Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL {CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE.-] sols, which sold up to a Wg, oxr.oupnn, In IM late dealings. In the United Stales bouds tlio four and ? lulls made an advance of u % per cent, selling I< to iUJ'$ ; !S07s aud tcu-lortlos wcro Arm at lOO*. ?ud l-8;>i alOfiJi, while new fivas declined Si percent, :o 107, and recovered to 107,'f. Auiorlcan railway Eharon were weak sixain to-day, recording a deeline of 8 per cut !n lliiuoi* Central and .'4 per cent on Erie sonitutn. At Pane rentes were l!rm at 1041. >,c. a 1041. Uic. Tb ; fortnightly seulemnnt ou the Stock Ex change, which hum concluded yesterday, developed a considerable amount <>l trouble among the Uvur spec ulators. Ijp till now tbora havo beeu 'blrteen failures declared in tb? Housi*, soiue with other largo account* ?pen. i'horo aro reports of embarrassment! In the Bradford manufacturing districts Four Urn* of no treat importance have suspended. It Is atatod that their aggregate liabilities, though consider able, arc nob such as to appreciably disturb tr.ido. The closing prices iu I.ondon were:--Consols lor ironey and account, 04**8 \HJii new 4?, per cent bonds, lo3>i; Ova-twenty bonds of 1807, 100,; ten forty bonds, I0l \ a loS;?; new livea, 107; Krio com mon (shares, 6,'fj 15rio preiorrod shares, 16)i; New York Central, S.jy; Illinois Contra), Oi'i. static nc?ns. State bonds at tbo Do trd wero steady lor North and South Caro'lues, to which dealings wcro confined; District of Columbia ;i.06's so.d at 74%. lu New Or leans Louisiana consols sold at .30)* a i>0 itiiuoi!) no.vDa. Railroad bonds whsre chungcd were generally lowor, with tbo lar^oiit decline (2 'j per ccnt) In New Jorsey Central Ants, consols; ;ho eouvcrMblcs declined 1 per conk I'ho other cli.'ingos were:?An advance of >.v iti North JUteourl firsts nnd X in Union Pacl'lo firsts, aud a decline of a iu Chicago and Northwestern ilrsts nnd Central l'aclflc firsts (California and Oregon brunch), and Jj{ In Pittsburg, Fort Wayne au?l Chicago seconds. Chicago and Northwestern consolidated gold sevens sold at 87 a S7>i (ox interest), do. registered bonds stS7>|' (ex Interest), and Detroit, Monroe und Tolodo firsts of 1U00 st 108}*. fiiiT.Anrr.rnrji arooics. Tlio closing prices of Philadelphia stocks were-?? Hid. Askril. City nixes, uow 110 ex-d.H0>; L'nltod Railroads of Now .forsoy 128,128 ;? t'onnsylvama Railroad 38 }? 38\ Reading Railroad 11'. 11?^ Lehigh Val!"y Railroad 20 J, 29\ Catawifaa Railroad J'lol 30 32 Philadelphia and Krio Railroad 0 8 tjchuylkill Navigation pre! 7 8 Northern Central Railroad 16 10 Lehigh Navigation 10/? 17 Oil Croek and Allegheny Railroad.... 5 ?? 0 Hcptouvillo Railway 12'4' 12% Central Transportation 03 .34 MlXl.XO SlfAUBS. Tlia following wero tlio opening quotations for mining stocks at Kan Jrrandsco to-dayCould k Cnrry, 8; Savage, 8; Chollar Potonl, 28; Ophlr^O; Halo k Norcross, 2^- Crown Point, 4; Yellow Jacket, T; Belclior, 4; Imperial, X; Virginia Consohdatod, 30; California, 31; Overman, 12; Raymond k Kly, 6#; Eureka U. V., 6; Heat Ac Belcher, 17){; Kcntuck, 3; Union Consolidated, &; Alphn, 11; Meadow Valley, iyt; Sierra Nevada, 4,'4; Mexican, 0; Caledonia, 2; Bllver Hill, 1; Kureka Consolidated, 17),; Justice, 7>?; Julia Consolidated, 1>^. The closing prices in San Francisco were:? Alpha 10*4 Kcntuck 8>^ Belchor..... 4 i.eoyurd.. 1,'4 Bnkl a Re.cliur l.'ij, Mexican 7 Uuliion 4,'i Nortborn Heile l'il, Lou. Virginia 2H)i O.verman 11 ^ Cuiifornta .so '4 Ophir 12 Cnoliur 23 '^ P.aymoiid & Kly 6}i CoutlUunct! 4 V bnvcr Hill 1 \ Caledonia 2 lavage 3 Crown Point 3>? Segregated Helciior.. 18 KxcRequer 7;, Siorra Nevada, 3j^ bi-uld i; Curry. 0)i Union consolidated.. 4 Halo ic Yellow Jacket. 6^' Juiia consolidated.... 1.^ Eureka consolidated. 10.': Justice tjtjj 'i'ho Moose Silver Mine, of Park county, CoL, situ ntrd about eighty milei! from Pike's Peak, was called yesterday morning m the American Mining Hoard. '1 lie stock was in good demand, a large number of shares changing huiid* at 31, a :>J?. Tbo loliowlng wcro the sales or mining stoctcs la New Vork as oflli:ially reported:? VIKMX 1IO.VKU?11 X. M. 1(10 hIik Alpha. ll}n ^U'i aba J.eopard b3 P.. 100 llelcli -r 4.Ja 7'>>'? du c l'a 1I.U do 4J, do till ?]J )iKj do ?10 r><m do ly jCh) Host A Heirlier.... 17'n lUiOnhlr Iti1, 11Mi ttullion i.% nut naviiico. JOO ill 4*1 |IK> UO nlf) a\ l'?? tin 4.' i luO -euton ?:t lill d? t n liHlMoo^e il.!.t I IK) do 4^j 2'?i do III. fit) Con Virginia j l"'' :i>4 lOO ('level.ttia Ii'l Mk) du 3). 100 tin 7'j ll*> do :ui Jikj du 7'Jhil do . .1 IIKJ <lu 1/1 7 4 do ;<S, -'J I'll ?io c 7'g -"*? do 1'Ki I'r.'wu i'olnt 4 "n I'D Co.... s.'l H ltHJ Eiiras# Hi, -UO do 03 Wj ](*i tlould A ? urry... . ~ln do S'A 10l? Male k Nore.ow... \i\ Mil do bin a,J? HHP JMextcan HjJ -<?? do hit) 3J. |(a? do : is'4 kh? M1, Id i KentiiRK 3'n Iml ;i'4 6<H) Leopara 1 no *:? :ilw ? Jim do 1'4 li.O Sierra Nevada..... 4'. lim do IU 10 V do ill! t ?Jin) do ..bit l'i iml Union Con L", huco.m) no.vitu?1:30 p.m. ]f)0 iIiii Alt'ba A" 'u -1*' ?bs Ijeoiiard a."> 1 1110 do ?lWll 1< x? do I.HI l'i 11X1 litiklier 4"? I"" do >ID 1 100 4,'? Moo?e be 03 3). |Uil3i'it,v lleli bor..? I"1., ltn) do uol<:! 8', ](Ml do. .. .... 17,'? l'"l do bo ;t;'? 1(10 Clevcliind "ii I'l l Co Il I'M du 7'j IU) no .... :il? I ' i 7tk lOJ do 3'^ Iiki du .. 7?< 1"" d i 3'? 'it I'on ViiMlnin 3'JSj I'1*) do Imjuonfidenee 4'< 1'k) do a 3!4 11hi 4 | :><?i do :;'4 lim ILurt'Kti 10'a I'M do s3 :t'4 Kii. do 10,'i I"" do bid 3^5 jii") Could Curry f> KM.Ophir,. l::'a liji* do nil* 7?n loo Beaton bcc 1 ,la KKiilalu.t Norcrou... .i I'M de bo JUO ilo O . n I'M do H,. lull Uo -U do hec i n lliO Kentucky !*'? 1(M do be ?:t IV, lu J Leopard. ??*> l 100 do be m3 1^? TIIK ri'BMO UKnT STATl:MK*r. The following is a recapitulation of the pablio debt ?tatcmcnt, insucu to-1uy:? Jlelit H'arin'i int'rmt in Coin. Bonds at six per oeul $S!)4,fl9s,000 i:onds at live per ctnt 70S,200,(IM) Bot,ds at iour and a lull per ccnt !i;Vuoo,tioo Total prlucipnl fl ,004,004,660 loul M, 403,090 iil-t Hearing Initrrst in Lawful Mom.:/. Xavy Ivumoii lunu, ut three por com.. $ll 000,0t>0 Interest i7?,?ioo jif.t/t ?n which Intcreit Jlat Gram I Since .Vatvrily, f riacifM, $14,894, <>00 Ifelcrusl 105,6<M ihhi Bearing A'o InUrett, Old demand nnd lnjnl aanuor notes $3CO,477,fil'?5 j j;??runruiof t>t uepoiit. ii<..iio,uui> , fractional eumiuy. til,:iO0,!<lo | join cerutlciites 4M0T.6UO ; Tot il principal $473,1X1.2,1)7:! ! Toial untuiibicd lulcruai J,;VJ7 I J'nlai Prb'.. frlucipai. ?".J,| iilcrral. 81, *41,119 ! Total | Cu?h iv lite In umry, Colu tlOt*, 137,048 ! Uuii?ucy. 4.6l*>,jJ'> i Carrcnuf 1jo:i1 mr n : nipt ^u of iruc twuat ctimiicjr 7,782,^71 j frpccml it-pM-M iiol.t Ivr rvduiupiMii <?f < cntikuiex el <l?pn>tt us pr>ivid?d by luWT 4C,'||U,INI0 I Total $l<kj,W4,Mt i Ltrbt t.fM C'ctnH th thr frtawn). May I, 1*77 4J,?iO.?'>9,ttl7 | ?mi. i' I, 1 '77 ?*,!?<).".,877,i'4- ; l>c?r<M.-c ot 4? tu itiirin., u?c month iu,9bl,j>4 Jlpcropirt m Jrbt :i?J. 1*70 ;Mi,U0..',iiU2 ,'i'ifiU: lt*iuA Ui lutilvci t'omyJiniri, Jntn $< }'<iy il" in ? Ad Von- t/. i': ;nc j ?l ?>ui4Wir?'i>n-; $04,0:3,1.: Ji;Sori?l w rucu r.>>t yut (<a< t. 1,61 utCH7 I:i:? -? i | ant '?y L'uilcd r '.nu n 84.01*,0-'3 ).ii. r? -l renni'l by irnonporuilo;. of 1MHI4, 8,4M.tti6 ?.il:u to ol mtcr<-at paid i>y United tfu,.ifja,3v9 i Uc ticji ftatciiicBI ?how* u rod u it ton oi the ilabt for Hay ot (0,961,074 iMk Hie reduction irout Juty 1, jsvti. to unt# la $.':ti,0n2,00'j r:i. iiurrcnry Mate#, I $4,iil5,016 47; rpeclrl 1 und lor tho rtdcinptlon of !rue- ' lionul currency, $7,7M1'J71'f?pcoUl do|>?.<iii ol ! t( iidor* lor tbo rodomptiou of oerti'Hnw a of depot,i, j |M,iUI)00(t) cot" bulanca, Including $43,407,160 in cor.i j uruiic loi, .f:os,lu7,0;i. oiuutunoing W^al ttliilora, >300,4rA'<S?K i ho I'.i"mcul.4 ut da Irom th? Tremury by warrants durlnc tlx: month of May, excluftivo ot payn>?nta ni.i-in on account of iht Int- rest or jTincti";! of tbo pi;l>li? dcld "? ,h'' 'iiiitoil tsiHie*. wor?? a* follows:? jr .icci'. i'. oi fVil .u.d tnlMt*llan???M 713 War *.??,**? jiaff 4M.IMI mitVior?Indmuj and pekatooa 4.01.1, i<in llltl l'ha lnr;:o naianco ol 90,981,274 83, apparent reduc tlou ot the .lebt Juring Ui? tnr.atb or Majr, u purtly csj ialned by the lact tbut lursu atinu ?ro ilue to tho navy and for th neccieary expo aire of the oilier de parlmouU, but lor which thoro la co appropriation, c^grajating, pcrhapn, tiro million dollar.'. Tim docs not appear lo tho debt atatoment, but 1* realty moo-y due under oxiKtmi; law#, but unpaid Tor want of an ap propriation. 1 his 'a ?hcv:n In tho following exhibit:? Premtt ?'? frinc.'pcil Debt. Called bunds cue. $727,080 l.egal tenders rodeeiiied l,OSl,'8?4 Fractional currency redeemed W7lt,i>43 Coin ccritilcaiea decroaacd 4,1! (Jo. 200 Total $7,0?:t,7?*.t 1.mi other items mcrearei 112,474 Tout $0,081,374 OrJinury deorcaa* ol debt 6,UOU,UOO Ksnli.ritod amount of dcoreaae on account of detlcicncy in appropriation*, iiie'ud'.n^ iho pay of the navy 1,091,274 Total dccreast $?,9Sl,^7-i NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES l''*i!7.\T, June 1, 1877. rKFORP, t,ALL?10 A. U. inn ?h? Del A Hi l, ?3*1 d<> no so at?? :ws Iff' alii I,nke .Shore. lOOMiehCea -V"\ 11mi uo ?-i 3?\ a.'" Ino do..Iw. <" :??.* 2<*t <lo T>'i .V HJ till 3tt 100 Wo turn L'n'.ou- ? 03 3'i I do b3 4011 *3 UNi do oa?.; MOO do ?24. 100 do 1)3 ?2\ 1!*! Illinois Central.... 2< >0 do J70'l NY Cen A 11 uil... 200 2W d' ion dt i'VKI d, I I'm <ii ?u Del, I. fiOO 2"! I 3'*) 20"J COO Mil 70 aav .. KO\ .0 t><? w? S!,fa H0$2 :wx> ?vn LMUO 4(*j l>nt tnvfj * i J'Ml a wo do .y.'J do do (Id (! o do. s>i do .urn do 100 do 2'*) iio tut Pnellic Mall.. 300 St Paul pict' 4.1 loO do ?3 l'? ioo do 4*:* :?ki MO ... t ?!???, 1200 ..c 8'.I*H 2" I il ..0 W ?. "' Vi'iiba h k Heo?i|il. ... H'.lV !<>'? tie ... 80'? 2 It Eile Ic tilway ... !?i 200 Hook inland .. 2' i y 100 do MOO do :UIU do 14 Morris A I'^e*.... .?eJ 48 7 .... 4H\ 48'! 4 *>4 . ..p3 4t<'? . ,&3 4*'., 4"%' 48}, ?i.i. an1. ...?3 3!ti4 j'' 3s?; :w :i!.W !?>ti :tvS, :n?? :t?Ji 3ft.1, k flag t?*t H24, Oli 10:n AMi IIJIO A. M. (tarytno rs r,'?.'tn.4o, c. l i'i 2m*W CS.V*. 'HI. e 111% I-1 IV ? lio Ill ? f.OiKl U84ls's. r.'IH i." 107;., lfM,0 1,^4'j c.'Ul.xint 1?>7V wonno t'iSfi'n.-fri.r.Tint 111 I2IHJI) US5-20 ?, r, O.i n IIOU U*X)U IIh5-20.r,'<57.xia IH''? 1U.ICII) IN .V20'n, <?. 'U7. 11M1 if li?JO L'S V?, 10 40 rrn. 112l4 UllST A. fnonn NC 0'?. o, A A O 20k* 20(1 ih. Mich Cn Hit. H0? 10000 N 0 6'n. n, K AO 10l, 1U? do bH UJOUISC U'a. n, u f.... 2>, 100 ilu ->C<X I I lint Col S.av*... 74T* 25 ITn J'uc UU be moil Oht A Alton lit. 117 10 do 1000 i:bl A Allnu lue. lO-iK 2fK) (11 Cca Kit.. SHOOOChl.HAU 7'a, eon 11 OK 2(m.i <i? - lilt 100 M. a??J 0!> wis; luiaj N.l On lat., con 4000 do ?">? l.vjoo NJ Cen couv.... .'i.^ lfXiO do ; ">4>i Mo 1000 do ri4 2100 1U 0 MIIAStl'7'R.aold ID MO 10(10 MilA.-tl* eon a t. "0>n Ooo 100(1 do SOI.. ?.".ii 1000 Chi A .XW lut... 10*4 Hum V Uf ? ? .. V. ?t k7L' .be do. do.... 1U0 do .....b3 34 500 lit) A .M S itlt.... bo 4h^ 53 li Moo CAN W e e s b. xl Hlii.iij .vno do 10000 do lnoOUflAMVcrg 5<*>0 LAWB>3 :ioofi w A st I'mii i.t K7Si U7iJ d 7 87>.' f~l. 20 811 3.0 lltliO !?HI ?<io I I'd 4im coo II Ml do., do.. flo. .4 4SS 4?>. 48 4H?i 48i* 4l<4, 48^ uo 4 do 4t>', do 4s?ii do 4SV lip 48', do ?3 48V L UU i.. ?a,, 3000 DuOJATol, lfXW MWV loo Thl A N W KH. .bo <i'4i 10000 North Mo 1st.... 102H 200 ChlASW lilt 47V ai.iOO Si'Kl 48 8000 Cen 1'iwjt bda... 1IO Slid do -te.1; WXlO Ohio A *1 eon.... ttl 100Chi A ItT Kit... .bo H2C 100(10 Pac lm.t'AObr 01 Iikhi do ii2?, r.oi*) Wesi Puc bda.... UK? dm do U3 31 tOO P, KtW A Clil 2d IIS , Hm MiOO do 1147; 4011 riixto Un Pile 1st li 17 St 81*1 4000 StI. A IM lat .. in;. .HOO 1(HK.K.I \\ U Tel. c. MOO. Ml 41H.IO hmith Puc l?t... 7lii; 21 aliH Motropol'b Bk. 12H 3im Ilutnrio Ml Mln .... 2' 200 Del & 11 Canal. bci>3 30U 3"?4 30}'; . .b3 do.. do.. aimO. MilAJStl' mo do o 8im O.MAmI'KK lin do (100 do 100 do o lou West trn Tel be 21 HI Do HOO do b3 3O0 do 13 7im do IOO Hue Ji nil S.S be 10 United HI.'iton lis,, ~> American Kx...... 20o>.S i t! X>3 2tat 4 Oil MO 400 MO fit NI 100 .Mm Mm lion 1100 IOO 10(1 7'in 2im 700 200 100 2i m O'ltl do. do. do do. !'2>i 03 HllSf "2 \ j'r'" 40 4i'-'?' 40'j 41V-# KH. 4:i'n 41W, ll?V W.L 40 100 NJ Con Ult bo IUO do 7'j, un i*. rt\v A c Hit |[. B:r, i'Oii Morn* A J{?irx.bu 20 I4M 4dV 2i Kt H0>? 100 1 <1*1. li''.1, 0 v> iuir. do .. do... do... do... do.., do... IK)1, ?ll >>? 301: im>4 3011 Wabl'Comr'ia. .be Jim Del. I. A W ?o-, w-L fHll. do., do.. do., do., do.. do.. b3 :>(>> f I M ? lit m I'm |.'?I0 2iki 2im 11 H ? UNUt 7tK! do... do do... do do no wj)j no^ l?Ok WlU. oo?: W.'i 400 Krie Kit bi'.s3 UU 7H't do... UO Puuama Kit bo 1 ? > 20 00 u;>> J loo Mich (;en Ktt....lie 3UJ4 lou do. 3tt*. IIH) do H'.H, 4ik) <10 3iiSi 100 do Hit I, BE FOUR CAMr-12:?0 $3000 N J Cen l.t e.... 47 100U North .Mo l?t... VrtJ, 50U.I St Paul Int. CAM '.Wj ."iiJO i.ouK Ialiiutl lat.. 102 200 ?lm l>el* llud Sil'i wt', to?; SS, an*' 3ii .ji3 ::?>s an1, 200 S V ('A 11 mi taH, 4on Koek IhIuiiu.. 11M1 rlr? ........ . 111'. 1(1 tin HXi .Mm .11*1 Lake Shoro. do in1,' IO ilo !M>i 2'm 12lt Clil A Alton i; 811 0 Clii A A KH pi. .1.0 Km' 200 HlU, KC A ft....b<: .?'? lUi?t!?,;M.fc SoKK.bc .'Ij MO Clil. II .1 O KK .b.: il'i ' 100 Ohio A M Klwbcba 6 M . 400 iIih ill Central S2'; S Oo C| M I'unum* tui Km Northwestern .., . 21 '4 4i*l .Nortliwaatorn Orel'. 48', HH'g v:y. 41K.0 200 7im 1300 ? HI'I filtO do . do . do . do do do 7011 Mleli I'enirul.. lou ill Central 1100 do 48;i .. 40 |5 411 lit 4 i'i .. 48*. 4^,'i S3 *| S3 do do 100 St Paul praf Jim VVhIiu.Ii Kt< ree'pla UOOMorrlaiK Kh.hx ... Iim 11101 ,V St .li I ioo 1>?1, I.HRk A W P" 1 do 2uo tin ........ 14U1 do 4i m do .. 12 .. ?>'? .0 ? s3 HU'i I V. AI. $13000 U SO'., rejf. 'SI. 110X ?10000 U 8 r.',, llMtt. c 112V rdltXI II S It'a, coup, '81 111 4<*iOO C 8 4run, *11.107 , coup 10000 l\-S-20,r,'0.'S,n.vl 107 KK?*) l' 8 .'. 20, c, Hon. 110 11**1(1 IT8 1, r. .07. xl 110 I2m*i<i Uel 'i-211. 0, '07.. 11 1 10000 L' S 10 40, reif.. 112 SfliVKt Dl" of Col H.itS'f 1000 Clil A N W I B.. sooo N Jer Cen lut n. loo ,v**i do lot;; H*m Tjoiih Dock b.x I l'>7)4 7'*t 2000 Midi Contnl 7'? lim,'+ .".im 41* II do ItKlJj, ?''*' lot"! Oli'o A .? 2d m.. 10 l?rhi ciil. tl A Q 8 s.. 117 :njm> Un I' It K l.t in. 107'; 3(*m do 107*. mm alia Del A II C C.bu .-?(?*J0 U 8 O H, run. '81 III 20000 U 8 5'.. V. 81... Ill .*0000 do r.:i ill 4<?**1 'J S I'J, c, '111... 107 10000 V S cur. 0'^ ri2'4 SKCONit IHIAlll>-i i?. II 7S 03lb* C It ol N 7 2 m c. 1 Jl .? St 1- p| .1,0 41*!a 2<*1 Cnlc A K 1 bo MO Uo .3 t'2J4 lift Wab It r C K. 2 do do do a3 do do do 10 Pacific M 8 8 loo do mm n y r A 11 itn. be um do. 31 it !1KI 21*1 11*1 21 m ii*^ 200 100 U A 8t4 KK... bo 12 HO St J. I M A . 700 Del, 1; A tl' K. bc..3 3:"; 30*. ?t\ i*i*. no,14 do i>3 !*o'i i * aiti. . *v ?v...... do 3:i^, 21") Ohio A M It ?? 100 do * 3oo Mich t Vn It be :too jno ion Illinois Con R.. bo ! ">? n 11, a A AI n K K. be 2100 do. iii>i do 3'*l do b'i I IOO it 30 Clar A Pitta ? S.'i i Stat tlble A N W pi. .be 4-u, MO SO I loit !**) lt**t 2m m 200 100 1200 21m ?iki :i v do , do ...3 3.i\ unjj, 8"fi Ilo do , , ,i3 ait) . .3 311) .lie ..t'O 4s'? ion Morrl. A K. 11 Ml *1 do If I' .100 do 117 20ii Chic \ A il.,.no fMI lOChle x Alton Ml 10111; mov r_in?*> 111" Cel. 3 ffi'S 7*. ,V**J N .1 Con. Kte.oO .".8 I MOO I' l*ae, a f iKl'i 300 .ha Dai A Itud ... 3ii 'j| 71*1 do Mi'j ilKt do ?S JK','. too Western lintoii. I'hi do Km X V C A M nd... ?W :?m tlu. -:| (CI .. ff'M i.i'j ??i! *3 t"i' 4O11 |i?i 71 at loo Krie K.illwnt ....>3 |(*> MIt-It Cmil;?l 3f*' do.; I'll Iilln it" Oeairal.. v."; 200 l.?ae shoro ?3 4s 4 300 do 48\ 8t'?t t tai 3'l. t!:MO TO :i !'. 1201.11a I.nke Shore.. M> ill tS 111*1 do . ... .3 loo Mo rm a K??e* inn >'ortliweHtern prof. 40O do 11*1 tl 100 St P.ill prel ?t MO no 1,3 H*l Kock Inland .....3 lino 00 I'm do .3 nim 1 on do ion N V. i\ 11 ,v II.... illx 1 Itel, A W.. .?'l 4ni Jo 2'.mit do 2't'iii do S Chimin ,v Alton.. 48X ?IH 47?; COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THB IIPOT 1-lflu. LmVKR; rOTVMI CIO'U D STJiADT -rtOVM ITKADT WiniAT ?THAUT COl! N LOWfcll? OATH hTKA I) Y WHIBKKT PAHY ? VOSK STK.VDY ? kAItl) H 1'WAIjY? I'KTROF.KIJM NOMINAI,?? PIPITS or 7 I'nrKNTIKK IA8Y ? SOWN QOIKT ? OILS STKAPY?COFPf.* OTIIADY?SUOAlt HUM ? riiVtom ACTlVi, 1'kibat, Judo 1?a P. M. RtMnpsi bM hcoii excwdtngl-, ra<xttr*t3 !c fctoit ilc- , ptniinont- ol trndi 'Juring the |??i week, iu;d, though raltu'N tiuvo Uaosn iloit contlaiilly, the eiiuugo.i hnru , lor tli(i most purl Mr# ineoup ' la a fnw in iiancot, liowvrer. i??ore ?vre occurred ini)>orU'M , ehHUgMi The moYSiMftt in llO'jr lias ijci-n riiitor i more active during Ibj |. i*l d?y or two, although pre vioui to iliai ump^mwrc-ly abytliii.g v. is dear. ) Prion are decidedly lower than tujy nerv ; a woek ago, yet no change of aioraoul line inl.en pl*r? ulnci early In tha ? ?t* In ? ?tent ?.-rjr lit tin him i??en .Iimio. >.? i> l?"< m tl- ' ie#i?r llMtn I'.tey ?? n ? ?< tk its*, nlthotitfit the m tri#t i?*t?l th< iM ?f tt e tfi-oh he? ruled tt?n,rte ?> . . n?? bwn pretfcf ae?:v<i, j bat *t fliictmtlri* pritej. IV.1114 t?? !>nt two u'r three | il.iyt CMNpai uivcly little w*% Ho .o until v'?> May ilvtrloit hud 'je?n made and the tMttWl elowd up, but ?lnce thrn there hn? baen it r tlvitjr. PrvvieieM have keen dull In tan enireme. Today ("Friday) there tu but llttla g?tier*l activity, tod tba market* war* quiet. Oa 'Chans* floar and wheal ??" iteady undor a IMr daeaaad lb* .xp.rt. Cota waa dull and lo ,*er. Outs ileaily trhftkejreney. Fork aad lard qnlet, bnt ttcaJy- Freight* wero active. Cotton oa the *pot waa MC.\ lowar. Kntaree eloaed bamlr a?*adr. Coffee wa* tteiuly. Sugar waa firm and fairly active. Oil* were *teady. Petroleum nominal. roaia <ai?t aad eptrite larpaatiae eaey. Amies wrrt qnlet at Sc. for pot* aad 7a. lor pearl*. AimaoxT *m quiet, bnt Una at H'je.i fold, for reffnla*. Btkswax w*? quiet and a ?hade easier; qaoted at 3l)?e. a :?(<?. lor Weetern nna So itheru. Exooe <!obn we* (inlet. We quote:?Bed tipped, SH*- ? 5c.; medinui, 5qt a ttc.; cboloe green, 6c. a 7a Coi ki:b. -The market tor Bio wan qnlet bat iteady. 344 bax* ox Oybele M>ld ?>a private term* Tlie Kml'y M* ar rived with 6.44a bait* Rio, mating the rto k lu Orel hand* (ft,43fl ha-s >111(1 cjT?* wa* *teady, J..VIO ba^Mi-racaibo ex fciuily lold on private term*. W. quot. s?Ordinary cirj)H, Ht\e. ? f*l' do., I!*. a !??<#.: good do., injjc itlfi.V-; prime do., 30c. a UUJ^a. I extreme range for lot*. lUlqc. a J2*. i Sautoe, fair to good. 11*%*. a IUe? gold, ',?) day*: Java, government hagi. a 'Xle.; do., gra** isuvanllla. ISe. * ; Curaco i. 17c. a l?c. I inure rack bToc* *?* quiet. oat uarhanMd, w* ouet* .^ .hook*. M-lnoli. with bend*. $1 ft) a #2. en gar with bend*. HMaeh.?3 10 a 82 '' $1 !><? ? frj; 1,11 x Ainok*. 7"?. a 7.V.: rum do.. *4. pipe ?4. ??> u?*i CO; empty lioitabjid*. #2 0O: lio.jn.a. 14 <?,et. ord - nary to prime, $33 to Wft: hoop*. 1- f el. d o. $.?* tofSO "V;o?da.i? win dull. W* quote ??Manila, larce aud *"*?'' ?Ito. uor ib? 11 V?V, a I4?tc. i do. cordage. boll[ rope yarn*, lite, n 17c.: inrred Manila, 14c.; Hleal r?|M. ?l?o. it 10..'.. X?w Zealand. H? a I'JHe *. Ht??*la hump. .tarred, 14c.. Amerinun tin.. ttueiie l?olt r'?ue. 1 <*-' DunON on the *pet wa* l-lOe. lower. erllji a very light do mam!. Kuture* opened lower Uy ab'^ui l-IUc.. the unfavor able l.lvarp'H,! news bolnafhe main oim*o of the decline. Tho luarkot remained raWer ea.y all day and closed steady, witU the price* showing a decline lor the day of iroia <> to S point*. The elo.l>llf pri-w* to day, oomparad with Ti ni Jay'", ware a*follow*: nu,.' bi. jfoy HI. , frv/.??. Itum ? Jun* 11. to A 11..11 *iitiv ii to a 11.41 Jul/ n.yu Jlii? A..?u*i;'.'/e 11 46 ii 11.47 Antir.n. ll.:?? ? U 40 September U.H4 a jl.Ilft sepirinher.... .? a 1 />,..0ur ii.Hi a 11.17 <???*..ij*r Sorvmbor II ^ * |U.W i.e. rmher U.??7 a 11.UH Decaiaber | .iimnary 11.22all.il4 January 1.14 n 1.10 Kel.ruary Il.j?7 a U.40 ?.'.rnary ?* ? ^ March .... ll.M a il.M Marrh 11.Ht. a 11.4/ -Unotatlon* ur# h*s?,i on American naudard, e? ?ln?ltica. (Ion, and on cotton in -tore runulag In qaallty not more than lulfa arada a*)0ve or below ihe trnd'i quoted:? PlJ'WiL. AhihuvM. y. Ortairu. Ttrtu. Ordinary ,?1< J'Hi "'Ii Strlut ordinary 10 10 ]1 ? Hood ordinary lo'* JJI,? J 1 J, ,,t Mlddliur r-ilr ;. l'J .'1-ltt 12 M l.: 12 f'-IO 12 * 10 FaiV ." ......... 12 UkIH 12 tit-111 l? 1 I" I ! I-W ?rttaloert-Uooil ordinary, 95i?u.; M rict J|P'M' : low mtddlln- 10 .1 10c.; mlOdllnp, HI tl-tOe. .^poi sale* were a* follow*:? . _ , 7V?.;>ny. Lcut K\mrmj. T<J> Pvn irt 13" ? l'"^ (,'onn.mption UW HO Total* fMU HO 9TU ??<illvred ou contract 800 bale*. Tor future detiver* the ?alot were a* follow*:-Vcnterday, arter twu !'? 2'K.iat ll,:?e.-.. .'Wtlat 1I.ST?...Vh> ut ll.nAaj July, luo at 11.43c., 1.700 at ll.42e.H00 at 11.tie.. 4??i at I *?> ut 11.40c.: AUgu.t, 101) at 11.4V . 200 at 1 l.4Bc . 7<*> at at ll.:?e.,7t?) ?t ll.3lo.; duly. 1)00 at 11.37c.. I."**) ai ll.:i?o., 2.HfK> at ll.3!ic., 1.1100 at 11.34c., l.fNX)atll.^lc.. i ehruary. 2?Ki at 1L?JC.: ?arcn iuu ? Total 20,300 hale*, lirand total. III..100 hulct. ?The receipt* at the port* were a* follow*:-Oalve?tWi, ?-?? bnlo?i New Orlean*. *.'?4; Mobil", CO; (tevannah IW; tiharle.tou, 7b; Wilinlnuton, 1; Norfolk ; N.'W Vj.rk I ; Mcatoii.wr. foul. 1.341 bale*. 1 111* day la|t week J;.I.W?. Thl< day last year, 2,15ft. Total *lnee Hi'plamber 1,?vh7? i?i < hales. Cotton freight* closod a? lol|ows:-T? lf?vre, by rteam, !lc., comprcnod. To Uarahnrg, by "team. He-, com prenned. To Bremen, hv *team. ??e a V-, comprontcd. To Liverpool, S-lttrt by tteam : hr tull. 9 .42c., oomnreaand. Market uulet. . , , . . . Unt-c.i *o.?Opium wa* quiet, but unchanged; quoted at jj!.v jtoul, lu bond. fOoO.CUrreiiey, lor Job lot*, a:id JJI'a lor powdered. Sh*ll?c* remained tirm. but not higher. We quote D. C., 2">c., kfold. V, 8, O., 2.1c., Kolu. Seed*?Mu?tard wa* quiet and quoted utj^rown do., ut Ho.; brown Trle-co at Vt. and yellow Kn?1l?h at i?.;. Canary llrm. 1'rlme linieh wa* quoted at J>2 ,.0, Smyrna at *2 37K and Sicily at $:!. Ileinp wa* llrm; o'lotcd ut Si or>. caraway w?* steady at l'J'n'. i.orlandor wax also Steady at 7,y. Heneca rool-quoieil <t <??>':. a <'K-., Cauiphfir w.?r a tor r?fiti*u In bbU. i>n spot. Cream tartar wuh uniet at .2lU\. U?J<U \or Amir lean: irk".. lor French; :Uo. lor powd*rt<! hi bbl?.* iiud :\Hv. for iloT, ill boxen. AU*oholicn- ? chloroform a?U oinur ware quiet *t for i bo former and "?r?e. a 1W. fur iha latter, liurax vth# qillot; quoted Ht UK*, a lO^e. Tor reliued city Hna'.?>:c. fordo. Calll?n?ia. Halnam toln w.ih neld at fl W? a ^1 05. ifuririindv plieh w?ih quoted Hi "?Sc. a ? i?'. Ciua ran a wan quoted at ? fJ :m. vra% nuiut: ou'deu ut 3*>o. lor nmxW. U'H?. lor lar^e and l'5c. a MOc. lor nortu. Hivi divl w.ii quiet ut #i.? per ton. I'utch whs quiet nt '^e. a 7c., !;'?l?l rriwiata iMtaMh wan quiet at 24c. a 2ric.? hh quality. nlt-Hro mate potash wuh quiet at ItfjiC* a 14S|C. .^al ammoniac wne null at UJ**e. a -ot?. <iammer w.n quiet at *?e., gold, nunic wan dull at i^i IJ? u -fi Q'llnine?>a!en were made at t4 40, but the mniiu'ac tnrert' price remain at #4 50. 1 he quoted raiitfe In H ??" a ^?1 T"?. Khic vitriol?littr^e naiea were iiiuue to iiiatiurac til rem of l*ari? jr'reen for potato bUK poUon at n',.c. We quote at ih:c a lite. Morphine?Sale* were made outsidefl manufacturers at $5 2*>. but iuauufaettirer? hold nt <ic?tlnn root wa* quiet at 5e. a C. t asila bud# were rooted at :?Hc. a W?e. Colombo root wen quoted at Hn* Tor whole and I4e. for powdered. Oltm tfedda wmh firm at 1 lo. a pjc : du. Taten. lie. a iPic. .lnnlpcr berries were null at 2c a:tlic., end ordinary Tt all en at Mo. ? IV'. Orange peel wa? unlet at 7c. a ??c. Venice turpentine wee quoted at ISc. a -t?c. Cantlle noep?Contl white wee qaoted at 1 I'v-^ a 1 ?c.; .Mareeillee pure mettled ut lo?ac. a lie , goid? and do. common at 8^0., currency. Kocheile ?altt were Mteiidy at ro- bbin. and .i2Jic. lor ho*e*. Io dine was flrm at $4 50. Iodine p damt, sf.t 7.? Alum ~ Lump wan quoted at a < liiorate potaeli nrm at 2*?c. a 2.5c. Tartatlc aold wan quiet at 44Hc.t icold, for crystal, and 4He. a 4^'gC.. currency, for povdered. t'itri^ acid wa? easier, now ticlo at < 4c. a 7?>c. Lloorlce root wns quiet at from ?c. to 15c., currency, lor selected. Meotice pnsto-tMiatiria at :??c.: Hpatifsn mdld at Sic. a 2Hc., iruld; fiytiateili ut .??e.; small iluxalina at 2i?c. a IMH}.: lariro UOKaiina at Jllc. a 84c.; r. A w. miift'l at 2t*'ic. n itt>c.; Cerlgllano at 42t. c,uttioui?ii bona* w'-iroi (inlet at 27c. a MOc. li.nsam fopall.a was ouoto i at 42e. a 4">c. Siitfioii was Hteaiiy el for \mc rlcan and W> a *i? AO lor SoetiNH. tlnlanixal root WMS held at 12c. a l">c, K|iiills were <|iilet at ?c. a !>c Cod liver oil was In fair demand al $17* lor Nnwlonndlan I and <P'' a $2 J~> for Norwetflan. Kliuburl. iiiiiet at price* ran ^111.'from If 1 1% a *1 ?l. \loes ware minted at i:ic. a 14c. lor *'apo. dinner waa nriu at l*c. a 18' >(?. tor Jamaica bleaelied. Kr?ol was unlet at CO>\ a 0.">c. thiioksllver w as iMiotcJ at 48f., cold, hora, and 42',e,, tfold, lu t,alltoriila. Oamomtle llowers were ((ulet at 2 ?r a H.V-. lor ilarmaii and 4<le. for old and i}l 4) lor iie<v Itoman. t<iyo?riaa wa* in lair demand at 2">?. Sweet marjoram wa* i.>e. a IHe. Tonca 06am wore (juotod at #1 a tl ?'?'[ lor Aluoatura, and llrm with an npward tendency. Valerian root was quotod at J2o. a 2.V. for K?i??lah and I V. a l<^. lor ller man. Albumen was quiet at 4.?e. a 70e. for Mo.xl ai.dfl a jl l '> lor ?kK. Sareaparllla wks .(uict \\? nuote :?lion dui'its. eoinnioii, nt H2c.; do. do., lor export,'! " ? a .la;., uold: Mexican, i.'lc. a i .e. .laL.p *a.? ijnoted at 22o.. s-olil nnm danuii wasqntatat !'?o. a IHe. Uaiubog. wa* qitoteil at (17c. Assabetlda ?a* .toad; at l ie. a 17e. t-arbonate ammonia was 'inot.d at IS^c.. yold. I.n^l.sli eliem'cals were inactive, Tlie *ale? were 2"> ton* **l aada at IH"-: 2*> tons lil?*nbln(( powuers at 1 ',0.; 26 ton* ennsllc ,VI? at 4'ic.; iOu keir* ""la a*h at 4a, and |("> tons n,nia asli ' at #1 N5 a #1 00. rfoln. K??entiai oils wer. quiet, but ?teady. We quote :-i?n neraarcol. Kan uur-otrs. *?; oil lemon, Sanderson'*, fl>.i Jft; Jhinaen.* finest oil ru*-. i?X; oil *nl*e fltft; oil ca*sla. ??S;-.. all ..old- oil caraway, #1 10 a f2 .Vj; oil erototi. *2 lit; oil eitronell* H.1?. a l"?c.; oil lavender. 7T>e. i W; do. do. IMI tell atn), ? 14; nil elovo*, W7r>: oil wlnurCre?n, ? 40; y; sits*alra* liiclu?lv?. Hie ; oil pennyroyal nominal at #2 T>\ oU of bay. *17, all eurrencv I k. uitKlts '.vetr ijnl?t and heavy, at .V>e. for prlmo ceese. and 20r a t..r ml*-il. i'l^il ? flie market for o"!ll?li was quiet, but *teady. 0o..(i msek.-rel were in demand and steady. Ilerrln< remained uniet- We quota : C-???Jti->li (ieonra'a Bank, now, si 7,. a tS; Grand Itun*. M a *4 2"i' M.trkeie. -_"<lior<i. s? 1 *1S a 4211; do.. No. 2, ?'i * *1"; do.. .No. I'.. a<S Mr, bay, >o I. #?-' afl4: no., No. 2 *^: do., .No. :i, none; 1 ??rjtur No. 2, Box li*rrlnjl?Scaled. 16c. a 10c.: .No. 1 ' Ki utlii ?M> Ciiuix.?Iloe.ipt*?Klour, ".IT'i Uos.; wlwat, ill i'.u im.nal*; corn nioal, 1"" bbi?. and l,"0 ou., :?l 7isi hnsli.i.; ry, '0.:4i*i si...; barley. I4..16 to ; barlev matt I I' (i do. There wa* a ho??r demand tor OoBf botll t i- slilninent and Iroiu the trade, and full prices. Ine .al*? ,v,,? bills., inelndltiK ?"???? WaoUm and Konlhem, m the annexed quotations. Itye Bour wa* quiel with sa'.? ?M'ibtji* at unch tinred price*, t orn ineal wa? lens active bul (tvady. Hie *a?aa were only l.iHKJbbla and bag* nt uitehatitfed priee*. ^ .N o. 2 M ? V J; " *7. .7-, rTartsl,rt..T'" ? ?!-. {Mmiee M..;.::::::::: ??? Supsrline Western -J J-J * " ;? MUo?*ota,, r" '."".'.V.'...'., 7 .VI a Kii'iVi'id iiiioii'tihVo','.hlpplniViran(is II -V ? a 7 < > Itouii.l b.?p ?hlo, trod, brand 7 .a h ^ v " I; Ht. ia>nl?, low extra ' ?*J ? * '' M | mils, straltclit extra H ?? a ' M. l^.nl*. choice double extra >? <* '? 10 u St. Ijoui*, eiioieo f*a?ily >J,a '! ,J. Hye I lour ? ; 'M' ' J, "J Miuthurii, -No. 2. ? ? Soiitlierii. tiiperdno ' ? Sontncm. extra ? IV*.,, 7; sodtli'*rn, lauiily ^ ' ltarn meal, ? ] a ? -? Corn meal. JorM?y o J"'1 :{ (.mm ineaU lli aad/win* i *?' * ?? ^ Corn meal. piiBohaaus ' . .. -Mh-tti was in ( atl.r reqaest ami prl*e* were lu laror ol tiio seller: tiie vute?- \fcru iiiotu ntt?ni'H, at i ntit'Mi old Chicaijo, Jill! lor o'd ungraded, 11 ul,:,W. ?.,w.; laJJIJOlillsnelado July at .Vile, a ?VlV.c. 70.i'i'KI biistioU No. 2 Jrtne at6l?o. a ?'?I'Sc , snd l-'."'" b.J,eii.N 2 July at fl11<c. At the H ^ f . N closii'i; quotations* follow*! ( oh ?t.amer, lV*''' .d at m^.- a a. ?>*? a???, c..*, ,1 line ;<* 01*' baatiel* ?ol(l at No. '1, bushels nt ?- '^c a.V.K:.; eaali Inly. M.iMi basliel* .old at i?e it ?i-iVtc No J, 6.(100 bushels sold at MO^c ; en.tb Autfu*!. 'oto a'llV" .V*e? bosliois mul at'I2.V lt?e * ?* iti ?iit aboul ?,0llli bushel* ?olU at !?7n. B irlwj was nqiet ' llailoj malt quiet, but linn tia's were stead), Willi sale* if 116.00" bushels, at 70e. lor e?tra wuh*. "or ia "(. .W aViKe. for *. 2 do 47. e .1 V No d do.. (or ?bi mixed, (k*. lor so I do., ***%<* lor No. 2 do.. I.I>,C. ior So. II do and 4 ?c bir re|.? Ud. I'mil t'.ircl/i. drleo wa* qnlei, bill nnehan|t' d ?? ?note's '.Nea r?l*lae?Layer*. (1 06 per box. tnusoaiel, 2 ID ur I,.|? . I.ondofi Ujrers. $2 10; \ a'en. ?*, I'.! l?.: .^ollaoa. |0!qn a lie ; new currants. 0*,e. a ?^ v t-dti nn dtro... I7i?. I',I*", iayet*. *0. a I.e. Ual.s ? i ,.ia?i. ml is. 4?,e turkej prunes. i\e lor n|il .na - I .r new. Kronen pruaoe, old 'ki. lo-w w. a ijc., ?eeitrdli k' to "" bardlnes, boxes, I2^c.; !* boxes. Hiisr shelled almond*. In ba^s, 2ik (MJEKiae.?We note .ale ol l.l?W roll* banmait al 1JS?-. "Jjif i?? ffltn* ware ta fWir demand ?ed eteady at 7(?o. ? Tae ier MUMf aM ttfre. a ?l <fe ma?, ke>? 'i* hSJ?*-/?ta *???>? vary quiet but ttcady. ?it?? ?7hTi r i* . Vf* quota:?American dret.e.l, !!!?? **''?'? P'O ?WIS for double and 9180 a **? 'WW. Kuid; Ji buti.iV .HV" J"te- ?'.?? ? ' iirrni.t r; l? buUa.3io. ? -tk.:. " 'J ' * ?a * ? currettejr; Juto qfte . V - ca?u. ou .put, end.ijii. . cl .'lf'old *'? M lu,U M-P. *>? ; Nad do.. Oe.; lit Wfttt wo* quiet but quit* firm. Hale* ?*. ">?> iW0 s?? J?? l.'?J dry a^?i 3*i!?r,..2?'.2u ?''?*?? Wn quota:? ,n ,r lb" - 2:'r- ? x,llic' ? ??'? '!???-0 2*F ? 2 4?-i Alo?|trUI?J, 2ufc i? 'JJ lb.., i? * 7. * : C?*rl?nt*?, 21 to 22 lbs . ?iH'e. a ai'.c : 23 .b^ M Wr c"ii2J fb"-' ,HH?. a -lie.; Orinoco. SI lo .'',,li nri,.?. P * #1*.. au. ? 22c. ; cen a IT.^ lui? 'i" ' ? ?*?! M???woro.. . I-- .11 . , V **? ' ^Crm t^U,> 1K *<> I'M. I'HI. fj! 1- W ' "ejected; dry saltedTexa*. 24 (<> ;m lb*., i 'L V -r feoullieni. J4 to 90 lb*. 12c ix 121 c ? li'iwfbi'teaw, :,V- cow. 45 lil;-- ^ c,lrr?ncy. *o looted. hnn? b?II'T'1. WT * '?ir ''"'"?"?I '"'ill ft?r ?snort *nd ? U"T M ll"'' ?'rl0"- *? <?"??? :-Na? York, oluili e, lli . WI^m)?U'i.U t",P.rl,n'- IOc- ? "c-; Koataru, lilu. ? .l . ? "*? * ; yaarlitijr.. On. a IOo.; old* all growth*. 4v. ? ?r ? Uaiilornia (nominal), 12o. a 17c.; Ore S?.-JiUT.^a'V 4J7r Kroln Vr Kmn.ett \Vel.V til* wuekl Oil9 ?**?*??M*eipie lor l!?.i i 1.i ^ U'l!rl1 reo#tP<? wnco Hepiember I. . / 1: ? l""?' for tamo ?arl<Ml In lM7.r>, 7s.tirr?: ? xport rlraranrti for tl,? waok, h70; total ?iuort'< attiro 7?tu' ? *otai ?x|H>rta for ?iuno purioU iu r.n" r,Hdl1'"1 <????*? in Aw?rioaa a rLTulT k:? . ! , n* ?"ad#, b?t partlaulara w#r? nut nmife b .! 1 1'. ! 5Ti rcw }*,e" w,'r,, "inda in a Jnb . I* lJl',,t"?lon?. Mum of Iho linpi.rntioiis wria KolnR to Oanaifa In bond. Hnrae -lAtl tmii ?ol?t at *J4 iVe 2'.Y. i " 'IV p,t!- 1. *?" < It'O: S<>. 41k ? ''i .;,4";. wrtrt'- ''V "7 Rooteh-Cultn?n. No. I. fc!H SO 5m?:. <*l,nc"rnock N# >. ????*< ? J27 not Kgllnton. .No. I. wiiM:^n^i:ra,B,d arm - ?ufr"cy; JiK.tuutU.?Yrit'la In hpmlocSc ?ola was rcrr nmrlmto tint frlM^'blwa? 3Vi" ,,r?P *?" ln f?ir drniuinf, but a ImJ t i i "'^'I't* l?r tbv wot>k wera 44m tolas i** ..., j ?*!>or'? I'f the aauio time warn -?';7,00 vl? ? ? f *' I" K?*Und and 4..'K*,i to iha I'ontl 5l. ?' i\n i \m!u ' *7? IV Iilp1'1 lluenoa Ayroi, 2.1c a i^ji it : do. cummon iiida, SJ--. a i'lc ; middle llnanot Ajraa, 2_?% n ->>*.; do. CaMfnrnU. 2?',e " ; ; .,n.nn^h!rt"v ?-'?*?? ; hea*v Ayrea, _ >i. it ..or.: dii. i:?lirornla, 2'?- a : do com ?j',''". '{' j ^ l'00l, *|*i?a|fed Bitet.a. Arret. JUc. a jMt., do. t.iiliforula, ?1 v?f. a J'ic.; do. common bide. 20.Sc a Jlc., poor daiuaircd coiuuiun hide, 10u. a ilia. firm0,'w^?.'T;,,,Vro^r,<,HII# w*g qwl#t* *,'oro,ff? remained firm. wuoto : -Cuba, contriHifnl and mivod. UT?c. * 48?\ ; (.Injroa, Wh;. a .)rio ; Uo., roMnlnir 5le r54i* ? fr(?c?*ry, ..?Uc. 11 HOc.; Porto Kleo, Mr, A %c . Knirllih tesjSvMisar x weia ofTjrlK* q uta irauly ?l tj'2a ltaalu vat uulat; 2mj bbla ifood *>trained t((|(l at $1 He. Wa (jocta So.rJti iur penflno. njfrcli?mtable order, K..,ln-Cominon to jO'td ktraineil, *1 a. a fi mi. I'ltoh. !?2 Tar Ki :i.i Advice. Iroiii.WilmiMirtin ??,? ,i? follow*Koain nrnl. atrulned, $1 4(); ^owl do.. (1 4;'., Tar tt-tady, HI !, v Tiirii"ii drm "LMd ' " r'; iut%- ** 10; r,r?i''' n *x "u'rlU J^ird. Jiloat. Hntff n /JAA<" iiV?. 7,f^n 1,212 '? :t.H:su 04 i urDeiiliuo. i |J{J ta.j u:i4 j u." 10,#' ?' ti<* call J -JflKc. bid and W)n. atkad I'ir.luue: Vii4c. bid. .r>2S-. aaked, for Dili*; 52c. b d, f53n. atked, lor Augii.t; A2c. bid, Mc . a.ked for Hop. ei tuber aod tnSjc. hid. 4Kc. atkaii, lor teller year. I.ln.eed remained onlet at l.itat prlroa. We gaoteLrfnteed, '"'"i *ra.', Prtm? winter. Me. ? B0C ? ,,.er.-j jrude, *t JO; ao., bleached winter, {I ?ii; do., natural do.. (1 ft.t : wliale. uru.le Northern. 7tlc. ; do. lioutlieri. dfic ? b euclied winter, 77r. i natural do., f?o. a 7ftn.: extra do iWc.; winter bleached fish. 4?v ? flfle.: crude flth. ItHr. a Hie' _..!lTe0/^!'?"jr "BJ WI,H ',"11 "tidcloaen uionilnal. .Salat 7ZS.i %\,p,"rn,1" "??livery, at 14,'io., and IU.UM)do.. V ,h" ? *troletnu Kielmag* were i?i (5?(" v:, ,r"^1lHr- 4, do., .,1- -Av u. d".. $?-' 264, and ri.Ouo il" aiw |l,v We quote :-0nidr. In bulk. *Wo. j do.. In bhl?., lo?ae : rcflned. n nbla.. l4*-?c.; do., in cases J7Vc a Mc ; nnjihtbu loVc. for nrliue city; rellued at 'I'hliir deiptiia 14^%'j.; do. ut Baltimore, \4\e. i? .?0if'TllV wH1 vftry l,u* "olUtre wore qtilto firm io. iV i * 'l"ot* :- Wvo lowlt?lituie and Jersey, lr : * . pTr ; ?"tul" ??<> Western, IOc. a 12c. Turkeys? Mule knd Jersey. i:.c. .1 17c.: \Veatern, 14?. a Ifte Ucete-Joney .?l ,i ?2 par pair: Weatern, ft a *1 2.". per' ILfc nit0' 1 iV"*' J*- * , i:' P*' Pulr: Waatcrn. 7'?c. a ??'ffa r P"ull,r/- I uruayt war* quoted at 17c. a ll?u. for food to priuio Wa.tern, and I.'mj. a 17c for lair to jfood do. t.lilukcua wero quoted it 12c. a l.V. for r 0,I0rn- <3?m*--Plf??n. vera quoted at $1 ."><) a 31 n.I par doien lor leathered flight. Squab*? Phlladoi P i f.!?"",1!8 r1,,*2 I* *- J ' '"J ?,0?*'V "nip* were 9elllni{' within the loliowlug inline Yellow 1?r, larrc. a #2 ii par doacn; plover. *2 a 52 60; dowltoh, (I 7."> a .*2: robin. $ .0; brant tird*. Wic. uTkj.; tmall anipe. I V. a 2iic. per duxec. li,i'??vi?lo*H.-Reeelplt-Pork. tW bbla.; lurd, 2 272 tlercos. IJA bbla nod 111 keft; cut uichi?, 0<il packairva; bacon. 2 Here-. *11,1 4211 J.OKCH; beef. .'.(I bUa. and l,l>7tlia?et; beet ham*, .tfi bbl?. Phe pork market wm quiet and uncliiin^ed ? loiJ uoiH. oic.a aoid at $1,170, ca?h, aud lSObblt. do. at :Lij .r.1 ? s- g?M* ^wr ^fUfct delivery, ?t ?1J V?'L ?*! ,el',!?ln^ "citll" Ptica. waro aa folhnrtJune, $14 Wbld. ?X4 ?MaaUd; July. *14 60 bid, $14 7o uaked ; Aupist, $11 tki bid, $14K.iaakad. Cut meat* were quiet; 300 Iooku plcalod haiut told at IOc. Minoxad hauia were quoted ?l lie. a ll'.c. and aiuokedaliouldeia at H'.u. Itacon waaqulat and mora or leaa nominal at 7>ic. for city lonu clear and i,<c. h.r \\'e?t rn lunu clear. Heof wut quiet: .">0 bbla, told Within the rang*. Wa quoteBarrel extra mesa. Ifit .III n #14 ftO; plain meat. $12 60 a fill DO; pachet beef. II I 40 a sbl.?; tirread city, oxtra India meaa, $2 > a !f2(. Heel liair.a were quiet itt #2J 50 a?21 76. Oreaaed lioua warn lirmlv h ?id under a ii?ht funply; held at tl'jc. a 7aie lor city, heavy to litiht. Lurd w?a und cloaed at tne tncond ' call' aa follow* ;-June, if'.i 67'a' hid, $H 116 naked; 7" 7:i >??ked: Aununt, ?'.? hi"; bid i, ^ $" :,-'j bid. $n 46 naked; teller year. $11 07'^ bid, *? H7V, atked. Th* aalea waia ,l.7.,o tierces at fF'.i Ti\', a $!) 76 for July, $fl MO for AiiL'iist and $!l 40 for a tiler year. Spot aalet wero (100 tl re s old Western at $0 (?) an(l .a) do. uew do. to arrive, ut .f!i 6(1 Itcllnod ?Sulea were 10U tierce, lor tbo t ontlucnl at !'T?c. and 600 do. f.'r t'liba at Ho. Month America was quoted at ln',c. Uuttcr - Keceipta. 4,2iil packages Market Piilrl v iicllva. but prfrc* easy al IOc a 22c for (?nmti.on to I'm a Stato and I Or, a IMe. ff>r common to lino '?ttcrn. t'hcaM?Itecelpt*. l(i,M22 ooxet. Iliorn was a fc'ootl i/ciiiaiid. but at e iay price*. We quote Stalo at I -.Sic. a i:ic. a mi WeMeru at liic. a lie. Kit^a?Itof.itith, 1.4UO bblt. The market waa ea^v. We nnot*Lull* island, jScw Jer<ey aud nuiirbv, 17c. a IMc.; Stat* and 1 enn*>Ivania, lil.'j?*. a 17c.l W(*steinand ?'aiinda, choice, a I'l'.c.; Soctheru, a IOc.; duck. 17c. a IMc.; acrae. 24c. a 2ile. Ultia.?'ilie market w?* very flrm under ttrong advices rrmn the South; 260 hair. Kancoou it at :)'u -. gold . We quoteCarolina, lair, Oe. a U';,o.;, OUc. a O'.c. ? prime, 0>jc. a Ujae. ; l.oui.*iuna. fair to prime. Ho a Oj.c.;' I at nil, 7'?c. a 7/',c,, ourroney; ItniiKooii, in hood, .'t'/c a ?IV.. gold. >i*m.ii:k whi quiet at O'.c., curraucy, for domettlc and ". tc.. void, lor lorolgn. nTKaui.xk. - ll.cidpta, 6| bbla. The ninrkot win quiet and more or lo-a nominal at lii'^it a lo'.c. for prima city, and l'i'..c. a 10'.,c. for prlmo Weatern. M'(;.(K. ? I her*, wh. a continued fair demand for raw and the late biisl* of lotjj'a, it |o',c. for fair to i;ood leliulng was well rxariilned. Wo not* talm ol .>*> hlida. and 40ihaua teutrilugiil at ll'.e., and to arrive, J.ttIO hbil.. uiutcovado il ? fe" n and 601) do. at l|i4c. Kellnod waa gitiol and unchanged. Wa quoteFair reliiiliig. Io'rC. ; good do., 10;'.c.; Cuba, grocery, fair lo choice. 10 a M'^u.; do , centrifiigal. h'ida. and bote*, \'i.'?> to No. in loj.c. a. 11 Si', t 'lo.. inolnia**, blid*. and voKea, H7flr aOJtr.; Porto Klco, rellnitAt, common lo prime .I.e. a l(ii;.; do. grocery, lair to clielca, lube. ? l"'?c ? re lined, standard A, 1 l?,c. a 12c.; oil A. Il>u?. a II cro-lied. I2'?c. a I2%c.; nowden-d, I2r?c. a 12 ',c.; granu lated, 12 ?e.; cut loat, 124uc. n I'i^c.; white extra I! a, lie. a I !'?('.; yellow extra C*. lo;Hc. a Hljgfl.: other grade., in Cluiliii f (' a, IiiV.c. a loi^e. I ho following allow* tho atali*. Iai.i.iiw ? lleceipta?40 lilid.., M tierce, and 70 bbla. Ilie market was quiet, with sale* of 160,000 Ibt. at ,S Mile a f '40. lor prime. Tin.? Ih-ro waeuo change lu price, and tbe market, wa* quiet. We qunio; ? Haiica, IH!.c. { Straits. Ifll.'e. a 17o ? tllah. in1 jr. : do. rellned. lll'jc.. all gold. Plata*?Char coal, r.i r<h, W 76; teiue, 76 a $0; coke. ?6 76a?0; do terno. 96 .id a $& 75. Toa.ijjco.?There waa a good export demand Tor Ken tnckj leal ai .steady prlr^j*. The talc, were 46o hlida, luuslly for expert lit 4,'ijc. a lftc. Tlie auction sales will ntreafter be held on Mnndav and Tmiraday >d each weok iu.lC'id ol iuealay and Weuue.d iv .u heretolore. .Seed leal .(*a * quiet but steady. TUe talo* were IOO ease* ?un ?Irle. at 6c. a ^c.; l.'iO case* New Kagland. crop irt75. ut ' '|ic . I '?? au I 2'ic.; J 1 <ta*e* (Viiuayivaiiia, crop I1V."> ou private teima, and Mrt oae.t tibia, crop Is7;i .nil lf?7f>, at ?l',c. . l'J'4e.; Mm bale* Havana *old at 8(>c. to #1 lo. ? lllsRi *,? itccelpl.?474 ubla. 1 lie tuaiket wns dull and nominal it *1 II a?l 11,.No ?ale*. \\ nor..-The market wa. iathur quiet, but price* were generally steady. California wool was liruily held and tho extreme vlaw* ol holder* euacke t huslii"?s to koiuc exi.eut. We note sale, of i.m.iitio ibt. tprloir clip t'aliforuia wool ?t 2le. a 2ia., 2<>.OOU ibt. i-.a* foxas at 24c a :?0c , 4,t*a? Ilia. do. do. at 2.V a 28a.. :i,i*lO lb*, fine washed del-one at 4H(- and 4.iaai|l,s. J ..tern Tex.., 5...00 1 lbs. Wett.rn do 10,0? 11 b*. Oregoa 4:1 m,-. .No. 1 pulled, 2.OO0 Iba borrr Ueorc a, II bag* extra puiled, 75 bag* .uper pnlled. 1H bag* Inmh.' pud on private term*. I- ill.ii;llis.?l^ulte an active bti<lne*a \>a* accomplished In grain and petroleum charter! a' about steady tale, foi the dav, ilcriIt romn wa* In good demand and well held, l.n rag?nientt?lo l.iveriioal. per steam. 40.000 buihel* wheat lui'tnding '.M.OOO bushels at ?J id. and 1'l. ajOdo. ai?i,',d. To I." do... per aieam, lil.OOll bushels kraln at S'id.dOll.s and *,<**> do. last evening at Hd. IK) Iba. To Kotlniri un, tier sieam, bushel* grain at eni.. atandard. To llamhurg 1 r>cr steam, 000 iioxes iiiii iiU, 70O tierce* lard aud 00o libl*' provi.lun. at l?? i?oik.; |Om*l buslirla grain, l.'IO; 100 cases canned foodi, .Mil murks ; :VH) aide* leather, :u; niark. and measurement goods, tain loO murk*. Charter*' An' Austrian bark. Iieuca to Cork tor order*, with 4,00u quarter. grain at 6*. 1 '(d,; one aaina canacity rova/o and rate; an Italian hsra. bene, to uo.. with ;i,ono qoaiters at ;i'l.; nil Italian lark, bcnce to llrlstol Channel, ?nh Jl.OOf) quarter* h*rlej at 5?. 7><d.; an Itaiiaa bark, h. nee to I cinrtb Itoad* far order*, witlt 2.5oO quarter* grain on private term*; a Norwegian hark, 461 tout, hence 1*1 ilia ( niiineiit, with grain, particulars unknown; a bark, from Hiiltlmore to Cork lor order*, with 4.40U quarter* grnin at ? >a ; one with quarter*, thence to do., at 6*. Ij.d, ; 0 ie thence muu* voynj*. w'th 4,MOii quarter* at .?*.; one 4,401 unarter*, thence to do., 6s ; a ve?*el, wltn 1,hi*j quarter*, italtlmore to Cork for order* at .'?* ltd.; one with ? >. *?.? quarter, to Cork for order*. 6*., and ona with H,.'asi quarters aama voyage and rate; a Hriti.h bark. Iroin I 11II.?ii*. l|t nl a lo Cork for orders, with J'-.f'ai quarter, ??ralu at 5a. ;id,; a Urltlsh bark, from Philadelpl ,* with 4.41m quarter* to Com lor orders, at ?*. 31 ; a Nat woglati I.ark, thence lo Cork fur order., witli 2,7ia? qinr ter* .Ml private term*, and a hark r |a>rted thenaa lor (nine vovige al ;>?. flu. capacity unknown: a .Norwegian bark, hence to a >orwegiau port, with J.7t*l hbl., rellued p -tro leuiii at 4*. lo)fd., option ill (ieiman or Mwedldi Haltic. at .1* Hd ; a Norwegian bark, hence to the Haltic, with 2. 00 hhN. do. at I*. 10\d., lit July clearance; a .Norwexian bark, heuee to Mtiiuirs. for order* to tlie Herman Halite with 2 HOI 1 halt. (I?. at 4* Ii'Hd.; a i.'n.slaa bark, hence to 1 ran.tadt. with ft.oral hid*, do. at 4a .id. ; a Uriiish b irk he 11* to Antwerp or Itremen, with M.IIUO bolt. do. at 4. ' J'tiy I clearance; a Norwegian berk. h.uce to a .xorwogiau port, with l.iMtl nbla. do et 6* ; a Norwegian ban,, hcn.o to ? Daiii.ti Norwegian or Swedi.h i.ort, with 2..1OO bbla do. at 4?. IO)?d.: iiteim.u bark, hence to Antwerp, with 'i .-ifl libit, no, at 4t clear line., lit Juli ; a Norwegian bark, tienc ? to I nlted KlHulnm direct, .Villi 2,.at) hblt il ? at 4t .Id.; en American iiark (out und Moine at a lump sum', tublei, hen. e i? I riotie. with 2,?'Ki bills, do on private teriuk; *n Amur.n an brig, i,oil ?- " standard deal*, from Hanger, Me.. to United Klh.doiii direct, lit 7n*. : a Hrlil.h hark 7im ton*, from >lu?.| ia.h 10 Liverpool. With deal* at 72a. lid . an American 410 t (us. reported Wlinitngtmi lo flora lor order. Willi 11av.1l -lores ai 4^ Hd. 11 0* tal,. a 1 American brig, n>7 ton* Irtmt 1 auii in ito*ton. wlih 1(1,1X10 huahrls -alt at 7'?c aii American brl*. 43W ton*, from C.dlt to Ulonre*!er Willi |H 0*1 fushei* salt at 7o ; an Amerlcaii hark, ton.' from yitha to .New York, wlfh s ign. ?t #5; an .t.nerleati brig Sui torn, lienca lo Mantaullla, with grnaial r.irgo at fU.tsst NEW YORK CATTLE MA.KKK1S. runny. June I, 1877. Io.ukipt* rua two 11*v.*. P *ili M^ai fifl'l ? Ult'l liw Ihri't. ant% <J.t/(?>*. /..??( t, //?/. Sixtieth "treat 62il 2 1,.|(? *I.IM7 _ l-ortleth tlreet. ... ? ? __ _ | ,y Jerw?y City 1.5>4 ? _ ;t,(KI4 |,i;u l'"1*1" r. 1,477 2 l.-"tH> fl.i?7l iT.wii HkavK*. Ill* qaaiii) ol tbt herd* to hand ..u tlot tore no.-ii wn* general!) course ? ut fat. extreme range tutor to cli. lee. 8aia* were .1. w oa a Iight rtin I'rhe. w. re n',. a I2V- per lb., weight* 6 owl a cwt. .'hie* were ellei ted Irotn .'at lb*, a 57 Ilia net, . a le ar tup *i*er* obtained .Nib*, not. At Hixtl. th atreet yard* lll-rv A Cary *.ild lor *e va* Itf, lexan *tear?. at IOc per Ik. wrli lit 6V cwt.; 51 Biiarnt Cuaiuaaa aud Yt*t*viii itear^ witU altw oAua, at )0!:> ? 10%'e. nor lh.. wal*tit rurt.; !?*) fl'Inols I mll'ir. h IIV par llj.. waltfht 7 ?wt. M. Kircttwn) sold | | I r -ell 48 ilfliioU ataers, ?t 1U?. par III., with 8 1 off per | i hand, weight 7 cwt., rtrvig 31 lllttiola >tr*ra, ul 12c. per lb.. weight 7S cwt. . 1U Illinois ? M*om. .it I Mr lb., weight *?; ewt. U. W. *'ali told lur ?oh IV llllnal* 'teei--, tcruia nut obtained At Jersey I'ity vnrila C. Kahn Mild for U. Knim led I Hiio mevrs mi 10'?V per 11. . cut.; lor ilirkxr, 17 llliuolk atraM at l'?Sn. p?r lb.. ? elaht t) ewt.; IVillilMllMnni It K'V. u*r 11*.. weight d'acwt.; for T. Hrnwn, |W Illinois ?tfrm nt lOi,e. a |ii',Y pni Ili., welghtn ftewt. ? r>f| rwkl Illinois llMtiU llV prr lb., Wright |M? cwt.: 9 Illinois bull*. Ilva weight 1.300 lbs. per bond. nt .V. prr lit. . l.ouierbucb sold lor \\\ilxel .t, Allrrton 13 IllinuU steers at lie prr lb., with fill off lli* lot, weight 7,*i rwi. strong; 34 lllinils met* nt 11'4''. n llj2c prr lb., weights li'a cwt. u 7 r?l.; 15# Illinois iKart, ut tl'jc. par lb., with ftfie off per head 011 08 Until, *1 -IT |i r head 011 14 lirmi mi'l <7 50 off 011 24 head, weights 7cwt a7Jj|e?t. S. W. Sherman said tor Walxel A Aliartou 10 lllliioia mean nt lo'4e. par Ih , with $1 iff per head, weight 5'* cwt.; 24 Illinois atrera ,tl IO?4c. n I Ic. par lb., weights 3}j c?i. ?ilr?i. 8. O'ltonnall sold > lur HI xel X Aliartou 15 Illinois steers nt 11 '?c. prr Hi., Willi 91 <>i> per head. weight 7 cwt.. 25 Illinois sieern it 1 Ic. a 12c. per lb.. weight* rr. n ^ iwt. M UnidsohmiJt suUtinr I.. Srhwnberg 111 Illinois kteers nt ll*?a. n I.e. par lb.. weighta 7 curt. n T'j c.?l.: to J. f. Hitddlar In II11 n ul* steers u? l'k- nar lb., weight ft1! ewv ; lw istaie led 1 111itniit ataers ?t 0,'ia. |>ar Ut., weight 5,'^ ewt.; I II inoi? bull, lira weight l.wS 1 li.?., nt 4*ic per lb. Siikki* ami I.amns rmli- alow and no d-mniul for poor quality lambs. fhai p sold ni 44fe. u Ha. par It*; laiu"n He. n |?-r lb, Newton A llalin*?k mild III" Kantui lc* inmhu. wnijlit Sn llis, p?r lianil. at 7 V ? l'cr t>'-; 'I Kantucky !n 111 tm. wcltflii. SiS Ibi. u"r Ua*d, nt 7),o n 8'ipor ib.: I7.i J)?lu* nru Imnba, walijht Vt lb?. |iar liaml, ni 1 <to. par lb. ; 4"Ol!lu tliaep, wplalitn ?!! Iba. it >'J ib? par liaml, nt nije. prr Ib. Kn?r ,t Hib'tiok ai>ld 210 I'aUvitrt Innibo, walgut < " llis. pur hand, ut Kk, por Hi.; J'l .lerauy Iniu>??, walifhl I>7 Ibt. par liritii, ut vt,1 .u. Ib.; W Unilii, vtaliilit <13 Itm. pi*r lii'iiu, kt inc. par lb.; H Jtrtta) Inmlm. welnUt <il 111*, per lm*d. -it lO^ir. pi r Ih. Mra?rs. KI1I0H A I'o. loldtr. Ohio wt'iirhr 1.4MJ Ibn.. At IS* par b.: *1 KMHukr <h.'r|i, Mfriirlit J.HVi Ilia., nl 4'<?. par Ih. ; 47 krntneky ?lioi-p wrl^bt M7i> lbi.iittk-. nur lb . 94 Mate lki?pi walftlit !?,?????? ili?.. nt 8}<a par lb.; 4ti Ivriinirky linii.?, wulu't ^,".'10 li<?., nt 7'(o. per lb.; K't Kauttiaky 111 ut tin. wi-Ihiii I.7SH lli?., nt 7*t'i-. p'ir lb ; 1*7 Kentiu ky Intnua, weii;lil 11I'm., nt 1*'jr. par Ih. llnvln A llnlln. tin'k milil Oillu iiliarp. W 'i;rlu HH lb*, per hr?i|, nt ?*??. per lb ; rwn Obi" itlioep. walitltt >U Ibn per ha ml. nt i'?e nrr I lb.: 'J'J i> hlo uliarp. wi tt'lit On lbs per band, nt .i4lc. pur Iti. . IKj uhiu xlieap, waiitUt tU Ibn prr lieKiJ. at ujj0. per Ib. ; IH Obi i aliaap, weight '.<1 Ili~. prr liand, ut Oc. per lb. J. Klruy mild lil" aln'cp, weight l"?.3l(i lb*., nt 5o. per Ib. Jnli-oit CoWs -No nuntutlnnit ;lvi-n Vi aI.s Airn (^At.i ni. ? I rrnle ?l?w ; <|iinlitr ??onme nnU laaa. Cnlvait, tlitfto hul'erriilk fed lucluilnd, mid at HVc. n tie par l!i. Hoo*.?There war# no lira hugt on anlo. | DOilERTKJ MARKETS. 1 0Ai.vKmoM. .Itina I, 1K77. I Cotton nrmer; r'torin** II?lit : ul'lilluig. llij,c.; low mid dllDlf, lOVc ; goud onl'nnrv, itjie >el recalpU, '-'il Unlr>. I Etpurta coaatwlaa, ln4. S11 les, i4"_J. Mock. J.'i,.i?a. Weakly? I Net recalpm. 111 lialaa; Kro.ia, 411. r.xporta count wine, 1,1X1. Miles, a,17tt. .S'kw (?*i.ka*h, .Innr 1, 1877. Cotton qnlat; middling. 10J?o.; low niltldlliiK. U>'??.; kooiI ordinary. Net reruipU, '-'*4 biUan; Kiu??, ;l!14. hx Durls - To J lent llrltnin. J.>i; tu r'rauee, i.-'iiL' cmu.twl-e, US. (iiilen.-.400. Slrtck.liO.03S. Weakly?.Vet recatpt>, 1,1*1*0 bslan; g^oss, H.lll. K.xportn?To tlrnnt 14r11ul 11, 1 ; in Protire. rt,0'jO; to the Oentltient, ikfi; ooutnwlna, 4,144. Union, 8.11XX Mobilk. June 1, 1*77. Cotton Arm; middling, lO^.c.; low uldnllug, Hj?c. u I'10.; tfood urdlmirv, 0!?r. nItJjfc. Nat rrceiptn, JDbatu*. Kxportn conatwine. 4:i. >nlcs, 1,'HK). Htock. I9,il06. \Vi?aWy?Jtet recrlptn, 3'Jb balds. l' Xports count wlar, 1,1 Til, Sulan, 4,'Vi>.>. SnVAX.Viii, ,11111a 1, 1H77. Cotton anlet; mlrtdliiig. 10*,|r. ; low mldillln^. lo^o.; good orillmiry, 9?,c. Net rucelptn, OS Ualen. Hulra, 10. Stuck, ts. Weekly?.Set recrlptn, 1.3MH bulca. Kxports?To the Ooatlaent. 7U; uuuatwina, l.uei. snles, 4^?. CUAgLKaroK, June 1, 1H77. Cotton ifiilot; middling, lO^'r.; low mldilllug, IU'*c.; liood orillunry, U?o. Net reoelptn, In bnlen. litportn to Kruiico. S.iii. coaatwina, 3U3. M00L, <1,23*. WaaklY?N't re coinia, Inn titles. Kxport# to Pratira, 830; canal wue, Mufas, l.O.Ki. OnwTtno. .Tune 1, 1877 Klonr steady: sales, 700 bbia. at in 7^ a fH "i.'i Ibr No. 1 npring. #0 a 9W 50 for amber winter. J.U u 73 lor wliita do., and t'-> ?">'> n <10 lor dutibia extra. Wheat uu cliunired. Corn dnll; nule* ol hl^h iaix"il at 60c.; So. 2 licld ut -Vll^c. Corn tueitl uiicbuniiad. .MlllleeU iiuchnii^rd. Cnnnl Iraiffnt* nnchiinged. l.nko recelrit??Whant. Iii,imi<i iiiiiliela; <<orii, S.ijOO do.; lumber, 030,000 feet, t'ltnul ntiipiiieiitn?tiumber. 5113,000 loet. i'lonr alilpped by mil, 7UU lib n. ituri'Ai.o, J una 1. 1877. Oraiu ? A Hirht trade, at ccnerully unchiiugej prices. Sitlon?I'louf, 350 bhln.; whcitt, 4 i nr londn white ut $1 ll'i uS'J ; 1 cur load No. 2 MllwitukeeClub ut $1 74. Com?rtnlea 10 enr londii No. 2 at ."inc. a Mo.; 250 bimhcla high mixed, on truck, nt 04c ; I .Hon 110.. In at ore, ut 02c. I 'J.nOiiilo. No. 2 ut .i<l'i|C. ; 4,<>IIOdo. kiln dried at 4tto.; ."iiij^c. bid lor No. I to nrriva. Other article* nominally nncliauucd, iu the 111 ?enee of nnlea. Kecalptn by laka?Klvur, 2,000 bbia.; corn, 54,770 bnsbela. Koi-eipt* by rftilroadn? Flour, 2.4,n bbla.; wheat, 4.400 busheln; corn, l2.S')i) do.; ontn, ij.:*m do.; barley. 1.200 do.; ryo, 4'?>do. Mhlpinrnts by iiunul ?o tlilewntar?t.'orn, -it.327 ounhels; wliaut, l,s|3 do. ; inrd, 214,070 Ibn.: do. to Intermediate pointn?Oorn. 13,3110 btisnela; Hour, imi bhln. I'ln Iron to llocUrntiir, 220,8(10 Iba.; do. by rnilrouda?Klour. 3.17H bbln.: wheat, 4,1(X) bu.lirtls: dun, 12,m>0 do. ; ontn, 5.3IXJ do.; burlcy, :t<XJ do.? ryo, 400 do. Cannl uud rullrond I'rel^litn unohunved. Toi.kiio, J uue I. 1H77. Flour Arm. Wheat strong; No. 1 white Michigan, $1 00; No. 2 do . #I fW; umber MIchlMtt, nput nnd Jnuo, BI82; .So. 2miilicr Micliixna, iil 04; .So. 2 red winter, apot. Itl 78. Jtiiic,?l 75; July, $1 33; August, $1 50; .Su. 3 rrU. spot no4 June, f I t*o. t'oru i|uiet but stog4y; lilgli mixed, npot, 32c.; No. 2, spot ami June, 31c.; July, 5Ji.,'c.; .Mignnt, 551,0.; No. 1 whits, 5:ic.; rejoetoi, IS'.c Outs dull. No. 2, 42c.: white, 43c.; Mlanlgan, 43c. Uaeelnts?Klour. I? bills.; wheat, H.50d btlMiels; corn, 34 000 do. j a il?, 4,?iH) do. tihlpinanta?Flour, 10U bbla.; wheat, SI,o:io ualiels; corn, 3H,i?Hido. At lour 1'. M. Wheat easier uud quirt; umber Michigan bald nt SI si ? $1 #0^4 bid; No. 2, reo win ter, J uiiii, ^>1 74; July, *1 55; Dnytnii and Mirhl^.m red, $1 58; June, $1 00. I'orn rtnll: hl'jh uiixed, June, 511 ,c.; Atiguat, 30c.; No. 2, apot, offarod itt 50i,c.; Jiiae, ,viv.ji-,; lust half ol June, 3U?c.; J uly, 33c. ; Aogust, 55c. C?IUAU0. June I. 1877. Flour nte 11 ilv and film. Wheat active and llrm; No 2 spring, +1 51 >4, riti>b ; 01 58M. July ; #1 34. Aumint; No. 3 do , *I.(M, rajoeiod, 05;. foru ac.tlru at 4:1)^1!.. cnnli; 47 >c., .1 ul r; 4'"ii>'., tuirust; rrjoned, 41c. Out? steady uud in fair driiiiind nt 37,'aC.. cash; "18 S41.'.,, J my ; rajected, 28e, Ityn steady ami uncli ingeil. I'ork nteaily nnd in lulr do iiiimd at $1.1 75. c?ah{ tfl3 80, ./illy; <<13 07>i, Au/iini. I.ard steady uud in filr deiuundt ii<|>.i 30, cash; ${.i 41? n H<n 4.",. July; (II nfB#5, August Hulk meats steady and iiiichitiiged. Vtiilskoy ateuuv at $1 07. Kreigliu? Corn to Hutlalo, 2c. Kecclpts?it,5o 1 hbls. Hour, 0,'nri bush els wliout, 1-17,ins) do. Corn, IHI.OOOflu. outs, 4,1'81 do. rye. 4,id"! do. barley Slilpmenin-4.VKI bbla. Hour, 4,500 hiinhrln wheat, 77,000 do. corn, 40,000 do. oats, l,2<?) do. rye, 2,!*KJ do. barley. HAVANA MARKET. Havana, June 1. 1877. Sugar quiet and flat. Hxrhanga rising (lu the Culled Sinter, lio dills' 1 urrency, ,'4 n iliscount; short sight do, i.tji! niem.utn; tlO days' gold, 5,^ a (> premium ; short sight do., a 7 premium. EUROPEAN MARKETS. OOMKXBOUt* LirtHKOl, Jti?? 1?5 P. M. Tradu report.?The market lor yur.ia and labrira wt Min ?beater l? (irm. Cotton?Knture* steady. (,<>m?is, Jime 1, 5 :!*> I'M. Kellncd petroleum. IO?*d. per km 11on. Tallow, 44*. !IJ. a 44a. Hd.per cwt. bplriu ol turpentine, Ma. INI. a Jtl?. per cwt. . \ntvkki', June 1. 1ST7. Petroleum, Hof. fur Qne pale American. I.muo.i, Jane 1?tvouinif Linseed oil. ?2* per tun.' 1TOUK PltOUUCi: BXCIUtC* IlttPOKT. Livrnroor., June I, M77. Pork?Kuatarn dull at 744.; Woateru ilull it M?. tlacon ? Cumberland cut doll Ht :il?. ; ihnrt rib ilull at IJMs . lun^ clear dull at -t7h. Od. : *hort clear dull at HIS. ham*?Long cut ilull lit 4:t?.: ahoiihlwr! dull ut -'?<? <>d. Beef?Indli mesa dull at i^a. ; extra tnona dull lit lot* . prime mesa ilull at 8-is. JmrU Prime Western ateady at 4"ls. ilil. Tallow?I'rlut-* eltjr dull nt 4Ik. Turpentine?Spirit! dull at 27?. On. Kosln ? Common dull at 5a. 3d,; Hue dull at l"v (M. Cheese ? Am rlcati choice ate ad.v ut 7ih>. Lard nil a'eadv at f>'2s. Plonr?h*tr? State ateady at Ills. Wheat? No I apring ateadr at lia. lid ; ,No. J soring steady at I2?. ">iL ; winter southern, noun iti the mnrket; \Veatoru, none in the market. Corn?.Mixed ?oft ateady at 24 a. 1M. ?TUW COTTOS TBADM. l.iri iirooL, Jnna 1, 1N77. The clrcu ar ol tbe Liverpool Cotton llrokere' A?ai.c|atl id, In its review lor tun went: ending la-t night, aayitt? "Cotton wan In actlvu demand the early part ol the woe*, with hardening pricus, but the taut three day" (he markci lias been quiet and ateady. American wee In (tod request, and nui>iation? are generally I-W4 higher, i'or k?h Island there wa? ilitle Inqtiirj. ?nu prliea are nnehaii.m I. In fiinir"? until Ttmxli.r i nalneaa was again very limited and rtiftnations small, but on the receipt of Bonn.ay ftgure* an ai tive dem ind rpran^ up. with lar;;? business, tlio market ci lalng atron : at an advance ef l-lrtd.'' irlfrgLT KKPOKr or TIM.faafTIOM. Mb Sties of the week K*portera look ''.'.'H Sp -milm irs took lirrH Total <Mtk 1.1'? >,<*?? American 74.'t.ll?? Total elpis 3:1.0 ?l American ait.mi Actual export l.' ol eo'ton alio it 33>,oat American ... Bri.ian Knrw ?riled (mm the ship's (trie direct to iplnttor*. 7 O ?> American an 4a of ths s ee* TDK KMJMSH MASK TH.-.lia, Livmimut.. June 1, 1877. A leading pau circular aayi'"l ntil Wedn -iday the trlirnl trail) ot i .e Kiuidom reinalnod very Inaeilva, ?i au avernnn decline o! 2a. per <inafter, but at tni? drilno rmbar m'>ro steadinoss haa Crenmo apparent, both frontr* and Importer! allowing MtwIIMngnea'. to aubinlt to itirtfeor re tluctlons. Lar^e eonsumera. ihoitgh pretty well auppiled wltii iiianniai'iared atocK. are mme <liapo<ed to ofioratr, an tbat thl* and nei^hltoroijt mnrlMta ur? d ilng more. i hem ii aomc btirifttc lo hold over, and tua tooddiey or rfli'aa la .n eile'a' favor In the 'off coin* aud 'on i'it"s11jjo' ir?de it h 'tler tone anil u mad' lietter piieee Inr bfith inalxe .III 1 Wheat nnv? nrevalled I'liO'ijh theru waa only an avera^ Mtmid nice la this market, in dav enti>tder?iile bneinma <vas done In wliant at an improve mint ill Url. to-til. p-r cental, tue e\irome .Klvauce applying chinily to wnlie deacriptlotia. I 111' 1 was alai) n.ore in ?lulry for low red ?'in*. ?"lour w ia al?o in noml rei|ites< laav'lte were l?. and barrol* HI. hitl er. '"om wn? m mod. erate re iuuat and b.irel> :id. uetter for Aineric tn mi veil e\ quay." }INAN<I M? Impon. Jano I, K77. Con els, !>4*, for hnl'i mtney and the nc ouni Pari* advli-ea<|ilot? live per eelit rentes |(>4I. forthe aeeoti nt. I'aHia. J tin* I, 1H77. i lfhanga on Loudon. IIW. for ahori aiKhl I.ioIhi*, 'una- I, 4 4'? I*, M I'onsois, !?4'? toi both money rid the account, t*tilted ^ t.itea i t p r cent bonds. I'W 4 CeuHfat, M S.:. Tick uimihii stuc? kiiuiasob. IaiXPiin ' une I. 1877 Tito fortnightly settlement on the latoi-k Kactia-it'e. which ?*?> . on- Iud m! i ulerdajr, ilevoluped a oota*tdef#bia auinnnt of Ireltla among the '*i>e if" aoeculatora. up to now i-m e have imaii thirteen failure! daulared In th" iionae . eOltie Willi othor l!r,j,' Itroeuull Opan. Ilierc are reports ol cm 'i^rrasatneiila lit the Bradford manufactnrin.'dlat 1 .<-t. Ki nr i.rrn? it tMftaat Mbportanaa hevo ?uapaiiiied. Ittaataird 1 1 at t .u-lr a|r(rcgute Hani Itiaa. thonuh eoastdcruhlc, aru not audi ia 10 appretfiaidy dlstufti trade. yllVA K'KAta Ti /<???!' ul] aNate*fiseraawai firri"-/U*m fwr nghl o'llork M. riU >m ctutrje.4 .\n%Hr > 'it"*. if itK A.tOMAItUK ItA I'K.s ? *t<N KV UM t^lrk. AX if J\ Ktidowmeni inaurance l'ol?e>?a wait Mortgage*; amis boH|(bt: Inaurance ot all kinds etTeete I with heal coiua intei 1. 1 ii aHiucm a 0(i.. 1 iti iiroadwaf _ .tSK I'KIVil.c... r.n H> till 11 f At Cl? . market rutea nid op-'r ationa tna lo aicatnai s mw , .Hto a bought on rtiialeratc i?ar.ina. K\plan itor.i iiamphlet tree I i/VUIKIIIUK .t l H, itankera, llro-?era, >0 Mnnd s? . N V. 1 ?a. uJiiiiIlx 'i ooT, hankIm amd ^VeBrokere. tn hrnad at ? Klret elaaa privilege! n-'io tlated*. m.ikera ifuarant ed Hnv and carry iiotka on mar gin of two fn ten per cent. Con 1 apuuueoce a.ilklted. !?.*? uieaiMy uiroeia1 aeat poatage tree. A . nntianL. \ "iniC.VK All VKK riMKKS A V[i ^I'itXCRmikH V\ i|ipriM.-i<ti? I?rriu of "Uriiu", ulti " i ' Eri;v K^rd?vlS? T " h-o1roai> Ko.vok' Bol'7;iiT~Tvn T IKh A.NJ. KMh,w.;..M J .N -.1. /; \ N. ? 1- lN.ilCf!^ - - ??> ~?* ? l ? M?"?*: ?'''.1L&1*?v" "rv vSnm n mm M8^.SKfe2?SKZ^ ??k ? ?? _ ^^AKK, l.Kj Bniiidwir, Vfl.VINO sro CKtL ? Banker*, Rroknrs ami Arte tloneurt, No. i'lne ?t., If. T VTorirK. -1 l(AI>K;< SAVIN UK RANK llKI'OSIToSi i.1 can obtain uflloia! Inform.ition a* tu rti<? M.-et? ol ? .til bank hv eall nir ?l No 27", ,t ?>??,) , " .ol '??'a - ?y order of Committee. Omen of - a RirttviUM ? ?n?u>ixnlun Atnck Broker*. * No HO JlKOiii *T.. Nkw You*. May 16, 1877. B I .... " anted ? K::r.??,e?h.^u'ffn,r,u 'u"ro*" 'to"-to -o ? W ? will pay lor tame ene-haifor otie per cent llo 11* 11 k Iks A B CRN HAM. ( 1*2," INTRATlOW W'oHKS IV C,,T Mllli 11DIH* I'XCTUt lor ill* 111 it 1 niirvii>u _> ?> ? " HlVICfl^ ?*?? K Xl-fc uIV.x,:, ll. n.M .ili!'.:. " >???'?. AU. T'!*th?N-'t.V; yii,'il,.!,N"v"".n!'- ?fffcokw't?? ? ? r\ ooll\iHO Xifl^Htion ( omimnv" tor rh< n??? 5n' l^V'1* ??*' "ther bil l 11(>|i. J" ?? J,0#m ,|f {-1' flovk noon, on tliu thirl Tu?vl?? in'tlm .'^or'V^ VUSS "r i" - - AM<XaM>RR OpTKANDKR, rteoNtarr. r|1UR ECR\ KN'TM WARD SAVINiiS BWK IS Mfivt 1 I "billed Ml No.. !Kki Md mm :j,t ar.coru.r ,, v,,|? . ESSSHrSSKSi? ?I AM EH I'.. IilTTl,!., II I.NRV VcaT-MAfiKF - deut?; Juhx II. Iiuni?i,y, Secretary. * lt* 1 teA UTAXTRD-tnuo on c Haiti l NOKTOiaa>u<fi!! Iier-tld"L'u"!'wutoniMV*"' AU,lr?*"' OIXON. ly ANTKD?THK LOAN OK f-V) k.iR an Days a r i7t ainnnai, lor fi,rtl,,r lmor.rv.??.Bu: |tJI)d UoHu/, Li ?l|!.r-? .".."m"AU 'ml/?Udre,: MfcuT-UAN?! $10.00O.rtVl'tt JSXi? oinr ?N?F. ?' WAVI,A.M?. lau I'liltoii. $24?3.00U?i.r ';!?,*v,r?.N ';''"|?sr moktcaos^ w per tfenl., <Hvl<t?<i |? mihk to xuit. II \l. sMi l"\l k.N, 1.17 iiroa<la'ay, ? BI/MSRIIg UPWHTVKITUuii fn/uture all aiimrtHartimh pr'tnnbd fur publication aflrr ught oW,.W, /'. wi? ,J rhani?l Li!* A , V(>t;Ni; man, with F"|.I??| Wll.Ll.vTi TO I na V ^'inir.d0y?iVi.rafl\or"v V7r,t' k-'lvo"1r:'1 v,,h1 TORJtleraltl oncJ! y r"f)rc"c"' AUir.a, MANCKAC A.uiu'?.\iH1 ^ ' AIM, A I. oam1(1u5mS ^ Vd.iil} f.'K) ornOt by aildrrnftig x. IIA.N. llarald offlca. A voi'\u man, ok ?umr "Bt'siNKis"' vvvi-hT V , :; A X AlJTH'li I'ArTnKR WANThO?IN a" UOOQ '?' iolj?k" 0*iida*^or u?eblnl\*?\ ?prtow*ie^?t^? II nr.. Id oNU-Sr'-i:X >OI' I'll KR.\ MrVhlis". Piv,'!nr^oTifnua1;" f* S* w' 1 v1 vr:- 111 itwlE r;?/L ? *? ^ V J" F r rear; cmii UtveJi Inrrin-^r! ? ?? *< tfv? i..?n_ wlifc M..O> c.nh >:nii uiiinn liflli' lVar#? Ad box V, !?? ..nice, Rlcblund C-nul. Buc^'UnU' T>A*TlfBR H'ANn:i? iiAi.r' i nt'krkst ri'?io?V~ | J <?l:?e ronm, Hroadariiy; nub $.'**>; no ain->ii(: r.'iuin/ 1 ofll ? r'ar"l" Ad'lre?? WIN 11. /fera'ii Uptnwif I j?(,( K*^ AV BkAuli. ro iiiArtft, hkh?aumaM9' I ift -t? n *rf1?r6?n> >?looi! ?r till* ItoQKHWMV ili.Ilk9 ? limfc ! H. K. IM yj'lUwV "" "r ?Wi VALl A BLi'i I'ATKNT i* OK flALK (lit. K Yi'M I viTw or worked^ royaUy. jfll m^?.l,li^n'*CHANUh f VV "* man '.vitii kc.ivi fjuno r. > *.i. .km nId office " 10v?"???.'a.ldrt ? !*:, llor indi) -waJ'tsd. a uhktlkiiam. tri fg thi i I. o V. i . 'V',"'1' U,ke uuUr" mnn .'e t p-^r,Ad.te^i,N ? $l.000^;^y,y^;^ r^4?aa ' ,,!''lrl3' A'ldreaa HAHll, bov HW Herald ifptow? BUSINESS TliOUULES. SUSPKNHION OF WHUI'KHAL>E L1QUOB DKALER8? rKOCKtUISlH IM BANKUVHTl'Y. Maracboetz, Mack k Co., wholesale liquor desiera, of No. 18 Doy uroot, announced tbeir suspension yes ! terrtay, mid late In the afternoon the loliowmg circular Max Issned to tbo crodltors:? N?* Yon*. Jan* 1. IH77. It ii wl?b deep rcumt tliat we are cuiuitellsd to In'uria Ton tlifti ?g have itits tiny ?li?i'"H'le<l pHvm< lit. We aie dow pioiiitrlnu Ml Htnirnci ut our bm>k?, wtilcli we hope la h tow days <vdl b* completed. Hewill thmi call * m?rlinj ut mir erfdl'.ors te advise with n? as to th* be?t coarse of liqilldntluu" our ?ffalr? Wry respeotfullv V >ur?, MAliSCIII hl'/C, MACK k CO. The firm have transacted a Tory boavy business, and tbe suspension was us sudden as it was totally ! unexpected, iia they had do idua of taking sulIi ast-p two dny< ago. The immediate c iuso of the suspension ! was tbolr inubility to got dl?outtnis from irteuds who Iih'1 been in the liub.t of advancing money. Kutnors niroctiiiK tliHir cro lit were circulated, and they louud it impossible to get tbo necessary lluanoUl aid, Thrlr | liabilities are reported to lie nearly $-00,000 and their nstots are large. It is ihoucht they o.ut easily pay lu lull il *n extension is e'jialtiWi from th<Mr creditors. I A meeting of tbo creditors of l>?vl<l I'yniicrg, manu facturers ol paper collar*, at N'os. *1 WaiKer ut rent and 'J82 West Twenty-?i*th street, wss held yesterday at the itDltil ol Register Ketchum. to net on tin odor tor a composition ol ililrty cents on the dollar, ion cent* I cash and the balance in three and six months, a .statement wss presented giving tbe names ol the oredi tors and am cuts ol thou claims, the largest l>eiu* tno following:?M. A Tynberg, $11.7m M>; jLewls 15r-> ihers k Co., |7,4('.l :to, Ammidown, l.nne k Co., 88; l? Fcticluwanger, Sd,717 97; The Oelar/fy nlid Mnii-on M:iliuleci<tr>ng company, $4 817 ;?>; J. 1.. I.ihiiv. f3,0rtl Vi\ American Kiper Collar Company. $8,120 Aft; Blum k Kaiser, f2,:?4fl 77. The liabilities ntnouot io about MS.itoO. The creditors accepted tbe | compositiou without any objections. An elTiirt Is being made by several creditors r>( th? I tirecn I'ond Iron Mtulng Company, of No. 1 i;j Kroad wtty, to throw it into bankruptcy. It was organized several year* ago with a capitul of and its late Hrcstdi'ut, J A. Sotiermerliarn, lailod last winter and 1? I'. Mnock. the Secretary, was ulected ('resident, , with Joseph Pool. Treasurer, nnd W. t>. Lathrep ami H. 0. Hlsckwell, Viw President*. The following oredt 1 tors liavo uniied in a petliiou to havo tne ilrrn adjudl? i oated in bankruptcy :?T. (iordon, $10,78; I heo I dore I). Wurren, j.2,ti.V) ST; J. li. Kand k U, $<97 20; j U. .S. Manning, )'iU 18. I JUlOOKLYNe UB1DGB TRUSTEES. Tbo following Hew Vork trustees of lb? Brooklyn Budge weru yesterday apjoiuted lor two year*: ? ? Thomas Hltcticork, John T. Aguew, Chat lea H. Mas well, Hr. Stinunt Halt, Arthur I.esry, William li. Mac Isy, Joon U< Davie and II. A. Ktnailey. Kigbt trustees have yet to be designated In IJrooslyu. ntD.-ON Jt IV i;n TRAV15L. The dny line ol Albany boat*, C. Vlbb^rd and Daniel ' Drew, commeoco their'rips on June 4. Tbo usual i lantii i?^, which inclodo N'yack, Weal 1'oint, Ni-wlinr^, ?'ougfckocpsie, RhinobeoK, Hangerliea, Catskttl and Hudson, will i?o made. Tbo boats 'lonnect at Albany with tbe New Vork Central Katlroad lor the West. Dally . ??*< itrMoas to Wasl Point and Newburg, roiarniiig J same will also he made, | WANTED ?HoMKS FOR LITTLE ONES. The Society for the I'reveetloa of Craelty to Chlldron bas now in i.s custody three bright an<i late). Iigent little hoys bet wean tbe ageaof Ovo and ten years. Itir a bout It Is desired to Qnd home* b? ateotiasi