Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,905, NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIBECTOIIV Foil ADVKUT1SERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFlCh. !.*? BROADWAT. OPEN DAY AXI? SIGHT KOK RK^KPriON OV ADVERTISEMENTS and SALhS OK PAPERS. AMlSEMENTS-lsr Paok -Utti coU ASTROLOGY 12th Pa<;k?4th col. BlLLlARDS-12tu Pa?k?Hthcol. BOA RDb KS WANTED?l-TIl PACK-StliCol. BOAI'.D AND LODG1NU W AhThU-12th Pack?.?th col. BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE KOK bALE-2u PaUK-lil col. BUS1N ESS OPPORTUNITIES?9?n I'ack. BUSINESS NOTICES-7th Paok H?Uc?l. CITY REAL ESTATE Ft/It SALB-2D PAO??lit col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN-12th Pack-3d and 4tU col*. CLOTHINO?12th Pack?4th rol. ... COACHMEN A .NO OAKDKNER4? 12?? Pack?4th coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2d Pauk-5iu col. COPARTN Ell^HI l'S?tVrn Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?12th Pack-IUIi and Otli coll. DANCING ACADEMIES?llni Pauk?ad col. DENTISTRY ?12tii I'AQK?'1th col. DRY GOODS? Isr Pack-HiIi col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?2l> Paok-.M col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d 1'auk?UU coL EXCHaNGE-2i> Pack?2<l col. EXCl" RSION.-? 2u Pack???tb and Uth coll. HNaNCIAL-?th Pack. a KOK SALE-IItii Pack-3<1 col. _ __ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2i> Pack?2d col. FURNITURE?12th Pack- 4th col. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?12th l'AGK-4th coL HELP WANTKD ?FEMALfcS?12tii Pauk-3u ooL HELP WANTED?MALES?12th I'aok-4Hi col. HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.-Ist Pack-4Ui aud 5th cola. HOTELS?12th Pack?5th col. HOUSES. KOOMS. *0.. WANTED?2d PA0K-2dc0L JNSTRUCTION-Ist Paok?MIi col. JERSEY CITY. llOBOKEN, HUDSON CITY AND BBR liEN KP.AL ESTATE rOR SALE?2d Pack?lit cot LOST AND POUND?Isr !'a<;k-1?i col. MEDICAL- I2*h Paok?4til col. MILLINERY AND DI(I'.??MAKING-Ist PA0i:-5th col. MlaCELL \NEOL'S aDVERTISEMENTS-IUiu Paok? Ulh col. NF.W PUBLICATIONS-"? Pack-OiIi col. PERSON AL?IsT Pack ?1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, .*C.-2t> Pack?6th coL POOL SELLING?1st Pack?4th col. POST OKP1CE NOTICE? I lru Pack-3Uco1. PROPOSALS-Htii Pack?3d col. P KOF E>SI ON A L SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?3d col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT? 2i? Pack?lit col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pack-IiI col. REAL hSTATE WAN l'ED-20 PACK-Ut coL REWARDS-Isr Pack?Ut col. BALES AT AUCTION?2D Paok-3d and 4th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?11th I'aub?4th, 5th and tJih coll., uud I'-'rn Paok?1st. 2d ami 3d coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12TH PAUK-3d coL SPECIAL NOTICES?Iit Pauk-lit, 2d mid 3d coll. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.? 1st Pack?4tli col. STORAGE?12th Pack-OiIi cot. HUMMER RESORTS?12th PAUK-Oth col. THE TRADES?12th Paok-4i1i col. TIIE TURK?1st Pack?4th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURP0SES-2O Pack?1st aud 2d co|k. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-2n Paok?5th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pack?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE -2t> pACK-6tb col. WATCHES, JEWELRY, A0-12TH Pack ?titli col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PR0PEK1 Y FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Pack?lit col. WINES. LIQUORS. ?C._UT Pack-MiIcoI. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, A0.-10th Pack?6th col. PEllSO\AL. A'" LPHA?COME IF POSSIBLE TO'OFFICE"ON KRL day, at 3 o'clock. PUG. "a Few "ladies can join-a?e lect part y" go. -IVin* to Europe on uu ccoiioiulcul yearly trip. Addrei* Rev. J. 11,, Herald Uptown oftico. C"i o M M E KCIAL TRAVBLLER8 JOINING THE / RO )led)vu AiAociatlon during the mouth <if Jtina lint, will bo admitted without extra charge or Initiatory lee to all Iba i enelii* ot the mint perfect, safe and economical system ?l en-operative lile iusuruuee over dcviiud, cowiuunclujf luly 1. OBIco 34H Broadway. FKIe"nD~0F A 1k)*MENl'-lior LETTER too late'1 too public; niniB elsewhere to lult confidential. Ad dresi tame G~ EORiJE-SMOIvE ~THE CAPADUKA CIGArT IT makes your breath so ?wcot. BLANCHE. JoJeTmUarkkt is "dTTs!redTo wl:Fie io~TIfs mother. Address PONVEltT A CO., South ft. innie s._call ladies'"restaV raNT. FotJRTH Street Hotel, 211 West 4th st. STATEN ISLAND SAIL. PARTIES ADDRESSED K. L., HERALD UPTOWN office, are reouoited to addreii K. L, Gonoral Herald of Oca. SAM?I AM YOUR OLD FRIEND TbNNIE 11ELL Answer In person. TO^r-REfUKNKD FROjf HUDSON OOTOBEIt 12. Am lick. Would like to hear from you. Mini N. K. O. R.? SEND ADDRESS ~BY TKLEGrTpH AND wait at teleKraph ollice for amwer.' 11,0. R. M W. W AS THERE-MAKE IT FOUR NEXT TIME AT different place, after 22d; write now. DORLAN. LOST AMI KOl.VU. ^^^fiTAlbfffFr-AS oi'ks"TanaE~fib atV FiTX X1 owner can have her by proving property and paying ox peusea. A. MuCLEaN, HOth Ik, E*at River. OST?A FAWN COlJmKO-l"liMALE~fL'I\~YOUNll Eugfish Hull Dog; aubjcct to IItn. The litiuer will bo mltably rewarded by rcturuiuir bur to Ilia owner, ut -No. 29 Wml 02(1 Hi. L~o5t~?N MONDAY KVEMNil. llhTWEEN -HTlfaT. and Association llall, or iu ibe 11ml. ciral fondant to tarring. Kinder will lie liberally rewarded by leaviug at Empire Stable*, 4 East 1'Htli at, OUT?A (iOL^c^MfcTriJnTKKl'T NlSAH MTU UT. Addreis SCII Ul.Z h, ISO fear I ?t. LOST?A WHITS BULL TSftRlBR SLUT TlIAT AX swera to the nmilo of Venus. <v> reward wUI be paid for ber return to atuble No. 12.Y West 17th at. Lost?a single stunk diamond stud. sPTkaL buck, weighing about l!.i carati. Kilty dollar* reward will be paid aud no quustlons a<ked by returning the value to SILLCOCKS A COOLhY, 4 Maiden lane. LOST?tl,000 CHECK ON TlllKD NATIONAL HANK, drawu by Winslow, l.auier ,V Co., lor couuona. Kinder will be rewarded lor return ol same immediately to payee, 71 Wallat. fayment stopped. LOST-UN Tilt A Nil ST., NKArt BAXTER, ON JUNE 11, a pair of gold Spectacles. A liberal reward will be paid lor their re'.urn to It. J. l.n.W.iS, Jr , SOU Broadway. Lost?a thruShTUn Saturday, jum a. tiib tinder will be rowarded on returning the bird to I'll Went 84tu at. Lost-in aorifsT., between ,viu and irrii avsT, this (Monday) alternoon, n gold Chatelaine fin, set iu feai'la. The Under will bo Mutably rewarded by returning t to 2H \Vo?t MM st. L~OST-Hr.TWKI.N TARRYTOWN ANI) NEW YORK~ a green leather focketboolc, containing mites and diuit In lavor of T H. llrooka, ol no value to any one except owner. The tinder will be luitahly rewarded by returning It to D. VAN NoSTKaND. L!:i Murray st. LOST?OX TH? UNIVERSITY PL.AUR CAR, JUXB It, a fncketbook, containing $?< ill innuey and iiinm private paoera. Tile Undercut! retain ttie m iuey if he will kindly return the papers to I VS est With at. LOST OR 8TOL.EN?A COOfUK WATCH (LONDON) mil Chain; name ot owner mi white lava ?II. Schoou tuaker. KJf> and no queatlons a^Kud will be palu II' deliv ered to TUNIS JOHNsON, I 7 .Naaaau st. Lost-on"the .vr'u, hkexmimn. onyx and UTa. inonds, between 21 at st. and (irand Central Depot or iu the depot. Kinder will be rowarded by returning to GO Rem leu at., Brooklyn. InST. ?on Monday .M iiCNiNii, a fAiR ok <ioLD ^Spectacles, lu cane, marked Isaac N. Seymour and John !?'. Seymour. A liberal nfeurd Mil bu paid to the tinder by rutuinlug thom to JOHN K. SKYIIOUR, 400 WwJUkH, tToST-TDESDAT, BETWEEN DOMESTIC HUILDINil Jja d Eclectic Library, old leather fockctoook, contain IU ! ilB in bllla, also soum small change. Kinder rowarded by leaving at otlice ol Eclectic Library. Hroadway, oppoaitu Union square. Owner wanted-kor half ok" < anal moat Airne?, ol New Hrnntiwick. Can be Inul l?y proving ownership and pnylnjf hor bills. PKTKIK A TOWS8HND, foot of Stanton at., K. U. Ne w York, June 11, 1877. UKW AllOS. FULL" VALUE WILL SM FXfu KoV THK' RE r UKN ol the old VYutche* and Jewelry 1 eIt by cuaiomura lor ru paira at IJttli Canal at., and stolen Mimiay inoruiug, J line III. Negotlalioiia cuu bu had with entire safety by udureaa iug W , 1J East 14th St.. or llurald I'eraonals. T IHKK.VL REWARD AND NO QUKSTIONS ASKKU. Jjiiold Chain and Gold limiting paient lever Watch: John Edwarda, Liverpool, No. M,40>r? Address H. O., box 2,2<V?, KEWaRD. IK nil. I*Ei-.SoN WHO OBTAINED TUB red ltuaaiau leather Hag. lost In n Mmliaon av. nia^c on June 8, will keep the money and return the ling and Sp-c tacle* to313 Lexii.k'ion av., tiny will be liberally rewarded and uoqueitions asked. MPKC1.VL. NOTICES. ^Tt'lNSON 8 'fERKl'MEflY." ~ ?M | ESSENCE WHITE ROSE. ? | BROWN wTnd.SOR SOAP. ? j EAU DE COLOGNE. H I FIVE VLIAK MhDALS. i I Sold by all Utaleri. s J. A v. ATRINBON. p I No. J4 Old H.hhI at.. Loudon. ?ROYAL HAVANA DKAWI.NC, JUNK 15, i at f+i. fr-U, r Hi. t J. Kentucky Stat -, draw lug J line III, Hnt iiri/e, ?1'i.iKHl; whole tickela. fl. THEO. ZSCIIOCII, 'ill I'ark row. Now Y'orlt. A All THE LATEST NEWS TO DAY WILL BE READ BY ALL NEW YORK TO-NIUU T IN THE EVENING TKLEGRaM KOR TWO CENTS. Attention i-wknty yea km* i*rCssian hoski". tal experleiue. Disease of man mid nervous ay.teiu a ?peciaity. t.'ousuttatinii Iree. Dr. JACOIiY. I?>l Hleeckcr st. 4 rrbtOTRD, NOTICE. ALL < omim.aivis PRKAT j\?d; uo tees unle** cured slitceaalully ; consultation tree; extensive London hospital practice, by Dr. WEST, 4.? Blcerkur at., uoar Broadway. Advice kkek.-old docior* sake am> wiim'e I1EA D, -j*44) Oraud at., near Bowery: new dlatuvary; ail Com pi ?l ii t? treated; lees moderate: hours I to A" LL UNKoKTL'NaTES t oNKIDKN IIALLV CONSULT Dr. liKlNDLE. Sure cure, wliatevor tiio matter. I4J WW *Hn ?<? "k MEiilCAN HOKT CAflCLE CUM fUUK r*|'sU. JViaied Vledlcinos, put up ill metallic lxi\e?. All drug^.ats. t'EKTAIN rl'Ki; i-oi: HEXDACHE, CONtsfifA JVil' U. piles, stoiua. h. liver or kidney dlMaaei. we?*ness, *c. I?KOCUIITUN'S Invigorating syrup, '25c. per Ix.ltle. Incurable caaei solicited ami cured or money ruturued. Sample bottle, circular and advice Iree. 4h.'> Broome al. li/diseases OK MEN. WHATEVER THE CAUSE. , J\.apeedliy aud peruiaucutly cured by Dr. DYEK, 4" West IStU ?t. SPECIAL. IS OTI CRM. Qi'ElIA HOl'SK, NEW OKLKANS, Jl'NE 5. 1877. We. the undersigned. di> iiereby certify that all tlie ur r.iUicaiont. in detail lor the drawing of thu Uiand Extra Louisiana .State Nutubei Lottery, Cliu V. according to Ilia published scheme, have bean muds under our exclmive tU'ina.'einoiil ami control, ami tlint under our personal direction abd supervision the ballots coutaiuini; the num ber* from 1 to 1UI.IXJU inclusive. wbicli represent the tickets aud Iractioual parts of tickets lu vhe said scheme, have iieeii counted, rolled and tubed, aud after having 'ieeu secured ill sucti way as to prevent any Interference there with, wltUout our knowledge or discovery?, have now been placed in the appropriate wheel for them. We farther certily that <he I.allots containing In figures the sums lepre sentiUK tlie i?7? prizes which are 10 be drawn directly from the wneel ? to wit. oue of 81IJ).I.U*>, one of one of S'Jo.iJIXI. two ol JSItUWJ each. lour of $.">.<KUeacii, twenty of $l,iNJOeacli, fifty ..r ?.*? each. IlKlol each. StHI of MMHJ each and 600 of CIO) each, have llkewiiie been counted, rolled and tubed, and hare now been placed ^in tlie appio priate wlie<'l lor tlu-m. We further certify that tbe precautions taken by us have be-n such as to secure beyond the |ms*lbil'ty of Iraud, de ceptiou or mistake the |>la<-iu|[ In their respective wheels ol the ballots contnlniiiK all the numbers Irons 1 to ItO.iKM Inclusive, aud tbe ballots coutainiuu the sums representing the prizes to be drawn directly iron, the wheel, numbering 1)7:i, aud rangtM from $1<M to ?i,m*); which wheels hate bei u el one.I and lockod by us, and are uow lu our custody reauy for the drawluif. We are thus enabled to .'iiaranteo, us wn do hereby guarantee, an ontireiy fair drawing of the scheme aforesaid. We do lurther certify that In the arrangements aforesaid for the drawiug of said lottery uo stockholder, >lUcer. man Hirer, representative or itnent of the Louisiana tute Lot lery t.'omp tuy lia> participated In auv way, directly or In ulrectlv, except to furnish 'is with the ballots, tunes and other materials necessary lor'.he work of preparation f'ir the drawing, with tbe exception of Mr. Adam (iltten, through whom the ballots, tuues aud other materials were furnished, aud who at our instance aided us in coumluif mid verlfylujr the tubes containing the ballots aforeatid aud lu securing aud sealing thuiu up, and we lake pleasure In testifying to the eutlre integrity and fairness of alibis acts auu couduct lu '.be premises, all of which ware tiudcr our immediate observation *nd Hrectloij. Mr. tiliTen is the regular commissioner for the ordinary drawiuis ol thu company, aud therefore his assistance was sought by us. O. T. BKAUlEliAKD. J. A. l-.AHLV. OFFICIAL DIUWINO td the LOUISIANA 1ST A IE LOTTERY SINGLE NUMHEtt. CLASS "IT," Urswii at New Orleans, La., on TUESDAY. Juue 5, 1S77. FULL PRIZES. tin. Prltt. 119...*100 10 100 208....100 816....100 420....300 417....100 617....100 639 100 &'js... noo 010 100 *;8o 200 71-... .'.'00 708.... 100 805....300 044 100 1120 100 1178 100 1244....10D 124.).... 100 1522....100 1644 600 1908 100 2002....100 2306.. .1000 2420 100 2413...,100 2527....000 3532 100 '2074.... 100 2718 100 2790 200 2828 100 800U.... 200 3312 300 3353 ...100 8399 100 8429 300 8681 200 3087....300 3700 200 3756....600 8917...,1M 4240....100 4511)..., 200 4807 300 4902 100 6034....100 6081....100 6152 100 6207.... 100 6513 100 6540 100 6553 100 ???;....)*) 603!) 200 61)70 100 0022 100 0330....100 0300 1(H) 0684 100 0737....200 C738... 200 074!) 100 0705 100 0851.... 100 0803 100 01)74 300 7118....100 72118 100 7403 200 7503....100 7583....100 7012 100 7810...,300 794* 500 8011....100 8038....100 SIM... .100 8450....200 851)0.... 100 8001 500 8000....800 9003 200 9001 100 0115....1(H) MOO loo 9318 200 9600 900 9880....200 10175...6000 10213 600 10215 100 10870....500 10377....100 104W....100 10081 100 10742 100 10792 300 11254....100 11:134.;.. 100 11518 II*) 11534....100 11701. ...100 11M4.. . l'HH) 11970 100 12080.... 100 12131 3< M) 122(JO....200 12378... 100 12410 100 12457....200 13706 3i H) 12790 loj 12927....200 13055....100 13220....500 13317 10() 13305....500 1300*....100 13066....200 13740 '200 13970....200 14020....100 14966 loo 14190 loo 14447 100 14..19 200 14633....600 14882.;0 15104....100 15122 100 16143....300 161S9. ...1(H) 15331 100 15338 300 16844.... J 0 15480....100 l.M to loo 16090 loo 15102...6000 1681)8.... 100 16031 100 16953 HH) 151)96. ...200 10431....100 16674 100 1'017... .100 10755....200 10*30.... 100 IMH6 100 17377....200 17447....100 17-Vni 100 17510 2oO 17661....100 102*0....100 182D9.... 100 18006,... 100 l?il0....2< 0 18860....IOO 19<r28. ...200 19201.... lo.) 19810 999 loool....loo 190 >7.... 100 19008. ...101} 1960S....100 19778....100 19905.... 100 20041.... ICO 20107.... 100 20119....100 20245....300 20371 300 30749 I'*) 20810.... 5(H) 20896....200 30900....200 20901....100 21084 2(H) 31130....100 31207...,100 21318....200 JYo. Prise. 28400...91oO 28481....100 28488....100 28611....500 28058....100 28750 100 88776 200 28785....100 28s09....100 28119...1000 28871) 100 28046 2<W 28900....200 29185 200 29230 100 29332 100 294*3 100 29001 100 29715 10O 29783 300 30291....100 30313....100 80482 100 30-189.... 100 80521....100 30543....200 30907 200 80930....100 81028....100 31Ufll....3oO 81288...1000 31314....100 81432....100 31519 100 81040....100 81081....100 32073.... 100 82093 300 32175 2(H) 32400....100 82711....100 33040. .20(HK) 33081 100 33250 100 33470 100 83503 200 33582...1000 33042....200 38081 200 33803....800 33904 100 84024...,100 341604.. .200 8433**Joea. 84343 200 34393 100 34521....100 34522...5000 84013 100 34778 500 84807 100 :U974....ioo 99009 loo 35030 100 35252 100 99999....909 89690 loo 96917....100 35090 loo 35707 200 35737.... 100 35813....8(H) 86870 1()0 86899 900 30014 100 30119 100 80127.... 300 89194 109 30274 300 99384 100 39300 loo 39615....300 99937 100 30754..50000 30100 200 30150 200 30906....300 87039.... 1(H) 37272....990 37310..,.300 37419.. IOIHJO 37472 300 97699 100 87694 100 37933 100 38180 !?))) 38208 100 38313 200 38350 100 38377....100 85500 1(H) 38021....200 30004....590 80199 300 99144 loo 99194 1<H) 89201...1000 89360 100 39483 200 39490....300 39540 100 39801....200 39833 loo 39847.... 1(H) 89*03.... 1(H) 3H90t>... llHH) 40.112 200 4<Hi74 200 40111 100 40806 600 402*0....300 40388...1000 90401 201) 40493....iOO 41.017 1(H) 40075.... 200 40700....200 40844....200 40086 100 412*8 100 41809 loo 41495....100 41580... KH) 41030 3(H) 41050 'J-iO 411.iO.. .1000 ?)i> >3. 48181 600 42378....1(H) 42487 500 42047 KH) 42702....100 42722 ...2(H) 42K)9 100 42177....1(H) 42888....200 42921 100 42920 2ol) 42933....300 42900... .3(H) 48008....100 43448... .IWH) 43405.... 100 43414 100 43539 200 43714....100 43702 ...loO 43950....100 43953 100 44041.... I'M 44005 100 441-46 IOO 94847....100 44317 200 44460 100 44554 200 44646 300 44511 IOO 44110....IOO 44820....200 44920 2(H) 44940 200 4. 010.... KH) 46154 100 45180....200 45423.... 100 46453 300 45455.... 100 45450... .1(H) 46467 loo 45009....300 46?.33 200 45722.,..200 No. Priz*. 62058... $100 52060 200 62137 200 52190 100 62468....200 62623....100 62682 500 52784 100 63109....100 63119....100 6^182....100 63302....100 63429....300 63439 100 63005....100 63014 200 63771....100 63878 100 63998....200 Wo72 100 54243....200 64289 100 54370....100 54597 100 54077....300 54086 100 54754....100 64149 100 64978 100 56013....100 65128 800 66393 100 6541I....100 56433....500 55025....100 66694 200 55726 100 66810 100 65853 100 66021 200 60079 300 50243 100 66252 500 66720 300 56748....300 50771 100 60821....100 60828....100 60927 IOO 57013....100 57080....100 57135....100 67152....100 M107....1OQ 67244....100 67410 300 57447....100 67080....100 57707....100 67*31...,100 67874....100 68000...,200 58632 100 68500 100 68698.... 100 6.1701 3(H) 58725 1(H) 58174....100 59070....300 69107 100 69176 100 69241....100 59354 500 69491....100 69803...10(H) 00003 100 60005 200 90999 300 00250 100 oo:8l 100 60317 100 6038U....200 00431.... 1(0 80612 300 60568....500 60500 100 80996 loo 90760 loo 60820....300 01000....100 61000....100 01203....100 61208....1(H) 01348....100 01453....100 614*1....100 01591 ...100 6I492....100 01019....300 HI701. ...100 01707....200 01750....IOO 01194 100 01930....2(H) 01988 1(H) 61U92 100 62020....200 02070 ...300 02164 loo (iJJll loo 08308 100 08609 loo 02610....100 02102.... 300 62841....100 62.192.... 100 0298(1 800 03100....200 03131....200 03186....100 03188.'. ..100 032X1.... 100 03280.??.100 03285....100 03301....200 63i20....1OO 63411....200 037.19.... 100 63><67.... 100 04044....200 04411 200 64582....200 64690. ..899 04754....100 04816....5(H) 04945....100 65332 200 05353....100 05'i03 100 O606O.. ..2(H) t>57;>7.... 100 05789... 100 05^2. ...200 06939 100 05935....100 60139....100 00180....100 06202 100 06497 ...200 00533.... 100 00556.... KH) 06748....;'oo oi;:w7... 3jo O'llOl .... loo 00838....100 60*77....100 00914.... 3>ll) 07010,...100 07159....100 07250....100 673: !0 200 01351....100 07441....500 67865....iOO ('?<*.*? loo 07920 K)0 07922....300 68116....600 0*123....200 08316....200 0-440....500 01550.?.,100 01559....100 08004....100 08643....100 o*;o4 100 09218....500 69286....100 09372...,200 (.93 lo 100 (?9403.. .1000 09442....100 09459....500 JVn. Prut. 76472... $100 75507 100 75517....loo 75603....300 757:U.... 200 75710....100 76875.... 100 76877....300 75902 200 75949....100 75970....100 70131....300 70280....100 707O4....300 770O8....200 77174....100 77258 100 77417 100 77489 100 77517....100 77058 200 77U18....200 77676 100 77757....100 77876....100 77908 100 77923....300 77979 100 78017....500 78124... 200 78183....100 78449....100 78507 100 78037....300 7S049..10000 78700....100 78778 100 78820....100 78884....500 78890....600 79068 100 79211 100 79294 300 79208....100 79074 100 79010 100 79773 200 79900.... 100 79997....800 80162....100 80246 100 80301 100 80683....200 80716....100 80812....100 80838 100 80831)... .200 80848 100 80861....109 80811....100 80890....300 81342....200 81404....100 81407....loO? 81454....500 81611....300 8104.1 20o 82012....200 82170 100 82232....300 82312....200 82511....100 82611....300 82088....100 82708 100 82734....100 83023 IOO 83116....100 83200....loO 8 .242... .500 88354....200 83483.,..200 8T491....100 83512....500 83721....loO 83772....300 83990....200 94199 loo 84207 loo 14431....200 81464....600 84739....100 84759....1(H) 84800 100 84171 200 84 <91 100 86117....200 85183 100 85207....100 85277....200 85304....IOO 86424....500 85444....200 86927 900 85832....lOO 86862 100 80105....IOO 86213 2(H) 80217....300 80429....100 96629 loo .*(>..-o 200 80016....loo 80696...1000 800(H)... .-JOO 80019....200 8710.MOOOOO 87342....100 87440....loo 97468....100 87594 200 87020....loO 87675... 100 87741 200 87977....100 88086.,..200 88886 loo 88235....300 83360..,. 1(H) 8 *4-j* ;;uo 986 >4 200 88670....100 81017....200 88023....100 88879 20J 99889 800 89836 100 99449 100 80089....800 89642....200 81)717.... 1.00 90090... 500 90336....200 90348....100 90433....100 90434....100 90496....100 996oa .... .loo 90608....100 90711....lOO 90111....100 00084....loO 00990.... 10'? 01030 ...300 01377....100 01090....IOO 01710 luO 91134....300 92272...,100 02365 00 02411 ...100 92420....300 026 '....-100 92893....100 93221 60 J 9. 806....200 93318 loo 9334).... 100 03418,...200 9 441 100 03510....100 03710....109 93740....100 03819... .1(H) 93924.,..100 93046....100 94047....100 04173....200 042*9 100 94992 100 94903 900 94800....200 94788,...lOO ,y... 21)193. 21740. yi;&j. iiiilMI. '.'lkW. 22060. s?7t. 22084. 22000. 22632.' 122741. 22*12. 22047. 23o?i. 232*3. *?'*(77 ? 2:1474. 23660. 23861. Sisflu. 23802. 23804. 24115. 24360. 2.5377. 24404. 24616. 245.*2. 24545. 24740. 24*53. ?<4842. 25011. 25030. 2607'J. 25403. 25002. 26064. 26178. 20205. 2M3V>, 24480. 20731. 27129. 27236. 27406! 2744s. 2*506. 27671. 2772U. 27730. 27702. 27865. 27*.<50. 2804.5. 28047. 28243. 28203. 28324. MPEl'IAli NOTICED. frit*. 45725 200 45043....200 4tiO'll.... 100 46074....100 46158 100 46293....200 46363....100 46442....100 4'i540 100 46703 100 46S21.,. .500 46800....200 460S5....100 47353 300 47361. 47372. ?J7.>?">'<. 4J5S1. APPROXIMATION l'UIZKS. 100 numbers, frunj H7.117 lo ST.217 lucluaive, beinu wltliin the rau^r uf 50 numbers ou each aide ut the capital price of $100,0<>) $200 100 number*, l'rotu *1.704 In :ju,hu4 iticlutive, being within il<?? rauee ol S?I uutubsra ou each aide ol the capital iirUe of $30,in?i 100 10<i number*. from 32,000 lo 33.10) lucluaive, beiiiif withiu ilia ranee ut ;">0 numbers on uucb aide ut the ctpilal prl*e or $20,000 75 10,000 number* ending witli 7. belie: tbe lam liiiitro of the cumber drawlujc ilia capital print ol $100,000... 10 Tha aubucrlbrrs harlnir witnessed the Hiiigla Number Drawing. Ciaas "K." Louisiana State Lottery, neraoy certify that tne above ate the uumbtir* which wore thM da> drawu Irotu thu IOO.OU) placd ill the wheel. Witness our liauds at Now Orleans, La., this Tuesday, Juue 5, 1X77. eneral ft. T. UEaUREO AUD, I ? . i . L A. EAiil.Y. ' { ContinlMlBnar1. Oeuoral JL'HA.. ... , Prises caabed iu lull without deduction. OrkRA 1 lot's k, ) Nkw Oiilkanm, Juno 5, 1H77?:? 1'. M. 1 Tha drawing of the foregoing I'Htery schcmo ban now taken place, under our miiiiaKuiiieut, control, direction and auperviaiou In uli its details aiu wo do hereby cerlily that the value ban been conducted witlf entire integrity and luirneas. and ha* resulted, a* will be shown bv a published Hat of tlie drawn number* uud prlsctfverified by baviuK our uatuu* altacbed thereto. <1. T. IIK A (.'KEG AUD. J. A. EAKLY. Aa THE flRKAf EVENT. DRAWING READY! I NO I'CMJ I'FO.N hil EN'T. Juue :?), 1?77. KENTUCKY CANil lilSTUIHC HON COMPANY. $.'IIO,l?NI iu prize*. $00 000 Kott ONLY $11). Ticket*. $10: halves. $5; quarter*, $2 50. For ticket* or information apply to or addreas THOMAS H. HAYS k CO., Ganaral Eastern Agent*, 007 Broadway, New York. J3. JUAKTt.NKZ * CO., Ranker*. 10 Wall St. (basement), buy and tell Spunlah Houd*. Spanish Hold uml Havana llank ill 11m; Diaftaon Havana Issue,I and ueuotiuteil. Lottery I'tlne* cashed. Next Drawing June 15. IS77. ISKASE8 OK MEN A SPECIALTY. " HEN It V A. DANIKL8. M. !?.. 141 Lexington av., noar Ulttli ?t. Office hours (rum h to 3. lYUKUJt*?ABHOLUTK-Sl'lifcOI I.V i :BTA IN I?: |7, without publicity: desertion, Inc.unpatibilltv. oilier causes; having uuuauai advantage* success .insured; advice true. TsaaO (J. BUYUK, Ltwyiir,2tf7 Broadway. IjllWttYB~Wl'lLSKBY-VoUR YEARS OLD; $4 V?K 7 gallon; #1 per larjju bottlo X. VAX BELL, 88 Chamber* at. C~ JIILDEK, Jit., UNITED STATK8 CON8ULAB OK r.Hoe for Bretnerliaveii-Heesteiuuude. Shinowner aial Ship Broker. Oeueral Couuulsatou Merchant, Aifent to Mesar* Vivinu Jt Son'* Yellow Metal Works, Loudon. Utflce, 107 Ouavaide Hreinerlntven. H?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. ? KKSTCCKY ? It XT II.I CLASS NO. 377?Jl'NK 12, M77. 10. 0, 41. 68. 7H. 04. 11 4. .VI. 2, 25, 12, 72. KK.NTUCKY-CLAIW NO. 378?JCSK 12, 1*77. 48, 05. 50. 27. 32. ?, 25. tW. 23, 31, 12. .VI. 45, 01. HUSKY?kXTKA CLASS SO. 277?JUNK 12, 1S77. 75, 33, 72. 74, 7, III. 20. 22, 63, 43. Ill, 57, 38. HKXKr ? CLASS so. 278?jusk 12, 1877. 58, 51, 37, 14, 7'i. 77. 30. lln 0. ?S. II, III. 22. 35. SIMMONS .It DICKINSON, Ma u H y e r a. Information clven reitardiiiL; the above drawing*. Ap ply toJ.CLUTE .It 00..200 Rroadwnr. H KENTUCKY SlXtiLE NUMUKIW DRAWS ? June III?ThklU, *1. Itoyal Havana <lrawt .1 line 15. Ticket*, *1 to 5S4ii. .1. CLO i'Jt A CO., 300 Broftdei/. ISLAND OF MADEIRA. Couaiitumuiits received ol Corn. V|nur, I'etroleuin, Cod b?h, Stavel, AC.. and Madeira Wines flipped lo order, by J. HUTCHISON, Merchant mid United >tatos Yice Consul at Fuiichai, Madeira. INJUI'TION B1CORD, _?L~ DELLUC A CO., (K Broadway. M -OFFICIAL DRAWING8 KENT! CRT sTa I K. ~~ a KKSTVCKY HXTItA *'LAS* SO. 377 J ITS It 12. 1H77. 10, II. 41. 0l?, 7h. (14. II. 4, 68. 2. 25, 12, 72. KKXTUCKV-CLASS Ml. 37S-JUSK 12. 1*77. 48, 65. SO, 27. 32, II. 25, 00, 23, 31. 12. 50. 45, 04. lltNltr ? KXTKA class so. 277?Jl'Ni 12 1877. 75, 33, 72. 74. 7. lit. 2l>, 22. 53. 43. lo, 57, 88. IIKNKY?CI.AS.s SO. 278?JUNK 12. 1877. 58, 51, 37, 14. 70. 77. ml. On. o. 4*. 11. 19. 22. 35. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manauvra. For Informutiou in the above apply to I'AllK.-, EMERSON X Co.. Bankers ami Broker*, 18(1 Broadway, room 4. \ro 12.-NOTICE TO M AlilX Kits. " XI sontUesal coast of Ireland, county tt exloril, off Sialtee Island*. Couiu^beir lightship. luisn LuiitiOmct, MayMO. 1877. The Commissioners hereby islve notice tiial during the oiinUiiiK kiiiniuer the light, on llie *liip will be cliauxed Iroin two lixei! llt'bi to one tlaaiiinu. allowing three llasuea evi rv minute, ill quick auccesaion, llie lime occupied by the llaahcs being hUoiii 23 stcunils; the interval ol oUs.-urny between each succeasiie three* will be about 37 ?ccond?. A |.owerlul foe siren will alio lie placed ou board thia >lnp to sound In foggy ami thick weather h urtlier notice will be ianuvd at the date this alteration will be completed. By order WILLI AM LICKS, .Secretary. >TEKVoU8 EXHAUSTION-a MEDICAL KM AT, I couiprMng a aeries Icctuns delivered at KkIiu'i Mv ?emu of Anatomy, New York, on the raute and cure of pre mature decline, showing indisputably how loat health may be retail.ed. allording a clear aynopal* of the impedimenta to mitrrUue and the treatmeiit ol nervous and physical de bility. oeinir the retult of 20 year*' experience. I'Hce 25 cent*. Addreaa the author. Dr. L J. KaIIN, oilico uud rcKldcnce 51 Ea*t loth at. New York. OFFICIAL URAWIHOH OBOROtA SIATE. UKOIIUU STATIC ?XTItA CLASS 37U?JUS* 12, 1877. 55. 21. 43, 37. 3s, 511. IM, 3. 72. 7s. 63. 31. CtANSOLIIlATMi tKOKfilA ? UTRA CLASS 20U?JUNK 12, 1877. 53, 24. 61), 03. 23. 05, 1.7. is. 3.">, 31, 7o, 04. lilOMIA STATk-*-*'la** 380?JVsr. 12. 1S77. 51), 71. ID, 32. 42. 27. H3, 41. 20. 51. 0. 12. SO. coxtouDATra tnuii tun ilio?joii 12, i?77. 47, 50, 72, 50. 40. 13, 10, 73. 3??. 511. 57. 7M, 37. W. I. DABNEY, Comuiissiouar. For information lipply lo HI'KN'CE It A CO., II Ann *1. uiiu 31 I'ark low, room 3. lioYAL Havana lottery draws every r. Jldava: ea-lied, orders Bllrd, luformalinn furniahtd, hi/ne*t rales liald lor I'paniali bank bill*, ^'cvernioenls, Ac., A.-. T Wl.ui: A CO . Bankeis. N? 11 tt all st . N. \. rpitb'NKH. IUHS, AC., ItETAll.KD AT COST; OUR A labor i* our profit, NEW VUi.K .loUKNEYMEN'd i1 ACIOItY, aoiithwesl Corner 14tli *t and -Id av. rillCKETS IN ALL I.EiiALIZEI) DRAW I Mi S. FOR A infi'tmalion apply at 1'i.i Fuitoii at. rPAMAit INDIKN a Laxative fTuit i.o/KNoi-:"ii; 1 ajrueable to take; suerltlc remedy lor eonttlpatlou and It* coiiaeuuences. F. UHIi LoN, 27 Hue Ran 'lutvau, 1'aru. Depot. > AsWfcLL, HAZARD A Co.. New York. ?IV A NT I.P?A FART Y Willi A HOOM OR IIIIICK about s or D fee-, square, in a central locality, who wlii ailow a patent ventilatilij cooler to lie placed '.herein lor exhibition. ! w.iuiU ilao build one In *r>ine theatre. *t its expenaa and under my aiipervlnon. Aildrcas ti. C. yUh BaDA, No. 85 WTtiiiw st.,eur. (Sift7 UO'1 ?KENTUCKY 8TATK. .lUNB 16. ?J)U I .O+J'j. *15,i*io. for SI. Royal Havana draws .lime 1?>, at S-Pi, $20, Slo. fj nud fl. J AC KSON A CO., Bankers, *2 N ass*ii at., near Fulton. (Win -Royal HAVANA lottery Jp I llU.UUU. draw a .Inn.- 15. Kentuohy State l.oitery draw* J uue l<;. ilrkets If I. J. DUFF A Co., Ranker* 42 Naasuu *t., N#w York, wi?K?, Lll^ioiui ?V( . V~ SUMMER NhCKSSI I Y.-CHATEAU LAUAItOSSlC the lavorite claret: au original caae ol 50 quart* *Uipiied to auy address Oil re. eipt ol ?24. VH TOR K. MAUtiER, 1 lo Heade st. bllK" Stl.E I II It Eh BARllKLS AITI.K JACK, r pure ami warraoleil seven years old, cheap for cash. Address Ai'l'LK- lUiald olhuo. NPOKTIX li?UOOX, lilltOS, &t. Ciitlt-KKr n..?i. :i. ' J'l. lieor'lta, til NYon, vs. Young America. of i'hil wlelpliUtTliuriiUy, June U.cuiu'xtiiODjf 10:U'I A. M.,at Iloi><i.teu Oiuuud-*. VaiuUtiou cenU. POOL MKLMMO. Auction; fkk.vch and comiunation "Pools told every afternoon mi l overiln.- this wee* oj tin* race* ut Jerome I'tik and (''ilumlnm, Ulilti. KELLY A B l.b>, lis Hudson Hi., Ilobokun. N.J. piiol.s soi.ii \i nuuiox kT.. HOHOKKSI. X. J.. -I in Columbus lObiti) races and olliar events: wire at t itched to the room. W, LoYKLu TNI TI KI'. MEItH'AN .loi'KKY CLl H-SI'UINO ,\lr.ETIML JerniiM I'nrk, 2d. . 7th, Utli, l'-'ili, 14th and lbth Juno. VwfM commence each duv ut 3 o'clock. l.adii**1 ticket* l.hll former price*. 11 ul?i?*r* of quiuter stretch l>Niltf?? admitted to reserved grounds north ui tirand ?un L tViii.ATLY. secretary. A. HKL.WONT. I're?ld?nl. nnur hide i-auk" jrrmey oityT racu t*> I f d my: Match (-<>>. lUrniv Keilv ami Garrlo N. ; 3 lu 5. to Inn in-.?; a:,o Match 6JU). M.iwn? mi'l Lady Emma; J tHft, la h?ril?M W.\l. V AN KI'.liHfc.N. HOKUM*, CAHHIAOEI, AC. AT BAKKEIt .<? son'S Cirv AUCfhl.N M VrtT and new yoke I VTTEllSALl/S, t'OIINKU OK liro4'ltt ay and :ti?'.h *t . OIlAULES W. 11A K K E It. AUCTIONEER. Jll'iUbAU SALES oi Horses. C?rrl?K.>, !>?., fcVEIlY WEDNESDAY AND SATLiIHAY. i WliNTY-KOt' It nouia allowed for trial. THE ONLY i riving limit l'lu Siak. CAl'Al.OUUb OK SALE THIS DAY AT ELEVEN OVLOCK IIHIlNNINll vr'-lli (he Til I III* CONSIONNENT Irani the EuL THIRD l.'NEXAMI'LED sale ok the iitAtot URKEN EASTERN bred l'rctter* TO HE louml, AND COMIMUSINU SEVENTEEN HEAD of the last-ist In Amerlcv of the Ifet ol inn, knu.x. Ilrowu Harry. Willlaiu Morrill, His ni'A/ck, I'tnl shutidiin, Oeucrul .Met leiUu, Uaiiltl Lam bert, *r., Xc , that can trot in from ?! minutes down to bet ter ? t in - ,*ii, -tinl u 11 warranted sound aiiiI kind. UCKlMi THE nasi tive days thin lot have been roile alter by a lar/u uuniber of gentlemen. THjI I'AllTlt'l'l.Alt attention ol .icntlumoii golni; to the country l? called in this ?tock, which lucludcs a Lumber ot liors?A lor t- A.MII,'> ilritlni; i' A I' A l.utj I i-.ii WITH lull particular) at ??le. EXrilA l UMHIM.l) bav Kentucky bred iaddlo and hnr ne>a linldiiit;. I.'iVj hltli, 7 yuan old; tine driver; elegant under ?addir, and warrnntoii sound uml km I. I OM HI NELI hOKUKL omldle and h iiiicas 1'ony, 14 hi|;h, H ycuia old; ptoi;i|it driver; |>ertcct saddler; been ridden and diiveu ky a lady and child ; vr irninted ?ound uud kiuil. 'IOI' 11>KHAR Koud W il'oii, by Vuudcrj;a*r. TOl" KI'1,1, >prin^ Kouil Wui;ou. TWO SKEM.TON IV. 'oils. HoOKAtVAY. fine order. I'LATKOKM SI'Kl.Nu Kxpr<'>i \V*sod. No ro|? ?b!e bar Kimd Whithu. TOP PONY lMiaeton, by Howard. LAlUih NI'MllKlt of oilier Wagouf, Carriiett, As. bKYhllAIj O III hK llorieA. KC1.H UE.-CKll'TIO.N ut sale. SAl.ES NEVKIt pi>?ihi,ai| on account of weather. NOTI' K. -VO DaV. at :i I'. M? ?t .lenmio 1'ark, Mr. II. W. CAMKKON'S .ale o: I'llOili>L'UKI1KKUS T A10TIO.N. MO?TOAGE SALE ol AKMOL'R'S LIVEItY STAIILE, 0 AND 8 7TU A*., BV Van TaSSIIX and KKaUNEY, AUCTIONEERS. THIS DAY OVKDNKSDAYl. June 13, AT li! 0'<JL,0UK. I'Atli IIIjM'K MAKES, 10 anil HI year* al(L SOIUIKL Make. II vciiri old. BaV MaIIK, U tuart old. HAV llOltsE. 11 rears old. MKOWN HOUSE,'10 yeura old. SOU it El. HOUSE, 11 year* old. HAY HOltsE. Ivi-uri. old. KAY MaIIK 8 year. old. THKEE i;LAKENOKS oy Molt * Cm TWO OI,AIIEm:KS by UW.NN. til.ASS Ol'AUI'I'. 14 GOAUH. TWO llAltOl fllKS. THItKK Doll 111,1a SI.E1GUS. Six si'l? Double llHrness; set sln?le liarneiii. Feed VV'aBou, Ulanket*, Kobe*. Oltico Kuruiture, Ac., Ac. Uy orderuf J. H. McOAUTV. Att'oruey lor MortKnitee. A T AlCTIOX. iiJJVr VAX TASSELL a kearney, auctioneers. nils day <wh:dnesday>. JUNE u, at 10*% o'clock, THE ENTIRE CONTESTS of PRIVATE STABLE, Nil. J West 19th t., corner 6th av.t con?lstihir id PA IK BAY HOUSES, 10 HaNDS HIGH, 7 find 8 years old. very stylish and handsome ; wurrauted kind la ul! harness. PAIR HAY liuJUIAN HOUSES. 15^ HANDS HIOII, 8 and dyears ola; emi trot in to the nolo; an ule jriuit team for I'cart or roud uou; kind iu single or double harness. BAY HOll>E ill VMItLETONlAX), 10 hands high, 8 years old. can bent I minutes. kind in nil hum ess. CLAUKM'K, by BKEWSTEU, ol 2.1th n. SIX SKA V I'AUK I'll AIM ON, l?y John K. Lawrence. LJsifDaULKT, POLE and sllAKIS, by Brewster, of llroomc st. :1>VU WHEEL DOO UAttT. by Wood BrotHers. LAM) AC, by Wood Brothers. TO I* WaCON, by Miner x Stevens. TOP WaGOX, cut under bodv on four springs, with Pale and Shafts, by Wood Brother*. TWO SETS Double Harm's*. by Campbell. SET Cob'PR OK La N DA I'LET Harness. Set light Itoad 11 uniess. Kooo\ Blankets, Ac. 4 -CIlAKLES NY. MA UK Eli, AI CTIOXEER. iV.ON SAFCRDAY, June 10. lit 11 o'clock, at UAUKhlt A nOX'S New York TattersuH's, corner of Broadway and Bin It. will take place Mr. D. M TAYLOR'S lir.t tiREAT sale of fashionable highbred HIaiex and Holdings, of the bent Mood ol KENTUCKY, thoroughly broken, and selected h?r good dispositions and souudnc**. combined with ? xcel lence of lor in. stylo mid nction, having the requisite* tor gentlemen's ItOAD DUlYINU, KaMILY Mud SADDLE uses, cotnp*ismg SIXTEEN head. purchased PERSON* ALLY iii^ KKNTUiJKV, by Mr. TAN LOK, whoso reputu tion in NYELL established In Philadelphia tor the past thirty-two vears, having made mauy successful sales at Me?sis. A. M. tlerkuoss X Co.'s, who can be referred to. THE STOCK include* mm* FAST TKOTTEItS, ono of which can tri t three heals belter than 2 :8ft, Hiid allow it ou any track; a pacer that ei?n beat 2 and live others Hint can trot iu ironi tluee minute* down to The balance aru tine COUPE, T cart, and all tailed SADDLE HOUSES, and two extraordinary PAIRS of elegant COACH HOltShS, The stork will NOT he etld on their pedigrees, but ou their reliability, SHAPE and UOOD (JUALI TIES. The pedigrees will ie furnished, however, if dr sired, stock is now at the mail, where the public are invited to call and examine and hlD.:, >ind DltlVE any of them BEKOll*. the sale. Catalogue* ready Positively* no reserve ot postponement. % I CENTRAL t?Ci B STABLE, .?:? hASl 41MT HT.? /Yltay Horse. |.V:? hauus; perfect beauty ; stands with out tytnir; aliwid ol nothing; Kind and sound. Top Phae* tou, intent stvle; handsome Harness. Ac. a -FOR SALE, THE GREATEST BAR*iaTN~ EVER 4 V?offered ? Handsome extension Top Phaetoo. Pole and Shells; Top Pony Phaeton. Siugle and i>onl>le llarues?; all hi jtood order, also handsome brown Horse, very ?pcedy, 7 years, IVj hand* ; wan anted sound and kind. Apply to coactiuiau, stable J'Jrt hast liHli st. VBAKiiA IN-ONE OK THE 1 lANl/soMEST AND be?t light three spring city made Top Doctors' Phaetons in thecitv; with or without the Horse, also, a One liar- I neti Call ou ONV.NEU, lUJ East 2l?tb st.. or at stable l.'?0 I East 20tii st. ?ON ICCOUX I OK THE "oNVNEUS LEaVIM; THE ? ?city th.*y will sell at low prices. 1lor?es, NVairons and ' Harness; one hamlsotue liuht two ?ent \\ ii.oij, liiiu^; low .has ' llrewsters' p itent cross springs ; seats four persons ; ha* [ ole and shalts; *ls?? tine Depot N\ Mtfou; eliptlc springs , is hung low; very easy to got iu or out; has pole and shafts; s~?t* four persons, one very tine top Pony I'linetou. one iiibt Wiiidtor top Itoad NN ugon . also the handsomest young and ! sound Ethan Allen Pony iu the State; trots in 2 ?<>. siuglo | or double ; tnis is a lady's net; alwofone tast, huh bred I rot ting bay Mare; trots iu 2 :M?. single or double. she is youn/, sound snd kind; slso one line large Kamily Horse. Inquire I all this wcok. tor the boarders* stock, at Palette Club Sta Met, r?'> East SftHh st. I A htYlisTT ROAN HOME l >s UaXDI N VKARS; am sale and reliable iu every respect, and lit for any tL?e. ;i7 lireonwii'h a v., grocery. A CENTU M AN CLOSINU OUr OKKRRS At ANY ^Vsaerlttce team bay Carriage Horses, !*>% hands, sale and reliable ; Brewster Clirenco; T Cart; elegant t<?p improved spriim Wagon; stviinh top P<?uy I'haetoii: two nets fine >in- j irlf and Double Harness; also brown Pon v; ahovn property 1 is ill superb order; moot be sold this week. Uuasmore Sta bles, 2 It* West -41 **t vt T ?TilE "RURBRirCU8UIONED AXLR?AN EX*. ^Vsperience of nearly two y-'ars iu its iiie upou upward of six hundred carriage* and road wagons, both new and old, to which we have applied it, warrants us ill olferiug it to our customers und tin* public as the inont important im provement ever mud* in carriage building, seeming in its use and iu the simplest manner safety, comfort and econ omy Iu a most remarkable degree. NVe apply it to every vehicle we build, and Invito a critical examination ol its merits. BttENVSTEU CO., OK BUOOME ST., BROADWAY. 47111 To 4STI1 HT. T GENT I iKM A N H A VI N O \ M I'LK S T A JU E Itooll am in country, desires use of two gtiod saddle horses, gentle a*id without vices- will board and care lor thetn fiee. or will lure them ior season, il terms reasonable. Address BADDLEBIUH, box 200 Herald ofl 1 ? C HE\PEsr KSTA HMsTlMENT EVER ?offered, consisting black Mare. 0 years old; all styie; can trot fast; warranted sound and kind aim sale for any i-liiid to ride or drive; als > top Phaeton, fine Harness, Lap Kobe, Blanket. W hip, Ac. IMH West .list st. AtrENTLEM AN BKEaKINO CP. Ml sf SELL AT auy oiler Ins eutira sioca? consisting Coach, four seat extension top Phaeton, top Pouy Phaeton, top Koad Wagon, elegant paii black Horse*, 7 years old, and warranted in every particular; last Tr tting Horse, bar Mare, il years old; lady or child can drive; childieirs l*ony. Mngle and Double 11 aruess. Blankets. NVhips, Ac. l'KI \Nest iilst st A TEAM OK HA.NDMBIK BLACK HORSES, H VEAIW old, l '?Ja high ; verv stvllsh ; will b? sold low. Appiv to WILLI AM M. litLEh, Htls av. A -CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP.^MtJHr Bh SOLD, imtthe titiesi li^lit and st> lish leatiier exteution too Phaeton iu this city; seats four persons, lor ?iuo or tao hor-es, poie and shafts; Double and single Harness to liiatcli; two fine top NVagoiis. one splendid three coring leather t??i# Ponv Phaeton, the *bov.? not soiled. #I.'M)will buy a trotting Itoad NN'agon and Duusoonib Hsrness, also has Stallion, lo.i1. sound and kind, enn beat 2 .'H single or double tid w iii show It . will soli cl.eap. Union Club stable, 127 West 2^i h st., noar ?ith a v. ~KO,i SALE--IA UN E N uUNO lioRSEsT jUWt ? from Indiana, suitable lor all purposes 1J2 Noriolk st. 4 TEAM OK BAY HOI.'SES, J.VS HANDS HIGH. H /Vyearsold . warranted In every respect; a platform spring Truck and Harness, all in *ood orUei. Apply to A. M. JOU* DAN, 4i:i East 14th su % TtPRlVArK SAI.E KOU i KKW DANS "osTlY?? JV Kansas Ponies, lor riding and driving purposes. Call i und see us. Pomes at I IS East 2ltn *t VT IIALK YALl'E?BAN HOUSR, YOU NO AND *ound; suit truck, express, farming, Ac. il7U Bowery, rear. 4 SIX tfRAR OLD IIORSE. WARRANTED Ho UND; i\ ll/ht Delivery Wagon and Hu'tie** tor sale. Addreas )|OIC>E AND W AOON, Herald I. ptowu ortice. 4 NVILL buy A KI\R KOAD ft'KNOUT; A JV?beautiful sorrel Horse. !??,'. hand* high, ?ouiul and kii.d. liots fast ; top Brewster Improved spring Koa 1 Wagon, IIernes*, Lap Robe, Blanket, Whip. Ac. told ou aciount of owner sailing for Europe. Apply 1 NVest 15th st., private ? table, oue door Iroui *th av. A? POUH WHEEL T CART POR COST ftivi; ? pole, shafts, Ham's make, "evcral second band Car riaees taken in exchange; lia!I piico. hAM.O^ Broadwar. A IIOUSKS, CAUUIAOKS, AC. \T Al'Cl ION. BY VAX l'v>SF.I.[, A KRARNKY. AUCTIONEER*. Al THEIR IIOKSE AND 1,'AKRI ACi K U'i riu.N MART UO. 11J Ka?t 13th al., ii-nr 4t!i av., ON FRIDAY, JiSh 1>, at 11 o'clock, TUB WELL KNOWN 1 HOT TING MARE LADY ANOIE. bred by PP.Thil 1'It ATT, \iueuia, Dutrliea* county, N. V. LADY AN'OIK la <i riib brown, \tliiiuol >*iiiie, l&'i baud* hull: fouled 1 SOU. got by Dl'Kh <)F KENT, be by IRON 1)1'KK. out .if LADY HKLDhN. by M vMBltlNO MK>SENiiKi<. ller dura waa by AMILaND. out of it thoroughbred mare; she U a perfect ruadater souud mid kind In awry re?p-it: when In ooudl'.ion alt* can beat '.!<? audcan trol lo beat*: she has a recur'1 of 'J : 15. obtained on I hit WII1TE PLAIN'S Track (ball mllu;: aba ?e? only hi-ate II by LaDY WHITE a abort Beck III 2 :2* on Kleel wno.t Track: she la In better condition m>? fur triinli.t ever, and would no doubt trol clo?e to 2 :'Jii before the clo-e id the *ea->ou; mi a Kentleuiau's roadster an > uaa lew tuperi ora; ?lie liai a line, i pi n /alt, does not pull or Uu and i* alruid ol nothing. fur extended pedigree and liirtber par tlculara Inquire at the MAllT. trliere ilia will be on exhi bition up to lime of tale, or ol COLONEL BRL'CK, oflice of tb< TUltK, FIELD AND K \ KM. ALSO THE BAY TKOTTINO MARK, CARRIE, BltED ItY ALDKS OOLDHMITif, KSQ , -ol by Klllv Deutim. by Maiiiblutonlan, dam bv Kliifioeer. foaled IHUM, 15\ lianda liiijli; cau trol iu 2:35; was purchkaeil by present owner of A. It. !V?t, Esq., titiahen N. Y. Shell a lln?t claai roailater; haa extra lino stvle and action, ureal bottom aud endurance, ami la warranted aound and kind. KiNK TEAM uF BUOtyN HORSKS, 15); IIASDS hltfb, 0 years; warranted aound uud kind. ,<u. fi We?t A Bui B it A V HUKItB. TWO WORK HOK.-tEs -ALSO laiully liorae and llarueai. IIKNDRD'K'S, HI Beach st. BAKU A IN. A l.ADY's SADDLE I'oN'Y, VERY Hen tie, aound and bndten to harness; haa been uaed by a lady and children ; price, #1.Ml, II aold ut once. At I'JS ? ..t 4*>tli at . l'rueideU's >lalile. A ID IAI N. JI2-V--.V IIANDSiiliK N V XV I'liI' DK livery Wa*ou, his puleut wheels. Seen IJ I Woat IWtli at. "I>Kt>WX MARK?SOC ND AND TcTni>, 15.3. AND A .lllady can drive her; with h aeavy tail and mane aud tiot better than M mlnntea. Inquire iu llitf liquor store cor ner L4tii at. and Utli av. tlllAKLKS W. BARKER. ACOTtOXKKR, / will aeti tbia day at the Jerome Park Club Stables. at I I*. M., tlie whole of the fashionably bred Yearling* aud TwoYesr-Olda. the property of the breeder. It. \i Cimeroti. Sale positive and uo poaipouemcnt. /1AKRIAOKS. HARNESS. AC.-PONY PHAETON'S. \Vevery?tyle jli*) upward; top bUKu-i^a, aide bar aud full aprluit, Irom (110; Kockawaya, ?I"V, Depot M awon,. i oupe Kockawaya, Jmup ?eat nacoiu, Al. ; tiuriieer, ail alt le?. my uiaunlacturn. M> uuetnl; Lap !:u?'a laud wheels Arom 00c. JOHN iioOKB, "? lYaireuat. C1AKKI AliKS. ?liltKA 1' Kl'.Dl'OTION I N IMUOKS? /lilil' HE, J<5tl Canal at., haa a larite atoca lour and >dx MM Kockawaya. Depot U a ? .n>, I'ark au,l Puny I'haetona. Kuitiriea ?ud other itylea, ali of bit own make, al manufac turer'* price* and warranted; buy ol ibn maker; aave all dealera' prolil and Ket what you iiarcaln lor. C1-NTRAI. fARK STAlJI.hS. at?Ttf vr., 7TH AV.? ,'lloraes, Wa^oiia, Phaetoua, Ac., to lei on reaaouablo teriua ; aovorai lioraea and W a iron a, lit lor the country, lor aale cheap; ali.o one that can trot In 2 :4D. I*. B. MASTKltSON UKKUiiK REPAIRS. BY BKEWbTEK. Oh 25I'll ST. c We claim superior advantare lor repnlra to currln^e.i. Our factory covora nearly 12 lots Itlvlut; umple room lor paint atieda mow aeldom uaed lor waul ol apacei, etiablin/ ua lo dry our paint thorouitlily iu the open air. Vie tluiah all our work, oolli new new aud uid, with tbe brat Kncliah varnlah, which la uo experiment. Partler Kivlnir up their winter carriage* will do well to rilace tiiem now lo irtt ths advantage ill alow pailitlntf. r.atnnatoa uiada at aiabl? If dealred and at autitfaciory prirea Order* may be left al our wareroom* on 5tb av. J. B. BREWSTER X CO.. 143 Eual Sftta It, ?L">0R a A l.E?C H KS'I'S UT IIKOWN MARK. 8 YEARS P old, ttentle aud kind in all harnuaa; also aide liar \Va|roti. without top ; will aull aepai atei v; at I.Uowau'a atable, 25 and 27 Kaat 2Wth at., butweeu MadTlaoii and 4th ?va. BloTl SALK-:i IlllRSKS;""sirITABLK PARMER. ?KO* cer, any buaiuuaa, iiiuat aell; ulao heavy Truck liurae. .'>n2 WaabluKton at. "LNOIt HALK-A VKltY NICE PaIh^V BKIUHT BAY P llambletoniau Marea, Juat Iroiu Orange county. N. Y., 7 yearn old; aultable for road or track, aound and kind; rau trot In 2 Ml to pole, aud can aliow a 2;'J."i irult ur better alu itle; no rucord. Inquire lit Club House. Fleetw ood Park. For sale-bay mark. 7 ykaks OLD. SUITABLE for n ilia-tor, tcrocer or buteber; warrauteil klnil aud round In every rospect; sold cheap for waut ol uae. Apply No. 8UUEa?t ilroiidway. IfOR SALF.?A TEAM 09'HAtlB. 6 IAND 7 YEARS old. IU lianda limn, warranted aound and kind; also two cheap Horses; tuuat bu aold. Call al UtMl Hudson st. I- poll SALE Oil EXCIIANliK CIIKAP-VN EXPRESS ' Htalne?a aud Turnout, conaistiiiK ul larire, netlve, able yoiiiiK llorae, atronv platform sprlui; covored Wajfui aud ? o<ai llarneaa; also Ovist Kankawat. ? abiltlmr tap llu/ity a four aeat leather cuahlotird Park Phaeton (nruwater make), llartiioa. Robea. Mali, Stable Tool>, Ac., all together ur aepurately, 1H7 Fulton St.. Brooklyn, upalaiia. l'AS I'l' jt K Fi i it Units K.i- St IRK. CON VJlrmted or iiuarter cracks: on low irrouud, plenty of shade and i?ood water, nt reaaonable u<riiia; will _-lve vet erlusry attention If required; rel'urcocea, li. N. Muud, .17 I'ar* row. or A. X. Youroa, Cotton Kxchanxe, New York. AdJreta It. A L. V. D. SIlKPIIEKD, llounu Brook, N. J. H M rjp c ARM EH*. Single and double, for tbo track. road and coach, A. R FLA.VI) It A If, Carriage and llarnc*?. 872 and 374 Broome it., old stand or Brawnier Jk Co. HTirses miAiuiui.-itti acuks ok kink-pa*. turo; ?;ood stables and bout of earn; road horsoa driven 11 dei?ired. WM. T. CaRPKNTKU, Bed Spring. Gli-n Cove, I* I. IAMkTioUSI*sT kUO>i VVIIAIKVl-.K t'AC>K 7'KO Jnounced incurable. tr?t -?I without chargo lit applying or writing to WILLIAM M. OILKS ?k UO. (OiltV l.tni nient IodTdo Ammonia), 4.11 tlth av.. NVw York. Send pofttal card (or pamphlet containing full Information. ARK. WAHbTnTKI) TO HAUL TWO TOXsT^S"; sore forward. Call early, HS New Chamber* ?t. MAKaHaLS SaL* -lUCllARD WALT Eh* S!?*s". Auctioneer*. will oell Thursday, at IDkJ o'clock, at 1*7 Kant Broadway. t*o Horses. one covered Wagon. ?ot of HirMN. L. LKl HUrCIIKk, Marshal. >fonS ?i v\ill si.Ui at ruiUiu lucTilJjf at I the Pound, located on 1 <>tl* av. and lIMtli st , on Satur day, Jtitia l*i, i%t In o'clock A M., the following property, to wit:?One Sorrel Man*.* high. PAN 1KL CON WAV, l'onndm aster ONLY ?l5orixTKA KINK FULL St* HI NO TOP Wagon, by Bate*; also Stivers side bar top Wagon, rerv handsome, marly new. Seen at .r*tf 4lit St., near Madison av. r i?H \ i:t<>sI FoxyIuiaetonE and four }?as*en?er Phaetons in all style*; top, no t<>p. and canopy top Pauel. iJ isket. and witU (tumble; open Phaetons, frotu iPXI up; top*. $fl*? up. W'lLLiAM II. CRAY, 'JO and - J Wooster it. OACKlFii'K- La I K S I YLBliIDE BaU TOP WAOOJi;; Oone ot the best city makers; neailv new; at fcarl'a sia bleu. Hth m , near tlili av.; ar>k for Brook*' Wagon. UTOKArtE Foi: CAttKlAOKS AND SLhioliV ij Boom* light. ol> au and dry. Terms liberal. A. ?v FLANDKAu. Carriage huilder. 372 and '174 Broome si., old stand of Brewster A Co. CAlil>. CABRIOLETS P11A ETON'S, ROAD WAOONS. A. S. FLANDRaI, Carriage Builder. 7172 and 374 Broome *t., old stand of Brewster ,t Co. rjn caktS. foi k passknoki: surrky WAtiox* I Victoria*, i ahrloleta. light e ?teoxioia lop Phaetons, 4 and ?? paaeeneer Itockaways, l>e|???t Wagons, wiib and with out tope: Whips, wheels. Lap Duster*, Ac. WILLIAM II. <ii(aY, 2<i au?l 22 W?aister *t. rpi?p waoon in oood <?i:ru:i:. r W(f~ri ll ska t\s~ Lcost JM'ni; will aoll it $123. lnquiro AXDEUHUN, Car* tigt Maker. Yonksr*. * rpiiK SKfONU ANNI'Tl SALK UP YKARLINO TROT 1. ting Colt* ami Klllie* will take place at Fsshlon Stud I'arm, Trenton, N. J., on Thursday, June 14, l*i77. The followlriir train* will stop *t tin* larin lor accommodation of pa^seoicers attcmllng ?iilS!-IU:IW V.. M. Iroin New York, II A. M. from l'liila<lelpliie. Keluriiinir, leave laiin at U.41! P. M. for New York and 5:44 I'. M. lor PnlU?lf?lohlH. Buy o\cursion tickets, ('alalo^nes can be had at ll> New st., loom H. Sale al?so'ute and without reserve. Oclonel A. HATCH, of .\evir York, Auctioneer. riluK PUKTTIKST Tt'ltNOl'T IS TIIK CIIY-BAY X Mare, I.>'j 7 years; nonnd and kind, lady or cbtdren can drive; leati er t ?p Phueiou Harness, Blanket, Whip, Ac., all ttiKt clans. I4i) Went L45th ?t. \\fANTi.U T?> KXfllA.NtiK A LADY'S IMAMoNI) ? t C*?'*s lor llorw, llariM'M"* and lijiht Hock away; njuat J?e all risflat ?*very way: 'weight of tliamonds 3>4iarat?. Ad> drens C. A. B., b?>\ 112 lleraid office. Wf AXTKO?IO II1 UK FOK TIIK sCMMKU Mo.NHTH 1 t a taniilv Hume (over 1'? hand-* hi^'h' to takf* a gentle man to aud Ironi the kleamboat landn j. dlMiaiice a quarter ul a mile; gtioil care will be taken o! the hori?e and t? n <toi* tar* (?1H) oer month Mid tor hin uac. Olrect to J. B boa 1,4.'W? NewS'ork l'o?t office. *\I7AMTK0 f<? I'fRE FOR TIIK Sl MVIKIi^A FINK ? T Turnout, reliable horses and a handsome carriage. Ad dress, with price aud lull particulars, II. A. B., hoi 142 Herald office. llfANTKU PARK PHAETON AXI) OOOfl HAND ?? made IIarums, 'ill in perfect order. Ineichange tor a full blooded Kentucky Horse; tn<?t, stylUh, gentle, nroke to naddle ?r haruev* \ Mr I NV %LIll. Herald I'ptown offk*s yoiH ClTTili'K I ??' r IIOKSKA, i (TAIILK fOR 1 auy bu>?iiiHi?; any trial given; warranted sou td and kind. :t47 Wth av \ HTY HOKMh. *\ YKAUS; m)1 ^li' KINO; MUST t /tie ?tdd to pay keep 4In Hlli av . corner I!lst St $7 SI 7 - I'inV IMIAKTOJf IX MM.KMHO OJiDf.K. J,Inquire .ImMh corner S7lh ?l. mni ?th nv. Kofi i'UlthM:i. (in Full I UAHKSt >p I ??? MV* "ll, llf" ; t I) ulilit It ..rin- >? eliuiip. Al iirl ?itia ilaMi 4 t.M-i IWI ,t. ~k xkar turnout, siitahi.k roi \ :i'lty (milt l?|? I'llnulnn, i "?icUiiik lliuu??', buy Mat*; tliroe roinMat. T. O t'oSNKIl, Hroitilw.y una U.itli .L <'>"?(! -BhAUTIffli TOP I'llAUTuM, PONY AND V^i-'v.lltrnru, muiid ?n<l kin<<. ,1a yrmn olj; wild .oparnti*, *W<> >lil< l)?f Tup Huxxy, etivap. All Wrut H'tli .1. XILUVKRV A\li DRK?IMAIna. Ar Ma'iiilK i M".?i i>>'?((? Rom paki>i. ai;k> r a.\i? l?lpiiilfi.-N?w, ,|ili>mlnl ?ii,>/rtm*nl I'lrti lloniiet,, ?t I'nti. prii'Pt 4Xi till' If., ?oiiml iluor lielov* -J?lth /iraFk.-wk ualL nil. arrkn11?in of imk Vlffcli', *iiil ??pi'CMlly lh, I.ill.,, ta out ira|ir?r.mMI iu r?Ont.liltiy new ,ui1 olil M A KI Ml II' W \ I'K lirHooK ?nil * Wxullliil bUoK. fiy -clmvi-r', pn:?Mi. Ktolii >11 fur lor, Duiu<?lia ltuil<tni|[, coruor I4tb it, ?n<l llr?i>l<?,f H, i:. HCHiUVF.K * CO. Mlii. tKllUI 'M VKJIlJjJ KITTINU UMK.1 l'ON|?T*l tb,luminal Our<M>i? aud nttpportar,, apucialiUi. 071 Hit ar.. uaur Mull, l\sTUI I TIOH, i' KiiViAN AiiK f Ai'';li r" v? cfc.vfi?"i'ku VI Uuur. Ailili.ia lu.. bvi ItH llatalu ndii* AMfSKMK.m. vyAuacri " """ ' ~~ KVEIt V HVKN'I.M; DUKIJO TIIK WEEX. At.So SATURDAY .VPrEBNOOS, the lit v Coiaedy-Di irna ol W A VL>. Mim I.KrriK ALLEN ...EON* A COBDO* "'WaveC was oltea applauded and the principal inorl w:<ro called Uelore ;be curtain. Mm l.citlo Allen it *u Met* ".? of fooling aiij intolilgetico. Measrs. f. Hamilton and . K. i* loyd were oxceiiout iu their reapeciive parti.'1 Hot lid. "XI" Lottie Alien ropreaotlte.l the untortiriat" wife with cousMera'ile Intelligence. Mr. tt'hllTen, Mr? Maker aud Mlis dermon alfiirded much amusi>metii. '?Time*. "Mia* Lottie Allen won it preat deal of pupul ir favor bf a preitjr and expro??lve lace and ? uniuoa-CKMii/ ileuieauor. She la a refine.i mid liloifitni actreia. 'Wave*'lia* a very atrikiuir *co u ic eflei l.' ?Tribune. "Miaa Alleu never for a iiioinuut failed lu her eltort."? World. D / 1 ENTItA L I CENTRAL | ANi> V'KNTBAIi PA KK HART'S CKNTB VL | OAUDKN, | Hl'MMER FARE | PAKE | TIIEATRK.' CAUDfc.N, | GARDEN I 7th tiv mid 5tfih at. . a ukand jhl,l iiiks ? , STAR AKTISl'8 ? APPEAR IN A LAl'iiil Alil.E OLIO OK U .S. SKfcTCHKS. _ ?:umH)aUTIB4, .11 (i(77-1\ii, -? ?'!i a't~sP7nn7\"?i.~a~ xC~ AilmU?lnn, No extra lor ttoaorvod So.it4. Halcuny 'Jjc. G1RAND OPERA llmSJi. fPooi.E \ DONNELLY Lesaeu* and Managers To.11VY. | TO DAY, RESERVED SKATS SO CENTS. Hl llAV. I LAST PERFORMANCES Of matinee, i \iii, joiin t. Raymond, >1 ITINKK. I M it. JOHN T. BAYMuND, MATINEE. i X! K. JOHN T. RAYMOND, MaI'INEK. I In hla (rmt eccentric crcatinn. Matin ke. | oou MUUihwiY si-.llera OPEN I col.. MULItKKRY SELLER*. "i 1.30. | "There * Villloiia In It." COMMENCB j "There'* Million* In It." ut i | In Mark Twain a American Oram*. V NOTICE.?On MONdT? NEXT will be produced the great Union square aanaatiun. SMIKE. with Union Squaro 'I houtro oa?t Mnrstoii'a upleudld eceneir 1 end the In ill una ??' CO At.' II IN ti nCEN K, '?? Introducing a rum En.liah coach of the olden lime, with four spirited Eu.'llnh horses, driver, guard and paa^enirer*. AlaY'lt ftTII AVENUE TUBATBE. ???? 1'ioprioior and Mamuut Mr AUUUST1N DALY ? ENORMOUS ill r OK THE EVANC KLINE COMBINATION! Croat tueceai of Miss EI.iZA WETU" EKbHY aud the U Mar Artiats. NEW MUSIC aud NEW LOCAL HITS, even- night, la EVAKUELINE I '*t'ni|ueatl<iUi<oly * lilt."?Herald. "Jol!in?t oi iiroiluctioa*."?Tribu*, *A dramatic miiit Julep."?Telegram. "A hri^'htur.Jolllnr, or morn vuJoyaMs bit of luiiliiig it would he hard to im agine; it koi<i>s tho aiidii'iie* iu a ccu I tiuuou* lit ol laughter."?Sun. EVERY WIQHT VI S. MATIN BE SATURDAY AT J rpOKT PAiTOB'fc " TON V~ PASTOR'S. X Woudertul Suveoas and lie mijraLeineut ol the UEVAlXI SISTERS. Croat Auatralian ilallct Troupe an I LONDON C EM ALE SK ken A HERS. THE FAMOUS DANCE OK THE DRl'IDH. together with tliu iiininiiinth couipany ol Spi-claltjr Artllt& MATINEB TUESDAY AS? KKIDAY. ^Il.MORE'S CONCe.BT (i ABO EM. ' IHI8 (WEDNESDAY) AKTBUNOON. JUNE 13, open at P. M. w th the OREAT SUMMER EXHIBITION* OP HTRAWBEltltlKS. HOSES AND KL'RAL DESIQXS, THIS EVKNINU, JUNK 13. U1LMORKS ORK.vr MILITARY BAND lu the lollowini; ?i>londid programme. 1. Overture. "Fidello, N'o. !" .....Beethoven J. >a.\oplione Sol??. "K.inlaalo Oriuliiar'. Lelebro 3. Divertimento, "LaJollo I'artnuieuao" OUimiI.noIi 4. Valio Clinnti'O. Mattel MADAME C1IARLOT IE VAitlA.t. 5. Cornet Solo. ''Serenade" Schubert MR. M AltUUCKLii. tL Orande Marche I'riouiph^lo Sig. Urlitnoll 7. Soug i i SIONORINA El.ISA (lAl.lMUERTl. H. tirand Scluctlon. "luno" Petrella 0. Piano ."olo (Webnr Orand), "Rondo lu E llat," op. 10 Chopin MI S J ILIA Iti YE. 10. SoUK. "Marinor'k Daughter" .. Lover Mil. WILLIAM HAMILTON. 11. Ouadrillo. "La Kllle no Miidamo Augot" Leeoca IX Concert Wailt, "Dnhoiiu" Cunul la. Serenade Tltll 14. Mure io Comliiue, "II. B." BeM 8TBAWHKRRY AND KOSE EXHIBITION To inurrow (Thuraday) aud eveulug, in coat auuetlou with OIliMOitE'S t.RKAT MILITARY BAND. aniriay evening* apeoial programiuei. SO ceuta adiulsaion ; lio.xei, i>oatiii|{ four, ^1. p.yakoeline. EV.vNUl.LlN E. EVANUELl.VE. KV ANl.fc.lin K. E V A N UELIN E. EVANtibLINE. qniE ureat new Yf?RK aoi vrium, X ltrouilway uml J uli at. t>pen daily from 11 A. M. till In P. M. Cimlett aud mp*t at tracuve pliioo ill the ally. Living White W liale, Tropical Kiaiiea mid Anemones ol wondorml color and lorm. liar* Living Coral. Smith Amortcan l.inirds three feet loon. Sable Quintet of J ubilee Singer*. Ceutory Plant iu Hud. MUs Sadie Lul'in, aub- ui.iriue porlormancea. Talking Kiguiea anil Orcheatial Couoorte. ACAIH.MY oK ML'SIC-AIMR!-:. .VMM) ki" NEXT. MOMMY EVEXIXo.JL'NE In. AT * f. V.. M At' HICK tillAi PlMST ItKNKKIT and AIMKK'S LAST appearance IX AMEtilCA lu Hi*1 lollowlnir HTCPEXDOUM PBOORAMME t? 1. I'lte second ul'I iif MtfAiibAtib'i 111 o ? I recent iucith, LA BOULaXUERK A IikS hers illia Kicli linker***). 2. Tito llnril net ol I,A VIK I' A illSl KN SK tl.ll* In I'ari*). .1 Milt*. AIMKi , for lb* l**t I line in Amcrtca. in kugliaE to "Pratt? a- a Picture" ltd "II lldebriinut Montrote." 4b Klrot ami onlv time in liuarica of ????mid act of l.A fll.I.K UK M M E. AM JOT, with an exceptionally novm and ntntarkabla catt, A I.I. THE i;IIai:a II.K.s BRIXO RKVEKMI0, the female characters to be |>erloi iua<l lit ilm ?t>iitleuiea? tna mn!i* characters betuu performed liy Hie Indies AIMKK illr?t lluia in America) m ANOE PITOI.'. Regular Popalar Price*. Ofeheatr* and Balcony. 91 V>. Private lloxea, S?f. mid fli>. Prom-en luin Boxes, flu. (!.*> and UanalM AdiuU.ion, Tl. Kainlljr Circle. ,'H) cent?. sula ol ?nuti cominriK'es ut H<?x Oflue tcadi-niT and down town at III llroadway. TO-Ml)RKOVV (TIIL'Jt.^ DAYi MORXIXU uts A. M. C10LUMBIA OPRKA IIOUdR. <:ORXER WKsT I2TII Vanrt Oreemvlcli ??.?The only perloiniiuiro ol tlia kind iu the city. All m* ittiaJ ?uiov n.ttloiiB tlila week. ?> <5> UAYKMT A?? j fascination, or the J 8II0W 1 The Sulca of l.ite. i ol'T. ) J he I'leusiirea off ?irdln Mttbllla. | Female liitthi>r? in real water, Strange Stfor Mraii rera. Ob the Illy. KroHcli Minuet l'o*e* 1'la.tlqua- I.Vdii ln<?lH Manned 1 neuday. Thursday and Saturday ai X ?OOWKHY ril I-, A TICK. KVKKV liVKXIXll. tha popular Mr. CIIAKI.KS KOSTKR, Actor, In tha highly ?it< ceaslul acusiiion Drama, S A V K1) VI s. VMS. Preceded by the ainti-lni; Farce ol L I'S AXO DOWNS. ilKA.SU MATINKf. saturday. ut it A ROYLE ROOMS, AKUYLK ROOM*. J\ Mill aV. a\I? :?iTH ST. BRILLIANT rURPHICIIOKKAN. KN I KltTAl.NMEXr, ONLY 1*1.K Ut AMUSbMEX f Of THE KIM) IN Tllk CI1Y. OPEN KV.illY NliillT, COMME.NCtXO AT !? O'CLOCK, ENTRANCE ON 80TU ST. / 1 aIi 1)7?PHI V AT K LKsSON.S. PiA.NO. OHGAX. VICk \ y 1 In. liititar. iKhkIiMi LanifiiKifa?, L'XlYEltMll'Y llUll.Ul.Nlj, J<) Wavcrla.t placo. t'lrculara mailed. "IlrM. H. I.I NDIU w'S L,KlN"L()JoMOTIV*/' RfrX* M nine mi the ?adiei? railroad, tlio irreateat w>>nder in tha world, Ik now on axlublllou at H<7 llroudo at, from 10 A. M. to IJ M , Ituui '.i tell I*. M.. Iront 7 to In P, M. Adiiiiulon Adult*, %'t NRtl. ? hlidrcn, ltJceuta. A BERLK'S TlVol.l l IIKATKK * 2\. sth >l . Iwl?<-i!ii - I und Md av?. ' 1 ha roole?t Th' aim iu thi- t'ltjr EVERY IVK.N f NO (SUNDAY I N't.'l.l HIVE) AXO TIU'RSlttY MATIXKE. I > 4 l.A In ltd Y Alt, 4K? 'ITU tV._*) KNHLI.SII, Kiuucli and I'irca.ilaii lady ittlandanta. Crand coucert every eveltiaK. Adiul??h n lr??. R.ECO ROM AN WRESTLI NO Vt AToIl ?W II.LI'.II r??. i'lirlitol. lor # I'? i, at I'erraca Oaidou, .SSth it, ba twean Luxuik'oii ami Id a??.. on KKlDAY KVKNINO, IMh. Ticket* for .?*!'? at Kiltli Oirim, llolTiuan li ma*. OIL ?ey'? a ul W lnd?or hoteli. mid KiilluiKn'a, III llroidway. AN JO AM) OUITAR r ?roilT, DANCIVJ for ilia variety ?ta.-? IIKMIY C. I)OBm),N. 4oO lith av. 15 li 1)1(1 UOOUN. H;il DitK.tS oojo*. UEPEKHKNTI.NO tup. HK^T iBLBCVtOKfl OP 1 OUKItiN AM) IX i.M tiSTIC M AN I'1'AC I U UK. I NlM.U 1)1 NO LATEST PAIilSlAi XOVELTIES IX RICH AXD ELBOAM (lOMHIXATIOM*. IKXILKKS AND OtSIONS, AT OREATLY III itt'CED PRICES. SUMMER aL'lTIXUH. HL'NTIVO*. Ac.. in ? > variety, also BAKEUE UK VIBUlXIB, A XEW PARISIAN TISKIK Or" BXQUIStTB HOKTSESS, MANCKAlTLKhU KltoM TUB UiiUN <>K TUB ai.BATR089, IX ALL Tin; N KW SIlAUEK. a. T. STBH vur A CO., BROADWAY. 4TII AX . i'TIl AND 10TU ?T8. T M po K TED H l'l'l a, IX Worsted >? *i?kiiw ukduckd ao Pi^ i; t EN f. IIKAU11KCI. r\KI^ li AHMEXTH Iron $-'s upward. BI7XTINO - lis. cambhic srir<, lawn si Its. OIlhN vDINP. SUITS. ml* COSTUMRf, Tall at lower prices to clkar' stock * LORD .t TtYLOB, i Broadway .* ??hrrti sr., OKA.ND. ? ItRMTIK AND POR)?YTH STB. \f vni.NiiS. ma rTWOS-BAHOAIXk^LOBIXOOVf XKLour Urje ?to< k ?t low prleea (or ea?h. akllilKW LIuH'LU 4. CO.. 11 au?l Id Wwl UooMMtM.