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THE COURTS. Decisions by the Supreme Court, General Term. SUIT FOR A DENTISTS BILL. Disciplining Members oi the Bar. A number o! decisions wero handed down yesterday ? Supreme Court, General Term, but very tow of ebicb, however, appear lo be ol public or general itu MrUDOO. John Uerlich brought suit against Matthew T. Bran lau, late Sheriff, to recover the value of goods seized ?y the latter. Tho delence was that tho sal* was irauUuleut as uguiust creditors, and that plaintiff had kuowledge or that Iraud. Ou tho trial the Judge was asked ou the purl of plaintiff lo charge tho Jury "that to establish notice to a purchaser of the Irauduleut in tent ol his veuuor it is auflicieui to prove that the lads and circumstances are such as ought reasonably to liuve excited his suspicion mid led hi in lo Inquiry." Tile Judge relused lo so charge, the suit wont ugainst tne plainnU, and lroiu mo judgment an uppeai was taken ou his behalf to the General Term. In the de cision ou tue appeal rendered yesterday the rolusal ol the Judge at Circuit lo charge us requested Is held to liavu been error, and ou ibai grouud the judgmeut lb reversed uud a uew trial ordered. Kdward ltuseell, who was. a siuJent at Columbia College, alter a seventeen mouths' alteudauce, was given tho degree of iSuchelor of Laws. 1 tie Court re lused to udiint huu ou the ground that he had not shown an aciuui atieiid&ui'e ol eighteen months, as re qu!r?.( by sluiuie. I he General Term deciuos that the applicnui shown uo right under the act and denies his application. In tlie suiiol James GUI against the Guardian Savings lnstituiiou, sll tho lacts ol which have already ap jiearrd in the Hkkalu, tne tieueral Tertu rendered a decision yesterday, sustaining the previous decision ol Judge Lawn nee continuing the report ol ex-Judge Bosworth, iu which u substitution ol ibe receiver ol the bauk was recommeuded. In the suit ol the Uome Insurance Company sgsiust the Peuuayivauia Railroad Company, in which u judg ment was recovered against tho latter company lor damages by lire to a barn aituuled adjacent lo Ilia rail road track, which tire originated Irom sparks emitted iroin the engine ol one ol the trains, a decision con firming the judgment was rendered by the Supreme Court, General Term. THE DENTAL WORLD EXCITED. A very curious ease was tried yesterday before Judge Kelly, ol tho Sixth District Court, and a Jury. Dr. i'rank Abbott, Dean of the Dental College, sued Ceueral Patrick H. Jones, Register of tho county of Now York, lor professional services, in attending to the masticators ol little Tommy Jones, tho minor sob of the tieueral. Tho amouut claimed was $156, on which. It was admitted, that $75 had been paid. Ex Judge Curtis, who appeared lor tieueral Jones, stated to tho Jury that his client dofonded the action as a matter ul principle, believing that the plaiuttff had beeu lullv paid, aud that this suit was an attempt at extortion, aud that the work doue would b.tve to be done over aud holdiug little Tommy in Uls arms, he said, -'We will put Tommy with you aud all )u evidence uud mark him exhibit No. 1. " The plaiu llil" contended that the work was done in a superior manner and was lullv worth the amount charged. To support his view of the caso he called Dr. Allon and Dr. Williamson, who testified that tho work was worth the amount charged. Dr. Stephen Main and Dr. Jar vis gave evidence tor the defendant. The expert tvatl luouy was very conlllctiug and veriUea the bid adage that doctors disagree. As an lustance ol tbe charges the plulntill claimed $&4 lor two uours' work done ou the 2Uih ol June, 1870, as serting that It was not the tlnio consumed, but the beucllt to the child lhat was to be considered. Little Tommy gave his evideuco with great nonchalance and coolness, stating that lie dldu't pay particular atten tion to the time consumed, us he was anxious to gel out ol the deutist'g chair. Mr Brady summed up lor the plaintiff und ex-Judge Curtis tor General Jones. The jury, alter lilteen minutes' deliberation, returned a verdict in lavor ot General Jones. ABOUT LAWYERS. Otto Mayer, a lawyer at this city, was charged before the Supreme Court, General Tirtu, with Having re ceived Irom Margaroi Woiuhoii. a tum ol money with which to pay oil a mortgage, which mouey be tailed to M.d WVWRi'ftMWWfc MWf contradlctlug these assertion? so far ua tboy rellected ou tils prolessional cbaractor, and yesterday tbe Court rendered a decision in which it says:?"Wo tbink on ttio affidavits of both parlies tins proceeding should bo dismissed." It was so dismissed. Andrew Btewari charged Jobu K. Cornell, u lawyer, wuli receiviug u small sunt of money Irom biui to prosecute u suit, and tailing to to do so. Tbo Court disimsaed tbo complaint. A com plaint made by anoiuer party against tbe proles ? loual conduct ol Joseph Kidgway was also dis missed by ibe Court. Tbe Supremo Court, General Term, made an order yesterday directing A. H. Keavsy, au attorney, to put in answering allldavlis on tbe Ota ol July 10 complaining affidavits tiled against bim by John Julius uud l'biiip Kocb. These parties ebarne In in witb receiving Irom them $.'ou and otber small suuis, on pretence ot paying expenses in Court and depositing security, but instead tbereol paying hiui seil lor alleged service*. Tbe same Court uirected B. W. Cohen to make u reply ou tbe vitSUi iust., to au alb davit charging bim with altering an allldavii alter it had been sworn la SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. In Supremo Court, Chambers, yesterday, Judge Bar rett Kent belore a rcteree tbo dlvorco suit of Marie D. Stoddard against Solomon P. Stoddard. Tho object of the reterence is to ascerlulu by testimony tbo amount of the deiendaut's property and Income, so as to Us the amount of alimony to bo allowed to the plaintiff dur ing the pendency of tbe action. floury A. Frost, a lawyer and prisoner In Ludlow Blreet Jail, obtained Irom Judge Barren, in Supreme Court, Chambers, yesterday a writ ol habeas corpus to bring bim before the Court on a motion lor his dis charge Irom Imprisonment, frost alleges lu bis petl tiou, among muny oilier reasons, that he does not know Samuel K. IJuminer, tbe plaintiff at whose autt He lias beon arrested, kiiil entertains uoubts it there is lucti a person ill existence. Tbe writ wus allowed. 11. flossied Marliu, ol the Norwegian baric -Samuel, was yesterday arrested by Special Inspector 1). A. Neviu on a charge of huving smuggled two barrels of giu into this port. The accused was held tor examina tion oy Commissioner Shields. lu tho Connolly contented will case counsel yester day announced thai no more testimony would be tillered ou either side. The Surrogate then set down the summing up tor u day not Qxed, in tho latter part 0! (lie mouth. Jonn Mumoe, alias John Price, charizod with being bhe ol three persons who participated in stealing $3,u0t?in bonds liom a Boston wiu maker, wus yes leiday returned to llostou lor triul, without opposi tion. His counsel, Mr. Peter Milchel, louud that the requisition was ull regulur and correct, being accom puuicd by au authenticated copy of ibu indictment in Boston, aud deemed It, ihcrolore, uupruciicable to uiako any luriber opposition to his client's extradi tion. Charles Keeker aud a lellow prisoner named Kliot, both charged with being participants iu the $04,000 lorgrry on the 1'nion irusi Company, were up belore Judge Barrett, lu Supreme Court, Cbumbers, yesterday, ou a motion lor their dischurge. Tho grounds ot the motion, made by ihelr counsel, Mr. Charles Brooko tud Mr. James Oliver, wuro that their cases had uot been sent beloro the Grand J ury, although there had been ample timo lor thai purposo, uud thai the evi dence was ihsutlicicul to bold ibcin. Ou the request Ol the District Attorney tUu matter was laid over until Wednesday next, it buttiu the understanding that the prisoner*' cases would by that lime bo acted upon by tbo Grand Jury, and kf ho indictments should be found no opposition would bo made to tnelr discbarge. DECISIONS. . HT PKEME COCBT?OE.NKBA.L TZIilf, . By Presiding Judge Davis, Judges Brady and Daniels. la the matter ul Liltiuan.?Older altlrmed, with $lu ?oats, besides disbursements. Opinion by Presiding iuilge Davis. IVople ex rel. itelsar, Ac,, v*. Hoard of Assessors.?? Order modified so us to require a luriber return Irom Ibe board ol Assessors on the specitluailou contained lu ttie affidavit used to support Ihe nioilon, without tost* to either party. Opiuion by Judge Daniels. New York Lue Insurance compun) vs. and an other, Ac.?Juugmeul affirmed. Opinion by Judge Daniels. Poillen vs. Wilson.?Judgment and oruer affirmed, with costs against the appellants, to be paid out of the estate in their hands. Opinion by Presldinu Judge bavin. Genet, Ac., vs. Tbo Mayor, Ac ?Judgment afllrmed. Opinion by Presiding Judge Davis; Judge Brady dia Mnung. O'Brien vs. Browning.?Order moditlod as directed lu opinion aud atlirmed as moiillled, without costs to Cither party. Opinion by Presiding Judgo Davis. O'Connor, Ac., vs. The Mayor, Ac.?Judgment af Irmed. Opinion by Judgo Daniels. Hrown vs. Siuipson, Ac.?Order reverted, with $10 costs and also tbo disbursements. Order ol reterence vacatod, with $10 oosts ol mouoa Opinion by Judge Daniels. O'Connor, Aa, vs The Mayor, Ac.? Order modified M directed in opinion. Costs ol appeal to abide the #vent. Opinion by Judge Daniel*. Gumming* va Butler, He.? Order reversed, with ?lu costa and disbursements. Opinion by Judge irsdy. Hooker at aL vs. Klnaldo at al?Order affirmed, With $10 costs and disbursement*. Opinion by Judge '"weiUaglM va. Ik* UJMer Cooniy Im Company mi another.?Order rmmi, without ooHi Opinion ^ JUU$rr?icfa,'?- Brennan.?Judgment y'j?^ trial ordered, coau to abide eveui. opinion by Juag h\T. Horn* Insurance Coin pan fT?.Th?^nMyl ?ania Railroad Company.?Judgment m< trial ordered. Coat, to abide ev"\ m consent to radnce the J^gmeni, as ?ug? opinion, id which event Judgment a* sod firmed, wiihoul costs. Oplulons by Judge* Uraay anu U"u?*h, *c. v.. Schuster and another.-Order af firmed, with $10 coata. besides ol,b"rso'?^ ^ llWln. paid by appellant, Scliurter, to the guardian ad lite Opinion by Preaidiug Judge Davie. Matter ol Rueaell.?Application denied. Matter of Conned.?Petition denied. Matter ofRldgway.?Proceeding# dismissed. Matter ol Meyer.?Proceeding* dismissed. Sprague v*. Hoioier. 4c.?Judgment affirmed, p ton by Presiding Judge Davie, t?j? Br.dv with >10 coeta and diaburaements. Opinion by $n?SB?&m "><?- ??" ??" ' Daniels. . . . u _ York Lite Insurance Company vs. Lee.?Juag BK?med, with co.1^ Opinion by Judge Daniels. A in* worth va. Uaculn.?Motion denied. ssksbbk? -mssas. ??2 and defendant .tipulating to dlscon tlSue the appeal to the Court ol Appeal* and P?*'"* costs and disbursements ou such appeal to the pla tiffs. Order to be settled by Presiding Judge u**la; Clark vs. Dickinson.? Judgment nlUrraod. Opinio hy Judge Daniel*. hUI'llKME COUBT?SPiCIAL T?BM. By Judge Van Vorst. Thomson va. Thomson.-Motion graated, and on priru'tfi^ *um or $lu,000. Ktdenrav ?Finding* settled on en groped copy, with tlio uniendment allowed, should be P?^-t^.or..lnntur..#VftiiBronu Mi^ue he Vi. Locke cl ale?* iuiling? signed. Kirmann vs. Guutcr et* and de cree* stguod. I bUPRKME COUBT?CIBCUIT PA.HT X. Bv Judce Douobue. Burger ta. The uorman-American Bank.? Memo rau<i urn Willi Clerk. | SUPEUIUK COUBT?SPECIAL TJLBM. Vanderburg ?''JS&H ???. <"* ?^up ^ood'ward!?Order on day calends for flDeMWuttt.7t#i.h?.IIm? ? Itemtttltor fil? and ?rmt.fflv?eMastersoa.-Order denying motion, with - fBnlt and cans* reetored to oaloudar. iriwxeial v*. Werder.?Judgmeut slgued. Macucn v.. Hammon -Ordered on day calendar lor firD.nD?aUudet at v^The Pacific Mall Steam SUamahip V nowbndgS et^aK?Motion granted, with |10 cost* and disbursements, and releroo ? report con flri?eraoll va The Tenth National Bank.-Order ?rluilnt nlamttir an extra allowance of $260. Tf inaebury vs. Sangbridge.?Motion to ma*e com plaint' more delluiie and certain urauted, without e?tfait? va Fugue et aL; Moloney vs. Maloney; Scott ?t el va. Holy; Coyle v*. The Slaten laluud H*"?1"} Company; Buck vs. The Manulacturing and Builder* Bank; Smith vs. Smith.?Order* granted. COMMON PliEiB?SPECIAL TEBMe By Judge Daly. Field vs. Sanlord.? Juugweui lor plaintiff ler $600 .m ?.o...? ^Hlmriwn1' vs ^Ctng^-Pro^ing* dismissed. ChJuter 13 of Remedial Codo applies ouly to execn tloua uwaed on or alter May 1. 1877, so lar us execu J!?"! ' ?i of this court to.the SUeriit on dl*trlct court ludnmenis- The execution huvtug been isbuod^prior to Mnv 1 1877 a&ould Ii*ve beeu returned a* foelore ttoo Hamedlal Codel chap. 44U.* ol 1870, sec. 10. Morrell and other vs. Battle.?Motion granted, with ?MS%? v*. Suffran; Hall va. Wristit* Bucking vs. Staieu lalaud Railroad Oompany , ?ol?Va."m-;Bartlne/. v,. Lyon; Palmer vs. aame: Cone va. same (iwo cases).?Motions granted. . HnJlina vi The Mayor; lngersoll va. same; Jordan vs same: Walsh va. same.?Complaint* dUmUaed, with $10 co?u. mBINX COUBT?CHAHSIM. By Judge McAdatu. Mark* v*. Blocu; Coneu v*. l*aac; McNulty vfc ^teer Jlww-W*. &MW; McLane vs. Mahon; Topping vs. Smith ; brown v*. McWilliam*; Orant v*. Wrlgtit; Smith vs. Zaldo; Thomson v*. Oriawold; Clark va. McDermott; Bach va. Lowenstetn; Konigaberg v*. Clurk^ Barono v*. Harrison: Pratt va. Siebert; Koeinor v*. KalzSnbcrger; Mordaunt vn Vandam; HollacUer v*. HollacUer; Schaeler va. Stigncr.?order* granted. Morgan vs. Kelaon.?Mr. John J. Connolly appointed "o*Br^ien va. Johnson; Nevins vs. Gardner.? Mottona "'warburton va. Oarrln.?Motion denied, without oosia Michaels va. Oros*.?Delault Duyckinck vs. Dean.?Mr. Lewia appointed re C*Boynage va. Oavln.?Motion denteu, without costa Demmerty vs. Cerreny.?Motion denied, but speedy UKei'ly'va.'Mluden (two eases); Ranaon vs. Anderaon.? Motion* granted. Nicholaon vs. Conner.?Case settled and tiled. Vanuer vs. Osboru.? Motion denied, but George J. Flam uier appointed receiver. By Justice Goepp. Bartels va. Moore.?Case Milled and filed. GENERAL SESSIONS?PABT 1. " Bolore Recorder Hackett. PLKA8 AND SENTENCES. William Parrell, Edward Purrell and Do nil Crowley, who wero convicted laal week on ibe charge ol bur. glary, havlug entered the dwelling bout* ol 1'aullne Uoodmau, No. 62 Division street, and stolen property valued at $100, wero yeaierday urruigned lor sentence. Tue Iteoorder sentenced ilium eacb lor tbe term ot live year* IB tbe 3tale I'rison. James Wilson aud William Moeuruug pleaded guilty to Ibe cbarge of roceiviug aloieu goods. Wiiion wua aent to tbe Slate Prison lor one year and six moulba, and Moehrung to the i'enitcutlary lor six months. Jobu Murphy and Michael Cuinmlngs pieaued guilty to burgiury in tbe tbird degree and were sent to tbe State t'ruon each lor ibo tertn ol two year* and aix months. Mary Wallace pleaded guilty to tbe charge ol petit larceny Irem tbe person, and waa sentenced to eigh teen months' imprisonment. Tbe court then adjourned lor tbe term. THE ALDINE FIEE. Tbe salt ol the Aldiue Publishing Company against the Western Kire Insurance Couipuny, el Toroulo, Canada, wua concluded in the Supremo Court, Kings i county, yesterday. It was brought to recover on a 1 policy bold on machinery destroyed by tiro In tho plsinllfl's building, ou Liberty street. Tbe defence was that the amount ol property sworn to by Hie ? president ol the Aldiue Company us bavlug boeu de stroyed was not iu the building. A sealed verdict was brought hi, wbicb will bo opened by tue Court Ibis morulng. COUItT OF APPEALS. ALHA.tY, N. Y., June 1, 187T. In Court of Appeals, Friday, June I, 1877:? No. 3? Van Volkouburgb vs. tbe American Popular Luo Insurance Compauy.?Submitted lor appellant; argued by U. J. Parker lor respoudeut. No. 37. Suitth va. Starr.?Argued by Charlos H. Suiitb lor np|H>llaul; Kobvrt Jounson lor rospondont. No. ML Tone va tlie Mayor, Ac., ol Now York.? Argued by Jobn U. Strabau lor aupoilant; A. J. Regbier lor respondent. No. 41. Cromwoll vs. Jackson.?Arguod by P. V. It. Van Wick lor appellant; W. McDermotl lor respondent. No. 185. Adains vs. tbe Ureenwich Vire lusuruuco Company.?Arguod by William A Butler lor appellant; Joseph Minith lor respondent. KIDNAPPING HEtt OWN CHILD. Soma time since Kdmoud K. Saynisch, of No. 217 Weet Tbtrileth street, sued for divorce Irom hie wile. Pending tbe suit Louisa, their child, lour years old, waa taken chargJ o' by the lather. Tho mother baa boon looklug lor her daughter ever since the suit was commenced and waa unable to see her until Thursday uiglil, when she louud tier playing In Ironi 01 tho laiher'a bouso. Tho mother took the child in her arms and ran down tlie street, pursued by her huaband and a police ollloer. Mr*, tiayuisch was captured and lucked up iu the Thirtlein aireet po'co stalioa house, ana tbo child was sent to the caru ol Matron Webb at the Central OCUoe. Justice Wandcli, alter bearing all the testimony yesterday, awurued tbe custody ol tbe child to the lather, pending the de cision ol ibe rnierce lu ibe divorce case, and dis charged tbe roomer because unorder bad been made by tbe higher Couri declaring into whose custody the cnild should be given. A LAME EXCUSE. While sUadlng in Tbird avenue, near Thirty-first Street, on Thursday night, Mrs. Esther Lewinsobn, of No. 447 Third avenue, was robbed ol her pockethook, containing $3. Thomas Crowley was found by an officer concealed in m cellar lu Third avenue, near TbirtMlb street. Near by tbe pocket book was louud. Crowley told tbe Judge in the Pitty.seventh Street Court yesterday tbai a lad namod McDermolt bad given bin tbe pocketbook. Tbis excuse did not safe bias. He was beiu ut $1,000. THE POOR CHILDREN. WANTXD, A 8AXITAMUM fOU TBB OmPlIKO Or FOVEB1Y?THB COUNTBY BOMB A* BATH. It ia the suggestion of many experienced workers la the Held ol charity and beuevoienoo that , sanitarium by tho seaside or on the banks of tbe Hudson Biver | <or tbe feeble and sickly children ot tbe poor wbo live in toe vast and uuwboioaomo tenement houses ol tbls city is urgently demanded, and that tbe outflow of charity from CbmUau hearts wuld hardly be better directed than 4a sstao 'ishing Just such au institution. A correspondent, writing to tbla paper, holds that it would prove the moan* of relieving tho summer diseases amdu* chil dren, as affording a temporary removal from the deadly air of tenement houses, from tba confinement of dirty streets and yards, Into the pure air and liberty of tbe seaahoro or country. In the datnp basement and beated garret, in tbo fllthv yard and dusty street, the approaching deadly beat will find Its victims among tlie Infants of iho poor. WUAT IS MKMDMD. Tho first step taken in this direction was the Float ing Hospital of St. John's Guild, bat it failed of its purpose to a great extent because tbo management was unwise. in piaco of looking alter the health and comfort ol tbe little ones, they took to parading tbern solvea tho public aa taking such a vast number ol poor children on one triu lor a nay's airing. What is wanted Is a largo building by the "seashore ; or llj0 rlvor. w',u ro?my spartmonts and play.grounds, ?where the weak uud impoverished offspring of the poor may be lodsed lor several days at least, and uflordod the beueilts of fresh air and good food. There i are plenty of rich and charitable people in New York who would be only too happy'aim eagerTo ' act upou this suggestion If they could a? 'ho,? i h'^x "i ?^n?P"?"?eBt without the luss and ? parade that have hltborto markod tho undertakings u# 1 give roliel to tbe Hale oucs of the city who,,! pl.vertr ! ? ont?>'ln8nt ?? the blessud country *' ? 'Ijoso wbo have given most thought to tbe subject is that on some suitable suol in ?ho country or near the seashore or rite^ b^k far^ ' wooden pavilions should bo orected around a central I kitchen and storehouse, ot a rough LiiZ ? 1 description, an<| loruisbed uud provided in thB "amo inauner, but convenient lor tbo purpose. To such a place the hapless iniants with ifielr withers. or nurse? that might be selected lor such as have no tnothS? living, could be conveyed. There are maS? 2t? to choo-o irom tho shores of Long Island. jTrsov o7th? territory botween dpuyieu Duyvil aud You leers Tiio sanitarium aliould be placed uuder the active direction ol an association ol promiuont citizens ?f New York . Jormed lor that purpose ouiy, as well medical supervision ol the Board ot Health ?. J",!! ^1TABIC" *T HATH, LOHa 181.1*0. JW' ^luJior, Superintendent of the industrial schools connected with the Children's Aid Society in formed the Hkualu reporter yostorday that it is' >r ranged to sonu tbe first batch ol 100 children to the I* ^ Lod" on Monday nexL ihe children who are sent there range irom live ?o?r? to twelve and are almost entirely LrU "ley iw ^ ,ewC, t'nVr?la th* Flvo House of Industry and Wilson Mission, but any children the agents o'f the society may llnd who arc at subjects lor thu par' tlcular charity are also to bo incluaod. Tbe capacity or the country home la not large but Mr thinks It large enough for Its object, as ?bo manage ment ol a greater number ot children under the cir oumstancea is attoudod with tncouvouicncc. He would suggest the establishment ol several country homes like the ono at Bath, ao as to give a more widespread accommodation to the jioor children, but be teems convinced that the children themselves get lltUe be" Ui from tbelr brief sojourn by tho seaside or In tbe country when they are herded together in great nuu" bers when many ol them are bound to be neglected iu the Home at Bath 100 cbiiureu are comfortably provided lor week by week. It has been estsblished two years, sod is under the charge ot Mr. A U Holt and wile. The main bouse or dormitory stands on tbo I bank at tho edgo of the sea. Adjoining It la a long cheap dining room, which, on the hot days of sum! iner, is open on all sides, but can b? clowd when ^t rains aud njado a sort of recreation ground lor the ?ir,U"i .lr# '* * ^a'biiig house ou the beach which gives them every needed convenience for their bathing clothes. Against accidents iu batiung tea" tram" i!? roP?8 Mo extended into the i tea irom the shoro, so that the timm cm lay bold of them as tbey feel their way into th2 7 ?,^rSl ^ast year the Hotue was opened Juue 12 and closed September 2*A liuritiir that tlmo 2,lua children enjoyed its Oenents 1 4w6 ol whom were girls, who stayed a we.k elch,' and JW boys, who remained only one day each. Many of tho wh?rICn.hMni0i ? M,e P??re8t districts In -New York whore they lived surrounded by tnisory ?nd warn. heir thin, pale laces bespoko the privations to wulcli their pent up quarters bad aubjeoied them, a week's residence at the worked a marked otaS* if JSZh b"l,blu?' t?"? B0^. nutritious lood, ol which tbey were given an aoundanco and tbe plays and happy compaui?n<hlu ?! ilT ,rfn?foru4e(1 thorn. Kour cows supplied the tinlk, and thure was uo lack ot breud aud buttsr and lHJSi ^,bu homo lor lb* -"^*#.0f children ol less tu,.^-70^'.^ "ouVs'uv ,,? ?h entire wee*. What a field n.r ?no Ihsre an lent to extend aud scatter blessings over*1*^ u?U7t dren aro drawn irom over twenty , t1"'* tho society, ?nd In cases where a""11 w usual.y feeble tbsy are kept two weekh^ii/it?"ia" 'iho Home can be reached by the boat* tr.?m v vUe" In about ono hour and a ualt It .s ?ZTh" wVew ^orlc 1 a;.d a ilttio to the west o u Itms^L ^ *** H"le? I ?"?^?zs,sss''siz; mt wsst Nina association. Flush In!6!! i u, tAmMUC,Ht,ou " sanitarium at at Aa SJcfrnL ul^'bTa!1,VJ" luUcl Aayluul 1.tinted. It is lusnaged by i ,oI ladies, priucipal amoug whom was Mrs. c ulTrr^f who ia now succeeded oy Mrs. v" " uchtea ?"""Wn' n. .. *8T TKU' U|f TH,t VLOATISO HOSPITAL. ?Airss.wjsrayssi'j the details lor tbe lirat trip ol their,barLl'*iha the llujson Biver with tt>? , b,f?e ?l?is year up tbeir motbers aud guard mu^ "0 ?' U"' P?or ??d THE NEW POLICE INSPECTOR. CAPTAIN MUBBAY IK CHABQS OS THB FIRST INSPECTION DIBTKICT?A WOBTHT OMClB's BKCUBD?PBKCINUT CHANGES. Captain Murray, of the Fourth precincl, was ap pointed Inspector at the meeting ot iti? Police Board yesterday to tilt tbo vacancy mudo by the demise ol Francis 0. Speight.- The aolecliou ol Captain Murray la received with general aauataclion. ha is a man comparatively young, but who baa served nearly twelvo yeara on tbe lorce with lion or to nimsolf and advantage to tbe department His record is uu ex ceptionally good one, aud this more than any other consideration influenced tbe Board In making biin tboir choice. Ho baa been ft cap. tain only sevou mouths, bat la tbut tlmo be ha* dono remarkably good work, aud baa time and again won from the Hoard testi monials to bla efficiency. l'ho Astoria masked bur glars who bad committed tbeir depredations with sucb despatch uud secrecy us to baltle pari-uittora time, were tracked and cupturcd by Captain Murray, aud bo it waa who took up and uuloldud the sowewuul tangled skciu of evidence iliut led to their conviction, shortly alter he caught Clalliu's euioexxlmg clerk, aud later still he had Cusick, the wile murderer, iu Ins clutches. Besidea, lie succe slully handled tlie Hand diamond rubbery aud reudured tfllcient Hcrvtco to tbe depsrt lucut iu every iiistuuce whore ho was intrusted with the itivesliguuon of a cao or '.he capture or a culprit. Inspector Murray wus born in the Sixteenth ward, Iu 1b44, Where ho has resided ever since. hike number* ol the most successful member* ot tlio police lorce, bo served In tho war. lie went Mouth with Kllsworth's zouaves, uud at Hull Ituii received a wouud that was at llrst thought mortal, and Irorn which he rocovered only alter a long stay iu tbe hospital. On May 1800, be rocolvod an appolutmont to the police lurce ol the Tuird product. (Ju October 1, 18*0, lie was made roundsman uud transferred 10 tuo 1'wen ty-seveutb, and a year luter, ou October 16, he wus promoted to the rank ot sorkeuutHud Beut to the Seventh precinct, Irani which he was trims lerred succebsively to tno Eighth, Sixteenth and Fifteenth. Wtnle In this last precinct he dlatui guisbed blinsoll by arrestiug uno ?enJing to prison a number ot Keeper* ot gumming uou*<s, and also by capturing tho men who had gagged uud rob bod Dancer, the celebrated gainb.or, whose uuugntcr's will bus be coino the subject ol so much litiguiiuu. On October 2, 1870, Mr. Murray was appointed cap tain sua put in charge ol tbo Fourth prociuct, aud while ihero ins service* were frequently the subject of tuvorubU) comment. Yesterday Mr. Murray wus duly sworn In uud appointed to the First Inspection district, Inspector Thorne being transferred to mo FourtB. COXSkCjCKXT CIIAXUbS Captain Petty, ot the First prucuiot, wus transterred to the Fourth, vacatou by Iuspuctor Murray. Captain Tynan was suul to tne First, and Sergeant ltyau, of tno Thirteenth prociuct, wus mude acting captaiu ol the Slxteontn, in place of 'l'ynau. Several sergeants were also cbunged. MUNICIPAL NOTES. The ICxcis* Commissioner^ buvo sent in ? communi cation to tbe Board of Apportionment uaking an Ap propriation of $62,600 to pay tbo excuses ot their dopartiueut lor tbe ensuing year. An lucreaae of $6,000 over that of former yoara is asked to defray legsl expenses. Comptroller Kelly bsa been authorised to Issue additional Crotou Main atoctt to tbe amouut of $26,000. Tamniauy politicians again circulated tbe report arounu tbo City Hall yesterday that me slato was tixvd so that Mr. Henry I). Furroy should receive the ap pointment of Police Commissioner. A special meeting ot the Board ot Aldermen waa to be held, Mr. Purroy's continuation being assured under directions Iron' Comptroller Kelly. The whole story waa subse quently ascertained to be totally untoundod. Governor KoDinson is expected Id town to day, and, It la given out, will attempt to aisauaue tne Mayor Irorn his position. Collector of Aseeasmenta Oilon announces bftVlug k received $10U,0U Ott during tne past mouth. SUMMER'S ADVENT. WHAT NEW TOBEEB8 SAW OF IT TK8TIKDAT, AND HOW THE* UIID IT?THE BATH8 THAT DID NOT OPEN. It would be superfluous to remark that yesterday was illu opening of the summer seasou. No New Yorker who courted tho afternoon bud baa any doubt upou tbo mutter. U wu.s, moreover, a very emphatic opening?one of thoso days when tbe little lambs don't akip about on tbo hillside unless tby're "fleecy," and people dou't walk bome it tbey can beip it. A more radical June Urst could not have been desired; and it possaa Into blatory with a buz mat ought to Are the spirits ot tbe salamamlors. "Hot," aald tbe man who entered bia office yestorday morning with an overcoat over his arm. "Scorcher," bo remarked to Jonee as they leaned over tbo lunch table. ??Wheough," was Ail tbal be could Aiterward articulate aa bo dropped down on tbe hall staircase, und motioned tbe maid to Uauu up bis bat He didn't walk out In tbo evening, and wben tbe bour for retiring arrived be kicked tho drapery of bis coucb upon tbo floor, and laid down to wonder II Juno was going to last very lone. But the individual wilt waited Ave minutes for a street oar bud tlie mom comprehensive experience. He didn't say much, but It is sale to presume that be thought unut terable things, lor he put his cans down on the side walk very Hard, aud looked menacingly toward tbe boy that said "Shine." Mark Module was consider ably put out, lor, act as he would, nobody cared to take exorcise. Hut the bummer, ah. the bummer I lie who lollt About iu auiumor All aluue. And who, inopuiK. moping, moping, 111 tlid loaty munlli of Juan. KeoiH h irlory in eloping Kronitbe nultr* btuae of noon. The bummer whs put out, too, yesterday. Business wus dull, uud lio made u dusperato ellort to cruwl un der bis own shadow, and lulled. Tueu no got beneuth a lricndiy canvas, and gazed longingly into a saloon ccllar, where all was joy and pouce?and drinks. Everybody was put out excepting the suu aud the leinouaders, uud soda lounluluccrs, aud luger luer and lung cold drink uieu generally. They had the llcld to themselves, and didu't seem to euro whether "SJincntir roses bloomed uud died" or not. 1IOW TilS SOY8 WKRK FOOLSU. There was great disuppoiutiueut among tbo 500 boys who patiently waited at the loot ol filth street, Eust Hiver, trom tho dawn till tho gloaming yesterday lor tne Arrival of tho tree bath iroiu Sandy Hook; audit never came, but will be there very likely tbis morning. They were a brave and Joyous lot ol boys, and ouly tbo tear of the polite Kept thorn iroin stripping naked aud pluuging Into tho water. Tho Hkkald reporter, ac companist! by Senator Caspar Bsadou, who was instru mental last year at Albany in socuring the passage of the bill creating lour additional freo baths, mingled among tbe eagor multitudo ol gamins, putting question* to tbetn here und there as? "Cuu you swim?" "No, sir; but I want to tr*." "Can you swim?" "Yps, sir; and il you'll chuck In a tea cent piece, tea how I'll dive tor IL" "Where do you boya cono from t" "Well, a'tnost all," spoke up a bright, black-eyod little Icllow, "u'luost all lrom around Tompkins square." ?'And osn't you afford to take tbe other bath, ft the foot ol Third street, where they only charge ton cents lor little boys like you ?" "No, sir ; we haint got the stamps, aud we halnt got the ten couts, nor two ceu'.s, and tins thing here wot costs nothiu' is Jest wot We's a look in' lor, ooss." Senator Bauden and tho reporter lelt the buys still waiting lor that floating bath, which was loxsliig at tbe moment la the waters ol' tho Lower Buy aud diun't expect to reach its anchorage till the morning. Never theless tbe boys hold on, and the suggestion, as ovou lug grew on apaco, to jump In and dive lor a quarter sliver dollar took their laucies wonderfully (at least sucu ol them as could swiiu und dive), aud they waited late into tbo night tor the bum that never came, i here will be six baths altogether, located as fol lows:?Koot ol Bethune street, North Hiver; loot ol Twenty-llltb street. North Hivor; loot ot Uouveruour street, East Itiver; loot of Filth streei, East Hiver; foot ol Tbirly-sovcntb street. East Hiver, uud in Har lem, at the most available point botwoeu 113th and 114th streets. MUSIC IN THE PAliKS Central Park will to day, II it is fair, be mado doubly attractive by tbc presence of the bind under tne direc tion o( Messrs. Dodworth it Gralulla. A? will be observed Dy the program tno the selections arc admir ably adupted to a popular gathering, and thousands of people will doubtless assemble to enjoy the open air pleasures thus generously provided by ibe city. The concert will four o'clook P. M. la Brooklyu tbe Twenty-imrd Ho gun out Band, led by L. Coutorno, wilfperforui iront lour vo six o'clock 1'. M. in i'rospeot ParK. TUo urogram tno iu tins city isaa follows:? 1. Grand march, "Ccutral Park" Gralulla 2.-Plow'ret, 1 KlasTbeo, "Tnlismau" Hallo ?. Overture, "Salva" Heissigor 4. Walts, "Verdicte" Straus* 1MBT II. ?. Grand selections, "L'Atricttine" lleyorbeer ?I. Pawn Song, "Lohengrin" Wagner 7. Pantasie, "Xyiophotu" Soma 8. "La Jot* de Ion toreros'' Yradier PART III. 9. Solo, Cornet, "Donnu del Lago" ltossini 10. Selections, "Dou Carlo" verdl 11. Waiut, "Court Llle" strauaa 12. Ualop, "Whip and Spur" ....Kly "Popular Airs. " Tbe programmo In Brooklyn is aa follows:? FART 1. L Grand march, "Tanuliauser". Wagner 2. Duetto. ?'Vosuo, Leger Zephyr" Mcndelesoun Solo for two cornots-a-pieton?seflor Saiccdo and Uerr Lteuert. a Overture, "Scmirttmido" Uosslnl 4. Waits, "AUS deu SlUdiennoil" Strauss 6. Kaniasie, "on Beethoven lavorite nir".. .Beutnoven Solo lor cpruet-u-piston?SeAor Salceda 8. Galop, "Aufdnr Jagd" Strauss PAJtr il 1. Overture, "O'jeron" Weber 2. Scberzo, "Third symphonic iu Eb, op. 1)7 Robert Schumann Arranged lor military band by L. Conterno. a Waits, "Die Werber" Lanner 4. Piuaie, "Lea Huguenots" Meyerbeer 0. Ualop, "Rosalieo". Kuner ?. March, "Twenty-third Regiment" L. Couteruo 7. National airs THE "DORGr" QUESTION. The Board of Auportionment yesterday authorized a transfer ol 13,034 82 to pay the necessary exuenses of erecting a dog pound at tbo loot of Seventeenth street, East River. Mow that a refuge is to be piovided tor tbe tag leas curs tbut may be captured by the forthcoming dog eatcbors the following communication ia not without a moral To thk Editor or run Ubbald:? It ia not customary lor me to writo letters to papers, and i would not nave doue eo now, but, understanding that It i* tne intention ol Mayor Ely to appoint twenty dog catchers u? s?au as the pound is bunt, and ?unpos lug ine Uo'ird ol Aldermen will bare to conliritt iheiu, 1 would like to suggest that tlicre be ten democrats and ten republicans appointed to (ill those high positions, and, leellug sure thai ? large majority ol*thoso dogs that run the streets ol New Yora are democrats, and knuwiug that there would be a tendency to "let ui>" on a very large proportion of them, 1 think it would bo only lair, and il this manor is brought beioro the Board ol Aldetmen iu a parliamentary manner 1 really thluK they will coullrm thuiu, even II' it Is a non-parti t-an Hoard of dog catchers. I apprehend, however, Ihut Mr. Kelly, true to his policy, mat uouu but democrats shall be put ou guard, will upposo the continuation ol any mau who is a republican or ol auy democrat who has a tender loeling lor a republican dot; in or out ol oihce. HEi'UBLiCAN DOG. SCHWiEIiZLEli'S VICTIMS. Mrs. Praneolso Schwtarzler, who was shot by taor husband Baptist*, at No. 120 Prince street, on Monduy night, Ilea in Chambers Street Hospital in a very pr*> carious condition. The physicians arc ol opiulon that sho cannot live. Mrs. Iselin, who was accidentally struck by a bullet which Scbwteriler bad discbar^od at his wife, has almost recovered. The ball lodged in the ncca, and as it was tnouubt that probing wumd bo apt to lead to serious results it was uut extracted. Sinco the murderous attempt some light has been tnrown upon the Suhwiorslers and thoir iamny rela tion", and thoro is reason to believe that the wile's accusation ol improper lutorcourso between lamer and daughter is uulouuued. No doubt Baptiste's attentions to his owu oniltlrcu by a lormer wile culled lorth tbe eninity ol Mrs. Hchwairzler, who was a wieow with oue cbild when he married lier, aud this leeling was at length turned luto jealousy when his daugiuor grow up aud witvn ho aiteuded to her wants more assidu ously than to thOHeof tho wife or step-child. ACCIDENTAL "DEATHS. Hsttle Mahcr, a child of two yoars, dlod at St Luko's Hospital, yesterday, lroui the effect of burns accident ally receivod by her clothes catching lira at No. 480 Tnird avenuo. Kliz* Hood, two years old, died yestorday at No. 21ft East Kighueih streot, from a lalt Irorn a truck where sho was at play. CORONERS' NOTES. At the Coroners' oitloo yesterday an lnqaeat waa held on the body of William Von Hernics, which abowad th^t he commuted suicide by taking Paris green. Tliomaa Griffith waa lound to have died rrom in. juries resulting irom a fall Irom the secoad atory win dow ol Na 206 Ksst Seventieth street. The cause of the death ol a child named Rosa Psrie waa buroa roceived during her mother's absence uy upsetting s to.sol of hot water upon lier cbcsi, John Gerity died Irom fracture ol the sk uil caused by a lall irom a window REAL ESTATE. Tb? following sale* were made on tb? RmI Eatalo Exchange yesteruajr;? . ar johm t. euro. Supreme Court foreclosure sale ? F. B. Olney. ref eree?of a house. with hit 23x,100. on *??t lOtb at., s. ?!3 It. w. ot Otb a*.. tor'erdlua?d U. Kal ??r lor 112.000 ar a. u. luulow and co. Supreme Court foreclosure sale?E. F. Shepherd, referee?of the two houses, with lot*, each 23x 08.0. Not. 18 ana 20 Ka*t 28tb ?t.,? a. 03 ft. w. of Madiaou av., to United State* I runt Company for 44,230 ? r J A U Kit I. WII.L.V Supreme Court foreclosure sale?t. P. Kerrli. ref eree?of a plot ol land. I82xl<>8.8x77xl58, ou Cen tral ?v? a. w. t urner of Crot?a av.; also 2 lW-IUOO acre* on Central ar., w. a. SIX) ft. n.; ol Crotoo ar.; also a plot of land. 30<ix201.Bx:lOOs2D4.2. on Cen tral av.. s. w. eorner of let av.; also a olot of land. 704x201.3x782.3x280.7. oo Central av., n. w cur nerof lit av., to (ieorge II. Barnard, plalutllf, for. 28,000 ay jAMKt a. mili.xk. , Foreclosure sale ?by order of the Court of Common l'leiis-K. 1>. Dakln. rel'eree?ol a house, with lot 20x00.11. on Weit 130th St.. n. a., 1H0 It. e. of lllb av., to 1). J. Floyd lor S,000 Similar sale?John 8. Lawrence, releree?of a home. 'with lot ?>xWl 11, on Kast 1 -7th it,, ?. >., 115 II. w. of 0th av.. to Uhurlos Jacksou i'oi 5,079 Total itlci for tbo day #03,236 TSiMIKKA. _ Wlllard av , a. t.. lot No. 007 i24th ward): Emmn. 1'oiier uud husband to J. F .Sunders 9325 Wlllard av.. n. a, lot* No*. 522 and 523 (24tb ward); Mime to Michael J. Lander* 050 KM ?t., ?. *., ?4>? It. e. -rutu ?v . 30x100 5; Mar.v A. Woeiner and huibaud to Margur.-t C. Hutcheon.. 18,500 60lh si., n. *., 43.1 ft. a. of 1st av.. 205x77.0; L L. Delafleld oeiereei to 1'. Uoelet 4,000 Lexington av., *. w. corner of ?7th it, 80x100.11; S. Lord (rctcreo) to 11. Knickerbocker. 1,850 130th St.. n. *.. 280.10 It. e. or :id av , 86x100; 8. H. Mrowuell (releree) to 8. Kbert 5,500 l'earl St.. lot No. 77, 25xt00( Meyer Bauin and wlfo to II. Htollmeyer Nom. Waveiioy *t., n. *. (lot Now 85 <24tli ward); J. lluch maun and wile tn Samuel M. I'urdy 1,000 Snlfolk *t.. e. *.. 150 It. *. of Houston St.. 23x100; H. W. etuart (referee) to A. 8. Schondeliueier 8.175 2o'd st.. n *.. 300 it. e. of 7th av.. 25x08.0; Waiter Uarno* (executor) toil. B. W. McLeod 17,000 Av. f. II. w. corner of 1Kb st., 2t<x83; Charles Bern liard und wile to t>. Uu.-uluj 12,000 (JOth ?t., ?. ?., 100 It. e. of Madliou av.. 20UXI00.5; Willcti Bronson and wife to lr* K. Ueying 80,000 iioad from Kingsbriuire to Kordhum, irregular (24th ward) ; Henry M. borrleii to Anna L. Herrlau?. Nom. 31at st.. *. *.. 10" It. e. or 2d av., 22.0x08. V; 4. Burcli ciI aud husband to Ueorgc W. Hodges 14.500 7th iiv.. w. ?.. 24.0 II. a ol 27th st., 24.8x01.7; lleury Clllt'ord i.ud wi!'u to H. l.iigai 22,000 56th St., a*., 175 rt. w. ofGth av.. 25xl(A).5; Charles Dugvlo auu wile to William Slnano 18,250 Slit St., s. 223 It. w. or IMlb av., 75x100.5; Thomas K. Koran aud wile to A. M. Karris 48,000 28th it., n. s.. betwoen 4th aud Madlsou uvs., 24.8X irregular; C. A. Urabaui to.iohn A. Hairiay 1,000 73d it., u i., 215 11. w. ol 3d av., 10.8x102 2; Mary K. Ulvau and husband to Yette Woll ... Nom. Av. A. w. ?? 80.11 ft. u. or llOm St.. 20x75; William II. Jenkins und wllo to Lewis Klna 9,500 55tli St.. n. *..800 rt. e. of 5th av.. 25x100.5; It .1 ones to II. L. Kly 14,000 50tli st.. li. ?.. 100 ft, e. of Madison av.. 40X1UJ.5; same to G. 1>. Webb 18,500 45th St., n. *., 400 rt. w. ot lltli av., iveiiular; Will lam Monsies aud wile to Municipal <>as Company. 12,700 87th st., s. s.,2UOI't. e. of Lexington aT., 20*08.0; T. I). Porter to.I. C. ?. Hupfol 8,000 77th St.. li. a, 340.8 It. e. or 2<l av.. 25.4x102 2; C. Saldner aud husband to M. J. Hure.kell 20,000 Central 1'ark av.. Irregular i24tb ward); J. J. Poller und wile tu Cieorge H. I'eck.......... ..... 3,174 Lexiuatou ar.. *. w. corner ol lottli st.. 85xirr?|{U> lar; A. il. Joues aud wife to Cora CSebhard Nom. Madison av., a w. corner of 54lh St.. 10')xl00.5; John (jniuu texncutori to U. ilinkeUpiel 02,500 Muolsou av.. ?. w. corner of 54th st.. 100x11X1.5; D. Diukelipiel and wile to U. 03.500 I lOtth st.,?. s.. 100 It. u. ol4tb av.. 20x100.11; Will J lam 1'ooper to l\ (Jebbard N?ai. 41st St.. s. s.. Kll it. w. of 2d av., 24 8x74; John Somiuor to John Neubauer 17,000 UerrUu av., w. s. of, irregular i24th ward); 8. li. Tlmpsuu und husbaud to C. \V. fisher Nom, 20tli st , a a. 272 It. e. of Oth av., 22x03 0; C. li. Todd and wl.'e to A<ta Howe 27,500 123d *t., n. a, 250.8 ft. o of 1st av . moxloo.ll ; ulso I23u St., n. *., 275 ft. e. ol' l*t av., 260x100.11; M. Huuel (referee) toJume* Hulton 11.850 104th st., li. a. 87 ft. w. uf Oth av.,; ? alio 104th St.. H. a, 275 It. w. of Oil< hv.. KlO.llxIr reKular; J. Kerry irefsree) to William Hoiran, Jr.. 7.000 75th St.. 300 ft. c. of 10th av., 132xlrre|fular; C. P. LattiuK (releree) to U. U. CoOln 6,000 75lb st.. 200 It. e. of lOtb av., 132xirregular ; same losHine .. 6,000 58th si., s. a, 05 ft. w. of Mudison av.. 25xl00t5; J. W. Kowers (referee) to M?r\W. Joues 7.750 82(1 st.. s *., 2<X) It. w. of 7th a v., 25x08.0; R. Mer chant (releree) to John Hiehn 7,175 Broiidwav. e. s., 30.II ft. x ot 41*t st., 22.11x78.0; W. 8. keiley (referee) to A. W. Borland 24,100 MORTOAOM. Brown. K. E. to Cliai. H. Kiod. n. I. of 22d it., w. of 8th av 91.800 Little. Win. MeC.. to Cbaa Kneelaud. e. a ol Union square, u. of 15th st; 5 years ?... 15,000 Same to same, e. 1. of L'mon square, n. of 15th it.: 5 years 24,000 Grobeii, Paul and Wife, to L A. ttlaek. n. w. corner Elm aud 'liniou avs. (24th ward) ; 8 months 200 Cockerell, 'Ibonis* aud wile, to tVilliam Man, u. s. of 30lU it , w. of Oth av ; 8 months 5,000 Duickiii, Charles, to Peter C. Harnum. i. e. corner .u.aii?ou av. and 55th st 20,000 Wagner. Phillip and ?i a. to Anne fcequin, s. *. ol White st., w. of Klin it.: 3 years 8,500 Picuhla, Margaret M., to Usuk lor Savings, ? ?. of 32d St., e. of Broadway; 1 yaar 500 Lamo, Isabella, to K. Scholl, w. a ot 4tb it., a. of Uunsevoort *t ; 1 year 8,000 Selluck, 'jMnes W. and wife, to Irving Kaviugt Bank, a of 7lb av., n. ol 31*t at.; I year 7,500 Schmidt, Frederick, to 0. Kaesluger, *. a of Klvlug tini, w. or Kidge st.; lOyciirs 8,000 Same to same, *. a ot Klviugtwu it, we or itidge st.; MeriTKraiik, to j. hiebert. *Klvlbgton it.'; *8 4,0,10 joiir* 1,000 Heilgman, Jacob, to Haven Relief Kund, n. w. corner ol 4tb av and 108th si.; 3 v.-an 11,000 8tack, VtillUm and wile, to Johu Kltigeralu, n. s. of Worth st. ; 1 vesr 4.0J0 Lautcrbuek, KdwarU aud wile, to M. Josephthal, n. s. ul'.>8tb st., e ot Oth av.; 1 yaar 15,000 liardiuor. Harriet, to A. Koe (ex.). s. a ot 23d it., w. o. 4th av.; 1 year 2 700 Baker, ti. M. and other*, to U. Fountain, w. a of 2d av., s. or 2Htb ?t.; 5 years 10,000 Same to aame, w. a. of 2d ar.. a ol 28th it.; instal ment 5,000 Bulknap. Margaret P.. to K. L. Price*, a a uf 120th it., e. ol oth uv.: 1 year 3,480 Bncli, 8 J., and wife to S. Merrihew, a a or 58th st., w. or 5tli av.; 3 yeari 25,000 Bornburd. Charles, to D. Uuglsperg, i. *., betweeu avs. A and B; 2 years 1,850 V<at'.. Baiuuel aud wile, to John II. Dyckmau, s. a ' ol 47tb St.. w. ol 2d av.; 3 years 7 000 Bumurd, Mury A. aud husband, to TIioium B. Kerr, w. I. ol Bowery, s. or Urand St.; 3 years 3,000 CoOlu. lleorge (1., to John J. Letting, 75th st.,e. ol'lOibav.; 1 yesr 5,000 Caruey, I'stiick an-< wife, to 8. A. Townsend, n. w. corner av. B auu 14th st.: 8 yean 6,000 Doyinir, Ira t. and wile, to Willeit Bronson, a s. ol Iknh St.. e. of Mudisou av.; 1 year. 00,000 Uame to same, a s. ot 00th St., ?. of Madison ar.; 1 year 80,000 Dfnklesploi, llavid, to Johu (juiun (executor), w. a ol Madison av.. s. of 54th St.; 1 year 5,550 Same to same, w. a ot Maillson ar.. a of 54th ?t.; 2 yoars 13,050 Same to same, s. w. corner of Madison av. and 54th st. ; 2 years .... 18,000 Lennox. 1). aud wile, to A. lluilerus, a a of 145tb St., i23d ward); iuslnlineuts 4,000 Ouuiiin. Charles anil wile, to J. L. Bell, n. w. of 4lh as. and 41st st.; 1 year 8,000 Ttig, Isaac, to Ko?e Fox. a *. of 4th st.. between ava A and B ; 1 year 8,000 "SALMON I A." Tbe first salmon ot the seusou woro displayed on the slabs of the Fulton Flab Market yesterday. Tunis about twcuty days bolore the salmon smsoo usually begtus, and tbe price asked is vory low. Mr. Black lord, during 1370, made arrangements lor cateblag and lor ward lug salmon from lbs Kestlgouche itiver. Tbis year tbe ruu was mucb earlier tbun uhuuI, and the regular tulmou fishers at Baihurst were tskcu unawares; but Mr. Hlaicblord's agent, being lurtber up the river (uear Cambelllou), took advantugo ol tbe cscnpe ol tbo li-ili at tne moutb ol tho rivor, and suucuudvd lu capturing u Urge i+unuilty, woigb lug Irom six 10 tblrty-eigtit au<i a quurior pound* each. 'l'be llsh ufier buiuic caught were packed iu cares couiaining leu each, which wore iheu tilled with snow and lorwurded by lbs Intercolonial Hull way to New York, and when tboy airivod at Fulton Market bad not beeu over loriy-eigbt hours out ol tbo water, l'boss are called lu lUh market language "greeu salmon," and are Intendea tor inimodlute ut>e. lu addition to the purchasers ot sulm.iu In this city the country hotels toko largo quantities. Tbe Grand Union Hotel, at Saratoga, lor instauco, has contracted tor tbe supply of auout -J.Uuo pouuds during the season. "E. H. KINGMAN & CO." A check drawn by au alleged firm named "?. H. Kloginun & Co." tor $75, and wblcb was made paya ble at tbo Fur* iiauk in this city, was received at that bank yesterday. It seems tho drawor of tbe check bad It catsUed lu tbe National liank ol Albion, Orleans county, lu tbo courso ol business II roacbed tbo Third Naiioua! Bank ol this city, and Untlly tbo Park, us | stated. The teller ol tbo latter bank slates that tbere ; Uaswtndlor ? bo operates principally lu Northern t'enn i sylvautaaud Ceiitral New York uud wtio bus ol late I uuped several parties by drawing checks ou lire bank, j The chucks are aliuoxt luvariadly signed "K. H. King toaii & Co.," aud during the past lew mucins us uiauy us titty ot them have beeu sent to tbe I'ark Hank lor collection alter tho swindler had casheu them at lute nor banks. Tbe "i'ark Bank" ou the checks tbe scamp uses is In (termuu text neatly engravod in red. It is needless to stale thai the check reueisud yester day by Mr. i'ayne, the teller ot the tfark Bank, was sent buck to the Third National, with tbe statement thai it was not genuine. "IRREGULAR" CIGARS. D. Crlscolio, a cigar dealer, at No. (Hi Fulton street, Brooklyu, was arraigned boloro United litotes Com* mlsstoner Wlnslow yesterday lor refilling boxes of Im ported cigars in violation ol the revenue laws. Tbe accused was held in $l,f>UO to await tbe aoiion of the Urand Jury. LIFE INSURANCE NOTE. Mr. C. NV. Bouck, President of the Brooklyn Life Iusursnco Company, bus resigned bis position, and Mr. Wtlllitm M. Cole, ol tne Board of Education, has been appointed bis successor. A SHOPLIFTER CAUGHT. Deteottvos Osser and Nuruen yesterday arretted a noted sbopllltor namod Emma Johnson at dtewart's store. Wneu searched, a silk dress, which she had stoicn Iroui Aboru's store, at Na 77d Broadway, was louud upou tier aud ideutitled bjr a salesman ot that ,i estobtunueuu FINANCIAL Ml GOUEUUL The Stock Market Less Active and Fairly Steady* GOLD 106 1-4 A 105 7-8^ Government and Railroad Bonds Lower. MONEY ON CALL EASY AT % PEtt CBSl Wall Htbkst, I Friday, June 1?8 P. M. I Spurs to (peculation this morning wero tbo reverse ol formidable, and scarcely excited a movement be. yond the Jog-trot fluctuations ol a one per oent mar kel These, such as they were, wero derived lrom the various statements put lorth as lo tho position ol the "fast train" question and the probabilities ol a strike by the employes or the Pennsylvania Railroad. To keep things lively, reports both pro and con lollowod each oilier in quick succession?last trains woro to be taken off, and ibey were not to be taken off; there wts to bo a strike, and there was not to be a strtko? so between this slate of utllrmation and denial tb? market was driven up and down as though It were s ball and the brokers ao many speculative polo players. Plausible stories to tho efloct that tho reduction ol 10 per cent of wages by tho Pennsylvania ooni. pany would be reslaiod by ihe persons In ihoir employ* drove down the price of the slook in the Philadelphia market to 28tf, while Lake Shore and Central and Hudson were advanced In our owu market to the oxtent ol noarly ono per cent under the Impression that a auspeusion ol truffle over Mr. Scott's line would correspondingly benefit the Vender. bllt roads. It would even do more; lor, lu caae ol In* terrupilon, a quietus would probably be given, lor ihi time being, to that exasperating "last train" which u trying the souls ol railroad managers. All these cslcu laiious, howsver, caino to naugbi later ly the day, when It was understood thst the Brotherhood ol En gineers, soliened, perhaps, by those lraternal princi ples which distinguish the City ol Brotherly Love, would undoubtedly accept the reduced pay and ihe situation. Hopes of a row being thus rendered ?llm, and ihere nelng nothing In particular to bull them on. Central and Hudson and Lake Shore fell back severally lrom 90X to 90 aud from 49 to 48X and olosed at the latter figures. Illinois Central was again exceptionally weak, dropping off lrom 64 to 5^X, thus correcting ths anomaly presented last night of the stock being-quoted nearly a point higher' in London than in Now York, Speculation being diverted to the railroads, Western Union aud PaciDo Mall were greatly neglected, and consequently prossnted but loeble fluctuations. Th? coal snares were more active, working within fluctua tious ol a single point and bare of any outside Interest. A raiher apocryphal story comoa to the elleot that Mr. Goweu has entirely succeeded In the nnsncial matters which took him abroad. This Is supposed to point to entire Ireedom ol action on the part of ths Koadlng company, an opposition to all combinations and a marketing ol coal lor roady money to the oxtent oi tho production ol the mines. The outlook is Dot a very oheerlul one to the olher coal carriers under any circumstances, and is likely to be rendered still mo? gloomy II this story of a practical opposition on Vb? part of the Reading company should prove to be a fact THM BALKS TO-DAT. The ?alea of active stocks to-day aggregated 124.321 shares, which were distributed as follows :-New Yorl Contrsl, 16,100; Erie, 700; Lake Shore, 82,000; Wabash, 800; North western, 200; da, prelcrred, 2,600; Rock Island, 10,600; Milwaukee and St. Paul, 600; da pre* lerred 8 800; Delaware, Lackawanna and Westerd, 35 800; New Jersey Central, 2<>3; Delaware and Hudson Canal, 6,100; Morris and Essox, 2,340, Michigan Ce* tral 6 400; Illinois Central, 2,700; Hannibal and Sk Joseph, 200; Ohio and Mississippi, 4u0; Wester* Union, faetUo Mail, 300. OPKXINO, BIOIIKST AMD LOWXST. The following table shows the opening, highest ant lowest prices of tho day :- g(^ :::::::: ?S "!S V Lake 4?X ** 45[* Wabash ^ ,,f* ?fw Northwestern ?X Northwestern prel ?X Rock Island J?* 11 iL and St Paul 1?X "X Mil. and St. Paul pref 49 49>, 48* DeL, Lack, and Western.... 89X 8tj/? 8M New Jersey Central 7 7X ' Ohio and Mississippi 4? 6X *A Western Union 63 6JX ?-K Pacilic Mail. X ADVANCK AMU DKCL1XD. Tho following shows tho advance and decline In th* closing prices of the principal active stocks to-day ai compared with those of yestsrday :? Advaxo*.?L.ake Shore, X; Northwestern, X; St. Paul X; New Jersey Central, X; Delaware and Hud .oo, Morris and Essex, Xi Michigsn Central. X. Dmusik.-Western Union, X; line, >4; Rock Island, X ; Illinois Central, 1; Union Pacific, CLOSING MUCKS?3 P. M. The closing prices at three P. M. were as lollows: Kd. , ?'<<; Atkrd w v I'MiitraL . **>X Mich Central .. 3t?S? Harlem ...141 143 Illinois Central. r.3J? 0 O'i L'liluU I'aelHe.... b8 wit. Shura .. 4?>< 4*l? llau and St Jo... 11) W^baah ..'J ?? II u.,d st J u prel. NurthweVtl I'.... . 21 21 Vi UUIoauJ -Mlo... 4, S3th5SlSf!f.: V& ?x % f^rwayue ! WX ?3'. I'aelHe MaU 2uX Jl^Pand i I'aiL 1*X Qnleksllver 14 M *M I'aul pld. 4tt 4?X yuicinllver oref. 2/ pitt.buru .... Hi <*+ Adaeis i xpreu. ?>X Ee"WdWe.t. 8?X W.n. lT.rao 84 v i (VuirN . . 7 ? 4 Aw hXDreM,.e.. D.l end H Canal 3?X United Mates... 40 Morris and fcssex 07 <j714 TlitS MOSSY MARJtET. Money on call lent ?asily at 2 per oent. The follow Ing are the rates of oxchange on Ne*r York at the ub dermentioned cities to-dsy:?Savannah, buying 3-16, selling 6-16; Charleston easy, oflerlng ireoly, 3-16 i 3-16X premium; Clueluuau steady, buying par, selV Ing 1-10; St. Louis, 100 premium; New Orleans, coin, roorclal X? bttuk X 110(1 Uhicsgo oO premium. Foreigs exchange is quiet und unchanged, with actual bnslnesi at 4.87 a 4.87^ for bankers' 60 days sterling, and 4.89^ a 4.90 lor demaud. 1UK OOLU MAKKKT. Gold opened at 100* and closed at 106 X. Ths rates paid for borrowing ranged lrom flat to 1-64 pel cent per diem. CLEARIXO 110USS OTATXMS?T. Currency ?66.30S,|?i Curreucy Mlo.tHl Gold exchanges Uold balances OJ'. tiold clearings at the National Bank ol the Slate ol New York:? Cold balances Currency balances Cross clearances UOVKILNMKMT UU.N0S. Govern scent bond* to-day were again lower, In arm* patuy wilU the decline In gold. The following were Ibe closlug quotations:?United States currency sixes (ex iniero*tjf 12J* * ; da aa, do.. 1881. regi? tered (ex Iniereet), 110J* a llOSf; do. oa, do., do., coupon, 114,'t alii!,'; do. do., da, 18A6, mw, regi* ured (ex interest), 1 WJJf ? 107; da no., do., do., eou* pon, 10ty% a 110; da ua, da, 1807. reglaiered (ex id lorwi), 10#l{ a 110; do. do., da, da, coupon, ll'J% I 113',; da da, da, 1B0S, regiitered (ex intoresi), ll'J&; do. do., Uvea, 1808, ooopou, 116; do. da, loD-iorilee, registered, lllJi all2i{; do. da, do., ooapon, 1121 u 112>i;do. do., live*, 1H81, roglatered, 111a 111*; oq da, da, do., coupon, 111 ? 111*; do. do.,4jf's, 18#i rcglHicrod, l06Ji a 107; da da, do. ,da, coupon (el inleroMt), 100,', a 107. UNITKD BTATKU TkHAHCST. The revenue receipt* were $2;>0.000; oieVoraa r* eeipie, $380,000; bank notes received today, $700,00? Tbe i'roanurjr diwburseiucnls tor ibe month of Hey, exclusive of principal and interest on public debt, wer? $11,600,000. An.ouui oi United 8tatu? bonds redeemed at Ibe Treasury for Die month or May, $>'U,2.'iU,00a The Treasury balanced In connection with Ule debt statemeut were as follows:? Currently $4,800,000 COIU l03.U0.0tH) l.csv coiu aertlllcatea 46,400,000 The public debt statemonl lor May shows a (Ucreait lu debt of $0,081,000. Till VOKKIUX SAKKIf, The London advieee report a couimuoas rise In em taoN muED on junth ??<*&>