Newspaper Page Text
? JOTJf **?*? w A mo-rEMiLBi. _ i'Oaiu. AA. J* JI4ktrt *U advert itrtvnls preimt+t for yulUetUion jfkr eight tfelocJc p. Jf. will be charf/ed ihmbU rate*. jtO EAST 40TH XT?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS Ot'good <rook. wunb'r ?na ironer; good city reference. 11*7 WhhT 16TII lir-A Toulc WliH^ AH KtRST JLX?'<Um cook in * restaurant or boarding honee; city nfcmet. It)A wrst~u3d ~st^ompktknt~cook: no o? ?i Ajectlou In h boarding bouse; bast r.ftrouce; no ob )flcti?u to ilia i ouutr.v. 14.H west Tmh XT.?A REiPECTAlLK WOMAN Jl * \r%* rook. washer anil irouer; would if ?u the ceuu ? good reference y o kahtmth 8t.-a rouwn woman a* oo3> X a -Jpl In conk : U a gftod washer and Irouer; lu a pri vate family ; is kiud to oliildreu : references. __ _____ "1/1 ' 4ill) ST.--A lil.SI EOrABl.E WOMAN AS ?I oTvJcook. wuhar nod ironar; excellent baker; bant city rate reuce. m KAST WD KT.-A8 IKIOI) COOK AMU K1RST class pastry and bread maker; country preferred; city reference. m7TB AT.. XKAK 30Til HI.?AN IN TKLLUIKNT woman aa thorough c<mk; excellent baker; unuer ?tanda all desserts; no objeetlon to a auuimer bouse; good rafaraoca. O"I M HAKT MTU ST.-A REBPECtTbLE YOUNO 6Xy 'woman as flrst class cook; willing to do the coarse trashing; best cltv roference. :nd~west" itth rt.-a iiespecta?i.k" woman u-LOto cool., with and Iron ; good city rafaranoc. i)lQ WKST 17TH ST.-HIRKT OLA.-* COOK; THOrt Ui AOoughly understands the busiuess In all ita breaches; iest city reference. :>J?y~WRsT~44TH NTr7pRK*SB.VT EMPLOYEES). U t O v ? llrit class cook, washer and Ireaer. y*r*t. <prksknt kmplovmrv^.-as it I ? Jgood plain cook and assist wltb washlug in a board ax houae. lo f East 20TH Sf.-A YOUNG WOMAN ASKANT tijmi"fcly cook: excellent bakar: soups ivad deseerts; la nut afraid of work: bast references. y'Qi east Wtu" St.-a" respectable kiTolTsTi OO.Lglrl a* first class cook In a private family no objec tion to i bo country; beat reference. Call for tarn day*. /II O M ADISON AV^ COHNEK 48Tf7 ST~ (PRKsRNl X I .^employer's;.? Aa Hood plain cook; cau take oare of utlk and butter. 4'J"! EAST 14TH ST., ROOM 17.-A HESPEi'TA B1,E Xs?Aglrl as goou plain cook, washer and Ironef; oxeellent taker; no objection to i oardlng bouae *r housework; goud ?elerencj. A WBST 53D ST -AH ~flRST CLASS COOK; AN X'JXexcalleut baker; good waslier nud ironar; city ref ireue. TPII AV. A KESHECTaBLK YOUNO OIKL TO ?^cook, waili and (ton; two years' city reference. 18 543. IIl?3*> 20 av.-a?c6ok. Washer and ikoneu. ? UuOCau be >aeu tor two days. Chainberntalds, ?c. ORAMERCV 1'AKK, WltST.-AS WAITRESS OR oliambermuld and ?o*mMre?s, by it younit woman who ana giva tha best reference from preeent employer. Caa be Mien between the hours of ID and l'J. Ql?KiS6"sT.-A YOU& "gIKL AS CHAMBERMAID f/1 and wultreai; 8 years' oest reference rroin last place. 1 9li AV.-A BK8I*KOTABLE PROTESTANT X^iUyonng wwman aa chambermaid and waitress and to aasUt wltb washing and lronlujr; city or country; good city referenco. Ol M EAST MTH ?t _A TOUXO UIRL TO DO iuXV'ohuiiiherworK ami waiting, or to do chumberwork and assist with the washing; best city roference. WKsT128TH~St.. kront7? as chambermaid ,nd to do sewing; city or country. 228.; 9?Jj_ WEST 2SI'H ST., SECOND KLOOR, VROXT.? wUTA respectable young girl as chambermaid and laun lress;clty references. OTb EAST 55TH ST.?A OIRL AS CHAMHT'.HMAID falTUsni waitress; no objection to the country; best rof trenee from 'ast place. 30/1 EABT 2ttTtf 9T.-A8 KIUHT CLASS CHAM L/^TCbermnld and waitiess; thoroughly undorstaudi iilads and silver; country preferred; city reference. ?47 WEST 25TH ST.-TWO RKsFeCTa1F'~E 363, _ j girls; one aa chambermaid; the other aa cook nnd laundress; no objoctiou to the country; goou city relerence. ~W ST .V>TH ST. (PKESKNT KMIM.OYER'S).? (OA young girl aa chambermaid or waitress; no objec tion to the country; city reference. A 11 ft WEST :i7TH ST.?TWO YOUNO GIRLS AS XvJUchambermalds and waitresses; no objection to the tonntry; best city reference. Of A 20 "aT?A Y0UN0~0'lRIi AS CHAMBERMAID UJ.Tcand waitress or to do general lionsework lit a small kmlly; no objoctlom to the country; Bto years' relerence torn last place. Dreasmalcer* and tieamitreisci. i nn 4TU AV.-A FIRST CLASS FRENCH DRESS xUv/makar, desiring to pass the summer In the couutry, srnnld glre three days of the week In exchange tor Board; llty referenoes if required. Call or address. GOOD SEAMSTRivSS WANTS A HERMANENT Po sition in a private family; understands all kinds of aewlnir; can eat and lit dresses. Address SEaMSTKESS, box 174 Herald Uptown oflioe. General Housework, ?Sf? >4 0 KINO ST.. IN THE RE \lt.-A TOUNO PROTES T Otaai girl to do housework; city or country; city refer ence. |01 WEST 1UTH ST.. ONE KLIUUT UP, REAR.?AN LtJXAmurlcan girl to do ge'ieral housework in a small baally; le n good washer and lroner. 1?PrHIH ?bllging; Is 157 EAST S0TH ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN TO DO housework lu a small nrlrate family; is willing aud g; Is verv fond ol children; reference. . WEST 8SD~ST.-A COMPETENT WOMAN TO I do the work of a small family ; good referenoe. 317 C SULLIVAN ST.?A KEHPEOTABLE COLORED ^jJL<Jgirl to do general housework in ? small private tannly !)'W' EAST 2t?TH SlT-A YOL'NU UlRL TO UO GtN (yOUornl housework; Is a good washer and lroner; good ilty reference. 7)4 Q WEST"i>7HI~8TV-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ^ixOto do.honsework, or as good plain cook, washer and irolier; good relerence. 9Ql-ELIZABETH ST.-A VOL'NO OIRL TO DO OfcN ^uOJ.eral housework; willing to go a short distance in the country; roference. ~ EAsF^4Th"T^-ATpiTo^ESTANT OlHL_T0_D0 housework; uountrv preferred. oon KAST 74rlTl ST.. BETWEEN 1ST AND 3D AV8. OaJUA yonnir girl to do geucral housework in asmall private family ; city or country; good city reference. Ti"q west xiD sT?a rbspbctable OIBL~TO rtit/do general housework; willing and obliging; good wasber and lronor; best city reference. A k?l EAST-ilirii ST.-a" UiisPECTAHLE YOUNO TT^J Iglrl to do general housework; city or country; best reference. A 97 I AM' 14TH ST.?A KKSPECTAMLK PltOTEi T?i 1 taut girl to do general homework lu a private fam ily; best city reference. 7Ta Asfliru h'p ?a biTsTectable youno rtxVgirl to do general housework; good city relerence. Call tor two day*. "Wh'sT r,M> sfT?A RESPECTABLE YOtj.VU rgirl to do housework In a small private family; good ilty relereuse. 7Qtl LhXI>OTON AV. ?A COLORE*D~COOK AND I tJ^Jgeueral houseworker; both must oe good washers ind Ironers. 7 Q^ab AV., CORNER 49T1I ST^A "nEatT"C0M J JUpctem woman to do geuerul housework In a small ^imily; no objection to the couutry; best city reference. Ot?i 21> A v., SKCON O FLOOR, FKl?NT.?A~OlKL O^wTCto do general housework lu a private family; willing and obliging; best reference. Call or address. ilouseaecpers. nic. WEST 4TII ST., ROOM l.-A YOUNU LADY AS oasekeeper In a widower's family. 97TT:iD Ayr, NEAR"22D hT.-AN a"c7-OMPLI>iIED . U I ?7agreeable young widow us nouackeepep'T. Call, 10 ?& Mrs. WINTERS. 68b 406 Bti 111 LriLuiidreMHe*. die. ct) EAST 40TH 8T.-A RKSPECTABLE GIRL Aft iJOlaundroaa; nnderatunda putttnK and fluting; bent city raters lie*. ?J JO EAST 35TH"tfT., TOP fuTuU, BACK. XltE OOOipeciiblt vomits to do ladlaa' or treutloiuftn'a wa?b lng; boit city reference, 7TH AV.-AS FIRST CLASS LAUN0BK8S; city reference. A U11 A v., ROOM Ttil?A 8 ">1R sf' CLASS r?<7l'lMDdr<<<?: nnd<*r>tunda her bnalneai la ail Ita branohaa; city or c?uutry ; K">'d refareucea. \ uriM. At 1 C ST. MARK'S PLACE. -A RESPECTABLE YOUNO XOmarried woman navet nnrae; bent city roferoncca. ??,1 BASfTirH hT.-A KKSI'KCIAHuK person M I (colored) an mine to au Infmt lu ? t)rat claim fitmily; highest MflfetMtl til vol). AiMrcn* for tw.i day* only. NoluHloilf bT.. BhTW KK..N 2D ~AND 3D STS., Williamsburg. - A respeatable woman ?? vet niirae; baa Jaat lout liar baby, wanna do ubjaot. Apuly to Mrs. UAiiV MclvlLiY. WEST l.VTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN*A8 Vet uurae; fresh breast ol milk. ICC WAVBRLEY PLACE?A GIRL, AGRD 17, TO i?J?)tako care ol children or do liifbt work ; uo objection to the country. Call or adtirea*. U? WWT ami ST.. NEAR TTB AT. (t?ASf IM XO'Jplover'i).? Keanertahla peiaon ?? nurae to nn Invalid lady or child; le accustomed to traveling; beat eity refer* ? IIOO. OflO BAST 81 ST ST.?A IIKALTiIV YUl'SiU WOMAN ^IJ^vlth fresh breast uf milk .it ni-t tllffl. n/wi JA Y~~Vr7 "llKOokl-YN. HEAR "iToi'SE?AX Emriinli l'rotaxtmit wnuir womun a a uur*e; i apabie ?r tnkiug charge of au inlunt: no objection to the country ; be?'. reference Adores* NUKBE. o/ui WER+ 1STIf Vr.. M'. A it ~8T?t AY?HEALTH y Dl.'(7yauiiK vet nurae i abundance ul milk; no objection w tlio country; xood referauoe. East 3isr st?a y6cno Wipow, with a fresh breimt of mil*. iM wet mime | bast reference. ? l\)Xvi-A NEAT YOUNO WOMAN~~AS NURSE: citr or country. 1" ino BUOAOWAV. COKM.R Of 411) ST.^A ,Tt?70A respactab.o colorott girl at nur<? to a baby or growing children, or to do upat.ilrs wer< ; ao objection to travel; relerenco. ? Waitreaar*. die. errj WKBT38TH ST.?a l?ov wishes to obtain J|a altuatlon for a (lerman Protestant girl as waitress or Ihauiberinaid. HiitalUneaua. 1 Q GEAMBRCY PARK {PRESENT EMPLOYER'S) ? lUA young Kirl, of goad education, from North Germany, arith eblldrea or a single lady : highest testimonial. Can le a?en between 10 and I. fe; east aoTti sr.-a youno woman as ?U'Jnuriery covernass In a private lamlly ; music and lerman taught. EAST 3MTH VT., (INK plight?A GIRL, lately lanueil. strong ami not l<t>W to work. j /\| WEST 41 ST ST?A RKSPKUTABLK YlitXl xUXwonAu to attend a bakery; It competent; good ret irencti. AS pbrnoh LADY'S. .MAID; GOOp HAIRDRESSER and drcaimaker; eooa raierence. Addruu M. C. .box lol Herald Uptown omc*. W~ ANTBD-BY A QCIET. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, a place or trnet or lor lljrht mitlaa ; If private, the t.iui U? or a aclentift or uhy.iclau prefdrred. Addraaa, for one Mfe, Be Kt BLt Herald aillo* 331 (5 96 2TS ?rruatiows warrkd-pkmalbb. ' , xlmvutt uvuum. In future all tulvrrliteuimU presented for publvtlion aj'ler eiyht u'cluck P. M. will bf charyttl JoubU rfUu. W'astkd-kob a highly broobmendkd gee miid /irl a good altuatlon *? lady'i maid or with ebil dren. by bar praaiut e?p.oyre. M we.t 35^ at. intelliirar* Office*. T"*ho'h'stant * evanth FOR CITP AND filuulry. at tho protectant HOME. 138 flth av. abov?* 10th ?l - ._.t* promlllunal htiationiw A.MTBD? fgmalks. SITUATION WANTED?by a WELL o.lewlah yoauk lady. to ? raapectable family. Apply at 13 jay at-. oilt. , help WASTED-rkjialiek. In future nil culver litemmtt presented for publication after tight o'clock P. H. will be chary* OoubU rotrs. A yfiui?*v?X35 woman cook?. mu?t be good kt i.u?try Noue but thoroughly competent woum nead h|>i>ly at 17 broadway. Brooklyn, e. D. i m eitpkbtbscbd drrssmakbr WANTED AT 111 aw??i <1?' ? - \mise WANTED?-TO ATTEND BABY t MUST BE A-'ble t? cut and at and operate uu machine aud whi'ujt w w25 kr.nou cap. Apply at <m 5th ??.. fr*? 11 .'el-ci A. M. to 1 o'clock r. M. 000d0ich*an GIRL OR WOMAN. WITH REP cun nil,i a pood and ccmtortable altimtloii, lo UmVSRI of anildor? lady, bv .ailing at no.k?*e.l 'jfjtll st. _ ? i ? i ? ? /^o^ftrwrtltuiis pob two yoi no children oto goto the country for aumuier; ralar.ucu. rauulred. ?4 Ea?t 01?t at. - piri, WaNTED-bixtken to EI(1htben YEAR<? vjio uelp wlih children ; American family. iw Kail gist /?a jnf.a wanteu-onk FOK GENERAL iiou8r gl"rk waahlng. Ironing. ac one for chamberwor..; .rood charHCtara required. 107 h*?t ftthh at. vstrl WANTED, ABOUT 10 YEARS OF AGE lobe \Tin*u preferred), to help take care ufababyand maka ^^"^naraliyuaafal. ? Eaat bfd?jt. tiTANTED A FEW GOOD FLOWER e RANCHER*. >\ apply early- johnson BROS. a CO.. ?t* Broadway ut ANTE O?a COMP TENT NURSE TO 1a kf. w charge ot two clilldray. Addraan, for two daya, with rel-rencee, JAMES W. SCOTT, Roaamore hotal, *ew York "xxTkHThd?a GOOD ocgk. WHO W1LL"~a1.80 DO W tlie witablnx lor a am all family; uaruinn woman pra farred. Apply at 42a^ve?t -t' tb at titamteu?pi b9t CLASS OPERATOR ON bebr wcuatum coat" Apply KELLER A ALLEN, cornar WllUum ?ml Ann ata. t if a nted-A NEAT. competent woman TO COOK. \V waah und Iron for a family of four. IWIn? M ?nu'?t?j from Korty aacond atraat -l.pot. Apply. 10 to 3, at 138 Eaat hlat at. _ ? fir ANTED-A PROTEST ANT <ilRL to DO oeneral W Uoua'wurk in a amall lainily;, muat ba a good waahar and Irouor: to iro u'abort dlatanca in the coontry. w?ba?. $>?. Apply id Eaat 02d at., bafore 1j. wiw'f7b-A YOUNG COLORED WoMAX AS cook cla.h relaronce. Call, to-day. on janitor. 31 and j? ^road^it WtntED-YOUNG english OR GERMAN OIRL as plain cook* waahar and lron?r : waiaa. ?12. Apply **> 4th av , noconu flat. - nitviled-a YOUNG WOMAN TO TAKE CAKE OP wcliildran and do llk'ltt cbamberwork. Apply at -1 Baekman at. - txfanted^laundresb: MUST BE protest A NT. Wwith expertonoe and raferencea. Apply balora 10 nu. 101 W a verier plaoe. Titanfkd-"a uirL 14 years old ro attend vt children uurinir day and aleep at home nltchta. Apply at No. 42tt Woit 47th at. Wllnthii-A GIRL TO DO (ibxeral hou8ewobk. inquire 235 kfist 39tb ita ? WANTED?a vouno oibl AS ohambebmaid and waitrena and to aiialat with waablnic and Ironln*. Call butween 10 and 1h o'clock at 134 Lexington av. ANTED?a oirlto TAKE car 'i OP ^iilurkn; muat bo willing to go to the country. No. JOS w eat sotb at. "?t7"AVTED?GIRL TO DO cham3erwork AND w^walting. Cull, betweeu tt and 11 o'clook, at 350 Lex tnuton av. ' ? wanted?a good woman cook, who under \\ ,.,nda naatrlea: no other need apply; reference ra qiilredt caltat the Bull'. ha?l Hotel, corner 24th et. and 3d av. srvtiompefent NURSE FOR OROWING wchildren: good referancea required. No. 29 Weat 6ud at., alter 10 A. M. SITUATIONS WAJlTED-males. In future, all advertuemenUprettnltd for publication, after eight o'clock P. M. will be chargeiUUuble raJet. _ "a FIRST CLASS BAKER AND pastry c?()K A.wi?hp? a altuaiion; city or eonntry; can ftirnlah flrat clais reference. addreaa h. b., 108 Eaat Hou.ton at. "nui7ii7t"l.Tn 14 op STRICT INTEGRITY. de aakltna^on: iftdr.m A d. BENNETT, 303 Eaat 34th at. ' ofllco. ? ?? "7?protestant YOUNG MAN WISHES TO GO IN A.the country on a larm; r? d,. almoat auytblug. Ad dreaa k S.,hox 161 Herald Uptown Branch obc?. iirttwi * isi VWARD WISHES AN ENGAGEMENT i p?S?25* "W* "haverhill' >e?ri' experience; terma reaaonable. c. k. 8.. havernui. m nit. ? ? Weat 4Stb at., roar. - ,, v nuf" ('-LASS man COOK; undebstan DS btbe French and American cooking thoroughly. Addreaa COOK. 24 vaudam at. ? >,.w?k rrnt^ "bui'LER-ONIiY THOSE NEEDING c?u*h ? m?n will .all: reference Irom laat amplover. No. 5 Ka?t 3?th ?t.. .iveratabla. Situ atton wasted?by a "middle aged amebi ila ulu ii porter or watchniitb. night nrd.v; b?at raf addrsa. J. P.. ?7*? lalayette uv.. Brooklyn. ^r..i.ii"TNTKNI)E\t OR fitewaiid.-THE ADVER 1stkn oknt, Lenox Houao. 7. 5tl> ?v. ?vtswr,_?y A HOY OF'ts. WITH 'l"WO YEAKS' 12.010 Poat office, naw V?rii. ?.? ? ntantfd-A situation. BY AN EXPERIENCED at top flonr. ? - tkitiby"atifctntlrman RESIDENT IN NEW office. ? ? ???? vanvtfdlby*t~young MAN ji st FROM CAN waiia formerly in tba produoa and provision trade, a ?lt uallon to the lame huaiueaa; can al.o aaalat in offlc. work. Addreaa W.. box 173 llaratd Uptown offlca. clerks aso halesmkji. lion: spenktt tier tnan ; good re fort nets Juue " "rfii i " D In future all advertisements presented for publication after eight o'clock I'. M. will It* charged double rate*. A voyjra .man. THOROUGH BOOKKRKPEK. MPSAK tnk mill rorroepondlnn In French, tierniau uiul Riiftlinh, with binlnein knowledge ol Italian and hnanlsh, wliliei liiuatioo AUdr??? 0, \V., bo* 'M l'o?t ollio ?, Brooklyn, K. l>. *"ACllVK 11US1NI'.fcw MAN DKHIRKS A POSITION In Minis rented mercantile bniiiioi*; can give fteourlty or I au Hum* money if eeturactorlly lactirod. O. M., Lux 210 llerald office. A~ORADUATK OKT'ENnWlVANXA COLLEGE OK Dental surgery deilrei a position u militant; good operator. Adilrtu Ui B. K. L. Herald utlleH. A M MAKDWABM SALESMAN and MvknWlC /Vaiiywliere; beet reference!; Ionie exparlence. Addrew E. W., Herald Amrtlllng office, Jersey City. ryuuauiST.-Youjiu Tjhadi'atk- desire* situa 7. Addrew v.. L., 1!>3 Sprfhtf it. Db i: a~clerk wan te d-n uhv hk thokouuh i.y competent and acquainted with tint oIhii city tradu. Ail<lrtf?, with releroncoe, M. C. !>., box 200 llerald Uptown ofllee. iuui CLERK WANTKD?THO R<)UGIILV OUALI lieu. Apply at HUDKUT'M Pharmacy. 318 Broadway DKUU CLH.RK wanikdT?wythe av.. corner laylor St.. Brooklyn, K. D. I^NTKrPRFHIMO salesmen^ WHOHE "ru-inesb liialtf* them iato Western or Southern cities and towns, can udd to their salaries from $7f> lo $100 a month, by au dresiintr Kev. J. Ill NKV sMYfllK. 409 ISroadwuy. J ly I'D It HaLKSMKV -ToHK at PRESENT Fx" JjHited vrtth h firm clam New York house. has a large tra.ic Kaat and South and rin give A1 re'urt-iicei, and wishes to sell In tho Eastern und Southern -tales In ronjuiictioB with hi* liquor trade Lager Rear by the keg on commission, will direct, with real uauiv aud address, A. Z., box 1 2tf Herald Uptown office. SfTxSfiR a p iin iVim ha! rkrn k m?&:>yk dTS a business office, wonted as corresponding olerk. Ad dre ??, Kitting rdferences and lalary expected and nntur* uf previous employment, box 21 foil office, Jersey City. T"W OitftVtiltlYH. ?OftAtKJATr. blilRtl BITDaTIOI* In wholesale or retail ?u>ro ; great experience: beat ref erence; money lecurity If n> cesaar.v. ACACIA. Herald llllk Wa niriu-A mim pk rrn r Kxiiinri?? aLco entry clerk, at lair salary; reference required. Ad dreie liAXON, Herald office. "I1TANTKD-A DRIIMMKR~TO BOlSTIT W0RK~r0? it uiekel plutlDK. Oaiy one with oxporlenc** and refer eiit'i'i need >iddre>* II. XV. h., box IWI llerald officc. W A N rlD?A MOIt IK A RETAIL il mire ap town. a live man that umloratandi iho hii-l neM thornuKhly and not ahaid ot'work. Addreee KkUIT. Uptown llerald uffi. i'. \t' AnTkD-a HMAHT mT?VH CliCNTKR MAjfi il mu?t thorouKhly uu.lrretand bli bu?iu<.??. Apply, with ruffrohc^n, at PAafKHM Hroailway aun tlith at " to vtii.niiN e Tn future Om MWRMMM presented for pnMimlion after eiyltt o'clock M. will bt charged double rales. (ihfNTITeMAN UhRliifiS A UOOD HlTfATION lor hli coachman In city or country ?, lioncit, inber and attentive, mid understand* hli btnilnun. Call or aridrean I' 1C., ui liia private itable, 111 Wett 2ttth it., New York city.* A yTmTno Man WlffHKM A SITUATION A8 COACH m;in, vardrnitr and UKHiul mall: uinl>ritaBdi all kitiila ol larmiiitf. JOHN J. BRADY, box 14M lloruld Uptown oltlce. Ai! _.Xiin^i? . <'4ii milk low waneo beit reference C., box 123 Herald offior. CIOACIIMAM AND llROoCT-NMARRiKD, WANTH A y?,ination la eltv "r c uulry; umlomtanila IiIh Im^lopiis; K .ui ri-coiiimendatloui. Addreia KDKNBOROUUH, Herald oflic? . *rrs"" II KM* WAi'l'BlSBEBWa "T ToDii ?iJ6U > itiiniANT- 71 r?rL.7sfT>i a 'if k r JLln a private fmnilr; country pref.rred: two reari' ref ?reaue. Addreia dl W set Sd a? w HELP WAITED?NALKR. In fulure iUl iMivtriixrinrnt* firrtenled for publication ajtrr eight o'clock P. M. will be charged double rate*. , A U Nf??Va5t SB LLINU AHTICLFT I^NORMOUS -fx profit a: permanent and legitimate bu.ineea. 0*11 earl*. 24 Mroadway, room 4. FIRST oTASH hTwiK DELIVERER. ONE HAVING cUjr experience; muat liave heal recomiceiidatio-ia. rill Eh IIY. 33 Barclay at A A MAM WANTED TO TvKE CHARGE Ol' FOUR planing mut'Mnea: none bat experienced men nrod apply. I'Kl'-K A UOO.-.Rl', olanlng mill, 24W at. and lltb C1ANVA3SERS-THE ONLY PERFECT WvTBrt HEN; ^reiniren Do Ink; sella to everybody. 102 Broadway, room I ft. 1 YiKKCTORY -AiiKNf5 WANI'ED TO *ELL WOULD l/INO'S NEW YORK CITY DIRECTORY. Juat laaucd. Cull nt tlia 1)1 rectory office, 132 Nuasau at. 1,' NKKii K'l'H1 AGENTS WANTED-To HRLL.BUPUmFoE .F.auality fruit ealracla Pariiculara IM I'earl al., room 12. LARUE' PROFIT* Kult CAN VA.-SRR.->?GOOD 8ELL In-- article. WALLACE, 2ft2 11 rood way, room 15; daily, 10 f & Porto* Wanted.?a ioY, ipkakinu kkenck hiuI Engliab. may addtoaa, with reference*. CLAMART, Herald office. PL'HE TEAS.?AGEN'IS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO ??II to families, hotel* una large consumer*: largeal clock iu lb* country; quality aud lorin. the beat; country atorekoenera aliuuld call or write. THE WELLS TEA COM PANY. 2"! Fulton at. w TO ENCYCLOPEDIA AGENTS ?WANTED, SEVERAL K.iod m?u on a New Encyclopaedia, not a reviaed oauini ut mi old book that. In the newest editions, luuat ncceaaarily contain much of the old matter and be taulty auil Incorrect ill ?latfiiieina ol "acta. An entirely new work leave* ilie ?dltora und contributor* free to make tliu amplest mie of tbo moat recent riaa .rcli ami give effect to that change In tlie ralntlve proportion of tlilnua wbicli time Infallibly bring* about. Tbe work la cheaper than ant ever, publlahed, and nu be procured either iu part* or volume*, at the opium of the aubacribor It la tlluairaleu with elegant wood eugrav luita aud very beautiful uiup*. s'l'he blghuat coiutiilaatona paid to kooo men Apply to FLEEI'? OOD A H A Y ES, JUU aud 3111 WASHINGTON ST., HUSTON. WANTED?A COMPETENT SHORT-HAND WRITER; a young lad pretarred. Addreaa, in handwriting of up plicaut, itatiug ituallflcatiooa, box HIlu New York foal office. ANTED?A RELIAULR AND e"nHR(?EI'IC MAN YO act a* agent for a I'biUdelphla ale aud porior brewery. Aildreaa W..ST, Herald office. WAN IED-A VOU>0 MAN I.N A PA1NTER*~SUF ply atore: nniat have aoiue experience In retail trade. Corner Kuitoii und I'earl aia., Brooklyn. WA^TKD^AN INTELLIGENT* active hoy in a drug atote: muat raaide with liia pareuia near the buel neaa. Apply comer 22d at. and loth av. TnTED?A SPANISH YolJIH IN AN OFFICE. Address (i. J., box 2llt? tleralil olllre. W ANTED-l WO " eNEROEiTc UI-NTLEJdEN.OK uiidoubtod oharncter. aa aollcltora aad collector*. COM MISSION. Herald office. W- "aNTh D?RK PO RTE R; ONE THAT CAN WRITE articles oa all brtnehea of trade ; alao lady copylat. Ad drula NEWSPAPER, Herald oBce. W~ AN I ED-A MAN BliUVAN 1 TO ATTEND TO AN Invalid geutleiliiiil and make himaolf tfenerally uaelul about the houae; rolcrencea rtqulrud. Cull tbla day ut 5U4 ?'?tii av., basement door. WTnTKD-a"yTjUNO man KRoM 1? to 18 YEARS ol axe; muat be an excullent penman, quick aud cor roct ut nuurea and rooide with Ilia parenta; beat of refer encea rviiuiied. AddruKK, iu bandwritlni; ol applicant, K. Y, N., Herald officn. WANTED?A YOUTH OF 15 TO iTyEAIIS OP A(JE aa uu aaalatant at tbe caali deax, rouat be a good writer aud correct nt fleurea. Apply to W. K. PEYiON, 272 Uower.v, VSTTED?HOY TO ATTEND EAR, 17 YEARS OLD. Apply 1!>3 av. B, liquor etore. XnTEDT?A~iBOV l'O ASS Id T IN LIQUOR sToRlH call al 10 ibla morniuii, J. BRANN1UAN, 237 Kaat 22U at. W" "anted?a COLORED WAITER, TO TAKE ? obiirice oruluiuK room, caive, wait, Ac.; reioronco re quired. 33 Cllntou place. w TIIK TRADES. In future all adeertiimunti pretmted for publication after eight o'clock 1'. M. will be charged double rata. CIOAli MAKER WISHES A SITUATION WIIERK hia wife can make l.unubea, In Ohio or the Weat. Ad dreaa ClUAR .MAEE 11, Horuli! otHce. A" PIRST CLASS OAKK~BAKhR. CaNDY AND IOE cream maker wanta ? aiiuation. Call at or addreaa ISO Lewis at., New York, or 173 Atluntlo av., Krooklyn. IMIAOTIOAL"'WATOHM'AKKK, WITH SOME OAPI* tal (91.5UO to 92.0UU), can Und a moat Judlcloua iuveal aient by addreaalng, aoon, UUnlN'EHS, box 18S Herald ollluu. Butcher desires situation in a country or waterin* placo hotel; reference given and required. Addreaa BUTt;HER,box 134 lieriilii olllce. New York. SION I'AINTER WANTED-ONE WILLING To WORE rdxaonabla. 73 Naaaau at., room No. 1. rno boss ba"ki'7rs7^journkymen uTkkrs are A alwaya to be bad at William Engel'a, bakera'boarding liouae. No. 304 Weat 30th at., botweeu 8th and Uth ava., Now York. W""ANTEi)-BY A WOKKMAN OP LONO KXPERI ooce in tbe repairing of all kinda ol artlatloal worka and fancy uooda, in brontlng, gilding and silver plating, alao apei laity, a aitnatlon In any city ol the Union; Hrat claaa reference*. Addreaa O. L. D., box 20i Herald olllce. ANTED?A SITI AITON AS SILK DYER; BhST roferencaa. (i. KIN LAY, Cheney Brca., Maucbeater, ANTED?KIHST CLASS ORDER COOK AND naalntaut. 504 6th av. w Com w EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. In future all atli*rU*emeiU? prtnenUd for publication after eight o'clock Al. will be charged double rata. The"amkhicax steamshipCompany " OP PHILADELPHIA.' PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL LINK. Tho nniy Tranaatlantlo Line aailing uuder the AMERI CAN KLAC!. S.tiling every THURSDAY from Pbiiadelpbia land WEDNESDAY from I.lvorpool THE BED STAR LINK KTKAMRHIPS. Carrying'the Ueii:lan anl United Statea Malla. Sailing ?very twelve daya aiternataiv from Philadelphia and New York. Direct aud oulv TO ANTWERP. Por ratea ol uiuaage and oilier Information apply to PKi'Ek WHilillT k SONS, Ueneral Agi-nte, 307 Walnut at., Philadelphia, till Hroa .way. New York. INXIA.N LINE. _ ~ Ma1T> STEAM.,RS FOR Ol'EKNsTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY' OK HKili.IN .June 3, tt A. M. CITY OP CHESTER June it. j P. M. CITY OP RICHMOND June 23.2 P. M. Kroni pier 4.r>, North River Cabin, f80 and $100. gold. Return tickets on favorable term*. Steerage, $28. currency. Oralis at loweai ratea. Malooua, atalurocina, amoving mid bath rooina nmldihipa. JOHN o. DaLE, Agent, '15 and 33 Broadway, New Y'ork. UNITED HTATKS MAIL LINK. -STEAM TO UUEENSTuWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing on TUESD lY. from pier 4t> Noitb Elver. MONTANA.June 12. JP. M. I WYOMING. July 3. 10 A- M. IDAUO, June 1H, noon. | WISCONSIN. July 17,10 A.M. Cabin. (Bf>, #6f> and 975, rurrent y. lnterniedlaie. $44); Hteeraue, (2H. Paaaengera booked to and from Paria. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden. Ac. Drafts on Ireland, Englaud, Kmnce and Car many at loweat rater. WILLIAMS A OUION, 29 Broadway. HEAT WESTERN .ST^AM-SH j 1' LINE. To BRISTOL (ENOLANDi DIRECT. sailing from pier IS Eaat River, aa followa:? AKKAGON. Syinona Tueaday, June ft CORNWALL, -tamper Satuida\, June 23 Cabin paaaage, flu: Intermediate, $4.">; rteerage. currency, excuialon tlcketa, *120; prepaid ateeragR certill cittea, $2U. Apply to W. D. MORWAN, Aicenl, 70 South at. WHITE STAR LINK. FOR QUBhNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CAKRV1NG TilE UNITED STATES MAIL. The Nteniuera of thla line take thu lane routea recom mended b< Lieuteuani Maury, U. fi, N., i/olng aoutli of the Ranka on tbe paaiago to ijnoenatown all the year round. ADRIATIC June U, 3 P. M. BRITANNIC June HI. !? A M. GERMANIC Juno 30.8 A. M. Krom White Mar douka. pier .r>2 North River. Ratea-Fiiiloou, and In gold. Rutnrii tlcketa on reaaonable tnrina. Steerage, $2K ?alonn ataterooina, antcking and bntli rooma are placed amulklilpa. where the noiae aud motion are leaat, affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable ut aaa. Por inapeotlon ol nlun aud other information apply at tbo company a office, 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. CORT1S, Agent. Ci ENEftAL TRANSATLANTIC! COM PAN V. rrHK MAIL STKA-UEKs UK IHIH COMPANY, BE TWKhN NKW VOKK AND HAVlib, CABLING AT plymouth (G. II.). Mr the lanuiug of passenger*. will ?Hll troin pitir iU North liiver, fool of Morton *t . every Wedti??day. ?YILLE DE PAHIS, Dqrand.Wednejiliiy, Juno f> 1 I*. M. LAliK ADOK. Sniiullur Wo'lne*day, June I'l. 7 \. M. KIUNCK. Trndolle Wednesday..lime mi, 1 I*. M AMliUlyUK. Poutolx Saturday, -luiie UH. 2 P. M. Trice ol purine, i" fold (including wine) :? To lliivre?Fir*l Unoln, (100; Second Cabin, 8C0; Tltird Cabin, 193. Steerage, Including wine, bidding mid u t r< n 111?. To Plymouth. ix'iiuou <>r anyrallw yitntlon III Kniflatii!? Klrrt Cabin to C1<X), according to arcouiTuodatloii: Second fablu, #66; 'I bird Cabin, KM?; Steerage, $J7. In ciu .Inif evrrvtliing ?* above Kfturn ticket* at very reduced rat**, available through England and Franco. Stennor* marked tliui * do not carry iteerago passen ger*. Kurpaasagu and freight up!y to LOI'IS f)K HV.HI AN. AgHt, (SB Hroadway. CU'NARD LINE.?M. AND N. R. M. S. rf. CO. ) .noticr. With n view to diminish the chance* of collision lli? steamer* of this line take a specific course fur all season* of the year. On the outward iiaanairn from Oaeeustown to New York or Ronton pressing tin) meridian of SO al 43 latitude, or noth ing to lh? north ill *1. On the homeward passage crowing the meridian of AO at 4U latltune. or nothing to the north ol 42. KkW VOHK To LIYKKPOviL AND Q0I KNSTOWN AHYSSINlA.WVd., June (I I ?RUSSt A .... Wrd , June '.'0 miTTlllA .. .Wed . Jon? lf?|AM?RRIA .Wed . .lune 517 Steamers inarkna (*) do not carn *te?*raice pa?s?nger*. Cabin oassago i*), $100 and .?ii:?>, gald. according to ?? ooiiiiii<>dat inn Kiiurn ticket* un favorable term*. Steerage ticket* to and from all parti ol Europe at veij low ratei. Freight nnd piu*r< office, No. 4 Bmvllne Oreen. CM RLKS O. krancki.VN, A (rent. Most uirhct and economic route ro Hol land. HELtllVM, THE ItHINR, HtTITZfcRLAN 1), At!.. AC, via Ki il'TKRO AM. Sleainer SCIIOLTEN June 7 rit'-amnr maas lune Jt Tliaee baeutlfiil eteamari, rarrvlnn the Unitod Stairs nail to ihe Netherlands, arc great favorite* with the imbila, Trlj * ro/iilar, rates low, eomlnft and living period. For Irriirlit. Kor passage, PUNCH. KDYR A CO., L. W. Mi lit his, J7 South William ?t. ?*> Broauwsy. (Morrlii' Kur ipeitii hxpi?H). State I.INK. NKW VOKK TO ULAftOOW, LIVERPOOL DUBLIN, hklkaht and LO.V l?ON DKRltY, from pier ?- .North Hlver (loot ol Canal it.i. ?? lollnws: - ITAtf, OK OEOKOU Thnnday. June 7 STAVE OK PhNXhYLVAMA Thursday, Jnne 14 SI'A i K UK NEVADA I liureilay, Jane 21 VIUOINIA 'Iharm! ,y. Jnne W flrit cabin, (HO and >70, acoording to aecoininodmlon; return ticket* at winced rata*. Mcoad enbln, MA; return ticket* at reduced ratos. Sie?ra?e at lowac. rate*. Apply to AUSTIN HAljDWIN A CO., Agent*. No. 7'iHr<adway, TE"VaOR TICKETS AT 48 BUOaPWAY AND AT THK COVIPANY'tf PIER FOOT OP CANAL HT., NORTH KIVK1> KI'KOPKAN STCC AMAH 11*8. asr ?u:'1 s:? W ** < ?Mtt lid ??? "*'*? RUYlT.Sat.Iupe 1U. |.*JA. 11 leeeS ?lw,Kt! ,2l ?????*? ?nd ..rati, from ?1 upward ?ry low rates Ctmip.iuir a ollkes, Go Mrosdw?y. " "? ??? 111RSr. Mdiirttfer. \rOKTTI (i K K M A s lEoyiT 8outu main K!?*.p,#ti r?" "r "?<?4 ?*., Hnboke.. Menace C.r^nv.Si'tto4'^ " ruUuc,d Kor frjtiflit or pa??u?? ??pir l0 1 ' uur"n'r OKl.HlnlH A CO.. 2 HowIIbk dreen. ^rnoru ? *"J? ?$L ??o^lnlf?to\oc0mf,fiditfQL. kr vm a UIJK Ajiu L(JNl>ON. ELYdIA.... J line ?. 2P. M | UTOPIA..? June 23, 2 P. M. P-u 't? M* *v,,> Mforasre. jrjH. Dr?tt.ui,;-rf I"'oa T'cko" ?? "'luced rates. CobidI^v . Jlr i ?."y "mou"1 1,1 current rates. Cump?.iy * pj.r. JM *Uu a! North River, New Vort tlKXDKKttON HHOS., AK.-nu, 7 Howling QtmVn. ttambl'ku American PACKBT com J*an Y'i tJNH ifiTrVIA lyaiuum, t Uariiourir and Hamburg. ' . M A\l Mfiv't"i ?.Ju,M" 71 HERDER . June 21 uiiiSri?- Ju,,e u' wiKi' <*o.jH?S i\ bur? ?irp^r.v'{.sv^ldr:f^^f1vi?-H,vr Oe."ffi.?.. C" H" Klrlt..AKU ?* "OAS. m Hroi,.v.: n. v. c",Duriu srra;^es,,v I. M? f j. ?? .V'U 0n *er' '?*vo?-i*UI?? terms. Tlirouifli tickets UriuSPia^J'AT?5.p ritoouMo j?7 cement *&*;*?*,Zii$un'r ? '"?? **??'? "or COASTWISE STBAJHSHIP?. " ! pACino mA1 ^KASM%J^tfsW"*"*11 Forz^S"B,l1l^r-'" Kor R?JIVaA2,mfc/fol.15?"i,^L\Nur*h "!??? 8u'm.U A0A*ULC0'0:.V ".lrtTHMV,< Steamship C1TV or peking w..,i .^. A ?? HtanrflB&MP11* SflRggranPe a L^iVUh * u?-,or ?'? J- HULLAY. SuporiuUiideut No. C Itowtuitf uri'co, pier loot of Coual ?t., North Kiver. ' N v., Havana and mkxioan mail mm ?Bt??m?r> I * uve pier No. U NortU Kivpr, nt a > M CITY Of MEHIDA UAVANA UIRBCT: ?"? cuv OF Vk'ha oh'uz W^r^Irt*7, rUn8 2 ?'V rn m::iairii??S|:iSS .3 J'ri'uf'Shii'iK"'T??P",?"?' <c?sraix,^^'*??,ss''?????! Kor irotirlit or appir to LAI-KXANDRfc A HONS, 31 *nd 33 Broadway. QLD DOMINION 81'EAM?UIP' company. ~~ imllnff from pier 37 North UlTer, ikt'SP^A ? WKUNKHOAY uud PHIDAY roji;ind fnr KE BKaCH^4 '",d UeUar"r* ?rhi,e"fpr Ml'Cl"nn',,<Jitlons liQMirnHSMPd. ?t loSa.f rai?"."l,n|K" ,,ok#t??"d 1<I"? <" l*diU(i to all poluts S p?wS 37"Norfb*ktiJt "it, Na lu7 '"reunwlcli Ht._N. L. McUUKAUY. Pre*"ont Frovdelkt -1 "k^il steamek cT 1'T.i ./b' 'ron? M'?f ?> K??t Klver on Krl paLeJ?i"s 'j 4lV^k ; - -IAMI..S B. WAR11 Jt CO.. Amenta. 113 Wall it. si Kj.aats'Ki U,?JSS.WU,"nd rollv,,""'?l winter reoort. ? ^ ? <JUTf!KB 1uY)'(!e' K'^M'o'aJJ^ '"S? day J nnu 2 ?t ?? p \i ? Nlckar?on. will iall on 8atur ?llnw^,,, ,,AnK^'f' ^l'r,,nrt"' ^iKht. and lnm.ranoe !K|awaT,iijrtW5 U ?tt4 .Jun? 7, will uow form a reinilur T*7KEKr,Y LINE KOR PORT RO Al,"?,<f. f wli'k, lily and_ Fernandlna, Fl?. aaiilni; every Friday from uler 2<> Kam River at 3 P. M. ' ?-?u?y Hieanier CITY OK At'STIN. Oaotaln Btevent. Juno t> Ticket! to all polnta In Florida. Apply, lor information and tlekota, to C. H. MALLORY Jt CO.. , IM Maiden lane. Halifax, n. a., and mt. joun'h, n. f. cuomwkll line! tfteamaMp CORTf.dl.JUpier 1U North RWer. Prl cSabk"* seaman mvX?*0 or frolKht W MoUOAN'U LINK to new ORLEANS AND TRXAH - low? -? ,'8*u",r" w111 o*ll froui p.erUO NortU River aa lol A'li<? V, Saturday, June 2 h>>r New Orleann direct, tritntferrlni; Tnxas irolKOt there to Morit u'? Loulalanu aud Texaa Kallrond lor Morran city tht-nee per MorUau'? atvamelii,>N to Texaa port* Through u ui? '?J?'?" ?? ??' l>oini? Oil tl1B .MUaiaafppi River. Mobile, Oalveatou. Iiiiliiinoia, Corpua Cliriiti, Rockiiort, Hr.i?o? Bitntlauo, Brownavllla nu l to all polnta on tli? llouaton and Texaa Central.,International and Great North Ir":. ..x*', ' Tranacontlll ntal rallroada. Krelitht . forht .Mary's aud Fulton IhihIu I at Kockport. I f<?ii Antonio freight lakeu vlaCuero at ruduced rate*, j i."''"r,,m'e 01,11 effected uuilur mien policy of ttie line J," New OrUanj, % per cent; to Te*a? porta, pur cent. K"r freight or lurilitr Inforniution apply to liOUEHT k I moroan. Atreuia, office pier 311 North liiver. NEW ORI.LANS al? 1 RECT.?TUB CROMWEI.L LINK* Steaniahlp NB\* OltLh A.NH. Saturday, June 2, at 3 | o'clock 1. M.. Iruni uler u North Rlvur. Tlirough bltll of fading fiv?n to Mobile and principal pom's oil the Misakaeippl Klver. Kor IrelKht or paa.a^e up | ply to CLARK .v BEAM - N. M Weil it. 1 M up I??R nassai*, \ p.. sr. 1 M.'o AND OIIKmooH L l ul>a.?Iw-ular ranil atcamO.lp OLi OPATHA wlli leave New \ ork ^atllrllay, .luuv t?. at 9 A. M. MURRAY. PER It IS * CO., ?a South it. VTEW YORK AND if AT ANA uIrBOT MAlL~LrVE~ P< v ,rtt*?ir" Clf" *?' ?'?? ?? :t P. M. from pier low* Klver, foot of Cedttr ?t., for Havana diroct, a* fol J-O^MBUS Tburadav, May 31 m '?* Saturday, J mm I) 101 frelKUt and pasiice, having unaarpi.iaed aouoiamoda tIon i. app y to 1. ^1... ?^VM- i,':f O^YDK A CO.. So. 0 Bowling Oreau MtiKhLLAK, LU LINO A CO#, Agcutu in U a van a. Til.WK 1*1* Kits' on UK. In futuje all udcertUcinent* pre.iinltd publication a/tf'r eii/kl u'rlixk P. M. inil he i ktir /? <14ovlilr rain, \ ?THK MAKY p'oWKLI., KOlt WKHT I'OINT-NKW ?burtf. PnuifUkoepaie, Konilout and Kiui|il?u, lauUintf lit t'oziOM*. Cornwall, Milton mi l New lliiifiiiiirif. ?nd Marl bnrii iiv Ierry. will Itiuvn pii-r Hit, X. K. (Vealry It.), daily, ttundav* imioM, at liy r m. A-TlUKMT* KOlff'lIlL/Ull.LPHlA. LONU BKANCII ?Ocean Grove. Ronton, Newport, Providence, troy, HarntotcH. Mnntioal; bar?aip cheeked to d<i>.ttnailou. oVKkIN'S l.Xi'KKSH, <i;i Wait 33d, corner Broadway. lbany asit tiuiv by day u<>ms.-c. yTbbakB utiil liAMKI. DuKW, eoninianciiiv Monday, June 4, leave Voatrv at. pier. North lUrer, nt m :35. ami 'J4th ?t. at it A. M., landing nt N'yutk lurry Wen Point. Newbnrir, Piin?likecp*l?, Itliinebi'ck, Siiunertlei. Oitlifclll >inil Hini ?on. Clole connection witli New Vnr. Central Katlroail for the Wont. To Woat Point and Newbury, returning aaina A-UITIZKN*' LINK RTEAMBOaTH pok thot .oonnictitiK wltti alt raiiroad linn* North, Kant and Wot: mau'iliicaut ateainer* loavu dally Oaiurditya ?* canted) at U P. M., pier 4H North Hirer, toot Laroy nt. k LB A.N Y BOAT. PKOPLK 8 LINK. line ol tho aleirnnt nteettier* DttK > or KT. JOHN will lonvi! pier II North Itlver every uockJay nt I! P., M.. con necting at Albany fur Maralo;n mil nil favorite lummer re ?urt? North miii Went; Tire only $1 Mb Y ?IH77.-LLOYD'H DOCK, oystkr" HAY JON'KS Dock (Cold Ktirlnu), L. 1.?Tlie new aud last atuaner J. It. HCIIUYLKH will leave New > ork dsily (Ntiudav't extuptoii) fortnii iibove niacin, from pier ItlKuat Idvrr, lout ol NVall nt , at :t:4ft P. M : loot nr Xl'l -t.. Ka?t Hlver. at 4 P. M. Magna will onnnert at IJoyd'a Ilook tor llnntlnxton. Ttikew to all Innrtinu*. '?> NM I'.hcumi/ii ti< keta. $1. CIATUKILL and nTUYV SANT BOATSLkAVI-. DAILT Vtroiii pier 42. foot ol l.'anal it., at tl P. M., for p|tt?ti|tri ami lielfflit. tjiOR nokwalk an5 dasbuu'y "d a i l y. -t i i h efanor AMKIUOUH leave* Brooklyn Mowed'* Dock) U::iO P. M? pier .17 Kaat Klver 3:46 P. ? . aid :nd at. 1 P. M , commuting with Dan bury anil New Haven Kaiiroadt. Kcducud fare. 36c. lijcouralnn tickota SOc. I^ALL K1VKR LINK KOIl HUSTON AND ALL POINTS Ka?t. TIia tnunimoth palnee atenmera BltlriTOI* and PHOVIDKNOK laitva pier 33, North itlver, daily taiuiidaiis July I to Hiiptombor 'J. IneluaiveJ, in 5 P. M. Ticket* for ?ale at all principal ticket oflieea. __ PHlUAO>Uiftlia via UWa ~?HANCit r iinil the New .leraev Southain Kallroad. leave pier 1 No-th itivcr. foot Hector at., ?t A. M., tor IfOig Branch anil Katontown. II \. M. tor Philadelphia, I.onu Bianch, Tom * Klver and Vlneland 4 P. M lor Ptiiu>lel|iula, I/ong Branch, Tom'a River, Wnmown H'.d TnbkurtAn. ?t: 1P. M. tor I.on Branch. Hundaya, for J.onu Branch, 10 A. M. * | WM. H HNKrtF.N, (1 M. I" [10ft <!AT^ItlTrii, hTUYVEHANT a'n U"l Ml'. It MKDI ? 1 ito InndluK* ?Hteamer aeort leave* foot Kraaklln at., NoriIt Itiver, every .Monday, Wrdtieadajr and Prldoy, at 0 P. M.. lor ireiatbt and puaaenuera. VfOBMNO BOA'I fllK KNtil.KWOOD, YONIiKBs, lYI Dobb'a Kerry. Nyack, hintt HIhk, Haveratraw, (lr???y Point, Voroianka and Pnakakill.? Tito rait athamer 1*. I'l'hultt leava Harrlaon at. at H A. M every looming, full hi ami paai>en*er? earrleil at low r*te? THK NEW PBOVIDKNCK UNK TO BOSTON. via I'rnvldonce direct. A WHOLK NiailT'fl RKrtt. Wflf 4J MIMW Of BA1U TIMR, ho MINirm The raagnllloant now neamnr* M iitkAt/II talk_r iB nB<l RHODB ISLAND, ? from plnr M North Bivar, foot of Warren at., at ft P. *, THK OLD KiLlAlLI itTONINUTON LiNh to Bo?ton and all point* Kaat. dally toiiapt Sunday*), M A P. tL, trom pier 38 North Riror, foot of J ay it. TR4VELLERH' OIlTOg. Q^NEaY TiiaIas "Via .ikUT JEttatBY itHTiflW OViirk Railway to Carliladt. Ilackenaack. Naul, Sprlur V.illey. llav-rntraw and Intermediate po'.nti, leave New Yord via Partial* Kerry at 8:45 A. M Returning, !???? H|ienlr?* It5:4i K M Arrive In New York 8 2ft P. M. rpo P HiLADhLi'HIA """"" PENN8Y1.TAN IA BAlLllOAD. TUB OLD ESTABLISHED iioUTB AND SHOBT LINK between NEW YORK AMJ PHILADELPHIA. 13 Through Trains each wajr dully ; :t depota in Philadelphia, 'i In New York. Daublo Track. the mint Improved Equipment, and the Vaiieti 'lime coualalenl with abaelate lafety Expreai Tralui laava New York, via Diibrwiii aid Cort? itreeU l*r*le?. aa follow*:? 7:30. 9 iU :30 Llinlledi l<n:*? A. M . 1, 4. 3, H,7, and ?:3ll P. M. Sunday. 1* A. M , 5. H, 7. and H *>>. M Returning, tram# leave Philadelphia J J*), 7, 7 :HO. M. 8 ?'*>, nud II A M. (Limited bxpreta, I ;3f> I*. M.I. 2, 4. &UKI. 7. aud 7 :.'!6 P. M.' and IU Midulght. On Sunday. 3:3u, 7, H ;:to A. It.. 4. 7 .:C? P M.auil 12 Midnight. Ticket OfHrea, .'i2rt and !M4 Broadway. No 1 Aator llouae, and fool of Deibrnnea ind Oortlniidt eta.: No. 4 Court ?t , Brooklyn; Not, 114, 118 and 11H llndaon it.. ilobokeu; Depot. Jeriey CtlV. Emigrant Ticket OMea, No. 8 Battery place. FRANK TIIOMxON, U P. FARMER, GeueralM imager. General 1'aax uyer A.ent. ISXCDRHIOHA. " In fulvre nil <uit? riit'DHntu ptfmlrl for piMuatio* a/Ur til/M o'clock f. M. nM be ?harj'U aouUc ruU*. \ -A-DULY EXCURSION* TO RO0KAWAY A.BEACH. kTEAMERS AMKBICU* and NP.VEHSINK. THERE OCEAN EXCl RSIONS <?N SU.DiUY. JUNE a. TWO EXCURSIONS DAILY THEREAFTER, observe tba Dally and Snuday Tlma Tablei. 24lliat, N. R . H ;30 A. M. and 1:I5P. M. Pier 27, N. K.. Park plae?. *:45 A. M end I :*) P. M. Orauil *t.. New York. Eaat River, t? :ll) A. M. aud 1 :45 P. M, Jewell'a dnek. Hrooklyn. H:25 A. M. and 2 P. M In addltlou i? tbe ab.?v- the aleamer NEVERSINE will make a -I* OlAL EXCURSION' ON SUNDAk. JUNK 3, leaving I'.lHh at.. Ilarlem t>;00 A. M. New Haven Hallroad dock, Moirlaunla H:(>."> A >1. llUlhal 8:15 A M. 33d at.. Kuit River H. l.'i A. M. South lat at.. Williamsburg 10 ft* ? A M. Grand at . New York, i.aat River 1U:1IJ A M. Jewell'a dock. Uru<'klyu ... .. 1 <i-;n> A M. nteaireri Iravi- Ko> kaway Ht 11 A. M., 4 nild SI*. M, faith. xj cents. exci3rkion tickets. r.o cents. -BMUULAli SUNDAY BOAT VOB MEWAMK. tin mid after Sunday, May li, thu fa>t aud wall known ?teamboat THOMAS P. WAY will make lier reitular Siinduy trip between New York aud Newark. Leaving Commercial dock, Newark, at HA. M.; leavliiK New York, pier No. UJ N. K., foot of Veicy at . at lU::m A. M.; atovplui; at Bergen Point each way. Kare, 2'> eenti. Y -O-V and AKTEK il.vY 13 BBUULAB SUNDAY J mornlnir boat for Keysort, landing at Elliabethpurt, Hon I aud Perth Auiboy. Ttie mea ner MATTEaWAN will leave New York from pier No. 34 North River, foot of llnrrliuu it., at U A. M. Uii returulng leave Keyport at | 3 :3U P. M., making a pleasant family exniralon. The Matteawan leave! pier No. 34 N. K dally at 4 P. M? | returning Irom Kaypori ou Saturday at 7 P. it. Y~e xcTHt s i o^kx^tVao {aifNA r y. Beduced Vara. ? 120 mi lei on the ever beautiful nudxca for 75 c*nti> The magnificeat fait ??illnir palace iteauier LONO BRANCH. Captain Jamea Lynch. having been thorougnly renovated and deewrntod through out. wl'.l reiuiuu Iter regular Sunday morning excuraiona to Mt wburg and intermediate lnudlugi, ou Sunday, Juuc 10. Orand muileal ntiractlnna on board, aud nothing will be left undone to render thii one of the mu>l lelect. popular ?ud pleaaant exouralona leaving New York. AFISIIINO BANKS AND SANDY HOOK~EVKKY ?day, Saturdayi excepted. -On and alter Sunday, J uue 3. ocean atramor SKTH LOW, leaving Harrlaoi at.. North River, ?SKI; Hili it., Eaat River, 7: pier 'J7 Halt River. 7:13; lot li at.. North River, 7:40; pier M North River, 8 A. M. Ticket!, $1. AU U. FOSTER. Manager. A-^FOTT?XCUR8ION*?STEAMER TH08. FOWELL* ?capaolty, U.500; Bargea Chicago, Baltimore, Durant; I'npular tirovca; open Sunday. MARTIN t KASKELL, 111) nouth it. -GRAND PAM 1~[Vv KXCUKHION TO NEWBUKU, huuday. .luno 3, landing at Yeakara, loua lalaud, Cociana1, Weit Point. The favorite ateamboat OEKERAL 8KDOWICK. Captuln Fouler, will leave Jewell'a Dock, Brooklyn, SUKI; pior 1 Nortu River, 8:43; Weit 10th it., 9; 24th at.. North liiver, W:13. A full band of muale on tho boat. A 1,1 our LEE, PLEASANT VALLEY AND SHADY Hin* ' ateam' oati leave Canal it. Sunday at t) A. M. I 2 P. M. I 10 A. M. I:< F. .M. 11 A. M. 14 P. M. I Landing (dally and Sunday) at 24th it l'J >1. | 0 F. M. I and 34tu it. 10 mlnutai later. 1 P. M. | 7 F. M | Leave dally at H 45, 10 A. ?OS and 7 P. M. Round trip, *J'> renin. I" 1^0It EXCI? RS[O \ S. -STBAMEIt OKNE'raL 8KU*^ 'wick; Rurgoa Harveil l/oorn. Repuiitic, ('aledonla, Baldwin and Anna; alan Excelilor Park, Rarltan Bench, (/old 8pring and Oriental Orovea, X. 8. BRIOOS (late H. B. Crvnett i, 384 Wen il., oppoiltaChrlitopteritraat lerry. Open eveniuga. L"GNO MBANCH h.XcTjKsToN8 * " EVEltY SUNDAY the ateainer JESSIE HOYT will leave pier No. 8 North Klver. foot of Itector at., al Itl A. M. Returning, leave laing Branch 4:9U F. M. Thli excurilou elves paaaeugera a delightful auil down the bay In lull view or the ocean, aud alao affordi the opportunity ol aeelngtlio wrecked Kteeraahlp Raalund. Pare for the rouud trijp, $1. Ticket-good tor the day only. ?VTKW" ROllTK "TO CONEY ISLAND, BATII PARE and Locuat Orove.?Sunday. June 3, 1877, ?learner 'I. V. AF.ROWsMU'U will loav* Weit Wil at., at 10 A. M. and 2 F. M. Len* at., at lO;l0 A. M. aud 2:10 P. M. Franklin at., at 10:20 A. M. and 8:'.") P. *. I'lorS, .sorth River, at 10:30 A. M. and2:30P. M. Jewell'a Dock, Brooklyn, 10J43 A. M. and 2:45 P. M. Cminectlng witn Coney taland Railroad at LoeoN Urovo for the middle of the Uland. PLYMOUTH ROCK, ThTs AFTERNOON TO LONO BBANCII AND THE STRANDED STEAMER. FARE FIFTY CENTS. JARRETT A PALMER'S noperb palace at-einer PLY MOUTH KOCK will leavo tbe pi r fuot of 2'ii| It.. North Klver, ttiti (SATURDAY) At'Ti'.KNOON. Jan* 3, at TWO o'clock. and tUu mavuilk-eui uew stone plat 1, at tlie Battery, at twu o'clock. on it GRAND EXCURSION down the iiarbob, coluir through tlie Narrow*. by MAMIY HOOIC iiud Ollt UPON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, ?ailing within it tonne's throw of LONG BKa.NOH ud sleasslog clone. In til* STRANDED STEAM KR RUSLAND, d<iw lying upon the beach, Tbii ciiartmug aail wilt ne diversified not only by an un rivalled view of the beuutiful t-ort of Now York, but a magnificent luumcal entertalitmoul will be given by till) MARIN I. IIANl), MA UK Hi All HOY.l, MOZART GL*K ULDR. CHURCH CHIMES, Ac , Ac. PARE far the mitiro excuraiou :.K1PTY CENTS pLYMULTU HOCK. ~ TO-MOlll'.OWf (SUNDAY). * I O-MOllKO W (Sunday), June S. lb* enperb steamer PLYMOUTH ROCK, with till the various MUSICAL AT. TRACTIONS enumerated in the advertisement above, will tueke a GRAND EXCURSION TO NEW HAVEN and return. This charging trip will embrace a delightful Mil on the SOU 1*D and u iplendid view of the ahiurea ul CONN EC JICUT and LONG ISLAND. Refruahmenu of ail kluda in ebanda&ae. PARE for tbe round trip..... .....PIPTY CENTS ?.?The boat will leave the atone pier at the Hitter? (No. 1> at 7 o'clock A. M , and tbe ptor foot ot a?d at., KaST RIVER, at 7^0 A. M. J>LY MOUTH HOCK. MKXT WEEK. MONI) ?Y next, June 4. aud e ory day o( th it week, tlie PLYMOUTH KOCK will KM up the lovalv IIUUMiN to NKWHUiiU. peaalni.' the irrand acenery at WEST POINT All tlie iniinioii iiliractioua. Fare .iO conta roui/d trip. \\ ill leave Mattery pier at S :to in the morning, and the fool ol liid at., North Kivar at U o'clock. WUI ruturn to the eity at mi earlv hour in tlie evniiing. R" "i H.'KAWA Y H E a" CM ?TII i LA RG k'aNJD~ ELKO ANT avorite family e?ciir.n>ii xtcaiuer, WILLI A vi OUUK, having lieea entirely relilted. repainted and now being In the luolt denlraule condition to afford amuaetueut recrea tiim mid I I'Ultli to our clliirna, will commence tier r> gulir linilr trip to Itocka* ay. commencing Sunday. June ;i m.d running every oar, aa foilowii? .Itli at.. Huhoneii. C -30 A. M.: 'Jlfci it., North Hlver, New Ynrk. U :2K> A. M. . Kith it., North K tar. New iork. H:45 A. M. t loot Pranklin II , North itiver, 10 A. M.; pier 13. foot of Cedar at . Net 111 liivr. 10:1 5 a. M.: Atlaitlc it.. Smith llrnokiyn, 10:45 A. >1. Pare. 35e. hxearaion ilcketa, AOe The Rnisle will bo ufforded liy the William Cool arine Hand, and th" reatau rant attd ro reabiiieut ?al"OUi will be amply competent lo mil.piy all at popular prices. Returning, leave Hot kaway at IP. M. (SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. 0 Hegular Sun'lay iioat Tor College Point and Whltoitone. The luvorite aldewheei steamer OHSKO will make two excurmona everv Sunday durin/ the leaaoa of IH77 to Col lege l'oint mid Wlnleatune. leaving Wail it., Eaat Kivar, '? A. M and 1 180 I' M. ; Orand at.. Kant River, 9 IO A M. and 1 .40 P. M. i lull ?t.. ha.t Kiver. HJ" A. M. and 1 />0 I*. M ; ?idit., Eaat Hlver, M:W A. M. and '2 P. M. Koturnlsg, leave* Wiilteatone, Silo P. M. : College Point, 0 P. M. Pare.'JOe. Mnalc nn board. SllAWANIlAKA SUNDAY EXUUkMOI XO URRAT jNctk, City Inland. Sanu'i Poiut. lilen Clove, Sea t; I iff, GU'liwoiid and Roalvn Ihe ateumer SKaWANHAKA leavei Peek allp every Monday at ? A. M.; Grand it., M.-OJ A. M., and Sid at. at H:I3 A, M. lor the above piaoaa. re turning to the city aiiout 5 P. M. Dinner and refiaaliiuenti on board. SIDJiDAY 1HIATS I OR ASTOIilA AND UARlJiM, y landlnit at 11th at and r.'oth at. eaeh way. On aad ulier Sunday, April UM, 1H77, tlie boata will toava Peck ilip lor llarlom a? loilnwii? , Leave Peck alio 10*), 111*) A. M,; 1800, ltl?,?, t:46, 3 4 :10, 0, 6 ;J.\ ? -'?<>. 7:1ft, 7 -K) P. U. Li avo liar em lui Peck alip aaloli'iwa, . l eave llarleni H. 10. 10 :45, 11:30 A. M. I lil JKJ, 1:1&, U, 8 15. 4,4l4S. 5 30. <):ir., 7 P. M. N. H. -CoiinectliiK with boata for High Bridge Should tne weather lie ituriny tbe boata will not run. Pare. 15 centa on Sundayt. ' WM. WM IIP.RWAX. Haperlntendaat. SUNDAY HOATS roll AMTOUlA, ilARLEM, MOR riaanln, Sulaer'a new Kaal hlver Park aud Mtgb Sriilae. - On mid alter April ^0, ileaiueri Harlem, Murrtaania and Shailv Side leave Kallnii Market slip at 10. 11 a. M.; l,a, 3 II :45, "| :K>. ? WO, 7 :30 P. M l.eave Mofri.anla at.H #:)0, 11 A.*.; 13:18 1:45, >:?&, 4:1#, ?">:!?>, 9#" P. M. ; landing al Orand at. aail llt'tn it. eauii wav, eon leellug with atnaaier Petar Orary lor lllul. bridge; 5dk) aud t) P. M. Iron Merrlaaata laod al U:id t., Eaal River. Par.' K> ccnti. C. II. LONOKTRRkT. Muperiotenilent. CULOTHINli. In /illore 0/1 mlrrrlittmiUt ppeimUO fur yukWinHea ivbr ri'jltl l>'ctork I', M. if ill ft rfoiyfl 'loiihlr ntfcx, A" T " iiAK Ills': 1.374 MROADWaV, BETWEEN D andWId an ?Bioaiway arioei paid t?r eaat nff Clothing, Aa ,hy eallluir or addreaalrg H. H AKRlS. 1,'J74 Af ANHALfi, I7H TTH A v.. iiEAH 20TI1 ST.-Tfli very higheit ana u4moit value will be paid fir caat-oi Iking, Jewelry, Carp eta, Aa, by Mr. er Wit. ANBAJLT. MAL.KM AT AVIUM. /? fifw? *11 udfTturmmrt prrttnttri for aft Ft ri,)ht u'clixk f. ii. ,*?// it cUut-grd i Auction a w.k Jf ma<;my 1 ck>T~aT>oi?uo Li Furniture, proptrl* of K tiny. Km).. to be sold 1 III-> i^amriltri MIlKM.NU. coiuiU'ucing at IO o'clock. at lb* elegant air* atory brown itoii* mlilM 12< > West 2'hl 4,. uaar 6tb a* Two elrt;aut ro ewnod Piauolorte*. one asteinwar A So*. W iad?.r upright. (Cat r7l?? and fl.tJU); inuxninceni ro-owoud KUnm, luc ? uriaiii?, Mirrors. latest aiyie in 1 in' 1 Parlor ntiiis. covered tu ?.itlu brocstel mid rep; iulaid t'enlm aU'l I iiumih I' >bie?. ? ai.lusla, Jardinieres, Brontes, Oil Paiutliigs. Ac. ('haunter nulls. in black walnut: Dress ing lnw?. lledat-ada. spriug ami lialr Mattrssars, Carpets, Ao. ; Bookcases. *?.> > volumes choice Books, Ladiea'Secre taries. Library Tables, Turkish Snita. Dining Kooui Buffet, Kxtaoaion 'l'nlila, aolid waiuut Chair*, in leather: china Din ner all J lea Hula. Lounges. Ili.t stand; also Basement a ad hervaula' Fun:itnre. I.I'KK ' IT/.Ui-KAI.U. Auc'.loaaar. M. I?.-?Hood* packed aud shipped. oily or country. ?THE MKh.SK> LiaVHT. aOctIosekk*. Regular weekly Furniture sale, at tlie new salesrooms No. 22 Aator |>l?ce iCIIntoi Hall). HANDSOME M.KMTfBK. PIANO FORTE, MIRRORS. OAK PETS, SEW BEDDING. ACL On Ssturtluy morning. at HI1*. will he aold. by cata ' loi^uv, au exteuaive aaaortuieut ol superior new and seoond hand Household Furniture, line ton-d 7 octave Pianoforte, English UtiMScis. Tapestry und oilier Carpels. Ac . Includ lug handsome Parlor. Library aud Ctiauiber nulla, separate Bedsteads and I'.urcsu*, Dining Kootn Furniture, Sofa am! Luunite Bed*. tine curled hair Mattresses, China. Fenny Goods. Ac . from families declining housekeeping, and re. moved to the auction room* f>r couvenleuo* of aale. No* urrauged lor exuininatiou. with catalogue. Ocrio.N sale of the Keyaer Katate, H4tb. Moth. SOlli and H7lb si a. and lit tea.. Tilt RSDaV, June 7. Houses ami Lola or I'lota to auit purchaser!, ou streets nil graded. paved and ready tur immediate improvement, 'Vi per cent on hood and mortgage. Mapa at house, Htltb at. and lat ar. (wbieh eon bo soon at any time), or ot BLACK WELL k ItlKEK, Auctioneers. rooui 4, >'o. 110 Broadway. UCTIOjl HALK AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE. It C CAMHlN, Auctioneer. I'll IS (K.turdavi MO.OlNt., ai III o'clock, five Murv urowu atone mansion, MO. 47 Wi Hi Hil'II ST.. iJhl \S KEN 0111 AND OTH AVSL Fl UN ITUUh, WiikKS OK ART, BROCKS. VELVET. HUL'SKKLS AM) INGRAIN CaRPETS carved walnut chaMuek sets, STEI.HWAV 7'; Ot'TAVK PIANOFORTE, V MEV.Mvl. UrlllUHT PIANO. PARLOR AND Ult.WVINO ItulJ >1 nUITo, richly carved, covered in criuiawn, tnu aud uold brocade satin and cot* lalue; TurUlali Mid SpnuUli Louukci I-uay Cbalra, Inlaid gilt Ceutre ami Conauio luble-. l.tagerea. Cabinets, plat* Mlrrora, lace Curtxlna, French Mantel Seta. tVI-dar Olocks, Mnalc Hoxu?. Library and neorotalre Honkoaaos. Idbrary Tuhloa. Tuiklsh nun. inaruuelru- inlaid Writini; Desk. HEOROO tl I U UNIT I.' UK ? Elaborate aud ulaln Hodroom Seta, iuiald Kilt Urdaleada. LlirsalnK Ca?oa. Bureaus, Wash stauda, Single and Loitide Uodati-ada, ICI hair and spring Mutiresaos, I'IUowk, reu and pluali Suits, marble top Tablaa, Oliiiirs. DININO FtJRNITURK- Extension Table*. Hidoboard, Chairs In leather. Silverware, Crockery, two Hall Stand*. N It. -The ureater uart ol uhovo lurulture, bronsos and psinilnga iiumhaaeU at Ceiilunuial ai'id are all of anparior uuaiity. Arrangementa made tor packing or shipping II do aired. Take Htli ?v, or University place cars or Broadway stuge Mi 47 Wsat lH?h at. ________ ?tunTs, auctioneer. . # old staud, 117 Nasaaa ?t. ON TUESDAY. JUNK AT \r>& O'CLOCK. at our aalearoom. 37 Nastau St., A-SIONKK'S SALfc. OF line Office Furniture, TWO SVMiKE MARVIN SAFES, SHOWCASES, Cbaad-liors Signs, Partitl ns, together with all the general llouaehold Furniture ; also a lot of Restaurant Fixtures, Billiard Table, Ac. Auction sale. this satirdat? aLUKRT KRAMER. Auctioneer, will sell THIS |Salar day) MOKXIKll, eomraeuilng at It) o'clock, the entire rich, coatly and plain Hoicehold Fnrnitnr* ooatained in the lour story residence li?i East lttth u., betweeu :M ar. and Irrlug nlace, ONK BLOCK K AS I' OF 1'NfnN SOL'AKE. ootnprlsiug rosewood I'lunolorte, inavnlilcont rarlor Suits, lute-i style, covcrml In satin, co'.alino and raw silk: also large iiikI Hinall rep and haircloth Sulla-. Turkish Chairs, Lounges, Centre Tables, Etauores, Sncretai.e and Library Book< iihch, Oeaka, Urun/.ea, Oil I'aintluirs, banlsomoly framed: large, elaborately carved Chamber Suits: largo aud aumll walnut Hedateuds. Dresaing Cases, Bureaus, Waabataiida, Wurilrnbea. U*i spring and hair Mattress**, Pillowh, Bolsters. Suta-Hedi, Loiinu'ea. Chairs, Rockers. 22 Brussels, Ingruln and Stulr Carpets, Curtains. 2 handsome Pier Mlrrora, large and small Looklni Qlassr*. Extension Dining Tabl*, BulTet. 24 Dining Room Chair* Library Tables, Silverware. HUO piocea Glassware, Cutlery. 2 Une Hull Stundv llasemnnt Furniture, Ac. N. B.? Uoods packed, boxud uud shipped, eltr or countrjl ATTEVTI (J V Ti o USEKKKPERSI VTIKN'TIoN' Auction nale THIS DA V, commencing at li)li o'clock, at private lealdenie ol Thomas Oen<lioii, EiQ., No. 'Jivi West 'i'Vth st. .near 7th al Vli : ?Elegant Stelnwav I'lanolurte. one do. upright. I'arliK Kuita in satin, cotellno ami repa, fine llronne Fl urei. Oil Paintings, Lace Curtains, nia:iiarv. Marquvtori* ano Oill Tables Centre do., Jardluioros, .Bookstands, Podestala Hrun-iel* Carpels, Bookcases, Bodrooiu > urultur*. Red steada. Dressing CarOa. Uureaita, W UBhstanda. Wardrobea, rep Suits, I'hnlra, Kock ra, Clocks, Chromon, Bngravlngs, line curled hair and sprlnir Mattrosaea, Plllowa, Bol'tera Blauketa. Ac., Dining Furniture, Extension Tables. Buffet Cinilre. silver pi.lied War*. Kutvea, Forks. Spoons, mantel ani pier Mirrors, lit Carpet*, Ac. Ii. IE. MARTIN, Auction**! A-UEOUUK W. KERLtTlt, AUCTIONEER, . Sale-iroum 53 Libertr at.. HILVKRPLATKD WARE AND CUTLERV. Suturday, June 2, at 12 o clock, elegant assortment Ol above, comprising Tea Sets. ColTee and Ice Urn*. Cakt Basketa. tierry Dishes, lco l'ltcbare, Waiters, Spuon Uj|? ers, Kulves, Forks, npoous, Ac. AN EXTRA LA III IE IIOISKHOLD FURNITURE I THIS (Saturday) MOKNINO. ai IUU o'clock. botween otu ??u wi?. Velvet, Brnaaels, Ingrain Carpets; rosewood Pianoforte J Parlor Suita tu aatin, brocade, reps and haircloth: Book, cas a. Desks. Tables. Etagsres. Paintings. Vasps. Clocks, t'Urtalns. Mlrrora, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wash stands. Dress ing Cases hair aud anriug Muttriiises. I'urktali Chairs, Lounges. Sideboard, Extension I'uhlo, Olaaa, China, Sllfat War*, i otlety. A<-. IMhlTBOTIl, Auctlon*er. -engraving" walk. ' NOW O.N EXUIB1TI0N, AT BARKER A CO.'S, 47 ANI? 4H Liberty it. We will sell tlils'day (Saturday). Juae 2, large and Inpo* tant aale ol fine Imported l-.ngraving*. banu*om*ly lraa>*4 Sale cominaucea at 11 o'clock. Ot-.OKOE 1. BANKS, Auctioneer. 1MHOM SALK. WILLIAM WI Til E US WILL 8KIJ j\ on Vomlay. Juno 4. at 12 o'clock, the stock. Fitter* and Oood Will of ISar and Lunch itooiu ut 47 Llipeuard *t< if not i ut private sale Auction sai.k ok a valuable puopkrti kuown as No. Xi South I?th a*., at the Exchange Sale*, room. 111 Broadway. Monday,-Iune il, I*77. RK'li AUD V. UaRNBTT. Anotloaeor. SCII W A B. AUCTION KER. 277 BOVVERV. S_ELL^ ? I 1 o'clock, 177 East lid at., larg* Stock. Fixture*. Ac., ol stove mid llnuaeliirnlabnig Store: Heater*, Stueva, llangea. Cutlery, large slock Tin? are. Plated Ware. Show cases. Counters. Fixture*, Tools. Working Benches, Ac.; la lota. Huyers and dealers Invited. BV JOIIV A. IH'.NN. Alll'TlllVHf It-S VLE THIS day 10'4 o'clock, at salesroom. Ureal Jones it.?A very large variety of new nod second hand Furniture. em< bracing about 4<a> lota walunt Bedataada, Wardrobea. Hu> resua, marble tou tables. Ctialrf, Uru.seis uud Ingraiu Car ?tela, haslr ami husk Mattresaea. one lurulture Cart and ? Truck; alao llorsn and three aets Harness. He* Ice Boxes, Ac Ueiiivra invited. N. B.? Uegular salesdays, Saturday and Wednesday. BP. DAILY. AUCTION KEK. ,MoMit?k? a?le. -J will idII ihN day, at 10 A. M. sharp, tliii H'liturei uuJ !? uriiltiim of Ilia l,i<|uor Store corner In h?. anu 9MM at., eanaiatlnir ol h i^Uali Ale Pump. Counter, Shelving. ijlaa.iwuro. icebox, Ac. alo puaitlvo and lu lot*, CI KUUuK W. Kl-.l LKK, AUCT10NKKK, T Mtlenrootn f?.'( Liberty >1. HIIUK SAI.K. Saturday. June 2, at 12 o'clock, at.nut l.UXJ volume* cmnpriMiitr ilietory, Biocraphy, Science, Itouianeo: ant nets ol' Clmuibara' Kucyelopedla, Dickon*, Mcvlt, Hhaha* pi-are, Ac. IS. wililBKROEK, AUCTIONEER.' 1AIA* wd .dar (fcatnrdav). June 2. lo'j o'clock. at aaleiroom 71 Bowary. the entire Itock ot Llquori aud Cl^ari and Fixt'lrei ol it Kuftaurtiut, Uue .Mreet I.amp olio Furniture aud tf*n oriil Morchnudiie. Dealer! iutited. 13IDOKE J. HWARZKOPF. AUCTIONEER. 257 BAMT 4ili ft., will ii'il. l'l o'clock. TS.i Kant 31th at., largo ituck Oroe?rle?, Tan-, ColTaai, Kuirara, spleen. Flour, Soap. Wheli Hood*. Iln? Fixturaa. Uuunter*, Shelving!, *4calaa. Hint) atko line young Uoriu and Wagon. Foiltivaly in lota. Dealer* lavilrd. rtlDOftfc J. MWARZKOrr. AUCTIONEER, Win I ?i'il, - o'clock, ai Jr'7 Kant 4th >t., larva annortnant ol Hry U*r>d?. Fnncy lioodi: a No Furniture, Bureaai, Table*. Chair*, Mirror*, Kngravlnga: aNu ShewcaJei, Barber I Wa*hitaiiu, Ac. Poiitlvely without rotervo. Dealer* eapo* ciany Invitod. MSI SSIIAIV .1 CO., AUCTIONEERS. 2H| BOW. ?cry. loll till* 'lay. II o'clock, corner Contra aud Broom* ?!?.. Mock and Fixture* of tint cla?? Saloon?Elegant lour, pull Ale I'liinji, i?|ili"n ltd Bar and Back Bar Uelioueee, 13 TabNa. Chain, Chaudcileri. Olaaiwara, Ac. Poiltlvaly in lot*. without reterve. Dealer* Mil ?p#cui?*or? invited. MNU-SBAUM. AUCTIONEER 2fll BOW ERV, HELLS, athla dar, 2 o'clock. SftO a?i lUth it., atore Fixture! and Household Kuini ur?. Counter*, illver plated Show* caaai, Iceboxe*. Iledtlead*, Bedding, Limuge*. Owtlif Uteuaill, Ac., poaitivaly lu Iota, SCHWi INHKKO A CO.. 0. WAKHl'RU. AUCTION o?r. 157)* Howory. aeila, 11 o'clock. M Sprlug it., com pinto Mkturei ot butcher ihop, Icebouao, Tray*. Rack* Blocki, Scale.. Ac , in lota. a Sl'll WEINHKKO A Ot)., O. WAKHCKU. AUCTION err. Ift7', Boworv, will, 2 "/luck. 7w4 At leu tie *T. Brooklyn, stork aud Fixture* of groeery ; Soap, ki|M Coffee, Tea*. Ac., in lota. # wvtwm, L.IHLOKS. ?MC. In Julurt all nitrtrlinfmrnlM (KwnnM for pubticatioi aj'trr tight o'clock I'. M. will bt ckaryrU (0/ubU rata*. VHUMMhR NKCKuSriV.-CHAlKAl' LAOAKtMsf the lavorito rlarat; an oriirinal oaae ol 'Miquarta llillal to any addrval on receipt ot $21 VICTOIl K. MAUOI.K, 11(> lUada at. OKKAU LKFEVKh. Ol.UKftT I'll AMI* tONB HOUil aiatonoo. ; uuart-. plnii Hid hair.p lit*. VICTOK K ? AUUbK. M*o Torfc. AMTKOM>U>, tn ( tthirr nil a<h *rti*rmrnt* /or rif/ht o'nnrJi I' H. ?till'? r*ary?<l iU'?Ht nUtt. T' WunokkfoE cillLD. <?I ftV;r> "with btcon0 iviiKht. toll* nvarytiilug without ijuoatloulng. 129 W**< 4<?tl! ?t . near Broadway. \liW BKlTTtlS. Of IORONTO. WILL OKSCRlBI jyi and locale dlK' tea without (tnoitloiilng; will tr**t M dlra at their rc?ldenc.-?. nfflcc, :ViO4th a?. MR Die Ala. Iii fHtur* nil ?<nrtiriMi? |ir'?nil?i for jm/jticatUm O* tmhi o oh*k I'- M. a r*er?e I 4mth r/i?e?k Al? . t^l) MMB OKTHOUi -RKilORNOB AVI No 14J Weit 4Mtl> it., botwoea nth and 7th avi Mr.! A. A. A. IH4<> Off ??, 1 Kaat <VM It . ftrat door from ">th af. -UK. AMU MMI-L >11 LION, orttco >(X. 47 Waat Ulth at., mm 6th af. -OK. ANU MUK. A. M. MAUHICEaU, Oflic-a, over !UJ yaara, 12U Liberty at. Doctor kmkry.- adtioVfbmI! 27 W*at M at. (Amity ao PR."AND Mlji BOTT, _ Ma. l6 Waat MM., I