OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, June 02, 1877, Image 6

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Opening Day of the American Jockey
Club Spring Meeting.
Probable Stauers To-Day?Bookmakers
and the Latest Betting.
Tbe spring morti&g of the Aiacre.n Jockey Ciab
oiumance!' at three o'clock i;i:s afternoon at Jeosie
'arlr, and. Judging traui ll o number and il:c qual.iy
< (lift tiuMt* ou the trcck *;:d tb>> ncctptaucos to tLe
(t handicap", the raciiii wtil be belter tli?n ever wit
?liiici la liti>* country before. liurn.o;; racing is opo
if those ijcnt!?tnau!y ;u-t.nn.s mat bus token firm
oi'l m tli'.s country during the pj.il few veers, u.til
ttjiporiej by such :aen .u An,; cm Eilxout, h. W.
'<trorue, I'. I.ortiiard, <!. L. I.cnllsrd, P. I),
tfl'.hcrfl. Sir. fc>;tloul, William A*tor, Olcn itowic,
K. \V. Catourou ami Colonel McDuntcl, baa stcbatiy
iccreaed in popularity, and u nuw tbe "rial spirting
?musnucnt or the people. Tits great impro\.\jtn?ut la
the claai cl throuchbreda raised iu lUi* country la also
jIiuau evsry Jay, a* litstaaoad In the recent per
formances oi Mr. Harper's 'lVu ilroeck at one, two,
tbree and four nille* Mr. Saulord't stable In Kiiglaud
Ls also xivcii a good account ut itself, au-J proved tbu
fact that tlio ruuuiug buraus brni in th.s country no,
kt uny rata ou a par Willi anything that runs In
TJtti rnslMBiTIOKS.
During trio last lew days tbore baa been considerable
bustle ami activity around tbe Jerome l'ark stables,
i> tlio utlterout racing striugs have beau arriving trom
Louisville an<! Baltimore. The park looks in perfect
oonditlon. and In point of picturesque beauty mere Is
certainly no prettier race course In tbe world, Tbo
turf is iresh and greon, aud tlio clutnti of trees on tbo
knoll on tbu uortb end of tbe park rich w.tb tbo iresh
Tbo stand Is In cxotlleut order, and although tbo
oppor end ol tbo quarter stretch will perhaps look u
little dull tbls season without tbo pool Hilling and its
busy scenes, tbo spectators will bavo something
novel to watch in the betting ring, which will bo
located in tbe extreino uortb end of tbo quarter
itretcb, where the French pool tlckots used to be re
ieornoJ. .Although at Oral tbe bookmakers may not
attract much attention, when they become accus
tomed to tbo business their tuclydloua voices will bo
beard, ottering tlio current odds, auu a miniature .Stock
Exchange scene will bo enacted in tbu open air. 1 he booli {
making system of betting is at present a novelty to
American sportsmen, but when they become accus- 1
tamed to the taking and laying ol odds tlio bcttiug en
closure will be ouu of tbe curioaitlcs of tbe park, '1 ho
ilun houso ou tbo bill has been put in thorough order
ind ilie eurrouudiug grouuds look very inviting, 'lho ,
four-in-hands will is usual bo drawn up In hue at tbo
loot ol the club bouse lull, and, with the green sward
ds a background, will prcsont quito an attractive pic- i
ture from tbe grand stand.
rbcro wore quite a number oi peoplo at Jerome
Park yesterday, and tbo louugors oil tbo trunk uud
iround the stables looked us If they bad coiuo out In
order to gaiher what Information thoro was floating
ironed us 10 the condition of the cracks. Tbo pro
lessional tipsters wero uearly at! on band, and did not
.euve tor tbo city until near dusk, but in timo to givo
ilielr ralisblo information to any that desired to pur
:ha?e it. Xbo30 gentlemen tire Koaiethir.g Hkin to tbo
surbstouo'opurator in Wall street who gives points on
me market botu ways, so tbat bo is
?ale to win any way. Tbo stables are un
usually lull tbis year, and tbero are at tbo
lowest estimation 'J50 norsos in training. Messrs.
Ueimont, William Astor, P. Lorill ird, G. L. Lorillard,
E. A. Clabuugb, cx-Govornor Howie, h. 1'. MCGrutb,
Colonel Thomas Paryear, T. 13. & W. R. Davis, Lylo A;
Co., T. W. Doiwoll, Coiouel 1). McDouiel. J. K. Gib
lii-y, F. Smytbc, James McCortnlck, snodiker, Liltsll,
William Mtdgoly, Charles Heed, D. .J. I rouse, M o.iacl
Dc.nuhuo, Jr.; J. G. K. Luwruuce, A. D. Hrown, Loug
?taU, U S- Uoyd, D. 1). Wittier*, J. IS. 1'ryor, J. 1L
Ilace/, Nevillo aud others huve brought horses to I lie
meeting and louo otbor strings are expected. Tba
horses, us a rule, are ull in pretty good condition, and
II the track keeps in good order tbo racing will uo
above the average.
Shortly after daybreak yesterday morning tbo horses
made tliuir appearance on thn track, aud up to olglit A.
M. tbero were quito u number taking their gallop*.
It was pretty hard, howover, to make anything out, as
there wt*re too many clocks in the hands oi protes
glonuls lor tbo (minors to show any roiuarkaulc time.
Anioug the best known horses at the Pant are luniuus
Turn outiliiroo, owned by Mr. G. L. Lorlliard; Mr. Mc
Gr.ith's Leonard, the promising si-u ot Louvlellow, a
luvorito lor the Withers Sties; the lour-yeur
old Fiddlestick, owned by Mr. Ueimont, backed for
considerable money in the Kordbum Handicap; tlio
well known mare Madge, that lias carried colonel
McDaulel's colors so olten to tbo front, and Vugrunt
uud Frederick the Greut, owued uy iir. W iliiam Astor.
There arc also Sultana, Piccolo, Clovei brook,
Ju<! Khodcs, Kellowcrall, Acrobat, Vigil, Hbada- '
mailti,us, Li'urnlugion II., Parole, Has!I, Hmnbitst,
I'reMon. Fugitive,'Vermont, Chiquita, Pera, Yirgiuius,
Kxploslon, M11iior, CIIimi Dudley, Itod Cast, Ambu.-Ii,
liambmo, Chamois, Gulway, Cardinal Wolsey, Daunt
less, Princeton, Handsome, llllle, Freebooter, W. T. |
Hlyglns, Magtium Uonum, Janet Norton, Mettle. Cray
Lag, Waller, Ueaiinead, Coronet, Resolute and others.
'There will be plonly of wuys oi transit to the track
lo-iiiiy, aud although the roud through tlio Park atid
Jerouio avenue Will probably be crowded with vehicles
the gloat lilacs ol the poople will avail themselves of
the Hiilem Uiwiroad, ax the usual extra trains will
be run In order to accommodate tlic travel. A six
burse coach Is to stun from tue Uruuswick, carry
ing passengers to tbo truck lor $1, and the Astor
House lour-lu-haud will run regularly during tlio
meeting, charging .f- lor tbo round trip.
ri,o races will commence ut three 1'. M., with tho
following programme:?
Puree of $400, weight lor age, ibruc<|iiarters ol'a ratio,
closed With the lollowing entries:?Uha.Jamunil.u-',
V22 lbs. ; Mary, 113 lbs. ; Yorkshire Lass, 113 I bit, ; Sis
ter ol Mercy, 113 lb.?.; Leamington 11., US lbs.; Ex
plosion. 118 lbs.; l'urtfle, 115 lbs.; i'ere, 113 lbs.; I
C>ril, 110 lbs., and Janet Norton, 117 ids.
T1IK I'OltKIUM HANllll'A)'.
The second event is tho Fordham Handicap Swocp
itaKcs ol s60 each, hall forfeit uud only $10 ii dcclareJ
by May 20, with *600 udded, tbo second to receive J2JO
out ol the stakes. Winners, alter publication o( 1
weights, ol $1,000 to carry 6 lb*,, ol $-.',000 7 lbs. oxtrx, 1
In bo run lor at the Spring .Meeting, 1S77. line tiiiio ;
mid a qusiter. Closea with 01 subscribers, ."3 of which
were dolured out. The lollowing horses are men
tioned among the probable starters ? Parole, 1J4 lbs., '
lthudumrifctiitis, 1-- lbs.; fiddlestick. i-'U lbs.; Pic
colo, 118 lbs.; Madiro, 117 lbs.; Galway, 116 lbs,:
\ irg mus, Ua lbs.; ltedcoat, 112 lb*.; Ambush, llo
lbs.; C1||||UIIS. 10U lbs.; W?co, 108 lbs.; AuMrnlmd, ;
luij ibs.; KugnlTo, 10tt lbs.; Faithless, lo5 lbs.; Mary,
10J lbs ; ilamblno, 100 lbs ; Dauntless, 100 lb.-. ; Jov>
KUoilc^, 100 lbs., aud Idaho, OU ib?
tiia rirntKa srAKicn,
Tbo tliird event on tho prograuime is the Wltliors
Stakes, lor three year-olds, $100 mtrailCS, hull loi'lvll, '
with 11,000 added; the second liorso to receive ?JOO
out ol the stakes; one ratio Th .4 event I
closcd with fllty-uuie entries, out ol which 1
itm lollowiog will protiably stai t;?Sir. P. I<nrillard's !
Haul aud Itumbast, t'olonel McDauiePs (Hnn Diidiey 1
nu<i Major iiari.er, *lr. G. Lorilord's Lucilor and
Loiteier, Mr. Wiihsm ,\?tor's Kredvrick the Great, I
Mr. lieiniout's Magnum iiuiiuui, Mr. I. iuuHiall n W. .1.
lligg-i-< and ili'viiiiiur, K. A. (.i ibeMlt's Cloverbrook?
Charles Keed's Cardinal W etsey, Uwyer Urothura'h. ,
c. Vermont, carr k Co.'s Ritlo, i'. Mo^rath's Lrouard, I
uud hi. W. ."'ears' oh. c., bj AsH'iotd. out of Kdlna and I
K. K. Sort-ju's l>. c. by Iieainingtoii, out ol Carrlo |
Aiherion. /
M;!.K A SI) A hi. V
Tho fourth race is for a purse el ?G'iO; maidens ai< j
lowed II !l years old, :i it>j. ; ii 4 jears ^r upward, 6 |
Hi.-.; oi.e mile and a hall. 'I tm eniriex closed with
Kappaliansoek, 11# It.-: ; l'artuer?hip, IJB ibs.; Pr?n
ton. llu iuK.: Aib one, lio lbs.; Ktnuey, 113 .us., uud
J<aig.nan, llOltis.
The i':<y '* iport will com-iuue wuii a pnrso ol $400,
the wriiuer tu be suld at Miction lor * 1,.?tt>i; ll entered
to be told for $1,1/00 allowed 6 .bi,; it Inr J760, 7 lb.;
i: lor |6ov, lo u<?.; one mile and a ituarti t Tii# loi
lowitig entrieit bare lieen made ? Ambush, 1J4 ws>;
Fraud, 111 los. ; Cvrll, lo.'? ibs. ; KhestBOl 'ill/, by Wur
iJutite, !M lbs.; finirinv, llo b-s., an i Nedeoat. li s io.?.
TU attendance ut the J<? key tiub rooms last night
Wa. not very good and outy a lew truusuotioiis wont
kooKi'd on the Wtkb?rs aud /ordham Haniiuap. Must
ol tlie racing man w^-re still nndai the lascinsii'ins ol
the p<*'i Wi* and hat) /.ue over to lloUokcn. i.'ie ,o.
lowing are the latent i|iioiatiou*.?
so a on* a ii is on: ac.
ChUjUila Viol A in irian h to I
i-n iihodee :i to 1 Pai UiTibip S n. 1
, ;.idg<- ? to 1 Anstrafmd. '.i l
Virsmms 4 to I F-tlthlMs lOtol
FidctieSth its A to 1 l Mui.tlr.ia 10 t* 1
1'i.g.live.'. 6 in I Aalwiy 10 In I
]u tlia fttnl lltilfliija12 to 1
iiii .(..imanthue.... ?> to 1 itamblno . 121*1
try ii to 1 Viceiuy Mi to 1
Waco.,.,,. I 10 I Doll Bruce,....... 1J lo 1
rn* withi.as STAftks
i^ouaro 4 te I Asternal cop s to 1
Hoinbast 0 to I Muguum Uoimin.. I II i
H.iri l 8 to 1 Cafdinal Wo.soy. K i<j 1
? inverbrook H to 1 J. .f. Hugin i'l lo 1
|tllie 0 'o 1 tllflii l>ndi<-y ..... 12 lo 1
\'oimoiit 7 to I Hraeiuor Ivl to 1
I.e. 1'ior 1 to i J'ivd'ck the ftr'? at 1ft 'o I
Ut.iiur 7 to 1 Lo.uii.'.giou colt.. 16 te l
Tbo spring trottiog meeting at Fleetwood Par*
cloied yetlorday ulivrnoon with great iilaL Tbo
mooting has l.cou a decided sucoec*. and retiact* prr.i:
credit ou Mr. Bernard, tbo muaatur, lor tbo prompt
maimer m which everything appertaining to tbo ?purt j
and tijo conilott of tbo p?opl'? has oscti attended to ,
during tbo lour days' irul-ia,1. Mori reapeoiiblo |
sathcrlng* haro oeror been scan within iha oucloaaro
ol Fleetwood l'urlc tlian Du bean wHaaaccd tbo put
four day*, and it wau encouraging la aoa the gr?>?i 1
utimborj ol rcapsctabio ladles and jeollaruen oa ttia
ground Irom day to day tbut never vu.tti tbo place >
Tbo two unfinished racoa of Thumday ware decided j
dui.t'j the alleruoOn, bcaidoi the two ou the regolar
i.rofi itniao ol tbu day, uud si) nataud off' iuu*l ?utia
factor.ly, to tlio jsroat delight ol un lurncnfie conc?ar*c
of EjMGtalorj. At mo o'clock promptly the Viil ,
borse* wuro called up to acctdo tbelr race, wbicii w.ta j
bog an tbo day '?ofvr?. S x boats bud been trotted, {
Uiy Fallow Having tOCIl cisiiitlid Willi Uvo bouts, Bate- |
m?u with out, Dau lii jant wi'.h one, F.iUgU-u-Ballagh
wttti onoutid Lvly Ki'dear trail one. Big Fellow waj j
tbo w:uoor o>r tbo dcUd.ug boa;, the dc.aila of wiuoS i
arc ai follows: ?
.SerrrUA UtaL ? ltesull wus tlr?t away, KilUuer s.coud,
Dan Bryant third, Harry Gilbert fourth, Big follow
aith. At tue quarter polo, Ki KI wu? lu front, Uesull
second, Hurry Gilbert third, Big Fellow fourth, Duron
Lufl tllib, loiay Klldver sixth. Time, 85 seconds. At
the halt-mile nolo Result lu irout, Big Follow sec
ouJ, Baron Lull tbird, Big bellow fourth. Vine, 141.V.
Hooii't showed tbe way. ap the bill of ibo back
st retch; but when tbo horses got Into tbe botucstrouh
Hig fellow soou went to the iront, mid oomiug awny
hoii too beat uud ruoo, Uosult sccond, Iviideor third,
Huron Lull lourth, Dan Bryuut Uith, Buiemau ?ixth,
Kl Ki sovontb,.Hurry Gilbert eighth, Carrio N. umtb,
taugb-a-Ballagli lentil, Ttmo, 2:gt).1,.
'1110 following is u lull ?
Ft.kKTWOOD I'AltK? ijrHINO MKKTIX??'Tllllil? AN?
I'OL'jetu Day??Mav 31 amu Jink 1.?Hur.e $1.0tid,
lor horses tuut hnve never bcatou 2:27; $5oo to tho
tirst. $250 to ibe second, $150 to the third, $100 to mo
iourtli. 1111* heats, tra^t three iu livu, lu hurneso.
Toil Si Pooler's b. g. Big Fellow. 7 8 ft 1 1 'J 1
J. U. Goldsmith's b. g. Butoinun. 1 2 2 3 4 6 0
J. Murphy'* oh. g. Dan Bryant.. 3 1 3 2 10 10 j
M. J. Dovlo'e b. g. Fuugh-u-Bal- .
laifti OU 1 0 6 3 10 j
.M. Goodwin'* b. in. Lady Kudcer 8 0- 0 8 3 1 3 I
Gilbert is Son'* 8. g. Harry Gilbert 2 7 e 4 d tl 8 ;
J, 8. Bliss' b. b. Hoauli 4 4 8 10 2 4 2 j
J. H. Phillips' b. g. Barou Lull.. (1 3 4 7 7 8 4
C. H. Wheeler's b. g. KI Ki 11 6 7 5 8 7 7
J. Avros' b. m. Carrie N 10 0 10 8 9 9 9
H. \V. Howo'e b. h. Tom Moore.. 5 10 dr.
Quarter. Half. Milt.
First bent 35 1:10 2:27 >,
Second beat..., 3d 1:11 2:27
Third heat 34 '4 1:11'4 -;2"
Fourth boat 3b 1:12 2:20'4'
Filth beat 80'4' 1:12 2.20,',
Sixth bout M'j 1:13,Y 2:;i2)?'
Seventh heat 36^ l:ll,'4 2:20,'?
Tin; second t-OhTPOxro ti?oy.
Seventh IJeat.?Mattio broke up as soon n? tho word
was given, Hannah 1). Kecoud, Joker third, John 11.
close up. Going around tho turn Mat tie and Joker
bolii broke, and Hannah 0. want to tho Iront, followed
by John H. Hannah D. paused the quarter pole in
34,'v, two lengths uhedto of John H., who wits flvo
lengths in advunuo of Mallle, Joker lar behind. John
H. bad hi? bead in front at tho half'-mllc poio in 1:10,
lluiiuab second. John H. kept In Iront to tho end,
winning tbe heat by eight lengths lu 2:20, Hnnuah 1).
second, Matilu third, Joker fourth.
EighUi Heat.?Joun H. was lirst away, Hannah 1).
second, Mattie third. Joker fourth. Htuinnh D. broke |
on iho way 10 the quarter pole and John H. passed
thnl point id 35seconds, two length ahead of Muttle, 1
Joker third, Hunnab D. out or tho race. John wus
llrst to tbe half-mile pole lu 1:10, Mottle sceond, Joker
closo up. John kept steadily 111 work and cr.tno home 1
u winner of the heut and race Uy four lengtbs in 2:24. ;
Muttie whs second. Joker thlra, Hannah lar bobiud. '
John won llrst premium, .Vatno the sccond purse, I
Joker third, Hannab U. tho fourth prize.
The following is a lull
fc'AMB Day.?Purso 51,oOO, lor horsea that hiro
never beaten 2:21; J?7W to tho llrst, $375 to tbo s x
uud, $225 to the third, $150 lo Ibo tourtu borse. Mile
bealv, best three In Qvc, in harness.
J. H. Piilllfps' b. g. John H.... 7 1 0 0 3 3 1 1
C. 8. Ureeu'u h. in. Maine 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 2
AV. \V. ritnlth's b. g. Joker 54721143
A. U. Petlarl's br. m. llubtiah 0 1 2435423
G. Walker's blk. 111. May Bird. 2 3 2 4 4 r.o.
J. D. Gliiel'-i h. g. l'roctor. ,... 0 0 3 7 0 r.o.
M. Mulvanoy'a b. g. Custlu Boy. 3 7 5 5 7 r.o.
Quarter. Hal/. Mile.
First beat 34 1:10;,' 2:23
St.-coud beat 34 1:00 i!'22J?
'Ibird boat 331:10^ 2:24
Fourth heat 3> 1:09 2:2JJ?
Filth heut 34Jj 1:10^ 2:25
Sixth boaf 35 1:10JU' 2:2tl
Seventh heat 34,'a' l:ll> 2:20
Eighth heat 3ii?j 1:10 2;24
or the day waa tor u purso ol ?1.000, lor horses that
bud never beaten 2:30; $500 to the first, $250 to tho
second, $150 to the third aud $100 to the fourth; milo
Lcuu, bost throe in 6ve, In barne?*. Tlioru wure six
Eturters, comprising 1>. G. Cumerou's sorrul golduig
W. 11. Derby, M. Hodlo's bay uiuro Lucca, Horace
Fallow's sorrel uiuro l-avorile. J. II. Goldsmith's
brown mure Lotllo, J. U. Smith s bay stallion Youug
Sentinel aud J. L>. Gillett's cnesfnut gelding Frank
Munson. Favorilo wus a ureal larorliu with the pub
lic -r but Young Sentlnol, a grunUson of ltysdvk'a Ham
bletonian, proved to bo tbu winner in ihrou straight
heutH, as ho was iu a race on the llrst day of Iho meet- I
lug. Ho li u capital trotter, ami a borse that will bo '
valuable both ou I be track uud 111 tbe stud. The fol
lowing aro the detail* ot the race:?
Pint Heal ? Krunk Muusou wus llrst away, Youug
Sentinel hccoud, \V. H. Derby liurd, Lucca fourth,
Lottio Ulth, Favorilo sixth. At the quarter polo Vouug
Sentinel was 111 front lu 3ti soconds, Favorilo socou.l,
Frank Muusuu tli.rJ, Lottie fourth, W. il. Derby Ulth,
Lucca tixili, she huvtng broken up bad.y 011 the way
down Iho streich. Youog Situllnoi was (wo leugths
In iroutut the hull-unio pole in 1:11'4, and keeping ;
steadily on won tho luat by two lengths iu2;27>sl, j
Favorite second, hall ulength lu frouiol \V. 11. Derby, '
Lottie lourlh, Lucca Ullb, Frank Muusou sixth.
Second Heat.? Derby was Oral away, Favorilo sec- 1
oud. Sentinel third, Lottio Iourtli, Frank Munsou
flhli, Lucca sixth. At tho quarter pole, whioh was
passed in 34 !,, Sonllucl waa In iront, Favorilo second,
W. 11. Derby third, Lottie lourib, Fiauk Munsou tilth, 1
Lucca alxtb. Sentinel led at the halt tit 1 lu pole by hall |
a length, Favorite aecoud, three leugths ahead ol W.
U. Derby, wlio wsm third: Lollio Iourtli, Frank Muu
hon Uflli, Luccu sixth. Time, 1:10. Sentinel kepi In
trout to the ?ud, winning by n lougth; Fuvorue sec- <
ond. two longtns in Irout ol W. H. Derby; Lotttu 1
lourth, Lucca Ullb, Kr.uk .Munson sixth, lime. 2.2tl. 1
Third H?aL?l.ottie had tho host of tho send-oil, \V. I
II. Dorliy second. Young Sentinel third, Favorite
lourib, Lucca Ullb, I'ruuk Muiiaon sixth. At ibo I
quarter polo Sentinel was llrst 111 35'4 seconds, Favor- <
lie second, W. 11. Derby third, Lucca lourth, Krunk j
Munsou Ulth, Lottie sixth. Sentinel led the way to
tho hulMnile pole and had two lengths tho best ol it at
mat point, Kuvorito second, W. H. Derby third,
Luocu fourth, Lottie tilth, Frank Miiuhoii sixth.
Titne, 1:11. Scntmol thou trotted right uwuy
iroia Iho others aud catue houio all easy wm
nor by six lengths, Favorite socond, Derby
third, but wus distuncad lor toullng Favorite ou ibo
tura, with Lottio third, Lucca Iourtli uud Kiutik Mun
sou llftb. Vouug Sentinel won Ural pruo, Favorilo
second prcruiuiu, l.ottie the third *nd l.uora the fourth.
Tltuo ot the boat, 2:27. The following is a
Fluktwooo Paii??Srm>o Mkrti.vo?Kouriii Dav?
June L?1'ursn $1,000, lor horsoi that huvo uover
bsaten 2:3u; *5Ou lo the llrst, $25') to Iho second. $1 ifi
to the third, $100 to the lourth horse; mile hu.us, best
inruo iu five, in harness.
J. U. Smith s b. s. Yoyug Sentinel Ill
II. fallow's s. hi. Favorite. 2 2 2
t. G. Cameron's a. g. W. H. Durbv, 3 &dis
J. If. tioldsmith's br. ut. Lottio.,.., 4 4 3
M. Kodin's l>. in. Lue> a & 5 4
J. D. Glllttt'tt cl?. g. Frank Munson $05
V'(-i iter. Ha!/. J/.'c.
Firrl hoal 30 1 11', 2 :7k,
Sccond heat 841:10 2 :20
Third heat 3ui4 1: i 1 2:27
w.is lor pur*o <>f $2.(sx<, trso lor all; $1,000 to tho
tirsl, $500 to ibo second, $300 to tbu third, <.:uo to tliu
lourtb. ?iil? heats, best tl<ree in live, 111 harau?*.
Tbtre wero saveu entries; ftvu cunte lo poa(. These
yn.ru G. Uaiiuii'il's bay grilling Great Kcsmrn, Dan
Ms.-e's chestnut gnliling JuilgO l ullcrloi., '.V. li.
Dobiu'a brown niura Lady Maud, 0. S. Green's bay
marc Lulu, and.1. K. I'uruer's bay inarn N >tlie. l'ho
race \??s it wry nxciting one, and aitor :<v? heals, it
was won by Nettle, who won the ibrta Inst beat;.
Maud took ibo tir. i, Judge J'uliorton the .'CLOnii, and
Settle *.\om to tho front and captured tbu hli?b?sl ?
prize. I'liu loiiowlng are the details:? ,
I\rd UtaL--Lulu had the bist o: the tend oh but
btoko up immediately afierwarj. Nttimccoiid, Mautl ?
thud. Great Ktslern lourth, wudge Fullerton IItin.
'1 ti? latter made a very Imd break 9n (!?? turn. Maud ,
went lu tho Iront aud led to tno s'.iart 1 po!s one Icuglh
in SI secouil , Nettis seeund, OrifSl /.uslorn third, l.'iiti .
lourth, Fuiierton fur bsliuid, Maud .?1jO'? > d tbu way
around the lower lurn and wm hrtif a length ahosO '?!
Great Kastern ut the hnll-niils pole, the ulier live
lengths in iront ol Mettle, Lulu lourib, Pull^rton tlttl.. ,
i Maud kept in irout to (bo ?u l, winning
'.he heat by a length, Gre.il Lastern second, t.ulu third,
Fiillertou iourtli, Nettle tin 11. I tin ?, 2:--, .?
1 in' Heat.--A morn i>ro?oklug dils> was never
witnessed in any raco than was ou this o.sc.ioro). Ibo 1
hor?es scored twenty lino s tie.ore the Jiiagos sent
the'.ii away, slid the "^rovid were completely < ill ot pa- '
l;cn?e witn such conduct. The Judges shoald h?vo
beeu mote prompt in their duty. When the word was
neon mi!u was 'lading on a run, Muud sccond, Great
Ksstern third. Judge Ku lerioii .'ouitb, Ncttio tilih.
l ulicrton trolled very luat on bu way to tho qiaiior
pole, and when be robbed that point be was lesdlnj a
I''birth. 1un?,.1)ucou4t Lulu wag*?cond,Ureal Kestsr a
luird, Miuu lourtb. jssttlo lilU. Ju<ig? i'littrUu iiiuwe.!
the wa> (o (l.o liuif uiilj pole, at which uoinl be was
ibreo lengths tn Iroul of MauU In l:0H\? Greet Kent
oj u third, Neil is fourth, l.ulu tilth. Fullrrton kept in
lr?ot up the backsiretch, UulwnbaundUig lust be ?al
severely pr-ssed by Ureal Lostoru. Ibe sou ol Kit
wart Kvcreu kett la irc.nl despite the efforts of ttie
giaut iroiicr. and eoralag on well iu band won lbs
licat iu two length*, Greet Kust.rn aecoud, nix lengths
uliotid or Nettie, who was Ore lengths in advance of
Maud, Lulu tlftn. Time of the oeat, 2:29V.
Tkt.-d UtrU.?At the seventh attempt the horses
wjru teat awajr. with Judge Kullerton ou tho lead,
Great liaeiern ie*otid, Nettla tbird. Loin fourth,
M?od ilhb. PullerUiu led to the qtmrtcr pole two
lon.'L/ia In 36 seconds, Ureal Ka>uru second,
Nettie third, Lulu Jourih, Maud tilth, l.ulu
broko op twice no tbe way thero. Kullertoa
opened a gap ol lotir leugths to tbe bail
bulo-polo?uiue, 1 :'M?Ureal Eastern aecoud, two
lengths aL<u1 of .Netile, who waa a dozes longtbs iu
auvance of l.ulu, Maud ;llih. A beautiful struggle en
suad up the hill et tbe eerksireteb, Name cloning up
au-j bjating Grsat Eastern 10 the iUre?*-no?rier pole.
From ibere U> '.he stand the contoit waa moat exciting
b^'.wten Nettie and KulierLua, tbe lornier winning tbe
boat be a hea l; Kullerton wa? three lengths in irouf
?: Great K utter:', l.ulu lourtU, Maud tllih. Time ol tbe
beat, S: 1?^.
Fourth, /hut.?Lulu had tbe beet of ibe send-off,
Ureal Kuxwrii eeeond. Judge Kulleriou tblid, Nettie
fourth, Maud liuu. Lulu waa lirsi at tbe quarter I
t-'j'e, but men broke up--lime, 33)^ seconds?Judge I
i'u.'lertou second, Nettle third, Great Kastern lourtb, '<
Muud tlfih. Owing along ihe lower turn Kullerton
showed the way, but Neluo was nearing hiui ai every
stride. abe having passed I.ula and Ure-t
Kisiurn. rime to the half-mile pole. 1:07.
Judge Kullertoa irottud ht? beat up, tbe
bili of U>? oattkatrelch, but be could not keep tour
Iroiu tbe liule bay mare. Nellie showed her noad iu
trout at the three-quarter pole und then coming sway
wo* tb? beat by six lengtba :a A:il 14. Kuli* ton waa
second. two length* iu irool of J.tlu, Ureal Eastern
fourth, Maud Qtib.
JtraL?(ireal Kastern waa away first. Nellie 1
second, Judge Kullerton third, Lulu lourih. IImid I
tilth. Ureal Kaaturn loii one length at tbe quarter
poll.* iu 35 secouds, Judge Kullerton aecoud, Neltlo
thud, Lulu fourth, Maud tilth. Going along the lower
lurti Kuilorlou went to the Iront, and passed ibo hull- I
iu 110 polo hall a length iu (rout ol Lulu, wbo *as bait' I
a length abeud of Ureal Kustorn, the lutter lull it |
length in advance of Nettle, Maud ai'th. Tlmo, 1i
N'oitio out-trotted tho otbera up tho hill ol ifiu baua- I
stretch and wa< a neck iu lrout ut the threi'-'iuai tar ;
pole, Kullerton second. Lulu ibird, Ureal Kastern
fourth, Maud tilth. Ncttlo thon dathod away from tlie
othora and came homo u wninor ol tho bout and race
b.v aix length*, iu J.uiu waa second, JuJ^o Kul
lerton third, Maud lourth :tnd Great Kaatern llltli.
Tho following la a
Samk Dav.?Purse, $atxi, Iroeforull: $1,000 to ibo
Drst, $600 to the aoconJ, $i!30 to tlie tbii'd, f'.'O'J to tb 1
lourtb horse; mile heats, be.-t three iu live, iu Ituinuaij.
J. E. Turner's b. m. Nettle 5 3 1 X 1
Dun Mace's oh. g. Judge Kullertoo 4 1 a a 3
VV. 11. Doble'a br. in. Maud 1 4 J s i
<;. Hammel'a b. g. Ureal Kusieru a a .'i 4 0
C. S. Uroou'a b. to. Lulu 3 6 4 3 a
? Quarter. Half. Milr.
Kirat lioaL 34 1;U0 'istiii
Second boat 3j l:0d,'i a:ju)4'
i'liird heal 35 1:0.s' ^ :i;i 1'
Fourth boat..... 33ja' J ;07 alai 'i
K1I1U beat 3o liOUj^ ??i'.'H.'i
Tbsro was ijulie a large asaeuibluge at West SUla
Driving l ark, New Jeraey, yesterday afternoon, It
being the eeuood day ol the ucLoud aprlo^ trolling
meeting ut that track. Tho sport was very good and
was much enjoyed by the spectators. Tbe programme
called lor tnree eveuts, ol which there were two raced
unfinished Irorn Thursday, alter trotting lour heats iu
each race. The Ur?U r.ice, the undecided o:'J0 class,
was won by tommy, be winning tbe liith and slxtu I
beats eastiy. Vermont Maid won the other unfinished i
race Tory handily in J:3S 'j?. Third ruee was tor a purso j
ol $iau, It having alovcii entries aud ten htnrior?, j
Minnie Halty Dually won alter live cioseiy coi to&ied '
heals. Tho following are the
Wkst biuic Umivi.iu 1'aRX, N. J.?Srconu Dav ov run 1
SKCOMlt .Sl'KINU Tltotrixu MtKTtSO?FKIpAY, Jl'.Vf 1. j
I'ur.se $100, lor horses th at ttuve never beaten ilireo
minutes; fuO to the lirsl. $3f> to tho second and <15 tu |
U10 tbirii horse. This race was poeiponod iroui Tliurs- |
ilny. Milo boats, best three in live, iu liuritcss.
iJu Jones' o. f. Tommy 7 -1 -j a 1 1
William t'hurmi g. n. Lone liird a 4 1 1 a a
L King's g. nt. Cirri# While.. ...... 13 3 3 3 3
J. 11. Conknn's b. m. l'ruaollu 8 a 7 a 4 dr '
11. lleddou's b. m. .Susie Kmltb 3 7 f> 0 (jr,
L. K. Dunham's b. m. Carno While.. 0 0 4 ; ur."
P. Mauou'ab. m. Kiiriattou 4 5 (J dr.
L. S. Bronco's b. g. Poor Pat 0 dr.
P. U. Kastman's b. g Ucorgo 1) 0 din.
U. Duller's s. g. Woodcock dis.
TI11K. *
Quarter. Jhff. 31 He.
Ktrst licat 40 1 2:45
Seoond neat 41 l:at -_:41
Third beat 41 l aa aUa I
Kuurth lieat 41.l;a2 a*J5
Kifth-heef 40 1:jo |
Sixth heat 41 ?*,' l.aa'j' 2j43V
.->amk Day.?Purse $160, lor horses ibat have nover j
bent a:3'p; $76 to the Urst, $5'J to tho secoud a;id '
to the third horso. This race was also postponed Irotu
Thursday. Mile heels, best three m live, in harness. '
P. Maoeo's b. m. Vermont .Maid 112 4 1
T. Ogle's b. g. Frank a e l 1 a 1
II. UuHcelPi ch. 111. Kaony 11 5 a 7 a 4 1
L. U. Dunham's r. g. St. Ueorgo 0 3 3 3 3 1
U. Davidson's n. ni, Holla Hay 3 5 4 0 5
P. Do Witt's b. m. Gypsy Maid 4 4 5 7 dr
J. l'awling's b. m. Jim Moll'et 7 7 0 6 dr 1
Quwter. Half, Atiie. I
I-irst boat ;i9 1 ao 2:40^ >
So<'.ond heat 41 1 :jl aUa
Thiru heat 40 l:jy jJ-40
Kourth tioal 40 1 ai "'40''' '
Filth heat 3!) 1 Mt? a:3S't 1
Samk Day?Purse $iad, tor horses that have ndver
buaten 2:40; $00 to iliu hrst, ?4u to the second ana $25
to tlie third horse; inilu heats, (/esi throe iu live iu
harness, lor whloh eleven ontrios and toil starters. '
A. U. Brown's b. m. Miuuio Lal'iy. 3 1 1 0 1
William McMahon's b. tu. Grace I 4 0 0 4
William Gallagher's b. ?. Tommy Hooro.lb 3 a 0 a
T. tltfle's l>. g. trunk 6 a 3 0 3 I
J. U. 1 olo's b. ui. Martha a r, s t; j
William Thorn's g. g. Hoory Miller. ....4 7 0 0 tl
M. McNaiuara's b. m. 7 0 4 ur
C. Davidson's b. e. Charlie Hill n 5 5 iir'
P. Maueo s g, g. Wlliium U 8 7 dr
I. Pan ling's b. g. Jim Model 8 10 10 dr!
.. . Quart, r. Half. Mile,.
2;"?s,h<01I,' J<> * 1:20 a :401a
Dvconcl lient 40 l i'j *2 i0l
fbtrd heal UU lilOLJ il-41?
Fourth heel 3y 1:^u 2:43V
Kllth boat. 40>; i:n?i4 'i-AVi
I lie lourth beat was won by Minnie Lafly, but Iho
jii'Jtft'H auclured it do huut un account o! Uie Jnvor ol
iUi? niare (W. M. \\ right) using hin whip sofrt?.y that
hu would not let tho buy m*re, Martha, pass him. 1'he
judges set the mare back and lined ibo driver $10.
1 lie ptirsa for '2:30 class did not till, and the trotting
nialoh between Moscow and Homey Kelly di>i not
come oil, as the latter paid forfeit. 0:i to-day's pro
gramme there are two pursos for 2:60 class and double
teem race, which will end the mooting.
I'uaAbHU'HU, June 1, 1S77.
This was tho last day ul tho spring luuoiii.g at
Auiblor l'ark.
wx M Ait r.
Kmsr Hack?For llve-yuur-o,dn; purse, $100,
Sadie Hall 3 3 111
David Wallace a 1 a a 2
llo.cn it 1 2 2 3 3
Nottlo (lOlddusi, Btaso Med it in, Minnie Modlum and
Noultt Medium were drawn.
iIutof 2:42~2UU> ?2 :34* ?2:M?2:'M.
Snro.No Hac*.?Cliuss 2:4a , purnu ?200.
Rl.ick Prank 2 112 1
Jer.oy Huy 12 2 12
Huruloltil 3 3 3 3 3
I'rlDOM* Modlum, Hmillug Turn anil Hurry Vaudcr
btlt wort iiruwa.
Tiuie, 2:**?*<84?2:39?1-.i1?J :3T.
fVrsmi.scins*. ? Two anloi, ovvr ton burdlon;
puiRO $1 Ml.
itilt Monday 1
Hector 2
Hay Ruin, Uttlpoppor, and Tiuo worn drawn. No
Tbo stockholders of tiio Proa|>oct Park Kuir Orounds
bare failed In tboir efforts to gaiu couir.il of the laud
us"u as a ruco courso. This is owing to twenty-tbreo
<liart?s being held by ntnn uetrs of tbo lata ex-Ma) or
KnlbUeuoli, of Brooklro, which tboy reluso to
dispone of. Mr. Rood, one ot the nock hold
ori, has, vrltu othors, bought lu all the
shares with tho exception ol tlicfe twenty
three, and ho says tbst had bo gniued coutrol ot
tho coumo ho would have uiado u the beat In the
country. At onn time some of tbo best horses in tho
l/nited Statou trotted thoro, and prnminont Hportamen
built stables near tho course. Tbo prtvos ol admission
got to lie so hlyli during the hsrd times that muiiy
wore uot abio to pay tbo tariff charged. Tho
stab.o.i, thoi'oioro, wore removed, some to k lootwood
and others to Jerome Tutk. hi tno cour.iu ol lour or
llvn Wticka tho property In to be retold, and It Is
thought It will be used for building putposus.
[Kroiu tho llnrmburi; (t'a.) Patriot.)
Tho now part/ which the Ni:w York Hbimlb b.is
| boon organizing w:th tho aid ul two or throu bell
I wnthors In Washington baa got a name. IlistoOe
j called tho "National t'niou party." fie main elements
! ot the party are dafuuot old lluo wlilg*, Kuow Notn
Inge, Kenisiib and removed o'Uce boidars. '1 his Is a
i healthy gcrin Itr a tstw party.
Ninety-Ninth Race for tho
Oaks Stakos.
placida the winner.
Loxoo*, June 1, 1S77.
TM niu.ty.klctta r?. lor lb. Oak. Stakes w.s run
to-day, and will be remembered lor years W come e.
.'t'orin.ost i-d.es' ?-y ** us been known lor
yearn Karly In the mornln* tne weather was y
thiug bu. invlt.ng,? a perfect burr^u, Irom u.e |
southwest swept across lbs Downs, laying " j
au.l building* of all kinds in lis devastating courso. j
Tho people cuuio. however, notwithstanding .
anpropitSom condifou o! the weather I
silling b?U rung tn.rewa-.lalr attendance
..rounds. It WM reported during tbe morulng that a
n 1? ?.?* b, ..... MUw "???"?>?? |
killed, and It was also rumored that lour others bad
STJU t??r- fZlZtZ
vital The grand aland stood up gallantly against tl.o .
Zo but a number .1 sm.Uor stand. and buildings |
tori completely wrcoked and the d6brls scattered (
urouud lu every direction. tl>c?e were not many
grangers pwseut, tbe attenaauoo being mainly
liuod to tho faces well known at Xetterpails. lbe ?
makers were mostly all present, and notwithstanding
tae weather speculation was quit# brisk lu tbe Ladles
race Tbe French division wero lalrly represented,
and Mr. Lupin's UUy 1- Jonchir. was backed lor con
?,durable money at 0 to I. 'ihe lollowmg Is asum
'"KLl^orute Oak. Stake, ol 6U sovorc,gnao?b,
hall forfeit, for tbree-year-old fillies, 8 st 1
each j about > mile and a ball, starling at tho new high
love! .wrung post; the owner ol tbe .econd filly to re
Of the lUkM Clo.cd with ITS subscribers.
Mr. i'ultoney's br. I, I'lacida, by A*rd ?*??;?* ?) y |
Lord' Hurnupon'-i" to Y Meipuy'ioxopUol.te. ^ ,
Mr"wW,PAuson'ib:Y! Musc'a.oi;V>" MuVkot," oiH ?l 3 j
Lord"niouibV b.'-i/*i/uVy*lioltihtiy*.'VjTking ^ I
b?/ rj^okTtVp,' by*" *??,' '*??* ?f 6
MrT'llupin^b. I.' La Jonobiri,' by' Vermo^ out o (
Mr/'i!Smww' br.' i. by O^nbai,' out*ol q I
Mr'A." *1?u p?i'n"a* br.'*1? A it roe, by UolUrVoii ol' ^oili # j
Mr* Trent h a rn*'s"b* * ?.'' M iroVolan t e," by' Macuurou., q
out ol Curacoa......^.^
The belting at tbo sU? wa.t 'i to I agalntt Placida, 7 I
to 'i against Lady QollgbtlJT, tt to 1 aga.nst Muscatel, C
l0 1 ugaiuit La Jonohftro, 7 to X against Belphcebe, 1- i
to 1 against liuiokstep and 30 to I agalnM I'lai.-nto. |
Au exoslleut start was uiade a? tbo flr.t attempt, and
When tbo tkg fell tbe nine lillle. got away well together.
The mvoritc, Plaolda. went to tbc front at the flr.t,
with A>iree clone behind, leading her stable couioau- ,
lourth poaitton, with Lady Uollgbtly. l'misante mid ,
M.robolante .a a l.uucb, and Qo.ck.tep atfd Belphocbe j
brought up tbo roar. They Jan through tbe ,
juries in the .urno po.ltlon and then Astreo
having (lone her work, dropped back and
mode way for Lit .loiiolicre, vrhloh cumo ui> in o sec
Td place, with the. est well ?P behind. At la ton
haui Corner i'laclda, lull of running, .till held tho loatl, j
ttUd Muscatel challenged the French reproscniutivu I
aud took second place, with Udy Oollgbtly and Bel- (
Xbocloso behind, tho latter running very strong.
At tho distance Lady Uollgbtly appeared |
bo in trouble and Belpbrebo going bv ,
came up on Muwatel and finally ?"? BCU" j
ond place. Ooming up ?ho .tralgbt BeJphcbn |
made another oil or*, but could not roach Mr. 1 ultouey s
fil|V and Jeftrles never moved, winning the race li e- j
ral,y wlth bands uown. Bclpbrcbe Un.shcd three
narfer. ol a length behind and ball a length in advance
cl Musette'. Ihe lourtb pluoe lell to Lady Gol.ghtly ,
and tju'cksiep llntabcd Bith.
Placida. tbe winner, Is a brown Oily by ^Ly??; '
the winner ol the Derby ol 1S6?, out ol I vl*$. ,
uiido her flr.t appearance f. a two-year-ollln Apr.,
1870. and, ridden by Jeffery, won tho Maiden I Into
lor two voar-olds, beating a field of seventeen 11. ie _ .
ai Lewos lu May, .no ran .econd lor a two-year-old
T-l. ??? " ???"??! ?? " i
Si. in June, she won the Ooginer.fteld lark ;
Stakos in a cantor trom X.lly and Miss i ranees. Her
ni._t npjioaranee wa. at tbo Blbury Club meetlni.,
"bore she carried ofl the Champagne Stakrs j
lor two year-oids, beating soven others, and u lew
davs later at Stoekhr.dga she ran filth lu the Hurst
, - Htako. lor two-year-olds, which wa. won by
Slower. At Sandown Park, In July bj
Tangible in a canter lor the Oeld Cup, and at Good
wood she won the Baniker Stake lor two-year-olds,
braung Ernest. Bruce, Winifred aud L idy Jiloauar.
Her next perforniauco was at Lewos. where sbe won
lUe A.iley riUtWos lor two-year-olds, boat.nga held of
ten others, among which was Chu.naut tUo roc^t
winnorol tuo Two Thousand tiuinens. Her p
forinance In lb7?i was at tbe Lewes November mooting,
iTn sho wontbo Nursery Slake, tor two^year-olds,
boutiag a field ol eight othors. ?
The Westcbeslor Polo Club nave mi)de urrangomenu
to play a in nidi gauio on their grounds tins afternoon,
alter lUo conclusion o( tbo Jerotuo Park races. Kvcry
thing will bo in i'oa<ilup.-tn, an*l Mr. Blasson will liuvo
the pouies on tbo ground, ready saddled, by tlvc 1'. M.
Tbu players will probably bo selected lioru Messrs.
Howiund ltobbltis, Colouel \V, Juv, John Molt, K.
llroiisou, J. Ballonr, liormann Oelrlcus, Hurry Ocl
ricba, T. Boyco, ti. ft. Howiand, C. N. .Scott und others.
Tho grounda will be open to members ol the Jockcy
Club und Irleiiits o( the members or the Polo Club, who !
can obtain udmia.sio.t by puyiug at tbe jruto.
TlfH TALLY no.
Tho Tally Ho coach rnuae her rognlnr trip yesterday
bntwoi n iliu Brunswick and Now Kocbeile with a lull
complement ol passengers. Colonel Ibiunuay Kaua j
w;us absent yesterday, and founts, the Kugiisb guard, ,
baud led tbo ribbon*, koeplng the animals tip to time
on every stage. Mr. Gardner Wetberbee engaged tbo
entire coaoh, und bud ail ibo seats oocupiod by Ms
fiicms. Mine boat ol tbe Huguenot House, at New
lochello, was on bund to receive tlieni, any they did
ampin Justice to the hot dinner ho had propared tor
them. Tbe uaual crowd ol spectators were t>re?''nt at
tiio llrunsw ictc to wutcb tbe arrival ol tlw I ally Ho,
and Ko?uoa brought ber up in handsome fctyio, ju-t
ttilrt.v seconds beinnd tunc, l'ho horses, buy wheelers
w itli"a bay und gray in tbe loud, looked in excellent !
condition uud apparently did not sudor much Itotu the
Tbo following yaohta passed tbo UiiiiA*.u telegraph
station at VVliitoNtonc, 1* I., yesterday
Droadnaught, Y.Y.C., Mr. Oaboiu, trotn New Lon
don tor New York.
Mystic, B.Y.C., Mr. 0. IL Hall, Irom Now York lor
Ureenwlcb, Conn.
Tbo Uogutla Ootniulttoo of Ibo Jersey City Yacht
Club baa issued the following:? That luursduy, Juno
7, be llxed us the day tor the regatta ol tho yachts of
the third clans. Thai Wcdnebduv, Juno 27. Oo ll.xod a*
tho duy lor tbo regatta ol the yachts of tbo Aral and
accond cluas.
1'nc club, a* usual, invito* a Iroo entry ol' nil tho
yachta boiongiug to iho eloh, and otters lor competi
tion appropriate pruos on time allowance.
1'be course lor the Urn and second oiui.i will t>0 Irom |
an imaginary line between ihejudeos' and stake boats,
anchored on' liedloe'a Island, tlicQue to buoy l)t, turn
ing oo port baud, and ruiuru to lluo between Judiios'
uud stuke boats, keeping to tbo eastward ol liedloe'a
Inland ouch way.
Tbo course lor tbo third class will bo from an Im
aginary line, botwoon tho Judgoa' and stuk* boats,
anchored off tho club bouse, thence pa??mg between
Kill.- and Bedloe's Islands, to buoy oil Bobbin's Hoof,
turning on port band, and ?"return between Kills and
Hediue's islands turniui! tbo judges' boat on port
baud, twico over tbu courao.
[I rom the St. l.oula Ropubllcan.J
Tbo removal of tins tribe ot Indians la part of a sys
tematic scheme to prevent tbo progress of nivlllzuuon
toward tbo Southwest, so that ua tfrto may be lorccd
to tbo less promising region along tbo tributary to tao
r'mon J'aoiflc UAtlroad. The Indian Territory Ik u
Chinese wail that blocks the pathway to Now Mexico,
Arisen* and Mexioo |iroper, and tbo intervals wiiuh
would suller by devolopuient in that direction have
conspired to keep up this wall by packing tho Indian
Territory wllli savage Indian*. Missouri, Kansas,
Arkuuaas, Louisiana and lnxao Will oapnolally auder bv
this plot II It xucceeia, and It remains io bo soon
unoibor they i'.o not represout ei.ongb combluqd
uowir to dMral It,
wmrosiWAS of the itice-coOLtnoB mtit
Bostok. June 1, 1877.
WbM promised to be a prolonged aud exciting sensa
tion was unexpectedly nipped In ibe bud to-day by tb>
withdrawal of a pending scandal cane Irora ttao Supreme
Court and turning It over for bearing and decision to
a board ot referees. Tbe case It one locally known
as the "Woe and Coolldge case, '? and tor months
tbo community hue boon on tbe qui vice tor
its trial, wnb lut expected developments ot
debauchery in high lift. The nature the action.
With vlie names of tue parties, he., were detailed In
tbe Hkualu to-day. Tbe eaee wee to buve been com
menced iu the Supreme Court this morning, on wblcb
occasion the hall of justice wus crowded at an early
hour. It whs noticed that several of the ooani-ci em
ployed In the cusp wore enpuged in eurncst cousulla
Uou In u side room, and bulore long It begun to l>o
rntnored that the trial was to be broken on, notwith
standing the luct tbut Hon. Richard Uluoy, of counsol
tor tbe plain urt, was In court aud ready to proceed with
his opening. The Court enme In at bulf-pusi nlou,
when Judge Soute aunouoocd that it bad been agreed
by the opposing ooan.-;el to refer the oaso to a board ot
referee*, consisting of Messrs. Charles S. Bradley, of
l'rovideijce, ex-Chiol Justice ol Rhode Island, aud
now of the Harvard Law School; lion. Charles F.
Choaiu, ol Salem, and Hon. Theodoro H. Sweetser, of
l,?ucll. The case was therefore taken irom the.iury,
uud, nothing else beiug ready, the Court dismissed tho
Juries tor the torrn.
This aotiou stops a bug* umouul at soaudal from bo
couilug public, hut It disappoints a great muuy por
s'>ns. ovuu those closely connected with tbe cuso. Hio
inendsol soiueol the defendants rogret the step, bocausa
the allegations ol tbe plaintiit have been published, and
therv will never be an opportunity to meet tbvm us
publicly. U is rumored tbat even Uon. Kicbard H.
Dana r.grots the suspension, lor bis "blood wus up."
lie had bocome Intuunely interested In the caso, and
had hoped to make the dofenoe of Messrs. tinker Ac
Knlgnt, his clients, the chlel effort of his life, oven
eclipsing the lame wou and Ibe ability displayed by
Hint in tbo celehratod Dulton divorce case. Tho pinta
il 11's counsel thought tbe.proper plaoo for their clients
cu?e was before a jury, while ibat samo jury and tho
numerous spectators present longed to hear tho evi
dence in tbe oaso, eveu iu the heat ol midsummer.
1 he reason lor thus removing Irem tho publio gaze a
scandal which could out produce evil results iu a score
ot lumilios, was that tho dcllhoruto judgment Of tbo
counsel prevailed over tbulr feelings in the matter.
The counsel lor the dclenco huvo always b;en ready
la nave the case tried beforo relereos, but the piaintlil
stctiily refused lor reasons stated above. Recently
lormal negotiations were opened toward the same ob
jvet, and a few days ago they seemed likely to be buc
ceaslul, when -ome disagreement arose in rotation to tho
members ol tbo board ol reierces, although the names
hu^gested by tbo two sides included the proseut list
uud a dozen others ot e<iuul eminence, and It wus an
nounced pretty generally that the case would be tried
by a Jurv. Since Ian nij;ht, however, tboro have been
uevr coherences, and ut last with success. The ovi
ne no- winch must l>e brought out iu ibis suit would
scundulixo .scores of families who litllo dream that tho
names ot their members are conuectod with transac
tions ol a very queHlonabio, if not criminal churnctcr.
tieijtlamou uud ladies alike irom tbe Urst lumilius ol iho
towu would be implicated, and tho whole ot Boston
social)' would bo shaken to thu foundation by the
sworu evidence of witnesses uud tbo ofllciui reports of
detectlvcs to their employors. In oonsideraiton ol
ibeuu Iscts couusel huaiiuied to torco a publio tnul and
exposure of persons not put ties to tho suit, and agreed
to u relerenne rather than bo responsible lor a mass of
corrupting publlcutlons uud stories which would dlsiii
lograio ihmilies by tho doseii, and whlob they knew
must be put iu cviuonco uuring tbo trial.
l'lio locturo rooui ol tbo College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Fourth avenue aiid Tweuty-tbird street, was
mica last night wlih a largo and appioclative audi
ence lo bear a discourse on '-The Turko-Russiau Strug
glo," the 4U0tb regular Iroo lecture given under the
auspiccs of tho Liberal Club. Iulcrest was added to
tbo occasion by the (act that tbc lecturor, tbo Hon. C.
Oscatiyau, Is tin Armenian by birth, and was lormorly
Consul General lroxu Ibe Ottoman Empire to the Dulled
'l ho subjoct, the speaker said, was one of all-absorb*
lug interest. It would be nocossary to pietnise the
main pirt of tho subject by spoakinc of tbe history
uud geography of tbo adjacent countries of Turkey uud
Russia. Uc did not doubt that tbo public wa.i lainiliar
with iho geography ol these regions through tba maps
published by the daily newspapers. Tbo territory
called Turkey was occupied by uumorous diUeront
incus. The Turcomans occupied the Asiatic portion ot
It In Ibe twelfth ana thtrioonih ccnturics. capturing
Constantinople in 146H. Alter this event they poured
into Europe in an irresistiblo torrent uuui tboy
reached Vienna, whero their farther progress was
?loppod by J oil ii SoDlesKl.
"Who was that Sublosici V" said a voice.
"A 1'oiu,'' tbe locluror answered, whereat there was
much applause.
Groat u umbers of tbe conquored peoples accepted tbe
religion ot Islam; the rest became slaves. The nation
gradually went down. According to Macblavelli's
mux ill, "Kaso begets lndiflerence, Indifference mis
government, misgovern mem anarchy and anarchy
ruin." While ibis demoralization wts polng
on the dukedom ot Moscow was increasing in
strength. l'eter iho Croat sought uu outlet tor his
people and a mo ins o( bringing them In contact with
civilized nations. This be saw could only bo done
tliroil^b the Hosphorus, the Sea ot M'irin >ra anil the
Diirdanellea Into tlio Mediterranean. In bis will was
found a series ol articles marking out the luture policy
of Kussln. Whether the will was geuuiue or not,
it seemed that tbe plans ol Russia were lu accordance
with what was said to lie tbo contents of tbo will.
On tbe gaits ol a captured city iu tho Crimea wore
louud tlio words, "This is tbo way to Consiuntinople.il
Uut tuo Russiaus soou lotiud that instead ol this route,
lying along the Crimea uud the shores ot the liluclc
Sea, tbo way to Constantinople Was arouud Kuglauil.
'fbe latter l'owor at pre^uot seamed lo liavo two pre
texts In opposing Rossi*. Tbe llrsl was tho cry of
balat)eo ol power, tbo old policy ihui. Ku-sia should uol
be allowed to incro.ise nor 'l'urkoy to dimmish.
Uut Knglund bud parsed over tho partition
ol Poland in Hilenco and tberoby given up
this policy. Tbe second pretext was that her posses
sloun iu India were enduugered. Uut Russia hud too
much to do in devolopiug bor own territory to think
ol extending to India. The cause of tbo trouble was
tii.it Disraeli leit snubbed on nccouut of tbe alliance
ol the tbren Kmperors without oonaultlng niiu.
Itusaia in this struggle was right. It was now intel
lect that ruled. 1'urkuy was thu incarnation of deviltry
and degradation. Russia was a despot Ism. lu tho
former there was no hope. Tbo latter mlgbl still
progress ami bo ol advantage to tbo people wuare ber
sway o&toudod.
The tbird claa* tcirkiuuu gl the ftltoon battalion,
Filth brigade (Brooklyn), Second division of the State
Nattounl Guard, wont out to Crncduioor yesterday lor
b ill practice. The troopa Jell Hunter's I'olnt on throe
Hjicctul cars ot tho nine o'clock 1ruin, aud reuehod the
practice ground iu time to oomiuouce tiring at the 100
yards bults bulor* eleveu o'clock. Company A hud 03
ottlcars utid men out; I), 2S: K, 10; l'J, aud
K, lb, tou?iug altogether 188 men ol all ruuks.
l.leuieuaiji Colonot J. U. Moyenborg was tho Held
ofticer It! command; Major M. "si Jewell, Brigade In
structor ol Killo I'ructice, dmcicd iho tiring, aud 3ur?
^euii Major liintiridxo uiqie.ireu ae medical .it.ill u Ulcer,
seventy men quulmed In the third clave ut tbo 100 und
160 yard range* to shoot In the sccoud, aud ol thu
number only ten were iblo to ui.?ke at lUe 300 and 10
yarda distances tho required Iwonty-flvo point* or over
to udiuit tbeiu to ithooi nt *J0>) and 1V1O
yard* (or tbo llurksiuun'* Budge. The fol
lowing uro tbo uamo.s of those who won
ait entry into tho necond cluaa:?Lieutenant Colonel
Moyenborg, 40; Lieutenant Lynch (Battalion Inniiuc
tor ol Utile Practice), 'M\ Private Mtlser, ib; Caputu
Vim Dielun, ?7; Cuplulu (Jul roll, i!d; Q)aplu.u David*
son. 38; Ad|utaut Alngood, M; Lieutenaut Pape, 'Ja;
Private Wittcbcer, 2b; 1'rivate iodltenletuer. l.teu*
tenant Li Mb W?* thu only one who .shot In the
Urm ciaat, and won the Markmnan'a Budge.
While the marker ou target X wui indicating tbe lo
cality ol a shot .'nine oue ofthu troops llredat his l.irgot,
and a "aplaeb" Ironi the ball Hlruck htm in the hund,
outting It quite severely. What witb tho shock und
the Irlgbl tlio man tainted, but wan apuedily brought
i to ?onecioosiieia by the efforts ol the anr^een en duly,
and Ilia wouu led hand wan properly drotund.
The troopis roturiiod to hunter'* Point by a special
train, whioh left Ciuedtnoor ut a quarter pant six.
The books lor tho entry ol aubsoriptioaa to tbo stock
ol tho Metropolitan Cab Company, limited, wcro
a,;a!n oponcd yesterday, at Mo. 14 Wall street, aud
?overal large additional subscription* wero made. The
temporary oiiico at Kurlo'a Hotel bun bo?n lor a low
cava irequeutcd by gentlemen miio give the promotera
ol the work eaeounigeramil and aeaurauee* that tiiey
can scorccl; tall to be successful lu working their cabs
into public favor in time. Already Mr. Kavauagh hue
been bo??t by pnrsotiH out ol employment seeking po
sillon*, bui ut> the cutis'w ill not mart until October 1
he haa no uao lor tbolr aervicon at tho present timo.
To tiik ICmtok or tub Hkbald:?
I know ol not leai than eleven doctora who are will
log to dlapoM ol tbelr wagon* aud take oabi, oa they
would provo much n.oro convonunt, could thoy take
them a; nil hour* of tho day and nlKht. If the ch.trgee
ol lure are uir?aay Any conta per hour? success must
bo ituro. PHYSICIAN.
Nbv Tobb, May 81, 1877.
Crimrainsations and Keertmminsations
Between Husband and Wife.
Suite for Separation and Custody
of a Child.
Thomas E. Crinimlns U a well knows contractor,
rich and ?t reasonably rlpo age, whlla his wifo, Jennie
U, is sitll a rnicor, and ibe daughter of Mr. Feruaudcs,
of tUo Mew York Hotel. Crlininlns and Miss Pe .
tiuodez were married in October, 1873, In tbis city,
and havo now one child, Mary, two years and sis
months old. On the21st o! las', month they separated,
the young wife returning to her paronts una inking
her child with lier. On the 24th oi the sume month
the wife commenced a suit against her husb.iud to
obtain from him a limited divorce on the ground ol
cruel and Inhuman treatment. Yesterday the do
rnestlo troubles ol the partio* to this suit enme before
JuJge Barrott, in Supremo Court, Chambers, on pro
cccdiugs on the part of the husbund to obtain posses
hton of their child.
In bis petition, presented to the court by Henry ft.
Bcokuun, his attorney, and ou which his application
was founded, Crlmmins charges his wife with being an
improper porsou to have custody ol the ohild. As a
i'cohou lor alleging such impropriety ou her part lis
assorts that.she treated the child with ueglcct, leaving
lier largely In the cure of a servant; that she (the
mother) has contracted habits of inteinperauco to such
un extant that within tbo past six months she ha* been
repeatedly undor tbo influonc: of liquor and unable
to properly control or govern herself or give proper
uttentton to her household or maternal duties; that
durtug the latter part of the year 1875, on on<
occasion whilo under the luflucnco of liquor, sin
dropped the child from her arms on the door, where It
wus found uud taken up by tho nurse, who had coins
Into the room, attracted by Its violent cries; that when
undor the influence of drluk alio has frequently ex
hibited a most violent aud ungovernable torn per, and
has conducted herself toward biui uud others ou such
occasions in such a manner as to endanger their safely;
that she has repeatedly been guilty of immodest and
Improper oouduot toward other men, frequently eu
douvoring to attract their attention id public places by
gestures and other means aud contrivances, ho)?lin|
secret correspondence and mooting aud associating
with them in Improper and unfit places and uudor cir
cumstances in gross violation of decency. Ho con
cludes with the deduotion Irom tho lorogolag stuto
ments by him that to luave the child with her mother
would be prejudicial to lta mental, moral und physical
this wine's aroitr.
In opposition to the husoand's petition, Mr. P. D.
tiibbo, counsel for the wilo, submitted to the Court her
complaint la the suit brought by her lor n separation,
and also numerous udditlouul uflldavita in which her
husband's allegations of intoxication and immodesty
were flutly contradicted. In tbU complaint, alter the
usual tarinal allegations of marriage und residenco aud
that she has alwuys conducted herself as a dutiful,
obedient aud forboaring wife, sho proceeds to state at
great length and with much minuteness the alleged
cruel acts of her husband toward her, whereby she was
Anally compelled on tbo 21st of last mouth to abun.
don his nome and seok again tbo protection ot
bcr paternal root Sbo says that but a la* moot us
had passed alter their marriage when ho commcuccd a
course of unkind, cruol and luhumun conduct toward
bar, which contluued until their separation. On ttis
lOth ol May, 1874. at bar home, No. "4*1 East Sixty
first stroot, he violently kickcd her out of bod. Abuul
tlio 15tu ot August following lie violently struck bet
and wrung her nose without any cause whatever.
About tho 26th of February, 167a. lio violently strucK,
bcr on the shoulder, wutch wus soio at
the time, and oaused her groat pain. In
Juiy ol tho sain* year, at l'eeKskill, ha
violently struck her on tho shoulder and- head,
inluruig her wry severely. In October lollowing no
again strucu- her on the head, and In February, ls7u,
while walking ou Lexington avenue, ho ropoatedly
struck bor on tbo head and lace, aud used opprobrious
language toward bcr in the public stroot, and in tli?
owning renowod tne assault ut their home. N'uuicr.
ous other aud similar assaults are spociiied by her.
wlitch finally roaultod in her Illness in I o latter
part of tho year 1878. On tho 1st of January.
1877, he compelled her to remain in the street and
walk through the heavy snow during a sever*
storm, sovcral oibor assaults lollowed during tin
early months of this your, ono being on the 2?tb ?>(
April, wnen bo violently assaulted unit struck and
ohoksd nor, and told bor to leave the house, that no
did not care lor her and wanted her to go away, apply
. ing to her at tno same time most vilo uud odious cx
I pr-saions. A similar attack, both by band and tongue,
i was made upon her during the month following, and
I her servants were iustruciod not to rocoive any orders
Irom her. Tho next attack was inadu in Croadway,
when In angor be told bor lo go und inuko
money In un infamous way. '1'hls conduct,
stio says, was continued toward iter ut inter
vals, and with little variations nuu modifications sacti
as pushing, pinching and stamping ou bcr toes, down
lo tbs day she lull bim. Stie charges bIm lurtbor with
the habitual use of proiano, obscene und revolting
language, going so far iu this respect on one occasion
as lo send their llttls girl, yet scarcely able to talk, te
call bor mother by a vile aud ltomoral uamo.
At last the gradually widening g?p suddenly became
a i,n-ut gull, on either si to o! winch tho parties louui
themselves ou the 21st day ol li.st month.
Then came a seoining regret and tioncdi rejion.uuou oil
litis purt, and, as tbo wile's mother awears, lie went
10 tier, acKnowlcdgod tin Inult, Ins uugovernqhlo
passion?, tils wiIo'h amiability and vtrtuor, and bogged
ber miftber tu bring about a reconciliation and bo
would be a different man. bba tried to indure Jcunie
to give Jilm ono tuoro trial, but Jeunio implored b> r
not to rompol ber to roturn to bitn?that it would bo
ber destruction. tibe bad known, continue* tbo
mother In bor a'Jlduvil, that Crimuiliid was pucdiouai.',
addicted to intoxication anil tbo uso of vilo language,
but it wag ouly rooeutly, wbou she caught Jeamo weep*
mi; m hor room and tbo final denouement camo, tli.it
who learned tbo whofe trulD. Sbo pronounces hlm ua
unfitted to bavo tbo tare of his child, as having ueg
looted it lu tbo past, a* 0110 who would not bosilate 10
adopt any course to accomplish Ills ends, and a Qui
very ardent lover of thu truth. Two or ibo servant*
disclose an attempt mado by some men suce Hie s< p
arution, believed to be in tbe employ ol the father, to
gel forcible posse.-blou of the cnilo wbtlo out walking
with tbo uurte.
VICTCRK OF A lil'lillA.NU.
Joseph Fernandez, tho lather of the wlte and ber
guardian In tho suit lor divorce, toils, undor oatn, a
much longer story than the other*. The Mibelanco of
It Is tbnt Tie lias found bis son-in-law to bo a inou <>t
most violent and ungovernable temper and addicted to
prolatio language, drinking and gambling, and ol ques
tionable voracity; tbul be ha* conducted him
self In a boisterous, unm.iunorly and disor
derly way, and uaod h.nguaj'e unlit for decent
people to hear in tbo pieaouco ol young child ion ol
tho witness' family; that alter tho sopaiatiou ho,
too, tried to mduco his daughter to become reconciled
to her husband, for the snKe ol all tho fumily, but tier
rotily was tbnt she "would rather dio than 'return u
tho cruel monster;" that sbo oould uever enjoy health
or peace or rsiety while living with mm, aud to cum*
pel her to reiurn to linn would be driving her to aoi<
aide; that his object In briagti.g thu present proceeding
to gel po soxsion of bis cuud is the hope that by
tltat moan* he will couipot its mother to return 10
his home; that sinco tho separation the husband had
closed bid former residence, and has made companion
ship with a woman in Sixt.v-Ilrsi street. known m
"Jllack Jock." Otlior afUdavita are added, made by
parties living In the same ward with the husband, tho
allegations in whieh tend to sustain tho assertions of
the wile ucd ber jiarents. Uno-of thu.te attributes ilia
hill band's uugovornaMo temper at times to ttmpomry
Insanity, and sliegus that the very day he was married
ho burst into tears In talking with a friend, antl asm be
would give a thousand dollars to bo out ol Ik
On the motion for tho custody of tbe child yester
day It was proposed on tbe part ot tbe fatbor to bsva
the matter go belcre a referee. Ibuwus opposed by
Mr. Uibbs 011 the part of tho wife, who, alter staling
tho submancc ol his affidavits, as glvon above, hs.J
he thought upon them and due deliberation uy'iba
Court It would not hesilalo to dismiss this proceodit g
on the part ol tho lather.
Judge llnrreit said ho was not disposed l<>
tako thu custody ol so youiij, a child from
Its mother, nor yet to duteriniue- rival
claims to its <ustody on aflldavlia alono. If
ooun.iel for tbe wife would c intent io a reference tu
try tbe isauea in tho divorce suit tbe Court would
make an order that boib lsbuot?that ol thu divorce
and the custody <?i the child?be tried at the aainn
time. Counsel lor Mrs. Crlininin* was averse to a rel
erence; but Dually said i; tbe other could bring albua
vits in contradiction to tbo ailegal ons made ou tho
part ol Ins client, he would then consent to a loler
elite. The counsel ou the othur aido said ho believed
he could, aud by direction ol the Court the case w?a
adjourned over to Uednenday neat, ihe amid to remain
in the custody ol tho mother until ibo luribor order of
the Com k
l'be wile and her Irlends and tnu disputed child were
in court, thu latior decldouly moio interested in to*
equoak olon artihclal baby sbo carried, and in mea?ur?
nig ou bur head tbe alio ol Ler grsudpa'e hat, than she
was in the judicial proceedings which so deeply con
cerned her *tllaro. Mrs. Criinruius credits Iter h'i*
band wltb bein,( worth $lOO,iKjO in property aud b iv
Ing an annual Income ol Ifti.uOU. On lute subject, "?<
well as ou others aiated iu the proceedings betweel
theui, he doubtlcM will have sotuetbiug yet to mv.

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