huvo soou, do not deKorvo intense pity. Unpolled mto tbeir present positions by religious zeal, or led there by false prom ises, tboy all suffer?soma confessedly, others with pride that reluaoa to admit tboir shame. TUK IXACUlRATlO.N OF THE KTHTtlM. lloro, then, is seen a people, collucied by a system ?I once masterly aud impudeul, and comsosod alto gether ol claasos wlio irom interest or neootaity or lauatlcism became members ot thn Mormon Church, 'l'he cunning or the leaders of tho Church was evinced In tho Ural place by tbeir selection ot the moat iu geuloua rogues in Amorica to guide lis councils und to do its "dirty work," and by tha umbering ol Its masses iroin countries wboro thoy bad been accus tomed to servility or to serfdom. Arriving hore as converts ol foreign Mormon missionaries, they became ?ud have over since becu as clay lu the baiuls ol tbo potter. "Vou havo got to Icaru," said President Heber C. Kimball, "to lie subject to tbo priesthood. You huvo ' Itot to learn to be thrashed by Iti other Ilrigham. Your children must learn tbo same lesson, aud then you j will bo moulded into vcshcli ol boner, hut you can- j not oe moulded Into vtssels ol honor unless you bo | subject. You pollers know II, IT jou have worked ut the potter's business as 1 have." Till OUI Itril <J l< 0/SMUT I ON, Io his three capacities?(L) as prophet, seer and 1 revelator; (i!.) as president of tbo Charch, uud (1) (is trustee ot tho Cbarnh?llrlghum Young in absolute master ot "this people." Ho rules tliciu in all tboir uHairs, both spiritual and temporal, oy Ins single will llis recognized function as tbo representative ol God places him boyond personal responsibility, uud gives tail command a strength which is enforced through ?11 artlal system ot subordinate*. As tbe 1'roaideut o' the United Mutes bus bit Cab not, so has the i'fesident ol the Mormon Cburoh his counsellor*. hut there is no check upon tho latter'* ciecuilve power. Twelve apostlsK prenlile ovar churches, administer tbo or it ? nances, Jic. Hiyh prlesls nod eiders prosldo over tiio ?everal "?takes," that Is to say, dioceses, llelow these grades ol church otllcials un Aaronic prio.itbood is es- j iabllsbed, wbloii mciudM tbe oIleus of bishop, priori, teacher and deacon, ibis oriosthood reaches Into tvery settlement, every housohold, lit Utah. The bishops, assisted by tho sub pilosis (or counsellors), conduot tbo temporal business ot tho Church uud s it lu Judgment on transgressors. To uncertain who ire transgressors tbo leathers and deauoui uro lu resied with power to onp r dwellings aud question, cross-question and dicialo to tboir inmates. Tbo hilior are expected to aufcwor, and whou they are acinrnouel be.'oro tbeir Uishops tboy ?ro expected to "obey ?oauioL" lbe bishops wno presidn 111 the several cities uud soitlumonts are all itlectod by Urlghum Young. anil they uro compelled id chooso subordinates wlio are suitablo to Urobilin Voting. All the blsbops mid tboir subordinates do tno will 01 the 1'rophet, or if tboy Ulnch from doing It ibey are promptly punished and removed. Gen erally they aro un tinnurupulous lot, and tboy uro lu suy case prevcutud Iroin maiiiiesuiig sympathy with tu opprcsaed people by tbo coitaiuiy of dis^raco in cum they should do so. The people la tbelr mm are so taught aud bound 10 obey bishops and teachers that they darowot violate their covenants. TUB CUl'KC'll AIIOVK 1 UK STATU. From tUis rutin?e ot tho Church organUatlou tt ' will he iecu that it la sutllcient tor the purpose All I these Church ofltcors are but mediums lor the trans- ! mission ol the will ol the President. Toe civic Leg is- I lalureol tho Territory, moreover, la au ecclesiastical j concern. It consists or a conclave of bishop*?the | most powerful member*, us wo have seou, ol the ! Mormon structure. Thus Mnruiotitrin becomes uot a | mere anion ol Church and State?it la the Church j ubovu and In the Stute. I SUudmg in hit) preUiudcd capacity between the I peoplu aud the Supreme llalug, BrigUam Voting in ablo at all tiiuos to declare that what he says to bin people Is the word of Go ). An acknowledgment ot hie relationship to the Creator la mado ? test o! Church j leilowsbipship. blVlN'K UKVlitiATlO-XA Acting ns rovelator he Dot <.nly prescribes a general course of conduct t or his folio worn, hut promulgates 1 from tltno to time special "revelations from on high." These contain docirincs to bo Invariably believed aud advocated. Tbey have becu varied to suit the chang ing opinions, whims and caprioea, passions and lusts ol the Mormon chiefs. Polygamy, for example, which was expressly forbidden In the original Book ot Mor moil, was "rovenlod" In cousoqueuoe ot tho animal yearnings of Josopli .Smith The escapades Of that licentiate amona his neighbors' wives became so no torious in Nuuvoo that ho !eit compelled to obtain uu excuse for them direct from Cod. "rui: UllHArKnT LIWMJ I1XAXClKli.'' As trustee la trust lor the CburcU Urigbum Young has carried out with transcaudent success the lutcntiou with which ho camo to Utah, aud has gained tho repu tation of belnp the "greatost living financier." At laast tins ts what he called himself while rating au offending apos'.ie In the "tompls," at the reucut conieronce In St (ieorge. His trust Is ludicrously indefinite; it has no presumed duties or conditions, uu gu.urds nor lim its, no ucknowlcdged mode of accountability. Mark here the sehetue of rubbery and prollts, of gradual In crease of protlls, conceived yearn ago by Brlgham Young aud bis alviscr*. Draw u to the Territory hy false representation*, proraitos ol bousos aud sections ol land, and plentiful aids to their comfort and pros perity, tho pilgrims Irom across the Atlantic encoun tered conditions which onliuod them lo surrender otie touth (A some lustanoos irtljol their possessions to tho Church treasury. lu numerous cases Kngllsbmcn, who left homo with hundreds, even thousands of pouuds in their wallets, wero cajoled or commanded to deliver up tho money boloro leaving tho Atlantic coast lor the Missouri lliver, or heloie loavlnir tho Mis souri lor Salt l.aKe. These moneys, they wero assured, were intended tor tba benefit ol the Church?tbo building up of the kingdom. Tbev wore told of tho perpetual euilgrution fund and ol her enginery Intended lo save distant souls and bring ucr.cKSiooa to the (old in I'tab, and wero taught that every dollar they parted with was so much given to the liOtd. Tho poor dupes did not question, most ol them do uot uow question, tbeso assurances. Hav ing on tbe threshold ol Utah disgorged all aud more tbuu they could sparo, thoy wero alterward required to di*gorgo at stated times Iroiu year to year. Tho tenth of tbctr incomes ilemuuded by tbo Cnuruh con tinues to be paid in as u tux ostensibly lor tba support ol tbe Church uloue. It is really uiuiupuluted by tho Church leaders. It discbsrges no civil ubligathiu. Such is tho revenue derived by Urigbsiu Young and his associates from tho ?'tithing" that it is made thu priuclpal subject ol discussion at every conference und church meeting. .Neglect to pay ttihmg is a serious ollonce ; re 1 Usui to pay it Is a crime ontallir.g on the criuiiuul?Qrst, ostracism; next, the severest penalties- A very good Idea of tho extent to which Uiis system^* carried may be had Irom the lollowing tithing song, song at a meeting ot one of tho quo rums:? TITHING 80310. l-Vlr, "The Klug ol thu Cannibal Island?."] , Curne, Moi-inou-i all, attentlou pay. Whilst I attempt to king my say ; 1 vo cho?eu for my text to-day, "Coino loi wmd und oay up your tithing." These mny uot bo tbe very words Which ancient lloly Writ records, , But Malaubi, 1 think, uUords 1 A verke wiih which tbu seuse accord*. It seeuiii that he hau huso to scold The sulots, or Israelites. of old; In lael, they needed lo be told, oruo lorward and pity up your tltbliig." I'/mru*. Tliou, If to proxpur vou aeslro And widU la keep oul ai the flr? Na>, if you to be s?iuu aspire, "Couie forward aud Day up your tuning." New nial* and female, rich and poor, , Who with to keep your standing sure, That you salvation may monr.'. "I onia foruard and pay up your mtnu^* A tenth that I*. and nothing Icii, Of all you do nr may po>sesa, In Hocks and hards and tnelr mere lie, With pi :> aud poultry, ducks aud A tenth, indeed, of nil your toll, Lisowise the produce of lliu anil; Aud it you've any n ine ur oil, "Come lot ward aud pay up your titliiuK-" Ohuru*. "Than if to piuspi-r," Jtc. . tuk policy up ijolatius. Tho Church ol L. iltor Uay iSuiuts, blasphemously so called, ban been Isolatod irora tho world by its louder* because tlioy know It oould not bland irictiuo against Christianity tad civilization, ll bus becu ostra cised by the world, which could not tol cru'.c its lollies and its crime/. lor botb reiusoua It boil bacoino u se!llsh Church, louuded on a "religion" originally lelllsli uiid on "revelations*' whicii huvo tended to niBke It more and more selfish. '1 be endowment ol ltd neophytes Is ac companied wltb oalhs wblcli bind ilium to (curlul oO I ligations. Those, while compelling thotn to rospoct I aud ot>ey tbclr priests and counsellors, also compel 1 them 10 ubbor ministers and people who protons otlior ! faiths. A Uentile is always to bo suspected and never I to bo trunklv associated with. A malign "counsel" 1 whtmi extends Irom Brtgham Young 10 his apostlfct, Irom the apostles to tlio elders, Irom the elders to tbo bishops, Irora trie bishops to the leitohets aud irom the teuciicrs to the people, adinoulsbes theui io beware of strangers, who, they allege, can never inherit the king dom of heaven. Thus the Mormons regard their neighbors, even of the United Status, as a kind of Isliinaelltes, and thus, as Governor Kuiery said In bis recent conversation reported to you, thvv have no Idea of a republican lot'in of government, and rogurd themaelvee as Mormons rather tb-in as citi zens. ? a m' uciox or iiatk. lhe embittered and sellUb doclrlues of Moruionlsm teach to Its adherents not humility and ?ell-den;al, but pride and sell-aggrandizement: not a reward ol obodieuu* to Christ's teachings, but tem poral good aud great power in the worid to come Irom obedience to Cod's teachings as revetted through Hrigli.itn Youug. The Hainu shall inherit ilmeanb; unbelluveia shall be troildeu beneath their luel; tlio laiius aod property of other peoples w til ere long be theirs, and their enemies, consisting ol the popula tions ol the whole world besides, shall bu eoufoun led, punished and dually perish froui the eurtli. In no sermon by a Mormon priest is there expressed charity j or pity lor thoso who dldsr Iroui them and whose dis mal lute I* ikei portrayed. Other cburchei pruy lor the bucKtlidcr; the Mormon cursea iilni with hideous blasphemy. Said U?ber Kimball:? "I do pray lor my onemios ; 1 pray Cod Almighty to daiuu them." Said Hrighntn Young, loo, to.twelve thousand people gathered here in dait i.ake City "II thero are nnemlua here let thorn keep their louguei still or sudden doatructioa will come upon them. Kaihor than apostate si nourish hero 1 will uusboaihe my bowle knite and conquer or die.* 1 would take that boaom pin 1 used to wear at N'auvoo and cut their damned tbroita from ear to car and aaj, Uo to hell across lots !" a svaoyTjfi or mokuomism. Moruionlsm reducod to its caneute amouiils dually 1 to this:?"We are the I-ord's people. His cbo?oii peo ple. Ilia piculiar people, to whom He baa spoken hy the inouth of Ills propliet in latter Uuya. Wo kuow.of a surely that our religion is right, aud Hint all oilier religions aro wrong. We bavo a right to halo thone who believe lu other religions. The world lias dogeneiatod; we aro aeloctod to regenerate It; there Is no true virtue, no real religion, outside ol us; tho world is ripe for n harvest of blood aud Cealb, of which we Hhall be tailed on lo be tho avenging reapers." Again :?"The l.ord haa conferred on us, Uta pecu liar people, tbo blessing, along wilb other blessiuga, ot many wivo& This that we, as Sttola, nay, through our progeny, build up U;s kingdom. " "Kroui 1I10 wick'-d shall lie taken uway even the wile i that be bai, aud shu shall bj gtveu to the righteous luau." j, "To us, aa I/itter Duy Filu's, ate due the possessions of oar unbelieving t<?tg!ibor>i, Including their wives, their fortuuosuna tuelr leuciud honors." Tbe blasphemy, tbu absurdity cf such a Uoctriuo in oulcatad by insolent mouutebunks to a few tbou?ind uninformed and fatuous peasants walled between tbo mountains lu a remote doacri in tbe heart of tbo United Hlatcs are apparent cuouj-b. llut Its cfl'evl ou their morals and conduct la not yel generally under stood. iiitiaiiAx'a iXMitvsii:.'*#. Animated, or, rather, dutfrsdod, by aucti teachings, the Mormon musses were r?udy to receive that doc trine ot blood atonement witu wUlcU Josopu Smith be gun and iiri^lutu Young bus continued to ce ment bia power. I'lr-.t towing In the hearts of bis devotee* batro!, inn lice, nil uncbarita blouoss, strno aud uniino.'ity against "aposiaUi" Unghaiu Young was prepared to anuouuee and . tulorco this doctrine in spite of u luw itlssoiitln:; I voices, which wcro thereafter quickly stilled by the | knives o! litti assassins, lie denies to the world tbe oxUienco of suob a baud of %ta*aslaf, but so true It is j that a class ol men nicknamed lJauliee aud Destroy liu Angels did uud does yxisi; tn.?t several of them i bavo coiuo forward aud avowed tbelr crimes, without | having previously rcoaired promises of immunity Irom proso< ution. Xearlg m'r hundred murder* of tieii tiln uud ai)o.<tat. i /rum the Church knit Urn it comutiKtu in I'lak hi net thi Mui uiOius ImtJ: pottemioiu This uumber excludes tbe luo emigrants butchered at Mountain Meadows. Only one of tho guilty parties have bcoa brought to jus:ice, and K Is notorious that every killing was done at tbo Instance of auburdloatoauthori ties, wbo loilowod tbe tuaohiugs or instruction* ol tho Church loadurs. Kvery execution ol a murueror here, except one, has been that of adeutilo or upostute mur dered, or ot a Mormon Dunne, who, Dy reason of Ins imprudenoe, was made a politic Sacrifice. John 0. Loe was one ot thesu same imprudent iucn.? ^ ni.oon AnvfmLMf, From tbe Jlrst Urigbam Youu^'s sermons were cal culated to cucourugo murders ol tbe enemies of the Church. Thero Is aleo doadly evtdeneo which will tie produood in court tills summer and next lull tiiut, In souio luatsnces, be dlreuted mou to be "out off,'' and that in others bo upproved their taking oil', lllood atonement lor a sin against tbo Church Is still among tho articles of faith of every true Mormon. In tbe 1 Endowment House all saints pledge themselves to revenge tbo deaths ol the prophets against their en umics?their enemies comprising tbo uuregeuerate in habitants ol tbo real ol the world. Tboy also lake oaths to submit to tho cutting of tboir own throats and d'.sotnbowclmout If they ever betray their leaders or commit an ofl'enea against the 1'iophet. To remind tbem ol aud bold tbcm to tacsa coveuants the latter has thus, Irom time to time, addressed tbcm in tbe Tabernuclo:? Tim riiupiit r's raidlftxtjs. ?'\Y lieu the time coiuo* that wo li*\e ueed to shod blood (li n 11 rill b mtifnn f t nhouhj do il, and <( nil! It" junl in. upend tietngo aiiti Mil? dnr it hen ice are hunffiy or in time o/ jtuuine.1' "1 have Ituown a ureal mauy man alio have left tills Cumuli lor w hum limit: t? uo cliancu wbaloverol exulta tion, hut?/ Ihiii Uijt'd luid Ifm ffulted it i could hair In in teller ivr thru." "Will you iovu Tour Urotbars and likswlse wlieu tboy have caiumluada niu that ^snuot bu itoucd lor with out rheddint; tiiaii' blood ? H'tV! you toce that imin or leoman u rll aiouf/h to thrd Ih'lr Un-hl?" ?'llut now I ?ay, in the uaiue ul'the Lord, that 11 tliii pjO|>lo v, ill Kiu uo mora, but laltlilully live tUeii- rclliiiou, their tins Kill be lur^hou tbem irHhaat Utbbqf Itfc." ".Vow, wnen ytiu hear, my brethren, telling about cutting people oil from tbe earth, thai ;jua tiH*idri u uttOHfJ do iiin* ; but it is to save thorn, uoi to destroy them." "This is lovinc our hel^ a< ourselves. If be nee Is help help him. If bo wisbiis salvatlou aiul it U necessary to spill his blood upou llis Krouad in order that bo be saved, njdll It.'' "It Is trno tho blood ol' tlia Hon ol (Jod was shed lor sius through the fall suit tboso coaiiultted by inea; yet, ye ineii can couitult sins which It can uovar remit. As it was la the uuclunt Uuy^ so it is lu our daV; and tlumnh (Ivt [trlndpl** nrr tiiH'/ht politely /mil t thin utomd, stilt the people do not iiu dentaud them ; //>< thr Uue <? jiririm '</ the mime. ' "1 have kuuwu scores uud hundreds ol people for whom there wuulubuve been a chance In tbo last icsurrrctioii if their licit hml l/trn tfltt<"H unit tiieir hhnnl rpittr l upon the ijftmlul us <1 rmnbitt7 ihniuu' tn tin Aliii:;/liti/, but who Hie new augols to the devil, (mill our elder brother. Jesus Ubrlst, i'ki:es litem up, vonpieis death, hell uud the grave." "lhero are sins that can be atoned for by an oIl'erliiK upon an altar as lu ancient Usys, uud theie are sius that 1I10 blood of a lauib, ol a call' or ol turtle doves cannut re mit. but they must be atoned for by tho blond ol the man. 'J'li'it in thi , uimnt ichft hi'-H talk l<> tjuu u.? thr;/ do jruut thii ?U'i.d. They tmdrritund Ih' lioeirint niul thrmr out it few teonh alott It. You have been tHU/ht that doctrine, but i ll do not understand It." I UVfc AUUU. IIIK lsw, axu so 110 THIS ri cji'tL," 'lawyers are yeltlntf pretty illicit here. They are get ting to lie very troublesome with tbelr lawsuits. It was juut so at .sauvoo. Thoy worried the life out of tho i'rophet Jo seph, ai d dually .seiHirod his murder, 'ihoy tried it 011 me thuro; but 1 told them if tiiev didn't quit I'd sei.d tbem to hsil ere** lots, and th?y quit. And now th?y are ?t the same tliiuu bore. 1 have no wish to be troubled iu tbis kind of way. Ibatc no wish to u>> through the same tiling hero attain. 1/ tl'U irl/t hu that thi'mr on 1111? hen, / yi'f ' Hum juir ttiii niiiH ?tw. li iiry nt th< m mn-ultrd ojUii 1? of tin !a*r tl J In arrtni mi aiul bill'/ me Orfotc the diimn* I, cu?*nl lujunrin ?;/ tin hup thr jfvi'trnmtid iuiu nut nut her' o hud il oicr n?, 77/ tewi thciii to hilt eroui liit*% no In't/i in1 (Jo 1,'' TIIU UUU3ION MASBUS, The muss of the Mormon paoplu, consisting, u* wo I have soon, oi uu humble, dull, plodJiuj, uuaapinng jteu.-amry, uro to Brilliant Young ami other beads of 1 thoCiiurcb tar moro subservient In all respects than < were the peasantry ot medieval Kurope to their mu<i? i ters. While the lavorud mem bom or tbo priosthood , gut rich, thoso in disfavor uad the hundred thousaud | hewers ol wood and drawers ol wutej la liuh stuy | quite poor. Aud uu wonder; for, besidotf iho tltbtug ! system, which extract* from ovorjr Mormon a tenth of : hi* capital or lulxir, UrtttUam Young has aeveral oil 1 luanionud royal wuya of obtaining money from hid i subjects. As far an possible ho ha* com polled tlio ! paoplu to rotraiu from buying good* frout (Jcntil s, 1 alleging, ad a reason, his desire to build up local uiunu | lectures and gonoral industries In Utab. In temporal 1 | uu well as tpirltual ailaire he baa adopted a policy of KccittHiou and exclusion. Inosystomol co-operative i . stores eueinJa throughout the Territory, dubbed "Zion'a Co-operutivo Mercunttlo Institution," wad devised by bim, Is beaded by him, und by reason , of tbo "counsel" wlitoh prevents Mormons Irotn put- ' ronlzing Uunttlo merchants amount* to u monopoly ; which bllghta Gentile oi.terprue In moat of the settle- i menu. Wlieu the ^reut eo-operuiivo storo In .^au I I.ako City was opened about the year 1 vi'J the Moimuc polico were ?tatiouod In iront ol every Connie storo iu | tbo ulty with orders to pro vent or diasuade Mormon | purchanera front chiorlug those ealabllabtncuts. I'o I the Mormon partner ot Mr. John (Jhislett, thou one ol | tho uioat prosperous ol dontile merchant* here. | IJrighum Young sent u message requiring bun to mil : hm lutereat In his business, dissolve his partnership und retire. The Moruion oboyed aud Mr, Ciiixlatl, ?tiu | purchased hla partner'd sliarn, fouud bunaelf with a i heavy slock ol goods on bund and a dcohnmg inurkoi, j He was tliund?i?Uuok soen alter by the order of i HriKlium Youug forbidding Mormons to trude with (?entiles, and wui lorcod Into bankruptcy along with I aeveral ottiara. Soon afterward the 1'aoiQe liailroad i was completed. The movement ot Oeuiilae lata tl>e , Territory ana other can?ea beyond the rroptiut's con i trol conspired to release Ins bub.n.'m adTordurtos | troin m il extreme proscription, but to this day hn , almost nmmt'Oieat power is n icd to promote Church 1 enterprises una diecourage ('entile onoa. tucxo's viiuAorv, These Church adventures liuvn eoiiiolitaes baon i prglitable?rometluies they hav<^lulled; but It ll bo lli'ved that whether the few woollen factorios, Iron i works, aujjar utilla, pa(icr mills, distilleries and other ' Industries estaoiiahod by the Charon tailed or not the | 1'rustduui ol' the Church never failed to get aoiue mom y out oi them. All ovor the l'erriioiy he baa i lauded ornate- ? soma, aoine Idlo. Farms hero, lurm* there, tho beat corner lots in noarly every city aud Incorporated tow u?all these belong to Itrrihsm Young. A portion ol tbla properly bae been procured by perjury und traud, some ol It hua been obtained by the law ua construed at VVaahlnittoo, which, while it exclude* tho rigbt of the Qr?t wife of a man to piceuipi on home stead lands concedes auch rights to polygamous inolbora. K?uh of the auppoeod elgliteou polygaiaoua wivea?ol Uri^'bam Young la eutitled to pre-empt 100 acres ol' government laud and dood it over to her lord and master. In this way, as In other ways, be hi conies the pntroon of all around litm. I prooued to cltc, In order that capitalists particularly may understand Uie difficulties which lit in the path ol laveatmenta under present condition* la I" Mb, ft few example* at tho vuracity ol Urigbaui Vouug:? HNA.MllKKIJHI. About Ulteeu year* ago Ilrt^haiii Yduuk clalniod a wrtregi-uas tunc, containing ??bout live hundred iiere*, lour in hub ? rum Hit* city. A* ItilllM 111 trust ol ? U"s Church be ?i?ii claimed a term u( tieaily tb? tauio *i/-e, but it little ueirer .Suit I.uke City anil much more vaiu uble. U I* not strange tbat Wrlgham Young. belug a YmLcc, made a proposition to tUo trustee In trust to initio linn*. Tho bargain was liouily made, much to the proiit oi the Prophet. Although the lru?iue iu trust was b*ui> awtudled in this transaction it uiua uo suia In Ui* delenco tbat no in usually very i.biowd, and that Lirighum Young Is iLu only peitou who ever got tbo bckt ol turn ui it trade. The I uited States Luuii OiUco in dull I*?ke City was opened iu JSd'J. Previous to tbi* tune land iu Utah was bold by .^mailers' title. ijtlgbatii Vuuug so held uiany hundred jure* ol valuable laud near fijult l.ake City, fbo ouiy method* lor obiaiulug I'ullcii Stales patents lor tliiio !un<is were by hotteswad or pre ompiiun ontry. Iu either oasis tl^i applicant luusi mate affidavit iLut Us d>e* uol owu JJO acres oi Wild ; ibui bo bus unproved tbo laud in ?iUe-Uoa aud made it his exclusive home; tbat he 1?uj not settled uDun ami Improved tlio land to sell tbo same ou speculation, but in good lallh to upiiropi into it to Ills own u?o und usu oUt. atid tbat ho bus not directly nor Indirectly uiude any agreement with ai.y person whatever by which ttie turn which be may ac^uiro irotn tbo I'twed Stales government should Inure, iu whole or lc purt, to tho benefit of any p?rs<m cxcopt hlmsolf. in.Hanoi: iiic tuk law. Iu defi iiicm ol tbo piovt-.luu* oi ilii* law lirighum Young seat oertuiu ol U s touli to iivo upou these lands, coma into tbo l.and Olllce and *lg*lhe non-clad affidavit, ..lid wllblu a lew days tbcrcaitcr they deeded tho (arms to ltrl^bam for fi'JOO to $ .?00 ouch, they being worth tVkouty to Ulty time* meal suuic. Mauy y**r? aj^o tho Territorial Legislature gava him about JU.uou acre* u( L'uiieu Stale* laud situated lu Cache Valley. When tbo l.aiid Olllce was opened hero tho Cache Valley Quints made their Mings on this turm, und applying lor patents swore to buvinu made valuaolo Improvement*. I bo trutb i* that not asin^lo habitable house wu* built upou tbo entire tract, in irnuy utsQa a tbuuiy ou wheels \*na al lowed to remain on ouo (jiiiirtor section over night unl was thcu haulod to an adjoining quartor aootioii to aurvu a* a "permanent homo" another D'giit. Talents Uitug received tor tbe*o lands Urlghatn'* luud aguut was scut to Casha county and received a deed lrom caeu ol tbuso pro-oinpluri lor tho lund enteiod In his nuine. Beside tlio government price ol' tbo luud these men are reported to have received six to clfchl bushola ol wheat cacti lor their service* in this job. No pcrsou U allowed luoro tliau ouo pie-cupliou rlgnL Tbereloro iirigbam Vouug, lu uddltlun to cum pLlling liie.e ineu to cumuilt u perjury, aluo ludueud them to si^u awuy, in liifi luvor, thoir njjht to public lnuds lor the heaelit of thoni.-:e!ve^ and their Inuiilieu. in eusi's of clues and towns located oo the public lands the Muyor or the touaty l'robuto Judge is uu thoi i/.ed by actol t'ougiess to outer such towu site "ior the several use and benellt ol the occupant* theroot " Salt Lake City was "entered" in 1ST 1 by Dsmul H. Wells, Muyor. Brl-huru Vouug ohtitined the May or V deal* lor vast uumbers of city lot* containing one and a <puil?r acre* each, and ol which bo never uiado any legul "occupancy." in lb is way he secured uuo to whoio sijuaro* contaiulng ten acres each, both injhls city aud O^dou, and tbeso squares havo since iheu been improved at the expense ot the tax payers. He cotup^llcd tho Muyor lo give him deeds fur a number ol loia which were occupied by others at me time of cutrv. Mr*. Orson l'ruti'a lot was thus deeded to Young, llio courts bore huvo slucu awarded It to hor. O.hers have com taeuced salts against lingbam on the - amo groundts. VAlLltOAO FIMXCIKRIXU. Brigbam has ulso been u railroad "Auanciur." Ho I early saw tho necessity tor conuecilug this city with tbo PaclUc loads at Ogdeu, distant tbiriy-six miles. Ho accordingly called lor men to ^rudo the road bed aod furnish tbo tie*. When tbo road was finished tho men woro insubordinate enough to ick lor tbeir pay. Hrigbtim oiimn.oui.u tbutu before tuc ticbool ol tbo Prophets uud tbore told tbcui they must lorgivo lain tbo dcbi, si to pay It would banwinpl blui, aad they wore torced to occult these terms. In 18#7 Ilrigham owed tue Tithing Ofllce over $1)00,000, ua tbo books showed. He, like Mr. Utoaw bcr, bolicvcd in p>tyiug bis debts, uud bis method ol liquidating ibis uccouut would have dono credit to tbo ingenuity ol Mlcuwbcr himself. llo t.ltupiy credited blmself, "By services rendered," for mi equal amount, and tbankod Cod tbat that bill was paid at last. Nor was there any ouo to dispute the con-cut ncu ol the entry. ON A MISSION. One of tbe Prophet's favorite met hods of discipline, which be practised upon one who bad made himself obnoxious, or wbo owued property which bo reiused lo sell tbo Prophet ou tho lutter's terms, wus lo send tbo oll'eudiug brother "on a mission.1' llo lor o his depart aro tbe brother wnj required lo deed bis property to lirigbain. Tho following is an illustration of tbo mannor lu winch tins thing was deny:?irom ih'O- lo 1807 Bngbaiu and tbo corpora, lion of bull l.aku City were puitnors in Ibe manufac ture ol whiskey. 'ibis wus bojoro tbo completion ol tbo Union Pacific road, unl ?'Velio} Tan," us it was culled, sold lor ft* to $Pi per gallon. A lormiduble couipotiior of tho Prophet in tho distillery business was Williaui Howard, whoa* placa wad about six miles suu'.h ol this city, in M.ill Creek ward. Hi igbum wont lo Mill Crock lor tbo puri>o*o of boldin^ mooting one day in lsti7, and, in tbo course ol bis "sermon," told tbo saints bow Brother Howard wsa pcisontug ti.oui by making three and u ball galloiw ol whiskey from a bushel ol wboul and (but be (Britain Vouug) knew from experiment that a bushol of grain contained only two gallons of puro whiskey. Howard excitedly jumped up aud told tlie l'ropbet be lied. Thereupon tne greatest contusion prevailed, and nothing but Brigbuin Young's interference saved Howard from bung mobbed. Tins opan quarrel sorved ilrigbsm'e purpose. Ho ordered Howard on a mission, uud at the same time ottcrod to buy his distillery (or ubout $30,000. Howard was compelled to obov, aud uc cepied the notes ol one Joseph Home, Indorsed by Urigbam Young and l>. II. Wells, lor tbo utnouut named. TUu distillery was operated m Hornet name, but sales of liquor to tho city were made in tbe numo of D. 11. Woils. Wolls was then Mayor of .Salt Lake City, and sold whiskey to mo cor Duration lor f4 por gallon until Wirt, when the Union 1'auitlc Rail road was finished. ior inoiithu after (be completion of tbe railroad tbis corporation wus compelled to piy Wells $1 ? gallon for tbis "Valley Tan," although a saperior article could be laid down front the States lor $!L When llo waul oaiuo boiue, lu ibe latter putt of 1 Ilrigbnm'"' Young and Wells, Dotting tuc manufacture of whiskey no longer proUtubi<, gave buck the dislillory und compelled b:m to deliver up tneir notes, aud also refused lo pay a cent of rent for tbe lime they bad uhou It. Ibis bankrupted Howard.! Hrigb iiu Young aud Peramorx l.iltio, tbe prcaeut Mayor and llrigimm ifoung's nephew, wore propi letors of tbe f'alt Lauv House during the years lSUti lo l!>7u. Tbo bouse contained a bar, on which the city l.oeuse thou was $tf00 per qusrtor. I'll* tlrm of Ynui.g K I.uiiu regularly paid this license, bui the elty books show tbat the bull oi tbts amount?11?*> ? was regularly re turned by ibe oily to lirigliaiu \ouag. A roucKo boss. Now aud tben, too, the l'ropbet oxaeta through subordinates a forced loan. For example, b? wax once Indicted for Inwa and lascivious i obabilatiou uud brought belore Judge McKeuii, whe demanded irom htm a ball bond. At oncie the cry ol "p> i*?iul.on of the Prophet" was raised tbrju^h tbe Territory, und contributions wero solicited irom the fuUMul to p?y the I'rophet's bull, l.eudieg apostate* think thai (MX) wero thus rinsed and aent lo ttrigham Young, wbo, not having lorloiled bis bull bond, rvialuad the money. foLYQAMT. Concerning tbat open violation of federal law uu I human deceacy- polygainy?wbieb I shall hereafter rotor lo at some length, this is to be said in the present connection --lolygauiy is not only commanded by Brigbaiu Young, who ullects ibe voice ol Cod; it is en lorced In every quarter, mostly w.lh tho glad couseni of tbe men, but sometimes againsithelr wishes whan they are enable to support a numsroua tamily. Nearly all tbe presidents, nposlies and bisbops ol the Mormon Church are polygaiiilsts, ajid I tiavo alluded lo tho lad ibai tbe Territorial Legtalatnre is enmpotsd, ul tnobl without exceptioo, of poiygnmoui mernbors of the prioathoo'i. Polygamy, with its aiicn'tant vices ol last, incest, vicious habits on lbs purl ol ?rglected "wives," la, therefore, set and io?k?d lit tho ancial structure ol Mormon sm. Tbe domestic habits 't creates, the ob oc.v vulgar quarrels 11 ha* r*HM.d, tbo sorrow u ha* cau,od to w?B1,!U. tho de formity, and oar.y 4**lh it ha* brought to children, will described Ju * luture letter. Poaplt* it* horror*, notw.iii.uuaiBg tbo thousand* of abaudouod graves auimoumod by lotierlu* head stones wh:ch Itttor tbe uu?u*J?d eemeterlns near *alt I-ak* and every Mormon settlement, vncb one le*iiiy. >ug 10 u dish wiorud rniaut or a woinsu's broken heart, ! polygamy U thought hero to be not the worst evil olid ' therefore, not tho to be a,.ailed ; tl i, considered 1 a* the least oi tho gum evil bcre-aorenubllcun, i un-Atnaricau?to \vu, a po?ortvl an.i lut.iuiou* iheoc-., racy. AH THUUCMAUV* Tbo head of this thsoeracy, Urigbm Young, la ' thought to bo the uiuu, or rather Ibo thing, lo be douo ! away with. Wnon hit folia nil will lull Invented, as he is, with tbo p?wei*.j| ? very god over luo.oou peo- j III*, power* Which rcMiU not ui,rdy to their t,. arts but i 4ikewi*e to then hearth* ait j marriage Ou<l?, he it mi i ewbojied wrong .0 h, and a mena.e l0 ,U, i Jtepublic Invest u g<,ou i:iau with Ins untrammelled 1 miftit. and abuses would still flour,it, ,u ihc mulst oi ? society iltuj governed. Invest wub u ? bud man WUO duuiw bi? Ufa lnu been Loulroliuu successively' Ami ?/ iuat oi women, next by lutt ?r power, anil iL ^ luht 01 ?ol4. aud w? see the rcault. His sen suality Iim bsmi burnt ojt, ills po?er la *o;newh.?i ! weakened, but his uvaiieo reiu.iiaa. whkuu ri?on fuoikrtiojr. Ulustuier, coward aud deiuolv ignorant tnouah Una haw \uung i.i deacribou by Connies ..od apo.Uk-a here to be, ho la silted with nuliceaud oonulng, which have enabled him to overthrow or to deceive hi* di*. turn Adversaries. Through hit delegates to Congress ?ul hut ngema iu tb* l.Uiiauiuie h? baa ob tuiaed the pua^u-o ot bilia which luvo huliorto pro tect,d lum and bu aaaocmia,. iwo tfyitema-tho olec toml and jury ayitcms-wni ili118l,ai0 tu0 tenor ol these law*. t't'M'UOLLlNO flit; mAJUfUHK. The Mormona ?? preponderate ,i|1Ure h*inS a popg. UUou ol 10), Mormons to 1...00U tie.itilo,, ,bat lu uo place except wboro ihern were muuy cieutilo*, ogcihrrwith many open or secret aponmica, could , ?oy but tho Church ticket chance under lair moma to I WID. Hut lii ordor to auour* an ovorwlioltnlug ndvan. I ta^i! at overy poll tno priesthood, wno conduct every. ' thing, uiranjjgd u doublo syaieiu of marked tlckota and 1 registry ol votora. The marked ttckoU bavo on their ! buckK un inscription In tho O.-a-ret nlphabot. Thia ! Visible whon they are lolded to ihu Horizon Judgcn o'f ! election, prowaa tbe holder aaaiust a challen^ by a ' Uuotllo. Tbei>> tickets aro duuibuttd b.loro toUul' I duy by tbo ward teacbers to all Mormons. No ilui mon I who toes to tho polls cau deposit a seoret ballut While iho law deprives tbe poll keepers ol tho ' privilege ol opeiim* and examining ballots, ttioj I ovado the law m tbla way:-rhey require each ! voter to give bis aauie. which .a inscribed M a hook. Opposite bis name, and also on the back o; tbo ballot lie presents, Is wmtcu Ins number, in tbe order in which ho happens to appear alter tbo IIrat votor was numbered la tho u?orn.nC. By this device the poll keotiere and their ujaitora, tho biaho|?a, cau tell who deposited every ballot, i'hey have .,mp|y to compare the uuiuberrf on tho book with tho numbers on tho hanks ol tho ballots, aud each votor's prulerence is disclosed. It any voter ha* ??scratched" a Church ticket tuu loci is thua found out, and, II the onenuer be a iloiaiou, be is luatautly blackballed and apcedilv warned. In tbla way the brethren are held, cvou In tho oxeroKo ol tueir rights us cltizonK, In complete subjection to Urigham Young. vora KAfu.v Aft b otTax. \ otlng is frequently don* by proxy, except |q tho ward* 01 Salt Lake City, where there are now a Urge number of Ccutilo voter* preaout to detoci ttiu Iraud. Iu thotcbool of tho prophets at tho Tabernacle the faithful have been urgod to voto early, often ond cvorywner* thoy could. Home Mormon* us*ure me that they have voted in lour or Ovo ward* on tho same day, using iu sumo cases tbe name* or their lioraea aud mules! A humorous leuturo of tbeso "clectioua" u tbo llcehso taken by tho Mormon judgo or inspector. If bo happeu* to bo called out or has an errand or goes to his clunei lo Ukes hi* buliot box along with i,;ln. one ?ay an acuuaintauco ol mine, uu eminent Uoutile, aciompuuied a Oeutllo lady lo the poll*. This being a laud of Icuialc tiuflrago the lady went to voto aud my Irlend lo look on. To their astonishment the polling place was Tucaut. Ilrother Jeter Clintou, who was in charge l ol the ballot Lox, had laken it into the back room. j 1 his performance of tho Mormou brother, which w .uid I vitiate an election la New York, Is the rognlar *ori of thing in L'tuh. 1 KU.1M; arviHAUK. ih*re it uuiver*ai fowale aunrago here. Kvon the lira or lawful wife, whoso right ol dvwoi the Logi.-la turo abolished some year* a.o, Is privileged to vote So aro tho polygamous wivos. Tho Inlter, or course so outnumber tho former that the voto of the lirst wire I* rendered u.eiow. If abo I* hearthroaen by polygamy she will not have tb* courage lo voleug.ina the Mormon ticket; il sho ta a lanatlo and favors poly. gamy she will not want to voto ugainst it. As a i ule Gentile ladles relraln Irom voting anyway, thoir dii gun with the whole Mormou systom preventing ihem I Irom cxercuing th*it privilege. j To crowu this sketch ol the Utah voting *valem at a i geooral elocUou it should he added that a Territorial ( statute prohiblis votes from being couuiod lu iho j precincts whore Ihoy aio deposed. Thoy must bo : tuUeu to the count) .eat and theie be counted by the | rrohite Judge aud biscieri:, both ol whom, except in tho county of loo?le, are Morm ms. Owing to Hie current whlcu hu* heguu to set utder Urigham Young s leol an Increasing number oi Mor lnonc, woak in tho laiih, would v?te dlffrrenily fiofc now if satisfied that their preierence* could not bo diccoverod. TilK GUAM! J IKY Hlan.ll. The I'uli juty svi-.tcm is u matter ol great present Importance. It m mixed, like everything elso here List* o( Jurors nro selected iti tho counties wltero lUo court* arc bald, conjointly by the i rooaio judge* el tho ooontle* and tho clerks ol tho district count. The Judge* arc Mormons, llio clerks ur?t Uctitilcs. Tba jutl^e aud olurk ui each county mutually make out a list of'J00 Juror* every yiar. lho?? juror* are cho*cu alternately; the Vrobato Judge writes u Moimon uamo end the clerk of the uourt wi ties a Uontile name, until Hie li*t Is lilloti. from tbeso lists of H00 Juror*, one-bull' Mormon una one-ball Uontile. are drawn by lot tbe names of tho grand and potlt Juror* fo? oacn l*fni. To laymen those equal 1 number* preparatory to u drawing ntl/jlil Mucin lair. Lawyer* will smile at tlio whole jtrocwsdln;. A (mini Jnry ol tllieuii ouunot ludlct a wiu without tho agree- I lunnt of twelve of its tnem jers, and it i? a tact la the hli'tery ol Utah tiiut only two grand Junoe twtb i twelve Cen'll a have boon drawn. One Mormon on a i petit jur;?that I* u> *?/, tho Jury that trio* tho prl?- , omr?o*u pruv tut a couvictton oven u Mil but associate* dclerinlue llio prisoner's ginlL lu lact, there hue uU-iyr Ocuu morn than oi.u Moimon on u pent Jury, who.* <-uii?wiuei>i oath? obliged iiitu tu\or to agree to 1 the conviction u0n culprit whom the Church letter* Wi tied to mvo Irom the penalty ol the law. W^icu John L>. Lee waa Inst tried It hm bolote a Jury ol ' uiue Momuoii* aud three Connie*,. The Mormon Church rallied tu hi* defence. In ipno ol Its tffurt* lie wai proven kuiiij, hut lite Ditto Mormon Juror* ativcd him. i tie pre** all ever tho country blazed witoauch todigaatluo that the Moimon Uadurn re- ; coiloii. W'mjn the now trial came they took a Lew taeit. OOBcluUtU to lot l<cc bo wblsUtd down the wind to liu dcatructioj. fiiuitl H. Well*, *ceood counsellor to Urigliam Youug, wan oe| mcd to atletid Itie trial and uttenjl to Mormon witm-asfl*. Chen, and then onlr. when a Mormon Jury understood that it Mat toe policy ol the Mormon Church to convict 4 Moimon prisoner at the hit-, they convicteu htm. l'OUIIH< TION UK MVILft I'KM A > OKI). What the law abldin); ctttxeas ol I't.ib demand Iroui UougreKB, in correction ol thoaa evil*, I? not, it eerm* to mo, unreasonable. Thoy do no'. ark lor tie a let, is lutive oxpontuuutf; whut ttiey want I* such legislation as appllei. to every olt:er territory and every State in the I niou. I hey call lor the establishment hero of law* loiu recognized lu Knglantf and the o!d r N*w Kni'Uud and Middle btiitii, alter the enaetion of which, they think, they will have an *<m*i ctiauce to maintain their tnteruau alongside thoso of the arro gant leaders ol the Mormon Church. The following, I believe, are the principal acts ol fedetal legtulatloii they (lraire:? 1. l'hat right oi doaer shall bo tccured in Utah to a law tut *ifo or widow, and to no othor. 2. I hat, in Older that polygamy may bo proved and puetsheil, tho lact of n man cohahittng a ith several dill' rent wo?i4G shall t>* prima laelo ? *1**0*0 that he is married to th*m. At ore?*nt a wun rune nuv* *eea legally married in d we Jen, England or Waataebaiatt^ and alur?uid poi> .'-ir.aualy >*ul ill. ally married II Umdan* ui the Kndowiuvui llou?u 111 s.?it Like Cut, twl nouv ul bia p <iy^auv>u.-- m^rruyt* t; t| bo proved iu 0|?u tilfrt. A i.i-e lit |>ollli wh.utl t' U> inter est CuagroiK .? iba> oi u* >r^<- if. C muuii. the pes' ul iJoruiDL 1>. ibk ?u iu (i.* lioe*? ai Mm NMOhinrfc During In* < ontest lor his eicellbU with Central M:n. well, Hunm ycu? iga, ho encouuiero.liUelollow.uf tbarxe iu Maxwell'* aAdavitt? 'Hint }0t are uuw 11V i uuj cohabiting with t'oui po* tended ?lve?. Ill d< limit anil wllliii rlulauou o< lite 1mW "t I outre*.- uf l-* J. Mitltleii ' \r. Act in l'i ilill/ll m.jr iu tin- lttrriMr.c*.1 llim yo.i. Ueergt Ij, i'ubuou, ace llwag In |mh cawf,n To Uiia oharga Mr. Cannon, whoij relationship with bewrat Indies bero It ti .lonom, mid who would dlelil.? to be accosted in the street* ot Salt I..ilea City wi'.h .? iiiquirt alter the bo.iltli of his iu aire. ses, roturnea tu? tuilowiiii ?v4atve answer. ? "i de iv iliut I uv* nr.'. ur k.t\? *v?r lived, hi violation ol lb* u*eu! OoJ, man, my vthtHlrv, d?e?nuy oieivliUa* den ?" vt ihjv Ihw ui iu? (,'iMiad autte* ' 3. A luW uliu.viii^ tli?j Court, uller the exhaustion o) the r<uulur yearl/ punol r?t !&# jurors, to oider tho maivbul iu g i out in the vlcnugi and .itimuiou men to ul> up tbe J my. (It ts now required ttut tbo suma boxitll ol' mixed hitlluu v?liicb were originally drawn irom shall uei.1 bo resorted to in cute ol a deficiency of juroij.) 4. A piuvision that iba ballot box shall be taken out of an tianiln ol C'burob oflicere md nut In the hand* of American citizen* Tbo fact that inspectors of elec tion are :it present solid Mormons, lold by the Mur inuu uuihorlties to take as much time is they to canvas* tbo torntoriai vote, ap;?eara to render Una request rousoi.aMi!. iu..u**a* a>u mc MoKUoxa. 1 now approach Uiut p?ri or ilia Uoriuon question wutob uougat u$ Congress, and which oagbt to occupy a pari ul tbo Uiou.lua ol ^enaiora and member* ul Cougie*( wb'i uie reatuig batweiu the gcaauina. Under ail admlnta:ration* ol all pariior, wtiotber whig, democrm or republican, tbcre have been a lew Cabinet uUlcern, a lew senators, a tew members ol tbu House or Kaproaentatlvea iu w.uiiiiugton wiia nave aoi'ved llri^naiu Voitng and the Mormon (yliur>:ti. Wnenever Hrijjluni Vo'i.ig, who baa repi'4teJiy boasted thai hu c >u 1<I buy the wlivle Cou^ruos ol' tbo I lilted but Ms, calluJ on Ills people fur tiiouev lor that purpobC, Ilka money baa coiuo aud dinappeurod. tiriguani Voung bltofoll call* ibis inoiwy "u\!a grease.'' In each bduso ol Cwtgreaa there nre t.vo cniu'Jilttecs? I'erritoi ial and Judiciary?in lite judjf* moms of wnoie metnbjra Morui^us leel u deep Inter* est. If any nu'inberH ol tbe^o oommltteos can bo reached by corrupting infldonccs Mormou aucQts will certainly reach tboiu. 1: wis repeatedly found tbai in Congressional committees where no pobllo racord Is made ol the proooedlags a plenty of men coorcod by brlboa or hotpiUlUy Into becoming Mormon ay .vpainuer.-f, would light against or atavo off reports unlavorablo to tbo Mormou CUureb until they got so tow down on tho calundars tbai they could not bu brought into oiiber bjuse. 11 one ol tbam got into one bouse It would lail lo tbo other house, and thus b? bunion by Indirection. 1 iorboar, at presenl, to dlacusa tho true Inward* ucas ol this injportuni matter, ? yueiy :-0r run T t Aii lunpri'iinit ol' tlm l iiy umikt. made l y llie (trand .liny a rear ajjo lavualad Ilia fuul lliat vhrse |il<>u?salnt* bail luauul'aciured ?,<ml>i worth ul "ctoukeil whlaaay. * and the Treasury Ueiiarlmunt ban called 14(1011 ibem 10 ex plain tills ij.ibjliuiliku liiuovaliuu. Tllli NlitD Or 1 ItOOi'tt?VVUA'i' TUK UtitALD UA.1 PO.NU 11'rotu tbo bait Laka Tribuna.) There is uo uoubt that the lutluenco ol Governor ; Emory and Ueneral Smith U used against the urgent 1 request of tho Ceulllo oltuous of Utah tor mora I troops, uira tbo opiuion ot tho?e luu oiUcials?one tho i olvio head and tbo oilier the mi itary chiei?will no doubt outv.bigh the counsels of a whole host ol privato ' ctti/enH, because these partu a are supposed to be woll j Informed, unbiased and trustworthy. It should bo i borne in miad that tbo Mckai.u haa distanced lia oon ! temporaries (it aiwaya does) In oponing a frcib tanio | ol uewa. The uorruspoudunt ul that lulluaotial Jour ; 11 ul, now in tialt l.ako, ia axposing the aacial aud po | liticai bubits of a so-oailed reli.ious coiumunliy?ex . Isting in ibe heart ol ibis gruat Kopublic?with quch , thorougbiieas aud fidelity that tbo universal Yankua I nation is really taken by surpriae. Until John I), j Leo's confession revealed aumo ol the blood curdling crime* ol tbu Utah prlc&thuod two-1ti 1 r la ot tho Aincr ! lean people had never heard of the Mountaiu Meade wa butchery. The HhkAi.i> baa sot uboul the righteous ' work of showing up tbla Latter Day dispensation ia all its deformity; und Iroin the heartiness with which It bas enterod upon tho work It ia fair to sunpoae It will uot give uptba invcatifiatlou until the working* ot | Una blood stained theocratic system are laid bare. pox* OF 'inE OOVKUWUENT. [I'rom tUo i'iiiludelj biu ller.tld.j Sloco the e\ecutiou ol' Kldcr Loo 1U0 Mormon com* tnunlty huvo been disturbed 111 relutlon to the stnud* lug ol many ol their spiritual leaders id the eyea of the law. Tlioy repudiated the dlrdoeuroa of 1am, and ycl at tho came time put all po*aiblo obstacles la tho vi uy ot the I nitod HUiti uQtborltla* obtaining uvi dunce to nana plain and clvar tbo dark record* of tho pa*t, ^pcciaily ihoae in reiatlou to tbo Mountain Meadow* nja***cre. Sumo witnesses were nioauced with pernonul violence, others influenced liy social anil bti*ine*ii tic*, und still others by religious man agement. But with all tbcou advantage* tbo Qrand Jury went a long way tu opening a path which, in tho cud, umy lead to thu pnniebmorii ol the desperadoes wbo, under Ibc guise ol ielision, murdered In told blood man, women and children. Tna government khould aid Uluirici At:oruoy Howard iu all poaa.blo and proper way# iu bit dangerous work among tho uii-guidud and arubltioua turn wbo rnlo tbo Mormon community with the Iron rod ol religious lanatlctam. A low uioru exposure* ol tbo character of tbo beads ol the Mormon Church, their duplicity and wick d* neas, uud tho whole oecleslustlcal political edllico will topple and lull to the ground. A ftl'KtlMKM or >11)11 HON VENOM. [from tho I'o.-erut News. | I'tuh happen* to he cur*.:d with n crowd of (ellmva w ho make it a buiiur?? to continually atlr up atrile la the community. 1 hey aro represented by no apology lor a uc>va(jupor, tbo riiont tlasidorons, olwceue, UB riurupnioub, voncmou* auu blackguarJIy publication that afar diagrjcid any community In a civilized country. I hi* literary luogu* whip* into lino evory nou-*'Mornioti" wbo da.igruo* with Its course, who bus not moral nubility fulllcienl to aland up lla venal and siandarous attacks, and exercises a kind ol terrorism over the others, who aro desirous of avoiding it* scurrilous onslaughts, farcing them to sllcuco their butter judgment. '.>nly gat rid of tho "Mormon*" and their pneothoo I |? their wa>oh cry, and wr would tool inako a One llouriabingTermor) of I'tah und thaugn thu character ol ber cities aud sat tie* meuie. Yes, looeed, inoro would ho n charge, a wo* lul change. Heaven forbid that thla lair western laud should bo blurred and bla'lod tov such a change. So lar us tb'* "Mormons'" aro concerned, tboir worm tbow what tii'jj arc. Tho bundroda of flourishing cities, sr-itinriienbi, pirdtun and tarin* show what they uie. Tbo p'ac, comfort and liapniu'-*!" wiiicb tboy enjoy 'ho* what they nra. I.ut ttaalr record *a peace* lul, prndactivc, indu*trlous uilUen* he compared with that of their traducon, ui.d the Inttor will slak lino comparative obliteration. 1H? OLkW r?H 1IIK PBOSICCUTIOX. [Kioiii tbo tiuid Hill (Xor.) Now*.; This man "Idaho' I* a couvici, It la true, and under ordinary oircnmsunce* hi* testimony would bavo no weight. Uo ha* nothing to gait by lying, :iud he bus i v?r> tiling to gtln by telling the truth. II ho cannot really pi oduce tins letter iu Urigliaru Voting'* handwriting bo Is simpl> a fool for ptoU'ndiag that ho can, and nioii ol b;* class aud of hi., cr.miuul genlui arc *oidom lound in the ranks ol fools. Ha is placm| his liberty in tbo scale with Hrlghain Young's life, ' lie ailpniates lor a parilou only wben lie has turned over the original letter to District Attorney Howard, i and Hut gentleman la sail (lad that It ta genuine. We are disposed to believe (hat tha story of "Idaho Bill" j is true, and thai at mat tbe alow hits bean found winch loads directly to tha Lloa Hou?o in Salt Lake Hialr ot Atioiney Howard ha* now aooietbiug doUalU upon which to build up a proswullon ol Brigtiain Younf I hat ha will at onoo proqoed to proauoct tbo intae tnus opened to bun thoro can bo no doubt. Ho ha* proved himsoll laltliful in his tru?i in tho put and oan be I ' d upon to lemsin lalthlui to thn end. II "Idatii Bill" reitlly po?sa*an* tho tottar which be claims t? bavo tha govormnont can woll afford to pnrdoa mm la order to couviot a greater aoouudral. %o shall not bo at all surpn.iad to s?e Urigbam Youug at iho bar of tujilco In u very low week*.